INDEX MACHINES / INDICE MACCHINE / INDEX DES MACHINES FILLJET / BIGJET ................ filler to fill still products/riempitrice prodotti piatti/.................. pag. 1 remplisseuse pour le remplissage des produits plats FILLJET SPIRITS .................... filler to fill still products/riempitrice prodotti piatti/.................. pag. 16 remplisseuse pour le remplissage des produits plats HOTJET / VOLJET .................filler for hot filling/riempitrice a caldo/ ................................. pag. 22 remplisseuse pour le remplissage à chaud ISOJET .................................... isobaric filler/riempitrice isobarica/remplissage isobarique …….. pag. 27 SPRAYJET .......................... rotary rinser/sciacquatrice rotativa/rinceuse rotative ................ pag. 46 CARBOJET .......................... carbonators/saturatore/satureur ........................................ pag. 69 SEMIAUTOMATIC MIXJET ....carbonators/saturatore/satureur ........................................ pag. 72 AUTOMATIC MIXJET .... carbonators/saturatore/satureur ........................................ pag. 79 SM 75 ................................. linear blowers/soffiatrice lineare/insuffleuse lineaire .................. pag. 81 GRUPPO CIP ....................... sistema di sanificazione/sanitation system .............................. pag. 85 COMPLETE LINES ............... linee complete/complete lignes ............................................. pag. 91 CONVEYORS ....................... nastri/convoyeurs ............................................................ pag. 103 Lista referenze aggiornata al 30/03/11. - Reference list updated 30/03/11. FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size 35-10 1 still juice monoblock filler+capper with: elevator and cip 0,250 L glass bottles 20000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 12000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph (bottles per hour) COJEK Wilaya de Bajaia Algeria POUR ANGOLA LDA Luanda Angola FORTUNE China ✔ 35-35-7 1 still water China 28-28-6 1 still water EXPLOIT. DES EAUX VANNA Cauro Corse 20-6 1 still water NIMICO ENTREPRISES LTD Nicosia Cyprus ✔ 20+ capper 1 1 Cyprus ✔ 32-32-8 1 still water Egypt 36-28-8 1 France BIGJET 9-9-1 1 SIDEL Octeville sur Mer monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PVC bottles 6000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 2500 bph 2500 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, cip 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 10500 bph 16000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc 5,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1500 bph still water block filler+capper still soft drinks: with:sprayjet 12 splash PHOTOS PHOTIADES GROUP Cyprus SINDEV-SIWA uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size France 25-25-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges France 30-50-8 1 still water 2,000 L PET bottles 14500 bph SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges France 50-60-10 1 still water 1,500 L PET bottles 25000 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 4000 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph SIDEL Octeville sur Mer LEVANTE GMBH SPINFRESH Accra Country Germany ✔ 15-15-5 1 still water Ghana ✔ 30-30-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, shrink wrapping machine uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blowmoulding machine, compressor, conveyors, elevator, sleeve distributor, ink-jet coder, shrinkwrapping machine, handle applicator, (bottles per hour) 2 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Gibuti Complete Line ✔ Model Qty Products Type 15-15-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, labelling machine, shrink wrapping machine 20-6 1 still water monoblock filler+capper BENETOS Greece CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece ✔ 50-60-12 1 still water CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece ✔ 32-8 1 still water DEDES KAI SIA Loutraki Greece ✔ 20-32-8 1 still water KOUTSOUMBA AFOI OE Arta Greece 20-20-6 1 still water MENTEKIDIS Greece 20-20-6 1 still water MENTEKIDIS Ptolemaida Greece 20-20-4 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with : cip , conveyors synchroblock rinser+filler+capper synchroblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,600 L PET bottles 1,800 L PET bottles 8000 bph 3500 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 10000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 20000 bph 21000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 9000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 9000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 6000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 10000bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 7000 bph 8800 bph 3 FILLJET / BIGJET products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products COMPAGNIE DES EUX MINERALES DES GUINEE Madina Guinee ✔ 20-20 1 still water GRAMEX 2000 Ltd Hungary 30-30-6 1 ice tea GRAMEX 2000 Ltd Hungary 20-20-4 1 still water, ice tea EDENA Ile de la Reunion BIGJET 9-9-1 1 still water Indonesia 16-24-8 1 still water Indonesia 20-20-6 1 still water Indonesia 20-20-6 1 still water Indonesia 24-20-6 1 still water MULTI MINERAL PERKASA Inzon P.T.TANGGAMUS MATRATIRTA Amust P.T.TIRTAMAS MEGAH Total WEN KEN TAMEEM COLA Iraq ✔ 50-50-10 1 still water Type monoblock rinser+filler with: conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6500 bph 12000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 12000bph 5400 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc synchroblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 6900 bph 5,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1500 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PVC bottles 1,500 L PEt bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 10000bph 8000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 10000 bph 0,200 L PET bottles 12000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 19000 bph 24000 bph 4 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) CMC Italy 24-20-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PVC bottles 7200 bph CUTOLO MICHELE E FIGLI Rionero (PZ) Italy 60-16 1 still water monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph 5,000 L PET bottles 10,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1500 bph 800 bph 2000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 14400 bph 16000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 10000 bph 12000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,600 L PVC bottles 8600 bph 10000bph 0,500 L PET bottles 10000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 9000 bph GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Italy SMI GROUP Italy ABDULMUNEM MAHDI SALIH ALSALAWI Jordan ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ ✔ VOLJET 9-9-1 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc, conveyors, cip, labeller, 40-40-8 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc 30-30-6 1 still water 25-25-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 25-25-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, conveyors ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 15-15-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 5 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Model Qty Speed Products Type Size 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 14000 bph 16000 bph (bottles per hour) ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 40-40-8 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, conveyors ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 35-35-7 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 11500 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan 80-70-22 1 uniblock ozonized water rinser+filler+capper with: & fruit juice mechanical elevator 0,330 L PET bottles 50000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan BIGJET 9-9-1 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors 5,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph 1800 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan FILLJET-NP Suprema 60-60-18 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 36000 bph 22500 bph ALBRAKECH Jordan 15-15-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 0,600 L PET bottles 8000 bph ✔ ✔ 6 FILLJET / BIGJET products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk COMPANY Country SHIN SUNG TAE BECK KAA AL RIM Zahle KAA AL RIM Zahle ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES Johor Baharu HANDEN INDUSTRIES Kuala Lampur OCEAN TIRTA MANIK Cemerlang PURE WATER KL SDN. BHD. Kuala Lumpur VITATON (M) SDN. BHD. Lenggen Complete Line Model Qty Products Korea 24-24-6 1 still water Korea 40-32-8 1 still water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper synchroblock rinser+filler+capper synchroblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 7600 bph 12000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 11000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 6000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph Lebanon ✔ 20-32-8 1 still water Lebanon ✔ 20-32-8 1 still water Malaysia 24-16-6 1 still water Malaysia 12-12-4 1 still water Malaysia 20-16-6 1 still water Malaysia 12-12-4 1 still water Malaysia 24-20-6 1 still water HH LTD Marsa Malta Republic .16-8 1 still water monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PVC bottles 4500 bph SIG SIMONAZZI (Les Eaux Minerales d'Oulmes) Marocco BIGJET 20-20-4 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with magnetic caps elevator 5,000 L PET bottles 5.000 bph Mexico BIGJET 20-20-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 5,000 L PVC bottles 5300 bph COCA COLA FEMSA Santa Fé 7 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Qty Products Mexico 20-20-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PVC bottles 8000 bph 10000 bph COCA COLA Tijuana Mexico BIGJET 15-15-4 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1 gallone PE bottles 1/2 gallone PE bottles 473 ml PE bottles 2400 bph 4500 bph 8200 bph ENVASADORA GUGAR Mexico 20-6 1 still water monoblock filler+capper glass bottles 5000 bph INDUSTRIA REFR. PENINSULAR Merida Mexico 32-32-8 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PVC bottles 12000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4500 bph 9000 BPH 1,500 L PET bottles 11500 bph 2 L PET bottles 1 L PET bottles 0,5 L PET bottles 0,25 L PET bottles 2000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph COCA COLA VICTORIA SA Queretaro MAZYONA MINERAL WATER CO. Muscat MECHTECH Warszawa CHIMOPAR Oman Poland Romania KEMI-AWKA Lipezk ✔ Russia Type 18-18-6 1 still water uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors 40-50-8 1 vermouth uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper ✔ 12-1 ✔ VOLJET 9-9-1 1 uniblock: filler + capper Brake fluids, with: pneumatic antifreeze, elevator, cip, coder, distileed water labeller, conveyors 1 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc, conveyors, cip, labeller, still water Size Speed Model 5,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles (bottles per hour) 1500 bph 3000 bph 8 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Model Qty Products uniblock ozonized water rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labeller AL-SHALLAL Jeddah Saudi Arabia 15-15-5 1 MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB Saudi Arabia 15-15-5 1 still water SHAHD AL QASSIM WATER Al Qassim Saudi Arabia 20-12-4. 1 still water AL JOUF AL JANDAL Saudi Arabia BIGJET 9-9-1 1 still water AL OYOUN WATER FACTORY Jeddah Saudi Arabia 60-60-18 1 still water 1 ozonized still water MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah Saudi Arabia 70-70-20 Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 0,330 L pet bottles 8000 bph 4200 bph 8000 bph 0,600 L PET bottles 8000 bph 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph 6400 bph 3300 bph 6,000 L PET bottles 1350 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator 0,600 L PET bottles 40000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator 0,300 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,750 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 48000 bph 48000 bph 42000 bph 28000 bph uniblock rinser + filler + capper with: air conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors and labeller uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: elevateur 9 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Model Qty MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah Saudi Arabia ✔ 50-50-12 1 Products Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: ozonized water mechanical elevator, conveyor Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 25200 bph 24000 bph 18000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 11000 bph 16000 bph AGUA SANA Spain 30-30-7 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper DAMM Barcellona Spain 20-4 1 still water 0,330 L GLASS bottles monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L GLASS bottles 1,000 L GLASS bottles 8000 bph 8000 bph 7400 bph DAMM Barcellona Spain 50-60-12 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper conveyors 27000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 10 FILLJET / BIGJET products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk COMPANY Country DAMM Barcellona Complete Line Type Size Speed Model Qty Products Spain 42-35-14 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L PET bottles 26000 bph DAMM Barcellona Spain 56-64-14 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 2,000 L PET bottles 22000 bph DAMM Barcellona Spain BIGJET 20-20-4 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 5,000 L PET bottles 5000 bph FUENTE ARQUILLO S.L. Murcia Spain BIGJET 20-20-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator 5,000 L PET bottles 5001 bph (bottles per hour) 11 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Qty Products Spain 6-1 MAN 1 still water manual block filler+capper 5,000 L PET bottles 800 bph Spain 6-1 MAN 1 still water manual block filler+capper 5,000 L PET bottles 800 bph Spain 6-1 MAN 1 still water manual block filler+capper 5,000 L PET bottles 800 bph Spain BIGJET 20-20-4 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 5,000 L PET bottles 5000 bph Spain 50-60-12 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Zambra GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Cardo GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Cardo GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid Type Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 12 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Type Size Speed Model Qty Products Spain 32-40-14 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L PVC bottles 25000 bph Spain 40-50-10 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 19500 bph Spain 40-40-15 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,330 L PET bottles 35000 bph Spain 40-50-10 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 20000 bph 15000 bph (bottles per hour) ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon 13 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Type Size Speed Model Qty Products Spain 40-40-15 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,330 L PET bottles 36000 bph Spain FILLJET-NP Suprema 50-10 1 still water uniblock filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 20000 bph Switzerland BIGJET 9-9-1 1 still water 6,000 L PET bottles 1350 bph 30-30-6 1 still water 1,500 L PET bottles 10400 bph Thailand 20-6 1 still soft drinks monoblock filler+capper 0,150 L glass bottles 9000 bph Thailand 50-16 1 still soft drinks monoblock filler+capper 0,150 L glass bottles 30000 bph 32-8 1 1,500 L PVC bottles 12000 bph (bottles per hour) ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon TETRAPAK Geneve DREIKICHE WATER BOTTLING PLANT EAC THAILAND Bangkok EAC THAILAND Bangkok SEEM Ben Arous Syria Tunisia ✔ ✔ still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: elevateur uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blow moulding machine, chiller, compressor, air conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, bottles conveyors monoblock filler+capper 14 FILLJET / BIGJET COMPANY products: still water, juices, isotonic products and milk Country Complete Line Model Qty Products SUPER GULF UAE 20-20-6 1 still water NIRVANA USA 40-50-10 1 still water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, labeller uniblock rinser+filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 7000 bph 0,500 L PVC bottles 20000 bph 15 FILLJET SPIRITS COMPANY CORATUR La Habana ALTIA EESTI Harjumaa products: spirits, still wine, vinegar Country Complete Line Cuba Model Qty Products 20-20-4 1 spirits Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,750 L PET bottles 6300 bph monoblock rinser+filler 0,500 L glass bottles 0,350 L glass bottles 0,200 L glass bottles 10000 bph 11000 bph 12000 bph free standing filler 0,500 L Glass bottles 5000 bph Esthonia 30-30 1 spirits, wine Finland 20 1 liquor GUEUTIER SA France 32 1 still wine filler 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph LE BRIS France 32 1 still wine filler 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph COOP. A SAX CHALKIS Greece ✔ 9-12 1 still wine monoblock rinser+ filler 1,000 L glass bottles 1500 bph MALAMATINAS KAI YLOS AEBE Salonica Greece ✔ 76-20 1 still wine monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, crown capper 0,330 L glass bottles 35000 bph monoblock: rinser+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6400 bph 1,500 L demijohns 1000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 8000 bph V&S FINLAND OY Turku ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna Italy 20.