Independence Elementary School Parent Handbook
Independence Elementary School Parent Handbook
Independence Elementary School Parent Handbook 2015-2016 Mrs. Emily Pavia, Principal Mrs. Jana Schultz, Assistant Principal Lisa Bohrmann, Administrative Intern 636.851.5900 Respect Responsibility Honesty Friendship Welcome to Independence Elementary School On March 18, 1999 at 9:02 PM the Francis Howell Board of Education approved the name Independence for its ninth elementary school. Here is the history behind our name: In 1885 a one room schoolhouse called Independent School opened its doors and ran continuously until May, 1941. After that time, Independent School voted to join Consolidated School District No. 2 of St. Charles County. Through the years the name changed to Independence School. Many former students are still members of the Francis Howell community. The original brick schoolhouse remains on Independence Road today. Independence Elementary opened in July, 1999. Independence Elementary is the home of the Eagles; our colors are red, white and blue. Our Mission: Independence Elementary Where All Individuals Are Inspired To think and learn Independently And Show Good Character at All Times Our Vision: Independence Elementary is a child centered school of distinction in academics and character. The partnership among the community will ensure that all individuals will achieve academically, grow emotionally, and succeed socially for a lifetime of learning. In May of 2013, Independence Elementary was been named a National School of Character (NSOC) by the Character Education Partnership (CEP) for its commitment to character education and for fostering a positive environment for social and academic learning. Independence Elementary is one of 29 schools recognized for creating an academic and social culture where students can thrive. Independence Elementary will hold the distinction of a National School of Character for five years. GENERAL INFORMATION Keep in Touch Stay in touch with the latest news at Independence Elementary. Sign up for eNews by going to our district website at and click on the eNews Quick Link. Receive weekly news and important updates from Independence Elementary and our Francis Howell School District. Also find on-line documents such as our FHSD Code of Conduct and FHSD Attendance & Earned Credit Handbook. Other important websitesIndependence Elementary School Website Independence PTO website Like us on Facebook; Student Absences Excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, may affect the academic grade. An integral part of the learning experience is the interaction between students and teachers. Students who are absent from school are not able to participate in class discussions, small group activities or class experiments. It is impossible to make up activities of this nature. Therefore, regular attendance is an important component of the educational process. Please note the excerpt below from the district’s board policy regarding attendance. Attendance Policy 2310/Regulation 2310 Attendance and Earned Credit Policy The purpose of the Attendance and Earned Credit Policy of the District is to encourage regular school attendance. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of each student enrolled in the District. Since there is a direct relationship between attendance, grades and success in school, students should maintain a good attendance record. This Attendance and Earned Credit Policy has established reasonable standards regarding absences with the purpose of encouraging and supporting students toward achieving the highest possible academic success. A comprehensive system of attendance records is maintained for each student in the District. Each teacher is responsible for the accurate reporting of daily attendance in the classroom. The principal/designee is responsible for supplying information to parent(s)/guardian(s) in regard to student absences and for submitting attendance information to the superintendent’s office. Each building will have a program that reinforces students who maintain a good attendance record. Legal Aspects Missouri School Law under the Compulsory School Attendance subsection places the burden of responsibility for school attendance on the parent(s)/guardian(s). Every parent, guardian, or other person in this state having charge, control or custody of a child age 7 or older shall cause the child to attend regularly some public, parochial parish, or home school not less than the entire school term of the school which the child attends until that child completes 16 credits toward high school graduation or attains 17 years of age (RSMo 167.031). Any parent, guardian or other person who enrolls a child between the ages of five (5) and seven (7) years in a public school program of academic instruction shall cause such child to attend the academic program on a regular basis, according to this section. Nonattendance by such child shall cause such parent, guardian or other responsible person to be in violation of the provisions of RSMo 167.061. KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 8 PROCEDURES Absences Excessive absences may affect the academic grade. An integral part of the learning experience is the interaction between students and teachers. Students who are absent from school are not able to participate in class discussions, small group activities or class experiments. It is not possible to make up activities of this nature. Therefore, regular attendance is an important component of the educational process. Written documentation is required for all absences. After ten (10) days of health related absences, a doctor’s note may be requested for additional absences. Early Dismissal If an elementary or middle school student must leave before the end of the school day, parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign the student out. A reason for the early dismissal should be provided. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are not to go directly to the classroom. The parent(s)/guardian(s) should send a note in advance regarding an early dismissal. The parent(s)/guardian(s) should send a note in advance regarding an early dismissal. Make-Up Work Due to Absences Students will be required to make up missed work. Procedures for Dealing with Excessive Absences Intervention by the principal/designee should be the initial step in dealing with a student’s absences. If personal problems appear to be the cause of the student’s absenteeism, efforts of parent(s)/guardian(s) and support personnel (i.e. teacher, counselor, etc.) may be requested to help improve a student’s attendance. Please refer to the Independence Elementary Attendance Pyramid of Interventions 5 Day Rule After five absences the principal will send a letter to the parent(s)/guardian(s) explaining the importance of good attendance. 10-Day Rule After the student has accumulated ten (10) absences, a letter will go home indicating concern for the student’s attendance pattern. The letter will also indicate that a referral to the Children’s Division and/or the Eleventh Circuit Family Court for Truancy or Educational Neglect may be made. (Refer to Board Policy and Regulation 2340 – Truancy and Educational Neglect) ** Please also note the Independence Attendance Pyramid of Interventions for those students that have numerous absences. It is located at the back of this Handbook. Students who receive perfect attendance will receive a congratulatory letter from the principals quarterly. Attendance Celebrations Perfect Quarterly Attendance Award Students who miss zero days will receive a “Perfect Quarterly Attendance Award” and a congratulatory letter from the principals. End of the year Outstanding Attendance Certificates will be issued to each student who misses 3 days or less for the entire year during grade level celebrations. Students who miss ZERO days of school will receive an End of the Year Perfect Attendance Certificate. To clarify, one hour and 35 minutes total or less absent=no days absent. Birthdays Children have the opportunity to bring individual treats on their birthday to share with their class during snack time. The teacher must be notified in advance to ensure there are no food allergies or restriction in the class. When treats are planned, please bring enough for one treat per child in your child’s classroom. Treats need to be purchased from a store or licensed bakery and in its original container with the ingredients listed for allergy information. All birthday treats must be approved by the school nurse before entering the classroom. Please be sure to consider alternate treats if a child in the class has a known allergy. The teacher will have pertinent allergy information for their classroom students. Please do not send in cookie cakes. Teachers do not have the ability to cut these cookie cakes in the classroom. With all treats, please send plates and napkins if they are needed. Parents, please refrain from sending flowers, balloons, etc. to school for your student’s birthday. These items are best celebrated with family and friends outside of school and can distract from our educational environment. If your child is having a birthday party, invitations will only be distributed at the school if all classmates are invited. The office cannot provide student addresses or home phone numbers. Please be sure to consider alternate treats if a child in the class has a known allergy. The teacher will have pertinent allergy information for their classroom students. Board Meetings Board meetings are regularly held on the first and third Thursday of the month at 7:00 the Francis Howell Administration Building located at 4545 Central School Road, St. Charles MO 63304. Meetings are always open to interested parents and citizens of the District. Building Security All outside entrances will be locked during the day. Upon arrival to the building you will need to press the button on the exterior of the building on the wall next to the door on the far right. You will need to wait until an administrative assistant releases the door lock so you may enter the building. All visitors are required to check in at the office and receive an appropriate identification badge. If you are picking up a student, you will need to show a valid, picture ID. If someone else will be picking up your child(ren) they will need to be listed on the Student Health/Emergency contact sheet or a note must be provided indicating your permission to release to that person. Building Use Independence Elementary is open to the community for use after school hours. Prior to use of the building, participants must complete the required paper work and receive approval from the building principal and district administration. Once approved, organizations utilizing building use are to review and abide by the building use rules and regulations. Please call the office for specific information and applications for building use. Also note, when school is NOT in session, building use will not be granted. This includes the use of outdoor facilities. Counseling Services The intent of the counseling program is to provide a comprehensive guidance curriculum for all students. The Counselor is involved in implementing small group and classroom guidance activities aimed at promoting social and emotional growth. Activities provided relate to self-concept, decision - making, dealing with peer pressure, responsibility, stress and understanding of self and others. While counselors may speak with students on an individual basis, they do not provide therapy sessions. Counselors do not need parental permission to speak with a student. Curriculum/PLC’s Teachers are required to teach the intended, board approved curriculum as mandated by the Francis Howell School District. It is the teacher’s responsibility to acquire the correct/updated copy. All K-5 teachers will be teaching Common Core State Standards for both math and English Language Arts. Discipline of Students Students at Independence Elementary are required to adhere to the Francis Howell School District’s Code of Conduct and the Safe School’s Act. This information is given to all families on the night of Open House. It is the intent of the office that behavior conferences be used as a learning experience that will prevent future referrals. Students in violation of the Safe School’s Act will be sent to the office immediately. All parents will be contacted either by phone or in writing regarding discipline referred to the office. Consequences are administered as outlined in the Francis Howell School District Code of Conduct handbook and are typically progressive in nature. Please also note the Behavior Pyramid of Interventions located in the appendix at the back of this Handbook. Technology BYOT If classroom teachers are implementing B-Bring Y-Your O-Own T-Technology policy by inviting students to bring their own technology to utilize for school use, teachers will need to have a signed permission slip from the student’s parent/guardian. Our form is included in the appendix of this handbook. Dismissal of Students The school day ends at 4:05pm. If your child needs to leave school during the school day for any reason, please report to the office when you arrive on campus and they will be called down for dismissal. You will be required to show a valid State ID when checking your student out in the office. We do request if you will be signing your child out early towards the end of the day, please do so before 3:45 p.m. We try to allow our teachers the last 15 minutes of their instruction time without interruptions. This allows our teachers the opportunity to complete their lesson plan and instruction time for the day. Please do not rely on email to report a change in your student’s dismissal – in the event the teacher and or secretary you contact is absent. Please call the office at (636)851-5900 to report the change in your student’s dismissal. Students are prohibited from riding any bus home other than the one assigned to them. Students in our district are assigned one bus for transportation. During the year numerous request are received asking permission for student to ride another bus to/from school for a variety of reasons: babysitting, after school activities, dual households, etc. Request for students to ride a different bus home will be considered on a case to case basis. District office requires a written request from parents 2 days prior to the need. Approval