CommunityGiving - the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation
CommunityGiving - the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation
CommunityGiving The official newsletter of the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation Volume 10, Issue 1 Rouge Valley leading the way in orthopaedics Blue Jays’ surgeon also helps patients in the RVHS operating rooms “From our youngest athletes to our oldest family members, when you need orthopaedic surgery, Rouge Valley is here for you, delivering the best care.” That’s what Dr. Jason Smith says, and the Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at Rouge Valley Centenary hospital knows what he’s talking about. As a former professional hockey player and now sought-after sports surgeon, patients come from across Canada to be treated by Dr. Smith at Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS). And his resume displays the many reasons why they do. Armed with an undergraduate science de- gree from Princeton University, a medical degree from the University of Calgary, complemented with orthopaedic training at McGill, followed by a highly specialized sports orthopaedic fellowship in the United States with Dr. James Andrews, Dr. Smith brings to our community – and indeed even Canada - the leading knowledge and expertise that puts him at the top of his game. No wonder he’s the orthopaedic surgeon for the Toronto Blue Jays! But in 2008 it was Rouge Valley’s patientcentred care approach that drew Dr. Smith to the RVHS team, and since then he has shown a special dedication to his patients’ health and well-being. Knee reconstructions, fractured tibias, blown-out elbows or dislocated shoulders are no match for this talented surgeon. And Continued on Page 6 Winter 2014 Dr. Jason Smith, Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery at Rouge Valley Centenary hospital. Bro-tober a big success thanks to ’stache growers This past fall, during the month of October, everyone at Rouge Valley Health System threw their support behind The Bro Initiative. The Bro Initiative was a men’s fundraising campaign with a goal to purchase new surgical power tools for a variety of surgical procedures at Rouge Valley Health System. These are actual power tools – similar to the cordless drill on your workbench, but with advanced features for medical use – that hold surgical attachments used in the operating room. Thanks to online fundraisers and sponsors, the campaign was a success, raising more than $20,000 and in December Operating Room staff at Centenary enjoyed unpacking some large and small boxes when the first new pieces of surgical equipment arrived. Throughout the campaign, several special events were held to raise awareness for the surgical program and the need for new tools with our surgeons front and centre. On October 24, physicians and supporters gathered at two community locations to cheer on their favourite celebrity bartenders. At Jack Astor’s in Scarborough, expert bartenders competed in a Bartending Olympics known as a Flair competition, alongside Rouge Valley’s own Dr. Jon Hummel, Dr. Michael Chang and OR nurse Annette Peddle. These enthusiastic amateurs wore costumes and tried their hand at performing tricks while trying to create a ‘virgin surgeon’ non-alcoholic drink to impress the judges. Dr. Chang edged out Dr. Hummel for the top honours. Among the other special guest celebrities taking part were Toronto’s Devo Brown, on-air radio and TV personality, who emceed the night and Continued on Page 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE P2. SCORECARDS FOR DOCS P2. VOLUNTEER NEWS P3. GALA NEWS P3. PLASTIC SURGERY IN SPOTLIGHT P4. FAMILY CIRCLE DONORS P5. TRIBUTES AND MEMORIALS P6. MAYOR’S GALA P7. PLANNED GIVING P7. SHOPPERS HELP OBSTETRICS P8. EVENTS CommunityGiving is published for the generous donors who support the Rouge Valley Health System Foundation H O S P I T A L S T O Doctors score on report cards For a student, there’s nothing like getting a report card filled with high marks. For a team of physicians in Rouge Valley Centenary’s (RVC) digestive diseases unit (DDU), getting a highscoring report card means they’re delivering the highest standard of care to their patients in east Toronto. In fact, they are leaders in the province’s central east area. For the past two years, physicians in the DDU have been receiving their own personal scorecard, which is issued each quarter. The scorecards report specific Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) metrics such as wait time and procedure volume, as well as efficiency indicators (e.g. block time