Judy Wasylycia - Leis
Judy Wasylycia - Leis
By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Audited FinancIal Statement - - THE CITY OF WINNIPEG CAMPAIGN EXPENSES AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY-LAW NO. 10/2010 FORM 4 REFERENCE SECTION 21(1> AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT From To June 1 2014 Feb 18 2015 For the campaign period NAME OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE NAME OF REGISTERED CANDIDATE Judy Wasylycia - Leis ADDRESS CITY, PROVINCE Winnipeg. MB. POSTAL CODE ALTERNATE PHONE FAX NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS OFFICE WARD NAME (IF COUNCILLOR CANDIDATE) MAYOR SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN INCOME AND EXPENSES Campaign Expense Limitation (as per form 3) Campaign Expenses Subject to Limitation (as per Statement of Income and Expenses) Tota) Campaign Income $ 7 - -_sZ_ — 215,87097 (A) 0 $ 203.257 39 $ 193,060.99 — Page 1 of 14 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Audited Financial Statement Page 2 of 14 - - DECLARATION OF CANDIDATE I, Judy Was ylycia Leis Name of Candidate hereby declare that to the best of my knowtedge and betief this financial statement and supporting schedules as set out herein are true and correct and I rrake this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. Declared before me at the City of Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba this day of /,)(2/-1 12/i Signature of Campaign Expenses and Contributions Officer /‘ Signat Candidate I DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL AGENT I Britanny LaForfe Name of Official Agent have prepared this Campaign Period Return and supporting schedules as set out herein for Judy Wasytycia Leis Name of Candidate and hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief this Financial Statement and supporting schedules as set out herein are true and correct and I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as it made under oath. Declared before me at the City of Winnipeg in the Province of Manito this ba day of /3 Gontnbuhons Officer / gnreOfficial Agent ___________ _____ _________ ____ By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4-Statement of Income and Expenses STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FROM June 1 2014 TO Feb. 28. 2015 INCOME Candda!es Su lus kom rnrnediately preceding Eiecton Released by the Senior Election Official $ 36814 S 202,891 48 S 12 61135 Contributions (attached Schedule 1) Fund-Raising Event attached Schedule 2) Interest Income Other (Please $ Specify S TOTAL INCOME $ 215,87097 $ 96,438 24 $ 83.39 5 10,924.34 $ 157.68 $ 400.00 5 496.80 $ 1,338.96 $ 9,525.00 s 4.16120 $ 16,982.47 $ 23,992.25 EXPENSES (ATTACH SCHEDULE 4; IF ANY DISPUTED CLAIMS. ATTACH SCHEDULE 5) CAMPAIGN EXPENSES SUBJECT TO LIMITATION Advertising Bank Charges Brochures Candidates Personal Expenses Furniture Insurance and Utilities Meetings. Social Functions, Rallies Office Rent Office Supplies Postage Salaries and Benefits Sgns 1371737 , Stationery 90 00 5 Tsiephc.re s Trays’ Other Please Speci: 3 2.592 .50 S 365 12 Office Food SUB-TOTAL CAMPAIGN EXPENSES SUBJECT TO LIMITATION S 193,06099 .. - Page 3 of 14 By-saw No 10/2010 Form 4 - Statement of Income and Expenses STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES (continued) Total income lreorted from previous page, S Sub-total Campagn Expenses Suoject to Limitation S 215870.97 193060.99 CAMPAIGN EXPENSES EXCLUDED FROM LIMiTATION Accounhng and Audit S Court action commenced under Pad 9, The Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act S Expense in holding a Fund-Raising Function S Interest on Loans $ Recount S SUB-TOTAL CAMPAIGN EXPENSES EXCLUDED FROM LIMITATION TOTAL PERIOD EXPENSES CAMPAIGN PERIOD SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 2 250 00 2054998 $ 22,809.98 S s 215,870.97 0 - Page 4 of 14 By-law No 10/2010 Form 4 SCHEDULE I - Schedule 1 Mayor - Page 5 of 14 FOR MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS FOR USE 8Y MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY (Section 8(2)(a)) PART I From a single source totalkng more than 250 comete Part uli S 129,08427 $ 1,859.17 S 70,714.74 S 1233.30 S 202,891.48 Total of contnbutions i the Form of Goods and Services from a single source of more than $250 (complete Part iii Total of single source contributions of $250 or less From candidate TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF LIMITS Excess cash over S1500 - Returned to the Contributor Excess over S1500 in the form of Goods and Services S - Returned to the Contributor S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTION OFFICIAL From anonymous sources Cash and/or Goods and Services in excess of limits TOTAL TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTION OFFICIAL S $ S 0 . - By-law No. 1012010 Form 4 Schedule 1 Mayor Page 6 of 14 - SCHEDULE 1 - FOR MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY (continued) PART ii List of Contributions in the Form of Goods and Services Itemized list: Nature of Goods and Services Supplier Value Guitar Player Sierra Noble $1,500.00 Pet Basket Brenda Elliot $359.17 Sub-total from supplementary list if used Total (sum to equal D abovel $ $1859.17 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 1 Mayor Page 7 of 14 - SCHEDULE 1 - - FOR MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY (continued) PART Ill List of Contributors from Single Source totalling more than $250 Name TOTAL Address Vahje See Attached $12908427 S I 29084.27 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 1 CouncUlor Page 8 of 14 - SCHEDULE 1 - - FOR COUNCILLOR CANDIDATES ONLY CONTRIBUTIONS FOR USE BY COUNCILLOR CANDIDATES ONLY (Section 8(2)(b)) PART I From a single source totalling more than $250 (complete Part Ill) $ Total of contributions in the Form of Goods and Services from a single source of more than $250 (complete Part II) $ Total