Justice Thrugood Marshall: A Selected Bibliography


Justice Thrugood Marshall: A Selected Bibliography
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Justice Thrugood Marshall: A Selected
Ruth A. Hodges
Howard University
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Hodges, Ruth A., "Justice Thrugood Marshall: A Selected Bibliography" (2015). Moorland Spingarn Research Center Publications. Paper
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Compiled by Ruth A. Hodges
Reference Librarian
M oorland-Spingarn R esearch C enter
Howard University
Washington, DC
Aldred, L. Thurgood Marshall. New York: Chelsea House.
1990. 128 pp.
Aziklwe, N. “Classm ate of Thurgood M arshall.” In My Odyssey,
pp. 144-145, 148. New York: Praeger, 1970.
A MB9 Az33a6.
Bains, R. Thurgood Marshall: Fight for Justice. Mahwah, NJ: Troll
Associates, 1993. 48 pp. (Juvenile)
Bland, R. W. Private Pressure on Public Law: The Legal Career of Ju stice
Thurgood Marshall. Lanham, MD: University Press of America,
1993. 250 pp.
Cavan, S. Thurgood Marshall and Equal Rights. Brookfield, CT:
Millbrook Press, 1993. 33 pp. (Juvenile)
Davis, M. D. and H. R. Clark. Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at th e Bar, Rebel
on th e Bench. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 1992. 400 pp.
MB9 M358d.
Fenderson, L. H. Thurgood Marshall: Fighter for Ju stice.
McGraw-Hill, 1969. 127 pp. MB9 M358f.
New York:
Goldman, R. and D. Gallen. Thurgood Marshall: Ju stice for All.
Carroll & Graf, 1992. 509 pp. MB9 M358g.
New York:
Greene, C. Thurgood Marshall: First Black Supreme Court Ju stice.
Chicago: Childrens Press, 1991. 48 pp. (Juvenile)
Haskins, J . Thurgood Marshall: A Life for Ju stice. New York:
1992. 172 pp. (Juvenile)
H. Holt,
Hess, D. Thurgood Marshall: The Fight for Equal Ju stice. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Silver B urdett Press, 1990. 128 pp. (Juvenile)
M arshall, T. “Between the Decision and the Decree.” In Southw ide
Inter- Organizational Conference on Establishing Patterns in Human
Relations, pp. 51-58. Nashville: Fisk University, 1955. M323 S087.
M arshall, T. ‘T h e C ourts.” In The Maze of Modem Government,
pp. 34-39. Santa Barbara, CA: Center for Study of Democratic
Institutions, 1964. M323.4 C33m.
M arshall, T. “M etropolitan School Desegregation.” In From the Black
Bar, pp. 213-229, edited by G. Ware. New York: Putnam , 1976.
M340 F925.
M arshall, T. Report on Korea; The Sham eful S toiy o f the Court Martial o f
Negro GIs. New York: NAACP, 1951. 19 pp. M940. 542 M35.
M arshall, T. “Rise and Collapse of the White Democratic Party." In The
Making of Black America: Essays in Negro Life & H istory. Vol. 1
Pt. 1, edited by A. Meier and E. Rudwick, pp. 274-279. New York:
A theneum , 1969. M973 M47m.
M arshall, T. “Special Message to the 48th A nnual NAACP Convention.” In
Williams, J . C. The Negro Speaks, pp. 125-134. New York: Noble
and Noble, 1970. M808.5 W668.
Prentzes, G. S. Thurgood Marshall: Champion of Ju stice. New York:
Chelsea Ju n io rs, 1993. 79pp. (Juvenile)
Rowan, C. T. Dream Makers, Dream Breakers: The World o f J u stice
Thurgood Marshall. Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1993. 475 pp.
MB9 M 358r
Speer, H. W. The Case of th e Century: A H istorical and Social P erspective
on Brown v. Board o f Education of Topeka, w ith Present and Future
Im plications. K ansas City: University of M issouri—K ansas City,
1968. 281 pp.