utilization, late starts) and quality indicators (e.g. polyp detection rate). The report cards show performance for the individual physician compared against colleague/organizational performance and CCO/ professional standards as appropriate. “We’re using the physician scorecard to drive quality and performance improvement in the DDU,” explains Jatinder Bains, manager of the DDU and Central Processing Department at RVC. After each procedure, information about the operation is tracked in the Picis computer system, a program used in the RVC operating room (OR). Details such as how many polyps were de- V O L U N Dr. Jose Nazareno and Jatinder Bains. tected and removed, or the type of procedure conducted, are entered into the database. The data is compiled by an OR clerk, which is then used to create the physician scorecards. The information is confidential and only shared with the physician. Bains first introduced the concept of implementing the scorecards to Dr. Jose Nazareno, medical director of the RVC DDU, who was immediately supportive of the concept. Initially, Dr. Nazareno explains, some physicians were hesitant about the scorecards. But when they understood how tracking their own performance could benefit patients, they were on board. | Akilah Dressekie T E E R S R I E S Patient experience training for staff A kind word, a smile, or a listening ear can make all the difference in turning a potentially difficult hospital experience into a positive one. Thanks to a new, enhanced patient experience training program, all 3,500 of Rouge Valley Health System’s (RVHS) staff, physicians and volunteers are learning to take their already strong customer service skills to the next level. The program is called Communicate with Heart and was developed by the worldrenowned Cleveland Clinic. The interactive workshops bring staff from all areas, across the hospital, together to learn and practice the skills in small groups, using actual situations, role-playing, and group discussion. More than 30 Rouge Valley staff members have been trained by Cleveland Clinic reps to deliver the workshops. Not only do patients and their families benefit from a positive hospital experience, but staff, physicians and volunteers can also feel reassured that the care they are giving – beyond their expert training – has made all the difference to someone undergoing a serious medical procedure or receiving care. | Akilah Dressekie T O R I E S Four of the Auxiliary members setting up the bake sale show off the great treats they had for sale. A volunteer stands behind one of the many tables with crafts, knitting and treats available during the mini-bazaar. Bake sale a crowd pleaser at RVAP The Auxiliary to Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital (RVAP) held its annual bake sale on December 11, with great results. Thanks to hungry staff and visitors, the Auxiliary reports they raised an impressive $803.75! The Auxiliary also reports that their ongoing penny drive has now reached more than $2,200. The Auxiliary is collecting your old pennies, along with cash donations made in jugs at each of the two entrances to RVAP. The collection continues. RVC volunteers bring the goods Rouge Valley Centenary’s Volunteer Services held a mini-bazaar on December 5 and had exceptional results, raising $2,537.75! The sale was expansive, with a great selection of crafts, knitting and home-made treats available during the morning. 2 And now, Rouge after Dark March 28 gala will be all that jazz! The lights will be low, the music will be exceptional and you will love the atmosphere of this year’s Rouge Valley Health System Foundation Gala, Rouge after Dark. Plans for the event have been underway for months now and the Foundation is very pleased to have Lucy Stocco and Dr. Michael Chang as event co-chairs. It all happens on Friday, March 28, when the Gala returns to the beautiful Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex in Toronto. The evening will feature a celebration of the jazz spirit, and it will be a night of great music, a From left, Dr. Greg Trottier, Dr. Michael Chang, Dr. Maryam Aleyaseen, and Dr. Caroline Huh enjoyed a few practice hands of poker in preparation for Rouge After Dark’s casino room. casino, silent auction, whisky tasting, draws and terrific, abundant food. Dr. Jordan Cheskes, one of Rouge Valley’s own surgeons is performing, as is Allison Au, the Juno nominated jazz performer, whose father is also a surgeon at Rouge Valley. To find out more about the gala visit To reserve your tickets, contact Danielle De Luca at 905-683-2320, ext. 1501, or email [email