Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Box Tops Bearcat Café
Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Box Tops Bearcat Café
Valentine’s Day Shout-Outs See Pages 12-13 Sports Player of the Month see Page 31 RHS Alumni Series See Page 2 Chatterbox Ruston High School NHS Helps Invisible Children Box Tops Outside Our Box (2) Academia (3-6) Teacher Spotlights (7-8) Editorials/Opinions (9-11) Valentine’s Messages (12-13) Service and Social (14) Bearcat Baseball Ad (15) Clubs (16-17) The Arts (18) Senior Spotlights (19-22) Entertainment (23) Student Center (24-25) Fun Page (26) Sponsors/staff (27) Sports (28-31) Bearcat Spirit (32) February 14, 2011 by Lauren Townsend Assistant News Reporter ―We are storytellers. We are visionaries, humanitarians, artists, and entrepreneurs. We are individuals part of a generation eager for change and willing to pursue it.‖ – Invisible Children Invisible Children is a non-profit organization devoted to stopping child abductions and imprisonments into the military. Everyday in Northern Africa, children are kidnapped from their homes and forced to serve violent leaders via military service. These children suffer abuse, neglect, poor living conditions, and are faced with life-or-death situations. Invisible Children‘s goal is to stop this inhumane act and spread knowledge of the poor conditions and injustices of Uganda and other parts of Northern Africa to the west. This fight for humanity and peace is burdening and enduring, but it is a fight for a purpose that can‘t be lost. With the money collected, Ruston High will help support Invisible Children‘s war against the cruelty taking place in Uganda. During January, the National Honor Society decorated recycled Coca-Cola and Sprite bottles to collect change to donate towards the Invisible Children foundation. To promote RHS Bearcat donations, NHS got creative and decided to turn it into a competition. Coke bottles were distributed to 4th hour teachers and students were informed that if their RHS Distinguished Alumni and Teachers information provided by the RHS Alumni Association by Natasha Alva News Editor In the October edition of the Chatterbox, we began a series giving a detailed report on each of the distinguished alumni and teachers in a six part series, covering one distinguished alumni or teacher each month. To date, we have covered Dr. Joan Blondin as Distinguished Alumni in the category of Physician, Scientist, and Educator, the late Mrs. Murrie Lee Turnbow as a Distinguished Teacher, Johnny Maxwell as Distinguished Alumni in the category of Commerce, and Distinguished Teacher Ruth Potts. This month, we will continue the series with a report on the last Distinguished Alumni, Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick, in the category of Humanitarian. In the March edition of the Chatterbox, Distinguished Teacher Julie B. Stephenson will be the last report for this year. class collected the most money, they would win a pizza party for their class. Money was collected all around the school, and Mrs. Winstead‘s class won the party by raising $143; Mrs. Freeman‘s class came in 2nd place for the most money collected. After all was said and done, the Ruston High National Honor Society raised $1,151 to donate towards the Invisible Children‘s movement to end conflict and child abduction in Northern Africa. Congratulations to Mrs. Winstead‘s and Mrs. Freeman‘s 4th periods classes and all the students who donated toward this worthy cause. If you wish to learn more information or if you would like to make a donation towards the Invisible Children organization, visit Bearcat Café Ready for Business by Elizabeth Smith Business Manager On Friday, January 21, 2011, the Ruston High School Bearcat Café officially opened for business. The café is sponsored by Ms. Saunders and her second hour class. The class takes the orders and prepares the food all on their own. Ms. Saunders only supervises to make sure that no one gets hurt while cooking, and that the food is prepared in a sanitary manner. The students are learning skills that they will need to know to make it on their own in the real world. Through the Bearcat Café, the students get real life experience as they learn how to cook. They also learn how to take orders correctly and prepare them, which would come in handy in the service industry. As of right now, the Bearcat Café is only open to Ruston High staff. Ms. Saunders is hoping that one day they will be able to open the café to all of Ruston High. Students deliver the first meal. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at RHS O Chatterbox utside Our Box? Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 2 Distinguished Alumni: Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick information provided by the RHS Alumni Association by Natasha Alva News Editor Cherry Pratt spent the years 1957-1960 as a student at Ruston High School. The amazing life story of Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick and her husband Vance Kirkpatrick living for forty-six years in the deep bush of Kenya has resulted in their now being considered as Angels from America. Cherry Pratt went to Louisiana Tech in the early 1960s. It was there that she met Vance Kirkpatrick and was married. They were on the same wavelength as they determined that "service to others" was where their future lay. Mrs. Kirkpatrick wanted to make life better for people in a third world country, so she armed herself with dual degrees in Home Economics and English. Upon completion of her degree in 1964, the Kirkpatricks joined the newly formed Peace Corp. They would be part of the first group to go to Africa. Once in Kenya, Mrs. Kirkpatrick taught at one of only ten high schools for girls on the continent and her husband taught at a traditional boys' school. Each of them earned twelve and a half cents per hour or a total of eighty-eight dollars per month! Their transportation consisted of one bicycle that they shared, and they lived at the girls' boarding school where Mrs. Kirkpatrick taught. After fulfilling their two year commitment with the Peace Corp, they returned to the U.S. to further their studies in preparation for their return to Kenya as missionaries. The Kirkpatricks returned to Kenya in 1972 where they established the first Baptist high school. At that time, educational opportunities for women in Africa were very limited due to societal attitudes and restrictions. Cherry Kirkpatrick became fluent in Swahili and began teaching life-altering survival skills and literacy to the native young women who boarded at the school. When asked why she felt this calling was of particular importance, she responded saying ―Because when you educate a woman over there, you educate an entire family." In 1981, the Kirkpatricks established the Kenya Baptist Theological College where both taught and from which four year degrees are granted in conjunction with Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas. With much credit due to Mrs. Kirkpatrick, native women learned not only to read and write but also about nutrition, agriculture, sanitation, health care, personal hygiene, parenting, and giving back. They also learned the importance of educating the youth. Today, after forty-six years in Kenya, Cherry Kirkpatrick says that the biggest change in that country is in education, as now schools are prevalent and there are enough educated native born citizens to do the teaching. Mrs. Kirkpatrick says one of the most beautiful and heart-warming aspects of educating Kenyans are that, "When you teach a disadvantaged person, they never lose their passion." Although both are now officially retired, the Kirkpatricks continue to reside in Kenya where they have built a one thousand two hundred square foot home. They also continue to bring education, hope, and a better way of life to disadvantaged Kenyans. Cherry Pratt Kirkpatrick continues an initiative to educate pastors' wives so that they can fulfill their potential and better assist their husbands. Got Gas? by Emily Moore Arts Reporter Students here in Ruston may rely on their parents for gas money if they have no job, and those with a job may not have extra money to spend after paying for gas. A large percentage of Ruston High students drive to school at an extra cost. Gas prices have sky-rocketed to an outrageous $3.00 at local gas stations and even higher in other areas. Mr. Moss gave his opinion on the matter. ―They [gas prices] are fake. They only raise the prices when it‘s convenient for them. They use any global crisis to raise the prices. It‘s centered on the price of a barrel.‖ It‘s said to be raised even higher in the future. The price of a barrel has reached $90 and is predicted to rise even higher, which will have some Americans paying $4.00 or more at the pumps. However, there are ways to save gas. Combine your trips to town. If you‘ve got several errands to run, run them all when you‘re in town instead of making more than one trip. You can shop online instead of driving all the way to Monroe or other surrounding cities. Companies often have discounts online and the online store has more selection than the actual store! Carpool with your friends and you both save gas and money! If you live in town, ride a bike or walk. Exercise is good for you! Find the cheapest gas prices on your route and stop there. Pay with cash instead of a credit card and there is no interest! Cutting back on driving would save gas and money. If everyone cut back, it would reduce prices. We‘d have cleaner air, fewer accidents, and less congestion on the roads. Like every other problem in the country, the solution resides in unity and the determination to change. Saluting Outstanding Student Achievement Throughout the Bearcat Nation A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 3 One Giant Step for Physics by Amber Brown and Gray Taylor Senior Editor and Graphics/Design Editor On January 28th, the ―Chosen Ones" from Mr. Elliott‘s Physics class attended the final Tech Step bridge competition at Louisiana Tech University. After spending two weeks of designing and testing their bridge and presentation, the team was ready to present to the judges. Other high schools from Louisiana also attended, as well as schools from Texas and Arkansas. At the start of the day, the team laid out the bridge plans and began then constructing using the building material – manila folders. After three hours of building (without even stopping for lunch), they were nervously ready to tackle the next phase: presenting to the judges. Each team stood before the judges and the class while each member explained through their slideshow presentation what they did and how they did it. After each presentation, the judges would ask questions regarding designs or formulas. The judges also had a machine that measured the amount of force in Newtons put on the bridge. Ruston High‘s held a total of 105.81 N! Then came the best part: the award for Most Creative Design went to those darn kids from Ruston High, seeing as they were the only ones with a Deck Truss (inverted)! The winning students would like to thank Mr. Elliott and Mr. Kilpatrick for all their help. They all had a great time at the Tech Step learning and participating in the program. 2011 RHS Science Fair by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter On January 25, 2011, RHS hosted its annual science fair. The science fair took place in the Ruston High School auditorium. The science fair contestants consisted of STEM students from 9th-12th grade doing projects in various categories. Ruston High students compete in the science fair in hopes of making it to the regional and state fair. The following students were winners of the science fair: Animal Science: 1st – Peyton Huff and 2nd – Bethany Cardenas; Behavior and Social Science: 1st – Taylor Condie, 1st – Elizabeth Moore, 2nd – Courtney McKinney, and 2nd - Macey Sutherland; Biochemistry: 1st – Josh Owens; Cellular Biology: 1st – Savannah Woods; Chemistry: 1st – Kaitlyn Heiden, 2nd – Casey Pierce, and 3rd – Hannah Rose McIntire; Computer Science: 1st – Stephen Zhong; Mechanical Engineering: 1st – Clark Pierce, 2nd – Kate Warner, 3rd – John David Moore, and 3rd – Garrett Soileau; Materials Engineering: 1st – Neesha Siriwardane, 2nd – Matthew Cardenas, and 3rd – Caroline Oakley; Environmental Science: 1st – Taylor Kaufman; Mathematical Science: 1st – Dara Smith, 2nd – Sam Phillips, 3rd – Ben Serio, and 3rd – Mayisha Nakib; Microbiology: 1st – Braden Hilton, 2nd – Kane Killen, and 3rd – Ashyln Thompson; Physics: 1st – John Herren, 2nd - Jake Kyte, 3rd – Channing Dorr, and 3rd – Holly Grisby. Congratulations to all of these students! On February 11 th they participated in the Regional Science Fair at Louisiana Tech University, these results will be posted in March Edition of the Chatterbox. COE Application Due in March by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter Attention all upcoming seniors! COE will be accepting applications for their program until the end of March. COE is a program that allows seniors to have a job during school, receive pay, and still get good grades. If you are interested in signing up for the COE program, please talk to Mrs. Tinsley, but hurry up before it‘s too late! A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Speech and Debate Succeeds submitted by Jonathan Verret Speech and Debate Member The Ruston High School Speech and Debate Team recently competed at Caddo High School. After a few weeks of preparation, the team found many opportunities for sucess,. Zhong and Clark Pierce placed 2nd in Policy debate. Prenicia Gant, Elizabeth Sawyer, and Jonathan Verret placed first, second and third in Extemporaneous Speaking, and Elizabeth Sawyer and Colton Boothe got 1st and 2nd place in Lincoln-Douglas debate. Always seeking new challenges and opportunities throughout the state, some team members headed to Alexandria for the Alexandria Senior High tournament. As if local and state tournaments weren‘t enough, a few of the members of the RHS Speech and Debate headed west to Dallas