-6 1 spirits (vodka) LA GUARDIENSE SRL Guardia Sanframondi (BN) Italy 12 1 still wine filler 32-8 1 still wine monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors RIJASKY VINNO Riga Lettonia ✔ 16 FILLJET SPIRITS COMPANY ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES Johor Baharu PELICAN WINERY Puchong VEPRO GROUP SDN Puchong products: spirits, still wine, vinegar Country Complete Line Type Size Speed Model Qty Products Malaysia 12-12-4 1 spirits uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 3000 bph Malaysia 20-20-5 1 spirits uniblock: rinser+filler+capper with: mecc 0,170 L glass bottles 12000 bph Malaysia 30-30-6 1 spirits uniblock: rinser+filler+capper with: mecc 0,170 L glass bottles 12000 bph Mexico 32-40-8 1 spirits uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 8000 bph (bottles per hour) TEQUILA S.MATIAS Guadalajara VININVEST Zubresti Moldova Republic ✔ 12 1 still wine filler with: sprayjet 12 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph VININVEST Casaglia Moldova Republic ✔ 12 1 still wine filler with: sprayjet 12 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph VININVEST Talmase Moldova Republic ✔ 12 1 still wine filler with: sprayjet 12 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph 17 FILLJET SPIRITS products: spirits, still wine, vinegar COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products VININVEST Comrat Moldova Republic ✔ 12 1 still wine filler with: sprayjet 12 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph VININVEST Cahul Moldova Republic ✔ 12 1 still wine filler with: sprayjet 12 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph VININVEST Cojushna Moldova Republic ✔ 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph VININVEST Noroc Moldova Republic ✔ 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph VININVEST Orhei MECHTECH Warszawa PZ UNICOM Oborniki Moldova Republic ✔ 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph Poland 40-50-8 1 still wine uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper 1,500 L PET bottles 11500 bph Poland 32-8 1 spirits: vodka UNICOM BOLS Poland 50-50-10 1 spirits uniblock rinser+filler+capper ANICKAI Russia 50-8 1 vodka ALITUS Russia 50-8 1 BENAT Tjumen Russia .20-6 1 Type monoblock filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,500 L glass bottles 12000 bph 0,500 L GLASS bottles 0,700 L GLASS bottles 1,000 L GLASS bottles 18500 bph 14000 bph 11500 bph monoblock filler + capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph vodka monoblock filler + capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph spirits: vodka monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, sprayjet 20 0,500 L glass bottles 7500 bph 18 FILLJET SPIRITS COMPANY products: spirits, still wine, vinegar Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) EDELWEISS Kazan Russia 32-40-8 1 spirits: vodka uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7500 bph 14000 bph KRISTALL KALUGA Kaluga Russia 40-8 1 spirits: vodka monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, 0,500 L glass bottles 13000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Alitus Russia 20 1 vodka filler 1,750 L glass bottles 1500 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Lipetzk Russia 32 1 vodka filler 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Leningrado Russia 32 1 vodka filler 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Baku 1 Russia 32 1 vodka filler 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Kiev Russia ✔ 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Gomel Russia ✔ 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Volgograd Russia ✔ 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Krasnoyask Russia ✔ 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Baku 2 Russia ✔ 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 bph KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Massandra Russia 40 1 vodka filler 0,750 L glass bottles 12000 bph KURSK SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS Kursk Russia 32-8 1 vodka monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph ✔ 19 FILLJET SPIRITS products: spirits, still wine, vinegar Country Complete Line Model Qty Products KURSK SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS Kursk Russia ✔ 32-8 1 spirits MOSCOVSKIJ Moscow Russia 40-8-8 1 still wine spirits: vodka SAMARA Russia 32 1 spirits SOCHINSKY VINNO Sochi Russia 32-8 1 TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow Russia 16-6 TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow Russia TECHNOPROMIMPORT Brest COMPANY Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph uniblock: rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 15000 bph 15000 bph filler 0,500 L glass bottles 12000 bph still wine monoblock filler+capper 0,700 L glass bottles 8000 bph 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph 16-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia 16-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT Kalinigrad Russia 16-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT Rubin (Crimea) Russia 16-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT Amtel Russia 16-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow 20 FILLJET SPIRITS COMPANY TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow VINAP Novosibirsk products: spirits, still wine, vinegar Country Complete Line Type Size Speed Model Qty Products Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 24-6 1 vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia 20-6 1 spirits: vodka monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, sprayjet, cip 0,700 L glass bottles 4500 bph Dominican Republic 20-6 1 spirits:rhum vinegar monoblock filler+capper 0,750 L glass bottles 0,750 L glass bottles 5000 bph 5000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 135000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 135000 bph (bottles per hour) BARCELO LIQUOR FACTORY VORTEKS Turkey 32-50-8 1 spirits VORTEKS Turkey 32-50-8 1 spirits uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, dev 130, conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, dev 130, conveyors 21 HOTJET/ VOLJET COMPANY products: edible oil, fruit juices, soya sauce,ketchup, syrup, tomatoes puree Complete Line Qty Products Algeria 50 1 fruit juice filler 6 Oz cans 5000 bph Algeria 20 1 fruit juice filler 6 Oz cans 10000 bph NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Algeria 32-32-10 1 fruit juice uniblock: rinser+filler+capper 0,250 L glass bottles 15000 bph NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Brasile 25-25-6 1 fruit juice uniblock rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 9000bph 12000bph 12000 bph China 16-16 1 fruit juice monoblock filler+capper 0,250 L glass bottles 6000 bph China 30-30-10 1 fruit juice 0,250 L glass bottles 15000 bph Czech Republic 12-12-4 1 syrup 0,700 L PET bottles 3500 bph Denmark 24 1 0,720 L glass bottles 7600 bph Egypt VOLJET 32-32-10 1 0,250 L glass bottles 15000 bph Greece 16-20-6 1 edible oil 1,000 L glass bottles 6500 bph Italy 28 1 tomatoes puree 0,720 L glass bottles 10000 bph Italy 40-8 1 tomatoes puree 0,750 L glass bottles 10000 bph Italy 44-12 1 fruit juice 0,330 L glass bottles 30000 bph Italy 32-8 1 tomatoes puree 0,720 L glass bottles 11500 bph DOLE-TROPICANA China LUZHIYUAN China Linea Nivnice A.S. Nivnice BEAUVAIS Svinninge NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT SOYA MILLS AS Kalamaki Korinthias AGRICAST SRL Cerignola (FG) ANGLONA ALIMENTARI SRL Valledoria (SS) BERTUZZI SPA Brugherio (MI) CONTINENTAL SARDA Zeddiani (OR) tomatoes puree ketchup fruit juice still water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper filler uniblock rinser+filler+capper synchroblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors filler with: SM 75, conveyors monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, SM 75 monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, SM75 Size Speed Model CONS. DU SAHEL ALGERIEN Alger CONSERVERIE DES AURES Annaba Country (bottles per hour) 22 HOTJET/ VOLJET COMPANY products: edible oil, fruit juices, soya sauce,ketchup, syrup, tomatoes puree Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Italy 50-20 1 fruit juice tomatoes puree ketchup Italy 40-8 1 fruit juice Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) DEL MONTE FOODS S.E. SRL S. Felice sul Panaro (MO) MAIER SPA Parma OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) PANIGAL SPA Bologna ROSSI E CATELLI SPA Parma monoblock filler+capper with:crown capper, conveyors, SM75 0,125 L glass bottles 0,720 L glass bottles 0,340 L glass bottles 50000bph 24000bph 24000 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 16000 bph 2,000 L glass bottles 3000 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 9000 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 12000 bph filler 6 OZ cans 4000 bph block filler+seamer 6 OZ cans 12000 bph monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper filler with: conveyors monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, SM 75 filler with: conveyors, SM 75 Italy ✔ 20 1 edible oil Italy ✔ 40-8 1 edible oil Italy 50 1 tomatoes puree Italy 16 1 ketchup Italy 24 1 tomatoes puree SASSO SPA OLEIFICIO Imperia Italy .28-8 1 edible oil monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors,SM 75 1,000 L glass bottles 9000 bph STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Italy 48 1 tomatoes puree ketchup filler with: conveyors, SM 75 0,600 L glass bottles 36000 bph ROSSI E CATELLI SPA Parma 23 HOTJET/ VOLJET products: edible oil, fruit juices, soya sauce,ketchup, syrup, tomatoes puree COMPANY Country STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Complete Line Model Qty Products Italy 48 1 tomatoes puree ketchup ZUCCHI SPA Cremona (PR) Italy 32 1 edible oil CEREBOS Petaling Jaya Malaysia 24-8 1 Mexico .24-8 1 tomatoes puree 20-20-6 1 fruit juice Philippines 40-40-8 1 soya sauce Philippines 40-40-8 1 soya sauce 36-16 1 fruit juice Poland 60 1 fruit juice Poland 12-4 1 Poland .12-4 Poland 12-4 ALIMENTOS DEL FUERTE Los Mochis JAKA FOODS CORP. Makati City SHOYU FOOD CORP. Manila SHOYU FOOD CORP. Manila ALIMA GERBER Rzeszow ALIMA GERBER Rzeszow DEBICA FACTORY Warsaw KATOWICE FACTORY Warsaw OLMAR GDANSK FACTORY Warsaw Philippines Poland ✔ ✔ Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) filler with: conveyors, SM 75 0,600 L glass bottles 36000 bph filler with: conveyors 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,070 L glass bottles 14400 bph 0,720 L glass bottles 7800 bph 1,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 6600 bph 8000 bph 0,350 Lglass bottles 15000 bph 0,350 Lglass bottles 15000 bph 0,150 L glass bottles 24000 bph filler 0,300 L glass bottles 39000 bph edible oil monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 4000 bph 1 edible oil monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 4000 bph 1 edible oil monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 4000 bph essence of chicken monoblock filler+capper monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper, conveyors 24 HOTJET/ VOLJET COMPANY Country WARSAW FACTORY Warsaw LARA LDA Silves TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow LOTTE SAM KANG COFRUTOS S.A. Cehegin products: edible oil, fruit juices, soya sauce,ketchup, syrup, tomatoes puree Complete Line Poland Model Qty Products 24-8 1 edible oil Type monoblock filler+capper monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,000 L glass bottles 8000 bph 0,250 L glass bottles 10000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph Portugal ✔ . 24-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice Russia ✔ 28-8 1 fruit juice 32-32 1 fruit juice monoblock filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 40-16 1 fruit juice monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper 0,160 L glass bottles 35000 bph Seoul South Korea Spain 25 HOTJET/ VOLJET COMPANY COFRUTOS S.A. Cehegin LA VERJA SA Cehegin HARTRIDGE & SONS LTD Hambledon SAVANA SA Bobo Dioulasso CEREBOS Chonbury BRANCA SPA Caracas products: edible oil, fruit juices, soya sauce,ketchup, syrup, tomatoes puree Country Complete Line Qty Products Spain VOLJET 60 1 orange juice still water VOLUMETRIC FILLER 1,000 L glass bottles 5,000 L PET bottles 20000 Spain 50-20 1 fruit juice monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper 0,160 Lglass bottles 0,200 L glass bottles 50000 bph 50000 bph UK 36-12 1 fruit juice 0,200 L glass bottles 24000 bph 12 1 tomatoes puree 0,300 Lglass bottles 4000 bph 24-8 1 0,050 L glass bottles 12000 bph 40 1 0,330 L glass bottles 25000 bph Upper Volta ✔ Thailand Venezuela ✔ Type monoblock filler+capper with: crown capper filler with: conveyors essence of chicken monoblock filler+capper fruit juice filler with: conveyors Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 26 ISOJET COMPANY AGROQUICK Alger products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Algerie ✔ 12 1 soft drinks AQUA SIM SPA Mouzaia Algerie BPE Type filler uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet, mechanical elevator, cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,000 L glass bottles 2500 bph 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 1,500 L Pet bottles 3900 bph 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink Algerie 12-20-4 1 carbonated water COCA COLA Skikda Algerie 80-10 1 soft drink monoblock filler+capper with: mixjet300 2 L Pet bottles 12000 bph COCA COLA Skikda Algerie 80-10 1 soft drink monoblock filler+capper with: mixjet300 2 L Pet bottles 12000 bph 1 soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 12000 bph 7000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator 0,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 9000 bph 3000 bph 2,000 L PET bottles 8700 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph ITA ✔ Algerie 32-50-8 SARL BOISSONS GENIAL Tebessa MAR DEL PLATA KOSME Sollenau Algerie 25-25-5 1 carbonated soft drinks Argentina 32-48-8 1 carbonated soft drinks 12-20-1 1 soft drinks Austria ✔ uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper 27 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products KOSME Sollenau Austria 21-24-6 1 carbonated water KOSME Sollenau Austria 40-40-8 1 soft drink ✔ 56-96-14 ✔ 70-120-15 1,500 L PET bottles 7000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,5 L PET bottles 23800 bph 17800 bph 24800 bph 32000 bph 1 soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine, warmer 1,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 33000 bph 22300 bph 35000 bph 35000 bph 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet 120, pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 6600 bph 1 DARIDA Minsk Bielorussia 35-35-7 Speed (bottles per hour) 4000 bph PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator Size 1,500 L PET bottles PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh Type 28 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products DARIDA Minsk Bielorussia 30-30-6 1 carbonated water COCA COLA SOLIBRA Abidjan ✔ Costa d'Avorio Size Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet,elevator, ozonizator, cip 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 11700 bph 0,600 L PET bottles 1,25 L PET bottles 9000 bph 5700 bph 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, labeller machine, heat exchanger, premix 80-10 1 carbonated soft drinks monoblock filler+capper with: premix and