Crop Products: Fungicides – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Compost


Crop Products: Fungicides – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Compost
Crop Products: Pyrethrum
Altiara PYREMAX 0.2%PH Insecticida/Polvo
Crop Products: Microbial Products
BioMantra Seed+ Beneficial microbial treatment for
seed dressing
Altiara CRITTOX piretrina Insecticida/Polvo
Crop Products: Microbial Products – with
BioMantra Soil+ Beneficial microbial treatment for
Altiara PIRETREN 0.2% pH Insecticida/Polvo
Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants
GROSPURT GS-4 Plant Growth Regulator-Water
Miscible Solution
Crop Products: Manure – processed
Ag Organic 5-3-2
BioMantra Root+ Beneficial microbial treatment for
Altiara PIRETRIP 0.2% pH Insecticida/Polvo
Crop Products: Compost Tea – from manure
Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants
Alibio BPG-F
BIO Atlántica CANELYS Extracto de Canela
Fungicida/ Liquido soluble
Lixihumus La Cumbre®
Crop Products: Soap – pesticide
BIO Atlántica KABON Insecticida/Concentrado
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Crop Products: Worm Castings
bioenzymas Fulcite Inoculante Líquido
Humus De Lombriz La Cumbre®
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Azomite® Field Grade Natural Trace Minerals For
Soil 0-0-0.2
Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid –
Pez Terra Fertilizante a Base de Pescado
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides
AgryBest Red® Insecticida-Acaricida
InsectaPlus1® Bioinsecticida, Repelente,
Thurinox Bacillus thuringiensis Fungicida Biológico
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
BIO Atlántica MIMOTEN Extracto de Mimosa
Tenuiflora Fungicida/Liquido Soluble
BIO Atlántica NEMAGOLD Extracto de Tagetes Erecta
Nematicida/Liquido Soluble
Crop Products: Microbial Products
MULTIBAC Plaguicida Microbial Solución Liquida
Crop Products: Garlic
Zinathron Insecticida y Repelente Orgánico Solución
Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use
Brandt® Super Wetter Wetting
Crop Products: Copper Sulfate
BioFlora® Copper
Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides
Bioshield-R Estimulante e Inoculante Radicular
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
DynaMega® 2-0.1-1
PREVENCE T3 Estimulante e inoculante radicular
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
PAR4® Greensand (glauconite)
Zabiyak 3X Insecticida Microbiológico
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
Biotika® Gober Extracto de Gobernadora Fungicida
Bactericida. Líquido
Biotika® Ricinus Extracto de Higuerilla Nematicida
Crop Products: Magnesium Sulfate –
BR Global Epso Power Magnesium Sulphate
Agricultural Grade
Crop Products: Trichoderma spp.
Trikoplant Trichoderma sp Fungicida. Líquido
Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and
animal materials)
CB Compost
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
Terrastat™ 15
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Phytamin® Special
Phytamin•® Plant Extract
Crop Products: Pheromones
N-Texx® Soil Inoculant Seven 7-0-0
P028 Ferrolure+, 700 mg Lure
Crop Products: Horticultural Oils – narrow
Orchex® 796 Orchard Spray Oil
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Projar Sustraberry Arandano Excellence
Projar Sustraberry Arandano Premium
Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products –
synthetically extracted
BIOKALA® pacific kelp Fertilizante Líquido
Concentrado De Algas Marinas
Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products –
synthetically extracted
Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants
ECAP EcoBa Bioprotector
BIOCANNA Bio Rhizotonic
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended with
sodium nitrate, Manure – raw, uncomposted
Crop Products: Bacillus thuringiensis
N-Texx® Soil Inoculant Seven 7-0-0
Premium Peroxide II™
TRIDENT Biological Insecticide
Crop Products: Microbial Products
LifeGard™ WG Biological Plant Activator
Livestock Products: Teat Dips
DeLaval Della Care Enhanced Pre and Post Teat
DeLaval Della Soft Enhanced Pre and Post Teat
DeLaval Prima™ ORG Sanitizing Pre and Post Teat
DeLaval Tri-Fender™ ORG Sanitizing Teat Dip with
10% Glycerin
Crop Products: Worm Castings
Denali Vermicompost
Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide
Peragreen® 5.6% Antimicrobial Solution
Crop Products: Neem and Neem Derivatives –
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed natural
Dicalite® Diatomite SA-3
EX AgrOrganix Neem Cake 4-1-2
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
Peragreen® 5.6% Antimicrobial Solution
Peragreen® 22 Antimicrobial Solution
Crop Products: Gypsum – mined source
Cal-Sun Gypsum GGG
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Püre Coco® Premium Coco Coir
Püre Coco® Compressed Coco Block
Processing Products: Electrolyzed Water
SES® Conservador de alimentos
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Down To Earth Granular Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Empire Anhydrite
