Please click on this link for a copy of the 2016
Please click on this link for a copy of the 2016
Race the Cape 18 - 24 July, 2016 Organizing Authority / Race the Cape Association Sanctioned by/ Race the Cape Association Sydney / Nova Scotia / Canada SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 15 June 2016 1 1.1 RULES The race (for the purposes of the RRS, there will be five separate races, identified herein as “legs”) will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2013-2016. The prescriptions of Sail Canada 2013-2016 will apply. The Handicapping system of Sail Nova Scotia will be used. The World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) for Category 4 as detailed in the Notice of Race (NOR) 1.4 will apply. Container, ferry and cruise ship traffic have right of way at all times. As noted in Sailing Instruction (SI) 13.5, the penalty for any boat that is found to have interfered with such traffic shall be at the discretion of the Jury, and may be a disqualification (DSQ) for that leg; this changes RRS 64.1. RRS 42.3(i) will apply as amended by this SI 1.5, to read as follows: “42.3(i) A boat may use its engine or any other method for propulsion when it needs to avoid commercial shipping, including container, ferry and cruise ship traffic. Such propulsion shall not be used to gain any distance in the direction of the course, nor gain any other competitive advantage. If the boat initially gains any advantage from this propulsion, she shall continue to use such propulsion to remove that advantage. “The skipper of the boat shall, within the time limit for filing protests, then report its use of such propulsion in writing to the RC and the Jury, stating the time when the engine or other propulsion was employed, the course and speed made good under power or other propulsion, the positions from which and to which such propulsion was used, the time the propulsion ceased, and the names of any witnesses to the incident.” 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 NOTICES TO COMPETITORS Notices to competitors will be posted on the official Notice Board located near the front door of each Yacht Club (YC). For the purposes of these instructions, with regards to Ingonish, any reference made to YC is understood to be Ski Cape Smokey Chalet. 3 CHANGES TO SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Any change(s) to the SIs will be posted not later than 0930 hours; same time as the skippers meeting on the day it will take effect. Any change(s) to the SIs for Leg 1 will be made at 1830 hours on July 18th. 4 4.1 4.2 SIGNALS MADE ASHORE Signals made ashore will be displayed by flying flags from the flagpole located at each YC. Code Flag BRAVO with a sound will be displayed on the YC flagpole after the last boat finishes or at 2000 hours after each leg, whichever is earlier, indicating the Protest time for submissions has started. (Exception – Ingonish see 14.2) Flag Bravo will remain flying for 30 minutes. After this time the Protest time for submissions has elapsed and flag BRAVO will be hauled down. Code Flag LIMA flying from the YC flagpole indicates a change has been made to the SIs. See Notice Board. 4.3 -1- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions 4.4 Code Flag ECHO flying from the YC flagpole indicates a weather exception has been decided. See Notice Board. 5 5.1 SCHEDULE OF RACING Date Course Start / Finish Destinations July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 See Addendum G St. Peter’s Marina to Ben Eoin Yacht Club (BEYC) BEYC to Bras d’Or Yacht Club (BYC) BYC to Dobson Yacht Club (DYC) No racing for Race the Cape DYC to Ingonish Harbour Ingonish to Northern Yacht Club (NYC) 5.2 SailPast Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Layover day Leg 4 Leg 5 The scheduled time of the warning signal for all legs is 1055 hours. For leg 1 please remember to allow enough time for the 8 n.m. transit to the starting area. (see Addendum A3) July 22nd is a layover day for Race the Cape (RTC). 