Changing Lives Through Education


Changing Lives Through Education
Changing Lives Through Education
To support
Santa Barbara
City College
students through
Photographs throughout the publication courtesy
of SBCC Foundation; Santa Barbara City College;
Gabriel Knapp Photography; Clint Weisman Studio;
Melanie Belanger; Monie Photography; SurfMedia
Communications; Tony Arroyo; Emily Florence; and
Cynthia Inda.
SBCC President Message
SBCC Foundation Message
Supporting Student Success
10 Alumni Association
12 Scroll Society
16 Donor Honor Roll
31 Board of Directors and
Foundation Staff
This important work
could not be done
without donors like you.”
Dear SBCC Friends:
The college experience remains an important period in a person’s life. The education they receive is
a stepping-stone to accomplishing goals in their future professions and careers. The skills students
develop at Santa Barbara City College, the interactions they have with faculty, staff, and each other,
and the knowledge they acquire, all greatly influence their ability to define future success. We are
preparing students to take the reins of leadership as they become stewards of our complex and
ever-changing world.
As the fundraising arm of the college, the SBCC Foundation provides financial support that is
imperative for SBCC students as they work toward graduation, careers, or transfer to a four-year
university. Gifts made in the form of discretionary funds, endowed faculty positions, student
scholarships, and planned gifts provide the foundation with the ability to address both student and
institutional needs.
At SBCC we create an environment where students can connect and learn. We set high standards
for students knowing that we also provide the supportive services that enable students to obtain
these high goals. I am proud to say that due to our combined efforts, nearly two-thirds of all full-time
students who begin at SBCC graduate within three years. At a rate of 64 percent, this number is well
above the national average.
We believe in our students. We advocate for our students. We give our students the outstanding
faculty and support services they need to achieve academic success. Together with the SBCC
Foundation, we are propelling our students forward with the assurance that their future is secure
because people who care have invested in making sure they have a solid educational foundation.
Santa Barbara City College
Dear SBCC Foundation Family:
We are pleased to bring you the 2013 - 2014 Annual Report, a publication illustrating the good work
accomplished in support of students attending Santa Barbara City College. Thanks to your generosity,
we were able to provide more than $3.5 million in the form of scholarships; book grants; child care
opportunities; tutoring; and programmatic support.
Essentially, SBCC is a local institution. More than 40 percent of young people attend the college right
out of our local high schools, and more than 64 percent of SBCC students reside in Santa Barbara
County. Therefore, the foundation is providing necessary support to students who, upon graduation,
will continue the stewardship of our community as the next generation of leaders.
Today, students learn very differently than they did 50 years ago. The climate of education has
changed, the use of technology has grown beyond all expectation, and students must develop 21st
century skills necessary to maneuver through an ever-changing professional landscape. Through it
all, SBCC is providing an invaluable, real world education, offering students the ability to transfer to a
four-year university or go out into the workforce fully equipped to get a job and become an important
community contributor.
On behalf of the foundation, we thank you for giving our students the gift of opportunity.
Board President
Interim Executive Director
SBCC FoundationSBCC Foundation
Within the pages of this annual report, you will find both student and alumni success stories. These,
coupled with the narratives of donors who have given to the foundation, provide a compelling picture
of academic excellence, proving we could not deliver such a diverse level of opportunity and support
to our students without donors like you.
Supporting Student Success
Whether providing support directly to students or for college programs, the
SBCC Foundation is a critical link for those interested in pursuing academic goals.
In 2013 - 2014, the foundation made more than $3.5 million in donations to Santa Barbara
City College in the form of scholarships, book grants, and programmatic support. The
following are just a few examples of assistance given to the SBCC student community.
Scholarships relieve financial burden so
students can concentrate on academic
excellence. In the 2013 - 2014 academic
year, the SBCC Foundation provided more
than $800,000 to student scholarships.
Book Grants
College textbook prices continue to increase,
creating a large expense for students. But
without required textbooks, students quickly
fall behind in their classes. The cost of
purchasing textbooks might be prohibitive,
making a book grant a necessary award.
In 2013 - 2014, the SBCC Foundation gave
$185,000 to students for book grants.
CARE Program at SBCC
The Coordinated Agencies Resources for
Education (CARE) Program at SBCC serves
single parent students with funds for child care,
book grants, school supplies, and counseling.
A safe, supportive child care environment is
necessary so that student parents can focus on
their school work during classroom hours.
In 2013 - 2014, the SBCC Foundation provided
$155,000 to the CARE Program.
The foundation also gave $25,000 to Single
Parents Arriving Ready for College (SPARC), a sixweek summer bridge program for single parent
students who are new to college or returning
to college and who might benefit from extra
academic assistance. In addition, the Women’s
Fund of Santa Barbara gave a $90,000 grant
toward critical child care support for single parent
students. The funding expands on the successful
SPARC program to provide year-round child care.
MESA Program Gives
Sara Colon Opportunity to
Find Academic Success
After a decidedly rough childhood, Sara
Colon found herself on her own at age 17.
She attempted to go to college twice, but
was unable to make it through. Last year, Sara
returned to SBCC and discovered engineering.
She became involved in the Mathematics,
Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA)
program and the Society for Hispanic
Professional Engineers (SHPE). Now, she is
working hard at SBCC so that she can transfer to
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and earn a bachelor’s
degree in electrical engineering.
I have learned a lot
about myself as I have
acquired new skills that
are helping me reach
my academic goals.”
Sara graduated from Carpinteria High school,
and attempted college, but was unable to
stay in school. “At that time, I was immature
and lacking in confidence,” said Sara. “More
importantly, I lacked an awareness of all the
resources available at SBCC to help me with my
academic goals.”
Motivated by her two sons, Sara returned to
SBCC last year, discovering engineering and
the MESA program. She is also enjoying the
connections she has made with both her peers
and faculty members. Sara is especially grateful
for the interaction she has with her SBCC
career counselor.
“My counselor’s dedication, willingness to help
others, and informative workshops gave me the
confidence I needed to go for my academic
goals,” said Sara. “The guidance I received
opened doors for me as I learned about new
resources such as the MESA program.”
With help from MESA and her SBCC counselor,
Sara set up a student educational plan and
applied for SBCC Foundation scholarships.
“I have learned a lot about myself as I have
acquired new skills that are helping me reach
my academic goals,” said Sara. “Most importantly,
I have learned how to take initiative, seek
assistance, and embrace change.”
Through her experience as the only female SHPE
board member, her struggles as a Latina, and her
participation in a science event for young girls
funded by the SHPE professional chapter, Sara
is now inspired to establish a support group for
female MESA members. “The objective will be to
empower young Latinas in the STEM fields while
creating a strong community among participants,”
said Sara.
As for the immediate future, Sara is excited to
teach her 4 year old son how to read soon. As she
well knows, it is never too early to start on one’s
journey to academic success.
Born in Puebla, Mexico, Sara came to California
with her mother and 1 year old sister when she
was 5 years old. Living in an English speaking
country was challenging for Sara. In addition,
she had to help raise her sister while her mother
worked two jobs. Under rough economic
circumstances, dreams of going to college
felt far off, especially when she was forced to
leave home.
Supporting Student Success
School of Nursing
The School of Nursing prepares students for
Registered Nurse (RN) licensure, Vocational
Nurse (VN) licensure, and Certified Nursing
Assistant (CNA) certification. The Registered
Nursing program is offered for qualified men
and women to prepare for staff nurse positions
in hospitals and similar health agencies. In
2013 - 2014, the foundation provided more than
$625,000 to the School of Nursing.
Running Start Summer Program
Extended Opportunity Programs
and Services (EOPS)
Extended Opportunities Programs and
Services (EOPS) is a support program designed
to provide academic support, financial
assistance, and encouragement for eligible,
financially disadvantaged, and academically
underprepared students. Through EOPS,
students are provided with academic and
career advising as well as personal counseling,
help with enrollment, and transfer assistance
to four-year institutions. Cooperative Agencies
Resources for Education (CARE), is an aspect
of EOPS, serving low-income, single parent
students. In 2013 - 2014, the foundation provided
more than $110,000 to EOPS.
Running Start is a summer program that offers
college orientation, academic counseling and
registration, and financial aid guidance to high
school students without plans to attend college.
During the school year, high school program
coordinators identify and recruit seniors whose
grades and test scores show their ability to
succeed, but who remain unaware of the
benefits of higher education. At the conclusion
of the summer program, more than 90 percent
of participants enroll as full-time SBCC
students. In 2013 - 2014, the SBCC Foundation
provided more than $140,000 to the Running
Start summer program.
Teketa Bellamy:
From Personal Tragedy
to Educational Triumph
From the beginning of her college career
at SBCC, Teketa found the campus to be
extremely welcoming and friendly, with none
of the stress associated with a large university.
Teketa was able to thrive, obtaining a 4.0 GPA
and transferring to Antioch University more
than a year ago to pursue a bachelor’s degree
in liberal studies and applied psychology.
She credits her counselor at SBCC’s Transfer
Academy, a service on campus working to
help students transfer from SBCC to four-year
institutions, for giving her the tools she needed
to focus and excel in school. “Being part of the
Transfer Academy really encouraged me to
stay in school,” said Teketa. “I do not know
where I would be without the guidance and
advice I received.”
Transfer Academy counselors directed Teketa
in the selection of classes she would need
before transferring to Antioch. They also helped
her with the Antioch application process,
encouraging her to complete the entrance
paper and aiding in the collection of letters of
recommendation. “My counselor told me to
never give up on my dreams,” said Teketa.
“That I should always keep my eye on the prize,
which for me is graduation.”
In addition to the help Teketa received from the
Transfer Academy, the single mother of four
also needed child care during class time. SBCC
counselors were able to refer her to child care
services, as well as scholarships and funding
from the SBCC Foundation. “I got more attention
and support from SBCC than I ever could have
imagined possible,” said Teketa.
I got more attention
and support
from SBCC than
I ever could have
imagined possible.”
Today, Teketa looks forward to graduation and
hopes to continue her education by pursuing a
master’s degree in clinical psychology so that she
can become a guidance counselor for a university
or smaller school. She wants to help others as
she was helped along her road to educational
success. “SBCC is a place where you can achieve
and succeed,” said Teketa. “I look forward to the
future, where I can guide students and offer the
same support system I received in school.”
After a car collision left Teketa Bellamy with
a serious head injury, her college career as a
pre-med student at Morris Brown College in
Atlanta, Georgia, came to a dramatic halt. “In
that moment, my whole life changed forever,”
said Teketa. Needing time to heal, she moved
to Santa Barbara. As she progressed in her
recovery, Teketa became connected with
Santa Barbara City College. Now, after three
years of hard work and dedicated guidance
from counselors in the school’s Transfer
Academy, she is on track to graduate from
Antioch University in 2015.
