q-4E\55" 283 C0 1 - 40,+ \ THE BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY COMPANY LIMITED GEOLOGICAL SECTIQN MELBOURNE ...9 Lf1 rJ rt!1f,3 I rn ~S~R~tI.~~.~ Sf PP:LAND vL OR -8~=M ~m:~= Melbourne 283C03 MELBOURNE OaJ,.. ....... Fi.... specillens 01' .arkese tl'oll Fingal 1'(0. 1 Bore, '1'asllen1a. and sn-en 8Pe~ll1ens troll Wellington Park well, Glppsland, ••1'(1 submitted tor petrologiCal. exaJIlinatlon d4 comparison. 'thin s.c·tions of! tiles. rocks and sOlle heavy aineral, a8s.mblages have been examined. ' ~1ng tile course of this work, p~bleDlS have been encountered concerning the possible presence ot z.011te8 1n ver'l nne srainM ~terlal, and the let.nU t1' ef a coloUl'leS8 .1ne~, believed to be al.bi t. partl1' replacing felspar CryStal.8 in the Victorian spec·illens. So far, none of the spec·iIIens has bean t01Dld to contain But'1'lCleJ1U, large patches of th'8.III~terbls tOlllalte, possl~le .separation anA Identification by optlcal end X-ra1' in•••t1gatlon. As turther inT88t1~tion. into the possib1. presenc, 01' zeo11tes and their significance will take considerable tll11e, it has been decided not to del., thls report 1'urthtr, but to issue a separate Qrle later Bhould U8et'ul information emerge froll a 1I0re detal1ed stuiJ. / . . .. .' . . . , ( " • 2 8 3 C0 £} . MEtBOURNE O!!'SE !'A" 220 . 11.572 ,II)" 262 no!! 2.8' M.!$73· )",574 , lJID" JP1 .'l.$'?J' . il~" .668, )1,.',76 a~ctll.n8 ' "A". lie" $4, liE" .are .cOlllPoaed: pI'840.1nan~17" ot. ~latiT.1y t'reeh·, unweat!!.ere4 anguial' ~ sllghUyrounded, . . f'raam,ents .~ ....~ &0 grained volcanic roCksh01r1ng veat· T81'1at~OD 1n tex~ (atcl'Gio"pol'pb)"t'ltlc. rt.. ..,Uuctu:r" tl'tioh7t1c, ~xture* etc.). .eet, ot the•• ' tngm.t8app.a~ to /. haT. bfltQ 481'1"'04 ~Il an an4eaUi@ type f f roCk_8Dd 1n'\b1e l'esp.¢t . thv 81"8;e,y, .11611a~ 'to , th.~e pll,"e• •' ·k1.p.lt.1,aea~ . ' ' ot a,ltOIl.'tTo. vhtClr~.. .... .'. , ;; .' ':, ,'. . . ',., Oti1et dast!'o 4.tJOltus '!n~ludes te1spar grains; ,. '(011--1' . claso, 'albite., .rtheola.~, ran Ilhrocline) qUarts, flake. ot b1otl~., ~.rU1C· t'ftpents,' shreds and hagtlen1;s ot carboni d plant l'eaa!ns, and aiDor heaTY .ineZ'al g\"aiDa ma:ln1y apat! tel epldow, and 111reoJh Speolaen. liB" an4 liD" haTe a 81m11ar eomPoslt1an but the deu-ltd 1'tapents show IIQN n14ence ot rounding and predep.s1 tlonal weatherbg, and m8D7 are obscured by br01m .taulAg. In pneral"the detrital valDs are ot zoelatiTe17 lD'11to1'm slse in tho lillie sped.man4 are cUoBely paCkeel. No bedding planes We" obeerv,4, 'but there 18 " 'endency f'orll1.88~e4 tl'apmte and bie ito flakes to l1e with their long direc·tton appNXiaaie17 horlsQIltal. HeavY minerals separated in 'btOllofol'Bl trOIIi speciJllen "B" lDcludes 283005 MELBOURNE 3. OF.F1qe br~ b'10t$te "" COIIIlIta ~0'r:1'. ""'t.ffff tlfAl\:ee;, $911I8 eh1or1tic. trapOll1;a. ',ort'llUtao:t' sliUll!3t. Ol' altered terP",", lIIasnefiian'.lIl~el'als. Opaq~ ' . Iron '~4es • •I and 1.eue~xene.