protected]. Left: Dr. Marietta Zorn gives Lynette a hug for the kind words she gave as a patient of Dr. Zorn’s. Above: TV personality Christine Bentley took a turn behind the bar serving up drinks to a thirsty crowd. Plastic surgery in the spotlight The Black Dog Pub had a couple of special guests helping out behind the bar on November 27, when TV personality Christine Bentley, and Dr. Marietta Zorn of Rouge Valley Health System’s Plastic Surgery Program hosted a Celebrity Bartender night at the popular local restaurant. The event was a fundraiser to support Rouge Valley’s Plastic Surgery Program, which is an important service for many patients, young and old. Along with enjoying great food and drinks, guests heard how plastic surgery saves and improves the lives of infants through to seniors. A few of Dr. Zorn’s past patients were on hand to talk about the positive changes in their lives since receiving care. This fundraising project is being held to help Rouge Valley purchase equipment and tools plastic surgeons use for many procedures such as treating children for port wine stain removal; reconstructive surgery for women with breast cancer; and even in emergency surgery such as the need to reattach fingers severed in an accident. See all of the pictures at www. and click on the Photo Gallery tab. 3 Rouge after Dark Gala Co-Chairs, Lucy Stocco and Dr. Michael Chang. Dr. Michael Chang, 2014 Gala co-chair For Dr. Michael Chang, deciding what he is anticipating most at this year’s Gala is a tough call. “I think it will be a difficult choice between the food and the entertainment,” he says. “Both were top priorities for the gala committee this year and it will be evident!” Dr. Chang was approached to take on the co-chair role by the Foundation based on his enthusiasm for last year’s From Rouge with Love gala, with its James Bond theme. He agreed to team with Lucy Stocco of Tribute Communities in the role and its clear they enjoy working together. And he can’t wait to get his colleagues into the Liberty Grand on March 28. “I think it is a great chance for the physicians, staff, administration and community members to socialize in a venue outside of the usual daily hospital routine,” he says. “It’s an evening to celebrate all our hard work and accomplishments for the year and it’s always a memorable night. A fan of jazz (it’s often his music choice during surgeries) Dr. Chang’s specialty is Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery, or ear, nose and throat to most. And away from the operating room and his office, he is a world traveller, sharing his skills. “I like to travel and usually go to Thailand every couple of years to do some volunteer ear surgery in the rural areas of Southeast Asia,” he explains. H O W Y O U H E L P E D Family Circle donations really get around Needed equipment made possible by monthly donors Thanks to our Family Circle monthly donors more than $130,00 was raised in 2013 to help provide the best patient experience possible at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital and Rouge Valley Centenary hospital. The amazing support of the generous donors to RVHS Foundation has helped the hospital purchase life-changing equipment, such as: o video towers, used by our surgeons during minimally invasive procedures so that they Samir Abdelnour Rose Abrahams Rodney Adams James Adamson Mustafa Akcoglu Emerlinda Alamag Carmela Aldorasi Arlene Allan Holly Allardyce Kanagaman Allen Domenico Amorini Vasilia Anagnostakos Mohammed Anisuzzaman Mohammed Anwar Muttutamby Ariaratnam Sheri-Lynn Armstrong Arulandu Arokiam Christy-Antonyt Arullappu Carol Y. Au John R. Austin Pauline Babaris Sylvie Babin Garth Bagnall Carole M. Bagnato Vernon F. Bainbridge Christina Baird Larry Baker Mohamed Baksh Yohanathan Balasingam Pakiasothy Balasubramaniam Manorangitham Balendra Evelyn Barbour Charles Barker Judith A. Barker Jill K. Barnard John Barr Brian Barrett Hajia J. Baruwa Vera Bates Paula Batke Helen Beckles Maureen J. Beckley Durant Beekmeyer Tahmina Begum Ronald Beharry Marcus Berns Myrtle Betts Dev Bhalla Pyara Lal Bhaskar Canadasundaram Bhuwanakanthan Phulbarie Bisnauth Doreen Bissessar Alicia Black Alice M. Black Brett Blackley Valrie Blackwood Ann Blair Rajamalar Blanchard Kenneth Booker Carole Bourne Leonard Bowen Hilda Bowers Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon George A. Bragg Isabel Brancato Robert M. Brandon Dorothy Bremner Scott Brewer Janet E. Brick James G. Brise Arlene Brown Elsa E. Browne Beverley Bryan Eddie Bugala Jose Bulhoes Ivan Burnett Dorothy Burt Carol M. Burton Gisela E. Butscher Denise Byard Dr. Ted Cait