April - The Police News
April - The Police News
The Police News Galveston County Edition VOLUME VIII, NUMBER 4 Grand Jury System We’re having to Indict too many Repeaters Who Aren’t Staying in Prison Long Enough (Editor’s note: The editor of the Badge & Gun experienced the honor and privilege of serving as foreman of a Harris County grand jury late in 2010. Here is his account of the state of the grand jury system.) BY TOM KENNEDY There is no better way to get a first-hand view of criminal justice in Harris County than to serve on a grand jury. Too bad that each one of the five grand juries that serve three-month terms are not required to submit reports of their activities in order to detail the current crime trends and criminal defendant status. Undoubtedly the most revealing trend of today is that grand juries here keep indicting the same people, usually for the same offenses but often for worse crimes further up the ladder of felonious activities. Rehabs? Get Real! Serving as foreman of a recent grand jury, I can report that my fellow grand jurors indicted people with previous records approximately 95 percent of the time. And, by the way, there are no hiding criminal records in the grand jury process. It’s all there in the folder alongside the “probable cause” evidence in the latest case. In our three-month term we only saw evidence of two or three “rehabilitations.” Otherwise, there was a constant flow of repeat offenders who often “graduated” from serving time for third degree felonies to now being indicted for a first- or second-degree offense. Texas and Harris County does a lousy job of rehabbing. We simply don’t have the money for it. Nor do we have the funding to keep those sterling citizens known both officially and unofficially as “career criminals” in prison for longer periods of time. Consequently, we encountered a defendant who had served time for aggravated sexual assault. He was out on parole and raped an 80-year-old woman who had just had hip replacement surgery. It happened during the aggravated burglary of the woman’s home. April 2011 acted as 12 independent individuals who would vote up or down depending on the evidence presented. The no-bills required more time and deliberation, often entailing testimony from witnesses sworn to tell the truth under the automatic threat of perjury charges. Thirty-three percent of the no-bills involved family violence or violent crimes against children – reflective of another disturbing trend of today. Our society still has problems with treating children more like victims or targets of abuse than as the loving blessings they should be to the people who bring them into the world. And here are two other trends everyone should know about. For one, state law now requires long prison terms and eases the compilation of strong evidence against child pornographers. The evidence we heard about the seizure of computer hard drives would be scary enough to discourage the high-tech use and sharing of child porn anywhere around these parts. Officers Get Tougher The cases against child pornographers generally never come before grand juries. The defendants fear the embarrassment of court testimony that usually includes very convincing evidence. So they cop a plea and start serving what usually amounts to substantial prison time in the range of 25 years. There is at least one other trend. It shouldn’t be surprising to know that it’s also sex-related. There is no more diligent enforcement of any state law than the one requiring sex offenders to regularly report any change of address to authorities. Each of us got this strong impression. On a regular basis we heard failure-to-report cases of registered sex offenders after diligent efforts of law enforcement officers. An indictment could lead to parole revocation. The point: once you commit a sex crime it stays with you for the rest of your life and in Harris County you have the law breathing down your neck at any sign of suspicious activities. You are listed by ZIP Code on the Internet and all your neighbors know who you are. Our grand jury trends were not without paradox. These very few cases did involve “rehabs” of a sort. Being human, my fellow grand jurors and I wanted to try the case and delve into the punishment phase. Alas, that was not our job. We stuck to the facts better than Joe Friday and ultimately decided probable cause that a law had been violated – the standard of measure for a criminal indictment in Texas. We no-billed a sex offender whose circumstances indicated that he was living at an unreported address. We heard evidence of those residential circumstances as well as saw testimony that he had put his life back together with a job that enabled him to support three young children. We had a certified public accountant serving as secretary. Retired from one of the nation’s top chemical companies, she kept track of our record. Meeting two days a week throughout August, September and October, we issued 1,407 indictments and 63 no-bills (4 percent overall). You might say that we went to the movies for one of the most paradoxical trend in our term. We used a rubber stamp but we were nobody’s rubber stamp. Our rule was that we Grand Jury..Cont. on pg 3 Time after time the evidence for probable cause came “on camera.” We indicted many robbers whose faces were caught on Don't Believe A Word He Says A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding and has the following exchange: Officer: May I see your driver’s license? Driver: I don’t have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI. Officer: May I see the owner’s card for this vehicle? Driver: It’s not my car. I stole it. Officer: The car is stolen? Driver: That’s right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner’s card in the glove box when I was putting my gun in there. Officer: There’s a gun in the glove box? Driver: Yes sir. That’s where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed her in the trunk. Officer: There’s a BODY in the TRUNK?!?!? Driver: Yes, sir. Hearing this, the officer immediately called his captain. The car was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation: Captain: Sir, can I see your license? Driver: Sure. Here it is. It was