Lesson 1 - FreeTrafficVolcano.com


Lesson 1 - FreeTrafficVolcano.com
“See how your website erupts with earth shattering
traffic and overflows with red hot targeted visitors!”
A comprehensive course to free traffic
by Bertus Engelbrecht
Copyright ©2009 – All Rights Reserved
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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This e-book Copyright 2009 by Bertus Engelbrecht All Rights Reserved.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
Table Of Contents
Introduction................................................................................ 4
How To Use This Guide Effectively And Track Results.................. 7
Lesson 1:
Publishing Articles To Get Thousands Of Visitors To Your Site................ 9
Lesson 2:
Keyword-, Link Building And SEO Secrets For Long Term Free
Traffic........................................................................................... 23
Lesson 3:
Viral Traffic With Rebrandable Free Reports........................................ 27
Lesson 4:
Joint Ventures – How To Let Other People Generate Viral Sustained
Traffic For You................................................................................ 30
Lesson 5:
The Awesome Free Traffic Power Of Facebook..................................... 34
Lesson 6:
Quick And Easy Twitter Marketing Secrets.......................................... 39
Lesson 7:
Social Bookmarking For Super Surges Of Traffic.................................. 44
Lesson 8:
Video Marketing For Long Term Free Traffic........................................ 49
Lesson 9:
Forum Marketing For Highly Targeted Free Traffic................................ 64
Lesson 10:
Online Classifieds Marketing For Extra Free Traffic............................... 73
Lesson 11:
Google Images – The Overlooked Traffic Source.................................. 76
Lesson 12:
Coupon Sites – Free Traffic Titans..................................................... 80
Lesson 13:
The hidden secrets of Manual Traffic Exchanges for hordes of free
traffic............................................................................................ 82
Lesson 14:
Safelists – The Way To Floods Of Targeted Traffic................................ 87
Lesson 15:
Harnessing Yahoo Groups For Massive Traffic Potential......................... 91
Lesson 16:
Pay Per Click Freebies - The Cheapskate's Alternatives To Adwords........ 93
Conclusion................................................................................... 96
Recommended Resources Section................................................ 97
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
All internet marketers and online business owners in the world have one thing
in common. It doesn't matter what kind of business you have online and
what your preferred way of making money is, we all need traffic (visitors) to
our websites, blogs and links, and a lot of it. It is one thing that everyone
knows and that we simply can't ignore.
You could have the most professional looking jaw dropping site, promoting
the most awesome and revolutionary product on the internet, but without
people visiting your site, you won't make any money. This is one of the facts
of internet marketing life. We are in a constant struggle to get as much
traffic as possible in order to make more sales. In a poll that I did, Internet
Marketers also said that their single biggest struggle in this industry is getting
quality traffic to their site.
By using the powerful information in this comprehensive guide, your problem
of struggling to get website traffic, will be a thing of the past.
What kinds of traffic do we get?
Basically, we can divide all traffic into traffic that we have to pay for and
traffic that we generate for free.
Paid advertising?
Using powerful PPC Adwords campaigns may be the best and fastest way to
drive targeted traffic to your website, but unfortunately there are some
downsides to it. As a beginner or inexperienced marketer you stand a very
good chance of losing a lot of money very quickly this way. The learning
curve of PPC is very steep and you need a huge budget to start out with this
traffic generation technique – money that beginners in this industry simply
don't have.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
Free Traffic to your websites?
Luckily for everyone, there are ways to drive visitors to your websites without
paying for it. In fact, some of the best traffic generation techniques don't
cost a cent. And this is where this guide comes into the picture. We are
going to show you with step by step lessons how you can generate a massive
amount of traffic to your websites and how to turn this into quality traffic that
is highly targeted for your niche so that you can make more sales, more
profit and make more money online, without paying an arm and a leg for it.
So, how can we classify free traffic?
We can classify free traffic generation techniques according to:
• How quickly you generate it
• The amount of traffic it generates
• The quality of the traffic
• How long term the traffic is
While you use this guide to learn and use free traffic generation techniques,
keep these in mind to decide which ways are the best for you and the specific
product or service you promote.
Let's see how the quality and quantity can influence your profits:
You get 1000 unique visitors to your website, but the quality of the traffic
isn't that great. If you convert 1% of those visitors into buyers and you earn
$50 per sale, you would make $500.
Now let’s say you get only 500 visitors, but the traffic is highly targeted and is
of a high quality. If you convert 5% of the traffic into buyers, you would
make $1250.
The inverse is also true. Let's say you get 10000 semi targeted and
untargeted visitors to your website. If the conversion is 0.2%, you would still
make $1000!
This means that all free traffic is viable and we should not skip a traffic
generation technique before you try it out and evaluate properly. You could
be missing out on some serious profits.
To summarize this, the ideal free traffic generation technique would be one
You can get quality targeted traffic in huge amounts to your sites as
quickly as possible by spending as little time as possible to generate
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
In this comprehensive guide we will look at all possible ways to generate
traffic to your websites for free, show you exactly how you can harness these
and give you homework (step by step checklists) to make sure you take the
time to learn every technique in full, before moving on to the next one.
Make sure you read the next section to make the most effective use of this
free traffic guide.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
How To Make The Most Of This Course And
How To Track Your Results
This guide is divided into lessons. The lessons are not structured into any
particular order, but I suggest starting from lesson 1 and working your way
onwards from there.
Study each lesson thoroughly, following the steps, advice and tips to the
letter. Implement all the strategies that you learned and be consistent with
it. You won't always see results immediately for all traffic generation
techniques, but you have to persist with it. Some of the best free traffic
generation techniques are the ones that take the longest to implement, like
SEO Secrets, article marketing and video marketing.
After you have studied the lesson in depth, and have a good understanding of
it, it is time to implement it. Use the “Homework Assignment” at the end of
each lesson as a basis to see what to do and in which order you should do it.
Follow it to the letter and make sure you use all the free resources and tips
that were recommended in the lesson.
Make sure that you make use of the video tutorials that support this guide, it
will show you exactly how to implement some of the strategies and how to
use some free tools and sites on the internet to boost your traffic.
Give yourself enough time to master each lesson and focus on just that one
traffic generation technique until you have a thorough understanding of it and
you are able to use it practically.
VERY IMPORTANT: Tracking your results
After mastering the lesson and implementing it, you should track your results
properly to see if this is a feasible traffic generation technique for the specific
product or service. I recommend you use Google Analytics, which is free and
gives you charts and graphs with loads of other information. The only
downside to it is that it only updates once a day.
For another very good free traffic stats site, get Statcounter.com. It updates
in real time and also gives you a bunch of stats and important figures about
your website traffic, including where your traffic comes from, exit links,
downloads etc. that you can use to see how effective your traffic generation
techniques are.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
Another excellent tracking site, Hitsconnect.com, lets you track individual ads,
pages, articles and more. Use this to track your classified ads and other
things that are difficult to track with Google Analytics. You can really boost
your profits with a good traffic tracker like this.
When you are finished with the one lesson, you have to use your tracking
tools to evaluate your traffic generation method. The biggest thing that you
evaluate for effectiveness, is if the time you put in to generate the traffic is
worth it for you. See how well your traffic converts for the time you put in,
because time is money in this world.
If you do forum marketing for 30 minutes every day for a week, that totals to
350 minutes work. Maybe that generates 400 unique hits to your website,
and those 400 hits generated $100 in sales. Then you make about
$17/hour for time you put in with forum marketing.
If you use Safelist marketing and put in 30 minutes/day, that totals 350
minutes per week. Maybe that work got you 600 hits for the week, but it
only generated $20 in sales. That means you only made about $3.50/hour
for the time you put in with Safelists.
Be careful though – Some techniques will give different results for different
kinds of products of services, so test them properly.
So, you will realize that some techniques will work better for you than others.
Continue with these techniques and put in more work for them. In time you
will have your favorite free traffic techniques that you use. Be consistent with
them and you will see great results. However, don't judge a traffic generation
technique before you give it your all and have tested and tracked your results
Well, good luck and see you on the other side of the Volcano...
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
Lesson 1:
Publishing Articles to Generate Thousands Of
Visitors to your sites
Article marketing is probably one of the worst kept secrets out there for
people looking for free traffic. This is for a good reason. Publishing articles is
one of the easiest and most effective ways of generating free website traffic
and getting huge amounts of targeted visitors to your sites. Lots of people go
about this in the wrong way and don't get a high click through rate or don't
get a lot of traffic to their sites. We are going to unravel some of the secrets
that will make sure you get quality traffic from article marketing, and a lot of
The reason why we start off with this lesson, is that we cover a lot of other
important things like keyword research as well. You have to be able to do
keyword research properly for a lot of other free traffic generation techniques
too. This lesson will also help you to create content for your website if you
want to create authority websites on certain niches.
Let’s quickly see what we are going to cover in this lesson:
1. Determine the purpose of your article
2. How to make your article so interesting, they have to click on your link
in your resource box.
3. Using Keywords to position your articles.
4. Keyword research
5. Creating a compelling article heading.
6. Content of the article
7. How to promote your article
8. Where to submit your articles
9. Making your article Viral
10. Secret to targeted back links
Okay, so the first thing you have to do is determine is, what is the
purpose of your article?
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
What do you want people to do when they are finished reading your article?
What is the call to action?
1) Maybe you want them to click on a website link in your resource box?
Then you have to make sure that the article is so interesting that they
want to read all the way to the end to get to your link and actually want
to click on it to find out more.
You have to presell your readers and get them into buying mode even before
they click on your link. If you are just sending them to a website link, when
they are “cold” they will likely not buy. Most people are not going to buy a
product straight out of an article that they read.
The best way to use article marketing is for building a list. Send them to an
opt in page where you offer them a free 5 day course or some kind of free
ebook or course that they would need. Another option is to send them to a
part 2 of the piece they just read. They want to find out more, so they will
click on your link and opt in to get the rest of the information. These people
will be highly targeted, so it's a very good thing.
2) Visit an affiliate link of yours
This one is not easy, because most publishers like, Ezinearticles, don't allow
affiliate links in your article. You can however put affiliate links in your
resource box.
If you want to add affiliate links in your article, here are a few tips:
a) Make sure they add value to the article.
b) Give away plenty of free information at your website and offer a free
c) Make sure your article is to the point and informative.
d) Write an excellent article.
3. Subscribe to your free course.
This is my favorite way to really maximize your articles. Why?
Here are a few of the reasons:
They give you their email address just like they are joining your
They are in buying mood from the beginning. You can offer them more
free courses for years to come.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
Distribution of this report with out the author's consent will result
in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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You get to give them a sales message at the end of your free 5-day
course and it won't look like a blatant plug.
You get time to build trust, so they will be more ready to believe you
and buy things from you.
It's really easy to make a 5-day course, just put 5 articles on your subject
together, and TA DA! You have a 5 day course. You can get articles for free
from ezinearticles.com, if you don't want to write them. Just plug them into
your autoresponder and you have follow up emails for your list. After these
5 days, you can start selling to them, but first warm them up with some free
offers to get them to trust you even more.
Now decide what the goals for your articles are and read on.
: : Recommended Resources : :
Mass Article Control is the new best selling article writing and submitting tool
on the internet today. You can create top quality articles on any subject in
15 minutes or less – even if you don't know anything about the topic. You
can literally create 100's of articles with the push of a button. Mass Article
Control is the best out there and you can't go wrong with this, but if you
don't have enough money to invest in this yet, there is also a free one
available that is pretty cool for a free option called, Jetsubmitter.
If you are serious about making article marketing your primary way of getting
free traffic, you should get an article spinner. It will save you hours of work
and get you good quality back links fast.
How to make your articles so interesting, that people will want to
click on your resource link
While I have covered some of this already, I will add a few more things here.
The secret to making your article interesting is to give away enough
information to solve one part of the problem, but to leave the other part
unsolved so they want more information.
Let me explain:
If I was just beginning to learn how to promote affiliate programs, I would be
after information on how to create a website that
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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sells and of course how to advertise that website.
Now if I was writing an article and I had a product to sell on affiliate
programs, I would write an article on how to create a site that sells, but leave
out the part about advertising your site. Of course people will need this
information if they want to succeed, so more than likely, if your resource box
is compelling, they will click the link to your website.
Using Keywords to Position Your Articles
In a nutshell, keywords are just words or phrases that people use to search
for anything and everything online. Seeing as we’re getting the nomenclature
out of the way, ‘keyword density’ is the amount of a certain keyword per 100
Keywords are important – that can’t be stressed enough. Considering that
search engines are still the primary way in which people look for anything on
the internet, it means that people who are looking for things in whatever
niche you’re in, are going to be doing so on search engines. So, when talking
about positioning your articles, it essentially means positioning them in the
relevant searches, so that they’re more likely to be found by the right people.
What happens if this isn’t done? Well, say you had an article about blogging
for money, but it didn’t contain any keywords that are being searched for a
decent amount of times per month. In this sort of case, there would be no
way that anyone would find your article, and so it would go pretty much
unread and unattended.
Admittedly, for long articles there inadvertently ends up being a keyword
used here or there, but for reliable results, you’re going to want at least a 1%
keyword density (but not more than 3%).
First though, you’re going to have to find the keywords that you intend to
Keyword Research
Basic keyword research is really pretty easy, and there isn’t too much about it
that even a beginner can’t come to grips with. To start off with, the keyword
research tool of choice is Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Seeing as Google is
the most popular search engine around, getting data from it seems to be a
logical place to begin. There are also other more expensive options like
Keyword Elite, which does a whole lot more. Only check it out if you have
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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money to spend on quality keyword research. This tool will basically skip this
whole chapter for you.
Video Tutorial
Watch the video on Keyword Research to see exactly how to
research for a keyword phrase with the Google Adwords Keyword
tool to rank for Google Page 1.
When conducting keyword research, there are three considerations in
particular that play an important role:
1. Number of Searches
Quite literally, this is just the number of searches per month. If a term has a
high number of searches, it means lots of people are looking for it, which
definitely makes it a better choice. If you get about 500 – 1000 searches for
a long term keyword, it is very good and you have a good chance of getting
Google page 1.
2. Competition
Once you have a keyword that has a decent amount of searches, plug it into
Google and search for it. When you get the results, take note of how many
there are. For instance, if there are 11,800,000 results, then that means a lot
of people are competing for that keyword. On the other hand, if you end up
with something like 1,800 results, then there are very few competing
Needless to say, with less competition, you stand a much better
chance of appearing on the first page of the search results, which is
really what you should be aiming for. Once you’re there, you will no
doubt see a dramatic increase in your views.
3. Profitability
Not all traffic is as profitable, and sometimes, for certain keywords, the traffic
that is obtained just refuses to be converted. While there are a lot of factors
that can affect this, it isn’t too relevant as far as keyword research is
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Instead, it is better to know just one simple test of the ‘profitability’ of a
When you perform a search for the keyword to scope out the
competition, take notice as to whether or not any adverts appear. If
they do, then that means someone out there feels that it is worth
spending money on that keyword.