or denial will be determined on several factors but the main consideration will be the frequency of the need. Request made after the 2 days will be referred to the schools where proof of identity can be determined quickly. Please refer to the back of the handbook to the memorandum from Mike Sloan regarding students riding different buses and to obtain the permission slip forms. Dress Children are encouraged to dress appropriately for school. When children are comfortably dressed, they are more willing to participate in school activities. Students are not permitted to wear distracting clothing such as clothing that has inappropriate advertising or wording on them. Children who are dressed inappropriately will be sent to the office and their parents will be contacted. Hats may not be worn in class unless it is a special day. Dress Continued Shoes with cleats, wheels, blades or other type of devices are not allowed in school. Any clothing that is a distraction to the learning environment will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Students are not permitted to display distracting colors in their hair or come to school with paint or tattoos on their face. Early Release Days There are early release days embedded in our school year calendar. Please refer to the district calendar for these dates. On these days, students will not have art, music or gym class. Students will be dismissed at 1:10pm. If there will be a change in your child’s dismissal plans, please send a note in with your child to your child’s teacher to ensure they are aware of the dismissal change. If you have a dismissal change after the start of school, please be sure to notify the office at (636)851-5900 to report the change in your child’s dismissal. Eagle Eye Program The Eagle Eye program recognizes whole classrooms for outstanding behavior, cooperation and/or effort. Classrooms will collect Eagle Eyes and submit them to the office when they reach each level. Classrooms can earn Eagle Eyes every day that they have Perfect Attendance! They can also earn one every day they do not have an office referral. Anyone in the building can give a class an Eagle Eye. Cafeteria Staff and Recess will incorporate this program into their discipline plan. All Eagle Eyes must be earned by May 8, 2015 in order to allow enough for the class to receive their reward. 100 = 15 Minute Recess 250 = Popcorn Party 350 = Popsicles 450 =Activity with Principal E-Mail E-mail is a fast, convenient form of communication. However, it is asked that you DO NOT rely on email for changes in your child(s) dismissal. There may be times where your child’s teacher and/or office secretary may be absent or unable to read their e-mail prior to dismissal thus resulting in a mix up in your child’s safe return from school. If there will be a change in your child’s dismissal plans, please send a note in with your child to your child’s teacher to make them aware of the dismissal change. If you have a dismissal change after the start of school, please be sure to notify the office at (636)851-5900 to report the change in your child’s dismissal. Emergencies/Drills Regular fire, tornado, earthquake, and intruder drills are held to instruct the children on the “procedure” in case of a real emergency. All staff members, students, and visitors are required to participate in drills and take them seriously. The Cottleville Fire Department conducts safety/fire inspections with the school. In case a tornado “warning” is in effect at the close of school, buses will wait until the “all clear” before departure. This procedure does not apply when there is a tornado or severe weather “watch.” Parents should use their own judgment concerning picking up their children under these circumstances. Endorsements The school does not give any endorsements to persons selling products. Any salesperson representing them as having the school’s endorsement of a product is guilty of misrepresentation. The use of specific products in the school is not in itself an endorsement. It is not allowed to utilize the student “Buzz Book” as means of business solicitation. The Buzz Book is for recreational purposes only. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 - FERPA FERPA includes the following rights: Parents have the right: 1. To inspect and review official records and data directly related to your child. Procedures for inspection will be explained to you at the building principal’s office. 2. To have a hearing to challenge the content of your child’s records for the purpose of correcting or deleting inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained there. 3. To give or withhold written consent before personally identifiable records are released to certain persons or agencies. 4. To be notified when records directly related to your child are subpoenaed by a court or otherwise. 5. To register complaints with HEW if you believe your rights, as enumerated above, are being violated. 6. To opt out of pictures or videos on social media. Field Trips Buses are available for use by First Student Transportation. A transportation fee and field trip fee will be the responsibility of each family. Each trip is aligned with the Board of Education approved curriculum and the learning outcomes that are developed by the classroom. If you have further questions, please ask your child’s teacher about the learning objectives for the field trip. Only students and teachers are permitted to ride the school bus unless otherwise specified by the grade level teachers. Parents may drive to the field trip. Siblings are not allowed to accompany class field trips. It is district policy that all volunteer chaperones that are working with a group of students on the field trip are required to have a completed background check on file with the office. Please see the office regarding background check procedures. Fundraising Our PTO provides funds to purchase materials and technology needed to help enhance educational goals for our students. Fundraisers are conducted within Board guidelines and have prior approval by the principal. The principal works in conjunction with the PTO and teachers to determine fundraisers. Grading Information Report card grades are based on a number of factors including student’s independent classroom performance and performance on a variety of assessments. FHSD is transitioning from letter-based grades to standardsreferenced grading. When taking letter-based grades, a teacher often averaged multiple assignments together to get a grade for the report card. Assignments often contained multiple standards. In standards-referenced grading, teachers monitor students’ progress on standards. Standards-referenced grading is a way to more accurately reflect what students know and are able to do. Learning standards are clearly communicated and progress toward those standards is monitored by the students and the teacher. Students use feedback to reflect and make necessary adjustments in order to further their learning and demonstrate growth. This type of grading does not take into account nonacademic factors such as effort, work completion, and participation. However, these factors are still monitored and recorded in other ways since they are important to support learning. Report Card Levels for Grades K-5 Grades K through 5 will use three descriptors when reporting student progress. The reporting scale is as follows: Report Card Level 3 2 Report Card Descriptor Teacher Notes Meets or Exceeds Quarterly Expectation Student has met or gone beyond the quarterly expectation outlined by the scoring guides Progressing On Quarterly Expectation Student has not met the quarterly expectation, but is close to mastering it Minimal Progress On Quarterly Expectation Student is significantly behind and has not reached the quarterly expectation Not Evaluated Area not evaluated that quarter due to curriculum (See curriculum) 1 X English Language Arts In the area of ELA, teachers will report progress in the following categories: Reading Level, Reading, Reading Foundational Skills (K-1 only), Writing, and Speaking and Listening Mathematics In the area of Mathematics, teachers will report progress in the following categories: Comprehends and Communicates Mathematical Practices, Counting and Cardinality (K only), Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base-10, Numbers and Operations in Fractions (3-5 only), Measurement and Data, and Geometry Science (3-5 only) Social Studies (3-5 only) Health (3-5 only) Art Concepts and Processes Work Habits Music Understands and Applies Musical Concepts Demonstrates Performance Skills Work Habits Physical Education Participates Regularly in Health-enhancing Activities Demonstrates Competencies in Physical Education Skills Participation or Work Habits Citizenship Shows Effort in Class Acts with Responsibility Acts with Respect Uses Problem-Solving Skills Work Habits Attends to Classroom Instruction Follows Directions to Complete Tasks Works Independently Completes Work in a Reasonable Amount of Time Homebound Homebound instruction is available to students who, because of the nature of a medical condition, are unable to attend school. When a student will be out of school for more than three consecutive weeks due to a medical condition, the parent should contact Alternative Learning at the Administration Building, 8514007, to request a Homebound Application form, eligibility information and guidelines. Once a Homebound Application has been completed, a homebound consideration meeting is held with the student’s educational team and parent (s). The team will determine if Homebound Instruction is appropriate. Please refer to the District Website for more detailed information regarding Homebound. Homework Homework is a valuable and appropriate learning activity for the child. When children are assigned homework, parents can help by doing the following: 1. Provide a quiet place with the necessary supplies. 2. Set a time for doing the work. 3. See that homework is completed in a neat and conscientious manner. 4. Help when necessary, but do not take over. 5. Support teacher expectations. K-5 students who attend Independence will be expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Students will also be required to respond in writing to their reading. This response may be done paper/pencil or it may be completed utilizing electronic programs such as Edmodo or Kidblog. Your child’s classroom teacher will determine the response part of the building reading expectations and will communicate with you specifically about that during Open House/Curriculum Night. Homework for Absent Students If a child is absent, homework will be given to the child when he/she returns. If a child is going to be absent for an extended period of time due to illness, please contact the child’s teacher to make alternate arrangements. Students will be given one day for every day of absence to make up homework. 12 Identification Badges All staff members, guest teachers, visitors, and parent volunteers are required to wear identification badges everyday; this is to ensure safety and security in our building. Parent volunteers and visitors may obtain an identification badge from the office upon arrival. There are different badges for different purposes. Parent volunteer, visitor, lunch badges, etc. must be worn on the upper chest area so it is visible to all staff see. Illness Children with any of the following symptoms should be kept home from school: swollen glands, nausea or vomiting, skin eruptions or rashes, red or discharging eyes, acute cold, signs of weakness, drowsiness, flushed skin, chills, fever, or chronic cough. Please notify the school health office if your child has a special health condition. The school nurse will contact you should your child becomes ill. Please be sure to contact the school nurse with any phone number changes. If your child has a fever or goes home with a fever they must be fever free for 24 hours without medicine before they can return to school. All Health forms can be found on the district web site at under the Health and Wellness Department. Inclement Weather Rain and severe, cold or hot weather conditions automatically cancel outdoor recess. The general guidelines regarding cancellation due to temperature are: 15 - 20 degrees - 10 minutes of recess Below 15 degrees- Recess Indoors 95-100 - 10 minutes of recess Above 100 degrees – Recess Indoors Students need to come dressed to go outdoors in all weather. Each student will go outside for recess, unless a child brings a note from a physician stating that the child should stay indoors for extended periods. 13 Internet Independence Elementary School emphasizes the use of technology to promote the mission and vision of the Independence Community and the Francis Howell School District. The Internet provides opportunities for our students and faculty to have the most recent information available which supports the curricula and enhances learning opportunities. Careful monitoring of the use of the Internet is essential and is a component of the technological growth of our school. Specifically, the Internet will be used to: * Research programs and educational opportunities *Tap into community resources for referrals *Update curricular areas regarding current topics, trends, philosophies and methods * Provide primary resources for student research * Access other professionals *Increase technology skills of students and teachers *Keep students informed of current events * Research classroom strategies, lessons and activities * Provide professional development *Supplement the library’s collection of books and magazines Learning Commons The Learning Commons is the hub of student learning, in which students check out books, complete research projects, display their learning, and work collaboratively. Students are encouraged to read for information and pleasure, as well as integrate technology into their learning. We love for students to check books out often and share book recommendations with friends. The Learning Commons is always open either physically or virtually at! In the event that a book is lost or defaced, we do charge the student a replacement fee. Students will be unable to check out additional books until the fine is paid or the book returned. Please check with your child’s teacher for a schedule of when they will be visiting the Learning Commons. Lost and Found Lost articles will be located by the cafeteria in the lost and found nook. Articles not claimed at the end of each quarter or as deemed by administration will be donated to a charity. Valuable items will be kept in the office. Children or parents may check for lost items. To help relocate lost items, the school strongly encourages parents to label all clothing and items brought to school. 