of single source contributions of S250 or less $ From candidate $ TOTAL CONTRIBUTiONS $ CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF LIMITS Excess cash over $750 - Returned to the Contributor Excess over $750 in the form of Goods and Services $ - Returned to the Contributor $ CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTION OFFICIAL From anonymous sources $ Cash and/or Goods and Services in excess of limits $ TOTAL TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTION OFFICIAL $ 0 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 SCHEDULE 1 - - Schedule 1 Councillor Page 9 of 14 - FOR COUNCILLOR CANDIDATES ONLY (continued) PART II List of Contributions in the Form of Goods and Services Itemized Hst: Nature of Goods and Services Sub-total from supplementary list if used Total (sum to equal D above) Supplier Value $ $ 0 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 SCHEDULE 1 - - Schedule 1 Counclilor Page 10 of 14 - FOR COUNCILLOR CANDIDATES ONLY (continued) PART III List of Contributors from Single Source totalling more than $250 Name TOTAL Address Value S 0 By-law No, 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 2 - SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD> FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 23-Jun-14 Held at: Fred Douglas Complex Type of Function: - 333 Vaughan Street Dinner *Admission Charge (per person) $ 30 A Number of Tickets sold $ 87 B REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 2610 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 0.05 $ 2610.05 .05 Suplus TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: * If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sates. - Page 11 of 14 By-law No. 10/2010 Form4Schedule2-Page11 of 14 SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD) FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 25-Sep-14 Held at: Pyramid Cabaret Type of Function: - 176 Fort Street Jammin with Judy Admission Charge (per person) - Silent auction $ 15 A Number of Tickets sold $ 317 8 REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 4755 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 0.05 $ 4755.05 .05 Suplus TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: * If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sales. By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4-Schedule 2- Page 11 of 14 SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD> FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 25-Sep-14 Held at: Pyramid Cabaret Type of Function: - 176 Foil Street Jammin with Judy - Silent auction *Admission Charge (per person> $ 10 A Number of Tickets sold $ 202 B REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 2020 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 0.05 $ 2020.05 .05 Suplus TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: * If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sales. ___________ By-’aw No. 10/2010 Form4-Schedule2-Pagell ofl4 SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD) FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 02-Sep-14 Held at: Type of Function: Campaign Headquarter 993 Portgae Avenue - Button Fundraiser Admission Charge (per person) $ i A Number of Tickets sold $ 125 B REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 125 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 1.3 TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: $ 126.3 * If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sales. Bylaw No. 10/2010 Form 4-Schedule 2- Page 11 of 14 SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD> FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 02-Sep-14 Held at: Campaign Headquarter 993 Portgae Avenue - Type of Function: T-Shirt Fundraiser Admission Charge (per person) $ 20 A Number of Tickets sold $ 131 B REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 2620 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 5 $ 2625 .05 Suplus TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sales. By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 2 - SCHEDULE 2 FUND RAISING EVENTS INCOME STATEMENT (ATTACH A DIFFERENT SCHEDULE FOR EACH EVENT HELD> FUND RAISING FUNCTION Date: 22-Oct-14 Held at: Fort Garry Hotel Type of Function: Campaign Wipe the Debt I Celebration Fundraiser *Admission Charge (per person) $ 5 A Number of Tickets sold $ 95 B REVENUE FROM FUNCTION (A X B) $ 475 Other Revenue (Please Specify): $ 0.05 $ 475.05 05 Suplus TOTAL GROSS REVENUE: * If admission charge per person is not consistent, please provide complete breakdown of all ticket sales. - Page 11 of 14 By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4- Schedule 3 - Page 12sf 14 SCHEDULE 3 BORROWINGS, OVERDRAFT, ETC. Name of financial institution: Assiniboina Credit Union West Broadway Address: Principal Amount of Loan: $ - 25000 interest rate: 3 Terms of repayment: Authorized line of credit limit of $25,000 but not used GUARANTORS (attach supplementary list if space insufficient) Name Assiniboine Credit Union Limited West Broadway Address Amount of Guarantee 6th Floor Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0X3 $25,000.00 - _____ _ By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 4 - SCHEDULE 4 STATEMENT OF DISPUTED CLAIMS (ATTACH LIST IF MORE SPACE REQUIRED) Mmount included in expenses Name & Address of Claimant Disputed amount $ S $ $ $ $ TOTAL FROM SUPPLEMENTARY UST ATTACHED S $ TOTAL DISPUTED CLAIMS $ Nature of Expense Reason for Dispute Name & Address of Claimant Nature of Expense Reason for Dispute Name & Address of Claimant Nature of Expense Reason for Dispute 0 S 0 - Page 13 of 14 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______ By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Auditors Report Page 14 of 14 - AUDITOR’S REPORT REFERENCE: SECTION 21(1) Judy Wasylycia Name of Candidate - Lea Britanny LaForte Official Agent Office Ward Name (it councillor