Crop Products: Fungicides – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Compost
Crop Products: Fungicides – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Compost
Crop Products: Pyrethrum Altiara PYREMAX 0.2%PH Insecticida/Polvo humectable Crop Products: Microbial Products BioMantra Seed+ Beneficial microbial treatment for seed dressing Altiara CRITTOX piretrina Insecticida/Polvo humectable Crop Products: Microbial Products – with manure BioMantra Soil+ Beneficial microbial treatment for soil Altiara PIRETREN 0.2% pH Insecticida/Polvo humectable Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants GROSPURT GS-4 Plant Growth Regulator-Water Miscible Solution Crop Products: Manure – processed Ag Organic 5-3-2 BioMantra Root+ Beneficial microbial treatment for Rhizosphere Altiara PIRETRIP 0.2% pH Insecticida/Polvo humectable Crop Products: Compost Tea – from manure feedstock Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants Alibio BPG-F BIO Atlántica CANELYS Extracto de Canela Fungicida/ Liquido soluble Lixihumus La Cumbre® Crop Products: Soap – pesticide BIO Atlántica KABON Insecticida/Concentrado emulsionable Crop Products: Microbial Products Crop Products: Worm Castings bioenzymas Fulcite Inoculante Líquido Humus De Lombriz La Cumbre® Crop Products: Microbial Products C-Tech Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Azomite® Field Grade Natural Trace Minerals For Soil 0-0-0.2 Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid – stabilized Pez Terra Fertilizante a Base de Pescado n Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides AgryBest Red® Insecticida-Acaricida InsectaPlus1® Bioinsecticida, Repelente, Anticomida Thurinox Bacillus thuringiensis Fungicida Biológico Líquido Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides BIO Atlántica MIMOTEN Extracto de Mimosa Tenuiflora Fungicida/Liquido Soluble BIO Atlántica NEMAGOLD Extracto de Tagetes Erecta Nematicida/Liquido Soluble Crop Products: Microbial Products MULTIBAC Plaguicida Microbial Solución Liquida Crop Products: Garlic Zinathron Insecticida y Repelente Orgánico Solución Acuosa Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use Brandt® Super Wetter Wetting Agent•Spreader•Penetrant Crop Products: Copper Sulfate BioFlora® Copper Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides Bioshield-R Estimulante e Inoculante Radicular Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended DynaMega® 2-0.1-1 PREVENCE T3 Estimulante e inoculante radicular Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed PAR4® Greensand (glauconite) Zabiyak 3X Insecticida Microbiológico Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid Biotika® Gober Extracto de Gobernadora Fungicida Bactericida. Líquido CCI PAC 5 CCI PAC 15 Biotika® Ricinus Extracto de Higuerilla Nematicida Líquido Crop Products: Magnesium Sulfate – synthetic BR Global Epso Power Magnesium Sulphate Agricultural Grade Crop Products: Trichoderma spp. Trikoplant Trichoderma sp Fungicida. Líquido Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and animal materials) CB Compost Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid Terrastat™ 15 Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Phytamin® Special Phytamin•® Plant Extract n Crop Products: Pheromones N-Texx® Soil Inoculant Seven 7-0-0 n P028 Ferrolure+, 700 mg Lure Crop Products: Horticultural Oils – narrow range Orchex® 796 Orchard Spray Oil Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Projar Sustraberry Arandano Excellence Projar Sustraberry Arandano Premium Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products – synthetically extracted BIOKALA® pacific kelp Fertilizante Líquido Concentrado De Algas Marinas Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products – synthetically extracted Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants ECAP EcoBa Bioprotector BIOCANNA Bio Rhizotonic Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended with sodium nitrate, Manure – raw, uncomposted Crop Products: Bacillus thuringiensis