to great occasions - Johnson C. Smith University


to great occasions - Johnson C. Smith University
President’s Report 2010-2011
Pursuing Academic Excellence
Engaging with the Community
Enriching Student Life
Financial Statements
Honor Roll of Donors
Cover Image:
Crane rises above
the construction site
for Mosaic Village.
See story on page 11.
Photo by
Dr. Cynthia Cole
Message from Dr. Carter
This 2010-2011 President’s Report highlights achievements that are strengthening the future of this special place of learning.
I am exceptionally pleased with the efforts of students, faculty, staff and friends who make it possible for us to achieve greatness.
Johnson C. Smith University has made significant strides this past year toward becoming Charlotte’s premier independent urban
University, providing a first-class education to top achieving students. Thanks to our strong working relationships with funders,
we have been able to accomplish great things. Their commitment has created transformational change which continues to take
place on campus and in our adjacent community.
Our student body continues to grow with promising and enthusiastic scholars who are eager to learn and willing to invest in
their own intellectual and social development. Students at JCSU are more academically prepared and also more diverse than
ever before. Enrollment at the Metropolitan College is also flourishing as we offer innovative certificate programs and a blend
of online courses that meet the needs of our adult learners.
While attracting new students is important, retaining them is just as critical. Therefore, the University is taking proactive
measures to increase the graduation rate. JCSU is proud to have been selected by the White House for a unique “proof-ofconcept” project that will use the principles of Blue Ocean Strategy to examine the University’s retention and graduation rates.
One of the best experiences of the year featured our 139th Commencement. Our honored speaker was Nomzamo Nobandla
Winifred “Winnie” Madikizela-Mandela. She provided inspirational words and an example of transformative leadership through
her life experiences in South Africa’s period of radical change.
Johnson C. Smith University hopes to follow her example of courage as we strive to create a more vibrant and unified
community just outside our gates. This past year we broke ground on two exciting projects that will help accomplish this
mission – The Arts Factory, which is now open, and Mosaic Village, which is set to open in the fall. Both projects are part of the
redevelopment plan for the Northwest Corridor.
Last fall also marked the grand opening of the Center for Spiritual Life, which serves as a catalyst for our students to strengthen
their spiritual base. The center plays a critical role in the life of the campus as it serves to facilitate spiritual and religious
dialogue. We are especially pleased to have Donnie Shell, former member of the Pittsburgh Steelers and four-time Super Bowl
winner, to lead the new center as our director.
From the beginning and throughout this past academic year, we have been strengthened spiritually, intellectually and physically
by the commitment of all who believe in our mission and give their time and resources to make progress possible.
Very best wishes,
Dr. Ronald L. Carter, Ph.D.
President’s Report 2010-2011
Pursuing Academic Excellence
Cato donation awards teaching excellence
Faculty will have greater opportunities for professional
growth with a $350,000 grant from the Cato
Corporation. The Cato Par Excellence Teaching
Award recognizes outstanding faculty performance
annually and provides a cash stipend for professional
development. Dr. Brian Madison Jones, assistant
professor of history in the College of Arts and Letters,
received the first award.
Students gain enriching experiences on campus and abroad
The College of Arts and Letters has enhanced its
educational offerings to students, ranging from
internships to study abroad opportunities.
Last year a Communication Arts Advisory Board was
established by the College of Arts and Letters to review
the communications internship program and provide
advisement on designs for a broadcast journalism
teaching lab that is currently planned.
The Writing Central in the Department of Languages
and Literature expanded with a full complement of
services for students. The department also completed
the first publication of a writing collection titled
The Saturday Writers that joins Johnson C. Smith
University with student writers from International
House in Charlotte.
Students enrolled in the College of Arts and Letters
Signature Program gain practical experience as
interns in public history and archiving through the
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Darius Melvin became the first student from the
Chinese language courses to study abroad in China.
The interdisciplinary studies major spent the summer
of 2011 studying at Beijing Normal University as
a recipient of the Barry A. Claytor Scholarship.
Marla Goins spent a semester studying abroad in the
Dominican Republic on Benjamin A. Gilman and
CIEE travel scholarships.
College of Professional Studies extends its community outreach
The Freedom School Partners Summer Scholars
Program, offered through the Department of
Education, reaches out to 40–50 students in grades
one through six to offer academic support and selfesteem building. Johnson C. Smith University was the
first institution of higher learning to host a site. Our
student interns majoring in education, health and
human performance gain practical experience as they
serve as effective mentors for this program.
Within the College of Professional Studies, the social
work department’s Foster Care Initiative provides
sustainable skills and support for foster youth who are
aging out of the system. A white paper on the Foster
Care Initiative, funded by The Duke Endowment, has
been completed to offer further direction for this key
The Department of Business Administration and
Economics retail management program continues to
enhance the marketing skills of business majors with
a marketing concentration through internships and
informative programs. One such program featured
a panel discussion with some of the city’s most
prominent business leaders: Herb Gray, Dr. Paula
Newsome and Max Siegel, who shared their
experiences on the road to success. An annual breakfast
brought retailers to campus to talk about their needs
and encourage students to apply for internships.
A white paper on social entrepreneurship and minority
business has been completed by the department and
delves into the status of minority business owners in
Charlotte. It is often used as a lead-in to discussions
with the business community and provides guidance
for selecting market-driven certificate programs at the
Metropolitan College.
The annual spring Health Fair offered through the
Department of Health and Human Performance
provided a valuable service to the students and local
community with general information and testing
on health issues impacting minorities, including
nutrition. Students typically help organize this event
to gain practical experience, while faculty provide the
leadership and actual testing.
President’s Report 2010-2011
Dr. Magdy Attia
provides guidance
to a student in the
Modeling and
Simulations Lab.
Smith Institute of Applied Research opens new lab
Now in its third year, the Smith Institute of Applied
Research has established a significant presence for our
faculty and students in the applied and theoretical
research institute communities. The University is
actively collaborating with the Santa Fe Institute,
ranked as one of the top 10 research facilities in the
world. As an invited participant, the University seeks
to develop funded partnership with the United States
Department of Education’s Institute for Education
Sciences in applied quantitative and qualitative
educational research methods.
including the University of North Carolina at
Charlotte and the North Carolina Biotech Research
Campus. The lab opening was attended by the heads
of research for the United States Department of
Education and the executive director of the White
House Initiative for HBCUs. Other key attendees
included the vice president of the Santa Fe Institute,
heads of university research departments throughout
the Southeast region, rural and small city school
district leaders, along with JCSU board members,
distinguished alumni, faculty, staff and students. The University opened a fully instrumented, stateof-the-art Multidisciplinary Applied Computational
Modeling and Simulations (MACMAS) lab for
undergraduate students and JCSU faculty. The
MACMAS lab supports faculty-led student research
in collaboration with major research institutions,
Smith Institute for Applied Research has developed
and funded approximately $250,000 for faculty and
mentored student research over the past two years. The
funds also cover paid student-level applied research
Metropolitan College meets educational demands
Metropolitan College has seen a tremendous increase
in enrollment since opening in January 2010. The
college serves 150 working adults in the Charlotte area,
providing accelerated degree programs in criminology,
social work and business administration. The Gain
Your Edge Certificate Series offers opportunities
for adults to earn certificates that increase their
marketability through professional development.
Online liberal studies classes began in spring 2011
at Metropolitan College, in conjunction with
Learning House, Inc. This new platform offers added
convenience for students enrolled in general education
The college continues to reach out to community
organizations to offer innovative educational and
professional development opportunities, including the
Lunch and Learn Series with the Northwest Chapter
of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. Keynote
speakers covered topics ranging from networking and
marketing to the University’s Gain Your Edge Business
Certificate Series. Metropolitan College is offering customized Spanish
training for the real estate, public service and other
sectors of the community. The college also worked
with the Latino American Women’s Association and
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools to offer biweekly
training for CMS senior students completing their
required senior exit project. This initiative consistently
brought many Hispanic students and their families
to campus. As a result, two of these students received
LAWA scholarships.
Clinton Maclin, a
social work major
at Metropolitan
College, is working
on a business plan
to form a nonprofit
organization to
serve the needs of
homeless men.
President’s Report 2010-2011
Dr. Ying Bai with
student in Robotics
STEM College attracts and retains more students
The Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) College continues its strong
focus on undergraduate applied research in marketdriven areas such as homeland security, cyber security,
bioinformatics, robotics and parasitology. In 20102011, the STEM College received more than $4
million in federal grants to support these disciplines.
STEM College is receiving national notoriety as
a model for contemporary and market-driven
STEM programs. It ranks in the top one percent
in graduating African Americans in computer and
information sciences among all universities and
colleges in the U.S., according to 2004-2011 data
from Diverse Issues in Higher Education.
The college continues to grow in scope and enrollment
with approximately 20 percent of the JCSU student
population choosing a STEM major. Retention also
has risen during the past two years, with an 85 percent
freshman-to-sophomore average retention rate.
Females represent half of the STEM student body,
which is significantly higher than the national average
of 12 to 15 percent.
Future plans call for a $27 million science center to
fulfill the college’s vision of preparing students for
market-driven graduate programs such as master and
doctorate programs in bioinformatics, homeland
security, cyber security, renewable energy and medical
Commencement May 8, 2011
Nomzamo Nobandla Winifred “Winnie” Madikizela-Mandela
Under clear blue skies, 257 excited graduates of the
Class of 2011 – the largest graduating class in recent
history – turned their ceremonial tassels, marking the
start of a new chapter in their young lives on May 8,
2011 in the Irwin Belk Complex on campus.
The message of leading by example in service to the
world was punctuated by a powerful, heartfelt speech
given by commencement speaker Nomzamo Nobandla
Winifred “Winnie” Madikizela-Mandela. A current
member of the South African Parliament, MadikizelaMandela endured incredible hardship under the
oppressive regime of apartheid and spent more than 50
years as part of the South African liberation movement.
“It’s important,” she said, “to remember the incredible
sacrifices made by individuals for freedom. We
remember the scores of South Africans who laid down
their lives so that we could be free …Others dared to
fight so that we can enjoy the freedoms we sometimes
take for granted.”
For her steadfast determination and transformative
leadership, the University presented MadikizelaMandela the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane
President’s Report 2010-2011
Engaging with the Community
The University broke ground May 15, 2011 on Mosaic
Village, part of an exciting new venture to revitalize the
Northwest Corridor, spanning from Center City to the
University gates. The project is the brainchild of the
Beatties Ford Road Task Force, a University-led group
of businesses, developers, residents and city authorities
who are charting a course for revitalizing the West End.
The $16 million 124,000-square-foot mixed-use
facility under construction at 1601 West Trade Street
features 80 apartment-style suites on four floors and
will accommodate 300 students. Each unit will be
equipped with a washer/dryer, kitchen and den. Every
floor will have a common area and inner courtyard.
Inspired by the area’s rich history and unmatched
resilience, JCSU’s Mosaic Village has carefully been
sculpted by the cultural influence of jazz music, seen
and heard at the nearby historic Excelsior Club. The
rhythmic progression of the building pulls from the
jazz aesthetic and its improvisational, yet structured,
nature. A study of how the layers of music can inform
and compose the layers of architecture produces an
array of breaks, riffs, vamps, bridges and improvs in
physical form. Following these rules from the realm of
jazz, the public and physical realm of Mosaic Village
becomes an architectural composition that respects its
history, while chartering a new path for the Historic
West End community.
A project like Mosaic Village is designed to attract new
businesses that will benefit from residents living in
high-density housing. For added convenience, plans
include a 400-car parking deck, 6,500-square-feet of
retail space and a 4,000-square-foot green roof. The
facility’s design by Neighboring Concepts reflects a
vibrant mosaic of color and a modern style that fits
the University’s urban landscape. Scheduled to open
in fall 2012, it is under construction by Balfour Beatty
Construction and Shelco Inc.
Linking the Mosaic Village to the main campus and
Uptown Charlotte is the Gold Rush, a free shuttle
bus that began service in February 2011. Ridership
is already picking up speed, up 30 percent, as more
students, faculty and staff enjoy the free ride to and
from campus.
Mosaic Village is a public-private partnership between
JCSU, the Griffin family of Griffin Brothers Tires,
Wheels and Automotive and the city of Charlotte. It is
a concrete example of positive change taking place on
campus and in the surrounding community. Mosaic
Village has been designed as a sustainable facility that
promotes diversity, mobility, identity, history and
We are grateful to our many community partners who
are helping West Trade Street experience a rebirth of
activity and momentum. This project is one more
step toward fulfilling the University’s role as a private
institution with a public purpose.
Mosaic Village Rising
President’s Report 2010-2011
JCSU connects with the Charlotte business community
Johnson C. Smith University works with small business
owners and surrounding communities through the
Center for Applied Leadership and Community
Development. This new academic department
conducts research and organizes groups around the
area’s most pressing social and economic issues.
The Center for Applied Leadership and Community
Development and the Smith Institute for Applied
Research will conduct a joint project to study new
and expanded ways of thinking about community
engagement and economic empowerment in the
Northwest Corridor of Charlotte.
in the center is a new major in visual and performing
arts, which is part of the University’s plan to grow
enrollment through new academic programs.
Inside the renovated 14,000-square-foot building,
students have access to a dance studio, black box
theater and facilities for graphic arts and filmmaking.
Thanks to the partnerships formed with the Charlotte
arts community, The Arts Factory is now a reality and
a visible sign of our investment in the community.
Partnering organizations include the North Carolina
Dance Theatre and the Harvey B. Gantt Center for
African-American Arts + Culture.
Dr. Katherine Loflin, senior research fellow in the
Smith Institute Center of Excellence, has been hired
as lead consultant for the Soul of the Northwest
Corridor Initiative. The initiative is adapted from
the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Soul
of the Community project, a three-year partnership
between the Gallup Poll and the foundation to survey
and research 26 communities across the nation. The
University is taking the national program to the
neighborhood level and developing programming that
will specifically benefit the Northwest Corridor.
JCSU’s first step off campus came in September 2010
when it opened the doors to The Arts Factory on
West Trade Street. It is also the University’s first step
toward revitalizing the Historic West End. Housed
Johnson C. Smith University is working with officials
from the city of Charlotte and several corporate
partners to construct a 5,760-foot HealthPlex
center on campus to be used by the public. This
groundbreaking venture for the University and the
community is designed to promote health, wellness
and fitness.