The academic challenge.
The personal growth. The ocean view.
Reconnect with the school you loved.
Join the SBCC Alumni Association.
The SBCC Alumni Association connects
alumni to the college, to the community, and
to each other. Join the association to continue
developing as a professional.
Alumni Association members receive a monthly
e-newsletter, are invited to special networking
events, and will be eligible for forthcoming
benefits. Membership is a great way to keep in
touch with SBCC and fellow Vaqueros.
SBCC Alumni Association
Board of Directors
Robyn Parker
Dylan Conroy
For more information, email
[email protected].
Des O’Neill, JD
to join the alumni directory.
Dr. Christoph Warnke
Restaurateur Tony Arroyo
Proves Hard Work Mixed
with Passion is a Recipe
for Success
Born in Michoacán, Mexico, Tony came to
America around the age of 14, looking for a new
opportunity and the chance for an education.
He lived in Pasadena for six months, before
visiting Santa Barbara and falling in love with
the community. He quickly moved, and got
a job working at Moby Dick restaurant. At the
age of 18, Tony enrolled at Santa Barbara
City College. “It was amazing to attend Santa
Barbara City College,” said Tony. “You have no
idea how many times I would sit down on the
steps at the stadium, look at the ocean, and
think how lucky I was – not just to be in this city,
but to be at a college like this.”
While attending SBCC, Tony took English 110,
bookkeeping, and accounting courses, and
credits his ESL classes with providing him with
the opportunity to learn English. “I learned to
speak English at SBCC,” said Tony. “At that time,
City College was the best thing that happened
to me.”
Tony also remembers the great experiences
he had in the culinary school. One teacher
in particular, a French chef, taught him that
everyone eats from the eyes first, then from the
smell, and then from the mouth. “My teacher
engrained in me the importance of making a
beautiful plate of food as a way for people to
fall in love with and be intrigued by my cooking,”
said Tony. “He made me realize that food is an art
form and that I needed to make beautiful food so
that people could enjoy it.”
When the time was right, Tony found a small
location on Figueroa Street in downtown Santa
Barbara, opening the doors to Los Arroyos on
March 4, 1999. “When I opened my restaurant,
I used all of my savings, and every idea I had
to get the place started. I had the menu in my
head the whole time,” said Tony. “I had no money
for advertising, and could not even afford to
hang a proper sign. I only sold two meals at
lunchtime, but by 8:00 p.m. that night I had to
close the doors because I was completely sold
out of food.”
For Tony, college contributed to his success,
giving him the tools he needed to develop
and grow his business. He now gives back to
the community as part of his business model,
supporting a variety of community causes
including education and the school he loves so
much. “I still go and sit in the same spot on the
stairs and watch the ocean, and it just brings me
right back to my great college days,” said Tony.
“I loved attending City College, and from this
experience coupled with my personal success,
I feel as if I graduated in life.”
Walking into Los Arroyos, one immediately feels
at ease in the comfortable, inviting atmosphere.
Regulars know what they will order before they
even walk through the door, while many find
it difficult to choose from a variety of favorite
options. Tony Arroyo started Los Arroyos 15
years ago, and through his hard work, his
business has grown to include four locations
with more than 100 employees. He credits
Santa Barbara City College for giving him the
business skills he needed to make his dream a
reality. “I am doing what I love to do,” said Tony.
“And that is working in restaurants.”
The Scroll Society honors those who have made provisions in their estate plans to
support Santa Barbara City College.
Through their generosity and foresight, Scroll Society members ensure future
students access and opportunity to higher education.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Adams
Mrs. Ursula P. Greditzer
Ms. Patricia Montemayor
Mrs. Ruthe E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Habermann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur U. Ayres
Ms. Kathryn B. Hein
Dr. Joanne Moran and
Mr. Mitchell E. Kauffman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Baum
Dr. Ursula E. Henderson
Ms. Barbara Ben-Horin
Ms. Barbara Hoffacker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Berti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Jackson
Dr. Eric Boehm
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. Wymond W. Bradbury
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Jamner
Ms. Sharr Bryan-Herman
Mr. M. Duane Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Casier
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie M. Jurkowitz
Les and Zora Charles
Ms. Lynn Klinkenberg
Ms. Tara S. Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Kreisel
Mr. Eldred G. Mugford
Ms. Jeanne Northsinger
Debby and Ken Pash
Mr. Guy H. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prober
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Purpero
Mrs. Marian Rapp
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rocco
Ms. Patricia Cramer
Dr. William D. Santoro
Ms. Patricia E. Lacks and Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schall
Mr. Paul C. Gawronik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dependahl, Jr.
Ms. Claudia Lapin
Mr. Silvio D. Di Loreto
Ms. Patricia A. Lippa
Mr. Dean W. Dorn
Ms. Joan M. Livingston
Mr. John Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lorber
Ms. Anne Eberle
Mrs. Lee Luria
Mr. John C. Eggler
Mr. Bernard MacElhenny
Ms. Lynda Fairly
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Marschak, Jr.
Ms. Léni Fé Bland
Mr. Keith Mautino
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Forster
Ms. Rosemary G. Maxfield
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Frank
Ms. Kathleen McGuire
Ms. Penny Godkin
Mr. Bruce McRoy, JD
Reverend Bets Wienecke and
Dr. Peter O. Haslund
Ms. Barbara Graper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Mitchell
Mr. John R. Ziegler
Dr. Susanne Colin
Ms. Louise Shafer-Upson and
Mr. Barry Upson
Ms. Shelley Silva
Ms. Patricia O. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald St. John
Mr. and Mrs. William Steinkellner
Ms. Mary M. Stuntz
Ms. Susan G. Thomason
Mrs. Jeanne Thornton
Mr. Lewis J. Vellis
The Campaign
for Student Success
“Santa Barbara residents and businesses
understand that supporting SBCC students
means supporting our local economy and
community as a whole,” said Robyn Freedman,
chair of the Campaign for Student Success.
“As they say, ‘A rising tide lifts all boats,’
and nothing could be more significant than
lifting the economic potential of students
through education.”
The campaign is an important part of the
foundation’s efforts to meet college priorities
and student needs for support.
The Campaign for Student Success is an
important, volunteer-driven fundraising
effort the SBCC Foundation embarks upon
annually to raise critical funds for Santa
Barbara City College and its students.
Funds raised support college priorities and
assist students in overcoming barriers as they
attend college. Last year, the campaign raised
$1.2 million for the college and students.
SBCC Foundation Financials
In the 2013 - 2014 fiscal year, donors made generous contributions to support SBCC students and
programs. New gifts and pledges totaled more than $7 million, a figure that represents a growth in
giving to the foundation. Dynamic leadership was also seen from the foundation board as overall
board giving totaled more than $910,000. Donor and board contributions aid students as they pursue
their dreams of higher education.
$2.5 Million
Number of student scholarships and
departmental awards provided in the
fiscal year 2013 - 2014.
Number of dollars given to SBCC in the
form of programmatic support.
$1.3 Million
More than
$7 Million
Number of dollars given to SBCC
scholarships and departmental
Number of dollars raised through fundraising.
Net Assets Chart
$3,902,145 $3,839,636
The numbers represented are unaudited. The audited numbers will be available online by the end of the year.
Donor contributions allow us to do our good work
even better, providing opportunity
for SBCC students to achieve academic success,”
said Michael Giles, SBCC Foundation
board treasurer. “The foundation will continue$4,000,000
to steward the$3,902,145
allowing for financial growth and further student
SBCC Foundation
The SBCC Foundation is a critical link for those interested in pursuing academic goals, providing
financial support for students attending Santa Barbara City College.
Gifts made in the form of discretionary funds, endowed faculty positions, student scholarships,
and planned gifts provide the foundation with the ability to address both student and
institutional needs.
The President’s Council
The President’s Council is the cornerstone of philanthropic
giving for the SBCC Foundation. Members of the council provide
the annual resources necessary for the foundation to leverage
funds in support of the highest priority needs of the college.
“I have heard donors share stories about the mentors they had in
school, and the importance of the education they received,” said
Gretchen Hewlett, development director of the SBCC Foundation.
“Many now want to pay it forward so that young people at SBCC can
experience the same opportunity.”
“For some students, the funding they receive is life changing,” said Jim Rivera, interim
executive director for SBCC Foundation. “When students know they have financial security,
they are better able to focus on their studies, propelling their lives forward in the achievement
of their goals.”
For information on the President’s Council, or to learn more about planned giving, contact
SBCC Foundation Development Director Gretchen Hewlett at (805) 897-3537 or email
[email protected].
Planned giving is also an option for those wishing to leave a community legacy. Through
planned gifts, donors contribute to the foundation’s ability to promote a culture of learning
and integrity at the college.
SBCC Foundation
Honor Roll
The SBCC Foundation Honor Roll recognizes those generous members of the Santa Barbara
community and beyond – individuals, businesses, and foundations – whose gifts this past
year have contributed to the success of students attending Santa Barbara City College.
Donor contributions provide financial support and student opportunity.
$250,000 and Above
Estate of Judith Evans Meyer
The Coeta and Donald R.
Barker Foundation
Mosher Foundation
Ms. Helen S. Converse
Cottage Health System
Bradley W. and Mary S. Krause
Family Trust
Winslow Maxwell Charitable Trust
$100,000 to $249,999
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Friedel
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fishman
Santa Barbara Unified School
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gray
Bui and Herb Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schall
Mrs. Margaret Hamister
Thatcher Foundation
Ms. Perri Harcourt
Volentine Family Foundation
James D. Scheinfeld Family
Williams-Corbett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Scher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hazard, Jr.
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Staley
Mr. John Hunt
Yardi Systems
Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson
Hutton Parker Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Luria Foundation
Mr. Stanley H. Tomchin
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobson
Towbes Foundation
Adams Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente - Southern
Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Kendall
Dr. Kate Meehan and
Mr. Jack Benadon
Apgar Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. H. Wallace Vandever
The Bank of Santa Barbara
Ms. Elizabeth Kilb
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation
Venoco, Inc.
Charles Bloom Foundation
Wallis Foundation
Ms. Dorothy Largay and
Mr. Wayne Rosing
Estate of Daphne Cooper
Earl Warren Showgrounds
Robert and Mercedes
Eichholz Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Simms/Mann Family Foundation
Union Bank
Fund for Santa Barbara
The Wharton Foundation
Wintercreek Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Mrs. Marilyn Gevirtz
Virgil Elings, PhD
William and Charlene Glikbarg
$5,000 to $9,999
Goleta Union School District
Dr. Jon Anton
Highland Santa Barbara
Foundation Inc.
