VT Trader Help Manual


VT Trader Help Manual
Help Manual (Ver 1.9)
Printed: July 2008
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.
Printed: July 2008
Table of Contents
Part I Getting Started with VT Trader
1 PC System Requirements
................................................................................................................................... 3
2 How To Install...................................................................................................................................
VT Trader
3 How To Login...................................................................................................................................
Into VT Trader
Part II VT Trader Interface
1 Navigator Window
................................................................................................................................... 12
Main Menu Panel
File Menu.........................................................................................................................................................
Export Environment
Import Environment
Tools Menu
Indicator QuickList
Trading Systems.........................................................................................................................................
Active Price Alerts
Price Alert Window
Active Trading Systems
Market Analysis.........................................................................................................................................
Currency Calculator
Pip Calculator .........................................................................................................................................
Window Menu
Help Menu
Run Connection.........................................................................................................................................
Trace Route
Submit Activity Log
Trading Bookmark
Options Bookmark
Servers .........................................................................................................................................................
General Properties
Chart Properties
Labels Bookmark
Current Rate Line
Rulers Bookmark
Scale Fix Options
Spread Band Bookmark
High/Low Lines .........................................................................................................................................
Quotes Board Bookmark
Supplementary Frames
Navigator Toolbar
Connect Level..........................................................................................................................................................
Drawing Toolbar
Charting Toolbar
Interval Toolbar
Chart Type Toolbar
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2 Chart Window
................................................................................................................................... 111
Chart Window
Contextual Menu
3 Chart Inspection
Contextual Menu
4 Trading Windows
................................................................................................................................... 144
Dealing Rates
Rates Bookmark
Contextual Menu
Rates Bookmark
Contextual Menu
Account(s) Information
Open Positions
Closed Positions
Pending Orders
Summary By..........................................................................................................................................................
Accounts Window
Activity Log ..........................................................................................................................................................
Reports Window
Reuters News
Chart Patterns
Chart Pattern
5 VT Trader System
Tray Icon
Part III Drawing Tools
1 General Use...................................................................................................................................
Chart Grid ..........................................................................................................................................................
Cross Hair Tool
Copy Prices ..........................................................................................................................................................
Comments Tool
Symbols Tool
2 Line Tools ................................................................................................................................... 241
Vertical Lines
Horizontal Lines
Trend Lines ..........................................................................................................................................................
Linear Regression
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
3 Price Channel
Standard Deviation
Standard Error
Raff Regression
Equidistant Channels
Andrews' Pitchforks
4 Fibonacci Tools
................................................................................................................................... 296
Horizontal Fibonacci
Vertical Fibonacci
Angled Fibonacci
Fibonacci Fans
Fibonacci Arcs
5 Gann Tools................................................................................................................................... 328
Gann Lines ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gann Fans ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gann Grids ..........................................................................................................................................................
Part IV Indicator Builder
1 Indicator Builder
2 Indicator Editor
Indicator Editor
Editor Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 353
General Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 353
Code Parameters
................................................................................................................................... 354
Code Completion
................................................................................................................................... 357
Display Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 359
Color Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 360
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Indicator Bookmark
Name .........................................................................................................................................................
Short Name
Label Mask
Inspect Alias
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................
Confirm .........................................................................................................................................................
Input Bookmark
Read Only
Name .........................................................................................................................................................
Display Name
Type .........................................................................................................................................................
Default .........................................................................................................................................................
Output Bookmark
Var Name
Name .........................................................................................................................................................
Line Color
Line Width
Line Type
Hide In Inspect
Horizontal Line
Value .........................................................................................................................................................
Color .........................................................................................................................................................
Width .........................................................................................................................................................
Style .........................................................................................................................................................
Formula Bookmark
Editor Toolbar
Functions... .........................................................................................................................................
Part V Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
1 Step 1
................................................................................................................................... 420
2 Step 2
................................................................................................................................... 421
3 Step 3
................................................................................................................................... 423
4 Step 4
................................................................................................................................... 424
5 Step 5
................................................................................................................................... 426
6 Step 6
................................................................................................................................... 428
7 Step 7
................................................................................................................................... 429
8 Final Step ................................................................................................................................... 430
Part VI Trading Systems Builder
1 Trading Systems
Builder Window
2 Trading Systems
Editor Window
Trading Systems
Editor Toolbar
Editor Options
......................................................................................................................................................... 440
General Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 440
Code Parameters
................................................................................................................................... 441
Code Completion
................................................................................................................................... 444
Display Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 446
Color Bookmark
......................................................................................................................................... 447
Indicator Bookmark
.......................................................................................................................................................... 449
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Name .........................................................................................................................................................
Short Name
Label Mask
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................
Confirm .........................................................................................................................................................
Input Bookmark
Read Only
Name .........................................................................................................................................................
Display Name
Type .........................................................................................................................................................
Default .........................................................................................................................................................
Output Bookmark
Output Variable
Properties Window
Name Bookmark
Graphic Bookmark
Highlights Bookmark
Trends Bookmark
Indicator Output
Alerts Bookmark
Trading Bookmark
Formula Bookmark
Editor Toolbar
Functions... .........................................................................................................................................
Part VII VTTrader Programming Language
1 Comments ................................................................................................................................... 504
2 Punctuators................................................................................................................................... 505
3 Operators ................................................................................................................................... 506
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
4 Constants ................................................................................................................................... 510
5 Pre-Defined...................................................................................................................................
Data Arrays
6 Functions ................................................................................................................................... 512
Absolute Value
Arc Tangent ..........................................................................................................................................................
Aroon Down..........................................................................................................................................................
Aroon Up ..........................................................................................................................................................
Average True
Bar Count ..........................................................................................................................................................
Bar Index ..........................................................................................................................................................
Bars Since ..........................................................................................................................................................
Bollinger Bands
(Bottom Band)
Bollinger Bands
(Top Band)
Bollinger Bands
Commodity Channel
Cumulate ..........................................................................................................................................................
Day Of Month
Day Of Week..........................................................................................................................................................
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Detrended Price
Event Count..........................................................................................................................................................
Exponent ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gap Down ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gap Up
Highest Bars..........................................................................................................................................................
Highest High..........................................................................................................................................................
Highest High..........................................................................................................................................................
Value Bars Ago
Highest Since
IsDefined ..........................................................................................................................................................
IsUndefined ..........................................................................................................................................................
Linear Regression
Linear Regression
Logarithm ..........................................................................................................................................................
Lowest Bars..........................................................................................................................................................
Lowest Low ..........................................................................................................................................................
Lowest Since
Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Median Price..........................................................................................................................................................
Minimum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Moving Average
Parabolic SAR
Peak Value ..........................................................................................................................................................
Precision ..........................................................................................................................................................
Rate of Change
Reference ..........................................................................................................................................................
Relative Strength
Signal Flag ..........................................................................................................................................................
Signal Hold ..........................................................................................................................................................
Signal Remove
Signal Remove
Square Root..........................................................................................................................................................
Standard Deviation
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Standard Error
Stochastic Momentum
Stochastic Oscillator
Summation ..........................................................................................................................................................
Symbol Digits
Symbol Point
Trough Value
Typical Price..........................................................................................................................................................
Ultimate Oscillator
Value When ..........................................................................................................................................................
Vertical Horizontal
Weighted Close
Wilder's Smoothing
Williams' %R..........................................................................................................................................................
7 Functions (Reserved
For Future Use)
Part VIII Technical Indicators
1 Accumulation/Distribution
................................................................................................................................... 628
2 Aroon Indicator
................................................................................................................................... 630
3 Aroon Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 633
4 Average Directional
Movement Index (ADX)
5 Average Directional
Movement Index Rating (ADXR)
6 Average True
Range (ATR)
7 Bollinger Bands
................................................................................................................................... 643
8 Bollinger Bands
- Fibonacci Ratios
9 Bollinger Bandwidth
................................................................................................................................... 650
10 Bollinger Percent
B (%b)
11 Chaikin's Money
Flow (CMF)
12 Chaikin's Volatility
................................................................................................................................... 659
13 Chande's Dynamic
Momentum Index
14 Chande's Momentum
Oscillator (CMO)
15 Chande's QStick
................................................................................................................................... 667
16 Chande's Range
Action Verification Index (RAVI)
17 Chande's TrendScore
................................................................................................................................... 671
18 Chande's Variable
Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
19 Chaos Accelerator
20 Chaos Alligator
21 Chaos Awesome
22 Chaos Fractals
................................................................................................................................... 684
23 Chaos Gator
24 Commodity...................................................................................................................................
Channel Index (CCI)
25 Coppock Curve
................................................................................................................................... 693
26 Darvas Box................................................................................................................................... 696
27 DeMark's DeMarker
28 DeMark's Projected
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
29 DeMark's Range
Expansion Index (REI)
30 Detrended Price
Oscillator (DPO)
31 Directional Movement
32 Directional Movement
33 Donchian Channel
................................................................................................................................... 714
34 Double Exponential
Moving Average (DEMA)
35 Double Stochastic
36 Ehlers Fisher
37 Ehlers Laguerre
Relative Strength Index
38 Ehlers MESA
Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA)
39 Ehlers Relative
Vigor Index (RVI)
40 Elliot Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 731
41 Gann HiLo Activator
................................................................................................................................... 734
42 Gann Swing...................................................................................................................................
43 Gann Trend...................................................................................................................................
44 Hull Moving...................................................................................................................................
Average (HMA)
45 Ichimoku Kinko
46 Inertia
................................................................................................................................... 748
47 Kase CD
................................................................................................................................... 750
48 Kase DevStop
49 Kase Peak Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 755
50 Kaufman's Adaptive
Moving Average (KAMA)
51 Keltner Bands
(Based on ATR)
52 Keltner Channels
................................................................................................................................... 762
53 Linear Regression
54 Linear Regression
55 Linear Regression
................................................................................................................................... 773
57 MACD-Histogram
................................................................................................................................... 777
58 MACD-Line ................................................................................................................................... 780
59 Market Facilitation
Index (MFI)
60 McClellan Histogram
................................................................................................................................... 788
61 McClellan Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 791
62 Momentum ................................................................................................................................... 794
63 Money Flow...................................................................................................................................
Index (MFI)
64 Moving Average
................................................................................................................................... 798
65 Moving Average
66 Moving Averages
of RSI
67 Moving Slope
Rate of Change
68 On Balance...................................................................................................................................
Volume (OBV)
69 Parabolic SAR
................................................................................................................................... 811
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
70 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Daily
71 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Daily - Fibonacci Ratios
72 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Monthly
73 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios
74 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Weekly
75 Pivot Points...................................................................................................................................
- Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios
76 Polarized Fractal
77 Price Volume
78 Quantitative...................................................................................................................................
Qualitative Estimation
79 Rainbow Charts
................................................................................................................................... 846
80 Rainbow Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 850
81 Rate of Change
82 Relative Momentum
83 Relative Strength
Index (RSI)
84 Schaff Trend
85 Stochastic Momentum
86 Stochastic Oscillator
87 Stochastic Oscillator
88 Stochastic Oscillator
89 Stochastic RSI
90 Stoller Average
Range Channels (STARC Bands)
91 Support and...................................................................................................................................
92 T3 Moving Average
................................................................................................................................... 887
93 Trailing Stoploss
Levels (Volatility-Based)
94 Trailing Stoploss
Reversal Level
95 Trend Continuation
96 Trend Intensity
Index (TII)
97 Trend Trigger
Factor (TTF)
98 Triple Exponential
Average (TRIX)
99 Triple Exponential
Moving Average (TEMA)
100 True Strength
101 Ultimate Oscillator
................................................................................................................................... 908
102 Volume
................................................................................................................................... 911
103 Williams Percent
Range (%R)
Part IX Trading Systems Samples
1 VT-Bollinger...................................................................................................................................
Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System
2 VT-Chaos Fractal
Trading System
3 VT-Commodity
Channel Index System
4 VT-Complex...................................................................................................................................
Trading System
5 VT-Directional
Movement Index System
6 VT-Level Stop-Reverse
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7 VT-Moving Average
Cross System
8 VT-Moving Averages
Of RSI System
9 VT-Schaff Trend
Cycle System
10 VT-Simple MACD
11 VT-Trailing ...................................................................................................................................
Stoploss System
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Getting Started
with VT Trader
VT Trader Help Manual
Getting Started with VT Trader
Thank you for your interest in VT Trader, a world-class electronic FOREX trading platform brought to you Visual
Trading Systems, LLC. Please take a few moments to thoroughly read through this entire help manual to better
familiarize yourself with the VT Trader software.
This manual (currently version 1.9 - released July 2008) is a guide for the use of VT Trader's interface, features,
and functionality through the release of VT Trader It is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
or larger.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Getting Started with VT Trader
PC System Requirements
For VT Trader to function properly the following guidelines should be followed:
Minimum System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003 (or higher)
Pentium II 233 MHz
64 megabytes of RAM
100 megabytes of free hard disk space
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher)
Recommended System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista (or higher)
Pentium III 800 MHz (or faster)
256+ megabytes of RAM
100+ megabytes of free hard disk space
Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher)
Monitor that supports 1024x768 with a color depth of 32 bits (16,777,216 colors) or higher resolution
A high-speed (broadband) Internet connection such as DSL or a cable modem is vital for online currency
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
How To Install VT Trader
Installation Instructions:
· Download the VT Trader executable file to the PC's hard drive
· Double-click the VTtraderSetup.exe downloaded file
· Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation
During the installation the user may choose which language packs to install for the VT Trader interface. Selecting
to install only the user's native language(s) will save hard disk space. The English language is the default setting
and it must remain selected during the installation.
Click the [Next] button to proceed. The user will be prompted to choose an install location on the PC for the VT
Trader software. If the default Destination Folder is acceptable change nothing. If the user wishes to change the
Destination Folder they may do so at this time by clicking the [Browse...] button to select an alternate install
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Getting Started with VT Trader
Click the [Next] button to proceed. The user will then be prompted to choose a Start Menu folder for VT Trader's
program shortcuts. If the default selections are acceptable click the [Install] button; if they are not, choose an
alternate folder now.
VT Trader will install its files using the following directory structure respective to the PC's operating system:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Windows® XP variants:
C:\Program Files\VT Trader - VT Trader’s installation folder; files in this folder can be accessed by any user, but
they are “read only”; VT Trader’s main .exe file, .dll files, “read only” settings/sounds/localization files, standard
indicators, and standard trading systems, etc. are located in this directory
C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\VTSystems\VT Trader\<VT Trader
Build Version> - This directory and its subdirectories contain all of the user’s settings files, detailed log files,
desktop templates, etc.
C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\My Documents\VTSystems\VT Trader - This directory and its
subdirectories contain all of the user’s custom indicators and trading systems files
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VTSystems\VT Trader - This directory contains all common
VT Trader files such as VT Trader’s cached chart history files
Windows® Vista variants:
C:\Program Files\VT Trader - VT Trader’s installation folder; files in this folder can be accessed by any user, but
they are “read only”; VT Trader’s main .exe file, .dll files, “read only” settings/sounds/localization files, standard
indicators, and standard trading systems, etc. are located in this directory
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\VTSystems\VT Trader\<VT Trader Build Version> - This directory and its
subdirectories contain all of the user’s settings files, detailed log files, desktop templates, etc.
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\VTSystems\VT Trader - This directory and its subdirectories contain all of the
user’s custom indicators and trading systems files
C:\ProgramData\VTSystems\VT Trader - This directory contains all common VT Trader files such as VT Trader’s
cached chart history files
After the software has been installed it is automatically checked for updates 7 each time VT Trader is launched
7 . However, this option can be disabled using the Disable New Version Updates option in the Navigator
Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General Properties>Communication Bookmark 58 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Getting Started with VT Trader
How To Login Into VT Trader
If VT Trader was properly installed 4 , VT Trader may be launched by double-clicking on the "Run VT Trader"
desktop icon or by selecting the "Run VT Trader" link from the VT Trader Program Group icons in the Programs
directory (Start Button>Programs menu>VTtrader>Run VT Trader).
VT Trader will check for updates and prompt the user to install if any new updates that are found. The user may
skip this check for updates by pressing the [Exit] button.
...the Login Window will display. To enter the system type the Login and Password that were provided to you
when the account was created into the appropriate text boxes provided.
From the Dealing Desk selection menu, the user must choose the type of account to login to...
If Demo Trading is chosen, the user will be connected to the broker's services for DEMO accounts.
If Live Trading is chosen, the user will be connected to the broker's services for LIVE accounts.
If the user needs to adjust any connection properties (for example, if requiring the use of a proxy server), the user
can click the Server Connection Properties icon displayed to the right of the Dealing Desk selection menu. This
icon will display the appropriate settings popup window from the Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Servers 57
section so the user can adjust the settings for the selected Dealing Desk.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The user may also select VT Trader's interface language (if during the software's installation
language was chosen).
more than one
The following buttons are available during this part of the login process:
[OK] - Continues the login process by verifying the current VT Trader version, username, and password to connect
the user to the broker's trading and charting services. If the login is successful, after a few moments the user will
see the main VT Trader interface display.
[Work Offline] - Lets the user launch VT Trader without connecting to the broker's services. In this mode of
operation the user's account and data related to the trade instruments will not be accessible. In "Offline" mode, no
connections to the broker's services are active and no trading activities can be conducted. While logged into an
active user account and connected to the broker's services, chart history files are cached (saved) in the
HistoryCache subdirectory of VT Trader's main program directory. Please note, that only trade instruments and
chart intervals previously opened in VT Trader while connected to the broker's charting service will be cached and
available for viewing in "Offline" mode.