T ushnet, M. V. Making Civil Rights Law: Thurgood Marshall and th e
Suprem e Court, 1936-1961. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994.
White, W. and T. Marshall. Men of Action. Seattle, WA: Baylor
Publishing Co., 1983. 31 pp. M741.59 M52.
Young, M. B. Picture Life o f Thurgood Marshall. New York:
46 pp. (Juvenile)
W atts, 1971.
Book Reviews
Review of Thurgood Marshall: The Fight for Equal Ju stice, by D. Hess.
American V isions 6 (April 1991): 32. (MS)
Review of Thurgood Marshall: A Life o f Ju stice, by J . Haskins. Publishers
Weekly 229 (July 1992): 252. (MS)
Review of Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at th e Bar, Rebel on th e Bench, by
M. D. Davis and H. R. Clark. Publishers Weekly
239 (October 1992): 63. (MS)
Shaw, S. K. Review of Thurgood Marshall: Ju stice for All, by R. Goldman.
Library Journal 117 (1992): 104.
Weech, E. Review of Thurgood Marshall: First African-American Supreme
Court Ju stice, by C. Green. School Library Journal
38 (March 1992): 228. (MS)
Government Documents
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Hearing on
Nom ination of Thurgood Marshall of New York to Be A ssociate
Ju stice o f th e Supreme Court of the United States. 90th Cong. 1st
sess., 1967. Vol. 261. 198 pp.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Hearing on
N om ination of Thurgood Marshall of New York to be S olicitor
General o f th e United States. 89th Cong. 1st sess., 1965. Vol. 224.
9 pp.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on
the Judiciary. Hearing on Nomination of Thurgood Marshall o f New
York to be United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit.
87th Cong. 2nd sess., 1962. Vol. 242. 209 pp.
U. S. Court of Appeals, Maryland. Members of the Board of R egents of the
U niversity of Maryland Vs. Donald G. Murray, October 1935. Docket
no. 53. 32pp. M323.4 Un 3r.
U. S. Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Office of the
D eputy Under Secretary for Administration. Seminars on Civil Rights
and Race, pp. 15-24. Washington, DC: GPO, 1966.
M 323.4 Se52.
Bland, R. W. “An Examination of the Legal Career of Thurgood M arshall
Prior to His Elevation to the Suprem e Court of the United S tates,
1934-1967.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 1971.
398 pp.
H ines, E. W. “Thurgood M arshall's Speeches on E q u ality an d J u s tic e
u n d e r th e Law, 1965-1967.” Ph.D. d issertatio n , L o u isian a S tate
University A&M College, 1979. 373 pp.
Perry. B. A. “A ‘R epresentative’ Suprem e Court?: Religion, Race, and
G ender in A ppointm ents.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Virginia,
1986. 334 pp.
White, V. L. “Developing a ’School’ of Civil Rights Lawyers: From the New
Deal to the New Frontier ( NAACP ).” Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio S tate
University, 1988. 240 pp.
Williams, J . C. “Rhetorical Analysis of Thurgood M arshall’s A rgum ents
before the Suprem e Court in the Public School Segregation
Controversy.” Ph. D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1959.
330 pp. Microfilm. (MS) M913.
Journals and Magazines
A lsbrook, J . E. “H isto ric B ias in P rin t: C a re e r Aid to T h ree ‘B lack
Officials’." Journalism Quarterly 48 (1971): 480-485.
“‘Best I Could w ith W hat I Had’: The Legacy of Thurgood M arshall."
Ebony 46 (Septem ber 1991): 109-125. (MS)
“‘Best I Could with W hat I Had’: The Legacy of Thurgood M arshall
1908 - 1993.” Ebony 48 (March 1993): 126-128, 130. (MS)
Bohm, R. M., L. J . Clark, and A. F. Aveni. “Knowledge and D eath Penalty
Opinion: A T est of the M arshall H ypotheses.” Journal of Research in
Crime and D elinquency 28 (1991): 360-387.
