Natural Food Ingredients - Scottish Development International
Natural Food Ingredients - Scottish Development International
Scotland’s Functional Food and Drink Source Book 2008 Contents Food and Drink Overview Useful Contacts Index of Companies Page 4 7 8 Section 1 Functional Food Ingredients Company Profiles 15 - 22 Section 2 Health Enhancing Company Profiles 23 - 36 Section 3 Natural Food Ingredients Company Profiles 37 - 52 Section 4 Food and Drink Natural Food Ingredients (Seafood) Company Profiles Source Book 2008 Section 5 Organic Seafood and Salmon Company Profiles 53 - 69 71 - 77 Section 6 Organic Meat and Eggs Company Profiles 79 - 85 Section 7 Organic Drink Company Profiles 87 - 93 Section 8 Organic Speciality, Ambient and Chilled Company Profiles 95 - 106 Edition SE/XXX/MAY08 © 2007/08 International Marketing, Scottish Enterprise, 150 Broomielaw, Atlantic Quay, Glasgow G2 8LU, Scotland To the best of Scottish Enterprise’s knowledge the information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. Inclusion of companies or organisations in this book does not constitute endorsement of their products by Scottish Enterprise. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, (mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior permission of the publisher. Section 9 Organic Fresh Produce Company Profiles 107 - 112 Section 10 Summary of Scottish R&D in Food and Drink Innovation Company Profiles 113 - 136 Section 11 Scottish Development International and Highlands and Islands Enterprise and SDI Field Offices 137 - 144 1 Profile Scotland Food & Drink’s primary aim is to bring everyone involved in food and drink together to work to a common and shared agenda that will deliver greater success in global markets. The goal is to grow the industry from £7.5 billion to £10 billion by 2017. Scotland Food & Drink 18 Logie Mill Logie Green Road Edinburgh EH7 4HS Scotland UK Scotland Food & Drink is a unique private-public initiative, led by the industry, supported by Government and is challenged to work across the whole industry. The scope covers all aspects of food and drink: the drinks industry – both alcoholic and non-alcoholic,and from small farmers to large corporations in all corners of Scotland. Contact Linda Chirnside T +44 (0)131 524 8640 E [email protected] W Our vision is to make Scotland internationally known as ‘The Land of Food and Drink’ and our mission is to place Scotland amongst the top 3 of the world’s producers of premium food & drink products. These are huge ambitions and will have an impact across the entire food chain – from farm to fork. Scotland Food and Drink will guide the industry, so that we can make the most of our natural resources, the skills and energy of our businesses. Central to our growth ambition is building a positive reputation. Scotland has some of the best produce in the world - Scotch Beef, lamb, pork, whisky, salmon, seafood, shortbread, water, strawberries, raspberries and so the list goes on. To become known as Land of Food and Drink - we must tell others and self promote. We must aim to deliver exceptional standards in all of our produce and tell others about our clear air, pure water and traditional husbandry. Scotland Food & Drink also aims to harness the very best thinking in supply chain harmonisation and collaboration. That’s why we talk about Collaborative Value Networks – a much more encompassing term than Supply Chain which more clearly articulates the scope of our ambition and embraces processes, communications and systems all the way from the farm to the fork. The third area, Innovation in product, process and route to market is essential if we want to achieve and maintain a leadership position. Scotland Food and Drink will play a central role in defining and delivering the information and support to help Scottish companies identify and exploit new business opportunities. 2 Our final foundation is focused on skills. Research by authoritative sources such as Standard and Poors, The Gronigen Institute and The University of Surrey all show that companies and sectors who invest in skills gain higher levels of productivity, innovation and growth in both the market and in shareholder value. If Scotland is to compete globally, we must develop our industry’s competency in supply chain management skills, commercialisation skills, brand development skills and business management. And we must ensure that we embed the knowledge, training and learning expertise within Scottish institutions. Scotland Food and Drink is a private limited company with funding from both the private and public sectors. Its Board is drawn from a mixture of industry and the public sector. Its role is to approve the strategy for the organisation. The Executive Group is the key delivery vehicle for Scotland Food& Drink and will work collaboratively on the key issues that impact the whole industry. The involvement and support of its member organisations is critical. The Executive Group consists of leaders from across the industry, and includes: QMS, NFUS, Scottish Food & Drink Federation, SAOS, SAC, Seafish, Seafood Scotland, SDI, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Food From Britain, Improve, Scottish Salmon Producers, The Scotch Whisky Association, The Rowett, The Scottish Association of Master Bakers and Dairy UK. Scotland Food & Drink is about the industry becoming responsible for its own destiny, about it being mature enough to collaborate across sectors for the good of all and about it being proud enough to tell the world what we are doing so that before long we can realise our ambition of being internationally known as ‘The Land of Food & Drink’. © Scottish Enterprise 3 Food and Drink Overview Scottish Food and drink exports accounts for 27 per cent of total Scottish manufacturing exports. Scotland has excellent natural raw materials available through its renowned farming and fish industries. This is reflected in the premium quality of red meat, seafood, game, dairy, oats and berries. The Scottish food and drink industry is thriving: • More than 1,200 food and drink processing companies generate sales worth £7.57 billion every year. • Food and drink is now the largest manufacturing sector in Scotland, employing 50,000 people – 21 per cent of the nation’s manufacturing employees. • Scottish food and drink exports account for 27 per cent of total Scottish manufacturing exports, and are worth £3.57 billion to the Scottish economy. • The whole Scottish food and drink production and processing supply chain, from fishing and agriculture through to manufacturing, employs a total of 123,000 people – that’s 5.1 per cent of the total workforce. Competitive Strengths The industry’s key strengths are quality and diversity: Excellence in raw materials is bolstered by a strong track record of innovation and exploitation of new technology. • Scotland has excellent raw materials and ingredients which facilitate the production of naturally healthy high quality products. • Scotland’s raw materials are high in healthy oils and natural compounds such as Omega-3, antioxidants and lycopene that boost health. Several research programmes are underway to understand their benefits. • Scotland’s strength in this sector includes skills in development products which can be supported with legally approved health claims. • A robust support system for the food and drink sector, such as expertise in distribution both nationally and internationally, enables Scotland to compete effectively. • Scotland has a strong research expertise with a specific focus in areas such as human and animal health and nutrition, agriculture and horticulture, as well as brewing and distilling. 4 Quality Products Scotland has excellent natural raw materials available through its renowned farming and fish industries. This is reflected in the premium quality of red meat, seafood, game, dairy, oats and berries. • Scottish salmon is respected throughout the world for its excellence. Expertise developed by the industry is now influencing the rapidly expanding global aquaculture industry. • The Scottish beef industry is the single most important sector of Scottish agriculture and Scotch beef is world renowned for its quality. • Scotland is one of Europe’s largest seafood producers, with landings of more than 400,000 tonnes each year. • Scotch whisky is widely recognised as the leading international spirit drink and is sold worldwide, contributing more than £2.5 billion to exports. • Scotland has Protected Geographical Indication status for both beef and salmon. Food and Drink Health Enhancing Foods Scotland has a reputation for high quality, natural ingredients such as oats, fruit and fish rich in Omega-3 oils. Health, nutrition and wellbeing are key selling points used by many food & drink companies worldwide. Scotland can capitalise on the growth global demand for health enhancing foods through a powerful combination of natural raw materials and strong research knowledge. The country has a reputation for high quality, natural ingredients such as oats, fruit and fish rich in Omega3 oils. It is also recognised as a key location for research expertise in areas such as human nutrition, crop research and life sciences. © Scottish Enterprise Globally, the health enhancing foods market has shown strong growth and is worth up to $39 billion. Consumers have an increasing appetite for health foods, with Scotland taking a leading role in product development. 5 Competitive Strengths • Scotland has excellent raw materials and ingredients which facilitate the production of naturally healthy high quality products. • Scotland’s raw materials are high in healthy oils and natural compounds such as Omega-3, antioxidants and lycopene that boost health. Several research programmes are underway to understand their benefits. • Scotland’s strength in this sector includes skills in development products which can be supported with legally approved health claims. Quality Products • Excellence in crop development for key healthy products such as soft fruits and cereals at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. • Scotland boasts world class expertise in human nutrition, gut health and obesity management at Aberdeen’s Rowett Research Institute. • The strong involvement of the academic sector allows Scotland to produce a highly qualified workforce in the nutrition, food and medical sciences fields. • Excellence in life science research across a number of relevant areas such as heart disease, bone disease, diabetes and gut health. • Across Scotland, integrated clinical research facilities offer a co-ordinated approach to trials. 6 Useful Contacts Scottish Development International Scottish Development International is a government funded organisation inspiring companies from around the globe to tap into Scotland’s knowledge and innovation. We’re accessing overseas networks, developing mentoring ties and creating investment interest and collaboration whenever possible. To explore the potential, please contact: Scottish Development International 150 Broomielaw Atlantic Quay Glasgow G2 8LU Scotland, UK T +44 (0)141 228 2828 F +44 (0)141 228 2089 E [email protected] Scottish Development International is a joint venture between the Scottish Government and it’s economic development agencies, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands & Islands Enterprise. For further information on the food and drink industry in Scotland, go to © Scottish Enterprise 7 Company Name Product Sub-sector Page A Thompson Junior Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 54 A. K. Stoddart Organic Red Meat 80 Abbey Fruit Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 38 ABP Ltd Organic Red Meat 80 Albert Bartlett & Sons Ltd (Airdrie) Organic Fresh Produce 108 Albion Chemical Distribution Natural Food Ingredients Food Industry Chemicals 38 Allan & Dey Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 54 Andrew Christie Junior Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 54 Angus Soft Fruits Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 38 Applesnapz Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Fruit Based Snacks 39 Aquapharm Bio-Discovery Ltd Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 16 Aquascot Ltd Organic Salmon 72 Arla Foods UK plc Organic Dairy 96 Bairds Malt Ltd Organic Whisky 88 Bannerman Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 55 Baxter’s Food Group Organic Grocery 39 Baxter’s Food Group Natural Food Ingredients Grocery 39 Belhaven Smokehouse Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 55 BioFilm Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 16 Black Isle Brewery Organic Beer 88 Blairgowrie Fruit Packers Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 39 Böd Ayre Products Ltd. Health Enhancing Seaweed 24 Borderfields Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 40 Broughton Ales Ltd Organic Beer 88 Brazilian Sensation Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 40 Bruichladdich Distillery Organic Whisky 89 Burn Stewart Distilleries plc Organic Whisky 89 Burnswell Spring Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 40 Burton’s Foods Organic Grocery 96 Bute Island Foods Ltd. Health Enhancing Vegetarian Products 24 Bute Island Foods Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Vegetarian Products 41 Cairn O’Mohr Fruit Wines Natural Food Ingredients Wine 41 Caledonian Cheese Company Ltd Organic Dairy 97 Caledonian Organics Organic Red Meat 80 Caledonian Produce Organic Fresh Produce 108 Caley Fisheries Ltd – Stephen Buchan Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 55 Carloway Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 56 Carrs Flour Mills Ltd Organic Ingredients 97 Castle Maclellan Foods Ltd part of the Kavli International group Organic Grocery 97 Charcuterie Continental Ltd part of ANM Group Ltd Organic Meat 81 Chiquita (Scotland) Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 108 Product Sub-sector Page Claymore Trading Company Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 41 Cream O’Galloway Dairy Co Ltd Health Enhancing Dairy 24 Cream’o’Galloway Dairy Co. Ltd. Organic Dairy 98 D R Collin & Son Seafresh Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 57 Dawnfresh Seafoods Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 56 DCP Direct Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Food Industry Chemicals 42 Deeside Water Company Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 42 Denholm Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 56 Devenick Health Enhancing Dairy 25 DSM Nutritional Products (UK) Ltd Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 16 Downies of Whitehills Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 57 Eat Super Ltd Health Enhancing Grocery 25 East of Scotland Growers Organic Fresh Produce 109 Easterton Farm Partnership Organic Venison 81 Edinburgh Smoked Salmon (1992) Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 57 Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Ltd Health Enhancing Hot Beverages 25 Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Hot Beverages 42 Ella Drinks Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 26 Encap Drug Delivery Ltd Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 17 Equal Exchange Trading Ltd Organic Hot Beverages 90 Equateq Ltd Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 17 Farmlay Eggs Organic Eggs 81 Farne Salmon & Trout Ltd - part of Alfesca group Organic Salmon 72 Farne Salmon & Trout Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 58 Fearns Organic Fresh Produce 109 Findlay’s Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Water 43 Fionnar Springs Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 43 First Milk Cheese Company Organic Dairy 98 Fleming Howden Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 43 Framgord Ltd Health Enhancing Salmon 58 Framgord Ltd. Organic Salmon 72 Freeworld Trading Ltd Organic Ingredients 98 Fresh Catch Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 58 Fyffes Group Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 109 GenTech Propagation Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 17 Geoffrey Bruce Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 44 Get Juiced Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 26 Get Juiced Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Non-alcoholic Beverages 44 Gillies Fine Foods Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 26 Giltech Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 18 Glen Catrine Bonded Warehouses Ltd Organic Whisky 90 Glenmorangie Distillery plc part of Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) Organic Whisky 90 Glenrath Farms Ltd Organic Eggs 82 Glycologic Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 18 © Scottish Enterprise Company Name 10 Company Name Product Sub-sector Page GlycoMar Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 18 GMR Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 59 Go Lower Ltd. Health Enhancing Grocery 27 Golspie Mill Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 44 Gordon & Macphail Organic Whisky 91 Gourmet’s Choice Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 59 Graham’s Family Dairy Organic Dairy 99 Grampian Country Chickens (Rearing) Ltd Organic Poultry 82 Grampian Country Chickens Ltd Organic Poultry 82 Grampian Country Pork Halls Organic Meat 83 Grampian Oat Products Health Enhancing Oats 27 Grampian Oat Products (Morning Foods / Hamlyns of Scotland) Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 45 Grampian Oat Products (Morning Foods / Hamlyns of Scotland) Organic Ingredients 99 Greencore Mineral Water Natural Food Ingredients Non-alcoholic Beverages 45 Greenvale AP (Scotland) Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 110 Hebridean Smokehouse Ltd Organic Salmon 73 Hebrides Harvest Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 59 Highland Drovers Ltd Organic Meat 83 Highland Natural Products Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 19 Highland Spring Ltd Organic Non-alcoholic Beverages 91 Highland Wholefoods Ltd Organic Ingredients 100 Hjaltland Seafarms Organic Salmon 67 Ingram Brothers (Glasgow) Ltd Organic Ingredients 100 Integrin Advanced Biosystems Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 19 Interfoods Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 60 International Fish Canners Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 60 Inverawe Smokehouse & Fine Foods Organic Salmon 73 Island Bakery Organics Organic Grocery 100 ISP Alginates UK Ltd. (Girvan) Health Enhancing Nutraceuticals 27 John Hogarth Ltd Health Enhancing Oats 28 John Hogarth Ltd Organic Ingredients 100 John Ross Junior (Aberdeen) Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 60 Kent Foods Ltd Organic Ingredients 101 Kerry Bio-Science Functional Food Ingredients Ingredients 19 Kettle Produce Organic Fresh Produce 110 Kingdom Cheese Co Ltd Organic Dairy 101 Klinge Chemicals Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Ingredients 20 Lazy Day Food Health Enhancing Grocery 28 Lerwick Fish Traders – part of the Grieg Group Organic Salmon 74 Letterfinlay Game Services & Specialists Foods Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 61 Lightbody Group Ltd Organic Grocery 102 Company Name Product Sub-sector Page Lighthouse Caledonia Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 61 Lion Speciality Foods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 61 Loch Duart Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 62 Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd Organic Salmon 74 Loch Lomond Distillers Ltd Organic Whisky 91 London and Scottish International Ltd – doing business as the Organic Spirits Company Organic Whisky 92 Loopy Juice Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 28 Lossie Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 62 Lunar Freezing Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 62 Mackies Ltd Organic Dairy 102 Macphie of Glenbervie Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 45 Macrae Edinburgh - part of Foodvest group Organic Salmon 74 Mainstream Scotland Ltd (Mainstream group) Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 63 Mainstream Scotland Ltd Organic Salmon 75 Marine Harvest Scotland Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 63 Matheson Ltd Organic Pork 83 Matthew Algie & Co Ltd Organic Hot Beverages 92 McIntosh Donald Ltd - part of Grampian Country Food Group Ltd Organic Red Meat 84 Medlock & Medlock Organic Ingredients 102 Milk Link Cheese Company Organic Dairy 103 Mitchells Health Enhancing Dairy 29 Moorehead & McGavin Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 46 Mountain Spring Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 46 Nairns Ltd. Health Enhancing Grocery 29 Nairns Oatcakes Organic Grocery 103 Nambarrie Tea Company Ltd. Health Enhancing Hot Beverages 30 Nambarrie Tea Company Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Hot Beverages 46 Nandi Proteins Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 20 Natural Fruit and Beverage Co. Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 30 Natural Fruit and Beverage Co. Ltd. Organic Non-alcoholic Beverages 92 NCIMB Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 20 Neogen Europe Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 21 Nessgro Ltd (also called Organic Potato Growers) Organic Fresh Produce 110 Newmiln Farm Organic Poultry 84 Noble Brothers (Fraserburgh) Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 63 Noble Foods, ex Dean’s Foods Ltd Organic Eggs 84 Nolan Seafoods Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 64 Norsea Foods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 64 North Atlantic Sea Farms Corporation - part of the Grieg Group Organic Salmon 75 Organic World (Scotland) Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 111 Orkney Food Group Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 64 © Scottish Enterprise 11 12 Company Name Product Sub-sector Page Paterson Arran Ltd Health Enhancing Grocery 30 Paterson Arran Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Grocery 47 Paterson Arran Ltd Organic Grocery 103 Petrie Fine Foods Health Enhancing Grocery 31 Petrow Food Ingredients Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 47 Pinneys of Scotland Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 65 Provexis Plc Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 21 PSMW Distributors Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Water 31 Quaker Oats Health Enhancing Oats 31 Quaker Trading Ltd, part of PepsiCo Beverages & Foods Organic Ingredients 105 R R Spink & Sons Organic Salmon 77 Rare Tea Company Health Enhancing Hot Beverages 32 Rare Tea Company Natural Food Ingredients Hot Beverages 48 R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 21 Rendall’s Frozen Fruits Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 48 Robert Wiseman Dairies Organic Dairy 104 Roslin Nutrition Ltd. Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 22 Rowan Glen Health Enhancing Dairy 32 Rowan Glen Dairy Products Ltd (Part of the United Dairy Farmers) Organic Dairy 104 Salar Smokehouse Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 65 Salmac Sales Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 65 Salmac Sales Organic Salmon 75 Sandisons (Unst) Ltd Health Enhancing Grocery 32 Sandyknowe Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 33 Sangs (Banff) Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 33 Scobie & Junor (Estd. 1919) Ltd Organic Meat 85 Scot Trout and Salmon Ltd Organic Salmon 76 Scotbeef Ltd Organic Red Meat 85 Scotch Premier Meat Ltd - part of ANM Group Ltd Organic Red Meat 85 Scotherbs Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 48 Scotia Nutritionals Ltd. (Ocean Biotechnologies Ltd.) Functional Food Ingredients Nutraceuticals 22 Scottish Seafarms Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 66 Scottish Wholefood Collective Warehouse trading as GreenCity Wholefoods workers’ co-operative Organic Ingredients 105 Sea Products of Scotland Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 66 Shetland Aquaculture Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 66 Shetland Catch Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 67 Shetland Products Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 67 Shetland Seafish Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 67 Skea Organics Organic Fresh Produce 111 Solway Veg Ltd/Ancient Recipes Trading Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 111 Company Name Product Sub-sector Page SOMP Organic Dairy 105 Sorn Spring Water Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 49 Speyside Glenlivet Water Co. Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Water 49 Spicemann’s Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Ingredients 49 Spicemann’s Ltd Organic Ingredients 105 SPOFF (Scotland) Ltd Health Enhancing Oats 33 SPOFF (Scotland) Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Oats 51 Stewart’s of Tayside Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 112 Stoat’s Porridge Bars Ltd. Health Enhancing Oats 34 Stoat’s Porridge Bars Ltd Natural Food Ingredients Oats 50 Strathaird Salmon (Young’s Seafood Ltd.) Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 68 Strathaird Salmon Ltd - part of Foodvest group Organic Salmon 77 Strathmore Mineral Water Natural Food Ingredients Water 50 Struthers (Lochwinnoch) Ltd. Health Enhancing Non-alcoholic Beverages 34 Taypack Potatoes Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 112 The Better Beverage Co Organic Hot Beverages 93 The Caledonian Brewing Co Ltd Organic Beer 93 The Edinburgh Smoked Salmon Co (1992) Ltd Organic Salmon 76 The Engine Shed Organic Ingredients 106 The Handmade Oatcake Co Health Enhancing Grocery 34 The Oatmeal of Alford Health Enhancing Oats 35 The Really Garlicky Company Health Enhancing Ingredients 35 Thistle Seafoods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 68 Tilquhillie Fine Foods Natural Food Ingredients Grocery 35 TIO Ltd Organic Fresh Produce 112 Trade Solutions Health Enhancing Fresh Produce 36 Trade Solutions Natural Food Ingredients Fresh Produce 51 Traditional Scottish Ales Ltd Organic Beer 93 Ugie Salmon Fishing Natural Food Ingredients Salmon 68 W. M. Pearce and Sons Natural Food Ingredients Water 52 Walkers Shortbread Ltd Organic Grocery 106 West Minch Salmon Ltd Organic Salmon 77 Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 69 Westray Salmon Organic Salmon 69 Whitelink Seafoods Natural Food Ingredients Seafood 69 Wicken Fen Foods Ltd. Natural Food Ingredients Vegetarian Alternative 51 © Scottish Enterprise 13 14 Institution Page Environmental Research Institute 114 Glasgow Caledonian University 115 Heriot-Watt University 116 Institute of Agronomy 117 Macaulay Research Services 118 NAFC North Atlantic Fisheries College 120 Napier University 121 NESS Foundation 122 Queen Margaret University College 123 Robert Gordon University 129 Roslin Institute 124 RRI / Rowett Research Services 125 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC Commercial Ltd) 126 Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) 127 SCRI / Mylnefield 128 University of Aberdeen 130 University of Abertay 131 University of Dundee 132 University of Edinburgh 133 University of Glasgow 134 University of St Andrews 135 University of Stirling 136 University of Strathclyde 137 Section 1 Functional Food Ingredients Company Profiles Page 15 - 112 © Scottish Enterprise 15 Aquapharm Bio-Discovery Limited Aquapharm Bio-Discovery Ltd (Aquapharm) is a marine biotechnology company, focused on the discovery and development of novel natural products from the microbial resource of the sea. By applying its proprietary technology the company has built a substantial and specialised library of over 6,000 marine bacteria and fungi. • Pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungals) • Cosmeceutical compounds (e.g. anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants) • Nutraceuticals (e.g. carotenoids, anti-oxidants, flavours and fragrances) • Bio-catalytic enzymes. European Centre of Marine Biotechnology Dunstaffnage Oban Argyll PA37 1QA T +44(0)1631 559 365 F +44(0)1631 559 006 W Contact Douglas C Thomson Commercial Director E [email protected] BioFilm Limited Established in 2003 to build on the Parent Company, Devro’s expertise in thin film technology, Biofilm Limited develops and manufactures fast dissolving films used for food supplements and medical applications. Working either directly or through partnership at their state-of-the-art automated production facility near Glasgow, they deliver high quality differentiated strips and innovative products based on soluble thin films to the market. Their skills and expertise allow this novel delivery system to be adapted to a wide variety of applications. 2 Bell Drive Hamilton International Technology Park Blantyre G72 0FB T +44(0)1236 873390 F +44(0)1236 875679 W E Contact Marjory Harris E DSM Nutritional Products (UK) Ltd DSM Nutritional Products is a pioneer in the synthesis and production of fine chemicals, starting as early as 1935 with the first industrial production of vitamin C. Today, they are the world’s leading supplier of vitamins, carotenoids and UV filters. DSM Nutritional Products is the leading supplier of vitamins, carotenoids and fine chemicals to the food and pharmaceutical industries with a very strong global marketing and sales base. Based on their long-standing experience in the formulation f vitamins and carotenoids, their product forms have outstanding performance. Dalry Ayrshire KA24 5JJ T +44(0)1294 836121 W Contact Colin Nicol – Site Director E [email protected] 16 Encap Drug Delivery Ltd 1 Encap is an international drug delivery solutions provider with fully integrated capabilities in drug delivery, contract development and commercial manufacture. Encap specialise in encapsulation (liquid, semi-solid and powder), and is a world leader in liquid-filled two-piece capsules. Units 4, 5 & 6 Oakbank Park Way Livingston EH53 0TH T +44(0)1506 448080 F +44(0)1506 448081 W www.encapdrugdelivery E [email protected] Contact Dr Stephen Brown Equateq Limited A dynamic and flexible team specialising in the purification and enrichment of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (Ð3 and Ð6). A GMP compliant site which has undergone successful FDA and MHRA audits for manufacture, development, analysis and packaging (assembly). The company’s small scale synthetic chemistry API plant offers researchers a unique opportunity to obtain kg quantities of API for proof of concept clinical trials and full stability testing of the API and drug product can be undertaken in our ICH compliant stability incubators. Breasclette Isle of Lewis Western Isles HS2 9ED T +44(0)1851 707783 F +44(0)1851 621222 W Contact Adrian Hughes E [email protected] GenTech Propagation Limited Whether providing a handful of disease and virus free mother-plants for future cuttings or supplying tens of thousands of cloned soft fruit or potato microplants, at GenTech we bring biotechnology to horticulture and agriculture alike. GenTech’s purpose built ‘clean’ laboratory facilities ensure that microplants are subcultured under aseptic conditions. In-vitro micropagation, Virus eradication, Virus and disease testing. Contact Sylvia Peterson E [email protected] W © Scottish Enterprise Gemini Crescent Dundee Technology Park Dundee DD2 1SW Scotland, UK T +44(0)1382 562644 F +44(0)1382 561495 17 Giltech Limited Giltech is a research based company that develops core medical technologies. Specific applications and devices are developed for and licensed out to OEM manufacturers. Giltech’s core technologies are Alginates, Water Soluble glasses and biodegradable polymers. Alginates have been developed for controlled delivery, implant and wound management applications. Water Soluble glasses are used for controlled release applications, (eg drugs, antimicrobials or antifungals etc) applied on their own or incorporated into or onto medical devices, or used as bidegradable mechanical devices for orthopaedic, tissue engineering, reinforcement and environmental applications. 8–13 North Harbour Industrial Estate Ayr KA8 8BN T +44(0)1292 264406 F +44(0)1292 611900 W Contact Tom Gilchrist E [email protected] Glycologic Limited Glycologic is a specialist drug delivery company using carbohydrates to provide novel systems for the entrapment and controlled release of pharmaceuticals and nutrients. The company has developed a broad technology platform offering substantial advantages for the release of drugs and nutrients from a wide range of dosage form. Glycologic wishes to engage with potential partners pharmaceutical, nutrition and related sectors with a view to developing specific solutions to their delivery problems. The company is currently marketing two patented technologies for licensing. c/o School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road Glasgow G4 0BA T +44(0)141 3318514 F +44(0)141 3313208 W Contact Richard Tester E [email protected] GlycoMar Limited GlycoMar Limited is an innovative drug discovery company that pursues untapped biological and chemical diversity of marine invertebrates to identify new drug candidates. Focusing on the development of novel therapeutics from marine glycobiology, GlycoMar identifies new anti-inflammatory candidates, which it progresses through early stage functional screening and chemical characterization. European Centre for Marine Biotechnology Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory Dunbeg Oban PA37 1QA T +44(0)1631 559370 F +44(0)1631 559+44(0)10 W Contact Dr Charles Bavington E [email protected] 18 Highland Natural Products Limited 1 Plant derived intermediate products from sustainable sources in the Highlands of Scotland. The company supplies a unique range of plant-based ingredients to the healthcare, cosmetic, food and beverage industries. Their clients are those creating a stronger brand by means of better, higher quality ingredients with a close association with the natural beauty of the Highlands. Fanellan Kiltarlity Beauly IV4 7JP T +44(0)1463 741075 W Contact Richard Constanduros E [email protected] Integrin Advanced Biosystems Ltd The Company provides services to both industry and the academic research community. Contract Research Services: On site marine aquarium, analytical services, molecular biology services, microbiological end product testing and ATPase testing for the shellfish and finfish industry. The Marine Resource Centre Barcaldine Oban PA37 1SE T +44(0)1631 720765 F +44(0)1631 720590 W Contact Dr J Douglas McKenzie E [email protected] Kerry Bio-Science Manufacture of Speciality yeast-based products. Manufacturer of speciality extracts from yeast for food flavours and food ingredients as well as microbial nutrition. Kerry Bio-Science also supply Distillery yeasts to the whisky industry. With a head office in the Netherlands, Kerry Bio-Science’s Menstrie site is the global manufacturing and supply centre for these speciality yeast-based products. Large-scale world-class manufacturing. Biotechnology laboratory and pilot plant facilities. Contact Godfrey Schmidt E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7ES T +44(0)1259 768800 F +44(0)1259 768895 W 19 Klinge Chemicals Limited Klinge chemicals manufactures pharmaceutical and food grade potassium chloride at its state of the art Scottish plant. It also produces and markets the consumer brand LoSalt, which is the UK’s leading reduced Sodium Chloride salt alternative. The use of LoSalt, instead of sodium chloride, would result in a reduction in sodium content and an increase in potassium content, thereby significantly reducing the ratio of sodium/potassium. Lo salt is available in a variety of formats for retail and foodservice markets. 1 Bessemer Drive Kelvin Industrial Estate East Kilbride G75 0QX T +44(0)1355 238464 W W Contact Caroline Klinge E [email protected] Nandi Proteins Limited Nandi Proteins Ltd. specialises in natural modification of food proteins such as egg white, whey and soya protein. The products have improved functionality such as water binding and emulsifying properties in emulsions such as dairy cream and mayonnaise. This means that Nandi products can be manufactured at low cost and can be utilised not only as fat replacements by the food industry, but also for the manufacture of innovative new products for the dairy-free and gluten-free markets. School of Life Sciences John Muir Building Heriot-Watt University Riccarton Edinburgh EH14 4AS T +44(0)131 251 5102 W Contact David McCartney E [email protected] NCIMB The National Collection of Industrial, Marine and Food Bacteria (NCIMB) has grown as a reference culture collection since its origination in the 1950’s. They manage over 7,750 strains, many unique, and they are continuously expanding through the acquisition of private collections and new accessions. NCIMB is a member of CABRI (Common Access to Biological Resources and Information). They provide services to companies in a diverse range of industries, including pharmaceutical, food and drink, personal care, and environmental management: They preserve and store micro-organisms to the high standards expected of the UK’s largest culture collection. They identify and analyze microbial strains from a range industrial and environmental sources. The company supports discovery research requiring novel and specific uses of micro-organisms. Ferguson Building Craibstone Estate Aberdeen AB21 9YA T +44(0)1224 711100 F +44(0)1224 711299 W Contact Alison Baxter E [email protected] 20 Neogen Europe Limited 1 Neogen Europe Ltd is dedicated to the development and marketing of novel diagnostic test kits that topical concerns about the quality and safety of agricultural and food products. Neogen Europe Ltd offers quality test kits and reagents to detect plant pathogens, micro organisms, toxins, allergens, pesticide residues, contaminants and GMOs. Innovative products allow rapid, on-site analysis providing real-time data at low unit cost. Many of Neogen Europe’s products utilize the tried and trusted immunoassay technology. However, the business has been a leader in the application of molecular techniques for the detection of GMOs, toxigenic fungi etc. Cunningham Building Auchincruive Ayr KA6 5HW T +44(0)1292 525275 F +44(0)1292 525477 E [email protected] W Contact Dr Steve Chambers Provexis Plc Provexis Limited was founded in 1999 to commercialise a specific intellectual property and technology (Fruitflow®) which was developed at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK. The company remained a technology development business until 2005, at which point it merged with Nutrinnovator Holdings plc to form Provexis plc. The combined company combines scientific and commercial talent to ensure novel ingredients achieve their commercial potential effectively and quickly. Rowett Research Institute Greenburn Road Aberdeen AB21 9SB T +44(0)1753 752290 F +44(0)1753 752422 W Contact Stephen Moon E [email protected] R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd is involved in the development, manufacturing and sale of diagnostic test kits for use in food, feed and environmental control. R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd manufacture and supply a number of different test formats including immunoaffinity columns, ELISAs and cards. Their key products include tests for mycotoxins, antibiotics, BSE risk material, food adulterants, food allergens, hormones and vitamins. The company also supplies enzymatic tests, DNA (PCR) tests for species identification, GMO tests and a microbiology line. Unit 3.06 Kelvin Campus West of Scotland Science Park Glasgow G20 0SP T +44(0)141 945 2924 F +44(0)141 945 2925 W Contact Carol Donnelly E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise R-Biopharm Rhône Ltd provides technical service and laboratory support for all products. 21 Roslin Nutrition Limited Roslin Nutrition (RNL) is a privately owned and completely independent research company, situated within Roslin BioCentre, adjacent to Roslin Institute. RNL specialises in formulation and preparation of high-quality trial diets and the evaluation of these diets for clients in the animal health, feed additives and biotechnology industries. The Company also offers consultancy on all aspects of monogastric nutrition. Trial diet manufacture and feed evaluation. Roslin Biocentre The Lozen Building Roslin Edinburgh Midlothian EH25 9PS T +44(0)131 527 4600 F +44(0)131 527 46+44(0)1 W Contact Anne Knox E [email protected] Scotia Nutritionals Ltd (Ocean Biotechnologies Ltd) SNL is dedicated to producing supplements and functional foods to enhance human health and well-being and to improve the condition and health of companion animals. Scottish Atlantic Salmon Oil is unique in composition and the proprietary process used to release the oil from the salmon tissues conserves its full biological activity. The process itself is unique and has been developed by our sister company, Ocean Biotechnologies Ltd, as a low-input, green technology with no odour emission and no waste discharge. Their first product is Scottish Atlantic Salmon Oil, rich in DHA Omega-3, Vitamins A, D and E and Astaxanthin and new products are being developed and will be introduced regularly. Annat Estate Corpach Fort William PH33 7NA T +44(0)1397 772 062 F +44(0)1397 772 004 E [email protected] W Contact Dr Iain Cloughley 22 Section 2 Health Enhancing Company Profiles Page 23 - 34 © Scottish Enterprise 23 Böd Ayre Products Ltd. Natural is best - and the company’s organic seaweed plant foods really make a difference to your ornamental and vegetable gardens. Harvested by hand in the beautiful Shetland Isles their products are completely eco-friendly. And you’ll see the benefits soon with healthy vigorous growth, increased resistance to pests and higher crop yields. Looking into seaweed for human consumption and cosmetics. Hamnavoe Lunnaness Vidlin Shetland ZE2 9QF T +44(0)1806 577 328 W Contact E [email protected] Bute Island Foods Ltd. One of the most common reasons given for not giving up dairy produce used to be that there wasn’t an acceptable dairy-free alternative to cheese that really tasted of cheese. All that changed in 1988. Bute Island Foods started making their own Vegan hard cheeses, known as Sheese. Fast forward nineteen years & there are now 9 flavours of hard dairy-free cheese, and 5 flavours of 100% non-dairy cream cheese, called Creamy Sheese (all of the styles are 100% Kosher and Pareve!) 14 Craigmore Road Rothesay Isle of Bute PA20 9LB T +44(0)1700 505 357 F +44(0)1700 505 394 Contact Mark / Guy Chrichton E [email protected] E [email protected] W Cream ‘o’ Galloway Dairy Co. Ltd. Cream o’ Galloway’s delicious organic fair-trade dairy ice cream & frozen pro-biotic yoghurt smoothies are available throughout the UK. With around 30 flavours to choose from, picking your favourite can be a difficult task. A great way to get to know the flavours better is to take part in the Ice-Cream Experience, a daily event which allows you to sample a selection of delicious Cream o’ Galloway ice-creams, frozen yogurts and their new frozen smoothies. During the tasting you will hear how and why the company produce our luxury ice-cream, how they decide what flavours to make and what to call them, and why the peppermint choc-chip isn’t green. Rainton Gatehouse of Fleet Castle Douglas DG7 2DR T +44(0)1557 814 040 F +44(0)1557 814 040 W Contact Wilma Finlay E [email protected] 24 Devenick Dairy 2 On a family run dairy farm, Devenick Dairy have been producing milk every single day ever since the company started off with 6 milking cows over 50 years ago. With the business being completely family run, the company can offer good traceability of the products from the field to the plate. The creamy milk produced is used to process into a range of hand crafted, artisan products. Time is spent over each recipe, making sure perfection is delivered. The company try to keep the products as natural as they possibly can and as a result the products maintain their uniqueness. The company produces a range of hard cheeses, soft cheeses, low fat yoghurt with less than 1% fat per 100g, drinking yoghurts and cottage cheese. R&N Groat The Devenick Dairy Banchory Devenick Aberdeen AB12 4RS T +44(0)7725 690769 Contact Kenny Groat E [email protected] W Eat Super Ltd SuperJam™ is a range of no added sugar ‘super fruit’ spreads. These are made from the most nutritious fruits around; such as blueberries and cranberries and are sweetened with grape juice, rather than sugar or sweeteners. Fraser wanted to make SuperJam the healthiest jam possible. Luckily he’d done his homework. He discovered that so-called ‘Super Fruits’ – like blueberries and cranberries – contain naturally high levels of antioxidants and vitamins (as well as tasting great!). So Fraser decided to use only Super Fruits in his jam… Superjam is currently available in 3 flavours; • Blueberry & Blackcurrant • Rhubarb & Ginger • Cranberry & raspberry 18 Vivian Terrace Edinburgh EH4 5AN T +44(0)845 644 5761 W Contact Fraser Doherty E [email protected] Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Limited Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company’s range of coffees is selected by the company’s master roasters using only the finest coffee beans from around the world. They offer the full range of Heath & Heather Herbal Teas for the health conscious amongst you. Together with the Twinings Fruit and Herb Teas allowing them to offer a massive range of fruit teas. The company also sells loose teas that are blended in Scotland. Contact E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise 15/G 214 Sir Harry Lauder Road Edinburgh EH15 2QA T +44(0)131 669 9222 F +44(0)131 669 9777 W 25 Ella Drinks Limited Unique, all natural Bouvrage berry juice drinks. Winners of Best Drink, Best Food Service Product and Best Health Enhancing Food Awards at the Scottish Food & Drink Excellence Awards. Bouvrage, the all-natural slightly sparkling Raspberry Drink with a whole pound of rasps in every 750ml bottle, captures the wonderful taste and aromas of Scottish raspberries, fresh off the bush. Bouvrage Blaeberry Drink is the first chance for UK consumers to taste the distinctive, delicious sweetness of wild Finnish Blaeberries (also known as Bilberries) and to benefit from their health giving properties. All juices made with real fruit (no concentrates) and taste just like the berries so not sweet. Available in 250ml and 750ml glass bottles and popular in retail and catering outlets setting standards for top quality and provenance. Alloa Business Centre Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 3SA. T +44(0)1786 834 342 F +44(0)1786 834 704 E [email protected] W Contact Anne Thomson Get Juiced Ltd. Whether it is fifty litres to a five star hotel or five to a family run café, Get Juiced is now offering a twice weekly refrigerated delivery service of mainly freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice but also freshly squeezed lime and lemon juice, fresh pressed apple juice and a select range berry of smoothies. That’s where Get Juiced comes in. The great selection of fresh juices and lowfat smoothies at Get Juiced offer an array of crucial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural sugars and enzymes in a natural form our bodies can easily assimilate to convert into energy. P.O. Box 21547 FK9 4YJ T +44(0)7985 412 629 F +44(0)845 280 4305 E [email protected] W Contact Jonathan Tait E [email protected] Gillies Fine Foods Ltd. Based in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, where the air and water are clear and pure, are Gillies Fine Foods of Dingwall. Creators of the new grape Fruit Drinks: Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Aronia & Raspberry, Aronia & Bramble and Aronia. Inchrory Drive Dingwall Business Park Dingwall Ross-shire IV15 9XH T +44(0)1349 86 11 00 F +44(0)1349 86 44 00 Contact E W 26 Go Lower Ltd. 2 Go Lower foods was formed in 2004 to produce tasty, low sugar products for today’s on the go consumer. The company focused on ‘healthy’ snack bars products that provide additional nutritional benefits, are low in sugar but taste great. The primary health benefit to the bars is the greatly reduced sugar content in their products. They also contain zinc, selenium, vitamin E and omegas 3 and 6. 45-47 Tower Street Edinburgh EH6 7BN T +44(0)845 862 0406 F +44(0)131 554 8155 E [email protected] W Contact 0845 226 0420 Grampian Oat Products Hamlyns of Scotland are the only brand of porridge oats and oatmeal guaranteed to be 100% Scottish from seed to mill to finished product. Hamlyns’ state of the art oat mill is located in the Banffshire countryside, in the heart of Scotland’s oat growing country, where the climatic and soil conditions are ideally suited to growing oats. Here the traditional skills of the miller are combined with the technology of one of the most modern oat processing plants in Europe, to ensure a traditional quality product every time. Hamlyns of Scotland Cairnton Road Boyndie Banff AB45 2LR T +44(0)1261 843 330 F +44(0)1261 843 394 E [email protected] W Contact Alan Meikle ISP Alginates UK Ltd. (Girvan) Extractors of Sodium Alginate from seaweed for human and animal consumption, as well as for pharmaceutical purposes. Products used as texturing agents, stabilisers, gelling and foam stabilisers for a variety of foods including dairy, bakery fruit fillings, sauces, dressings and meat products. Contact Shena Loy 07785 347 112 E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Ladyburn Works Girvan Ayrshire KA26 9JN T +44(0)1655 333 000 F +44(0)1655 333 100 W 27 John Hogarth Ltd. John Hogarth Ltd. Are producers and millers of oats and barely for further manufacture. Kelso Mills Kelso TD5 7HR T +44(0)1573 224 224 F +44(0)1573 225 461 E [email protected] Contact Ian Miller Lazy Day Foods The Lazy Day Foods brand stands for products you can trust with outstanding quality. The company mission statement is to make it easy to enjoy the best quality free-from foods that you have ever tasted. Lazy Day Foods provide a delicious and convenient solution for people with food intolerances and those who cater for them. The company have developed a range of high quality freefrom biscuits and tray bakes for customers with food allergies. The company currently produces a range of luxury hand baked products and confectionery. The company was set up by Dr Sally Beattie and Emer Bustard who are professional food scientists, with a personal interest in food intolerances. Lazy Day Foods believe that everyone should be able to indulge in good quality treats from time to time. Therefore the company have created a delicious range of treat products that anyone would be delighted to eat. 4 Springbank Crescent Dunblane FK15 9AP T +44(0)1786 821227 W Contact Dr Sally Beattie E [email protected] Loopy Juice Loopy juice is a young, fresh & fun company whose main concern is your wellbeing. The company enjoy providing the consumer with nutritional products, and love using local producers to make their drinks! Not one for food miles, Loopy Juices are made from local fruit and veg where available, and from as close to local where not! With a real passion for smoothies, juices and all things healthy, together with a true belief that they improve energy levels, concentration and overall wellbeing, Laura Milne decided to start Loopy Juice, and bring a bit of Loopy Juice energy to offices throughout Aberdeen. From morning till night, Monday through Friday, Loopy Juice deliver freshly made smoothies and juices from the Loopy Juice kitchen, to office based customers across Aberdeen city. The company also produce smoothies for retail in 200ml bottles, flavours include Slim Jim Juice, Super Duper Juice & Detox Rocks. 