N-Texx® Soil Inoculant Seven 7-0-0 Premium Peroxide II™ n TRIDENT Biological Insecticide Crop Products: Microbial Products LifeGard™ WG Biological Plant Activator Livestock Products: Teat Dips DeLaval Della Care Enhanced Pre and Post Teat Sanitizer DeLaval Della Soft Enhanced Pre and Post Teat Sanitizer DeLaval Prima™ ORG Sanitizing Pre and Post Teat Dip DeLaval Tri-Fender™ ORG Sanitizing Teat Dip with 10% Glycerin Crop Products: Worm Castings Denali Vermicompost Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide Peragreen® 5.6% Antimicrobial Solution Crop Products: Neem and Neem Derivatives – Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed natural Dicalite® Diatomite SA-3 EX AgrOrganix Neem Cake 4-1-2 Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid Peragreen® 5.6% Antimicrobial Solution Peragreen® 22 Antimicrobial Solution Crop Products: Gypsum – mined source Cal-Sun Gypsum GGG Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Püre Coco® Premium Coco Coir Püre Coco® Compressed Coco Block Processing Products: Electrolyzed Water SES® Conservador de alimentos Crop Products: Microbial Products Down To Earth Granular Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Empire Anhydrite Empire Gypsum SES® Desinfección de alto nivel Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental Drexel® Sulfur 80 WDG Crop Products: Biological Controls nemyplus Control of Fungus Gnats (Sciarids) nemytop Control of Black Vine Weevil Larvae nemystar Control of Mole Crickets, Cutworms and Leatherjackets Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Jobe's® Organics™ Holly Food Granular Plant Food 5-4-3 SES® Desinfectante agrícola Crop Products: Molasses Farmers Choice Organics Molasses 1-0-5 Processing Products: Ascorbic Acid O Plus BIO-3 Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants SES® Desinfectante de alimentos Carbon Power® Complex Polymeric Polyhydroxy Acids (CPPA) Plant Growth Regulator Crop Products: Phosphate Rock Roca Fosfórica 26 Natural Extra Fina Crop Products: Coconut Fiber Premium Coir FiberCoir Products Coconut Coir Crop Products: Worm Castings GEOTEA Compost Tea Machines GEOTEA COMPOST Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use Break-Gard® IR 100 A Nonionic Soil Wetting Agent Crop Products: Gibberellic Acid FAL 436 Plant Growth Regulator Solution BREAK THRU® S-233 Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants SEAWEED-GREEN ORG Extracto de algas al 18% Regulador de crecimiento BREAK THRU® S-240 A Nonionic Wetter/Spreader/Penetrant Surfactant Crop Products: Potassium Silicate, aqueous SILIKARE Silicato de Potasio Fertilizante Foliar Liquido Crop Products: Humic Acids – alkali extracted HUMI-GREEN ORG Ácido Húmico al 90% Fertilizante orgánico Polvo Soluble Crop Products: Compost Tea – from manure feedstock GreenEarth-NanoPlant All Natural Vermicompost Fertilizer 0.11-0.01-0.01 Ready to Use Spray Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides ECOBlend® Made with Vegetable Oils Weed Control PRO Post-Emergent Herbicide Crop Products: Copper Sulfate Umbral Livestock Products: Botanical Pesticides ECOShield® Botanical Insect Control Concentrate For Yard, Farm, & Livestock Crop Products: Plant Pesticides Combat Plus Crop Products: Microbial Products Diehard™ Complete Organic Crop Products: Potting Soil Harvest™ Superpowered™ Organic Potting Mix With Organic Fertilizer Harvest™ Superpowered® Organic Raised Bed Mix With Organic Fertilizer Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Harvest™ Superpowered™ Organic Garden Soil With Organic Fertilizer Harvest™ Superpowered® Organic Lawn Soil With Organic Fertilizer Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic Diamond Grow Organic Nitrogen 13-0-0 100% Water Soluble Powder Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Clinoptilolite Zeolite Soil Amendment Livestock Products: Minerals – feed Clinoptilolite Zeolite Min-Tech Feed Additive Crop Products: Coconut Fiber Grow!t CoirCrunch Crop Products: Biopesticides ECOBlend® Made With Organic Vegetable