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- Connect
Allah is he Who sends forth the winds so they raise a cloud, then He spreads it forth in the
sky as He pleases, and He breaks it up so that you see the rain coming forth from inside it;
then when He causes it to fall upon whom He pleases of His servants, lo! they are joyful
48. Allah, Dialah yang mengirim angin, lalu angin itu menggerakkan awan dan Allah
membentangkannya di langit menurut yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan menjadikannya
bergumpal-gumpal; lalu kamu lihat hujan keluar dari celah-celahnya, maka apabila hujan itu
turun mengenai hamba-hamba-Nya yang dikehendakiNya, tiba-tiba mereka menjadi gembira.
Queen Elisabeth
Barack Obama1
The Highest Sponsor
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The Highest sponsor for “Rahmatan Lil Alamin” Project, presentation author: King Saud bin
Abdul-Aziz bin Abdul-Rahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdullah…and his people
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Support Palestine and North Ireland have freedom land by peace, and general development
for global warming Promotion, presentation Author: Queen Elisabeth1, Barack Obama2 ,
USA Secret holder of weapon modification for stronger economic & Defence: Prapto, Under
Mossad guarding on traveling but not on working area
Suggestion and advice to Prapto for not stress, USA supernatural defense, if able to kept
secret, and past mossad mystic test: Ki Joko Bodo. Under Mossad guarding, not when meet
Note: All person in this paper must be paid more than satisfied, starting from Gen
James E Cartwright, because his authority give big support for Indonesia education.
An angle not be paid, I am afraid she will run away, ask for divorce is routine. For me
is Rent 200 gram reimburse for expand my small business. Pay presenter, authors,
and Fee from each country. My top priority of daily money usage is for candy, toys,
etc for my children and then cigarette and 200 gram rental if not enough.
An angle, not be created to do ordeal: Ari Krisnianti. Will be proved by Mahar & Budi Pratiti
AUTHOR & FEE candidate
M.P Bavaghar, Angelica Halim, Yuliana Rotua Ulibasa (Eh-eh…kecil-kecil…nakal..Ya), Lidyawati
Abd Rahman, FEE from USDA (if agree by commitment & without any ceremony)
Lidyawati Abd Rahman
Avoid freak Trainee & preliminary briefing
Lieutenant Gen Prabowo Subianto, & Bu Nik as second line
Personnel sender to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base by Kastowo Basuki propose, Author of
Indonesia education curriculum reformat paper: Gen James E Cartwright the Indonesia
Education Warrior
Explain coordinator of Indonesia education curriculum reformats under General James E
Cartwright: Kastowo Basuki.
Any disturb or Indonesia Education ministry and other not follow his order, will be proposed
to Gen James to send to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
Education curriculum reformats Advisor, BJ Habibie allow to add other advisor
Education curriculum reformats team works coordinator under General James E Cartwright:
Play group up to 5th class: Budi Pratiti
6th up to 12th class and ready for work or study on college, institute or university: Mahar
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Nutrition & other support: Jumiati
Statistician: M Tari
Environment & Quality control coordinator: Gunawan Wicaksono
Environment control, under Gunawan Wicaksono: Pitoyo, …….
Border coordinates record for UN, and any Ability Survey, topography measurement,
mapping & data progress coordinator: Teguh Untara
Institution affiliation: USDA, United State Department of Agriculture
PAMA PERSADA NUSANTARA, for difficult work condition
United Nations (UN)
Top Management Leader: Oddy
Top Management: …., MR Siti, …., ……
Team support for: Plantation management and other: Amel, Teuku Saifullah, ….., …..
I promote Nusatenggara people for plantation under Margarius Dagu, under Teuku Saifullah
Kutu Loncat innisiative and distributor: Gusti
Kutu Loncat personnel: Doni, Sumarwanto, …
Make sure initial lake on Saudi Arabia not late, optimum Forest plan development and rain
Plan & calculation coordinator, under Gusti: Burhanuddin, IT; Dani, Office boy
coordinator: Ruslan
Quality control team of Accept or not, when (80%) & How (20%) Coordinator, : Kris,
Ridwan, Ika Riawan, Elmer G Ferguson
Bilateral friendship between; United State Of America, Iran, Israel, British, French, Malaysia,
Afghanistan and any other. Megawati Sukarno Putri. She not allow has innisiative to be
Indonesia president and not allow to joint in politic organisasion for to be Indonesia
president. I have no innisiative to be Indonesia president or any position on Indonesia
Proportional responsibility for military purpose for Indonesia purpose and overseas:
Panglima ABRI
Queen Elisabeth British
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz bin Abdul-Rahman bin Faisal bin Turki bin
Abdullah… Saudi Arabia
Barack Obama White House, Washington DC, USA
Prapto, General Affair, Indominco Mandiri PT, Bontang Indonesia
Megawati Sukarno Putri, Jakarta, Indonesia
Panglima ABRI, Mabes TNI, Cilangkap Indonesia
Kaiwan Phone: +62 82135927385, E-mail: [email protected]
Lidyawati Abd Rahman
Mobile phone:
+62 81350566561
Office Jakarta : Venture Building, 3rd Floor, Jl. RA. Kartini No. 26 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430,
Office Bontang: Indominco, Jalan Bontang-Samarinda Km 10, Bontang,
Home base Bontang: Camp 23, Indominco PT, Bontang
Office phone Jakarta Indonesia Phone : +6221 7504395, +6221 7504396 Fax : +6221 7504386
Email: [email protected] Telex: 47628 IMMJKT IA
Office phone Bontang Indonesia: +62548 26235,
Angelica Halim Plaza Central 8th floor Jl Jendral Sudirman kav 47-48 Jakarta 12930 Phone
M. P. Bavaghar
RS & GIS laboratory, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Tel: +98 261 2223044, Fax: +98 261 2227765, Email: [email protected]
FEE from USDA & ….., Her Office or home USA &…..
General James E Cartwright, His Office, United State of America, Branch office on
Inspektoran Jenderal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta Indonesia
Kastowo Basuki, Inspektoran Jenderal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta Indonesia
Home phone, +62 21 8604119
Mahar, Budi Pratiti, DR Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta Indonesia
Kitchen section on RSUD Majenang Hospital, Majenang Indonesia
M Tari,
Statistic lecturer on mining department, UPN (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional)
veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Gunawan Wicaksono
Address: Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24
Kebon Nanas, Jakarta Timur 13410
phone: +62 021-8580067-68 (hunting), 8517184
E-mail: [email protected]
Teguh Untara Phone: +62548 26235, ask receptionist for extension number
Pitoyo Mobile phone: +62 81362866968, +62 81993145557
Kris Plaza Central 11th floor Jl Jendral Sudirman kav 47-48 Jakarta 12930 Phone +62215790345657 owner of PPA (PUTRA PERKASA ABADI)
Oddy: Morrison Knudsen, USA, Ridwan, Teguh Untara, know him
Ika Riawan, Elmer G Ferguson, Teuku Saifullah, Burhanuddin, Sumarwanto,
Margarius Dagu, Dani, Ki Joko Bodo; able ask to Teguh Untara, EGF takon karo sadli
ning pasar rawa indah dodolan klambi.Ika takon keluargane nurul ning badak, pak saiful ning
face book, kongkonan alvi wae, mbek telponke bojoku, takon amel, neng ojo ngomong seko
aku. Nek mumet pasrahke alvi wae; takon-takon, nek wes entuk duit seko luar
Ridwan, Gusti
Jl. Rawagelam 1 No. 9
Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, Jakarta, Indonesia 13930
Phone: +6221 4602015 (Hunting)
Fax: +6221 4601916, +6221 4614010
E-mail: [email protected]
Doni, Ask Ridwan or Gusti
Amel, ask Teguh Untara to order alvi to call angel: +62 81347394392
Bu Nik
Home phone, Jakarta Indonesia:
+62 21 8604119
No Thailand !!!
Lieutenant General Prabowo Subianto, PERCASI & GERINDRA, Indonesia
Would you
like to help for guard the Contact person above?