5.3 6 6.1 CLASS FLAGS Classes will be determined, divided and posted prior to the skippers meeting at 1830 hours on July 18th. Division Class Backstay Flag SPINNAKER “A” “B” “C” NON-SPINNAKER “D” “E” 6.2 The RTC backstay flag and class flag provided in the skippers’ kit must be flown from the backstay at all times, unless the Race Committee (RC) has given permission not to do so. The Organizing Authority requests that, EXCEPT when racing, boats fly all RTC pennants won. 7 RACING AREAS The diagrams in Addendum A show the locations of start - finish areas and gate. 8 8.1 COURSES ***** Boats in RTC shall obey all navigational aids except as otherwise provided in SI 8.1.3 The diagram in Addendum A2 shows the legs. They are for general information only and not an SI. The finish line for each leg is described in SI 12. 8.1.1 Leg 1 is 33 n.m. The starting area is 8 n.m. from St. Peters. (see Addendum A3) The starting line for all legs, will be between the Starting RC Boat and an ORANGE Tetrahedron Race Mark (OTM). After starting, boats are to ensure they navigate safely past Kelly Shoal and the buoys QN and Q35 immediately ahead of the starting area. Each boat shall then to proceed to DA2 (45 48 17.4N 060 57 49.4W) and round it to starboard, (see Addendum A3) then proceed to the finish at BEYC. (see Addendum A4) a) b) b) c) 8.1.2 Leg 2 is 28 n.m. a) Starting area will be in direct vicinity of the BEYC. b) Boats are to race to the Barra Strait and Grand Narrows Bridge at Grand Narrows. -2- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions c) A Finish Gate will be set up approximately 1 n.m. before the bridge, (see Addendum A5) consisting of an OTM and an RC boat. Each boat’s time for this portion of the leg will be taken by the RC. After crossing this line, the boat’s sails are to be dropped or furled in preparation for the transit through the Grand Narrows Bridge opening. The skipper of each boat shall fill in the Gate Card on Addendum C and submit it to the RC located at BYC upon finishing. d) The Grand Narrows Bridge will be contacted by a designated RC person who will be onboard the RC boat at the finishing gate. This person will co-ordinate the opening of the bridge on VHF channel 10. To save on communication confusion, the only people talking on the radio should be Bridge Control and RC. The openings will be dependent on vehicular traffic and marine traffic. Once the bridge is open, boats are to proceed immediately through the bridge opening. Who is to transit through and who is to remain for the next opening will be designated through the RC on VHF channel 10. No loitering around the area is permitted. Listening to RC and Bridge Control is required. e) On clearing the bridge, make sail and proceed immediately to an OTM approximately 0.25 n.m. south of Buoy QH. The RRS apply from that point, and engines must be off. (see Addendum B) f) Each boat shall cross the re-start gate between QH and the RC boat (there will be no keep off buoy on this boat); each boat’s re-start time will be taken as the boat crosses the line. This gate does not qualify as a 'Starting Line' for the purposes of RRS Part 2, Section C, therefore RRS 18 may apply. g) Boats shall then race to the finish line at BYC, leaving Spectacle Island and Navigational aid A2 and the YELLOW Tetrahedron Race (YTM) Mark north of Kidston Island to port (as shown in Addendum A6). h) The time taken by each boat from stopping prior to the bridge and re-starting after the bridge will be subtracted from the boat’s finish time at BYC and the boat’s recalculated finish time will be used for its elapsed time. 8.1.3 a) b) c) d) e) f) 8.1.4 Leg 3 is 41 n.m. Navigational buoy Q21, North West of Black Island, may be left on either side. Starting area will be in the area East of Kidston Island. Observing navigational aids (buoys), boats shall proceed to Seal Island Bridge (shown in Addendum A7) and exit the Great Bras d’Or, then leave the buoy U and S2 (shown in Addendum A8) located en route to Sydney Harbour to starboard, then proceed into Sydney Harbour and finish at the Dobson Yacht Club (DYC) (shown in Addendum A9). Should the RC deem the wind and / or sea entering the Great Bras d’Or combined with the outgoing current to be a navigating issue, then, as done in leg 2, finish and re-start gates will be established. These will be known as the Otter Island Gates. The finish gate will be set up between Q14 and an RC boat. The skipper of each boat shall fill in the Gate Card on Addendum C and submit it to the RC located at NYC upon finishing. The re-start gate will be set up after exiting the Great Bras d’Or past buoy Q1. (see Addendum B) Between 1 and 3 n.m. from Q1, (distance dependent on swell) there will be an OTM(1) dropped. The