C arter, S. L. “Confirmation Mess Revisited.” Northwestern U niversity Law
R eview 84 (1990): 962-975.
“Civil Rights: V erdict on Reagan.” Time 130 (Septem ber 1987): 33.
Dalrymple, H. “The Thurgood M arshall Collection: Press Stories Stir F uro r
over LC’s Opening of Papers.” Library of Congress Information
Bulletin 52 (June 1993): 2 3 1 ,2 5 2 -2 5 5 .
Daniels, W. J . “Associate Ju stice Thurgood Marshall: A G reat A m erican.”
About Time 21 (February 1993): 22. (MS)
D arbyshire, G. M. “Clerking for Ju stice M arshall.” American Bar
A ssociation Journal 77 (Septem ber 1991): 48-51.
“D elicate Roots of Identity.” U.S. News & World Report
107 (October 1989): 17.
Dripp, D. A. ‘T hurgood M arshall, for Petitioners:
Trial 27 (1991): 23-24.
Suprem e C ourt Review.”
Etlin, M. ‘T hurgood M arshall: A Titan in Education Reform.” NEA Today
10 (October 1991): 6.
“E xcerpts from Ju stic e M arshall’s Tribute to C harles H. H ouston.” Crisis
86 (June - Ju ly 1979): 276-278. (MS)
Futrell, W. “Thurgood M arshall, Environm ental Lawyer." Environm ental
Forum 8 (1991): 40.
Gest, T. “Blasts Bicentennial of Constitution. Ju stice M arshall’s Minority
R eport.” U.S. News & World Report 102 (May 1987): 12.
Gibbs, N. ‘T he Suprem e Court. Filling a Legal G iant's Shoes: Thurgood
M arshall Retires, Setting the Stage for B ush to Strengthen a
Conservative Majority T hat Could Dominate the High Bench for
D ecades.” Tim e 138 (July 1991): 22-24.
Gormley, K. “A M entor’s Legacy; Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood
M arshall and the Civil Rights Movement.” American Bar
A ssociation Journal 78 (June 1992): 62.
“G rading the P resid en ts.” Newsweek 110 (Septem ber 1987): 33.
Green, B. "Power, Not Reason: Ju stice M arshall’s Valedictory and the
F o u rth A m endm ent in the Suprem e C ourt’s 1990 Term .” North
Carolina Law Review 70 (1992): 373-415.
Greene, C., J r . “A S tate Recalls Its Heritage:
Crisis 90 (February 1983): 12-16. (MS)
A M useum for M aryland."
Harding, V. G. “W restling Toward the Dawn: The Afro-American Freedom
M ovem ent and the Changing C o n stitu tio n .” Journal o f Am erican
H istory 74 (1987): 718-739.
Hayes, W. K. ‘Thurgood Marshall: Ram part Against Racism, Notes.” Black
Law Journal 2 (1972): 240-247.
Hill, G. “Ju stice Thurgood Marshall: A Bibliography from the Popular
P re ss.” Bulletin of Bibliography 42 (1985): 105-111.
H optm an, V. L. “Principled Justice: A Personal Reflection on Ju stic e
M arshall.” Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
27 (1992): 1-7.
Jaschik, S. “For 24 Years, a Leading Supporter of the Fight Against
D iscrim ination.” Chronicle of Higher Education 37 (July 1991):
Jo st, K. “A Legacy Im periled.” Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report
49 (June 1991): 1763.
Kennedy, R. and M. Minow. ‘Thurgood Marshall Procedural Law: Lawyer’s
Lawyer, Ju d g e’s Ju d g e.” Harvard Blackletter Journal 6 (1989): 95.
Keubler, E. J . “Desegregation of the University.” Maryland H istorical
Magazine 71 (1976): 37-49.
Lacayo, R. “M arshall’s Legacy. A Lawyer Who Changed America: As a
Suprem e Court Ju stice and a Civil Rights Advocate Who Battled
Racism Daily, Thurgood M arshall Took the Law Personally.”
