August 2014 Newsletter - oakrose academy of light


August 2014 Newsletter - oakrose academy of light
Message from the Editor Robin Hilary
Messages from Master Serapis Bey through Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek August 2014: Time and
Timelessness; Fruits of Ascension
AliceAnn’s Corner by Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek
Report on Teleconference XXXIII August 17, 2014 by Marianne Dole
Report on Kauai Ascend in Love Pilgrimage by Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek
Message from The Divine Mother through Renee EnRah: The Elemental Kingdom
Models of Conscious Care-Giving August 2014 by Rev. AliceAnn Saunders PhD
Chela of the Month - Marianne Dole
Spirituality in Australia - August 2014 by Robin Hilary
Messages from Master Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff August 2014: You are the Matrix Breakers;
The Time is Now Past for Shrinking Your Light; We are Now Moving into an Accelerated Time for All
Humanity; Together You are Creating a New Way of Being and Doing
Message from Jesus through John Smallman August 25, 2014: Anything You Can Imagine You Can
Message from Saul through John Smallman August 24, 2014: Love is All, And You Will Awaken Into the
Glorious Brilliance with Which It Shines
Message from Saint Germain via Ashtar On The Road Teleconference August 12, 2014: Bring Your
Requirements To Me!
Message from Lady Nada via Natalie Glasson August 13 2014: What is it to Experience?
Message from Archangel Metatron via Shanta Gabriel, August 22, 2014: Awakening Higher Consciousness
on Earth
Message from Archangel Michael on Ascension Parts 6-10 Channeled by Linda Dillon and compiled by
Steve Beckow July 2014
Message from Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff August 28, 2014: The Quality of Love Known As
Message from Archangel Gabrielle Channeled by Linda Dillon August 7, 2014: Gender Equality is Critical
to Your Ascension
Message from Matthew through Suzy Ward, August 12, 2014: Belief Creates The Reality
OakRose Academy of Light Upcoming Events
OakRose Academy of Light Apparel
Your generous donations help produce the OakRose Academy of Light Newsletter
We gratefully acknowledge your support
In this August edition of our newsletter, we continue our focus on key elements of the
ascension process, with specific articles on the important roles of serenity, gender equality,
imagination & beliefs play in the creation of Nova Earth reality.
We are pleased to include reports on Master Serapis Bey’s Lightworkers Teleconference
XXXIII and his calling in the ‘Golden Mean’ in Kauai, Hawaii, plus we have some
important messages from Ascended High Holy Ones. These include the Divine Mother
talking to us about the Elemental Kingdom, Master Serapis Bey clarifying Time and
Timelessness, and Lady Nada posing the question ‘What is it to Experience?’
Robin Hilary
To allow readers to better understand the various aspects of ascension, we have included the second half of a
10-part series by Archangel Michael on ‘What is Ascension?’ This month AA Michael explains to us: The
Tsunami of Love and Ascension; Parents, Children and Ascension; Post-Ascension Gaia; Vasanas,
Relationships and Ascension; plus At the Time of Ascension and After.
Rev. AliceAnn updates us on several exciting things happening within the OakRose community, and shares a
recent article she wrote on Models of Conscious Care-Giving. Our August Chela of the Month is Marianne Dole
and I know that you will enjoy reading her spiritual autobiography entitled Steps Towards Home. I would also
like to thank Doris Carrasco for agreeing to be our September Chela of the month.
From an international perspective, we have an update on spirituality in Australia. Given the recent global
expansion of our community, I am hopeful that future newsletters will include spiritual updates and insights
from several countries around the world.
The aim of our newsletter is to assist members and friends of the OakRose Academy of Light to stay current
with what’s actually happening here on Nova Earth. The OakRose Academy of Light, since it is overlighted by
the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy, seeks to bring you the highest truth and most accurate
information available on this planet at this time.
We respectfully request that if you enjoy the information we are presenting to you, that you send us a heartfelt
donation of your choice through PayPal (send to: [email protected]).
Love, light & joy
Robin Hilary, Editor
mailto:[email protected]
Through the Channel, Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek August 30, 2014
Dear Children of Light,
AliceAnn has asked me to paraphrase the discussion that the Council of Light recently had
with the members of the GFL. Therefore, I will join with those Masters to elucidate.
First off, you are indeed heading for an Ascension event timeline. However time is not a linear event that will
be subject to all who reside upon the earth during this transition, but rather a matter of a shift of frequencies for
those who can hold the highest configurations of Light/Awareness. Time is not, but frequencies are a living
reality of the Mind of God. Once you raise your frequencies to a laudable level, you are able to transcend time
as you know it. You are then living in the Mind of Prime Source, therefore, you are without discrimination of
individual increments of experience. This means that you are aware of change and movement, but not as a
2 discrete event. Thus, the ascension timeline is not a singular event in time, but rather a frequential shift in the
minds of those who hold the God-Force Love frequencies of the Eternal Now. It’s not as hard as you may
Living in the Mind of God is actually quite simple. Meditating and raising your vibratory rate of your inner
Divinity, your Higher Mind or your evolutionary consciousness is sufficient to get you into the ascension
gateway or timegate. Yes, there will be an event. No doubt of it. But it is not one that everyone upon the earth
can and will experience. No matter what else you do each day from now till the ascension gateway, meditate
and raise your frequencies. If you don’t know how, find some one to teach you. It’s not rocket science; it’s
merely settling on the concept of lifting up. So lift your mind, your thoughts, your ability to love and bless, your
speech, your actions, your very essence to its highest potential.
You will learn many new terms in these coming days, and that is also good. Get comfortable with questions
like: “How’s your frequency today?” Or “what frequency is it?” Or even, “Can we meet at this frequency to
study together?”. All good things to get a grip on. Also there are Islands of Space that are available for
gatherings of Children of Light who wish to reserve a frequency to learn a given subject. These historical
timelines are all accessed in The Hall of Records, and can be listened to or even replayed on a hologram event
frequency. As you step into new protocols of time and task, you will lose the old languaging of earth and gain a
more Universal language of comprehension. This is to be granted to everyone, regardless of age, race, or level
of mental accomplishment. So, sit back and relax your frequencies, keep them high and flowing and step into
your next reality.
I think that covers it, AliceAnn.
Blessings to the chelas and dear ones of Light.
I am he, Serapis Bey.
Through the Channel Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek1 August 1, 2014
Dear ones of Light.
How joyous it is for us here in the Hierarchy to see how much the world has changed, how
much it has ascended into the next order of the universe. We all have contributed to the
upliftment of humanity, you below and the Masters above. We have created a Divine network
of a Love that is penetrating throughout the entire planet. Not just this single Community of
Light, but all such communities that foster the Light of the Father and the Love of the Mother.
The Realms of Light and the High Holy Ones are rejoicing as well, as the Creator’s Plan is unfurling with great
rapidity. The Divine Ones of the Highest Realms are assisting and refining all lower world’s experience, as they
attune the dear ones of Light to their highest potential. More and more of you are finding the peace and joy of
meditation and its spiritual atunements as right for you. It’s a matter of reconnecting with Source and the
Cosmos. Many of you do not often think that you have been separated from your Higher Self for a time. But it
is true, and now you are reuniting with that Divinity within that is so very powerful, so very loving and so very
present in your individual reality.
Make no mistake, dear ones, you are evolving in consciousness, in Light and in Love as well as in physicality.
You are finding the door of Heaven opening and welcoming. No one will be denied who chooses the upward
path. Everything on the Earth is also changing. You are catapulting yourselves right into the Greater Reality of
God’s Infinite Universe. Watch now as the nightly news anchors shift their viewpoint. Watch as the heads of
3 state and the diplomatic core redefine their labors and their efforts throughout the world. Watch as the economy
of the world takes a boost in a positive direction, filling the coffers of individual bank accounts rather than those
of the banking industry. Small banks who guard the interests of their customers will prosper and remain fully
functional; those who are not people-oriented will fade or simply dissolve. Governments will now shift.
The Father’s Plan has come upon the Age, and all that has been shall be transformed into paradigms of Love,
cooperation and trust. The feeling that each of you Lightworkers have is one of the new age, is one of your
developing Lightbody consciousness.
If you embrace that which you shall be, you shall be that which you embrace. If you do not or cannot choose it,
you will but live as you have always lived, until you are finally ready for full awakenment. However, dear ones,
do not despair. Your world has come so far so fast, that many have chosen either consciously or unconsciously
to transcend. This means that the planet as a whole will create corridors of Light that will take all life through to
the next phase of evolution. This is indeed a wonderful thing.
Now, I would like to address some finer points of ascension to help you remain focused on your goal. First, dear
ones, take note of your state of mind, health and life. Make those changes that your inner heart is directing you
to do. Find the strength to follow your Highest potential and make your and keep your commitments to the
Light. There is nothing more disheartening than to see one come close to the finish line and then simply just
quit either out of fear or misjudgment. Practicing cooperation and trust is a skill that must be acquired through
love. If you have not the inner strength to go through the fire of transformation, you will need assistance to do
so: find it! And when you do find it, remain steadfast. Over the last little time, we have seen dear ones step off
the main timeline of ascension, and although each and every one has free will, it is a sadness to the Teachers to
see them on a side path. Still, all roads do lead to God and eventually all will rejoin as one true family of Light.
Nonetheless, let the darkness go and receive the Light of God. It is not hard, nor is it troublesome to do. Just
love, forgive errors, and make life joyous and worry-free. Help others to let go of their untoward fear, so that all
life on Earth may receive the benefits of transformation. You are all, after all, making the world a new place;
one of love, cooperation, friendliness, and prosperity. So go forth in the Light of the Christ and bring forth your
empowerment, your brotherly love and practice what you know deep inside. Let all wounds be healed and all
misfortunes be corrected, for you are Children of the One, beloved of the Father.
I give you the blessings of the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as we are with you every step of the way
through this planetary transformation.
God’s speed, my dear ones.
I am he, Serapis Bey, Keeper of the Ascension Flame, Seraphim Master.
By Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek
Recently we went to Hawaii, specifically the Garden Island known as Kauai (see Report
on Kauai below). It was quite beautiful. What I learned is that there are so many peoples
around the world who are now ready to receive guidance from the Ascended MasterTeachers. We are all on an upward spiral to our upliftment and we only need to be aware of the progress we
each make day by day. I know for myself that I am feeling more other-worldly and less of this world more each
day. I can feel and often see the germatrian Light shifting about me, and I am in a state of serenity and peace all
day long. Occasionally, when I seem to lose my frequencies just a bit, that level flow of Light and peace
diminishes a little, but it’s easily restored once I focus on the Divine Self within.
4 The joy I have been feeling these last few months has a lot to do with seeing other people come to their Light
and enlightenment. It’s not at all about me and what ‘I’ teach, but rather the deep understanding and clearing of
the mists of confusion that are occurring in the minds and hearts of others. All Lightworkers have this ability to
cleanse and clear and step right into their perfection, their next octave of upliftment. The Master-Teachers are
here to help and guide us, heal us with Light and Sound, and provide the guidelines for our path of ascension.
No matter how many books you may read, it is not the same as having the direction of the Teachers coming
through to you clearly and with love and compassion.
As I now travel to various places that the Master-Teachers send me, I can see how hungry people are for the
fruit of the Truth of their Divinity; how much they crave the True Teaching, -- that which comes from above
and within, not from my lips, but from the words of the Ascended Master-Teachers.
So, what is it that we can now do to advance our pathway Home? We can, as Master Serapis Bey so often says,
meditate. We can do loving acts of kindness and compassion. We can learn to love: ourselves and one another.
And we can forgive all the ills of the world, the nations, the cities and neighborhoods we each dwell in, and
most importantly, we can forgive those who make errors in judgment or in action towards us or others. Finally
we can learn to love and forgive ourselves, for it is in forgiveness that we will find the Truth that sets us free.
I have been thinking lately about ‘words’. The words we now feel so strongly inside and how it corresponds or
does not correspond to fundamentalism. I am acutely aware that the words I say have an impact on others.
Therefore I am extremely mindful not to fall in the trap of preaching or proselytizing. It is so easy to fall into
that kind of language, because we feel this ‘feeling’ inside, and we often don’t have the correct languaging for
it. So I suggest that we examine our words, especially those we give to others, so that each has the freedom of
choice, will and love to make their own stand in the Light. We do not have the right or privilege to say or do for
another person; we must be diligent to ‘allow’ whatsoever that dear person chooses.
This month I met a wonderful man from Armenia. I really enjoyed talking with him. I noted right from the
outset how loving and giving he was, even though he was mightily reluctant to believe in the Ascended Masters.
I realized that it did not matter if he saw things as I see them. No, not at all. What mattered was, and continues
to be, his love: his love for his family, friends, and neighbors; his love for the peace of the world; his love for
animals; his love for the earth with all its variety of peoples; and his love for something greater than himself (no
matter how you name that Greater sense of something More). I found him to be a blessed child of God and it
was a joy and a privilege to have met him.
Additionally, I channeled for a 99 year old gentleman, who carries so much Divine Light in him that it is a pure
joy to sit and talk with him and feel his radiance. He knows that God Loves him, and each day he selects a
nation and sends them Love & Light, so that the world may find peace. He, under the guidance of his Master
Teacher, Serapis Bey, is learning to meditate and he is becoming familiar with the sacred names of God. What a
joy it is to know Carl and to sit with him in his loving wisdom. Congratulations Carl, you do so much good in
the world as you send forth your Love and Light unconditionally! Thank you and blessings to you.
So, my dear family and friends of the Light, I wish you joy as we take yet another step closer to Ascension. The
event is near on the horizon now and we are all preparing for full consciousness, liberation from planetary
duality, and the advancement into our Lightbodies in the next octave of the Greater Reality. Advice this month
is to 1) forgive all things, 2) love everyone, 3) be in peace at all times, 4) be aware of your state of mindfulness
and how you impact others with your thoughts, beliefs and words, and 5) Find time to just be in the loving
presence of your Mighty I-AM Presence.
God Bless and keep you each ever in His/Her Light!
Reverend AliceAnn Melchizedek
By Chela Marianne Dole
Master Serapis Bey began with a discourse in which he assured us that we, along with the planet, are continuing our upward progress to ascension. He then reminded us of our five bodies of light—electromagnetic, epi-­‐kinetic, eka, Gematrian and Zohar and stated that we would be integrating the lower three into the upper two. He went on to say, “In fact, what is happening is that the de-­‐evolution of consciousness, the entropy that the world has been experiencing since the fall of Atlantis, 11,000 years ago, is shifting to centropy for the evolution back to God.”—MSB Master Serapis reminded us that the divine energies we have been receiving this year are attuning us in consciousness, but that we must meditate regularly to receive them. “As you attend to your own divine consciousness, your own evolutionary process, you are becoming more and more awake, more and more attuned.”—MSB Master Serapis assured us that the ascension process is a natural one, which we, in love, should simply allow. He went on to state that we were close to acquiring cosmic consciousness and outlined the steps to it as follows: Awareness of the process, clarity of being on the main ascension timeline, staying close to Divinity by preparing in meditation and standing firm in the Christ Light. He defined cosmic consciousness in this way: “Cosmic consciousness is, simply put, a reliance on how the universe works, how Prime Source has fellowship within the Brother-­‐Sisterhood of Light, how to discriminate those areas in the cosmos that are detrimental to God’s plan and the freedom to serve as teachers, healers or priests.”—MSB Master Serapis said that evolutionary consciousness does not simply mean that we are evolving, but rather that a new order is being established in Heaven. “As a human collective, as you rise to the next cosmic octave, what you create in Nova Earth or 5d reality with the power of your I-­‐Am Consciousness, with the unfolding of your I-­‐Am Consciousness will be the manifestation of a new earth, a new Jerusalem, even a new galaxy.”—MSB Master Serapis reminded us that no matter how far we have advanced, it is living in love that is of the utmost importance. Master Serapis spoke of Nova Earth—the greater or absolute reality, and said, “How do you get there from here? You get there in love and in connection with God, by imagining or envisioning your future. …Yes, the masters will help you a little bit, but it is not ours to do.”—MSB Finally, Master Serapis spoke about NESARA—The National Economic Security and Recovery Act, stating that it is a global program of divine abundance. “For a time, you will have abundance—money, but mostly what NESARA is about is to reinstate the precious souls which have fallen, to assure humanity that there’s no take-­‐over here. There’s no invasion of the aliens. There are no ET’s. Just because we’re not on your planet doesn’t mean that we don’t love you and honor you for the beloved dear souls that you are.”-­‐-­‐MSB At the conclusion of his discourse, Master Serapis counseled us. “Follow your heart. Trust in God. Love your fellow man. Forgive those who have trespassed against you. In that forgiveness and love, you will clear your pathway home.”-­‐-­‐MSB After the Q. and A., we participated in a powerful meditation led by Master Serapis, during which he gave us the following charge: 6 “Let the living Light of Christ enter your Adam-­‐Eve Kadmen body: Let the Light of Christ bless you and release you from all lower hindrances. Let your heart be filled with love, your throat chakra be filled with the Light of communication and Divinity, and your third eye be the open portal to your Kether, to your Chokmah-­‐Binah, your Divine Father, Divine Mother radiance. For you, dear ones, are the Children of Light, the Wayshowers. You bring the Light of God into the world. You bring the Love of the Mother Creator Most High into the world. Have no doubt, there is no one who can lecture at you or give it to you. You have it. You generate it, you become it and you give it forth. The more love you give forth as a sacred vessel of Light, that chalice, the more you will receive.”—MSB Blessings to you all. Marianne The complete transcript of Teleconference XXXIII will be posted on the OakRose Academy of Light website at
By Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek
The Masters asked me to travel to Hawaii to
assist Lightworkers with their spiritual
advancement and to do some reconnection
between the ancient land of Mu and the
modern islands of Hawaii in the Pacific. So in
August Alice Lee and Jamaica and I travelled
to Kauai to spend 14 days, where we gave
two weekend Ascend in Love Gatherings, two
evenings with the Ascended Masters, a full
range of personal readings and healings with
the overlighting Master. We also went there to
connect the Lemuria energies with the Golden
Mean that Serapis Bey has been advancing
since December of 2013. We broadcasted our world-wide monthly Lightworkers teleconference from Kauai,
where not only people in Hawaii joined us at our apartment residence, but also people from around the world
via conference call, including Melbourne and Sidney Australia, Nassau in the Bahamas, and various locations
throughout the US such as Texas, Colorado, Ohio, Maryland, Oregon, Greater Los Angeles area, Santa Fe, New
York and South Florida. It was an intense time for me as I did channelling daily, as so many people needed
spiritual guidance and a good deal of healing. We met so many wonderful people ready and willing to advance
themselves into their next level of ascension. We also gained three new chelas, one who was visiting from New
Zealand and two who had been living on Kauai but were relocating to Germany and India, respectively. Our
gatherings were lovely!