The HealthPlex will be built near Brayboy Gymnasium
and will feature a fitness center, two multi purpose
rooms with televisions and computer technology for
educational purposes, a kitchenette for nutritional
cooking demonstrations, as well as locker rooms. A
full line of services offered at the HealthPlex will help
people reach their personal health and fitness goals.
Passport to the World
The annual Passport to the World Cultural
Extravaganza promotes diversity and helps strengthen
the University’s relationship with multicultural
communities in the metropolitan Charlotte
area. Attendees experience different cultures, food
and entertainment. The events feature cultural
presentations from Africa, Asia, Germany, Latin
America and Brazil.
Johnson C. Smith University not only invites other
cultures to campus, also encourages students to travel
abroad and experience other cultures firsthand. To
make that opportunity more attainable, the University
assists students with the first step – getting a passport.
During the 2010-2011 academic year, 210 students
obtained passports through the University’s program.
Representatives from the U.S. Postal Service came on
campus to guide students through the process. As a
result, 15 students studied abroad during the year in
Senegal, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and
President’s Report 2010-2011
Center for Applied Leadership and Community Development raises
the bar on community engagement
Since its inception in 2009, the Center for Applied
Leadership and Community Development (CALCD)
has served more than 3,000
people, held 30 trainings and
workshops and developed
more than 50 partnerships
with local groups. Trust
and communication have
increased with residents in
the Beatties Ford Road/
Northwest Corridor, as well
as across the Charlotte and
Mecklenburg County region.
Community engagement
also has been enhanced by
an award-winning student
community service program where curricular and cocurricular activities are combined to expand learning
The center is in the early stages of implementing a
Public Leadership Development Program through
a $250,000 grant from the James S. and John L.
Knight Foundation. Five students are participating as
Knight Fellows in Phase I of the grant’s pilot program,
serving as researchers under a partnership with City
Councilman James Mitchell and the National League
of Cities.
Other grants have been awarded to develop additional
programs. Another Public Leadership Development
Program has been made possible, enabling the center
to administer the Mecklenburg African-American
Community Fund and oversee its giving activities to
local non profit organizations.
In response to current issues in public education, the
center provided technical assistance to the Coalition
for Strengthening Community Education in Charlotte
in its mission to educate parents and the community
about issues of inclusion, diversity and equity as it
relates to the public education system in Charlotte.
In January 2011, the coalition held a gathering of
172 parents and other interested residents, including
Mayor Anthony Foxx, County Commissioner Jennifer
Roberts and County Commissioner Vilma Leake.
The Center for
Applied Leadership
and Community
Development continues
to help the University
assist 12 neighborhoods
near campus with
revitalization efforts
through a $600,000
grant from the U.S.
Department of
Housing and Urban
Development–Office of
University Partnership. Seven of the 15 homes to be
renovated have been completed.
During 2010-2011, 87 individuals completed the
requirements for personal money management and
home buyers education programs offered through
the center. This program is also provided through the
HUD partnership.
The Women Entrepreneur Program at the center serves
women in the Northwest Corridor and at Johnson C.
Smith University who are operating or want to start
a micro-enterprise or small business. The curriculum
includes topics from finance for small business owners
to creating a meaningful brand. In 2010-2011, the
center graduated 32 women entrepreneurs who have
started or are operating small businesses.
Through the Off-Duty Officer Patrol Program,
off-duty Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
officers were hired to address some of the high crime
areas within the service area and close proximity to
campus. A database was created to track the types of
incidents and percentages of decrease and/or increase
in crime and incidents along the corridor. During
2010-2011, 11 officers logged 1,377 patrol hours,
working with neighborhood leaders and residents to
identify and cover areas that have potential for crime
and incidents.
Enriching Student Life
Division of Student Success improves quality of the campus experience
A $299,000 grant from the U.S. Department of
Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women established
the Johnson C. Smith University’s Alliance Against
Violence Toward Women. Dr. Dezette Johnson,
assistant professor of social work, is directing the threeyear project.
The alliance is actively working to form a campuscommunity coalition to reduce violent crimes
against women. To achieve its mission, the group is
charged with establishing prevention and educational
programming, training members of Judicial Affairs and
increasing overall awareness on campus.
The Office of Residence Life embarked on an energy
conservation competition in 2011 as a first step toward
creating a sustainable campus. The competition
challenged students in the residence halls to become
more aware of energy use and consumption and to
learn how to take responsibility for reducing energy
use. The male students in Carter Hall won the
competition with their creative ideas for conserving
energy by turning off unneeded appliances and
powering down at certain times during the day.
Nineteen JCSU students benefitted by one-on-one
mentoring as part of the Wachovia Wells Fargo
Foundation Mentoring Across Difference Program.
The mentoring opportunity, made possible by the
Women’s Inter-Cultural Exchange and Johnson C.
Smith University, is funded by the Wachovia Wells
Fargo Foundation. It is designed to develop students’
leadership and communication skills by putting them
in touch will senior-level professionals.
The Student Support Services Program awarded more
than $57,000 in grant aid to 41 Pell-eligible students
who have unmet financial obligations. First-generation
college students make up 98 percent of the student
body and 70 percent are also low-income students.
As a result, families are often overwhelmed with the
financial requirements and processes of attending
college. They are often unable to pay the amount
needed for validation. The program designs a plan
for each student that ensures their financial success
at Johnson C. Smith University. After underclassmen
have been serviced, aid is offered to upperclassmen.
President’s Report 2010-2011
Statements of Financial Position
As of June 30
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible accounts of approximately
$607,000 in 2011 and $592,000 in 2010
Grants and receivable from federal and state government
Contributions receivable, net
Notes receivable, net of allow ance for uncollectible accounts of approximately
$760,000 in 2011 and 2010
Prepaid expenses
Beneficial interest in trust
Institutional property and equipment, net
Total assets
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Bonds payable
Advances from federal government for student loans
Deferred revenues and other liabilities
Capital lease obligations
Notes payable
Mortgage note payable
Asset retirement obligation
Total liabilities
Commitments and contingencies
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Statements of Activities
For the year ended June 30
Revenues, gains and other support:
Tuition and fees
Less – Student assistance
22,631,891 (5,059,946)
Tuition and fees, net
Federal grants and contracts
State and local grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants and contracts
Investment income
Realized gains on sale of asset
Net realized and unrealized gains/(losses)
on investments
Other income
Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises
Total revenues and gains
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenues, gains and other support
Expenses and losses:
Educational and general:
Student services
Public service
Academic support
Institutional support
-11,840,366 11,636,284
Total educational and general expenses
Auxiliary enterprises
(Decrease) Increase in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
Total expenses
President’s Report 2010-2011
Philanthropy helps transform JCSU
Johnson C. Smith University is rising to the occasion
as it transforms into Charlotte’s premier independent
urban university. The progress Johnson C. Smith
University has enjoyed this past year would not have
been possible without the dedication and support of
alumni and friends.
During 2010-2011, the University further
strengthened its financial standing with gifts that
support students and facilities. Such support enables
the University to continue its long legacy of producing
compassionate and forward-thinking leaders.
Charitable giving to Johnson C. Smith University
totaled $7,561,130 for FY 2011. Unrestricted gifts
to the JCSU Fund accounted for 57 percent of total
giving, with the remaining 43 percent primarily
designated for academic programs, faculty and student
support, and revitalization efforts along the West
Trade/Beatties Ford Road Corridor.
The Duke Endowment and UNCF continued their
strong advocacy and support of the University’s
strategic direction with gifts totaling $4,432,000
and $333,554, respectively, to support enrollment
management, scholarship, capital campaign planning,
the Center for Applied Leadership and Community
Development, the Metropolitan College and the
JCSU Fund.
Broad-based support
Corporate, foundation and organization gifts totaled
$2,089,360, a seven percent increase over the prior year.
Collectively, this group provided more than $353,000
in expendable scholarship support to JCSU students.
Individual support in other areas was substantial. Most
notable was a $360,000 Cato Corporation grant that
recognizes excellence in teaching by JCSU faculty. The
Cato Par Excellence Endowed Teaching Award not
only provides an annual stipend to a deserving faculty
member, but also funds professional development
UNCF $333,554
activities within the faculty member’s academic
department. The Wells Fargo Foundation confirmed
once again its confidence in the University’s efforts to
revitalize the West Trade/Beatties Ford Road corridor
by contributing an additional $250,000 to supplement
its FY 2010 gift of $500,000. Finally, the Arthur
Vining Davis Foundation invested $250,000 to assist
the Center for Applied Leadership and Community
Development in its outreach to African-American
communities in the University’s target region.
Arch of Triumph Gala
The Annual Arch of Triumph Gala, the University’s
signature fundraising event, grossed more than
$230,000 for the JCSU Fund this past year. The third
annual gala celebrated the 144th anniversary of the
University’s founding and recognized five 2011 Arch
of Triumph Award Honorees representing excellence
in their fields and a commitment to serving their
communities: Hill Harper, Carlenia G. Ivory, Charles
L. Curry and Michael Marsicano.
The event brought together alumni, staff, community
and corporations to support scholarships, teaching
and learning initiatives and other programs vital to
providing a quality education to our students. JCSU
appreciates presenting sponsor Wells Fargo, the more
than 70 table sponsors and all who made this year’s
gala such a great success. Since its inception, the event
has raised more than $622,000.
Alumni Giving
Alumni support is a key indicator of a university’s
financial strength, and we are extremely grateful for the
generosity of our dedicated alumni. Below is a list of the
2010-2011 1867 Giving Societies inductees:
Myers Society in honor of Col. William R. Myers’ gift
of eight acres of land to establish a permanent site for
the then Biddle Memorial Institute.
Cumulative gifts ranging from $25,000 - $49,999
Golden Bull Society in honor of the University’s golden
bull mascot who is the embodiment of pride, spirit and
association with Johnson C. Smith University.
Cumulative gifts ranging from $100,000 - $499,999
Reverend James L. Allen Trustee James A. Gaither Mrs. Lucille G. Gaither Mrs. Carolyn Jones
Dr. Paula Newsome
Trustee Richard J. Osborne
Dr. Imogene Yongue
Mrs. Eva G. Donaldson Mr. Talmadge W. Fair Trustee Parran L. Foster III Trustee J. Frank Harrison III
Duke Society in honor of James B. Duke, who included
Johnson C. Smith University in The Duke Endowment
in 1924.
Cumulative gifts ranging from $50,000 - $99,999
Trustee Thomas E. Baldwin Mrs. DeLois A. Washington
Mr. Reginald J. Washington
Sanders Society in honor of Dr. Daniel J. Sanders, the
first African-American president of Johnson C. Smith
Cumulative gifts ranging from $10,000 - $24,999
Mrs. Jean B. Corey ’57
Dr. Charles L. Curry ’55
Mr. Junius B. Francis ’49
Mr. Cornelius R. Henderson II ’00
Ms. Mary L. Lesesne ’66
Dr. Donald N. Mager
Dr. Ronald E. McFarland, Sr. ’77
Dr. Cassius M. Plair
Mrs. Gail McFadden Roberts ’83
Mr. William L. Roberts ’82
Dr. Kenneth Whitted ’65
Mrs. Willetta A. Whitted ’68
Dr. David H. Woodbury, Jr. ’51
Mrs. Amanda H. Wright ’60
President’s Report 2010-2011
Alumni Giving
CLASS OF 1938 $1,300 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Estate of Idelle Rhyne Coles
Clarence F. Stephens
CLASS OF 1939 $5,490 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Estate of Harvey B. Michael
Mrs. Cora Lee Morton Massey
Franklin D. Wood
CLASS OF 1940 $500 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Ireta Taylor Dawson
CLASS OF 1941 $27,950 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Reverend State W. Alexander
Dr. Catherine McKee McCottry
Lois A. Simms
CLASS OF 1942 $1,518 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Ms. Ella Wilsonia Chenault*
Trustee Horace A. Davenport
Prince A. Erwin, Jr.
CLASS OF 1943 $250 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Mrs. Blondola Powell Lucas
Andrew J. McGhee, Jr.
CLASS OF 1944 $1,600 Class Agent: Mrs. Vernilla T. Glenn
Mrs. Vernilla Glenn
Mr. William Dunbar Langhorne
Mrs. Roberta Brooks Shearin
Jennye E. C. Taylor
CLASS OF 1945 $850 Class Agents: Dr. Darius L. Swann
Mrs. Mildred S. Grier
Mrs. Catherine R. Hawkins
Dr. Joseph E. Thompson, Sr.
Mrs. Darwin McBeth Walton
Esther Knuckles Witherspoon
CLASS OF 1946 $400 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Ms. Margaret Louise Carr
Joe E. Maxwell
CLASS OF 1947 $1,600 Class Agent: Mrs. Gloria P. Munoz-Martin
Senior Bishop John Hurst Adams
Dr. Nelson A. Fain
Dr. Winona L. Fletcher
Mr. Julius W. Mallard
Mrs. Gloria P. Munoz-Martin
James Deotis Roberts
CLASS OF 1948 $22,220 Class Agent: Mrs. Mattie S. Grigsby
Mrs. Lois H. Byers
Ms. Mary B. Chasten
Mrs. Hyla Sue B. Cundiff
Mrs. Eva G. Donaldson
Dr. Gwendoline Young Fortune
Ms. Fatina P. Gaston
Mrs. Mattie Solice Grigsby
Dr. Charles Green James
Mrs. Johnsie Anthony Lowe
Mr. Fred D. McLeod
Mrs. Magnolia M. Pickens
Dr. Clarence W. R. Wade
Juanita G. Williams
CLASS OF 1949 $6,995 Class Agent: Mr. Charles W. Hargrave
Mrs. Mary L. Crumley
Mr. Junius B. Francis
Mrs. Anita T. Garner
Dr. Joseph A. Gaston
Mrs. Maggie Lloyd Gilliam
Mr. Charles W. Hargrave
Mrs. Allie Patterson Hartso
Dr. Maben Dixon Herring
Mrs. Louella Coffey Kincaid
Mr. Willie F. McIntosh
Mr. John Henry Potts
Reverend Wilburn M. Sanders, Sr.