Admittedly, this isn’t a 100% accurate test, but it should suffice to
give you a general idea.
By looking at these three areas of keyword research, you should end up with
a list of keywords which you can use to position your articles well.
Remember: The idea is to get profitable keywords that have a decent number
of searches per month, and low competition.
Keyword Enriched Articles
With the keywords that you’ve acquired, you need to enrich your articles with
them. Mind you, there is a difference between enriching and stuffing, and
search engines are smart enough to recognize when someone is trying to fool
Insert keywords in such a way that they flow smoothly through the article,
and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. For each article, it is
generally advisable to have one ‘short’ keyword of about 2 to 3 words, and
two ‘long’ keywords of 4 or more words.
If you do all of this, your articles should be showing up for the keywords that
you’re targeting, and so, all that remains is to consider the other aspects of
article marketing.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Creating a compelling article heading
When someone searches for your article and sees it in the listing, the very
first thing that they’re going to see is the title of the article, or in other
words: The Headline.
For this reason, your headlines are of the utmost importance. Essentially,
they’re going to ‘make or break’ your article as far as it getting views is
concerned. Unfortunately, once you’ve submitted an article you don’t get to
edit or tweak the headline, so you’re going to have to get it as right as
possible on the very first try.
Certainly, trying to sum up the entire eBooks that are dedicated to the
subject of headlines, and how to write them well, in this small space, would
be close to impossible. But, at least you can be pointed in the right direction.
Since the whole purpose of the headline is to attract attention, think of what
has grabbed your attention in the past. Certain words may tend to perform
better than others, but since you can’t be sure without testing… it probably
isn’t the right place to experiment.
Here are some types of headlines, with examples:
Lists, such as, “Top 5 Ways to Groom a Dog for Competitions”.
Questions, such as, “Do You Want To Learn How To Groom a Dog?”
Commands, such as, “Start to Learn to Groom a Dog, Now!”
Abstract, such as, “Coming Soon: Fluffed Tails and Trimmed Coats”
(careful, it is tough to pull these off)
Remember, all that you need to do is attract attention in your headline. It is
up to the rest of your article to build interest, and make clicking the backlink
more likely.
TIP: Look at other well performing articles and see which headings work.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Content of the Article
Primarily, there are two parts of content in an article. These are * the article
body, and the resource box, and each has their own set of rules. Knowing
how to craft an article properly could let you get audiences interested in the
article body, and then spur them on to action in the resource box.
Article Body
Seeing as the primary point of article marketing is to steer the reader
through the article so that they get to the backlink, there are a number of
things that the article body must accomplish.
First and foremost, of course, it must create and maintain interest
throughout, so that the reader doesn’t stop reading. Apart from that, a good
article body can also act as a ‘pre-sell’ of the backlink. In other words, it
could make the reader more open to the suggestions that you might make.
Bearing all that in mind, here are a few points that you should consider:
1. Relevancy
Seeing as your target traffic is mostly coming from search engines,
when they type in a keyword, they probably have something specific in mind.
For long keywords, it is simple to know what they want, such as
someone searching for ‘best place in Europe to fish’ is probably looking for
just that.
On the other hand, someone typing in ‘Europe fishing’ could be looking for
places to fish, information about the fishing industry in Europe, or… well,
anything at all. If your niche is something to do with fishing as a hobby rather
than the fishing industry, then of course, you’re going to want your article to
be about the former.
While it is tough to get your article to be relevant for all the individual
keywords that you’re targeting, you should definitely try to give your
potential audience exactly what they want.
2. Creating Interest
Of course, if your article is exactly what someone was searching for,
then your problem is solved. However, if it isn’t, then it is going to
have to create the sort of interest that is going to keep a reader
reading from start to finish.
Truth is, there are no hard and fast rules about creating interest, but
basically, if you give a reader content that is appealing to them,
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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they’re probably going to stick around.
In short, the article body should provide something of value, whether
in terms of advice, general information, or even ‘secrets’. Otherwise, it should
at least hint at any other benefits that will be obtained by
reading the article.
Taking care of both these aspects as far as the article body is concerned will
put you off to a great start. Still, there is one very important rule to the
article body…
Important Note: Never conclude the article in its body. The article
is only actually done after the resource box, so do not attempt to put in any
type of conclusion before that.
Resource Box
As was mentioned just above, the resource box is the conclusion of the
article. More importantly, it is also the place where the backlink is contained,
and for this reason, some people often describe it as the most important part
of the article.
Since the focal point of the resource box is getting people to actually click the
backlink, it is essentially a call to action. After the reader has been guided
through the bulk of the article, and presold to as much an extent as is
possible regarding what your backlink has to offer, he should find a clear
course of action in the resource box.
Commonly, a resource box might contain something like: “If you want more
information, just visit http://www.yoursite.com.”
Although that is a call to action, it isn’t a very good one. Imagine how much
better it would be if it was more like: “If you want to learn more, there is this
great eBook that’ll make you practically an expert, and it is up for grabs FREE
at http://www.yoursite.com.”
By adding the incentive, the call to action will appeal to the reader all the
more. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a free eBook, any incentive would work
fine. It could just as easily be discounts, special offers, or even just content
that is of interest.
At the end of the day, the important part is that the reader be given some
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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reason, any reason, to want to click your anchor text (back link words). That
should be the conclusion to your article; the logical next step of continuing
through the anchor text. Following these few pointers should get you both
and article body and resource box that is much more effective than the
regular variety.
How to promote your article
Once an article is written, submitted, and published, the journey is still not
completely over. Assuming that you targeted some keywords as per your
research, then it should be showing up somewhere on the search engine
listings, but in order to get more traffic, you’re going to want to be higher up
those listings.
To accomplish this, the best way is to do it in much the same fashion as you
would for any webpage: Build backlinks.
Of course, you don’t want to spend too much time building backlinks to a
third party website that is not your own, so it is probably a good idea to start
off with the easiest method of all: Social bookmarking.
Just bookmarking your article on a couple of dozen social bookmarks alone
could dramatically alter their search engine list position.
As you get higher up, the traffic to your article will no doubt increase, and in
tandem with that, so will the amount of visitors that you’ll be getting through
your backlink. Simple and quick, yet it could be one of the most defining
parts of your article marketing campaign.
Another, lesser used technique, to build backlinks is to resubmit your
published article to other article directories, with the backlink changed to
point to your original article. Even on its own, this could be great, especially if
you want to get even higher after you run out of websites on which to social
bookmark your article.
With a built-up supply of backlinks linking to your article, you should have no
problem appearing even in the top couple of results for a low-competition
keyword on Google.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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- 18 -
Where to start submitting your articles
You can get some auto article submitters that will submit your articles to
literally thousands of article directories in one go. I recommend Mass Article
Control's submitter, it's probably the best out there at the moment. If you
don't want to fork out extra cash for this you can manual submit to the
following directories.
If you have to choose only one; then choose Ezinearticles.com, they are by
far the best, but unfortunately they have some limitations on how many links
and what kinds of links you can use in your articles.
1. EzineArticles
2. GoArticles
3. WebProNews
4. ArticleDashboard
5. SearchWarp
6. PubsACS
7. ArticleBase
8. Isnare
9. Buzzle
10. ArticleCity
11. IdeaMarketers
12. Site Reference
13. Article Alley
14. Web Source
15. Amazines
16. Submit Your Article
17. TheWhir
18. Excellent Guide
19. Directory Gold
20. Articles Factory
21. SelfGrowth
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- 19 -
Making your article viral
This is really a simple step and all it involves is 2 things:
A) A little tweak in your resource box
B) A little help from the people who publish
your article
If you want people to give away your article to others, all you have to do is
ask. If you want your readers to refer your article to others, tell them so in
your resource box. If you want publishers to do the same, why not ask them
to give your article to their publishing friends.
You can do this by telling them that they will get your article first over anyone
else, ensuring you get your article published all the time, and ensuring the
publisher gets fresh never seen before content. You could also give them
access to your product (if you are selling one) for the rights to a list of their
publisher friends.
Secret Trick to get affiliate links in your ezinearticles article:
I have never been suspended for using this trick, but be careful when doing
this, because you do it at your own risk.
Create a new page on your website and put an informational article on it with
no affiliate links.
Now create your new article and submit it to Ezinearticles with the link to the
informational page in the body of your article. Ezinearticles will see there are
no affiliate links and accept your article.
After it has been accepted, take the URL of your page and change it to a
redirect URL in your Cpanel account. Redirect this page to your affiliate
landing page. You didn't change the ezine article, but now your link will
redirect to your affiliate link. So you will have an accepted article on
ezinearticles with an affiliate link. TA DA!
Secret for targeted backlinks:
In order to give your articles more ranking power on Ezinearticles, you need
to get it published and linked to as soon as it is approved. Easiest way to do
this is to have a free blog like a Blogspot or wordpress blog and publish it on
there as soon as it is approved. Make more than one blog on the subject and
also publish it there.
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Then submit your article, with a link to your original article on Ezine articles,
to Free Traffic System, which is an AMAZING free site where you can submit
your article to many different targeted blogs with the click of a button. For
the free version of Free Traffic System, you can submit each article to 30
different blogs and have 2 clickable links in each article. Now that is a lot of
targeted back links. For an upgraded member you can submit to hundreds of
sites and have more than 2 links in each article.
If you implement this simple strategy, your articles will rank a lot better and
you will get a lot more traffic and back links to your sites.
Extra Tips:
Writing just 10 articles won't get you floods of traffic over night, you have to
constantly keep writing articles. When you start out, I suggest writing 5
articles a day at least. That is at least 30 articles a week. You will build
quality backlinks this way and you will get traffic to your site for years after
that. Follow this guide to the letter and the traffic will come.
Make sure you get millage out of every article. You can even use your articles
to compile an ebook, make a video, use for content for a website etc. The
sky is the limit. If you have the articles, they will come...
Homework assignment [ ]
Find web pages or products that you want to promote. If you haven't
got a website yet, or don't know what to promote, I suggest using a
product that you can get residual income from every month. Aweber as
an autoresponder and list builder and web hosting companies like
Hostgator would be examples of these. Affiliate programs like these
will pay you every month and this is where the real money in affiliate
marketing lies.
If you are looking for the best selling Clickbank products check out CB
Engine. This free site lists all the best products and you can sort them
according to recurring income etc.
Now find at least 30 keywords for your products. You can use Google's
free keyword tool or you can invest in Keyword Elite. Keyword Elite
seems pricey, but it will really help you a lot in your keyword research
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Now start writing an article targeting each of these keywords.
Remember everything you learned in keyword research. After your 30
articles are accepted, get some links to them and see how the free
traffic rolls in.
Now you can start with the next product. You can also outsource writing
articles or you can use an article spinner, like Mass Article Control or a
free one like, Jetsubmitter to make your job easier.
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- 22 -
Lesson 2:
Keyword-, Link Building And SEO Secrets For Long
Term Free Traffic
SEO traffic is probably the best way to get free traffic for anyone, but
unfortunately it's not the easiest and it also takes time. In this lesson I will
quickly go through what you need to know when you create a website or
webpages, so that you can also get this “magic” kind of free traffic, and as
quickly as possible.
So, what is SEO Rankings? SEO means – Search Engine Optimization.
Basically it means how high your website or blog or even article ranks on the
search engines like Google and Yahoo when people search for the same kind
of content. The trick to get you ranked well, so that people can actually find
your pages on Google, is to find keywords that you target and create your
pages in such a way that it ranks well for these keywords when people search
for them on Google or other search engines. I will briefly explain.
There are many keyword tools that you can use , like the Google Adwords
Keyword tool or one of my other free favorites, SEO Tool Keyword Search
Box, that gives you keyword ideas when you enter a single keyword and
shows you many searches it gets daily for those keywords on Google and
other search engines and also some other useful stats.
So how do you get your content ranked high in the search
engines? Here are the steps:
1.) Find a keyword using the SEO keyword tool I suggested and find a
keyword that only has about 30 to 60 searches a day. Having a low search
rate like this will mean that it doesn't have too high a competition and it will
be easier to get Google page 1 for it.
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Recommendation: Find at least 5 Keywords that have 30 to 100 daily
searches, because when you dominate all 5 Keywords you will get a lot of
5 Keywords X 35 searches daily average = 175 or more daily searches total.
Get my point? It is easier to get 175+ daily searches to your Keywords in
which you dominate than finding 1 Keyword that has over 200 daily searches
but that is in high competition.
2) Create 1 YouTube
Video for each of the 5 Keywords that you obtained: www.YouTube.com
3) Create 5 HubPages
Articles here: www.HubPages.com Using 1 Keyword as the title of the article
for all 5. Then you may want to sprinkle the Keyword that you used as the
title all over the article’s content, but in a way that makes sense, not
noticeable. This is a very powerful SEO technique that works.
4) Create 5 Diggs: www.Digg.com A Digg is something like a fancy Forum
Post, but when people click on the post after reading the descriptions, it takes
them directly to your Website or Services Page! Digg ranks very high on
Google Search Engine and Yahoo as well. Same deal! Create 5 Diggs, 1 per
Keyword and once again using the Keyword as the title and also include the
keyword somewhere in the Digg Description just 1 time! This is very powerful
5) Create 5 Squidoo Lenses: www.Squidoo.com A Lens is another word for a
small Blog! Once again create 5 Squidoo Lenses, 1 per Keyword and using
the Keyword as the lens title as well. Try to sprinkle the Keyword Phrase at
least 5 times during your content of the lens which will help Search Engines
pickup the keyword better! I think Squidoo is the best method out of the 4
above because you can add an Update RSS Feed that updates your Squidoo
Lens every 30 minutes, confusing the Search Engines into believing that you
are the one updating it manually, so it will rank better on Search Engines
because of that.
This is awesome SEO information for you. Powerful stuff! If you do these 5
steps, and chose your keywords carefully, you will rank well for them guaranteed. Then all you have to do is sit back and wait for the traffic to
come flowing in.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Super SEO Secret:
A great strategy I learned to build powerful links to your sites that Google
loves, is by joining a lot of high PR forum kind of websites, where you can
edit your Bio with unlimited html links with anchor texts.
Join as many of these as possible and cross link all your profiles and websites
to each other. That means that if you have profiles on 5 of these sites, you
will have the html (with anchor text, using your targeted keyword) of all 4
profile sites AND your website links in all of them. This cross linking strategy
will ensure that the Google spiders find your site quickly and your back links
will multiply! And all these will be from high PR of 5-7 web sites!
Here are a list of some good high PR (4-7) sites that you can create
profiles on for GREAT SEO linking (Search on Google for more):
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- 25 -
Homework Assignment [ ]
Get 5 keywords using a keyword search tool. (More good ones are
mentioned in lesson 1.)
Create 5 Youtube videos and link to your site.
Create 5 Hubpages that link to your site.