candidatel I / we have examined the statements of assets and liabilities and income and expenses of Judy Wasylycia Leis candidate, for the campaign period ending Name of Candidate 28-Feb-15 22-Oct-14 relating to the election held on Date Campaign Period Ended Date of Election These statements, which have not been and were not intended to be, prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, are solely for the information and use of the Campaign Expenses and Contribution s Officer for the City of Winnipeg for complying with By-law No. 10/2010 of The City of Winnipeg Charter. The statements are not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than the specified users or for any other purposes. These financial statements are the responsibility of the registered candidate and official agent. My/our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my/our audit. My/our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that I/we plan and perform an audit to obtain responsible assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatemen t. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes such test and other procedures as I/we consider necessary in the circumstances except as explained in the following paragraph. Due to the nature of the types of transactions inherent in an election campaign, it is impracticable through auditing procedures to determine that the accounting records include all donations of goods and services, receipts and disbursements for the campaign period. Accordingly, my/our verification of these transactions was limited to ensuring that the financial statements reflect the amounts recorded the accounting in records of the candidate, in accordance with established accounting procedures and I/wa was/were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to receipts and disbursements. In my/our opinion, except for the effect of adjustments, if any, which I/we might have determined to be necessary had I/we been ahie to satisfy myself/ourselves as to the completeness of the records as described in the preceding paragraph, these statements present fairly the information contained in the accounting records on which the statements are based in accordance with prescribed accounting treatment. fX / C, Date S Signature of Auditor Collins Barrow 70t330 PortaJe/Je’Jc u-Winnipeg, MB __________ By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Audited Financial Statement Page 1 of 14 - - THE CITY OF WINNIPEG CAMPAIGN EXPENSES AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY-LAW NO. 1012010 FORM 4 REFERENCE : SECTION 21(1) AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT From To 01-Jun-14 28-Feb-15 For the campaign period NAME OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE NAME OF REGISTERED CANDIDATE Judy Wasylycia - Leis ADDRESS CITY, PROVINCE Winnipeg, MB POSTAL CODE j PHONE ALTERNATE FAX NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS OFFICE WARD NAME (IF COUNCILLOR CANDIDATE) ‘ SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN INCOME AND EXPENSES Campaign Expense Limitation (as per form 3) $ Campaign Expenses Subject to Limitation (as per Statement of Income and Expenses) Total Campaign Income $ $ TO. &3S . Total Period Expenses Campaign Period Surplus Defict’, $ A) ‘e -24O7 ) 203257.39 / occ .49-99-. F - (B) n ‘.‘ tçi 1/7 - ‘99 ________________________________ By-Law No. 10 / 2010 Form 4 Statement of Income and Expenses - - Page 3 of 14 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES FROM 01-Jun-14 TO 28-Feb-is INCOME Candidate Surplus from immediately preceding Election $ 368.14 Released by the Senior Election Official qi Contributions (attached Schedule 1) $_________ __ Fund-Raising Event (attached Schedule 2) $ Interest Income 12,611.35 $ Other (Please Specify): $ 2’—c’.. ‘-/7 TOTAL INCOME $ EXPENSES (ATTACH SCHEDULE 4; IF ANY DISPUTED CLAIMS, ATTACH SCHEDULE 5) CAMPAIGN EXPENSES SUBJECT TO LIMITATION Advertising $ 96,438.24 $ 83.39 $ 10,924.34 $ 157.68 $ 400.00 Insurance and Utilities $ 496.80 Meetings, Social Functions, Rallies $ 1,338.96 Bank Charges Brochures Candidates Personal Expenses Furniture Office Rent $ 9,525.00 Office Supplies S 4,161.20 Postage $ 16,982.47 Salaries and Benefits S Signs S 19,717.97 Stationary $ 9000 S 5, 795.07 S 2592.50 S 36512 Travel Other (P(ease Specify): Office Food SUB-TOTAL CAMPAIGN EXPENSES SUBJECT TO LIMITATION By-Law No. 10 / 2010 $ -132,93u. Form 4 Statement of Income and Expenses Page 3 of 14 - STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES (continued) - ___________ _______ 7C 97 Total Income (reported from previous page) $ Sub-total Campaign Expenses Subject to Limitation $ 192,930.99 CAMPAIGN EXPENSES EXCLUDED FROM UMITATION Accounting and Audit S Court action commenced under Part 9, The Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Act S Expense in holding a Fund-Raising Function $ Interest on Loans $ 2,26000 20,54998 Recount SUB-TOTAL CAMPAIGN EXPENSES EXCLUDED FROM LIMITATION $ 22,809.98 TOTAL PERIOD EXPENSES $ CAMPAIGN PERIOD SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $ - By-law No. 10/2010 Form 4 Schedule 1 Mayor - SCHEDULE 1 - Page 5 of 14 FOR MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY - CONTRIBUTIONS FOR USE BY MAYORALTY CANDIDATES ONLY (Sechon 8(2)(a)) PART I From a single source totalling more than $250 (complete Part Ill) $ 129084.27 Total of contributions in the Form of Goods and Services from a single source of more than $250 (complete Part II) $ 1859.17 Total of single source contributions of $250 or less $ 70714.74 $ 4ie / ? $ Q2- 5/ $ 0 $ 0 From anonymous sources $ 0 Cash and/or Goods and Services in excess of limits $ a TOTAL TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTION OFFICIAL $ 0 From candidate TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF LIMITS Excess cash over $1500- Returned to the Contributor Excess over $1500 in the form of Goods and Services - Returned to the Contributor CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE PAID TO THE SENIOR ELECTiON OFFICIAL — -. c9/ “ Book - Forms 1401 - Form # Date Issued 1401 1600 Contributor Address Post Amount Monetary or Goods 27-Jun44 Boyd Poncelet 50.00 1403 1404 27-Jun44 Jillian Glover 27-Jun-14 Susan Prentice 25.00 Monetary 10000 1405 27-Jun-14 Jason Syvixay 27-Jun-14 Gordon Rchardson 25.