7 Beautiful souls who received spiritual wisdom & guidance from the Masters in Kauai Waimea Canyon Keala learning how to Channel a Tree 8 Master Serapis Bey teaches Keala to hold Lemurian Energy One of the highlights for Alice and me was our trip out on the Pacific ocean between the islands of Kauai and
Ni Ihau, where Master Serapis Bey sang in the Golden Mean right over the power vortex between the two
islands; this was stunningly beautiful and also a bit wet as the waves were splashing inside the boat, even in the
protected area where I was seated in the catamaran. Alice had a good time taking pictures, including shots of
the tallest caves in the world, the catamaran trying to fit its bulk into one of those watery caves, the beautiful
unpopulated mountain range of the Northern coast of Kauai, and, of course, the sunset with the glorious effects
of the Golden Mean that Serapis had called in. Wonderfully, because of the noise of the boat, only Alice was
aware that I was channelling Serapis Bey as he sang in the energies. Wondrous experience. Jamaica did well
on the boat too, never got wet, slept under the seat all the while we surfed the waves with the catamaran.
The tallest cliffs & sea caves in the world are found on Kauai Taking pictures of beautiful countryside is difficult when the boat keeps rising & falling 9 Pictures taken during the Calling of the Golden Mean at Kauai Kauai is the garden isle
Ni Ihau is the Forbidden isle
Oahu is the gathering place isle
Maui is the valley isle
Molokai is the friendly isle
Lanai is the secluded isle
Hawaii is the big isle
We learned so much about the spirit of Hawaii, how the people and the land are one, how the Love of God
pervades the islands and how the Goddess energies of Lemuria sweep through the Land and the sea, blessing
and enhancing the spirit of the people, both those who visit and those who reside on these lovely islands. So
much of the spirit of Hawaiian people is expressed in their beautiful language, so many root words from the
ancient times of Lemuria. It’s such a blessing to bring some of these beautiful words into the Academy’s
experience. Mahalo Kauai!
10 A Bit On The Language:
Hawaiian culture and tradition play a big part in everything on the islands; it is everywhere apparent that the
people are loving, kind, courteous, and compassionate. Perhaps that is why so many different nationalities are
found within these cluster of islands in the midst of the Pacific. The word Hulu is the word for the Hawaiian
language, it means the heart and therefore the heartbeat of the Hawaiian people. The most prevalent words on
the islands are aloha and Mahalo. The greeting and salutation aloha means “Giving from the Heart”; it is a
sentiment all Hawaiians hold as a living truth within. For example, to give a
flower lei is a gesture of aloha (love and respect), showing kindness in such a
manner is the aloha way. And we certainly felt the love and kindness of people in
Kauai. Mahalo is one of the first words Hawaiians are taught. It means respect and
thank you. I remember when I came out of Zen Center in the 80’s I would go
around everywhere for the longest time with my hands together in a polite bow,
called ga-sho to express my respect and gratitude; and I feel the same now after
my visit to Hawaii, I just want to say Aloha and Mahalo everywhere I go; it’s such
a loving thing to do.
Leis gifted by Keala Mokihana Abihai A = Akahai, meaning kindness, to be expressed with tenderness.
L = Lokahi, meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony.
O = Olu olu, means agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness.
H = Ha aha a, means humility, to be expressed with modesty.
A = Ahonui means patience, to be expressed with perseverance.
The Aina, the land or earth, is very important. On the Islands every part, every type of sacred Mother-Earth is
dear to the peoples of the islands. Malama means preserving the earth’s fragile beauty, Protecting and caring for
the aina is the duty of all Hawaiians. Kuleana, duty and responsibility, is what is often said; it means that it is a
privilege to do one’s part each and every day. Pono means fair, just and good, everything going the way it
should. Finally, Ho-oponopono is working things out, resolving conflict, talking it out, listening and forgiving,
and praying in the way to bring about the good for all concerned.
Ho'oponopono Key Methods of Healing.
Divine creator, father, mother, son as one ...
If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts,
words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ...
Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute
these unwanted energies to pure light ... And it is done." (say 3X)
Then add: Amen! Amen! Amen!
11 Huna Prayer to Open and Activate Chakra Chambers and Peddles
Beloved Mighty I-AM Presence, Mother-Father God-Creator Most High, Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord Vywamus,
Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Kuthumi, Master Djwhal Khul, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Saint
Germaine, Mother Mary, Lady-Master Quan Yin, and Beloved Master Yeshua as well as AA Michael, AA
Gabriel, AA Raphiel and AA Tzadkiel:
I hereby call forth a divine dispensation on my behalf. I call forth, over the next 2 months to 4 months, a full
opening and activation of the seven levels of chambers in each of my realized chakras, including the ascension
chakras. I ask that this work go on every night while I sleep and during my meditations and receptive periods
during the day. I also ask that this work continue until fully completed. And, if possible, that it be completed
some time between September of 2014 and December of 2014 or as soon as I may realize my Ascended Body
of Light. I also ask at this time for a full opening and activation of all the individual petals that make up each of
the individual chakras, past, present and future. That includes the one thousand petals in the crown, two in the
third eye chakra, sixteen in the throat, twelve in the heart, ten in the Solar Plexus chakra, six in the Polarity (or
Sacral) chakra, four in the Root chakra. I humbly thank you, Beloved Mighty I-AM Presence, Mother-Father
God-Creator Most High, Beloved Regents of Mother-Earth, Beloved Ascended Masters, and the Beloved
Archangels who are assisting me towards my full and complete Ascension, for your dispensation and assistance,
and I accept this as done in the name of the fully realized Christ, Lord Maitreya, so that I may be of greatest
possible service to the Ascended Masters in the Realms of Light and to all sentient beings. Amen! Amin!
Awyn! (Say this three times, then say:)
My beloved subconscious mind, I hereby ask and command that you take this thought form prayer, with all the
mana and vital force that is needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer, to the Source of my
being. Amen.
Then wait for twenty or thirty seconds while visualizing a fountain or some other suitable imagery shooting
upward from within you and going straight to God, or Source. Then close with:
Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord Vywamus, Lord Gautama Buddha and Lord Kuthumi, Master Djwhal Khul, Master
Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Master Saint Germaine, Lady-Master Mary, Lady-Master Quan Yin, Master
Yeshua and my own beloved teachers and guides [names here] let the Rain of Blessings fall! Amen! Amin!
Awyn! (Visualize the Rain of Blessings as it falls upon you.)
An example of the Golden Mean Vortex filtering to
the West Coast of California/San Francisco area.
This is a result of the Kauai Power Point Calling by
Master Serapis Bey on Wednesday 20 August 2014.
The picture was taken on Friday 22 August 2014.
Channeled by Renee EnRa
I Am the Divine Mother.
Today I will speak to you about the elemental kingdom. The elemental kingdom is also
evolving at the same rate as humanity. The dark elementals are leaving the earth and
the neutral and light elementals are remaining. As humanity changes, the level of
pollution of the earth, uncontrolled emotion, negative imprints will slowly disappear.
Clearing the Earth and its inhabitants is what elementals have done on this planet for a
very long time so they have developed their skills in these areas. In fact, they are quite
proficient because they have saved the earth from extinction on numerous occasions.
The Elementals that remain on Earth have a very structured hierarchy that is planning and preparing elementals
for the transition. Some elementals will leave the planet and go to another planet where their skills are needed,
new elementals and devas will come to Earth to teach the elementals who will remain on Earth new skills they
will need in a 5thdimensional reality. The elemental masters and Solar Logoi have been planning this transition
for a very long time.
So as support for purification will no longer be relevant on Nova Earth, elementals are still needed as
everything on Earth, as with everything on all other planets, is comprised of the four elements (Air, Earth,
Water and Fire). The higher purposes and potentials of elementals will be tapped into to assist humans on earth
with identifying and aligning themselves with their purposes. Elementals will continue to assist with
manifestation, they will help persons to grow on their spiritual paths, they will continue help to maintain
balance with the weather and they will continue to help plants grow. Your planet is a very beautiful place,
thanks to your elementals who maintain it. Many star beings come to see and experience your planet and the
exotic species of plants and animals. Earth is an experiment in so many ways.
Humans will begin to see and interact with the elemental kingdom as they once did. The respectful coexistence
with the elementals will be automatic. All will become known in this great shift. Consciousness will return to all
who remain on the planet.
There will be more deliberate communication between governing systems of humanity and elementals so there
can be collaborative action taken to resolve complications as they arise during and after the great shift.
In some countries Elementals are imaginary friends for children. Now they will be visible to all and they will
teach children the boundless wonders of nature. Elementals are protective by nature so they will continue to
protect all beings on earth.
We give you our blessings Children of Light. I Am the Divine Mother. ~ Channeled March 25, 2014
© Copyright 2014 Renee EnRa
By the Reverend AliceAnn Saunders, Ph.D.
• How do we become a caring community of Helpers?
How do we assist ourselves and others to a better life and a higher consciousness?
It’s simple, we learn to focus on the things that give joy and foster love. And in doing
that we need to find venues in our life that support our journey in life and our spiritual
awakenment. As a human collective we are now shifting to a higher octave. We are finding heart with
everything we are manifesting; and, when we don’t, we find that life is confusing, disorderly, and definitely not
happy. Because we are in a global shift of consciousness, everything counts: what we think, what we believe
and how we manifest those thoughts and beliefs truly fosters our individual and planetary outcome. Consciously
assisting others as we move through our own daily lives is the way of the future. It is the manifestation of
Higher Consciousness on this planet.
The OakRose Academy of Light is now a non-profit 501(3)(C ) spiritual/educational organization that fosters
the development of Higher Consciousness and the awakening of the inner true self of every individual. We have
members world-wide that are assisting other people to a better and more fulfilling existence, and we are
working towards the next evolutionary consciousness model for Mother-Earth. Our tax deductible status allows
individual’s to make generous donations that allow us to teach and counsel people seeking a deeper spiritual
awareness, resolve conflict in their spiritual journey and promote awareness of the new Earth paradigm through
Master Classes, Evenings with the Ascended Masters, Individual and group Readings, training Institutes and
regional workshops. We invite you to check us out at:
As we bring forth our True nature and anchor our Over Soul into our heart chakra, we become our Divine Self.
We can do this through meditation, acts of loving kindness, rejection of all things negative, love and peace that
you send forth into the world. This is how humanity will become free, joyous and prosperous. Join us for
Sunday night meditations at 7 PM or our monthly teleconference and become informed!
A link to this article on the Natural Awakenings Northern New Mexico website
Steps Toward Home: A Spiritual Autobiography
By Marianne Dole
My name is Marianne Dole. I am an accepted disciple of Master Kuthumi and Master
Sananda. I would like to tell you briefly about some of the salient phases on my
homeward way thus far.
I think it was my aunt Mimi who started me on the spiritual journey of this lifetime. When I was seven and
attending the Berkeley School for the Blind in California, she sometimes took me home for the week-end. She
knew I loved music, and one of the works she played for me was The Planets by Gustav Holst. While listening
to it, she told me about the gods and goddesses represented by each movement. Immediately, I began fashioning
stories about them in my mind. They were not the violent beings I later learned about in school, but kindly kings
and queens of the various celestial bodies of the solar system. I have recently discovered, while learning about
esoteric astrology, that my early conception is far more true than the mythologies I later studied.
14 Though I was brought up in the Christian church, it was a liberal branch of that tradition, and I was spared much
of the judgmental and fear-provoking teaching endured by many children. When, at the age of eleven, I joined a
school choir, I found a bridge to the Divine—singing to God in the company of others.
In my teens, I came to the understanding that wherever there is love, there is God, and that it
is through manifesting that love in the world that God is best served. It was during these
years that I first met my sister of the heart, Rev. AliceAnn, and we discovered a deep
affinity, especially in regard to spiritual matters. We both had an interest in the early
Christian community, which I now think was related to our memories of lives among the
While in college, though I was not affiliated with a church, I still sang to God in an excellent
choir. I also imagined and wrote stories in which I envisioned a world filled with noble
spiritual beings, and many of these tales centered around a character’s realization that the
being who was feared was not only a friend, but a mentor and guide out of internal darkness
into the light of the divine.
In my thirties, my heart-sister suggested that I read The Sleeping Prophet, a biography of the American seer,
Edgar Cayce. At first, I was unwilling to do this, feeling somewhat threatened, but when I finally did read it, it
quite literally changed my life. Many things drew me to Edgar Cayce: His sincerity, his selflessness, the fact
that he was a healer and the realization that even though he was steeped in the teachings of a more restrictive
version of the church than I had known, he trusted in the love and wisdom of the Divine so much that he opened
himself to be a channel for the Father. I joined The Association for Research and Enlightenment, the
organization which promotes Cayce’s work, and led a study group for many years. Through that group, in the
1980’s, I was introduced to A Course in Miracles, the spiritual text, workbook and teacher’s manual scribed
from the inner dictation of Master Sananda, by Helen Schucman. She was an avowed atheist who nevertheless
made a soul contract before birth with the Father to bring forth the teachings of higher consciousness. From the
Course, I learned of the power of forgiveness—which is simply letting go of the past--, the oneness and divinity
of all beings, the unconditional love of God, and the ultimate powerlessness of the illusions of the dark and the
strength and reality of the Love and Light, of which we are all a part.
In October 2010, I began the current phase of my journey, participating in an intensive with Master Serapis
Bey. It was both a terrifying and wonderful experience—terrifying in that some old Karmic patterns of fear
arose, which needed to be acknowledged and released—and wonderful, in that I began to learn on an
experiential level, what it means to be a Lightworker. For instance, I had heard of the chakras while studying
the Edgar Cayce material, but not how to open and tone them. I have been a disciple of Master Sananda since
childhood, but had never spoken with him outwardly, nor with any of the other masters of the spiritual
hierarchy. I had been unclear about the meaning of ascension—the transfiguration of our beings into full
consciousness and our return to our true Adam-Eve Kadmen blueprint of Light.
The teachings begun in the intensive have been deepened and amplified over the last four years through Master
Hilarion’s Healing Institutes, the Classes of Master Serapis Bey, the teaching of Master Kuthumi, and in every
teleconference and Satsangha gathering in which I have participated, and one of the clearest of these teachings
is that all who serve the Realms of Light are ambassadors. So how am I to walk that part of the journey? Simply
put: By using the gifts I have been given to assist others on their homeward way. They are not to be used for
ego satisfaction, but in joy for the highest good of all. What are these gifts? Counselling, spiritual storytelling,
singing and music, sensitivity to the flow of energy within a group and others of which I am not yet aware. I
dedicate them all to the service of the Realms of Light. And so it is.
Blessings and Love, Marianne
By Robin Hilary August 2014
I have found August to be a great month in Australia for attending higher consciousness
events and meeting like-minded spiritual souls. I attended two events this month; The
Overself Awakening seminar led by Drs JJ & Desiree Hurtak, and Conference Earth:
Shaping the Future run by the Global Peace Centre, These events got me thinking about
the ascension process for both individuals and the planet.
The Overself Awakening – A Guide to the Schoolhouse of the Soul
The first event I attended was a 3-day seminar on the Gold Coast focused on the Hurtak’s new book The
Overself Awakening – A Guide to the Schoolhouse of the Soul. The seminar provided a great introduction of
higher-level consciousness and the Sacred Pathways of our Ascension into our Eternal Light body. In the three
days, unfortunately we could only briefly cover some of the 72 stages and pathways necessary for us to
rediscover our greater persona of being. Having already been exposed to Dr JJ Hurtak’s God given text The
Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, I didn’t need convincing about the wisdom & accuracy of The Overself
Awakening (it is a great book and I recommend any person on the spiritual path to purchase it) – what I needed,
in order to integrate the concepts of human & universal evolution that the Hurtaks were sharing with us, was a
group of like-minded souls to discuss the stages & pathways with.
On reflection, I realised that just reading a book or listening to a lecture is not the best learning style for myself.
I also realised how fortunate I was twelve months ago to be led by my intuition/higher mind to the OakRose
Academy of Light in Santa Fe, where Ascended Masters Serapis Bey & Hilarion offered me the opportunity to
become their chela/disciple. Their community-based, practical approach of discourses, spiritual guidance &
mentoring encourages me to keep moving forward on my spiritual path by openly sharing my thoughts and
insights with other chelas who are consciously on the ascension path. Our paths, skills, experiences and insights
are so different, yet it is this difference that provides me with a much more expanded view of myself and the
world around me.
Before I attended the Hurtak seminar, I asked the Holy Father to direct me to kindred souls, people who might
resonate with the OakRose Academy’s higher teachings and global community-based approach. Throughout the
seminar, I was led to people from all parts of Australia, who were searching for a Master teacher (but hadn’t
found the teacher yet). This beautifully illustrates that in the Mind of God there is no such thing as a coincidence; everything is in Divine order and everything occurs in Divine timing.
Conference Earth: Shaping the Future
The second event that I attended was a 3-day conference held in Melbourne called Conference Earth: Shaping
the Future. Run by the Global Peace Centre, it brought together people from around the world, committed to
creating a world full of peace, love, harmony & abundance. I found these topics valuable and insightful; they
offered a perspective of what a better world would be. Again, the thing that I personally didn’t experience was
an opportunity for us to discuss the practical application of these insights. What this event did provide was an
opportunity to meet like minded souls who resonated with me on many, many levels. Similar to the Hurtak
event, the people that I was meeting were beings who I knew I had spent many lifetimes with and it was
obvious to me that we had been brought together for a higher purpose.
Master Serapis Bey’s monthly Global Teleconference
The day after the Melbourne conference, Master Serapis Bey’s monthly Global Teleconference was being
broadcasted from Kauai, Hawaii. I invited five people from the Conference Earth event (plus a couple of other
16 members of my soul family) to come to my home in Mont Albert and be part of the teleconference. This was the
first time that I had invited a group of people to an OakRose event (and it certainly won’t be the last). We had a
great time together, with people really enjoying the opportunity to openly discuss spiritual topics such as
ascension, spiritual development & personal challenges in a loving & supportive community environment.
Everyone loved both Master Serapis’s Teleconference discourse and his ability (and willingness) to directly
answer the questions raised by participants during the teleconference.
Master Serapis was so pleased with the spirit & energy within our community that he has offered to run a
monthly Conversation for those of us in Australia. This would be in addition to the monthly Teleconference. It
was a pleasure for me to host this monthly event and I look forward to it becoming a regular item on people’s
calendars. If you are interested in being part of these monthly events (either at my home or via skype) then
please contact me via email at [email protected] or phone +61414693957.