for Colleyville heritage. The Ruston High School Speech and Debate Team continues to represent the Bearcat Nation proudly and looks forward to continued success in future tournaments. With the schedule heading into the final stages, it is obvious that they are well prepared and ready to take on all schools as the season comes to a close and students prepare for state level and beyond. Of this, there is no ―debate‖. Or is there? Making English Class Count by Stephany Arias Senior Reporter Some students find it extremely challenging to concentrate during English class. One reason may be that students feel that teachers make them read too much. Yet another reason may be that students feel that teachers make them write too much. Some may feel that both apply. But if you do not pay attention to your teachers and lessons, you may find that it will lead to a sad goodbye to a high ACT score. English may be considered very boring to some people. However, the truth is that if you do not try your best and put some effort into your English studies, sometime in the future you will regret it. You will see that not spending thirty minutes of your time studying for the things/ class work that you thought were too dumb to even worry about it will catch up with you. So, I encourage you to spend some quality time to your English classes and assignments in school, just as you would any other subject. You will benefit from it later on, and be glad that you did when you are sitting in college one day preparing one of those reports or breaking down one of those rhyming schemes that you thought you‘d never need in high school. Page 4 Le Carnaval de Québec Le vrai jeu d’hiver du 28 janvier au 13 février submitted by Mrs. Greenwood French Teacher and Club Adviser Il fait froid au Canada. Mais on s‘amuse beaucoup au Carnaval de Québec. Le Bonhomme de Neige Le Roi de la fête Quelques activités sont: La course de traîneaux à chiens du Carnaval Le canot à glace Bain de neige COLD-FX - Soixante-quinze courageux et courageuses affrontent le froid et la neige avec comme seule arme leur maillot de bain. Jeu de Soccer Géant -Faites partie d'une équipe de 9 personnes et jouez à un véritable jeu de soccer sur table mais… à échelle humaine! La sculpture sur neige. Visitez le site web officiel pour regarder des photos et vidéos de cette fête fantastique: Amor Y Amistad by Stephany Arias Senior Reporter Se acaba de ir un año más, pero este nuevo año trae muchas bendiciones para todos nosotros. Y uno de los mejores ―Holidays‖ que trae el principio del año es; ―Valentines Day‖. Este es muy conocido como el Día del ―Amor y La Amistad‖, no solamente amor entre parejas, pero amor entre amigos. En este día tan especial muchas de las personas se preparan para regalar obsequios que simbolizan el amor y la amistad que se tienen entre ellos. La historia dice que un santo cristiano llamado San Valentín fue sacrificado porque se dedicó a casar parejas aun cuando el emperador lo había prohibido en la Roma del siglo III. Al parecer, el dirigente romano tenía la creencia de que los soldados casados no eran tan buenos y eficientes como los solteros. Gracias a San Valentín hoy día nosotros celebramos en el mes de febrero ―El Día del Amor y La Amistad‖. Así que aprovechemos mientras podamos y demostrémosles a esas personas especiales para nosotros lo mucho que significan en nuestras vidas. A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 5 New Tech Presentations submitted by Jonathan Craig New Tech @ RHS Student Reporter On Friday, January 21st, the New Tech at Ruston Geometry students presented their newly created websites. The websites were created to help students who are struggling in geometry. Each website showed a description of every single Geometry Grade Level Expectation (GLE) as well as a video on each GLE. For each GLE, an interactive quiz and practice problems were included. In attendance were many people from the community, including an engineering professor, an engineer, and several teachers. While the guests were at Ruston High, they received a People from the community came to watch A New Tech student pitches his own vertour of the New Tech facility and had the opportunity to see the presentathe students of New Tech present their sion of The Cask of Amontillado under the tion of the websites. Geometry teacher Mr. Savage says that he was very web-sites and movie scripts. watchful eye of Mr. Savage and others. pleased with the presentations and that they went smoothly. In the New Tech Global Studies classes, students wrote a movie script depicting a modern day version of Edgar Allen Poe‘s The Cask of Amontillado. The purpose of the assignment was to keep the overall storyline of the story but add a modern twist. The students also wrote a pitch telling why SONY Pictures should pick their movie. Each group presented their pitch and read part of their script to the class, who then voted on the best film. The class was then given the chance to compete in the R-Squared Film Festival. The winning group of the festival receives $200 and an iMac computer that would be used for the New Tech movie editing. Global Studies teacher Mrs. Goree says, ―I think that many of the screen plays that we read had great potential of winning the film festival.‖ Freshman Academy: Keep On Keeping On! by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter Freshman! The year is already halfway done and school seems to just keep getting more intense, but instead of giving up just keep on keeping on! Your teachers know that you may be tired of doing the same routine every single day, but they know that if you just press on a little more you can succeed! So freshman, just push forward a little more effort, and you can and will succeed! KOM Resource Center submitted by the KOM Council KOMs are reminded that there is now a KOM Resource Center in the Freshman Academy Office on the 3 rd Floor. If you need information about your freshmen, whether it concerns note cards, birthday cards, or anything else, you can find it all here. Please make sure to keep up with your contact log sheets. These are due to Mrs. Thomason or your KOM Council Member by Monday, April 4 th. The upcoming meeting dates for February and March as listed in the chart below: KOM MONDAY MEETING DATES FOR FEBRUARY AND MARCH February 14 Meet with Freshmen February 28 Meet with Freshmen March 7 Cafeteria; no Freshmen March 14 Meet with Freshmen March 21 Meet with Freshmen A Chatterbox cademia Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 6 Senior Pictures Seniors need to turn in two (2) different pictures for the yearbook: an outdoor picture and a cap & gown picture. Both are due no later than March 1st to the Resume‘ staff in Room 208 (Rebecca Strickler,advisor). Hard copy portraits may be turned in, but the most convenient method is to send them electronically to [email protected] . If you use a professional/freelance photographer, he/she can electronically send your picture. Please note that we CANNOT use pictures from Facebook; they become fuzzy and pixelated once printed. Tim Garlington with Portraits Plus will be coming to RHS Thursday, February 24 th to take pictures of any senior that has NOT had an outdoor portrait or cap & gown portrait taken. A make up picture day will be March 1st. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cap& Gown Portrait Requirements: a) Guys-a white dress shirt and tie b) Gals- a v-neck top/dress (the gown is V-neck) c) Everyone is to turn in a picture with the cap ON the head, not holding it d) Traditional look - do NOT accessorize with sunglasses, big ‗bling‘ jewelry, or other distracting items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outdoor Portraits: a) No weapons or dead animals will be allowed in the yearbook pictures b) Students are difficult to recognize in full body shots because the face is smaller. Choose a pose that allows viewers to see you c) Be certain the background is flattering. Do NOT have cars or people behind you; it does not look professional --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senior Yearbook The 2010-11 yearbook is in progress and will be ready to pick up in August 2011. For those interested in getting your name on the ―paid list‖, bring $45.00 to Room 208 to receive a receipt OR buy one in August; there will be extras. Senior Recognition Ad: Making it to that senior year is a huge milestone...celebrate your child‘s success! Buy a space in the yearbook to honor your 2011 senior. Prices are: Full page-$140.00 ½ page-$90.00 ¼ page-$75.00 1/8 page-$50.00 The personal ad forms may be picked up from any yearbook staff member OR simply come by Room 208. For information or questions, contact the Resume‘ staff at [email protected] or contact Rebecca Strickler (advisor) at 255-0807 (RHS Main Office). Chatterbox Senior Ads Parents/students may also purchase a Senior Ad in the Special Senior Edition of the Chatterbox, published in June 2011. Details will be provided on the March edition of the Chatterbox and seniors will be provided the order forms with their March 2011 edition. If you have any questions – email [email protected] . T Chatterbox eacher Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 7 Name: Mark Milstead Family: Allison (wife) Position at RHS: Agriculture Department Head/Agriculture teacher Club/organizations you advise: FFA High school attended/ year: Weston High School (1993) College attended/major: LA Tech Agriculture Education, administration Teaching experience: 12 years Most embarrassing moment: Driving into the back of a school bus when I was in college. Favorite childhood memory: Going to Tech football games. Pet Peeve: Laziness, inefficiency, dishonesty Is there anything you want the students to know about you? I hope each of you end up as productive and successful citizens of our society. Name: Mrs. St. Andre Family: Dave (husband), 3 kids, 6 grandkids Position at RHS: Ag1, Canine Care, Floristry Club/organizations you advise: FFA Advisor High school attended/ year: Natchitoches Academy 1974 College attended/major: Northwestern University P.E., Elementary Education, LA Tech Masters in Ag Education Teaching experience: 29 years Most embarrassing moment: Falling flat on my face this year in front of my 4th hour class. Pet Peeve: Disrespect Favorite childhood memory: Wonderful family, playing outside with neighborhood kids until dark. Is there anything you want the students to know about you? I also work in a vet clinic. Name: James Sandifer Family: Carla (wife) Position at RHS: Agriscience teacher Club/organization you advise: FFA advisor Clubs advised: FFA High School/class year: Winnfield Senior High ‗79 College/Major: LSU– Fire Science degree; LA Tech– Masters degree in Vocational Ed., and National Board Certified Teacher Teaching experience: 14 years Favorite childhood memory: Fishing and hunting with my grandfather. Favorite team: Dallas Cowboys Pet peeves: Tardiness and laziness Name: Nick Brown Family: Mandy (wife), R.J. and Baylee Auburn (children), Amber Brown (niece) Position at RHS: Biology Club/organizations you advise: FCA College attended/major: Auburn, LA Tech, Radio, TV, Film, Education Teaching experience: 16 years Favorite team/sport: Auburn Tigers Pet Peeve: The lunchroom serving big portions to big people. How did they get big? Duh! Most embarrassing moment: It was embarrassing for me to out fish Coach Reeder and Mr. Elliott If you could have one wish what would it be? Get as much food at lunch as Coach Aguilar and Coach Bush Is there anything you want the students to know about you? I host a radio show on ESPN 97.7 FM from 8-10 on Saturdays. Mr. Elliott, Coach Reeder and I are going to start a Bass Club. Name: Susan Griffin Family: Emily (daughter), Ben (son-in-law), Jonathan (son), Allison (daughter-in-law), Addison and Adelynn (granddaughters) Position at RHS: Biology 1, Biology 2 Anatomy and Physiology, and Biology 2 Plant Science Club/organizations you advise: Prom Committee College attended/major: Clemson University and University of Maryland Teaching experience: 17 years at RHS Pet Peeve: Bellowing Favorite quote: “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.‖ Favorite childhood memory: Traveling around Europe with my family. T Chatterbox eacher Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Name: Susan Freeman Family: Danny (husband), Daniel and Laura (children) Position at RHS: Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2 High school attended/ year: Quitman High School 1976 College attended/major: LA Tech microbiology Teaching experience: 25 years Favorite team/sport: baseball Pet Peeve: Whining and excuses Favorite childhood memory: Summer vacations with family and friends Favorite quote: ―Your talent is God‘s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.