RRS apply from this point, and engines must be off. The restart line will be approximately 0.25 n.m. from OTM(1). A second OTM(2) will be placed opposite the RC boat. Boats shall pass between the OTM(2) and the RC boat to re-start. This gate does not qualify as a 'Starting Line' for the purposes of RRS Part 2, Section C; therefore RRS 18 may apply. If the Otter gates do not come into play (no RC Boat at OTM(1)), then OTMs (1) and (2) do not have to be honoured. In lieu of the above, as in SI 4.3, flag ECHO may be flown at 2000 hours the day before the Leg 3 is scheduled to be started if the RC has determined that the weather is or will be unsuited for this leg. Addendum D provides race details and venue issues highlighting the worst case scenario with regards to poor wind direction and / or velocity. Leg 4 is 35 n.m. a) Starting area will be off the breakwater at DYC. b) Observing all navigational aids (buoys), exit Sydney Harbour, leaving S2 to port, boats shall proceed to K4, off Cape Smokey and round this buoy to port, then to a finish line outside of Ingonish Harbour (see Addendum A10). -3- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions c) Should the RC deem the weather / sea be a factor for this leg, a decision will be made by 1200 hrs on the layover day. This leg will then consist of a 20 n.m. harbour race. 8.1.5 Leg 5 is 31 n.m. a) The starting area will be in the vicinity of the finish line of Leg 4. b) Boats will race to Northern Yacht Club (NYC), while leaving K4 and S2 to Starboard and entering Sydney harbour, and then to the finish line. 9 MARKS Race The Cape marks will be 6’ x 7’ ORANGE Tetrahedron Marks (OTM), except for a YELLOW Tetrahedron Mark (YTM) to be placed north of Kidston Island Lighthouse. 10 AREAS THAT ARE OBSTRUCTIONS The following areas are designated as obstructions: a) Kelly Shoal, immediately after starting Leg 1 b) Red Islands c) Spectacle Islands d) Kidston Island e) The buoys and channel edge exiting the Great Bras d’Or from Q15 to Q1 f) Indian Point in Sydney Harbour 11 11.1 THE STARTS Each boat shall check in with the RC boat prior to the first warning signal each day by passing close astern of the RC signal boat. For Leg number 1 only, boats shall check in the RC no later than the first warning signal using VHF channel 68. The starting line is formed between an OTM and the orange flag flying on the RC boat. For Leg number 4 only the starting line will be between an orange OTM and the orange flag flying from the DYC balcony. There will also be an inner safety mark, which will be a described in a notice to be posted on the Notice Board at DYC. Yachts shall not pass between the safety mark and the shore. To ensure the safety of the RC boat, a “keep-off” buoy will be placed approximately 25 feet astern of the RC boat. The “keep-off” buoy is part of the RC boat; therefore, boats shall not either make contact with or pass between this buoy and the RC boat. See Addendum A1 The first leg starting area is 8 n.m. from St. Peters Marina. Skippers are advised to allocate enough time for this transit. All remaining leg starts are in direct vicinity of the Yacht Clubs. (exception - Ingonish Harbour) Legs will be started using RRS 26 with the following addition: When the RC is satisfied with a class start, the warning signal for the next class in succession will be made. Non Spinnaker Division, higher handicapped class (slower boats) will start first, followed by any remaining classes in this Division. Spinnaker Division, higher handicapped class (slower boats) will follow and then any remaining classes in this Division. In order, Class - E, D, C, B, A. A Sport boat class, if applicable, will start last. Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area. A boat starting later than 30 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start. The RC may communicate general recalls, individual recalls or other information on VHF channel 68. Failure to broadcast or identify any boat on course side (OCS) will not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a). 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12 THE FINISH LEG 1 - at BEYC between an OTM and the Orange flag being flown from the deck in front of BEYC. LEG 2 - leaving a YTM north of Kidston Island light house to port, finish at BYC between an OTM and the Orange flag being flown from the Upper deck of BYC. -4- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions LEG 3 - at DYC between an OTM and the Orange flag being flown from the deck in front of DYC. LEG 4 - between an OTM and the Orange flag being flown the RC boat. LEG 5 - at NYC between an OTM and the Orange flag being flown from the Upper deck of NYC. 