pneumatic elevator 1,000 L PET bottles 18000 bph 50-8 1 carbonated and ozonated water monoblock filler + capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 16000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 2900 bph 2100 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 3000 bph ROYAL CROWN COLA Beijing China Type 30-30-6 LOS PORTALES C. Habana Cuba ✔ ALBERTINA Prague Czech Republic 12-18-1 1 carbonated water soft drinks ALBERTINA Prague Czech Republic 9-15-1 1 beer uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: crown capper 29 ISOJET products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine COMPANY Country AQUA MINERA Bruntal Czech Republic DRINKTEC SRO Stare Mesto Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic IBM IBM IBM IBM KALABRIA SANTA Krnov SANTA Krnov VESETA Kysice BENT TANG & CO. Birkerod SIDEL PAKAGING SYSTEMS Le Havre Cedex Complete Line Model Products 36-40-8 1 carbonated water soft drinks 21-24-6 1 carbonated water soft drinks 24 1 soft drinks filler 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 24 1 soft drinks filler 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 24 1 soft drinks filler 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 24-40-8 1 soft drinks 1,500 L PET bottles 7200 bph 15-1 1 15-24-3 1 9-16-1 1 9-16-1 1 Denmark 12-3 1 France 20-20-4 1 carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks Type synchroblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet, cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper monoblock filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper monoblock filler+capper uniblock carbonated water+ rinser+filler+capper soft drink with: conveyors, cip Size Speed Qty 1,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2000 L PET bottles 2000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles (bottles per hour) 11000 bph 11000 bph 11000bph 4100 bph bph 1850 bph bph 4700 bph bph 2700 bph bph 2900 bph bph 2000 bph bph 4100 1850 3200 2700 2700 2000 3700 bph 3900 bph 30 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM France 20-20-4 1 soft drink France 18-18-1 1 carbonated & still water France 35-35-7 1 carbonated/still water 1 carbonated & still water SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM France 35-35-7 SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM France 30-30-6 1 carbonated & still water GAMMA GROUP Niederkassel Germany 20-20-4 1 soft drinks VOTOMOS Heraklion Creta Greece 24-32-8 1 carbonated water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, conveyors and carbojet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator,carbojet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator,carbojet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: premix uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: crown capper, carbojet, cip, conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 3700 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 2000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 7700 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7700 bph 1,5 L pet bottles 2,0 L pet bottles 2,0 L pet bottles 6500 bph 5000 bph 5500 bph 0,330 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 7300 bph 2500 bph 1,500 L PET glass bottles 6000 bph 31 ISOJET products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine COMPANY Country COCA COLA BONAGUI S.A. Conakry Guinea SZENTKIRÁLYI MINERAL WATER LTD by SIDEL Complete Line Hungary Model Qty Products 20-1 1 soft drinks 1 carbonated & still water 35-35-7 1 carbonated soft drinks 32-40-8 GOL-NOUSH Conserve Co. Chaharom Iran AL RAWAN Al Basra Iraq ✔ 32-40-8 1 soft drinks NABI AL FURAT FOR SOFT DRINKS LTD Baghdad Iraq ✔ 80-80-22 1 carbonated soft drink 1 carbonated soft drink TAMEEM COLA Iraq ✔ 40-50-10 Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: elevator 1,5 L PET bottles 3000 bph uniblock rinser + filler + capper with: pneumatic elevator and cip 1,5 L PET bottles 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 17500 bph 1,125 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 13000 bph 20000 bph uniblock: rinser+filler+capper wih: pneumatic elevator, mixjet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc & automatic mixjet150 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, semiautomatic mixjet400 uniblock: rinser+filler+capper wih: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 32 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Iraq Complete Line ✔ Model 40-60-8 Qty 1 Products carbonated soft drink & still water THE ARABIAN AERATED WATER CO ZAID FOUAD ABDALLAH BAGHDAD Iraq ACQUE E TERME DI VIGEZZO Malesco (NO) 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drinks Italy 44-50-10 1 carbonated/still water FONTI DI RAMIOLA SPA Ramiola (PR) Italy 60-70-1212 1 carbonated water soft drinks LA GUARDIENSE SRL Guardia Sanframondi (BN) Italy 28 1 sparkling wine MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drink MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy 35-35-7 1 carbonated soft drink ✔ ✔ Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, mixjet200 uniblock: rinser+filler+capper wih: pneumatic elevator, mixjet, conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet, conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, crown capper filler uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet 40, cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet 120, pneumatic elevator Size 1,500 l PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles Speed (bottles per hour) 12000 bph 8000 bph 16000 bph 2600 bph bph 7000 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 10000 bph 18000 bph 0,900 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph 14000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,500 L pet and glass bottles 6900 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 6600 bph 33 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy 40-50-8 1 MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy 20-20-4 1 MERLONI PROGETTI SPA Milano Italy 12-16-1 1 OSCELLA SPA Domodossola (NO) Italy 36-40-8-8 1 PALANACKI KISELJAK (Serbia) Italy 20-20-5 1 PROGRAM Bergamo Italy 20-5 1 SANNITE SOC. AGRICOLA SPA Dugenta (BN) Italy 20 1 Sipa Italy 30-30-6 1 ✔ ✔ Products Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock carbonated water rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet uniblock carbonated water rinser+filler+capper with: cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper soft drinks with: conveyors, mixjet uniblock carbonated water rinser+filler+capper soft drinks with: mixjet monoblock filler+capper carbonated water with: conveyors, mixjet, cip filler sparkling wine with: conveyors, sprayjet 16 uniblock rinser+filler+capper carbonated water with: carbojet,elevator, ozonizator, cip beer + soft drink Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 PET bottles 2 L PET bottles 8500 bph 6400 bph 1,500 L pet bottles 4000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph glass bottles pet bottles 5000 bph 5000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 3400 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3450 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 4000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 11700 bph 34 ISOJET COMPANY Sipa products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Italy Model 32-40-8 Qty 1 Type Size beer uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet, plate heat exchange 1,500 L PET bottles 7300 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet, mechanical elevator, cip 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 15000 bph 15000 bph 15000 bph SMI GROUP Italy ✔ 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink SOC.GEN.ACQUE MIN. LETE Pratella (CE) (bottles per hour) Italy 50-60-10 1 carbonated water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, carbojet Italy 50-70-10 1 carbonated water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 1,500 L PET bottles 18550 bph Italy 50-70-10 1 carbonated and still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 1,500 L PET bottles 18550 bph Italy 36-40-8 1 carbonated water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) STELLA ALPINA SPA Moio de Calvi (BG) Speed Products 35 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country VIVERE E NATURA Carlopopoli (CZ) Italy VUONO GIUSEPPINA & ANTONIO SNC Acri (CS) Italy ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan Complete Line ✔ Model Qty isojet 35-35-7 1 35-35-7-7 1 Products Type uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, still and carbonated cip, conveyors, carbojet 120, water palletiser, depalletiser, wrapping machine, packing machine, handle applicator carbonated water soft drink 20-20-4 1 soft drink ✔ 32-40-8 1 carbonated soft drink ✔ 30-30-6 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 70 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet150 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, n° 4 semiautomatic mixjet120, mechanical elevator Size 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,25 L PET bottles 0,33 L PET bottles Speed (bottles per hour) 9000 bph 7000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 6300 bph 2600 bph bph 7000 2,25 L PET bottles 6300 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 4200 bph 12000 bph 36 ISOJET COMPANY ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Jordan Jordan Complete Line ✔ ✔ Model 30-30-6 30-30-6 Qty Products 1 still water & carbonated soft drink 1 Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,000 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 7500 bph 12000 bph 5700 bph 9000 bph uniblock still & carbonated rinser+filler+capper water, carbonated with: conveyors, soft drink semiautomatic mixjet120 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 5700 bph 9000 bph AL ABBADI Jordan ✔ 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drink AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 32-40-8 1 soft drink AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 32-40-8 1 soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet70 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labelling machine, pneumatic elevator, premix uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labelling machine, pneumatic elevator, premix 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph bph 6400 2,25 L PET bottles 0,33 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 2,25 L PET bottles 0,33 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 37 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products ASIBEX Amman Jordan 20-20-4 1 soft drink ASIBEX Amman Jordan 30-30-6 1 soft drink KABATILO AMMAN Jordan 20-20-4 1 soft drink MOHD KHAIR AKKSH TRADING EST. Amman Jordan 30-30-6 1 soft drink UR INTERNATIONAL Amman Jordan 20-20-4 1 carbonated water soft drink BONUS Kosovo 18-18-1 1 carbonated soft drinks RIJASKY VINNO Riga Lettonia 50-8 1 sparkling wine ✔ Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 70 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 120 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix, labelling machine, syrup room, blow moulding machine, shrink wrapping machine uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 120 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix, labelling machine, uniblock rinser+filler+capper monoblock filler+capper Size 2,25 L PET bottles 0,33 L PET bottles Speed (bottles per hour) 2600 bph bph 2,25 L PET bottles 4200 bph 0,33 L PET bottles 7300 bph 2,25 L PET bottles 4200 bph 2,25 L PET bottles 0,25 L PET bottles 2500 bph 7200 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 2400 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 6000 bph 7000 38 ISOJET COMPANY VITATON (M) SDN. BHD. Lenggeng PROGRAM (COBOMI - Compagnie de Boissons Marocaines Internationnales s.a.) PROGRAM (COBOMI - Compagnie de Boissons Marocaines Internationnales s.a.) products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Qty Products Malaysia 24-40-8 1 carbonated/still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph 9200 bph Marocco 35-7 1 carbonated soft drinks monoblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles 6500 bph 1,5 L PET bottles 12000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3400 bph 1,500 L glass bottles 12000 bph 0,33 L glass bottles 6000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph Marocco 60-8 1 COOPTECH LTD. London - Lugano Poland 20-20-4 1 DODONI Minsk Poland 40-60-10 1 MARWIT Zlawies Wielka Poland 20-20-4 1 POLLAS FACTORY Poznan Poland 20-24-6 1 Type monoblock soft drink, orangina, filler+capper still water with: mixjet 200, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet uniblock carbonated water+ rinser+filler+capper soft drink with: pneumatic elevator, cip uniblock carrot juice rinser+filler+capper uniblock soft drinks rinser+filler+capper with: cip Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 39 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products UNI-LABEL S.J.MARCIN KIWAK I WSPOLNICY Warszawa Poland 50-80-10 1 carbonated water DUO Ekaterimburg Russia 12-18-1 1 carbonated water soft drinks GEFIT INTERNATIONAL Russia 20-20-4 1 still water carbonated water GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Russia ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna 30-30-6 1 carbonated water and still water Russia 12-20-1 1 beer Russia 30-30-6-6 1 carbonated water ✔ Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 120, pneumatic elevator. conveyors, cip, Ink jet, handlle applicator, shrink wrapping, bottles strtching machine, labeller, uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mixjet 120 Size 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles Speed (bottles per hour) 20000 bph 3000 bph bph 3000 0,500 L PET bottles 8200 bph 1,5 L PET bottles 1 L PET bottles 0,5 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 2,000 L PET bottles 2650 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 5400 bph 40 ISOJET COMPANY KEMI-AWKA Lipezk products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Russia Complete Line ✔ Model 30-30-6 Qty Speed Products Type Size 1 carbonated water and still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 120, pneumatic elevator. conveyors, ci. Imk jet, handlle applicator, shrink wrapping, bottles strtching machine, labeller, 1,5 L PET bottles 1 L PET bottles 0,5 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 18500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph 7400 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 13700 bph KRASNYI VOSTOK Kazan Russia 12-18-1 1 carbonated/still water soft drinks beer LUK OIL St. Petersburg Russia 20-20-5 1 carbonated water MIKOWS MEAT KOMBINAT Moscow Russia 24-40-8 1 soft drinks MURMANSK BREWERY Murmansk Russia 50-10 1 beer OCZAKOVO Moscow Russia 28-40-8 1 carbonated water soft drinks Patra Brewery (HEINEKEN) Ekaterinburg Russia 50-60-8 1 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip uniblock rinser+filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet monoblock filler+capper uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet carbonated soft uniblock drinks, water, beer, rinser+filler+capper kwas (bottles per hour) 41 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products SYKTYVKARPIVO Syktyvkar Russia 12-18-1 1 beer SYKTYVKARPIVO Syktyvkar Russia 24-6 1 beer Russia 60-12 1 Russia 40-70-10 1 ZELENOGRAD Russia 24-3 1 soft drinks KNJAZ MILOS Arandelovac Serbia e Montenegro 24-32-8 1 carbonated water soft drinks VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo Serbia e Montenegro 50-60-10 1 still and carbonated water , soft drinks VINAP Novosibirsk VINAP Novosibirsk ✔ carbonated water & soft drinks carbonated water & soft drinks Type Size uniblock rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles with: cip monoblock filler+capper 0,500 L glass bottles with: crown capper, cip monoblock 0,330 L PET bottles filler+capper 0,500 L PET bottles uniblock 2,000 L Pet bottles rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L Pet bottles monoblock filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles with: conveyors, mixjet uniblock 1,500 L PET bottles rinser+filler+capper 1,500 L PET bottles with: conveyors uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, shrink 1,500 L PET bottles wrapping machine, 1,500 L PET bottles palletiser, wrapping machine, handle applicator, level control device Speed (bottles per hour) 3000 bph 6600 bph 28800 bph 25200 bph 13500 bph 18500 bph 4000 bph 6400 bph 5200 bph 15300 bph 13700 bph 42 ISOJET COMPANY products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty 60-12-12 1 GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid Spain MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum KHAZNEH CO. Aleppo SICEM Tunisi Sudan Sudan Syria Tunisia 30-6 ✔ ✔ 30-30-7 32-50-8 35-35-7 Products Type uniblock carbonated and still rinser+filler+capper water with: premix 1 soft drink 1 soft drink stil water still fruit juice 1 carbonated soft drink 1 carbonated & still water monoblock filler+capper with: mixjet, uncrating machine & crating machine uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, level control device, unscrambler, ink jet uniblock: rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, semi-automatic mixjet. uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator,carbojet Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,000 L glass bottles 0,750 L PET bottles 17000 bph 20000 bph 0,250 L pet bottles 12000 bph 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L pet bottles 2,250 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 13000 bph 11500 bph 4000 bph 11200 bph 5400 bph 2,000 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 0,350 L pet bottles 8500 bph 12000 bph 16000 bph 16000 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7700 bph 43 ISOJET COMPANY Decantae Mineral Water Ltd Conwy products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Speed Type Size 0,250 L pet bottles 0,330 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 2,000 L pet bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 0,330 L glass bottles 0,750 L glass bottles 14000 bph 14000 bph 12000 bph 7500 bph 6300 bph 4800 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph 8800 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 18000 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 10000 bph 17000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph UK 35-35-7 1 carbonated water uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: mecc, saturator UK 40-50-8 1 carbonated water uniblock rinser+filler+capper UK 40-50-8-8 1 soft drinks Ukraine 20-20-5 1 soft drinks (bottles per hour) HILDON LTD Hildon House ORCHID DRINKS Cleveland RATA CO. Uzhgorod uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: crown capper monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet, cip 44 ISOJET COMPANY TARLETON products: beer, carbonated/still water; soft drinks, sparkling wine Country Uzbekistan Complete Line ✔ Model 32-50-8 Qty Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1 uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: premix, heat exchanger, labeller, carbonated water & pneumatic elevator, soft drink cip, conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, shrink wrapping machine, 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 9000 bph uniblock carbonated and still rinser+filler+capper water with: cip, carbojet, elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph NESTLE' (La Vie Perrier Vittel) Tan An YEMEN HETMA Products Vietnam 25-25-5 1 Yemen 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drink 45 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY AQUA SIM SPA Mouzaia Country Complete Line Model Qty Algerie ✔ turret32 1 turret 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 1,500 L Pet bottles 3900 bph Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) BPE Algerie turret 12 1 turret COCA COLA Oued Tlelat Algerie sprayjet 50 1 free standing 2,000 L 1,000 L 12000 bph 17500 bph COCA COLA Oued Tlelat Algerie sprayjet 50 1 free standing 2,000 L 1,000 L 12000 bph 17500 bph ITA Algerie turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 12000 bph 7000 bph Algerie turret 25 1 turret 0,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 9000 bph 3000 bph Angola turret 35 1 turret Argentina turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 8700 bph Austria sprayjet 16 1 free standing turret 32 1 turret SARL BOISSONS GENIAL Tebessa POUR ANGOLA LDA Luanda MAR DEL PLATA SCHLUMBERGER SEKTKELL. Wien NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 4000 bph 0,250 L glass bottles 15000 bph 46 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Qty turret 25 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 9000bph 12000bph 12000 bph Austria turret 12 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph Austria turret 21 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph Austria turret 40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 7000 bph Austria sprayjet 32 1 free standing NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT KOSME Sollenau KOSME Sollenau KOSME Sollenau SCHLUMBERGER SEKTKELL. Wien PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh turret 56 1 Products Type Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 8000 bph turret 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,5 L PET bottles 23800 bph 17800 bph 24800 bph 32000 bph 33000 bph 22300 bph 35000 bph 35000 bph 6600 bph PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh DARIDA Minsk Bielorussia ✔ turret 70 1 turret 1,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles turret 35 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 47 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country DARIDA Minsk FORTUNE China LUZHIYUAN China ROYAL CROWN COLA Beijing CORATUR Habana NIMICO ENTERPRISES LTD La Nicosia Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Bielorussia turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles China turret 28 1 turret 0,600 L PET bottles China turret 30 1 turret 0,250 L glass bottles 15000 bph China turret 30 1 turret 0,600 L PET bottles 1,250 L PET bottles 9000 bph 5700 bph Cuba turret 20 1 turret 0,750 L PET 6300 bph Cyprus sprayjet 12 1 free standing 1,500 L PVC bottles 2500 bph Cyprus turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph (bottles per hour) 6000 bph 11700 bph PHOTOS PHOTIADES GROUP Cyprus Linea Nivnice A.S. Nivnice ALBERTINA Prague ALBERTINA Prague Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic turret 12 1 turret 0,700 L PET bottles 3500 bph turret12 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 2900 bph 2100 bph turret 9 1 turret 0,500 L glass bottles 3000 bph AQUA MINERA Bruntal Czech Republic turret 36 1 turret Czech Republic turret 21 1 turret 1,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 11000 bph 11000 bph 11000bph 4100 bph 4100 bph DRINKTEC SRO Mesto Stare 48 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country IBM SANTA Krnov SANTA Krnov VESETA Kysice Qty turret 24 1 turret turret 15 1 turret turret 9 1 turret turret 9 1 turret turret 32 1 turret Egypt turret 36 1 turret Esthonia turret30 1 turret Esthonia sprayjet 12 1 free standing 3500 bph Estonia sprayjet 15 1 free standing 5000 bph Finland sprayjet 20 1 free standing Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Products Type Size Speed Model NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT SINDEV-SIWA Complete Line (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 7200 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4700 bph 3200 bph 2700 bph 2700 bph 2900 bph 2700 bph 15000 bph 10500 bph 16000 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 0,350 L glass bottles 0,200 L glass bottles 10000 bph 11000 bph 12000 bph ALTIA EESTI Harjumaa REMEDIA AS LTD OPHELIA (PRIMALCO) Tallin LIGNELL & PIISPANEN Kuopio 0,500 bph glass bottles 5000 bph PRIMALCO Helsinki Finland sprayjet 32 1 free standing 13000 bph PRIMALCO Helsinki Finland sprayjet 50 1 free standing 22000 bph Turk Finland sprayjet 30 1 free standing 10000 bph SCANFRENTZ 49 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY V&S FINLAND OY Turku COMP. VALLEE DE LA LOIRE Ballay SIDEL Octeville sur Mer SIDEL Octeville sur Mer SIDEL PAKAGING SYSTEMS Le Havre Cedex Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Finland sprayjet 18 1 free standing 5000 bph France sprayjet 32 1 free standing 12000 bph France turret 9 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph France turret 25 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph France turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 3700 bph 3900 bph France turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3700 bph France turret 18 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 2000 bph France turret 35 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 7700 bph (bottles per hour) SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM 50 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty France turret 35 1 turret 1,000 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7700 bph France turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 6500 bph 5000 bph 5500 bph France turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 bph France turret 30 1 turret 2,000 L PET bottles 14500 bph France turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 25000 bph Germany turret 15 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 4000 bph Ghana turret 30 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph Gibuti turret 15 1 turret Greece turret 50 1 turret Greece turret 9 1 turret 0,600 L PET bottles 1,800 L PET bottles 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 8000 bph 3500 bph 20000 bph 21000 bph 1500 bph Greece sprayjet 12 1 free standing (bottles per hour) SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges LEVANTE GMBH SPINFRESH Accra MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB CHITOS ABEE Ioannina COOP. A SAX CHALKIS DEDES KAI SIA Loutraki 3000 bph 51 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country DEDES KAI SIA Loutraki KOUTSOUMBA AFOI OE - Arta MENTEKIDIS MENTEKIDIS Ptolemaida SOYA MILLS AS Korinthias VOTOMOS Creta VOTOMOS Creta Kalamaki Heraklion Heraklion COMPAGNIE DES EUX MINERALES DES GUINEE Madina Complete Line Qty Greece turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 9000 bph Greece turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 6000 bph Greece turret 20 1 turret Greece turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 10000bph 7000 bph 8800 bph Greece turret 16 1 turret 1,000 L glass bottles 6500 bph Greece turret 24 1 turret Greece turret 24 1 turret turret20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6500 bph 12000 bph Hungary turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 12000bph 5400 bph Hungary turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 6900 bph Guinee ✔ Products Type Size Speed Model 1,500 L PET/glass bottles 1,500 L PET/glass bottles (bottles per hour) 6000 bph 6000 bph GRAMEX 2000 Ltd GRAMEX 2000 Ltd 52 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country EDENA MULTI MINERAL PERKASA Inzon P.T.TANGGAMUS MATRATIRTA Amust P.T.TIRTAMAS MEGAH Total WEN KEN GOL-NOUSH Conserve Co. Chaharom AL RAWAN Al Basra NABI AL FURAT FOR SOFT DRINKS LTD Baghdad Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Ile de La Reunion turret 9 1 turret Indonesia turret 16 1 turret Indonesia turret 20 1 turret Indonesia turret 20 1 turret Indonesia turret 24 1 Iran turret 35 Size Speed (bottles per hour) 5,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PVC bottles 1,500 L PEt bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 0,200 L PET bottles 6000 bph 10000bph 8000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 10000 bph 12000 bph 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph Iraq ✔ turret 32 1 turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 16000 bph Iraq ✔ turret80 1 turret 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 17500 bph Iraq ✔ turret40 1 turret 1,125 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 13000 bph 20000bph Iraq ✔ turret50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 19000 bph 24000bph TAMEEM COLA TAMEEM COLA 53 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY THE ARABIAN AERATED WATER CO ZAID FOUAD ABDALLAH BAGHDAD ACQUE E TERME DI VIGEZZO Malesco (NO) CMC COMIBA SPA Vergiate (VA) FONTI DI RAMIOLA SPA Ramiola (PR) Cimbro GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria INA SDF Castelfiorentino (FI) ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna LANFRANCHI Collecchio (PR) Country Complete Line Model Qty Iraq ✔ turret40 1 turret Iraq turret 20 1 turret Italy turret 44 1 turret Italy turret 24 1 turret Italy sprayjet 16 1 free standing Italy turret 60 1 turret Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 l PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph 16000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PVC bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph 10000 bph 18000 bph 7200 bph 5000 bph 0,900 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph 14000 bph 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph Italy ✔ turret 30 1 turret Italy ✔ turret 9 1 turret Italy sprayjet 12 1 free standing Italy turret 12 1 turret 2,000 L PET bottles 2650 bph Italy turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 5400 bph Italy sprayjet 50 1 free standing 5,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph 4000 bph 18000 bph 15000 bph 54 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MERLONI PROGETTI SPA Milano OSCELLA SPA Domodossola (NO) PALANACKI KISELJAK PANIGAL SPA Bologna SANNITE SOC. AGRICOLA SPA Dugenta (BN) Sipa Sipa SMI GROUP Qty Italy turret 20 1 turret 0,500 LPET/glass bottles 6900 bph Italy turret 35 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 6600 bph Italy turret 40 1 turret 1,500 PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 8500 bph 6400 bph Italy turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L pet bottles 4000 bph turret 12 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph Italy turret 36 1 turret Italy turret 20 1 turret glass bottles PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 5000 bph 5000 bph 4000 bph 3400 bph Italy sprayjet 12 1 free standing Italy sprayjet 16 1 free standing 0,700 L glass bottles 4000 bph Italy turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 11700 bph Italy turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 7300 bph Italy turret 40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 14400 bph 16000 bph ✔ Products Type Size Speed Model Italy (Serbia) Complete Line (bottles per hour) 4000 bph 55 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET Country Complete Line Model Qty SMI GROUP Italy ✔ turret32 1 turret 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph SOC.GEN.ACQUE MIN. LETE Pratella (CE) Italy turret 50 1 turret 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 15000 bph 15000 bph 15000 bph Italy turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 18550 bph Italy turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 18550 bph Italy turret 36 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph Italy sprayjet 12 1 free standing Italy turret 35 1 turret Italy sprayjet 20 1 free standing 11000 bph Japan sprayjet 15 1 free standing 4600 bph turret30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 10000 bph 12000 bph COMPANY SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) STELLA ALPINA SPA Moio de Calvi (BG) VECCHIA CANT. MONTEPULCIANO Montepulciano (SI) VUONO GIUSEPPINA & ANTONIO SNC Acri (CS) ZUCCHI SPA Cremona BPM Tokio ABDULMUNEM MAHDI SALIH ALSALAWI Jordan ✔ Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) 3000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 6300 bph ABU SLEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan turret 25 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,600 L PVC bottles 8600 bph 10000bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan turret 20 1 turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph 56 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Country Complete Line Model Qty Jordan ✔ turret32 1 turret 2,250 L PET bottles 6300 bph Jordan ✔ turret25 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 10000 bph Jordan ✔ turret30 1 turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 4200 bph 12000 bph 7500 bph 12000 bph 5700 bph 9000 bph Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret30 1 turret 1,000 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret15 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 9000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 14000 bph 16000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 5700 bph 9000 bph 57 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET Country Complete Line Model Qty ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret35 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 11500 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan turret80 1 turret 0,330 L PET bottles 50000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret80 1 turret 