[Exit] - Cancels the login process and closes down the VT Trader application
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Getting Started with VT Trader
If the login process fails or is canceled by the user the following buttons become available:
[Trace Route] - If enabled and clicked by the user, this button displays the Run Connection Traceroute
[Retry] - If enabled and clicked by the user, this button redisplays the initial Login Window allowing the user
another login attempt using either the same or a different username and password.
[Exit] - Cancels the login process and closes down the VT Trader application
[Cancel] - Immediately stops the login process
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader
VT Trader Interface
VT Trader Interface
VT Trader consists of several different windows each designed to perform specific functions and/or display
information associated with the user's accounts and trading activities. Please review each of the topics below for a
clear explanation of each window.
Navigator Window 12
Chart Window 111
Chart Inspection Window 139
Chart Patterns Window 196
Dealing Rates Window 145
Account(s) Information Window 160
Open Positions Window 166
Closed Positions Window 171
Pending Orders Window 177
Summary By Accounts Window 182
Activity Log Window 188
Reports Window 189
Reuters News Window 193
VT Trader System Tray Icon 214
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Navigator Window
The Navigator Window is the main hub of VT Trader.
The main window panel shows the name of the server to
which VT Trader is connected during a given session.
The Navigator Window allows quick access to the
contents and tools located in:
· Main Menu Panel 13
· Trading Bookmark 46
· Options Bookmark 52
As well as the following toolbars...
Connect Level Toolbar
Navigator Toolbar 86
Drawing Toolbar 91
Charting Toolbar 96
Interval Toolbar 99
Chart Type Toolbar 102
To begin a tour of the VT Trader interface select a section
or page from the Table of Contents displayed in the left
column of this help manual or choose from one of the
options displayed above.
It should be noted that minimizing the Navigator Window
to the Windows® taskbar will minimize all VT Trader
windows without disrupting VT Trader's functions. If the
Navigator Window is closed (or exited), VT Trader will be
disconnected from the broker's services and the
application shutdown.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Main Menu Panel
Depending on the menu option chosen, the Navigator Window 12 Main Menu Panel (highlighted in red) lets the
user quickly access the basic functions and components of VT Trader.
File Menu 13 - Allows the user to login and logout of their account(s), quickly access new and recently viewed
charts, manage desktop templates, import and export properties, and print a graphic depiction of the trade
instrument being analyzed.
Tools Menu 23 - Provides quick access to VT Trader's built-in components such as the Indicator Builder 348 ,
Trading Systems Builder 435 , Indicator QuickList 24 , Trading Systems QuickList 27 , as well as an Active
Price Alerts Summary 29 and an Active Trading Systems Summary 32 .
Window Menu 38 - Allows the user to control the arrangements of VT Trader's windows within the available
monitor(s) as well as quickly switch between the open windows.
Help Menu 42 - Provides quick access to VT Trader help resources (such as the one you're reading right now!) as
well as utilities to help troubleshoot connectivity issues and resolve user/broker trade issues; Also provides the
current VT Trader version information.
File Menu
The File Menu of the Navigator Window 12 Main Menu Panel 13 makes it possible to open and view charts,
manage desktop templates, import and export chart properties and tool properties, as well as print the active chart
of the trade instrument being analyzed. Please take a few moments to review each menu option explained in detail
below 14 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Open New Chart allows the user to quickly open a new chart window of the selected trading instrument for
technical analysis. The default chart type and chart interval for this menu may be set by the user in the Navigator
Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties Bookmark.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Recently Viewed Charts contains a list of the user's recently viewed charts. The number of items displayed in
this menu can be adjusted in the Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Desktop Template
contains the following sub-menus...
Save Desktop Template - Makes it possible for the user to save the current VT Trader interface (layout).
Performing his action saves the location and configuration of windows (including minimized windows) and toolbars
in the monitor screens, colors and fonts (even if they were not set as default), as well as all drawing tools,
indicators, and trading systems attached to open chart windows. Using the menu will save the interface to the
active (in use) Desktop Template file. For example: If the user is viewing the Default Desktop Template, any
changes made by the user to the interface will be saved to the Default Desktop Template file when using this menu
option. Furthermore, if the user has created and saved a new desktop template using the Save Desktop Template
As... menu option (discussed below) and is currently viewing this desktop template, selecting the Save Desktop
Template option will save changes to the custom desktop template file currently in use.
Save Desktop Template As... - Allows the user to save the currently open, potentially customized, VT Trader
interface (layout) as a new file. Performing this action saves the location and configuration of windows (including
minimized windows) and toolbars on the monitor screen(s), colors and fonts (even if they were not set as default),
as well as all drawing tools, indicators, and trading systems attached to open chart windows. Once saved the new
desktop template file is saved into the Desktops sub-directory of the main VTtrader directory on the user's PC. It
will then also appear in the Desktop Template menu under the Default Desktop Template option. Any desktop
template listed in the Desktop Template menu can be clicked on with the mouse to be immediately opened and
displayed in VT Trader.
Import Desktop Template... - Allows the user to import desktop template files previously saved in the .xml format
(available in previous versions of VT Trader). Once imported, the desktop template is converted into a .dsk file and
stored in the Desktops sub-directory of the main VTtrader directory on the user's PC. It will then also appear in the
Desktop Template menu under the Default Desktop Template option. Any desktop template listed in that menu
can be clicked on with the mouse to be immediately opened and displayed in VT Trader.
Remove Desktop Template - Contains a list of all desktop templates saved in VT Trader. The user can quickly
delete any desktop template file in this list by selecting it with the mouse. Performing this action removes the
desktop template from this list of available desktop templates and deletes it from the Desktops sub-directory of the
main VTtrader directory on the user's PC to the Windows® Recycle Bin. The user cannot delete the desktop
template file being viewed (in use). If the user wishes to delete that file, the user must first open a different desktop
template file and then delete the intended file.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Account Login - Becomes active when there is no connection to the broker's services (for example, if the user is
working in Offline Mode). Selecting this option restarts VT Trader by displaying the Login Window 7 allowing the
user to enter a Username and Password. After a new connection is established between VT Trader and the
broker's services the VT Trader windows and charts are once again displayed according the user's last saved
settings. At this time, any trading systems that may have been running in Auto-Trade Mode during a previous
session that were not shut down before exiting will attempt to be restarted to ensure that no signals were missed
during the time the connection was absent.
Account Logout - Disconnects the user from their broker's services and shifts VT Trader into Offline Mode.
Selecting this option no longer forces the closure of all open windows; windows now remain open while logged out
and working in Offline Mode. In Offline Mode, no connection to the broker's services is active and no trading
activities can be conducted. While logged into the broker's services, chart history files are cached (saved) in the
HistoryCache sub-directory of VT Trader's main program directory. Important Note #1: Only currency pairs and
chart intervals previously opened in VT Trader while connected to the broker's charting service will be cached and
available for viewing in Offline Mode. Important Note #2: If changes are made to the active desktop template while
in Offline Mode, the user must save the desktop template using Desktop Template>Save Desktop Template before
using File>Account Login to login to the broker's services to avoid losing those changes unless the AutoSave
Desktop Template on Account Login is enabled in the Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark. If the desktop template is not saved first
(and the AutoSave Desktop Template on Account Login is not enabled), changes made while in Offline Mode will
not be saved and the desktop template will be opened with its previously saved settings the next time File>Account
Login is used.
* Please be aware that when using the Account Logout option, the Account Login and Exit options along with
the System Tray Icon 214 Menu>Exit option are temporarily disabled. This allows VT Trader the proper time
required to perform a full logout. These menu options will be re-enabled once the logout procedure has completed
successfully. Please be patient and do not forcefully attempt to exit or quit VT Trader during this time.
Change Password - Allows the user to change the password that was assigned during the new account
registration process with their chosen FOREX broker.
Print Setup - Makes it possible to choose the settings for the printer when it is necessary to print the chart of a
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
trade instrument currently being analyzed.
Print Preview - Allows the user to preview how the active chart window of the trade instrument being analyzed will
look when printed.
Print Active Chart - Makes it possible to print the active chart window of the trade instrument being analyzed.
Export Environment 18 - Allows the user to select certain VT Trader attributes and files (settings/properties,
desktop templates, standard indicators, custom indicators, standard trading systems, custom trading systems, and
desktop template files) and save those items into a VT Trader Environment File (.vtenv) for later import.
Import Environment 20 - Allows the user to select certain VT Trader attributes and files (settings/properties,
desktop templates, standard indicators, custom indicators, standard trading systems, custom trading systems, and
desktop template files) from a previously exported VT Trader Environment File (.vtenv) and import those
attributes and files into VT Trader. The user may choose to skip, rename, or replace files during the import
Export Properties to XML - Allows the default properties and settings located within the Navigator
Window>Options Bookmark to be exported to an .xml file in order to transfer them to another computer. Indicators
and Trading Systems are exported by using Indicator Builder 348 or Trading Systems Builder 435 respectively.
Import Properties from XML - Allows the import of an .xml file containing the default properties and settings
located within the Navigator Window>Options Bookmark that was previously exported from VT Trader using the
Export Properties to XML menu selection. Indicators and Trading Systems are imported by using Indicator Builder
348 or Trading Systems Builder 435 respectively.
Exit - Exits (shuts down) the VT Trader software. At this time, the connection to the broker's services is
disconnected and (if selected) all of the changes made to the interface (layout) are automatically saved including
the technical tools, indicators, and trading systems attached to their respective open chart windows. The state of
any trading system(s) left running in Auto-Trade Mode will also be automatically saved. Export Environment
The Export Environment option allows the user to select any combination of VT Trader items to export for saving
into a VT Trader Environment File (.vtenv file extention). The user can choose to export settings, custom
indicators, custom trading systems, and/or desktop templates.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
A description of each item group is as follows:
Settings - Inclusive of all settings contained within the Navigator Window
>Options Bookmark
Indicators - Inclusive of all user's custom indicators displayed in the Navigator Window
46 >Custom Indicators section
>Trading Bookmark
Trading Systems - Inclusive of all user's custom trading systems displayed in the Navigator Window
Trading Bookmark 46 >Custom Trading Systems section
Desktop Templates - Inclusive of all user's custom desktop templates as displayed in the Navigator Window
File Menu 13 >Desktop Template menu
With the selected items chosen, the user must press the [ ... ] button to select the file to export the items into. The
user can select an existing .vtenv file or create a new .vtenv file by typing in the name of the new file to create.
After choosing an existing file or typing the name to create a new file, the user must press [Save]. This selects the
file for the export.
The user should double-check that the correct items have been selected and the preferred file name is correct.
Pressing the [OK] button will create the file and export the selected items into it. Clicking [Cancel] will close the
Export Environment Window without exporting any items.
VT Trader will alert the user once the export process has finished successfully. The user now has a .vtenv file
containing the selected items that can be used later to import all or some of the previously exported items back into
VT Trader.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Import Environment
The Import Environment option allows the user to select any combination of VT Trader items to import from a
previously created VT Trader Environment File (.vtenv file extention). The user can choose to import settings,
custom indicators, custom trading systems, and/or desktop templates. The user is also given the choice of how to
handle any duplicate items that may be imported during the process.
A description of each item group is as follows:
Settings - Inclusive of all settings contained within the Navigator Window
>Options Bookmark
Indicators - Inclusive of all user's custom indicators displayed in the Navigator Window
46 >Custom Indicators section
>Trading Bookmark
Trading Systems - Inclusive of all user's custom trading systems displayed in the Navigator Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Trading Bookmark
>Custom Trading Systems section
Desktop Templates - Inclusive of all user's custom desktop templates as displayed in the Navigator Window
File Menu 13 >Desktop Template menu
With the selected items chosen, the user must press the [ ... ] button to select the file to import the items from. The
user must select an existing .vtenv file by selecting it with mouse cursor.
After choosing an existing file or typing the name for a new one the user must press [Save] (or [Open] in Windows
® Vista). This selects the file for the import.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The user should double-check that the correct items are selected and the file name is correct. Pressing the [OK]
button will import the selected items based on the user's choice of how to handle duplicates. The user has the
following options to handle duplicate items:
Skip duplicated items - VT Trader will not import the items if an item already exists within VT Trader with the
same name.
Rename duplicated items - VT Trader will rename the item being imported by appending a number to the
item's name (for example: Directional Movement System(2).vtscr) if an item already exists within VT Trader with
the same name.
Replace duplicated items - VT Trader will overwrite (replace) the item if an item already exists within VT Trader
with the same name; this is the recommended setting unless the user has a good reason to skip or rename
Clicking [Cancel] will close the Import Environment Window without importing any items.
VT Trader will alert the user once it has successfully finished the import process. After pressing the [OK] button VT
Trader will load the imported items.
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VT Trader Interface
Tools Menu
The Tools Menu of the Navigator Window
VT Trader's main user components.
Main Menu Panel
provides the user quick access to some of
Below is a description of each component within the Tools Menu.
Indicator Builder 348 - Allows the user to edit the included technical indicators and to create custom technical
indicators using the functions provided by the VT Trader Programming Language 502
Trading Systems Builder 435 - Allows the user to edit the included sample trading systems and to create custom
trading systems using the VT Trader Programming Language 502
Indicator QuickList
- determines which indicators are displayed in the "Add Indicators" option of the Chart
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Contextual Menu
Trading Systems QuickList 27 - determines which trading systems are displayed in the "Add Trading System"
selection of the Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu
Active Price Alerts Summary 29 - Allows the user to view all of the price alerts currently active within VT Trader
across all trade instruments;.Also allows the user to add new price alerts or edit existing price alerts for any trade
instrument provided by the user's broker
Active Trading Systems Summary 32 - Displays all trading systems currently active in the VT Trader platform
across all trade instruments and trading account(s); Also allows the user to adjust the Properties 33 , Edit 33 ,
Delete 33 , Start/Stop 34 Auto-Trade Mode, and View Events 34 and Enabled Parameters 34 of any selected
trading system.
Delete All Cached History Data - Deletes all files located in the C:/Program Files/VTtrader/HistoryCache
subdirectory (assuming the user installed VT Trader into the default directory selection)
Forex Resources - Allows the user to access Reuters News 193 as well as 3 additional tools: Market Analysis
Window 35 , Pip Calculator 38 , and Currency Calculator 37 . The Market Analysis Window 35 contains Forex
market highlights for the current week and previous weeks as well as accompanying "expert" commentary
analyzing current market activity; The Currency Calculator 37 allows the user to convert a user-defined amount of
one currency into the value of another currency; The Pip Calculator 38 allows the user to determine the value of 1
pip respective to a selected currency pair in a user-defined currency. Indicator QuickList
The Indicator Quicklist allows the user to choose which indicators are displayed in the "Indicator QuickList" option
of the Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu. By default, all standard VT Trader indicators and all custom indicators
are included in the Indicator QuickList.
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VT Trader Interface
The Indicator QuickList window is divided into left and right panes with 4 buttons in between them. The right pane
is the list of indicators included in the Indicator QuickList.
[>>] - Allows the user to quickly move all indicators from within the left pane into the Indicator QuickList.
[>] - Allows the user to move individual indicators from within the left pane into the Indicator QuickList.
[<] - Allows the user to remove individual indicators from the Indicator QuickList.
[<<] - Alows the user to quickly remove all indicators currently in the Indicator QuickList.
Clicking the [OK] button will save any changes made to the Indicator QuickList. When the user returns to the
chart window, clicks the right mouse button to activate the Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu, and selects the
"Indicator QuickList" option again - the user will see the changes reflected in the Indicator QuickList.
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VT Trader Interface
27 Trading Systems QuickList
The Trading Systems QuickList allows the user to choose which trading systems are displayed in the "Trading
System QuickList" selection of the Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu. By default, all VT Trader sample trading
systems and all custom trading systems are included in the Trading Systems QuickList.
The Trading Systems QuickList window is divided into left and right panes with 4 buttons in between them. The
right pane is the list of trading systems included in the Trading Systems QuickList.
[>>] - Quickly moves all trading systems from within the left pane into the Trading Systems QuickList.
[>] - Moves individual trading systems from within the left pane into the Trading Systems QuickList.
[<] - Removes individual trading systems from the Trading Systems QuickList.
[<<] - Quickly removes all trading systems currently in the Trading Systems QuickList.
Clicking the [OK] button will save any changes made to the Trading Systems Quicklist. When the user returns to
the chart window, clicks the right mouse button to activate the Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu, and selects
the "Trading System QuickList" option again - the user will see the changes reflected in the Trading Systems
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
29 Active Price Alerts Summary
The Active Price Alerts Summary Window allows the user to quickly see all of the price alerts currently active
within VT Trader across all trade instruments. This window also allows the user to quickly add new price alerts or
edit existing price alerts for any trade instrument provided by the user's broker. An Alert is an audio sound that
plays and/or a text message that displays in a pop-up window when the current market price for the trading
instrument being analyzed reaches the price level specified by the user. An alert's trading instrument, price level,
text message, and sound file can be defined using the Price Alert Window 30 .
The Active Price Alerts Summary Window consists of two sections: one that lists the alerts and another that
includes buttons for price alert management.