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 PENALTIES Boats failing to finish by 2000 hours for each leg will be scored Did Not Finish; this changes RRS 35. A boat scored OCS at the end of their starting sequence for their class shall have 30 minutes added to her elapsed time by the Race Committee without a hearing. An infringement of the Rules of Part 2 not involving damage or injury may invoke a penalty less than DSQ at the discretion of the Jury; this changes RRS 64.1. A boat having made no attempt to satisfy the OSR requirements may be disqualified. For single minor deficiencies caused by inattention to detail (such as out-of-date flares), her handicap rating number will be lowered (resulting in a faster rating) by five (5) seconds. For deficiencies deemed major and having a direct effect on safety, the rating number will be lowered by 15 seconds. A boat with multiple deficiencies may have her rating number lowered by up to 25 seconds. The handicap rating number penalties in this SI 13.4 apply to all legs sailed with the OSR deficiency not rectified. This changes RRS 64.1. Boats in the vicinity of Marine Atlantic Ferries, Cruise Ships or Commercial ships shall not impede their passage by steering a course converging or one that could affect their course by crossing ahead. Any interference reported will be interpreted as a serious breach of these instructions and, as provided in SI 1.4, a penalty could be assessed, up to DSQ. PROTESTS AND REQUESTS FOR REDRESS Protest forms are available at the race office located at each YC. (In Ingonish, at the Ski Cape Smokey Chalet) Completed protests shall be delivered there within the protest time limit. The protest time limit is 30 minutes (exception - Ingonish / time limit extended to one (1) hour) after the last boat has finished or 2030 hours, which ever is earlier as noted in SI 4.2; the same time limit applies to protests by the RC and Jury about incidents they observe in the racing area and to requests for redress. This changes RRS 61.3 and 62.2. Jury deliberations will start no later than 2030 hours if boats are out to the finish time limit. Hearings will be held in the main office of each YC. They will start as soon as possible after the time posted on the notice board by the Jury Breaches of SIs 11.1, 11.7, 16, 20 and 21 will not be grounds for a protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a). At the discretion of the Jury the penalty for any breach of the aforementioned SIs may be less than disqualification; this changes RRS 64.1. If a hearing involving potential prize-winners is not decided by 1800 hours, then the daily prize-giving for the affected class will be held over till the next night. 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 SCORING Results will be calculated within each class, see NOR #11. Results will be calculated in each division, see NOR #11. A daily third calculation will be done for overall fleet (Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker Divisions combined) placement. The overall placement is calculated based on corrected times using the entire RTC fleet. The total five leg calculations (positions) will be added together for the final overall position standings for the Race the Cape trophy, see NOR #11. 16 16.1 SAFETY REGULATIONS Crew of boats with open transom cockpits and a LOA of 27’ or less, shall wear approved lifejackets when sailing on Leg 3 past Q1 and Legs 4 and 5. -5- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions 16.2 16.3 RRS 41(c) is changed to read as follows: “41(c) Boats are permitted to communicate with each other using VHF provided that no tactical information is transmitted.” A boat that retires from a leg shall notify the RC as soon as possible on VHF channel 68. 17 EQUIPMENT CHECK A boat may be inspected at any time for compliance with the NOR and SIs. 18 OFFICIAL BOATS Official RTC starting boat will be marked by flying the RC flag from its antenna / mast. 19 SUPPORT BOATS Support boats (safety) will be marked by flying code flag VICTOR. (Volunteer) 20 TRASH DISPOSAL See RRS 55. At the discretion of the Jury the penalty for a breach of RRS 55 may be less than disqualification; this changes RRS 64.1. 