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Regarding earth moving direction, Saudi Arabia area is one country and the higest of water
vapor flow from gulf persian evaporation. Development for global warming solution and
make better live are urgent and must do as soon as possible, and need big of fund, technology
and spirit, so we need to give aparty of saudi arabia land, for “Rahmatan Lil Alamin Project”,
not for crude oil owning (except for Japan), and the other hand give freedom land for
Palestine and North Ireland. The other hand, expanded project are used for help other
countries trouble likes: position (cold), poor, alone, high population density, crusial.
Primary process on water circle is water evaporation and condensation. On east of ex Saudi
Arabia, condensation are started from mangrove development together with ecosystem
development for fish. Forest for condensation expantion and then any farm, bio fuel and other
for better live. On United State of America, need dump missipi river for water evaporation
resources, and so on for better live. Preliminari project plan are expanded until around 40 %
of Africa.
Basic Theory and Evident From Iran
Figure 1: Forest cover map in Iran
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 2: Rain intensity map
ICID 21st European Regional Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany and Poland
Figure 3. Mean annual precipitation over the study area during 1965-2000
a. Water vapor is produced by water evaporation. The biggest resources are from
sea evaporation.
b. Condensation is process to change water vapor into water liquid as
precipitation or rain, generally by make lower temperature.
Iran territory has 2 (two) big evaporation resources, those are: Caspian Sea on the
north, and Straight Hormuz on the south.
Forest contribution
Forest absorbs CO2 and produce O2. CO2 absorb heat from sun shine but O2 not.
Forest makes lower temperature of air which required for condensation process.
Initially, wind as earth rotation result. Combine with Iran topography, I able to make
the direction of wind flow prediction, shown on figure 3: Data compound map. Wind
flow brings water vapor from sea evaporation.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
I term two kinds of wind (shown on figure 3: Data compound)
Not water vapor contain from sea evaporation
Water vapor contain from sea evaporation
Data collect and compound, Shown on figure 3: Data compound map, and Table 1: Data
Table 1: Data compound
Annual Rain
Num Notification
vapor condition
Intensity (mm)
By contour
apart, fragmented forest
300 - 350
close forest
other wooded land
No data
other wooded land
low, other wooded land
low, other wooded land
low, other wooded land
150? Contour
other wooded land
other wooded land
100 - 200
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 3: Data compound map
Direction of Earth Rotation
which bring water vapor, and forest give higher rain contribution, in
which X
(other wooded land) have 100-200 mm annual rain.
Regarding Existing rain data and wind flow prediction, evaporation from
Straight Hormuz are rain resources for north west of Straight Hormuz.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Evident From United State of America
Figure 4, USA map of forest, population density, Rain, & topography
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 5; Data Evaluation
General wind direction
Earth Rotation direction
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Data Evaluation, those are:
Wind direction bring water favor
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is similar, how can it be?...in this precision?
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Sub Tropic
Lack of water vapor
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
For Oman, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates
Figure 6: Mangrove and forest development position on Omman, Qatar, and United
Arab Emirates
Not for Saudi Arabia
a. Regarding wind flow direction by earth rotation, Saudi Arabia area is one country and
the higest of water vapor flow from gulf persian evaporation.
b. Vgn are is the longest area in one country for innitial mangrove development.
c. East Saudi Arabia land topography are easy and large for forest and then other farm
1. Considering of People population density
Figure 7 & 8: People population density on Saudi Arabia
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
2. Urgency and General difficulties of project development
a. Development for global warming solution and make better live are urgent and must do
as soon as possible
b. Lack of worker and management from origin
c. Generally lack of thinking respond and action even I talk about Al-Qur’an
d. Lack of spirit, no use land for mangrove, forest and then any big farm until now
e. Lack of fund
f. Lack of mangrove, forest, any farm, plantation, soil technology
g. Project must simultant and as quick as possible
h. Saudi Arabia top concern usage is oil
3. “Rahmatan Lil Alamin” Project development purpose
a. Mangrove and forest development for; water vapor condensation process from Gulf
Persian evaporation, increase precipitation for any farm project, reduce green house
effect by reduce water vapor on those region, reduce growing Gulf Persian salinity by
make water circle back to gulf persian, make more comfortable breathe by increease
oxygen O2 contain in the air.
b. Any civil, fish, farm, livestock, bio fuel is a must, etc development for better live.
c. Some Saudi Arabia area will give and take over for other countries with higher
technology and spirit, for mangrove development, fish, forest, farm, bio fuel and other
project for make better life.
d. Some Saudi Arabia area will give and take over for North Ireland and Palestine, at
least they have higher spirit for “Rahmatan Lil Alamin” Project, and the other hand
give them for their own freedom territory area.
e. The area is selected regarding condensation position and on low-lowest people
population density just around 2-24 people per square kilometers.
f. Land giving not for crude oil owning. Any development (forest, farm, etc) must
matching not disturb existing oil instalation, and for future any oil instalation not
major disturb or with agreement with any existing (forest , farm, etc) development.
General Guide
1. Mangrove develops along Vgn, access on United Arab Emirates, and swamp area.
Mangrove able by mix from around the world, for example from Indonesia for much
of vegetation.
2. Ecosystem development on beach area, starting from mangrove and any easy
underwater flora. Principally develop and bring mangrove together with mud and
underwater flora, + algae +small & simple any fauna for Symbioses mutualism, may
be +clam. Make protection and quarantine able to use net for initial growth. After
stable growth, give starting from herbivore fauna which can be eaten, but not lack of
flora. Net or protection able make larger when mangrove and ecosystem become
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
3. After ecosystem suitable as habitat protect by strong steel (not plate) for initial fish or
other growth for consumption, and don’t forget to make access for harvest, able by net
for easy and cheaper for open-close. The possibility those are:
a. If for selected and expensive fish, so the steel short distance from mangrove, may
be around 50m, and with smaller space of steel may be around 5-10 centimeter,
for fish go out and protection.
b. If for general fish and for invite and feed for bigger fish, the steel have longer
distance from mangrove, may be 100-400 meter, with steel space around 40
4. The territory is 4 kilometer from beach, just for fish and effect of mangrove and no
any industry able to disturb.
5. On swamp, maybe Ecosystem develops until big fish. But not just mangrove on
swamp development.
6. Forest development able waiting mangrove development or direct by desalinate sea
water. Forest development must be started immediately when rain intensity tend to
grow up. To avoid erosion when rain.
7. Forest or tree able to be selected regards same latitude from other location from
around the world. Palm is not priority, must big, able to see the existing big tree
which have success growth.
8. First, tree selection must able to survive and consider with land condition. First stage
for survive and condensation. And then for other purpose.
9. Much farm, plant, soil and technology exist able to use. For example: fragmentation
bacterial for soil decomposition, Gel for water stock for initial growth.
10. Remember, even dry, those land have sun shined long time ago, these is a part of
weather process, small water will make big weathered effect, and easy for make
11. Generally, mangrove and forest development as much as possible, farm, livestock,
any fruit, bio fuel with any manufacturer, etc on centre, until at least able to survive. If
difficult, timber able to use with strictly rule management.
12. Just Palestine and north Ireland able to use sell minimum crude oil just for initial fund
for mangrove & forest development, but not for crude oil process. Or ask Japan for
13. Respect to their or origin religion, origin people allow to joint, free for tax in 5 years
or more, don’t disturb their personal land owner, with or by letter, especially with
existing tree, farm, fish, etc. Big building, let them choice, joint or not joint, don’t
disturb them. We start from zero, starting from mangrove, forest, farm, any civil, etc
owner, don’t disturb us.
14. Any suitable research, theory, idea, concept, calculation or any, able to add in this
paper for better and better result. With additional own author
15. Road free for use together, building or other big civil able to use after permission,
normal or not extreme payment. Hit or against our people its mean make war to us.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
16. Any mine just max has 30% of profit and must share with Saudi, and must for water
pond purpose reason.
The Rules
1. Except for United State, No any payment for land take over
2. countries and people in this project must solid, high solidarity, working, and sharing
3. No mangrove development in 3 years, without suitable reason, the area will give to
other country.
4. No forest development in 9 years, without suitable reason, the area will shear with
other country.
