Read the 2014 Annual Report


Read the 2014 Annual Report
J ac k son
C ount y
2 0 1 4
Message from Executive Director
Martha Gershun
After nearly six years at Jackson County CASA, I
continue to be amazed and impressed by the work of
our volunteers, staff, and community supporters. This
year, 370 dedicated Jackson County CASA Volunteers advocated for 1,056 children in
need. These children had been removed from their homes because of horrible abuse or
shameful neglect; because their parents would not or could not keep them safe, keep
them fed, keep them in school, keep them from harm.
We are pleased to say that through our efforts 100 children were either adopted or
placed with a permanent guardian, and 114 children were safely reunified with their
biological parents.
We are still working with the rest. We still accept new cases at a rate of more than
one new child every business day. And we still fight to meet their needs.
These children need everything. They need protection from being beaten, or raped,
or locked in a closet. They need food, clean clothing, and stable housing. They need
beds. They need medical and dental care, mental health counseling, and behavioral
therapy. They need school supplies and they need to stop being moved from foster
home to foster home, so they can finish the school year in the same classroom where
they began.
But more than anything else they need a caring, consistent adult who will walk this
path with them – who will do the hard, grinding work to understand the details of each
child’s life and their specific family circumstances, who will make informed recommendations about their needs, and who
will advocate tirelessly to see that those needs are met. Our children need CASA.
Every child we serve receives a three-person team:
(1) A CASA Volunteer who works to understand each child’s specific situation,
(2) A CASA Case Supervisor who has years of experience in the child welfare system,
(3) and a CASA Staff Attorney who is an expert in family law.
Together, this team represents each child’s best interests at every meeting, every hearing, and every
trial. We have two goals:
(1) to find each child a safe, permanent home, and
(2) to ensure their well-being while they are in the system.
Incredibly, the 1,056 children assigned to CASA are only one-third of all the children in the Jackson County system. Our
goal for 2015 is to expand capacity for the 8th year in a row so that we may serve 1,150 of these children.
Last year our heroic CASA volunteers donated over 24,000 hours to make sure that the Judge and Commissioners who
decide where each child will live and what services they will receive heard what they needed to hear. They gave these
children a voice.
This work is desperately hard. It leaves us dry and parched and barely able to breathe. We could not do it without you,
our friends and supporters. We drink from the fountain of your generosity and your encouragement, and we are renewed.
Thank you for supporting this vital work. Without you, it would not happen.
Martha Gershun
Message from Board President
2014 Board of Directors
Tony Brown, President
Greg Adams
Andrea Allison-Putman
Zach Bickel
Tony Brown
Gary Bussing
Rebecca David
Kristen Fromm
Jacque Hansen
Terry Kincheloe
M. Courtney Koger
Angie Kuhlman
John Lantos, M.D.
Katie Lee
Paul MacCready, Jr.
Kelly McCambridge
Taylor Miller
Vaveca Moss
John Newsam
Kimberlee Ried
Travis Roth
Andy Schuerman
Thurston Smith
J.D. Stephney
Collin Thomas
Monica Tiffany
Elisa Waldman
John Yorke
Advisory Board
Karen Bartz
Debbie Bass
Pam Besheer
Ward Brown
Kathy Bussing
Jim Caccamo
Joe Coulter
Don DeCelles
Olivia Dorsey
Angela Elsbury
Barbara Friedmann
Hon. Jon Gray
Cathy Jolly
Jim Koeneman
Hon. C. William Kramer
Hon. Harold Lowenstein
Jeff Lowry
Sharon Luetkemeyer
Hon. Gene Martin
Claire McCaskill
Kat McDaniel
David Newkirk
Brian O’Bleness
Elaine Polsky
Ann Stern
Michael Tracy
Martha Gershun
Executive Director
tony brown
The Board of Directors of Jackson County
CASA is pleased to report that in 2014 we
advocated for a record number of children –
exactly 1,056 – who were removed from their homes due to
abuse or neglect. Thanks to the time and attention of 370 dedicated
CASA volunteers, these children had a voice in Court.
These heroic volunteers donated tens of thousands of hours
attending trainings, visiting and assessing the children’s residential
placements; talking to their teachers, social workers, and therapists;
and accompanying them when they had major medical procedures. They also met with social
workers and others to determine the best plans for these children, and they communicated this
information to the Family Court Commissioners and Judges.
These volunteers were empowered in their efforts by the Jackson County CASA professional
staff who train and support them, and the many individuals, foundations, corporations and
public agencies that provide financial support for CASA’s mission.
The Board of Jackson County CASA cares passionately about our mission because we
know that children who have a CASA volunteer are placed in a permanent safe home more
quickly; receive health and behavioral services more timely; and, most importantly, are less
likely to suffer additional abuse or neglect than children who do not have a CASA volunteer.
Unfortunately, the number of abused and neglected children in the Jackson County Family
Court system continues to grow; and there were more than 2,500 children in the Jackson
County Court system who did not have a CASA volunteer in 2014.