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 17500 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ turret9 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph 1800 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan turret60 1 turret 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 36000 bph 22500 bph AL ABBADI Jordan turret 20 1 turret AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan turret 32 1 turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 6400 bph 6300 bph 18000 bph COMPANY Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) 58 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN ALBRAKECH ASIBEX Amman ASIBEX Amman KABATILO AMMAN MOHD KHAIR AKKSH TRADING EST. Amman UR INTERNATIONAL Amman SHIN SUNG TAE BECK BONUS KAA AL RIM Zahle KAA AL RIM Zahle ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES Baharu HANDEN INDUSTRIES Kuala Lampur OCEAN TIRTA MANIK Cemerlang Johor Complete Line Model Qty Products Type turret 32 1 turret turret 15 1 turret Jordan turret 20 1 turret Jordan turret 30 1 Jordan turret 20 Jordan Size Speed (bottles per hour) 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 8000 bph 2600 bph 7000 bph turret 2,250 L PET bottles 4200 bph 1 turret 0,330 L PET bottles 7300 bph turret 30 1 tut 2,250 L PET bottles 4200 bph Jordan turret 20 1 turret Korea turret 24 1 turret Korea Kosovo turret 40 turret 18 1 1 turret turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2500 bph 7200 bph 7600 bph 12000 bph 11000 bph 2400 bph Lebanon turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph Lebanon turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph Malaysia turret 24 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 bph Malaysia turret 12 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph Malaysia turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 6000 bph Jordan Jordan ✔ 59 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Malaysia turret 20 1 spirits Malaysia turret 12 Malaysia Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) PELICAN WINERY Puchong PURE WATER KL SDN. BHD. Kuala Lumpur VITATON (M) SDN. BHD. Lenggen VITATON (M) SDN. BHD. Lenggeng VITATON (M) SDN. BHD. Lenggeng WARNER LAMBERT Kuala Lumpur VEPRO GROUP SDN Puchong HH LTD Marsa SIG SIMONAZZI (Les Eaux Minerales d'Oulmes) COCA COLA FEMSA Santa Fé turret 0,170 L glass bottles 12000 bph 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph turret 24 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph Malaysia sprayjet 12 1 free standing Malaysia turret 24 1 turret Malaysia sprayjet 12 1 free standing Malaysia turret 30 1 Malta Republic sprayjet 12 1 free standing Marocco turret 20 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 5.000 bph Mexico turret 20 1 turret 5,000 L PVC bottles 5300 bph spirits turret 6000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph 9200 bph 2700 bph 0,170 L glass bottles 12000 bph 3000 bph 60 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Products Type Size Qty Mexico turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 8000 bph 10000 bph Mexico turret 15 1 turret 1 gallone PE bottles 1/2 gallone PE bottles 473 ml PE bottles 2400 bph 4500 bph 8200 bph Mexico turret 32 1 turret 1,500 L PVC bottles 12000 bph Mexico turret32 1 turret 1,000 L glass bottles 8000 bph Moldova Republic sprayjet 12 1 free standing 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph Oman turret 18 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4500 bph 9000 BPH Philippines turret 40 1 turret 0,350 Lglass bottles 15000 bph Philippines turret 40 1 turret 0,350 Lglass bottles 15000 bph Poland turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3400 bph Poland turret 40 1 turret 1,500 L glass bottles 12000 bph COCA COLA VICTORIA SA Queretaro COCA COLA Tijuana INDUSTRIA REFR. PENINSULAR Merida TEQUILA S.MATIAS Guadalajara VININVEST Kishinev MAZYONA MINERAL WATER CO. Muscat SHOYU FOOD CORP. Manila SHOYU FOOD CORP. Manila COOPTECH LTD. London Lugano DODONI Speed Model (bottles per hour) 61 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country MARWIT Zlawies Wielka MECHTECH Warszawa POLLAS FACTORY Poznan PZ UNICOM Oborniki UNI-LABEL S.J.MARCIN KIWAK I WSPOLNICY Warszawa UNICOM BOLS SORBAL EQUIP. LDA Burgases BENAT DUO Ekaterimburg EDELWEISS Kazan GEFIT INTERNATIONAL Tjumen Complete Line Products Type Qty Poland 20-20-4 1 turret 0,330 L glass bottles 6000 bph Poland turret40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 11500 bph Poland turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph Poland sprayjet 36 1 free standing Poland turret0 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 20000 bph Poland turret 50 1 turret 0,500 L GLASS bottles 0,700 L GLASS bottles 1,000 L GLASS bottles 18500 bph 14000 bph 11500 bph Portugal sprayjet 32 1 free standing Russia sprayjet 20 1 free standing Russia turret 12 1 turret Russia turret 32 1 turret Russia turret 20 1 turret KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ turret 30 1 turret KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ turret 9 1 turret Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 16000 bph 10000 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 7500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 3000 bph 7500 bph 14000 bph 8200 bph 5,000 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1500 bph 62 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Qty Russia turret 12 1 turret IES INTERNATIONAL B.V Postbus LUK OIL St. Petersburg MIKOWS MEAT KOMBINAT Moscow MONSERRAT Kiev MOSCOVSKIJ Moscow Russia sprayjet 70 1 free standing 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles Russia turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph Russia turret 24 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph Russia sprayjet 40 1 free standing Russia turret 40 1 turret OCZAKOVO Russia turret 28 1 turret Russia turret 50 1 Russia turret 12 Russia KRASNYI VOSTOK Kazan Products Type Size Speed Model (bottles per hour) 3000 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 36000 bph 15000 bph 0,500 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 15000 bph 15000 bph 9200 bph 7400 bph turret 1,500 L PET bottles 13700 bph 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph sprayjet 20 1 free standing 0,700 L glass bottles 4500 bph Russia turret 40 1 turret AL-SHALLAL Jeddah Saudi Arabia turret 15 1 turret MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB Saudi Arabia turret 15 1 turret 13500 bph 18500 bph 8000 bph 4200 bph 8000 bph 8000 bph Saudi Arabia turret 20 1 turret 2,000 L Pet bottles 1,500 L Pet bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles Saudi Arabia turret 9 1 turret Moscow Patra Brewery (HEINEKEN) Ekaterinburg SYKTYVKARPIVO Syktyvkar VINAP Novosibirsk VINAP Novosibirsk SHAHD AL QASSIM WATER Qassim AL JOUF JANDAL Al AL 6,000 L PET bottles 9200 bph 6400 bph 3300 bph 1350 bph 63 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY AL OYOUN WATER FACTORY Jeddah Country Complete Line Saudi Arabia Model Qty turret60 1 Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) turret 0,600 L PET bottles 40000 bph 48000 bph 48000 bph 42000 bph 28000 bph MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah turret70 1 turret 0,300 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,750 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles turret50 1 turret 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 25200 bph 24000 bph 18000 bph turret 24 1 turret turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 6400 bph 5200 bph 15300 bph 13700 bph Singapore sprayjet 9 1 free standing AGUA SANA Spain turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 11000 bph 16000 bph DAMM Barcellona Spain turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 27000 bph FUENTE ARQUILLO Spain turret 20 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 5000 bph Saudi Arabia MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah Saudi Arabia KNJAZ MILOS Arandelovac VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo EAC SINGAPORE Singapore Serbia e Montenegro Serbia e Montenegro ✔ ✔ 2500 bph 64 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Spain turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph Spain turret 20 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 5000 bph Spain turret 50 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 24000 bph Spain turret 60 1 turret 1,000 L glass bottles 0,750 L PET bottles 17000 bph 20000 bph Spain turret 42 1 turret 0,500 L PET bottles 26000 bph Spain turret 56 1 turret 2,000 L PET bottles 22000 bph Spain turret 20 1 turret 5,000 L PET bottles 5000 bph (bottles per hour) GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid GRUPO QUESOS FORLASA Huerta del Marchesado GRUPO QUESOS FORLASA Huerta del Marchesado GRUPO QUESOS FORLASA Cuenca 65 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Spain turret 32 1 turret 0,500 L PVC bottles 25000 bph Spain turret 40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 19500 bph Spain turret 40 1 turret 0,33 L PET bottles 35000 bph Spain turret 40 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 20000 bph 15000 bph Spain turret 40 1 turret 0,330 L PET bottles 36000 bph (bottles per hour) ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon ZEREP CARBON. Y AGUAS SA San Andreas del R., Leon 66 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum TETRAPAK Geneve DREIKICHE WATER BOTTLING PLANT Country Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) Sudan turret 30 1 turret 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L pet bottles 2,250 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles Switzerland turret 9 1 turret 6,000 L PET bottles 1350 bph turret 30 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 10400 bph 2,000 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 0,350 L pet bottles 0,700 L glass bottles 0,700 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 2,000 L pet bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 0,330 L glass bottles 0,750 L glass bottles 8500 bph 12000 bph 16000 bph 16000 bph 135000 bph 135000 bph 7000 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph 12000 bph 7500 bph 6300 bph 4800 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph 8800 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 18000 bph Syria KHAZNEH CO. Aleppo Syria VORTEKS VORTEKS SUPER GULF Decantae Mineral Water Ltd Conwy Complete Line ✔ ✔ turret 32 1 turret Turkey Turkey UAE turret 32 turret 32 turret 20 1 1 1 turret turret turret UK turret 35 1 turret UK turret 40 1 turret 13000 bph 11500 bph 4000 bph 11200 bph 5400 bph HILDON LTD Hildon House 67 ROTARY RINSERS mod. SPRAY JET / TURRET COMPANY ORCHID DRINKS RATA CO. Uzhgorod UKRPROM Odessa UKRPROM Odessa UKRPROM Odessa NIRVANA TARLETON Country Cleveland Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty UK turret 40 1 turret 1,000 L glass bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 10000 bph 17000 bph Ukraine turret 20 1 turret 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph Ukraine sprayjet 12 1 free standing 4000 bph Ukraine sprayjet 12 1 free standing 4000 bph Ukraine sprayjet 12 1 free standing 4000 bph USA turret 40 1 turret Uzbekistan turret 32 1 turret Vietnam turret 25 1 Yemen turret 20 1 (bottles per hour) 0,500 L PVC bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 20000 bph 8000 bph 9000 bph turret 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph turret 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph NESTLE' (La Vie Perrier Vittel) Tan An YEMEN HETMA 68 CARBONATOR mod. CARBOJET COMPANY DARIDA Minsk Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size Bielorussia carbojet 1 carbonated water mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h France carbojet 1 carbonated/still water mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 11550 L/h France carbojet 1 carbonated & still water mixjet 70 1,000 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7700 L/h mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 11000 L/h (bottles per hour) SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM VOTOMOS Heraklion Creta ACQUE E TERME DI VIGEZZO Malesco (NO) GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria France carbojet 1 carbonated & still water Greece carbojet 1 carbonated water mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h Italy carbojet 1 carbonated/still water mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 15000 L/h 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph Italy ✔ 30-30-6 1 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 120, pneumatic elevator. carbonated water conveyors, cip, Ink jet, and still water handlle applicator, shrink wrapping, bottles strtching machine, labeller 69 CARBONATOR mod. CARBOJET COMPANY Sipa Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size Italy carbojet 1 carbonated water carbojet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h Italy carbojet 1 carbonated water mixjet 300 2,000 L PET bottles 30000 L/h Italy carbojet 1 carbonated water carbojet 300 1,500 L PET bottles 27800 L/h Italy carbojet 1 carbonated and still water carbojet 300 1,500 L PET bottles 27800 L/h (bottles per hour) SOC. GEN. ACQUE MIN. LETE Pratella (CE) SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) SORGENTE SANTA VITTORIA Camporosso (IM) VIVERE E NATURA Carlopopoli (CZ) VEPRO GROUP SDN BHD Puchong Italy Malaysia ✔ carbojet 1 still and carbonated water carbojet 120 carbojet 1 carbonated water carbojet 40 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000L glass bottles 12000 L/h 4000 L/h 70 CARBONATOR mod. CARBOJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type carbojet 1 carbonated water and still water carbojet 120 KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia SICEM Tunisi Tunisia carbojet 1 carbonated & still water mixjet 70 UK carbojet 1 carbonated water carbojet 120 Vietnam carbojet 1 carbonated and still water mixjet 120 ✔ Decantae Mineral Water Ltd Conwy Size (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 0,250 L PETbottles 0,330L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 0,250 L glass bottles 0,330 L glass bott 0,750 L glass bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h 7700 L/h 9500 L/h NESTLE' (La Vie -Perrier Vittel) Tan An 71 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Speed Type Size mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 5850 L/h (bottles per hour) BPE Algerie mixjet 1 COCA COLA Skikda Algeria mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 300 2,000 L PET bottles 24000 L/h COCA COLA Orano Algeria mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 300 2,000 L PET bottles 24000 L/h Austria mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 300 1,500 L Pet bottles 22500 L/h Austria mixjet 1 carbonated water+ soft drink mixjet 300 1,500 L PET bottles 27000 L/h DARIDA Minsk Bielorussia mixjet 1 carbonated soft drink mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 9900 L/h DARIDA Minsk Bielorussia mixjet 1 carbonated water mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h Cina mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 70 0,600 L PET bottles 1,250 L PET bottles 7000 L/h Cuba mixjet 1 caronated soft drink mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 18000 L/h KOSME Sollenau KOSME Sollenau ROYAL CROWN COLA Beijing LOS PORTALES C. Habana 72 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size mixjet 1 caronated soft drink mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 18000 L/h mixjet 1 mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 4200 L/h mixjet 1 mixjet 120 1,000 L PET bottles 11000 bph mixjet 1 mixjet 1 France mixjet 1 carbonated water France mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks France mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 40 Germany mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 70 0,330 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 5600 L/h Iran mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h (bottles per hour) LOS PORTALES C. Habana Cuba ALBERTINA Prague AQUA MINERA Bruntal SANTA Krnov SANTA Krnov SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks carbonated water soft drinks mixjet 70 mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 7000 L/h 5500 L/h SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM GAMMA GROUP Niederkassel GOL-NOUSH Conserve Co. Chaharom 4200 L/h 73 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Iraq ✔ mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 18000 L/h Iraq ✔ mixjet 1 carbonated soft drink mixjet 400 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 