·, ""lJ9_Qil. prt_ ~i·C.$QllU~ e(jilll~l'QUll.I1.d. fffff 41ouq' ~aU\$, l,T;t'o, t9 "04 br~. " p~eochh1e.; .... aen.~11 , angu1$l' Mld . ' . t~r;~~lr p~in.;' '-.' . .... ~1 p.r:tIJ1I4tAc; "~'ntatSi#, aOIlCi:d~". i t ,.~~1118~On~t n~ "4Wg~t,,:~e;es. '()nl, ; , :1 . r$:I1't l'o~~ed: gal." priibtl'b~1 tfttIIt· a ; , ··4'$:t.ee~ent':$l)~i; or,'" '.•,'jd. ;.. ·.~ar:· , . . ~ot . 'I I'" " .' . . ' .'.."':;". to' sem'l~r(l\.tD,de.lt~ ;. , :'-: .... '""er7 rarestal",e,. ,l. to~lh~. '...... ,.::.., " , ' ',' " >"", .. ·1 ~ . '" ,"" ~el'lV.ra~~· ,( sOllie· ••11 .:t'O~ded} . l. . 'Apa$ltepi<$.$m$ :d4,.!liQ'. ra~ely 1!lIlla11'~$tal$ ~r ztr~on are ~q~~~e4 ,,$ \b~••f>llle . ifB;lnJ· o:t.blo'tUef;ndlea~ing . ~at .• these; ~~eJII~~t-~. l$Y!\l, cOllle t~lII. ~e, same .soun:~; ., .... . ',' ..'l'~~ c.•Gt'iX1s "\«1'1B;1 '. Ul the :iilbgaIspe¢1tJlene,h' no•. l..._t,l'$'l't·i/J.'t -wh1¢h!s ptoba1>lV ·the: ,,,••Utt . .f.·a1w~a1;lPn'•.. ; '1;t1;t1e '-8 pl""X'Vtl:l in .ect.:1ons ~t .peclmene Ilud.P.llVe).aU, d I "AIf SIld ,~Q",. . ,. In .sPltCJ1!lien' "Bu,,·and' 'm9'l'ct',p~t1Cu3ie;Z!l\Y'. U!.'''DIf t_~1:' "I ~' " "li tlakfsQ:r a'JJllca~.oUB,.s.a~~l wIth hlshe".blt'e:t'r:l~C.t 'i.,.~ P~'llll:!t1.n::u~tlt.••:rlCl\.1f, .0.1' eo.e 1'\,,1$le4 ~...m ' i c a ' ; ' j IJ1iW""" .•~.~ __ 4e:~1"1'~+ __ ~a. ~,h~~ hM ~lll~a~ c••~~~ . 1.,: ~l.talUl¥.(l ~ .a '~.~.:lIl~~ •. :,i"'nl tnv;edtss:M,,QU' "o~cl 'be AflO'·.8@t;o~ .• d,tn·tl;nCl'/.1i~~ );Iut, it ,~. no.t'l'et );l.~. poal,ll:b1,e' tEl. aepant,. th~sma.t~,J't~~ ., Insp• •" ":a:IJt.tut'~lllea\tni lllatel'laltspal"tliV ·."eflY :t'Ue ~~ecl' ~.1Jm ll.>r.l;}.~j;ahc1l1o.t'l.~. $itiparQ,l' eolG.U1'i.ns lIi~¢'B;Q'.• ~a Clay. 'i I .I 2 8 3 (\ () G "004: MELBOURNE Tl'IUJi!ts 01' qal~l te- ue pr.,.t in sOlie specimens oement a.nd l'8Plaeing aometllll8PU poa1n80 §PIC,III A" Grain size U 0.2 .... 0.4 lllace•• as 01' d.tri t81 t'.Pagmenis colllllcml7 II1II. WyDJilB IiC Gl"$in sise ~oth OFha Angttlar. Bloti t8 18 COIIIIICIIl 1D l!>.05 "'" 0.15 II1II. Grains ~8d, weathered an4 s'\ained. ChlodUe, pa~lol.s are more abundant. This may represent a stage 01' slower se41men.tation. Cementing aaterialeontaina traces 01' a hydro-llica (,) • . §,i'I§IJUm ."Silt eOlimonl7 Grain size coamOD1y 0.5 ... 1 l1li. Angu].u to ...1-J,OOliIlded. predominantly -rolcanl0 rock,. minor tel.~art Tery Itttle qual'tz. §'rJii!Um "2: Gram dze cOlllllw10.3 ... 