Acid Goodbye, Mother! - variety communications


Acid Goodbye, Mother! - variety communications
Goodbye, Mother!
(Acid - Delirio dei sensi)
(Addio Mamma!)
Directed by Jacobs Irvin - Cast: Martino Miranda, Pandolfi
Elio,Steni Antonella - Italy - 92’ - 1967 - COL.
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Scotese Giuseppe - Cast: Thompson Budd, Caruso
Bruna, Andreoli Annabella - Italy - 92’ - 1968 - COL
Two American experts trace a picture
of the protest movement and raise the
topic of hallucinogenic substances.
The film illustrates this phenomena
with three different episodes.
The singer Patrizia (wife of Franco, a
convict serving) has an affair with
Paolo; they have a child. Franco
escapes from prison and blackmails
his wife who loses her lover and the
child. In despair she becomes a nun,
ans is put in charge a kindergarten
where, by chance, Paolo enrolls the
child. After some time, Franco seeks
refuge there.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Goodbye forever!
Hotel of absentees
(Addio per sempre!)
(Albergo degli assenti (L'))
Directed by Matarazzo Raffaello - Cast: Candiani Carla,
D'Ancora Maurizio, Pilotto Camillo - Italy - 91’ - 1939 - B/W
Directed by Costa Mario - Cast: Smith Costance, Del Frate
Marisa, Raimondi Sergio - Italy - 95’ - 1958 - B/W
A Napolitan salesman, married with
children finds out that his wife is
unfaithful to him and kills a long
absence he returns to save his
daughter's life.
Criminal gangsters have kidnapped
several people and are keeping them
prisoners at a place known as the
"Hotel of Absentees". The prisoners
are burnt to death in a fire started by
one of them who had gone mad.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Twentieth-century angels
Angel of the Alps (The)
(Angeli del 2000 (Gli))
(Angelo delle alpi (L'))
Directed by Campogalliani Carlo - Cast: Boni Luisella, Farnese
Alberto, Sininberghi Gino - Italy - 93’ - 1957 - B/W
Directed by Ranieri Honil - Cast: Rossi Drago Eleonora, Davoli
Ivano, Citti Franco- Italy - 99’ - 1972 - COL.
In spite of having a mistress, a drug
addict continues to be a fond of a
schoolgirl who reminds him of his first
love. He realizes the squalor his life
during a violent fight between rival
gangs of drug peddlars. But he dies
just when he determines to give up
Based on a novel by Carolina
Invernizzi, the film is about a foundling
girl for whom the parish priest finds a
job at the home of a countess. There
she meets a rich banker who falls in
love with her. After various ups and
downs of life she meets her father
whom she had never met. He is the
countess' husband.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Anna, forgive me
(Anna, perdonami)
(Avanzi di galera)
Directed by Cottafavi Vittorio - Cast: Chiari Walter, Lualdi
Antonella, Basehart Richard - Italy - 92’ - 1955 - B/W
Directed by Boccia Tanio - Cast: Fiorelli Aldo, Merlini Marisa,
Jachino Silvana - Italy - 75’ - 1953 - B/W
A man is taken to the United States as
a prisoner of war. He stays there and
gets married. When his wife dies he
returns to Italy and meets all the
women with whom he had been in
love, except Anna who died while
giving birth to their daughter.
After being jailed for a number of
years, three prisoners are freed. Each
one follows his way but only two of
them after various difficulties succeed
in starting a new life with the help of
the women they love. While the third
one will not make it.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Kiss of death (The)
Amalfi boatman (The)
(Bacio di una morta (Il))
(Barcaiolo di Amalfi (Il))
Directed by Roli Mino - Cast: Vitale Maria, Marzi Franca, Celano
Guido - Italy - 96’ - 1954 - B/W
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Brignone Guido - Cast: Belmonte Virginia, Canale
Gianna Maria, Trent Peter - Italy - 92’ - 1949 - B/W
A girl is in love with a revolutionary
whom she believes dead, she marries
a count who betrays her then poisons
her. The revolutionary goes to see his
beloved's body. The young man's kiss
awakens her from her cataleptic state.
The count repents and dies for his
The story revolves round a boutman
who has robbed and killed a man.
When he is found out he is sent to
prison. His sister elopes with her lover
but leaves him when he refuses to
acknowledge the pregnant woman's
child as his own.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Goodbye Napoli!