40000 L/h Iraq ✔ mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 70 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 5850 L/h Italy mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 10500 L/h Italy mixjet 1 still water carbonated water mixjet 70 0,500 L PET bottles 4100 L/h Italy mixjet 1 carbonated water mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 8100 L/h Italy mixjet 1 mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 9900 L/h Italy mixjet 1 mixjet 40 0,500 L PET bottles 3450 L/h Italy mixjet 1 mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 L/h Italy mixjet 1 Italy mixjet 1 Speed (bottles per hour) THE ARABIAN AERATED WATER CO NABI AL FURAT FOR SOFT DRINKS LTD Baghdad ZAID FOUAD ABDALLAH BAGHDAD F.LLI AVENA Potenza GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria ITALCOM S.R.L. Bologna MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) OSCELLA SPA Domodossola (NO) carbonated soft drink carbonated soft drink carbonated soft drink carbonated soft drink soft drinks mixjet 40 mixjet 70 4000 L/H 1,000 L GLASS bottles 5000 L/h 74 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) PALANACKI KISELJAK Italy mixjet 1 carbonated water soft drinks mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 L/h PROGRAM Bergamo Italy mixjet 1 carbonated water mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 5200 L/h PROGRAM Bergamo Italy mixjet 1 soft drink, orangina, still water mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 18000 L/h Sipa Italy carbojet 1 carbonated water carbojet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h Sipa Italy mixjet 1 beer mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 10950 L/h ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH AMMAN Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 40 4000 L/H ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH AMMAN Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 70 7000 L/h ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH AMMAN Jordan ✔ mixjet 4 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH AMMAN Jordan ✔ mixjet 1 carbonated soft drink mixjet 120 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 12000 L/h 12000 L/h 75 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH AMMAN Jordan AL ABBADI Jordan Complete Line ✔ Model Qty Products Type mixjet 1 carbonated soft drink mixjet 120 mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 70 Size Speed (bottles per hour) 12000 L/h 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 7000 L/h ASIBEX Amman Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 40 4000 L/H ASIBEX Amman Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 70 7000 L/h ASIBEX Amman Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 120 2,250 L PET bottles 12000 L/h Jordan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 120 2,250 L PET bottles 12000 L/h mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 40 0,330 L PET bottles 2500 L/h Jordan mixjet 1 carbonated water soft drink mixjet 70 2,250 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 5600 L/h Kosovo mixjet 1 soft drinks Marocco mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 200 1,000 L PET bottles 18000 L/h MOHD KHAIR AKKSH TRADING EST. Amman KABATILO AMMAN UR INTERNATIONAL Amman BONUS PROGRAM (COBOMI - Compagnie de Boissons Marocaines Internationnales s.a.) Jordan ✔ 76 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size Poland mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 5100 L/h Poland mixjet 1 carbonated water+ soft drink mixjet 200 1,500 L glass bottles 18000 L/h Poland mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 40 1,500 L PET bottles 4500 L/h Russia mixjet 1 soft drinks Russia mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 L/h Russia mixjet 1 carbonated water mixjet 400 1,500 L PET bottles 37500 L/h Russia mixjet 1 carbonated water mixjet 200 1,500 L PET bottles 13800 L/h STERLITAMAK Russia mixjet 1 soft drinks ZELENOGRAD GRUPO LECHE PASCUAL Madrid Russia mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 6000 L/h Spain mixjet 1 carbonated and still water mixjet 200 1,000 L glass bottles 0,750 L glass bottles 17000 L/h Sudan mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 40 0,250 L PETbottles 3000 L/h 1 soft drink stil water still fruit juice mixjet 120 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PETbottles 9000 L/h COOPTECH LTD. Lugano DODONI Minsk POLLAS FACTORY Poznan Country London - ITALCOM MIKOWS MEAT KOMBINAT Moscow OCZAKOVO Moscow OCZAKOVO Moscow MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum Sudan ✔ mixjet (bottles per hour) 77 SEMIAUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY KHAZNEH CO. Aleppo RATA CO. Uzhgorod Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Speed Type Size mixjet 150 2,000 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 0,350 L pet bottles 8500 bph 12000 bph 16000 bph 16000 bph (bottles per hour) Syria mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks Ukraine mixjet 1 soft drinks mixjet 70 1,500 L PET bottles 5300 L/h TARLETON Uzbekistan ✔ mixjet 1 carbonated water & soft drink mixjet 120 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 L/h VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo - Yugoslavia Yugoslavia ✔ mixjet 1 still and carbonated water , soft drinks mixjet 300 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 23000 L/h 78 AUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Algerie ✔ AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 12000 L/h Bielorussia AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 12000 L/h Italy AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 12000 L/h AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 120 12000 L/h AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 150 15000L/h AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 150 2,250 L PET bottles 14175 l/h AQUA SIM SPA Mouzaia DARIDA Minsk MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) SMI GROUP Italy AL RAWAN Al Basra ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman ✔ Iraq Jordan ✔ Size Speed (bottles per hour) AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 150 2,250L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 14100 L/h AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan AUTOMATIC mixjet 1 soft drink mixjet 150 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 14100 L/h 79 AUTOMATIC PREMIX mod. MIXJET COMPANY Country ASIBEX Amman Jordan ASIBEX Amman Jordan ASIBEX Amman Jordan Complete Line Model AUTOMATIC mixjet AUTOMATIC mixjet AUTOMATIC mixjet Size Speed Qty Products Type 1 carbonated soft drinks mixjet 150 1 soft drink mixjet 200 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 14100 L/h 1 soft drink mixjet 200 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 14100 L/h (bottles per hour) 15000L/h 80 LINEAR BLOWERS mod. SM 75 COMPANY ALIMENTAIRE DU FOREZ Saint Etienne ANDROS SA Biars- sur-Cere ANDROS SA Biars- sur-Cere ANDROS SA Biars- sur-Cere ANDROS SA Biars- sur-Cere FRUIVAL Portes les Valences HEMA Quimper Cedex KHS KLOCKNER HOLSTEIN SEITZ SARL Evry OUEST Lisieux SOCIETE AMORA Chevigny St. Sauveur, Dijon THE NESTLE COMPANY Dublin AGRICAST SRL Cerignola (FG) AGRITALIA CONSERVE SPA Cesena (FO) ANGLONA ALIMENTARI SRL Valledoria (SS) BERNI BERTUZZI SPA Brugherio (MI) Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower France SM 75 1 linear air blower 5000 bph France SM 75 1 linear air blower 12000 bph France SM 75 1 linear air blower 10000 bph Ireland SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 12000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air rinser 8000 bph (bottles per hour) 8000 bph 9000 bph 12000 bph 9000 bph 12000 bph 9000 bph 12000 bph 9000 bph 12000 bph 9000 bph 0,720 L glass bottles 10000 bph 6000 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 10000 bph 81 LINEAR BLOWERS mod. SM 75 COMPANY BORMIOLI ROCCO SPA Parma BUITONI SPA Aprilia (LT) CATA BASILICATA Potenza CINZANO SPA S. Vittoria d'Alba (CN) CIOS SPA Porcari (LU) CIRIO SPA Caivano (NA) EMILIANA CONSERVE S.Polo di Podenzano (PC) EMILIANA CONSERVE S.Polo di Podenzano (PC) CITO SCARL Bologna CONFRUIT SPA Faenza (RA) CONTINENTAL SARDA Zeddiani (OR) COVALPA Mirandola (MO) DEL MONTE FOODS S.E. SRL S. Felice sul Panaro (MO) Country Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Italy SM 75 1 1 linear air rinser 10000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 6000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 6000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 8000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 12000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 10000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 10000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 16000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 9000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 8000 bph Italy SM 75 2 linear air blower 0,125 L glass bottles (bottles per hour) 50000 bph 82 LINEAR BLOWERS mod. SM 75 COMPANY Country F.LLI CARLI SPA Imperia FERRARI SYSTEM Montecchio (RE) FERRERO INGEGNERIA SPA Canale (CN) FERRERO SPA Alba (CN) GHERRI GINO Parma HERO VERONA SPA Verona MASSALOMBARDA SPA Massalombarda (RA) MCF SRL Bertinoro (FO) METALNOVA MUTTI Basilicanova (PR) OLEIFICIO S. SABINA Lanuvio (ROMA) OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone (LT) SASSO SPA OLEIFICIO Imperia SILI SPA Rovigo STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Parma Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Italy SM 75 4 linear air blower 6000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air rinser 16000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 8000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 9000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 8000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air rinser 15000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph Italy SM 75 2 linear air blower 6000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 9000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 6000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 1,000 L glass bottles 9000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 1,000 L glass bottles 9000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower (bottles per hour) 8000 bph 0,600 L glass bottles 36000 bph 83 LINEAR BLOWERS mod. SM 75 COMPANY Country STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Complete Line Products Type Size Speed Model Qty Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 14000 bph Italy SM 75 1 linear air blower 8000 bph Mexico SM 75 1 linear air blower 6000 bph Mexico SM 75 1 linear air blower 6000 bph UK UK SM 75 SM 75 1 1 linear air blower linear air blower 20000 bph 20000 bph UK SM 75 1 linear air blower 15000 bph 0,600 L glass bottles (bottles per hour) 36000 bph THE NESTLE COMPANY Gragnano (PC) ZUEGG SRL Lana d'Adige (BZ) SALSA TAMAZULA Guadalajara SALSA TAMAZULA Guadalajara CADBURY SCHWEPPES CADBURY SCHWEPPES THE NESTLE COMPANY Hayes 84 GRUPPO CIP COMPANY sistema di sanificazione Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Algerie ✔ isojet 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink SEMI-AUTOMATI CIP 2 TANKS 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph Algerie 35-10 1 still juice CIP 1 TANK - HOT 0,250 L glass bottles 20000 bph Bielorussia 30-30-6 1 carbonated water CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 11700 bph 32-32-8 1 still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph France 20-20-4 1 carbonated water+ soft drink CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 3700 bph 3900 bph France 20-20-4 1 soft drink CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 3700 bph AQUA SIM SPA Mouzaia Speed (bottles per hour) COJEK Wilaya de Bajaia DARIDA Minsk PHOTOS PHOTIADES GROUP Cyprus Cyprus SIDEL PAKAGING SYSTEMS Le Havre Cedex ✔ SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM 85 GRUPPO CIP sistema di sanificazione COMPANY Country Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size France 18-18-1 1 carbonated & still water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 2000 bph France 32-40-8 1 carbonated & still water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 9000 bph SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges France 30-50-8 1 still water CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 2,000 L PET bottles 14500 bph SOC. DES EAUX DE CHORGES Chorges France 50-60-10 1 still water CIP SEMIAUTOMATIC 2 TANKS 1,500 L PET bottles 25000 bph CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece 50-60-12 1 still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 20000 bph 21000 bph 24-32-8 1 carbonated water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET glass bottles 6000 bph (bottles per hour) SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM SIDEL PACKAGING VOTOMOS Creta SYSTEM Heraklion ✔ Greece F.LLI AVENA Italy MCF S.P.A. Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy MERLONI PROGETTI SPA Milano Italy 1 ✔ CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drink CIP 1 TANK - HOT 0,500 L pet and glass bottles 6900 bph 12-16-1 1 carbonated water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 86 GRUPPO CIP sistema di sanificazione COMPANY PROGRAM Country Bergamo Sipa Complete Line Speed Model Qty Products Type Size Italy 20-5 1 carbonated water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 3450 bph Italy 30-30-6 1 carbonated water CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6000 bph 11700 bph isojet 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink SEMI-AUTOMATI CIP 2 TANKS 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 9000 bph 7000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph (bottles per hour) SMI GROUP Italy VIVERE E NATURA Carlopopoli (CZ) MAZYONA MINERAL WATER CO. Muscat JAKA FOODS CORP. Makati City DODONI ✔ Italy ✔ isojet 35-35-7 1 still and carbonated water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles Oman ✔ 18-18-6 1 still water CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4500 bph 9000 BPH Philippines ✔ 20-20-6 1 fruit juice CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 6600 bph 8000 bph 40-60-10 1 carbonated water+ soft drink CIP 1 TANK - COLD 1,500 L glass bottles 12000 bph Poland 87 GRUPPO CIP COMPANY POLLAS FACTORY Poznan CHIMOPAR sistema di sanificazione Country Complete Line Poland Romania ✔ Speed Model Qty Products Type Size 20-24-6 1 soft drinks CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 12-1 1 Brake fluids, antifreeze, distileed water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 2000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 32-40-8 1 spirits: vodka CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L glass bottles 7500 bph 14000 bph (bottles per hour) EDELWEISS Kazan Russia GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Russia ✔ 30-30-6 1 carbonated water and still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Russia ✔ 30-30-7 1 carbonated water and still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ carbojet 1 carbonated water and still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ carbojet 1 carbonated water and still water CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1 carbonated/still water soft drinks beer CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph KRASNYI VOSTOK Kazan Russia 12-18-1 88 GRUPPO CIP COMPANY sistema di sanificazione Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) SYKTYVKARPIVO Syktyvkar Russia 12-18-1 1 beer CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph SYKTYVKARPIVO Syktyvkar Russia 24-6 1 beer CIP 1 TANK - HOT 0,500 L glass bottles 6600 bph VINAP Novosibirsk Russia 20-6 1 spirits: vodka CIP 1 TANK - COLD 0,700 L glass bottles 4500 bph 50-60-10 1 still and carbonated water , soft drinks CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 15300 bph 13700 bph 1 soft drink stil water still fruit juice CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L pet bottles 2,250 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 13000 bph 11500 bph 4000 bph 11200 bph 5400 bph VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM RATA CO. Uzhgorod TARLETON Serbia e Montenegro Sudan ✔ ✔ 30-30-7 CIP 1 TANK ELECTRICAL Turchia Ukraine Uzbekistan ✔ 20-20-5 1 soft drinks CIP 1 TANK - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 3500 bph 32-50-8 1 carbonated water & soft drink CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 9000 bph 89 GRUPPO CIP COMPANY sistema di sanificazione Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size 