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary 10000 Monetary 2500 25.00 Monetary Monetary 1402 1406 Monetary 1408 27-Jun-14 Shirley Lord 27-Jun-14 Cam Bush 1409 1410 27-Jun-14 Paul von Wichert 27-Jun-14 James Simm 1411 27-jun-14 Matt Gemmel 27-Jun-14 Richard Kennett 300.00 Monetary 27-Jun-14 Elisabeth Naylor 27-Jun-14 Larry Kisiloski 50.00 100.00 Monetary 100.00 Monetary 1416 1417 27-Jun-14 Becky Barrett 27-Jun-14 Louise Thiessen 27-jun-14 Vicki Lynn Verville 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 1418 1419 1420 27-Jun-14 Lea Stogdale 27-Jun-14 Martin Dolin 1,000.00 Monetary 500.00 Monetary 300.00 100.00 Monetary 1407 1412 1413 1414 1415 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 i433 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 27-Jun-14 Laura Donatelli 27-Jun-14 Jeanette Block 23-Jun-14 Suzanne Hrynyk 30-Jun-14 Kern Irvin Ross 30-jun-14 Tom LaPorte 30-Jun-14 Chris Pawley 30-jun-14 John Plohman 30-Jun-14 Bev Suek 30-Jun-14 Colleen Allan 30-Jun-14 Linda Asper 30-Jun-14 Kristine Barr 30-Jun-14 G Kris Breckman 30-Jun-14 G Kris Breckman 30-jun-14 Edith Daniels 30-Jun-14 Doreen Dodick 30-Jun-14 Mary Duggan 30-Jun14 Len Evans 30-Jun-14 Lynda Gearv 30-Jun-14 Macye Gray 30-Jun-14 Nadia Hanuschak 30-Jun-14 George Harrs 30-Jun-14 Doris Hoimes 0-Jun-14 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-14 30-Jun-14 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 100.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 200.00 100.00 160.00 Monetary 0.00 Monetary 80.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 3000 50,00 20000 50.00 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 30.00 Monetary Eugene Kostyra 100.00 Monetary Geraldine Kostyra 100.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 249 00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Siegfried Laser Liam Martin 30-Jun-14 Patrick McDonnell 30-Jun-14 Gordon Mckionon Monetary Monetary Form # 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 Date !ssued Contributor 30-Jun44 Thomas Mime 30-Jun44 Karen Moffatt 30-Jun-14 Mel Myers 30-Jun-i4 Margaret P’atte 30-Jun-14 John Plohman 30-Jun-14 William Regehr 30-Jun44 Robert Roddy 30-Jun44 Jim Rondeau 30-Jun-14 Lorraine Sigurdsc 30-Jun-14 Muriel Smith 30-Jun-14 Frances Spooner 30-Jun-14 Georgine Spoone 30-Jun-14 Jerry Stone 30-Jun-14 Linda Taylor 30-Jun44 Marion Thomas 30-Jun-14 Jennifer Woolstor 02-Jul-14 Saul Cherniack Address Poc- Amount 6 I 100.00 Monetary or Goods Monetary 5000 Monetary 40000 Monetary 10000 Monetary 100.00 Monetary 200.00 Monetary 50.00 250.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 Monetary 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 50.00 1,000,00 Monetary 50.00 249.00 Monetary 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 02-Jul-14 Gwen Jamieson 02-Jul-14 Adrian Challis 02-Jul-14 Linda Fadden 02-Jul-14 John Thorpe 02-Jul-14 Betty Dyck 150.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 02-Jul-14 James Christie 02-Jul-14 Sharon Delaquis 02-Jul-14 Jeff Bassett 02-Jul-14 Lynne Fernandez 02-Jul-14 Michelle Mirus 02-Jul-14 Boyd Poncelet 25-Jul-14 Joanne Cormier 1,000.00 Monetary 100.00 300.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 50.00 Monetary Monetary 25-Jul-14 Milena Placentile 25-Jul-14 Ross Eadie 25-Jul-14 Caroline Krebs 25-Jul-14 Klaus Wrogemann 25-Jul14 Patricia Britton 25.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 Monetary Monetary 25-Jul--14 Patricia Holbiow 250.00 300.00 25.00 200.00 300.00 Monetary 1487 25-Jul-14 John Sullivan 1488 25 -lul-14 John Redekopp 200.00 459.00 100 00 1490 25-jul-14 Gar’y Loewen 25000 Monetary 1491 25-Jul-14 Anne Thau 100.00 1492 25-Jul-14 Molly McCracken 25-Jul-14 Beverly Suck 25-Jul-14 Nancy Gilbert 25-Jul-14 Don Bailey 25-Jul-14 Allan Fineblit 300.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 25-Jul-14 John Pedekcpp 25 jul-14 Zeeba Loxley 350.00 200.00 250.00 10000 50 00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Form N Date Issued 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 Contributor 25-Jul-14 Alfred Chomey 25-Jul-14 Deb Jablonski 25-Jul-14 Gerald Lavery 25-Jul-14 Alex Klymko 25-Jul-14 LeslIe & Noralou Roos 25-Jul-14 Norman Larsen 25-Jul-14 rude Henteleff 25-Jul-14 Mark Etkin 25-Jul-14 Joseph Leven 25-Jul-14 Richard Dilay 25-Jul-14 Monlque Godbout 25-Jul-14 Peter Kidd 25-Jul-14 Caryn Douglas 25-Jul-14 Tobin Douglas 25-Jul-14 Pierrette Goily 25-Jul-14 O*ar Brauer 25-Jul-14 WillIam GlalkIe 25-Jul-14 Helen Norrie 25-Jul-14 Sophia de Wift 25-Jul-14 Susan Hall 25-Jul-14 Myrna PhIllips 25-Jul-14 Christine Melnlck 25-Jul-14 Patricia Moses 25-Jul-14 Pauline Cameron 25-Jul-14 Kathleen Garrity 25-Jul-14 Jim Silver 25-Jul-14 Brad McKenzie 25-Jul-14 Gene Degen 25-Jul-14 Nelle Oosterom 25-Jul-14 Cathy Campbell 25-Jul-14 Joe Elfenbaum 25-Jul-14 BrIan Murdoch 25-Jul-14 Cheryl Slmmonds 25-Jul-14 Brenton Steams 25-Jul-14 Lily Stearns 05-Aug-14 Mohamed Eltassi 05-Aug-14 Alan Gorger 05-Aug-14 Allsa Gorger 05-Aug-14 Anita Gorger 05-Aug-14 Christine Gorger 05-Aug-14 David Borger 05-Aug-14 Gerald Borger 05-Aug-14 Hayleigh Borger 05-Aug-14 Helen Gorger 05-Aug-14 Henry Gorger 05-Aug-14 James Gorger 05-Aug-14 Jo-Ann Borger 05-Aug-14 Lois Gorger 05-Aug-14 Ralph Gorger 05-Aug-14 Natalija Zmavc Address Postal 1 • Amount Monetary or Goods 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 70.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 75000 200.00 200.00 50.00 75.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.500.