April - Girl Guides Queensland
April - Girl Guides Queensland
Queensland on the Go Issue 155 April 2014 Patron Patron of Girl Guides Queensland Her Excellency Ms Penelope Wensley AC, Governor of Queensland SUPPORTERS OF GIRL GUIDES QUEENSLAND Queensland on the Go APRIL 2014 ISSUE 155 CONTENTS State Commissioner. ............................... 3 National Team Report.............................4 WAGGGS News ....................................... 5 Around Queensland................................6 Noticeboard ............................................8 Vale - Gone Home ...................................9 Media Hits ............................................. 10 Support Centre Update ..........................11 Managers and Advisers Outdoors: Scroggin .......................... 12 Program.............................................13 Arts ................................................... 14 Resources. ..............................................15 Girl Guide Biscuits ............................15 Deadline for the May issue of Queensland on the Go issue is Thursday 17 April. Email articles to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 739, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006. Managers and Advisers ....................... 19 Trefoil Guild...................................... 19 International ....................................20 Archives. ........................................... 21 Support Group ................................. 22 Queensland on the Go is the official newsletter of Girl Guides Queensland. Articles of interest are sought from Guiding members. Girl Guides Queensland reserves the right to determine what articles are published. Late items will not be accepted. Editor: Alison Whitehead Girl Guides Queensland P: (07) 3357 1266 F: (07) 3357 1066 E: [email protected] W: www.guidesqld.org Girl Guides Queensland shall not be liable for any typographical errors, misspellings, or other inadvertent errors that appear in Queensland on the Go. Statements and opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the by-lined contributors or of the editorial staff, and do not necessarily represent the official position of Girl Guides Queensland. All articles are subject to editing by the editor. The final decision on changes to articles belongs to the editor. Unless otherwise indicated in the text, reproduction of material in Queensland on the Go is authorised for not-for-profit Guiding use, provided that each copy contains full acknowledgement of the source. Any other reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent of the Girl Guides Queensland Board is prohibited. Page 2 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Kindilan OECC ...................................... 23 Events and Trainings. ........................... 25 Things to do .....................................29 From the Archives .................................30 Guide Supplies....................................... 32 COVER PHOTO Billie Burden, Tayla Cant, Emily Frost, Tarah Frost and Cyan Pullen from Hamilton Clayfield Brownie Guides with State Commissioner Velia Nicholls. Photo courtesy of Tamara Ham State Commissioner Velia Nicholls, Girl Guides Queensland [email protected] A very special hello to each of you as I step into the role as State Commissioner of Girl Guides Queensland and write my first newsletter. It is difficult to explain my feelings at this very moment. I feel incredibly honoured and humbled. I feel the tremendous leadership responsibility that comes with this role and I am driven by an overwhelming desire and commitment to proudly serve all Guide members in Queensland. I promise to do my very best to support and serve you as your State Commissioner and proudly lead Queensland on the next stage of its journey. Please know how much I am looking forward to meeting you as I slowly work my way around our vast state. I would like to take this opportunity to send my very best wishes to Monica Elliot, our previous State Commissioner, for her continued good health and happiness. I am very proud to share with you the two wonderful Guiding women who have agreed to be my Assistant Commissioners—Robyn Hulbert and Heather Pettigrew. These are two well-respected women of integrity with a vast range of Guiding experience. I believe that together we will form a strong leadership team. I would also like to take this opportunity to talk with you about my vision and goals for the next twelve months. My first twelve months as your State Commissioner. My overarching goal is to work with you to strengthen our State! I want us to: 1. Develop strong connections This means doing all we can to improve and strengthen our communications with each other. We will utilse technology to support our face-to-face visits allowing me to make contact as quickly as possible with every Region, District and Unit. I want to understand how best to support and serve you. The only way I can do that is through open conversation together. I need that understanding to effectively lead our State. Most of all, I want to stay connected with the girls always. 2. Build our membership Working with the new Board, we will develop a strategic plan and subsequent business goals that will be rolled out to you. This way, we can work together to successfully achieve our goals. It will mean that we are connected, working together in the same direction. 3. Develop a strong organisational structure able to support our needs This means getting the governance right. It is everyone's responsibility. It means unpacking our systems, procedures and reporting channels to effectively support and make life easier for both volunteers and Managers to successfully perform their roles. Today there are many difficulties facing volunteer organisations like ours. Our focus on these three areas will allow us to find smarter ways to work together and to strengthen our State. Each one of us regardless of age—5through to 105 years—has an enormous inner strength that will enable us to continue the incredible and inspirational work of our Founders. My Guiding name is Thalera, which means strength. Each of us needs to be strong to take Guiding to the next stage of its journey in Queensland. But, most of all we need to stand tall with the courage of our convictions and the courage to do what we need to do to achieve our goals—to ensure not only girls and young women, but all Guide members, are encouraged and supported to share in the wonderful spirit and world of Guiding. It is now our turn, you and me, to write the next chapters for Guiding in Queensland as we commence our journey together. Yours in Guiding “Thalera” Velia Nicholls April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 3 National Team Report Robinette Emonson, Chief Commissioner Susan Campbell and Miranda Cummings, Assistant Chief Commissioners ‘Inspiring Change’ was the 2014 theme for International Women's Day. As part of the celebrations, Girl Guides Australia was invited to attend a function with Natasha Stott Despoja, Ambassador for Women and Girls. Robinette Emonson, Susan Campbell and Guides from Canberra attended the function, together with Erin Wicking who is attending the United Nations 58th Commission on the Status of Woman event in New York and Sarah Allen who is participating as remote delegate. The Ambassador's speech highlighted the need to empower women as the best way to promote economic development and growth, and to achieve peace and security. We were also fortunate to meet The Hon. Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Senator The Hon. Michaelia Cash, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women. It has been an honour having Quentin Bryce AC CVO as the Patron of Girl Guides Australia during her term as Governor General. Ms Bryce, recalling her childhood, said, “I was a Brownie and what I loved most about those times were the special games we played and the little rituals we took part in. Being a Guide means learning to care for others, doing the best they can and, of course, having fun in the bush.”