Tim e 138 (July 1991): 24-25.
Laurence, R. “Thurgood M arshall’s Indian Law O pinions.” Howard Law
Journal 27 (1984): 3-89. (MS)
“Long-Distance Runner; A Roundtable on America's F irst Black Ju stice."
American Bar Association Journal 78 (June 1992): 70.
Maclin, T. “Ju stic e Thurgood M arshall: Taking the F ourth A m endm ent
Seriously.” Cornell Law Review 77 (1992): 723-812.
M arable, M. “Thurgood M arshall: The Continuing Struggle for E quality.”
Black Collegian 20 (January - February 1990): 7 2 ,7 4 -7 8 . (MS).
“M arshall: Speaking 111 of the D ead.” New sw eek 116 (August 1990): 18.
M arshall, T. “Constitution: A Living Document.” Howard Law Journal
30 (1987): 623-628. (MS)
M arshall, T. “D issent in the Bakke Case:" Freedomways
18 (1978): 127-135. (MS)
M arshall, T. “E qual Ju stice Under Law.” Crisis
46 (July 1939): 199-201. (MS)
M a rs h a ll, T. “An E v a lu a tio n of R e c e n t E ffo rts to A ch iev e R a c ia l
Integration in E ducation Through Resort to the C o u rts.” Journal of
Negro Education 21 (1952): 316-327. (MS)
M arshall , T. “G estapo in D etroit.” Crisis
50 (August 1943): 232-333, 246-247. (MS)
M arshall, T. “Negro S ta tu s in the Boilermakers U nion.” Crisis
51 (M arch 1944): 77-78. (MS)
M arshall, T. “Real M eaning of the Constitution." Ebony
42 (Septem ber 1987): 62-64, 66, 68. (MS)
M arshall, T. “Review Pulpit. . .Special Message to the 48th A nnual NAACP
C onvention (1957).” A.M.E. Church Review
(April - J u n e 1985): 48-52. (MS)
M arshall, T. “The Suprem e Court as Protector of Civil Rights: Equal
Protection of th e Laws.” American Academy of P olitical and Social
S cien ce 275 (1951): 101-111. (MS) M 323.4 Am29c.
M arshall, T . and R. Wilkins. “Interpretation of Suprem e C ourt Decision
and the NAACP Program.” Crisis 86 (June - Ju ly 1979): 205-209.
“M arshall, Thurgood.” Current Biography Index (1989): 377-381.
McCoy, F. “Ju stice Thurgood Marshall Lays Down His Gavel.” Black
Enterprise 22 (Septem ber 1991): 13. (MS)
“Mr. Civil Rights: First year on Bench as Challenging as NAACP Days to
Federal Jud g e Thurgood M arshall.” Howard University Magazine
5 (January 1963): 4-8. (MS).
Olgletree, C. J . “Ju stice M arshall’s Criminal Jurisprudence: The Right
Thing to Do, the Right Time to Do It, the Right Man and th e Right
Place.” Harvard Blackletter Journal 111 (1989): 126-130.
Olivas, M. A. “Mr. Ju stice Marshall, Dissenting.” Chronicle of Higher
Education 37 (July 1991): B l. (MS)
Osuji, S. “O ut in a Blaze of Gloiy: First African-American Suprem e Court
Ju stice, Thurgood Marshall, Who Desegregated U. S. Public Schools
Dies a t 84 .” African Guardian 8 (February 1993): 36-37. (MS)
R asm ussen, K. E. “Ju stice M arshall Steps Down; B ush Nominates T hom as.”
Nation’s C ities Weekly 27 (1991): 16.
Reske, H. J . "Marshall Retires for Health Reasons; First Black Ju stice
Fought Discrim ination as Litigator, Supreme Court D issenter.”
American Bar A ssociation Journal 77 (August 1991): 14-15.