Therefore the Jackson County CASA Board has committed to raise resources, recruit more
volunteers, and expand staff to provide a trained advocate for more than 1,100 children in
2015. Our eventual goal is to provide a CASA volunteer for more than 50% of the children
in the Jackson County child welfare system. We know that this won’t happen overnight, but
with the support of the generous people of Kansas City and people stepping up to be heroic
volunteers, we are confident that someday we will reach this goal.
The Jackson County CASA Board reaffirms our commitment to provide a voice for children
who, through no fault of their own, need someone to speak for them. The unfortunate, evergrowing demand for CASA’s services only strengthens our resolve to meet our goal of serving
50% of the children in the system in Jackson County. The consistent generosity of the Kansas
City community bolsters our faith that we can reach that goal. Lastly but certainly not least, the
quality of our executive leadership, staff, and volunteers at Jackson County CASA means that
the children have a support system that is highly capable of meeting their needs.
Thanks to your help, we are poised to deliver on our promise to the community and the
children we serve, both now and well into the future.
Tony Brown
In 2014, we had 370 Jackson County CASA Volunteers advocate
for 1,056 abused and neglected children.
Our mission is to be a child’s voice in court. We recruit, train, and support lay volunteers who act as
advocates on behalf of the best interest of abused and neglected children.
CASA’s focus on safety, permanency and expedience is measured by these statistics:
• 95% of the children served by Jackson County CASA will not suffer from additional abuse and neglect
while under the Court’s jurisdiction;
• 85% of the children served by Jackson County CASA will be living in their permanent placement or
planned permanent placement within 18 months of CASA’s assignment to their case;
• 95% of the children served will not be re-abused or re-enter the Jackson County Family Court system
within three years of being released from the Court’s jurisdiction.
Being a CASA Volunteer does not require any special
education or background, simply the desire to help abused
and neglected children find safe, permanent homes.
Volunteer advocates are asked to dedicate themselves to a
case until it is closed (the average case lasts about one and
one half years). Advocates work in a team alongside their
CASA Case Supervisor and CASA Staff Attorney.
What Does It Take to Become a
CASA Volunteer?
The first step is to meet with a CASA staff member to talk
about the program and complete an application.
In addition, every volunteer must pass a background
check and participate in an extensive training course.
After successfully completing the training, volunteers
are assigned their first case. A volunteer’s average time
commitment to a case is approximately 10 hours per
For more information on becoming a CASA Volunteer
please call (816) 984-8204, or visit us online at
People who give their time to CASA come from many
different places. Some have years of education and
professional experience working for children and families.
Some have themselves grown up in the foster care system
and felt the anguish of having to move from home to home.
The Volunteer Commitment
Our Volunteers are an amazing force for good, but we
need more of them. In 2015, we hope to advocate for more
than 1,100 children. With your help, we can reach that goal!
Christine Mirocke
Connie Mithelavage
Teresa Montgomery
Jen Moore
Lindy Nance
Sharon Parcel
Carol Parham
Catherine Pennetti
Dana Peterzalek
Victoria Pickering
Colleen Pitre
Hannah Renner
Michael Riggins
Alexis Rothenberg
Decemeber Ruth-Smith
Thomas Schroeder
Nicholas Schwarzentraub
Lindsey Shelton
Amber Sholes
Ashley Shroyer
Kim Siddens
Sheila Sievers
Christina Sitgreaves
Joyce Smith
Keith Smith
Lori Smith
Rebecca Stiger
Barbara Storey
Danna Suellentrop
Amanda Swinney
Rebecca Switzer
Adriana Tallman
Heather Tice
Connie Urich
David Veazey
Desiree Walden
Jacquelyn Ward
Ashley Wheat
Joel Whiteside
Natalie Whitham
Jody Wilkins
Jessica Williams
Elinor Wilson,
Richard Wimberly
Catherine Womack
M. Wood
Aaren Wright
Rafia Zafar
Natalia Zanders
Kurt Zschietzschmann
In 2014, 370 CASA Volunteers advocated for 1,056
children in Jackson County. While this is an impressive
number, hundreds more children remain on a waiting list
for our services.
Amanda Adams
Hope Alexander Hart
Susie Ancona
Priscilla Barner-Hawkins
Amy Beaird
Corrina Beck
Heather Beeler
Jess Bennett
Zachary Berkstresser
Christina Bindi
Adrianna Biondo
Jake Blair
Samuel Blissett
Crystal Blomquist
Karen Bradley
Coly Bryant
Jean Buckley
Kendra Burgess
Bryan Bury
Margo Cardos
Lisa Carpenter
Brettney Casey
Jessica Cox
Nickie Dennis
Nola Devitt
Trinette Dimmett
Shirley Dimmitt
Cynthia Edwards
Aaricka Haggins
Veronica Henning
Brenda Herndon
Jennifer Hill
Carol Hintz
Shana Holloway
Janice Ingram
Ludonna Jackson
Patricia Jackson
Chandra Kent
Kathy Knapp
Sarah Knoll
Jackie LaRue
Rachelle Law
Margaux Lemmones
Evelyn Majors
Kelsey Mantel
Vicki Massey
Vickie Massey
Megan McGinnis
Sarah McLaughlin
Jacqueline Mickelson
Susan Miller
Jackson County CASA offers a volunteer opportunity
like no other. As officers of the court, CASA Volunteers
are empowered to make a lifelong difference in the lives of
abused and neglected children.