49 Belmont Street Aberdeen AB10 1JS T +44(0)7843 209806 E [email protected] W Contact Laura Milne 28 Mackies Ltd. 2 Mackies ice cream is now well established as brand leader in the luxury ice cream market in Scotland, has an increasing market share in England and is being exported to Seoul, South Korea and Norway, including Green Tea Ice Cream. The main output from Mackies is ice cream, although this has extended to dairy sorbets and ice cubes. The focus is on a high cream content, with lower fats where possible. The company continuously looks for product innovation and improvement, and has received awards in the past for innovation, including products in healthy eating categories. Healthy Eating Range Dairy Sorbet 98% Fat Free. Dessert with the fruity taste of a sorbet, yet made with a splash of milk to deliver the smooth satisfying texture of an ice cream. Two flavours - Strawberry & Raspberry Dairy Sorbet and Orange & Passion Fruit. Available in 120ml, 500ml, 2 litre and 5 litre scooping tubs. Westertown Rothienorman Aberdeenshire AB51 8US T +44(0)1467 671466 F +44(0)1467 671448 E [email protected] W Contact Dennis Emslie Mitchell’s For more than 75 years Mitchells have been producing and distributing their own milk and cream throughout Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City. Their locally produced products backed by the very best of award winning service allows the company to supply all of your daily product needs - naturally they are local! Mitchells Milk and Cream: Yoghurts, Cheeses, Juices, Eggs. Market Place Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 3XN T +44(0)1467 621 389 F +44(0)1467 625 251 Contact Lesley Berry E [email protected] Nairn’s Oatcakes Limited Nairn’s Oatcakes Ltd has extensive experience in the manufacture of oatcakes, biscuits and oat snacks stretching back to its establishment in 1896. Baked to a long standing traditional recipe with plenty of rough oatmeal, these are full of the toasted oat flavour of good quality Conservation Grade Oats. High in Fibre with no added sugar. Nairn’s oat cakes have a low glycaemic index (GI) and a low glycaemic load (GL). Low GI/GL foods help keep your blood sugar and energy levels even. They also help you feel fuller for longer so you don’t feel hungry again so soon. Contact Walter Gillespie E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise 90 Peffermill Road Edinburgh EH16 5UU T +44(0)131 620 7000 W 29 Nambarrie Tea Company Ltd. Manufacturers and distributors of tea through Scotland and Northern Ireland. 110 Cambuslang Road Glasgow G73 1QJ T +44(0)141 647 9917 E [email protected] W Contact Mr H Ford Natural Fruit and Beverage Co. Ltd. The Natural Fruit & Beverage Company is a soft drink manufacturing and contract filling company. The Natural Fruit & Beverage Company is the leading re-sealable flexible packaging company in the U.K. The company not only produces our own brands (Supajus and The Amazing Pomegranate) and, but also work with some of the World’s leading companies and contract pack to their highest specifications. They are constantly developing new products and processes on behalf of their customers. Viewfield Park Viewfield Road Coatbridge ML5 5QS T +44(0)1236 429 042 F +44(0)1236 42 42 34 W W Contact Gerry Dunn E [email protected] Paterson Arran Ltd. Today’s wheat free recipe is also low in saturated fat (thanks to olive oil) and high in fibre, making Paterson’s the most delicious and nutritious oatcakes you can enjoy. Their oatcake range is also completely free from palm oil so are orangutan friendly! Did you know that vast amounts of their rainforests are being destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations? They could face extinction in as little as 20 years. Due to this the company are proud to be lifetime members of the Orang-utan Foundation. Over the years, the company have indulged their passion for all things ‘oaty’ by extending the Paterson’s range in a host of new and exciting ways. The Royal Burgh Bakery Livingston Edinburgh EH54 5DN T +44(0)1506 431 031 F +44(0)1506 432 800 E [email protected] W W Contact Debbie Ballach 30 Petrie Fine Foods 2 Petrie Fine Foods is a farmhouse based producer of interesting, flavoursome, vegetarian, gluten free and/or diabetic food. All their savouries, cakes and puddings are hand made by the proprietor, Eileen Wilkinson. Townend of Gree Fenwick Ayrshire KA3 6BA T +44(0)1506 600184 E petriefi[email protected] W aspx?id=622 Contact Howard Wilkinson PSMW Distributors Ltd. Producers of a range of natural mineral water products, including Fruit ‘n’ Vits, Oosha and most recently, Junior Sports. Purely Scottish Mineral Water is drawn from ‘Organic certified land’ in the Lammermuir Hills. By focusing on low-calorie natural products, the company is playing its part in creating a healthier, fitter Scotland. Woolland Farm Oldham Stocks Cocksburnpath TD13 5XW T +44(0)1368 860 600 F +44(0)1368 864 960 E [email protected] W Contact Iain Purslow Quaker Oats Quaker has over a century of oat experience and has been milling oats in the UK since 1899. Quaker prides itself on its leading oat knowledge and expertise. Oat experts oversee the milling of all Quaker Oats, kilning them for 3 hours to ensure that they are milled to perfection. Quaker works closely with its UK growers, developing the best quality oats through field trials and by continuously improving growing practices. Contact 1600 Arlington Business Park, Theel, Reading © Scottish Enterprise Uthrogle Mills Cupar Fife KY15 4PD T +44(0)1334 652 961 W 31 Rare Tea Company The Rare Tea Company specialise in truly rare White Teas and Silver Tip Teas (also known as silver needle tea). These precious teas are personally sourced by founder Henrietta Lovell from small mountain tea gardens with centuries of tradition and fierce pride in their teas. Hand-produced by skilled artisans, their teas retain the freshest flavours and the highest levels of antioxidants. Produced in tiny quantities they are the very best available anywhere in the world today. 20 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7DS T +44(0)7952 019 892 E [email protected] W Contact Henrietta Lovell Rowan Glen Scotland’s leading yogurt producer is following up its recent launch of Scotland’s first pro-biotic yogurt drink with the country’s first home produced range of Bio Greek style yogurts under the Rowan Glen brand. As well as introducing the new Bio Greek range, Rowan Glen has also recently re-launched its Fat Free Pro-biotic Yogurt range with three new flavours – strawberry, rhubarb and toffee. These mild and creamy yogurts have low GI status are also free from gluten, artificial colours, flavours and gelatine. Rowan Glen Fat Free pro-biotic yogurts release glucose more steadily keeping blood sugar levels even. Not only is this beneficial to diabetics, but it can also encourage weight loss by giving a feeling of being fuller for longer. Palnura Newton Stewart Wigtownshire DJ8 7AX T +44(0)1671 403 633 F +44(0)1671 402 444 W Contact Anthea Forsyth E [email protected] Sandisons (Unst) Ltd Oceanic Oatcakes made from oceanic water (collected from the open sea where the Atlantic and North Sea meet at the northerly tip at Muckle Flugga Lighthouse). The oceanic water is filtered and sterilised. The product is pure and wholesome, wheat-free, additive free, and no added salt. Northside Baltasound Shetland ZE2 9DS T +44(0)1957 711444 F +44(0)1957 711445 Contact Penny Thomson E [email protected] 32 Sandyknowe 2 Heavenly yogurt drink is available in Raspberry, Strawberry and Blueberry. Heavenly Yogurt Drinks have won 2 prestigious Awards. The National Farmers Union of Scotland 2006 Innovation award and also the Milk Development Council’s on farm business development award. Sandyknowe have also developed a pro-biotic yoghurt drink to tap into the health enhancing food market. Company are seeking investment opportunities. Sandyknowe Farm Kelso TD5 7PG T +44(0)7775 816 232 E [email protected] W Contact Alistair Stewart Sangs (Banff) Ltd. An ISO 9002 registered manufacturer of Deveron Valley Spring Water, MacB Natural Flavoured Spring Water, One Fruit a 50% fruit juice drink, Fruit Twist a 10% fruit juice drink, Jetpops sugar free soft drink and Sangs and Solripe carbonates. As well as traditional carbonates, Sangs produce healthy drinks which fall into the Hungry For Success policy currently in operation in all Scottish schools in that they are sugar free or no added sugar. The One Fruit 50% fruit juice drink provides one fruit portion of your five a day and Fruit Twist, a 10% fruit juice drink has no added sugar or colour. Old Gamrie Road Macduff AB44 1GD T +44(0)1261 832 911 F +44(0)1261 833 637 W Contact Darren Wilson E [email protected] (07808 096 886) SPOFF (Scotland) Ltd. Spoff is a range of unique breakfast cereals - mueslis & porridges - available online and from independent shops. Good for breakfast but equally good 24/7/52! Spoff Highland Muesli is their premium range of muesli made from the finest natural healthy ingredients. It comes in a range to suit all tastes and dietary needs including gluten free, wheat free, organic, dairy free, and even fruit free! All Spoff porridges are wholegrain cereals, ranging from plain medium oatmeal and jumbo oats to naturally flavoured varieties such as organic porridge oats with apricots to organic rice flakes with chocolate. Contact Dhana Bolton © Scottish Enterprise 14 Clayton Court Castle Avenue Invergorden Rosshire IV18 0SB T +44(0)1349 854 290 / +44(0)845 226 5482 F +44(0)1349 854 001 /+44(0)845 226 5498 E [email protected] W 33 Stoats Porridge Bars Stoats Porridge Bars are the world’s first chain of mobile porridge bars. Stoats porridge is made using the best Scottish organic oats and served with a choice of eight flavours, including the classic Cranachan - raspberries, single cream, honey and sweet toasted oats. Stoats also manufacture porridge oat bars, chunky, natural and mighty tasty. Made from a blend of Scottish organic oats, all the bars have pumpkin and sunflowers seeds through them, great for texture, a good vegetarian source of omega 3, potassium and magnesium. At the moment Stoats produce five flavours including Goji berries & flax seeds and Cranberry & macadamia nuts. 18 Broomyknowe Edinburgh EH14 1JZ T +44(0)777 916 1258 Contact Tony Stone E [email protected] Struthers (Lochwinnoch) Ltd. Manufacturers of soft drinks, bottled water and isotonic drinks. Church Street Lochwinnoch Renfrewshire PA12 4JA T +44(0)1505 842 792 F +44(0)1505 843 033 The Handmade Oatcake Company A small family run business with over 40 years of catering experience located in the Perthshire countryside. The company endeavour to produce unique oatcake products using recipes handed down over centuries to provide a traditional taste of Scotland. The company currently produces a range of five oatcake products; • Traditional Sugar Free Oatcakes • Sweet Oatcakes • Cracked Black Pepper Oatcakes • Thin & Crispy Oatcakes • Cocktail Oatcakes The company now produce their award winning oatcakes using 100% pure Scottish oats and natural mineral water from the surrounding Perthshire hills. Strowan Farm Crieff Perthshire PH7 4HU T +44(0)1764 656399 T +44(0)7926 194651 W www.thehandmadeoatcakecompany. Contact Fiona Wimpenny or Chris Young E fi[email protected] 34 The Oatmeal of Alford 2 Millers of oats both conventional and organic into 4 grades. Montgarrie Mill Montgarrie Alford Aberdeenshire AB33 8AP T +44(0)1561 377 356 W Contact Gwen Doig E [email protected] The Really Garlicky Company From the farm at the foot of the Cawdor Hills, Glen and Gilli Allingham are the only UK growers of Porcelain garlic. It’s taken them three years to complete growing trials and settle on a strain of really garlicky garlic that’s locally produced and offers a string of powerful flavour, texture and health benefits. New Reekie Unit 14 Balmakeith Business Park Nairn IV12 5QR T +44(0)1667 452 193 F +44(0)1667 452 064 W Contact Heidi Irvine E [email protected] Tilquhillie Fine Foods Pure milled oats as part of a healthy diet, gluten and wheat free. Contact Jill Adron © Scottish Enterprise Maryfield Farm Tilquhillie Banchory Aberdeenshire AB31 6HY T +44(0)1330 822 037 F +44(0)1330 822 037 E [email protected] 35 Trade Solutions Nestling in the hills just above Blairgowrie in Scotland is Trade Solutions (Scotland) Ltd, long-established Scottish Soft Fruit Processors and experts in their field. For well over 100 years Scotland has been famous for its soft fruit production, particularly of strawberries and raspberries and more recently, blackcurrants. The high quality fruit growing region here in Scotland is concentrated within a relatively small geographical area, which lends itself to close crop control and meticulous handling during harvesting, processing and transporting. The main growing areas are Tayside, Perthshire and Fife. Purée and Juice products are packed in food grade lined cartons, plastic pails with a lid (and liner on request) or in drums, and blast frozen. The cartons are filled with 20kg of fruit just before blast freezing, and once frozen it is simply a matter of unfolding the carton to give a single frozen block for use by the customer after delivery. East Gormack Blairgowrie Perthshire PH10 6TA T +44(0)1250 87 00 87 F +44(0)1250 870 962 W Contact Oliver Thomson E [email protected] 0773 808 1940 36 Section 3 Natural Food Ingredients Company Profiles Page 37 - 51 © Scottish Enterprise 37 Abbey Fruit Abbey Fruit has gained the reputation of being one of the UK’s leading packers of high quality fresh and frozen produce. Their primary products include strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, peppers and Brussels sprouts. These are mainly marketed under ‘own label’ for the UK’s leading supermarkets. And they’re all delicious (yes, even the sprouts). James Chalmers Road Kirkton Industrial Estate Arbroath DD11 3LR T +44(0)1241 436 200 W Contact Ainslaa Swanky E [email protected] Albion Chemical Distribution Distributors of chemicals to several industry sectors including food. Nothing sold specifically as ‘health enhancing’ but some may be used in healthy foods. Food products include: acidulants, preservatives, antioxidants, colours, sweetners and stabilisers. 55 Westburn Drive, Clydesmill Industrial Estate, Cambuslang, Glasgow, G72 7NA T +44(0)141 642 9650 F +44(0)141 642 9660 Contact E [email protected] W Angus Soft Fruits Ltd. Growers of various berries, suppliers to most of the major retailers. East Seaton Arbroath Angus DD11 5SY T +44(0)1241 87 99 89 F +44(0)1241 871 220 Contact Angela Rodders E [email protected] W 38 Applesnapz Limited 3 Applesnapz apple and vegetable crisps are an award-winning very low fat alternative to fried and baked crisps - the great tasting snack that you can eat throughout the day and not worry about your waistline. Of course, you can always eat them just because they taste good! Made from slices of fruit and vegetables with no added salt, sugar or fat, and no artificial colourings, flavourings or additives, Applesnapz’ new products have been approved for use of the ‘5-a-Day’ logo, which is the government’s guarantee that each bag of Applesnapz provides one of the recommended daily quota of five fruit and vegetables. Unit 5 West Shore Business Park Long Craig Rigg Granton Edinburgh EH5 1QT T +44(0)131 552 7898/+44(0)870 77 SNAPZ F +44(0)131 552 8263 E [email protected] W Contact Stuart Cattermole Baxter’s Food Group Baxter’s have been established for over 125 years, Baxter’s of Speyside is a family owned business manufacturing food since 1868. Ranges include soup, sauces, condiments, chutney, beetroot, jams and marmalades and an organic range of products. Healthy Choice is the range of deliciously healthy, nutritionally balanced soups that have been specially designed to deliver natural fibre, protein, carbohydrate and energy benefits. No artificial additives just natural wholesome ingredients. All of Baxter’s nutritionally balanced Healthy Choice Chunky soups have been specially designed to deliver natural fibre, protein, carbohydrate and energy benefits, with tasty wholesome chunks to satisfy the appetite. No artificial additives just natural wholesome ingredients. Fochabers, Moray IV32 7LD T +44(0)1349 86 11 00 F +44(0)1349 86 44 00 E [email protected] W Contact Andy Mutton Blairgowrie Fruit Packers Growers of various berries. Contact Melanie Thomson E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise The Pack House Haugh Road Blairgowrie Perthshire PH10 7BJ T +44(0)1250 87 55 00 39 Borderfields Ltd Produce and distribute ‘Oleifera’ rapeseed oil. Rapeseed comes from a group of farmers on the Scottish/English border. Been in business for less than two years. The product is currently sold through Farmers Markets, Farm Shops, delicatessens and independent retailers, hotels, restaurants etc. Coldstream Mains Coldstream TD12 4ES T +44(0)1890 885+44(0)10 F +44(0)1890 882613 E W Contact Lisa Wilson Brazilian Sensation Brazilian Sensation is a family business run by John and Lucia Facloner which started out in 1998. The business has diversified since its beginning with own label freeze dried acai now very much the focus of attention, which are supplied online by mail order, to other retail outlets and within industry. Brazilian Sensation has nine years’ experience of working with acai barriers – more than any other UK based company. In that time the company have learnt to provide the customer with excellent quality and naturally organic acai. This is only achievable by going to the finest growing region in Brazil regularly and selecting the acai berries themselves. Once the company have selected the berries, they are then processed into frozen pulp, shipped to the UK, freeze dried and packed into special alufoil clip seal pouches of 100g to maintain the product in optimum condition. 117–119 Buccleuch Street Edinburgh EH8 9NG T +44(0)131 667 0400 E [email protected] W Contact John Falconer Burnswell Spring Ltd. The water from the spring has been tested by Food Scan of Paisley and by the local Environmental Health Department both of whom passed it as potable. One official stated that the water ‘so good it could be bottled straight from the well’. The well produces 30 million litres of water per annum from it’s 100mm bore hole and Consultant’s opinion, subject to a full survey, is that a larger bore hole could produce any quantity of water required. Planning has already been granted for extraction and we also own full mineral rights. Available in still and sparkling. The Pumphouse 1 Burngrange Lane Mauchline KA5 6EL T +44(0)1290 559 304 F +44(0)1290 559 304 E [email protected] W Contact Andrew Cooper 40 Bute Island Foods Ltd. 3 One of the most common reasons given for not giving up dairy produce used to be that there wasn’t an acceptable dairy-free alternative to cheese, that really tasted of cheese. All that changed in 1988. Bute Island Foods started making their own Vegan hard cheeses, known as Sheese. Fast forward nineteen years and there are now 9 flavours of hard dairy-free cheese, and 5 flavours of 100% non-dairy cream cheese, called Creamy Sheese (all of the styles are 100% Kosher and Pareve!) 14 Craigmore Road Rothesay Isle of Bute PA20 9LB T +44(0)1700 505 357 F +44(0)1700 505 394 W Contact Mark / Guy Chrichton E [email protected] E [email protected] Cairn O’Mohr Fruit Wines Cairn o’Mohr award winning Scottish fruit wines are made from berries, flowers and leaves that grow around the farm. Nothing fancy, just the best and freshest ingredients the company can get, grow or find and fermented in the traditional way. All the Cairn o’Mohr wines have distinctive rolling flavours, juicy and aromatic. East Inchmichael Errol Perth PH2 7SP T +44(0)1821 642 781 F +44(0)1821 642 781 E [email protected] W Contact Ron or Judith Gillies Claymore Trading Company Ltd Products include native starch, protein isolate, dietary fibres and a revolutionary fat replacer/substitute as well as soy protein concentrates and isolates (all GMO-free). Sell some fat replacement product into reduced fat food market and high protein products into the beverage sector. T +44(0)1383 413223 F +44(0)1383 413223 W Contact Alec Nicol (Sales Director) E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Unit 7 Belleknowes Industrial Estate Inverkeithing Fife KY11 1HY 41 DCP Direct Ltd Single trader. Supplier of Essential Oils, Flavours, Food Chemicals, Ingredients, and Spices. The company does not sell specifically into the health food market but some ingredients may be used on health products. Dalchonzie Comrie Perthshire PH6 2LB T +44(0)1764 671 131 F +44(0)1764 671 131 E [email protected] W Contact David Crosthwaite Deeside Water Company Ltd. Deeside Mineral Water is different from others because of an unusual balance of helpful natural characteristics. Its long history as a spa water, dating from 1760, has been supplemented by more recent analyses, proving it to be of exceptional purity and quality. Deeside Mineral Water comes direct from nature, flowing from the historic Pannanich Wells near Balmoral Castle in the heart of the remote Scottish Highlands. The water is naturally filtered for around 50 years, through millions of pores deep within the ancient granite rock, protected from the outside environment and acquires its unique properties, which have been known for centuries. It then finds its way to the surface and emerges from the artesian spring under its own pressure - as nature intended. Pannanich Wells Ballater Royal Deeside Aberdeenshire AB55 5SJ T +44(0)13397 55 000 F +44(0)13397 55 111 W Contact Martin Simpson E [email protected] T +44(0)1224 208 900 Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Limited Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company’s range of coffees is selected by the company’s master roasters using only the finest coffee beans from around the world. Edinburgh Tea and Coffee Company has the tea and coffee product for espresso, cappuccino, filter or cafetiere equipment you require whether you are in the retail, foodservice, gift or export trade. They offer the full range of Heath & Heather Herbal Teas for the health conscious amongst you, together with the Twining’s Fruit and Herb Teas allowing us to offer a massive range of fruit teas. The company also sells loose teas that are blended in Scotland. 15/G 214 Sir Harry Lauder Road Edinburgh EH15 2QA T +44(0)131 669 9222 F +44(0)131 669 9777 W Contact E [email protected] 42 Findlay’s Ltd. 3 Bottlers and supplies of natural mineral water - to the wholesale, retail and office chiller market. Pitcox Dunbar East Lothian EH42 1RQ T +44(0)1368 850 720 F +44(0)1368 850 720 Contact Ms Sarah Findlay E fi[email protected] Fionnar Springs Ltd. Supply all Water Cooler facilities to businesses and homes directly from Drumnadrochit. The award winning Natural Mineral Water is also available in pet, sport caps and our exclusive designer range of glass bottles is available in Still & Sparkling. Achmonie Drumnadrochit Inverness-shire IV63 6XS T +44(0)1456 450 915 F +44(0)1456 450 827 E W Contact Garry MacLoud Fleming Howden Wholesaler of flour and pre-mixes to the bakery trade in Scotland and the North of England. Products are produced specifically for this market including ‘health’ mixes such as wholegrain, malted flours etc. Contact David Kyles E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Unit 2 Edinburgh Distribution Park, Newbridge EH28 8PJ T +44(0)131 333 6600 F +44(0)131 333 6633 43 Geoffrey Bruce Ltd. Geoffrey Bruce Ltd, based in the Vale of Strathmore, grows and packs top quality Scottish strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackcurrants. The company has become one of the most respected producers of top quality soft fruit in Scotland through years of perfecting growing, picking and packing techniques. The Packing Hall at Balmyle not only caters for the entire fruit crop of Geoffrey Bruce Ltd; it is also available for contract packing. Currently six other growers in the area have their fruit packed at the facility and there is availability for other growers. The Packing Hall is accredited with the highest standard of BRC. Chilling, Packing, Storing and Dispatching facility available for produce all year round. Balmyle Meigle Perthshire PH12 8QU T +44(0)1828 640 466 F +44(0)1828 640 487 W Contact Linda Kay E [email protected] Get Juiced Ltd. Whether it is fifty litres to a five star hotel or five to a family run café, Get Juiced is now offering a twice weekly refrigerated delivery service of mainly freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice and also freshly squeezed lime and lemon juice, fresh pressed apple juice and a select range berry of smoothies. That’s where Get Juiced comes in. The great selection of fresh juices and lowfat smoothies at Get Juiced offer an array of crucial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, natural sugars and enzymes in a natural form our bodies can easily assimilate to convert into energy. P.O. Box 21547 FK9 4YJ T +44(0)7985 412 629 F +44(0)845 280 4305 E [email protected] W Contact Jonathan Tait E [email protected] Golspie Mill Produce a range of flours from one of the few remaining water driven mills in Scotland. Products include: Peasemeal (from roasted yellow field peas - ‘Healthy and nutritious’) Beremeal (from an ancient genetically pure barley variety) Wholemeal Oatmeal Organically certified and many of the flours are organic. Dunrobin Golspie Sutherland KW10 6SF T +44(0)1408 633 278 E [email protected] W Contact Michael Shaw 44 Grampian Oat Products 3 Hamlyns of Scotland are the only brand of porridge oats and oatmeal guaranteed to be 100% Scottish from seed to mill to finished product. Hamlyns’ state of the art oat mill is located in the Banffshire countryside, in the heart of Scotland’s oat growing country, where the climatic and soil conditions are ideally suited to growing oats. Here the traditional skills of the miller are combined with the technology of one of the most modern oat processing plants in Europe, to ensure a traditional quality product every time. Hamlyns of Scotland Cairnton Road Boyndie Banff AB45 2LR T +44(0)1261 843 330 F +44(0)1261 843 394 E [email protected] W Contact Alan Meikle Greencore Mineral Water Greencore Mineral Water is the UK´s leading producer of customer brand still and sparkling mineral water. The catchment area feeding the springs is located on the lands of the Glorat Estate, preserved and maintained by one family since 1508, with whom the Company has a 99 year agreement reached in 1984. The whole area is crossed from east to west by the Campsie fault, which guides and filters the water through many layers of volcanic rock and back to a point on the surface from where it is piped direct into the bottling plant. The mineral properties acquired through filtration in the volcanic rock strata modifies the waters to produce a particularly fine quality of drinking water. Campsie Spring Scottish natural mineral water is bottled at source and complies with all EU rules and regulations governing the sale of natural mineral waters. Greencore Mineral Water is the UK’s largest provider of customer brand mineral water, packing over 120 million litres a year. Following recent investment in blow moulding technology, the Company blows all of its own plastic bottles on site. Veitch Place Lennoxtown Glasgow G66 7JQ T +44(0)1360 312 121 W Contact Charlotte Berry E [email protected] Macphie of Glenbervie Ltd. Operations are divided between two sites: Ambient products are manufactured in Glenbervie and Chilled & Frozen products are manufactured at Tannochside, in central Scotland. The company employs over 300 people between the two sites. Core businesses are the bakery, food service and food manufacturing sectors. Macphie offers a broad range of branded ingredients to the bakery, food service and food manufacturing sectors. These guarantee optimum taste, versatility and convenience. They are designed to meet the needs of today’s consumers and their changing lifestyles. Our innovation is driven by three mega-trends - health, indulgence and convenience. Glanbervie Stonehaven Aberdeenshire AB39 3YG T +44(0)1569 740641 F +44(0)1569 740677 Contact Alastair Macphie E [email protected] W © Scottish Enterprise Macphie is organised into two commercial divisions: Bakery Solutions and Food Solutions. Each division comprises dedicated sales, marketing and technical resources who work in partnership with UK and International customers to create innovative business solutions. Striving to improve not only results, but also our customer relationship, the customer can rely on our commercial teams for a responsive service. They can put a wealth of food knowledge and resources, technical assistance and marketing insight at your fingertips to help you to gain a competitive advantage. 