14 Lunch Program School lunches are available each day at a cost of $2.25 for students, $2.75 for adults and milk 70 cents. Daily, weekly, and monthly and lunch purchases may be made. Checks should be made payable to the Francis Howell School Distinct or parents may reload student accounts via the internet. Please refer to the FHSD website at for further information. You will need your child’s student identification number in order to load money online to their lunch account. Please see the following information as to the reason for the increase in lunch prices: The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the “Act”) requires that school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program provide the same level of support for lunches served to students who are not eligible for free or reduced price lunches as they provide for lunches served to students eligible for free lunches. The calculation for meeting this requirement is based on the federal reimbursement for free lunches. The average lunch price (combining prices for elementary and secondary schools) districts are required to charge is $2.59. The Francis Howell School District (FHSD) now charges an average of $2.04 for its lunches. If the level is not currently being met, the district must raise their lunch prices or pay the difference with non-federal monies. The Act allows districts to increase their lunch prices in annual increments to meet the requirement. FHSD has raised its lunch prices ten cents per meal for next year as part of its ongoing effort to meet the meal price requirements of the Act. To fully meet the requirements of the Act, future lunch price increases of a minimum of ten cents per meal will be necessary until FHSD’s lunch prices meet the required average price set by the federal government. If students wish to purchase a second entree or complete lunch, there will be an additional charge. However, students may have “seconds” from the salad bar with no additional charge. Students that have an allergy to peanuts should notify the school nurse. There is an area in the café that is “peanut free” for students to eat safely. Students who benefits from this area are welcome to invite a friend to eat with them provided that friend has peanut free items. Students who forget their lunch money may charge one lunch. Students will only be permitted to charge one lunch. No additional charge will be permitted until the first charge is paid. If a child has a charge and does not have money left in their account, he/she will be served a sunflower butter sandwich and milk. Notices will be sent to parents regarding low account balances as well as charge notices. The procedure/paperwork for free and reduced priced lunches has been sent home. Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child(ren) in the cafeteria. Parents may bring their child lunch. However, it should only be for your child and not to be shared with other students. Please sign in at the office prior to your visit to receive the appropriate badge to have lunch with your child. 15 Breakfast Program Grab and Go Breakfast (our first full week of school) Independence serves breakfast daily. A breakfast menu is available online. There will be one entrée, drink and fruit daily. (There will only be a hot breakfast item two times a week.) ANY student is welcome to purchase breakfast. They type in the same lunch number. If students are enrolled in either our free or reduced lunch prices this applies to breakfast as well. Breakfast will cost $1.30 for students. Café will only be open from 8:45-9:05 for breakfast. Parent Lunch Table Parents are invited to sit at our parent table when coming to eat lunch with their children. This will allow parents with multiple kids in one grade level to sit together. Students whose parents have come to eat lunch may invite one other friend to sit with them at the parent table. Birthday Table The first school day of every month we will have a special birthday table in the café. All students during that lunch period who have a birthday during that month will be invited to sit at our birthday table. They can bring or buy their lunch. We will have a little birthday treat for them as well. If students are absent that day then they miss the birthday celebration. Summer birthday celebrations will be acknowledge in the month of May on designated days set up by the school administration. Medicine Administration The giving of prescription medicine and non-prescription medicine by the nurse, principal, or other designee is restricted to necessary medication that cannot be given on an alternate schedule. All prescription and non prescription medications require an authorization note from the doctor and parent or legal guardian. When prescription medicine is to be administered by the school, the medicine in question must be accompanied by a note from the doctor and as well as the parent. The medicine must be brought to school in the original medicine container with proper label affixed showing: Name of Child Dosage and schedule of administration Date purchased Physician’s name Name of medication As of 1/3/13, students will no longer be able to bring in controlled substance medication bottles to the nursing office, unless PROPERLY PACKAGED. All controlled substances must be placed 16 Medicine Administration Continued in a “sealed” envelope with the number of pills written on the outside of the envelope or another option is to send the pills in a “locked bag”, which the school will provide. This change is for the safety of all students and to maintain accountability of controlled substance medications during the transportation from home to the school nursing office. All medicine is kept in a locked cabinet in the nurse’s office. Students should NOT keep medicine in their book bag or classroom. All Medication forms can be found on the district web site at under the Health and Wellness Department. Movies In the appendix of the handbook is a list of movies that the different grades/areas have shown in the past. It is the district/building policy that we gain parent permission to show any unrated, G and PG movies in the classroom. Although there is no exact date, or guarantee that the grades/areas will show ALL these movies, we are asking for you to review the list. All movies listed are educationally unrated or G. Movies that are PG are noted after the movie title. You are welcome to preview any movie from the list in the Independence office by appointment. Titles correlate with the stories and curriculum taught in class. Other videos are used as a resource when teaching social studies, science, and health. Teachers will send home additional permission slips per movie. Please contact your classroom or special area teacher if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We are asking that you sign the attached slip found in the Appendix section of the parent handbook if you DO NOT give your child permission to experience these extra opportunities to enhance the themes they are learning about in class. If we do not receive the returned slip from you the teachers will assume you grant permission for your child(ren) to view the movies listed. 17 Parent Communication Process A positive home/school relationship is critical to each student’s success. However, should a concern arise please follow this procedure: 1. Contact the teacher directly to ask about the situation. Sometimes a phone conversation is all that is necessary. 2. If you prefer to meet with the teacher, send a note, email or call to set up an appointment. The teacher reserves the right to have an administrator present. 3. When meeting or talking with the teacher, clearly explain your concerns and work with the teacher to find a solution which meets the needs of home and school. 4. If you and the teacher are not able to find a solution, the principal of that grade level will be contacted for assistance. At that time, the principal will assist to find a workable solution. Parent/Teacher Conferences It is very important to the Independence Elementary staff to keep open and frequent communication with parents. Fall conferences are scheduled for October 6th and 8th from 4:30– 8:00 p.m. and Spring Conferences are scheduled for March 15th and 17th from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. Parents are encouraged to attend scheduled parent-teacher conferences, please come prepared with any questions or concerns and talk to the teacher about information regarding your child’s education. Parent Pick-up Parents may sign up for the Parent Pick-up Program for those who wish to pick up their child at the end of the school day (Please see the Parent Pick-up map in the back of the handbook). The Parent Pick-up program was developed for parents who pick up their children in lieu of riding the bus. You may sign up for Parent Pick-up in our school’s front office. On this Parent Pick up form you may select particular days you wish to utilize the Parent Pick-up or circle “Varied” and send in a note with your child the day you wish your child(ren) to go home via Parent Pick Up. If you are not signed up for Parent Pick-up, but would like your child to utilize it on a particular day, please send it a note to the office. Parent Pick-u begins at 4:05 p.m. 18 Office Pick-up We realize there will be exceptions for when students will need to be picked up for an appointment. We ask with these exceptions that you avoid signing your child(ren) out at the end of the day during our dismissal rush at 4:05 p.m. if all possible. To reduce interruptions to the classroom and allow our teachers to wrap up their end of the day instruction time, parents are asked to sign their child out prior to 3:45 p.m. when needing to pick up their child early for an appointment. If the student is not signed out prior to 3:45 p.m. then the student will be called out at our 4:00 p.m. dismissal with our Vacation Station and Parent Pick-up students. Also, to respect our bus riders and to ensure that our buses roll on time for dismissal, we ask that you please sign your child out for their appointment before our buses begin to load at 4:05 p.m. Again, this is to ensure a timely dismissal for all of our bus riders so they may arrive home on time. Please remember to not park in the bus slots after 3:30 p.m. for this is when our buses begin to arrive for dismissal. We thank you for your support. Parent Teacher Organization - PTO The PTO is a great way to be involved with your child’s education and contribute to the enrichment of Independence programs. It is also a great way to get to know the faculty and staff, as well as the other families that make up our special Independence community. The Independence PTO provides funds to supplement the school’s budget and works with the school to continually improve the tools and technology available to students. In addition, the PTO sponsors many fun and enriching events during the school year. It provides parents with resources to keep them informed of school activities and is an unlimited source of fun and satisfaction for all those involved Independence Elementary has a very active parent - teacher organization. This organization provides a great deal of support for all of our programs. PTO offers a variety of volunteer programs for Independence. If you would like to assist with a volunteer job, please call the office at Independence to let us know or contact the appropriate PTO chairperson. The Independence PTO is a volunteer organization, and can always use your help! PTO meetings are generally held monthly at 6:00 pm on the second Tuesday of the month at the school. 19 Here are some of the events and services sponsored by the PTO: Book Fairs Staff Appreciation Buzz Book Fundraising Programs Skate Nights Spirit Wear Breakfast with Santa Technology Trunk or Treat Hip Hop Hoe Down Please contact the office if you are interested in becoming involved. Parent Involvement/Volunteers A congenial relationship between parents and teachers is essential for the complete understanding and development of the child. We encourage the participation of parents in school affairs and many teachers find parents helpful in the classroom as volunteers. Parents will be required to complete the volunteer background packet which includes a complete background check and watch the training video on-line before volunteering in their child’s classroom or attend a field trip. Parent volunteers will be required to wear a volunteer badge so they can be easily identified. Please contact the school’s office for Volunteer Training Information. Approved background checks are good for four years and will be good throughout the district schools. Room Parties Each class may have 2 class parties per year –On December 22nd and the last day of school, May 17th. If snow days occur the End of Year classroom parties will be adjusted to our new last day of school per our district calendar. Both party days are Early Release Days. Party times will be determined by teachers and administration. The staff will work in conjunction with the PTO Room Parent coordinator to ensure the class party is a time for students to enjoy. The students are required to bring $5 (cash only please) at the beginning of the school year to cover the cost of the party goods. The $5 party money will be collected by your classroom teacher. Siblings are not allowed in the classroom during class parties. Please note: If a student is signed out at the end of a party and school has not dismissed yet, the minutes will affect their attendance. To ensure the district wellness and school guidelines are being followed please note: No water games, firecrackers, tattoos, colored hair spray, etc., please. Also, we have had a problem in the past with circuit breakers tripping due to large electronic devises such as snow cone machines, smoothie machines, etc. These devices are simply not allowed to ensure that we do not experience this problem again. This can be a great disruption to our teachers and students in the classroom. Your attention in these matters is greatly appreciated. 