Ascended Master Serapis Bey Comes To Australia
I am very pleased to announce that Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek will be coming to Australia in November.
There are two prime purposes for Rev. AliceAnn’s visit to Australia. The first is to enable Serapis Bey to
channel through her at specific locations within Australia, namely Uluru, Mount Macedon and the two coasts of
Sydney & Melbourne, thus anchoring the Golden Mean Vortex in the Southern Hemisphere of Mother Gaia.
This is an important part of the world’s ascension process, given Master Serapis Bey holds the Ascension Flame
at his Ascension Temple & Retreat at Luxor, Egypt.
Over the past two months Rev.AliceAnn and Master Serapis have called in the Golden Mean and conducted
Ascend in Love events in Colorado, Florida and Hawaii (see this month’s and last month’s newsletters for
reports on those visits). The results have been amazing, and it is an honor & a privilege to offer the Ascend in
Love events here in Australia.
The Academy’s second purpose is to establish an active community of OakRose Academy of Light in Australia,
plus run Ascend in Love events in Sydney, Melbourne, and the Mornington Peninsula.
The Australian events will be held in Sydney from 31 October – 3 November, Melbourne from 14-17
November, and the Mornington Peninsula from 21-24 November, 2014.
Rev. AliceAnn will also offer individual readings &/or healings with the Ascended Masters.
Master Serapis Bey is the Ascension Master Teacher and can help you to clarify your spiritual path, help
you with your ascension process, and remove obstacles on your spiritual path.
Master Hilarion is the Master Healer Teacher, who can bring forth God-force love energy to assist you in
physical, emotional and mental balance. His loving presence provides excellent spiritual guidance for a wide
range of personality/soul types.
Lord Kuthumi is the Master Teacher of the I-AM Consciousness and works exclusively with those souls
dedicated to serving the next Planetary Christ.
Lady Master Quan Yin is both known as the Boddhisattva of Compassion and the Goddess of Mercy. She
provides illumined truth, loving kindness and a fuller expression of the Divine Feminine within all people.
For those who wish to participate in these November events, or book an individual reading &/or healing with
the Ascended Masters, contact me via email at [email protected] phone +61414693957 or Skype robinhtaylor
Wishing you, your family & friends an ascension journey full of peace, love, harmony & joy.
Robin Hilary
Minister of Light to the Order of Melchizedek
Channeled by MarleneSwetlishoff August 31, 2014
Beloved Ones,
As you move through each day, stay centered within your sacred heart space and send love and blessings to all
that is around you. Practice this until it is an innate part of your constant experience. You are beings of light and
love and this is the reason you are here during these turbulent times. Your calming and loving presence is much
needed and you each have the capacity to create calm and peace within the sphere of your influence. This
sphere is much larger than you can imagine, Dear Ones, and gives upliftment to those within it. Continue to be
the blessing of the divine in human form, for this is your purpose and your destiny. Release all doubts that may
impinge upon your human consciousness telling you otherwise. Believe in yourselves, that you are bearers of
light and of love, that you bring healing to those around you, that you awaken those in your vicinity by your
very presence, and that this takes place automatically as you move about your day.
As conduits for the cosmic energies, you serve a divine purpose as you daily labour within your personal
placement upon this planet. This task is to be done with peace in your hearts, knowing that through you, the
light of a new age dawns. You are important in the grand scheme of the higher workings of the divine plan and
without you there would be a void for the area in which you reside. Continue to be open to allow all the good of
the universe to flow in you and through you. Live each day in joy and gratitude for all the abundance which
surrounds you. You are the matrix breakers and this is how it is being accomplished. It does not happen through
force or violent revolution, it happens from within you and through you by your willingness to let the divine do
its work. You are creating a new template for the human experience and as more of you do this by aligning to
this concept, the energy grows exponentially until it becomes the reality of human experience for all.
As the new human template bearers, you cannot help but shine your light and it is discerned by those who
observe you wherever you may walk. It is a subtle energy that others notice without really knowing what it is.
Be not concerned with its workings and outer expressions, for it is important to stay humble in this service to
humanity and not be taken into human ego expression. This service is much more important than your Earthly
personality can conceive, this service is a loving agreement that you made before you incarnated upon this
planet. Each of you is a living expression of the loving Creator who works through you and this is how the
Creator expands the consciousness of all living expressions of itself. This energy is now circulating throughout
the planet and ignites within more human hearts.
We ask that you ponder these words and take them deep within your core essence and align to your soul
presence. Make this a daily habit and as you each release more of the old world influence and expressions from
each cell of your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you enable your light body to become stronger in its
radius. All of this must be done and aligned with your heart, for it is now the time to align mind and heart to
work together as one. The heart/mind is the key to further expansion of consciousness and expression upon the
planet. Remember that you are each much more than your human expression has allowed you to remember as
you straddled the old and the new in your divine service during these times. You have held this space for your
sisters and brothers and you shall now begin to see the fruits of your labour. Their hearts begin to ignite with
The way before you is beckoning and the state of joy is the new way of human expression. Maintain this focus
and do not lose faith in yourselves or the good that is being accomplished. YOU are the wonder and the magic
of the new world that is dawning upon the horizon - YOU are the creators and the designers of the new Earth
reality. Within each of YOU and the Awakening Ones lies the hope and the beauty of the new world. Stay true,
stay focused, REMEMBER, and hold this vision.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, August 24, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Time as you know it is in a state of flux. Many times each of you feel that time itself has
stood still, which then quickly changes to the acceleration of it.
You are arriving at a place where your body processes are being more intensely recalibrated so that your
physical bodies can more comfortably transmute, renew and regenerate in alignment with higher-dimensional
energies, in order to further your ascension process.
This will help you to absorb more light into your etheric energy field; and ultimately this will affect every cell
to regenerate your entire human operating system.
It is helpful to feel and state your intention at the start of each day to attune yourself to the essence of wholeness
and youthful perfection while feeling and surrounding yourself with the violet flame. Spend as much time as
you are able visualizing and surrounding your entire auric field with the violet flame.
When you can see this in your mind’s eye, hold this focus for as long as you are able. This will help
tremendously with the clearing process if you practice daily. Take a moment to also visualize the Earth
surrounded by the beautiful violet ray before completing this exercise.
In all things, speak your truth. The time is now past for shrinking your light in order to please others. Yes,
speaking your truth may offend some who are used to [you] pleasing others in order to meet with their approval;
but it is important now to maintain your own integrity by being totally honest within yourself.
When you are totally honest within yourself, there is no room for confusion or illusion, and you avoid the
pitfalls of being sidetracked from your path of service to the light. To thy own self be true!
One does not have to be rude in this discipline – your words can be spoken with love and compassion for the
other. Sometimes, the truth will come out with an angry burst of energy. It is important to realize that the one
speaking is under the influence of the transforming energy of kundalini rising from their root chakra, and this
energy is very powerful indeed.
This is why we advise that each of you ground yourselves into the Earth each day, as it will help to keep you
balanced and in equilibrium. If there is excess energy that makes you feel tense and irritable, being out of doors
and enjoying nature while walking or hiking will help to calm and balance the auric field.
Attuning to the Earth beneath your feet will bring stability in all areas of your life. When the energy levels
within you are very high, expressing your creative side by taking action can help keep you attuned to the
energies of peace and harmony.
Open yourself up to writing, poetry, painting, channeling, creating music, singing and even humming. Allow
your channels of creative energy, in whatever forms they take, to be expressed and you will soon find
yourselves in a much happier and more joyful space.
When you are in a joyful space, the creative ideas flow into your awareness in an explosion of inspiration,
expansion and delightful synchronicities. Follow your inner guidance and promptings and make your life a
wonderful adventure of discovery. The world is your oyster – find the precious pearl!
Those who have been on the spiritual path for a long time will begin to feel a sense of renewal, peace, harmony
and joy. If you can keep your energy field from taking on the energies of others, this state of being can be
maintained no matter what is happening around you.
19 Keep an open heart and mind, and stay focused on that which you wish to create and achieve. Have patience
and faith that you are connected to the highest vibration that is safely possible for you during these times, keep a
loving attitude and enjoy the journey, for the universe will help you to manifest your dreams.
Instead of relying on what others say, follow your own intuition and gut feelings, as this is the guidance coming
through to you from your own soul. Whatever obstacle or challenge is in front of you, know that it will work
out well for you. Begin to accept all of who you are, as you are, and you will see your life transformed in
perfect and divine order.
Avoid getting caught in outside appearances and distractions of life. Find the true substance, the true essence of
what you desire, and accept that everything is in a state of divine order.
Be clear about your own boundaries and where you end and another begins. Own your emotions and let others
own theirs, for it is important to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. Be proud of all of your accomplishments
and celebrate each small victory.
Make conscious choices that create and maintain balance in your life and which also creates conditions and
possibilities that lead to the fulfillment of your best life yet.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, August 17, 2014,
Beloved Ones,
It is a glorious time for planet Earth as she goes through the next phase of her cosmic
ascension, and this will be felt by all of humanity in the coming days.
It is an energy that will be stepped down in intensity so that all of her inhabitants can absorb the more refined
It is helpful to go within often and to be open to receiving the incoming energies with the intent of utilizing
them to their fullest capacity, and also by intending to align consciously several times each day with the highest
aspects of your I AM Presence.
Begin each day with a conscious alignment to your I AM; and feel reverence, gratitude and joy within your
heart for the privilege and the honor to be a part of the events that are unfolding.
There is nothing to fear; just allow joy and the feeling of celebration to move through you. Love in all its facets
is coming home to planet Earth, and this will begin to be evident in all that takes place both on the world scene
and within each human heart.
Become more conscious of old mental programs that may still be running in your mind, and change the
programs to ones that empower and support you. The old ways are quickly becoming history as the new
energetic downloads occur.
Each day, walk your path as a kind, loving and compassionate ambassador as the Divine Plan unfolds. Many are
soon to awaken and will be seeking answers to clear the cobwebs from their minds. You have already passed
this way before, and patience is needed as you strive to remember how difficult it was.
The awakening ones will not have such a hard time of it as you, the faithful ones, did; for their awakening is in
the flow of cosmic events, and the energies that are prevailing are in support of this occurrence.
20 Be aware that there might be kundalini energies rising within the awakening ones, and send your love and
balancing intentions to them.
We are now moving into an accelerated time for all of humanity, as their hearts begin to let down the barriers
and shields which have been present within their human templates. This will open their awareness to new ways
of interacting with each other, and they will see solutions to long-standing problems in many different
It will feel like a breath of fresh air and a sense of renewal in all that takes place as these understandings occur.
The new energy templates do not support the old paradigm systems any longer, and humanity as a whole will
feel more liberated and empowered in a way that no longer confines and imprisons them in duality and polarity
The prevailing energies are aligning to the oneness of all, and unity consciousness is the new paradigm the
Earth and all upon her will now experience. As the old continues to crumble into dust, the new arises in a vast
array of potentials and possibilities.
You who anchor the Light upon and within the planet are the hope and the mainstay of the new Earth reality.
We say to you, dream your dreams and expand your visions into new and uncharted territory.
Once again, you are all reminded that the very atmosphere around you is filled with new information, new
ideas, new inventions, new technology and new solutions to move you all confidently forward on your
individual and collective destinies.
Open yourselves up to receiving the knowledge and the gifts that come to you upon the winds of change. All
you have to do is state your intention each day to be open to all that is new and all that is ready to come into
manifestation within you, and you will find that it is so as you use your divine gift of free will in benevolent and
harmonious ways.
All that you seek is within you, and it behooves each of you to spend more time in meditation and quiet
contemplation. In this solitude comes the answers to your questions, and life in general will become more
peaceful and filled with graceful synchronicities which move you through the changes into your highest and
best life yet.
As you surrender to the highest aspects of yourselves, life will explode with amazing and wondrous miracles
which will unfold and take root in your personal and collective lives.
As you walk the Earth as the master of your thoughts, words, actions and intentions, your own potential will
unfold and blossom into new and amazing realities. No matter what your chronological age, you have only just
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, August 10, 2014,
Beloved Ones,
The lightworkers of the world are gathering together in unity often, to effect changes in the energetic field
surrounding the Earth.
21 Everyone brings their powerful intentions for a peaceful world to counteract and neutralize the floundering and
chaotic energies that try to bring the planet into a lower vibration once again.
This will not happen, as the planet Earth is now moving into the next phase of ascension into the light realms.
Your light is much needed to help create new vitality, peace and graceful changes within all of humanity, in
synchronization with the Earth’s movement.
The world you live in is in a stage of resurrection, and all of her kingdoms and inhabitants need to align with
this occurrence. It is the human kingdom that needs to step up in frequency, and to focus [on] and remember
their magnificence.
Those who are aware and awake are called upon to listen to their hearts in the coming weeks, and to follow the
guidance they receive with courage and strength.
As this cosmic event takes place, the hearts of humanity will open wider, and a greater sense of oneness and
unity will come into effect. This truth will encourage everyone to work together in harmony and peace.
As each person follows the dictates of their soul by following the guidance from within their hearts, they will
know what they need to do if it is needed.
Staying connected with nature is most important, and standing barefoot on the ground several times a day is
helpful to keep one grounded and balanced. As given before, immersing oneself in water each day is very
beneficial during these times.
Focusing on the joy that the exquisite detail in nature provides is the key for heart openings. Joy is a state of
being that uplifts, inspires and transcends the happenings of the past.
Each of you is a universe unto yourselves, and so each of you can create the reality that you most desire. Rather
than focusing on all that is wrong in the world according to the news media, focus on what you want to
experience and see in your world. You are each powerful creators, and staying in touch with your heart
promptings is a focus that each of you must hold.
Do not listen to those who react with intensity to the happenings that are occurring, and understand that they are
not yet connected within their hearts, for the heart is the compass during these changing times.
Continue to bless everyone consciously from your heart space when they come into your sphere of influence.
Together, as a force of light and love, you are creating a new way of being and doing.
You are entering a new era, and this is a most exciting time for all. It is a time to celebrate each other’s
accomplishments and to cheer on your sisters and brothers as they step out of their former limitations into the
grander picture that unfolds.
Remember that love is the greatest force in the universe, and that the universe desires to support each and
everyone upon the planet. As each of you gives gratitude for all that is given, the universe impartially brings
more of every good thing. Connect, then, to the innate goodness that you are; and dream your dreams, expand
your vision and dare to think BIG!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Channelled by John Smallman, August 25, 2014.
The excitement mounts! Here in the spiritual realms we are all agog as we observe the
tremendous progress you are making as you power forwards towards your awakening. It is
so very close!
Keep shining your Light brightly as you hold determinedly to your intent to be loving in every moment, in
every situation, and prepare yourselves for unbridled amazement and wonder when it happens, as it most surely
You are on course and on schedule for a great event that has been planned for eons. You are at the forefront as it
prepares to unfold, beautifully and very dramatically, for all of humanity who choose to be part of this
momentous and uplifting move, away from the dark energies that have been so prevalent on planet Earth, and
into the eternal Light of God’s infinite Love.
God’s Love is the infinite energy field in which all of creation is eternally enfolded. There is nowhere else, and
there is no need for anywhere else because your divine Source provides in infinite abundance all that you could
possibly dream of, wish for, or desire as you use your brilliant creative capabilities to join with Him in endlessly
expanding that creation.
There are no limits! And yet there is nothing beyond our divine Source, the Source of all that exists and into
which all is inextricably, freely, and lovingly integrated. For you, presently experiencing scarcity and limitation
within the illusion, this is a paradox of incomprehensible proportions.
However, deep within each one of you is the absolute knowing that you are each inseparable and essential parts
or aspects of the divine energy field. But because you chose to play games of separation, abandonment,
heartache, and suffering within your unreal and illusory environment, you closed off, temporarily, your
awareness of your divine and eternal nature.
It is as though the sacred flame of His Love, burning eternally within each one of you, had been hidden or
covered over, leaving you apparently alone and abandoned in the strife-torn and fearful darkness of a cold and
insensitive universe.
And your science, in its extremely limited perception, confirms that space is an extremely cold and forbidding
place into which you would only venture at your peril, and, should you choose to do so, quite a pointless
exercise 1) because you have neither the ability nor the technology to traverse any but the smallest portion of it,
it being so vast, and 2) because your lives are far too short for you to have enough time to make any meaningful
return journeys or forays out into its vastness.
Nevertheless, this is a totally incorrect assessment of your situation. As divine Beings, which you most certainly
are, you were created free, free to explore the whole vastness of creation without let or hindrance, and in
comparison your visible universe is like unto your backyard.
Temporarily, however, you chose to build an illusory and severely limited environment in which to play some
rather insane games. The initial excitement that this environment provided has long since faded away, and the
realization that this is not God’s Will for you is now dawning. Consequently you have collectively made the
decision to let it dissolve back into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being, and so, inevitably,
you will awaken.
If you could tune in to any of the infinite number of positive energy frequencies of the spiritual realms, which
are boundless, you would be astounded by the ongoing and eternal creative enterprises in which you are all
23 Even though it seems that you are Earth-bound, encased in bodies that constantly limit you, you would be able
to see the incredible and uncountable contributions that you are all making to the infinitely growing and
expanding field of creation in moments when you are either sleeping, meditating, or just quietly relaxing
without engaging with your fear-driven egoic minds.
You are all divine Beings, and your true Home is in the infinitely varied and endless spiritual realms where
there are no limits. Anything you can imagine you can create and that will add to the divine and most beautiful
energy field that is all that exists.
God’s Will in creating sentient life was to expand Reality and have all of you assist Him in filling the energy
field that He had created with beautiful creations of your own. And you are all inseparable parts of that divine
Reality. This expansion is a creative tour de force in which all sentient life is fully involved, joyfully and
eternally. As humans, in a state of limited and severely restricted consciousness, you can have no idea of the
wonders that await your imminent awakening!
Creation, Reality, is an ongoing exercise in joy! It is endlessly delightful, enticing, and entrancing, and Its sole
purpose is in the pure joy of creating further wonders to amaze all who are part of it, all sentient life.
God is Love, an infinite and ever-expanding field in which all of creation has its eternal existence. It is into that
wondrous state that you are all shortly to awaken, whereupon you will truly know yourselves for the first time
as brilliantly competent individual centers of intelligence who are at the same time One with your divine
Within Reality there are no needs because you are all complete just as God created you, and so you are
unlimited, untethered, and free to create as your moods and inspirations take flight, bringing into existence ever
more brilliant demonstrations of the creative geniuses that your loving Father created when He created each one
of you.
Creation is an ongoing and endless series of mind-blowing delights which will fill you constantly with joy as
you forever expand your visions of what is possible. And, of course, anything that you can envision is possible.
