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Volume 1 2008 A Power-full formula for success: New catalog + New website = Rapid Resolutions 100,000 power supply products in stock for immediate delivery for commercial, industrial and medical uses Open Frame Supplies 5w to 225w Medically Approved Supplies 5w to 300w Enclosed Supplies 25w to 2400w LED Power Supplies 60w to 120w Encapsulated Supplies 5w to 30w DIN Rail Mount Supplies 30w to 480w External Supplies 12w to 130w High Density DC/DC 1w to 350w Order direct and save Order on-line at 800.823.8082 2 A Message from our CEO Helping Us to Help You with Rapid Resolutions Rapid Resolutions Over the past two years Astrodyne has intensified its efforts to introduce an array of new products that meet the needs of our customers. In 2007 we brought more new products to market than any year in this millennium and we plan to accelerate the rate of product introductions in the current year. Our recent offerings satisfy numerous applications including medical, lighting and industrial. We now provide an expanded range of power products with increased output options and reductions in size and weight. We are guided by a robust technology roadmap which was developed in response to the recommendations of our broad customer community. Nevertheless, no collection of products can offer the optimal solution for every application. We have tried to address this challenge through engineering and business practices designed to satisfy your unique requirements. Our design philosophy is to only offer products that can easily be modified in all key specification parameters. This approach facilitates rapid and cost efficient product modifications. It is also a major reason that 25% of products shipped in 2007 were modified versions of our standard product offering. world class application engineering support by phone or email, we now have streamlined the product selection process through our new website. In addition to using the industry’s leading “Find Engine” which quickly directs you to the product most closely meeting your needs, we also allow you to make modifications online. After the product locater gets you started, simply click on “modify your product” and the screen will allow you to change numerous product values according to your specifications. If you are unsure about your needs, just go to the top of the page and click on one of the engineers. This allows you to Instant Message our applications group who will provide direct feedback. Your modification request will then be forwarded to Astrodyne and, in the spirit of Rapid Resolutions, we will provide a proposed solution within 24 hours. I encourage you to visit and experience the new www.astrodyne. com for yourself. I also challenge you to challenge us with your unique problems and emerging requirements. From new product development, to modified products, to custom engineering programs, Astrodyne’s focus is to work with you to provide the ideal solution for your application. More recently we have simplified the customer’s role in the modification process. While still offering Peter Murphy Request a PDF of this catalog at! CEO US Locations: Far East: Mansfield (Boston) - Sales, Taiwan - Sales, Engineering, Design, Operations, Design Suzhou, China - Manufacturing Midwest - Sales Office Shanghai, China - Operations, Southern California - Sales Office LED15W/LCD15W • 15 Watts in 1” x 1” Package • Open Frame and Enclosed Style • Wide 4:1 Input Range • 3.3VDC to 15VDC Single Outputs • Industry Standard Pin Outs Manufacturing PMK/PMMK225-320 • 225 and 320 Watt U-Channel and Enclosed • Universal Input • Active Power Factor Correction • Medical and Commercial FED20W • 20 Watt DC/DC Converter • Wide 4:1 Input Range • Single and Dual Outputs • Standard Pin Outs and Size • 3.3VDC to 15VDC Outputs Contents 33 4 LED Power Supplies 30w to 120w 60 Watt and 120 Watt LED Lighting Supplies NEMA 3 Design UL 1310 Approvals 15 Medically Approved Supplies 5w to 300w 5 Watts to 300 Watts Power Encapsulated, Open Frame, Enclosed, and External Styles Power Factor Corrected Versions Full Medical Safety Approvals to EN60601-1 Service and Support: • Experienced Engineers ready to talk • From Stock to Distribution JIT Shipping Schedules • Over 3,000 Models and Over 150,000 Stock Items Technical Capabilities: • Standard and Custom Product Engineering • High Volume Production and Testing • Full Ratings and Compliance – including RoHS 2002/95/AC Comprehensive On-Line Technical Support: Instant technical help using the Instant Message Link at 5 Open Frame Supplies 5w to 225w 12 Encapsulated Supplies 5w to 30w 5 Watts to 225 Watts Power Ultraminiature, 1U, and Industry-Standard Sizes Power Factor Corrected Versions Ideal for OEM Designs 26 DIN Rail Mount Supplies 20w to 480w 20 Watts to 480 Watts Power Slim DIN Rail Mount Packages Power Factor Corrected Versions UL508 Approved 32 Enclosed Supplies 15w to 2400w 25 Watts to 2,400 Watts Power Power Factor Corrected Versions Miniature and Bulk Power 5 Watts to 30 Watts Power PCB and Chassis Mount Styles High Power Density 28 External Supplies 12w to 130w 12 Watts to 130 Watts Power Wall Mount and Desktop Styles Wide Variety of Voltage/Connector Styles Economical Power Solutions 47 High Density DC/DC 1w to 350w 1 Watt to 350 Watts Power Encapsulated, Open Frame, and Enclosed Styles High Performance/Cost 57 Custom Product Capabilities 58 Other Products Available 59 Product Index by Series Please note that this does not represent our complete product offering. Please see our Other Products Available page (58) or visit to search our full line of over 3000 Power Supplies. 30-120 Watt LED Lighting Power Supplies 4 • Specifications Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Inrush Current (Amps/Vin) Efficiency Safety Oper. Temperature 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 30/230 80%, typ cUL/UL 1310/1585 Class 2 Wet Locations 0 to +70°C (0 to +60°C ALD60) 60 Watt LED Lighting Power Supplies ALD60-108VFC ALD60-112VFC ALD60-124VFC ALD60-148VFC Vout Iout Single Output 8V 5A 12V 5A 24V 2.5A 48V 1.25A (1) (10) Model No. Vout $62 $62 $62 $62 $58 $58 $58 $58 PLN30-9 PLN30-12 PLN30-15 PLN30-20 PLN30-24 PLN30-27 PLN30-36 PLN30-48 9V 12V 15V 20V 24V 27V 36V 48V Note: Other output combinations available. Please contact factory. 120 Watt LED Lighting Power Supplies ALD120-208VFC ALD120-212VFC ALD120-224VFC ALD120-248VFC 10.5” x 3.0” x 2.0” Vout Iout Dual Channel Output 8V 5/5A 12V 5/5A 24V 4/4A 48V 2/2A Input Voltage Input Frequency Inrush Current (Amps/Vin) Efficiency Safety Oper. Temperature $141 $141 $141 $141 (10) $131 $131 $131 $131 WebFinder: ALD120 Note: Other output combinations available. Please contact factory. Price (1) (10) $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 WebFinder: PLN30 60 Watt LED Lighting Power Supplies Model No. Vout PLN60-12 PLN60-15 PLN60-20 PLN60-24 PLN60-27 PLN60-36 PLN60-48 12V 15V 20V 24V 27V 36V 48V 7.12” x 2.42” x 1.38” • 800-823-8082 Iout Single Output 3.3A 2.5A 2A 1.5A 1.25A 1.12A 0.84A 0.63A 5.7” x 1.85” x 1.18” Price (1) 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 40/230 Up to 88% UL 1310/CSA22.2/IP64 -30 to +40°C 30 Watt LED Lighting Power Supplies Price WebFinder: ALD60 9.69” x 2.56” x 2.05” Model No. Fully Isolated IP64 Level Plastic Case • Power Factor Correction • Constant Current Control • Adjustable Over Current Protection • UL1310 Class 2 Outdoor Wet Locations PLN60 shown ALD60 shown Model No. • ½” Conduit and Fittings for Easy Installation • Power Factor Correction • NEMA 3 Design • UL1310 Class 2 Outdoor Wet Locations • Constant Current Control • Wide Range Voltage Adjustment Iout Single Output 5A 4A 3A 2.5A 2.3A 1.7A 1.3A Price (1) $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 (10) $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 WebFinder: PLN60 5-20 Watt Open Frame PCB Mount AC/DC Switchers • 5 5 – 20 Watts Output Power • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • Efficiency as High as 80% • EMI Class B • Recommended for new designs Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Safety Oper. Temperature EFM5 shown 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 4242VDC 75%, typ cUL/CE/TUV/CB 0 to +40°C (0 to +50°C OFM-02xx) Note: The EFM 5, 10 and 15 Watt Series of products replaces the OFM 5, 10 and 15 Watt Series 5 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. EFM-5000 EFM-5001 EFM-5002 EFM-5003 EFM-5005 EFM-5006 EFM-5007 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 1.25A 5V 1.0A 12V 0.42A 15V 0.33A 24V 0.23A Dual Output ± 12V ± 0.21A ± 15V ± 0.17A (1) (10) Model No. $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 EFM-1500 EFM-1501 EFM-1502 EFM-1503 EFM-1505 $38 $38 $36 $36 EFM-1506 EFM-1507 WebFinder: EFM5 2.13” x 1.6” x 0.83” 10 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. EFM-0100 EFM-0101 EFM-0122 EFM-0102 EFM-0103 EFM-0105 EFM-0106 EFM-0107 2.48” x 1.68” x 0.83” 15 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Price Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 2.50A 5V 2.00A 9V 1.12A 12V 0.840A 15V 0.670A 24V 0.420A Dual Output ± 12V ± 0.42A ± 15V ± 0.34A Price (1) (10) $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $43 $43 $40 $40 WebFinder: EFM10 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 3.00A 5V 3.00A 12V 1.25A 15V 1.00A 24V 0.63A Dual Output ± 12V ± 0.63A ± 15V ± 0.50A Price (1) (10) $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $48 $48 $45 $45 WebFinder: EFM15 2.64” x 1.78” x 0.83” 20 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. OFM-0200 OFM-0201 OFM-0202 OFM-0203 OFM-0205 OFM-0206 OFM-0207 3.5” x 2.0” x 0.8” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 5.4A 5V 4.4A 12V 1.8A 15V 1.4A 24V 0.92A Dual Output ±12V ± 0.92A ±15V ± 0.73A Price (1) (10) $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $55 $55 $52 $52 WebFinder: OFM20 • 800-823-8082 10-15 Watt Open Frame Chassis Mount AC/DC Switchers 6 • Ultraminiature Size • Chassis Mount with 0.156” Spaced Connector • Economical Alternative to Encapsulated Modules • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • Single Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Output Adjust and LED Indicator • Medical Versions Available (see page 18) Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Efficiency (@ FL) Ripple/Noise (20Mhz BW) Hold Up Time Overvoltage Protection Short Circuit Protection Weight Safety Rating Operating Temperature ASL10 ASL15 10 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. Vout ASL-0100 ASL-0101 ASL-0102 ASL-0103 ASL-0105 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V Iout Single Output 2.5A 2A 0.85A 0.67A 0.42A 2” x 2.8” x 0.66” Big Power Small Footprint. 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 75-78%, typ. 100mV Pk-Pk, typ. 20mS, typ. Clamp, 130-150% Cont./Self Recover 3.1 oz UL/TUV/CE 0° to +50°C 15 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Price (1) (10) Model No. Vout $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 ASL-1500 ASL-1501 ASL-1502 ASL-1503 ASL-1505 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V WebFinder: ASL10 Iout Single Output 3.5A 3A 1.25A 1A 0.63A 3” x 2.10” x 0.85” Price (1) (10) $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 WebFinder: ASL15 When you need big power in a small space, Astrodyne’s new ASL/ASM150 sets industry standards by providing 2.5X the power in a small 2”x 4” package. Some unique ASL/ASM150 performance features include: • Active Power Factor Correction • Leading Edge PowerDensity and Efficiency • >17W/Cubic inch – more than double the industry average • Efficiency up to 90% – 35% less power dissipation than competing products • Medical and Commercial versions available • An industry standard footprint for a 60W supply: 2” x 4” but provides 2.5X the power • Operating Temperature Range: -20 to +50 deg C • 1” profile – allows for better system airflow For more information visit or call 800-823-8082 25-50 Watt Open PCB Switching Power Supplies • 7 Compact Size • Universal Input Built in EMI Filter • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs PS45 Specifications Input Voltage Leakage Current Overload Protection Isolation Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety PS25 25 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. PS25-3.3 PS25-5 PS25-7.5 PS25-12 PS25-13.5 PS25-15 PS25-24 PS25-27 PS25-48 PD25-A PD25-B PD-2503 PD-2505 PD-2512 PD-2515 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 5A 5V 5A 7.5V 3.3A 12V 2.1A 13.5V 1.9A 15V 1.7A 24V 1A 27V 0.9A 48V 0.5A Dual Output 5V 2.1A 12V 1.2A 5V 1.2A 24V 0.8A 3.3V 2.5A 5V 2.5A +5V +2.5A -5V -2.5A +12V +1A -12V -1A +15V +0.8A -15V -0.8A Price (1) $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $34 $32 $34 $32 $34 $32 $34 $32 $34 $32 $34 $32 45 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. PS45-3.3 PS45-5 PS45-7.5 PS45-12 PS45-13.5 PS45-15 PS45-24 PS45-27 PS45-48 PD45-A PD45-B PT45-A PT45-B 50 Watt Open Frame AC/DC Switchers Model No. Vout LPS50-3.3 LPS50-5 LPS50-12 LPS50-15 LPS50-24 LPS50-48 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 7.7” x 2.2” x 0.9” (10) WebFinder: PS25 2.4” x 4.2” x 1.2” Iout Single Output 10A 10A 4.2A 3.4A 2.1A 1.1A 90-264VAC <1mA @ 240VAC Above 105% Rated Output Power 4242VDC 75-78%, typ. UL / TUV / CE Price (1) (10) $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 PT45-C PT-4503 WebFinder: LPS50 3” x 5” x 1.2” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 8A 5V 8A 7.5V 5.4A 12V 3.7A 13.5V 3.3A 15V 3A 24V 1.9A 27V 1.7A 48V 1A Dual Output 5V 3.2A 12V 2A 5V 3.2A 24V 1.2A Triple Output 5V 3A 12V 2A -5V 0.3A 5V 3A 12V 2A -12V 0.3A 5V 3A 15V 1.6A -15V 0.3A 3.3V 4A 5V 4A 12V 1A Price (1) (10) $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $38 $36 $38 $36 $40 $38 $40 $38 $40 $38 $52 $49 WebFinder: PS45 • 800-823-8082 65-100 Watt Open PCB SwitchingPower Supplies 8 • Compact Size • Universal Input • Built in EMI Filter • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs (PS65) Specifications Input Voltage Leakage Current Overvoltage Protection Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety 90-264VAC <5.5mA @ 240VAC 115-135% of Output Voltage 75-80%, typ. UL / TUV / CE LFM100 shown 75 Watt Open PCB Switching Power Supplies 65 Watt Open PCB Switching Power Supplies Model No. PS65-3.3 PS65-5 PS65-7.5 PS65-12 PS65-13.5 PS65-15 PS65-24 PS65-27 PS65-48 PD65-A PD65-B PT65-A PT65-B PT65-C PT-6503 3” x 5” x 1.65” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 12A 5V 12A 7.5V 8A 12V 5.2A 13.5V 4.7A 15V 4.2A 24V 2.7A 27V 2.4A 48V 1.35A Dual Output 5V 5.5A 12V 2.8A 5V 3.5A 24V 2A Triple Output 5V 5.5A 12V 2.5A -5V 0.5A 5V 5.5A 12V 2.5A -12V 0.5A 5V 5.5A 15V 2.0A -15V 0.5A 3.3V 6A 5V 6A 12V 1A Price (1) (10) $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $40 $38 $40 $38 $42 $40 Model No. LPS75-3.3 LPS75-5 LPS75-12 LPS75-15 LPS75-24 LPS75-48 Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V Iout 15A 15A 6.2A 5A 3.2A 1.56A 100 Watt Open PCB Switching Power Supplies Vout 5V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 48V Iout 20A 11.2A 8.4A 6.7A 5.6A 4.2A 2.1A $40 $42 $40 $57 $54 WebFinder: PS65 • 800-823-8082 100 Watt Open PCB Switching Power Supplies Model No. LPS100-3.3 LPS100-5 LPS100-7.5 LPS100-12 LPS100-13.5 LPS100-15 LPS100-24 LPS100-27 LPS100-48 8.7” x 2.4” x 1.26” (10) $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 Price (1) $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 (10) $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 WebFinder: LFM100 5” x 3” x 1.34” $42 (1) $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 WebFinder: LPS75 8.7” x 2.2” x 1.2” Model No. LFM100-5 LFM100-9 LFM100-12 LFM100-15 LFM100-18 LFM100-24 LFM100-48 Price Vout 3.3V 5V 7.5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Iout 20A 20A 13.3A 8.4A 7.5A 6.7A 4.2A 3.8A 2.1A Price (1) $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 (10) $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 WebFinder: LPS100 40-150 Watt Ultraminiature Open Frame Power Supplies • 9 Up to 150 Watts Power • Universal Input • Only 2” x 4” x 1.2” (1.08” ASL150) • High Power Density • Efficiency to 90% • Full Safety Approvals Specifications Input Voltage Range Input Frequency Range Preset Accuracy Short Circuit Protection Isolation (Input - Output) ASL150 shown 40 Watt Ultraminiature Open Frame Switching Supply Model No. Vout Iout 40 Watt Single Output 5V 6A 9V 4.44A 12V 3.3A 15V 2.6A 24V 1.6A 36V 1.11 48V 0.8A 40 Watt Dual Output 5/12V 3.3/2A 5/15V 3.3/1.6A 5/24V 3.3/1A 5/48V 3.3/0.5A ASL40-5 ASL40-9 ASL40-12 ASL40-15 ASL40-24 ASL40-36 ASL40-48 ASL40D-1 ASL40D-2 ASL40D-3 ASL40D-5 Price 90-264VAC 47-63Hz ±1%, max. Continuous 4242VDC 60 Watt Ultraminiature Open Frame Switching Supply (1) (10) Model No. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 ASL60-5 ASL60-9 ASL60-12 ASL60-15 ASL60-24 ASL60-36 ASL60-48 $44 $44 $44 $44 $41 $41 $41 $41 ASL60D-1 ASL60D-2 ASL60D-3 ASL60D-5 Vout Iout 60 Watt Single Output 5V 9A 9V 6.66 12V 5A 15V 4A 24V 2.5A 36V 1.66 48V 1.25A 60 Watt Dual Output 5/12V 5/3A 5/15V 5/2.4A 5/24V 5/1.5A 5/48V 5/0.73A Price (1) (10) $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $60 $60 $60 $60 $56 $56 $56 $56 WebFinder: ASL4060 2” x 4” x 1.2” Note: The Single Outputs (ASL40/60 only) can be ordered with Molex 09-50-30x1 I/O connectors. Simply add the Suffix “A” to the end of the Model Number. For example, “ASL40-5A” JST BxP VH are Standard. 150 Watt High Density Open Frame Switching Supply with 12V Auxilary Price Model No. Vout Iout (Convection / 200LFM) ASL150-5 ASL150-12 ASL150-24 ASL150-48 2” x 4” x 1.08” 5V 12V 24V 48V Iout2 (1) (10) $132 $132 $132 $132 $123 $123 $123 $123 (12V Aux.) Single Output 14A / 20A 0.5A / 1A 8.3A / 13.3A 0.5A / 1A 4.2A / 6.66A 0.5A / 1A 2.1A / 3.33A 0.5A / 1A WebFinder: ASL150 RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 100-110 Watt Open PCB Switching Supplies 10 • Universal Input • Single Dual and Quad Outputs • 3.3 to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • 2 Models with Power Factor Correction LPP100 Specifications Input Voltage 90-264VAC (90-100V, 90% Load Max. some models) 47-63 Hz <2mA @ 240V Input 0.98 @ 115V Input (LPP and PPQ Series) 105~135%, typ. UL / TUV / CB / CE -10 to 60° C PQ100 Input Frequency Leakage Current Power Factor Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature 100 Watt Open PCB Switching Supplies Model No. PQ-100B PQ-100C PQ-100D PQ-100E Vout 5/12/-5/-12V 5/15/-5/-15V 5/12/24/-12V 5/12/15/24V Price Iout 10/3.5/0.5/0.5A 8/3.5/0.5/0.5A 5/2/2/0.5A 8/3/0.6/0.6A 100 Watt Open PCB Switching Supplies with PFC 7” x 4.25” x 1.6” Vout 3.3/5/12/-5V 3.3/5/12/-12V 3.3/5/15/-15V 3.3/5/12/24V (10) $69 $69 $69 $69 WebFinder: PQ100 7” x 4.25” x 1.88” Model No. PPQ-1003A PPQ-1003B PPQ-1003C PPQ-1003D (1) $74 $74 $74 $74 Iout 15/15/3/1A 15/15/3/1A 15/15/3/1A 15/15/3/1A Price (1) $92 $92 $92 $92 (10) $87 $87 $87 $87 WebFinder: PPQ1003 100 Watt Open PCB Switching Supplies with PFC Model No. LPP100-3.3 LPP100-5 LPP100-7.5 LPP100-12 LPP100-13.5 LPP100-15 LPP100-24 LPP100-27 LPP100-48 Vout 3.3V 5V 7.5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Iout 20A 20A 13.3A 8.4A 7.5A 6.7A 4.2A 3.8A 2.1A 110 Watt Open PCB Switching Supplies PD-110B 7” x 4.25” x 1.88” (10) $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 WebFinder: LPP100 2.4 “x 8.7” x 1.26” Model No. PD-110A Price (1) $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 Vout 5V 12V 5V 24V Price Iout 5A 6.5A 5A 3.5A (1) $69 (10) $65 $69 $65 WebFinder: PD110 RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at • 800-823-8082 125-225 Watt Open PCB and U-channel Switchers with PFC • Universal Input • Power Factor Correction • Single and Triple Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Remote Sense (PPS Models) 11 USP225 Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Leakage current Safety PPS125 125 Watt Open PCB Switchers with PFC Model No. Vout PPS125-3.3 PPS125-5 PPS125-12 PPS125-13.5 PPS125-15 PPS125-24 PPS125-27 PPS125-48 3.3V 5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V PPT125-A 3.3V 5V 12V 5V 12V -12V 5V 15V -15V 5V 24V 12V PPT125-B PPT125-C PPT125-D 3” x 5” x 1.32” Iout Single Output 25A 25A 10.5A 9.3A 8.4A 5.2A 4.6A 2.6A Triple Output 12.5A 10A 0.63A 14.4A 3.75A 0.63A 12.5A 3.1A 0.63A 8.75A 3.1A 0.63A Price (1) (10) $104 $104 $104 $104 $104 $104 $104 $104 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $114 $104 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz <3.5mA @240VAC UL / TUV / CB / CE 150 Watt Open PCB Switchers with PFC Model No. LPP150-3.3 LPP150-5 LPP150-7.5 LPP150-12 LPP150-13.5 LPP150-15 LPP150-24 LPP150-27 LPP150-48 Vout 3.3V 5V 7.5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 30A 30A 20A 12.5A 11.2A 10A 6.3A 5.6A 3.2A $104 $114 $104 $114 $104 WebFinder: PPS125 225 Watt Open PCB Switchers with PFC Model No. USP225-3.3 USP225-5 USP225-12 USP225-15 USP225-24 USP225-48 8” x 4” x 1.5” (10) $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 WebFinder: LPP150 3” x 8.7” x 1.6” $114 (1) $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V Price Iout 40A 40A 18.7A 15A 9.4A 4.7A (1) $131 $131 $131 $131 $131 $131 (10) $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 WebFinder: USP225 RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 5 Watt Power Block Series In 3 Package Styles 12 • Universal Input • High Efficiency • Micro Miniature 1” x 2” Size • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Ripple/Noise (20Mhz BW) Overvoltage Protection Short Circuit Protection Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety Oper. Temperature PWCxx 5 Watt Power Block Open Frame Model No. PWC-3.3 PWC-5 PWC-12 PWC-15 PWC-24 Price Vout Iout 5 WATT OUTPUT 3.3V 1.25A 5V 1A 12V 0.42A 15V 0.33A 24V 0.23A 0.91” x 1.91” x 0.63” 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. Clamp Latching, Self Recovering 75%, typ. UL / TUV / CE -25 to +50C FL (1) (10) $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 WebFinder: PWC 5 Watt Power Block SIP Style Open Model No. PWC-3.3S PWC-5S PWC-12S PWC-15S PWC-24S Vout Iout 5 WATT OUTPUT 3.3V 1.25A 5V 1A 12V 0.42A 15V 0.33A 24V 0.23A 0.91” x 1.91” x 0.47” Need medically approved power supplies and adapters? Price 5 Watt Power Block Encapsulated (1) (10) Model No. $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 PWC-3.3E PWC-5E PWC-12E PWC-15E PWC-24E WebFinder: PWC Price Vout Iout 5 WATT OUTPUT 3.3V 1.25A 5V 1A 12V 0.42A 15V 0.33A 24V 0.23A 1” x 2” x 0.6” (1) (10) $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 WebFinder: PWC Astrodyne has a growing list of medically approved supplies. Our Medically Approved section can be found in this catalog from pages 15 through 24 or you can go on-line to or call 800-823-8082 Either way you can find a range of Enclosed, Open Frame, DIN Rail Supplies and Adapters all Medically Approved and ready for delivery. 5-30 Watt Encapsulated Power Supplies 13 • 5 to 30 Watts Output Power • Single and Dual Outputs (Triple Outputs also ASC) • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • PCB and Chassis Mount Configurations • Available in DIN Rail Mount (Chassis Style) ExCC-xxxx Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency EMC / EMI Overvoltage Protection Hold Up Time Short Circuit Protection Efficiency @ Full Load Safety Oper. Temperature ExCA-xxxx 5 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Price Vout Model No. (1) (10) Iout Chassis Mount Model No. Price 15 Watt Encapsulated 90-264VAC 47-63Hz FCC/A, VDE 0871A, CISPRB Clamp, 130-150% 20mS, min. Continuous, Self-Recovering 75-78%, typ. UL/TUV/CB/CE 0 to +50°C (Free air Conv.) PCB Mount Price Chassis Mount Price (1) (10) Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) (10) 3.5A ESCA-1500 $56 $52 ESCC-1500 $62 $57 3.3V 1.25A ESCA-5000 $42 $40 ESCC-5000 $46 $44 3.3V 5V 1A ESCA-5001 $42 $40 ESCC-5001 $46 $44 5V 3A ESCA-1501 $56 $52 ESCC-1501 $62 $57 1.25A ESCA-1502 $56 $52 ESCC-1502 $62 $57 12V 0.42A ESCA-5002 $42 $40 ESCC-5002 $46 $44 12V 15V 0.33A ESCA-5003 $42 $40 ESCC-5003 $46 $44 15V 1A ESCA-1503 $56 $52 ESCC-1503 $62 $57 $46 $44 24V 0.63A ESCA-1505 $56 $52 ESCC-1505 $62 $57 $52 $49 ±12V ±0.63A EDCA-1506 $60 $56 EDCC-1506 $66 $62 $52 $49 ±15V ±0.5A EDCA-1507 $60 $56 EDCC-1507 $66 $62 24V ±12V ±15V 0.23A ±0.21A ±0.17A WebFinder: ESCA-5005 EDCA-5006 EDCA-5007 $42 $40 $47 $45 $47 $45 ECA-5 ESCC-5005 EDCC-5006 EDCC-5007 WebFinder: ECA-5 Note: Drop in replacement for the ANC Family/15 Watt Encapsulated ECA-15 ECA-15 2.75” x 1.89” x 0.93” 3.96” x 2.16” x 1” Note: Drop in replacement for the APC Family/5 Watt Encapsulated 2.28” x 1.77” x 0.83” 10 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) (10) Model No. Vout Iout (1) (10) 3.3V 2.5A ESCA-0100 $50 $47 ESCC-0100 $55 $52 5V 2A ESCA-0101 $50 $47 ESCC-0101 $55 $52 9V 1.1A ESCA-0104 $50 $47 ESCC-0104 $55 $52 12V 0.85A ESCA-0102 $50 $47 ESCC-0102 $55 $52 15V 0.67A ESCA-0103 $50 $47 ESCC-0103 $55 $52 24V 0.42A ESCA-0105 $50 $47 ESCC-0105 $55 $52 ±12V ±0.42A EDCA-0106 $54 $50 EDCC-0106 $59 $55 ±15V ±0.34A EDCA-0107 $54 $50 EDCC-0107 $59 $55 ASC-3.3S ASC-5S ASC-12S ASC-15S ASC-24S ASC-5D ASC-12D ASC-15D ASC-5S12D ASC-5S15D ASC-5S12S 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V ±5V ±12V ±15V 5,±12V 5,±15V 5,+12V 6A 6A 2.5A 2A 1.25A ±3A ±1.3A ±1.0A 3,±0.63A 3,±0.5A 3,1.25A $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $109 $109 $109 $133 $133 $133 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 $103 $103 $103 $126 $126 $126 WebFinder: Note: Drop in replacement for the ATC Family/10 Watt Encapsulated ECA-10 2.56” x 1.77” x 0.83” 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” Price Chassis Mount ECA-10 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” Price 30 Watt Encapsulated Power Supplies 3.5” x 2.5” x 0.98” Price WebFinder: ASC • 800-823-8082 5-30 Watt Encapsulated Power Supplies 14 • MxCC-xxxx 5 to 30 Watts Output Power • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • PCB and Chassis Mount Configurations • Available in DIN Rail Mount (Chassis Style) Specifications MxCA-xxxx 5 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Price Price Vout Iout Model No. (1) Model No. (1) 3.3V 1.25A MSCA-5000 $68 $66 MSCC-5000 $80 $78 5V 1A MSCA-5001 $68 $66 MSCC-5001 $80 $78 12V 0.42A MSCA-5002 $68 $66 MSCC-5002 $80 $78 15V 0.33A MSCA-5003 $68 $66 MSCC-5003 $80 $78 24V 0.23A MSCA-5005 $68 $66 MSCC-5005 $80 $78 ±12V ±0.21A MDCA-5006 $74 $70 MDCC-5006 $86 $81 ±15V ±0.17A MDCA-5007 $74 $70 MDCC-5007 $86 $81 +5,±12V 0.6,±0.1A MTCA-5009 $80 $78 MTCC-5009 $91 $88 +5,±15V 0.45±0.1A MTCA-5011 $80 $78 MTCC-5011 $91 $88 WebFinder: (10) Chassis Mount MSCA5 (10) MSCC5 2.28” x 1.77” x 0.83” 10 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Vout Iout Model No. (1) 3.3V 2.5A MSCA-0100 5V 2A MSCA-0101 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” Price (10) Chassis Mount Price Model No. (1) (10) $80 $78 MSCC-0100 $91 $88 $80 $78 MSCC-0101 $91 $88 9V 1.1A MSCA-0104 $80 $78 MSCC-0104 $91 $88 12V 0.85A MSCA-0102 $80 $78 MSCC-0102 $91 $88 15V 0.67A MSCA-0103 $80 $78 MSCC-0103 $91 $88 24V 0.42A ±12V ±0.42A MSCA-0105 MDCA-0106 $80 $78 $86 $81 MSCC-0105 MDCC-0106 $91 $88 $97 $91 ±15V ±0.34A MDCA-0107 $86 $81 MDCC-0107 $97 $91 +5/12V +1/0.42A MDCA-0108 $86 $81 MDCC-0108 $97 $91 +5,±12V +5,±15V 1.5,±0.1A 1.4,±0.1A WebFinder: MTCA-0109 MTCA-0111 $91 $88 $91 $88 MSCA10 2.56” x 1.77” x 0.83” MTCC-0109 MTCC-0111 $102 $99 $102 $99 MSCC10 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” • 800-823-8082 Input Voltage Input Frequency Ripple/Noise (20MHz BW) Overvoltage Protection Hold Up Time Current Limit Efficiency @ Full Load Safety Oper. Temperature 15 Watt Encapsulated 90-264VAC 47-63Hz 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. Clamp, 130-150% 30mS, typ. 130% typ., Self-Reset Foldback 75%, typ. UL/TUV/CE 0 to +50°C (Free air Conv.) PCB Mount Price Chassis Mount Price Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) 3.3V 3.5A MSCA-1500 $91 $88 MSCC-1500 $103 $101 5V 3A MSCA-1501 $91 $88 MSCC-1501 $103 $101 9V 1.6A MSCA-1504 $91 $88 MSCC-1504 $103 $101 12V 1.25A MSCA-1502 $91 $88 MSCC-1502 $103 $101 15V 1A MSCA-1503 $91 $88 MSCC-1503 $103 $101 24V 0.63A MSCA-1505 $91 $88 MSCC-1505 $103 $101 ±12V ±0.63A MDCA-1506 $97 $91 MDCC-1506 $109 $103 ±15V ±0.5A MDCA-1507 $97 $91 MDCC-1507 $109 $103 +5/12V ±1.5,/0.63A MDCA-1508 $97 $91 MDCC-1508 $109 $103 +5,±12V 2.5,±0.1A MTCA-1509 $102 $99 MTCC-1509 $114 $111 +5,±15V 2.5,±0.1A MTCA-1511 $102 $99 MTCC-1511 $114 $111 WebFinder: MSCA15 MSCC15 3.96” x 2.16” x 1” 2.75” x 1.89” x 0.93” 30 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount (10) Price Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) 3.3V 7.5A MSCA-0300 $125 $122 5V 6A MSCA-0301 12V 2.5A MSCA-0302 15V 2A 24V Chassis Mount Price Model No. (1) (10) MSCC-0300 $138 $134 $125 $122 MSCC-0301 $138 $134 $125 $122 MSCC-0302 $138 $134 MSCA-0303 $125 $122 MSCC-0303 $138 $134 1.25A MSCA-0305 $125 $122 MSCC-0305 $138 $134 ±12V ±1.25A MDCA-0306 $125 $122 MDCC-0306 $138 $134 ±15V ±1A MDCA-0307 $132 $125 MDCC-0307 $143 $135 +5/12V +3/1.25 MDCA-0308 $132 $125 MDCC-0308 $143 $135 +5,±12V 3,±0.63A MTCA-0309 $138 $134 MTCC-0309 $146 $143 +5,±15V 3,±0.5A MTCA-0311 $138 $134 MTCC-0311 $146 $143 WebFinder: MSCA30 3.5” x 2.5” x 0.98” (single), 4.06”x2.5”x0.98 (Dual/Triple) MSCC30 4.67” x 2.56” x 1” (single), 5.34” x 2.56” x 1” (dual/triple) 5-15 Watt Medical Grade Encapsulated AC/DC Switchers 15 • 5 to 15 Watts Output Power • Single and Dual Outputs • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • PCB and Chassis Mount Configurations • Available in DIN Rail Mount (Chassis Style) ExMC-xxxx Specifications ExMA-xxxx 5 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Price Chassis Mount Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) (10) 3.3V 1.25A ESMA-5000 $46 $44 ESMC-5000 $51 $48 5V 1A ESMA-5001 $46 $44 ESMC-5001 $51 $48 12V 0.42A ESMA-5002 $46 $44 ESMC-5002 $51 $48 15V 0.33A ESMA-5003 $46 $44 ESMC-5003 $51 $48 24V 0.23A ESMA-5005 $46 $44 ESMC-5005 $51 $48 ±12V ±0.21A EDMA-5006 $52 $49 EDMC-5006 $57 $54 ±0.17A WebFinder: EDMA-5007 ECA-5 $52 $49 ECA-5 2.28” x 1.77” x 0.83” $57 EDMC-5007 $54 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” Price Chassis Mount Price Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) (10) 3.3V 2.5A ESMA-0100 $55 $52 ESMC-0100 $60 $57 5V 2A ESMA-0101 $55 $52 ESMC-0101 $60 $57 9V 1.1A ESMA-0104 $55 $52 ESMC-0104 $60 $57 12V 0.85A ESMA-0102 $55 $52 ESMC-0102 $60 $57 15V 0.67A ESMA-0103 $55 $52 ESMC-0103 $60 $57 24V 0.42A ESMA-0105 $55 $52 ESMC-0105 $60 $57 ±12V ±0.42A EDMA-0106 $59 $55 EDMC-0106 $65 $60 ±15V ±0.34A EDMA-0107 $59 $55 EDMC-0107 $65 $60 WebFinder: 15 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount ECA-10 ECA-10 2.56” x 1.77” x 0.83” 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” Price Chassis Mount Price Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) 3.3V 3.5A ESMA-1500 $62 $57 ESMC-1500 $68 $63 5V 3A ESMA-1501 $62 $57 ESMC-1501 $68 $63 12V 1.25A ESMA-1502 $62 $57 ESMC-1502 $68 $63 15V 1A ESMA-1503 $62 $57 ESMC-1503 $68 $63 24V 0.63A ESMA-1505 $62 $57 ESMC-1505 $68 $63 ±12V ±0.63A EDMA-1506 $66 $62 EDMC-1506 $73 $68 ±15V ±0.5A EDMA-1507 $66 $62 EDMC-1507 $73 $68 WebFinder: 10 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount 90-264VAC 47-63Hz FCC/A, VDE 0871A, CISPRB Clamp, 130-150% 20mS, min. Continuous, Self-Recovering 75-78%, typ. UL/TUV/CB/CE 0 to +50°C (Free air Conv.) Price Vout ±15V Input Voltage Input Frequency EMC / EMI Overvoltage Protection Hold Up Time Short Circuit Protection Efficiency @ Full Load Safety Oper. Temperature ECA-15 2.75” x 1.89” x 0.93” ECA-15 3.96” x 2.16” x 1” Need it right now? Astrodyne offers Over 100,000 items in stock. Many items can be shipped from stock today! Need delivery to fit your production schedule? We Can Schedule Your Order for JIT Delivery! For an Astrodyne Rapid Resolution, Contact our Sales Department at 800-823-8082 • 800-823-8082 (10) 5-30 Watt Medical Grade Encapsulated AC/DC Switchers 16 • 5 to 30 Watts Output Power • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • PCB and Chassis Mount Configurations • Available in DIN Rail Mount (Chassis Style) MxMC-xxxx Specifications MxMA-xxxx Input Voltage Input Frequency Ripple/Noise (20MHz BW) Overvoltage Protection Hold Up Time Current Limit Efficiency @ Full Load Safety Oper. Temperature 15 Watt Encapsulated 5 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. (1) (10) Vout 3.3V 1.25A MSMA-5000 $78 $75 MSMC-5000 $90 $87 3.3V 3.5A $90 $87 5V 3A $90 $87 9V 1.6A 1.25A 5V 12V 1A 0.42A MSMA-5001 MSMA-5002 Price $78 $75 $78 $75 Chassis Mount MSMC-5001 MSMC-5002 Price Iout 90-264VAC 47-63Hz 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. Clamp, 