2014 New Volunteers
The Need for Volunteers
2014 Financial Information
Total Programmatic Revenue: $1,821,999
Total Expenses: $1,703,894
Foundation support.................................. $476,395
United Way/CFC donations...................... $105,061
Corporate contributions..............................$33,257
Individual and other donations.................. $117,660
County government support......................$160,514
Federal/State program support.................. $87,652
Special events............................................ $276,221
In-kind goods and services....................... $565,239
• Program services.............................. $1,357,225
• Fundraising......................................... $127,918
• Administrative......................................$218,751
Alma Morelock Trust (Bank of
America, Trustee)
Binswanger Glass Foundation
Carolyn Elman
H & R Block Foundation
Ina Calkins Charitable Trust (Bank of
America, Trustee)
J.B. Reynolds Foundation
Missouri CASA Association
Morgan Family Foundation
Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
(Commerce Bank, Trustee)
Leonard Rodman*
The Mutual Fund Store Management,
Toy Industry Foundation
American Century Foundation
Wanda Blanchett
Ash Grove Charitable Foundation
Atterbury Family Foundation
Jennifer Atterbury and Ed Stevens
Emily and John Bailey
Bank Midwest
Zach and Gina Bickel
Black Community Foundation
BlueScope Steel*
Christopher and Suzanne Bouffard
Fred Braun, Jr.
Burns and McDonnell Foundation
Kathy and Gary Bussing
Jim and Nancy Caccamo
Michael Campo*
Centerpoint Auxiliary
Central States Conferences of
Seventh-day Adventists
Denise Childers
Children International
Elizabeth and Ken Colaric
Commerce Bank
David R. and Rita B. Tripp Foundation
Don and Catherine DeCelles*
Elaine F. Stern Charitable Trust
AAdams Dental Group
Gregory and Jodi Adams
Linda and Erik Avery
David and Jannie Barr*
Christopher and Dawn Basch
Debbie Bass
Jana Bee Triplett
Anthony and Gwendolyn Brown
Diane Browning*
Laura Buffington
Steven and Vivian Carroll
Rebecca and Daniel David
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Karrie and Denise Duke
Jeana Eaves
Jon and Juli Ellis
John Franke
Sandi and Edward Fried
Daniel and Kristen Fromm
Gallagher Metzler Insurance
Tim Gardner
Charles and Janolyn German
Edward Goldstein and Rachel Krantz
Susan Guental
Charlotte Herman
Heather Hertzler*
Kimberly Hammeke*
James B. Nutter & Company
Joan and Bert Berkley Blue Heron
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Ryan and Lara Klover*
Paul Spainhour
Sprint Foundation
Susan Stanton
Ann Stern
Swanson Midgley, LLC
Sven and Julie Sykes
Mae Ellen Terrebonne
The Robertson Law Group, LLC
Thomas and Nancy Thornhill
Jennifer and Ryan Tomlinson
Tradebot Systems
Truman Heartland Community
Winbury Operating, LLC
John and Carol Yorke
Entertainment Properties Trust
Francis Family Foundation
George K. Baum Foundation
Boo Gershun
GNH Productions, Inc.
Greater Lee’s Summit Healthcare
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Jacque and Andrew Hansen*
Husch Blackwell, LLP
Ira and Florita M. Brady Foundation
Kansas City Power & Light
Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Group/KC
Area Chapter
Charles Keller
Terry and Sheryl Kincheloe
Courtney and Lezlee Koger
Honorable C. William Kramer
Jeremy and Stephanie LaFaver
Lansing Trade Group Fund
Rabbi Mark Levin
Paul and Nancy MacCready
Melissa and Dan Martin
Mdivani Corporate Immigration Law
Bob Merrigan and Commissioner
Molly Merrigan
Kamron and Rachael Miller
Daphne Nan Muchnic
David Newkirk*
John and Susan Newsam
Office Depot Foundation
Omni Employment Management
Services, LLC
Panera Bread
Pinot’s Palette
Gerald and Sara Roberts
Rotary Club of Lee’s Summit
Brenda Sanders
David and Marissa Schlader
Kenneth and Susan Schwartze
Larry and Linda Seckington
Shamberg, Johnson and Bergman
Black & Veatch Corporation Building a
World of Difference
Curry Family Foundation
Gould Charitable Foundation
Health Care Foundation of Greater
Kansas City
Jackson County COMBAT
Jacob L. and Ella C. Loose
Kansas City Independent Auto Auction
National CASA Association
Shumaker Family Foundation
UMB Big Bash Foundation
W.J. Brace Charitable Trust (Bank of
America, Trustee)
Wal-Mart Foundation
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund
William T. Kemper Charitable Trust
(Commerce Bank, Trustee)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
The Eric Boles Family
David and Cathi Brain
Cherokee Christian Church
Children’s Mercy Hospitals & Clinics
Ketchmark & McCreight
Country Club Christian Church
Dianne Shumaker Fund
Ed Dougherty
Dreiseszun Family Foundation
The Flo Harris Foundation of the
Jewish Community Foundation of
Greater Kansas City
Martha Gershun and Don Goldman*
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Bryan and Linda Johnson
The Mader Foundation
Overland Park Rotary Club
Shook, Hardy & Bacon
The Precision Divisions, Inc.