5. Total forest development in 12 years and then continue.
6. For Japan, Any oil and mineral on Japan territory is for Japan. Top priority is for
make initial canal for individual water circle, and then for support and give starting
from Palestine, North Ireland and so on, to do this project, including canal for United
State (conditional latter…).
a. First make canal along the lowest topography as long as possible, and make sure
water not empty forever
b. Canal is useful for initial water evaporation resources for Japan until Austria.
c. Priority of Dumping Material from Canal is on the east from Canal
d. For Japan, Mangrove and then forest priority is on the south west from Canal
e. Canal able to use for access and for fish, likes Japan teach and do with USA
soldier on kuwait.
f. If success in individual water circle until the end on the west, much river will exist
and I hope, canal salinity will reduce, because water evaporation recourses not
only from Canal.
g. Canal depth not for mangrove only. Including for fish and other.
h. Pity Ethiopia, I hope Japan & other accept their people for work and live together
on ex Saudi Arabia.
i. On Ethiopia, give them knowledge about forest, live stock, spot farm on grade
land, thank you.
7. Except from Japan, 2% of oil produce is for NASA.
8. Cheaper worker able from Africa, likes from Somalia than they to be pirate and
difficult for food and income. Teach them by work and learning by doing starting
from mangrove until fish and so on. Likes Japan with USA soldier, and then they will
explain on their country. On Somalia country, give them 11.5% of fund required for
mangrove until forest development, for better live. North side Mangrove of Somalia
are priority for higher concentration of fish than south side. South side is for rain
increase for farm. If suitable and cheaper, maybe initial mangrove able to get from
Bontang, East Kalimntan (borneo), Indonesia, just rent small land for nursery.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
9. Fish development on Japan with USA on Kuwait is different, On Japan is on canal, so
steel position is perpendicular with canal
10. Other rule or editing latter ….
Figure 9: The new or additional territory area for 8 countries: United State of America,
Nederland, Germany, Austria, Palestine, Switzerland, North Ireland, and Japan
Table 2: List of Country allows to joint & live together by people urban, including fund
& technology. Not allow by flag, but allow for professional government. Let them make
evaluate. Offer to joint must be started from North Ireland and Palestine, any % no
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
problem, Except Ethiopia, because no money + no food is nothing. If have no totally
profit, able to pull and move to other
Member State
Pop. density
Pity Uuugh
Pity Cold
Pity Uuugh
Pity Cold
29,900 (Int.$
Pity alone
Int. $ 29,004
Pity Uuugh
Become Japan &
other People
GDP (Nominal)
per capita 2010
Reason for together
South Korea
Pity Cold
Agreement must deal
1. Saudi Arabia must release any nuclear reactor project.
2. Saudi Arabia give area for “Rahmatan Lil Alamin Project”, drawn on figure 9. And
United Arab Emirates give area for access and etc.
3. And the Saudi Arabia must support Indonesia for good management by Stop Hajj
from Indonesia and Saudi Arabia as judge (on kaiwan’s side) until Indonesia reach
some item or point which negotiated between kaiwan and; Megawati Sukarno Putri
Those are
a. Asking from people who have no money for hajj (permintaan orang yang tidak
mampu haji)
b. Asking from people who have no money for hajj (permintaan orang yang tidak
mampu haji)
c. Replace education curriculum until high school, by Germany curriculum format (
mengganti kurikulum pendidikan sampai SMA dengan format kurikulum Jerman)
d. TSS (total solid suspended) all big river in indonesia around 300, or make other
For Saudi Arabia
If Saudi Arabia not agrees to give apart territory for this project so Saudi Arabia must answer
my question, those are:
1. Why Saudi Arabia not explains the genius product; thumb must touch to ear in sholat
for rain (istisqo??) on desert?
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
2. Did your thumb touch to your ear already??? Didn’t you???
3. Did you sujjud to cubic stone perfectly??? Didn’t you???
4. Did you Musyrik, sujjud to cubic stone???
1. Or Saudi Arabia is Kavir country, because not follow and explain Al-Qur’an ALROOM (THE ROMANS, THE BYZANTINES) 030.048, just for sing song
2. Or explain my idiot idea: Masturbation is sholat for rain (istisqo??) on desert. Just
enjoy it; they coming,… they coming…uuuugh…uuugh SPERM RAIN ARE
COMING (Presenter: Lidya will read dramatically and higher voice on SPERM
RAIN ARE COMING, so must be trained & +) Don’t blame me, I just compare to
the genius product from the highest imam from Saudi Arabia: Sholat for rain
(istisqo??) on desert: thumb must touch ear and must sujjud to cubic stone.
Figure 10: Preliminary plan for Saudi Arabia
Mangrove development
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Desalinitasion water pipe for forest development
Lake possibility
MateriL DUMP
Water dump
To be continue,… sorry, Iam busy, tired, and so on
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Letter for Gusti, In Indonesia not for secret, just for clear and quick
Gus tolong ya, pertama kali pelajari bukti yang di Amerika untuk hujan…to be continue
Pak Oddy itu orang USA (morrison knudsen), Ika, Ridwan tau. Kalau MR Siti hanya kamu yang tau.
Kamu ingat kan gus, yang ceritamu: gus siti gus, siti,..itu gus yang PKL di IM. Doni pernah keja di
PAMA. Sumarwanto di mine operation IM. Dari IM yang cocok jadi anggota-mu Kutu loncat hanya
Sumarwanto, kalau Burhanuddin ceritanya lain. Burhanuddin di Planning IM, pertama ketemu jangan
langsung kamu kasih kerjaan, langsung pusing dia, kamu tanya dulu: Pak pacarnya tukang balon
ya?, setelah dia senyum, baru kamu kasih tau kerjaan. Aku tidak punya maksud apa-apa, sekedar dia
senyum dulu.
……..Elmer……To be continue,… sorry, Iam busy, tired, and so on
For USA & British
Letter For General James E Cartwright
Dear General James E Cartwright
First: I need your help general for investigate: who use money from “Pinjam pakai” By Indonesia
forestry on mining industry. Why they did not cancel or cut the mining permit? Indonesia forestry
allow (after be paid) and then disturb back fill process by “Pinjam pakai” generally on Indonesia coal
mining. Much holes, mine acid drainage possibility when mine closure.
Who use or manage the money personally, from “Pinjam pakai”, not for forest or people better life
development (physically). 3 top user or manager must be placed on Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
without any judgment, because “Pinjam pakai” is ILLEGAL LAW. Terrorist bomb destroy unit is
square meters, but “Pinjam pakai” destroy unit is hectares.
Investigation are started from Ministry of Indonesia forestry, without any information
Please General, I need your help. Thank you….kaiwan
------After you have territory on Saudi Arabia, pull up
of your personnel, equipment, and any
investment, anything, from Iraq. Just make guard on your border. Do not make any intelligent and
military action on Iraq anymore. Let them chaos; kill each other… until empty, no problem for you
Make guard around the border, let Iraq people follow you for guard and protection. Military
composition for forward on west of Kuwait border and then wait. And then:
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
1. I believe United State have high stability because do the best on any possible sector , any US
president just little bit different in policy, but US take the biggest apart in this project and
have affect to other countries, so we need smoothly. I thing Barrack Obama good in
friendship and have high elasticity or kindness ( In Bahasa Indonesia is : Bijaksana), he is
required, for example: ex Saudi Arabia and Iraq witch become US or Europe territory are
including the people, the owner of house, land and other are fix no any force for take offer,
must by economic or buy, they are US people already must be protected. Back about
President; US need much fund, money, worker, working time for development on US
domestic, new territory states on ex Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and smoothly, there are more
important than 3-4 president election. Change Barrack Obama now is no problem but and
then no 3-4 president elections is important. I thing the condition are locked now, just one
country agree to do this project but US late so other countries will say: what happen USA??.
What happening USA???.... Oooo No….What happening USA???....
Anybody agree for Barrack Obama, no 3-4 president elections???
How much money waste for 3-4 president elections???
How much people working time waste for 3-4 president elections???
How much money and people working time require for Mississippi water dump?
May be + wind power station?
What happening USA???.... Oooo God ….What happening USA???....
Anybody agree for Barrack Obama, no 3-4 president elections???