In the alerts table, the Instrument column specifies the trade instrument for which an Alert has been set and the
Price column displays the price level that will trigger the Alert if reached by that trade instrument's current market
price. The Alert, if triggered, will display the text contained in the Message column and play the sound file specfied
by the user.
The buttons have the following functions:
[Add] - Displays the Price Alert Window
allowing the user to create a new Alert.
[Edit] - Makes it possible to edit the Alert highlighted by the mouse cursor by opening up the Price Alert Window
30 .
[Delete] - Deletes the selected Alert from the Active Price Alerts Summary Window.
[Close] - Closes the Active Price Alerts Summary Window.
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An active Price Alert appears in the list of alerts and also in the Chart Window(s)
analyzed in the form of a line and a label attached to that line.
of the trade instrument being
The properties defining how the Price Alert line and label will display in the respective Chart Window(s) 111 can
be adjusted by clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Price Alert Label and
selecting "Properties" option from the contextual menu. Price Alert Window
The Price Alert Window is used to create new price alerts or edit existing price alerts. It is displayed when the
user selects the: [Add] or [Edit] button from the Active Price Alert Summary Window 29 , the Price Alert option
from a trade instrument's Chart Window 111 contextual menu, or the Set Price Alert option from the Dealing Rates
Window 145 contextual menu. An Alert is an audio sound that plays and/or a text message that displays in a
pop-up window when the current market price for the trading instrument being analyzed reaches the price level
specified by the user.
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VT Trader Interface
The user can specify an Alert's trading instrument, price level, text message, and sound file using the Price Alert
The Price field defines the price level that will trigger the the Alert based on the Bid or Ask price selection. If the
Price Alert option from a trade instrument's Chart Window 111 contextual menu is used, the Price field will be
automatically filled in using the price level directly underneath the mouse cursor. If the Set Price Alert option from
the Dealing Rates Window 145 contextual menu is used, the Price field will automatically be filled in using the Ask
price from the trading instrument's row directly underneath the mouse cursor.
The Instrument selection menu defines the trade instrument to which an Alert is attached. If the Price Alert option
from a trade instrument's Chart Window 111 contextual menu is used, that particular trading instrument will be
automatically selected in the Instrument selection menu. If the Set Price Alert option from the Dealing Rates
Window 145 contextual menu is used, the trading instrument's row directly underneath the mouse cursor will be
automatically selected in the Instrument selection menu.
The Message field defines the Alert's text message. The message text will display in a pop-up window when the
Alert is triggered. This field may remain empty if the user chooses.
The Sound File field defines the audio file that will be played when the Alert is triggered. To facilitate finding the
path to the file the user may use the [Browse] button. Only .wav (wave) files can be used for the audio portion of
the Alert. This field may also remain empty if the user chooses.
Clicking [OK] completes the Alert setup. Currently active Alerts display in the Active Price Alerts Summary
Window 29 and in the respective Chart Window(s) 111 of the trade instrument(s) being analyzed in the form of a
line with a label attached to it.
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VT Trader Help Manual
The properties defining how the Price Alert line and label will display in the respective Chart Window(s)
also be adjusted.
can Active Trading Systems Summary
The Active Trading Systems Summary Window allows the user to quickly review all trading systems currently
active in the VT Trader platform across all trade instruments and trading account(s). This window also allows the
user to adjust the Properties 33 , Edit 33 , Delete 33 , Start/Stop 34 Auto-Trade Mode, and View Events 34 and
Enabled Parameters 34 of any selected trading system.
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VT Trader Interface
The Active Trading Systems Summary Window consists of two sections: the active trading systems table and
the buttons for managing the active trading system(s).
In the active trading systems table, the Status column displays the operational mode of the named trading system.
icon specifies that the trading system is running in Auto-Trade Mode; A
icon specifies that the trading
system is running in Recommendation Only Mode. The Instrument, Interval, and Bid/Ask columns display the
trade instrument, chart interval and chart type that the active trading system is attached to. The Name column
displays the name and input parameters of the active trading system.
The buttons have the following functions:
[Properties] - Displays an additional Trading Systems Properties Window that allows the user to adjust the
selected trading system's input variable settings and trading parameters. This option is not available if the trading
system is currently running in Auto-Trade Mode.
[Edit] - Displays the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 for the selected trading system. This option is not
available if the trading system is currently running in Auto-Trade Mode.
[Delete] - Deletes the selected trading system. Once a trading system has been deleted, it is no longer running and
is no longer attached to the specified chart. The user will be responsible for managing any open positions for the
trade instrument that were opened previously (and not closed) by the now deleted trading system.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[Start/Stop] - Allows the user to enable or disable the selected trading system with regard to its mode of operation.
If the trading system is currently in Auto-Trade Mode (the button will be displaying [Stop]), pressing this button will
stop the trading system and put it back into Recommendation Only Mode. However, if the trading system is
running in Recommendation Only Mode (the button will be displaying [Start]), pressing this button will enable
Auto-Trade Mode.
[View Events] - Displays an additional Trading System Events Window containing the events that have taken
place for the selected trading system along with their corresponding dates/times.
[Params Enabled] - Displays an additional Trading Systems Parameters Window containing a list of all output
variables within the trading system and their respective function(s). This window also allows the user to temporarily
disable a variable's function(s) by removing the checkmark from its corresponding function column(s). If a variable
has functionality that was coded into the trading system formula, but not enabled by default, the user can enable
that variable's available function(s) by placing a checkmark in its corresponding function column(s). Variable
parameters that are grayed out may not be changed by the user from this window.
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VT Trader Interface
[Close] - Closes the Active Trading Systems Summary Window. Market Analysis Window
The Market Analysis Window provides the user with a recap of the FX market's weekly highlights, trading activity,
and economic indicator (news) data. It also allows the user to access very valuable commentary and trading
strategy updates provided by FX market expert Hans Nilsson.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
By selecting the Select Archive Week link at the upper-right corner of the window, the user can choose any date
available and read the archived market highlights, economic data, and expert commentary for that chosen week.
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VT Trader Interface
Using the mouse cursor, the user can select the + symbol in front of each economic indicator to expand its data for
The user can also select the Market Highlights link next to each weekly date (just above the economic data table
for that week) to expand the associated comments for viewing.
Additionally, selecting the Nilsson's Commentary link for a particular week will open a new browser window which
contains his expert market analysis and trading strategy updates. Currency Calculator
The Currency Calculator is a very simple, yet useful, tool included in VT Trader.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Currency Calculator allows the user to quickly enter the amount of the first currency (the base currency) and
convert that amount into the second currency. In the example below, $100.00 USD (U.S. dollars) has been
converted into the EUR currency (Euro). Pip Calculator
The Pip Calculator is another very simple, yet useful, tool included in VT Trader. It allows the user to quickly
determine the value of 1 pip of a currency pair based on the trade amount (in Lots) calculated in the user's choice
of currency.
In the example below, 1 pip of the USD/CHF currency based on a 1 lot trade amount is equal to $8.32 USD (U.S.
Window Menu
The Window Menu of the Navigator Window
Main Menu Panel
is used to automatically arrange VT
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Trader's open windows within a single monitor or by spanning the windows across multiple monitors. This menu
also allows the user quick access to any windows currently open in VT Trader.
Below is a description of each option within the Window Menu.
Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically, & Cascade - The Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically, and Cascade options function
in three different modes for the "smart distribution" of VT Trader windows. For purposes of these modes, the
Navigator Window 12 is not considered as part of the smart distribution arrangements, however, it does
participate in the arrangement logic by increasing it's vertical length to span the entire length of the desktop from
top-to-bottom if it's visible. If it's hiding, the other windows arrange using the free space to the right of the flashing
Navigator Window 12 AutoHide strip. Also, if it's hidden it will retain its previous location and size when it's made
visible again.
MODE 1 (DEFAULT Mode): This mode arranges the windows according to the smart distribution logic within
only the monitor window they are displayed on. For example, if the user has 5 windows on Monitor 1 and 3
windows on Monitor 2, when choosing Tile Horizontally, Monitor 1's 5 windows will be arranged Horizontally on
Monitor 1 according to the distribution logic for 5 windows and Monitor 2's 3 windows will be arranged
Horizontally on Monitor 2 according to the distribution logic for 3 windows.
MODE 2 (CTRL + Option/Icon): Using the Tile Vertically, Tile Horizontally, or Cascade option with the CTRL
key depressed at the same time will arrange the windows according to the smart distribution logic only within
the monitor that the Navigator Window 12 is displayed on. For example, if the user has 5 windows on
Monitor 1 and 3 windows on Monitor 2, when choosing CTRL + Tile Horizontally, Monitor 1's 5 windows and
Monitor 2's 3 windows will all be arranged Horizontally on Monitor 1 according to the distribution logic for 8
MODE 3 (SHIFT + Option/Icon): Using the Tile Vertically, Tile Horizontally, or Cascade option with the
SHIFT key depressed at the same time will arrange the windows according to the smart distribution logic
across all available monitors. If it's not possible to display the same amount of windows on each monitor then
the distribution scheme will display the windows across Monitor 1 -> Monitor 2 -> Monitor 3 -> etc. For
example, if the user has 5 windows on Monitor 1 and 3 windows on Monitor 2 and 0 windows on Monitor 3,
when choosing SHIFT + Tile Horizontally, Monitor 1's 5 windows and Monitor 2's 3 windows will be arranged
Horizontally across Monitor 1 + Monitor 2 + Monitor 3 acting as a "whole desktop" according to the distribution
logic for 8 windows.
The "Smart Distribution" algorithm for the distribution of windows is as follows:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
If N is a quantity of opened (not minimized) windows, then while choosing an option for window arrangement there
are maximum multipliers calculated for N windows by the formula N = Row * Column.
For example:
3= 3*1
6= 3*2
8= 4*2
9= 3*3
24= 6*4
64= 8*8
and so on...
By definition, N = Row * Column divides the screenspace into ROWS (horizonal) and COLUMNS (vertical).
The Tile Horizontally maximum multiplier corresponds to ROW and the second multiplier (maximum - equal or
smaller than the first one) corresponds to COLUMN. If N=6, then 6=3*2 where 3-ROW and 2-COLUMN
The Tile Vertically arrangement maximum multiplier corresponds to COLUMN and the second multiplier (maximum
- equal or smaller than the first one) corresponds to ROW. If N=6, then 6=3*2 where 2-ROW and 3-COLUMN
If, during the calculation of multipliers, a remainder is found (ie: 7=3*2+1), then if Tile Horizontally is being used the
remainder window is added to the last COLUMN, but if Tile Vertically is being used the remainder window is added
to the last ROW.
However, if the remainder is more than one window (ie: 11 = 3*3+2 = 3*3+1+1) and at the same time there is no
new pair of maximum multipliers found, then if Tile Horizontally is being used each remainder window is added to
the last (previous) COLUMN in series, but if Tile Vertically is being used each remainder window is added to the
last (previous) ROW in series.
Using the described logic, the screenshot below visually depicts the windows' arrangement within a single monitor.
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VT Trader Interface
Please Note: The Tile Vertically and Tile Horizontally "smart distribution" logic can be suppressed by holding down
the ALT key when using one of these options. When suppressing the smart distribution logic and using Tile
Vertically, the windows will arrange themselves side-by-side from left-to-right (starting at the right edge of the
Navigator Window 12 ) spanning the entire vertical length of the desktop on the primary monitor. When
suppressing the smart distribution logic and using Tile Horizontally, the windows will arrange themselves (starting
at the right edge of the Navigator Window 12 ) stacked on top of each other from top-to-bottom spanning the
entire horizontal width of the desktop on the primary monitor.
Restore Default Arrangement - Restores the current VT Trader window arrangement and any custom chart
properties back to the original VT Trader default window arrangement and settings.
Close All Windows - Closes (exits) all open VT Trader windows with the exception of the Navigator Window
Auto-Hide Navigator Window - Allows the Navigator Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
to "hide" from the user's view on the desktop;
VT Trader Help Manual
in auto-hide mode only a thin, gray strip of the Navigator Window 12 is visible down the left side of the user's
desktop. This option's icon is pressed down by default to visibly anchor the Navigator Window 12 to the current
position on the user's monitor screen. If the user wishes to hide the Navigator Window 12 , to make it visible once
hidden the user must move the mouse cursor to the far left side of the desktop (over top of the thin, gray strip) and
hold it there for approximately 1-5 seconds for the Navigator Window 12 to fully reappear. Once visible again, the
user must use the Auto-Hide Navigator Window option once more to anchor the window.
Help Menu
The Help Menu of the Navigator Window 12 Main Menu Panel 13 makes it possible to access current VT
Trader Help Documentation, the Online VT Trader Support Forums, and the Multimedia Video Manual.
Below is a description of each option within the Help Menu.
Help Documentation - Opens a new web browser window allowing the user to access the current help materials
Online Support Forums - Opens a new web browser window displaysing the VT Trader user forums
Video Manual - Opens a new web browser window allowing the user to access the current multimedia help
materials available
Run a Connection Trace Route 42 - Opens the TraceRouter To Server window; the log generated by this utility
helps the user's broker troubleshoot connectivity issues
Submit Activity Log 44 - Allows the user to automatically upload a copy of any broker-requested trading activity
log directly to their broker using VT Trader; this may be helpful to the broker while working to resolve any trading
claims the user may have submitted.
- Provides the current version and build number of the VT Trader application installed on the user's PC. Run Connection Trace Route
If the user is experiencing any type of connectivity problem while attempting to use VT Trader (for example, "Server
Unavailable" error messages, timeouts while attempting to login, frequent disconnections, not receiving streaming
price quotes and/or chart data while VT Trader is running), it is necessary to perform a network trace route to help
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
troubleshoot the issue(s).
Only port 80 is required to access the VT Trader platform.
If the user is certain that port 80 is open and no firewall is blocking the connection, we strongly suggest the user
performs a network Trace Route to help the broker's technical support department better assist in the event that
services are disrupted.
To perform a network trace route using the Trace Route Window within VT Trader:
1. Select the proper Host from the selection menu based on your account type (demo vs. live) with your Forex
2. Adjust the Hops, Tries Per Hop, Time Out, and Packet Size options if necessary or if told to by your Forex
broker's technical support department. Otherwise, leave them as their default values.
3. Press the [Start] button to begin the trace route.
4. Once the trace route has completed, press the [Save] button to save the results to a text file.
5. The user should then include all of the information in an email, including the time(s) unable to establish
connection, and send it to the their broker's technical support department for further assistance.
To perform a network trace route using the Windows® operating system:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Please select the Command Prompt program group icon using Start button>Programs>Accessories>Command
* This will display the DOS prompt to allow the user to enter the necessary commands.
2. Please type:
tracert vtdemo.fxserver.com (the user should ask the broker's technical support what their server addresses are for
demo accounts)
... or ...
tracert vtlive.fxserver.com (the user should ask the broker's technical support what their server addresses are for
live accounts)
The user must copy the responses displayed from the trace route by right-clicking in the Command Prompt window
and selecting "select all". Once all of the text is selected, the user may right-click in the window again and copy the
results into the clipboard. The user should then paste all of the information in an email, including the time(s) unable
to establish connection, and send it to the their broker's technical support department for further assistance. Submit Activity Log
If the user's broker supports Activity Log submissions, VT Trader has the ability to submit an Activity Log directly
to the broker using the Submit Activity Log menu selection. Before attempting to use this function, the user must:
· Verify that this option is available from their broker
· Submit a claim to their broker and then subsequently receive an Activity Log submission request with an
assigned TicketID from their broker
The Select Log Date window displays a list of stored Activity Logs for the user to choose from. The Trader Login
is the current user logged into VT Trader. The TicketID is assigned by the user's broker.
Before pressing the [Upload] button, the user MUST ensure that the correct Activity Log Date, Trader
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VT Trader Interface
Login, and TicketID are displayed in this window. Incorrect information may delay the broker's ability to
resolve a claim. About...
The About... menu selection displays a VT Trader information screen that shows the currently installed version and
build number (shown highlighted in red in the screenshot below). To close this window position the cursor
anywhere within the graphic and click the left mouse button once.
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VT Trader Help Manual
Trading Bookmark
The Trading Bookmark (highlighted in red below) of the Navigator Window 12 allows the user to access VT
Trader's Trading Windows 144 and charts as well as indicators and trading systems, both built-in and created by
the user.
To access the various components within the Trading Bookmark the user must use the mouse to click the + (or
>) icon next to each section of the file tree to expand its contents. Each section of the file tree will be discussed in
detail below.
The Trading Windows 144 section allows the user to quickly open (or display) any VT Trader trading window. If the
chosen window is already open, VT Trader will display the selected trading window in front of the other windows.
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By using the Charts section, the user can open specific chart windows by directly selecting a trade instrument, time
interval, and chart type.
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The Charts Layers section allows the user to adjust the visibility and brightness attributes of the selected chart
elements attached to the active chart window. When the user chooses a selection from the Chart Layers, an
additional Brightness Window 51 is displayed that is used to define how a particular element will be shown on the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The Chart Inspection Window option opens the aforementioned window allowing it to display information relevant
to the active chart window.
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VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Indicators, Custom Indicators, Trading Systems, and Custom Trading Systems sections in the
Trading Bookmark, the user has the ability to choose and attach any indicators (built-in or custom) and/or trading
systems (built-in or custom) to the active chart window.
