2015-11-29 - St. Cecilia Catholic Community
2015-11-29 - St. Cecilia Catholic Community
November 29, 2015—1st Sunday of Advent Saint Cecilia Catholic Church 2900 Hoover Avenue ● Fr. James L Secora, Pastor Ames, IA 50010 www.stceciliaparish.org FORMED by the Word of God … UNITED by the Holy Eucharist … ENLIVENED by the Holy Spirit! Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Day Mass Communal Reconciliation Services Thursday, December 3, 7PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Sunday, December 6, 2PM at St. Cecilia Tuesday, December 15, 7PM at Sts. Peter & Paul Wednesday, December 16, 7PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Thursday, December 17, 7PM at St. Cecilia Individual Reconciliation Times Saturdays: December 5, 12 & 19, 3:15-4:30PM Wednesday, December 16, 5:30-7:00PM Friday, December 18, 11AM-Noon Tuesday, December 22, 5-6PM If at all possible, please participate in one of the area Communal Celebrations. There will be sufficient priests so the time commitment should not be burdensome. Tuesday, December 8, 7AM, 9AM & 7PM Christmas Masses Thursday, December 24: 4:00PM (Family Liturgy), 6:30PM &10:00PM (caroling beginning at 9:30) Fr. James L. Secora, (Incense will be used at the 10:00PM Mass) Pastor Christmas Day Masses www.stceciliaparish.org Friday, December 25: 10:00AM Holy Mary, Mother of God 2900 Holy Day Masses Hoover Thursday, December 31, 5:00PM A v e n u e ● Friday, January 1, 10:00AM Ames, IA 50010 ICON OF ST. CECILIA On behalf of the parish I express our collective thanks to Emil and Mary Kay Polashek for their generosity in loaning to us an icon of St. Cecilia which is located in the vestibule of the church over the 1972 cornerstone marking the construction of the present church and next to the shelf holding the first class relic of St. Cecilia and the picture of Saint Cecilia’s tomb in the Catacombs of St. Calixtus in Rome. The former bas-relief image of St. Cecilia has been moved to the education center for display. The icon was presented to the parish last Sun., Nov. 22, on the feast of St. Cecilia and also the anniversary of the death of Mary Kay’s Father in 2005 and of her mother’s funeral in 2011. This original icon was written by a monk of St. Isaac of Syria Skete located outside of Boscobel, Wisconsin. St. Isaac’s is a Russian Orthodox monastery of men and women. Like all icons, this icon “tells a story”. In traditional church usage icons were the counterpart to the Scriptures in revealing the person and work of God. What the Scripture is for the ears, the icon is for the eyes. Originating in the earliest centuries of the Christian faith, icons later gave way to more ‘realistic’ depictions of God, the mysteries of the faith, and saints as art evolved to employing three-dimensional techniques employing depth and shadow over the icon’s two dimensional traditional form. Our icon is a memorial to Mary Kay Polashek’s mother, Anita Pershern (October 14,1934—November 9,2011). Anita was a wife and mother. She also held a PhD in Food Science from the University of Minnesota. Her dissertation was on common hazelnut, a species unique to the Midwest of our country. In addition to her academic degree, Anita was also a church organist and piano teacher for over 50 years. In the icon we see St. Cecilia the traditional patron of the arts, especially of poets and musicians. In her hand she holds a branch containing nuts from a hazelnut bush. In the background we see a mature hazelnut bush. In this, Anita’s work both in food science and her musical abilities are both present. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Faith Formation Class Times Sundays: 9:00-10:15AM Mondays: 6:15-7:30PM Children's Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered for children 4yrs old- 2nd grade during 10:30 mass this year. If you have any questions contact June Burns, [email protected] or 515-509-0692. MIDDLE SCHOOL Monday Classes: 7:15-8:30PM Wednesday Classes: 7:15-8:30PM HIGH SCHOOL Life Teen, Sundays from 7-9PM November 29- Agape December 6- It is better for you that I go December 13- Armor & Angels December20- Life Teen Christmas Party YDisciple YDisciple is Wednesdays from 7:15-8:45PM No YDisciple November 25th or December 2nd EDGE December 6, 7-9PM RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS BAPTISM BAPTISM PREPARATION All parents seeking baptism for their child are expected to attend a preparation session. Parents are recommended to attend a session prior to the birth of their child. Baptism Preparation I for first born child – Next session: Thur., December 17 at 6:15PM Baptism Preparation II for second/later child – Next session: Thur., January 28, at 7:00PM Please call the parish office at 233-3092 for reservation. Godparents are also expected to attend. All sessions take place in the St. Louis Room 2 | Welcome to St. Cecilia Catholic Church Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Jesus invited those who asked him about himself to “Come and See.” Do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about the