‖ Name: Melinda Jackson Position at RHS: Biology Family: Josh (husband) Abby and Jayden (kids) High school attended/year: Drew Central 2000 College attended/major: University of Arkansas Monticello– Biology, LA Tech Teaching Teaching experience: 5 years Favorite team/sport: Arkansas Razorback Football Pet peeve: Laziness and disorganization Name: April Winstead Family: Scott (husband), Morgan and Chloe Mae (daughters) Position at RHS: Biology 1 and Biology 2 AP High school attended/ year: Cedar Creek 1991 College attended/major: LA Tech Secondary science education Teaching experience: 16 years Favorite quote: ―Speech‖ Favorite childhood memory: Licking the salt off the goldfish and putting them back in the bag for my brother to eat later. Pet Peeve: Waking up early. If you could have one wish what would it be? Be an official mattress tester. Name: Randall Elliott Family: Kristi (wife), Abby and Jack (children) Pets: Lazyboy (Basset Hound) Position at RHS: Physics and Chemistry teacher High School/year: Ouachita Christian 1990 College attended/ major: AA Tech Comp. Info Systems, and Master of Arts in Teaching Teaching experience: 5 years Most embarrassing moment: Diving for a rack of ribs that fell off the grill at a birthday party. Favorite childhood memory: Farming as a kid with my dad. Favorite quote: ―I hate to complain but…‖ —Nick Brown If you had one wish what would it be? For my hair to have turned gray instead of turning loose. Pet peeves: People who act like they are better than others. Name: Amy Guerin Family: Dave (husband), Ben and Jake (sons), and Maddie (daughter) Pets: Samson (dog), Coral (fish) Favorite subject: Science Position: STEM Biology, STEM Robotics, STEM Marine Science teacher High School/class year: Loveland High ‗91 College/Major: Eckerd College – B.S. Marine Science; Nova Southeastern University– M.S. Science Ed. Teaching experience: 8 1/2 years Most embarrassing moment: Too many to write down – ask and I might share one or two. Favorite childhood memory: Family vacations. Page 8 E Chatterbox ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School Valentine’s Day for All the Singles by Gray Taylor Graphics/Design Editor For all the singles out there: you all have to face Valentine‘s Day alone each year. This isn‘t necessarily a bad thing, considering how overrated this commercial holiday really is. It‘s all about showering your significant other with material things and hoping they don‘t plan on leaving you any time soon. But fear not, loners, there are ways to celebrate like everyone else instead of sitting at home watching romantic comedies and crying yourself to sleep. First of all, get a grip on yourself and know that you are not the only one spending V-Day alone. Second, remember that you are saving yourself hundreds of dollars by not buying anything for someone else. The money you save could go to much more important things, such as yourself. Third, get your other single friends together and go somewhere. Chances are you will have more fun partying with your friends than becoming a fire hazard if you had a dinner by candle light. Valentine‘s Day should not be restricted to just couples, so do not mope or cry but go out for some fun. February 14, 2011 Page 9 Glasses vs. Contacts by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter Glasses and contact lenses- it seems that everyone is wearing one or the other. It is said that over 160 million Americans wear either contacts or glasses today, but which one is better? Many people tend to prefer glasses over contacts because they like the look and feel of glasses. Glasses wearer Lauren Townsend prefers glasses ―because they help you see better, even though they tend to get a little annoying‖. Many glasses wearers also enjoy the various styles, shapes, and sizes that meet their needs or just plainly find the price of glasses in their budgets. Others, such as Zach Hannibal have various reasons why they wear glasses. ―Glasses are better because I wear them,‖ he states, ―You should be like me and wear them too.‖ Not everyone thinks glasses are the way to go though. Many prefer contact lenses because they get a more natural look that glasses fail to offer. ―Contacts are more convenient and are better for my peripheral vision without my frames getting in the way,‖ says Kimberly Miles. Mary Conly Hammons ads that ―contacts are better because they‘re more comfortable and they look a lot better.‖ Whether you‘re like Cody Briscoe who believes that ―glasses are better because all you have to do is slide them on in the morning‖ or Ashlyn Thompson who just plainly ―likes contact lenses better,‖ you can rock your eye wear any way you please. Celebrate Everyday! by Emily Moore Arts Reporter February 12-National Plum Pudding 15-Gumdrop 19-Chocolate Mint 24-National Tortilla Chip 26-Pistachio Day 28-Toothfairy March 1-Nat. Pig/PB Lover‘s Day 5-Multiple Personality Day 6-Nat. Frozen Food 12-Fanny Pack 14-Nat. Potato Chip Day 17-Submarine DON’T BE LIKE THIS GUY: “Senioritis” by Gray Taylor Graphics/Design Editor 14-Ferris Wheel/National Heart to Heart 18-Thumb Appreciation 23-International Dog Biscuit Appreciation 25-Pistol Patent (Samuel Colt) 27-International Polar Bear Day 18-Awkward Moments Day 21-Commoncourtesy Day 22-Goof-off Day 23-Nat Chip and Dip Day &Kick Butts Day 24-Nat. Choc. Covered Raisins Day Quotes to Live By by Emily Moore Arts Reporter ―Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.‖ – Albert Einstein ―I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.‖ – Unknown ―You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.‖ – Jonathan Carroll, "Outside the Dog Museum" ―We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.‖ – Unknown ―Are we not like two volumes of one book?‖ – Marceline Desbordes-Valmore ―Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.‖ – Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy ―Falling in love is so hard on the knees.‖ – Aerosmith "Death cannot stop true love; it can only delay it for a little while.‖ – The Princess Bride ―It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other." – Good Will Hunting ―Love is a friendship set to music.‖ – E. Joseph Cossman E ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School February 14, 2011 “Green – The Color of Love” Chatterbox Page 10 The green M&M is not the only M&M that has been accused of having powers. In 1976, the red M&M was also tagged as a romance-powered candy as well; it was also taken off the market by the FDA for using red dye #2, which was believed to cause cancer. The red M&M was also been believed to grant wishes. As for the other M&M‘s, the orange M&M is believed to be the good luck M&M; whereas, the brown M&M, the original M&M, is bad luck; and the yellow M&M means that you should call in sick and stay home if it‘s the last one in the bag. Most interesting of the M&M‘s though is the blue M&M, as recent studies have shown that the blue M&M helps heal spinal injuries. It‘s amazing what people can find out about an M&M. With all the rumors and myths attached to such a small candy, you can really never know what‘s true and not true; right now, the only power M&M‘s have is ―being the candy that melts in your mouth and not in your hand.‖ by Lauren Townsend Assistant News Editor When it comes to coloring a Valentine‘s Day, people usually stick with the basic love colors of pretty pink, pleasant purple, and romantic red; everything is decked out in these girly colors. However, there is one exception: the green M&M. In 2008, the Mars Company started selling individual packs of nothing but green M&M‘s, tag lined ―Green – The Color of Love‖, for the season of sweet amore. But what makes the green M&M pop out of all that pink and red? The green M&M‘s fame came from the myth ―Green M&M‘s cause people to fall in a love-like state‖. The Mars Company, the producer of M&M‘s, did not come up with the myth, but used it to promote M&M‘s sales. The company made the green M&M character an attractive woman based off the green M&M‘s romantic powers. The rumor began in the 1970‘s by students who were experimenting with its rumored romance quality. Why the green M&M gained such a reputation is unknown; some believe that is has to which green‘s relation to health and fertility. Green jelly beans and gummi bears have also been claimed to have these magical love-guru powers. Candy companies cannot explain, scientifically or medically, why these candies have these effects on people. What Not To Do On Valentine’s Day by Benicia King Education Reporter February 14…the day of love. It‘s the day your boyfriend breaks up with you and you sit at home listening to ―7 Things‖ by Miley Cyrus; it‘s the day Mr. Cason is roaming the halls carefully looking for couples too close together, committing a PDA felony. Whether you‘re indifferent, upset, or excited, there are some things you should not do on February 14 th. 1. Go on a first date – first dates are hard enough as it is and it is not a good idea to go on one on Valentine‘s Day because it makes the situation even more awkward. 2. Complain – I don‘t think anyone wants to hear someone complaining all day about their lack of prospects and abundance of heartaches. Save yourself some dignity, get over yourself, make jokes about you being single if you must, and then save it for your private online blog. 3. Call your ex – WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! Step away from the phone. Avoid the Valentine‘s Day emotional hangover and don‘t attempt a reconnect. 4. Be alone – You‘ve got friends, right? Well, get together with a bunch of them and go see a movie or something. At the end of the day, what really matters is…well…I guess you‘ll have to find that out for yourself. Have an awesome, non-gloomy, and cheerful Valentine‘s Day! To All the Singles Out There by Lauren Townsend Assistant News Editor February is the month of romance. This usually means couples start scurrying about in frenzy over romantic dinners, delicious candy delights, and sweet smelling roses and teddy bears. People go coo-coo-ka-choo over the holiday, running around like chickens with their heads chopped off trying to be as romantic as possible for their sweethearts. It‘s usually all about who‘s with whom doing whatever romantic activity on Valentine‘s Day, but what about all the singles? Singles shouldn‘t stress over not having a sweet heart for Valentine‘s Day. Personally, I believe singles have more fun. Instead of fighting with your sweetie over what to eat or do on Valentine‘s Day, you can take yourself out for a little fun. Go out to eat, tour the town, party with some friends, and just go all out crazy. If you are really bothered about being alone, go out and get a sweetheart. You‘re single and young, so be brave and go for it. You never know who you can meet. Moreover, Valentine‘s Day isn‘t just for the lovebirds. Take friends out for a night on the town and have some fun. If you‘re tired, invite them over for all the chocolate and cake they can eat and play some games. There‘s no excuse on why you can‘t have fun on Valentine‘s Day. So all you singles out there, throw your hands in the air and go have some fun. You can have fun partying solo, or go out and find a partner for the next Valentine‘s Day. Just remember to keep it legal and safe. Most importantly, enjoy your Valentine‘s Day! Shout Out: Behind the Scenes by Whitney Durrett Photographer/ Reporter Just because you are behind the scenes doesn't mean you're not important! To all the men and women who volunteer to help Ruston High School with all the extracurricular activities, Ruston High and Chatterbox thank you! Without the help of many unseen and unheard parents and spouses, many Ruston High organizations wouldn't be functioning as well and be able to do the things they do when or where they do them! So this shout out is dedicated to you! Without you, RHS wouldn't be as successful in so many areas! E Chatterbox ditorials/Opinions Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Abe Lincoln!! Mardi Gras Madness by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter On February 12, 2011, the United States of America celebrated the birthday of our nation‘s 16th president: Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His father, Thomas Lincoln, was a skilled carpenter and little is known about his mother Nancy Lincoln. He had an older sister, Sarah Lincoln. He also had a younger brother, Thomas Lincoln Jr., who died as a baby. Many Americans assume that Abraham Lincoln easily made his way into the government, but surprisingly he had a couple of failures at the beginning. In 1832, Lincoln ran unsuccessfully for the Illinois Legislature. But two years later, he was elected into the lower branch of the legislature for the first of four successful terms. In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer and met his soon to be wife Mary Todd. Together they had four sons: Robert Todd (1843-1926), Edward Baker (1840-1850), William Wallace (1850-1862), and Thomas ―Tad‖ (1850-1862). In February 1860, Lincoln made his first presidential appearance and later went on to win the presidential election defeating the Northern Democrat Douglas, the Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge, and the Constitutional Union candidate John Bell. Abraham Lincoln is most famous for helping the U.S. survive during the tragic Civil War. Lincoln's victory in that election thus changed the racial future of the United States. It also agitated Southern-sympathizer and Negrophobe John Wilkes Booth, who began to conspire first to abduct Lincoln and later to kill him. On April 14, 1865, five days after Robert E. Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Lincoln attended a performance called Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre in Washington. There Booth entered the presidential box and shot Lincoln in the head. The next morning at 7:22 Lincoln died. Lincoln's achievements--saving the Union and freeing the slaves--and his martyrdom just at the war's end assured his continuing fame. No small contribution was made by his eloquence as exemplified in the Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19, 1863), in which he defined the war as a rededication to the egalitarian ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and in his second inaugural address (Mar. 4, 1865), in which he urged "malice toward none" and "charity for all" in the peace to come. Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln!! by Patricia Duhart Social Reporter Mardi Gras for me was always that time of year where you turn on the news channel and see ―Another Mardi Gras Madness‖ or hear about people fighting at a bar. Mardi Gras is also known for the thousands of people from all over the country who go to New Orleans to celebrate. What about the story behind the parties, the history in the celebrations, or the constant mask? I never knew that Mardi Gras meant ―Fat Tuesday,‖ where Catholics indulge in various foods before Ash Wednesday where the fasting begins; this event is the seventh Wednesday before Easter. Catholics use ashes to remind them of death and the sorrow they should feel for their sins. Mardi Gras has been celebrated in New Orleans since the French settlers arrived in the early 1700‘s. Masks were worn to hide the spirits they weren‘t allowed to express. So, if you ever wondered why all the crazy parties, mask, and food, now you know. Bloody Valentine by Lauren Townsend Assistant News Editor When Valentine‘s Day comes to mind, people usually think of love, hearts, free chocolate, etc… No one ever thinks of massacre. Why would there be blood and murder on the day of romance? Believe it or not, there is one Valentine‘s Day no one will ever forget; in 1929, Al Capone ordered a bouquet of slaughter instead of chocolates, leaving seven dead in a garage on the north side of Chicago. There was not any ―Happy Valentine‘s Days‖ shared during the St. Valentine‘s Day Massacre. So what exactly happened? Al Capone arranged for George ―Bugs‖ Moran, a Chicago mobster, and his followers to be eliminated on February 14, 1929. Al Capone‘s henchmen decided to lure Moran and his gang to a warehouse on the north side of Chicago, believing that they were receiving a shipment of cheap alcohol. At 10:30 a.m., Al Capone‘s men, who were disguised as policemen, opened fire on the unaware men and killed seven. The among victims were: Jon May, an auto mechanic hired by Moran; Frank and Pete Gusenburg, who had previously tried to murder Machine Gun Jack McGurn; James Clark, Moran's brother-inlaw; and Reinhardt Schwimmer, a young optometrist who often hung around for the thrill of sharing company with gangsters. Even though by Christian Amos this massacre has won fame in history, the plan was actually a failure Sports Editor On November 29, 1876, America was introduced to a prestigious woman that since Al Capone‘s Moran target escaped the slaughter by being late. would later pioneer many features of the United States‘ government. Nellie Tay- Moreover, the mass killing only brought more federal attention than it lor Ross is foremost known as the first woman to serve as governor in the United did help. This must be how the real mafia spends Valentine‘s Day. Happy Valentine‘s Day everybody! States. Nellie Ross: First Woman Governor To this date, she remains the only woman to serve as governor of the state of Wyoming. Ross, the 14th governor of Wyoming, was also a staunch supporter of Prohibition during the 1920s. She also was appointed to director of the U.S. Mint from 1933-1953 by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Besides being deeply involved in politics, Ross was also a kindergarten school teacher. After her husband William Ross died in 1924, Nellie Ross was nominated by the Democratic Party to run as governor in a special election. She refused to campaign for the seat, but remarkably she won the race and on January 5, 1925, she became the first woman governor in the history of the United States. As governor, Ross carried out the policies her late husband established. Also as governor, she pushed the state of Wyoming to ratify a federal amendment prohibiting child labor. Nellie Ross was a lady of many firsts while participating in American polotics. Not only did she build a rich heritage for women everywhere, but she truly shaped countless parts of our nation‘s structure just by taking charge in times of need. Left: Al Capone Right: George ―Bugs‖ Moran V alentine’s Messages Ruston High School Chatterbox February 14, 2011 To: Alexis Johnson From: DeAnna Nunn To: Sam Haskins From: Boom Boom Pow You’re the best! Thanks for the dollar to buy this! You are so awesome and I just want to let you know I love you! To: Amber My Bae From: You Know Who I know we have our ups and downs but ur are still my bae.ILY! To: Meche From: Lex To: My Friends From: Monkey To All my friends and family! I love ya’ll and wouldn’t trade ya’ll for anything! Happy Valentine’s Day Lil’ Ugly! (lol) Just kidding! Love ya! To: Cat Woman From: Batman To: Ke$ha From: Katy Perry Hey you! You make one purrrfect sidekick! @ friends forever! I love you tons and remember that you’re sassy but classy! LOL – insider To: Mrs. Sutton From: “Delta Tango Foxtrot?” To: Resume’ Yearbook Staff From: Mrs. Strickler Roses are red, violets are blue, let’s make our deadlines before they are due! Happy <3 Day! To: DeAnna Nunn From: Alexis Johnson Aww you love me! Butter Biscuits! To: Shani & Kathy From: Caroline Love you brothers/roommates! To: The Student Body From: MDC Love yourself for who you truly are. DO NOT change yourself for anyone else, but you! :) <3 To: Mercie From: FLO Every time I see you I get diagnosed with déjà vu, every kiss, every hug seem like I been here before./…./…, I love you. To: My Team (Coach, Protégé, Mentors) From: Little Orphan Annie :) Well, I don’t know what to say in 2 lines except that you guys are the best medicine I could ask for! Thanks for keeping me sane! Happy Valentine’s Day! To: Mr. Bruner From: Chatterbox Thank you for putting up with all of our nonsensical nonsense! <3 You are a special little man! O+< (That’s a little man!) Page 12 I really wish I would have been in your class this year with some amazing people ;-) To: Vicki Vale From: Batman Happy Valentine’s Day. I’m Batman. To: Toni Greene (Best Frann) From: Patricia Duhart (Best Friend) Happy Birthday best friend! WORK TONI! To: Mr. Billy “BRO” From: Mac Moma “DEB” We’ve only just begun. Happy Valentine! To: Kamen From: Jessica Hey you are one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met. I hope we stay together a long time. =D To: Ambersta Rhymes From: Emix-a-lot You are my BFFI and my Lady Friend and I’ll always be here for you! I Love You BFFI! Happy Valentine’s Day! To: Harryette Tinsley (Upstairs Nut) From: Mindy Martin (Downstairs Nut) Couldn’t do it without you! To: Chatterbox From: Mr. Bruner Gotta love the Chatterbox! Ya’ll are doing great, so keep it up! V alentine’s Messages Ruston High School February 14, 2011 To: Emily & Amber From: Cookie To: Rocky From: Carrots Here! I wrote one though you’re reading it out loud, Happy Valentine Day! To the both of you. Te Amo, my Italian. To: RHS Juniors From: Diana Humphries, 11th grade counselor One semester down; one to go. Work hard and do your best. I love you! To: Molly Sandefur From: Gray Taylor Even though you’re not at RHS anymore, you’re still my #1. I miss/heart you! :) To: Meche From: Lex Happy Valentine’s Day, Bae! What’s good Love ya! To: The Kaveman From: Spaz Kid You’re an amazing friend and I’m glad I got to know you dude. Crazy life and friends we got. Lol To: Shelby Knodel From: Matthew Cardenas It’s been an amazing year with you so far. Thank you! To: Milli From: Sussi When it is only showed unto any person so ever, it inciteth and exciteth wonderfully unto love. To: Meowcakes From: BEAUtiful Sup lil’ mamma ;) To: Dalton Henry From: John Alejos & Zack Sanders Pancakes tomorrow at night. To: Bradlee From: Emily Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day and stuff. You make me happy and I love you! To: FBLA Members From: Mr. Bruner FBLA Rules! Happy Valentine’s Day! It may be postponed—but district is still ours to rule. Then—we take State! Chatterbox Page 13 To: Ivana Kallova From: Christian Amos Prom? To: Brittana From: Me You are the most ―awe-giving‖ friend I could ask for! To: RHS Choir From: Charles Ives Thank you for all your hard work and love for my music! (And your teacher loves you, so play nice!) To: BFFI & Batman From: BFFI∞ Hey, you two are the flowers to my garden and the milk to my cheerios-How could I live without you? To: Myketrian From: La’ Blue Hi Sweetie you have opened the doors of my heart, now it’s time for you to walk thru. Will you be my valentine? To: Batman From: Catwoman You are Batman! @ friends forever! Down with Anne Hathaway! To: Meche From: Lex Happy Valentine’s Day, Bae! What’s good? Love ya! To: Art I Students From: Mrs. Strickler Happy Valentine’s Day from your awesome art teacher! =) To: The Band Geeks From: The Class Clown Keep Playing Band Geeks! To: Christy From: Lloyd Happy Valentine’s Day. Love ya! To: Mr. Bruner From: FBLA Members We appreciate you and all you do for us! We will rock district, then roll state! S Chatterbox ervice and Social Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Prom is Almost Here! by Patricia Duhart Social Reporter Page 14 The Brain by Shamario Daniel Club Reporter Almost a month until this year‘s Night of the Dragon prom! Found out who you are taking yet? If you don‘t know, you better find out soon. Tickets are still on sale. Seniors who didn‘t pay last year, your cost is $35. Seniors, if you paid last year as a junior, your cost is free. Juniors, your costs are $30 in February and $35 in March per person. Mrs. Debbie Martin and Mrs. Julie Stephenson will be taking up the money and handing out the invitations. Prom is March 19, 2011, at TONK. So be there or be square. See you there Bearcats! Do you know that the brain is one of the most important organs in your body? Well now you do. PYPM has started another semester of teaching second graders at Ruston Elementary. They are teaching four classes; the first two lessons of the new semester tell how important the brain is to your body. The brain is ―THE BOSS‖ because it is the control center of the body. Did you know it takes at least 21 years for our brains to prepare us to live the rest of our lives? Crazy, huh? But it‘s true. An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds compared to the 1pound at birth. The brain controls your everyday life as well as your future. In other words, it‘s a major source of your life. So what would you do without it? PROTECT YOUR BRAIN BECAUSE YOU ONLY GET ONE. Rotary Club Winners by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter Month September DRIVER’S EDUCATION October November Students Elizabeth Sawyer Valarie Wheat Christopher Taylor Kate Warner Elizabeth Moore Hannah Rose McIntire Ashley Davison Mary Glenn Lyons Caroline Oakley Taylor Kaufman • 6 – Hour Pre-Licensing Class • Course is State Approved • Must be 17 or older • Cost: Only $30 December February TBA For information, call: 251-1234 March TBA April TBA May TBA January Keywanettes News by Amber Brown Senior Editor On February 8th, the Ruston High School Keywanettes officers were invited to a breakfast event with the Sunrise Kiwanis. The event was for them to discuss current and future projects that they would be participating in. The Keywanettes is a service club that has provided the school and the community with many beneficial projects. As the school year dwindles the Keywanettes are now looking for new members to help with these projects. But, be sure that all girls are aware of the requirements to become a member, such as a certain GPA, other activities, and recommendations from respectable people. Applications will be available at the start of March. So hurry up and apply before it‘s too late! B Chatterbox earcat Baseball Ad Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 15 2011 BEARCAT BASEBALL APPAREL The RHS Baseball Booster Club will be selling Bearcat Baseball apparel through Wed. Feb. 16th. There are two designs to choose from. You can get the red design on a t-shirt, sweatshirt or hoodie. The black design is available on a long or short sleeve t-shirt only. Fill out the information below and return it to the office along with your money by Wed., February 16th. T-shirt (short sleeve only), sweatshirt, or hoodie available T-shirt only with team rosters on back Short and long sleeve T-shirt available Name____________________________________ Phone #_______________________ School _____________________Grade_______1st hour Teacher____________________ Cost Red T-shirt Red Sweat Red Hoodie Black SM MED LG XL XXL 3XL Total Quantity Total $ $25 long sleeve $18 * 2XL and 3XL add $2.00 *All YL $20 $15 t-shirt YM $15 short sleeve T-shirt Black YS Total Amount Enclosed_________ orders must be paid for when ordering and must be paid in cash. C lubs/Organizations Ruston High School Chatterbox February 14, 2011 Page 16 FFA State P-Law 4-H Club Reminders submitted by Mr. Mark Milstead FFA Advisor submitted by Darby Rowland 4-H Club Reporter Congratulations to the Ruston FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team for their performance at the State Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event at the Louisiana Educational Youth Center on January 18, 2011. Ruston's team was named the 20102011 Louisiana FFA State Runner-Up in Parliamentary Procedure. The team also had the highest written test average of all the teams in the competition. Students had to take a written exam on any subject material that comes from Robert's Rules of Order, perform an eight to ten minute unprepared demonstration on the motions given to the team, and answer oral questions related to the motion that each member had to perform. Team members included Antonio Wilson, Will Edminston, Seth Wells, Savannah Best, Adam Bryant, and Brandon Myers. Five of these six members are seniors and will be greatly missed next year. Congratulations on all the hard work that you have put into this event for the past two years! Attention Ruston 4-Hers -Achievement Day is coming up fast. To be eligible to attend you must participate in at least two parish events. If you have not already done so, there are several events coming up! The annual 4-H Foods Festival will be held on February 21 st at I.A. Lewis School. See the newsletter for further details. Black History Posters are due to the 4-H office by February 25th. Night at the Mudbugs Hockey Game will be Saturday, March 12, 2011. Tickets are $12.00 each and you must register by February 15, 2011. Community Service Project: We will be starting a new 4-H Club community service project during March. Please be on the lookout for further details. PROM IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER…………. Monroe: Dresses available only at our Monroe Location; Tuxedoes available at both! Tuxedos, Bridal & Formals Ruston: King of Hearts Tuxedos 1707 Hudson Lane 1406 Farmerville Hwy (318) 322-6274 (318) 251-1254 KING OF HEARTS State Parliamentary Procedure Runners-up team included Brandon Myers, Savannah Best, Will Edmiston, Antonio Wilson, Seth Wells and Adam Bryant (not pictured). Hot Sauce Fundraiser: There are several students involved in the Junior Leader Club. They are selling hot sauce to raise money for 4-H University and other trips. They