21 HAUL-OUT RESTRICTIONS No boats shall be hauled out during RTC except with written permission of the Race Committee. 22 DIVING EQUIPMENT AND PLASTIC POOLS Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not be used around boats between the preparatory signal of the first race and the end of the regatta. 23 PRIZES Prizes will be given as follows: a) Leg 1 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants awarded in each class - Red Island Cup will be awarded to both winners of Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker Divisions - Overall winner for fleet placement announced b) Leg 2 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants awarded in each class - Barra Strait Cup sponsored by City Printers will be awarded to both winners of Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker Divisions - Overall winner for fleet placement announced c) Leg 3 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants awarded in each class - Great Bras d’Or Cup will be awarded to both winners of Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker Divisions - Overall winner for fleet placement announced d) Leg 4 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants awarded in each class - Aspy Cup will be awarded to both winners of Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker Divisions - Overall winner for fleet placement announced e) Leg 5 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants awarded in each class - Cibou Cup will be awarded to both winners of Spinnaker and Non Spinnaker Divisions -6- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions f) Overall Fleet Placement - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place pennants for Overall RTC winners in entire fleet placement - Overall RTC winner (Trophy) will be presented to the winner based on entire fleet placement using corrected times. These placements will be combined from the five legs - Overall winner (Cape Challenge Trophy) of Division II, PHRF Non-Spinnaker. - Overall winner (pennant) for a Cape Breton registered boat. 24 DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 4. The Organizing Authority (OA) emphasizes that competitors participate in “RACE the CAPE” entirely at their own risk. Responsibility for the safety of each vessel and crew and the decision whether to start a race or to continue racing ultimately rests with the skipper. The OA will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the “RACE the CAPE” event. 25 INSURANCE Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $2,000.000.00 CAN or US. -7- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A1 Start Line Keep-off buoy A “keep-off” buoy streamed astern from the committee boat minimizes the chance of a boat colliding with the RC boat during the start. This buoy is part of the RC boat and you are not permitted to touch it or pass between it and the RC boat itself. Picture credit: Sailing World Jan 2014 ADDENDUM A 2 All Legs -8- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A3 Starting area and DA2 DA2 rounding to Starboard Q35 ADDENDUM A4 Finish Leg 1 Start Leg 2 BEYC -9- Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A5 Grand Narrows Bridge Finish and Re-start gates Re-Start Gate Finish Gate ADDENDUM A6 Finishing Leg 2 / Starting Leg 3 – Baddeck Kidston Island Spectacle Island - 10 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A7 Seal Island Bridge Span Transit to be between these two pillars ADDENDUM A8 Leg 3 - U and S2 - 11 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A9 Finish Leg 3 / Start Leg 4 DYC ADDENDUM A10 Docking Ingonish Finish Leg 4 / Start Leg 5 - 12 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM A11 Finish Leg 5 NYC ADDENDUM B Gate - 13 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM C GATE CARD Gate Finish Time Card Return to Race Committee at BYC upon finishing Grand Narrows Bridge Vessel Name Sail # GPS Finish time at Gate : Hour : Minute . Second Boat Immediately ahead Boat immediately behind Gate Finish Time Card Return to Race Committee at NYC upon finishing Otter Island – If Required Vessel Name Sail # GPS Finish time at Gate : Hour : Minute . Second Boat Immediately ahead Boat immediately behind - 14 