Create 5 diggs (and other bookmarks if you want)
Create 5 Squidoo lenses targeting the keywords.
Join 10 of the high PR sites mentioned above, create profiles for each
and post ALL your links, including website, Youtube, hub pages, squidoo
and all other high PR profiles that you created, on there.
Keep checking your rankings and try and improve your lenses and
pages for better rankings.
Keep on creating more profiles with all your links, cross linked, on high
PR sites.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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- 26 -
Lesson 3:
Viral Traffic With Rebrandable Free Reports.
This is a very simple method, but one of the most effective ones to create
viral traffic. It is used by most of the big successful internet marketers out
there. In this lesson, I will show you how you can easily do this yourself.
First you need to create a free report. Choose a problem that most people
have and find the solution to it. You can search forums to find problems
that a lot of people in your niche have. Maybe you see that lots of people are
struggling to get back links. So you research this problem on Ezinearticles
and other free article resources to find source material for your report. You
can even use PLR ebooks that you have.
Now write your ebook report. Start by outlining all your chapters, and then
fill in from there. Set yourself goals. Try and finish at least one chapter
After you are finished, make sure you have a lot of links to your product,
website and some Clickbank products in it. So when people click on the links
in the ebook, you will get the traffic from there.
So, how do you make your ebook viral? Give away your report for free and
encourage other people to give it away for free. As more people give it away,
more people will start viewing it and more people will click on your links.
Create an incentive for people to give away your ebook. If you make it
rebrandable (You can use Viral PDF to do this), other people can brand it with
some of their links, and they can earn money by giving away your ebook.
This way more people will give away your ebook, and your traffic will
skyrocket, becoming viral in next to no time.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Tip no.2:
Sell your ebook on Ebay for $0 and free ebook directories for $0 and post it in
forums. This will be very effective for long term traffic.
Creating reports like this could take only a little of your time and it could
create traffic for life, so make sure you harness the power of viral traffic. This
is the way that big companies like Hotmail become famous and huge.
Tip no. 3:
Submit your free report to all these ebook submission sites for
massive guaranteed traffic:
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- 28 -
Accelerate Your Results In 2 Steps
Ping your ebook submission results page.
Social bookmark your ebook submission results page.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Research ideas on forums and choose a subject you can write a report
of at least 15-20 pages on.
Create a free report, starting by outlining chapters first and then filling
them in.
Put a lot of links in them to your main products and websites.
Brand them with Viral PDF for extra traffic generation potential.
(optional, but recommended)
Now start giving away your ebook and promote it using all the free
traffic generation techniques in this guide. Make sure to submit it to all
the ebook sites that I recommended.
Enjoy viral traffic for a long time to come.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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- 29 -
Lesson 4:
Joint Ventures – How To Let Other People
Generate Viral Sustained Traffic For You.
This is one of the biggest secrets on the Internet that people literally pay
thousands to learn, and most of the time they are learning from people who
are using out dated methods. People think that you have to get Joint
Ventures software; and that you have to pay thousands to get joint venture
partners. You don't. In this lesson I am going to show you how easy it is to
use Joint Ventures to generate a massive amount of sustainable traffic for
So what does Joint Ventures mean? It means that you go into business with
someone else and share the profit of your product. Sometimes, you can work
together to create the product and both will share the profits. Other times
you can create the product on your own and get affiliates as Joint Venture
partners to market the product for you getting as much as 75% commissions
from selling your product.
So why do I want to give away 75% of my profits to someone else? Simple –
Creating a digital product, means that you have an unlimited amount of your
product and all the sales that get generated by other people for you, are sales
that you wouldn't have got without their help, so it's still pure profit for you.
The more partners you have, the more profit. I am even going to show you
how you can make all this joint venture traffic to your product viral!
What products should I use for Joint Ventures?
You can get a free or cheap PLR Ebook and change it a little to make it your
own. It would be even better to create your own Ebook or videos. Only a
short 30 page report or so should do if you want to give it away for free.
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Make sure you put in a bunch of links to your other products, or even affiliate
products if you don't have your own yet. You can find loads of these at
Clickbank. This will create viral traffic to your links and sites. We will talk
about this a bit later.
How to find possible Joint Venture partners?
You don't need to join expensive membership sites or purchase JV software to
do this for you. (If you want to check out a good site that specializes in
finding you JV partners for free, I recommend JV Network)
1. One way to find Joint Venture partners for any business, is to
Google websites in your niche. Look for websites that would have similar
customers than you that get heavy traffic to their websites. Get their Alexa
Ranking to see how much traffic they get. Get a few of the best that you
think would be able to promote your product or join you in a joint venture
with a product.
Now you have to try 3 different ways to get them to join you. First, you email
them complimenting them on their great products and websites and tell them
how your product could be beneficial to their customers and how it will also
greatly benefit them. Give estimated conversion rates and click through
ratios. If you are looking for affiliates, make sure that you have affiliate
promo material that they can use. If you sell them well, they will see that
they can make a lot of extra money by helping you to sell your product and
that their customers will also benefit from this. If they are interested, ask
them to put banners on their sites and to email their mailing list etc. to
promote your offer. If they didn't want to bite (which is likely), send them a
letter by post, asking them again. If the second time was also unsuccessful,
try calling them.
2. The second way to get affiliate partners for your product is a lot
easier and more popular today. Go to forums like Warriors Forum and
Digital Point Forum and Site Point forum. You can also search for others.
These forums have threads specifically for JV. Make sure you are a regular
helpful poster, before you start asking for partners. You need to build a
reputation before you start asking for this.
How to create huge viral traffic with Joint Ventures?
The biggest secret with Joint Ventures is to let your partners build your list.
You should let them send leads to your opt in page where the customers must
first opt in, to get to your product sales page. All the traffic that comes from
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them will be converted into your list, so that you can continue selling to them.
You can even sell other products to your list. Of course, you would need an
autoresponder to create and market to a list. Make sure you have links to
your other sites and affiliate programs in your product that you sell, for back
end sales.
Approaching JV partners for bonus traffic:
We know that your intention is to generate more subscribers and make more
money...however you need to put that intention aside for a moment. If you
start with that attitude then you won't have success. Instead, the first thing
to do is to be a customer in your own marketplace. That is step one. Please
do not try to assume you can skip step one--it does not work if you skip step
Step 1:
Buy the product you want to do a bonus traffic campaign with
It should be a complimentary product
You should have a similar customer demographic
Go through the product
Read it, make sure it is good
Follow the product and get some results
Step 2:
Approach your potential joint venture partner
• Let him/her know you bought their product, tried it and like it
• By complimenting them on their product they are more open and
receptive to you
• Let him/her know you have a complimentary product
• Tell them your niche, size of your list
• Let them know you think your list would be interested in their product
• Let them know you believe their list might be interested in your product
and you have an affiliate program with x% commission
• Suggest you create a special bonus to introduce their customers to your
• Unadvertised bonus on their download page where their customers can
get your free bonus
• The customer clicks a link and goes to your page
• In exchange for their name and email address you will give them this
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free bonus
It is critical that the customer has to go to your page...your squeeze
page...where they have to provide you their name and email address in order
to get the free bonus. Remember, the point of doing a bonus traffic program
is list building...to build a bigger list that is going to make you more
The benefit to you is you have built your list and generated sales. The benefit
to your JV partner is you have provided value to their existing customers with
a complimentary product...and they have received a commission on any
purchases their customers made of your product. The benefit to the customer
is they get a product they are interested in that they might not otherwise
have known about.
And you have done this for free! It didn't cost you anything and it didn't cost
your JV partner anything. So because you have provided them, and their
customers, value, they are more than happy to keep your link on their
download page. That way you will be sent their customers every day...you
have just generated free bonus traffic!
That's how you make money online approaching joint venture partners about
bonus traffic! You do your homework, provide great value and build your list
all at the same time!
Homework Assignment [ ]
Get a product. Create your own report or change a PLR guide.
Put links to your other websites and links in your guide.
Join an affiliate network like Clickbank to get affiliates for your guide.
Search Google for businesses in your niche and ask them to help you to
promote your product in exchange for a big commission.
Approach people on Forums like Warriors forum for JV partners.
Use JV Network or other networks like these to find partners.
Enjoy a big surge of traffic and sales to your guide and to your other
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
- 33 -
Lesson 5:
The Awesome Free Traffic Power Of Facebook
Facebook is one of the sites that has shown the fastest growth over the last
few years and has become the biggest social networking site on the internet.
Currently there are more than 300 million active users and 50% of these
active users log on to Facebook in any given day. That is a big chunk of
people to market to for FREE!
I will jump right into this lesson and tell you the most effective ways to go
about getting hordes of free traffic with Facebook.
How to get targeted Facebook friends quickly.
After you created a free account at Facebook your number 1 mission should
be to get as many friends as possible, preferably targeted to your niche.
If you want untargeted friends, just search for “more Facebook friends” in the
groups. (This is a good group to get more friends) Now join some of these
groups. People here have only one purpose and that is to build a huge friend
list. Post your name on the wall and discussion boards a few times, asking
people to become your friend. In the discussion board there should be posts
with hundreds of emails. When you go to “invite new friends” you can insert
an unlimited amount of emails, to invite these people. People from these
kind of groups, will accept you, because they want extra friends. If you add
your email as well, you will get more friends invites almost virally.
If you want targeted friends, search and join groups in your niche.
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- 34 -
inviting people from here, make some good informative posts and comments
on the groups and people will start following you if they see you share the
same interests. Only join groups that are active and are getting new
members all the time. Post regularly on these groups and you will see how
your friends multiply. I get almost 25 friend requests each day this way. You
can also search for events in your niche and do the same.
You have the friends, now what?
Now you can start building a relationship with them. Message them
occasionally and start posting status updates of your day to day life. (not in
your niche) People will realize that you are a real person and are not just
there to market. As soon as you have built some credibility with your friends,
you can start marketing.
Ways to get free traffic with Facebook:
There are a bunch of ways to get traffic to your sites, blogs and links. Here
are my top ones.
Status updates:
Update your status regularly, and posts some links to your new posts, web
pages or new links occasionally. Your niche posts should be in a 1:3 ratio to
your “normal” status updates. Make sure there is a picture on the page you
are linking to, because then you can select the picture to be shown in your
status update as well. People will see your status updates on their homepage
of Facebook when they look through the news and you will generate some
nice click to your links this way. (TIP: Don't spam them)
Post links in groups:
Join a lot of popular groups in your niche and make useful posts on the wall
(with your links) and in the discussion boards (insert your links). Posts will
stay on some discussion boards for quite a while, and lots of people will see
your posts with your links and this will generate good traffic to your sites.
Create your own groups:
And this is where the POWER of Facebook marketing comes in. Create your
own groups in your niche and invite all your friends. Post the link of your
groups in all the other related groups on facebook regularly to get people to
join your group. Mail your facebook group link to your list, put it in your
forum signatures, blog posts etc. to get a good following. You could have
hundreds of members in days, and thousands in a few weeks if you are lucky.
These groups will be like your own personal lists that you have and you
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should manage them just like you would your email autoresponder lists. You
can also mass message everyone in your group. Send them useful
information with lots of freebies to get them to trust you and open the
messages every time. Then slowly start messaging them with amazing offers
which links to your sites or affiliate links.
Also remember to put in all your webpage links in your group description,
because this will count as valuable back links. Put up photos and videos with
links and also post links to your offers in your group. People who join your
group for years to come, will see them and click on them.
You can build huge lists with groups like these and message them at will with
your offers. This will bring in a huge amount of free targeted traffic to your
sites, if you do it right.
The Facebook marketplace
Go to applications and search for Marketplace and join this application. You
can now post for free. Give away free reports, and advertise your business
opportunities or whatever you like. These advertisements can be targeted to
geo location and stay for a long time so it can generate incoming traffic for
quite a while if you keep on posting ads every few days. Focus on giving
away branded eBooks, because this will generate viral traffic.
Facebook Videos and Photos
This is a very good way to get your name out there and to get opt ins to your
list. Posts loads of videos of yourself introducing your business and tag all
your friends in them. Put a niche keyword rich description of your video or
photo too. Make sure to give a link to your opt in page. People will see they
are tagged in a video or photo and view it. They will see your link and click
on it, and will get sent right to your opt in page. This is a very effective tactic
that not many marketers are using.
Create events:
People love joining events and search events to see what is going on the
Facebook world. Create an event of a product or squeeze page launch or a
webinar. People will join and see your links.
If you use all these tactics you will get great traffic from Facebook and with
groups etc. you can build quality targeted viral traffic for FREE this way.
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Invite all Facebook friends Secret
The new Facebook won't let you invite all your friends with one click, but I
have found a little snipped of Java code that will let you do this. This could
be very useful if you have hundreds of friends and don't want to click on
everyone, one by one, to invite them to a new group of yours.
Select and copy this code:
('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object')
Go to your event/group/page, click invite people and then paste this snippet
in the URL field of your browser.
Left-click the mouse in the URL field and hit Enter. Your invitations will not be
sent yet, but all your friends will be selected. Click the “Invite” or “Send”
button on the Facebook page to finally send the invites.
Video Tutorial
Watch the video tutorial on Facebook Marketing Secrets. It will
show you step by step how you can create a group in your niche,
get a lot of targeted members for it and message everyone with
the click of a button.
Black hat tip (Use at own risk):
If you can manage it, start more than one profile. Be careful that you don't
get caught out. You can have a different Facebook profile for each niche that
you target. For instance – one for internet marketing niche, one for health
and fitness, one for gaming. This way you can make your status updates and
profiles even more targeted.
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Homework assignment: [ ]
Sign up for a Facebook account and set up your profile. (Put in links)
Join groups and grow your friends to at least 100.
Create groups in your niche, invite all your friends, using the secret
above, promote the group link on other related groups and message all
your members with offers and tips every 3 days.
Create videos and post it on Facebook.
Continue updating status everyday with your links.
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Lesson 6:
Quick And Easy Twitter Marketing Secrets
Twitter is the very fast growing social networking, social bookmarking and
micro blogging site and is taking the internet by storm. The best thing about
Twitter is that you can easily build a huge following of targeted “leads” and
automate it easily as well, if you know how. I will keep this lesson short and
tell you the basics that you should know on how to create a big targeted
following, build a great relationship with your leads and how to automate your
tweets for maximum traffic generation, all for free!
Here are the steps to Twitter marketing success:
Create a big targeted following:
Create your free twitter account and set up all your profile details. Make sure
you have a good custom background that is related to your niche and make
sure your main opt in page's link is in your bio.
Now search for a twitter user in your niche that has lots of followers
(10000+). Make sure that this person is an online business man that is
probably making a good income from Twitter marketing.
Now start mass following all his followers, because they will all be targeted to
your niche. People will follow you back, especially if they see that you have
the same interests as them. You will grow a big following this way.