The Custom Indicators 419 and Custom Trading Systems sections are reserved to contain only imported
indicators and/or trading systems or indicators and trading systems built by the user in the Indicator Builder 348
and Trading System Builder 435 tools. The user can select indicators and trading systems from these sections to
add to a chart in the same fashion as the built-in indicators and trading systems.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The Forex Resources section contain links to real-time market news 193 , economic data 35 , and expert market
commentary 35 as well as useful tools such as the Currency Calculator 37 and Pip Calculator 38 .
Brightness Window
The Brightness Window allows the user to adjust the visibility of the chart element selected from within the
Navigator Window 12 >Trading Bookmark 46 >Chart Layers 48 section.
The arrow slider allows the user to adjust the transparency of the chart element while it is displayed on the chart.
Removing the checkmark next to the Visible option will make the chart element completely invisible on the chart
until the checkmark is added again.
Please Note: The adjustment of brightness/visibility will only apply to the chart elements of the currently active
chart window.
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VT Trader Help Manual
Options Bookmark
The Options Bookmark (highlighted in red below) of the Navigator Window 12 allows the user to access all of
VT Trader's main program options, connection parameters, and default settings relating to elements of the
interface and drawing tools.
To access the various components within the Options Bookmark the user must use the mouse to click the + icon
next to each section of the file tree to expand its contents. Each section of the file tree will be discussed in detail
The Servers 57 section allows the user to adjust the settings used by VT Trader to connect to the broker's
services. If the user is located behind a local network router and/or firewall that prohibits VT Trader from making a
connection it may be necessary to connect using a Proxy Server.
The Properties section breaks down into several additional subsections. Each subsection allows the user to adjust
certain aspects of the default program settings of VT Trader as well as the default display properties for all facets
of the VT Trader Interface including the trading windows 144 , chart window 111 , order labels, drawing tools 218 ,
price alerts 30 , and Print Setup. For more explanation on each of the Properties subsections please continue
reading below. Feel free to click on any subsection's page link for a more thorough discussion of that particular
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
+ Properties > General > ...
- General Properties
- Defines the default program settings
of VT Trader
- Cross Hair - Defines the default display properties of the CrossHair tool
+ Properties > Charting > ...
- Line and Fill - Defines the default properties used to display the price bars in the chart window using the
various chart types 102 ; The Up Color box determines the border (outline) color and the fill (body) color of a price
bar where the Close price > Open price and the Down Color box determines the border (outline) color and the fill
(body) color of a price bar where the Close price < Open price when viewing the Candlestick chart type 102 ; the
Color and Line Width selections determine the line color and line thickness of a price bar when viewing the Outline
Candlestick 102 , Bar 102 , Uninterrupted Bar 102 , and Line chart types 102 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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- Point & Figure - Defines the default drawing properties used to display the rising column or X's (using Up
Color) and the declining column of O's (using Down Color) when viewing the Point & Figure Chart Type 102
- Renko - Defines the default drawing properties used to display the rising bricks or X's (using Up Color)
and the declining bricks (using Down Color) when viewing the Renko Chart Type 102
- Orders - Defines the default label properties for each different type of trade order (or position(s))
displayed in a trade instrument's chart window 111 (see screenshot below); The user can adjust the fill color of the
label, the border color of the label, the color of the line identifying its price on the chart as well as the font attributes
for the text displayed within the label. In the case of the Open Position, Summary Position, and PAM Position labels
it is possible for the user to adjust the color of the label based on the open positions' profit or loss.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
- User Objects - Defines the default properties for the drawing tools 218 included in VT Trader; This
includes the General Use Tools 219 , Line Tools 241 , Price Channel Tools 263 , Fibonacci Tools 296 , and Gann Tools
328 .
- General - Defines the default Chart Properties 66 used in the display of the various aspects of a Chart
Window 111 ; Adjusting the default chart properties using this subsection of the Options Bookmark will
automatically adjust every open chart window in VT Trader currently utilizing the default chart properties. All new
chart windows opened will also be displayed using these default properties.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
+ Properties > Trading Windows > ...
- Dealing Rates - Defines the default display properties of the Dealing Rates Window>Rates Bookmark 145
- Open Positions - Defines the default display properties of the Open Positions Window 166
- Closed Positions - Defines the default display properties of the Closed Positions Window 171
- Pending Orders - Defines the default display properties of the Pending Orders Window 177
- Account(s) Information - Defines the default display properties of the Account(s) Information Window
- Summary by Accounts - Defines the default display properties of the Summary By Accounts Window
- Dealing Rates (Advanced) - Defines the default display properties of the Dealing Rates
Window>Advanced Rates Bookmark 153
+ Properties > Chart Inspection Window
- Defines the default display properties for Chart Inspection Window
+ Properties > Price Alert
- Defines the default display properties for Price Alert 30 labels displayed in a trade instrument's chart
window; The user can adjust: the label line color that marks the alert price (Color), the label fill color (Label Color),
the label border color (Label Border), the width of the line that marks the alert price (Line Width), and the font
attributes of the text in the label (Font[...]).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
+ Properties > Print Setup
- Defines the default document setup and color properties for printing charts; The user can adjust the
default page margins, font attributes for the page title, as well as certain effects specifying color or black/white
From within the Servers section the user may select the appropriate server from the available listing to view and
edit* the connection settings.
* The user may only edit the settings for the selected server if, upon logging into VT Trader, [Work Offline] was
chosen or if the user chooses to first use the Account Logout option from within the Navigator Window 12 >File
Menu 13 . Once VT Trader has entered Offline Mode the text fields will no longer be disabled and the user will be
able to adjust their values (refer to screenshot below). The user may also edit the Servers settings by using the
Server Properties icon displayed to the right of the Dealing Desk dropdown selection menu from the Login
Window 7 .
After the user's server selection has been made, a new dialog window will display.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The server connection being adjusted is displayed in the window header (shown as vtdemo.fxserver.com in the
screenshot above).
IP Address - The IP Address assigned to the broker's services (or services gateway).
HTTP Port - The port VT Trader uses to connect to the broker's services.
It is not recommended to change the IP Address or HTTP Port fields; these are configured automatically when VT
Trader is installed.
If the user must connect with VT Trader through a Proxy Server, the Proxy and Proxy Port settings must be
appropriately entered into their respective text fields. If the proxy requires a username and password login, the
Proxy Login and Proxy Password settings must also be filled in correctly. The values for these settings will
typically be provided to the user by their network administrator or the Proxy Server's technical support staff.
Server Wait Timeout - Defines the amount of time (in seconds) that an attempted connection to the broker's
services is deemed to have failed if it is unable to connect. It is recommended to increase this parameter up to
120-360 seconds for heavy traffic internet connections or slow(er) internet connections.
The user may press [OK] to save any changes made and then attempt to login into VT Trader again or press [
Cancel] to exit the dialog window without saving any changes.
General Properties
The General Properties subsection of the Options Bookmark 52 allows the user access to VT Trader's main
program properties. The General Properties Window is divided into two individual bookmarks - the General
Bookmark 58 and the Communication Bookmark 64 . A checkmark in the box to the right of an option specifies
that it is enabled.
Below is a screenshot of the General Bookmark with default property settings. A detailed description of each
option follows below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
(General Properties>General Bookmark w/ default properties)
AutoSave Desktop Template on Exit - Allows VT Trader to automatically save the active desktop template
(layout), open chart windows' properties with attached indicators and trading systems, as well as the attached
drawing tools and their respective properties when the user exits VT Trader using Navigator Window>File>Exit 13
or System Tray Icon>Contextual Menu>Exit 214 ; VT Trader will not automatically save the active desktop template
(layout) when the user exits if the charting service is unavailable; This helps ensure the user will not lose their
previous chart setups and associated technical analysis to an automatic save when the chart(s) cannot be
AutoSave Desktop Template on Switching - Allows VT Trader to automatically save the active desktop template
(layout), open chart windows' properties with attached indicators and trading systems, as well as the attached
drawing tools and their respective properties when the user switches between desktop templates using Navigator
Window>File>Desktop Template 13 menu options
AutoSave Desktop Template on Account Logout - Allows VT Trader to automatically save the active desktop
template (layout), open chart windows' properties with attached indicators and trading systems, as well as the
attached drawing tools and their respective properties when the user uses the Navigator Window>File>Account
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
or System Tray Icon>Contextual Menu>Account Logout
menu options
AutoSave Desktop Template on Account Login - Allows VT Trader to automatically save the active desktop
template (layout), open chart windows' properties with attached indicators and trading systems, as well as the
attached drawing tools and their respective properties when the user uses the Navigator Window>File>Account
Login 13 or System Tray Icon>Contextual Menu>Account Login 214 menu options while working in Offline Mode
AutoHide Navigator Window - Functions similar to the AutoHide button 86 in the Navigator Toolbar 86 ; It acts to
visibly anchor the Navigator Window 12 in its position on the monitor when disabled. While enabled, the Navigator
Window 12 will autohide immediately upon successful login 7 to VT Trader.
Animate Navigator Window when AutoHiding - If enabled, when the Navigator Window 12 is in AutoHide Mode
the small grey strip of the Navigator Window 12 that remains visible will flash with light and dark grey blocks of
color up and down its vertical length; If disabled, the small strip of the Navigator Window 12 will remain a solid light
grey color.
AutoSwitch to Select Drawing Tool - While enabled, the mouse cursor will automatically switch back to the
Select drawing tool 91 after the user has used one of the other drawing tools in a chart window; While disabled, the
mouse cursor would remain as the selected drawing tool 218 (for example, the Fibonacci Fan) allowing the user to
place several of the same drawing tool 218 (for example, the Fibonacci Fan) on the chart in succession without the
need to select the drawing tool 218 each time before attempting to use it
Always Create New Chart Window - While enabled, when the user attempts to open a new chart window 111
using Navigator Window 12 >File 13 >Open New Chart 14 or Navigator Window 12 >Trading Bookmark 46 >Charts
46 , a new chart window 111 will always be created. While disabled, VT Trader will first attempt to reuse an already
open chart window 111 if one exists; If no such chart window 111 exists, VT Trader creates a new one according to
the user's selection.
Show Warning for Indicator Order - Displays a Disclaimer window when the user attempts to place an Indicator
Order using the Chart Window Contextual Menu 127 (see screenshot for disclaimer text); The user must press the [
I Agree] button to proceed with order placement. If the user places a checkmark next to the "Click here if you
agree..." phrase the disclaimer window will be disabled and will no longer be displayed until this option is manually
enabled by the user again.
Show Warning for 1-Click Orders - Displays a Disclaimer window when the user attempts to enable the 1-Click
Orders (1CO) feature in the Dealing Rates Window 145 >Rates Bookmark 145 (see screenshot for disclaimer text);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The user must press the [I Agree] button to proceed with adding the trading system to the chart. If the user places
a checkmark next to the "Click here if you agree..." phrase the disclaimer window will be disabled and will no longer
be displayed until this option is manually enabled by the user again.
Show Warning for Trading Systems - Displays a Disclaimer window when the user attempts to add a trading
system to a trade instrument's chart window (see screenshot for disclaimer text); The user must press the [I Agree]
button to proceed with adding the trading system to the chart. If the user places a checkmark next to the "Click
here if you agree..." phrase the disclaimer window will be disabled and will no longer be displayed until this option is
manually enabled by the user again.
Show Warning for Chart Patterns - (Currently not available in VT Trader) - Displays a Disclaimer window when
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
the user attempts to open the Chart Patterns Window (see screenshot for disclaimer text); The user must press the
[I Agree] button to proceed with opening the window. If the user places a checkmark next to the "Click here if you
agree..." phrase the disclaimer window will be disabled and will no longer be displayed until this option is manually
enabled by the user again.
Show Trading System Alerts in Separate Window - Displays text alerts generated by active trading systems in a
separate window instead of in the Activity Log Window 188 ; The Trading Systems Alerts Window displays the:
Date/Time of the alert, trade instrument, chart interval, Buy/Sell direction of alert, trading system name, and text
message as defined in the trading system. A checkmark box is displayed next to the Date/Time. If the user
removes this checkmark from a Trading System Alert, the trading system output variable responsible for
generating the alert will be temporarily disabled. This is useful if the trading system is generating several alerts per
minute during a given bar and you wish to disable the alerts until after the bar ends. To enable the output variable
responsible for the alert once more, the user must place a checkmark next to the appropriate alert message. *
Alternatively, the user may choose to use the Active Trading Systems Summary Window 32 >[Params Enabled]
button to disable and/or enable the various trading system output variables.
Display Order Confirmation Window - Displays an additional Request for Confirmation window when the user
attempts to place a market order or entry order on a trade instrument; this allows the user to double-check their
order entry information before sending it to their brokerage
Number of Most Recently Used Charts in ReOpen File List - Determines the number of chart references
contained in the Navigator Window>File>Recently Viewed Charts menu 13
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
AutoScroll to Most Current Price in Chart(s) - Enables or disables the AutoScroll To Current Time
the default setting in the Charting Toolbar 96 and Chart Window Toolbar 115
option as
Default Interval for Open New Chart - Determines the default Chart Interval 99 that any new chart window
be displayed with when using Navigator Window>File>Open New Chart 13 menu
Default Chart Type for Open New Chart - Determines the default Chart Type 102 that any new chart window
will be displayed with when using Navigator Window>File>Open New Chart 13 menu
Enable "Hedge" Option By Default - Enables or disables the "Hedge" option by default in the Open Position(s)
Window displayed when the user attempts to place a market order or entry order. * The "Hedge" option allows the
user to open an opposing position without closing the opposite open position; For example, if the user's trading
account has an open BUY position and the user tries to execute a SELL market order without a checkmark next to
the "Hedge" option, the SELL market order would close out all of or a portion of the open BUY position (depending
on the lot sizes respective to each order placed). However, if the user performs the same action above, but there
IS a checkmark next to the "Hedge" option when executing the new SELL market order, the BUY position would
NOT be closed out - it would remain "as is" and a new SELL position would be created. This allows the user to
have both BUY and SELL position(s) open simultaneously in the same currency pair using the same trading
account. If there is no active open position when a new order with the "Hedge" option enabled is requested, the
"Hedge" option is simply ignored.
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Bring Activity Log to Front on Incoming Message - Enables or disables the Activity Log Window's 188 ability to
take the focus away from other windows when an incoming message is displayed. This option is disabled by
AutoScroll Activity Log to Incoming Message - Allows each new incoming message displayed in the Activity
Log Window 188 to be displayed the top of the list. This option is enabled by default. If one or more messages is
highlighted by the user this option is temporarily disabled while the message(s) remain highlighted thereby allowing
the user to view and/or search through the messages with ease.
Below is a screenshot of the Communication Bookmark with default property settings. A detailed description of
each option follows below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
(General Properties>Communication Bookmark w/ default properties)
Current Price History Length (# of bars) - Defines the number of price bars displayed in each trade instrument's
chart window; The minimum amount of price history that can be loaded is 100 bars while the maximum number
that can be loaded is 5,000 price bars.
Reuters News Refresh Interval (minutes) - Defines how often (in 1 minute increments) the Reuters News
Window 193 will automatically refresh to display new headlines; The minimum refresh rate is every 1 minute; The
maximum refresh rate is every 60 minutes.
Attempt Auto-Reconnect on Disconnection - While enabled, VT Trader will automatically attempt a full re-login
to the broker's services after the Auto-Reconnection Timeout value has expired in the event of a temporary
service disruption without a successful reconnection during the Auto-Reconnection Timeout session; VT Trader
will continue attempting reconnection continuously until a successful connection is established; The amount of time
between each reconnection attempt is specified by the Auto-Reconnection Timeout (minutes) option; If disabled
(not recommended), VT Trader will not attempt a full re-login once the Auto-Reconnection Timeout value has
expired; The user will be required to press the [Relogin] button to perform a full re-login.
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Auto-Reconnection Timeout (minutes) - Defines the amount of time (from 1 minute to 10 minutes) that VT
Trader will continue to attempt to automatically re-establish a connection to the brokerage's data server before
attempting a full re-login if the Attempt Auto-Reconnect on Disconnection option is enabled; NOTE: If the
Attempt Auto-Reconnect on Disconnection is option is enabled, this setting is also used as the amount of time
counted down between each reconnection attempt once the sequence of reconnections has begun.
Get Message Timeout(s) - Defines the amount of time (in seconds) that VT Trader waits before retrieving the next
incoming streaming price quote for the broker's available trade instruments; This option should generally be left 'as
is' unless your broker's technical support department suggests that it be adjusted. To decrease the bandwidth
usage of VT Trader the user can move this slider to the right closer to "Slower Response, Lower Bandwidth".
Disable Streaming Quotes - If enabled, VT Trader will not receive real-time, streaming market price quotes from
the broker's services
Disable SSL - If enabled, VT Trader's ability to connect to the broker's services using Secure Socket Layer
technology (SSL) is DISABLED; This should only be disabled if it is suggested to do so by the broker's technical
support department.
Enable Q.O.S. Statistics Submission Service - If enabled, VT Trader will be able to send quality of service
information back to your brokerage; This information helps improve VT Trader
Enable TalkBack Error Submission Service - If enabled, VT Trader will be able to send error reports back to
your brokerage; This information helps improve VT Trader
Disable New Version Updates - If enabled, this stops VT Trader from checking for new software updates each
time the software is launched
Enable Log Split By Day - If enabled, VT Trader splits the log files created by the Enable Logging option into
separate days. If disabled, VT Trader will continue appending new logging information into the existing log sets. It is
extremely advisable that this option remain enabled at all times.