2. Give Iraq people protection and same facility with USA soldier on ex Saudi Arabia
3. First, give suitable salary, guard, and protection for Quality control team (above) for Iraq
project. For project on ex Saudi Arabia, Salary and guard starting from Gunawan Wicaksono.
And so on in this paper. Ask them for bank account number and swift code & must able to
use any country in this project, and must use their name, not other name. Because pity, and
for not lazy, ask them for additional suitable wife from…..too busy for them for vacant or
holiday to Indonesia.
4. Guarding for Quality control team, any place and any time.
5. Ask Quality control team for ask to Iraq people for make election (if no existing) for governor
for initial and then go professional. If they give the land for USA, first working together for
forest, farm and so on, and will be handled, control by credible and professional
organization, USDA may be, or.. I don’t know, maybe I have other information latter. And
a. Much forest, for nice brief, more rain, good taste of water. Zam-zam water is not good
b. Much farm able to own, live stock so on
c. Just require exist local ID
d. Better technology and larger work opportunity
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
e. No government oil on USA, so higher salary and better facility on Indonesia, I don’t know
on Iraq.
Ask Quality control team for make coordination with: Iraq people or governor, United
Nations, USA personnel in UN for nice well come.
Because Quality control team just 4, and not work for USA only, so USA must support for
quick and clear coordination and must by agreement.
Job description of Quality control team is: Accept or not, when (80%), How (20%)
Forward territory until white border (see figure …)and then make negotiation with British,
those are:
a. British give Bahama Islands for United State immediately. After USA catch red border
(see figure 10), USA guarding on North Kuwait border will give for British, and then
British do point 1-8 and so on same project of Global warming and better live. Any oil on
all of Bahama Islands? Just touris, the biggest tips is from massage and spa, Is it enough
for British?, collect apart all of spa tips???
b. If guarding on north Kuwait border give for British before USA catch red border. Iraq
people will go to British because British have credibility for colony. But it is Territory not
c. Why with British? British good in discipline. Starting for forest protection on north of
Iraq, for Iraq have enough rain. And starting forest development on the south for catch
water vapor from gulf of Persian, and for people management purpose, and so on.
d. USA too free, more ethnic chase on USA than British.
Before number 8. British must give me qualified wife for FEE. No drug, good in health,
solidarity, single, and want with me.
11. USA must support Israel and any other for Erase Thailand. The top and special reason
is Our God didn’t make Thailand, so no land forever for them on our earth.
12. Free for Iraq or USA or United Kingdom people go/work on USA or United
Kingdom. Iraq, USA, United Kingdom people by local ID, the other after United
Kindom local ID. Territory is Territory, so law is law. Principally, this is for
Development for global warming and better live. For starting and avoid any crucial,
maybe governor and or below is from local, and then go to professional. Just British
as register for come in by overseas Passport. Except Teguh Untara and survey team
for border coordinate record
13. Just make good and professional government and development on USA and British.
Defense is automatically, Let Iraq people seen, and choice, crucial on Iraq or save and
do development on USA or British. And then ask Quality Control Team and so on.
But first you must introspection about your capability.
14. USA and British must order and placed credible organization like USDA for
development control.
15. If USA have no land on Iraq, so Saudi Arabia must use oil company on USA territory, under
USDA control.
Figure 10; Promotion border
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Because, develop forest without farm is pity. So see figure below
Figure 11; Development and land owning direction
Forest border
Low forest, farm
Medium forest start
Kuwait ?
Low forest start
16. It is better than stay on Afghanistan but able from Iraq, much oil and or mineral on
Afghanistan?, Economic?
Listen Up soldier!!!
Figure 12; Kuwait population density and situation map
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 13; mangrove, ecosystem and fish development
Wind bring
water vapor
is mangrove, ecosystem for fish livestock
a. Ask Kuwait for develop mangrove and then ecosystem for fish and food. If Kuwait
lazy, USA soldier will take care. No any invasion to Kuwait from sea, because will
disturb USA soldier fish. Left apart for town access
b. Ecosystem development on beach area, starting from mangrove and any easy
underwater flora. Principally develop and bring mangrove together with mud and
underwater flora, + algae +small & simple any fauna for Symbioses mutualism, may
be +clam. Make protection and quarantine able to use net for initial growth. After
stable growth, give starting from herbivore fauna which can be eaten, but not lack of
flora. Net or protection able make larger when mangrove and ecosystem become
c. After ecosystem suitable as habitat protect by strong steel (not plate) for initial fish or
other growth for consumption, and don’t forget to make access for harvest, able by net
for easy and cheaper for open-close. The possibility those are:
a. If for selected and expensive fish, so the steel short distance from mangrove, may
be around 50m, and with smaller space of steel may be around 5-10 centimeter,
for fish not go out and protection.
c. If for general fish and for invite and feed for bigger fish, the steel have longer
distance from mangrove, may be 100-400 meter, with steel space around 40
centimeter. For size selection of fish able go in and out.
17. The territory is 4 kilometer from beach, just for fish and effect of mangrove and no
any industry and invasion able to disturb. But I will not concern about 4, just
environment development and soldier happy.
18. It is work and must have result, so Marines is marines, Army is Army, Seal is seal and
so on. Usually tax is not much, develop around 15% mangrove without steel for
Navy. Pity Navy, but they have bigger ship for harvest in 4 or more.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
19. Ask Japan for teach. Than go to Japan Canal access, give Japan around 50 m and then
learning by doing for mangrove, ecosystem, fish selection & taste & care, and
management after harvest, package, cook, marketing, so on. After production; 20 %
for pension or pay if leave from Kuwait, 10% for fun, 60% for wider saving/pension
for example marines for marines depending structure including not on Kuwait, but
have responsibility for soldier on Kuwait. 10 % for project keep exist, for
maintenance, buy land for post and stay so on. If big & safe enough able to reduce for
temporary of 65% and 25%. If leave before production, work must be recorded.
Initial work; mangrove, ecosystem, steel construction until production are investment
around 30% of total fund, for pension.
For United State Domestic
Domestic Defense
To be continue….waiting FEE
My dream; USA people tax 88% + big tree from owner land, without disturb activity and function on
the land, more beauty, + compos (money) by good management…Any body agree? …….. Agree ???
Better live
For my people on South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, etc maybe.
Why live on high grade land???. Why??? Much farm and livestock on there???
Why??? Just for water??? Oooo my God, too pity.
Okay, don’t worry. It is general plan, ask my FEE from USDA after we and other make further
study and evaluation, with many kinds of data
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 14; USA preliminary plan development
B, D, G, L, T
D/G, F, L, T
Water pond. Usefull for live, stock of evaporation resources transit for individual
water Circle.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
B; Black forest, D; Dark green forest, G; Green forest, L; Livestock, F; Farm, T; Timber
Wind power station likes on Iran ?. ask my FEE from USDA
Timber industry law
Able Including children and so on for timber industry registration. It is able as business
USDA makes, for example (20%) cheaper of prize regarding of, wood class or other
specification. So if timber industry bankrupt, able to sell to USDA or other but after have
certificate from USDA including record: The Timber Industry made larger and or higher
forest already.
Rule of price, for example within (4) years tree need care starting from plantation on the land,
and then tree able to release (with minimum) or without any care. This time the business have
minimum prize. And then prize will grow up and reach maximum (20% cheaper) of prize in
4-5 years. And then prize will go down until 0 in (20) years. 4-5 is fix because economic
business. USDA makes decision for (X) for the best law.
USDA make rules and correlation regarding wood class and other specification, those are:
Cut A = after plant (2.3)(B), or (3.4)(C), or must 2 A, until (60%) (4), keep care until (4), still
pay industrial fee & tax until (4) + 1-2. USDA makes decision for 1-2
So, start white, green forever, no industrial fee & tax forever
USDA makes evaluation control for larger green forever, become dark green (higher) and so
on forever, for no industrial fee and tax forever, or illegal logging without suitable reason,
(storm), (water fold), etc.
Before rule from USDA become the law, USDA must inform to timber industry and evaluate
their respond. In separate law, USDA need smaller area (black or higher) not for any disturb,
for keep much existing wood class and other flora & fauna species, for study, picnic etc.