Add as many people as you can until you follow 1000 people. Now you have
to start being careful as to how many people you add every day, because if
Twitter regards you as a spammer, your account will get deleted. At over
1000 followers, you will only be able to follow 10% more people that are
following you, so make sure you unfollow all the people that are not following
you every 2 days or so. You can even create more than one Twitter account,
because that will be the safest and it is real easy to get your first 1000
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TIP: Use Buzzom, which is an amazing free twitter tool that lets you mass
follow and unfollow people and also automates a lot of aspects of your Twitter
following. Flashtweet is an even better mass follow service but will cost you a
Now you have thousands of followers that you can tweet to with your links at
How to get quality traffic to your site with Twitter:
Tweet about normal things to your following and only put in “niche posts”
every 3 tweets or so, then people can see you are not a bot, but a real live
person that is interested in them as well.
Your niche tweets should not spam them with affiliate links, you will get
nowhere like that and will lose the interest of your following quickly. Only
tweet about helpful new blog posts or pages, or free offers. Try and give a tip
in your tweet and put your link. (You only have 140 characters to work with
so make them count.)
Here are some great tips that you should follow if you market with Twitter:
TIP #1
Exert effort at customizing your Twitter profile by providing it with your
picture. A lot of people don’t like to send tweets to faceless twitterers. Include
in the profile your blog URL and description. Most of twitterers check profile
before they decide to follow you or not.
TIP #2
Generate interest and strong and positive impression by treating your tweets
as your article headline. You should also avoid making your background look
like some sort of an advertisement as it will definitely turn people off.
TIP #3
Monitor everything that is happening within your blog field and exert effort to
be perceived as an expert twitterer on a subject related to your blog. Link to
quality resources and people will surely look at you as an authority on
whatever interest you are espousing in your blog.
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TIP #4
You should work hard to make each tweet interesting and worth reading to
your target audience. Put your best foot, or rather, tweet forward and surely
your followers will decide to click on and check out your profile and your blog.
TIP #5
Make your tweets attention grabbers by writing things which are interesting
to the community. Be on the look out for hot topics and be ready to post the
article in your blog. Members of the twitter community will be truly interested
in you and what you have to say. They will soon drop by your site or blog
once you have announced to the community what you have written.
TIP #6
Interesting people are great followers of other interesting people. In the
twitter community you have to follow people whom you think are interesting.
However, don’t follow people only because everyone else is following them.
TIP #7
You should be a helpful, useful and friendly member of the community. Be
gracious and thank people when they follow you on twitter with a direct
message. You should utilize your expertise to help fellow twitters find
solutions to their requests and questions. Your intention is to gain acceptance
and trust of the Twitter community and to become an authority in the area
you are perceived to operate on.
TIP #8
Do not oversell your blog and your blog articles. Being a hard sell will not
bring good to you, your profile and your blog. You may have gotten
somebody to follow you, but if you don’t provide value to them, they can just
easily unfollow you.
TIP #9
You should restrain yourself from tweeting too much, as many twitterers
might make your followers unfollow you. Three tweets a day would just work
out fine. You can use TweetStats to learn more and analyze your tweets.
However, if you can not put a cap on your tweets, it is essential that use
Qwitter to get updates when someone stops following you. That way, you can
learn on the reasons why people unfollow you.
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TIP #10
You can use TweetBurner in order to shorten the URLs you intend to include in
your tweets. Most tweets are based on a 140 characters. This will save you
valuable space for your message. You can also track the number of clicks your
tweets get through the TweetBurner. It is also an effective tool to analyze
which tweet structures attract your followers and what headlines work best.
TweetBurner can also tell you at what time of the day your tweets get more
TIP #11
Try experimenting by repeating the same tweet twice a day with a 10-12 hour
gap between similar tweets. Some regular twitterers have noticed that
repeated tweets attract attention as many new people are logged on since
your original tweet 10 hours earlier.
TIP #12
You must work hard to get your Twitter link out to where people can find you.
This means adding it to your e-mail signature file, in forum post, on your site,
on your blog sidebar, in article resource boxes, and so on. People will only
follow you if they find you credible. By doing this tip, it certainly adds up to
your credibility score.
TIP #13
Do not try to follow everybody that follows you. Be selective of who you
follow and work within your established niche, interests and hobbies. Avoid
chasing the numbers to obtain the most twitter followers which most of us
think is important. Twitter is not a race of numbers; it is about quality.
TIP #14
An effective way to get people to follow you is to start following them first. A
number of twitterers have their accounts setup to follow all the followers, so
when you follow them they will automatically follow you back. This is done
within the context that you are able to develop a concrete brand and image
for your twitter profile and your blog.
TIP #15
Go beyond the Twittersphere. It is the best way to build a following. Don’t
forget to add a Twitter RSS feed to your Web page or Blog.
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: : Recommended Resources : :
Make sure that you use SocialOomph. This is a great free tool that lets you
automate your Twitter accounts. (yes, more than one). You can send
spinnable (only with professional version) tweets to your accounts on
autopilot. You can also set it so that it sends a welcome tweet to all
followers. (Very useful! Remember to put in a link) Also use Huitter.com to
unfollow all the followers that don't follow you back. You have to do this
every few days.
Video Tutorial
Watch the Twitter Video tutorials. Part 1 shows you how to easily
setup your own free Twitter account. Part 2 shows you step by
step how you can grow a big targeted Twitter following in next to
no time. Finally, Part 3 shows you how you can automate your
Twitter accounts for hands free traffic on autopilot.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Create at least 2 Twitter accounts for every niche you are targeting.
Setup your accounts' with SocialOomph so that you send thank you
tweets to all new followers.
Mass follow people with the Buzzom you and build your following to at
least 1000. (Remember to unfollow those not following you back every
few days. Use Huitter.com to do that)
Use Social Oomph to automate your tweets. Send at least one tweet
every 2-3 hours. 1:3 ratio for normal tweets to niche tweets.
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Lesson 7:
Social Bookmarking For Super Surges Of
Social bookmarking is still one of the most popular ways to get free traffic on
the internet. Submitting your posts and web pages and even articles to social
bookmarking sites, gets you backlinks and also good bursts of free hits to
your sites. It also lets you build a following on each of these sites and you
can network with these people.
The biggest problem with social bookmarking is the amount of time it takes to
submit to all the bookmarking sites. I will let you in on the secrets of how
you can submit to all the bookmarking sites with a click of a single button to
overcome this obstacle, a bit later.
Social bookmarking secrets and how to supercharge them?
Social bookmarking started as a method for Internet users to save URL's of
websites that they have visited, to make it convenient for them to remember
those sites in case they want to visit them again or share it with their friends
online. It is simply described as online bookmarking. Before the launch of
online bookmarking, Internet users have to content themselves with saving
URLs of their favorite websites by bookmarking it in the browsers of their PCs,
which was of course, very inconvenient.
With website owners becoming more conscious about search engine
optimization and beating their competitors in search engine results, social
bookmarking was seen as an effective tool to provide them with links going to
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their websites. With this method, they are assured that their links are not
deleted for as long as their accounts in those bookmarking sites are active.
They have to take note however, that they have to abide by the terms and
conditions of these bookmarking sites to keep their accounts from being
The process is really easy, all you need is a valid email address and then start
signing up for accounts in these online bookmarking sites. There are now
quite a number of bookmarking sites and the trick is to make use of those
sites that have high page rank to ensure that the bookmarking you do also
lands in the search engine results. A bookmark that you have done for your
money site in a top bookmarking site that has a high page rank, may even
get a higher rank in the search engine results than your money site. This is
not a problem at all since people who may get to view the bookmark that you
have done will be directed to the URL of your main website.
The secret to getting your bookmarks indexed by search engine results is
providing the right tags or keywords every time you bookmark your web
pages. Tags and keywords are very important and you will need to fill them in
every time you bookmark a page. The URL, title, and a description of the
page the description must also contain your keyword.
There is nothing earth shattering about these things, but if you need to be on
that front page, these are the simple steps you should follow.
First, there is the post to your blog or a new Squidoo lens that you make.
That is the easy part.
Next you will want to bookmark the post URL to the top bookmarking sites.
Then you will want to collect all of the URLs you just created and "ping" them
to the aggregators. That is the whole process in a nutshell.
So what are the top Bookmarking Sites I should submit to?
Here are the 20 Largest Social Bookmarking Websites ranked by a
combination of Inbound Links, Alexa Rank, and U.S. traffic data from
Compete and Quantcast. Although no traffic metrics are completely accurate
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we do believe the data below to be useful for gauging relative audience size.
(From eBizMBA)
1 | twitter
486,750,806 - Inbound Links | 19,728,619 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 21,900,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 38 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
2 | digg.com
383,598,000 - Inbound Links | 33,433,760 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 11,400,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 183 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
3 | Yahoo! Buzz
20,031,000 - Inbound Links | 8,119,906 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 3,600,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | NA - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
4 | StumbleUpon.com
234,000,000 - Inbound Links | 4,418,609 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,100,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 362 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
5 | reddit.com
161,685,000 - Inbound Links | 4,908,990 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 441 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
6 | tweetmeme.com
253,863 - Inbound Links | 11,856,726 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,200,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 4,606 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
7 | Technorati.com
175,287,000 - Inbound Links | 3,309,174 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,000,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 662 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
8 | del.icio.us
427,665,000 - Inbound Links | 1,623,083 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 317,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 2,476 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
9 | kaboodle.com
2,600,000 - Inbound Links | 3,941,212 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,500,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,694 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
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10 | mixx.com
16,005,000 - Inbound Links | 879,108 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 2,200,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 645 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
11 | Propeller.com
5,725,000 - Inbound Links | 1,164,549 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 624,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 1,801 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
12 | newsvine.com
71,708,775 - Inbound Links | 1,142,779 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 5,545 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
13 | Fark.com
36,162,723 - Inbound Links | 652,762 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 1,300,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 4,119 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
14 | Slashdot.org
37,566,035 - Inbound Links | 862,416 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 404,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors | 970 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
15 | twine.com
343,090 - Inbound Links | 1,062,304 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 188,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 19,592 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
16 | clipmarks.com
461,141 - Inbound Links | 379,354 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 507,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 6,330 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
17 | dzone.com
3,867,009 - Inbound Links | 281,098 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 208,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 7,002 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
18 | faves.com
1,437,453 - Inbound Links | 159,051 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 244,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 6,198 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
19 | blinklist.com
51,912,576 - Inbound Links | 86,650 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 44,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 10,985 - Alexa Ranking.
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Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 |
20 | diigo.com
8,933,453 - Inbound Links | 146,144 - Compete Monthly Visitors | 30,000 - Quantcast
Monthly Visitors | 7,569 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites | Updated 9/8/2009 | eBizMBA
These are the biggest ones out there, but I recommend you experiment with
all of them and found those that are best for your business or niche.
: : Recommended Resources and Tips : :
Use Onlywire to mass submit to over 30 top social bookmarking sites with the
press of a button. This is a free service if you put their button on your
website. You can also install their button on your toolbar and submit any
page that you are currently on, by hitting the toolbar button.
Social Marker is also a great free site where you can submit to over 48 sites,
but it takes a bit longer than Openwire.
AddThis is another must have service which lets you put custom buttons on
your pages so that other people can bookmark your pages easily.
If you want to save even more time and boost your bookmarking potential,
check out Bookmarking Demon, it is the best bookmarking automation tool
out there if you have the money to invest in it. It will build you more quality
backlinks and cut down on the time that you take registering and filling in
forms for bookmarking sites.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Go to Openwire and register for all the social bookmarking sites they
Go to Openwire's tools section and install the toolbar button.
Go to all your sites' pages and install a Openwire or Addthis Button at
the bottom of every page.
Now browse through all your sites' pages and submit them to all the
bookmarking sites. (Don't submit all of them on one day.)
Now, keep submitting new pages to all bookmarking sites and your
traffic, and backlinks, will keep on flowing in, all for FREE!
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Video Marketing For Long Term Free Traffic
Video marketing is a great way to build your brand and to get unlimited traffic
to your websites. There are many video sites to submit your videos to, but I
am going to give you secret how to submit to all these video sites for free
with the click of a single button.
But first let’s look at Youtube, which is the largest and most important video
site out there and is essential for building long lasting traffic for free.
Researching Youtube before you start:
Before you ever upload a video to YouTube or even think about creating a
video, it is helpful to do some thorough keyword research in your target
market and find out what keywords are popular and what types of videos get
tons of views.
The Search Process:
Practically the entire internet is now driven by search and searching
processes… and YouTube is no different.
Like any search engine, visitors at http://www.YouTube.com are presented
with a search box as the main mechanism for finding videos of interest. Using
keywords, YouTube users find videos of interest and then are presented with
related videos that they can add to their viewing list, or watch immediately.
With basic keyword research on YouTube, you can discover what types of
videos are popular. You simply type in the keyword and look at the
thumbnail picture, title, keyword tags, and view count of the videos in
the search results.
Researching Keywords With The YouTube Search Function:
The popularity of a video can be gauged by looking at the views count and it
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is important to see that there are two ways that videos results are returned:
By the title of the video and the ‘tags’ used to describe the video.
By all appearances, the ‘tags’ are the most important keyword
reference to optimize (though knowing that the company is owned by
Google, and Google’s secretive ranking measures, we are not 100% sure that
tags are the only ranking device) In fact, these are probably the 2 most
important optimization tools (other than making a great video) that you
can use to get your video viewed many, many times. Fortunately, most
YouTube users are not experts at keyword optimization and only tag their
videos with a few related keywords. With a little thought and brainstorming,
you can make your videos ‘findable’.
Today on YouTube, there exists a situation roughly similar to the one
mentioned above with how the search engines were in the 90’s…Amateur
videos that are not even trying very hard to get top rankings for hot
keywords are at the top of the results. To get similar results, you simply need
to pick the best keyword tags for your videos (and it may be prudent to also
include your 1 or 2 most important keywords in the title of the video)
Online research tools may be useful to find great keywords such as Keyword
Elite . It would be a great investment of your time to get all of the very best
keywords and put them in the tags list for each of your videos. If you start
with a keyword list from the free Google adwords tool, or Keyword Elite for a
better option (or another comparable keyword tool) and then check your best
keywords one by one using YouTube’s search feature, you will get a pretty
good idea of how competitive your niche is.
4 Keys To Success:
1: You should use the search refinement features when doing keyword
research if you want to get the most efficient results for your marketing
2: It should also be noted, annoying as it is, that at the time of writing this
eBook, there is no way to ‘customize’ your search settings, so that every
time you research a new keyword, you must click one of the sort links to get
the data you are looking for. Maybe YouTube will fix this soon, or maybe some
marketer will create a research utility using the YouTube api.
3: After you’ve created a YouTube account and uploaded some videos, take
the time to create a custom profile and your own custom channel
information. You should also create at least one group, and you may
want to create a playlist if you have more than 1 video. This will give you a
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big advantage when people sort for ‘Channels’, ‘Groups’, and ‘Playlists’.