are also participating in community service events and assisting with contests and activities for younger 4-Hers. Junior Leaders meet at the 4-H office once per month. C lubs/Organizations Ruston High School Chatterbox February 14, 2011 Page 17 FBLA Students Interact With A. E. Phillips What Will You Do With Your Life? submitted by Amber Brown and Brittany White FBLA Vice-President- Service and Vice-President- Progress by Shamario Daniel Club Reporter Recently, one of the Vice Presidents from the Ruston High School Future Business Leaders of America volunteered at A.E. Phillips, as a requirement for FBLA‘s Business Level of the Business Achievement Awards (BAA). Brittany White, along with her friend Heather Tanner, read a well known book by Dr. Seuss, ―The Lorax,‖ and helped the students plant sunflower seeds in cups to take home. The two students started off by reading the Dr. Seuss book to the well behaved A.E. Phillips Kindergarteners. Brittany and Heather read the book with much enthusiasm as the students enjoyed every bit of it. After reading the book, the students moved into the activity space where they then had a cup of starter soil handed to them to put in their own cup. Next, the students passed around a cup with sunflower seeds in it and each took a seed to bury in their soil. Brittany and Heather went around and watered each of the kindergarteners cups with just enough water to start if off. The students were told to water their flower every day with just a small amount of water. Overall everyone had a fun and joyful experience. This was a great educational experience for both Brittany and Heather and especially the kindergarteners. To learn more about the BAA program, contact Brittany White, as she has now completed both the Future and the Business Level Awards and is now working towards competing for the Richard D. Clanton Memorial Scholarship at the Louisiana FBLA State Conference. PCI has been meeting every Tuesday after school in Mrs. Dunbar‘s room because students from Louisiana Tech have been coming to share knowledge about life after high school and college choices. College is very important and everyone should want to attend. These delicate choices will determine where you end up in life. There are several colleges around the Ruston and Monroe area that students can attend. PCI is getting students ready for the future so they can excel and succeed in life. If you‘re not ready for a 4-year university/ college, you can always attend a vocational college. So what do you want to do with your life? MAKE DECISIONS THAT WILL BETTER YOUR FUTURE! Brittany and Heather In Action Students with their projects. T Chatterbox he Arts Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Busy, Busy Band! Art by Emily Moore Arts Reporter submitted by Mrs. Strickler Art Teacher On January 21, 2011, the band members got a surprise visitor, Sergeant Nash, a member of the Marine Corp from Minden, Louisiana, who came to speak to the band about the Marine Corp Band. He visits every year to educate band members on their talents that can be used for government jobs. When asked what she thought about the band, Anna Scroggins exclaimed, ―Have you ever seen them [Marine Corp band]? They‘re great! I‘d love to play for them.‖ Other Ruston High musicians had compliments to share as well. In reference to Sgt. Nash‘s presentation, Zach Bertrand said thoughtfully, ―He had a lot of interesting things to say.‖ Other band members admired him for other reasons entirely, like Marcie McTyre who said, ―I like their uniforms. I like their uniforms a lot.‖ Sgt. Nash gave serious musicians something to think about after graduation. January 27th-29th was the District One Band Director‘s Association Honor Band Clinic. These members were featured in last month‘s Chatterbox edition and traveled to the University of Louisiana in Monroe to perform with other band members from surrounding schools who made it. The Courtside Cats have been playing at the basketball games to induce school spirit and will continue playing for the rest of the season! Watching the game isn‘t the only reason to attend anymore. On February 25, the South Central Regional Music Conference and Honor Band will be held at the Monroe Civic Center. ―I‘m looking forward to playing with Bradlee and Sam [fellow percussionist],‖ McKenzie Rhodes said. This conference is the pre-festival decision. It leads up to the LMEA Large Ensemble Festival that will be held at West Ouachita High School on March 8th and 9th. The Bearcat band will surely be busy in the upcoming months. Singing with the Stars by Emily Moore Arts Reporter The month of January gave the choir a small break, but this month they have to jump right back on the train! During January, choir members were called to the auditorium for a special concert by Southern Mississippi University‘s Men‘s Choir. However, Ruston wasn‘t the only party that felt honored to be visited by such talent. John Flanery, Assistant Director of Choral Activates at SMU stated, ―Greg Odom bragged that Ruston has some of the best singers in the state, so we decided to come check out the school and do a little recruiting for Southern Miss.‖ Southern Mississippi‘s choir members heard good things about Ruston‘s choir as well. ―I was referred [to Ruston] by Greg Odom from West Monroe High School, he pointed out that Ruston has the best Choral program in the state of Louisiana,‖ member Cameron Weatherford said. When Jonathon Braannan, another member of the visiting college‘s choir was asked what advice he had for students looking to major in music, he said, ―Go ahead and do whatever it takes to get scholarships, and look everywhere, not just at one college. Just go for it because music is one of the most enjoyable majors.‖ Tomorrow, February 15th there will be a Solo and Ensemble Festival here in Ruston. Jon Page 18 Barker is going to judge for this event. This festival is the district qualifier for the state rally. The state rally will be held at LSU in April and there‘s no doubt the bearcat choir will dominate. Charles Bruffy, whom was introduced in earlier Chatterbox editions, will finally be arriving at the end of February. If you didn‘t read previous choir articles, you may not be familiar with who Charles Bruffy is. Charles Bruffy conducts the Kansas City Chorale, Kansas City Symphony Chorus, and the Phoenix Chorale. He has received numerous awards including ASCAP‘s Adventurous Programming award and TWO ACTUAL GRAMMYS! He has performed all over the world in places like Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, and in countries like South Korea and France. The famous Charles Bruffy will be holding workshops and rehearsals for the RHS choir on February 24th and 25th, leading to a concert on the 26th at 11:00 am in the Ruston High auditorium. All of the choir members are super excited and beyond anxious for his arrival. Christian Amos stated enthusiastically, ―I hope he brings his Grammys!‖ Other members of the bearcat choir share in his admiration for Charles Bruffy. Andrew Serio made the compliment that ―Charles Bruffy is a god!‖ The choir members are getting chances of a lifetime. It is an honor to work with these astute musicians. With celebrities like Charles Bruffy, and Valerie Naranjo, who is coming to help with ―Bearcats on Broadway‖ next month, Ruston High is on its way to fame. The Art Club slowed down through the holidays but is back in full swing for the new semester! Members are challenging themselves as they take on school and community service projects. The club officers have been elected and they are President, Diamond Melton; Co Vice-Presidents, Haley McCalman and Mayisha Nakib; Historian, Jeb Rodriguez; and Co Secretaries, Chelsea Jenkins and Anna Smith. They are brainstorming some great ideas for the remainder of the school year. For example, several of the more artistic members will be helping me with the backdrop for the upcoming Bearcats on Broadway production in March. Plans are also underway to visit with a pre-k or kindergarten group to complete an arts and crafts project. We look forward to even more projects as the opportunities arise in the future. We have all your music needs at Piney Hills Music!! 214 N. Trenton Street 232-3002 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Page 19 Name: Amber Sanders (Big Mac, Marlay, AmBam) Age: 17 Family: LaWanda (Mom), Stacy (Dad), Jalena, Laycie (sisters), Gracie, Chance, Jewel (horses) Favorites... Subject: Choir Movie: The Little Mermaid Animal: Horse Color: Green Book/Magazine: Where the Red Fern Grows Quote: ―Dream as if you‘ll live forever, live as if you‘ll die today.‖ -James Dean What do you like best about RHS: The school spirit and the Friday night football games and the basketball games. Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Basketball, FCCLA, Choir, GOT team, PYPM College plans: Northwestern/ major in Elementary Education; minor in Music Your hero: GOD and my sister, Jalena Name: Daveon Jones (Dae Dae, Davy) Age: 17 Family: Homer (Grandpa), Jean (Grandma) Favorites... Subject: 1st period Movie: Fight Club Animal: Dave Anderson Most embarrassing moment: At Ruston, the first time Coach Anderson cracked jokes on me. What do you like best about RHS: Track meets & World History Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Track & Field, KOM College plans: NSU/ Secondary Education Your hero: Coach Hall my bestie!! Name: Aisha Jackson Age: 17 Family: Ed (Dad), Victoria (Mom), Ashley, Adrianna, Andrea, Alexis (sisters) Favorites... Subject: Choir Movie: Vivah Animal: Platypus Color: Blue Book/Magazine: Chatterbox! Quote: ―A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you‘ve forgotten the words.‖ What do you like best about RHS: Lunch Time (cause it means free time) Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Choir & KOM College plans: NSU Demons!/ Music Education Major Your hero: Jesus!!! Name: Hannah Rose McIntire (Hannah ROOOOSE!, HooBoo) Age: 18 Family: Mom, Dad, Sam, Joshua Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Sahara Animal: African Giraffe Color: Blue Book/Magazine: “The Small Woman”-Gladys Alyward Quote: ―He is no fool who gives what he cannot lose.‖ -Jim Elliot What do you like best about RHS: My track family, my besties, the people, and the overall atmosphere. Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Track, LYFE, Spanish Club, and Keywanettes College plans: John Brown University/ Graphic Design Your hero: Aaron Boersma, Elizabeth Moore, The Howells...etc.! Name: Elizabeth Moore (Lizzi, Ell, E-Moore, Lizzy-Beth) Age: 17 Family: Mom, Dad, Matthew, Michael, John David Favorites... Subject: Drop everything and read! Movie: Pride & Prejudice Animal: anything that goes maaaah... Color: Blue Book/Magazine: Jane Eyre Quote: ―And this is love, not that we love God, but that He loves us and gave His son to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.‖ 1 John 4 What do you like best about RHS: the best friends in the world and my mentees :) Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Belles, KOM, LYFE, FCA, Choir, Ambassadors, and Keywnettes College plans: Mississippi College; major– English Literature, minor– Biblical Studies Your hero: Starbucks S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Name: Brittney Washington (Lue) Age: 18 Family: Mom, Dad, sister, Cujo (brother) Favorites... Movie: Baby Boy, Poetic Justice Animal: Stallion Color: Purple Book/Magazine: No More Playas Quote: ―No weapons formed against me will prosper and I truly believe that my haters are my motivators.‖ -Nicki Minaj What do you like best about RHS: Pep rallies Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FBLA College plans: Going to the Navy Your hero: My Mother Name: Byronesha Santiago (Playmaker) Age: 17 Family: Josie (Mom), Bryon (Dad), Chelz (sister), Spalding (pet) Favorites... Subject: Spanish II Movie: Love & Basketball Animal: Dislike animals Color: Blue Most embarrassing moment: I don‘t get embarrassed. What do you like best about RHS: Girls Basketball Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Basketball, Basketball, Basketball College plans: Play college ball. Your hero: Jehovah Name: Savannah Best Age: 17 Family: Sammye & Jody (parents), Jordan & Raleigh (sisters), Ty (brother) Favorites... Subject: Ag Movie: Transformers Animal: Dog Color: Yellow Book/Magazine: Fallen Quote: ―Peace begins with a smile‖ Most embarrassing moment: Freshman year, I fell out of my chair at the FFA banquet. Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FFA College plans: Louisiana Tech/ Ag Ed. Name: Dexter Burks (Peterrabbit) Age: 19 Family: Ruthie Burks (Mom), two brothers, one sister Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Soul Men Animal: Dog Color: Black Book/Magazine: The Bully Quote: ―Keep your head up and never let anything bring you down‖ What do you like best about RHS: Pep rallies, Football games Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FFA College plans: Louisiana Technical College/ Business & UTI Your hero: God, Family Name: Tyler Andrew Smith (TDog) Age: 20 Family: Tony Allen Smith (brother) Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Mall Cop Animal: Owl Color: Black and Red Book/Magazine: Naruto Quote: ―It‘s not the size of the dog in the fight, it‘s the size of the fight in the dog.‖ What do you like best about RHS: Coach Brown Bio College plans: Two year/ Law Your hero: 50 Cent Page 20 S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Page 21 Name: Chelsea Rogers (C-C, Chelz, In your face Rogers) Age: 17 Family: Sheronda (Mom), Marcheile (Step Dad), Mun (brother), Keith (brother), Kourtney (God-Brother) Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Friday Animal: Dog Color: Pink Quote: ―Trust God only because man will fail you.‖ What do you like best about RHS: School Spirit Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Basketball, BUMS, National Honor Society Your hero: God and Mother Name: Raven Kelly (Rae-Rae) Age: 17 Family: Kendra Kelly (sister), Cheylor Kelly (brother), Melissa Kelly (Mom), Chad Sims (brother) Favorites... Subject: Spanish Movie: Baby Boy Animal: Zebras Color: Anything Bright Book/Magazine: Glamorous Quote: ―If you don‘t stand for something, you will fall for anything.