The best law: timber industry have profit and keep running by good management, USA have
much wood class and other specification may be, more black, more dark green, more farm,
more concentration livestock and USA must control of population growth for no less
USDA make rule for tree, density must be planted beside (home), (office) and so on without
disturb activity and function of the land, for water fold reducing, more beauty, and lower temperature.
After initial forest development (4) by USDA and then USA tax (88%) + (big) tree on own land
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Anybody agree?
All of compos on USA is USDA owning. All fesses from livestock from this project is USDA
And then, I am lazy, It is down payment, because USDA didn’t pay FEE for me yet, and for
Single, good in health, solidarity,…yaa…yaa…ya. Pretty? ya-ya-yaaa, Beauty? Ya-yayaaaa
What difference between pretty and beauty ? I am lazy,…ya…ya…yaaa.
Figure 15; Forest Category
Green (not forest)
Dark Green Forest
Black Forest
For Kuwait
Or below, if USA agree
Or below, If USA agree
For much of Africa (data on reference below, except Ethiopia)
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Must Ask to Saudi Arabia=Kavir country; for increase Rain,
which one? “Sholat for Rain” or “Sholat 5 times per day”????
Handy Tailor man, the highest Imam from Saudi teach the
“Sholat for Rain”
-------------------------------------------------Pity Ethiopia; develop forest without suitable farm and fish
-------------------------------------------------Who first said about Dajjal, The author of rain!!!
Who will do development for global warming solution and better
live, increase rain in USA and Iran ????....I have no money !!!
I have no money, who will do development for increase rain in
If rain increase in Iran, so who are Rain Authorize in Iran ???
I said; I have no money, I have no energy, I have no time for all
development in Iran & USA for rain increasing and better live.
I am alone
Just for conference register, I have no money allocation
I am not Author of rain on any countries
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 16; Africa preliminary plan knowing
General development will be planned,…to be continue, sorry I am busy, See FEE paid list
below on table 3
I am sorry, still difficult for cheap and big on Libya
For me and my family
Any countries in this paper must make agreement, written, black on white, those are: if any
problem or difficulties from Indonesia to me and my family: wife and child. So Indonesia
must be Embargo, together in same time.
2. Just additional & make complete given from US for my wife/fees: 10 Heckler and Koch MP5KA4, 30 round magazine + silencer+ part & ammo
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
3. 30 Heckler and Koch Entourage Knife with Plain-edged BK Coated Blade (Black, 8.44Inch)
4. 2 Golan, mounted by suitable gun & operate by remote, sit & room deign for family purpose
( women and children), including part & lubricant
5. Any countries who send fee allow with personnel carrier with same criteria.
6. For nearest Battalion from majenang (Surya kusuma): 50 Heckler & Koch MP7A1, 40-round
magazine + ISM-V (IOS-1200-A1), 50 M21 or other sniper with same effective range (700
meters), 10 personnel carrier and or truck including part & lubricant, Fund around 1,000,000
US$ for business invest and push of soldier and family health care system change by
reimburse, 2 rescue chopper including part & lubricant. Those funds required for initial
health care operation and reimburse.
7. Because I need for family business investment now, I will use little bit of fund for reimburse
of 200 gram rent cost including for rubber shoe. Just little bit, almost 3 years (around 4,500
US $). Just 1 is not enough for me, I need for thinking. Without rent 200 gram, I cannot do
any. I feel my body will blow up. Still not enough, I will use for rent, don’t worry, just little
bit, don’t worry. My Bank data
Name: Kaiwan
Bank name: BCA (Bank Central Asia)
Town: Samarinada, east Kalimantan
Swift code: CENAIDJA
Account number: 0272449013
Business, fund allocation usage (995,500 US$) including rent 200 gram & rubber shoe
progress will be reported to MABES TNI Cilangkap Indonesia and donator
I must replace around 400 of my chicken and additional prepare on May 2013, if
world late for 200 gram rental reimburse, I sold my car, I will not care for world
forever, I just push Saudi Arabia for SPERM RAIN FOREVER without other
action forever
8. 2 Merkava mounted by Phalanx, including part & lubricant, modified for land operation, and
bigger magazine capacity.
9. Indonesia must give any permit and law dispensation for me and my family ( wife and
children), foods supply responsibility, and any other.
10. Any countries not give any letter or agreement for divorce in my family. If Majenang give
divorce letter especially for Angle, all majenang people will be killed.
Training Rules to be Presenter, Author or FEE
Trainee have Good in health, no drug, and solidarity
Cost for depression, sickness & emergency in training is not my responsibility
To be Trainee, must past stability test for bring smith & Wesson
Angle and her family must know and understand about training purpose.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
5. In training, trainee accompanied and help angle as priority in daily activity and sleep in same
room with angle. Except Bavaghar, her priority is accompanied my daughter and sleep in
same room. Trainee must passion, and fault if make big debate to angle, against or attack
angle, thinking angle is enemy, want to divorce for angle by anything, or I said Fault.
6. Trainee top priority is psychiatry, and then presenter, author, FEE, …
7. For information & briefing to Trainee, Prabowo Subianto make survey about family
condition, home facility, angle activity, and angle emotion condition if possible. With me,
make prediction about Training Days for past, and additional days for bring Heckler & Koch
as fashion.
8. Not allowed to give Fund, big money, capital or any other to make angle able for divorce
For Indonesia
1. For Indonesia special force: Densus 88, Paskhas AU, Jala Mangkara, Para Amp. Koppasus
Just additional & make complete given from US. Heckler & Koch MP7A1, 40-round
magazine + ISM-V (IOS-1200-A1) + Zeiss Z-Point red dot sight + silencer if possible +part &
ammo. Tools or special force equipment likes on movie, I am forget the complete movie
title: ….. tire of sun, Bruce Willis as actor, those are: communication equipment which
microphone on throat, lap top connection to satellite for personnel tract identification.
Communication equipment to higher level. No any knife given.
2. Horse, care & development, including training for military usage
3. Starting from Japan for Indonesia special force survival without support in 7 days, those are:
fishing training, including nail on any beach on Indonesia, including fish data identification.
How to eat safely without cook & and how to make stock.
4. Any sniper weapon with effective range around 700 m max are accepted, including trainer
come to Indonesia or free training on origin countries, for special force above.
5. Any Truck and personnel carrier + part & lubricant will be accepted. Panglima ABRI will share
minimum number for KOSTRAD & BRIMOB, and then will share by volley ball tournament.
6. Panglima ABRI must accept any given and able ask for increase quantity or quality in same
Any number will accept of Suitable Lap top and modem for able to bring on home , Densus
88 & Brimob office personnel, POLWAN, KOWAD, WARA, : Any number will accept of
Suitable Lap top and modem for able to bring on home. KOWAL ask Indonesia government
including DPR & MPR for lap top.
Any Given for Indonesia police must via Susno Duadji, and he becomes owner. He has no
allowed for not accept. In some position, Indonesia has suitable police Education and
training Dept, those are: SPN, Police Academy, PTIK. Contact Susno Duadji for police men
transfer price like football player. Higher salary and facility will make them professional, than
lower and unprofessional in Indonesia.
Complete Intelligent Training by Mossad for Densus 88 + suitable equipment and tools
intelligent, including for office, because Susno Duadji home Stay on Cipinang Regency will
be Densus 88 home base, much room on there, much office boy and suitable security. For
close coordination to Susno, Brimob top level management able on Cipinang Regency, Park
area able for several personnel carrier.
Fund, laboratory, any equipment, tools, and personnel support and guard for Indonesia
education curriculum reformat by Mahar coordination after paid than satisfied by oversea.
Germany curriculum will be used for initial benchmark and then will be reformatting starting
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
from Indonesia food or nutrition. Likes develop computer, if not match between processor
and data capacity, so computer will trouble in running.
Regarding Indonesia more rich in mineral deposit and fertilize land than Germany, Indonesia
freedom on 1945, Germany lose in world war 2 on 1945, information from my informant, education
in Indonesia more difficult than on Germany, and the result now; Indonesia have longer experience
of main battle tank (MBT) http://indomiliter.com/2009/04/17/pt-76-kisah-tank-amfibi-tua-tni-al
Than from Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1NYxbIqDYc
Any blast furnace in PINDAD?, Where is alumina processing in Indonesia?