25-25-5 1 carbonated and still water CIP 2 TANKS - HOT 1,500 L PET bottles NESTLE' (La Vie Perrier Vittel) Tan An Vietnam Speed (bottles per hour) 6000 bph 90 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY AGROQUICK Alger AQUA SIM SPA Mouzaia POUR ANGOLA LDA Luanda KOSME Sollenau products: various Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Algeria ✔ isojet 12 1 soft drinks Algeria ✔ isojet 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink Angola ✔ filljet 35-35-7 1 still water Austria ✔ isojet 12-20-1 1 soft drinks ✔ 56-96-14 1 Bangladesh ✔ 70-120-15 1 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 12000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 23800 bph 17800 bph 24800 bph 32000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine, warmer 1,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 33000 bph 22300 bph 35000 bph 35000 bph carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, labeller machine, heat exchanger, premix 0,600 L PET bottles 1,25 L PET bottles 9000 bph 5700 bph ROYAL CROWN COLA Beijing Cina ✔ 30-30-6 1 Speed (bottles per hour) 2500 bph PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka filler Size 1,000 L glass bottles PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, mixjet, cip uniblock rinser+filler6+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper 91 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY products: various Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Cuba ✔ isojet 50-8 1 carbonated and ozonated water monoblock filler + capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 16000 bph Cyprus ✔ filljet 20 +capper1 1 still water still soft drinks: splash block filler+capper with: sprayjet 12 1,500 L PVC bottles 2500 bph 2500 bph Cyprus ✔ filljet 32-32-8 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip, conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 8000 bph 4000 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) LOS PORTALES C. Habana NIMICO ENTREPRISES LTD Nicosia PHOTOS PHOTIADES GROUP Cyprus LEVANTE GMBH Germany ✔ filljet 15-15-5 1 still water Ghana ✔ filljet 30-30-6 1 still water SPINFRESH Accra uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, shrink wrapping machine uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blowmoulding machine, compressor, conveyors, elevator, sleeve distributor, ink-jet coder, shrinkwrapping machine, handle applicator, 92 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY products: various Country MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB Complete Line Model Qty Products Gibuti ✔ filljet 15-15-5 1 still water Type Size uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic 0,600 L PET bottles elevator, labelling 1,800 L PET bottles machine, shrink wrapping machine synchroblock rinser+filler+capper with: 1,500 L PVC bottles conveyors uniblock 1,500 L PVC bottles rinser+filler+capper 0,500 L PET bottles with: conveyors, cip monoblock rinser+filler 1,000 L glass bottles synchroblock rinser+filler+capper with: 1,500 L PVC bottles conveyors Speed (bottles per hour) 8000 bph 3500 bph CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece ✔ filljet 32-8 1 still water CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece ✔ filljet 50-60-12 1 still water COOP. A SAX CHALKIS Greece ✔ leveljet 9-12 1 still wine DEDES KAI SIA Loutraki Greece ✔ filljet 20-32-8 1 still water Greece ✔ leveljet 76-20 1 still wine monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, crown capper 0,330 L glass bottles 35000 bph Guinee ✔ filljet 20-20 1 still water monoblock rinser+filler with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6500 bph 12000 bph 9000 bph 20000 bph 21000 bph 1500 bph 9000 bph MALAMATINAS KAI YLOS AEBE Salonica COMPAGNIE DES EUX MINERALES DES GUINEE Madina 93 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY AL RAWAN Al Basra NABI AL FURAT FOR SOFT DRINKS LTD Baghdad products: various Country Iraq Iraq Complete Line Model ✔ isojet 32-40-8 ✔ isojet 80-80-22 ✔ isojet 40-50-10 ✔ filljet 50-50-10 Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc, automatic mixjet150, air conveyors, bottles and packs conveyors 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 16000 bph 1 carbonated soft drinks 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, semiautomatic mixjet400 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 36000 bph 17500 bph 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,125 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 13000 bph 20000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 19000 bph 24000 bph 1,500 l PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph 16000 bph TAMEEM COLA Iraq TAMEEM COLA Iraq THE ARABIAN AERATED WATER CO. Iraq ✔ isojet 40-60-8 1 1 still water uniblock carbonated soft rinser+filler+capper drinks & still water with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, mixjet200 94 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY products: various Country ZAID FOUAD ABDALLAH BAGHDAD Iraq Complete Line ✔ Model 20-20-4 Products Type Size 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock: rinser+filler+capper wih: pneumatic elevator, mixjet, conveyors 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 0,700 Lglass bottles 6000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 3000 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 9000 bph 2,000 L glass bottles 3000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 4000 bph 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Italy ✔ 30-30-6 1 LA GUARDIENSE SRL Guardia Sanframondi BN) Italy ✔ isojet 28 1 Italy ✔ isojet 12-16-1 1 Italy ✔ hotjet 40-8 1 Italy ✔ hotjet 20 1 Italy ✔ isojet 20 1 ✔ isojet 32-50-8 MERLONI PROGETTI SPA Milano OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) SANNITE SOC. AGRICOLA SPA Dugenta (BN) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 120, carbonated water pneumatic elevator. and still water conveyors, cip, Ink jet, handlle applicator, shrink wrapping, bottles strtching machine, labeller, sparkling wine 1 filler uniblock carbonated water rinser+filler+capper with: cip monoblock filler+capper edible oil with: conveyors, sm75 filler edible oil with: conveyors filler sparkling wine with: conveyors, sprayjet 16 SMI GROUP Italy Speed Qty carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, mixjet, cip (bottles per hour) 95 COMPLETE LINES products: various COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Italy ✔ hotjet48 1 tomatoes puree ketchup VIVERE E NATURA Carlopopoli (CZ) Italy isojet 35-35-7 1 still water ABDULMUNEM MAHDI SALIH ALSALAWI Jordan ✔ filljet 30-30-6 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ isojet 32-40-8 1 carbonated soft drink ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ filljet 25-25-5 1 still water ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ isojet 30-30-6 1 filler with: conveyors, SM 75 uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic still and carbonated elevator, cip, conveyors, water carbojet 120, palletiser, depalletiser, wrapping machine, packing machine, handle applicator ✔ 1 Type carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, automatic premix150 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, n° 4 semiautomatic mixjet120, mechanical elevator Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,600 L glass bottles 36000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000L glass bottles 9000 bph 7000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 10000 bph 12000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 6300 bph 0,500 L PET bottles 10000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 4200 bph 12000 bph 96 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY products: various Country Complete Line Model Qty Products 1 still water & carbonated soft drink 1 still water ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ isojet 30-30-6 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ filljet 15-15-5 ✔ filljet 40-40-8 1 1 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ isojet 30-30-6 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ filljet 35-35-7 ✔ bigjet 9-9-1 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan Jordan ✔ iso 32-40-8 1 1 1 still water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock still & carbonated rinser+filler+capper with: water, carbonated conveyors, semiautomatic soft drink mixjet120 Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,000 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 7500 bph 12000 bph 5700 bph 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 9000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 14000 bph 16000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 5700 bph 9000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 11500 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors 5,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph 1800 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labelling machine, pneumatic elevator, premix 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 97 COMPLETE LINES products: various COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products AL ABBADI Jordan ✔ isojet 20-20-4 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet70 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 6400 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labelling machine, pneumatic elevator, premix 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 0,600 L PET bottles 8000 bph 0,330 L PET bottles 7300 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 17000 bph AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ iso 32-40-8 1 ALBRAKECH Jordan ✔ filljet 15-15-5 1 still water KABATILO AMMAN Jordan ✔ iso 20-20-4 1 soft drink Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper wiht: conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix, labelling machine, syrup room, blow moulding machine, shrink wrapping machine synchroblock rinser+filler+capper synchroblock rinser+filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) KAA AL RIM Zahle Lebanon ✔ filljet 20-32-8 1 still water KAA AL RIM Zahle Lebanon ✔ filljet 20-32-8 1 still water Moldova Republic Moldova Republic Moldova Republic Moldova Republic Moldova Republic ✔ leveljet 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph ✔ leveljet 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph ✔ leveljet 20 1 still wine filler 0,750 L glass bottles 3500 bph ✔ leveljet 12 1 still wine 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph ✔ leveljet 12 1 still wine 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph VININVEST Zubresti VININVEST Casaglia VININVEST Talmase VININVEST Cahul VININVEST Cojushna filler with: sprayjet 12 filler with: sprayjet 12 98 COMPLETE LINES products: various Complete Line Model Qty Products Moldova Republic Moldova Republic Moldova Republic ✔ leveljet 12 1 still wine ✔ leveljet 12 1 still wine ✔ leveljet 12 1 still wine Oman ✔ filljet 18-18-6 1 still water Philippines ✔ hotjet 20-20-6 1 fruit juice still water Poland ✔ hotjet 36-16 1 fruit juice Portugal ✔ hotjet 24-8 1 fruit jiuce COMPANY Country VININVEST Noroc VININVEST Orhei VININVEST Comrat MAZYONA MINERAL WATER CO. Muscat JAKA FOODS CORP. City ALIMA GERBER LARA LDA Silves CHIMOPAR Makati Rzeszow Romania ✔ filljet 12-1 1 KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ 30-30-6 1 KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Kiev Russia ✔ leveljet 32-8 1 Type filler with: sprayjet 12 filler with: sprayjet 12 filler with: sprayjet 12 uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors, crown capper monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock: filler + capper Brake fluids, with: pneumatic elevator, antifreeze, distileed cip, coder, labeller, water conveyors uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: carbojet 120, carbonated water pneumatic elevator. and still water conveyors, ci. Imk jet, handlle applicator, shrink wrapping, bottles strtching machine, labeller, spirits monoblock filler+capper Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph 0,750 L glass bottles 2000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4500 bph 9000 BPH 1,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 6600 bph 8000 bph 0,150 L glass bottles 24000 bph 0,250 L glass bottles 10000 bph 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 2000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph 99 COMPLETE LINES products: various COMPANY KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Gomel KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Volgograd KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Krasnoyask KUIBISHEVSKI RODNIK Baku 2 RIJASKY VINNO Riga TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow - Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Russia ✔ leveljet 32-8 1 spirits monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia ✔ leveljet 32-8 1 spirits monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia ✔ leveljet 32-8 1 spirits monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia ✔ leveljet 32-8 1 spirits monoblock filler+capper 1,000 L glass bottles 6000 bph Russia ✔ leveljet32-8 1 still wine 0,700 L glass bottles 8000 bph Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Russia ✔ hotjet 28-8 1 fruit jiuce Type monoblock filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors filler+capper with: conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 0,700 L glass bottles 6000 bph 100 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY products: various Country Complete Line Model ✔ filljet 50-50-12 Qty Products MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah Saudi Arabia VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum DREIKICHE WATER BOTTLING PLANT Serbia e Montenegro Sudan Syria ✔ ✔ ✔ isojet 50-6010 30-30-7 filljet 30-30-6 Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 25200 bph 24000 bph 18000 bph 1 uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, still and carbonated shrink wrapping machine, water , soft drinks palletiser, wrapping machine, handle applicator, level control device 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 15300 bph 13700 bph 1 uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, level control device, unscrambler, ink jet 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L pet bottles 2,250 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 13000 bph 11500 bph 4000 bph 11200 bph 5400 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blow moulding machine, chiller, compressor, air conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, bottles conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 10400 bph 1 1 ozonized water soft drink stil water still fruit juice still water 101 COMPLETE LINES COMPANY Country KHAZNEH CO. Aleppo SEEM Ben Arous SAVANA SA Bobo Dioulasso TARLETON BRANCA SPA products: various Caracas Complete Line Model Qty Products Syria ✔ isojet 32-50-8 1 carbonated soft drink Tunisia ✔ filljet 32-8 1 still water Upper Volta ✔ hotjet 12 1 tomatoes puree Uzbekistan ✔ 32-50-8 1 Venezuela ✔ hotjet 40 1 Type uniblock: rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, semiautomatic mixjet. 