TJX Foundation
$50,000 & Above
Hall Family Foundation
Jackson County Family Court
Sarli Family Foundation
United Way of Greater Kansas City
The staff and board of Jackson County CASA extend our
sincerest gratitude to the following friends and supporters
who made our efforts in 2014 possible.
Andrea Knickerbocker
Stewart and Joy Koesten
Jim Koger*
Kutak Rock LLP
John Lantos*
John Linton and Helen Hefner
Louis and Dorothy Cumonow
Sharon Luetkemeyer
Jill Maidhof
Rick Malsick
Darrell Meyer*
Vaveca Moss*
Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation
Taylor Miller
Penny O’Connor
Joseph and Staci Parelman
Theresa Pattara*
Allison and Kevin Pinkowski
Terri Pitnick
Joseph and Michele Sevcik
Joseph and Susan Sims
Smiles Dentistry 4 Kids, LLC
SPIN! Neapolitan Pizza
Nancy and Dan Stifter*
St. Luke’s Health Systems –
Lee’s Summit
Becky Stauffer
J.D. and Susan Stephney
Ellen Sullivan
Swope Health Services
Tension Envelope Foundation
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Collin Thomas*
Elizabeth Vaughan*
Gary and Louise White
Vicky Whitney
Jarrod Williams
Sara Wolf and Kevin Smith*
Ruth Yorke
AAmerican Century Investments*
David and Alice Achtenberg
Anna Adams
Randal and Meg Adler
John and Ellen Aisenbrey
Faiza Alhambra
Commissioner Geoffrey and
Karen Allen
Dawn Allen
Douglas Alpert
American Family Insurance
Barbara Amos
Chris and Lisa Angelotti
Merle and Deborah Arthur
Ashley Atwell
Chris Bankston
David Barbar
Carol Barnett
Michael Barnett*
Jeffrey and Tricia Barrett
David and Janet Bartlett
Douglas and Karen Bartz
Jacob and Leslie Bayer
Brian Beins and Sherri Wattenbarger
Erica Bell
Melissa Beltrame
Robert Bensman*
Elizabeth Benteman
Bernie Fromm
Patrick Berrigan and
Judge Justine Del Muro
Pam Besheer
Ruth and Lawrence Bigus
Kea Bird-Riley and Terry Riley*
Paul and Dawn Blanche
Charles and Ronna Blazer
Bill and Anne Blessing
Susan Blomer Rodriguez
Edward Bloomberg
Bob Sight Ford Inc.
Catherine Boles
Boyd and Laura Bolter
Maribeth Boone
Eileen Boster*
Margaret Borkon
India Boulton
Dale and Patricia Brehm
Sheryl Briggs
Ward and Michelle Brown
Katherine and Joel Buckley
Sydney Burke
Brett Burmeister
Loretta Burns-Bucklew
Stephen Burstein
Betty Bushman
Kevin and Meghan Buum
David and Laura Byers
Greg Bynum
Kristi Campbell*
Patrick Campbell
Don and Marilyn Carlson
Jack Cashill
Marcia and Gilbert Charney
Arthur Chaykin
Paula Cherry
Chubb & Son
Frank Clinton
Penny Clodfelter
Joan Cohen
Calvin and Patricia Cole
George and Nikki Cook
Jon Cooper
Luis Cordoba
James Cosgrove
Bill Cummings
Kimberly and Michael Daniels
Sally Davisson
Alice Del Bosque
Melissa Depperschmidt*
John and Janis Dickey
Charles Dobbe
Kimberly and Jim Dodd
Doug Doll
Robert Dondes
Kelly Dubbert
Ken Dutro
David Dyer
Christopher and Lauren Eckhard
Alexander Edelman
Jeff Eisenbeis
Norma Elgan
Mitchell and Dorothy Elliott
Kevin Engel and Merritt Engel
F’real Foods, LLC
Eddie Feinstein and
Gloria Baker Feinstein
Doug Feist
Fike Corporation
Ronald and Mary Filipowicz
Carole Forte
Ron and Tricia Fredman
Andrea Freeland
Barb Friedmann
Kathryn Fuger
Richard Gardner
Garmin International*
Cynthia Gassman
Kelle Gilmore*
Christopher Ginn and Carrie Hook Ginn
Give Back KC
Traci Gleason Wright
Karen Glickstein
Henri and David Goettel
Andrew and Lauren Goldberg
Ron Goldsmith
Hilary Graves
Jerry and Karen Green
Stephen Green
Laura Gregory
Mark and Susanna Guzman
Susan Haake
Lori Haberman-Wilson
Shelly Hall
Mark Hamilton and Susan Stanley
Janice Hammar*
Kitty Hannan
Hollis Hanover
Robin and Brent Hansen*
Robbie Harding and Brad Bradley
Katie Hardt
Lisa Hardwick
Dustin Harmon*
Michael and Deborah Harp
Ashley Harper*
Stephanie Harris*
Lovia Harrell
Todd Haynes
Richard Head
Terri and Brian Headrick