Crude oil processing including pipe and installation cost for Yogyakarta. Bigger shear profit
is for Indonesia. Likes Europe Union, Just for example and push Indonesia people, how to hard
work develop own country by high nationalism.
I promote nusatengara people for plantation worker. I will not intervention to Timorleste
and Australia, but no any works and job for them in this project until I know them. Now, I
don’t know where is Timorleste and Australian on the map. What is kangaroo? I don’t know
For complex friendship Development
1. To do rain hypothesis in Iran, Iran must release any nuclear project and then:
2. When Israel Erasing Thailand, Iran has responsibility to guard, protection and defense on
Israel territory by suitable soldier. Any weapon is from Israel and belong to Iran after bring to
Iran and Israel survive, suitable defense (with family) and expand in Thailand. Any left on ex
Israel is belong to Iran if bring and use in Iran.
3. United State must give excellent complete engine & propeller including part for wind power
station for Iran.
4. United State must support and help Iran for Israel defense.
5. Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, and other must obey for Israel air force for route and transit.
6. No United Nation Soldier in this project, it is not war, it is erase.
7. Border is fix before and after ex Thailand. By fair agreement, Afghanistan and Malaysia able
to do erase by good coordination with Israel. The border are: Israel – Afghanistan – Malaysia
or Israel – Afghanistan – Malaysia – Israel – Malaysia in ex Thailand. Same with Israel, with
family after survive, suitable defense and expand in Thailand. If urgent, Malaysia give any
facility for Israel and Afghanistan family transit with limitation maximum for 50 days each,
go to Malaysia just for erase (In bahasa: Ganti kaum) Thailand. If not busy, Iran and Unitsd
State able to joint by good coordination.
8. Give Afghanistan territory that contains beach, farm & forest development possibility, and
river if any. Pity Afghanistan.
9. If Israel agree, give apart territory have tropic beach for Iran. For United State, up to you.
10. United State support for weapon and other
11. Megawati Sukarno Putri is the leader of Bilateral friendship for this project. Countries on
erase Thailand project offer her suitable salary, guard, and erase a part or all of Indonesia
loan. Because this project must start before teeth party.
12. British responsible and or support for guard Iran border defense, when Iran guard Israel
13. If Israel or Malaysia agree, Indonesia Single man soldier or other profession able work
starting from erase Thailand after extradition and married with Israel or Malaysia women and
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
then they are people of Israel or Malaysia, Indonesia have no any responsible. No Indonesia
female go to Thailand, and Indonesia have no any responsible. Able with Afghanistan after
married with 3-4 women from Afghanistan.
14. Napalm is used because better for environment and for reduce sickness by bacterial. On land,
howitzer is minimum or not be used because bad for environment.
15. The general erase strategy: ……..,…….and then napalm are shared starting from highest
population, ……,……,….Phalanx/Gatling placed on Merkava able to use for more detail
erase. …, …… …,….. Sickness by bacterial must be anticipated.
For Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia
Because Ethiopia have no suitable land for farm, And they not cut all of forest for food.
Egypt & Sudan must pay much money for monthly tax now, for Neil river water. Regarding
Ethiopia have no access to sea (cannot export their product), and topography condition on
their territory, may be Ethiopia culture historical is not want to make trouble or conflict or
war, and then give land territory. I don’t know who.
Any water from Ethiopia border must be paid monthly, regarding yearly water volume,
increase water = increase payment, including Somalia for future or now
Table3. List of FEE Pay Status
Country &
Remark, reason
Urgent, General plan finish-Hypothesis Stage 3. What is Bavaghar’s
Breaker Criteria?
Urgent, have other project
Urgent, Much work & thinking to do, including weapon modification
Not yet
Not yet
Not yet
Urgent, Have no author
Urgent, Pity
Urgent, Have much oil for payment global warming project
Not yet
Not yet
Not yet
Not yet
Fault, Broken breaker, Afraid
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Note: Without FEEs I must rent about 200 gram of meat every 2 days & 30 piece of
cigarette consumption for thinking and not lazy. It is not good for health and too expensive
for me.
I rent 200 gram is not
Zina, I paid, I didn’t take the other owning or authorize=make
Without or not enough FEEs, rent 200 gram is a must for me, similar with breakfast or lunch
or dinner. Don’t worry, usually I use rubber shoe when walk in the warm mud.
With FEEs, just reduce cigarette consumption, fitness, and then running well
When I have FEEs, my FEEs want, able, but I rent 200 gram, so I do Zina , because I take
my FEEs’s owning or authorize. If I still want, my FEEs didn’t want, I will ask to my FEEs
for additional FEE or rent a meat. Basically, fair must be started from DNA. Each of my
FEEs have different talent, hobby, which one-frequency-quality-quantity-timing-for their
satisfaction. So, For example, for money holder and make schedule with me (FEEs in 1
house) will be given to my FEEs, I just make general control for money allocation usage.
Impossible for me to do fair for each of my FEEs. I think it is Allah=God Job.
In 1 house, FEEs and Children meet and then high solidarity will be developed soon. This is
effective and efficient for chatting and so on. And the other hand, my FEEs know if I do Zina
or need additional FEE or must rent meat.
But Handy Tailor Man placed their wives on separate place, what did he want? ……………
Who money holder?, who make schedule for meet?, can his wives make chatting each other
for share any given for same level of satisfaction if not full, so what did Handy Tailor Man
Is true, Handy Tailor Man said must do fair to wives?. Did he want to do fair to his
wife?............ whose job, Handy Tailor Man want to take? What did he want?
Other case: Syahadat….
Who did make Syahadat?
Must said 2 fully of Syahadat, to be Muslim?
If without said the name of Handy Tailor Man, so Able to be Muslim?
Who did make religion?
Must said Musa AS, Musa AS, or Isa AS, Isa AS, if want to Jewish or
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
What did Handy Tailor Man want?
Let’s do Rahmatan Lil Alamin project
Structure Organization of Movement
United State President
Gunawan Wicaksosno
Kris, Ridwan, Ika Riawan,
Elmer G Fergusson
United State
Teguh Untara
United State, Japan,
Germany, Holland,
Switzerland, Austria,
Palestine, North
Ireland, Belgium, Malta,
Finland, Ice land,
Sweden, Norway, South
Korea, Ethiopia
United Nations
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Structure Organization of Development
United State Department of Agriculture
Kutu loncat
distributor: Gusti
Top Management
Leader: Oddy
Consultant & any
other support
Environment & Quality control
Leader: Gunawan Wicaksono
Doni, …,
Kris, Ika Riawan, Ridwan, ….
MR Siti
Team support:
Amel, T Saifullah
Calculation &
Burhanuddin, …
Any Survey &
Data progress
Leader: Teguh
Saudi Arabia: Elmer G Fergusson
United State: …..
British: ……
Japan: ……
Germany: ….
Nederland: ….
Austria: …….
Palestine: …….
North Ireland: ……
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Al-Qur’an Promotion
SHAKIR: Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods of
time, and He is firm in power; He throws the veil of night over the day, which it pursues
incessantly; and (He created) the sun and the moon and the stars, made subservient by His
command; surely His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, the Lord of the
No respond from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia Government never ask me back. So Saudi
Arabia not respect to Al-Qur’an. So…
Saudi Arabia have the best argument because Al-Qur’an is from Saudi Arabia, and the
highest IMAM from Saudi Arabia have Al-Qur’an as MUKZIZAT
Although cannot read, he able to say word in Al-Qur’an. Because……is his MUKZIZAT.
Should he learn and study to be able to read?
Forgive me, I think, maybe he has not to learn…..because…..is his MUKZIZAT
Depending from minimum information about historical of The highest Imam from Saudi
Arabia; He go to traditional shop, able to be “Handy Tailor Man” for his own dress, take
care cat.