Mr. Earl Armstrong
Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Kind World Foundation
Edward and Gladys Baker
Kirby-Jones Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Kreisel
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Burk
Joy Doner Mazzeo
Estate of Gertrude B. Calden
Foundation for California
Community Colleges
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rocco
First United Methodist Church
Ridley-Tree Foundation
The Estate of Mrs. Eralda Kogan
Santa Barbara Foundation
Santa Barbara County
$25,000 to $49,999
Estate of Ms. Martha Churchyard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Dependahl, Jr.
Dr. David W. Doner, Jr.
Montecito Bank & Trust
Edison International
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Mozilo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Giles
Dr. and Mrs. Simon Raab
Godric Foundation
Raintree Foundation
Ms. Sharon Granoff
St. Francis Foundation of
Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Jackson
Rotary Club of Montecito
Mericos Foundation
SAGE Publications
Mrs. Joan Rock Bailard
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Case
Coast Geological Society
The Herbert and Gertrude
Latkin Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Lewis
Lopker Family Foundation
Mrs. Lillian Lovelace
Men's Garden Club of Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pash
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Roney
Estate of Selma Rubin
Santa Barbara County
Arts Commission
Santa Barbara Culinary Arts
Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schipper
Ms. Christine Smith
Drs. Sue and J.W. Colin
Spirit of Entrepreneurship
The James M. Cox Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Towbes
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cushman
Tuscany Advisory
Adelle Davis Foundation
Mr. Jim Vincent
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Mrs. Susan F. Vincent
Jerry and Joan Rocco
Provide Important Resources
for SBCC Students
For Jerry and Joan Rocco, giving is a family
affair. Passionate about the community they
live in, the Roccos decided as a couple that
they would become more engaged donors
during their lifetime in support of education
and the arts. “We wanted to start becoming
more involved,” said Jerry. “Earlier in my life, it
was about getting settled and building income.
Now that I am in a place to give back, I am
more than willing to do so.”
Joan is a fourth generation Californian. Born in
Los Angeles, she went to a small, all-female
high school before attending UCLA. After
graduation, Joan became a teacher, working
primarily in the cities of Watts and Venice. At
a certain point in her life, Joan found herself
alone with three sons. Needing to work, and
not wanting to teach anymore, she got her real
estate license and began selling and teaching
real estate, as well as managing offices, a
career path she continued on for 28 years.
The Roccos know the value of education, and
have seen the benefit personally through the
course of their careers. They understand how
difficult it has become for young people to
maneuver through the professional landscape,
and support SBCC because they see the vital
need the college is filling in the community.
“Today’s kids need to be savvy in areas people
of my generation never needed to be savvy
in,” said Joan. “SBCC is the great gateway,
giving students the opportunity to take
classes with minimal financial burden before
graduating with a degree or transferring to a
four-year university.”
Jerry and Joan are very familiar with SBCC’s
Center for Lifelong Learning, taking a number
of classes from Spanish to calligraphy. Joan
even took a few business law and accounting
courses at the college when she first moved to
Santa Barbara. “SBCC serves both ends of the
age spectrum, which is wonderful,” said Jerry.
“Continued education opportunities are especially
important for seniors, as it gives them a chance to
learn new things while enjoying the camaraderie
of friends.”
The Roccos are longtime SBCC Foundation
supporters, originally giving unrestricted gifts
through the President’s Council. Today, they are
more directed in their giving, supporting the CARE
single parent child care program and providing for
book grants. “From certain life experiences, I saw a
side of life that made me realize how hard it might
be for a person to meet their basic needs,” said
Joan. “I know what mothers go through to get an
education so that they can earn more income and
provide a better life for their children.”
As Jerry and Joan see it, SBCC is offering
students important options for their future
success. “What we have here at SBCC is pretty
spectacular,” said Joan. “Jerry and I both see
the value the college brings to the students and
surrounding community. For us, this college is
worth preserving.”
Growing up in New York, Jerry came to
California as a teenager, attending high school
in the San Fernando Valley before spending
two years at Valley Junior College. He then
transferred to UCSB, finishing school following
time in the Army. After graduation, Jerry built
his life in Santa Barbara, working in real estate
and real estate development.
$1,000 to $4,999
Mrs. Jane S. Dyruff
Foundation of Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Onnen
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Edebo
Ms. Lola Jacobson
Orcutt Mineral Society, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Adams
Ms. Joan M. Livingston
and Dr. Blair Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Jamner
Pacifica Suites 335
Adelante Charter School
of Santa Barbara
Mr. Leonard S. Jarrott
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Emmons
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jordano
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay A. Parton
Dr. Lois Jovanovic
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pittman
Julianne Boutique
Mrs. Eleanor R. Precoda
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie M. Jurkowitz
Stacy and William Pulice
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Kally
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Robert
Dr. Joanne Moran and Mr.
Mitchell E. Kauffman
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Robins
Adams Fund
Mr. Ignacio Alarcon
Dennis Allen Associates
Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts
Ms. Antoinette Amorteguy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Asséo
Ms. Léni Fé Bland
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fishman
Mrs. Dorothy L. Flaster
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Forster
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash
Indians Foundation
Heritage Oaks Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Barbakow
Drs. Marci and Jack Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fulmer
Mrs. Katherine S. Bart
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Fulton
Ms. Vanessa L. Bechtel
and Mr. Jim Bechtel
Mrs. Catherine H. Gainey
Ms. Marlyn Bernstein
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Gainor
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Garand
Mrs. Janet Garufis
Mrs. Madge L. Kelley
Kinyon Construction, Inc.
Dr. Paula Kislak
LaCentra-Sumerlin Foundation
Ms. Claudia Lapin
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Laplante
Mr. Charles Lenhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Lew
Ms. Sarah Jane Lind
Mrs. Christine Garvey and
Mr. George Gelles
Dr. Peter L. Brill
Lori L. Gaskin, PhD
Lompoc Unified School District
Glenn & Greeola Brun
GE Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lukas
Wendel M. Bruss
Ms. Anne C. Ready and
Mr. David L. Gersh
Lundgren Management Corp
Ms. Susan J. Rose and
Mr. Allan Ghitterman
Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. MacDougall
The Goldsmith and Cestaro
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs Thad MacMillan
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Budgor
Canalino School
Carpinteria Unified School District
Ms. Laura Castro and
Mr. Jason Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lindros
Lyons Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Carole MacElhenny
Mrs. Mercedes G. Rodgers
Ms. Jeanne C. Rodwell
Mr. Peter T. Rojas
Roll Global
Mr. and Mrs. John Romo
Rotary Club of Santa Barbara
Ms. Ursula Ruland
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Salter
Santa Barbara Beautiful, Inc.
Santa Barbara Dental Care
Santa Barbara Woodie Club
Mr. and Mrs. Brooke E. Sawyer, Jr.
SBCC Student Senate
Frank Schipper Construction
Mrs. Nancy Schlosser
Suzi and Joe Schomer
Ms. Adrienne E. Schuele
Sempra Energy Utility
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gordon
Trust of August C. Magnus
Ms. Vanessa R. Graham
Mr. Joel A. Maloney
Guy Smithson Painting and
Decorating, Inc.
Ms. Christine A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Manger
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snider
Ms. Jacklyn Gridley
MarBorg Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stein
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Goss III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Marshall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sullivan
Ms. Lisa Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grubb
Ms. Marie Martinelli
Mr. Clay Tedeschi
Citrix Online
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Habermann Mr. and Mrs. James G. McFarlane
Ms. Carnzu Clark
Mr. Jacques Habra
Mr. and Mrs. Steven McGovern
Tropicana Student Organization
Mr. Jeff Colin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Haight
Ms. Kathleen McGuire
Consulado de Mexico en Oxnard
Mrs. Kathleen Halloran
Bruce McRoy, JD
Turpin Family Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Cooney
Reverend Bets Wienecke and
Dr. Peter O. Haslund
Mon-Nat Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morrison
Village Properties Realtors
Ms. Elberta L. Pate Mosely
Ms. Denise Jaimes-Villanueva and
Mr. Eli Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cerf
Craddock Engineering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Charles
Chevron Texaco Matching
Gift Program
Ms. Lynda Fairly
Ms. Elizabeth Auchincloss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bergquist
Mr. Leland Evans
Ms. Susan Sullivan and
Mr. Connell Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dealy
Mr. Robert Hecht
The Corwin D. Denney Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hirsch
Mr. Silvio D. Di Loreto
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Howland
Dr. and Mrs. Joe W. Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hunter
Ms. Molly Dolle
Hydrex Pest Control Company
Mr. and Mrs. R. Chad Dreier
Mrs. Jacqueline J. Inskeep
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dwelley
Italian Cultural Heritage
Mrs. Raymond K. Myerson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nadel
The Nadel Foundation
Mr. William Nasif
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Nissenson
Ms. Lessie Sinclair Nixon and
Mr. Gordon Schontzler
Ted Townsend Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vogelzang
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Webster, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Werft
Mr. C. Dana White
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard White
Ms. Ann G. Willson
Ted and Coleen Friedel Provide
Students with the Opportunity to
Pursue their Professional Goals
As individuals, Ted and Coleen Friedel were
fortunate to find professional fulfillment, building
careers from interests they were passionate
about pursing. As a couple, they have built
their philanthropy primarily around supporting
education. For both, education provided an
important stepping-stone in life. Now, they are
hoping to give SBCC students the support they
need to develop successful careers.
Ted graduated from college with an
engineering degree, but quickly realized it was
not an occupation he wanted to pursue. He
went back to school and got a master’s degree
in finance, essentially turning his hobby and
passion for investing into a career. “My father got
me into investing when I was young. I loved it as
a hobby and was fortunate to be able to do it for
a living,” said Ted. “Even though I am retired, I
still spend a good part of my day looking at the
market and reading. It is fascinating to me what
goes on in the world and how all of these pieces
are connected.”
Originally from Australia, Coleen began to
travel the world as soon as she was able, living
for a time in London, England. She was in the
hair dressing business and studied with Vidal
Sassoon. From this experience, she opened her
own business in West Los Angeles, which she
ran for 35 years. “I was always a very curious
person so I left Australia because it was way
down low on the map and I wanted to see what
else was going on in the world,” said Coleen.
Coleen first heard about Santa Barbara City
College after a chance encounter with an SBCC
Foundation board member, Robyn Freedman.
