9th Annual Ann Liguori American Cancer Societ American Cancer
9th Annual Ann Liguori American Cancer Societ American Cancer
9th Annual Ann Liguori American Cancer Societ Societyy Golf Classic Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club, Westhampton, NY June 26, 2006 Special Thanks to: Ann Liguori, Host and Chair Celebrit Celebrityy Pla Playyers Tony LoBianco Chris Carlin Rick Cerone Tom Famiglietti Dr. Max Gomex Marty Hackel Jane Hanson Bill Hurst Alex Hyde White Michael Jacobs Robert Joyce Kenny Kramer Mitch Laurance Ewa Laurance Ray Martel Jack McGee Gene Michael Ken Moran John Nitti CJ Papa Gerry Philbin Dave Robitaille Wayne Soares Hole In One Sponsors Double Ea gle Sponsor Eagle Pfizer Bir die Sponsors Birdie Allen, Dyer, Doppelt, Milbrath & Gilchrist, P.A. Commerce Bank Committee Joanne & Cliff Barthman Don Cayea Evelyn S. DeVito Liz Giordano George & Robin Hallahan Judy Hirsch Juan & Eileen Juan Walter & Diane Lenowicz Ann Liguori, Chair Sal Restivo Mary Skillern Jim Stevens Gabe & Nancy Vigorito Jerry Willams Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club: Stanley Pine, Owner/Manager; Jack McGown, Head Pro AMERICAN CANCER SOCIET SOCIETYY MISSION SST TATEMENT The American Cancer Societ tionwide communit oluntar ganiza tion dedica ted to elimina ting cancer as a major health Societyy is the na nationwide communityy- based vvoluntar oluntaryy health or organiza ganization dedicated eliminating ving liv es, and diminishing suff ering fr om cancer ough rresear esear ch, educa tion, aadv dv oca pr oblem bbyy pr preeventing cancer cancer,, sa saving lives, suffering from cancer,, thr through esearch, education, dvoca ocaccy, and service. problem LEARN M ORE about American Cancer Society: MORE tional Cancer Inf orma tion Center 1 -800ACS-2345 Call the Na Informa ormation 1-800-800-A National Cancer information specialists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Go online to the American Cancer Societ eb Site Societyy W Web .cancer.or .orgg www.cancer .or www .cancer The funds raised by American Cancer Society events support a variety of programs: Resear ch For more than 80 years, ACS has led the way in cancer research. Learn about our program that includes extramural grants, behavioral Research research, intramural epidemiology, and surveillance research. Educa tion Find out about the local programs established by ACS that serve to educate the public about cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, Education survival, and quality of life. Adv oca dvoca ocaccy See how ACS promotes beneficial policies, laws, and regulations for patients and families affected by cancer. Patient Services Because cancer takes a toll on the person diagnosed as well as family and friends, the American Cancer Society offers support and service programs to try to lessen the impact – from connecting patients with survivors to providing a place to stay when treatment facilities are far from home. 1-800ACS-2345 -800-A American Cancer Societ Societyy, Eastern Division, Inc. Donald Distasio, CEO Kris Kim, Executive Vice-President, Metro Region Sylvia A. Diaz, Regional Vice-President, Suffolk Region Katherine M. Fritz, Sr. Director – Income Development www .cancer .or www.cancer .cancer.or .orgg Photo: Tony Roberts Photography Legend Trail Golf Club, Scottsdale, AZ www.legendtrailgc.com 480-488-7434 A Communit ors and Car egiv ers Communityy o off Surviv Survivors Caregiv egivers “You have cancer.” Those three words drastically change a family’s life. Only those who have been there can truly understand how it feels to live with a cancer diagnosis, or take on the responsibility of caring for someone with cancer. Where can families turn for inspiration and wisdom during this journey? The Cancer Survivors Network. Golf is the cruelest game, because eventually it will drag you out in front of the whole school, take your lunch money and slap you around. Rick Reilly aster Str ok es, Sports Illustr Reilly,, M Master Strok okes, Illustraated SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Women’s US Open Newport CC, RI course: score: 2 Women’s US Open Newport CC, RI course: score: 9 course: score: 16 course: score: 23 30 course: score: 3 4 5 6 7 8 course: score: Independence Day course: score: 10 course: score: 17 course: score: 24 31 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 11 12 13 14 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 18 19 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 25 26 27 28 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 15 course: score: 20 21 22 Men’s British Open, Royal Liverpool Golf Club course: score: 29 JULY 2006 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Tralee Golf Club, County Kerry, Ireland www.traleegolfclub.com 