Mary Hegenbarth
David and Jennifer Heinemann
Julie Hellman
Rick and Teresa Hellman
Courtney Henriksen*
Gregg and Miki Herman
Mark Herman
Jackie Hermanson*
Adrienne Hernandez
Louise Heter White
Jonathan Hile*
Richard Hoffman
William Hoffman and Lesa Young
Christopher and Anna Hooper
Brad and Mary Hover
Megan Hover*
Andrew and Shannon Hsu
Mark and Cindy Huck
Mary Ellen Hudson
Margaret Huff
Michael Hunt*
Mark and Molly Hunter
Julia and David Israel
Steve and Joan Israelite
Anna Jaffe and Michael Horine
Penelope James*
Sarah and John Jurcyk
Debra Kalthoff
Kansas City Actors Theatre
Kansas City Corvette Association
Kansas City Southern Industries
Jerry and Joy Kaplan
Barry and Linda Katz
Jill Katz
Erika Kauffman
E.E. Keenan
Frederick and Joyce Keenan
Mike Keitcher
John and Ann Kenney
Robert and Amy Kernan
Wade and Jessica Kerrigan
Lee Kester
Rachelle and Aaron Kiesling
Jack Kilroy
Karen Kimmel*
Herbert and Thelma Kincheloe
Jess Knoth
Harry Koenigs
Julie Koppen
John Korschot
Ellen Kort
Sonja Kramer
Joseph Krashin
Angela Kuhlman
Leslie Kulick
Karl Kuntz
Amy and Kevin Lampo
Thomas and Analee Lanio
Linda Lasater
Law Office of Dana Outlaw
Law Offices of Stephen R. Bough
Patricia and James Layden
Katie and Albert Lee
Christopher Leitch
James LeMay and Marilyn Bailey
Amy Lester
Adele Levi
Mary Little
Karre Liedel
Jack Littrell
Nicole Livingston
Gregg Lombardi
Ted and Lisa London
Gail and Richard Lozoff
Mike and Linda Lyon
Ray and Susan Makalous
Benjamin and Elaine Mann
Michael and Cheryl Mann
Janet Mark
Mary Marquez and Stanley Isaacson
Terri Marshall
Daniel May*
Howard Mayer
Jennifer Maynard
Virginia McCallister
Kelly McCambridge and
Jonathan Parker
Jerry McCarther and Meghan Lewis
Mary McClure
Carrie McDonald
Barbara McGill*
Emma McLaughlin
Dave Meinzenbach
Garold and Connie Mesecher
Ann Mesle
Stephen Metzler
Sheri Michey*
Michael Miller
Virginia Miller
Chintan Modha*
Teresa Montgomery
Brad and Laura Moore
Eric and Shanny Morgenstern
Rebecca Moses and Aaron Kesselman
Jules and Beti Moskowitz
Ashley Mullins*
Cynthia and Forest Myers
Cynthia Newenhouse
Bill and Peggy Newham
Stephen and Tamara Newman
Leslie Newsam
Paige Newsam
Courtney Ng
Richard and Marlene Norton
Diane Nygaard
Mary O’Connor*
Catherine O’Keefe
Mary Kay O’Malley
Richard Odiam
Robin Onikul
Ilene Orlovick
William Ott
Jon and the Honorable Jalilah Otto
Robert and Deborah Page
Kimberly Palmer
Lisa Patrick*
Jarot Pearson
Judith Peery
John Pekarsky*
Evelyn Peterson
Geoff Pickering
Katherine Pickering*
Kate and Kyle Proffitt
Rachael Qualls
Margo Quiriconi
Mike and Carrie Raaf
In Memory of Aaron Rabinovitz
Victoria Radd Rollins
Robyn Ratcliff*
Susan Ray
Jaculin and Robert Reagan
Lois Rice
Kimberlee Ried and Erik Bergrud
Angela Rizzo and Jennifer Parker
Kimberly Robertson
Janette Rodecap
The Honorable Marco and
Susan Roldan
Howard and Rosanne Rosen
Jerry Rost
Mark Rost
Patricia Rutledge*
Judy Samayoa
Joe Sauter*
Tonya Schemmel
Cliff Schiappa
Leroy and Linda Schnieders
Shirley Schoenlaub
Jacob Schreiber
“Children are the world’s
most valuable resource and its
best hope for the future.”
–John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Stephanie Shuchart*
Andrew Schuerman and
James MacDonald
Michael and Jennifer Schuler
Gretchen Schultz
Larry and Susan Schumaker
Connie Schwartz
Ellen Schwartze
David Scott
Secure Systems Flex Plans
Rachel Sexton
Deborah Shouse and Ron Zoglin
Ashley and Jacob Shroyer*
Anita Smith*
Catherine Smith
Denisa Smith
Keith and Lisa Smith
Sarah Sonnenfeld
Ray Sousley
Wendy Spachman Pemberton
Carol and Robert Spachman
Ariadne Spes
Douglas and Bethany Stabenow
Shannon Stallings
Sarah Starnes
Starr Homes
“You have not lived today until you
have done something for someone
who can never repay you.”