As the friendship developed, Robyn shared her
enthusiasm for the school and the terrific work
of its students. Ted had already provided a
scholarship to his alma mater, the University of
California, Berkeley, and wanted to learn more
about SBCC. The Friedels toured the campus and
were very impressed with the faculty, students,
and activities. “As we get older, we think about
what we want to do to help others,” said Ted.
“We knew SBCC would be a wonderful institution
to support.”
Ted and Coleen decided to endow scholarships
emphasizing vocational programs, specifically
culinary arts and automotive service and
technology. They have also provided scholarships
for veterans who are returning to school and
trying to settle back into their lives. “Sometimes
people feel like they have to get a college
degree to succeed in life, but we have all kinds
of needs in our economy,” said Ted. “Given the
strength of SBCC in the vocational areas, I wanted
to provide support to those students who are
looking for that sense of who they might be as
young professionals.”
Ultimately, the Friedels are looking forward to
seeing students achieve professional success.
“We endowed the scholarships because we felt
it was important for people to learn the skills they
need to turn their passion into a career,” said
Coleen. "Through the scholarships, we are telling
students that when it comes to their futures,
anything is possible.”
Ted moved to Santa Barbara in 1998 from
West Los Angeles so that his son could start
kindergarten. Growing up in a family that
moved around a lot, Ted wanted to provide his
son with the opportunity to go through school
with the same cohort of friends. “Even before
I moved to Santa Barbara, I thought it was a
great community,” said Ted. "In addition to the
environment of giving amongst residents, I have
found the people, the city, and the community
to be culturally vibrant and alive.”
Wine Cask
Ms. Judy Antweiler
Ms. Laurie Bassett
Ms. Marty Blum
Mr. and Mrs. R. Alastair Winn
Architectural Stone Works
Ms. Andrea J. Batie
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Bohn
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Writer, Jr.
Area 5.1 Winery
Ms. Lynn Battisti
Ms. Elise Bonfiglio
Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Wyatt
Ms. Mona Armijo-Sloan
Ms. Jennifer Bauer
Ms. Tara Booker
Ms. Chien-ei Yu
Ms. Sally Armour
Ms. Emily Baum
Ms. Jorgia Bordofsky
Ms. Dawn S. Ziemer and
Mr. Brett Larsen
Ms. Judith Villa and
Mr. Nicholas Arnold
Mr. Richard A. Baum
Mr. Riley Borrill
Ms. Jean Bauman
Mr. Norman H. Borucki
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziemer
Mr. Larry Arterberry
Ms. Mary Jane Baumgartner
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bothman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Maurice Bouchard
Gifts Up to $999
Ms. Janet E. Head and
Mr. Amr El Abbadi
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Abbott
Ms. Sylvia Abualy
Ms. Julie A. Acosta
Ms. Miranda Acosta
Ms. Nyomie Acosta
Mr. Jose Adame
Ms. Nancy Caponi and
Mr. Robert Adams
Mr. Gregg Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adelman
Mr. Mounir Ashamalla
Ms. Anne R. Ashmore
Ms. Lisa Atencio
Mrs. Angie N. Atkins
Atlas Appraisal, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Atwater
Ms. Belita Ong and
Mr. J. Gordon Auchincloss
Mr. Daniel Avalos
Ms. Eileen Aylesworth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ayling
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Becker
Mr. Jerome M. Becker
Bedrock Building Supplies
Mr. and and Mrs. Gayle Beebe
J.M. Bell and P.M. Hardy
Ms. Cathy C. Duncan and
Mr. Kevin Beller
Ms. Yekaterina Belton
Ms. Donna Benaroya
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Bendet
Mr. and Mrs. Yoav Ben-Horin
Mr. Greg Bennett
Mr. E. Michel Boudreaux
Ms. Christie Bourdet
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Bouska
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Bower
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bowler
Ms. Jennifer M. Bowman and
Mr. Brady A. Bowman
Ms. Kimberly Bowman
Ms. Elizabeth Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Boyd
Ms. Eda Bachrach and
Mr. John R. Porter
Mr. Tom Ahajanian
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Badat
Mr. Francois Bereaud
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Bagish
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Bereaud
Ms. Barbara Terry and
Mr. Robert Breskovich
Dr. Kathryn Alexander
Mr. James F. Bagwell
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Ashleigh Brilliant
Mr. and Mrs. David Allen
Ms. Kim Stevens and
Mr. Gregory Baker
Mr. Steven F. Berg
Mr. John Broad
Mr. Ivo Bergsohn
Ms. Eleonore M. Stiene-Brown
and Mr. Edwin C. Brown
Ms. Hannah Allen and
Mr. Frederick Allen
Ms. Virginia H. Baker
Ms. Patricia A. Allen
Mr. Mahlon E. Balderston, Jr.
Ms. Christiane Schlumberger
and Dr. Anthony A. Allina
Ms. Mary Ballard
Ms. Pamela Allman
Ms. Donna Alonzo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R Balash
Ms. Phyllis Bannister
Mr. Greg Baranoff
Ms. Ann Barber
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Berardi
Ms. Cindy Bergstrom
Mr. Charles Berhalter
Ms. Carla Berkefeld
Ms. Barbara Bermudes
Ms. Ruthie Bernal
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Bertasi II
Ms. Anita M. Bradford
Joel H. Brandt, MD
Dr. and Mrs. C. Alan Brown
Ms. Margaret H. Brown
Ms. Barbara Brown
Ms. Amy Broyles
Mr. Justin Bruce
Ms. Patricia Bruens
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barberich
Ms. Noel Slattery and
Mr. James G. Bertoli
Alvarez Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barcelar
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beuret
K. D. Brunner and R. L. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Alvarez
Mr. Douglas P. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bieber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bruno
American Association of Petroleum Mrs. Julie Barnes
Geologists Foundation
Ms. Cheri Barrett
Ms. Tracy Andersen
Ms. Donna Barrett
Ms. Anne W. Anderson
Mr. Edward Barrier
Ms. Betty J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Blakely R. Barron
Mrs. Genevieve Anderson
Ms. Patty Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F.
Ms. Alexa Andrade
Barthelmess, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bilyeu
Ms. Bonnie Bryan
Mr. Jason Birrer
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryant
Mr. Gary Birrer
Ms. Hope S. Bryant
Ms. Donna Blakemore
Mr. Ted Bryson
Ms. Elisa J. Jorquez and
Mr. Karl R. Blasius
Ms. Monica K. Bucher-Smith
Rita R. Blau, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Buckelew
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Bleiweis
Ms. Cher Bucknam
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Andrino
Ms. Katharine M. Barthels
Blindmatters Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Eric Burak
Mrs. Mary Ankeny
Ms. Sarah Bartholomew
Mr. Dennis Bloor
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Burgett
Ms. Diane Baskin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Blum
Ms. Sarah Burlingame
Alta Orthopaedic
Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Arvin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Adler
Mr. Eric Allen
Ms. Donna L. Arvin and
Ms. Norma J. Vinson
Mrs. JoAnne Ando
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Brun
Mr. Andrew S. Buck
SBCC Inspires Entrepreneurial Spirit in
Emily Florence
Emily Florence transferred into SBCC from a four-year university so
she could get going on the UC curriculum before transferring to UC
Santa Barbara. “After one week, I never wanted to leave,” said Emily.
“You know you are at an incredible school when the classrooms are
full and the sandy beaches across the street are empty.”
While at SBCC, Emily studied everything from astronomy to drama to
Italian with teachers who had immense passion for their respective subjects. “I became an avid learner
at SBCC," said Emily. "That desire and excitement to learn something new is why I decided to become
an entrepreneur."
At SBCC, Emily was a member of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society. After graduating, she
transferred to UCSB where she received a bachelor of arts degree in cultural anthropology. She then
received a master of arts degree in broadcast journalism from Emerson College in Boston, where she
was also an Associated Press Award Winner. Highlights of Emily’s career include being founder and
president of, a website community for women, which was awarded one of Forbes Top
100 Websites for Women; founder of Good Day Consulting, a public relations and publicity company
helping entrepreneurs and artists grow their businesses; and founder of Good Day Publishing, a
publishing company specializing in inspiration and self-help publications. Her book "The Happiness
Handbook" releases February 2015.
Mr. Stan Bursten
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Casebeer
Ms. Serena Chobanian
Ms. Julie Burtech
Ms. Shandra Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross Cash
Mrs. June Christensen
Mr. Jeron Burton
Ms. Jackie Campitelli
Mr. Paul Cashman
Mr. Greg Christian
Ms. Katherine L. Burwell
Ms. Robyn Campitelli
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Casier
Ms. Susan C. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael H. Buyco
Ms. Valerie Campos
Ms. Lorraine Cass
Ms. Tamara Christopherson
Ms. Pamela Byrne
Ms. Karen Cangialosi
Ms. Alicia Castaniero
Mr. Jay Chung
Mr. Ryan T. Byrne
Mr. Charlie Cangialosi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Catherina, Jr. Ms. Joan C. Churchill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Cabanatuan
Mr. and Mrs. John Cavini
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Churchill
Ms. Marritt Cafarchia
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Reid G. Cederlof
Mrs. Claire T. Chytilo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cafarchia
Congresswoman Lois G. Capps
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Celmayster
Ms. Carolyn W. Clancy
Mr. Devon Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Caras
Mr. John A. Chackel
Mr. Thomas Joseph Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carey
Ms. Kathleen S. Claxton and
Mr. Michael Veronin
Ms. Jean Cain
Ms. Ellen Carey
Mr. David Caine
Ms. Mary Carrigan
Chaffey Community
College District
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cajandig
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Carrillo
Mr. James M. Chapman
Mr. Don Cochrane
Ms. Marian Calbreath
Mr. Robert G. Carrillo
Mrs. Margaret Chapman
CodeSprings, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Calder
Ms. Catherine Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chase
Mr. Steven T. Cody
Ms. Jennifer Callan
Dr. Gary L. Carroll
Mr. Larry Chason
Mr. Dwight Coffin
Ms. Bethany Callonea
Mr. Neal Carron
Mr. and Mrs. James Chesher
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cogan
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Campanella
Dr. and Mrs. Bowdre L. Carswell
Ms. Margaret Cheverez
Mr. Allen Cohen
Ms. Lisa Chadband
Mrs. Donna Cobb
Mr. Lamont M. Cochran, Jr.
Regarding SBCC’s role in her perseverance as an entrepreneur, Emily said “I was truly inspired by all of
my teachers at SBCC, but Rick Mokler and Pope Freeman in the Theatre Arts Department particularly
impacted my life beyond the classroom. Both challenged me to overcome fear and showed me that
greatness comes from taking risks. As they say, the only way to score is by taking a shot!”