0.5 Qarbon18ed plant l'eaatns ,001llll01h i'ra.gmeat. or 'Volcani.. \ . roqt are rounded, ."thtred and stained. 1I1n1'>~ iqib'o.-mlea (t;) su1-:routtds detrital grains and pro'ba;b1.1 dn.loped troll oementing cl&7. ~"l" 1lIIl. Grain she cOllllloJU:y 0•.2 ...., 0.3 ma. DetrUd quartz (angular) i.e lIlore ablltldant 'but sUll subordinate to, tragmente of T01canic l'Oek. Cemented by '9'ery tiDe grained ohlori te and a mIcaCeoUS ola,. KinoI' calcite. • • • • • , \ 283007 005 MelBOURNE ,~'t!m ~ . ~ ~ .- CO" 1 , Hi''' CO" 2 "G" COl'o 6 /lB" Qor,e "I" "J" "K" it) Core 1.3 Core 16 Core 11 11.583 (he4lT7 minerals) Quartz gr1t 11.577 a$OS8 11.578 ll1':ltoS8 3,826 S,e15 11,~79 CimSWO. ~ ),125 7,94) 9,5G8 11,238 OF~ 11.,$79 lIoJQO < "- 11.581 11.582 $rkose arkose arkOse arkose ~ I' The spee;iJllen tf'om ,core '1 ~:l,12S :ft.. ) dlNns:tl"OIII. all the others in that lt h cO]lposed ma1D.l'Y of angular to seE11-f'_OUDded f!~tz ga1Ds COIIJIlcml7 0.2 - 0.6 JIIlII I'iiftl17 to - mm ~ :flakes or auacOTite are present, lesser biotite, Tery tew h'aSlllonts or To1can1croc:lt and. re1sparo 'lhe:roCk 1s partly o••~ted -by whl teclay" The gra1D sbe TlU'1es 1D d11':terent bands and .1i!IR ttnel' sra1Ded band catains streaks or blac:lt carbonislld plant debris. T~:roek 1s too fitiabb hI' satisraotory seo-\1onmg. H4ilayy II1Derille separated in bl'OJllotOl'lll inolude; To1U'U.11De .. Abu:adant as anplar and prislllatic trafr" ments to .0.4 1iIII. lIa1Dl; shade'; of brown, 801le blue. P1'obab1y derlTed trom a local gran1tic toc:lt. Opaque 1i'9J1' 0:;1dos, U.enl to and leucoxene ... C.-aGllh zircon - COlliDlon. Prismat1c CrYl!~1s to 0.3 _. ' long but generally smaller. II~ show zoning and incluslQD.s, bubbles, Some have brown to pinkish colouratlOD:. Ganel"a11y little evldence of 1'0unding. Fow well rounded grain. aa)'be hooa a dit:ref'ent source. . Gamet Apatit. - Very rare - angala~. .... Ver,. rare (1 gra1D) strongly colourtd reddish .te. bto1fI!.. " I 283(108 'OOb ·,V OFF~t M....OU.NE 'l'llore arealeoral'.ardns Of8!l.Wld~U;t16d co1Q~1e.e mlneJ"a1 (biaxial, mOdel'ate relief'). . . .. , . . - ~ , , '; ·1 The IIPectaDS 1tpll ~ "K" are all a1milllU" Ui ,tha t ~e;t ~ . . (ioapoeed of de\rital tr8.penilLa " .nne -!ned volcanio rock -. . . . . . . ,.' ,'\ ,.. (anclesltic) or nr7 variable texture, vains 9f'-t'eJ..sp~(plaglocla8et.r~oe1a.e ~e .1Cir~1J,neh grains orquart'l,;., ".. ' . '.. .. . .. . scaU.ftd ~lak.sor bhtU. aM. Jdnor heaV7 m1neral g,1'Ili,ns . . f' '. 7. . Oem.ted aa1Dl7 b7 a tlne gralned ~en chlorite (authigenic) and illso eon~ini,ngTer7 nne gr$lned epidote. Idno," albite and/or atlne gra1ned .eoUt4,.