valid. Captain: Who’s car is this? Driver: It’s mine, officer. Here’s the registration. Captain: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there’s a gun in it? Driver: Yes, sir, but there’s no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the glove box. Captain: Would you mind opening your trunk? I was told you said there’s a body in it. Driver: No problem. Trunk is opened; no body. Captain: I don’t understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn’t have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glovebox, and that there was a dead body in the trunk. Driver: Yeah, I’ll bet he told you I was speeding, too. SEX OFFENDERS-Galveston Co. These are NOT wanted fugitives, but Registered Sex Offenders. If observed residing at any address other than the one listed below the photo, please notify the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2320 Chambers, Carl Edward W/M DOB: 11-13-58 4808 15th St. Bacliff 77518 Victim: Female/28 Aggravated Sexual Assault Risk Level: Moderate Culbreth, Dennis Paul W/M DOB: 10-12-59 8625 Baker St. #C Santa Fe 77510 Victims: Females 13 & 3 Agg Sex Asst of Child/Ind w/Child by Contact Risk Level: High Dean, Jason Anthony W/M DOB: 09-23-79 4406 15th St Bacliff 77518 Victims: Females 14 & 15 Indecency with a child by contact Poss/Promotion Child Pornography Risk Level: High Gaskill, Jason Aaron W/M DOB: 12-06-74 145 17th St San Leon 77518 Victim: Female 7 Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: Low Perez, Anthony Catarino W/M DOB: 01-05-81 4617 3rd St. Bacliff 77518 Victim: Male 13 Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: Moderate Semkiw, Mark J W/M DOB: 05-08-62 3717 S 1/2 Galveston 77550 Victim: Female 30 Sexual Assault (2 counts) Burglary with Intent Commit Felony Risk Level: Low Steele, Matthew Lynn W/M DOB: 08-04-68 126 Donna Ln Bacliff 77518 Victim: Female 4 Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: High On Parole Strength, David Clark W/M DOB: 09-22-77 17816 Elizabeth Rd Santa Fe 77510 Victim: Female 14 Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: None Assigned Walker, Gregory Donell B/M DOB: 06-09-48 3400 Ave D Dickinson 77539 Victim: Females 7 & 8 Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: None Assigned Williford, Wilton Ray W/M DOB: 09-30-64 4721 Dickey Lane Santa Fe 77510 Victim: Female 12 Indecency with a child by contact Risk Level: None Assigned Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Supper 24 Hours a Day, for 37 Years. • Children Under 12 - 1/2 price meals! • Veterans with VA ID and • Active duty military - 10% discount! Dutch Kettle 3600 Seawall Blvd. • Galveston 409-762-0035 www.DutchKettleGalveston.com THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC PO Box 5879 Galveston TX 77554 CAFE Editor & Publisher Breck Porter [email protected] Open Monday – Saturday 6am-2pm Art Director/Graphic Designer Diane Jolley [email protected] Galveston Printing Mirror Publishers, Inc [email protected] 413 24th Street 409-763-9289 Open fOr BuSineSS WelcOMe Back! Galveston News Office 409-762-NEWS Business Office 409-632-0042 Advertising/Distribution 409-632-0082 Nationwide Toll Free 1-888-788-8967 Carpet Cleaning "We clean the out of your carpet!” • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions Bonded & Insured - Galveston’s Finest The Police News is published monthly in Galveston TX. To subscribe or inquire about your subscription call: 1-888-788-8967 Toll Free Copyright 2011 – All rights reserved Page 2 - The Police News SHAMPOO & $ STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, 89.95 FORDINING & HALL Additional Rooms $18.95 409-256-1569 Grand Jury...Cont. from pg 1 video and one killer who literally flattened his victim with his onrushing automobile tires at a convenience store on the southwest side. Video evidence frequently went hand in hand with forensics and the eyewitness testimony fully documented in wellwritten police reports. As all officers know, video cameras are all over the place in Houston. Without them many small businesses would go belly-up due to losses in hold-ups. Now they have motion-activated deterrents in place. Grand Jury Process Seldom does an evening newscast unfurl without still shots or movies of robbers and shooters on video. Quite simply, this is a way of everyday life in criminal justice. That’s why it was so ironic in this context that Houstonians voted down the red light cameras, thereby dumping a policing maneuver that had proven to alter the behavior of speeding drivers all over town. (I won’t go into the obvious funding ramifications). Believe me, when you sit as a grand juror and hear the details of crimes against innocent human beings, you crave ev- ery possible deterrent. While too many proven criminals are getting second and third chances to repeat, why are so many qualified voters ignoring the common sense moves by our government to make society safer? Some of us assert that “my rights are being violated” with the presence of so many cameras. Whose rights are we really protecting? At times prosecutors told us in some individual cases that without the video evidence the case against the defendant would be too flimsy for a felony charge and possibly not even a misdemeanor. A video camera recorded at least a portion of the deadly Tucson shootings. We haven’t seen it at this stage, but you can bet it will play a part in the prosecution of the shooter. You can’t address the issues of video cameras, repeat criminals and the details of today’s criminal justice process – particularly funding – without mentioning the grand jury process. Just how are grand juries picked? This should be an issue addressed by the voters but, alas, they are too mired in a straight-ticket mud-slinging to even give a cursory examination of the methods used by judges to pick a diverse grand jury of persons of sound mind, free of felony convictions or accusa- 22 years Community Involvement and Service VO TE VOTE TIM PA ULISSEN PAULISSEN FOR MA MAYYOR Because Leadership Does Matter Stop Wasteful Spending and Restore Fiscal Responsibility Leadership with Conservative Values Pd. Pol.Adv: Tim Paulissen for Mayor, Ann F. Paulissen, Treasurer 209 Water Oak Drive, League City, TX 77573 