Love and revenge in Naples
(Addio Napoli!)
(Napoli storia d'amore e di vendetta)
Directed by M. Bianchi Cast: M. Fiore R. Harrison P. Pitagora
Italy - 98’ - 1979 - COL
Directed by Roberto Montero - Cast: Giorgio de Lullo, Tamara
Lees, Maria Grazia Francia - Italy - 88’ - 1954 - B/W
Salvatore is the victim of the
desperation of a woman, Iolanda, who
is about to deliver him to his killers. He
is allowed to live, however. He grows
up on the streets and soon learns of
his true origins thanks to a series of
incredible circumstances. This makes
him embark on a new life.
In Naples before the war begins, an
English man falls in love with a low
class girl. His brother, who accuses
her family of robbery, is against the
love story. The real guilty is his lover
who becomes a spy after the war
explodes and blames the roman
family of all her mischiefs.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Heart of a stranger (The)
(Cuore forestiero)
Directed by Pirri Massimo - Cast: Capolicchio Lino, Moriconi
Valeria, Reggiani Aldo - Italy - 127’ - 1976 - COL.
Directed by Armando Fizzarotti - Cast: Piero Lulli, Maria Mazzai Italy - 79’ - 1953 - B/W
It is the story of a thief who wants to
change his life and of his girl friend
who, after many ups and downs,
becomes a nun and dies redeemed.
Riccardo belongs to an impoverished
family of nobles and is studying at a
Swiss religious college where he is
being pushed towards a confused
mystic vocation. His half-sister,
Stefania, with whom he has had an
incestuous relationship, announces
her forthcoming marriage. Riccardo
tries to conquer hem, but in vain.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Dawn close
(Si chiude all’alba)
Directed by Mario Pinzauti Cast: Antonio Gismondo, Serafino
Profumo, Maria Rosaria Riuzzi - Italy - 92’ - 1976 - COL
Directed by Giannini Nino - Cast: Doro Mino, Paolieri Germana Italy - 80’ - 1944 - B/W
An intricate story of death and love.
Lucien and Lola, two young lovers,
turn an abandoned house into a
cabaret night club. Their relationship
is now strictly business, until one day a
girl comes into their lives and Lucien
falls in love with her - Rossella.
DRAMA - Versions available: EN-SP-IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Heartfelt song (The)
Black angels
(Canzone del cuore (La))
(Angeli negri)
Directed by Joselito Rodriguez - Cast: Petro Infante, Emilia
Guin, Rita Montanez - 1955
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Campogalliani Campo - Cast: Vitale Milly, Farnese
Alberto, Merlini Marisa - Italy - 83’ - 1955 - B/W
Trouble and grief of a widow with an
ailing daughter and a despotic
A mexican girl who hates colour
people thinks of being an orphan: her
mother, a black woman who is her
governess, believes it is better this
way. The girl despise against colour
people will stop only at her mother's
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Heaven weeps
Spiralling mist
(Cielo piange (Il))
(Spirale di nebbia (Una))
Directed by Visconti Eriprando - Cast: Berti M., Giorg E., Satta
Flores S. - Italy - 107’ - 1977 - Col.
Directed by Della Santa Enzo - Cast: Menna Antonio, Rumor
Cesare, Santi Delia - Italy - 100’ - 1962 - B/W
The story is about the son of a thief
who has died in prison. The boy
leaves his native town together with
his pregnant girlfriend, so as to get
away from memories and gossip. But
his father's accomplices search for
him because they want him to tell
them the hiding-place of the stolen
goods of the man's last robbery.
An unhappily married man shoots his
wife during a hunt and kills her. The
investigating judge questions the
people close to the accusated and
finds many problems in their
marriages, extra - marital affairs and ill
- concealed hatred. Since the judge’s
own parents had many problems, he
finds he is unable to come to a verdict
on the matter.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Angels of the ring (The)
(Angeli dalle mani bendate..)
Directed by Oscar Brazzi - Cast: Rossano Brazzi, Patricia
Webley, Tiberio Mitri - Italy - 90’ - 1976 - COL.
Directed by Paolucci Alex - Cast: Ralston Reda, Nobile Diso,
Paolucci Alex - Italy - 100’ - 1961 - B/W
The film is about the tragic love story
of an Italian girl and a German officer
during the Second World War. The
woman remains alone and her only
company is that of a little orphan boy
who is entrusted to her.