Odelle Steele Searles
CLASS OF 1950 $1,560 Class Agent: Ms. Ruth S. Cathey
Mr. Raphael O. Black
Mrs. Ruth S. Cathey
Dr. Bettye Shropshire Irwin
Mrs. Eunice B. Joyner
Mr. O’Dell Robinson
Mattie Carter Sydnor
CLASS OF 1951 $14,400 Class Agents: Mr. Harry Jackson
Dr. Maggie Lynch Mallory
Mr. William A. Allison
Mrs. Leora Ernestine Broady
Mr. Paul L. Broady
Mr. Willie E. Davis
Mrs. Mildred M. Frederick
Reverend Lawrence T. Glenn, Sr.
Mr. Harry L. Jackson
Dr. Maggie Lynch Mallory
Mr. Vincent G. Mallory
Dr. N. Horace Mann, Jr.
Mrs. Constance Monroe
Mrs. Laurichard S. Rainey
The Honorable Carl T. Ratliff
Mrs. Iris M. Rattley
Mr. William H. SheppersonIII
Mrs. Vera P. Swann
Mr. Andrew W. Turner, Jr.
David H. Woodbury, Jr.
CLASS OF 1952 $1,325 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Mr. Oliver N. Clark
Ms. Amanda B. Graham
Trustee James H. Hargett
Mr. Daniel R. Hooks
Mrs. Mamie E. Jones
Dr. Charles Morris, Jr.
Mr. Arthur C. Redding
Mr. Clayton M. Richardson
Mr. Oscar D. Tate
CLASS OF 1953 $9,641 Class Agents: Deloris G. Evans
Mrs. Mary J. Bowden
Mrs. Johnnie M. Collins
Trustee Melva W. Costen
Mrs. Lotess Priestley Cright
Mrs. Deloris G. Evans
Dr. Louilyn Funderburk Hargett
Mrs. Ruby D. Harris
Mrs. Helen V. Henry
Miss Harriett L. Lewis
Mr. Charles E. Motley
Mrs. LaVerne R. Parker
Reverend Benjamin F. Thompson
Mrs. Frances T. Wade
Benjamin O. Watkins, Jr.
CLASS OF 1954 $2,245 Class Agents: Mrs. Johnsie M. Grier
Mrs. Janie Clinkscales Chavis-Lucas
Mrs. Helena T. Cunningham
Mr. Earnest E. Fair, Sr.
Mrs. Henrietta M. Motley
Mrs. Margaret H. Thomas
Esther A. Wright
CLASS OF 1955 $13,425 Class Agent: Dr. Telezee Foster
Mr. Cecil L. Adderley, Jr.
Mr. Alston Bellamy
Mrs. Evelyn J. Blackwell
Mrs. Grace J. Bryant
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Carrothers
Dr. Charles Lorenza Curry
Mr. Wendell A. Daniel
Mr. Ernest Thomas Evans
Mr. Matthew Evans
Dr. Telezee Littlejohn Foster
Mrs. Gloria Howard Free
Dr. David L. Hunter
Mr. Roosevelt D. Odom, Sr.
Dr. Louis W. Pointer
Mr. Thad Rhodes, Jr.
Rudolph C. Worsley
CLASS OF 1956 $10,900 Class Agents: Mrs. Beatrice T. Johnson
Mrs. Muriel D. Wiggins
Mrs. Sallie S. Durham
Mr. Frank Theodore Gaither, Sr.
Mrs. Reather F. Green
Mrs. Beatrice T. Johnson
Mrs. Wilhelmina Page Kimpson
Mrs. Pecola A. Maxwell
Mrs. Evelyn W. McIntosh
Mrs. Shirley T. Paramore
Mrs. Juanita Wideman Reynolds
Mrs. Della Jaggers Sanders
Ms. Millie R. Snider
Mrs. Muriel D. Wiggins
Mrs. Lu Nell Withers
Mrs. Ethel A. Woodard
Thank You
CLASS OF 1957 $6,250 Class Agent: Mr. Rufus D. Spears, Sr.
Dr. Ladda B. Cook
Mr. Charles F. Davis
Dr. Ophelia DeLaine Gona
Ms. Louise Page Gordon
Mrs. Mildred L. Johnson
Dr. Eddie S. Moore, MD
Mrs. Lucille Reynolds Morris
Mrs. Selma A. Simelton
Leon C. Watkins
CLASS OF 1958 $5,365 Class Agents: Mr. Joseph Bugg
Mrs. Sarah Y. Gist
Ms. Reba E. Adam
Mr. Thomas G. Clyburn
Mr. Norman L. Deas
Mr. Lemuel H. Froneberger
Mrs. Ilda J. Green
Mr. William Hunter Harris
Mr. Johnny M. Lunsford
Mrs. Josephine McKissick
Mrs. Eartha Mae McMichael
Mr. William Bruce McMillan
Mr. Ira Thompson IV
Nannie B. Young
CLASS OF 1959 $6,000 Class Agents: Dr. Charlie L. Kennedy
Reverend Lloyd B. Morris
Mrs. Geraldine Helton Clyburn
Mrs. Patricia S. Dixon
Mr. James Edwards
Mr. James E. Farmer, Jr.
Mrs. Bernice S. Ferguson
Ms. Lucille Joyner
Reverend Lloyd B. Morris
Ms. Nellie R. Purefoy
Mrs. Neutrice C. Quick Towens
Mr. Joseph White
George Murray Wilson
CLASS OF 1960 $20,800 Class Agent: Mrs. Bernice Corbett-Smith
Ms. Loretta Crowder Stanley
Reverend James L. Allen
Ms. Annie Wallace Collier
Mr. John P. Cureton
Mr. Brumit B. DeLaine
Ms. Edith Strickland DeLaine
Mr. Johnny H. Johnson
Trustee Argie Knox Johnson
Mr. Otto N. Moore, Sr.
Trustee McKinley Washington, Jr.
Amanda H. Wright
CLASS OF 1961 $43,773 Class Agent: Talmadge W. Fair
Mrs. Garnell D. Bailey
Mrs. Dorothy Ellis
Mr. Talmadge W. Fair
Mr. Frank Edney Gadsden
Mr. George K. Johnson
Mrs. Joetter Joyner Johnson
Ms. Lizzie S. Madison
Mrs. Vera B. McIntosh
Mrs. Arlease A. Neal
Mrs. Lena Helton Pickens
Ms. Nancy E. Rodriguez
Mrs. Geraldine S. Rorie
Ms. Nancy Patricia Smith
Ms. Rose Lyons Smith
Mrs. Ernell D. Stephenson
Ms. Anna M. Vernon
Mrs. Hattie F. Walker
Mr. Howard W. Ways
Mr. Russell Young
Gwendolyn D. Young
CLASS OF 1962 $9,000 Class Agents: Mr. James Walker
Mrs. Jeannette Dozier
Mrs. Mary Roberts Bailey
Mr. Frankie G. Barnes
Mrs. Jo Alice Blyther
Mrs. Hattie Ruth Brookens
Ms. Virginia Anne Curry
Senator Charlie S. Dannelly
Mr. George Dorman, Jr.
Mrs. Jeannette Dozier
Ms. Vermell H. Drayton
Mrs. Virginia Ann Graves
Mr. Arthur Graves
Reverend Carnell Hampton
Mrs. Gretel Thomas James
Mr. William Louis Johnson
Dr. William H. Joyner
Mr. Willie L. Little
Mrs. Nancy Springs Morris
Mr. George R. Stinson
Mr. James Walker
Judith E. Washington, Esq.
CLASS OF 1963 $4,555 Class Agent: Mrs. Sandra Davis
Ms. Barbara B. Clarkson
Ms. Gussie Floyd
Mr. Sidney Glee
Mr. Samuel Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Luther C. Jones
Ms. Barbara Ferguson Kamara
Mr. Fred Lewis
Ms. Viella Mason
Mrs. Lillie I. Matthews
Mr. Harold J. Napper*
Mrs. Eddimae G. Tisdale
Ms. Carol E. Tunstall
Mr. Cornelious W. Williams, Sr.
Dr. Shirley Mae Williams Thompson
Maxine Dunn Woods
CLASS OF 1964 $20,545 Class Agent: Mrs. Dorothy Gordon Mitchell
Mrs. Ella M. Barnes
Dr. Boisey O. Barnes, Jr.
Dr. Pat Barr-Harrison
Mrs. Veronica Bynum Bethel
Mr. Curtis L. Brooks
Mrs. Bettye Garrick Byrd
Mr. Henry D. Byrd*
Mrs. Hattie Dunn Campbell
Mr. Freddie Sinclair Clinton
Dr. Thomas Collins, Jr.
Ms. Willie Beatrice Colson
Mr. Herbert N. Cunningham
Mr. Palmer T. Doiley
Mrs. Ellen L. Doiley
Dr. Richard F. Dozier, Sr.
Mrs. Ellen Dean Crawford Evans
Mr. Paul D. Faulkner
Mr. John N. Faxio
Mrs. Rebecca James Fulton
Mr. George E. Goodman
Mrs. Elizabeth Worthy Graves
Mrs. Janice Tate Gresham
Ms. Martha Gamble Hall
Ms. Ellaree Hampton
Mr. J. C. Haynes
Mr. Robert C. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. Lonnie Keith
Mr. Clarence Ellie Little
Dr. Shirley Wilson Logan
Mrs. Sandra Nicholson Martin
Ms. Sheila McDowell
Ms. Vertelle D. Middleton
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon Mitchell
Ms. Amy L. Pasour
Mrs. Brenda Long Sanders
Dr. June M. Smith
Mrs. Mazie L. Storr
Ms. Willie Belton Suswell
Mr. Sidney Vance
Mr. Clarence E. Wilson
Mrs. Bertha B. Woods
Reverend Thomasena Dodd Wright
Barbara Y. Young
CLASS OF 1965 $17,850 Class Agents: Mrs. Pearl Welch
Ms. Doris Wilson
Mrs. Margaret Love Brandon
Ms. Lula M. Brown
Reverend Franklin D. Colclough
Dr. Harry T. Coleman
Mr. Meredith M. Evans, Jr.
Mrs. Idell W. Glenn
Mrs. Carrie E. Hampton
Mrs. Shirley M. Hunter
Mrs. Eva S. Johnson
Mrs. Irene Neal Lowry
Mrs. Ossie H. Martin
Mr. Leon McClinton
Mrs. Johnnie Steward McCray
Ms. Alice F. Mitchell
Trustee Obie Patterson
Mr. Richard Blackout Reeves
Dr. George G. Reynolds
Dr. Horace R. Rice
Mrs. Rachel B. Smith
Ms. Martha E. Warren
Ms. Pearl V. Welch
Kenneth Whitted
CLASS OF 1966 $23,200 Class Agent: Mr. James A. Gaither
Mr. Herman Carl Bagley
Ms. Sandra McGriff Bookman
Dr. Henry Joseph Bowers
Mr. James W. Brandon
Mrs. Sarah C. Crowder
Ms. Deborah Doris
Mrs. Ruby F. Dubose
Ms. Bettie Jean Foster
Ms. Barbara J. Foster
Mr. James A. Gaither
Mrs. Lucille Garrick Gaither
Ms. Vera Hampton Gardener
Ms. Annette P. Graham
President’s Report 2010-2011
Ms. Marguerite D. Greene
Ms. Gertude Hadley
Ms. Mary L. Lesesne
Mr. Norman T. Little
Mr. Marion Herman Massey
Mr. David O. Prince
Mr. James Ray
Ms. Ida B. Reid
Mr. Samuel H. Reid
Mr. Leonard R. Sanders
Mr. James E. Thomas
The Honorable Sandra Townes
Mrs. Brenda E. Twiggs
Paulette G. Williams
CLASS OF 1967 $7,393 Class Agent: Mr. Nathaniel Baccus
Mrs. Sarah E. Bellamy
Mrs. Jeannie Frasier Bryant
Mr. Robert L. Coffey
Mr. Samuel L. Cunningham
Ms. Florence J. Day
Mr. James Lee Greene
Mrs. Carole C. Henley
Mr. Ronald T. Johnson
Mrs. Gretta Moorhead
Ms. Claudia Nichols
Mrs. Virginia W. Peterkin
Arcelia Wicker, Sr.
CLASS OF 1968 $2,826 Class Agent: Mr. Calvin Lewers
Mrs. Ann Austin
Mr. Horace D. Black
Mrs. Carolyn Bridges-Graves
Mrs. Candace Bynum Currence
Mr. Rhenn T. Darensburg
Ms. Yolanda Ford
Mr. Jesse B. Goode, Jr.
Ms. Grace Henderson Outlaw
Ms. Judy Dowell Ingram
Ms. Gladys James
Mr. Johnny J. Jenkins
Mrs. Rosemary L. Lawrence
Mr. Calvin Lewers
Mrs. Frances G. Lewis-Steiner
Mr. Luke Salley
Mr. Stephen J. Schley
Marilyn Gaither Thompson
CLASS OF 1969 $11,505 Class Agents: Mr. Calvin Banks
Mrs. Shirley Means Greene
Dr. Stephen Kwasi Agyekum
Mr. Calvin Banks
Mrs. Jessie M. Broadaway
Mr. William L. Broadaway
Miss Nevonia Dean
Ms. Jo Ella Cooper Ferrell
Ms. C. Dianne Freeman
Mrs. Daphne Jones Graves-Smith
Mrs. Shirley Means Greene
Mr. James F. Harris
Mrs. Bertha Harris
Mr. Charles Hodges
Mr. Cody McAuthur King
Mrs. Vera W. Lewers
Ms. Portia E. McCollum
Mr. James I. Melvin
Ms. Vivian H. Reed Terry
Ms. Helen B. Reynolds
Mrs. Ann Marie Riley
Mr. Robert G. Seabrooks, CPA
Mrs. Correll Loundermon Townes
Reverend David L. Wallace, Sr.
Mr. Reginald James Washington
Sandrea T. B. Williamson
CLASS OF 1970 $5,115 Class Agent: Ms. Gloria Jean Tiller
Mrs. Deborah Marioneaux Allen
Mr. Mack Daniel Canady, Jr.
Mr. Hubert I. Davis, Sr.