130-150% 30mS, typ. 130% typ., Self-Reset Foldback 75%, typ. UL/TUV/CE 0 to +50°C (Free air Conv.) PCB Mount Model No. Price (1) (10) Chassis Mount Price Model No. (1) (10) MSMA-1500 $103 $101 MSMC-1500 $114 $111 MSMA-1501 $103 $101 MSMC-1501 $114 $111 MSMA-1504 $103 $101 MSMC-1504 $114 $111 MSMA-1502 $103 $101 MSMC-1502 $114 $111 15V 0.33A MSMA-5003 $78 $75 MSMC-5003 $90 $87 12V 24V 0.23A MSMA-5005 $78 $75 MSMC-5005 $90 $87 15V 1A MSMA-1503 $103 $101 MSMC-1503 $114 $111 0.63A MSMA-1505 $103 $101 MSMC-1505 $114 $111 ±12V ±0.21A MDMA-5006 $86 $81 MDMC-5006 $97 $93 24V ±15V ±0.17A MDMA-5007 $86 $81 MDMC-5007 $97 $93 ±12V ±0.63A MDMA-1506 $110 $104 MDMC-1506 $121 $114 ±0.5A MDMA-1507 $110 $104 MDMC-1507 $121 $114 +5,±12V 0.6,±0.1A MTMA-5009 $91 $88 MTMC-5009 $102 $99 ±15V +5,±15V 0.45±0.1A MTMA-5011 $91 $88 MTMC-5011 $102 $99 +5/12V ±1.5,/0.63A MDMA-1508 $110 $104 MDMC-1508 $121 $114 +5,±12V 2.5,±0.1A MTMA-1509 $117 $113 MTMC-1509 $128 $123 +5,±15V 2.5,±0.1A MTMA-1511 $117 $113 MTMC-1511 $128 $123 MSMA15 MSMC15 WebFinder: 10 Watt Encapsulated MSMA5 MSMC5 2.28” x 1.77” x 0.83” 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” PCB Mount Price WebFinder: Vout Iout Model No. (1) (10) Model No. 3.3V 2.5A MSMA-0100 $90 $87 MSMC-0100 $102 $97 (1) (10) 5V 2A MSMA-0101 $90 $87 3.96” x 2.16” x 1” 2.75” x 1.89” x 0.93” Chassis Mount Price 30 Watt Encapsulated PCB Mount Vout Iout Model No. MSMC-0101 $102 $97 3.3V 7.5A Price (1) (10) Chassis Mount Price Model No. (1) MSMA-0300 $143 $139 MSMC-0300 $155 $147 (10) MSMA-0301 $143 $139 MSMC-0301 $155 $147 9V 1.1A MSMA-0104 $90 $87 MSMC-0104 $102 $97 5V 6A 12V 0.85A MSMA-0102 $90 $87 MSMC-0102 $102 $97 12V 2.5A MSMA-0302 $143 $139 MSMC-0302 $155 $147 15V 0.67A MSMA-0103 $90 $87 MSMC-0103 $102 $97 15V 2A MSMA-0303 $143 $139 MSMC-0303 $155 $147 24V 0.42A MSMA-0105 $90 $87 MSMC-0105 $102 $97 24V 1.25A MSMA-0305 $143 $139 MSMC-0305 $155 $147 ±12V ±0.42A MDMA-0106 $97 $91 MDMC-0106 $109 $103 ±12V ±1.25A MDMA-0306 $150 $142 MDMC-0306 $162 $153 ±15V ±0.34A MDMA-0107 $97 $91 MDMC-0107 $109 $103 ±15V ±1A MDMA-0307 $150 $142 MDMC-0307 $162 $153 +5/12V +1/0.42A MDMA-0108 $97 $91 MDMC-0108 $109 $103 +5/12V +3/1.25 MDMA-0308 $150 $142 MDMC-0308 $162 $153 +5,±12V 1.5,±0.1A MTMA-0109 $102 $99 MTMC-0109 $114 $110 +5,±12V 3,±0.63A MTMA-0309 $156 $150 MTMC-0309 $167 $161 +5,±15V 1.4,±0.1A MTMA-0111 $102 $99 MTMC-0111 $114 $110 +5,±15V 3,±0.5A MTMA-0311 $156 $150 MTMC-0311 $167 $161 MSMA10 MSMC10 2.56” x 1.77” x 0.83” 3.77” x 2.16” x 1” WebFinder: MSMA30 MSCC30 WebFinder: 3.5” x 2.5” x 0.98” (single), 4.06”x2.5”x0.98 (Dual/Triple) 4.67” x 2.56” x 1” (single), 5.34” x 2.56” x 1” (dual/triple) 5-15 Watt Medical Grade Open Frame PCB Mount AC/DC Switchers 17 • 5 – 15 Watts Output Power • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 24VDC Outputs • Efficiency as High as 80% • EMI Class B, UL60601-1 • Recommended for new designs Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Safety Oper. Temperature EFM5 Shown 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 5656VDC 75%, typ cUL/CE/TUV/CB 0 to +40°C Note: The EFM/M 5, 10 and 15 Watt Series of products replaces the OFM/M 5, 10 and 15 Watt Series 5 Watt Open Frame PCB Mount AC/DC Switchers Model No. EFM5000/M EFM5001/M EFM5002/M EFM5003/M EFM5005/M EFM5006/M EFM5007/M Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 1.25A 5V 1.0A 12V 0.42A 15V 0.33A 24V 0.23A Dual Output ± 12V ± 0.21A ± 15V ± 0.17A 10 Watt Open Frame PCB Mount AC/DC Switchers EFM0100/M EFM0101/M EFM0122/M EFM0102/M EFM0103/M EFM0105/M EFM0106/M EFM0107/M 2.48” x 1.68” x 0.83” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 2.50A 5V 2.00A 9V 1.12A 12V 0.840A 15V 0.670A 24V 0.420A Dual Output ± 12V ± 0.42A ± 15V ± 0.34A 15 Watt Open Frame PCB Mount AC/DC Switchers (1) (10) Model No. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 EFM1500/M EFM1501/M EFM1502/M EFM1503/M EFM1505/M $43 $43 $40 $40 EFM1506/M EFM1507/M WebFinder: EFM5 2.13” x 1.6” x 0.83” Model No. Price Vout Single Output 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V Dual Output ± 12V ± 15V 2.64” x 1.78” x 0.83” Price Iout (1) (10) 3.00A 3.00A 1.25A 1.00A 0.63A $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 ± 0.63A ± 0.50A $54 $50 $54 $50 WebFinder:EFM15 Price (1) (10) $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $49 $49 $46 $46 WebFinder:EFM10 Leaders In LED Lighting Innovation At Astrodyne we can provide solutions to LED lighting with our newest innovative and cost-effective technologies (see page 4) . Our engineering and packaging expertise is focused on satisfying your power requirements and delivering your solution with an intelligent Rapid Resolution. Contact our Sales Department at 800-823-8082 • 800-823-8082 10-45 Watt Medically Approved Open Frame Switchers 18 • Universal Input • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • Low Leakage Current • Medical Safety Approvals Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 72-78%, typ. UL60601-1, EN60601-1 ASM10 Shown 10 Watt Open Frame Medical Supplies Model No. ASM-0100 ASM-0101 ASM-0102 ASM-0103 ASM-0105 Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 2.5A 2A 0.85A 0.67A 0.42A 15 Watt Open Frame Medical Supplies Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 3.5A 3A 1.25A 1A 0.63A 30 Watt Open Frame Medical Supplies 4.01” x 2.6” x 0.90” (1) $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 (10) $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 WebFinder: ASM15 3” x 2.10” x 0.85” Model No. MPS30-5 MPS30-12 MPS30-15 MPS30-24 MPS30-27 MPS30-48 (10) $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 WebFinder: ASM10 2” x 2.28” x 0.66” Model No. ASM-1500 ASM-1501 ASM-1502 ASM-1503 ASM-1505 (1) $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 5A 2.5A 2A 1.2A 1.1A 0.60A (1) $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 (10) $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 WebFinder: MPS30 • 800-823-8082 45 Watt Open Frame Medical Supplies Model No. MPS45-3.3 MPS45-5 MPS45-7.5 MPS45-12 MPS45-13.5 MPS45-15 MPS45-24 MPS45-27 MPS45-48 MPD45-A MPD45-B MPT45-A MPT45-B MPT45-C 5” x 3” x 1.10” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 8A 5V 8A 7.5V 5.4A 12V 3.7A 13.5V 3.3A 15V 3.0A 24V 1.9A 27V 1.7A 48V 1.0A Dual Output 5V 5A 12V 2.5A 5V 5A 24V 1.8A Triple Output 5V 5A 12V 2.5A -5V 0.5A 5V 5A 12V 2.5A -12V 0.5A 5V 5A 15V 2.3A -15V 0.5A Price (1) (10) $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $43 $40 $43 $40 $48 $45 $48 $45 $48 $45 WebFinder: MPS45 40-150 Watt Medically Approved Open Frame Switchers 19 • Up to 150 Watts Power • Universal Input • Only 2” x 4” x 1.2” (1.08” ASM150) • High Power Density • Efficiency to 90% • Full Medical Safety Approvals Specifications Input Voltage Range Input Frequency Range Preset Accuracy Short Circuit Protection Isolation (Input - Output) ASM150 shown 40 and 60 Watt Medical Supplies Model No. Price Vout Iout 40 watt Single Output 5V 6A 9V 4.44A 12V 3.3A 15V 2.6A 24V 1.6A 36V 1.11 48V 0.8A 40 watt Dual Output 5/12V 3.3/2A 5/15V 3.3/1.6A 5/24V 3.3/1A 5/48V 3.3/0.5A ASM40-5 ASM40-9 ASM40-12 ASM40-15 ASM40-24 ASM40-36 ASM40-48 ASM40D-1 ASM40D-2 ASM40D-3 ASM40D-5 (10) Model No. $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 ASM60-5 ASM60-9 ASM60-12 ASM60-15 ASM60-24 ASM60-36 ASM60-48 $49 $49 $49 $49 $46 $46 $46 $46 ASM60D-1 ASM60D-2 ASM60D-3 ASM60D-5 150 Watt High Density Open Frame Medical Supply with 12V Auxilary Iout (Convection / 200LFM) ASM150-5 ASM150-12 ASM150-24 ASM150-48 2” x 4” x 1.08” 5V 12 24V 48V Iout2 (1) (10) $137 $137 $137 $137 $127 $127 $127 $127 (12V Aux.) Single Output 14A / 20A 0.5A / 1A 8.3A / 13.3A 0.5A / 1A 4.2A / 6.66A 0.5A / 1A 2.1A / 3.33A 0.5A / 1A Vout Iout 60 watt Single Output 5V 9A 9V 6.66 12V 5A 15V 4A 24V 2.5A 36V 1.66 48V 1.25A 60 watt Dual Output 5/12V 5/3A 5/15V 5/2.4A 5/24V 5/1.5A 5/48V 5/0.73A 2” x 4” x 1.2” (1) (10) $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $66 $66 $66 $66 $61 $61 $61 $61 WebFinder: ASM4060 • 800-823-8082 Price Vout Price (1) Note: The Single Outputs (ASM40/60 only) can be ordered with Molex 09-50-30x1 I/O connectors. Simply add the Suffix “A” to the end of the Model Number. For example, “ASM40-5A” JST BxP VH are Standard. Model No. 90-264VAC 47-63Hz ±1%, max. Continuous 5656VDC WebFinder: ASM150 NEED POWERFUL & COMPACT MEDICAL POWER SUPPLIES? • Various Package Styles & Adapters • UL/EN60601-1 Approvals • 5 – 320 Watts • Single, Dual & Triple Outputs 40-300 Watt Medically Approved Enclosed Switchers 20 • Compact Size • Universal Input • Single Outputs of 5VDC to 24VDC • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • Output Adjust and LED Indicator Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Leakage Current DC Output Adjust Overvoltage Protection Current Limit Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 100 uA max. ±10%, typ. 130-150%, Clamp 130%, typ., Auto-Recovery 75%, typ. EN/UL 60601-1 MMK320S 40 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. MMK40S-5 MMK40S-12 MMK40S-15 MMK40S-24 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Iout 8A 3.5A 2.8A 1.8A (1) $48 $48 $48 $48 (10) $46 $46 $46 $46 WebFinder: MMK40 4.75” x 2.5” x 1.5” 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. MMK150S-5 MMK150S-12 MMK150S-15 MMK150S-24 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Price Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 6” x 3.5” x 1.75” Need more details? (1) $125 $125 $125 $125 Vout 12V 15V 24V Iout 6.25A 5A 3.12A (10) $104 $104 $104 $104 WebFinder: MMK150 (1) $59 $59 $59 (10) $56 $56 $56 WebFinder: MMK75 5” x 3” x 1.7” 300 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Price Iout 30A 12.5A 10A 6.25A Model No. MMK75S-12 MMK75S-15 MMK75S-24 Price Model No. MMK320S-5 MMK320S-12 MMK320S-15 MMK320S-24 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 50A 25A 20A 12.5A (1) $177 $177 $177 $177 (10) $167 $167 $167 $167 WebFinder: MMK320 7” x 4” x 2” It’s easy with WebFinder To access the latest full specifications on any product in this catalog: 1. Log onto our website at 2. Go to the Product Finder search window at the top right of our home page and simply type the WebFinder product number shown in this catalog for that product. 3. You will be taken directly to this product page where you can download a PDF compatible full data sheet of your product of interest. 150 Watt Medically Approved Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 4 Package Styles • 150 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Output • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMMK150S/D-xxU PMMK150S/D-xxE PMMK150S/D-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMMK150S/D-xx 150 Watt Open Frame Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMMK150S-5 12.5A PMMK150S-12 10A PMMK150S-15 6.3A PMMK150S-24 3.2A PMMK150S-48 DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMMK150D-A 15/3.5A PMMK150D-B 7/3.5A PMMK150D-C 7/1.5A PMMK150D-D 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMMK150S-5E 12.5A PMMK150S-12E 10A PMMK150S-15E 6.3A PMMK150S-24E 3.2A PMMK150S-48E DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMMK150D-AE 15/3.5A PMMK150D-BE 7/3.5A PMMK150D-CE 7/1.5A PMMK150D-DE 150 Watt U-Channel Power Supplies (1) (10) Vout $143 $143 $143 $143 $143 $131 $131 $131 $131 $131 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V $157 $157 $157 $157 $146 $146 $146 $146 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V WebFinder: PMMK150S 3” x 5.5” x 1.4” Vout Price Price Price Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMMK150S-5U 12.5A PMMK150S-12U 10A PMMK150S-15U 6.3A PMMK150S-24U 3.2A PMMK150S-48U DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMMK150D-AU 15/3.5A PMMK150D-BU 7/3.5A PMMK150D-CU 7/1.5A PMMK150D-DU 150 Watt DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed Power Supplies (10) Vout $203 $203 $203 $203 $203 $191 $191 $191 $191 $191 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V $223 $223 $223 $223 $207 $207 $207 $207 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” (1) (10) $189 $189 $189 $189 $189 $178 $178 $178 $178 $178 $208 $208 $208 $208 $193 $193 $193 $193 WebFinder: PMMK150U 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” (1) WebFinder: PMMK150E 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.96 to 0.98 110~135% of O/P Voltage 105~150% Constant Current Limiting UL / TUV /EN60601-1/ CE 0 to +70° C w. 10CFM Fan Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMMK150S-5D 12.5A PMMK150S-12D 10A PMMK150S-15D 6.3A PMMK150S-24D 3.2A PMMK150S-48D DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMMK150D-AD 15/3.5A PMMK150D-BD 7/3.5A PMMK150D-CD 7/1.5A PMMK150D-DD Price (1) (10) $209 $209 $209 $209 $209 $197 $197 $197 $197 $197 $230 $230 $230 $230 $214 $214 $214 $214 WebFinder: PMMK150DRL • 800-823-8082 21 225 Watt Medically Approved Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 3 Package Styles 22 PMMK225S-xxE • 225 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMMK225S-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMMK225S-xxU 225 Watt U-Channel Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 36V 48V Iout 40A 18.8A 15A 9.4A 6.25A 4.7A 7” x 3.86” x 1.5” Model No. PMMK225S-5U PMMK225S-12U PMMK225S-15U PMMK225S-24U PMMK225S-36U PMMK225S-48U Price (1) $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 (10) $255 $255 $255 $255 $255 $255 WebFinder: PMMK225S Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. PMMK225S-5E PMMK225S-12E PMMK225S-15E PMMK225S-24E PMMK225S-36E PMMK225S-48E 7” x 3.86” x 1.57” Price (1) $291 $291 $291 $291 $291 $291 (10) $271 $271 $271 $271 $271 $271 WebFinder: PMMK225S 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.95 min. 130% max. of O/P Voltage 150% max. of max. O/P Current UL / TUV / CE / CB -10 to 50° C FL with 18CFM Fan DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed Model No. PMMK225S-5D PMMK225S-12D PMMK225S-15D PMMK225S-24D PMMK225S-36D PMMK225S-48D 7” x 3.86” x 1.57” Price (1) $296 $296 $296 $296 $296 $296 (10) $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 WebFinder: PMMK225S 320 Watt Medically Approved Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 2 Package Styles • 320 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMMK320S-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMMK320S-xxE 320 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 36V 48V Iout 60A 26.7A 21.4A 13.4A 8.9A 6.7A 8” x 3.86” x 1.57” Model No. PMMK320S-5E PMMK320S-12E PMMK320S-15E PMMK320S-24E PMMK320S-36E PMMK320S-48E Price (1) $342 $342 $342 $342 $342 $342 (10) $319 $319 $319 $319 $319 $319 WebFinder: PMMK320S 320 Watt DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed Price Model No. PMMK320S-5D PMMK320S-12D PMMK320S-15D PMMK320S-24D PMMK320S-36D PMMK320S-48D (10) $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 $329 8” x 3.86” x 1.57” (1) $354 $354 $354 $354 $354 $354 WebFinder: PMMK320S 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.95 min. 130% max. of O/P Voltage 150% max. of max. O/P Current UL / TUV / CE / CB -20 to 70° C FL with Derate 12 to 30 Watt Medically Approved External Power Supplies 23 • Universal Input • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs • 3.3 to 48VDC Outputs • Single Outputs • 5656VDC Isolation and Low Safety Leakage Current • MPU12A is Energy Star Compliant • AC Plug can be changed (ASA30M) Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Leakage Current Efficiency @ Full Load Safety MPU12A 12 Watt Wall Mount Power Supplies Model No. MPU12A-102 MPU12A-103 MPU12A-104 MPU12A-105 MPU12A-106 MPU12A-107 MPU12A-108 Vout Iout SINGLE OUTPUT 5V 2A 6V 2A 9V 1.33A 12V 1A 15V 0.8A 18V 0.66A 24V 0.5A 30 Watt Wall Mount Power Supplies ASA30M-0301 ASA30M-0304 ASA30M-0302 ASA30M-0303 ASA30M-0306 ASA30M-0305 4.28” x 2.44” x 1.44” Vout Iout SINGLE OUTPUT 5V 4A 9V 3A 12V 2.5A 15V 2A 18V 1.65A 24V 1.25A 30 Watt External Power Supplies (1) (10) Model No. $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 MPU30-101 MPU30-102 MPU30-103 MPU30-104 MPU30-105 MPU30-106 MPU30-107 MPU30-108 MPU30-109 MPU30-110 WebFinder: MPU12A 2.55” x 2.16” x 1.34” Model No. Price Price (1) (10) $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $48 $48 $48 $48 $48 $48 WebFinder: ASA30M RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 90-264VAC 47-63Hz 100 uA max. Up to 83% UL/TUV/CE MPU30-200 MPU30-201 