A journalist is going to make a filmed
inquiry on boxing. But fear and
solidarity in the boxing circle force him
to stop his inquiry even though he has
found out swindlings, corruption and
even murders.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Heartless woman
(Uccisori (Gli))
(Femmina senza cuore)
Directed by Borraccetti Renato - Cast: Quirici Elena, Francia
Maria G., Celano Guido - Italy - 84’ - 1952 - B/W
Directed by Fabrizio Taglioni Cast: Genevieve Audrey, Isarco
Ravaioli, Rino Bolognesi - Italy - 91’ - 1977 - COL
A young man is accused of murder
and theft and flees to Venezuela. His
girlfriend and her brother catch up with
him and find him with the loot. The real
culprit, however, is someone else…
Nannina is in love with Vincenzo who
is poor and goes to Belgium to make
his fortune. Nannina marries a rich
elderly man. Vincenzo returns from
Belgium and the passion flames up
again. Nannina loses her head and
wants to kill her husband; however,
she is killed by an idiot servant whom
she had always rejected.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Raped on the sands
Blood legacy
(Violentata sulla sabbia)
(Retaggio di sangue)
Directed by Max Calandri Cast: Roberto Lauri, Anna di Lorenzo
Italy - 92’ - 1956 - B/W
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Cerrato Renzo - Cast: Andrè Carole, Infanti Angelo,
Solinas M. - Italy - 86’ - 1971 - COL.
A girl feels no love because of a shock
she had as a child when she saw her
mother raped and killed. During a
holiday in Sardinia she lets herself be
raped and so gets over her inhibitions.
A nobleman loves his young ward who
rejects him in favour of his farmer. The
nobleman then kills the farmer.
Twenty years later there is another
family tragedy: the nobleman’s two
sons fall in love with the daughter of
the ward and farmer. In a story of
jealousy, one of the two men dies and
the other marries the girl.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-FR
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Saprofitous (The)
Devil's crime (The)
(Saprofita (Il))
(Delitto del diavolo (Il)
Directed by Cervi Tonino - Cast: Politoff Haydée, Monti Silvia,
Stuart Ewelyn - Italy - 90’ - 1970 - COL.
Directed by Sergio Nasca - Cast: Valeria Moriconi, Al Cliver,
Janet Agren - Italy - 106’ - 1974 - COL.
Uncapable of expressing himself
correctly because of an infant trauma,
a young man is obliged to decline the
vocacy to priesthood and is hired as a
driver by a baroness. He goes to
Lourdes with her son, but a tremendous fight between them ends in
David is a lover of freedom and travels
the world on a motorbike. He
encounters the Devil disguised as a
man who sends him to a house where
three whitches are to be found in the
form of three beautiful young women.
They excite him and satisfy him
sexually, but when he wishes to regain
his freedom and continue his journey,
they kill him.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Out off
( Destino)
(Cerimonia dei sensi (La))
Directed by D’Agostino Antonio - Cast: Grassi Ornella, Pugi
Franco - Italy - 86’ - 1979 - COL.
Directed by Di Gianni Enzo - Cast: Nova Eva, Pica Tina, Vitale
Milly - Italy - 85’ - 1951 - B/W
A girl from a respectable family has an
affair with a sailor and gives birth to a
d a u g h t e r. T h e g i r l ' s f a t h e r
disapproves of the marriage and
persuades her to leave the sailor.
Many years later the sailor finds the
girl but he is killed by a jealous
girlfriend who accuses the girl of
Seriously hurt, a stuntman dreams he
is Jesus and relives certain episodes
of the Gospels in a modern context.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-SP
Loved to love you
Road to Salina
(E’ stato bello amarti)
(Quando il sole scotta)
Directed by Sala Adimaro - Cast: Giordana Andrea, Lange
Claudie, Serato Massimo - Italy - 92’ -1968 -Col.
Directed by Georges Lautner - Cast:Rita Hayworth, Robert
Walker, Mismy Farmer - Italy - 95’ - 1971 - COL.