. Representatives from many of the organisations and charities she supported attended a farewell morning tea at Admiralty House in March. In her address, she acknowledged the amazing contribution made by individuals working to better our community. Celebrating yet another special day, Guides around the country came together on 3 March for Clean-up Australia Day—yet another example of Guides taking action on issues affecting their world. Well done to everyone who took part. Thinking Day provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the international friendship that comes from being a part of a Worldwide Movement and also Page 4 Queensland on the Go April 2014 to raise our profile, attracting new girls and woman to the wonderful game of Guiding. Across Australia, we were delighted that Girl Guides featured in the media. Watching the sunrise, exploring the World Thinking Day (WTD) theme “Education opens doors for all girls and boys”, attending a Guides Own, hiking, raising funds for the WTD campaign, enjoying a day on the water, thinking about Guides across the world, joining in the fun at a District, Region or State event, earning a World Thinking Day badge, entering an Instagram competition—however you chose to celebrate World Thinking Day 2014, we hope it was memorable. For those who haven't yet clicked on to WAGGGS new online learning platform GLOW: Global Learning Online for WAGGGS, we encourage you to give it a go. It offers flexible access to learning opportunities and a global platform for communication across the Movement. The e-learning approach and the GLOW platform have been developed using the latest technical and educational advancements, integrated with WAGGGS’ non-formal education approach and methods. GLOW access is available at www.glow. wagggs.org. Robinette Emonson, Chief Commissioner Susan Campbell and Miranda Cummings, Assistant Chief Commissioners WAGGGS News Prepared to Learn, Prepared to Lead Prepared to Learn, Prepared to Lead looks at the fundamentals of the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting experience, its purpose and educational method. It offers a chance to reflect on how we apply this method to facilitate youth learning, to ensure the Girl Guide and Girl Scout experience is as fun, varied and relevant as possible, and truly puts young people in the lead. This resource is a new tool for Member Organisations and their leaders at every level. It is to be used in addition to the current WAGGGS Educational Program policy and guidelines, and does not replace it. Source: www.wagggs.org/en/resources/document/view/24907 Are you Our Chalet's next Program Intern? What will you gain from an Internship at Our Chalet? • Valuable work experience • The chance to plan and deliver a personal project and have an opportunity to help develop Our Chalet World Centre • Experience unforgettable seasons of fun, challenge and adventure in the Swiss Alps • Make friends from all around the world and strengthen your leadership skills • Live with true Guiding ad Scouting spirit More information available at http://extranet. wagggsworld.org/en/news/22985. Buy a Sangam Swimming Pool Tile Sangam's Swimming Pool has been operational since 1974 and many repairs have been undertaken over the years. The pool still has the original concrete shell which is leaking water along a major crack that has developed through the width of the pool. It is time to re-build the swimming pool. The cost for this project is £GB 40,000 (around $AUD 70,000). Help Sangam by buying a tile in the virtual Sangam Swimming Pool for £GB 100 (approximately $AUD 180) each. PREPARED TO LEARN, PREPARED TO LEAD Source: www.sangamworldcentre.org/en/news/22986 USING THE GIRL GUIDE AND GIRL SCOUT EDUCATIONAL METHOD TO CREATE AMAZING LEARNING EXPERIENCES 1 April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 5 Around Queensland 1. Hamilton Clayfield Girl Guides at the Thinking Day Founders Day Church Service. 2. Alysha Akroyd-Stuart and Megan Graham of Kawana “Frangipani” Ranger Guides at their Wet and Messy Night. 3. 1st Ipswich Girl Guides participated in the Clean Up Australia Day Campaign at White Rock Conservation Estate, Redbank Plains. 4. Six Guides from 9th Townsville Guides were presented with their Junior BP Awards at a recent celebration. 2 4 Page 6 Queensland on the Go April 2014 3 1 Charleville Girl Guides make a Difference Girl Guides Service in Cambodia 1st Charleville Girl Guides made over 50 ribbon bookmarks to sell to raise funds for some lifestraws to send to Pakistan Girl Guides. The Unit raised enough money to purchase and send three lifestraws. These personal lifestraws are filters that allow the user to drink any water without the risk of disease. During ACE (Australian Centenary Event), an international camp held in Geelong, Victoria in January 2010, I shared a tent with Raksmey Chey, an energetic young Guide Leader from Cambodia. When the opportunity for service in Cambodia was offered at the end of 2013, I was keen to join the trip with Joy Ord, International Adviser, and Margaret Miller, Members’ Representative, and looked forward to seeing Raksmey again. Joy's return was anticipated and most warmly welcomed by the Founder and staff of Girl Guides Association Cambodia (GGAC). Such is the regard for and the strength of the relationship between Girl Guides Queensland and Girl Guides Association Cambodia that an audience with the Mother Queen was organised where we were warmly welcomed by the Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk. We taught English lessons to Dragonflies (Brownies) and Guides in Kampot, a southern riverside town, and leadership, report writing and science activities in Phnom Penh, the capital, for Leaders who had come together for training. Chenda Yen, who had worked with Joy at GGAC, invited us into her family and accompanied us to Siem Reap for the tourist segment of our trip. (above) Katelyn, Baillie, Amber and Dallace prepare to send the lifestraws to Pakistan These straws have now arrived in Pakistan and are being used by three Girl Guides. The first straw went to Fiza, a Junior Guide suffering from Giardiasis due to unsafe water of her area. The second straw went to a Senior Guide, Saba, who was happy to receive a lifestraw as she is living in an industrial area and suffering from Arsenicosis due to direct release of arsenic and other harmful substances from the chimneys of industries. We visited a rural village in Takeo province, where GGAC run the Srae Praseau Child Care Centre where young children attend for half a day while their mothers are able to work weaving silk and other fabric. Our respective Units and communities donated money to help with the purchase of replacement water filters for the Cambodian Leaders, and the running of the Child Care Centre. Highlights of the trip included friendly and welcoming Guides and Leaders, a visit to the Queen Mother (Patron of Guides), shopping in the markets, cultural exchange, Cambodian food and cuisine, made-to-measure shoes, palm sugar (yum yum!), rural riverside lodge, Killing Fields, Angkor Wat, and Koulen Mountain National Park. If you are interested in service in Cambodia, contact Joy Ord for details of upcoming trips. You will have a great experience! Ann Tew, Kenmore guides. The third straw went to Senior Guide, Saima, who suffers from diarrhoea and hepatitis due to contaminated water in the area where she lives. The Charleville Girl Guides are pleased that they were able to help three of their sister Guides in Pakistan and are now planning how they can help someone else. Thanks to LifeStraw Australia who supported the girls in this project. April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 7 Noticeboard | Positions Vacant Duke of Edinburgh Award Liaison The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award is an international leadership in action program, available to all young people aged between 14 and 25 years. Some of our Guides participate in this program through Guiding or their schools. Some Guiding activities can be cross-credited to the DofE program, and vice versa. To ensure advice and support is available for these girls, GGQ has a Stateappointed Liaison. This position is effective from June 2014 and is a member of the GGQ Outdoors Committee. For more information, contact Cathy Crittenden, Outdoors Manager, on 0419 795 268 or email [email protected] for an application form. Applications close on 30 April. State Dinner 2014 LiC Applications are called for the position of LiC for the 2014 State Dinner to be held on 26 July. Further information is available from Julie Martin, Events Manager, by emailing [email protected] or Debbie Camilleri, Operations Manager, on 0412 101 372 or email [email protected]. Wanted Gayndah Girl Guides is an energetic, enthusiastic and compassionate Guide Unit who wants to help other Units that have been affected recently by natural disasters, e.g., bushfires, floods, drought, etc. In 2013, some of our members were severely impacted when Gayndah was affected by flood. Girl Guides Queensland gave assistance which was very much appreciated. Our Guides love fundraising for a good cause and want to ‘pay it forward’ to help others in need. If we can assist you, contact Amy Ezzy, Gayndah Guide Leader, by emailing [email protected] or write to 17122 Burnet Highway, M/S 498, Gayndah Qld 4625. Page 8 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Expressions of Interest Great Bunya Gathering Are you interested in joining the Great Bunya Gathering (International Jamboree) Committee? We are seeking expressions of interest for the following positions: Media and PR Coordinator Are you a creative person who would love to coordinate marketing events and flyers? This role includes writing progress reports in state newsletters, being creative with advertising, coordinating Unit visits to promote Jamboree and, if you are really