MPU30-202 MPU30-203 MPU30-204 MPU30-209 MPU30-210 MPU30-215 MPU30-301 MPU30-302 MPU30-303 MPU30-304 MPU30-305 MPU30-306 Vout Iout SINGLE OUTPUT 3.3V 6.06A 5V 5A 6V 4.16A 10V 3A 12V 2.5A 15V 2 18V 1.66A 24V 1.25A 30V 1A 36V 0.83A DUAL OUTPUT 3.3/12 3/1.3 5/12 3/1.3 5/15 3/1 5/24 3/0.7 3.3/5 3/1.6 +/-12 2/0.5 +/-15 1.5/0.5 5/-24 2.5/1 DUAL OUTPUT 5/12/-5 2.5/1.3/0.5 5/12/-12 2.5/1/0.5 5/15/-15 2.5/1/0.5 5,+/-24 3/1/0.5 5/24/-12 2.5/1/0.5 3.3/12/-5 2.5/1.1/0.5 4.65” x 2.56” x 1.54” Price (1) (10) $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $66 $66 $66 $66 $66 $66 $66 $66 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $61 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 WebFinder: MPU30 50 and 100 Watt Medically Approved External Power Supplies 24 • Universal Input • Power Factor Correction (MPU100) • EC-320-C14 Input Inlet • Single, Dual & Triple Outputs • 2.5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Splash Proof “Desktop” Style Package • On/Off Switch (MPU100) • 5656VDC Isolation and Low Safety Leakage Current • Over Voltage/Current Protection MPU100 Specifications nput Voltage Input Frequency Leakage Current Overcurrent Protection Efficiency @ Full Load Safety 50 Watt External Power Supplies Model No. MPU50-200 MPU50-201 MPU50-202 MPU50-203 MPU50-204 MPU50-209 MPU50-210 MPU50-216 MPU50-217 MPU50-218 Iout SINGLE OUTPUT 2.5V 12A 3.3V 12A 5V 8A 6V 7A 10V 4.5A 12V 3.75A 15V 3A 18V 2.7A 24V 2.08A 30V 1.66A 36V 1.38A 48V 1.04A DUAL OUTPUT 3.3/12V 5/2A 5/12V 5/2A 5/15V 5/1.5A 5/24V 5/1A 3.3/5V 5/2A +/-12V 3/1A +/-15V 2/1A 5.1/7.2V 5/2.6A +/-10.5V +/-2.0A +/-5V 5/2A MPU50-300 MPU50-301 MPU50-302 MPU50-303 MPU50-304 MPU50-305 MPU50-306 TRIPLE OUTPUT 3.3,+/-12V 5/2/0.8A 5/12/-5V 5/2/0.8A 5/12/-12V 5/2/0.8A 5/15/-15V 5/2/0.8A 5+/-24V 5/1/0.5A 5/24/-12V 5/1/0.8A 3.3/12/-5V 5/2/0.8A MPU50-100 MPU50-101 MPU50-102 MPU50-103 MPU50-104 MPU50-105 MPU50-106 MPU50-107 MPU50-108 MPU50-109 MPU50-110 MPU50-111 Vout Price (1) (10) 100 Watt External Power Supplies $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 Model No. $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 MPU100-200 MPU100-201 MPU100-202 MPU100-203 MPU100-204 MPU100-209 MPU100-210 MPU100-212 MPU100-215 Iout Single Output 5V 16A 6V 13.33A 10V 9A 12V 8.33A 15V 6.66A 18V 5.55A 24V 4.16A 30V 3.33A 36V 2.77A Dual Output 3.3/12V 10/3A 5/12V 10/3A 5/15V 10/3A 5/24V 10/2A 3.3/5V 10/5A 12/-12V 7/1A 15/-15V 6/1A 24/-24V 3/1A 5/-24V 5/1A MPU100-300 MPU100-301 MPU100-302 MPU100-303 MPU100-304 MPU100-305 MPU100-306 MPU100-308 Triple Output 3.3/12/-12V 10/3/1A 5/12/-5V 10/3/1A 5/12/-12V 10/3/1A 5/15/-15V 10/3/1A 5/24/-24V 10/3/1A 5/24/-12V 10/3/1A 3.3/12/-5V 10/3/1A 3.3/5/-12V 10/3/1A MPU100-102 MPU100-103 MPU100-104 MPU100-105 MPU100-106 MPU100-107 MPU100-108 MPU100-109 MPU100-110 7.7” x 3.46” x 2.0” 5.75” x 3” x 1.7” 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz <100 uA max. 150% max. Up to 88% UL/TUV/CE WebFinder: MPU50 Vout Price (1) (10) $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $136 $136 $136 $136 $136 $136 $136 $136 $136 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $147 $147 $147 $147 $147 $147 $147 $147 WebFinder: MPU100 120 and 200 Watt Medically Approved Open PCB Switching Supplies with PFC 25 • High Density 1U Package • 120-200 Watts Output Power • Single/Dual/Triple/Quad Outputs • Universal Input • Active Power Factor Correction • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 5656VDC Input to Output Isolation Specifications MPS120 Shown 120 Watt Open PCB Medical Supplies w PFC Model No. MPS120-3.3 MPS120-5 MPS120-12 MPS120-15 MPS120-24 MPS120-48 MPD-120A MPD-120B MPT-120A MPT-120B MPT-120C MPT-120D MPQ-120B MPQ-120C MPQ-120D MPQ-120E 7” x 4.25” x 1.4” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 24A 5V 22A 12V 10A 15V 8.0A 24V 5.0A 48V 2.5A Dual Output 5/12V 12/6.0A 5/24V 12/3.2A Triple Output 5/12/-5V 12/5.8/1.0A 5/12/-12V 12/5.3/1.0A 5/15/-15V 11/4.4/1.0A 5/24/12V 12/2.6/1.0A Quad Output 5/12/-5/-12V 11/5.0/1.0/1.0A 5/15/-5/-15V 11/3.8/1.0/1.0A 5/12/24/-12V 11/1.1/2.3/1.0A 5/12/15/24V 11/3.3/1.0/1.0A Price (1) (10) $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $77 $77 $72 $72 $81 $81 $81 $81 $77 $77 $77 $77 $85 $85 $85 $85 $81 $81 $81 $81 WebFinder: MPS120 RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at Input Voltage Input Frequency DC Adjustment Range Efficiency Power Factor Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz CH1: 5~+10% Rated Output Voltage 82%, typ., Full power @ 230VAC 0.95, Full power @ 230VAC 115~140% of O/P Voltage 110~160%, Hiccup Mode, Auto Recovery UL2601-1, TUV EN60601-1, IEC601-1 approved 200 Watt Open PCB Medical Supplies w PFC Model No. MPS200-3.3 MPS200-5 MPS200-12 MPS200-15 MPS200-24 MPS200-48 MPD-200A MPD-200B MPT-200A MPT-200B MPT-200C MPT-200D MPQ-200B MPQ-200C MPQ-200D MPQ-200F 7” x 4.25” x 1.4” Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 40A 5V 40A 12V 16.7A 15V 13.4A 24V 8.4A 48V 4.2A Dual Output 5/12V 24/9.6A 5/24V 24/4.8A Triple Output 5/12/-5V 24/9.0/2.4A 5/12/-12V 24/7.2/2.4A 5/15/-15V 24/5.6/2.4A 5/24/12V 24/3.6/2.4A Quad Output 5/12/-5/-12V 18/8.4/2.4/2.4A 5/15/-5/-15V 18/6.0/2.4/2.4A 5/24/12/-12V 18/3.6/2.4/2.4A 5/24/15/-15V 18/3.3/2.4/2.4A Price (1) (10) $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $115 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $123 $123 $115 $115 $130 $130 $130 $130 $123 $123 $123 $123 $136 $136 $136 $136 $130 $130 $130 $130 WebFinder: MPS200 • 800-823-8082 20-60 Watt Industrial Din Rail Mountable Power Supplies 26 • 20, 30, 40, 45, and 60 Watts Output Power • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Full Safety Approvals / LPS Compliance (Some Models) • Compatible with DIN Rail TS35 7.5 or 15 Specifications Input Voltage, Nominal Input Frequency DC Output Adjust Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Safety Over Load Protection MDR20 Shown 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 10% 4242VDC Up to 88% UL/TUV/CE/CB Constant Current Limiting, Auto Recovery Screw Terminal Connections 20 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Model No. MDR20-5 MDR20-12 MDR20-15 MDR20-24 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Iout 3A 1.67A 1.34A 1A Price LPS LPS LPS LPS 30 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 3A 2A 2A 1.5A (1) $46 $46 $46 $46 40 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies 1.57” x 3.5” x 3.94” (10) $43 $43 $43 $43 WebFinder: DR30 3.0” x3.07” x2.2” Model No. MDR40-5 MDR40-12 MDR40-24 MDR40-48 (10) $40 $40 $40 $40 WebFinder: MDR20 0.89” x 3.5” x 3.94” Model No. DR30-05 DR30-12 DR30-15 DR30-24 (1) $43 $43 $43 $43 Vout 5V 12V 24V 48V Price Iout 6A 3.33A LPS 1.70A LPS 0.83A LPS (1) $49 $49 $49 $49 (10) $46 $46 $46 $46 WebFinder: MDR40 45 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Model No. DR45-05 DR45-12 DR45-15 DR45-24 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Iout 5A 3.5A 2.8A 2A 60 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 24V 48V Iout 10A 5A 2.5A LPS 1.25A LPS (10) $47 $47 $47 $47 Price (1) $67 $67 $67 $67 (10) $62 $62 $62 $62 WebFinder: MDR60 1.57” x 3.5” x 3.94” 60 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Model No. DR60-05 DR60-12 DR60-15 DR60-24 (1) $51 $51 $51 $51 WebFinder: DR45 3.66” x 3.07” x 2.64” Model No. MDR60-5 MDR60-12 MDR60-24 MDR60-48 Price Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Iout 6.5A 4.5A 4A 2.5A Price (1) $69 $69 $69 $69 (10) $64 $64 $64 $64 Note: Many of our Enclosed Style Supplies can be purchased with DIN Rail adaptability. See our Enclosed section or Contact our Technical Sales Department 3.0” x3.07” x 2.2” WebFinder: DR60 • 800-823-8082 75-480 Watt Industrial Din Rail Mountable Power Supplies 27 • 75, 120, 240 and 480 Watts Output Power • Universal Input • Power Factor Correction (DRP240, DRP480) • 12VDC to 48VDC Outputs • UL508 Approved • Efficiency up to 84% Specifications Input Voltage DR75 DR120 Model No. DR75-12 DR75-24 DR75-48 Vout 12V 24V 48V Input Frequency Line Regulation Load Regulation DC Output Adjust Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Safety Over Load Protection Connections DRP240 75 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Iout 6.3A 3.2A 1.6A Price (1) $87 $87 $87 120 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Model No. DR120-12 DR120-24 DR120-48 Vout 12V 24V 48V Iout 10A 5A 2.5A 240 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies 4.9” x 3.9” x 4.9” Price (1) $99 $99 $99 (10) $93 $93 $93 WebFinder: DR120 3.9” x 2.6” x 4.9” Model No. DRP240-24 DRP240-48 (10) $82 $82 $82 WebFinder: DR75 3.94” x 2.18” x 4.93” Vout 24V 48V Iout 10A 5.0A 90-264VAC (DR120, DRP480S by Switch) 180-264VAC (DRP480) 47-63 Hz ±1% ±1% 10% 4242VDC 78-84%, typ UL508, EN60950 Constant Current Limiting, Auto Recovery Screw Terminal Price (1) (10) $165 $156 $165 $156 WebFinder: DRP240 480 Watt Industrial DIN Rail Mountable Power Supplies Price Model No. DRP480-24 DRP480-48 Vout 24V 48V Iout 20A 10A (1) (10) $230 $219 $230 $219 DRP480S-24 DRP480S-48 24V 48V 20A 10A $272 $261 $272 $261 Note: Many of our Enclosed Style Supplies can be purchased with DIN Rail adaptability. See our Enclosed section or Contact our Technical Sales Department 8.9”x4.9”x3.9” WebFinder: DRP480 Need it right now? Astrodyne offers Over 100,000 items in stock. Many items can be shipped from stock today! Need delivery to fit your production schedule? We Can Schedule Your Order for JIT Delivery! For an Astrodyne Rapid Resolution, Contact our Sales Department at 800-823-8082 • 800-823-8082 10-15 Watt External Wall Mount and Desktop Power Supplies 28 • 10 to 15 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal 90-264VAC Input • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • CEC-IV, LPS and Energy Star Compliant (SPU16 Only) Specifications SPU12A Input Voltage Input Frequency Inrush Current Efficiency Ripple & Noise Input-Out Isolation Safety Case Material Output Connector 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 30A max.@ 230V I/P Up to 85% 1% Pk-Pk, max. 4242VDC UL/TUV/CE 94V-1 Rated 2.1 x 5.5 x 11mm Coaxial Plug Center (+) 12 Watt Wall Mount Power Supplies SPU16A Price Model No. Vout Iout (1) (10) SPU12A-101 SPU12A-102 SPU12A-103 SPU12A-104 SPU12A-105 SPU12A-106 SPU12A-107 SPU12A-108 SPU12A-109 SPU12A-110 SPU12A-111 3.3V 5V 6V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V 3A 2A 1.66A 1.33A 1.25A 1A 0.83A 0.62A 0.53A 0.42A 0.31A $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $29 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 WebFinder: SPU12A 2.55” x2.16” x1.34” 15 Watt Desktop Power Supplies Model No. SPU16A-101 SPU16A-102 SPU16A-103 SPU16A-104 SPU16A-105 SPU16A-106 SPU16A-107 SPU16A-108 SPU16A-109 SPU16A-110 SPU16A-111 Vout 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Iout 2.5A 2.4A 2A 1.5A 1.25A 1A 0.83A 0.62A 0.5A 0.41A 0.31A Price (1) $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 (10) $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 NOTES: A,B,D Denotes 3 Different Input Connection Options 1) SPU16A = Standard IEC320, 3 Prong Input Receptacle 2) SPU16B = Mini IEC320, 2 Pole Input Receptacle 3) SPU16D = Molded IEC320, 3 Prong Input Cordset Price Model No. SPU16B-101 SPU16B-102 SPU16B-103 SPU16B-104 SPU16B-105 SPU16B-106 SPU16B-107 SPU16B-108 SPU16B-109 SPU16B-110 SPU16B-111 Vout 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Iout 2.5A 2.4A 2A 1.5 1.25A 1A 0.83A 0.62A 0.5A 0.4A 0.31A (1) $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 (10) $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 Price Model No. SPU16D-101 SPU16D-102 SPU16D-103 SPU16D-104 SPU16D-105 SPU16D-106 SPU16D-107 SPU16D-108 SPU16D-109 SPU16D-110 SPU16D-111 Vout 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Low cost Input Power Cords are available for options “A” (Part Number ACCRD-C13) and “B” (Part Number ACCRD-C7). Inquire to our Sales Department. Suggested Replacement for SPU15 Series. See “Other Products for Sale” Chart on Page XX Iout 2.5A 2.4A 2A 1.5A 1.25A 1A 0.83A 0.62A 0.5A 0.41A 0.31A (1) $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 $34 3.6”x1.5”x1.4” WebFinder: SPU16 (10) $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 25-45 Watt External Desktop Power Supplies • 25, 30 and 45 Watts Output Power • Universal 90-264VAC Input • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs (45 Watts) • 2.5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Splash Proof Desktop Style • CEC-IV, LPS and Energy Star Compliant (SPU25 Only) 29 SPU45 SPU45 Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Inrush Current Efficiency Input-Out Isolation Safety Output Connector SPU25A 25 Watt Desktop Power Supplies Model No. SPU25A-102 SPU25A-103 SPU25A-104 SPU25A-105 SPU25A-106 SPU25A-107 SPU25A-108 SPU25A-109 SPU25A-110 SPU25A-111 Price Vout 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Iout 3.3A 3.33A 2.2A 2.08A 1.66A 1.38A 1.04A 0.83A 0.69A 0.52A (1) $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 (10) $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 NOTE: Suggested Replacement for SPU24 Series. See “Other Products for Sale” Chart on Page XX WebFinder: SPU25 4.11” x1.65” x1.22” 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 30A max. @ 230V I/P Up to 95% 4242VDC UL / TUV / CE / CB Single O/P: 2.1 x 5.5 x 11mm Coax. Center (+) Multi O/P: 5 Pin DIN 30 Watt External Desktop Power Supplies Model No. SPU30-101 SPU30-102 SPU30-103 SPU30-104 SPU30-105 SPU30-106 SPU30-107 SPU30-108 SPU30-109 SPU30-110 SPU30-111 Vout 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Price Iout 5A 5A 4.16A 3A 2.5A 2A 1.66A 1.25A 1A 0.83A 0.62A (1) $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 (10) $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 WebFinder: SPU30 4.6” x 1.36” x 2.0” 45 Watt External Desktop Power Supplies Price Model No. SPU45-100 SPU45-101 SPU45-102 SPU45-103 SPU45-104 SPU45-105 SPU45-106 SPU45-107 SPU45-108 SPU45-109 SPU45-110 SPU45-111 Vout 2.5V 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V Iout 8A 8A 8A 7A 4.5A 3.75A 3A 2.77A 2.08A 1.66A 1.38A 1.04A (1) $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 (10) $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 Price Model No. SPU45-200 SPU45-201 SPU45-202 SPU45-203 SPU45-204 SPU45-209 SPU45-210 SPU45-215 SPU45-216 Vout 3.3/12V 5/12V 5/15V 5/24V 3.3/5V 12/-12V 15/-15V 5/-24V 5.1/7.2V Iout 5/2A 5/2A 5/1.5A 5/1A 5/2A 3/1A 2/1A 5/1A 1/2.6A (1) $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 (10) $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 Price Model No. SPU45-300 SPU45-301 SPU45-302 SPU45-303 SPU45-304 SPU45-305 SPU45-306 5.75”x 3”x1.7” Vout 3.3/12/-12V 5/12/-5V 5/12/-12V 5/15/-15V 5/24/-24V 5/24/-12V 3.3/12/-5V Iout 5/2/0.8A 5/2/0.8A 5/2/0.8A 5/2/0.8A 5/1/0.5A 5/1/0.8A 5/2/0.8A (1) $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 (10) $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 WebFinder: SPU45 • 800-823-8082 30 and 63 Watt External Switching Power Adapters 30 • Universal Input • AC Plug Can be Changed (ASA30) • IEC320 Input Inlet (SPU63) • Single Outputs • High Efficiency • SPU63 is CEC and Energy Star Compliant SPU63 Specifications ASA30 Input Voltage Input Frequency Input Output Isolation Ripple and Noise Safety 30 Watt Wall Mount Power Supplies w 4 Detachable Plugs Model No. ASA30-0301 ASA30-0304 ASA30-0302 ASA30-0303 ASA30-0306 ASA30-0305 Vout 5V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V Iout 5A 3.3A 2.5A 2A 1.65A 1.25A 63 Watt Wall Mount Power Supplies Price (1) $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 (10) $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 Model No. SPU63-105 SPU63-106 SPU63-107 SPU63-108 SPU63-109 SPU63-110 SPU63-111 Vout 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V 4.65” x 2.05” x 1.34” 60 Watt External Switching Power Supplies 4.6” x 1.36” x 2.0” Price Iout 4.75A 4.2A 3.5A 2.62A 2.1A 1.75A 1.31A (1) $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 (10) $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 WebFinder: ASA30 4.24” x 2.27” x 1.32” Model No. SPU60-101 SPU60-102 SPU60-103 SPU60-104 SPU60-105 SPU60-106 SPU60-107 SPU60-108 SPU60-109 SPU60-110 SPU60-111 90-264VAC 47-63Hz 4242VDC 1% pk-pk max. UL/TUV/CE/CB Vout 3.3V 5V 6V 10V 12V 15V 18V 24V 30V 36V 48V WebFinder: SPU63 Price Iout 6A 6A 5.8A 4A 4.16A 3.6A 3.3A 2.5A 2A 1.6A 1.25A (1) $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 (10) $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 Don’t forget the power cord! Part Number ACCRD-C13 WebFinder: SPU60 Part Number ACCRD-C7 • 800-823-8082 Astrodyne offers Low Cost IEC320 Input Power Cords for both 3 Prong (Class I) (#ACCRD-C13) & 2 Prong (Class II) (#ACCRD-C7) input receptacle configurations. Contact our Sales Department at 800-823-8082 65 and 130 Watt External Switching Power Adapters • 31 Universal Input • IEC320 Input Inlet • Power Factor Correction (SPU130) • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs • Optional On/Off Switch (SPU65) • Optional Wall Bracket (SPU130) • Splash Proof “Desktop” Style Package Specifications SPU130 Shown 65 Watt External Switching Power Adapters Model No. SPU65-101 SPU65-102 SPU65-103 SPU65-104 SPU65-105 SPU65-106 SPU65-107 SPU65-108 SPU65-109 SPU65-110 SPU65-111 SPU65-200 SPU65-201 SPU65-202 SPU65-203 SPU65-204 SPU65-215 SPU65-300 SPU65-301 SPU65-302 SPU65-303 SPU65-304 SPU65-305 SPU65-306 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 15.1A 5V 13A 6V 11.6A 10V 7.5A 12V 6.66A 15V 5.33A 18V 4.44A 24V 3.33A 30V 2.66A 36V 2.22A 48V 1.66A Dual Output 3.3/12V 7/2.75A 5/12V 7/3A 5/15V 7/3A 5/24V 7/2A 3.3/5V 7/3A 5/-24V 7/2A Triple Output 3.3/12/-12V 7/3/0.8A 5/12/-5V 6/3/0.8A 5/12/-12V 6/3/.08A 5/15/-15V 6/3/0.8A 5/24/-24V 7/2/0.8A 5/24/-12V 6/2/0.8A 3.3/12/-5V 7/3/0.8A (1) Price (10) Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction (SPU130) Efficiency Overvoltage Protection Overcurrent Protection Input-Out Isolation Operating Temperature Safety 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.95 min. 83%, typ. 132% max. 150% max. 4242VDC 0 to 40°C FL UL/TUV/CE/CB 130 Watt External Switching Power Adapters $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $78 $78 $78 $78 $78 $78 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 Model No. SPU130-101 SPU130-102 SPU130-103 SPU130-104 SPU130-105 SPU130-106 SPU130-107 SPU130-108 SPU130-109 SPU130-110 SPU130-111 SPU130-200 SPU130-201 SPU130-202 SPU130-203 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 27.3A 5V 23A 6V 21.6A 10V 13A 12V 10.8A 15V 8.6A 18V 7.2A 24V 5.4A 30V 4.3A 36V 3.6A 48V 2.7A Dual Output 3.3/12V 20/2A 5/12V 20/2A 5/15V 20/2A 5/24V 20/2A Price (1) (10) $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $93 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $106 $106 $106 $106 $104 $104 $104 $104 NOTES: 1) Low cost 3 Wire IEC320/C13 (Part Number ACCRD-C13) Input Power Cords are available for the SPU65 and SPU130 families of products. 2) Molded Mounting Bracket option available for the SPU130 family. Simply add an “M” to the end of the Model Number. Inquire to our Sales Department. 7.7” x 3.46” x 2.0” WebFinder: SPU130 NOTE 1: On/Off Power Switch option available. Simply add an “S” to the end of the model number. Inquire to our sales department. 6.6” x 3.0” x 1.75” WebFinder: SPU65 • 800-823-8082 15-50 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 32 • 15 to 50 Watts Output Power • Single, Dual, Triple and Quad Outputs • Universal Inputs • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs Specifications Input Voltage Input-Out Isolation Safety Output Connector PV15 Shown 15 Watt Enclosed Model No. PV15-5S PV15-12S PV15-15S PV15-24S PV15-48S Vout Iout Single Output 5V 3A 12V 1.3A 15V 1A 24V 0.6A 48V 0.3A 2.59” x 1.98” x 1.1” Price (1) (10) 25 Watt Enclosed $28 $28 $28 $28 $28 RS25-3.3 RS25-5 RS25-12 RS25-15 RS25-24 RS25-48 $24 $24 $24 $24 $24 Model No. Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 6A 5V 5A 12V 2.1A 15V 1.7A 24V 1.1A 48V 0.57A Price (1) (10) $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 WebFinder: PV15 Innovative and Flexible 150W power packages 3.1” x2.0” x1.1” WebFinder: R25 35 Watt Enclosed Price Model No. RS35-3.3 RS35-5 RS35-12 RS35-15 RS35-24 RS35-48 RD35A RD35B RD3513 Available for medical and commercial applications visit Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 7A 5V 7A 12V 3A 15V 2.4A 24V 1.5A 48V 0.8A Dual Output 5V 4A 12V 1A 5V 4A 24V 1.3A 13.5V 2A -13.5V 1.5A 3.9” x3.2” x1.37” (1) (10) $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 $41 $36 $41 $36 $41 $36 90-264VAC 4242VDC UL/TUV/CB/CE Screw Terminal Block 50 Watt Enclosed Model No. Vout Iout Single Output RS50-3.3 3.3V 10A RS50-5 5V 10A RS50-12 12V 4.2A RS50-15 15V 3.4A RS50-24 24V 2.2A RS50-48 48V 1.1A Dual Output RD50A 5V 6A 12V 3A RD50B 5V 6A 24V 2A (1) (10) $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $44 $38 $44 $38 Separate / Isolated Output Common Versions RID50A RID50B RT50A RT50B WebFinder: R35 Price RT50C RT50D 5V 12V 5V 24V 6A 3A 6A 2A Triple Output 5V 5A 12V 2.5A -5V 1A 5V 5A 12V 2.5A -12V 1A 5V 5A 15V 2A -15V 1A 5V 5A 24V 1.5A 12V 1A $48 $41 $48 $41 $46 $40 $46 $40 $46 $40 $46 $40 Note: Astrodyne offers the SD25 Family of 25 Watt DC/DC converter products in this enclosed style package. Please visit or contact our Sales Department. 3.9” x3.8” x1.4” WebFinder: R50 50-75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 33 • 50 to 75 Watts Output Power • Single, Dual, Triple and Quad Outputs • Universal Inputs • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation 65 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. RT65A RT65B 50 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. Vout Price Iout (1) (10) 6A 1.5A 1A 1A 6A 1.5A 1A 1A 6A 1.5A 1A 1A $48 $41 RT65D $48 $41 RQ65B $48 $41 RQ65C Quad Output 5V 12V -5V -12V 5V 15V -5V -15V 5V 12V 24V -12V RQ50B RQ50C RQ50D 65 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies RD65A RD65B RID65A RID65B RQ65D WebFinder: R50 3.9” x 3.8” x 1.4” Model No. Vout Iout Price (1) (10) Dual Output 5V 8A $48 12V 4A 5V 8A $48 24V 3A Separate / Isolated Output Common Versions 5V 8A $54 12V 4A 5V 8A $54 24V 3A 5” x 3.8” x 1.5” RT65C $41 $41 $45 $45 WebFinder: R65 Vout Iout Triple Output 5V 8A 12V 3.5A -5V 1A 5V 8A 12V 3.5A -12V 1A 5V 8A 15V 3A -15V 1A 5V 8A 24V 2A 12V 1A Quad Output 5V 8A 12V 3A -5V 1A -12V 1A 5V 8A 15V 3A -5V 1A -15V 1A 5V 8A 12V 3A 24V 1.5A -12V 1A 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies RS75-3.3 RS75-5 RS75-12 RS75-15 RS75-24 RS75-48 5” x 3.8” x1.5” (1) (10) $52 $44 $52 $44 $52 $44 $52 $44 $54 $45 $54 $45 $54 $45 WebFinder: R65 5” x 3.8” x1.5” Model No. Price Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 15A 5V 12A 12V 6A 15V 5A 24V 3.2A 48V 1.6A Price (1) (10) $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 WebFinder: R75 85-100 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 34 • 85 to 100 Watts Output Power • Single, Dual, Triple and Quad Outputs • Universal Inputs • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs Specifications Input Voltage DC Adjustment Range Overvoltage Protection Input-Out Isolation Safety Output Connector 85 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. RD85A RD85B RID85A RID85B RT85A RT85B RT85C RT85D Iout Dual Output 5V 10A $68 12V 5A 5V 10A $68 24V 2.5A Separate / Isolated Output Common Versions 5V 10A $76 12V 5A 5V 10A $76 24V 2.5A Triple Output 5V 10A $74 12V 4A -5V 1A 5V 10A $74 12V 4A -12V 1A 5V 10A $74 15V 4A -15V 1A 5V 10A $74 24V 2.5A 12V 1A 6.25” x 3.8” x1.5” Vout Price (1) (10) $58 90-264VAC +/- 10% (-5,+10% CH1 for Multi-Output) 115-135%, Hiccup Mode, Auto-Recov. 4242VDC UL/TUV/CB/CE Screw Terminal Block 100 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. RQ85B $58 RQ85C $64 $64 RQ85D $63 Vout Iout Quad Output 5V 10A 12V 4A -5V 1A -12V 1A 5V 10A 15V 0.4A -5V 1A -15V 1A 5V 10A 12V 4A 24V 1.5A -12V 1A 6.25” x 3.8” x1.5” $63 100watt Enclosed Power Supplies $63 WebFinder: R85 RS100-3.3 RS100-5 RS100-12 RS100-15 RS100-24 RS100-48 6.25” x 3.8” x1.5” • 800-823-8082 (1) (10) $76 $64 $76 $64 $76 $64 WebFinder: R85 $63 Model No. Price Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 20A 5V 16A 12V 8.5A 15V 7A 24V 4.5A 48V 2.3A Price (1) (10) $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 $64 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 WebFinder: R100 125-150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 35 • Single, Dual, Triple and Quad Outputs • 3.3 to 48VDC Outputs • Separate/Isolated Outputs (Some Models) • Short Circuit, Overload, Overvoltage Protection 125 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 125 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. RD125-A RD125-B RD125-1224 RD125-2412 RD125-1248 RD125-4812 RD125-2448 RD125-4824 RID125-1224 RID125-1248 RID125-2448 RT125-A RT125-B RT125-C RT125-D Iout (1) Dual Output 5V 15A $71 12V 10A 5V 10A $71 24V 5A 12V 7A $71 24V 5A 24V 5A $71 12V 7A 12V 7A $71 48V 2.5A 48V 2.5A $71 12V 7A 24V 4A $71 48V 2.5A 48V 2.5A $71 24V 4A Separate / Isolated Output Common Versions 12V 7A $77 24V 5A 12V 7A $77 48V 2.5A 24V 4A $77 48V 2.5A Triple Output 5V 15A $78 12V 6A -5V 1A 5V 15A $78 12V 6A -12V 1A 5V 15A $78 15V 6A -15V 1A 5V 15A $78 24V 4A 12V 2A Vout (10) Vout RQ125-B 5V 12V -5V -12V 5V 15V -5V -15V 5V 12V 24V -12V $61 $61 RQ125-C $61 $61 RQ125-D $61 $61 $61 $61 $65 $65 $65 $67 Iout Quad Output 12A 4.5A 1A 1A 12A 4A 1A 1A 12A 4A 2.5A 1A $80 $69 $80 $69 $80 $69 WebFinder: R125 7.83” x 3.85” x1.5” 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. Vout RS150-3.3 RS150-5 RS150-12 RS150-15 RS150-24 RS150-48 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V Iout Single Output 30A 26A 12.5A 10A 6.5A 3.3A Price (1) (10) $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 Note: Astrodyne offers the SD100 Family of 100 Watt DC/DC converter products in this enclosed style package. Please visit or contact our Sales Department. 7.83” x 3.85” x1.5” WebFinder: R150 $67 $67 $67 Note: Astrodyne offers the SD50 Family of 50 Watt DC/DC converter products in this enclosed style package. Please visit or contact our Sales Department. 7.83” x 3.85” x1.5” Model No. Price Price (1) (10) WebFinder: R125 RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at 40-300 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies 36 • Compact Size • Universal Input • Single Outputs of 5VDC to 24VDC • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Output Adjust and LED Indicator Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency DC Output Adjust Overvoltage Protection Current Limit Efficiency (@ Full Load) Safety MK320S Shown 40 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. MK40S-5 MK40S-12 MK40S-15 MK40S-24 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V (1) $42 $42 $42 $42 (10) $40 $40 $40 $40 WebFinder: MK40 4.75” x 2.5” x 1.5” 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. MK150S-5 MK150S-12 MK150S-15 MK150S-24 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Price Iout 8A 3.5A 2.8A 1.8A Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 30A 12.5A 10A 6.25A 6” x 3.5” x 1.75” Custom Orders with Rapid Resolution Model No. MK75S-12 MK75S-15 MK75S-24 Vout 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 6.25A 5A 3.12A 300 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. MK320S-5 MK320S-12 MK320S-15 MK320S-24 WebFinder: MK150 7” x 4” x 2” (1) $51 $51 $51 (10) $48 $48 $48 WebFinder: MK75 5” x 3” x 1.7” (10) $89 $89 $89 $89 (1) $104 $104 $104 $104 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz ±10%, typ. 130-150%, Clamp 130%, typ., Auto-Recovery 75%, typ. EN/UL 60601-1 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V Price Iout 50A 25A 20A 12.5A Astrodyne works closely with you to: • customize a power supply to meet your specific needs • meet your custom deadline – our rapid response time guarantees a 24-hour initial turnaround to requests • satisfy small to large custom orders Call 800.823.8082 for instant engineering support or Visit our Custom Product Request Worksheet at (1) $156 $156 $156 $156 (10) $146 $146 $146 $146 WebFinder: MK320 150 Watt Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 4 Package Styles • 150 Watts Output Power PMK150S/D-xxU • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMK150S/D-xxE 37 PMK150S/D-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMK150S/D-xx 150 Watt Open Frame Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMK150S-5 12.5A PMK150S-12 10A PMK150S-15 6.3A PMK150S-24 3.2A PMK150S-48 DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMK150D-A 15/3.5A PMK150D-B 7/3.5A PMK150D-C 7/1.5A PMK150D-D 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” 150 Watt U-Channel Power Supplies Price (1) (10) Vout Iout $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $114 $114 $114 $114 $114 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V 30A 12.5A 10A 6.3A 3.2A $137 $137 $137 $137 $127 $127 $127 $127 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V 15/7A 15/3.5A 7/3.5A 7/1.5A WebFinder: PMK150S 3” x 5.5” x 1.4” Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMK150S-5E 12.5A PMK150S-12E 10A PMK150S-15E 6.3A PMK150S-24E 3.2A PMK150S-48E DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMK150D-AE 15/3.5A PMK150D-BE 7/3.5A PMK150D-CE 7/1.5A PMK150D-DE Price Vout $177 $177 $177 $177 $177 $167 $167 $167 $167 $167 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V $195 $195 $195 $195 $181 $181 $181 $181 5/12V 5/24V 12/24V 12/48V 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” (1) (10) $167 $167 $167 $167 $167 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $184 $184 $184 $184 $171 $171 $171 $171 WebFinder: PMK150U 150 Watt DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed Power Supplies (10) WebFinder: PMK150E Price Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT PMK150S-5U PMK150S-12U PMK150S-15U PMK150S-24U PMK150S-48U DUAL OUTPUT PMK150D-AU PMK150D-BU PMK150D-CU PMK150D-DU 3.2” x 5.5” x 1.6” (1) • 800-823-8082 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.96 to 0.98 110~135% of O/P Voltage 105~150% Constant Current Limiting UL / TUV / CE 0 to +70° C w. 10CFM Fan Iout Model No. SINGLE OUTPUT 30A PMK150S-5D 12.5A PMK150S-12D 10A PMK150S-15D 6.3A PMK150S-24D 3.2A PMK150S-48D DUAL OUTPUT 15/7A PMK150D-AD 15/3.5A PMK150D-BD 7/3.5A PMK150D-CD 7/1.5A PMK150D-DD Price (1) (10) $183 $183 $183 $183 $183 $172 $172 $172 $172 $172 $201 $201 $201 $201 $187 $187 $187 $187 WebFinder: PMK150DRL 225 Watt Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 3 Package Styles 38 PMK225S-xxE • 225 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMK225S-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMK225S-xxU 225 Watt U-Channel Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 36V 48V Iout 40A 18.8A 15A 9.4A 6.25A 4.7A Model No. PMK225S-5U PMK225S-12U PMK225S-15U PMK225S-24U PMK225S-36U PMK225S-48U 7” x 3.86” x 1.5” Price (1) $245 $245 $245 $245 $245 $245 Enclosed Power Supplies (10) $228 $228 $228 $228 $228 $228 Model No. PMK225S-5E PMK225S-12E PMK225S-15E PMK225S-24E PMK225S-36E PMK225S-48E WebFinder: PMK225S 7” x 3.86” x 1.57” Price (1) $254 $254 $254 $254 $254 $254 (10) $236 $236 $236 $236 $236 $236 WebFinder: PMK225S 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.95 min. 130% max. of O/P Voltage 150% max. of max. O/P Current UL / TUV / CE / CB -10 to 50° C FL with 18CFM Fan DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed Model No. PMK225S-5D PMK225S-12D PMK225S-15D PMK225S-24D PMK225S-36D PMK225S-48D Price (1) $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 WebFinder: PMK225S 7” x 3.86” x 1.57” 320 Watt Switching Power Supplies with PFC in 2 Package Styles • 320 Watts Output Power • Single Outputs • Universal Input • 5VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Active Power Factor Correction PMK320S-xxD Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Correction Overvoltage Protection Overload Protection Safety Oper. Temperature PMK320-xxE 320 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 36V 48V Iout 60A 26.7A 21.4A 13.4A 8.9A 6.7A 8” x 3.86” x 1.57” Model No. PMK320S-5E PMK320S-12E PMK320S-15E PMK320S-24E PMK320S-36E PMK320S-48E Price (1) $310 $310 $310 $310 $310 $310 DIN Rail Mountable Enclosed (10) $288 $288 $288 $288 $288 $288 Model No. PMK320S-5D PMK320S-12D PMK320S-15D PMK320S-24D PMK320S-36D PMK320S-48D WebFinder: PMK320S 8” x 3.86” x 1.57” Price (1) $325 $325 $325 $325 $325 $325 (10) $302 $302 $302 $302 $302 $302 WebFinder: PMK320S (10) $241 $241 $241 $241 $241 $241 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.95 min. 130% max. of O/P Voltage 150% max. of max. O/P Current UL / TUV / CE / CB -20 to 70° C FL with Derate 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC • 75 - 100 Watts Output • Universal Input • Active PFC • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Single, Triple and Quad Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Available In DIN Rail Mount Specifications Input Power Factor Line/Load Regulation Overvoltage Protection Current Limit Safety Oper. Temperature SP75 Shown 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. Price Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 15A 5V 15A 7.5V 10A 12V 6.25A 13.5V 5.5A 15V 5A 24V 3.2A 27V 2.8A 48V 1.6A SP75-3.3 SP75-5 SP75-7.5 SP75-12 SP75-13.5 SP75-15 SP75-24 SP75-27 SP75-48 (10) Model No. $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 TP75-A TP75-B TP75-C TP75-D WebFinder: SP75 7” x 3.9” x 1.3” TP-7503 Need to know Watt’s Up? 90-264VAC 0.98@115VAC (0.96 SP75) ±0.5%, typ. Clamp, 115-135% 105-150% typ.,Self-Reset Foldback UL / TUV / CE Up to +50°C with 18 CFM 75 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC (1) (Remote On/Off contol option available - Contact Factory) 39 7” x 3.9” x 1.3” Vout Iout Triple Output 5V 10A 12V 4A -5V 0.6A 5V 10A 12V 4A -12V 0.6A 5V 10A 15V 3A -15V 0.6A 5V 10A 24V 1.5A 12V 0.6A 5V 10A 3.3V 8A 12V 0.6A Price (1) (10) $87 $82 $87 $82 $87 $82 $87 $82 $87 $82 WebFinder: TP75 At Astrodyne we realize that you need answers fast. Use our Instant Tech Support tool at for real-time engineering support and a Rapid Resolution. Contact Instant Tech Support at • 800-823-8082 100 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 40 • 100 Watts Output • Single, Triple and Quad Outputs • Universal Inputs • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation SP100 Shown 100 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. SP100-3.3 SP100-5 SP100-7.5 SP100-12 SP100-13.5 SP100-15 SP100-24 SP100-27 SP100-48 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 20A 5V 20A 7.5V 13.5A 12V 8.5A 13.5V 7.5A 15V 6.7A 24V 4.2A 27V 3.8A 48V 2.1A Price 100 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC (1) (10) Model No. $92 $92 $92 $92 $92 $92 $92 $92 $92 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 $87 QP100-D QP100-F QP100-3A (Remote On/Off contol option available - Contact Factory) WebFinder: SP100 7” x 3.9” x 1.77” QP100-3B 100 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. Vout TP100-A 5V 12V -5 5V 12V -12V 5V 15V -15V 5V 24V 12V TP100-B TP100-C TP100-D 7.83” x 3.89” x 1.97” Iout Triple Output 15A 5A 1A 15A 5A 1A 15A 4A 1A 15A 3A 1A Price (1) (10) $125 $119 $125 $119 QP100-3C QP100-3D $125 $119 $125 $119 7.83” x 3.89” x 1.97” Vout Iout Quad Output 5V 10A 12V 3A 24V 2A -12V 1A 5V 10A 15V 3A 24V 2A -15V 1A 5V 10A 3.3V 10A 12V 3A -5V 1A 5V 10A 3.3V 10A 12V 3A -12V 1A 5V 10A 3.3V 10A 15V 2A -15V 1A 5V 10A 3.3V 10A 24V 2A -12V 1A Price (1) $141 $133 $141 $133 $141 $133 $141 $133 $141 $133 $141 $133 WebFinder: TP100 WebFinder: TP100 RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 (10) 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 41 • 150 Watts Output • Universal Input • Single, Triple and Quad Outputs • Active PFC • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Available In DIN Rail Mount Specifications Input Power Factor Line/Load Regulation Overvoltage Protection Current Limit Input-Out Isolation Safety Oper. Temperature SP150 Shown 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. SP150-3.3 SP150-5 SP150-7.5 SP150-12 SP150-13.5 SP150-15 SP150-24 SP150-27 SP150-48 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 30A 5V 30A 7.5V 20A 12V 12.5A 13.5V 11.2A 15V 10A 24V 6.25A 27V 5.6A 48V 3.2A 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Price (1) (10) $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 $98 Model No. QP150-D QP150-F QP150-3A (Remote On/Off contol option available - Contact Factory) WebFinder: SP150 7.83” x 3.9” x 1.97” 150 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. TP150-A TP150-B TP150-C TP150-D Vout Iout Triple Output 5V 20A 12V 7A -5V 1A 5V 20A 12V 7A -12V 1A 5V 20A 15V 6A -15V 1A 5V 20A 24V 4A 12V 1A Price (1) (10) $143 $135 QP150-3B QP150-3C $143 90-264VAC 0.98@115VAC ±0.5%, typ. Clamp, 115-135% 105-150% typ.,Self-Reset Foldback 4242VDC UL / TUV / CE 0 to +50°C $135 QP150-3D $143 $135 $143 $135 • 800-823-8082 Price Vout Iout 5V 12V 24V -12V 5V 15V 24V -15V 5V 3.3V 12V -5V 5V 3.3V 12V -12V 5V 3.3V 15V -15V 5V 3.3V 24V -12V Quad Output 15A 5A 3A 1A 15A 5A 3A 1A 15A 15A 5A 1A 15A 15A 5A 1A 15A 15A 5A 1A 15A 15A 3A 1A (1) (10) $153 $145 $153 $145 $153 $145 $153 $145 $153 $145 $153 $145 Note: Astrodyne offers 150 Watt DC/DC converter products in similar Enclosed Style Packaging. Please search the SD150 Family at or contact our Sales Department. 7.83” x 3.54” x 1.97” WebFinder: TP150 200 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 42 • 200 Watts Output • Universal Input • Single, Triple and Quad Outputs • Active PFC • 3.3VDC to 48VDC Outputs • Available In DIN Rail Mount Specifications Input Power Factor Line/Load Regulation Overvoltage Protection Current Limit Input-Out Isolation Safety Oper. Temperature 200 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC SP200 Shown Model No. 200 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. SP200-3.3 SP200-5 SP200-7.5 SP200-12 SP200-13.5 SP200-15 SP200-24 SP200-27 SP200-48 Vout Iout Single Output 3.3V 40A 5V 40A 7.5V 26.6A 12V 16.7A 13.5V 14.8A 15V 13.4A 24V 8.4A 27V 7.4A 48V 4.2A Price (1) (10) $116 $116 $116 $116 $116 $116 $116 $116 $116 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 QP200-D QP200-F QP200-3A QP200-3B (Remote On/Off contol option available - Contact Factory) 7.83” x 3.9” x 1.97” 90-264VAC 0.98@115VAC ±0.5%, typ. Clamp, 115-135% 105-150% typ.,Self-Reset Foldback 4242VDC UL / TUV / CE 0 to +50°C WebFinder: SP200 QP200-3C Technical questions? Check out FAQs on our website at QP200-3D QP200-3E or Chat On-line with our Technical Support experts. Vout Iout Quad Output 5V 20A 12V 6A 24V 5A -12V 1A 5V 20A 15V 5A 24V 5A -15V 1A 3.3V 20A 5V 20A 12V 8A -5V 1A 3.3V 20A 5V 20A 12V 8A -12V 1A 3.3V 20A 5V 20A 15V 6A -15V 1A 3.3V 20A 5V 15A 24V 5A -12V 1A 3.3V 20A 5V 15A 24V 5A -15V 1A Price (1) (10) $165 $156 $165 $156 $165 $156 $165 $156 $165 $156 $165 $156 $165 $156 Note: Astrodyne offers 200 Watt DC/DC converter products in similar Enclosed Style Packaging. Please search the SD200 Family at or contact our Sales Department. 8.46” x 4.52” x 2.0” WebFinder: QP200 240-500 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 43 • Universal Input • 320, 480 or 500 Watts with Active PFC • Single Outputs of 3.3VDC to 48VDC • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Over Current & Voltage Protection • 240W and 320W Available In DIN Rail Mount Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Line/Load Regulation Overvoltage Protection Safety SP500 Shown 240 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies Model No. S240-5 S240-7.5 S240-12 S240-15 S240-24 S240-30 S240-48 Price Vout 5V 7.5V 12V 15V 24V 30V 48V Iout 40A 30A 18A 15A 10A 8A 5A (1) $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 $109 (10) $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.98@115VAC (Excludes S240) ±0.5%, typ. Clamp, 115-135% (130-150% S240) UL / TUV / CE 480 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies with PFC Model No. SP480-3.3 SP480-5 SP480-12 SP480-15 SP480-24 SP480-48 Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 24V 48V Price Iout 85A 85A 43A 35A 22A 11A WebFinder: SP480 10.9” x 5” x 1.7” 320 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies with PFC 8.6” x 4.6” x 2” (10) $219 $219 $219 $219 $219 $219 WebFinder: S240 8.1” x 3.66” x 2.56” Model No. SP320-5 SP320-7.5 SP320-12 SP320-13.5 SP320-15 SP320-24 SP320-27 SP320-48 (1) $251 $251 $251 $251 $251 $251 Vout 5V 7.5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Iout 55A 40A 25A 22A 20A 13A 11.7A 6.7A 500 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies with PFC Price (1) $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 (10) $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 $135 Model No. SP500-12 SP500-13.5 SP500-15 SP500-24 SP500-27 SP500-48 4.8” x 7.4” x 3.72” Vout 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 40A 36A 32A 20A 18A 10A (1) $273 $273 $273 $273 $273 $273 (10) $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 $259 WebFinder: SP500 WebFinder: SP320 RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at • 800-823-8082 500-1000 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 44 • Universal Input • 500 - 1000 Watts Output with Active PFC • Single Outputs of 5VDC to 48 VDC • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Remote Control/Sense/Current Sharing Functions Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Power Factor Line/Load Regulation Ripple/Noise (20Mhz BW) Safety 90-264VAC 47-63 Hz 0.98@115VAC ±1%, typ. 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. UL / TUV / CE PSP500 Shown 500 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. PSP500-5 PSP500-12 PSP500-13.5 PSP500-15 PSP500-24 PSP500-27 PSP500-48 Vout 5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 80A 41.5A 37A 33A 20.8A 18.5A 10.5A (1) $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 $275 (10) $260 $260 $260 $260 $260 $260 $260 Note: Remote On/Off, Sense and Current Sharing up to 2000W (3+1) 600 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 27V 48V Iout 120A 62.5A 50A 31.3A 27.8A 15.7A Vout 5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 80A 50A 44.5A 40A 25A 22A 12.5A (1) $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 (10) $282 $282 $282 $282 $282 $282 $282 (1) $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 (10) $440 $440 $440 $440 $440 $440 Note: Remote On/Off and Sense Functions WebFinder: SP750 10.9” x 5” x 2.5” 1000 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. PSP1000-5 PSP1000-12 PSP1000-13.5 PSP1000-15 PSP1000-24 PSP1000-27 PSP1000-48 Vout 5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 145A 75A 67A 60A 37.6A 33.6A 19A (1) $550 $550 $550 $550 $550 $550 $550 (10) $522 $522 $522 $522 $522 $522 $522 Note: Remote On/Off, Sense and Current Sharing up to 2000W (2 Units) Note: Remote On/Off, Sense and Current Sharing up to 2400W (3+1) 6.9” x 4.7” x 3.7” Model No. SP750-5 SP750-12 SP750-15 SP750-24 SP750-27 SP750-48 Price WebFinder: PSP500 11” x 2.5” x 5” Model No. PSP600-5 PSP600-12 PSP600-13.5 PSP600-15 PSP600-24 PSP600-27 PSP600-48 750 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC WebFinder: PSP600 10.9” x 5.1” x 5” WebFinder: PSP1000 RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 1500 Watt Enclosed Power Supply with PFC 45 • Power Factor Correction • 1500 Watts Output • Single Outputs of 5VDC to 48 VDC • High Efficiency up to 91% • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Remote Control/Sense/Current Sharing Functions Specifications Input Voltage Input Frequency Line/Load Regulation Ripple/Noise (20Mhz BW) Current Limit Safety PSP1500 Shown 1500 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. PSP1500-5 PSP1500-12 PSP1500-13.5 PSP1500-15 PSP1500-24 PSP1500-27 PSP1500-48 Vout 5V 12V 13.5V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 217.5A 112.5A 100.5A 90A 56.4A 50.4A 28.5A (1) $826 $826 $826 $826 $826 $826 $826 (10) $784 $784 $784 $784 $784 $784 $784 Note: Remote On/Off and Sense Functions. 10.9” x 5.1” x 7.5” Need A Custom Power Supply? 90-264VAC (176-264VAC PSP1500) 47-63 Hz ±1%, typ. 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. 105-135% UL / TUV / CE 1500 Watt Enclosed Power Supplies w PFC Model No. RSP1500-5 RSP1500-12 RSP1500-15 RSP1500-24 RSP1500-27 RSP1500-48 Vout 5V 12V 15V 24V 27V 48V Price Iout 240A 125A 100A 63A 56A 32A (1) $807 $807 $807 $807 $807 $807 (10) $776 $776 $776 $776 $776 $776 Note: Remote On/Off, Sense and Current Sharing up to 6000W (3+1) WebFinder: RSP1500 10.9” x 5” x 3.3” WebFinder: PSP1500 Let Astrodyne’s Technical Engineering Group design the power supply you need to fit your application. We may already have an existing modified or custom product to meet your needs. Contact our Sales Department at 800-823-8082 to discuss your application or you can log on to and click on Custom Product Request in the heading bar to submit your requirements by e-mail to Sales. You will receive an initial response within 24 Hours. 600-2400 Watt Parallel Operation (N+1) with PFC 46 • 600 - 2400 Watts Output with Active PFC • Single Outputs of 5VDC to 60VDC • 180 - 260VAC Input • 4242VDC Input to Output Isolation • Remote Control/Sense/Current Sharing Specifications Power Factor Input Voltage Input Frequency Line/Load Regulation Ripple/Noise (20Mhz BW) Overvoltage Protection Safety Oper. Temperature SCP600 Shown 600 Watt Parallel Operation Enclosed Supplies Model No. SCP600-5 SCP600-9 SCP600-12 SCP600-15 SCP600-18 SCP600-24 SCP600-36 SCP600-48 SCP600-60 Vout 5V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 36V 48V 60V Iout 100A 66A 50A 40A 33A 25A 16A 12A 10A 800 Watt Parallel Operation Enclosed Supplies 11.4” x 4.7” x 2.7” (1) $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 (10) $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 $314 WebFinder: SCP600 11.4” x 4.7” x 2.7” Model No. SCP800-9 SCP800-12 SCP800-15 SCP800-18 SCP800-24 SCP800-36 SCP800-48 SCP800-60 Price Vout 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 36V 48V 60V Iout 88A 66A 53A 44A 33A 22A 16A 13A Price (1) $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 $461 (10) $398 $398 $398 $398 $398 $398 $398 $398 WebFinder: SCP800 • 800-823-8082 0.98@230VAC 180-260VAC 47-63 Hz ±1%, typ. 150mV Pk-Pk, typ. Clamp, 110-135% UL / TUV / CE -10 to +50° C (Internal Fan) 1200 Watt Parallel Operation Enclosed Supplies Model No. SCP1K2-5 SCP1K2-9 SCP1K2-12 SCP1K2-15 SCP1K2-18 SCP1K2-24 SCP1K2-36 SCP1K2-48 SCP1K2-60 Vout 5V 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 36V 48V 60V Iout 200A 133A 100A 80A 66A 50A 33A 24A 20A (1) $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 $797 (10) $671 $671 $671 $671 $671 $671 $671 $671 $671 WebFinder: SCP1K2 11.4” x 4.7” x 5.2” 2400 Watt Parallel Operation Enclosed Supplies Model No. SCP2K4-9 SCP2K4-12 SCP2K4-15 SCP2K4-18 SCP2K4-24 SCP2K4-36 SCP2K4-48 SCP2K4-60 Price Vout 9V 12V 15V 18V 24V 36V 48V 60V Iout 266A 200A 160A 133A 100A 66A 50A 40A Price (1) $1847 $1847 $1847 $1847 $1847 $1847 $1847 $1847 (10) $1574 $1574 $1574 $1574 $1574 $1574 $1574 $1574 Note: This is a 3 Phase Input 13.8” x 8.3” x 4.9” WebFinder: SCP2K4 1-3 Watt DC/DC Converters 47 • Low Ripple and Noise • Standard SIP and DIP Style Packages • Internal Filters • Single, and Dual Outputs • High Efficiency DU1P0 Specifications Input Voltage Ranges Voltage and Current Input-Out Isolation Oper. Temperature Cooling ASD03 1 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Iout 5V 12V 15V 0.20A 0.20A 0.20A 0.20A 0.083A 0.083A 0.083A 0.083A 0.067A 0.067A 0.067A 0.067A ± 5V ±0.10A ±0.10A ±0.10A ±0.10A ±12V ±0.042A ±0.042A ±0.042A ±0.042A ±15V ±0.033A ±0.033A ±0.033A ±0.033A Vin Model No. Price (1) (10) Single Output 5V DU1P0-05S05 12V DU1P0-12S05 15V DU1P0-15S05 24V DU1P0-24S05 5V DU1P0-05S12 12V DU1P0-12S12 15V DU1P0-15S12 24V DU1P0-24S12 5V DU1P0-05S15 12V DU1P0-12S15 15V DU1P0-15S15 24V DU1P0-24S15 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 Dual Output DU1P0-05D05 DU1P0-12D05 DU1P0-15D05 DU1P0-24D05 DU1P0-05D12 DU1P0-12D12 DU1P0-15D12 DU1P0-24D12 DU1P0-05D15 DU1P0-12D15 DU1P0-15D15 DU1P0-24D15 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 5V 12V 15V 24V 5V 12V 15V 24V 5V 12V 15V 24V 0.24” x 0.77” x 0.4” WebFinder: DU1P0 NOTE: 3Kv input-output isolation option available. Simply add an “N” to the end of the model number (i.e. DU1P0-05S05N). Inquire to our sales department 1.5 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Iout 5V 12V 15V 0.30A 0.30A 0.30A 0.30A 0.30A 0.125A 0.125A 0.125A 0.125A 0.125A 0.10A 0.10A 0.10A 0.10A 0.10A ±12V ±0.060A ±0.060A ±0.060A ±0.060A ±0.060A ±15V ±0.050A ±0.050A ±0.050A ±0.050A ±0.050A Vin Model No. Single Output 5V ASD105-5S5 12V ASD105-12S5 24V ASD105-24S5 28V ASD105-28S5 48V ASD105-48S5 5V ASD105-5S12 12V ASD105-12S12 24V ASD105-24S12 28V ASD105-28S12 48V ASD105-48S12 5V ASD105-5S15 12V ASD105-12S15 24V ASD105-24S15 28V ASD105-28S15 48V ASD105-48S15 Dual Output 5V ASD105-5D12 12V ASD105-12D12 24V ASD105-24D12 28V ASD105-28D12 48V ASD105-48D12 5V ASD105-5D15 12V ASD105-12D15 24V ASD105-24D15 28V