Delete Logs Older Than n-Days - VT Trader is continuously compiling log files that contain any errors
encountered while VT Trader is communicating with your brokerage's services; This option allows the user to
increase or decrease the number of days that the generated logs are kept for prior to automatic deletion; On an
average day of usage, VT Trader will generate approximately 20 megabytes worth of log files.
Chart Properties
The Properties>Charting>General subsection of the Options Bookmark 52 allows the user to define and adjust
the default properties used to display the various aspects of the Chart Window 111 .
Each chart window in VT Trader uses one of two different modes for its chart properties - either the Default Chart
Properties Mode or its Custom Chart Properties Mode. It is very important to take note of this fact. Open chart
windows using the Default Chart Properties Mode will be automatically redrawn each time the default chart
properties are adjusted; New chart windows are always opened using the default chart properties. Open chart
windows that are using their Custom Chart Properties Mode will NOT be affected by changes made to the default
chart properties.
It is easy to distinguish which mode a particular open chart window is utilizing.
A chart window is determined to be using the Default Chart Properties Mode if the Chart Properties option is
available (not greyed out) while the Set Chart Properties to Default option is not available (greyed out) in the chart
window's contextual menu 127 . This signifies that the user has made no changes to this chart window's properties.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
A chart window is determined to be using its Custom Chart Properties Mode if the Chart Properties option is not
available (greyed out) while the Set Chart Properties to Default option is available (not greyed out) in the chart
window's contextual menu 127 . This occurs once the user has accessed the chart window's contextual menu 127 ,
selected Chart Properties, and made changes to the chart properties. Upon accessing the chart window's
contextual menu 127 after making changes to the chart window's properties the user will notice that the Chart
Properties option is no longer available (greyed out).
The Properties>Charting>General subsection of the Options Bookmark 52 containing the default chart properties
is further divided into several specific bookmarks. Each bookmark allows the user to adjust certain aspects of the
chart window 111 . Please select from the list below for a full discussion on each bookmark...
Labels Bookmark 67
Current Rate Line Bookmark 69
Rulers Bookmark 72
Spread Band Bookmark 75
High/Low Lines Bookmark 78
Quotes Board Bookmark 81
Supplementary Frames Bookmark
83 Labels Bookmark
The Labels Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to adjust the default display properties
and font attributes of the Hidden Position Labels and Indicator Labels as well as the default placement (alignment)
of the labels within the chart window 111 .
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Below is a screenshot with the Hidden Position Labels highlighted in red for easy visual reference. These labels
display the value of their respective High and Low lines for that period of time when the High and Low lines are not
visible within the chart window (notice how the red and blue lines in the chart window screenshot below disappear
out of the viewable area towards the top and bottom of the chart window). The user can adjust the default label
color and the font attributes for the label text.
Below is a screenshot with an example of an Indicator Label highlighted in red for easy visual reference. The user
can adjust the label fill color, border color, line width, and font attributes for the label text.
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69 Current Rate Line Bookmark
The Current Rate Line Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to adjust the default display
properties and font attributes of the Current Rate Line as well as the default placement (Market Line Drawing) of
the current rate line within the chart window 111 .
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Below is a screenshot with the Current Rate Line highlighted in red for easy visual reference. The Current Rate
Line displays the current market price (based on the Bid/Ask setting in the Chart Window Toolbar 115 ) of the trade
instrument from within the chart window. The user can adjust the default background label color, the line color,
width, and style as well as the font attributes for the label text. Using the Market Line Drawing setting, the user can
display the current rate line label in the vertical ruler of the chart window 111 (as shown below) or as a separate
label floating within the chart window (also shown below).
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(Market Line Drawing as Right Band option)
(Market Line Drawing as Chart option)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Rulers Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to adjust the default display properties
and font attributes of the Horizontal Ruler and Vertical Ruler; the default display properties for the Chart Grid 220 ,
Chart Window Tools Panel 111 , and Status Line 111 within the chart window 111 ; as well as the Scale Fix Options 74 .
Below is a screenshot with the Horizontal Ruler and Vertical Ruler highlighted in red for easy visual reference. The
Chart Grid 220 is displayed as vertical and horizontal dashed lines in a pail greenish-grey color. The Chart Window
Toolbar 115 and Status Line are both visible in the screenshot.
The Horizontal Ruler (located along the bottom of the chart window 111 ) displays date and time markers for the
price bars based on the Chart Interval in the Interval Toolbar 99 and Chart Window Toolbar 115 . The user can
adjust the default ruler background color, foreground color, margin width and the font attributes for the text
displaying the date/time markers.
The Vertical Ruler (located along the right side of the chart window 111 ) displays price markers for the price bars (
based on the Chart Interval in the Interval Toolbar 99 and Chart Window Toolbar 115 ). The user can adjust the
default ruler background color, foreground color, margin width and the font attributes for the text displaying the
price markers.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Chart Grid 220 automatically draws its vertical lines at predefined increments (based on the Chart Interval in
the Interval Toolbar 99 and Chart Window Toolbar 115 ) and its horizontal lines at predefined price markers (usually
rounded numbers of price such as 1.2000, 1.2050, and 1.2100). The user can adjust the default grid color, line
style, and visibility setting.
The Tools Panel contains the Chart Window Toolbar
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
(Chart tools) and the Status Line (located directly below
VT Trader Help Manual
the Chart Window Toolbar 115 ). The Status Line displays the date/time and price information associated with the
mouse cursor's position within the chart window, the current date/time as specified by the broker's services, along
with LED's indicating the current connection status between VT Trader and the broker's services. Only the visibility
of the Status Line can be adjusted. Scale Fix Options
The Scale Fix Options can be defined and adjusted as default chart properties (highlighted in red below) or as
custom chart properties (by using the active chart window's contextual menu>Chart Properties option or the
Vertical Ruler's contextual menu).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Scale Fix One to One option allows the user set the vertical and horizontal chart scales in a 1:1 relationship 1 unit of time is equal to 1 unit of price. This scaling is important for the proper interpretation of Gann 328 tools.
If the Scale Fix One to One option is enabled, the user can still use vertical zoom 96 and horizontal zoom 96 ,
however, the chart will be adjusted according to the fixed 1:1 scale. If the user adjusts the vertical scale of the
chart, the chart will automatically adjust the horizontal scale to keep a 1:1 aspect ratio. The same is true if the user
optionally adjusts the horizontal scale.
The Zoom 96 and Undo Zoom 96 tools are disabled when the Scale Fix One to One option is enabled, however,
the user may still use the AutoSize Vertically 96 option at his/her discretion. It is important to note that if the user
opts to enable the AutoSize Vertically 96 option, the Scale Fix One to One option becomes temporarily disabled
until the AutoSize Vertically 96 option is disabled. Spread Band Bookmark
The Spread Band Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to define and adjust the default
display properties of the Spread Band, Chart Background Color, and Background Color for the High/Low Zone
within the chart window 111 as well as the Chart Loading... and Chart Error... screens.
Using the Spread Band section of this bookmark, the user can adjust the default color of the Spread Band, its
Transparency, and its Shadow Clarity. Using the Background Color option, the user can adjust the default
background color of the chart window (the areas above and below the High/Low Lines 78 ). Using the Background
Color for High/Low Zone, the user can adjust the default background color of the chart window between the
High/Low Lines 78 .
Using the Background section of this bookmark, the user can also define and adjust the color of the Chart
Loading... and Chart Error... screens along with the font attributes for the text displayed in each screen. The
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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messages' font attributes can be adjusted by clicking the [ ... ] button next to each font item.
Below is a zoomed-in chart screenshot diplaying the Spread Band and Current Rate Line for easy visual reference.
The Spread Band is displayed as a highlighted area (based on the Transparency and Shadow Clarity options -- in
this example, yellow with 50% transparency) attached to the Current Rate Line that is equal to the difference
between the Bid and Ask price of the trade instrument being analyzed. If the user is viewing the chart window 111
based on the Bid price then the Spread Band will be displayed above of the Current Rate Line (see below). If,
however, the user is viewing the chart window based on the Ask price then the Spread Band will be displayed
below the Current Rate Line.
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Below is a screenshot of the Chart Loading... screen using the default color and font attributes.
Below is a screenshot of the Chart Error... screen using the default color and font attributes.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual High/Low Lines Bookmark
The High/Low Lines Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to define and adjust the
default visibility, display properties, and font attributes of the Low Line and High Line as well as the default
placement (Spread Line Drawing) of the associated High/Low Price labels within the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Below is a screenshot with the Low Line and High Line highlighted in red for easy visual reference. The Low Line is
displayed in red and the High Line is displayed in blue.
The Low Line displays a line equal to the trade instrument's lowest price as defined by the High/Low Zone option in
the chart window's contextual menu 127 . The user can adjust the default visibility setting, price label background
color, line color, line width, line style, label connector line width (dependent on Spread Line Drawing setting) as well
as the font attributes for the text displaying the low price value.
The High Line displays a line equal to the trade instrument's highest price as defined by the High/Low Zone option
in the chart window's contextual menu 127 . The user can adjust the default visibility setting, price label background
color, line color, line width, line style, label connector line width (dependent on Spread Line Drawing setting) as well
as the font attributes for the text displaying the high price value.
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The Spread Line Drawing option allows the user to display the High/Low Price Labels within the vertical ruler (Right
Band setting) or within the chart window 111 as floating labels (Chart setting).
(Spread Line Drawing as Right Band option)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
(Spread Line Drawing as Chart option) Quotes Board Bookmark
The Quotes Board Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to define and adjust the default
visibility setting, display properties, and font attributes of the Quotes Board when displayed within the chart window
111 . The Quotes Board is not visible in the chart window 111 by default. However, its display can easily be enabled
or disabled as a custom chart property for a specific chart window 111 by using that chart window's toolbar 115 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Below is a chart window screenshot with the Quotes Board visible for easy visual reference. The Quotes Board
(located in the top, left corner of the chart window 111 ) displays the trade instrument along with its current Sell (Bid)
and Buy (Ask) market prices. The arrows next to the price value in the Sell and Buy cells let the user know if the
current market price being displayed is greater than (Up Arrow) or less than (Down Arrow) the previous market
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
83 Supplementary Frames Bookmark
The Supplementary Frames Bookmark of the Chart Properties Window 66 allows the user to select which
supplementary frames are displayed by default across the top of the chart window 111 . A checkmark next to the
supplementary frame name indicates that particular frame should be visible. The Supplementary Frames provides
quick and easy access to the same information as is available in each of the corresponding Trading Windows 144 ,
but without the need to take up additional screen space.
The Auto Show Trend Frame option allows the user to set the default visibility setting of an additional frame that
displays below the main chart window 111 only when a trading system that has trends enabled output variable is
attached to the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Below is a screenshot with the Supplementary Frames highlighted in red for easy visual reference.
Account(s) Information Frame - Displays the same information as the Account(s) Information Window 160
Dealing Rates Frame - Displays the same information as the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 of the Dealing Rates
Window 145
Open Positions Frame - Displays the same information as the Open Positions Window 166
Orders Frame - Displays the same information as the Pending Orders Window 177
Summary by Accounts Frame - Displays the same information as the Summary by Accounts Window 182
To view the contents of a supplemental frame, the user must click the left mouse button once while hovering over
the supplemental frame they wish to view.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Navigator Toolbar
The Navigator Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) allows the user to adjust
the overall window arrangements displayed by VT Trader. The user can customize the icons displayed within the
Navigator Toolbar (or hide the toolbar completely) by accessing its contextual menu 86 .
Below is a description of each tool icon (as shown from left to right in the screenshot above) within the Navigator
Autohide -Depressing the autohide icon allows the Navigator Window 12 to "hide" from the user's view on the
desktop. In autohide mode only a thin, gray strip of the Navigator Window 12 is visible down the left side of the
user's desktop. This icon is depressed by default to visibly anchor the Navigator Window 12 to its current position
in VT Trader layout. To make the Navigator Window 12 visible once hidden the user must move the mouse
cursor to the far left side of the desktop (over top of the thin, gray strip) and hold it there for approximately 1-5
seconds for the Navigator Window 12 to fully reappear. Once visible again, the user must press down the
autohide icon once more to anchor the window.
Minimize window - Pressing the minimize icon compacts the Navigator Window 12 towards the left side of the
monitor screen so that only 1 layer of toolbars is visible. Pressing this icon again restores the Navigator Window
12 to full view.
Tile Horizontally - Arranges all open windows according to the Tile Horizontally logic (see Navigator Window
Window 38 for details)
Tile Vertically - Arranges all open windows according to the Tile Vertically logic (see Navigator Window
Window 38 for details)
Cascade - Arranges all open windows in equal sizes stacked on top of each other according to the Cascade logic
(see Navigator Window 12 >Window 38 for details)
Restore Default Arrangement - Restores the current VT Trader window arrangement back to the original default
window arrangement and settings
Close All Windows - Closes (exits) all open VT Trader windows with the exception of the Navigator Window
Access the NavigatorToolbar's contextual menu
for customization
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Navigator Toolbar 86 by clicking the right mouse button while
hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
The user may remove the checkmark next to the Navigator Toolbar option to hide the toolbar completely. If the
toolbar has been hidden, the user may restore its visibility by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting it from the
contextual menu.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Navigator Toolbar 86 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are currently
included in the Navigator Toolbar 86 .
The Navigator Toolbar 86 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and Standard by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Navigator Toolbar 86 is displayed
using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window screenshot above).
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Navigator
Toolbar 86 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Connect Level Toolbar
The Connect Level Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) displays to the user
the status of VT Trader's connections to the broker's services. This toolbar is also displayed in a mini-format in the
bottom, right corner of the chart window's status bar.
The user may show or hide the Connect Level Toolbar by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting the Connect Level
Toolbar option from the contextual menu. If the toolbar is visible anywhere in VT Trader's layout a checkmark will
be visible next to its name. No checkmark will be visible next to its name if the toolbar is currently hidden.
The Connect Level Toolbar displays three LED's:
· Trading (has "T" in icon)
· Messaging (has "M" in icon)
· Charting (has "C" in icon)
The LED's correspond to the connectivity status of each of the following services provided by the broker:
Trading - Connection status for trading operations;
Messaging - Connection status for real-time price quotes;
Charting - Connection status for charting service
Each LED will display one of four possible status colors:
Each color represents VT Trader's connection status respective to the LED's particular service (i.e.: Trading,
Messaging, and Charting).
Green - Connection is OK and running smoothly. However, it is impossible to detect a loss in connectivity the
instant that it occurs. For this reason it's possible that the LED's may remain a Green color even shortly after the
actual connection has been lost.
Yellow - Connection is UNSTABLE; a LED will display yellow after that particular service has generated two or
more consecutive errors (up to the # of errors required to display Red); If the Trading LED is yellow, the user will
not be able to conduct any trading during this time.
Red - Connection is NOT AVAILABLE; If VT Trader determines it has lost connectivity to one or more services the
corresponding LED's will display red. If the Trading LED is red, the user will not be able to conduct any trading
during this time. Once the Messaging LED or Trading LED turn red, the Connection Ballon Window displays and a
passive reconnection phase begins. Note: If VT Trader is minimized to the Windows® taskbar, the Connection
Balloon Window displays attached to the VT Trader system tray icon instead of to the Connect Level Toolbar (as
shown in the screenshot below).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
If connectivity is restored before the AutoReconnection Timeout bar completes the LED's turn Green and the
Connection Balloon Window disppears. However, if connectivity is not restored and the Attempt Auto-Reconnect on
Disconnection option is checkmarked, at the end of the AutoReconnection Timeout a full login will be attempted.
Grey - User is working in Offline Mode; No connection to the broker's services is active.
Important Note: Each LED functions independently of the others. This means that if, for example, the Charting
LED turns Red (i.e.: charting is not available), but the Messaging LED and Trading LED both remain Green you
should still be able to receive real-time price quotes in the Dealing Rates Window 145 and place trades.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Drawing Toolbar
The Drawing Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) allows the user quick
access to all of the Drawing Tools 218 included in VT Trader. The user can customize the icons displayed within
the Drawing Toolbar (or hide the toolbar completely) by accessing its contextual menu 92 .
Below is a description of each tool icon (as shown from left to right in the screenshot above) within the Drawing
Toolbar. For a complete description of each tool just click on the tool's name to be redirected its specific page(s) in
the Drawing Tools section 218 of this help manual.
Show CrossHair 223 - Enables/disables the CrossHair Tool 223 display for the active chart window based on the
CrossHair Tool's default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>Cross Hair
Show Grid 220 - Enables/disables the Grid display for the active chart window as defined by Navigator
Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>General>Rulers Bookmark
Copy Prices 227 - Allows the user to select a range of historical prices displayed in the active chart window to save
into a .txt file.