creative, virtual promotions. This position reports directly to the Jamboree LiC. Hospital/First Aid Coordinator This position is responsible for coordinating the hospital/first aid equipment and staff rosters. Security There are several positions available on the Security Team which will provide security for the camp (note that this position will include shift hours). GGQ Contingent Leader This position is responsible for engaging and preparing all Queensland participants (Guides and adults) attending the Jamboree, organising state-based shirt and badge, etc., coordinating travel arrangements for all members of the State Contingent, and travelling to and from the Jamboree with the State Contingent. Jamboree Contingent Manager This position is responsible for corresponding with and keeping all State Contingent Leaders up to date with all relevant information about the Jamboree, and reports directly to the Jamboree LIC. For more information or to submit an expression of interest, contact Donna Thompson, Jamboree LiC, by emailing [email protected]. ANZAC Day Service Opportunity Sixty Girl Guides aged 10 years and older are required to carry the flags and banners at the head of the Brisbane City ANZAC Day March. This service can be recognised towards Peak Achievement Awards. Girls are required to be at the March youth compound by 9.00 am. A further 100 youth aged 9 years and older are required to carry numbered paddles to identify the units marching. These youth will be required by 9.30 am to start the March as paddle holders. Additional youth are required to carry banners during the March for units that cannot carry their own. Girls must wear full uniform without backpacks or bags to give service as part of the March. A training session will be organised prior to the March for instruction on these prestigious roles. Youth will be transported back to the youth compound at the end of the March. All youth that participate in this service opportunity will be recognised as a supporter and receive an ANZAC Day 2014 Support badge. L E ST W E F ORGET 25 APRIL To nominate as an ANZAC Day Supporter, discuss with your Guide Leader and contact Julie Martin by emailing [email protected]. Water Distribution Girl Guides Queensland will be handing out water to thirsty marchers at both the start and end of the March. Bring empty bottles, paper cups, plastic bags and your friendly smile. A Coordinator is required to set up these water stands. If you are interested in this role, contact Julie Martin by emailing [email protected]. Vale Gone Home Dorothy Joan McIntosh Dorothy Joan McIntosh died peacefully on 28 February 2014. Her funeral was held at St Stephen's Church, Maryborough, on Wednesday 5 March. Dorothy was a member (number 410327) of Diamond Jubilee Lone Trefoil Guild. closed, then joined the Gympie Trefoil Guild. Dorothy resigned from that Guild in 2006 when travelling to Gympie became too much. She was awarded a Wattle Award and earned her 55 years Combined Long Service Award. She was a Brownie with 1st Maryborough from 19361939. She joined the Local Association (now Support Group) when her daughter joined Brownies and served from 1957-1965. She transferred her Trefoil membership to the Diamond Jubilee Lones Guild and, although this Guild rarely meets in the regular sense, Dorothy joined in at Gatherings. She was usually quiet and always had something positive to say. She had a good sense of humour and made others laugh. In her latter years, Dorothy attended the Fraser Coast Trefoil Guild and enjoyed being with others in Guiding. From 1965 she held the positions of Hervey Bay District Commissioner, Maryborough Division Commissioner, Region Commissioner and Assistant Region Commissioner. Dorothy completed her uniform service in 1991. She then became a member of the Maryborough Trefoil Guild and remained a member until that Guild Her contribution to Guiding was greatly appreciated by all. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this sad time. April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 9 Media Hits Visit the Media Centre online at www.guidesqld.org/media_centre to find a full list of published media articles that feature Girl Guides Queensland. Forward scanned copies of newspaper articles or information to [email protected]. Newspapers Social Media • The Toowoomba Chronicle, Yellaloo Guides participating in Clean Up Australia Day GGA Facebook • 1st Ipswich Guides participating in Clean Up Australia Day • Julie Frizzell and girls from Warwick Guides receiving GEM Awards • The Western Times, new Junior Leader for Charleville Guide Unit GGQ Facebook • 1st Ipswich Guides participating in Clean Up Australia Day • Warwick Daily News, Julie Frizzell receiving GEM Award Radio Interview with Monica Elliott State Commissioner on 612 ABC for World Thinking Day Page 10 Queensland on the Go April 2014 • Lauren Martin, Julie Martin and Monica Elliott at International Women's Day event Support Centre Update Paul Nicholls, State Executive Officer [email protected] Wow! Talk about changes coming thick and fast. Here are just two of the most recent. New look Support Centre Renovations of our home on Lutwyche Road, Windsor are now finished! We are slowly putting the office back together again after having moved three times in the last few weeks. We moved everything and everybody from one half of the office into the second half of the office—very cosy! Then we moved them all back to the newly renovated area including all the furniture, equipment, files and staff plus Guide Supplies and storage from the second half of the building. Once painting and carpet laying was completed in the second half, we moved everything and everybody into their final “resting” place. A huge thank you to all staff for your hard work and perseverance as we continued to work through all the noise, dust, cramped conditions and inconvenience. Thanks also to our landlord who covered the costs of all renovations. The new space provides a better working environment. The new Guide Supplies looks great. I have also ensured that there is a separate space for members to work and meet. Computers, printers and access to all our office facilities are now available. We ask that you reserve time for desks or meeting space so that we do not double up and disappoint anyone. In a few weeks we will have awards, photos and flags back on display. Windsor will take on a Girl Guide look and feel. Watch out for an invitation to an open house in the next month. Get ready—here comes the new database and website In May, we will be launching our new look website. This has been in the making for a long time and will bring significant benefits to our Leaders and members. The new website will be modelled on Girl Guides Victoria's site (check it out at www.guidesvic.org.au), but with a uniquely Queensland feel. It is fun, vibrant and the best part is it is amazingly user-friendly with some awesome new features. Keep your ears and eyes open for future updates as we really get rolling. April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 11 Outdoors Cathy Crittenden, Outdoors Manager tdoor Conv Ou en t nd o Scr St yle 014 n2 io Quee ns la [email protected] a Australi n g gi n- Scroggin 2014 The Girl Guides Queensland Outdoor Convention 6-9 JUNE 2014 An outdoor adventure weekend for any adult member of Girl Guides Australia. Scroggin offers a mix of activity and accommodation options, chosen by each individual to suit her particular needs and interests. Activities will provide an opportunity for ‘come and try’ or work towards gaining a qualification and include canoeing, abseiling, high ropes, outdoor cooking, archery, orienteering and geocaching. For more information, contact Cathy Crittenden by emailing [email protected]. Convention Preferences Accommodation and Convention Fees Each of the Convention fees below include all meals and basic program costs. Choose from three accommodation types: AccommodaƟon Cost Deluxe Single bed, twin room with shared bathroom $155.00 Single Day Participation Only A $35.00 fee will apply to those who are not staying overnight and just attending the day program. Additional program costs still apply. Activity Preferences A range of activities are available to fill the 21/2 day program which are outlined in the registration form. These include half day and full day onsite activities, full day offsite activities, Training Qualifications, night activities and more. Budget Bunk beds in dormotory-style room with shared bathroom $130.00 Download the registration form from www.guidesqld.org/new_events and, upon completion, forward to Cathy Crittenden by emailing [email protected] or post to: Camping BYO tents on established campsite with showers and toilets $118.00 Scroggin 2014, C/- Girl Guides Queensland, PO Box 739, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Page 12 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Program Sandy McCarthy, Program Manager [email protected] More exciting news from