20 School Closings/Inclement Weather/EMERGENCY -Early Dismissal If school is to be closed for any reason (usually ice or snow), it will be announced through the Francis Howell School Messenger System; school closings will also be announced on: KMOX (1120 AM), KLOU (103 FM), KWRE (730 AM), WIL/WRTH (92.3 FM and 1430 AM), KIX (106 FM), Channel 2, Channel 4, and Channel 5, our district web-site, and Facebook page. Please be sure the district has a current phone number and email address so you may receive messages from the Francis Howell School Messenger system. When it is announced that a snow schedule will be followed, buses will run about an hour late and all schools will open one hour later than usual. It is expected that this will make it possible to have school on days when road conditions improve after “rush hour”. When a snow schedule is followed, schools will be dismissed at the regular time. On days that schools are dismissed early because of worsening weather conditions, radio stations will be asked to announce how much earlier than usual buses will leave the high schools. This will indicate to parents that all students should arrive home earlier than usual. Parents who work during the day should make arrangements for someone to care for children who arrive home earlier than usual. It’s important for your child’s teacher and the office to have current phone numbers. If school is dismissed early because of worsening weather conditions or a building emergency, radio/television stations will be asked to announce dismissal times. This information will also be on e-news. This will indicate to parents that all students should arrive home much earlier than usual. Again, Parents who work during the day should make arrangements for someone to care for children who arrive home earlier than usual. It will not be possible to contact each parent by phone in the event that school closes early. Reminder: when school closes early due to weather conditions our Vacation Station program is also closed. School Day Times The school day for students is from 9:05 am to 4:05 pm. Students should not arrive before 8:55 a.m. unless they are enrolled in the Vacation Station before & after School Program. Students need to be in their classroom by 9:05 or they will be counted tardy. Students who arrive late or are checked out prior to dismissal will be counted as having a partial absence. These partial absences can accumulate into 1/2 or whole day of absence. 21 Spectra The SPECTRA program (K-12) is the Francis Howell School District’s program for gifted students. The program is an educational intervention for qualifying students, providing a differentiated, rigorous, cognitive curriculum, while giving students the opportunity to interact with intellectual peers in a supportive environment that meets their particular affective domain SPECTRA begins in kindergarten and spans through to their senior year of high school. The program provides a significant, meaningful and engaging curriculum that is challenging and rigorous for the student. Spelling Bee The Spelling Bee competitions will be held in late fall or early winter for fourth and fifth grade students. Each classroom may submit two candidates for the competition. Teachers must have a classroom competition of some kind to determine contestants. STAT (Student-Teacher Assistance Team) The STAT Team is designed to assist classroom teachers when students experience difficulty in the classroom of an academic, social or behavioral nature. A counselor is in charge of this assistance team. Student Services Programs The District provides an appropriate educational program for all students. Student services programs are offered to students who qualify for Reading Recovery (Grade 1), Learning Disabilities, Intellectually Disabled, Behavior Disorders/Emotional Disturbances, Speech Disorders (Voice, Fluency, or Articulation), Language Disorders, Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Physically/Other Health Impaired, Multiple Disabilities, Deaf/Blind, Early Childhood Special Education, and Traumatic Brain Injury. Assignment to student services programs is based on evaluation results and educational recommendations. The student’s parents or guardians have access to the results of the evaluation and participate in the determination of the educational plan. 22 Books Appropriate books will be issued to students. Students may take the textbooks home for independent study as deemed necessary by the teacher. If a textbook is lost or damaged, a fine may be assessed. Payment may be made in cash or check to the Francis Howell School District. Toys Toys are not allowed at school. The school holds no responsibility for items brought on property. Vacation Station Vacation Station is a fee based program for students who need care before and after school, anode during our breaks. Nicole Gervich is our building Vacation Station Coordinator. Please come to the main office for further program information or call 636-851-5803. Voicemail All staff members have a voicemail box available. Please check the voice mailbox directory, 851-5900, for specific numbers. Teachers will notify you regarding their preferred communication method, such as voicemail or email. Please note that teachers do not answer or check voicemails or emails during instructional times. If you have an emergency please contact the office. 23 Appendix District Calendar Movie List and Request Form Voice Level Chart Peer Mistreatment vs. Bulling Independence Elementary Expectations Aimsweb Expectations Assessment Wall Expectations & Guidelines (PRTI) Pyramid Response to Intervention Academic Attendance Behavior Behavioral Pyramid of Interventions/Key Independence Goal Setting Independence Intervention Expectations Peanut Free/Nut Free Snack List Parent Pick-up Information & Sign up Form Parent Pick-up Map Transportation Request Forms Social Media Guidelines BYOT Contract for Students PTO Committee Information PTO Volunteer Sign up Form Complaint Resolution for NCLB District Procedures Addressing Discrimination Public Notice Rights Under FERPA FERPA Form Rights Under PPRA 24 Francis Howell School District 2015-16 Student Academic Calendar The FHSD 2015-16 calendar is a 169 day calendar where students at all levels will attend on the same days. (Note: Staff should refer to work calendars for their respective employee group.) *This calendar has snow days built into it. Please avoid scheduling vacation on these days. July 2015 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 7 Sa 4 11 18 25 4 Summer Break Independence Day January 2016 S M T W Th F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 8 August 2015 S M T W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 Transition Day for Sixth Graders and Freshmen 11 28 First Day of School - All Schools Teacher Professional Development February 2016 S M T W 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 1 Sa 2 1-5 Christmas Break Continued 9 4 Teacher Work Day - No school 16 5 Teacher Professional Development Day - No school 23 30 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday - No School Th 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 2 Sa 6 13 20 27 Th 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 3 Sa 5 4 Early Release Day - EC/Elementary 12 21-28 Spring Break 19 28 Teacher Professional Development Day - No school 26 12 Teacher Professional Development Day - No school 15 Presidents' Day - No School F 4 11 18 25 9 Sa 5 12 19 26 F 2 9 16 23 30 10 Sa 3 2 EC/ Elementary Early Release Day 10 12-19 Fall Break 17 19 Teacher Professional Development Day - No school 24 31 April 2016 S M T W Th F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 4 Sa 2 9 16 23 30 November 2015 S M T W Th 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 F 6 13 20 27 11 Sa 7 3 Teacher Professional Development Day - No school 14 21 25-27 Thanksgiving Break - No School 28 May 2016 S M T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 W 4 11 18 25 Th 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 5 Sa 16 7 17 14 21 30 28 18-27 31 December 2015 S M T W Th 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 F 4 11 18 25 12 Sa 5 21 12 22 19 26 23-31 June 2016 S M T W 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 September 2015 S M T W Th 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 October 2015 S M T W Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 7 18 Labor Day - No School Teacher Professional Development Day - No school Early Release Day - Secondary Early Release Day - EC/Elementary & Secondary Christmas Break (through Jan. 5) March 2016 S M T W 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 6 Sa 4 11 18 25 1 4 Early Release Day - Secondary Early Release Day - EC/Elementary & Secondary/ Last Day of School Memorial Day *Possible Snow Make-Up Days *Possible Snow Make-Up Day *Possible Snow Make-Up Day Graduation - FHHS, FHC, FHN Francis Howell School District Student Calendar 2015-16 The 2015-16 calendar is very similar to the previous school year’s calendar with some minor changes, made as a result of input solicited from various stakeholders within the District. The 169 day calendar follows the same format where students at all levels will attend on the same days. First and Last Day of School Early Release Days Early Childhood & Elementary Secondary Transition Day August 6 First Day of School August 11 October 2 December 21 Last Day of School May 17 December 22 December 22 March 4 May 16 May 17 May 17 Graduation Day FHU/ALC/MO Options TBD FHC, FHN, FHHS June 4 Seasonal Breaks Teacher Professional Development Days* August 7 November 3 August 28 January 5 Fall October 12-19 September 18 February 12 Christmas December 23 – January 5 October 19 March 28 Spring March 21-28 *School is not in session on these dates. Holidays - School Not In Session Snow Day Make-Up Schedule** Labor Day September 7 1) May 18 6) May 25 Thanksgiving Observed November 25-27 2) May 19 7) May 26 Christmas December 25 3) May 20 8) May 27 Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 18 4) May 23 9) May 31 Presidents' Day February 15 5) May 24 10) June 1 Good Friday March 25 **The District calendar has snow days built into it. Please Memorial Day May 30 avoid scheduling vacation on these days. Below is a list of movies that the different grades/areas have shown in the past. It is the district/building policy that we gain parent permission to show any unrated, G and PG movies in the classroom. Although there is no exact date, or guarantee that the grades/areas will show ALL these movies, we are asking for you to review the list. All movies listed are educationally unrated or G. Movies that are PG are noted after the movie title. You are welcome to preview any movie from the list in the Independence office by appointment. Titles correlate with the stories and curriculum taught in class. Other videos are used as a resource when teaching social studies, science, and health. Please contact your classroom or special area teacher, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We are asking that you sign the attached slip if you DO NOT give your child permission to experience these extra opportunities to enhance the themes they are learning about in class. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education. Kindergarten United Streaming Brainpop Junior Magic School Bus Series Dr. Seuss Series 1st grade Berenstain bears series Arthur series Franklin series Dr. Seuss series Magic School Bus series Charlie Brown series Clifford the big red dog series Caldecott classics series Reading rainbow series I want to be a sea captain I want to be an astronaut Awesome mining Road construction ahead The Polar Express Timeless tales—the Ugly duckling The six pillars of character (popcorn park) Little bear (Paramount) Charlotte’s web (Paramount) Olive, the other reindeer (20th century fox) Curious George (Universal) Wild animal adventures in Asia (National Geo.) Frosty the snowman Click, Clack, Moo Chrysanthemum Pete’s a Pizza Harry the Dirty Dog Bear Snores On Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom Good Night, Gorilla 2nd Grade National Geographic “Really Wild Animals” series. Magic School Bus series Children’s Encyclopedia “Tell Me Why” series “Amazing Animals” series Fern Gully (Rainforest) Bill Nye, the Science Guy series United Streaming Brain Pop Tumble Books Book Pals American Hero Classics “Good Character” series Berenstain Bears series (character traits) Franklin series Reading Rainbow Stories by Dr. Seuss Charlotte’s Web Homeward Bound Tarzan II Polar Express AnnaBelle’s Wish Spirit Babe Happily Never After 3rd Grade Continued Polar Express School House Rock Series Science Court Secret of Nimh Smoke Detective Stone Fox Stranger Safety Tell Me Why Series United States Constitution United States Symbols United Streaming Wallace & Gromit *above movie is about inventions What is Government? Willy Wonka & the Choc. Factory 4th Grade Tom Sawyer Little House on the Prairie 3rd Grade Indian in the Cupboard – PG American Citizenship Sarah, Plain and Tall – PG American Rock Skylark Bill Nye, The Science Guy Series City of Ember – PG Charlie Brown Movies Charlie and the Chocolate Charlotte’s Web Factory Chocolate Fever United Streaming Cloudy with a Chance if Meatballs Magic School Bus Series Despereaux Bill Nye Science Guy Video Dr. Seuss Movies Series Earth Day Special Reading Rainbow Series Econ & Me Yeh Shen A Cinderella Story Everyone’s Hero Ramona and Beezus Eyewitness Videos Oregon Trail Federal, State and Local GovernmentCharlie BrownFern Gully Trans Continental Railroad Garbage Day Science Court Great Inventors Horton Hears a Who Healthy Body History of American Government How to Eat Fried Worms Internet Safety Mayflower Voyagers 5th Grade Memorial Day Bill Nye-Science Series-4th and Money Rock 5th grade Our American Landscape United States HistoryPage Master Colonization Plant Adaptations United States HistoryPlant Life Cycles American Revolution Below is a list of movies that the different grades/areas have shown in the past. It is the district/building policy that we gain parent permission to show any unrated, G and PG movies in the classroom. Although there is no exact date, or guarantee that the grades/areas will show ALL these movies, we are asking for you to review the list. All movies listed are educationally unrated or G. Movies that are PG are noted after the movie title. You are welcome to preview any movie from the list in the Independence office by appointment. Titles correlate with the stories and curriculum taught in class. Other videos are used as a resource when teaching social studies, science, and health. Please contact your classroom or special area teacher, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We are asking that you sign the attached slip if you DO NOT give your child permission to experience these extra opportunities to enhance the themes they are learning about in class. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education. 5th Grade ContinuedUnited States History –A new Nation A More Perfect Union (constitution) Liberty Kids Revolutionary War Series Changing Weather Science Court-Newton’s Laws and Weather, Space ButterCreamGangcharacter/class community Because of Winn DixieLiterature-whole class book Felicity-13 colonies-Loyalists and Patriots Sign of the Beaver-Literaturewhole class book School House Rock SeriesGrammar and Government Native Americans Magic School Bus –All Series ThePolarExpress Shiloh Pictures of Hollis Woods Old Yeller Holes Disney’s Earth Special Education United Streaming Brainpop Jr. National Geographic TumbleBooks Scholastic Story book Series Music Primary Grades Symphantasy Tubby the Tuba Willie the Operatic Whale Beauty and the Beast Snoopy the Musical Music Primary Grades – Con’t Magic School Bus: Inside the Haunted House Aladdin Make Mine Music Kidsongs Sing-Along Videos The Nutcracker Marsalis on Music Disney Sing Alongs Elmo’s Musical Adventures Wildlife Symphony Meet the Instruments Emotions in Music BLAST Danse Macabre Families of the Orchestra Carnival of the Animals Gift of Hope (Tony Melendez, armless guitar player, used during Abilities Awareness Week) That’s Entertainment Pts 1 & 2 Barrage – The World On Stage Animusic & Animusic 2 Sesame St. Sing Along Video Series Hop ‘Till You Drop John McCutcheon Live – folk music Music Magic Textbook Series Videos Kids Make Music Children’s Songs Around the World Green Eggs & Ham & Other Stories This Is America, Charlie Brown Series There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly Peter and the Wolf The Steadfast Tin Soldier Intermediate Grades - Music Movie List Symphantasy - G Magic School Bus: Inside the Haunted House - EDU Aladdin - G Camp Rock - G Chipmunk Adventure - G A Goofy Movie - G The Composer Specials - EDU BLAST - G Danse Macabre - G Sound of Music Riverdance The Nutcracker Gift of Hope (Tony Melendez, armless guitar player, used during Abilities Awareness Week) That’s Entertainment Pts 1 & 2 Barrage – The World On Stage Animusic & Animusic 2 John McCutcheon Live – folk music Making Music Textbook Series Videos Introduction to Musical Notation Clearvue Music Appreciation Videos How to Read Music Folk Rhythms – Learn to Play the Spoons Pop Music in the 20th Century Series Clearvue Instruments of the Orchestra Series This Is America, Charlie Brown Series Counselors The Relaxation Station The Boy Who Was Swallowed by the Drug Monster Super Study Skills Trevor Romaine Collection Stop Bullying Now The Safe Side Series Get into the Game: Rams Character Education Video Below is a list of movies that the different grades/areas have shown in the past. It is the district/building policy that we gain parent permission to show any unrated, G and PG movies in the classroom. Although there is no exact date, or guarantee that the grades/areas will show ALL these movies, we are asking for you to review the list. All movies listed are educationally unrated or G. Movies that are PG are noted after the movie title. You are welcome to preview any movie from the list in the Independence office by appointment. Titles correlate with the stories and curriculum taught in class. Other videos are used as a resource when teaching social studies, science, and health. Please contact your classroom or special area teacher, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. We are asking that you sign the attached slip if you DO NOT give your child permission to experience these extra opportunities to enhance the themes they are learning about in class. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education. Counselors ContinuedNatural High: Drug Abuse Prevention Sooper Puppy Series We Can Work it Out: Conflict Resolution Kids tell Kids What it is like When a Family Member has Cancer Three Friends Human Race Club Series The Power of One Sunburst Series The Puzzle Place Series Focus on the Family Series This is Only a Test! Test Taking Series 1 Art Movies – Primary Level United Streaming Art’s Place- Color, Making Space, Drawing Lines, Taking Shape, Texture and Surfaces Reading Rainbow Series Magic School Bus Series Lines in Art Basic Cartooning A to Z Blitz Cartooning series Squiggles Dots and Lines Seseame Street Don’t Eat the Pictures Blues Clues Arts and Crafts Blues Clues Shapes and Colors Linnea Monets Garden Chinese New Year Lascaux Revisted Matisse Patterns and Paper Art Movies -Intermediate Level Educational unrated-Getting to Know the Artist Series Educational unrated- Faith Ringgold The Last Story Quilt Educational unrated-Faith Ringgold I Can Fly Part 2 Educational unratedDropping in with Rousseau Educational unratedLeonardo Da Vinci Educational unrated-Linnea in Monets Garden Educational unrated-Chihuly over Venice Educational unrated-Who is the Artist Series? Educational unrated-Reading Rainbow Series Educational unrated-Lascaux Revisted Cave Art Educational unrated-Masks from Many Cultures Educational unrated-Egypt the Quest for Immortality in Ancient Egypt Educational unrated-Chinese New Year Educational unrated-PBS Pyramid Educational unrated-Let’s Explore the World of Houses Educational unratedTechniques of Art Series Educational unrated-Basic Cartooning A to Z Educational unrated-Basic Cartooning Release 2 for Beginning Cartoonists Educational unrated-Blitz Cartooning Series Educational unrated-Lines in Art Educational unrated-Color in Art Educational unrated-United Streaming Physical Education Videos Baseball Blunders Chicken Fat-The Youth Fitness Christy Lane’s Party Dances Christy Lane’s Line Dances Geo Motion Circuit Fun Hip Hop for Kids Juggle Time Just Jump! MelAimee ChineseJump Rope Show Me Bloopers Soccer Bloopers Super Duper Sport Bloopers The Best of NFL Follies XTreme Games XTreme Sports After reviewing the 2015-2016 movie list for my child’s grade level, I Do NOT want my child watching these titles when applicable in class. Child Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Grade:_________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Teacher:_______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ Child Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Grade:_________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Teacher:_______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Child Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Grade:_________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Teacher:_______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************* Child Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Grade:_________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Teacher:_______________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ Voice Level Chart Voice Level 0 1 2 3 What Does It Sound Like? Silent No Sound Whisper Only person next to you can hear you Talking Neighbors at table groups can hear you Outside Voice Everyone can hear you Where Is It Used? Classroom (tests, when others are talking, independent work) Assemblies Hallway Drills (fire, tornado, intruder) Restroom Cafeteria-While lining up Classroom (group work, partner work) Cafeteria-while eating Bus Parent Pick-Up Classroom (sharing ideas, asking a question, responding to someone from a distance) Gym Class Indoor Recess Classroom (celebrations) Playground Peer Mistreatment vs. Bullying… What’s the Difference? Peer Mistreatment Normal Conflict is not Bullying Characteristics of normal peer conflict vary with age and developmental levels. Normal conflict includes: o Teasing o Arguing o Concerns related to fairness Bullying Bullying is the intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict physical, emotional or mental suffering on another individual or group of individuals. Bullying Occurs when a student: o Exhibits behavior that meets the legal definition of bullying: persistent situations that involve power imbalance between students as well as physical or social aggression-gossip, social exclusion, cyber bullying and crimes such as racial/ethnic discrimination, sexual harassment, hazing and civil rights violations. o Communicates with another by any means including telephone, writing, cyber bullying, or via electronic communications, with the intent to intimidate, or inflict physical, emotional, or mental harm without legitimate purpose, or physical contacts another person with the intent to intimidate or to inflict physical, emotional, or mental harm without legitimate purpose. Physical contact does not require physical touching, although may be included. Independence Elementary Expectations Respect All Areas Honesty Friendship • • Take care of materials and belongings Have school-appropriate conversations • Tell the whole truth and take ownership of your actions • • Use kind words Include others • • • • • Ask before using someone else’s materials • Help classmates as needed Allow others to be different Hallway • Voice level 0 Wave/smile to friends or adults Restroom Respect privacy Voice level 0 Turn in lost items to the office Use walking feet Go into the restroom only to use the restroom or wash hands • • • • • • • • • • Stay on task Finish assignments/homework Help keep classroom/area clean Do your own work Use electronic devices appropriately and with care Walk in a straight line Go directly to assigned area Keep floors clean Use facility appropriately and quickly Pick up and throw away trash Wash your hands with soap and water Promptly return to class • • Keep hands/feet to self Follow all adult directions Be polite Use appropriate voice level Follow the Universal Quiet Signal Be an active listener Respect school property and all materials Voice level 0, 1, or 2 • Take turns at the sink Presentations • • Sit on your bottom Voice level 0 • • Stay with your class and in your space Listen and respond to the presenter • Use the restroom only in an emergency • Encourage friends to listen and stay quiet Playground • • • • Report problems or injuries when they happen • • Cheer for everyone Play fair Cafeteria • Voice level 2 • Take only what you need • Use table manners Bus • Voice level 2 Play only recess games Use equipment appropriately Line up when whistle is blown, stand facing forward, Voice Level 0 Keep electronic devices off and in classroom Stay seated Get permission before getting out of seat Eat only your food Keep electronic devices off and in classroom Keep all belongings in backpack Take all of your belongings with you when you leave Sit in assigned seat Seat to seat/Back to back Remember Parent Pick-Up card Sit by your assigned number Listen for your name and go outside promptly • • • Take care of recess equipment and materials Take turns and share Voice level 3 • Report problems to the driver • Help other members of your bus family • Report problems to an adult • Wave/smile to friends or adults Classroom Parent Pick-Up • • • • • • • Responsibility • Voice level 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Aimsweb Expectations 2015-2016 Progress Monitoring All students in a communication arts intervention will be monitored weekly through AIMS web progress monitoring The person providing the intervention or the classroom teacher, will be responsible for administering the progress monitoring tool Non-classroom teachers need to e-mail progress monitoring data to classroom teachers after each probe Progress monitoring should take place all 4 quarters Kindergarten & First Grade All students in the red and lower yellow tier will need to be progress monitored on a weekly basis o If other data supports students are meeting current expectations PM is not needed 4 sub-tests: Decisions regarding individual and team interventions on most essential/appropriate skills will be based on student need Grades 2-5 All students in red and lower yellow tier will need to be progress monitored on a weekly basis, this includes both fluency and comprehension Please note: If you PM a student in fluency for 6 weeks and they make minimal progress, BUT you feel they can read, comprehend and respond to grade level text you may stop PM after the initial 6 week period. With that being said, it would be appropriate to check in on their fluency during guided reading and/or intervention. Assessment Wall Expectations & Guidelines 2015-2016 Why assessment walls? To track student’s reading progress through guided reading To help guide your reading instruction for small groups SIP- action step-monitor student growth & achievement Use as a problem solving tool to help support teachers/students in reading instruction Intervention trigger When will assessment wall meetings be held? Melinda will set quarterly dates for data collection, meetings will be held after data has been compiled Literacy Coach and reading teachers will be present if applicable How will I track my data? Mastery Connect per district literacy coordinator What will I need for the assessment wall discussion? your students current INDEPENDENT reading level Running records (formal/informal), benchmark tests, anecdotal notes, observations What will I need to do in order to move a child on the assessment wall? Running record assessment (formal or informal running records in GR) Paper/pencil assessment Anecdotal notes/observations Record of data used to show student progress Independence Elementary – PRTI (Pyramid Response to Intervention) Tier 3 Intensive Interventions (5%) Triggers Focus Math STAT fIEP/504 SEGA/Spectra Reading Recovery Lack of Progress Tier 2 Interventions STAR Small Group Counseling Small Group Extensions Challenge Crew Literacy Groups Tier 2 – Supplemental Interventions (15%) Triggers Assessment Wall/ DRA2 Aimsweb PM/ District Quarterlies Unit Summatives Envision Topic Assessments/Diagnosis & Intervention System Supports for All Students Tier 1 – Core Program (80%) Differentiated Instruction Study Island Guided Reading Groups Crew Time Guidance Counselors School Structures Triggers Assessment Wall /DRA2 Aimsweb District Quarterlies Unit Summatives Re-Teaching Envision Topic Assessments Student Recognition Class Meetings PLC Town