Coverage and savings based on policy features selected and are subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company. www .timpaulissen.com www.timpaulissen.com tions, etc. Criminal district judges get to choose grand juries once every year or year and a half. Some judges carefully pick and choose from lists provided by grand jury commissioners. They might be personally acquainted with some of these people. Other judges have even gone to the regular Harris County jury pool to pick grand jurors at random. Do these various tactics produce the best and brightest grand jurors? This is an excellent question at a juncture in history when any violent event with a hint of racial overtones prompts minority elected officials to call for a police review committee or commission with subpoena power. If such an assemblage were appointed, how many of its members would be there with a political agenda? Yes, it will be interesting to see if the new review commissions established by the mayor will develop their own agendas. At least I hope they never get subpoena powers. Staying on Course We already have such subpoena-backed body in place. It’s called a grand jury. That’s why the grand jury selection process should be an issue in judicial elec- tions, much more so than party affiliations and straight-ticket voting. I’d wager that in the last election no candidate for a criminal judgeship was even asked a question about grand jury selection during the campaign. Our grand jury had seven men and five women, two African Americans and two Hispanics. More importantly, none of us had a political agenda and each of us spoke and voted independently in each case. We served under Judge Mike McSpadden, probably the most widely respected jurists in the Courthouse if not the state of Texas. McSpadden knew each one of his grand jurors and trusted them to make fair decisions. We didn’t disappoint him, in my opinion. We stayed on course in spite of taking an exceptionally strong offense against the practice of indicting the same offenders over and over again – especially those like the parole-freed burglar who raped a senior citizen in the process of recovering from hip replacement surgery. Our vote was unanimous. And it was loud, too. Join the HomeTown Team Come home to HomeTown Bank, where we take a personal interest in serving your family and commercial needs. The HomeTown Team believes good banking means good service, and as a community bank we take special pride in our many contributions to the communities we serve. Contact Tim at 281-455-3816 Happy Hour! 5:00 - 7:00 pm $1.50 beers Wed: Karaoke night Fri. & Sat.: DJ Boulet Video games 2720 Market St Galveston 409-621-6437 Now with six full-service locations serving your needs, including our newest bank in Downtown Friendswood: Galveston: 1801 45th St. • 45th & Seawall Blvd. Friendswood: 3211 FM 528 • 601 S. Friendswood Drive League City: 1406 W. Main • Alvin: 1050 North Bypass 35 Main Bank Phone: (409) 763-1271 • Seawall Branch: (409) 763-5252 Internet: www.htbna.com The Police News - Page 3 H & R Grocery & Meat Market 1428 35th St. Galveston • Custom Meat Orders • Italian Sausages • Marine & Restaurant Open 7 am to 8 pm Mon. – Sat. 8 am to 8 pm Sunday Since 1984 409-762-4510 50 Years Ago in Galveston County Se w i n g & Al t e r a t i o n s 10% DISCOUNT for FIRST RESPONDERS UNIFORMS 6610-B Stewart Road, Galveston 409-744-3632 Meat Market 409-762-3765 LOANS up to $1200 • NO CREDIT CHECKGUARANTEED LOANS ON YOUR CLEAR CAR TITLE (Car must be licensed & running. We must be able to verify income & address) NO TITLE? We also offer: • SIGNATURE & STARTER LOANS • INCOME TAX SERVICE 2323 Broadway St, Galveston 409-765-5988 Page 4 - The Police News istrations, but his attempts were always stymied by higher authority In the city government. William J. Burns, a veteran of 29 years Burns will be assisted in the Improvewith the Galveston police department, ment of the department for the next few became chief of police again Thursday w e e ks by P a u l Mansion, present afternoon. He was appointed to the top chief of police at Metquite, Texas and position by City Manager Robert E. former chief of police of Dallas. Layton. Hansson and Burns will go through the department “from toto bottom,” the new chief said after his appointment. Burns an Hansson are old friends and Hansson is coming here at Burns’ request. How long he will assist Burn was not announced, but It will be long enough to put into effect some of the changes that Burns consider! imperative for the police department, Burns Indicated. Enthusiastic Chief Burns did not comment on what changes will be made, but made it plain that he is enthusiastic over having an outsider to take s searching look at the local police department. Hansson is former president of the International Chief of Police Galveston Police Chief Willie Burns brings the hamAssociation and held the same pomer down on a Balinese slot in the summer of 1957. sition at one time with the Texas Chief Burns was applauded twice by Police Chiefs Association. members of the city council and spectaLayton explained that it was his policy tors in the council chambers, where the to give Gilveston people preference in announcement was made. City Hall hiring when their qualificaHe has been acting police chief since tions come up to those of outsiders. the city council took office last May, He told the council he was particularly but until recently declined to accept the glad that Chief Burns had decided to chief’s Job, saying he preferred to go accept the appointment. Burns has perback to his old post of chief of detec- formed just about every job in the police tives. department during his vears of service. Reason for the chief’s change of mind, Joined In 1933 was that he believes he will get the full He joined the force as a beat patrolman support of the city council and that he in 1933. Burns has walked every beat likes the way the council has been gov- in Galveston and recalls directing traferning the city, according to Layton. fic on Seawall Boulevard before it had Trouble! Cited traffic lights. His father, John T. Bums, The city manager said Chief Burns had was a member of the Galveston police tried to Institute improvements