2,000 L pet bottles 1,000 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 0,350 L pet bottles Speed (bottles per hour) 8500 bph 12000 bph 16000 bph 16000 bph monoblock filler+capper 1,500 L PVC bottles 12000 bph filler with: conveyors 0,300 L glass bottles 4000 bph uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: premix, heat carbonated water & exchanger, labeller, soft drink pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, shrink wrapping machine, fruit juice Size filler with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 9000 bph 0,330 L glass bottles 25000 bph 102 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty BPE Algerie 1 CONS. DU SAHEL ALGERIEN Alger Algerie 1 POUR ANGOLA LDA Luanda CINZANO SPA S. Vittoria d'Alba PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Angola ✔ Argentina Bangladesh 1 Products still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator Size ✔ 1 ✔ 1 Speed (bottles per hour) can 6 ONZ 36000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 12000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 1 8000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 23800 bph 17800 bph 24800 bph 32000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, shrink wrapping machine, warmer 1,250 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 33000 bph 22300 bph 35000 bph 35000 bph PARTEX BEVERAGE LTD. (RC COLA) Dhaka Bangladesh Type 103 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator , conveyors, level control device, labeller machine, heat exchanger, premix 0,600 L PET bottles 1,250 L PET bottles ROYAL CROWN COLA Beijing Cina EXPLOIT. DES EAUX VANNA Cauro LOS PORTALES C. Habana ✔ 1 Corse 1 Cuba ✔ isojet 50-8 1 carbonated and ozonated water Cyprus ✔ filljet 32-32-8 1 still water Czech Republic 1 BERARD France 1 BOUCHARD France 1 9000 bph 5700 bph 12000 bph PHOTOS PHOTIADES GROUP Cyprus AQUA MINERA Bruntal Speed (bottles per hour) monoblock filler + capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 16000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: cip, conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 12000 bph 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 11000 bph 6000 bph glass bottles 6000 bph 104 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) BOUTIN France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph CASTEL BORDERAU France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph CASTEL SALLELES D'AUDE France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph CASTEL SOURCE VERNIERE France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph CASTEL TOURS France 1 glass bottles 8000 bph CERIAM France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph CHAMPAGNE BESSERAT Bellefont France 1 glass bottles 6000 bph LAMBOLEY France 1 8000 bph LE BRIS France 1 6000 bph LE FUR France 1 6000 bph LE SEMEUR France 1 6000 bph M.LE ROY France 1 8000 bph MOET & CHANDON France 1 5000 bph 105 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) PIPER HEIDSIECK France 1 10000 bph SAUZET France 1 4000 bph SIDEL PACKAGING SYSTEM carbonated/still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: pneumatic elevator, conveyors and carbojet France 1 France 1 5000 bph SOURCE PIOULE Le Luc en Provence France 1 8000 bph SPANEVELLO France 1 7000 bph SOURCE PAROT le Puy LEVANTE GMBH Romain Germany ✔ 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, shrink wrapping machine 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 7700 bph 8000 bph 4000 bph 106 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Type Size still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blowmoulding machine, compressor, conveyors, elevator, sleeve distributor, ink-jet coder, shrinkwrapping machine, handle applicator, 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator, labelling machine, shrink wrapping machine 0,600 L PET bottles 1,800 L PET bottles 8000 bph 3500 bph SPINFRESH Accra Ghana MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB Gibuti ✔ ✔ 1 1 Speed Products (bottles per hour) CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece 1 glass bottles PET bottles 15000 bph CHITOS ABEE Ioannina Greece 1 glass bottles PET bottles 15000 bph DEDES KAI SIA Loutraki Greece 1 7000 bph KNORR HELLAS ABEE Schimatari Viotias Greece 1 7000 bph KOUTSOUMBA AFOI OE Arta Greece 1 5000 bph 107 CONVEYORS Complete Line Country MALAMATINAS KAI YLOS AEBE Salonica Greece 1 MEDEKIDIS Greece 1 6000 bph SOYA MILLS AS Kalamaki Korinthias Greece 1 4500 bph Greece 1 6500 bph VOTOMOS Creta Heraklion COMPAGNIE DES EUX MINERALES DES GUINEE Madina AL RAWAN Al Basra Guinee Iraq Model ✔ filljet 20-20 ✔ isojet 32-40-8 ✔ isojet 40-50-10 Qty Products Size 0,330 L glass bottles (bottles per hour) 35000 bph 1 still water monoblock rinser+filler with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 6500 bph 12000 bph 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mecc, automatic mixjet150, conveyors 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 16000 bph 1 carbonated soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,125 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 13000 bph 20000 bph TAMEEM COLA Iraq Type Speed COMPANY 108 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper carbonted soft drink with: conveyors, & still water pneumatic elevator, mixjet200 Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 l PET bottles 2,250 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 12000 bph 8000 bph 16000 bph 1 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph Italy 1 1,000 L glass bottles 12000 bph ACQUE E TERME DI VIGEZZO Malesco (NO) Italy 1 glass bottles PET bottles 12000 bph AGRICAST SRL Cerignola (FG) Italy 1 0,750 L glass bottles 9000 bph Italy 1 ANGLONA ALIMENTARI SRL Valledoria (SS) Italy 1 0,770 L glass bottles 11000 bph BIEFFE SPA Calenzano (FI) Italy 1 glass bottles 9000 bph BIEFFE SPA Grosotto (SO) Italy 1 glass bottles 3000 bph BIOINDUSTRIA SPA Novi Ligure (AL) Italy 1 glass bottles 9000 bph BIRRA WHURER SPA San Cipriano Po (PV) Italy 1 glass bottles 10000 bph Iraq ✔ ZAID FOUAD ABDALLAH BAGHDAD Iraq ✔ ACQUA MINER. CALIZZANO SPA Calizzano (SV) isojet 40-60-8 1 THE ARABIAN AERATED WATER CO. ALA FRUTTA (RA) Alfonsine 6000 bph 109 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) CAMPBELL'S SOUP Felegara (PR) Italy 1 glass bottles 12000 bph CARAPELLI SPA Firenze Italy 1 glass bottles 12000 bph CINZANO SPA S. Vittoria d'Alba (CN) Italy 1 6000 bph CIRIO SPA Caivano (NA) Italy 1 5000 bph CONFRUIT SPA Faenza (RA) Italy 1 9000 bph CONTINENTAL SARDA Zeddiani (OR) Italy 1 9000 bph CPC ITALIA SPA Sanguinetto (VR) Italy 1 6000 bph CUTOLO MICHELE E FIGLI Rionero (PZ) Italy 1 6000 bph Italy 1 12000 bph Italy 1 CYANAMID ITALIA SPA Catania DEL MONTE FOODS S.E. SRL S. Felice sul Panaro (MO) 0,125 L glass bottles 0,750 glass bottles 50000 bph 110 CONVEYORS COMPANY FABBRI SPA Emilia (BO) Country Anzola Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) Italy 1 8000 bph FIDENZA VETRARIA Fidenza (PR) Italy 1 8000 bph FONTI DI LURISIA SPA Roccaforte Mondovì (CN) Italy 1 8000 bph FONTI DI RAMIOLA SPA Ramiola (PR) Italy 1 15000 bph FONTI S. BERNARDO SPA Garessio (CN) Italy 1 12000 bph FONTI TIGULLIO BOGNANCO SPA - Né (GE) Italy 1 1500 bph GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Italy ✔ 1 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph GEFIT INTERNATIONAL S.R.L Alessandria Italy ✔ 1 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph HERO VERONA SPA Italy 1 6000 bph ITENGEI Milano (MI) Italy 1 4000 bph MANGIATORELLA SPA Stilo (RC) Italy 1 Verona PVC bottles 12000 bph 111 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) MARTINI E ROSSI SPA Pessione (TO) Italy 1 6000 bph MASSALOMBARDA SPA Massalombarda (RA) Italy 1 8000 bph MELETTI SIBA SPA Ascoli Piceno Italy 1 8000 bph MONDA KNORR SPA Acerra (NA) Italy 1 7000 bph OCME SPA Parma Italy 1 8000 bph OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) Italy 1 6000 bph OLEIFICIO TRASIMENO SPA Loc. Campoleone Aprilia (LT) Italy 1 6000 bph OSCELLA SPA Domodossola (NO) Italy 1 10000 bph PANIGAL SPA Bologna Italy 1 8000 bph Italy 1 8000 bph PROGRAM Bergamo Italy 1 3500 bph SANNITE SOC. AGRICOLA SPA Dugenta (BN) Italy 1 6000 bph PLASMON SPA (LT) Aprilia 112 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) SASSO SPA OLEIFICIO Imperia Italy 1 8000 bph SIBAM SPA Montalbano (ME) Italy 1 8000 bph SIFRA SPA Isola della Scala (VR) Italy 1 10000 bph SILI SPA Rovigo Italy 1 5000 bph SOC. REGIONALE IDROMIN. Spapozzillo (CT) Italy 1 5000 bph SOC.GEN.ACQUE MIN. LETE Pratella (CE) Italy 1 16000 bph STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Italy 1 36000 bph STAR SPA Agrate (MI) Italy 1 36000 bph Italy 1 9500 bph TIGULLIO SPA Milano Italy 1 7000 bph UNIL-IT SPA DIV.VAN DEN BERGH - Crema (CR) Italy 1 6000 bph STELLA ALPINA SPA de Calvi (BG) Moio 113 CONVEYORS COMPANY VINICOLA FRABO SRL Pedemonte (VI) Country Complete Line Model Italy VIVERE E NATURA Carlopopoli (CZ) Italy ZUCCHI SPA Cremona Italy ABDULMUNEM MAHDI SALIH ALSALAWI Jordan ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Qty Products Type Size 1 ✔ 1 4000 bph uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, still and carbonated carbojet 120, palletiser, water depalletiser, wrapping machine, packing machine, handle applicator 1,500 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L glass bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 1,000L glass bottles 1 9000 bph 7000 bph 10000 bph 8000 bph 14000 bph 9000 bph 6000 bph filljet 30-30-6 1 still water Jordan filljet 25-25-5 1 still water ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan isojet 20-20-4 1 soft drink ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan isojet 32-40-8 1 carbonated soft drinks ✔ Speed (bottles per hour) uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 70 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, automatic premix 150 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 10000 bph 12000 bph 1,500 L PVC bottles 0,600 L PVC bottles 8600 bph 10000bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 6300 bph 114 CONVEYORS COMPANY ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Country Jordan Jordan Complete Line Model ✔ filljet 25-25-5 ✔ isojet 30-30-6 Qty 1 Speed Products Type Size still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 0,500 L PET bottles 10000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 4200 bph 12000 bph (bottles per hour) 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, n° 4 semiautomatic mixjet120, mechanical elevator uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,000 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 7500 bph 12000 bph 5700 bph 9000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ isojet 30-30-6 1 stiil water & carbonated soft drink ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ filljet 15-15-5 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4000 bph 9000bph ✔ filljet 40-40-8 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 14000 bph 16000 bph ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan 1 115 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 11500 bph 14000 bph 14000 bph ozonized water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 25200 bph 24000 bph 18000 bph 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors 5,000 L PET bottles 2,000 L PET bottles 1500 bph 1800 bph 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, mixjet70 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 6400 bph isojet 30-30-6 1 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Jordan ✔ filljet 35-35-7 1 ✔ filljet 50-50-12 ✔ bigjet 9-9-1 ✔ isojet 20-20-4 AL ABBADI Jordan Jordan Speed (bottles per hour) 5700 bph 9000 bph ✔ ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Size 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles Jordan Jordan Type uniblock still & carbonated rinser+filler+capper with: water, carbonated conveyors, semiautomatic soft drink mixjet120 ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman ABU SALEH AND ATALLAH COMPANY Amman Products 1 116 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products AL AFTAN TRADE COMPANY AMMAN Jordan ✔ 32-40-8 2 soft drink ALBRAKECH Jordan ✔ filljet 15-15-5 1 still water KABATILO AMMAN MOHD KHAIR AKKSH TRADING EST. Amman Jordan ✔ 20-20-4 Jordan 30-30-6 Jordan filljet 50-50-10 1 1 1 uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labelling machine, pneumatic elevator, premix uniblock rinser+filler+capper wiht: conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 6300 bph 18000 bph 0,600 L PET bottles 8000 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix, labelling machine, syrup room, blow moulding machine, shrink wrapping machine 0,330 L PET bottles 7300 bph soft drink uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, premix 120 2,250 L PET bottles 4200 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, pneumatic elevator 1,500 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 19000 bph 24000bph TAMEEM COLA ✔ Type 117 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type uniblock carbonated water rinser+filler+capper soft drink with: conveyors, premix, labelling machine, Size Speed (bottles per hour) UR INTERNATIONAL Amman Jordan 1 RIJASKY VINNO Riga Lettonia 1 8000 bph RIJASKY VINNO Riga Lettonia 1 8000 bph Malta Republic 1 6000 bph Mexico 1 Mexico 1 HH LTD Marsa COCA COLA FEMSA Santa Fé INDUSTRIA REFR. PENINSULAR Merida MAZYONA MINERAL WATER CO. Muscat Oman ALIMA GERBER Rzesow Poland 1 Poland 1 POLLAS FACTORY Poznan ✔ filljet 18-18-6 1 still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors 2,250 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 5,000 L PVC bottles 2500 bph 7200 bph 5300 bph 8000 bph still water uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors 1,500 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 4500 bph 9000 BPH 0,125 L glass bottles 9000 bph 6500 bph 118 CONVEYORS COMPANY LARA LDA Silves CHIMOPAR Country Complete Line Model Portugal Romania Qty Products Type Size 1 ✔ filljet 12-1 1 Speed (bottles per hour) 6000 bph uniblock: filler + capper Brake fluids, with: pneumatic antifreeze, distileed elevator, cip, coder, water labeller, conveyors 2,000 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 0,250 L PET bottles 2000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph 3000 bph BENAT Tjumen Russia 1 6000 bph DUO Ekaterimburg Russia 1 6000 bph KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ 1 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph KEMI-AWKA Lipezk Russia ✔ 1 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 0,500 L PET bottles 2999 bph 2400 bph 2500 bph KRISTALL KALUGA Kaluga Russia 1 10000 bph MIKOWS MEAT KOMBINAT Moscow Russia 1 10000 bph OCZAKOVO Moscow Russia 1 10000 bph SOCHINSKY VINNO Sochi Russia 1 7000 bph 119 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) STERLITAMAK Russia 1 TECHNOPROMIMPORT Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph 120 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country Complete Line Model Qty Products Type Size Speed (bottles per hour) TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph TECHNOPROMIMPORT SAFARMA Moscow Russia 1 7000 bph VINAP Novosibirsk Russia 1 4500 bph AL-SHALLAL Jeddah Saudi Arabia 1 ozonized water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors, labeller 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 0,330 L pet bottles 8000 bph 4200 bph 8000 bph uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: mechanical elevator, conveyors 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 25200 bph 24000 bph 18000 bph MAKKAH WATER CO. Jeddah Saudi Arabia ✔ filljet 50-50-12 1 ozonized water 15-15-5 1 still water uniblock rinser + filler + capper with: air conveyors 0,600 L PET bottles 8000 bph still water uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors and labeller 0,330 L PET bottles 0,600 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 9200 bph 6400 bph 3300 bph MOHAMMAD HUSSAIN ABU DIYAB Saudi Arabia SHAHD AL QASSIM WATER Al Qassim Saudi Arabia 1 KNJAZ MILOS Arandelovac Serbia 1 12000 bph 121 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country DAMM Barcellona Spain MAMOUN EL BERIER Khartoum DREIKICHE WATER BOTTLING PLANT RATA CO. Uzhgorod SAVANA SA Dioulasso NIRVANA Bobo Complete Line Sudan ✔ Syria ✔ Model 30-30-6 Qty Products 1 still water 1 soft drink stil water still fruit juice 1 still water Type uniblock rinser+filler+capper conveyors uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, level control device, unscrambler, ink jet uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: blow moulding machine, chiller, compressor, air conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, bottles conveyors Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 27000 bph 0,330 L pet bottles 0,600 L pet bottles 2,250 L pet bottles 0,500 L pet bottles 1,500 L pet bottles 13000 bph 11500 bph 4000 bph 11200 bph 5400 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 10400 bph Ukraine 1 4000 bph Upper Volta 1 5000 bph USA 1 122 CONVEYORS COMPANY Country TARLETON Uzbekistan BRANCA SPA Caracas Venezuela YEMEN HETMA VUJIC VALJEVO Valjevo - Yugoslavia Complete Line ✔ 32-50-8 Qty 1 Products Type uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: premix, heat exchanger, labeller, carbonated water & pneumatic elevator, cip, soft drink conveyors, shrink wrapping machine, shrink wrapping machine, 1 Yemen Yugoslavia Model isojet 20-20-4 ✔ isojet 50-6010 1 1 carbonated soft drinks uniblock rinser+filler+capper with: conveyors uniblock: rinser+filler+ capper with: labeller, pneumatic elevator, cip, conveyors, still and carbonated shrink wrapping water , soft drinks machine, palletiser, wrapping machine, handle applicator, level control device Size Speed (bottles per hour) 1,500 L PET bottles 1,000 L PET bottles 8000 bph 9000 bph glass bottles 11000 bph 2,250 L PET bottles 0,330 L PET bottles 2600 bph 7000 bph 1,500 L PET bottles 1,500 L PET bottles 15300 bph 13700 bph 123
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