If YouTube users are so unsophisticated now that they can barely pick more
than 2 or 3 decent keywords to tag their videos with, there is little doubt that
few to none are actually taking the time to make customized channels, play
lists and groups. This is doubly true for marketers, who may overlook these
simple optimization features available and lose out on the potential rewards
for 5 minutes of extra work. You can of course do all of these things after you
have logged in to your profile page by finding the appropriate link. It is easier
than it sounds, and may only require 5 minutes of your time (we’ll cover how
to do that later).
4: While it is important to consider all of these elements when making a
video, it is helps to make a video that is worth watching! Indeed there are
many worthless videos on YouTube that have received 10s or even 100s of
thousands of views based solely on the keyword tags used. I have personally
seen absolutely 100% worthless videos that no one in their right mind would
even waste 15 seconds of their life watching that had over 100,000 views. I
have also seen videos that use no keyword tag optimization (or very obscure
keywords tags that alone might only bring a handful of viewers) that were so
good that they have hundreds of thousands of views because they were so
good that people just had to share them with friends! The point is; that your
goal of research is to use good keywords and then make a good video. With
both of these, your promotion efforts will not be in vain.
What type of videos work?
By now you may be itching to create a video. You may be wondering what
equipment you will need, how will you create the video, and how exactly will
you upload it. We’ll get to that soon. But before you even get the equipment
together to create a video, it will be useful to learn more about what makes a
YouTube video successful. What Kind Of Videos Will Get Attention, Generate
Buzz, And Send A Steady River Of Traffic To Your Website(s)?
Well, I have found that there are certain characteristics that can help make a
video successful, and I’ve listed them below. This isn’t an ‘absolute’ list, but it
can give you a pretty good idea of what will make your video successful.
Here’s the list: Funny, Weird, Gross, Shocking, Interesting, Sexy,
Inspiring, Demonstrates, Instructional, Personal
If I could, I would invent some special and clever acronym to help you
remember these 10 characteristics, but I am not a genius and with these
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words, I’m not sure it is possible (and besides, you’d probably forget the
acronym 30 seconds later!).
10 Characteristics Of Popular & Profitable Videos
1. Funny – The word funny constantly appears as the one of the most typed
in phrases to all the search engines on the internet. People on the internet
love to laugh, and equally important, people like to make other people laugh.
It lightens up their day. A funny video has a high chance of being sent to
friends and probably has the highest probability of causing a viral marketing
2. Weird – Face it, the internet can be a weird place, with weird people, who
like to create weird media and enjoy looking at weird things. Weird has
always been popular on the internet. Weird theories, weird conspiracies, and
weirdness prevails. Weirdness may help your video get noticed if you don’t
mind being weird (just don’t be creepy & weird).
3. Inspiring – Stories of inspiration are always a good commodity. Anything
inspiring can become extremely popular, extremely fast. An example was the
‘Interview With God’ presentation (you may have heard about it…if not, look
it up on Google). It was a huge internet hit. While it was created before the
time of YouTube, something similar on YouTube could become
immensely popular today.
4. Shocking – Anything genuinely shocking is always a hit on the internet.
Especially with video because it is basically proof that the shocking thing is
real. Shocking videos may get a viral effect and even news coverage from
both online and offline news sources.
5. Interesting – Curiosity can be a powerful sales device in getting people
from your video to your website. Anytime you can prick the curiosity of a
viewer and make them want to learn more about you and your product, it is a
good thing. When you successfully generate curiosity in your video viewer,
you give them an itch which must be scratched. Creating curiosity may be
especially useful considering that users who find your video on YouTube will
actually have to take the effort to type in the URL and visit the site you are
6. Sexy – I don’t even have to mention this one. Sex is always popular, and
I cannot think of any instance when being described as sexy has ever been
any hindrance to selling a product.
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7. Personal – Many people are voyeurs…And doubly-so on the internet,
where they can be as voyeuristic as they want from the security of their
home. Internet surfers are curious and like to see personal things about other
people. These videos, which are often funny and or bizarre, may have great
8. Demonstrates – Sometimes just a plain old, no frills demonstration of a
product can be very effective at selling. As we’ll see in some of the case
studies below, a simple demonstration with video on YouTube can be a
wonderful way to make a lot of money.
9. Instructional – Instructional videos are useful and easy to create. They
may tell or show someone how to do something, and for our purposes, might
be just a free introduction to your product which makes the viewer want more
information or more instruction. Instructional videos are helpful and may gain
the trust and interest of viewers. This will be particularly effective for the
internet marketing niche.
10. Gross – Shows like ‘Fear Factor’ have been popular in the U.S. for quite
sometime. Jackass II was the number one movie in America. Gross has mass
appeal. Gross can be popular in spite of its grossness. Gross videos may get
lots of views. However, keep in mind that there is a fine line between gross
and flat-out disgusting. Disgusting probably won’t sell a lot of products, but
humorous videos with a small dose of ‘gross’ may be useful, depending on
your product. So above you have 10 characteristics. In the next chapter we’ll
take a look at some successful videos that have gotten many views, or
accomplished some important marketing objective.
Shooting your video:
Now that you have covered all your groundwork research and know what
video you are going to create, you have to decide how you are going to shoot
your video.
Ways to capture your video footage:
1. Camcorder
2. Digital camera
3. Webcam
4. Screen capture software
5. Mobile phones
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You can use any one, but the best way for the internet marketer who wants
to shoot tutorial and how to videos, is to use screen capture software.
Screen capture software can be used to record your actions on the
computer screen along with voice narration. You can create instructional
videos of you using software, demonstrations of software, or any other
video which involves using a computer. Screen capture software can be a
great way to demonstrate software, marketing techniques, and any other
digital product. Even membership websites can benefit from a guide tour
using screen capture software.
The best screen capture software on the market today is Camtasia Studio
available from http://www.techsmith.com and you can download a free trial
version for 30 days. There are numerous other screen capture software
programs available that range in price such as hypercam from
http://hypercam.com/, but Camtasia comes with the best editing capabilities,
and allows you to convert your videos to many different formats (and even
watermark your videos with the URL of your website).
Editing your video:
Video editing software helps you take the raw video and refine it into a more
useful marketing device. For instance you can shorten the video or piece
together different video clips, sound clips, logos, and even do voice-overs.
There are many video editing software titles available today, in all different
price ranges. Microsoft Movie Maker, Pinnacle Studio 9, Sony Vegas, Adobe
Premier, Final Cut Pro for Mac are just a few. However, for our purposes, we
are only going to discuss 2 video editing programs:
Microsoft Movie Maker for Windows and iMovie for Mac. Most new computers
come with basic video-editing software installed and if they aren’t installed on
your computer, you can download them online for free.
Download Windows Movie Maker for Windows Computers:
Download iMovie for Macintosh Computers:
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To use these programs to edit your video, you will need to transfer the video
from your capture device to your desktop. This can be accomplished with a
USB wire (or FireWire) and software that should come with your video device.
Once you have copied the video from your phone, camera, or camcorder to
your computer, you can bring the video into Windows Movie Maker or iMovie
for editing. These programs allow you to not only edit the video, but also to
add effects like titles, credits, transitions, and soundtracks to make
your video an exciting multimedia experience. When using movie making
software, the most important things to keep in mind are how you want to
brand the video with your company name and site URL.
You can brand your video with a watermark of your URL throughout the whole
video, use the URL in the opening title screen or in the credits at the end of
the movie page.
Uploading your Videos
Now that you have created your video, it is time for the easy part. You have
to upload your video to Youtube. (and other video sites)
What is the best format to upload for high quality?
YouTube recommends the following settings:
MPEG4 (Divx, Xvid) format
320x240 resolution
MP3 audio
30 frames per second
Movie length and file size
Your movies should be under 10 minutes and under 100 mb. For some video
sites it needs to be smaller.
Final note:
You don't need video footage for your videos. If you have a series of good
still photos, you can put voice narration and sound track with it and create a
good video.
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: : Recommended Resources and Tips : :
You can use Tubemogul to mass upload your video to all the different video
sites, including Youtube. This is an amazing free service and gives you stats,
including graphs and everything, about your videos. It's very useful and you
should definitely make use of it.
You can also use Keepvid (free) to save Youtube videos and then you can edit
Tactics for marketing with Youtube
Anyone can make a movie and put it on YouTube…but it takes a little more
know-how to turn that video into a marketing machine. In this chapter, you
will get various tips, tactics, and ideas for using YouTube videos for marketing
your products and services.
Building A Community On YouTube:
One of the best ways to promote your product is to create some sort of
community that caters to people who share your passion. When you first create
the group there are a few decisions you have to make such as: Group name,
tags, description, unique group url, group category, group type (public,
protected, private) etc…
*Creating a group on YouTube is easy as shown in the screenshot below:
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After you create a group, there are many ways to build it.
You can go through YouTube and find people who have posted videos in your
niche and manually invite them to join your group. Post links to videos in
forums, in your signature file. If you have an email list of prospects and
customers, you should email them your YouTube group URL. You might
encourage them to rate your videos highly and add positive comments if they
like them.
Forums where there are people in your niche maybe ripe for posting a link to
your videos. As long as the videos are useful, it should not be considered
SPAM. When other people start adding videos to your group, it may gain
some momentum. Also, remember that you can create multiple groups for
multiple topics, and creating a group is so easy, why not do it?
You should also customize your channel settings as much as you can and
include your website URLs.
Promoting Your Own Products With YouTube:
There are many ways you can use YouTube
There are many ways you can use YouTube to promote your own products. If
you are selling an eBook, you might make a video trailer.
A book trailer is simply a promotional video that highlights some of the
benefits of your book (maybe even exaggerates the benefits in a funny way).
Think of it as a movie premier of your book.
The more gimmicky the marketing, the better. Take for example the hugely
successful Rich Jerk eBook. If one were to make a video trailer for this eBook,
there are dozens of videos you could do with the ‘Rich Jerk’ theme. They
would probably be funny (exaggerated snobbishness), they probably get a lot
of views (people always share funny videos with their friends), so videos
would probably help to create a buzz and sell more product.
No matter how different and outside of the box your video promotion is, it will
more often than not work in your favor. Visuals help sales; When used
right, this promotional video can mean a large increase in sales, and is a
unique way to promote your book, eBook or any other information product or
membership website.
Demonstrating Your Product:
YouTube is a powerful means for demonstrating your product in action.
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Whether you are selling a software program, golf clubs, or a house, putting a
video of your product in action on YouTube is always a good idea.
It should be noted that it is also a good idea to embed the video in your
website, so that people who come to your site from other promotions will see
your Demonstration video. You can simply enable the option to “Allow
External Sites to Embed This Video” and then paste the embed code into the
HTML of your website.
Promoting Business Opportunities
If you have a business opportunity, YouTube may make a great place to tell
people about it. While the marketing community on YouTube is still small
compared to rest of the internet, you may find that those who get in early
and learn the ropes on how to promote businesses with YouTube will have an
advantage. Video is a great and inexpensive way to make an infomercial to
show off any business opportunity.
Remember, even if only a few people find your video on YouTube, it is still a
very useful place for you to host your infomercial videos because YouTube
pays for the bandwidth, and the videos stream very well on a wide variety of
internet connection speeds.
Marketing Yourself:
If you are in the job market or looking to make business connections, keep in
mind that you can also market yourself using YouTube. A video resume
consisting of you talking about yourself to a webcam may help prospective
employers and business partners learn about who you are. People make
judgments based on looks and the way you talk, so practice a little. The
upside is, if you make a good impression with your video, people will feel like
they already know you a bit, and building familiarity goes a long way in
Promoting Affiliate Products With YouTube:
Promoting products as an affiliate with YouTube offers some exciting
opportunities. It is relatively uncharted territory with lots of opportunity. Here
I will just talk a little bit about the mechanics of directing users to your
affiliate link. Obviously, it is better not to brand your video with something
that looks like an affiliate link…A unique domain name is better. One
technique you can use is to register a domain name for about $7 with a host
like Hostgator (you can get .INFO domain names for considerably cheaper
too). Once you have registered the name, you can simply use ‘Domain
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With domain forwarding, you do not need to purchase any web hosting
space…you simply need to modify the settings in your domain name
account to forward all requests to your affiliate URL link. This is very easy
to do, and only takes a few minutes:
It may also be helpful for you to know that you can use ‘Domain Masking’.
With domain masking, the person who types in your domain name will still be
forwarded to your affiliate link, but your domain name will still appear in
the address bar of the web browser, so they will not even know it is an
affiliate link.
Make Your Videos Go Viral!
Posting A YouTube Video To MySpace, Facebook Or To A
Posting a video to your MySpace page is easy to do. To embed video in a
MySpace page, simply log in to your account, go to ‘Edit Profile’ and paste in
the embed code for the video wherever you want it in your MySpace page.
You can put multiple videos without much extra effort. This is an especially
useful tactic if you already have some MySpace friends and a community of
people who share your interests. If your video is good enough, you may ask
your MySpace friends to share your video, which generates a buzz effect.
Posting a YouTube video to a blog is almost exactly the same process…Just
log into your blog account and paste the embed code into the HTML wherever
you want your video to appear.
The ‘blogsphere’ is on the cutting edge of news, and you might
encourage other bloggers to embed your video in their blogs simply by
directing them to the YouTube page where they can access the embed HTML
code, or copy and paste the code as text on your webpage so that it is right
there for them. You might even go as far as to contact bloggers in your niche,
tell them about your video, and ask them if they want to use it in a blog post.
Blogs create many media sensations these days, and having your video in
independent blogs is a great way to attract customers to your site. Keep in
mind though that bloggers are often wary of advertising campaigns, so you
may want to use this technique for videos which truly offer some quality
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content (along with your website URL!)
There are also other ways to make your video viral. You can mail video URLs
to friends and family and contacts, even your mailing lists. You can notify
media outlets and let them put your videos on popular news websites. You
can also offer your video as content to other popular websites in your niche.
Conclusion to video marketing
Well, now you know everything there is to know about using Youtube and
video to get massive amounts of free traffic to your sites and links. There are
also other video sites that you can submit to. As well as Youtube, and you
should definitely use Tubemogul to submit to as many as possible.
List of the top video sites to submit to
Video Sharing Site
Page Rank
Google Video
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More Video Sharing Sites
Video Production Tips
Tubetorial.com (How to videos)
CritterBytes.com (Pets & Animals)
ThatsHow.com (How-to Video Site)
ClipChef.com (Recipes-Cooking videos)
Video Tutorial
Watch the Video Marketing Secret video tutorial to see how you can
quickly grab an existing video from Youtube, make it your own and
mass submit it to all the top video submitting sites with the click of a
button, using only free tools.
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Homework Assignment [ ]
Research long tail keywords for a video (use keyword search tactics
from lesson 1).
Create your video with Camtasia or other video shooting device.
Brand your video with your links.
Use your keywords in your title and tags and description.
Use Tubemogul to upload your video to all sites.