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Form # Date Issued Contributor Address Amount Postal Monetary or Goods 1549 05-Aug-14 Natalija Zrnavc 250.00 1550 1551 05-Aug-14 Joefle Boisiert 25000 Monetary 05-Aug-14 Michael Carruthers 250.00 Monetary 1552 11-Aug-14 Blame Harmon 250.00 Monetary 1553 1554 11-Aug-14 Mark Kneale 250,00 Monetary 11-Aug-14 Shirley Kneale 250.00 Monetary 1S55 1556 11-Aug-14 Peter Muir 250.00 Monetary 11-Aug-14 Melame Sifton 11-Aug-14 Edward Sale 250.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 11-Aug-14 Irene Rainey 11-Aug-14 Mary Mathias 250.00 Monetary 200.00 100.00 Monetary 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 11-Aug-14 D Lloyd 11-Aug-14 Margaret Sotas 11-Aug-14 Nancy Hansen 1564 11-Aug-14 Harry Lee 11-Aug-14 Gordon Graham 1565 1566 11-Aug-14 Shirley Manson 11-Aug-14 Mark Golden 1567 200.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 10000 Monetary 300.00 Monetary 30000 1,000.00 Monetary Monetary 300.00 20000 Monetary 1568 11-Aug-14 Lucille Cenerini 11-Aug-14 Dennis Persowich 1569 1570 11-Aug-14 Gabriel Forest 11-Aug-14 Robert Mayer 1571 11-Aug-14 Susan Fraser 11-Aug-14 Douglas Lambier 11-Aug-14 Dale Lambier 11-Aug-14 Lori Blande 11-Aug-14 Tara Peel 50.00 300.00 100.00 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 300.00 300.00 200.00 11-Aug-14 Ralph Borger 11-Aug-14 Joyce Borger 11-Aug-14 Ron Stecy 11-Aug-14 David Alper 11-Aug-14 Jack Slessor 11-Aug-14 Ken Friesen 11-Aug-14 Rene Vielfaure 11-Aug-14 Monica Lambier Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 500.00 1,250.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 100.00 Monetary Monetary 300.00 $ Monetary Monetary 300.00 Monetary 300.00 300.00 250.00 400.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 1585 1586 1587 11-Aug-14 Roger Belling 11-Aug-14 John Roddekopp 11-Aug-14 Darlene H natyshyr 11-Aug-14 Marlene Oldham 1588 11-Aug-14 Elliot even 1589 11-Aug-14 lorna Leader 200.00 Monetary 1590 11-Aug-14 Erika Kreis 100.00 Monetary 1591 11-Aug-14 John Roddekopp 100.00 Monetary 200.00 Monetary 10000 Monetary 5000 Monetary 1592 11-Aug-14 Shelley Blanco 250.00 Monetary 1593 11-Aug-14 Messa Steele Monetary 1594 11-Aug-14 Dave Gaudreau 11-Aug-14 Ross Brownlee 11-Aug-14 Kelly Moist 11-Aug-14 Douglas Smth 11-Aug-14 Ellen Judd 300.00 250.00 35 00 500.00 1,000,00 Monetary 500.00 Monetary 1595 1596 1597 1598 Monetary Monetary Monetary Form # Date Issued 1599 1600 Contributor 11-Aug44 Ron Bailey 11-Aug-14 Leona MacDonald Address Postal Amount 50000 25000 Monetary or Goods Monetary Monetary 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 14-Oct14 Clark Brownlee 14-Oct14 Bernadine Restall 14-Oct-14 Elizabeth Comack 14-Oct-14 Richard Stevenson 15-Oct-14 Irka Balan 15-Oct-14 Sharron Gould 15-Oct-14 Spencer Duncanson 15-Oct-14 Robert Tonn 16-Oct-14 Jillian Glover 16-Oct-14 Chris Baker 16-Oct-14 Peter Price 17-Oct-14 James Mulvale 18-Oct14 Val Bingeman 18-Oct-14 James Stewart 19-Oct-14 Steven Ashton 19-Oct-14 Len Evans 19-Oct-14 Terry Smith 19-Oct-14 Pieter Prinsloo 19-Oct-14 William Stewart 20-Oct-14 John Knowles 20-Oct-14 Stephen Chipman 20-Oct-14 James Simm 20-Oct-14 Paul Worster 20-Oct-14 Joannie Halas 21-Oct-14 Bob Newman 21-Oct-14 Ronuk Modha 21-Oct-14 Brenda Elliot 21-Oct-14 Louise Simbandumwe 21-Oct-14 Michael Keenan 21-Oct-14 Terrance Boettchei 21-Oct-14 Greg OHalloran 22-Oct-14 Brent Vandurme 22-Oct-14 Beverley Sterling 22-Oct-14 Brian OLeary 22-Oct-14 Robert MackIm 24-Oct14 Faith Johnston 28-Oct-14 Susan White 30-Oct-14 Sally Housser 16-Oct-14 Paula Raposo 2040 2044 16-Oct-14 Tarek El Tas 16-Oct 14 Rhoda Cossar 30-Sep-14 Wend, So 16-Oct-14 Henery Fineberg 18-Oct-14 James Dawbush 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 18-Oct-14 17-Jul-14 18-Oct-14 18-Oct-14 20-Oct-14 2050 20Oct 14 Pamela Campbell 2041 2042 2043 Mary Jo O.uarry Surinder Sidhu Elise Swerhone Carol Sulyma Kenneth Campbell 25,00 10000 150.00 400 00 500.00 100.00 250.00 300.00 275.00 150.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 25000 100.00 100.00 600.00 50.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 150.00 1.000 00 10000 100 00 250,00 300.00 300.00 500.00 250.00 100.00 249.00 249.00 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 20-Oct44 Daniel Edmunds 17-Oct-14 Terence Clifford 19-Oct-14 Niki Ashton 16-Oct-14 Mohinder Saran 16-Oct-14 Man mohan Saggar 19-Oct-14 Rajinder Rai 18-Oct-14 lnderjit Sandhu 18-Oct-14 Raj Maan 18-Oct-14 Sarbjit Brar 18-Oct-14 Mohinder Sidhu 16-Oct-14 Gurmit Sandhu 17-Oct-14 KulwinderToor 16-Oct14 Mukhtiar Chahal 17-Oct-14 Ranjit Gill 18-Oct-14 RupinderSidhu 18-Oct-14 Mark Etkin 20-Oct-14 Bobbi Taillefer 20-Oct-14 Paul Taillefer 18-Oct-14 Lakhvir Singh Toor 20-Sep-14 Mira Spivak 20-Oct-14 Jaswant Sidhu 20-Oct-14 Baljit Sidhu 20-Oct-14 Jane Rabb 20-Oct-14 Paul McKie 20-Oct-14 Kamaijit Johal 14-Oct-14 Alma Cerilli 20-Oct-14 Joanne Cerilli 20-Oct-14 Nicole Frechete 20-Oct-14 Robert aboss.c a 20-Oct-14 Julian Degrave 20-Oct-14 Russ Morrow 16-Oct-14 David Naaykens 20-Oct-14 Alex Forrest 20-Oct-14 Thomas Bilous 20-Oct-14 Ti Belluk 20-Oct-14 Robert Campbell 20-Oct-14 Bruce Coyston 100.00 50.00 300,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 300.00 500,00 300.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 75,00 400.00 150.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 2088 20-Oct-14 Roslyn Silversides 20-Oct-14 Nick Khinda 16-Oct-14 cea Baturin 03-Oct-11.Naltcr Skomoroh 21-Oct-14 Janis Kaminskv 100,00 50000 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 21-Oct-14 Marilyn Weimer 20-Oct-14 Baljinder Bhumber 2095 21-Oct-14 Michael Ogilvie 2096 21-Oct-14 Larissa Farrell 2097 01-Oct-14 Connie Theresa cianflo 2098 01-Oct-14 Gennaro Cianflone 2099 01-Oct-14 Nina Cianflone 2100 01-Oct14 Antono Cianflone 10000 10000 10000 50.