in the department for 25 years. police department under former adminChief Burns has been chief of police’ three times previously in Galveston. only to lose the Job when new administrations came into power. Among the changes In the department 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE will be the establishment of competitive examinations for captains and lieuten• Heavy Duty ants, according to Layton. Others will • Unlock Any Car be procedural changes. NO JOB TOO FAR • Jump Start During his search for a police chief, or TOO SMALL! • RV Towing Layton talked to law enforcement officers throughout the state. • Off Road Service “As I interviewed prospects and refer• Out of Town Towing ences. I learned of the tremendous re• Emergency Auto Repair spect, which law enforcement all over Operated by the Anderwalds Texas have for Police Chief Burns,” 409-740-0581 - 409-740-1622 said Layton. W. J. Burns Named New Police Chief A&A–D&P Toll Free: 866-740-1622 Source: The Galveston Daily News December 8, 1961 Sheriff's Posse wins honors in "Pony Express" ride Special to The Police News GALVESTON COUNTY - Two teams from the Galveston County Sheriff's Office Mounted Posse recently took top spots in the 2011 "Pony Express" ride from Houston to Austin. Capt. B. T. Joseph and Deputy Marilyn Griffin took top honors, while Sgt. Carl Robacker and Dep. Jimmy McDaniels received the 2nd place trophy. All four are long-time members of the Sheriff's Posse, a group of deputy sheriffs highly skilled in utilizing horses for law enforcement duties. Each team is scored by judges on several facets of sound horsemanship, as well as their attire. Started as a promotional idea in 1949 by Harris County Sheriff's deputies, the "Pony Express" ride is now made up of teams from law enforcement agencies and private organizations throughout the Houston area, each participating in the "Old West" tradition of horsemen relaying important messages across long distances. Participating teams are responsible for carrying a message from Houston to the Governor in Austin, inviting him to attend the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. GCSO Posse Pictured from left: Capt. B. T. Joseph; Dep. Marilyn Griffin; Galveston County Sheriff Freddie Poor; Dep. Jimmy McDaniel, Sgt. Carl Robacker. I Don't Care Who You Know A traffic policeman stops a woman and asks to see her driving licence. ‘Lady, it says here that you should be wearing glasses when driving.’ ‘Well,’ replies the woman, ‘I have contacts.’ ‘Lady, I don’t care who you know, you're still going to get a ticket.’ First Citizen’s Constable Academy BACLIFF - Galveston County Constable Pam Matranga hosted the first ever Citizen’s Constable Academy in March. Anyone in Constable Pam Matranga G a l v e s t o n County may participate in future academies. Contact Constable Matranga or Chief Deputy J.D. Wilson at (281) 316-8806. CRIME STOPPERS ALERT The Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in the home invasion/homicide that occurred on Oct. 10, 2010, at 2 a.m. in the 3100 block of Springdale in Pearland. The Sheriff’s Office received a call from a home security company that a home robbery was in progress. While in route, the dispatcher received a second call from an individual on Springdale St. reporting that someone had entered the house with a hand gun and was demanding money. Deputies found the body of 37-year old Anthony Terrell Williams inside the home. The killer is a black man, 5’10” tall, 185 lbs. He was wearing all black clothing and armed with a pistol. Brazoria County Crime Stoppers is offering up to $1000 for information leading to the arrest and charges filed in this case. If you have information on this case, or any felony crime, you are asked to contact Brazoria County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-460-2222 or online: www.brazoriacountycrimestoppers.com City warrants cleared in countywide police sweep GALVESTON - The Galveston Police Department in concert with the Hitchcock Police Department, Galveston County Sheriff’s Office, Dickinson Police Department, Kemah Police Department, Santa Fe Police Department, and Seabrook Police Department participated in another successful municipal warrant round-up in March. The multi-jurisdictional operation resulted in 16 arrests in various cities and towns throughout Galveston County. Lt. Henry Porretto told The Police News, “This operation is proof that officers and deputies know their areas of responsibility and Lt. Henry Porretto that the community policing movement is very effective. The fact that law enforcement preplanned the target areas, deployed officers and deputies that were familiar to these areas and the offenders along with new technology increased their productivity and ultimately the operations success”. Officers served 68 arrest warrants with a fine value of $24,598.10. Nine women and seven men were arrested in the sweep. Awards for Valor GALVESTON - When Galveston Police Officer Hecton Dominguez and Sheriff’s Deputy Jose Santos responded to a disturbance in a Galveston hotel room they were met at the door by a man weilding a .44 Magnum pistol. Quickly, without drawing their own weapons, the officers attacked the gunman, disarmed him and took him into custody. No one was injured. (L-R) Galveston County Deputy Sheriff Jose Santos and Galveston Police Officer Hector Dominguez For their quick and decisive action in the face of possible serious injury or death, officer Dominguez and deputy Santos were recently presented with the Award of Valor during a joint meeting of the two agencies. Free Tax Preparation! The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program will help prepare basic 2010 tax returns for individuals, families and seniors FREE of charge. IRS-certified tax preparers are available to help you get the refund you deserve. Come and see if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit - or any other credit. This could mean a refund of more than $4,000! To quAlIFy, you muST EARn $49,000 oR lESS. CAll FoR An APPoInTmEnT (409)765-6067. www.coastalcommunityfcu.org Galveston Branch 69th Street Branch 2421 69th Street, Galveston, TX 77551 409-741-9695 Main Office 2302 Church Street, Galveston, TX 77550 