Mrs. Juanita D. Floyd
Dr. John E. Floyd
Mr. Raymond Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Albert L. Jordan
Mrs. Nellie Dunn Kennedy
Ms. Verta Witherspoon Looper
Reverend Lonnie Jones Oliver
Mr. Delano R. Rackard
Mr. Charles Thomas Robinson
Trustee Grover Smith
Ms. Gloria Jean Tiller
Mrs. Forestine D. Vaughn
Edward G. West
CLASS OF 1971 $18,650 Class Agents: Trustee Thomas E. Baldwin
Dr. James Phillip Jeter
Ms. Delores Adams
Trustee Thomas E. Baldwin
Mr. Daniel Bouldrick
Dr. Curtis W. Branch
Mr. John W. CostnerIII
Ms. Bessie Jean Crisswell
Ms. Jessie Joan Crisswell
Mr. Harold S. Dawkins
Mrs. Hazel I. Drummond
Reverend Larry Hill
Mrs. Veronica M. Isaac
Mr. Charles N. Jackson
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Jenkins
Dr. James Phillip Jeter
Ms. Comatha B. Johnson
Mrs. Emma Y. Martin-Goodman
Mr. Bernard V. McGraw
Ms. Ivy A. Metz
Mr. Nolan L. Nolley
Mrs. Yvette B. Patterson
Dr. Warner L. Pinchback, Jr.
Mr. Jerry R. Schools
Ms. Julia Rose Shepherd
Reverend James E. Simmons
Ms. Lolita S. Turner
Phyllis P. Wade
CLASS OF 1972 $23,076 Class Agents: Mr. William H. Gunn
Mr. Matthew H. Holland
Mrs. Jeanette Patterson Ashley
Mr. Gerald J. Baucom
Ms. Brenda Jenkins Bennett
Dr. John J. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Gladys Brown
Mrs. Velma Butler-Brown
Mr. Robert D. Craven
Mr. Michael W. Crowell
Mr. James E. Daughtridge
Ms. Gloria A. Davis
Dr. Bobby G. Dawkins
Mr. Joseph Faust
Mrs. Patricia C. Foster
Ms. Barbara Jean Fuller
Mr. William H. Gunn
Ms. H. Arba Hall
Mr. Malloy T. Harris, Jr.
Mrs. Gerald E. Hatcher
Mrs. Phyllis T. Hilliard
Mr. Matthew H. Holland
Mr. David W. Hughes
Mrs. Carlenia G. Ivory
Dr. Edward L. Jones
Mr. Peter S. Jones III
Dr. Michael L. Lindsey, Sr.
Mrs. Shirley J. McDonald
Ms. Rita P. Mitchell
Mr. Ronald L. Nelson
Mrs. Sula Henderson Page
Trustee Parran L. Foster III Mr. Benjamin E. Rawlins
Mrs. Yvette P. Rawlins
Mrs. Gwendolyn Smith
Mrs. Kutricia A. Spann
Mrs. Jacqueline D. Stewart
Ms. Georgia E. Thomas
Dr. Gary Thompson
Gwendolyn Olivia Whitsell
CLASS OF 1973 $8,985 Class Agent: Ms. Faye Wright
Mr. Ozzie L. Black, Jr.
Mrs. Debora S. Blakney
Mr. Myron D. Brown
Mr. T. Kelvin Crenshaw
Mr. Andrew J. Gray
Mrs. Metter C. Hodges
Mr. Stephen W. Joyner, Sr.
Mr. Thomas Latimer
Mrs. Yolanda B. McGraw
Mr. Barney Morris
Mr. Clayton S. Reid
Mrs. Cassandra Reynolds Jordan
Mr. Marion B. Robinson*
Reverend Mark R. Royster, Sr.
Mr. Mickel Singleton
DeLois A. Washington
CLASS OF 1974 $4,800 Class Agents: Dr. Lucinda Blue
Dr. Rhonda O. Covington
Dr. Lucinda Bowen Blue
Dr. Rhonda O. Covington
Mr. Kenny H. Faulkner
Ms. Debra Dry Frazier
Mr. Alphonso D. Green
Mrs. Dorothy Baldwin Latimer
Ms. Glenda L. Pyant
Blenda D. Younger
CLASS OF 1975 $7,184 Class Agents: Ms. Christy Bryant
Dr. Phyllis Worthy Dawkins
Ms. Geraldine Dawson
Ms. Christy Shelton Bryant
Ms. Geraldine Dawson
Ms. Billie D. Nichols
Mr. Neil Prioleau
Mr. Gregory L. Woods
Thank You
CLASS OF 1976 $2,325 Class Agent: Mr. Jerry Clark
Mrs. Jacqueline R. Cherry
Mr. Jerry Clark
Reverend James R. Covington, Jr.
Mr. Wallace H. Davis, Jr.*
Ms. Shelia D. Harvey
Mrs. Lavone C. Hicks
Mrs. Carla Boone Hinds
Mr. Steffen C. Knight
Ms. Rosilyn Denise Outen
Mrs. Diane Wilson Proctor
Mrs. Warrenell Lesane Spindle
Ms. Robbie J. Thompson
Ms. Delores Timberlake
Gail W. Tolbert
CLASS OF 1977 $7,595 Class Agent: Mr. Johnny Headen
Mr. Wayne V. Banks
Dr. Angela B. Bell
Mrs. Carlise Joyner Blakey
Mr. Gerald M. Blakey
Dr. Sheila Renee Brown
Mr. Earl A. Clipper
Ms. Deltha J. Cousar-Jeffries
Pastor Fredrick Amos Davis
Mrs. Deotis J. Bragg Davis
Mrs. Pamela Everett
Mr. Lloyd Beaver Gibson
Ms. Cheryl D. Graber
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Green
Mrs. Sadie M. Haney
Ms. Latrecia D. Harrison
Mr. Johnny L. Headen
Ms. Joni Mills Hicks
Mr. Stevenson Hogan
Mrs. Geraldine B. Hogan
Mrs. Emma H. Kurtz
Mrs. Deborah W. Lanier
Reverend Warren J. Lesane, Jr.
Mr. Alphonso Lide
Dr. Vincent D. Mallory
Ms. Dixie E. Martin
Dr. Ronald E. McFarland, Sr.
Mrs. Cheryl Legette Myrick
Mrs. Germaine Patterson-Smith
Ms. Wanda Gail Rogers Phillips
Mrs. Pansy P. Steele
Ms. Pinkey Ann Sullivan
Mrs. Blanche E. Talley
Mr. Michael Travis
Edith Worsham
CLASS OF 1978 $1,470 Class Agents: Mrs. Annette G. Wright
Ms. Sheila B. Petty
Ms. Carolyn Austin-Younge
Mrs. Sharron McKnight Clipper
Ms. Siclinda C. Elliott
Atty. Larry Hall
Mr. Ron L. Matthews
Mrs. Shelia B. Petty
Mr. Dwight Pinson
Ms. Gail Deavers Reed
Mr. Mickel L. Roseborough
CLASS OF 1979 $875 Class Agent: Mrs. Peggy M. Lide
Mr. Tommi Garris
Mrs. Paula W. King
Mrs. Peggy McCloud Lide
Mrs. Ellen Freeman Reid
Mr. Roy J. Rivers
Terry Hogan Tiamd
CLASS OF 1980 $2,350 Class Agents: Mrs. Cynthia Smith
Ms. Karen E. Watson
Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett
Mr. Ronald Cooper
Mr. Charles L. Elder, Jr.
Mr. Sam Hinnant
Ms. Tina M. Johnson
Ms. Carol D. Jones
Mrs. Margaret J. Massey
Mrs. Loretta B. Moore
Mrs. Vickie Teresa Moseley-Jones
Mr. Jeff Owens
Dr. Priscilla Rice
Mrs. Cynthia McAfee Smith
Charles M. Wilson
CLASS OF 1981 $11,000 Class Agent: Mr. Dennis K. Branch
Mr. Dennis K. Branch
Ms. Valgene Brown
Mr. Jeffery Coan, Jr.
Mrs. Blessyng Mychele Conway
Ms. Lisa L. Durmo
Ms. Vereda P. Elliott
Ms. Marcella E. Ellis
Ms. Teri Gilmore Freeman
Mrs. Lauryetta G. Gentry
Mrs. Juanita G. Gilmore-Walton
Ms. Trula Hearne-Freeman
Mr. Steven A. Jarrett
Ms. Loretta Berryman Jefferson
Mrs. Sarah-elaine Jones
Ms. Albertha H. Lawson, PhD
Mrs. Clara G. Lowery
Mr. Dwight S. Miller
Ms. Dorothy Mae Monroe
Reverend James Herbert Nelson II
Mrs. Melba Wooten Newsome
Mr. Kenneth E. Newsome, Sr.
Mr. Kenneth J. Oglesby
Mr. Robert A. Owens
Ms. Janice Squirewell Paige
Mr. Jesse E. Ricks
Mr. Ricky Roberson
Mr. Richard E. Stewart
Ms. Fernanda G. Tate-Owens
Ms. Linda Tucker
Ms. Laverne R. Watson
Ms. Donna Maria West
Mrs. Joyce C. Williams
Mrs. Kathy Lynn Williams
Betty Montgomery Williams
CLASS OF 1982 $3,280 Class Agent: Ms. Sheila L. Williams
Dr. James H. Harris, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie M. McLeod
Mr. Reginald Pincham
Mr. William Lee Roberts
Mrs. Regina L. Scott Johnson
Mr. Willie T. Smith III
Natalie Stockton Johnson
CLASS OF 1983 $1,050 Class Agent: Ms. Leanna M. Rogers
Ms. Robin Lynn Blackwell
Mr. Dwayne K. Chambers
Mr. Scott Ellis
Ms. Nancy E. Mark
Mr. Carl E. Muldrow
Joan Bulger Williams
CLASS OF 1984 $1,610 Class Agent: Mr. Charles A. Smith
Mr. Timothy L. Alston, Jr.
Dr. Detra K. Brooks
Mr. Gregory Burrell
Mr. Ervin L. Gourdine
Ms. Vonda D. Hayes
Mr. Ricky Wade
Mr. Arthur L. Wilson
Randolph Worsley
CLASS OF 1985 $445 Class Agents: Mrs. Felicia D. Morgan
Mrs. Kimberly Dawson Munn
Mrs. Stephanie B. Burrell
Ms. Vanessa Latrale Giles
Mr. Charles E. Head
Unithia Banks McGruder
CLASS OF 1986 $1,740 Class Agent: Ms. Deedra O. Wright
Mr. Anthony M. Bright
Ms. Ella Mae Hairston
Mrs. Karen Jones
Mr. Glenn Phillips
Mr. James Erwin Saunders II
Mr. Marvin C. Sharp
Mr. Dennis Squirewell
Mr. Christopher A. Womack
Deedra O. Wright
CLASS OF 1987 $650 Class Agent: Mr. Craig A. Bell
Mrs. Lisa Bronson-Sans
Dr. Walter J. Hill
Ms. LaShun Lawson
Ms. LaTonya M. McGowan
Marion Oliver Sans
CLASS OF 1988 $4,100 Class Agent: Dr. Octavia Cannon
Dr. Octavia M. Cannon
Mr. James Ely III
Mr. Kenneth Griffin
Mr. Irvin W. Jackson
Ms. Emma Mark
Dr. Christopher Clomus Mathis
Mr. David Moncree
Mrs. Antoine Whitlock-Hale
Natasha King Williams
President’s Report 2010-2011
CLASS OF 1989 $900 Class Agent: Mr. Gregg P. Hankins
Lieutenant Colonel Morris L. Bodrick
Mrs. Lynnette Helene Harris-Scott
Jamela Middleton Wintons
CLASS OF 1990 $150 Class Agents: Ms. Velda Fludd
Ms. Wanda Jones
Mr. Tracy Chamblee
Ms. Felice D. Hightower
Crystal Waites
CLASS OF 1991 $1,055 Class Agents: Ms. Patricia Wilson
Mrs. Malacy Taylor-Williams
Ms. Joy Fuller
Mr. Elford Hallums
Mr. Marvin M. Maynor
Mr. John M. Norris
Ms. Monika Rhue
Mr. Jonathan D. Truesdale
Mr. David K. Washington
Patricia Wilson
CLASS OF 1992 $1,012 Class Agent: Ms. Nina Newton
Dr. Joy M. Barnes-Johnson
Ms. Latonya Dilligard Edwards, Esq.
Mrs. Felicia Walton Gray
Mr. Shedrick D. Kirkpatrick
Ms. LaPronda I. Spann
Dr. Terrill Tops
Mr. Hazel Williams, Jr.
Taneshia W. Winton
CLASS OF 1996 $302 Class Agent: Ms. Tonya Johnson
Mrs. Kristen J. Berry
Mrs. Deena Davenport-Beasley
Ms. Terricia Y. Gaines
Mr. Gerald C. Jones
Willie B. Mobley
CLASS OF 1997 $370 Class Agent: Mrs. Keisha Wilson
Ms. Traci Charlene Benjamin
Ms. Okeatta Brown
Ms. Nicole Bullock
Mr. Eric Joyner
Keisha Ramey Wilson
CLASS OF 1998 $350 Class Agent: Ms. Petrina M. Smith
Ms. Jennifer Bell
Ms. Davida Loren Haywood
Mrs. Crystal Henry
Eunice Murray
CLASS OF 1999 $290 Class Agent: Office of Alumni Affairs
Mr. Edward Joyner, Jr.
Ms. Angela S. McClain
William S. P. Watkins
CLASS OF 2000 $1,650 Class Agent: Mr. Herman B. Gloster
Mr. Cornelius R. Henderson II
Mr. Kemuel Murray
Mrs. Michelle Vigil Thornton
Alicia Nicki Washington
CLASS OF 2001 $945 CLASS OF 1993 $550 Class Agents: Ms. Felicia C. Brooks-Gadson
Class Agent: Mrs. Jeri-Lynn McKnight
Mr. Andrew Lovett, Jr.
Mr. Quandrian Bronner
Mr. LaMonte Richardson
Miss Felicia Carol Brooks-Gadson
Pamela L. Taylor
Ms. Rashanda Clark
CLASS OF 1994 $495 Ms. Tymeeka Dickerson
Class Agents: Dr. Shanna Greene Benjamin
Ms. Anitra Goshea
Ms. Tifferney Michelle White
Mr. Omari Greene
Ms. LaFrance Carpenter
Ms. Syeetah Hampton-El
Ms. Spamvetta Edwards
Ms. Efunyemi Morenike Hughes
Mrs. Lanette R. Madison-Hinton
Mr. Stephen W. Joyner, Jr.
Ms. Andrea Swindler
Ms. Angela Beasley Leach
Tifferney Michelle White
Mr. Andrew Lovett, Jr.