Empire Gypsum
SES® Desinfección de alto nivel
Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental
Drexel® Sulfur 80 WDG
Crop Products: Biological Controls
nemyplus Control of Fungus Gnats (Sciarids)
nemytop Control of Black Vine Weevil Larvae
nemystar Control of Mole Crickets, Cutworms and
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Jobe's® Organics™ Holly Food Granular Plant Food
SES® Desinfectante agrícola
Crop Products: Molasses
Farmers Choice Organics Molasses 1-0-5
Processing Products: Ascorbic Acid
O Plus BIO-3
Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants
SES® Desinfectante de alimentos
Carbon Power® Complex Polymeric Polyhydroxy
Acids (CPPA) Plant Growth Regulator
Crop Products: Phosphate Rock
Roca Fosfórica 26 Natural Extra Fina
Crop Products: Coconut Fiber
Premium Coir FiberCoir Products Coconut Coir
Crop Products: Worm Castings
Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use
Break-Gard® IR 100 A Nonionic Soil Wetting Agent
Crop Products: Gibberellic Acid
FAL 436 Plant Growth Regulator Solution
Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants
SEAWEED-GREEN ORG Extracto de algas al 18%
Regulador de crecimiento
BREAK THRU® S-240 A Nonionic
Wetter/Spreader/Penetrant Surfactant
Crop Products: Potassium Silicate, aqueous
SILIKARE Silicato de Potasio Fertilizante Foliar
Crop Products: Humic Acids – alkali extracted
HUMI-GREEN ORG Ácido Húmico al 90% Fertilizante
orgánico Polvo Soluble
Crop Products: Compost Tea – from manure
GreenEarth-NanoPlant All Natural Vermicompost
Fertilizer 0.11-0.01-0.01 Ready to Use Spray
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
ECOBlend® Made with Vegetable Oils Weed Control
PRO Post-Emergent Herbicide
Crop Products: Copper Sulfate
Livestock Products: Botanical Pesticides
ECOShield® Botanical Insect Control Concentrate
For Yard, Farm, & Livestock
Crop Products: Plant Pesticides
Combat Plus
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Diehard™ Complete Organic
Crop Products: Potting Soil
Harvest™ Superpowered™ Organic Potting Mix With
Organic Fertilizer
Harvest™ Superpowered® Organic Raised Bed Mix
With Organic Fertilizer
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Harvest™ Superpowered™ Organic Garden Soil With
Organic Fertilizer
Harvest™ Superpowered® Organic Lawn Soil With
Organic Fertilizer
Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic
Diamond Grow Organic Nitrogen 13-0-0 100% Water
Soluble Powder
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Soil Amendment
Livestock Products: Minerals – feed
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Min-Tech Feed Additive
Crop Products: Coconut Fiber
Grow!t CoirCrunch
Crop Products: Biopesticides
ECOBlend® Made With Organic Vegetable Oils Weed
& Grass Burndown Post-Emergent Herbicide
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Biorganicos Natura Vida-Liq
ECOShield® Botanical Insect Control Concentrate
For Yard, Farm, & Livestock
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
QuimiTech Quimitech Zone
Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants
Generbrot Reactivador del crecimiento de las
plantas Líquido miscible
Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide
Jet-Ag® A Fungicide, Bactericide, Algaecide for
Agricultural Uses
Crop Products: Nematicides – nonsynthetic
Sinertrol Líquido Desinfectante e inhibidor de
nemátodos Líquido soluble
Crop Products: Blood Meal
Burpee® Natural & Organic Blood Meal 12-0-0
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Burpee® Eco-Friendly Organic Concentrated Seed
Starting Mix
Burpee® eco•friendly Natural & Organic
Crop Products: Copper Sulfate
Copper Sulfate
Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use
Plant Health Technologies BB5 Natural Concentrate
Acidifier/Buffer/Spreader/Wetting Agent
Crop Products: Limestone
Crop Products: Manganese Products
Manganese Sulfate
Livestock Products: Sulfur
Feed Grade Sulphur Poultry Shield FG (Code 1660)
Feed Grade Sulphur Code CF-30
Crop Products: Peat Moss
Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental
J7 Organic Peat Pellet
Jaisulf 800 WG Fungicide and Miticide
Crop Products: Potting Soil
Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Garden Soil
Crop Products: Gibberellic Acid
HormoKam Hormona vegetal y promotora de
crecimiento de la planta (polvo soluble)
Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Potting Mix
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
Mantis EC Botanical Insecticide/Miticide
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Element XX™ Granulated
Crop Products: Calcium Sulfate
Mantis Botanical Insecticide/Miticide Concentrate
OBA Calcio Foliar
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
OBA Floracion Y Fructificacion
OBA Potasio Foliar
OBA Arranque Y Desarrollo
Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed
Mantis Plant Protection Diatomaceous Earth Natural
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