As we know:
MUKZIZAT of Moses is able to spread water on red sea. Other people cannot do it
MUKZIZAT of Isa=Jesus is able to make bird by clay and then fly. Other people cannot do it
MUKZIZAT of “Handy Tailor Man” is a book? Without “ able to”
What is “ able to” of “Handy Tailor Man”??? Other people cannot do it
Who said to other people for first time???....is MUKZIZAT of “Handy Tailor Man”
Al Maa'idah
68. Katakanlah: "Hai Ahli Kitab, kamu tidak dipandang beragama sedikitpun hingga kamu
menegakkan ajaran-ajaran Taurat, Injil, dan Al Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu dari
Tuhanmu." Sesungguhnya apa yang diturunkan kepadamu (Muhammad) dari Tuhanmu akan
menambah kedurhakaan dan kekafiran kepada kebanyakan dari mereka; maka janganlah
kamu bersedih hati terhadap orang-orang yang kafir itu.
69. Sesungguhnya orang-orang mukmin, orang-orang Yahudi, Shabiin dan orang-orang
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Nasrani, siapa saja[431] (diantara mereka) yang benar-benar saleh, maka tidak ada
kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati.
PICKTHAL: Say O People of the Scripture! Ye have naught (of guidance) till ye observe the
Torah and the Gospel and that which was revealed unto you from your Lord. That which is
revealed unto thee (Muhammad) from thy Lord is certain to increase the contumacy and
disbelief of many of them. But grieve not for the disbelieving folk.
SHAKIR: Say: O followers of the Book! you follow no good till you keep up the Taurat and
the Injeel and that which is revealed to you from your Lord; and surely that which has been
revealed to you from your Lord shall make many of them increase in inordinacy and unbelief;
grieve not therefore for the unbelieving people.
YUSUFALI: Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures),
and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work
righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
PICKTHAL: Lo! those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Sabaeans, and Christians Whosoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - there shall no fear come
upon them neither shall they grieve.
Should “Handy Tailor Man” learn and study to be able to read?
Should “Handy Tailor Man” read all and detail of Taurat and Injeel?
Whoever said for first time? : Christian and Jewish and not Muslim are KAVIR
I am mining engineer, I just ask
Is it suitable, “Handy Tailor Man” sent a letter to King of Persia?
And then….“Handy Tailor Man” hungry….sstt… angry, and said: …Persia will be detached
I didn’t detach Iran in my paper: RAIN HYPOTHESIS IN IRAN Stage 2. What for?
The highest of water vapor resources for rain from the south of Iran is Straight Hormuz
Saudi Arabia must be detached, because:
1. Saudi Arabia accept the highest water vapor from gulf of Persian, development for global
warming solution must as long as possible, able to reduce Gulf of Persian salinity.
2. Need high spirit for development.
3. Saudi Arabia not respect to Al-Qur’an, and no explain condensation contained in AlQur’an, what for have much land?
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
OOoooo I am so sorry, forgive me, forgive me, I have no information about the existing
Saudi Arabia and the past position of Persian.
So, how “Handy Tailor Man”, the highest imam from Saudi Arabia know ?
May be “Handy Tailor Man”, the Highest Imam from Saudi Arabia is Magician use glass
The Highest Imam from Saudi Arabia is Magician, use glass ball or... Or what?
My family have no responsibility about “Al Maa'idah” (above), But I will not ask any women
who will be my wife to be Muslim, becauseeeee…To be muslim will not change her taste
If to be muslim by say 2 time of syahadat will make my wife become virgin, I will ask to all
of my wives for to be muslim and then do MURTAD and then to be muslim again
I think my wives from Christian, Israel, Iran, and other will enjoy do MURTAD around 1-2
times a week
I ever write on Ummah lounge, Ummah.com=kavir forum
DNA story has been contained in Al-Qur’an, so
Now, around the world know, around the world prove, Saudi Arabia is the pioneer in culture
sheet technology.
Around the world prove and know: SAUDI ARABIA start built by their own and has the
highest cloning technology in this earth
1. Bermegah-megahan telah melalaikan kamu
{1} ‫ال َّت َكا ُث ُر أَ ْل َها ُك ُم‬
The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more
serious things),
{2} َّ‫ىحت‬
َ ُ‫ا ْل َم َقابِ َر ُز ْر ُتم‬
Until ye visit the graves.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Regarding Al-Qur’an (above)
On special ceremony, Islamic centre support “small business”
Figure 17; Islamic centre support small business
So, “small business” must have high precision of time scheduling to do business on Islamic
6. Al An'aam
95. Sesungguhnya Allah menumbuhkan butir tumbuh-tumbuhan dan biji buah-buahan. Dia
mengeluarkan yang hidup dari yang mati dan mengeluarkan yang mati dari yang hidup.
(Yang memiliki sifat-sifat) demikian ialah Allah, maka mengapa kamu masih berpaling?
ABDLH.YUSUF ALI: It is Allah Who causeth the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout. He
causeth the living to issue from the dead, and He is the one to cause the dead to issue from the
living. That is Allah: then how are ye deluded away from the truth?
MUHD M.W.PICKTHALL: Lo! Allah (it is) Who splitteth the grain of corn and the date-stone (for
sprouting). He bringeth forth the living from the dead, and is the bringer-forth of the dead from the
living. Such is Allah. How then are ye perverted?
M.H.SHAKIR: Surely Allah causes the grain and the stone to germinate; He brings forth the living
from the dead and He is the bringer forth of the dead from the living; that is Allah! how are you then
turned away.
Figure 18; example of Al-Quran implementation
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
In similar flow or symbioses: Fish (live) produce ammonium (death) and ammonium (death)
will be used by water hyacinth (live). The other hand, water pump replace the function of
underwater flora to increase oxygen by water fall. Similar, Not 100% match is no problem.
Stethoscope is not match but useful for people in this earth
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
In high density of fish, water hyacinth must be separated to avoid will be eaten by fish.
Fish feeding normally, and I never replace water, just by rain fall. Cleaning activity just
reduce water hyacinth, because grow faster. It is effective, efficient, and economist for
business. That’s why Al-Qur’an is called as Rahmatan Lil Alamin
The further explanation is water sanitation for hands chicken drinking water.
Figure 19; Water sanitation
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Figure 20; almost 600 of two months old chicken in 27 meters, generally good in health, 1
sick, 1 death, 2 broken leg until middle of November 2012, death because transport delivery
are not be counted
Daily Existing water drinking usage around 200 liters for 1000 chicken. Water sanitation
process, those are:
1. 70 square meters of water hyacinth
2. 5 stages coarse sand filter
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
 05 filter 
4. 01 filter
5. Ultra Violet
Figure 21; Water resources almost black color, contain chicken feces. Pumped by
submersible pump
Figure 22; ammoniac and or other organic mature absorb by water hyacinth, are shown by
water hyacinth height. In development stage, no budged for any content measurement in
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Al-Qur’an is rahmatan Lil alamin, at least have money aroma
That the example for use Al-Qur’an. What correlation with Pray to Cubic Stone 5 times per
day, or Sholat for Rain, Pray direction is must to Cubic Stone. What is correlation?
Why I didn’t explain about Star function?, because not my hobby. I like care fish, so I explain
a part of Al-Qur’an, how to optimizing about Fish. I never talking about law, because not my
talent, I am not enjoy. I don’t care with other part of Al-Qur’an, because I am not enjoyed. So
with bible and Taurad, I will looking for about fish, I don’t care with other part, not my
talent, I am not enjoyed.
Regarding AL-MAEDA above, The responsibility of Imam, after hold & learn 3 holies are
talk to other regarding their talent, for better live, work, professionalism, and so on.
So, each body use apart of Al-Qur’an or Bible or Taurat are depending each Talent, and
Imam must understand about physiology also, and must in team.
---------------------------------I am not God, I am not Nabi, I am male, I am mining engineer, I just ask
Sky or heaven?
I cannot translate Arabic in Al-Qur’an. I use Al-Qur’an in Indonesia language. I use index for
When I type: 7 syurga (7 heaven)….I didn’t found any word in Al-Qur’an
When I type: 7 langit (7 sky)….I found words in Al-Qur’an
14. Ibrahim
32. Allah-lah yang telah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan menurunkan air hujan dari langit,
kemudian Dia mengeluarkan dengan air hujan itu berbagai buah-buahan menjadi rezki
untukmu; dan Dia telah menundukkan bahtera bagimu supaya bahtera itu, berlayar di lautan
dengan kehendak-Nya, dan Dia telah menundukkan (pula) bagimu sungai-sungai.