ASD105-28D15 48V ASD105-48D15 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.4” Price (1) (10) $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $13 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 See Selection Chart See Selection Chart 500VDC (1000VDC, DU1P0) -25 to +71° C Free Air Convection 3 Watt DC/DC Converters Price Vout Iout Vin (1) (10) 3.3V 0.60A 0.60A 0.60A 5V 0.60A 0.60A 0.60A 12V 0.25A 0.25A 0.25A 15V 0.20A 0.20A 0.20A Single Output 9-18V ASD03-12S3M 18-36V ASD03-24S3M 36-72V ASD03-48S3M 9-18V ASD03-12S5M 18-36V ASD03-24S5M 36-72V ASD03-48S5M 9-18V ASD03-12S12M 18-36V ASD03-24S12M 36-72V ASD03-48S12M 9-18V ASD03-12S15M 18-36V ASD03-24S15M 36-72V ASD03-48S15M $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 $17 Dual Output 9-18V ASD03-12D5M 18-36V ASD03-24D5M 36-72V ASD03-48D5M 9-18V ASD03-12D12M 18-36V ASD03-24D12M 36-72V ASD03-48D12M 9-18V ASD03-12D15M 18-36V ASD03-24D15M 36-72V ASD03-48D15M $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 ±5V ±0.30A ±0.30A ±0.30A ±12V ±0.125A ±0.125A ±0.125A ±15V ±0.10A ±0.10A ±0.10A 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.5” Model No. WebFinder: ASD03 NOTE: 1500VDC Isolation versions available. Just replace the “M” at the end of the Part Number to “H”. Pin Locations and Functions change. Please download the PDF spec at for details. WebFinder: ASD105 • 800-823-8082 3-6 Watt DC/DC Converters 48 • 5VDC Inputs (ASD35) • Regulated Outputs • Standard DIP Style Packages • Internal Filters • Single, and Dual Outputs • High Efficiency Specifications Input Voltage Ranges Voltage and Current Input-Out Isolation Oper. Temperature Cooling ASD06 5Vin, 3 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 5V 12V 15V 0.60A 0.60A 0.25A 0.20A 4.5-6.0V 4.5-6.0 V 4.5-6.0 V 4.5-6.0V ±5V ±12V ±15V ±0.30A ±0.12A ±0.10A 4.5-6.0V 4.5-6.0V 4.5-6.0V Price Model No. Single Output ASD35-5S3M ASD35-5S5M ASD35-5S12M ASD35-5S15M Dual Output ASD35-5D5M ASD35-5D12M ASD35-5D15M (10) Vout Iout Vin $20 $20 $20 $20 $19 $19 $19 $19 3.3V $21 $21 $21 $20 $20 $20 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 0.47A 0.47A 0.47A 0.40A 0.40A 0.40A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V ±0.5A ±0.5A ±0.5A ±0.23A ±0.23A ±0.23A ±0.19A ±0.19A ±0.19A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V NOTE: 1500VDC Isolation versions available. Just replace the “M” at the end of the Part Number to “H”.Pin Locations and Functions change. Please download the PDF spec at for details. 3 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 5V 0.50A 0.50A 0.25A 0.25A 0.20A 0.20A 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V ±0.25A ±0.25A ±0.125A ±0.125A ±0.10A ±0.10A 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.4” 6 Watt DC/DC Converters (1) WebFinder: ASD35 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.4” 5V 12V 15V Price Model No. Single Output VKC03-24S05 VKC03-48S05 VKC03-24S12 VKC03-48S12 VKC03-24S15 VKC03-48S15 Dual Output VKC03-24D05 VKC03-48D05 VKC03-24D12 VKC03-48D12 VKC03-24D15 VKC03-48D15 (1) (10) $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $36 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 $32 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 $33 WebFinder: VKC03 See Selection Chart See Selection Chart 500VDC (1500VDC, ASD06) -25 to +71° C Free Air Convection ±5V ±12V ±15V 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.4” Price Model No. Single Output ASD06-12S3 ASD06-24S3 ASD06-48S3 ASD06-12S5 ASD06-24S5 ASD06-48S5 ASD06-12S12 ASD06-24S12 ASD06-48S12 ASD06-12S15 ASD06-24S15 ASD06-48S15 Dual Output ASD06-12D5 ASD06-24D5 ASD06-48D5 ASD06-12D12 ASD06-24D12 ASD06-48D12 ASD06-12D15 ASD06-24D15 ASD06-48D15 (1) (10) $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 WebFinder: ASD06 • 800-823-8082 5-7 Watt Encapsulated and Open Frame DC/DC Converters 49 Specifications ASD05H Input Voltage, Nominal Ripple/Noise (Single/Dual) Short Circuit Protection Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Oper. Temperature • Wide 4 : 1 Input Range • Small 1 x 2 Package • Regulated Single & Dual Outputs • 1500V Isolation • Encapsulated or Open Frame with Integral Heat Sink 5 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin Model No. 3.3V 1.5A 1.5A 1A 1A 0.55A 0.55A 0.42A 0.42A 0.33A 0.33A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ASD05-12S3 ASD05-48S3 ASD05-12S5 ASD05-48S5 ASD05-12S9 ASD05-48S9 ASD05-12S12 ASD05-48S12 ASD05-12S15 ASD05-48S15 ±0.5A ±0.5A ±0.21A ±0.21A ±0.17A ±0.17A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ASD05-12D5 ASD05-48D5 ASD05-12D12 ASD05-48D12 ASD05-12D15 ASD05-48D15 5V 9V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V Price (1) (10) Single Output $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 $46 $43 Dual Output $49 $46 $49 $46 $49 $46 $49 $46 $49 $46 $49 $46 WebFinder: ASD05 1” x 2” x 0.25” 7 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin Model No. 3.3V 1.9A 1.9A 1.5A 1.5A 0.83A 0.83A 0.62A 0.62A 0.5A 0.5A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ASD07-12S3 ASD07-48S3 ASD07-12S5 ASD07-48S5 ASD07-12S9 ASD07-48S9 ASD07-12S12 ASD07-48S12 ASD07-12S15 ASD07-48S15 ±0.75A ±0.75A ±0.31A ±0.31A ±0.25A ±0.25A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ASD07-12D5 ASD07-48D5 ASD07-12D12 ASD07-48D12 ASD07-12D15 ASD07-48D15 Price (1) (10) Single Output $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 $55 $51 Dual Output $61 $58 $61 $58 $61 $58 $61 $58 $61 $58 $61 $58 1” x 2” x 0.25” WebFinder: ASD07 5V 9V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V 12 to 48VDC 100mV Pk-Pk, typ. Continuous 1500VDC 82%, typ. -25 to +71° C 5 Watt Open Frame DC/DC Converters Price Model No. (1) (10) ASD05H-12S3 ASD05H-48S3 ASD05H-12S5 ASD05H-48S5 ASD05H-12S9 ASD05H-48S9 ASD05H-12S12 ASD05H-48S12 ASD05H-12S15 ASD05H-48S15 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $41 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 ASD05H-12D5 ASD05H-48D5 ASD05H-12D12 ASD05H-48D12 ASD05H-12D15 ASD05H-48D15 $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $46 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 1” x 2” x 0.375” 7 Watt Open Frame DC/DC Converters WebFinder: ASD05H Model No. Price (1) (10) ASD07H-12S3 ASD07H-48S3 ASD07H-12S5 ASD07H-48S5 ASD07H-12S9 ASD07H-48S9 ASD07H-12S12 ASD07H-48S12 ASD07H-12S15 ASD07H-48S15 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $47 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 ASD07H-12D5 ASD07H-48D5 ASD07H-12D12 ASD07H-48D12 ASD07H-12D15 ASD07H-48D15 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 1” x 2” x 0.375” WebFinder: ASD07H 7.5-8 Watt DC/DC Converters 50 • Wide Input Range • High Efficiency • Regulated Outputs • 1500VDC Isolation • Single and Dual Outputs • Industry Standard Packages ASD08 Specifications Input Voltage Nominal Input Voltage Range Load Regulation ASD705 7.5 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 0.625A 0.625A 0.625A 0.50A 0.50A 0.50A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V ±0.75A ±0.75A ±0.75A ±0.31A ±0.31A ±0.31A ±0.25A ±0.25A ±0.25A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V 2” x 1” x 0.4”” Model No. Single Output ASD705-12S3 ASD705-24S3 ASD705-48S3 ASD705-12S5 ASD705-24S5 ASD705-48S5 ASD705-12S12 ASD705-24S12 ASD705-48S12 ASD705-12S15 ASD705-24S15 ASD705-48S15 Dual Output ASD705-12D5 ASD705-24D5 ASD705-48D5 ASD705-12D12 ASD705-24D12 ASD705-48D12 ASD705-12D15 ASD705-24D15 ASD705-48D15 Price (1) (10) $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 Voltage Accuracy Temperature Coefficient Short Circuit Protection Input-Output Isolation Isolation Resistance Efficiency Oper. Temperature 8 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 1.5A 0.625A 0.625A 0.625A 0.50A 0.50A 0.50A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V ±0.75A ±0.75A ±0.75A ±0.31A ±0.31A ±0.31A ±0.25A ±0.25A ±0.25A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V WebFinder:ASD705 ±15V • 800-823-8082 12, 24, or 48 VDC 9-18, 18-36, or 36-72VDC ±0.5% (Single O/P, 10-100% Load) ±1% (Dual O/P, 25-100% load) ±2%, max. 0.05%/° C Continuous 1500VDC 0-9th Ohm (min.) 78%, typ -25 to +71° C 0.8” x 1.25” x 0.4” Model No. Single Output ASD08-12S3 ASD08-24S3 ASD08-48S3 ASD08-12S5 ASD08-24S5 ASD08-48S5 ASD08-12S12 ASD08-24S12 ASD08-48S12 ASD08-12S15 ASD08-24S15 ASD08-48S15 Dual Output ASD08-12D5 ASD08-24D5 ASD08-48D5 ASD08-12D12 ASD08-24D12 ASD08-48D12 ASD08-12D15 ASD08-24D15 ASD08-48D15 Price (1) (10) $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $21 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 WebFinder: ASD08 10 Watt Encapsulated and Open Frame DC/DC Converters 51 • Wide 4 : 1 Input Range • Small 1 x 2 Package • Regulated Single & Dual Outputs • 1500V Isolation • Encapsulated or Open Frame with Integral Heat Sink ASD10H Specifications Input Voltage, Nominal Ripple/Noise (Single/Dual) Short Circuit Protection Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Oper. Temperature ASD10 10 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 2.5A 2.5A 2A 2A 1.1A 1.1A 0.83A 0.83A 0.67A 0.67A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ±1A ±1A ±0.42A ±0.42A ±0.33A ±0.33A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 5V 9V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V Model No. Single Output ASD10-12S3 ASD10-48S3 ASD10-12S5 ASD10-48S5 ASD10-12S9 ASD10-48S9 ASD10-12S12 ASD10-48S12 ASD10-12S15 ASD10-48S15 Dual Output ASD10-12D5 ASD10-48D5 ASD10-12D12 ASD10-48D12 ASD10-12D15 ASD10-48D15 1” x 2” x 0.25” Price 10 Watt Open Frame DC/DC Converters (1) (10) Vout Iout Vin $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 $54 3.3V 2.5A 2.5A 2A 2A 1.1A 1.1A 0.83A 0.83A 0.67A 0.67A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $63 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 ±5V ±1A ±1A ±0.42A ±0.42A ±0.33A ±0.33A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V WebFinder: ASD10 RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at 12 or 48VDC 100mV Pk-Pk, typ. Continuous 1500VDC 82%, typ. -25 to +71° C 5V 9V 12V 15V ±12V ±15V Model No. Single Output ASD10H-12S3 ASD10H-48S3 ASD10H-12S5 ASD10H-48S5 ASD10H-12S9 ASD10H-48S9 ASD10H-12S12 ASD10H-48S12 ASD10H-12S15 ASD10H-48S15 Dual Output ASD10H-12D5 ASD10H-48D5 ASD10H-12D12 ASD10H-48D12 ASD10H-12D15 ASD10H-48D15 1” x 2” x 0.375” Price (1) (10) $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $49 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 $56 WebFinder: ASD10H RAPID POWER CONTACTS Realtime instant messaging with tech support at • 800-823-8082 15 Watt Encapsulated and Open Frame DC/DC Converters 52 • Small 1.6 x 2 Package • Regulated Single & Dual Outputs • 1500V Isolation • Encapsulated or Open Frame with Integral Heat Sink Specifications ASD15 Input Voltage, Nominal Ripple/Noise (Single/Dual) Short Circuit Protection Input-Out Isolation Efficiency Oper. Temperature ASD15H 15 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 3.75A 3.75A 3A 3A 1.25A 1.25A 1A 1A 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V ±1.5A ±1.5A ±0.62A ±0.62A ±0.5A ±0.5A 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V Model No. Single Output ASD15-12S3 ASD15-48S3 ASD15-12S5 ASD15-48S5 ASD15-12S12 ASD15-48S12 ASD15-12S15 ASD15-48S15 Dual Output ASD15-12D5 ASD15-48D5 ASD15-12D12 ASD15-48D12 ASD15-12D15 ASD15-48D15 1.6” x 2” x 0.375” Price 15 Watt Open Frame DC/DC Converters (1) (10) Vout $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 $76 3.3V $86 $86 $86 $86 $86 $86 $81 $81 $81 $81 $81 $81 WebFinder: ASD15 12 or 48VDC 100mV Pk-Pk, typ. Continuous 1500VDC 82%, typ. -25 to +71° C 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V Iout Vin 3.75A 3.75A 3A 3A 1.25A 1.25A 1A 1A 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V ±1.5A ±1.5A ±0.62A ±0.62A ±0.5A ±0.5A 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V 9-18V 20-75V Model No. Single Output ASD15H-12S3 ASD15H-48S3 ASD15H-12S5 ASD15H-48S5 ASD15H-12S12 ASD15H-48S12 ASD15H-12S15 ASD15H-48S15 Dual Output ASD15H-12D5 ASD15H-48D5 ASD15H-12D12 ASD15H-48D12 ASD15H-12D15 ASD15H-48D15 1.6” x 2” x 0.40” Price (1) (10) $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $74 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $79 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 WebFinder: ASD15H RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at • 800-823-8082 15 Watt Wide Input DC/DC Converters 53 • Compact 1” x 1” Size • Wide 4:1 Input • Single Outputs of 3.3 to 15VDC • High Efficiency to 87% • Industry Standard Pinouts • Open Frame (LED) or Encapsulated Construction (LCD) • Pin Mount or SMT Mount Style (LED) LED15 Specifications LCD15 15 Watt Open Frame DC/DC Converters Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V Iout 4A 4A 3A 3A 1.3A 1.3A 1A 1A Vin 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V Model No. LED15-24S3P3W LED15-48S3P3W LED15-24S05W LED15-48S05W LED15-24S12W LED15-48S12W LED15-24S15W LED15-48S15W Price (1) (10) $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 $65 $60 NOTE: SMT Mount versions available. Simply add a “-A” to the end of the model number (i.e. LED15-24S05W-A). Also, options exist for the removal of the Trim function and the reconfiguration of the Positive Remote ON/OFF (Negative Logic is standard). Inquire to our sales department. 1.1” x 0.947” x 0.335” WebFinder: LED15 Input Voltage DC Output Adjust 9-36 or 18-75VDC Over Load Protection Isolation Voltage Operating Temp. Case Material 150%, typ. LCD: 1600VDC, LED: 2250VDC -40 to +85° C with Derate Nickel Coated Copper with Non-Conductive Base (LCD) ±10%, typ. with External Resistor 15 Watt Encapsulated DC/DC Converters Vout 3.3V 5V 12V 15V Iout 4A 4A 3A 3A 1.3A 1.3A 1A 1A Vin 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V Model No. LCD15-24S3P3W LCD15-48S3P3W LCD15-24S05W LCD15-48S05W LCD15-24S12W LCD15-48S12W LCD15-24S15W LCD15-48S15W NOTE: Options exist for the removal of the Trim function and reconfiguration of the Positive Remote ON/OFF (Negative Logic is Standard). Inquire to our sales department. 