An exhilarating awakening experience is at hand, so hold your Light on high and prepare for boundless wonder
as the limits that have bound you for so long fade away as you allow yourselves to be led forwards into this
divine garden of enchanting beauty.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
Channeled by John Smallman, August 24, 2014 –
Those of you who continue to harbor doubts about the validity of these loving and
inspiring messages from those in the spiritual realms please release them, because
you know that they are totally valid.
The dream that is the illusion is coming to an end. However, its last moments of “life” are very disturbing for
you all because of the pain and suffering so many are experiencing, and which many others are observing with
feelings of helplessness.
24 There are those who would maintain the illusion indefinitely because it appears to give them enormous power
over others. Their numbers are very small, but they have seemingly invincible egos, and over the eons they
built up an hierarchical structure, placing themselves at its peak, and from which they have attempted to control,
suppress, and abuse humanity.
That structure is collapsing, and there is nothing that can save it because its time is up. Humanity is moving
forwards to a place where individual freedom and sovereignty are divinely assured, and where there is no room
for the machinations of those with self-serving personal agendas who continue trying to maintain control of an
insane and broken system that is completely beyond repair.
If you look back at your history it does seem that the power brokers – heads of families, heads of tribes, church
leaders, dictators, presidents, royalty, and controllers of multi-national corporations – have been inordinately
successful in their egoic drive to win at all costs, but that perception is illusory. Power over others, as seen in
your world, is very difficult to maintain because others are always attempting to wrest it from those who hold
it. Every moment of their lives is spent defending it, and that constant defense frequently costs them everything
– their loved ones, their families, their friends, and their ill-informed supporters – as they renounce love,
loyalty, honesty, and personal integrity in their desperate attempts to hold on to something that is purely
ephemeral, in fact quite unreal.
Finally and inevitably that sense of power, of invincibility turns to ashes, leaving them quite bereft. Truly, the
only loving thing that you can do for them is to intend to send them love and compassion to help them to
awaken from the nightmare that they have built for themselves and which seems to have destroyed them. As
you well know, there is no separation, all are one, and the divine Light of God’s Love is present in all sentient
beings. It is just that in some the cloak or veil under which it has been hidden is thicker or denser.
They too will awaken when they are ready, and will then be welcomed Home just like the prodigal son in the
biblical parable. Remember, no one is ever cast out or abandoned, all that is necessary is for a seemingly lost
one to awaken is to release itself from anything that is not in alignment with Love. That can indeed be very
difficult, but the opportunity to do so is never withdrawn.
Only Love is Real. There is nothing else. Focus on that one and indisputable Truth, and enjoy, in fact delight
in the sense of freedom from worry or anxiety with which your faith in that eternal Truth fills your hearts.
All else is smoke and mirrors, a system that has attempted to convince you that life is always under threat, a
short-lived, one time only experience as a human in a dangerous environment from which there is no escape
except through death into everlasting oblivion.
When that belief invades your consciousness it strengthens your sense of separation and abandonment,
seemingly leaving you with no option other than to do everything in your power to grab for yourselves all that is
seen as valuable, regardless of the consequences, or to sink into the depths of depression, a state that you may
try to alleviate or combat by the use of various chemical stimulants. And that of course is what those who hold
the reigns of power have been doing for eons, but to no avail. The illusion is unreal, and even those who would
seek to maintain it are very fearfully aware that it is collapsing irrevocably despite all their efforts to maintain it.
To seek value and satisfaction in the offerings of the illusion – wealth, power, recognition, esteem – leads only
to severe disappointment, because what you truly seek is a return to Oneness with your divine Source, and there
is absolutely no substitute for the infinite joy of that your natural state. And, therefore, that return is the only
way out of the apparent separation and sense of aloneness that you experience and in which it seems you are
ensnared. Humanity has collectively realized this, although it may not have yet been expressed in this way, and
the resultant resolve and efforts of so many to put right the wrongs that plague so many of you is the intent to
return Home, to become once more aware of being One with your Source.
25 Go within, to your quiet undefiled inner sanctuary and be with your inner guidance, your intuition, then ask to
feel the Love in which you are eternally embraced. Remind yourselves that you are divine beings, perfect
beings because that is how you were created. All that God, our divine Source does is by its very nature perfect,
without stain or flaw of any kind. And determinedly intend to open your hearts to feel God’s loving embrace.
Your experiences to the contrary are of the illusion and unreal. But the illusion was very cleverly constructed
by your collective intent, and it is very hard for you to see its unreality. You are far more than it seems you are
when you focus your attention on your bodies.Your bodies are of the illusion, but nevertheless, they seem very
real as you experience pleasure and pain, suffering and happiness through them, in an intensity from which it is
very difficult to stand back sufficiently to recognize that they are just temporary vehicles. Vehicles that you
have chosen to occupy as incarnated beings showing the rest of humanity the way Home, by holding the divine
Light within you on high, while intending to demonstrate love in action at all times.
Of course, despite your holy intentions, you do forget your purpose from time to time, and you get drawn into
the confusion and chaos of the illusion. When you have an “aha” moment, a sudden realization that you are not
upholding the Light as you had intended, do not berate or judge yourselves. Instead forgive yourselves for
sinking into the illusion, thereby temporarily losing your way and your awareness of your sacred path Home,
and give thanks for the “wake-up” call with which the realization has presented you. Then refresh your intent to
hold your Light on high, knowing that your are ably and constantly assisted in this divine task by those in the
spiritual realms whose duty it is to watch over you and watch out for you at all times.
Remember, this message is to encourage and inspire you to release your doubts about the validity of the many
spiritual messages that are presently being received by so many of you faithful Light holders all across the
planet. The moment for humanity’s awakening is very close, and that is why you are being informed of this by
so many channels, and of the essential need to maintain your focus and your faith in God’s eternal Love for
you. Love is All, and you will awaken into the glorious brilliance with which It shines eternally throughout
God’s divine creation.
With so very much love, Saul.
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference August 12, 2014
"Greetings, Beloved Ones! It is I, Saint Germain.
I have to tell you that I felt the thrill of Ashtar’s words* and I only urge you to feel all of
the Joy that is coming - all that you, Beloved Ones, have ordained, and that we have
joined with you in ordaining for Planet Earth!!! As Planet Earth goes, so goes the Galaxy,
so goes the Universe beyond. So it is a most important position that you occupy!
"Know I have been here a time, or two, or more! And I have learned - just as you have - and I have learned that
the greatest power is Love. And that is why my bank is founded upon the principles of Love. In other words, it
is to provide Abundance for all. It is not to create so many Yertles at the top.** It is to share with everyone,
and that is precisely what we are preparing to do! And it is not going to be many more increments of your time
- I shall not say years because we’re not talking about years. I shall say moons before everyone on Planet Earth
is blessed with Abundance from my bank.
"But it really is not a creation of dollars or yen or rubles, either in paper or in metals. It is simply a
representative, a symbol, if you will, of Love, of Loving Oneness where no one has any more than anyone else
for their own personal use. How many homes – this is a trick question – how many homes can you live in at the
same time before you have mastered the art of multi-location?
26 "So you get the picture. So for those of you who have had some doubts - put them away. Better yet, let them
go! If you have to put them somewhere, wave my violet flame for them to transmute them into something else,
something like Trust - knowing of the Truth. And then, of course, you are welcome to place it right into your
Hearts, because it adds to your wisdom! "Now I cannot give you a date. I know Humanity clings to dates,
hangs on dates, feels somehow bereft of a major piece of the true puzzle if there are no dates, but I cannot give
them to you. I can only assure you that every one of you has your Abundance all ready, and it will come to you
in exactly the right moment.
"There will be some who will be receiving seed monies - seed monies to plant the seeds of what have been
called the 'humanitarian projects,' to do the really big things that it still takes money to accomplish on Planet
Earth, even though the World will be at Peace and the corrupt ones will be removed from the scene. Their
programs, the power of their programs will be absolutely gone for all time, unless, of course, you choose to do
this again, which of course you won’t. Why would you want to lower the veil again? Why would you want to
allow a group of controllers to come in and take control? No!! That makes no sense. So you see, you are on a
one-way Path, but it’s up and up and up.
"And so, you are getting there! And we are there with you on that Path. All of the Masters - ascended ones,
beings of Light - the Ashtar Command, the ambassadors from galaxies far, far away - and they come with Love
and because they’re from Higher Dimensions, even Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms are here in Love. And there are
those, who are making their way, shall we say - they are preparing to stay behind in that new 3-D earth, which
is a place for those who have not quite finished all of their lesson plans – you are welcome to go if you choose,
but you need only state your requirements to move into the Golden Age. And so it shall be!!!
"The Golden Age is only concerning itself with transmuting or transforming what there remains of 3-D Abundance for everyone, so everyone has shelter, food - you know, the things that are considered basics - until
such time as you can just create them out of thin air, just as I create the jewels that I am so fond of creating and
bestowing upon my audiences. There will be the need for money to purchase what is needed. There will be the
need for money to transform, shall we say, GMO technology into something that is either ended or made better,
made more Divine.
"GMO technology is not divinely inspired. It is inspired by the same controllers. It is an outgrowth of the
modern technologies, some of which were actually given to the Nazis, both in Europe and the United States of
America - and in some other countries where they moved to - by, you know, the controllers. And these
technologies will give way. And we shall bring new technologies of a much Higher Dimensional nature –
spaceships which make no sound and have absolutely no nuclear energies anywhere. That’s a new technology
which is Divinely inspired, until such time again as you travel in your own Divine Merkabas and need no other
transportation. Let us help you get there! We are truly the friendly skies!!!
"And so it is that on every level, or aspect of your lives, there will be places for dollars to be spent. There will
be new revelations of technologies. Many of them are here on Planet Earth, just waiting to blossom forth. They
are divinely inspired. They come from the Heart. They are to be accessed by Humanity in partnership with
those of us who come to teach them.
"What I am telling you is it will not take eons of time for you to figure it all out. It shall be given to you as
freely as the Abundance coming forth from my bank! Imagine a life of ease and comfort and grace instead of
struggle, hardship, challenges. Quite a difference in the energy signatures, if you will, of that first group of
words from that second group! One is high, the other is, well, let’s just say very, very 3-D programmed.
"So make your choices. Shine forth! Open your Hearts to receive that which is already allocated for you. Live
the Golden Age Lifestyle now, even if it is simply in your visualizations. Draw pictures, write lists, state your
Requirements. Talk to me. TALK TO ME!!! Tell me what it is that you require for yourselves. If it is
27 something that you have been longing to have, longing – in other words, you already have a place in your Heart
for it, but it has not shown up yet in your reality – put it into a Higher Level and say, 'I choose, I REQUIRE that
I access this NOW!!!'
"So it’s good to do everything in the now. If you have something which is looming in front of you that you see
as some kind of a very difficult challenge, say, 'I choose ease and grace in my meeting with my boss,' or
whatever it is. And say, 'I send Ho‘oponopono, Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude to my boss and to me, that
when we meet on the Highest Level – this I require!And if my boss chooses to open a new door for me, then I
choose to accept it, knowing that it is on a Higher Level that I am moving into, and I AM Joyful. I choose only
Joy! I bring only Love to this meeting and the Truth of Who I Truly Am!!!' You see what I’m getting at,
Beloved Ones? In every aspect of your lives you can fine-tune or come up to a bit of a Higher Level!
"Now, back to the banking. I know that you’re all wanting some news! There are more resignations in
progress. You can bet that those Congress people - and, by the way, the Supreme Court judges, and the federal
judges, and many judges and governors, and so on - also received the message that their names were on the
papers!*** And you can bet that they kept the telephone wires and wireless phones very busy calling their
bankers, the ones who had given them the dollars to speak the lies to represent the corporations and the big
money and the bankers and Wall Street and the Rothschilds and so on. They were calling them saying, 'Oh, oh!
What do I do now?'
"Some of them were told to just keep on doing business as usual.Some of them were told, 'I can’t help you.I
have to run and hide myself!' And so on and so on. There’s panic and pandemonium occurring behind the
scenes, most particularly in the banks, because they’re starting to get the point that we mean business!
"And the business is all High Vibration and even some of the programs that were so attractive, that in reality
have been started by the illuminati - the dinars, the dong, and so on - it is starting to become generally known
that that was a program that the illuminati put out there and some of you took the bait and some of you did not –
there is no judgment. If you want the advice from the Banker’s Banker, I suggest that if you have some of those
items under your mattresses or in your safety deposit boxes, or whatever, just turn them in and get your money
back. All currency is going to be at par. That is part of NESARA.
"You know, I had a lot to do with inspiring NESARA! And from the banker’s perspective, I addressed the
reparations so as to bring the entire banking system into compliance with Higher Dimensional laws and codes
of honor. So welcome NESARA! Put that on your list of Requirements! You are free to speak about it, unless
you signed an oath that you were made to sign, that you would not discuss NESARA. The news people, and a
lot of others, Hollywood people, bankers, a lot of people were forced to sign an oath that if they did discuss
NESARA or talk about it, they would be considered traitors and could be instantly executed for treason.
"You may remember beloved Senator Paul Wellstone, and his family’s plane was shot down. The illuminati
knew he was impatient and wanted NESARA to be announced and he was getting ready to announce it. They
knew that and they shot him down to silence him.
"Most, most of the 'behind the scenes' (quote/unquote) - but starting to get more and more into the mainstream acts of violence are to keep people silent. Many of the suicides, or things that have been classified as suicides,
or car accidents, or plane crashes, have been to silence people along the way. Now there is a rash of seemingly
mindless shootings, well, it’s mind-control shootings.
"That is not going to stop the forward momentum. Don’t get into depression. Stay High! Stay in Love and
know that you can come to me with your banking requirements, your financial requirements, your project
requirements, your hands helping others requirements, and let’s use the Violet Flame and bring it forth that
much faster! We can do that!!! We are here with you to bring forward everything that you have dreamed of,
even that which you have unconsciously dreamt of.
28 "So let’s join hands and Hearts and let’s continue on the Golden Path, and remember that we are with you, and
that this is the most sacred and Divine mission that the Universe has ever known!!!
"And so I thank you, my Beloved Ones, and I feel the upliftment that you’re feeling even now, as we stand here
on the Bridge of The New Jerusalem! Your Hearts are open even more. And remember, we are in this together
and the Golden Age is truly beginning in this now moment as it has always been in your Hearts and the Hearts
of the Universe. And so it is! Namaste!"
Channeled by Natalie Glasson, August 13, 2014,
It is with the deepest of love and truth that I enter into your presence, sending streams of
sea foam green cleansing and purification vibrations from the 8th ray of light at a Planetary
Please know that at this tremendous, intense and transformational time of ascension you can always call upon
my support, healing and loving presence.
I am here as one of the beings leading and supporting deep purification processes, especially at a soul level, for
those upon the Earth. You may call upon my assistance constantly if need be, for I am open to being present
with you, supporting you in receiving the Creator within your being, which also means recognizing the Creator
within your being.
I come forth to you, supported by the Angelic Kingdom and the Lord and Lady Masters of the Celestial levels,
sharing this energy abundantly with you so we may exist in a state of deep understanding, knowingness and
realization together. Let yourself feel this cocoon of light and support building and forming around us.
It is my purpose to pose a question to you which will require your contemplation and discovery, with the
purpose of creating a deep purification, cleansing and healing process within your being and reality. My
question to you is: What is it to experience?
What is it to experience? What is it to experience on the Earth? What is the value of experience? Why is
experience essential? How do you know when you are experiencing?
What is it to experience? To experience is to be involved in energy — the manifestation of energy, the creation
of energy and the happening of energy. [To] experience is to be involved in a manifestation of energy. You are
the giver and the receiver. You are the witness and validator.
In your presence, energy becomes truth, real, alive and tangible. You have the opportunity to experience energy
in every moment of your reality. Your entire day and even your dream state are composed of experiences, one
after another, some overlapping and merging.
With every moment of your reality you are experiencing, which means you are truly living with and as energy.
You are existing in a real space of manifesting energy.
The energy I speak of is so much more than energy. It is the divine, the Creator, the universe, all that is the
truth, and sacred consciousness. So your reality is composed of experiences of the divine, one after another,
some overlapping and merging.
What is it to experience on the Earth? Experiences on the Earth are creative moments of union with the divine
within and around you, bringing the divine into your focus, and [allowing you to experience] the Creator as real.
29 Creativity is the key, as the Creator is expansive and limitless. So your experiences can be mundane or exotic.
They are constantly changing and shifting, never really staying in the same form.
The creativity of the Creator is expressed through you. If you believe in your creativity your experiences may
be exotic and inspirational. If you lack in belief or do not allow yourself to focus truthfully, your experiences
may seem mundane.
The truth is that every experience is a creative union of the energy of the Creator manifesting and being
validated as real by you. An experience on the Earth is a divine moment with the Creator where the Creator
becomes real, where divinity becomes real.
You are involved with the energy of the Creator with every experience on the Earth because your involvement
with the Creator creates the experience.
It is important to realize that your involvement with the energy of the Creator manifesting as experiences is
influenced by you, your beliefs and [your] intentions. Thus you shape your union with the Creator on the Earth
and you shape every experience in your life.
What is the value of experience? With the understanding of the meaning of experience, the value of experience
becomes clearer. Every day you have multiple experiences. Most seem beyond your control, and yet you were
the creator [who] shaped these experiences.
When you begin to value your experiences as your witnessing of the Creator — being involved with the energy
of the Creator and uniting with the Creator at a physical, real and conscious level — you realize you have
multiple opportunities to deepen your understanding of the Creator, to realize that you are one with the Creator,
to see the magnificence of the Creator, and to validate the presence of the Creator within your being, weaving
through your experiences.
You begin to value life as sacred, seeing beyond illusion into truth, clarity and love. You open yourself up to
live consciously with the Creator in creative unison with every moment (every experience) of your reality.
Contemplate this, as it is powerful and something you may have been searching for.
Why is experience essential? Experience on the Earth allows you to live, breathe, feel, sense, think, act and
exist in humble truth and love as the Creator. With realization and contemplation of the purpose of experience
in your everyday life, you begin to recognize their value.
Many believe that their experiences are just a trail and pattern of mundane nothingness, which continues [to
create] sometimes happiness and sometimes hardship. Experiences are essential unions and creations with the
Creator felt in real time, which share with you knowledge, wisdom, understanding, clarity and truth about
yourself as the Creator.
While every experience cannot command your contemplation and observation, you can be a witness to many
experiences that bring deeper clarity and understanding to your being, thus awakening truth within your being
— a truth that is eternal and ever-changing.
If you understand that every experience is a union with the Creator, then you begin to access the practice of
observing the message and truth waiting to be revealed.