- ~ , ~. " (lila. " The de1;I'Ual ",au$ 8.i'e 11',11 80:r1;04 (commorU7' 0.15· 9.3 am) but var;v in ~ IJlze .in d1fterent 8peC1m~!I, aIId occaslonal.17 in .dltt.ren~ 'banda 111 the SP.e.D• . (el-g. "'11").' B~ng p:t,.anes Were net 9l»aerved but elQllgd·.d tragments, . . biotite ria.a. and 1n ,ftp" shHds ot piant dobris tend to lie1n a. hOi'iZQI'lW posi UQD. .e Boal)' .1nel'U8...ep8.rat~ 1n bl'OIIof01'lll and ftJ" are ae 1'o1.~".l' " hom BPeQ1mOD'S "p" ; Adgular tragmeats or a1crocr7sta111ne green chlorite fro. lnterstlne are abundant, pal'Ucu1at'17 in fIji". '1Iarl7 . . f these rema1ne(iJ.euspended 1n the 'bl'9ll_tOfll (S.G. g,.SS'" .a.• 9):. of OthEJr' IImerale of claetlc8C!dimontary CJl'lgin are; bl'OWD biotite ~h1oi"1to nak OOlllllQD, partl7 bl,aebed In "3" ItJ" -91117 opaque !~ ,~util4,e$ ant leutoxene P11'lto ..... ~bl0 CJiY8t,u., auth!gett1c IIF" oiU7 apatite ,.. COUQI'l tn DOth a8 prlBD1litlc Cl'78tallh cleu4;v and pleochroic. . d'.Con .... . SQlle 1!IU1.). pr!~U~ C17s:tia:t. II • generall7 sh.aw1ng no "ldmoo; of' ~un&g.." " 2 8 3 C0 9 , ~p~I1Q~ , .,... ptn.et, .. ••N,t 'OFti!E '...' __ ,sra,,,,n.e• itae."8,};ly _P1U. " ' ~O-!lDl., JaM ltf!. EI.$ . . : ....., MEtQOURNE ....., ....., T!.W ",~e~ "'V.'vs· ,ti,e" ."JI.i~lY~ w,tll.. _. ephtU1e ... ''''!e~V T # l""re _c J toll1'mai~.- '._, , ~." I ve:ry pare.. .' 1, , • '. "6#" 'tlJIi . '" . , $oja. o,t the\)lotl~e' ,pa!tt$ '~o1l1aUl "lS)ila;ilc,~"ia~U of' apa1:1ie•. ana ,":ertr&l'eb .Pdl oj;y$~11l'o~ zfl"!!cm.. h~1011~~f, a ,l!ilIllU~' neav to tho•• ,t:lglnto'l 'al~ ~.elnUJelO.ltI. '. - " asse.b'lase~. ,\h.oTe.lyln,g ,q.uar-i;z, ~U tonrml1u. ~:b'V.Z'7 :rat~. " at". ve~."~t1ai" b<liiltllhel' a"as.,. :Th. , a$s8lllblaget,\l,~~eZ';.dl~.r$ :lII8rk o411 t'Z'QIl1 anauJ;ar ' lnbe'.~$'~O.~il•• ·~o .$pe¢;"~s m.·.pe44.1Il_$~t ~rk.liJ. tb.. • • -<"-. iu,.a~ .tn.elOd ", 7~.$ ft.) J.n w1lb,h 1,8 1:4. mo.~, a~1i1\l~t. lntn~al and ap~~1te ," " " 1ji'litAunS U,J'rbit. ' '~n sPcetmel$' ",tt $« ",H \h.ed,eicrUat pa~$ al"¢ nft 1h~·lntel'.t1.<tfJs ql>a~atn: aVft'y'tihe U " t>3,ios,i, paQke<i,. 'Q8~ Q'E ~tn.dp.• !m~.d'e 0'1 autJ;i~g_tO~l'~gJ;l1, laUCh ~;t' Tf.hl~ OCQ,~S,c.l!I .~u.i1e 't1l;~es ortl~1"$or.1,~n~t§4nC)~~ t:Qtli!f:' sut.c. tefthe 1nte~l!It'¢:e. liJ01Ile of th1s has .. toehf4t:the !nll.s ~e\w.~t.6? and. J. .6J ,8,)icd • .maina suspended ,fil;l l1telnol"Oft ' $~,8Pe.'t;la8~.ipoa bta.ms ~~J'~tf). u. h ,hQPed.t)iai~:f ~4~1~b~ .~~~tf~8 b,. ~••Gt'.~l.iJ~C1,~t;lIlatt,l'ta1'lr,l~i b••~~dn.d 'E• ." 14en~tUati~ b,Y, X~ra71nV!l8tl(Ei.\lcm.. :', •. la, ~.4illus,it!1i'" ~() "ltD""'" .~oo 'ttlab~e' f~~ ,.O~iQ1hg> .-.r,r t1il:tvatn,d,' epf<lotefl.as+t:Q1'iA'. d_S' th. bol£4ai"les ot .1lUIQ' a.