Richard G. Cammidge Betty A. Campbell Juliet Campbell J. Richard Campbell Dr. Susan Campbell Sybil Canagasuriam Mitra Canales Christopher Cann William D. Cardie Karen Carey Glen Carter Phyllis Casey Guido Casimiro Perfecto Castillo Benedict K. Chan Chuen-Kong Chan Dr. Karen D. Chang Michael Chasler Chiu-Chan Chau Nicholas P. Cheesman Selvamany Chelliah can clearly see the detailed work that they are performing o cystoscopes, an important piece of equipment for our urologists o echocardiogram machines, that provide clear and sharp 3D images of the heart so that our cardiologists can make better diagnoses o power tools, used by our orthopaedic surgeons o a procedure chair, used specifically during ear, nose & throat procedures so that the patient can be appropriately angled for treatment Plus, the RVHS Foundation was able to Lily Su-Jhen Chen Patrick Chiasson Maryse Chretien Tzu Chi Chung Norma M. Cifra Hilda Clark Helen Clarke Robert Clazie Shane Coburn Catherine Cole Elizabeth Colgan Colette M. Coltas Valerie Cook Mauretta A. Cooke Jewel Cooney Thomas Cooper Noel Corbie Anthony M. Coulas Douglas T. Cousins Irene Coyne Linda C. Crawford Robert Crawford Mike Criscione Lourdes Cruz Demetria & Gayla Cueto Lorraine Cunningham Keith Dagg Joan Daley Marie Dalmaridis Marian D’Andrade Ruth Darby Dorothy O. Darlington Edward B. Davidson Elinore A. Davis Elisa E. De Yiu Juliet Deagrella Ruby Dean Herman Deisingh Manoel DeSouza Peter K. Dickens Edward Dickson Elizabeth Doak Lydia Dobbin Emilia Domingo Wayne A. Donaghey Laura E. Drake Hazel Drakes Friderun Drescher Baptist A. D’Souza Shielah DuHasky Pauline Dyer Barbara Edgerton Kathe Eilers Colin F. Elkin Carrol Elliott Joy Elliott George Elston Donna Endicott Antonio Enhaynes Katherine L. Ennis Connie Escoffery Jean I. Etmanskie Graham Evanoff Heidi Falconieri Germaine Farivar William Featherstone Chitra Fernando John Ferris Dieter Finkeldey Jonathan Fitzpatrick Thomas Fitzpatrick John Fleck Betty P. Fletcher Rosalina Flor Pamela E. Flynn John M. Forget Alois Forstner Elizabeth Fortner Sandra Fowler Beryl J. Fox Chrysantha R. Francis Nellie Francis Janet Frank Anthony Freer Peggy Frellick David French Yvonne Fricker Rena Fuller Joy Fullerton Judy Furo Darlene Gablenz Dr. Paul J. Galiwango Patrick Gallagher Karabet Gamsizoglu Jerry Garcia Mary Gardner Stanley J. Gardner Philippe Gauthier Ian J. Gerard Yvonne M. Glenville Georgina Gloss Bibi Gobin Winnifred Godden Duane Gomes Ana Goncalves Antonio Gonzalez Peter Goodwin 4 support educational opportunities and provide tuition grants for our medical staff so that they can continue to stay up-to-date with the newest technology as well as the latest advances in health care. The following list reflects our Family Circle donors through 2013. (List accurate as of Dec. 31, 2013). Hazel M. Gordon Avril Gorham Donald Grant Keith Gray Ron Graydon Caroline Green Angela Greenidge Alison Greenslade Esme Greenslade George Greig Douglas Grey Thomas Grisack Linda Groff Theresa Gronross Susan Grout Esther Grzywatz Elenita Guanio Lurline Haley Marian C. Hall Jaynelle Harding M. Bernice Harper Wayne Harripaul Grace M. Harris Susan Harrison Madeline Harrop Bernard Hartland Daphne Hastings Agatha Hathway Janice Hazelwood Kay Heinila Peter Herczku Robert H. Herrington Ronald Hibbard Monica Hickey Jean Hill Dennis Hindle Irene Hives Hilda Ho Peter Ho Lorna Hocking Herman W. Hodge Inge M. Hoeflich Lois Holmes Sandra Hopkins Inshan Housain Robert Howard Raymond Hubbard Herbert Hunter Shirley Illingworth Bonnie Inglis James R. Irwin Monina R. Jacalan Alice Jackson Khemraji Jagdeo Dayaram D. Jagroop Marcia A. James Dominica Jamieson Patricia Janes Sharafat A. Javed Sabina Jeevaratnam Nadarajah Jeevaratnarajah Rajayokeswary Jeganathan Doodnauth Jirjodhan Eliza Jogendra T. Michael Johnson Joan D. Joiner Gertrude Jones John D. Jones Mamerto Jonson Errol Joslyn Thomas Jowett Hyacinth Kajh Chandraleela Kanagaratnam Parameswary Kanapathipillai Alvapillai Kandiah Appucuddy Kanthiah Sayandan Kathirgamanathan Kailam Kathirgamathamby Yvonne Keith Beverley Kelly Rose Kelly Thomas Kelly Jacqueline Kennedy Jan H. Kessler Beverley Kiddie Yongdoo Kim Carol M. King Marie King Blanche Kirk Margaret Kirkpatrick Alva C. Kirton Dr. Ian C. Kitai Wally Kopschinsky Leonard Kormos Jean Kraschinski Sugeetha Kugarajh Kandiah Kumaraswamy Roxanne Kwan Leonie Lafayette Andy Lakics Amrita Lall Horace M. Lam Julian M. Lampkin Betty D. Lang Ponniah Lankeswaran Mary E. Larson Teresa L. Law Joyce Lawlor Alwyn Lawrence Sandra Lawson Sandra Lea Betty Lee Gertrude Legacy Joseph Lemoine Rein Lepik Geraldine Lewis Huan C. Li Veronica Chu