011-353- 66-7136379 Columbus went around the world in 1492. That isn't a lot of strokes when you consider the course. Lee TTrrevino MONDAY SUNDAY Camp A dv entur Adv dventur enturee is a fun-filled, one week, sleepaway camp program for children with cancer and their siblings, ages 6 to 18. It is a place where kids receive the medical attention they need from pediatric oncology nurses and physicians. Camp Adventure takes place in August on the beautiful shore of eastern Long Island where campers enjoy an idyllic setting with traditional cabins, activity centers, nature trails, sports fields and the beach. All campers attend Camp Adventure free of charge. TUESDAY 1 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 2 3 FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 Women’s British Open, Royal Lytham & St. Annes, Lancashire England course: score: 6 course: score: 7 course: score: 13 course: score: 14 course: score: 20 course: score: 27 course: score: 21 18th Annual ACS Big Babe Golf Championship, course:Glen Head GC score: 28 course: score: 8 course: score: 15 course: score: 22 course: score: 9 course: score: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kick-off Breakfast Crest Hollow CC course: score: 16 course: score: 23 10 course: score: course: score: course: score: 11 course: score: 12 course: score: 17 18 19 Men’s PGA Championship, Medinah CC, IL course: score: 24 course: score: course: score: 25 Camp Adventure, Shelter Island, NY 26 Camp Adventure, Shelter Island, NY course: score: 29 course: score: course: score: course: score: 30 31 course: score: course: score: course: score: AUGUST 2006 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Palmer Course at K Club, Straffan, Co. Kildare, Ireland www.kclub.ie Site of 2006 Ryder Cup 011-353-1-601-7200 Go play golf. Go to the golf course. Hit the ball. Find the ball. Repeat until the ball is in the hole. Have fun. The end. Chuck Hogan SUNDAY MONDAY TING COOKBOOK, Nearly 50 totally new, scrumptious recipes grace the pages of the HEAL HEALTHY EATING THY EA 2nd ED. Aspiring chefs and amateur cooks alike will discover more than 250 pages of simple and delicious recipes that will turn healthy eating into a celebration of good food. The new edition provides you and your family with the perfect tools for creating a delectable menu that is as tasty as it is healthy. TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 course: score: course: score: 7 8 9 course: score: course: score: course: score: ACS holiday cards on sale 3 course: score: 10 course: score: 17 4 Labor Day course: score: 11 course: score: 18 5 course: score: 12 course: score: 19 6 course: score: 13 course: score: 20 14 course: score: 21 15 course: score: 16 course: score: 23 Rosh Hashanah 22 Ryder Cup, K Club, Co. Kildare, Ireland course: score: 24 course: score: course: score: 25 26th Annual ACS Man of the Year Golf Tourn. , Pine Hollow Muttontown GC, East Norwich course: score: course: score: 26 course: score: course: score: course: score: 27 28 29 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 30 course: score: SEPTEMBER 2006 Pr osta te Cancer M onth * Na tional Ov arian Cancer M onth Prosta ostate Month National Ovarian Month Gynecologic Cancer A war eness M onth * Childhood Cancer M onth Aw areness Month Month www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Steve Uzzell Doonbeg Golf Club, Co. Clare, Ireland www.doonbeggolfclub.com 011-353-65-905-5600 Na tional Br east Cancer A war eness M onth National Breast Aw areness Month Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, a five-mile walk to fight breast cancer. It took me 17 years to get 3,000 hits, but I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. Hank A ar on Aar aron SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 Yom Kippur course: score: course: score: 8 9 course: score: 15 course: score: 29 Daylight Savings Time Ends course: score: 3 course: score: 10 course: score: course: score: 16 13th Annual ACS Columbus Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Jones Beach State Park course: course: score: score: 22 TUESDAY 23 course: score: 30 course: score: 17 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 4 5 6 course: score: course: score: course: score: 11 12 13 course: score: course: score: course: score: 18 19 20 Day SATURDAY 7 course: score: 14 course: score: 21 National Mammography Day course: score: 24 course: score: course: score: course: score: 25 26 27 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 28 course: score: 31 Halloween course: score: OCTOBER 2006 Na tional Br east Cancer A war eness M onth National Breast Aw areness Month www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Aidan Bradley Sandy Hill Links at Rosapenna, Co. Donegal, Ireland