A youth leaves his family and girlfriend
to move to the city. Here, he becomes
the lover of a woman who leaves ger
industrialist boyfriend and easy life to
stay with him. However, the woman
dies and the youth goes back to his
The owner of a gas station mistakes a
vagabond for her son who
desappeard many years before. He
takes advantage of the situation until
his presumed sister appears. A
neurotic young woman who had an
incestuous affair with her brother in
the past.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Final illusion (The)
Other man's wife (The)
(Ultima illusione (L’) - Questa nostra gente)
(Donna dell'altro (La))
Directed by Vicas Victor - Cast: Masina Giulietta, Basehart
Richard, Raddatz Carl - Italy -110’ - 1959 - B/W
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Duse Vittorio - Cast: Collard Jacqueline, Lulli Piero,
Rivelli Luisa - Italy - 90’ - 1954 - B/W
Sentimental story of an old retired
accountant who gets over his
loneliness by going to live with a
baker’s family. He finds the joy of life
once more, but one night he has a
heart attack.
Erdne leads a truly unhappy life with
her husband. She falls in love with her
neighbour, and is ready to elope with
him, except that he is wanted by the
police. After many years Erdne's
daughter leaves home. Once more
she does not succeed in parting from
her husband.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Chained woman
(Tempo d’immagini)
(Femmina incatenata)
Directed by Sala Adimaro - Cast: Di Grazia U. - Giancarlo P. Antinori P. - Mele D. - Italy - 80’ - 1970 - COL.
Directed by Martin G. D. - Cast: Randi Lori, Roero Manuel, Agus
Gianni - Italy - 92’ - 1949 - B/W
Joe is the hero who has been sent to
face the hell in Vietnam. Then,
suddenly, three days of military leave.
Three days to forget and try to love.
This seems to be possible at first,
A sculptor, Manuel, has been trying for
a long time to make a statue of the
Chained Woman which represents
the human condition as a prisoner of
material elements. During his
absence, one of his young students,
Lori, succeeds in making the statue.
But, by now, Manuel is furious and, in
an attempt to destroy the statue, kills
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Faddija - The law of vengeance
Flames on the sea
(Faddija - La legge della vendetta)
(Fiamme sul mare)
Directed by Montero Roberto Bianc - Cast: Rossi Luisa, Toso
Otello, Solbelli Olga - Italy - 85’ - 1949 - B/W
Directed by Waszynsky Michael - Cast: Ninchi Carlo, Maltagliati
Evi, Jachino Silvana - Italy - 79’ - 1947 - B/W
A peasant causes a girl to become
pregnant; the girl's father decides to
take his revenge. While he is on the
point of carrying out his plan, the girl
gives birth to the child: the event is so
dramatic as to reconcile everybody.
A shipowner devoid of scruples takes
out an insurance policy on a ship that
he intends to sink by simulating an
accident. His daughter, who is in love
with the commander, tries to warn him
but ends up in the flames.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Pink Veil (The)
Catalyst (The)
(Macchia Rosa (Una))
Directed by Capogna Sergio - Cast: Medici Mita, Noury Alan Italy - 100’ - 1969 - COL.
Directed by Enzo Muzii - Cast: G. Giannini V. Moriconi O. De
Santis - Italy - 98’ - 1970 - COL
A young man comes back from a
travel in India and doesn’t feel good in
the caotic life of every day:he has in
front of him the vision of an Indian
man dead of hunger covered with a
pink veil and abandoned to the rivers
of Gange.He decides to return to his
job of documentarist,conscious of the
human reality of million of indians.
Angela and Massimo meet Guido an
orphan who has come into money.
The rich boy lends them his
apartment. Having had an unhappy
childhood, he tries to extract a little
happiness from the young lovers.
When Massimo finds his girlfriend in
the arms of his friend, he leaves
despite Guido's assurance that he
loves them both.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN
Flames on the lagoon
Daughter of the Madonna (The)
(Fiamme sulla laguna)
(Figlia della Madonna (La))
Directed by Montero Roberto Bianchi - Cast: Lari Edmea, Landi
Aldo - Italy - 90’ - 1949 - B/W
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Scotese Giuseppe M. - Cast: Padovani Lea, Cortese
Leonardo, Gazzolo Lauro - Italy - 84’ - 1949 - B/W
This is the love story between a
sailor's orphan daughter and an
admiral's son. For a short period they
are separated by misunderstanding
and the girl is about to become
engaged to another boy. Then they
are reunited after a dramatic
explanation. And so the admiral
openly expresses his disapproval and
the girl commits suicide. The young
man dies with her.