45 Moorehead & McGavin Ltd. Distributors of Flours, Cereals, Pulses, Pasta, Rice, Health Snacks (reduced sugar popcorn), mainly to UK food manufacturers. Health foods - most products are gluten free and reduced sugar popcorn. 21 Newhut Road Braidhurst Industial Estate Motherwell ML1 3ST T +44(0)1698 254868 F +44(0)1698 268766 E [email protected] W Contact Alasdair Morris Mountain Spring Ltd. Bottling of natural spring water. Glendevon Castle Glendevon By Dollar FK14 7JY T +44(0)1259 778 108 F +44(0)1259 778 108 E [email protected] Contact David Bliss Nambarrie Tea Company Ltd. Manufacturers and distributors of tea through Scotland and Northern Ireland. 110 Cambuslang Road Glasgow G73 1QJ T +44(0)141 647 9917 E [email protected] W Contact Mr H Ford 46 Paterson Arran Ltd. 3 Today’s wheat free recipe is also low in saturated fat (thanks to olive oil) and high in fibre, making Paterson’s the most delicious and nutritious oatcakes you can enjoy. Their oatcake range is also completely free from palm oil so are orangutan friendly! Did you know that vast amounts of their rainforests are being detroyed to make way for palm oil plantations? They could face extinction in as little as 20 years!!! Due to this we are proud to be lifetime members of the Orang-utan Foundation. Over the years, we’ve indulged our passion for all things ‘oaty’ by extending the Paterson’s range in a host of new and exciting ways. The Royal Burgh Bakery Livingston Edinburgh EH54 5DN T +44(0)1506 431 031 F +44(0)1506 432 800 E [email protected] W W Contact Debbie Ballach Petrie Fine Foods Petrie Fine Foods is a farmhouse based producer of interesting, flavoursome, vegetarian, gluten free and/or diabetic food. All their savouries, cakes and puddings are hand made by the proprietor, Eileen Wilkinson. Townend of Gree Fenwick Ayrshire KA3 6BA T +44(0)1506 600184 E petriefi[email protected] W aspx?id=622 Contact Howard Wilkinson Petrow Food Ingredients Importers and distributors of Spices & Herbs, Nuts and Seeds, Organic Coconut Products, White Maize Meal and derivatives, Caribbean branded goods, African food products. Contact Nick Snow E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Delniesmuir Delnies Nairn Scotland IV12 5NT T +44(0)1667 458824 F +44(0)1667 451759 W 47 Rare Tea Company The Rare Tea Company specialise in truly rare White Teas and Silver Tip Teas (also known as silver needle tea). These precious teas are personally sourced by founder Henrietta Lovell from small mountain tea gardens with centuries of tradition and fierce pride in their teas. Hand-produced by skilled artisans, their teas retain the freshest flavours and the highest levels of antioxidants. Produced in tiny quantities, they are the very best available anywhere in the world today. 20 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7DS T +44(0)7952 019 892 E [email protected] W Contact Henrietta Lovell Rendall’s Frozen Fruits Rendall’s Frozen Fruits - a small, but long established fruit farming company, who have grown and selected the finest Scottish soft fruits for freezing. Raspberries, Strawberries, Brambles, Blackcurrants, Redcurrants, Gooseberries, Rhubarb to name but a few. To meet the growing demand from their customers to supply all their frozen fruit requirements to our quality standards we supply American Blueberries and Canadian Cranberries. The jewel in the crown is perhaps the Summer Harvest Fruit Salad, a unique blend of these lovely Scottish fruits, 50% of which is Glen Prosen Raspberries either to tempt the palate at breakfast time, or conclude a memorable evening meal. Steillsmuir Fruit Farm Blairgowrie Perthshire PH10 6LE T +44(0)1250 872237/875024 F +44(0)1250 873715 E [email protected] E [email protected] W Contact David Rendall Scotherbs Ltd. Scotherbs have been growing and sourcing fresh, washed and chopped culinary herbs, leaves and salads for supermarkets, wholesalers, the catering trade and discerning consumers for over twenty years. A pioneer in high care herb treatment, we’ve expanded to offer fresh herbs prepared to customer specification, NPD expertise and a range of pesto, salsa and vinaigrettes. A focus on health enhancing products is through micronutrients, and in particular where salt can be substituted in diet through herb replacement. Longforgan nr Dundee DD2 5HU T +44(0)1382 360642 F +44(0)1382 360637 Contact Kathleen Sutherland E [email protected] W 48 Sorn Spring Water Ltd. 3 Bottled Water for the water cooler market; domestic and commercial. West Town Farm Mauchline Ayrshire KA5 6JF T +44(0)0800 169 7322 F +44(0)1877 389 039 W Contact E [email protected] Speyside Glenlivet Water Co. Ltd. Natural mineral water is available in still or sparkling forms. They have been packaged specifically with premium restaurants and hotels in mind. Both come in 330ml and 750ml sizes and are presented in elegant glass bottles. The 330ml is delivered in packs of 24 and the 750ml in packs of 12. Crown Estate of Glenlivet Chapeltown Ballindalloch Aberdeenshire AB37 9JS T +44(0)1807 590 707 F +44(0)1807 596 706 W Contact E [email protected] Spicemanns Ltd Supply herbs and seasoning blends to food manufacturers. Don’t sell specifically to the health market but products will go into some health foods Predominantly sell to the UK market but also a small amount of export. Contact Nigel Richards (Sales and Marketing Director) mob: +44(0)7944 825907 E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise 59 Kelvin Avenue Hillington Glasgow G52 4LR T +44(0)141 883 4797 F +44(0)141 810 5242 W 49 SPOFF (Scotland) Ltd. Spoff is a range of unique breakfast cereals - mueslis & porridges - available online and from independent shops. Good for breakfast but equally good 24/7/52! Spoff Highland Muesli is their premium range of muesli made from the finest natural healthy ingredients. It comes in a range to suit all tastes and dietary needs including gluten free, wheat free, organic, dairy free, and even fruit free! All Spoff porridges are wholegrain cereals, ranging from plain medium oatmeal and jumbo oats to naturally flavoured varieties such as organic porridge oats with apricots to organic rice flakes with chocolate. 14 Clayton Court Castle Avenue Invergorden Rosshire IV18 0SB T +44(0)1349 854 290/+44(0)845 226 5482 F +44(0)1349 854 001/+44(0)845 226 5498 E [email protected] W Contact Dhana Bolton Stoats Porridge Bars Stoats Porridge Bars are the world’s first chain of mobile porridge bars. Stoats porridge is made using the best Scottish organic oats and served with a choice of eight flavours, including the classic Cranachan - raspberries, single cream, honey and sweet toasted oats. Stoats also manufacture porridge oat bars, chunky, natural and mighty tasty. Made from a blend of Scottish organic oats, all the bars have pumpkin and sunflower seeds through them, great for texture, a good vegetarian source of omega 3, potassium and magnesium. At the moment Stoats produce five flavours including Goji berries & flax seeds and Cranberry & macadamia nuts. 18 Broomyknowe Edinburgh EH14 1JZ T +44(0)777 916 1258 W Contact Tony Stone E [email protected] Strathmore Mineral Water Producers and bottlers of mineral water in glass and plastic, from 500ml to 1.5l and now also in sports bottles at 500ml and 750ml. C/O 126 West High Street Forfar DD8 1BP T +44(0)1307 466 147 W Contact Bob Watson E [email protected] 50 Tilquhillie Fine Foods 3 Pure milled oats as part of a healthy diet, gluten and wheat free. Maryfield Farm Tilquhillie Banchory Aberdeenshire AB31 6HY T +44(0)1330 822 037 F +44(0)1330 822 037 E [email protected] Contact Jill Adron Trade Solutions Nestling in the hills just above Blairgowrie in Scotland is Trade Solutions (Scotland) Ltd, long-established Scottish Soft Fruit Processors and experts in their field. For well over 100 years Scotland has been famous for its soft fruit production, particularly of strawberries and raspberries and more recently, blackcurrants. The high quality fruit growing region here in Scotland is concentrated within a relatively small geographical area, which lends itself to close crop control and meticulous handling during harvesting, processing and transporting. The main growing areas are Tayside, Perthshire and Fife. Purée and Juice products are packed in food grade lined cartons, plastic pails with a lid (and liner on request) or in drums, and blast frozen. The cartons are filled with 20kg of fruit just before blast freezing, and once frozen it is simply a matter of unfolding the carton to give a single frozen block for use by the customer after delivery. East Gormack Blairgowrie Perthshire PH10 6TA T +44(0)1250 870087 F +44(0)1250 870962 Contact Oliver Thomson E [email protected] T +44(0)773 808 1940 Wicken Fen Foods Ltd. Nutrivert was developed by Paul Weeks of Wicken Fen Wholesome Foods which develops and produces a wide range of vegetarian and vegetable based foods. Nutrivert is a source of nutrients for energy health and well being. It contains natural products and no artificial chemicals or additives. Contact Paul Weeks E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Duns Industrial Estate Duns Berwickshire TD11 3HS. T +44(0)1361 883 150 F +44(0)1361 883 155 W W 51 W. M. Pearce and Sons Suppliers of natural mineral water since 1870, both Gold Medal winners. Producers of still & carbonated mineral water. Glass bottles. Also half litre mineral water. Flavoured water, soft drinks. Plastic & glass bottles. Suppliers of 19 litre water coolers. St Ronan’s Works Innerleithen Tweeddale Peebles Peeblesshire EH44 6QS E [email protected] Contact Alex Simister 52 Section 4 53 - 69 © Scottish Enterprise Natural Food Ingredients (Seafood) Company Profiles Page 53 A Thompson Junior A.Thompson Jnr, Fish merchant, have been trading for over 20 years and have a very modern purpose built factory in Fraserburgh, Scotland. With their many years of experience they specialize in all types of deep water species and produce top quality smoked Coley fillets as well as Herring & Mackerel whole or fillets. A Thompson Junior currently process fresh or frozen whitefish and pelagic species, fillets or whole. 1 Broadsea Road Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB43 9QQ T +44 (0)1346 511 120 F +44 (0)1346 515 550 W Contact Ally Thompson E [email protected] Allan & Dey Limited Allan & Dey is a company with a long and proud tradition. For more than a hundred years they have pursued constant improvement in the service that the company provide. Their aim remains unchanged, determination to succeed undiminished. The people and their methods combine to ensure total quality, from brood stock to delivery. What’s more, the company are able to adapt to the changing needs of the consumer. Allan & Dey Limited are a fresh or smoked salmon specialist. The supply of frozen salmon is also available upon request. Room 408 Riverside House Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB11 7LH T +44 (0)1346 896 000 F +44 (0)1346 879 920 W Contact David Galashan Nathan Smith E [email protected] Andrew Christie Junior Andrew Christie Junior currently process a large range of seafood products, fresh and frozen, including monkfish, langoustine and all smoked fish including pelagic species when in season. North Esplanade West Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB11 5RJ T +44 (0)1224 590 327 F +44 (0)1224 580 763 W Contact Doug Rennie E [email protected] 54 Bannerman Seafoods Ltd 4 A desire to improve the quality of seafood arriving on the tables of Scotland led to the creation of one of Scotland’s few remaining independent seafood companies Bannerman Seafoods of Tain, Ross-shire. In addition to the supply of whole tail scampi, Bannerman Seafoods are also able to supply many other Scottish seafood favourites including smoked salmon and filleted salmon. The Burgage Tain Ross-shire IV19 1BW T +44 (0)1862 892 322 F +44 (0)1862 892 812 E [email protected] W Contact Robert Bannerman Belhaven Smokehouse Ltd Belhaven Smokehouse is a small smoked house producing smoked foods including Smoked Salmon and Trout. The trout comes from the companies 3 fully stocked trout farms. The smoked products are smoked over oak chips from whisky barrels and using a traditional rum cure, Belhaven’s Dunbar Smoked Salmon is distinctive in its unique texture and flavour.The company can supply smoked salmon and trout product but can also deliver farmed trout live to suitable export markets. Beltonford EH42 1ST T +44 (0)7971 814 462 W Contact David Pate E [email protected] Caley Fisheries Ltd – Stephen Buchan One of Scotland’s best-known processors of seafish, Stephen Buchan has a reputation for prime quality demersal and pelagic species second to none. This starts right at the Peterhead quayside, where the Stephen Buchan production facility receives fresh fish within minutes of a vessel coming into port. The company has invested in a fully automated high speed fish landing system to ensure all their produce; whitefish, mackerel, herring and species from deeper waters arrive at our factory in perfect, seafresh condition. T +44 (0)1779 479 121 F +44 (0)1779 484 813 W Contact Ian Lake E © Scottish Enterprise Castle Street Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 1EN 55 Carloway Seafoods Ltd Carloway Seafoods Ltd specialise in the production of fresh organic farmed salmon for supply to the UK wholesale and export markets. Dunan Station Carloway Isle of Lewis Western Isles HS2 9AW T +44 (0)1851 643 288 F +44 (0)1851 643 394 Contact Murdo MacLeod Dawnfresh Seafoods At Dawnfresh the highly skilled and experienced team have a deep understanding of shellfish, trout and other specialist fish and the ability to source sustainable species from Scotland and around the world, key to producing a wide range of high quality products for the benefit of their customers. Dawnfresh produce chilled and frozen Trout and Salmon products. In addition they produce scampi and other breaded products including shellfish for UK and export markets. Bothwell Park Industrial Estate Uddingston Glasgow Lanarkshire G71 6LS T +44 (0)1698 810 008 E [email protected] W Contact Irene Lang Denholm Seafoods Ltd The plant is ideally situated at the quay side in Scotland’s premier port, Peterhead, and can discharge fish directly from fishing vessel to production. The plant is in contact with fishing vessels 24 hours per day. Top quality Herring and Mackerel are supplied by modern RSW Scottish fishing vessels. Herring and Mackerel fillets are produced for many suppliers of supermarket multiples in the UK and other European countries. There is total dedication to quality with strict Quality Control throughout as customer satisfaction is paramount. 11 Timber Bush Edinburgh Midlothian EH6 6QH T +44 (0)131 554 9400 F +44 (0)131 554 9447 W Contact Robert Duthie E [email protected] 56 Downies of Whitehills 4 With more than a 100 year tradition of quality fresh fish; Downies select only the best of catch at local fish markets. To ensure that only quality fresh Scottish fish is available to customers, Alan Downie, Managing Partner with more than 25 years experience in the business, personally visits the local fish markets to select fresh fish for processing. The company operates from a modern EU approved factory with a purpose built cold store ensuring total control over quality. As well as top quality fresh Scottish fish, Downies supply frozen fish, naturally smoked fish such as Finnan haddock, hot-smoked mackerel hot-smoked salmon as well as naturally smoked cod, haddock and mackerel fillets. 40 Low Shore Whitehills Banff Banffshire AB45 2NN T +44 (0)1261 861 204 F +44 (0)1261 861 737 E downiefi[email protected] W Contact Alan Downie Alan Stewart D R Collin & Son Seafresh Ltd. Suppliers of Wild Salmon and Trout for UK and export markets. Smoked salmon and trout also supplied when in season. Harbour Road Eyemouth Berwickshire TD14 5EU T +44 (0)1890 752 427 F +44 (0)1890 750 003 E [email protected] Contact James Cook Edinburgh Smoked Salmon (1992) Ltd The production and packing of chilled and frozen, ready to eat poached and smoked salmon and trout based products plus raw kitchen ready salmon based added value products as produced on the Dingwall site. Contact Christine Cockburn E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise 1 Strathview Dingwall Business Park Dingwall Ross-shire IV15 9XD T +44 (0)1349 860 600 F +44 (0)1349 860 606 W 57 Farne Salmon & Trout Ltd Farne combines in its operation, the best of traditional and modern Scotland. From the traditional heritage comes the art of dry salting salmon to preserve and flavour. From the climate and environment comes the art of smoking. Smoke produced from the slow charring of wood shavings in the old style kilns enhance the flavour, whilst preserving the salmon. Station Road Duns Berwickshire Berwickshire TD11 3HS T +44 (0)1361 883 588 F +44(0)1361 882 854 E [email protected] W Contact Roddy Wild Framgord Ltd Shetland Organic Salmon has evolved with today’s marketplace specifically in mind and fulfills no less than the supreme embodiment of the unqualified perfection that nature intended - the unsurpassable 100% organic salmon. Nothing less than the ultimate seafood is nurtured to maturity in some of the most remote salmon farm sites in the world, lying within the most pristine of waters washing Shetland’s magnificent and rugged coastline, windswept and storm tossed for much of the year. Framgord Ltd supply Friends of the sea and Freedom Foods certified Shetland Isles farmed salmon and halibut products. Products available include fresh, frozen, whole, fillets, portions. 5 North Ness Business Park Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0LZ T +44 (0)1595 746 660 F +44 (0)1595 695 066 E [email protected] W Contact Frank Johnson Fresh Catch Fresh Catch processes North Atlantic and North Sea caught pelagic fish at its 48,500m2 facility - the largest of its kind in Britain. All landings are pumped directly from the vessels to the state of the art processing area. Situated quayside, at Peterhead, Europe’s premier fishing port, Fresh Catch ensures that all landings are processed quickly and efficiently to provide the freshest and highest quality product. The Fresh Catch facility meets and surpasses all EU regulations providing stringent quality control systems to customer’s specifications. In addition to Peterhead headquarters and processing facility the company maintain sales offices in the South of England and in Denmark. Kirk Square Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 1RT T +44 (0)1779 479 767 F +44 (0)1779 477 190 E [email protected] W Contact Chris Anderson 58 GMR Seafoods Ltd 4 Producer of fresh and frozen smoked Mackerel, Herring and whitefish for UK and export markets. Blackhouse Circle Industrial Estate Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 1BW T +44 (0)1779 478 653 F +44(0)1779 480 689 E [email protected] Contact Gordon Rennie Gourmet’s Choice Ltd Based in the small fishing village of Portsoy in the North-East of Scotland, they produce the finest Smoked Salmon for discerning customers around the world. The award-winning Salmon is smoked using methods passed down through the same family for 100 years. The Salmon enjoy a wholly natural diet. Firm fleshed and strong, they are hatched and raised in Scotland’s the cool, clear waters. No artificial chemicals or preservatives are used - that would be breaking with tradition. Harbourhead Shore Street Portsoy Aberdeenshire AB45 2RX T +44 (0)1261 843 313 F +44 (0)1261 842 884 E [email protected] W Contact Maurice Sutherland Hebrides Harvest Ltd Hebrides Harvest salmon are reared in some of the finest, clearest waters in Scotland. Their farms are located in sea lochs with strong tidal activity which contributes to prolific and healthy sea life. Since we need these pristine conditions to rear our high quality fish, we are committed to minimizing our impacts to protect this unique environment and to continually improving our environmental performance and we have achieved this with our EMS which is accredited to ISO 140+44(0)1:2004, the internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management Systems. Gramsdale Isle of Benbecula Western Isles HS7 5LZ T +44 (0)1870 603 020 F +44(0)1870 602 373 E [email protected] W Contact Sarah MacDonald © Scottish Enterprise The company supply a top quality product and service to all of their customers, who range from international seafood suppliers and large supermarket chains (both in the UK and Europe) to small independent retailers and specialist restauranteurs, all who are individual in their requirements for fresh, filleted or smoked salmon. 59 Interfoods Producers of frozen Pelagic and Whitefish fillets for export and domestic wholesale. 8 Reclaimed Ground Harbour Road Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB43 5TD T +44 (0)1346 586 000 F +44 (0)1346 586 006 Contact Andrew Noble E [email protected] International Fish Canners International Fish Canners (IFC), was established in 1979, and is the largest manufacturer of canned seafood in the UK. The company’s main activity is the canning of various fish species. At their factory in Fraserburgh the company employs over 200 personnel who process millions of cans of Sild/Brisling, Sprats, Sardines, Mackerel Fillets and Salmon products every year. Bath Street Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB43 9DY T +44 (0)1346 513 191 F +44(0)1346 519 247 W Contact Philip Andrade E John Ross Junior (Aberdeen) Ltd John Ross started smoking salmon in Aberdeen Harbour in 1857 in the traditional time honoured way that still continues today. In 1987 the company was reformed to become John Ross Junior (Aberdeen) Ltd and their range of products grew from the traditional salmon products to a range of over 60 smoked and fresh meat, fish, game and poultry products from Scotland and Britain. Stringent quality controls ensure that traditionally preparation methods work hand-in-hand with their modern plant and machinery in Aberdeen. 82-84 Sincalir Road Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB11 9BG T +44 (0)1224 876 677 F +44 (0)1224 8733+44(0)1 E [email protected] W Contact Anke Heggie 60 Letterfinlay Game Services & Specialists Foods 4 Producing a full range of whitefish products, salmon, sea bass, sea bream and shellfish including crab, prawn, lobster, winkles, surf clams and scallops. Products can be supplied frozen. Unit 1 -3 Annat Industrial Estate Corpach Inverness-shire PH33 7JW T +44 (0)1397 772 957 F +44 (0)1397 772 181 E [email protected] W Contact Robert Provan Lighthouse Caledonia Lighthouse Caledonia is a fully-integrated company which is engaged in farming Atlantic salmon, at all stages from smolt production through to harvesting, processing, smoking, packing and sale. The company hatcheries, farms and processing facilities are all located in Scotland. The company grow fish from egg to harvest, with access to some of the most modern hatchery facilities and optimal freshwater growing sites in Scotland. Their farms and processing facilities are concentrated in two major production clusters - the most coherent and cohesive grouping of salmon growing sites and processing facilities in Scotland, with unique logistical advantages. Abbey Mill Business Centre Mile End Studio 50+44(0)1 12 Seedhill Road Paisley PA1 1JS T +44 (0)1499 600 223 F +44 (0)1499 600 232 W Contact Chris Copping E [email protected] Lion Speciality Foods Ltd Lion Speciality Foods is a fully integrated salmon and seafood processor based in central Scotland, dedicated to the development of innovative smoked salmon and fish solutions for the wholesale, retail and foodservice sectors. In addition to Smoked Salmon a comprehensive range of added value and further processed product is also on offer which includes honey roast, poached, julienne, marinated and gravadlax salmon for the discerning and innovative. © Scottish Enterprise Unit 9 Sholto Crescent Bellshill Lanarkshire ML4 3NX T +44 (0)1698 843 029 F +44 (0)1698 841 966 E [email protected] W 61 Loch Duart A recent study by the Department of Human Nutrition at Glasgow University Hospital has revealed the significant health benefits of eating salmon. This clinical study was published in 2007 in a leading medical journal. What provoked the company’s particular interest was that all the salmon supplied came from - Loch Duart. The study showed that, when compared with subjects who had no fish in their diet, those who ate 125g portions of omega-3 rich farmed Atlantic salmon daily showed: • significantly lower systolic blood pressure (i.e. the blood pressure when the heart is in contraction), diastolic blood pressure (i.e. the blood pressure between heart contractions) and mean blood pressure • significantly lower blood triglyceride levels (high levels of triglycerides have been linked to ‘hardening’ or ‘furring up’ of the arteries) • significantly lower LDL-cholesterol (i.e. the undesirable form of cholesterol associated with ‘furring up’ of arteries) • significantly increase HDL-cholesterol (i.e. the desirable form of cholesterol associated with protection against ‘furring up’ of arteries). Unit 2 Montrose Business Park Broomfield Montrose Angus DD10 8SY T +44 (0)1674 660161 F +44 (0)1674 660162 W Contact Andrew Bing E [email protected] Lossie Seafoods Ltd Lossie Seafoods operates from a modern factory custom built in 1988. In August 1993 the factory underwent a considerable upgrade to meet the hygiene requirements of the EU and to meet the strictures being increasingly put upon them by their customer base. For many years previously Lossie Seafoods Ltd processed white fish and smoked wild salmon from the local rivers and so over a period of time an expertise was built up in the handling of salmon and latterly with the advent of farming salmon a ready supply of raw material came about and the emphasis of the company changed from being a white fish operation to a salmon smoking operation principally. 