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM D EXCEPTION – POOR WEATHER D1 In the event that an unfavourable wind speed and or direction occur creating conditions that could make the departure of boats impractical or are forecasted for leg 3 and the exiting of the Great Bras d’Or, then the Race Committee will fly Code Flag ECHO from the Bras d'Or Yacht Club’s mast prior at 2000 hours on the 15th. D2 In this exceptional case; boats are to participate in a 25 n.m. Race. Details to be supplied at the 0830 skippers meeting. D3 Race the Cape Awards will be presented at BYC, as per the timings for NYC. D4 Ingonish Representatives will host the awards party at BYC. D5 Leg 4, will then be BYC to NYC and leg 5 will be a 20 n.m. race from NYC to DYC. - 15 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM F SOCIAL * Bracelets are colour coded, each corresponding to a different venue, they will also be labelled as such. * A bracelet allows entry to the entertainment and one catered meal per venue. * Non-Bracelet wearers will be charged a cover at the door up to the venue’s capacity. St. Peters Monday, July 18th 1200 – 1500 1600 1830 – 1930 1830 1930 - 2330 Registration at St. Peters Sail Past - St. Peters harbour front Dinner Opening Ceremonies / Welcome address to racers / Skippers Meeting for Leg 1 Band / Dance BEYC Tuesday, July 19th 1700 – 1900 1800 1830 – 2230 Wednesday, July 20th 0830 Dinner Awards if timing allows (No protests or late finishers) Band / Dance BYC Wednesday, July 20th 1700 – 1900 1800 1830 – 2230 Thursday, July 21st 0830 Dinner Awards if timing allows (No protests or late finishers) Band / Dance DYC Thursday, July 21st 1700 – 1900 1800 1830 – 2230 Friday, July 22nd Layover Day Saturday, July 23rd 0830 Ingonish Saturday, July 23rd 1700 – 1900 1800 1830 – 2230 Sunday, July 24th 0830 NYC Sunday, July 24th 1700 – 1900 1800 1830 – 2230 - 16 - Skippers Meeting for Leg 2 Skippers Meeting for Leg 3 Dinner Awards if timing allows (No protests or late finishers) Band / Dance Skippers Meeting for Leg 4 Dinner Awards if timing allows (No protests or late finishers) Band / Dance Skippers Meeting for Leg 5 Dinner Awards if timing allows (No protests or late finishers) Band / Dance Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions ADDENDUM G Sail Past / Power and Sail Boats Monday, 18th of July * Sail Past starts at Marina at 1600 * Dressing of yachts is encouraged Boats in this Marshalling Area for 1545 Start of Sail Past 1. INSTRUCTIONS It is believed that the tradition of a Sail Past began at the Royal Yacht Squadron at Cowes in England nearly 200 years ago. The actual “review of the fleet” is steeped in more than 600 years of Royal Navy tradition and history and was introduced in yacht clubs as a continuation of the naval habit of having Admirals or Royalty review the fleet on special occasions. In our case, we will not have a salute, but showcase to the public. 2. SCHEDULE Monday, July 18th 2016 1545 - Yachts are to assemble in the “Marshalling Area” indicated above. 1600 - Sail Past commences 3. PARTICPANTS All yachts are welcome to participate. 4. DRESS SHIP Skippers are encouraged to “dress” their yacht for this occasion. 5. COMMUNICATIONS All skippers to monitor VHF channel 68. Transmit on channel 68 only when communication is necessary. 6. ASSEMBLY 6.1 Yachts will assemble in the “Marshalling Area”. The lead boat is “TBD”. 6.2 Ideally, skippers should attempt to organize themselves, from shortest LOA to longest LOA. 7. EXECUTION 7.1 Skippers are reminded that this is not a race, but a yachting manoeuvre. Skippers will have to regulate the speed of their yachts by controlling their sails / engines to keep a 50 foot distance between yachts. Once you are in line, endeavour to keep your position, as other yachts will be following you. 7.2 Although Sail Past is in the title, engines should be on to maintain the 50’ distance between boats. 8. FLAG ETIQUETTE 8.1 Canadian Flag Positions Sail…..Stern staff or at the peak of a gaff rigged main or 2/3 up the back of a Marconi rigged main or 2/3 up the back stay Power…..Stern staff 8.2 Club Burgee Positions Sail…..At the mast head or from below the starboard spreader Power…..Bow Staff - 17 - Race the Cape - 2016 / Sailing Instructions
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Official RTC starting boat will be marked by flying from their antenna / mast.