Church? Invite them to “Come and See.” And, in case you are not aware, the RCIA process receives interested persons at any time during the year. So, if you are an adult, or know of an adult or child over the age of 7 years interested in becoming a Catholic and celebrating the sacraments of Baptism or Confirmation and First Communion, please contact us at [email protected] •WELCOME• TO OUR GUESTS We hope that God will grant you peace and rest while you are under our roof today. May this church be your “second” home. May those you love be near you in thought and prayer. Even though we may not get to know you, We pray that you will be comfortable and happy as if you were in your own church home. May whatever need brought you our way find a hearing by God. When you leave, may your journey be safe. What Advent Means to Me…. from fourth graders Avery – Advent means a lot to me. You might think that it was just made as a holiday but it was made because that is the time of year when Jesus was born. So we rejoice by making a holiday where we get to light candles each week for four weeks. On the fifth week it’s Christmas. That stands for Christ Mass, and we get presents as Jesus was a present from God. Kenyang – Advent is a time of year when Christ is born. Some people forget about Christ, but not me. When I think about Christmas, I think about Christ. Breanna – Advent is a time to prepare in the church. We are preparing for Christmas, so we light candles. Three are purple and one is pink. All four candles are set on a big wreath. There are four candles so that means there are four weeks of Advent. We also spend time with family which is important. I love Advent. It is my favorite time of year! School Events Mon. 11/30: 8:45AM Advent Assembly in M/P Room – All are Welcome! & 6:30PM Marketing Meeting in Sun Room Tues. 12/1: 7PM CSB Meeting Wed. 12/2: 9AM All School Mass Thurs. 12/3: 6-8:30PM Math Night We pray you God’s peace. STEWARDSHIP: “Be on guard,” Jesus warns in today’s Gospel, “lest your spirits become bloated with indulgence.” Let us heed His warning and follow the advice of St. Paul, conducting ourselves in a way pleasing to God, overflowing with love for one another. STEWARDSHIP MOMENT On this first Sunday of Advent, Jesus warns his disciples about the end-time. He urges them to pray, be vigilant, spiritually awake, avoid self-indulgence, spiritual malaise, and a preoccupation with anxiety. Jesus advises against a lifestyle of earthly pleasures and worry. These will not matter when the Lord asks for an account of our stewardship. Stewards realize their lives are not just about the here and now. They know themselves to be reflections of God’s active presence in the world and witnesses of the Lord’s promises. As we begin this season of hope, let us reflect on the practical effect of having every waking moment in our lives dedicated to the Lord. Grateful Sharing-Joyful Living Thank you to all who completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church. Remember, the campaign goal is 100% participation so it is important that every household complete a Commitment Card before the end of November. We will be mailing out a campaign Summary Report and we need all commitments accounted for in the report. If needed, additional Commitment Cards are available at the rear of the church. We also encourage all parishioners to consider the electronic giving method offered on our website, and to use it for your regular offertory gifts. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office. Support elderly religious. A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K-12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. November 29, 2015— First Sunday of Advent Readings for the Week of November 29, 2015 Saturday, November 28 5:00PM: Mark Wessman † Sunday, November 29 8:30AM: Parishioners of St. Cecilia 10:30AM: Ed Fawkes † 5:00PM: Eileen Born† Misa en Español Tuesday, December 1 8:00AM: Linus Putz † Wednesday, December 2 9:00AM: All-School Mass Thursday, December 3 Sunday: Jer 33:14-16/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Monday: Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 4:18-22 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17/Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6/Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27/Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-6/Mt 9:35--10:1, 5a, 6-8 Next Sunday: Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6 Observances for the Week of November 29, 2015 Sunday: 1st Sunday of Advent Monday: Andrew, Apostle Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Francis Xavier, Priest Friday: John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church Saturday: Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Advent ©Liturgical Publications Inc. 8:00AM: Shirley Reece † Friday, December 4 8:00AM: Glen Fruen † Saturday, December 5 5:00PM: Anna Maria Sfaciotti Per † Sunday, December 6 8:30AM: Parishioners of St. Cecilia 10:30AM: Althea Palmer † 5:00PM: Youth of St. Cecilia & St. Thomas Misa en Español St. Thomas Aquinas Mass Times Weekend Masses 4:45PM Saturday 8:30AM & 10:30AM & 7PM Sunday Weekday Mass 12:00 Noon Monday-Friday 9:15PM Thursday (TNL) Sts. Peter & Paul Mass Time 8:30AM Sunday in Gilbert MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5PM; Sunday 8:30AM, 10:30AM & 5PM (Misa en Español) Weekday: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8AM (Chapel) Wednesday 8AM (Chapel in Summer) Wednesday 9AM All School Mass (Church During School Year) CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH To view the Catholic Catechism this week go to www.usccb.org/catechism/text/ UPCOMING DEADLINES December 13 bulletin announcements due by Friday, December 4 December 20/27 bulletin announcements due by Wednesday, December 9 (This is one combined bulletin for both December 20 and December 27) January 3 bulletin announcements due by Monday, December 21 Bulletin announcements are due by noon on the due date. STEPHEN MINISTRY St Cecilia Choir practices at 9AM on Saturday mornings in room 530 in the Education Center. We are currently preparing for the Advent Season and the 10PM Christmas Eve Liturgy. New singers are welcome. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 | Welcome to St. Cecilia Catholic Church In John15:12, Jesus says, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Loving and caring for one another is not just the pastor's job - it's something Jesus calls us all to do! Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which people with special gifts for caring can put those gifts to use in an organized way, bringing Jesus' love and care to those who most need it. Please Contact Deacon Alan at 515-231-8099. MEETINGS The Days for Girls Sewing Team will meet Tues., Dec. 1 at 7PM in the South Social Hall. (Note the change in date and location for Dec. only.) Please bring your sewing machines, rulers, and scissors. New members are always welcome! Catholic Daughters of the Americas will meet in the South Social Hall for dessert on Thur., Dec. 10 at 6PM followed by a program on “Posada.” Edwardo Garcia, organizer of our local Posada, will describe the Posada custom of many Latin American countries and its growing popularity here. Visitors are very welcome. Please RSVP to Marilyn Krocheski at 292-9207. There will be a short business meeting afterward. STO: This holiday season, give the gift of a Catholic education. The Our Faith School Tuition Organization (STO) exists solely to make Catholic education more affordable for every child. As an Iowa taxpayer, you can help families with demonstrated financial need through a contribution to the STO. In return, you receive an Iowa tax credit equal to 65% of your donation. The amount you contribute also qualifies as a charitable tax deduction on your federal tax return. Visit www.OurFaithsto.org or call 800-876-3546 ext. 289 or 307 to learn more. Marriage Enrichment - "Date Night" Holy Hour for Marriage All adults from the area are invited to join us for a special evening which includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Dec. 5. Please gather for dinner at 6:15PM in the Social Hall, followed by Holy Hour in the Church at 7PM, concluding by 8:45PM. We will provide a meal for the children. Please RSVP for the meal and/or childcare by contacting Deacon Ron and Mary Smith at [email protected] or 515-441-0480 by Dec. 5. Consider inviting other adults to enjoy the evening with you! COMMUNITY Have you considered becoming a Deacon? Jesus said, "Come and see." (Jn 1:39) The Office of the Permanent Diaconate is seeking married or single men interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon. The call to the diaconate is a call to a vocation. It requires prayer, commitment, and dedication. Interested men between the ages of 32 and 58, and their wives if married, are invited to attend an "Information Meeting" on Tues., Dec. 1 at St. Henry Parish, Marshalltown at 7PM in the dining room. For more information, please contact Deacon Tom Lang at 1-800-876-3546 ext. 252. EVENTS Plan to participate in this year’s Christmas Family Liturgy on Thur., Dec. 24 at 4PM. There are many roles to be filled in the play, liturgy, and music. Once again, we hope to have many families (adults-teens-children) involved. Sign-up will take place on-line on the parish website where a web link will be provided in the 'Latest News' section. Any questions, contact Bob Hauser at [email protected] Giving Tree gift tags may be picked up this weekend in the Narthex. Over 500 gifts are needed for members of our community this holiday season. Please return your wrapped gift with the tag attached to the boxes in the Narthex during weekend masses, no later than NOON ON SUN., DEC. 13, so the organizations can pick them up in time for distribution at their holiday parties. FOR SECURITY REASONS, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR GIFTS DURING UNATTENDED TIMES. New Member Registration Weekend December 5 & 6 Are you new to St. Cecilia’s, moving back, just married, attending Mass but never officially