The Pyjama Foundation! After a meeting with their SEO, Bronwyn Sheehan, in late February I have been made aware of more support that they need and would appreciate. The Foundation promotes a special “Pyjama Day” in schools. This year this will be held on 18 July. It would be a fantastic PR exercise for both The Pyjama Foundation and Girl Guides Queensland if our Leaders who are teachers and Guides could organise a “pyjama” activity at their schools on or around 18 July and collect a gold coin donation for participation. The activity could last for as little or as long a period of time as is suitable. It could be as easy as wearing pyjamas for the day. We already have one of our Leaders who works in child care organising this activity in three of the child care centres in the chain where she is employed. How much FUN would it be to have a District Meeting wearing your PJs? Or to plan a sports event/round robin of activities? Or to enjoy a high tea wearing pyjamas? You are only limited by your imagination! training of the “Pyjama Angels” who read to children in foster care. Southern Cross Region (formerly Archerfield and Jepara Regions) collected book and pyjama donations at their recent Region World Thinking Day event at Kindilan as well as accepting gold coin donations for the World Thinking Day Fund. It was very successful and enjoyed by all participants. Sticker books are very popular (especially those with an educational theme) with the children, and pyjamas are needed for boys and girls of all ages. Program Committee members look forward to hearing about all the great things you are doing. Please share your photos and stories with us! Monies raised from the gold coin donation participation would help to fund volunteer support, the acquisition of resources and Reminder Updated versions of Aim High, Look Wide and Look Wider Still are now available from Guide Supplies. Revised Edition 2013 Look Wide Revis ed Ed 3000 Aim High $7.00 3002 Look Wide $9.00 3010 Look Wider Still $6.00 $8 67 5$ /, $ * 8 , ' ( - 8 1 6 $8 67 5 , 2 5 , 5 / * 8 , ' ( 13 $8 67 5$ /, $ $8 67 5$ /, $ * * ition 20 6 1 , 2 5 , 5 / * 8 , ' ( 6 $8 67 5 April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 13 Arts Dorami Keyt, Arts Adviser [email protected], (07) 3314 3011 I hope you have all received your copies of the Carr Cup form and fill them in soon! The Arts Workshop had to be cancelled due to the renovations taking place at the Support Centre. We would have been unable to use the building, and decided against holding the Workshop in the car park! The closing date for the Girls Arts Camp is 15 April. We need Leaders to come along to help with the activities. Further information about the camp is available on page 25. Return the forms as soon as possible so that you don't miss out. Planning is well in hand and the Committee is working hard to make it a success. Leaders MAD Camp will be held 18-20 July. I hope many of you will be able to come to this—it is a fun arts training and will include some of what was planned for the Workshop! Brownies are 100 years old this year—and there are great celebrations in England and Canada. CRAFT OF THE MONTH Waterlily from Bangladesh What you need: • Sheets of white foam (or felt) • Glue • Pins What to do: 1. Enlarge the pattern (petal 5 should be 2½cm wide). 2. Cut out two each of numbers 1, 2 and 3 and one each of 4 and 5. 3. Start gluing the petals to the back of number 4 as shown in the picture starting with number 1 and finish with number 5. I thought that the song for April should be one of the first Brownie Songs. 4. Colour the edges of the petals with a felt pen and smudge it. You can also use foam sheets of pale pink or blue. Amelia Ann is Going to School (Tune: Here we go round the Mulberry Bush) 5. Put a pin through the petal and put it on your camp hat! Amelia Ann is going to school, going to school, going to school, Amelia Ann is going to school, but how does she get there? One of the girls calls out a ‘how’, e.g., “walked”, “skated”, “hopped” and the others do the action as they sing the song again. If you would like the music, contact me. Don't forget that the musical instruments can be borrowed for use by Units—they were utilised by two Units/Districts in March. Instructions for all ‘Crafts of the Month’ can be found on the GGQ website at www.guidesqld.org/craft Page 14 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Girl Guide Biscuit RESOURCES Contributed by Kate Fletcher and Marie Yamamoto PITCHING SALES Rehearse: 1. “Pitch” the ball to a girl. Then, name a hand and finger (for example, left hand, pointer finger). 2. The girl locates the phrase closest to that finger and demonstrates that part of her sales “pitch”. 3. She then throws the ball to another girl and names a hand and finger. 4. Continue until all the girls have had at least one chance to practice and all the topics have been covered. Girl Guides have a “ball” as they practice their sales pitches and other selling tips. What you need: • Beach ball • Permanent marker What to do: Use the permanent marker to write the following phrases randomly on the ball (or on masking tape affixed to the ball): • Greet your customer. • Share your goals. • Ask customer if s/he would like to buy biscuits. • Recommend your favorite biscuits. • Suggest biscuits as gifts. • Say goodbye to your customer. Warm-up: 1. Invite girls to stand in a circle. 2. Explain that this game gives them a chance to practice some of the things they will say to their customers. Read the phrases written on the ball out loud. 3. Instruct the girls that when they catch the ball, they must “freeze” their hands on the ball in exactly that spot. Practice your pitch! 1. Invite the girls to pair up and practice their entire sales pitch with each other, with one girl role-playing the customer. 2. As they perfect their sales pitches, encourage volunteers to perform their sales skits for the whole group. Adapted from: www.littlebrowniebakers.com/volunteers/ pitching-sales-for-fun-and-success USEFUL WEBSITES Activities from GSUSA: www.littlebrowniebakers.com/volunteers/activities-for-girls/ g Elevator Pitch: www.littlebrowniebakers.com/volunteers/going-up-with-my-elevator-pitch/ g g p y p Pencil Topper: www.littlebrowniebakers.com/media/filebrowser/pencil_topper_sign_activity.pdf p pp g yp April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 15 Girl Guide Biscuit RESOURCES CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE Ingredients Method Base – • 1 (300g) pkt Girl Guide Choc Biscuits • 150g butter, melted • 2 tablespoons brown sugar Base – 1. Crush the biscuits. 2. Mix in the butter and sugar until combined. 3. Press the mixture evenly over the base and halfway up the side of a springform (or similar) tin. 4. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Filling – • 50g milk chocolate, chopped roughly • 300ml thickened cream • 20g butter • 3 teaspoons gelatine • ¼ cup (60ml) water • 2 (250g each) pkts cream cheese, softened • ½ cup (110g) castor sugar • Grated chocolate, for garnish Filling – 5. Combine the chocolate, cream and butter in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. 6. Stir until the chocolate melts. 7. Sprinkle the gelatine over water in a bowl or jug and stir over a saucepan of simmering water until the gelatine dissolves, then cool for a few minutes. 8. Beat the cream cheese and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. 9. Stir the gelatine liquid and chocolate cream mixture into the cream cheese mixture. 10. Pour the Filling into the Base. 11. Cover the cheesecake with plastic wrap. 12. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight until set. 13. Garnish with grated chocolate. CHERRY RIPE BALLS Ingredients Method • 1 (300g) pkt Girl Guide Biscuits, crushed • 2 (100g each) Cherry Ripe chocolate bars, chopped • 1 (400g) tin condensed milk • 1 tablespoon cocoa • 2 cups coconut (or chocolate sprinkles, chopped nuts, more crushed biscuits) 1. Mix the biscuit crumbs, Cherry Ripe, condensed milk and cocoa in a medium bowl. 2. Refrigerate the mixture for 1-2 hours if possible. 3. Divide the mixture into rounded teaspoonfuls and roll into balls 2cm across with palms. 4. Roll the balls in the coconut. 5. Return to the refrigerator to set, and for storage. Page 16 Queensland on the Go April 2014 ROCKY ROAD SLICE Ingredients Base – • 125g butter • ¼ cup sugar • 2 tablespoons cocoa • 1 egg • 1 teaspoon vanilla • 1 (300g) pkt Girl Guide Biscuits, crushed Filling – • 100g marshmallows, chopped • 100g glace cherries, chopped • ¼ cup desiccated coconut • 125g dark chocolate, chopped roughly • 60g copha Method Base – 1. Place the butter, sugar and cocoa in a pan, stirring over a gentle heat just until the sugar dissolves. 2. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes. 3. Whisk the egg and vanilla. 4. Add the sugar liquid and biscuit crumbs, mixing well. 5. Press the mixture evenly over the base of a slice tray lined with baking paper. 6. Bake for 10-15 minutes until evenly cooked. 