Mr. Manuel L. McGriff
CLASS OF 1995 $363 Ms. Danielle Adams Monroe
Class Agent: Ms. Olaiya M. Kelly
Elena A. Singleton
Mrs. Pauline Holmes Feimster
Ms. Olaiya Kelly
CLASS OF 2002 $700 Ms. Rasheda L. McMullin
Class Agents: Mrs. Shayla Jackson Ward
Mrs. Cynthia D. Richardson
Ms. Unique N. Morris
Ms. Regina Smith
Ms. Christie J. Blackmon
Crystal M. Wilson
Ms. Elva Lynch
Mrs. Shayla Jackson Ward
Ms. Keena L. Williams
Khristy D. Womack
CLASS OF 2003 $458 Class Agent: Ms. Kristin E. Hicks
Ms. Germaine Marie Blakey
Ms. Crystal Lattimer
Ms. Sharifa T. McKerson
Mr. Ricky Muse, Jr.
Ms. Tanique Laurette Odom
Ms. Malachia Pauling
Mr. Travis Scott
Gwendolyn Thomas
CLASS OF 2004 $40 Class Agents: Mr. Robin M. Phillips
Ms. LeAnn C. Harley
Ms. Jessica Janelle Gay
Ms. Erika LaShawn Johnson
Mr. Viticus Sentino Thomas
Jessica Nichelle Williams
Class Agents: Mr. Anthony D. Tindall
Mr. Alexis Bibbs
Mr. Alexis Bibbs
Mr. Ricky Elum
Ms. Barbara J. Hamilton
Ms. Stephanie P. Jones
Ms. Nicole Owens
Anthony D. Tindall
CLASS OF 2006 $445 Class Agents: Mrs. Ebonee Mayo Mitchell
Mr. William Utley
Mr. Daunte’ Bruce
Mr. LeVar Terrell Crooms
Mr. Freddie Davis
Mrs. Rhonda Lynn Dorsey-Prude
Mr. John Nicholas Holmes
Ms. Ebonee Mayo-Mitchell
Ms. Tanisha Mickles
Ricky Nelson Whitley
CLASS OF 2008 $5 Class Agents: Mr. Tony A. White
Ms. Zena E. M. Conway
Efrem Jerome Baker
CLASS OF 2009 $52 Class Agent: Mr. Durrell E. Brown
Nicole M. Guiberteaux
CLASS OF 2010 $150 Class Agent: Ms. Ariel Watts
Ms. Lael Kasher Clark
Ms. Ranndi R. Reed
Thank You
Memorial Gifts
C.A. Johnson Class of 1967
Central Piedmont Community College
Class of 1948
Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Jack & Jill of America, Inc. - Columbia
JCSU 100 Club
JCSU Columbia Alumni Chapter
JCSU Norfolk Alumni Chapter
JCSU Washington Metropolitan Chapter
John D. Dovich & Associates
Liston Family Land Company
Martinsville Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma
Theta, Inc.
Metropolitan Baptist Church Missionary
Executive Ministry
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Olives United Missionary Baptist Church
Potomac District Sunday School Council
Womens Missionary & Educational Auxiliary
of Smith River
Mrs. Anne C. Adams
Ms. Sandra Albright
Reverend James L. Allen
Mrs. Lisa Andujar-Ray
Mr. Marvin Bass
Mrs. Miriam G.Bates
Ms. Debra Baugh
Mrs. Jan Beckwith
Mr. William G. Bocchio
Ms. Betty Borden
Ms. China Brown
Ms. Colleen H. Brown
Mrs. Muriel T. Burks
Ms. Shirley Bynoe
Ms. Angela Carver
Dr. Julius and Mrs. Vivian L. Chambers
Mr. Charles Chapman
Ms. Gwen Chapman
Ms. Jestine B. Coaxum
Ms. Virginia R. Cofield
Ms. Alice Coleman
Mr. T. Kelvin Crenshaw
Mrs. Hyla Sue B. Cundiff
Ms. Kitty Dade
Pastor Fredrick Amos Davis
Dr. Edna L. Davis
Mr. Wendell Davis
Ms. Geneva Dillard
Mrs. Eva G. Donaldson
Mr. Daryl Douglas
Mrs. L. W. Downey
Mr. John and Mrs. Delores Drennon
Mr. Bill Dubose
Ms. Shirley H.Elliott
Ms. Brenda Foote
Ms. Yolanda Ford
Dr. Gwendoline Young Fortune
Mrs. Janeen J. Gammage
Ms. Fatina P. Gaston
Ms. Sonia C. Glover
Ms. Helen M. Gray
Mr. M.O. Grigsby
Mrs. Mattie Solice Grigsby
Atty. Larry Hall
Ms. Hattie M. Hardin
Ms. Sandra K. Harper
Mr. Ronald T. Harris
Mr. Demetrius Harris
Dr. Herbert C. Harris
Ms. Mi’ce Haskins
Mrs. Gerald E. Hatcher
Ms. Trudie Hatcher
Mr. James H. Henderson
Mrs. Helen V. Henry
Ms. Linda L. Hester
Ms. Sybil Holmes-Flythe
Mrs. Valita Holmes-Wingate
Ms. Mary L. Hudson
Ms. Phelena M. Hughes
Ms. Odessa P. Humphrey
Mrs. Shirley M. Hunter
Mrs. Veronica M. Isaac
Ms. Maggie Jacobs
Dr. Charles Green James
Mr. Charles E. Jeffers
Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Jacquelyn J. Jenkins
Ms. Olive Jennett
Mr. Mydron C. Jones
Ms. Frances T. Jordan
Mr. Mark S. Kapral
Mrs. Wilhelmina Page Kimpson
Dr. Caroline L. Lattimore
Ms. Annie R. Lawson
Ms. A. Doris Lockett
Ms. Sarah Bell Lucas
Mr. James and Mrs. Barbara H.Lucas, Jr.
Ms. Betty Mack
Mrs. Pecola A. Maxwell
Ms. Mozella L. McLaughlin
Mr. James I. Melvin
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Dianne Michael
Mr. Henry Mikell
Mr. David Moncree
Ms. S.M. Morris
Mr. Harold J.Napper*
Mr. Henry E. Oliver
Mrs. Charlene Pennington-Best
Dr. Eugenia Perkins
Ms. Jervie Petty
Ms. Jill C. Potter
Mr. Delano R. Rackard
Ms. Teresa P. Rainey
Mrs. Prince W. Ramseur
Ms. Helen B. Reynolds
Dr. George G. Reynolds
Mrs. Cassandra Reynolds Jordan
Mr. Leo Richardson
Mrs. Almeda H. Rippy
Mrs. Annie Robinson
Reverend Mark R.Royster, Sr.
Ms. Coretta Scales
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Miriame Seay
Ms. Phyllis Shumate
Mrs. Rachel B.Smith
Trustee Grover and Mrs. Gwendolyn Smith
Mrs. Patricia Smith
Ms. Bettye Lyons Smith
Ms. Mary Starnes
Dr. Ernest Stewart
Ms. Selena A. Sullivan
Ms. Gertrude Tennant
Mrs. Dora R. Thompson
Mrs. Margarita T. Throop
Ms. Gloria Jean Tiller
Mrs. Rose T. Vaughan
Mrs. Forestine D. Vaughn
Mrs. Phyllis P. Wade
Dr. Clarence W. R. Wade
Mr. Reginald and Mrs. Delois J.Washington
Ms. Judith E. Washington, Esq.
Ms. Detra Watson
Ms. Gale A. Watson
Dr. Spurgeon Webber, Jr.
Ms. Eunice Webster
Mrs. Jacqueline Whitaker
Mrs. Juanita G. Williams
Ms. Lillian P. Williams
Ms. Mildred Young
Mr. Henry Isaac, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy A. Webber
Dr. Arthur Frazier, Jr.
Mrs. Carrie Reynolds
Mrs. Cecelia Trottie and Mrs. Francena
Rev. Dr. Simon H. Scott
Mr. Arthur Slade
Mr. William A. Smith
Dr. Hardy Liston, Sr. & Estelle Hoskins Liston
Mrs. Wilma Lambert Holmes
Mrs. Clara Tate Allen
Mrs. Wilma Lambert Holmes
Mrs. Lunelle H. McKenzie
Mr. Henry Isaac, Jr.
Mrs. Anna E. Byrd
Dr. Thomas B. Davis
Mr. Kevin B. Glover
Mr. L.C. Davis
Mr. Ronald Wheeler
President’s Report 2010-2011
Donor Profile: Shirley J. Hughes
(formerly Control Data
Corporation). She also served as
Vice President, Human Resources
for Mercy Health Services from
1994-1998 (now Trinity Health), a
multibillion-dollar and multi-state
health care provider headquartered in
Farmington Hills, Mich.
Shirley J. Hughes serves on the
Johnson C. Smith University Board
of Trustees, chairs the Institutional
Advancement Committee and is a
member of the Executive Committee.
She is a former corporate executive,
having retired in April 2005 as an
Officer and Senior Vice President
of Human Resources at Minneapolisbased Ceridian Corporation, an
information services company
Hughes graduated from Coe College
in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with a B.A.
in political science. She currently
serves on the boards of directors of
Coe College, Second Harvest (an
affiliate of Feeding America) in St.
Paul, Minn.; the Foundation for Blue
Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota; and
Graywolf Press. She is a member of
the Minnesota Women’s Economic
Roundtable, the Minneapolis-St.
Paul Chapter of the Links, Inc. and
the Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of
Girlfriends, R, Inc.
She is passionately committed to
JCSU and started an endowed
scholarship in her name. A regular
contributor to the JCSU Fund,
Hughes said: “The vision and focus
of the board, Dr. Carter, faculty and
staff on excellence is moving JCSU
from a good to a great university,
preparing its graduates to succeed
in a global society. Once a course of
action is determined, things move
rapidly and results are achieved. More
importantly, this HBCU provides its
students with a sense of self and of
confidence to successfully navigate
and create positive futures. I can
think of no return on investment
(ROI ) better than in the young
people attending JCSU.”
Giving By Alumni Organizations
JCSU Norfolk Alumni Chapter
JCSU Charlotte Alumni Chapter
JCSU Southern California Alumni Chapter
JCSU Fayetteville Alumni Chapter
JCSU 100 Club
JCSU National Alumni Association
JCSU Washington Metropolitan Chapter
JCSU Sumter Regional Alumni Chapter
JCSU Columbia Alumni Chapter
JCSU Baltimore Alumni Chapter
JCSU Richmond Alumni Chapter
JCSU Detroit Alumni Chapter
Class of 1948
Thank You
Honor Roll of Donors
Platinum Circle Plus
($100,000 or more)
Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
The Cato Corporation
The Duke Endowment
UNCF, Inc.
Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
William T. Morris Foundation, Inc.
Platinum Circle
($50,000 to $99,999)
Food Lion, Inc.
The Belk Foundation
Prestigious Five Star Circle
($25,000 to $49,999)
Advantage Carolina Foundation
Mr. Talmadge W. Fair
FDY, Inc.
Foundation for the Carolinas
Mrs. Carolyn Jones
Dr. Catherine McKee McCottry
North Carolina Independent Colleges &
Presbyterian Church USA
Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation, Inc.
The Dickson Foundation, Inc.
Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company
Founder’s Circle
($10,000 to $24,999)
Reverend James L. Allen
Carolinas Healthcare System
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority
Charlotte Touchdown Club
Mrs. Eva G. Donaldson
Duke Energy Foundation
Trustee J. Porter Durham, Jr.
Eunice A. Turner Foundation
Trustee Parran L. Foster III
Estate of Doris Griffin
Trustee J. Frank Harrison - Coca-Cola
Trustee Shirley J. Hughes
JCSU Charlotte Alumni Chapter
JCSU Norfolk Alumni Chapter
Liston Family Land Company
Nationwide Life Insurance Co.
NC Legislative Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
Trustee Gregory W. Norwood
The Dowd Foundation, Inc.
The Nielsen Company, Inc.
Turner Construction
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Xerox Corporation
President’s Circle($5,000 to $9,999)
Trustee Thomas E. Baldwin
Bank of America Foundation
Dr. Boisey O. Barnes, Jr.
Trustee Thomas L. Barnhardt NCFI/Barnhardt Foundation
Ms. Christy Shelton Bryant
Trustee Melva W. Costen
Trustee Cameron M. Harris
IBM International Foundation
JCSU 100 Club
JCSU Fayetteville Alumni Chapter
JCSU Southern California Alumni Chapter
Mrs. Wilhelmina Page Kimpson
Mr. Leon and
Mrs. Irine McClinton
Mrs. Vera B. McIntosh
Estate of Harvey B. Michael
Trustee Monroe Miller
Piedmont Episcopal District A.M.E. Zion Church
Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.
Presbyterian Hospital
Mr. Russell and Mrs. Sally Robinson
Snyder’s - Lance, Inc.
The Charlotte Post Publishing Company
The Lance Foundation
The Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Reginald and Mrs. Delois J. Washington
Dr. Spurgeon Webber, Jr.
Webber Marketing & Consulting LLC
WFF Facility Services
Mr. Rudolph C. Worsley
Blue and Gold Circle
($2,500 to $4,999)
Alwinell Foundation
AT&T Corporation
Bank of America
Dr. Lucinda Bowen
Blue Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Dr. Henry Joseph Bowers
Charlotte Medical Society
Compass Group USA, Inc.
Ms. Edith Strickland DeLaine
Duke Energy
Mr. James Ely III
Family Dollar Stores, Inc.
Mr. James and Mrs. Lucille A. Gaither
Gantt Huberman Architects
Mr. James and Mrs. Shirley L. Greene
JCSU National Alumni Association
Trustee Argie Knox Johnson
Mr. Scott C. Lea
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
McCrorey YMCA
Neighboring Concepts PLLC
Norwegian Cruise Line
Trustee Richard J. Osborne
Progressive Business Solutions
The Honorable Carl T. Ratliff
Rodgers Builders
S & L Consultants LLC
Sargent Memorial Presbyterian Church
State Farm Insurance
The Charlotte Observer
The Marketing Group, Inc.
Thompson Hospitality Corp.
The Honorable Sandra Townes
Trustee McKinley Washington, Jr.
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Women Executives For Community
Services, Inc.
