Richard Lander School Lunchtime and After School Activities
Richard Lander School Lunchtime and After School Activities
Richard Lander School Lunchtime and After School Activities Autumn Term 2015—16 g, n lo a e , m n i o C ! n i n o u J F e v a H Monday Lunchtime Activity Year Time Dodgeball Mixed (Gym) Netball Girls (Sports Hall) Football Boys (Fields) Football Girls (Fields) Individual Fitness (HRF) Taverner Choir Wk A (Room 126) Choir (Room 127) String Group (Store Room) Environment Group (Room 123) Garden Club Wk A (Room 114) Lego/Raspberry Pi Club (Room 119) Respect Group (Room 002) GCSE Art Catch up (Room 229/231) 7-11 10-11 7-9 7-11 8-11 8-11 7 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.20pm—2.20pm 1.20pm—1.55pm 10.45am—11.15am 1.40pm—2.20pm 1.00pm—2.25pm 1.00pm—1.50pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-8 If you are interested in writing articles for the Weekly Bulletin/West Briton, or taking photographs/making films of school events please visit the DT base on a Monday lunchtime or email [email protected] or see Ms Schofield or Miss Wright for more information. After School Activity Year Basketball (Selected) 9-11 Chinese Club (Room 125) starting 21 Sept 7-11 GreenPower Car (Room 115) Members Time 3.30pm—4.30pm 3.30pm—4.15pm 3.30pm—4.30pm Tuesday Lunchtime Activity Year Netball (Sports Hall) 8 Hockey Girls (Astro) 9 & 11 Rugby (Fields) 11 Individual Fitness Girls (HRF) 7 Environment Group 7-11 Craft Club (Room 114) 7-11 Taverner Choir Wk B (Room 126) 8-11 Recorder Group Wk A (Room 127) 7-11 Production bands/vocals Wk B (Room 127) 7-11 MinecraftClub (Room 119) 7-11 Art Club (Room 231) 7-11 Respect Group (Room 002) 7-8 GCSE Art Catch up (Room 229/231) Time 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.40pm—2.20pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.20pm—1.55pm 1.00pm—1.30pm 1.45pm—2.20pm 1.00pm—1.50pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm After school Activity Year Time Hockey Girls Rugby Boys Practice Garden Club Wk B (Room 114) 7 7-10 7-11 3.30pm—4.30pm 3.30pm—4.30pm 3.30pm—5.00pm Wednesday Lunchtime Activity Netball (Sports Hall) Hockey Girls (Astro) Football Boys (Fields) Individual Fitness (HRF) String Group (Store Room) Guitar Ensemble (Room 126) Flute Ensemble Wk A (Room 127) Environment Group GreenPower Car (Room 115) Members only Christian Union (Room 224) Respect Group (Room 002) GCSE Art Catch up (Room 229/231) Year 9 8 10-11 8-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-8 Time 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 10.45pm—11.15pm 1.20pm—1.55pm 1.30pm—1.55pm 1.40pm—2.20pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.05pm—1.45pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm After School Activity Netball Girls Garden Club Wk A (Room 114) GCSE Art Catch up Year 7-8 7-11 Time 3.30pm—4.30pm 3.30pm—5.00pm 3.30pm—5.00pm Thursday Thursday Lunchtime (1.00pm—1.45pm unless stated otherwise) Lunchtime Activity Year Time Activity Year Time Homework & Study Facilities (Mezzanine) Basketball (Sports Hall) Homework IT Room 118 Hockey GirlsIT(Astro) Homework Room 119 Netball Yugeo (Courts) Group (Mezzanine) Gifted & Talented Circuits (Sports Hall) Individual Fitness Boys (HRF) Gym (Gym) GCSE/Keyboard Club (Room 126) Girls’ Netball (Fields Courts) Terpsichore (Room 127) Individual Fitness (HRF) Recorder WkRecorder B (RoomGroup 127) BeginnerGroup & Treble Environmental Tallis Choir Group Palestrina Choir Science Club (Room 110) Environmental Group 119) MinecraftClub (Room Maths Puzzle Club—Room 223 Drama Club (Room 130) Film Club— Room106 Respect (Room 002)Room 001 English Group Homework Club– GCSE ArtMagazine Catch up (Room 229/231) On-Line Scrabble Club (Room 118) Young Enterprise 7-11 7-11 7-9 10-11 10-11 7 7 7-11 7-11 7-11 7 