Pick Tool - Returns the mouse cursor to its default arrow pointer if AutoSwitch to Select Drawing Tool option is
unchecked in Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark
Comments 231 - Allows the user to write comments in the active chart window using the default properties as
defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Comments
Symbols 236 - Allows the user to place symbols in the active chart window using the default properties as defined
by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Symbols
Trend Line 252 - Draws a trend line in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by Navigator
Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Trend Line
Vertical Line 242 - Draws a vertical line in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Vertical Line
Horizontal Line 246 - Draws a horizontal line in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Horizontal Line
Fibonacci Horizontal 297 - Draws a set of horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 in the active chart window using the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Horizontal
Fibonacci Vertical 304 - Draws a set of vertical Fibonacci lines 304 in the active chart window using the default
properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Fibonacci
Fibonacci Angled 309 - Draws a set of angled Fibonacci lines 309 in the active chart window using the default
properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Fibonacci
Fibonacci Arc 321 - Draws a Fibonacci arc 321 in the active chart window using the default properties as defined
by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Fibonacci Arc
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Fibonacci Fan 316 - Draws a Fibonacci fan 316 in the active chart window using the default properties as defined
by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Fibonacci Fan
Regression Line 258 - Draws a linear regression line 258 in the active chart window using the default properties
as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Linear Regression Line
Standard Deviation Channel 264 - Draws a Standard Deviation Channel 264 in the active chart window using the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Standard Deviation Channel
Standard Error Channel 271 - Draws a Standard Error Channel 271 in the active chart window using the default
properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Standard Error
Raff Regression Channel 278 - Draws a Raff Regression Channel 278 in the active chart window using the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Raff
Regression Channel
Equidistant Channel 285 - Draws an Equidistant Channel 285 in the active chart window using the default
properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Equidistant
Andrew's Pitchfork 291 - Draws an Andrew's Pitchfork in the active chart window using the default properties as
defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Andrew's Pitchfork
Gann Line 329 - Draws a Gann Line 329 in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann Line
Gann Fan 335 - Draws a Gann Fan 335 in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann Fan
Gann Grid 341 - Draws a Gann Grid 341 in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann Grid
Delete -Deletes the selected drawing tool in the active chart window
Access the DrawingToolbar's contextual menu
for customization
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Drawing Toolbar 91 by clicking the right mouse button while
hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
The user may remove the checkmark next to the Drawing Toolbar option to hide the toolbar completely. If the
toolbar has been hidden, the user may restore its visibility by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting it from the
contextual menu.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Drawing Toolbar 91 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are currently
included in the Drawing Toolbar 91 .
The Drawing Toolbar 91 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and Standard by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Drawing Toolbar 91 is displayed
using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window screenshot above).
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Drawing Toolbar
91 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Charting Toolbar
The Charting Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) allows the user to adjust
the various zooming functions available while viewing the active chart window. The user can customize the icons
displayed within the Charting Toolbar (or hide the toolbar completely) by accessing its contextual menu 96 .
Below is a description of each tool icon (as shown from left to right in the screenshot above) within the Charting
Zoom - Allows the user to define a rectangular section of historical prices in the active chart window using the
mouse cursor to automatically vertically and horizontally zoom in on
Undo Zoom - Allows the user to undo the automatic zoom in previously done using the Zoom tool
Zoom In Horizontally - Increases the horizontal (left-to-right) size of the price bars in the active chart window
Zoom Out Horizontally - Decreases the horizontal size of the price bars in the active chart window
Zoom In Vertically - Increases the vertical (top-to-bottom) size of the price bars in the active chart window
Zoom Out Vertically - Decreases the vertical size of the price bars in the active chart window
AutoSize Vertically - When enabled, the active chart window will automatically resize the price data to display the
data with the highest high and lowest low prices at the respective top and bottom of the viewable chart area. If one
or more indicators are displayed in the main price frame, the highest high and lowest low values of the indicator(s)
are also considered when auto-sizing. For example, if the indicator value has a higher high value (and/or a lower
low value) than the price bars, then the indicator(s) value(s) will be used during the auto-sizing of the viewable
data. Disabling this option allows the user to manually control the scaling (sizing) of the data in the viewable area of
the chart window using the Zoom options or the Vertical and Horizontal Ruler functions.
AutoScroll to Current Time - When enabled, the active chart window will always automatically move the chart
display to most recent incoming price tick for the trade instrument; Disabling this option allows the user to easily
perform technical analysis on all historical price data loaded into the chart window without the chart automatically
returning its display to the most recent price data.
Access the ChartingToolbar's contextual menu
for customization
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Charting Toolbar 96 by clicking the right mouse button while
hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
The user may remove the checkmark next to the Charting Toolbar option to hide the toolbar completely. If the
toolbar has been hidden, the user may restore its visibility by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting it from the
contextual menu.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Charting Toolbar 96 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are currently
included in the Charting Toolbar 96 .
The Charting Toolbar 96 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and Standard by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Charting Toolbar 96 is displayed
using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window screenshot above).
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Charting
Toolbar 96 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Interval Toolbar
The Interval Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) allows the user to change
the chart interval for a particular trade instrument. The user can customize the icons displayed within the Interval
Toolbar (or hide the toolbar completely) by accessing its contextual menu 100 .
VT Trader offers the ability to display a trade instrument's price history using a variety of different time intervals.
Each time interval is equal to 1 bar displayed in the chart window. For example, if the user is viewing a chart using
the M5 time interval (5 minute chart) each bar displayed in the chart window represents 5 minutes of price data.
The price data used to create each bar in the chart window is determined by the Chart Type 102 being used.
Below is a description of each tool icon (as shown from left to right in the screenshot above) within the Interval
Tick - Displayed as a line chart only, each incoming price is referred to as a "tick"; This is the smallest interval of
time available for viewing a chart
M1 - 1 minute interval
M3 - 3 minute interval; Not yet available, but coming soon...
M5 - 5 minute interval
M10 - 10 minute interval
M15 - 15 minute interval
M30 - 30 minute interval; default interval when a new chart is opened using the Navigator Window>File
Menu>Open New Chart option unless otherwise specified by the user in the Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark
M60 - 60 minute (1 hour) interval
2H - 2 hour interval
4H - 4 hour interval
day - 1 day (24 hours) interval; Commonly referred to as the "daily" chart; Each new day starts at 5:00PM EST,
however, this depends on the user's broker.
1W - 1 week interval; Commonly referred to as the "weekly" chart; Each new week starts at 12:00 AM (00:00) EST
on Monday
M- 1 month interval; Commonly referred to as the "monthly" chart
Access the Interval Toolbar's contextual menu
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
for customization
VT Trader Help Manual
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Interval Toolbar 99 by clicking the right mouse button while
hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
The user may remove the checkmark next to the Interval Toolbar option to hide the toolbar completely. If the
toolbar has been hidden, the user may restore its visibility by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting it from the
contextual menu.
Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Interval Toolbar 99 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are currently
included in the Interval Toolbar 99 .
The Interval Toolbar 99 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and Standard by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Interval Toolbar 99 is displayed
using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window screenshot above).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Interval Toolbar
99 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Chart Type Toolbar
The Chart Type Toolbar (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) allows the user to adjust
the format of the historical price data being displayed in the active chart window. The user can customize the icons
displayed within the Chart Type Toolbar (or hide the toolbar completely) by accessing its contextual menu 108 .
Below is the name of each chart type icon (as shown from left to right in the screenshot above) within the Chart
Type Toolbar. For a more detailed discussion on a particular Chart Type just click on its name.
Japanese Candlesticks (Filled) 102
Japanese Candlesticks (Outlined)
Bars (Open, High, Low, Close) 103
Uninterrupted Bars 104
Line (Close Connected) 104
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks 105
Point & Figure 106
Renko 107
Candlesticks calculates and displays price data using the Open, High, Low, Close prices from the Chart
Interval 99 being used; candlesticks display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with
the mouse while hovering over one of the candlesticks and selecting Properties from the contextual menu;
candlesticks default display properties for all charts using default properties and a candlesticks chart type can be
adjusted using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Return to Chart Types
Outlined Candlesticks calculates and displays price data using the Open, High, Low, Close prices from the
Chart Interval 99 being used; candles with a transparent fill are bull candles (Close>Open) and candles with a
color fill are bear candles (Close<Open); outlined candle display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by
right-clicking with the mouse while hovering over one of the candles and selecting Properties from the contextual
menu; outlined candle default display properties for all charts using default properties and a outlined candle chart
type can be adjusted using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill>Color option
(see Line and Fill Properties screenshot above)
Return to Chart Types
Bar calculates and displays price data using the Open, High, Low, Close prices from the Chart Interval 99
being used; the small line jutting from the left of each bar represents the Open price and the small line jutting from
the right of each bar represents the Close price; bar display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by
right-clicking with the mouse while hovering over one of the candles and selecting Properties from the contextual
menu; bar default display properties for all charts using default properties and a bar chart type can be adjusted
using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill>Color option (see Line and Fill
Properties screenshot above)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Return to Chart Types
Uninterrupted Bar calculates and displays price data using the High and Low prices from the Chart Interval 99
being used; uninterrupted bar display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with the
mouse while hovering over one of the bars and selecting Properties from the contextual menu; uninterrupted bar
default display properties for all charts using default properties and an uninterrupted bar chart type can be adjusted
using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill>Color option (see Line and Fill
Properties screenshot above)
Return to Chart Types
Close Connected calculates and displays price data using the Close prices from the Chart Interval 99 being
used; close connected chart display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with the
mouse while hovering over price line and selecting Properties from the contextual menu; close connected chart
type default display properties for all charts using default properties and an close connected chart type can be
adjusted using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill>Color option (see Line
and Fill Properties screenshot above)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Return to Chart Types
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks The Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks Chart Type (Heikin means "average" or "balance" in
Japanese and Ashi means "foot" or "bar") is a modified version of the traditional candlestick chart that attempts to
eliminate irregularities often found in a normal candlestick chart thereby offering a better visual representation of
trends and consolidations. It calculates and displays price data using modified Open, High, Low, Close prices from
the Chart Interval 99 being used. The modified values are computed using these definitions:
haClose = (O+H+L+C)/4
haOpen = (haOpen (previous bar) + haClose (previous bar))/2
haHigh = Maximum(H, haOpen, haClose)
haLow = Minimum(L, haOpen, haClose)
The corresponding formula in VT Trader would be calculated as:
_haClose:= (O + H + L + C) / 4;
_haOpen:= if(cum(1)=1, (O + C) / 2, (PREV + ref(_haClose,-1)) / 2);
_haHigh:= max(max(H, _haOpen), _haClose);
_haLow:= min(min(L, _haOpen), _haClose);
The "open," "high," "low," and "close" referred to are of the current bar. The prefix ha- indicates the corresponding
Heikin-Ashi modified values. The "ha" values in the Inspect Window correspond to the Heikin-Ashi values. The "ha"
values are also visible in the Chart Window Scroll Panel (in place of the traditional O,H,L,C values) when the Chart
Type is set to Heikin-Ashi Candles.
Candlesticks display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with the mouse while
hovering over one of the candlesticks and selecting Properties from the contextual menu; Heikin-Ashi candlesticks
default display properties for all charts using default properties and a Heikin-Ashi candlesticks chart type can be
adjusted using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Line and Fill
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Return to Chart Types
Point & Figure calculates and displays price data using the user-defined price, Box Size, and Reversal Amount
(as set in Point & Figure Properties); Point & figure charts do not display time in a linear fashion. Each rising
column of X's or declining column of O's can represent varying amounts of time depending on the price
movements. Point & Figure chart display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with the
mouse while hovering over an X or O and selecting Properties from the contextual menu; Point & Figure chart type
default display properties for all charts using default properties and a Point & Figure chart type can be adjusted
using Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Point & Figure (see Point & Figure Properties
screenshot below)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Return to Chart Types
Renko Renko charts were introduced by Steve Nison. This charting method assumed its name from the
Japanese word "renga" meaning bricks.
Each brick is drawn in the direction of the prior price move only if a fixed amount (i.e. the box size) has been
exceeded. The bricks are always equal in size. For example, in a 10 unit Renko chart, a 40 point rally is displayed
as four equally sized, 10 unit high Renko bricks.
To formulate Renko bricks, today's close price is compared with the high and low prices of the previous brick.
When the close price rises above the top of the previous brick by the specified box size or more, one or more equal
height, up bricks are drawn in the next column. If the close price falls below the bottom of the previous brick by the
specified box size or more, one or more equal height, down bricks are drawn in the next column.
If the market moves up more than the amount required to draw one brick, but less than the amount required to
draw two bricks, only one brick is drawn. For example, in a 10 unit Renko chart, if the base price is 1.2000 and the
market moves to 1.2015, then one brick is drawn from the base price of 1.2000 - 1.2010. The rest of the move -from 1.2010 to 1.2015 -- is not shown on the Renko chart. The same rule applies anytime the price does not fall on
a box size divisor.
Basic trend reversals are signaled with the emergence of an up or down brick. A new up brick indicates the
beginning of a new uptrend. A new down brick indicates the beginning of a new downtrend. Renko charts are
excellent for helping determine major support and resistance levels their purpose is to define the underlying trend
direction by filtering out the minor price movements.
Renko chart display properties for a particular chart can be adjusted by right-clicking with the mouse while hovering
over a brick and selecting Properties from the contextual menu; Renko chart type default display properties for all
charts using default properties and a Renko chart type can be adjusted using Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>Charting>Renko (see Renko Properties screenshot below)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Return to Chart Types
Access the Chart Type Toolbar's contextual menu
for customization
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Chart Type Toolbar 102 by clicking the right mouse button while
hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
The user may remove the checkmark next to the Chart Type Toolbar option to hide the toolbar completely. If the
toolbar has been hidden, the user may restore its visibility by clicking the right mouse button once while hovering
over a blank area of the space reserved for toolbars in the Navigator Window 12 and selecting it from the
contextual menu.
Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Chart Type Toolbar 102 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are currently
included in the Chart Type Toolbar 102 .
The Chart Type Toolbar 102 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and Standard
- by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Chart Type Toolbar 102 is
displayed using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window screenshot above).
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Chart Type
Toolbar 102 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Chart Window
The Chart Window is the user's main tool while performing technical analysis of a chosen trade instrument. In VT
Trader, this window also serves the unique purposes of allowing the user to conduct actual trading actions and
monitoring trading activity directly from within the Chart Window (more details on this later).
The Chart Window is divided into several different areas of interest. For a description of each specific area of the
Chart Window please continue reading below the screenshot. The Chart Window display is defined by the
Contextual Menu 127 , Default Chart Properties 66 (or custom Chart Properties 129 ), and the Chart Window
Toolbar 115 .
A description of each specific area within the Chart Window is as follows...
Main Window Header - displays the trade instrument's name, Bid/Ask Chart Type, current market price, close
time of current price bar, highest price reached within the current day, and lowest price reached within the current
Supplemental Tabs - Provides the user access to the same information as is available in each of the
corresponding Trading Windows 144 , but with ease of access from the chart window 111 and without the need to
take up additional screen space on the monitor. To view a supplemental tab, the user must click the left mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over the supplemental tab they wish to view.
Trade Instrument Tab - Displays the trade instrument's name, chart interval, current market price, and close time of
current price bar
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Account(s) Information Tab - Displays the same information as the Account(s) Information Window 160
Dealing Rates Tab - Displays the same information as the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 of the Dealing Rates
Window 145
Open Positions Tab - Displays the same information as the Open Positions Window 166
Orders Tab - Displays the same information as the Pending Orders Window 177
Summary by Accounts Tab - Displays the same information as the Summary by Accounts Window 182
The display of the supplemental tabs is defined by the Supplementary Frames Bookmark 83 of the default
Chart Properties 66 section or by the Show Supplemental Tabs option in the contextual menu 127 .
Main Price Area - Displays the trade instrument's price data as defined by the chart interval and chart type in the
chart window's toolbar; The main price area also displays many other elements that help define the chart window's
characteristics and aid in the technical analysis of the trade instrument. Other elements include: the Quotes Board
(discussed below), the vertical and horizontal rulers, hidden labels, indicator labels and trading system labels (if
indicators or trading systems are attached to the chart window), the chart grid, high/low lines, and the current price
line w/ spread band as well as order labels related to the trading actions of the user (open positions labels, entry
order labels, conditional orders, and indicator orders). The various chart elements's display properties are defined
by the chart window contextual menu 127 > Chart Properties 129 option or by the default Chart Properties 66
as defined in Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>General section; Open Positions labels (trade information)
are defined by the All Accounts/Position 121 tool in the chart window toolbar 115 .
Vertical Ruler - (located on the right side of the main price area) Displays price information related to the trade
instrument being analyzed in the chart window; The user can use the vertical ruler to adjust the vertical zoom
in/out of the chart window - place the cursor over the vertical ruler area, click and hold down the left mouse
button while moving the cursor to a new location over the vertical ruler area and then release the button. Moving
the cursor to a higher location increases the vertical scale (Vertical Zoom In), while moving it to a lower location
decreases the vertical scale (Vertical Zoom Out); Note: As a keyboard shortcut for vertical zooming, the user can
press the [Alt] key along with the +/- keys located in the keyboard number pad.