KeyPlex Sporan® EC² Fungicide
Processing Products: Botanical Pesticides
Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and
animal materials)
Organic Compost
EcoZAP Activator Mosquito Control
Synergist/Activator Concentrate
Processing Products: Salt
PrimerSol Flor De Sal
Processing Products: Detergents
Sanitek Sanifoam C Detergente Alcalino Clorado
Auto Espumante
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Medina Growin Green® Organic Granular Fertilizer
Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic
Hortamín® L-aminoacidos 16% Fertilizante Líquido
Crop Products: Potassium Sulfate –
Quiver Potasio® Fertilizante Liquido
Processing Products: Fruit and Vegetable
Wash – post-harvest
Maquisa Biocid Citrus Sanitizante a Base de
Extractos de Semillas de Frutos Cítricos
Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide
OxyGreen 5 Antimicrobial Solution
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Lambert All Purpose Organic Garden Soil Ready To
Lambert All Purpose Organic Potting Mix Ready To
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
OxyGreen 5 Antimicrobial Solution
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Bio•Logic Organix multipurpose plant and soil food
Compost Plus Fertilizante Orgánico Complejo 3-33+40% MO+7EM
Crop Products: Fish Products, Multiingredient
MERGE Organic Fertilizer 4-3-3
Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and
animal materials)
Crop Products: Potting Soil
Livestock Products: Pyrethrum
Miracle-Gro® Raised Bed Soil
Miracle-Gro® nature's care Organic Incredible
Expanding Planting Mix
Crop Products: Inoculants
Nitragin® Gold Pre-Inoculant for Alfalfa
MGK Formula 74611
Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Baccto® Organic Premium Potting Soil
Crop Products: Sulfur, elemental
Yellowstone Brand Sulfur High Purity Sugar-House
Sulfur Flakes
Emerald Cup Nitrogen 13-0-0
Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products –
synthetically extracted
Emerald Cup Kelp 0-0-16
Crop Products: Fermentation Products
Emerald Cup Fire Concentrate 0.35-0.05-1.0
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Emerald Cup All Purpose 2-3-3
Processing Products: Peracetic
Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid
Micro Prime MicroClean®
Livestock Products: Minerals – feed
NatMag99 - Cattle
Crop Products: Homeopathic Preparations
Processing Products: Sanitizers,
Disinfectants and Cleaners
Midwest Organics Integrated Soils MOIS Xtreme
Multi-Purpose Absorbent
Crop Products: Compost – plant materials
COSA Compost
Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Itin Amili Preparación
Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Kilitlan Preparación
Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Sakantli Preparación
Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Xochime Preparación
Livestock Products: Microorganisms – direct
MicroLife LS® Pre-Mix
MicroLife LS®
Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products –
synthetically extracted
Livestock Products: Herbal Preparations –
Ocean Organics® Seaweed Extract 0•0•1
Technical Grade
Crop Products: Neem Extract and Derivatives
Triact® 70 Fungicide/Insecticide/Miticide
Processing Products: Diatomaceous Earth
Harris Bed Bug Killer Diatomaceous Earth
Crop Products: Bacillus thuringiensis
PHC® Condor® Insecticida Agrícola Polvo
Crop Products: Gypsum – mined source
Livestock Products: Minerals – feed
Nature's Intent Gypril Granulated Gypsum
NeoPrime™ Feed Additive
Livestock Products: Bedding
Eco-Comfort Peat Moss organic animal bedding
Varium™ Prebiotic/Mycotoxin Binder for use in
animal feed
Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid –
Hawaiian Soil Therapeutics Makai-Grow Fish
Crop Products: Microbial Products
mM magic Mykos pH6 Portland Homegrown granular
Crop Products: Compost – plant materials
Louisiana Sweet Peat Compost CT1
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Coop Poop Garden Food
Coop Poop All Purpose Garden Food
Dave Thompson's Organic Healthy Grow Plant Food
Bulbs & Blooms
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
PROMIX Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix
with MycoActive
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants
HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 090WB
HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 160WB
HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 365WB
Crop Products: Bone Meal
Royal Oak Farm's Blueblood™ Organic Bone Meal
MYKE Flower Mycorrhizae for Transplanting +
MYKE Tree & Shrub Mycorrhizae for Transplanting
MYKE Vegetable & Herb Mycorrhizae for
Transplanting and Seeding + Humic Acids,
Potassium & Calcium
Crop Products: Chlorine Dioxide
ProKure™ V
Crop Products: Compost – plant materials
Germiflor Humiflor Mazor
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Germiflor Humiflor - Orvega Powder
Germiflor Humiflor - Germi-One Powder
Germiflor Humiflor - Germi-One Pellets