Ms. Mary Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Daniels
Mrs. Betty Mann Doutt
Ms. Salli Eve
Ms. Roxane Coke
Ms. Candace Dauphinot
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Dow
Mr. Jay Fagnano
Ms. Anita A. Cole
Mr. Robert Fox Davey
Ms. Mary Fagnano
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Davidson
Dr. Elizabeth Downing and
Dr. Peter L. Hasler
Mr. Anthony Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Congote
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davis
Ms. Connie Connally
Dr. Cynthia Davis and
Dr. Steven Allaback
Mrs. and Mr. Margaret A. Connell
Ms. Nancy Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Consolo
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Constantinides
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Draper
Mr. Robert A. Dreger
Ms. Kristi Davis
Ms. Zena Drewisch
Ms. Margaret J. Dawes
Ms. Margaret Ducharme and
Mr. Robert E. Nettles
Mr. and Ms. Rodger A. Dawson
Ms. Margarita Fairbanks
Mr. Donald Faith
Ms. Barbara E. Fargo
Ms. Sara A. Fargo
Ms. Laura Fariss
Mr. Steve Farkas
Ms. Ann L. Dundon and
Mr. Robert F. Else
Ms. Stacey Fell
DCH California Motors
Ms. Louise K. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Ferguson
Ms. Wendy J. de Castro
Ms. Suzanne Dunn
Ms. Patricia Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. De Friez
Ms. Michele Dunphy
Ms. Helgard Field
Ms. Rosa De La Mora
Mr. Rodney Durham
Ms. Holly Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Tagyos
Ms. Sharon E. Fiori
Evan De Witt Trust
Ms. Ann Dusenberry and
Mr. Brad Fiedel
Ms. Marsha A. Deaderick
Mr. Scott Dutcher
Mr. Elliott Deal
Ms. Diane D. Eardley
Ms. Mary L. DeBolt
Mr. Bill Edgin
Mr. Douglas T. Fischer and
Mr. Robert H. Fischer
Ms. Maxine J. Dekker
Ms. Adrienne Edmonston
Ms. Lynn Fischer
Ms. Jenni DeLeon
Ms. Jettie M. Edwards
Ms. Valentine Delvecchio
Mr. John C. Eggler
Ms. Corby G. Gage Fisher
and Mr. Dana E. Fisher
Ms. Maureen DeMaio and
Mr. Joseph M. Sholder
Ms. Susan C. Ehrlich
and Dr. Bill Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Denherder
Ms. Holly Elfman
Ms. Paula Fleck
Dermatology Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. Nick Eliades
Ms. Regina Fletcher
Ms. Elizabeth Deturk
Elite Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
Mr. Eldon Ford
Mr. Donald M. Detwiler
Ms. Cindy Elster
Ms. Judy Foreman
Ms. Joan Dewberry
Mrs. Claire Engel
Ms. Jennifer Forrier
Ms. Margaret Dewey
Mr. Jim Engel
Ms. Brigitte Forssell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dewhirst
Dr. Norm Enriquez and
Dr. Jaylene Enriquez
Ms. Arlene Forster
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Epperson
Ms. Antoinette Foster
Dr. Emma L. Diemer
Erdman Commercial
Industrial Real Estate
Ms. Christine Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dills
Mr. Alex Eremia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinaberg
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Erny
Ms. Martha Dingilian
Ms. Elizabeth A. Erskine
Ms. Monica Divito
Ms. Suzy Esch
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Dixon
Ms. Marcy Eskanos
Ms. Sarah Cunningham
Mr. John Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Etchell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curran
Ms. Kerry Doane
Mr. and Mrs. Heinz L. Ettner
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Curry
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Eubanks
Ms. Allison Curtis
Ms. Dorothy G. Donati
Ms. Roxanne Euglow
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
C. Freeman, Jr.
Ms. Rachel Dagbovie
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Doner
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Eurman
Ms. Barbara Freeman
Ms. Paula Dalbenas
Mr. Glenn Dorin
Ms. Ava Evans
Mr. James D. Freeman
Ms. Gennine D'Ambra
Mr. Terrance Doty
Mrs. Janet P. Evans
Ms. Anna M. Freidell
Ms. Paige Daniels
Mr. and Ms. James E. Dougherty
Ms. Maureen Evans
Fresh Pacific Fruit & Vegetable
Ms. Terri L. Cook
Ms. Teri Cooke
Mr. William J. Cordero
Ms. Frances Corella
Ms. Valarie F. Cortez
Mr. Sean Cory
Mr. John W. Cotton
Dr. and Mrs. Glynne C. Couvillion
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Cowell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Cox
Ms. Maggie Catbagan and
Mr. Michael T. Cox
Dr. Steven Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Craddock
Mr. Lawrence L. Crandell
Ms. Jane G. Craven
Craviotto Chiropractic Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Crawford
Ms. Ruth F. Creasy
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Crevier
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Criley
Crossfit Pacific Coast, Inc.
Mrs. Marsha Croninger
Dr. P. Kent Cullen
Mr. Steven E. Dowty
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Failing
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Day
Ms. Cecilia Contreras
Ms. Ellen Erichsen Downing
Mr. and Mrs. David Cummings
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cummings
Mr. Gary Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J.
Ms. Anna Di Stefano
Ms. Betty M. Dickman
Mr. Bill Felstiner
First American Title
Insurance Company
Mickey and Richard Flacks
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Flattery
Mr. David Fortson
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Frakes
Mr. Howard J. France
Ms. Lylie Francis
Mr. John W. Franklin
Ms. Kristin Frascella
Ms. Cody M. Free
Ms. Judy A. Freeman and
Mr. Richard P. Cousineau
Pay It Forward: Greg Baranoff
Encourages Students to
Pursue Higher Education
Born in Shanghai, China to Russian parents,
Greg and his family later moved to Rio de
Janeiro before settling in the United States. He
was attending Henry Clay Junior High School in
Inglewood when his father died. Greg was just
12 years old. His homeroom teacher at the time
told him about a summer program called Project
Open Future, which was sponsored by The
Claremont Colleges, The California Association
of Independent Schools, and the Los Angeles
and Compton School Districts. After the summer
program, Greg was invited to attend Midland
School in Los Olivos, California. With additional
scholarships and continued support from
donors, he finished at Midland School, and later
graduated from Occidental College. Because
of Project Open Future, Greg was able to make
college a reality.
After graduation, Greg returned to Midland
School, where he taught French and Spanish,
and coached soccer, track, and cross-country.
He later taught at Santa Barbara Middle
School, where he also served as a fundraising
coordinator. From this experience, Greg started
to become aware of the important role an
individual donor can play in a student’s life.
In 1999, Greg began working part-time in the
evening for SBCC’s Continuing Education
ESL program at Santa Barbara High School.
His memory of his own mother’s time spent
in night school, working to learn English and
studying for her citizenship exam, a motivating
factor. “When we came to the United States,
we were in the same situation,” said Greg. “Our
family had to learn English just as the ESL
students were doing, and I thought my personal
experience would be a valuable asset to the
ESL Department and of benefit to the students.”
Feeling he had come full circle, Greg thought his
work with the ESL program was also a great way
to give back to
the community.
Since then, Greg has filled many roles at
SBCC including advising ESL, Adult High School,
and GED students, and providing jail inmates
and parolees with the necessary resources to
return to school. Fifteen years later, he is now a
student program advisor in SBCC’s Financial Aid
Inspired by the students around him, Greg
decided to become a donor through the
SBCC Foundation. Five years ago, he began
making contributions to the foundation to
help students earn their high school diploma
or GED, with the donation taken directly out
of his paycheck. “I thought in some small way I
could help one or two students a year achieve
the goal of obtaining a diploma,” said Greg.
From life lessons learned, Greg offers a few
words of wisdom for students today. “Set goals
that will make you a better person. People will
always be there to help you.”
As a young man growing up in Inglewood,
California in the 1960s, Greg Baranoff benefited
from a summer opportunity where he learned
more about college. Through the program,
named Project Open Future, he secured
a scholarship to attend a private collegepreparatory school and later earned a bachelor’s
degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Since then, he has dedicated more than 30
years to education – as a teacher, coach, and
student program advisor. As a donor to the SBCC
Foundation, Greg invests in students as they
pursue academic success.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilman
Ms. Brooklynn Gullickson
Ms. Sarah B. Hearon
Ms. Tarra Fried
Mr. Melvin Gilmour
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Gunner
Mr. Dale Hebert
Ms. Anna Friederich
Ms. Sally H. Giloth
Ms. Nancy Gunzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Hebert
Mr. Paul Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gimenez
Junhao Guo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heck
Mr. Craig Fry
Ms. Robin Gimenez
Ms. Margaret K. Gurley
Ms. Jill Heely
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Fryslie
Ms. Ghita D. Ginberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ulises L Gutierrez
Ms. Joann Heerman
Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Fulco
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ginsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gutierrez
Ms. Susan Heffern
Ms. Kay L. Fulton
Girls Scouts of California
Central Coast, Troop 50016
Mrs. Lucille B. Haas
Mr. Christian A. Heimlich
and Ms. Barbara Hrach
Ms. Laurel Futterman
Mr. and Mrs. John Gabbert
Ms. Jessamine Gadsbyu
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Gagain III
Mr. Geoff Gaggs
Ms. Diane Gainey
Ms. Yvette Gaitan
Mr. Enrique Galicia
Ms. Veronica Gallardo
Ms. Celeste C. Garcia
Ms. Frances R. Garcia
Ms. Sue Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Garey
Ms. Nancy Garibay
Garibay Drywall
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Garland III
Ms. Wendy Glomb
Mr. Derek Goad
Ms. Karen Gocha
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Goetz
Ms. Julie Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Goldberg
Golden West College
Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Goldsby
Goleta Family School PTA
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gonzales
Ms. Hallie A. Goodall
Mr. S. Goralski
Honorable and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haas
Dr. Betty Helton and
Dr. Alex J. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haden
Pat Henderson
Ms. Kimberly Hahn and
Mr. James Van Arsdale
Ms. Julie Hendricks
Ms. Jane Hahn
Ms. Nancy Hair
Mrs. Marie-Paule Hajdu
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hajic
Ms. Sarah N. Halabi
Ms. Anelga Halajian
Ms. Jennifer S. Hale
Henrickson Systems, Inc.