Horizontal Ruler - (located along the bottom of the main price area directly above the chart window toolbar 115 )
Displays time/date information related to the trade instrument and price data being analyzed in the chart window;
The user can use the horizontal ruler to adjust the horizontal zoom in/out of the chart window - place the cursor
over the horizontal ruler area, click and hold down the left mouse button while moving the cursor to a new location
over the horizontal ruler area and then release the button. Moving the cursor to the right increases the horizontal
scale (Horizontal Zoom In), while moving it to the left decreases the horizontal scale (Horizontal Zoom Out); Note:
As a keyboard shortcut for horizontal zooming, the user can press the [Ctrl] key along with the +/- keys located in
the keyboard number pad.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Quotes Board - (located in the top, left corner of the chart window 111 ) displays the trade instrument along with its
current Sell (Bid) and Buy (Ask) market prices. The arrows next to the price value in the Sell and Buy cells lets the
user know if the current market price displayed are greater than (Up Arrow) or less than (Down Arrow) the previous
market price. Selecting the Quotes Board by clicking once with the left mouse button anywhere within the
background area of the Quotes Board (shown as white area around yellow Sell/Buy cells in screenshot above)
allows the user to resize and/or move the Quotes Board anywhere within the Chart Window. To move the
Quotes Board around within the Chart Window, the user can click with the mouse button in the Quotes Board
background area to select it and then the user can click and hold down the left mouse button in the Quotes Board
background area and while holding it down drag the Quotes Board to the desired location. To resize the Quotes
Board the user can click with the mouse button in the Quotes Board background area to select it and then
position the mouse cursor over top of one of the Quotes Board borders; With the mouse cursor positioned, click
and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the chosen border(s) to the desired size.
By clicking once with the left mouse button within the Sell box, the user can place a market order to Sell the trade
instrument at its currently displayed Sell price; Right-clicking within the Sell box allows the user to place Buy or Sell
market orders as well as EntryStop Sell and EntryLimit Sell entry orders.
By clicking once with the left mouse button within the Buy box, the user can place a market order to Buy the trade
instrument at its currently displayed Buy price; Right-clicking within the Buy box allows the user to place Buy or Sell
market orders as well as EntryStop Buy and EntryLimit Buy entry orders.
The display properties of the Quotes Board are defined by the Quotes Board Bookmark 81 of the default Chart
Properties 66 section or by the Chart Properties option in the Chart Window Contextual Menu 127 . The display
of the Quotes Board can be enabled or disabled by using the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
Chart Window Toolbar 115 - Allows the user quick access to a variety of very useful chart options and drawing
tools 218 ; the display of the Chart Window Toolbar 115 is defined by the Show Scroll Panel option in the
contextual menu 127 .
Status Panel - (from left to right) Displays the date/time stamp and price value according to the position of the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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mouse cursor within the Chart Window; displays the current date and time according to the broker's services;
Displays the status LED of the Connect Level Toolbar 89
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Chart Window Toolbar
The Chart Window Toolbar (shown highlighted in red in screenshot below) allows the user quick access to VT
Trader's most commonly used tools for working with a trade instrument's active trade information and chart window
Below is a list of icons (tools) located in the Chart Window Toolbar (described in order from left to right). Please
click on the tool's name to read a full description.
Instruments 116
Change Interval 116
Bid/Ask 117
Change Chart Type 118
Auto-Scroll to Current Time
AutoSize Vertically 119
Show Grid 119
Show CrossHair 119
Quotes 119
Select 119
Inspect 120
Clone Chart 120
Zoom 120
Horizontal Zoom Out 120
Horizontal Zoom In 120
Vertical Zoom Out 120
Vertical Zoom In 120
Undo Zoom 120
Default Vertical Scale 120
Default Horizontal Scale 120
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· Default Scales 121
· All Accounts/Position
· Margin Call Rates 122
Instruments - Changes the trade instrument being displayed in the chart window; The currently selected trade
instrument is visible in the toolbar and identified with a dot next to its name in the selection list. (go back to toolbar
icons... 115 )
Change Interval - Changes the Chart Interval being displayed in the chart window for the selected trade
instrument; The currently selected chart interval is visible in the toolbar and identified with a checkmark next to its
name in the selection list. (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Bid/Ask - Changes the price that is used to construct the trade instrument's chart data; Please read the
documentation regarding the Dealing Rates Window 145 for a more detailed explanation of Bid/Ask prices; The
currently selected Bid or Ask price is visible in the toolbar and identified with a checkmark next to its name in the
selection list. (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
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Change Chart Type - Changes the Chart Type 102 being displayed for the selected trade instrument; For a
detailed description of each Chart Type 102 please read the documentation regarding the Chart Type Toolbar
located in the Navigator Window 12 (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Auto-Scroll to Current Time - When enabled, the chart window will always automatically move the chart display to
most recent incoming price tick for the trade instrument. Disabling this option allows the user to easily perform
technical analysis on all historical price data loaded into the chart window without the chart automatically returning
its display to the most recent price data. (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
AutoSize Vertically - When enabled, the chart window will automatically resize the price data to display the data
with the highest high and lowest low prices at the respective top and bottom of the viewable chart area. If the user
manually zooms in or out vertically, this option must be disabled and then re-enabled before the price data will
correctly AutoSize Vertically again. (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Show Grid - Enables or disables the Grid display for the chart window as defined by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>Charting>General>Rulers Bookmark (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Show Cross Hair - Enables or disables the CrossHair Tool 223 display for the chart window based on the
CrossHair Tool's default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>Cross Hair (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Quotes - Enables or disables the display of the Quotes Board in the chart window as defined by the Chart Window
Contextual Menu (if the chart is using customized Chart Properties) or by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>Charting>General>Quote Board Bookmark (if the chart is using Default Chart Properties) (
go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Select - Provides the user quick access to VT Trader's drawing tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
(go back to toolbar icons...
VT Trader Help Manual
Chart Inspection - Displays the Chart Inspection Window 139 allowing the user to view price and volume data as
well as the values of any indicators displayed in the chart window as defined by the position of the mouse cursor (
go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Clone Chart - Creates a new chart window that is an exact duplicate of the current chart window; The cloned chart
will include all attached indicators and trading systems. (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Zoom - Allows the user to define a rectangular section of historical prices in the chart window using the mouse
cursor to automatically vertically and horizontally zoom in on (go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Horizontal Zoom Out - Decreases the horizontal (left-to-right) size of the price bars in the chart window (go back
to toolbar icons... 115 )
Horizontal Zoom In - Increases the horizontal (left-to-right) size of the price bars in the chart window (go back to
toolbar icons... 115 )
Vertical Zoom Out - Decreases the vertical (top-to-bottom) size of the price bars in the chart window (go back to
toolbar icons... 115 )
Vertical Zoom In - Increases the vertical (top-to-bottom) size of the price bars in the chart window (go back to
toolbar icons... 115 )
Undo Zoom - Allows the user to undo the automatic zoom in previously done using the Zoom tool (go back to
toolbar icons... 115 )
Default Vertical Scale
115 )
resets the vertical scale (zoom) back to the default settings (go back to toolbar icons...
Default Horizontal Scale - Resets the horizontal scale (zoom) back to the default settings (go back to toolbar
icons... 115 )
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Default Scales - Resets the horizontal and vertical scales (zoom) back to the default settings (go back to toolbar
icons... 115 )
All Accounts/Position (see screenshots below) - Displays open positions associated with the trade instrument;
The user may select to view open positions associated with ALL Accounts or only the Selected Accounts (as
defined by the checkmarks placed to each Account); Open positions can be displayed in the chart window using
their individual open position ticket labels using the Position option or as a cumulative, single position using the
Summary or Consolidated options.
The Summary viewing mode only applies to open positions. This mode displays a single ticket label in the chart
window that is calculated using all open positions (as displayed in the chart window by the All Accounts or Selected
Accounts options) of a given order type (BUY or SELL) from the selected account(s). By clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over the Summary Position Label the user may quickly "Close All Positions"
included in the Summary position with a single Close action.
The Consolidated viewing mode applies to both open positions and pending entry orders. This mode allows the
user to view the individual positions or pending entry orders as one cumulative position. The Consolidated viewing
mode uses 2 filters, order type and price, to differentiate between Consolidated positions (or groups of positions)
and non-Consolidated positions. What this means to the user is: assuming, for example, the user has placed 2
groups of 5 orders each, if the two groups of 5 orders are all the same order type and executed at the exact same
price then all 10 orders will be displayed as 1 cumulative position using the Consolidated chart mode; However, if
the two groups of 5 orders each are different order types and/or executed at different prices then the Consolidated
viewing mode will display 2 cumulative positions (each containing their respective 5 orders).
By clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Consolidated Position/Order Label the
user may quickly add conditional stoploss and/or limit orders (or adjust prices for existing conditional orders) for
ALL individual positions/orders included in the Consolidated cumulative position/order with a single action. In the
case of an open Consolidated cumulative position, the user may also hedge or close ALL individual positions
included in the Consolidated cumulative position with a single action. In the case of a Consolidated cumulative
pending entry order, the user may Change the order rate or Remove ALL individual pending entry orders included
in the Consolidated cumulative pending entry order with a single action.
The Consolidated viewing mode also allowed for the display of Consolidated Conditional Stop/Limit Order Labels
attached to parent Consolidated positions/orders when viewing the chart in Consolidated viewing mode. The
Consolidated Conditional Stop/Limit Order Labels offer the user additional functionality as well...
Consolidated Position/Order Label>Contextual Menu>Stop/Limit (No Stops or Limits Attached Yet): If no
stop or limit orders are currently associated with the Consolidated Position/Order Label, using "Stop" or "Limit" from
the contextual menu will create the selected stop or limit orders for every individual position/order included in the
cumulative Consolidated position. The newly created Stop or Limit orders will display as 1 Consolidated Stop
Label or 1 Consolidated Limit Label.
Consolidated Position/Order Label>Contextual Menu>Stop/Limit (Stops or Limits Already Attached): This
affects ALL stop or limit orders associated with the cumulative Consolidated position/order even if the stops (or
limits) are at different rates; For example, you have an open cumulative Consolidated position consisting of 3
positions and you add stops to the 3 positions -> If all 3 positions' stops have the same rate they will be displayed
as 1 Consolidated Stop Label. Using the "Stop" or "Limit" option in the contextual menu when all stop or limit
orders have the same rates will simply change stop or limit rates for all of the associated stop or limit orders.
However, assuming the user edits 1 of the 3 position's stop rate -> There will now be 2 Consolidated Stop Labels
on the chart; If the "Stop" option from the cumulative Consolidated Position Label's contextual menu is used at
this time a warning popup window containing "Consolidated Position S/L orders have different rates. Do you wish to
change ALL orders?" [Yes] [No] will display. Clicking [Yes] will update the stop rate for ALL associated stop orders;
Clicking [No] will cancel the update request. The same stop logic as described in the example above is also used
when working with any associated Consolidated Limit orders.
Consolidated Stop/Limit Label>Contextual Menu>Change/Remove: These options, when accessed from their
respective Consolidated Stop Label or Consolidated Limit Label, affect ONLY the stop or limit orders associated
with that specific Consolidated Stop Label or Consolidated Limit Label; For example, assuming there is 1 open
cumulative Consolidated position consisting of 3 individual positions each with conditional stop orders -> If all 3
positions' stops have the same rate they will be displayed as 1 Consolidated Stop Label. However, assuming the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
user edits 1 of the 3 position's stop rate -> There will now be 2 Consolidated Stop Labels on the chart; If the user
uses the "Change" or "Remove" option from the contextual menu of the Consolidated Stop Label that consists of
2 stop orders and changes it to a new rate (or use "Remove" to remove the orders completely), only the stop rate
for those 2 positions will be updated to the new rate (or removed from the chart if "Remove" was used) while the
second Consolidated Stop Label (consisting of the remaining 1 Consolidated Stop order) will remain unaffected.
Consolidated Stop/Limit Label>Drag-and-Drop Functionality in Chart Window (all Stops/Limits have the
same rate): This option affects ALL stop/limit orders associated to a specific Consolidated position/order; For
example, assuming there is 1 open cumulative Consolidated position consisting of 3 individual positions each with
conditional stop orders -> If all 3 positions' stops have the same rate they will be displayed as 1 Consolidated Stop
Label. If the user positions the cursor on the Stop/Limit rate line displayed in the Chart Window, clicks and holds
down the left mouse button, and drags it to a new rate, the stop rate for ALL 3 positions will be updated to the new
Consolidated Stop/Limit Label>Drag-and-Drop Functionality in Chart Window (Stops/Limits have different
rates): This option affects ONLY the stop/limit orders associated to a specific Consolidated position/order if the
stops (or limits) are at different rates; For example, assuming there is 1 open cumulative Consolidated position
consisting of 3 individual positions each with conditional stop orders -> If all 3 positions' stops have the same rate
they will be displayed as 1 Consolidated Stop Label. However, assuming the user edits 1 of the 3 position's stop
rate -> There will now be 2 Consolidated Stop Labels on the chart; If the user positions the cursor on the
Stop/Limit rate line for the Consolidated stop consisting of 2 Stop orders, clicks and holds down the left mouse
button, and drags it to a new rate, only the stop rate for those 2 positions will be updated to the new rate while the
second Consolidated Stop Label (consisting of the remaining Consolidated Stop order) will remain unaffected.
(go back to toolbar icons... 115 )
Margin Call Rates - Displays the trade instrument's price at which a margin call will be issued to the user if the
available funds in the respective account(s) drops below the margin call threshold; If there are no open positions on
a particular account, the MC Rates will display N/A for that account (see screenshot below) (go back to toolbar
icons... 115 )
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Access the Chart Window Toolbar's contextual menu
for customization
The user can customize the icons displayed in the Chart Window Toolbar 115 by clicking the right mouse button
while hovering over the toolbar and selecting Customize... from the contextual menu.
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Once selected, a Customize Toolbar window will display...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The user can select from 2 predefined toolbar arrangements or use the [Add], [Remove], [Move Up], and/or [
Move Down] buttons to create a unique arrangement. The Available toolbar items section displays tools available,
but not included in the Chart Window Toolbar 115 ; The Current toolbar items section displays tools that are
currently included in the Chart Window Toolbar 115 .
The Chart Window Toolbar 115 can be switched between the 2 predefined toolbar arrangements - Lite and
Standard - by pressing the [Reset] button and selecting the appropriate arrangement. The Chart Window
Toolbar 115 is displayed using the Standard arrangement by default (as shown in Customize Toolbar window
screenshot above).
The Lite arrangement contains the tools displayed in the Current toolbar items section as shown in the Customize
Toolbar window screenshot below...
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The user should press the [Close] button to exit the Customize Toolbar window and display the Chart Window
Toolbar 115 with any modifications made.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Chart Window 111 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any location within the main chart area. Continue reading below the screenshot for a
description of the contextual menu options.
The Chart Window 111 Contextual Menu includes the following options. Please choose a menu option to read
more detailed information.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Buy (...) 128
Sell (...) 128
EntryStop Buy (...) 128
EntryLimit Sell (...) 128
EntryStop Sell (...) 129
EntryLimit Buy (...) 129
Price Alert (...) 129
Indicator's Order Buy (...) 129
Indicator's Order Sell (...) 129
Chart Properties 129
Set Chart Properties to Default 130
Set all Labels to Default Position 130
Move Frame Up 130
Move Frame Down 130
Show Trend Frame 130
Add Indicator 130
Indicator QuickList 131
Attached Indicators 133
Add Trading System 133
Trading System QuickList 133
Attached Trading Systems 134
High/Low Zone (...) 135
Auto-Scroll to Current Time 136
Default Vertical Scale 136
Default Horizontal Scale 136
Default Scales 136
Undo Zoom 137
Show Grid Lines 137
Show Scroll Panel 137
Show Status Panel 137
Show Supplemental Tabs 137
Copy All Chart History Data 137
Delete Cached Chart History Data 137
Print 137
Buy (...) - Allows the user to place a Buy market order at the current Ask market price of the trade instrument; The
(...) is indicative of the current Ask price at the time the user accessed the contextual menu (back to options list...)
Sell (...) - Allows the user to place a Sell market order at the current Bid market price of the trade instrument; The
(...) is indicative of the current Bid price at the time the user accessed the contextual menu (back to options list...)