YUSUFALI: It is Allah Who hath created the heavens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the
skies, and with it bringeth out fruits wherewith to feed you; it is He Who hath made the ships subject
to you, that they may sail through the sea by His command; and the rivers (also) hath He made
subject to you.
PICKTHAL: Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and causeth water to descend from
the sky, thereby producing fruits as food for you, and maketh the ships to be of service unto you,
that they may run upon the sea at His command, and hath made of service unto you the rivers;
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
SHAKIR: Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the clouds,
then brought forth with it fruits as a sustenance for you, and He has made the ships subservient to
you, that they might run their course in the sea by His command, and He has made the rivers
subservient to you.
2. Al Baqarah
29. Dia-lah Allah, yang menjadikan segala yang ada di bumi untuk kamu dan Dia
berkehendak (menciptakan) langit, lalu dijadikan-Nya tujuh langit. Dan Dia Maha
Mengetahui segala sesuatu.
ABDLH.YUSUF ALI: It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His
design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and
of all things He hath perfect knowledge.
MUHD M.W.PICKTHALL: He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth. Then turned He to the
heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He is knower of all things.
M.H.SHAKIR: He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth, and He directed Himself to the
heaven, so He made them complete seven heavens, and He knows all things.
78. An Naba'
12. dan Kami bina di atas kamu tujuh buah (langit) yang kokoh,
YUSUFALI: And (have We not) built over you the seven firmaments,
PICKTHAL: And We have built above you seven strong (heavens),
SHAKIR: And We made above you seven strong ones,
71. Nuh
15. Tidakkah kamu perhatikan bagaimana Allah telah menciptakan tujuh langit bertingkattingkat?
YUSUFALI: “‘See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another,
PICKTHAL: See ye not how Allah hath created seven heavens in harmony,
SHAKIR: Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens ,~ one above another,
7 skies:
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Sky 1st
Sky 2nd
Sky 3th
Sky 4th
Sky 5th
Sky 6th
Sky 7th
Planet ???
Handy Tailor Man version about Heaven or paradise ???
Is that true?, Handy tailor cannot read until death?
What is planet after Pluto? None or not found yet or Broken Already
If Handy Tailor Man is correct for start calculation, so
No heaven or paradise for us
Our heaven or paradise not found yet
Our heaven or paradise is broken already
If Handy Tailor Man is not correct for start calculation, so
Where is our heaven or paradise?
Where did Handy Tailor Man come from?
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
What did Handy Tailor want?
--------------------------------------In Maryam Letter in Al-Qur’an: What is Maryam Story?
I ever looking for Maryam stories by index. Quick. I found: Isa binti
Maryam. So what? And then what?
“Maryam” is the title of letter in Al-Qur’an, What is a Maryam story?
The most important is: what Maryam business or work for Isa growth
Without husband, much intimidation, must care Isa, how to have money
for food???
Ooooo…wow-wow-wow… Is our God forget??
Is our God forget?
Ooooo…wow-wow-wow ???
I am very sad if thinking about Maryam business or work for Isa growth
payment, I am very sad.
Don’t worry Maryam, Suggestion for you just easy, I create Phalanx
modification just by photo & film in internet, I never touch before.
The top priority for Isa is qualified food. If you has fund use for catering
business, money profit is second, you have food for Isa, don’t forget to kept
your food quality for customer satisfaction. Catering able to do with care
Isa together. Take lunch or dinner order, because complete food than
breakfast and you can use dinner for Isa breakfast tomorrow. Don’t take
breakfast order, you must take Isa first in the morning, and you able enjoy
fully rest with Isa in the night, sing songs for Isa, tell mush stories, share
and chatting with Isa about anything, you are happy, sharing with your
lovely sun .…until I write this suggestion, just with slut I able to share.
If you has no fund, works as chef. I ever hear, you aver has been given food
from heaven. Use the taste as standard, try and try until match or near
taste. Work as chef able to reduce much intimidation.
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
Think this live easy, don’t think too far. Do the nearest, easiest, and
priority by your ability for the best result. The simplest illustrations are: if
you want to pits go to toilet, if you thirsty so drink some water. Kept
passion and strength Maryam for Isa. I believe you happy than I am now.
Just you first ever make me stable, when I was confuse, you came and
reduce my big load by tell about your story when you pregnant and ask to
God, and god show you that I have been creating, just my sperm ready for
make you pregnant. Because I don’t believe, you push and force me in 2
weeks to make me believe that Isa is my sun. I feel you is the first wife, can
answer my question, able to make chatting, laugh, smile, angry, make
debate when you ask about your story because that is God promise, and I
said No story about you in Maryam letter in Al-Qur’an
Better you ask to God, Is Our God forget???
Teeth Party!!!
Don’t worry pah, Isa growth in happy condition, we share, chatting, smile,
much food, and no intimidation because I have order from high level.
Vatican understood about my history, so they are not worry.
Just you…worry and cry. I and Isa cry when we thinking; until you write
this letter, you still alone to handle and thinking for family and world
difficulties without any sharing. I know, you just shared about history to
two sluts, just for share, not for help or support. You still keep much,
especially about United State defense
Don’t worry pah
For Isa, my sun: Life is opportunity, do it happy, top priority is your life
duty, use your capability, our God make evaluation, don’t care about all
people evaluation or any other. ……kick,…punch,…target priority
,…weapon,…., protection, …shoes,…able to give you trouble in fight with
long hair….investment & traveling strategy for bible share …, show your
traveling is for business….. Share Bible by suggestion, problem solving,
interesting story,……I never suggest you to bring your student,…..make
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
your mother in safe condition, listen any word from her, just you she has
…,……,…,…,,,,,,anything else Isa? Don’t be afraid
Kaiwan S Serap Notodipuro
1. Tayeb Raziei, Peyman Daneshkar Arasteh and Bahram Saghfian, Annual Rainfall
Trend in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Iran, ICID 21st European Regional
Conference 2005 - 15-19 May 2005 - Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice - Germany
and Poland,
2. http://www.fao.org/forestry/country/18314/en/irn/
How can forests affect climate change?
4. The Greenhouse Effect, http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_3_1.htm
5. Water vapor, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_vapor
The Water Cycle: Condensation,
7. Water cycle, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_cycle
J. K¨ampf, M. Sadrinasab, The
circulation of the Persian Gulf: a numerical
study, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.22 No.2
(2008), pp.279-285, © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2008,
9. http://myweb.unomaha.edu/~malzayer/geog3000/maps_files/image023.jpg
10. http://www.flickr.com/photos/54545503@N04/5457625502/sizes/l/in/photostream/
11. Demographics of the European Union
12. http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/europe.html
13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceland#Economy
14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_South_Korea
15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_popu
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
16. http://www.alquran-english.com/
17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita
http://www.google.co.id/imgres?q=united+state+forest+map&hl=id&client=firefoxa&hs=Fz1&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:...sorry I delete, too long
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs
The Project Opening Ceremony: Teeth Party
The Guest Star:
Somyot RuchirawatR
BANPU President Directors
His country, his friends, his companies, his investment and money not allow to joint
Office : Venture Building, 3rd Floor, Jl. RA. Kartini No. 26 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430, INDONESIA
Phone : +6221 7504395, +6221 7504396, +62548 26235, Fax : +6221 7504386
Telex: 47628 IMMJKT IA
Email: [email protected]
As Teeth party coordinator but too silly for direct joint, bring gang from US, and then
see and enjoy it. Coordinator responsibility: find, polite guard, stop party not until death, give rest by
minimum medicine. Sub ordinate ability: Den JAKA, KOPASSUS, Den SUS 88, PASKHAS
I am not God, I am not prophet. I am mining engineer. Why rain not come on desert by sholat
for rain (istisqo??)?. Did your thumb touch to your ear already?. Did you sujjud to cubic
stone perfectly?. Did Saudi Arabia Musyrik perfectly, sujjud to cubic stone?. Is Saudi Arabia
a Kavir country use Al-Qur’an for sing songs