Oils Weed & Grass Burndown Post-Emergent Herbicide Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Biorganicos Natura Vida-Liq ECOShield® Botanical Insect Control Concentrate For Yard, Farm, & Livestock Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid QuimiTech Quimitech Zone Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants Generbrot Reactivador del crecimiento de las plantas Líquido miscible Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide Jet-Ag® A Fungicide, Bactericide, Algaecide for Agricultural Uses Crop Products: Nematicides – nonsynthetic Sinertrol Líquido Desinfectante e inhibidor de nemátodos Líquido soluble Crop Products: Blood Meal Burpee® Natural & Organic Blood Meal 12-0-0 Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Burpee® Eco-Friendly Organic Concentrated Seed Starting Mix Burpee® eco•friendly Natural & Organic GardenCoir™ Crop Products: Copper Sulfate Copper Sulfate Crop Products: Adjuvants – for pesticide use Plant Health Technologies BB5 Natural Concentrate Acidifier/Buffer/Spreader/Wetting Agent Crop Products: Limestone Limestone Crop Products: Manganese Products Manganese Sulfate Livestock Products: Sulfur Feed Grade Sulphur Poultry Shield FG (Code 1660) Feed Grade Sulphur Code CF-30 Crop Products: Peat Moss Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental J7 Organic Peat Pellet Jaisulf 800 WG Fungicide and Miticide Crop Products: Potting Soil Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Garden Soil Crop Products: Gibberellic Acid HormoKam Hormona vegetal y promotora de crecimiento de la planta (polvo soluble) Kellogg Garden Organics Organic Select Potting Mix Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides Mantis EC Botanical Insecticide/Miticide Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Element XX™ Granulated Crop Products: Calcium Sulfate Mantis Botanical Insecticide/Miticide Concentrate OBA Calcio Foliar Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended OBA Floracion Y Fructificacion OBA Potasio Foliar OBA Arranque Y Desarrollo Crop Products: Mined Minerals – unprocessed Mantis Plant Protection Diatomaceous Earth Natural Grade Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides KeyPlex Sporan® EC² Fungicide Processing Products: Botanical Pesticides Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and animal materials) Organic Compost EcoZAP Activator Mosquito Control Synergist/Activator Concentrate Processing Products: Salt PrimerSol Flor De Sal Processing Products: Detergents Sanitek Sanifoam C Detergente Alcalino Clorado Auto Espumante Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Medina Growin Green® Organic Granular Fertilizer 3-2-3 Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic Hortamín® L-aminoacidos 16% Fertilizante Líquido Crop Products: Potassium Sulfate – nonsynthetic Quiver Potasio® Fertilizante Liquido Processing Products: Fruit and Vegetable Wash – post-harvest Maquisa Biocid Citrus Sanitizante a Base de Extractos de Semillas de Frutos Cítricos Crop Products: Hydrogen Peroxide OxyGreen 5 Antimicrobial Solution Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Lambert All Purpose Organic Garden Soil Ready To Use Lambert All Purpose Organic Potting Mix Ready To Use Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid OxyGreen 5 Antimicrobial Solution Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Bio•Logic Organix multipurpose plant and soil food 4-3-4 Compost Plus Fertilizante Orgánico Complejo 3-33+40% MO+7EM Crop Products: Fish Products, Multiingredient MERGE Organic Fertilizer 4-3-3 Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and animal materials) n Crop Products: Potting Soil Livestock Products: Pyrethrum Miracle-Gro® Raised Bed Soil Miracle-Gro® nature's care Organic Incredible Expanding Planting Mix Crop Products: Inoculants Nitragin® Gold Pre-Inoculant for Alfalfa MGK Formula 74611 Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Baccto® Organic Premium Potting Soil Crop Products: Sulfur, elemental Yellowstone Brand Sulfur