Roy, J . H. “Pin Point Portrait of Attorney Thurgood M arshall.” Negro
H istory Bulletin 25 (October 1961): 20. (MS).
Roy, J . H. ‘Thurgood Marshall: The Solicitor General of the United
S tate s.” Negro H istory Bulletin 29 (December 1965): 85-86. (MS)
Schneider, K. S. “A W arrior Retires; the Son of a Black Steward in a n AllWhite Club Rewrote Rules about Race.” People Weekly
36 (July 1931): 34.
S hepperson, G. “Notes on Negro American Influences on th e Em ergence
of African Nationalism.” Journal of African History (Great Britain)
1 (1960): 299-312 (MS)
Smith, J . C., Jr. "First Recipients of the Charles Hamilton H ouston
Medallion of Merit:" Howard Law Journal 20 (1977): 10-19. (MS)
Sm ith, J . C., J r. T hurgood Marshall: And Hier of Charles Hamilton
H ouston.” Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 20 (1993): 503519.
Smith, J . C., J r. ‘Tow ard a Pure Legal Existence: Blacks and the
C onstitutional.” Howard Law Journal 30 (1987): 629-644. (MS)
Snow, C. “T hurgood Marshall: A Better Angel.” Human Rights
19 (1992): 26-29.
Southern, D. W. “Beyond Jim Crow Liberalism: Judge W aring’s Fight
Against Segregation in South Carolina.” Journal of Negro H istory
66 (Fall 1981): 209-227. (MS)
Suddreth, L. D. “Thurgood Marshall: His Papers at LC D ocum ent a Career
in Civil Rights." Library of Congress Information Bulletin
52 (February 1993): 75-80. (MS)
“Sym posium Honoring Ju stic e Thurgood M arshall.” Georgetown Law
Journal 80 (1992): 2003-2130.
T h o u sa n d s G ather in Washington, D.C. to Mourn D eath of Thurgood
M arshall...” Jet 83 (February 1993): 4-6, 8, 10, 12-15. (MS)
T h u rg o o d M arshall Honored a t Law School: Five O ther Ju stic e s A ttend
H istoric C erem ony.” Howard University Capstone 12 (Jan u ary 1991):
1, 3. (MS)
“Thurgood M arshall Jo in s N.A.A.C.P. Staff.” Crisis 43 (1936): 343.
"Thurgood M arshall:
‘Mr. Ju stic e .’” Crisis 87 (December 1980): 563.
“Thurgood M arshall vs. George W ashington.” National Review
39 (1987): 16.
T rib u te to J u stic e Thurgood M arshall.” Harvard Law Review
105 (1991): 23-76.
T rib u te to Ju stic e Thurgood M arshall.” Stanford Law Review
44 (1992): 1213-1299.
Walker, T. G. and W. E. Hulbary. “Supreme Court Selection Process:
Presidential Motivation and Judicial Perform ances.” W estern
Political Quarterly 33 (1980): 185-196.
“W atch O ut for Traps by Whites, Thurgood M arshall W arns Blacks.” J et
55 (December 1978): 14. (MS)
Watson, D. L. “Civil Rights Law: Concept to Reality.” Crisis
86 (June - Ju ly 1979): 233-239. (MS)
White, A. E. “Thurgood Marshall: Historic Decade on the Suprem e C ourt.”
Sepia 26 (1977): 34-46. (MS)
Williams, J . ‘T he Thurgood Marshall Nobody Knows: First Black Suprem e
Court Ju stice Recalls His Life on the Front Line of the Civil Rights
S truggle.” Ebony45 (May 1990): 68-76. (MS)
Williams, J . ‘T riu m p h of Thurgood Marshall: The First Black Suprem e
C ourt Ju stice Looks Back on His Historic Career.” W ashington Post
Magazine (7 Ja n u a ry 1990): 13-19, 27-29.
Williams, J . C., “Thurgood Marshall: Civil Rights Lawyer in Retrospect."