–John Bunyan
Christina and Tim Steffens
Rodger Stelter
Sterneck Family Foundation
Christine Stewart
Craig and Agnes Jocelyn Stupp
Summit Family Chiropractic
Ellen Suni
Support Kansas City
Connie Swartz
Gregory Swetnam
Don and Kim Tapscott
Paul Temme and Loring Leifer
Claire Terrebonne
Gregory Thornhill
Laura Thornhill
Monica Tiffany
Bernard and Deborah Toomey
Daniel Triplett
Truman Medical Center Hospital Hill
United Way of Wyandotte County
Thomas and Sharon Van Dyke
John and Ann Vering
Emily Vijayakirthi
Justus Vocke
Caroline and John Wake
Tim Ware
Mary Weir
Kelly Welch
Kirby Wendler
Bonnie Wheatcraft
Joy Wheeler
Robin Wheeler
Theodore White
Mark Wiebe
Harry and Karlyn Wilkins
Laura and Jeffrey Williams*
Michael and Patricia Williams
Sam Wilson
Dennis Wolf
Pat and Richard Woodcock
Ron Worley
Judy Wright
Michael Yim and Jae Hee Kim
Leslie Young
Linda Zappulla
Stephanie Zeller*
Austin Abelbeck
Melanie Adkins
Robin Alcanter
Klassie Alcine
Cathy Alderson
Monica Alderson
Nancy Alemifar
Leslie Allen
Daniel and Melanie Allmayer
Lawrence Altman
Susanne Ancona
Molly Angle
Karl and Louise Arterbery
Jameson Auten
Katherine Balestreri
Kara Barbieri
Mark Barkman
Terri Barr
Ellen Bartels
Stefan Barth
Dana Bass
Craig Bates
Stephanie Bates
Kylene Batiz
Barbara Bayer
William and Christine Becicka
Rhonda Beerman
Scott Behrens
Richard Bell
Kristy Benefiel*
Andrea Bess
Jessica Best
Bill Bay Auto Sales, LLC
Christina Bindi
Roger Bindi
Erin Birge
Cheryl Blackmore
Kelley Blanks
Blue Bronco, LLC
Mitchell and Robin Bode
Karl and Julia Bodenheimer
Lindsey Boen
Tara and Eric Boldridge
Debbie Bolen
Michael and Lisa Booth
Christy Bradford
Karen Bradley
Branine-Bender LLC
Courtney Brax
Karla Bronaugh
Tanisha Bronston
Ashley Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Matt Brown
William Brown
Darren Brungardt
Emily Bruning
Michael Bryant and
Lucia Circello-Bryant
Virginia Bryant
J.R. Buckner
Kimberly Burgess
Maureen Burke
Rebecca Burkhalter
Barb Burmeister
Cynthia Burnett
Samuel Burnett
Scott Burnett
Randi Busse
Jack and Jennifer Byer
Casondra and Christopher Campbell
Jared Campbell
Robert and Margie Carder
Margo Cardos
Mike and Beth Carey
Wayne and Kay Carlile
Tonya Carlton
Lisa Carpenter
Greater Kansas City Chamber of
Mike Chamberlain
Stephanie Chatman
Cheshire Automotive, LLC
Beth Chesney
James Childs
Tamara Childs
Gail Chillson
Cathi Christina
Mary Cindrich
Laurie Clapman
Natosha Clausell*
Tracy Cleaver
Sarah Clements
Cheryl Clifford
Michelle Cocayne
Joanne Collins and Terri Guy
Kevin Collins
Carolyn Connor
Leann Cook
Andrew Cooper and
Amy Latrese Cooper
Tamara Copple*
Kay Cortner
Kelley Cox
Valerie Coyazo
Jeff Cram
David Crawford
James and Katherine Cronin
Luke Crowther
Sharon Cruz
Christy Cubbage
Earleen Curnow
Travis and Kristi Dale
Brian and Carol Davis
Matt Davis
Michelle Davis
Normandy Davis
Rick Davis and Jerry Davis
Christine Davisson
Michelle Dawdy McKain
Reid DeBaun
Cheryl Dobbe
Janice Dobbs
Christy and Damon Dodge
Jaci Donath
Jennifer Donnelli
Liz Donnelly
Willie Douglas
Lynn Driggers
Rosemary Durkin
Scott and Julia Eberhart
Mary Ecklund
Susan and James Edwards
Tina Eiken
Katherine Ellis
Carolyn Elrod
Ann Elyachar
Janet Emerson
Joseph Engle
Barbara Fairchild
Mark and Lauren Fasbinder
Virginia Fatseas
Joann Faulconer
Diane Federman
Ashley Felton
Christopher and Emilie Ferguson
Jo Anna Ferguson
Connie Ferry
Gloria Fetter
Staci Findley
Vanessa Finely and Phillip Brown
Patricia Fisher
Stephen Fitch
Tom Fitzpatrick
Penny Fletcher
Doug and Elizabeth Fricke
Leslee Ann Friedman
Caroline Fromm
Brenda Funk
Tim Gains
Emily Gairns
Gabriel Ganga
Christopher and Diane Gardner
Jeremy Garrett
Rebecca Garst
Kamisha Gatlin*