Hall ISIT PALS Data Team Common Plan Time Instructional Day Guidelines Vertical Team Character Connection STAT Summer School Firecrackers/Rockets Speech / Language Interventions Michael Haggerty (Pre-K/K) Flexible Grouping Target Time Resource Menu Common Core Curriculum Goal Setting Literacy By Design District/State Assessments Envisions Balanced Literacy Grade Level Common Assessments Phonemic Awareness (Michael Haggerty-K) November 2014 Key TESP-Therapeutic Educational Support Program ESC-Educational Support Counselor STAT-Student Teacher Assistance Team FBA-Functional Behavior Assessment BIP-Behavior Intervention Plan PLC-Professional Learning Communities 504- A student with a disability is eligible for a Tier 3 – Intensive, Individual Interventions (Effective for 0-1% of students with 6+ Office Referrals) Independence Elementary Behavioral Pyramid of Interventions Special Education Referral/Evaluation TESP Program ESC Referral Crisis and/or Mental Health Counseling Referral 504 Determination Section 504 Accommodation plan if he or she requires accommodations in order to have equal access to the educational programs. Tier 2 – Targeted Group (At-Risk) (Effective for 2-6% of students with 4-5 ODRs) Monitor progress for 3-4 weeks and make adjustments as needed Strategies-(Consider increasing frequency before Tier III) Meet with Parents/Guardians STAT Process for Problem Solving Counseling Groups Counselor’s ‘Watch List’ Mentor/Buddy (peer or adult) FBA Identify Triggers and BIP to Address Needs Goal Setting Behavioral Contract including goals-School and Home (reg. parent contact on progress) Check-In and/or Out with adult mentor Bus Buddy for buses in need of extra support Individual classroom interventions (behavior check sheets, etc) Positive Intervention Support Plan Tier 1 – Implement for All Students in All Settings (Effective for 93% of students with 0-3 Office Referrals) Common Language for all (Eagle Expectations Matrix) Expectations scoring guide created to define 4 Core Character words Four Common Character Words to serve as reminders for expectations (Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Friendship) Expectations Defined for all Areas and Shared with All Stakeholders Minor/Major List Created/Defined and shared with all stakeholders. Parent Involvement Individual Modifications as needed(intervention binder for behavior) Implementation of Board Approved Code of Conduct Guidance Lessons Class Meetings Peaceful Playground Strategies used to help solve playground issues PLC “Student Talk” to brainstorm intervention strategies (no names mentioned) Parent Contacted by principal after one or more office referrals Parent contacted by teacher when there is a repetitive minor offense Town Hall Meetings utilizing the Character Education pacing guide Classroom Management plans in place Independence Goal Setting 2015-2016 Goal setting alignment School Improvement Goal PLC Goal Class Goal Individual Student Goal Goal Setting Expectations • Classroom and individual goals are set quarterly in both Math and ELA • Goals state what the student will learn/understand or be able to DO • Goals should be referenced often during lessons • Classroom and individual goals should align with the SIP • Goals should be visible and posted in your classroom for easy monitoring by both student and teacher; students should be able to explain their goal (shows understanding) • Goals should be monitored frequently (weekly/bi-weekly) • Goal setting is a best practice • Feedback is essential, recognize and celebrate student growth Independence Intervention Expectations 2015-2016 Interventions will be selected from the Independence Target Time and Independence Target Time Strategies and Programs Menu Teachers will provide strategic, planned interventions for 150 minutes each week. When do interventions begin for the year: o 1st day of school is August 11th o Teacher should begin intervening with individual kids or small groups within their own classrooms kids during the week of August 24th Flex-grouping intervention groups will begin the week of: o August 31st November 2nd January 11th April 4th Interventions: o Students placed into an intervention should qualify through a balance of multiple sources of data, which may include: AIMS Web Screener (all red students & possibly those below the “target” line) AIMS data is only valid for 3 weeks after the assessment was given Assessment Wall District U of S Assessments (K-5) District Math Assessment (K-5) Teacher observation, anecdotal notes Teacher/Grade Level created assessments o Tier 2 & Tier 3 Interventions could be provided by: Certified Staff Members STAR Parents Para Professionals when available o Parents, A+ Students, PALS, etc. will be used for Tier 1 re-teaching vs. strategic intervention o Tier 3 interventions should be provided by: Certified Staff Members Progress Monitoring: o ELA See Aimsweb Expectations o Math Focus Math is the primary resource for students in Tier 3 Envision is the primary resource for students in Tier 2 CC will occur 30 minutes bi-monthly, when possible. This additional planning time will provide planning time for grade levels to analyze data, gather resources, make adjustments to interventions, and plan for instruction as a team. o PLC Teams must have an agenda (e-mail to Emily) for this additional plan time in order to verify need. o Team can choose to use Character Connection time when needed or cancel when not needed. o If 2 or more team members are absent, please reschedule this time. o Substitute teachers need to help with supervision when the classroom teacher is absent and the students have CC time. Independence Intervention Expectations 2015-2016 Interventions will be selected from the Independence Target Time and Independence Target Time Strategies and Programs Menu Teachers will provide strategic, planned interventions for 150 minutes each week. When do interventions begin for the year: o 1st day of school is August 11th o Teacher should begin intervening with individual kids or small groups within their own classrooms kids during the week of August 24th Flex-grouping intervention groups will begin the week of: o August 31st November 2nd January 11th April 4th Interventions: o Students placed into an intervention should qualify through a balance of multiple sources of data, which may include: AIMS Web Screener (all red students & possibly those below the “target” line) AIMS data is only valid for 3 weeks after the assessment was given Assessment Wall District U of S Assessments (K-5) District Math Assessment (K-5) Teacher observation, anecdotal notes Teacher/Grade Level created assessments o Tier 2 & Tier 3 Interventions could be provided by: Certified Staff Members STAR Parents Para Professionals when available o Parents, A+ Students, PALS, etc. will be used for Tier 1 re-teaching vs. strategic intervention o Tier 3 interventions should be provided by: Certified Staff Members Progress Monitoring: o ELA See Aimsweb Expectations o Math Focus Math is the primary resource for students in Tier 3 Envision is the primary resource for students in Tier 2 CC will occur 30 minutes bi-monthly, when possible. This additional planning time will provide planning time for grade levels to analyze data, gather resources, make adjustments to interventions, and plan for instruction as a team. o PLC Teams must have an agenda (e-mail to Emily) for this additional plan time in order to verify need. o Team can choose to use Character Connection time when needed or cancel when not needed. o If 2 or more team members are absent, please reschedule this time. o Substitute teachers need to help with supervision when the classroom teacher is absent and the students have CC time. Dear Parents: If you are interested in utilizing our Parent Pick-up for the 2015-2016 school year please follow the four following steps. 1) 2) 3) 4) Complete the attached form Send in a copy of your current driver’s license Turn your forms into your child’s teacher Once you receive your PPU cards back from your teacher, please review guidelines on back of your blue Parent Pick-up cards Please turn in your paperwork to your student’s teacher so we may process your request and get these sent back home with your child. Once the teacher receives, they will forward it onto the office for processing. We will be happy to make a copy of your driver’s license in the office if necessary. Forms must have a copy of the parent/guardian’s valid driver’s license in order to process the Parent Pick-up forms. We will return your Parent Pick-up cards through your child’s book bag. This will ensure your cards will be sent to you in a timely fashion. Please be sure to check your child’s book bag once information is sent in. The turnaround time to process the paperwork is generally 24 to 48 hours. Parent Pick-up paperwork and the yellow car cards from last school year will NOT be valid for the 2015-2016 school year. Once registered for Parent Pick-up, your student/s will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m. to the curb of the back parking lot. Parents do not leave their cars. You must be registered for Parent Pick-up for students to utilize this pick up dismissal procedure. You may register for daily Parent Pick-up or specific days of the week. Some parents opt for a “varied schedule”. In this case you would send a note to your child’s teacher requesting that your child be sent to Parent Pick-up on that particular day of school. Please be sure to mark and clarify what days your child will be participating in the Parent Pick-up program. Again, please be sure to include a copy of your driver license when returning your Parent Pick-up form to school. You may stop into the school office at any time to pick up an order form between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Only one set of paperwork is necessary per family. Please feel free to call the office for any questions at 636-851-5900. Thank you, Independence Elementary Starting Date: _______________________ Teacher/s: __________________________ Parent Pick-Up 2015 – 2016 Student/s: _____________________________________________________ Days to be picked up: M T W Th F Varied – will send a note Name of person/s Authorized to pick up Student/s Relationship to Student Cell Phone (Home # if no Cell Available) DO NOT RELEASE TO: (Must have legal documentation on file.) _________________________________________________________________________________ If someone other than the parent is picking up your child, it is the parent’s responsibility to give the Parent Pick Up card to that person. __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent has completed the above paperwork and by signing is agreeing to the guidelines on the attached sheet. Please keep guidelines in a safe place for reference. Parent Signature _____________________________________________ Date _________________ You must submit Parent Pick-Up form with copy of valid driver’s license. Students Riding Different Buses Please be reminded that the Francis Howell School District assigns only one bus per student to ride either to school, or home from school. During the year numerous request are received asking permission for students to ride a different bus to/from school for a variety of reasons: babysitting after school activities, going to a friend’s house, dual households, etc. Request for students to ride a different bus to school or home from school will be considered on a caseby-case basis. District office requires a written request from parents 2 days prior to the need. Approval or denial will be determined on a several factors but the main consideration will be the frequency of the need. Request made after the 2 days will be referred to the schools where proof of identity can be determined quickly. To implement and manage the student transportation system and provide the safest possible service to all students, this policy/practice has been and will continue to be strictly enforced. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in providing safe and effective transportation for your students. Mike Sloan Transportation Francis Howell School District FRANCIS HOWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 4545 Central School Road ▪ St. Charles, MO 63304-7113 Phone: 636-851-4129 ▪ Fax: 636-851-4091 2 Parent Bus Transportation Request Form 2/3 Days Advanced Notice Required Please Attach Parenting Plan Please Print Today’s Date: ___________________________________________________ Date Requested to Start: ____________________________________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: __________________________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: __________________________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: __________________________________ School (s): _______________________________________________ Mom’s - Address: _________________________________________________ Dad’s – Address: __________________________________________________ (District Office Will Fill-in) Please Leave Blank Slot # & P/U Time/Mom: ____________________ Please Leave Blank Slot # & P/U Time/Dad: _____________________ Please Print Parent Making Request: ______________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________________ Parent Contact Number: _________________________________________ Return To: Ann M. Clayton – 636-851-4129 Fax Number: 636-851-4091 FRANCIS HOWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 4545 Central School Road ▪ St. Charles, MO 63304-7113 Phone: 636-851-4129 ▪ Fax: 636-851-4091 AM/PM Transportation Request Form 2/3 Days Advanced Notice Required Please Print Today’s Date: ___________________________________________________ Date(s) Requested For Transportation to Start: ______________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: _________________________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: _________________________________ Student Name - I/D # & Grade Level: _________________________________ School Name: ________________________________ AM - Address: ____________________________________________________ PM – Address: ____________________________________________________ (District Office Will Fill-in) AM/ -- Slot # & P/U Time: ____________________ PM/ -- Slot # & P/U Time: _____________________ Please Print Parent Making Request: ______________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________________ Parent Contact Number: _________________________________________ Return To: Ann M. Clayton – 636-851-4129 Fax Number: 636-851-4091 HELPFUL TIPS • Be transparent. How you represent yourself online is an extension of yourself. • Share your expertise. Write what you know and be accurate. POLICY 6335 - ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION AND/OR SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES • Use spell check and avoid common abbreviations • Encourage readership by posting regularly. The Board of Education recognizes the role that communication and collaboration between employees and students plays in the educational process and experience. The Board further recognizes that the advancement of electronic communication and/or social media technologies creates greater opportunity for interactions • Respect copyright and fair use guidelines. • Online postings and conversations are not private. Do not write about colleagues or students without their expressed permission. • Do not post or tag photos or movies of others without their permission. between employees and students. The Board requires that all electronic communications between employees and students be of a professional nature, be school-related, have content that is appropriate both for the particular communications medium used and the audience addressed, and do not violate any provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). • Be respectful for others’ opinions in your posts or comments. Employees, parents, and students reflect a diverse set of customs, values and points of view. SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES Dos and Don’ts of Social Media in the Francis Howell School District PURPOSE OF SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES The Francis Howell School District (FHSD) realizes that part of 21st century learning is adapting to the changing methods of communication. The importance of teachers, students and parents engaging, collaborating, learning and sharing in these digital environments is a part of 21st century learning. To this aim, the Francis Howell School District has adopted the following guidelines to provide direction for instructional employees, students and the school district community when participating in online social media activities. The FHSD social media guidelines encourage employees to participate in online social activities both personally and professionally. However, these guidelines have been created as a resource for you. It is important to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability, keeping in mind that information produced by Francis Howell School District employees is a reflection on the entire District and is subject to the District's Acceptable Use Policy. WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Social Media is user created content online designed in a collaborative environment where users share opinions, knowledge, and information. Tools include, but are not limited to: • Blogs (Blogger, WordPress, Twitter, etc.) • Wikis (Wikispaces, Google Sites, etc.) • Social Networking sites (Facebook, Ning, MySpace, Edmodo, etc.) • Photo and Video Sharing sites (SchoolTube, YouTube, Flickr, etc.) • Social Bookmarking (Diigo, Delicious, etc.) • Podcasting and Vodcasting PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY The lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in the digital world. By virtue of identifying yourself as a FHSD employee online, you are connected to colleagues, students, parents and the school community. Material that employees post on social networks, that is publicly available to those in the school community, must reflect the professional image applicable to the employee’s position and not impair the employee’s capacity to maintain the respect of students and parents/guardians or impair the employee’s ability to serve as a role model for children. • Do - Employees that wish to communicate with students via social media, regarding school related activities, must do so with a professional account tied to his/her FHSD email address. • Do - Familiarize yourself with the appropriate security settings for any social media (personal and professional) that you may use. Be sure that the settings are such that any personal content may only be viewed by your intended audience. • Do - Ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work at FHSD. Your online behavior should reflect the same standards of honesty, respect, and consideration that you use face-to-face. • Do - Remember that social media in the classroom is an extension of your physical classroom. What is inappropriate in your classroom should be deemed inappropriate online. • Do - Be mindful that what you publish will be public for a long time—protect your privacy. FHSD employees are personally responsible for the content they publish online. • Do - It is the responsibility of the employee to immediately report to their supervisor any inappropriate electronic communication, whether initiated by the student or someone else. • Don’t - Engaging in social media friendships using a personal account on social media sites is prohibited with students (unless the employee and student are related), and strongly discouraged with parents or guardians of students. •Don’t - Use of e-mail, text messaging, instant messaging or social media sites to discuss with a student a matter that does not pertain to school related activities is prohibited. Appropriate discussions would include the student’s homework, class activity, school sport or club, or other school-sponsored activity. •Don’t - Employees are prohibited from discussing students on any social media site and from posting photos of any students on personal sites. • Don’t - When contributing online, do not violate any provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). • Don’t - Employees are prohibited from posting confidential or proprietary information about the District, its employees, students or agents on social media and personal websites. In addition, employees shall not use District logos or images, etc., on personal sites. *When posting online, even with strict settings, you should assume that all information is public domain. PTO - H e l p W a n t e d There are many ways to get involved at Independence Elementary by volunteering through the Parent Teacher Organization. This is a list of many activities the PTO coordinates. Every event needs multiple volunteers and an event coordinator. We hope you will consider helping with one or more of these activities. Whether you have 1 hour to help or would like to coordinate an activity, we would love to work with you! Adopt a Family – Coordinate with classes to collect gifts, clothing and household items for families in the St. Charles area. Time frame – late Oct./early Dec. Coordinator time required is 8-10 hours total. Basket Raffle – Collect items from each classroom and assemble into baskets. Last year was held during the Spring Book Fair. Coordinator time required is 15-20 hours. Buzz Book – Student/family phone & email directory (including sections by class). Coordinator time required is 15-20 hours at the beginning of the school year (completed by late September). Red Cross Blood Drive – Assist with getting volunteers and help the Red Cross with the event. Dates are usually September and March (or around the time of parent teacher conferences). Coordinator time required is 5 hours each date. BoxTops for Education – Communicate with students/teachers to encourage contributions of BoxTops. Administer quarterly contests between grade levels. Prepare BoxTops for shipping 23 times a year. Coordinator time required is 1-2 hours monthly. Breakfast with Santa – Approximately 500 – 600 children and adults attend the catered pancake breakfast (usually the first Saturday in December). They can then visit with Santa, participate in craft activities, and shop the Holiday Mart. We have a step-by-step plan to help you run this event. Coordinator time required (including planning and organizing) is 2025 hours. Computer Lab Volunteers – Assist students during class time in the computer lab. You can volunteer at a set time every week/month or on an as needed basis. Copy Room Volunteers – Make copies for teachers and staff. Help organize and stock the copy room. You can volunteer at a set time every week/month or on an as needed basis. Fall Fund Raiser – Students are given catalogs of popular items (including cookie dough) to sell to friends and family. This is our main source of income and is vital to the services we provide the school. The coordinator works with the fundraising company to hold the kickoff meeting, placing orders, product delivery and pickup. The fundraiser begins in August with product pickup in early September. Coordinator time required is 30-35 hours. Holiday Mart – Local vendors, including Independence students, rent and run booths providing a variety of products. Usually scheduled for first Saturday in December in conjunction with Breakfast with Santa. Coordinator time required is 10 – 15 hours. Hospitality Committee – This group plans and hosts a teacher appreciation luncheon in the fall, Secretaries Week in April and activities for Teacher Appreciation week in May. They also help plan/prepare a meal for the teachers 1 night during the fall and again during spring conferences along with miscellaneous staff events. Coordinator time required 10-12 hours for each major event. Holiday Tree – Set up/decorate the Christmas tree in the atrium the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving and then take it down over the cycle break. 1 – 2 people can handle this in a couple hours each set-up/ take-down. Landscape Committee – Plant flowers in the pots at the front, side and café entrances before school starts. Keep flowers looking nice until frost. Plant new flowers in spring. Help keep the weeds pulled in the front landscape areas. Coordinator time required 10-15 hours spread throughout the year. Library Volunteer – Help put books away, and help keep the library organized. As needed, help students find books. You can volunteer at a set time every week/month or come in as your schedule allows. The schedule is coordinated by our librarian. Lunch Greeter – Volunteers will sit in the atrium at the Welcome Desk to greet those coming to eat lunch with a student. You will assist them in signing in and directing them to the Café. Time required each day is 3 hours. You can volunteer on a weekly/monthly basis. Coordinator time required is 4-5 hours at the beginning of the year and then follow-up as needed. Marquee Volunteer – Change/update messages on the sign weekly or as needed. The office will determine the message; they just need some one to put it on the sign. Time required is 1 hour each week. Movie Night – Coordinate 4-6 family movies for Family Movie Night. Coordinate concession/snacks for sale. Coordinator time required 4-5 hours per event. Volunteers are needed for selling the snacks. Papa Johns/DQ Coordinator – Need someone for an hour each month to distribute flyers and stickers in the teacher’s mailboxes and to notify the teacher who is the pizza party winner. Popcorn Popper - As needed to pop popcorn as a reward for classrooms when they earn 250 Eagle Eyes. Prepackaged School Supplies – Provide students with a convenient way to purchase next year’s school supplies at a reasonable price. Coordinator time required is 2-3 hours of planning in January, 3-4 hours in March/April to get orders from students, and 8-10 hours in May when the orders come in. Other volunteers are needed to help distribute the orders the last week of May. PTO Information Board – Need someone with a little creativity and flair (maybe a scrap booker) to keep the information on PTO activities up to date on the board in the entryway. Time required 1-2 hours monthly. May be done after school hours. Skate Night – Coordinate 4-8 events per year at local skating rink. Most of the work is done by the Skating Rink. Coordinator time required per event is 2-3 hours. Spirit Sales – Selling Independence items, mostly t-shirts and hoodies, to help build school spirit. The items are set out for sale at Open House and orders are taken and filled quarterly. We need help with organizing, selling and inventorying the items. You can volunteer by event. Coordinator time required is 1-2 hours quarterly and 4-5 hours at the beginning of the year. Trunk and Treat – A FUN family event held in the school front parking lot the Friday before Halloween. Volunteers are needed for decorating, to help with parking, gathering prize donations for car and costume winners, organizing a D.J., parking pass and pizza sales, ordering and picking up pizzas. Coordinator time required is 15-20 hours. PTO Volunteer sign–up sheet for 2015/2016 school year If you would like to volunteer for the new school year you may sign up now for any volunteer opportunities that interests you. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Availability (circle): Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Other_______________ Child/Children’s Names: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Grade(s): ______________________________ Activities/Events I’m interested in: General Volunteer May be interested in Chairing the committee Questions or comments please contact: PTO President: Angela Turigiliatto [email protected]/314-540-8502 Thank you in advance for your help! STANDARD COMPLAINT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE FOR NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PROGRAMS This complaint resolution procedure applies to all programs administered by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). A complaint is a formal allegation that a specific federal or state law or regulation has been violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted by school district personnel or by Department of Education personnel. Any parent(s) or guardian(s), educational surrogate(s), teacher(s), administrator(s), school board member(s), or other person directly involved with an activity, program, or project operated under the general supervision of the Department may file a complaint. Such a complaint must be in writing and signed; it will provide specific details of the situation and indicate the law or regulation that is allegedly being violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted. The written, signed complaint must be filed and the resolution pursued in accordance with local district policy. Board Policy 1480 The Board of Education recognizes that situations of concern to parents/guardians or the public may arise in the operation of the District. Such concerns are best resolved through communication with the appropriate staff members and officers of the District, such as the faculty, the principals, the superintendent or the Board. The following procedures are to be followed by persons with questions or complaints regarding the operation of the Francis Howell School District: 1) Complaints on behalf of individual students should first be addressed to the teacher. 