‖ -Lil Daddy Most embarrassing moment: When I fell my Freshman year in a pep rally in front of the whole school. Ughh!!! Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Varsity Cheer, National Champion Competition Squad, FCA College plans: Grambling State University/ Biology; plan to be a physical therapist after attending physical therapy school Your hero: My Mother Name: Dakota Nalitt Age: 18 Family: Gail (Mom), David (Dad), Josh & Tyler (brothers) Favorites... Subject: Ag Movie: Friday Night Lights Animal: Dog Color: Red Quote: ―Work hard, but play harder‖ What do you like best about RHS: Not having to come until 2nd hour and then leaving early Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FFA Name: Deja Silas Age: 17 Family: Granny, Great-Granny, Drecia, Phe Favorites... Subject: English Movie: ATL Animal: Dog Color: Black Book/Magazine: The Child Called It Quote: ―I love you.‖ (Deja) What do you like best about RHS: Being able to be with the ones I love and RHS spirit and tradition Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Pom Squad, COE College plans: ULL/Southern/ Nursing Your hero: God Name: Michael Palmer Age: 19 Family: Paul Palmer (Father), Dennis Allen (Mom), Kimmberly Perez (Fiancée) Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Transformers Animal: Dog Color: Red Book/Magazine: Harry Potter Quote: ―It can be done.‖ College plans: Art School Your hero: Grandma & God S Chatterbox enior Spotlights Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Name: Holly Holland Age: 17 Family: Katina (Mom), Eric (Step Dad), Jalen (brother) Favorites... Subject: Lunch Movie: Baby Boy Animal: Charity (my dog) Color: Red Quote: ―I got to much business of my own to be worried about somebody else's.‖ -Holly Cyrus What do you like best about RHS: Pep Rallies College plans: Go Army! Your hero: God and my Mom Name: Taylor Rose (T. Rose) Age: 18 Family: Holden (brother), Dad, Granddad Favorites... Subject: Ag Movie: The Runaways Animal: Rottweiler Color: Black Book/Magazine: If I Stay by Gayle Forman Quote: ―Phil? Phil?! Phil of Fortune?!‖ -Sarah Blaylock What do you like best about RHS: Being a Senior Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: KOM, FFA College plans: Police Officer with the Alameda County Sheriff‘s Office Your hero: Nakendra Foster Name: Jemorio Crowe (J Moe, Boss Crowe, Yo Yo) Age: 18 Family: Jerry Melton (Dad), Dana Crowe (Mom), Jerry Jr. Melton (brother), Jermesha Melton (sister) Favorites... Subject: Lunch Movie: Friday Animal: Dogs (Bubbles, Mindmight), cat (Holly) Color: I don‘t have one I rock all of them Book/Magazine: Bible Quote: ―It‘s nothing to the kid, you can get it. It is what it is yo mama.‖ What do you like best about RHS: Choir Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Choir, I workout Your hero: God Name: Latoria Whitehead Age: 17 Family: Mary (Mom), Allen (Dad), Jessie, Allen Jr., Emanuel (brothers), Latrice, Katrina (sisters) Favorites... Subject: English Movie: Baby Boy Animal: Cat Color: Purple Book/Magazine: Bluford series Quote: ―Lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.‖ Most embarrassing moment: Falling down the stairs freshman year. Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: FBLA College plans: Louisiana Tech/ Education Your hero: My Grandma Name: Justin Brazzel (Ju Ju, B) Age: 17 Family: Gary (Dad), Amber (Step Mom), Taylor (sister), 2 step sisters, 1 step brother Favorites... Subject: Math Movie: Happy Gilmore Animal: Panther Color: Blue Book/Magazine: Chatterbox Quote: ―Brazzel your incompetence is showing.‖ -Zach Davis What do you like best about RHS: Friends Sports/Clubs/Affiliations: Football College plans: Louisiana Tech Your hero: My Mom Page 22 E Chatterbox ntertainment Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 23 Are You Hungry for More? by Amber Brown Senior Editor ―The Hunger Games‖ by Suzanne Collins is by far a fantastic book, and that is not just in my opinion! Collins‘ way of writing gives the reader a sense of being in the scene, even if her vocabulary is relatively simple. I will not give away any spoilers, because there are plenty of people who still need to read this gripping book. However, the basic premise of the book is that in a post-apocalyptic world, the ―Capitol‖ is the region where people are prosperous, abundant with food and money, and just plain spoiled. After what we all know as America is destroyed, there are twelve Districts, originally thirteen, who must always listen to the ―Capital.‖ One year, the districts rebelled (and thus the 13th district was then annihilated) against the ―Capitol.‖ But, the rebels lost and to prove that the Capitol would always be in control, they created an annual event which is now known as ―The Hunger Games.‖ The rules: each district must send one boy and one girl (randomly drawn at ―The Reaping‖) to represent the district. Each ―Tribute‖ will fight in an unknown and harsh terrain or arena until only one person is remaining and all the rest are dead; they must kill each other to win, and become mentors for following tributes. It‘s the Capitol‘s way of showing their superiority and punishing the districts from the rebellion many years ago. The story follows our protagonist, Katniss, who volunteers to take her younger sister‘s place in the beginning of the Hunger Games. This decision leads her to delving into a whole new world. If you are interested in learning more, then you will have to read for all of the fun and excitement! Collins‘ does an amazing job when leading all three of the books of the trilogy into one another. The Trilogy can be found in our school library. Oh, and don‘t hold your breath waiting for the movie, it doesn‘t come out until either late 2012 or early 2013! Facebook is Shutting Down in March? Rumor Proved False! by Amber Brown Senior Editor Recently, rumors of a Facebook shut-down on March 15th has spread like a wildfire on the site itself and Twitter, as well as other blogs, but the company has come out and stated that they have no intention of shutting down such a popular social networking site. The Weekly World News (the rumor rags that are accused to have originally started this ridiculous rumor) gained many negative responses to Mark Zuckerberg‘s quote as saying Facebook had ―gotten out of control and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life.‖ Mashable (a site that tried to help calm the rumor from causing any more damage than it already has) said that the rumor spread just days after Facebook announced it had received $450 million worth of funding from Goldman Sachs and $50 million from Russian investment firm, Digital Sky Technologies. Mashable question, ―The fact that this absurd hoax spread so efficiently makes us wonder: will people believe anything?‖ Some people even went as far as saying that you should go ahead and remove your personal information, including pictures, videos, etc., off of the profiles for good, seeing as the website will be shutting down. This remark was commented on by tens of thousands of people, including Facebook‘s Director of Corporate Communication, Larry Yu, ―The answer is no, so please help us put an end to this silliness; we didn‘t get a memo about shutting down and there is still a lot to be done, so we will keep cranking away like always.‖ Miss America Pageant 2011 by Polly Michelle Gwan Academics Reporter On January 15, 2011, fifty-two beautiful women gathered together to compete for the title Miss America in the Miss America 2011 Pageant. The pageant was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, and was shown on the ABC channel. The pageant contestants are women representing each state in the United States plus two more from Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico. This year Kelsey Crain, from Monroe, Louisiana, proudly represented our state as Miss Louisiana 2011. Though she and many others did not make it to the swim suit portion of the competition, the competition was still vigorous. This year the Miss America Pageant added many new twist and surprises to the competition by letting the contestants, people, and judges vote for the fifteen contestants who moved on into the swim suit portion including: Miss Nebraska, Miss Virginia, Miss Kentucky, Miss Delaware, Miss Arkansas, Miss Hawaii, Miss Washington, Miss Oklahoma, Miss Oregon, Miss Utah, Miss Rhode Island, Miss New York, Miss Texas, Miss California, and Miss Arizona. The contestants went through not only a swim suit portion, but an evening wear portion, a talent portion, and a question portion. In the end Miss Nebraska, Teresa Scanlan, was crowned Miss America 2011, being the youngest woman ever to be crowned this prestigious title at age seventeen. Teresa Scanlan was not the only one making history at this pageant though. The pageant was celebrating its 90 th anniversary, and this year to celebrate it they invited forty-three former Miss America‘s back to the pageant to celebrate in this amazing accomplishment. Teresa Scanlan will go on to compete in the 2011 Miss World pageant against many other countries later on this year, and hopefully, with the support of her fellow Americans, return back victoriously. Miss Nebraska gets crowned! Miss America takes her traditional walk. Miss Louisiana Kelsey Crain S Chatterbox tudent Center Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 24 An Eagle Scout Walks the Halls of Ruston High by Amber Brown Senior Editor Thomas Gray Taylor, both a member of Chatterbox and FBLA, has earned the Eagle Scout rank, and according to statistics, only four percent of boy scouts across the country make it to this prestigious ranking. Gray has been a member of the Boy Scouts since he was twelve, but was a member of the Cub Scouts since kindergarten. He is a member Troop 59, along with other Bearcats: John Ramsaur, Nicona Lacy, Hunter Humble, Logan Young, and Mark Weir. One of the requirements to become an Eagle Scout is to earn a minimum of twenty-one merit badges, but Gray excelled and earned a total of twenty-five! As a another major requirement, a scout has to lead his own Eagle Project that benefits the community; as Gray‘s project, he chose to help the Ruston Community Theatre renovate, organize, and relocate their props and set pieces with a group of other volunteers. Once the project was completed, it was time for the most important part of a scout‘s life, the Eagle Scout Board of Review. He prepared for this monumental day by studying the handbook and reviewing basics (knots, first-aid, etc.), and he ended up over preparing, but that goes along with the Scout‘s Motto is to ―Be Prepared.‖ So, congratulations, Gray Taylor on your awesome achievement! Happily Never After? The Story of Divorce Information accessed at: submitted by Justin Welch RHS sophomore Divorce destroys family relationships faster than almost anything else. Not only does it affect the parent‘s lives, it affects their children‘s lives drastically if they have any. The United State ranks number one in divorces with Puerto Rico at a close second. On average, 43% of the marriages in America end in divorce every year. In 2009, there were 2,355,005 divorces and the number is constantly growing! For every marriage one person has after their first one, there is a higher percentage rate of the next marriage also failing. Sorry ladies, but according to, women who marry under the age of 20 years file for divorce over twice as much as the men. Fortunately though, 67% of all divorces are between two people who are childless. Children of divorce typically act like things are okay or that they don‘t care, but the truth is, most of them are feeling pain and it is sometimes hurting them on the inside. They may go into a depressive state or feel like there is nothing left for them. Parents and children‘s relationships get torn apart because the children feel resentment towards parents for splitting up. Kids also think that just because their parents don‘t live together, they have to choose where to live. In most case, parents should have a joint-custody where kids are allowed to go visit both parents on an equal time scale. Frankly, divorce is never the answer but it all depends on how the divorce goes down in court. No matter how bad things may seem, divorce only makes things worse. So if your parents are divorced or choose to get divorced (which I hope never happens), don‘t get yourself down. Hold your head up and go on with your life and make sure that you don‘t make the same mistake when you choose to get married. According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America: The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41% The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60% The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73% Age at marriage for those who divorce in America: Age Women Men Under 20 years old 27.6% 11.7% 20 to 24 years old 36.6% 38.8% 25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3% 30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6% 35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5% S Chatterbox tudent Center Ruston High School Ask the Staff by Amy Gibson Guest Reporter Lonely was I, when first we met I had lost all hope in this world But when you came, I opened myself And decided to be your girl I feel so safe when I am in your arms Nothing can get to me when I‘m with you All these things are new to me And I am afraid of loving you But I trust you with my feelings Yes, I do trust you with my heart I could never let you down Because in my life, you play a huge part The way my heart speeds makes no sense But I don‘t mind it at all I stumble over everything around you Page 25 Ask Russell by Kori Teague Guest Reporter submitted by Beau Russell RHS Class President What does it mean to love someone? What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day? Jesus said to love others as He loved us. What does that mean? ―For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life‖ (John 3:16). Does that mean we have to give up our children for others? Not really. Does that mean that we have to go be crucified on a cross for someone? Not necessarily. It just means that we need to be willing to sacrifice things in our lives when we love someone. Surely, since God gave so much for us because He loves us, we can show His love in us to others. Happy Valentine‘s Day! You Complete Me February 14, 2011 ―I think it‘s a great time to share with not only your significant other, but also with your friends, and spoil them on one of the ‗sweetest‘ days of the year.