Tower Circle ($1,000 to $2,499)
Acacia lnnovation LLC
Mr. William A. Allison
American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
168 American Legion - Colonel Charles
Young Post
Aramark Healthcare
Ms. Nellie Ashford
Avenir Foundation
Mr. Jack S. Bailey III
Mrs. Mary Roberts
Bailey Balfour Beatty Construction
Mr. Calvin Banks BB&T Belk, Inc.
Mrs. Veronica Bynum Bethel
Dr. Curtis W. Branch
Mrs. Jeanne Brayboy
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Leora L. Broady
Dr. Sheila Renee Brown
Mrs. Jeannie Frasier Bryant
Dr. Octavia M. Cannon
Charlotte Area Educational Consortium
Chris Canty Foundation
Mr. Freddie Sinclair Clinton
Estate of Idelle Rhyne Coles
Committee To Restore & Preserve Third
Ward, Inc.
Dr. Ladda B. Cook
Mr. Michael W. Crowell
Senator Charlie S. Dannelly
Trustee Horace A. Davenport
Mr. Charles F. Davis
Dr. Bobby G. Dawkins
Mr. Norman L. Deas
Mr. Brumit B. DeLaine
Discovery Place
Mrs. Sallie S. Durham
Mr. Ernest Thomas Evans
Mr. Matthew Evans
Evelyn Mack Academy
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. Earnest E. Fair, Sr.*
Mr. Paul D. Faulkner
Mrs. Bernice S. Ferguson
President’s Report 2010-2011
First Legacy Credit Union
Mr. Bernard Ford
Mrs. Patricia C. Foster
Dr. Telezee Littlejohn Foster
Mr. Junius B. Francis
Mrs. Rebecca James Fulton
Mrs. Idell W. Glenn
Reverend Lawrence T. Glenn, Sr.
Mrs. Vernilla Glenn
Ms. Sonia C. Glover Goodrich Foundation
Ms. Louise Page Gordon
Ms. Annette P. Graham Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star PHA Grant Thornton LLP
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Joyce Gray
Mr. Herb Gray
Mrs. Reather F. Green
Ms. Marguerite D. Greene
Ms. Martha Gamble Hall
Mr. Charles W. Hargrave
Mr. Malloy T. Harris, Jr.
Mr. J. C. Haynes
Mr. Cornelius R. Henderson II
Mrs. Carole C. Henley
Dr. Maben Dixon Herring
Ms. Joni Mills Hicks
Dr. David L. Hunter
Mr. James Hynes
IBM Corporation
Mrs. Veronica M. Isaac
Mrs. Gretel Thomas James
JCSU Athletic Department
JCSU Baltimore Alumni Chapter
JCSU Columbia Alumni Chapter
JCSU Sumter Regional Alumni Chapter
JCSU Washington Metropolitan Chapter
Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Jacquelyn J. Jenkins
Dr. James Phillip Jeter
Mr. George and Mrs. Joetter K. Johnson
Mr. Raymond Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Ronald T. Johnson
Mr. Samuel Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Lucille Joyner
Dr. William H. Joyner
Dr. Janice Kennedy-Sloan
Mr. Yizar Lawrence
Ms. Mary L. Lesesne
Mr. Calvin and Mrs. Vera Lewers
Lincoln Harris
Mr. Terrence G. Linnert
Mr. Norman T. Little
Ms. Verta Witherspoon Looper
Mr. Johnny M. Lunsford
Mrs. Viola Lyles
Trustee Mary T. Mack
Dr. N. Horace Mann, Jr.
Martin Marietta Aggregates
Ms. Viella Mason
Mr. Marion Herman Massey
Mrs. Minnie G. Maxwell
Dr. Ronald E. McFarland, Sr.
Mr. Bernard and Mrs. Yolanda McGraw
Mrs. Josephine McKissick
Mr. Michael McLean
Mechanics and Farmers Bank
Mr. James I. Melvin
Merck Partnership for Giving
Microsoft Corporation
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon Mitchell
Mrs. Gretta Moorhead
Dr. Paula Newsome
New York Life Foundation
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Trustee Obie Patterson
Mrs. Germaine Patterson-Smith
Mrs. Magnolia M. Pickens
Dr. Warner L. Pinchback, Jr.
Pride Magazine
Mr. David O. Prince
Ms. Nellie R. Purefoy
Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Yvette E. Rawlins
Mr. James Ray
Mr. Richard Blackout Reeves
Mrs. Alleane S. Reeves
Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Ida H. Reid
Ms. Mary W. Reid
Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice
Mr. William Lee Roberts
Mr. Marion B. Robinson*
Dr. Henry Russell
Reverend Wilburn M. Sanders, Sr.
Mrs. Brenda Long Sanders
Reverend James E. Simmons
Ms. Lois A. Simms
Mr. Mickel Singleton
Mr. Willie T. Smith III
Mrs. Rachel B. Smith
Mr. Grover and Mrs. Gwendolyn Smith
Ms. Nancy Patricia Smith
State Farm Companies Foundation
Mr. James E. Stewart
Mr. George R. Stinson
Mrs. Vera P. Swann
Mrs. Vera P. Swann
Mrs. Mattie Carter Sydnor
The Allstate Foundation
The Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
The Presbytery of New Hope
The Charlotte Links, Inc.
The Emily R. Ivory Trust
The Glaxo Foundation
Mrs. Margaret H. Thomas
Mr. T. Michael Todd, Esq.
University Volvo
Urban League of Central Carolinas, Inc.
Mrs. Frances T. Wade
Walter B. Davis Company, Inc.
Ms. Martha E. Warren
Mr. Leon C. Watkins
Wayne Presbyterian Church
Ms. Pearl V. Welch
Dr. Kenneth Whitted
Mrs. Kathy Lynn Williams
Reverend George Murray Wilson
Dr. David H. Woodbury, Jr.
Mrs. Amanda H. Wright
Ms. Philipa I. Wright
YMCA of Greater Charlotte
Mr. Russell and Mrs. Barbara Young
Golden Bull ($500 to $999)
100 Black Men Of Greater Charlotte
Senior Bishop John Hurst Adams
Reverend State W. Alexander
Another Choice For
Black Children Black Women in Sport
Mrs. Evelyn J. Blackwell
BNSF Foundation
Lieutenant Colonel Morris L. Bodrick
Dr. O. Diane Bowles
Mr. Dennis K. Branch
Mr. James and Mrs. Margaret W. Brandon
Dr. Detra K. Brooks
Ms. Lula M. Brown
Mr. Henry D. Byrd*
Mr. Leonard Carpenter
Ms. Dawne Claiborne
Mr. Jerry Clark
CMB Wireless Group LLC
Commissioner Harold Cogdell
Dr. Harry T. Coleman
Mrs. Johnnie M. Collins
Mr. Samuel L. Cunningham
Mr. John P. Cureton
Dr. Charles Lorenza Curry
Mr. Wendell A. Daniel
Mr. Rhenn T. Darensburg
Mrs. Gwyn M. Davis
Mr. Hubert I. Davis, Sr.
Mr. Willie E. Davis
Ms. Ireta Taylor Dawson
Ms. Deborah Doris
Mrs. Ruby F. Dubose
Mr. James N. Duff
Mr. Anthony Duke Mrs.
Dorothy Ellis
Mr. Prince A. Erwin, Jr.
Mr. Kenny H. Faulkner
Ms. Arlene Ferebee
Ms. Jo Ella Cooper Ferrell
Dr. Winona L. Fletcher
Dr. John and Mrs. Juanita E. Floyd
Mrs. Mildred M. Frederick
Ms. Teri Gilmore Freeman
Mr. Frank Edney Gadsden
Ms. Fatina P. Gaston
General Electric Foundation
Mrs. Juanita G. Gilmore-Walton
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. Ervin L. Gourdine
Mrs. Daphne Jones Graves-Smith
Thank You
Dr. Nailong Guo
Ms. Bridget-Anne Hampden
Reverend Carnell and Mrs. Carrie Hampton
Mr. William Hunter Harris
Ms. Shelia D. Harvey
Mrs. Gerald E. Hatcher
Mrs. Helen V. Henry
Reverend Larry Hill
Mrs. Valita Holmes-Wingate
Mr. David Mark Horace
Ms. Veronica Horsley
Mr. David Howard
Mrs. Carlenia G. Ivory
Mr. Harry L. Jackson
Mr. Charles N. Jackson
Mr. Steven A. Jarrett
JCSU Detroit Alumni Chapter
JCSU Richmond Alumni Chapter
Mrs. Beatrice T. Johnson
Ms. Carol D. Jones
Mr. Luther C. Jones
Mrs. Sarah-elaine Jones
Mr. C. Ray Kennedy
Mrs. Clara G. Lowery
Dr. Maggie Lynch Mallory
Dr. Vincent D. Mallory
Mrs. Pecola A. Maxwell
Mrs. Latrelle McAllister
Mr. Walter A. McCullough
Ms. Ivy A. Metz
Milliken & Company
Mr. Cornell L. Moore
Reverend Lloyd and Mrs. Nancy B. Morris
Reverend James Herbert Nelson II
Mrs. Linda Newcomb
Mr. Nolan L. Nolley
Mr. John M. Norris
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
Mr. Robert A. Owens
Ms. Joy E. Paige
Ms. Janice Squirewell Paige
Mrs. Shirley T. Paramore
Mrs. Lena Helton Pickens
Dr. Louis W. Pointer
Prestige Capital Advisors
Priscilla Literary and Art Club
Ms. Glenda L. Pyant
Ms. Vivian H. Reed Terry
Dr. George G. Reynolds
Mr. Jesse E. Ricks
Ms. Nancy E. Rodriguez
Mr. Jerry R. Schools
Mr. Robert G. Seabrooks CPA
Set? Communicate!, LLC
Ms. Julia Rose Shepherd
Dr. June M. Smith
Mrs. Kutricia A. Spann
The Principal Financial Group
The Swanks Social Club
Mr. Donald Thompson
Mrs. Neutrice C. Quick Towens
Ms. Linda Tucker
Mr. Andrew W. Turner, Jr.
Ms. Lolita S. Turner
Mr. Leroy and Mrs. Brenda Twiggs
Mrs. Phyllis P. Wade
Mrs. Hattie F. Walker
Mrs. Darwin McBeth Walton
Dr. Benjamin O. Watkins, Jr.
Mr. Arcelia Wicker, Sr.
Mrs. Muriel D. Wiggins
Mrs. Joan Bulger Williams
Mrs. Joyce C. Williams
Mrs. Bertha B. Woods
Ms. Velva W. Woollen
Century($100 to $499)
Ms. Delores Adams
Mr. Cecil L. Adderley, Jr.
Ms. Maudre R. Addison
Trustee Gerald Agbegha
Dr. Stephen Kwasi Agyekum
Mr. State Alexander
Ms. Renee Alexander Sherrod
Mrs. Deborah Marioneaux Allen
Mrs. Lisa Andujar-Ray
Mr. Charles Lewis
Assenco Assurance Title Services
Mrs. Ann Austin
Ms. Carolyn Austin-Younge
Mr. Herman Carl Bagley
Mrs. Garnell D. Bailey
Mrs. Mildred Banks
Mr. Wayne V. Banks
Mr. Frankie and Mrs. Ella G. Barnes
Dr. Pat Barr-Harrison
Ms. Ruby Baskerville
Ms. Ruth A. Batts
Mrs. Jan Beckwith
Dr. Angela B. Bell
Ms. Jennifer Bell
Mr. Alston and Mrs. Sarah Bellamy
Dr. Nicola Davis Bivens
Mr. Raphael O. Black
Mr. Ozzie L. Black, Jr.
Mr. Horace D. Black
Ms. Christie J. Blackmon
Ms. Robin Lynn Blackwell
Mrs. Debora S. Blakney
Mrs. Jo Alice Blyther
Ms. Sandra McGriff Bookman
Mrs. Mary J. Bowden
Mrs. Kristin Bradberry
Mrs. Carolyn Bridges-Graves
Mr. William and Mrs. Jessie L. Broadaway
Mrs. Hattie Ruth Brookens
Ms. Colleen H. Brown
Mr. Myron D. Brown
Ms. Okeatta Brown
Ms. Valgene Brown
Ms. Nicole Bullock
Mr. Dave and Mrs. Doris E. Burns
Mr. Gregory and Stephanie Burrell
Mrs. Lois H. Byers
Mrs. Bettye Garrick Byrd
C.A. Johnson Class of 1967
Mrs. Hattie Dunn Campbell
Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Margaret Louise Carr
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Carrothers
Mrs. Ruth S. Cathey
Central Piedmont Community College
Dr. Julius and Mrs. Vivian L. Chambers
Mr. Dwayne K. Chambers
Mr. Tracy Chamblee
Charlotte Center City Partners
Ms. Mary B. Chasten
Ms. Barbara B. Clark
Ms. Lael Kasher Clark
Mr. Oliver N. Clark
Ms. Barbara B. Clarkson
Class of 1948
Mr. Thomas G. Clyburn
Mrs. Geraldine Helton Clyburn
Mr. Jeffery Coan, Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Coffey
Reverend Franklin D. Colclough
Ms. Annie Wallace Collier
Mrs. Blessyng Mychele Conway
Mr. Ronald Cooper
Ms. Marsha Corley
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Mr. John W. Costner III
Reverend James R. Covington, Jr.
Dr. Rhonda O. Covington
Mr. T. Kelvin Crenshaw
Mrs. Lotess Priestley Cright
Ms. Jessie Joan Crisswell
Ms. Bessie Jean Crisswell
Crown Plaza Hotel
Mrs. Mary L. Crumley
Mrs. Helena T. Cunningham
Mrs. Candace Bynum Currence
Ms. Virginia Anne Curry
Mr. James E. Daughtridge
Ms. Nina E. Davenport
Mrs. Deena Davenport-Beasley
Dr. Edna L. Davis
Pastor Fredrick Amos Davis
Mr. Harold S. Dawkins
Ms. Florence J. Day
Miss Nevonia Dean
Dr. Matthew DeForrest
Ms. Brenna Delaine
Mrs. Patricia S. Dixon
Mr. Palmer and Mrs. Ellen T. Doiley
Mr. Daryl Douglas
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Jeannette F. Dozier, Sr.
Ms. Vermell H. Drayton
Mrs. Hazel I. Drummond
Ms. Lisa L. Durmo
Ms. Latonya Dilligard Edwards Esq.
Mr. James Edwards
Ms. Spamvetta Edwards
President’s Report 2010-2011
Mr. Charles L. Elder, Jr.