An orphan girl marries an honest
young man, but after a
misunderstanding, is abandoned by
him. She is forced to support herself
as best she can, but when she gives
birth to a child, her husband comes
back, realises how morally
courageous she is and ask her to
forgive him for leaving her.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Never ending love (A)
Carrier (The)
(Amore senza fine (Un))
(Vetturale del Moncenisio (Il))
Directed by Brignone Guido - Cast: Cegani Elisa, Lupi R.
Italy - 92 - 1956 - B/W.
Directed by Luis Knaut-Mario Terribile - Cast: Memmo
Carotenuto, Luisella Boni, Alberto Farnese - Italy - 90’ - 1958
A young engineer Danieli, meets
Gloria at Terminillo and falls in love
with her. But the girl dissapears. He
finds her in the house of a well known
surgeon. The circumstances leads
him to discover that Gloria is seriously
ill. After being operated the girl
recovers and plans to get married to
her engineer.
In the nineteenth century a carrier is
thought dead and his wife remarries to
a nobleman. The man, however, is
secretly scheming to come into
possession of an inheritance but is
found out and kills himself. The carrier
finds his wife and daughter once
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Never with women
People like that
(Mai con le donne)
(Gente così)
Directed by Cerchio Fernando - Cast: Gioi Vivi, Rimoldi Adriano
Italy - 96’ - 1950 - B/W
Directed by Fago Giovanni - Cast: Pieroni A. Baseart J.
Italy - 95’ - 1985 - COL.
Gini Chelli is a small - time businessman in textiles who leads a normal life
and has many dreams. He idolises the
beautiful Liza, his childhood first love,
who is now a famous woman. One
day, a poster announces her arrival
into town.
A respectable small town in
Lombardy, whose inhabitants live
peacefully together with smugglers, is
disturbed by the arrival of an
independent female teacher. She falls
in love with a smuggler and elopes
with him to Milan; she becomes
pregnant and returns to the town. He
is mortally wounded by the frontier
guards and they get married just
before he dies.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Days of blood
Youth on trial
(Giorni di sangue)
(Gioventù alla sbarra)
Directed by Ferruccio Cerio - Cast: Albertazzi Giorgio, Scala
Delia, Stoppa Paolo - Italy - 88’ - 1954 - B/W
Directed by Gicca Enzo - Cast: White Grace, Hudson Gary,
Garko Gianni - Italy - 90’ - 1968 - COL.
A nobleman kills his rival in love
conquests. His father is able to keep it
quiet, until a young teacher helps the
village to revolt against the despot.
Franco is fed up with being poor and
so accepts the offer of a friend who
lives by thieving and swindling. In fact,
Franco makes money but loses his girl
friend's love. Even so, she is the only
one who is willing to help him when he
is in serious trouble.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Great goodbye (The)
Shame on you !
(Grande addio (Il))
(Vergogna schifosi !)
Directed by Severino Mauro - Cast: Bisacco Roberto, Branco
Marila, Capolicchio Lino - Italy - 97’ - 1969 - COL.
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Polselli Renato - Cast: Rossi Luisa, Maggio Dante,
De Matteis Angelo - Italy - 96’ - 1954 - B/W
John, a negro, returns as a priest to
the city where he had been stationed
as an officer during the war. There he
finds the son who was born as a result
of his affair with a local girl. The little
mulatto has found an adoptive father.
John would like to take him back, but
then changes his mind.
Three rich young men are blackmailed
by a mystery person who sends them
recorded messages and accuses
them of having caused the death of a
German during an orgy. Once they
find out that the culprit is an artist
friend of theirs, the three kill him only
to find that it was not real blackmail but
only a joke.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN-FR
Island of the lonely women (The)
(Isola delle donne sole (L') )
(Interrogatorio (L'))
Directed by De Sisti Vittorio - Cast:Lev Benjamin, Gozlino Paolo,
Skay Brigitte- Italy - 97’ - 1970 - COL.
Directed by Brabant Charles - Cast:Vallone Raf, Robinson
Madeleine, Noel Magali - Italy - 90’ - 1957 - B/W
Based on a play by Ugo Betti. A man
upsets the apparent stability of three
women who live in an isolated
farmhouse on a desolate island. In a
crescendo of emotional tensions,
each of them wants the man for
herself. One of the three wins. But only
A young man is found guilty of murder
even though innocent. To put an end
to the police harassment, he admits
his guilt, and ends this useless torture.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN
Law accuses me (The)
Hyena in the safe (A)
(Legge mi incolpa (La))
(Jena in cassaforte (Una))
Directed by Canevari Cesare - Cast: Nobokov Dimitri,
Creisberger Marie Louise, Salvador Ben - Italy - 98’ - 1968 - COL.