~!'ta1 'n-aSJilonhc'Md ~Jil5t .•'; Wh"Z'e th~ae ilPe ¢i.felt,- paCked, '1ih!s dho:t'tpld<i\e,' Is all that s/tpara't.s ' ~. WMrlt @.1Q~it • .an. ~;Pld.pi~ till'.;~otll., Pl'e8~nt in lfite~' $'t;1c.l!Is, 1ib.Q" tp,$.1le-te ,t,'$l:olll#iordr d'ong~e b~nnd,:an, t:lgt , , " ' C,b1erHe i'iu-tbe:r 'U1:, towe.~$ ,~(~;n\tre,. bui; the,.a~e occasional ecatterlJcl _tn,.s,. ~e:tepi4O:t~'rdrl"Q@ao4 'by 'ehlQ:rlte'~, ••• - • ,- ,'" .- .... , 1O • ' 283(\10 Sillllla~ tine' gJ'ainea epidote is .cattered through' a . nlJll'J:)er Qf dotrl tal roQk fJ'aSlllents, parU,. l'oplaQing them. Tho grain size of the epidote varies slightly .in difterent specimens, and on Occasions in the one thin. eej:l,tion.. No progressive change with depth co~d be detected. In some interst1cos QD1y partly tilled or l.insd by ch1ol'ite, the centre has been t111.sd by a cQlourlsils mineral w1 th lOW retrac,tlve index and O·OIllllOlily showing waTt extinction. Th1ema7 be albtteor a zeo11te but 1;10 11tt1o is pl'escmt ~t it h not posetblo'to separate it tor' 1dent11"~cat1($• . In all $pecimens "p" to "K" Jl8J\7 of the' detl'lta1 plag1oola'se grains show Iii patchy JooplaQelllent by a colourless lIineral .with l ...er "tractive index (genePaJ,.1y betwoOD 1.52 and 1.53). 'rhh 1s biaxial w1 th large 2V, and frolll available ev140nce has l>sen tenta1i1velyldentUhd as .albite, .'but the pOlls,lliU1tyo't lil Z,ollte mineI'll! cannot be dl0olQ'dtd. This mineral occurs ht Vf!li"Y sllall pains end in thin t11111s IUid U has not yet been possible to sspaPate eutl"l¢ient tor identification b7 optical and X-ray lIethods. In thtn sections ot,specilllene "G" to "K" there are seattered al'Oas whero the eol.ourles$ lIineral l"\tPlac'1ng tel.spar' paps. extends ael'os.~in botlt1darle., and, aecolDpan1e,dbyd11oJ'i t!'; partly 1'\tP1aces BOlle fragments Of volcanic rock fo_ing a lIIore or less continuous lIosaie of strained and 1ntel"o-loclting gra1lls. The aot-tied appearance of ffG" in band epec1JDen is UlIOst certainly due to deT.lopment of the.e patches Of secondary a11111;e Or zeolite. In epec1l11enll ":an, III" and ";I" these areas are J'ather mo". abundant but thero ls no very mal'k~d change_ In "!t" it lsJllol'eextflliBln b'ut there is eUll 11tUe ehange 1n the general aPJ1eal'ance ot the l'Ock in thin 8ec,1:1on. ,In BOlli. places where 'tolle Becondary $Ibite (,) is in contact with intersUtial ohlori te, a slightly brownish, VB"'7 _J .- ,-- .. 