Parmenter disease presentation - Ecological Society of America
Parmenter disease presentation - Ecological Society of America
The Ecological Society of America Ecology of Zoonotic Diseases Figuring out the What, Where and When of Disease Outbreaks Bob Parmenter, Director, Scientific Services Division, USDA Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico [email protected], 505-428-7727 Gregory Glass, Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Maryland, and Director, Global Biological Threat Reduction Program, Southern Research Institute, Alabama; [email protected] Lyme vector: black-legged tick A West Nile Virus host: American Robin Sampling rodents for Hantavirus & plague Zoonotic Infectious Diseases: Diseases from pathogens contracted from animals (ticks, mosquitoes, rodents, etc.) Pathogens include viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Lyme vector: black-legged tick A West Nile Virus host: American Robin Sampling rodents for Hantavirus & plague Distribution of human deaths by cause (world-wide, males and females) Disease outbreaks Distribution of human deaths by cause (world-wide, males and females) Disease outbreaks Distribution of human deaths by cause (world-wide, males and females) Disease outbreaks Distribution of human deaths by cause (world-wide, males and females) Disease outbreaks Ecology of zoonotic diseases: Routes of infection. Direct pathogen transmission from animal to human (rabies/mammals, hantavirus/rodents, influenza/swine or fowl, Schistosomiasis/snails) Rabies Hantavirus Influenza Schistosomiasis Pathogen transmission via a vector (Lyme disease/tick, malaria/mosquito, plague/fleas, Leishmaniasis/sand flies) Lyme disease Malaria, West Nile Plague Leishmaniasis Zoonotic disease outbreaks influenced by the ecology of hosts, pathogens and humans during interactions with the environment. General categories of national significance: 1. Climate dynamics (short-term) and long-term directional climate change 2. Land-use changes (anthropogenic and natural) 3. Global connectivity from travel and commerce 4. “Emerging diseases” from new discovery or pathogen evolution 5. Biowarfare/terrorism Understanding the ecology of infectious diseases: National Science Foundation (NSF) Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Program (EEID). Ecological research on a diversity of diseases • • • • • • • • • • Echinococcus Schistosomiasis Malaria Chagas Trematodes Hantavirus Rabies Encephalitis Dengue West Nile P.Craig • • • • • • • • • • Herpesvirus Canine distemper Prion disease Tuberculosis Mycoplasma Leptospirosis E. coli Plague Cholera Chitrid fungi C. Kosoy Scientific monitoring, testing and research on outbreaks of zoonotic diseases: CDC Special Pathogens Branch: National and international response collaborative teams for sudden outbreaks and newly emerging diseases. Examples: How ecological dynamics influence host-pathogen disease outbreaks – The 1993 Hantavirus epidemic in the Southwest Sign in clinic window, Gallup, New Mexico, during the 1993 outbreak of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Radiographic Progression of HPS in the Lungs May 27, 1993 May 30, 1993 Source: Dr. L. Ketai May 31, 1993 After the first human cases in May, CDC scientists identified the virus as a Hantavirus in early June. Biologists began field surveys of rodents, and found the host was the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus. Hantavirus host: Rodents Transmission pathway: Direct inhalation of virus in aerosolized urine and feces Exposure: Peridomestic, recreational, occupational. Mortality rate: 38% Vaccine or cure: None Transmission of Hantaviruses Chronically infected rodent Horizontal transmission of infection by mouse-to-mouse aggressive behavior Virus is present in aerosolized excreta, particularly urine Virus also present in throat swab and feces Secondary aerosols, mucous membrane contact, and skin breaches are also sources of infection Ecological Drivers of Rodent-Borne Disease Outbreaks: Trophic Cascades and Dispersal Waves University of New Mexico field crew sampling rodents for hantavirus in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, NM. Pulling blood sample from a deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) Mobile field laboratory vehicle Forest/woodland to grassland transitions Sevilleta NWR Valles Caldera National Preserve Time of Onset of Human SNV HPS Cases Related to Linear Distance from Refugia; 1993 HPS epidemic, Southwest USA Distance (km) of SNV HPS patient’s home from nearest “refugium” 24 16 8 0 0 30 60 90 120 Time (days) since start of epidemic 150 Time of Onset of Human SNV HPS Cases Related to Linear Distance from Refugia; 1993 HPS epidemic, Southwest USA Distance (km) of SNV HPS patient’s home from nearest “refugium” 24 16 8 0 0 30 60 90 120 Time (days) since start of epidemic 150 Time of Onset of Human SNV HPS Cases Related to Linear Distance from Refugia; 1993 HPS epidemic, Southwest USA Distance (km) of SNV HPS patient’s home from nearest “refugium” 24 16 8 0 0 30 60 90 120 Time (days) since start of epidemic 150 Time of Onset of Human SNV HPS Cases Related to Linear Distance from Refugia; 1993 HPS epidemic, Southwest USA Distance (km) of SNV HPS patient’s home from nearest “refugium” 24 16 8 Why no cases under the line???? 0 0 30 60 90 120 Time (days) since start of epidemic 150 “With El Niño bringing a wet winter, rodent populations have ballooned to levels approaching those in 1993, when Hantavirus was first identified in New Mexico” The 1993 hantavirus outbreak led to fears of biowarfare and terrorism. Congress held hearings into the causes of the epidemic. (article from Scientific American, November, 1993) Rattus norvegicus Microtus pennsylvanicus Peromyscus maniculatus (grass) Peromyscus maniculatus (forest) Peromyscus leucopus (NE) Peromyscus leucopus (NW) Peromyscus leucopus (SW) Reithrodontomys megalotis Reithrodontomys mexicanus Sigmodon hispidus texensis Sigmodon hispidus Sigmodon alstoni Oryzomys palustris Oligoryzomys flavescens Oligoryzomys chacoensis Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (N) Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (S) Oligoryzomys microtis Calomys laucha Akodon azarae Bolomys obscurus Seoul Prospect Hill Sin Nombre Monongahela New York Blue River (IN) Blue River (OK) El Moro Canyon Rio Segundo Muleshoe Black Creek Canal Caño Delgadito Bayou Lechiguanas Bermejo Oran Andes Rio Mamore Laguna Negra Pergamino Maciel Colonization of North America by rodents. ASIA 20 Million years ago † Copemys (16 Mya) † Abelmoschomys (9 Mya) Oryzomys?, Sigmodon? 7-9 Million years ago Auliscomys (4.5 Mya) New World Hantaviruses New York Sin Nombre Peromyscus leucopus Peromyscus maniculatus Prospect Hill Microtus pennsylvanicus Muleshoe Sigmodon hispidus Bloodland Lake Microtus ochrogaster Isla Vista Bayou Microtus californicus Oryzomys palustris Black Creek Canal El Moro Canyon Sigmodon hispidus Reithrodontomys megalotis Rio Segundo Reithrodontomys mexicanus Calabazo Juquitiba Zygodontomys brevicauda Caño Delgadito Choclo Sigmodon alstoni Oligoryzomys fulvescens Rio Mamore Oligoryzomys microtis Unknown Host Laguna Negra Calomys laucha Maciel Necromys benefactus Orán Hu39694 Oligoryzomys longicaudatus Unknown Host Bermejo Oligoryzomys chacoensis Andes Oligoryzomys longicaudatus Lechiguanas Oligoryzomys flavescens Pergamino Akodon azarae Human Hantavirus cases in U.S., 1993-2012. Histograms: Number of cases nation-wide Black line: Percentage fatalities Yosemite National Park, 2012 – Hantavirus outbreak among visitors; 10 cases, 3 fatalities. Double-walled tent-cabins provided perfect nest-site habitat for deer mice… Ecology Example #2: Plague: The “Black Death” How do ecological factors affect plague occurrence and distributions? Plague Cycle Secondary plague pneumonia Wild Rodent Cycle Wild Rodent Direct contact Bubonic or Septicemic plague Infective Flea Primary pneumonic plague cases Direct contact Infective Flea contaminated soil Direct contact Wild Rodent Infective Flea Domestic Rodent Pathways usual occasional rare or theoretical Infective Flea Domestic Cycle Domestic Rodent Bubonic Plague: Bubo locations • Bacteria proliferate in regional lymph nodes • Locations*† – Inguinal/femoral: 55-70% – Axillary: 20% – Cervical: 10% • Most often solitary, but can occur in multiple locations (10-20%) *Politzer R. Plague. World Health Organization Monograph Series. 1954. †CDC. Unpublished data. Photos courtesy of CDC. Septicemic plague – infects entire bloodstream, affects extremities first. Photos courtesy of CDC, Public Health Image Library. Pneumonic Plague – into the lungs • Short incubation period (1-4 days) • Death in 3-6 days if not treated early • Primary pneumonic plague more easily spread person to person The Nippon Maru, docked in San Francisco, 1899. Photo: Bancroft Library, U. C. Berkeley Bob lives here New Mexico: “Land of the Flea, Home of the Plague” Status of Plague in North America “Plague Line” at about the 100th Meridian Plague in the Southwest • Almost 80% of U.S. cases • Over 80% of cases exposed in peridomestic environments • Poor rodent sanitation increases plague risks • Rock squirrel fleas are primary source of exposure • Prairie dog flea bites and handling infected prairie dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. are also sources of exposure (Eisen et al. 2007) Areas at risk for peridomestic plague Hypothetical Pathways for Plague Outbreaks: 1. “Trophic Cascade” from increased PPT, raising numbers of mammal hosts; 2. PPT increases soil moisture and enhances survival and reproduction of fleas. 3. Increased hosts and fleas raise probability of plague events. Impact of Late Winter Precipitation and Threshold Temperatures on Human Plague in the Four Corners Region (Enscore et al. 2002) Modified Trophic Cascade Model Increased rodent Effects of Increased Precipitation food sources Feb. – March (Major effect) July – Aug Cool summer (15 – 18 months after first wet winter) an cr (Major effect) In Rodent numbers increase above critical threshold (Davis et al. 2004 – Predictive thresholds paper) al iv rv su n nt tio de ro uc d od se pr ea re d an cr In Feb. – March (Minor effect) ea se d d fle re a pr od s u uc rvi tio va l n (Minor effect) Widespread epizootics High rodent densities favor epizootic spread Cool temperatures favor survival of infected fleas Enscore et al. 2002 Increased human plague risks Supportive results observed for plague in prairie dogs (Collinge et al. 2005) and in comparison of plague and hantavirus risks in Southwest (Eisen et al. 2007) PLAGUE PREVENTION Fuge cito, vade longe, rede tarde Flee quickly, go far, return slowly