www.rosapennagolflinks.com 011-353-74-915-5000 GREA T AMERICAN SM OKE OUT (G ASO) GREAT SMOKE (GASO) Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the nation. Smoking not only causes cancer, but heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other respiratory diseases. Golf is not just an exercise; it’s an adventure, a romance... a Shakespeare play in which disaster and comedy are intertwined. Har old Segall Harold MONDAY SUNDAY TUESDAY ACS holiday cards on sale 1 course: score: 5 course: score: 12 6 course: score: 13 course: score: 7 Election Day course: score: 14 8 19 course: score: 26 course: score: course: score: 20 course: score: 27 course: score: course: score: 21 course: score: 28 course: score: FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 4 course: score: course: score: course: score: 9 11 Veteran’s Day 10 Coaches vs. Cancer Basketball Championship course: score: 15 Coaches vs. Cancer Basketball Championship course: score: THURSDAY WEDNESDAY course: score: 22 course: score: 29 course: score: course: score: 16 Great American Smoke Out course: score: 23 Thanksgiving course: score: course: score: course: score: 17 course: score: 18 course: score: 24 course: score: 25 course: score: 30 course: score: NOVEMBER 2006 Na tional M arr ow A war eness M onth * Na tional FFamily amily Car egiv ers M onth National Marr arro Aw areness Month National Caregiv egivers Month Lung Cancer A war eness M onth Aw areness Month www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Joann Dost Sebonack Golf Club 631-622-9434 A passion, an obsession, a romance, a nice acquaintanceship with trees, sand, and water. Bob RRyyan MONDAY SUNDAY Cancer is o ften called a “f amily disease” because it aff ects mor gnosed. often “family affects moree than the person who is dia diagnosed. amily: Helping For families with young or adolescent children, this is especially true. Cancer in the FFamily: Childr en Cope with a PPar ar ent ’s Illness outlines valuable steps necessary to help children understand what Children arent ent’s happens when a parent has been diagnosed with cancer. “Hands-on-tools” help those affected by cancer, as well as their loved ones, face many of the dilemmas that come with the disease. TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY ACS holiday cards on sale 3 course: score: 10 course: score: 17 course: score: 24 31 New Year’s Eve course: score: 4 course: score: 11 course: score: 18 course: score: 25 Christmas course: score: 5 course: score: 12 course: score: 19 course: score: 26 course: score: 6 7 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 course: score: course: score: 8 9 course: score: course: score: course: score: 13 14 15 course: score: course: score: 20 21 course: score: course: score: 27 28 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 16 Hanukkah course: score: 22 course: score: 23 course: score: 29 course: score: 30 course: score: DECEMBER 2006 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Thanks to our sponsors Hole in One Double Eagle Pfizer Birdie Allen, Dyer, Doppelt, Milbrath & Gilchrist, P.A. Commerce Bank VIP Dinner PPart art artyy Airline Sponsor Duck Walk Vineyards Outback Steakhouse Dunrite Pools Continental Airlines Photo: Larry Lambrecht Castlerock Golf Club, Castlerock, Co. Londonderry Ireland www.castlerockgc.co.uk 011 44 28 7084 8314 The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Since 1946, the year the Society awarded its first research grants, we’ve invested more than $2 billion in research. The investment has paid rich dividends: in 1946, only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis; today almost 60% live longer than five years. The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing. Phyllis Diller SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 3 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 course: score: course: score: New Year’s Day course: score: 7 course: score: 14 8 course: score: 15 course: score: 9 course: score: 16 course: score: course: score: 10 11 course: score: course: score: 17 18 12 course: score: 13 course: score: 19 20 Martin Luther King, Jr Birthday course: score: 21 course: score: 28 course: score: course: score: 22 course: score: 29 course: score: course: score: 23 course: score: 30 course: score: course: score: course: score: 24 25 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 26 course: score: 27 course: score: 31 course: score: JANUARY 2007 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Andrew Reddington Carne Golf Links, Belmullet, Co. Mayo, Ireland www.carnegolflinks.com 011-35-397-82292 Look Good...F eel Better Good...Feel Better,, a partnership of the American Cancer Society, the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association