283C11 9." MEt..8OURNE OFFICE t'ine sra1~Uld ,1'1broua, zon,e bas developed, ~pp~entl7 ~7 ~act1on, and in a few m;terst1cflS chlorlte bas been alAlost. cOlllpietel7 replaced b7 the colourle.s .aineral;' • •• , 1" -. • J . , •• •• • .. - Thero 18 no nr7, det'in1te obAmiO in the ch1or1tef'rom .p~,1rI. ttutt"o ttJtt', ~u:t '1D "It". ~t'sb.ow ••orebrcmil~ cQlow.atlon along boundarles ot'former1l\terstlcos where i t is in contact with epldot6 -econdarf aibite ana/-orzeo't1ii•• .4 Al.1!b~uah an 1neaU1a~ m••al~ 01' ~b1te (~) 1lpllore, 01" leile ctmtinuous in PlacO. tn sped• • "J:ii, 'bQundari~8ot, t.h.eorls1nal detrl,tu t:l'aSlll.t. are 8101'11 Clear anet $how no e'f'14ence' of dlstort1on. -&n7 are marked br l1aes or Te1";Y r1Jie gioained ep1dote Q1' b7 ru.s ot chlori tee .,",# It: ah~d be lIIentioned here that in soiae 8urraee speel.ens ot' arkose descnbod in a pl'evloua repor't(thmseo-'tion -.17] ~'Boo1a..~a: and' .ore pal'tlcU1arlysocU.a, 11,.177 t'ra B,"t}· tiher. 18 ~tb.e:i'.ore) seccmdAl"Y alblte( t)p:res~t • _t. oxtendlngae-ros8 IIl8.rlr 1'0;'11\81" '8I'a1l1 bdundari.sani' tU.-llng· m:teretices.ch1OrUe'U slr6t'ion staintni to that lD specimen I'l". ~he8e (a) .,.177 shoWe sbUar 1?'Z.0wD: " t'aQts indicate two alter.aatlvosl The amount ot'seeondary albite (,) rep_cing telsl'll1' and .' S:ltten~1ni acrOeS ,01'ller grain boundaries ot' devltal . t'raSlllents and riil!1ng inteX'st1.ces 18 Dot an indicaUa 01' ,th~ degree ot' .etamorphle. d~e' to depth. b~I~,' . . . . .. . "...' ,io or (b)I.t '110 ,h anindi,c,atJQn ot 1ncruse.d metamoJ'Ph1sm~ ~en '.. ark.se Dtw oxpOsedat 'the sl,U"j'ace ~ 1>1ao..es (e..g""Jlt. :8e.t) tn, 71etoria ..-as tQl'illol'h- b~l.d· to someo.C\Ila1del'abl,.,·, aepth.., . • ••••• , , .. '. , " 283 e12 In. MELBOURNE O~ COMPARISON OJ 'fABIANIAN' AB)) VIC'lOR1AJ . SPlQIWS 'rlle epeou-e t)'oa the Jl'1-nsal. bore, '1'alJlll8D2.a, are ela11ar to speclaens o~ aJ"llo"e 1)'oa Victor"a 1D the f'ollOlJ1Dg partle1,1)."I'S; 1. 'they are coaposed lal"gely Qf angular to sub-angular, aend".slzed fragments of fiae ~a1Ded volcanic roek, proba'bl1 auCh ot itot ende81th CGlllpos1ttcm. The t'OCli: . textures 0'1' these traillltll1ts are Tery Yarbble ia aU sp.clac8 both from TaSll8Zila ~d bioa Vlctoria, end 1 t h unilkelY that th1a ,,111 be li)fu.. 'torpurpo888 .t cOJ'l'elaUonQ Many ~ti'l tal fragments lIhow1Zig aler.,.. p.orpJin'lUc, tftchytlc, encteaitic and tlOlJ text111\'os It& Finpl lipeclaens a'e 1Dd1BjiDgll1ehabie trOll detr! tal trapentlt in aaD1 Vlctorian rocks. 2. Dd:rit.l f'elspaJ,"' Shins, blcl~i oUgoclaae, lilb1te., orthoclase and rare miOrOJ:lUlle ue CQlIIJDOJi in a11 specimeDs. QUartz gi'a1D8 (SQeJ'aUy angular) occur in aore Tart.ble aaoants. 3e Detrltal flake. ot brown. bloU ta are acaUered through all ,pectaena. S~ have b,en crQIIPled, tl'ey,d au4 parUT .1'tel'ed•. 'they tmd to 11. 