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 240.00 240.00 240,00 24000 Book Forms 2101 - 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2200 17-Oct-14 21-Oct-14 21-Oct-14 21-Oct-14 Evgeni Morduhovich Stanley Bardel Mel Lazareck Chantel V Bage 20-Oct-14 Quanhai Tonthat 17-Oct-14 Byron Williams 22-Oct-14 Erin OHara 18-Oct-14 Betty Hopkins 22-Oct-14 Marilyn Waterma-’ 21-Oct-14 I Nolan Reilly 22-Oct-14 BE. Matheson 22-Oct-14 Ruth Swan 22-Oct-14 Eric Warwaruk 20-Oct-14 lames Fielder 28-Oct-14 Carolina Stecher 30-Jul-14 Lisa Forbes 31-Oct-14 Patrick Caron 06-Nov-14 Yvonne Peters 13-Nov-14 lillian Glover 10-Nov-14 Elaine Stevenson 13-Nov-14 Carolina Stecher 13-Nov-14 Brittany LaForte 07-Nov-14 Michele Lecuyer Huttc 07-Nov-14 Harry Paine 07-Nov-14 Candis Militere 07-Nov-14 Ainslie Schroeder 07-Nov-14 Rod Murphy 07-Nov-14 Linda Watson 07-Nov-14 Cam Bush 07-Nov-14 Mary Scott 07-Nov-14 Lynda Trono 07-Nov-14 Jenny Gerbasi 07-Nov-14 Dougald Lamont 08-Nov-14 Eugene Kostyra 08-Nov-14 Don Gannon 08-Nov-14 Taye Zegeye 09-Nov-14 Rosemary Hnatiuk 09 Nov-14 Thomas Novak 10-Nov-14 Mark Jenkns - 10-Nov-14 Jeann!ne Kebernk 10-Nov-14 Albert Plamoodon 10-Nov-14 Louise Plarnordon 10-Nov-14 Randy Willoughby 12-Nov-14 Solomon Janzen 31-Oct-14 David Popke 06-Nov-14 James Allum 29-Oct-14 Esther Hiebert 29-Oct-14 Peter Hiebert 30-Oct-14 Chad Sarrain Marina Goodwyn 500.00 500.00 299.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 300.00 25.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 75.00 66.92 33,11 99.98 465.47 25.00 25.00 25.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 25.00 50000 100.00 100.00 50.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 Goods Goods Goods Goods 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 Sharon Sadowy Judy Harapiak Myra Wolch Helen Norrie Ron Stecy Rob Cueto 14-Nov-14 Tom Paulley 07-Nov-14 Beverley Cann 07-Nov-14 Susan Haralson 14-Nov-14 Leslie McNabb 07-Nov-14 Peter Hudson 07-Nov-14 Joseph Majowski 07-Nov-14 Janina Majowski 10-Nov-14 R,G. Don ner 10-Nov-14 Lee Fedorchuk 09-Nov-14 Vern Kebernik 09-Nov-14 Sharon Kebernik 29-Oct-14 Glenda Smith 12-Nov-14 Allen Bleich 10-Nov-14 Ken Grove 11-Nov-14 Myra Wolch 07-Nov-14 Raymond Bailey 07-Nov-14 Barbara Bailey 07-Nov-14 James Blanchard 11-Nov-14 Saul Cherniack 07-Nov-14 Jack Slessor 13-Nov-14 Glen Jones 09-Nov-14 Kathleen Youngson 11-Nov-14 Lisa Forbes 07-Nov-14 Eveline Milliken 10-Nov-14 MJ Willard 11-Nov-14 Enrique Fernandez 07-Nov-14 Robert Kury 15-Nov-14 Thomas Dickens 14-Nov-14 Albert Gougeon 14-Nov-14 Lyle Koncan 12-Nov-14 Jeanette Block 07-Nov-14 Muriel Smith 17-Nov-14 Doris Quinn 17-Nov-14 John Armstrong 16-Nov-14 Catherine Kreindler 13-Nov-14 Gwen Jamieson 15-Nov-14 Donaid Bmley 17-Nov-14 Orrna Sozansky 16-Nov-14 Paul Most 05-Nov-14 30-Oct-14 11-Nov-14 05-Oct-14 03-Nov-14 07-Nov-14 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 07-Nov-14 Barbara Degen Scott Wright 2197 Ernest Bergbusch 2198 Doreen Thorlacius 2199 P Louise Smith 2200 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 30.00 500.00 500,00 500.00 250.00 100.00 25.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 100.00 500.00 300.00 50.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 250.00 55.00 95.00 100.00 2401 2402 2403 15-Sep44 Maureen Thunton 16-Sep-14 David Martin 18-Sep-14 Patricia Kettner 2404 18-Sep-14 Lynne Squair 2405 18-Sep-14 Sean Carney 2406 19-Sep-14 John Redekopp 2407 19-Sep-14 Rocco Scarcella 2408 22-Sep-14 Heather Frayne 2409 21-Sep-14 Thomas Novak 2410 22-Sep-14 James Simm 2411 22-Sep-14 Dale Edmunds 2412 23-Sep-14 Jeannine Kebernik 2413 24-Sep-14 Elizabeth Carlyle 2414 24-Sep-14 Susan Shiells 2415 24-Sep-14 Krishnamurti Dakshir 2416 24-Sep-14 Rachel Morgan 2417 25-Sep-14 Nadia Kamienski 2418 25-Sep-14 George Van Den Bos 2419 26-Sep-14 Barney Charach 2420 27-Sep-14 Neil Cohen 2421 27-Sep-14 Chris Roe 2422 28-Sep-14 Stefano Grande 2423 29-Sep-14 E Barbara Andres 2424 29-Sep-14 Gail Purcell 2425 30-Sep-14 Rose Passante 2426 01-Oct-14 Strini Reddy 2427 02-Oct-14 Jamie Skinner 2428 03-Oct-14 Ihor Michalchyshyn 2429 03-Oct-14 Rod Murphy 2430 03-Oct-14 Robert MackIm 2431 03-Oct-14 P. Louise Smith 2432 04-Oct-14 Darrel Hominuk 2433 05-Oct-14 Carolina Stecher 2434 06-Oct-14 Jeff Frank 2435 06-Oct-14 Marty Donkervoort 2436 06-Oct14 Sylvia Phillips 2437 08-Oct-14 Denis Bracken 2438 09-Oct-13 Pat”nk Fortier 2439 10-Oct-14 Stefan Jonasson 2440 10-Oct14 Colleen Balsilhe 2441 11-Oct-14 Shawna Dempsey 2442 12-Oct-14 David McDowell 2443 13-Oct-14 Belle jarniewski 2444 08-Oct-14 Donald Budmnsky 2445 08-Oct-14 Linda Taylor 2446 07-Sep-14 Sidney Williamson 2447 VOID 100.00 50.00 15000 25000 20000 150.00 2500 10000 12000 250.00 300.00 250.00 500.00 300.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 175.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 1,000.00 100,00 300,00 25.00 100 00 50.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 150.00 45,00 2448 7449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 O3Oct-14 Dianne Cooper 30-Sep-14 Naranjan Dhafla 30-Sep44 Arch Honigmari 22-Sep-14 Dr tan Rabb 19-Sep-14 Sheiley Oman 07-Oct-14 Ernest Bergbusch 07-Oct-14 Doreen Thorlacius 02-Oct-14 Karnail Dhiilon 10-Oct-14 Manjit Gill 10-Oct-14 Kuldip Toor 10-Oct-14 Paramjit Bhangoo 10-Oct-14 Peter Dalla Vicenza 100O0 20000 250.00 250.00 250.00 50.00 150.00 20000 400.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2460 07-Oct-14 Wma Sotas 2461 VOID 2462 04-Oct-14 Hendrik Booy 2463 08-Oct-14 Beverley Stacey 2464 10-Oct-14 Khushwant Brar 2465 10-Oct-14 Kewal Singh 2466 10-Oct-14 Sewak Singh Brar 2467 VOID 2468 10-Oct-14 Jaspal Bkral 2469 10-Oct-14 Colleen Munro 2470 05-Oct-14 Edward Bachewich 2471 VOID 2472 12-Oct-14 Gordon Mackintosh 2473 12-Oct-14 Ranjodh Chhokar 2474 11-Oct-14 Florfina Marcelino 2475 14-Oct-14 Peter Ginakes 2476 12-Oct-14 Rajendra Pandey 2477 06-Oct-14 N Kiain 2478 11-Oct-14 John Loxley 2479 14-Oct-14 Gianni Tuzi 2480 14-Oct-14 Ken Cranwill 2481 14-Oct-14 Diana Cranwill 2482 29-Sep-14 Mary Durcan 2483 14-Oct-14 Leslie McNabb 2484 15-Oct-14 Honesto Demesa 2485 14-Oct-14 Thomas Cherveny 2486 14-Oct-14 Marie Cherveny 2487 15-Oct-14 Sandy Hyman 2488 21-Oct-14 Susan Hemphill 2489 21-Oct-14 Lesia Peet 2490 21-Oct-14 Anne Lindsey 2491 21-Oct-14 William Kostelnyk 2492 21-Oct-14 Jesajah Verst 2493 17-Oct-14 Donna Lynn Prince 2494 17-Oct-14 Marlene Opazo Ceicko 2495 17-Oct-14 Gina Smoke 2496 17-Oct-14 Colleen Munro 2497 17-Oct-14 Theresa Oswald 2498 08-Oct-14 Randal Schulz 2499 10-Oct-14 Roland Penner 2500 22-Oct-14 Sierra Noble 100.00 100.00 20000 20000 50000 50000 20000 80000 10000 35000 20000 30000 1,500.00 50000 50000 500.00 750.