Directed by Couzinet Emile - Cast:Morlay Gaby, Seigner Louis,
Tozzi Fausto - Italy - 85’ - 1956 -B/W
A country girl who has moved to town
falls in love with a sailor. He goes away
after a brawl and seems to have
forgotten her; she give birth to a stillborn child and, so as not to lose the
man she loves, she kidnaps a little
orphan. When the sailor returns she is
absolved and the parents agree to
their marriage.
Six burglars meet at a secluded villa
for the purpose of sharing a loot of
diamonds. Each one of them is a killer
and then a victim in a merciless
conflict to have the treasure for
himself. Jeanine survives the
massacre but discovers that she has a
handful of false diamonds.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Rocco's fists (the)
(Lovebirds - Una strana voglia d'amare)
(Pugni di Rocco (I))
Directed by Caiano Mario - Cast: Auger Claudine, Alfonsi Lydia,
Sbragia Giancarlo - Italy - 94’ - 1970 - COL.
Directed by Artale Lorenzo - Cast: Di Bella Fausto, Fragalà
Franco, Torosh Rosita - Italy - 96’ - 1972 - COL.
Two couples are caught in a storm and
seek shelter in a sumptuous country
house inhabited by a couple and a
mysterious butler. The travellers are
worried by the strange atmosphere of
the house and indulge in a series of
erotic games. Only one of the women
refuses to take part. She runs away
but her husband kills her.
An aggressive peasant ends up in
prison after hitting a debtor. The
peasant's father is a quiet man and
drives his son away from home. The
peasant becomes a landowner's
"bodyguard" and makes many Mafia
enemies. He succeeds in getting rid of
many enemies but in the end has to
reckon with the police.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Madonna of the roses
(Madonna delle rose)
Directed by Grassi Ernesto - Cast: Lari Edmea, Landi Aldo Italy - 90’ - 1947 - B/W
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Di Gianni Enzo - Cast: Nova Eva, Vicario Marco,
Ninchi Ave- Italy - 109’ - 1954 - B/W
Renato and Maria are in financial
difficulties; they meet another couple,
Filippo and Irene, who live by their
wits. Renato is enticed by Irene and is
killed by Filippo while Maria loses her
memory; she regains her memory
beside her daughter while she is on
the point of falling into a precipice not
far from the shrine of the Madonna of
the Roses.
Don Michele, boss of a smuggling ring
and partner of Maria's father known as
the little Madonna, tries to rape the girl
when he discovers that her father has
stolen a large sum of money to use as
her dowry. The girl saves her father
from suicide and proves him innocent
of the murder of Don Michele.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Violent kids of Rome
(Ragazzi della Roma violenta (I))
Directed by Savino Renato - Cast: Businari C., Crespi Sarah, Milli
Gino - Italy - 90’ - 1976 - COL.
Directed by Fizzarotti Armando - Cast: Rol Vera, Landi Buffi
Aldo, Genovese Rino - Italy - 90’ - 1947 - B/W
The film is based on real events. It tells
of a youth from a well - to - do
neighbourhood of Rome who leads a
right - wing political group. He is
ruthless with his enemies: he pushes
one girl to suicide, rapes and kills
another, tortures an anarchist teacher
and organizes a robbery. He finally
dies in a car accident.
Andrea goes to prison for wounding
his rival, Gaetano. When he is freed,
he finds out that his girlfriend has
accepted the favors of many men. In
fact, Malaspina has not forgotten her
first love, refuses Gaetano's offer of
marriage and goes into a Convent.
Andrea is confronted by Gaetano and
kills him in self defense.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-FR
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Directed by Boccacci Antonio - Cast: Micatoni Adriano, Mariani
Marco, Alberti Annie - Italy - 95’ - 1963 - B/W
Directed by Furlan Rate - Cast: Pierreux Jacqueline, Dassy
Angelo, Nicodemi Aldo - Italy - 90’ - 1951 - B/W
A gangster's girlfriend seduces his
brother before he commits a crime
and the two brothers become violent
rivals. They fight and one of them is
killed. The girl, to avoid getting
involved, gives the murderer away to
the Police. She is then killed in the
crossfire with the Police in an ambush.