Barbara Gattermeir
Clark Gay
Kristi Gaylord Lacy*
Lauren Gelbach
Sam Geolas and Alan Anthony
Jill Getman
Pamela Gillaspie
Rev. David and Kimiko Gilmore
Brock Ginther
Leonard Glass
Gerald and Judy Godell
Claudia Gomez-Rodriguez*
Michael Gonzales
Ann and Ralph Goodrich
Drew and Shannon Gray
Green Hills Juvenile Advisory Board
Louis Greene and
Sylvia Torres-Greene
Tiffany Greene
David and Delores Gromes
Kyla Grove
Wendy Guehne
Adrianna Guillen
Annette Gutierrez
Megan Haave
Dan Haley
Heather Hall
Denise Hamalainen
Joseph Hamilton and Karen Wynia
Kathleen Hammons*
Michael and Evelyn Hanauer
Phil Hanson
Janee and David Hanzlick
Sarah Harding
Lorena Harris
Vered Harris
Hope Hart
Jean Harty
Julie and Gary Heckman
Jason and Jill Hedge
Bonnie Heenan
Sharlaine and Larry Hemmingsen
Andrea Henderson
Shannon Hennessy
Theresa Henton
Brenda Herndon
Terri Hickam
Laura Higgins Tyler
Janelle Hilger
Douglas and Jennifer Hill
Doug Hoffman
Kalei Holder
John and Suzanne Holt
Carla Horn
Eric Howell
Jeffrey and Lori Hoy
Thad Huber
Jonathan Hudson and
Sofia Varanka Hudson
Patty Huffman
Becky Hughes
William and Sheila Huigens
Christina Hummer
Mary Hutchison
Doris Hutsler
Mary and David Iseman
Michelle Jackson
Marianne James
Winifred Jamieson
Amber Jeffers
Debra Jenkins
Deanna Johnson
Eric Johnson
Fredreckia Johnson
Heather Johnson*
Jane Johnson
Kimberly Johnson
Molly Johnson
Penni Johnson
Teresa Johnson and Miller Brad
Terrell Jolly
Doris Jones
Jennifer Karns
Honey Keck
Jessica Keck
William and Sheryl Keller
Kara Kellerman*
Gina Kellogg
Kennedy Sears LLC
Roopa Khan
Anson Kibby
Robert and Judy Kile
Cheryl Kimmi
Jenny Kincaid
Kelly Kincaid
Dionne King
Alicia Kirkpatrick
Walter and Mary Kay Kisthardt
Richard and Betty Klein
Paul and Carol Klover
Kathy Knapp
Clara Knight
Sarah Knoll
Anna Konopasek
Suzanne and Paul Koontz
Peter and Deanna Korondi
Kevin and Kristin Kovach
Rosa Kuilan
Bob Kulash
Gary Kuzmich
Anne Ladd Bowen
Nina LaFavor
Mary Lampton
David and Carrie Lapin
Jackie LaRue
Law Office of Aaron L. Love P.C.
Rachelle Law
Gerald and Marilyn Lee
Sarah Lenhausen
Jennifer and Frank Leocardi
Ruth Leonard
Blake and Amanda Leoni
Darrell and Terri Leven
Quinthea Lewis
Terri Lewis
Cary Lieberman
Sarah Liesen
Bonnie Limbird
Gerald and Carma Lindeman
Jerry and Sharon Lindenbaum
Pete and Maureen Lobdell
Cameron Loechl and Krista Kastler
Julie Lolley
Leslie Long
Jesus Lopez-Gomez
Matthew and Kathryn Lord
Ryan and Jennifer Lovercamp
Lucille Lowe
Peggy and Aaron Lukken
Lund Law Offices, LLC
Ashley Lund
Nicholas Lundgren
Roberta Lyle
Michael Macias
Brenda Mack
Morgan Mackey
Kathleen Mahoney
J.R. and Ruth Majors
Michele Maki
Rachel Malinak*
Elaine Malinski
Jane Mallonee
Jack Mannino
Pattie Mansur
Jim and Judy Marshall
Nathan Marticke
Dane Martin
The Honorable Gene Martin
Lindsay Mathews
Patrick May
Francie Mayer
James and Darla McBee
Byron McCallum
Sara McCambridge
Kim McChesney
Barbara McCollum
David and Elaine McCoy
Debra McGhee
Therese McGill
Michelle McGraw
Lawrence and Linda McGurn
Nancy McKerrow
Phil McKinney
Rich McKown
Matthew McLaughlin
Ryan McNeil
Jay and Symie Menitove
Callie Merritt-Jones and Torrance Jones
Mike and Johnna Meyer
Mile High United Way
Glen Miles and Julie Milse
Cary Miller
Melissa Miller
Jennifer Millington*
Lora Mills
Angelina Mingrone
Christopher Mohard
Amy Moore
Grace Moorning
Kimberly Morris
Michelle Morse
Alexandra Moschell
Maurice and Christa Moss
Amie and Richard Mueller
Joan Mullins*
Matthew and Katherine Myers
Lindy Nance and Susan Nance
Teana Nations
Cynthia Nelson
Diane Olmsted
Rachel Orr
Keith and Carol Owsley
Jennifer Parker
William and Rochelle Parker
Phillip and Barbara Parrino
Naimish and Sangita Patel
Eric Patton*