A. M. E. Church Review 100 (1985): 16-25.
Zion, S. E. ‘Thurgood M arshall Takes a New T u sh -T u sh ’ J o b .” New York
Tim es Magazine (22 A ugust 1965): 11-12, 68-71.
“Africans Continue Kenya Talks Boycott.” Ghana Times,
(20 J a n u a ry 1960): 4. (MS)
Albright, R. C. “Senate Confirms Marshall, 69-11, for High C ourt.”
W ashington Post, A (31 August 1967): 1, 7.
“A m erican Negro Refused E ntry a t Nairobi (Thurgood M arshall).”
Ghana Tim es, (12 Ja n u a ry 1960): 1. (MS)
A uerbach, S. “Strong Words from Ju stice Marshall: Blacks Told Their Lot Is
Not Improving." Washington Post, A (19 November 1978): 2.
“B ar Thurgood from Kenya Political Meet.” New York Amsterdam
News, (16 Ja n u a ry 1960): 5. (MS)
Biskupic, J . 'Thurgood Marshall, Retired Justice, Dies:
Unyielding Defender of Individual Rights.” W ashington Post,
A (25 Ja n u a ry 1993): 1, 10.
“Boycott in U. S. Asked on Africa: Rally Here Launches Drive -Money Is Asked for Aid to Victims of A partheid.” New York
T im es, (14 April 1960): 5.
Boyd, H. “Debate H eats Up over Thom as's Nomination.” New York
Am sterdam News, (13 Ju ly 1991): 1 ,1 3 . (MS)
Bullen, D. “Ervin S pars with M arshall on Role of Suprem e C ourt.”
Evening Star, (Washington), A (14 Ju ly 1967): 4.
“B ush Says List for M arshall Successor is Short.” New York T im es,
A (29 J u n e 1991): 1.
“B ush Throws Curve; Names Conservative Black to High C ourt.”
Los A ngeles Sentinel, A (4 Ju ly 1991): 1. (MS)
Clayton, W. “Thurgood M arshall Building Is Well Deserved.” Philadelphia
Tribune, A (5 M arch 1993): 7. (MS)
“Comb’s Colum n on M arshall-Riechberg Debate at Ohio Senate
H earing.” Call& Post, A (9 February 1984): 8. (MS)
“D eadlock is Broken in Kenya Meeting.” New York Tim es,
(23 J a n u a ry 1960): 3.
D rum m ond, R. “The Race Revolution: M arshall - A Symbol
of C hange.” W ashington Post (Editorial), A (17 J u n e 1967): 13.
Eder, B. “H um phrey Begins His African Tour in the Ivory C oast.”
New York Tim es, (31 December 1967): 1, 11.
E dm onds, R. “M arshall A Tough Act to Follow.” Com m unity News,
(4 J u ly 1991): 1 ,4 . (MS)
‘T h e E nd of th e Second R econstruction.” Boston Globe, (3 J u ly 1992): 11.
“Eulogizing Thurgood M arshall: Vernon E. Jo rd an , J r., Karen
Hastie Williams, and William H. R ehnquist.” Washington
P ost, A (29 Ja n u a ry 1993): 15.
Garrow, D. J . T h e r e ’s Nothing to Fear in Those P ap ers.” W ashington Post,
A (27 May 1993): 25.
H arris, H. “Ju stic e M arshall Resigns as U.S. Senate Prepares to Vote on
T hom as.” Baltim ore Afro-American, (5 O ctober 1991): 1. (MS)
“High C ourt’s First Black Dies.” W ashington Tim es,
A (25 J a n u a ry 1993): 1, 5.
“The H onorable Thurgood M arshall A ddresses a t Investiture of Dean
B ranton.” Howard University Graduate, 4 (February 1979): 1. (MS)
“Ju stice M arshall in Hospital with Blood Clot in His Foot.” New York
T im es, A (13 A ugust 1987): 1.