Yun Liao Icolyn Lindo Julia Lines Diogo Lobo Helen Locke Marilyn Lott Marta Lou Leatrice Lovelace Alfredo Lucina Margaret W. Lui Jamie Lyn Kathleen R. Lynn Graham MacDonald Kenneth J. MacInnis Donald Mackenzie Dr. Virginia MacLennan Carolyn MacPherson Beverley Madill Kanmany Mahendrarajah Margaret Malcolm Felix Manapul Mahendrarajah Maniccam Bruno Mariejeanne Arul Mariyadas Ilse Markwardt Lena Martinborough Rod Mason Duncan Mathieson Teresa Matias Consorcia Maulion Douglas G. Maunder Arron Maxwell Nancy J. Maxwell Beverly May Dorothy Ann McArthur H Karin B. McAuley Yolande McBryde Phyllis McCallum Agnes W. McCreight Saudia McDonald John McFarland Janette McGowan Evelyn McIntosh Jim McIntosh Patricia McKenzie Cheryl McKnight Frank D. Mee Alex Meijer Douglas Melville Bernard Mendez Corrie Meulensteen Mahboob Mian Mario Micetick Zeljko Miksa George Millington Margaret Minter Asghar Mirza Ormilla S. Mobeen John H. Moffitt Dr. Naresh Mohan Egbert Morris Shirley Moss Deepak K. Moudgill Dr. Ashok Mukherjee Elinor Mullaney Kesavi Mummaneni Kenneth Mundy Elizabeth Murphy Loretta Murray Myrabelle C. Narvaza Gladys A. Nathaniel Lynda J. Nazarko Ruth Nelson Teri Nelson Sewarie Nemdhari J. D. Newell Selwyn D. Newton O W Vincent Ng Douglas Nicholls Christine Nighswander Charles Nirmalakumar John Nix Alma Nopuente Hans Nusser Ken Oatway Emily Oeppen Cecilia Ogley Frank M. O’Keeffe Glenda E. O’Reilly Sylvia Orgias Zabeeda B. Osman Roland A. Otto Robert B. Outred Feliciano C. Pagaduan Mario V. Paler Luciano A. Pamaong Jaime Pante Camilo Parina Tatiana Parmeeva John A. Parratt Dorothy Partridge Shirley A. Pask Mary Patrick Jean Patterson Catherine Ann Paul Brian Payne Inez Penelton Rosey Perreira Luisa Perrella Barbara Perry Samanta Persaud Sue Peschke Marcelina Peter Karen Petersen George Philip Tuan Phung Brenda Pierre Y O Christa Pirri Maureen Pitkethly Beverly M. Plumb Karin Podolyak Pooran Pokan Abdul Poonja Donna Popert Naso Poposki Luther S. Preddie Ron Price William H. Price James Proudfoot Marian Pyke Rajadurai Rabindranathan Kelvin Rainey Kamaladevi Rajakumaran Aiyadurai Rajalingam Elizabeth Rajaratnam Kaso Ramballi Nishanthy Ramesh Leonard Ramos Yvonne R. Rampersaud Shanmuganathan Ratnasamy Duncan Read Kenneth M. Regular William Reid Charles R. Reinhart Lee Rennick Donna Rickman John Rider Anisa Rind Evelyn Rivers Michael Rivers Roger J. Robichaud Colleen J. Robinson Lorna Robinson Kenneth Roocroft Alison Rose U H David Ross Donald N. Ross Ellen Ross Robert Rowan Antonio Ruber James Peter Russell Sheri M. Rutledge Barbara A. Rybak Edgar Salatandre Hildegard Sampara Melanie Sandford Roshan Satar Mavis Savage Pat Savory Robert G. Sawdon June L. Say Balasingham Schellappah Valentina Schramm Edward H. Schroer Dr. Ralph Scrutton Marjorie Searles Albert Segers Yoshiko J. Seki Thambiah Selvaratnam Frances Seto Cherry Sevigny Gloria Sexton Kokilaben Shah Shameem I. Shaheen Naila Shaloufe Saras Shanmuganathan Marianne Sharma Rajesh Sharma Wayne Sharp Muriel Shaw Maudood Sheikh Herbert Shepard Patrick Sheridan Patricia Short-Galle E L Margie Sialtsis Anthony J. Sibley Arshad Siddiqi Shahab Siddiqui Helen Simpson Kewal Singh Rajkumar Singh Jarnail Singh-Azad Alfred Siu Raveena Sivajothyratnam Thambiah Sivananthan Suntharamoorthy Sivarajah Heather Smeall Ellen Smith Esther A. Smith Ronald J. Smith Vivian Smith William G. Smith Glen Snowdon Elizabeth Soler Cathy A. Solman Alexander Sosna Tracy M. Spence David Standen Debby Stannard Jessie D. Starrett Dr. Romas V. Stas Kevin Steiger Gordon Stephenson Dr. Stephen Stern Barbara Stevens Alex Stevenson Wintriss Stewart Laura Stragapede Jeanette Strudwick Ronald J. Stuart Susan Stupeski Fong Chen Su Seethadhevi P E D Subramaniam Paul Swailes Lynn Swan Louis W. Sytsma Ching Szeto Tadao Tanabe Munir Tannus Frederick Taylor Alie Ter Horst Lynda A. Tester Sumathira Thaninayagam Raj Thavaratnasingham Siva Thillainathan Rajasingam Thiruchelvam Doug Thompson Gaye Thompson Allan Timmins Thomas Tkatch David L. Todd Enanu Tola Betty Tolfree Arlene Toms George Torma Robert Toszegi Marilyn Trantau Elsie Trethewey Nancy Trimble George Tsagaris Eric Turner Roberta M. Ure Romeo Urjan Tony Van Boxtel Willi Van Hoof Johannes Van Pinxteren Cornelius Vanoverbeek Kirija Varatharajah Glenda Velasco Betty Vella Claudio Verconich Petronella Vernoy Nancy Vichert Karthigesu Vijayasuganthan Patricia D. Vine George Vlachiotis Elisabeth Wagner David Walker Margaret Wallace John J. Warrington Grace Watson Michael Watts Rowena Webb E. Welby-Solomon Aubrey R. Wentzel Julianne Wheler Irene White Phillip R. White Molly Wilkinson Lillian Williams Phyllis Williams Neil