In a frightful derelict castle, a
mysterious being kills two imprudent
girls who are sightseeing. In the
meantime, in a nearby village, a girl
has a nightmare in which she
experiences this killing (and the
preceding ones). Her father takes her
to the castle where the mistery is
cleared up.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Michelino Cucchiarella
Ghost from the past
(Michelino Cucchiarella)
(Nebbie sul mare)
Directed by H. Hinrich-M. Pagliero Cast: Viveca Lindfors, Otello
Toso, Gustav Diesel - Italy - 95’ - 1944 - B/W
Directed by Longo Tiziano - Cast: Mazzei Maurizio, Faria Celso Italy - 90’ - 1964 - B/W
A boy escapes from an orphanage
and starts to search for his mother.
After various adventures in a circus
and among beggars, he dies on his
mother's grave.
A man kills his creditor and flees. His
wife tries to start her life all over again
by marrying an honest doctor. One
day, however, her former husband
reappears, but soon dies, leaving the
woman peacefully with her doctor
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Directed by Tosini Pino - Cast: Hunter Thomas, Paul Gloria
Italy - 87’ - 1969 - COL.
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by May Renato - Cast: Beghi Luisella, Rol Vera,
Palermitani Piero - Italy - 90’ - 1948 - B/W
A Neapolitan who had emigrated to
America leaves a huge fortune to his
illegitimate son who lives in Naples. A
man and his mistress, who are two
scoundrels from America, find the heir,
Alberto, who is an artist and a
musician, and decide to kill him. But
the woman falls in love with the future
victim, and so the two scoundrels kill
each other.
A young unscrupulous magnate
arranges for his uncle to be killed by
his lover. In so doing he wants to
become chairman of the company.
However, his main rival to that office,
who is also the dead man’s son, has
found out everything and kills him. The
murder is covered up by the family
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Oedipus Orca
Eyes without light
(Oedipus Orca)
(Occhi senza luce)
Directed by Visconti Eriprando - Cast: Niehaus Rena, Ferzetti
Gabriele, Bosè M. - Italy - 105’ - 1976 - COL.
Directed by Calzavara Flavio - Cast: Tajoli Luciano, Vitale Milly,
Maggio Dante - Italy - 92’ - 1961 - B/W
A blind English girl is advised by an
Italian singer, whom she admires, to
undergo an eye operation and thus
regain her sight. She falls in love with a
man and refuses the singer's proposal
of marriage. He is disappointed and
wants to give up his career. Then she
finds out that her fiancé is only
interested in her dowry and so she
goes back to the singer.
Alice, eighteen-year-old daughter of
provincial middle-class parents, has
been kidnapped. She has had an
affair with her kidnapper and has killed
him. But her father does not want to
pay the ransom and so the girl hates
him so much that she suspects him of
not being her real father. So she finds
out that her mother had a lover in the
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN-DE
Those that count
Orphan of the ghetto (The)
(Quelli che contano)
(Orfana del ghetto (L'))
Directed by Bianchi A. - Cast: Bouchet Barbara, Landi M., Silva
H. - Italy - 97’ - 1973 - Col.
Directed by Campogalliani Carlo - Cast: Marzi Franca, Boni
Luisella, Baldini Renato - Italy - 90’ - 1954 - B/W
Tony, a gangster, arrives in Sicily from
the United States in oder to sow
discord between the two leading mafia
families of the island. Once he has
achieved his aim, he then nightfully
takes his place among the most
powerful godfathers.
In order to prevent the marriage of his
daughter Renata with his secretary
Fabrizio, Count Adriani has Renata
and Fabrizio's baby girl kidnapped
and kills the man who was in charge of
the baby. A dramatic and passionate
story of love, hate and intrigue with a
happy ending.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Forgive me
Return to life
(Ritorno alla vita)
Directed by Nievas Conde I. A. - Cast: Lulli Folco, Uberti Mirella Italy - 80’ - 1957 - B/W
Directed by Mario Costa - Cast: Raf Vallone, Antonella Lualdi,
Tamara Lees - Italy - 104’ - 1953 - B/W
A story of a woman that marries the
brother of a guardian killed during a
robbery by his own brother.