7. Cool for a few minutes, then chill. Filling – 8. Place the marshmallows and cherries in a large bowl. 9. Add the coconut, mixing well. 10. Spread the mixture over the cooled base. 11. Place the chocolate and copha in a bowl and stir over simmering water until just melted. 12. Drizzle the chocolate evenly over the slice and refrigerate for 1 hour until set. 13. While still in the tin, use a large, sharp knife to slice it into squares or fingers to serve. Use the lining to help remove the slice from the tin. 14. Store in the refrigerator. CHOCOLATE CARAMEL SLICE Ingredients • 2 pkts chocolate Guide Biscuits • 75g butter • 1 (400g) tin sweetened condensed milk Method 1. Crush the biscuits roughly in a food processor, then process in short bursts until finely crumbed. 2. Melt the butter in a small pot or microwave bowl, then add to the biscuits and mix well. 3. Press the biscuit mixture into a baking paper-lined 20cm square tin, then pour in the condensed milk. 4. Bake at 160C for 30-40 minutes until the top is golden brown and set in the middle. 5. Remove from the oven. 6. Leave to stand until cool, then remove from the tin and cut into fingers. S'MORES Ingredients • 2 chocolate Girl Guide Biscuits • 1 large marshmallow Method 1. Place one biscuit on a plate so the chocolate side is up. 2. Toast the marshmallow and put onto the biscuit. 3. Top with the other biscuit, chocolate side down. 4. Squish together until the marshmallow reaches the edges. April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 17 SONGS Guide Biscuits its ts I sold Girl Guide Biscuits Tune: Jingle Bells Guide biscuits! Guide biscuits! Buy a box today, They're only here once a year, Then they go away! Yum, Yum, Yum Tune: Frere Jacques GAME What you need • 1 pkt plain Guide Biscuits, with enough biscuits for one per player Girl Guide Biscuits, Girl Guides Biscuits, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Eat ‘em by the dozen, eat ‘em by the dozen, They're all gone, they're all gone. We're Selling Girl Guide Biscuits What to do Tune: This Is The Song That Never Ends 1. Each player is standing. We're selling Girl Guide Biscuits here! They're only sold this time of year! Please won't you buy a box from us - or maybe 2 or 3? You'll get yummy biscuits plus you help us, don't you see? (repeat) 2. Each player receives one biscuit and holds it on their forehead, head tilted backwards and looking up at the sky. 3. On ‘ready, set, go’, each player takes their hand off the biscuit. The Biscuit Song 4. Each player then has to get the biscuit from their forehead to their mouth using ONLY their facial muscles. The biscuit song that never ends, We're selling biscuits here, my friends, And if you buy a box of them, or maybe even two, We'll stop singing long enough for you and you and you. 5. The first person to get the biscuit to their mouth is the winner. Rules • Players cannot use their hands. • If the biscuit drops, it has to be picked up and put back on the player's forehead. • This could be used as a game if biscuits are being sold at a market stall or in a shopping centre. Page 18 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Tune: This Is The Song That Never Ends To get yourselves right out the door, After you're gone, we'll sing some more, We'll sell you extra biscuits if you want to come right back, And you can have them later for a little bitty snack. (repeat, and repeat, and repeat ...) These songs and others are available at: http://cookiebooths.com/cbsongs.htm www.alamitosmarina.org/ckysngbk.html The recipes and others are available at: www.girlguides.org.au/my-merchandise/biscuits-copy/guide-biscuit-recipes.htm http://guidebiscuits.org.nz/downloads/Chocolate-Caramel-Slice.pdf http://guidebiscuits.org.nz/downloads/Lemon-Cheesecake.pdf www.abcsmartcookies.com/recipes Trefoil Guild Sue Hawkins, Trefoil Guild Adviser [email protected] It was an exciting World Thinking Day for Margaret Boyle from Diamond Jubilee Lones Trefoil Guild as she celebrated her 91st birthday at the Hamilton Clayfield Guide Hut surrounded by over 40 girls, Leaders and Trefoil members from Aspley, Diamond Jubilee Lones and Nostalgia Singers Trefoil Guilds. As well as sharing her birthday with Lord and Lady B-P, Margaret also received her 50 years Long Service Award—what an achievement! A 35 year Long Service Award was also presented to Margaret Reid of Nostalgia Singers Trefoil Guild who was pleased to have Brenda Hewison from the United Kingdom visiting with Marian Elcock in attendance. Margie Reid, Chatter Editor Carol Ball, Mavis Holland and Margaret Boyle Brenda Hewison, Margie Reid and Dorami Keyt Margaret Boyle cutting her birthday cake surrounded by Hamilton Clayfield Guides April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 19 International Joy Ord, International Adviser [email protected] Congratulations and safe travels to the following members: • Robyn Gibbs will be attending the 35th WAGGGS World Conference in Hong Kong, 5-9 July 2014. • Amanda Farrell (Contingent Leader), Shannon Lauchlan, Catherine Zappulla and Jeanna Imhof will be heading to Ireland for Xplore 14 at Castle Saunderson, 30 July-6 August. • Mikaela Graham and Tiyana Jovanovic have recently been at Sangam and I'm sure that they'd be pleased to share their experiences with local Units. If you are travelling overseas—whether it be independently or to a Guide event—and would like to try to link up with local Guiding groups, you can apply for a WAGGGS Introduction Card. The application form can be downloaded from www.guidesqld.org/forms. The final part of any participation in an international experience is the REPORT. Yes, I can hear the sighs! Nevertheless, what you have to say about the event, organisation, participants—all comments—are valued and taken into consideration for the risk register, for future promotion of events, and for preparation by both the Contingent Leader and participants. So take the time to complete a report. I can then complete the process by sending you your Participation Certificate. Thank you to all those leaders who responded to my plea for JOTA/JOTI reports—there were 172 participants in Queensland. I hope that everyone is READY for ACTION and learning about some of the numerous service providers around the world. International Events The Queensland closing date is earlier than the Australian date to allow for the interview process, reference checking and other selection criteria to be appropriately addressed. All events are advertised for 2014 unless otherwise specified. Costs and further information are available on the GGA website at www.girlguides.org.au/International/international-events/current-international-events. Sangam World Centre, Pune, India Event Dates Open to Qld Closing Date 4 Week Community Experience 22 September -19 October Adult members 27 April 2014 Be the Change: MDG2 in India 8-14 September Members aged 16+ 24 May Our Chalet World Centre, Switzerland Event Dates Open to Qld Closing Date Swiss Challenge 2015 12 June-2 September 2015 *Members aged 14+ 24 May Alpine Adventure Week 2-10 September Adult members 24 May Walking Week 12-19 September Adult members 24 May International Friendship Event 22-30 September Adult members 24 May Autumn Experience Week 2-9 October *Members aged 14+ 24 May Our Cabana, Cuernavaca, Mexico Event Dates Open to Qld Closing Date Mexican Fiestas and Traditions 29 October-6 November Adult members 24 May Mexican Crafts and Culture 13-19 November Adult members 24 May New Year Event 2015 29 December-6 January 2014 Members aged 14+ 23 June Other Event Dates Details Sussex East International Camp 2015 1-8 August 2015 Members ages 14-17 years Leaders S'more 13 Day Tour - Ontario, Canada 15-17 September Adult members Four World Centre Tour 2015 2 September 2015 for 36 days Contact Sally Thornton on 0427 507 338 *Youth members must travel with a Leader Page 20 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Archives Ann Fletcher, Archives Adviser [email protected] What have you been hearing? That the archive does not have air conditioning? That the storage is inadequate? Well, here are the facts. Yes, the archive does not have air conditioning because we have upgraded to two dehumidifiers. The Community Heritage Grant (CHG) funded the units that were supplied by Munters. Munters specialise in air quality control. The units are energy-efficient and can be relocated. They will protect the collection from mould and other forms of deterioration. Storage room - You should realise that we receive many copies of the mass-produced items and we must make room for the incoming donations. First, we check to make sure we have the best example in the archive. This might be a book or simply a page. Then we liaise with other archives and Committees to see if the surplus items might be needed. We have supplied Papua New Guinea, Tasmania, Townsville, United Kingdom, and other states with items that were appropriate for their use. We share with active Units. Next, we look at