Mr. Reynaldo C. Hernandez
Ms. Brenda Herre
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Herrera
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Heuchert
Mr. Paul Heuchert
Ms. Gretchen A. Hewlett
Ms. Karen A. Hickman
Mr. Timothy C. Hale
Mr. David Hicks
Mr. Arthur Hall
Mr. Wolfgang H. Hietzke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Higbee
Mrs. Sarah Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Higby
Ms. Sherie E. Brinley Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goss
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hamilton
Ms. Renee C. Garner and
Mr. Eric Garner
Dr. Douglas Gossard
Mr. David Hamilton
Mr. Doug Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Gossett
Ms. Susan J. Hamilton
Mrs. and Rev. Melissa Hillegas
Mr. Kenneth E. Gould
Mr. Lad Handelman
Mr. Carl Hilton
Mrs. Garland H. Graas
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Handley
Mr. David Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Handloser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hiltz
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Graham
Ms. Cynthia Hardnett
Mr. Roger Himovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gartrell, Jr.
Mr. Michael Gartzke
Ms. M'liss S. Garza
Ms. Patricia E. Lacks and
Mr. Paul C. Gawronik
Global Village Concerns, Inc.
Mr. Michael C. Haas
Mr. and Ms. Michael N. Garley
Mrs. Nan Gartrell
Mr. Tim Gleeson
Mr. Stephen Graham
Mr. Galen Harkness
Ms. Rebecca Hinckley
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gebhardt
Mr. Edward B. Graper
Mr. Andrew Harper
Ms. Denise Hinkle
Carol Geer, PhD
Mr. Geoffrey Gray
Ms. Mary L. Harper
Dr. and Mrs. Harris Gelberg
Mr. Dennis Green
Mr. Christopher D. Harris
Drs. Minie and Hjalmar
Pompe Van Meerdervoort
Ms. Carol Gemberling
Ms. Connie Ragen Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harris
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Genatone
Ms. Lindsey D. Green
Ms. Kathleen Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. George
Ms. Linda Greene
Mr. Kent Harris
Mr. David Hodges and
Ms. Laura Lyle
Mr. Pete George
Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Greenside
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Harris
Mr. Kent Hodgetts
Ms. Sylvia G. Gerard
Ms. Michelle Greer
Mr. Gerald W. Harter
Mrs. Adabeth E. Holcombe
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gerig
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Gritt, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartloff, Jr.
Ms. J'Nelle Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Gerstein
Mr. Robert K. Gronendyke
Harvest Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Hollosy
Dr. Kerri Gertz
Dr. Howard Gross
Ms. Trish Harvey
Ms. Nan Holt
Mr. John Getz
Mr. Matthew P. Grul
Ms. Audree Hashibe
Mr. Gregory Honegger
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Giambrone
Dr. Joan M. Grumman
Mr. Tom Guadagni
Dr. Elizabeth Downing and
Dr. Peter L. Hasler
Mr. Ralph A. Hoover
Mr. William J. Gibbons
Ms. Nancy Gifford
Teri and Pat Guillies
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Hatch
Ms. Inge Gatz and Mr. Steven Gilbar Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Gulbransen
Ms. Lynn Headley
Ms. Shirley Hobson
Mr. Clark Hochstetler
Mr. Dave Horn
Ms. Loretta W. Hubbard and
Mr. Douglas R. Woodworth
The Drive to Succeed: Daniel Leon-Gijon
Pursues his Goal of Becoming an
Electrical Engineer
Daniel Leon-Gijon’s dream of working on cars nearly ended when he
failed his first math class during his first semester at Santa Barbara
City College. Daniel quickly regrouped, and with the help of campus
resources, bounced back with a 4.0 GPA. The Santa Barbara native now
has an automotive certificate in hand, and is currently working toward a
career in electrical engineering.
The son of Mexican immigrants, Daniel had no plans to attend college, but instead wanted to get a job
right out of high school so that he could help his family. That all changed his senior year when he learned
about SBCC’s automotive program. Daniel enrolled at SBCC, and after his original misstep, began to
succeed in school. He got involved with the Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA)
program and the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) program, which assisted him with
tutoring, and joined the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Daniel also benefited from
SBCC Foundation scholarships, which allowed him to focus on being a full-time student.
Mr. Brayden Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Irwin
Mr. Wayne Johnson
Mr. Nick Katzenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Hudson
Ms. Amy Jacobs and
Ms. Nancy Eckert
Ms. Harriet Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Glyndwr D. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kautz
Ms. Lori Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Kay
Ms. Irma Jones
Mr. David Kay
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Marci Kearney
Jordano's Incorporated
Ms. Margaret F. Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Joyce
Ms. Jean B. Keely
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hurd
Ms. Mary E. James
Ms. Julie Joyce
Ms. Jeanne Keith
Ms. Cathleen Hurst
Mr. Jeff Januska
JPR Financial Services
Ms. Caren Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hustead
Ms. Soheyla Javanbakht
Ms. Marian R. Kadota
Mr. Rich Kelley
Mr. Lewis Hustead
Ms. Penny Jenkins
Mr. and Ms. Robert Kalish
Ms. Jill Kelly
Ms. Joyce L. Hutchinson
Ms. Jennifer Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kaltenbrun
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kemper
Mrs. Jacqueline Huth
Mr. Todd Jespersen
Mrs. Lois J. Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Ms. Jane Hway-Jain Sun
Johnson & Johnson
Kaplan International Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kennelly
IBM International Foundation
Ms. Beverly Johnson
Mr. Wilhelm H. Kapp
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kennett
Mrs. Elaine Iddings
Ms. Dianne Johnson
Kappa Kappa Gamma House Board Ms. Carolyn Keogh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ignatius
Ms. Kara Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karoff
Mr. Najib Khalil
Dr. Elizabeth and Mr. Peter Imhof
Ms. Phyllis Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Elliott B. Karpeles
Mr. Chase Kidd-Kadlubek
Indiegogo Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Kassity
Ms. Deirdre D. Kieckhefer
Intuit Foundation
Ms. Teresa L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Y. Katz
Ms. Deborah D. Kircher
Ms. Cindy Hufford
Ms. Karen Hughes
Mrs. Anita Hunt
Ms. Nina L. Hunt
Ms. Shannon Hunt
Ms. Sheela Hunt
Ms. Eleanor H. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jacobson
Mr. Stanley Jagoda
After completing the automotive program in 2013, Daniel knew he wanted to continue in school, studying
engineering. “I thought instead of fixing the car parts, I could actually build them,” he said. Today, Daniel
remains proud of his 4.0 GPA, and is now providing math tutoring to students in the EOPS program in
addition to maintaining a busy class schedule. He shows no signs of slowing down as he prepares to
transfer to a four-year university to obtain an engineering degree so that he can one day have a career
designing cars. “Upon reflection, I have changed a lot over the last few years,” said Daniel. “I owe so
much to SBCC for giving me the opportunity to find my direction in life, fueling my drive to succeed.”
Ms. Lynn P. Kirst and
Mr. Lynn R. Matteson
Mr. Michael Knapp
Mr. Frank Knoppers
Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Kocher
Ms. Carolyn Koegler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Kohn
Mr. Scott Koopmans
Ms. Deborah Koppel
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kornahrens
Ms. Cathy Kort
Mr. Robert Kort
Mr. Sheldon A. Kort
Mrs. Carol Kosterka
Mr. Peter J. Kotzbach
Mr. Dimitris Koutroubis
Ms. Laura Kovalesky
Ms. Margaret L. Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Krieger
Ms. Jennifer Maupin
Mr. Bas Leersum
Ms. Jeannette Love
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McAdams III
Drs. Nancy and Mark Leffert
Mr. Lyle C. Low
Mr. Michael R. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Jok Legallet
Mr. Hal Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCann
Legoullon Insurance Agency
Ms. Carol Luce
Ms. Margaret R. McCarte
Ms. Laurie Leigh
Mr. Joseph F. Luciano
Ms. Meggan McCarthy
Mr. Richard Leigh
Mr. John A. Luetkemeyer
Mr. David L. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Leopold
Dr. and Mrs. Jon B Luhmann
Mr. George McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Ilan M. Levi
Mr. Dolan F. Lundahl and
Ms. Jane L. Galbraith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Lundy
Mrs. Lailan McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Levy
Ms. Terry E. Luria
Ms. Maureen McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Lewin
Luria Development Company
Mr. David T. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Lewis
Ms. Sheba Lux
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKenzie
Mrs. Sarada Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Lynch
Ms. Joyce McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Lewis
Loy D. Lytle
Mr. and Mrs. Bud McLean
Mr. Wilbert Lick
Ms. Lisa A. Macker and
Mr. Dennis M. Dodson
Ms. Deborah J. McQuade
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Levitan
Mr. and Mrs. Fima Lifshitz
Mr. John A. Macker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. McQueen
Ms. Kimberly Mead
Drs. Albert S. and Barbara S.
Kroger Company
Ms. Therese Link
Mr. Robert J. Madden
Ms. Deborah A. Kruse
Ms. Janelle C. Lira
Mr. Patrick Madden
Ms. Diana Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Lisenby
Ms. Lois Elle Madson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kuehn
Dr. John W. Litsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Maenaga
Dr. Sherry Melchiorre and
Mr. Michael Melchiorre
Marianne R. Kugler, PhD
Ms. Betty Little
Mrs. JoAnn Magistad
Mr. Charles J. Melendez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kvaas
Ms. Dora A. Little
Ms. Beverly Maguire
Mr. Albert Melkonian
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kvistad
Mr. and Mrs. James V. MacMillan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Mealy
Mr. Ricardo Medina
Medtronic, Inc.
Ms. Joan M. Livingston
Ms. Glenda C. Mahon
Dr. C.G. Mendelson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. La Barge
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Loberg
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mahoney
Ms. Raquel Mendoza
Ms. Gwen C. Rigby La Marque
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Locker
Ms. Bernice L. Mahoney
Ms. Nancy Pierce Mermis
Mr. Juan Lafuente
Ms. Denise E. Lockhart and
Mr. Kim M. McInturf
Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Mallen
Ms. Erica Mesker
Ms. Barbara Mancbach
Mr. Richard Messenger
Mr. Mukesh K. Manirajkumar
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Messori
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann
Ms. Kerry E. Methner
Mr. Darrell D. Marchus
Ms. Dana Meyer
Ms. Christina Markos
Mr. John Michael Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Marks III
Ms. Paula Michal
Ms. Angie Marks
Mr. Harold A. Michel
Mr. Francisco Marquez
Ms. Nancy Michelson
Ms. Peggy Martens
Mrs. Janet C. Millar
Ms. Janice Martin
Mr. Laurence K. Miller
Ms. Cynthia Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Miller
Ms. Regina Martinez
Ms. Kristi Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Filiberto Martinez, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Milone
Ms. Dolores Martinez
Ms. Juliana Minsky
Ms. Kathryn Mast
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miracle
Los Companeros - La Cumbre
Country Club
Dr. Barbara E. Mathews
and Mr. Michael Zirolli
Mission Wealth Management LLC
Ms. Charlene Lee
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Losh
Mr. Stan Matkowski
Ms. Sarah E. Mitchel
Mr. Tony Lee
Ms. Barbara Loubardeas
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Matthews
Mrs. Claudia L. Mitchell
Mr. and Ms. James Laing
Ms. Elizabeth Laing
Dr. Kelly O. Lake
Ms. Tristan Lake
Ms. Barbara A. Lane
Ms. Leslie Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Louie
Mr. Mark Krilanovich
Ms. Michelle Lahaderne
Ms. Shirle A. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Langer
Ms. Nancy Larcom
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larkin
Mrs. Sharon Larson
Ms. Patricia A. Latham
Ms. Donna Latter
Mr. and Mrs. Garry E. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lebow
Mrs. Alma Ledbetter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Leer
Ms. Jane Lodas
Ms. Barbara Loebman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Loera
Lofthouse Family
Mr. Bruce Lofthus
Logitech Inc.