How do you know when you are experiencing? In truth you cannot exist upon the Earth without having
experiences. It is impossible, as even before your birth you knew that when you entered into the Earth you
would fully experience the Creator so many times beyond your imagination.
This is a powerful gift you gave to yourself. The only thing you need to do in your reality now is [to] bring forth
realization and appreciate the gift you shared with yourself by consenting to be upon the Earth.
30 Experience is natural and automatic, but your observation and awareness are needed in order to bring forth the
fruits of your union with the Creator. You can trust that you are experiencing yourself, your thoughts, [your]
emotions, the Creator and your creativity in every experience upon the Earth. This requires little trust because it
is evident when you are willing to observe.
When you are willing to observe, to witness your reality, to recognize the Creator within your reality and to
create a space of loving intentions within your being, you will recognize the beauty of your experiences.
With recognition of beauty within your experiences, you will know when you are more authentically allowing
yourself to experience the divine, which is already present within every experience upon the Earth and is your
divine gift to yourself.
Take some time to change your perspective so that you realize that every experience is a union of you and the
Creator. Try not to judge experiences as good or bad, but as messages of truth and love for you to explore the
Creator within yourself more fully.
‘I am willing to recognize every experience of my life as a creative involvement and union of my energies with
the Creator.’
This new perspective developing and growing within you allows you to use the messages shared with you as
guidance to lead you into a deeper recognition of unity with the Creator.
Also allow yourself to contemplate the beauty of all experiences, noticing how each experience supports you,
often in ways you would not conceive as possible.
Take time to contemplate; and I, Lady Nada, will be present with you to support you.
In loving purification,
Lady Nada
Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, August 22, 2014,
Dear Ones,
An overview of the spiritual evolution your are currently experiencing may help give you
perspective for these special times you live in. Since the Archangels have been very active in the recent
awakening of consciousness, the expanded perspective that we are providing now can help you to see how
important are the Starseeds to this evolution.
The old forms of reality are crumbling like the Tower in the traditional tarot oracle. At the same time the
Earth’s energy is gathering an accumulation of power that will motivate the collective impulse such that
multitudes of people will reach new plateaus of spiritual experience and create simultaneous global awakenings.
The creators who formed earth planted chronometers that measure the evolution of consciousness. The human
species was also coded to lead people into their Divine Blueprint. When enough people have awakened, a gate
is opened that allows the Earth’s wisdom to be transmitted. That is in process at this time.
You are coded to move with the masses. This may cause frustration because you want to be farther along in
your evolution, especially with your visionary sense of what is possible. This requires great patience. Know that
as you share what you know and allow yourself to be in the frequencies of higher-dimensional reality, this
vibration is broadcast around the world. As the codings for awakening are fired on the Earth, the masses of
31 humanity evolve. All is time-coded and interlinked to respond to the patterns for the awakening of all souls to
their greater identity.
This is where Archangel Metatron has dominion. You are here to bring Heaven to Earth. In the human chakra
system, Archangel Metatron is the 7th-chakra connection to Heaven representing Unity Consciousness, and
Archangel Sandalphon is the 1st-chakra connection to Earth, representing the power of Well-Being. These two
Archangels become key players in your ability to transcend your 3D realities, and to bring higher-frequency
awareness to the earth to assist the development of a deeper awakening energy on the planet.
You volunteered to be here for this time. Your soul was encoded with the Blueprint of Awakening
Consciousness. Throughout the lifetimes of those of the Baby Boom generation, these codes were being fired.
The 1960s were time-coded to create the momentum for awakening. Different events and specially-gifted
people were making their voices heard during that time. Some were even killed in a very public way, but all
were a part of the awakening of consciousness. Much of the music and books of that time had codes embedded
in them that acted as firing signatures to spark the shift of spiritual awareness on the planet. During the 1960s
high-level ideals sprang into being that related to more clarity around the requirements for a sustainable earth,
healthful lifestyles, women’s rights, and expanded areas of consciousness. Over the next 20 years, thousands
explored India and discovered Eastern teachings that previously were only available to a select few. Yoga, Tai
Chi and other forms of healthful energy movement became mainstream.
Then came the next coding for mass awakening, which occurred during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and
marked the beginning of 25 years of massive change. Old structures became obsolete and began to crumble,
such as the Berlin Wall. Mass spiritual awakening had begun.
Recognized in prophecy by nearly every indigenous people on the planet, December 21, 2012 was a completion
of a 26,000-year cycle of life as we have known it. It is said to be also the beginning of what some have called
the Age of Aquarius, a new 26,000-year cycle of Peace on the planet.
Since the end of 2012, you have been in a paradigm shift that straddled the 3rd and 5th dimensions. Nothing is
really the same. Since that time you have all been finding your way through a process of discovering what is
possible now that was not available before.
This world has been seeded for you to embrace in a new way. It is a world that contains all the Beauty and
ideals that you most desire in your heart and brought with you to this lifetime. Divine Light is now permeating
your ability to create in ways that may seem almost magical because that which you most desire is more
Teachings of Archangel Metatron
Because the time is here now for you to receive a gift from the Heavenly realms for your awakening process,
the veils have parted to reveal Unity Consciousness—a spiritual attribute that is available to you now from the
Archangels, and through which the Metatronic energy frequencies work.
Through my all-seeing eyes and the impulses of the creative Source of All that Is, it is my format for evolution
of consciousness that makes up the Soul’s Blueprint for new life awakening with each being on earth. It is our
governance as the Archangels to flood the Earth with Light, and to impulse the hearts and souls of those who
await their mission.
You have always known that you are here for a greater purpose. This drive within you left you hungry for
something you did not know. It was the Soul’s way of steering you toward your spiritual path. All you have
done, all that you knew and explored through life, has led you here to this awakening of spiritual consciousness
on earth.
32 Your presence and focus of attention on the Light of Divine Presence is impulsing hundreds of thousands of
people to also awaken. A majority of people on the planet are feeling the stirrings in the hearts, the desire for
something greater and more meaningful.
Although their individual interpretations may not coincide with your idea of peace on the planet, the impulse
for awakening is there now and is spreading through the multitudes of souls on the planet like wildfire. The
veils that kept the deepest truth from being revealed are gone. All who seek will truly find their way.
Part of the impulse comes from the fear engendered by the crumbling of familiar structures and a rising
awareness of the environmental fragility of the planet. For many, ‘change or die’ seems to be at the forefront of
Know that the Archangels will use whatever is necessary to bring forth the awakening, and to fire the codes
within humanity. Not that these challenges were caused by the Realms of Light, but now that it is here, we will
take advantage of the opportunity to make the point.
The Power of Sacred Sites
The many spiritual seekers have also encouraged the Earth to open and reveal her teachings. As with the
majority of people, the earth chakras are firing and the living library of Earth wisdom is opening.
Sacred sites, as they are known, are now drawing millions of people every day. The power of love and respect
that is being shown to these extraordinary places is greater than ever before. This has allowed the time-coded
information within the earth to be revealed.
The Universal Presence of Nature is speaking. The realms of the elementals and fairies, and the consciousness
of the Earth in all things are available for you to receive. This work is in conjunction with Archangel
Sandalphon, acting as the Soul of the planet.
Wherever you are, you have access to these teachings. You only have to be in Nature. The sacred sites are
radiating their frequencies and many are receiving. All of life—that which is Sacred and Holy—is available to
assist the awakening of your spirit. All that you are is a part of this awakening.
The massive opening of the Earth’s teachings is here to ease the process of evolution of consciousness. The
wild weather patterns only demonstrate the volatility of the emotional output from millions of people. Their
emotions have created a fear-based vibration that causes even more chaos and confusion.
You are the Awakening Presence on the Earth
What you as the awakening presence on the Earth bring is a new frequency of hope and love. When you are
meditating, you bring into your life a sense of calm awareness and peaceful intent. You have no idea how much
this benefits the Earth and all of humanity.
Your radiation of the deep knowing you carry in your spirit, the beauty of the love in your heart, and the power
of your clear intention blesses the world and affects hundreds of thousands of people. Each person radiating the
Light of pure spirit has the capacity to reach 800,000 people and spark their spiritual awakening.
Imagine your calm spirit radiating a rainbow of Divine Light. Rainbow colors carry all the frequencies of Light
and thus can affect many layers of consciousness. Your imagination is a tool for higher consciousness.
Allowing your being to radiate rainbows of Light changes the Earth’s vibration. People feel this change in their
hearts and have an immediate sense of calm and lightness.
You can radiate this rainbow light to any area that seems in need. You can send this light to the collective
consciousness of humanity with the intention that their hearts receive and awaken to their Souls’ imperative.
33 You can surround the entire Earth in rainbow light, and the depth of this powerful light presence will bring
untold blessings to all beings. It is important to remember that Divine Light carries the spiritual qualities of
Intelligence and Love. These qualities empower the Light to go where it needs to go and do what it needs to do.
You are the Light Bearers of this time. Your Soul has led you into new ways to perceive and receive the
wisdom of the ages. Your presence makes a huge difference.
All that you are longing to experience as an awakened soul on the planet is within your grasp. Together you are
changing consciousness on the earth by lifting the spirit of all humanity into global awareness.
New life is occurring within the Earth as you are growing and awakening as a community of Light. The
remembrance of your soul’s collective consciousness through the coding within you has been fired.
You have a deep knowing of what is possible because you experienced at in other times and in other
dimensions. These are the sacred teachings encoded in the Light, and it is this that you are bringing to the planet
Through you all of humanity is awakening. Through you the Earth is evolving and transcending time and space,
allowing spontaneous evolution to come ever closer. It is all possible through the Light and power of the Divine
Presence working through you.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel, 2014 for Archangel Metatron
In this month’s newsletter we cover Parts 6-10 of the ten composite interviews compiled by Steve Beckow,
channelled through Linda Dillon and posted on -
Steve Beckow: What is the Tsunami of Love?
Archangel Michael: What is the tsunami of love? It is the outpouring of the essence of love
from the Source, from the Creator, the Unified One that has been the creative force for the
creation of many, many universes.
Now you know, again, particularly over the past couple of years, that you have been actively
and consciously receiving increases in your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more light,
higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the
blue — but in fact it does come out of the blue! But let me explain…
Has it reached the fullness of what is required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the
planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you could not maintain or stay in your body,
because, of course, the entire purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while maintaining the
physical vessel, which is something that is brand new…
So, do not think that the day of the tsunami is not at hand. And will it sweep you away with love? Will that
sense of the creative force of all be overwhelming? Yes. Will it be sweet? Yes. Will it anchor firmly and
permanently within your being? Yes….
34 Steve Beckow: So you’re saying that the tsunami of love is beginning and we’re about to step into a
circumstance that possibly could be discombobulating for people. How should we manoeuvre, how should we
navigate this wonderful event that we’re about to walk into and participate in?
AAM: Go with it. You have various things at your county fair, do you not, or other forms of amusement where
you will begin a process of going down a chute or a roller coaster ride? You don’t jump off halfway. You don’t
stop the water slide halfway.
Once it begins, dear heart, you have need to simply breathe deeply, extend your heart, know that you are not in
danger, that this is what you have worked, prayed and prepared for, and allow the expansion, the lightness, to
That expression that you have, “the lightness of being,” that is what you will experience. But do not fight it.
Simply allow it. So if it means that you are so overwhelmed, blissed out, that you cannot go to work that day,
then stay home. If you feel that you cannot put one foot in front of another because you are in what you may
feel is an altered state, then do so.
Now, understand, also, that pretty much everyone upon the planet is going to be feeling the same way. So it is
also a day where there is elimination, absolute disposal of many of your previous concerns, judgments or fear.
So let me be very practical in this. For many of you, my sweet angels, you would wake up or you would be
getting ready for work, and you would say, “I am just so full of love that it makes the importance and the
potential of being able to drive to work safely impossible.” And then you would try and do it because you
would be concerned about letting someone down, not being responsible, being in trouble, being docked a day’s
pay. Put all that aside and allow the energy to do its transformative work.
We are speaking of an outpouring from the Mother. There is nothing more important, not in this or any other
S: In previous times, if we felt afraid, that could block love. But at this time, this love seems to be dissolving
fear. Is that correct?
AAM: That is absolutely correct, and that is why we are using the term of tsunami, and even the term of storm,
of sailing, of moving from the North Atlantic to the placid crystal cove. So, yes, it is pushing it out so that you
look at it and you may think, “I used to be afraid. I should be afraid. I am not afraid,” because that is the
residual illusion of the old third, and it is being swept away….
That fear has never been part of who you truly are. So the Mother’s love is pushing it, dissolving it, not simply
leaving it on a distant shore, but completely eliminating it…
Is it guaranteed? Yes. That everyone will receive? Yes. Will some choose to say, “Oh, no, thank you”? Yes. But
that decision, that choice also has the ramification — and we’re not talking five minutes here — but it has the
ramification of consequently not being able to live on Nova Earth, renewed Gaia, because it is in a vibration of
this higher realm of love. So if you do not want that within or without, it is not that we are going to alter the
universal law. (1)
All upon the Earth are equally penetrated — yes, some fight it. Most — most! — are embracing it. When the
tsunami of love comes to the shore of your being, there is no resistance that can prevent penetration.
It is not within your structure, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it is not part of the design that you
can resist this, that you can turn away from this infusion of love. And as soon as you begin to feel it, even as the
waves are approaching, there is such a deep knowing within your heart, within your self, within the very core of
your being that this is what you have waited for, that you would not dream of resistance. (2)
35 S: Hmm. Okay. Well, in the midst of this tsunami of love, a very real and practical event probably will happen,
and that is probably the Reval. So, here we are, swept off our feet in love and in some circumstances that
actually need handling. How does being in a tsunami of love affect the need to make practical decisions?
AAM: It does not incapacitate you indefinitely. For some of you, it may be hours or minutes or days, but you
emerge from the waters, the waters of life, the waters of love, transformed.
So it is a form of cleansing, but restoration, recovery, rejuvenation. So you emerge from those waters better
prepared, more acutely aware, more able to multitask, more competent to see the bigger picture of your actions,
the ramifications of your actions, the clarity of what is really required.
So it is helpful. So you find yourself in a position where in fact it is as if you have had the best night’s sleep
ever, and you can jump out of bed ready to go…
S: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have
been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence
from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?
AAM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed, it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there
be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may
be brief.
But even if you are in the tsunami for a lengthy period of time, dear heart, you will be able to navigate. What
you are concerned about is, “Do I lose my capacity to operate? Do I lose my sensibility?” And the answer is no.
It is increased.
S: But the actual tsunami itself, will that go on over a week’s time, or two weeks’ time? Or a shorter time?
AAM: The initial outpouring will be brief. But we have used the analogy of a tsunami in a purposeful way,
because you know that a tsunami approaches, withdraws, approaches, withdraws.
So it is not a destruction. It is a creation. It is a destruction of the old, yes, a clearing and a washing away.
The initial tsunami will be brief. We will say, hmm, about a 24-hour period in your reality. Then there will be
another wave, and then — and you will adjust — and then, another wave.
Will you all be in angelic form? No. But will you be in the form that, like us, you are anchored in that constancy
of the love? Yes. So there won’t be a need for a continuation of the tsunami because you will have already
absorbed it.
S: Externally in the world after this event, what can we anticipate? Will things happen right away, or will there
be gradual examples of more love and peace?
AAM: In fact, we anticipate — and we know that the human beings have the capacity to constantly surprise us,
but from where we stand, in this eternal now as you would call it — we suspect and anticipate that peace will
reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles
and be in the love. We are talking widespread laying down of arms…
S: Is the ability to benefit from the tsunami of love restricted by — and I hope I’m not offending anyone by
saying this —but by extent of intelligence, or by means, or by any external factor or previously considered
disability, or any of these factors? Would any of these factors prevent a person from fully participating in the
tsunami of love?
AAM: Absolutely none. Say one is disabled mentally, or emotionally disabled, or of a lesser intelligence — and
we are using your terms — then, in fact, it is more welcomed. Because these beings, these souls, know how
they have been trapped…
36 S: Let me ask you another even more difficult question. In the case of a person who’s deeply affected by cancer,
very deeply affected by cancer, and they’re open to all of this that’s happening, what would be the impact of the
tsunami of love on that person?
AAM: There it depends on the individual. But they will have the opportunity to be healed, because that is what
love does, it re-creates. It is recovery. It is rejuvenation, or they will be swept away home in a blissful state.
And that would be the individual choice.
S: Now, just to confirm again, I think you said earlier in the show that this is happening soon, not weeks and not
months in the future, but soon. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
S: So how should we prepare for this?
AAM: You are preparing. My sweet listeners, yes, that I reach out to and call family, you have been diligent in
your preparations. Oh, could they improve? Yes. There is always room for more! Even with us, there is always
room for more. You have pointed that out to us time and time again, that we could be clearer, we could be more
proficient, we could be faster in delivering. So there is always room for more. But understand, you are
preparing, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously. Our guidance and our deep request to each and every
one of you, each in your own way, is please, do your work.
Now, what do I mean by that? You are reading information. You are listening to this show. You are doing your
meditations. You are doing whatever clearing is necessary. You are working with the violet flame, the blue
flame, the pink flame, the golden flames. You are working with the energies that are available to you. You are
following your own sacred practice, and you are surrendering…
The Mother and all of us have said to thee, the time of waiting is over. Now, what does this mean? It means that
on our side that many of the hitches, glitches, delays and frustrations that you, and we, have experienced, albeit
in very different ways, are over.
So you are not waiting on the Company of Heaven. But it also means, sweet angel, that the waiting on your side
is over. So we are encouraging you, we are begging you, jump into action, not from a place of neediness, but
from a place of joy, of celebration of this expansion that you are experiencing.
So when you would say, prior to now, “Oh, I will try to get to it next week, or maybe on the weekend. Or
maybe if I call a friend we can arrange some time this month to get together and meditate,” no. Do it now.
S: All right. And I suppose this will be my last question, Lord, but is this part of the Olympic sprint to
AAM: It most certainly is. So, grab your torch and run. (3)
(1) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 9,
2014 at
(2) “Archangel Michael: A Process of Deconstruction and Reconstruction, channeled by Linda Dillon, February
27, 2014, at
(3) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2,” ibid.
Steve Beckow: Question, Lord, on some listeners who have aged parents, some of them on
their last legs, and they’re all saying, “Will they be brought along? Will they be able to
ascend? Is it possible that someone could pass over at this late date and miss out on
Ascension? And of course then there’s the question of whether they would ascend from the
other side, but can you address their fears that their aging parents would not be able to ascend please?
Archangel Michael: Their aged parents will ascend if that is what they have chosen to do prior to contract.
