n-goressal q,?nlrussio!--"ili`ir-L[i]l`:ii-ni`ao` rvrurapore cnennai
n-goressal q,?nlrussio!--"ili`ir-L[i]l`:ii-ni`ao` rvrurapore cnennai
App|icationsareinvitedforappointmenttothepostofPresidentsintheDistrictCon D i s p u t e s F o r u m , T h e N i | g i r i s , s i v a g a n g a i & R a m a n a t h a p u r a m a n d K a r't986' urintheStateofTa Act (1) (a)of consumerProtection 1o section under recruitment to be madeby direct Nameof the Post and No'ofvacancy Placeof vacancy in the DistrictConsumerDisPutes Fora,in TamilNadu' Redressal - Threeposts) : President - (EnsuingVacancy Forum' : DistrictConsumerDisputesRedressal ano Ramanathapuram in" tttitgirit,Sivagangai& Karur. recommendationof AuthoritY Appointing :State Governmenton the SelectionCommittee' Methodof Recruitment will be made basedon viva-voceconducted :Selection Committee' by the Selection Qualification :(i) RetiredDistrictJudgeson superannuation issuedbYthe (AsPerGuidelines NewDelhi) Commission, lronbf" National (ii)"apersonwhois,or hasbeen'or is qualified to be a DistrictJudge' mustbe below :(i) ' RetiredDistrictJudges dateof appointment tne years on 65 ine nge of as President. Age Tenure Salary have (ii) In caseof Advocates,he/shemust-not '"'iotpi"t"J 48 yearsof age in caseof SC/ST ih caseof othersas on 01"07'2013 years iS "nO dateof ': Termof officewill be 5 yearsfromthe of officeor up to the age of 65 "ttutption is earlier' years whichever : (i) RetiredDistrictJudges LastPaYdrawnminusPenslon (ii)ln caseof Advocates' Protection As per Rule-3of Tamil Nadu Consumer Rules,19BB. attested coPiesof should?9.inth-1l'":':b^"| l"j1i rhe application S:T:'.;,l1*[,]1: StatetConsumerDisoulgg utare ReoiJtrar, to the Reqistrar, be sentbv R.p.A.D. andshoutd - ooooo+io as to reachthe cnennai rvrurapore ""rtiricaii's=,3"[o*r"o q,?nlrussio!--"ili'ir-L[i]l':ii-ni'ao' n-goressal ..2 ..2.. received Numberand.year. Applications must containthe Notification The applications for appointment' Numberandyear,willnotbe considered withoutNotification The applicationsreceived after the due date will be summarilyrejectedand this for any postalI courierdelay' is notresponsible Comrnission form) of the candidate(one to be affixedin the application Two passportsize photographs form. shallbe enclosedin the Application Applicationformatshall be eitherobtainedfromthe office of the Registrar,StateConsumer Disputesiiedressal Commission,Chennai/ DistrictFora I or got downloadedfrom the Civil Websitehttp:/lwww,consumer.th.gov.in/' SuppliesDepartment ilc REGISTRAR DISPUTES STATECONSUMER COMMISSION, REDRESSAL CHENNAI.4 Place: Chennai-4 Dated: 07 | 0812013 2013 Spacefor photograPh 1. Name (in BLOCKLETTERS) 2. Father'sName 3. Dateof BirthandAge as on 1.7.2013 4. Address(Permanent) withSTDCode MobileNo.ffele.Ph.No. 5. Addressfor communication NativePlacelDistrict CommunitY ic Qualification Academ (A) ln caseof RetiredDist.Judges Dateof Entryinto i)GovernmentService Service ii)Judicial iii)Nameof postheld/ placeof posting uptoretirement iv) Dateof retirement& age on that date (B) In case of Advocates as Advocate i) Dateof enrolment ii) Numberof Yearsof standingat the of Bar Bar(Theperiodof suspension stated) if anY,shouldbe Practice, MotherTongue SIGNATURE NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in the envelope shouldbe sentby RPADond it shouldbe specificollymentioned The Applicotion R'edressol Forum"' nf or the postof President,District consumerDisputes os "Applicotio size photogrophs' olongwith two PossPort for rtem No.3& 8 be furnishedolongwith the opplicotion' certificates/Documenis of At'testedcopies Attested copyof fhe first pageof the 5'5'L'C'Bookolsobe furnished' ondcertificate issuedby the rn cose of Retired Dist. Judges , copyof official Memorondum HighCourtot the time of Retirementshollbe enclosed' iencecertificote shollbe enclosedolongwith tlE ilql'cgl'ol fn cqseof Advocotes,Bor