Ms. Crystal K. Lomeli
Ms. Sandra London
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Long
Ms. Monica Lopez
Mr. Thomas Lopinski
Mr. John Lorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Loring
Los Angeles Community College
Mission Linen Supply
For Cynthia Inda, SBCC Resources Opened
the Door to Professional Success
Attorney Cynthia Inda is proof positive of the power of community
college to provide a solid educational foundation for students from all
walks of life—especially students who are willing to take advantage of
the numerous college resources available to them.
Cynthia was the first in her family to attend college, and her belief has
always been that education is freedom. The daughter of immigrant
parents, Cynthia’s journey to success began tentatively. Early on at SBCC, she had no idea what
she wanted to do. Intimidated and unsure of her future, she sought assistance from faculty, tutors,
counselors, the writing lab, and the EOPS program. She enrolled in honors classes, worked diligently,
was awarded scholarships, and was eventually accepted to Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley.
You will never regret your education.”
Mr. Wil Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Newitt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ochsner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Muraoka
Ms. Amy Newton
Mr. Christopher J. O'Connor
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Mizes
Mr. Joshua S. Murillo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Newton
Ms. Cynthia O'Connor
Mrs. Cynthia W. Mobraaten
Ms. Bridget Murphy
Ms. Susan C. Newton
Ms. Ellen T. O'Connor
Mrs. Kathleen Z. Molloy
Mrs. Judy Murphy
Ms. Polly P. Nicoll
Mr. Erin O'Connor
Kimberly Monda, PhD
Mr. Robert P. Myers
Night Out, Inc.
Ms. Julie O'Connor
Ms. Patricia Montemayor
Ms. Michele Myers-Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nightingale Ms. Kathleen A. O'Connor
Ms. and Mr. Maria Montoya
Mr. Fred Nadis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimocks
Mr. Raymond F. O'Connor
Ms. Susan Montpas and
Mr. Michael P. Ring
Mr. Eyal Nahmias
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre M. Nizet
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O'Dowd
Dr. Raeanne Napoleon
No One, Inc.
Ms. Amanda Oh
Ms. Lisa Noack
Ms. Kelly O'Hare
Ms. and Mr. Christine P. Nolte
Mr. Brandon O'Hollaren
Ms. Elly Nordin
Ms. Jane O'Hollaren
Ms. Marie Nordin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nordsieck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Olson
Ms. Irma Norris
Mr. and Mrs. William J. O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. James North
Ms. Juliette Omori
Mr. Michael Mooneyham
Ms. Elida Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald J. Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Morley
Ms. Margaret F. Morreale
Peter L. Morris, PhD
Ms. Tracey Morris
Mrs. Zorana Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Sol D. Morrison
Mr. John Mosby
Ms. Maryanne Mott
Ms. Haley Moulton
Mr. Rick Nardone
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Nargi
Nasif, Hicks & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Nason
Ms. Gail Nassi
Ms. Melissa Nathan
Lee Pennington Neill, PhD
Mr. L. James Nelson
Mr. Shekhar Nema
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Neuenschwander
Ms. Leslie Davis and
Mr. Kenley Neufeld
Dr. and Mrs. George T. Northrop, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond O'Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Mead F. Northrop
Orcutt Union School District
Mr. Henry H. Null IV
Mrs. Betty Ordung
Ms. Jennifer Nunez
Mr. Dan Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orr
Ms. Leila Orzeck
Mr. Robert G. Neustadt
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Oakley
Ms. Judith Muller
Mr. Pete Nevin
Mr. Tom O'Brien
After graduating with a 4.0 GPA from SBCC, Cynthia transferred to Harvard, where she graduated
magna cum laude. From there, she moved on to Stanford Law School where she was a Soros New
American Fellow (full academic scholarship) and the executive editor of the Stanford Law Review.
Prior to her current position as a senior investigator in the Title IV Office at UC Irvine, Cynthia was a
prosecutor for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Mr. Michael Osborne
Ms. Gail Pine
Mr. John Rickel
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rosenblatt
Ms. Judith Otten
Ms. Christine Pinkerton
Mr. Remmy Rickel
Mrs. Rhoda Rosenthal
Ms. Molly Outwater
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pintard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ridding
Mrs. Betty J. Rosness
Ms. Terre S. Ouwehand
Ms. Kelly P. Platt
Mr. Rich Ridgway
Ms. Elizabeth Ross
Mr. Max Player
Ms. Jane Rieffel
Mr. and Mrs. Ian K. Ross
Ms. Allison Paddock
Ms. Judith A. Pochini
Riggio Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Teresa Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Paden
Mr. Robert Poeschel
Ms. Dahlia Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Painter
Ms. Colleen Poling
Ms. Katherine Rindlaub
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Rotunno
Mr. and Mrs. William Palladini
Mr. William A. Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis Ringer
Ms. Aimee Roumph
Paradise Chevrolet
Ms. Jeanette Pool
Mr. and Ms. Robert Rowley
Ms. Lisa N. Parillo and
Ms. Valerie L. Parillo
Ms. Lynn W. Porter
Ms. Eileen F. Vopelak and
Mr. David J. Ristig
Ms. Sara Ritchie
Ms. Paula S. Rudolph
Mr. Paul Rivello
Mr. and Mrs. Lon C. Ruedisili
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Rueppel
Mr. John R. Ruffin, Jr.
Mr. Christopher Park
Ms. Barbara B. Parker
Mr. Mohan Patel
Poulton Youth
Honorable and Mrs. James Pattillo
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Powell
Mr. James Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patton
Ms. Susan Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Roberson
Ms. Laura Hemenway and
Mr. Dennis Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payatt
Mr. Craig Price
Mr. and Mrs. Luke S. Roberts
Mrs. Susan Ryan
Ms. Donna L. Payne
Ms. Lucy Prieto
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad L. Sabiron
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Pazich
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Puailoa
Mr. John Robertson
Ms. Janet D. Peake
Ms. Erin Quist
Mr. Paul E. Robillard
Mr. Paul G. Pearson
Mr. Harrison L. Rainey III
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Robins
Mrs. Susan R. Pearson
Ms. Frances Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pedersen
Mr. Paul Ramsey
Ms. Kimiko Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Pedotti
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Randall
Ms. Renee Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Pelton
Ms. Nancy L. Rapp
Ms. Kathleen H. Robledo
Mrs. Jillian Peña
Ms. Michele P. Rasch
Mr. Roberto E. Robledo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Penner
Mr. Michael Rassler
Ms. Kathy Rockwell
Ms. Lisa Perez
Mr. William Rauch
Ms. Susan Rockwell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Perocco
Rawlins Family Charitable
Ms. Balvina Rodriguez
Ms. Mary K. Rayburn
Ms. Letiticia Rodriguez
Raytheon Matching Gifts
for Education Program
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Rodriguez
Ms. Lanette Perry
Ms. Muriel A. Perry
Ms. Viviana B. Pouget and
Mr. Jeffrey Wattenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Rivera
Mr. Justin Perocco
Ms. Marie A. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ruben
Mr. David L. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Rech
Mr. and Ms. Eugene W. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Redfern
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Peterson
Ms. Alison Reed
Ms. Nettie A. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt I. Reed
Mr. James Petricka
Mr. Steven Reed
Dr. and Mrs. J. Carl Peus
Ms. Frances J. Reese
Ms. Lisa Phelps and
Mr. Thierry H. Cassan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Phelps
Ms. Jeanne A. Phillips
and Mr. Fred Phillips
Ms. and Mr. Lorraine Reichel
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reid
Ms. Susan Reisbord
Mrs. Nancy R. Renshaw
Ms. Karin E. Rodriguez
Ms. Martha Rodriguez
Mrs. Sally Saenger
Mr. Michel Saint-Sulpice
Mrs. Susan Sakauye
Mrs. Cynthia Salazar
Mr. Jason Salcido
Mr. and Mrs. Ron B. Salda
Ms. Marci Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Sandow
Mr. Mark Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sanger
Mr. Louis Sankey
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sanov
Santa Barbara Foresters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rodriguez
Greater Santa Barbara Lodging
and Restaurant Association
Ms. Sandra Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto G. Santana
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Roe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saxon
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Roels
Ms. Ferne M. Sayre
Ms. Cheryl Rogers
Ms. Tamalyn Sayre
Ms. Madeline Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Scar
Mr. Richard Rogers
Schaff Holdings, Inc.
Daniel E. Rohde Tile Company
Dr. Alice Scharper
Mr. Vim Rolaff
Mr. Pete Schenck
Ms. Anna Romero
Ms. Denise Schims
Ms. Renee Romero
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Schlosser
Mrs. Sheryl L. Schmandt
Ms. Jeanne I. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Rhiger
Mr. and Mrs. Llad Phillips
Mrs. Margie L. Rhinestein
Dr. Robert Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ricci
Ms. Geordie Armstrong and
Mr. Ben Romo
Ms. Mary Piergiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson L. King
Ms. Catherine M. Rose
Mr. Gerald S. Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rick
Ms. Sybil Rosen
Ms. Susan B. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Schneider
Ms. Evi Shiozana
Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Stanek
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tarlton
Ms. Mary Schoch
Ms. Kate Shipley
Mrs. Ruth Stark
Ms. Janis Taverner
Ms. Joanne Schoenfeld and
Dr. Stuart B. Orenstein
Ms. Linda Shipley
Ms. Wendy Starr
Mr. W. Todd Taverner
Mrs. Evely Shlensky
Mr. M. Greg Stathakis
Ms. Ramona Tejeda
Mr. Lincoln Shlensky
Ms. Margaret Staton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Temkin
Mr. Bryant Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steckel
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Tennant
Mr. D.A. Shoemaker
Mr. Nicholas D. Steil
Ms. Gail R. Tennen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Shultz
Dr. Jill Stein
Mr. Ravi Tepfer
Mr. Andrew D. Shupe II
Mr. Peter Steinberg
Ms. Sally Terrell
Mr. Paul Siegel
Ms. Ann M. Steinmetz
Ms. Eugenia Terry
Ms. Deborah Steller
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Schueler
Ms. Starr Siegele and
Mr. Larry J. Feinberg
Mrs. Dale Tetalman
Mrs. Barbara Silver
Ms. Maria Stengard
Jette Schuh
Ms. Anne Tetrick
Ms. Beverly Silver
Steven Evans Exterminating, Inc.