Now there are many who have been on this cusp and some have said – and this is a soul conversation that they
are consciously or unconsciously having with us and with their guardians – some have said, “I just want to stay
long enough to see it.” Some have said, “I want to stay long enough to go through and be revitalized.” And
some have said – and these are about equal pockets by the way – some have said, “I will go and I will pull them
through from the other side.”…
So, they will support [them], until the very last moment, pop over and then pull them through.
In all instances, the elderly, the wise ones, even those with dementia, Alzheimer’s, severe conditions, they know
what they’re doing. And we also do not simply address those who have aged parents, we also address those who
are “terminally ill.” It is about the same break-out.
S: I know a fellow who has multiple conditions, from myeloma to kidney failure. He’s on a kidney machine, on
his last legs, and it really does appear that he’s holding on for Ascension and so somebody that plagued with
conditions can still make it, you are saying?
AAM: Yes. It is the purity of the heart. Now do we want as many recovered bodies as possible? Yes, because
that is the jettisoning. Is there room for a few who will be restored? Of course there is. (1)
S: There are parents who are worried that they will ascend against their will and leave their children or spouse
behind when they don’t want to. Is it possible to ascend against one’s will?
AAM: It is absolutely impossible.
S: So that, so the simple thing then is just to say, I don’t wish to ascend at this point?
AAM: You see, this is the power of no. …
Part of the ascension process is the act of will. It is the alignment of your heart, your mind, your spirit with your
will, not just the will of all, but with your will. We are not going to override that.
S: Okay, so that’s the brake.
AAM: That’s the brake.
S: Right, all right. Well, I’m sure that will reassure them. Two questions on children. I’m under the impression
that children below a certain age are regarded as innocent and will automatically ascend with their parents. Is
that a true statement?
AAM: Yes. Most children are of pure heart. They are of love. And that is particularly true of the children that
have come in in the last 20 years. That is why so many of them are completely disillusioned and feel
disenfranchised. They don’t understand what on earth they are doing here and how they got here. Because they
still have that core of innocence and of love. There may be some confusion, but they are still in that state of
innocence. They are like little cherubs.
So, under eleven.
38 S: Under eleven. Okay. Will children who appear not to understand ascension or issues dealing with ascension
still ascend?
AAM: Yes. The issue isn’t intellectual. It is a heart decision. It is a heart knowing. Each of you on Earth have
had situations where your guide or guardian angel has nudged you and you say, I’d better get out of here, this
doesn’t feel right. And so you leave a place where, perhaps, danger is lurking. That is the sensation many of the
children will have: “I don’t think I’m going to stay here; I think I’m going to go.” And it will be that simple. (2)
S: Has a parent who chooses to remain behind when Ascension occurs for the sake of a spouse or a child
forfeited their chance to ascend for the next 26,000 years, or will they ascend upon the death of the physical
AAM: They will ascend on the death of the body.
S: All right. So it’s not the case that there’s a window that briefly opens and then shuts and these people have
lost out altogether?
AAM: Why would we ever punish? We are not in the punishing business. And we would certainly never punish
for love. When one stays because their love and their caring is so intense, their commitment is so intense – that
is always taken into account. They will have their chance. (3)
(1) “Archangel Michael: The Mother’s Essence Within and Without are Colliding – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon,
June 12, 2014, at
(2) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 3/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at
(3) Loc. cit.
Steve Beckow: All life forms on Gaia must be integrating the new energies the Mother is
sending us.
Archangel Michael: The integration of newly-distributed energies must occur on all planes:
physical, emotional, spiritual, and material. And each and every cell of each organism
dwelling on Gaia is to be prepared for even more of what is to come.
Now, understand what we are talking about. Gaia, your beloved Earth planet, has already begun her ascension.
And we have said this repeatedly, but again we have had many confused looks or heads that have shaken and
said, “Well, no, I don’t think that is possible.”
But Gaia has, and continues her Ascension into what you think of as anchoring in the higher dimensions. She
has taken along with her the kingdoms. The only group or kingdom that has not fully begun this process ― but
we are going to answer this question about some ascending ― as a group is humanity, is the human collective.
S: Will Gaia appear different to a person who has ascended, or will it not?
AAM: It appears more sparkling clean. The complete communication with the elements, the elemental, the
kingdoms and Gaia herself is completely open. There is an understanding and a vision of the subtle cleansing
and reorganization of what you can think of as the light body and the particles of Gaia herself. So yes, she does
appear differently.
39 And so do the animals. So do the creatures. But it is not a different planet, and that is what so many are looking
for. And then I would say to you, well, then, what would be the point? For the planet to appear completely
different, to shift like in an ice age, is not desirable. It is not what she wants. She is tired of all the pollution and
devastation. So the changes that you witness are the clean-up.
So, does she, and will she, and will you look different? Yes.
But will you be in form? Yes. (1)
S: What should we remember when the time arrives to ascend?
AAM: When you ascend, it is important that you anchor with and on Gaia. Otherwise your feet, quite literally,
are not on the ground. So when people can experience and go, jump, to the higher dimensions available within
the human experience, it is important in the Ascension, both individual and collective, that you stay connected
with Gaia.
Think of yourself as a helium balloon and Gaia is holding your string. So, as you ascend you will be at this time
within the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, brushing the Eighth, brushing the Third, but not really in those
dimensions. So for people to think that they are going to ascend and simply go directly to the Eleventh or
Twelfth would not be fully correct. (2)
S: Well, I have often said ― and I think I may be mistaken, so I need you to tell me whether I am or not ― that
we’ll be entering the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension and we’ll move to higher and higher sub-planes over
time. Is that part of what you mean when you say that Ascension is a process? And if we do move to higher and
higher sub-planes of the Fifth Dimension, can you give us a little bit of a preview of what that will look like,
what it’ll result in?
AAM: Yes. And you are correct that I also have need to emphasize that you will also be assisted interdimensionally because you will be free to access inter-dimensionally, but you will be at the beginning stages,
yes ― that is a good way to put it ― the first planes of the Fifth Dimension.
What does it look like? Can I quote St. Germain and myself? It looks like freedom. It looks like restoration.
And when I use the word restoration ― yes, Jesus Sananda has said that this is the year of rejuvenation,
restoration, recovery and rediscovery. And that is the truth of what the Fifth begins to feel like.
But the Ascension process does not begin in the Fifth Dimension. It has already begun. You are already
experiencing it. But when you reach there ― as you are about to, by the way; that is as close as I can come
without breaking my promise with the channel.
S: Well, now, Lord, I think I need you to confirm that you’re talking about everyone and not just talking to me.
AAM: That is correct…
You will feel no pain. What you have thought of as dis-ease is gone. What you have experienced as financial
strife or lack, gone. Because you know how to co-create. It is as if the light switch, the understanding of your
place in the co-creation has been switched on.
There is an end to strife. There is an end to war. There is an end to murder and mayhem. Because you do not
murder and have no inclination to murder yourself. So how can you murder your brother when they are
connected to you on the grid? Because that is the equivalent of murdering yourself.
There is a knowingness that expands beyond your comprehension currently. And that knowingness is in your
brain, in what you would think of as your mental body, your emotional bodies, your intellect, but primarily your
heart. Because that is your anchor. It always has been.
40 Now, as you enter this, does that mean that everything is done? Well, might I be humorous, and ask you ―
what fun would it be if you arrived at the party finally only to discover that everything was done? No. What it
looks like is humanity coming together, not to cleanse the Earth. Gaia is taking care of that. You will help
cleanse, and so will your star brothers and sisters, but you will cleanse the rivers, the streams, the oceans, the
soil, the air. But Gaia is already busy at work.
But what about your piece? What do your communities, your cities of light ― that is one of your first, primary
objectives, is the full anchoring in physicality of the cities and centers of light, of anchoring communities… and
when we say cities of light we do not merely mean bustling metropolises. (3)
(1) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
Steve Beckow: Are there some people for whom the thought of Ascension raises fear?
Archangel Michael: What we are seeing in many corners of the human collective is that there
is an anxiousness, an excitement and an openness to going forward. And it is particularly the
light-workers, light-holders, who are saying, “Now is my time and I shall ascend.”
But there is also this other side that you are seeing, as well, and that is why we speak of it this day, that are also
saying, “But, but, but, but, can I wait a while? Do I have to give up this or that? Can I bring my family?” These
are the traumas that are being integrated, both the difficult and the beautiful.
So there is this push and pull that is going on right now in the hearts of many. Now, this does not concern us as
in we know it is part of the process of that integration. But it is something for each being simply to look at and
be aware of. (1)
S: The love that we’re being bathed in is welcome by most but for some people it seems to be raising all their
unfinished business. Can we bring our baggage with us through the Ascension portal?
AAM: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually,
eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love is, it moves through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it
restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary
jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining
So, for some, will it be dramatic? Yes. But it will also be gentle, because it is love. So the human beings can
choose to have high drama or not, but the essence of the love is not high drama.
It is pervasive. It is not something that you can stop and start. Does it ebb and flow? Yes, because it is in
constant motion. It is the Mother giving you the preview, and the upgrade, as it were, evolutionary upgrade,
which will affect also your physical being, your DNA, so that you are prepared, freely and openly, to fly
through your Ascension portal without your baggage.
You cannot bring all of your baggage, all that you have clung to, through that portal. And that is particularly
true for the collective. There would not be enough storage space for all of you to bring your baggage.
41 So it is a cleansing, it is an upliftment, it is an upgrade, it is a nourishment, it is the Mother getting you ready to
go to the prom.
S: I think some of our listeners just might want to know what you mean by baggage. You mean our vasanas
and issues and upsets, is that not correct?
AAM: That is correct. It is your vasanas. It is your issues. It is your collective false belief systems. (2)
S: Will our relationships survive Ascension?
AAM: You cannot ascend if you are tied down or you are corded or you are cording anybody. So even the very
thick cords that come out of your heart, let them go so that you may all fly free, so that you can rise up
unencumbered by choice. Because this is the rule of your planet. It is a zone of free will. (3)
For those who ascend, … the memory and the presence of those who have been left behind or who have chosen
a slower lifetime of unfoldment is clear and perfect and ever-present, because you have passed that point where
the veil that has always been an illusion anyway and does not exist any longer, although humans cling to it as
though it is the precious pearls. But they will always have that fullness of knowing of who is present, who is not
present, who is in the third and who is even elsewhere. (4)
S: Will those who are left behind remember us with pain?
AAM: Those who are in the, shall we say, the slow lane of Ascension will also have full memory of who has
gone before and who has chosen not to go. Will those memories eventually fade with a feeling of love? Yes, of
course they will. The few – and I emphasize, because our plan, and we do not give up, is that everybody goes,
everybody – but if there are a few who, by free will, free choice, choose to relocate elsewhere, they will feel and
think that nothing much has changed.
There will be an explanation of where you have gone or not gone. There will be a sense of that imprint of who
you are. But they will continue in an illusion which has been very dense and very thick for them regardless. So
it will not be heart-breaking; it will be taken care of. For this is not in any of these scenarios a cruel, unfeeling,
punishing process. This is an upliftment. This is the miraculous unfoldment.
So even for those who choose not to engage at all, it will not be painful and harmful. And they will be given
their opportunity also to progress as they choose. And the only thing we say, there is a window there. So we are
not talking about 20,000 years. We are talking a window for them to decide to come and join in this miraculous
process. (5)
(1) “The Integration of the Parts of Our Being,” Aug. 18, 2013, at, from a reading on Oct. 11, 2011.
(2) “Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at
(3) Archangel Michael, Heavenly Blessings, through Linda Dillon, March 8, 2012.
(4) “Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama to Step into the Truth of His Being,” Nov. 8, 2012, at .
(5) Loc. cit.
S: Does Ascension require effort?
AAM: Each of you, every human being, hybrid, Starseed upon the planet is being
penetrated by the essence and the love of One. You are lifting up naturally, buoyantly. It is
not something you need to try to do. It is something that you allow. (1)
S: Will the experience of Ascension be the same for everyone?
AAM: Each individual is having, and will have, a different experience of Ascension. Now I am going to
describe, in general terms, what this Ascension looks, feels like and what that experience is like. But it does not
mean, even though you come as a collective, it does not mean that each of you perceives and experiences this
sacred union, the rising up through a higher-dimensional realm, in the same way. (2)
The process, or the elongation, the period of time that this process takes can be slightly different for different
people. (3)
S: What should we remember to do during this time of transition?
AAM: Take time during this period of the glorious transition to simply allow the energies that are penetrating
each of you, for this is true of all of you, take time to allow yourself to absorb, to bathe in the love and in the
shift, the openings that are taking place within thee.
So it is not a time of rushing about, of feeling that you must accomplish or bring to completion so much. It is a
time of allowing the energetic changes to truly take place. That does not mean action does not take place. Quite
the contrary. But it takes place with a different perspective, with a different speed of action. This is the time to
relax. Yes, we know that this is a foreign word to many of you and so we will teach it to you. It is to relax, to
be, to simply be. (4)
You will be going through a feeling of euphoria. You will be going through a feeling that perhaps you are not
fully anchored. You will be going through even some feelings of disassociation, of not knowing or really caring
about what is going on around you. But that will not be a permanent state of being. Already you are feeling
more deeply within your body. So, it is simply a period of adjustment. It’ll take about a month.
Allow it to take place. As we say, it is not something you can really physically, emotionally or mentally – or
spiritually, for that matter – fight. It is something that you have invited in to begin to allow to…this process of
engagement, as it were. So, when you are exhausted, rest; when you are blissful, enjoy it; when you are feeling
full of energy to do, then do. But this adjustment will not be difficult, it will just be different than what you have
experienced to date.
[You’ll have] the feeling that you wake up not only rested, but blissful; that the, what you have thought of as
challenges, as troubles – it is not that they disappear, but they do not weigh you down; that you have the energy
to take on whatever tasks at hand you choose, but that you do not feel burdened, that you simply feel that you
are doing almost without doing. It does not feel like a sense of disengagement, but rather higher engagement.
A sense of vision, of the ability to see into and through a situation, a person, a problem – greater clarity will
simply be there. So it is waking up and knowing that you are in this state of being. You are ready for the day,
and more interestingly, the day is ready for you. It is the sense that you are shaping the day rather than being
shaped by the demands around you. (5)
S: What will it be like in the last days before Ascension?
43 AAM: As I have said to you there will be many at the last minute rushing through the door, and that will not be
as smooth a journey as someone who has done their preparation adequately. And soulfully. (6)
S: Just generally, not specifically, so as not to break your agreement with the channel, when will the ignition
happen for the mass of the population?
AAM: It will be before the Fall [2014].
S: How much longer after that before the mass of light workers are restored to their native powers?
AAM: It will basically happen pretty much simultaneously. It is a rather much like a domino effect. So it is not
that everyone turns on at once, but it is very rapid ignition. (7)
S: And, after Ascension, what then?
AAM: Once you have done your Ascension, are you free to move about? Of course you are. But the building
and the creation of Nova Earth ― and we are talking about the human piece of Nova Earth, the human cocreation of Nova Earth, because the kingdoms and Gaia are already creating Nova Earth, and they are already
participating in the higher dimensional reality ― if you have your mission and purpose to assist, or desire to
assist in the anchoring of what you, my friend, and I have called the Golden Age of Gaia, then you are primarily
going to anchor in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimension. (8)
S: And final question, Lord: At some future date will there be a further Ascension?
AAM: Yes, [Gaia] is already inching up, as it were. And that will occur. And yes, there will be some who, once
they have completed their commitment, shall we say, to the Mother, of Ascension in form and the ripple effect
throughout the multiverse, the anchoring, the full anchoring of the love, then they may say, “Well, I think now I
am going to primarily go back to my comfort zone,” or my home zone of an alternate dimension.” That is fine.
But the fulfillment of the promise of this phase of the Mother’s plan is for the humans to accompany Gaia and
all into the higher dimensional reality, and particularly into the love. (9)
(1) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, May 14, 2012 at
(2) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 15, 2014, at
(3) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Geoff West, through Linda Dillon, May 9, 2012.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 25, 2012.
(6) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” at
(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.
(8) “Archangel Michael: You are About To Reach Ascension,” ibid.
(9) Loc. cit.
Channelled by Marlene Swetlishoff, August 28, 2014,
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as serenity.
Serenity is a sense of inner peace with one’s self and with where one is in this moment.
It is a total surrender of all that is no longer a part of one’s life or path.
It is a releasing of fear, and turning instead to faith in knowing that all is unfolding in one’s life with grace and
ease. Serenity within helps make a person more accepting of what is occurring in their life, and they are able to
think with more clarity.
Serenity is a state of mind that allows the flow of energy to be free from becoming blocked or stagnant. It is a
sense of being at peace, and acknowledging the continuous flow of energy within and around one as one travels
the path before them. The individual knows that the ability to stay calm no matter what is taking place around
them is always located within them.
It is all a matter of individual choice, and the person knows that circumstances do not determine their state of
mind; for that power rests within themselves in being aware of, and being responsible for, what they are feeling.
When they maintain a peaceful inner posture, even in the midst of chaos, they are always in a state of balance
and equilibrium.
The door to this state of mind is opened by engaging both the soul and the spirit, by involving one’s soul
through love – the love of self, the love of others, the love of work, and the love of belonging; and through the
spirit by believing – believing in the goodness of life, believing in unity, believing in the sacred, and believing
in transformation by fostering the belief in and love of God.
To be serene does not mean that the individual is bursting with joy; it just means that they are at peace within
themselves, in a state of peace and tranquility. This is a desirable mental state to experience. It is the goal of
most humans to achieve such a state of inner peace and serenity.
Some people will experience serenity occasionally, and there are other individuals who manage to feel this way
most of the time as they are no longer slaves to their emotions. By changing their attitude towards problems, it
helps them enormously to think positively of good things.
Rather than viewing challenges as some type of punishment, they instead see them as opportunities to grow, for
it is only through experiencing pain that they can really reach their highest potential of soul growth. When each
person views challenges more positively, it increases their ability to face life on life’s terms.
Serenity means being in the moment with one’s thoughts, words and actions. Then one may give the highest and
best service to others within the scope of their abilities. A person’s strength of faith sustains and uplifts them in
times of uncertainty; and the quality of love known as serenity washes over them like beautiful rays of light.
Serenity invites an individual to reconnect with nature, seeing it as a golden opportunity to generate refreshing
thoughts and to experience a sense of renewal. Serenity provides a person the opportunity to recognize their
feelings and thoughts so they can understand their emotions clearly, and distinguish those that are constructive
from those that are destructive to their inner peace and well-being.
They become renewed and revitalized with vitality and life force energy. They can then express and manifest in
their actions in their daily life. [To be serene] is to gradually discover the person the Creator has intended each
individual to be, and [to become] what and who one was made to be.