Post your videos on a free blog and build a few back links to it.
Enjoy the free traffic that comes to your site.
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Lesson 9:
Forum Marketing For Highly Targeted Free
Why forum marketing for free website traffic? Firstly, you don't need to spend
a lot of time on forums to make this work. You can use as little as 30 minutes
every day. Secondly, the traffic is highly targeted and converts well, if you do
it right. Thirdly, it is a good source of backlinks for your website, and we all
know that getting backlinks are one of the biggest factors that Google use to
determine the ranking of your website.
If you are serious about wanting to promote your website on the
Internet, then using forums is the best option for you. These forums are easy
to join and require no additional monetary deposit to be a member. Moreover,
being a storehouse of information and accessible to anyone, these forums are
an ideal way to go about advertising your web page.
These serve as social networking centers, where topics are discussed and
information exchanged. Hence if one can search out a forum where
discussions held are relevant to ones own product or field, then the chances
of getting a website noticed and popularized would be higher. So that should
be the first step towards establishing your identity on the Internet.
But remember as it is with all kinds of marketing…finesse is everything. Do
not over do anything in your enthusiasm. It is best to act calm and not seem
like you are desperate to market your product. Such over eagerness is often
the most sure shot way of offending customer sensibility, leading to possible
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bans against your website with the allegation of spamming. It is therefore,
better to leave frequent yet understated messages informing about what’s on
offer or rather go to forums, which have questions put up regarding matters
close to your product and then respond to them. So go and read the threads
posted on the forum, figure out how best you can
respond to queries and do that.
This is will help you build a customer base as soon as people on the
forum trust you to be helpful and genuine. Once that is done, all you have to
do is subtly lead them to your website and that is that.
This is an easy and profitable option for you because it is absolutely free and
targeting a certain niche clientele is very easy. But try and avoid promoting
your website on irrelevant platforms as it might hamper your reputation. So
do it casually and always follow up and inquire about whether the directed
person found your website helpful or not.
This is a great way to get feedback, which will help improving your site, build
client rapport, and woo new customers towards your site with show of
attentiveness to their likes and dislikes. But finally, the most important thing
to keep in mind is; that although beneficial for marketing, these platforms are
for discussion not sales. So be subtle and it will be a smooth sailing for you.
Why is Forum Marketing Effective?
Internet forum marketing is the form of marketing where you market your
business through online discussion groups. First you join a forum and start
adding posts to the discussions. You are not however, allowed to advertise or
market directly through your posts, this is called spamming.
After registering as a member of the forum you can create your own
signature file. In this signature file you can hyperlink a keyword phrase back
to your website, which when clicked can bring on the traffic to your site.
The following are the five benefits of forum marketing:
Always remember when you are posting you are helping out
It is a great feeling when you are of any help to the other
person. If you are a believer of the law, ‘when you give you always
receive’ then online forum marketing is the place for you.
You get to learn a lot for free.
I never felt the urge to post. I only read other people’s posts. I
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hung out in the Warrior Forum and learned a lot which helped me grow the
You’ll get free advertising from your signature profile.
People read your posts and view your signature profile and click on the link
for your website. This type of traffic is very passive and a great source of
Hyperlink your keyword phrase back to your website. For example, my
article writer hyperlinks the phrase ‘article writer’, to his website. And now
we feature in the top 10 on Google because of the back links from forum
marketing. I try to be very regular and post on these forums several times a
week. You can try Google search and you will get a large list of forums and
discussion groups. Find the few which has any form of relevance with your
business. Type in your niche + forums to find relevant forums.
One other huge benefit I get is that I acquire ideas to write articles
on my blog by going through the different kind of questions people
A good question usually stimulates a lot of discussion. Such questions
can be made into good articles. These are lots of good reasons to include
internet forum marketing as part of your advertising strategies. Be consistent
and reap the benefits.
Getting Started with Forum Marketing
Forum marketing can make your online business get noticed. Forum
users, by and large, are tech and net-savvy and like purchasing things online.
Many forum frequenters are also authorities in the topics discussed in the
forum. Forum marketing helps make a good impression in front of a
knowledgeable and influential audience, which can help spread word all over.
What follows is a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to effectively make
forum marketing a part of your marketing strategy.
Not all forums host the people you want to communicate with. You have to
choose a set of 5-10 forums to concentrate your energies on. Ensure that
these forums have at least 10,000 posts from at least 1,000 members; that
there are at least 10-15 new posts every day.
Avoid forums which are hosted by your direct competitors; and those
which are flooded by spam.
Create your forum accounts as soon as possible. This is helpful because
seniority is given a lot of importance in most online forums: some even
require you to wait a few days before posting for the first time.
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When you sign up, you’ll be asked to agree to their user agreements and
posting guidelines. Read these documents carefully. A lot of people skip this
and just click yes, because there is a lot of legal jargon.
But some important things to look for are:
 Are you allowed to include links in your posts?
 Can you promote your business?
 Can you use commercial messages as your signature?
 Can you contact other members for business purposes on the
 Are there restrictions on new and privileges for old members?
Your user name is the first thing that will be noticed. Pick one that’s
memorable, simple and can be easily pronounced. You might want to use
your real name and/or the name of your company. Do not use random
combinations of letters and/or numbers, or something that’s significant to you
and you alone.
Create a profile that will help you establish credibility. Put up a
description of your experience and expertise. Personal information can help
break the ice, but don’t venture into topics that can alienate anyone, like race
or religion or political affiliation.
Above all, treat forum marketing as an integral part of your long-term
strategy, not just a one-off opportunity to bombard the message-boards with
information about your hot new product.
Make Your Presence Felt through Forum Posting
If you are a part of the network marketing business you’ll know that
participation on forums is an effective way to grow your down line, if you can
do the right forum marketing. If you are using forums to build your down line,
the two basic things below are what you must do regularly to get hundreds of
target members interested enough to check you out and then join your team.
Regular Participation
Contribute to the forum daily. Most people think after joining a forum and
participating for a few days that people will check them out. But they
generate no leads because you must post a lot before anybody will check you
For maximum results here is what you should do. First locate 3-5 forums that
are in the network marketing field by searching on Google. By doing this
you’ll get a list of forums to join and participate in. While doing your search
make sure to look for forums which have more than 10000 members and
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above. This will increase your chance of getting enough traffic that will
subsequently pay for the time you have spent on posting.
After this prepare a good signature from your profile settings. Create
something that will get everybody’s attention after reading it. However do not
overtly try to advertise on your signature, rather be subtle and get the
message across. Every little detail you think will add to your credibility must
be added in the profile.
Once you are through with this, introduce yourself to the community.
After that make sure you are regular with you postings on the forum. The
traffic would not come if you have not posted in the forums regularly for at
least 2 weeks.
Only Post High Quality Content
Every day you will encounter new people who will post questions. Try to reply
to every post that you have answers to or opinion about. Do this for 5 people
(at least) each day on each forum. You can also ask relevant questions
yourself for attracting replies so that many people will notice your signature
Sometimes you should try to write posts which are very informative and have
some relevance. This will benefit other people in the forum. You must write
articles based on your experience. For example: in areas you have been
successful in getting traffic or any similar useful tip that would help others to
build their business.
Steps to Successful Forum Marketing
You must take the steps after you have registered in a forum, to ensure your
success in forum marketing.
A lot of forums have specific threads designated for welcoming new
members; where those who have just registered are encouraged to
introduce themselves. Your introductory post should basically inform the
other members who you are and why you’ve joined the forum. The reason
you give should not be in any way business-oriented. Making a sales-pitch in
your first post will definitely be frowned on and may get you banned.
Do not post immediately. Most forums have at least one large, close-knit
community in it. If you suddenly post on a thread where discussions have
been carried on for days, you could be shunned and ignored. Spend some
time going through the archives—figure out which topics are perennial
favorites and which users are the unofficial leaders. Also observe the
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particular etiquette of the forum.
Whenever there are questions asked that fall within your area of
expertise, answer them to the best of your ability. Back up your answers by
providing links to trusted sources and answer follow-up questions promptly. If
you prove to be a helpful, efficient member, you’re more likely to be paid
attention to.
Do not get involved in heated arguments, no matter what you think of the
question at hand. Keep reminding yourself that you’re there to build up a
clientele for your business; stay away from topics like religion, race and
politics; don’t immediately respond to criticism; make sure the others know
when you’re joking; leave discussions when they become contentious.
Once you’re acknowledged as a respected user, you could start marketing
your products. Focus on techniques which are likely to prove
beneficial to the community as a whole. Offer forum members free
samples and/or discounts. However, make sure to obtain the forum
moderator’s permission before you start a marketing campaign.
If you are hiring a marketing agency to run your campaign for you,
research their methods. A lot of agencies use robots to spam forums.
While spamming might ensure temporary traffic, in the long run, it’ll do you
more harm than good. Forum users dislike being flooded with spam and can
blacken your reputation if they so wish. So accept the services of only those
marketing agencies which will abide by the guidelines set out above.
If at all possible, you should handle your own forum marketing.
Importance of Forum Based Market places
If you are trying to make a mark in deliberate online marketing, then you
should definitely try to utilize the different forums that are available online. To
begin with, forums are excellent to get information. Thus, one should
frequent these forums to establish one's professional status. This can be done
prior to actually starting to sell his/her product or service.
Almost every full time marketer is fairly active on the various popular
Internet Marketing forums. These serve as excellent medium to achieve brand
awareness for one's program.
These further serve to generate several useful contacts. There are a lot of like
minded people you can find online and these forums help one to garner
networking prospects like never before. Thus the forums are extremely useful
social mediums too.
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One thing that you should definitely avoid while making use of the
forums is pushing your product indiscriminately and too frequently, this will
ruin your professional image and lose all trust of fellow users.
There is only one way of gaining the trust of the forum members and holding
on to it; by offering information or services which are genuinely useful to
fellow users along with a proper promotion through signature tags, valuable
posts etc. There might also be the case when the forum would allow for
promotion. For example, many forums have marketplaces where you can
actually sell your products and services.
A significant part of all online marketers efforts should be based around forum
marketing. This can prove to be another very useful tool to create a brand of
one's own. To create a professional brand on a forum is the most efficient
kind of promotion. Trust is not something that you can purchase.
You can utilize forums daily in various ways:
You can just go over several fresh posts to find out "what's new" – thus you
keep tabs on every possible new thread of information.
You could frame particular questions for others to answer. Thus several
opinions can be obtained.
You might be immensely wise and help others by answering the plethora of
questions that everybody has.
You might not be immensely knowledgeable and yet want to convey your
views regarding something or the other.
There is the obvious advantage of utilizing the "search" function of the forums
to get to know about a particular side of things in the industry.
Remember, people are usually asking for solutions and one of the main places
that people turn to for getting answers to their queries is forums.
Therefore, if you look carefully at the discussions and threads in the forums, I
am sure you will get a lot of ideas about what kind of
products are in demand currently.
Based on the forum discussions, you can create a product and pre-launch it in
the forum marketplaces to test the waters and then finally do the main
Through the forum marketplace offer, you can not only test the product but
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also do any improvements according to the buyer's feedback. This should
ensure that the main launch of your product will definitely have a bigger
chance of success.
Spending time in the forum is of course, a very useful way to collect
information about the market. You can always unveil specific aspects which
keyword research tools cannot.
Lurking around the forums will provide some valuable customer information
before you finally launch your offer.
A numbers game
Now here is the Numbers Game! If you spend 2-3 hours a day and post 1
topic to 25 forums that you sign up to, 15 to 50+ people will read your post
every single day! For the calculations let’s say just 15 views a day:
That's 25 forums X 1 post = 25 post a day / 25 post a day X 15 views a day
= 375 views a day / 375 views a day X 5 days a week = 1,875 views a week!
Half of those people will view your website, which are 937 targeted people
that will visit your website every week, just using this method alone! And that
is only using 15 views a day as an example! Some days you will have 30, 40
or 50+ views in 1 day!
Best Forums to join for Internet Marketing niches:
Digital Point Forums
And more, just search on Google.
Well, now you know how to build free traffic with forum marketing. The hits
you generate will keep flowing in as long as you keep it up and you will find
that they convert quite well. I easily get 10+ opt ins every day for just 20-30
minutes worth of posting.
: : Free Tips and Recommended Resource : :
You can get this free forum maker to create the html of your forum signatures
if you don't know any html. I suggest you read up on it a bit to understand
the basics.
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Homework assignment [ ]
Search on google for forums in your niche. Look at their PR and
Alexa ranking to see how good they are. Now choose a few of the best
ones and subscribe to them. If you are in the internet marketing niche,
you will find that Warriors Forum and Digital point forum are two of the
best ones.
Now start making helpful comments. (don't create new posts yet)
Do this for a few days and build up a good reputation. If you don't know
that much, fake it till you make it.
After a week or so, go to your control panel for every forum and
change your signature. Your signature should be short, eye catching
and will want to make people click on it. Put a link in that directs to
your page. (opt in page or landing page)
Now that you have a great forum signature, start creating your own
posts and keep on giving helpful comments to other posts. Take
at least 30 minutes everyday, quickly logging into your favorite forums
and creating a few posts and commenting on a few ones. Try and focus
on posts that have something to do with your product or your free give
always in your forum signature. This will make sure that more people
click on your signature link.
Keep doing this every day, and feel free to experiment with
different forum signatures and even different forums. Slowly you
build quality backlinks and you will see how the short term traffic also
keeps getting in every day. If you can create good articles and posts on
the forums, they could rank well on Google too, so keep at it.
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Lesson 10:
Online Classifieds Marketing For Extra Free
Online classifieds can be great to generate free website traffic. Some of them
rank really well with the search engines and most of them are free! I will
show you in a few easy steps how simple it is to accelerate your traffic with
this frequently overlooked traffic generating technique.
You can usually add your URL within your ad for most free classifieds. Some
of the most popular ones that you can post on are: Usfreeads, Graigslist,
adpost, adleaf, and some other good ones. Search for them on Google and
check their Page Rank with Google toolbar Use high PR classifieds that are
free and where you can insert html or links.
Here are some good ones:
http://www.UsFreeAds.com /
http://www.adpost.com /
http://www.adleaf.com /
http://wordpress.com/tag/free-ads /
http://classifieds.yahoo.com / ( seems somewhat limited now)
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Here are 8 easy steps to generate free traffic with classifieds:
1. Using your valid email address, sign up to your favorite free classifieds site.
2. Complete your profile information, post a picture and remember to put in a
link to your main site or link. This can be very valuable for extra traffic.
3. Use Google's free keyword tool to do your keyword research. Make sure
you target a long tail keyword that will be searched, because you can get
good backlinks and traffic from the search engines this way.
4. Create your advert heading. Take lots of time thinking about this, because
this is the most important thing. Make sure your long tail keyword is in the
5. Now you can write your advertisement. Make sure you write good copy,
telling the customers exactly what they need to hear. Write this very well and
use your keywords in the body as well. Experiment and test your body for
best converting ads.