Mr. Richard Schuh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teufel
Drs. Pauline and Richard Schultz
Mr. Robert J. Simon
Ms. Elizabeth Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John Tevenan
Mrs. Hilary Sims
Ms. Ellen V. Stoddard
Ms. Janina Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Thede
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sincoff
Ms. Jodi Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Theobald
Mr. Maurice Singer
Mr. Matt Stokes
Mr. Garry A. Schwan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Thielmann
Mr. Mitchell Sjerven
Mr. Mitchell Stokes
Ms. Robin Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Thielst
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skendarian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Stone
Ms. Vivienne Leebosh-Thomas and
Mr. Ralph Thomas
Ms. Irene Schwartz
Ms. Carol Lee Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scoby
Skinner Family Fund
Ms. Claudia Scott
Ms. Lisa Skvarla
Ms. Mary V. Sebastian
Mr. Steve Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. Dan B. Secord
Ms. Ann Smiley
Ms. Nancy C. Seed
Mrs. Carola Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Harris W. Seed
Ms. Cathie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seligman
Ms. Elizabeth J. Smith
Ms. Lori Selleck
Mr. Gregory Smith
Mr. and Ms. Martin Seltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Guy D. Smith
Ms. Darlene Serpa-Wickman
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith
Mr. and Ms. Richard M. Sesma
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Smith
Mr. Richard M. Scholl
Mr. David Schreff
Ms. Tracy L. Schriver
Mr. Jonathan Schrode
Ms. Gretchen Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schuck
Mr. Daniel Seymour
Ms. Joyce Shambaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Sharer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sharp, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sharpe
Mr. Ross Sheppard
Ms. Sally Sheridan
Ms. Mary Sheriden
Mr. Bob Sherman
Mr. Spencer Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Shibao
Mrs. Susan Shields
Ms. Sheryl Shields-Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Shiells II
Ms. Elisabeth Shima and
Mr. Fred M. Shima
Ms. Marilyn Smith
Mr. Philip Smith
Ms. Susan C. Smith
Ms. Diana Smith Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Snow
Ms. Marilyn Snowball
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sokolove
Mr. David F. Stone
Ms. Rosina Strebig
Mr. David L. Streeter
Mr. Joseph J. Streiff
Mr. Peter Stuhr
Ms. Adrianne R. Sturman
Ms. Linda Suarez
Subsea International Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Suchman
Mr. Tyler Sudman
Ms. Fanny Sundin
Ms. Karin Svensson and
Mr. Jeffrey Jennings
Mr. Charles Svoboda
Ms. Clare Swan
Craig F. Swanson
Ms. Maria Sweasey
Ms. Danielle Swiontek
Dr. and Mrs. George Taborsky
Ms. Judy Taggart
Ms. Carol L. Thomas and
Mr. Joseph C. Cipparone
Ms. Donna A. Thomas
Ms. Leslie Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thomas
Ms. D. M. Thomas
Ms. Mariana Thomas
Ms. Susan G. Thomason
Mrs. Darleen M. Thompson
Ms. Jean Thompson
Ms. Cassandra Thomsen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Thorne
Ms. Mary Ellen Tiffany
Ms. Nancy Tillie
Mr. Kip Tinstman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Toccin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toccin
Ms. Helen C. Tomkins
Mr. Robert Torian and
Ms. Carol Sawyer
Mr. John A. Sonquist
Dr. Julie Taguchi and
Dr. Robert Nagy
Mr. John Souchak
Ms. Sonia Takeuchi
Mr. Kenneth Sparks
Tal Financial, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Spaventa
Ms. Betsee Talavera
Ms. Lila E. Trachtenberg and
Mr. George S. Handler
Ms. Karen Spechler
Ms. Sharon B. Talbot
Ms. Alicia Tranen
Specialty Team Plastering, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Tam
Tremblay Financial Services
Mr. Steve Spellman
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Tamborello
Mr. Kevin Trepa
The Spine And Orthopedic Center
Ms. Joan Tanner
Ms. Lillian R. Trillo
Ms. Cathy Houston Spratling
Mr. John Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Johann Trujillo
Town & Country Women's
Club of Santa Barbara
Ms. Joanne Schoenfield
Mr. Richard Tuck
Ms. Anne-Marie Walter
Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Tufenkian
Ms. Barbara Wann
Ms. Alexandra Turner
Mrs. Ruth Wardlaw
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tuthill
Mr. Christoph Warnke
Mr. and Mrs. James Twomey
Ms. Rita Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tyler
Mr. John A. Wasowicz
Ms. Mary B. Tynan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tziouvaras
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Webber
K.M. Udd
Ms. Marilyn Y. Weber
Ms. Michèle Ummels
and Mr. John Visser
Mr. Gary L. Unruh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Uphoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Uradnicek
Mr. Kenneth J. Urwin
Ms. Cindy Weber-Alsop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wechter
Mr. Jonathon Weg
Ms. Deborah Weinstein
Mrs. Helene D. Willey
Ms. Carol A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Willis
Dr. and Mrs. Klaus D. Wills
Ms. Dolores Wilson
Ms. Laura Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wilson
Mr. Ryan Wilson
Mr. Travis Wilson
Mr. Stanley Weinstein
Mr. Paul Weisman
Mr. Christopher Winkler
Mr. Alan Weiss
Ms. JoAnn Winter
Mr. Randy Weiss
Ms. Lauren A. Wintermeyer
Ms. Laura Welby
Dr. and Mrs. Vaughn Wipf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Welch
Mr. Eric Wise
Ms. Stephanie Welch
Ms. Danielle Wiswall
Mr. and Mrs. John Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wittwer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Wells
Mr. Jay Woidtke
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Wells
Mr. John Woidtke
Wells Properties
Ms. Jean Wollenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Welterlen
Mr. Joseph Wolonsky
Ms. Barbara L. Wentz
Women's Health Services
Ms. Kathy Wertheim
Ms. Alyssa Woodall
Ms. Sarah Westmoreland
Ms. Rebecca Woodhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whall
Ms. Sue Woodill
Mr. Chris Whall
Ms. Kathryn Wopat
Ms. Sandy Whall-Sudnick
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Worthey
Barbara and Layne Wheeler
Ms. Jacqueline Wright
Ms. Kathryn Whipple
Ms. Margaret W. Wright
Ms. Sara Whipple
Ms. Marsha A. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Viola
Ms. Susan Whisenand
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Wunsch
Ms. Patricia J. Volner
Ms. Ann Marie White
Mr. and Mrs. Geofrey Wyatt
Mr. Erik Wagle
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard White
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wynne
Ms. Barbara Wagner
Ms. Candace White
Mr. Tom Yamada
Ms. Barbara E. Wagner
Ms. Diane White
Mr. John Yamasaki
Rebecca Waldorf
Ms. Dorothy M. White
Ms. Theresa Yandell
Mr. Benjamin Waldraff
Mr. Jerry White
Mr. John C. Yanek
Mr. Hansjoerg Waldraff
Ms. Sabina A. White
Ms. Doria Yeaman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walker
Ms. Nancy Whiteside
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Yoon
Mr. Arne Wallmon
Mr. Earle A. Whitney
Mrs. Grace C. Yoon
Ms. Madeleine Wallmon
Mr. Joe Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Yoshida
Ms. Malin Wallmon
Ms. Veronica L. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. E. David Yossem
Mr. Mathias Wallmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wiley
Mr. Donald Young
Mr. Jenaro Valdez
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Valera
Valley Medical Group
of Lompoc, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanor Van Cott
Ms. Ruth Van Dyne
Ms. Susan Van Kanel
Mr. Bas Van Leersum
Mr. Edward Van Valkenburg
Ms. Kearney Vander Sal
Mr. Kentay Varnell
Mr. Daniel L. Vasey
Ms. Elinore R. Vasta
Ms. Diane Veillette
Mr. Omar Veloz
Ventura County Credit Union
Ms. Patty Vignolo
Mr. Noah Villegas
Ms. Julie A. Mock and
Mr. Kent M. Vining
Mr. Robert Weber
Ms. Julia Wilkerson
Mrs. Joy Winer
Mrs. Kathryn Utterback
Watson Land Company
Ms. Elizabeth B. Gilbertson and
Mr. John W. Wilhelm
Mr. Greg Young
Ms. Lucinda Young
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Young
Ms. Patricia K. Yvarra
Mr. Richard Zahniser
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Zaida
Ms. Rosa Zapata
Ms. Katharine B. Zappala
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Zehner
Ms. Molly Zeman
Mr. R. W. Ziegler
Mr. Zachary Zilles
Ms. Cynthia Zimbardi
Mr. and Mrs. Don Zimmerman
Mr. Eric Zook
Ms. Jane M. Zuzalek
Ms. Rebecca Zwick
SBCC Foundation
Board of Directors
SBCC Foundation
Madeleine Jacobson
Lori Gaskin, PhD
Jack Friedlander, PhD
Andrew Harper
Marianne Kugler, PhD
Kimberly Monda, PhD
Stan Fishman
Ken Pash
Michael Giles
Kandy Luria-Budgor
Earl Armstrong
Les Carroll
Craig Case
Sue Colin, PhD
David W. Doner, Jr., MD
Robyn Freedman
Edward "Ted" Friedel
Marilyn Gevirtz
Vanessa Graham
Jacques Habra
Len Jarrott
Gail Kvistad
Steve Lew
Jess Parker
Jeff Pittman
Scott Pollard, JD
Elna Scheinfeld
Frank Schipper
Suzi Schomer
Victoria Mann Simms, PhD
Scott Vincent, JD
Karin Svensson, CPA
Silvio Di Loreto
Jane Habermann
Perri Harcourt
Morrie Jurkowitz
Peter MacDougall, EdD
John Romo
Richard Schall
Joseph Scher
Michael Towbes
Gretchen Hewlett
Jessica Tade, PhD
Marcia Reed
Zorana Morris
Jillian Peña
Dawn Sanchez
Sara Fargo
Jim Rivera
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
(805) 730-4401
Foundation for SBCC
SBCC Foundation