‖ How do you attract the ladies? ―It‘s a God given talent. Period.‖ But your hand is always there to stop my fall Your words are so soothing to my soul Your touch comforts my pain I pray that no matter what happens Your feelings for me will never change Grateful am I that we got to meet Just seeing your face gives me chills Experiencing your love makes my soul tremble I love being with you…in your presence Please always remember Tears come to my eyes when I think of you Because the love I feel is that strong And I‘m not afraid to say That I‘ve loved you all along Unconditional love is what I feel for you And on me you must never give up Safe and secure I will always be If you hold me tightly in your love Truly I speak, when I say that there are no words Then I do speak the truth I cannot find any explanation To describe my love for you Only my love could ever see That you complete me But why should I need words When all I need, I have There is always a smile in my heart In your love, I always laugh You are that twinkle in my eye And the blush appearing on my cheeks I am blessed to call you mine The Chatterbox reminds all students that everyone has a right to an opinion on issues. If you have an opinion and wish to write an article, the Chatterbox reminds you that all submissions are subject to staff, editor, and administrative review to ensure that the article provides information or promotes school pride, and does so without materially disrupting work, does not cause substantial disorder, or does not invade the rights of these. If you would like your article considered for submission, please email it to [email protected] or turn it in in electronic format to one of our staff. Only signed editorials and articles will be considered. Fun Page Ruston High School Sudoku by Gray Taylor Graphics/Design Editor January Answers Chatterbox February 14, 2011 Page 26 Valentine’s Day Word Search S Chatterbox ponsors and Staff Ruston High School February 14, 2011 Page 27 2010-2011 Chatterbox Sponsors Platinum Level Sponsors: ($200 +) Mark Bartlett, LLC Ruston High School Alumni Association Gold Level Sponsor: ($100 - $199) RHS FBLA, Chapter 617 Silver Level Sponsor: ($50 - $99) Lincoln Parish Sheriff’s Office First National Bank Garrett Foundation (Grant) Lloyd and Christy Bruner RHS Business Department 2010-2011 Chatterbox Advertisers Business/Organization Owner/Manager/Contact Agent Page of Advertisement Lincoln ACHIEVE Cathi Cox 2 BESTWAY Michael Kolb 4 Seeker Springs Tammie Slawson 6 Wells Fargo Julie Guillot 10 Driver‘s Ed Ricky Durrett 14 King of Hearts Pat Murray 16 Kevin Beasley Photography Kevin Beasley 17 Pow Wow Manuel and Nilda Chinchilla 17 Piney Hills Music Nick Goff 18 Dr. Rendina Lynn Crowe 18 Geri G. Taylor Geri Taylor 28 Nick Brown Show Nick Brown 29 Ruston Locker Room Yvonne Craft 31 Space Available Space Available Space Available Space Available Space Available Space Available Please thank and support these businesses, organizations, and individuals for making your Ruston High School Chatterbox possible! If interested in sponsoring or advertising in the Chatterbox, email us at [email protected] 2010-2011 RHS Chatterbox Staff Senior Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Graphics/Design Editor Senior Reporter Sports Editor Business Manager Academics Reporter Arts Reporter Clubs Reporter Education Reporter Social Reporter Social Reporter Sports Reporter Sports Reporter Photographer Photographer Guest Reporter Guest Reporter Amber Brown Senior Natasha Alva Senior Lauren Townsend Junior Gray Taylor Senior Stephany Arias Senior Christian Amos Senior Elizabeth Smith Junior Polly Michelle Gwan Junior Emily Moore Junior Shamario Daniel Junior Benicia King Junior Jocria Thompson Junior Patricia Duhart Junior Reed Malek Junior Arquisia Williams Sophomore Savannah Chrisman Sophomore Whitney Durrett Sophomore Amy Gibson Junior Kori Teague Junior Adviser/Sponsor: Mr. Lloyd R. Bruner, [email protected] The Chatterbox is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). The purpose of the Chatterbox is to provide information and to promote school pride. We strive to meet the criteria set by the National Scholastic Press Association for student journalism. In addition, if a reasonable basis or belief that a publication would materially disrupt class work, involve substantial disorder, or invade the rights of these, it will not be published in keeping with the guidelines of Hazelwood School District vs. Kulkmeier (1998). Signed editorials may be sent to Ruston High School, 900 Bearcat Drive, Ruston, Louisiana 71270. Access the current edition of the Chatterbox at: and archived editions at: S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School submitted by Coach David Aguilar Girls’ Basketball Head Coach by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter -vaulters, Nick Richardson and Daveon Jones; the distant runners, Chase Millien and Dominique Cheffin; the girls relay teams, javelin throwers and distant races. There are an estimated 75 members currently on the track team and with both the boys and girls finishing in second last year at the state meet, Coach Anderson says there‘s only one way to improve and that‘s to go up. While Ruston will be moving up from classification 4-A to a 5-A redistricting, to Ruston‘s Coach Anderson that change will not change the competition. ―It wouldn‘t make a difference because it‘s still very competitive in either class‖, says Anderson. His favorite aspect about coaching track should be so obvious, WINNING, which his teams are known for! Tennis Ready to Rally It is hard to determine when a team comes player. She came to Ruston as a point guard together and begins working as one. Some- and evolved into a strong presence at the block. times it happens after a particularly hard pracAll five seniors have various skill levels and tice or after a tough loss. Some teams never get diverse backgrounds. They also have one goal there and are labeled as "coulda- woulda- to bring a championship to Ruston, the Bearcat shoulda- teams." The Lady Bearcats are a group Nation. For this team which has a record of 21 of diverse young ladies that came together - 4 as this article goes to print, we are not sure if every day attempting to better themselves and they have completely come together. "There are play together and win. The seniors on the team moments that these girls put it all together and get close to reaching are a perfect mix of talent. their potential" Coach Amanda Aguilar Byronesha Santiago and Chelsea thinks. "Potential is such a double edged Rogers played key sword, it can be your roles in last year‘s crutch or the challenge team that played in the you need to push quarter finals and lost to the eventual state through." champions. Three As these young laother seniors stand out dies grow each day and as well. Taylor Kaufbuild on their experiman, a state ranked ences, the Bearcat NaThe Lady Bearcats vs. the Lady Rams swimmer, and highly tion waits for Tuesday skilled student, raises and Friday nights to see the level of the teams play. Jasmine White what new challenges these girls will defeat and played point guard for three years and this year what new skills they will display. The coaches she has accepted the role of sixth man. For us are proud of what they have accomplished and that is a defensive stopper, rebounder and offen- are hoping that someday soon they will evolve sive threat to the opposing team. Amber Sand- into becoming the best they can be as individuers is a striking singer and multi-talented als and as a team. by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter As tennis season bounces around again, the players start to make a racket during practice sessions. Led by assistant coach, Mallory Smith and head coach Gavin McKinney (currently on leave), the RHS tennis team are getting ready to start the season with their first match. Head varsity coach Gavin McKinney is a United States Professional Tennis Association instructor and he promotes the sport of tennis in Ruston and the surrounding areas. The tryout for the Bearcat Tennis team was held on November 17 and they currently hold practice from 7th period to 4:30. The girls that made the team were Jordan Crume, Dinah Diaz, Mary Hollis Graham, Kaitlyn Heiden, Abbie King, Mary-Kyle McDonald, Courtney McKinney, Kellen Skains, and Heather Tanner. The males that joined the squad were: Jonathan Abernathy, Phillip Alva, Spencer Berry, Kyle Carter, Matt Oaks, Nathan Parks, Nick Parks, Cody Sanderson, Hayden Smithey, Chris Taylor, Caleb White, and Jack Woods. Coach McKinney says, ―I am very pleased with the quality of players that participated in try-outs this Page 28 The Lady Bearcats Are a Strong Team RHS Track Preview As the weather changes and the seasons shift, there are also other seasons that change, sports seasons. When spring comes around, it‘s time to hang up those football jerseys and put away those swimming caps. Track and Field is all about strength and speed. If you work hard and do what RHS track coach Dave Anderson advises you to do, you will be a winner and if you don‘t you‘ll find out what else he‘s good at besides coaching. The track team‘s first meet will be an indoor qualifying meet on February 8. If they qualify in that division, then the runners will advance to the Indoor State meet on February 19. The outdoor season starts on March 4. The key athletes and events that everyone should be on the watch for will be the boy‘s pole February 14, 2010 year.‖ ―The great thing about tennis is that there are opportunities to participate in groups and play tournaments year round.‖ Last year the Bearcat tennis team made it to state but didn‘t quite make it all the way. ―This year we plan on going back to state taking the boys with us and winning‖, says Coach Smith. The first match is February 22 at Neville High School and as the season gets ready to roll, we will show our support for the Bearcat tennis team in every possible way. Go ‗Cats! S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Bearcat Soccer Nears End NICK BROWN SHOW by Reed Malek Sports Reporter As the month of February rolls in, Ruston soccer‘s regular season come to an end. After all the season‘s hard work, the Lady Bearcats finished their season with a record of 10-7-3 and the boys finished 10-8-1. Both teams played their Senior Games against West Ouachita High on Saturday, January 29. The girls pulled off a close 3-2- victory and the boys dominated the Chiefs 7-1. The last stretches of the Bearcat soccer seasons were plagued by several game cancellations due to weather, but the ‗Cats rebounded and were able to end their seasons on a strong note. Page 29 Senior Lauren Prescott crosses a West Ouachita (20) defender, during the senior night match-up. Saturday Mornings 8 A.M. – 10 A.M. ESPN 97.7 FM Radio The Bowl College Series by Reed Malek Sports Reporter In the increasingly popular world of col- that teams in automatic-qualifying conferlege football, there is one infamous debate ences do. that dominates virtually every discussion of If Boise State (WAC, non-automatic the sport: what to do about the Bowl College qualifying), Texas (Big-12, automaticSeries, more fondly known as the BCS. qualifying), and Alabama (SEC, automaticThe BCS has been the governing body of qualifying) all finish their regular seasons college football ever since its with undefeated records, Texas inception in 1998. The BCS and Alabama will play in the dictates which teams play in BCS National Championship which bowl games, an ability because the BCS would deem criticized by many as being their schedules more difficult monopolistic and unfair to the than Boise State‘s. This scesmaller schools in the nonnario is nearly identical to the automatic qualifying confersituation of the 2009-2010 ences such as the Mountain college football season. The West and WAC. only difference is that Texas In college football, there Christian University are currently six ―automatic(Mountain West, nonqualifying‖ conferences: the automatic qualifying) finished Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-10 (soon undefeated as well. Who Accessed at to be Pac-12), Atlantic Coast played in the BCS National Conference, Big East, and Championship? Texas and AlaSoutheastern Conference (SEC). These con- bama. Boise State and TCU played in a ferences are given the title ―automatic- smaller BCS bowl. qualifying‖ because their winners receive This BCS bias has many across the nation automatic bids in the BCS Bowls. outraged and calling for the expulsion of the Of the ever-increasing number of bowl BCS from college football. Though I agree games in the sport, there are five that are the with those who want the BCS gone, it is a most money-making and most popular: the lost cause. Orange Bowl, Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, FiThe BCS is, ultimately, based off money. esta Bowl, and the BCS National Champion- Teams in the Big Ten, Big 12, SEC, etc. have ship game. The argument against the BCS many more fans and therefore bring in more lies mainly in the unfairness of the selection money to the BCS if they play in their bowl process of the participants of these bowls. games. In a way, the BCS is a monopoly. Fans of the teams of non-automatic qualifyIf there is anything to be done about the ing conferences like the previously named BCS, we must look at history. There is only Mountain West and WAC are angry because one thing that has ever been able to end a their teams do not