A doctor is injustly sentenced to go to
prison. On finishing his term, he is
released with two other prison
inmates. On their train home, a little
boy is suddenly taken ill with diptheria
and an emergency operation is
necessary. The doctor at first refuses
to deal with it because he has become
embittered with society. However, his
companions make him change his
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Monstrous doctor Crimen (The)
Sinner of the island (The)
(Mostruoso dottor Crimen (Il))
(Peccatrice dell'isola (La))
Variety Communications - 00197 Roma - V.le B. Buozzi, 64 - Tel. +39.06.36001409, +39.06.36001417, +39.06.36001418, Fax +39.06.36001407 - E-mail: [email protected]
Directed by Urueta Chano - Cast: Miroslava, Navarro Carlos Mexico - 90’ - 1953 - B/W
Directed by Corbucci Sergio - Cast: Pampanini Silvana, Kitmiller
John, Lulli Folco - Italy - 101’ - 1952 - B/W
An ambitious woman journalist
conceals her job in order to befriend a
terribly disfigured scientist who
believes her friendship is sincere.
However, when the scientist finds out
the truth, he decides to take revenge
through a youth he has raised from the
dead. Just when the scientist is about
to operate on the woman’s beautiful
face, the youth kills him and is in turn
killed by the woman’s fiancee.
The police are investigating, on an
island inhabited mainly by fishermen,
the deaths of a former singer and a
negro sailor. Slowly the truth emerges.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
My little darling
(Piccola mia)
Directed by De Liguoro Eugenio - Cast: Paolieri Germana,
Sabbatini Ernesto, Celano Guido - Italy - 87’ - 1933 - B/W
Directed by Di Gianni Enzo - Cast: Nova Eva, Pizzi Nilla, Latilla
Gino - Italy - 98’ - 1952 - B/W
A night-club singer, who is an airman's
widow, is rebuffed and thrown down a
flight of stairs by a hot-tempered rival.
She goes back and decides to bring
up a small hooligan who is actually her
rival's son. She ends up by marrying
the boy's father.
A woman leaves her little daughter
and husband, and goes to live with a
racing driver. The woman's husband
forbids her to see their child. In spite of
this, she goes to see her daughter
while on holiday and finds out that she
is ill. A mother's love wins.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
Rendez - vous in Liverpool
Naked odyssey
(Appuntamento a Liverpool)
(Odissea nuda)
Directed by Rossi Franco - Cast: Salerno Enrico Maria, Dolores
Patricia, Donlon Dolores - Italy - 117’ - 1961 - COL.
Directed by Giordana Marco Tullio - Cast: Court Nigel, Ferrari
Isabella, Steiner John - Italy - 99’ - 1988 - COL.
An Italian girl goes to Liverpool to find
out who killed her father (who died
during the Juventus - Liverpool
European Cup football match in
Brussels). She manages to trace the
hooligan but, at yithe last moment
does not have the nerve to take
An intellectual is in Tahiti to make a
film. In actual fact, he has profound
reasons for wanting to efface his past
as a Westerner and to live in contact
with Nature. But, after several love
affairs with the local girls, he returns to
his own country.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT-EN
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
They will be men
Scandal (The)
(Saranno uomini)
(Scandalo (Lo))
Directed by Gobbi Anna - Cast:Aimée Anouk, Leroy Philippe,
Micaela Cendali - Italy - 93’ - 1967 - B/W
Directed by Siano Silvio - Cast: Pampanini Silvana, Girotti
Massimo, Silvani Aldo - Italy - 93’ - 1956 - B/W
Three boys leave a reformatory and each
one chooses a different life: Antonio
becomes a priest, Aldo is a mechanic, and
Giacomo becomes a minor wrongdoer.
After several acts of violence and a robbery,
Giacomo kidnaps Aldo, who has the stolen
goods and asks Father Antonio to shelter
him. In a shooting, Giacomo's girlfriend
Sara is killed, while Father Antonio's difficult
position is understood by the parish priest
and forgiven.
In a castle, a bored upper middle-class
couple receive their friends. In fact, the
husband is the lover of one of the women,
and one of the men has been paid to
pretend to be in love with the wife.
In the end,the wife finds out everything.
After the holiday, they go back to their
usual lives that are more empty.
DRAMA - Versions available: IT
DRAMA - Versions available: IT