High Purity Sugar-House Sulfur Flakes Emerald Cup Nitrogen 13-0-0 Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products – synthetically extracted Emerald Cup Kelp 0-0-16 Crop Products: Fermentation Products Emerald Cup Fire Concentrate 0.35-0.05-1.0 Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Emerald Cup All Purpose 2-3-3 Processing Products: Peracetic Acid/Peroxyacetic Acid Micro Prime MicroClean® Livestock Products: Minerals – feed NatMag99 - Cattle Crop Products: Homeopathic Preparations Processing Products: Sanitizers, Disinfectants and Cleaners Midwest Organics Integrated Soils MOIS Xtreme Multi-Purpose Absorbent Crop Products: Compost – plant materials COSA Compost Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Itin Amili Preparación Homeopática Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Kilitlan Preparación Homeopática Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Sakantli Preparación Homeopática Nwktal Fortaleza Natural Xochime Preparación Homeopática Livestock Products: Microorganisms – direct fed MicroLife LS® Pre-Mix MicroLife LS® Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products – synthetically extracted Livestock Products: Herbal Preparations – organic Ocean Organics® Seaweed Extract 0•0•1 Technical Grade Crop Products: Neem Extract and Derivatives Triact® 70 Fungicide/Insecticide/Miticide Magni-Phi™ Processing Products: Diatomaceous Earth Harris Bed Bug Killer Diatomaceous Earth Crop Products: Bacillus thuringiensis PHC® Condor® Insecticida Agrícola Polvo Humectable Crop Products: Gypsum – mined source Livestock Products: Minerals – feed Nature's Intent Gypril Granulated Gypsum NeoPrime™ Feed Additive Livestock Products: Bedding Eco-Comfort Peat Moss organic animal bedding Varium™ Prebiotic/Mycotoxin Binder for use in animal feed Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid – stabilized Hawaiian Soil Therapeutics Makai-Grow Fish Hydrolysate Crop Products: Microbial Products mM magic Mykos pH6 Portland Homegrown granular Endo Crop Products: Compost – plant materials Louisiana Sweet Peat Compost CT1 Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Coop Poop Garden Food Coop Poop All Purpose Garden Food Dave Thompson's Organic Healthy Grow Plant Food Bulbs & Blooms Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media PROMIX Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix with MycoActive Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 090WB HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 160WB HydraFiber™ Advanced Substrate 365WB Crop Products: Bone Meal Royal Oak Farm's Blueblood™ Organic Bone Meal MYKE Flower Mycorrhizae for Transplanting + Seaweed MYKE Tree & Shrub Mycorrhizae for Transplanting MYKE Vegetable & Herb Mycorrhizae for Transplanting and Seeding + Humic Acids, Potassium & Calcium Crop Products: Chlorine Dioxide ProKure™ V Disinfectant/Sanitizer/Deodorizer/Virucide*/Fungi cide/Slimicide/Tuberculocide/Algaecide Crop Products: Compost – plant materials Germiflor Humiflor Mazor Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Germiflor Humiflor - Orvega Powder Germiflor Humiflor - Germi-One Powder Germiflor Humiflor - Germi-One Pellets Germiflor Humiflor - Orvega Pellets Mycorrhizae Premier Tech P-501 Mycorrhizal Inoculant Powder Crop Products: Acid Activators for Chlorine Dioxide LpH 100 Organic Activator & Adjuvant Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended PRO-MIX Premium Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix with MycoActive Crop Products: Fish Meal and Powder Purely Fish 8-5-1 Fish Packs Fish Fertilizer 8-5-1 Crop Products: Microbial Products Pro-Yield Purely Pro P Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides TkRoot Biofungicida Preventivo Polvo Humectable Livestock Products: Enzymes – feed Zymace Granular Organic Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants SaferGro Mycormax™ Biological Inoculum Crop Products: Potting Soil Coirgro Premium Quality Eco Friendly 100% Natural Coco Peat Growing Medium Potting Mix, Seed