“Ju stice M arshall on ‘Afro-American’: Yes.” New York Tim es,
A (17 October 1989): 21.
“Ju stice M arshall on ‘the C onstitution’: Fram ers Did not Mean
‘All Men. .
Los Angeles Sentinel, A (17 Septem ber 1987): 8. (MS)
“Ju stic e M arshall Recovering after H eart Pacer Im plant.” W ashington Post,
A (8 Septem ber 1991): 19.
“Ju stice M arshall Resigns.” Washington Post (Editorial),
A (28 Ju n e 1991): 22.
“Ju stice M arshall Rips Reagan: Ju rist Rates Reagan as the ‘Bottom’.”
Chicago Tribune, (9 Septem ber 1987): 9.
“Ju stic e M arshall’s Achievem ents.” Wall Street Journal,
A (28 J u n e 1991): 12.
“Ju stic e ’s A utobiography to Be w ritten with Carl Rowan’s A ssistance.”
New York Tim es, A (9 February 1988): 20.
“Ju stice Thurgood M arshall Criticizes Colleagues on Suprem e C ourt for
Deciding Many Cases w ithout Hearing Opposing A rgum ents.”
Chicago Tribune, A (7 May 1987): 1.
“Kenya C onstitutional Conference in London.” Kenya Calling,
(30 J a n u a ry 1960): 1-2. (MS)
Kurt, H. “M arshall Had H arsh Words about Eisenhower, RFK;
J u stic e ‘Never Got Along with Malcolm X’.” Washington
Post, A (31 Ja n u a ry 1993): 10.
Leff, L. “M arshall May Be Honored in Renaming of P. G. School: Ju stice
Deemed More W orthy T han Predecessor.” W ashington Post,
D (1 M arch 1993): 1, 4.
Litvan, L. M. “Name of Taney Totters Atop School: M arshall May Replace
Dred Scott Ju stic e .” W ashington Tim es, B (4 M arch 1993); 1.
“A Look a t Possible Suprem e Court Candidates:
A ngeles Tim es, A (29 Ju n e 1991): 18.
Clarence T hom as.” Los
M arcus, R. “Plain-Spoken M arshall Spars with R eporters.” W ashington
Post, A (29 Ju n e 1991): 1 ,1 0 .
“M arshall Criticizes Ju stice D epartm ent.” Boston Globe,
(11 D ecem ber 1987): 14.
“The M arshall Files: The Com plaints and the Library’s R esponse.”
W ashington P o st A (27 May 1993): 20.
“M arshall Grilled by Senate Critics; B ut Signs Point to Easy Sailing for
C ourt.” W ashington Post, A (14 Ju ly 1967): 2.
“M arshall Leaves H ospital After T reatm ent for Fall.” W ashington P ost,
A (8 A ugust 1990): 45.
“M arshall R etires from Divided Suprem e C ourt.” W ashington P o st A
(28 J u n e 1991): 1, 18-19.
“M arshall's Choice for a Successor? T h e Best Person’.” Atlanta Journal,
A (29 J u n e 1991): 10.
“M arshall's Plea to Federal Bar: Lawyers Urged to Aid Poor.”
W ashington Post, D (27 April 1967): 20.
“Middle School Renam ed for Thurgood M arshall.” Atlanta C onstitution,
E (20 Ju ly 1989): 4.
“On Brown Vs. Board of Education. Call Him Thurgood Thom as.” Wall
Street Journal, A (31 Ju ly 1991): 11.
“One ‘Whose C areer Made Us Dream Large D ream s’ . . .” W ashington
P ost, A (29 Ja n u a ry 1993): 1 ,1 4 ,2 3 .
Q uander, R. “The Honorable Thurgood M arshall A ddresses a t Investiture
of Dean B ranton.” Howard University Graduate,
4 (February 1979): 1 , 7 . (MS)
“Reagan F inds J u r is t’s Criticism ‘F ru stratin g .”’ Chicago Tribune,
1 (10 S eptem ber 1987): 22.