409-765-6067 800-256-0831• Fax 409-765-9853 La Marque Branch 2600 F.M. 1764 La Marque, TX 77568 409-986-6595 • Fax 409-986-4963 The Police News - Page 5 Mi Abuelita's Mexican Restaurant 1728 45th St. Galveston 409-621-1616 Home Cooked Meals: Quesadillas • Nachos Breakfast Burritos Fajitas • Enchiladas Commercial & Residential Licensed, Bonded and Insured All Service Calls Welcome Serving Galveston County Since 1993 Gary Cagle Brad Ender Cell: 409-682-2467 Office: 409-744-3880 Name Company Address City Phone Email Golfer #1 Handicap Shirt Size Golfer #2 Handicap Shirt Size Golfer #3 Handicap Shirt Size Golfer #4 Handicap 8am Flight_____ Shirt Size 1:30pm Flight_____ Mail Entry Form & Checks to: Texas City Police Attn: Neal Mora 1004 9th ave N. Texas City, Texas 77590 or REGISTER & PAY ONLINE @ www.uwgcm.org Credit Card#____________________________ Exp Date _______________ Security Code___________ Page 6 - The Police News _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign-up Form Texas City Police 3rd Annual Police Week Golf Tournament Benefiting May 12th , 2011 8am & 1:30pm Shotgun Start Bayou Golf Club Texas City, Texas An Open Letter to the Citizens of Galveston County: In November, 2008, you entrusted me cotics enforcement. Our Special Crimes with the Office of Sheriff of Galves- Unit is the only group actively involved ton County. I have done my in undercover invery best to live up to that vestigations of honor, and I believe the men drug sales and illeand women of the Galveston gal gambling. My County Sheriff’s Office conmessage to those tinue to do their best to protect that break those and serve you. laws has been and Since taking office in Januremains this: We ary 2009, I have worked will not tolerate alongside the over 450 memyou in our combers of your Sheriff’s Office munities! to continue proud traditions We have moved and break new ground in forward by beFreddie Poor seeking to provide you the coming the first best law enforcement services Sheriff’s Office possible. in Texas to seek recognition for proI sought to improve the image of the fessionalism through the Texas Police members of our agency, assuring our Chief’s Association Best Practices prostaff received the tools they need to do gram. This assures we can be more actheir job. We continued our tradition of countable to those we serve. providing deputies the right equipment We continue to work toward increasing they need, even providing them new the number of deputies we have “on the equipment to increase their safety. We streets,” focusing our field personnel on broke new ground by expanding train- “hot spots” through use of informationing opportunities for staff members sharing systems we continue to build and offering specialized training to our upon and share with others. Their work promising leaders. We created a new has contributed to making your commutradition with new uniforms, retiring the nity safer, shown by decreases in every tan colors we wore for some fifty years. major crime category over the last year. Daily, we make strides in vice and narOur corrections deputies continue to perform magnificently, assuring the safe and secure operation of your County Jail. We all applaud their efforts in performing what is truly a difficult job. A Very Special I am proud of the achievements we Thank You To Our have made as a team, and I believe we have charted a new and successful 2011 Sponsors course for your Sheriff’s Office to follow. While my job is not yet done, I have reached a point in my 45-year career where I must make an important choice - the decision to run for another term. I have carefully reviewed my options and considered how to proceed with those closest to me - my family. After much reflection, I have chosen not to run for another term as your Sheriff. Rest assured, though, I am “on the job” as your Sheriff and will remain so every day until the end of my term. My staff and I will continue to focus on your safety, building upon the best foundations of our past and moving forward with new ideas into our future. Sincerely, Freddie Poor, Sheriff Galveston County, Texas Citizen Police Seek Sponsors for August Event The Texas Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Region One is hosting the TCPAAA and Law Enforcement Annual Training in August of 2011 in Galveston, Texas. TCPAAA is made up of all Citizens Police Academy Alumni Associations throughout the entire State Of Texas. Region One consists of over 20+ CPA’s located on the upper Texas Coast from the Sabine River to approximately Victoria, Texas. There are over 150 chapters with well over 12000 members, state wide, that work through the year for local policing agencies and work with the officers, their families, and their communities. Once a year, we come together as a group to share ideas, train on new procedures, and network for three days in order to better serve the communities in which we live. In 2011, we will be meeting in Galveston at Moody Gardens. We are expecting 400-500+ members and officers to attend. As you can imagine, this is not an inexpensive endeavor. We are asking our corporate friends and individuals to help us to defray the cost of this project. Your generosity will allow us to bring in top quality speakers and guest trainers to help to make the annual training a great success. The theme of the Convention 2011 is Drug Awareness. We will be focusing on training our member CPA’s on methods and programs that they can take back to their communities and implement to help reduce the drug problems throughout the State. There will also be classes to certify the Sworn Police Officers in procedures to organize and start more CPA group. Our donation levels are as follows: • Chief $20,000.00 + • Captain $10,000.00 to 20,000.00 • Lieutenant $5,000.00 to 10,000.00 • Detective $2,500.00 to 5,000.00 • Sergeant $1,000.00 to 2,500.00 • Patrolman up to $1,000.00 Any and all donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Checks can be made out to: TCPAAA Convention 2011-Region One and mailed to P.O. Drawer V, Dickinson, Texas 775392022. TCPAAA Region 1 is a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization. Your help will be appreciated very much. Visit us online at: www.tcpaaconvention.org. For further information contact: Charles Suderman, Co-Chairman, TCPAAA Annual Training 2011, [email protected] Dave Miller, Co-Chairman, TCPAAA Annual Training 2011, [email protected] Babies evacuated from home as officers search for gunman GALVESTON - Galveston Police responding to reports of shots being fired from a home in a residential neighborhood first cleared the home of a teen mother and her two babies before conducting a thorough search of the house for the gunman, however the gunman had fled before officers arrived. Pictured are Sgt. John Courtney and Officer Mark Davis as they carry the babies to safety from the home as other officers are searching inside. (Police News photos) Officer Mark Davis TC Sgt. John Courtney We’re Online! www.PoliceNewsLink.com THE POLICE NEWS Late breaking local police news X BOUTIQUE XTC BOUTIQUE 2 FREE GOTMOVIES YOUR PANTIES IN – Must be 18 or older – DVD Rentals Gifts Gags Toys Novelties DVD Rentals A KNOT? NOT Shoes A RENTAL! Gifts One FREE Panties Dance Wear pair ofGags YOURSonTO us! KEEP! Toys Novelties Shoes Dance Wear Expires 4/1/11 - No purchase necessary. 1 coupon per customer. EXPIRES 2-28-11 TOYS • DANCEWEAR • CLUBWEAR • LINGERIE • SHOES 3505 HWY 146 • BACLIFF • 832-864-3630 The Police News - Page 7 Galveston County Grand Jury Indictments The following persons were named in criminal indictments by Galveston County Grand Juries in March AGUILAR, ERNESTO - BURGLARY OF A HABITATION ALTIZER, CHRISTOPHER BLAKE - SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD BARLOW, REGAN LAVAN - TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE BOLDEN LONNIE BERNARD - BURGLARY OF A HABITATION BONILLA, JUAN PABLO - FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BRIGHAM, ALEXANDER RAY - FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION CASTELLANOS, DOMINGO CRUZ - AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON CRENSHAW, BRANDON THOMAS - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=1G IN DRUG FREE ZONE DARE, RICHARD ALLEN - DEADLY CONDUCT DEAN, CHARLES MURRAY - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON DEAN, RODNEY ALAN - RETALIATION DELOSSANTOS, MIGUEL - FELONY THEFT <$1,500 W/PRIOR CONVICTIONS DENNISON, MATTHEW MARK - INDECENCEY WITH A CHILD DICKSON, BILLY FELONY - EVADING ARREST DOWLEARN, MICHAEL DEWAYNE - BURGLARY OF A HABITATION EVANS, BRIAN - FELONY EVADING ARREST GARCIA, RALPH - AGG ASSAULT CAUSING SERIOUS BODILY INJURY GARICA, JAVIER - BURGLARY OF A HABITATION GARZA, PATRICK CALVIN - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON GRIGGS, AMBER RACHEL - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON GRIMES, DUSTY MITCHELL - UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE GROCE, CRENSENCIANO DOUGLAS - FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20K GUTIERREZ, WILSON GEOVANY - FELONY EVADING ARREST HARDY, TEREASA DIANE - CREDIT CARD ABUSE HARVEY, SHAMERIN ROSE - INJURY TO A CHILD HERNANDEZ, AMANDA - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON HERNANDEZ, DAVID DIMAS - FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20K HILTON, DAVID ALLEN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=1G AND TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE JAIL HURT, JESSE PEYTON - AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD KELLY, JONATHAN KEITH CREDIT CARD ABUSE (2 counts) - FRAUDULENT POSSESSION OF IDENTITY LEWIS, KEVIN LEE - FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20K MELVYN, CLINT OREN - FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION PHILLIPS, ALVIN MCCOY - FORGERY SCHROEDER, KENNETH LYNN - FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED SCOTT, PRESTON GENE - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON SIERRA JR, DAVID JOHN - BURGLARY OF A HABITATION VANSKIKE, LARRY EUGENE - SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD WASHINGTON, RUSSELL - SECURE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENT WHITE, QUINCY LAMONT - INJURY TO A CHILD WILLIAMS, DOMINIQUE MARQUIS POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE < 1G ZOBEL, RICHARD ALLEN THEFT OF FIREARM AGUSTA, LEON ANTOINE ACCIDENT INVOLVING INJURY OR DEATH BARNHILL, CODY EVERETT BURGLARY OF A HABITATION BATISTE, ANTHONY WAYNE FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH PRIORS BATISTE, KAVIN BIANCA CREDIT CARD ABUSE BICKHAM, OXCARA POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=1G<4G BIONDOLILLO, JOSEPH KYLE BURGLARY OF BUILDING BRENNAN, MICHAEL ALLEN FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20,000 CAMPBELL, IMAN RASHAD CREDIT CARD ABUSE CLAYTON, CRAIG HANSEN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE <1G COLEMAN, MODESTY MONIQUE POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA>4OZ<= 5LBS & POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE <1G COLLINS, THOMAS BRANTLEY POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY DANIELS, KENDRICK RANARD FELONY EVADING ARREST DECUMEN, MARCK ALLEN OBSTRUCT RETALIATION DRAKE, TERRI ELAINE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=200G<400G Page 8 - The Police News FELDER, THERREL DWAYNE CREDIT CARD ABUSE FONTENOT, JOSHUA EDWIN AGGRAVATED ROBBERY / BURGLARY OF A HABITATION / DEBIT CARD ABUSE GROOM, DERRICK JERMAINE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=1G<4G / POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA >4OZ<=5LBS GUERRA, FABIAN FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION HANSEN, ANDREW THOMAS III DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED HARRISON, BRIDGETTE MONIGUE CREDIT CARD ABUSE HENRY, EDDIE RAY FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH VEHICLE HERNANDEZ JR, RALPH FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER JOHNSON, DERRICK DEWAYNE ROBBERY KINCHEN, WEQUANJALO TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LADEWIG, LYNDA JOYCE FELONY THEFT <$1,500 WITH PRIORS LAZAR, MARI SUE CREDIT CARD ABUSE LOZANO, BRANDON JAY BURGLARY OF BUILDING MIDDLETON, JOSEPH ANTRON POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITH INTENT TO DELIVER MOLDEN, ROBERT AGGRAVATED ASSAULT SERIOUS BODILY INJURY MORTON, ROYCE ALAN FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED O'NEIL, HAILEY BROOK BURGLARY OF A HABITATION SALINAS, THOMAS DIAZ FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION VALDEZ, ELISA NICOLE FRAUDULENT POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WAFER, AARON RAYMOND BURGLARY OF HABITATION WEISBART, DEVRA ANN FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED REYNA, PAUL MARTON FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED WITH CHILD PASSENGER BARLOW, REGAN LAVAN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE <1G / POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE >=28G < 200G COSHATT, SHAWN PAUL ILLEGAL DUMPING JOHNSON, WESLEY FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED WITH CHILD PASSENGER MALLISON, JESSICA ANN HARASSMENT OF PUBLIC SERVANT MATTHEWS, KELVIN WAYNE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE MAURINS, ROBERT ANSIS JR. BURGLARY OF BUILDING MONROE, RANDY WADE FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED WITH PRIOR CONVICTIONS MORALES, DEBRA ANN TAMPERING WITH GOVERNMENT RECORD MURRAY, RONNIE JAMES FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY WITH PRIOR FAMILY VIOLATION CONVICTIONS OAKS, ALAN JAMES BURGLARY OF HABITATION / FELONY THEFT OF COPPER ONEY, DAN JR. FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY WITH PRIOR FAMILY VIOLATION CONVICTIONS PANDER, JOHN RAY RETALIATION PRICE, ROBERT ALEXANDER FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH PRIOR CONVICTION PRUSAC, DANNY FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE BY STRANGULATION ROSSON, STACY PACE FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20,000 ROY, JOSEPH ANDREW FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY WITH PRIOR FAMILY VIOLATION CONVICTIONS RUCKETT, ADRIAN DEVON POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE <1G SAMUEL, CHARLES HAYWOOD CREDIT CARD ABUSE SANDINO, JOEL TRAVIS POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA >4OZ<=5LBS TURNER, MCKINLEY DWIGHT FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20,000 WATSON, JASON LYNN ILLEGAL DUMPING WHITE, STEVEN P. POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE <1G Former Kemah officers 25 Years Ago in say firings politically Galveston County motivated, sue city Petition calls for vote on gambling The Police News GALVESTON - Four former Kemah police officers claim in a lawsuit their dismissal from the force was politically motivated. Erika Yates, Greg Nolan, Rick McCollum and Sam Hodges are all suing the city of Kemah and Kemah Mayor Matthew D. Wiggins, claiming their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when they were terminated two years ago. Their suit was filed March 15 in federal court in Galveston. In the suit the officers dispute the city's claims that the firings were in response to budget constraints in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. They say the city fired them because at an election-related "meet and greet" they questioned a city council candidate aligned with Wiggins about the lack of food and supplies for the officers during the storm. They also say the city purchased bicycles and four wheelers and created a new supervisory position less than two months after the officers' terminations. The officers who were members of the Kemah Police Officer's Association, were not rehired or even contacted about returning to the force in accordance to the city's reduction in force policy. The former officers seek unspecified monetary damages and a jury trial. Attorney Greg Cagle of League City is representing the officers, and U.S. District Court Judge Kenneth M. Hoyt is presiding over the case. The Patch Two rednecks, Bubba and Earl, were driving down the road drinking a couple of bottles of Bud. The passenger, Bubba, said "Lookey thar up ahead, Earl, it's a police roadblock!! We're gonna get busted fer drinkin' these here beers!!" "Don't worry, Bubba," Earl said. "We'll just pull over and finish drinkin' these beers then peel off the label and stick it on our foreheads, and throw the bottles under the seat." "What fer?", asked Bubba. "Just let me do the talkin', OK?," said Earl. Well, they finished their beers, threw the empties out of sight & put label on each of their foreheads. When they reached the roadblock, the sheriff said, "You boys been drinkin'?" "No, sir," said Earl while pointing at the labels. "We're on the patch." A group called Businessmen Encouraging Tourism (BET) is seeking a vote in Galveston on casino gambling on Seawall Boulevard, according to Sam Clark, spokesman for the group. Petitions asking for a referendum on casino gambling and municipal lotteries in approved zones in Galveston are being distributed today, Clark said. He said BET seeks state-controlled legalized gaming on Seawall Boulevard. Clark said the group is seeking 3,300 signatures on petitions to require the City Council to place the issue before the voters at the next election. That should be a bond issue election in August, he said. Clark said those who wish to circulate the petitions can pick them up at his store, Thrifty Liquor Store, at 53rd and Avenue S. Clark speaks for a group which is discussing having a gambling ship sail from Galveston into international waters, provide gambling and then return the passengers to the island. The group believes gaming would provide an influx of tourism and tourist dollars to the city. “We seek to bring more people and more tax dollars,” Clark said. The proposition the group is seeking to place on city of Galveston ballots at the next election reads: “Does the City of Galveston support state-controlled casino gambling and municipal lotteries, conducted in approved zoning districts only?” Source: The Galveston Daily News, May 16, 1986 Dickinson PD sets Candle Lighting Ceremony Special to The Police News Please plan to attend the National Crime Victims Rights Week Candle Lighting and Paver Brick Dedication Ceremonies at Dickinson Police Department 4000 Liggio Street on April 13th, 10 a.m. til Noon. For futher information, contact: Chaplain Nelda Harles Crime Victim Liaison Dickinson Police Department 4000 Liggio Street Dickinson TX 77539 281-337-4700 X 317 BOYD, ALEXA M AKA TALLANT, ALEXIS W F 12/06/1988 Serving Galveston for 100+ years! TAT L LEG “DADDY’S GIRL” TAT C NECK “J G W/ROSE” LKA SAN LEON ENDANGERING CHILD DELOSSANTOS, WILLIAM W M 06/05/1987 PIERCED NOSE LKA SANTA FE POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ** ESCAPE RISK** Downtown Galveston: 222 Kempner Galveston TX 77550 409-763-4641 Fax: 409-762-2158 Galveston West End: FERNANDEZ, LINDSEY ALEXANDER 13680 FM 3005 W F 11/08/1984 Galveston TXTAT 77554 TAT R LEG R HIP TAT409-737-1488 L CALF TAT R CALF SEABROOK Fax:LKA 409-737-9146 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE GONZALES, FERNANDO BERNARDO W M 05/11/1976 LKA BACLIFF SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD ING s R ' E T a CA l l & e URANT Voted Best Italian B Restaurant & Friendliest DLIAiN RESTA Service in Galveston Co. I TA Closed Mondays RICHARDSON, DEBRA KAY Tues. – Fri.