registered? Formally registering is a declaration of your desire to become a part of the life of St. Cecilia’s Catholic community. Being registered makes the process much easier when it is time for infant baptism, school or religious education registration, weddings, being a baptismal or confirmation sponsor, and even funerals. Registered parishioners receive all parish mailings and information. If you have not officially registered at St. Cecilia’s, stop by the new member registration table after Mass Dec. 5 & 6. We can answer your questions and help you with the registration process. SCRIP has a new retailer---JAX! They are offering a 10% rebate and we will have a limited supply of $10 and $25 cards on hand to sell after the masses. We look forward to seeing you at our table. COMMUNITY Alternative Gift Market: If you missed us at our Christmas Market last week, we will be at Wheatsfield Coop, Sat., Dec. 5 and Sat., Dec. 12, 10AM to 4PM both days. After the 12th, you can call or email Cynthia Shriver (292-6584, [email protected]) or Julie Haas (232-7138, [email protected]) to order. We can set up a time to meet at the church or meet at a location convenient for you. Shopping lists for Alternative Gifts are available on the Social Justice bulletin board in the vestibule. PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE COUNCIL Meets 4th Tues. of each month at 7PM in the North Social Hall Meets 3rd Tues. of each month at 7PM in the Sun Room Ric Nelson, Chair 382-2024 Mark Moore, Chair 337-1551 FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD Meets 2nd Tues. of each month at 7PM in the St. Louis Room Meets 1st Tues. of each month at 7PM in the St. Louis Room Tina Colburn, Chair 509-1827 Jason O’Brien, President 233-6479 November 29, 2015– First Sunday of Advent Prayer opportunities held in the Chapel Scripture Rosary…………………………………...Monday 7:00AM Intercessory Prayer Group ................... Sunday 8:00-9:00PM Rosary ... ..Monday 7:30PM*, Tuesday-Friday before 8:00AM Mass (*The rosary is said for Pro-life the first Mon. of each month.) Christians in the Spirit ....................... .Tuesday 7:15-9:00PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy…………………………...Friday 3:00PM Liturgy of the Hours……………………………..Saturday 7:00AM Women's Rosary…………………………………….Tuesday 9:00PM For Peace and Health in our world Eucharistic Adoration ....... The chapel is open daily, keypad access only between 10:00PM & 6:00AM. **Contact the Parish Office at 233-3092 to have your information forwarded to the Coordinators to schedule a weekly holy hour. PRAYER CHAIN Call requests to Marge Sutter at 233-2622. Homebound Ministry If someone is unable to get to mass, please contact the parish office at 233-3092 to be added to the list to be visited. Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stcames I AM INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER OF SAINT CECILIA PARISH RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15-4:30PM and by appointment. PARISH OFFICE Hours................................... Mon.-Thur. 8:30AM-4PM Fri. 8:30AM-2:30PM Phone .................................. (515) 233-3092 Fax Number…………………….(515) 233-6423 Priest Residence .................. (515) 233-9477 St. Cecilia Website…………..stceciliaparish.org PARISH STAFF Pastor………………………….......Father James Secora [email protected] Pastoral Associate ............... Jo Anne Dalhoff [email protected] Deacons............................... Gary Aitchison, Mark Bortle, Alan Christy, John McCully & Ron Smith Director of Music & Liturgy...Robert Hauser [email protected] Business Manager……………..Char VanKerckvoorde [email protected] Administrative Assistant.... Mary Sue Derks [email protected] Administrative Assistant.... Dawn Cowles [email protected] FAITH FORMATION Phone .................................. (515) 232-3514 Fax ....................................... (515) 232-2875 Name and Address the way you would like it to appear. Name: ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ Zip: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ Director of Youth Ministry…..Anna Steele [email protected] Coordinator of Middle School Youth Ministry...Ricardo Garcia [email protected] Administrative Assistant.... Abby Hanson [email protected] SCHOOL Phone .................................. (515) 232-5290 Fax ....................................... (515) 232-2875 Principal ............................. Ervin Rowlands [email protected] Administrative Assistant.... Lois Vidimos [email protected] Email: ____________________________________________ Please return via mail or drop in collection basket. Someone will contact you. You will receive a registration packet with additional information. Welcome to Saint Cecilia Parish. 6 | Welcome to St. Cecilia Catholic Church The Gabriel Project is a crisis pregnancy assistance program. Call 450-6473 for assistance. Birthright offers free pregnancy tests and assistance. Confidential. 108 Hayward Ave. 292-8414 www.birthright.org
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