Mr. Melton Ellerby
Ms. Vereda P. Elliott
Ms. Marcella E. Ellis
Enterprise Rendering Co., Inc.
Mrs. Deloris G. Evans
Mr. Meredith and Mrs. Ellen M. Evans, Jr.
Evoke Learning, Inc.
Dr. Nelson A. Fain
Mr. James E. Farmer, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Faust
Mr. John N. Faxio
Ms. Angela Ferebee
Ms. Lisa B. Fewell
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Ms. Regina D. Fisher Ms.
Carolyn Flowers
Ms. Gussie Floyd
Ms. Yolanda Ford
Ms. Barbara J. Foster
Ms. Bettie Jean Foster
Ms. Debra Dry Frazier
Mrs. Gloria Howard Free
Ms. C. Dianne Freeman
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Mr. Lemuel H. Froneberger
Ms. Barbara Jean Fuller
Mr. Frank Theodore Gaither, Sr.
Ms. Vera Hampton Gardener
Mrs. Anita T. Garner
Mr. Tommi Garris
Dr. Joseph A. Gaston
Mrs. Lauryetta G. Gentry
Mr. Lloyd Beaver Gibson
Ms. Vanessa Latrale Giles
Mrs. Maggie Lloyd Gilliam
Dr. Ophelia DeLaine Gona
Mrs. Margaret B. Gooch
Mr. Jesse B. Goode, Jr.
Mr. George E. Goodman
Ms. Katrina L. Gordon
Ms. Cheryl D. Graber
Grace Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Elizabeth Worthy Graves
Mrs. Virginia Ann Graves
Mr. Arthur Graves
Mrs. Felicia Walton Gray
Greater Galilee Baptist Church
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Green
Mrs. Ilda J. Green
Mr. Omari Greene
Gregory Grier, Inc.
Mrs. Janice Tate Gresham
Mrs. Mattie Solice Grigsby
Atty. Larry Hall
Mr. Elford Hallums
Ms. Ellaree Hampton
Mrs. Sadie M. Haney
Ms. Maria Davis Hanlin
Trustee James H. Hargett
Dr. James H. Harris, Jr.
Dr. Herbert C. Harris
Mr. Ronald T. Harris
Ms. Latrecia D. Harrison
Mrs. Lynnette Helene Harris-Scott
Mrs. Allie Patterson Hartso
Mrs. Catherine R. Hawkins
Mr. Johnny L. Headen
Ms. Grace Henderson Outlaw
Mrs. Crystal Henry
Dr. Walter J. Hill
Mr. Sam Hinnant
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Metter Hodges
Mr. Stevenson and Mrs. Geraldine Hogan
Holbrook Street Presbyterian Church
Mr. Matthew H. Holland
Mr. Daniel R. Hooks
Houston Independent School District
Mr. Vincent W. Howell
Mrs. Lillian Wyatt Howell
Mr. David W. Hughes
Ms. Judy Dowell Ingram
Dr. Bettye Shropshire Irwin
Mr. Darnell Ivory
Mr. Eric B. Jackson
Mr. Polly Jackson
Ms. Loretta Berryman Jefferson
Ms. Olive Jennett
Ms. Doris Johnson
Ms. Frances S. Johnson
Mr. Johnny H. Johnson
Mrs. Mildred L. Johnson
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Eva C. Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Victoria Johnson
Mr. Gerald C. Jones
Mrs. Karen Jones
Mrs. Mamie E. Jones
Mr. Peter S. Jones III
Mrs. Philemina M. Jones
Mr. Albert L. Jordan
Ms. Frances T. Jordan
Ms. Barbara Ferguson Kamara
Dr. Lonnie Keith
Mrs. Nellie Dunn Kennedy
Mrs. Louella Coffey Kincaid Mr. Cody McAuthur King Mr. James Henry King Mrs. Paula
W. King
Mr. Steffen C. Knight
KoKoMo’s Coffeehouse III, Inc.
Mrs. Emma H. Kurtz
Mr. William Dunbar Langhorne
Mrs. Deborah W. Lanier
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Dorothy Latimer
Ms. Albertha H Lawson, PhD
Ms. LaShun Lawson
Mr. Alan Lee
Reverend Warren J. Lesane, Jr.
Mr. Fred Lewis
Mr. Alphonso and Mrs. Peggy Lide
Mr. Clarence Ellie Little
Mr. Willie L. Little
Mr. Andrew Lovett, Jr.
Mrs. Johnsie Anthony Lowe
Mrs. Irene Neal Lowry
Mr. James and Mrs. Barbara H. Lucas, Jr.
Ms. Elva Lynch
Dr. Robert Lyons
Ms. Lizzie S. Madison
Dr. Donald N. Mager
Mr. Julius W. Mallard
Mr. Vincent G. Mallory
Ms. Emma Mark
Ms. Nancy E. Mark
Ms. Dixie E. Martin
Mrs. Emma Y. Martin-Goodman
Mrs. Cora Lee Morton Massey
Mrs. Margaret J. Massey
Mr. Ron L. Matthews
Reverend Joe E. Maxwell
Ms. Angela S. McClain
Ms. Portia E. McCollum
Mrs. Shirley J. McDonald
Ms. Sheila McDowell
Mr. Andrew J. McGhee, Jr.
Ms. LaTonya M. McGowan
Mrs. Evelyn W. McIntosh
Mr. Willie F. McIntosh
McKaig & McKaig, PA
Mrs. Eloise McKinney-Johnson
Mr. Fred D. McLeod
Ms. Stephanie M. McLeod
Mrs. Eartha Mae McMichael
Mr. William Bruce McMillan
Ms. Rasheda L. McMullin
Mr. Henry Mikell
Mr. Dwight S. Miller
Mr. Alfred L. Minter
Ms. Rita P. Mitchell
Mr. David Moncree
Mrs. Constance Monroe
Ms. Danielle Adams Monroe
Dr. Charles Morris, Jr.
Dr. Eddie S. Moore
Mrs. Loretta B. Moore
Ms. Michele R. Moore
Mr. Otto N. Moore, Sr.
Reverend James P. Morton
Mrs. Vickie Teresa Moseley-Jones
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Henrietta E. Motley
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Olives United Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church of
Mr. Carl E. Muldrow
Mrs. Gloria P. Munoz-Martin
Mr. Henry Murphy
Mr. James and Mrs. Louise N. Murray
Mr. Kemuel and Mrs. Eunice Murray
Mr. Ricky Muse, Jr.
Mrs. Cheryl Legette Myrick
Mrs. Arlease A. Neal
Mrs. Glenda Newell-Harris MD
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Melba E Newsome, Sr.
Thank You
Ms. Billie D. Nichols
Ms. Claudia Nichols
Ms. Carolyn Nix
Ms. Paula Noble
Ms. Tanique Laurette Odom
Mr. Kenneth J. Oglesby
Reverend Lonnie Jones Oliver
Ms. Rosilyn Denise Outen Mr. Jeff Owens
Mrs. Sula Henderson Page Mrs. LaVerne R.
Parker Ms. Amy L. Pasour
Mrs. Yvette B. Patterson Dr. Eugenia Perkins
Mrs. Shelia B. Petty Mr. Glenn Phillips
Mrs. Gwendolyn Pickett Mr. Dwight Pinson
Mr. Chip Pope
Mr. John Henry Potts
Mr. Neil Prioleau
Mrs. Diane Wilson Proctor
Dr. Deborah Brown Quick
Mr. Delano R. Rackard
Mrs. Laurichard S. Rainey
Ms. Natocka Randall
Mr. Arthur C. Redding
Ms. Gail Deavers Reed
Ms. Virginia A. Reid
Ms. Helen B. Reynolds
Mrs. Juanita Wideman Reynolds
Mrs. Cassandra Reynolds Jordan
Mr. Thad Rhodes Jr.
Dr. Horace R. Rice
Mr. William A. Rich
Mr. Clayton M. Richardson
Mr. LaMonte and Mrs. Cynthia Richardson
Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Rippy
Mr. Roy J. Rivers
Mr. Ricky Roberson
Mr. Charles Thomas Robinson
Mrs. Gladys Robinson
Roche Carolina, Inc.
Rock Hill Kiwanis Club N. 00327
Ms. Wanda Gail Rogers Phillips
Ms. Odessa Roseboro
Mr. Mickel L. Roseborough
Ms. Virginia C. Rowe-Anderson
Reverend Mark R. Royster, Sr.
Mr. Elvin J. Ryan, Sr.
Mrs. Della Jaggers Sanders
Mr. James Erwin Saunders II
Mr. Stephen J. Schley
Mrs. Regina L. Scott Johnson
Ms. Bilquis Shareef
Mr. Marvin C. Sharp
Mrs. Roberta Brooks Shearin
Mr. Donnie Shell
Mr. William H. Shepperson III
Mrs. Selma A. Simelton
Mrs. Elena A. Singleton
Mrs. Patricia Smith
Mrs. Cynthia McAfee Smith
Mr. Zinneford Smith
Ms. Denise I. Smith
Ms. Rose Lyons Smith
Ms. Millie R. Snider
Mr. Dennis Squirewell
Steele Creek Presbyterian Church
Dr. Clarence F. Stephens
Mrs. Ernell D. Stephenson
Dr. Ernest Stewart
Mrs. Jacqueline D. Stewart
Mr. Richard E. Stewart
Mrs. Natalie Stockton Johnson
Mrs. Mazie L. Storr
Ms. Willie Belton Suswell
Ms. Andrea Swindler
Ms. C.W. Sydnor
Mr. Oscar D. Tate
Ms. Fernanda G. Tate-Owens
Dr. Pamela L. Taylor
Mrs. Jennye E. C. Taylor
Mr. Frank R. Thies III
Mr. James E. Thomas
Reverend Benjamin F. Thompson
Drs. Joseph and Shirley E. Thompson, Sr.
Ms. Marilyn Gaither Thompson
Ms. Robbie J. Thompson
Mrs. Michelle Vigil Thornton
Mrs. Margarita T. Throop
Ms. Gloria Jean Tiller
Ms. Delores Timberlake
Mrs. Eddimae G. Tisdale
Mrs. Gail W. Tolbert
Ms. Eleanor Toliver
Dr. Terrill Tops
Mrs. Correll Loundermon Townes
Mr. Michael Travis
Ms. Phyllis Tucker
Ms. Carol E. Tunstall
Dr. Joseph W. Turner
Mrs. Forestine D. Vaughn
Ms. Anna M. Vernon
The Honorable William W. Vogel
Dr. Clarence W. R. Wade
Mr. James Walker
Reverend David L. Wallace, Sr.
Dr. Alicia Nicki Washington
Mr. David K. Washington
Ms. Judith E. Washington, Esq.
Ms. Laverne R. Watson
Mr. Howard W. Ways
Mr. Edward G. West
Westside Meats
Mr. Stacy Whitaker
Ms. Tifferney Michelle White
Mr. Joseph White
Mr. Dylan Whitehead
Mr. Ricky Nelson Whitley
Ms. Barbara Wilks
Ms. Pamela S. Wilks
Mrs. Betty Montgomery Williams
Mr. Cornelious W. Williams, Sr.
Mr. Hazel Williams, Jr.
Ms. Natasha King Williams
Mrs. Paulette G. Williams
Mrs. Sandrea T. B. Williamson
Mr. Clarence E. Wilson
Mrs. Keisha Ramey Wilson
Ms. Patricia Wilson Mr. Arthur L. Wilson
Mr. John W. Wing
Mareisha N. Winters
Mrs. Lu Nell Withers
Ms. Esther Knuckles Witherspoon
Mr. Christopher A. Womack
Ms. Khristy D. Womack
Smith River Womens Missionary &
Educational Auxiliary of Smith River
Mr. Franklin D. Wood
Ms. Marquita Denise Wood
Mrs. Ethel A. Woodard
Mr. Gregory L. Woods
Trustee James H. Woodward
Mrs. Edith Worsham
Ms. Deedra O. Wright
Reverend Thomasena Dodd Wright
WSSU National Alumni Association
YBM Leadership Academy
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Pamela Young
Ms. Gwendolyn D. Young
Mrs. Nannie B. Young
Patron (Up to $99)
Mrs. Anne C. Adams
Ms. Reba E. Adam
Ms. Sandra Albright
Mr. Timothy L. Alston, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanette Patterson Ashley
Mr. Efrem Jerome Baker
Dr. Joy M. Barnes-Johnson
Mrs. Joyce S. Barnett
Mr. Marvin Bass
Mrs. Miriam G. Bates
Mr. Gerald J. Baucom
Ms. Debra Baugh
Ms. Traci Charlene Benjamin
Ms. Brenda Jenkins Bennett
Ms. Janice Bennett-Gibbs
Mrs. Kristen J. Berry
Mr. Alexis Bibbs
Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Carlise M. Blakey
Ms. Germaine Marie Blakey
Mr. William G. Bocchio
Ms. Jasmina L. Bonilla
Ms. Betty Borden
Mr. Daniel Bouldrick
Mr. William M. Braswell
Mr. Anthony M. Bright
Mr. Arthur Brinson
Mr. Quandrian Bronner
Mr. Curtis L. Brooks
Miss Felicia Carol Brooks-Gadson
Ms. China Brown
Mrs. Gladys Brown
Dr. John J. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Daunte’ Bruce
Mrs. Grace J. Bryant
President’s Report 2010-2011
Mrs. Muriel T. Burks
Mrs. Velma Butler-Brown
Ms. Shirley Bynoe
Mr. Mack Daniel Canady, Jr.
Dr. Jerry L. Cannon
Ms. LaFrance Carpenter
Ms. Angela Carver
Ms. Elizabeth Cauthen
Dr. Timothy D. Champion
Mr. Charles Chapman
Ms. Gwen Chapman
Mrs. Janie Clinkscales Chavis-Lucas
Ms. Ella Wilsonia Chenault*
Mrs. Jacqueline R. Cherry
Ms. Rashanda Clark
Mr. Earl and Mrs. Sharron A. Clipper
Ms. Jestine B. Coaxum
Ms. Virginia R. Cofield
Ms. Alice Coleman
Mrs. Janice Collier
Dr. Thomas Collins, Jr.