2 March Road Industrial Estate Buckie Banffshire AB56 4BY T +44 (0)1542 831 000 F +44 (0)1542 833 300 E [email protected] W Contact Charlie Devin Lunar Freezing Cold Storage Co. Ltd Fresh and frozen Pelagic fillets for UK wholesale and export. East Quay The Harbour Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 1JF T +44 (0)1779 477 446 F +44 (0)1779 476 599 W Contact Malcolm Buchan E [email protected] 62 Mainstream Scotland Ltd 4 Mainstream Scotland is part of the Norwegian CERMAQ GROUP, a fully integrated Group and world leader in salmon production. The Group owns companies in Canada, Scotland, Chile and Norway, and its production reaches more than 120.000 tons per year. Likewise, through EWOS, a company operating in Norway, Scotland, Canada and Chile, CERMAQ is also a leader in the production of feed for salmon and other marine species. Crowness Crescent Hatston Industrial Estate Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1RG T +44 (0)1856 8761+44(0)1 F +44 (0)1856 873 846 W Contact Arran Phillips E [email protected] Marine Harvest Scotland Marine Harvest Scotland has activities along the west coast of Scotland and on the Western Isles. The head office is located to Edinburgh. Marine Harvest Scotland is one of the biggest producers of high-quality Scottish Salmon, which is sold in mainly into the EU. The proximity to its main market is a competitive advantage for the Scottish operations. Ratho Park 1st floor, South Wing 88 Glasgow Road Ratho Station Newbridge Edinburgh EH28 8PP T +44 (0)1397 7+44(0)1550 F +44 (0)131 3345794 W Contact Georgina Wright E [email protected] Noble Brothers (Fraserburgh) One of the oldest established fish processing companies within Fraserburgh. Noble Brothers are processors of smoked white fish, mackerel and kippers and a range of haddock products. Products can be supplied in either fresh or frozen fillets. Contact Jane Duncan © Scottish Enterprise North Lane Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB43 9DL T +44 (0)1346 510 333 F +44 (0)1346 517 096 E [email protected] W 63 Nolan Seafoods Producers of butterfly or single filleted, fresh and frozen whitefish. Fresh and smoked salmon, also crab and langoustine all for UK and overseas wholesale. Craigshaw Drive West Tullos Industrial Estate Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB12 3AN T +44 (0)1224 875 506 F +44 (0)1224 896 431 E [email protected] W Contact Ali Browne Nor-sea Foods Ltd At Nor-Sea, the company prides itself in being able to offer a comprehensive range of smoked fish products, from kippers to smoked salmon. Whilst the product range is extensive and varied, they are all produced to the exacting standard demanded by today’s consumer. In this context, the company are always prepared to discuss and adapt to customer’s particular needs, whether that be for own label packs, or the development of new, value added products. Broadfold Road Bridge of Don Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB23 8EE T +44 (0)1224 703 222 F +44 (0)1224 822 802 W Contact Philippa Knowles E [email protected] Orkney Food Group The Orkney Herring Company was founded in 1987 by Ken & Mary Sutherland and is based in Stromness, the ancient fishing port and formerly one of the main herring stations of Orkney. Over the years the company has developed into the UK’s largest producer of Sweet Cured Herring and has recently added Orkney Salmon, North Atlantic prawns and crayfish to the range. The Orkney Herring Company became the first fish processor audited by NQA (National Quality Assurance Ltd) to have met such exacting standards. The company has EFSIS Higher Level Approval which includes the requirement for the British Retail Consortium. Garson Industrial Estate Stromness Orkney KW16 3JU T +44 (0)1856 850 514 F +44 (0)1856 850 568 W Contact Ken Sutherland E [email protected] 64 Pinneys of Scotland 4 Uniq is a European Chilled and Frozen food producer. It makes predominantly fresh chilled desserts, salads, sandwiches, fish, dips and dressings and ready meals for sale in the UK and continental Europe. It is a major supplier to leading supermarket groups in Europe on a branded and customer own label basis. Pinneys of Scotland Fresh (Uniq’s only Scottish factory) are processors of salmon value added salmon products including cold Smoked salmon, fish delicatessen products, fish pates and fish recipe dishes. Producers of salmon portions, terrines, party foods, snack items, ready meals, value-added chilled & value-added frozen seafood products. Stapleton Road Annan Dumfriesshire DG12 6RX T +44 (0)1461 207 149 F +44 (0)1461 205 524 W Contact Dagny Morrison E [email protected] Salar Smokehouse Ltd Salar Smokehouse is a small, family run business situated on the shore of Loch Carnan in the Hebridean island of South Uist. The Pier Lochcarnan Isle of South Uist Outer Herbrides HS8 5PD T +44 (0)1870 610 324 F +44 (0)1870 610 369 E [email protected] W Contact Fiona MacDonald Salmac Sales With over twenty years experience Salmac is one of the leading independent seafood sales companies in the UK. Specialising in farmed salmon and fresh shellfish, Salmac supplies a diverse customer base of over 300 established seafood processors, wholesalers and distributors across the UK, Europe, US and Far East. T +44 (0)1224 626 261 F +44 (0)1224 626 206 W Contact Lynette McPherson E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise 4 Albyn Terrace Aberdeen Aberdeenshire AB10 1YP 65 Scottish Seafarms Ltd Scottish Sea Farms are pioneers in the production of the very best Scottish salmon. Our fish are grown in the pure waters of the west coast of Scotland and the northern isles of Shetland, where the wild currents of the North Atlantic Ocean create ideal conditions for rearing a first-class quality product. They produce the very best Scottish salmon for our customers - a fact we’re proud of. Salmon farming was developed in Scotland to preserve the species and to supply market demand - offering consumers salmon of consistently high quality at an affordable price. Laurel House Laurel Hill Business Park Stirling Stirlingshire FK7 9JQ T +44 (0)1786 445 541 F +44 (0)1786 450 164 W Contact Ewan Mackintosh E [email protected] Sea Products of Scotland Ltd Sea Products of Scotland is a marketing company specialising in the supply and sales of farm raised species, primarily salmon from Scotland. We are committed to providing our customers with the best service possible through the quality of our product, complete traceability and continuity of supply throughout the year with optimum size range. Phoenix House Strathclyde Business Park Bellshill ML4 3NJ T +44 (0)1698 503 610 F +44 (0)1698 503 611 W Contact Mr William Liston E [email protected] Shetland Aquaculture The industry has diversified into new species such as cod and halibut and we now represent farmers of various species not just salmon. In addition, our membership has expanded beyond fish farmers to encompass all aspects of the industry including feed companies, hatcheries and sales companies. In addition to the supply of salmon, the members of the Shetland Aquaculture are at the forefront of cultivating new species such as cod, halibut, sea trout and haddock. The aspiration to diversify the industry has been talked about for many years. While many still talk about it, in Shetland we are taking bold steps and leading the way in the UK. Shetland Seafood Centre Stewart Building Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0LL T +44 (0)1595 695 579 F +44 (0)1595 694 494 E [email protected] W Contact Anne-Lise Anderson 66 Shetland Catch Ltd 4 Shetland Catch is the largest pelagic factory of its kind in Europe. Remotely located in the wild, clean waters of the North Atlantic – the company are where the fish are. This means that the company can guarantee their customers worldwide the freshest frozen mackerel and herring on the market. Gremista Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0PX T +44 (0)1595 695 740 F +44 (0)1595 695 761 E [email protected] W Contact John Angus Shetland Products Ltd. Hjaltland Seafarms UK Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hjaltland Seafarms AS of Norway. The group has three separate functions that operate as a vertically integrated unit - Hjaltland Seafarms (farming and production); Lerwick Fish Traders (processing) and Shetland Products (sales and marketing). The group is the largest salmon production company in Shetland, producing one third and processing 65 per cent of the islands’ total production. Gremista Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0PX T +44 (0)1595 741 800 F +44 (0)1595 741 806 E [email protected] W Contact Monica Sandison Shetland Seafish Shetland salmon is world-renowned as being an industry leader for quality salmon delivered consistently and reliably. The Shetland Islands are located 100 miles from the Scottish mainland the remote wild waters providing the perfect habitat for salmon rearing. Shetland SeaFish can supply a full range of salmon products including frozen salmon portions in a polybag for retail or boxes for wholesale. Contact Alasdair MacPherson © Scottish Enterprise Sybister Ness Whasay Shetland ZE2 9AA T +44 (0)1595 696 949 F +44 (0)1595 696 929 E W 67 Strathaird Salmon (Young’s Seafood Limited) For over 200 years, the Young’s name has been associated with great seafood. Now that heritage is combined with their global sourcing, technical, marketing and chef skills, confirming Young’s as a world class independent food company and fish specialist. The Salmon is smoked with a variety of different woods from standard oak and beech to seasoned whisky cask chippings, heather and hickory to name just a few. As well as Smoked Salmon the company also produce pates, delicatessen products such as appetisers and terrines and prawn cocktails. They supply into the major retailers as well as to prestigious stores such as Harrods and Jenners. 21 Longman Drive Inverness Inverness-shire IV1 1SU T +44 (0)1463 715 123 F +44 (0)1463 230 867 W Contact Charles Sinclair E [email protected] Thistle Seafoods Ltd. Thistle Seafoods Limited, a privately owned family business, is one of the top fish processing firms in the UK, specialising in frozen fish fillets and added value fish products, currently employing over 200 people at their state of the art facility near Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. The company are currently working in close partnership with hospitals and schools to offer healthy eating options and improve diet for our future generations. At Thistle Seafoods they pride themselves on quality of product, service level, flexibility and reliability. In addition, they have a very proactive and highly successful development department which monitors market trends, creating products to meet consumer and customer needs. The Harbour Boddam Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 3AU T +44 (0)1779 478 991 F +44 (0)1779471+44(0)14 W Contact Stephen Main E [email protected] Ugie Salmon Fishing Ugie Salmon Fishings operates from the oldest salmon fish house in Scotland, dating back to 1585. This traditional approach to smoked salmon production ensures a quality rarely encountered in these times of mass production. The Old Salmon Fish House is situated in Peterhead Scotland, at the estuary of the River Ugie, itself highly acclaimed for its excellent salmon & trout fishing. From here, the salmon is smoked, packed and distributed. Ugie Salmon Fishings has been expanded to its present position of excellence by Joseph Yule and Robert Bruce, supplying Scottish smoked Salmon by mail order throughout the world. Ugie Salmon Fishings offer first class, locally caught wild Atlantic Salmon in season, and top quality farmed Scottish Salmon for the remainder of the year. The Fish House Crolf Road Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB41 6NF T +44 (0)1779 476 209 F +44 (0)1779 471 475 E [email protected] W Contact Jacquelene Yule Joseph Yule 68 Wester Ross Fisheries Ltd 4 Wester Ross Fisheries are Scotland’s oldest independent salmon farmer; small independent Scottish farm established in 1977 producing handreared salmon in harmony with our natural environment, by dedicated and committed farmers. All salmon is grown to the RSPCA Freedom Food standard (this is what differentiate the company from other commodity salmon farmers). The Freedom Food standard produces happy fish thriving and stocked in a very low density environment; minimum of 98.5% water, 1.5% fish. The company have respect for our natural environment; all activities meet the ISO140+44(0)1 environmental accreditation. The company do not use anti-foulants, hormones or growth promoters. All salmon are fed on GM free diet from sustainable sources. They also have a fully integrated processing unit, offering full range of salmon trim and packs. Albion House Ardconnel Terrace Inverness Inverness-shire IV2 3AE T +44 (0)1667 455 222 W Contact Gilpin Bradley E [email protected] Westray Salmon Certified organic salmon, fresh whole fish for UK wholesale. Westray Orkney Islands KW17 2DW T +44 (0)1857 677 263 F +44 (0)1857 677 499 Contact Robbie Rendall E [email protected] Whitelink Seafoods At the heart of the Scottish fishing industry lies the traditional fishing port of Fraserburgh. And at the heart of Fraserburgh lies Whitelink Seafoods, one of Europe’s most technically-advanced and quality-conscious fish processors. Whitelink fillets are prepared from fresh fish all the year round, by skilled operatives by either hand cutting or using efficient modern machinery. Exotic species such as Tuna, Swordfish, Crevettes and Marlin are sourced in France and shipped to the UK from our Boulogne dispatch centre. Whitelink buys farmed fish from selected sources, including Salmon from Scotland, Norway and Ireland, and Bass and Sea Bream from Greece and Turkey. Contact Graeme Sutherland E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Maxwell Place Fraserburgh Aberdeenshire AB43 9SX T +44 (0)1346 518 828 F +44 (0)1346 513 902 W 69 70 Section 5 Organic Seafood and Salmon Company Profiles Page 71 - 77 © Scottish Enterprise 71 Aquascot Ltd Is a primary processor of fresh, frozen, processed & prepared salmon, sea trout and cod. Own brand for Waitrose. Unit 14 Fyrish Way Alness Highland IV17 0PJ T +44 (0)1349 899 822 F +44 (0)1349 899 8+44(0)1 E [email protected] W Contact Dennis Overton – Managing Director Farne Salmon & Trout Ltd – part of Alfesca group Manfacturer and raw material supplier of Smoked salmon (72%) and a growing range of other added value products, based on or containing salmon (28%), shellfish and other fish varieties. Currently manufacturing organic products. Station Road Dunns Berwickshire TD11 3HS T +44 (0)1361 883 588 F +44 (0)1361 882 854 W Contact William Duncanson – Managing Director E [email protected] Framgord Ltd Manufacturer, raw material supplier and retailer of fresh/frozen salmon; and organic salmon. 5 North Ness Business Park Lerwick Shetland Islands ZE1 0LZ T +44 (0)1595 746 660 F +44 (0)1595 695 066 E [email protected] W Contact Frank Johnson – Managing Director 72 5 Hebridean Smokehouse Ltd. Processor of all smoked fish products: salmon, sea trout, scallops, lobster and pate. One organic line own brand peat smoked salmon. Clachan Locheport Isle of North Uist Western Isles HS6 5HD T +44 (0)1876 580 209 F +44 (0)1876 580 323 E [email protected] W Contact Fergus Granville – Managing Director Hjaltland Seafarms Fish farmer of salmon and trout. Gremista Lerwick Shetland ZE1 0PX T +44 (0)1595 741 800 F +44 (0)1595 741 806 W Contact Michael Stark – Managing Director E [email protected] Inverawe Smokehouse & Fine Foods Processor and retailer of organic smoked salmon, roast smoked organic salmon, smoked organic salmon pate, organic gravadlax, organic salmon cutlets - par smoked. Wide range of non-organic fish (mainly smoked) products. The company market a variety of fine food products sourced from other processors. Contact Robert Campbell-Preston – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise Inverawe Taynuilt Argyll PA35 1HU T +44 (0)8448 475 490 F +44 (0)1866 822 274 E [email protected] W 73 Lerwick Fish Traders Processor of head on gutted salmon, value added fresh salmon products. Gremista Lerwick Shetland Islands ZE1 0PX T +44 (0)1595 741 800 F +44 (0)1595 741 806 W Contact Michael Stark – Managing Director E [email protected] Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd Processor and retailer of fresh/frozen/processed/smoked; oysters and mussels; meat & game; organic smoked salmon: whole sides, and packs. Clachan Cairndow Argyll & Bute PA26 8BL T +44 (0)1499 600 477 F +44 (0)1499 600 234 E [email protected] W Contact Bruce Davidson – Managing Director Macrae Edinburgh – part of Foodvest group Processor of chilled fish and smoked fish products; 2 organic lines: cold smoked organic salmon; Ghillie and Glen organic smoked salmon trimmings. Starlaw Park Livingston West Lothian EH54 8AP T +44 (0)1506 4+44(0)1300 F +44(0)1506 4+44(0)1304 W W Contact Roy Cunningham – Managing Director E [email protected] 74 5 Mainstream Scotland Ltd (Mainstream group) Fish farmer and processor of head on gutted fish - salmon and rainbow trout. Crowness Point Hatston Industrial Estate Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1RG T +44 (0)1856 8761+44(0)1 F +44 (0)1856 873 846 W Contact Francisco Morales – Managing Director North Atlantic Sea Farms Corporation – part of the Grieg Group Fish farmer of salmon and trout. c/o Hjaltland Seafarms Ltd Gremista Lerwick ZE1 0PX T +44 (0)1595 741 800 F +44 (0)1595 741 806 W Contact Michael Stark – Managing Director E [email protected] Salmac Sales Raw material suppliers of salmon and fresh shellfish (particularly langoustine and scallops). Contact Andrew Walker – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise 4 Albyn Terrace Aberdeen AB10 1YP T +44 (0)1224 626 261 F +44 (0)1224 626 206 E [email protected] W 75 Scot Trout and Salmon Ltd Fish farmer, processor, distributor and retailer of fresh, frozen, processed and smoked; shellfish. The Motherwell Food Park Bellshill Lanarkshire ML4 3NZ T +44 (0)1698 745 553 F +44 (0)1698 742 668 E [email protected] W (under development) Contact Muir Hunter – Managing Director Strathaird Salmon Ltd – part of Foodvest group Processor of chilled smoked salmon, and smoked salmon speciality products. The company has half a dozen organic lines. 21 -23 Longman Drive Inverness Highlands IV1 1SU T +44 (0)1463 715 123 F +44 (0)1463 230 867 E [email protected] W Contact Ian Herd – Managing Director The Edinburgh Smoked Salmon Co (1992) Ltd Processor of fresh, prepared, smoked, frozen salmon & trout. The company also have processed goods including pate. 1 StrathView Dingwall Business Park Dingwall Highlands IV15 9XD T +44 (0)1349 860 600 F +44 (0)1349 860 606 E [email protected] E [email protected] W Contact Alistair Erskine – Managing Director 76 West Minch Salmon Ltd 5 Fish farmer and processor of head on gutted fish (90% of business) and value added vacuum packed fresh salmon (10%). Gramsdale Western Isles Isle of Benbecula HS7 5NE T +44 (0)1870 602 081 F +44 (0)1870 602 083 E [email protected] W Contact Angus MacMillan –Managing Director R R Spink & Sons Processor of high end, added value chilled products: hot smoked fish (salmon, trout, mackerer etc), and cold smoked kippers. Arbroath Smokie is their speciality product. Producing one organic line currently: hot smoked organic trout. Previously produced 2 more organic salmon products (plain; and with dill, black pepper and mustard seed), hope to relaunch if there is demand. Sir William Smith Rd Arbroath Angus DD11 3RD T +44 (0)1241 872 023 F +44 (0)1241 875 663 E [email protected] W Contact Muir Hunter – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise 77 78 Section 6 Organic Meat and Eggs Company Profiles Page 79 - 85 © Scottish Enterprise 79 ABP Ltd. Abattoir and meat cutter of primals and pre-packaged beef products. 3A Ruthvenfield Road Inveralmond Industrial Estate Perth Perthshire PH1 3XB T +44 (0)1738 624 242 F +44 (0)1738 622 028 E [email protected] E [email protected] W Contact Alan Craig – Managing Director A. K. Stoddart Abbatoir, processor and hospitality. Added value processing takes place in Aberdeenshire. Prepared and processed beefburgers. 16 Dunnet Way East Mains Industrial Estate Broxburn West Lothian EH52 5NN T +44 (0)1506 858 800 F +44 (0)1506 857 750 E [email protected] W Contact N Stoddart – Managing Director Caledonian Organics Farmer-owned organic marketing co-operative of lamb and beef. Cull cows and ewes and store lamb and beef. Ferguson Building Craibstone Estate Aberdeen AB21 9YA T +44(0)845 017 6567 F +44(0)845 280 0178 W Contact Jeremy Sharman – Chairman E [email protected] 80 Charcuterie Continental Ltd 6 - part of ANM Group Ltd. Manufacture of value added meat products (beef, pork, lamb, haggis etc). The Green Twechar Kilsyth Glasgow Lanarkshire G65 9QA T +44 (0)1236 824 440 F +44 (0)1236 825 044 E [email protected] W Contact G R Watson – Managing Director Easterton Farm Partnership Only producer of organic fresh venison in Scotland. Sell mainly at farmers markets. Birnie Elgin Moray IV30 8SP T +44 (0)1343 860 294 E [email protected] Contact Mr Martin Green – Managing Director Farmlay Eggs Producer and processor of fresh farm eggs, free-range, caged and organic eggs. Contact Robert Chapman – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise West Cockmuir Striches Fraserburgh AB43 6RQ T +44 (0)1346 532 276 F +44(0)1346 532 285 E [email protected] 81 Glenrath Farms Ltd Producer and processor of Organic, free-range and barn eggs. Glenrath Peebles Peeblesshire EH45 9JW T +44 (0)1968 675 596 F +44 (0)1968 676 959 E [email protected] Contact Mr John Campbell – Managing Director Grampian Country Chickens Ltd. Processing and marketing of Value added poultry, including organic chicken products under own-label and Highland Organics brand. George St Coupar Angus Perthshire PH13 9LU T +44 (0)1261 815 881 F +44 (0)1261 818 387 E [email protected] W Contact Malcolm Steven – Managing Director Grampian Country Chickens (Rearing) Ltd. Primary producer of Table birds. Head Office in Scotland: Fairview Mill Ingliston Edinburgh T +44(0)131 335 3800 E [email protected] W Contact Malcolm Steven – Managing Director 82 Grampian Country Pork Halls 6 Processor and manufacturer of Pork - sausage, bacon, cooked meats, haggis and value added pork products. Full range of organic pork products. 35 Main St Broxburn West Lothian EH52 5AW T +44 (0)1506 853 300 F +44 (0)1506 857 533 E [email protected] E fl[email protected] W Contact Brian McMonagle – Managing Director Highland Drovers Ltd. Processor and butcher/meat cutter of beef, lamb, pork and licensed to enable farmers to retail throughout the UK and under their own name or brand. T +44 (0)1738 561 523 F +44 (0)1738 628 497 E [email protected] W Contact Mr Kenneth Headspeath – Managing Director Matheson Ltd. Producer of live pigs. Contact Neil Wright – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise Kirkhill House Elgin Moray IV30 5N T +44 (0)1343 544 518 E [email protected] 83 McIntosh Donald Ltd. – part of Grampian Country Food Group Ltd. Slaughter and primal boning of beef and lamb. Frozen meat prepared/processed meat, all primal cuts of beef and lamb. Meat Factory Portlethen Aberdeen AB12 4QB T +44 (0)1224 780 381 F +44(0)1224 782 039 E [email protected] W Contact Ralph Green – Managing Director Newmiln Farm Producer, processor, butcher/meat cutter of value added poultry, Aberdeen Angus beef and lamb products. Tibbermore Perth Perth & Kinross PH1 1QN T +44 (0)1738 730201 F +44(0)1738 730201 E [email protected] E [email protected] W Contact Hugh Grierson – Managing Director Noble Foods, ex Dean’s Foods Ltd. Egg grading. via Head Office or via SOPA W Contact Simon Wilson – Marketing Manager 84 Scobie & Junor (Estd. 1919) Ltd. 6 Importer, manufacturer, raw material supplier, distributor, wholesaler of Bakery/cooking ingredients; Sugar and syrup products; Seasoning/herbs/ spices; Pastas/cereals/pulses; Casings. Organic range is marketed through the trading name ‘The Organic Blending Company’: 14 burger lines (chicken, beef, venison etc); 29 sausage lines; glazes, marinades, stuffings, pies, herbs & spices. Brand new range of 8 gluten free organic sausages and 6 gluten free organic burgers. 1 Singer Rd Kelvin Ind Estate East Kilbride Glasgow G75 0XS T +44 (0)1355 237 041 F +44 (0)1355 576 343 E [email protected] W W W Contact T L Wicklow – Managing Director Scotbeef Ltd. Processor, slaughter and boning of beef, lamb and value added and convenience products. 27 Glenburn Rd Collage Milton East Kilbride Lanarkshire G74 5BA T +44 (0)1355 225 381 F +44 (0)1355 264 327 E [email protected] W Contact Robert Cooper – Factory Manager Scotch Premier Meat Ltd - part of ANM Group Ltd. Abattoir and processor of beef, lamb and pork. T +44 (0)1467 620 631 F +44(0)1467 624 653 E [email protected] W Contact Raymond Wight – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise North Street Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 4TL 85 86 Section 7 Organic Drink Sector Company Profiles Page 87 - 93 © Scottish Enterprise 87 Bairds Malt Ltd Processor of Single malt whisky, including an organic malted barley. Longman Road Inverness IV1 1SL T +44 (0)1463 22188 F +44 (0)1241 874 251 E [email protected] W (under construction) Contact Steve Haydon – CEO Black Isle Brewery Processors of a range organic ales. Old Allangrange Munlochy Ross-shire IV8 8NZ T +44 (0)1463 811 871 F +44 (0)1463 811 875 E [email protected] W Contact Mr David Gladwin – Managing Director Broughton Ales Ltd Processors who produce a range of beer, stout and larger available in bottle, cask (permanent and seasonal). Keg and gift packs. 