Foundation and the National Cosmetology Association, is a program for women experiencing appearance-related side effects from chemotherapy or radiation treatment for any form of cancer, including breast cancer. Golf is a game in which you yell Fore, shoot six, and write down five. Paul Harv Harveey SUNDAY 4 course: score: 11 course: score: 18 course: score: 25 course: score: MONDAY 5 course: score: 12 course: score: 19 President’s Day course: score: 26 course: score: TUESDAY 6 course: score: 13 course: score: 20 course: score: 27 course: score: THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 7 course: score: 14 course: score: FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 course: score: course: score: course: score: 8 9 course: score: course: score: 15 course: score: 21 22 course: score: course: score: 10 course: score: 16 course: score: 17 course: score: 23 course: score: 24 course: score: 28 course: score: FEBRUARY 2007 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Joann Dost Royal County Down Golf Club, Newcastle, Co. Down, Ireland www.royalcountydown.org 011-44-13967-23314 You feel fine and try to take care of your health. Great! But you’re still at risk for colon cancer and you should get tested reqularly if you’re 50 or older. Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in America, but the great news is that colon testing can save your life and even prevent colon cancer. Golf seems to me an arduous way to go for a walk. I prefer to take the dogs out. Princess Anne o ea off Gr Grea eatt Britain SUNDAY 4 course: score: 11 course: score: 18 course: score: 25 MONDAY 5 TUESDAY 6 course: score: course: score: 12 13 course: score: course: score: 19 20 course: score: course: score: 26 27 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 course: score: course: score: course: score: 8 9 course: score: course: score: course: score: 14 15 course: score: course: score: 21 22 course: score: course: score: 28 29 course: score: course: score: 7 10 course: score: 16 course: score: 17 St. Patrick’s Day course: score: 23 course: score: 24 course: score: 30 31 Daffodil Days course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: MARCH 2007 Na tional Color ectal Cancer A war eness M onth National Colorectal Aw areness Month www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Larry Lambrecht Dromoland Golf & Country Club, Newmark-on-Fergus, Co Clare, Ireland www.dromolandgolf.com 011-353-61-368444 The American Cancer Societ Societyy is a powerful advocate in the fight against cancer. We work with elected officials at the local, state and federal levels to improve public policies and secure funding for cancer research, awareness, prevention, early detection and access to care. We are a voice for nearly 9 million cancer survivors nationwide, and fight for laws that improve quality of life for those facing the disease. I would like to deny all allegations by Bob Hope that during my last game of golf, I hit an eagle, a birdie, an elk and a moose. Ger ald FFor or d Gerald ord SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 4 5 FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 course: score: The Masters, Augusta National, Augusta, GA course: score: 8 course: score: 15 course: score: 22 course: score: 29 course: score: course: score: 9 course: score: 16 course: score: 23 course: score: course: score: 10 course: score: 17 course: score: 24 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: 11 12 13 course: score: 18 course: score: course: score: 19 course: score: 25 26 course: score: course: score: course: score: 14 course: score: 20 course: score: 21 course: score: 27 course: score: 28 course: score: 30 course: score: APRIL 2007 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Old Head Golf Links, Kinsale, Co Cork, Ireland www.oldheadgolflinkscom 011-353-21-477-8444 onth, a time when the Society focuses on May is Skin Cancer Detection and Pr Preevention M Month, raising awareness about this desease. It is also the most preventable of cancers, and there are many steps you can take to reduce your risk. Remember to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat and wrap on sunglasses to prevent sunburns that may develop into cancer later in life. What other people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive. Arnold PPalmer almer SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1Paint the Town 2 PURPLE! Relay for Life Kicks-off on course: Long Island course: score: 6 course: score: 13 Mother’s Day course: score: 20 course: score: 27 course: score: 7 course: score: 14 course: score: 21 course: score: 28 Memorial Day course: score: 8 course: score: 15 course: score: 22 course: score: 29 course: score: THURSDAY