J. Williamson Edgar D. Wilson Eileen Wilson Judith Wilson Sheila Wilson Kathleen Woelfle Noelle J. Wojnar Dick Woudenberg Peter Wroblewski Mai Chun Wu Stephen Yan Shu Yeung Mano Yoganathan Allan Youell Donald Young Mary Younie Kwok-Kee Yuen Karolina Zeljkovich Ludmilla Zibert The following have been recognized with a gift in their honour to support the RVHS Foundation between October 15 & December 31, 2013. To pay tribute to someone, or make a gift in memory of someone close, call 905-683-2320, ext. 1501, 416-281-7342 or go online to In Memory: Anwar Baig Evelyn Cameron Mary Chapman Chi Miu Cheung Stan Clayton Faith Croxon Ronald D. Dewar Edward Dillion Robert (Bert) Dingwall Earl Eden Larry Eden Elizabeth R. Ewart Dorothy Fernandes Helen Fitzgibbon Emma M. Folk Frank Furo Mary L. Gallacher Geneva Gallant Ted Giannou Margaret Gribbon Boodram Hardowar Ray Hicks Cecil A. King Hugh L. MacAulay Marguerite MacDonald Saghira Majeed Anna Martiniuk Bill May Don McDonald Jeromino J. Menezes Doreen Middleton Susana Siu Chong Mok Lina (Lily) Panchal Henry S. Polak Sharon Pruesse Carol Radu L. P. Ramsahai Diann Reinhardt Audrey Robertson Shirley Rowland Vee Ruiz-Lidon John Ryan Nagammah Shanmuganathan Verna Stephenson Jean I. Tomlinson Eleanor Turner Pamela L. Weber Marjorie White Catherine Whitman Loretta D. Williamson In Honour : John Aldis Evangeline Andaya Amna Baig Arif Baig Jatinder Bains Julia Baker Natalie Bansavatar Dr. Gregory H. Beamish Glyn Boatswain David Brazeau Laurie Breeze Susan Burrill Terry Calder Dr. Michael Chan Dr. James A. Chiarotto Dr. Anthony J. Chinner Amber Curry 5 Reuben Deonarine Maureen Dowhaniuk Donna Elliott Dr. Paul J. Galiwango Rik Ganderton Rohan Gonsalves Kathryn Gooding Rick Gowrie Rhodora Gutierrez Chad E. Hanna Dr. Peter Hayashida Tony Ho Renate Ilse Michele James Karen Latremouille Minette MacNeil Prabasan Mahadevan Dr. Amelia McCutcheon Lisa McVety Dr. Naresh Mohan Michelle Morris David Mortimer Farah Nabi Ethel Niewolski David Nissan Cheryl Owen Tracy L. Paterson Punit Punit Donna Pynn Rouge Valley Centenary Staff Roselyn Sagar-Lal Pat Savory Athalie Scott Pauline Shelley Dr. Jeffrey Spodek Dr. Romas V. Stas Amer Syed Dr. Arnold D. Tepperman Sharon Thomas Tribute Homes’ 30th Anniversary John & Lorraine E. Walker Thomas R. Wheler Dr. Cheryl Williams D O N O R S T O R I E S AMAZING SUPPORT FOR ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM Read more about the many generous gifts to the RVHS Foundation: Visit and click on the headline that interests you. Mayor’s Gala celebrates tradition of China The annual Mayor’s Gala in Pickering, on November 23, was a celebration of China this year and the Pickering Rec Complex was transformed to display a feeling of visiting the Orient for one amazing evening for this special event. A sold out audience enjoyed traditional Chinese performances of dancing, singing, drums and lions! The Rouge Valley Health System Foundation is proud to be the recipient of a majority of the funds of the Gala, as Mayor Ryan continues his longtime support of Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. This year funds are being used to purchase three fetal monitors for the maternal and newborn unit of the community hospital. Special guest, Consul General of China, Mr. Fung Li, an accomplished singer, performed a song from a Chinese opera, and with the help of Mayor Dave Ryan, took part in a ‘blessing of the lion,’ ceremony in a traditional eye dotting ceremony (pictured) in which they completed the ceremony by feeding lettuce to the lions. Mayor Ryan thanked the Gala’s sponsors during the speeches and presented a special token of appreciation to the Pickering Town Left: Consul General of China, Mr. Fung Li, with the help of Mayor Dave Ryan, took part in a ‘blessing of the lion,’ through a traditional eye dotting ceremony. Above: From left, Lorna Murphy, Marketing Director of Pickering Town Centre, with Mayor Ryan, PTC General Manager Allan Arsenault and Tao Qu of the Durham Chinese Canadian Culture Centre. Centre, for being the ‘Great Wall of China’ lead sponsor. “All of this would not be possible without the support of the community and our corporate sponsors,” he says. “Whether it is through a sponsorship or a donation to the market place, you’re a part of a memorable evening and an enduring community legacy.” See all of the pictures at www.rougevalley. ca/rvhsf/ and click on the Photo Gallery tab. Bro Initiative Orthopaedics Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 Mista Jiggz provided the music. On that same night in Ajax, the Rouge Valley Surgical Program took over Magwyers Pub to support