1.0” x 1.0” x 0.39” PMK Power Innovation and Flexibility For a Rapid Resolution to your 150-320 Watt power challenges, Astrodyne’s PMK Series of high density switching power supplies are designed to meet the space and performance needs of medical, industrial and instrumentation applications. The new PMK Series is available in Open Frame, U-Channel, Enclosed and Din-Rail formats with single output voltages from 5 to 48 volts. • Universal Input • Active Power Factor Correction • Flexible Design platform • Medical & Industrial Versions • Screw Terminal Connections Price (1) (10) $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 $71 $66 Call us at 800.823.8082 or visit the new WebFinder: LCD15 20 and 30 Watt DC/DC Converters 54 • Wide Input Range • High Efficiency • Single, Dual and Triple Outputs • Regulated Outputs • Remote On/Off Control ASD20 FED20 20 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 5.5A 5.5A 4A 4A 1.67A 1.67A 1.33A 1.33A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V ±2.0A ±2.0A ±0.833A ±0.833A ±0.667A ±0.667A 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 9-36V 18-75V 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V Model No. Single Output FED20-24S3P3W FED20-48S3P3W FED20-24S05W FED20-48S05W FED20-24S12W FED20-48S12W FED20-24S15W FED20-48S15W Dual Output FED20-24D05W FED20-48D05W FED20-24D12W FED20-48D12W FED20-24D15W FED20-48D15W 1” x 2” x 0.4” Iout Vin 3.3V 4A 4A 4A 4A 1.67A 1.67A 1.33A 1.33A 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V ±2.0A ±2.0A ±0.833A ±0.833A ±0.667A ±0.667A 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 9-36V 18-72V 5V 12V 15V ±5V ±12V ±15V $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $73 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $68 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $77 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 Specifications Input Voltage Nominal Efficiency Ripple/Noise Short Circuit Protection RFI Protection Construction Model No. Single Output ASD20-12S3 ASD20-48S3 ASD20-12S5 ASD20-48S5 ASD20-12S12 ASD20-48S12 ASD20-12S15 ASD20-48S15 Dual Output ASD20-12D5 ASD20-48D5 ASD20-12D12 ASD20-48D12 ASD20-12D15 ASD20-48D15 Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 5V 12V WebFinder: FED20 1.6” x 2” x 0.4” Price (1) (10) $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $37 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $43 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 $42 WebFinder: ASD20 12, 24 or 48VDC Up To 89% 75~100mV pk-pk, typ. Continuous Six Sided Shielding Fully Encapsulated Copper Case With Non-Conductive Base 30 Watt DC/DC Converters 15V 20 Watt DC/DC Converters Vout Price (1) (10) 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 2.5A 2.5A 2.5A 2A 2A 2A ±5V ±2.5A ±2.5A ±2.5A ±12V ±1.25A ±1.25A ±1.25A ±15V ±1A ±1A ±1A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 5,±12V 3.5, ±0.3A 3.5, ±0.3A 3.5, ±0.3A 5,±15V 3.5, ±0.2A 3.5, ±0.2A 3.5, ±0.2A 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V 9-18V 18-36V 36-72V Model No. Single Output ASD30-12S3 ASD30-24S3 ASD30-48S3 ASD30-12S5 ASD30-24S5 ASD30-48S5 ASD30-12S12 ASD30-24S12 ASD30-48S12 ASD30-12S15 ASD30-24S15 ASD30-48S15 Dual Output ASD30-12D5 ASD30-24D5 ASD30-48D5 ASD30-12D12 ASD30-24D12 ASD30-48D12 ASD30-12D15 ASD30-24D15 ASD30-48D15 Triple Output ASD30-12T512 ASD30-24T512 ASD30-48T512 ASD30-12T515 ASD30-24T515 ASD30-48T515 2” x 2” x 0.4” Price (1) (10) $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $52 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $51 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $59 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $58 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $62 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 WebFinder: ASD30 40 and 50 Watt DC/DC Converters 55 • High Efficiency • Regulated Outputs • Single Dual and Triple Outputs • Industry Standard Packages Specifications Input Voltage Nominal Input Voltage Ranges Efficiency Input-Out Isolation Short Circuit Protection Oper. Case Temperature Storage Temperature ASD50 Shown 40 Watt DC/DC Converters Price Vout Iout Vin 3.3V 8A 8A 8A 8A 3.333A 3.333A 2.666A 2.666A 18-36V 36-75V 18-36V 36-75V 18-36V 36-75V 18-36V 36-75V 3.3 /5V 4 / 4A 4 / 4A 18-36V 36-75V 3.3/±12V 6/±0.40A 6/±0.40A 18-36V 36-75V Model No. Single Output FEC40-24S3P3 FEC40-48S3P3 FEC40-24S05 FEC40-48S05 FEC40-24S12 FEC40-48S12 FEC40-24S15 FEC40-48S15 Dual Output FEC40-24D3305 FEC40-48D3305 Triple Output FEC40-24T3312 FEC40-48T3312 3.3/±15V 6/±0.30A 6/±0.30A 6/±0.40A 6/±0.40A 6/±0.30A 6/±0.30A 18-36V 36-75V 18-36V 36-75V 18-36V 36-75V FEC40-24T3315 FEC40-48T3315 FEC40-24T0512 FEC40-48T0512 FEC40-24T0515 FEC40-48T0515 5V 12V 15V 5/±12V 5/±15V 2” x 2” x 0.40” 50 Watt DC/DC Converters (1) (10) Vout Iout Vin $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $89 $89 $89 $89 $89 $89 $89 $89 2.5V 10A 3.3V 10A 5V 10A $126 $126 $105 $105 12V 4.16A $131 $131 $110 $110 15V 3.33A $131 $131 $131 $131 $131 $131 $110 $110 $110 $110 $110 $110 24V 2.08A 9-18V 18-36V 36-75V 9-18V 18-36V 36-75V 9-18V 18-36V 36-75V 9-18V 18-36V 36-75V 9-18V 8-36V 36-75V 9-18V 18-36V 36-75V WebFinder: FEC40 12, 24 to 48VDC 9-18, 18-36 or 36-75VDC 85%, typ. 1500VDC min. Continuous 100°C max. -55 to 105°C Price Model No. Single Output ASD50-12S25 ASD50-24S25 ASD50-48S25 ASD50-12S3 ASD50-24S3 ASD50-48S3 ASD50-12S5 ASD50-24S5 ASD50-48S5 ASD50-12S12 ASD50-24S12 ASD50-48S12 ASD50-12S15 ASD50-24S15 ASD50-48S15 ASD50-12S24 ASD50-24S24 ASD50-48S24 2.28” x 2” x 0.5” (1) (10) $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $71 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 $69 WebFinder: ASD50 RAPID POWER SEARCH Use Web Finder at • 800-823-8082 CUSTOMIZE IT. FAST AND FLEXIBLE POWER SUPPLIES Astrodyne provides the most Rapid Resolution to your custom power supply challenges. Our experienced engineers will help you to create an efficient modified power solution in both small and large quantities. Tailored to your space and performance needs, Astrodyne delivers all this and more…at the right price: • Modified Output Voltages • New Website Modification Tool • Specialty I/O Connectors • • • • Cable/Connector Assemblies Full Custom Electrical Design Mechanical and Packaging Design Label and Package Customization Call today to find your innovative custom power supply solution. We’ll listen and deliver the Rapid Resolution you deserve. 800.823.8082 Rapid Resolutions Custom Product Capabilities 57 Astrodyne provides many of our customers with a customized product design to meet their specific needs. Whether a standard or custom-tailored design, we will provide you with a timely and cost-effective power supply solution. Custom Product Definition Our experienced Technical Support Engineers are power supply specialists with the power design experience and in-depth product knowledge to help you define the exact custom design to meet your specific application needs. They will review your design requirements and work with you through every step of the process from initialdefinition, through prototype delivery, to final production stages to assure you get the right product – on time to meet your schedule. Volume Manufacturing Safety Testing and Certification Our worldwide manufacturing facilities are ISO-9001/ISO14001 approved and can provide high capacity and low cost production for virtually any power supply product. Unlike many companies, Astrodyne’s flexible manufacturing can support small, medium, and high volume requirements while maintainingthe lowest costs possible. We can support your product quantity requirements from initial market introduction through large volume growth as your product market develops. Our Engineering staff will provide the required testing and documentation to obtain any required safety approvals, from UL,TUV, to full CB certification. With our standard products having all associated commercial and medical safety agency approvals, we are highly experienced in both the design and certification process flow. Warranty and Service Astrodyne warranties all products for a minimum of 1 year from date of shipment. Extended warranties are available at time of product release. Should any product require service, we will repair or replace any warranted product at no charge. Custom Capabilities Design Services • Modified Output Voltages • Specialty I/O Connectors • Cable/Connector Assemblies • Full Custom Electrical Design • Mechanical and Packaging Design • Label and Package Customization Design Service and Support Our Design Engineering staff utilizes the latest in computer-based design tools coupled with their power design 100% Test and Burn In experience to take your product requirements from concept to prototype samples. They can effectively complete the design, test qualifications, and associated documentation to complete the design process. They remain involved after customer prototype approval to assure full production integration. We functionally test all key parameters and Submit Your Custom Product Request By: perform powered burn-in on all products • Contacting Technical Support prior to shipment to assure full functionalat 1-800-823-8082 ity upon receipt by our customers. Internal • Submit the Custom Product tracking by lot code, date code, and serializa- Request available on our Website tion assures complete quality management throughout the entire manufacturing process to provide you with the highest quality power supply you can trust in your product. Other Products Available For complete specifications please visit 58 O/P Watts # Outputs Outputs Size (LxWxH) Construction Webfinder Start Price Universal AC by Switch 120 2-4 5-24VDC 7.8 x 4.3 x 1.97 Enclosed AS100 $83 Universal AC 155 1-2 5-54VDC 7.8 x 4.3 x 1.97 Enclosed AD155 $101 Universal AC 60 1-4 5-24VDC 6.25 x 3.8 x 1.5 Enclosed AS60 $71 Universal AC by Switch 100 1 5-48VDC 6.25 x 3.8 x 1.6 Enclosed AS100 $80 Product Family Input A-120 ADS/AD/ADD/155 A-60 A-100 AS-25 AS150 AS320 AS40 DRT240 DRT480 DRT960 DUP75 FDC05 FDC10 FDC15 FDC20 FEC15 FEC30 FKC05 MKC03 MPS/D/T65 OFM-10 OFM-10/M OFM-15 OFM-15/M OFM-5 OFM-5/M OFM40 OFM60 PMKC03 QP375 REL110 REL150 REL185 REL70 SCN1K2 SCN1K5 SCN2K0 SCN600 SCN800 SD100 SD150 SD200 SD25 SD350 SD50 SPU15A,B.D SPU24 SPU50 US150 Universal AC 25 1 5-24VDC 3.9 x 3.8 x 1.4 Enclosed AS25 $46 Universal AC by Switch 150 1 5-48VDC 7.8 x 4.3 x 1.97 Enclosed AS150 $87 Universal AC by Switch 320 1 5-48VDC 8.46 x 4.52 x 1.97 Enclosed AS320 $131 Universal AC 40 1 5-24VDC 5 x 3.85 x 1.5 Enclosed AS40 $57 340-550VAC, 3 Phase 240 1 24 & 48VDC 4.95 x 4.93 x 3.93 DIN Rail DRT240 $209 340-550VAC, 3 Phase 480 1 24 & 48VDC 8.93 x 4.93 x 3.93 DIN Rail DRT480 $272 340-550VAC, 3 Phase 960 1 24 & 48VDC 10.86 x 4.93 x 3.93 DIN Rail DRT960 $450 5, 12, 15, 24VDC 0.75 1-2 5-15VDC 0.77 x 0.24 x 0.4 Encapsulated DUP75 $12 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 5 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1 x 2 x 0.375 Encapsulated FDC05 $38 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 10 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1 x 2 x 0.375 Encapsulated FDC10 $49 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 15 1-2 5-15VDC 2 x 1.6 x 0.4 Encapsulated FDC15 $53 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 20 1-3 3.3-15VDC 2 x 1.6 x 0.4 Encapsulated FDC20 $71 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 15 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1 x 2 x 0.4 Encapsulated FEC15 $60 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 30 1-2 1.5-15VDC 2 x 1.6 x 0.4 Encapsulated FEC30 $91 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 5 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1.25 x 0.8 x 0.4 Encapsulated FKC05 $34 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 3 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1.25 x 0.8 x 0.4 Encapsulated MKC03 $32 Universal AC 65 1-3 3.3-48VDC 5 x 3 x 1.1 Medical MPS65 $42 Universal AC 10 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.56 x 1.77 x 0.831 Open Frame OFM10 $44 Universal AC 10 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.56 x 1.77 x 0.831 Medical OFM10 $50 Universal AC 15 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.76 x 1.89 x 0.98 Open Frame OFM15 $49 Universal AC 15 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.76 x 1.89 x 0.98 Medical OFM15 $54 Universal AC 5 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.28 x 1.77 x 0.83 Open Frame OFM5 $38 Universal AC 5 1-2 3.3-24VDC 2.28 x 1.77 x 0.83 Medical OFM5 $44 Universal AC 40 1-3 3.3-48VDC 4 x 2 x 1.2 Open Frame OFM4060 $42 Universal AC 60 1 3.3-48VDC 4 x 2 x 1.2 Open Frame OFM4060 $57 5VDC, +20/-10% 3 1-2 3.3-15VDC 1.25 x 0.8 x 0.4 Encapsulated PMKC03 $25 Universal AC 375 4 5-24 11 x 5 x 2.5 Enclosed QP375 $419 Universal AC 110 1-4 2.5-48VDC 5 x 3 x 1.32 Medical REL110 $104 Universal AC 150 1-4 2.5-48VDC 6 x 3.83 x 1.32 Medical REL150 $135 Universal AC 185 1-4 2.5-48VDC 7 x 4.25 x 1.31 Medical REL185 $156 Universal AC 70 1-4 2.5-48VDC 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.22 Medical REL70 $83 200-260VAC 1200 1 5-48 11.45 x 5.2 x 5.2 Enclosed SCN1K2 $602 200-260VAC 1500 1 12-48 11.45 x 5.2 x 5.2 Enclosed SCN1K5 $996 200-260VAC, 3 Phase 2000 1 5-48 12.6 x 39.25 x 5.3 Enclosed SCN2K0 $1,848 Universal AC by Switch 600 1 5-48 11.45 x 5.2 x 2.68 Enclosed SCN600 $296 Universal AC by Switch 800 1 5-48 11.45 x 5.2 x 2.68 Enclosed SCN800 $427 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 100 1 5-24 7.83 x 3.86 x 1.5 Enclosed SD100 $77 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 150 1 12 & 24 7.83 x 4.33 x 1.97 Enclosed SD150 $87 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 200 1 5-48 8.5 x 4.5 x 1.97 Enclosed SD200 $104 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 25 1 5-24 3.9 x 3.82 x 1.42 Enclosed SD25 $43 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 350 1 5-48 8.46 x 4.52 x 1.97 Enclosed SD350 $135 DC 2:1, 3 Ranges 50 1 5-24 6.26 x 3.82 x 1.5 Enclosed SD50 $55 Universal AC 15 1 3.3-48VDC 3.6 x 1.5 x 1.4 External SPU15 $34 Universal AC 24 1 5-48VDC 4.2 x 2.6 x 1.2 External SPU24 $40 Universal AC 50 1 5-48VDC 5.75 x 3 x 1.8 External SPU50 $64 Universal AC 150 1 5-24VDC 4.4 x 7.96 x 2 Enclosed US150 $72 Product Index by Series 59 • 800-823-8082 Please note that this does not represent our complete product offering. Please see our Other Products Available page (58) or visit to search our full line of over 3000 Power Supplies. Model Number ALD60 Page Model Number 4 EFM15/M ALD120 4 ASA30 30 ASA30M Page Model Number Page 17 PPQ1003-PQ100 10 EMA5/10/15 15 PPS/PPT125 11 FEC40 55 PS/PD25 7 23 FED20 54 PS/PD/PT45 7 ASC 13 LCD15 53 PS/PD/PT65 8 ASD03 47 LED15 53 PSP1000 44 ASD05 49 LFM100 8 PSP1500 45 ASD05H 49 LPP100 10 PSP500 44 ASD06 48 LPP150 11 PSP600 44 ASD07 49 LPS100 8 PV15 32 ASD07H 49 LPS50 7 PWC 12 ASD08 50 LPS75 8 QP200 42 ASD10 51 MCA5/10/15/30 14 R25-R150, NextGen Series ASD10H 51 MDR20 26 RSP1500 45 ASD15 52 MDR40 26 S240 43 ASD15H 52 MDR60 26 SCP1K2 46 ASD20 54 MMA5/10/15/30 16 SCP2K4 46 ASD30 54 MMK150 20 SCP600 46 ASD35 48 MMK320 20 SCP800 46 ASD50 55 MMK40 20 SP/ TP/QP100 40 ASD105 47 MMK75 20 SP/ TP/QP150 41 ASD705 50 MK150 36 SP200 42 ASL10/ASL15 6 MK320 36 SP320 43 ASL150 9 MK40 36 SP480 43 ASL40/60 9 MK75 36 SP500 43 ASM10/ ASM15 18 MPS30 18 SP/TP75 39 ASM150 19 MPS/MPD/MPT45 18 SP750 44 ASM40/60 19 MPS/MPD/MPT/MPQ120 25 SPU12A 28 DR120 27 MPS/MPD/MPT/MPQ200 25 SPU16 28 DRP240 27 MPU12A 23 DR30 26 MPU30 23 DR45 26 MPU50 24 DR60 26 MPU100 24 DR75 27 OFM20 5 DRP480 27 PD110 10 32-35 SPU25A 29 SPU30 29 SPU45 29 SPU60/63 30 SPU65 31 31 DU1P0 47 PLN30/60 4 SPU130 ECA5/10/15 13 PMK150/U/E/D Series 37 USP225 11 EFM5 5 PMK225/U/E/D Series 38 VKC03 48 EFM5/M 17 PMK320/E/D Series 38 Custom Product Capabilities 57 EFM10 5 PMMK150/U/E/D, Medical Series 21 Other Products for Sale 58 EFM10/M 17 PMMK225/U/E/D, Medical Series 22 EFM15 5 PMMK320/E/D, Medical Series 22 Power Products Sourcebook Rapid Resolutions for your Design, Prototype & Production Astrodyne Corporate Sales Upstate NY John E. Boeing Co. Inc 135 Old Cove Rd Liverpool, NY 13090 P: 315-451-0800 Corporate Sales Office: 35 Hampden Rd. Mansfield, MA 02048 P: 800-823-8082 E: [email protected] Central: DE, DC, E. PA, MD, NJ, VA, WV Wafer, Spindler, & Assoc. 3277 Pine Orchard Ln Suite 5 Ellicott City, MD 21042 P: 410-750-6007 F: 410-750-3033 West Coast Technical Sales Support: P: 800-823-8082 x2252 E: [email protected] North American Sales Reps Southeast: NC, SC Quantum Marketing Inc. 6604 Six Forks Rd Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27615 P: 919-846- 5728 F: 919-847-8271 Eastern U.S. Reps Northeast: MA, ME, NH, RI, VT John E. Boeing Co. Inc 73 Princeton St. Suite 213 Chelmsford, MA 01863 P: 978-251-1300 GA Quantum Marketing Inc. 3883 Rogers Bridge Rd Suite 304A Duluth, GA 30097 Phone: 678-548-1128 Fax: 770-476-9874 CT John E. Boeing Co. Inc 123 South Main St. Wallingford, CT 06492 P: 203-265-1318 F: 203-265-0235 AL, MS, TN Quantum Marketing Inc. 7525 South Memorial Pkwy Suite D Huntsville, AL 35802 P: 256-881-2551 F: 256-881-6425 Northern: E. WI Stan Clothier Co. 14116 W. Northridge Dr Evansville, WI 53536 P: 608-882-0686 F: 608-882-0687 WA Pacific Marketing Specialists, Inc. 17371 NE 67th Ct Suite 203 Redmond, WA 98052 P: 425-882-3144 F 425-869-0748 Florida HHP Associates, Inc. 1355 S. International Pkwy Suite 2471 Lake Mary, FL 32746 MN, ND, SD, W. WI Hanna Lind 6551 City West Pkwy Eden Prairie, MN 55344 P: 952-931-1242 F: 952-931-3015 Central U.S. Reps Western U.S. Reps No. CA, No. NV L2 Technical Sales 2635 North First St Suite 209 San Jose, CA 95134 P: 408-433-9388 F: 408-433-9355 Eastern: IL Stan Clothier Co. 3100 W. Higgins Rd Suite 155 Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 P: 847-781-4010 F: 847-781-4015 Midwest: CO, MT, So. ID, MT, UT, WY Omega ltd. Inc. 3671 South Huron St. Englewood, CO 80110 P: 303-762-1921 F: 303-762-1928 Southwest: So. CA Hadden Assoc. Inc. 9285 Chesapeake Dr Suite M San Diego, CA 92123 P: 858-565-9444 F: 858-565-1802 IN, KY, MI, OH, W. PA Technology Marketing Corp 1526 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 P: 317-844-8462 F: 317-573-5472 Northwest: OR,No. ID, AK Pacific Marketing Specialists, Inc. 8195 SW Nimbus Beaverton, OR 97008 P: 503-641-9373 F: 503-646-8722 Canadian Sales Rep Apera Technologies Inc. 905 Michele-Bohec Bureau 104 Blainville, Quebec J7C 5J6 Canada P: 450-971-6969 F: 450-971-6950 Order on the web: Order Direct: 1-800-823-8082 Ra p id Re s o lu t io n s 35 Hampden Road Mansfield, MA 02048 Tel: (508) 823-8080 Fax: (508) 339-0375 European Office E-mail: [email protected] Taiwan Office E-mail: [email protected]
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