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 50.00 300.00 400.00 200.00 50,00 100.00 50.00 50.00 400.00 200.00 300.00 200,00 200.00 ioo.oo 700.00 25000 ioooo ioooo isoooo 6001 Lcezarr FrecdLncuk 6002 Gc 6003 Bregh Kusmack Tusia Kuzub 6004 6005 Joanna Plate John Loxley Aurelie Mogan 6006 6007 6008 Dora Rosenbaum MaryJoQuarry GeorgeDaniels Geoffrey Topolnski 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 Jeffrey Kovahk Plouffe freneRainey 6014 ArleneJones 6015 6016 Louise Thessen Nancy McKinnon Eduord Wojozunsk 6017 6018 Nathan Laser Ron Wasylycia Lets Judy Was’ylycia Les Virgina Devine 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 50-il 100.00 50 00 SO 00 500 00 300 00 25.00 30000 20000 100.00 250.00 20000 30000 400.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 500,00 500.00 200.00 VOID Shirley Lord Jim Rondeau Donald Hurst Cristino Macaraeg 200.00 400.00 200.00 Catherine Chambers Ellen Kruger 250.00 300.00 Dennis Troniak Erna Braun Carolina Stecher Lynda Geary 250.00 150.00 Mark Wasyliw 17-Feb45 Boyd Poncelet Cheryle Jahn Elvira Finnegan 20Feb-15 Ryan Palmquist 04-Jan-15 Geof Langen 100 00 150.00 200.00 475.80 100.00 100 00 250 00 100 00 359 17 200 00 29-Jan-iS John Rademaker 22 S I I Melanic Vvht 26 1- 0 15 Benda [‘ h 1 atit 2 a’ n 2i co 1 Joe Wasy1’3 5044 2 Fb I’S Odw Jj( tor 6045 VOID 6015 25 Feb 11 Kle Fl.Lalj 5fl3 100.00 100.00 100,00 -f-12 6047 10000 - s 3000 21000 4u00 6048 25-Feb-15 Hannah James 25-Feb-15 Judy Km 100.00 5000 6049 6050 6031 0052 25 Feb-15 Joy Taylor 25 Feb 15 Anna Houston 25 Feb-15 Sam Selci 20 F’n IS KCrn I-j st 120.00 40.00 30.00 1-19 72 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 25-Feb45 25-Feb45 20-Mar-15 26-Nov-14 19-Sep-14 24-Sep-14 26-Mar-15 26-Mar-15 26-Mar-15 26-Mar-15 26-Mar-15 26-Mar-15 Mahri White Judy Wasylycia Leis Judy Wasylycia Leis Barbara Barnet JA, Gougeon Patricia Minish Caryn Douglas David Jacks Myrna Phillips Paul McKie Silvano Paletta Shelly Blanco 8000 60330 13000 15000 5000 125.00 4500 150.00 45.00 2500 100.00 30.00 Book Forms 12501 13001 13099 - - 12600 - Form # Date Issued Contributor Address Postal Monetary or Goods Amount 12501 13-Aug-14 Suresh Mysore 30000 Monetary 12502 12503 13-Aug-14 Munithanamma Mysc 13-Aug-14 Elton Rebello 13-Aug-14 Pamela Rebello 30000 Monetary 300.00 200.00 Monetary Monetary 10000 Monetary 400.00 Monetary Monetary 12504 12506 13-Aug44 Luis Martinez 13-Aug-14 Ole Hellsten 12507 12508 13-Aug-14 Dr Alan Katz 14-Aug-14 Kathleen Mallett 300.00 100.00 Monetary 12509 14-Aug-14 Helen Fontaine 14-Aug-14 Joseph Majowski 14-Aug-14 Jaruina Majowski 100.00 Monetary 500.00 50000 Monetary 12505 12510 12511 12512 12513 12514 12515 12516 12517 12518 12519 12520 12521 12522 12523 12524 12525 12526 12527 12528 12529 12530 12531 12532 12533 12534 12535 14-Aug-14 Les Crisostomo 14-Aug-14 Fagie Fainman 14-Aug-14 Pearl McGonigal 14-Aug-14 Carol McArton 14-Aug-14 Susan White 27-Aug-14 John Sullivan 27-Aug-14 David Sauer 27-Aug-14 Eva Lavallee 27-Aug-14 George Harris 27-Aug-14 Aurelie Mogan 27-Aug-14 Elvira Finnigan 27-Aug-14 Harry McKay Finnigan 27-Aug-14 Gwendolyn M Land 27-Aug-14 Eleanor Thompson 27-Aug-14 Dudley Thompson 27-Aug-14 Lawrence Cherniack 27-Aug-14 Beatrice Cherniack 27-Aug-14 Beverly Peters 27-Aug-14 Mike Davidson 27-Aug-14 Paul Moist 27-Aug-14 John Redekopp 27-Aug-14 Shaun Loney 27-Aug-14 Glenn Morison 27-Aug-14 Steven Rosenberg 12536 12537 27-Aug-14 Trevor La Forte 12538 12539 27-Aug44 rene Rossm an 27 Aug-14 Shirley Loewen 28-Aug-14 Richard Johnson 28-Aug-14 Bob Haverluck 12540 12541 12542 12543 12544 12545 12546 12547 28-Aug-14 28-Aug-14 28-Aug-14 28-Aug-14 Margo Foxford Kreesta Doucette Patricia Walker Sherri Walsh 28-Aug-14 Mary Scott 28-Aug-14 Doreen Routley Monetary Monetary 100.00 300.00 Monetary 150.00 Monetary 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 459.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 300.00 250.00 250.00 Monetary Monetary 350.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary 500.00 750.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Monetary 200.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 250.00 30100 Monetary Monetary 200,00 Monetary Monetary 50.00 5000 1,500.00 50.00 100.00 Monetary -- Monetary Monetary Monetary 200.00 Monetary 350.00 300.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 300 00 30000 Monetary Monetary Monetary Form U Date Issued Contributor Address Postal Amount Monetary or Goods 250.00 1,50000 10000 400.00 10000 50.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 100,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 12548 12549 12550 12551 12552 12553 12554 12555 12556 12557 12558 12559 12560 12561 12562 12563 12564 12565 12566 12567 12568 12569 12570 12571 12572 12573 12574 12575 12576 12577 12578 12579 12580 12581 12582 12583 12584 28-Aug-14 Jean Sourisseau 28-Aug-14 Ken Warrnbrod 28-Aug-14 Set Burrovs 28-Aug-14 Glen Jones 28-Aug-14 Ronald Sidoryk 28-Aug-14 Daniel Simeone 28-Aug-14 Gary McEwan 28-Aug-14 Leslie Turnbull 28-Aug-14 Ronald Campbell 28-Aug-14 Meeka Walsh 28-Aug-14 Doug Martindale 28-Aug-14 Gordon Grahame 03-Sep-14 Sylvia Farley 03-Sep-14 Monique Sobczyk 03-Sep-14 Cliff McMillan 03-Sep-14 John Schwandt 04-Sep-14 Christopher Krawche 04-Sep-14 Norman Sanders 04-Sep-14 Israel Kleiman 04-Sep-14 Irene Geisbrecht 04-Sep-14 Latitia Seaman 04-Sep-14 Lillian Wittman 04-Sep-14 Clarence Clarke 04-Sep-14 Leslie Slingsby 04-Sep-14 Bill Reid 04-Sep-14 Pat Reid 04-Sep-14 Raymond Bailey 04-Sep-14 Patrick Martin 04-Sep-14 Ruth Rachlis 04-Sep-14 Shirley Nicholson 04-Sep-14 George Schamber 04-Sep-14 Peter Hiebert 04-Sep-14 Esther Hiebert 04-Sep-14 Kenneth Kuhn 04-Sep-14 Margaret Sikorski 04-Sep-14 Fletcher Stewart 04-Sep-14 Kenneth Green 100.00 Monetary 12585 04-Sep-14 Liz Cronk 100.00 12586 04Sep44 Albert Plamondon 150.00 Monetary Monetary 12587 04-Sep-14 Louise Plamondon 04-Sep-13 Thomas Garrett 04-Sep-14 Louse May 15000 200.C0 200.