6. After this put your link in your body and add your website link if they give
you the option to do so. This should link to an opt in page or your product
sales page. If you pay more at some sites, you can get a link that can be
clicked on, but most should be free.
7. Repetition is the key. Repeat these steps over and over for different free
classifieds sites and also different countries and states. Target as many as
you can; and change some of the headings to fit the geographical location.
8. Be consistent. This is the key to generating hoards of free traffic with
classifieds. Update and post new ads regularly, almost daily. This will keep the
website hits flowing in.
Extra Tips:
You can find several more in the search engines. This is another way to get
one way links while you generate free traffic with classifieds. When placing
your ad use an attention grabbing headline that will intrigue people and be of
interest to them. You can evaluate your headline for free here.
Describe your product or service in the ad's body and add your link. This will
bring in several targeted visitors if you repeat this with several ad sites.
Usfreeads is especially good for rankings in Google, if you upgrade, it will cost
a little bit, you will be able to add links to it as well, and it will rank well in
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You can also try Gumtree, it is great for giving away freebies like ebooks with
your links on or send them to your opt in page.
: : Recommended Resources : :
Try vflyer to market to all classifieds quickly and easily. It can post to all
major classified sites in one go.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Search for all major classifieds and create your accounts with them.
Now post your ads on them making sure your headlines contain
targeted keywords
Keep updating ads every week and track results to find the best
classified sites.
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Lesson 11:
Google Images – The overlooked traffic source
Google Images is a massive source of traffic and if you are not currently
getting a lot of hits to your website from Google images, then you are being
left behind. In this lesson, I will quickly show you how you can use this to
get a lot of extra traffic to your website.
For organic search, Google finds the images by the context of the web page,
by the name of the image itself and thirdly by the information found in the alt
attribute, so these are what you need to work on in order to push your web
site up in the organic rankings on Google Images. Link building to your
images page or gallery page will also help. Here are some tips to help you
increase the exposure of your images, and with a little luck, have them
appearing at the top of the regular web search results.
1. Image File Name
The first step towards having your images appear in image search is with the
image file name. When naming images consider using a target word or
phrase whenever it makes sense to do so. If you run a hotel, consider naming
a photo of your building as “victoria-hotel.jpg”.
Use hyphens instead of underscores in file names. While these days
underscores are supposedly being treated as word separators by Google,
consider sticking with hyphens to play it safe.
2. Image Alt Text
Always have relevant image alt text on all photos and images. By using
relevant alt text containing your target phrase (as long as it is relevant to the
photo) you can increase your odds for rankings.
3. Image Title Attribute
Don’t forget about the “title” attribute. Be sure to add this and use it to
describe the image accurately and briefly. (“title=”Victoria hotel photo”), This
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will help add a bit more relevance to the image and will also assist with
usability for those using screen readers and other assisted browsing methods.
4. Surrounding Text
The textual content of the website immediately before and after the image
will also impact its ability to rank well in Google image search. Be sure to
include your target phrase within close proximity to the image in question for
best results.
5. Optimize Your Website
Having the pages that your images reside on optimized for the particular
terms will help in getting the images themselves ranked. Be sure that your
content, page titles, meta description tags, etc, are all optimized.
6. Image Resolution
Higher resolution images are often given some priority in the results. I have
seen many low-res images appear highly ranked as well as incorporated into
the web search, so this is not entirely necessary, but can still help. That said,
I would not recommend using HTML to resize a high-res image as this will
have significant negative effects on your page load time. You can however
link small images to full high resolution versions.
7. Image Specific Page
When linking to higher resolution images consider creating a very basic HTML
page for the image. Optimize this page for the exact phrase you want the
image to rank for, and include a small amount of highly targeted copy.
8. Image Link Anchor Text
If you are linking to a full size version of am image (whether it be a unique
page, or just the image itself), use relevant anchor text. Rather then saying
“enlarge” or “full size” consider incorporating the target word or phrase into
the link text. “Large Victoria hotel photo” for example.
9. W3C compliant
In order for images to be W3C compliant your image will also require the
height & width attributes to be present. Be sure to include these for a few
extra points.
10. Enable Google Image Search in Webmaster Central. Visit Google
Webmaster Tools and click on the Diagnostic tab on the menu bar. After
which, select enhanced image search on the left sidebar and click on the
checkbox to opt into image search for your website. This can only be done
after you verify your website with Google so do that before proceeding
11. Use Javascript to prevent framing of your webpages by adding a
piece of javascript code, you can prevent your images from being framed
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when users click on the image within Google Image Search. Visitors will not
see the Google image frame but the full site and this may encourage more
pageviews for your site as well. This practice may not entirely be endorsed by
Google so try at your own risk.
12. HotLink Images from Google Search
This involves going to Google Image Search and to do a search query for the
image you want. Visit the original webpage and copy the image location to
hotlink it on your own website. This helps your website to show up high
among the image search ranks. For an example, check out these search
results for Jessica Alba (slightly NSFW).
Most of the images in the top row are hotlinked and actually rank better than
the original image source. You should probably note that hotlinking is frowned
upon by most webmasters because it leeches their bandwidth, not to mention
that you might be violating copyrights as well.
An alternative method of hotlinking is to hotlink Google’s cache itself. This
short tutorial gives clear indication of how to do it but this method only allows
you to use thumbnails, not to mention that some webmasters have reported
seeing no results after trying this method.
13. Use Image Sizing to Target a Search Term.
The size of your image may determine the amount of visits you receive from
Google Image Search. Some people use Google Image to search for
wallpapers and if you’re targeting a specific keyword, try creating it in the
form of a wallpaper or in the form of an icon, depending on how much
competition there is for the specific image.
14. Use Images about ‘Hot’ Topics.
One easy way to get more visitors from Google images involves the deliberate
use of images to catch visitors who are searching for ‘hot’ topics, some of
which can be easily found through the use of Google Trends. For example,
screenshots of popular ongoing TV shows could be integrated in some way in
some webpages. Note that for maximum effect, your content should be
relevant to the image used as well.
15. Create a separate page and link to the page and image
This process involves adding an optimized page webpage on your website
and link the image to that specific page which visitors can access via the
‘back’ anchor on the new page whenever they find your page through Google
Image Search. I have not personally tried this but some have claimed that it
helps both the regular search rank as well as the Image Search rank. See this
page for the method in full.
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16. Monitor the Number of Google Images Indexed
An important part of Google Image Search optimization is to monitor how
many images on your website are indexed by Google Image Search to see if
you are taking the right steps to optimize your images. The easiest way to do
this is to use a site search operator. For example, here is a list of images
indexed on Boing Boing. Simply change boingboing.net to your url:
Converting Google Image Search Visitors
Getting traffic from Google Image Search is very nice but you’ll need some
way of converting them into a customer or future reader. This can be quite
difficult because visitors are likely to click away if after they find the image.
Here are some conversion tactics you can use:
Place your image on a webpage with highly relevant content
Link to other relevant webpages and image galleries
Promote a special offer related to the product image that you’ve used
Allow users to copy the image and paste it on their website (try this
• Include call to actions at the start and end of webpages
Homework Assignment [ ]
Go to all your existing web pages and blog posts and insert some
related pictures to all of them.
Now use the tips that you learned to optimize each and every *one of
these images for maximum exposure to Google Images.
Follow the conversion tactics above, to make conversions higher.
Keep checking your traffic stats to see how Google Images brings you
traffic and repeat for all new pages and posts.
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Lesson 12:
Coupon Sites – Free Traffic Titans
One hugely overlooked traffic generation technique lies in Coupon Sites.
These are sites that get a massive amount of traffic every day and have
millions of members that are BUYERS. Yes, the power of these sites are that
everyone that visits these sites are buyers and they are easy to tap into. So
how do you get hundreds of thousands of “ready to buy” visitors to visit your
sites for free? I will explain this simple procedure in the following lesson and
give you a huge list these sites to join.
What are Coupon Sites?
These are sites where people go to, to obtain discounts, vouchers and
coupons for products. You can basically get coupons and coupon codes for
any imaginable product on these sites to get huge amounts of discounts.
People will, for instance, advertise a coupon where you can get $25 discount
if you buy from the one store for more than $150 or printable coupons where
you can get $1 discount on coffee. The sky really is the limit.
So how do you use these traffic titans for massive traffic?
You can offer discounts to your own products and list these on one or many of
these coupons sites. You can even give a product away for free and just
charge the people for the shipping. This is a very good way to get people to
buy and it will generate high quality traffic to your sites.
You can even browse through offers on Amazon to promote and look for
products that already have a discount and then list them on the coupons
: : Recommended video to watch : :
I learned this frequently overlooked traffic source from my friend, Steven
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Pierce. You can watch his tutorial video that tells you how to use Coupons
sites here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4aOuftoy8&feature=player_embedded
List of Coupon Sites:
You can download the complete list of 55 sites for free here:
What separates expert internet marketers from beginners? How much you
know of the industry is probably a fair answer. By using “secret” and
overlooked traffic generation techniques like this can really make the
difference. Experiment with different coupon sites and different discounts,
you can't go wrong with this.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Get an offer to give discount on. You can use a free offer and say it's
discounted and they only have to pay shipping or you can use an
already discounted offer from Amazon, if you are an Amazon affiliate.
Join some of the top Coupon Sites. (Use the list I supplied)
Create a few deals on all the coupon sites that you signed up for.
Keep on doing this every few days to update your offers and
experiment with different offers.
Track your results and see how much extra traffic you get.
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Lesson 13:
The hidden secrets of Manual Traffic
Exchanges for hordes of free traffic.
Most people think that Traffic Exchanges are dead and that they only give you
worthless, untargeted traffic. This statement couldn't be further from the
truth. In this lesson I am quickly going to bust all myths about TE's and tell
you exactly how you can harness this form of free traffic effectively and
actually profit from it!
It took me a long time of research, daily interaction and constant
experimentation with traffic exchanges before I essentially cracked the code
and made this discovery. I designed many, many different splash and
squeeze pages from scratch until I got it. I am not going to tell you just the
same old tips and tricks of how to get quality traffic with Traffic Exchanges. I
am going to show you exactly, step by step how you make this traffic work for
So what are Traffic Exchanges?
For those of you that don't know – Traffic Exchanges (TE's) are sites where
you do exactly what the name says. You surf other people's web pages and
get credits for doing so. Then you use these credits to “buy” views from
other surfers. So essentially, the only limit to the amount of traffic that you
receive from TE's, is the time you put in. (You can also use money to buy
extra credits and gain credits when you refer people) This means that any
monkey can get loads of free traffic this way, but I am going to tell you the
secret of how you can actually profit from this, instead of wasting your time.
First I am going to describe a virtually “ideal” campaign for promoting
something on traffic exchanges.
Here are the basics:
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Promote ONLY squeeze pages and splash pages
Promote ONLY internet marketing related products. (no dog training
Use Traffic Exchanges primarily for building your list.
Do NOT try to sell something directly. (That means no Clickbank
Stick to the most popular and effective traffic exchanges
Track your results and continue to improve your pages.
I will give you some more details and tell you exactly how you should use
traffic exchanges.
You need to promote ONLY splash pages or squeeze pages. I recommend you
stick to short Squeeze pages.
What is the difference between them? Splash pages are short, eye-catching
pages that contain a button to a new page that will tell you more about an
offer. Squeeze pages are similar but are a bit longer and offer a free gift or
free training to entice people to submit their name and email address. The
point of a squeeze page is to “squeeze” the email address out of the visitors,
so you can promote to them later, selling your stuff. This is the best way to
build a list.
Here is a good example of a simple, yet very effective, splash page. This is a
very good model for you to use. It is simple, looks sharp, catches your eye
and promotes something that everyone surfing a traffic exchange wants. It
also addresses the viewer by using the name of the traffic exchange. This
makes it more personal for the surfer and will make him/her more inclined to
That would be good to get the readers attention, and will get you good traffic,
but you need a good squeeze page to capture the viewers' email addresses.
But in order to create a “magic” squeeze page, you need create a squeeze
page that is well designed and that says the right thing.
First, you need to find a “bribe” to give people, so that they will be willing to
share their email address. This can be an ebook, course on how to make
money with traffic exchanges or something related to traffic exchanges.
Only promote something that is related to internet marketing or traffic
exchanges, because almost all the people surfing TE's are webmasters and
internet marketers.
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A good place to look for some great “ethical bribes” is
ViralEbookExplosion.com. You can rebrand a load of these cool ebooks and
give them away on your squeeze page. This means that you can even make
sales from the branded ebooks that you give away for free.
Now before you start creating your squeeze pages, you need to have an
autoresponder. This is what you will use to build your list. An autoresponder
is used to create a form that you put on your squeeze page that captures the
prospects' email addresses. You can then also use the autoresponder to
send automated follow up emails to your list, promoting your products. You
may have heard that it's all in the list? Well this is definitely true. If you
have a quality list then you can sell and resell to these ready to buy
customers as many times as you like.
There are some free autoresponders around like Mail Chimp, but they are
limited, full of ads, don't look so professional and sometimes your emails will
get regarded as spam. This is not a place to cut corners. If you want to get
the best, get Aweber. It has a $1 first month trial, so you can't go wrong with
it. People trust Aweber. It is a must have for any internet marketer.
If you have very little experience in creating a squeeze page, you can put
together a squeeze page in just minutes with Instant Squeeze Page
Generator. It's free, but I suggest, if you are able to, to make your own
squeeze page from scratch.
The next tool in your arsenal should be web hosting. I am not going to go
into this too much, but if you don't have a web host yet, you can sign up at
Hostgator. They are one of the cheapest and most reliable ones out there
Your autoresponder and web hosting are really the first two things you MUST
spend money on when you get started. They are not too expensive and really
get you a lot of money in the long run.
Now that you have created your squeeze page and set it up on your new web
page, you are ready to roll. The only thing you need now is to set up your
autoresponder to make money from all the free traffic that will flow in.
For promoting on traffic exchanges it is best to promote low cost or free
offers. A good option is to promote free offers with One Time Offers. As
soon as people sign up to your list, direct them to a free offer. When they
sign up for this for free, they will get directed to a one time only offer. The
conversion for these offers are really good and you can make as much as a
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50% commission on these. A good offer to promote with your list is Internet
Marketing Success Formula. It converts pretty well for traffic exchanges.
There are also some other great ones like Instant Squeeze Page Generator
and ViralEbookExplosion.com.
For your follow up emails, you can also put in a lot of copy and paste emails
from Clickbank products.
Now you are all set!
Stick to your squeeze page and your favorite traffic exchanges and wait for
the results. REMEMBER to keep on split testing your squeeze pages/splash
pages and see which ones convert best for the offer you are promoting. Use
the examples I gave you as a model.