The Bro Initiative. Staff, nurses, physicians, friends and neighbours tipped generously for the three celebrity bartenders, Dr. Joel Lobo, Dr. Mark Porte & Dr. Scott Donaghue, who wowed the crowd with some of their hidden drink pouring and serving talents. The campaign wrapped up on Halloween night, October 31 at Jack Astor’s, beside the Pickering Town Centre, with more expert bartenders competing in a final Flair Competition. People were lined up outside hoping to be part of the spooky fun, with contests, costumes, raffles, and a live auction for great items up for grabs, making for an exciting finale for The Bro Initiative. ºSee all of the pictures by going to and clicking on the Photo Gallery tab. neither is a broken ankle, considering what happened in a recent case… the patient was a sixty-eight-year-old man and an active recreational hockey player every Saturday morning, who was competing with guys as young as twenty-five years old. When told the state of his injury, the only thing the patient cared about was, “I’ve got to get back to hockey!” Using the latest techniques, Dr. Smith was easily able to get this old-timer back on the ice and in good form for the next season. So whether you’re a weekend warrior or in the pros, an armchair athlete or a player on the National Rugby or Cricket teams, Dr. Smith and Rouge Valley are focused on treating you with the best care, using the best tools. And thanks to generous donors like you, your loved ones and neighbours have access to this leading medical expertise close to home at your own community hospital. October 24 bartender nights: Above, at Jack Astor’s in Scarborough, are Dr. Michael Chang, OR RN Annette Peddle and Dr. Jon Hummel. Below, at Magwyers in Ajax, are Dr. Mark Porte, Dr. Joel Lobo and Dr. Scott Donaghue. 6 D O N O R S T O R I E S A way to say ‘thank you’ for care received We recently had an opportunity to interview two members of the Legacy of Care Society, Helen Hedge and Tommy Wheler, who have made planned gifts to Rouge Valley Health System Foundation (RVHSF). In this issue, we profile Tommy Wheler. Tommy: It hardly seems possible now, but there was a time when we didn’t have a hospital in our community. I remember Harold Lush, the man who became my fatherin-law, helping to raise the money to build Centenary Hospital. Since then, it has served the families of Scarborough, including mine, very well. I’ve had several health challenges since I returned to Scarborough in 1968 and after 47 years as a pilot in the armed forces. Through all of them, Scarborough Centenary has taken great care of me. I first came to Centenary in 1980 because of severe chest pains. Dr. (Jim) Swan did an angiogram and discovered that I needed immediate surgery at St. Michael’s Hospital in downtown Toronto. Because of the advance work at Centenary, the people at St. Michael’s knew all about me and were ready to operate as soon as possible after I was brought in. Twenty years later, it all happened a second time. Dr. Swan and the staff at Centenary took such good care of me both times. I was really grateful my family didn’t have to drive to downtown Toronto during my recovery period. I’m also glad I didn’t have to make that drive for the routine checkups I’ve needed since. When I From left, Juli Wheler helped welcome Thomas Wheler and his daughter Gail Solecki, with the help of Lynn Nazarko, at the Legacy of Care Society recognition event this past fall. Mr. Wheler, a veteran, wore his decorations from serving in the Second World War and even shared a touching, and at times funny story, of surviving in dangerous times in Europe. had a pacemaker installed at Centenary, I wasn’t anxious because I was treated by people who have known my file for years, people I trust. That’s not all they’ve done for me at Centenary. At 92, I can truly say that I’ve experienced every side of that hospital. Everything they do makes me trust them. I thought I’d like to return a little bit for all they’ve done for me. I give where I can, but I wanted to do more. And even though I’m just a regular guy, not a millionaire, there’s one way I can give a gift that’s beyond my ability while I’m alive. I can leave a bequest - a gift in my Will. I often marvel that hospitals are progressing so much. But the equipment that’s part of that progress is so expensive. I wanted to help with that, to be part of Centenary’s future growth. When I told my daughters and sons what I was going to do, they were delighted I’d found a way to help the hospital that’s helped their dad so much for so many years. Thank you, Tommy, for making RVHSF an important part of your