Germiflor Humiflor - Orvega Pellets
Mycorrhizae Premier Tech P-501 Mycorrhizal
Inoculant Powder
Crop Products: Acid Activators for Chlorine
LpH 100 Organic Activator & Adjuvant
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
PRO-MIX Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix
with MycoActive
Crop Products: Fish Meal and Powder
Purely Fish 8-5-1
Fish Packs Fish Fertilizer 8-5-1
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Pro-Yield Purely Pro P
Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides
TkRoot Biofungicida Preventivo Polvo Humectable
Livestock Products: Enzymes – feed
Zymace Granular Organic
Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants
SaferGro Mycormax™ Biological Inoculum
Crop Products: Potting Soil
Coirgro Premium Quality Eco Friendly 100% Natural
Coco Peat Growing Medium Potting Mix, Seed
Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides
Timorex Act
Crop Products: Manganese Products
Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum
Fertilizer Grade - Low Calcium
Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants
Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum
Fertilizer Grade
Crop Products: Neem and Neem Derivatives –
Crop Products: Zinc Products
Zinc Sulfate 35.5% Zinc Minimum Fertilizer Grade
Terra Neem™ Cake Pure cold pressed neem cake
Terra Neem™ Oil Pure cold pressed neem oil
Livestock Products: Manganese – synthetic
Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum
Animal Feed Grade
Crop Products: Fish Products, Multiingredient
Orgánica solutions® Aminoactive® Proteína
Hidrolizada de pescado
Livestock Products: Zinc Sulfate
Zinc Sulfate 35.5% Zinc Minimum Animal Feed
Crop Products: Zinc Products
coda-Zn-L Complexed Zinc Solution
Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid –
Southland Organics Liquid Fish Fish Hydrolysate
Plant Food 2-3-1
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended with
Servalesa BIOCROP L-45
Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products –
synthetically extracted
Grow Max Kelp 100 1-0-15
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
MicroFol PLUS Bioestimulante metabólico a base de
L-Aminoácidos y solución biológica nutritiva
BioEstimulex metabólico a base de L-Aminoácidos y
solución biológica nutritiva
Biomic Producto biológico multifuncional a base de
extractos y materia orgánica
Biomoots Micro Potente enraizador biológico a base
de micorrizas
Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
BioInmune Plus Activador metabólico nutricional y
de defensa
CleanGreen® Organic Carbon Plant Fertility 0-0-1
CleanGreen Organic 888 Complete 0-0-1
Maxxi-Q MICRO Regulador de crecimiento no
Ecoscraps Organic Compost
Crop Products: Potting Soil
Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides
BioFungus Clean Potente fungicida preventivo y
curativo contra fitopatógenos
Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Potting Mix
Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Professional Growers
Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Raised Bed Garden Mix
Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic
Super Eighty Pro N 13-0-0
Whitney Farms Organic Raised Bed Mix
Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media
Ecoscraps Organic Garden Soil
Crop Products: Citric Acid – nonsynthetic
Constant BUpH-er®
Crop Products: Wetting Agents
AgriBest BioHammer M Larvicida Biológico Líquido
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Surfact 50™
Morning Start Meal, granular (TSMg) 5.5-2.0-0.80
Livestock Products: Acid Activators for
Chlorine Dioxide
Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental
Tiger Organic XP Sulphur Agricultural Sulphur
Crop Products: Microbial Products
Bactifeed OST Organic Soil Treatment Package
Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic
Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and
animal materials)
Texas Pure Products Topdressing
Aminofert (HN) -13%
Verox Activator DXS
Crop Products: Spinosad
HydroWorxx™ Mite & Insect Killer Concentrate
Natural Guard Brand by Ferti•lome Spinosad
Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar and Chewing Insect
Crop Products: Soap – pesticide
Hydro Worxx™ Insecticidal Soap 3 in 1 Concentrate
Crop Products: Coppers – fixed
Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended
Wiserganic™ Liquid Fertilizer 1.5-1-5
Wiserganic™ Liquid Fertilizer 1-1-1
wisegrass™ 3-0-1
Hydro Worxx™ Insecticidal Soap 3 in 1 Ready To Use
Hydro Worxx™ Disease Control Concentrate
Livestock Products: Phosphorous – synthetic
BOLIFOR® Monocalcium Phosphate-F Feed Grade
Hydro Worxx™ Disease Control Ready To Use
Livestock Products: Teat Dips
Crop Products: Pyrethrum
Hydro Worxx™ Mite & Insect Killer Ready To Use
WestAgro® Blockade™ ORG Moisturizing and
Sanitizing Barrier Teat Dip
WestAgro Bovadine Sanitizing Teat Dip
Livestock Products: Minerals – health care
Youngevity Liquid F.M. (Fulvic Minerals)

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