············Lunch W F 01/01/196211 – 2 p.m. Tues.TAT – Thurs.······Dinner 5 – 10 p.m. LR LEG SMALL FLAME Fri. – Sat.·············Dinner 5 – 11 p.m. TAT BOTH EYEBROWS LKA LEAGUE CITY5 – 10 p.m. Sunday··················Dinner POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE See our Review at www.galvnews.com RUDD, JAMES ANDREW W M 06/18/1984 TAT UR ARM Galveston TAT BACK – TAT NECK LKA LEAGUE CITY POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 31st & Avenue P 409-763-9036 TAT TAT TAT Seawall at 89th street – Galveston M ov i e H o t l i n e : 4 0 9 - 74 1 - 170 0 Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ www.pccmovies.com FREE LARGE DRINK WITH PURCHASE MATINEE $5.75 ANY SHOW PRIOR TO 6:00 P.M. OF A SMALL POPCORN NOAH’S Service Center & Tires Noah S. Rice Owner Your Satisfaction is our Pride 409-744-1314 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 The Police News - Page 9 C re 401 E. R. Johnson Family Mortuary Eddie R. Johnson Owner/Funeral Director ESCO PEST CONTROL Cremation, Monuments, Pre-Arrangements, Insurance and Notary Services WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping “ Quality, Distinctive, Professional Service 3828 Avenue O/PO Box 5 Galveston, TX 77550-6626 Ph: 409-762-8470 Fax: 409-762-8480 Email: [email protected] 409-737-3200 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 www.escopestcontrolinc.com CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY David Gillioz, Owner 409-927-2747 12531-1/2 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, TX 77510 Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps - Pickups - Convertibles Automotive - Commercial - Marine - Residential Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they will tell you it’s because they’re such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall. OLSON'S PILING SERVICE Boat Houses • House Pilings Water Pilings • Pile Replacement • Bulk Heads Cell: 409-682-9040 Office: 409-737-5074 6075 Sea Isle, Galveston TX 77554 nternational Tony’s Car Care nternational Car Care 409-763-1515 BACK IN Since 1994 BUSINESS 1328 Postoffice, Serving Galveston County Welcome all old and Galveston new customers! Serving Galveston Open Mon-Fri. 8 - 5:30 County pm Since 1994 1328 Post Office St. Galveston TX 409-599-3463 1328 Postoffice, Galveston 409-763-1515 Lots of times, changes in life also affect your investments. That’s why there’s never been a better time to schedule your free portfolio review. We’ll talk about the changes in your life, and help you decide whether it makes sense to revise your investments because of them. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments are keeping pace with your goals. Call your local financial advisor today. TOM ESTEP Concealed Handgun Training Photos & Fingerprints included Ammo Available David P Rogers Financial Advisor 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 201 Galveston TX 77551 409-744-1769 $95 All Inclusive www.tomestepshooting.com 281-455-0846 Page 10 - The Police News WANTED FUGITIVES Galveston County Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2322 or 1-866-248-8477 ANDERSON, RUSSELL LIPPY WM DOB: 10/21/1976 509/163 BLN/GRN TAT RIGHT ARM / TAT LEFT ARM LKA: TEXAS CITY MTRP / CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ABUSE COLLINS, KENNETH GLENN AKA: COLLINS, KENNY AKA: BEIREIS, PATRICK WM DOB: 12/25/1956 510/140 BRO/HAZ TATS BOTH ARMS, BOTH LEGS,BACK LKA: GALVESTON MTRP / FELONY DWI Bienvenidos a Henry's Salvadorian food, burgers, seafood and more! Daily Specials - Breakfast All Day Drive-Thru Window Service Open 6 am - 10 pm 2823 Broadway Galveston 10-years at the same location 409-765-8400 MARTY'S CITY AUTO Paint and Body Unlock any Vehicle Jump Starts DANIELS, VICTOR FRANORDO AKA: X, X BM DOB: 08/01/1966 510/155 BLK/BRO TAT RIGHT ARM / TAT LEFT ARM LKA: TEXAS CITY MTRP / POSS COCAINE HAAK, WESLEY DEWAYNE JR AKA: HOAK, WESLEY DEWAYNE W/M DOB: 06/16/1990 510/173 BRO/BLU TAT UPPER CHEST LKA: TEXAS CITY MTRP / BURG HABITATION (2 COUNTS) Complete Road Service Private Property Tows Local & Long Distance Towing Mechanic Services Salvage Parts On-site Notary Public 24-hour Towing/Request Us 409-765-9788 4310 Church Street www.facebook.com/martyscityauto MAYNES, JASMINE LAURA BF DOB: 03/23/1989 506/175 BRO/BRO TAT R SHLD, NECK, R FOREARM, LEFT FOREARM, STOMACH, LEFT WRIST TATS BOTH ARMS LKA: TEXAS CITY MTRP / FRAUD USE ID INFO NELMS, STORMY DIANA WF DOB: 12/22/1980 500/150 BRO/HAZ TATS BOTH LEGS / TATS BOTH ARMS TATS BOTH SHOULDERS LKA: GALVESTON MTRP / POSS COCAINE ROSS, DAVID THOMES AKA: ROSS, DAVID JAMES BM DOB: 07/14/1978 506/148 BLK/BRO TAT LEFT SHOULDER, CHEST, BACK, RIGHT LEG, L ARM LKA: TEXAS CITY DELIVERY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SELLERS, ISSIAH SHERMAN BM DOB: 08/17/1986 601/190 BRO/BLK TAT R SHOULDER / TAT STOMACH LKA: TEXAS CITY BURG HABITATION WILLIAMS, MARK ANTHONY BM DOB: 08/29/1963 601/190 BLK/BRO TAT R ARM / TAT L SHOULDER LKA: TEXAS CITY FELONY DWI WILLIAMS, SHURENDA MORNIQUE AKA: BELLS, SHURENDA MORNIQUE AKA: WILLIAMS, BELLE BF DOB: 11/18/1969 507/250 BLK/BRO Frank's PAINT & BODY SHOP Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair Frame Repair - Custom Body & Paint Work We Do It All - Insurance Claims Welcome Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed 2027 39th, Galveston 409-762-4106 The Police News - Page 11
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