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 7 7-11 7-8 7-11 7-11 7-8 7–7-11 8 7-8 7-11 7-11 107-11 1.30pm—2.00pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.00pm—1.30pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.30pm—1.55pm 1.20pm—2.20pm 2.00pm—2.20pm 1.20pm—2.00pm 1.40pm—2.20pm 2.00pm—2.20pm 1.30pm—2.00pm 1.30pm—2.00pm 2.00pm—2.20pm 1.00pm—1.50pm 1.30pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.20pm—200pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—1.45pm Thursday After school After school (3.30pm—4.30pm unless otherwise) Activity Yearstated Time Rugby/Netball Activity GCSE Art Catch up Boys’ Rugby Fixtures Girls’ Netball Fixtures Singing Lessons (Girls) Singing Lessons (Boys) GCSE Art Coursework Catch up 7-11 Year 7-11 7-11 9-11 7-11 11 3.30pm—4.30pm Time 3.30pm—5.00pm 3.40pm—4.30pm 3.40pm—4.30pm 3.30pm—5.00pm Friday Friday Lunchtime (1.00pm—1.45pm unless stated otherwise) Lunchtime Activity Activity Year Time Homework & Study Facilities (Mezzanine) Badminton Mixed (Sports Hall) Homework IT Room 118 Trampolining Sept/Oct Homework IT Room 119 (Gym) Trampolining Nov/Dec (Gym) Yugeo Group (Mezzanine) Boys’ 5-a-side Football (Sports Hall) Hockey Boys (Astro) Girls Cheerleading Individual Fitness (Gym) (HRF) Girls’ Football (Astro Turf) Dance (Dance Studio) (HRF) Community Challenges!! Jazz Band (Room 127) GCSE Fitness (HRF) Table Tennis Group (Hall) Environment Science Club Wk (Room 210) 114) Garden Club B (Room Jazz Band Language Club Room (Room 121) Environment Group Business Revision &Club– Support English Homework 001 (Room 118) Respect Group (Room 002) GCSE Art Catch up (Room 229/231) 7-11 7-11 7-9 7 10-11 8-9 7-87-11 7-11 8-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 7-11 10-11 7-11 7-11 7-87-11 7-11 7-9 7-11 9-11 7-11 7-8 1.30pm—2.00pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.00pm—1.30pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.10pm—1.50pm 1.20pm—2.00pm 1.40pm—2.20pm 1.30pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.25pm 1.15pm—2.00pm 1.15pm—2.00pm 2.00pm—2.20pm 1.15pm—1.45pm 1.20pm—200pm 1.00pm—2.00pm 1.00pm—2.00pm Year Time After school Activity Year EPS Training Selected Time 3.30pm—4.30pm General Information The School council is run on a regular basis during tutor times and is run by prefects. Tutors will be informed of times. Senior Leaders Common Room runs every lunchtime in the Community Lounge. Rehearsals Rehearsals for school play, dance clubs, school performances, please see drama notice boards. Learning Support Lunchtimes & After School (Support Available): Learning Resources Centre Reading, Private Study, Computers, Curriculum Tasks, Homework Environment Club Every lunchtime and recycling duties once a week. Young Enterprise Group Meet At various time, open to Year 10 students Sporting Activities All PE Clubs/Activities are available to all pupils within the age restrictions Full kit must be worn to all clubs Do not leave valuables in the changing rooms Community Sport Open to all — Wednesday 4.30pm—6.30pm Wednesday 7.00pm—9.00pm Friday 6.00pm—8.00pm Come along and join in, just £1 per session. Football—All Weather Pitch Badminton—Gym / Sports Hall Badminton—Gym / Sports Hall Community Languages Open to all Starting in October— details to follow. Look out on Moodle or the School Web page for clubs and activities starting later in the term GET INVOLVED HAVE FUN!! DANCE AND DRAMA Drama Clubs take place throughout the year whenever we are preparing for any form of production/tour. Pupils can be involved in: acting dancing singing set building stage management technical support front of house etc See Ms Charleston or Mrs Nortje for details. For more information about the clubs and activities ask your Tutor, your Head of Learning Community or the department involved