18 cask ales. Organic - Angel Organic Lager and Border Gold Organic Ale. Broughton Biggar Lanarkshire ML12 6HQ T +44 (0)1899 830 345 F +44 (0)1899 830 474 E [email protected] W Contact Alistair Mouat – Managing Director 88 Bruichladdich Distillery 7 Processor who produces single malt whisky (Bruichladdich brand). They are currently maturing an organic single malt which was laid down three years ago. In five years’ time they will start to market it. Bruichladdich Isle of Islay PA49 7UN T +44 (0)1496 850 221 F +44 (0)149 6850 477 W Contact Mark Reynier – Managing Director E [email protected] Burn Stewart Distilleries plc Distiller, blender and bottler of Scotch whisky and brand owner with 3 single malt whisky distilleries. They also produce gin, liqueurs, spirits, whisky, culinary alcohol. 8 Milton Road College Milton North East Kilbride G74 5BU T +44 (0)1355 260 999 F +44 (0)1355 263 885 F +44 (0)1355 264 355 E [email protected] W W W W Contact Fraser Thornton – Managing Director Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company Ltd. Processor of a range of teas and coffees, roasted to order for the retail and food service sectors. T +44 (0)131 669 9222 F +44 (0)131 669 9777 E [email protected] W Contact David Greig – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise 15/G 214 Sir Harry Lauder Road Edinburgh EH15 2QA 89 Equal Exchange Trading Ltd. A cooperative import trading company and processors of coffees, teas, sugars, honeys, nuts, oils and cocoa. 2 Commercial Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH6 6JA T +44 (0)131 554 5912 F +44 (0)131 554 7312 E [email protected] W Contact Andy Good – Managing Director Glen Catrine Bonded Warehouses Ltd Distiller, blender and bottler of gin, vodka, rum, whisky and culinary alcohol. They produce High Commissioner Scotch Whisky and Glen’s Vodka. Bottled whisky, rum, brandy, gin and vodka for many of the leading private labels available in a variety of multiples. They are currently maturing organic whisky in casks. This may be used for one of the Glen Catrine brands or for a private label such as Highland Harvest. 7 Laigh Road Catrine Ayrshire KA5 6SQ T +44 (0)1290 551 211 F +44 (0)1290 551 423 E [email protected] W Contact Alex Reynolds – Managing Director Glenmorangie Distillery plc. Part of Möet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) Distiller, blender and bottler of small range of single malt whiskies. No organic products yet. Tain Ross-Shire IV19 1PZ T +44 (0)1506 852 929 F +44 (0)1506 855 856 E [email protected] W Contact Paul Neep – CEO 90 Gordon & Macphail 7 Distiller, blender and bottler and sell 750 single malt whiskies (including 300 they produce themselves) across 16 different ranges. One organic whisky: Benromach Organic. George House Boroughbriggs Road Elgin Moray IV30 1JY T +44 (0)1343 545 111 F +44 (0)1343 54+44(0)155 E [email protected] W W Contact Michael Urquhart – Managing Director David Urquhart – Managing Director Highland Spring Processor of a range of still and sparkling bottled waters. Stirling Street Blackford Perthshire PH4 1QA T +44 (0)1764 660 500 F +44 (0)1764 6605+44(0)1 E [email protected] W W Contact J Beeston – Managing Director Loch Lomond Distillers Ltd. Distiller, blender and bottler of grain and malt whisky (including several single malts), and one blend. Currently maturing organic whisky in casks. Previous producers of two organic whiskies: Da Mhile Blended Whisky and Da Mhile Highland Grain. Contact John Peterson – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise Lomond Ind. Estate Alexandria Glasgow G83 0TL T +44 (0)1389 752 781 T +44 (0)1389 756 297 F +44 (0)1389 721 986 F +44 (0)1389 797 777 E [email protected] W 91 London and Scottish International Ltd doing business as the Organic Spirits Company Blend and bottle the world’s only organic multi-malt blended Scotch whisky. Produce a Range of non-organic and organic spirits, including an organic blend: Highland Harvest. PO Box 13280 Haddington T +44(0)1483 894 650 E offi[email protected] Contact Chris Parker – Managing Director Matthew Algie & Co Ltd Processor (coffee roaster and blender) of a range of coffees and teas, including the Tiki Café and Crema brands. Also produce a range of coffee machines for use in foodservice. 16 Lawmoor Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G5 0UL T +44 (0)800 263 333 F +44 (0)141 429 3389 E [email protected] W Contact David Williamson – Managing Director Natural Fruit and Beverage Company Processor of a range of fruit juices and drinks, and use their facility to contract pack for other companies. Brands include Amazing Pomegranate, Supajus, Fruit Aqua, and Highland Brew. Ready to drink mixes (alcopops), prescribable foods. Two organic lines: Fruits of Nature - a 100% organic fruit juice in apple, orange, and apple and blackcurrant variants; and an own label line - Ella’s Kitchen (its leading organic product). Viewfield Park Viewfield Road Coatbridge Strathclyde ML5 5QS T +44 (0)1236 429 042 F +44 (0)1236 424 234 E [email protected] W Contact Gerry Dunn – Managing Director 92 The Better Beverage Co. 7 Import trading company and processor of tea, coffee, fruit/herbal teas, fairtrade products, organic coffee. Organic coffee is branded according to the estate of origin (e.g. La Manuela Estate). 204 Morrison Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH3 8EA T +44 (0)131 476 2600 F +44 (0)131 228 2838 E [email protected] W Contact David Halbert – General Manager The Caledonian Brewing Co Ltd Processor of ale, beer and larger. Brands include Deuchars IPA, Caledonian 80/-, Caledonian XPA. One organic line:- Golden Promise (bottled). The company plan to recommence production of a cask conditioned draft version in August. 42 Slateford Road Edinburgh Midlothian EH11 1PH T +44 (0)131 337 1286 F +44 (0)131 313 2370 E [email protected] W Contact Stephen Crawley – Managing Director Traditional Scottish Ales Ltd Processors of a range of bottled and cask ales. T +44 (0)1786 817 000 T +44 (0)1786 834 555 F +44 (0)1786 833 426 W Contact Graham M Coull – Managing Director E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Unit 7C Bandeath Industrial Estate Throsk Stirling FK7 7NP 93 94 Section 8 Page Organic Speciality, Ambient and Chilled Company Profiles 95 - 106 © Scottish Enterprise 95 Arla Foods UK plc. Processors over two billion litres of milk a year and home to some of the UK’s leading dairy brands including Lurpak, Anchor and Cravendale. The company has recently become organically certified. Lockerbie Creamery Lockerbie Dumfries DG11 1LW T +44 (0)113 382 7000 F +44 (0)113 382 7030 W W Baxters Food Group Processor of Chutneys & pickles; baking and cooking ingredients; savoury sauces, toppings, bases and pastes; soups. Address of Head Office in Scotland: Fochabers Morayshire IV32 7LD T +44 (0)1343 820 393 F +44 (0)1343 820 286 E [email protected] W Contact Bill King – Managing Director Burton’s Foods Processor of a wide range of biscuits including Maryland Cookies, Jammie Dodgers, Wagon Wheels, and chocolate biscuits for Cadbury’s under licence. Produce 8 organic lines under the Green & Black’s branding: flapjacks, cereal bars and shortbread. Quality House Sighthill Edinburgh EH11 4HN T +44 (0)131 453 6622 F +44 (0)131 458 5036 E headoffi[email protected] W Contact Paul Kitchener – CEO 96 Caledonian Cheese Company Ltd 8 Processor of McLelland brands of cheese: Seriously Strong Cheddar, McLelland Mature Cheddar and Galloway Scottish Cheddar. Butter (branded and own brand), margarines/fats, and powdered milk/cheese. Commerce Road Stranraer DG9 7DA T +44(0)1776 702 127 F +44(0)1776 705 692 E [email protected] W Contact Matthew Glover – Managing Director Carrs Flour Mills Ltd. Processor of flours. Old Croft Stanwix Carlisle CA5 9BA T +44 (0)1697 333 707 F +44 (0)1697 332 543 E W Contact Duncan Monroe – Managing Director Castle Maclellan Foods Ltd part of the Kavli International group Processor of vegetable, meat and fish pates. 2 organic lines: organic Brussels and organic Ardennes pates. Kavli UK also produce Primula products (in Gateshead, NE England), and Weight Watcher products. Contact Elaine Mcconnell – General Manager © Scottish Enterprise Dee Walk Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbrightshire DG6 4DR T +44 (0)1557 330 905 F +44 (0)1557 331 799 E [email protected] W 97 Cream O’Galloway Dairy Co Ltd. Farmer and processor. A full range of ice creams, frozen desserts and yoghurts (organic and non-organic, though organic milk used in non-organic products). Rainton Gatehouse Of Fleet Castle Douglas Kirkcudbrightshire DG7 2DR T +44 (0)1557 814 040 F +44 (0)1557 814 040 E [email protected] W Contact Wilma Finlay – Managing Director First Milk Cheese Company Processor of cheese: Scottish Pride, Isle of Arran, Mull of Kintyre, Isle of Bute and own brand. Also liquid milk and ingredients (whey products). First Milk Limited Cirrus House Glasgow Airport Business Park Marchburn Drive Paisley PA3 2SJ T +44 (0)141 887 6111 F +44 (0)1586 554 330 E W Contact Jeff Halliwell – Managing Director Freeworld Trading Ltd. Import Trading company and processor of Food ingredients including fruits and nuts, tropical fruit and fruit powders, concentrates, seeds, beans/lentils, grains and cereals. Wide variety and number of organic products. 21 Annandale Street Edinburgh Lothian EH7 4AW T +44 (0)131 557 5600 F +44 (0)131 557 5665 E [email protected] W Contact Dr Sanjoy Das – Chairman 98 Golspie Mill 8 Produce a range of flours from one of the few remaining water driven mills in Scotland. Products include: Peasemeal (from roasted yellow field peas - ‘Healthy and nutritious’) Beremeal (from an ancient genetically pure barley variety) Wholemeal Oatmeal Organically certified and many of the flours are organic. Dunrobin Golspie Sutherland KW10 6SF T +44 (0)1408 633 278 E [email protected] W Contact Michael Shaw Graham’s Family Dairy Processor of Liquid milk, butter and cream, all both non-organic and organic. Non-organic cheese, yoghurt, eggs and crème fraiche. Airthrey Kerse Farm Henderson Bridge of Allan Stirling Falkirk FK9 4RW T +44 (0)1786 833 206 F +44 (0)1786 832 324 E [email protected] W Contact Robert Graham Jnr. – Managing Director Grampian Oat Products (Morning Foods/Hamlyn’s of Scotland) Processor of porridge oats/oatmeal in industrial sacks and retail packs. Produce under branded or own label formats. Contact Alan Meikle – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise Cairnton Road Boyndie, Banff Grampian AB45 2LR T +44 (0)1261 843 330 F +44 (0)1261 843 394 E [email protected] W 99 Highland Wholefoods Ltd. Processor and wholesaler of baking and cooking ingredients. Wide range of fair trade, organic, vegetarian and healthy food and drink products, including value added ambient goods. Own label products. nuts, pulses, flours, grains, health foods etc. Unit 6 13 Harbour Rd Inverness Inverness-Shire IV1 1SY T +44 (0)1463 712 393 F +44 (0)1463 715 586 E [email protected] W Contact Kevin McCubbin – Managing Director Ingram Brothers (Glasgow) Ltd. Processor, wholesaler and manufacturer of baking/confectionery, toppings/ fillings, sugar/fat mixes, organic sugar (milled) and in lead up to Christmas: sugar paste (polar ice) and marzipan. 15 East Lane Paisley PA1 1QA T +44 (0)141 840 5870 F +44 (0)141 840 2248 E [email protected] W Contact Mark Young – Managing Director Island Bakery Organics Processor of Sweet biscuits, exclusively organic. Dervaig Rd Tobermory Isle of Mull PA75 6PY T +44 (0)1688 302 223 F +44 (0)1688 302 478 E offi[email protected] W Contact Joseph Reade – Proprietor 100 John Hogarth Ltd. 8 Processor of Barley, oatmeal & oat products, pearl barley, baking and cooking ingredients and cereals. Kelso Mills Kelso Roxburghshire TD5 7HR T +44 (0)1573 224 224 F +44 (0)1573 225 461 E [email protected] Contact Ian Miller – Managing Director Kent Foods Ltd. Exporter, importer, processor and manufacturer of dairy, edible oils, sugar & syrup products, organic milk, cream, powders, butters and cheese, organic sugar (as ingredients). Chiron House Linwood Rd Phoenix Retail Park Paisley Renfrewshire PA1 2AB T +44 (0)141 887 7000 F +44 (0)141 887 5777 E [email protected] W Contact Iris Mitchell – Managing Director Kingdom Cheese Co Ltd. Processor of Pizza cheese, cottage cheese (Kingdom and own brand), cream cheese. Contact John Mullen – Managing Director E [email protected] © Scottish Enterprise Units 1-2 Glenfield Industrial Estate Cowdenbeath Fife KY4 9HT T +44(0)1383 61+44(0)114 F +44(0)1383 610 526 E [email protected] W 101 Lightbody Group Ltd Processor of own brand licensed cakes for multiple and own brand and licensed cereal bars and bites. 73 Bothwell Road Hamilton Lanarkshire ML3 0DW T +44 (0)1698 285 227 F +44 (0)1698 206 500 W Contact Martin Lightbody – Managing Director (also Strategic Development Director for the group) E [email protected] Mackies Ltd. Producer and processor (buy-in organic milk) a range of frozen desserts. Westertown Inverurie Aberdeenshire AB51 8US T +44 (0)1467 671 466 F +44 (0)1467 671 448 E [email protected] W Contact Mac Mackie – Managing Director Medlock & Medlock Producer and processor of Oatmeal of Alford brand. Produce chickens on contract for Grampian’s Highland Organics range. Mains of Haulkerton Laurencekirk Aberdeenshire AB30 1EL T +44 (0)1561 377 356 F +44 (0)1561 377 247 Contact John Medlock – Managing Director E [email protected] E [email protected] Caroline Medlock – Managing Director 102 Milk Link Cheese Company 8 Processor of more than 20 varieties of cheese - cheddars, stiltons, and other regional cheeses (Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, Tickler etc). Produce organic cheese under the Yeo Valley brand. They also produce Cornish Organic Brie ( The Creamery Kirkcudbright Dumfries and Galloway Dumfriesshire DG6 4RT T +44 (0)1557 330 564 F +44 (0)1557 331 698 E [email protected] W Contact Neil Kennedy – Managing Director Nairn’s Oatcakes Processor of biscuits, cakes and oatcakes. Two organic oatcake lines. Baked to a long standing traditional recipe with plenty of rough oatmeal, these are full of the toasted oat flavour of good quality Conservation Grade Oats. High in Fibre with no added sugar. Nairn’s oat cakes have a low glycaemic index (GI) and a low glycaemic load (GL). Low GI/GL foods help keep your blood sugar and energy levels even. They also help you feel fuller for longer so you don’t feel hungry again so soon. 90 Peffermill Road,Lothian Edinburgh EH16 5UU T +44 (0)131 620 7000 F +44 (0)131 620 7750 E [email protected] W Contact Mark Laing – Managing Director Paterson Arran Ltd. Export trading company and processor of Bronte and Café Bronte branded shortbread, cookies and biscuits, Paterson’s shortbread and oatcakes/oat products and own label. One organic oatcake line. Contact Alan Hardie – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise The Royal Burgh Bakery Nettlehill Rd Houstoun Ind Estate Livingston EH54 5DN T +44 (0)1506 431 031 F +44 (0)1506 432 800 E [email protected] W W 103 Quaker Trading Ltd part of PepsiCo Beverages & Foods Processor of Oat and oatmeal products, breakfast cereals and bars, Quaker Oats, Quaker Rice Cakes, Chewy Granola Bars and Rice-A-Ron®. Uthrogle Mills Cupar Fife KY15 4PD T +44 (0)1334 658 541 T +44 (0)1334 652 961 F +44(0)1334 656 307 E [email protected] W W Contact Colin Brown – Managing Director Robert Wiseman Dairies Processor of Milk and cream, including Fresh ‘n’ Low brand. 159 Glasgow Rd East Kilbride Glasgow G74 4PA T +44 (0)1355 244 261 F +44 (0)1355 230 352 E [email protected] W Contact Mr Robert Wiseman – CEO Rowan Glen Dairy Products Ltd part of the United Dairy Farmers group Processor of a range of yoghurts, crème fraiche, fromage frais, butters, spreads and cheeses. Small range of organic bio yogurts. Palnure Newton Stewart Wigtownshire DG8 7AX T +44 (0)1671 403 633 F +44 (0)1671 402 444 E [email protected] W W Contact John McArthur – Managing Director 104 Scottish Wholefood Collective Warehouse 8 trading as GreenCity Wholefoods Workers’ Co-operative Processor and wholesaler of Vegetarian foods and meat substitutes with a wide range of fair trade, organic, vegetarian and healthy food and drink products, including value added ambient goods. Own label products. nuts, pulses, flours, grains, health foods etc. 23 Fleming St Glasgow Lanarkshire G31 1PQ T +44 (0)141 554 7633 F +44 (0)141 556 5589 E [email protected] W SOMP A co-operative of 27 organic dairy farmers based in Scotland (supplying all of the organic liquid milk produced in Scotland). Part of UK co-operative OMSCO. 44 Stewart Terrace Edinburgh EH11 1UJ T +44 (0)131 539 9728 E [email protected] Contact Stuart Martin – Managing Director E [email protected] Spicemanns Ltd. Raw material supplier and processor. Manufacturers of bespoke seasoning blends for a diverse range of food categories such as value-added meat and fish, ready meals, pies and pasties, soups, chilled snacks, cereals and cakes. The company are also suppliers of bulk herbs, spices and food ingredients. Contact Steven Woollands – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise 59 Kelvin Avenue Hillington Industrial Estate Glasgow Strathclyde G52 4LR T +44 (0)141 883 4797 F +44 (0)141 810 5242 E [email protected] W 105 The Engine Shed Processor of Organic tofu (plain, marinaded, smoked) and bread. 19 St Leonards Lane Edinburgh Midlothian EH8 9SH T +44 (0)131 662 0040 F +44 (0)131 667 5319 E [email protected] W Contact Marian MacDonald – Managing Director Walker’s Shortbread Ltd Processor of Sweet/savoury biscuits, cakes, breads, desserts, sugar/syrup products, own label products (including Weight Watchers). Organic products include 15 lines made for Duchy Originals (sweet and savoury biscuits and shortbread) and Walkers branded organic oatcakes. Strathspey Bakery 99 High St Aberlour on Spey Moray AB38 9PD T +44 (0)1340 871 555 F +44 (0)1340 871 355 E [email protected] W Contact Marjorie Walker – Managing Director James Walker CBE – Managing Director 106 Section 9 107 - 112 © Scottish Enterprise Organic Fresh Produce and Health Enhancing Sectors Company Profiles Page 107 Albert Bartlett & Sons Ltd (Airdrie) Processor of vegetables, salad, fresh herbs - prepared & processed. Specialising in potatoes. 25 Watt Street Airdrie Lanarkshire ML6 6NA T +44 (0)1236 762 831 F +44 (0)1236 767 033 F +44 (0)1236 771 749 E [email protected] W Contact Mr Ronnie Bartlett – Managing Director Caledonian Produce Processor of prepared vegetables, convenience salads and ready meals. Carriden Industrial Estate Bo’ness West Lothian EH51 9SJ T +44 (0)1506 823 491 F +44 (0)1506 821 100 W Contact Ivan Clingan – Managing Director Chiquita (Scotland) Ltd. Banana ripeners and distributors. Fruit Market Blochairn Road Glasgow G21 2SW T +44 (0)141 552 1131 F +44 (0)141 552 8974 E [email protected] W Contact Fernando Aguirre – Chairman, President and CEO 108 East of Scotland Growers 9 Co-operative of fresh vegetable growers. Prestonhall Industrial Estate Cupar Fife KY15 4RD T +44 (0)1334 654 047 F +44 (0)1334 656 328 E [email protected] W Contact Alistair Ewan – Managing Director Fearns Producer and processor to grow and supply swede to UK supermarkets, wholesalers, and processing markets. Redford Farm Garvock Laurencekirk AB30 1HS T +44 (0)1561 378 861 F +44 (0)1561 378+44(0)11 W Contact Allan Fearn – Managing Director Fyffes Group Ltd. Tropical produce importers and distributers in Europe of fruit in Europe and the United States primarily under the Fyffes, Turbana and Nolem brands. Contact J.P. Tolan – Chief Executive © Scottish Enterprise Royston Road Deans Industrial Estate Livingstone Lothian EH52 8AH T +44 (0)1506 591 582 F +44 (0)1506 591 591 E [email protected] W 109 Greenvale AP (Scotland) Ltd Processor of fresh semi-processed (steamed and vacum packed partially cooked) and processed mashed potato ready for putting on top of a pie etc. Craigswalls Duns Berwickshire TD11 3PZ T +44 (0)1890 818 181 F +44 (0)1890 818 120 E [email protected] W Contact Angus Armstrong – CEO Kettle Produce Processor of vegetables and salad. Broccoli in Summertime. Balmalcolm Farm Cupar Fife KY15 7TJ T +44 (0)1337 831 000 F +44 (0)1337 831 264 E [email protected] W Contact Susie Mcintyre – Managing Director Nessgro Ltd (also called Organic Potato Growers) Producer and processor to grow and pack root vegetables, specialising in potatoes. Unit 11 Dalcross Industrial Estate Inverness Highlands IV2 7XB T +44 (0)1667 462 923 F +44 (0)1667 461 065 W Contact Steven Jack – Managing Director E [email protected] 110 Organic World (Scotland) Ltd 9 Wholesaler and retailer of Organic fruit, vegetables and dairy. Block 3 Unit 8 Whiteside Industrial Estate Bathgate Lothian EH48 4DE T +44 (0)1506 632 911 F +44 (0)1506 652 444 E [email protected] W Contact Robert Kingdon – Managing Director Skea Organics Producer and distributor specialising in production of organic seed potatoes. Also produce ware potatoes and other veg - swede, parsnip, carrot, beetroot, brassicas, etc. East Mains Auchterhouse Dundee Angus DD3 0QN T +44 (0)1382 320 453 F +44 (0)1382 320 454 W Contact Andrew Skea – Managing Director E [email protected] Solway Veg Ltd/Ancient Recipes Trading Ltd. Raw material suppliers and processors of fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, including an organic range. Contact Simon Blair – Managing Director © Scottish Enterprise Empire Way Gretna Dumfriesshire DG16 5BN T +44 (0)1461 337 239 F +44 (0)1461 338 436 E [email protected] W 111 Stewart’s of Tayside Ltd. Producer and processor of strawberries, raspberries, swede - processed and prepared. Tofthill Glencarse Perth Scotland PH2 7LS T +44 (0)1738 860 370 F +44 (0)1738 860 302 E [email protected] W Taypack Potatoes Ltd. Processor of potatoes. Inchture Moncur Perthshire PH14 9QF T +44 (0)1828 686 688 F +44 (0)1828 686 400 E [email protected] W Contact Craig Brown – Managing Director TIO Ltd. Producer and processor, using farms from Moray Firth, Aberdeenshire, Norfolk and Italy on a seasonal rotational basis for Organic root veg, some prepared products based on organic roots (batons, diced veg.), beef, lamb, cereals (malting barley, milling wheat) and animal fodders (compounding peas). 13 Greshop Rd Greshop Ind Estate Forres Morayshire IV36 2GU T +44 (0)1309 696 040 F +44 (0)1309 696 060 E [email protected] W Contact William Rose – Managing Director 112 Section 10 113 - 136 © Scottish Enterprise Summary of Scottish R & D in Food and Health Innovation Research list (A-Z) Page 113 Environmental Research Institute 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research One of the research themes of the ERI is Innovation in Natural Products that addresses the sustainable use of natural materials and products in environmental, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications and includes novel marine bioactives. There is also current research being undertaken to understand the antibacterial properties of seaweed The Institute can offer: • Chemistry and microscopy laboratories including scanning and optical microscopy • Analytical facilities with broad analytical ability analyse for a wide range of trace organic compounds including pesticides, pharmaceuticals and pigments. They also have flame atomic absorption spectrophotmetry, flame photometry and voltametric instruments for the analysis of metals and inorganic species. • Commercial analysis of emamectin benzoate in both sediment and fish tissue. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Eight researchers within the Innovation in Natural products team undertaking projects with both UK and international academic and commercial partners. Projects include: • Use of natural products in the purification of potable waters and treatment of wastewater • Novel bio-active compounds from marine sources: The chemical ecology a marine algae - bacteria interactions • Antibiotic production by seaweed associated marine bacteria • Novel antibiotics from marine sources 114 Castle St Caithness Thurso KW14 7JD T +44 (0)1847 889 595 W Contact Stuart Gibb E [email protected] Glasgow Caledonian University 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Glasgow Caledonian University occupies a purpose built campus in the heart of Glasgow. Within the School of Life Sciences is the Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences which hosts significant food research activity. The food and nutrition/dietetics research is funded by government and industry. Facilities include a UKAS accredited laboratory which provides a commercial food testing service. Services to industry also include REHIS and HACCP training and Postgraduate education. Cowcaddens Road Glasgow G4 0BA T +44 (0)141 331 3267 W 10 Contact William Campbell E [email protected] 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Professor Richard Tester and Professor Kofi Aidoo Food Science research covers • Food safety and microbiology – with focus on microbial detection and quantification, fermentation, and pasteurisation • Food chemistry and food structure – expertise on structure and functionality of food components particularly of carbohydrates The Nutrition and Dietetics group provide undergraduate and postgraduate training in both Human Nutrition & Dietetics and Food Bioscience through which relevant industrial placements are required for Key Highlights In addition to offering consultancy services to the food industry, the focus on polysaccharide biochemistry lends itself to potential development for functional food applications. Specifically this relates to delivery systems which could be relevant in the delivery of probiotics in an active format to the large intestine. The University is uniquely placed in that they provide a United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited food testing service to industry including: • Compositional analysis for labelling • Specific analysis of major and minor nutrients • Physical and shelf life testing • Food microbiology • Microbiological toxins particularly aflatoxins • Sensory analysis • Process and process design and advise on food legislation © Scottish Enterprise 115 Heriot-Watt University 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Heriot-Watt University is active in Research and Teaching in the areas of food and nutrition and maintains a high level of industrial contact in the delivery of its research programs and Graduate and Postgraduate training courses. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Brewing and distilling – Professor Paul Hughes and Dr Fergus Priest Heriot-Watt University is home to the International Centre For Brewing And Distilling where all aspects of brewing and distilling research are carried out but with particular emphasis upon beer flavour stability, physical stability, foam stability, high gravity brewing and fermentation. Nutrigenomics – Professor Michael Schweizer and Dr Karim Roder Nutrigenomics, the study of diet-gene interaction, can tell us about the effect our diet has on our genes and therefore provides scientific evidence for a healthy diet. Lipogenesis, the process by which fatty acids are produced from carbohydrates, is being studied at the molecular level. Food Microbiology – Dr Susan J Dewar Microbiology research is centred round the genetics of bacterial growth and in particular to the effects of stressed conditions caused by food processing on genetics of cell division in E Coli. The research teams are also investigating DNA based detection systems for the investigation of microbial spoilage in foods. This work aims to discover novel bacteria with highly thermoresistant spores which can evade pasteurization and UHT treatments. Food Processing – Dr Lydia Campbell and Dr Stephen Euston Research is being carried out into methods for modification of the structure of egg albumin to improve its emulsifying and water-binding properties in emulsions, such as mayonnaise; to reduce its allergenic properties and simplify the spray drying process. Nutrition and Exercise – Professor James Timmons and Dr Samantha Fawkner The main areas of research are the response of human muscle to nutrition and exercise, metabolism, and biological malnutrition and physical activity. We also have a particular interest in obesity and metabolic disease, and investigating supplements that could aid in weight loss Key Highlights Heriot-Watt has thrived on strong links with industrial partners and is working on a variety of projects which are of relevance to the food and health innovation, including the perception of flavour, egg white treatment, the control of bacterial growth and computer modelling of protein interactions. 116 Technology & Research Services Scott Russell Building Riccarton Campus Edinburgh EH14 4AS T +44 (0)131 4513 195 W Contact Dr Sonja Vujovic E [email protected] Institute of Agronomy 1. Summary activity in food and health research Orkney College is an academic partner in the UHI Millennium Institute. The Agronomy Institute provides a crop based R&D facility for the Highlands and Islands particularly in terms of diversification in the crop sector. In particular the use of currently unexploited indigenous species and old varieties of existing crops. The Institute collaborates with growers and end users to Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1LX W 10 Contact Ronnie Johnston E [email protected] • Identify novel crops and plant products with potential to be commercialised as ingredients • Encourage market demand for the utilisation of these crops or products • Provide consultancy activities and advice on the exploitation of IP and licensing on new processes and products in plant biosciences • Laboratory based investigation facilities • Provide field trial environment Current projects include Bere barley, Black Oats, Willow and Poplar, Unst plants, All Fieldberry, Black Chokeberry, Blueberries, Cranberry, Dog Rose, Elder, Juneberry, Seabuckthorn, Sweetberry Honeysuckle. © Scottish Enterprise 117 Macaulay Enterprises Ltd 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research As the commercial entity of the Macaulay Research Institute, Macaulay Enterprises Ltd can offer the expertise of the Institute to provide food and drink companies with analytical services. They focus on projects requiring a high degree of specialisation. State of the art facilities combined with the attributes that would be demanded by the industry enables a range of chemical analysis to be offered for quality control including: • Protein • Carbohydrates • Fibre • Fat • Fatty acid • Vitamins • Energy values • Minerals • Microbial assays • Water quality In addition they can provide analytical services to investigate food contamination and adulteration and the identification of foreign bodies. They have UKAS accreditation to 17025 QA standards. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Microbial diagnostics is a multi-billion industry world-wide. However, the conventional methods for pathogen detection used by industries and regulatory agencies are expensive, labour intensive and time consuming (3-6 days). MLURI are working on a nucleic acid based technology which offers for the first time, at low cost, the simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens within 5-8 hours and has the potential to revolutionise the microbial diagnostic industry. While the technology will intially focus on pathogen detection in food and the environment, it has wider applications and will be attractive to healthcare, forensic and remediation industries. This technology provides a real opportunity to make Scotland a World-leader in microbial diagnostics and industrial microbiology. 118 Macaulay Drive Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH T +44 (0)1224 498 265 W Contact Neil Lindsay – COO E [email protected] Mercatt Mercatt is an innovative new tool for global networking and technology transfer. We link with technology profile organizations from all industries, academic institutions and government research centres across the world to provide a single point of access to the widest range of technology opportunities. Mercatt searches are done using the latest and most sophisticated techniques to provide you with the greatest accuracy and relevance in your results in your search for suitable collaborators. Mercatt provides a forum for discussion based on the best software for Innovation support. This encourages tangential thinking and collaboration around specific and general industry issues. Communication is the key to successful open innovation and to the development of strategic relationships internal and external to your organisation 50 Atrium Court Waterloo Street Glasgow, G2 6HQ Scotland, UK T +44 (0) 141 572 1610 W 10 Contact Cait Murray, Sales and Marketing Manager E [email protected] Lucy Mack, Business Development Executive E [email protected] • Connect • Achieve Licensing deals, exploit your IP and find new business partners • Grow • Promote your business and make links with innovative dynamic companies. • Mercatt is the vital component of any open innovation business model. • Collaborate • Build 1-2-1 relationships and business networks through on-line discussion groups. © Scottish Enterprise 119 NAFC Marine Centre 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Within NAFC, seafood companies can access: Shetland Seafood Quality Control (SSQC) – Established in 1985 as an independent quality assurance organisation to maintain and strengthen the Islands’ reputation for high quality seafood products. Superior Quality Shetland Salmon Certification Scheme, EN 45+44(0)11 – To comply to the standard participating farms and processors are audited at defined intervals to ensure they are complying with the strict requirements of the Scheme. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviews the inspection reports to decide whether or not to grant approval to use of the SSQC Quality Label. Analytical Services Microbiology - The microbiology laboratory provides the fisheries and other clients with professional microbiological analysis of products, environmental and process water samples for a wide range of food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Tests are accredited externally by UKAS and Law Laboratories Ltd to the LABCRED standard (based on ISO 17025). Chemistry – The chemistry laboratory undertakes fish flesh, sediment and water testing including fat content and emamectin testing as well as sediment and water testing Consultancy Advice – SSQC Ltd can carry out consultancy and contract research and development services for the food sector including 3rd Party auditing, shelf life testing and HACCP training and advice Food Innovation Centre – The purpose of the Centre is to enable the development of new and innovative production of food products. The Centre comprises of a Food Processing Unit for small scale production of foodstuffs and a Food Development Unit of a well appointed kitchen and work area and including small industrial smoker. The Food Processing Unit will allow small and fledgling businesses, with existing or market tested innovative or value-added products, the opportunity to start small scale production. Key Highlights The NAFC provides fisheries training combined with applied research to enhance the development and sustainability of the fisheries industries including aquaculture. A range of services and expertise is available to food processors. 120 Port Arthur Scalloway Shetland ZE1 0UN T +44 (0)1595 772 000 W Contact Carol Philips E [email protected] Napier University 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research 2kT Programme - This is unique initiative being undertaken jointly by Queen Margaret and Napier Universities bringing together the first joint commercialisation support service in Scotland. The key feature of this is a team of Business Development Managers, specifically recruited to service a wide range of industry sectors from well established faculties and schools within both universities. Of particular interest for Food and Drink industries, two Business Development Managers have been engaged to cover specifically Health & life Sciences and Food & Drink. The range of activities covered in support of Food & Drink extends from nutrition, dietary to food processing and laboratory analysis. Craiglochart Campus Edinburgh EH10 5 LG W knowledge_transfer.htm 10 Contact Robert Bruce E [email protected] Napier University has a long and successful track record of engaging in knowledge transfer with the food and drink sector spanning small and medium-sized enterprises to large, multinational corporations. Further, this capacity has been demonstrated via successful engagements at many points in the supply chain. The broad spectrum of engagement spans soil preparation and the measurement of toxins in cultivated vegetables and fruits using patented monitoring equipment, through to the psychology of retailing and marketing. Our key areas of expertise include • Food and Exercise • Food processing • Fermentation • Food and age • New product design as applied to novel sensors and algorithms for processing equipment control. • Materials as applied to food packaging and storage. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity The University is particularly noted for its KTP activity. These and other engagements have led to improved cultivation of fruits, refined and more efficient processing of whisky and beer production and achieved efficiencies in the transportation and distribution of food and drink products via a logistics support and in the psychology of retailing. Aquaculture is an increasingly important sub-sector and the university has successfully transferred knowledge into sector for more efficient use of food stocks. Of more recent and very topical is the interest in the consequences of over consumption of food coupled with insufficient exercise in all age groups. Also, within the School of Life Sciences there is an established bio-medical monitoring unit. 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research • undertaken work with Diageo, Glenmorangie, Belhaven and North British Distillers. Key Highlights • biomedicine and sports science research team have developed sophisticated flow cytometry techniques to detect senescent lymphocytes and have applied these methods to investigate the effects of physical exercise on the immune system. • it is believed that obesity induces the appearance of senescent cells and therefore impacts directly on immune function. Better diets leading to weight reduction - plus the benefit of anti-oxidants -might lead to better immune function. Napier is developing novel biomarkers for cells which have become senescent and unable to respond to infection. © Scottish Enterprise 121 Ness Foundation 1. Summary activity in food and health research The Ness Foundation is a charitable organisation, formed in 1998 from an internationally recognised research group; in 1999 it became an Associate Partner of the UHI Millennium Institute. Our mission: • To improve the quality of life of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and other related conditions, by conducting research to discover safer, more effective diagnostics and treatments. • To break down the stigma that surrounds such conditions, this is frequently more disabling than the illness itself, through the involvement of patients and caregivers and the wide dissemination of its research findings. Neurodevelopmental disorders and other related conditions include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, dyslexia, depression and ADHD. Our principal area of research is in schizophrenia and increasingly is concerned with genetics, antibodies and the role of lipids. The Ness Foundation is increasingly interested in the behaviour of the digestive tract and is investigating the role that certain foods may play in the evolution of auto-immune conditions. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Dr Jun Wei – Reader and Senior Scientist Dr Matthew Law – post-doctoral researcher Dr Tayebeh Hamzehloei – post-doctoral researcher 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain, funding towards PhD research students and investigation of git-digestive related conditions. 122 Ness House Dochfour Business Centre Dochgarroch Inverness IV3 8GY T +44 (0)1463 220 407 W Contact Dr Ross Maxwell E [email protected] Queen Margaret University 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research 2kT Programme - This is unique initiative being undertaken jointly by Queen Margaret and Napier Universities bringing together the first joint commercialization support service in Scotland. The key feature of this is a team of Business Development Managers, specifically recruited to service a wide range of industry sectors from well established faculties and schools within both universities. Of particular interest for Food and Drink industries, two Business Development Managers have been engaged to cover specifically Health & life Sciences and Food & Drink. The range of activities covered in support of Food & Drink extends from nutrition, dietary to food processing and laboratory analysis. Edinburgh EH21 6UU T +44 (0)131 474 0000 W knowledge_transfer.htm 10 Contact Kim Gilchrist E [email protected] Queen Margaret University has specialist research expertise in Food and Drink. In the area of food choice and SMEs we are interested in factors influencing supply and demand such as socio-cultural, psychological and nutritional aspects, which can be applied to the promotion of nutritional health in Scotland and to the development of healthy food products. Our niche strength involves a multi-disciplinary approach, bringing together expertise from various disciplines including dietetics and nutrition, psychology, consumer sciences, and business. Our key areas of expertise include: • Psychology as applied to food product development, consumer choice. • Health enhancing and functional foods Including GI testing and the manipulation of energy content in foods. • Food and nutritional supplementation – foods to empower rehabilitation and management of chronic illness i.e. heart disease, diabetes. • Nutritional and food profiling using technologies i.e. mobile phones • More efficient use of energy to reduce costs in food production and transportation/logistics. • Waste minimisation and disposal. • Safety including contaminants and hygiene. • Microbial applications to food production e.g. in dairy industry. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity • Development and evaluation of functional foods with proven health benefits • Health Psychology and Food Choice • Health and alcohol. 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research • had successful collaborations with Kellogg’s Kick-Start Project, BBC Diet Trials programme, Mars Confectionary, and undertaken work with Cow and Gate, The Sugar Bureau, Onken. Key Highlights • leading providers of research and teaching in Dietetics, Nutrition and Biological Sciences • clinical staff have ability to work with partners in the development of functional, healthy and rehabilitation foods. © Scottish Enterprise 123 Roslin Institute 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Roslin Institute is one of the world’s leading centres for studies relating to animal genetics and development. Their distinctive strength is in the genetics and genomics of farm animal species and their application in animal breeding and conservation, biotechnology and biomedicine, and in basic biology. Roslin Institute has no remit to make products (e.g. foods, pharmaceuticals or new breeds of animals) from its discoveries, but they do ensure that new knowledge and techniques are made available to those who may be able to develop them into useful products. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Quality beef In an EC-funded project GemQual researchers at Roslin are coordinating research groups around Europe to investigate the genetic factors that influence beef quality. Healthier and tastier lamb Meat quality traits in lamb are becoming increasingly important in terms of taste and concerns over the consumption of excessive fat in particular saturated fatty acids. As part of a DEFRA funded collaborative project the Institute is investing the genetic basis for lamb meat quality and have identified promising routes through which this could be improved Safer eggs Scientists at Roslin Institute working in collaboration with scientists in Belgium and elsewhere, in an EU-supported research project, have discovered a new method of measuring egg-shell strength that is heritable and offers the potential to select poultry for eggs that are less likely to crack. 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research Roslin Institute has an annual turnover of around £12.5m and is funded by over 40 different organisations. The largest single contribution is from UK taxpayers via the UK government. Around 55% of the research income comes from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, a further 10% from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and 5% from the European Commission. Industry funds around 7% of their research and the remaining 23% from charities and other funders. Key Highlights Maintaining the current large number of collaborations with the poultry and livestock breeding industries; improving their effectiveness particularly where ideas are close to market. • Expanding our involvement with the fish farming industry. • Close relationship with the Genesis Faraday - integrating genetics and genomics research into the UK’s animal breeding and animal health industries • Have access to the Genomia seed fund to support the early stage development of commercial ideas arising from research undertaken by the consortium members. 124 Roslin BioCentre Midlothian EH25 9PS T +44 (0)131 527 4200 W Contact Malcolm Bateman E [email protected] Rowett Research Institute 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Rowett undertakes underpinning research to understand the basic relationship between nutritional drivers and health, with particular emphasis on cardiovascular health, gut health and obesity/metabolic health. These have applications in the development of mainstream nutritional profile foods and beverages and in developing specialist diets and foods for specialist sectors. These include lifestage nutrition and those with special dietary requirements. Greenburn Road Aberdeen AB21 9SB T +44 (0)1224 712 751 W 10 Contact Alan Rowe E [email protected] We are a leading organisation in the area of functional nutrigenomics (gene/ diet interactions) and proteomics (gene products) and the emerging field of metabolomics (metabolic products of nutrition), all of which are powerful tools in meting emerging health trends with nutrition solutions. Early in 2008 the Rowett research Institute will join with the University of Aberdeen to create the single largest concentration of expertise in nutrition. Health and diet in Scotland (and probably the UK). This will extend from molecular biology techniques to human studies, including clinical evaluation. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity The Rowett Institute undertakes a range of research focussed on understanding how the components of the food we eat affect our health, both positively and negatively. We have three main themes which reflect the global issues of over- or inappropriate - nutrition: Gut health: nutrition and the gut, with reference to maintaining healthy commensal bacteria populations, the nutritional role of commensal populations and the wider role of commensal bacteria. The health outcomes focus is around IBD, UC and colorectal cancer Cardio vascular health: nutritional drivers for good heart health, the role of micronutrients, phytochemicals etc Health outcomes focus on CHD Obesity, metabolic health: central and peripheral signalling and drivers for metabolic health, sustained weight loss and maintenance. 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research Rowett works with a wide range of national and international companies on projects with a collaborative research theme. These collaborations are normally undertaken on a confidential basis. Key Highlights The Rowett Institute has been working at the frontiers of nutrition science for over 90 years and we’ve a great track record of getting our science into practice where it has benefited human health and agriculture. Today, we’re committed to helping the food industry to gain market advantage by promoting the healthiness of the foods and ingredients they use. We’re developing the interface between the food and drink and the life sciences communities to create new opportunities. Our research is looking at how diet can help prevent chronic diseases – something that has global significance. We’ve had four spin out companies in last five years, and one of these is now listed on the UK stock exchange. We are an ISO 90+44(0)1 accredited quality assurance organisation. © Scottish Enterprise 125 Scottish Agricultural College (SAC Commercial Ltd) 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research SAC is an innovative, knowledge-based organisation, which supports the development of land-based industries and communities through its specialists research and development resources, its education and training provision and its expert advisory and consultancy services. Its work is wide ranging but there is a particular emphasis on agriculture and related sciences, rural business development and management, food chain quality and safety, and rural resource and environmental management. Using its Scotland-wide network, SAC provides a unique mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and ideas which emerge, both from its own research and development activities and from other expert sources. SAC’s work is directed in line with its vision, ‘to enhance the sustainability of our land-based industries. SAC has three main campuses, at Aberdeen, Ayr and Edinburgh, twenty three local advisory offices, eight veterinary centres and five research farms. It carries out much of its work in partnership with government departments, levy boards, other academic and research organisations, and local authorities. 126 SAC Craibstone Estate Aberdeen AB21 9YA T +44 (0)1224 711 250 F +44 (0)1224 711 291 W Contact David Lamb E [email protected] Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research SAMS is focussed on multidisciplinary research relating to marine science from aquaculture to marine biotech. SAMS hosts the Culture collection of Algae and Protozoa which is also a library for marine bioactive compounds. SAMS have a research group developing biosurfactants from marine bacteria which potentially could be applied in the food industry – have identified four particular novel emulsifiers with properties similar to (or better thenexisting commercial emulsifiers. Bioemulsifiers are microbially produced surface-active molecules that are promising alternatives to chemically synthesised varieties because they are natural, have potentially lower toxicities and improved functionality (e.g. foaming, stabilisation; tolerance to extremes of temperature and pH). This “proof of concept” programme aims to exploit a suite of natural emulsifiers (bioemulsifiers) that show exceptional promise as ingredients and production process agents in industries such as healthcare and food and beverages. This project aims to significantly increase bioemulsifier production to facilitate commercial exploitation opportunities. Through this project they are keen to explore with interested parties commercial uses for these bioemulsifiers. Oban Argyll PA37 1QA T +44(0)1847 889 595 W 10 Contact David Gunn E [email protected] Core research • Seawater and fresh water cultivation • Cod and halibut farming • Sustainable aquaculture • Sea urchin aquaculture including harvest protocols to enhance shelf life and product quality • Bioemulsifier production. Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory © Scottish Enterprise 127 Scottish Crop Research Institute 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research SCRI offers a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to improving the quality of food through enhanced flavour, texture, nutritional benefits and shelf life. A substantial part of our diet is plant based, which using modern technology, provides an amenable target for improving nutrition. There is currently a heightened awareness of the importance of food to health, and SCRIs generic approach to health and nutrition has been to identify germplasm with enhanced levels of key phytonutrients (or decreased levels of toxins) and to deploy genetic, molecular, biochemical and phytochemical tools to understand the inheritance and control of phytonutrient accumulation. The key objectives are • to understand the real functionality of specific food components in the diet (and in food matrices) through a detailed comprehension of mechanisms) • to enhance the content of phytonutrients (or decrease antinutrients/ allergens) Emerging technology development in mild thermal treatment of semiprocessed fruit and vegetables to enhance shelf life and reduce nutrient losses. Mylnefield Lipid Analysis – a fully-accredited specialist laboratory for the analysis of oils and fats, including trans fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids etc. 128 Errol Road Invergowrie Dundee DD2 5DA T +44 (0)1382 562 731 W Contact Dr Jonathan Snape – Commercial Director E [email protected] The Robert Gordon University 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research The Robert Gordon University (RGU) has relevant food industry expertise across its Schools of Life Sciences and Health Sciences. Schoolhill Aberdeen AB10 6SH Across these Schools is the following research expertise: T +44 (0)1224 262 023 E [email protected] W • Development of DNA repair assays to assess the effect of environmental and dietary agents on cancer risk Contact Helen Mill 10 • Investigation of exopolysaccharide production by lactic acid bacteria • Use of FTIR spectroscopy to characterise enteric bacteria • Childhood/adolescent obesity and risk factors for illness • Effect of physical/visual presentation of food and the perception of portion size • Water intake and health • Evaluation of methodology used in assessing levels of DSP and PSP in seafood • Bio- and immuno- sensors for the rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria and their toxins • Novel filtration and immunocapture techniques for separating and concentrating bacteria/toxins from food • Hygienic food processing and HACCP • Fish and food processing • Sensors and methods for estimating the microbiological and sensory quality of foods • Food contaminants (e.g. PCBs, hydrocarbons and antibiotic residues) • Techniques for food authentication and adulteration • Thermal, colour and textural properties of food • Taint problems in farmed trout • role of specific amino acids to maintain optimal human health Within the School of Life Sciences is the Food Science and Technology Research Centre which was established in 1996. This centre focuses on improving the quality and safety of food products and has two core themes: microbiology and food physics. The Food Physics group has temperature control rooms, food processing area for wet work with fish and hygienic processing, specialised thermal, rheological, electrical and optical methods to characterise foods. The Microbiology Group has expertise across the discipline including biosensors, hygienic food processing and spoilage. In addition they have strong capability to collaborate in the development of functional foods and in particular the development of drinks with immuno function. Professor Klaus Wahle leads a research group with interests in functional foods within the Food Science and Technology Research Centre. The focus of this group is omega-3 fatty acids, trace elements and antioxidants. The expertise in these areas could be accessed by companies and other potential partners relating to the production of a variety of foods with added value. © Scottish Enterprise 129 University of Aberdeen 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Early in 2008 the Rowett research Institute will join with the University of Aberdeen to create the single largest concentration of expertise in nutrition. health and diet in Scotland (and probably the UK). This will extend from molecular biology techniques to human studies, including clinical evaluation. In addition, together we will be establishing The Scottish Centre for nutrition, food and innovation. The centre will sit alongside the Rowett providing a focus for translational food research for industry and acting as a single point of entry to the wider expertise in the sector across Scotland. The University of Aberdeen has a wide range of academics and research programmes that offer key strengths and innovations in food and health. Situated within the College of Life Science and Medicine the Schools of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Biological Sciences have thriving research groups relevant to food and health including obesity, metabolic health, vascular research, gut health, bone health, neuroscience, mental health, & developmental biology. The Schools of Medicine and Medical Sciences are located within Europe’s largest teaching hospital complex which enables access to unparalleled clinical expertise. • The University of Aberdeen routinely performs research activities through the University’s world class research centres that has direct relevance to food and health. • Have an Applied Microbiology Group that specializes in the development of rapid methods of food-borne pathogen detection and novel bactericidal techniques • Bone research includes novel treatments for diseases such as osteoporosis • Have developed a specifically formulated drink to maximise brain, as well as muscle, performance • Commercial clinical trial access can be gained through MARU (Medicines Assessment Research Unit) a collaboration between NHS Grampian and the University of Aberdeen. 130 Research & Innovation University Office King’s college Aberdeen AB24 3FX T +44 (0)1224 272 123 W Contact Mark Ferguson E [email protected] University of Abertay 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research The UAD School of Contemporary Science offers undergraduate programmes leading to BSc (Hons) Food and Consumer Sciences, BSc (Hons) Food, Nutrition and Health and BSc (Hons) Food Product Design. Staff offer expertise and service provision in the following areas • Digital food photography for publications, promotional material and food packaging 13 Bell Street Dundee DD1 1HG T +44(0)1382 308 000 W 10 Contact Anne Colquhoun E [email protected] • REHIS courses in Food Hygiene and Diet and Health • Concept- to- prototype food product development, which can also be linked to undergraduate projects • Nutritional analysis of food products • Food applications of sterilisation / waste water technologies • Yeast research for food and fermentation industries • WSET® Intermediate Wine Certificate • Supervised student work placements 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Food innovation@abertay Food innovation@abertay is a practical innovation service for the Scottish food and drink industry. It is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which allows for free support to eligible companies. Food innovation@abertay aims to find solutions for business challenges particularly for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by applying industry expertise, developing innovative solutions and undertaking industry best practice. In particular support is offered in for example the following: • New product development • Nutritional analysis • Product acceptability (taste panels) • Food styling and photography • Small food business start-up • Food safety and HACCP • Sensory assessment Use of other specialist facilities. © Scottish Enterprise 131 University of Dundee 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research The University has global recognition for its life science and medicine research and the clinical expertise and resources at Ninewells Hospital Medical School. Academic collaboration between the University of Dundee and SCRI provides a platform for developing foods with functional claims. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Fundamental research with relevance to food and health includes: • Microbiology and Gut Biology Group The Microbiology and Gut Biology Group within the Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology consists of the recently transferred groups of Professors George Macfarlane and John Cummings from the Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre in Cambridge, and are now based at Ninewells Hospital Medical School. • Biomedical Research Centre The interests of Professor John Hayes (Professor of Molecular Carcinogenesis) highlights the University’s underpinning science in the molecular mechanisms by which diet can protect against the development of cancer. • The Centre for Public Health Nutrition Research Professor Annie Anderson, Professor of Food Choice and Director of the Centre for Public Nutrition Research leads a research programme based on multi-disciplinary approaches combining expertise in the social and behavioural sciences with biomedical approaches and incorporating current research into dietetic practice aimed at preventing, delaying and managing chronic diet related diseases such as cardio-vascular disease and cancer. The main research areas of the centre include: • Relationship between diet and disease • Understanding food choice Behavioural theory based dietary interventions. 132 Perth Road Dundee DD1 4HN W Contact Gillian Burch – Marketing Manager, Research & Innovation Services E [email protected] University of Edinburgh 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research The University of Edinburgh has an international reputation for world class research across a wide range of disciplines including biomedical sciences. Edinburgh has a long held international reputation for excellence in medical research and life sciences offering strength in depth and breadth of research activity. There are 12 interdisciplinary centres including cardiovascular science and inflammation. 1-7 Roxburgh Street Edinburgh EH8 9TA T +44 (0)131 650 9090 W 10 Contact Wendy Nicholson E [email protected] Additionally the RIE Clinical Research Facility and the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility units together provide state-of-the-art facilities for investigators undertaking Clinical Research and include clinical, laboratory and specialised technical support. In addition to direct clinical examination, it can include the study of blood, biopsy material or health data of patients and, to allow comparison with this also, of ‘normal’ subjects. Clinical Research can include clinical trials (investigating new drugs), and other work on the clinical characterisation of diseases and/or health. Another ground breaking initiative is the Edinburgh BioQuarter - a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian that will consolidate Scotland’s reputation as a world leader in biomedical science. Unique to the UK, Edinburgh BioQuarter is the only location to offer a large state-of-the-art, 870 bed teaching hospital, the University of Edinburgh’s world-renowned medical school and bespoke biomedical research and development facilities all on one site. The existing BioQuarter site is home to a community of over 1,200 dedicated researchers. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity • The University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Cardiovascular Science has emerged as a major centre of research excellence, with research spanning gene manipulation and cell and molecular biology to integrative biology and clinical research. • The University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Inflammation Research undertakes research in inflammatory disease under the main theme of Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Control of the Inflammatory Response. These Centres are now housed in a major new development, The Queen’s Medical Research Institute. The new, £60 million purpose-built building houses over 600 researchers and state-of-the-art imaging and other medical research equipment. Key Highlights • International research capabilities across cardiovascular and inflammation themes • The Edinburgh BioQuarter offering unique concentration of biomedical researchers • Clinical research facilities. © Scottish Enterprise 133 University of Glasgow 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research The University of Glasgow is a major research powerhouse. With Europe’s largest grouping of life scientists working in the Faculty of Biomedical & Life Sciences and one of the largest medical schools in Europe the University is well-placed to offer knowledge and expertise to the food and drink industry. The Department of Human Nutrition Within the Faculty of Medicine the Department of Human Nutrition offers a variety of commercial services including: Research & Enterprise 10 The Square University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ T +44 (0)141 330 5005 W Contact Laura Smart E [email protected] • Consultancy services across human nutrition, dietetic and sports nutrition • Nutrient analysis • Human dietary intervention studies • Antioxidant, lipid and oxidative measurements in clinical and food matrices • Stable isotope measurement and obesity and weight management • Gut and food interactions • Body composition and energy expenditure The University has a number of projects in the area of food and health research. Many of our projects are protected by confidentiality agreements The University has a track record in working with a local and global food companies to develop and improve products. The University has good experience of pulling expertise from across the faculties bringing an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to working with industry. © Scottish Enterprise 134 134 University of St Andrews 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Researchers at St Andrews University have compiled a validated database of phyto-oestrogen levels in a wide range of foodstuffs which can be accessed by industry. There is also a facility to have phytooestrogen analysis undertaken in plasma and food samples. Researchers at the University of St Andrews have developed a novel method for the synthesis of phytoestrogens (isoflavones, lignans and flavones), phytoestrogen metabolites and novel phytoestrogens, labelled with stable isotopes (13C, 15N, 2H). These can be used to study the health effects of phytoestrogens, which have anti-cancer activity, via analytical, metabolic and bioavailability studies. North Haugh St Andrews Fife KY16 9SR W 10 Contact Lorna Sillar – Associate Director, Research and Enterprise Services E [email protected] Dietary modification to include significantly more high fibre plant-based foods like soy, whole meal bread, and certain fruits and vegetables may protect against certain cancers and even improve chances of surviving the disease. Phyto-oestrogens (isoflavones and lignans), attach themselves to cells (like breast tissue) that have estrogen receptors, blocking more powerful oestrogens from binding to the site and therefore may decrease the total amount of estrogen circulating in the body which could be beneficial because high circulating levels of oestrogens can be associated with increased risk of certain cancers. Increasing the amount of phyto-oestrogens in a diet could potentially decrease the risk of developing breast or prostate cancer. Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that can mimic the natural hormone estrogen and are thought to protect against hormone dependent cancers, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and the effects of the menopause. The major dietary source of isoflavones is soya, soya-related products, whole-grain cereals, legumes and various vegetables and fruit. In addition, glucosinolates are also plant-derived compounds, present in cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli. There is growing evidence to suggest their metabolites are active in the prevention of colorectal cancer. © Scottish Enterprise 135 University of Stirling 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Within the internationally recognised Institute of Aquaculture there is nutrition research expertise and access to analytical expertise, facilities and the University owned fish hatchery units. There is also research activity within the Public Health Research Group & Department of Sport Studies 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity Specifically the nutrition group within the Institute of Aquaculture has expertise in: • Health benefits from fish for human nutrition • Research linking fatty acids to health including cardiovascular and nervous system function • Public perception of fish as food and fish quality • New technologies for novel fish feed production • Sustainable fish farming techniques including traceability issues and fish welfare • Effects of fish diet on fish quality • Fish carcase quality analysis Within the Department of Marketing is expertise relating to: • Consumption, markets and culture • Retailing and distribution channels including seafood • Fish marketing and retailing • Food chain distribution on farmed and fresh fish • Patterns of food and fish consumption The Public Health Research Group within the Department of Nursing and Midwifery and Department of Sport Studies has several interests relating to food and health including: • Diet and health related to social class • Diet, exercise and well being • Nutrition & exercise metabolism in health and disease • Physical activity and obesity in children • Exercise and ageing 3. Relevant Research Funding/Awards in Food and Health Research In 2006/2007 alone the University attracted £8.9 million in research funding from a range of sources including research councils, charities, UK government & health authorities, UK industry & commerce, overseas funders and the European Commission. The Institute of Aquaculture, Department of Marketing, Department of Nursing & Midwifery, and Department of Sports Studies contributed over 50% of this income. 136 Stirling FK9 4LA W Contact Julia Campbell E [email protected] University of Strathclyde 1. Summary Activity in Food and Health Research Within the Faculties of Science and Engineering there is a capacity to undertake projects across disciplines of relevance to food and drink sector - from basic, strategic and applied investigations through to consultancy and technology transfer programmes. 2. Key Academics and their Research Groups/Programmes/Core Research Activity 16 Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XQ T +44 (0)141 548 3811 W 10 Contact Dr Alasdair Mackay – Head of Business Development Service Research & Consultancy Service E [email protected] Electronic Pasteurisation and Sterilisation: Food and food surface decontamination; surface and equipment disinfection; non-thermal pasteurisation of liquids; waste / effluent treatment; air quality control. This includes the recently established ROLEST Centre (Robertson Trust Laboratory for Electronic Sterilisation Technologies) which is a unique research facility dedicated to the development and applications of novel electrically based methods for disinfection and sterilisation with generic applications. Fermentation Technology: Investigations in yeast, bacteria and filamentous fungi; process modelling; on-line control; microbial physiology; mass and momentum transfer; scaleup and scale-down of fermentation processes. Flavour/Sensory Research: Studies on flavour and consumer perceptions; development of novel predictors of flavour from compositional data; novel taste panel procedures; statistical modelling of flavours. Food Biochemistry: Biochemistry of starch and associated lipids in cereals; enzymology of malting and mashing during whisky process; use of yeast in the food and beverage industry; production and use of enzymes in food processing. High Pressure Food Processing: Effects on food quality on high pressure bioprocessing of liquid and solid foodstuffs Food Packaging CO2 device for food storage is a coloured leak indicator device for detecting leaks in modified atmosphere packaging Natural Product Chemistry Professor Alan Harvey leads a research group relating to the natural product chemistry of plants. • antioxidants - they are presently screening the collection for antioxidant activity • possible immunostimulants - with a history of human use as “adaptogenics” and experimental data apparently verifying activity. • extracts with possible effects on blood lipids and blood sugar level - they are mainly interested in trying to find single active components, but some of the extracts may be candidates for functional foods. © Scottish Enterprise 137 138 Section 11 Page © Scottish Enterprise Scottish Development International and Highlands and Islands Enterprise Field Office Contact Points 139 - 144 139 Profile (SDI) was formed as part of the Scottish government’s strategy for the country’s international economic development. Headquartered in Glasgow. SDI is an award winning organisation, named as “the world’s most consistently high-performing agency” by DDP Global Development. In order to best promote international trade and draw foreign investment to Scotland. SDI has offices throughout the UK and Europe, including Moscow, North America and Asia Pacific. The Food and Drink Team based at SDI’s HQ in Glasgow, Scotland, provide a range of support services to Scottish companies and potential inward investors. These services include provision of specialist expertise, market information, inward and outward trade missions and market visits and trade exhibitions. 140 Scottish Development International 150 Broomielaw Atlantic Quay Glasgow G2 8LU Scotland UK T +44 (0)141 228 2828 F +44 (0)141 228 2089 E [email protected] W 11 Profile Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE) is the government economic development agency for the north of Scotland. It works closely with businesses and communities to support economic growth in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland. Growth is driven by a number of key industry sectors, one of which is food and drink. This sector includes over 300 businesses producing a wide range of high quality food & drink products. Support to these businesses is tailored to specific requirements and can include a package of advice, information, workforce development support and financial assistance. Highlands & Islands Enterprise Cowan House Inverness Retail & Business Park Inverness IV2 7GF Scotland UK Contact Rob Clarke T +44 (0)1463 244458 F +44 (0)1463 244241 E [email protected] W “Working in partnership with Scottish Development International, HIE helps locally based companies to identify and develop business opportunities in international markets and encourages international businesses to invest in the Highlands & Islands. Support available includes advice, help with strategy development, access to market information, business mentoring and financial assistance. © Scottish Enterprise 141 Americas – Canada (Toronto Office) British Consulate 777 Bay Street Suite 2800 Toronto Ontario M5S 2G T F +1 416 408-4334 +1 416 408-4338 Americas – Central (Chicago Office) Highland Oaks 11 Suite 130 1020 31st Street Downers Grove Illinois 60515-5503 USA T F +1 630 968 6555 +1 630 968 659 Americas – Central (Houston Office) Millennium Tower Building 10375 Richmond Avenue Suite 1300 Houston TX 77042 USA T F +1 713 461 2289 +1 713 461 3805 Americas – East (Boston Office) 28 State Street Suite 2300 Boston MA 02109-1775 T F 617-725-0340 617-725-2897 Americas – East (New York Office) 250 West 34th Street, Suite 3600 New York NY 1+44(0)119 F 142 +1 212-849-69+44(0)1 Americas – West Coast (San Jose Office) Silicon Valley Centre 2570 North First Street Suite 440 San Jose CA 95131 USA T F 11 +1 408-436-5520 +1-408-436-5402 +1-408-436-5524 Asia Pacific – Australia and New Zealand Sydney Regus AMP Centre Level 34 AMP Tower 50 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia T +612 8216 0750 M +61 414 269 189 Asia Pacific – China (Bejing) Rm. 1006A China Life Tower 16 Chao Yang Men Wai Da Jie Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 P.R. China T F +86 (0)10 8525 3070 +86(0)10 8525 3086 Asia Pacific – China (Shanghai) Jin Mao Tower 31st Floor 88 Century Avenue Pudong Shanghai 20+44(0)120 P.R. China T F +86 21 2890 9710 +86 21 2890 9196 Asia Pacific – Hong Kong T F +852 2159 9631 +852 2159 9688 © Scottish Enterprise 20th Floor Central Tower 28 Queens Road Central Hong Kong 143 Asia Pacific – India (Bangalore) Level 9 Raheja Towers MG Road Bangalore 5600+44(0)1 Karnataka India T F +91-80-4180 0711 (Direct) +91-80-4180 0900 Asia Pacific – India (New Delhi) British High Commission, Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110 021 India T F +91 11 2678 2161 +91 11 2467 4374 Asia Pacific – Japan Scotland House Dai-ni Okamotoya Bldg 10F 1-22-16 Toranomon Minato-ku Tokyo 105-00+44(0)1 Japan T F +81 3 55+44(0)1 3480 +81 3 55+44(0)1 3485 Asia Pacific – Korea Scotland House Posco Center Bldg West Tower 11 Fl 892 Daechi 4-dong Kangnam-Gu Seoul 135-777 Korea T F +82 2 559 0785 (ext 1122) +82 2 559 0701 F +82 2 559 07+44(0)1 Asia Pacific – Singapore 3 Science Park Drive #02-12/25 The Franklin Office Suite 19 Singapore Science Park I Singapore 118223 T F 144 +65 6822 1215 +65 6822 1213 11 Asia Pacific – Taiwan Room 1+44(0)1 4Flr. No 200 KeeLung Road Sec 1 Taipei City 110 Taiwan T F +886 2 8723 9975 +886 2 8723 9976 Northern Europe, Israel and South Africa – London 72 Cannon Street London EC4N 6AE T F +44 (0)20 7248 6271 +44 (0)20 7248 9180 Northern Europe, Israel and South Africa – Nordics 150 Broomielaw Atlantic Quay Glasgow G2 8LU T +44 (0)141 228 2049 F +44 (0)141 228 2114 M +44 (0)7779 125 504 Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa – Baltic Region Scotland House Lastekodu 6-58 1+44(0)113 Tallinn Estonia T F +372 (6441) 490 +372 (6441) 490 T E +97150 456 5500 [email protected] Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa – Dubai Sultan Lootah (Contracted Service). © Scottish Enterprise 145 Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa – Dusseldorf Kasernenstrasse 27 40213 Düsseldorf Germany T F +49 211 863 2940 +49 211 8632 94 20 Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa – Paris 59 Avenue Marceau 3 èmé étage 75+44(0)16 Paris France T F +33 (0)1 40 73 81 81 +33 1 40 73 81 82 +33 1 44 51 34 95 Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa – Russia and CIS Office 13 “V” Ul. Koroviy Val, 7 Moscow 119049 Russia T F 146 +7 495 9373773 +7 495 937 3770 To explore the potential, please contact: Scottish Development International 150 Broomielaw, Atlantic Quay Glasgow G2 8LU Scotland, UK T +44 141 228 2828 F +44 141 228 2089 2523/MAY08