WEDNESDAY 3 score: course: score: 9 10 FRIDAY 4 course: score: 11 course: score: course: score: course: score: 16 17 18 course: score: course: score: course: score: 23 24 25 course: score: course: score: course: score: 30 31 course: score: course: score: SATURDAY 5 Relay for Life course: score: 12 Relay for Life course: score: 19 Relay for Life course: score: 26 course: score: May 2007 Skin Cancer A war eness M onth Aw areness Month www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Photo: Joann Dost Cypress Point Club, Pebble Beach, CA 831-624-2223 ACS REL AY FFOR OR LIFE RELA An overnight celebration of hope, progress and answers, in honor of the millions of Americans who have survived cancer, friends, families and co-workers raise funds to support the fight. You can walk. You can run. You can Relay for Life. The game of golf would lose a great deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green. Ernest Hemingw Hemingwaay SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 1 Call 1-800-ACS-2345 to find a Relay for Life near you. course: score: 3 course: score: 10 course: score: 17 4 5 course: score: course: score: 11 12 course: score: course: score: 18 19 6 course: score: 13 7 8 course: score: course: score: 14 Flag Day 15 course: score: course: score: course: score: 20 21 22 course: score: course: score: course: score: 27 28 29 Father’s Day course: score: 24 course: score: course: score: 25 course: score: course: score: Ann Liguori Golf Classic 26 course: score: course: score: course: score: course: score: SATURDAY 2 Relay for Life course: score: 9 Relay for Life course: score: 16 Relay for Life course: score: 23 Relay for Life course: score: 30 course: score: JUNE 2007 www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345 Thank you to our contributors 7-11/Westhampton Beach A.G. Edwards & Sons Ann Arbor Media Group An Tintean Guest House, Doonbeg, Ireland Atlantica on the Ocean Audio Command Systems John Barrett Salon at Bergdorf Goodman Bedell Cellars Bobby Jones Golf Company Bob Snead Productions Bob Stevens Appliances Brunetti Hair & Beauty Bushnell Outdoor Products Canon, USA Center for Wealth Preservation Cingular Wireless Club Glove Continental Airlines Doonbeg Golf Course, Ireland Drive Train Truck Parts Driver’s Seat Restaurant Duck Walk Vineyards Dunrite Pools The Enclave Inn English Garden Day Spa Estee Lauder Etiquette International Etonic Faige Timeless Portraits FunWithWine.com Garcia Fashion Boutique James Gideon Goldman & Associates GothamDream Cars GuS Soda GustBuster Chef Matthew Guiffrida & The Patio Restaurant Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club Hampton Jitney Heavy Putter, LLC Hildreth’s Department Store Hillcrest Technologies Hidden Mill Bed & Breakfast Michael Jacobs Golf School Sandra G. Johnson, CPA, P.c. Katherine & Company Shelley Kemp KineSys Performance Sunscreen La Carezza Spa Joann Dost LeBlon The Kevin Maple Salon Frankie Marchesini Martha Clara Vineyards Tom Martin Max Therapeutic Treatment Trish McEvoy Skin Care Center Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, PC Bob Mitchell My Cute Bag Corky Newcomb cnisbelieving.com Ocean Point Inn, East Boothbay, ME OC61 Salon O’ Susanna Outback Steakhouse Peak Performance Strategies, LLC Peconic Bay Winery Pigs Can Fly Pilgrim Press Pine Cone Polaris Pool Products Positive Promotions Progressive Products Redefine and Redesign Interior Decorating Rock Hill Golf & Country Club Rolex USA RSI Auctions Saltaire Santonocitto Family Karen Schwarz Security Dodge Shelley’s Jewels Signs by Tomorrow Mary and Frank Skillern The Sports Club/LA Stanley Pine St. Charles Hospital Dennis Suskind Tommy Hilfiger Golf Tralee Golf Club Smitherman & Barnwell Southwinds Bed & Breakfast Sports Media Group Target Group Media Thai at Home Tiffany & Co., East Hampton Tonto Tourism Ireland Tri-Bag Nancy Vigorito WFAN Water Mill Party Jerry Williams Wolffers Estate Vineyards 9th Annual Ann Liguori American Cancer Societ Societyy Golf Classic Ann Liguori, President, Ann Liguori Productions Inc. Host, Executive Producer, Owner, “Sports Innerview with Ann Liguori” Sports Talk Show Host, WFAN Radio For more information, visit Ann’s website: www.annliguori.com Appar el: Bobby Jones; Golf Club: Bobby Jones Golf Apparel: CREDIT CREDITSS Music aatt Duck W alk Vine ds Dinner VIP PPart art ck Steakhouse: James Gedeon, DJ Bob Snead ards artyy bbyy Outba Outback Walk Vineyyar Printer: Pilgrim Press, Dan May Ev ent Pho tos 2005: Bruce Kersten and JoArt Photography Event Photos ent Pho tos 2006: David Shumate Ev Event Photos togr aphy: Aidan Bradley, Joann Dost, Larry Lambrecht, Andrew Reddington, Tony Roberts Photography, Steve Uzzell Pho Photogr tography: Design: Kathryn C. Hummel www.cancer.org 1-800-ACS-2345