Virginia Patrizi
Pat Payne
Elizabeth Pecina
Rod Perlmutter and Nancy Steinacker
Commissioner Martina Peterson
Craig and Linda Peterson
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Mitzi and Patrick Phelan
Laura Phillips
Duvel Pierre
Point Graphics, LLC
Michelle Pond
John Powell and Gail Hills
Michael and Rochelle Pratt
Patricia and Bill Preston
Thomas Prudden
Maureen Purcell
Purcell-Hustead Fund
Andre Putman and
Andrea Allison-Putman
Susan Quanty Smith and Robert Smith
Bob and Suzie Rabideau
Jeffrey and Jessica Ralston
Melanie Rambo
Cynthia Randolph*
Sarah Rapelye
Walter Ray
Reach Healthcare Foundation
Angela Reid
Molly Reusser
Paula Reynolds
Lucinda Rice-Petrie and Richard Petrie
David and Jeanne Richardson
James Rink
Ken Ritter
Michael Rivera
Phyllis and Randall Roberts
Kathy Rodgers
Patricia Rodriguez
Mary Beth Rojas
Katie Rooney
Sherrill Rosen
Carol Ross
Megan Roth
Travis Roth
Alexis Rothenberg
Marcus Rothwell
Vicky Roy
Phillip and Claudia Rydman
Devin Saale
Saint Luke’s Health System
Joy Salgado
Salvation Army Children’s Shelter
Robert and Sydney Sanders
Lindsay Santee
Dawna and Frank Sbisa
Jayme Scassellath
Brandy Schafer
Shannon Schafer
Marissa Schaffner
Robert and Christine Schebler
Samantha Scheibe
Nancy Schelp
Stacey Schultz
Danielle Schweiger
Molly Seagraves
Jordan Sexton
Mark Shaver
DAniel Silva
Jessica Silverman
Mark and Stacy Simmons
Kevin Simoneau
Amber Simpson
Jennifer and Russell Simpson
Margot Sims
Kimberly Sinclair
Amanda Sisney
Amy Slattery
Ashley Smith
Christina Smith
Darrel and Edith Smith
Helen Smith
Lori Smith
Mary Smith
Sandra Smith*
Teresa Smith
Thurston Smith
Laurie Snell
Tori Snowden
Juanita Snyder
Judy Sobbing
Patricia Soltys
Dane Sommer
Belinda Spencer
Donald Spenner and
Ruthi Rabalias-Spenner
Alisch Spinden Harris
Mary Spriggs
Delna Stafford-Gray
David Steffens, Jr. and Kerri Steffens
William Steinborn
Chad Stewart
Shanna Stewart
Christine Stidham
Lori Stipp
Chad and Marguerite Stout
Stephanie Stribrny
Megan Sturges
Elizabeth Sweeney
John and Diana Swift
Linda Sypkens
Chris Tatman and
Patricia Salgado-Tatman
Caitlin Taylor
Stephanie Terrono*
Dana Terry
Tory Thaemert
John Thiessen
Ann and Robert Thomas
Brian Thomas
Tina Thomas*
Janet Thompson*
Vonda Thompson
Zach Thompson
Diana Topjon
John and Julie Torrence
Jeffrey Tromans
Miranda and Kenneth Turner
Michelle Twyman
Paul Uhlman
Jennifer and Jamie Ulrich
Vanessa Underwood
Unique Finds, LLC
Elizabeth Usovicz
Marlena Valdivia
T. Rae Van Dyk
Mark and Julianne Vance
Shelley Vassmer
Paula Venhoff
Kimberly Verhoeven*
Shari Viar
Ryan and Crystal Vickmark
Kelsey Vuhnich
Laura Wade
Maryfrances Wagner
Elisa and Stuart Waldman*
Terry Wallace Chambers and
William Chambers
Carl and Marisel Walston
Bradley and Barbara Warady
Jacquelyn Ward
Stephen and Yvonne Warlen
Tobin and Teresa Warriner
Melissa and Richard Waters
Vanessa Watkins
Michelle Watson
Catherine and Scott Webber
Hashina Webster
Matthew and Jane Webster
Rhonda Weimer
Elizabeth Weldon
Patrick Wertzberger
Sandy Wesp
Airick West
Kathy While
Frank White
Katie Wiehl
Destie Wieligman
Colleen Wienck
Dale and Lila Wilke
Jody Wilkins
Michael Willey
Jerel and Kathleen Williams
Andrea Wilson
Elinor Wilson
Rea Wilson
Richard Winston
Mary Wirken
Terry and Jane Wolf
Katie Womack and Cameron Knight
Sarah Wood
Jack Wright
Richard Wright
Robyn Wright
John and Barbara Young
Mark Zachgo
Dale and Amanda Ziegler
* Some or all of the donation
received through the United Way
Donor Designated Campaign
We regret any errors or ommissions.
Jac k son C ount y CASA
2544 Holmes Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
Phone: 816.842.2272

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