45 Everyone at some time has experienced a feeling of being overwhelmed by life when it seems to be spinning a
little too fast – feeling a need to escape and to find a place of serenity and simplicity, [to find] a secluded place
to be alone with one’s thoughts, to find a quiet place to gather one’s thoughts and to find the place of serenity,
peace and harmony within themselves.
When this state of being is embraced, there is no anxiety or feeling of complication, for the act of simplifying
one’s thought processes is so freeing and feels so good.
As each person starts to find the place of serenity they find the place of solitude. Solitude expresses the glory of
being alone and feeling serene. Solitude can be and often is a very productive [state].
In serenity and solitude, one discovers that the world is made of beauty, simplicity and order. In serenity and
simplicity, one learns to meet life face-to-face, to unburden one’s life, and to live one’s life more directly,
unpretentiously and without encumbrances.
By being direct and honest in all situations and taking life as it is, they find serenity, peace and the glory of
life. By choosing to let go of all thoughts that keep their life force depleted, their lives are as serene within as it
is outwardly.
One’s environment is rich and deep in silence and solitude, and it is not hard to achieve without leaving
civilization. By giving one’s self the chance to be alone and quiet, one will find the results amazing. Each
individual will find they have never been happier, more confident or more intuitive than they are when they
give themselves time to find serenity in solitude.
Spending time in solitude nurtures one’s soul and frees one to transform any negative feelings toward solitude
into an oasis of peace, tranquility and a state of grace – as something positive and productive. For by being good
to one’s self, one brings calmness, peacefulness and serenity into one’s state of being.
As one journeys inward, one opens one’s self to a new place – a place where the inner workings of one’s heart
will come in touch with one’s outer realities – a world where the desires of a person’s heart begin to unfold.
In solitude, one comes to one’s most intimate place, and staying in that place creates aloneness without being
lonely. In this sacred place, one is connected to one’s inner resources and the treasures that can bring healing as
they dwell with God within.
Those who take the time to listen to themselves and to make the time to experience moments of solitude will
find that their effort brings them answers, insights, serenity and peace of mind. Creating this space within
allows miracles to happen, for this positive space within one’s heart and soul opens them up to creativity,
spontaneity, and serendipity.
The feeling of serenity and peace shows up in one’s heart. Tranquility is the quiet within that gives one access
to one’s higher self. By tapping into the quiet of one’s heart, one can experience space, flow and possibility –
key ingredients that help one to live in peace and serenity. This manifests outwardly in one’s physical space,
one’s relationships and in one’s spirituality.
I leave now with the intent that each individual finds serenity in the purpose of their lives, and peace and
serenity within their families and in their communities.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of
An Hour with an Angel, August 7, 2014, Archangel Gabrielle Channelled by Linda Dillon
is interviewed by Steve Beckow
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the
channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance
of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and
author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone. Our guest today is Archangel
So, with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And welcome, Archangel Gabrielle.
Archangel Gabrielle: Greetings. I am Gabriel, I am Gabrielle, lily of love, trumpet of truth, messenger of One.
SB: Welcome to you…
AG: … welcome, my beloved ones, and thank you for inviting me.
SB: Yes.
AG: You wish to speak this day, in this hour, this time, this evening, about what I would term gender equality.
SB: Yes, please.
AG: The channel is correct insofar as this is one of the collective core issues ― of hatred and control, and, yes,
of fear, of isolation, of abandonment, of separation ― that the human collective and every person, every single
person upon the planet, is healing or has healed, come not only to peace with, but truly integrated the balance.
And it is one of the areas that is key, a critical key, to your ascension, again, both individual and collective.
Let us begin. It is a push and pull situation that begins with the balance of the individual, with the deep
recognition and embrace of the divine masculine and the divine feminine in perfect balance ― yes, up and
down, shifting at different moments, but in complete harmony with the divine self.
There is no creature, no kingdom, no being, no humanoid structure that does not embody both the masculine
and feminine of themselves and of divinity, of the One. And that is the beauty of this creation, and that is the
beauty, the harmony, the sweetness, the gentleness, the strength of each of you, my beloved friends. It is
glorious that you carry both.
Now, when you have chosen this incarnation, this embodiment, you have also chosen your gender. And you
have chosen your gender for a whole plethora of reasons, one of which is your comfort zone. For many of you,
you simply prefer, enjoy to a greater degree, being male or female. And is it not delightful that you choose?
Now, there are very few ― and I mean a handful ― of human beings, whether they are starseeds or hybrids,
Earth-keepers, who have not incarnated as male and female, because it is part of that coming to wisdom, to
enlightenment, to know the experience, the joy, the challenges, of both realities.
So it is not for your understanding to say, “Well, I am male. I am always male.” No. At some point there would
have been an incarnation as the alternate, shall we say, gender.
So that healing of what you call gender inequality, begins, my beloved ones, and ends with the internal balance
of your sacred selves. It is part of that sacred union that you have with yourselves, and it is the full embrace, the
love, the appreciation, the living in both sides and not creating cement walls or barriers between your masculine
and feminine. It is the sheer joy of having both, regardless of what gender you have chosen.
47 When you do not have this sacred balance within your own being, how then, my beloveds, do you have that
sacred partnership with the Mother/Father One/All/Source?
Now, it is truth that most of you tend to lean either towards the masculine or the feminine aspect ― which is all
one anyway ― of the Source. But still it remains that you are in relationship with both.
Now, that is one of the reasons, other than to simply please you, that I have chosen this day to introduce myself
as Gabriel/Gabrielle. I exhibit, as you well know, in both forms, as spokes-being for the Council of Love. I
come forth as Susanne and Michaela, Gabrielle, the lily of love. It is the feminine side.
But as you well know, it is in perfect harmony and balance with the masculine. And many prefer, and I take
certainly no umbrage, that you call me Gabriel, for I answer to all entreaties, and I am honored ― honored,
thrilled ― to be at this juncture of our sacred partnership. Because when you are in sacred partnership with us,
it is also the masculine and feminine.
Now, my beloved Steve, you know that we have had conversations about this issue of hatred.
SB: Yes.
AG: It is a difficult conversation, but it is of truth, and it is a conversation followed by action that has need to
take place upon the entire planet. There is a love-hate relationship in many instances, and in many instances
veiled, literally and figuratively, of males against females, of females against males, of females against females,
of males against males.
What is this hatred? Well, you know it is the lack of self-love. It is the lack of self-worth. So much of gender…
we will not call it inequality, we will not call it disparity; let us call it what it is ― hatred. Because when we use
such a strong word it will evoke the emotion that has need to be brought to the surface and cleared.
There is this love-hate. The males and those who have chosen to be male in this lifetime have this admiration,
this ecstasy, this love, and this discordant jealousy for the woman who can bring such ecstasy, bliss, intimacy,
nurturing, caring, and who can bear life.
So often, there is this disconnect in the male gender, and now we are talking the collective ideation, belief
system, even the archetypal structures, is that they tend to forget that they are the givers of life as well. But there
is not the demonstration of that bringing forth, of the creation.
So there is this admiration, this true love, and this jealousy at the same time. And in that there is this discordant
energy that says, well, let me prove that I am stronger, that I am the master, that I am slightly better than or
incredibly better than.
Let me keep you in your place. The other issue that arises ― and it is both the masculine and the feminine ― is
this belief system that intimacy, sexual union, the joy, the bliss, the ecstasy of sexual union, is not a blessed gift
from Mother/Father One, that the desire is seen as lust, that the body is seen as unclean, that the very act of
union is seen as something dirty.
And that has need to be changed, because it is the gift. It is the gift that not only takes you out of your body to
experience, momentarily, the true feeling of bliss, of ecstasy, the release of form, and at the same time anchors
you firmly in your body, because it is a physical experience of joy.
It is not merely mechanical. It is only now that many of you, my beloved lightworkers are truly understanding
what the merger of energies in sexual union truly entails, that blending of your fields. It is a gift, and it is one of
the gifts of being in form. It is not merely for procreation, for the bringing-forth of life. It is a gift of joy. It is a
gift not merely of physical release but of knowing, passion and tenderness and physicality, of knowing your
body and another’s body.
48 Is it an act that is sacred and to be honored? Always. But it has never been meant to be seen or viewed in this
belief system that is held subtly and actually ― and we will talk about that ― and something that is disdainful,
something that is less than, something that is to be hidden away in a corner.
Because when there is this view of sexuality, it exhibits, as you see, as gender hatred, as trying to suppress and
control the woman. And you see it in very hideous ways ― of mutilation, of rape, of subjugation, but you also
see it in more subversive ways ― of wage inequality or job inequality or the imbalance in the value that is
given to tasks. And it is still very prevalent all over your plan: “Oh, that is woman’s work,” meaning that that is
less than, is simply not the case. But it begins with a balance within. And then, yes, it spreads out.
Now, I know, sweet angel, that you have many questions on this issue. So I will not steal the floor. Where do
you wish to begin this night?
SB: Well, I wanted to mention at the outset that what you’ve just said runs counter to some very strongly held
religious points of view, and I think, particularly, for instance, of a Hindu text called Tripura Rahasya, where a
quite strident view of sexuality is given.
So it’s not just among people who are discriminating against women, but it’s also among people who regard
themselves as having the spiritual truth that sexuality is unclean, etc. So it’s quite a radical point of view that
you’re putting forward right now.
AG: Yes, it is, dear heart. But you know me. I am the radical archangel.
SB: [laughs] Well, only you would tackle such an issue head on, I’m sure.
I’ve found, Archangel Gabrielle, that when I talked about crimes like acid attacks, honor killings and bride
burnings or dowry deaths that some readers wrote in and said, “My gosh, I didn’t know that was happening in
the world.” And at the same time, often in the human-rights literature, the literature’s a year behind. It’s very
slow in catching up with what’s happening in the world.
So, I wondered if you could review the situation of women in the world ― what crimes and acts of persecution
are happening, what are women enduring around the world? If you could start with that, to kind of give us a
view that’s probably much more accurate than we see down here, I’d appreciate that.
AG: Let me speak of this, and I am pleased to give the up-to-the-minute news.
SB: Okay.
AG: But it is twofold. On the one hand, there are enormous emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual strides
that are being made, both by the women themselves ― because, do not forget, when I have begun I have spoken
of women hating women, hating themselves and holding many of the same views of the religious or political
context. Let me put it that way.
There is an awakening, male and female, of the balance and the role that women have come to play not only
upon the planet but in this role of ascension, of the shift and the creation of Nova Earth. There is in some areas
what we would call mutilation (1) and the attitude, the underlying attitude that women do not deserve to
experience orgasm or, by inference, lust. This is still a very strongly held belief system, particularly in Africa.
So this continues on.
And while it is improving, it has not improved to the point of, if we could use St. Germain’s term, “liberation
and freedom,” and what that entails of course is the freedom of choice.
So you cannot view this as either black or white, but it is the absence of freedom of choice and the underlying
attitudes towards the women, the girls, that is unloving.
49 Acid attacks are significantly down, as are deaths, either because of dowry or widowhood. Let me be specific
about that. There are still far too many women who extinguish their life force by placing themselves on funeral
pyres because they feel not only that their life is over but that their joy and their purpose is over with the death
of their spouse, that their position within the family or the community, but mostly because of the broken heart.
(2) So that is still transpiring, although it is decreasing.
The significant decrease is in the number of women who feel that they have to ― again, this issue of choice ―
throw themselves on a funeral pyre because it is expected of them. So it is not so much that they wish to leave
their form, as they do so because culturally or religiously it is anticipated. So that is an area from our
perspective of massive improvement.
And the reason we see it as significant improvement is that these women, most of them older ― we’re not
talking about brides here ― are seeing that they still have great wisdom, compassion, knowledge, value, to
bring to the planet, to their families, to their communities.
So there is an awakening of that sense of self-definition, not male or female, simply self-definition outside
simply being a spouse. And that is also true all over the world, that there is a growing sense of older women
coming to realize that their wisdom is valuable, that it has need to be shared, and in fact in many ways these
wise women, through the ages of experience, and love, are seeing that they are a bridge to the new children of
Earth. So it is not even so much that they are acting as a bridge to immediate grand children or greatgrandchildren. The new children of Earth.
So there is a very tight and significant bond between the elderly ― and it is true of the males of course as well
― and the new children. The acid attacks, as we have said, are significantly down. The rapes are continuing,
and the resulting deaths of those girls, but again, down by about, oh, we would say 50 percent.
An area that has need to be of concern to everyone, to the global citizens that we have spoken of, that we have
all spoken of, is the younger women who are simply being killed, murdered, for their dowry. So that this
becomes a practice. Not merely a practice in India, it is a practice in many, many countries. It may not be called
dowry, but it is the same issue.
It is that women who bring wealth or value to the male, to the groom and to his family are being killed so that
another can be chosen. So it is avarice, it is greed, and it is the sense of entitlement. Again, it comes back to the
hatred, that there is a belief system ― and it is seen not only in the dowry deaths – there is an underlying belief
system that one has the right to take another’s life.
This is grievous. Because it overrides any sense of honoring another’s path, another’s divinity. And you may
say, or some may say, “Well, is this karmic?” And I remind you, dear hearts, that you are in a period of karmic
dispensation, and it is ― and now I will be radical again ― too easy to invoke the laws of karma, to either say,
“Well, that is her karma,” or to say against the offending person, “Well, he will entail karma for that action.”
And so it is left up to the heavens, to our side, to address it. That is not of balance, and that most certainly is not
of Nova Earth.
Now, one of the things that you are all witnessing and have need to very actively witness is that these issues of
gender hatred are at the surface, that they are truly not only being recognized ― because they are on the surface
― for what it is, but that people of every faith, of every walk ― no, not the majority, but still declared and
undeclared lightworkers and loveholders, however they define themselves, are recognizing and saying, “These
issues have to be addressed.” The subjugation of women does nothing to reflect the divinity of the Mother, the
divinity of the person or the co-creation of Nova Earth.
So while many of these atrocities are decreasing, the issues of the subjugation and the hatred are at the surface
so that they can be seen, acknowledged and eliminated.
50 Do you understand what I am saying?
SB: Yes, I do. I’ll let you continue, if you’d like, or perhaps, let me put this out now and you can answer it in
the course of your remarks. How do we stop this? How do we stop these acts in the world? I know the tsunami
of love is raising it to the surface, as you said, and it’s coming to the surface to be eliminated, but in those areas
where it doesn’t get eliminated, what can we do to stop it?
AG: It is time for all humans, male, female, to take action. And it is taking action in a variety of ways. Yes, of
course, the most subtle, the beginning point of balancing within your masculine-feminine and loving yourself,
and loving the masculine and feminine in every other person. But now we are talking about political, social,
financial, cultural, religious action.
There is a commendable, in some ways, hesitancy on the part of intelligent, informed, educated, sensitive,
caring human beings to comment ― or to take action, as I would put it ― to comment on the belief systems, the
cultural underpinnings, of a group different than your own. So let me again be the outspoken one. There are
times when, say, a white, Anglo-Saxon male will feel ― and you know, because you have felt this, dear heart
SB: Yes.
AG: … feels, “Am I politically or accurately correct in commenting on the institutionalized subjugation of
women in the Islamic faith?” In the radical, very conservative Islamic faith. Is it my place to do that, because it
is not that I wish to appear ― because I am not ― dishonoring of the faith.
But when the translation of the faith, which was love, which was equality, which was the balance and the
harmony between the genders has been lost, when it has become politically and socially a practice, and a
practice of harm, then if you do not speak up, who does?
Now, this is an issue all over your planet. And that is why we come back to this declaration of global citizenry.
The global citizen, the citizen of Nova Earth honors the diversity, the richness, of cultural, social mores, belief
systems, but not where they are cruel, not where they are harmful, not where they are not honoring of the
individual, of the family, of both genders. Because subjugation of one group, of another group, whether it is
gender or effective religion, does not elevate. It brings everybody to a very low frequency.
So it is a matter in the most gentle but strong ways to speak out, to inform, to educate, and to take not warring
action, because that is exactly what is already going on, and our purpose with Michael is the elimination of war
in every single form and the anchoring of peace within one’s heart.
You cannot have peace in your heart if you are involved or engaged in demeaning, dismissing or harming
another, either actually or through a belief system. This is not kind. This is not of your divinity.
So how does it stop? It stops by the people of Earth, of this beloved Gaia, saying “no more,” in writing, in
speaking, in addressing the public, in informing. Because one of the greatest issues is the untruth or the half
truth that much of this gender inequality is buried under.
Is that clear, dear heart?
SB: Well, it is, but let me ask you a further question, and this, for me, is a very important question. In humanrights decision making we speak of tests ― what is the test for the legality of this? And we have a situation that
may serve as an example here.
There was a controversy over women wearing scarves in schools in France. And, so, now, of the women who
wear scarves, some are wearing scarves because they feel they have to, because they’re obligated to, because
they’re forced to, but some are wearing scarves because they want to.
51 And so when the French authorities said, “There will be no wearing of scarves because it’s a religious insignia
and our schools are secular. There will be no wearing of scarves in school,” some women came forward and
said, “Well, we want to wear scarves. This is part of who we are.”
So, what is the test for when action should be taken to defend human rights and when action should not be taken
to defend human rights? Because if you ask some women, they may not want to say, “I appreciate your help,”
they may say, “Well, you’re going to get me into worse trouble than I already am.” No one wants to cause that.
So what is the test? How do we get below that?
AG: The test is, “When is human free choice interfered with?”
SB: Well, how can we know that with women who may be scared to say, “My free choice is being interfered
with”? They may get beaten. They may get kerosene poured on them and be set on fire. There could be all kinds
of things that that happen to them. I actually don’t know how to deal with the situation. Because we may be
causing the women more trouble then they had to begin with.
AG: Yes. You are not asking ― let us use this example. The woman who wears a scarf not because she wants
to, chooses to, but because she lives in an environment of fear, of feeling less than, knowing that there will be
punishment meted out of various kinds, including social rejection, which is very important.
So the issue isn’t to make that woman go without her scarf at all. The issue is to get underneath to the belief
system that somehow the women have need to hide their beauty, their sexuality, to stop being the temptress, that
they are invulnerable, that they are chattel, that they are less than.
So it is not the action of wearing the scarf. It is not even the choice to wear the scarf because of belief or
because of subtle threat.It is the under-pinning belief that the women are less than.
SB: So work on that, then?
AG: That is what you send the love, the light, the energy to.
SB: Hmm. Now, did you enunciate a really clear test in this whole area? Is the test simply, “Has the person
exercised freedom of choice?”