2) Unsettled matters from (1) above, or problems and questions concerning individual schools, should be directed to the principal of the school. 3) Unsettled matters from (2) above, or problems and questions concerning the Francis Howell School District, should be directed to the superintendent/designee. 4) If the matter cannot be settled satisfactorily by the superintendent, it should be brought to the Board. Questions and comments submitted to the secretary of the Board in letter form will be brought to the attention of the entire Board at a regularly scheduled or called meeting. If necessary, a special Board meeting will be scheduled to resolve the complaint. The decision of the Board shall be final. However, the complainant may go to the appropriate section of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and from there on to the United States Secretary of Education. The Board considers it the obligation of the professional and support staff of the District to field the questions of parents/guardians or the public in a timely manner. If the issue cannot be resolved at the local level, the complainant may file a complaint with the Missouri Department of Education. If there is no evidence that the parties have attempted in good faith to resolve the complaint at the local level, the Department may require the parties to do so and may provide technical assistance to facilitate such resolution. Any persons directly affected by the actions of the Department may file a similarly written complaint if they believe state or federal laws or regulations have been violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted by the Department itself. Anyone wishing more information about this procedure or how complaints are resolved may contact local district or Department personnel. DISTRICT PROCEDURES FOR ADDRESSING DISCRIMINATION / HARASSMENT TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATIONAL AMENDMENTS OF 1972 The statute states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” It is the policy of the Francis Howell School District to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex in the educational programs, activities, and vocational opportunities offered by the District. The provisions of Title IX extend not only to students with regard to educational opportunities and freedom from harassment, but also to employees with regard to employment opportunities and freedom from harassment, and to individuals with whom the District does business. It is a violation for any employee of the Francis Howell School District to harass another staff member or student through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. It is also a violation of this policy for students to harass other students through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. It is a violation of this policy for any person who is not an employee or student of the District to harass a staff member or student of the District through conduct or comments of a sexual nature while such employee is engaged in the performance of duties for the District or while such student is under District supervision. TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Actionable behaviors include, but are not limited to, language, jokes, threats, actual physical aggression, or the failure to effectively address such behaviors on the part of a teacher or administrator. Educators have an obligation to actively encourage the maintenance of an environment free from racial and/or national origin discrimination/ harassment and to effectively respond to instances of such behavior. FRANCIS HOWELL CODE OF CONDUCT Any person who alleges discrimination and/or harassment by a district employee, student or volunteer may complain directly to a building principal or designee or the District Title Coordinator. If an investigation substantiates the allegation of sexual harassment and/or harassment or discrimination, disciplinary action commensurate with the severity of the violation will be taken. District Title IX Coordinator: Director, Human Resources Operations Francis Howell School District 4545 Central School Road St. Charles, MO 63304-7113 636-851-4000 Fax 636-851-4093 District Section 504 Coordinator: Director, Student Services and Francis Howell School District 4545 Central School Road St. Charles, MO 63304-7113 636-851-4000 Fax 636-851 District Title VI Coordinator: Director, Alternative Learning Francis Howell School District 4545 Central School Road St. Charles, MO 63304-7113 636-851-4000 Fax 636-851-4093 PUBLIC NOTICE All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, children who live outside the district but are attending a private school within the district, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, children who are wards of the state, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The Francis Howell School District assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay. The District assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program. The Francis Howell School District assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Francis Howell School District has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed at the Francis Howell School District Alternative Education Department from 8:00 – 4:30 p.m. each school day. This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate. Director of Alternative Learning Francis Howell School District 4545 Central School Road Saint Charles, MO 63304 Phone: 636-851-4060 Fax: 636-851-4094 Rev. August 15, 2013 NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS UNDER FERPA FOR ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the school to amend a record should write the school principal (or appropriate school official), clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing process will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. 3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement personnel) or a person serving on the school board. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the school who performs an institutional service or function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist; a parent or student volunteering to serve on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the school will disclose education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer. 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 The Francis Howell School District has designated certain information contained in the educational records of its students as directory information for the purposes of FERPA. The following information regarding students is considered directory information: the student’s name, student’s address, student’s phone number, photograph, grade point average, dates of attendance, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, height and weight of members of athletic teams, diplomas and awards received and the most previous school attended by the student. See the list below of the disclosures that elementary and secondary schools may make without consent. FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records without the consent of the parent or eligible student if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the parent or eligible student, §99.32 of the FERPA regulations requires the school to record the disclosure. Parents and eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A school may disclose PII from the education records of a student without obtaining prior written consent of the parents or the eligible student – To other school officials, including teachers, within the educational agency or institution whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that conditions listed in §99.31 (a)(1)(i)(B)(1) – (a)(1)(i)(B)(2) are met. (§99.31(a)(1)) To officials of another school, school system, or institution of postsecondary education where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of §99.34. (§99.31(a)(2)) To authorized representatives of the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as the State educational agency in the parent or eligible student’s State (SEA). Disclosures under this provision may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. (§§99.31(a)(3) and 99.35) In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. (§99.31(a)(4)) To State and local officials or authorities to whom information is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosed by a State statute that concerns the juvenile justice system and the system’s ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records were released, subject to §99.38. (§99.31(a)(5)) To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. (§99.31(a)(6)) To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. (§99.31(a)(7)) To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. (§99.31(a)(8)) To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§99.31(a)(9)) To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to §99.36. (§99.31(a)(10)) Information the school has designated as “directory information” under §99.37. (§99.31(a)(11)) FHSD-PRO1 (7/10) FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) REFUSAL TO PERMIT DISCLOSURE Student’s Name: ___________________________________ D.O.B.: ________________________ Parents of students and students 18 years of age or older or students who attend an institution of post-secondary education have the right to refuse the designation of any or all of the below information as directory information. A parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed is required to complete this form, designate any or all of the information below that you are refusing to disclose with an ‘X’, and return the form to the principal of the school which the student attends. It is important to note that by competing this form you are refusing disclosures in all areas which include honor roll listings in the newspaper; inclusion in yearbook, buzz book, etc. The Francis Howell School District has designated the following information contained in the educational records of its students as directory information for purposes of FERPA: ____ Student’s name ____ Student’s address ____ Student’s phone number ____ Student’s grade point average ____ Major field of study ____ Dates of attendance ____ Grade level ____ Enrollment status ____ Participation in officially recognized activities and sports ____ Weight and height of members of athletic teams ____ Degrees and awards received ____ Most recent previous school attended by the student ____ Photograph ____ All of the above designated directory information In addition to the above refusal(s), should you not want the military to have access to information you must place an “X” below: ___ Student’s name, address, telephone to military recruiters Other than directory information indicated above the District will obtain a signed and dated written consent from the parent/guardian or eligible student prior to disclosure of personally identifiable information. The Francis Howell School District is authorized to disclose personally identifiable student information under the following circumstances: to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records; to authorized federal and state agencies and authorities; to law enforcement officials; to Juvenile Court officials; in connection with financial aid applications; for use in authorized studies; to accrediting organizations; in response to a lawfully issued subpoena; and in a health or safety emergency. Parent’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________ Student’s Signature (if 18 or older): _______________________________ Date: __________________ NOTIFICATION OF RIGHTS UNDER THE PROTECTION OF PUPIL RIGHTS AMENDMENT (PPRA) PPRA affords parents/guardians and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to: • Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) – 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent(s)/guardian(s); 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parent(s)/guardian(s); or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. • Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of – 1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding; 2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and 3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others. • Inspect, upon request and before administration or use – 1. Protected information surveys of students; 2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and 3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum. Francis Howell School District will develop policies, in consultation with parents/guardians, regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. Francis Howell School District will directly notify parents/guardians and eligible students of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. Francis Howell School District will also directly notify parents/guardians and eligible students, such as through U. S. mail or email, at least annually at the start of each school year of the specific or approximate dates of the following activities and provide an opportunity to opt a student out of participating in: • Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution. • Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED. • Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. Parents/guardians or eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office U. S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605 Independence Elementary Parent Handbook Signature Page I have read and understand the content explained in the Independence Elementary Parent Handbook. Parent Signature/Date ______________________________ Student/s Name _________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to review the handbook. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at 636-851-5900. Mrs. Emily Pavia Principal Independence Elementary