ways we can raise funds for the ongoing maintenance of the archive. We were able to use funds from the sale of badges to get our important uniform collection dry-cleaned by a specialist cleaner. You are welcome to visit the archive. We will answer queries, open the archive for your use, and all we ask is that you remember we are volunteers with other commitments so we need reasonable notice. We appreciate that the CHG has again granted us money to purchase archival grade cardboard and photo pages. We want your archives as we feel we can provide very good conditions for their care. But remember, we are not taking them away from you—just taking steps to manage the preservation for you. Now we need help with the following: SELL: A volunteer is wanted to sell surplus items on eBay to raise money for the work of the archive. BUY: We have items available for sale, so contact our Committee with your requests. HIRE: Uniforms for display, slide and negative scanner, Gerni (high pressure cleaner) DONATE: Keep sending your donations! We continually appraise the contents of the archive to make it the best we can. Your donations help us to continue this work. Contact the Archives Committee for any of the above matters. Jill Hogrefe REP ARE D UL FAITHF GEOUS COURA BE P The State Standard will be wall mounted in the new Lady MacCartney room of the Girl Guides Queensland Support Centre. This is your archive. We are prepared to caretake the collection, to keep abreast of current methods to protect the contents, and source the best supplies to use for this work. April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 21 Support Group Joy Millett, Support Group Adviser [email protected] Support Group/District Support Team Newsletter The latest newsletter is available from www. guidesqld.org/support_group and has been emailed to Office Bearers if I have an email address. Ensure that your Region Manager has all documentation from the AGM so that she can onforward this to the Support Centre by 30 April. If you have any concerns, contact me. If you are having difficulty finding an auditor, contact the Support Centre. Hints and Guidelines for Support Groups/District Support Teams Support Group/District Support Team Conference: “The Guiding Community” This document is now available online at www. guidesqld.org/sg_resources. Please make use of the information it contains. Annual General Meetings There is still time to register for the Conference which be held over the weekend of 17-18 May at Kindilan. Travel for two representatives per Region is paid by Girl Guides Queensland and your Region/ District should pay the Conference fee. Each District has been able to celebrate the past year of Guiding recently at its AGM. I offer my thanks to outgoing Committee members and congratulations to new Office Bearers. Best wishes for a rewarding year of participation and service to Girl Guides. An information sheet and registration forms are available from your District or Region Manager. How wonderful it would be to have all Regions represented! Email me any Agenda Items that you would like added to the program. Esther Wearmouth Current Guiding roles: Toowoomba Olave Program member, Longreach Guide Manager, Longreach District Manager Esther was one of four founding members of the Toowoomba Olave Program before moving to Longreach to take up a teaching job. When she moved to Longreach there was no active Guiding Unit so, with advice and assistance from the previous District Leader, she set about bringing Guiding back to the area. The GEM Award is awarded to an adult member of GGQ who “Goes the Extra Mile”. Esther has spread the Guiding Spirit in the community and has demonstrated how our youth and young women are the future of our Organisation. Her Unit currently has eight Guides and an Assistant Leader. All Support Group positions are filled by parents. These numbers speak to Esther's hard work and dedication. Nominate a Guide Leader today by completing a GEM Nomination form (QF.AW.05) available on the GGQ website. As District Manager, she has shown grace in challenging situations. Esther was also the LiC for the Matilda Region camp. This Region covers a large area and, although membership numbers are small, organising a Region camp is a logistically difficult task. Esther takes this all in her stride placing the benefits to the girls, Leaders and Guiding above the difficulty of the task. Page 22 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Kindilan OECC Cnr Days Rd and German Church Rd, Redland Bay P: (07) 3206 7291 F: (07) 3829 0026 E: [email protected] www.kindilan.net.au Yolande Sur, Client Services Manager We have availability throughout the year for all groups, so encourage your friends and acquaintances to visit our website or contact our Client Services Team to discuss their individual requirements. We are here to help! New GST Update Note that there have been changes to bookings made after 20 February 2014 which will affect all future bookings. Due to auditor advice, we now have to place 10% GST on all Guide charges except accommodation and camping. Our apologies, but this will be implemented from any service booked in from 20 February 2014. Koona Screens Brilliant news! Koona mesh screens (below) have been installed. After many years of repairing and fixing Koona window screens, the Kindilan Management Committee budget allowed for the complete replacement of Koona screens with mesh screening. The site looks wonderful. No more mosquitos in the rooms! Everyone can enjoy the safety and security of mesh windows and keeping the annoying critters out! Kitchen Donations Welcome Donations of cutlery and crockery are welcome. We are looking for extra cutlery and crockery to assist Guide groups in Kinta and Brownie cottage. Donations accepted of new and good quality used items only. Kids Adventure Club and Birthday Parties Kindilan is accessible for a diverse range of groups and purposes. We are introducing a Kids Adventure Club for children between the ages of 8-12 years on Friday afternoons from 3.30 pm5.00 pm. Keep an eye out for updates. We also encourage families to book their birthday parties at Kindilan. Kindilan’s Family Adventure Fun Day Update your diaries as we have changed Kindilan's Family Adventure Fun Day to 23 August instead of in October. If you would like to volunteer your time for this event, contact Cathy Crittenden. State Commissioner’s Handover—A Message from Rebecca Fox, Kindilan Manager From the whole team at Kindilan, we would like to say a fond farewell and thanks to Monica Elliott for all her support in her term as State Commissioner and wish her happiness on her next adventures. Sharing the 60th Kindilan birthday and her wedding here at Kindilan has generated many more wonderful memories. “Things end, but memories last forever.” Good luck! We would also like to welcome the new State Commissioner, Velia Nicholls. Let the journey begin. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” - Lao Tzu April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 23 Events and Trainings Girl Guide Night will be Friday 11 July 2014 www.brisbanegangshow.com.au Page 24 Queensland on the Go April 2014 QUICK GUIDE Archery Roster Days Please book early. There is no guarantee that late bookings will be accepted. If there are insufficient bookings by the closing date, the Archery Roster Day will be cancelled. Date Contact Closing Date Saturday 31 May Alison Bond [email protected] Friday 9 May Saturday 21 June Irene Miles [email protected] Friday 30 May Saturday 16 August Irene Miles [email protected] Friday 25 July Venue: Kindilan Cost: $5.50 per participant per session (length of session depends on group size) Note that GST is now payable on archery activities at Kindilan. Open to: All members Guiding Orientation Webinar This free webinar is designed to introduce new Leaders to Guiding. Go to Member Resources > Training > ALQP on the GGQ website for detailed instructions of how to join the webinar. Wednesday 9 April 7.30 pm Sunday 18 May 3.30 pm Sunday 13 April 3.00 pm Monday 26 May 8.30 pm Thursday 24 April 8.00 pm Tuesday 3 June 9.00 pm Tuesday 29 April 8.00 pm Wednesday 11 June 8.00 pm Thursday 1 May 7.00 pm Thursday 19 June 9.00 pm Thursday 8 May 6.30 pm Friday 27 June 10.00 pm April 9 Guiding Orientation Webinar 7.30 pm 12 Archery Roster Day, Kindilan 12 Guide Supplies 9.00 am-1.00 pm 12-13 Major Mitchell Region Training 13 Guiding Orientation Webinar 3.00 pm 13 Learning Partner Training, Huxtable Hut 24 Guiding Orientation Webinar 8.00 pm 26 Outdoor Skills Day, Kindilan 26 Guide Supplies 9.00 am-1.00 pm 29 Guiding Orientation Webinar 8.00 pm May 1 Guiding Orientation Webinar 7.00 pm 3-4 Tropical Tablelands Region Training 8 Guiding Orientation Webinar 6.30 pm 10 Guide Supplies 9.00 am-1.00 pm 17 Canoe Roster Day, Kindilan 18 Guiding Orientation Webinar 3.30 pm 16-18 Support Group/ DST Conference 16-18 Camp Nowra 17-18 Flinders Region Training, Ross River 17-18 Wide Bay Region Training 