1Ji a air.tlOZi l'ougb1y panllel t. the b.dding but a8JlY haTe been bent aroun4 ad~acent rock OJ' .tnerai trasmiDta. 4. Aaaablagea Of heaT7 .beral il'ains or deb'ltal ..ed1llentai'y orl~ are 8111111ar. Apart fro. the abundant brOwn biotite, opaque ,ireno:dd,s end ;a.euco•• , apatlte is common, dl'con .l1ghtl1 le88 commClD, aid epidote couon 1D place•• (JUler cener~1T T81'T _!nor cOD.\1"Wan". a~ ~.\', ....~ sphene end 'toWl'lllaU.ne. AIIIphU~o~es end PlrOXene gra1ns are present 1n ..ollie Vletorlan .pecilllens but were not ~oted f'rae :the Well1D.gton Park Wolle Chlor1tlc f'rallments til 80me J'1Ilpl r,pcltB may be al~er.4 fe~gnesian ainei'als• • 283(113 MELBOURNE o~. , A nuabol' et the pd8llll't1~ crystals ~t apatite trOll both the J'iagal eel Vl0,'torbnspeeilleD:B'C/Qn'ta121 '9'\!IZ'tleiil l,121es 0' IIllnv.~e inclusion, or ue cloudy pe7 t.o recldisb brown and ,pleoenz.Qlc. ' InClusions . f apatUe,. and. lIore 1"8:"17 , ,of jll!con are pre81111: Ulb10Ute Sh~8.' " 5. 'Although Sh121 sise '9'ar16s in dirterent spec.illene, th. detr1 tal tragments end Il'Uutl'al gra1Jls ,Us pnel"a11T ,well 80l'Ud' and the" 18 no ri'ldlince or Tory,f121e :~1n.d clastic' detl'ttuiJ. Denni~. b84A1ni p1_ea".re'nOt 'ebserve4: 'uisee'ting that se41aenta\lQJl waacon'Unllous" Carll6nb8d ptant~121s ari pre804t 121' iipeciaena ~~ .' . . " . ". . both il1'ealJ. .. , Qai~lte,. . Pnera;lly ~ It 'Ten .lI~or c~~thu!!ln1ioceUl's . ...... , . 7• ., '. ". ~. 1n 1'1npl and 121 Vletorlan speclaene pa~¥, :replac121g sOJle relspar grains, and partly as cem.ent. , . 8. !De~1ta1rrasmflllts,in W',8p,"1JIens boa 7ingsl bON,', .f·. , . , ' '., ".-, sh~w 1101'8 eT14ence, o't 'l'o;m,d1ng, wea the~. a,nd ,staubig than ha. ,lleen noted. ,ill Victorian speciaens., lloweyeJ". the.e spooiaens m.a¥ not be t71'1cal ot ~e aree as a whole. , ' . ~ '. ...... ' - The speOl.ene rroa 1Ih. :FiniS1 bol" diner 'COa Victorian spee.ll1Cle lI&~~Y 1Jl the naturo of the 4emfiDtilng 81ateJ'181 ~ .ub$.q~ent htstorY: 1. 1Jl 'the ll'Sngsl epeelllens the eemen\1ns II&te1'tal 1a now Dla1Jl17 white clay, .but how much or tll1s b due towoathel"ina and JOeplaoe. an eat-lie1' CeDlirn t121g lIinel"U 1e not, !alQWD. In SOlie s»e01*en8 ~\ho8e OOJlP•• ctd~r'\mol'e l!oWldctd. en4 weatheH4 paS;hs) flabs o~ a h7drQooo!atea , showiDg ,h1ghel" doUble i'et'Joac>~iOll than tbe lnte:t'sU ti&1 clay ha.... dneleped alGrlg grain boliDderiee of the dell:l,'1 tal t'ng" mente. This 1s pJ'eeent:1n. ",.n thin rUms "8hd, 'it,has not yet been p.s.lb1e to separate it ror 1dimUfieation., , 283014 012 . It proba'bl, e17ata::J..lhtd boa a oi.,. _ineHI. ~. E;~ofl\e, the 1I"~~~lD14an" ctlllQtlng maWlal.1n Vlc1;or1an spoolllefts 111 now' p~.ent o~7 in ...e~ 1JIIIIl11~f)lU1:\a ~. >t~ :£1vo 12,npl spee1ll1en,h '1'00 IIUdhslgnlt'lcmce shoUld ·11,0,", be P1a••C.