Starting Crop Products: Botanical Pesticides Timorex Act Crop Products: Manganese Products Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum Fertilizer Grade - Low Calcium Crop Products: Microbial Inoculants Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum Fertilizer Grade Microp Crop Products: Neem and Neem Derivatives – natural Crop Products: Zinc Products Zinc Sulfate 35.5% Zinc Minimum Fertilizer Grade Terra Neem™ Cake Pure cold pressed neem cake Terra Neem™ Oil Pure cold pressed neem oil Livestock Products: Manganese – synthetic Manganese Sulfate 32% Manganese Minimum Animal Feed Grade Crop Products: Fish Products, Multiingredient Orgánica solutions® Aminoactive® Proteína Hidrolizada de pescado Livestock Products: Zinc Sulfate Zinc Sulfate 35.5% Zinc Minimum Animal Feed Grade Crop Products: Zinc Products coda-Zn-L Complexed Zinc Solution Crop Products: Fish Products, Liquid – stabilized Southland Organics Liquid Fish Fish Hydrolysate Plant Food 2-3-1 Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended with micronutrients Servalesa BIOCROP L-45 Crop Products: Aquatic Plant Products – synthetically extracted Grow Max Kelp 100 1-0-15 Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended MicroFol PLUS Bioestimulante metabólico a base de L-Aminoácidos y solución biológica nutritiva BioEstimulex metabólico a base de L-Aminoácidos y solución biológica nutritiva Biomic Producto biológico multifuncional a base de extractos y materia orgánica Biomoots Micro Potente enraizador biológico a base de micorrizas Crop Products: Growth Regulators for Plants Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended BioInmune Plus Activador metabólico nutricional y de defensa CleanGreen® Organic Carbon Plant Fertility 0-0-1 CleanGreen Organic 888 Complete 0-0-1 Maxxi-Q MICRO Regulador de crecimiento no sintético Ecoscraps Organic Compost Crop Products: Potting Soil Crop Products: Microbial Pesticides BioFungus Clean Potente fungicida preventivo y curativo contra fitopatógenos Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Potting Mix Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Professional Growers Blend Ecoscraps Natural + Organic Raised Bed Garden Mix Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic Super Eighty Pro N 13-0-0 Whitney Farms Organic Raised Bed Mix Crop Products: Transplant/Container Media Ecoscraps Organic Garden Soil Crop Products: Citric Acid – nonsynthetic Constant BUpH-er® Crop Products: Wetting Agents AgriBest BioHammer M Larvicida Biológico Líquido Soluble Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Surfact 50™ Morning Start Meal, granular (TSMg) 5.5-2.0-0.80 Livestock Products: Acid Activators for Chlorine Dioxide Crop Products: Sulfur – elemental Tiger Organic XP Sulphur Agricultural Sulphur Crop Products: Microbial Products Bactifeed OST Organic Soil Treatment Package Crop Products: Amino Acids – nonsynthetic Crop Products: Compost – other (plant and animal materials) Texas Pure Products Topdressing Aminofert (HN) -13% Verox Activator DXS Crop Products: Spinosad HydroWorxx™ Mite & Insect Killer Concentrate Natural Guard Brand by Ferti•lome Spinosad Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar and Chewing Insect Control Crop Products: Soap – pesticide Hydro Worxx™ Insecticidal Soap 3 in 1 Concentrate Crop Products: Coppers – fixed Crop Products: Fertilizers, Blended Wiserganic™ Liquid Fertilizer 1.5-1-5 Wiserganic™ Liquid Fertilizer 1-1-1 wisegrass™ 3-0-1 Hydro Worxx™ Insecticidal Soap 3 in 1 Ready To Use Hydro Worxx™ Disease Control Concentrate Livestock Products: Phosphorous – synthetic BOLIFOR® Monocalcium Phosphate-F Feed Grade Hydro Worxx™ Disease Control Ready To Use Livestock Products: Teat Dips Crop Products: Pyrethrum Hydro Worxx™ Mite & Insect Killer Ready To Use WestAgro® Blockade™ ORG Moisturizing and Sanitizing Barrier Teat Dip WestAgro Bovadine Sanitizing Teat Dip Livestock Products: Minerals – health care Youngevity Liquid F.M. (Fulvic Minerals)
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