23-25 Girls Art Camp, Kindilan 24 First Aid, Chermside 24 Guide Supplies 9.00 am-1.00 pm 24-25 Camp Skills Weekend, Kindilan 26 Guiding Orientation Webinar 8.30 pm 29 Food Safety Webinar 31 Archery Roster Day, Kindilan 31 Leader Qualification, Kindilan 31 Manager Qualification, Kindilan Girls Arts Camp 31 Dry Rescue, Shailer Park Date: 23-25 May Venue: Kindilan Open to: members aged 11-14 years Leaders to assist with activities Cost: $80.00 for Guides, $50.00 for Leaders Contact: Support Centre for application form or Dorami Keyt for further information RSVP: 15 April June 1 Learning Partner Training, Kindilan 3 Guiding Orientation Webinar 9.00 pm 6-9 Scroggin, Kindilan 11 Guiding Orientation Webinar 8.00 pm 14-15 Capricorn Region Training 19 Guiding Orientation Webinar 9.00 pm 21 First Aid, Chermside April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 25 Trainings First Aid 2014 will see some major changes to the way First Aid training is presented. First Aid training will now be known as Provide First Aid. CPR – All participants must complete the resuscitation practise on the floor. Three different sized mannequins will be used and all must be practised on. Forward completed training application (QF.TR.01) to Support Centre by post or email to [email protected] to apply for the following First Aid Trainings. CPR Plus, Provide First Aid, PFA Recertification State Trainings Forward completed training application (QF.TR.01) to Support Centre by post or email to [email protected] to apply for the following State Trainings. Implementing Food Safety This webinar has been developed to train current and potential QMs in Food Safety Procedures. All Leaders are eligible to register and attend. Any Leader who will be QM at an indoor or outdoor camp will find this training informative. Any QM using the main kitchen facilities at Kindilan (Koona or Kindilan House) is required to attend this training before using the facility. Numbers are limited to 18 participants. The Food Safety Licence gained will be required to be updated each year. Date: Venue: Times: All Leaders who apply to be QM at a sub-camp at Jamboree 2015 will be required to hold a Food Safety Licence. Cost: 24 May, 21 June Chermside Guide Hut (GGQ Trainer) CPR Plus - 9.00 am-12.00 noon PFA - 12.30 pm-3.30 pm PFA Recert - 12.30 pm-3.30 pm St John CPR Plus - $45.00 New course - 29 May, 28 August Update course - 27 November Your computer 7.00 pm $15.00 No later than two weeks in advance (includes CPR, Certificate course only - no handouts) Venue: Time: Cost: RSVP: St John PFA - $90.00* (includes CPR) No later than one month in advance Leader Qualification (Certificate course only - no handouts) St John PFA Recert - $55.00 RSVP: Dates: *includes postage for booklet to be completed within two weeks prior to course Develop the skills required to be an effective Unit Leader or Assistant Unit Leader. A Keeping Children Safe workshop will be presented on Friday night. Dry Rescue Dates: Date: Venue: Times: Cost: RSVP: Venue: Cost: RSVP: 31 May Shailer Park Guide Hut To be advised $15.00 No later than one month in advance Page 26 Queensland on the Go April 2014 31 May-1 June 13-14 September Kindilan $120.00 No later than one month in advance Manager Qualification Outdoor Skills Day This training is a one day face-to-face training for Region and District Managers focusing on the practical skills of management. These include Team Building, Communication, Coaching, Prioritising and Decision Making, Conflict Management and Meeting Skills. It is a practical hands-on day to help you deal with situations that you would come across within your role. Suitable for both new and existing Managers. Tent care and maintenance, outdoor cooking methods, and gadgets and knots. Dates: 26 April Venue: Kindilan Cost: To be advised Time: 8.oo am-4.00 pm RSVP: No later than one month in advance Dates: Venue: Cost: RSVP: Camp Skills Weekend (Practise Camp for Jamboree 2015) 31 May Kindilan $55.00 No later than one month in advance Learning Partner Develop the skills of Learning Partner to assist new Leaders and Managers develop the skills to be effective in their roles. Dates: 13 April Venue: Huxtable Hut Cost: $35.00, BYO Lunch RSVP: No later than one month in advance Dates: Venue: Cost: RSVP: 1 June Kindilan $55.00 No later than one month in advance Developing Outdoor Skills (Outdoor Leader Qualification) Develop the skills required to deliver the AGP through outdoor activities. Dates: 13 September Venue: Kindilan Cost: $55.00 RSVP: No later than one month in advance For Leaders and girls to gain camp skills prior to Jamboree. Sessions for Leaders include QM-ing in the outdoors, erecting lats and screening, looking after Guides in camp, maintaining first aid and medication records, programming, and the Patrol System at camp. Sessions for Guides include packing for a week away on camp, making a bed roll and how to air it at camp, camp courtesy, gadget making, how to work in Patrols, cooking in the outdoors and caring for tents. All participants will be sleeping in tents and will be expected to help with meal preparation and other duties around the campsite. Forward completed application (ADM27, ADM28) to Support Centre by post or email to [email protected]. Dates: 24-25 May Venue: Kindilan Cost: $60.00 Open to: Youth members (aged 8+ years as at Jamboree) and Leaders RSVP: No later than one month in advance April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 27 Trainings Region Trainings Flinders Region Canoe and Kayak Training Date: 17-18 May Venue: Ross River Cost: Nil Contact: Frances Chatterton at [email protected] Major Mitchell Region Being Safe, Financials, Mentoring Junior Leaders Date: 12-13 April Contact: Major Mitchell RTC, Kathy Crump, on (07) 4662 4455 Tropical Tableland Region Outdoor Skills Date: 3-4 May Contact: Tropical Tableland RTC, Kerrielee Mather, on (07) 4091 2544 or 0427 912 544 Wide Bay Region Knots and Lashings, Knots and Gadgets for Camping and Pioneering, Orienteering, Patrol System, Ceremonies Date: 17-18 May Contact: Wide Bay RTC, Maree Wein, on (07) 4155 9547 or 0409 535 428 or Ann Vautin on 0438 532 763 Capricorn Region Risk Management, Grab the Spirit, Planning Wide Games Date: 14-15 June Contact: Capricorn RTC, Leeza Bailey, on (07) 4928 0244 or 0400 986 702 Page 28 Queensland on the Go April 2014 GOALL (Gathering Of All Lone Leaders) This is a training event for all Australian and New Zealand Lones Leaders and those interested in the future of Lone Guiding. Girl Guides NSW&ACT is running the event which will include lots of programming ideas. Home hospitality is available prior to and after the event. Transport to and from the airport or train station is available. Dates: 25-27 July Venue: Glengarry, North Turramurra, Sydney NSW Open to: Lones Leaders or prospective Lones Leaders Cost: $190.00 Deposit of $100 to Girl Guides Association NSW and ACT by 15 May. Final payment to Girl Guides Association NSW by 5 June Outdoors Canoe Roster Days Canoe Roster Days are provided to allow youth and adult members to try canoeing with an emphasis on having fun rather than serious instruction. Each day has three (2-hour) sessions. For those members who hold an FDO12 module, this is an excellent way of working up hours for your log book. At times we may not be able to have GGQ Canoe Activity Leaders taking the sessions and the people who have booked these sessions will be advised. They will have an opportunity to book Kindilan Outdoor Education instructors for these sessions and pay the relevant rates. For more details, contact Caitlin O'Keeffe at [email protected]. Dates: 17 May, 6 September, 25 October, 22 November Venue: Lake Lowanna, Kindilan Cost: The cost for booking one session is $7.00 per participant, with a minimum payment of $30.00 RSVP: At least one month before the required date. If there are no bookings or enquiries are late, canoe roster dates will be cancelled. Things to Do National Volunteer Week 12-18 May Theme: Celebrate the Power of Volunteering 2014 is the 25th anniversary year of National Volunteer Week. The theme points to the power of volunteers and volunteering in Australia. Why not plan a celebration event to acknowledge and thank your volunteers? More information available at www. volunteeringaustralia.org. Connect to Your Creek Week 17-25 May This is a new initiative by Healthy Waterways which aims to improve waterway health by increasing community stewardship of local waterways so people value and engage with their local creek. More information available at www.healthywaterways.org/ Connecttoyourcreekaspx. Source: QORF Newsletter, February 2014 Community Recreation Consultation, Brisbane Service Skills Australia (SSA) is currently undertaking important consultation to ensure that the community recreation qualifications within the Sports, Fitness and Recreation Training Package are of high quality and reflect the current workforce skills needs of the community recreation industry. If you are passionate