Ms. Willie Beatrice Colson
Cornerstone Fellowship Baptist Church
Ms. Deltha J. Cousar-Jeffries
Mr. Robert D. Craven
Mr. LeVar Terrell Crooms
Mrs. Sarah C. Crowder
Mrs. Hyla Sue B. Cundiff
Mr. Herbert N. Cunningham
Mr. James Cuthbertson
Ms. Kitty Dade
Ms. Rosamary Davenport
Mrs. Deotis J. Bragg Davis
Mr. Freddie Davis
Ms. Gloria A. Davis
Mr. Wallace H. Davis, Jr.*
Mr. Wendell Davis
Ms. Geraldine Dawson
Ms. Bre-Onna C. Delaine
Ms. Tymeeka Dickerson
Ms. Delores A. Diggs
Ms. Geneva Dillard
Mr. Andre A. Dingle
Mr. Ponciano C. Dizon
Mr. George Dorman, Jr.
Mrs. Rhonda Lynn Dorsey-Prude
Mrs. L. W. Downey
Mr. John and Mrs. Delores Drennon
Mr. Bill Dubose
Ms. Lisa J. Durham
Ms. Shirley H. Elliott
Ms. Siclinda C. Elliott
Mr. Scott Ellis
Mr. Ricky Elum
Mr. Ronnie Enoch
Mrs. Pamela Everett
Dr. Joseph Fail
Mrs. Pauline Holmes Feimster
Ms. Susan D. Fields
Ms. Dawn Michelle Fink
FMC Good Government Program
Ms. Brenda Foote
Ms. Christabel Forbes
Dr. Gwendoline Young Fortune
Mrs. Deborah Frady
Ms. Joy Fuller
Ms. Terricia Y. Gaines
Mrs. Janeen J. Gammage
Ms. Millicent B. Gardiner
Ms. Jessica Janelle Gay
Ms. Diana George Gilford
Mr. Anthony Gilmore
Mr. Sidney Glee
Dr. Indhumathi Gopal
Ms. Anitra Goshea
Ms. Amanda B. Graham
Ms. Helen M. Gray
Mr. Alphonso D. Green
Dr. Ruth L. Greene
Mr. Kenneth Griffin
Mr. M.O. Grigsby
Ms. Marilyn E. Gross
Ms. Nicole M. Guiberteaux
Mr. William H. Gunn
Ms. Gertude Hadley
Ms. Ella Mae Hairston
Ms. H. Arba Hall
Ms. Barbara J. Hamilton
Ms. Syeetah Hampton-El
Ms. Hattie M. Hardin
Ms. Sandra K. Harper
Mr. Demetrius Harris
Mr. James and Mrs. Bertha F. Harris
Mrs. Ruby D. Harris
Ms. Mi’ce Haskins
Ms. Trudie Hatcher
Ms. Vonda D. Hayes
Ms. Davida Loren Haywood
Mr. Charles E. Head
Ms. Trula Hearne-Freeman
Mr. James H. Henderson
Ms. Linda L. Hester
Mrs. Lavone C. Hicks
Ms. Felice D. Hightower
Mrs. Phyllis T. Hilliard
Mrs. Carla Boone Hinds
Mr. Willie Hines
Mr. Walter Keith Holcomb
Mr. Theodore Holland, Jr.
Ms. Brenda Swann Holmes
Mr. John Nicholas Holmes
Mr. John Holmes III
Ms. Sybil Holmes-Flythe
Ms. Mary L. Hudson
Ms. Efunyemi Morenike Hughes
Ms. Phelena M. Hughes
Ms. Odessa P. Humphrey
Mrs. Shirley M. Hunter
Mrs. Yvette Ingram
Invest in Others Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Jack & Jill of America, Inc. - Columbia Chapter
Mr. Irvin W. Jackson
Ms. Maggie Jacobs
Dr. Charles Green James
Ms. Gladys James
Mr. Charles E. Jeffers
John D. Dovich & Associates
Ms. Comatha B. Johnson
Ms. Erika LaShawn Johnson
Ms. Tina M. Johnson
Mr. William Louis Johnson
Mrs. Cathy W. Jones
Mr. Donald Jones
Dr. Edward L. Jones
Ms. Leslie H. Jones
Ms. Marian Jones
Mr. Mydron C. Jones
Ms. Stephanie P. Jones
Mr. Edward Joyner, Jr.
Mr. Eric Joyner
Mrs. Eunice B. Joyner
Mr. Stephen W. Joyner, Sr.
Mr. Stephen W. Joyner Jr.
Mr. Mark S. Kapral
Ms. Olaiya Kelly
Mr. Shedrick D. Kirkpatrick
Ms. Crystal Lattimer
Dr. Caroline L. Lattimore
Ms. Karen Lawler
Mrs. Rosemary L. Lawrence
Mrs. Gina Lawrence
Ms. Annie R. Lawson
Ms. Angela Beasley Leach
Ms. Demesha Margaretta Leathers
Miss Harriett L. Lewis
Mrs. Frances G. Lewis-Steiner
Ms. Loretta M. Ligon
Dr. Michael L. Lindsey, Sr.
Ms. A. Doris Lockett
Ms. Gloria Jean Lockhart
Dr. Shirley Wilson Logan
Mrs. Blondola Powell Lucas
Ms. Sarah Bell Lucas
Ms. Betty Mack
Mrs. Lanette R. Madison-Hinton
Mrs. Sandra Nicholson Martin
Mrs. Ossie H. Martin
Martinsville Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma
Theta, Inc.
Dr. Christopher Clomus Mathis
Mrs. Lillie I. Matthews
Mr. Marvin M. Maynor
Ms. Ebonee Mayo-Mitchell
Mrs. Iva D. McCrae
Mrs. Johnnie Steward McCray
Mr. Manuel L. McGriff
Ms. Unithia Banks McGruder
Ms. Sharifa T. McKerson
Ms. Mozella L. McLaughlin
Ms. Pearl K. McMillan
Dr. Antonia Mead
Thank You
Donor Profile: Kevin A. Henry
Kevin A. Henry joined Lance
Incorporated in 2010 and is
responsible for human resources,
community affairs, government
relations, employment related legal
and communications functions. In
December 2010, Kevin was named
Ministry Metropolitan Baptist Church
Missionary Executive
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Dianne Michael
Ms. Tanisha Mickles
Ms. Vertelle D. Middleton
Ms. Wanda Middleton
Mr. Arthur Miller
Ms. Crystal Miller
Ms. Alice F. Mitchell
Mrs. Willie B. Mobley
Ms. Dorothy Mae Monroe
Mr. Barney Morris
Mrs. Lucille Reynolds Morris
Ms. S.M. Morris
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
Mr. Harold J. Napper*
Mr. Ronald L. Nelson
Ms. Patricia Norman
Mr. Roosevelt D. Odom, Sr.
Mr. Henry E. Oliver
Ms. Nicole Owens
Mr. Frank Parker
Mr. Christopher Parks
Mr. Alvie Paschall
Ms. Georgia Patton
Ms. Malachia Pauling
Mrs. Charlene Pennington-Best
Mrs. Yulon Perkins
Mrs. Virginia W. Peterkin
Ms. Jervie Petty
Mr. Reginald Pincham Potomac District
Sunday School Council
Ms. Jill C. Potter
Ms. Teresa P. Rainey
Mrs. Prince W. Ramseur
Mrs. Iris M. Rattley
Ms. Ranndi R. Reed
Mr. Clayton and Mrs. Ellen S. Reid
Chief Human Resources Officer
of the merged company which was
renamed Snyder’s-Lance, Inc. The
company started the Snyder’sLance Annual Scholarship and
internship at JCSU in 2011.
The Harvey B. Gantt Center for
African American Arts + Culture. He
is Chairman of the JCSU Board of
Visitors and Chairman of the Board
of Trustees for Charlotte Latin Day
Prior to his current role, Kevin was
Senior Vice President and Chief
Human Resources Officer of Coca
Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated. In
this role, Kevin was responsible for
all aspects of the company’s human
resources functions.
Kevin has been recognized by the
Charlotte Business Journal as a Top
40 under 40 Award Winner. He
was awarded the 2009 Whitney
M. Young Jr. Award by the Urban
League of Central Carolinas for
his philanthropic work in the
community and leadership in the
areas of diversity and inclusion.
A graduate of Cornell University’s
School of Industrial and Labor
Relations, Kevin serves on the boards
of Johnson C. Smith University and
Ms. Monika Rhue
Dr. Priscilla Rice
Mr. Leo Richardson
Mrs. Ann Marie Riley
Mrs. Almeda H. Rippy
Reverend James Deotis Roberts
Ms. Jennifer Robinson
Mr. O’Dell Robinson
Ms. Jacqueline T. Robinson
Mrs. Annie Robinson
Mrs. Geraldine S. Rorie
Mr. Luke Salley
Mr. Leonard R. Sanders
Mr. Marion and Mrs. Lisa Oliver Sans
Ms. Coretta Scales
Mr. Travis Scott
Mrs. Odelle Steele Searles
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Miriame Seay
Ms. Phyllis Shumate
Mr. Benny L. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Bettye Lyons Smith
Mr. Dannie D. Smith
Ms. Regina Smith
Ms. LaPronda I. Spann
Mr. Linwood and Mrs. Warrenell J. Spindle, Sr.
Ms. Jeannett O. Stafford
Ms. Mary Starnes
Mrs. Pansy P. Steele
Ms. Pinkey Ann Sullivan
Ms. Selena A. Sullivan
Mrs. Blanche E. Talley
Ms. Gertrude Tennant
The ODS Companies
Ms. Georgia E. Thomas
Ms. Gwendolyn Thomas
Mr. Viticus Sentino Thomas
Mrs. Dora R. Thompson
Dr. Gary Thompson
Mr. Ira Thompson IV
Ms. Terry Hogan Tiamd
Mr. Anthony D. Tindall
Mr. Jonathan D. Truesdale
Mr. Sidney Vance
Mrs. Rose T. Vaughan
Mr. Ricky Wade
Ms. Crystal Waites
Mr. Johnny L. Walker
Mrs. Shayla Jackson Ward
Mr. William S. P. Watkins
Ms. Detra Watson
Ms. Gale A. Watson
Ms. Pauline Watson
Ms. Eunice Webster
Ms. Donna Maria West
Mrs. Jacqueline Whitaker
Mrs. Antoine Whitlock-Hale
Ms. Gwendolyn Olivia Whitsell
Ms. Jessica Nichelle Williams
Mrs. Juanita G. Williams
Ms. Keena L. Williams
Ms. Lillian P. Williams
Ms. Nancy J. Williams
Ms. Natasha Williams
Mr. Charles M. Wilson
Ms. Crystal M. Wilson
Mr. Charles E. Wilson
Mr. Lawrence D. Wingfield
Ms. Taneshia W. Winton
Mrs. Jamela Middleton Wintons
Mrs. Dorothy Womble
Ms. Maxine Dunn Woods
Mr. Randolph Worsley
Mrs. Esther A. Wright
Ms. Dawn C. Yarber-Josey
Ms. Mildred Young
President’s Report 2010-2011
2010-2011 Board of Trustees
Shirley Hughes
Ceridian Corporation (Retired)
Peggy Culbertson
Charlotte, NC
Terrence Linnert
Goodrich Corporation
Judge Horace A. Davenport (’42)
Norristown, PA
Mary T. Mack
Wells Fargo Advisors
William H. Dougherty
Albany, NY
Willie Martin (’71)
George Flanigan (’51)
St. Louis, MO
Cornell L. Moore
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
Sarah Belk Gambrell
Charlotte, NC
Tim Newman
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority
Mattie S. Grigsby (’48)
Charlotte, NC
Gregory W. Norwood
First Niagara Bank
Dr. James H. Hargett (’52)
LaCosta, CA
Richard J. Osborne
Duke Energy Corporation (Retired)
Charlie Kennedy (’59)
Winston-Salem, NC
Obie Patterson (’65)
Prince George County Council
Scott C. Lea
Charlotte, NC
John B. Stedman, Jr.
The Scottish Bank
N. Horace Mann (’51)
Nashville, TN
James Gaither (’66)
President National Alumni
McKinley Washington, Jr. (’60)
South Carolina Employment Security
Rev. W. Flemon McIntosh (’49)
Morganton, NC
Cameron M. Harris
Cameron M. Harris and Co.
James Woodward
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
J. Frank Harrison III
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated
Trustee Emeriti
Parran L. Foster, III (’72), Chairman
Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Monroe Miller, Vice Chairman
IBM Corporation
Argie Knox Johnson (’60), Secretary
Chicago Public School System (Retired)
At-Large Members
Gerald Agbegha
Associate Professor, Math and Physics
Thomas E. Baldwin (’71)
Branch Banking and Trust Bank
Thomas Barnhardt
Barnhardt Manufacturing Company
Steven L. Boyd (’79)
The Coca-Cola Company
Melva Wilson Costen
Interdenominational Theological Center
J. Porter Durham, Jr.
Global Endowment Management
Erika Hilton (’11)
Student Government Association
President, JCSU
Howard A. Counts (’69)
Charlotte, NC
Pettis Norman (’62)
Dallas, TX
Dr. Douglas M. Orr, Jr.
Asheville, NC
Dr. Clarence W.R. Wade (’48)
Washington, DC
Kathleen R. Crosby (’46)
Houston, TX
Spotlight on Trustees
Tom E. Baldwin
Tom E. Baldwin, ’71 is senior vice president with Branch Banking and Trust Company
in Winston-Salem, N.C., where he serves as multicultural markets coordinator. He
currently serves on the Executive Committee and chairs the Bylaws Committee of the
JCSU Board of Trustees.
He served on other boards, including Elon Homes For Children, Florence Crittenton of
Charlotte, the Greater Carolinas Chapter of the American Red Cross and is a founding
officer of 100 Black Men of Greater Charlotte. He also served on the Association of
Governing Board, Council of Board Chairs and the American Bankers Association,
Board of Certified Bankers and chaired the JCSU Board of Trustees.
J. Porter Durham, Jr.
J. Porter Durham, Jr. is general counsel and chief operating officer for GEM. He
previously served as staff counsel and director of the Education Division for The
Duke Endowment, as well as partner and chairman of the Corporate and Securities
Department at Baker Donelson. He is a member of the Board of the Visitors of Duke
University School of Law and the Board of Trustees of the North Carolina Humanities
Council. He currently serves on the Institutional Advancement Committee of the JCSU
Board of Trustees.
Mosaic Village rises
on the Northwest
100 Beatties Ford Road
Charlotte, North Carolina