3 15 28 features 19
3 15 28 features 19
Vice President for Institutional Advancement Tom Hiles features Office of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving Staff Fall 2005 Executive Director Donald Smith (’94) Assistant Director Jeff Baynham (’02) Assistant Director Andrea Haynes (’00) Associate Director Ginny Hensley (’97) Assistant Director Amanda C. Lich (’00) Assistant Director Amy Miller (’01) Assistant Director Tracy Morrison (’85) Office Assistant Scott Sisco (’00) Associate Director William Skaggs (’95) Office Coordinator Beth Stamps Office Associate Doris Vance 3 Alumni Reflections 15 Hall of Distinguished Alumni Publication Design Digital Design Advertising, LLC 19 © Copyright 2005, Western Kentucky University ALUMNI is published three times a year by the WKU Alumni Association. Unless otherwise noted, articles may be reprinted without permission with appropriate credit to ALUMNI,Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. Change of address and class notes information should be sent via mail to WKU Alumni Association, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #31016, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1016 or via e-mail to [email protected]. Editorial policy: Letters to ALUMNI are welcomed and encouraged. Submission does not guarantee publication, and those letters that are published may be edited for style and length. Please include the writer’s signature, the year of graduation if an alumnus, a daytime phone number and a return address. Letters may be sent by fax to 270-745-5017, e-mail to [email protected] or mail to WKU Alumni Association, Tracy Morrison, ALUMNI Editor, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #31016, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1016. Homecoming 2005 28 departments Honor Roll 14. Campus News 81. Class Notes 18. Life Lessons 87. Alumni Association 26. Adventures of the Red Towel 88. In Memoriam Letter from the President Since its founding in 1906 as an institution of teacher training - the Southern Normal School of Bowling Green - WKU has changed and evolved dramatically over the past century. In 1922, the school acquired other schools in the area and officially became Western Kentucky State Normal School and Teachers College. In 1948, the Kentucky General Assembly designated the school Western Kentucky State College. Primarily by incorporating Bowling Green Business University,WKU achieved university status in 1966. Over the next year and a half, you will be hearing a great deal about WKU’s upcoming Centennial as we take the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the many people and events that have made this university the great place it is. Our Centennial Committee, under the direction of Dr. David Lee, Dean of Potter College and a superb historian, and Jayne Pelaski, Assistant to the Dean of University Libraries for community outreach efforts including the Southern Kentucky Book Fest, have done an outstanding job developing events, projects, materials and exhibits to honor WKU. It has been exciting to learn about all the events and ceremonies that are currently being planned for the campus and surrounding areas to mark the various accomplishments by members of the WKU family or to commemorate milestone dates in our history. A large part of my role as president of this great university is to look to the future. The Board of Regents and I are constantly looking forward to the opportunities and challenges it will bring. What will our campus and student population look like in 10 years? How will we continue to serve the needs of southcentral Kentucky and the Commonwealth? What will the needs of the community even be in 10 or 15 years from now? The Centennial is an excellent opportunity to reflect backward for a change and remember how Western has arrived to the place it resides today. It is an opportunity to recognize the many men and women who have literally shaped the culture of Western. It is an opportunity to use our history to help guide us in the future toward our mission and vision. Much has been done, but much remains to be done to finalize all the plans for the marking of this milestone. Please continue to read ALUMNI Magazine and view our website about ways we will be commemorating this historic event. As alumni, you are critical to our efforts. I encourage you to take full advantage of Centennial celebration events and opportunities. As a person for whom ties to Western run extremely deep, I am extremely proud of the wonderful history of this institution. With your help,Western can be an even better place for our children and their children for the next one hundred years. www.wku.edu/centennial Dr. Henry Hardin Cherry, the school’s first president, coined an expression – “The Spirit Makes the Master.” Now, after a Century of Spirit, that phrase remains an inspiration to our faculty, staff, students and alumni to this day. Gary Ransdell Reflections Jessie Mack Burns Romeo Crennel Dorothy Grider Western Kentucky University has special Judge Margaret Huddleston meaning to so many. It’s not just a place where academics are taught, James Marshall Jr. Bruce Merrick it’s a place where many learn about who they are and what life has to offer. It’s a place where some have met their spouse, future business partner, or best friend. In the following pages, 8 alumni share some of their favorite memories from this university. From their stories, we learn that Western’s motto “The Spirit Makes the Master” lives with us long after we leave campus. Hassan Shanehsaz Dr. Orba Traylor Successful Businessman — By Jill Blythe James Marshall Jr. discovered self motivation and assertiveness as a means to become successful in the classroom, on the track field and on Wall Street. As the owner of Marshall Capital Management Group, Kentucky’s only minority-owned registered investment advisory firm, Marshall climbed the ladder of success influenced by his professors, family and job experiences. Marshall, a 1986 alumnus from Louisville, says one of his first lessons in self motivation came from Coach Dell Hessel who was the track coach in the mid 1980s. He walked into Coach Hessel’s office to inquire about trying out for Western’s track team. “He told me that everyone on the team was on scholarship and that my chances of making the team were slim to none but I was welcomed to try.” Try he did. Not only did he make the team and traveling squad, he also learned many lessons from Hessel who he describes as a great motivator. Family and friends also impacted the way James looks at life. “I grew up as the only boy with four older sisters, but at Western I met my best friend and adopted brother, Falando B. Clay from Chicago. And even today with him on the other side of the world in Korea, we still try to stay in touch,” he said. Marshall began his career path by first working as a design technician with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division of Highways. During his employment with the state he opened a hair salon in downtown Bowling Green called Beautiful You Hair Salon. “….which was my second business failure in Bowling Green, but a great learning experience,” he said. “I was able to open this business by creating a business plan and attracting investors and that’s when I caught the Wall Street bug,” he said. Two years later, he was working for Merrill Lynch in Louisville as a stock broker trainee. “After working for companies like Merrill Lynch, New York Life, Metlife and American Express Financial Advisors, I decided that Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth I had enough knowledge and a large enough client base to go it alone. So in April 2001, I started Marshall Capital Management.” Professor Ford, a part-time instructor in the real estate certificate program, was another faculty member who influenced James to succeed. “He used to tell me that I was too aggressive, and that I would either be a millionaire someday or bankrupt……well, I am not bankrupt!” James Marshall Jr. Class of ‘86 Top Experiences Of My Life — By Carol Cummings Bruce Merrick of Louisville says he participated in many activities as a student at Western Kentucky University, but most of them are not suitable to print! Still he has gone on to be a successful businessman and owes many of his skills to what he learned at WKU. In 1979 Merrick founded Dant Clayton Corporation in Louisville. The company manufactures and contracts outdoor sports stadiums for professional, collegiate, and high school facilities throughout the United States. Today Merrick serves as chairman of Dant Clayton. Major projects for the company have included football stadium renovations at Ohio State, Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, the University of Kentucky and more than 30 others. Dant Clayton has also completed facilities for six major league baseball stadiums and two NFL stadiums, and Merrick fulfilled projects for WKU baseball and softball, donating the softball facility. “At WKU I served as president and treasurer of Sigma Chi Fraternity and president of the Inter-Fraternity Council,” he said. “The fraternity participation stands out as one the top experiences of my life. The opportunities for leadership development were outstanding, and many of my best lifelong friendships were developed in the fraternity. “While at Western I was exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking that improved my problem-solving skills and have been critical in my professional life,” he said. His influences included WKU government professors Dr. Joerge Seitz, Dr. Jay Sloan, and Dr. John Parker. Entrepreneur of the Year in 2000. For 14 years he has served as a member of the Young Presidents Organization. He is married to Karen McCoy, and they have four children ages 18 to 25. Bruce Merrick Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth Besides his thriving business, Merrick stays busy with civic and community activities. For 13 years he has served as a board member for the Actors’ Theatre of Louisville, and he is a current member of both WKU’s Board of Advisors and Student Life Foundation. He was an Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist for Kentucky and Southern Indiana in 1997, and was named It’s A Small World After All — By Carrie L. Barnette For WKU alumna Jessie Mack Burns being surrounded by cartoons is all in a day’s work. Currently serving as Walt Disney World’s Planned Work Specialist in Horticulture Support, Burns started her love affair with the mouse, more accurately with Winnie the Pooh, while attending WKU from 1987-1992. Studying horticulture, Burns found herself spending the summer as an intern at the Walt Disney World Tree Farm and Nursery. Upon graduation, she received a call that sent her packing to the wonderful world of Disney to work as part of the special events, topiaries, then hanging baskets teams. In the past 12 years, she has spent her professional career designing, building and maintaining many horticultural aspects of the parks and resorts located in Florida. She knew horticulture and plant design would be her career while doing the task for rush parties hosted by her sorority, Kappa Delta. She now helps to oversee the horticultural maintenance of all the peripheral areas associated with the land of Walt Disney World, which encompasses more than 44 square miles in central Florida. When Burns isn’t busy hanging out with Mickey and friends, she hosts the Do-It-Yourself Network television program, “Weekend Landscaping.” She has also provided guest appearances on HGTV and other garden-related programs. Burns credits her comfort in front of the camera to a public speaking course while on the Hill and a natural ability to talk about her passion, horticulture. Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth Growing up in a military family, Burns chose WKU to be with friends and live close to home, as well as the beautiful campus that inspired her career. However, she stayed at Western because of the great atmosphere and spirit of campus, a spirit she still possesses today. Of her time at Western, Burns says, “I felt a part of the campus of WKU. The connections created on campus and in the community were, indeed, special.” Jessie Mack Burns Class of ‘92 The Artful Life — By Carrie L. Barnette “Western Kentucky will always be home. It helped me become successful doing something I really enjoy,” states Dorothy Grider as she sits among the portraits and paintings she has spent her life creating. Western was the logical choice for Miss Grider who grew up on 11th Street in Bowling Green. Announcing at age 8 that she would be an artist, she fulfilled that dream becoming illustrator of more than 100 children’s books, coloring books, paper-doll collections and other child-related products. Additionally, she has painted portraits and landscapes for collections around the world. While visiting New York City at age 14, Miss Grider enrolled in art school becoming the youngest student to train at Phoenix Art Institute. After learning many skills from Ivan Wilson and painting group partners including Isabel Robenson, wife of Colonel Robenson of WKU’s ROTC program, she graduated from Western in 1936, finishing in 3 years. After returning to New York for advanced training on a scholarship she received for paintings she did at Western, she worked as a playing cards and greeting cards illustrator. Her talents were discovered when an agent saw a card and asked her to illustrate,“The Little Rabbit who wanted Red Wings.” After the success of that collaboration, she spent her life free-lancing with her painting and photography skills, moving to a private studio on the banks of the Delaware River in New Hope, Pa. Dorothy Grider Class of ‘36 Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth Still living in Pennsylvania, Miss Grider continues to paint, enjoying the talents she developed at Western. Of her campus experience, she confides that Western played a vital role in her success. Memories of sitting on the front row of chapel, listening to Dr. Cherry and learning from teachers like Gordon Wilson and Frances Richards well prepared her for the amazing life she has led. Instilled Sense of Civic Duty — By Tommy Newton Judge Margaret Ryan Huddleston has built her career on the foundation of civic engagement and community involvement she received at Western Kentucky University. Huddleston was appointed Warren Circuit/Family Court Judge in 1998 and was elected to an eight-year term in 1999, but traces her sense of civic duty to her arrival on Western’s campus in 1967. “I was involved on campus. I lived on campus. I worked on campus,” said Huddleston, who graduated in 1971 with a B.S. degree in business administration. “Western instilled a sense of civic duty. I felt an obligation to serve the community. Ever since Western, I have been committed to public service.” After graduation, she joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) and worked as a community organizer in a desolate coal-mining town in eastern Kentucky. “At Western my goal was to own and manage a business,” she said. “Once I got more involved in the community, my goal shifted to addressing issues of poverty and family.” That led Huddleston to become a registered nurse then a lawyer. “Western, because of its educational foundation and community spirit, has been a stepping stone for every career move I have made up to this point,” she said. She practiced law for 13 years before being appointed Family Court Judge. Huddleston is the Chief Warren Circuit Judge and member of the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Circuit Judges. Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth She remains active in groups at Western and is a member of the College of Education Advisory Board and an Honoree of the Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter of the Gordon Ford College of Business. In the community, she serves as president of the Bowling Green Chamber Orchestra Board of Directors and chairman of the Warren County Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Council and is actively involved in other civic organizations. “I encourage students at Western to be active in student government, be involved in the community and offer to volunteer because one gets the greatest experience volunteering and making connections in the community. For those who are WKU alumni, I encourage each one to volunteer and remain active in their communities.” Judge Margaret Huddleston Class of ‘71 The Consummate Team Player — By Paul Just Forty years ago a young man, about to graduate from Fort Knox High School, was looking for a place to go to college. A place where he could play football. Now, four decades and 10 stops later, he is one of the National Football League’s newest head coaches after taking over the Cleveland Browns. Back in 1965, that young man journeyed to Western Kentucky State College and walked on in football. It took the coaching staff just one semester to see things they liked and Romeo Crennel went on scholarship the following spring. He spent nine years on the Hill as an athlete (lettering from 1966-69), a graduate assistant (‘70) and an assistant coach (‘71-74) before moving on to Texas Tech, Mississippi and Georgia Tech. In 1981, Crennel jumped to pro football where he has been ever since, honing his skills with the New York Giants (‘81-92), New England Patriots (‘93-96 and ‘01-04), New York Jets (‘97-99), and Cleveland Browns (2000). Along the way, he earned five Super Bowl rings, two with the Giants (‘86 and ‘90) and three with the Patriots (‘01, ‘03 and ‘04). But, in 1965, Crennel didn’t know what was ahead for him. “I wasn’t recruited,” Crennel recalled. “A young man I competed against at North Hardin was coming to Western on a partial scholarship. He thought I could make it and encouraged me to walk-on. I decided to go. Things didn’t work out for him, but I continued on,” he remembered. After redshirting his first fall at Western, he started four seasons. His Hilltopper teams went a combined 25-11-3 (65.4%) — 20-6-3 (74.1%) his last three years. As a senior, he appeared to be a prime candidate for all-conference honors as a defensive lineman. But, a consummate team player, he volunteered to fill a gap on the offensive line. That’s the kind of guy Crennel is. Crennel is the third Western alum to be a head coach in the NFL. The others were: Joe Bugel (‘60-63 and assistant coach ‘64-68); Jerry Glanville (graduate assistant coach ‘67); Bugel led the Phoenix Cardinals (‘90-93) and LA Raiders (‘97); Glanville directed the Houston Oilers (‘86-89) and Atlanta Falcons (‘90-93). Ironically, all three were members of the 1967 Hilltoppers — Crennel as a player and Bugel and Glanville as assistant coaches. Romeo Crennel Class of ‘69 Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth Originally, Crennel was planning a career in the military. But, that didn’t work out, so he began to concentrate on football. After graduation, he was offered a graduate assistantship, splitting time between football and the Housing Office. Then, opportunity knocked. “Sometimes it’s timing, sometimes it’s luck,” he said. “But, after I got my master’s degree, there was an opening on Western’s staff. Coach ( Jimmy) Feix was so gracious to offer me the position and the rest is history.” A Man on the Go — By Krista Steenbergen According to Dr. Orba Traylor, if it hadn’t been for Western, he wouldn’t have gone anywhere. And boy did he go! After leaving WKU in 1930, the Providence, Ky. native, earned his Masters and Doctorate degrees at UK and his Law Degree at Northwestern. Western was one of 19 institutions where Dr. Traylor served. He enlisted in the Army in 1942 and was assigned to Cairo, Egypt, where he met his wife Josette, and by 1946 held the rank of captain. During his career, the U.S. State Department sent him to Greece and Turkey on a three-year economics mission, known as the Marshall Plan, a two-year public finance mission to Egypt and Iraq sponsored by the United Nations, and to Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands to serve as the Director of Finance and the Director of Economic Affairs. In between these assignments, Dr. Traylor was Assistant Professor, Coordinator for the Army at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, Executive Director of the Legislative Research Commission, Executive Assistant to the Lieutenant Governor, and Commissioner of Finance for Kentucky. In 1964 he accepted an appointment at University of Alabama in Huntsville and settled his family there. During his time at UAH, he also served as project director in NASA’s technology transfer program and consultant to the U.S. State Department, Tennessee Valley Authority and Teledyne-Brown Engineering. After retiring from UAH in 1975, Dr. Traylor continued to work for the U.S. State Department as a financial economist in Monrovia, Liberia, and as research consultant and faculty at several universities. He is very active in professional, community and civic organizations, and he and his wife have two sons and three grandchildren. Because of the support of Dr. L.O. Taft and Dr. A.M. Stickles at Western, Dr. Traylor has become a public servant and educator that qualifies him as a distinguished contributor to the Twentieth Century. Dr. Orba Traylor Class of ‘30 Preserving the Past, Preparing for the Future — By Krista Steenbergen When Hassan “Rocky” Shanehsaz arrived in Bowling Green in 1977, he had no idea where passion and vision could take him. A 1979 graduate of Bowling Green High, he worked his way through college, earning degrees in animal science and chemistry. “After the war broke out, it became harder for Iranian students to get their finances taken care of. If not for the personal and individual treatment I received from the International program, I might not have stayed at Western.” Upon graduation, Rocky completed two years of medical school, married his WKU college sweetheart, Gayle, and moved to Indiana where he started a computer consulting firm, Compumed. After having Abrahim, they moved to Noblesville, Ind., for the small town atmosphere. “I wanted to know what my son was up to,” says Shanehsaz. Through his wife’s 15-month battle with brain cancer, Rocky remembers everyone’s kindness. Once again, personal, individual treatment spurred passion for his adopted hometown. Rocky sees Compumed as a way to finance historic preservation of Noblesville. He started with the courthouse square converting part of it to office space and a popular Italian restaurant. Next, he began renovation of the Model Mill, vacant for 50 years, converting it to 60,000 square feet of office space. Most recently Rocky developed a plan to move three historic homes when a City Hall expansion threatened to destroy them. They now house nonprofit groups and a center for musical performances and art exhibits. Rocky and his current wife, Terri, adopted 16 month old Ava June and are preparing Abrahim, now 16, to pursue his passions. “I hope,” says Rocky, “that in college he learns the culture beyond the classroom, and takes advantage of all the opportunities for involvement. The individual treatment that I received is something I would like for him to experience.” Photo by Sheryl Hagan-Booth Hassan “Rocky” Shanehsaz Class of ‘83 & ‘84 Item Qty. Description Color Size Price Total Merchandise Total Add Sales Tax 6% Store Hours Monday - Thursday: 7:30AM - 7:00PM Friday: 7:30AM - 5:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM (KY Residents Only) Plus Shipping & Handling Total Amount • Send orders accompanied by payment • No C.O.D. orders accepted • Card users please complete form Shipping & Handling Up to 5 items - Add $6.00 Over 5 items - Add $6.00 + $1.00 for each item Expect 2–3 weeks for delivery. Prices subject to change without notice. Name E-Mail Address Apt City State Zip 1906 - 2006 Phone (During Business Hours) Check or Money Order MasterCard Visa WKU Centennial Merchandise available in November 2005 Discover Payable to: WKU Account Number Signature ! (All Digits) Expiration e Check stor for details! University Bookstore Order by Phone: 1-800-444-5155 or 270-745-3216 Fax: 270-745-5336 Mail completed order form and payment to: University Bookstore Western Kentucky University 1906 College Heights Blvd. #11042 Bowling Green, KY 42101-1042 Visit Us Online! www .wku.edu/Info/Bookstore Western Kentucky University 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 14 13 12 11 18 15 29 17 16 26 24 19 23 20 22 21 28 27 30 25 Opposite Page (Top to bottom) 1. Fleece Crew. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Two-color applique. Embroidered “Western Kentucky University”. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet or Oxford. S,M,L,XL, XXL $32.95 2. Fleece Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Two-color arched applique. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet, Charcoal, Oxford or Black. S,M,L,XL,XXL $39.95 XXXL (oxford only) $39.95 3. Long Sleeve Tee. JanSport® 100% cotton. Three-color center chest print and Two-color print on sleeve. Generous cut. White. S,M,L,XL $23.95 XXL $24.95 4. Adult Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Large arched “WKU” with embroidered “Western Kentucky University”. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet or Oxford. S,M,L,XL $39.95 5. Fleece Crew. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. “Western” with University seal applique. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet S,M,L,XL $36.95 XXL $38.95 Also available in a hood. S,M,L,XL $44.95 XXL $46.95 6. E-Zee 1/4 Zip. JanSport® 80/20 cotton/poly. Left chest embroidered arched “Western” over “WKU” over “Kentucky”. Graphite. S,M,L,XL $39.95 XXL $41.95 h4 h2 h3 h1 h5 h1. T-Shirt. 100% cotton. Screenprint. 2T,4T,S,M,L,XL. Toddler $9.95 Youth $11.95 h2. Infant Onesie. 100% cotton. Screenprint imprint available in newborn, 6M, 12M, 18M and 24M. $16.95 h3. Fleece Hooded Baby Blanket. 100% polyester. Embroidered WKU BABY. Red with white trim. $16.95 h4. Baby Crib Mobile. Plush Big Reds. Plays school’s fight song. $39.95 h5. Youth Cap. Embroidered Big Red. Adjustable back strap. $14.95 Phone: 800 - 444- 5155 or 270 - 745 - 3216 7. Fleece Crew. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Embroidered “Western Kentucky Alumni” with WKU applique. Coverstitched XXL $34.95 detailing. Scarlet or Graphite. S,M,L,XL $32.95 Also available in a hood. Scarlet. S,M,L,XL,XXL $43.95 8. Polo. 60/40 poly/cotton blend. Embroidered logo. Oxford, red, or white. S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL $29.95 9. Men’s Sweatpant. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Open bottom pant with internal drawcord and onseam pockets. Two-color print “Western Kentucky” over “University” on lower half of left leg. Oxford or Black. S,M,L,XL $24.95 XXL $26.95 10. Adult Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Center chest embroidered “Western Kentucky” with “WKU” felt applique. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet. S,M,L,XL $36.95 XXL $38.95 11. Fleece Crew. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Embroidered “Western Kentucky University Hilltoppers” with WKU applique. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet or Graphite. S,M,L,XL $29.95 XXL $31.95 12. Full Zip Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet, Graphite or Black. S,M,L,XL,XXL $39.95 13. T-Shirt. JanSport® 90/10 cotton/poly. Three-color print “Western Kentucky University” seal with “Western Alumni” overprint. Athletic cut and contoured neckline. 14. Long Sleeve T-Shirt. JanSport® 100% cotton. Left chest, three-color “WKU” over “Hilltoppers” and left sleeve “Western”. Generous cut. White or black. S,M,L,XL,XXL $23.95 Oxford. S,M,L,XL $12.95 XXL $13.95 XXXL $14.95 15. T-Shirt. JanSport® 100% cotton. Three-color print of “Western Kentucky Est. 1906” with Big Red logo. Oxford. S,M,L,XL $12.95 XXL $13.95 XXXL $14.95 16. Women’s Crew. JanSport® 80/20 cotton/poly. Center chest, embroidered “Western Kentucky University” with WKU applique. Scarlet. S,M,L,XL $36.95 Also available in a hood. $39.95 17. T-Shirt. Champion® 100% cotton. Screenprint. Red, charcoal, oxford (XXXL) and white (XXXL). S,M,L,XL,XXL $13.95 Also available in crews $24.95 and hoods $29.95 18. Youth Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Full front, one-color print of “Hilltoppers Western Kentucky”. Coverstitched detailing. Scarlet. S,M,L,XL $24.95 Also available in a t-shirt. $12.95 19. Sweatshirt Blanket. 54” x 84” with screenprint logo. 80/20 cotton/poly blend. Oxford or Charcoal. $29.95 20. Big Red Mascot. Plush with imprint on chest. 8” $6.95 10” $12.95 21. Cap. 100% cotton. Embroidered WKU bar design in navy and white. Adjustable back strap. Unstructured. Red. $13.95 22. Tote Bag. Screenprint front, pocket organizer inside, shoulder straps with handgrips. 17.5” x 15”. $9.95 Fax: 270 - 745 - 5336 h8 h10 h6 h9 h11 h7 h6. Golf Balls. Sleeve of three, different imprints. $9.95 h7. Decal. 1.5” x 23” static cling. $2.95 h8. Golf Club Covers. Big Red Plush with embroidery on chest. $12.95 h9. Jewelry. Big Red. Sterling Silver pendent. 5/8” $19.95 Sterling Silver charm 3/8” $19.95 (Also available in Gold Plated and 10K Gold.) h10. Travel Mug. Plastic. $7.95 h11. Coffee Mug. Red and white ceramic with Cupola logo. $5.99 23. Alumni License Plate. Mirrored acrylic. Also available in WKU Hilltoppers. $15.95 24. Youth T-Shirt. JanSport® 100% cotton. Full front, two-color print of “Western Kentucky University” over “Hilltoppers”. Oxford. S,M,L,XL $12.95 Also available in a hood. $24.95 25. Official Red Towel. 100% cotton. 11.5” x 17.5”. $2.50 26. Youth Full Zip Hood. JanSport® 55/45 cotton/poly. Threecolor “Hilltoppers Western Kentucky” with towel/hand logo. Oxford. S,M,L,XL $24.95 27. Cap. 100% cotton. Embroidered WKU bar design in red and white. Adjustable back strap. Unstructured. Black. $13.95 28. Bobblehead. Big Red. 8.5” tall. $14.95 29. Long Sleeve Tee. JanSport® 100% cotton. Three-color print “WKU Western Kentucky Hilltoppers”. Generous cut. Scarlet. S,M,L,XL $21.95 XXL $22.95 30. License Plate Frame. Chrome. $15.95 Email: [email protected] Website: www.wku.edu/info/bookstore CAMPUS NEWS Coach Bill Powell retired after 36 years coaching swimming at Western. 12 Photo by Joe Glowacki Hilltopper point guard Danny Rumph died May 8, 2005 after collapsing during a pick-up basketball game in Philadelphia. He was 21. Coach Joel Murrie retired after 26 years as head baseball coach at Western. total ever in NCAA Division I men’s swimming, 15 conference championships in three different leagues and 10 coach-of-the-year awards. After a 3-4 finish in his inaugural season, Powell’s Hilltopper swimming and diving team posted 35 consecutive winning seasons. In eight seasons, the Lady Toppers won 85 percent of their meets and won all five Sun Belt championships since the league began sponsoring the sport for women in 200001. Last year the Preston Center pool was renamed the Bill Powell Natatorium. Associate head coach Bruce Marchionda, who has been at WKU for three seasons, was promoted to head coach, with Powell remaining on staff as a part-time assistant. Basketball point guard Danny Rumph died May 8, 2005 after a pickup game in Philadelphia. Rumph, 21, was home visiting family after final exams when he collapsed after a pickup game. An autopsy revealed that cardiomyopathy was the cause of death. Baseball infielder Michael Wilhite died after drowning July 28, 2005 in Bend, Ore. Photo by Joe Imel Photo by Joe Glowacki Two Hilltopper coaching legends, Joel Murrie and Bill Powell, announced their retirements this spring. Murrie retired after 26 years as head baseball coach, while Powell stepped down after 36 years on the Hill. Murrie, the winningest coach in the 86-year history of Hilltopper baseball, picked up his 800th career win on March 18. He led WKU to five regularseason conference championships: three in the Ohio Valley Conference (1980-82) and two in the Sun Belt Conference (1985, 1988). He won Coach-of-the-Year honors in the OVC in 1980 and 1981 and in the Sun Belt in 1985 and 2002. Chris Finwood, who spent the past five years as an assistant at Auburn University, was selected to replace Murrie. Powell started the WKU swimming and diving program in 1969 and amassed a remarkable record – 425 total victories, the second-highest win HILLTOPPER ATHLETICS LOSES TWO FAMILY MEMBERS Photo by Joe Imel LONGTIME COACHES MURRIE, POWELL RETIRE Wilhite, 20, was floating in the Deschutes River when his raft flipped over. The former Franklin-Simpson High School star was playing his third season of summer baseball with the Bend Elks of the West Coast Collegiate Baseball League. Western Kentucky University Distinguished Alumni HALL OF THREE TO JOIN WKU’S As Western Kentucky University prepares to celebrate its Centennial, the Hall of Distinguished Alumni class of 2005 has a definite touch of past, present and future.This year’s three inductees are Neil Budde, an innovator in the online news publishing business; Lee Robertson, one of Western’s greatest ambassadors who gave the Alumni program a national focus; and Col. Ed Stansbury, who has maintained his ties to Western for about 80 years. The members of the 14th class of noted alumni will be inducted during a Homecoming week luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 14 at the Sloan Convention Center.The theme of Homecoming 2005 is “Celebrate Traditions, Build Memories.” For ticket information, contact the WKU Alumni Association at 1-888-WKU-ALUM. Neil F. Budde In the past decade, Neil Budde has been at the forefront of changes in the high-tech online publishing industry, but his journalism career had a rather low-tech start. Budde was born in the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst, Ill., but his family moved to the Cleveland area where he launched his first paper -a hand-written newspaper distributed to neighbors. When Budde was a ninth-grader, the family moved to Elizabethtown, Ky., which he still considers his hometown and where he got his first real newspaper job at the then-twice-weekly Hardin County Enterprise (now the daily News-Enterprise). Budde’s first experience at Western was as a Junior Scholar during the summer of 1973, while still in high school.When he enrolled full-time at Western a year later, Budde was a journalism major. Throughout his years at Western he worked on the College Heights Herald and served as editor in the spring and fall of 1976. After graduating in 1977, Budde worked for a Alumni Fall 2005 Neil F. Budde 15 HALL OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI Lee Robertson Lee Robertson year at the Richmond (Va.) TimesDispatch, then at The Courier-Journal in Louisville and USA Today. During his eight years at The CourierJournal, Budde completed his MBA at the University of Louisville. In August 1987, Budde joined Dow Jones News Retrieval where, as deputy editorial director, he oversaw design and development of new information services. In 1993, he developed the initial ideas and business plans for an online version of The Wall Street Journal and was asked to form a team to build it. He was named editor and directed the design, development and evolution of The Wall Street Journal Online, which debuted in 1996. In January 2000, Budde added the title of publisher as The Wall Street Journal Online defied skeptics and became the largest paid-sub16 scription news site on the Internet with about 700,000 subscribers. Budde left the online Journal in late 2002 and launched a consulting firm, the Neil Budde Group. In November 2004, Budde returned to online news management as general manger of Yahoo! News, the No. 1 news site on the Internet, with more than 25 million monthly visitors. In 2002, Budde was named one of four finalists for the World Technology Awards in the category of Media and Journalism. In 1998, he was named Business Journalist of the Year by TJFR, a newsletter covering business journalism. Budde and his wife, Virginia B. Edwards (editor of Education Week), live in Richmond Hill, Ga., and Washington, D.C. Budde is based in Yahoo’s Santa Monica, Calif., office. In his more than half a century association with the school, Lee Robertson has earned the title “Mr. Western.” Robertson, a native of Calhoun, is a 1950 graduate with a major in health and physical education and minors in English and biology. He completed his master’s degree in educational administration in 1957. Robertson began his professional career as a teacher and coach at Park City High School in 1950-52 then moved to his native McLean County where he was teacher, coach and principal at Livermore High School. In 1957, he became assistant superintendent of Barren County schools. In 1958, he was named superintendent. While in Glasgow, Robertson was an active member and president of the Alumni Association National Board of Directors. In April 1960, President Kelly Thompson asked Robertson to return to Western as director of Alumni Affairs and Placement Services. As alumni director, Robertson was instrumental in increasing the number of clubs from one to more than 50, creating quality Alumni publications, and beginning an annual giving program and other alumni activities. The placement office became a separate department in 1971, but Robertson remained as alumni director until 1985. That’s when he retired for the first time and went to work in the private sector in Florida. But Robertson soon returned from Florida and served as director of the WKU-Glasgow campus. Then he answered the call from Western again and served as men’s golf coach for six years. Western Kentucky University HALL OF DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI Robertson now serves as special assistant to the vice president for Institutional Advancement, where his longtime association with Western alumni and friends allows him to assist the offices of Development and Alumni Relations and to continue his support and promotion of the University. In August 2002, Robertson received the first Spirit of Western Award, which recognizes an individual who represents enthusiasm for Western, loyalty to the institution and principles of the Western experience and its motto “The Spirit Makes the Master.” Robertson also served with the U.S. Army’s 44th tank battalion in World War II from 1942-45 and spent 18 months in the South Pacific. He was awarded five Bronze Arrow Heads for beachhead landings in New Guinea and the Philippine Islands. Robertson and his wife, Joyce, live in Bowling Green. They have a daughter, Melinda; a son, Steve; and three granddaughters. seasons as tennis coach. Overall, in those three sports, the Western teams he was associated with as a coach ran up a total of 234 victories against only 47 losses and five ties – an 83 percent success ratio. Following a stint in the military in World War II, Stansbury returned to the Hill in 1946-47 as director of athletics, head of the Department of Health and Physical Education and assistant football and basketball coach. Late in 1947 he returned to the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a colonel in 1961. He was inducted into Western’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 1994. Stansbury attributes his long relationship with Western to three people: Coach E.A. Diddle; Dr. Henry Hardin Cherry, Western’s first president; and former Athletics Director L.T. Smith, who encouraged him to earn a master’s degree from Peabody College. In 1998, Stansbury pledged more than $1 million to fund three scholarship programs at Western: the Col. Edgar B. Stansbury Athletic Scholarship, the Edith R. Stansbury English Scholarship, and The Col. Edgar B. and Edith R. Stansbury Scholarship for Teacher Education. In recognition of his support, the second floor concourse of E.A. Diddle Arena is named the Col. Edgar B. Stansbury Concourse. Stansbury is retired and lives in Largo, Fla. His wife, Edith, died in 1997. Col. Ed Stansbury Ed Stansbury has maintained a connection to Western since he arrived on the Hill in the mid-1920s. He turned 99 in July and will celebrate his 100th birthday during WKU’s Centennial. A native of Shepherdsville, Ky., Stansbury was a three-sport athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball for coach E.A. Diddle. He earned three varsity letters in each sport and was an All-State performer in football and basketball in 1929. Stansbury, a 1930 graduate, returned to Western in 1934 as an assistant football coach, and spent eight seasons as an assistant coach in football and basketball and three Alumni Fall 2005 Col. Ed Stansbury 17 Dr. H. L. Stephens Personification of “The Spirit of the Hill” By Toby Hightower We veterans of World War II who descended on Western in 1946 were an aggressive and impatient lot. We were eager to make up for lost time, and we had little tolerance for big egos, pretensions, or educational jargon. We were looking for professors who could take us on short and straight paths to learning and meaning.We were certainly in no mood to honor odd or peevish behavior; we were looking for competence with a courteous face.The faculty at Western rose to this challenge splendidly, but one among them stands out particularly. The head of the Biology Department accepted our credentials of maturity and treated us accordingly. Memories of the stability, grace, intelligence, wit, and teaching skills of this good man remain with me until this day. The recollection of a great teacher is a pleasant reverie for me in my old age. I had many great teachers at Western in the period right after 18 World War II, but Dr. H. L. Stephens comes to mind as my ideal of a superb teacher.To me, Dr.“Steve” was the personification of “The Spirit of the Hill.” His teaching glorified Western and seldom involved his own ego. Any time that I was in the presence of this great teacher, I felt that I was likely to get an intellectual or cultural uplift. Many teachers at Western were precious and memorable because of their idiosyncrasies, but Dr. Steve was memorable and precious because he seemed totally free of eccentricities. He was anything but bland, however. Quite the opposite of bland, this man was handsome, sophisticated, athletic, and profoundly intelligent. With all of these attributes, he never made you feel inferior in his presence.To the contrary, you always felt uplifted by his comfortable professionalism and his respectful attitude of high expectations from you. You always knew that he wanted you to succeed and expected you to succeed. From an ordinary student such as me, he got the best I could give. From an extraordinary student such as Martin Massengale, he got the excellence that he knew to be lurking behind a deceiving rural patois. Truly a Renaissance man, Dr. Stephens made educated excellence seem almost ordinary. In any of his classes, you had to learn the relevant facts, but his classes were far more than a collection of facts. He seemed particularly adept at understanding and teaching the impact of scientific facts. ALUMNI welcomes letters about your favorite professor and your days on the Hill. Letters are subject to editing, and not all letters can be published, nor can they be returned. Anonymous letters will not be published. Send your letters to “Life Lessons from the Hill,” WKU Alumni Association, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #31016, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1016 or [email protected]. Here was a man with good proof of his high academic achievements, but a man who never tried to awe you with his personal record. He could be your good friend without surrendering the least of his professionalism. He laughed often with you but never at you. After leaving Western, I attended several great universities including the University of Illinois, Loyola, Baylor, and the University of Chicago. I found great teachers at all the places, but I never found anyone who fit my image of the Grand Professor more closely than my good friend H. L. Stephens. BIOGRAPHIES Toby Hightower received a BS Degree from Western in 1948 and a Masters in 1951. He taught two years in Hopkinsville and was a school administrator in Illinois for 28 years. He writes a weekly column for the Todd County Standard in Elkton and has written many articles for Educational Publications. In 1971, he won the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge award for newspaper journalism. Henry LeRoy Stephens was born Sept. 13, 1898 in Dodgeville, Wis. He received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wisc. before joining Western’s faculty in 1927. A few years later he took a leave of absence to earn his Ph.D. (1932) in plant physiology and chemistry from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Stephens served as chairman of Western’s biology department from 1940 until his retirement in 1969. On his retirement, he received the University’s first faculty award for excellence in teaching. Dr. Stephens died March 25, 1983. Monday, October 10 Homecoming Coloring Contest Bowling Green and Warren County elementary students should start practicing now! Big Red will be coming to your school to give information on Western’s Homecoming Coloring Contest! Winners will be announced on Friday, October 14 at the Wachovia Securities Big Red Street Fest. For more information, contact Kim Sowders at 270.745.5793. Tuesday, October 11 Glasgow Homecoming Tailgate Party 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Glasgow Regional Center on Trojan Trail Sponsored by WKU’s Barren County Alumni Chapter, the WKU Glasgow Campus, and Dickerson Lumber The party starts here! Join Glasgow campus students and faculty and area alumni as they celebrate Homecoming festivities with a gigantic bonfire, food, fellowship, and some Western cheer! Hear from Head Football Coach David Elson, the WKU cheerleaders, and local bands as Glasgow prepares to kick off Homecoming Week with a bang! For more information, contact Barren County Alumni Chapter President Bryan Baysinger at 270.651.2663. Wednesday, October 12 Office Decorating Contest WKU Campus Faculty, staff, and students can build their own Homecoming memories by decorating their campus office! Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated departmental office. For more information, contact Special Events at 270.745.2497. Western Kentucky University Homecoming October 10-16, 2005 For general Homecoming information, call the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving at 270.745.4395 or 1.888.WKU.ALUM or e-mail [email protected]. WKU Soccer vs. Eastern Illinois 7:00 p.m. WKU Soccer Complex Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 35th Anniversary Members of the Eta Zeta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will celebrate 35 years of sisterhood. For details, visit the chapter’s website: www.dstetazeta.org or email [email protected]. Thursday, October 13 Chili and Cheese Luncheon and Pep Rally 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Hall of Distinguished Alumni Luncheon and Induction Ceremony 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Presbyterian Church at State Street Sloan Convention Center Sponsored by Junior Achievement of South Central Kentucky and the Warren County Alumni Chapter The official Homecoming Pep Rally continues its tradition with good food, great fun, and lots of WKU Spirit! WKU Football players, cheerleaders, and Topperettes will join Coach David Elson for an exciting afternoon that is sure to elevate Topper excitement. Tickets are $5 each and may be reserved by calling 270.745.4395 or 270.782.0280. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Carryout is also available if requested at least one week in advance. Proceeds benefit Junior Achievement of South Central Kentucky. Sponsored by the WKU Alumni Association Make plans to attend this celebration of the highest honor WKU bestows upon its alumni. This commemoration of the outstanding contributions of WKU alumni is something you will not want to miss. Tickets are $25 each and $350 for a corporate table. For more information or reservations, call Tracy Morrison at 270.745.4395. ANNUAL HOMECOMING PARADE “CELEBRATE TRADITIONS, BUILD MEMORIES” 5:30 p.m. WKU Campus – Normal Drive Sponsored by the Warren County Alumni Chapter The 2005 Homecoming Parade will begin at the intersection of 15th and State Street (across from Hardin Planetarium) and proceed down Normal Drive. For information regarding parade entries, contact Ginny Hensley at 270.745.4395. Wachovia Securities Big Red Street Fest 6:30 p.m. (or immediately after Homecoming Parade) to 8:00 p.m. WKU Campus – DUC South Lawn at the Guthrie Tower Sponsored by Wachovia Securities. Hosted by the Warren County Alumni Chapter Army ROTC Leadership Lab 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Join ROTC for the “Homecoming Prep” Leadership Lab. For more information, contact CPT Linda Lewis at 270.745.4293. 5th Annual Summit Awards 5:30 p.m. Social, 6:00 p.m. Program Carroll Knicely Conference Center at South Campus Western Kentucky University honors its outstanding volunteers at this recognition and awards ceremony. For details, call Amy Miller at 270.745.4395. Friday, October 14 1952 Football Reunion Activities on Friday include a campus tour, football practice, and dinner. On Saturday, a full day of events include: W-Club’s Athletic Hall of Fame, tailgating, the football game, and dinner following the game. Check your mail for complete details. For more information, contact Andrea Haynes at 270.745.4395. A true community event…what a way to start Homecoming Weekend! This FREE event has something for everyone in the family. With games, prizes, and lots of family fun, there’s no better place to spend your Friday evening! No reservations necessary – just come on in after the Homecoming Parade and have fun! WKU Football Team Reunion Tent 6:30 p.m. Downing University Center South Lawn Stop by and meet your 2005 Hilltopper Football Team, plus Hilltopper favorites of the past! All fans are invited. For more information, contact the football office at 270.745.2984. The GLBT Outlet Reception 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. McCormack Hall office suite 100-B The Outlet, Western's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered resource center welcomes all alumni to the annual event. For further information, please contact Molly Kerby at [email protected]. WKU Volleyball Celebrates 25 Years at WKU! WKU Volleyball vs. Denver 7:00 p.m. E.A. Diddle Arena For more information, contact Natalie Furry at 270.745.7090. Big Red’s Roar 7:00 p.m. Fine Arts Center Colonnade Featuring the 2005 Hilltopper Football team as well as Coach David Elson, Big Red, the Big Red Marching Band, cheerleaders,Topperettes, and Homecoming Queen candidates! All WKU alumni, students, and friends are welcome to join in this roaring campus tribute to Homecoming weekend! College of Health and Human Services Open House and Coffee Hour For details, visit www.wku.edu/Dept/Academic/chhs. Department of Allied Health Allied Health will hold a continuing education course with speaker Society of African American Alumni Association Social and Mixer 10:00 p.m. Dr. Brian Fingerson. For more information, contact Becky Tabor at Garvin House Enjoy the night life with cards and music. Bring your own spirits – refreshments are provided. For more information, contact the Alumni Association at 888-WKU-ALUM. College Heights Herald Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Garrett Center Ballroom ATTENTION ALL WKU BAND ALUMNI! Marching Band celebrates its 80th Anniversary! Relive your college years once again by performing with the Big Red Marching Band during the Homecoming football game! Rehearsal will be the morning of Homecoming Day, followed by lunch at the WKU Music tent at the Festival of Friends. Interested band alumni may contact Director of Bands John Carmichael at 270.745.5893, the Big Red Marching Band Director, Eric Smedley at 270.745.4024 or call 888.WKU.ALUM. Saturday, October 15- HOMECOMING DAY! Department of Nursing “Evidence- based Practice in Nursing Education” Academic Complex 118 Join the one hour continuing education course. For details, visit the Nursing website at www.wku.edu/Dept/Academic/chhs/nursing. [email protected]. The College Heights Herald will celebrate Homecoming 2005 with its 54th annual breakfast. For information, any former Herald or Talisman staff member should contact Bob Adams at 270.745.6285. Consumer and Family Sciences Department and Home Economics Alumni Association Homecoming Silent Auction 9:00 a.m. Academic Complex Room 202 The entire community is invited to visit the silent auction! Bids will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. For more information, contact Lauri Warden at 270.745.4352. Alpha Gamma Delta Homecoming Brunch 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Chapter House - 1540 Chestnut Street Contact Cristen Osborne at [email protected]. Residence Hall Open Houses 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Take a look at WKU’s Residence renovated Halls 2005! Stop by your former residence hall to see how things have changed! Festival Friends of 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Downing University Center South Lawn The foundation of Homecoming traditions – reuniting with friends and fellow alumni! Tailgating has truly progressed at WKU. Don’t miss your chance to celebrate Homecoming 2005 with old friends as you prep for the WKU vs. Missouri State University game while enjoying music from Exit 4! Alumni from across the globe will gather at the Festival, which features rows and rows of tents representing the Colleges, Departments, Student Organizations, Alumni Groups, and more! Architectural and Manufacturing Sciences Tent The department formerly known as Industrial Technology is sponsoring a barbecue for all alumni, students, and faculty. AKPsi Tent For more information on Homecoming activities, contact Marilyn or Kyle at 615.364.3216. BSU Tent For more information, contact Tommy Johnson, Campus Minister, at 270.781.3185. 12th Annual Gordon Ford College of Business Homecoming Brunch for Alumni, Spouses and Friends 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Side Lawn of Grise Hall Van transportation will be available from Western’s Campbell Lane lot to Grise Hall beginning at 10:30 a.m. and running every 30 minutes. In the event of rain, the brunch will be held in Grise Hall Lobby. For more information, contact Paula Newby, Office of the Dean, Gordon Ford College of Business, at 270.745.6311 or 1.800.375.6893. Kappa Delta Homecoming Brunch 11:00 a.m. Phi Mu Alumnae Homecoming Brunch 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Chapter House – 1600 Chestnut Street The Kappa Delta house will be open for all alumni and students. Chapter House – 1666 Normal Drive For other Homecoming event information, call 270.793.9694. Department of Agriculture Alumni Meeting and Luncheon 11:00 a.m. Alumni W-Club Athletic Hall of Fame and Brunch 11:00 a.m. Diddle Arena’s Hall of Champions Calling all W-Club Letterwinners! Come and join in Homecoming celebration at the Annual W-Club Brunch as we induct new members into Western’s Athletic Hall of Fame! For more information, call 270.745.3542. L.D. Brown Agriculture Exposition Center An alumni luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m., following the Agriculture alumni meeting. For more information, contact Dr. Rudolph at 270.745.3151. Check the fall newsletter for details. Music Department Tent For more information, call 270.745.3751. Housing and Residence Life Tent Are you a former residence hall assistant, hall government member,or hall director? Reunite with current and former staff members under the Housing and Residence Life Tent. For more information, call 270.745.4359. Department of Political Science and The Masters of Public Administration Program Tent All alumni and current are invited! Reminisce about the good ole’ days of the Government Department. Celebrate both the traditions and the changes of the new Department of Political Science. For more information, contact Dr. Saundra Curry Ardrey at 270.745.4558 or [email protected]. Forensics Alumni Association Homecoming Tent Tailgate at the Forensics alumni tent with food and entertainment. Group tickets will be purchased in advance so Forensics alumni will be seated together at the football game. For more information, contact Judy Woodring at 270.745.6340. The OUTLET and OUTLET ALLIANCE Tent WKU’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,Transgendered, and Ally Organization invites everyone to stop by. They’ll be grilling! Women’s Alliance Tent We invite everyone to stop by and see why we are, “Not Just a Quilting Party”. For more information, contact Susan Morris at 270.745.3940. Society of African American Tent Come by the Society’s tailgating area to find out more about how the Society is shaping the future of Western Kentucky University. Visit with old friends and enjoy food and fun before heading to Smith Stadium. Army ROTC Alumni Tent Army ROTC invites alumni and friends to our camouflage-covered Army tent on the South Lawn near Preston Center. Join us for camaraderie, fun, food, and some competition! For more information, contact Military Science at 270.745.4293. The Department of Geography and Geology Tent All Geography and Geology alumni and friends are invited to stop by the tailgating tent for barbecue before the football game! Alumni Association Tent Do you want to tailgate, but you’re not sure where to go? Celebrate Homecoming under the Alumni Association tent. All alumni and friends are welcome! Program of Dental Hygiene Dental Hygiene will offer a Continuing Education Seminar on Homecoming Day. For more information, call 270.745.2427. School of Journalism and Broadcasting Alumni Cookout 12:00 p.m. Mass Media and Technology Hall Courtyard Patio All Broadcasting and Mass Communication Alumni are encouraged to attend the cookout. For more information, contact Kathy Williams at 270.745.4143. Geography and Geology Departmental Tour (including the GIS labs and Centers for Applied Research) 1:00 p.m. Meet on the 3rd Floor of EST Building. BSU Alumni and Friends Reception 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Baptist Student Union – 1574 Normal Drive After the reception, we’ll be tailgating on South Lawn. For more information, contact Tommy Johnson, Campus Minister, at 270.781.3185. School of Journalism and Broadcasting Photo Auction 2:00 p.m. South Lawn Included in the auction will be student photos, signed Pulitzer Prize photos, photos by WKU alumni, and a dinner for six with President Gary Ransdell. The auction is open to the public, and will be located beside the WKU Presidential Tent on South Lawn. For more information, contact Kathy Williams at 270.745.4143. WKU Volleyball vs. North Texas 2:00 p.m. E.A. Diddle Arena For more information, contact Natalie Furry at 270.745.7090. ALPHA OMICRON PI SORORITY 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, contact Stephanie at [email protected]. Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent, 2:00 p.m. SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, contact the Sigma Chi House at 270.782.2586. Friday, October 14 11th Annual Sigma Chi Fraternity Golf Scramble Saturday, October 15 Open House, 11:30 a.m., Sigma Chi Chapter House – 1215 College Street Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent, 2:00 p.m. PHI DELTA THETA 4OTH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, contact Charley Pride at 270.745.2459 or 270.796.3807 Friday, October 14 Jimbo DeVries Memorial Golf Tournament 1:00 p.m., Crosswinds Golf Course Friday, October 14 Alumni Reception, 7:00 p.m. Ellis Place/State Street Pub Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent, 2:00 p.m. Saturday, October 15 Gathering of Phis, 8:00 p.m. Old Stone Clubhouse ALPHA DELTA PI SORORITY 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, contact [email protected]. Friday, October 14 40th Anniversary Celebration, 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., Carroll Knicely Conference Center at South Campus Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, visit www.kybeta.com. Friday, October 14 Social Gathering, 8:00 p.m., Iron Skillet Saturday, October 15 Cookout, 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., 1410 College Street Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent, 2:00 p.m. Saturday, October 15 40th Anniversary Gala, 7:30 p.m., Carroll Knicely Conference Center at South Campus CHI OMEGA SORORITY 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming activities, contact Kelley Manning at 781-9654 or [email protected]. Saturday, October 15 40th Anniversary Homecoming Reception 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. Chi Omega House – 1580 Normal Drive SIGMA NU FRATERNITY 40TH ANNIVERSARY For more information on 40th Anniversary Homecoming Activities, visit www.etarho.com. Friday, October 14 Luncheon prior to Golf, 11:30 a.m. Golf at Crosswinds Course, 1:00 p.m. Reception following golf, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 15 Alumni Breakfast & Business Meeting Holiday Inn University Plaza Saturday, October 15 Homecoming Tailgate Tent, 2:00 p.m. Saturday, October 15 40th Anniversary Dinner & Dance, Post Game Holiday Inn University Plaza HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME Hilltoppers vs. Missouri State University 4:00 p.m. Sunday, October 16 L.T. Smith Stadium Get your tickets now to see the 2005 Hilltoppers take on Missouri State University. Cheer the Toppers on to victory while celebrating Homecoming with the crowning of the Queen and other exciting Homecoming “extras.” The 9th Annual Jim Wayne Miller Celebration of Writing Featuring a reading by Sallie Bingham 2:00 p.m. Garrett Conference Center 103 Free and open to the public. Winners of the Jim Wayne Miller Writing Contest will be announced. Book sales and reception begin at 3:00 p.m. For additional information, contact Mary Ellen Miller at 270.745.5721 or [email protected]. Annual WKU Homecoming Concert 3:00 p.m. Van Meter Auditorium Don’t leave campus without one last singing of the alma mater. The Music Department's Homecoming Concert and Wall of Fame presentation is the final event of homecoming weekend, and one you don’t want to miss! Admission is free and will feature the WKU University Choir and Symphonic Band. For more information, call 270.745.3751. Step Show 8:00 p.m. Diddle Arena Sponsored by the National Pan-Hellenic Council Make plans to attend this traditional Homecoming event that is a showstopper! After the game, join the thousands who head to Diddle Arena to see step performances that will astound, amaze, and dazzle you! For more information, contact the Office of Diversity Programs at 270.745.5066. Alumni Dance 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Carroll Knicely Conference Center at South Campus Sponsored by the Society of African American Alumni Association For more information, contact the Alumni Association at 270.745.4395 or 888.WKU.ALUM. Date Opponent Location Time Date Opponent Location Time Bowling Green, Ky. 6:30 pm Sat, Nov 5 Northern Iowa* Bowling Green, Ky. 4:00 pm Sat, Sep 10 Eastern Kentucky Bowling Green, Ky. 6:30 pm Sat, Nov 12 at Youngstown State* Youngstown, Ohio noon Sat, Sep 24 at Auburn Auburn, Ala. 1:30 pm Sat, Nov 19 at Florida International Miami, Fla. 5:00 pm Sat, Oct 1 at Indiana State* Terre Haute, Ind. 1:00 pm Sat, Nov 26 NCAA I-AA Playoffs tba tba Sat, Oct 8 at Illinois State* Normal, Ill. 2:30 pm Sat, Dec 3 NCAA I-AA Quarterfinals tba tba Thu, Sep 1 West Virginia Tech Sat, Oct 15 Missouri State* (HC) Bowling Green, Ky. 4:00 pm Sat, Dec 10 NCAA I-AA Semifinals Sat, Oct 22 at Western Illinois* Macomb, Ill. Fri, Dec 16 Sat, Oct 29 Southern Illinois* Bowling Green, Ky. 5:00 pm * Conference Game 4:05 pm tba NCAA I-AA Championship Chattanooga,Tenn. tba tba . Honor Roll Western Kentucky University is fortunate to have alumni and friends who support the university through private gifts. This support allows Western to enhance current programs and create new opportunities for the 18,500 students Western serves. We want to share with you those donors who have made these generous gifts and express our gratitude for their support. Western Kentucky University is achieving great things and the enhancements we are experiencing could not be done without you. Thank you! We strive to ensure accuracy within this Honor Roll listing of all our donors for the fiscal year. If you find your information to be incorrect or if you prefer your name to be listed differently in the future, please contact us toll free at (888) 958-2586 or locally at (270) 745-4395 or via email to [email protected] so we can make appropriate changes to our database. The gift categories are defined as follows: Lifetime gift recognition The Henry Hardin Cherry Society recognizes donors who have made cumulative gifts of $25,000 or more to Western during their lifetime. Spirit of Western Colonnade Level Cornerstone Level Commencement Level Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts of $1,000,000 and above between $500,000 and $999,999 between $100,000 and $499,999 between $25,000 and $99,999 annual gift recognition The names presented in this listing are a compilation of annual gifts made to the University during the fiscal year (July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005). Annual gifts are divided into five recognition circles: President’s Circle Founder Level Regent Level Trustee Level Director Level Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts of of of of of $1,000 and above $10,000 and above $5,000 to $9,999 $2,500 to $4,999 $1,000 to $2,499 Dean’s Circle Gifts of $500 to $999 Scholar’s Circle Gifts of $250 to $499 Century Circle Gifts of $100 to $249 Inaugural Circle Gifts of $1 to $99 Cupola society The Cupola Society recognizes donors who support Western Kentucky University through consecutive annual giving. Cupola Society members have a number (following their name) indicating the total number of consecutive years they have made a gift to WKU. 28 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - The Henry Hardin Cherry Society Spirit of Western ($1,000,000 and Above) ARAMARK WKU Dining Services Jerry E. Baker Bowling Green Properties, LLC Commonwealth Health Corporation Confidential Football Lead Trust William H. Fletcher Estate Glenda and Gordon (d.) Ford Mary E. Peal Hutto Estate Insight Communications Jostens Learning Carroll and Evelyn Knicely Dixie and Pete Mahurin Ann and William M. McCormack Drs. Dennis and Nancy Minix National City Bank of Kentucky National City ~ J.W. Potter and J.L. Harman Trusts Ogden College Foundation Leon and Lassie Page Raymond B. and Hattie L. Preston Raymond B. Preston Family Foundation Rita and Jim Scott Col. Edgar B. and Edith R.(d.)Stansbury Dr. James H. Stuteville Estate Sygen International Barbara Terry-Porter J. Clifford Todd Dr. and Mrs. L. O.Toomey Estate Trace Die Cast, Inc. ~ Carolyn and Lowell Guthrie Don S.Vitale Suzanne Vitale Colonnade ($500,000 - $999,999) J. Estill Alexander Estate Ann and Raymond L. Cravens Nicholas and Whitetta Crawford Janet C. and Richard Frockt Fruit of the Loom Greenview Regional Hospital Kenneth E. and Irene S. Hall Mary E. Heltsley Mary and Owen Lawson, Jr. Jana and Bud Layne Mary R. Nixon Alumni Fall 2005 Martha and Bob Owsley Pepsi Americas of Bowling Green Dr.Walter N. Scott Susan and Zuheir Sofia Tennessee Valley Authority James and Martha Thompson Margaret and Cal Turner Judy and Steve Turner U.S. Bank Carol and Denny Wedge Glen, Frieda (d.) and John Wells Beulah R.Winchel Ralph S. and Mary Ann Coffman Basil C. (d.) and Florence Cole Commonwealth Health Corporation / Center Care Health Benefit Programs Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Brian E. Coutts Virginia Wood Davis Estate E. Clifton Dowell Estate Cornerstone Sam M. Dunaway ($100,000 - $499,999) Jessie Ball duPont Fund Ed and Gretchen Adler Alcoa Inc. Alliance Corporation Judy and Robert Armstrong Ashland, Inc. AT&T Foundation AT&T Network Systems Atmos Energy BB&T Betty R. and David W. Bailey Kathy and Dr. Craig Beard James M. Beckley Joyce R. and William A. Bell Margaret and Steve Eaton English Lucas Priest & Owsley LLP Irene M. Erskine Gary Force, Inc. C. Ray and Ruth Franklin Estate Franklin Bank & Trust Company Franklin Rotary Club Friends of the Lost River, Inc. Helene Fuld Health Trust Joan B. Garrison C. M. (Bill) Gatton Mildred Givens Estate James N. Gray Company BellSouth Bonnie Berman Louis Berman Kathleen and Vince Berta Anne and Dan Greenwell Kerr Greulich Engineers, Inc.~ Donald J. and Jennifer W. Greulich Barbara and John D. Grider Ann and Rick Guillaume Bluegrass Cellular Bowling Green Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Bowling Green Municipal Utilities Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club Sue and Ken Bragg Eck Branham (d.) Mary Carolyn Wolfe and James W. Brite, Sr. David F. Broderick Neil F. Budde and Virginia B. Edwards Walter D. and Gladys Bunnell Estate Cabletron Systems Jean and Henry Carlisle, Jr. Dr. Lourine Cave Estate Citizens Scholarship Foundation Oscar Payne Cleaver Estate Tish and Tommy Gumm Dr.William R. and Frances D. Hammond Estate Olga E. Hantelmann Estate Henry Norman Hardin Dr. Lowell and Penny Harrison William Randolph Hearst Foundation Robert B. Hensley High Field Farms Mary and Glenn Higdon William L. Hix Holiday Inn University Plaza Hotel Charles Phillip Holland Ervin G. Houchens Foundation Houchens Industries, Inc. The Humana Foundation 29 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - The Henry Hardin Cherry Society Mike and Belle Lady Hunt Dorris J. Hutchison, Ph.D. IBM Eduquest Integra Bank Calvin (d.) and Rosella Isbell Jim Johnson Pontiac Nissan Robert and Shirl Johnson Jones Builders ~ Ray, Bud and Barry Jones Sandy and Martin Jones Linda and John M. Kelly Kentucky Bank Management Institute Edward G. and Jeanette Murphy Klemm Estate Dr. L.Y. Lancaster Estate Leco Corporation Mitchell Leichhardt Dr. David Daniel Lessenberry Estate Casey and Doug Lester Martha Lloyd Logan Aluminum, Inc. Drs. John Lynn and Bobbie Boyd Lubker Margaret L. Madison (d.) Gail and Cornelius A. Martin Charles H. McAdams Estate C. B. and Anita Hardin McDole Estate The Medical Center at Franklin Bruce Merrick Nelle B. Moss W.S. Moss Estate Miko Muraguchi Norton Healthcare Owensboro Medical Health System Harry (d.) and Jean Peart Philip Morris USA Rafferty’s L.D. and Dr. Joyce Rasdall Audrey and Tom Redford Dorothy and Lester Reeves Garland Reeves (d.) Vickie and Dan Renshaw Ann Rose and Joseph H. Richards John W. Ridley Roiann Ridley The Ridley Group of Wachovia Securities Betty A. Royce Estate T.J. Samson Community Hospital Kathy and Terry G. Scariot Henry Schlinker Estate 30 Robert and Virginia Schneider Patricia and Jim Smith Scott Murphy and Daniel Shirley C. Scott Val Scott Scotty’s Contracting & Stone Charles and Karen Shuffield The Walter H. Simson Foundation Dr. James Darrell Skaggs Ben Smith Paula Anne Smith Sodexho Campus Services South Central Bank State Farm Companies Foundation Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Inc. TA Instruments Avo and James W.Taylor Paul and Elizabeth (d.) Terrell Dr. Pam Johnson (right), director of the School of Journalism and Broadcasting, introduces the winners of Hearst Journalism Awards Program during the Board of Regents meeting. WKU WINS THIRD OVERALL TITLE IN HEARST COMPETITION Western’s School of Journalism and Broadcasting won the overall title in the Hearst Journalism Awards Program for the third time since 2000. Often called “The Pulitzers of College Journalism,” the Hearst program conducts yearlong competitions in print journalism, photojournalism and broadcast news. In the past seven years Western has finished in the top four nationally in the Hearst program’s Overall Intercollegiate Competition -- third in 1999, first in 2000, first in 2001, second in 2002, third in 2003, fourth in 2004 and first in 2005. In the overall competition, Western was followed by Arizona State, Nebraska, Missouri, North Carolina, Northwestern, Penn State, Florida, Kent State and Syracuse. “To have an independent authority name one of our prominent academic programs as the best in American higher education is indeed a mark of distinction for WKU and for the Commonwealth,” President Gary Ransdell said. Western also won the Intercollegiate Photojournalism Competition for the 15th time in 17 years. Bowling Green senior Jim Winn, one of six WKU students to qualify for the Hearst national semifinals, won the photojournalism national title in May in San Francisco. Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - The Henry Hardin Cherry Society Terri Ann and Steve Thornton Cal Turner Family Foundation Laura Goad Turner Charitable Foundation U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Manufacturing LP Van Meter Insurance Ferris Van Meter Wal-Mart Foundation Bob and Katie Ward Hays T. and Betty J.Watkins WBKO Television Wendy's of Bowling Green, Inc. Weyerhaeuser Frances H. and Lively M.Wilson Dr.Willson and Erma (d.) Wood Commencement ($25,000 - $99,999) ACT Recognition Program Services Linda and Buddy Adams Buddy Adams & Associates Sandy and Bob Adams Jo-Ann and Henry Albers Allen County Board of Education Julie and Jody Allen AmSouth Bank Scholarships Ann and Mark Allen Alliza Sod Farms, Inc. Allnutt & Associates American Chemical Society American Legion Post 23 ~ Roger Miller, Commander Faye and Charles Anderson Sandra and Robert Appling Architectural Services of KY, Inc. Army Emergency Relief Atlantic Richfield Foundation Nancy and Tom Baird The Baker-Geary Dunne Foundation Baulch Family Foundation Monie Beard (d.) Bell Orr Ayers & Moore, PSC BellSouth Services The Belo Foundation Best Western Motor Inn Mimi and Bill Bewley Big B Cleaners Big Red Radio Network Mary Bingham (d.) BKD, LLP Jerry Blacketer Blake Hart Taylor & Wiseman Insurance Agency Alumni Fall 2005 Charles R. Blakey (d.) Jan and Jim Bohannon, III Booth Fire & Safety, Inc. BG Area Chamber of Commerce BG Consolidated, Inc. BG Kiwanis Club BG Noon Lions Club Bowling Green Western Symphony Orchestra Association Lucille King Boyd Estate Cam Collins and Jane Bramham Brantley Appraisal Company Breece Enterprises, Inc. Breiwa Ware and Jeskie PSC Bridgestone-Firestone North America Tire LLC Marilyn and Robert Bristol, Jr. Gail and Gary Broady Ellen and Michael O. Buchanon William E. and Mary H. Buckler Scholarship Builders Association of Bowling Green Marla and John Burch Burger King Byrd Scholarship – TN Student Assistant Corporation Judy and Rich Callahan Campbell Chevrolet Canaan Missionary Baptist Church Amelia and Joseph Cangemi M. Edward Carter ~ Eddie Carter Enterprises Tracy and Gary Carver Sallie Potter Carwell Keith Cassady Dr. Deborah and Stephen Catron Thomas E. Caudill Center of Insurance David Chandler Chandler Real Estate Chase CITE Citizens First Bank Rebecca and Keith Clark Joan and Ronald W. Clark Carolyn and Spencer Coates Eric Coffman Coldwell Banker/Legacy Real Estate John David Cole ~ Cole & Moore Yvonne and Michael W. Coleman Wilda L. Collins Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation Community Action of Southern KY Kay and Thad Connally Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Elizabeth and Ray (d.) Cossey Costello Chrysler Alvah Cox Memorial Scholarship Fund Crescent-Warren County Youth Association Ralph E. Crump (d.) Janine and Ben Cundiff Dana Corporation Foundation Davis on the Highlands Mills and Dan Davis Joe B. Davis Joe T. Davis Mary Riley Davis (d.) Paul Davis Restoration, Inc. Martha and Walter M. Dear Delta Dental Plan of Kentucky, Inc. Melissa and Ken Dennison DESA, LLC David A. Dickerson Brents Dickinson, III Sharon and Gary Kendall Dillard Irene and Donald R. Dizney Anne (d.) and Howard Doll Dollar Brothers Shoe Company Dollar General Corporation R.R. Donnelley Cindy and Tad Donnelly Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, Inc. Mary Ruth and David R. Drescher Carol and Charles E. Earles, Sr. Eastman Kodak Company Eaton Corporation Janice and Gerald Edds Education and Training Resources Shirley and James Elkins Emerson Electric Barbara and Charles E. English, Sr. Environmental Wood Recycling Exxon Mobil Foundation Famous-Barr, a division of the May Department Stores Company Bob R. Farley Farmers National Bank David Fields First Union Foundation for First Union Securities First Union National Bank of NC Ford Furniture Company Ford Motor Company 31 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - The Henry Hardin Cherry Society Franklin Simpson Community Boosters Friends and Family of Pat Eubank French Fujifilm, USA Gannett Foundation Larry and Dr. Cecile Garmon R. Neal Garrison Nelda and Vernon Gary Teresa and Scott Gary GE Foundation General Growth Management General Motors Corporation Gerald Printing The Gheens Foundation Dr. Raymond Gibson Estate Kent E. Gildersleeve Larry B. Gildersleeve Gillie Hyde Ford Chrysler, Inc. City of Glasgow Jack and Janice Glasser Robert A. Goodwin Pat and Thomas Gorin Carrie and Doug Gott Governor’s Scholars Program C.A. Graham & Associates, Inc. Gravil Funeral Home, Inc. Lila L. Greene Louise A. Greene Estate Dorothy Grider Dianne and William Grimes HCA H+M Company Dr.William R. Hammond Estate Mildred Tucker Hardcastle Estate Dr. Elizabeth McWhorter Harden Nettie R. Harrison Estate Dr. and Mrs.William E. Harston, Jr. Joyce and Tom Hart Morris and Dorothy Haskins Foundation The Helm Foundation Tony Henon Construction Hill Motley Lumber Hilliard Lyons Hill's Pet Nutrition Hilltopper Broadcasting, Inc. Suzanne and Warren Hines Richard A. Hodge (d.) Glenn Hodges Holland CPAs PSC Holley Performance Products, Inc. Cora Dee Hooks Dr. Paul and Jean Page Hoskins Ruby Taylor Howard Estate Drs. Michael and Karin Egloff Howell Hughes & Coleman 32 Hughes Kirkpatrick High School Cynthia and Timothy Hulsey Humana, Inc. Judy and Thomas Hunt Anne and Michael Hyde Investors Realty Management Jacque and John Jarve Mike Jarvis JBLCo., Inc. Dr.William M. Jenkins, Jr. (d.) Darlene and Jim Johnson Norm and Jimmie Lou Johnson Stanley Jones Corporation Jostens ~ Jerry and Chris Bush JTK Masonry Company, Inc. Vicky Jungers Mary (d.) and Douglas Keach Linda Keen and Chris Keen Susan and James Keffer Ruie (d.) and Harold Kelley Tori and Rick Kelley Kendall Company Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation KY Orthopedic Rehab Team The Kentucky Turfgrass Council KY Rural Water Association Kerrick, Stivers and Coyle Key Charitable Trust Maxie and Lester Key Keystops Benefit Golf Classic Keystops Incorporated J. C. Kirby & Son Funeral Chapel Lynn and Kevin R. Kirby Dennis and Brenda S. Kirtley Dennis R. Koon Gary S. Koon Juanita R. Koon Alice and Biff Kummer Geraldine and John (d.) Kunstadter Connie and Stacy W. Lamb Landmark Community Newspapers Leachman Buick GMC Dr. Albin Lee Lee Brick and Block LG&E Energy Foundation Life Care Foundation Education & Research Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Alton and Patsy Little Mildred and Dr. Randal L. Littlepage Peggy and Gerald Loafman The Louisville Institute Mary and James (d.) Lucas Luther Family Foundation M&L Electrical, Inc. Glenn R. Malchow Mariah’s Restaurant Benedict Marino Eva and Jim Martens Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Martin Virginia M. McCalister (d.) Dr. Ken and Pat McGuffey Gina and Barry McIntosh Mrs.William H. McLean Alice and William F. (d.) Meacham Joe W. Meador The Medical Center at Bowling Green The Medical Center at Scottsville Meyer Mortgage Corporation Microsoft Corporation Susan and Chip Miles Perry & Lucy Miller Scholarship Jean and Ray E. Miller Minit Mart Foods, Inc. Will Tom (Billy) (d.) and Rebecca Parrish Mitchell (d.) Bharat and Bharati Mody Monarch Environmental Stacey and Keith Morrison Muhlenberg Co. Alumni Club Muhlenberg South High School Caney Creek Foundation Mickeye and Mike Murphy Nasco Cheri and Joe B. Natcher, Jr. National FFA Foundation, Inc. National Panhellenic Council, Inc. Nation’s Medicine Neace Lukens Insurance Agency Julia Neal Estate News Inn of BG Nuckols & Cohron PSC Louie B. Nunn (d.) Bunny and Mike Owsley Wanda (d.) and Tate C. (d.) Page Cathy J. and Alan W. Palmer Papa John’s Pizza Paras Research Corporation Park City Daily News Jane and William J. Parker Payless Inns Betty Pease The Pelino Family Christine and Vincent Perriello Ann and Joe Petrocelli Mary Jo and Dr. James E. Phillips Leigh and Darell Pierce PNC Bank Foundation Esther Polk (d.) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - The Henry Hardin Cherry Society Mary Hall Porter Bob and Bea Preston Nancy and Whayne C. Priest, Jr. Allan and Susan Pribble PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Procter & Gamble Opal and Bob Proctor Quebecor World Franklin Mary and Charles Ralph, Jr. Lee and Jeff Ralph Willanna and Robert Ramsey Julius Rather Thomas Remiszewski Dan Renshaw’s Greenwood Ford Research Corporation Reynolds Johnston Hinton Thomas & Pepper LLP Mary Dale and Mike Reynolds Richardson Foundation, Inc. Sarah and Bill Richey William Larkin Ritter Claire and Dave Roberts Drs. Richard and Julia Roberts Roofs, Inc. Lynette and J Russell Ross Ruth W. and Charles M. Ruter L.V. Saefke Scholarly Pursuits, Inc. Scholarship & Recognition Programs Scott and Murphy, Inc. Scott & Ritter, Inc James Anthony Scott Scripps Howard Foundation Service One Credit Union, Inc. Anne and Ronald Sheffer Terri and Steve Sheldon Jane and William Shreve Sallie and Ron Shrewsbury Simpal Pup Tent 9 MOC Kim and Mike Simpson Linda and Jim Skaggs Bette and Cooper Smith, Jr. Barbara and Gilbert Smith Southern Foods, Inc. Southern School Supply Mr. Ron and Dr. Debra Sowell Sparta, Inc. Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller THE SPONSORS Scholarship Program Zelma L. Steene Estate Jan and James Brouder Stewart Gwynn Stewart Larry Stewart Stewart Richey Construction, Inc. Alumni Fall 2005 Don Vitale, Covella Biggers and Jerry Baker pose for the camera at the President's Circle Retro Gala. Wes Strader Productions Jeffrey D. Stone Jan and Wendell Strode Stupp Brothers Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation Sharon and Curtis Sullivan Sunbelt Construction, Inc. Preston Sweeney Priscilla Garland and James B.Tennill, Jr. Jane V.Tetrick Carolyn and William Throneberry TIAA-CREF Mary and Robert Tincher Dr. Samuel W. (d.) and Jeane Payne Tinsley(d.) Janet and Stephen Tolopka Marilyn and James B.Tomes Trace at Bays Fork Travelodge TS Trucking James M.Tuggle, Jr. Turner Industries II LTD Fred M. and Yvonne Turner Neal Turner Realty Terry Tyler Caroline H. (d.) and Alfred Tyson United Negro College Fund, Inc. Valspar Corporation Van Meter Contracting Inc. Amy and Shane Van Meter Vette City Liquors Stephen Vinsavich WAKY Sign Company William R.Walls Estate Warren Co. Health Care Services Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Jane and George E.Warren Glenna and Johnny D.Webb Dr. Belgen Wells Estate Robert V.Westerman Western Kentucky Plastics, Inc. WHAS Crusade for Children Whayne Supply Company Fleur and David T.Whitaker Jimmie D.White Rosemary and Richard Wiesemann William L.Wilcox Williams Gas Pipeline Texas Gas Georgia P.Willis Estate J. David and Miki Wiseman Dolores and Glenn Womack Woosley Brothers Painting Co., Inc. W.R.O.T.E., Inc. Wyatt,Tarrant & Combs, LLC Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc. (d.) Deceased 33 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Founder Level ($10,000 and Above) Ed and Gretchen Adler (8) Julie and Jody Allen (6) Alliance Corporation (18) Altrusa International, Inc. (6) ARAMARK WKU Dining Services (8) Army Emergency Relief (4) Atmos Energy (4) The Baker-Geary Dunne Foundation (10) Jerry E. Baker (35) BB&T (25) James M. Beckley (6) BellSouth (14) Louis Berman (13) Kathleen and Vince Berta (7) Bluegrass Cellular (11) Bowling Green Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (5) Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club (14) Bridgestone-Firestone North America Tire, LLC (2) Marilyn and Robert Bristol, Jr. Neil F. Budde and Virginia B. Edwards (8) Builders Association of Bowling Green Byrd Scholarship-TN Student Assistant Corporation (6) Canaan Missionary Baptist Church Chandler Real Estate (14) David Chandler (14) Chase (4) Citizens Scholarship Foundation (7) Rebecca and Keith Clark Yvonne and Michael W. Coleman (5) Mrs. Ellen D. Collier Commonwealth Health Corporation (6) Community Action of Southern KY (7) Confidential Confidential Confidential (6) Confidential (7) Confidential (7) Brian E. Coutts (4) Mr. D. Michael Coyle (3) Janine and Ben Cundiff (8) Dana Corporation Foundation (7) Daviess County Fiscal Court Mills and Dan Davis (3) Melissa and Ken Dennison (6) Sam M. Dunaway Margaret and Steve Eaton (5) Janice and Gerald Edds (15) English Lucas Priest & Owsley LLP (29) Barbara and Charles E. English, Sr. (29) Environmental Wood Recycling Ervin G. Houchens Foundation (13) 34 Rich and Andrea Ewald (8) Famous-Barr, a division of the May Department Stores Company (6) Farmers National Bank (21) Fidelity Investments (2) Glenda and Gordon (d.) Ford (12) Education and Training Resources Franklin Bank & Trust Company (24) Franklin Simpson Community Boosters (3) Friends of the Lost River, Inc. Janet C. and Richard Frockt Fruit of the Loom (3) Gannett Foundation Joan B. Garrison (3) C. M. (Bill) Gatton (6) General Motors Corporation (10) Gheens Foundation (4) Kent E. Gildersleeve (2) Larry B. Gildersleeve (2) Greenview Regional Hospital (24) Kerr Greulich Engineers, Inc. Donald J. and Jennifer W. Greulich (10) Ann and Rick Guillaume (22) Tish and Tommy Gumm (18) Carolyn and Lowell Guthrie (14) Olga E. Hantelmann Estate Dr. Elizabeth McWhorter Harden (5) Dr. Lowell and Penny Harrison (38) Leachman Buick GMC (4) Mr. John R. Helm Robert B. Hensley (33) Mary and Glenn Higdon (8) Holiday Inn University Plaza Hotel (7) Charles Phillip Holland (2) Imogene Page Hoskins (3) Ms. Mabel T. Hoskins Houchens Industries, Inc. (18) The Humana Foundation (2) Mike and Belle Lady Hunt (24) Dorris J. Hutchison, Ph. D. (8) IBM (2) Independence Bank (2) Insight Communications (9) Integra Bank (40) Calvin (d.) and Rosella Isbell (8) Hilliard Lyons (2) James N. Gray Company (3) Ms. Nelda M. James (d.) (4) Jacque and John Jarve JBLCo, Inc. Jessie Ball duPont Fund (2) Jim Johnson Pontiac Nissan (18) Darlene and Jim Johnson (4) Norm and Jimmie Lou Johnson (6) Drs.William Johnson & Connie St. Clair Sandy and Martin Jones (12) Jones Builders - Ray, Bud and Barry Jones (30) Linda Keen and Chris Keen Linda and John M. Kelly (9) Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation (6) Kerrick, Stivers and Coyle (22) Robin and Thomas N. Kerrick (19) Keystops Benefit Golf Classic (2) Carroll and Evelyn Knicely (12) Gary S. Koon (20) Ms. Stephanie M. Lanier Mr. and Mrs. C.William Leachman (3) Mildred and Dr. Randal L. Littlepage (14) Logan Aluminum, Inc. (13) Mary and James (d.) Lucas (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lynn Lyons (3) Dixie and Pete Mahurin (34) Gail and Cornelius A. Martin (17) Max Media of Kentucky LLC (2) Mickeye and Mike Murphy (4) Cheri and Joe B. Natcher, Jr. (4) National FFA Foundation, Inc. (6) National City Bank of Kentucky (35) News Publishing LLC (20) Mary R. Nixon (11) Norton Healthcare (3) Mr. J. Richard Oexmann Olde Stone, LLC Oracle Corporation The City of Owensboro Owensboro Medical Health System (2) Bunny and Mike Owsley (29) Leon and Lassie Page (24) Cathy J. and Alan W. Palmer (3) Paras Research Corporation The Pelino Family (3) Pepsi Americas of Bowling Green (10) Mr. and Mrs.Vincent E. Perriello (4) Philip Morris USA (7) Dr. and Mrs. James K. Phillips, Jr. Mary Jo and Dr. James E. Phillips (20) PNC Bank Foundation (5) Raymond B. and Hattie L. Preston (15) Allan and Susan Pribble (12) PriceWaterhouseCoopers Foundation Nancy and Whayne C. Priest, Jr. (17) Opal and Bob Proctor (23) Rafferty's (16) Raymond B. Preston Family Foundation (2) Thomas Remiszewski (9) Vickie and Dan Renshaw Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas Riley Franklin Rotary Club (4) Scholarly Pursuits, Inc. (6) Scholarship America (2) Scott Murphy and Daniel (17) Rita and Jim Scott (21) Shirley C. Scott (2) Dr. Walter N. Scott (2) Service One Credit Union, Inc. (13) Charles and Karen Shuffield (4) Pat and Jim Smith (19) Paula Anne Smith (10) Ben Smith (6) Sodexho Campus Services (3) Susan and Zuheir Sofia (7) South Central Bank (6) THE SPONSORS Scholarship Program (5) State Farm Companies Foundation (2) Alicia and Greg N. Stivers (4) Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Inc. (13) T. J. Samson Community Hospital (4) J. Clifford Todd Trace Die Cast, Inc. (14) Laura Goad Turner Charitable Foundation (9) Margaret and Cal Turner (2) United Negro College Fund, Inc. (5) U.S. Bank (40) U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Manufacturing LP (9) Ferris Van Meter (13) Van Meter Insurance (28) Don S.Vitale (9) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vitale (4) Suzanne Vitale (9) Warren Co. Health Care Services Warren Rural Electric Cooperative (6) Jane and George E. Warren Wendy's of Bowling Green, Inc. (24) Weyerhaeuser (8) Fleur and David T. Whitaker (15) Mr. Gerald Willis Regent Level ($5,000 - $9,999) Allen County Board of Education (7) Altria Group, Inc. American Cancer Society (4) American Legion Post 23 - Roger Miller, Commander (8) AmSouth Bank Scholarships (3) Faye and Charles Anderson (20) Angus Opportunity Mrs. Ashcraft and Mr.Tu (6) Baulch Family Foundation (19) Joanne and Robert E. Baulch, Jr. (22) Bell Orr Ayers & Moore, PSC (20) Mimi and Bill Bewley (5) BG Area Chamber of Commerce (16) Bowling Green Municipal Utilities (15) BGWC Community Foundation (2) Big 33 Scholarship Foundation Big Red Radio Network (3) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Ms. Mary Bingham BMW-Mercedes of Bowling Green (3) Boston Society of the New Jerusalem Bowling Green Kiwanis Club (10) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Paul Bowman Breiwa Ware and Jeskie PSC (6) Dr. John N. Breiwa (14) Gail and Gary Broady (26) Dr. George Wayne Bush (3) Caesars Riverboat Casino Foundation (3) Tracy and Gary Carver (5) CIC Foundation Citizens First Bank (6) Mrs. Ginger Leanne Cleary (3) Carolyn and Spencer Coates (20) Cole & Moore (36) John David Cole (36) Cam Collins and Jane Bramham (21) Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation (6) Commonwealth of Virginia Community Foundation of Southern Indiana Confidential (25) Cumberland Cellular Partnership (2) Mrs. Mary Frances Davenport (2) Delta Dental Plan of Kentucky, Inc. (6) Mr. James W. Denhardt Mr. Michael Ryan Dennis David A. Dickerson (16) Irene and Donald R. Dizney Cindy and Tad Donnelly (14) Dow Corning Corporation Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, Inc. (22) Carol and Charles E. Earles, Sr. (4) Elizabethtown Board of Education Emerson Electric (4) Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Fifth Third Bancorp (2) Gary Force, Inc. (14) Mr. Gary D. Force (14) The Ford Family Foundation Scholarship Forest Park Baptist Church (4) Teresa and Scott Gary (13) GE Foundation Gentry Family Foundation (3) Mr. Raymond Darrell Gentry (3) Gillie Hyde Ford Chrysler, Inc. (11) Glasgow Rotary Club (7) Pat and Thomas Gorin (8) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John Gorman (11) Governor's Scholars Program (7) Grand Portage Reservation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Gregory (9) Dr. David A. Grove (10) Mrs.Vera G. Guthrie (10) The Bette Bennett Hammond Memorial Hardin Co. Educational Foundation Ms. Paula Daniel Harer Alumni Fall 2005 Harrison Co. Board of Education (2) Joyce and Tom Hart (5) Dr. P. Graham Hatcher (2) Helping Hands Ministries, Inc. (3) Horton Hill, LLC (5) J. C. Kirby & Son Funeral Chapel (23) Dr. John W. Jeskie (4) Robert and Helen Jewell Scholarship Foundation The Kentucky Turfgrass Council (3) Lynn and Kevin R. Kirby (6) Dr. James B. Kirkwood (2) Dennis and Brenda S. Kirtley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kline (4) Alice and Biff Kummer LG&E Energy Foundation (6) Peggy and Gerald Loafman (13) Louisville-Jefferson Co. Metro Government (2) Luther Family Foundation (4) Lyon Co. Scholarship Foundation (5) M & L Electrical, Inc. (25) Mrs. Georgetta W. Madole Ms. Patricia H. Manning (13) Mansfield Chevrolet Margie Holt Memorial Scholarship (4) Mr.Venson Phillip Mathews The Medical Center (15) Miles Farm Supply, LLC (2) Susan and Chip Miles (16) Mimco Inc. National Panhellenic Council, Inc. (2) Nation's Medicine (12) Mr. and Mrs. George Nichols, III (5) Northern Trust Company Oneida Nation of Wisconsin (2) Mr. David Ralph Payne Mr. Charles L. Peery Mr. H. Harris Pepper, Jr. (4) Leigh and Darell Pierce (17) Mr. Nolan Porterfield (2) Procter & Gamble Lee and Jeff Ralph (7) The Ramey Companies (2) Richardson Family Foundation (4) Rocky Mountain Support Services Royal Music Company, Inc. Saint Thomas Health Services Ms. Ann Beal Salamone (2) Satellink Communication James Anthony Scott Shaker Village Pleasant Hill (4) Kerry McCay Sharer Memorial Terri and Steve Sheldon (4) Sallie and Ron Shrewsbury (20) Kim and Mike Simpson (10) The Walter H. Simson Foundation (14) Southern Foods, Inc. (19) Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Spiller (25) Performing on the stage at the Russian Officers Palace in St. Petersburg. The WKU band was the first foreign group ever to perform at the Palace. Mr. John Hardin Stigall (12) Sharon and Curtis Sullivan (3) Priscilla Garland and James B. Tennill, Jr. (5) Paul and Elizabeth (d.) Terrell (2) Terri Ann and Steve Thornton (6) Janet and Stephen Tolopka (13) Tradeway, Inc. (3) Mr. Joe Ben Tucker (3) The Tyson Foundation, Inc. (2) Unitarian Universalist Church UST Van Meter Contracting, Inc. (8) Amy and Shane Van Meter Vanguard Charitable Endowed Program (4) Videobred Visteon Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Lowell C. Ware (5) Mr. Charles W. Weaver Mrs. Donna Sue Weber (6) Glen, Frieda (d.) & John Wells (11) Whayne Supply Company (3) William Randolph Hearst Foundation (2) Mr. and Mrs. P. Bryne Wiseman (7) WNKY NBC 40 Dolores and Glenn Womack (14) Mr. Gerald Fudge and Ms. Mary Lea Woods (9) Trustee Level ($2,500 - $4,999) ACT Recognition Program Services Allen County Junior Miss Board (4) Ann and Mark Allen (13) Alvah Cox Memorial Scholarship Fund (3) American Association of School Administrators, Inc. American Samoa Government Anderson Co. Jr. Miss Sch. Program Sandra and Robert Appling (34) Arkema, Inc. (2) Mr. Willard G. Atkinson (7) Mrs. Audrey Aull B & D Pallet (2) B.G. Consolidated, Inc. (15) BADA Division Hennessy Industries (10) Nancy and Tom Baird (19) L.S. Woods Charitable Trust Bank of America - Charlotte Bellsouth Bonnie Berman (2) BG AM Rotary Club BG Co-op Sonic Drive-In (6) Mr. Larry T. Biggerstaff (8) Mr. George Barry Bingham, Jr. BKD, LLP (15) Dr. and Mrs. John Scott Black (12) Blake Hart Taylor & Wiseman Insurance Agency (32) Mr. Keith Bode (2) Ms. Betty Bond Booth Fire & Safety, Inc. (24) Bowling Green Country Club, Inc. (14) Bowling Green Road Runners (8) Bowling Green Western Symphony Orchestra Association (6) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bowra (4) British Consulate General David F. Broderick (35) Ellen and Michael O. Buchanon (6) 35 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving William E. and Mary H. Buckler Scholarship (5) Bullitt East Athletic Boosters Inc. (3) Dr. and Mrs. John T. Burch (14) Dr. Andrew M. Burt (5) Burton Memorial Baptist Church (3) C.A. Graham & Associates, Inc. (39) Cabbage Patch Settlement House (3) Judy and Rich Callahan (19) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl Campbell (24) Campbell Chevrolet (24) Canadian Consulate General Canon U.S.A., Inc. Col. Sidney C. Carpenter (16) Dr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Carroll (21) Mr. Bobby K. Carter (2) Mr. David Brian Carter (2) CarTopSystems N.A. Inc. (3) Center of Insurance (20) Charles M. Moore Insurance Agency (14) Cinderella's Circuit City Foundation (6) City of Bowling Green (6) David Clement, State Farm Insurance Clientlogic Corporate Headquarters Eric Coffman (7) Commonwealth Health Foundation (2) Commonwealth Health Free Clinic Confidential Costello Chrysler (7) Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ray Cowles (3) Crescent-Warren County Youth Association (6) The Maxine B. Curtis Foundation Pictured from left to right are Jacqueline Addington, President Owensboro Community and Technical College; Dr. Marilyn Brookman, Director of the Owensboro Campus; President Gary Ransdell; Dan Lanham, Chairman of the Advisory Council for the WKU Owensboro Extended Campus; State Representative Joe Bowen; Big Red; and Tom Watson, Mayor of Owensboro. WKU-OWENSBORO CAMPUS HAS NEW HOME More than 100 people turned out June 8 to help Western’s Owensboro extended campus celebrate its new home at the Owensboro Community and Technical College. WKU-Owensboro classes were moved to the OCTC campus on New Hartford Road in September. Administrative offices, which had been housed in the Longfellow Center next to Owensboro High School, were relocated after space was renovated on the second floor of the Learning Resource Center. Western, which has been in Owensboro since 1968, has nearly 700 students enrolled on the Owensboro extended campus. Of those, almost 100 are former OCTC students who have received their associate’s degree and are working on baccalaureate or graduate degrees.WKU offers junior and senior level courses, graduate courses and Rank 1 education courses in Owensboro. 36 Joe T. Davis (17) Delta Research & Educational Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lynn Denton (4) DESA, LLC (24) Deweese Carpet & Floor Covering Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Deweese Sharon and Gary Kendall Dillard (23) Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dodd (4) Dr.Timothy Donley (7) DPR Ventures, LLC. Drobocky Orthodontics, P. S. C. (3) Drs. Carroll and Burt, DMD, PSC (5) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy E. Earnhart (10) Eli Jackson III, PSC Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Embry (2) Fairfield Inn-Marriott Bob R. Farley (37) Farmers Rural Electric Cooperative (6) Dr. and Mrs. Wade Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Alvin P. Ford, Jr. (11) Foresters (2) Gerald W. Fudge Attorney At Law Future Brands Distributors Foundation (2) Larry and Dr. Cecile Garmon (22) George & Loraine Morgan Memorial Trust (2) Gerald Printing (2) GH Weems Educational Fund Jack and Janice Glasser (24) Goat Gary Junior Golf, Inc. Goodman Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Nissan, Inc. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis Goodman, Jr. (23) Carrie and Doug Gott (13) Graham Alumni Association (5) Mr. John B. Graham, Jr. (4) Grand Encampment Edu. Loan Fund Mr. James Harold Grant (3) Graves Gilbert Clinic (17) Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Graviss (13) Drs. Harry and Shirley Gray Grayson County High School Barbara and John D. Grider (24) Kenneth E. and Irene S. Hall (8) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hardcastle (5) Harlin Parker Attorneys At Law (13) Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Harris, Jr. (17) Harrison County Community Foundation (3) Hart County Stone Company Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas Henderson, Jr. (5) Heritage Hills Scholarship Foundation (2) Hikes Point Optimist Club Hill Motley Lumber (36) Hines Pharmacy (18) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Scott Hines (19) Suzanne and Warren Hines (26) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Floyd Hinton (2) Hitcents.com (2) Mrs. Dawn Marie Hitron (8) Glenn Hodges (7) Holley Performance Products, Inc. Mr. E. John Hornsby, Jr. (7) Hunt Ford Mercury Chrysler, Inc. (2) Anne and Michael Hyde (26) Intel Foundation J. Allen Builders, Inc. (3) Dr. Eli O. Jackson, III (3) Mike Jarvis (5) JBK Network Consulting (2) Johnny Warren Foundation Dr. Linda Ellis Johnson (25) Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey Johnston, III (3) Jordan-Chiles, Inc. (2) Mr.Tommy Aaron Joseph (6) Jr. Miss Scholarship KAPHCC Debit Account Tori and Rick Kelley (27) The Kentucky All A Classic (5) Kentucky Bankers Association, Inc. Kentucky H. S. Athletic Association (2) Kentucky National Bank (3) Kentucky Restaurant Association (6) Kentucky RSA #4 Cellular (4) Kentucky Trust Bank (4) Dr. Lee and Mr. Ray A. Knight (10) Dennis R. Koon (24) Dr. Joan and Mr. Robert E. Krenzin (24) KY Grocers Education Foundation KY Transportation Employees Assn. (5) Connie and Stacy W. Lamb (18) Jana and Bud Layne (12) The Liberty Group (5) Logan County Schools (3) Ms. M. Melissa Losson (4) Louisville Male High School Foundation, Inc. (3) Lowe's of Bowling Green Ms. Rebecca J. Loyall (3) Mr. Michael Delaney Lynch (4) Mariah's Restaurant (27) Marsh USA, Inc. (6) Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur Martens (24) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Martin (6) Maryland Higher Ed. Commission (2) Mr. and Mrs.William H. Mason, Jr. (36) Matsushita Floorcare Company (4) McDonald's/Franklin (16) Ms. Katherine Ann Mead (11) The Medical Center at Scottsville (6) Dr. Kristy and Mr. Kim Allen Menke (10) Michael V. Bryant State Farm Ins. (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Michigan Merit Award (4) Microsoft Business Solutions Mr. Christopher Owen Mills (2) Mr. Clinton William Mills (2) Modern Woodmen of America (2) Mr. and Mrs. F. Hampton Moore (2) Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund (2) Stacey and Keith Morrison (10) Mr. Michael B. Mountjoy Mr.Timothy J. Mullin Mr. Danny C. Munford (3) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marshall Nation (14) National Black MBA Association National City Bank Trust Operation National Forensic League (3) The National Honorary Beta Club (3) Neace Lukens Insurance Agency (3) New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Mr. Michael Ray Nutter Officers Wives Club (2) Omni Custom Meats, Inc. (8) Orthopedics Plus Physical Therapy (3) Par Maker Golf Club, Inc. Mr. Ronald R. Parry Patti Dillard State Farm Insurance (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Pauli Pauline Young Scholarship Foundation Ms. Dorthy Jewell Pearson (2) Pennyrile Dental Society Pepper, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Pepper (17) Ann and Joe Petrocelli (25) Photronics Scholarship Foundation (3) Pierce, Simpson & Shadoan (7) Mr. Leo Pitt (2) President's Student Service Scholarship (4) PrimeCare Medicine Associates Protective Life Corporation 15th District PTA of Kentucky (3) Public Radio Partner (2) Quick Rent A Car and Sales Monie Beard (d.) (24) Mary and Charles Ralph, Jr. (4) L.D. and Dr. Joyce Rasdall RASP Scholarship Service (2) Dan Renshaw's Greenwood Ford Reynolds, Johnston, Hinton,Thomas & Pepper, LLP (3) Mary Dale and Mike Reynolds (3) Rhoades Properties Inc. Mr. and Mrs.Tony Gil Rhoades (10) Mr. and Mrs. William Noel Rich (16) Richardson Family Foundation (6) John W. Ridley (23) Drs. Richard and Julia Roberts (19) Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Max Robinson (25) Rod Martin Construction (13) Mrs. Erleen Joiner Rogers (d.) Alumni Fall 2005 Lynette and J Russell Ross (23) Ruth W. and Charles M. Ruter (10) Scott County Board of Education Scotty's Contracting & Stone (18) Mr. and Mrs. David Sears (5) Dr. and Mrs. Camden Wood Selig (6) Mr. Jack W. Sheidler (7) Mr. Larry B. Shelton (5) Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inc. (4) Sigma Phi Epsilon (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Simms (9) Mr. B. Alan Simpson (3) Barbara and Gilbert Smith (27) Southern Kentucky Rural Electric (2) South Spencer Scholarship (6) South State Contractors (4) Southland Manufacturing Co. Inc. (7) Mr. Ron and Dr. Debra Sowell (24) Mr. George M. Speed, Jr. Spencer County High School Springfield Rotary/Smith/Draughon Springhill Pharmacy (13) Springview Hospital Mr. Craig Christopher Stahl (4) Stephen Burton Memorial Ed. Fund (6) Jan and James Brouder Stewart (7) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dixon Stone Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co. Foundation (7) Sumitomo Scholarship Fund SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation Sygen International Dr. John Taormina Mr. David Bailes and Mrs. Linda Thomas (3) Carolyn and William Throneberry (13) Times Publishing Company Mary and Robert Tincher (30) Marilyn and James B.Tomes (27) Toyota Motor Manufacturing Ky, Inc. (3) Turner Industries II LTD (35) Ms.Valerie Lynn Van Eaton (5) Mr. and Ms. Mark Van Meter (5) Veterans of Foreign Wars Stephen Vinsavich (12) VSA Arts of Kentucky (2) Wachovia Foundation Michael Wade State Farm Insurance WAKY Sign Company (13) Walton Family Foundation, Inc. (3) Warren County Fiscal Court (6) Mr. Stephen Michael Washer (14) Western Kentucky Orthopaedic Association Western Kentucky Plastics, Inc. (16) Western Realty Company (13) Western Ky Diagnostic Imaging (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Kevin Westray (5) Weyerhauser Mr. Jimmy White William L. Wilcox (20) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lamar Williams (4) Frances H. and Lively M. Wilson (8) J. David and Miki Wiseman (20) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Wismann (5) Mr.Tom Witthuhn (3) Dr.Willson and Erma (d.) Wood (13) Mr. Donald K. Woolley Woosley Brothers Painting Co., Inc. (11) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Daniel Woosley (24) World Competition Consultants Wyatt,Tarrant & Combs, LLC (11) Yearwood Equipment YMCA of Greater Louisville Young Manufacturing Company, Inc. (5) Mr. Michael A.Young Dr. Joseph J. Zaydon (3) Director Level ($1,000 - $2,499) 4-S Foundation (2) Jannice Owens Aaron and Henry Baughman (6) Abel Construction Company, Inc. Adair County Farm Bureau Adairville Church of Christ Linda and Buddy Adams (32) Ms. Marion L. Adams (17) AJ Jolly Elementary Mr. and Mrs. Mark David Alcott (9) AllDorm, Inc. Allen County Farm Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michael Allen (7) Alliza Sod Farms, Inc. Allnutt & Associates (20) Mr. and Mrs. Lance B. Alm (3) Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation American Bank & Trust Company, Inc. (5) American Business Women's Assoc. (5) American Legion Auxiliary - Louisville American Legion Auxiliary Ft. Campbell American Legion Post No. 13 American Postal Workers Union American Folklore Society Appalachian Student Fund (2) The Arabian Horse Foundation Argonaut Group, Inc. Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Mr. John Stephen Asher (2) Ashland Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Ayers (15) B. G. Freight, Inc. (16) B. G.Technical College (3) BA+Architecture Associates Mr. and Mrs. Scott Adrian Bachert (20) Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Bacon (6) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eugene Bailey (10) Ms. Ellen Lee Bale Dr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Bale (19) Bandy Carroll Hellige Advertising Bank of Caneyville (19) Bank of Edmonson County (4) Mr. Bill W. Barker (4) Carrie and Chris Barnette (7) Barren County Beef Products Mr. John R. Baum (8) Dr. Juanita C. Bayless (11) The BBC Foundation (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bennie P. Beach, Sr. (5) Mr. Ronald C. Beal Kathy and Dr. Craig Beard (22) Beargrass Christian Church (2) Beaver Dam Baptist Church (5) Bellevue Baptist Church Benevolent and Protection Orders (2) Mr.Ted Alan Bennett (2) Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bennison Bessemer Trust Beta Rho Omega AKAS Betsy Travis Memorial Scholarship BG Human Rights Commission BGWC Medical Society Alliance (2) Ms. Covella H. Biggers (13) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Bilyeu (4) Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bernard Binder (7) Mr. Michael K. Bishop (4) Dr. and Mrs. John P. Blackburn Leslie and John Paul Blair (12) Mr. Gerald G. Blank Bloomfield Baptist Church Blue Grass Energy Coop. Corp. (2) Ms. Carla Bohannon (8) Jan and Jim Bohannon III (4) Boise Office Solutions (4) Drs. John and Ellen Bonaguro (2) Ms. Carla Hinton and Mr. Dale Bond (2) Mrs. Sue F. Borders (40) Mr. and Mrs.Tom B. Boston (4) Mr. Lee C. Bowden, Jr. (19) Bowling Green Enterprise Community (4) Bowling Green High School Alumni (5) Bowling Green Noon Lions Club (3) Bowling Green Woman's Club, Inc. (5) Mr. David Bradford (3) Mr. Douglas A. Bradford (40) Harold Brantley Appraisal Company (14) Breece Enterprises, Inc. (26) Mr. and Mrs. James Breece (2) Mary Carolyn Wolfe and James W. Brite, Sr. (24) Dr. Jack H. Britt (18) 37 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Rev. and Mrs. James L. Britt (2) Dr. and Mrs. Jenks S. Britt (10) Broadway United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Brown (3) Marcia Jan Brown (9) Mr. R. Sclater Brown, Jr. (2) Ms.Valerie C. Brown (7) Mr. Jody D. Bryant (3) Mr. Michael V. Bryant (9) Mr. Ray B. Buckberry, Jr. (24) Bullington Consulting, Inc. Hon. and Mrs. James Robert Bullington (4) Bullitt County Education (2) Drs. Barbara and Kenneth Burch (10) Burnam & Son Mortuary, Inc. (2) Mr. Cedric C. Burnam Ms. Carlotta Kay Bush (9) Mr. Jerry C. Bush (3) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Butler Mrs. Katharyn M. Byrne (4) Cagles-Keystone Foods LLC Mr. Paul Brent Calico (10) Camden Place Mr. Julian JN Campbell Amelia and Joseph Cangemi (22) Mr. and Mrs.William Alan Cannon (9) Mr. Grover M. Canty (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Capp The Carpenter Group Mr. Howard Ralph Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Carrico (9) Ms. Darla Michelle Carter (6) Dr. and Mrs.Tom Parker Carter (24) Casey County Alumni Association (2) Keith Cassady (13) Caverna Education Foundation (3) The Cecilian Bank (3) Jimmie M. and Sara Downing Celsor (6) Center for Rural Development (5) Central High School Magnet C.A. (4) Century 21 Buddy Adams & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Craig John Cero Mr. James W. Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs.Wilson Lee Chapman (4) Chase Lexington Mr. Robert Chaudoin (2) Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Mrs. Beverly L. Childress (2) Christian Academy of Lousiville (4) Chubb & Son Foundation Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation Clark Properties Mr. David Edward Clark (2) Mr. Fred Clark Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clayton (4) Mr. and Mrs. David N. Clement (2) 38 Mr. and Mrs. Randell Cline (3) Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Cohron (2) Coldwell Banker/Legacy Real Estate (5) Dr. Maurice Cole (7) Honorable Jo Ann and Mr. Lee L. Coleman (6) College Heights United Methodist Church Colonial House Furniture, Inc. (3) Columbia Lions Club Activities The Columbus Foundation (6) Commonwealth Industries, Inc. (3) Commonwealth Wine & Spirits, Inc. (2) Community Foundation Alliance (5) Mr. Harold E. Cook (14) Corky's Coaches Corner (3) Mr.Thomas J. Corum Mr. Robert Jay Couch (2) The Courier Journal (6) Dr. Keith M. Coverdale (24) Covington Capital, LLC (4) Mr. Gil Cowles, Jr. (7) Crestmoor Properties, Inc. Crowe Chizek and Company LLC Cumberland Electric Membership (3) Mr. Richard Cummings (13) Dan D.Vickery Insurance (5) Dance Images (4) Dr. David Edward Danhauer (3) DAV Henry County Chapter David M. Pittman, DMD, PLLC Daviess County Farm Bureau, Inc. Dr. Neal C. Davis (9) Davis Construction (14) Davor Photo Inc. Ms. Irma S. Day (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. De Lessio (2) Ms. Carolyn S. Dearing (23) Decorators Supply (10) Deloitte & Touche Foundation Delta Omicron Prof Music Fraternity (4) Ms. Gayle Demersseman Denney Building Services, Inc. (19) Mr. Michael Denney (3) Dept. of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. DeRoyal Mrs. Lara Myatt Derryberry (2) Destiny Dental (7) Diamond Caverns (3) Ms. Crystal G. Diamond (3) Mr. Mack Dickerson (6) Brents Dickinson, III (33) Dickson Co. Retired Teachers Association Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Dillard (19) Ms. Patricia A. Dillard (4) Mr. Ralph Dillihay (6) Mr. James G. Dinning (27) Distributive Education Clubs Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Mr.Thomas Lacey Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Berry Michael Donnelly (13) Ms. Roxy J. Doogs Alex Downing (13) Mr. Howard J. Downing (5) Mr. Earl L. Doyle, Jr. (2) Dr. Joseph J. Zaydon, M.D. (2) Rick and Carol DuBose (24) E & B Paving, Inc. (2) E. H. Harris Lumber Co., Inc. Eagle Industries, LLC East Kentucky Power Cooperative (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eaves (12) Educational Foundation of the Kentucky Society of CPAs (2) Edgar and Lucile Schergens Fdtn. Edward Jones - Brad Golden (2) Effective Mail Marketing, Inc. (2) Dr. and Mrs. Warren Eisenstein (7) Elizabeth Buford Shepherd (2) Elizabeth L. Stone Scholarship Elizabethtown Lion's Club, Inc. Elks National Foundation (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ward Elliott Drs. Erin and Randy Elliott Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Dale Emberton (14) Mrs. Norma Lou Engle Enlisted Spouses Club Ft. Campbell, Kentucky Enlisted Spouses Club Ft. Knox, Kentucky Enterprise (2) Drs. Sam and Mary Evans (8) F. S. Community Arts Council (4) F.B.L.A. Club Farm Credit Services Federal Employee Ed. & Assist. Fund (2) Dr. Kela L. Fee (6) Felker Brothers Mr. Lloyd Ferguson (3) Fern Creek High School (3) Dr. and Mrs. Blaine Richard Ferrell (19) Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Fields (14) Dr. Jeanne R. Fiene (5) Fifth District VFW (6) First Capital Bank of Kentucky First Command Educational Fndtn. First Southern Bancorp, Inc. (2) First United Methodist ChurchMorganfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Fischer Dr. and Mrs. John O. Fitts (24) Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Fletcher (23) Dr. and Mrs. James S. Flynn (24) Ford Furniture Company (4) Forecasters Club Fort Knox Federal Credit Union (2) Fort Knox National Company (6) Mr. Danny Ray Foster (5) Mrs. Carolyn and Dr. Nader Fotouhi (5) Mrs. Mildred Fox (15) Franklin City Board of Education Franklin Co. Farm Bureau, Inc. Franklin Precision Industry, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Franklin (33) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Randal Freeman (2) Dr. John H. Frick (8) Friends of Moody School Foundation Friendship Baptist Church Ft. Eustis Swim Team Boosters Club Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fulgham (10) Fulton Rotary Club Dr. and Mrs. William H. Funk (5) G & M Homes Inc. (3) G. F. Resort The Gallup Organization (3) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gann (13) The Garden Club of Kentucky, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Garner (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mary Jane Garrett (13) R. Neal Garrison (20) Mr. David Berry Garvin (2) Gates F.Young Trust (10) Mr. David L. Gay (12) Mr. Frank J. Genzianelli (4) Georgia-Pacific Corporation (2) Mr. James L. Gibson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie P. Gipson (25) Girl Scouts Central Savannah Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana (4) Glasgow Kiwanis Club (4) Glenview Health Care Facility, Inc. (14) Golden State Scholar Share Trust Mr. Julian Goodman (24) Dr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Graham (4) Gravil Funeral Home, Inc. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gravil (5) Mr. and Mrs. David T. Gray (7) Mr. Scott T. Graybill (7) Greater Missionary Baptist Church Greenview Apartments Dr. and Mrs. Bill Clyde Greenwalt (5) Mr. John R. Gregory, Jr. (2) Mr. David C. Greulich (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Grim (10) Dianne and William Grimes (27) Mr. Chris Grinstead, III (2) Ms. Wilma C. Grise (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Bartley Hagerman (24) Mr. Gary E. Hairlson (3) Ms. Frances F. Hall (7) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hall (5) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Albert Vance Hamm (2) Mr.Timothy Ryan Hampton Mr. Edward Tate Hanks Mr. William Thomas Hardcastle (4) Hardin County Conservation District (3) Hardin Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Harned (23) Harness Horsemen International Foundation (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Harper (7) Harrison & Goin Law Firm (14) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harrison (4) Hartmann, Inc. Mr. and Mrs.Allan Howard Harvey (2) Mr.Tom G. Hawkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Haynes (8) Helm Foundation (3) Mary E. Heltsley (13) Henderson Co. Sports Hall of Fame Henderson Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs.Tony Henon (5) Mr. Scott Henon (3) Heritage Bank of Burlington, KY Dr. Andy Higgins (2) High Noon Rotary Club of Dickson Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Hightower (4) Tom and Sara Hiles (8) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hines (13) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis Hinton (16) William L. Hix (10) Ms. Forrest Roberts and Mr. Allen W. Holbrook (3) Mr. Frederick G. Holcomb, Jr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Holderfield Holderfield Battery Company Holland, Inc. (14) Mr. James E. Holland (3) Mr. John B. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Montroe Holland (4) Mr. Richard Darnell Holton Holy Rosary Foundation, Inc. Mr. Joe T. Hood (5) Cora Dee Hooks (18) The Hooper Foundation (3) Horse Farm Workers Education Assistant Fund, Inc. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robert Horton (4) Mr. Joe B. Houchens, II (23) Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. James F. Huggins (7) Hugh Sims Ear, Nose and Throat (4) Dr. and Mrs. Luther B. Hughes, Jr. (22) Mrs. Mary Barr Humphrey (17) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Raymond Hunt (23) Charles and Sharon Hunter (7) Ms. Lillie Mae Harston Hurt (d.) Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Wilson Hutcheson (5) Illinois AMVETS Service Foundation (3) Independent Charities of America Indiana Laborers Training Trust Fund (6) Ingram Insurance Agency (7) Mr. John Ingram (13) J.Todd and Jenny (Stelmach) Inman (3) Inter County Energy Inter Fraternity Council (6) International Bluegrass Music Association (4) International Bluegrass Music Museum (2) International Council for Canadian International Fed. of Prog. & Tech. (4) Mr. Walter T. Ivie J. B. Distributors, Inc. (4) J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation, Inc. Mr. Steven Lee Jackson (2) Jefferson High School Alumni Assn. (2) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne Jefferson (9) Jeffersonville High School Jefferstown Chamber of Commerce Jeffrey J. McKenna Scholarship Mr. Larry M. Jenkins (5) Jim & Gil's Men's Shop (3) John D. Miller Education Foundation (2) Johnny Unitas Golden Arm (5) Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James S. Johnson (17) Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Johnson (24) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson (22) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Jones (13) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Jones (9) Mr. William J. Jones (5) Josh's Friends, Inc. (4) Jostens Foundation Junior Achievement of South Central Kentucky (4) Kaba Select Sires, Inc. (4) Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Z. Kafoglis (24) KANS Mary (d.) and Douglas Keach (11) Mr.Tommy Kelley, III (2) Kenergy (4) Kentucky Banking Centers, Inc. Kentucky Congress of Parents Kentucky Cystic Fibrosis Services Kentucky Teacher's Retirement (5) Kentucky Thoroughbred Association (3) Kentucky Trust Company (3) Dr. and Mrs. James Gus Kereiakes (6) Kerr Greulich Engineers, Inc. Ms. Sylvia H. Kersenbaum (19) Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Kersting, III (8) Mr. and Mrs.Walter Bruce Kessler (6) Mr. Paul A. Kimbel (7) Kirby Building Systems, Inc. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Kirby (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodes Kirby (9) Kiwanis Club of N. Side Evansville Kiwanis Club of Plymouth, Inc. Knight Ridder, Inc. Mrs. Eleanor G. Koon (9) Kroger Food Stores Mr. Brian William Kuster (9) Kentucky Hospital Research and Education Foundation Ky Lumber & Building Materials KY Peace Officers Assoc. Charities Dr. Hugh Barret Lessenberry (2) Lexington Herald-Leader (6) Lexmark International, Inc. Ms. Susie Likes (13) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edward Lile (17) Dr. and Mrs. Muh B. Lin (2) Lions of Texas Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dean Little (10) Ms. Edna Lloyd (24) Martha Lloyd (31) Logan Telephone Cooperative (7) Dr. and Mrs.Timothy Richard Long (6) Lord Corporation (2) Louisville Agricultural Club Schol. Louisville Metro Housing Authority Mr. Marc Allen Lovell (13) Todd Parker Lowe, CFA (3) House Speaker Jody Richards addresses the crowd at the Center for Research and Development ribbon cutting on May 31. Pictured from left to right are: Ed Tivol, vice president of EWA Government Systems; Jim Host, Kentucky Commerce Secretary; House Speaker Jody Richards; and Buddy Steen, director of the Central Region Innovation and Commercialization Center. LaGrange Rotary Club Mrs. Harriet Largen Lair (2) Mr. Jack Lancaster (2) Lancaster Heating & Cooling (27) Leadership Bowling Green Alumni (2) Lee Brick and Block (24) Dr. Albin Lee (23) Mr. Kenneth G. Lee Dr. and Mrs. David Dale Lee (18) Lee Masonry Products Leichhardt Landscape Company, Inc. (13) L'Elegance Cotillion Beautillion Lenawee Co. Education Foundation (2) Dr. and Mrs. William Everett Leonard (7) Luciano Prida and Co., P. A. (7) JF Maddox Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Madison (8) Dr. and Mrs. Nace R. Magner (7) Malchow and Lawless Orthodontics Glenn R. Malchow (23) Mallinckrodt, Inc. (3) Manning Rental (17) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Manning (17) Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Wade Manning (7) Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC Marie R. and Ervin Turner (2) Marilyn and William Young Charitable Foundation Marine Corps. Scholarship Fnd. (5) Marion County Board of Education (6) 39 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Ronald P. Markel (4) Mr. Wade T. Markham, II (21) Jerry Martin (20) Martinsville ACE Hardware Karen W. and David B. Matchus (8) Mr. Harold T. Matthews (18) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph MacDonald Mayfield Mr. Kevin McCay Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. McCormick (8) Jonathan McDaniel State Farm Ins. (3) Sue Lynn and Bob McDaniel (13) Dr. and Mrs. Sam Grady McFarland (18) Ms. Christi Jo McGown (13) McGuirk Oil Company, Inc. (26) Mr. James W. McGuirk (d.) (11) Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. McGuirk (3) Ms. Diana Lynne McQuady (3) Meade County Rural Electric Co Op (4) Mediacom CC Midwest Disbursement (2) Drs. Prabodh and Daksha Mehta (3) Memco, Inc. Merlin Gish Scholarship Metcalfe Co. Jr. Miss Schol. Prog. (2) Mr. George H. Meyer, Jr. (10) MGM Charitable Scholarship (4) Michigan First Credit Union Mickie's Alterations (20) Microsoft Foundation Middletown Community Foundation (3) Mid-South Sales, Inc. (4) Ms. Irmagarde Mielke (3) Mike Nutter Construction Company Ms. Brigid A. Millea (8) Mr. C.Terrell Miller (2) Karl and Jennifer Miller (12) Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Miller (16) Ms. Nancy E. Miller (14) Hon. and Mrs. John Dean Minton, Jr. (8) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Montgomery, Jr. (6) Monticello Banking Company (13) Ms. Andrea Moore (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Moore, Jr. (9) Mr. Gary Reid Moore (6) Dr. and Mrs. William T. Moore Mr. Reed Morgan Morgantown Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. J Lewis Moseley (24) Mr. Douglas Wayne Mosley (4) WKU REGENTS APPROVE $272.6 MILLION BUDGET The WKU Board of Regents approved a $272.6 million budget for 2005-06. The budget represents a 12 percent increase or $29 million from all sources of funds from 2004-05, including approximately $8 million in additional state funding. Highlights include a 4 percent merit salary increase pool plus a 1 percent pool to address market, performance and equity issues; a 4 percent increase in operating budgets to address enrollment growth and other cost increases; $2.3 million for scholarships and other aid; and $5.6 million for academic quality improvements. “We are deeply appreciative to Governor Ernie Fletcher and the 2005 General Assembly for reversing the years of budget reductions and for providing a much needed funding increase,” WKU President Gary Ransdell said. “This budget will result in strategic promises being made and subsequently promises being kept to this campus and to our current and prospective students.” Tuition and fees make up the largest source of revenue, accounting for 35 percent of the total budget. State appropriations account for 29 percent of the budget.The other 36 percent is from self-generated revenue and restricted funds.The fiscal year began July 1. 40 Most Worshipful Prince Hall (4) Mount Washington Spring Festival Muhlenberg North High School (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Mullican (7) Munfordville Lions Club (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Murray (4) Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Murrell (13) Dr. Lisa Ellen Murrell (10) Dr. Daniel A. Myers (12) N. O. Kimbler Memorial Fund, Inc. Nadine Lovan Sunday School Class (9) Napa Alley Wine Shop LLC (2) Nashville CO-OP Nashville Financial Service Center National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (2) National Press Photographers Foundation (6) National Tourism Foundation, Inc. Nelson County Farm Bureau (3) Nelson County High School (6) New Albany High School (2) New York Life Foundation Nolin Rural Electric Coop. Corp. (2) Ms. Diane Louise Noll (2) Norstam Veneers, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation Mr. Robert Allen Norvell (17) Nuckols & Cohron PSC (20) Ohio County Conservation District (3) Ohio Valley National Bank (13) Dr. Courtenay L. Olney, Sr. Optimist Club of Louisville, Inc. (2) Orchid International (2) Mr. John Lee Osborne (14) Oshkosh B'Gosh Foundation, Inc. (6) Judy and Ernie Owen (17) Owensboro Board of Education Owensboro Tourism Commission (5) Papa John's Pizza (18) Mr. and Mrs.William A. Parsons, Jr. (2) Partners for Youth Foundation, Inc. Mr. Sam Patrick (3) Mr. and Mrs.Albert William Pedigo (16) Mr. and Mrs.Tony Pelaski (9) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edward Pendleton (24) Dr. and Mrs. John H. Petersen (18) Mr. J. Morris Pickerell, Jr. (4) Pioneer Hi Bred International, Inc. Dr. David Mallory Pittman (8) Pleasant Green Baptist Church Mr. Carl F. Pollard Precision Strip, Inc. (5) Presbyterian Church (USA) Mr. and Mrs. Phil Price (13) Mr. Luciano Prida (4) Ms. Mary Elizabeth Proctor (2) Professional Marketing Association (6) PTA Mr. and Mrs.Troy D. Puckett (2) Quebecor World Franklin (2) Radcliff Rotary Club Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (3) Jeff Ralph State Farm Insurance (5) CW3 (Ret.) and Mrs. James L. Ramge (9) Willanna and Robert Ramsey (20) Dr. and Mrs. George Thomas Ransdell (8) Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Ransdell (15) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Rather (13) Mr. and Mrs. Lemual O' Neil Ray, Jr. (5) Raytheon E. Systems Mr. and Mrs.Terry J. Reagan (15) Recycling Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Brian Reed (13) Dr. Cathy Reeves Republic Bank & Trust Company (13) Retired Teachers Association Reynolds Farms (4) Mr. Daniel Miles Reynolds (10) Reynolds Sealing & Striping (23) Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Mr. Charles Forest Rice (11) Dr. David Richards (5) Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kraig Richardson (13) Mr. and Mrs. Dan Riley (19) Riley's Bakery, Inc. (5) Rineyville Optmist Club Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Rink (7) Mrs. Stephanie Roach (4) Claire and Dave Roberts (2) Robertson Co.Young Farmers (3) Lee and Joyce Robertson (13) Drs. Stephen Robertson and Gina Davis (12) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Rogers (2) Mr. Steven Allen Rogers (10) Mrs. Ann McKeel Ross (13) Hon. Dale Ross (5) Rotary Club of Cadiz Rotary Club of Harrodsburg The Rotary Club of Nicholasville (2) Rotary Club of Owensboro Rotary International Rotary International District Roundstone Native Seed, LLC Brandon T. and Stephanie M. Rucker (3) Mr. James V. Rush (9) Mr. Carl Joseph Russell Mrs. Katherine Russell (d.) (3) Dr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Russell Mr. William R. Russell (3) Russellville Independent Schools (5) Ms. Jennifer Salisbury (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mrs. Michele H. Salisbury (10) Kathy and Terry G. Scariot (9) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schell (13) Dr. Robert H. Schell (12) Irving Scherman (9) Mr. George H. Schroer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joann Schweers (13) Scott Christian Memorial Soccer Foundation Scott County Woman's Club Scripps Howard Foundation (7) Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Seadler, II (2) Second Head Div. Assoc. Schol. SEMC Federal Credit Union Seventh Street Baptist Church Drs. David and Rebecca Shadowen (13) Mr. James Richard Shannon (6) Mr. James Robert Shaver (3) Mr. Shaver and Ms. Koon (13) Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Sheffey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Shelton (24) Jane and William Shreve (20) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Shrewsbury (15) Siegel-Robert, Inc. Signature Signs & Ad Specialties (13) Simpson County Chapter of Vietnam Veterans, Inc. Simpson County Junior Miss Mr. and Mrs. Delane Simpson (24) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Simpson (2) Mr.Tony W. Simpson (9) Jennifer and William Skaggs (10) Dr. and Mrs. Julius John Sloan, III (24) Jennifer and Donald Smith (11) Mr. Franklin J. Smith Mr. Jack H. Smith, III (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Craig Smith (4) Society of Physics Students Somerset Community College (3) South Kentucky Services Corporation Southern Kentucky Society Southern Ky. Concert Band Southern Recycling, Inc. (6) Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline Southern Ky Estate Planning Council (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Sowders (6) Special Education Foundation Speck and Hays Heating and Air Conditioning (14) Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Spencer (5) Springs Valley Bank & Trust St. Clair Co. Republican Party Mr. Andrew R. Stahl Mr. and Mrs. William P. Stamps (21) Derron and Krista Steenbergen (6) Mr. and Mrs.William E. Stewart, Jr. (3) Dr. David Arthur Stiles (3) Dr.Vernon A. Stone (d.) (15) Alumni Fall 2005 Jan and Wendell Strode (24) Stuart Family Foundation (2) Mrs. Flora Templeton Stuart (7) Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Swoboda Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (2) T. P. M., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Martha Talley (13) Taylor Co.Young Woman of the Year Taylor County Junior Miss, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joe William Taylor, II (14) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Taylor (10) Tender Touch Auto Wash Inc. (5) Tennessee Baptist Foundation (4) Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Tennessee Grocers (2) Tennessee School Plant Management (2) Tennessee Valley Authority The Texas American Legion Development Dr. Henry C.Thomas (10) Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger Thomas (10) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thompson (6) Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (2) TIAA-CREF (3) Dr. and Mrs. Gerald E.Tice (5) TN Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic PC Mr. Stephen Todd and Mrs. Pamela Kielty (11) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tomblinson, Jr. (25) Tony Henon Construction (35) Towne & Country of Bowling Green (3) Hon. and Mrs. Freddie L.Travis (13) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mark Troutman Mr. Donald Silas Turner (4) Fred M. and Yvonne Turner (26) Two-Ten Foundation (3) Terry Tyler (13) United Propane Gas Companies United Steelworkers Of America Valor Oil Company (24) Vanderbilt University Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A.Vaughn (12) Verizon Foundation Vette City Liquors (13) Mr. Dan D.Vickery (13) VietNow National Headquarters (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christiaan Lance Volkert (3) Vulcan Materials Company Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Wade (5) Ms. Michelle Wade Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alan Walker (17) Mr. Eurie Vaughn Wallace (5) Wal-Mart Foundation (8) The Walt Disney Company Foundation Ms. Kathy Cox and Dr. Richard Wan (3) Wan's Medical Clinic PSC (23) Bob and Katie Ward (22) Warren County Cattle Producers Association Warren Co. Republican Women's Club Warren County Junior Miss Program (7) Warren County Youth Softball Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Warren Dr. David Allen Watkins (2) Hays T. and Betty J. Watkins Chris and Leslie Watkins (7) Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Watkins (26) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley Watson (13) Mrs. Regina A. Webb Mr. Randall A. Weghorst The Wells County Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Wells (13) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Patterson West (2) White House Mens Club Mr. and Mrs. Barry White (18) Dr. and Mrs. Richard J.Wiesemann (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilkins (11) William Henry Oliver Scholarship (2) Williams Gas Pipeline Texas Gas Mr. and Mrs. James Barry Williams (13) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.Williams (18) Mr. W. Alfred Williams (6) Williamson County Swim League Mr. and Mrs. Linda L. Willis (12) Mr. and Mrs. Randy Steve Wilson (13) Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Wilson (13) Mr. Alan Winkenhofer (2) WKU Panhellenic Association Woman's Club of Smiths Grove (2) Woodbine CP Church Woodcock Foundation Woodford County Homemakers (5) Wright Medical Tech., Inc. (4) WYMT - TV, Basketball Classic (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Yonts (11) Mr. William David York (2) Mr. Jerry Hicks Young (5) Dr.Tracey and Mr. Robert Young (12) Mr. and Mrs.Trent Allen Young (9) (d.) Deceased Hilltopper alumni gather on the field of the Cleveland Browns stadium prior to a Cleveland Alumni chapter event featuring new Browns Head Coach Romeo Crennel. Featured from left to right are Mark Marsh,Wayne Bush, Jimmy Feix, Crennel, Butch Gilbert, David Elson, Sherrod Coates, Norm Johnson and Alex Downing. 41 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Dean’s Circle ($500 - $999) 1st Independence Bank 1st Source Bank (4) Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Abell (10) ACFS Lumber Supply (3) Mr. William G. Adams (24) Aegon/Transamerica Alabama District Employees Association Jo-Ann and Henry Albers (15) Alcan Composite Allen County Conservation District (5) Mrs. Alicia Allen and Dr. Marion Lucas (19) Mr. S. Norfleet Allen, III Hon. and Mrs.William E. Allender (27) Alpha Chi Corporation (9) Ambucs Scholars American Association of Airport American Express Foundation American International Group, Inc. American Legion Aux. 203 American Legion Ladies Auxiliary #81 (3) Mr. John Thurman Anderson, III Aqua-Land Pool, Spa & Patio (13) Architectural Services of KY, Inc. (8) Judy and Robert Armstrong (11) Mrs. Claire M. Arnold (14) Dr. Nedra Skaggs Atwell (3) Mr. Michael J. Aune (2) Mr. Samuel C. Austin (12) Auxiliary of Hopkinsville Lodge 545 B. G. Evening Lions Club B. J. Killian Foundation (3) Dr. Darragh Moffat Bailey (2) Bandy Bedding, Inc. (13) Bank & Trust Community of Cheatham Bank of Magnolia Mr. Wayne Barber (19) Mr. John R. Barker (12) Dr. and Mrs. James B. Barksdale (10) Mrs. Elizabeth Largen Barlow Mr. David Barnaby (7) Mr. Alexander H. Barnes, Jr. (3) Barren County Junior Miss (3) Mr. Steven W. Barrick (17) Mr. Donald F. Barrickman (6) Mr. Raleigh S. Basham (13) Mr. and Mrs. George Robert Baysinger (18) Ms. Jenna P. Begley (2) Belmont Elementary School Mr. Michael Jan Bernot (9) Beta Gamma Sigma, Inc. (3) Mr. Bradley Wayne Bickett (7) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig Biggs (5) Mr. Glenn J. Bill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Billingsley (3) Ms. Alice E. Bivin (16) Mr. John B. Blossom Dr. George William Boatwright (4) Mr.Terry B. Boeckmann (4) Dr. Dawn Langkamp Bolton (14) Boonville Lions Club Mr. Charles Terry Borders (5) Mr. William H. Borders, II (3) Bowling Green Senior High School Bowling Green-Warren Co.NAACP Mr. Brian A. Bracco (3) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene Bradshaw (5) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Paul Brandt (12) Mr. and Ms. Peter Arlan Brandt (12) Bratcher Financial Services, Inc. Breckinridge Co. Homemakers Breckinridge County Junior Miss Brenntag Mid-South, Inc. (2) Briar Ridge Christian Church Broadcast & Communications Systems Ms. Anne Brock Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Brooks (25) The Brown School PTSA (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Brown (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reide Brown (18) Mr. David Leslie Brown (3) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Steven Brown (3) Mr. John B. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Brown (8) Mr. and Mrs. William Brown (5) Brown's Ice Cream Company (40) Mr. William Bucher (6) Ms. Emma E. Buckley (d.) Bullit County Junior Miss Burgin Christian Church (3) Burkmann Feeds Bus. and Professional Women's Club Butler Traditional High School PTSA (4) Dr. and Mrs. John F. Cabelka, II (2) Capitol Window & Door (21) Dr. and Mrs. Randall Capps (13) Mr. Kevin L. Cardwell (5) Mr. Roger Carey Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carr (24) Carroll County Farm Bureau Fed. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Keith Martin Carwell (24) CASE Kentucky Casey Co. Bank/Samuel Murphy Trust Ms. Margaret M. Cather (16) The Caverna Independent School District Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lee Cawthorn (4) CDS #10 Pharmacy (12) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wayne Cecil (9) Central Eastern Ky. Chapter N.F.F. (2) Century Bank and Trust Mr. Richard D. Chapman (14) Charles M. Anderson and Associates Dr.Todd Richard Cheever (7) Mr. David A. Chelf (3) Dr. and Mrs. Carl P. Chelf (16) General and Mrs. Edward Daniel Cherry (15) Chorus Active Parents Citizens For Gospel Music, Inc. Citizens National Bank Mr. Donald Glenn Clark Pat Clark (13) Clarksville Masonic Lodge #89 CLHS Boys Soccer Booster Club Mrs. Kathleen Cockrill (6) Coldwell Banker/Advantage Realtor Mr. Don Cole (3) Mr. Edward Leroy Colley (11) Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillip Constans (18) Mr. James Conway Ms. Sondra Lee Cook (18) Dr. Stanley S. Cooke (5) Mr. Robert S. Cooley (4) Mrs. Cornelia Dozier Cooper (19) Dr. and Mrs.Tim Cottingham (2) Ann and Raymond L. Cravens (24) Mr. and Mrs. Romeo A. Crennel (19) Dr.Thaddeus Reed Crews, Sr. (5) Crittenden Co. High School Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lee Crutcher (7) Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc. Cumberland Valley National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummings (9) Mr. Donald Ray Cundiff, Jr. (9) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curtis Dale (26) Mrs. Clara W. Daniels (3) Mr. John Stephen Daugherty (17) Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynn Davenport Seeing Double? Hundreds of donors were seeing double when they made a gift to Western last year. Why? They work for a matching gift company. Do you work for a matching gift company? You might be surprised. Thousands of companies nationwide will have you seeing double, or triple, when they match your gift and help you make a difference. Call your Human Resources Department, contact Western, or go online to www.wku.edu/IA/giving.html. You may be seeing double before you know it! Top 10 Matching Gift Companies (Fiscal Year 2005) The May Department Stores State Farm Companies Foundation Price Waterhouse Coopers Foundation IBM 42 GE Foundation Procter & Gamble Fund Wachovia Foundation General Motors Foundation Bank of America Bellsouth David Chelf Auctioneers (2) Daviess Co. Beef Cattle Assoc. Ms. Catrina Renee Davis Ms. Olive E. Davis (8) Mrs. Susann M. Davis (5) Mrs. Willa W. Davis (12) Dawson House, Inc. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Day (25) Delta Kappa Gamma- Delta Chapter (13) Dennis M. O'Keefe, M.D. (3) Mr. Wayne Devine DeVries Family Dentistry Dr. John P. DeVries (6) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robert Dillard (18) Ms.Valerie Nichol Dillard Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Dobson, Jr. (6) Mr. William Frederick Dost, Jr. (2) Dotson Electric Company, Inc. (3) Mr. Larry R. Dotson Ms. Margaret K. Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Orville W. Dotson, III (14) Dr. and Mrs. Dero G. Downing (14) Dr. and Mrs. John E. Downing (5) Mr. and Mrs. David E. Drake (18) Drs. Dobson & Hatcher, P.S.C. (8) Mrs. Joyce Caylor Dunagan (3) Dunbar Alumni Association Ms. Fanny E. Dunn DuPont Manual High School (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Anthony Durso (2) Mr. Curtis Duvall (4) Mr. Michael Brent Duvall (12) East Logan Water District (2) East Robertson High School Ebenezer United Methodist Church (2) W.Thomas and Rebecca L. Eblen (2) Edmonson County Industrial Edmonton State Bank Mr. and Mrs. Leo Eggleton (24) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eisert (4) Elizabethtown Hardin County Mr. Nolan Elkin (3) Mr. David Kevin Elkins Ms. Ann Lynn Ellerkamp (6) Dr. and Mrs. Larry P. Elliott (3) Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Ellis (9) Ms. Pamela J. Elrod (18) Mr. Bob Elson (2) Mr. Robert Brad Elson Emberton Enterprises, Inc. Hon. and Mrs.Tom D. Emberton (14) Mr. Danny Guy Emerson (25) Mr. Charles E. English, Jr. (5) Enlisted Assoc. of the National Ensafe, Inc. (4) Mr. Lee R. Eppinger (4) Dr. and Mrs. John Wilson Eubank (19) Eugene & Kalen Koch JT Rev.Trust F & H Drug Company, Inc. (10) Mrs. Penny S. Fahrlender Fairdale Alumni Association Fairview High School Familyworks LLC Farbest Foods, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Joe Faris (3) Fayette Co. Bar Association Fazoli's Management, Inc. (3) Mr. John Ferris (3) Mr. Paul A. Feser (3) Mr.Thomas A. Finegan Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan Finkbone (24) Mr. James Howard Finn, Jr. (3) The First National Bank (2) First Southern National Bank (2) Fleenor Plumbing & Heating, LLC (4) Mr. Robert S. Fleenor (4) Floyd Co. Extension Homemakers Mr. Jim Ford Mr. Ron T. Ford (34) Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Foster (4) Foundation of FBI Alumni Mr. Robert M. Fox (3) Dr. L. Michael Fraser (13) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Corey Freeman (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. French (8) Friends of the Daviess Co. Library (8) Mr. Anthony Andrew Fugate (5) Mr. Donald L. Gaddie Mrs. Sherry L. Gainer (3) Mr. and Mrs. Quin R. Galbraith (2) Galilean Children's Home (5) Gallatin County Schools (2) Mr. Gary R. Gamlin Mrs. Lois E. Gargotto (7) Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Garrett (3) Gary Raymer Police Scholarship Fund (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Gentry (11) Mr. James E. Gibson (13) Mrs. Carol C. Gilbert (13) Mrs. Jessie Gill Ms. Lisa Gail Gilliam Ginsburg, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ginsburg (4) Glasgow-Barren Co. Board of Realtors (3) Glasgow Highland Games, Inc. (5) Mr. David Anthony Glaspie Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Glasser (10) GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mrs. Denise M. Golden (2) The Golf Club of Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooding (13) Goodlark Educational Foundation Ms. Jill Frances Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Gousha (7) Mr. Lawrence H. Graham (16) Grant County Conservation District Dr. Dante James Graves (2) Greater Clark County Schools (2) Greater Leeds Area BPW Club Greater Louisville Alumni Chapter (14) Dr. Murphy Howard Green (12) Mr. Gilbert W. Grogan (33) Mr. Wayne P. Gustafson (15) The Guttman Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Frank E. Hall (4) Hallmark Cards, Inc. Mr. Jack A. Hanes Dr. James Randall Hansbrough (12) Harlan County Conservation District Mr. and Mrs. Spikal Miller Harmon (18) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene Harmon (4) Harned, Bachert & Denton Attorneys (17) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Harned (19) Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Harper (10) Mr. and Mrs.Woody Eugene Harrell (7) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Harris (13) Dr. Pamela Kaye Harston (3) Hartland Animal Hospital P. S. C. Hartsville Lions Club Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hatcher (4) Mrs. Martha G. Haunz (9) Ms. Barbara J. Hause Dr. and Mrs. Robert V. Haynes (21) Hedrick/Lantz Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Helm Henderson Co. High School Booster Club (3) Mr. Donald Hendrick (13) Highland Raku Studio (2) Highland Ridge, LLC (2) Mr. and Mrs. C. Carroll Hildreth (17) Hill's Pet Nutrition (3) Hillvue Heights Church (5) Mrs. Julie A. Hinson Mr. and Mrs. Brad C. Hogan (3) Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Holdsworth (16) Holy Name of Mary Church Ms. Elizabeth E. Honeycutt (16) Mr. David O. Hopper (22) Horizon Development Group Ms. Claudia Ann Houston (9) Ms. Denise Howard Howell Lodge No. 38 F & AM Mrs. Annette Jones Howlett (7) Hudson, Paula Attucks Class of 1965 Mr. Gary L. Huff (7) Brad and Judy Hughes (16) Mrs. Dorothy J. Hughes (12) Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Hughes (3) Ms. Bev Furnish and Mr. Douglas Humphrey (24) Mr. Stephen Gilbert Hundley (8) Mr.Timothy Allen Hunt (9) Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Lee Hunter (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steven Husk (4) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving I Care, Inc. Ingram-White Castle Foundation Insurance Specialist LLC Interep Radio (7) Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Iracane (7) Mr.Timothy Collins Irons (14) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Isenberg (18) J.Todd and Jenny (Stelmach) Inman Jackson Co. Schneck Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allan Jacobs (5) James Moorman Orphans Home James R. Adams & Associates, Inc. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Harold James (17) Mrs. Mary Hall James Mrs. Staci Kitchens James (8) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Jenkins (8) Drs. Martha and Jeff Jenkins (37) Joe Daniel Construction Co., Inc. (3) John D. Skoglund Schol. Fund (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jordan (13) Junior Achievement of Oki Partners KAGE Daviess County Chapter Mrs. Roma E. Smith Kauth Mr. Bevin Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dale Kennedy (7) Mr. Michael E. Kennedy (7) Kentucky Alpha Psi (2) Kentucky Down Under (2) Kentucky New Era (2) Kentucky Railway Museum, Inc. (6) Kenway Concrete, LLC Mr. Ronald G. Kerry Lt. Col. (Ret.) John M. Keyser (d.) (24) Mrs. Nancy S. Keyser (11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kieswetter (2) Kim Escue-Willis Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. John Harman Kington Kiwanis Club of TC Service AC Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Klattenberg (2) Mr. Peter Klein Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kleinhenz Koch Measurement Devices, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Koedyker (22) Dr. and Mrs. James A. Koper (13) Mr. Richard J. Kral, II (2) Mr. Paul M. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Kreke (3) Kroger Food Stores Karen Kirsch Krzmarzick, CAE, CMP (11) Ky High School Speech League KY-TN Kiwanis District Foundation (3) Dr. Garry and Mrs. Cheryl Lacefield (12) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lacefield (3) Lacey McCandless Memorial Fund Mr. William T. Ladusaw Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Lancaster (24) Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Charles Lange (19) Mr. Charles S. Lanphear (5) Lanphear Construction (13) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Larimore (8) Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lawrence (13) Mr. Samuel C. Lawrence, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Samuel Lawson (4) Mary and Owen Lawson, Jr. (5) Mr. Rhea P. Lazarus (40) Dr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Leavy (13) Ms. Darchelle Leggett Leo Eggleton Accounting (24) Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lewis (16) Mr. Paul M. Lewis (3) Lewisville Education Foundation LHS Class of 1973 Mr. John H. Libby (9) Mr. Donald D. Litten Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Dale Littrell (4) Mr. Lanny Henry Loague (2) Logan Co. Fraternal Order of Police Longview Fibre Company (4) Mr. Christopher S. Louder (3) Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Gregory A. Lowe (14) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houston Lowe Mr. Stephen Alan Lowe (22) Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lowry (3) Mr. Sam W. Lyverse Mrs. Kathy Lynne Maciel (2) Macon County Educational Foundation Mr.Timothy B. Mahoney (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Maier (15) Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Manning (7) Sandy and Don Mansfield (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Martin (4) Master Musicians Festival (2) Maurie S. and Richard Bedwell Mrs. Michelle James May Mays Chapel Baptist Church Mr. William Kevin Mays (2) McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. James B. McCaslin Dr. and Mrs. Stephen F. McClanahan (10) Mr. Cavey McCoy (2) Mr. Chad M. McCoy Mr. Jonathan Russel McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McFarland (5) Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. McGuffey (50) Mr. and Mrs. Sean Patrick McGuinness (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Douglas McPherson (11) Ms. Judy McReynolds (13) Mr. Michael B. McReynolds (5) Meade Co. Homemakers Club (2) Meade County Bar Association Dr. William Joseph Meadors (4) Medical Arts Pharmacy of Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. David H. Mefford (13) Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc. Metcalfe Co. Conservation District (3) Middletown Optimist Club Military Family Member Scholar Fund Mr. Byron Neal Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie L. Miller (19) Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie Milliken (11) Milton PTO Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Boyd Minnich (2) Dr. and Mrs. John Dean Minton (23) MiraCosta College AB Mitchell Scholarship Fund Bharat and Bharati Mody (21) Mr. Zubair M. Mohamed (2) Montgomery and Webb, CPA's (3) Mr. Dean S. Montgomery Monticello Banking Company Mr. James H. Mooneyhan (24) Ms. Ann F. Moore (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Moore (4) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Allen Moore (5) Mr. William O. Moore (10) Morris Tool and Plastics, Inc. Mr. Wayne D. Morse (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allen Moss (5) Muhlenberg County Farm Bureau (5) Muhlenberg South High School Caney Creek Foundation (6) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Russell Murphy (24) Ms. Lee Anne Murray (2) Dr. Susan Stevenson Murray Dr. Loretta and Mr. Harrell Murrey (16) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eugene Myatt (13) Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Myers (3) Ms. Lori Myers Nasco (13) Nashville Opera Association (2) National Football Foundation National Wild Turkey Federation (2) Neely Brothers (13) Mr. John William Nelley, Jr. (2) New Mather Metals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs.William David Newman (2) Mr. Garry Morris Newson (8) Mr. Barret Nichols Dr. Gregg Ford Nicks (3) Dr. Donald R. Nims (12) Mr. and Mrs. George D. Niva (12) Northeast High School Mr. Bryan Carson and Mrs. Gayle Novick (3) Nyloncraft of Kentucky (17) Ogden College Foundation Ohio County Chamber of Commerce Dr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Keefe (3) Dr. Chike O. Onyejekwe Orlinda Baptist Church (6) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Rourke (10) Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Orwin (6) Oskaloosa AG Promotional Schol. Outback Concerts of Tennessee, Inc. Outokumpu Copper Franklin, Inc. (13) Owensboro Community College Owensboro Pediatrics, PLLC (3) Owensboro Rotary Club Foundation Mr. Carlos Manuel Padilla (9) Dr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Page (9) Hon. and Mrs. John S. Palmore, Jr. (21) Dr. and Mrs. Roger Sam Pankratz (16) Ms. Mary Ann Teater Pardieck (5) Ms. Melissa Gaye Pardue (5) The Parker Agency Mrs. Anna Sue Parker (10) Mr.Terry Lee Parker (6) Dr. and Mrs. David Lee Parks (13) Mr. Roger Mills Parrish, III (19) Ms. Karen Payne Mr. Bobby Joe Pearson (2) Mr. Jerry W. Pearson (13) Mr. and Mrs. John Alan Peay (6) Mr. and Mrs. William Leo Peckenpaugh (2) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pegues (13) Mr. and Mrs.Terry W. Pemberton (14) Pendleton Co. 4-H Council, Inc. Pendleton Co. Education Foundation Pendleton Co.Youth Fair Pendleton County FFA Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Pendley (7) People's Bank and Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. John C. Perkins (39) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Perkins (13) Pfizer, Inc. Mr. James O. Philpott (6) Drs. Linda and Charles Pickle (6) Mr. Kirk P. Pierce (3) Lowrie G. and Carson M. Piercy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stewart Pillow Howard A. and Susan O. Pincus (3) Mr. Dino W. Pinerola (11) Pinnacle National Bank Mr. David Chris Pirtle Mr. and Mrs. David Jon Pollock (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Porta Mr. and Mrs. J. Mike Porter (14) Portland Memorial Missionary Bap. Bea and Bob Preston (24) Prevention Laboratories, LLC Mr. Charles Louis Pride (11) Professional Men's Club of Radcliff The Publishing Group, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pulsinelli (24) Quality Fence Company (23) R. L. Craig Company, Inc. Mr. Robert F. Rabold (5) Rabold Financial Concepts (13) Mr. Philip Thomas Rackley (7) Mr. Charles G. Ramsey Mrs. Ina K. Rawert Dr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Reber (6) Mr. William D. Rector (7) Mrs. Elaine M. Reed (14) Mr. Franco Paul Reever (3) Reeves Enterprises, Inc. Dorothy and Lester Reeves (9) Rehabilitation Services, PSC (3) Ms. Candace Mason Revelette (2) Ms. Perry Lyvonne Rey Ms. Faye S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James S. Richards (15) Ms. Patricia A. Richardson (17) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ritter (14) River Counties Longbeards RiverPark Center Dr. Cassandra Pinnick Rodgers (4) Roger Welch CPA (13) Ron Kirby Auction & Realty, Inc. (12) Mr. Marty Ross (2) Mrs. Sharon Rosso (2) Rotary Club of Russellville (2) Rotary Student Loan Fund Rowan Co. Senior High School Speech Boosters Mr. and Mrs. S. Richard Royster (3) Dr. and Mrs. William B. Russell (24) Russellville Logan County NAACP (6) Dr. Jason Walker Rutledge (3) Mr. Eric R. Sack (12) Mrs. Mary C. Sample (13) Satterfield and Harmon Mrs. Louise A. Sauerland (5) Saylers Family Scholarship Fund (4) Mrs. Evelyn H. Schell (10) Mrs. Kathryn Schell (2) Mr. Bernard Joseph Schrembs, III (24) Dr. Douglas William Schutte (d.) (2) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Sears (6) Second Baptist Church of Greenville Mr. Michael Thomas Shadoan (5) Shaker Museum Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Howard Shaw, IV (6) Shelby Co. Cattlemens Assoc. Inc. Shelton & Associates, LLP (13) Mr. Nelson Wayne Shields (2) Mrs. Patricia Ann Shields (13) The Shoppe on the Square (3) Mrs. Brenda B. Shores (10) Dr. Kerry Lynn Short (5) Siloam Springs High School Scholarship Committee (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Simon (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Earl Simpson (3) Ms. Susan C. Simpson (2) Mr. Jonathan Lane Skaggs (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Frederick Skaggs (16) Ms. Janet S. Skees (5) SKY Rehab Hospital (4) Mrs. Angela Hudson Sledge (4) Ms. Gail Smallwood (4) Bette and Cooper Smith, Jr. (24) Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Duncan Smith (2) Mr. Earl Dewayne Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Smith (23) Mr. George Noel Smith (20) Mr. and Mrs. Jarrod R. Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Reed Smith Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Smith (11) Mr. Michael A. Smith (4) Mr. Patrick Bouvier Smith Dr. and Mrs. John L. Smith (4) Mr. Steven Wade Smith Southern Kentucky Regional Farmers Market Southern Delight Gourmet Foods (3) Southern Belle Dairy (12) Southwire Company Sowders Company Designers/Builder (23) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Sowell (16) Mr. Nevil C. Speer (6) Mr. Paul F. Spencer, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Spencer (5) Mr. Danny Lynn Spillman (2) Springfield Baptist Church Square Deal Lumber Company (6) Stamping Ground Optimist Club, Inc. Stark County Farm Bureau Mrs. Lucy Crowe Starks (14) Mr. Mark Andrew Staynings (9) Dr. Wilson and Dr. Stayton (14) Ms. Linda D. Steder (13) Ms. Roberta Jeanne Steder (19) Mrs. Frances Kidd Steenbergen (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Steenbergen (10) Steven A. Moore CPA (17) Mrs. Susan Marie Stockton Mr. Garrick A. Straub (8) Stringtown Ruritan Club Mr. Wayne Strode (16) Styline Industries Suburban Social Club, Inc. Sullivan Mountjoy Stainback Miller (13) Sullivan University System, Inc. Dr. Darrell L.Tade (3) Tarc-Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E.Tarvestad Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brandon Tarvin (2) Taylor County Bank Mr. and Mrs. Craig H.Taylor (19) Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.Theuerkauf (4) Thomas A. Lirot, CPA, PSC Ms. Kim M.Thomas (5) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd Thompson (13) Mr. William A.Thompson (12) Thornhill Baptist Church (4) Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sanford Thurmond (7) Mr. S. E.Thurmond (14) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Tibbs (2) Mr. Ronald A.Tinsley (3) TN Department of Transportation Todd and Boeckmann (5) Mrs. Sara M.Tomblin (9) Tony Rhoades, State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Martin Trabue (2) Mr. Bradley Kevin Travis (4) Mrs. Cecilia Goff Travis (2) Trigg Lyon Newcomers Club True Kentucky (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Tuck (13) Dr.Thomas Kelly Tyre (5) UAW Local 2383 (2) United Citizens United Parcel Service Valor, LLC (3) W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. W.R.O.T.E., Inc. (2) Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ross Wagner (11) Mr. Bradley Dale Walker (5) Mr.Timothy George Wallace (3) Walnut Street Baptist Church Dr.Trina and Mr. James Warden (4) Warren County Medical Society (5) Ms. Ann E. Webb Mr. Bobby David Webb (3) Carol and Denny Wedge (7) Mr. Roger D. Welch (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weldon (27) Wells Fargo Bank (2) WFD Oil Corporation WHHS Touchdown Club White River Valley High School Mr. Charles L. Whitlow (5) Mrs. Dorothy E. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Wilcher Mr. Lacy Wilkins (2) Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Charles Wilkins (24) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Willett, Jr. (4) William H. Funk, DMD (5) Mr. and Mrs. Cordell E. Williams Mrs. Kathy Jo Williams (2) Williamson County Soccer Association (2) Roland and Mary Frances Willock (24) Mr. Warren A. Willoughby (23) Wilson & Company, PSC (10) Ms. Nancy F. Wilson (7) Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation (6) Mr. and Mrs. James Travis Wix (11) WKU Home Economics and Family Living Alumni Association (6) Mr. Henry Wohltjen (13) Woman's Club of Greenville (2) Dewey and Sue Wood (24) Mr. George W. Woodcock (2) Woodford County Board of Education Mr. and Mrs. Connie Woods, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. James P.Worthington (13) Mr. and Mrs.Thurman Keith Wright (15) Mr. Jeffrey Lee Yan Young American Bowling Alliance (2) Mr. William W.Young (9) Dr.Thomas Alan Yungbluth (6) Mr. David Alan Zack (2) Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zeller (5) Ms. Elizabeth Zutt (16) Scholar’s Circle ($250 - $499) Ms. Brenda Abell Mr. Jim Acquaviva Mrs. Lisa Hahn Acree (2) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Adams Sandy and Bob Adams (12) Adams Investments (14) Allen County Technical Center (4) Mr. Gordon K. Allen, Jr. (2) Mrs. Rachel Allen (13) Alpha Gamma Delta (2) Capt. and Mrs. Daniel F. Anderson (24) Mr. Lyle W. Anderson (7) Marilyn Anderson and Michael Cobb (16) Anheuser Busch Foundation (2) Mr. John Danny Annis (8) Mr. Joseph Allen Anthony (d.) (14) ARC Thrift Stores 43 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Alumni Participation Rate Dr. Saundra and Mr. Larry Ardrey Arlo Richardson & Son Construction Mr. and Mrs.Travis C. Armstrong (10) Mr. Joseph Richard Arnold (7) Ascencia Bank, Inc. (2) Mrs. Melanie Asriel (7) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Linus Atzinger (3) Audubon Area Community Serv., Inc. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Leon Michael Augusty (5) Mr. Douglas K. Ault Mr. Matthew P. Ayers (4) B. G.Tent Rental, Inc. Mrs. Julieta Baasch (6) Dr. Donald W. Bailey (14) Ms. Patricia M. Bailey (10) Mr. Ricky Joe Bailey (4) Lt. Col. (Ret.) Norval E. Baird, Sr. (2) Ms. Shelley Dawn Baird Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Baker (13) Mrs. Holly Morris Baldwin (4) Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Barclay (3) Drs. Edward and Kaye Barefield (9) Mrs. Lisa Kathryn Barlow (4) Mr. and Ms. Gerald W. Barnaby (11) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Barnard (3) Mr. Douglas Ray Barnes (7) Mr. Philip Wayne Barnett (3) Barren County Farm Bureau (4) Mr. John Barrett (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Barringer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Shane Basham (3) Mr. Marion Basham (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bernard Baushke (4) Ms. Mary Darlene Baxter (14) Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Baynham (3) Beach Ford, Inc. Mrs. Betty Jo Beard (6) Dr. and Mrs. William A. Beard (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Beck (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Beck (24) Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Becker (17) Dr. Robert O. Begtrup (7) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bell (5) Mr. Irving Lee Bell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gayle Bell (13) Ms. Edith L. Bennett Dr. James D. Bennett (12) Ms. Jo Bennett (2) Mrs. Susan Miller Bennett Bennie Jones Construction (4) Mr. Robert Berridge Mr. Gary Leroy Best (12) Beta Delta Phi Upsilon Omicron Better Quality Business System (2) Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bigler (6) Dr. Bilotta and Dr. Lemerise (8) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Victor Binger (2) 44 Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Birdsell (4) Ms. Stephanie Rena Blair Dr. James G. Bland (7) Mr. Charles Edward Bledsoe, Jr. (10) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Keith Blevins (2) Blockhouse Mr. Ronald G. Blotch Blue Grass Reining Horse Assoc. Mrs. Glenda T. Boisseau (3) Mr. and Dr. Jerry Elmer Boles (22) Bomi Investment, Inc. Mr. J. David Borders (8) Mrs. Julie K. Borders (14) Mr. and Mrs. Melvin V. Borland, Jr. (5) Ms. Pearl N. Borton (4) Mr. Brooks H. Bower Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duwayne Bowles (3) Bowling Green Internal Medicine Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Boyd (8) Mr. Irvin Gene Boysen (9) BP Corporation Ms. Cheyanne R. Bradfield Mr. Jerry Bob Bradley (4) Ms. Nancy E. Brandenburg (8) Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Branstetter (7) Mr. and Mrs. Myrl C. Brashear (16) Mr. James Allen Bratcher (9) Mr.Tim Brent Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bretz (5) Briarwood Elementary PTA Mrs. Muriel Brock (5) Dr. Marilyn K. Brookman (8) Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Clark Brooks (7) Brown Bros. Mrs. Eunice Brown (16) Mr. Gatewood Brown (d.) (38) Mr.Tim Brown Brown-Forman Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jude Browning (16) Mr. Stanley Ray Bryan (2) Dr. and Mrs. Farnsworth Dudley Bryant (13) Dr. Robert C. Bueker (6) Mr. David John Buerger (6) Mr. Michael F. Bufkin Dr. Janice L. Bunch (7) Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Burton (12) Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Earl Bush, Jr. (15) Mrs. Linda Nalbach Bushong (4) Butler County Homemakers Assoc. (2) Ms. Patsy Butler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Button (13) Mrs. Sonja M. Byrd (2) C. Graviss, Inc. (2) Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Caillouet (2) Cambridge Market & Cafe Mrs. Brenda K. Campbell (9) Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Campbell Campus Marketing Services, LLC Mr. Ralph William Carey Mrs. Joyce V. Carlisle (7) Chad and Carla Carlton (13) Ms. Deborah O. Carlton Dr. Howard R. Carpenter (21) Mr. Patrick Keith Carrico (5) Mr. and Mrs. David Craig Carter (8) Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Carter (3) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Carter (14) Mr. Roger William Casalengo (4) Mrs. Bobbie J. Cash Castle H. S. Dollars for Scholars (2) Mr. Steven Eugene Caswell (14) Mr. Edwin M. Cates (18) Chase Kentucky Cherry Management, Inc. (3) Mr. Stephen C. Cherry (2) Mrs. Carolyn B. Chesher (7) Ms.Virginia L. Christensen (5) Mr. and Mrs.William M. Christopherson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Chyle (4) Ms. Gayla Mae Cissell (4) Mr. James E. Clark, Jr. (5) Mr. Michael Ray Clark (2) Ms. Peggy Purdy Clark (10) Mr. James W. Claybourn (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Emerson Claycomb (16) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Edward Claycomb (5) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Coates (24) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coates (19) Ms. Jeanette M. Coates (3) Ms. Margaret Coatney (4) Coca Cola Corporation Mrs.Torie T. Cockriel (4) Dr. David M. Coffey (8) Mr. Keith Coffman (3) Coldwater Community Schools Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Cole (15) Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Ward Coleman (8) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Donal Coleman (2) Mrs.Tonya Louise Colley (3) Mrs. Nelda L. Barton Collings Mr. Michael Sherman Colvin (2) Mr. Kevin Comer (2) Concord Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Conlee (3) Mr. Benjamin B. Conner (11) Mr. Russell T. Conner Control Systems Design (2) Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Cook (24) Dr. James Calvin Coomer (14) Mr. Davis Alan Cooper (5) WKU continues its move into the nation’s elite among public master’s degree institutions. Mr. Chris Corrie Mr. and Mrs. Cletus J. Cosby (11) Ms. Stephanie Lee Cosby (5) Ms. Sarah E. Cottongim (6) Mr. Gilbert B. Covey (8) Mr. and Mrs. Opal Cowles (11) Dr. and Mrs. Richard Harvey Cox (2) Ms. Lynn Crabtree (13) Mrs.Tracie Leigh Crabtree Mr. Darryl W. Cravens Mr. John T. Creamer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Alan Crenshaw (2) Mr. Ronald E. Crisp (2) Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Crittenden (10) Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M. Cross (9) Ms. Winnie M. Cross (16) Mr. Gil Crouch (10) Dr. and Mrs. Gene Cox Crume, Jr. (5) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cummins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lynn Cundiff (12) Mr. Howard Mark Curry (6) D. Bruce Orwin, Attorney at Law (5) Mr. Benjamin G. Dahmer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Dallas, Jr. (2) Daniel Boone Development Council Mr. Barton D. Darrell (5) Mr. Gary S. Davidson (6) Mrs. Erin Connolly Davis (4) Dr. Jay and Mr. Ronald A. Davis (13) Dean Williamson, Inc. Ms. Marie Annette Demaree (4) Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Dent, Sr. (3) Dr.Yusuf K. Deshmukh Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Dean Detre Ms. Gail A. DeVine (15) Mr. James Stuart Devries (6) Ms. Monica Louise Dias (2) Mr. Ricky A. Dickerson (2) Mrs. Cynthia E. Diemond (12) Mr. John Phillip Diercks, III Digital Design Advertising (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Scott Dillard Dr. Don Carl Dinkmeyer, Jr. (16) Dr. and Mrs. James Pat Dinning Division Nine Finishes, Inc. (5) Dixie Firefighters Association Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lee Dotson (11) Ms. Jenny Jean Downing (23) Mr.Terry Wayne Downs Dr. and Mrs. Oles B. Drobocky Rev. Robert Drury (2) Ms. Marilyn A. Dubree (2) Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Duff, Jr. (5) Mr. Brandon P. Duffer Mr. Brent Casey Duffy Mr. Steven Glen Dunleavy (8) Mrs. Laveda M. Durbin Mr. David Durham (21) Mr. Scott C. Duvall (2) Mr. Robert T. Dye (3) Mr. Dyer and Ms. Gonzalez (2) Mr. Michael Todd Dyer D'Zine Ltd. E. P.Waggener & Sons Booksellers (5) Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Francis Eason (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mike R. Eastridge (2) Mr.Timothy L. Eckley (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Ecton (7) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Edward Edmonds (4) Edward Jones - Claude Robertson (5) Edward Jones - Jeanette Rayles (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Edwards (12) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Edwards (12) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Allen Edwardson (5) Electrical Sales Engineering, Inc. Mr. Meryle V. Elftmann (7) Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Mrs. Jannette W. Elliott Mr. David Timothy Elson (6) Mr.Timothy L. Elson (2) Mr. Gary L. Elwood (7) Mr. Lee D. Emanuel Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Keith O. Emerine (18) Dr. James T. Engle, Jr. (6) Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Lee Englebright (4) Mr. Robert A. Enholm Enscience, Inc. (7) Evans, Hall & Company, CPA's (10) Mr. Douglas Scott Evans (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brent Fackler (2) Farmers Deposit Bank Fayette Co. Project Graduation The Fechtor Family Foundation, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Feix (24) Dr. Jeffrey M. Feix (3) Mr. Marc Anthony Fella (8) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Felts (13) Mrs. Jane L. Fife (2) First Baptist Church First Baptist Church of Mt.Washington First Christian Church Fiserv Bowling Green, Inc. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Fisher (5) Mr. Mark H. Fisher (2) Mr. William R. Fitzpatrick, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Fleenor (6) Ms. Carolyn Jo Fleenor (10) Mrs. Betty Sue Flora (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Florence (3) FOHS Hall Community Art Foundation Ford Motor Company (5) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Ford (14) Mrs. Marilyn G. Forney Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Albert Foster (18) Mr. and Mrs. William Theodore Fraebel (4) Mr. Alan Francis (7) Ms. Debra Ennis Francis (9) Frank Martin Law Office (3) Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Franklin (23) Franklin-Simpson Industrial Mr. Daniel Frantz (9) Mrs. Laura D. French (6) Mr. William Gary French (9) Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Frey (11) Friends of the Warren Co. Library (2) Mr. Robert A. Froelich (17) Ms. Marissa Fugate Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fugitte (14) Mrs. April A. Fulcher (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Fulkerson (8) Ms. Peggy Jo Furgerson G. William Moore, CPA Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Gabhart Mr. David Gaddie (14) Mr. Micheal R. Gaddie (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gaffney Mr. John B. Gaines (2) Mr. Daniel Martin Gammon Garmon & Goodman (3) Mrs. Rebecca W. Garrett (3) Mr. and Mrs.Todd Andrew Garrison (4) Mr. Joseph Ray Garst (3) Gateway Junior Miss Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Paul Gawarecki (16) GB Unlimited Enterprises, Inc. (2) Dr. Dorine Geeslin (16) Mrs. Pamela Steff Geisselhardt (3) Ms. Alma W. Gentry (3) German American Bank Ms. Janice Phelps Gibson (17) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gieselmann (3) Mr. Sidney Ben Gilliam, Jr. (7) Mr.Terry Otis Gilpin (9) Ms. Rose D. Glaiber (2) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anthony Glaser (8) Glasgow-Barren County Industrial Mr. John Glosick (3) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Glover (7) Dr. George Corban Goble (20) Mr. Howard T. Goodman (23) Mr. Eldridge C. Goodrum (13) Gordon B. Newell, M. D. (18) Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Gordon, Jr. (8) Mr. Jamison R. Gorrell Mr. Amos E. Gott Mrs.Virginia Gott (3) Ms. Henrietta M. Gouvas (21) Grand Chapter of Kentucky, O. E. S. (6) Mr. Jim Grant Mrs. Mary Grant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Carl David Graves (3) Mr. Gary A. Graves Mr. Brian Keith Gray (4) Greater Clark Education Association Ms. Maryhelen Greaves Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Green (12) Ms. Mary Lou Green (3) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greene (2) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Paul Greenlee (16) Greensburg Elementary PTO Anne and Dan Greenwell (17) Greenwood Spirits Shoppe (6) Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie V. Gregory (3) Mrs. Patty L. Greninger (5) Mr. Robert R. Greninger (d.) (33) Grider Drug (7) Ms. Ann Trusty Griffin (6) Mrs. Sydna Rose Griffin (16) Mr. Chris T. Grinstead, II (4) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Gritton, Jr. (3) Mr. Kent Frederick Groemling (2) Joseph and Dr. Mitzi D. Groom (4) Mrs. Amy Appling Ground (2) Mrs. Erika Gruber Lt. Col. Gerald D. Guthrie (10) Mr. David Graham Guy (12) Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hagaman (22) Dr. (Col.) William Burton Haley, II (10) Mr. Christopher K. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Hall (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Halter (2) Dr. E. Poston Hamilton, III (5) Mr. and Mrs.Andrew G. Hamilton, III (2) Mrs. Dorothy T. Hanes (9) Dr. Edward Clark Hanes (d.) (34) Mrs. Lou D. Hanes (13) Hargis Bolton, LLC (2) Mr. Eugene Hargis (2) Dr. and Mrs. David Gary Harlow (8) Harman Kentucky Mr. and Mrs. Barry Harris Ms. Helen P. Harris (13) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anthony Harris (2) Ms. Carmen Harrison Mrs. Kathy B. Hart (8) Ms. Joy Hawkes Mr. Albert A. Hawkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hayden, Jr. (19) Mr. David Cole Haydon (11) Ms.Tanisha Terese Hazel (4) Mrs.Vickye Darlene Heater (7) Capt. and Mrs. Mark Evan Heath (5) Mrs. Marsha L. Heidbrink Dr. and Mrs. Ward Hellstrom (18) Helton Insurance Mr. Warren C. Helton (2) Mr. William L. Hemphill (9) Hennessy Industries, Inc. Dr. Robert Lyle Henry (12) Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Reed Hensley (7) Mrs. Martha A. Hensley (4) Heritage Community Bank Heritage International Christian Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Herriford (14) Mr. Creighton Lee Hess (16) Mr. James Edward Hess (8) Dr. Joseph Hall Higginson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hines (13) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gene Hoffman (20) Msg. Archie S. Holland Mr. David Allen Holland (13) Mr. and Mrs. James H. Holland (12) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kent Holt (7) Mrs. Carol Ann Holton (3) Mr. Paul Lawrence Hondorp (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Trent Hopkins (7) Mr. and Mrs. Richard John Hopkins (2) Ms. Joan M. Hopper (15) Mr. Dion W. Houchins (14) Housing Authority of Bowling Green Mr. and Mrs. James M. Houston (5) Mr. James N. Howard (5) Mr. Lawrence R. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Howard (3) Mr.Thomas G. Howard Howell High Twelve Club Mr. David Howell Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Howerton (3) Mr. Daniel T. Hudson (5) Mr. Joseph Farley Huggins (4) Hughes & Coleman Hughes Kirkpatrick High School (2) Mrs. Barbara F. Hughes (5) Mrs. Betsy Ross Hughes (6) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hughes (4) Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Hunt (13) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hunt (25) Ms. Agnes F. Hunter (15) Mr. and Mrs. Dett P. Hunter (7) Mr. Ronnie Lee Hurley (13) Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce Inman (2) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Michael T. Inman (4) The Insurance Place, LLC Dr. Samuel Adesoji Irefin (2) Iroquois High School Irving Materials, Inc. (2) Mr. Gregory K. Isenberg (13) J. David Borders Attorney At Law (3) Mr. Clarence J. Jackson (4) Mr. A. Keith James (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Ryan James Dr. Patrick F. Jenkins, Jr. (8) Jewish Community Foundation of Metrowest New Jersey John P. Rakutt, D.M.D., P.S.C. John Walter Leedy Memorial Fund Mr. Bradley Dale Johnson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kemble F. Johnson (8) Mr. Russell Talmage Johnson (13) Ms. Sarah Nadler Johnson (6) Mr. Anthony Glen Jones (10) Ms. Peggy M. Jones (8) Mr. Richard P. Jones (4) Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Jordan (9) Mr. and Mrs.William Joseph Jordan (16) Joseph Hall Higginson, DMD, MSO Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Just (13) Mr. Dennis J. Kay (2) Dr. Peggy D. Keck (13) Dr. David John Keeling (9) Mr. Barry Kennedy (4) Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Michael R. Kenney (2) Kentucky Bank Kentucky Center for the Arts (4) Kentucky Council of Cooperatives Mr. David L. Keown (2) Mr. Curtis R. Keplinger (14) Ms. Betty Ann Kern (6) Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nelson Kerns (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lester Key (2) Mr. Paul N. Kilgus Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Killebrew (24) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walton King (2) Mr. Robert W. Kingsolver Kirby & Kirby CPA's Capt. Charles R. Kirby (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kim Kirby (5) Mr. Stokes and Mrs. Kirby-Stokes (10) Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kirchmeyer (6) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kistler (22) Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Kitchens (14) Mr. Mark Klein Mr. Irvin H. Kline (11) Mr. Daryl Bruce Knauer (2) Mrs. Jocelyn R. Knepler (5) Mr.Terry Lee Kokinda (13) Mr. Leon Michael Krantz (5) Dr. Kelly Elliott Kries Mr. Jason Alexander Kristof (2) Mr. Mark A. Kristy Ms. Luiza Eiko Kubota Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Kuegel (19) Dr. Kenneth William Kuehn (3) Mr. and Mrs. George Kwok (11) KY Association of Counties Kentucky Pork Producers Association Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Lacefield (2) Mr. and Mrs.William G. Lagermann (16) Dr. John Shea Lair Lake Cumberland KY Counsel Mr. Randall Lamastus (12) Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Lamont, Jr. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lampton (3) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Landreth (11) Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Largen (13) Mr. Jeremy Wayne Lasley (5) Mr. Eric M. Laster (2) Ms. Lavery and Mr. Gelderman (10) Lawn Doctor of Bowling Green (3) Mr. Bobby Joe Lawrence (3) Mr. and Mrs. George W. Leach (24) Mr. Derek C. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Carroll T. Lehman (2) Mitchell Leichhardt (22) Guests enjoy music from The Monarchs at the President's Circle Gala. Pictured from left are: Anne and Dan Greenwell, Dr. John Reis and wife, Barbara; Ann Salamone; and Ginny and Don Swoboda. Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Yarbrough Leigh (2) Ms. Janet H. Leonard (8) Mr. and Mrs. Odell Lewis (17) Mr. Philip W. Lienesch (4) Life Care Ministries Mr. Joe Vernon W. Liles, III (24) Dr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Lind (3) Mr. Karl J. Link Mr. Eric Linkov Mr.Todd William Liscomb (3) Drs. Cassandra and Harold Little (9) Dr. Lee Little (22) Mr. Marvin L. Logsdon (13) Mr. Robert W. Logsdon (13) Dr. and Mrs. John E. Long (12) Mr. Irwin John Lott (2) Mr. Walter Loving Lube Express Mr.Thomas Lucht Mr. Steven Brett Lyles (3) Mr. James Terry Lynn (9) Lyon Co. Historical Society, Inc. (2) M. Catron Collier Scholarship Fund Machined Ceramics, Inc. Mr. William G. Maddox (2) Mr. Danney Thomas Madison (4) Mrs. Annie Embry Mahre (10) Dr. Rebecca and Mr. Joseph D. Mahurin (16) Mr. Chris A. Malone (8) Mr. and Mrs.Victor Mann (12) Mr.Tommy Maples Mr. John David Mardis (4) Mr. Stan Paul Markham (14) Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Markle (24) Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Maroney (24) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alan Marsh (2) Mrs. Juanita T. Marshall (4) Mr. Paul William Marshall Mr. Frank Martin, Jr. (9) Dr. and Mrs. James M. Martin (13) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Martin (4) Ms. Julia H. Martin (4) Mr. Stephen Ray Martin (7) Mr. James Matherly (7) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lee Matthews (4) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Mattingly (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mattingly (15) Mr. Robert D. Mattingly Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Leigh Mauldin (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. May (7) Mrs. Naomi J. McAfee (7) Mr. Larry Allen McCarty (17) Mr. and Mrs. David W. McCaulley (21) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. McClanahan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne McCoy (15) Mr. and Mrs. Darien Bruce McDonald (5) Mr. and Mrs.Willie Thomas McElroy (22) Mr. and Mrs. Phil McGown (4) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. McGuffin, III (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dale McIntyre (3) Mrs. Anne Elizabeth McKee Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. McKenzie (2) Ms. Elizabeth Jones McKinney (9) Mr. Frankie Ray McKinney (3) Dr. and Mrs.Thurman Dwight McKinney (14) Mr. Robert B. McMahan (5) Mr. Kennan D. McReynolds (12) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Keith McWhorter (24) Meade County High School Mr. Don R. Meador (4) Memphis Marsha's (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meng (5) Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Meredith (14) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meredith (5) Dr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Meredith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Merriam Metropolitan Woman's Club Mr. Barry J. Michaels (8) Mid South Handling Inc. Mid-America Equipment Retailers (7) Mr. Louis R. Miles Mrs. Patricia A. Millea (15) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller (3) Mr. James D. Miller (2) Dr. John R. Miller (4) Ms. Kristi Leigh Miller (7) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller (7) Mr. Michael Miller (4) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Franklin Miller Miss Heart of the South Scholar. Miss Kentucky Pageant Escrow Ms. Carol Cheal Mollyhorn (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Jeffery Moody (4) Mr. G. William Moore (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Todd Moore (6) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Moore (11) Mr. Randall E. Moran Morgan Keegan & Company Inc. Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Morgan (4) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Eugene Morris (2) Mrs. Jo Jean Morrison (2) Mr.Thomas Morrow Dr. John S. Mulligan, Jr. (6) Mr. Lance C. Mullins (14) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lorrin Muse (12) Ms. Sharon Ann Mutter (14) Mr. Clifford Conrad Nahm (9) Mr.Thomas J. Nall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alan Nash (4) National City Bank of Indiana Natural Health Institute of B. G. (3) Mr. Roger W. Naylor (12) Mr. and Mrs.William T. Neathamer, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Needham (9) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Neely (17) Mr. Mitchell Nethery (4) New Chapel United Methodist Church Dr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Newell (18) Mr. Robert A. Newman (18) Mr. and Mrs. William L. Nichols (16) Mr. John Lenny Noe, Jr. Mr. Richard L. Norris (5) Mr.Troy Adam Nunn (4) Mrs. Angela L. Kerrick Nusky (3) Oldham County High School (2) Mr. and Mrs. John O. Oldham (13) Dr. James Larry Oldham (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Hubert Oldham (13) Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Oppitz (24) The Optimist Club of Radcliff Mrs. Donna Caywood Orr (3) Mr. John D. Osborne (2) Ms. Earline M. Overfelt (13) Mr. and Mrs. George Clark Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephen Owens (13) P and P Telecommunications, Inc. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Padget (19) The Paducah Sun Mrs. Laura Page (2) Mr. and Ms. Ronald E. Pardue (17) Jane and Jerry Parker (18) Dr. Paul J. Parks (23) Mrs. Charlesetta H. Parr (2) Ms. Beth Partin, ND,MSN,ARNP (4) Mrs. Ann Roark Patterson Mr. and Mrs.Terry Neil Patterson (24) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Charles Patton Paul F. Riley Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Peeler (7) Penn Virginia Corporation Mr. and Mrs.Tom A. Pennington (9) Mr. Robert Edward Penrod 45 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving WKU ROTC cadets are commissioned during the spring graduation ceremony. Ms.Virginia Pethalsky Phelps Dodge Foundation (2) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Phillips (8) Ms. Margaret Jenrose Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Pike, III (17) Mr.Vernon Pillow (14) Pine Oak Dairy Farm Mr. and Mrs. Delane Pippin (13) Ms. Sue Pogorzelski Mr. Charles Thomas Poole (4) Potter Sales, Inc. (3) Hon. Brent Jay Potter Mr. Douglas Potter (6) Mr. and Mrs. Larry James Powell (24) Price Waterhouse Coopers Mr. Kenneth Michael Price (3) Mr. Wallace B. Price (3) Mr. Philip Priebe Mrs. Robin Manning Prybil (2) Mrs. Charlotte Puckett (2) Ms. Paula M. Quinn (18) R. Dan Greenwell, Inc. R. R. Donnelley Mr. Bob Raby (4) Radcliff Woman's Club (2) Dr. John P. Rakutt Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Lewis Ramsey (17) Ms. Latoya N. Ramsey Randolph Co. Farm Bureau, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mohan K. Rao Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rascoe (11) Mr. Fulton T. Ray, Jr. (7) Mr. Jack L. Ray (3) Mr. Marion W. Ray (18) Mrs. Jeanette B. Rayles (6) Audrey and Tom Redford Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chet Redmon (24) The Marie B. and Sanford Reed Scholarship Dr. Robert G. Reed (10) Ryan and Bonnie Reed (5) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nelson Reed Mr. William Douglas Reed Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Reiner (6) Mr. David J. Reinhardt (9) Dr. Kitty and Mr. Maitland Remington (18) Mr. and Mrs. Leon Remington (14) Mr.Travis S. Renfrow (3) Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Reynolds, Jr. (16) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Reynolds 46 Linda and James Michael Reynolds (5) Ms. Mary Patricia Reynolds (9) Mr. Sam A. Reynolds (12) Mrs.Teresa Sue Reynolds (13) Mr. and Mrs. John Timothy Rhea (16) Ms. Hope Richards (19) Ann Rose and Joseph H. Richards (11) Hon. and Mrs.Walter D. Richards (22) Mr. Chris Richardson Mr. Murrel Rickman (25) Mr. Stanton Keith Rideout (2) Mr. Michael T. Ridge Roiann Ridley (4) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rigsby Mr. G. Alan Riley (13) Mr. Joe Riley (3) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ritter (18) Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ritter (5) Mr. and Mrs. William M. Roach (17) Mr. Wayne Robbins (4) Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Roberson, Sr. (15) Robert Newman Insurance & Investments (18) Robertson Cook Agency Mr. Jack Robertson Ms. Karen Elizabeth Robinson (5) Mrs. Barbara Morgan Rodgers (7) Mr. Luis D. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David Roe (8) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Roenker (6) Mr. George M. Rogers (14) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Patterson Rogers (5) Rogers Chiropractic Office (4) Rotary of Kenton County Ms. Mary Lynne Rousseau Mr. Jonathan Rue and Mrs. Melinda Rue (3) Mrs. Catherine M. Rusch (11) Mr. Robert Bryan Russell (2) Russellville High School Athletic (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Rutledge (9) Mr. Larry J. Rutledge (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ryan, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ryan (12) Sams Insurance Agency (11) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Sandefur (25) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sanders (18) Ms. Linda S. Sanders (7) Mr. Marc Satterthwaite (5) SBC Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hal M. Schmitt (6) Mr. William P. Schmitz (6) Dr. Karen L. Schneider (10) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wayne Schocke (10) Mr. Rick P. Schuster (10) Scott and Murphy, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Scott (2) Ms. Kelly N. Scott (3) Dr. William Russell Scott (2) Mrs. Amy Deann Scully Mr. and Mrs. John William Searcy (23) Ms. Krista Seigle (3) Select, Inc. (2) Mrs. Melinda Jayne Senters (3) Mr. George Boyd Sexton (3) Mr. Derek E. Shadoan Dr. Michael Wilson Shadowen (7) Ms. Patricia Shanahan (2) Mr. Gregory Earl Shelton (4) Rob and Ellen Shirley (2) Dr. Elizabeth Lynn Shoenfelt (13) Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Shoultz (14) Sigma Chi Fraternity (2) Mrs. Julie C. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Shane Simmons (7) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Simons (8) Mr. Leo A. Simpson (4) Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Simpson (24) Mr. Donnie Sims (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Sisk (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sivley (3) Mrs. Barbara Whites Skean (5) Mr. Irvin L. Small (3) Mr. Steven D. Small (2) Smith & Smith Contracting, Inc. Ms. Abigail Marie Smith (2) Dr. Anthony Smith Mr. Bradley C. Smith (8) Mr. Bruce Alan Smith (5) Mr. and Mrs. Rickey K. Smith (7) Mr. David Lee Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert Charles Smith (2) Mr. Eldon J. Smith (15) Mr. Gordon E. Smith (15) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith (8) Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Smith (14) Mrs. Nancy R. Smith Mr. Renny Smith (9) Mr.Thomas L. Smith (3) SMR Engineering (7) Sons of American Legion Sign 81 South Central Counselling Assoc. Mr. Madison Sowell (14) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Spalding (10) Ms. Sharon Lee Spall (2) Col. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Sparks (6) Dr. John S. Spraker (15) Springfield Pacesetters, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Alan Springs (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelley St. Charles Mr. C. K. Stacy Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stamps (5) Mr. and Mrs. John Selbert Stephanski (6) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stephens (7) Mr. Bart Randolph Stewart (4) Mr. James L. Stewart (10) Larry Stewart Mr. John Robert Stoess, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Stokes (3) Stonebridge Financial Inc. (2) Mr. Charles Wesley Strader, Jr. (12) Mr. Kenneth F. Strausburg (6) Mr. Barry Lewis Strong (7) Dr. Martha Welch Sucheston (7) Dr. Gerald E. Sullivan (23) Ms. Betty Gayle Summers (13) Ms. Cynthia Summers (2) Summit View Church SunTrust Bank (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Glen Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Switzer (18) Drs. Beverly and Howard Sypher (2) Mr. Brian Talley (5) Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.Tate (19) Mr. Raymond Terry Tatum (4) Avo and James W.Taylor (4) Mr. Daniel Thomas Taylor (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerard Taylor (4) Mr. Charles Theis (13) Thessen Concrete Contracting, Inc. (16) Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.Thessen (14) Mr. Robert Perry Thessen (3) Mr. Brent Bennett Thomas (4) Mr. James A.Thomas (13) Mr. Jerry G.Thomas (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Thomas, Jr. (9) Mr. Matthew D. L.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Donnie L.Thomas (6) Mr. Charles M.Thompson (2) Ms.Virginia E.Thompson (13) Thompson's Trophy Center Thoroughbred Business Systems (16) Mr. Kenneth Jeff Thrasher (5) Mrs. Beth R.Tibbitts (4) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell Tinius (13) Ms. Leslie Tinsley (2) Todd County Board of Education Ms. Edna M.Todd (4) Toot's Restaurant (4) Total Fitness Connection Mr. Charles W.Townsend (5) Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Townsend (11) Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.Travelsted (3) Mr. Joe Kelley Travelsted (3) Trimble County Board of Education (2) Trousdale County High School Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.Troutman (18) Mr. and Mrs. Lee C.Truman, Jr. (24) Mr. Frederick W.Trusty Dr. Janna M.Tuck (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Michael Tuck (8) Mr.Thomas R.Tuck (2) Mr. Gerald Tucker Mr. William L.Tyler Mr. Jeffrey Kyle Tyree (4) Mr. and Mrs. Rollin D. Underwood (3) Union TWP Alumni Association University of Southern Indiana The UPS Foundation, Inc. Mr. Stanley Urbancic Utility Precast Products, LLC (2) Mr. Joseph A. Uveges, Jr. (5) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie Van Bussum Mr. Eric Jon Van Dellen Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.Van Metre (20) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C Vanover Mr. Willard C.Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vaughn (16) Mr. Joseph D.Vaught Mr. Jacques M.Veeneman, Jr. (9) Mr. David Vickery Mr. and Mrs. Perry Glenn Vincent (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S.Waddell (13) Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Wagoner (5) Mr.Terry M. Waldridge Ms. Carol Sue Walker (3) Mr. Richard D. Walker (2) Mr. Gary Douglas Wall (12) Mr. Charles Wallace Dr. and Mrs. Kyle David Wallace (13) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Chester Franklin Ward Mr. and Mrs. Sean Patrick Ward (2) Warden Family Eyecare, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wardlow (12) Warfield Lodge No. 44 F & AM Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Warner Mr. Robert J. Wasson (4) Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dale Watkins (22) Ms.Victoria A. Webb Mr. Richard Theodore Weber (5) Mr. Jeffrey Scott Wells (6) Mr. Gregory A. West (3) Mrs. Sherri Lynn Westbrook (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Whalen (18) Ms. Kimberly Ann Whalen Ms. Rose Wheat (15) Mr. Bradley A. Wheeler (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Eugene Wheeler (16) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. White Mr. and Mrs. Barton Curtis White (8) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Andre White (9) Ms. Imogene B. White (25) Mrs. Georgianne G. Whitehouse (14) Whites & Heintzman Court Reporters (9) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Whitley (22) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Whitson (13) Why Not, Inc. (2) Drs. Joyce and Jerry Wilder (9) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Williams (13) Dr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley Williams (15) Mr.Tom Williams (10) Col. and Mrs. Gary N. Williamson (8) Mrs. Anita Willis Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Mitchell H.Willis (7) Mr. Harold Eugene Wills (20) Mr. Carlis E. Wilson (13) Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wilson (4) Mrs. Janette B. Wilson (5) Ms.Tara Lynn Wise (3) Mrs. Patricia S. Wolpert (7) Mrs. Nicole Girvin Woodward (2) Mrs. Dorothy Word (3) Dr. and Mrs. Eric William Wright (2) Mr. Garry Wright Ms. Mary Margaret Wright (11) Mr. Mitchell L. Wright Dr. Robert Wyatt (6) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W.Yates (3) Mr. Lamont Young (3) Mr. Maurice Young, USAF (Ret.) (3) Mr. Norman Marvin Younger (4) Mr. Jeffrey Alan Younglove (14) Mr. John Joseph Yuda (3) Mr.Thomas Addison Yunt (7) Mr. and Mrs. David F. Ziller (13) Century Circle ($100 - $249) 3M Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Cindi Sue Aaron Mrs. Katherine L. Abbott (3) Mr. and Mrs. H. Sam Abell, II (12) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Abell (14) Mr. Robert Absher Accenture Foundation, Inc. AccuSurv Land Surveying Mr. and Mrs. William Adair (3) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Edwin Adams (4) Mr. Jackie Adams (5) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Hon. and Mrs. John W. Adams (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Adams, IV (13) Mrs. Michelle L. Adams (3) Advanced Office Machines (7) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aebersold (3) Mrs. Alice P. Ahmed Dr. Gary Wayne Akin (17) Mrs. Alexis Mitchell Albach (3) Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Alberhasky (2) Ms. Lee Alcott Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Aldrich (9) Dr. Charles Richard Aldridge (7) Ms. Martha J. Aldridge (5) J. Estill Alexander Estate (5) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Alexander Mrs. Caroline Martha Alford H. C. and Margaret Alford Mrs. Melissa K. Alford (3) Ms. Catherine M. Algeo (4) Dr. Ahmed Al Khatib Ms. Linda Lee Allan (18) Mr. Frank W. Allara (2) Mr. Augustus L. Allen (6) Mrs. Barbara R. Allen (2) Dr. Connie Irish Allen (8) Mrs. Heather Shrout Allen (10) Dr. J. Kenneth Allen Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leigh Allen (4) Mrs. Jo Ann Allen (13) Mrs. Susan Quisenberry Allen (2) Dr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Allensworth, Jr. (10) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Allgood (10) Mrs. Sharon Gayle Allison (5) Mr. and Mrs. John Allpress (12) Alpha Delta Kappa - Mu Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Delta Kappa Ky Nu Chapter Ms. Maureen A. Altherr Altria Employee Involvement Program (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Alvey (5) American Legion Post No. 271 Ms. Susan Ammons (3) Dr. Alan B. Anderson (20) Mr. and Mrs. Barry T. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Andy D. Anderson Mr. David Bruce Anderson (2) Mrs. Katherine Assmar Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Anderson (7) Ms. Robye Anderson (13) Mrs. Susan Stuebing Anderson (3) Dr. Billy W. Andrews (12) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wesley Angstrom Mrs. Lisa White Angstrom (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Angelo Antone (9) Mr. Mark Alan Antonini Mr. Christopher W. Antonsen Mr. Robert D. Antrobus (2) Any Length Guttering Soffit Ms. Darlene Ann Applegate (7) Ms. Edith C. Arlt (12) Mr. Glenn Armstrong (5) Mr. James R. Arnett Mr. Cornelius Flippo Arnold Mr. Larry Totty Arnold, Jr. (2) Dr. Marion E. Arnold (17) Ms. Mary Jo V. Arnold (23) Mr. Owen G. Arnold (11) Mr. Ryan Arnold (5) Mrs.Yvonne Burchett Arnold (3) Arvin Meritor, Inc. A's Baseball Team Ms. Betty L. Ash (12) Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Ashbrook (24) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brent Askins Mr. Lloyd Asp (2) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Atkinson Mr. John Kirk Atkinson (5) Mrs. Annette Gayle Atwell (8) Mr. David Anthony Atwell (13) Auburn Banking Company (2) Mr. L. Stuart Augenstein Mr. Nicholas Witcher Aulbach (14) Ms. Ersa Whitlow Austin (12) Mr. and Mrs. Alan Earl Austin (3) Mr. Leonard Ray Austin Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Mr. Napoleon S. Avery (3) Mrs. Susan R. Avril Alumni Fall 2005 Lt. Col. (Ret.) Charles Monroe Ayers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ayers (2) Mr. Lucian Craig Ayers (2) Mr. Reginald L. Ayers (18) Mr. Wesley Harold Aymett (2) B & B Cleaning Company (3) B. G.Warren Co. Contractors Lic. (3) Dr. and Mrs. Fuad Baali (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Babcock (3) Back Yard Burgers Ms. Elizabeth A. Bacon (4) Mr. Robert S. Bahnick Ms. Marsha Gayle Bailey (9) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Baird (4) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O. Baird (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Kelly Baird (9) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vernon Baker (7) Mrs. Becky Gelke Baker (18) Ms. Doreen Gurbacka Baker (2) Mr. Horace R. Baker Hon. and Mrs. Walter A. Baker (21) Mr. Leonard Richard Baker (7) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Baker Mr. Mark W. Baker (4) Dympna Bakhshay Mr. Shelby Garnett Bale, Jr. (6) Mr.Thomas M. Bale (4) Balfour-Ralph E. Baker, Inc. Ball Interiors Limited Ms. Carol R. Ball Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ball (14) Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Ball (3) Mrs. Dorothy Taylor Ballard (10) Ms. Mary D. Banahan (2) The Bank of New York Foundation Ms. Jackie L. Banks (5) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Allen Barber Ms.Vickie Blakeley Barea (11) Mr. Joseph William Baribeau Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Bariola (4) Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wayne Barman (5) Mr. D. Wade Barnes (5) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hamilton Barnes, II (2) Mr. Paul L. B. Barnes (2) Mr. and Mrs.Teddy Barnes (2) Mrs. Cynthia A. Barnett (4) Mr. John Barnett Mr. Phillip W. Barnhouse, Jr. (6) Barren River Regional SPL'S Barren Wholesale Greenhouses (3) Mr. Keb Barrett Mr. Bruce Barrick Ms. Mary Clagett Barris Ms. Jane Barthelme (6) Mr. David Bartholomy Mr. William R. Bartlett, II (5) Mr. Fred Bartley Mr. Christopher N. Baseheart (4) BASF Corporation (3) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Steven Lamar Basham (2) Mrs. Freda Basham Ms. Patricia F. Basham (6) Dr.Vickie P. Basham (4) Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Rex Bates Mrs. Joe Bates (3) Batson and Associates Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Batson (8) Dr. George William Bauer, III (15) Ms. Marcia C. Baugh (3) Mr. Ricky W. Bault Mrs. Carole E. Baum (4) Baumgardner & Associates, PSC Mr. Richard O. Baumgardner, Jr. (2) BD Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. David E. Beals (18) Ms.Terri Bearbower Mr. David Miller Beard (4) Rev. and Mrs.Thomas F. Beard (4) Mrs. Laura H. Beard (7) Lois-Don Beard (2) Mr. William L. Beard, Jr. (9) Ms. Elizabeth Ann Becker (15) Dr. and Mrs. James Paul Becker (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Beckman (2) Mr. John W. Bedell (12) Ms. Leslie R. Bedo (3) Mr. Jimmy E. Belcher (3) Mr. Rick L. Beliles Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anderson Bell (15) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul Bell (3) Ms. Martha Louise Bell (17) Mrs. Brenda F. Beloin (3) Ms. Alma Lea Benedict (12) Ms. Barbara Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Maury Thomas Bennett Mrs. Diane Whiston Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Darren N. Bensing (3) Dr. Marilee Benson (5) Col. and Mrs. Sylvester C. Berdux, Jr. (3) Mrs. Margaret S. Berg (4) Mr. Richard William Bergen (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Bergin (5) Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Berrong (5) Ms. Cheryl B. Berry Mrs. Lynne Ford Berry (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Burns Berry Mr. and Mrs. Monty Shawn Bertram (2) Mr. Phil Allan Bertram (18) Mr. O. Franklin Beumer Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bewley (20) Mr. Ronald Beyke (3) Drs. Prana and Omkar Bhatt (3) Big B Cleaners Mr. Gill Biggers Mr. Gary Franklin Biggs (10) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Billingsley (2) Ms. Hilda Bingham (6) Ms. Hilary A. Biolzi Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Bird (5) Ms. Joe Anne Bird Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Birdsong, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy K. Bischoff Mr. Jerry C. Bishop, Jr. (13) Mrs.Teresa L. Bishop (4) Mr. Hoy C Blackburn Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lance Blackburn (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas Blacketer (2) Mr. Robert Brent Blackman (10) Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Blair (22) Ms. Gail Blair (6) Mr. James C. Blair (13) Dr. Michelle E. Blake (2) Mr. Alton E. Blakley, Jr. (3) Mrs. Linda Blanding Mr. and Mrs. William L. Blankenbaker Mr. Owen Lee Blanton, Jr. (13) Mr. Jack R. Blease (6) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Blewett, Jr. (4) Mr. Clifton T. Blick (6) Mr. Donald W. Bloodworth (3) Blue Cotton, Inc. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Keith McKinney Board (2) Dr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Bode (5) Joy B. Bodner, RN/BGS/CNOR (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Henry Boeckmann Mr. Chad Boggs Mrs. Juanita McClellan Bogle (3) Mr. James E. Bohannon, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bohlander (18) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Boldrick (4) Dr. Steven Scott Boley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Bolt (5) Mr.Thomas Bomgardner (2) Ms. E. Kathleen Booher Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Boon (13) Mr. Michael A. Boone (6) Mr. Earl R. Boonstra Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon L. Booze (2) Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bopp Mr. John W. Borders Mr. and Mrs. Walker E. Borie, Jr. Mr. Daniel Bernard Botula (10) Ms. Laura E. Boulden (14) Dr. Richard George Bowker (4) Bowling Green League of Bicyclists Ms. Margaret Lois Bowman (5) Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Robert O. Boyle (7) Boys 4th Region Basketball Tourn. Mr. Harold R. Bradford (2) Mr. Robert L. Bradford Mrs. Pamela B. Bradley (3) Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bradshaw (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warren Bradshaw (3) Dr. Susan Erika Brady (16) Mr. and Mrs. Laurance W. Branch (7) Mrs. Barbara Goodwin Brand (2) Mrs. Martha B. Brandenburgh (3) Mr. Joel Douglas Brashear (11) Ms. Nora Brashear Drs. Orlando and Leticia Bravo (3) Mr. William J. Bray (4) Breeders Insurance Mr. Michael A. Breen (2) Ms. Alice K. Brennan (12) Ms. Betty C. Brent (4) Mr. Gerald Don Brewer (5) Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Briddon Capt. and Mrs. Christopher Troy Bridges (4) Mr.Thomas Al Brieske (2) Mr. and Mrs.Vincent W. Bristow (5) Mr.Thomas C. Brite (20) Dr. and Mrs. Danny G. Britt (9) Ms. Suzanne Britt (16) Mr. and Mrs. Huie Clinton Brizendine (4) Mr. John Michael Brock (10) Mr. Harold Thomas Brockman (12) Mr. Gary Wayne Broenneke (10) Col. (Ret.) Billy T. Brooks (12) Mr. George Dennis Brooks Mr. John David Brooks Mr. Neill Brooks (6) Mr. Scott Allen Brooks (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Scott Brooks (8) Mrs. Nancy C. Broome Mr. William W. Broussard (4) Mr. and Mrs. Adlie Franklin Brown Mr. Barry M. Brown Mr. Ben F. Brown (2) Mr. Boyd Brown (5) Mr. Christopher Lloyd Brown (5) Ms. Deborah Bentley and Mr. Corby Brown (12) Mr. and Mrs. Danny Lee Brown (4) Mr. George Brown (6) Mr. Hugh Barton Brown (2) Mr. James W. Brown Mrs. Judy D. Brown (9) Mrs. Judy H. Brown (11) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Brown (7) Ms. Rita Carol Brown (3) Mr. Robert L. Brown, Sr. Mr. Russell A. Brown Mrs.Terri Kay Brown (7) Mr. Willie Kyle Brown (3) Mrs. Adrianne Evitts Browning Mr. Craig E. Browning (2) Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Browning (5) Mrs. Debra L. Broz (4) Ms. Sandy Brue Mr. Dillard Brumfield Mrs. Lora W. Brumley (7) Mrs. Rebecca B. Bruner (17) Dr. Barry W. Brunson (22) Dr. Beth Ann Bryant (4) Mrs. Debra C. Bryant (3) Mr. Dennis Rhea Bryant (2) Ms. Frederica J. Bryant (5) Mr. Peter McNally Bryant (6) Buchanon Rentals (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reno Buckles (16) Ms. Janet Marian Buckley (4) Mrs. Frances C. Buckman (17) Mr. Steve Bulle Ms. Rose A. Bullock (19) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Joseph Bumm (2) Mr. Natty Bumppo (13) Mrs. Patsy G. Bunch (10) Mr. William Albert Bunnell (8) Mr. Gregory Carl Burbach (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dale Douglas Burchett Ms. Shelley Burgett Mr. Daniel J. Burke Mr. Heath Douglas Burnette (8) Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Burnley (7) Mrs. Carmen Cajilig Burns Mr. Michael Burns, Jr. (2) Mrs. Anita S. Burr Mr. Paul M. Burrell, II Mrs. Barbara J. Burridge (2) Mr. Kevin Burt Mr.Thomas Massey Burt (3) Mrs. Ruth Carolyn Burton (13) Ms. Silvia M. Burton (3) Mrs. Elaine S. Bush Mr. Harry L. Bush, III (6) Maj. and Mrs. Hickman E. Bush (14) Ms. Glenda Fowler Bussell (15) Ms. Nancy Buster (2) Butler Co. Longbeards Chapter Mr. David Allen Butler (9) Mrs. Wendy Jean Butler (7) Mr. and Mrs.W. Martin Buttermore, Jr. (2) Mrs. Nora Buttram (4) Dr. Samuel Thomas Buttram (8) Mr. Robert W. Byrd (3) Mr. William A. Byrnes (6) C. P. Bradshaw, D.M.D. (2) Mr. Stephen C. Cabell Mr. J. Swingley Cage (13) Mr. John A. Calabrese (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Caldwell (11) Dr. James Timmons Callis (11) Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Calvert (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Campbell (15) Mr. John William Campbell (25) Mr. Lucky R. Campbell (2) Camping World, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dann Dale Cann (3) Ms. Etta Lou Cantrell Mr. R. Jeff Caplenor (9) Dr. Juan Manuel Cardenas Mrs. Loretta Jump Cardin (4) Cardinal Office Systems Mr. Howard Cardwell (2) Cargill, Inc. Ms. Lena Anne Carlson Dr. and Mrs. John Charles Carmichael (12) Mr. William Paul Carneal (8) Mr. Ronald Glenn Carnes (7) Mr. Christopher Howard Carpenter Mrs. Laura K. Carpenter Mr. Bob Carper (13) Mr. Michael O. Carr (5) Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Carr (14) Dr. Carol and Mr. Robert Arthur Carraco (22) Mr. Bryan Aloysius Carrico (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cloys Carrico (5) Mrs. Janet Gray Carrico (9) Mr. Leonard Harel Carrier (2) Ms. Deborah Floyd Carroll (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Charles Carson, II (4) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Carter Mr. Paul Wayne Carter Mr. Steve C. Carter Mr. and Mrs.Terrell S. Carter (5) Ms.Vikki Elizabeth Carter (6) Mr. William Randy Carter, II (10) Mr. William T. Carter Dr. and Mrs. Clark L. Carthrae (4) Ms. Betty Jo Caruthers (12) Sallie Potter Carwell (3) Mr. Chris A. Case (10) Mr. J.V. Case Mr. Jack R. Case (3) Mr. Merritt William Cash (12) Ms. Clarice Casper (15) Ms. Marilyn Cassady (5) Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cate (6) Mr. Michael G. Catlett Dr. Alan Dale Cato (2) Mr. Garry Keith Caudill (7) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edward Cecil (15) Mr. Kevin Lee Cecil (4) Ms. Nora Paige Cecil Mr.Thomas M. Cecil (5) Mr. Frank Joseph Cerjak, Jr. (6) Cetech, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Chambers (8) Mr.Thomas R. Chambers, Jr. (4) Mr. Billy Chance (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sean Chandler (3) Mrs. Ladonna Joy Chaney Mrs. Beth R. Chapman Ms. Beverly Chapman Randall and Carolyn Chapman (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Chapman Mr. Dean Chapman (9) Mr. James G. Chapman (13) Mr. Walter T. Chapman (9) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Chappell (8) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leon Chappell Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gregory Taylor Chasteen (3) Mr. Joseph James Check (5) 47 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Ms. Nancy C. Cheek Ms. Beverly Wolf Chelgren Dr. and Mrs.William Bailey Cherry (7) Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cherry (12) Mr. Stephen A. Chesek (4) Dr. John Jeffrey Chewning (13) Dr. and Mrs. Indudeep S. Chhachhi (7) Mr. Paul W. Childers (4) Mr. and Mrs. George M. Chinn (17) Ms. Scenna and Mr. Chmielewski Mr. Mike Chou Mr. John Thomas Chumney (10) Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Church City of Glasgow Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Civils, Jr. (3) Mr. Paul A. Civils (2) Mr. Harry P. Clagett (14) Mr. and Mrs. David Bryce Clark (14) Mr. Danny M. Clark (14) Mr. Fredrick A. Clark (19) Mr. James E. Clark, Sr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Clark (2) Mr. Michael D. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morgan Clark (12) Joan and Ronald W. Clark (13) Classic Cleaners (2) Mr. Randall S. Clauson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Clay (3) Mr. David R. Clements (3) Mr. Nelson E. Clemmens (5) Mr. Harvey Clendining (4) Mr.Terry Climer (2) Dr. Richard M. Clouse (3) Mr. Kevin D. Clutter Mr. Alan R. Coates (20) Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Coatney (11) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cobb (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Cobb (5) Ms.Velva Jerdene Cockrel (13) Coe Dental Group P. A. Dr. Susan B. Coe (5) Ms. Ann Coffey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Randall Coffey (19) Mr. Michael Lee Coffey (2) Ms. Pat Coffman Mr. Mickey Cogburn (2) Dr. Janet L. Colbert (8) Bennie Cole Mr. David Gerald Cole (2) Mr. Larry Cole (3) Mrs. Mary Ellen Cole (5) Mrs. Re Jeana Coleman Mrs. Katherine S. Colley (2) Mr. Ivan E. Collier, Jr. (2) Dr. and Mrs. Charles Vernon Collins (5) Mr. Donald Eugene Collins (14) Mrs. Melissa England Collins Mr. Michael P. Collins (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Collins Mrs.Talia McKinney Collins (3) Ms. Connie Lee Colter (7) Dr. Ellen Marie Colwell (3) Mrs. Shelly Glasscock Compton (9) Dr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Conley (37) Kay and Thad Connally (24) Col. (Ret.) Doral Glen Conner (22) Mrs. Mary G. Conner Mr. and Mrs. James Christian Conway (4) Dr. Charles Eugene Cook (14) Mr. Donald E. Cook Mr. James W. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie M. Cook Mr. Matthew Cook Mr. McClellan Cook (5) Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Cook, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Cooke Ms. Laura Jane Cooley Ms. Amanda Bass Coomer Frank Leo Coomer (d.) (8) Coomer's Service (12) Mr. Bob Cooper (4) Ms. Jill A. Cooper (10) Mr. Sammy Cooper (3) Mr. William S. Cooper (11) Mr. J. Richard Copeland (4) Mrs. Anna Lois Copley (3) Mrs. Patricia Garrison Corbin Ms. JoAnn B. Cordary Mr. Marvin Cornett (11) Ms. Debra A. Cornwell (4) 48 Mr. William J. Cortus Mr. Jack Cosby Mr. Darrell Cossey Mr. Dewayne Vincent Cothron Ms. Geneva A. Cottrell (20) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee Counts, Jr. (5) Couples Class Sunshine Fund (6) Mr. Wendell F. Couts (7) Mr. George Cowan Mr. James L. Cowell Ms.Tamara Mazzoccoli Cowherd (2) Mr. Joe R. Cowles (2) Mrs. Linda Cox Ms. Robin Bruington Cox (3) Mrs. Sandra L. Coyle Mrs. Paula M. Crabtree (3) Mr. John Pierce Craddock (3) Mr. Donald L. Crady (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Craft Col. Richard William Craig (2) Ms. Jean M. Craighead (7) Mr. Fred J. Craney 440 Main Restaurant Mr. Kenneth Mark Crawford (2) Mr. Dala Glenn Creech Dr. Mary A. Crenshaw (9) Ms. Susan J. Crim Mr. Gary Critser (6) Ms. Bonnie L. Croft (2) Dr. Rachel Gray Croft (18) Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cron (3) Mr. David Martin Cross (4) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crousore (10) Dr. Lou Ann Crouther (4) Ms. Margaret Crowder (3) Mrs. Joann B. Crowe (8) Mr. John Wesley Crowe Mr. John M. Crudele (2) Ms. Emily Paige Crume Mr. Gene Cox Crume, Sr. (4) Mrs. Katrina A. Crutcher (6) Mr. Angel A. Cruz, Jr. (14) CSX Corporation, Inc. Ms. Betty Jean Cummings (2) Mr. and Mrs. Aaron T. Cunningham Ms. Anne Cunningham (7) Ms. Janine Marie Cunningham (16) Mrs. Margaret W. Cunningham (3) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Curl Mr. Buddy R. Curnutt Mr. Alvin Ray Curtis Sandra and Charles Cusumano (2) Dr. C. Harwell Dabbs (7) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arthur Dahlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Barton Lee Dahmer (3) Mrs. Jo Ann Dalby (4) Mr. and Mrs. E. Randolph Dale (2) Ms. Corinne E. Dale Maj. (Ret.) D'Amico and Ms. Axt (3) Dance Time Productions Mrs. Carrie Daniels (6) Mrs. Charlene Lyons Daniels Dr. Harry Kirk Dansereau Mr. Philip N. Dare Mrs. Peggy Darnall (3) Mr. Bob Darrell Mr. Eric J. Daugherty (2) Mr. Richard Lee Daugherty (5) Mr.Thomas Todd Daugherty (7) Ms. Diana O. Daunt Mr. Charles B. Davenport (4) David B. Clark, D.D.S., M.S.D. (4) Mr. Peter C. Davids (3) Mrs. Frederica Agnes Davies Mr. Simeon W. Davies (7) Davis H. Elliot Company, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Davis (10) Mr. Bruce Kevin Davis (2) Dr. Cheryl Diane Davis (5) Mrs. Geneva C. Davis Mr. James H. Davis Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Davis (7) Mr. Leslie T. Davis (21) Dr. and Mrs. Chester L. Davis (19) Drs. Nancy and James Davis (24) Mrs. Sonya Leigh Davis (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Brian Davis (2) Mr.Thomas Wayne Davis (6) Mr. Patrick Sean Davison (2) Mr. Bruce L. Dawson Ms. Diane Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Joseph Dawson Ms. Jennifer L. Day (4) Mr. Morgan Day Ms. Patty F. Day Mr. Marlin D. Dayoub Mr. Gerald Jude De Peppe (6) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Anthony Decker (4) Mr.Vincent E. Decker (13) Ms. Barbara Deeb (6) Mr. Mark T. Deeb Mr. and Mrs.William Mitchell Deep (2) Ms. Heather Morton Dehart Mr. John Anthony Del Piano Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Delk (4) Delta Mobile Testing, Inc. (3) Mr. Orval Leon Denham Mr. Allen Denney Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Depp (3) Ms. Rebecca L. DeSensi Mrs. Kimberly A. Deweese (2) Mrs. Clara R. Dewilde (20) Mrs. Donna Gail Diaz (3) Mr. David E. Dickson (2) Mrs. Johnnye F. Diemar (7) Mr. Henry G. Dietzel DiFabio's Casapela Mr. Neel Dillard (3) Mr. Patrick J. Dilts Ms. Clarice U. Dinwiddie (14) Mr. Dennis L. Dipert (18) Mr. Kenneth R. Distler (13) District 19 F & AM PHA of Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Edward Ditto (3) Mr. William Eugene Dixon DLC, Inc. (3) Ms. Rosemary J. Dodds (8) Ms. Dorothy Grise Dodson (22) Mr. and Mrs. Kinchel C. Doerner (8) Domino's Pizza Mr. Jeffery J. Dongvillo Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Dorfman Mr. Mike Doro (5) Dr. James M. Dorris (15) Mr. Paul A. Dorroh (5) Mrs. Betty S. Dorsey (5) Mrs. Odessa H. Douglass (2) Mr. Michael Dowdell Mr. and Mrs. Dero D. Downing, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Duane Doyle (3) Mr. Jack Robert Drago (3) Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Drake (14) Mr. Jeffrey Drake Drane & Company PLLC Mr. Daniel Glen Drane Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White Driver (17) Mr. Robert F. Druien (3) Mr. David Lewis Drummond Mr. Calvin R. Dugan (3) The Duke Energy Foundation Mr. Robert J. Dukeman (4) Mr. Alan Dumbris (3) Mr. Phillip Lee Dunaway (2) Mr. Parker W. Duncan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Duncan (24) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Duncan (12) Dunes Investment Club Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Dunn (9) Mr. Paul Durbin Mr. Felix E. Durham (17) Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Durham (2) Ms. Donna N. Durning Ms. Barbara S. Jones Durrett (2) Mr. Paul Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alan Dye (4) Mr. James Nile Dyer (2) Ms. Elizabeth Eade (18) Mr. Jeffrey D. Eadens (2) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Keith Earles (3) Mr. William Randy Earls Ms. Gina Kaye Easton (3) Dr. Edward P. Eberth (3) Ms. Leona Ellis Edge (2) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edward Edmonds (17) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edmonds Educational Counseling of America Edward Jones - Kyle May (2) Edwards Jones - Joanie Evans (8) Dr. and Mrs. Richard David Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Billy Tyler Edwards, Jr. (14) Ms. Nell Brizendine Edwards (10) Mr. Richard Mark Edwards (2) Mr. Stan Edwards (22) Mr. John W. Egerton (3) Dr. and Mrs. David M. Eggers (2) Mrs. Sally Q. Eggers Mr. and Mrs. William L. Eldred (19) Mr. Roger D. Eldridge (5) Electronic Arts, Inc. Eleventh Street Baptist Church Mr. Robert Ellis (3) Mr. Robert W. Ellison (3) Ms. Doris Faye Elmore (13) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Elms (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitlow Elrod (4) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee Elwood (3) Ms. Bonnie R. Embrey Mr. Carlos B. Embry, Jr. (6) Mr. Rod Embry (3) Mrs.Virginia G. Embry (2) Mr. David Kenneth Emerson (3) Mr. Roy L. Emmick (5) Dr. Robert J. Emslie (4) Mr. Daniel England Mrs. Rayner Wineman England (14) Mrs. Rebecca Ann Englehart (3) Dr. Gerald D. Enlow Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Enoch (4) Ms. Judith Ann Escue (3) Lt. Col. (Ret.) John William Espey (14) Mr. Bill Estep (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Esterle (19) Ms. Janet Louise Estes (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Esz (8) Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Mr. David T. Eubank Mr.Thomas Leon Eubank (4) Dr. Eugene E. Evans (13) Mr. John Evans Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Hurst Evans (3) Mrs.Teresa Craig Evans Mr.Timothy Henry Evans (6) Mr. Ross Everhard (3) Mr. Richard Allen Eversman (8) Mr. and Mrs.T. Jack Eversole (18) Exxon Mobil Foundation E-Z Money Pawn & Jewelry, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rory Scott Ezell Ms. Carrie Ezzell Dr. Ronald E. Falls Mr. Anthony F. Fargnoli (22) Mr. Paul Kenneth Farley, III Ms. Louise D. Farthing Ms. Brenda Joyce Faulkner (3) Mrs. Bridget M. Canny Faulkner (4) Ms. Suzi Faulkner Mr. Philip E. Fay (3) Mr. Joseph E. Feeney (12) Ms. Joe Ann H. Fenley Mr. Bruce W. Ferguson Dr. Harold A. Ferguson (3) Ms. Sally Watson Ferguson (3) Ms.Valerie Vincent Ferguson Mrs.Teresa Ferrell Ms. Marilyn Sue Ferris (3) Ms. Jennifer Fields (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery F. Fillman (6) Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fiorella (2) First Christian Church (4) First Class Car Care First National Bank (2) First Federal Savings Bank (2) Staff Sgt. Myra Jane Fishburn (2) Mrs. Laura H. Fisher (9) Dr. and Mrs.Vaughn L. Fisher Dr. Jennifer Fishkoff Mrs.Vanecia Fleenor Mr. and Mrs. Osburn R. Flener (3) Mrs. Anne Nicole Flinn (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Flippin, Jr. Ms. Kimberly Ann Flory (7) Mr. Michael A. Flueck (2) Mr. Gary Winston Flynn (12) Mr.Thomas F. Flynn (15) Mrs. Rilla Clore Foley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott Ford (4) Mr. Harry D. Ford (13) Mr. Mark Vernon Ford (2) Ms. Nancy M. Ford (9) Mr. Lee Henderson Forst Mr. Michael Craig Forsythe (4) Mrs. Becky Foster (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas Foster (5) Dr. and Mrs. James William Foster Mrs. Nancy B. Foulke (9) Mrs. Nada M. Fountain (3) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Dwayne Fowler (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Melvin Fox (4) Mrs. Nancy P. Prince Fox (9) Maj. (Ret.) Richard Lynn Fraker, Jr. Mr. Steven H. Francke (4) Mrs. Laura Jean Frank (12) Mr. George L. Franklin (7) Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Franklin (16) Mr. David M. Fravala (2) Mr. Kerry Lee Frazier (10) Dr. Quentin Frazier (15) Mrs. Wendy C. Free (2) Mr. Brian David Fremund (2) French Brothers Cleaners, Inc. (2) Mrs. Sue Frericks Mr. John H. Frick Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Frith (10) Mrs. Ruth Thomas Froedge (7) Mrs. Sandra K. Frost (8) Mr. Paul A. Fryman (2) Mrs.Terri Kathryn Fugate (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fuhrer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Avery Fulks (4) Dr. David Lloyd Fullen (8) Mr. Bryan Scott Fuller (3) Ms. Donna Hines Furlong (2) Future Designs Building Materials (2) Ms. Mary Abbitt Fye (3) Dr. William R. Gabbert (15) Mr. Wallace Gerald Gabennesch Mr. Christopher Lind Gaddis Mr. Andrew King Gailor Mr. Paul “Skip” Gaines, III (2) Mr.Theodore Gaither Mr. Charles Gregory Gallas (2) Mr. Aaron David Galloway Ms. Loeta Pile Galloway (2) Ms. Stacie Marie Gamble Ms. Kay Gandy (2) Mr. Carlen R. Gant Col. James Howard Gant, Jr. (4) Mr. Gary M. Gardner (4) Mr. Chris Eric Garland Mr. and Mrs.Terry Auburn Garmon (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillip Garrett (3) Roy B. and Bobby C. Garrett (13) Ms. Geneva Garrison (8) Dr. June Rose Garrott (3) Dr. and Mrs. Garland R. Garst Mr. Stephen W. Gary (2) Mrs. Freida E. Gebert Mr. Edgar H. Gee, Jr. Ms. Linda C. Gensler (16) Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Geoghegan (2) Mr. Kenneth A. George (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Gibson (13) Ms. Mary Lisa Gibson Mr. Daniel J. Gilbert (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Gilbert (3) Mrs. Jane K. Gilbert (23) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jeffrey Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gildersleeve (2) Ms. Becky Gilfillen (5) Mr. Bruce Ray Gill (2) Mr. Daniel P. Gillen (2) Mrs. Marquita P. Gillenwater (8) Mrs. Margot O. Gillespie (3) Mrs. Jean Gilliland Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Gilpin Mr. Michael Lynn Gipson (12) Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Gipson (3) Girls 4th Region Basketball Tourn. Mr. and Mrs. David Payton Givens (12) Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Glantz (2) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Patrick Glasgow (15) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Carl Glass (5) Mr. Steven M. Glasscock (6) Mr. William Wallace Gleason Mrs. Rhonda Renee Duvall Glenn (2) Mr.Tony Lynn Glisson (7) Mr. Ronald L. Glomski (3) Mr. Christopher R. Glowacki (5) Ms. Rebecca L. Goad (3) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. David H. Godby (3) Ms. Kimberly A. Godwin Dr. and Mrs. Brian L. Goff (3) Hon. Kenneth H. Goff (8) Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin Goff (8) Mr. Frederick H. Goins (13) Mr. and Mrs. Neal M. Gold (14) Mrs. Patricia Klara Golden The Golf Shop (2) Gonsman Custom Draperies, Inc. Gonterman and Associates Mr. J. Ronald Gonterman (5) Mrs. Julie Goodan (7) Ms. Sue Ann Goode (7) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gooding (18) Mr. Charles A. Goodman, III Mr. Neil Goodman (6) Dr. J. Roger Goodwin Mr. George C. Goodwyn Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. Gordon Mr. M. Alan Gordon, II Mrs. Elizabeth Celeste Gorman (2) Mrs. Jessie Gorrell (3) Mr. Conrad S. Gosciminski Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Lynn W. Gossard (6) Ms. Sharon Yvonne Gosser (16) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gossett (2) Mr. Hugh K. Gossett Mr. William Buford Gossett (3) Mr. Jerry Bernard Gotlieb (2) Mrs. Carol M. Gott (17) Mrs. Margaret Mary Gouvas Col. (Ret.) Wilford D. Gower (19) Mr. and Mrs. Ron H. Grabruck (5) Grace Hope Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade Grace (6) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Grace (3) Mr. Steve Graf Dr. Lawrence Paul Graham Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edward Graham (2) Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy S. Graham (4) Mr. William H. Grainger (2) Graingers Dump Truck Service (2) Mr. Anthony Francis Granato (4) Gravely Travel Service LLC Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gravely (3) Ms. Donna Carol Graves (6) Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Gray (8) Mrs. Elise N. Gray (3) Dr. James Roswell Gray (d.) (5) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Gray (4) Mrs. Mary E. Gray (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Louis Gray (4) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin N. Gray (2) Grayson County Water District Mr. Matthew Curtis Grecco (9) Green Co. Junior Miss Program (3) Ms. Ann F. Green (3) Mr. Robert F. Green (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Green Mr. Roy Allen Green Ms. Shirley Annette Green (4) Mr. and Mrs.Walter Benton Green (12) Ms. Carol Boucher Greene Mr. Joshua G. Greenwell (3) Greenwood Partners II, Limited Mr. and Mrs. James D. Greenwood (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Greer (2) Mr. David Emerson Greer (2) Ms. Julia Drew Greer Ms. Marilyn A. Greer Dr. Melinda Lee Greer (13) Mr. Kenneth Leach and Ms. Karen Gregory Mrs. Laurie Beth Gregory (7) Mrs. Martha A. Gregory Mrs. Sharon Jane Gregory Ms. Janet Rhea Grider (4) Mr. William Brandon Griffey, II Mr. Aaron H. Griffin (4) Mr. Jerry C. Griffin (8) Ms. Micha Griffin Ms. Jean H. Griffing Col. Kenneth C. Griffith (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Russell Griffith (7) Ms. Billie H. Griggs Dr. and Mrs. James W. Grimm (11) Mrs. Phyllis R. Grimm (3) Hon. and Mrs. John R. Grise (5) Alumni Fall 2005 WKU, SYGEN INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCE BIOTECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP Western Kentucky University and Sygen International have announced a collaborative venture that will further establish the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a leading center for biotechnology and applied research. Sygen International has agreed to commit $2.5 million over a 10-year period to establish the Sygen Chair in Biotechnology to enhance the research and development capacity at Western Kentucky University. The chair holder will be a senior scientist on the WKU faculty in biology. The research activities of the chair will broadly encompass aspects of fundamental and applied research, together with consulting, supervision of postgraduate students, publications, and where appropriate, the technical support of commercial products. An international search is underway to identify candidates with outstanding records of scholarly achievement and scientific publication, demonstrated excellence in the areas of animal quantitative genetics or genomics, and successful incorporation of M.S. or Ph.D. students into research initiatives, as well as a history of developing a research program with a focus on technology that has potential to stimulate economic development. “This is good news for Kentucky,” said WKU President Gary Ransdell, “because biotechnology represents a critical component in Kentucky’s vision for economic opportuni- ties. Biotechnology’s capacity in animal and plant breeding is the new frontier in Kentucky’s new economy. “This partnership between a public university which possesses great academic strength in biotechnology, together with a private business which is a world leader in genetics, is of enormous consequence.” “Sygen recognizes the important role of university partners in reaching our market potential,” said Graham Plastow, Chief Technology Officer for Sygen. “The establishment of this teaching and research position is the first for our organization in Kentucky, but builds on decades of commitment by our business units to the state.As a result of this investment by Sygen, the Commonwealth will have additional opportunities for growth in biotechnology.” Sygen’s proprietary technology, products and services enable producers and farmers to enhance meat quality and improve efficiency in the production of meat animals through the application of genetic selection. This unique combination of quantitative genetics and biotechnology, which is applicable across all livestock species, enables farmers and producers to produce higher quality and healthier non-GMO food products. Headquartered in Oxfordshire, England, Sygen companies operate in 30 countries on five continents, with laboratories located in Franklin, Ky., USA and Cambridge, UK. Sygen companies have deep Kentucky roots. Sygen’s North American swine business unit, PIC, has been headquartered in Kentucky for more than 30 years. Most recently, Sygen expanded its offices in 2003 in order to relocate its North American research operations from Berkeley, Calif., to Franklin, Ky. Sygen’s technology and products add value throughout the global meat supply chain of farmers, breeders, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers. 49 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Lindsay Harned, recipient of the Thelma Griggs Piano Scholarship, performs at the Gift of Music Recital on April 16. Mr. Michael J. Grossman Mr. James M. Groves (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Groves (2) Mrs. Darci K. Guerrein (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jamie D. Guffey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Guillory Mr. Joseph John Guinane Col. Lindy C. Gunderson (16) Mrs. Melva J. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ryan Haas (3) Mr. Louis A. Haas (3) Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Norman Habermel (4) Mr.Terrence L. Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Leconte Haddock Mr. Gene R. Hagan Mr. Joseph L. Hagan (14) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Hagan (4) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Alexander Hahn II Mrs. Kelly Neill Haile Mr. and Mrs. Mark O. Haines (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Haining (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Haire (3) Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Hale (6) Mr. Robert D. Haley Dr. Stephen Edward Haley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayne Hall (2) Mr. Dennis James Hall (2) Mr. Gregg A. Hall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Shayne Hall, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Douglas Hall (8) Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Hall (5) Mr. Paul Lester Hall, Jr. (8) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eldon Hall (5) Dr. and Mrs. Jack O. Hall (14) Mrs. Charlsie M. Halliburton (18) Ms. Amy Hallwood Mrs. Karen Washer Halpern (5) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ambrose Hamilton Ms. Ledean Bailey Hamilton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hamlet, III (8) Mrs.Tina Benge Hamm (2) Mr. Jerry L. Hammonds Mr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Hammons, Sr. (18) Mr. William Cecil Hammontree Hampton Inn (2) Mr. Brad Handley (3) Ms. Ann F. Handy (13) Mr. John Frank Hanel (14) Ms. Claudia Hanes (4) Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Haney Mr. William Morton Hanna 50 Mr. John William Hannan (4) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hans (5) Mr. Richard Hansen (2) Mr. Robert E. Hansen (9) Ms. Doris Jean Hardcastle (9) Mrs. June Hardcastle (3) Mr. Mark Stephen Hardcastle (4) Mrs. Holly M. Hardenberg (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilson Hardin (4) Hardin McLane Company/Realtors (4) Ms. Norma Jonell Hardison (6) Mr. Joel K. Hargis (7) Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Hargrove (5) Mr. Anthony A. Harkins (2) Harlan Construction, Inc. Mr. Douglas Wills Harlan (3) Ms. Nelda A. Harlow (2) Mr. Richard N. Harlow (2) Brenda Joyce Harmon (4) Mr. Jerry Harmon (2) Mrs. Betsy Harned Mr. David A. Harper (3) Mrs. Jane Y. Harper (6) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allen Harpool (15) Mr. O'Neil Harrell Dr. William B. Harrell (20) Harris & Harris, P. S. C. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Harris (3) Mr. Benjamin Rush Harris Mr. Danny L. Harris (16) Mr. Donald Brent Harris Mr. Gerry Lee Harris (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ray Harris (11) Mr. Michael Harris and Mrs. Laura Henry (2) Mr. Richard Harris Mr. Robert Ewing Harris (2) Hon. William R. Harris (17) Dr. and Mrs. Danny Lee Harrison (12) Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harrison (4) Harry Owen Trucking, Inc. Mr. Charles Louis Hart Mr. Charles Duane Hartlage (2) Hartland Equipment Corporation (17) Mr. and Mrs. David Robert Hartman (12) Mr.Timothy James Hartman (11) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donald Harvey (3) Mrs. Ann M. Haszard (16) Mr. Dudley Wayne Hatcher, Sr. (4) Ms. Laura A. Haury Josh and Andrea Hawkins (3) Mr. David Lee Hawkins (19) Mr. Walter L. Hawkins (19) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hay Mr. Joseph Maurice Hayden Mrs. Kristie F. Hayden (4) Dr. and Mrs. Delbert J. Hayden (14) Mrs. Frances C. Haydon (2) Ms. Margaret L. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Hayes (7) Mr. Charles M. Haynes (7) Dr. Charles T. Hays (5) Ms. Eunice Hays (4) Mr. Donald R. Hazeltine Mr. Robert J. Heady (9) Heartland Insurance Agency, Inc. Heartland Pathology Consultant (2) Mrs. Lily Beth Hedges (6) Mr. Roy D. Hedges (d.) (6) Mr. Arthur L. Hedgspeth (6) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patrick Heffley (10) Ms. Sheryl L. Heggs (3) Dr. and Mrs. James M. Heldman (24) Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Helm (6) Mr. Nelson Helm, Jr. (2) Mr. Ronald James Helms (2) Mr. Dale Roger Helton (8) Henderson YMCA Mrs. Carole B. Henderson Mrs. Lea Carole Henderson Mrs. Melanie Lee Henderson (5) Mrs. June Hanna Hendrick (2) Mr. Steve Hendrick (3) Dr. Charles H. Henrickson (18) Ms. Daffney Alice Henry (2) Mr. James Henry (12) Mr. Kenneth C. Henry (3) Mr. Allen A. Hensley (2) Herbert B. Sparks,Attorney At Law (2) Heritage Bank of Hopkinsville, KY Mr. and Mrs. William B. Herndon (3) Dr. Roy L. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Stan Michael Herren (2) Mr. Matthew William Hester Mr. Kevin Brian Hetzer (2) Dr. Susan Jane Hibbs Mr. James Eric Hickerson (6) Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hickman Mr. Edward Lee Hickman (4) Mr. Andrew Robert Hicks (12) Mr. Charles T. Hicks (7) Mr. Mark L. Higbee Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Higdon (8) Mrs. Belinda Waller Higginbotham (5) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Marshall Higgins Mr. Rickie Lee Higgs (2) Mrs. Marla Kay Highbaugh (3) Mr. Gerald R. Hignite Mrs. Barbara W. Hill Dr. Camille Crunelle Hill (12) Mr. David M. Hill (4) Mrs. Clarice Hill (3) Mr. James E. Hill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hill (3) Mrs. Lori A. Defoor Hill (8) Mr. Michael A. Hille Ms. Delores L. Hilliard Mr. Luke Hilton (13) Ms. Amanda Lea Hines Mr. and Mrs. G. Cliff Hines (15) Mr.Thomas C. Hines (3) Ms. Joy Louise Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Hinkle, IV Ms. Betty Jean Hinton (13) Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Wesley Hinton (2) Mr. Corey Lee Hobbs Mr. Byron Lee Hobgood Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Hockensmith Mr. Phillip D. Hocking Mr. and Mrs. Jack Preston Hodges (3) Mr. Brett Paxson Hoffman (2) Dr. Wayne Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kyle Hogan (2) Ms.Tammy Hogan Mr. Morton Holbrook (14) Mr. H. Scott Holder (2) Mr.Thomas C. Holderfield (6) Dr. Beverley and Mr. James Holland (3) Lt. Col. Emmet Elmer Holley (3) Mr. R. Kent Holley Mr. James Roger Hollins (5) Mr. Michael O. Holm Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Holman Ms. Jeanette M. Holman (3) Ms. Darla Holt (6) Ms. Linda Holthaus Mr. Robert J. Holtzman Mr. James J. Homolka (10) Mr. Mark Hood Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Asa Eugene Hoofer (4) Col. and Mrs.Thomas W. Hoover (17) Hopkins Automotive, Inc. Mr. Jeff Hopkins Mr. Guthrie Horgan Mr. and Mrs. Darrin McKinley Horn (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Horn (18) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gene Horn (13) Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Horn (19) Mr. and Mrs. Finis E. Horne (2) Ms. Mary Ellen Wiederwohl Horner Mrs. Emily Jane Hoskins (5) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brent Houchin (3) Mrs. Jean Clark Houghton (3) Household International Mr. and Mrs. John H. Houston (3) Mr. Rick Houston (4) Mrs.Virginia E. Hovious (2) Mr. Buford Howard (2) Mr. David Howard Mr. and Mrs. David Alan Howard (2) Mr. Glenn Carlas Howard Dr. H. Fred Howard Mrs. Patricia M. Howard Dr. William R. Howard (2) Howards Creek District ME Assoc. Mr. Frank B. Hower, Jr. Mr. Roy Michael Howsen (8) Mr. and Mrs. J. David Huber (7) Mr. James Paul Hubert Huddleston Van Zant, P. S. C. Hon. and Mrs. Joseph R. Huddleston (20) Ms. Macie Wanella Huddleston (14) Mr.Timothy W. Hudnall (4) Mr. Ancil Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Hudson (24) Mr. and Mrs. Jamie I. Huff (2) Mr. Daniel Brent Huffman (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Ambrose Huffman Ms. Nancy T. Huffman (4) Mr. Joe Burgin Huggins Col. (Ret.) Nathan Wallis Huggins (2) Mr. Bryan Forest Hughes (4) Mr. Estle Ray Hughes (8) Mr. Hugh Tim Hughes (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stewart Hughes (4) Mrs. Sandra W. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Hughes (20) Mr. and Mrs. James Randolph Huguely (4) Ms. Christine G. Hullett (10) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hulsey (17) Maj. Gen. (Ret) and Mrs. Jerry D. Humble (3) Dr.Timothy D. Hume (5) Mr. Bobby Humes and Mrs. Linda Patterson (17) Mrs.Teresa Kay Humphrey (8) Mr.V. C. Humphrey (7) Mr. Roy G. Hundley Mr. Billy F. Hunt Ms. Kimberly Davenport Hunt (3) Mrs. Nancy Davenport Hunt (5) Hunter Parts and Services Mr. Rick Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Allen Hunton (14) Mrs.Virginia T. Hurley (7) Mr. Christian L. Hurst (4) Mr. Rickey Earl Husk (9) Mrs. Ann P. Huskey (7) Ms. Alyce C. Hutchins (7) Rebecca McCaulley Hutchison, MSFS (4) Mr. John Thomas Hutton (2) Ms. Grace V. Hyde (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillip Idlett Dr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Iglehart (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Immings Dr. Rosemary Oliphant Ingham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Iracane Mr. Edward James Ising (15) J. W. Insurance Agency (2) Mr. Malcolm D. Jackson (8) Ms. Renee E. Jackson Mr. Sigrid H. Jacobshagen (2) Mrs. Patricia Lindsey Jaggers (3) Mr. Scott Jaggers James Lee Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. Hubert V. James Hon. Joe Moss James (13) Dr. Narendra James Mr. Robert L. James Janet M. Salyers, M.A., P.A. (2) Mr. Paul Joseph Janssen (8) Dr. Charles Daniel Jarboe Mrs. Edith Walters Jarosz (3) Mr. John Stuart Jarvis (5) Mrs. Nita G. Jaynes (8) Mr. Elbert B. Jean (6) Mr. C. H. Jeannette (12) Mr. Jack Jeannette Mr. Stephen Joseph Jecker Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lyle Jecker (3) Ms. Beth Lane Jeffers Mrs. Belinda M. Jefferson (8) Mr. Eddie Lee Jefferson Mr. Russell Jefferson Jeffrey T. Morgan, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Jeffries (4) Mr. Brian M. Jenkins (2) Mr. Donald H. Jenkins (8) Master Sgt. (Ret.) Luther V. Jenkins (4) Mrs. Patricia A. Jenkinson (2) Mr. Paul Thomas Jennings Mr. Larry Robert Jewell Mr. Roy Jewell Jimmy John's Mrs. Florence H. Joeckel Mr. Benge Johnson (12) Dr. and Mrs. Bertil G. Johnson (11) Mr. Brian Keith Johnson (16) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnson (3) Mr. Ishmael E. Johnson (14) Mr. J. Lewis Johnson, Jr. (3) Col. Jackie F. Johnson Mr. Jeffrey Davis Johnson (4) Mrs. Jo Alice Johnson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Jr. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon T. Johnson Mr. Kenneth R. Johnson (3) Mrs. Kimberly Ann Johnson (3) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Barry Glenn Johnson (19) Mark Johnson and Elizabeth Downing (14) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ford Johnson (10) Mr. Meredith Johnson (5) Mr. and Mrs. Daren Lawrence Johnson Hon. Rebecca J. Johnson (4) Hon. Rickie Allen Johnson (3) Mr. Robert T. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. H.Troy Johnson (30) Dr.Thomas W. Johnson (3) Mr.Timothy W. Johnson (8) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Michael E. Johnson (3) Jones Do It Center Mr. Charles Ray Jones Mr. Donald E. Jones (7) Dr. Edward A. Jones (13) Ms. Holly F. Jones Mr. John E. Jones Mrs. Judy Gaye Jones (3) Mrs. Kristin R. Jones (4) Mrs. Malinda Jones (2) Ms. Nancy C. Jones (13) Mr. David Jordan Mrs. Frances C. Jordan Mr. Havard A. Jordan, Jr. (3) Mrs.Virginia Owens Joyce (5) Judy Greene Enterprises, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs.T. Marshall Judy (12) Ms. Wilma Jean Julius (3) Mrs. Cornella Jurling Mr. Zachary M. Kafoglis (19) Mr. William G. Kaiser (13) Ms. Laura Kamperman (2) Mr. James W. Kanan (3) Mr. Mike Kanan Kapos (2) Mr. Michael Francis Karnes (3) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Edmund Powell Karr Mr. Kevin Lemoine Kast (2) Mr. Wayne M. Kay (7) Dr. Mark Glenn Keen (3) Ms. Barbara T. Keith (8) Mr. Douglas Bailey Keith (3) Mr. John Keith Mr. and Mrs.Thomas William Keith (4) Mr. Robert C. Kellermeier Mr. Carl T. Kelley (2) Mr. Jack O. Kelley Mr. Marc N. Kelley (12) Mr. William E. Kelley, Sr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edwin Kelly (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson Kelly (2) Mr. Marshall Hadden Kemp, II (8) Mr. Robert L. Kempf (6) Kenneth Simpson Construction, Inc. (14) Mrs. Melissa B. Kennon Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance Kentucky School Public Relations Mrs. Loyce B. Keough (8) Ms. Ann Toni Kereiakes Mr. James William Kerr (3) Deanna Phillips Kerrigan, MBA, CPA (4) Mrs. Kyra W. Ketron (10) Mrs. Jenna Rae Key Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthew Keyser (9) Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Kilgore (2) Mr. Brandon S. Killebrew (3) Ms. Mildred A. Killian (8) Mr. Edward Thomas King, Jr. (5) Mr. Elwood F. King Mrs. Nancy L. King (12) Linda J. and Stephen E. King (8) Ms. Lana Kington (4) Mr. Randall L. Kinnersley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Kinslow (2) Dr. Kiraly and Dr. Kacer (5) Mr. Steven R. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edmond Kirchner (9) Mr. Robert S. Kirkland (3) Mr. Ben L. Kirkpatrick (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Trace Kirkwood (4) Mr. Dwight O. Kittell (3) Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Kittinger (12) Mrs. LeAnn Klineline (2) Ms. Susan Lee Knatz Mrs. Miliska Knauft Dr. Robert B. Knowles Ms. Evelyn Knox Alumni Fall 2005 Mrs. Deloris L. Koch (10) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Russell Koenen (17) Dr. Irene Kokkala (6) Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kolbenschlag (10) Mrs. Sally Lou Kopanski Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Paul Kopatich (17) Mr. Donald B. Korb (4) Dr. William Kornfeld (9) Mr.Thomas Richard Kovach Mrs. Kathryn T. Kozero Mrs. Elisabeth P. Kral Mr. and Mrs. Clint Edwin Krause Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Krauss (5) Mrs. Ashley Rose Kretzmeier (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kjell Kristiansen (5) Mrs. Andrea Beth Kristof (2) Mrs. Sue V. Kroupa (2) Mrs. Bonnie J. Kuhn Mr. Gregory J. Kunkel (3) Kofi B. Kwarteng Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas Lacefield (3) Capt. Robert Nathaniel Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Laferty Mr. and Mrs. Sean Lyle Laflin Mr. David Gregory Laird (7) Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory Lamb (4) Mrs. Carolyn Delores Lambert (3) Mrs. Dianne L. Lambert (6) Mr. Kenneth Lee Lamkin Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lampkins (2) Mr. Joe L. Lancaster, Jr. (9) Mr. Peter M. Landreth (13) Mrs. Eveyln W. Lane Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lane (9) Lanesville Food Mart, Inc. Mr. Charles Lang Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Langdon (5) Mr. Charles Daniel Lanham Ms.Tracy Marie Lara Mr. Preston Denny Larkin Mrs. Sherry Howell Larson (10) Col. Ret. James Michael Lasalvia Law Office of Gerry L. Harris Dr. Sandra Lawler Mr. and Mrs. William G. Lawrence (2) Mr. Richard Allen Lawrence (5) Mrs.Theresa C. Lawrence (3) Lt. Col. (Ret.) Owen D. Lawson Mrs. Deanna Enoch Layman (12) Mr. Billy Darrel Leach (12) Mrs. Lynne Leach (2) Mrs. Patricia L. Leach (3) Dr. Patrick Book Leach (3) Ms. Amy Leachman (4) Mr. James Daniel Leahy The Learning Tree Fine Arts Center (2) Mr. Dan E. Lee (3) Dr. Joseph M. Lee (4) Mr. Randy Wayne Lee (5) Mr. Brice Terry Leech, Jr. (2) Mr. Michael D. Legg (4) Leitchfield Deposit Bank (3) Mr. Jude Thaddeus Lenahan, Jr. (4) Dr. Steven D. Lenn (6) Mr. Joseph Paul Leone, Jr. (6) Lessenberry Realty Company Mr. Robert A. Lessenberry Mr. Richard Levy Mr. Docey Lewis Ms. Patricia Ann Lewis Mr.Vernon Robert Lewis (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Liedtke (4) Lindsey Madison Institute Mrs. Cara Leta Lindsey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul Lindsey Mr. and Mrs.Tony D. Lindsey (2) Mrs. Frances M. Link (2) Mr. Leon D. Link (6) Mrs. Andrea Joan Lischer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Littell (5) Mr. and Mrs. George William Little, Jr. (5) Mr. and Mrs.Wayne Thomas Lively (9) Ms.Theresa D. Livers (2) Ms. Mildred Livesay (11) Mrs. Clariss B. Lloyd (7) Loch Mary Friends Mr. Phillip Marshall Locke (18) Lockheed Martin Corporation Mr. Richard Loeffler (3) Ms. Nancy M. Logan (7) Mr. Joseph D. Long (14) Ms. Mary Camille Long Mr. Robert C. Long (3) Morris and Barbara Longacre (5) Ms. Brenda Longhofer (2) Ms. Phyllis K. Lonneman Ronald and Alice Chumbley Lora (5) Louisville Junior Miss Dr. Nathan Leroy Love Dr. Donald Ray Lovelace (9) Mr. Ralph L. Lovelace (15) Mr. John Culp Lovett Mr. William Henry Lowendick Drs. John Lynn and Bobbie Boyd Lubker (6) Lubrizol Foundation Mrs. Jean Lucas (3) Ms. Natalie Rae Lund (19) Mrs. Elizabeth Minnich Lupo (2) Mr. William G. Lussky Mr. and Mrs. John E. Luther Mrs. Gaynell B. Luttrell (4) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Lutz Mr. George R. Lynch (7) Mr.Thomas P. Lynch (9) Ms. Martha Jo Lyne (14) Lynn J. Cothron Family Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hayden Lyon (15) Mr. B. W. Lyons (3) Mrs. Joy Medley Lyons Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. Lyons (8) Mr. Louis B. Lyvers (12) Ms.Yvette Elyria Mack Drs. Deanna and Frederick Mader (2) Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Madison (4) Mrs. Debra Young Maggart Ms. Glema M. Mahr (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Richard Mahurin Ms. Paula Metzger Maier Mr. Jason Christian Mallory (3) Mrs. Carolyn S. Mancinik (4) Mrs. Charlene Mae Manco (4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann, Jr. Ms. Bonnie D. Manry (18) Mr. Michael David Manship (3) Ms. Deborah J. Marchand (2) Ms. Louise C. Marcum (8) Mr. Howard J. Margolis (4) Mark E. Clark, CPA, P.S.C. (2) Mr. Ronald Markwell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Quinten B. Marquette (16) Dr. and Mrs. John Marsh (3) Mr. Walter Marsh Marshall Alexander American Legion Mr. Carl Marshall Mr. Kenneth Alvin Marshall, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marshall (5) Ms. Patricia Hill Marshall (3) Mr.Thomas A. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cecil Martin Ms. Edith Wells Martin (7) Mr. Greg Martin (4) Mr. Guy Martin, Jr. (15) Ms. Linda G. Martin Ms. Sara L. Martin Mrs. Shirley H. Martin (8) Mr.Thomas A. Martin (3) Dr. and Mrs. Carl Richard Martray (5) Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mason (9) Maj. and Mrs. Donald G. Mason (13) Dr. Cynthia P. Mason Mr. Steven Douglas Mason (6) Mr. Henry T. Massalon (11) Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Massengale (17) Mr. Robert Earl Mastin (2) Mr. Giulio Mastropasqua (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Alan Mateja (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Matera (24) Mr.Thomas J. Maurer (6) Ms. Wanda Pauline May Mr. Bret Lee Mayberry (8) Mr. Stephen J. Mayer Mr.Tony Joe Mayes (16) Mr. Ezra Gordon Maynard, II Ms. Cindy S. McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wayne McCarty (18) Mr. and Mrs.Warren H. McCaulley (5) Ms. Cheryl McClain Mr. John W. McClain (2) Mrs. Rosetta McClain Mr. A. Herb McClaugherty Mr. John D. McClearn (3) Mr. Dennis W. McClellan (3) Mr. Robert W. McClement, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McClenaghan (2) Ms. Sheree McClernan (5) Ms. Kelly Lynn McClure (3) Mr. Mitchell Jay McConnell (16) Lt. Col. Ronald O. McCown (16) Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCoy (7) Mrs. Judy C. McCoy (2) Mr. Dale McCreary Ms. Katherine McCutchen Mr. Randall Roger McDevitt (7) Mrs. Dorothy Elise McDivitt (19) Mr. Dewayne A. McDonald Mr. Mac McDonald Mrs. Susan Rae McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ray McDonner Mr. Paul Edward McDougal (4) Mr. Roddy David McDowell Mr. Douglas McElroy (7) Mr. Richard Keith McFall (2) Mr. Kenneth R. McGhee Dr. and Mrs. William R. McGhee (3) Mr. Benjamin Poindexter McGill, Jr. (13) Mr. Jeffrey L. McGill (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark McGill (10) Mr. Michael P. McGinley Mr. Dennis Robert McGlincy (7) Dr. Pat McGrath (5) Mr. Randall Wade McGraw McGraw Hill Foundation Mr. Ray D. McGregor, III Mr. Bobby B. McGuire (7) Mr. Donald Joseph McGuire (7) Ms. Pauline B. McIlvoy (6) Ms.Victoria McKinley (3) Mr. Jason Lewis McKinney Mr. Keith C. McKinney (3) Mr. Scotty L. McKinney (2) Mr. William Ray McKinney (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Hardin McLane (24) Mr. Andrew M. McLaren (12) Mr. David G. McLaren (5) Mr. Patrick W. McLaughlin (4) Mr. Michael Dwayne McLaury (2) Mr. and Mrs. William E. McMahon Mrs.Tobie R. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. McMillin (10) Dr. Mary Kathryn McNeal (6) Mr. J. G. McPherson (5) Ms.Valarie McPherson Mr. and Mrs. John V. McReynolds (12) Col. Charles E. McWhorter (3) Marty Meacham Mr. Walker E. Meacham (6) Joe W. Meador (17) Dr. Ruby F. Meador (4) Mr. and Mrs.Trafton Coy Meadows (4) Mrs. Rosan Medaris (18) Mrs. Mary K. Medley (12) Ms. Jenna N. Medlin Mr. Allen J. Medus, Jr. (9) Mr. Robert Lawrence Meek (3) Dr. Ronald A. Meeks (2) Mr. Paul Mefford (2) Drs. Albert and Ouida Meier (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Meineke Melloan Real Estate (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Melloan (4) Mr. Samuel Headley Melloy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Melton Mrs. Lisa Eversole Mencer Ms. Sara A. Mendell Mrs. Robin Andrews Mercer (8) Ms. Courtney Meredith Mr. Robert D. Meredith (2) Mr. Ronnie Allen Meredith Metcalfe County Extension Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mette (16) Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Metzmeier (12) Mrs.Anna Faye Clemmons Meunier (3) Mr. Brian K. Meyer Mr. Hugh A. Meyer, III (17) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Meyer (5) Meyer Mortgage Corporation (12) Dr. M. Michelson and Dr. J. Beattie (14) Mr. Jerry Mitchell Midden (10) Mr. Donald G. Middendorf Ms. Sylvia F. Middleton (16) Mr. James L. Mignerey (3) Mike Breen, Attorney at Law (2) Mr. Joseph Richard Milak (11) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Milburn (7) Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Miles, Jr. Mr. James Edward Miles Mrs. Amy Sue Miller Mr. Arthur L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Carl William Miller Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Miller (3) Mrs. Connie Sue Miller Mr. David R. Miller Mr. David Todd Miller (4) Mr. Douglas Bruce Miller (2) Dr. Francis M. Miller (15) Mrs. Gian Miller (12) Ms. Jamie Lynn Miller (3) Mr. John Mark Miller Mr. John Pearson Miller (9) Mr. Joseph Anthony Miller (3) Mr. Kenneth H. Miller (17) Mr. L. Grant Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Royce Miller (17) Dr. Leslie Scott Miller Ms. Margaret Ann Miller (3) Professor Mary Ellen Miller (17) Mr. Morris L. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Miller (18) Mr.Troy S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. J. L. “Jakie” Miller (13) Mr. William Jesse Miller, II (3) Mr. Maurice R. Millett (5) Mr. John M. Milliken (4) Ms. Constance Ann Mills (18) Mr. James Don Mills (13) Mr. Nathaniel C. Mills (7) Mrs. Angela M. Mimms (12) Mrs. Pamela N. Minke (2) Mr. Harold Timothy Minor (5) Dr. Patricia and Mr. Michael A. Minter (8) Mr. Carl Joseph Mistlebauer (2) Ms. C. C. Mitchell (4) Mrs. Eleanor B. Mitchell (16) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mitchell (9) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Mitchell (3) Mitzi Richardson Counseling MMC Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Kai Cheong Mo (3) Mr. Melvin E. Modderman (10) Mr. Daniel Lyle Modlin (15) Dr. Charles L. Moffatt (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Moghadamian (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Mohler (4) Mona R. Stone Insurance Company Mr. William J. Monin (2) Monsanto Company Ms. Jacquelyn Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Montgomery (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaw Montgomery Monumental Life Charitable Foundation Mr. Billy Moody (3) Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Dale Moody (13) Mr.Thomas Newton Moody (22) Mr. Curtis Calvin Mooney (7) Mr. Ricky Mooneyhan Mr. Donald F. Moore (3) Dr. and Mrs. Conrad Taylor Moore (16) Dr. James Frederick Moore, Jr. (6) Mrs. Jean H. Moore (16) Dr. John A. Moore (4) Mr. Nathan C. Moore (4) Mr. and Mrs.Terrence Lamont Thom Moore Mr. Robert Warren Moore (3) Ms. Robin L. Moore (3) Mr. and Mrs. David K. Moorman (7) Mrs. Joyce A. Moran Mrs. Julia Emberton Moran Mr. and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Moran (7) Dr. Jeffrey Thomas Morgan Ms.Tish Bryson Morgan (30) Mr. Richard G. Morris (3) Mr. William Kinnaird Morrison (7) Mr. Dent Morriss (2) Mrs. Carolyn Morrow 51 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Dale G. Morton (7) Dr. Charmaine and Mr. William O. Mosby (18) Mr. Dick Moseley (3) Dr. Douglas D. Moseley (3) Mr. Daniel Leon Mosier (2) Mrs. Marjorie P. Mosiman Mr. Robert E. Mosley (10) Ms.Tracy Lynn Mosley (9) Mr. Pete Moss Mr. James Robert Mountain (2) Mr. Patrick J. Mountain (6) Mr.Thomas George Mountain (2) Ms. Sydney E. Mountford Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Mounts (14) Mrs. Nancy R. Mouser (15) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Joseph Mudd (3) Mr. Fred N. Mudge Dr. Gary L. Mueller (7) Ms. Mary Martha Mueller (6) Mr. and Mrs.William Joseph Muller (5) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Edwin Mullikin (9) Mrs. Sandra W. Murabito (7) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy, Jr. (11) Mr. Michael Lee Murphy (16) Mr. Kevin N. Murray Mrs. Susan L. Mettert Mustatia (3) Dr. Bradford E. Mutchler, Jr. (4) Mrs.Virginia S. Mutchler (6) Mrs. Kassandra K. Myers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Mylor, Jr. (2) Mr. John Kevin Nagel (14) Mr. Keith Alan Nagle (3) Mrs. Marjorie C. Nahm (19) Ms. June Nakoski Mrs. Joyce P. Nall (10) Dr. and Mrs. William D. Nally (2) Dr. Allan M. Nash (2) Mrs. Marilou C. Nash (15) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Nash (4) Mrs. Barbara H. Nation (7) Mr. Michael R. Naton (3) Nat's Outdoor Sports, Inc. (2) Ms. Julie Neal Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Nealy Mr. and Mrs. William Nedvidek (3) Mr. and Mrs. Hal Neel (12) Ms. Burla Neeley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nehm (2) Mrs. Barbara E. Neighbors Mr. Kenneth M. Neighbors (4) Mr. Ricky Neal Nelson Mr. William A. Nelson Ms. Betty Neville Ms. Marcia W. Newberry (4) Mrs. Annette Newby (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Newby (6) Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Wyatt Newcom (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Earl Newman Ms. Polly E. Newman (4) NewMarket Services Corporation Mr. Charles George Newton, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Newton Mr. Darwin L. Newton (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Newton (7) Mr.Trung Chi Nguyen Mr.Tuan Dinh Nguyen Mr. Paul J. Nichol (2) Mrs. Debbie L. Nichols (6) Mr. John M. Nichols Mrs. Marie B. Nicholson (8) Ms. Nadine Ford Nicks Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Nicks (11) Mr. James Frank Nirmaier Mr. Joel M. Nivens, Sr. (3) Mr. Lynwood Nixon (8) Mr. Stewart G. Noble (2) Ms. Carol Perry Noe (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Noe (7) Mr. Donald Anthony Noel Mr. Patrick James Noon (9) Ms. Ginger Taylor Norris Mr. Keith Wayne Norris Mr. and Mrs.Tim Norris (9) Mr. Randall Edward Norris (2) North America Administrators, Inc. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Joel Northern (4) Northrop Grumman Foundation 52 Mr. Neil Norton (d.) (6) Dr.Thomas Carlen Noser (2) Mr. Gerald W. Nottingham (3) Mr. Alexander Nottmeier Mr. N.Thomas Nuckols, III (7) Mr. Robert John Nugent Mrs. Sarah C. Nunnelly (2) Col. and Mrs. Raymond T. Nutter (2) Ms. Linda W. O'Brien (7) Mr. Michael O'Brien Dr. and Mrs. John O'Connor (23) Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. O'Keefe Okolona High School Alumni (4) Mrs. Janet L. O'Koon (3) Mr. Louis O'Korn (6) Mrs. Karin K. Olinger (4) Ms. Kimberly A. Oliphant Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Oliver (8) Dr. Charles M. and Mrs. Helen V. Oliver Dr. Jane I. Olmsted (7) Ms. Deborah L. Olsofka (3) Mrs. Margaret S. O'Malley (6) Mr. and Mrs. C. Gregory O'Neil (11) Mr. K. Osi Onyekwuluje Dr. Mary Hall O'Phelan (9) Mr. Michael J. Orefice Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Norman E. Orr (8) Mr. Wayne A. Orscheln (12) Mrs. Mary Bandy Orzo (2) Mr. Larry G. Osborne (3) Mr. and Mrs. John N. Osborne (9) Mrs. Ruth D. Osburn (5) Ms. Fryer and Mr. Oslakovic Mr. Gregory Allen Ostendorf (8) Ms. Elizabeth Osting Mrs. Holly B. Ota (6) Mr. James Michael Otto Dr. Robert A. Otto (17) Our Gang Investments Mr. Calvin Neil Overstreet Mr.Tim Owens Martha and Bob Owsley (5) Takeshi Ozawa Mr. Joseph G. Packard Mr. Robert Padgett Dr.Thomas Barry Padgett (2) Ms. Reba Page Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mark Page (18) Mr. and Mrs. Brett F. Painter Panther Youth Sports Mr. and Mrs. Millard Coley Pardue Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn Parker (3) Dr. and Mrs. John David Parker (23) Mr. Robert David Parker (3) Mr. Steve Murray Parker, Jr. Mr. Danny B. Parrish (6) Mrs. Mary Louise Parrish (8) Drs. Kelli and David Parrott (5) Mrs. Carol Parson (2) Ms. Kimberly Jo Parson Party 1 Superstore Dr. Surya Patel (10) Mr. Alexander Bruce Patrick (4) Mr. and Mrs.Twyman L. Patterson (4) Patton Funeral Home (2) Mr. Donald Glenn Patton Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Patton (20) Mr. and Mrs. Howell C. Patton, III Ms. Jeanne Alexander Patton (6) Dr. Marcus Patton Mrs. Marianne L. Patton (2) Mrs. Suzette Kinder Patton (4) Paul Davis Restoration, Inc. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Paxton (14) Mr. Barry Payne (3) Mr. John F. Payne Mr. R. Barkley Payne Mrs. Dorothy Shea Payton Mr. and Mrs. Clabe Pearson Mr. David Michael Peden (2) Mrs. Mary Dean Pedigo (3) Mr. Charles F. Pemberton Mr. and Mrs. D. Gaines Penn (7) Mr. Darrell Austin Pennington (2) Mr. Garnet E. Pennington (3) Mr. Larry Pennington (5) Mr. Ronald B. Pennycuff (9) Pep Fire Equipment Frances and Oscar Perdue (24) Mr. Christopher Wood Pergrem Maj. Frederick B. Perkins (2) Mr. Jeffrey L. Perkins Mr. John Casey Perkins, Jr. (7) Ms. Leta Gaye Perkins Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Perkins Mr. and Mrs.Troy R. Perkins (3) Mr. and Mrs.William Lee Perkins, Jr. (3) Mr. Donald Havel Perry (3) Mr. Edwin H. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ben Perry (4) Mrs. Margaret F. Persilver (2) Mr. Arthur C. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert Peters, III (3) Dr. Albert J. Petersen, Jr. (4) Mrs. Sue Petersen Mr. Jon Nels Peterson (4) Ms. Carrie E. Petrocelli PeTroCoke, Inc. Mrs. Betty G. Pfannerstill (25) Dr. Peter Edward Pfannerstill (3) Mr.Thomas A. Pfannerstill, Sr. (d.) (7) Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pfohl, Jr. (10) Burley and Beverly Phelan (7) Ms. Irene K. Phelps (5) Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Phelps (9) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Phillips Mr. Lawrence D. Phillips (4) Mr. Stuart Louis Phillips (3) Mr. Don O. Pickerill (3) Mr. Kyle Calhoun Pierce Ms. Pennie Pierce Mrs. Rebecca Ann Pierce (6) Pike Electric, Inc. (3) Mr. Dennis W. Pike, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Pilegge (3) Mr. Ned Pillersdorf Mr. Patrick Alan Pinder (6) Mr. Charles P. Ping (3) Ms. Devon Lynette Pinkston (7) Mr. Jon W. Pipe (18) Mr. Edward Lee Pippin, Jr. (9) Mr. Stephan Pirtle (2) Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Pitcock (2) Mrs. Sheri Lea Plain Ms. Christine Anne Platt (3) PLJ Anesthesia (3) Mr. Richard McCurdy Plummer (7) Mr. and Mrs.Walton Dale Plummer (8) Mr. Joseph Daniel Plunk (4) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Glenn Pobanz (2) Mr. Charles Edward Polk, III (9) Sgt. 1st Class and Mrs. Douglas E. Pollard Polson & Company, PSC Mr. Robert W. Poole (3) Mr. John R. Poore (4) Mr. James Russell Pope (12) Mr. Donald G. Porter (6) Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Porter (14) Mr. Stevan Dean Porter (3) Portland Christian School Portland High School (2) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lee Potter (2) Mrs. Jan Pottorff Mrs. Gwynne Bryant Potts (4) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Poulos (2) Mrs. Carolyn Sie Powell Ms. Dorris Faye Powell (3) Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Powell (11) Mrs. Gay V. C. Powell (2) Mr. Gregory Wayne Powell Mr. Gregory William Powell (11) Mr. and Mrs.William Arthur Powell (16) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Powell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Powers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Gene Powers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell G. Powers Powr-Lite Electric Supplies (21) Mr. Chris D. Poynter Mr. Gerald D. Poynter Ms. Carrie Frances Pratt (3) Mrs. Julia F. Pratt Mr. Dwight Preston (4) Ms. Megan Preston Mr. Corey Lee Prewitt Ms. Joann K. Prewitt Mrs. Chrissy D. M. Pribyla (4) Mr. and Mrs. William O. Price (3) Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Price (7) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Jay Price (10) Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Price (17) Mr. Lewis Ray Priddy (3) Mr. and Mrs. Marcus W. Priddy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Priddy (3) Princeton Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Prine Mr.Thomas Henry Pritchard, III (3) Mr. Lawrence Keith Probus (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dare Prochaska (5) Professional Embryo Services Mr. David M. Prow (2) Mr. Jeremy Ross Pruitt Mr. Joseph Michael Pruitt Mr. Andrew M. Prusz (3) Dr. and Mrs. Dillon Hugh Puckett (2) Mr. William A. Pulce Mr. Stephen Vincent Pulliam (3) Mr. Kenneth Pushko (3) Mr. Leonard Pyzynski, Jr. (16) Ms. Nancy L. Quarcelino (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Quire (6) Mr. and Mrs. John Allan Ragan (3) Mr.Thomas Bradley Ragland Mr.Thomas D. Rainbow (2) Capt. and Mrs. Al Demeaches Ralston (2) Mrs. Katrina D. Ramey (d.) (3) Mr. Mark Alan Ramey (3) Mrs. Miriam B. Ramirez (18) Dr. and Mrs. James R. Ramsey Mr. John L. Ramsey (5) Ms. Karen T. Ramsey (3) Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Randall (13) Mr. Bruni and Mrs. Randolph (9) Ms. Shari L. Ranger (2) Ms. Charlotte Smith Rather (11) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper Ray Mrs. Evelyn A. Ray (24) Mrs. Kathleen Andries Ray (2) Mrs. Maxine Butts Ray (3) Mr. Michael Shawn Ray (7) Mrs. Sharon Ann Ray (12) Mr. William Joel Ray (2) Mr. Jack W. Raybourne (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Leo Raymer (5) Raymond James Financial Services (4) RDK, Inc. Mr. Robert S. Read (2) Mr. Ronald Reagan Mr.Tom Reagan Mr. and Mrs. William Mark Record Redbone Entertainment (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Redmon Mrs. Connie L. Redmon (3) Mr. R. Douglas Reed Ms. Elissa Andrea Rees Ms. Danita Reese (2) Mr. Dennis Earl Reeves Ms. Meredith L. Reeves Mr. Robert Lynn Reeves (2) Ms.Vivian Lee Reid (6) Mr. William Mark Reid (5) Ms. Rosie M. Reising Ms. Judy Lynn Renfrow (15) Mr. Daniel Jay Renkes (7) Mr. Bill Reynolds Mrs. Dana Parsons Reynolds (4) Dr. Betsy and Mr. Dennis Reynolds Mr. George E. Reynolds (3) Mr. James Steve Reynolds Ms. Mary Jo Reynolds Mrs. Minnie Rhodes Mrs. Ann Rice Mrs. Sharon K. Rice (11) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brooks Rice (8) Mr. H. James Richardson, Jr. (8) Mr. Matthew Lee Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Richardson (12) Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Richey (3) Mrs. Deborah Jones Richey Dr. Judy Frances Richey Mr. Michael Brent Richey Sarah and Bill Richey (11) Ms. Kimberli Ann Richie (2) Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Joseph Richio (10) Richpond Market & Deli (2) Mr. Jeffrey Alan Riddle (15) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen Ridenour (4) Ridge Runner, Inc. Mr. Richard James Riely, Jr. (2) Col. (Ret.) Gary A. Riggs (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodrow Riggs (4) Mr. Paul Riggs Mr. John S. Riley Mrs. Regina J. Riley (2) Ms. Sara P. Riley (2) Mr.Thomas Riley Mrs. Kathy L. Rindfleisch (3) Mr. Claire A. Rinehart (17) Mr. Harry A. Rinehart (13) Mr. Chad A. Ringo Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ritchie (18) William Larkin Ritter (3) Mr. James D. Robbins Robert Kilmer Jr., Inc. (10) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur Roberts (14) Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Browning Roberts Mr. William Joseph Roberts Lt. Col. O. D. Robertson Mr. Steven Bennett Robertson Mr. and Mrs. William P. Robertson Mr. Harvey C. Robinson Mr. Mancil and Mrs. Jane Robinson Dr. Joseph Carl Robinson (d.) (13) Dr. Mark P. Robinson (14) Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lloyd Robinson (3) Mr. Milton F. Robinson (4) Ms. Phyllis L. Robinson Mr. Randall Parks Robinson (2) Ms. Sara Robinson Dr. A. Faye and Mr. William Robinson (6) Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Robison Mr. John Edwin Roby (10) Mrs. Patricia Smith Roca (3) Rocking F. Cattle LLC Tim and Johna Rodgers (3) Mr. Michael Edwin Rodgers (5) Roger Thomas for State Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rogers (4) Ms. Ruth Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Romolo (3) Mrs. Linda P. Rone Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roos (3) Mr. Barlow Ropp (18) Mrs. Brenda W. Rosalez Mr. Gary Rose (2) Mr. Alton Ross Ms. Deborah Ross Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis Ross (5) Mr. Mark T. Ross (5) Dr. Phillip Andrew Ross (2) Mr. Edward Goeb Rottmann, Jr. (8) Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rounds (7) Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Rowe (2) Dr. Nora Alice Rowe (8) Mr. Larry Rowell Royal Crown Bottling Corporation Ms.Virginia B. Rozelle Mr. K. Eric Ruby (4) Ms. Oleda M. Rudy Mrs. Martha L. Ruebelman (4) Mr. Adam J. Rumsey Ms. Carole Elizabeth Runyon (3) Mr. David Eugene Rupp (14) Mr. Lawrence Lee Rusch Mr. Ancel Rush (13) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Owen Rush (5) Mrs. Joy Farnsworth Russak (4) Mrs. June E. Russell Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip Russell Mr. Kenneth Dale Russell (3) Ms. Mildred S. Russell (13) Mr. Sherrel Roey Russell (2) Mr. Steven Reese Russell Dr. Dale Edward Rutledge (15) Mr. Jerry Walker Rutledge Mr. Dale Ryan Mr.Thomas N. Ryan, III Mr. Matthew Turner Rydson (3) S & R Tire, Inc. S & J Vending Company (2) S. Scott Boley, D. M. D. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sagabiel (7) Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Salley Mr. Robert Salm (6) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. F. Allan Salsbury (3) Mrs. Janet M. Salyers (2) Mr. Marcus A. Samale (3) Mr. Joshua H. Sampson Mr. Maurice Gene Sandefur Dr. Sarah Jo Sandefur (4) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lynn Sanderford Mr.Tennyson C. Sanderfur (9) Ms. Brooke Nicole Sanders Mr. Everett G. Sanders (2) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel David Sanders (2) Mr. Ronald Lee Sanders (3) Ms. Frances Sue Sandifer Ms. Martha Sue Sartin Mr. David Michael Sass (4) Mrs. Kimberly A. Sauter (3) Mr. William Alexander Savage (8) Mrs. Margaret T. Saxton (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sayres, III (12) Mrs. Clarice P. Scarborough (15) Ms. Jan Scarbrough (3) Mr. Donald W. Schardein (6) Mr. David John Scharlotte (14) Mrs. Robin Hight Scheier Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Schell Ms. Ruth Scherbarth (3) Schering Plough Foundation Mrs. Notheisen and Mr. Schieferdecker (20) Dr. Martin G. Schiller (10) Mr. Luke B. Schmidt (3) Mr. Mathew George Schmidt (6) Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Schnacke (22) Mr. Gregory Edward Schneider Ms. Janet Talley Schneider (13) Mr. John Earl Schneider Robert and Virginia Schneider (9) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schnoes Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Schott, Jr. (8) Mr. Kenneth Roger Schreiber (8) Mr. Kevin L. Schreiber (2) Ms. Melissa J. Schreiner Mr. William Edward Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Schroeder (2) Mr. Milburn F. Schuler Mrs. Nina Marie Schultheis (12) Mr. Christopher Paul Schultz (2) Dr. and Mrs. William A. Schwank Mr. James Doug Schwartz, Sr. (2) Mr. Joseph D. Schwarzer (8) Mr. David E. Schweickhardt Science Applications Int. Corp. (2) Dr. Brian F. Scott (6) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Wayne Scott (13) Mr. Ronald D. Scott Mr. William Delano Scott (7) Seagle Pizza, Inc. Mr. P. David Searles (13) Mr. Roger Secor (2) Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Secrest (4) Ms. Bonnie Ray Segers Select Designs (7) Mr. David Scott Self Dr. Julian Wood Selig, Jr. (5) Mr. and Mrs. Lance Allen Sennett (3) Mrs. Marsha Rae Senninger (10) Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Sensing (4) Mr. Craig R. Sepko (2) Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Settles Mr. Frank Sewell Mr. Joe Sexton Ms. Juanita Sharer (8) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Sharer (15) Mr. Perry L. Sharer, Jr. (d.) (8) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Sharp (5) Mrs. Pamela Gail Shaver Ms. Faye R. Shaw (6) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee Shaw (3) Dr. Robert W. Shaw, III (3) Ms. Elizabeth Arlynn Shearer (10) Shell Oil Company Foundation Mr.Timothy Wayne Shelton (2) Mr. Rickey S. Sheppard (7) Mrs. Barbara B. Sherrard (17) Ms. Polly Sherwood (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Shields (15) Mr. Randolph Shields (7) Lt. Col. John Todd Shipp (7) Dr. and Mrs. John E. Shirley (7) Alumni Fall 2005 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Shively (3) Ms. Nancy J. Shores (5) Mrs. Patricia V. Short (10) Mrs. Susan W. Shortt (4) Mr. Larry Shoulders Mr. Charles O. Shults Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Shum Mr. Harland W. Shunk, III (17) Mr. and Ms. Scott R. Sieckert (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael William Siemens (7) Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick D. Siewers (7) Mr. Herb G. Siewert Ms. Sandra Lee Siffrin Mr. Frederick J. Sigda Mr. Jon L. Sights (3) Dr. Carolyn Linda Silber (2) Ms. Miriam Silman Mr.Thomas C. Simek (6) Mr. Robert E. Simmons (11) Mr. Woodrow W. Simmons Mr. Joseph Eugene Simms (18) Mrs. Nora Wheeler Simms (3) Simpson County Wood Products, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Simpson (4) Ms. Sherrie Simpson Dr. John J. Sims Mr. Christopher A. Sinclair (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keith Sine (11) Mr. Darren Sipes Mr. James Stephen Sipes (2) Mr. Jeffrey Lin Skaggs (2) Ms. Martha D. Skaggs (2) Dr. James Dan Skean, Jr. (8) Mr. Jerome Skees (2) Mr. Patrick W. Skees (4) Mr. Robert A. Skipper (10) Mr. and Mrs. Blake Sloan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Small (3) Mr. Larry Dean Smallwood (3) Mr. Hugh M. Smaltz, II (6) SMI Services, LLC Mr. William T. Smiley, Jr. (11) Smith Brothers Trucking, Inc. Ms. Belinda Wilkins Smith (3) CMSgt (Ret.) Bobbie Carolyn Smith (8) Ms. Brandy Lynn Smith (3) Mr. Bryan C. Smith (4) Ms. Catherine Jane Smith Mr. David Fayette Smith (9) Mrs. Deborah Cole Smith (7) Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Smith (4) Mr. Don T. Smith (3) Mr. Frankie Duane Smith (2) Mr. Herbert J. Smith (16) Mr. James T. Smith (10) Drs. Charles and Janet Smith (11) Mr. Jeffrey A. Smith (2) Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Smith (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fulton Smith (2) Ms. Katherine Smith (2) Mr. Lewis E. Smith (4) Mrs. Lisa Sheehan Smith (2) Dr. and Mrs.Thomas Edward Smith (2) Mrs. Mary Ann Smith (18) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richard Smith (3) Mrs. Reggie Smith (5) Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith (3) Mr. Robert Dale Smith (5) Mr. S. Frank Smith, Jr. Mr. Samual Allen Smith (5) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ray Smith (7) Mrs.Tamela Maxwell Smith Mr.Thomas J. Smith, III (3) Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith, Jr. (9) Mr. Mason Todd Smoot Dr. David Sneed and Mrs. Susan H. Sneed (4) Dr. H. M. Snodgrass Dr. James Tutt Snodgrass, III (5) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Snodgrass (3) Mr. Stanford C. Snodgrass (3) Steven L. Snodgrass, M. D. (8) Ms. Janet S. Sommer Ms. Lucy Song (4) Mr. Ed Sorace (3) Mrs. Stacee Jo Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. David E. Southard (7) Southeastern Data Cooperative, Inc. (3) Julian Goodman, former NBC chairman, was one of the panelists for a Town Hall Meeting during the First Amendment First program at WKU in April. First Amendment First was a joint program with the School of Journalism and Broadcasting and the American Democracy Project in the Provost’s Office. The goal of First Amendment First was to engage students through dialogue, presentations and entertainment regarding how the First Amendment impacts their career as a journalist or broadcaster and as a citizen. Southeastern Telecom, Inc. (2) Southern Care of Kentucky, Inc. (3) Southern Kentucky Auto Brokers Ms. Lea Michele Soyars (16) Mr. Joseph Glenn Spalding (2) Mr. and Mrs. James David Spann (2) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. Sparks (9) Mr. Herbert Baker Sparks (2) Mr. Harry L. Spear Mrs. Bonnie Bayles Spears (7) Dr. and Mrs. James Richard Spears (14) Mr. John Sackett Speed Dr. Donald R. Speer (12) Mr. Stephen Sheridan Spencer (9) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Christopher Speth Mr. Michael Kevin Sprague (8) Ms. Cynthia D. Sprouse (8) Mr. Ryan Denton Sprouse (2) Mr. Wilbur R. Sprouse, Jr. (14) Mr. Shawn Lamont Spurgeon Dr. and Mrs. John Howard Spurlock (12) Ms. Sandra L. Staebell (13) Mr. Bill Staggs Ms. Patricia Ann Stagner (4) Mr. and Mrs. Briggs P. Stahl (5) Mr. Gerald G. Stahl Mr. Ernest R. Stair (7) Mr. John Patrick Stamper (2) Mr. Robert W. Stanley Mr. Dennis Arthur Staples (11) Mrs. Jo Ann Staples (17) Mr. John Carl Stark (5) Mrs. Kay G. Starks (8) State Bank and Trust Company (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Stauss (2) Mr. Richard Steele (3) Mr. Bernard Leo Steen, Jr. (4) Mrs. Rita V. Steger (5) Mr. William Karl Steinmetz (2) Mr. Alonzo Theodore Stephens (2) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O. Stephens (5) Ms. Betty L. Stephenson (13) Mrs. Donna T. Stephenson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christoph B. Stepp (8) Steven L. Snodgrass, M. D. (4) Mr. Lawson R. Stevens (11) Mrs. Reva K. Stevens Ms. Jane L. Stevenson (13) Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Stevenson (6) Ms. Anne Craighead Stewart (3) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ray Stewart Mr. Gene A. Stewart (12) Mr. and Mrs. Joel F. Stewart (3) Ms. Kathryn Reynolds Stewart Mr. William Scott Stewart (8) Mr. Gregory Thomas Stickler Mr. C. David Stiff “FJC” (13) Ms. Mary Virginia Stiles (6) Mr. Matthew Stiles (2) Mr.Theodore C. Stiles (11) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stinson (9) Ms. Pamela Napier and Mr. Joseph Stites (8) Mrs.Vivian E. Stobaugh (2) Ms. Candice B. Stockton (2) Dr. and Mrs. William J. Stodghill (13) Mr. Stephen Fentress Stoess (5) Mrs. Kimberly M. Stofer (2) Mr. Eric Stogner Dr. and Mrs. William M. Stokes (2) Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Stoltzfus (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Stone (8) Mr. Hugh A. Stone (2) Dr. Richard G. Stone (8) Mr. Mark S. Stoops (2) Mrs. Marcia C. Storch (12) Mr. and Mrs. Leland H. Stott, Jr (9) Mr. John A. Stovall (2) Mr. Homer Sam Strader, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffrey Straney (2) Mr. Anthony Guinn Stratton (3) Mrs. Mattie Susan Clark Stratton Ms. Barbara A. Strickler (14) Dr. Sally and Mr. Ellsworth Strickler (17) Ms. Cynthia L. Strine Mr. Jeffrey W. Stringer (3) Mr. Zack J. Stroble (3) Mr. Jackie T. Strode (4) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Strode (7) Mr. Richard Scott Stroot (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kyle David Strother (2) Mrs. Linda Lou Struve (5) Mrs. Joyce Stuart Ms. M. Kristin Stuedle (8) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas Stum Mrs. Mary Jane Stumph (8) Mr. Richard J. Styza (17) Mr. and Mrs. William R. Suffill (4) Mr. Matt W. Sugg (d.) (8) Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Christian Suiter (5) Mrs. Juliane Carter Sullivan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Carrel K. Sumner (3) Mrs. Ze Yun Hsu Sun Rev. and Mrs. H. Howard Surface (24) Mr. Dennis E. Surna (4) Mr. Marcus William Suter (6) Mr. Craig M. Sutter (3) Dr. Bobbie C. Sutton Mr.Terrence L. Sutton Ms. Ellen L. Suwanski (2) Okan Suzer Mr. James Greg Swack (2) Mrs. Alice Swan (13) Mr. Bradley Wayne Swinney (5) Mr. Carl L. Swope Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Swope (14) Col. and Mrs. Elliott P. Sydnor, Jr. (5) Mr. Joseph D. Sydnor (23) Mr. Kenneth N. Szymanski (13) T & T Rentals T. J. Rhoades Insurance, Inc. Mr. Douglas Alan Tabbutt (4) Mr. George T.Tabor (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brodus Tabor (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keith Taliaferro Mr. Samuel Wayne Talley (3) Ms. Lucinda L.Tanner (18) Mr.Vincent C.Tanner (5) Mrs. Stephanie Mink Tant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tapp Mr.Timothy Michael Tapp (3) Tapps Rental Properties LTD Mr. Michael S.Tarter (5) Dr. and Mrs. John D.Taulbee (6) Tax Time, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenneth Taylor (3) Ms. Brandi L.Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Taylor Mr. Eric Jon Taylor (5) Mr. John Beauchamp Taylor (3) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Eugene Taylor (2) Col. and Mrs. Robert H.Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joe William Taylor, Sr. (2) Mr. Robert Thompson Taylor (13) 53 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving WKU FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Jannice Aaron Mr. James Marshall Smithfield, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Ms. Mary Cohron Ms. Gail Martin Bowling Green, Ky. Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. Alex Downing Mr. Kevin Mays Bowling Green, Ky. Bowling Green, Ky. Mr.Tim Earnhart Dr.William M. McCormack Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. J. Stephen Eaton Norcross, Georgia Mr. Clarence Glover Louisville, Ky. Ms. Lois Gray Vine Grove, Ky. Mr. Don Greulich Louisville, Ky. Mr. Pete Gritton Georgetown, Ky. Mr. Glenn Higdon Owensboro, Ky. Ms. Belle Hunt Bowling Green, Ky. Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. George Nichols III Tampa, Florida Ms. Mary Nixon Louisville, Ky. Mr. Leon Page Franklin, Ky. Mr. Mike Reynolds Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. Zuheir Sofia Columbus, Ohio Ms. Ferris Van Meter Bowling Green, Ky. Ms. Suzanne Vitale Bowling Green, Ky. Mr.Theodore F.Taylor (4) Mr. and Mrs. Bill F.Taylor Team Leadership Center (2) Mr. John E.Teeple Mrs. Linda Faye Terry (7) Texas Instruments Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Samanta B.Thapa (7) Mr. and Mrs. James Brian Theilmann (2) Mr. Walter W.Theiss Mr.Terrance Thiessen Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ray Thomas (4) Mr. and Mrs. William F.Thomas (2) Dr. Barbara Schocke Thomas (2) Ms. Betty Thomas Ms. Deborah Thomas (4) Mr. Edward G.Thomas (9) Mr. Forest Lee Thomas (15) Mr. Jack A.Thomas (8) Mr. John R.Thomas (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joe H.Thomas Dr. Norman Dale Thomas (2) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Allen Thomas Mr. Ronald Michael Thomas (6) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Joseph Thomas (13) Mr. Walter E.Thomas, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Thomison (12) Mr. Stephen Fechtor and Ms. Amy Thompson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M.Thompson (3) Mrs. Carol B.Thompson (3) Mr. George C.Thompson (4) Mr. Kelly David Thompson, Jr. (13) Ms. Maida Thompson Mr.Thomas Alexander Thompson Ms. Peggy Thomsen Mr. Richard C.Thornton (15) Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.Thurmond (3) Mr. Carroll B.Tichenor (14) Mr. Claude B.Tiller, Jr. (3) Mr. John R.Timdall, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rick L.Tingle (2) 54 Mr. Joe David Tinsley (3) Ms. Kathryn Payne Tinsley Mr.Thomas W.Tinsley (6) Ms. Debbie Tinthus TNS Ms. Mildred Ann Todd (4) Mr. William T.Todd Mr. John J.Tohill (7) Dr. and Mrs. Frank R.Toman (3) Ms. Courtney Tomes Mr. Charles R.Tomkins, III (7) Tompkinsville Jaycees Stephen Ray Torstrick (2) Ms. Carol Tosczak (6) Townsend Tree Service Toys R Us Ms. Amanda L.Trabue (4) Mr.Timothy T.Tracey Mr. William Dwight Tracey (4) Dr. Khue N.Tran (12) Transformer Decommissioning LLC Mrs. Carolyn Sue Hay Traum (5) Dr. Chester C.Travelstead (7) Dr. and Mrs. William Joseph Travis (5) Ms. Sharon Travis Treetops Enterprises (2) Mr. Don L.Trent (4) Mr. Scott Kilian Triplett (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dan David Troutman Tru-Check, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F.True Mr. and Mrs. Don Trey Trumbo (5) Mr. and Mrs. Claude Edward Tucker (6) Mr. and Mrs. Neal R.Tucker (5) Mrs. Jean M.Tucker (6) Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Tucker (9) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harold Tudor (2) Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.Tullis Mr. David Turner (2) Mr. Larry Morgan Turner (3) Mrs. Rita Roberts Turner Turners Janitor Service (2) Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center Mr. Miley W.Twyman Tyco International Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Tyree (4) Mr. Stephen A.Tyson (2) Mr. Eddie Underwood Unilever United States Foundation United Defense LP United Systems & Software, Inc. United Utility Supply Cooperative (3) UPS Supply Chain Solutions Mr. Johnny Urban (6) Mr. William D.Valentino (2) Mr. Jack D.Valz Mr. Harold D.Van Hook (12) Mr. Allan R.Van Meter (3) Mr. David L.Van Zant (7) Mr. James R.Vanada (2) Mrs. Debra P.Vance Mr. Donald W.Vance Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.Vance, III (2) Ms. Maribeth Vanderford (5) Mr. John L.Varner (3) Mr. Garry Dennis Varney, II (2) Mr. Dwight Alan Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Gene H.Vaughn (13) Mr. and Mrs. Allen D.Vaughn (2) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A.Veenker (20) Mr. Ray A.Vencill, Jr. (9) Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Douglas L. Verdier (8) Dr. and Mrs. Gary L.Verst (7) Ms. Janet Lee Vessels (2) Mr. Joe L.Vessels Dr. Corazon A.Veza VFW Post 1298 (5) Mr. Ralph Dennis Vick (3) Mr. Darrell Vincent Mr. Michael D.Vincent Mr. Owen D.Vincent, Sr. (2) Mrs. Patricia M.Vincent (2) Mr. William A.Vincent (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.Vinson Mr. Robert V.Vitale Dr. and Mrs. Rick Voakes (19) Mr.Thomas C.Volz (2) Dr. and Mrs. Arvin G.Vos (9) W. A. Kendall & Company, Inc. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bruce Wade (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley Wade Mr. Robert C. Wade, Jr. (5) Mr. Gary J. Wagner Mr. David Gerard Wagoner (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vernon Wagoner (8) Mr. Gary J. Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waldrop (23) Mrs. Shirley Smith Walker Ms.V. Suzan Walker Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Wall, Jr. (17) Ms. Mary Ellen Wall (4) Mr. Bruce W. Wallace (3) Mr. Barry White Walrond (3) George P. and Laura Roos Walsh (4) Walter E.Thomas & Associates (3) Mr. Stanley Lee Walters Mr. and Mrs. William L. Walthall (3) Mr. Bailey Walton (13) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott Walz (7) Ms. Jeanette E. Wand (5) Mr. and Mrs. Duane Eugene Waninger (5) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Ward (5) Dr. William G. Ward (4) Mr. Danny E. Ware (4) Warren County Homemakers (8) Mr. Jack Marshall Warren, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs.Wendell Ray Warren (2) Warren County Farm Bureau Warrick County Drug-Free Council Mr. Keith David Washer (3) Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Joseph Wathen (14) Dr. James Yancey Watkins (8) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.Watson (2) Mr. Gary B. Watson, Jr. Mr. Daniel Joseph Watterson, Jr. (3) Ms. Lesa Michelle Watts Mrs. Mary F. Wawrukiewicz (16) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Richard Ray Wax Mrs. Laurel K. S. Weatherford (2) Webb Foundation (2) Dr. and Mrs. Bill D. Webb Glenna and Johnny D. Webb (2) Mrs. Janice M. Webb Dr. and Mrs. William A. Webb (27) Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Webber (16) Mr. Neil V. Weber (5) Ms. Sarah Marie Weber Mr.Tracy Nicholas Webster (5) Mr. James W. Wedding (10) Wedge Insurance Agency (2) Mr. Joseph Andrew Wegenka Mr. Robert C. Wegner (3) Dr. and Mrs. Richard David Weigel (20) Mr. John H. Weikel, Jr. (6) Mrs. Natalie Jane Weis (7) Mr. Richard A. Weiss (9) Mr.Theodore Weiss Mr. James M. Welker (8) Dr. Robert G. Wellman (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wells (7) Mr. John D. Wenk (5) Mr. James Robert Werner Ms. Molly D. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wesley (8) Mr. Brett and Mrs. Constance Wesnofske West Pharmaceutical Services Mr. Charles B. West (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence West (4) Mrs. Joyce S. West (18) Ms. Beverly Jean Westerman (3) Ms. Lisa Kilcher Wetherell (3) Mr. William A. Wethington (3) Mr. and Mrs.Walter Scott Wever (11) Mr. Gerald E. Weygandt Ms. Christine Weyman (4) Dr. Ruric E. Wheeler (4) Mrs. Betty Joe Whitcomb (17) Ms. Carrie Elaine White (2) Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth White (3) Mrs. Dana S. White Ms. Donna M. White Mr. Hugh E. White (3) Mrs. Jessica A. White Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. White, Jr. (3) Mr. Leslie C. White, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thomas Whitehouse (13) Dr. and Mrs. Jim H. Whiteside (4) Dr. and Mrs. George Philip Whiteside (20) Mrs. Bessie Cates Whitfield (5) Mr. Lanny L. Whitlow (11) Mr. and Mrs.William Carl Whitmer (5) Rev. Fred C. Whitmore (8) Mr. Ronald E. Whitmore (14) Dr. and Mrs. Bill D. Whittaker (14) Mr. Kenneth Gary Whittle WIEL-WKMO-WRZI-WTHX Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wigodsky (18) Dr. Lance J. Wiist (3) Mrs. Susan M. Wilcox (2) Mr. Billy K. Wilder Mr. James Wilson Wiley (8) Mr. Aric Daniel Wilhelm (12) Mr. and Mrs. Jackson C. Wilhelm (15) Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilhoit (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Wilhoyte (8) Mr. Claude Manuel Wilkerson Mr.Todd Wilkerson (2) Hon. Robert D. Wilkey (7) Mr. Russ Wilkey (2) Wilkins Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David T. Wilkinson (18) Mrs. Catherine Wilkowski (2) Mr. Woodrow William Will (7) Dr. David E. Willey Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Willi (8) William A. Schwank, M.D. William D. Nally, DMD William J.Travis, M. D. (4) William R. Howard, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham A. Williams (3) Ms. Ann C. Williams (6) Mr. and Mrs.Tony Williams (8) Mr. Dennis Roy Williams (2) Ms. Frances Williams (13) Mr. James Allen Williams (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Williams (10) Dr. John N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. George H.Williams, Jr. (14) Dr. Michael Ann Williams (16) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Williams Mr. Robert W. Williams Mr. Royce A. Williams (7) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anthony Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ray Willingham (7) Mr. Finley Willis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Douglas Willis (5) Ms. Brenda Martin Willoughby (18) Wilson Trust Account Mr. Don H. Wilson (2) Mrs. Dorothy D. Wilson (5) Dr. Gene O. Wilson, Jr. (4) Mr. Jack Wilson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ron Glenn Wilson (2) Mr. Jimmie Randall Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson (18) Ms. Linda L. Wilson (12) Mrs. Pamela Jo Wilson Mr. Stephen Decatur Wilson (8) Mrs. Susan Busic Wilson (7) Mr. and Mrs. William John Wilson (6) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Wimsatt (5) Dr. M. A. Winchester (2) Mr. Roy Lee Winchester (5) Ms. Suzie Windward (5) Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wingfield (6) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Richard Wininger (4) Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Gordon Wirth (2) Mr. Francis Patrick Wise (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brien Lynch Wissert Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Allen Wissing (4) Mr. Preston Allan Withers (5) Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Witten (7) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Franklin Witten (4) Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Witten (5) Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Witten (19) Ms. Lori B. Wittlin (2) Mr. James W. Witty (8) Mr. Scott Owen Witty (8) Dr. Bruce Alexander Wolf (8) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richard Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sales Wolf (12) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ray Wolfe (18) Dr. Mary Elizabeth Wolinski (11) Women & Children's Clinic (3) Women's Missionary Council CME Mr. Lawerence Allen Wonderling, Jr. Ms. Andelys Wood (13) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Wood (7) Mr. James Welby Wood (3) Mr. Richard Eugene Wood, Jr. (3) Mr. Rick Wood (3) Mr. and Mrs. William G. Wood (14) Mr. Glenn B. Wooden (3) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Woodring (2) Woodstock Mills, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. James D. Woodward (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott Woosley (2) Mr. Phillip David Woosley World Reach, Inc. World's Greatest Studio Tour & Sale (2) Mr. Francis L. Wortham (7) Mr. Francis J. Wright (d.) (8) Mr. George D. Wright (14) Mrs. Ina Ree Wright (8) Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Wright Mr. Ricky Dean Wright (19) Mr. Robert Larry Wright Mr. Francis Xavier Yacovino (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jack L.Yaggi (14) Mr. Curt Yarberry (2) Dr. Frank L.Yarbrough (24) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lee Yates (14) Mr. Callan F.Yeoman Dr. and Mrs. Stuart G.Yeoman (7) Mr. John J.Yeric Mr. John Thomas Yewell (18) Ms. Mary D.Yohe (7) Ms. McKenzie L.York Ms. Cindy Kay Young (7) Mr. Clifford C.Young (3) Mrs. Dorothy F.Young (9) Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey D.Young (11) Mr. Robert R.Young (2) Mr.Terry Alan Young (6) Mr.Thomas C.Young (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Young (4) Mrs. Barbara A.Yozwiak (4) Zabel Environmental Technology (2) Mr. James S. Zaya (3) Ms. Uta Ziegler and Mr. Claus D. Ernst (12) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raymond Zimmer (11) Dr. Gerald M. Zimmerman (2) Ms. Laura Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimny (5) Ms. Mary Beth Zinsius (6) Zion District Association Mr. Stephen Michael Znaiden (11) Mr. Gregory Zoeller (10) Mr. Randolph Zoerb (4) Inaugural Circle ($1 - $99) 2012 Dominican Sisters Mrs. Jessie R. Aaron Ms. Susan Abbey Mrs. Amy Abbott Ms. Kathryn A. Abbott (4) Mr. Steven Mark Abbott (10) Abbott Laboratories Fund Mrs.Trannie C. Abboushi Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Abell Mr. Richard M. Abell, Jr. (2) Mr. Richard Michael Abell, Sr. (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Abell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Johnn Randall Abernathy Ms. Kristan J. Abernathy (3) Mrs. Sudith B. Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H. Abney (2) Dr. William Irvin Abney (3) Ms. Cristina Ann Abrell (3) Mrs. Rose Maltry Abt (5) Mr. Jan C. Acrea (6) Mr. Dennis L. Acree Mr. Wesley Earl Acton (3) Mrs. Susan Hilliard Adair (2) Mrs. Bettye S. Adams (2) Ms. Brenda Sue Adams (6) Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Adams (2) Mr. David Adams (3) Mr. David E. Adams (2) Mr. David Lawrence Adams Mr. and Mrs.Thomas F. Adams (2) Ms. Jennifer L. Adams (3) Ms. Lisa K. Adams Mrs. Mary Margaret Adams (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Adams (18) Mr. R. Eric Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Lynn Adams Mr. Steven Gregory Adams (3) Dr. Stuart Thomas Adams (4) Mrs. Susan B. Adams Ms. Susan D. Adams (12) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Adams (3) Hon. and Mrs. John Paul Adams (8) Mr. and Mrs. Lendell D. Adams (4) Mrs.Victoria B. Adams (2) Mr. William Robert Adams (2) Adaptive Enterprise Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Neal Adcox (9) Ms. Nancy Jackson Addington Mrs. Jean W. Addleton Mr. Gene C. Adkins (9) Mr. and Mrs. Kyle F. Adkins Mr. and Mrs. James Darwin Adkins Mrs. Joyce Nelle Adkins (13) Ms. Judith O. Adkins Mrs. Marian Miller Adkins Mrs. Sherry L. Adkins Mrs. Lori Anne Adkinson Mr. Harry Lindol Adkisson, III (9) Advanced Consultations Ms. Carolyn Sue Adwell Mr.Tarsem L. Aggarwal (3) Mr. Renato Javines Aguilos Mr. Mark Wayne Aicken Mr. Alan Cary Akin Ms. Glenda Akin (3) Akins Construction, Inc. Mr. David Akins Alumni Fall 2005 Mrs. Nona Christine Akridge (3) Mr. Kalyan Chakravarthi Ala Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Albani (3) Mrs. Marie Anne Peacock Albers Ms. Angela Kay Alcorn Mr. and Mrs. Skip Alcorn (4) Mr. John Martin Alcott (7) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick David Alcott (9) Mr. and Mrs.Todd Russell Alcott Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Alden (2) Mr. Corey Trevor Alderdice Mrs. Rachel J. Alderman Mr. Reginald T. Alderman Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Aldridge (3) Ms. Cynthia Jeanette Aldridge (2) Mrs. Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge (2) Mr. Scott James Aldridge (2) Rev. Ben C. Alexander (3) Mr. Danny Carroll Alexander (2) Mr. Dexter L. Alexander Ms. Helen Alexander (2) Mr. John F. Alexander (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Blaine Alexander (2) Mr. Kevin M. Alexander (6) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Alexander (4) Ms. Lynn Alexander Mr. Richard Alexander Mr. Richard Ronald Alexander, II (2) Mr. Robert Matthews Alexander (16) Mr.Todd N. Alexander (5) Mr. Ben R. Alford Mr. Jeffery S. Alford (3) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Alfred Mr. Mirsad Alic Ms. Sara All (2) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Allard Mrs. Pamela Suzette Allard (12) Ms. Betty Ann Allen (4) Dr. Billy R. Allen Ms. Carla Whitaker Allen Mr. Charles Raymond Allen (2) Mr. and Mrs. Felix E. Allen, III Mr. Christopher Eric Allen (2) Mrs. Cynthia Ann Allen (4) Mrs. Eleanor Ruth Allen Ms. Eva Doris Allen (2) Mrs. Frances Ann Allen (5) Gene Allen Mr. James Edward Allen (3) Mr. Joel Allen (4) Mr. John Vincent Allen (3) Mr. Joseph D. Allen Ms. Linda F. Allen (5) Mrs. Lisa Scites Allen Mrs. Lou Ann Allen (2) Mrs. Monica Allen (3) Mr. Robert E. Allen (3) Mrs. Sherrille Allen (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephon Lee Allen (5) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Allen (2) Mr. and Mrs.Tony L. Allen Mr. William Franklin Allen (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Allgeier (2) Ms. Jana Lynne Allgood Mr. and Mrs. David C. Allgood (4) Mr. James C. Allison Mr. Keith Edward Allison (3) Mrs. Linda L. Allison (5) Mr. Paul L. Allison (7) Mr. Robert T. Allison The Allstate Foundation Mr. Christopher P. Almes (2) Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Leroy Almond, Jr. (5) Mr. Milton L. Almquist, Jr. Alpha Kappa Psi Mr. Rodney J. Alsop Mr. Allen I. Alston Ms. Gwendolyn A. Alston (3) Mr. Jeffrey W. Alsup Mrs. Debra C. Althaus (4) Mr. Raymond G. Althaus, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Altmaier (19) Ms. Cynthia Alvey Mr. James D. Alvey (12) Ms. Sachi Amatya Ms. Shawna Lynn Amell Ms.Terre Ament (3) American Private Enterprise Schol. Mrs. Phyllis Piercey Amonett (9) Mr. William H. Amos, Jr. WKU CELEBRATES RECORD-BREAKING YEAR, HIGHEST LEVEL OF YOUNG ALUMNI GIVING IN THE STATE Western Kentucky University closed the 2004-2005 fiscal year with a record-breaking $13.2 million received in cash gifts. This figure represents a six percent increase over last year and a 41 percent increase over what was raised just five years ago. In annual giving, WKU won the 2005 Kentucky Challenge for young alumni giving participation. The Kentucky Challenge was a year-long friendly competition that compared annual giving participation from alumni who graduated in the last decade from public universities in the Commonwealth. In addition to WKU, participating universities were: Eastern Kentucky University, Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University, the University of Kentucky, and the Universtiy of Louisville. With 1,472 young alumni donors WKU achieved a 9.4 percent participation of giving among young alumni--a number Dr. and Mrs.Arthur N.Anderson, Jr. (4) Mrs. Carisa B. Anderson Mrs. Carrie W. Anderson (2) Mr. Charles H. Anderson (6) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Anderson (3) Mrs. Ellen Kay Anderson (7) Ms. Janice Anderson Mrs. Jo Ella Anderson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Todd Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Anderson Mr. Kristopher N. Anderson (3) Ms. Leslie Nicole Anderson Ms. Linda A. Anderson (4) Mr. Michael Owen Anderson Mrs. Nancy L. Anderson (3) Mrs. Nikki L. Anderson (3) Mr. Ray Anderson (2) Mrs. Ruby H. Anderson Mr. Russell Craig Anderson Ms. Shannon Leigh Anderson Mr. William D. Anderson Mr. David H. Andrews (9) Mr. Lucas Andrews Mr. and Mrs. William K. Andrews (4) Mrs. Patricia T. Andrews (8) Mrs. Sallie O. Andrews Ms. Susan E. Andriot (9) Mr. Jeremy Andrew Angermier Mr. David A. Angle that was more than two percentage points higher than its nearest challenger. In addition, WKU’s overall alumni participation rose to 16.4 percent during the 2004-2005 year. With 15,778 alumni participating, this marks the highest number of alumni that have ever made an annual gift to the institution. President’s Circle membership also rose to a record-breaking 1,807 members – a seven percent increase over last year and more than double the number from five years ago. The President’s Circle recognizes donors who make an annual gift of $1,000 or more each year. WKU’s total endowment has also seen phenomenal growth within the last five years. At yearend, the combined total endowment is at $75.3 million – a 10 percent increase from last year’s figures and triple the total from just five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Angle (6) Mrs. Janet Sparks Anglin Mr.Tom Angsten (4) Anna Maria Oyster Bar, Inc. Ms. Caroline Louise Anna Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Anthony (2) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Anthony (11) Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Antle (2) Dr. Robert J. Antony Mrs. Duraine Apperson (8) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leon Appleby Mr. Richard Raleigh Appling Mrs. Aleen Davis Arabit Mrs. Alicia Arbuckle (15) Mrs. Holly Lynn Archey Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Archie Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Richard L. Ardisson (17) Mrs. Cheryl Lynn Armes (3) Mr. David Armey Mrs. Laura Armstrong Mrs. Rhonda Jenkins Armstrong (3) Mr. Richard L. Arneson (3) Mrs. Dianne Marie Arnett (11) Ms. Annetta Yvonne Arney (15) Ms. Marie Arney (3) Mr. Albert Arnold Mr. Carl J. Arnold (3) Mrs. Cynthia B. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Arnold (6) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Arnold Mr.Thomas L. Arnold Ms. Jane C. Arterburn Mrs. Ramona Lynne Arterburn (15) Maj. and Mrs. James A. Ary (4) Ms. Imogene Ashby (3) Mr. Phillip Randal Ashby (3) Mr. Robert Henry Ashby Mr. Ronald Glenn Ashby (3) Ms.Teresa Kay Ashby (2) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Ashby (3) Mr. and Mrs. William B. Asher Mr. Barton E. Ashley Mr. John David Ashley Mr. Larry Douglas Ashley (2) Mrs. Angela Marr Ashlock Mr. Chad Askins Assembly Products of Tennessee, LLC Erdogan Atasoy (14) Mr. Michael W. Atcher (2) Mr. Joel C. Atchison (2) Mrs. Rebecca N. Ates Mr. Danny J. Atherton (4) Mrs. Deborah A. Atherton Rev. Michael David Atherton (3) ATK Foundation Ms. Lucy Rose Atkerson Mr. Phillip W. Atkerson (4) CWO Curtis Atkins, Jr. (2) Mr. Derek David Atkinson 55 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Edward J. Atnip (2) Mrs. Rita Harris Atwell (2) Ms. Sheila Diane Atwell Mr. Jeremy G. Atwood Mrs. Angela K. Aull (3) Mr. Chad Robert Aull Aurora Enterprises LLC Ms. Nancy Carol Ausbrooks (d.) Mrs. Jane S. Austin (15) Mr. Michael Shane Austin (4) Mr. Paul G. Austin (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Austin (6) Mr. Rod Austin Mr. Kenneth Ray Autry Mrs. Lisa H. Autry Ms. Beth D. Avent (6) Mrs. Ada Waddell Avery Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Avery (2) Mrs. Janet B. Avery (3) Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Avery (4) Mr. Ronald Lee Avitt (6) Shrimont Ayarm Mr. Richard C. Aydt, II Mr. Anthony A. Ayer (2) Mr. Hugh M. Ayer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mason Ayer (17) Ms. Jacqueline C. Ayers Ms. Sara L. Ayers (2) Mr. Karl D. Babb (3) Dr.Tony G. Babb (12) Mr. James A. Babcock (14) Mr. James Baber (2) Mr.Thomas M. Babik Ms. Laura K. Bablove Mr. David J. Babula Mr. John F. Bacher Dr. Richard Keith Bachman Mrs. Kathy Backer Mr. Danny Richard Bacon (3) Mrs. Kathryn S. Baczek Mr. Raymond E. Badger (2) Mrs. Stephanie M. Badstibner Mrs. Lori Hunsaker Baerg (2) Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Baerveldt (4) Mr. James Brandon Bagby (3) Mrs.Terri Lynn Baggett Mr. Jeffery Bagwell Mrs. Margaret G. Baic Mrs. Alice Valentine Bailey (2) Mr. Alton Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Bailey (2) Mrs. Barbara O. Bailey (2) Mr. Jerry M. Bailey (9) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bailey Ms. L. Elaine Bailey Mrs. Lisa Maria Bailey (14) Mr. Mark Kevin Bailey (2) Ms. Mary Rose Bailey (3) Ms. Rita Jo Bailey Ms. Jill Lawson and Mr. Rhett Baird Ms. Linda Baird Mrs. Brenda J. Baise Ms. Mary R. Baise (3) Mrs. Angela D. Baker (3) Ms. Ann Tate Baker (3) Mrs. Helen Baker Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Baker Ms. Mary Margaret Baker (7) Ms. Melanie Ann Baker (9) Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker Mr. Rufus Kimbell Baker, Jr. (3) Mr. Robert Louis Baker (5) Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Baker (5) Mrs.Therese D. Baker Mr. William L. Baker Mr. Luther Douglas Bakken Mr. Edward R. Balak (6) Mrs. Sara R. Baldridge Mr. Robert Jeremy Baldwin Mrs. Eleanor E. Bale (10) Ms. Gertrude E. Bale (24) Mr. Grover Michael Bale (8) Mr. James Gary Bale (4) Mrs. Robin R. Balistreri Mr. Billy C. Ball (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ball (2) Ms. Jeanne Elizabeth Ball (3) Mr. Jeffrey Harrison Ball (3) 56 Ms. Kimberly L. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Mickey L. Ball Mrs. Sandra M. Ball Ms.Teresa Kay Ball (18) Mr. J. Gerard Ballard (2) Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ballard Mrs. Jodi Faye Ballard (4) Mrs. Judy Kay Ballard (7) Mr. Patrick Channing Ballard Mrs. Susan L. Ballard Ball Corporation Mr. Craig Lee Ballenger (7) Mr. and Mrs.Todd Andrew Ballenger (4) Mrs. Suzanne Ballinger (17) Mrs. Juanita Fay Ballman (14) Ms. Amy Karen Ballou Mrs. Adrain Bandy Mr. John A. Banet Ms. Carol P. Banks (4) Mr. James R. Banks, Jr. Mr. Michael Alan Banks (5) Mrs. Paquita Banks (2) Mr. Jeffrey Barbee Ms. Ruby I. Barbee (15) Mrs. Debra A. Barbour (3) Mr. Robert R. Barbour (2) Mrs. Kimberly Walters Bardin (13) Mr. James T. Barger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Barger Mr. Barry Melvin Barker Ms. Darla G. Barker Ms. Michelle C. Barker (2) Mr. Patrick Wilson Barker (12) Mr. Robert C. Barker, Jr. (2) Mrs. Patricia Lynn Barlow (2) Mr. James A. Barnard (7) Mr. John David Barnard (3) Ms. Doris Hiser Devore Barnes Mr. James Barnes Ms. Joanette T. Barnes Mr. John Mason Barnes Ms. Madeline W. Barnes (5) Ms. Susan D. Barnes Ms.Victoria J. Barnes Mrs. Anne Ingram Barnett (2) Ms. Betty Jane Barnett (20) Mrs. Cheri C. Barnett (3) Ms. Jalynn A. Barnett (5) Mr. and Mrs. James P. Barnett (8) Ms. Jeanne A. Barnett Mrs. Marcina Joyce Barnett Mr. Stephen Lee Barnett, Jr. Mrs. Martha Barney Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnhart (4) Mr. Kevin O. Barr (6) Ms. Sara R. Barr (2) Mr. and Mrs.Troy Dale Barr (3) Mr. Uhel O. Barrickman (16) Mrs. Nancy H. Barrier (2) Ms. Carolyn W. Barron (3) Mr. Danny Barron Ms. June C. Barron (6) Mr. Stanley J. Barron (4) Mrs. Cynthia Barrow (3) Mrs. Sandra M. Barrow (2) The Rev. Suzanne Barrow (2) Mrs. Ann Guthrie Barry (6) Mrs. Carol D. Barry Dr. and Mrs. James C. Barry (4) Ms. Carol Ann Barsky (2) Mr. William E. Bartelt (3) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bartholomew (2) Ms. Denise L. Bartholomew (3) Ms. Betty Bartlett Mr. Jason Kyle Bartlett Mr. Luke Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Bartley (8) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vincent Bartley (9) Ms. Ann Barton Mr. Arlin J. Barton (12) Ms. Charlotte G. Barton (3) Mr. William Thomas Barton (2) Mr. Robert Thomas Bartsch (2) Mr. Gary N. Basham Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne Basham Mrs. Martha Sue Basham Mr. Michael Kerry Basham Mr. Danny J. Basil Mrs. Betty Baskett (3) Ms. Michelle D. Baskin Mr. Henry Bass Ms. Shannon L. Bass (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bassett (4) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Damon Bastin Ms. Connie Ramsey Bates (2) Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bates (5) Mr. Mark Evan Bates Mrs. Mellie B. Bates Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Batsel (2) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wayne Batsel Mr. Michael R. Battram Mr. Charles Taylor Bauer (4) Dr. Dennis E. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baugh Mr. George Andrew Bauman (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Mark Baxter Ms. Cynthia K. Baxter Ms. Kimberly S. Baxter Ms. Mary Jo Baxter (2) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glenn Baxter (2) Mrs. Donna Perry Bayless Mr. Bryan James Baysinger Mrs. Barbara Sewell Beach (17) Mr. Bradley Beach (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Alan Beach Ms. Nancy A. Beal (5) Dr. Howard Lee Beall (2) Mrs. Melanie T. Bealmear (2) Mr. James Lennis Beam, Jr. Mrs.Yvonne Beam Ms. Bethel Beane (2) Mr. Johnnie Beard, Jr. Ms. Julia Ann Beard (3) Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Beard (2) Mr. Larry Michael Beasley (3) Mr. Robert Norman Beaty (4) Mr. Ron Beaty Mrs. Colette Beaugrand (18) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Beaven (3) Ms.Tammy Marie Beaven (4) Mr. John Beaver Mr. Kevin Lee Beavers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Beavin (2) Mr. Nathan T. Beavin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Allen Beavin (5) Mr. and Ms. Carlos Lee Beck (13) Mrs. Florence Beck Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Beck (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen William Beck Mr. and Mrs. Hugo H. Becker (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eugene Becker (9) Mr. and Mrs. George David Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Beckman Ms. Beckman and Mr. Miller (4) Mr. and Mrs. J. David Beckner (14) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leland Beckort (3) Mr. James R. Bedo (3) Mrs. Connie Priddy Bee Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beeckler Mr. and Mrs.Warren Francis Beeler (3) Mrs. Lucretia Chilton Begley Mrs. Susan M. Behl (6) Mr. Robert A. Beimdick (13) Ibrahim Bejjani Ms. Drucilla T. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Cluster R. Belcher Mrs. Imogene M. Belcher Mr. Larry L. Belcher (2) Mrs. Linda Gayle Belcher Mrs. Winnie P. Belding (3) Ms. Margaret Belford Mr. Michael D. Beliles Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Bell (3) Ms. Beverly J. Bell Mr. Charles B. Bell (20) Mr. David Glenn Bell (2) Mr. George S. Bell Ms. Jo Bell (2) Mrs. June Deloriea Bell (3) Mr. Leigh Roy Bell (10) Mr. Luther Samuel Bell (8) Mrs. Nancy Beth Bell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dale Bellamy Mr.Verkatesh Babu Bellarkonda Mrs. Judy K. Bellemere Mr. and Mrs. John D. Belwood (4) Ms. Janet Gail Bemiss Mr. Bernard Gene Bena Mr. Robert W. Bendon (2) Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Benedict (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Benefield Mrs. Nancy D. Bennet (6) Ms. Brenda Joyce Bennett Mrs. Deborah Ann Bennett (3) Ms. Diana Lynn Bennett (4) Mr. and Mrs. James K. Bennett Mrs. Kathryn W. Bennett Mr. M. K. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Roger Coleman Bennett (10) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Bennett (3) Mrs. Jane Reed Benningfield (2) Mr. and Mrs.William S. Benningfield (3) Ronnie Benningfield Mr. Edmund J. Benson (2) Mrs. Elaine H. Benson (2) Mr. Jeremy Daniel Benson Ms. Julia D. Benson (6) Dr. Wilma Louise Benson (4) Mr. Dennis M. Benthall Mr. Stephen R. Bentley (5) Ms. Liz Benton Ms. Allison L. Benz Mrs. Marjorie A. Berge (3) Mr. and Mrs.William David Berger (4) Mr. Casey Brett Berger Mrs. Connie Marie Beringer Ms. Amy Bernard Mrs. Bev Bernard (3) Mr. Richard O. Bernard (8) Mr. Darin Duane Bernhard (3) Mrs. Christy P. Berry (4) Rev. Ephraim A. Berry (4) Mrs. Karen S. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fleming Berry (2) Mr. Mark Forster Berry Mr. Robert Earl Berry (5) Mr. Ronald D. Berry Ms. Sally E. Berry Maj. and Mrs. James Michael Berry Mr. Dudley G. Berthold, Sr. Mr. John Richard Bertotti (2) Mr. John D. Bertram (2) Mr.Thomas M. Bertram (13) Mrs. Ann M. Bertrand (2) Ms.Teresa E. Bertrand Mr. John Tyler Beshear (2) Ms. Paige Ann Beshens Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richard Bessette Mrs. Phyllis Jewell Bessette (7) Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Bessinger (7) Mrs. Debra Ann Bethel (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynn Betten Mrs. Margaret Bevarly (2) Mrs. Judy Tichenor Bevil (3) Mr. Gary Waddell Bevill (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Bevington Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Bevington Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bewley (2) Mr. Steve Bewley Ms. Chandra Kaur Beyer (2) Mr. Mark E. Bezold (2) Mr. William M. Bibelhauser (7) Mr. and Mrs. Justin H. Bice Ms. Dana M. Bickett Mr. and Mrs. Darrell T. Bicknell Mr. and Mrs.Tory Bidinian Mrs. Brenda A. Bidwell Mrs. Ella Marie Bieber (2) Ms. Utona Williams Bieber (4) Mr. Park Pershing Bierbower, Jr. (4) Ms. Minion Miller Bigbee (7) Mrs. Erin O'Brien Biggers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Earl Biggers (2) Mr. Jay Biggs Mr. John Stephen Biggs Ms. Claudia Jean Bilbrey Dr. Daniel C. Biles Mr. James William Biles (4) Mr. Robert V. Bilik Ms. Kimberly Billings Mr. and Mrs. Lee Billingsley (4) Hon. Stanley M. Billingsley (2) Mrs. Pamela B. Bills (3) Mrs. Judith Maxfiled Bilyeu Mr. Phillip Hodgen Bilyeu (3) Mr. Charlie Binger Ms. Crystal Dawn Bingham Mrs. Wendy L. Birch Mrs. Sandy L. Birchwell Ms. Andrea Bird Mrs. Mary J. Bird (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Birdwhistell (17) Mrs. Gene C. Birkhead (5) Mrs. Kim A. Birkhead Rev. and Mrs.Thomas L. Birkhead (2) Mrs. Angela Glass Bishop (4) Mr. David Ray Bishop (8) Mr. Jack Bishop Mr. Joseph Harry Bishop (14) Mr. Michael Andrew Bishop Ms.Tootie Bishop Mr. William H. Bishop (2) Ms. Ruth Ann Bittel Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Bittinger (2) Mr. Mark Joseph Biven (4) Ms. Marsha L. Bivens (8) Mrs. Martha M. Bivens Mr. Roger E. Bivin Ms. Elizabeth A. Bivins Mrs. Shelia Bivins Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lythe Bivins (9) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jon Bixler Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Bizer (2) Mr. Brian Davis Black (5) Mr. David M. Black Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Michael Allen Black (5) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black Mrs. Julie Black (5) Mrs. Karen Black Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rogers Black (3) Mr. Robert C. Black, Jr. (2) Mrs. Sara L. Black (15) Ms. Ashlee Blackburn Ms. Kathleen Blackburn Mr.Thomas K. Blackburn (5) Dr. Jeffries L. Blackerby (15) Mr. Marvin W. Blackford (3) Mrs. Carrie Ann Blackham Mr. and Mrs. Bradford H. Blain (2) Mr. Benjamin J. Blair (2) Mr. C. Kevin Blair Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alan Blair Mr. Roger Blair (2) Mrs.Valeria Blair Mrs. Marilyn Blair Ford (2) Mr.Terry Blake (3) Ms. Phyllis Blakeman Lt. Col. and Mrs. James T. Blakey (9) Mr. Larry Thomas Blalock Mr. David William Bland (3) Mr. Francis H. Bland (6) Ms. Kelly Jean Bland Sister Mary Timothy Bland (2) Mrs. Nanette Ann Blandford Mr.Terry Michael Blandford Mrs. Barbara Anne Blandino (2) Ms. Brooke E. Blaney (3) Ms. Debra W. Blanford Mr. Barry Scott Blankenship (3) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Blankenship (15) Mr. and Mrs. Lenual L. Blankenship (2) Mrs. Laura Ellen Blanton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Blanton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Blanton (2) Ms. Stephanie Lynn Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Blaske Mr. James Blemker Mr. Robert Blencoe Mrs. Nora Leann Blevins (8) Mr. and Mrs.William Grider Blewett (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dannie W. Blick Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Blick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Blincoe Mr. Garrett Daniel Blincoe Mr. Lance Michael Blincoe Mr. Mike L. Blincoe (4) Ms. Marianne Bluhm (5) Ms. Ruth S. Bly Mr. David Graves Blythe (3) Ms. Carrie L. Board (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Boaz (3) Mrs. Hope Boback (2) Ms. Catherine P. Bobrow Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Ms. Maurella Mary Bochenko (3) Mrs. Patricia A. Bockelman Ms. Brittany L. Bockweg Mr. Paul William Bode Ms. Dana W. R. Boden, PhD (14) Ms. Cynthia M. Boecker Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas Boehman (6) Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard Boehnlein (10) Ms. Mary Dee Boemker (4) Dr. Robert Mandell Boerner Mr. Steven Joel Bogach (7) Ms. Carrie M. Bogart Dr. William K. Bogdan Ms. Hilary Megan Bogert Mrs. Julia Lee Boggs (3) Mrs.Tiffany Kerstin Bogle Mr. Bruce Wayne Bohanon (2) Mrs. Melissa Anne Bohmer Dr. Bertram R. Bohn (6) Mr. and Mrs. Beril Bohrer (6) Mr. Damon Cooper Boldrick (20) Ms. Stacie Bolen (4) Mr. James M. Boley Mrs. Wanda L. Bolin (3) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boling, Jr. (3) Mrs. Rebecca A. Boling (6) Mrs. Laurie E. Bollig (2) Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bolling Mr. Andrew R. Bolt Mr. H. D. Bolton Mrs. Charlotte R. Bond (13) Mr. Donnie Bond Mrs. Phyllis Bond Mrs. Marjorie M. Bonds (6) Mr. Eddie C. Booher Mr. Ralph E. Booher Mr. and Mrs. William E. Book, Jr. (3) Mr. Arthur W. Boone, Jr. (2) Mrs. Margaret Carol Boone Mrs. Shannon Jill Boone Mrs. Susan E. Boone (2) Mrs. Beth G. Boothe (3) Mrs. Emily M. Boots (12) Mr. Richard G. Borchardt (14) Ms. Robin L. Borczon (3) Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bordas (8) Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Borders (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wayne Borders (4) Mr. Don Borders (6) Mr. and Mrs. James Borders, Jr. (4) Mrs. Penelope Anne Boren Mr.Twyman Boren Mr. Carl W. Borho Mr. Jonathan Lawrence Borie (6) Mrs. Lorraine Bagwell Bormann (4) Mr. Robert Bennett Borton Mr. Marcus W. Bosley Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Bosley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bosma Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughn Boston Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stevens Boston Mr. and Mrs. George B. Boston Mr. J. E. Boucher Mrs. Martha E. Bouman (7) Mr. Franklin Bourn Mrs. Marcya H. D. Bove (2) Ms. Deidre M. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Bowen Mrs.Teresa J. Bowen (3) Mr. John S. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. David Brian Bowers (4) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Paul Bowlds (12) Dr. and Mrs. James M. Bowles (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis Bowles (7) Mrs. Gean M. Bowles (2) Mrs. Opal Barbour Bowles (2) Mrs. Jane Balhatchet Bowlin (2) Bowling Green Tax Service Mrs. Connie Bowman Mr. Daniel Lee Bowman (7) Mrs. Lucile M. Bowman Mr. Ronald H. Bowman Ms. Sandra S. Bowman Mrs. Jennie Boyarski (4) Mrs. Karen Faye Boyce Mr. Sean Boyce (5) Mrs. Becky Layne Boyd Ms. Jessica L. Boyd Alumni Fall 2005 Mrs. Marsha Rae Boyd Mrs. Mollie Mahan Boyd (11) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dale Boyd (13) Mrs. Wanda Beth Boyd (2) Mr. Ryan Edward Boyer Mrs. Karen E. Boyette (6) Ms. Mary Marta Ruxer Boyken Mrs. Ann Tracy Boylan Mr.Thomas R. Boyle (3) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen Boyles (3) Mr.Todd Jeremy Boyles (2) Mrs. Dawn M. Boyter (7) Mrs. Donna Bozarth (9) Mrs. Laura Beth Brack Mr. Edward Bracken Mr. Charles Brackett (6) Mrs. Jennifer Ann Bradbury Ms. Jamie Elizabeth Bradford (3) Mr. and Mrs. Abner M. Bradley (10) Mr. Eric Bradley Mr. Harry Stephen Bradley (2) Ms. Patricia L. Bradley (2) Ms. Susie Bradley (2) Ms.Tina Marie Bradley Mr. Walter T. Bradley, III (4) Ms. Carolyn A. Bradshaw (8) Ms. Dona Jo Brady Ms. Mikki L. Brady Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Brady (4) Mrs. Melissa Ann Bragg Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Louis Brake Mrs. Amy Lynne Bramblette (3) Mr. and Mrs. David Macklin Bramel Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Brand (2) Mr. Denny Joseph Brand (7) Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lee Brand (12) Mrs. Cathy S. Brandon (4) Mr. Larry H. Brandt Mr. Leon Brangers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Sonny Branham (3) Mr. Michael Lee Brannick (3) Ms. Myra D. Branscum Ms. Iva R. Branson (12) Ms. Beth L. Branstetter (2) Mr. Harvey W. Branstetter Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler Branstetter Ms. Leona Branstetter Mr. Patrick Roy Branstrator (8) Mr. and Mrs. James Dewey Brantley (2) Ms. Jean P. Branum (2) Mr. Michael F. Brashear Mr. David G. Brasher Mrs. Charlotte Austin Bratcher (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bratton (3) Mr. William E. Bratton (2) Mr. Dan E. Brawner (3) Mr. and Mrs. W. Larry Brawner (14) Mr. Robert Allen Brawner (2) Mr. David W. Bray (2) Mr. Glen D. Bray (4) Mr. James M. Bray (7) Mr. John Edward Bray Dr. Rhonda S. Bray Mr. and Mrs. John Brecht (5) Mr. Darrell Breeden (2) Ms. Katherine Ann Breitholle Mr.Tim Brelig (7) Ms. Marion A. Brennan (4) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warden Brenner (2) Mrs. Carita F. Brents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larry Breunig Mr. Bradley Ray Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brewer Ms. Desiree A. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Brewer (17) Mrs.Terry Lynn Brewer (11) Mrs. Dana Lynn Brewington (3) Mrs. Karyn M. Brey Mr. Ronald Patrick Brey Briarwood Homemakers Club Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Bricker Mr. Darryl Lee Bridges (3) Mr. Steven Brier (12) Mrs. Joy Smith Briggs (2) Ms.Tabitha Monique Briggs (d.) Bright Spot Cleaning Service LLC Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bright Mrs.Trilba D. Briley (3) May 23, 2005 brought the celebration of steps taken to broaden access to a WKU degree. Representatives from Western traveled to New York City to take part in a commencement ceremony for 29 new WKU alumni.They are the first graduates to receive master’s degrees in communication disorders through a unique partnership between WKU’s Division of Extended Learning and Outreach and the United Federation of Teachers. Mrs. Barbara R. Brindle (6) Mr. David S. Brinkley (7) Mrs. Jennifer Brinkley Mrs. Jennifer Lee Ann Brinkley (4) Mrs. Kathleen Elizabeth Brinser Mrs.Vanessa Jones Briscoe (2) Ms. Denise Elizabeth Bristol (2) Mr. Duane Bristow (9) Ms. Aletha Britt Ms. Anita Ann Britt Ms. Connie Suellen Britt (2) Ms. Florine Britt (5) Mr. Jonathan S. Britt Mrs. Madge W. Britt (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Brittain (3) Mr. Larry L. Brittain (6) Broadstone Media LLC Mr. Ernie Broady Mr. Brian G Brock Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Brock (4) Mr. John Lawrence Brock, Jr. (2) Mr. Michael A. Brock (3) Mr. Orvile Lee Brock (17) Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Brock Neil and Angela Brockman (3) Mr. Charles Leon Brockman (3) Mr. Ricky Joe Brockman (8) Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Brodarick (3) Ms. Melissa Ann Brodsky Mr. Seymour Brodsky (3) Ms. Carol Broduer (2) Mrs. Janice Brogli Mrs. Sharon L. Brokaw Mrs. Sandra Broman Mr. James Phillip Bronson Mrs. Bonnie J. Brook Mr. Bradley S. Brooks Mr. David Lynn Brooks (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edward Brooks (2) Mrs. Denise Wymer Brooks (3) Mrs. Janet Brooks Mr. Joe Brooks Mr. John Christopher Brooks (2) Ms. Judy Brooks Ms. Karen Michelle Brooks (2) Ms. Laura Susanne Brooks (6) Mr. Michael Brooks Mr. and Mrs.Walter Bryan Brooks (3) Mr. William Lee Brookshire Mr. and Mrs. Andy Allen Broome (2) Ms. Kenna B. Brophey Mrs. Michelle F. Bideau Brotherson Mrs. Betty Angelina Brown (3) Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brown (2) Ms. Brenda Sue Brown (2) Mr. C. Frank Brown (5) Mr. and Mrs. Danny Leon Brown Mr. Darren D. Brown Mr. Donald Brown (3) Ms. Donna Brown Ms. Donna Marie Brown Ms. Dorothy S. Brown (12) Mr. and Mrs. Billy Carl Brown Mrs. Elaine W. Brown Mrs. Eleanor S. Brown (7) Mr. Floyd M. Brown Mr. Freddie Dale Brown Ms. Heather M. Brown Ms. Helen B. Brown (6) Mr. Howard Craig Brown (4) Dr. J. Herbert Brown, Jr. Mr. James C. Brown (11) Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Brown (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Nelson Brown Ms. Jennifer Brown Mr. Jerry Lee Brown (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rickie Fay Brown (3) Ms. Joan L. Brown Mr. John R. Brown (7) Mr. John Robert Brown (12) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brown (16) Mr. and Mrs. David Rice Brown (4) Mrs. Kathryn Louise Brown Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown (3) Mrs. Kathy R. Brown (3) Mrs. Kristi Mae Brown (4) Ms. Lajohna Dantez Brown Mr. Larry Brown Dr. Larry M. Brown Mr. Larry Wayne Brown Mrs. Laura Jo Brown (3) Mrs. Linda Brown Mrs. Lisa M. Brown (2) Mrs. Lucille T. Brown (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Lee Brown Mr. Mac Brown (3) Ms. Martha Lowe Brown (6) Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brown (4) Mrs. Melissa Carol Brown (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brown (8) Mr. Mike Brown Mr. Phillip Allen Brown Mr. Richard Wayne Brown Mr. Robert H. Brown (10) Lt. Col. (Ret.) Robert R. Brown (2) Mr. Russell J. Brown (2) Ms. Susan Elizabeth Brown Mr.Tony Mac Brown Ms.Vicky L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben Browning (3) Mr. David R. Browning (40) Mr. John David Browning (5) Mrs. Kathi Marie Browning (3) Mrs. Lisa D. Browning Hon. Sue Carol Browning (9) Mr. Randal Broyles (3) Mrs. Janice M. Brucato (2) Mrs. Kimberly D. Bruch (2) Mr. Robert Edward Bruck Mrs. Bettyruth Bruington (5) Mrs. Frances O. Brumfield (10) Mr. and Mrs. James Clay Brumfield (16) Mr. Mike Brumfield Mr. William A. Brumit, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Alton Brumit, Jr. Mr. William A. Brumm (6) Ms. Marilyn J. Brumund (5) Mr. Eddie Bruner Dr. Margaret R. Bruner Mr. Larry L. Brush (3) Mr. Reginald Vernard Bruster (2) Mrs. Lelia Bruun (5) Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bryan Mr. James Ronald Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bryan Ms. Anne Marie Bryant (8) Ms. Betty Lou Bryant (10) Ms. Janice E. Bryant Ms. Marrissa Rose Bryant Ms. Martha Ann Bryant 57 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Melissa Hans of the Louisville Alumni chapter and son, Preston, deliver items to Linda Medley, Home of the Innocents resource development director. The Louisville Alumni chapter donated over 170 items to Home of the Innocents. Mr. Michael Alan Bryant Mrs. Minnie Gayle Bryant (2) Mr. Ralph E. Bryant Ms. Sharon Ann Bryant Ms. Sherry Bryant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Ratliff Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Bryce Mr. Corey J. Bryson Mrs. Katherine Lilly Bryson Ms. Mary Frances Buch (13) Mr. Bobby L. Buchanan Mr. Jimmie Darrell Buchanan (2) Mr. Lewis Buchanan Ms. Nancy O. Buchanan (3) Ms. Rachelle B. Buchanan (2) Mr. Fred Buchanon (3) Mr. James David Buchanon Mr. Lee F. Buchtman (13) Mrs. Linda Ellen Buck Mr. and Mrs. David C. Buck (5) Mr. David T. Buckingham (7) Mrs. Jennifer L. Buckingham Mrs. Jane Ellen Buckley Mr. Robert I. Buckley (4) Dr. and Mrs. William G. Buckman (6) Mr. Robert E. Buckman (2) Ms. Susan Buckman Mr. William Gordon Buckman, Jr. Mr. William K. Buckman Mrs. Shirley M. Buckner (2) Ms. Stephanie Jean Buckner (3) Mrs. Sarah R. Budde (8) Mr. and Mrs. Karl Buechler (4) Mr. and Mrs.Terry W. Buelow (18) Ms. Sandra Miller Bugay Ms. Carrye Centimole Buie (2) Mr. Joe N. Bulhoes (6) Mr. Neal I. Bulla (7) Ms. Angela Michelle Bullen (2) Mr. Kenneth Bullivant Mrs. Myra Kay Bullock (2) Mr. Paul F. Bullock (3) Mrs.Tara Marie Bullock Mr. Corrie W. Bumps Ms. Julie Anne Bunch Mr. Kyle M. Bunch (2) Ms. Marilyn E. Bungo (2) Ms. Mary B. Bunnell (8) Mr. and Mrs. Sydney M. Bunnell (3) Mrs. Anna Louise Bunting Ms. Edna K. Burbank (11) 58 Mr. Lee B. Burbank Mrs. Cereta Dee Burch (11) Mr. David A. Burch (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burcham (9) Mr. Richard W. Burchell (5) Mr. Dale Burchett Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Burchett Mr. Richard Lewis Burchett (2) Mr. Harvey D. Burd (3) Mrs. Charolene W. Burden (18) Mrs. Cilicia H. Burden (18) Mr. Ralph Clinton Burden (9) Mr. Pat Burdette (17) Ms. Deborah Ann Burford Ms. Barbara Candis Burgess Mrs. Stacey R. Burgess Ms. Lisa G. Burgett (7) Ms. Miranda Gayle Burgett Mr. Steven Robert Burgi (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Burke (12) Mrs. Mary Ann Burke Mr. Michael David Burke Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Burkeen (2) Mr. Phillip Cardwell Burkeen (2) Mrs. Susan L. Burkey Mr. Christopher Mark Burkhead Mr. Phillip Wayne Burkhead Mr. William R. Burkholder, II (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Yancey Burks (5) Mr. Kelly M. Burks, Jr. (7) Mr.Timothy Lee Burks Ms. Martha Burn (4) Mr. Carl Darian Burnam (2) Mrs. Carlene Sue Burnell (5) Mr. Alan Keith Burnett (3) Ms. Eve Burnett Ms. Irene Burnett (21) Mr. William Patrick Burnett (4) Ms. Meda Joey Burnette Mr. Larry Burnham Ms. Emily J. Burnley Mrs. Betty J. Burns (8) Ms. Jacquelyn Laveeda Burns (7) Mr. Perry A. Burns (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Burr (3) Mrs. Donna J. Burress Mr. Michael Gene Burress Dr. Robert N. Burress (3) Ms. Ashley P. Burris Mr. G. Kevin Burris (10) Ms. Jemitta Burroughs (2) Mark and Gwen Burroughs (2) Dr. John M. Burt (3) Mrs. Arlene F. Burton (3) Mr. Daniel F. Burton (7) Mr. Darren P. Burton Mr. John Delbert Burton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne Burton (14) Mr. Steven Lewis Burton Mr. Stewart Ross Burton Mrs. Leanne C. Busby Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John Busby (2) Mr. Jay Buser Mr. Michael Pete Buser (7) Ms. Brenda Ruth Bush (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bush (3) Mr. Gregory Keith Bush Mrs. Janet Stotts Bush Mrs. Joy L. Bush (6) Ms. Maria Foster Bush Mrs. Nancy E. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Jamie L. Buskill Mrs. Deborah Michelle Bussey (3) Rev. John R. Butchko (2) Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Butler (3) Mr. Brian Lynn Butler (2) Ms. Catherine Jean Butler (3) Mr. L. Kirker Butler Dr. Laura Butler and Mr. Wendell Butler (8) Mr. Lawrence Alan Butler (4) Ms. Marcia K. Butler (3) Mrs. Mary Coursey Butler (18) Ms.Tracey L. Butler (4) Ms. Butoryak and Mr. Schafstall (3) Mr. Eugene Waldon Butters (11) Mrs. Phyllis A. Buttry Mr. Michael Butts Mrs. Mabel Ruth Buzzard (3) BWXT Y-12 Ms. Regina Byars Mrs. Mary E. Bybee (3) Ms.Teresa Joyce Bybee Mr. Andrew Byers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hardin Byers (6) Mrs. Ada Thompson Byington Mrs. Deniece Ann Byrd Mr. Malcolm B. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Jason Adam Byrd Sister Elaine I. Byrne Mr.Thomas Lee Cable (2) Ms. Jeanne Caffe Mr. and Mrs. Otis D. Cagle, Jr. (4) Ms. Andrea D. Cailles (3) Mrs. Debra Cain (9) Mr. Keith Raymond Cain (8) Mrs. Kristi Cain Mr. Phillip A. Calcagno, Jr Ms. Helen Lewis Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Caldwell Mrs. Julie Baldwin Caldwell (4) Ms. Sherri E. Caldwell Dr. Linda T. Calendrillo (5) Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Calery (6) Mr. Robert J. Calhan, II (7) Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert T. Calhoun, Jr. (10) Mrs. Raymunda Calhoun (2) Mrs.Tamara Jean Calhoun (3) Mr. and Mrs. Crystal Hope Kendrick Calit (4) Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Callahan (16) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Callahan Mrs. Cheryl A. Callis (7) Mr.Travis Elwin Callis (4) Dr. James R. Callison Ms. Debra Katherine Calvert (3) Mr. Mark Jay Calvert (3) Mr.Travis W. Calvert Mrs. Miriam H. Camargo Mrs. Julie Cambron Mr. Max Cambron (3) Mrs. Margaret Evins Cameron (2) Ms.Verenda Smith Camire (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Camp Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lin Camp Mrs. Andrea Sanders Campbell Ms. Beulah C. Campbell (17) Mr. Charles P. Campbell, Jr Ms. Charlotte H. Campbell (6) Ms. Doris Jean Campbell (4) Mrs. Emily C. Campbell (4) Dr. F. Kent Campbell (6) Ms. Geraldine B. Campbell Ms. Jan Nadeen Campbell (2) Ms. Jessica E. Campbell (2) Mr. Larry Douglas Campbell (3) Ms. Lizbeth Susan Campbell (4) Dr. Martin J. Campbell Mrs. Pamela Campbell Ms. Patricia A. Campbell Mr. Philip Todd Campbell Mr. Warren Campbell Mr.Todd Erin Camplin Ms. Marlene D. Ruby Canaday (4) Sister Anna Marie Canary Ms. Kathy S. Canary Mrs. Marion J. Canary Mrs. Nancy V. Canary Mr. and Mrs. Clifford George Canavera (6) Mrs. Carol Canfield Mrs. Lisa Carol Canler (3) Ms.Vicki L. Cannady (10) Mr. Clay Edward Cannon Mrs. Karen Jo Cannon Mr. Paul E. Cannon Mr. Steve Cannon Ms. Patricia Canon (2) Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Canon Mr. Greg Allen Cansler (2) Mr. Jason Cansler Ms. Rhoda Ann Cantor (2) Mr. James R. Cantrall (8) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Alfred Cantrell Mr. Henry L. Cantrell Ms. Margaret S. Cantrell Mr.Thomas Malcolm Cantrell (13) Dr. Gregory Scott Canty (8) Mr. Kevin E. Canty Capitol Events Consulting Ms. Carolyn Sue Capps Mr. Daniel Eric Capps Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Capps, Jr. (2) Ms. Diana Marie C. Carag Mr. John W. Carbin Mr. Stephen Denton Carden (5) Mr. Ronald Dwayne Cardwell (11) Mr. George David Carey Ms. Julia Ann Carey (3) Mrs. Mary Cathy Carey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carl Carey Mr.Thomas S. Caridi Ms. Carol Carithers (5) Mrs. Melanni K. Carli (4) Mr. Michael Eugene Carlile Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Carlisle (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Carlson Sgt. Maj. (Ret.) Gwen A. Carlson (12) Ms. Judy D. Carlton (2) Mrs. June S. Carlyle (15) Ms. Hannah Katherine Carman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spencer Carman Mr. Morris L. Carman Mrs. Candace L. Carmichael (6) Mrs. Elizabeth K. Carmichael Mrs. Sara B. Carmichael Mr.Terry Carmichael Ms. Amy Carmicle (3) Mrs. Judy F. Carnes Mr. Kevin A. Carney Dr. Becky and Mr. Francis Carothers, III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomas Carothers Mrs. Barbara S. Carpenter (23) Mr. and Mrs. Dante Kay Carpenter Mr. David Carpenter Mrs. Diane E. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Kamos Carpenter Ms. Martha Carol Carpenter Mr. Patrick Allen Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alan Carpenter (3) Mr. Billy Wilson Carr (8) Mr. David M. Carr Ms. Kathy Lynn Carr Mrs. Lisa K. Carr (3) Mr. Ronald L. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Carr (11) Ms. Christine Carrico Ms. Elizabeth Annette Carrico (18) Mr. John Carrico Ms. Leigh Anne Carrico (2) Ms. Lisa Carrico Ms. Beth Carrigan Mr. John E. Carrigan (12) Mr. Barry L. Carroll (8) Mr. Derald Joseph Carroll (3) Ms. Elizabeth Ann Carroll (2) Mrs. Kathryn H. Carroll Ms.Virginia Brauer Carroll Mrs. Mary E. Carruthers (8) Mr. Kenneth A. Carson, Jr. Mrs. Amy Lynn Carter Ms. Becky Phillips Carter (2) Dr. Bruce Harrison Carter (7) Mr. and Mrs. Willie O. Carter, Jr. Dr. Carolyn Sue Carter (3) Mr. Charles Bruce Carter (4) Mrs. Christina Earles Carter (2) Ms. Connie F. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Carter (8) Mr. J. Kent Carter Ms. Janis C. Carter Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble Carter Mr. Jonathan Laurence Carter (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ricky G. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Rex Allen Carter Ms. Krystal Lynn Carter Mrs. Laverne Raglin Carter Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Carter (3) Mrs. Lula Marie Carter (2) Dr. and Mrs. Lee Carter Mrs. Nancy Lou Carter (3) Mrs. Peggy C. Carter Mr. Randy Joe Carter (3) Mr. Richard Reed Carter (3) Ms. Sara M. Carter Mr. Steve A. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Carter (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Michael Carter Mrs.Vivienne F. Carter Ms. Patricia Caruso Ms. Jean A. Caruth Ms. Elizabeth Runyan Carver Mrs. Hazel Carver (3) Ms. Mary Lucille Carver (18) Ms. Reeca Gale Carver Mr. Richard Gene Carver Dr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Carwell (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jared P. Carwile (2) Dr. L. Curtis Cary (3) Mrs. Sona Fay Cary (14) Mr. Steven Edward Cary (2) Ms. Debbie C. Cascaden (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mrs. Charlotte Ann Casebier Ms. Paula Casebier Mr. Paul James Casebolt (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Cash (2) Mr.Trent Loveless Cash Mrs. Jeryl R. Cashion (3) Mrs. Patricia Susan Cashion (2) Mrs. Edna S. Cashman (5) Mrs. Mary Louise H. Caskey (14) Ms. Shannon Ruth Cason Mrs. Ann L. Caspar (11) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Cassady Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cassady (3) Mr. Robert Wayne Cassady (3) Mr. Jim Casslly Mr. and Mrs. John C. Casteel (11) Mr.Vincent N. Castillo (3) Castle Rock Property Management Mr. Glenn P. Castleberry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Castlen (3) Ms. Joanna D. Castlen (3) Mrs. Sally Castlen (2) Ms. Cheryl Lynn Cates (9) Catherine Brand Realty, LLC (2) Mr. A. Glenn Catlett (5) Dr. David Nathan Catlett (3) Ms. Mary L. Cato Mrs. Gladys B. Catron (5) Mr. and Mrs. David Lynn Caudel (2) Mr. Dodd Lee Caudill Mrs. Heather Elizabeth Caudill (2) Ms. Lynda G. Caudill Mr. Richard Alan Caudill Mrs. Sandra I. Caudle (7) Mr. Marshall L. Caulk Mr. Kenneth Lee Causey (2) Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Larry Glenn Causey Mr. Stephen Richard Causey (2) Mr. Jeffery Jay Cavana (7) Caverna Florist (2) Caverna Memorial Hospital Radiology Mrs. Karlotta Katherin Cecil Mrs. Lisa D. Cecil Ms. Nora B. Cecil Mrs. Penny D. Cecil Mr.Terrence Wayne Cecil Cedar Forest Advertising, Inc. Mrs. Marion Anna Cedar (2) Ms. Leandra Yvonne Celaya (4) Mrs. Jean B. Celsor (3) Mr. Zohn N. Centimole (6) Ms. Ameerah Cetawayo Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cetera (8) Mrs. Amanda Fairfax Chadwell Mr. Michael Chadwell Ms. Raven Sierra Chadwell (3) Mr. Hugh Garland Chaffin (3) Mr. James Kim Chalmers (6) Mrs.Tallon Chalmers (3) Mr. Mitchell E. Chamberlain (2) Mr.Timothy Chamberlain (14) Ms. Janet A. Chamberlin Mrs. Allison Gayle Chambers Mrs. Pamela L. Chambers (3) Mrs. Laura Roemer Champ Mrs. Roberta J. Champagne (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Champion (5) Mr. Paul William Champion (2) Mr. Kam C. Chan Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Boyd Chance (4) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chandler Mr. David Chandler Mr. Jeremy Montez Chandler Mr. William G. Chandler (11) Mr. Carl N. Chaney Mrs. Mary Virginia Chaney (6) Mr.Thomas P. Chaney (3) Mrs. Kathryn Eppinger Chaplow (2) Chapman Financial Group Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Chapman Mr. David L. Chapman Mrs. Dawn L. Chapman Mr. James A. Chapman (4) Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wade Chapman (12) Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Richard Chapman Mr. Mark Chapman Mrs. Patrice F. Chapman (2) Mrs.Terri Gwen Chapman Mr. Bruce Michael Chappius (12) Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. Richard M Chappius Charles B. Barrett, D.M.D. Mr. Dallas Charton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Chastain Mr. James G. Cheatham, Jr. Mr. Frank Leslie Chelf, Jr. (18) Mr. I-Ting Chen (2) Mr. John W. Chenault Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn Cherry (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Potts Cherry (6) Ms. Donna Lianette Cherry (2) Mr. Jason Cherry (2) Mr. Mac S. Cherry (2) Mr. Phillip Jason Cherry Mr. William J. Cherundolo (3) Mr.Vincent E. Cheshire (2) Ms. Dorothy R. Chesley (8) Ms. Linda S. Chesser (3) Mr. Wayne Chesser Mr. John William Chester (12) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chesnut Mr. Walter Chestnut Ms. Andrea Lynn Childers Mr. Sam Gregory Childers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ray Childers Ms. Nancy Lynn Childres Ms. Cynthia A. Childress (3) Ms. Heather Gwen Childress Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Childress Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward Childress (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Childress Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chiles (7) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Kirkpatrick Chism Mr. Wayne L. Chism Mr. Gerald Lottos Chreste (17) Mrs. Donna Marshall Christen Mrs. Carol Ann Christian (8) Mrs. Joyce K. Christian Mrs. Linda D. Christianson Mrs. Bettie J. Christofoli (2) Ms. An-Chi Chung Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Church (20) Mr. Mark Alan Church (4) Mrs. Jennie S. Ciliberti Mrs. Sandra Cilyok (2) Cindy's Consignment's Unlimited Mr. John F. Cissell Mrs. Jean Jewell Claiborne (5) Mr. James Clancy (2) Mr. Lynn Clapp Mr. Alderson Clark, Jr. (14) Mr. Anthony Conrad Clark (12) Mr. Anthony Quinn Clark (6) Mrs. Brenda Jane Clark (2) Mr. Chris Vinson Clark (3) Ms. Clara M. Clark Mrs. Courtney Tomes Clark (2) Dr. Dale W. Clark (4) Mrs. Doris Keith Clark Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Clark, Sr. (3) Mr. Harvey Lee Clark, Jr. (2) Mr. James Clark (2) Mrs. Janet Clark (4) Mr. John Thomas Clark (6) Mrs. Joy Dean Clark (3) Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Fred Clark (8) Mrs. Marjorie L. Clark (3) Ms. Martha Ellen Clark (17) Mr. Marvin Eugene Clark Mr. Merrill G. Clark, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerald Clark (5) Mr. Paul D. Clark (9) Mr. Ray Clark Mrs. Robin Denise Clark Mr. Roger Dale Clark (2) Mr. Ronald Lynn Clark (7) Mrs. Sandra Lynne Clark (8) Mrs. Shirley Clark (2) Ms. Somer Kristyn Clark Mr.Tommy Clark (2) Mr. Wesley Emory Clark (2) Mr. John M. Clary Mr. Mark Clauson Ms. Barbara E. Clay (18) Mr. David Wayne Claycomb (9) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hackley Claycomb (2) Mrs. Lynn Claycomb (8) Mr. John Michael Claypool (3) Mr.Terry Lee Claypool (2) Ms. Charlotte Withers Clayton Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Clayton Mrs. Kimberly C. Claytor (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Cleberg (7) Mr. Michael Eugene Clemens (2) Cmdr. (Ret.) Paul T. Clement (3) Clements Marine Sales and Service (3) Ms. Janice Clements (4) Mr. Abraham Clemons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clemons, Jr. (4) Mr. and Mrs. Derek Glen Clemons (2) Ms. Melissa Clemons Mr. and Mrs. William T. Clemons Ms. Sandra Gail Clemons (3) Mrs. Scotty Lane Clenney (3) Dr. Laura Siegrist Clifford (14) Ms.Virginia Clifford Mrs. Patricia L. Clinard (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Micheal Cline (3) Mrs. Meredith Clipp-Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cloar (6) Mrs. Rebecca Ann Funk Clonts Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Clore (2) Mr. Danny D. Close (2) Mr. Barry C. Clouse Mr. Bill Clouse Mr. James William Clouse (2) Mrs. Lisa Diana Clouse Clyde's Shoe Store (2) Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Clymer (2) Ms. Ruth C. Coad Ms. Linda N. Coakley (4) Mr. Mike Coakley (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed Coats (3) Mr. William Orville Coats (3) Mr. Charles Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Cobb (3) Ms. Mattie Jane Cobb (3) Mr. John Edward Cobelli Mrs. Heather E. Cochran Mrs. Lula M. Cochran (13) Mr. Michael Cochran Dr. Robert T. Cochran, Jr. (2) Dr.Todd T. Cochran (5) Ms. Mayron Justis Cockrel (5) Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Cockrill Mr. David W. Codell (3) Coe Electric and Electronics Mr. and Mrs. Gregory N. Coe (2) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Coe (3) Mr. John Coe Mr. Michael E. Coen Mrs. Amanda Marie Coffee Ms. Regina Coffee Mrs. Jeanne Lynn Coffelt (10) Mr. and Mrs. David Scott Coffey (2) Mr. Gary Lee Coffey Mr. Johnnie David Coffey (14) Mrs. Lois P. Coffey (7) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Coffey (2) Ms. Janice Coffing (2) Mrs. Martha J. Coffland Mr. John Coffman (3) Mrs. Lori Ann Magers Coffman (7) Mr. Rodney T. Cohen Mrs. Paula F. Cohn (6) Mr. Darrell W. Cohron Mr. Gerald T. Cohron Mrs. Laura W. Cohron (16) Ms.Terri Rhodes Coke (3) Mr. George Coker, III Mrs. Adrina Marie Colasanti Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Colbert (2) Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Colburn (3) Mr. Donald Ray Cole Mr. Harold R. Cole (7) Mr. Jason M. Cole Mr. Jeremy Paul Cole Mr. Mark Lanze Cole (7) Mrs. Nakoma Rice Cole Ms. Phyllis R. Cole Ms. Ruth E. Cole (2) Dr. Stanton L. Cole (2) Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cole Mr. and Mrs. George F. Coleman (3) Ms. Katherine W. Coleman Col. Mary Louise Coleman (2) Matthew T. Coleman, MPH, CHES Mr. Patrick N. Coleman Mr.Timothy Ray Coleman (3) Mrs. Wanda R. Coleman Colgate Palmolive Company Ms. Beverly White Collard (2) College High Class of 1955 Mrs. Martha C. Collett (3) Mrs.Valerie D. Collett (2) Mrs. Kathy Collier (3) Mrs. Mildred E. Collier (15) Ms. Nancy B. Collier (10) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Collier (2) Colliers Turley Martin Tucker Ms. Jackie Collignon (2) Collins Law Office Mr. Al Harold Collins, Jr. (15) Mrs. Anna Smith Collins (18) Mr. Bob E. Collins (5) Ms. Candace Monee Collins Ms. Christy J. Collins (3) Ms. Debra L. Collins (2) Mrs. Glenda B. Collins Mr. Jeffrey D. Collins Mrs. Joan R. Collins (6) Mr. John P. Collins, Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Dodd Collins (7) Mr. Kenneth L. Collins (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas David Collins Mrs. Mary Dele Collins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Collins Ms. Shelia S. Collins Mr. W. Ernest Collins, Jr. (19) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Colon (3) Ms. Carol Colon Ms. Mary Grace Columbia (2) Mr. Gregory Brian Colwell Mr. John D. Combest Ms. Kelli Denise Combs Mr. Russell M. Combs Mrs.Tamara Jo Comer Mr. Christopher Steven Compton Ms. Helen Compton Mrs. Sue Ann Compton (7) Mr. Gale Conder (5) Mrs. Dorothy Conklin (7) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Conkright (2) Mr. John D. Conn, Jr. (3) Mr. William Clark Conn (2) Mrs. Annice B. Conner (16) Ms. Harriet B. Conner (17) Mrs. Susan R. Conner (13) Mr. Willard Anthony Conner Mr. Henry D. Connor Ms. Jennifer Ann Connor Mrs. Wanda Pendleton Connor Ms. Billi Ann Conrad (11) Constance C. Huff, DMD, PSC Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dale Constant Mr. Stavros Constantinou (3) Mr. Lupe Contreras (2) Mrs. Anita L. Convery (2) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Conway (4) Mrs. Nikki Dae Herdel Conway Mrs. Carole E. Cook (8) Ms. Christie L. Cook Mrs. Cynthia A. Cook Mr. David Bryan Cook (3) Mr. G. William Cook (2) Mr. James Forester Cook (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cook Mr. Joseph A. Cook, II (2) Mr. Leonard Earl Cook (16) Mrs. Linda N. Cook (5) Mr. Mark Franklin Cook Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cook Ms. Miranda L. Cook Mr. Roger D. Cook Mr.Thomas Burbridge Cook, Jr. (13) Mr.Todd Duncan Cook (2) Graham and Martha Neal Cooke (15) Mr.Timothy R. Cooke (2) Ms.Teresa Jane Cooksey (3) Mr. Scott David Cooley (2) Dr. and Mrs. Samuel John Coombs Mr. Scott Thomas Coombs (8) Mrs. Bobbie Joyce Coomer (18) Mrs. Sharon K. Coomer Mr. Ben P. Coomes Mr. and Mrs.Timothy J. Coomes Ms. Meghan Coomes Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Coomes (7) Mrs. Wilma J. Coomes (3) Mr. A. Stephen Cooper Dr. Charles L. Cooper (7) Ms. Jean Louise Cooper Mr. John Patrick Cooper (3) Mrs. Kathy V. Cooper (3) Dr. Ralph Cooper Mrs. Rebecca Cooper (2) Mr.Thomas E. Cooper Mr.Tom Owens Cooper Mr. Rick A. Coover Mr. Chad Andrew Copas Mr. Christopher Michael Copas Ms. Karen Ann Copas Mr. Kelly E. Copas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dewayne Cope Ms. Jerilyn W. Cope Ms. Martha Lee Copeland Ms. Nancy A. Coppage Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Corbin Alice Irene Corbman, CRC, CCM (3) Mr. Joseph T. Corcoran (2) Capt. and Mrs. Donald Terry Corder, Jr. (6) Ms. Josella Corder Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eugene Corder (3) Hon. Kenneth G. Corey (3) Ms. Zelma Lorraine Corkran (6) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Cornacchione (4) Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Cornele Cornerstone Building Consultants Mrs. Judith Anne Cornett (3) Ms. Carol Lorene Cornette (4) Mr. Eric E. Cornish Ms. Megan B. Cornwall (3) Mr. and Mrs. Clovis J. Cornwell Ms. Pamela G. Cornwell Ms. Patrice D. Cornwell Mr.Thomas B. Cornwell (15) Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Correa (4) Mrs. Rhonda L. Corrigan Dr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Corriher (5) Ms. Jennifer Susan Corum (8) Mr. Michael Corum Mrs. Donna Cosand (5) Mrs. April Nicole Cosby Mr. John Michael Cosby (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Cossey (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costellow (3) Mrs. Ellen P. Costigan (9) Ms. C. Brooke Costin Ms. Elizabeth A. Cothron Mrs. Jennifer B. Cotter (3) Mr. Scot N. Cottingham (2) Mr. Garland C. Cottrell (13) Dr. Gary Lee Cottrell Mrs. Janice Dianne Cottrell (2) Mrs. Jo Ann Cottrell (5) Mr. Adrian Coty Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Couch (4) Mr. Kenneth Jason Couch Ms. Patricia Gail Couden (2) Ms. Amy Elizabeth Coulter Mrs. Belinda Eaton Coulter (2) Mr. Marvin G. Counts (12) Mr. Richard Counts Mrs. Stephannie Borders Coursey Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lee Courtney Mrs. Samantha S. Courtney Mrs. Jacquelin C. Covalsen (3) Mr. Dale W. Covington (3) Mr. John E. Covington, III (2) Mr. Matthew W. Covington (2) Mrs. Shirley Covington Mrs. Amy H. Cowan (4) Mrs. Ellen Faye Cowherd (3) Mr. John Mark Cowherd Ms. Marjorie H. Cowherd (9) Mrs. Ella H. Cox Mrs. Jeanne Woodall Cox (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gene Cox (4) Mr. Kenneth W. Cox (12) Mrs. Linda M. Cox (7) Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Gene Cox Mrs. Pamela Sue Cox (4) Mr. Roger C. Cox Mr. Ronald Lee Cox (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allen Cox (4) Mr.Thomas C. Cox (5) 59 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr.Thomas Patrick Cox, Jr. Mr. Wayne B. Cox Mr. Clifford L. Coyle Mrs. Jennie N. Coyle (10) Mrs. Katherine Anderson Coyle Mr. William J. Coyne Mrs. Betty B. Crabtree Mr. James E. Crabtree Mrs. L. Michelle Crabtree (4) Mr. Shawn D. Crabtree (3) Mr.Timothy Brent Crabtree Mrs. Sandra Young Craddock (12) Mr. George Chester Crady Ms. Angela Rena Craft (3) Ms. April Dawn Craft Mrs. Melinda M. Craft (16) Mr. Adam Hunter Crafton Mr. Charles W. Crafton (7) Ms. Nancy Atwood Crafton Lt. Col. (Ret.) William Toby Crafton (3) Mr. Gary Don Crafts (9) Mr. John Michael Craig (4) Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Craig Ms. Pamela Kaye Craig (3) Ms. Anna M. Creekmore (19) Mr. Kenneth W. Creekmore (2) Mrs. Barbara A. Crenshaw (5) Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Crenshaw Mrs. Debra Faye Crews (2) Mrs. Ruth C. Crews Mrs. Amanda Tyson Crick Mrs. Carole L. Crigger Ms. Edith A. Crisp Mrs. Helen B. Crocker (5) Mrs. Patricia A. Crocker (9) Mr. Eric Crockett Mr. Ian Thomas Crockett Mrs. Christy M. Croft (2) Mrs. Carol A. Cromer (4) Mr. Joe Allen Cromer Mrs. Mylene Henley Cromwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cron (4) Mrs. Edith H. Cropp (19) Mrs. Martha M. Cropper (3) Mr. David C. Cross (5) Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Cross (2) Mr. Fred D. Cross (5) Mr. Joseph Karl Cross (3) Mrs. Monica Brockwell Culver (2) Ms. Alison H. Cummings (2) Ms. Evelyn Fisher Cummings Mr. Joe A. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cummings Mrs. Angela Rice Cummins Ms. Catherine Cummins Mrs. Debra L. Cummins (3) Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsay Cundiff (8) Mrs. Connie Cundiff Mr. Darren L. Cundiff Mr. Don R. Cundiff Mr. Kevin Neil Cundiff Mrs. Martenia B. Cundiff (4) Mr. Mitchell Wayne Cundiff Mrs. Stacey K. Cundiff (4) Mrs.Teresa Whitmer Cundiff (2) Mr. Jim Cuniffe (2) Mr. Craig Cunningham (8) Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham Mr. Doyle R. Cunningham (4) Mrs. Emily M. Cunningham (5) Mr. Howard Alan Cunningham (2) Ms. Kimberly B. Cunningham (3) Photo by Clinton Lewis Big Red leads the riders out of the E.A. Diddle Arena parking lot on Rumph's Ride, a poker run to raise money for scholarship funds in the names of former Hilltoppers Danny Rumph and Clarence Martin on July 16, 2005. Rumph and Martin passed away earlier this year. Mrs. Patricia H. Craig Ms. Alecia Lynn Craighead Ms. Sarah L. Craighead Mr. David Storey Crain Mr. Kevin Crain and Mrs. Sherry Crain Ms. Betsy Crandall Ms. Jean Degrace Crandall Mr. John Cranor (2) Mrs. Rosalind A. Cranor Ms.Vivian C. Cranor (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Timothy Cravens Ms. Frances Carolyn Cravens (2) Ms. Cheryl Anne Crawford (3) Ms. Claudia Rose Crawford Mrs. Joanne Sneed Crawford (6) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Allen Crawford Mr. William Mason Crawford (2) Mrs. Winifred P Crawford Mrs. Diane S. Crawley Mr. Harry S. Craycroft (2) Mr. Robert Michael Creager (4) Creative Design (3) Creative Quilters Ms. Jessica Renee Creech Mrs. Melody Beth Creech (9) Mr.Troy Caleb Creech (9) 60 Mrs. Laura Scott Cross (2) Mr. Winfried B. Cross (3) Mr. Richard Crossley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Crosslin (7) Mrs. Elsie S. Crouch (8) Ms. Monica Oldaker Crowder Mrs. Brenda Kaye Young Crowe (10) Mr. Daniel J. Crowe Mrs. Karen Crowe Mrs. Miriam P. Crowe (2) Mr. W. J. Crowe (2) Mrs. Candace Crowley Ms. Cris Ann Crowley (7) Ms. Mary Crum (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jon Eric Crumbie Mr. Richard Lee Crumbie, Jr. (10) Mr. Lee Alexander Crume Dr. Claudia and Mr. Stanley Crump Ms.Virginia Crump Mrs.Terri D. Crutcher Ms. Isobel R. Crutchfield (15) Mr. Alex Cruz (3) Mr. Martin Anthony Cruze Mrs. Brenda C. Cuff Mrs.Victoria Lynn Culbreth Dr. Jonathan Cullick Mr. Michael J. Cunningham (2) Mrs. Pauline Cunningham Mr. Roger D. Cunningham (4) Mr. Michael Curatolo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Curlee Mr. and Mrs.Tom Curley (9) Mr. and Mrs. Arch J. Curran, Jr. (2) Mr. Ryan Kenneth Currens Mr. and Mrs. Bruce James Currie Mr. Michael Verne Currier (10) Rev. Christopher Dale Curry (3) Ms. Christy Curry Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gene Curry (2) Mr. Robert Lynn Curry (4) Mr. Michael Joseph Curtin Mrs. Belinda J. Curtis Mrs. Bette T. Curtis (3) Mr. David S. Curtis (5) Mr. Craig Edward Curtiss (2) Mr. James Donald Cutbush (5) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Joe Cuzzort D & D Contracting Group, Inc. Ms. Linda Diana Dabney (2) Mrs. Mildred K. Dacus Ms. Alissa Diane Daeger Mrs. Marye Stone Dahlman (3) Mrs. Darlene M. Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Dailey, III (2) Mrs. Marilou S. Dailey (2) Ms. Crystal Dawn Daily Mr. John M. Dalbo Mr. Joseph Shawn Daley Mrs. Annette M. Dalton (2) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Daly (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen Dame (2) Mr. Norman Julius Damer (3) Mrs. Jama H. Danhauer (5) Mr. William E. Danhauer (5) Mr. Danny Joe Daniel Mr. Dwight D. Daniel Mr. Lovick W. Daniel Ms. Mary Jo Daniel Mr. Murel Daniel (5) Mr. William Nicks Daniel (15) Mr. Bob Daniels (2) Mr. Edward S. Dansereau Dr. Emil Dansker (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph Dant (7) Mrs. Shelly H. Dantzler (4) Mr. Darrell L. Darby Ms. Katherine Jean Darden Mrs. Suzanne Darland Mr. Danny Lee Darnell Ms. Brandy Marie Dashnaw Database Works, Inc. Dr. Lillian R. Daughaday Mrs. Kathy Lee Daugherty (2) Ms. Lee Ann Daugherty (3) Mr. Wesley S. Daughtry Ms. Jennifer Beth Davenport Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Davenport (2) Mr. Robert B. Davenport (6) Mrs. Shirley B. Davenport (7) Mrs.Teresa Evelyn Davenport Mr. James Ronald Daves (3) David M. Moody D.M.D. (3) David W. Lamar Attorney at Law Ms. Lynn David Mrs. Lori Anne Davidson Mr. Oscar Davidson (2) Mrs. Paula H. Davidson (2) Mrs. Sarah G. Davidson Mrs. Susan Davidson Dr. James C. Davies (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Lynn Davila (2) Mrs. Angela Denise Davis Mrs. Anita C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Davis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Y. Davis (7) Mr. and Mrs. James Mount Davis Mr. Carl Edmund Davis, Jr. (2) Mrs. Carolyn D. Davis Mr. Cary E. Davis (6) Mr. Chad Wayne Davis Mr. Charles Davis (2) Mr. Charles T. Davis (2) Mr. Cheyenne Thomas Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ken Davis (9) Mr. and Mrs. Curry W. Davis, Jr. (11) Mr. and Mrs. David Davis (5) Mrs. Darlene H. Davis (3) Mr. Donald Davis (8) Mr. Donald Lee Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ford T. Davis (6) Mr. Eric Lamar Davis (2) Ms. Erin Marie Davis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Davis (4) Mr. Gary P. Davis (2) Mrs. Gina Elizabeth Davis Mr. Harold T. Davis Mr. Harold Wayne Davis (10) Mr. Herbert C. Davis Mr. Howard Samuel Davis, Jr. Mr. Hugo Davis (4) Ms. Imogene T. Davis Mrs. Izetta Davis Mr. James E. Davis (6) Mr. and Mrs. James L. Davis (2) Mr. James S. Davis (4) Mr. Jay W. Davis Mrs. Jennifer D. Davis (5) Mr. John G. Davis (2) Mrs. Lisa Davis (14) Mrs. Lori Ann Davis Mrs. M. Elaine H. Davis (3) Mrs. Mary Virginia Davis Mr. Michael G. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Corey Douglas Davis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Davis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Revere Davis Mrs. Sherri Davis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Patrick Davis Ms. Susan B. Davis (3) Mrs.Teresa Sue Davis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Darrel Davis (8) Mr. William Barry Davis Mr. William Sinclair Davis Davisco, Inc. Mr. Joseph C. Dawkins (14) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dawson Mr. Brian Dent Dawson (3) Mr. C. Leslie Dawson (4) Mrs. Glennie Dawson (2) Ms. Jessie Dawson (d.) Dr. and Mrs. Royce E. Dawson (4) Mrs. Mia H. Dawson (4) Mr. Ronald L. Dawson Dr. Wallace Dawson (3) Ms. Amanda L. Day (3) Mr. Brian Douglas Day Mr. Daniel Day Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Day (14) Mrs. Nancy M. Day (9) Mr. Paul M. Day (15) Mrs. Sherry Srygler Day (d.) Mr. Steven H. Day Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dayberry (3) Mr. Jim De Camp Mrs. Rosemarie Anne Dean (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Dean (7) Dr.Terry Randall Dean, DMD Mr. Robert L. Deane Mr. Donald Dearing (19) Mrs. Deborah Dearing-Yoakem (11) Mr. James Michael DeArmond Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deaton Mr. Mark E. Deaton (2) Mr. Brent Lyle Deaves (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark David Deberry (2) DeBiase Family LLC Mr. Frank Vincent DeBiase Mrs. Connie L. Debord Mr. John F. DeBow Mr.Vernon Ray Debruler Mr. and Mrs. James Joseph Decesare (4) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dwight Decker Mrs. Pamela J. Decker Ms.Vicki S. Decker Mr. Robert G. Decraene Mrs. Catherine Mary Irvin Deddens (3) Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Dedmond (2) Mr. Paul J. DeDominico (2) Mr. Paul C. Deemer Mr. and Mrs. Randall Edward Deere Mr. Charlie Dees (5) Mrs. Rita Jackson Dees (5) Ms. Natasha Krystal Dejarnett Mr.Todd W. Delaney Mrs. Nancy Cawrse Delisio Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. DeLong Delta Air Lines Foundation Mrs. Cheryl B. Delvisco (2) Mrs. Lula A. Demaree Mrs. Nancy C. Demaree (4) Mr. Jeremy T. Demarest Mrs. Ann S. Demko (5) Mr. Edward Demonbrun Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Steven Dempsey (3) Mr.Timothy Dunn Dempsey (2) Ms. Connie Irene Demunbrun Mrs. Sara S. Demuth (3) Mrs.Tracie Lane Dendy Mrs. Patsy Matthews Denham (8) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Dening (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Edward Denison Mr. Charles Melburn Denney Mrs. Dana Michelle Denney (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Denney Ms. Norma Jean Denney (5) Mrs. Heather Kaye Dennis Mrs. Jennifer C. Dennis (9) Mrs. Amy L. Dennison Mrs. Deidra Michelle Dennison (3) Mrs. Mary Davis Dennison Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mrs. Merry Q. Denny Mr. R. Scott Denny Ms. Stacey Marie Densler Mr. Peter Duffy Denson Mr. David Stimson Denton Mrs. Sandra Denton Mr. John Anthony Depalma (4) Mrs. Shauna P. Depp (2) Mrs.Theresia D. Depriest Mr. Richard Derby (3) Mr. William A. Dermody (11) Mr. Peter Carmen Derosa Mr. William W. Deskins (5) Mr. David Taylor DeSpain Mr. Joseph Y. DeSpain (17) Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence DeSpain (16) Mr. Phillip Edward DeSpain Mr. Frank Lowell DeTalente Mr. and Mrs. Steve Detenber (4) Dr. Carol Michler Detmer (5) Mr. Jason Scott Detre Mr. John Detre Ms. Katherine Cranfill Deutsch (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Devine (9) Mr. Jerry M. Devore (3) Mrs. Aloma W. Dew Mr. George R. Dew Ms. Erika Suzanne Dewald Mr. Raymond P. Deweese (6) Ms. Diana Leigh DeWitt Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dexter (12) Mr. Stanley Craig Dezern Mr.Terence F. W. Di Bella (2) Mrs. Jamie Elizabeth Di Mauro Mr. Nick C. Diachenko (3) Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Dick (2) Mr. David Dickason (2) Mrs. Antoinette N. Dickens (16) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell L. Dickerson (2) Ms.Virginia Dickert Hon. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Dickinson (24) Mrs. Cynthia K. Dickman Ms. Genie O. Dickson (11) Mrs. Jenny Sue Dickson (2) Mrs. Kathy Didio (2) Ms. Charlotte Dieckhoff (2) Mr. Bernard Diedrich (3) Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee Diedrich Ms. Debora Jo Diemer Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Diemer (3) Dr. Chuck Joseph Dietzen Mr. Arthur Digby (7) Mr. and Mrs.Theodore J. Diguiseppe Mrs. Susan L. DiLaura Mr. and Mrs. Scott Allen Dillard (4) Ms. Linda Sue Dillard Mrs. Lorvetta Dillard (2) Mr. Scott Dillery (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Dilliha (5) Mr. James Edward Dillingham (17) Mrs. Donna Dimmitt Mr. James F. Dinwiddie (7) Mr. Norman Darrell Diseker (3) Ms. Deborah Dishon Ms. Amy B. Disparte (3) J.V. and Betty Gunn Ditmore (2) Ms. Katherine M. Dittmeier Mr. William F. Ditto (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kelly R. Divine (10) Mr. David Dixon (3) Mrs. Gail B. Dixon (14) Mr. Givens Dixon (9) Ms. Lindsey Anne Dixon Ms. Lorna Dixon Ms. Deana Lynne Doan (3) Ms. Paula Blanche Doane (2) Ms. Susan V. Doane Mrs. Ruth Anne Dobbins Mr. Wesley M. Dobbins Ms.Terri L. Dobbs Mr. Scott Alan Dobler (2) Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Dodd, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dodd (11) Mr. Harry T. Dodemont (4) Mrs. Cynthia D. Dodson (14) Ms. Deborah Renee Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig Dodson Doerr Financial Group, Inc. Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. Dennis L. Doerr Ms. Kathleen Dohnert Mrs. Nancy L. Domeck (11) Ms. Julie Ann Domian (3) Dominican Sisters (3) Mr. James Herbert Donald (11) Ms. Margaret Ann Donaldson (9) Mr. Randall C. Donaldson (8) Mrs.Vicki L. Donaldson Mr.Thomas A. Donan Ms. Hermance G. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Donnelly, Jr. (5) Mrs. Mary B. Donnelly (3) Mrs. Hollie H. Donze (3) Mrs. Dorothy Dooley Mr.Thomas Leslie Dooley (2) Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Doom Ms. Lydia Mari Dorman Ms. Donna Louise Dorris (10) Dr. Gordon G. Dorris Mr. Steven Loyd Dorris (3) Ms. Megan C. Crumbacher Doss (2) Mrs. Dana Dossey (2) Ms. Betty B. Dotson (13) Mr. Robert L. Doty (8) Double Dome Systems, Inc. Double T Construction Mrs. Cynthia Ann Dougherty (2) Gen. Russell E. Dougherty (3) Mr. William R. Dougherty (2) Mr. A. Ray Douglas (5) Mr. Johnny Wayne Douglas Mrs. Marica A. Douglas Mrs. Stephanie Nicole Douglas (2) Staff Sgt.Tyrone J. Douthit (2) Mr. James M. Douthitt (5) Ms. Joanna Kay Dove Mrs. Janella Jean Dowd Mr. David Dowdell Mr. Ronald B. Dowdell Ms. Nancy Kathleen R. Dowdy Ms. Casey E. Dowell Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Dowell (5) Mr. and Mrs. Erik L. Dowell (3) Mr. William Chad Dowling (2) Mr. Bradley Downall Mr. and Mrs. William J. Downard Mrs. Claudia Downey (14) Ms. Janet L. Downey Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Downey Ms. Ashley Downing Mr. Danny B. Downing (3) Mr. and Mrs. John C. Downing (2) Ms. Aimee R. Downs Mr. Charles Keith Downs Mrs. Janelle E. Downs (4) Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Downs (2) Mr. Sean Robert Downs (3) Ms. Sharon R. Downs Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott Doyel Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Doyle Ms. Gwendolyn Danette Doyle Mrs. Laura J. Doyle Mr. Patrick J. Doyle Mr. Ronald D. Doyle (2) Mr.Vann I. Doyle Mrs. Mary Jo Dozer Dr. Max M. Downey, PSC Ms. Bettie H. Drake (2) Mrs. Brenda Alice Drake (12) Mr. Darryl Drake Mr. Gregory Keith Drake (4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mark Drake (2) Mrs. Kay Montgomery Drake Ms. Sarah Frances Drake (11) Mr. Wilbur B. Drake (9) Mr. and Mrs. William R. Draper (2) Mr. Edward L. Dreikorn, Jr. (3) Ms. Alexandra Dressman Mr. and Mrs.Tim F. Driggs (5) Mr. Curtis Dringenburg (2) Mr. Daniel B. Drinnen Mrs. Deborah Ann Driskill (14) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ray Driver (10) Ms. Judith Ann Driver (8) Mr. John Charles Drombosky (4) Mrs. Clara Mae Druen (11) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edward Drummond (2) Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Drungo Ms. Marisa Jones Duarte Ms. Jill D. Duba Ms. Bobbie Jo Dubree (3) Mrs.Tammy Lynn Dubree (3) Mrs. Donna Jo Deason Dubrock (4) Mr. David A. Dubs (8) Mr. Claude Duckett Mrs. Cathy R. Duckworth Ms. Margaret Jean Dudgeon Mrs. Angie Dudley (2) Ms. Adrian M. Duff Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Duff (2) Mr.Taylor Duff Mrs.Traci Michelle Duff Mr. Kevin Scott Dugan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denny Duggins (2) Mrs. Diana Mae Duggins (7) Ms. Betty Evans Duke Mrs. Donna Duke (2) Mrs. Donna Mann Duke Mr. Jarrod C. Duke (2) Ms. Laura Belle Dukes Mrs. Sarah Kay Dukes (3) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ray Dukes (3) Mr. Alton H. Dull, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dumke Ms. Angela R. Duncan Ms. Doris Jean Duncan Ms. Jane N. Duncan Mr. Jeffrey Alan Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Duncan Mrs. Mary Alice Duncan Mrs. Mattie S. Duncan (7) Mrs. Nancy D. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Duncan, Jr. (3) Mrs. Ruby Carol Duncan (3) Mrs. Sherry K. Duncan (2) Ms.Tammy L. Duncan Ms.Vanessa R. Duncan Ms. Rachel H. Dunham (16) Mr. John Dunlop, III (3) Mrs. Debra C. Pierce Dunn (2) Mr. Donald L. Dunn Dr. and Mrs. James David Dunn (16) Mr. James H. Dunn Ms. Mary Beth Dunn Mr. Robert Dunn Mr. Ronald J. Dunn (7) Mrs. Rosebud M. Dunn (3) Mrs.Theresa L. Dunn (2) Mrs.Tracy S. Dunnavant (9) Mr. Gary Lee Dunning Mrs. Judy Marie Dunning (11) Mr. Ken J. Dunsire (5) Mr.Troy Lee Dupin Mrs. Cynthia Faye Dupree Ms. Shannon Renee Dupree (2) Mr. Daniel Wayne Durbin Mrs. Deborah Sue Durbin (9) Lt. Col. (Ret.) John Brian Durbin (5) Mr. Joseph Leo Durbin (4) Mr. Bruce Durham Dr. and Mrs.Terry W. Durham (12) Mrs. Debbie S. Durham Mr. Donald Gary Durham (6) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Michael D. Durham Mr. Patrick Hager Durham (3) Mrs. Kimberly Cheree Durrance (3) Mr. Samuel J. Durrett (11) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jon Durs, Jr. Dr. James Durston (4) Mrs. Marla Knight Dutille (2) Mr. Billy F. Duvall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Duvall (3) Mr. William J. Duvall Mr. Joseph Byron Dwyer (3) Mr. Delbert V. Dyar Mr. and Mrs. Barry Philip Dye (7) Mrs. Joni Lynn Dye (13) Dr. and Mrs. Billy T. Dye (2) Mr. Edwin Kenneth Dyer (11) Filma Dyer Ms. Rebecca Rubini Dyer (4) Ms. Susan Lynn Dyer Ms. Mary D. Dykes (2) Mr. Joseph A. Dyson (6) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Eade Ms. Karen S. Eades Dr. Berry E. Eads (5) Mr. John Eads Ms. Sharon Ann Eagles Ms. Kimberly Dawn Earl (3) Mrs. Mary R. Earley (10) Mr. John Michael Early (11) Ms. Patty C. East Mr. and Mrs. William East (8) Ms. Katherine L. Easterday (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Lynn Eastham (3) Mr. Stephen Hancock Eastin (3) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Eaton (2) Mrs. Melanie Eaton Ms. Nell S. Eaton (2) Ms. Debra Kathryn Ebelhar Mrs. Helen Y. Ebelhar (5) Ms. Janet Graham Ebelhar Mr. Michael Scott Ebelhar (3) Mr. Rufus D. Eblen, Jr. (5) Mr. Gary Andrew Ebling Ms. Janis Dianne Ebolum (4) Mr. Rodolfo E Echipare Mrs. Bonita B. Echstenkamper (3) Dr. Ronald David Eckard (21) Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence Eckman (10) Mr. Walter G. Ecton, Jr. (2) Ms. Jeanette B. Eddleman (2) Mr. Morrison Lewis Eddleman Mrs. Anne Celine Edds Mrs. Cheryl Ann Edelen (7) Ms. Geraldine Marie Edelen (2) Mr. James Samuel Edelen Mrs. Mandy Jo Eden Mr. Keith Edge Mrs. Marianne Edge (15) Mrs. Mary Anne Edge (9) Mr. Ronald F. Edge Ms. Mary Annette Edgin Mr. Gregory Ralph Edinger Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Edison (4) Mrs. Colleen Adele Edmiston (7) Mrs. Ashley Edmonds Mrs. Deborah A. Edmonds Mr. John Edmondson (5) Edmonton Family Vision Center, PSC Ms. Ruby Teresa Edmundson (2) Ms. Ola Denise Edsell (2) Edward Jones - Thomas Wright Ms. Barbara J. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Edwards (13) Mrs. Beverly Bloyd Edwards (8) Mrs. Carol Oxford Edwards Ms. Carrie L. Edwards Mr. James B. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David Randall Edwards (3) Mr. Larry M. Edwards Mrs. Leigh Ann Edwards Mr. Lyle Allen Edwards Mr. Mark Curtis Edwards (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Edwards (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Edwards Mrs. Ruby Gail Edwards (2) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jay Edwards (4) Mrs.Tonya Denise Edwards (3) Mr. W. Brian Egan Ms. Donna S. Egbert (3) Mr. J. C. Egnew (6) Mrs. Phyllis Egnew (11) Ms. Cindy E. Ehresman Ms.Velma C. Ehresman Mr. Robert C. Eich (5) Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Eiche Mrs. Carol J. Eicher (8) Mrs. Sue S. Eicher (3) Mrs. Mary Margaret Eiland (2) Mr. Robert A. Eimer (16) Mrs. Linda L. Ekberg Mr. Roy Oscar Elam, IV Mrs. Carolyn B. Elamon (7) Mrs. Melissa Ann Elder (12) Mrs. Charlotte Lee Eldridge Mr. M. Lynn Eldridge, II (4) Electronic Project Designs, Inc. Mr. Donald Elliott Eley (8) Mr. Dennis H. Elgin (3) Ms. Lisa K. Elkins Dr. Beth A. Elliott (8) Mr. Billy Allen Elliott Ms. Genevieve Elliott Mrs. Lianne J. Elliott (4) Mr. Lloyd H. Elliott, Jr. (4) Ms. Mildred Elliott Ms. Pamela Elliott Mr. and Mrs.Tommy Lynn Elliott Mr. William Barry Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hunt Ellis (2) Mr. Gary D. Ellis (2) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ellis (2) Ms. Jewell Deene Ellis Mr. Kent A. Ellis (2) Mrs. Linda Sue Ellis (2) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy E. Ellis Mr.Tommy C. Ellis (2) Mrs.Valerie C.Timmons Ellis (4) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellison (2) Mrs. Maryde H. Elliston (17) Mr. Charles Ernie Elmore Mr. Danny J. Elmore Mr. David Robert Elmore Mrs. Marie Michelle P. Elmore (5) Mrs. Melissa M. Elmore (7) Mr. Brian W. Elrod Mrs. Martha C. Elrod (13) Ms. Katie Elsner Mr. Norman H. Elsner (5) Mr. Richard J. Elson, Jr. (2) Mr.Thomas J. Elsten, Jr. Mrs. Janice Primel Ely (3) Ms. Carole T. Emberton Mrs. Carla D. Embry Mrs. Dianne R. Embry Mr. Hugh Embry Mr. Jason Scott Embry Mr. John W. Embry Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Embry Mrs. Mary Carolyn Hill Embry (7) Mrs. Nancy Embry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ollie Emerine (2) Ms. Deborah Emerson (4) Mr. Douglas E. Emerson (12) Mr. Larry Douglas Emerson (3) Mrs. Mary Ruth Emerson Ms. Heather Renae Emge Mr. Ronald E. Emig Employment Security Commission Mrs. Mary Vernice Engeset (12) England Farm Ms. Courtney A. England Mr. Danny Creal England (2) Dr.Thomas G. England (4) James T. England Mr. John Clyde England (2) Mr. Michael Scott England Dr. and Mrs. Michael Timothy England (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ray England (4) Mr. Ronnie England Mrs. Sandra Petett England (2) Ms. Sandy S. England Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Clyde England (5) Ms. Barbara Janet English (16) Mr. Daniel C. Ennis Ms.Veronica R. Ent (3) Mr. Roger H. Eppinger (2) Mr. Kelly Thomas Erbse Mr. Raymond N. Erkkila Mrs. Diane Escobedo Ermi (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson Ernsell (3) Mr. Danny Lee Ernst Mr. Robert L. Ernst (2) Mrs. Marcia A. Ernstberger (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Ervin (3) Ms. Carol M. Esch (4) Mr. Michael Raphael Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Oral Fay Esters Mr. Jeffrey Shane Estes Mr. Joe Clifton Estes (2) Ms. Linda Estes Ms. Natalie Annette Estes Mr. Paul Curtis Estes (2) Mr. Joseph W. Etten Mrs. Carol J. Etzel Dr. Rachel R. Eubank (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eubanks Mrs. Lynda Lee Euster (2) Pat Eutsler Mr. Benjamin Levi Evans (3) Mr. Bruce W. Evans (3) Mrs. Carol Graham Evans Ms. Christie Lee Evans (2) Mr. David W. Evans (2) 61 HONOR ROLL Annual Fund Gifts & Total Gifts Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Eric Evans (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Evans (2) Mr. Harry Evans Mr. Hugh Evans Ms. Jackie Evans Mr. Jerry Evans Mrs. Joanne M. Evans (12) Mr. and Mrs. John Owen Evans (3) Mrs. Linda M. Evans (2) Ms. Margaret D. Evans Mr. Mark S. Evans Mr. Phillip Wayne Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John David Evans Ms. Robbie Ann Evans (11) Mrs. Stacey F. Evans Ms.Vicki Lynn Evans (3) Mrs. Carrie V. Evento (20) Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bryant Everley Mr. Benjamin David Everley Mrs. Mary Everly Mr.Ted David Everly (2) Mr. Robert N. Eversole (2) Mrs. Nan Everson Legler (2) Mr. Harold E. Evilsizor (3) Mr. Edward F. Ewald Mrs. Cheryl C. Ewanciw Ms. Connie Ewen Mrs. Michelle Margaret Ewing Executive Inn Hotel - Louisville (14) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Eyl (5) Mr.Theodore S. Eysenbach, Jr. Mr. Kevin Wayne Ezell Mr. Raymond D. Ezell (3) Mrs. Susan Barr Fackler (4) Mrs. Angela Carter Fahling Mr. Bret Donald Fahnstrom (7) Mrs. Connie Kay Fain Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Fain (5) Mr. Joe L. Fairleigh (3) Mr.Thomas A. Falicchio, Jr. (14) Ms. Mary Fallen Mr. Daniel Brion Faller Mr. David Alan Faller (7) Mrs. Mary E. Fallot Dr. Scott Douglas Falls (2) Mrs. Robin V. Fambrough Mr. Moore Family Mr. Gabriel L. Fancher Mr. Bruce Fanelli (4) Mr. and Mrs. William Shane Fant (2) Mr. Charles Ronnie Farber (2) Ms. Sandra Sue Fariss (6) Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Farley (2) Ms. Cindy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steven Farmer (7) Mrs. Kathryn C. Farmer Maj. Nathaniel Wayne Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ray Farmer (10) Ms. Penny L. Farmer (3) Mr.Timothy Joel Farmer (7) Mr. and Mrs. John O. Farner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward Farris (3) 62 The WKU Annual Fund is composed of annual gifts of less than $10,000 Mr. John K. Farris Ms. Marjorie F. Farris (4) Ms. Nana Suzann Farris Ms. Sandra W. Farris Mr. William A. Farris Mr. David Fastman Fatted Calf Meat Market LLC Mr. Cornelius J. Faulkner Mrs. Donna G. Favors Mr. Wiley B. Faw, Sr. Mr. David A. Faxon, Jr. (13) Mrs. June D. Faxon (2) Mr. John Joseph Fay Mrs. Katrina E. Featherston (3) Federated Department Stores Mr. Ricardo Federico (3) Mr. Ricci Federico Mr. Alan Brad Feingold (11) Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biggers Feix (3) Mrs. Sandra S. Feldhaus (6) Mr. J. Joseph Felicicchia (4) Mrs. Kimberly Leann Fell Mrs. Suzanne Denise Feller (3) Mr. Jonathan Burkley Felty Mrs. Lucia M. Felty (10) Mr. Matthew Thomas Fender Mr. Doug Fenn Mr. David Fentress Mr. Dennis Britt Fentress (7) Mr. Louis Fentress, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Fentress (5) Mr. Wayne Fentress Mrs. Jessica Ross Fenwick (2) Ms. Jude Fenwick (7) Ms. Linda Benson Ferber (2) Mr.Trent Mitchell Fergerson (3) Mrs. Jane Huey Ferguson (3) Mr. John Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Ferguson Mrs. LeeAnn Rene Ferguson (3) Mr. Michael P. Ferguson (4) Mr. Richard L. Ferguson Mr. Alan N. Fern Mrs. Kelley Hammers & Mr. Leo Fernandez (18) Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Maximino Fernandez (2) Mr. Peter S. Ferrara (7) Mrs. Jennifer Amber Ferrell Ms. Kathleen Ann Ferry (16) Mrs. Mary Carolyn Fetherling Mr. Lynn R. Fetterman (17) Fiber Clean Inc. Mr. Billy Wayne Fields (9) Ms. Cynthia Donne Milligan Fields Mrs. Jennifer Ferguson Fields (2) Mrs. Joan L. Fields (5) Ms. Krissie C. Fields (3) Dr. Richard M. Fields Mr. David Figg Ms. Carolyn Amalie Filzer (4) Mr.Thaddeus M. Fine (3) Mr. Billy Dewayne Finkbeiner Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Finley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Finley (16) Mrs. Rita Jo Finley (2) Ms. Stacey M. Finley (4) Mr. Daniel D. Finn Mr. and Mrs. James R. Finnell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee Firchow First Affinity Mortgage First Baptist Brannen Sunday First Tennessee/First Horizon Ms. Barbara A. Fischer Mrs. Jennifer C. Fischer Dr. Robert Scott Fischer (3) Mrs. Sherrell W. Fischer Ms. Peggy Fishburn (3) Mr. William H. Fishburn (14) Mr. Brian M. Fisher Mr. E. Austin Fisher, Jr. (5) Ms. Lillie Perkins Fisher (4) Mr.Thomas A. Fisher (3) Mr. Drew Fister Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymond Fitch (17) Mrs.Vicki Hawkins Fitch Ms. Annamary Janice Fitzgerald Ms. Jessica Kate Fitzgerald Mr. John Brodney Fitzgerald (3) Mr. Larry E. Fitzhugh (7) Five Inc. Ms. Sherilyn Verla Fiveash Mrs. Martha Claire Flack Mrs. Ann E. Flaherty Mrs. Beverly J. Flaherty (6) Mrs. Lisa B. Flaherty (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Russell Flanders Ms. Lonna Arden Flanders (3) Dr. Beckie S. Flannagan (8) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jerome Flannery, II (2) Mr. Larry D. Fleener Mr. and Mrs. John K. Fleenor (8) Dr. Anita Fleenor-Ford (2) Ms. Anna M. Fleet Mr. Douglas Van Fleet Mrs. Brandy Michelle Fleming Ms. Jeanne Fleming (3) Mr. Larry Fleming Ms. Lynna Renae Fleming Rev. Charles E. Flener (4) Mr. Roger Flener (8) Ms. Wanda Bondurant Flener (7) Ms. Alicia Joy Fletcher Mr. John C. Fletcher (4) Ms. Mary M. Fletcher (12) Mr. Jason Neil Flood (3) Mrs. Juliet Rose Flood Mr. Kelly Lee Flora Ms. Marie Flora (2) Mrs.Virginia Catherine Flora Mrs. Linda S. Florence (6) Mr. James Porter Flowers (7) Ms. Sarah Pritchard Flowers (2) Mrs. Deborah T. Floyd (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ray Floyd (13) Mr. Richard H. Floyd, Jr. Mrs. Sandy Fluker (2) Ms. Felicia D. Flynn Mr. Jason Jerome Flynn (3) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Flynn (11) Mr. and Mrs. James S. Flynn, III (2) FMC Foundation Ms. Donna B. Fogle Mr. William Sidney Fogle Mr. Rowland W. Folensbee Ms. Julie A. Foley Mr. Kevin Foley (6) Mr. Robert William Folger Mrs. Mary Katherine Gore Folkner (16) Ms. Marsha Folks Mrs. Gerry Linda Forbes (8) Ms. Linda S. Forbes (3) Mrs. Lucy B. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Forbis Ms. Andrea Lynn Ford Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Ford (4) Mrs. Charlotte Hesler Ford (10) Mrs. Clarice Ford (3) Mrs. Colette Ford (9) Mr. Glenn Allen Ford Mr. James Thomas Ford Mr. James Timothy Ford Ms. Janice Ford Mr. Jeff Ford Mrs. Jennifer Louise Ford Mr. Louis B. Ford (4) Ms. Martha H. Ford (3) Mrs. Mary Rose Ford (4) Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Ford (3) Mr. Steven M. Ford (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Ford Mr. Dwight Forderhase Mr. William S. Forester (2) Ms. Malia B. Formes (3) Mr. Dan Forrest (3) Mrs.Taqualia G. Forrest (3) Ms. April Forrester Mrs. Dawn Elaine Forry (7) Mr. Kenneth W. Forshee (2) Mr.Trent K. and LaDonna Forshee (6) Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Ross Forshee (2) Mrs. Eva S. Forsythe (8) Ms. Louise B. Forsythe Mrs. Norma Jean Forsythe (2) Mr. Preston L. Forsythe Dr. C. Mark Fort Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Fort Ms. Becky Fortner Mr. Eric Shane Fortner Mrs. Judy H. Fortney Mrs. Glee Anna Fossier Mr. Jon A. Fosson (3) Ms. Aleta J. Foster (11) Mr. Edward R. Foster (9) Mr. Gary L. Foster Mr. Gary S. Foster Mr. Gordon B. Foster, Sr. (4) Ms. Jonna D. Foster (2) Leigh Foster Ms. Melissa Jo Foster Ms. Merida R. Foster Mr. Robert Bruce Foster Mr. Roger Foster Mr. Gregory E. Fotos (2) Mr. John P. Fourqurean Fourth Avenue United Methodist Mrs. Diane Dooley Fout (5) Dr. and Mrs. James David Fowler (8) Mr.Timothy Scott Fowlkes (2) Mrs. Ashley Chance Fox (2) Mr. Darrell R. Fox (2) Mr. James E. Fox Ms. Lori G. Fox Mr. Michael Patrick Fox Ms. Patricia E. Fox (2) Dr. Ryan D. Fox (4) Mrs. Sherry C. Fox (15) Mr. Steven William Fox (7) Mr. John Robert Fraim (3) Mr. Jason D. Frakes Mr. Stanley A. Framburg, III (11) Mr. Steven Frame Mrs. Beth Ann Francis Ms. Holly Christian Francis Ms. Holly Emery Francis Mr. James N. Francis Mrs. Dianne Elaine Frank (2) Mr. Charles G. Franklin Mr. Clint H. Franklin (5) Mr. Donald W. Franklin Ms. Elaine Franklin Ms. Sarah E. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Todd Franklin Mr. Gregory Cliff Franzman Mrs. Margaret B. Fraser (9) Mr. Gregory Haywood Frasier Mrs. Ruth Charlene Fravala (9) Mr. John B. Frazee (6) Mrs. Amy Beckman Frazier Mrs. Sharon Smith Frech (2) Ms. Stephanie Frechette The Freddie Mac Foundation The Gail Frederick School of Dance Mrs. Gail M. Frederick Mr. William L. Frederick (4) Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee Free (2) Mr. Ron Freedman Mr. Allen George Freeland (7) Ms. Jennifer L. Freels Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie H. Freels Mr. David Noah Freeman (2) Mr. Donald W. Freeman Ms. Jane England Freeman Mrs. Kathy H. Freeman (10) Mrs. Laura Grise Freeman (2) Mrs. Mary Ann Freeman (2) Mrs. Sylvia R. Freeman (2) Mr.Thomas R. Freeman Mr.Todd Freeman Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Dr. John H. Freer (8) Mr. and Mrs. Dax Joseph Freese (2) Mr. Edward M. French (3) Ms. Rita Holmon French (6) Mrs. Lisa Victoria Frericks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glenn Freshley (4) Mr. Charles R. Freuden (2) Dr. Michael E. Freville (6) Ms. Carmen Della Frey Ms. Lori Suzanne Frey Mrs. Nancy Dianne Frey (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Alan Frey (2) Ms. Sally H. Friedl Mrs. Betsy Davis Friedman (2) Ms. Friedman and Mr. Bardin (10) Mr. Mark Dennis Friedman (4) Mrs. April R. Frieske (2) Mr. Jonathan Scott Frisch Ms. Martha Mae Frisch (5) Mr.Thomas T. Frishe (3) Mrs. Alesia Ann Fritts (8) Mr. Leroy E. Fritz Mr. David Brown Frizzell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Frizzell (2) Mr. Roger Abney Frizzell Mr. Jerry B. Frockt (36) Mrs. Laurie Hagan Froelich Mrs. Micki W. Froggett (3) Ms. Peggy Lynn Frost Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Fruehwald Mr. Gary Alvin Frye Dr. Michael Duane Frye (11) Ms. Emily Fryman Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Fryrear (12) Ms. Katherine E. Fuchs (2) Mr. Mark Allen Fudge (3) Ms. Peggy Jane Fudge (13) Mr. Denver Fugate (12) Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Fugate (5) Mr. Calvin Fulkerson Mrs. Camille Lynn Fulkerson Mr. Douglas Fulkerson (8) Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Fulkerson Mr. James L. Fulkerson Mrs. Janetta Lou Fulkerson (7) Ms. Jean Fulkerson Mrs. Jorita McMillen Fulkerson (3) Mrs. Judy Lynn Fulkerson Mr. and Mrs. Randy Joe Fulkerson (4) Mr. Marty Fulkerson Mr. Michael Hugh Fulkerson Ms. Rhonda Jo Loyall Fulkerson Ms. Shirley Rose Fulkerson (2) Ms. Camille L. Fuller (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Ms. Caroline Rather Fuller Ms. Dian Graham Fuller (5) Mr. and Mrs. Hayden K. Fuller Mr. Wayne W. Fuller (2) Mrs. Frances Kaye Fulton (3) Mr. Danny Gene Fultz (4) Ms. Margaret Ann Fultz (3) Ms. Betty M. Fulwood Mrs. Anita Barnett Fuqua Mr. Jeffrey A. Fuqua (2) Mrs. Marcia R. Fuqua (15) Mr. Norman L. Fuqua (2) Mrs. Sue Ellen Fuqua Dr. William R. Fuqua Mr. Jason W. Fura Mrs. Kathy Furlong Mr. Alex Furnival Mr. Joseph N. Futia Ms.Vicky Fuzzell G.T. D., Inc. (5) Mr. Gerald M. Gabbert (15) Mr. Donald Lynn Gabehart (2) Dr. Milton Keith Gabehart (16) Ms. Anita K. Gabel Mr. Robert Lawrence Gabler (15) Mr. Gregory L. Gaby (9) Ms. Nell D. Gaddie Mr. Roy E. Gaddie (d.) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas George Gaddis (3) Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gaddis (3) Mr.Tony James Gager (5) Ms. Melissa M. Gagliardi Mr. John D. Gaines Ms. Kim Gaines (3) Mrs. Lelia F. Gaines (3) Mr. Peter N. Galitzine (9) Mrs. Sandra Kaye Gallagher Ms. Janice Gallo Galloway Ventures, Inc. Mr. John Raymond Galloway Dr. Rex Farmer Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Galloway (2) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip N. Galloway Mr. Wayne Thomas Galloway (7) Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Ganem Mrs. Wendy Gant Mrs. Linda G. Gantley (6) Mrs. Carla Brooks Gantz Mr. Brian G. Garay (3) Dr. Maria and Mr. Boris Garber (17) Mrs. Darleen Gard Mrs. Sue Ellen Gardiner (3) Ms. Ann Gardner Mrs. Carol W. Gardner Mr. Lloyd Neal Gardner Mr. Michael Gardner (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robert Gardner Ms. Rebekah Gardner Mrs. Sandra Rasor Gardner Mrs. Shannon Wellock Gardner (5) Mrs. Zelma D. Gardner (3) Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gardone (11) Mrs. Darlene F. Gareau Mr. and Mrs. James N. Garman (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Wayne Garmon (3) Garner Appraisal Services Master Sgt. (Ret.) Howard C. Garner (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garner (6) Mrs. Julie Gott Garr Ms. Christin J. Garrard Mr. and Mrs. John W. Garratt Lee Garret Ms. Carolyn Garrett (2) Mrs. Christy C. Garrett Mr. Gordon Douglas Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Garrett (4) Dr. and Mrs. Jan Edward Garrett (17) Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Garris (10) Ms. Doris E. Garrison Mr. Joe Garrison (2) Ms. Karen L. Garrison Ms. Lori Beth Garrison Mr. Ray H. Garrison (4) Ms. Rosemary Garrison (9) Mr.Tony Garrison Mrs. Clara Rose Epp Garvey (9) Hon. and Mrs. Kevin L. Garvey (3) Mr. Arthur Garvin Ms. Barbara P. Gary (11) Nelda and Vernon Gary (2) Alumni Fall 2005 Ms. Julie Herman Gaskins Mr. James R. Gaslin Ms. Linda C. Gates Mr. Larry G. Gatewood Mr. Nicholas Gatto Mrs. Denise S. Gay Mr. and Mrs. Marvin N. Gay (12) Mrs. Rhonda Lanita Groves Gay Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Gaynor Mrs. Rebecca Huddy Gaynor Ms. Florence M. Gear (2) Ms. Mary E. Gear (2) Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Leonard Geary (4) Mr. Gerald Geary Mr. Michael K. Geary Mrs. Mitzi Turley Geary Mrs.Tina N. Geary Mr.Thomas H Gebhart Dr. Douglas Gebler (15) Ms. Julie Beth Gee (3) Mrs. Maria Orlando Gee Sister Ruth Gehres (4) Mr. Henry A. Geidel, III Mrs. Sunday A. Gelunas Mr. Jesse George Gentile (4) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Gentry Mr. Danny Dale Gentry Ms. Jessica Gail Gentry (3) Mr. John H. Gentry Mrs. Lisa B. Gentry (3) Mr. Marion Thomas Gentry (5) Mrs.Traci Gentry Mrs.Vivian M. Gentry Mr. Sean C. Geoghegan (2) Ms. Gloria Jean George (3) Ms.Tanya Sue Geraci Mrs. Margaret Gerald (3) Mr. Donald Ray Gerard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene Gerard, III Mrs.Theresa W. Gerard (4) Mrs. Adrienne E. Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Gerbig Mrs. Jane Marie Gerbitz (3) Ms. Judith J. Gerhardt Mr. Jeffrey S. Gerkins Mr. Keith Philips and Ms. Linda Gerofsky (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery W. Geron (2) Mr. John Scott Gerow Mr. Donald A. Gerteisen (2) Ms. Gladys Gertisen (12) Mrs. Andrea M. Gestrich (2) Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Getter Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lee Gettings (4) Mr. Willie Royce Gettings Mr. Bruce Wayne Gibbs (5) Mrs. Evelyn Celestine Gibbs (4) Mr. Allen Gibson Mrs. Caren B. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Leigh Gibson Mr. Doug Gibson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Richardson Gibson Ms. Jipaum S. Askew Gibson (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibson (7) Ms. Kristen L. Gibson (2) Mr. Mark Douglas Gibson Mrs. Martina Cockerel Gibson (5) Mrs. Mary Lavonne Gibson Ms. Raegan M. Gibson Ms. Shari A. Gibson (2) Mrs.Vickie Bickett Gibson Mr. William Evans Giesecke Mr. Bernard J. Gieske (19) Ms. Mary Penrod Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Gilbert Mr.Timothy Scott Gilbert (3) Ms. Alison K. Gildersleeve (3) Mr. James Bradford Gili (3) Ms. Joanna S. Gili (5) Mrs. Laura Hibbs Gilkerson (2) Mrs. Beth Ann Gill (3) Mr. Gary Gill Mr. James L. Gill Mr. Michael Brent Gill (3) Mr. Michael Earl Gill Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gillaspie (2) Mrs. Deborah F. Gillenwater (17) Mrs. Mary F. Gillenwater (11) Mr. Philip David Gillespie (3) Mrs. Sarah Fulmore Gillespie Ms.Terry G. Gillespie Dr. George S. Gilliam Mrs. Patricia A. Gilligan (2) Mr. George R. Gilliland Ms. Randa E. Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Gillis Mrs. Savannah M. Gillispie Gilman P. Peterson, Jr., M.D., FACS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Gilman (3) Ms. Lydia Francene Gilmer Mr. Bill Gilmore (3) Mrs. Deborah Crider Gilmore (3) Mrs. Lesley T. Gilpin (3) Mr. William Kent Gilpin (3) Mr. William T. Gilpin (2) Mrs. Cynthia Lee Gilson (2) Ms. Donna L. Gilton Mr. Herbert Ginger (5) Mrs. Deanna Elaine Gipson Mr. Kenneth T. Gipson (2) Mr. Glenn A. Gittings (4) Mr. William P. Gittings (4) Mr. Gene Givan Mr. Steven L. Givan (2) Mr. Michael Terry Given (2) Mr. Craig K. Givens (7) Mr. David L. Givens Ms. Heidi Givens Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Givens (2) Mr. Roger G. Givens Mr.Thomas Elry Givens (3) Mr. James F. Glahn (5) Mr. Gerald M. Glanville Ms. Barbara Ruthene Glass Mrs. Judy M. Glass (3) Mr. Michael Stephen Glass (3) Ms. Rhonda R. Glass Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Scott Glasscock (19) Mr. Jeff Allen Glasscock Mr. Mark Lee Glater Mrs. Charlene T. Glazier-Ross (7) Mr. George P. Gleitz (2) Mrs. Hattie P. Glenn Mr. Jay Mack Glick Mrs. Kelli W. Glines Global Impact Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Glore (10) Mrs. Barbara Foulke Glover Mr. and Mrs. William G. Glover Mr. Joseph W. Glowacki, Jr. (16) Ms. Luanne C. Glynn (5) Mr. Carl Seay Goad, Jr. (15) Mr. Jeffrey Scott Goad Mr. Kelly Parker Goad (7) Ms. Judy Carol May Godbey (2) Mr. Michael Freeman Goddard Mrs. Joyce Godfrey (3) Mrs. Mary Gray Godfrey (8) Mr. Hal Godigkeit Mr. Matthew Donald Godsted Mrs. Jill Marie Goetz Ms. Catheryn M. Goff (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Herman Goff Mr. Edward Ray Goff (8) Mrs. Kathy E. Goff Mrs. Michelle Webb Goff (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Goffe (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Goffinet (6) Goff's Fleetwood Home Center (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Goforth (2) Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Goidel Mrs. Debra L. Goins (2) Mr. Joe A. Goins, Jr. (4) Ms. Perle Golden Ms.Valerie Kay Golden (6) Mrs. Helen Goldie (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chad W. Goldman Ms. Joni S. Golightly (2) Mrs. Emma Jane Gollotte Mr. Robert David Gomer (3) Mr. Michael Alan Gonzales (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wayne Gooch Mr. Rick Kindred Good Mrs. Gloria E. Goodaker (14) Mr. Cecil E. Goode (11) Mr. Eugene Goode Ms. Pam M Goode Ms. Kimberly Ann Goodin (3) Mrs. Melody Scott Goodin Mrs. Gena Lee Gooding Mrs. Denise Renee Goodman (3) Ms. Jane Terry Goodman Mr. John P. Goodman (5) Mrs. Joni F. Goodman (3) Ms. Stacy M. Goodman Mrs. George Anne Goodrum Ms. Amy Leigh Goodwin Mrs. Debbie D. Goodwin Mr.Todd Elvis Goodwin (8) Ms. Julie Smith Goodworth Ms. DeAnna L. Goold (2) Ms. Jennifer Goolesby Mr. Mark Eugene Gordon (19) Mrs. Mary W. Gordon (5) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Gore (2) Ms. Jennifer S. Gore Mrs. Pippa Von Gore Mrs. Susan S. Gore (9) Ms.Virginia Gore (3) Mr. David W. Gorman Mrs. Jacqueline Gorski (7) Mrs. Faustina H. Gosa (19) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster Gosa Mrs. Lois Carolyn Gossage (2) Mr. and Mrs. Danny D. Gosser Mr. and Mrs. David Lynn Gossett Mr. Ronald Ray Gossett Ms. Donna Louise Gossum (2) Mr.Tim and Mrs. Ellen Gott (2) Mr. Hugh Warren Gott (2) Mr. Jason Eugene Gottfried Jack and Kathy Gotting (14) Ms. Margaret P. Gottshall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Norvin L. Gottula, II (4) Mrs. Leslie Leigh Gough (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eugene Gough (3) Mr. Preston Gover Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Gowens (3) Ms. Charlotte Kay Gower (3) Mr. Stanley D. Gowin Mr.Thomas Grabow Mrs. Dianne G. Grace (6) Mrs. Karen Lynn Walker Grace Mr. and Mrs. John Kevin Grace (4) Ms. Sharon M. Grace (2) Ms. Annelle G. Gracey Dr. Stanley H. Grady (9) Mr. William A. Graff (14) Graham Builders, LLC Ms. Ann Graham Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Graham (3) Mrs. Debra C. Graham (9) Ms. Diana Gail Graham (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Shane Graham Mr. and Mrs. Keith Todd Graham (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kerry B. Graham (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Graham Mrs. Regina Mae Graham Mr.Tim Graham Ms. Nettie Joy Gramling (11) Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Granay (3) Mr. Wilber A. Granderson, Jr. Ms. Amanda L. Grant (2) Mr. C. David Grant (3) Mr. Craig Douglas Grant Ms. Donna M. Grant (7) Mrs. Elaine S. Grant (6) Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Grant Mrs. Jane Wilson Grant Mr. Joseph Grant & Ms. Mary Claycomb Mr. Neilson Eugene Grant Ms. Shelly R. Grant (2) Mrs. Rebekah S. Grantham (7) Mr. Charles B. Graves (4) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Graves (3) Mrs. Fances Graves Mr. and Mrs. James A. Graves (2) Mrs. Mary Margaret Gravil (2) Mrs. Angela R. Graviss Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Gray (14) Mrs. Ann Mark Gray (2) Mr. David L. Gray (3) Mrs. Dorothy B. Gray (2) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dean Gray (4) Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gray (4) Mrs. Joyce A. Gray Ms. Julie E. Gray (3) Mr. Mack H. Gray Lt. Cmdr. Michael Allen Gray (2) Mr. Nathan Paul Gray (3) Mr. Paul D. Gray Mr. Robert Winslow Gray (13) Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Gray (2) Mr. Samuel Gray Mr. Samuel Dale Gray (2) Mrs. Susan H. Gray (13) Mr.Terry Lee Gray Mr. and Mrs. William Lacy Gray, Jr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Travis Grayson, Jr. (5) Mr. William P. Grayson (2) Mr. Ben Graziano Mr. Steven D. Greaf (5) Mrs. Connie L. Greathouse (2) Mrs. Robert L. Greek (5) Mr. Benjamin S. Green Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Allen Green Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Green (2) Mr. Edwin R. Green (4) Mrs. Emily Allen Green Mr. George Green, III Mrs. Jeanette Ann Green (9) Mrs. Judy D. Green Mr. and Mrs. William H. Green (2) Mr. Leland E. Green (14) Capt. Robert Gardner Green Mrs. Sharon P. Green Mr.Travis Leo Green Mr. Carl K. Greene Ms. Elizabeth L. Greene (3) Mr. Stephen James Greene Dr. Becky L. Green-Marroquin (2) Mr. Dennis Pierce Greeno (2) Mr. Alex Greenwell Mrs. Joan S. Greenwell (3) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Greenwell Mr. Joseph M. Greenwell Mr.Terry L. Greenwell (2) Mrs. Sandra Jean Greenwood (8) Ms. Betty P. Greer Ms. Cindy L. Greer Mr. Harold W. Greer (8) Mr. and Mrs. James McKay Greer (4) Mr. Joseph E. Greer, Jr. (2) Mrs. Cindy Lee Greger (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Matthew Gregory (4) Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Robert Gregory (2) Mr. Gary Hugh Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Ray Gregory (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Scott Gregory (3) Ms.Vicki Ann Gregory Mr. Craig Alan Grenko (3) Mr. Jack Reece and Ms. Suzy Grey (2) Mr. Charles Scott Grider Ms. Charlotte Crawley Grider Mr. Daniel Joseph Grider Ms. L. Sue Grider Mrs. Lisa Elizabeth Grider (8) Mrs. Sue Ellen Grider (3) Mrs. Susan Lee Grider Mrs. Letitia S. Griepenstroh Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Griffey (3) Ms. Addie Lucille Griffin (2) Mrs. Delphine R. Griffin Mrs. Florence M. Griffin (13) Hon. and Mrs. Henry McHenry Griffin (13) Mr. Ken Griffin Ms. Lucille M. Griffin Ms. Sharon A. Griffin (2) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Ray Griffin (15) Mr. William T. Griffin (2) Ms. Dorothy L. Griffith Mrs. Helen W. Griffith (4) Ms. Mildred B. Griffith (5) Mr. William S. Griffith Mr. James C. Griffiths Mr. Alan Lee Griggs Mr. George Lewone Griggs (3) Ms. Cassandra W. Grigsby (11) Mr. Paul Christopher Grimaldi (4) Mrs. Janice Lee Grimes (2) Ms. Lisa F. Grimes Mr. Mark Alan Grimes (2) Mr.Thomas J. Grimsley (4) Mrs. Anita K. Grinstead (2) Mrs. L. Marla Grinstead Mr. James K. Grise (13) Dr. Kay and Mr. Larry Grise Ms. Agnes M. Gritzmacher 63 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Robert Bradley Groce Mr. Justin M. Groenert Mr. Dwight Grooms (3) Mr. Carl Gross Lt. Col. and Mrs. Larry Ground (4) Mrs. Paula F. Grounds (2) Lt. Col. Billie R. Groves (10) Mr. Charles William Groves Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Groves (5) Ms. Rosaland Marie Groves Mr.Thomas Dwain Groves (5) Ms.Valerie Kepley Groves (10) Mr. and Mrs. George A. Grozdits Mrs. Faye Grubb (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Grubbs (7) Dr. Morris Allen Grubbs (3) Mrs. Pamela Janes Grubbs (4) Mr. Michael Wayne Gruber Mr. James George Grunow Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bennett Guess (9) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Guess (5) Mrs. Beth Marie Guest Ms. Christen Dawn Guffey (2) Mr. Paul R. Guffey (6) Mr. Anthony W. Guffy (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Guffy Mrs. Connie Reeves Guinn Mrs. Mae K. Guinn (8) Mr. Robert C. Guion (22) Mr. Franklin A. Gulledge, Jr. (2) Mrs. Susan Lavinia Gulley Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gullo (8) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Joseph Gumbel Mr. David Carlton Gumm (4) Mr. John G. Gumm (2) Mr. Matthew John Gunning Mrs. Jo Ellen Gunter (13) Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gupton (18) Mr. Jeff Allan Gurney (3) Dr. Holly Beth Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Gustafson Mr. Bow Scott Guthrie (2) Mr. Joe Pickett Guthrie Mrs. Nicole Guthrie (2) Ms. Patricia Matthews Guthrie Mrs. Lisa M. Gutsmann Mr. Charles R. Guy Mr. Chester Marshall Guy Mr. and Mrs. Gregg O. Guy (3) Mr. W. Dale Guyer, Jr. (9) Mr. Warren Edward Guyer (2) Mrs. Sarah Ruth Guzan Mr. Richard Stewart Gwinn Mr. Kenneth John Haak (2) Mr. Walter Richard Haberlock, Jr. (3) Mrs. Mary Anne Hack (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Keith Hacker (2) Mrs. Sandra H. Hacker (2) Ms. Cynthia Hackert Mrs. Laura Lucile Sullivan Hackley (2) Mrs. Leslie G. Hadam (6) Ms. Kari Jean Haddix Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Haddock Mrs. Jennifer Greenwell Haddow Mrs. Barbara Cook Hadley (2) Mrs. Sue Hendrick Hadley (3) Mr. Henry J. Hafendorfer (3) Mr. William F. Haffermann (5) Ms. Chrystena Michelle Hagan Ms. Diane V. Hagan (2) Mr. James Leo Hagan Ms. Laura Hagan and Mr. Eric Smith (8) Ms. Marilyn L. Hagan (2) Mrs. Pamela Ann Hagan (2) Mr. Rickey Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Hagan (2) Mr. Randall V. Hagedorn Dr.Virginia Lee Hagee Mr. Kenneth Ray Haggard (3) Mrs. Carol J. Hahn (7) Dr. Charles L. Haine (7) Ms. Misty B. Hair Mrs. Christina Ann Haire Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Hakanson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Halcomb (2) Mr. Bill Hale (3) Mr. Chris Alan Hale (8) Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Hale Ms. Kathlyn Hale Mr. Richard Stuart Hale (3) 64 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott Hale Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hale (15) Mrs. Shelly Ramona Hales (2) Mr. Forrest Dennison Halford (4) Mr. John Martin Halicks (14) Mr. Allan Hall Ms. Barbara L. Hall (5) Mrs. Beth Ann Hall (4) Ms. Beverly J. Hall Mr. Billy J. Hall Mr. Daniel W. Hall Mrs. Fadocia Annette Hall Mr. Gary L. Hall Mrs. Heather G. Hall (2) Mrs. Helen Christine Hall Mrs. Jan Hall Mr. Jonathan Lyle Hall Mrs. Judith B. Hall Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Hall Ms. Kristin Bryan Hall Ms. Meghan Alyson Hall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corey Hall Ms. Phyllis M. Hall Ms. Stacy Lee Hall Mrs.Vickie Ellis Hall Mrs. Paula Ann Halliburton (2) Mr. Blaik Phillip Halling Mr. James L. Hallman Mr. Christopher A. Haltom Mrs. Nancy L. Ham Mrs. Rachel Carol Hamblen (2) Ms. Kristi L. Hamblin Mr.Timothy Ross Hambrick Mr. Gary Lynn Hamby (2) Mr. Larry B. Hamby Mr. and Mrs. Brett Allen Hamilton Ms. Catherine Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hamilton (3) Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hamilton (7) Mrs. Deborah Sue Hamilton (8) Mrs. Julie G. Hamilton (5) Mr. L. Jack Hamilton Mrs. Linda Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamilton (2) Mr. William L. Hamilton (5) Mrs. Shelley L. Hamlet (3) Mr. Barret B. Hammer Mrs. Dana C. Hammer (5) Mr. Kevin Luther Hammer (4) Mr. Reggie Ray Hammer Mr. and Mrs. David Franklin Hammer (12) Ms. Mary Hammerstone Mr. Boyd Hammond (10) Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Hammons (4) Dr. Daniel Hamner Mr. Ernest W. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Hampton (10) Mr. Benjie Lee Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vincent Hancock Mr. Everett D. Hancock (4) Mrs. Kristi Anne Hancock Mrs. Lila Louise Hancock (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reed Hancock (4) Mrs.Tina Hancock (2) Ms. Candace Y. Hander Dr. William R. Handley (15) Mr. Larry Handwerk (4) Mr. C. W. Handy (14) Mr. Riley D. Handy Mr. Richard Hane (18) Mrs.Virginia E. Hanks (17) Mrs. Dorinda L. Hanley (2) Mr. C. Philip Hanna (12) Mr. Edwin B. Hanna (3) Dr. John M. Hanna (8) Ms. Monique Wright Hanna Rev. Richard B. Hanna (3) Mrs. Sabrina Erin Hannah (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Hans Julie and Alan Hansen (9) Mr. Kenneth J. Hansen (10) Mr. William H. Hansen (4) Mr. David D. Hansford (3) Ms. Margie Hansford (3) Ms. Betty S. Hanson (11) Mr. Ronald C. Hanson, Sr. (18) Mr. Stephen T. Hanvey Mr. William Andy Hape Mr. William E. Hape Mr. Bret Allen Happel (2) Mr. and Mrs. Don Happel (8) Mr. Jack A. Harbaugh Ms. Melinda Rae Harbin (5) Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Harbison Mr. Frederick L. Harbison Mr. Michael O. Hard Mrs. Patricia Jean Harden (8) Mrs. Kimberly A. Hardesty (2) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hardesty Mr. Stephen P. Hardesty Mr.Terry Lee Hardesty Ms. Debra L. Hardin (14) Mr. Dennis A. Hardin Mrs. Sherry Lynn Hardin (3) Mr. Willard Hardin Ms. Amy L. Hardison Mr. and Mrs. Mark Irvin Hardison Mr. Howard R. Hardman (4) Mrs. Pamela C. Hardman (8) Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Hardwick (2) Ms. Amy Hardy (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Daryl Hardy (2) Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Hardy (4) Ms.Theresa Ellen Hardy (4) Mr. Ronald Webb Hargett (3) Ms. Bethanie Hargett Slack Ms. Christian Denis Hargis Mrs. Kathy E. Hargis Dr. Herbert N. Harkleroad (20) Mrs. Martha Marbury Harkleroad (7) Mr. James A. Harl, Jr. Ms. Janet H. Harl Mrs. Angela Turner Harlan Mrs. Lori Leann Harlan Mr. Jens Harlander Mr. John William Harlin (2) Ms. Linda B. Harlin Mr. William C. Harlin (3) Ms. Amy T Harlow Mr. David Mark Harlow Mr. Luke Edward Harlow (2) Ms. Paige Elizabeth Harlow Mrs. Carla Grimes Harmon (3) Mr. Gary M. Harmon (4) Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Harmon (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Harmon (3) Mrs. Laura G. Harmon (3) Mr. Nicki Jon Harmon Harmony Landing Country Club Mr. William H. Harms (3) Mr. John Anthony Harnage Mrs. Wilda C. Harne (7) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harned (2) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Harned Mr. Authur W. Harper Mr. Brian Heath Harper (3) Mr. Devin L. Harper (6) Ms. Elizabeth A. Harper Mr. Glenn Raymond Harper Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harper (16) Ms. Marcia C. Harper Mr. Steven B. Harper Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harper (3) Ms. Megan Harpool Dr. Alice J. Harpring (2) Mr. Michael Miles Harpring (7) Mrs. Willie Lee Harrel (7) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis Harreld (2) Mr. Alva T. Harrell (2) Mr. Darrell W. Harrell (2) Mrs. Janice Harrell Mrs. Jerilane Harrell Mrs. Michelle Renee Harrell Mr. Robert Michael Harrell (20) Mr. and Ms. Joseph Dominic Nepi Mr. Oscar Lee Harrington (2) Harris & Harris Properties, LLC Mrs. Barbara Lynn Harris Mr. Benjamin M. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Harris (8) Mr. Charles E. Harris (2) Mrs. Claudette R. Harris (2) Mr. Conrad H. Harris (4) Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Scott Harris Mrs. Dellah F. Harris Mrs. Donna Starks Harris (2) Mr. Eric Allen Harris (6) Mr. and Mrs. George D. Harris (10) Mr. Jackie Harris Mr. James M. Harris, Jr. (2) Mrs. Jan D. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Dean Harris (3) Mr. Jeffery L. Harris Mr. Jerry W. Harris (2) Mr. John N. Harris, Jr Mrs. Kathrine M. Harris (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lynn Harris Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Harris Mrs. Melissa Garst Harris Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Harris (3) Mr. Robert Leon Harris (4) Ms. Sheri Kay Harris Mrs. Susan C. Harris (2) Mr.Tasso G. Harris (3) Mr. William F. Harris (7) Mr. William Norl Harris (2) Dr. C. Robert Harrison, Jr. Mr. Gayle R. Harrison Mrs. Helen Marie Harrison (5) Mrs. Jan S. Harrison (13) Mr. Johnny Ray Harrison (3) Mr. Korlin Thomas Harrison (2) Ms. P. Kay Harrison Mr.Thomas McKinley Harrison (3) Ms.Virginia Mary Harrison (2) Mr. Charles Gary Harrod (3) Mrs. Sandra Lea Pierce Harsch (8) Mr. Jack D. Harstock (2) Dr. Phillip Harston (2) Mrs. Patricia Ann Hart Ms. Rebecca Jean Hart (3) Mrs. Andrea Brooke Hartell Mrs. Wilma F. Hartig Ms. Cindy Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hartman (4) Mrs. Sarah Ann Hartman (2) Ms.Tamara Hartman Mr. Jack D. Hartsock (9) Mr. Michael William Hartwein (3) Mr. James W. Hartz Mr. Lois Hartzheim Mr. Carey A. Harvey (3) Ms. Kerry B. Harvey Mr. Charles Franklin Harwood (3) Mrs. Wendy Ellis Windsor Hashiguchi Mr. Eugene Haskett Mr. Clem Haskins Mr.Terry Hassall Ms. Deborah Elizabeth Hassell Mr. Francis Wayne Hatch (5) Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Lewis Hatchett (3) Mr. Allen B. Hatfield (3) Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hatfield (4) Mr. Robert Daniel Hatfield (3) Mrs. Jayne M. Hathorne (3) Ms. Patty H. Hatler (11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hauck, Jr. Mr. David E. Hauenstein (2) Mrs. Jean A. Haug (2) Ms. Suzanne Riggins Haug (2) Ms. Julia Lynn Haun (6) Mrs. Susan S. Haun Mr. Bruce G. Hauser (2) Dr. Hope Michelle Havener (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Havron (2) Mrs. Jennie Lou Hawk (3) Ms. Maria Halders Hawk (2) Mr. Matthew J. Hawkey (2) Mr. Alan Royce Hawkins (5) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayton Hawkins (2) Mr. Donald B. Hawkins Mr. Jeff Lee Hawkins (4) Ms. Jennifer Ann Morgan Hawkins Mr. Nathan E. Hawkins (7) Mr. Lenton C. Hawkinson Ms. Fonda Gail Hawks (4) Mrs. Mary Jo Butler Hawks (3) Mrs.Tamera L. Hawks (9) Mr. Stephen Gabriel Hawley (3) Mr. J. Robertson Haworth (4) Mrs. Erna Lee Hay (7) Mrs. Dinah Phyllis Haycraft (10) Mrs. Kasey Nicole Haycraft (5) Mr. William Marcus Haycraft Mr. Brian Christopher Hayden Mr. Christopher J. Hayden Mr. Gerald Alan Hayden (3) Mr. James Francis Hayden (2) Ms. Mari F. Hayden (4) Sgt. 1st Class (Ret.) Michael Hayden, Sr. Mr. Roy Delbert Hayden (3) Mr. Steve Hayden (2) Ms. Zita M. Hayden Mr. Franklin Haldeen Haydon Mr. Adrian E. Hayes (11) Mr. and Mrs.William Meredith Hayes (8) Mrs. Karen S. Hayes Ms. Katrina R. Hayes Mrs. Lisa Lynn Hayes Mr. Mark Steven Hayes Mrs. Mary Howard Hayes Mrs. Mary Jo Hayes (2) Mrs. Monna Fay Divine Hayes Mr.Thomas Vernon Hayes Mr. Kenneth E. Hayford (11) Mrs. Michele Lynn Haymart Mr. and Mrs. Corey Dale Haynes (4) Ms. Heidi Lynette Haynes Mrs. Helen Leet Smith Haynes (3) Mr. James Patrick Haynes (4) Mr. and Mrs. Landon Clint Haynes (3) Mrs. Mary Haynes (3) Mr. Roger Keith Haynes Mr. Ross A. Haynes (3) Ms. Susanne Haynes (3) Mrs. Carol A. Hays Mr. Joseph Stephen Hays (4) Ms. Lou Ann Hays (2) Mr. Paul T. Hays Mr. William R. Hays (3) Mr. Michael Eugene Hazelett (5) Mr. Malcolm W. Hazelip (3) Mr. Dennis Hazle (3) Mrs. Mary W. Hazle (7) Mrs. Kimberly Ann Head Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Keith Head (4) Mr. John Mark Heady (3) Heart Strings, LLC Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Barton Heater Mr. and Mrs. Wells Heath, III (3) Ms. Monica S. Heavrin Mr. Mark Richard Hebert (9) Mr. Russell B. Hebert, Jr. Mr. Homer Hecht (5) Ms. Marcia K. Heckman (2) Ms. Laura E. Heddleson (22) Ms. Christina Marie Hedges Mr. Mark C. Hedges Mr. Roger Christopher Heeren Mr. Robert Heeth (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wade Heflin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynn Heflin (3) Mr. Kenneth E. Heichelbech Mr. Gordon Nathaniel Heider Ms. Amanda Lynn Heidrich (2) Mr. Jeff Heinz Mrs. Christina Mae Heissler (3) Mrs. Angela Marie Helbig (5) Dr. Michael Edward Held (8) Mr. George Howard Heller (5) Mr. William C. Heller (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Helm (3) Mrs. Rhonda Stuart Helm (5) Mrs. Rebecca S. Helmers Mrs. Leslie Jane Helmig (2) Mr. Kenneth E. Helming (2) Mr. Bart Helson Ms. Melissa D. Helton (4) Ms. Wendy W. Helton Mrs. Elizabeth Heltsley Ms. Martha Harris Heltsley Mrs. Paula Marie Heltsley Ms. Jean H. Henault (13) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Henderson (4) Ms. Carmen Denise Henderson Mr. Estel L. Henderson, Jr. (5) Mr. Eugene Ray Henderson Ms. Jamie Nicole Henderson Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Henderson Mrs. Mary Jane Henderson (8) Mr. Michael A. Henderson Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Henderson Mrs.Traci K. Henderson (3) Mr. William E. Henderson, Jr. Ms. Ann M. Hendrick (6) Mrs. Edith Hendrick Mr. Larry Morton Hendrick (2) Mrs.Teresa J. Hendrick Mrs. Diana Hendricks (5) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Jonathan Robb Hendricks Mr.Theodore A. Hendrickson (3) Ms. Joyce Lee Hendrix (3) Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Hendrix (2) Mrs. Kathy L. Henneberg (5) Mr. Chad Alan Hennessey (6) Mrs. Jane Vogt Hennessey (14) Mr. and Mrs. Hobie Henninger (4) Mr. Jesse Henon (5) Ms. Carol Gwen Henry Mrs. Gerri M. Henry Mrs. Jane Covington Henry (17) Ms. Jean A. Henry (3) Mr. Joseph D. Henry, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs.Terry Joseph Henry (5) Mrs. Linda L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Henry (10) Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gregg Henry (15) Mrs. Karen L. Hensel (4) Mr. Gregory M. Hensley Ms. Marta Alicia Hensley Mr. Steven Keith Hensley Hensley Dunn Ross & Howard Mr. James S. Henson (2) Mr. Orval Elton Henson (5) Mrs. Mary Ellen Henz Mrs. Myrtle H. Hepler (3) Mr. John R. Hepner Ms. Martha Eileen Hepp Ms. Kimlin S. Herald (3) Ms. Leanne Herda (3) Mr. Walter C. Herdman Ms.Yvonne M. Hermann (2) Mr. Joseph P. Hernandez (2) Mr. Kevin M. Herndon Ms. Ruby Bernice Herndon Mrs. Suzanne Berry Herndon (3) Mr. Phillip Herrin Mr. Jason A. Herron (4) Mrs. Heather E. Hertel (3) Mr. Jon Thomas Hervey (3) Mr. David Kim Herzer (3) Ms. Bonnie Renea Hestand Beth Hester and James Scott Gilbert (15) Mrs. Jeanne McInteer Hester Ms. Joyce Hester Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scott Hester (3) Mr. Michael Hetzner (2) Mr. David Heuring (2) Hewlett-Packard Mr. William Heyburn, II Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Heydt (2) Mrs. Marjorie L. Heyduck (11) Mrs. Betty Hibbs (3) Lt. Col. Ret. William N. Hibbs (2) Mr. Hoyt G. Hickey III Mr. Joseph D. Hicklin Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Hickman (2) Mr. John E. Hickman, Jr. Ms. Lucille Hickman (3) Mr. Bill W. Hickok Mrs. Dana W. Hicks (2) Mrs. Dorothy H. Hicks (8) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dane Hicks Mr. Larry D. Hicks (7) Ms. Lisa R. Hicks Ms. Mandy L. Hicks Mr. Michael Joseph Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Edith A. Hicks (4) Mr. Stephen L. Hicks Mrs. Susan W. Hicks Mr.Timothy S. Hicks Dr. Ben T. Hieronymus (3) Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hieronymus (18) Mrs. Ruth M. Hieronymus (2) Mr. Alton E. Higdon, USAR (6) Mrs. Ellen Frances Higdon (5) Mr. Frederick A. Higdon Mrs. Jackie A. Higdon Mr. and Mrs. Scott Anthony Higdon Ms. Kristi Gold Higdon Mr. Lance Anthony Higdon Mrs. Patricia Lynn Higdon (10) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Alan Higdon (3) Mrs.Tina Thomas Higdon (8) Mr. and Mrs. Steven John Higdon (3) Mr. Douglas Wayne Higgins (4) Mrs. Janet Frances Higgs (8) Mr. Aaron Bradley High Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hightower Ms. Emily Higuchi Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hild Ms. Gail Miller Hiles (5) Mrs. Clara A. Hill Mr. Clement S. Hill (2) Mr. David A. Hill Ms. Diane W. Hill Mrs. Doris P. Hill (16) Mr. Ernest L. Hill (4) Dr. James S. Hill Mr. Jason C. Hill Mr. Jesse C. Hill, Jr. Mr. Joshua Edwin Hill (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hillard (3) Mr. James C. Hilliard (11) Mr. Donald E. Hilliker Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Hills (2) Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. J. Hilton Master Sgt. (Ret.) Richard Himes, Jr. (12) Mrs. Peggy S. Hinchman (3) Dr. Curtis Hinds Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Hinely (3) Mr. Barry A. Hines (3) Mrs. Cynthia Vanaey Hines (8) Mrs. Linda Michelle Hines (2) Mrs. Mary A. Hines (2) Ms. Mary M. Hines (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hines (2) Mrs. Joy S. Hinson (3) Ms. Carol McDavitt Hinton (4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenneth Hinton (15) Ms. Chastity Willis Hinton Mr. Kenneth Franklin Hinton (11) Mrs. Merri Lynne Hinton (2) Mr. Paul J. Hinton (2) Mrs. Juanita B. Hire (3) Mrs. Mary Hooper Hirst Mrs. Sue Hitchel (8) Mrs. Catherine Hitchell Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Hitchell Ms. Lisa Hite Mr. J. B. Hitt, II Mrs. Cathy Bonneville Hix Mrs. Beth Elaine Hixon Mrs. Kathy A. Hlavin Ms. Jane Hlavsa (3) Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wayne Hoagland Mr. Stuart Hobbs Mr. James E. Hobdy (3) Ms. Leisa Dawn Hobgood (3) Mr. Robert Bruce Hobson (5) Mr. and Mrs. David John Hochstrasser (7) Mrs. Ann Downing Hocker (3) Mrs. Jean Render Hocker (20) Ms. Pamela Burns Hocker Mr. Kris Vonn Hockstedler Mr. Kurt Armin Hockstedler (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hodge Mr. Glen L. Hodge, Jr. (10) Mr. and Mrs. Billy Eugene Hodges (3) Mr. H. Fraser Hodges (14) Mrs. Kathy A. Hodges (12) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hodges (3) Mrs. Sarah P. Hodges (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hodges (6) Mr. Steve Hodges Mrs. Julie N. Hodgkins (2) Mr. David M. Hoebeke (3) Mrs. Gemma A. Hoehler Mr. James L. Hoerner (2) Ms. Judith L. Hoey (2) Mr. James R. Hoff (2) Mr. Jerry Ray Hoffman (2) Mr. and Mrs. Roland Scott Hoffman Mrs. Rhonda Ann Hoffman (2) Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hoffman (3) Mrs. Robin Lee Hoffman (3) Mr. and Mrs.Virgil Hoffman Mrs. Susan Bindner Hoffman (4) Mrs. Winifred Hoffpauir (3) Ms. Elizabeth Sharon Hogan (4) Mr. James Dorsey Hogan (2) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hogan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rondal G. Hogan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hoggard Ms. Kara Renee' Hogue Mrs. Margaret Beth Holaday Mr. Michael P. Holaday Ms. Nanette Webster Holbrook (4) Mr. William R. Holbrook Mr. E. Wally Holden (3) Ms. Helen H. Holden Ms. Linda Jane Holder Mr.Tracey Kent Holder (2) Ms. Laura S. Holderfield (2) Ms. Louise T. Holderfield (7) Mr. Michael B. Holian (2) Holland CPAs PSC (14) Ms. Frances Turnipseed Holland Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Holland (8) Mr. Marvin R. Holland, Sr. Ms. Maureen O. Holland Ms. Cathy Elaine Holley Mrs. Jan Barnes Holliday (8) Ms. Kathryn Carty Hollin (4) Mr. John Anthony Hollinsworth (4) Mr. L. Rich Hollmeyer Mr. Richard Wright Holloman (2) Mr. Michael Conrad Holloran (3) Mr. Phil Holloway Mr. Eric Holm Ms. Carrie Ellen Holman (3) Ms. Connie Lee Holman (4) Mr. James Routt Holman (3) Ms. Kathryn Flowers Holman Mr. Sherman A. Holman Mrs. Connie Lynn Holmes (3) Ms.Yvonne S. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Holt (10) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Joseph Holt Mr. Daniel L. Holt Mr. David A. Holt (4) Mr. David Franklin Holt Mr. Keith Holt Mr. Lanuell Allen Holt (13) Mrs.Teresa J. Holthouser Mr. Robert Estin Holton (3) Mr. David Aurelius Holtzman (4) Holy Union Sisters (7) Mr. Roger Kent Holzknecht (4) The Home Depot Mrs. Lorie Ann Homiak Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honchell (9) Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hood (4) Mr. Paul Anthony Hooks (5) Ms. Carole Jane Hooper Mrs. Christina Lynn Hooper Mr.Thomas Eugene Hooper (3) CW4. Mary L. Hootman (3) Ms. Deneshia Hoover Ms. Kacy A. Hope Mr. Leighton Allison Hope, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lynn Hopkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O. Hopkins (4) Mrs. Leigh S. Hopper (3) Ms. Julia Pierce Horn (2) Mrs. Betty L. Hornback (8) Mr. Brady Lynn Hornback (2) Mr. Brian Lewis Hornback (3) Mr.Thomas Earl Hornbeck (4) Mrs. Shawna Delane Horne (4) Mr. Jerry W. Horner Mr. William Harrison Horrell (15) Ms. Donna Fay Horton (3) Mr. James S. Horton Ms. Jimmie Lou Horton (6) Mr. and Mrs. George Owen Horton (5) Mr. Daniel J. Hosek (9) Ms. Colleen Nicole Hosey Ms. Christine Miller Hosier Mr. Alan Hoskins (2) Mrs. Carolyn G. Hoskins (3) Mr. Edwin Reese Hoskinson (2) Mrs. Kathleen Miller Hosna Mr. Derek L. Hottell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis William Hottell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wayne Houchens (2) Mrs. Lisa A. Houchens (2) Mr. Michael Houchens (2) Mr. Michael D. Houchens (4) Ms. Pam Houchens Mr. Rick Houchin Mr. Robert A. Houchin Mr. Robert R. Houchin (7) Ms. Kelley Suzanne Houck Ms. Amanda Michelle Hough Mr. Bobby G. Houk 65 HONOR ROLL President’s Circle Membership Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving The President’s Circle ($1,000 and more annually) continues its growth as an important example of the support of the Western Family. Ms. Melinda Houk Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. House (4) Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. House (2) Mr. and Mrs. William R. House (8) Mr. Jay F. Householder (4) Mr. Lawrence J. Houston (7) Mrs. Lola Faye Houston (2) Mr. and Mrs. William Ed Houston Mr.Theodore R. Hovet (10) Mr. Adam C. Howard (5) Mrs. Barbara Allen Howard (3) Mr. Bradley M. Howard (4) Mr. Daniel L. Howard Mr. Edward Allen Howard Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lee Howard Mrs. Genevieve Ann Howard (2) Mr. James M. Howard (3) Mr. and Mrs. David C. Howard (3) Mrs. Joan Emily Howard (2) Mr. Marvin J. Howard Ms. Melissa Lee Howard (12) Ms. Sandra E. Howard Mrs. Sonya Lea Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allen Howard (2) Ms.Theresa Ann Howard (3) Mr.Thomas C. Howard (4) Ms.Tonya Danita Howard (3) Mr. William Kent Howard (13) Ms. Milbra Kay Atkinson Howe Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Howe Mrs. Betty E. Howell (2) Col. and Mrs. Gerard H. Howell (2) Mr. Gordon Thomas Howell (2) Ms. Kathie Howell (11) Mrs. Melissa Howell (2) Mr. Richard Lee Howell Ms. Stefanie Ann Howell Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Howells Rev. Christopher Mark Howlett Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Howlett (4) Ms. Lisa Jo Howlett (4) Mr. John Franklin Hoxworth (9) Senator David Hoyle Ms. Julie K. Hoyt (3) Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings LP (2) Mrs. Jane Hubbard (3) Mr. Henry Hahn Huber, Jr. Mrs. Janet H. Huber Mr.Timothy Huber Mr.Vernon H. Huber (9) Mrs.Tracey L. Huckeba Mrs. Christine Whoberry Hudak Mrs. Laura Denise Huddleston Mr. Lee Huddleston (3) Ms. Louise Huddleston Mrs. Lucile Huddleston (2) Mr. Walter D. Huddleston (3) Ms. Kathryn Ann Hudepohl Mrs. Sandra A. Hudnall (2) Mr. David F. Hudson (3) Mr. John W. Hudson, III Ms. Karen Lynn Hudson (2) Ms. Kathy Hudson 66 Mrs. Leslie Janay Hudson (3) Mrs. Mary Adams Hudson (12) Wimpy and Regina Hudson (5) Ms. Ruth L. Hudson Mr.Theodore J. Hudson (2) Mr.Thomas W. Hudson Mr.Timothy Scott Hudson (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham Hudspeth (8) Mr. Alan Richard Huelsman (5) Huff Floor Covering Ms. Ashley Rae Huff Mr. Bryan M. Huff (2) Dr. Constance and Mr. Frank Huff Mr. Danny Joe Huff (2) Mrs. Margaret A. Huff Ms.Tracy E. Huff Ms. Winifred M. Huff Mrs. Melanie Huffaker (2) Mrs. Charlotte A. Huffine (4) Mr. Billy Wayne Huffines (4) Mrs. Carolyn Huffman Mr. Jeffrey Scott Huffman (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Huffman (3) Ms. Sue Ellen Huffman (2) Mr.Thomas Bryan Huffman (2) Mrs. Lisa Vittitow Huggins (4) Ms. Amanda Leigh Hughes (8) Mrs. Betty S. Hughes (2) Ms. Brittney L. Hughes Mr. Daniel H. Hughes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross Hughes, Jr. (4) Mr. Ian Nathaniel Hughes Mr. James Michael Hughes Ms. Jennifer L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Hughes (2) Mr. John Allen Hughes, Sr. (12) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kent Hughes (2) Ms. Mary Hughes (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Hughes Mrs. Melanie L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Hughes (3) Mr. Stefan R. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Nichols Hughes Mrs. Susan Duncan Hughes (5) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Dean Hughes (12) Dr. Aaron Wilson Hughey (9) Ms. Leslie D. Huhn Mr. David Alan Hull (6) Mr. William G. Hullhorst (19) Mrs. Mary S. Hullum (10) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas James Hulsey (4) Ms.Tammie L. Hulsey Mr. James Humbane (2) Mr. Jeff Humberson (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Humble (2) Ms. Lee H. Humble Mr. William Philip Humble (13) Mrs. Marcia W. Hume Mrs. Anna W. Humes (3) Ms. Andria N. Humpert Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Elison Humphrey (3) Ms. Leslie G. Humphrey (2) Mrs. Patricia Miller Humphrey (7) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Craig Humphrey Ms.Takisha J. Humphrey Mr. Donald R. Hundley (4) Ms. Jennifer Leigh Hundley (4) Mr. David Lee Hungler (15) Ms. Brenda J. Hunt Ms. Charmaine L. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dan Hunt (3) Ms. Erma Daniel Hunt (20) Ms. Marilyn Hunt (2) Ms. Melanie Hunt Ms. Sheila Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Hunter, III (2) Mr. Earl D. Hunter (9) Ms. Jennifer Hunter Mrs. Jessica Blewett Hunter Mr. Matthew Todd Hunter Mr. Robert John Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hunter (11) Mr. and Mrs. James Bollerer Hunt Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hunton (4) Mr. William G. Hunton (2) Mr. Mark Huntsman Mr. Rickie Gene Huntsman (3) Mrs.Vicki Byassee Hurley Mrs. Karen D. Hurst (3) Mr. and Mrs. Donald James Hurst (7) Ms.Tammy J. Hurst Mr. Jason William Hurt (9) Ms. Martha Jo Hurt Ms.Valina Kay Hurt (11) Ms. Patricia Husaini (2) Mr. Charles H. Huss (3) Ms. Sara Abigail Huss Mr. Hussung and Mrs. Sullivan Mr. Gary M. Hutchins Mrs. Lois J. Hutchins Mrs. Mary K. Hutchins (13) Mr. C. Joe Hutchison (16) Mr. James M. Hutchison, Jr. (3) Ms. Kimberly G. Hutchison Mrs. Melissa D. Hutson (3) Mrs. Susan L.Tipton Huttel (2) Mr. Lucas Hutton Mr. Michael J. Hutzel Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hyatt (7) Mrs. Donna Kay Hyland (12) Mrs. Jan A. Hyland (7) Ms. Ramona K. Hyrne Ian Industries (6) Mrs. Julie B. Ice Mr. Don H. Ignatz Dr. Martha S. Iley (29) Major Joseph M. Imorde, Jr. Independent Insurance Services Ms. Suma Mysore Indrappa Lt. Col. and Mrs. Jerry David Ingerick (6) Ms. Katriina Ingman Mr. Kevin Lee Ingram (11) Mr. Richie R. Ingram (3) Mrs. Shirley Nell Ingram (3) Interior Concepts Mrs.Thelma Joyce Irby (9) Mr. Jan L. Ireland Mrs. Myria Thomas Ironmonger Mrs. Brenda W. Irvine (5) Mr. Frank L. Irwin, Jr. (22) Ms. Hope L. Irwin Mrs.Toni Lynn Irwin (3) Mr. Harry Morgan Isaacs (5) Ms. Renee Cunningham Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee Isable (2) Mr. M. R. Isan (2) Mr.Timothy Kirk Isenberg Mrs. Deborah G. Isham (2) Ms. Jennifer Elizabeth Ishmael Mr. Jeffery Scott Isom (4) Mr. Dennis E. Ivey (4) J. G. Keown Insurance (3) J. J. Ashley's, LLC Ms. Jeanne M. Jackel Mr. Gregory Dale Jackie (3) Dr. William Jay Jackman (2) Mrs. Amanda Bower Jackson Mrs. Betty B. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Jackson (2) Ms. Bonnie G. Jackson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Delvagus Jackson Ms. Emily Layne Jackson Mr. Glenn Ford Jackson Mr. Joe David Jackson Mr. John Stephen Jackson (23) Mr. Keith Jackson Mr. Keith A. Jackson (5) Mr. Kerry Lea Jackson (3) Mrs. Kimberly B. Jackson (2) Mrs. Kimula Valentine Jackson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Benford Jackson (2) Ms. Margaret H. Jackson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Jackson Mrs. Rebecca D. Jackson Mr. Rick L. Jackson (3) Ms. Sally B. Jackson (3) Mrs. Sherri D. Jackson Mr. Sherron Jackson (6) Mrs. Shirley W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Lee Jackson Mr.Victor Michael Jackson Ms. Maxine A. Jacobi (8) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Jacobs (16) Mr. Othmar Jacobs (3) Jaggers Agency Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jaggers Mrs. Lisa Manonne Jaggers James Hagan, State Farm Insurance James S. Robinson DMD Mr. Christopher Ray James Mrs. Eileen P. James Mr. Joshua Aaron James Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ray James (5) Mrs. Mary Margaret James Mr. Michael C. James Mr. Paul M. James (8) Ms.Tiffany Erin James Mr.Tony Michael Janco (3) Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Janes (5) Nigel Janes Mr. Andy Janos Mrs. Pamela Rose Janoski Mrs. Esther P. Jansing (2) Mrs. Louise Jarboe (6) Ms. Pamela Kay Jarboe (7) Ms. Ruth W. Jarboe (7) Ms. Margaret A. Jarvis (4) Ms. Martha J. Jay (4) Mrs. Debra W. Jayne (3) Ms. Mary Jaynes Capt. Bert Byron Jean Mr. Lewis Jean (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Jeannette (4) Mrs. Lynn Reeves Jefferies (3) Ms. Lynnetta Handley Jefferson Jeffrey W. Chapman DMD (3) Mr. Jonathan David Jeffrey (2) Mr. Jon S. Jeffries (2) Mrs. Krisinda K. Jeffries Mr.Timothy Lynn Jeffries Mrs. Zania S. Jenkin Mr. Alan R. Jenkins Ms. Brenda Jenkins (6) Ms. Christine C. Jenkins Mr. Dennis Michael Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Jenkins (4) Mr. Fred C. Jenkins (4) Mrs. Jean M. Jenkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Jenkins, Sr. (14) Mrs. Neva Kenner Jenkins (10) Mrs. Norma P. Jenkins Ms. Sandra W. Jenkins (3) Ms.Teresa Lee Jenkins Mr. W.T. Jenkins Mrs. Cheryl Leigh Jenks (2) Mrs. Abbie Miller Jennings (2) Mr. Michael Lynn Jennings (15) Mr. Robert Glenn Jennings (2) Ms. Stacey Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Jensen (5) Mrs. Susan McChesney Jensen (7) Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Jent (8) Mr. Olin Jent, Jr. (2) Mr. Jesse T. Jepson (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Hill Jernigan (9) Mrs. Judy Kay Jernigan (3) Ms. Louise Jernigan (11) Jerry's Auto Sales Jesse Henon Construction, LLC (3) Mr. Christopher D. Jessie Ms.Tammy Jo Jessie (7) Mr. Elmo Jessup Mrs. Deborah B. Jewell (2) Mr. Harry Jewell Marion M. Jewell Mr. Martin Luke Jewell Ms. Phyllis J. Jewell Mrs. Kathryn B. Grover Jimerson (6) Jimmy Diemer's Supermarket (3) Rev. Lenora Sue Job (2) Mr. Leroy L. Jochum (2) Joe Walton, Inc. (2) Joedy Sharpe Construction Co., Inc. Ms. La Donna M. Joergens (6) Mr. John M. Joerling (4) Mrs. Reba R. John (10) Ms. Agatha Losey Johnson (4) Ms. Amanda Dawn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James Carl Johnson Mrs. Anne Crookes Johnson (14) Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Johnson (3) Mr. Ben M. Johnson Mr. Billy E. Johnson (3) Mr. Billy Gene Johnson (3) Ms. Brenda Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brent Andrew Johnson (3) Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Johnson (10) Ms. Candice W. Johnson Mr. Carol Winfield Johnson (4) Mr. Charles Hobert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Danny Blane Johnson (2) Mr. Daryl Brent Johnson (9) Mr. David Johnson Mr. David L. Johnson (12) Ms. Dolorse J. Johnson (4) Mrs. Donna Kay Johnson Mrs. Donna Lynne Johnson Ms. Donna V. Johnson Mr. Donnie Ray Johnson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Johnson Ms. Frances C. Johnson (9) Mr. and Mrs. Glenden F. Johnson (2) Mr. Grover W. Johnson, Sr. Ms. Hannah Johnson Mr. Harold D. Johnson Ms. Heather Ann Johnson Mr. Hobert Wayne Johnson (9) Mrs. Irmtraud F. Johnson Mr. James Ross Johnson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allen Johnson Mrs. Jean Meredith Johnson (13) Ms. Jennifer Michell Johnson Mr. Jerry Wayne Johnson (d.) (13) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson Mr. Johnny Carl Johnson Ms. Joni Marie Johnson Mr. Joshua L. Johnson Mrs. Judy Ragland Johnson (3) Mrs. Karen Connor Johnson (12) Ms. Katina J. Johnson (7) Ms. Kelly A. Johnson Mr. Kenneth Marion Johnson (10) Mrs. Kim Johnson Ms. Leigh Carol Johnson Mr. Lemuel Johnson (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Les Johnson (2) Mrs. Loretta Ann Johnson (9) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Christopher Johnson (2) Ms. Mary Ann Johnson Mrs. Mary C. Johnson (7) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Johnson Ms. Melissa Leigh Johnson (8) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Johnson (5) Mrs. Michele Shelly Johnson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Johnson Ms. Nancy L. Johnson (4) Ms. Nicole Johnson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Johnson (9) Dr. Pamela McAllister Johnson (2) Ms. Patricia A. Johnson Mrs. Paula Darr Johnson (5) Mrs. Phyllis Hunt Johnson (2) Mrs. Rebecca Vejr Johnson (15) Mr. Richard Ashley Johnson (3) Mr. Richard Dean Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson (4) Mr. Ross Johnson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D.Tays Ms. Sheila Johnson Ms. Sherry Lynn Johnson (4) Robert and Shirl Johnson Capt. and Mrs. Stanley D. Johnson Ms. Susan Johnson Mrs.Terry B. Johnson Mr.Timothy P. Johnson (12) Mr.Tony L. Johnson, Sr. (4) Mrs.Torrie L. Johnson (2) Ms.Victoria Barthlow Johnson (8) Mr. William Glenn Johnson (9) Mr. William M. Johnson, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Algene Johnston (9) Mr. and Mrs. Noel T. Johnston (7) Mrs. Cheryl Johnston Ms. Donna J. Johnston (5) Mr. Ernest S. Johnston (2) Mrs. Frances J. Johnston (3) Ms. Janie S. Johnston Mrs. Pamela J. Johnston Mr. Robert Bradley Johnston (4) Judge Martin E. Johnstone (3) Mr. Richard Neil Johnstone Mrs. Emma G. Joiner (2) Ms. Sandra C. Joiner (7) Mrs. Suzanne Y. Joiner Mr. Alan G. Jolly Mr. Andrew T. Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lynn Jolly Mr. Jack Jolly (3) Ms. Maxine Jolly Ms. Carolyn H. Jones Jones Woolfolk Insurance Agency (2) Mrs. Adrienne Frey Jones Ms. Amy L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Darrell Jones (2) Mrs. Ashby M. Jones (2) Mr. Curtis Lee Jones Mr. David Irvine Jones (5) Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jones (2) Mr. Dennis Joe Jones Mrs. Dianna T. Jones (2) Mr. Dion Devon Jones (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dale Richard Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hal Jones Mrs. Emma Catherine Jones (14) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffery Jones (7) Mr. Garry Jones Ms. Glenda Hisle Jones Mr. Henry J. Jones (18) Mr. James M. Jones (6) Mr. James Terry Jones (3) Mrs. Janet H. Jones Mr. Jesse L. Jones, III Maj. (Ret.) John C. Jones (9) Mrs. Joyce Lewis Jones (3) Mrs. Judith Smith Jones Mrs. Karla Rutledge Jones Mr. Kenneth M. Jones (11) Ms. Kim Jones (2) Mrs. Kimberly Ellen Jones Mrs. Kristina N. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Jones (4) Mrs. Laura L. Jones Ms. Linda D. Jones Ms. Linda Lu Jones (3) Alumni Fall 2005 Capt. Lolita C. Jones Ms. Lorinda Sue Jones Mr. Marc I. Jones Ms. Margaret B. Jones (2) Mrs. Melonie Ann Jones Mrs. Narda A. Jones (3) Ms. Natalie J. Jones Mrs. Patricia L. Jones (2) Ms. Pauline Griffin Jones Mrs. Penny Harris Jones Mr. Perry Andrew Jones (7) Ms. Rebecca Rae Jones Mrs. Rhonda H. Jones (9) Mrs. Rhonda S. Jones Mrs. Rollanda Ann Jones (2) Mr. Ronald E. Jones Mr. Ronald L. Jones (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jones (2) Mr. and Mrs.Tom W. Jones (2) Ms. Shelly D. Jones Mrs. Stacey L. Jones (2) Mrs. Susanne Connolly Jones Mrs.Tamela P. Jones Mr.Thomas M. Jones Ms.Tracey E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. W. Basil Jones (3) Rev. Walter T. Jones (3) Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn C. Jones Mr. Robert Jongedyk (7) Mr. and Mrs.Albert Lawrence Jordan (3) Mrs. Amy M. Jordan (3) Ms. Carol Jordan (5) Mrs. Claudia Jordan Mrs. Deborah Kay Jordan Mrs. Debra Denise Jordan (2) Mrs. Gladys P. Jordan (5) Mrs. Janna O'Dell Jordan (4) Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jordan (3) Ms. Sue Ferguson Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Daron E. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Jordan (21) Ms. Christine L. Jorgensen (3) Mr. Curtis L. Jorgenson (9) Joseph S. McCarty, D.M.D. (2) Mr. C. J. Joseph (3) The David J. Joseph Company Mrs. Joan Lynne Joson (3) Mr. Ben Journey Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jowers (3) Mr. Clyde W. Joyce (6) Mr. Jeffrey Stuart Joyce (7) Mr. Charles Mark Judd Ms. Pamela Kay Sanders Judd Mrs. Kimberly Suzanne Judy Mr. Kim Ray Juett (2) Ms. Lucy Franklin Juett Mr. William B. Julian (3) Just Me! Music Mr. and Mrs. Paul Timothy Justice Mrs.Vera Opal Justice (5) Mr.Timothy Wayne Justis (4) Mr. James H. Justus (2) Ms. Kathryn J. Kabel Ms. Marci Kacsir Mr. Stephen G. Kadlec, Jr. (2) Mr. John G. Kaelin (5) Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Patrick Kahle (7) Mrs. Linda L. Kain (4) Mrs. Mary Sue Kalbfleisch (10) Mr. John N. Kalergis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ints Kampars (2) Mrs. Leslie Kann Mr. J. Douglas Kannapell Ms. Judith Mary Kapelsohn (8) Mr. Morris Kaplan (2) Mrs. Marguerite Ann Kapp (9) Mr. Ghodratollah H. Karimian (2) Mr. Steven D. Karpinski (3) Mr. Jeffrey Michael Kasbaum (3) Ms. Jennifer Kash Mr. and Mrs. Barry Michael Kaufkins Ms. Sharon D. Kauka (3) Mr. John Marvin Kavanaugh (3) Mr. John William Keabler, II Mr. Marc E. Kearney Ms. Kathleen Kearns Mr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Keck (2) Mrs. Lisa K. Keeling (3) Mr.Travis Be Keeling (2) Mr. Wayne Keeling Mr. Bennie J. Keen (5) Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Keen (3) Dr. Harold Keen (3) Mrs. Jewell C. Keen (5) Mrs. Kourtney Compton Keen (2) Mrs. Karen L. Keene (3) Ms. Linda Carney Keene (3) Mr. Paul David Keener (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Clifton Keepers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Kees Ms. Melissa Kay Keffer (2) Mrs. Judith L. Keiner (3) Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Vincent Keith (2) Mr. John David Keith Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick W. Keith Mr. Wendell Keith Mr. Robert Levy Kelcy, Jr. (2) Mrs. Amy Blanford Kellen Mr. and Mrs. David L. Keller (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Keller (9) Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Ms. Alesia B. Kelley (2) Mrs. Danita Mignon Kelley Mr. Keith Kelley Ms. Mary Lee Kelley (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson Kelley (5) Mrs. Ruby H. Kelley (4) Ms. Stacey Diane Kelley Ms. Carol A. Kelly Mrs. Carolyn Jean Kelly Mr. Garry Stephen Kelly (5) Mr.Timothy Edward Kelly (17) Mr. David Randall Keltner (4) Mr. Danny Martin Kemble Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kemker (3) Mrs. Julie Carol Kemp (8) Ms. Lela Kemp Mr. Leslie Patrick Kemp (3) Mr. Donald K. Kenady Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Billy Joe Kendall Ms. Elizabeth Jean Kendell (3) Mr. and Mrs. George Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kendrick, Jr. Ms.Virginia M. Kendrick Mrs. Amelia Kennedy Mr. Bryan Kyle Kennedy Ms. Carol R. Kennedy (15) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lamont Kennedy (3) Dr. and Mrs. Harry R. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. Keith C. Kennedy Mrs. Kristie M. Kennedy (2) Ms. Megan D. Kennedy (3) Mrs. Pamela Kaye Kennedy Mrs. Mary H. Kenney Kentucky Association of Electric The Kentucky Jesuit Mission Kentucky Rural Carriers of District Mr. Stephen Todd Kenworthy Mr. Douglas S. Keogh, Jr. (4) Sister Rosemary Keough Mrs. Betty Ann Keown (7) Mr. Brian D. Keown Mrs. Cynthia P. Keown Mr. Jesse G. Keown, Jr. (9) Ms. Betty Jo Kepley (3) Mrs. Michelle S. Keplinger Mr. Ronald Anthony Kercheval Mr. and Mrs. Brent Berry Kercheville Mrs. Helen Kereiakes Ms. Neysa Jo Kerfoot (12) Mrs. Janie B. Kerlick (10) Dr. David A. Kerr (5) Mrs. Mary Catharine Kerr Ms.Terry Lynn Kerr Mr. Robert Evon Kerrick Ms. Cheryl Lynn Kershaw Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson Kesler Mr. Carrol D. Kessens Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Donald Kessens Mrs. Kaye Kessinger Mrs. Barbara Ann Key Mr. Benton Scott Key (3) Mr. Lewis Edward Key Ms. Patricia A. Key Mr. Joe D. Keys (18) Ms. Colette Keyser (3) Mrs. Deborah Tomkinson Keyser (3) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Keyser (2) Mr. Jerry Ray Kibbons (15) Ms. Elizabeth Ann Kickert Mr. Steven Kickert Mrs. Onalee N. Kidd Mr. George Frank Kidwell, Jr. (5) Mr. John L. Kieffer (11) Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Kiel (3) Mrs. Melanie Jan Kiene Mr. and Mrs. Mary Julie Kieta Amy Jo Kight, CPA (3) Mr. Randall Kikta Mr. Andrew Earl Kilbourne (10) Mr. Bayless L. Kilgore (3) Mrs. Renee Fuqua Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kilijian Mr. Bruce R. Kille (2) Mrs. Deborah Armstrong Killen (6) Mr. Steve Killian Dr. and Mrs. Hak Youn Kim (18) Dr. Suk Ki Kim (3) Mr. Wayne H. Kimbel Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Edward Kimbler (15) Mrs. Janet Leigh Kimbler (6) Mr. Larry Ivan Kimbler (10) Ms. Ida Mason Kimbro (3) Mr. William Joe Kimbrough (5) Mr. Jerry Kimmel (4) Ms. Nita M. Kincaid (2) Mrs. Gayle Lynn Kindred Price Mr. Greg Allen Kindschi (15) Mr. Allan D. King Mrs. Ann G. King (3) Mrs. Betty J. King (9) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. King Mr. Daniel A. King (4) Mr. Douglas W. King Mr. James D. King Mrs. Jimella Ann King (8) Mr. Johnnye W. King (2) Mr. Joseph W. King, III Mrs. Lera King (2) Mrs. Martha J. King (3) Ms. Mary Suzanne King (15) Mr. Matthew Joel King Mr. Matthew Lewis King Ms. Melissa Gail King Dr. Ronald King Mr. and Mrs. Sean King (2) Mr. Steven T. King (2) Ms.Teresa Lynn King Ms. Georgetta Kingery Mr. and Mrs.Terrell Lee Kingrey Mr. Steve Kingsley Ms. Melanie D. Kington Dr. Donald M. Kinkel (4) Mr. James Edward Kinker (3) Mr. Kevin Robert Kinne (6) Mrs. Mary Ray Kinney (2) Ms. Kimberly A. Kinser Mrs. Sandra Faye Kinser (7) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lewis Kinslow Mr. Walter E. Kinslow (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Glenn Kiper Mr. James A. Kipp Ms. Amanda Beth Kirby (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert V Kirby Mr. Donald E. Kirby Mrs. Jane Collins Kirby (7) Mr. John Stephen Kirby (4) Mrs. Leanne A. Kirby (3) Mr. Phillip Kirby Mr. Robert T. Kirby (14) Ms.Tina Jo Kirby Mr. Peter L. Kirchoff (6) Ms. Beverly Kay Kirk (2) Ms. Mabel R. Kirk (3) Mr. Sherwood Kirk (3) Mr. Keith Dewayne Kirkham (2) Ms.Terry Kirkland (8) Mr.Thomas J. Kirkland, IV Ms. Crystal Lea Kirkman Mr. Gregory Scott Kirkpatrick (3) Ms. Lois C. Kirkpatrick (9) Mrs. Gwendolyn Carol Kirstein (2) Mr. Samuel H. Kirtley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Tony L. Kirves (2) Ms. Kelly Jo Kitchen (2) Mr. Charles W. Kitchens, Jr. Freeman Kitchens Mr. and Mrs.Terry B. Kitchens Ms. Rebecca Lynn Kitchens Mrs. Roxanna L. Kitchens Ms. Sue McCoy Kitchens Mr. Johnathan Ellis Kittinger Mr. Matthew T. Kittinger (11) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kivimaki Mrs. Candace Crain Kixmiller (3) Ms. Brittany Leigh Kjelland Ms. Betty Klaas Mr. Adam S. Klaine Mr. William Patrick Klapheke Mrs. Lea Ann H. Klarner Ms. Deborah Jane Klausing Mr. Fred J Klausing Mr. Joseph F. Klein Mr. Michael Robert Klein (4) Mr. Carl Robert Kleinholter (18) Hon. and Mrs. Denis Stephen Kline (18) Ms. Emily Sanford Kline Ms. Helen G. Kline (3) Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayes Kline (4) Mrs. Janet Kay Kling (7) Ms. Jennifer M. Klingenberg Mr. George C. Klinger (14) Dr. James C. Klotter (3) Mr. John C. Klotter (14) Ms. Elvira Knapp Mrs. Susan Angela Kniery (2) Mr. Jeff D. Kniese (7) Mrs. Dane Nell Knight Mrs. Doris Ann Knight (9) Ms. Janet S. Knight Mrs. Joyce C. Knight Ms. Kristina Adelle Susanne Knight Mrs. Martha Faye Knight (3) Mrs. Mary L. Knight (11) Ms. Meredith Francis Knight Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Knight Mr. David W. Knighton Mr. Robert Knoll Ms. Margaret A. Knox Mrs. Leigh Ann Koch (4) Ms. Judy Rowe Koehl Mrs. Pamela Ann Koenig (2) Mr. Nicholas J. Koenigstein (5) Mr.Theodore Koester Mr. Rodney Kohler Ms. Mary E. Kohlmeyer (6) Mr. Philip A. Kohut (3) Mr. Arthur F. Kolb (17) Maj. and Mrs. Dennis L. Kolb Mrs. Linda Kelly Kompanik Sairam Kondaraj Mr. Frank J. Kondracki, Jr. (10) Ms. Sharon D. Koomler Mr. Keith Koonce and Mrs. Pam Koonce (4) Mr. George Ronald Koppel Mr. and Mrs. Don Koppel (2) Mr. Steve P. Koren (2) Mr. and Mrs.Ted Martin Korfhage (16) Mrs. Sharon T. Kortum Ms. Karen Koshewa Ms. Lattie V. Koss (4) Mr. Paul Francis Koss (3) Mrs.Teresa Barber Kosta (3) Ms. Andrea K. Kostelnik Mrs. Julie Pleasant Kottak Mrs. Lyndsay A. Koyama Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozlowski (17) Mr. Stephen P. Kozusko (2) Mr. Kermit Kracke Mrs. Barbara L. Kraft Ms. Jacquelyn S. Krag Mrs. Kelly Boyd Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Kramer (8) Mrs. Carol Krampe Mr. Marc S. Krank (2) Ms. LaDawn M. Krantz Mr. Robert Alan Krausman (8) Mrs. Kelly A. Kreager Mrs. Mildred L. Krebs (2) Ms. Elizabeth Kremer Mr. Frank R. Kremsner (3) Mrs. Dorothy J. Krepps (6) Mr. Winthrop Henry Kretman, Jr. (3) Ms. Jane S. Krick (15) Mrs. Ella Morrison Kriete (4) Mr. John A. Krietzer (2) 67 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Michael Robert Krinsky (5) Ms. Mary Kate Krippenstapel (2) Ms. Susan Kay Krisher (5) Mr. Jason K. Kron Ms. Amy C. Krull (4) Mr. Dennis Edward Kubiak Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kuchenbrod Mr. William M. Kuegel, Jr. (6) Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kuehl (5) Dr. Sally L. Kuhlenschmidt (6) Mrs. Jennifer A. Kuhn Mr. Jim Kuhn Mr. Lonnie Shane Kuhn Mr. Raymond L. Kuhn, Jr. (3) Mrs. Cara A. Kulenkamp-Shreve (4) Mrs. Betsy Lou Kullman (15) Mr. Arthur K. Kunkel, III (2) Mr. and Mrs.Todd S. Kurtz (2) Mrs. Amy L. Kurz Ms. Linda Ann Kuse (4) Kustom Designs (3) Mr. Jeffrey Allen Kute (10) Ms. Maureen Ann Kutsor (2) Mr. William Kuznitsof Mr. David Kwok Ms. Clara Lee Kyle (7) Mr. Frenchie Russell Kyle (5) Mr. David Maurice Labelle Mrs. Joyce Lynn Labelle Mrs. Dianne Hurley Labrado Mr. John A. Labudde (6) Command Sgt. Maj. Alex Ray Lackey Mrs. Cindy Lackey (2) Mr. Billy Gene Lacy (2) Ms. Gina C. Lacy Mrs. Kimberly G. Lacy (13) Mrs. Sue Page Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Ladd Mrs. Rosemary A. Lafler Mr. William W. Laing (11) Ms. Carol D. Laird (9) Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Laird (4) Drs. Andrew and Kathleen LaJoie Mrs. Kathleen H. Lakarosky (8) Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lally (10) Mr. Jon Kevin Lam Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lam (2) Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Laman (14) Mr. David W. Lamar (2) Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lamar (2) Ms. Patricia W. Lamarr (2) Mr. Christopher Sean Lamaster (2) Lamb and Lamb, P. S. C. (2) Ms. Barbara L. Lamb (4) Mrs. Jane Banks Lamb Mr. Justin D. Lamb Ms. Frances Lambert Mr. Robert W. Lambert (7) Mr. Mark Aaron Lamberth (7) Mr. Randall Carroll Lambirth, II (3) Mrs. Mary Ann Lamborn (2) Mrs. Catherine C. Lamczyk (7) Mr.Thomas Jeffrey Lamkin (2) Mrs. Sandra Lindsey Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Carey D. Lancaster (12) Mrs. W. Kay Lancaster (16) Mrs. Olivia V. Landrum Mr. Earl Jay Lane (3) Mr. James E. Lane Mr. John Richard Lane Mr. Noel Lane (3) Mrs. Wanda Sue Lane (3) Mr. Clarence Walter Lange Ms. Selina Iris Langford (3) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Langley (2) Mr. Charles Robert Lanham, Jr. Ms. Debra Gail Lanham (6) Mr.Timothy Jensen Lanham (8) Mrs. Mina Lani Ms. Melissa Jo Lantrip (4) Mrs. Brenda E. Lantz Mr. Charles J. Lapham (3) Ms. Jacqueline Lapidus Ms. Alice Larkin (7) Mrs. Betty Gardner Larkins (8) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wayne Larkins (2) Ms. Katrina Larsen Mr. Joseph Larson (12) Mr. Richard D. Larson (4) Mr. Jack Young Larue (7) 68 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lashbrook Mrs. Lashell Robin Lashley (9) Mr. Kevin Scott Lasley (3) Mrs. Melinda A. Laslie (4) Mrs. Cindy Fitz Lassing (2) Mr. Willard Laster (3) Mrs. Carroll Laswell Mr. David Latham Mr. Mike L. Latham Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Latham (14) Mr. L. H. Lathan Mrs. Rose E. Latino Ms. Janet Lynn Stevenson Laurent (6) Mrs. Linda K. Lautner Mrs. June K. Lavelle (8) Ms. Laura Elaine Lavinghousez (4) Lavonne J. Welch Income Tax Service Mr. Harold J. Law (21) Mr. James Dwight Law (2) Mrs. Katherine Marie Law (13) Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Ray Law (3) Mr. and Mrs.Tommy R. Law (12) Mrs. Emily H. Lawler (2) Mr. John Patrick Lawler Mr. Patrick Joseph Lawless Mr. Art Lawrence Mrs. Daphine M. Lawrence Mr. Fred Ellis Lawrence (2) Mrs. Patricia Ann Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lawrence (5) Mr. and Mrs.William B. Lawson, Jr. (17) Mr. Donald Gene Lawson (3) Ms. Jean-Marie Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Rick J. Lawson (18) Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lawson, Jr. (9) Mrs. Phyllis S. Lawson Ms. Judy Lay (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Layman (17) Ms. Grace P. Laymon (3) Mr. Birney S. Layson (2) Mr. Danny Layton Lazy River Camp Ground Mrs. Charlotte Barham Lea Mr. Glenn S. Leach Ms. Kelia M. Leach (6) Ms. Luann Marie Leach (13) Mrs. Nancy E. Leach Ms. Rebecca Powers Leach Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Leachman, II (4) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lee Leachman Mr. John Edward Lease Ms. Bettye P. Leasure (d.) (2) Mr. Matthew Christopher Leathers Mr. Alexander G. Lebedinsky (3) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ledbetter (10) Mrs. Rosetta Ledford Mr. John Willis Ledogar (3) Ms. Lori Ann Ledogar Ms. Amy Denise Lee Mrs. Anna Griffith Lee (2) Mr. Anthony S. Lee Ms. Billie J. Lee Mr. Carl W. Lee (7) Ms. Lindsey C. Lee (2) Ms. Marvina Sue Lee Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Lee (3) Ms. Nancy Williams Lee (4) Mr. and Mrs. Randy Joe Lee (3) Mr. Ronald E. Lee Mrs. Sheri D. Lee (8) Mr. and Mrs.Van Mark Lee (2) Mrs. Lenell Brown Leech (3) Ms.Vicki Whitehead Leedom Ms. Laura Ruth Leeper Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen Leffert (3) Mrs. Brenda M. Leftwich (9) Mrs. Wanda Legate Mrs. Nan Everson Legler (5) Ms. Susan Angela Legler (3) Ms. Whitney Rhea LeGrand Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Haynes Lehman (2) Mrs. Monika Lehmann Ms.Teresa Rose Leibfreid (8) Mr. Alan Leichhardt (2) Mrs. Leslie Ann Leidelmeijer (3) Ms. Sarah Jean Leider (7) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Charles Leneave Mr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Lennon (10) Mr. William David Lenoir Mrs. Margaret Marie Lentz Mrs. April H. Leonard (2) Ms. Kristen N. Leonard Ms. Rebecca D. Leopard Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Douglas Leopold (7) Mr. Gomer R. Lesch (4) Mr. James Anthony Leslie (5) Mrs. Barbara J. Lesperance Mr. Dennis Lester (2) Mr. Robert Lester (3) Mr. Roy David Lester (19) Mr. James R. Letourneau Ms. Joleen Levering Mrs.Tara K. Levering Mrs. Catherine G. Levy (2) Mrs. Alice Gene Lewis (23) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Lewis Ms. Bettie P. Lewis Mr. Brandon Alastair Lewis (4) Mrs. Cheryl Ann Lewis (3) Mrs. Cindy Kay Lewis (2) Mr. Clifton G. Lewis, Jr. (8) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ivor Lewis Ms. Edna V. Lewis Ms. Holly R. Lewis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Catron Lewis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lane Lewis (5) Ms. June M. Lewis (12) Ms. Margaret A. Lewis (3) Ms. Mariea Lewis Ms. Mary Jan Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lewis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robin J. Lewis (18) Mrs.Teresa B. Lewis (2) Mr.Thomas J. Lewis, III Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Lewis (3) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Alan Leyers (9) Mr. and Mrs. Jianle Li (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kenneth Libke Ms. Debbie Licht Ms. Elise Talmage Lieb (4) Mrs. Kathy Charlene Liebau (3) Ms. Mariah K. Light Mr. Robert Cory Likens (3) Mr. Martin L. Likins (8) Mr. Merle R. Likins (2) Mr. and Mrs. Benny Cameron Lile (5) Mrs. Glyna Fancher Lile Mr. Jeff Lile Rev. Nola K. Lillie (4) Mr. and Mrs. David Matthew Lilly (2) Mrs. Doris A. Lind (17) Ms. Gloria Lindauer (5) Mr. Jerry Lindbloom (12) Mrs. Lisa Ann Lindeman Mr. B. W. Linder (d.) (8) Mrs. Ellen Linder Mr. Mark A. Linder Mr. Garnett A Lindle Mr. George W. Lindsay, Jr. (2) Hon. Gross C. Lindsay Ms. Betty Lindsey (3) Mrs. Carolyn J. Lindsey (8) Mr. Donald O. Lindsey Ms. Jean B. Lindsey Mrs. Kathleen C. Lindsey Mrs. Linda L. Lindsey (7) Ms. Misty Rae Lindsey Mr. Phillip N. Lindsey (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lindsey (4) Mrs.Teresa Napier Lindsey Mr. Corey Kenneth Lingo (3) Mr. Jesse W. Link Mr. Joseph C. Link Mr. John M. Linn (3) Lintner Bowling Supply, Inc. (2) Mr. Billy Michael Linville Mr. David Lippman (2) Mr. Robert Lippman Mr. Donald Lisby Ms.Tammy D. Liscomb (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Young Liske (9) Mrs. Cynthia G. Liston Nancy Rebecca Litchfield Mr. Walter B. Litchfield (15) Mr. Walter Litke (2) Ms. Lisa Litsey Mrs.Virginia Q. Litsey (2) Mr. Gary Alan Little (5) Lt. Col. (Ret.) Gary E. Little (10) Mr. and Mrs. John William Little Mrs. Mary Jo Little (8) Ms. Patsy Anne Little Mrs. Paula Sue Little (3) Mrs.Toni Ruth Little Mrs.Tracy Littlehale Mr. Benjamin R. Littlepage (2) Mrs.Vickie Jeanne Litton (8) Mrs. Judith Ann Littrel (8) Mrs. Constance H. Litzenberger (2) Mrs. Beverly B. Litzinger Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Lively Ms. Mary Darlene Livers (13) Dr. David Livingston (5) Mrs. Marguerite C. Livingston (2) Mr. Jeffery R. Lobb Mr. Leon Joseph Lobred, Jr. (8) Mrs. Sharon Locke Mrs. Shirley L. Locke (2) Ms. Susan Broyles Locke (2) Mrs. Carol R. Lockhart (5) Mrs. Sara Elizabeth Lockwood Ms. Emily Joanne Loehle Ms. Rita Loehr Ms. Patricia Loflin Mr. James T. Lofton Mr. Christopher Pace Logan Ms. Gladys Logan Mr. Jeremy Ray Logsdon (4) Mr. John H. Logsdon (2) Mrs. Kaye Bunnell Logsdon Mrs. Mary M. Logsdon (5) Mrs. Misti Lynn Logsdon Mrs. Penelope S. Logsdon (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lyn Logsdon Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lohmann (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Riggs Loid (5) Mr. Richard F. Lombard (5) Mr. Anthony Dale London Mrs. Debra Lynn London (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shane London Ms. Beatrice Cowan Long (10) Ms. Christine Jeanette Long (2) Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss M. Long (14) Ms. Elizabeth Morris Long (8) Mr. James Clifton Long (8) Mrs. Kellie B. Long (10) Dr. Larry W. Long (11) Mr. Nollie T. Long Mr. Ray W. Long Mr.Terry Austin Long Sister Davida Loosbrock (6) Mr. and Mrs. David Anthony Lopez Ms. Joyce A. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Lopez (3) Ms. Leta Wilson Lopriore Mark and Melanie Lord Mrs. Evelyn Smith Lorence Loretto Motherhouse Convent (4) Ms. Sue Ann S. Losey Mrs. Lynn M. Losik Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Loss (2) Ms. Angela Michelle Lott (3) Mr. Bruce Ridgway Lott (3) Mrs. Martha Lott Mr. and Mrs.Timothy V. Lott Mr. Keith N. Louden (3) Mr. and Mrs.William A. Loudermilk (7) Mr. David J. Loughrie Mrs. Raina N. Louis (2) Ms. Abigail K. Lovan Mrs. Alice Simpson Lovan (3) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lovan (4) Mrs. Elizabeth T. Carr Love (4) Ms. Marian Love Mr. Mark Love Ms. Nancy Love Mr. Robert P. Love Mrs.Teresa Phillips Lovelace (2) Ms. Frances R. Lovell (18) Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lovell, III (6) Mrs. Wanda Lovely (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas William Lovett (2) Mrs. Sylvia Ann Lovett Ms. Wendy Lee Cohron Lovett (3) Mrs. Martha Gail Rice Lovisone (3) Mrs. Amy Lee Lowe (3) Mrs. Becky Lowe Mrs. Betty Davis Lowe (5) Ms. Catherine Miller Lowe (20) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Scott Lowe Mr. Jay P. Lowe (14) Mr. Joe B. Lowe (7) Mrs. Judith M. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stanley Lowe Ms. Marie S. Lowe (3) Ms. Mary Jane Lowe Ms. Nina N. Lowe (2) Mr. Boyce L. Lowery Mark and Lisa Lowhorn (3) Mrs. Marion B. Lowrie Mrs. Sheryl Eunice Lowry (6) Mr. Charles Ernest Lowther (4) Mrs. Brenda S. Loy (3) Mrs.Tina E. Loy Mr. Charles Edward Loyal (2) Mrs. Daphne Loyall (2) Mr. Norton Harold Loyd (2) Ms. Ning Lu Ms.Theresa Ann Lubke Mr. Jeremy Wayne Lucas Mr. Layman Lucas Mr. and Mrs.Thaddaeus J. Lucas (3) Mr. Patrick J. Luckenbill Mr. William Gus Luckert (3) Mr. Gregory A. Luckett Mr.Thomas Leslie Lucky Mr. David C. Ludden, Jr. (2) Mr. Keith John Ludden Mrs. Nancy J. Luetkehans Mr. and Mrs.Truman A. Luke Mr. Miervaldis Lulaks (6) Ms. Linda J. Lumsden Ms. Belinda J. Lundy Mr. Matthew Dale Lunsford Mrs. Deborah Lush Mr. Mark Elliot Lush Mr. Jeffrey Lutgring Mr. Mark T. Luttrell (2) Ms. Melissa Lenae Luttrell Mrs. Sheila Ann Luttrell (6) Mr. Walton H. Luttrell (4) Mrs. Mildred Lyons Lutz (2) Mr. Phil Ray Lutz (8) Mr. Jace T. Lux Mr.Titus G. Lyle Mr. James Thomas Lynch (5) Ms. Jodi Renee Lynch (3) Mr. Frank E. Lyne (15) Mrs. Clara M. Lyninger (2) Ms. Bonnie Lee Lyon Ms. Gina Glover Lyon Mrs. Margaret E. Lyon (2) Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Lyons (3) Mrs. Kimberly J. Lyons (5) Mr. Ronnie Lee Lyons Mr. Stephen H. Lyons (15) Mrs. Irene K. Lytle Col. (Ret.) William W. Lytle, Jr. (6) Ms. Cheryl Lyvers Ms. Sheila L. Lyvers Mr. Herbert Joseph Mabe (6) Mrs. Patricia Ann Mabry (3) Ms. Linda M. MacConnell (2) Mr. Andrew MacCornack (4) Mr. Barry B. MacDonald (3) Mrs. Margaret J. MacDonald (15) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas K. MacDonell, III (3) Mr. Michael Harry Mace Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Macemon Mr. Wayne R. MacGregor (2) Ms. Debbie L. MacKay (5) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claypool Macke (8) Dr. Jeffrey Dale Macke (12) Mrs. Laurie A. MacKellar Mrs. Barbara Clark Mackessy (8) Macon Dental Health Center Ms. Lynne R. Macpherson Mr. Jack L. Maddox (2) Dr. and Mrs. Noel B. Maddox Dr. Patrick Maddy (6) Mr. and Mrs.Toby Dean Madison Hon. and Mrs. Wayne Madison Mr. Richard Neale Madison (3) Madisonville Veterinary Clinic Mr. Carlton Magan (3) Col. (Ret.) Lee J. Magers Ms. Norma Lucille Magers (6) Mr. Paul E. Magnes Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Gene Magouirk Mr. Joseph A. Magruder, Jr. (20) Mrs. Elizabeth S. Mahan Ms. Bonnie Mahanna Mrs. Nancy P. Mahnke (2) Ms. Larri Ann Mahoney Mrs. Amanda Carol Major Mrs. Julia Jetrue Major (2) Ms. Megan L. Major Mr. Robert Bennett Major Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Majors (20) Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Shawn Majors (2) Ms. Shiu Yue Mak Mr. Alex F. Maksymczuk Mrs. Charla Jane Malaney Ms. Shirley C. Malchow Mrs. Kelly A. Malley Mrs. Melissa S. Mallicoat Mr. Bryon Mallory Mrs. Lisa Ann Mallory (3) Mr. Jonathan Malloy Mr. and Mrs. John William Malone Mr.Taris Minar Malone Mr. James E. Maloney (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gavin Malott Mr. James Charles Malyj Mr. Robert W. Manasek Ms. Betty H. Mandabach (7) Mrs. Sara Louise Mangold (2) Ms.Tina Denise De Jesus Mangum Mrs. Wanda Ann Mangum (2) Mr. Doug Manier Mr. Brian Keith Manley Ms. Cynthia L. Manley (2) Mr. William Manley Mrs. Anne Hughes Mann (2) Ms. Becky Mann (8) Mrs. Brenda Sue Mann Mr. Craig Douglas Mann Mr. Henry M. Mann (2) Mr. James Joseph Mann Ms. Louise Mann Ms. Nancy L. Mann (18) Mrs. Paula J. Mann (2) Ms. Sharon Mann Ms. Judy Carol Manners (4) Mrs. Gayla Monroe Mansfield (4) Mrs. Margaret F. Mansfield (12) Mr. Michael Todd Mansfield (9) Col. William P. Mansfield, Jr. (5) Ms. Amy L. Manship Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Dean Manship Mr. James Issac Mantle (2) Mr. William David Maples (3) Ms. Peggy W. Marable Mr. and Mrs. David L. Maraman (3) Ms. Lorin Lin Marchio Mr. and Mrs. John Steven Marcum (2) Mrs. Laura Jean Marcum Marcus Lee Vanover Attorney At Law Mr. Jeffrey M. Marcus (2) Dr. Susan McElroy Marcus (3) Mrs. Pamela Underwood Mardiney (6) Ms. Julia S. Maresca Mrs. Nancy Ellen Marinsek Mrs. Donnie Williams Marion Mr. Wes Marion Mr. Ben F. Mark, II (2) Mrs. Margaret A. Mark (14) Mr. Robert R. Marker Ms. Eva R. Markham Mrs. Julia Ann Markham Mr.Tom Markham (2) Ms. Elinor Bennett Markle (4) Ms. Jan A. Greenwood Markle Mr. and Mrs. David R. Markle (16) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stanton Marks Mrs. Leann Chissom Marksberry (2) Ms. Francine Markwell Mr. and Ms. Roger D. Markwell Mrs. Anne Marlin Ms. Anna Maria Maroney Ms. Catherine P. Maroney (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Maroney Mr. Gary Lee Marr Jr. Mr. Robert H. Marrett (7) Mrs. Joy E. Marriner (3) Mr. Gary Robert Marsh Mrs. Heloise B. Marsh (18) Ms. Melony Lynn Marsh Alumni Fall 2005 Dr. Robert Cecil Marsh Mr. Derek R. Marshall Mrs. Georgia Sue Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Timothy Marshall (2) Mrs. Lisa D. Marshall (2) Mrs. Nancy Richey Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Marshall Mr. Nicholas Shane Marshall Mrs. Rita W. Marshall (17) Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Marshall (2) Mr.Theodore Jackson Marshall (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall (5) Mrs. Bonnie Ruth Martin (2) Ms. Bonnie S. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Oneil Martin (5) Mrs. Carol Precious Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Martin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eugene Martin (4) Mr. Danny Gale Martin (11) Mr. David Martin Ms. Deborah Madeleine Martin Mrs. Denishia G. Martin Mr. Douglas G. Martin (2) Maj. (Ret.) Edward T. Martin (4) Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Robert Martin Mr. Everett N. Martin (2) Ms. Gail Lynn Martin (2) Mr. Gary R. Martin (2) Mr. Gary Wayne Martin Mr. Gregory Glenn Martin (6) Mr. Howitt Martin Dr. James Kenneth Martin (7) Ms. Jane S. Martin (2) Mrs. Janet Lin Martin (2) Mrs. Javene Martin (2) Mr. Joseph E. Martin (3) Ms. Judith A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Martin (4) Mrs. Linda Jones Martin (3) Ms. Lisa Joy Martin (13) Ms. Martha Martin Mr. Robert Lee Martin (2) Mr. Roger K. Martin (10) Mr. Stephen D. Martin Mrs. Susan Martin Mrs.Tamara B. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gene Martin (4) Mr.Thomas Martin Ms. Carolyn Martinette Mr. and Mrs. John K. Martray (3) Mr. Robert Edward Maryanski (14) Mr. Michael L. Marziale Dr. Richard Mashburn, Jr. Ms. Cecelia Mason Ms. Joyce A. Mason (3) Ms. Kristy Lynn Mason Mr. Stillie Lee Mason Mr.Tom Pryor Mason (3) Ms. Amber L. Mason-Sims Mr. Glen C. Massengale (3) Mr. Wendell H. Massengale (3) Mrs. Maleta Jean Massey Mr.Tyrone Massey Mr. Rickie Lee Matar (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Carlos Mathews (4) Mr. Martin Lea Mathews (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ryan K. Mathews Mr. and Mrs.Terry Lynn Mathews (3) Mrs. Sheila B. Mathias (3) Mrs. Deborah McBride Mathis (4) Mr. and Mrs. William Matlock (9) Mrs. Kimberly G. Matney Mr. Michael Glen Matney (2) Mr. Rodney P. Matre Mrs. Donna Rush Matthews (7) Ms. Helen Matthews Mrs. Judy J. Matthews Mrs. Leila Matthews (2) Mr. R. Jerry Matthews (3) Mr. Ben Mattingly (6) Maj. Frank P. Mattingly Mrs. Holly Carol Mattingly Ms. Sandra Lee Mattingly (2) Dr. and Mrs. Cecil N. Mattingly Mrs.Theresa Mattingly Mrs. Phyllis E. Maudlin (4) Ms. Allison Edith Maue (3) Mrs. Lana Wheat Maupin Mr. William S. Maupin (16) The WKU band standing in front of the statue of Peter Tchaikovsky at the Moscow Conservatory. Later that day the band performed on stage in the park.Tens of thousands of people were in the audience. Ms. Diane I. Maurice Staff Sgt. (Ret.) Cindy L. Maus (9) Mr. and Mrs.Wendel Ray Maxwell (2) Mr. Dwight Wayne Maxwell Mrs. Judith Ann Maxwell (3) Mrs. Laurie Lee Maxwell (4) Mr. Michael Joe Maxwell (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. May (2) Mr. James Dean May (10) Mrs. Rhonda Denine May Mrs. Sandra W. May Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. May (4) Mrs. Bonnie Mayer Mrs. Leslie Mayer Mrs. Lori Diane Mayer Ms. Amanda Jean Mayes Dr. and Mrs. Freddie M. Mayes (4) Mr. Hubert M. Mayes Mrs. Jeannie Lee Mayes Ms. Naomi Florence Mayes (2) Mrs. Stacy Jeannette Mayes (3) Mr. John Mayeur (2) Ms. Amber Leigh Mayfield (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Callis Mayfield Mr. Joseph H. Mayfield Ms. Judith Mayfield (6) Ms. Kay Mayfield (17) Mr. and Mrs. Collis G. Mayfield (9) Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Mayhugh (2) Mr. Kurt Maynard Mrs. Melinda Carol Mayo Mrs. Janet R. Mays Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mays (2) Mr. Steven L. Mays (3) Mr. James M. Mayse (3) Jeff and Alisa Maysey (4) Ms. Anne McAfee Mrs. Mary Catherine McAlevy (4) Ms. Ann Lee McAllister (2) Mr. James McAllister Mrs. Anne M. McAtee Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ray McAtee (2) McAtee-Miller & Association (2) Ms. Mary Anita McBride (7) Mr. and Mrs. David Lee McBride (6) Ms. Mandy McCain Ms. Lucinda Lee McCaleb (7) Mrs. Linda S. McCalister (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. McCall Mr. Edward L. McCarraher Mrs. Andrea Lee McCarthy Mrs. Patricia S. McCarthy (14) Mrs.Vyvian Maynard McCarthy Ms. Noelle Loraine McCartney Mr. Jason C. McCarty Dr. Joseph Stewart McCarty (2) Mrs. Sara R. McCaskey (2) Mrs. Jean N. McCaw (3) Mr. Auston G. McCay (3) Ms. Kimberly B. McCay McCay and Associates Mrs. Glenda H. McChesney (7) Mr. Kenneth McClain Mrs. Rebecca D. McClanahan Ms. Barbara Ann McClard Mrs. Sandra Kay McClary Mr. and Mrs. John W. McClellan, III (8) Ms. Jennie Stephens McClendon (13) Mr. Charles D. McCloud Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. McCloud Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. McClure (2) Mr. Christopher Kenneth McClure Mrs. Deborah Ann McClure (2) Mr. Gary L. McClure (2) Mr. Larry T. McClure (8) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gene McClure Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. McCollum (6) Mr. Michael McCollum Ms. Janice W. McComb (2) Mr. Jeffrey Dale McConnell Mr.Thomas R. McCord (5) Mrs. Autumn Carol McCormack Mr. Donald R. McCormick (4) Ms. Janice Lea McCoy (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard McCracken Ms. Amy Rebecca McCraney (2) Ms. Anna Mae McCubbin (7) Mr. Donald Craig McCulley Ms. Rachel Lynn McCullough Mr. and Mrs. James Rodney McCurry Mr. Robert B. McDade Mrs. Elizabeth N. McDaniel (2) Mr. James E. McDaniel (8) Mr. Larry R. McDaniel (13) Mr. Michael P. McDaniel Mrs. Roseanne N. McDaniel (2) Mrs. Pamela P. McDannold Mr. and Mrs. James B McDarment Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Curtis McDivitt (2) Mr. Carroll W. McDonald Mrs. Debbie R. McDonald (2) Mr. Kenneth McDonald Maj. Kenneth William McDonald (2) Mr. Mark Joseph McDonald (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Stephen McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McDonald Mrs. Wilda F. McDonald (3) Mr. William Rush McDonald Mr. and Mrs.Walter J. McDonough (3) Mr. Douglas McDonough Mrs. Elvira McDonough (10) Mr. Robert Andrew McDougal (3) Ms. Janet Reas McDowell (2) Mr. Lonnie L. McDowell (2) Mrs. Maxine C. McDowell (16) Mr. Daniel William McElheney (3) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neil McElroy (3) Dr. Mark K. McElroy (3) Ms. Mary Ann McElroy Mr. Russell Lee McElroy (2) Mr. Hutch L. McElwain Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lee McEuen Mrs. Patricia Buffin McEwen (5) Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Oaken Mr. Arthur Andrew McFadden (3) Dr. Gloria S. McFadden Mrs. Linda Fay McFall Ms. Alison Denise McFarland Ms. Betty Jane McFarland (9) Ms. Hye-Mi McFarland Mrs. Pamela Jean McFarland (9) Ms. Rebecca M. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Mark James McGee (2) Mrs. Marria T. McGee (2) Mr.Thomas R. McGeehan, Jr. Mr. Glenn S. McGehee, Sr. Mr. Joseph Campbell McGehee (2) Ms. Mary Ann McGehee Mrs.Veronica McGill Mr. Lance Eric McGinnis Dr.Thomas H. McGloshen, Jr. (18) Mrs. Diana F. McGowan Mr. Kyle Grant McGowan Ms. Shelley R. McGowan (3) Mrs. Brenda McGown (4) Mr. James Barton McGown Mr.Truman E. McGown (3) Mr. David McGregor Mr. and Mrs.William R. McGregor (3) Mrs. Jennifer M. McGregor Mrs.Tonya Jean McGue Ms. Pamela McGuffey Mrs. Wanda McGuffey Mr. Edward McGuire (20) Mr. and Mrs. James Eugen McGuire (3) Mr. and Mrs. Don K. McGuire (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGuire (3) Mrs. Martha S. McGuirk (7) Ms. Melva McGuirk Mrs. June R. McGuyer (3) Mrs. Mary R. McIndoo Mrs. Cynthia Allen McIntosh (8) 69 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Cupola Society Recognition The following individuals and organizations deserve special recognition for 40 or more consecutive years of making a gift to Western. Harold and Novice McGuffey 50 Brown’s Ice Cream Company 40 Sue F. Lightfoot-Borders 40 Integra Bank 40 Doug and Lucy Bradford 40 Rhea Lazarus 40 David R. Browning 40 U.S. Bank 40 Mrs. Rebecca B. McIntosh (3) Ms. Shannon Kathleen McIntyre Mrs.Toni McIntyre (5) Ms. Abbie L. McKay Mrs. Sheila D. McKay Mr. Harold Dean McKee Mr. Robert Joseph McKenna Ms. Felecia Dionne McKenney (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Y. McKenzie, Jr. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wayne McKiddy (2) Mrs. Mary McKillip Mr. Christopher M. McKinley Ms. Fay McKinley Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. McKinley (23) Mrs. Christal Gaye McKinney (3) Mr. Donald L. McKinney Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H. McKinney (3) Mr. Douglas Warren McKinney Mr. James Ray McKinney Mrs. Janis B. McKinney Mr. Ray McKinney, Jr. (4) Mrs. Sarah Rebecca McKinney Ms.Takara Melissa McKinney Mr. Carlos B. McKinsey Mr. Mike McKown (3) Mr. Myron D. McLain (16) Mrs. Beth Ann McLamb (7) Mr. Ross Howlett McLaren (6) Mrs. Marcia L. McLaughlin (3) McLean County Retired Teachers Mrs. Felicia Cartwright McLean (2) Mrs. Jean McLean Mr. William S. McLean (2) Mrs. Cheryl Joy McLeod Ms. Betty Ann McLimore Mr. James Leslie McLimore Mrs. Jo Ann Williams McMahan (2) Ms. Mickey N. McMahon (2) Mrs. Alice D. McMaster (7) Ms. Lucille Louise Lee McMichael Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee McMillin, II (2) Mr. Lyle Bruce McMillin, Jr. (2) Mr. Scott D. McMurray (2) Mr. Robert W. McMurry (3) Mrs. Claudetta S. McMurtry (14) Ms. Mary Lane McNamara (20) Mr. David M. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McPeak (5) Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. McPeak Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shawn 70 McPherson (3) Mrs. Ella S. McPherson Mrs. Deborah Scott McQueary Mr. Daniel B. McQuitty Mr. William R. McRae Ms. Barbara Jill McReynolds (4) Mr. Hugh Curtis McReynolds Ms. Melissa Ann McRoberts (8) Mr. Michael D. McRoy (2) Mr. William F. McShane, Jr. (18) Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. McSween, Jr. Mr. Kevin Alexander McTavish Mr. and Mrs. Rex Alan McWhorter Ms. Mary D. McWilliams (2) Ms. Mary Justina McWilliams (2) Mr. Roy R. McWilliams Ms. Alisa Brooke Meacham Mr.Thomas S. Meacham (13) Mr. Robert G. Meade (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Brent Meador Mrs. Karen M. Meador (10) Mrs. Marcia J. Meador (3) Mrs. Marian Lois Meadows (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Meadows (12) Mrs. Shannon M. Meadows (6) Mrs. Sondra Hunt Meadows (3) Mr.Thomas G. Meagher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dane Alexander Medich (3) The Medi-Sell Company Ms.Tammy Lane Medlen (3) Mr. Bryant Aaron Medley (9) Mr. Chester A. Medley (3) Mr. David M. Medley (2) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Medley (3) Mrs. Wendy Joyce Medley (10) Ms. Nancy MeEachern Mr. Micheal Richard Meece Mr.Timothy Meece (2) Ms. Karen S. Meeks Ms. Marcia Combs Meeks (2) Mr. Wallace Neil Meeks Ms. Anna Mefford Mrs. Carol L. Mefford (3) Mr. Durwood Mefford (2) Mr. Marty Richard Mefford (5) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Douglas Mefford (3) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy D. Mefford Mrs. Margaret F. Meggs (6) Dr. Gretchen Ann Meiers Mrs. Louella Meir Mr. and Mrs. Curt Melcher (5) Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melear Ms. Patricia H. Mello Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dale Melloan (4) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Melloan (3) Mrs. Joyce R. Melson (6) Ms. Maggie L. Melson (2) Ms. Jennifer E. Melton (3) Mr. R. Glen Melton Mrs. Randa C. Melville (15) Mr. Darren Mendel Ms. Joanna K. Mendelsberg (2) Mrs. Emilia F. Mendenhall Mrs. Gail Rausch Menefee (2) Mr. Joe William Meng, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Menser (3) Mr. William E. Menser (4) Mr. Jerry J. Mercer (3) Mr. and Mrs. Burns E. Mercer Mr. Russell Martin Mercer Mrs. Elizabeth L. Merchant (2) Merck Company Foundation Ms. Brandi R. Meredith Mr. Jonathan Ryan Meredith Mrs. Linda Michelle Pedigo Meredith (3) Ms. Melody Meredith Mrs. Raymonde L. Meredith Mr. Russell I. Meredith, Jr. (2) Mr. William Howard Meredith (3) Mr. George Merkle Ms. Jessica Ann Merman (3) Ms. Hazel Mattingly Merrell Mr. Charles C. Merrill (4) Mr. John L. Merrill Mr. Sean Andre' Merritt (6) Col. Ralph Merrow (2) Mr.Travis D. Meserve Mr. and Mrs.Ted Messenger (6) Mr. Gerald Messenger Mr. Roy D. Messerschmidt (2) Mrs. Nancy Jo Messmer (8) Mr. Gary Alexander Meszaros (4) Ms. Rosemary Meszaros (5) Mr. Gerald D. Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. David F. Metzger Mr. Glenn D. Metzger (3) Mr. David Metzmeier Mrs. Barbara Faye Meyer Mrs. Carolyn Jill Meyer (2) Mr. Daniel J. Meyer Mrs. Danielle M. Meyer Ms. Susan K. Meyer (5) Mrs. Susan Lea Meyer (4) Ms. Amee Meyers (8) Mrs. Jennifer C. Micek Ms. Amy L. Michael Mr. Jason R. Michael Mr. William F. Michealis (2) Ms. Megan A. Michie Mr. Paul Joseph Middendorf Mrs. Patricia R. Middlestadt (9) Ms. Elizabeth G. Middleton (24) Mr. Rush Henry Midkiff (8) Mid-State Exterminators Mr. Mark A. Miick Ms. Allene R. Milam Mr.Terry Ray Milam (3) Mr. M. Bradley Milburn (3) Mrs. Nicole Lynn Milburn (3) Mr. Bryon N. Milby (9) Mr. Donald Alton Miles, Jr. Mr. Frank J. Miles Mr. George Sterett Miles (3) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher David Miles (3) Mr. Randall Keith Miles (4) Mr. Robert S. Miles Ms. Shannon D. Miles Mr. Carl E. Millanti Mr. Warren Gregory Millar, III (2) Mr.Tom Millay Mr. James Emmett Millea (2) Miller & Chevalier Chartered Dr. Alvin L. Miller (4) Ms. Amelia Nicole Miller Dr. and Mrs. James E. Miller (16) Ms. Bree Ann Miller (3) Mr. Bruce Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stuart Miller Mrs. Charlotte B. Miller (2) Mrs. Christine M. DeLessio Miller (3) Mr. Clarence L. Miller Mr. David Alexander Miller (2) Mr. and Mrs. Donald F Miller Mr. Douglas F. Miller Mrs. Elaine Miller (3) Mrs. Eleanor E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. F. Clayton Miller (2) Ms. Frances Miller Mr. Frank Miller, Jr. (5) Dr. Frank Denton Miller Mr. Gary Lynn Miller Dr. Georgia Blair Miller Ms. Grace Evelyn Miller (13) Mr. Gregory Blaine Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Mr. Jacki Miller Mr. James M. Miller (12) Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miller Mr. Jeffery Scot Miller (3) Mr. Jerome F. Miller (2) Mr. John Miller (2) Mr. John W. Miller (3) Ms. Joy Marie Miller (8) Ms. Joyce Endicott Miller Ms. Joyce Marye Miller Mrs. Kimberly T. Miller (2) Ms. Kristen Leigh Miller (8) Mr. Larry Vernon Miller (10) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ray Miller Mr. Mark D. Miller Mrs. Mary Helen Huddleston Miller (16) Mrs. Myrna Ann Miller (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller (3) Mr. Orville Miller, Jr. (4) Ms. Paige M. Miller Mr. Pat N. Miller Mrs. Patricia A. Miller (7) Mr. and Mrs. Jewel C. Miller, Jr. (2) Mr. Richard E. Miller (5) Ms. Rita Ann Miller Ms. Roberta Diane Miller Ms. Robin Lynn Miller (4) Mr. Russell E. Miller Mr. Russell H. Miller (12) Mr. Ryan A. Miller (3) Mrs. Sandra R. Miller (8) Mr. Scott L. Miller (2) S. Wayne and Brenda K. Miller (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Michael Miller (4) Mr. Steven Robert Miller (9) Mr.Thomas H. Miller (2) Mr.Victor Craig Miller (8) Ms.Victoria Thorpe Miller (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rodgie Glen Millet (5) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Millichap (19) Mrs. Candace Cornette Milligan (2) Mrs. Amy Hale Milliken (2) Mrs. Marcia K. Milliner Ms.Theresa Margaret Milliner (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Mills (2) Ms. Beverly Mills Ms. Cheri Lynn Mills (2) Mr. and Mrs. David L. Mills (15) Mrs. Deanna Mills (6) Mrs. Donna M. Mills Mrs. Doris B. Mills (14) Mr. Dwight K. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Mills (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Mills (14) Mr. and Mrs. James Monaghan Mills Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Mills (2) Mr. Jerry Thomas Mills, Jr. (4) Mr. Ray W. Mills (19) Ms.Theresa Ann Mills Mrs.Twyla A. Mills (2) Mr. David C. Milner (2) Mr. Curtis H. Milton, Jr. (15) Mr. John L. Milton (6) Mrs. Sandra Kay Milton (2) Mrs. Margaret Louise Mims Mr. Brian Lee Minch (3) Mrs. Ann Shaw Miner (2) Ms. Barbara K. Minix (2) Mrs. Ellen T. Mink (2) Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Minors (8) Mrs. Karen S. Minsterman Mrs. Lynn McIvor Minton Mrs. Phyllis Jane Minton Mrs. Shirley Minton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eaves Minton Mrs. Amy M. Minuth (9) Ms. Janice Carolyn Misere (3) Mr. Michael Misiuta Mrs. Nancy E. Mitcham (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jay Preston Mitchell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell Ms. Carolyn Elaine Mitchell (7) Ms. Demetrice Harper Mitchell Mr. Dennis P. Mitchell (2) Mrs. Eleonore Mitchell (8) Mr. and Mrs. Cletus R. Mitchell (3) Mr. George K. Mitchell, Jr. (5) Mr. Glenn Stokes Mitchell (2) Lt. Col. James Dale Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mitchell (4) Mrs. Kim Mitchell Mrs. Linda Cunniff Mitchell (3) Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lawrence Mitchell Mr. Phil Mitchell Mrs.Vera E. Mitchell (2) Mrs. Wendy Mize (10) Mr.Thomas W. Moak (4) Mrs. H Louise Moblo Mr. Kevin Daniel Modlin Ms. Nancy Moghaddam Col. William F. Mohr, Jr. (3) Mr. Sri Prakash L. Mokshagundam Mrs. Susan Jane Mollman (2) Mr. George Patrick Molloy (2) Mrs. Kelly L. Molloy (7) Mr. and Mrs. Danny Moloney (6) Dr. William G. Monahan Mrs. Diana K. Monda (2) Mr. Jerry Dwayne Monday Mrs. Kimberly J. Monday (10) Mrs. Cathleen F. Moneyhon (5) Mrs. Ann W. Monhollon (9) Ms. Anna Kathleen Monin (4) Ms. M. Elizabeth Monohan Drs. Eula and James Monroe Dr. Jamie Maria Monroe (4) Ms. Suzanne J. Montabon (2) Mrs. Dana R. Montague (4) Ms. Carrol L. Montgomery Mr. Jerry W. Montgomery Mrs. Karen S. Montgomery (3) Mr. Kevin D. Montgomery Mr. Shannon L. Montgomery Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Ms. Sharon Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. William J. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. David Michael Moody (4) Ms. Loree Ann Moody (2) Mrs. Carrie E. Mook (2) Ms. Pamela Lutes Mooney (3) Mr.Timothy M. Mooney Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mooningham (7) Mr. G.Thomas Moor (4) Mr. Jason Vance and Ms.Amanda Moore Ms. Anita Wall Moore (3) Ms. Moore and Mr. Lessenberry Mr. Daniel Eric Moore Mr. Daniel G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Moore (2) Mrs. Jane Phillips Moore Mrs. Joan Kerr Moore Dr. John David Moore (4) Ms. Judith Fay Moore (8) Ms. Katherine Moore Mrs. Kelly Renee Moore Mrs. Lizabeth Aaron Moore (9) Mrs. Marketha Kay Moore Ms. Mary Elise Moore (3) Mrs. Michelle M. Moore Mr. Paul E. Moore (9) Mr. Phillip Harvey Moore (7) Ms. Phyllis A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Moore (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Moore (2) Mr. Ray Washington Moore (3) Mr. Ronnie C. Moore (3) Mrs. Wendy B. Moore Mr. William A. Moore Mr. Jeffrey C. Moorefield (2) Mrs. Brenda Elaine Moorman Mr. James Lynn Moorman, Jr. (3) Mrs. Willa H. Moorman Mrs.Teresa Moran Mr. William Blake Moran (4) Mrs. Angela E. Morehead Dr. Maureen and Mr. Robert Morehead Mr. Joseph Lee Morel Ms. Carolyn Ann Moreland Mr. Ricky Craig Moreland (3) Mr. Sammy Moreland (2) Mrs. Leona Morelock Mrs. Anne Keen Morgan (10) Mr. Carl A. Morgan Mrs. Cynthia Morgan James Edgar Morgan and Diane W. Morgan Mr. Douglas W. Morgan (11) Mrs. Ella White Morgan (2) Mrs. Faye Morgan (2) Mr. George Joseph Morgan (5) Mr. James Ray Morgan Mrs. Jennifer B. Morgan (3) Mrs. Kerry Sigler Morgan Mrs. Lisa Gay Morgan (9) Mrs. Nina K. Morgan (8) Mr. and Ms. Steve Upchurch Morgan (4) Dr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Morgan (2) Mr. William R. Morgan Mrs. Kathleen Manion Morgeson (6) Ms. Danielle Moriarty Morris Jewelry, Inc. Mrs. Betty June Morris Maj. Byron Kevin Morris (12) Mr. Clay Beale Morris, Jr. (3) Mrs. Donna Morris Mrs. Frances H. Morris (18) Mrs. Frances S. Morris (2) Mr. James E. Morris Mrs. Karen C. Morris (12) Mr. Lindell A. Morris (15) Mr. Loriece Morris (8) Mr. Matthew Shawn Morris Mr. Samuel L. Morris (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Morris (3) Mr. Stanley H. Morris, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs.Van K. Morris (3) Mr. Wade C. Morris (2) Dr. Walter R. Morris Mrs. Brenda K. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee Morrison (2) Mrs. Cali Marie Morrison (5) Ms. Clarissa D. Morrison Mr. Donnie Royce Morrison (4) Mrs. Lori J. Morrison (3) Alumni Fall 2005 Ms. Peggy Morrison Dave and Tracy Morrison (3) Ms. Audrey Morrow Ms. Kay Morrow (10) Mr. Robert E. Morrow (12) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Curtis Morse (2) Mrs. Cathy Alice Morse (5) Mrs. Lori Anne J. Morse Ms. Rebecca Diane Morse (2) Mr. James Douglas Mory Ms. Christy Lou Mosby Mr. Barry Edward Moseley (2) Mr. Edward D. Moseley, Jr. (4) Ms. Haley Elizabeth Moseley (10) Mr. and Mrs. John Brent Moseley (3) Mr. William D. Moseley Mrs. Angie Moser Mr. James Thomas Moses Capt. Andrew Kyle Mosier Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Mosier (2) Mrs. Judith E. Mosley (3) Ms. Louise Mosley (4) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moss (3) Mr. Larry Patrick Moss (7) Mr. Rivers Benjamin Moss (2) Mr. Roger D. Moss Mr.Terry Wayne Moss Dr. and Mrs. William Henry Moss (2) Ms. Irene P. Motley Mr. Ralph Milton Moulder Ms. Sara Louann Moulton (2) Mr. Faron Dale Mounce Mount Zion Baptist Church Mr. Joseph Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ronald Moutardier (8) Jeremy Mowers and Sara Greenwell Mowers (3) Mrs. Runell J. Moyer Mr. David R. Moyes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Tom B. Mracek MSE & Associates, LLC Mrs. Rebecca Flener Mudd Mr. David Nolan Mudwilder (3) Ms. Deborah W. Muench (2) Mrs. Karen M. Mujica (4) Ms. Isabel Mukonyora Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Muldrow Mr. Wayne Mullen (10) Dr. Mrinal Mullick (4) Mr. Donald Ray Mullins Ms. Judith Rae Mullins (8) Mr. Leonard P. Mullins Mr. Lorin Scott Mullins Mr. Lawrence J. Multerer Mr. Michael Allan Multerer (11) Mr. Paul W. Mumaw Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee Mumford Mrs. Karen Lee Munoz Mr. Jeffrey Munroe Ms. Rita Muratalla (2) Mr. James Murley (14) Mrs. Becky A. Murphey (13) Mr. John W. Murphree, III (2) Mrs. Ashley Atkerson Murphy (2) Mrs. Deanna “Deedee” M. Murphy (2) Mr. Harold D. Murphy Mrs. Ines Lucille Murphy (2) Mrs. Julia Graham Murphy (2) Ms. Lisa R. Murphy (2) Mrs. Michelle Lyn Murphy Mr. Peter F. Murphy (5) Mr. Robert D. Murphy (2) Mr. Ronnie Murphy (2) Ms. Sherry K. Murphy Mr. William D. Murphy (3) Mr. David T. Murray (6) Mrs. Jane T. Murray (5) Ms. Jennifer Amanda Murray (2) Mrs. Karen M. Murray Ms. Sue Ann Murray (14) Mr. Charles Thomas Murrell, III (2) Mr. Anson Gay Muse (5) Mr. Ralph Kenneth Muse (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Musgrave Mrs. Heather S. Muth Mr. Marcus W. Muth Mr. Patrick Mwansa Mr. William Glenn Myatt Mrs. Catherine J. Myers (2) Mr. Dale Myers Mrs. Heather Lynn Myers (3) Mrs. Jodi M. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Myers (2) Mrs. Laura Belle Myers (6) Ms. Loeta Myers (6) Mr. William C. Myles Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Edward Nachand Mr. and Mrs. Steve E. Nagel (9) Ms. Lisa Nagel Mr. Stephen Nagy Mr. and Mrs. John Samuel Nahm (2) Mrs. Robin Lynn Naiser Mrs. Pamela J. Nalbone Mr.Thomas Anthony Nall Ms. Connie J. Nalley Mr. William Joseph Nally (3) Mrs. Emily R. Namken (8) Mr. and Mrs. W. Mitchell Nance (6) Mrs. Ann H. Nance Mr. David J. Nance (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nance Mrs. Opal L. Nankivell (6) Mr. Michael Hobart Nantz (3) Ms. Eileen Taggart Napier (10) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Napier (17) Mrs. Lisa Simmons Napier (2) Mr. and Mrs. William M. Napier (17) Ms. Nancy M. Napier (9) Mrs.Tammy Clifton Napier Mr. Steven James Napoli (3) Mrs. Kristeen Templeton Nash Mrs. Melody Richardson Nash (4) Mr. Walter Dean Nash (6) Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilbur Nason Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nason Mr. Michael J. Nastri Mr. Marshall S. Nathanson (18) Mr. Michael Nation Mr. Phillip Nation (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randolph Nau (5) Mr. Steven M. Nau Mrs. Julia Fields Naylor (2) Mr. Jacob Neace Mr. Kenneth H. Neagle Mrs.Vivian W. Neagle (2) Neal & Harwell, PLC Mr. Michael H. Neal (2) Mr. David W. Neat Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nedros (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lorne Nedvidek (2) Mr. Aaron Neel and Ms. White Mr. and Mrs. Hoover Jackson Neel Ms. Karen Ann Neeley (5) Mr. Charles Robey Neely Mr. Joe B. Neely (2) Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Neely (2) Ms. Shameka Yvette Neely (2) Mrs. Myrna Neff (6) Ms. Robin Anne Neff (10) Mr. Jason A. Neidell Mrs. Rhonda Johnson Neiderauer (3) Mrs. Kathy Gaskey Neighbors (3) Mr. Scott M. Neighbors Mr. Gregory H. Neilsen Mr. Ralph H. Neilsen Mr. Chesley E. Nell (3) Ms. Caroline Nellis (7) Mr. David W. Nelson Ms. Doreen Kae Nelson (3) Mr. Douglas H. Nelson Mr. George Guthrie Nelson (2) Dr. Robert E. Nelson (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Mark Nelson (4) Ms. Rhonda L. Nesbitt (10) Ms. Anna May Nesmith Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Nester (3) Mrs. Robyn C. Nethers (2) Mrs. Mary Jo Netherton (7) Mr. James Joseph Netti (9) Mr. George Septer Neubauer Mrs. Marilyn Jo Neumann (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neumayer (2) Mr. Donald Neuss (2) Mr. David Wayne Neville (2) Mr. Franklin R. Neville (5) Mrs. Michele Aron Nevitt New Hope Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Roland New (12) Mr.Terry New Mr. Sedrik Ramal Newbern Mrs. Dorothy S. Newbold (5) Mr. and Mrs. Garry R. Newby (3) Mrs. Brenda Ferguson Newcom (12) Mr. and Mrs. Curtice Lee Newcom, Jr. Ms. Patricia Gail Newcom (10) Mr. Brian L. Newcomb Mr. Daniel R. Newcomb Mr. Michael Jay Newell (2) Mrs. Peggy Jean Newkirk (2) Mr. Clifton B. Newman (3) Mrs. Kelly Lyn Newman (2) Ms. Kristi Ann Newman Mrs. Phyllis Newman Mr. Stephen Alan Newman (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Newman (4) Mr. and Mrs.William L. Newman (3) Mr.Wesley Newman Mr.William Carroll Newman (12) Mr. Chuck Newnham (2) Mrs. Beverly A. News Mr. Barry Dean Newton Ms. Jennifer Newton Mr. Michael Wayne Newton Mr. Stanley Newton Next Day Auto Painting & Bodyworks (2) Dr. Matthew Doziem Ngwu (4) Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nicely (12) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Nicely (7) Mrs. Andra Cummins Nicholls (3) Mr. Robert L. Nicholls Ms. Catherine S. Nichols (3) Mr. David A. Nichols (2) Mrs. Deanna Lynn Nichols Mrs. Gloria Kaye Nichols (7) Ms. Judy Nichols (2) Ms. Judy Carol Nichols (3) Mrs. Karen O. Nichols (3) Mr. Michael Cody Nichols (4) Maj. and Mrs. Paul Edward Nichols (10) Mr.William H. Nichols, Jr. (2) Mrs. Mary Elizabeth M. Nickell (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan Nicodemus (3) Mr. Clinton J. Niehaus Mr. James F. Nielsen, Jr. Mrs. Elisa M. Nielson (2) Mr. Ryan Raymond Niemeier (2) Mrs. Elizabeth J. Niemeyer (3) Mr. and Mrs. A Nick Niknejadi (2) Ms.Tracy Anne Nilles (2) Ms. Kay L. Niman-Meyers (3) Mr. Glenn E. Nippert (3) Mr. Jeremy Ray Nipple (3) Mr. Eugene Nix (2) Mr. Jared Blair Nix Mr. and Mrs.Wendell Nixon (5) Mrs. Marilyn Nixon (10) Ms. Lori E. Noble Mr. David A. Noe Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Todd Noe (3) Mrs. Rachel Nicole Spencer Noe Mr. John Hopkins Noel, III Mr.Terrell L. Noffsinger Ms.Wilma L. Noffsinger Ms. Janet Green Nolan Mr. David L. Nollner (2) Ms. Jaclyn Michelle Noon (4) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Norman (2) Mr. Carl W. Norman (8) Mr. James P. Norman Mr. Eric Robert Norrid (2) Norris Well Services, Inc. (3) Mr. Albert William Norris (2) Mrs. Bonnie Norris Mr. Carl D. Norris, Jr. Mr. Charles L. Norris Mr. and Mrs. David Keith Norris (2) Mrs. Jo Ann Norris (19) Mrs. Krystal K. Norris (3) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Norris (3) Ms. Quenna Dawn Norris Mr. Samuel H. Norris (18) Mrs.Wilma Gail Norton Mrs. Kathryn R. Norvell (5) Mrs. Kara L. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Don Novosel (8) Ms. Ruth E. Nuckols (11) D. Nugent (2) Mrs. Patsy N. Nugent (8) Mrs. Amy Beth Nunn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damon Nunn (2) Mrs. Ingeborg Katharina Nunn Mrs. Joan A. Nunn (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Michael Nunn Mr. and Mrs.Tony H. Nunn Mr. Craig James Nunnari Mrs. Rebecca Dillon Nunnelee Mrs. Johnna S. Nunneley (7) Mr. Charles W. Nye (9) Mr.William Nye Mrs. Cecilia M. Oak (3) Mr. Gregory Duke Oakes Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Oakes (2) Mr. Randall V. Oakes, Jr. (3) Mrs. Doris Oaks (7) Oak Tree Eye Clinic Mr. Jerry M. Oates (6) Ms. Laura N. Oatley Mr. Brian O'Banion Mr. John Oberhausen (11) Ms. Mary Lee Oberhausen Mrs. Cheryl L. Obermiller (3) Mr. Richard Todd O'Brian (3) Mr.Thomas P. O'Brien Mr.Thomas W. Obrock Mr. David Allen O'Bryan (5) Mrs. Rebecca H. O'Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Roy O'Bryan (2) Mrs. Barbara E. Ochsner Ms. Shelley P. O'Connell Mrs. Carmen O'Daniel Mr. Joseph Patrick O'Daniel Mr. David W. Oden (8) Mrs. Dixie Oden (2) Mr. Adeirele V. Oderinde Ms. Kathryn Laurel O'Donnell (3) Mrs. Barbara C. Oesterritter (9) Office of International Programs (4) The Officer Law Offices Mr. John R. Officer Mr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Offutt (2) Mr.Teddy Ogles Dr. Burch E. Oglesby Mrs. Rachel M. Oglesby Dr. Amon Okechukwu Okpala (7) Ms. Anne Marcie Old Mrs. Carolyn E. Oldham (17) Mrs. Debbie Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oldham Mr. John Robert Oldham Mrs.Theresa Linda Oldham Olive Branch Missionary Baptist Mr. and Mrs. Derek Bryan Olive (5) Mr. Carl Oliver Mr. Charles Lynn Oliver (14) Mr. Damian Ray Oliver (2) Mr. and Mrs. Danny C. Oliver (5) Mrs. Elsie M. Oliver (2) Mr. James O. Oliver (2) Dr. Margurette J. Oliver (2) Ms. Mary Alice Oliver (4) Mrs. Meghan E. Oliver (2) Mr. Philip Martin Oliver (7) Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Bruce Oliver (9) Mrs.Tammy Scott Oliver (2) Mr. and Mrs.Todd Brian Oller (8) Lt. Col. James J. Olliges Dr. Astrid Hoffmann Olsen Ms. Sharon K. Olsen (3) Ms. Colleen O'Connor Olson Mr. Elmer R. Olson (2) Mrs. Lorrie J. Olson (2) Mrs. Donna H. O'Mara (4) Omega Phi Alpha Mr. Norman A. O'Nan (2) Mrs. Jessica D. O'Neal (2) Mrs. Karen Michelle O'Neal (8) Ms. Susann Labrie O'Neil Mr. and Mrs. James David Oney (5) Dr. Josephine and Mr. Charles R. Orange Mr. Luis Enrique Ore Mrs. Susan H. O'Rear (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Orel (10) Mrs. Euba C. Organ (14) Mrs. Heidi L. Orlaske (14) Mrs. Carrie W. Orman Mr. and Mrs. David Paul Orne (8) 71 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Cupola Society The objective of the Cupola Society is to recognize long-term donors, no matter the size of the gift and bring distinction to those individuals who support Western Kentucky University through sustained annual giving. The name Cupola Society was chosen for its recognition, its meaning and its importance. The cupola is recognized as an important symbol of Western Kentucky University. This symbol is not only representative of the university’s past (Cherry Hall), but it is also representative of Western’s future (Guthrie Tower). The cupola in use belies several symbols useful in education. As simply a vaulted roof structure on a building, a cupola draws attention to the structure, just as Cherry Hall draws attention as the symbol of the educational opportunity presented by Western Kentucky University. Cupolas are often used as a means to emit air or light, much as a university offers the continued on page 73 72 Mr. and Mrs. George Orr Mrs. Patricia K. Ortega Mrs.Tisha Michelle Orth (3) Mr. and Mrs.William H. Orton, Jr. (5) Mr. David Elliott Osborne (6) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Osborne (2) Ms. Mary W. Osborne Mrs. Patricia Correa Osborne (3) Ms. Susan Marie Osborne (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E Oser Mrs. Ellen F. O'Shaughnessy Mr. Kevin O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Edward Oslin (3) Mrs. Chris Stanton Osowski Ms. Melody L. Ossello (2) Mr. Armand L. Ostroff Mr. Richard Ostwald (5) Mr. Louis L. Oswald, Jr. (3) Mr.Timothy Eugene Ottersbach (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Swain Ottman (2) Mr. Kurt Robert Otto Mr. and Mrs. Don Ousley (2) Mr. Danny Wayne Outland (5) Ms. Keri L. Overall (2) Ms. Kerrie M. Overall Mr. Guy L. Overbey Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eugene Overby Ms. Christy L. Overfelt Mr. Kenneth W. Overhults (3) Mrs. Lois C. Overstreet (2) Mr. Michael Bryant Overton Ms. Mary B. Ovesen Mr. James H. Owen Mr. Kevin Randall Owen (7) Lt. Col. Barney Clifton Owens (3) Mr. Charles L. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark Owens (4) Ms. Dorothy A. Owens (7) Mrs. Jackie Owens Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Reynolds Mrs. Jodie D. Owings (8) Dr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ownby (17) Mrs. Brandi Jo Owsley Mr. Gary Oyler Mrs. S. Caroline Oyler (7) Mr. Alfred Pace Mrs. Laura P. Pace (3) Ms. Mary M. Pace (9) Mr. Randell Evans Pace Mr. Steven Tynes Pace (2) Ms.Tracy Lovern Pace (2) Mrs. Debbie Pack Mrs. Donna Dawley Pack Ms. Deborah S. Padgett Mr. Kiran Kumar Padigala Dr. and Mrs. Raul H. Padilla (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eddie H. Page (8) Mr. Charles M. Page, Jr. Mrs. Felischa K. Page (4) Mr. Gary William Page (7) Mrs.Tina R. Page (2) Mr. and Mrs.Travis Craig Page (3) Mr. Richard N. Page Mr. Ricky Page Mrs. Sue Ann Page (9) Ms. Joan Y. Pagel (10) Mr. Curt Douglas Paige Mrs. Jennifer L. Painter (3) Dr. Ernest Harvey Pait, III Mr.William Robert Pait Mr. Arthur C. Palmer (2) Mrs. Kathleen Palmer Ms. Mandy J. Palmiter Mrs. Sue Carol Palms (2) Mr. Scott Russell Panella Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian L. Pantano, Jr. (7) Mrs. Catherine B. Para Mrs. Paula J. Pardue Mrs.Velma B. Pardue (8) Dr. Grady H. Pare Parents Press (6) Mr. and Mrs. Michalakis Parides (2) Mr. Charles Hal Park Ms. Dolores O. Park (2) Mr. James A. Park (2) Ms. Janet Park Mrs. Jamie Renee Parke (9) Ms. Michelle Dawn Parke (2) Ms. Shelia Ann Parke (3) Mr. and Mrs. Carter Thompson Parker Mr. Christopher Scott Parker (2) Mrs. Diane Lynne Parker (2) Ms. Erin Michaella Parker Mr. Gary Tracy Parker (2) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Parker (14) Mr. Jason Ray Parker Ms. Kathy Parker Mrs. Kimberly Lee Parker Mr. and Mrs. Roger N. Parker (7) Ms. Sandra Gale Parker Mr.Todd Andrew Parker (2) Mrs. Barbara Catron Parks (3) Ms. Brenda Elizabeth Parks (5) Mr. Kenneth D. Parks (2) Parkway Liquors Mr. Rodney Keith Parmley (10) Mr. Chad A. Parnell (2) Mr. Michael Lee Parrett (3) Mrs. Nancy Louise Parris Mrs. Heather Morris Parrish Mr. John David Parrish (7) Ms. Nina Adele Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Parsley, II (2) Mrs. Hazel K. Parson (3) Ms. Catherine Preston Parsons Mr. David K. Parsons (3) Ms. Laura B. Partin Mrs. Angela Whitehead Paschal Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Paschall Mrs.Teresa Lynn Paschall (2) Mr. Keith Paxton Paskett Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Pasley (7) Mrs. Patricia O. Pasley (2) Ms. Janie B. Pass Mr. Jerry Passafiume Mr. Dustin Alan Pate Mr. Justin Alan Pate Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Roy Pate (3) Mrs. Sally Elaine Pate (3) Mr. Donald Thomas Paterson Mrs. Ashley S. Patrick Mr. Ralph W. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. John Patsey (2) Mr. Mark Van Patten (4) Ms. Brenda Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Corey L. Patterson (3) Mr. Craig Allen Patterson (4) Mr. Frank H. Patterson (3) Mr. Howard K. Patterson (3) Mr. Larry Patterson Ms. Monica R. Patterson (3) Ms. Nancy C. Patterson (8) Mr. Raymond Alexander Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leon Patterson (10) Mr. Reed Patterson (3) Mr. Richard Ellis Patterson (4) Mr. Richard Frederick Patterson (10) Col. David O. Patton Mr. Hudson Patton (7) Mr. Larry Gene Patton Mr.Thomas R. Patton (15) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lynn Paul (2) Dr. Edward R. Pauley (8) Mr. James Watkins Pauley Mr. and Mrs. Ohm W. Pauli (24) Ms. Sarah A. Paulson (6) Ms. Maria Kde Pawlikowski Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton (10) Mrs. Laura Paxton Mr. John Payeur Mr. Bill Payne (3) Mrs. Carolyn Sue Payne (6) Ms. Cheryl Payne Mrs. Cynthia A. Payne Mrs. Cynthia Marie Payne Mr. Daniel Lee Payne (6) Ms. Denise Payne Ms. Eunice Inez Payne Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Payne Mrs. Joyce A. Payne (15) Ms. Nikcole Danielle Payne (2) Mr. Richard J. Payne Mr. Ricky Bryant Payne (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Payne (18) Ms. Stephanie Ann Payne Mr.Thomas E. Payne Mrs. Angela L. Payton (2) Mr. Karl E. Payton (2) Mr. Gregory H. Peace (3) Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Scott Peace (2) Ms. Jewell P. Peach (3) Ms. Sondra W. Peach (5) Mr. Michael Christopher Peak (2) Dr. Patricia L. Pearce Dr. and Mrs.Winston Tom Pearce Ms. Jean Pearl Mr. Donald Pearman Mr. Emmons O. Pearson, Jr. (d.) (13) Mr. H. Neale Pearson Mr. Jimmy Brian Pearson Mr. Michael Venable Pearson Ms. Rita Pearson Mr. John H. Pease Mrs. Marilyn Peavler (2) Mr. Albert Rell Peck Rev. Glenn C. Peck (8) Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Peck Mrs. Mary Peden Mrs. Beverly Bunch Pedigo Ms. Kasandra S. Pedigo (5) Ms. Leslie Ann Peek Mr. Barry W. Peel (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Peeples Mrs. Karen Atwell Peerce (8) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Alan Pemberton Mrs. Monica Marie Pemberton (3) Mr. Michael K. Pence Mr. David Blythe Pender (3) Trapper Pendleton Ms. Amanda J. Pendley Mrs. Kelli Dawn Penick Mr. Brian L. Penn Ms. Jeanette Penn (3) Mr. and Mrs. Randy Edward Penner Mr. Charles A. Pennington Ms. Lisabeth Sue Pennington (2) Ms.Teresa L. Pennington Mr. John Edward Penny, Jr. (2) Mr. Donald Pennycuff Pennyrile Rural Electric (3) Mr. Peter Ellis Penoyer Mrs. Emma Penrod Ms. Mary Pentangelo (2) Mrs. Kathy Jean Pentecost Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pepper (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pepper (2) Mr. Noble E. Pepper, Sr. Mrs. Deborah W. Peppers (5) The Pepsico Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Damon L. Perdew Mrs.Tara Perdue Mr. Dee C. Perguson (15) Ms. Cherie Kay Perigo Mrs. Cynthia Jo Perkins (2) Mr. Dale L. Perkins (2) Mrs. Diane Miller Perkins Mr. George Perkins Mr. Jason D. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perkins Mrs. Kim K. Perkins (3) Mr. Larry Wayne Perkins (3) Ms. Leta K. Perkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ray Perkins Mr.Thomas M. Perkins (3) Mrs. Karen P. Perno (3) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Perry (2) Mrs. Emily R. Perry (2) Mr. Jason Perry (2) Mrs. Mary Frances Perry (2) Mrs. Nancy G. Perry (4) Ms. Shari A. Perry Mr. Shawn M. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Darl Neil Peterie (17) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Peterie (10) Mr. Karl Peters (2) Mr. Albert Jepmond Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Peterson (3) Mr. Brad A. Peterson Mr. George E. Peterson, Jr. (9) Dr. Gilman P. Peterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Andrew Peterson (3) Mrs. Lucinda Irion Peterson Mrs. Sharon M. Peterson Ms. Evelina Vladimirova Petkova Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Petredis (4) Mr. and Mrs. Earl James Pettey (8) Ms. Ann M. Petty Ms. Nicole Marie Petty Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mrs.Vanessa Petty (2) Mr. Joel C. Peyton Mr.William Dudley Peyton, II (10) Mr.Thomas Pfannerstill, Jr. Maj. and Mrs. Mark W. Pfefferman (2) Mr.Thomas Joseph Pfeifer Mr. Fred R. Pfisterer (2) Mr.William G. Pflugrad Ms. Katie Pfohl Lan Pham Mr. Kevin Pharis Mrs. Lee Angela Phaup (3) Mrs. Cindy Lee Phelps (3) Mr. Edwin D. Phelps Mr. Jack J. Phelps Ms. Nancy Jane Phelps Mrs.Terri J. Phelps Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Ray Phelps (3) Mrs.Tracey Lynn Phelps (5) Ms. Judith N. Philippi Mrs. Amanda R. Philipps (2) Ms. Ann Wallace Phillips (5) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips (5) Mr. Harold Levert Phillips, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Taylor Phillips (5) Mrs. Jessica Louise Phillips Mrs. Michelle Lynn Phillips (2) Ms. Nancy Jean Phillips (2) Ms. Noelle Anne Phillips (4) Mr. Paul Phillips, Jr. Mrs. Peggy C. Phillips (8) Ms. Rebecca A. Phillips (3) Mr. Richard Perry Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Phillips (3) Mr.Thomas G. Phillips (4) Mr.Tracy Brian Phillips (2) Mrs. Joan Philpot (12) Mr.William Phipps Ms. Xenia Piaseckyj (5) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Owen Pichea (3) Dr. and Mrs. Claude E. Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Taylor Pickard (2) Mrs. Lisa A. Pickerell (3) Mr. Steven Ray Pickerill Mr. Rodney R. Pickering (3) Mr. Daniel Alan Pickerrell (8) Lt. Col. Lawrence Henry Pickett (2) Mr. Maurice Pickett (7) Mr. Charles L. Pierce (3) Ms. Pennie Roberts Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pierce (12) Ms.Tristan Gay Pierce (3) Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ray Piercy (3) Mr. Fred B. Pierson (2) Mr. Brian Lee Piispanen (5) Mr. Adam Wesley Pike Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Pike (3) Mrs. Marian E. Pike Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Owen Pike (3) Ms. Stacey Lynn Pike Ms. Nancy Bach Pillon Mrs. Linda Belle Pillow Mrs. Jean J. Ping (5) Ms. Mary E. Ping Ms. Donna Sue Pinkston Ms. Janet S. Pinkston (2) Mr. James David Pinner, Jr. (2) Ms. Donna Piper Mrs. Ginger Piper Mr. Michael R. Pippin (3) Ms. Donna H. Pirouz (18) Mr. Gregory Wayne Pirtle (2) Mr. Mark Anthony Pitchford Mrs. Marian Felts Pittard (3) Dr. Frank M. Pittman (2) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitts (2) Mr. Billy J. Pitts Mrs. Karen E. Pitts Mr. Brad Douglas Platts (3) Ms. Nancy T. Plessis Ms. Lisa A. Plotner Mrs. Katrina Lynn Handschuh Plowman Mrs. Melainie Lisabeth Plum Mrs. Nova Jean Plummer (4) Mrs. Angela Lea Poat (3) Mrs. Patricia A. Poe Dr. Richard Greer and Dr. Retta Poe (18) Mr. Rodney Poe (4) Ms. Michelle L. Pohlman (4) Mrs. Sherry Pohlman Alumni Fall 2005 Mrs. Laura Luanne Pohlmann Poinciana Laundry & Tan Mr. Howard Poindexter Mr. Anthony L. Polio Mr.William F. Polk, Jr. (3) Mr. Donald L. Pollard, Jr. (7) Mr.William Pollard, Jr. (2) Mrs. Pamela A. Pollock (3) Mr. Aric P. Polston Ms. Rachelle B. Poole Mr. and Mrs.Willis Pooler Poole's Pharmacy Care Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanier Poore Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pope (3) Mrs. Donna Kaye Popham Mr. James L. Porter (7) Ms. Joyce L. Porter (2) Ms. Melinda Joan Porter (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean Porter Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Porter (3) Mr. Phillip Leroy Porter (13) Mr. Robert E. Porter, Sr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe T. Porter (19) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Price Porter (4) Mr.William Brandon Porter Ms. Kimberly Posey Mr. Kyle Derrick Poston Mrs.Wanda E. Poteat (11) Mr. Michael R. Poteet Mrs. Elizabeth Potter Mr. Jerry Lowell Potter Mr. and Mrs. Martin Andrew Potter (3) Mr. Nat Douglass Potter (6) Mrs. Cheri Potts Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leon Powell (2) Mr. Bruce M. Powell (4) Mr. Charles Rick Powell (9) Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Powell Mr. Derrick E. Powell Ms. Jaclyn Powell Mr. James R. Powell (d.) Mr. and Mrs. James Woodson Powell (3) Mrs. Pamela Jean Powell (9) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Powell (2) Mr. Rankin E. Powell (9) Mr. Ricky Powell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Daris Powell (11) Mr. Robert Chipps Powell Mrs. Cheryl Ann Power (3) Mrs. Sharleen W. Power (3) Mrs. Charlotte Powers (2) Ms. Janet Embrey Powers Mr. Josh Powers Ms. Kathy Jean Powers (2) Drs. Mike and Sherry Powers (5) Mr. Brock Keith Poynter Mrs. Mary Louise Pozaric PPG Industries Foundation Mr. Guy Prall (5) Mr. Daniel L. Prather Mr. Edward C. Prather, Jr. (6) Ms. Karen B. Prather Mrs. Jessica L. Pratt Preceptor XP4123 Ms. Mary Lisa Prendergast (2) Mrs. Kimberly S. Prendeville Mr. Michael Lewis Presley (2) Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Russell Pressotto (2) Mrs. Jane Preston (2) Mr. Kent Alan Preston (3) Mr. Richard Preston (3) Dr. Bruce Chapman Prevatt Ms. Brenda Jean Price (9) Ms. Carolyn D. Price Mr. Douglas Alan Price (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Price (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Price Mrs. Kelley L. Price Mr. Leslie R. Price Mrs. Mary Ann Price (4) Mr. Matthew D. Price (4) Ms. Sarah B. Price (3) Ms. Sarah Katherine Price Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Price (5) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Price (21) Mr. Adam Xavier Prida (2) Mr. C. Brent Priddy Mrs.Vera B. Priddy Mr. Murray Franklin Pride (2) Mr. Christopher W. Pridemore Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alan Prieskorn (3) Mr. Ryan Edgar Priest Prince Hall Masonic Lodge #19 Mr. Paris Alan Pritchett (9) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Joe Proctor (4) Mr. Charles N. Proffitt Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Scott Proffitt (2) Mrs. Diana Page Proffitt (2) Mr. Hershel Coleman Proffitt (12) Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Proffitt (3) Prolawn & Landscape Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Propes (5) Ms. Susan Miles Prouse (2) Mr. James C. Prow, Jr. (2) Mrs. Shannon S. Prow Mr.William F. Prow (21) Prudential Financial Ms. Jennifer Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ross Pruitt (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kevin Pruitt Mrs. Cristi W. Pruitt (3) Mrs. Darcy R. Pruitt (3) Mrs. Doris S. Pruitt (9) Mr. Steve Pruitt Ms. Lindsay Prunty Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Pryor (7) Mrs. Patricia Pryor (2) Mr. David Ray Puckett (2) Ms. Katherine Ashley Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Steven Thomas Pudlo Mr. and Mrs.Walter P. Pudlo (3) Mr.Thomas E. Pugh (7) Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Pulliam (7) Mr. Michael Clark Pulliam Ms.Wyllis Clark Pulliam Ms. Alyssa Nicole Pulphus Ms. Phoebe Punnett (2) Ms. Jane Norton Purcell (7) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purcell (5) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frederick Purcell (4) Ms. Jessica R. Purchis (3) Mr.William D. Purnell (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregory Purpus Ms. Janet M. Pursell Mr. Justin Jewell Pursley Mr.Werner A. Purtzer Mrs. Elizabeth Carol Puryear (4) Mrs. Johnna J. Puryear Mr.William P. Puryear Ms. Ramona Jean Pyle (12) Ms. Betty Qualls (12) Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Quesenberry (2) Ms. Barbara Ann Quigley (2) Ms. Barbara Sue Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Quinn Mr.Thomas M. Quinn Mr. Jeffrey L. Quire (2) Mr. Howard L. Quisenberry Paul and Pam Raake (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Rabold (6) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rabold (2) Dr. Leonard J. Rabold Mr. George Eric Raby (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Radabaugh Radcliff Reading Clinic, Inc. Mrs. Jerri Rader Mr. David Christopher Radle Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Raeburn (5) Mr. Chadwick Stewart Rafferty Mrs. Paula H. Rafferty (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rafferty Mr. Ronald Douglas Rafferty (14) Rinalino Rafi Mr. Brian W. Ragan (3) Mrs. Misty Lynn Ragan Mr. Robin W. Raggard (4) Ms. Denise Ann Ragland Mr. John T. Ragland (4) Mr.William C. Ragland (6) Ms. Jessica Raglin Mrs. Kristen G. Ragsdale (2) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Raine, Jr. Mrs. Shirley A. Rainey Mr. Ray Rainwater Mr. Bryan D. Raisor (3) Mr. Bobby E. Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. Stan Raley Mr. David J. Ralph Mr. Herman Marshall Ralph (2) oxygen of knowledge and the brightness of opportunity. The cupola as a type of blast furnace is used for the re-melting of metals before casting. Education is simply the re-melting of a base of knowledge and the casting of that knowledge into a greater instrument for a person’s future. The cupola, past, present, and future, is the perfect symbol for the importance of continuity in support of Western Kentucky University. The Cupola Society seeks to first recognize donors upon their second consecutive year of making a gift to Western Kentucky University and continue recognition for their consecutive years of giving throughout their lifetime. Specific recognition will exist within publications and through other means such as gifts and events. Some specifics include: 2 YEARS Cupola Society card suitable for display 5 YEARS Cupola Society lapel pin 10 YEARS Cupola Society coasters 15 YEARS Cupola Society glasses 20 YEARS Cupola Society print suitable for display 25 YEARS Cupola replica 40 YEARS Guthrie Tower replica 50 YEARS Cherry Hall replica 73 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Kentucky Challenge is a competition among six of the puiblic universities in the Commonwealth to measure young alumni participation (graduates between the years 1995 - 2005). Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Ralph (11) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ralph Mr. Kenneth D. Ralston (3) Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wallace Ralston (4) Indiresha Ramachandra Mrs. Mildred J. Ramage (2) Mr. Kenneth Benjamin Rambo (2) Ms. Amanda Ellen Ramer (2) Ms. Claudia A. Ramisch (2) Mr. and Mrs.W. Knox Ramsay (15) Mrs. Christine H. Ramsey (5) Dr. Darin C. Ramsey (2) Ms. Dawn M. Ramsey (13) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Ramsey, Jr. (3) Mr. James K. Ramsey (2) Mrs. Jamie O. Ramsey (9) Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Ramsey Mr. and Mrs.William Ramsey (3) Ms. Mary Delaine Ramsey (2) Ms. Mary Jane Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ramsey (8) Mr. Michael Harvey Ramsey (12) Mr.W. Scott Ramsey (4) Mr. Russell Scott Ranallo (4) Mr. Robert M. Rand (13) Mr. Billy D. Randall Mr. and Mrs.Terry Randall (2) Mr. David Stephen Randles (2) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Randolph (2) Mrs. Kathi Jo Ranes (2) Mr. Edward Raney (5) Mr. Jeremy L. Raney (2) Nagendra Rangavajla Mr. Matthew Paul Ransdell (3) Mr. Robert Thomas Ransdell (7) Mrs. Carol Denise Ransom (2) Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rash (15) Ms. Barbara J. Ratliff Mr. Richard E. Ratterman, Jr. (3) Mrs. Phyllis Maria Rau Mrs. Joan T. Rawlings (8) Ms. Betty F. Ray (17) Ms. Cynthia Suzanne Ray Hon. and Mrs. Donald Timothy Ray (4) Mrs. Debra J. Ray (4) Mrs. Diana Beasley Ray (2) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ray (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott Ray (14) Mrs. Karen Thomas Ray (5) Mr. Kenneth W. Ray (8) Ms. Maia Lea Ray 74 Mr. Malcolm M. Ray (2) Mrs. Pamela Ray (3) Ms. Rebecca Ray Ms. Julia Raymer Mrs. Linda S. Raymer (9) Mr. Steven D. Raymer Mrs. Suzanne Barton Razmus (3) Mr. Edward L. Read Ms. Connie Elissa Reagan (7) Mr. Stuart A. Reagan, Jr. Mr. Gregory L. Ream Ms. Kelly L. Reames (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Rearden (3) Mrs.Toni Delynn Rearden (13) Mr. Larry Allan Reaves Mr. Daniel Rebollar (d.) (2) Mr. John F. Rebrovick Ms. Belinda Rector Mr. Mark Rector Mr.Tracy Rector (2) Ms. Shirley Ann Redd Mr. R. Allen Redden (4) Mrs. Ruth Falk Redel (21) Mr. Stephen Albert Redfern (2) Mr. Eric Edward Redman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Redmon (5) Ms. Hannah J. Reeb Ms. Laura Lucia Grey Reece Mr. Morris A. Reece, Jr. (3) Mr. Robert C. Reece (2) Ms. Barbara D. Reed (4) Mrs. Candece Browning Reed Mrs. Carol Hayden Reed (9) Dr. Deborah S. Reed (10) Ms. Donna Reed (2) Mr. Eric S. Reed Mr. Harry L. Reed Mr. James Nelson Reed (9) Mr. John Dupuis Reed (23) Ms. Leslie Carol Reed Mr. Michael Joseph Reed (2) Mr. N. E. Reed Mr. Ottis J. Reed Mr. Steve Reed (3) Mr. Dennis Martin Reeder Ms. Cheryl L. Reels Mr. Denny Reese Mrs.Veronica Annette Reesor Mr. Seth Richard Reetz Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey C. Reeves (2) Mrs. Jamie Lynn Reeves Mrs. Julie K. Reeves Ms. Shelia Reeves (3) Ms. Ruthann Reffner Ms.Tara Regan Ms. Alison R. Reichel Mr. and Mrs. Kelley S. Reid Ms. Lydia Ann Reid (4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Reid (2) Mr. Ralph Daniel Reid (7) Ms. Susan S. Reid Mr. Derek A. Reidy Mr. Harry F. Reif Dr. Martha J. Reifsnider Mrs. Mary Susan Reinhardt (3) Mr.Thomas E. Reinisch Mrs. Suzanne Bozarth Reisinger (3) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reiss (15) Ms. Andrea Claire Reitano Ms. Dorothy Faye Reiter (2) Mr. Steven J. Rekecaky Mr. Dennis James Reller (2) Ms. Laurel Rhea Remington (2) Ms. Rita A. Render Mrs.Teresa Williams Render (3) Mr. Larry J. Reneau (3) Mrs. Leona W. Reneau Ms. Angela Kathern Renfro (5) Mrs. Sandra Renfro Mr.Thomas L. Renfro Mr. Brad Renfrow Mr. Daniel Bryant Renick Mrs. Deborah Ann Reno (6) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Renshaw (8) Mr. and Mrs. James Renusch (21) Mr. Donald Renzelman Mrs. Suzanne Replogle Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Revolinski (12) Ms. Lisa Kay Rexroat Mr. and Mrs. Atlee C. Rexroat (5) Ms.Tonya Woodrum Rexroat Mrs. Lois Ann Rey Ms. Cathy Reynolds Jean and James Michael Reynolds (3) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turner Reynolds (2) Ms. Jennifer A. Reynolds (2) Mr. Leslie H. Reynolds (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Reynolds (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Reynolds Mr.Taylor Elliott Reynolds Mr.Tony Ray Reynolds Ms. Glenda M. Rhea (3) Mr. Richard L. Rhea (7) Mr. Matt Rhinerson Mrs. Lucy Beavin Rhoades (7) Mr.Tim C. Rhoades Mrs. Elizabeth S. Rhodes (8) Mr. Eugene Stephen Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Rhodes (5) Mrs.Willie L. Rhodes (7) Ms. Jacey L. Rhorer Mr. Raymond Rhorer and Mrs. Linda Rhorer Mr. Richard Arthur Ribar (5) Ms. Amy Louise Rice (2) Ms. Belinda A. Rice (2) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Rice Ms. Diane C. Rice (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jardane Manwell Rice Mr. John Martin Rice, II (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Maitland Rice Ms.Virginia Lee Rice Mrs. Amanda Faith Rich Mr. Brenton Lee Rich (2) Ms. Cheri Rich Mr. Elbert J. Rich Mr. Mark Rich Ms. Sheryl Ann Rich Mr. Steven L. Rich Mrs.Tammy Knifley Rich (8) Mrs. Emily Baker Richard (3) Mr.Toby Richard Mrs. Belinda Richards Ms. Edith Richards (16) Mr.Thomas Dixon Richards (4) Mr.Thomas Wayne Richards (2) Ms.Violet M. Richards (9) Mrs. Betty Richardson (2) Mr. Bradley Todd Richardson Ms. Brenda Sue Richardson Mr. Christopher Jason Richardson Lt. Col. (Ret.) Danny B. Richardson (19) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby H. Richardson (2) Mrs. Lana Kay Richardson Ms. Marie Richardson Mrs. Mary R. Richardson Mrs. Patricia Richardson Ms. Patti Richardson Mr. Phillip Lee Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Richardson, II (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk Richardson (2) Dr. Russell C. Richardson (2) Ms. Sandra B. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Cliff L. Richardson (7) Ms. Suzanne Richardson Mrs.Teresa D. Richardson Mr.Wells Richardson (2) Mr. James Barry Richey (4) Mrs. Joy L. Richey (14) Ms. Patricia F. Richey Mrs. Patricia Kay Richey Mrs. Randa Wade Richey (2) Mrs.Wilma J. Richey Mr. Curtis James Richie (13) Mr. Craig J. Richmond (3) Mrs. Martha Peters Richmond (17) Rich's Pressure Washing Mr.Tony Ray Rickard Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ricketts (3) Mrs. Sandra Sue Ricketts (2) Mr. Michael Ricks Mrs. Josephine Riddle Mr. Jonathan E. Ridenour Dr. Bill W. Rideout (2) Mr. Adam Joseph Rider (5) Mrs. Claire M. Rider (8) Mrs. Cynthia G. Rider Mr. J. Dorsey Ridley (2) Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Ridley Mrs. Sharon Kay Ridley Mrs. Sandra K. Riehn Mrs. Norma L. Rieker Mr. Lawrence Dale Rigby (2) Ms. Elizabeth Riggle and Mr. Samuel Ward (5) Mrs. Beverly Riggs Mr. Christopher T. Riggs (3) Mrs. Debra Larimore Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Riggs Ms. Julie Beth Rightley (4) Ms. Jenny Rebecca Rightmyer Mr.William H. Rightmyer, Jr. Ms. Emogene F. Riherd Mr. Craig Steven Riley (3) Capt. Douglas B. Riley (4) Mr. Fritz H. Riley, Jr. (8) Mrs. Glynneva E. Riley (2) Mr. James Douglas Riley Mr. Jason T. Riley Mr. Jerry Lee Riley (2) Ms. Joanne P. Riley Ms. Kathleen L. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Douglas Riley Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Riley Ms. Lana Jo Riney Mrs. Patricia A. Riney Mr.W. Jerry Riney (8) Mr. and Mrs. Steve D. Ringle (2) Mrs. Kathy Riordan (2) Mr. Mark Riordan Mrs. Ruth M. Risinger (13) Ms. Claudia W. Ritchie (13) Mr. Jiles Estle Ritchie (2) Mrs. Karissa Faye Riter Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ritson Mr. G. Eric Ritter Col.. (Ret.) James William Ritter (3) Ms. Julia Ray Ritter (10) Ms. Marilyn C. Ritter Mr. Max W. Ritter (3) Mr. Michael Adonis Rives Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Rives (2) Mrs. Barbara G. Roach (2) Ms. Barbara M. Roach (4) Mr. Charles Roach (2) Ms. Shirley Marie Roach Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Roadcap (4) Mr. Michael Alan Roadhouse (2) Dr. Shirley Needs Robards Mr. Kenneth Hall Robbins Ms. Amy Ruth Roberson (3) Ms. Lisa May Roberson Ms. Martha Jane Roberson (16) Mr. Michael Lynn Roberson Mr. Richard M. Roberson Robert Folger, State Farm Insurance Robert M. Zoglmann Mr. Bobby A. Roberts, Jr. Mr. Brian Wayne Roberts Mr. Charles Roberts (2) Ms. Clara L. Roberts Mrs. Diane Roberts Mrs. Diann Corn Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Lockhart Roberts (3) Ms. Glenita J. Roberts Mrs. Jackie Roberts Mr. James Roberts (3) Mrs. Janice Lynn Roberts (14) Dr. Mallory and Mr. Jason Eric Roberts (6) Mr. Joe Van Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roberts (7) Mr. Mark A. Roberts Mrs. Mary Sue Roberts (9) Ms. Michelle Lynn Roberts Mrs. Patricia E. Roberts Mr. Robert C. Roberts (3) Ms. Stacey Redmond Roberts Mr.Thomas Edwards Roberts (3) Mr.William Harold Roberts (7) Lt. Col. Darlene and Lt. Col. Randy Robertson Mr. and Mrs. John O. Robertson (8) Mr. Lawrence B. Robertson Ms. Sonya L. Robertson (4) Mrs.Virginia M. Robertson (3) Mr.William A. Robertson Ms. Bonita Carol Robey Mr. Robert W. Robey (2) Mrs. Michelle C. Robinette (3) Ms. Kathy S. Robins (2) Ms. Charlene G. Robinson (4) Dr. and Mrs. James S. Robinson Della Robinson Mrs. Dorren Andrea Robinson Mrs. Geneva McGavock Robinson Mrs. Janie Mears Robinson (18) Mr. Kevin Brent Robinson Mrs. Manami Murakami Robinson (11) Ms. Melissa Moore Robinson Mrs. Pamela C. Robinson Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey Robinson Ms. Robin Drake Robinson Mr. Scott Gregory Robinson Mrs. Susan P. Robinson (7) Mr.Timothy S. Robinson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robison (2) Mrs. Patricia M. Robison Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andrew Robson (2) Mr. James Alan Roby (2) Mr. Ronald A. Rocco (4) Ms. Donna Roche Mr. Emmet Roche Ms. Amanda Joy Rock Ms. Pam Rock Mr. Frederick W. Rockhold, III (18) Rockwell Automation Trust Roco Cleaners Mrs. Deborah K. Roddy (4) Mr. John W. Rodes (4) Mr. Joel Rodgers Ms. Lisa G.White Rodgers (3) Mrs. Patricia Deason Rodgers Mrs. Danna Michelle Roe Ms. Deborah Roe (5) Ms. Susan L. Roederer Ms. Shirley Elizabeth Roehnelt Mr. David L. Roemer (2) Mr. Robert L. Roemer (5) Mr. Brian Douglas Rogel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Rogers (6) Mrs. Helen L. Rogers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lee Rogers (2) Mr. Joseph D. Rogers Mrs. Kathy Lynn Rogers Ms. Kimberly Shea Rogers (3) Mr. Mark J. Rogers Mr. Marshall Rogers Mrs. Martha F. Rogers Mr. Ron Rogers Mr.Vick Wells Rogers (2) Mr.William J. Rogers Mrs. Roseann B. Rogers-Shah Mr. Stephen J. Rogier (2) Mrs. Zandra Karon Rogowski Mr. Steven R. Rohlfing Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Rohrer (10) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roides (3) Mr. Herman A. Rolfes (3) Ms. Mildred Mimi Ruth Roll (2) Mr. Jimmy W. Rolley Mr.Wendell Romans (6) Rev. Sammy Kay Romines Mr. Bryan K. Rone (2) Mrs. Sally Jean Rone Mr. James W. Ronkainen Mrs. Bobbie D. Roos (3) Mrs. Judy H. Rosacker (12) Mr. John A. Rosati (8) Mr. James Howard Rosdeutscher Mr. Barry L. Rose (2) Mr. Dennis Lee Rose (2) Mrs. Laurie S. Rose (11) Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Rose (14) Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Rose Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas Rose Dr. Mary and Mr. J. Kenneth Roseman (2) Mr. Stanley N. Rosenbaum (7) Ms. Gretchen Sawyer Rosenberg Mr. Howard S. Rosenblatt (3) Mrs. Sharon W. Rosenhagen (16) Ms. Deborah Norrine Rosenkrantz (3) Ms. Amy Louise Ross (2) Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ross (4) Mr. Harold L. Ross (3) Mr. Larry Tim Ross (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Ross (2) Mrs. Mary Sue Ross Ms. Michelle Ann Ross (3) Mr. Oliver Ross (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dennis Ross Ms. Selma L. Ross Mr.Timothy J. Ross Ms. Karen Rossell (3) Mrs. Carol R. Rossi (8) Mr. John Paul Roth, Jr. (3) Mr.Terry Roth Dr. Edward A. Rothschild, II Ms. Dara Marie Roudebush (4) Mr. Rick R. Roudebush (6) Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. Matthew Brannon Rountree Mr. David Clay Routenberg (2) Ms. Sarah Routt (14) Mr. Mark David Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Gary Douglas Rowan (2) Mr. Phillip Dale Rowan (2) Mr. Brent C. Rowe (3) Mr. Hazen Rene Rowe (3) Mrs. Mary B. Huddleston Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendall Rowe (12) Mrs. Rachel Marie Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Omar Rowland (4) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Noble Rowley (4) Mrs. Devon Stafford Roxberry (3) Ms. Diedra Roy Mr. James Robert Royal, Jr. (2) Ms. Carolyn T. Royalty (10) Mr. Larry Gene Royalty (2) Mr. Dale Royse (2) Mr. Henry Gilbarre Royse, II Ms. Alyssa Royster Mr.Wesley Vance Rozzell (2) Mr. Gary Martin Ruba (2) Ms. Lisa M. Ruble Ms. Michelle Hilda Ruby (2) Ms. Lisa Annette Rucker Mr. Steven Craig Rucker Ms. Harriette H. Rudd (7) Mrs. Melissa Irene Rudloff (3) Ms. Ann Bradley Rudolph (2) Ms. Carol Ann Rudolph (24) Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Rudolph, Jr. (7) Ms.Tiffany Danielle Rudy Mr. David Harrison Rue (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Rue (10) Dr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Rue, Jr. (2) Rev. Francis Ruff (5) Mrs. Sheryl D. Ruiz Mr.Tommie B. Ruley Ms. Shirley Rumph Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Runk (2) Ms. Della Hildreth Runner Mr.Thomas A. Runner (10) Professor Randolph Paul Runyon Mr. Bill D. Rush Mr. Dennis R. Rush (4) Mrs. Linda F. Rush (3) Mr. Michael K. Rush (d.) (3) Mr. and Mrs.William M. Rush (18) Mr. Darris L. Russell (11) Mrs. Deborah Jane Russell (6) Deena and Daniel Russell Mr. Edgar Ray Russell (4) Mrs. Elizabeth H. Russell (3) Dr. George C. Russell, III (6) Mr. and Mrs. George W. Russell Mr. Ivan L. Russell (6) Mr. Marcus Bly Russell (d.) (6) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russell Mrs. Pamala P. Russell Mr. Robert W. Russell (6) Ms.Tammy Russell Mr. Jay B. Rust (2) Mr. Michael Todd Rutland (2) Ms. Amy E. Rutledge (5) Mr. Danny Lamar Ryan (3) Mr. Hubert B. Ryan (12) Mrs. Laura S. Ryan (3) Ms. Mary Sue Ryan (7) Mrs. Susan Carol Ryan (4) S. Nixon Pressley Ms. Melisa Ann Saalwaechter (8) Mr. James Lee Saar Mr. Steve K. Saborsky (9) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sacca Mr. Brian Lynn Sachleben Mrs. Deborah Ann Sachleben (15) Mr.Timothy C. Sack Mrs. Leslie Lynn Sackman (2) Mr. Ronald J. Saderholm (13) Mrs. Judith Kay Sadewasser (3) Mr. Jason T. Sadler (3) Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sadler (3) Mrs. Susan Kay Sadler (2) Ms. Celia Maria Saenz Ms. Jane E. Safford (11) Ms. JoAnn Sageser Mrs.Tatjana Sahanic (2) Mr. Phillip C. Saindon Mrs.Tammy L. Salada (3) Mrs. Deborah Ann Sales (2) Mr. Clarence Robert Sallee (2) Mr. Radford W. Sallee, Jr. Mr. Branen Salmon Dr. and Mrs. James L. Salmon, Jr. (8) Mr. Harold B. Salmon (2) Marybeth Salmon Ms. Sueanne Salmon (2) Mrs.Virginia Salmon (2) Ms. Elizabeth Holland Saltsman (6) Ms. Beth A. Salyers Mrs. Frances R. Salyers (10) Mrs. Maria Vonderheid Sammis Ms. Janet H. Samples Mrs. Margaret H. Sams Col. Melvin P. Sams (7) Mr. Robert W. Sams (2) Mrs. Donna M. Samuels (2) San Antonio Area Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sanborn (2) Ms. Jennifer D. Sanchez (2) Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lee Sandefur (4) Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sandefur (8) Mr. Bobby Wayne Sandefur (4) Mr. David Sandefur (3) Mr. Chad A. Sanders (2) Mr. James H. Sanders Mr. and Mrs.William Willard Sanders Ms. Mattie K. Sanders (5) Ms. Nada Jean Sanders (9) Mrs. Nancy Sue Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Weldon Sanders Mrs. Sarah W. Sanders (12) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ray Sanders (2) Mr. Paul E. Sanderson (2) Ms. Katrina Renee Sandusky Mr. Jessie Sandy Mrs. Jessica Sanford Ms. Rebecca Joan Sanford Ms. Marie B. Sanfratello Mrs. Connie Santarelli Ms. Lata Santhakumar Ms.Tonya Santos and Mr. Jose Santana Mr. and Mrs. Brennon D. Sapp Mr. Paul Ray Sapp (2) Mrs. Carol Russell Sappington (5) Mr. Panny N. Sarakatsannis (15) Mr. John Saranchak, Jr. (6) Ms.Vicki Sarbacker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sasse (3) Mrs. Sally A. Satterfield (2) Mr. Richard Allen Sattler Mr. George E. Sauer, Jr. (4) Mrs. Mary Joyce Saunders (10) Ms. Mary S. Saunooke Mr. Harlan G. Savely (6) Ms. Angela Kay Sawyer (3) Ms. Jana Anne Sawyers (4) Mrs. Pamela Kaye Sayne Mrs. Martha Travis Sayre (2) Mrs. Cheryl Jones Sazama (2) Mr. Robert W. Scales, Jr. Mr. Bradley Spencer Scalos (5) Mr. Bobbie E. Scantlin (6) Mrs. Patricia W. Scarborough Mrs. Saundra Schaefer Mrs. Martha A. Schaeufele Mr. and Mrs. James C. Schaffer, II Mr. Charles E. Schafroth (3) Ms. Gail M. Schank Mr. Chad A. Schapmire (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyd Scheetz Ms. Martha Ellen Schell (17) Mr. Alan Schellenberger (2) Mr. Leo B. Schemmel, Jr. (9) Mr. Michael Schenk Mr. Gerald H. Schepker, III Mr. Steven J. Scherer (3) Mr. John D. Schiff Mr.Thomas Edward Schiff (3) Dr. Norma Jean Schira (3) Mrs. Patricia L. Schlauch Mr.William R. Schlinker (2) Ms. Janell Schlueter-Bigler (2) Mr. Phillip Anthony Schmidt Mr. Rodney Schmidt (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Kaye Schmitt (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Schmitt Sister Mary Schmuck (4) Mr. Brad Schneider (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Matthew Schneider (2) Mary and Douglas Schneider (15) Mrs. Laura G. Schneider (7) Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Schneider, Jr. (9) Mr. Richard V. Schneider Mrs. Delma Calvert Schnellenberger (12) Ms. Emily Walker Schneller (2) Mrs. Barbara M. Schnellinger Ms. Helona Schniecers Mr. Richard A. Schnur (4) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Schoen Mr. Marvin R. Schoenecke Mrs. Peggy Schoenhoff Mr. and Mrs. David Scholtz (3) Mr. Charles James Schooler, III Mrs.Tara C. Schott (3) Ms. Melia Rose Schrader Mrs. Connie S. Schreiber Mr. George F. Schreiber Mrs. Monica R. Schreiber (2) Ms.Tammy Schroader Mr. David A. Schroeder (5) Mr. Kent Schroeder Mrs. Maxine M. Schroeder (3) Mr. Milton Schroeder Mr. Robert G. Schroeder Ms. Carol L. Schucker (6) Mrs. Kallie Jo Schuckman Mrs. Carolyn Schuh Mr. Fredric M. Schuler (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Brett Schulte (2) Mr. Donovan Schultz (2) Mrs.Tammy Michele Schultz (9) Ms. Robbie Sarles & Mr. Richard Schultze Mr. Edward L. Schumacher, Jr. (6) Ms. Kay Dorris Schumann Mr. Joseph M. Schureck Ms. Lisa A. Schuttler Mrs. Julie A. Schwab (3) Mrs.Tracy Lynn Schwab (9) Ms. Debbie Schwartz Ms. Janet M. Schwarzkopf (13) Ms. LeAnn Peel Schweitzer Mr. Patrick Scisco Scott Hester, CLU, State Farm Ins. Mrs. Angela D. Scott (3) Mrs. Brenda Scott Ms. Carol B. Scott Mr. Dan Scott Mr. and Mrs. James Craig Scott (3) Mr. David C. Scott, Jr. (3) Mrs. Eugenia Roxanne Scott (3) Mrs. Frances S. Scott (2) Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Scott Norma and Gerald Scott (8) Mrs. Holli Jo Scott Mr. Jeffrey Grant Scott (17) Dr. and Mrs. L. Jack Scott (4) Mr. Larry Scott (2) Mr. Marcellus Louis Scott (5) Mr. and Mrs.William A Scott Mr. Norman Douglas Scott Mr. Robert Franklin Scott (12) Mrs. Roycelea N. Scott (5) Ms. Sally Ann Scott Mrs. Shari L. Scott (8) Mr. Stephen D. Scott (7) Mrs. Susanne Lewis Scott (3) Mrs.Teresa Harmon Scott (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Clayton Scott Ms.Wanda J. Scott (7) Scottsville Cellular (3) Mrs.Terra Janelle Scovil Mr. Kevin Gerald Scribner (8) Mr. Drane Willis Scrivener, Jr. (5) Mr. Gerald Scrivner (2) Mr. Casey Brent Scruggs Ms. Cheryl Scruggs (2) Dr. Frank E. Scudder, Jr. (9) Mr. Charles Baxter Seaborne (3) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Seagle Mr. and Mrs. James G. Searcy Mrs. Deborah Kay Sears Mr. James F. Sears, Jr. (2) Mr.Terry W. Sears Mr.Wendell Todd Sears Mr. Edward L. Seaton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory O'Neil Seaton (4) Mrs. Nelda W. Seaton Mrs. Sherry Gayle Sebastian (13) Mr. Brian Matthew Seeds Ms. Barbara Seeger (2) Ms.Vickie B. Seeger Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seelbach (2) Ms. Jane B. Seelig (2) Ms. Nivedita Rudragoud Seerpi Mrs. Carol S. Seibert (2) Mr. James L. Seibert (2) Mr. Michael J. Seidler (13) Mr. Mark A. Seifert (2) Mr. Michael Andrew Seiler (6) Ms. Sue Seiler (2) Ms. Marschelle Elise Sekora Mrs. Christina M. Selby (3) Mr. Dale Wayne Self (10) Rev. and Mrs. Donald G. Self Mr. Eric LeWayne Self Mr. James T. Self (3) Ms. Maryellen T. Self Mrs. Constance Allspaw Selin (9) Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Selva (2) Mr. Charles W. Semones Mrs. June A. Sensabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Craig Scott Sensel (2) Ms. Anna Pearl Senter (4) Ms. Amanda Michelle Septer Mrs. Becky Sergent (2) Servpro of West Pasco/Spring Hill Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Setters (3) Mr. Delbert D. Settle Mr. Raymond Mitch Settle Mrs. Bridget Settles Mr. John Allen Settles (3) Ms. Kathryn Abigail Seuberling Lt. Col. Edward Cecil Seufert (2) Mr.William V. Sevedge, Jr. (2) Mrs. Jennifer S. Severns (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lewis Sewell (4) Mrs. Karen H. Sewell (4) Mr.Timothy Alan Sewell (2) Mr.William Sewell Mrs. Alison L. Sexton (2) Mrs. Angela England Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Sexton (6) Ms. Cynthia Ann Sexton (9) Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sexton, Jr. Mrs. Jennifer Sexton (3) Mr. Matthew Alton Sexton Mr. Michael Sexton (2) Mrs. Nancy L. Sexton (3) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Phillip Sexton, Jr. (6) Ms. Amy Tracy-Nemon Seymour Mr. Lon L. Seymour Ms. Susan Shackelford Mrs. Solitaire N. Shacklette-Wix Mr. David Lewis Shadburne (2) Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Shadowen (10) Mr.W. Fred Shafar Lt. Col. (Ret.) Tony Ray Shafer Mrs.Valerie Susan Shaffer Mrs. Martha C. Shafferman (6) Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shain (7) Ms. Christina E. Shank Ms. Adrienne Shanler Mr. Clayton E. Shannon (12) Mr. Edward Shannon Ms. Maxine A. Shapiro (2) Mahasti Shariat Ms. Joanne Sharp Mr. Joedy Sharpe (7) Mrs.Traci Y. Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. Denver H. Shartzer (2) Mrs. Kimberly L. Shaul Paula Shaver Dr.William Douglas Shaver (2) Mrs. Bonnie Mae Shaw (3) Ms. Deborah Shaw Mr. Gordon William Shaw, Jr. Ms. Heather Marie Shaw Mr. James Payne Shaw (9) Ms. Judith Faye Shaw Lt. Col. (Ret.) Kent Roland Shaw Dr. Marjorie Bunton Shaw (2) Mrs. Martha I. Shaw (17) Ms. Renee M. Shaw (5) Mr. Brian A. Shawler Dr. Gene M. Shearer (7) Ms. Fairlea A. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Sheeley 75 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Dr. and Mrs.Vernon Lee Sheeley (5) Mr. Robert Seldon Sheffer Mrs. Susan G. Sheikh Mr. Elmer Shelby Mrs. Ashley McNab Sheley (2) Mrs. Alma M. Shelley (3) Mrs. Kristie Jean Shelley Shelter Insurance Foundation (3) Mr. Allen Todd Shelton Ms. Catherine Piper Shelton (3) Mr. Darrell Eugene Shelton (2) Mrs. Elise F. Shelton (3) Mrs. Judy F. Shelton (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shelton (3) Ms.Teresa Shelton Mr. David Shely Dr. Forest F. Shely (13) Ms. Chun Yi Shen Ms. Katherine Anne Shepard Ms. Abby Gail Shepardson (3) Mr. Paul Shepherd Mrs. Kelly Hodge Shepperd Mrs. Deborah Marlene Sherfey Mr. Gary Sherman (5) Mrs. Gayle S. Sherman (3) Mrs. Ruth Sherrell Ms.Vicki S. Sherretz Ms. Meredith Leigh Sherrow Mrs. Ellen L. Sherry Dr. Gregory J. Sherry (4) Mr. Kenneth B. Shevlin (6) Mr. Daniel Shields Ms. Marsha Ann Shields Ms. Diane Shifflett Mrs. Karen S. Shigley Mr. Robert Todd Shilts Mrs. Amy Newberry Shipley (3) Mrs. Julie P. Shipley (6) Mr. and Mrs. Darren M. Shipley (9) Mrs. Shawn L. Shipley (9) Dr. Charles J. Shipp (2) Mr. Dustin Allen Shipp Mrs. Jo Lynn Shipp (3) Mrs. Mary Michelle Shipp (3) Mrs.Willie J. Shipp (3) Mrs. Suzanne Shircliff (5) Mrs. Anne W. Shirer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roger Shirley (3) Mr. and Mrs. Carson Shirley (11) Mrs. Katherine Marie Shirley Mrs. Lisa Ann Shirley Mr. John Kimball Shive (2) Ms. Mary M. Shive Mrs. E. Faye Shockey (2) Mr.W. E. Shockley (7) Mrs. Jennifer H. Shoemaker Mr. Jerry R. Shoemaker Mr. Glenn A. Shope (2) Mrs. Helen C. Shores (9) Hon. and Mrs. Robert M. Short Mrs. Pamela J. Short (3) Ms. Sue Short Mr. Bobby Shoulders (4) Mrs. Peggy F. Shoulders (3) Mr. Byron Scott Shouse (4) Mrs. Lynn Shouse Mr. Robert H. Shown (4) Mr. Horace L. Shrader, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cheryl Taylor Shrewsberry Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wesley Shrode Mr. and Mrs. David E. Shufelt (2) Mrs. Amy C. Shultz (5) Hon. Kimberly Winkenhofer Shumate Ms. Sharon Shumate Mr. S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. Mr. Douglas Shutes (4) Mr. Mark A. Sibo Ms. Alice A. Siddens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dee Siddens Mr. Larry Siebelink Mr. and Mrs. Neal F. Siebert (3) Mr. Mark A. Siegfried Mrs. Julie Ross Siepman (3) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andrew Siers Mrs. Mary Margaret Siewert (11) Ms. Amber Sigman Mr. Dennis F. Sigwart Dr. David W. Sihau Mr. Christopher Ryan Sills Mr. John L. Sills, Jr. (3) 76 Mr. Bruce Elliott Simmons (3) Mrs. Janice Simmons (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barry Simmons (3) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Byron J. Simmons (4) Mrs. Natalie Clare Simmons (6) Dr. Robert N. Simmons, Jr. (3) Ms. Sara E. Simmons (2) Ms.Tammy Jo Simmons Mr.Tommy R. Simmons (12) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martin Simon Mr. Lawrence Simon Ms. Diana Simpao Mrs. Adolfina Vasseur Simpson (5) Ms. Anna Beth Simpson (2) Mr. Barry K. Simpson Mr. George B. Simpson Ms. Imogene Simpson Mr. John T. Simpson (2) Ms. Mary Virginia Simpson Mr. Nathanial R. Simpson Mr. Ricky D. Simpson Mrs. Roxanne Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Simpson (17) Mr.Terry Franklin Simpson Ms.Whitney Jo Simpson Mrs. Darla Jean Roof Sims Mrs. Donna I. Sims Mr. Douglas Scott Sims (3) Mrs. Linda Marie Sims (4) Mr. and Mrs. David E. Sims Ms. Nelda Jane Sims (13) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Norman Sims, Jr. (2) Mr.Walter Lee Sims, III Mr. Marty Singer Mr. Saurabh R. Singh Mr. Scott Brian Singleton (16) Mr.Tommy Lee Singleton (2) Mrs. Jill M. Sink (2) Mr. Joseph A. Sipes (5) Ms. Geraldine Sipple (2) Mrs. Karen S. Sircy (2) Mr. Stephen S. Sisco Ms. Melissa R. Sisk Mr. Dennis Ray Skaggs Dr. James Darrell Skaggs (6) Mrs. Kathy Cheryl Skaggs (7) Mrs. Melissa M. Skaggs Mrs. Evelyn C. Skeeters (4) Mrs. Julie L. Skeeters (6) Mr.Trent Edward Skillman Ms. Susan E. Skinner (2) Skip Bond and the Fugitives Ms. Elizabeth A. Skipworth Ms. Ellen M. Skipworth (3) Mr.Thomas George Skiratko Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Skowronski (8) Mr. Paul H. Skyles Mr. Glenn N. Slack (3) Ms. Betty C. Slaton (4) Dr. Monroe Slaton (6) Dr. Robert Slaton, Ed.D. (2) Ms. Gina Renee Slaughter (4) Mr. Jason R. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Lon G. Slaughter (2) Mrs. Janie Carol Slaven (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lucas L. Slavey (3) Mrs. Deborah Jo Sledge (12) Mrs. Ellen Kay Sledge (4) Ms. Martha S. Slemp (2) Mr. and Mrs. Sandy O. Slone (2) Mrs. Margaret H. Sloan (13) Mr. Ned Tarter Sloan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence Small (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phillip Small (9) Mr. Michael Douglas Small, Jr. Mrs. Pamela C. Small Mr. and Mrs. Jared Lee Smalling (4) Ms. Melanie Dawn Smalling (2) Mr. Gary Joe Smallwood Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mitchell Smallwood Mr.Virgil L. Smallwood (7) Mrs. Linda W. Smart (4) Ms. Lynn A. Smart Mr. Stephen Joseph Smart (4) Mrs. Patricia Smeathers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jay Smeathers (4) Mr. Peter Smeele Ms. Mary Ann Smiley Mrs. Nancy Gail Smith Mrs. Ada Civils Smith Mrs. Amy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dale Smith (7) Ms. Angela Ann Smith (3) Mrs. Anita Fay H. Smith (3) Mrs. Anna G. Smith (16) Mr. Avery E. Smith (8) Mrs. Beverly B. Smith (3) Dr. Billy Moore Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Smith (10) Mr. Brad D. Smith (3) Ms. Carol G. Smith (2) Ms. Carolyn R. Smith Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Leroy H. Smith (3) Mr. Charles M. Smith (19) Mrs. Corey Elizabeth Smith Mrs. Crystal Nalley Smith (4) Mrs. Cynthia Leigh Smith (2) Mr. Darryl D. Smith (2) Mr. David C. Smith Ms. Dennice Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Melvin Smith Mr. Derrick C. Smith (5) Mr. Douglas Smith Mr. Douglas Smith (3) Dr. Douglas Clayton Smith (4) Mr. Douglas Edward Smith (4) Dr. Edwin M. Smith Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith Mr. Eugene L. Smith (3) Mr. Fred Neel Smith (2) BG and Mrs. Joseph Andrew Smith (2) Mr. Gary Thomas Smith Mr. Gene Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Smith Ms. Geralda Smith Mrs. Geraldine B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Smith Mr. Gregory Rush Smith (2) Dr. H. M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Smith (2) Mrs. Heather Lynn Smith Mr. Jack E. Smith (3) Mr. James Halstead Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dee Smith Mr. Jerry Wayne Smith Mr. John Wayne Smith Mr. Joseph Brian Smith (3) Mr. Joshua A. Smith Mrs. Karen Marie Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Wayne Smith (2) Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Estil Smith, Jr. (11) Mrs. Kechia N. Smith Ms. Kendra L. Smith Mrs. Kim S. Smith (11) Mrs. Koneta Westerfield Smith (3) Ms. Kristin Leigh Smith Ms. LaTanya M. Smith (2) Ms. Laurel Ashli Carter Smith Ms. Laurie Smith (2) Mrs. Laurie A. Smith Ms. Leslie Nicole Smith Ms. Linda Smith (2) Ms. Linda E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Edward Smith, Jr. Ms. Marietta Smith Mrs. Marisa Smith (4) Mr. Mark H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith (2) Ms. Martha F. Smith (3) Mrs. Martha White Smith (3) Mrs. Mary Beth Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs.Wendell F. Smith (3) Mr. Michael David Smith (3) Mrs. Nancy Carol Smith Mr. Perry Michael Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith Mr. Randall Truitt Smith (3) Ms. Rebecca Sue Smith (5) Ms. Rebecca Sue Smith (4) Mr. Richard N. Smith Mr. Robert Bewley Smith, Jr. (4) Dr. Robert Douglas Smith (3) Mr. Robert John Smith (3) Mr. Robert S. Smith Mrs. Roberta Smith (3) Mrs. Ruth S. Smith (3) Ms. Samra Linton Smith Mr. and Mrs.William Ray Smith (14) Mr. Shaun Callahan Smith (7) Mrs. Shauna Ball Smith (2) Mr. Stephen M. Smith (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Smith Mrs. Susan B. Smith Ms. Susie Smith Ms.Tammy Louise Smith Mrs.Tina Weber Smith (16) Mrs.Tracey L. Smith Ms.Trina Ann Smith Ms.Vicki D. Smith (9) Mrs.Vicki L. Smith (2) Mr.Willard N. Smith Ms. Zannetta Smith (2) Ms. Rebecca Susan Smitley (4) Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Smoot Mr. Bryan Snazelle (2) Ms. Ruth Lynn Snazelle Mr. Gordon Kent Sneed (8) Mrs. Nancy G. Sneed (2) Mr. Richard Lee Sneed Mrs.Teresa A. Sneed Mrs. Cathy Paulette Snell Hon. and Mrs. Steve Snellen (8) Dr. James Henry Snider (8) Mrs. Janet S. Snider (8) Mrs. Laurinda P. Snider (2) Mrs. Ann Lamar Snively (2) Mrs. Amy Bauder Snodgrass (8) Mr. Gerald Paul Snodgrass Mr. James Tutt Snodgrass, Jr. (9) Ms. Adrienne E. Snyder Mr. David Allen Snyder Mr. Douglas Wayne Snyder (3) Ms. Joan Marie Snyder Ms. Judith Lynn Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buell Snyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Snyder Mr. Lawrence W. Snyder, Jr. (12) Ms. Lena Snyder Mrs. Linda Maureen Snyder (8) Mrs. Sarah M. Snyder (2) Mrs.Tina Aldridge Snyder Mrs. Deborah Burton Sokol Mrs. Karen Marie Solise Ms. Cecelia Solomon Mr. Brady Jonathan Somerville Mrs. Kathern Mae Son (10) Ms. Brandy Sorden Mr. Brian K. Sorrell Mr. Joseph Todd Sorrell Mr. and Mrs.William H. Sorrell Mr. Lee Richard Sorrell (6) Mr. Steven Robert Sorrell (2) Mr. Donald Ray Sorrels (7) Ms. Mary Lou Souders Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. South Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Southall (20) Ms. Sherry Angela Souther (9) Mrs. Constance R. Southerland Southern Comfort Builders (3) Mr. and Mrs. George Jeremiah Sowards Mr. Joseph Kent Sowder (8) Mrs. Cindy Sowders (4) Mrs. Patricia A. Sowell Mr. and Mrs. Mark Andrew Spader (4) Mrs. Elaine M. Spaetti (2) Judge and Mrs.Thomas B. Spain (11) Mr. Ryan Allen Spainhoward (2) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Spainhower (10) Mrs. Marjorie Keller Spalding (3) Mrs.Tracey J. Spann Mr. Kenneth E. Sparks (2) Ms. Linda Young Sparks (2) Mr. David Cleo Sparrow (17) Mr. John D. Spaulding Mrs. Nancy Green Speakman (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby M. Speakman (3) Mrs. Barbara Gail Spear (3) Ms. Danita K. Spear Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Spear (2) Mr. Allen Charles Spears (3) Mr. R.A. Spears and Ms. C. B. Spears (3) Mr. Craig Neal Spears (16) Mrs. Deborah T. Spears Dr. Lee and Mr. Ronald Spears (10) Mr.William C. Spears Ms. Anita Carol Speck (4) Mrs. Martha W. Speedy (2) Dr. David Lee Speer (2) Ms. Juanita M. Speicher Mrs. Carol Fields Speight (13) Mrs. Betty Jackson Spence (2) Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Spence Mr. Mike Spence Mr. Dale R. Spencer (18) Capt. and Mrs. Greg Spencer Mrs. Leslie Washer Spencer Mr. Matthew Irvin Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Milton Spencer (3) Mrs. Bonnie Douglas Sperling Mrs. Cheryl D. Sperzel Dr. and Mrs. James D. Spiceland (6) Mr. and Mrs. David Page Spicer (4) Mrs. Judith L. Spidel (10) Mrs. Bonita S. Spiegl Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wayne Spillman (6) Mrs. June S. Spillman (10) Mrs. Paulene W. Spillman (9) Mr. Daniel J. Spinner (2) Mrs. Georgeann M. Spires Ms. Louise L Spires Mr. Jared Spitvke Mr. Lawrence Richard Spitzer, Jr. (9) Mrs. Gloria Spitzke (13) Ms. Linda B. Spoelman Mr. Seth W. Spoelman Mr. James F. Spragens (2) Mr. Edward G. Sprague (15) Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sprouse Mr. Douglas Sprouse (11) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Sprowl (16) Mr. John N. Spugnardi (3) Mr. Nicholas V. Spugnardi Mr. Ronald Spurgeon (2) Mr. Andrew Thomas Spurling (8) Ms. Diana Spyrison (10) Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Squires (5) Mr. Lucian Wade Squires Ms. Georgia Sroufe Mrs. Patricia C. St. Amand (2) Mrs. Doralee St. Clair Ms. Julianne K. St. Clair (2) Mrs. Susan Bingham St. Clergy (2) Mr. Kenneth P. St. John, Jr. (3) Mrs. Kristen K. Staab (4) Rev. David C. Stabenfeldt (8) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stafford (6) Ms. Mary Helen Staggs Mr. and Mrs. Chad Dixon Stahl Mr. Jesse R. Stahl (2) Mrs. Mary G. Stahl Ms. Melissa A. Stahl (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Stahl Lt. Col. Richard Lee Stalbaum (3) Mr. Kenneth Joseph Stalder (2) Ms. Deanna Stalker Mrs. Delynn M. Stallings Mr. Joseph Darrell Stallings Mrs. Julie Ann Stallings Mr. Stephen Stallins Ms. Elisabeth Standiford (2) Mr. Chas Richard Stanley Mr. David Rust Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kent Stanley (4) Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stanley Col. Edgar B. and Edith R. (d) Stansbury (6) Ms. Patti Louise Stanton (9) Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Douglas Staples Mr. and Mrs. John J. Starck, Jr. (5) Ms. Erma F. Stargel (6) Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace Stark Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanley Starks (3) Ms. Sallie Amanda Starks (5) Dr. Saundra and Mr. Rick J. Starks Mrs. Nancy Louise Starling (2) Mr. Larry Andy Starr (2) Mr. Lawrence J. Starr (5) Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Starr, Jr. Mr. Jeff L. Stateler (7) Mr. Ken Stayton (2) Mr. Billy Wilborn Stearns (5) Mr. Michael Ray Stearns (2) Mr. and Mrs.William Mark Steedly (6) Ms. Lisa A. Steele Mr. and Mrs. James Glyndon Steele (3) Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Steele (2) Ms. Annabel J. Steen (5) Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Steen, III (3) Mrs. Nancy Ross Steen (2) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Jewett Steenbergen (4) Dr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stein (3) Ms. Margaret Fitts Stein Mrs. Mary Irene Stein Mr. and Mrs.Todd E. Steinau (4) Mr. Ryan Steinbach Mr.Thomas Leo Steinbach Mr. Chris Steiner Mr. David Bryan Steinhaus (3) Mr. Harry J. Steinsberger (3) Mr. Don Steinweg Mrs. Melinda Stella Ms. Janet L. Steller (2) Dr.Wilson E. Stemm Ms. Carrie Stenger (2) Mrs. Mary Anne Stenger (17) Ms.Tammie Lynn Stenger Ms. Kathleen A. Stephan (2) Mr. Patrick F. Stephan (10) Mr. Barrett Martin Stephens (3) Mr. Bennie Cornell Stephens (9) Mr. Billy Newman Stephens, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kirby G. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stephens Ms. Laura A. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Stephens (10) Mr. Ronald M. Stephens Mr. Sovel Stephens (2) Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Stephens (5) Dr. John Glynn Stephenson Mr. Richard C. Stern (11) Ms. Becky Rene Stevens (3) Mr. Bernis Stevens Ms. Bethany Lynn Stevens Ms. Carol Stevens Ms. Debra K. Stevens (5) Mr. Donald W. Stevens (12) Ms. Hallie Alisha Stevens Mr. Jerry Stevens (4) Mr. and Mrs. Shirley G. Stevens, III Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens (7) Lt. Col. (Ret.) Max L. Stevens (5) Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Stevens Mr.Vaughn M. Stevens (7) Ms. Lisa C. Stevenson Ms. Mary Elizabeth Stevenson Ms.Wanda Louise Stevenson (3) Mrs. Greta Lynn Steverson (11) Mrs. Angela D. Stewart Ms. Anna Jolene Stewart (3) Mr. Anthony Kyle Stewart Mr. Charles M. Stewart (16) Ms. Dorothy Stewart Mrs. Heather D. Stewart Mr. James F. Stewart Ms. Kendra Arlaine Stewart Mr. Kevin Phillips Stewart Dr. Melissa A. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Stewart (4) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patrick Stewart Dr. Pippa Pinckley Stewart (3) Mrs. Rita Stewart Ms. Shannon Stewart Mrs. Sharon F. S. Stewart (5) Mr.Wendell Stewart STF Transport, Inc. Ms. Dawn T. Stice Mr. Douglas G. Stice (2) Mr. Harold Stice (9) Mrs. Erin Nicole Stiers Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Alan Stieve (4) Mrs. Martha D. Stiglitz (2) Mr. Phillip Wayne Stillwell (8) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roger Stinnett Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Bradley Stinnett (5) Mrs. Jennifer F. Stinnett (16) Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. Stinson Mr. Eric L. Stinson Ms. Heather L. Stinson (6) Mr. and Mrs. Bart C. Stinson (3) Mr. Martin B. Stinson Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Stinson (3) Mrs. Ronnell Jane Stirsman (2) Ms. Jennifer L. Stith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Herman Stith (6) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Stith (6) Mr. Joseph M. Stitt Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Stivers (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Todd Stivers (2) Mr. Matthew S. Stivers Alumni Fall 2005 Mr. Robert Clayton Stivers Mrs. Stacy R. Stobaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joel Macon Stocking (2) Mr. John David Stocking Ms. Cayce Stockton Mr.Timothy Darnell Stockton Mr.Walter Stockton (6) Mr. Curtis D. Stodlt Mr. Lee Allen Stofer, Jr. Mr. Keith Sheridan Stoffer Mr. David Cory Stokes Mr. Ryan E. Stokes (2) Mrs. Sheila Mary Stolberg (13) Mrs. Pamela Marie Stoll (3) Mr. Alec G. Stone (2) Ms. Amanda E. Stone Mr. Dan Ray Stone (3) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Stone, ll (2) Mr. E. Garrett Stone (2) Mrs. Geraldine D. Stone Mrs. Glynda Kay Stone Mr. Henry David Stone Mrs. Jean Hall Stone Mrs. Joyce Carolyn Stone (2) Mr. and Mrs.Wilson L. Stone Ms. Mary Ann Stone Mrs. Paula Rene Stone (9) Mr. Ronald Stone Mr.Tom Stone Mr. Alan K. Stonex (2) Mr. Mark Andrew Stonex Mr. and Mrs. John M. Storrie (2) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray Story (2) Ms. Rita M. Story (6) Mrs. Samantha Rock Story Mrs. Beverly F. Stott Ms. Patricia Dianne Stotts Mr. John A. Stough Mrs. Barbara Jean Stout (3) Ms. Jessica Anne Stout Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carter Stovall Mrs. Deborah V. Stover (2) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Strader Mrs. Robin Davis Strader (2) Mrs. Sarah R. Strader Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Troy Straeffer (3) Mr. and Mrs.William H. Straeffer (8) Mrs. Dona Sue Strait Mr. Paul E. Strand Ms. Barbara A. Strande (18) Mr. John Strange Ms. Leonetta Kay Strange (5) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lee Strange (2) Mr. Jason Kevin Stratton (3) Mr. Kenneth Stratton Mr.Timothy Allan Stratton (8) Ms. Charlotte Ray Strause Mr. Cole Street Mr. James Street Dr. Lynn Street Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Street, Jr. Mr. Michael B. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Strickland, Jr. Mrs. Brenda Strickler Ms. Erica Frances Stricklin Mr. John F. Stringer (13) Ms. Alicia J. Strode (2) Mr. Jeffrey L. Strode Dr. John Parker Strode (3) Mr. and Mrs.Ted B. Strode Mrs.Virginia Nunn Strohecker (2) M. J. Strohowski Mr. Paul Strong (3) Lt. Col.Thomas Glenn Strong (2) Mr. David L. Strother (2) Mrs. Catherine Skaggs Stroube Mrs. Julia S. Strouse Mrs. Sheila M. Strouse (9) Mr. Richard C. Strudeman Mr. Gary Stuart Mrs. Helen L. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keith Stuart Student National Education Association Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stuecker Mrs. Susan G. Stuempel (14) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stuerke (2) Mr. James D. Stull Mrs.Tammy Tooley Stumbo 2005 - 2006 Alumni Association Board Members John Asher, Louisville, Ky. Angela Baker, Newburgh, Ind. Marilyn Bristol, Hendersonville,Tenn. Athena Cage, Bowling Green, Ky. Cindy Crume, Fremont, Neb. Melissa Dennison, Glasgow, Ky. David Dickerson, Glasgow, Ky. Tom Emberton, Glasgow, Ky. Jack Glasser, Bowling Green, Ky. Clarence Glover, Louisville, Ky. Andrea Gregory, Gallatin,Tenn. Ellen Hagan, Eugene, Ore. Ron Markwell, Delavan,Wisc. Kristen Miller, Louisville, Ky. Mr. Carl Sturgeon Ms. Jennifer Lynn Sturgeon (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sturgeon Mr.William Greer Sturges (3) Mr. Mario Sturgess (8) Mrs. Leslie C. Sturgill Mr. Bradley Keenan Sublett Mr. Jeremy David Sublett Mrs. Lelia C. Sublett (2) Ms. Patricia Elaine Sublett (6) Mr. Sandy Suddarth (15) Mrs. Sandra Sugg (2) Mr. David Emanuel Suggs (2) Ms. Sherry Suggs Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Sullivan (3) Mr. David Sullivan (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Sullivan Mr. Gary W. Sullivan (4) Mr. Harry Brown Sullivan (10) Mr. and Mrs. James Alan Sullivan (2) Mrs. Lynda Jo Sullivan Mrs. Marie B. Sullivan Mrs. Piatt C. Sullivan (2) Ms. Rita Sullivan Ms. Rowena I. Sullivan (15) Ms. Sharon S. Sullivan Mrs. Helen C. Summerfield (2) Dr. and Mrs.William R. Summerhill Mr. Donald A. Summers (4) Mr. Paul Allen Summers (13) Mr. Steven Young Summers Ms.Wanda Boggess Summers Mr. Milton Summerton Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gentry Sumner Zeqiang Sun Mrs. Shelley Ryan Sunday (15) Ms. Anne Maureen Sundermann Mrs. Barbara A. Suozzo (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Survant (6) Ms. Candace L. Sutherland Mr. David C. Sutherland (3) Mrs. Jane Ann Sutherland Mr. Neil R. Sutherland (2) Ms. Patricia S. Sutherland (3) Col. (Ret.) Barbara C. Sutton Ms. Donna Jean Sutton (8) Ms. Lyndsay A. Sutton Dr. and Mrs. Ronnie N. Sutton (2) Mr. Marvin F. Sutton (7) Mrs. Patricia A. Sutton (2) Terrell Sutton Ms. Ursula Sutton (4) Mrs.Virginia Sutton Mr. John Perry Swack (2) Mrs. Minnie Swack (2) Ms. Burdell B. Swain (2) Ms. Lynne Ellen Swaine (2) Mr.William D. Swann Mrs. Angela Kristine Swanson Marcia Newberry, Louisville, Ky. Leo Peckenpaugh, Henderson, Ky. Mary Dean Pedigo, Fountain Run, Ky. Howard Pincus, Atlanta, Ga. Jerry Potter, Alexandria,Va. Kent Preston, Henderson, Ky. Lee Ralph, Tampa, Fl. Belinda Ray, Russellville, Ky. Todd Shipp, Lizella, Ga. John Stewart, Chicago, Ill. Kim Thomas, Bowling Green, Ky. Valerie Van Eaton, Nashville,Tenn. Alice Waddell, Bowling Green, Ky. Phyllis G.Washington, Indianapolis, Ind. Brad Watson, Franklin,Tenn. Ben Wathen, Bardstown, Ky. Glenn Womack, Flemingsburg, Ky. C. J.Woods, Bowling Green, Ky. Bob Young, Bowling Green, Ky. Dr. Robyn K. Swanson Mr. Alan D. Swartzwelder (5) Mr. R. John Swatzyna, II Mrs. Janis L. Sweat (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Sweat (5) Ms. Pamela Sweazy Ms. Susan H. Sweeney (2) Mr. Michael Timothy Swift (3) Ms.Virginia L. Swift (3) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swigonski (2) Ms. Charlotte Swint Mr. Larry Keith Swisher, Jr. Mrs. Deborah D. Switzer (5) Mr. F.W. Swope (15) Mr. Harold Alan Sydnor (3) Mr. Jake C. Syler (2) Mrs. Camilla Sympson Mr. Frank Synder Mr. Brian W. Szeremeta Ms.Tamara Kate Szymanski Mr. and Mrs.William T.Tabb (4) Mr. James Tabb Mr. Larry Taber (5) Mr. and Mrs. James Edgar Tabor, Jr. (5) Mr. Richard A.Tabor (11) Mrs. Rita Williams Tabor (8) Mr. and Mrs.Willie Author Taggart Mrs. Noriko Taguchi Mr.Yoshi Takeuchi (3) Mr. Andy G.Talbot Mr. George Ray Talbot (8) Ms. Sarah G.Talbot (2) Mr. F. Jude Talbott (3) Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A.Talley (9) Mr. Joseph M.Talley, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Pat Talley Mr. George Albert Tambini (6) Mr. Jeffrey Lee Tambornini Mr. and Mrs.Theodore F.Tamme (3) Ms. Amy C.Tanner Mr. Gregory Neal Tapp (2) Mr. Kenneth D.Tardiff Ms. Margaret Blair Tarpley (11) Mrs. Joy W.Tarter Mr. Sam J.Tarter Mrs. Carolyn M.Tassie (13) Ms. Linnie Earl Tate (13) Mr. Michael Tate (2) Mrs.Wanda Bates Tate Mrs. Eula F.Tatman (3) Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Dale Tatum (3) Ms. Dana Lynnette Tatum (2) Taylor Chapel African Mr. and Mrs.Timothy H.Taylor (20) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Alan Taylor (8) Mr. and Mrs. John W.Taylor (7) Mrs. Brenda Gail Taylor (3) Mr. and Mrs. C.Waitman Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Cattie K.Taylor (9) Mr. Charles Quinn Taylor (12) Mr. Christopher Lynn Taylor Mr. Danny Holbrook Taylor Mr. and Mrs.Truman D.Taylor (6) Mr. E. Murray Taylor (7) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen Taylor (2) Mr. Harold Anthony Taylor Mr. Henry J.Taylor, III Mr. James L.Taylor Mrs. Jeanne M.Taylor (9) Mr. Joe D.Taylor (2) Mr. Kevin B.Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John L.Taylor (2) Mrs. Kimberly D.Taylor Mrs. Krista E.Taylor (2) Ms. Laura Lee Taylor Mrs. Leslie Gayle Taylor (2) Mr. Lonnie H.Taylor (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T.Taylor Rev. Orien P.Taylor Mrs. Patricia Durbin Taylor Ms. Patricia Gaston Taylor Mr. and Mrs. L. Rhea Taylor, Jr. (3) Mrs. Sheri Lyn Taylor (4) Mr. Stephen C.Taylor (11) Mrs. Suzanne Turner Taylor (8) Mr.Timothy N.Taylor Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Wayne Taylor (3) Mr. and Mrs. Hal Taylor Ms.Willa S.Taylor Mr. and Mrs.William Henry Taylor, III (4) Dr.Travis L.Teague Mr. Bruce Alan Teal (6) Mr. Kent Dwayne Tedder Mr. Michael Lawrence Teeter (3) Mrs. Amy Suzette Telli Temple Inland Found Mr.Todd Alan Templeton Tenet Healthcare Foundation Mr. Donald G.Tepool, Jr. (4) Mr. Roger Terrell (2) Mrs. Betty T.Terry (12) Mr. Donald Lee Terry (2) Mrs. Judean S.Terry Ms. Kathryn Beesley Terry (3) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee Terry, Jr. Mr.Theo B.Terry, III Mr. Edward Terwilleger Mrs. Rita Y.Tesauro Mr. Michael Tewell Mrs. Cynthia Jean Thaldorf Mrs. Daisy W.Thaler (4) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.Thanas (3) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M.Tharp (13) Ms. Dina Sue Tharp (6) Ms. Mary Tharp (2) Mrs. Monica Fargen Tharp (3) Ms. Nanette Joann Tharp Mr. Robert Howard Tharp (3) 77 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Natalie Riley, recipient of the Jerry Baker Scholarship, performs at the Gift of Music Recital. Mr. Steven John Theirl (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W.Theirl (4) Mr.William G.Theirl (13) Thermal Balance, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thiede (9) Mrs.Theresa M.Thieman (3) Mr. Mark J.Thieneman (2) Mrs. Karen R.Thies Mr. Gary R.Thiessen Ms. Patricia Ann Thiessen Mr. Paul Joseph Thiry Mrs. Kamela K.Thoma Mr. C. Robert Thomale, Jr. Dr. Angela and Mr. Keith Allen Thomas (2) Ms. Anne Jackel Thomas Mrs. Barbara Jean Thomas Mrs. Betty Pearson Thomas Mr. Billie L.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Thomas Ms. Breck Allison Thomas (3) Ms. Brenda Thomas Mrs. Carolyn F.Thomas (3) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy A.Thomas (3) Mr. David K.Thomas (2) Mr. David Keith Thomas (2) Mrs. Dawn Suzanne Thomas (3) Ms. Deborah Lynn Thomas (2) Mrs. Ellen B.Thomas (2) Ms. Geneva Thomas (2) Ms. Gertrude Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Harry G.Thomas Ms. Judy Ann Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thomas (14) Ms. Leah O.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kevin Thomas (2) Mrs. Linda B.Thomas (4) Ms. Linda Joyce Thomas (3) Mrs. Lynne Thomas 78 Mr. Norris Lilburn Thomas (2) Mr. Paul R.Thomas (2) Mr. R. R.Thomas (13) Mr. Richard S.Thomas (2) Mr. Richard Wayne Thomas (3) Mr. Robert E.Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Sean Michael Thomas (3) Mrs. Sharon L.Thomas Mrs. Sharon L.Thomas (5) Mr.Terry L.Thomas Mrs.Tina Thomas (3) Mr.Willard M.Thomas (4) Mrs. Carolyn D.Thomason (7) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thomason Mr. Dale Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Don E.Thomason (11) Mrs. Elizabeth G.Thomason Mr. Jason W.Thomason Ms. Lisa Kay Thomason Ms. Ruth Thomason Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Thomason (5) Ms. Connie Jean Thomer (2) Mr. Johnathan Ray Thomerson Mr. Billy Ray Thompson (2) Mr. Christopher D.Thompson (4) Mrs. Deb Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James H.Thompson Mrs. Jean Thompson (2) Mr. Jerry Thompson Mrs. Joann Thompson (2) Mr. and Mrs. John A.Thompson (3) Mr. John Rodman Thompson (2) Mr. Joseph Kelly Thompson Ms. Judy Lynn Thompson Mr. Justin Corey Thompson Mr. Lee M.Thompson (3) Mrs. Lillian Julia Thompson (2) Ms. Louise T.Thompson (2) Mr. Michael W.Thompson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.Thompson, Jr. (2) Mr. Paul Stacey Thompson (4) Mrs. Redona G.Thompson (3) Mr. Robert Allan Thompson Mrs. Sharon L.Thompson (3) Mrs. Sherrie A.Thompson Ms.Terri Mae Thompson Mr.Terry Thompson Mr.Todd Jason Thompson Ms.Verbal Thompson (4) Ms.Vicki T.Thompson (5) Mr.William Ernest Thompson Mr.William M.Thompson Mr. Michael Scott Thomson Mr. Patrick W.Thomson Mr. Kirk Thorlton Mr. Max L.Thornburg Ms. Amanda Raye Thornton Mr. Rondall L.Thornton (8) Mr. and Mrs. Brent W.Thornton (2) Ms. Jacqueline A.Thrash Ms. Kendra L.Thrasher (3) Ms. Margaret G.Thrasher (6) Ms.Tammy Thrasher Mr. Gregory Da'Mond Threat Mr. and Mrs. Ron Threlkel (4) Mr. and Mrs. Steven A.Throneberry Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Clifton Thruston (2) Mr. Mark W.Thuney Mr. and Mrs. Berny L.Thurman (11) Mr. Darrell K.Thurman (7) Dr. and Mrs. James C.Thurman Ms. Shirley L.Thurmond (9) Mrs. Kathy Jane Thweatt Ms. Marlena Thweatt Mr. Richard Leroy Tibbitts (4) Ms. Ellen Marie Tichenor (2) Mr. Michael Andrew Tidwell Mr. Patrick A.Tierney Mr. Charles F.Tilden Ms. Ashlee Erin Tilford Ms. May Jane Tillman Mrs. Paula Sue Timberlake (3) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A.Timmons Mr. Michael Douglas Timmons (2) Mrs. Colleen A.Tincher (15) Mr. Ronald W.Tines (11) Mr. Larry H.Tinius Mr. Ronald H.Tinner, Jr. Mr. James Tuck Tinsley Mr. Ronald Mark Tinsley Dr. Samuel Harper Tinsley (4) Mrs. Melissa Lou Tippens Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tipton Mr. Doy Lee Tipton (2) Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Wade Tipton (2) Mrs.Valery S.Tipton (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Timothy Tisdale (11) Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lee Titsworth Mr. James E.Tittle Ms. Brenda Tobin Mrs. Angela Joyce Todd (3) Mrs. Brenda K.Todd (2) Ms. Linda Sue Todd (4) Ms. Mary Lou Todd (16) Ms. Mary Nancy Todd (4) Mr. Mickey Todd Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ray Todd (9) Dr.Timothy S.Todd (3) Mr. David Bradley Tolbert Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. Joe V.Tolbert (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jon Todd Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth James Tolopka (5) Mr. and Mrs. Al Tomassetti, Jr. (3) Mrs. Janice Smith Tomblinson (8) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ray Tomek Ms. Letha Jane Tomes (3) Mrs. Amy C.Tomlinson Ms. Ginger Tomlinson Dr. and Mrs. Hal Butler Toms (7) Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Neal Toms Maj. (Ret.) Leslie Philip Toms (3) Mr. Scott Edward Toncray Mr. Harold R.Toney, Jr. (3) Mr. James Stuart Tong (5) Ms. Donna R.Tooley Mrs. Majorie Topf Mrs. Carolyn Mae Torrence Mr. Cesar Torres Ms. Jennifer I.Tougas Mr. and Mrs. David A.Towell (2) Ms. Margaret Towery Mr.W. Carlisle Towery Mrs. Sandra K.Townsend (3) Mrs. Bonnie Trabue (5) Ms. Betsy Ann Tracy Mr. Dennis J.Tracy (2) Mr. and Mrs. James W.Tracy (4) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Trafton Mrs. Susan G.Trailov (2) Mr. Christopher P.Trammel (2) Mrs. Glenna B.Trammell Mrs. Kelly P.Trammell (2) Mr. Dung Trung Tran Mrs. Phyllis Elaine Traughber Ms. Beth B.Trauthber Ms. Carroll P.Travelsted Mr. Casey E.Travelsted Mr. F. Scott Travis Mrs. Genevieve R.Travis (2) Mr. and Mrs. James T.Travis Rev. Gregory G.Trawick (7) Dr. Michelle White Trawick (5) Mr. Marty Traylor (3) Ms. Leah R.Treesh (4) Mr.Terry W.Treiber Mr. Fredrick Martin Tremalgia (4) Ms. Nancy Catherine Tresch (3) Ms. Jacquelyn Douglass Tretter Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Michael Tretter Mrs. Joy Elizabeth Trigg (6) Mr. and Mrs. David Lyle Trimble Mrs. Sarah P.Trimble Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Todd Trimble (15) Trinity Full Gospel Baptist Church Ms. Evelyn N.Triplett (6) Mrs.Theresa Leigh Triplett Mr. Don F.Trivette (d.) (14) Mrs. Joyce F.Trivette (7) Mr. Larry Trobaugh Mrs. Dana Lynn Troup Mr. Mark Troutman (2) Ms. Patricia Elaine Troutman (14) Mrs. Sanna Montienne Trouton (10) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dwone Troutt (2) Mr.V. I.Trowbridge Mrs. Christy Emberton Trulock Mr. Derek Angelo Truss (3) Ms. Diane Tsimekles Pei-Hua Tu Mr. Michael W.Tuck (2) Mrs. Angela Dawn Tucker (3) Ms. Diana Jean Tucker Mrs. Kristen K.Tucker (3) Mrs. Nancy Stephens Tucker Mrs. Nina Waller Tucker (9) Mrs. Reva Darlene Tucker (12) Mr. Roger Keith Tucker Mrs.Teresa Gail Tucker (8) Mr. Roy Tudor Mr. Samuel Patton Tuggle, III (2) Ms. Lisa Mingus Tullis (3) Mr. Matthew L.Tullis Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L.Tunks Mr.Tommy D.Turbeville (2) Mr.Thomas Turk Mr. L. J.Turley Dr. Louis W.Turley (d.) (3) Ms. Robin Knight Turley Mr. Alfred Turner Ms. Aline D.Turner Ms. Ashley Elizabeth Turner (2) Mr. Bradley Alfred Turner Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Guthrie Turner, Jr. (15) Mrs. Charlene Turner Mr. and Mrs. Nick D.Turner (4) Mrs. Doris C.Turner (2) Mr. George David Turner (3) Mrs. Glynda Y.Turner (4) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M.Turner (6) Mr. James Harold Turner (4) Mrs. Cinnamon and Mr. Jason Turner Mrs. Jennifer Brown Turner (6) Mr. Jeremy Franklin Turner (3) Mr. Kim Raymond Turner (4) Mrs. Larue Turner Mrs. Lori S.Turner Mrs. Margie H.Turner Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Clinton Turner Mrs. Patricia R.Turner (8) Mr. Paul Eric Turner (4) Ms. Rhonda Katherine Turner (3) Mr. Roy Samuel Turner (6) Mr. Samuel E.Turner (3) Mr.William Lee Turner Mrs. Zelma Mae Turner Ms. Rebekah Marie Turpin Mrs. Jacqueline M.Tutino Mrs. Belle B. Ferguson Tuttle (6) Mrs. Betty J.Tuttle (3) Mr. Curtis Tuttle Mr. John William Tuttle Mrs. Rebekah Johnson Tuttle (4) Mr. and Mrs.William G.Twyman (8) Dr. Don Gordon Twyman Mr. and Mrs.William Lewis Twyman (3) Mr. and Mrs. Garnett E.Twyman (11) Mrs. Connie Lynn Tyler (3) Mr. Larry Tyler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blaise Tylicki (3) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Tyner Mr. and Mrs. Eric L.Tyree Ms. Heather C.Tyree Mr.Wayne Tyree Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley Tyrie Alfred Tyson (2) U.S. Department of the Interior Mrs. Sheridan E. Ueber (5) Mrs. Deborah K. Uhler Mr. Darrell Uhls Ms. Lorraine M. Ulak (6) Mrs. Helen S. Underwood (19) Mr. J. LeRoy Underwood (5) Ms. Jeannie Lynn Underwood (8) Ms. Jennifer Anne Underwood University of Kentucky Mr. Bruce A. Upchurch Mrs. Laura J. Upchurch (3) Mr.William Alan Uphoff (5) Mr. John C. Upton (2) Mrs. Donna M. Urbansky (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Urey USAA Mr. Jeffrey Usleaman Mrs. Jennifer L. Utley (3) Ms. Mary Maurice Utley (13) Mr.Thomas Ray Utley Mrs. Jamie C. Utt Mrs. Lois Utterback (3) Mr.Yoganand Vadari Ms. Judy Marie Vahling (3) Mrs. Jahnna A.Valdez Ms. Mieke Valk Mr. and Mrs. Dennye L.Van Arsdale Ms. Elizabeth A.Van Fleet (12) Mr.Thomas A.Van Laere (3) Mr. Russell Van Zant Mr. Collins T.Vance (9) Mrs. Doris Jean Vance (5) Ms. Heather L.Vance (2) Dr. John Charles Vance Ms. Nancy Louise Vance (2) Mrs. Pam Vance Ms. Rene L.Vance (13) Ms. Angela M.VanCleave (3) Mr. and Mrs.William R.VanCleave (3) Mrs. Doris Nell VanCleve (12) Mrs. Susan E.Vanderwege (2) Mr. Chester L.Vanfossen, Jr. Mr. David Hammer Van Hooser (3) Ms. Nila Vanmali Mr. Michael L.Vannatter (2) Mr. Jimmy Vannauker, Jr (3) Maj. and Mrs. David Lee Vanover (3) Ms. Donna Vanover Mr. Marcus Lee Vanover Mrs. Anita F.Vantrease (2) Ms. Janice VanZant Ms. Jeanette Vargo Ms. Jacqueline Christina Vastola Mr. John R.Vaughan Mrs. Jeanne E.Vaughn (3) Mrs.Trina Vaughn (5) Ms. Dixie C.Vaught Mr. Larry Vaught Mr. Larry Brent Vaught Mr. Chad M.Veal Mr. Bryan Patrick Veatch Mr.Terry W.Veatch Mr. Carl Michael Veazey (7) Western Kentucky University HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mr. Reinaldo Cancel Vega Mr. Larry Veirs Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Veitschegger (2) Mr. Senad Veletanlic (3) Ms. Shannon M.Verble (3) Ms. Sidney M.Verble Vernon E.Wathen PLLC Ms. Irene H.Vertrees Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John Vervilles (2) Mr. Michael B.Vessels (4) Mr. Joseph D.Vibbert (3) Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Keith Vice Mrs. Barbara Humphries Vick (3) Ms. Betsy Kay Lynn Vick Ms. Carolyn Vick Mr. Glenn Vick Mr. Mark Wayne Vick Mr. Ralph T.Vick, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B.Vick Mr. Bruce Wayne Vickers (7) Mrs. Janet Mercer Vickous Ms. Donna Viera Mrs. Amy Beth Viergutz (5) Mr. and Mrs. Jay C.Viktora (7) Mr. Alan Hughes Vilines Mrs. Elaine Sue Vilines Ms. Denise Villescaz Mr. Gary L.Villeveal Mrs. Patricia J.Vincelli Mr. Paul Vincelli Mr. Albert J.Vincent Mrs. Amy Louise Vincent Mrs. Charlotte Moss Vincent (3) Mr. Gregory Royce Vincent (3) Mr. Leroy Vincent (3) Ms. Michelle Vincent Dr. Sally Ray and Mr. Roger D.Vincent (3) Mrs. Sharon Ann Vincent (3) Ms. Stacy Lane Vincent Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.Vine (5) Ms. Delores L.Vinegar Mrs. Cathy L.Vinson Mr. Lam Thanh Vo Mr. Eric Lynn Vogel (2) Mr. Lawrence Darian Vogel (3) Mrs. Mary Catherine Vogt (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynn Volk (7) Dianna and David Voll Mr. and Mrs. Gerald V.Von Deylen (2) Ms. Kristen Vongruben Mr. Gary D.Vough (3) Mrs. Ellen F.Vowells Mrs. Nancy C.Wabner Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Amos Waddle Ms. Cindy A.Wade Mr. Gary David Wade Ms. Jennifer Michelle Wade Mrs. Judith Knight Wade Mrs. Linda Wade Ms. Ruby Wade (4) Mr. Robert Joseph Wadell (7) Ms. Angela Wadlington Mr. and Mrs.William H.Wadsworth Mr. Jack Hunter Waff, Jr. (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jack H.Waff (19) Mr. James Michael Waford (2) Mrs. Mary Gemma Wafzig (9) Mrs.Virginia E.Wage (3) Mrs. Dianne M.Wager (3) Mrs. Sue Carol Wager (3) Ms. Patricia M.Waggener Mrs. Carol Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leonard Waggoner (13) Mr. Cary James Wagner (2) Ms. Debbra Anne Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Brent W.Wagner Mr. John R.Wagner Mrs. Laura McCauley Wagner Mr.Timothy Alan Wagner (4) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Layne Wagoner Mr. Shirley D.Wagoner (7) Mrs. Mary Patricia Waguespack Mrs. June R.Waiz Ms. Deborah Waizenhofer Mr. Ralph Brig Wakeland, III Mrs. Dorothy W.Waldeck (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waldeck Drs. Gary and Brenda Walden Alumni Fall 2005 Mrs. Cindy Marie Walden Mr. David W.Walden (5) Mrs. Margaret E.Walden (10) Ms. Mary Patricia Walden (3) Mr. Michael J.Walden (2) Ms. Susie Carol Walden (8) Mr. Alexander Moore Waldrop Ms. Diana Marie Waldrop Mr. Chad A.Walker (2) Mr. Charles Patrick Walker (3) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker Mr. Frank Walker (6) Mr. Gregory Dale Walker Mr. James H.Walker (16) Mrs. Jennifer Kaye Walker (12) Mr. and Mrs. John Austin Walker Mr. John Hunter Walker Mrs. Karen A.Walker (2) Mr. Kenneth C.Walker (2) Mrs. Linda Lou Walker (12) Ms. Madge L.Walker (2) Mrs. Mary Evelyn Walker (2) Ms. Matilda Walker (3) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W.Walker Mr. Mickey T.Walker Ms. Pamela J.Walker (3) Mrs. Peggy Walker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A.Walker (5) Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.Walker, Jr. (2) Ms. Shelia Walker Mr.Terry Lee Walker Mrs.Viola Ritchie Walker Mr.William T.Walker (3) Mr. and Mrs. John R.Wall (2) Mr. Joseph G.Wall Ms. Rebecca Wall Dr. Debra Peak Wallace (2) Dr. Mildred G.Wallace Mrs. Rita Marion Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clifton Wallace Mrs. Regina Kathleen Wallen Mr. Harris Lynn Waller Rev. James M.Walling Mr. Marion L.Walls, Jr. Wallworks WalMart Mr. Mickey Lee Walrond (4) Ms. Mary Suzanne Walser Ms. Erica Lindsay Walsh Mr. and Mrs. John E.Walsh Mrs. Mary Lewis Walsh Mrs. Paulette R.Walsh Ms. Susan Ann Walsh Thomas Edward Walsh, CFA, CCM (2) Ms. Delois I.Walters (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason R.Walters Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee Walters Mrs. Lisa M.Walters (3) Ms. Pamela Martin Walters (8) Mr. Joe Walton (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joseph Waltrip (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Richard Wanta (2) Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lee Wantland (5) Ms. Karen Lee Wantland Mr. and Mrs. Barry A.Ward (2) Mr. Gerald D.Ward (3) Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D.Ward (12) Mrs. Kaye S.Ward (3) Mr. Mark T.Ward Mrs. Mary Joanne Ward (2) Mrs. Sharon Gail Ward Ms. Sheila Ward (4) Ms.Tara B.Ward Mr.Thomas Allen Ward Mr.W.Terry Ward (2) Mr. Frank N.Warden (2) Mr. and Mrs. John Earl Warden (2) Mrs. Mamie Delia Wardlow (11) Mr. Darrell Ware Mr. Dean Ware Mr. Sidney Ware Ms. Linda L.Warfield Ms. Ellen M.Warmbrunn Ms. Dawn M.Warner Ms. Donna M.Warner Mrs. Gretchen Peterson Warner (15) Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Michael Warner Ms. Melissa L.Warner Ms.Teresa Suzanne Warner (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jeffrey Warren (3) Mr. Charles Warren Mrs. Erin M.Warren (5) Mrs. Helen Warren Mr. Michael D.Warren (3) Mrs. Patricia C.Warren (5) Warren Central High School (2) Mr. Robert Andrew Wartschlager Mr. Robert Washburn (7) Ms. Kimberly Patr Washington Dr. and Mrs. John C.Wassom (4) Mrs. Marya Waters Mrs. Susan C.Waters (2) Mrs. Beverly Wathen Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.Wathen (8) Mr.Trevor Dean Wathen (4) Dr. Cecilia Michelle Watkins (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.Watkins (4) Mr. Michael Brad Watkins Mrs. Priscilla G. Harris Watkins Mr. Rodney Darrell Watkins (2) Mrs. Ruth Ann Watkins (4) Ms. Sherry L.Watkins Mr.Thomas H.Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Breese Watson (3) Mr. Charles William Watson Mr. Clay Allen Watson Mrs. Constance T.Watson (2) Ms. Deborah Renee Watson Mr. Dwight Daniel Watson Mrs. Kimberly Morris Watson Mrs. Linda H.Watson (8) Mr. Lynn Bradley Watson Mrs. Mildred M.Watson Mrs. Monica Cheree Watson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watson Mr. and Mrs.William A.Watson (2) Mrs. Sandra Kay Watson (7) Ms.Tamara C.Watson (4) Mr.Willie F.Watson Mrs. Lisa V.Watt Ms. Cassandra Denise Watts Mrs. Cheryl Murphy Watts Mrs. Deborah C.Watts (2) Mr. Joseph D.Watts Ms. Linda Kay Watts Mr. Rayford Watts (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J.Watts (12) Ms.Tessa S.Watts (10) Mr.Wallace Watts, Jr. (10) Mrs. Susan Fay Waxman Mr. Bradley A.Wayland, Jr. Mrs. Gloria H.Wayman (2) Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Allen T. Wayne (3) Mrs. Polly Ann Wayne (3) Mrs. Shirley B.Wayne (5) Mr. Stephen E.Weafer (2) Mr. Larry M.Weatherford Mrs. Laura S.Weatherford Dr. Bill L.Weaver (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Lynn Weaver (11) Mr. Jared Jeff Weaver Mrs. Monica Joy Weaver (8) Dr. N. JoAnn Weaver (9) Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Hodge Weaver (9) Mr.Thomas L.Weaver Mrs. Beverly Jo Webb (4) Ms. Dee Dee Ann Webb Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Webb Mr. Kevin L.Webb (6) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Leonard W.Webb (3) Mr. Mark D.Webb Mrs. Martha E. Miller Webb (6) Mrs. Melissa B.Webb (2) Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Webb (2) Dr. Stephanie Johnson Webb (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.Webber (5) Ms. Alicia D.Weber Mrs. Deborah B.Weber Ms. Mary P.Weber Mr. Nathan D.Weber (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Weber Ms. Connie Webster Mr. Bernard G.Wedding Mr. Robert Louis Wedding (2) Mr. Gordon K.Weddle Mr. Adam Macer Wedeking Mr. Edward Brent Weedman Mr. James C.Weedman Ms. Margaret Whitford Weeks (3) Mr. Roy E.Weeks, Jr. (2) Ms. Laura Suzanne Weems Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L.Wegner (3) Mr. John Victor Wehlage Ms.Wanda Jo Weidemann (16) Mrs. Donna Gay Weidner (2) Ms. Sheree Ann Weiffenbach (3) Mrs. Judith C.Weigner (9) Mr. and Mrs. John F.Weikert (4) Mrs. Kathy J.Weiler (5) Mrs. Leigh Ann Weinzapfel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steven Weis Ms. Juanita Moore Weiss (13) Mrs. Petrina Beury Weiss Mrs. Kathy Sue Welborn Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.Welborn (3) Mr. Gary K.Welch Mr. Jeffery Lee Welch Mr. Larry Welch Mrs. Lavonne J.Welch (3) Mrs. Patrice R.Welch Ms. Mary Helen Weldy (3) Wells Richardson & Associates, Inc. Mrs. Amy E.Wells (2) Mr. Bobby D.Wells (5) Mr. Chad J.Wells (2) Mr. Charles E.Wells, Jr. (4) Dr. and Mrs. James A.Wells (2) Mrs. Cynthia Elaine Wells Mr. Derek Alan Wells Mr. Freddie L.Wells (3) Mr. Gerald Zane Wells (12) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E.Wells (4) Ms. Hazel F.Wells Ms. Jama R.Wells (5) Mr. James Robert Wells (3) Mr. Jerry Wayne Wells (4) Mr. Joe Wells (11) Mr. Johnny Lee Wells (9) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Royal Wells Mrs. Mary Ann Wells (3) Mr.Wendell Dale Wells (4) Mr. Dan Welsh Mrs. Mary Beverly Welsh (8) Mr. Evan Albert Welting Ms.Tracey Lynne Wendt Mr. Christopher A.Wenzler (4) Mr. John Lee Werner (2) Mr. Richard Werner Mrs. Ruth Dorothy Werth (8) Wes Strader Productions Ms. Genevieve L.Wesley (11) Mr. J. Quentin Wesley (13) Mrs.Tara Wen Wesley Ms. Rachel B.Wessel Mrs. Christy Annette West (4) Mr. David A.West Dr. Harold F.West (17) Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.West, Jr. Mr. Kevin Brian West Ms. Kimberly J.West Ms. Kyda H.West (8) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M.West Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Westbrook Mr. Robert David Westbrook (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry C.Westerfield (12) Mr. Charles Christopher Westerfield Mr. and Mrs. Dale A.Westerfield (12) Mrs. Ruth Drake Westerfield (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barry Westerman Mr. Marion Westfall Mr. Mark Browning Westfall Mr. Ralph M.Westmoreland (3) Mrs. Brenda J.Weston Ms. Janice K.Weston (8) Mr. Ronald Wetherell (2) Mrs. Jennifer L.Wethington Mr. Marvin W.Wethington Ms.Tammy Mae Wethington Mr. Jack R.Wettmarshausen (6) Dr. Richard A.Wham (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Whatton (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eugene Wheat Ms. Marianne A.Wheat (15) Mrs. Marilyn L.Wheat (12) Ms. Amelia Jo Wheatley Mr. David Anthony Wheatley (4) Ms. Denise P.Wheaton (2) Mr. Garry Jason Wheeldon (2) Mr. Christopher G.Wheeler (2) Mr. Dennis L.Wheeler (3) Mr. Frank T.Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. James Eugene Wheeler, II (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R.Wheeler (3) Mr. John Craig Wheeler (4) Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Wheeler (5) Mrs. Renee Cheri Wheeler (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joe W.Wheet Jr. Ms. Julie Ann Wheetley (6) Mr. and Mrs.William E.Whelan (3) Maj. Ronald J.Whelan Whirlpool Foundation Mr. Carl M.Whitaker Mrs. Donna Smith Whitaker Mr. James T.Whitaker (2) Dr. and Mrs.Tim Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. James M.Whitaker (2) Mrs. Oredia Harmon Whitaker (3) Ms. Rhonda Lura Whitaker (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Presley Whitaker Mrs. Angela Rae White Henry White Knight Services Mr. Alton B.White Ms. Amy B.White Mr. Charles E.White Ms. Christina C.White Mr. Craig William White Mr. and Mrs. Derek Blaine White (3) Ms. Elizabeth E.White (4) Ms. Evette White Mr. and Mrs. J. C.White (3) Mr. James D.White Mr. James Dale White, Jr. (20) Mr. Jesse Allen White Mr. and Mrs. David Olen White, Sr. (4) Mrs. Kristen G.White (3) Mr. and Mrs. Harlie T.White, Jr. (3) Ms. Leslie Anna White (2) Mrs. Lillian White (2) Ms. Lindsey A.White Mrs. Marcheta W.White (11) Mr. and Mrs. Mendel J.White (8) Mrs. Meredith Lee White Mr. Mills Landon White, Jr. Mr. Ray B.White (4) Mr. Raymond Oscar White Mrs. Rhonda Lynn White (3) Mrs. Sherry Lynn White Mr. and Mrs.Teddy White (8) Mrs.Tere-sea Rhea White Ms.Thelma Faye White Mr.Thomas J.White Mr.Todd White (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dale White (7) Prof.Vernon White (3) Mr. and Mrs. John White Ms.Winona Ruth White Ms. Mary Alice Whitehead Mrs. Ruth Ann Whitehouse Ms. Michele Janeane Whiteley Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cecil Whitenack (8) Mrs. Mary Florence Whiteside (13) Whitestone Consulting Ms. Barbara F.Whitfield (4) Mr. Carl C.Whitfield Mr. Donald B.Whitfield Dr. Gary Whitson Whitfield (13) Mr. Peter Whiting (2) Ms. Carol Shannon Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitley Ms. Rochelle Annette Whitley Ms. Susan Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.Whitlock Ms. Helen Darlene Whitlow (3) Mr.Tony R.Whitlow Mrs. Dorothy M.Whitman (8) Mrs. Gertrude Ann Whitmer (16) Mr. and Mrs.William Earl Whitmer (3) Mrs.Tara N.Whitmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.Whitmer (18) Mrs. Anita Kathleen Whitney (3) Dr. J. Gordon Whitney Mr. Steven K.Whitney Ms. Cynthia M.Whitson Mrs. Frieda Gail Whitt (4) Mrs. Mary Lou Whitt (2) 79 HONOR ROLL Western Kentucky University - Annual Giving Mrs. Shirley M.Whittaker (2) Ms. Agnes B.Whittington Mr. Gregory K.Whittington (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Wayne Whittle (3) Mr. Clyde Eugene Whittle (4) Ms. Nancy Snoderly Whittle (2) Mr. Richard D.Whitty (6) Mr. Daniel Kris Wiatr, Jr. Ms. Gayle Scott Wible Ms. Eva Mae Wickey Mr. Gregory A.Wickliff Ms. Robin Widener (2) Mr.William R.Wiebbecke Mr. Mark Willard Wiedmar (3) Mrs. Marianne Claire Wigand (2) Mr. Jeffrey Todd Wiggins (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Wigginton (2) Mr. Barry Edwin Wigginton Mrs. Shirley W.Wigginton Mr. Mike Wiggle Ms. Lisa Layne Wigley Mr.Terry Lee Wigton (7) Mr. Lyle Jan Wiist Mr. Stephen Craig Wilburn Mrs. Juanita T.Wilcher (2) Mrs. Jennifer Bryant Wilcox (2) Mrs. Jennifer Suzanne Wilcox (3) Mr. Ralph Gary Wilcox (12) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K.Wilcutt (4) Mr. Daniel Wildeman Mr. and Mrs. James Andrew Wilder Mrs. Laura C.Wildey (2) Mr. Brett Anthony Wildoner (2) Mr. Benjamin R.Wiley (2) Ms. Mary H.Wilgus Mr. Keith Wilhelmi (3) Mr. Douglas C.Wilke (8) Mrs. Maria Wilkerson (3) Mrs. Martha Diane Woodson Wilkerson (2) Mrs. Shirley Hardin Wilkerson (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Andrew Wilkins Mr. and Mrs.William M.Wilkins (2) Ms. Margo Wilkins (2) Mrs. Nan W.Wilkins (3) Drs. Edmund and Patricia Wilkins (13) Mr. Stephen Greer Wilkins (3) Mrs. Charlene Wilkinson (3) Mr. Daniel M.Wilkinson (7) Ms. Rachel L.Will (3) Ms. Melissa Grace Willard Mr. Daniel B Willcox Lee Willeford Mrs. Nola T.Willeford (2) Ms. Shanon Denise Willett (9) Ms. Shellie Denette Willett (3) William D. Shaver, D.M.D. (2) Williams Engineering Services Co. (2) Ms. Alethea Rena Williams Mr. Andrew Lamport Williams Mrs. Annie D.Williams Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kevin Williams Mr. Barry Lester Williams Ms. Beatrice Williams Ms. Beverly Ann Williams Mr. Bobby G.Williams (15) Mr. and Mrs. Brian L.Williams (8) Mr. Buford W.Williams, Jr. Mr. Charles C.Williams (5) Dr. Craig F.Williams Mr. David A.Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph David Williams (4) Ms. Elizabeth Gail S.Williams Mr. Gary Nelson Williams (2) Mr. Giles Williams Mr. Gregory K.Williams (3) Mrs. Janice H.Williams (7) Ms. Jeanne Morgan Williams (2) Ms. Jeannie Lynn Williams Mr. Jerry I.Williams (2) Mrs. Jill D.Williams (2) Mrs. Jill Lee Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Williams Mr. Joseph E.Williams Mrs. Karen Ann Williams Mrs. Karen Annette Williams Mr. and Mrs. Paul David Williams (2) Mrs. Katie Ellen Williams (9) Mr. Keith J.Williams Mr. Kevin Williams (3) Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams (4) 80 Mrs. Laura Lynn Williams (3) Ms. Lucie B.Williams (3) Mrs. Marcia Ann Williams (2) Mr. Mark Williams Ms. Marla Lynn Williams Mrs. Martha Williams (2) Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Glen W. Williams (3) Ms. Megan Williams Mr. Michael E.Williams (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael T.Williams (11) Mr. Millard A.Williams, III (15) Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Williams Ms. Peggy M.Williams Mr. Ray E.Williams (17) Mrs. Rebecca J.Williams Mr. Richard Dale Williams Mr. Robert Herbert Williams (2) Mr. Roland Eugene Williams Mr. Sean Vincent Williams Mr. and Mrs. Barry A.Williams (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis Williams (2) Ms.Vicki Williams (4) Mr. Charles M.Williamson (6) Mr. Joseph P.Williamson Ms. Londa N.Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wayne Williamson (3) Ms. Rebecca Graham Williamson (2) Ms. Melinda Ann Willingham (7) Mr.William B.Willingham, Jr. Ms. Adrienne Tyler Willis Mrs. Barbara M.Willis Mr. Benjamin Coleman Willis Mr. Charles S.Willis Ms. Christina Marie Willis Mrs. Elizabeth McCubbin Willis (5) Ms. Ina Jean Willis (2) Mr. Jeff Willis Mr. Kenneth T.Willis, Sr. (8) Mr. Kevin T.Willis (7) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Willis Mrs. Lelia G.Willis (11) Ms. Nancy Carol Willis Mrs. Sheila Carol Willis (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenneth Willis (8) Ms.Wanda Lee Willis (8) Mrs. Margie J.Willman (2) Mr. Ashley Scott Willoughby Dr. Gregory Lewis Willoughby (3) Mr. Larry G.Willoughby (15) Mr. Roger McClellan Willoughby Dr. Sarah Margaret C.Willoughby Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N.Wills Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Wilmouth The Wil-O-Wick Farm (6) Mr. Alan Kirt Wilson (4) Mr. Allen O.Wilson Ms. Annabelle Renee Wilson Mrs. Bethany G.Wilson (3) Mrs. Bonnie L.Wilson Mr. Bradford Stanley Wilson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Donny L Wilson (3) Ms. Cassandra D.Wilson (4) Mr. Cheston W.Wilson (5) Mrs. Connie Gayle Wilson Mrs. Dana E.Wilson Mr. David E.Wilson Ms. Donna Lynn Wilson (14) Mrs. Emily H.Wilson (8) Ms. Heather LeShay Wilson Ms. Jane T.Wilson (16) Mrs. Janetta Sue Wilson (2) Ms. Janice C.Wilson Mr. Jeffrey Shane Wilson Ms. Jessie Ruble Wilson (3) Mr. John Chesley Wilson Mr. Julian Wilson (2) Mrs. Julie Christy Wilson (3) Ms. Karen Renee Wilson Dr. Lauralee Wilson (4) Mr. Leight M.Wilson (3) Ms. Linda S.Wilson (6) Ms. Marguerite W.Wilson (2) Ms. Marsha Rae Wilson Ms. Micah Sue Ellen Wilson Mrs. Pamela Lynn Wilson (3) Mr. Rickie Wren Wilson (3) Mr. Ronald G.Wilson Mr. Roy M.Wilson, Jr. (7) Mr. and Mrs. Roye S.Wilson (14) Mrs. Sandra S.Wilson (2) Mrs. Sandy Wilson (2) Ms. Sarah Michelle Wilson (2) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allan Wilson (4) Mrs. Stacy Charlton Wilson Mr. Stanley Davis Wilson (6) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A.Wilson (11) Mr.Ted M.Wilson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Wilson (3) Mr.Thomas B.Wilson (9) Mr.Thomas Charles Wilson Mr.Thomas M.Wilson Mrs.Tonya Enette Wilson (3) Mr.Vance V.Wilson (5) Mr. Fred C.Wimsatt (3) Mr. Raffo Wimsett, Jr. Mr. Jonathan C.Winburn (3) Mr. Ben Wince Beulah R.Winchel (3) Mr. Dustin L.Winchester Mr. Melville P.Windle Ms. Dana M.Winfrey Mr. Gregory B.Wing Ms. Jennifer Kress Wingfield (5) Mrs. Felicia K.Wingler (3) Mr. Robert David Wingo Mr.Timothy D.Wingo Mrs. Nancy Jane Wininger (2) Mr. and Mrs. Kurt P.Winkenhofer (3) Col. David M.Winkler (5) Mr. Steven Jay Winkler (11) Mrs.Vana Winn (2) Mr. Gary R.Winship (4) Mr.Thomas E.Winski Mrs. Janet Lee Winstead (3) Mr. Jerald A.Winstead Mrs. Ruth T.Winstead (3) Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Anthony Winter (5) Mr. Ronald G Winters Ms.Tara Elise Winters Mr. James Knorr Wirsen (7) Mr.Terry C.Wise Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Wisialowsk Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J.Wissing, Jr. (10) Ms. Patricia Lynn Witcher Ms. Donna G.Witham (3) Mr. James Vinson Withers (3) Mrs. Candace L.Witherspoon Ms. Ruth A. withgod Mr. Edgar Witten (3) Mr. Jason D.Witten Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Daniel Wittman (2) Mr. and Mrs. Greg A.Witty Mr. Jerry W.Wix Confidential (12) Wm. Casey Callis D. M. D. Mr. Eric William Wolf Mrs. Leslie Elizabeth Wolf (4) Ms. Stacia Michelle Wolf Mrs. Barbara S.Wolfe Mr. David Lee Wolfe Ms. Donna W.Wolfe Mr. Johnny Michael Wolfe Dr. and Mrs. James A.Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniel Wolfe (5) Ms. Caroline J.Wolff Mr. Clarence Neal Wolff (4) Mr. Dale E.Wolford Ms. Gail Wolgast Ms.Virginia P.Wollin Ms. Barbara Kay Wood Mr. and Mrs. Barry Alan Wood Mr. and Mrs. Billy D.Wood (9) Ms. Brenda C.Wood Mr. Christopher Todd Wood Mr. Dennis F.Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M.Wood Mr. Harrell E.Wood (12) Mrs. Hope Wood Mr. James T.Wood Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Scott Wood (3) Mrs. Linda Wheeler Wood Ms. Maxine Wood Ms. Melanie R.Wood (2) Mr. Paul David Wood (6) Mr. Phillip Wayne Wood Mr. Ricky S.Wood Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.Wood (17) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ray Wood (5) Ms. Sally A. C.Wood (2) Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie Wood (2) Mr. Stephen Bradshaw Wood (3) Mr.Troy Wood Mr.William Edward Wood (2) Mr. Gary Howard Woodall (2) Ms. Denise Landry Woodard Mrs. Edna L.Woodard (2) Mr.V. Darrell Woodard Mr.W. Rex Woodard (3) Mrs. Stephanie F.Woodcock Mrs. Claudia Berry Woodring Ms. Jill Smith Woodrum Ms. Lynne Woodrum (2) Mrs. Ruth Carol Woodrum (2) Mr. Brent David Woods Mrs. Carol J.Woods (9) Mr. Darrell Woods (8) Ms. Deborah Woods Mrs.Wilma S.Woods Ms. Nancy Alice Woodson (2) Mrs. Jacqueline H.Woodward Mrs. Margaret Anne Woodward (6) Mrs. Marsha Fay Woodward Mr. James Steven Woody (3) Mr. and Mrs. David V.Woody (5) Mrs.Violet S.Wooldridge Ms. Allison Jamison Woosley (5) Mrs. Angela Denise Woosley (5) Mrs. Cheri Sue Woosley (2) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alan Woosley (2) Mr. James Reid Woosley (9) Ms. Jill Woosley Mrs. Sandra Faye Woosley Mrs.Tommie D.Woosley (8) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levi Word Mrs. Juanita Vance Working (6) Mr. Ross Wayne Workman Mr. Jim Worley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R.Worley Mr.William Edward Worley Mr. Fonrose Wortham (2) Mr. Michael C.Wortham (3) Mr.Thomas F.Worthington (2) Mrs. Amy Croslin Wright (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Earl Wright (2) Mr. Charles Wright Ms. Deborah L.Wright Mr. Don Thomas Wright Mr. and Mrs. John Wright (2) Mr. Larry K.Wright (2) Mr. and Mrs.Tony Wright (2) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Franklin Wright (2) Dr. Patty and Mr. Christopher J. Wright (2) Mrs. Rebecca Fullen Wright Mrs. Sherry D.Wright (2) Mrs.Tina Conrey Wright Write Data Solutions Mr. Michael Robert Wrona (2) Dr.William H.Wroten, Jr. (2) Mr. Dean L.Wuchterl (2) Ms. Kathleen A.Wyatt Xerox Corporation Mrs. Ruth L.Yaeger Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Yager (5) Ms. Pamela Yakel Mr. Jay Arl Yale (19) Ms. Justine M.Yancey Mr. Randall L.Yancey (2) Lt. Col. Ronald Lee Yancey (3) Mrs. Sarah B.Yann (3) Mr. James William Yarbrough (4) Yard Doctor Mr. Kevin Patrick Yaste (3) Ms. Becky Yates (2) Mrs. Cecilia Ann Yates (3) Mrs. Constance S.Yates (4) Mr. Hansford H.Yates (15) Ms. Janice Yates (2) Mr. John E.Yates Mrs. Kathy L.Yates Mrs. Kimberly D.Yates (2) Mrs. Lisa L.Yates Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Yates (7) Mrs. Rhonda G.Yates Mr. and Mrs. Carroll F.Yates (16) Ms. Shelia E.Yates (2) Ms. Noreen Yeager Mrs.Velvet Maria Yeager (2) Mr. and Mrs. John E.Yeates (3) Mr. Bill Yeiser Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kennady Yeiser, II (2) Dr. Michael Fred Yeiser (7) Mr. and Mrs. James R.Yeiser (7) Mrs. Deborah W.Yepsen (4) Ms. Jean Eidson Yewell (6) Ms. Laura Ynclan Mrs. Mildred C.Yochim (18) Mrs. Miriam G.Yoder Mr. Douglas Gene Yoeckel (12) The Yoga Center Mrs. Rebecca Reynolds Yonker Hon. Brent Yonts Mr. Joseph A.York (3) Mr. Ken Cornell York (3) Mr. Mark York Ms. Meredith York Ms. Rita Taylor York Dr.Walter E.York Mrs.Tara Young Edwards (2) Mrs. Carmen Young Ms. Carolyn Daye Young (4) Mrs. Courtney Richardson Young Mr. Darrell Young Mr. Donald L.Young, Jr. Ms. Donna G.Young Mr. Eric Todd Young (7) Mr. and Mrs. Ray G.Young (7) Mr. Joe Vernon Young (3) Mrs. Linda R.Young Ms. Lisa Ann Young (8) Mr. Lloyd D.Young (4) Ms. Martha J.Young Mr. Polk Young Mr. Ralph Martin Young (3) Mr. Ray Young Mr. Richard A.Young Mrs. Sharon Lee Young (5) Mrs. Shirley C.Young (7) Mrs.Virginia Ruth Young Mr. Dean G.Youngman (2) Ms. Sharon K.Youngs (2) Mrs. Laura E.Younkin (2) Ms. Linda Elizabeth Younkin Mrs. Carol Hall Yowell Mr. Roy A.Yowler Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Helen Van Zandbergen Mr. Behzad Zandieh (2) Mr. Andrew Zaragoza (2) Mrs. Michelle L. Zaydon (2) Mr. and Mrs. James Marcel Zeghers Ms. Amy Zehm (3) Mr. Naim Paris Zeibak (d.) Mr. Joseph C. Zeitz (8) Mr. Bertrand Louis Zeller (4) Mr.Tingying Zeng Mr. Daniel P. Zengel Mr. Charles Zettlemoyer (8) Ms.Yunfan Zhang and Mr. Xianjing Wang (3) Mr.Wei Zheng Mr. Bill Ziegler Mr. Richard Louis Ziegler (17) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Benjamin Zike Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Ziliak (4) Mr. Henry P. Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Michael George Zimmer (2) Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Zimmer Ms. Barbara Sharp Zimmerman (5) Mrs. Carol Zimmerman (6) Mrs. Judith D. Zimmerman (3) Col. Stanley G. Zimmerman (3) Ms. Marla J. Zippay (2) Dr. David Zoeller Ms. Margaret S. Zoglmann (2) Mrs. Nikki W. Zoglmann Mr. Robert M. Zoglmann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wayne Zoglmann (10) Mr. John M. Zomchek (12) Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Daniel Zoretic Mrs. Lucy Ellen Zornes (3) Hon. and Mrs. George Harry Zubulake (2) Mr. Louis Stephan Zulevich Dr. Patricia Ann Zulkosky (6) Mrs. Barbara H. Zupon (d.) Deceased Western Kentucky University Class Notes is a feature which allows WKU sustaining alumni members to update fellow classmates on significant accomplishments that have happened in their lives. Sustaining alumni memberships are $25 for an annual membership and $500 for a lifetime membership. If you wish to join the Alumni Association or publish announcements in Class Notes, please submit them to WKU Alumni Association, 1906 College Heights Blvd. #31016, Bowling Green, KY, 42101-1016 or via e-mail to [email protected]. BEULAH CAMPBELL RECEIVES HONORARY DOCTORATE OF PUBLIC SERVICE Photo by Tiago Pinheiro 1940s At Campbellsville University’s commencement service May 7, 2005, one of the highest honors any higher education institute can present an honorary doctorate of public service was given to a WKU alumnus, Beulah Campbell. Campbell is a native of Campbellsville, born May 7, 1916. She attended Campbellsville College from 1935 to 1936 and received an associate of arts degree in education. She received her bachelor of arts and master of arts from Western Kentucky State Teachers College. Campbell was named to Who’s Who in American Education, was awarded the Trustee’s Award at Appalachian State University for outstanding teaching and has been awarded grants from the U.S. Department of Education to conduct institutes in children’s literature. Campbell has been recognized for conducting children’s literature conferences, workshops and festivals. She also conducted study tours in children’s literature for teachers and librarians in the United States, British Isles and Scandinavia. Alumni Fall 2005 Lively M. Wilson (’48) of Louisville, Ky., presented the convocation address during the University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law graduation May 14, 2005. Wilson is an attorney with Stites & Harbison in Louisville. 1950s Dr. William Monahan (’51) of Morgantown, W.V., was inducted into the West Virginia University College of Human Resources and Education Hall of Fame in April 2005. Irene (Nicholson) Erskine (’53) of Bowling Green, Ky., was named president of the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association in July 2004. She taught at Western for 28 years. 1960s Granddaddy Bobby Rascoe (’62,’85) of Bowling Green Ky.,WKU basketball great, with his grandsons (LtoR) Robert Skipworth (3), Luke Skipworth (1) and Matthew Shipley (2) enjoying fun at the beach. 81 CLASS NOTES Marion Ray (’62) of Lakewood, Colo., was named a life member of the Colorado Society of Certified Public Accountants for 35 years of service in February 2005. Robert L. Baker (’63) of Louisville, Ky., retired after 34 years as a salesman in the industrial market. Dr. Jenks Britt (’66) of Bowling Green,Ky.,received the El Toro Award for excellence in food animal medicine from Auburn University in April 2005. Denver, Colo. area alumni gathered for a Derby Party on May 7 at the home of Tim Eckardt ('83). 1970s Dr. Howard Lee Beall (’70) of Broomfield, Colo., is a real estate broker and appraiser for Beall and Beall. Janet Tally Schneider (’73, ’77) of Horse Cave, Ky., retired in December 2003. Lorraine M. Ulak (’70) of Collingswood, N.J., retired from the Camden Board of Education after teaching elementary school for 31 years. Michael Francis Zimny (’74) of Bismarck, N.D., retired from the Department of the Interior and opened Meridian Land Surveys. John J. Wingfield (’70) of Prospect, Ky., began as vice president for Investments with Smith Barney in Louisville in January 2005. R. Dan Reid (’77) of Waterford, Mich., was named the Quality Leader of the Year by the Automotive Division of the American Society of Quality in June 2005. Ronald Berry (’72) of Bahama, N.C., retired from Verizon in November 2003 after 29 years, and joined PSI Group Inc. as general manager of the Durham, N.C., operation. Thomas D. Collins (’79) of Independence, Ky., opened a law practice in May 2005 in Independence. Paula (Vance) Cohen (’72) of Spokane, Wash., is director of catering for The Davenport Hotel in Spokane. Joseph B. Dwyer (’72) of Murfreesboro, Tenn., retired in January 2005 after 31 years with the Social Security Administration and opened his own Social Security consulting business. 82 Danon Dastugue (’79) of Destrehan, La., earned a M.A. in Directing from the College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Ill., on May 13, 2005. She completed the program over the course of three summers in their Fast Track program. Dastugue is currently a drama teacher at Destrehan High School in Destrehan, La. 1980s Todd Lowe (’82) of Louisville, Ky., was appointed to the Kentucky Arts Council by Gov. Ernie Fletcher. Lowe also serves on the Executive Committee of the Metro Louisville Cultural Blueprint, and completed his term as President of Actors Theatre of Louisville Board of Directors in July 2005. David Suggs (’83) of Houston,Texas, was named Northeast News’ Coach of the Year in 2004. He also set school records for most wins in a football season (10) and made it deepest into the playoffs (quarterfinals) at Beaumont Central High School in fall 2003. Penny (McDowell) Cecil (’85, ’88, ’03) of New Haven, Ky., is principal of Hodgenville Elementary School. Andrew G. Lano II (’85) of Irving, Texas, a PGA tour caddie, caddied for Kenny Perry in his 2005 win at the Bayhill Invitational. This is the fourth time Lano has caddied for a winner, all with Perry. Western Kentucky University CLASS NOTES Michael S.Tarter (’85) of Somerset, Ky., was promoted to president of Key Broadcasting, which operates 18 radio stations in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. Eric Marlow (’86) of Shelbyville, Ky., was named vice president of marketing and development, and executive producer for the Taipei-based game software company Rava Ideologie. He currently lives in Taiwan with his wife Kai-Yi and their daughter Rebecca, 18 months. Robert H. Tudor (’86) of Nashville, Tenn., is IT manager, enterprise network at Lifeway Christian Resources. Mark E.Woodall (’86) of Greenville, Ky., received patent No. 6,694,886 for an explosive method and device for cleaning power plant boilers. Jim (’92) and Leigh (Sowards) Lindsey (’95) of Bowling Green, Ky., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Henry Mason. Tal Johnson (’87) and wife Lynnette, of Oxford, Miss., are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Samantha True Johnson, born April 25, 2005, at Baptist Memorial HospitalNorth Mississippi. Monica (Brockwell) Culver (’93) of Northglenn, Colo., married Dean Culver in October 2004. Scott (’88) and Laura (Holian) Dillard (’90, ’92) of Sterrett, Ala., are proud to announce the adoption of Jackson Scott Dillard from Guatemala. Jackson is pictured with his big brother,Thomas. 1990s Ricky Dalton (’92) of Bowling Green, Ky., is serving a one-year deployment in Iraq with the 617MP Co. of the Kentucky Army National Guard, from approximately November 2004 to November 2005. Alumni Fall 2005 John Stark (’93) is enrolled as a fulltime student at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute seeking his master’s degree in Public Affairs. John is a certified urban planner (AICP) and had been working for the City of Richfield, Minn., for 6 1/2 years as assistant director of Community Development. Patrick Monohan (’94) and his wife, Chrissy, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Colin Murphy on April 21, 2005. He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. Bryan Staples (’94) of White House, Tenn., earned a national Peabody Award for a 3-year investigation involving the awarding of state contracts and friends of Tennessee’s former governor. Staples works as a producer/photojournalist for News Channel 5 in Nashville where he has won an Edward R. Murrow award, a Dupont Columbia award and was nominated for seven Emmys in the past year. He is married to Krista (Burford) Staples (’95) and has one son Connor, 6 years old. “STRANGER” A FILM BY SOME OF WKU’S OWN Scott Crowell (’91) of Nashville, Tenn., released his first feature film, Stranger, on DVD earlier this year. Crowell’s film took four years to make. Several WKU alumni and faculty assisted in the production. Tim Hubbard (’90), Doug Burysek (’92) were both actors in the film, Marc Hudson (’90) was a camera operator and John Buchanon (’85) worked on film to video transfer. WKU communication and broadcasting faculty members Cory Lash (Director of Photography) and Steve White also worked on the film. For more information on Stranger, check out the Web site: www.firebrandfilms.com CLASS NOTES Shane (’95, ’05) and CheyAnne (Hurt) Fant (’98, ’02) of Glasgow, Ky., would like to announce the birth of their son, William McLean. He was born on April 25, 2005, and weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. Lana McCray (’95) of Louisville, Ky., has been promoted to program director of COMFORT KEEPERS, a nonmedical, in-home, caregiving agency serving seniors in the Louisville and Southern Indiana area. Pamela (Page) Thomas (’95) of Nashville, Tenn., is an Accounting Manager at Nashville Structures Inc. Pam and her husband, Patrick (’90), live in Spring Hill, Tenn., and are adopting a baby girl from China. Brandon (’96) and Stephanie (McCarty) Rucker (’96) are proud to announce the birth of Caroline Grace, Oct. 12, 2004. She weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 22 inches long. Jennifer (Bryant) Wilcox (’96) of Louisville, Ky., married Brad Wilcox on Nov. 20, 2004, in Paducah, Ky. The couple resides in Louisville, where Jennifer is an assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney and Brad is a project manager at River City Development Corporation. Troy (’96) and Laura (Reatzman) Straeffer (’96) of Elsmere, Ky., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin Charles on Dec. 6, 2004. Jason Kron (’97) of Decatur, Ga, is a firefighter with the Dekalb County Fire and Rescue located in Atlanta. Ashley Burris (’98, ’99) of Lexington, Ky., is associate band director at Beaumont Middle School. The band was chosen to participate in the Midwest Clinic, only the second middle school band from Kentucky to play at the clinic. Personalization: 84 Western Kentucky University CLASS NOTES James Bilodeau (’02) of Bowling Green, Ky., accepted a position with the Kentucky Tourism Department, and will be working at their location in Franklin, Ky. Samantha Gentry, daughter of Chris Gentry (’98) and his wife, Tanya, of Bowling Green, Ky., celebrated her first birthday on March 20, 2005. Chris (’98) and Laura (Hawkins) Houchens (’98,’02) are proud to announce the birth of their first son, Jackson Wayne Houchens. He was born April 14, 2005 and weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long. Derrick (’99) and Heather (Schupp) Bratcher (’01) of Sugar Land, Texas, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Caleb Daniel. He was born March 30, 2005 and weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20-inches long. Kelly (Sullivan) McMullen (’99) and her husband, Brett, of Collierville, Tenn., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Courtney Anne Nicole. She was born at Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women in Memphis on April 7, 2005, and weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces. 2000s Charles W. Adams, (’00) of Bowling Green, Ky., graduated from the Law School at Oklahoma City University. He practices law in Bowling Green with the firm of Hodges and Haynes. Alumni Fall 2005 Several Western Alumni and students visited with ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer, a Kentucky native, during a trip to New York City. Pictured are (L-R): Jenna Smith, Junior; Carla Coleman (’03); Chasity Moore; Diane Sawyer; Tenille Gary (’04); Brandi Smith (’04); Brooke Coleman; Andrea Childers (’00). Steve (’00) and Sara (Shaver) Ringle (’99) of Creston, Ohio, would like to announce the birth of their son, Hayden James. He was born on April 9, 2005, at 11:08 a.m., weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces. Cali (Koerner) Morrison (’01) of Bozeman, Mont., received a master’s of Education in Adult and Higher Education with an emphasis in Student Affairs from Montana State University in May 2005. Chandra Beyer (’02) of Palm Bay, Fla., is working at DRS Tactical Systems and Sam’s Club. Dr. Adam P. (’01) and Lauren (Glasgow) Rogers (’04) were married on May 28, 2005. Lauren is a graduate student at WKU in Speech Communications. Adam is a chiropractor with Magna Chiropractic in Bowling Green, Ky. Christopher (’02) and Deena Gibson (’02) of Evansville, Ind., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Landon Christopher. He was born July 21, 2004. Clayton Raymer (’02) is serving overseas for the U.S. Army in Baji, Iraq, and he brought a friend to keep him company in the desert. Daniel (’03) and Rachelle (Fehribach) Bevington (’03) of Frankfort, Ky., were married on April 30, 2005, in Evansville, Ind. Tim Rink (’03) and Rebecca Bean (’02) became engaged on Dec. 25, 2004, and will be married in July 2006. Rebecca is a marketing teacher at Fern Creek Traditional High School in Louisville, Ky. Tim is a GIS specialist at Arcadis in Atlanta, Ga. Traci (Evans) Duff (’03, ’04) and her husband, Charles Duff Jr. of Bowling Green, Ky., to proud are 85 CLASS NOTES announce the birth of their first child, Charley Grace Duff. She was born Dec. 15, 2004, weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 21 inches long. Traci is a paralegal at English, Lucas, Priest & Owsley, LLP in Bowling Green. Amanda L. Grant (’04) of Madisonville, Ky., is proud to announce the birth of her son, Brayden Kolby Smith. He was born Jan. 28, 2005, and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Trevor and Kari Aikins of Bowling Green, Ky., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Lola Christine. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long. Joseph Jefferson and Mel Mitchell returned to the Hill in April 2005 for a golf scramble to benefit the Touchdown Club, as well as the annual Red-White Scrimmage to end spring practice. Mitchell plays for the New Orleans Saints and Jefferson plays for the Indianapolis Colts. THE CLARENCE MARTIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Looking for a new job? On March 10, 2005 Clarence Martin's life was tragically cut short at the age of 41 as the former Hilltopper Basketball great died in his sleep at his home in Marietta, Ga. Recently, a memorial scholarship fund was established at WKU's College Heights Foundation in Clarence's honor and a T-shirt honoring the former fan favorite is also available. For more information contact the College Heights Foundation at (270) 745-4597. Need some tips on electronic job searches? Is that résumé a little “dusty”? Three Generations of Hilltoppers L. Faye Tomlinson Terry, (’70, ’71), Elizabeth Terry Merchant (’02), and Sarah Elizabeth Merchant, born Oct. 25, 2003 (potential ’25). WKU Career Services Center We’re not just for students anymore … and never have been. Alumni seek our advice and expertise regularly. Check out our web site www.wku.edu/CareerServ. call 270.745.3095 (PSSST, it’s FREE!) WKU ClassRing Ninety-nine years ago a tradition of excellence was established with the creative mind and foresight of Henry Hardin Cherry. Since then, Western Kentucky University has established a tradition of excellence in the classroom and throughout the Commonwealth. In honor of great traditions, the Western Kentucky University Alumni Association is proud to present the OFFICIAL WKU class ring. The official class ring is just one of many programs the alumni association supports.We strive to enhance the student experience and foster relationships between alumni. A strong alumni association contributes to a greater university. Don’t wait 99 years before you “return” to Western. By joining the WKU Alumni Association today, you’ll never really leave. Any graduate of WKU is eligible to obtain a ring. Information is available at www.wkualumni.org/partners.cfm or by calling (888) 958-2586. For more information on WKU Alumni Association programs and membership, or to locate the chapter nearest you call, (888) 958-2586. AUGUST 25 WKU Heartland Planning Team Meeting 6:30 PM BackHome Restaurant SEPTEMBER 10 Central Kentucky WKU vs. EKU - Bus Trip Departs 2:00 PM (Eastern time) from Keeneland $30 Alumni Assn. Members / $33 non-members. Includes tailgating, dinner, general admission football ticket, and round trip transportation in an air conditioned coach. Game time 6:30 pm CT. 10 Parents’ Weekend 19 Greater Louisville Planning Team Meeting 6:00 PM Home of the Innocents Contact Missy Hans at 502.473.0552 24 Big Red Tailgate Party WKU VS. AUBURN Auburn, Ala. 24 WKU Day with the Washigton Nationals 5:00 PM - Tailgate Party 7:05 PM - Game time RFK Stadium,Washington, DC 29 Heartland Chapter Student Recruitment Night 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Pritchard Community Center OCTOBER 14-15 WKU Homecoming Bowling Green, Ky. See pages 19-25. 22 Central Kentucky Fall Day at the Races Gates open at 11:00 AM Keeneland Tailgating begins at 11:30 am. Grills will be provided. Look for the WKU tent near the rock gate house. Individuals purchase their own tickets. For general admission tickets call Keeneland 859.288.4299. 27 Louisville Open House 6:00 PM Kentucky Derby Museum Contact the admissions office 270.745.2551 NOVEMBER 6 Fall Day at the Races 12:15 P.M. Churchill Downs Contact Dian Graham Fuller at 502.451.4769 19 Big Red Tailgate Party WKU VS. FIU Miami, Fl. Contact the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving at 270.745.4395 or 1.888.WKU.ALUM. For further information go to www.wku.edu/Alumni and click on event calendar. “Mascot Mania: The NCAA Hall of Champions has opened an exciting new exhibit called “Mascot Mania: Our Fascination with Collegiate Traditions”. This exhibit features collegiate mascots from around the country. The exhibit will be on display June 6 to Sept. 24, 2005. The NCAA found some fascinating stories from their member institutions. There’s the story of a mascot who received an honorary degree from the institution. Another school reported that their mascot derived from a combination of the president’s dog that he walked every morning, and the school fight song! Ireland The of your dreams. The Emerald Isle Ireland Vacation Departing June 2006 Dr. James Baker of WKU’s Department of History will lead an expedition to learn more about the pipers, poets and people of Ireland. For more information contact [email protected] or call 888.WKU.ALUM. Our Fascination With Collegiate Traditions.” What is the story of your mascot? Do you have artifacts that you are willing to loan us? We are looking for interesting stories, old mascot costumes, photographs, etc. As with any exhibit we produce, we will be sure to give name recognition to the schools that are able to loan items. If you have any ideas, artifacts, photographs, etc., please contact the NCAA at (317) 916-4265. Thank you in advance for your help! In Memoriam In Memory, we pay tribute to our alumni and friends who have passed away during the past year. Our thoughts are with the friends and family. Mr. Eldon E. Allen Sr. ’49 Ms. Aileen A. Babb ’33 Mrs. Jean S. Baggett ’51 Mrs. Jennifer E. Banks Mr. Kenneth C. Berry, BU Ms. Cheryl Boucher Dr. Clarence G. Bowman ’39 Mr. Richard Boyd Jr. ’72 Mr. H.W. Bradley Jr., College High ’47 Mr. Charles “Charlie” P. Campbell Sr. ’58 Mr. Kermit P. Campbell Mr. John D. Carroll, student Mr. Charles E. Carwell, student Mr. Robert E. Church Mr. James M. Combs, retired staff Ms. Mary Elizabeth Scott Cossey, retired staff Mrs. Mary Ruth Cross, BU Mr. Estiel N. Daniel, retired staff Mr. Donald Dawson, retired staff Mrs. Sherry S. Day, ’88, ’94 Mr. Elbert Dearing, retired staff Mrs. Hazel C. Doughty, retired staff Dr. Phil A. Drake, ’77 Mr. Johnathan Evans, student Mrs. Paula J. Frailley, ’91 Mr. Paul M. Kelley Mr. Ryan W. Ladd, student Mr. Charlie Labhart, ’51 Mr. Glenn W. Leach, ’47 Mrs. Mary June Miller McElroy, ’43 Mr. Buel D. McGuffey, ’87 Mr. James W. McGuirk Mr. Joe Milton Jr., BU ’49 Mrs. Judith Baker Morris, ’70 Mrs.Virginia Hall Sledge Oliphant Mr. John Baxter “Johnny” Outlaw, ’83 Mr. Onis E. Owens, Jr., staff Mr.Thomas Pfannerstill Mr. Robert A. Phillippi, ’94 Mrs. Charles Purdy, ’32 Mrs. Katrina D. Ramey, ’84 Mr. Steven W. Ramsey, retired staff Mr. Leamon A. Ray, BU ’58 Mr. Daniel M. Rebollar, ’00 Mr.William Reeder, staff Mr. Garland E. Reeves, ’43 Mr. Andrew Renick, ’52 Mr. Elmer E. Rich, retired professor Mr. Douglas E. Robertson, faculty Mr. Danny Rumph, student Mrs. Barbara Reynolds Runner, ’64 Mr. Jerry F. Safford, ’68 Mr. Russell A. Sims, retired faculty Ms. Frances E. Skulley, BU ’32 Mr. James T. Starks, Jr., ’65 Mrs. Corinne Strausburg Mr. Jerry Duke Thomson, ’71 Mr. Ronald A.Thum, ’99 Lucile C.Thurmond Dr.Tom C.Venable, BU ’46 Mr. Robert B.Wade, ’75 Mrs.Yvonne DeCarlo Simpson Ward Benjamin Watson, Student Mrs. Sarah Yarbrough Whitaker, ’41 Michael Wilhite, Student Mrs. Bonnie Wilkerson Mr. Francis J.Wright, BU ’37 Western Kentucky University has lost two former students in the war in Iraq. LtoR: 1st Lt. Robert Henderson, 33, of Alvaton, Ky., died April 17, 2004 in Diwnalyah, Iraq and Spc. Michael Ray Hayes, 29, of Morgantown, Ky., died June 14, 2005 in Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Robert T. Franklin, BU ’52 Mr. Bertram C. Gass, ’74, ’83 Mr. Robert E. Gillion, BU ’59 Mrs. Jean H. Goddard, BU ’62 Dr. Norman A. Gooch, ’63 Mr. Lonice C. Goodbread, ’87, ’90 Mr. James H. Hagerman, BU Mrs. Joan M. Hale Mr. Donald W. Hawkins, ’66, ’70 Mrs. Marilyn L. Hill, BU Mrs. Grace Hunt, ’60 88 Western Kentucky University
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