Stick to the biggest and best traffic exchanges:
Traffic Splash
Traffic Taxis
Mama Mia (Smaller, but you get 1000 FREE credits for joining)
I Love Hits
1. Join at least 3 traffic exchanges and keep all 3 of them open on
different tabs (internet speed permitting) and keep on clicking all 3 of
them, this take save you a lot of time. Do this until you see that your
squeeze/splash page is converting into sign ups. If you see this
happens, then you can upgrade your accounts to get more free credits
or buy credits for unlimited free traffic.
2. Put audio in your squeeze page, because sometimes people will surf the
pages, not reading them, but if they hear about an exiting free offer it
will entice them.
3. Promote your traffic exchanges, this is an easy way to get free credits.
4. If you are really into traffic exchanges, try buying your own one. This is
good especially for all the contacts that you get that you can email at
will. Search “buy manual traffic exchange”, you will be able to buy one
that is already set up.
5. Remember to track your results, or you won't know what works and
what doesn't. You can track your results with HitsConnect.
Well, this is pretty much it. I have shown you what I think is an “ideal” traffic
exchange campaign. If you follow this exactly, you will not only get a lot of
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free traffic, you will be able to build a huge list using this traffic generation
technique. Remember, the amount of traffic you get to your sites with TE's, is
only limited by the amount of time you put in. BUT, how you use this kind of
traffic is more important.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Get an “ethical bribe”. (Get free brandable ebooks from, above)
Get web hosting and autoresponder, if you don't have these already
Create a great splash page or short squeeze page that is eye catching
and related to traffic exchanges.
Join 3-5 of the top manual traffic exchanges (use my recommendations
Put the link to your squeeze page in the profile of the traffic exchanges.
Auto assign all your credits to your links.
Start surfing at least 3 TE's at same time.
You should aim for a sign up rate of at least 1-3% at the start. Keep
changing and testing your pages for better conversions.
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Lesson 14:
Safelists – The Way To Floods Of Targeted
Safelists are also one of those “forgotten” kinds of traffic generation
techniques for most internet marketers. Most of us think that Safelists are no
longer working, that it is not targeted and that it can't bring quality traffic to
your site. While this may be true for some Safelists and depending on how
you use it, the fact is, that we can still get some quality traffic from this and I
will show you how you can do this easily in this lesson.
What are Safelists and how do they work?
Safelists are sites with thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of members
which you join to also become a member. Most Safelists are free to join.
Basically you can then email other members (sometimes thousands at a time)
with your offers, ads or whatever you want safely without fear of them
reporting you for spam. That means that you get access to a list of
thousands of potential leads or buyers for free. Work out the numbers: Email
3000 members of 5 Safelists per day. (15000 emails sent) With a click
through rate of just 2% you will still get 300 extra hits to your website per
day. If you can write a very good message heading and have a good offer,
you can easily get more than 5% to click on your links. (750 hits/day!) Now,
it's hard to beat this for free traffic.
How does this all work? All members sign up with an email account and
verify that they are willing to receive emails from other members. Then you
can also email the other members with your offers. Some of the most
responsive Safelists work according to where you use credits to email other
members. You can earn credits by reading emails that are sent to you. You
sometimes get 300 credits or more per email that you read. This means that
you have to open only 10 emails to send to 3000 people! You can also pay
some extra money to send solo ads, buy credits, banner space, text ads etc.
Some Safelists don't work with credits, but you can only email every few
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Different Safelists work differently.
How to get quality targeted traffic from Safelists
The secret to success with Safelists is that you have to know how to promote
and what to promote with Safelists. People that use Safelists (almost all of
them are webmasters or internet marketers in need of quick money online)
all have a one thing in common – they need to get traffic to their websites
and links, and they don't want to pay much for it. (That is why they use
Safelists). Knowing this we can use this powerful information to generate
quality traffic from Safelists that actually convert.
Here are your golden tips and Safelist secrets:
Don't promote an offer that costs money. People using safelists mostly
click on the links to get credits and won't be in a “buy mode”
Promote a squeeze page to a free offer to capture their contact details
and sell to them later using an autoresponder. (refer to section about
traffic exchanges on how to do this)
Promote an offer that Safelist users will be interested in. Free traffic
methods is a good one, because that is one thing that all safelist
members are looking for.
Your message heading is the MOST important. (Evaluate your heading
for free here) Make something catchy and list a benefit in heading like,
“Get 10000 opt-ins per month FREE!!” This will cause more people to
open your emails and click on your links.
Write a good message that is short and to the point. Use a great
subheading, telling them more about your offer. Put in call to action
and a link to your squeeze page. Then list all the benefits and give a
strong call to action again with your link. If the Safelist supports it, use
html, making your font bigger, put heading in red and bold and make
your links easy to see and clickable. You can even insert a picture of
your free ebook or whatever you are giving away.
Sign up to different Safelists and only to the most well known ones and
track your success. Continue using the ones that gets you the most
If you are getting good conversions with your message and your chosen
Safelist site, consider paying for a pro membership for SOLO ads, these
do help a lot and will give you more quality traffic.
Be consistent. Choose 3-5 of your top safelist sites and use them
frequently and daily. If you already have a great converting message,
just keep on using the same one. Safelists don't take a lot of time. Just
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opening a few emails per day and posting your message to every
safelist takes less than 30 every day.
Most Safelists ask you to give 2 email addresses, one for your list and
one for your account. Don't give your personal email address for any of
these. Create two new Gmail accounts for both of these.
If you promote your Safelists you can earn more credits and sometimes
even extra money, so do this whenever you can.
Recommended Free Safelist sites:
There are a bunch of good ones if you search for them on Google. Make sure
they have a good Alexa ranking and a PR of at least 2 or more. Here is a list
of some good ones that I have had success with:
Safelister.com (Get 100000 credits for joining)
Guaranteedresults4u.com (Html messages, standard and credit mailer
and make as much as $5.99 per referral)
Smartsafelist.com (Standard and Credit mailer and make money for
Gotsafelist.com (Very responsive Safelist)
Adtactics.com (another popular option)
Butterflywebworks.com (For adopting or creating your own Safelist)
Find the ones that work best for you and continue to use them. Experiment
with different headings, subheadings, messages and squeeze pages that you
promote. There is quality traffic to get if you stay consistent and do what you
have learned.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Create two Gmail accounts.
Join 5 Safelists (You can use the recommendations above)
Get a free product you can give away and make a squeeze page for it.
(You can use the same one you created for Traffic Exchanges or one
that you already have, if it is related to Safelists)
Write a great message, as you have learned, and make sure it has a
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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good heading with a strong benefit. (Even if you have to exaggerate)
Insert your link in the message and make it clickable if you can use
HTML for the safelist.
Send standard and credit based emails to all your safelists at least
every 2 days for a good consistent amount of traffic.
Keep on split testing different messages and headings every week and
tweak it for the best opt in rates.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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Lesson 15:
Harnessing Yahoo Groups for Massive traffic
Yahoo Groups has been around for quite a while and I still use it very
effectively. The best thing about Yahoo Groups is that 1 message goes out to
so many people, which makes it very easy to advertise and only takes about
30 minutes a day to do so. For those who may not know, Yahoo Groups is a
place that people come together and discuss different subjects! There are
Groups on any subject out there that you can think of and each group can
have anywhere from 50 Members to 20,000 Members each!
Below I am going to explain to you how to advertise your website or
services using Yahoo Groups.
1) I suggest signing up to a new Yahoo e-mail account specially for the
Groups, then on the left side panel of the Main Page click on Groups.
This will take you to the Yahoo Groups Page where you will see a search
box to search for Groups.
2) Type in your Niche Market category, for Example: Internet Marketing
Groups. A list of all Groups within your category or Niche will appear. So
what you want to do now is join the Groups that have 1,000 or more
Members, so click on one and it will take you to the Groups Main Page
where you will see Join This Group Tab. Follow the instructions and in 1
minute or so you will be part of this group. It is that simple to join. I
recommend that you join at least 50 groups with 1,000 or more
members, this may take you about 3-4 hours to do but it is so, so
worth it and you don't ever have to do it ever again, the more that you
join the better and this is why:
3) When you Post a Message on the Group Main Page with your article,
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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website, products or services, this Message will go out to all of the
group members from that group that elected to receive group messages
which are about half of them – wow! If the Group has 3,000 Members,
at least 1,500 of them will receive your Message Via E-Mail plus if your
message is hand pick by the Groups Moderator it will be posted on the
groups Main Page for everyone to see! Now tell me if this is great
marketing or what? Repeat this process to at least 10 groups a day
which will take you 2 hour or 1 1/2 once you get the hang of it, let’s do
the Math below.
1 Message to 10 groups a day = 10 Messages! Lets say on average that each
group has 1,500 members, that = 15,000 members, but only half elected to
receive Group Messages so that = 7,500 members total will receive your
message Via E-Mail each and every day by posting 1 message to 10 different
groups! Just imagine if you post to all 50 Groups that you have joined in just
one day?
: : Recommended Resources : :
There is a Software that you can buy that sends out 1 Message that you put
together with your article, websites, products and services to each member of
all of the Yahoo Groups that you have joined with 1 click of the mouse! Yes
you read it right, 1 Message to all Group Members of all groups that you are a
part of with 1 click. It is called Yahoo Mailer and you can find it here:
www.MyYahooMailer.com (Costing about $19.95) I highly recommend that
you get this Software if you see some quality traffic flowing in from this kind
of traffic. If you are serious about your Online Business, this is a must have.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Create a new email address at Yahoo.com
Go to yahoo groups
Search for groups in your niche and join at least 10 of themselves
Send messages promoting your blogs, links or websites to all groups.
Continue to do this every few days and continue to join more groups for
extra traffic.
After about a week or two, decide which groups are most responsive
and stick with them.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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Lesson 16:
Pay Per Click Freebies - the cheapskate's
alternatives to Adwords
We all know that PPC is not a free traffic generation technique, but what if I
can give you a way to use PPC for free or almost for free, without using
expensive PPC sites like Adwords.
Other than the big-name traffic like Google, MSN, and Yahoo!s text-ad
programs, there are endless competitors for pay-per-click venues… More than
you could imagine.
So many in fact, that yep, you guessed it, there are freebies here too for us
to take advantage of. How much? Well, how about $1,040 in PPC money,
without even showing a credit card? (With minimum bids as low as $0.005!)
These types of “Old School” PPC engines are the dinosaurs of the net. Most of
these companies you’re about to see are older than Google, and even older
than any kind of Search Engine Ranking! Still, this method of gathering all
these free targeted visitors to your website works great. It has been forgotten
about and then well hidden by the old-timer PPC fanatics until recently.
So, how does it work? Below is a chart of Pay-Per-Click search engines that
are currently giving away free sign-up bonuses. They don’t even want to
see your credit card, just sign up and the money will be waiting for you inside
the account.
I have personally verified each and every one of these by hand in making this
report. To my knowledge there has never been a listing of them all in one
place like this before, at least not with the amounts listed.
Keep in mind that each of these services will only allow one sign-up bonus per
person, so make sure you are promoting the right program or combination of
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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programs before you make all of your bids active.
So here are your 100,983 Clickthrus, sorted by traffic they send,
most to least (I haven't included all the links, so just search the
name in Google):
The HBF PPC Freebie Database:
Company Name
Search Post
End Find
Surf The Web
Meteor Surf
Search Mega (Not
Seek Hawk
Sci Seek
E Search Zone
Free Explore
Jiffy Seek
Kwick Search
Link Assist
Search Raider
Spider Jump
The Best Find
Harry Knows
Meg Peg
Search it Fast
Alternative Search
Leap Surf
Find Big
The Dallas Explorer
DWI Page Inc.
Mammoth Search
Search Pros
$ Bonus
$ 550.00
$ 100.00
$ 75.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
Min Bid
$ 1,040.00
As you can see there are quite a few of these dinos still running... For every
one giving away a freebie like this, there are easily 2 others that don’t!
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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I doubt that some of those very generous listings at the top, such as
SearchPost’s $550, will last forever, so at least sign up for your account and
grab your bonuses before they change their policies.
It should go without saying that the faster you want your traffic to arrive,
(accomplished with higher bidding) the fewer of those 100,983 visitors you
will ever see. That’s just how PPC works. But don’t worry about having to pay
too much for your highly competitive keywords, these guys don’t seem to
compete on the same market with Google and Yahoo at all, so getting a
couple of targeted clicks a day from this list should be expected even at the
minimum bid!
(Well, perhaps not for gambling, porn, viagra, or life insurance niches…)
The numbers in this chart were compiled by hand by on New Years Eve 2006,
and updated again in June 2007. I obtained this list from a good friend, Luke
Parker. Unfortunately I have no control over when you receive this file or
when these search engines change their policies. Any updates to this chart
will have to be made on the referring page of my website.
Well, you will have to put in a lot of keywords to get any steady traffic out of
it. My home business niche has the most heavily competed set of keywords
there, so I opted to spend 1 cent across the board for each of 80 keywords
related to Home Business. My results have been a steady trickle, as I usually
come up in any search result as #2 to #4… So my website will ultimately
receive 10-50 visitors a day from this source.
But that’s not using very many keywords for my niche; I just haven’t had
time to go find them all. Once I do I should be able to get 10 times than
many daily visitors from these free sources.
Homework Assignment [ ]
Get a huge keyword list of your niche (refer to article marketing lesson)
Join at least 3 of these Free PPC sites that still work.
Create your ads just like you would for Adwords.
Watch the traffic come in and continue to create more ads and
experiment with different keywords.
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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Congratulations! If you have worked through all the lessons and completed
all the homework assignments in this guide, you are now officially a free
traffic marketing expert! Unlike many other marketers, you now have the
skills to summon unlimited traffic to your website at will, without paying a
cent! Every targeted visitor that you generate to your website, is basically
money in your pocket. You will never again have to pay money for expensive
traffic. That is, until you have made so much money with these techniques
that you can pay others to get you traffic.
So what now? Now is the time for you to continue your quest for financial
independence and to continue to use, test, and refine the free traffic
techniques you learned. Traffic = Money! If you continue to get targeted
traffic to your site, you will make money online, doesn't matter what product
you are promoting or selling. And that is a fact.
I want to wish you good luck in all your future endeavors and hope that you
will have massive success in online marketing and that all your dreams and
aspirations will come true. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel
free to email me personally at [email protected].
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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Recommended Resources Section:
Here you can find some essential and recommended sites, tools and products
that you can use to generate more traffic to your site and to use this guide
more effectively. At the time of this writing, these sites and products were all
working and were some of the best in their fields.
Web hosting:
Traffic Tracking and stats:
Google Analytics,
Keyword Tools:
Keyword Elite
Google adwords Tool (Free)
Article Submitting and spinning tools:
Mass Article Control
Bookmarking tools:
Social Marker
Bookmarking Demon
Twitter Tools:
Huitter.com (Mutuality)
Free Ebooks
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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PDF Branders:
Viral PDF
Video Tools:
© 2009 FreeTrafficVolcano.com - Bertus Engelbrecht
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in prosecution to the full extend of the law.
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