~thbas, i t :,IIIay Ji~"eb.(m pz:esCit on« b.on al~.r.d to 01&7. but te~t~. tnrlcal ot the cement~g chlerl t'- in Vlc,torlaii. 8"01m~s ,,~re not" o~~.~~ .' . .' ;.' . , '. 3. '. " . ' . Very fine pained' ep~4o~ CQilm011alqng gdA bOlindari•• in Vic't9l'ian ,speeli11ens waa. not Ob/sel'Ted ~ ~~ae tl'!ta ~~~!ngal, ~ore~ 4~ ~ fioc0114a17albl te enajor ze.l1 te wesno.t obeel'Ted crosfdng ~~ bO\1l:l4arha ~ oceupnn;i '1ntel"st;'~ea 1n the Fusai 8~.$iiQa. . , " WKLBoUlUfE S1hllJP 22nd Way. 1963. 283(115 THIN SECTIOn M.BS - (X.401. Spe~ilIlen "D" Fingal. Bore.· Fragments of volcanic' reck have been rounded, weathered and stained. Cementing materia11s fine grained clay with flakes of a hydro-lIlica (') along grain boundaries of detrital fragments. . CR9S~EQ NICOL§ 283(;16 14. MELBOURNE OFFICE " Specimen "E" Fingal Bore. Composed ot closely packed angular to partly rounded unweathered fragments ot volcanic rock, quartz, and t'elspar grains cemented by fine grained clay, chlorite, and minor calc! te. • 283017 15" MELBOURNE OFFICE • Im.N SiQ.T,J;QNMa.i,t8. (X...l~ specimen "G" Welllngton 1'!ark Well. Closely packed fragments of volcanic rock, quartz; .and telspargrains. FUms 01' t1ne. ~dned epidote or chlorl,teor both separate the, fl'Sglllents. Elongated frs@lIentstend to be parallel to bedding. 016 283(\18 16. MEL80URNE OFFICE Sped• • "B" w.U1DgtoD Park Well. P1De grabed epidote (aarlt) oCCUl'Bu.S sou il"ab bOUDdarles and 18 scattered ttu*ougb fragments. In1:erstlc81S aJ'O tilled. OZ'l I1Ded b;y-ch1orit. and SOlIe (CtlDtre) ccmWJl CO],ourU8. albite E'}. Calc-1te has replaced the elODgat.d fI'llpent ilUlledlatel;y below the centre. 017 283019 THIN SECTION M.580(X.120L ; Specimen "In welJ!lngton Ps!'k Weil. Patchy replaOement of telspar grains by a colourless mineral with lower R.I. (albite'), Interstices contain chlorite"epidote and some of the colourless mtBeral which tends to torm a patchy mosaic across grain boundaries.. CROSSED NICOLS , ' MELBOURNE OF;k1. . . 01B 283C20 MElBOURNE • • • Specimen "K" Wellington ~ark Well, 11,379t Although many felepars have been replaced and there ia a more or lees continuous patchy mosaic of secondary albite? acrosa grain boundaries, there is little change in the general appearance of the rock in thin sectioJl.. Grain boundaries of original detrital fragments are still clearly defined. Pragments of volcanic rock have been partly replaced by albite (?), chlorite, fine grainednepidote, and in places by fine grained, slightly orange or brown stained . zeoli te (,) • OJr!t·