family. Making a bequest in your Will is very simple. Visit the Planned Giving section of to learn how easy it is, or, phone Mary Slavik, Director of Planned Giving, at 416-281-7462, and ask for the “Guide to Planning Your Will”. Shoppers Drug Mart owners in Ajax and Pickering once again decided to donate the proceeds of their annual Tree of Life fundraising campaign to support Women’s Health at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. Local owners Rahim Suleman, Patrick Garcha, Jennifer Van Alstyne, Priscilla Luna and Shafina Juma came to the hospital to personally make the presentation of $17,616! Accepting were Tracy Paterson and Maureen Dowhaniuk of RVHSF. The funds will be used to make muchneeded improvements to lighting in the obstetrics unit. Each fall, the Pickering Professional Firefighters Association collects donations in a Boot Drive held in locations across the community. This year they donated $10,000 to support the RVHS Foundation and the effort to purchase a Green Light Laser for the men’s health program of Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. Presenting the funds are firefighters John, Tim, Sean, Adrian and Darius, to Danielle DeLuca of the Foundation. 7 CHRISTMAS WRAPPED UP See more photos of these donations and events by visiting our website and click on the Photo Gallery tab. Grin and bear it Organization: Aeropostale Date: December 6, 2013 Donation: Plush teddy bears Designated to: Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital Samko & Miko Toy Warehouse Delivery: Lori Rubin-Ricer Date: December 13, 2013 Donation: Bags and bags of toys! Designated to: Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital Santa visits RVAP Organization: Pickering Professional Firefighters Association Date: December 19, 2013 Donation: Toys! Designated to: Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital UPCOMING EVENTS FEBRUARY To Rouge With Love February 2014 Going into its 5th year in support of Rouge Valley’s Regional Cardiac Care program, these popular cocktail events will again run throughout the month of February. Events already booked for 2014 include Jim John’s Swing Shift Band at Momiji Centre on Sunday, February 9 and a cocktail party at the home of Gord and Ann Moore on Thursday, February 13. To host your own event, or arrange tickets for February 9, please contact Ros Sagar-Lal in the Foundation Office at 416-281-7463 or via email at [email protected]. MARCH Rouge after Dark 2014 gala Friday, March 28, 2014 Being held at The Liberty Grand in Toronto, the evening will consist of great jazz music, a casino, silent auction, whisky tasting, draws and terrific, abundant food. Tickets are $250 per person. For more information, visit APRIL Walk with Heart Saturday, April 26, 2014 Help raise $100,000 to support the Regional Cardiac Care Program at RVHS, by taking part in, or sponsoring a participant in this year’s walk. Held at the Rouge Valley Centenary hospital rehab track, on the 11th Floor, walk times are scheduled at 8:30am, 9:30am, 10:30am and 11:30am with special events and challenges each hour. For more information, contact the cardiac rehab office by phone at 416-281-7022 or visit Kidds giving to kids Donors: Bob and Rachel Kidd, and their son Aiden Date: December 20, 2013 Donation: Toys! Designated to: Rouge Valley Centenary Paediatrics dept. Activities for young patients Donors: Young Singers Date: December 17, 2013 Donation: Colouring books and pencil crayons Designated to: Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital The Rouge Valley Health System Foundation was invited to the unveiling of the newest Kia Soul on December 5 at Bessada Kia in Pickering. The folks at Bessada Kia chose to use this great occasion as an opportunity to present a $5,000 donation to the Foundation, to support the best patient experience at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. Pictured receiving the donation are Tracy, at left, with Maureen, at right, representing the Foundation, and in the centre are Misty, Joe and Marcelle, of Bessada Kia. We look forward to hearing your stories and feedback. If you would like to subscribe to our Community Giving eNewsletter, please write to us at [email protected] (include “Subscribe eNewsletter” in the subject line of your email). Rouge Valley Centenary 2867 Ellesmere Road, Toronto, ON M1E 4B9 (416) 281-7342 Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering 580 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, ON L1S 2J4 (905) 683-2320 x1501 website: blog: facebook: search “Rouge Valley”
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