about community recreation industry skills and qualifications, you need to be part of these consultation workshops! Date: Thursday 10 April Time: 7.15 am-10.30 am (breakfast included) Venue: RLSSA Queensland Office (The Plantation), Gumdale Cost: Free Contact: Elly Snider, Senior Project Officer, Sport, Fitness and Recreation on (02) 8243 1200 or email [email protected] More information and registration available at www. eventbrite.com.au/e/community-recreation-consultationbrisbane-registration-10847825137?aff=eorg. GREAT BUNYA GATHERING 25 SEPTEMBER-3 OCTOBER 2015 LAKE SOMERSET SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND The Australian International Jamboree 2015 Full 7 Days The greatest fun packed gathering for ages 10+ REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN www.GreatBunyaGathering.com.au April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 29 FROM THE ARCHIVES SOME OF OUR WARTIME VIPS - THEY HAD THE RIGHT STUFF! Before we start with their stories, here is a copy of a message that arrived from Lord and Lady BadenPowell in 1940. It was illustrated by B-P and contains the capitals Lady B-P was said to express in her speech and text. This is to offer you our hearty wishes for as Happy a Christmas as War will allow and a New Year bright with Promise. Out of evil good will come. We owe a statue to Hitler. He has done more than any man ever to consolidate our nation, at Home and Overseas and has given us friends in America and ALL the countries he has ravaged. Such wide friendship will help world Peace so [sic] soon as he and his war clouds are swept away. My wife and I, as evacuees, have settled here in Kenya, in the Africa we love, and in the same continent with Peter and Betty and their respective contingents of grand children where we hope that Heather and her husband may join us after their war Service. As to you Scouts and Guides we are, geographically, more in the centre of things than before, nearer to N. Zealand, Australia, India and the East, and not much further from Canada and West Indies than from England. So from close up, we can watch you all at your various War Services. What you have done you have done well. Stick it out! Play up to the Scouts’ slogan “Sleeves Up! And with Tails Up Go To It TO WIN THE WAR.” And after that to bring about Peace with goodwill, and happiness for all. Nyeri, Kenya Xmas 1940 Page 30 Queensland on the Go April 2014 Have you read How Guides Won the War? You will be amazed, impressed and sad. Australian Guides and Leaders gave their best too. Most did not experience the same intensity but their contribution was important. Here are some more of the stories in our archive; this time they are about our Guide members. You will know of Nancy (Kemp) Eastick MBE, who was a trainer and role model in Queensland. Nancy Eastick (on right in photo below) served in the Guide International Service (GIS) where she helped displaced families in Germany. The training for the GIS was incredibly tough: • If there is anything in your health which would let you down during a period of 6-12 months abroad—try to put it right. • Practise walking at night, preferably over rough ground. • Be able to put out a bed, undress and dress and put away your bed in the dark. • Make yourself independent of some habit or habits such as food fads, smoking, swearing or using a hot water bottle, etc. • Obtain practical experience in de-lousing heads. • Learn how to handle a cow or goat. • Study a method filing papers and accustom yourself to using a 24 hour clock. Lal Laidlaw and other Brisbane Guide Leaders and Guides helped at cafés for soldiers, and took children camping as training should there be the need for evacuation. Lady Cilento gave classes to Guide members so they would be able to help women and children in the event of a gas attack. Jean (McLean) Merrotsy was a Guide at Thursday Island when Lord and Lady Baden-Powell arrived with their two daughters. She was chosen as a Queensland WAAAF (Women's Auxiliary Australian Air Force) to go to England in the Victory Contingent onboard HMAS Shropshire and she was in the Victory March in London on 10 June 1946. W. (Hardcastle) Armstrong said they asked where to get their sheets and pillows but only received a bag to fill with straw as their mattress [palliasse]. Eventually she talked her way into the drafting office where they drew charts for the gun sites. At a Toowoomba camp, the toilets were the old can system. Zillah Stormonth (left) was in the Guide Headquarters Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) before joining the Army. While Zillah was stationed in New Guinea, she was teaching boys to play cricket when she was hit with a cricket ball. This eventually contributed to her blindness. Zillah was State Secretary for the period 1951-1962. Shirley (Rhodes) Crow of Chelmer was in the WAAAF. She worked for one year as a Clerk Signals at Amberley. The signals station was off the base and it was underground. Next, she was a teletype operator at the off shoot of the Wireless Telegraph in Edward Street, Brisbane. Her work was for General Douglas Macarthur of USA so it could not be disclosed. Margery Langsley was also at the Teleprinter section at the corner of Edward Street where the US Army was installed. They wore stiff white collars which needed starch. She was put on a machine she had never seen previously, a signal of over 1000 figure combinations of five letters. At the end of her first shift, she received the curt message from Townsville, “Are you a new operator?” Mary (Moore) Bourne was another person to work on breaking of codes and ciphers during the planning and attack on the Japanese. This required her to remain at her desk even through an air raid siren. The Queenslanders noticed the cold down south during their five weeks’ training course. They wore their pyjamas covered with jeans (a buttoned overall), a navy cardigan and big coat, and a beret pulled down over their ears. Back in Brisbane, they lived in barracks, two old boarding houses with the mess in Netherway and their billets at Moray in Herschel Street, North Quay. When the Americans were in Brisbane, they went to dances at City Hall. Joan (Blake) Guthrie MBE lives in Brisbane. She was Assistant State Commissioner for the period 1960-1965 and State Commissioner until 1970. She joined the WAAAF as a Telex Operator in October 1940. During the Coral Sea Battle and bombing of Townsville, Mrs Guthrie was a Sergeant at the Signals Office there. Betty (Robson) Rath was also on duty in the Operations Room in Townsville during the Battle of the Coral Sea. Celia Fry said Charters Towers had Army, Air Force, Torpedo Unit and American Forces. She helped in the Canteen and the Comforts Fund, sewed buttons and made repairs to clothes or entertained the servicemen at dances or playing cards. Dorothy Hawthorn served Guiding as State Secretary and in other State roles. She joined the WAAAF and eventually was appointed Wing Officer. After the war, she played a leading part in the migration service with a particular responsibility to the welfare of Italian people. Beryl (Bollis) Michael described seeing water rats running along the rafters in the tent wards of the hospital in New Guinea. She credited the foundation of Girl Guides as paying dividends for her army days. Dorothy Jean (Ford) Lazarides (right) was also in the Guide VAD. She took part in First Aid exercises, made Plaster of Paris kidney bowls and did nursing duties. Jean went into the Australian Army Medical Women's Service (AAMWS) and worked in nursing until she went AWOL to see her new husband. She became an editor of Coo-ee. And, to conclude, on a sad note ... Betty (Parkinson) Mathieson was discharged on compassionate grounds following the death of her sister Mavis Parkinson at the hands of the Japanese in New Guinea. Read this story in Heroic Australian Women in War by Susanna De Vries. Please contribute stories to add to this collection in the Archive. Contributed by Jill Hogrefe April 2014 Queensland on the Go Page 31 Guide Supplies Phone (07) 3357 1099 Fax (07) 3357 1066 Email [email protected] Online shop.guidesqld.org Location Unit 1, 132 Lutwyche Road, Windsor OPENING HOURS Tuesday - Friday 9.30 am to 2.30 pm 2nd and 4th Saturdays 9.00 am to 1.00 pm 735 Happy Easter Bunny Badge Celebrate Easter with this cute, colourful cloth badge. $0.55 536 Girl Guide Lanyard with Pouch 77 ANZAC Day Badge Wreath shaped bound badge for Anzac Day with Lest We Forget wording in ribbon across base of badge. $1.50 Break away safety lanyard with PVC pouch to hold your blue card, ID , etc. Blue with Girl Guides Australia logo in white. $5.00 160 Leaders Handbook Limited Stock Available Now $29.95 159 Youth Handbooks Jam-packed with fun ideas, activities and exciting badge challenges. Each book can be personalised, creating a special Guiding memento. $19.95 79 Happy Birthday Octopus Badge Happy Birthday Octopus swap badge $0.65
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