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 300.00 300.00 Monetary Monetary 12593 12594 12595 04-Sep-14 Yijie Chen 04-Sep-14 Arlene Jones 04-Sep-14 Terry Woods 04-Sep-14 Sheila Reid 04-Sep-14 John Armstrong 04-Sep-14 Doris Quinn 300.00 500.00 S00,00 500.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 12596 12597 04-Sep-14 Robert Thompson 04-Sep14 Hon. john Harvr4 12588 12589 12590 12591 12592 500,00 I 30000 Monetary Monetary Monetary Form # 12598 12599 12600 Date Issued Contributor 04-Sep-14 Heather Grant 04-Sep-14 Betty Dyck Monetary Monetary 08-Sep-14 Dena Decter 100.00 Monetary 08-Sep-14 Melody Sas 08-Sep-14 Euguene Szach 300,00 Monetary 13007 08-Sep-14 Ernest Hobbs 08-Sep-14 Gail Sheryl Asper 08-Sep-14 Feiga Stern 13008 13009 08-Sep-14 Karen Lawlor 08-Sep-14 Robert Dewar 13010 08-Sep-14 Siegfried Laser 08-Sep-14 R.G. Donner 13012 13013 Monetary or Goods Monetary 125.00 13003 130 11 1,00000 100.00 13002 13006 Amount Monetary 13001 13005 Postal 500.00 04-Sep-14 Laura Sevenhuvsen 08-Sep-14 Elizabeth Babian 13004 Address 08-Sep-14 William Hodgson 08-Sep-14 Sharon Blady 200.00 Monetary 500.00 1,500.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 500.00 Monetary 100.00 Monetary 150.00 Monetary 50.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 100.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary 200.00 200.00 Monetary Monetary 150.00 Monetary Monetary 13014 13015 13016 13017 13018 13019 13020 13021 13022 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 13038 13039 13040 13041 13042 13043 13044 13045 13046 13047 13048 08-Sep-14 Carmen Neufeld 08-Sep-14 Patricia Lane 08-Sep-14 Alison Ivey 08-Sep-14 Robert Enright 08-Sep-14 Roger Locken 08-Sep-14 Allen Bleich 08-Sep-14 Marianne Cerilli 08-Sep-14 Shauna Mackinnon 08-Sep-14 Marilou McPhedran 08-Sep-14 Louise Chippeway 08-Sep-14 Cynthia Coker 08-Sep-14 Larry Phillips 08-Sep-14 Phillip Barnett 08-Sep-14 Anna Rothney 08-Sep-14 Rick Borchert 08-Sep-14 Beth Kettner 08-Sep-14 Stefan Epp Koop 08-Sep-14 Rhonda Appleyard 08-Sep-14 Carolynne Presser 08-Sep-14 Pat Harkins 08-Sep-14 Richard Walls 08-Sep-14 Betty Young 08Sep44 Bruce Roe 08 Se-i4 Rob AJtereyer 4 David Jacks 085cc-I 08-Sep-14 Don Engei 08-Sep-14 Stephanie Guildford 08-Sep-14 Kathryn Bernard 08 Sep-14 Angeia Wuynec 08Sep-14 Vince Barletta 08-Sep-14 Shawn Kettner 08-Sep-14 Jane Karpa 08-Sep-14 John Hampie 08-Sep-14 Deborah Kern,ested 250.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 40.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 250.00 300.00 Monetary 300.00 500.00 Monetary Monetary 300.00 Monetary 300.00 200.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 100.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 50.00 150.00 10000 300,00 100.00 100.00 250.00 50.00 250.00 350.00 100.00 50,00 30,00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 5 Monetar’ Monetary Monetary Monetary Form # 13049 13050 13051 13052 13053 13054 13055 13056 13057 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 13063 13064 13065 13066 13067 13068 13069 13070 13071 13072 13073 13074 13075 13076 13077 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 13083 13084 13085 13086 13087 13088 13089 13090 13091 13092 13093 13094 13095 13096 13097 13098 Date Issued Contributor 08-Sep-14 Katherine Devine 08-Sep-14 Ainslie Schroeder 08-Sep-14 Monica Girouard 08-Sep-14 Mark Koenker 08-Sep-14 Jesse Hajer 08-Sep-14 Larissa Ashdown 08-Sep-14 Fred Richliwski 08-Sep-14 Jai-lnder Sandhu 09-Sep-14 Maria Davi 09-Sep-14 David Cart 09-Sep-14 Eveline Milliken 10-Sep-14 Richard Penner 10-Sep-14 Surrinder Saggar 10-Sep-14 Jean Friesen 10-Sep-14 Gerald Friesen 10-Sep-14 Patricia Robins 10-Sep-14 Judith Flynn 10-Sep-14 Vydehi Venkatararnar 10-Sep-14 Donna Pacholok 10-Sep-14 Martin Morantz # 2 10-Sep-14 Lissa Donner 10-Sep-14 Thomas Kucera 10-Sep-14 Sharon Sadowy 10-Sep-14 Robert Young 10-Sep-14 Jim St Louis 15-Sep-14 Pete Sanderson 15-Sep-14 Kathryn Squair 15-Sep-14 James Blanchard 15-Sep-14 Fern Swedlove 15-Sep-14 Gail Schnabl 15-Sep-14 Betty Dyck 15-Sep-14 Gail Hargreaves 15-Sep-14 Kevin Rebeck 15-Sep-14 Leo Van Den Bussche 15-Sep-14 Jo-Anne Cowen 15-Sep-14 Gio Guzzi 15-Sep-14 Honesto Demesa 15-Sep-14 Sandy Baardman 15-Sep-14 Robert Chernornas 15-Sep-14 Jarne Dumont 15 Sep14 Haro Shuster 15-Sep-14 da Abo 15-Sep-14 Ruth AlIen 15-Sep-14 Richard Eel 15-Sep-14 Laura Rempel 15 Sep-14 Marta Simm 15-Sep-14 Peter Olfert 15-Sep-14 Brent Corrigan 15 Sep-14 Beatrice Bruske 15-Sep-14 Richard Abbott Address Postal Amount Monetary or Goods 500.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 500.00 Monetary 500.00 Monetary 1,00000 Monetary 1,000.00 Monetary 200.00 Monetary 200.00 Monetary Monetary 300.00 200.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary 1,000.00 Monetary 100.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 250.00 Monetary 200.00 175.00 Monetary 100.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 5000 250.00 100.00 100.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary SC 0.00 Monetary Monetary 50.00 Monetary 500.00 100,00 300.00 200.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary 300.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 750.00 100.00 750.00 100.00 250.00 Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary Monetary 200.00 Monetary 300.00 Monetary 500 00 Monetary ioc.oc Form St Date Issued Contributor 15-Sep44 Donald Hickerson 13099 Address Postal Amount Monetary or Goods 5000 Monetary
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