receive the opportunity monopoly: government intervention. Find us on acebook! Setting the Record by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter There are a lot of records being set all over the world today that they have to be compiled into one big archive; the Guinness World Records. Many people have tried setting records and also breaking them but many come close and several fall short. In sports there are some great but weird achievements sought out to be done. On October 19, 2008, 3,807 participants ran a hundred meters in a twenty-four hour relay for the Latvian Nations 90th Anniversary Celebration at the Douglas Stadium in Riga, Latvia. On May 15, 1999, an American man by the name of Michael Kettman set the record for the most basketballs spun simultaneously with a total of twenty-eight balls. The longest softball game played was ninety-five hours and twenty-three minutes, at Ed Janiszewski Park in Quebec, Canada. The longest volleyball game played totaled a time of sixty hours by SVU University in Amsterdam. On June 12, 2010, ‗Swim for Children‘ broke the Guinness record for the most people swimming one length in a twenty-four hour relay with 5,028 participants successfully completing a minimum distance of sixty feet Padova, Italy. At Ruston High, we have some records of our own that have been set and broken. Trey Hadnot set a record in the 400M dash with a time of 48.02 seconds, beating Ruston‘s administrator/alumni David Crowe‘s old record. The Ruston High School boys track team is the only public school in the Louisiana High School Athletic Association to capture a Class 5A championship(4 times to be exact). Coach Anderson, the coach of the RHS track and field team, has established 39 of 42 possible school records and more than 300 marks have earned listings in the national record book, during his 20 years of coaching at Ruston. S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Page 30 Green Bay Packers Win Super Bowl XLV by Reed Malek Sports Reporter Forty-four Super Bowls ago, the Green Bay Packers defeated the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl I 35-10 behind their MVP quarterback Bart Starr and head coach Vince Lombardi. In Super Bowl forty-five on Sunday, February 6, 2011, the Packers matched their victory in the first Super Bowl, winning 31-25 over the Pittsburgh Steelers giving the franchise its fourth Super Bowl victory. Though they weren‘t led by the likes of the legendary Starr and Lombardi, quarterback Aaron Rodgers and head coach Mike McCarthy proved that they could get the job done just as well. Things got ugly quick; a botched national anthem by Christina Aguilera, a scene of Cameron Diaz hand-feeding popcorn into the mouth of Alex Rodriguez, and a 14-0 Green Bay lead at the end of the first quarter spelled doom for the night. The Packers struck first blood with a twenty-nine-yard touchdown pass from Rodgers to wide receiver Jordy Nelson with 3:44 left in the first quarter and scored on a Nick Collins interception return-touchdown merely twenty-four seconds later. It appeared early that the black and gold were going to be black and blue by the end of the day. However, the Green Bay beat-down was mitigated by a Ben Roethlisberger touchdown pass to Hines Ward with thirty-nine seconds left in the first half, making the Packers‘ lead 21-10 at halftime. Going into the fourth quarter, all speculation about a Green Bay blowout had diminished. Thanks to an 8-yard touchdown run by Rashard Mendenhall in the third quarter, the Steelers had cut the Packers‘ lead to four points and shut the mouths of hasty critics. However, Green Bay took action quickly in the fourth quarter with an 8-yard touchdown pass from Aaron Rodgers to wide receiver Greg Jennings, making the score 28-17. With seven and a half minutes left in the game, the Steelers cut the Green Bay lead to three via a twenty-five-yard touchdown pass from Roethlisberger to Mike Wallace. The Packers then put together a solid, five and a half minute drive that culminated in a twenty-three-yard Mason Crosby field goal, making the score 31-25 in favor of Green Bay. This score would remain on the scoreboard for the rest of the game. In the end Aaron Rodgers and Mike McCarthy hoisted the Super Bowl trophy, just as Bart Starr and Vince Lombardi did forty-four years ago in the very first Super Bowl. Rodgers would be named the game‘s Most Valuable Player, having accumulated three hundred and four yards passing and three touchdowns, all on twenty-four completions in thirty-nine passing attempts. Though a lot of factors went into Green Bay‘s victory, one glaring statistic undoubtedly made the difference in the game: turnovers. Pittsburgh turned the ball over three times, while Green Bay went the entire game without doing so. Whatever the cause, the Packers will now carry the Vince Lombardi Trophy back to Green Bay. Accessed at Accessed at Bearcat Football Celebrates Season with Banquet by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Bearcats of Ruston High School prevailed through their 2010 season after starting off with a tough record. With powerful weapons such as senior Ja‘Ren Johnson on offense and senior Nick Richardson on the Bearcat defense, this helped Ruston end ups and downs of the 2010 season with a winning record! On the night of January 26th, Ja‘Ren received the honorable Hoss Garrett award for his grand performance throughout the season. As a junior, he led the running game with 925 yards but bettering his senior performance by rushing for more than 1,000 yards, with a career-best being against the Wossman defense rushing 329 yards. Nick was named in high spirits with the Kyle Williams Defensive Player of the Year award. Nick‘s vitality stood Athletic director and head football coach, Billy out with the defensive back totaling sixty-four tackles with Laird introduces keynote speakers and award thirty-three of them being unassisted and a pass interception presenters at the annual Bearcat football banquet. he returned for a touchdown. Both Ja‘Ren and Nick shared the team captains‘ award for the season. The Michael Parker award is to a player who surpassed an obstacle, generally an injury that could end a player‘s career. Senior Michael Welch was honored this award after he was stripped from the field after a knee injury in the game against Byrd. Fellow team mate Casey Turner was honored with the Scholastic award for his hard work in the classroom. Senior Linebacker Maddie Wiggins, was thrilled with the awards of awards, the Chick Childress award. ―It‘s pretty sad to say it‘s my last [banquet], but I‘ve gained some great memories‖ says Maddie Wiggins at the post of the banquet. Ruston High‘s Athletic Director and Head football coach, Billy Laird, was named Coach of the Year for the parish for his ever persevering coaching of the Bearcats through the ups and downs of the season. S Chatterbox ports Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Player of the Month: Jerry Melton by Christian Amos Sports Editor Averaging nineteen points per game and leading the Bearcat Basketball teams in points and rebounds, Jerry Melton is this month‘s Player of the Month. Melton (# 20) is the first underclassman to be featured as player of the month by Chatterbox. As just a sophomore he has already received offers from colleges such as LSU, Baylor, and his home town‘s Louisiana Tech. Melton is a first-rate forward and his favorite hobby is of course basketball. ―This season I plan to lead my team to the championship‖ says Melton ―Anything is possible with Jesus.‖ Melton‘s favorite thing about playing basketball is ―the competition‖. His favorite thing about RHS is the teachers. Fellow team mate and senior team captain Ron Spivey says, ―[Jerry Melton] is the truth and the future of Ruston High.‖ Spivey goes on to say, ―He couldn‘t do it without me.‖ Bearcat Basketball Enters the Last Stretch by Reed Malek Sports Reporter Along with the Bearcat soccer teams, Ruston High‘s boys‘ varsity basketball team is coming to the end of its season and looks to close on a strong note. The Bearcats have had a very exciting stretch lately, including one 90-87 thrilling overtime victory over the Franklin Parish Patriots on January 25th. The Bearcats‘ leading scorer was Jerry Melton (February Player of the Month), who finished the game with 26 points. Melton also edged to team to victory scoring the final 2 points in the overtime thriller. With a record of 14-8 as of the beginning of this month, the Bearcats are looking to end the year with a win as they face their arch-rival Neville Tigers on February 15th at RHS. Lady Bearcats Are Balling by Keekee Williams Sports Reporter Once again our Lady Bearcats are still on the ball (no pun intended). They have been working hard time and time again to achieve each victory. But don‘t think every game is just a giveaway. Each game has been a fight to the finish always resulting with the most competitive team taking home the win. On Jan. 18, 2011, the Ruston Lady Bearcats played against West Ouachita resulting in a blowout match. The score toppled to a whopping 80 to 30. Byronesha Santiago, the all-state candidate rung up 25 points while Shadarria Crawford put up 11. They brought another victory home to add to their already fabulous record. On Jan. 21,2011, they traveled to Wossman to take on the Wildcats. The Lady ‗Cats also used Santiago Charges past a the same tact to beat the Lady Wildcats. They accepted the score at 57Neville defender. 49. Byronesha Santiago scored 22 points and Chelsea Rogers scored 12 points. The team, no doubt about it, is still proving to be the most notorious basketball team compared to all the competition. When it was time to face Franklin Parish, the Patriots, they still claimed a victory with a 57-39 total. Byronesha Santiago had a total of 19 points and Chelsea Rogers added a total of 12 points. The Lady Bearcats are still going strong and continuing the winning success. Good job, Ladies! Page 31 B Chatterbox earcat Spirit Ruston High School February 14, 2010 Page 32 RHS Celebrates Its National Champions Let the Mania Continue! by Christian Amos Sports Editor The Ruston High Cheerleaders Coach Reeder choreographed the made school history on January 8, entire Gametime routine! 2011, by becoming NCA National ―It makes me feel proud to Champions. On January 19th, the lead such a great group‖ says entire Bearcat Nation gathered in senior co-captain Sydni Wilt Ruston High‘s gymnasium to ―everyone helped with leaderhonor the 2011 National Cheership and collaboration of this leading Association (NCA) Gateam, and everyone worked tometime Division National gether to achieve our goal.‖ Champs! Ruston‘s cheer squad‘s numThe ceremony was not only to ber one fan, Connor Haskins celebrate the competition squad says, ―Honestly, I wish I had a Principal Milstead gives but also for the school, as the giblack jacket of my own. I think speech at the assembly. ant golden megaphone trophy was it‘s pretty cool my girls went to presented to Principal Mike Milstead for the Dallas and beat out ‗twenty teams from Hawaii entire student body. The theme of the ceremony to Maine.‘‖ was ―An Honor for the Bearcat Nation‖. The These thirty-three ladies put together five speakers at the ceremony consisted of Principal months of hard work to claim their National Milstead and the squad‘s coach, Heather title. Since this is only Ruston‘s third year havReeder. ing a competition squad, the school looks for―They went beyond their regular cheering ward to the squad ranking high in the future at duties like cheering at the national level. The squad would football games,‖ Reeder said. ―We had girls getlike to thank the ting their lips busted and following businesses knees scraped but they and sponsors for stuck with it through the their generous donaend.‖ tions: Jim Taylor Two senior squad Ford; Super One, members, Raven Kelly Music Mountain and Shelby Griffith, also Water; Pam C. provided a few expresJones, Tax Assessor; sions to all 1100 students, Ruston‘s Locker faculty and staff, and famRoom; Bill Roundily members gathered at tree and Associates; Danni Jones Physithe assembly. What was RHS students give the National Champs a cal Therapy; Radian even more amazing was standing ovation. that the senior girls and L. Hennigan, CPA. by Christian Amos Sports Editor As both the boys and girls The game is tomorrow, Febbasketball teams advance to ruary 15th and the action will the class 4-A playoff tip off at 6:00 p.m. with the bracket, the Louisiana Junior Varsity facing High School Athletic Neville first followed by Association might as well the Varsity. Even though add Ruston High School the regular season is comBush‘s Boys to that bracket. ing to a close it is still not If you have ever wittoo late for you to join in nessed the acts put on by this the mania of Bush‘s Boys group, then you know the and help the teams gust insanity they bring to the through the playoffs. court. When the Ruston boys ―The only thing more important is God and faced the Patriots from Franklin Parish, President Beau Rusbreathing,‖ says Bush‘s sell led Bush‘s Boys whom led Boys‘ President Beau the students, whom led the rest Russell on the importance of playoff of the Bearcat fans in a rally Alex West, of all rallies to push the Patrigames. ―It‘s a time ots out of Bearcat territory, winner of the for good memories. I and helped the team claim 3-point shoot can still remember victory in an overtime out at the Bas- freshman year against trop game. thriller. East Ascension when the entire student Coach Bush‘s team looks to end their regular season district body was there giving it there all play with a home match-up for the Bearcat Nation; is still against rivals the Neville Tigers bring s a tear to my eye.‖ While the Lady Bearcats rest during the February 15th game, they are still in the winning state of mind as they work toward the grand title of state champs. So leave your couch at home and join the action in the bleachers to aid the Bearcats and Lady Bearcats in bringing home a victory!
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