AG: And has the person exercised the freedom of choice truly, because they are living ― and we know you
don’t want to hear this, but ― they are living on Nova Earth. That is how you are creating it. In these subtle
and not-subtle-at-all realities within which women and men are being required to operate, are the barriers of
hatred and control being eliminated?
Now, we are sending Earth not merely the Mother’s tsunami of love, not merely her gifts of grace, but we are
intervening ― where we are permitted ― on all kinds of levels ― and you may see this as a very mild example,
but to us it is significant. When a man wakes up in the middle of the night and he sees the angelic goddess, the
beauty, the blessing, the gift, the intelligence, the warmth, the strength of the person who lies next to him and
realizes, “I have no need to feel threatened by this woman. I honor her as she honors me.”
And so the mutuality of the honoring has need to be present. And if it is not present within the individual, in that
place of balance, then it is not present. But you often ask, “What are you doing?” Well, I will tell you ― we are
awakening many in the middle of the night for that very awakening, to eliminate the fear.
Now, the next step in the human arena is for that man who may be part of a religious or a cultural environment
that still holds the antiquated view, for him, with support above and below, to be able to say something as
simple as, “If you wish to wear a scarf, go ahead. If you wish not to, go ahead. Because, my love, I honor the
totality of who you are ― your spirit, your insight, your understanding, your path, your choice.”
52 SB: Okay. Thank you. How can we discern choice in a repressive environment? Now, I think of the many
movies I saw of Jewish people in the Second World War and a Red Cross person would say, “Are you being
well treated?” What could they say? No, they weren’t being well treated. They couldn’t say that because they’d
be further ill treated if they did.
So, now, applying that to our modern circumstances where women are repressed and face repression if they
answer honestly, how do we go about establishing free choice in such an environment?
AG: You first of all go about establishing free choice in the higher realms energetically, spiritually. That is
how it anchors. There are too many who have said, “In the name of spirit, or force,” with many names, “we
declare that this is truth.”
So that what you are doing with us is working in the higher realms to eliminate ― yes, use the law of
elimination, use the law of transmutation, use the law of balance, of change, to change that entire group in terms
of their view, so that those individual awakenings then can begin to blossom and come to the surface so that the
woman actually feels, in practicality, in what you think of as your dimensional reality, that she has the right to
declare her choice without fear.
But it is working with the group and what the group believes, with the group energy. And we will continue with
the awakenings, one by one by one by one, thousands and thousands a night. But let us go back to the situation
of the scarves in France.
This is abuse of political power.
SB: Which part is abuse of political power?
AG: The decision to say, “We are a secular system and therefore you have no right to your belief system.”
SB: All right.
AG: … or to an expression, an outward expression, whether it is a star of David or a cross, a scarf or a turban,
it matters not. It is an abuse of political power to say you must adhere completely to [religious] neutrality. That
does not honor the diversity. That is like saying, “Everyone must dye their hair brown.” “Everyone must wear a
school uniform.” It is reverting back, not forward.
So it is not simply on one front that you work on this. You also work on the energy, both actively, in the
decrying the abuse of political power, which cloaks itself as equality, and it is not!
SB: It’s very tricky. Human rights are ensured by denying freedom to some people in the name of freedom for
other people. There’s freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion only because some
people are prevented from beating other people up or exercising other forms of violence against them. So
human rights are actually supported by intervening in the social process, stopping some people from harming
others, right?
AG: Yes, but there is a middle ground. And that middle ground is where violence does not live. Violence,
period, is not permissible.
SB: And what of the violence of the human rights defenders? To put somebody in jail? Is that what you’re
referring to?
AG: There is a difference between taking someone who is committing violence and then removing them and
putting them actually in a situation that supports violence. When you take someone and you put them in jail ―
and we understand there are many steps to the reformation of the human systems, but they can happen much
more rapidly than you think – but taking someone who is committing violence and putting them in a violent
environment that supports the use of violence does not resolve the issue.
53 SB: Okay. Well, lots more to discuss.
AG: We will, dear heart!
SB: Thank you. Thank you for coming today!
AG: Go with my love.
(1) Female genital mutilation (FGM) is being referred to.
(2) The lot of a widow in some countries is pretty dismal.
Matthew Ward’s Message as received by Suzy Ward, August 12, 2014 –
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.
Several of the numerous readers who are asking about the Ebola outbreak
referred to it as the “Ebola scare”—and rightly so, as scare is one of the reasons the virus was recently released
again. When it was developed in a laboratory by Illuminati scientists almost 40 years ago, the intentions were
twofold: to create a pandemic and to instill in peoples the fear that accompanies a virulent, contagious disease.
We are not minimizing Ebola’s severity today by saying that it was indeed then a sickness to dread. It spread
rapidly and claimed many lives before it was brought under control; and the outbreak resulted in rampant
negativity due to the large death toll, grief, chaos and fear. Now, healthy persons who contract the disease and
receive appropriate treatment can recover, and, just as happens with any serious illness, persons who die had
weak immune systems before exposure to Ebola or their systems became severely stressed by the fatigue of
caring for patients.
This time around the Illuminati will not achieve anywhere near the measure of negativity intended, nor did their
other relatively recent attempts to devastate Earth’s population produce it.
You may recall that only a few years ago SARS, avian flu, swine flu and its reissue as N1H1 happened in turn,
with global publicity about “a feared pandemic” after the first diagnosis of each disease; and, ever so handily,
vaccines were at the ready. The intense publicity and clamoring for vaccinations lasted only briefly because it
became obvious that since only a few deaths occurred, no pandemic had befallen your world. Scientists in the
light-worker ranks neutralized the viruses in the vaccines that were designed to spread, not prevent those
diseases, and all were total failures insofar as achieving their purpose: eliminating billions of humankind whom
Henry Kissinger, the peak of the Illuminati, referred to as “useless eaters.”
AIDS, which was developed in laboratories about five years after the Ebola virus, has been much more
successful in the eyes of the Illuminati. Whereas symptoms are nearly immediate in Ebola and the more recent
four diseases we mentioned, AIDS, which is spread partly by contact and partly by the so-called “treatment” for
HIV, develops very slowly and is transmitted by apparently healthy individuals. Thus, ever since it was
introduced into the population, it has been running its natural course throughout the years. In so doing, it has
enabled the millions who succumbed to it and everyone who loved and cared for them to experience choices in
their soul contracts.
Still, it is logical to wonder why that disease and the deadly Ebola siege mushroomed out of control and viruses
developed much later for the same purpose didn’t. There are two reasons. The AIDs and Ebola viruses were
fabricated and released before Gaia’s free will choice that her human population would not be eliminated en
54 masse by any means whatsoever; in God’s granting her request, inspiration was given to lighted souls to doom
the Illuminati’s plans. And, because there was much less light on the planet and within the populace 30-some
years ago, bodies were more vulnerable to disease.
Possibly media focus on Ebola is behind the number of emails about other health issues, and we shall address
those most frequently questioned.
How can we know which symptoms are ascension-related and which aren’t; to what extent are GMO foods
adversely affecting health; how much are toxins in chemtrails affecting us; what can we do to strengthen
immune systems; what causes chronic low energy and fatigue; when will illness of all kinds disappear?
In all of those situations, the answer is light—the “one size fits all”—and we happily offer information that can
be helpful in absorbing light. Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer enlightenment, guidance
and encouragement during these transformative phases that the planet and all of her residents are going through;
and especially in the prevailing vibrations, where “good” gets better and “bad” gets worse,proper care of
yourselves in mind, body and spirit is vital! Sound health makes it easier for messages from the soul to reach
the consciousness, and your souls are telling you to look beyond the illusion, to open your minds and hearts to
the reality of who you are—this is what ascension is all about!
Now then, increasingly high energy levels on Earth are producing a variety of physical, mental or emotional
anomalies such as achiness, mood swings, urgency to act upon impulses, nervousness, confusion, fatigue,
forgetfulness, chest congestion, depression, nausea, rash, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or general weakness.
If one system of a body is weaker, or less fortified, than the others, that system is susceptible to whatever
unsettling condition is most closely related. When those sensations or conditions are due to the heightened
vibrations changing cellular structure from carbon-based to crystalline, healthy individuals quickly adjust and
symptoms disappear until the next energy surge, which is followed by another rapid adjustment, and so on; and
the more light in a body, the less noticeable the effects are.
Be mindful that the symptoms associated with ascension also can be indications of a developing health issue. If
what you are experiencing persists or worsens, please consult healthcare specialists, preferably those you call
“holistic” or “alternative,” who know that prescription drugs can exacerbate a condition whereas natural
ingredients in proper doses have ameliorative effects.
There is another important factor here. To balance other lifetimes or complete unfinished karmic lessons, some
souls choose a severe illness, chronic debilitating disease, deep depression or aberrant mental functioning. In
such cases, even the most proficient medical specialists cannot successfully treat the condition and neither can
energy workers. This doesn’t mean that the love-light energy the workers channel cannot reach ailing persons; it
is that the soul is not permitting activation of their bodies’ self-healing mechanisms.
Everyone can send love-light to anyone, to people worldwide and to Earth herself, and the energy streamers
reach the intended destinations because there is no separation one from another in the universal
consciousness—that consciousness is the Oneness of All. And never will a physical, mental or emotional
condition delay or deter personal ascension of an individual who lives in accordance with soul contract choices.
Moving on now, except for grain that is designed for one crop only—this is based in greed and is negativityladen—genetically modified foods are widely considered to be much more harmful than they actually are.
Repeated publicity about any situation results in widespread belief, and whatever individuals believe is their
reality. Therefore, the belief that GMO foods are harmful produces whatever ill effects consumers attribute to
them; but it is the chemicals in processed foods, fertilizers, herbicides and pharmaceuticals, and the steroids and
antibiotics fed to animals in the food chain that are hazardous to your health.
55 The most light-filled foods are fruits and vegetables, and if the cost is affordable, eat organically grown
produce; choose meat from animals certified to be free of additives and sea food naturally grown or properly
cultivated. If costs are prohibitive, please do not have negative thoughts about what you are eating instead! In
diet, as in all other issues, positive thoughts are powerful and so is the light in gratitude—feel thankful for your
food, ask that it serve your highest good, and believe that it is!
Eventually your soil, air and water will be pure again and food’s lost nutrients will be restored. Bodies’
crystalline cellular structure will thrive on fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains; meat and seafood no longer will
be palatable; food allergies will disappear and so will today’s prolific chemicals.
Although toxins from all sources adversely affect health, bodies’ self-healing mechanisms resist or reduce the
most harmful effects when immune systems function optimally. Light is essential to maintain that degree of
immunity, and the best way to absorb light is positive thoughts and feelings. In that respect, please remember
and feel grateful that crews in spacecraft are using their technologies to neutralize or reduce as much as possible
the toxins in chemtrails, radioactive elements and all other pollutants in your earth, skies and waters.
Light absorption comes more naturally to persons whose lifestyle is balanced. Along with heeding
recommendations of your healthcare specialists and nutritionists, these additional suggestions will assist in
acquiring or regaining balance: Spend as much time as you can in tranquil solitude and enjoying Nature.
Nurture your talents and allow artistic expressions to flow. Be kind to all persons and animals and react calmly
to unpleasant surprises and confrontations. Choose light-hearted reading and other entertainment and listen to
melodious music. Smile and laugh often! Monatomic gold, perhaps best known for enhancing brain function
and spiritual clarity, also strengthens immune systems.
Chronically low energy and fatigue is not ascension-related insofar as indicating whether a person is living in
godly ways; it does mean, however, that the body is seriously light-deficient. The lack may stem from one or
more undiagnosed health conditions—perhaps the onset of an illness or debilitating disease, metabolic or
hormonal imbalance, dehydration or severe food allergies. Intense worrying can keep energy levels low.
Prolonged exposure to emissions from computers, TVs and cell phones; chemicals in prescription drugs; a diet
lacking in nutritious foods; and effects of pollutants are other possibilities.
Any one of more of those potential reasons for fatigue and low energy may be in addition to—or more
likely, caused by emotions bereft of light. Whether deeply suppressed or vehemently expressed, feelings such as
fear, anger, resentment, guilt, remorse, bitterness and jealously drain energy; and a common drain is unbalanced
relationships—the “low energy” person’s emotional system is dominantly feminine and the other’s dominantly
masculine. This has nothing whatsoever to do with gender, only with the energy make-up of the person, and the
unbalanced relationship can be between lifetime partners, siblings, parent and child, employer and employee,
neighbors, friends, business co-owners, teammates—two individuals in any relationship that entails frequent
close contact.
Keeping in mind that energy is light and light is the body’s life force, the person with masculine energy is
draining the very life of the person whose energy is feminine. When such an arrangement is karmic, rarely is it
lifelong. The lesson is complete when the “fatigued” individual takes steps to remedy the relationship or leaves
it. If that person does neither and things continue as they were, your expression “He—or she—will be the death
of me” wouldn’t be far from the truth.
Some soul contracts include a parting of the ways so that both individuals can experience life lessons with other
people. This often pertains to partners who have children—all in the family chose to gain the learning offered
by the parents’ lopsided relationship. Other contracts call for both individuals to acknowledge the need to
improve their relationship and the desire to make appropriate changes to achieve that.
56 However, because no one knows what is in her or his contract, the soul gives strong messages that can be
likened to enormous arrows pointing in the direction of chosen experiencing. But free will reigns supreme and,
just as in all other situations, persons in imbalanced relationships have the choice to ignore the soul’s
guidance—when they do, other lifetimes will offer more opportunities to “look and learn.”
Illness across the board isn’t going to disappear until the population has absorbed enough light to believe that it
can be disease-free—belief creates the reality. This pertains as well to rejuvenating faulty organs and growing
missing limbs—regeneration and restoration won’t happen in one fell swoop because those processes also
require belief.
People who unquestioningly believe they can recover from paralysis or their heart will function perfectly
without a pacemaker, for example, will manage those accomplishments sooner than individuals whose belief
wavers and much sooner than those who doubt they have any capability in those respects. It’s a matter of how
much light has permeated mind, body and spirit; and at this moment, most in your world don’t think that
something as “magical” as replacing dentures with actual new teeth is even a possibility.
Someday everyone in your world will know not only how magnificently designed your bodies are, but what
magnificently powerful souls you are! Beloved sisters and brothers, we are eager to see you discover your
innate knowledge and abilities and take your rightful place in our universal family as the multidimensional souls
you are.
Suzanne Ward
Lightworkers Teleconference XXXIV
Call-in #:
Access Code:
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Lines open:
Ascended Master Serapis Bey via Rev. AliceAnn Mechizedek
Sunday September 14, 2014
6-8 PM PST, 7-9 PM MST, 8-10 PM CST, 9-11 PM EST
If you don’t get in initially, call again, the call will not be locked.
Remember to place yourself on mute during the Master’s discourse
(use *6 to toggle on /off mute)
Yes! MP3 recording sent with donation
$22. Gratefully accepted
Send through to [email protected]
Fall Nova Earth Master-Class with Serapis Bey
OakRose Academy of Light is pleased to once again announce a new Nova Earth Master Class with the
Ascended Master Serapis Bey. This will be a 8 class biweekly commitment on the teleconference line for 8
to 12 students. Sitting at the feet of the Masters for these progressive classes are like nothing you have ever
The Teaching method is socradic and thus very interactive with the overlighting Teacher. Inner work
between classes is required as the Master will respond to answers from questions he will present to the
class as "soul” work. This is an exciting opportunity as well as an educational and enlightening experience.
Tuition is $520.00 or $65.00 per class. You must register via email with Rev. AliceAnn to reserve your
seat. You may pay at the beginning of each month for two classes or in full at the outset with a reduction at
the discounted amount of $480.00.
Two scholarships are available for students with financial need from the OakRose Academy, as the Masters
do not want anyone to miss the opportunity to study with them due to financial considerations.
Hope to see you there. Love and Blessings, Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek
Classes convene on Monday nights at 6 PM MST to 9 PM MST.
Save the dates:
8th & 22nd
6th & 20th
3rd & 17th
1st & 15th
To Register email: [email protected]
To make tuition payment go to PayPal & send to: Rev. [email protected] (please remember the
2.9% PayPal Funds Transfer fee every time you send payments)
‘I Am Love, Light & Joy’ Sweatshirts, T-Shirts & Tank Tops
The Academy feels strongly that Love, Light and Joy are the guiding principles for an individual’s ascension.
We have created a beautiful multi-color setting of roses that states, “I am Light, I am Love, I am Joy” above a
beautiful photograph of a rose taken by a friend of the Academy. Below this cut-out photo of delicate pink and
gold roses with detailed green leaves we have scripted the academy’s signature, which we hope will inspire
others around the world to join Communities of Light to share the I AM consciousness experience.
‘I Am Light, I Am Love I Am Joy’ Sweatshirts
This lovely sweat shirt is impressed on a high quality
white long-sleeve cotton blend sweatshirt and is
available exclusively through the OakRose Academy of
Light in small, medium, large and extra large for $35.00
plus tax and shipping.
Summer Love Light & Joy Mens T-Shirt
Summer Love Light & Joy Womens T-Shirt
Short Sleeve. Light Weight. Round neck.
White only. Available in several sizes.
$25.00 each (plus tax & shipping)
Short Sleeve. Light Weight. V-Neck.
White only. Available in several sizes.
$25.00 each (plus tax & shipping)
Summer Love Light & Joy MS-JR Tank Top
Light Weight. White only.
$22.50 each (plus tax & shipping)
Ordering Your OakRose Academy of Light ‘I Am Light, Love & Joy’ Sweatshirt, T-­‐shirt or Tank Top To order your Love, Light & Joy sweatshirt, tank top or T-shirt simply email: [email protected] indicating the
type, size & quantity of shirt/s you are interested in purchasing. A reply by email will be sent to you confirming
availability and cost (including shipping) of your preferred shirt/s.
To finalise your order, go to PayPal and submit your order payment (plus 5% PayPal transfer of funds fee) to
[email protected] (making sure you specify your preferred delivery address).
Once we receive notification of your payment, your shirt/s will be directly mailed to you.
Thank you for your support of the OakRose Academy of Light 59 DONATIONS TO THE OAKROSE ACADEMY OF LIGHT
The OakRose Academy would be grateful for your generous donation as there are now more people who are
recognizing a need to work with the Ascended Teachers and to come into compliance with their own inner
spiritual development, however, many of them simply cannot afford even the modest fees that the channel
If you are able to make a donation to either the OakRose Scholarship Fund or the ongoing Sponsorship fund, the
Academy would be ever so grateful.
To make a donation/gift to the OakRose Academy of Light
Please go to:
Blessings of Love & Light,
The Reverend AliceAnn Melchizedek
President OakRose Board of Directors.
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