Herguth Laboratories Oil Analysis Part 2
Herguth Laboratories Oil Analysis Part 2
Ea - Herguth Laboratories, Inc. Ed Babcock The Boeing Co. 5000 E a s t p D o w e l l Road Mesa, AZ 85212 10/18/2000 11:22:43 THEBEB Laboratory : lescription: ITEM #1 OIL COOLER DRAIN Sf ?.O. Number: 1 I Test Performed Proc-Rev Ash P r e p . , y m . . ...... Metals by Silver (Ag)............................ Aluminum (Al).......................... Boron (B).............................. Barium (Ba)............................ Calcium (Ca)........................... Chromium (Cr).......................... Copper (Cu)............................ Iron (Fe).............................. Magnesium (Mg)......................... Molybdenum (Mo)........................ Sodium (Na)............................ Nickel (Ni)............................ Phosphorus ( P ) ......................... Lead (Pb). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silicon (Si). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tin (Sn)............................... Vanadium (V)........................... Zinc (Zn). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Direct Reading Ferrogran, DL - Direcc Pe3d.ir.a Laroe P 2 r t i c l - n . . . . DS - Direct Reading Small Particles . . . . rncentration WPC - Total Wear Part: Analytical Ferrogram, _I I Result I 4 . 3 /ml 13.8 /ml ABNORMAL Respectfully Submitted, Herauth Laboratories. Inc. r 1 Enclosure: Wear Particle Analysis Page 1 of 1 F h r a t e Pkce Vallejo. CA 94590-6968 Toll-Free Phone 1-800-645-5227 TolLFrcc Technical Support I.88B-HERGUTH Fax 1-707-554-0109 Ed Babcock The Boeing Co. 5000 East McDowell Road Mesa,AZ 85212 10118/2000 11:16:46 THEBEB Date: 1011112000 Laboratory = : Description: ITEM #I OIL COOL SHIPPING DOCUMENT . .- _... . . .. . WEAR PARTICLE ANALYSIS '1 , . ,I' ../.., 1 I Photo 1: IOOX shows the concentration of particles the entry region. The large copper alloy particle can be seen here. -! I LabNumbe;[ Density Large $ I Density Small I 4.3 I 7 ISeverity Index I 72 I 4 $ friction polymers and some slidiig wear particles. Comments: A large copper alloy sliding wear particle, 310 x 89 microns is present, see hot0 1 There is a large percentage of dark oxides and friction polymers. The dark oxides are indicative of kbricant starvation, while the friction polymers indicate excessive loads or stress. Respectfully Submitted, -. by Dennis Kelley cc: Herguth File Copy 101 CORPORATE PLACE, VALLEJO. CA 9459MB66 <> 1488-HER-GUTH(437-4884) FAX 1-707-5WOI 09 E3 Herguth Laboratories, Inc. 10/18/2000 11: 13: 59 THEBEB Ed Babcock The Boeing Co. 5000 East McDowell Road Mesa, AZ 85212 Proc-Rev . Result Ash Prep., Metals by Silver (Aq - ............................ Aluminum (All .......................... Boron (B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barium (Ba)............................ Calcium (Ca)........................... Chromium (Cr).......................... Copper (Cu)......................... Iron ( F e ) .............................. Magnesium (Mg)......................... Molybdenum (Mo)........................ Sodium (Na)............................ Nickel (Ni)............................ Phosphorus (P)......................... Lead (Pb).............................. Silicon (Si)........................... Tin (Sn)............................... Vanadium (V) . . ........................... Zinc ( Z n ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Direct Reading Ferrogram, DL - Dirlct Reading Large Particles . . . . DS - Direct Readinq Small Particles . . . . :entration WPC - Total Wear Partic Analytical Ferrogram, I .... - PPm 5 PPm PPm PPm 5 PPm PPm 1 PPm 8 PPm 2 PPm PPm 15 P P ~ 4 PPm 85 PPm PPm PPm PPm PPm 1 PPm 18.0 /I21 8.0 /ml 26.0 / m l NORMAL Respectfully Submitted, Herguth Laboratories, Inc. cc: Herguth File Copy by I Enclosure: Wear Particle Analysis Page 1 of 1 . IlCarpram Place Vdejo, CA 94590-6968 Tdl-Free Phone 1-800-645-5227* TolCFree Technical Support 1-8W-HERGUTH Fax 1-707-554-0109 - 10118/2000 11:16:51 THEBE6 Ed Babcock The Boeing Co. 5000 East McDowell Road Mesa, AZ 05212 Laboratory Description: ITEM #2 OIL TANK DRAINSHIPPING DOCUMENT- WEAR PARTICLE ANALYSIS ISevetitylndex 38 I I Dilution Factor I Photo 1: 1OOX shows the concentration of particles at the entry region. .EO,*.,". 260 1 1.0 I Photo 2: 500X shows the largest ferrous palticle, son red and dallc oxides and Some contaminants at the el .*.".,. . Y.l.* W.. 1 Percent Large .F.r,o". P.O. Number:- Date: 10111/2000 F.tnusW..r BnakdOWn MI..lRnbbkOw..r s1161.g W., 0 C"",'. D.m. Remne W I I Y . m",.c 0.1.. R d Oild.. 0 ,o n 10 u M I O ,I C.10.Dt P.ID.., Comments: This sample had to be diluted in order to have enou h to runthe dr and make a slide. The largest ferrous particle is 40 x 33 microns, There is a high percentage o contaminants; inorganic crystalline. 9 by Dennis Kelley ------A cc: Herguth File Copy 101 CORPORATE PLACE, VALLEJO. CA 94590-6968 c> 1-886-HER-GUTH(437-4884)FAX 1-707-554-0109 IO so (10