Roman, N. E. “High C ourt’s 1st Black Dies: M arshall’s H eart Gives O ut at
8 4 .” W ashington Tim es, A (25 Ja n u a ry 1993): 1 , 5.
S aunders, N., J r. “Ju stice Loses Its Last Pioneer; America M ourns the
D eath of a Legend.” W ashington New Observer,
(30 Ja n u a ry 1993): 1, 13.
“S culptor Explains Why Ju stice M arshall S tands So Tall.” New York
T im es, A (19 May 1980): 18.
"Senate Confirms M arshall As Federal Judge, 54-16."
(W ashington), (12 Septem ber 1962): 1.
Evening Star
“‘Separate b u t E qual.’ Sidney Poitier S tars as Thurgood M arshall.”
Los Angeles Sentinel, B (4 April 1991): 3. (MS)
Sevareid, E. “Thurgood Marshall, U. S. Ju rist: New Judge is called a
Tempered Leader and Hum an Being of the First Rank." Evening Star
(W ashington), A (25 Septem ber 1962): 11.
“S tatue Honors Ju stice M arshall.” Washington Post,
Md (13 M arch 1986): 5.
Still, L. “CBC Honors Ju stice Marshall, 20,000 Attend Weekly Rally.” New
York Amsterdam News, (21 Septem ber 1991): 34. (MS)
“Strong W ords from Ju stice Marshall: Blacks Told Their Lot Is Not
Im proving.” W ashington Post, A (19 November 1978): 2.
“Suprem e C ourt Ju stice Thurgood M arshall Urged the Congressional
Black C aucus to Help Reverse the Current, Counter Civil Rights
M ovem ent.” Los Angeles Sentinel, A (24 Ja n u a ry 1991): 3. (MS)
“Suprem e Court: Then and Now...Lists the Ju stices of the Suprem e Court
in 1960 to 1985...” Washington Post, A (2 Ja n u ary 1986): 19.
“Thurgood Freezes as Kenyans Feud.” Cleveland Call & Post,
A (30 J a n u a ry 1960): 1, 3. (MS)
“Two D ecades on the Court: M arshall in His Own Words. Private Property
and Free Speech.” New York Tim es, A (28 J u n e 1991): 13.
“U.S. Negro Leader Arrives in Kenya: Thurgood M arshall to Aid African
Group on London Constitution Parley.” New York Tim es,
(11 Ja n u a ry 1960): 5.
Waggoner, W. J. “Negro Lawyer on World Stage: Thurgood M arshall Fulfills
Old Desire in Working for Africans a t Kenya T alks.” New York Tim es,
(22 February 1960): 2.
Weiser, B. “Librarian Rejects Restrictions: M arshall’s Papers to Stay Open
Despite Pressure from C ourt.” Washington P ost
A (27 May 1993): 1, 21.
“White House Lashes Back at Marshall Attack on Civil Rights Record.”
Atlanta Constitution, A (10 Septem ber 1987): 7.
Wiggins, L. “Ju stice M arshall Captivates African Friends during Visit.”
Afro, (9 Ja n u a ry 1968): 1-2. (MS)
Williams, J u a n “One Man Vs. Racial Injustices.” Los A ngeles Tim es,
E (14 Ja n u a ry 1990): 1,8.
Special Collections
The Thurgood M arshall Papers are located in the M anuscript Division
a t the Libraiy of Congress, Washington, DC.
O th e r w o rk s on T h u rg o o d M a rsh a ll a t th e M o o rla n d -S p in g a rn
Research C enter can be found in the General and Howardiana Vertical Files.
Note: Call num bers and symbol “MS” indicate M oorland-Spingarn
R esearch C enter Holdings.
Acknowledgem ent: T hanks to all M oorland-Spingarn Research C enter staff
responsible for the preparation of th is Bibliography,
especially, Ms. J . Church, Mr. A. T. Rapheal, III, and
Ms. C. W ashington for editing and printing.