EntryStop Buy (...) - (not shown in screenshot) Allows the user to place a pending EntryStop Buy order at the
current price on the chart from where the contextual menu was accessed; the (...) is indicative of the price point on
the chart that corresponds to the position of the mouse cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed;
IMPORTANT NOTE: This option will only be visible if the user accesses the contextual menu from a price point
greater than the current market price of the trade instrument (back to options list...) 127
EntryLimit Sell (...) - (not shown in screenshot) Allows the user to place a pending EntryLimit Sell order at the
current price on the chart from where the contextual menu was accessed; the (...) is indicative of the price point on
the chart that corresponds to the position of the mouse cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed;
IMPORTANT NOTE: This option will only be visible if the user accesses the contextual menu from a price point
greater than the current market price of the trade instrument (back to options list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
EntryStop Sell (...) - Allows the user to place a pending EntryStop Sell order at the current price on the chart from
where the contextual menu was accessed; the (...) is indicative of the price point on the chart that corresponds to
the position of the mouse cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed; IMPORTANT NOTE: This option
will only be visible if the user accesses the contextual menu from a price point less than the current market price
of the trade instrument (back to options list...) 127
EntryLimit Buy (...) - Allows the user to place a pending EntryLimit Buy order at the current price on the chart from
where the contextual menu was accessed; the (...) is indicative of the price point on the chart that corresponds to
the position of the mouse cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed; IMPORTANT NOTE: This option
will only be visible if the user accesses the contextual menu from a price point less than the current market price
of the trade instrument (back to options list...) 127
Price Alert (...) - Allows the user to create a price alert using the Price Alert Window 30 for the trade instrument
being analyzed; The (...) is indicative of the current Bid price at the time the user accessed the contextual menu
(back to options list...) 127
Indicator's Order Buy (...) - Allows the user to place a pending Indicator Order to Buy based on any indicator
currently displayed in the Chart Window 111 ; In the above screenshot, the (...) is indicative of the price point on the
chart that corresponds to the position of the cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed; IMPORTANT
NOTE: This option will only be available if there are currently indicators displayed within the main chart area of the
Chart Window 111 , otherwise it is disabled; IMPORTANT NOTE #2: If the user accesses the contextual menu
while hovering over an additional frame in the chart window that contains an indicator (such as the MACD indicator
in a separate frame below the main chart area), this option will be enabled for that particular indicator and the (...)
will be indicative of the value of the indicator's scale in the additional frame that corresponds to the position of the
cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed (back to options list...) 127
Indicator's Order Sell (...) - Allows the user to place a pending Indicator Order to Sell based on any indicator
currently displayed in the Chart Window 111 ; In the above screenshot, the (...) is indicative of the price point on the
chart that corresponds to the position of the cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed; IMPORTANT
NOTE: This option will only be available if there are currently indicators displayed within the main chart area of the
Chart Window 111 , otherwise it is disabled; IMPORTANT NOTE #2: If the user accesses the contextual menu
while hovering over an additional frame in the chart window that contains an indicator (such as the MACD indicator
in a separate frame below the main chart area), this option will be enabled for that particular indicator and the (...)
will be indicative of the value of the indicator's scale in the additional frame that corresponds to the position of the
cursor from where the contextual menu was accessed (back to options list...) 127
Chart Properties - Adjusts the chart properties 66 for ONLY the Chart Window 111 that the contextual menu
was accessed from within; Adjusting the chart properties 66 of this single chart window effectively puts the chart
window in custom chart properties mode; The chart properties 66 window that displays is identical to the default
chart properties 66 window that can be accessed from the Options Bookmark 52 of the Navigator Window 12
with only one small exception... the chart properties window accessed using the Chart Window 111 Contextual
Menu will display a [Set As Default] button at the bottom of the window - pressing this button allows the user to
select the current Chart Window's 111 chart properties 66 as the new default chart properties 66 for all chart
windows in default chart properties mode (back to options list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Set Chart Properties to Default - This option is disabled when the Chart Window 111 is using default chart
properties mode (Chart Properties option is available); It becomes enabled when the user has adjusted the Chart
Window's 111 chart properties 66 and placed the Chart Window 111 in custom chart properties mode; When
enabled, it allows the user to quickly change the Chart Window's 111 chart properties 66 back to default chart
properties mode (using the default chart properties 66 ) (back to options list...) 127
Set All Labels to Default Position - Quickly resets all labels displayed in the chart window back to their default
positions as defined by their respective settings in the Options Bookmark 52 of the Navigator Window 12 (back
to options list...) 127
Move Frame Up - Moves the frame up that the cursor was hovering over when the contextual menu was
accessed; This option will normally be available if there are additional frames containing indicators displayed above
or below the main price frame or if the contextual menu was accessed from within a frame that had an additional
frame directly above it (back to options list...) 127
Move Frame Down - Moves the frame down that the cursor was hovering over when the contextual menu was
accessed; This option will normally be available if there are additional frames containing indicators displayed above
or below the main price frame or if the contextual menu was accessed from within a frame that had an additional
frame directly below it (back to options list...) 127
Show Trend Frame - Shows or hides the Trend Frame of a trading system while it is attached to the Chart
Window 111 ; Only available if there is at least one trading system attached to the Chart Window 111 (back to
options list...) 127
Add Indicator - Displays a Select Indicator Window allowing the use to select which indicator to add by choosing
an indicator from the selected category; Categories include: All Indicators, Frequently Used Indicators, QuickList
Indicators, VT Trader Indicators, and Custom Indicators; Selecing an indicator displays its details in the Notes
section. (back to options list...) 127
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Indicator QuickList - Quickly adds an indicator to the Chart Window 111 ; The Indicator Quicklist 24
determines which indicators are displayed when the user selects this option from the contextual menu (back to
options list...) 127
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Attached Indicators - Displays an Attached Indicators Window allowing the user to adjust the indicators
currently displayed in the chart window by highlighting one of their names and clicking the [Properties] button to
edit its display properties or the [Delete] button to delete it from the chart window 111 (back to options list...) 127
Add Trading System - Displays a Select Trading System Window allowing the use to select which trading
system to add by choosing a trading system from the selected category; Categories include: All Trading Systems,
Frequently Used Trading Systems, QuickList Trading Systems, VT Trader Trading Systems, and Custom Trading
Systems; Selecing a trading system displays its details in the Notes section. (back to options list...) 127
Trading System QuickList
- Quickly adds a trading system to the Chart Window
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; The Trading Systems
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determines which trading systems are displayed when the user selects this option from the
contextual menu (back to options list...) 127
Attached Trading Systems - Displays the Attached Trading Systems Window allowing the user to adjust the
properties of the trading system(s) attached to Chart Window 111 ; The user can edit a trading system's input and
trading parameters, view its events, view its enabled parameters, start/stop auto-trade mode, and delete it from
the Chart Window 111 (back to options list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
High/Low Zone (...) - Adjusts the price zone created by the High/Low Lines of the chart properties
indicative of the selection chosen from this menu option (back to options list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
; The (...) is
VT Trader Help Manual
Auto-Scroll to Current Time - Enables / disables the Auto-Scroll to Current Time option for the Chart Window
(back to options list...) 127
Default Vertical Scale - Resets the vertical scale (zoom) back to the default settings (back to options list...)
Default Horizontal Scale - Resets the horizontal scale (zoom) back to the default settings (back to options list...)
Default Scales - Resets the horizontal and vertical scales (zoom) back to the default settings (back to options
list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Undo Zoom - Allows the user to undo the automatic zoom in previously done using the Zoom tool from the
Charting Toolbar 96 or Chart Window Toolbar 115 (back to options list...) 127
Show Grid Lines - Enables / disables the display of the Chart Grid
(back to options list...)
Show Scroll Panel - Enables / disables the display of the Chart Window Toolbar
(back to options list...)
Show Status Panel - Enables / disables the display of the Status Panel located directly below the Chart Window
Toolbar 115 (back to options list...) 127
Show Supplemental Tabs - Shows or hides any of the supplemental tabs across the top of the Chart Window
(back to options list...) 127
Copy All Chart History Data - Functions in a manner similar to the Copy Prices Tool 227 in the Drawing Toolbar
91 except that this option automatically selects ALL price data currently loaded into the Chart Window 111 (back
to options list...) 127
Delete Cached Chart History Data - Deletes the cached (saved) historical price data for the active Chart
Window 111 that is stored in VT Trader's HistoryCache subdirectory (back to options list...) 127
Print - Contains Print Chart, Print Preview, and Page Setup options; Print Chart quickly prints the active
Chart Window 111 ; Print Preview displays a print preview window allowing the user to view how the active Chart
Window 111 will print; Page Setup defines the page properties for printing the active Chart Window 111 (back to
options list...) 127
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Chart Inspection Window
The Chart Inspection Window displays date/time, price, and indicator data associated with the active chart
This window consists of two columns: the Data column and the Value column. It also consists of several rows that
are visible to the user at all times; these rows are respective to the active chart type being viewed. Lastly, the Chart
Inspection Window displays the names and values of each indicator's output variables (and/or Indicator Output
Enabled trading system's output variables) currently attached to the active chart (assuming their Hide In Inspect
option is disabled).
If the active chart is a Japanese candle chart (filled or hollow) or bar chart (OHLC or Uninterrupted), the
rows that always remain visible display the following names in the Data column:
D/T/P (Date/Time/Price) - displays the date, close time of bar/candle, and price (horizontal cross hair 223 price
value) under the current position of the cursor; the format is month/day/year time price (I.E.: 06/03/07 11:45
1.1234); this data changes as the cursor is moved around within the chart window
Open - displays the open price of the bar/candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
High - displays the high price of the bar/candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
Low - displays the low price of the bar/candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Close - displays the close price of the bar/candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
Volume - displays the number of incoming price ticks received during the bar/candle under the current position of
the cursor in the Value column
If the active chart is a Heikin-Ashi candle chart, the rows that always remain visible display the following
names in the Data column:
D/T/P (Date/Time/Price) - displays the date, close time of Heikin-Ashi candle, and price (horizontal cross hair 223
price value) under the current position of the cursor; the format is month/day/year time price (I.E.: 06/03/07 11:45
1.1234); this data changes as the cursor is moved around within the chart window
haOpen - displays the Heikin-Ashi open price of the candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value
haHigh - displays the Heikin-Ashi high price of the candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value
haLow - displays the Heikin-Ashi low price of the candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value
haClose - displays the Heikin-Ashi close price of the candle under the current position of the cursor in the Value
Volume - displays the number of incoming price ticks received during the bar/candle under the current position of
the cursor in the Value column
If the active chart is a Point and Figure chart, the rows that always remain visible display the following
information in the Data column:
The Data column displays X or O depending on if the cursor is positioned over a column of X’s or O’s in the active
chart. A row will be displayed in this window for each X or O in the column. In the Value column, each X or O row
will contain the Date/Time/Price of that X or O. The Value column data will have the format of Date Time Price (I.E.
08/13/07 11:00 1.3700).
If the active chart is a Renko chart, the rows that always remain visible display the following names in the
Data column:
D/T/P (Date/Time/Price) - displays the date, close time of Renko box, and price (horizontal cross hair 223 price
value) under the current position of the cursor; the format is month/day/year time price (I.E.: 06/03/07 11:45
1.1234); this data changes as the cursor is moved around within the chart window
Box Number - displays the number of the Renko box (numbered from #1 - current number beginning with left-most
box displayed in chart window) under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
Box High - displays the high price of the Renko box under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
Box Low - displays the low price of the Renko box under the current position of the cursor in the Value column
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the cursor is positioned over the currently forming candle, bar, Point and Figure X or O, or
Renko box the values in the Chart Inspection Window will automatically update with the new, incoming values as
those new values become available (or are calculated). The user does not need to move the cursor away from the
currently forming bar or candle, etc. and then reposition it over top of that bar or candle, etc. to see the new,
updated values.
The Chart Inspection Window contextual menu 142 provides the user with additional functionality related to this
window. The user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'inspection' rows in
order to access the contextual menu 142 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Chart Inspection Window 139 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'inspection' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Chart Inspection Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Chart Inspection Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Chart Inspection Window 139 .
The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Use Colors for Output
Variables displays the values of indicators' output variables and trading systems' output variables in the Chart
Inspection Window 139 using their own color as specified by their respective display properties; If disabled, the
Chart Inspection Window 139 displays the output variables' values in plain black text. Data Value Decimal
Precision allows the user to define more or less decimal places to be displayed for the data included in this window.
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'open position' rows displaying within
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
the Chart Inspection Window
. Background (Odd Row) determines the background color of the odd rows.
Background Color (Even Row) determines the background color of the even rows.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Chart Inspection Window
display properties
back to the default
Always on Top - When enabled, the Chart Inspection Window 139 will remain visible on top of any other VT
Trader windows regardless of which other window is the active window.
Size Columns to Fit - Sizes the columns in the Chart Inspection Window 139 to fit the data displaying in each
column; The columns are sized according to the largest length of text within each respective column. This option is
only enabled if the Auto-Size Columns to Fit option is disabled.
Auto-Size Columns to Fit - When enabled, the columns always auto-size to the appropriate width to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Trading Windows
The Trading Windows within VT Trader are the main windows that display various information to the user relating
to trading activities. These windows can be directly accessed using the Navigator Window>Trading
Bookmark>Trading Windows menu. VT Trader includes the following trading windows:
Dealing Rates Window 145
Account(s) Information Window 160
Open Positions Window 166
Closed Positions Window 171
Pending Orders Window 177
Summary By Accounts Window 182
Activity Log Window 188
Reports Window 189
Reuters News Window 193 (included in the Forex Resources)
Chart Patterns Window 196
Please select from the links above for a detailed discussion of each window and its functionality.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Dealing Rates Window
The Dealing Rates Window displays the current rates of the available trade instruments in a simplified format (
Rates Bookmark 145 ) as well as in an detailed format (Advanced Bookmark 153 ). It also displays the date and time
of the most recent price tick received from the broker's services. The Rates Bookmark 145 is the default display for
this window.
For a detailed discussion of this window, please select the bookmarks below:
· Rates Bookmark 145
· Advanced Bookmark
Rates Bookmark
The Rates Bookmark of the Dealing Rates Window 145 displays a simplified overview of the available trade
instruments and their current market prices. This window also allows the user to conduct trading operations on any
of the available Instruments using 1 of 2 modes of operation (normal trading mode or 1-Click Orders trading
mode). The user can customize the display of the Rates Bookmark (as well as conduct trading operations) by
using its contextual menu 151 . The screenshot below shows the default display of the Rates Bookmark with the
1-Click Orders (1CO) functionality disabled.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the columns included in the Rates Bookmark are as follows:
The Instruments column lists the available trade instruments. Each trade instrument in this window can remain
visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or more trade instruments (or rearrange the
viewing order of the visible instruments), the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over
any cell in the Rates Bookmark and select each instrument they wish to hide (or move) by choosing Instruments
from the contextual menu. Visible instruments will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden instruments
will not. To redisplay a hidden instrument the user simply needs to reselect it from the instrument list menu. When
a trade instrument's Bid/Ask are updated, that instrument's cell will be highlighed with a light yellow color. This
allows the user to easily see which trade instruments have fresh prices for conducting trading operations. This
"Fresh Rates Highlight" option can be enabled or disabled by choosing Properties from the contextual menu 151 to
access the Display Properties Window. Removing the checkmark next to the "Fresh Rates Highlight" option in
the Appearance Bookmark disables this option. If the user wishes to leave it enabled, but change the color of the
highlight, clicking the "Fresh Rates Highlight" option in the Grid Bookmark allows for this.
The Bid and Ask columns display the current price quotes for the respective trade instrument. The Bid is the price
at which the user can Sell the trade instrument; The Ask is the price at which the user can Buy the trade
instrument. The values of the prices are determined by the market dynamics and the situation for a particular trade
instrument and are shown "as is". They will change as soon as the smallest movement of prices for that instrument
in the market has occurred. These are the current prices that can be used either to buy or to sell the trade
instrument that the user has chosen at a given moment in time. When a trade instrument's Bid/Ask are updated,
that instrument's Bid and Ask cells will be highlighed with a light blue or light red color. If the current market price is
higher than the previous market price the cells will be highlighted in light blue; If the current market price is lower
than the previous market parice the cells will be highlighted in light red. This allows the user to easily see if each
trade instrument's prices are increasing or decreasing for conducting trading operations. This "Bid/Ask Rates
Highlight" option can be enabled or disabled by choosing Properties from the contextual menu 151 to access the
Display Properties Window. Removing the checkmark next to the "Bid/Ask Rates Highlights" option in the
Appearance Bookmark disables this option. If the user wishes to leave it enabled, but change the colors of the
highlight, clicking the "Bid/Ask Rates Highlights Up/Down" options in the Grid Bookmark allows for this.
Furthermore, the user may choose to enable an additional type of display in the Display Properties
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Window>Appearance Bookmark for the Bid/Ask cells - Up Arrows and Down Arrows. The Up Arrows and Down
Arrows display the same information to the user as the "Bid/Ask Highlights", but in a slightly different format. If the
current market price is higher than the previous market price, a blue Up Arrow displays; If the current market price
is lower than the previous market price, a red Down Arrow displays. The Up Arrow and Down Arrow colors can be
adjusted from Grid Bookmark of the Display Properties Window.
The difference between Ask and Bid is the spread for a given trade instrument (currency pair). SPREAD = ASK BID. The spread is determined by the broker providing the services for conducting trade operations. As a general
rule the spread typically remains static, but it can change depending on the situation in the market. The broker
determines if the spread they offer to their clients will remain static or will change dynamically with market volatility.
This condition is specified when the client account is opened and the agreement for the broker's services is signed.
The Rates Bookmark allows for the display of an extra Spread column should the user desire to view this
information. The "Show Spread Column" option can be enabled or disabled by choosing Properties from the
contextual menu 151 to access the Display Properties Window. Adding a checkmark next to the "Show Spread
Column" option in the Appearance Bookmark enables the display of the Spread column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The main functionality of the Dealing Rates Window 145 is to allow the user to conduct trading operations on the
available trade instruments (with respect to the first currency in a pair) offered by the broker. To facilitate trading,
VT Trader is based on the principle "I see it - I trade it". The user may conduct trading operations using Buy and
Sell market orders as well as EntryStop Buy, EntryLimit Buy, EntryStop Sell, and EntryLimit Sell entry orders. As
mentioned previously, trading operations can be conducted using 1 of 2 available trading modes of operation:
Normal Trading Mode (this is the default operational mode) and 1-Click Orders (1CO) Trading Mode.
Normal Trading Mode:
If the 1-Click Orders button in the Rates Bookmark is RED and the text "OFF" is displayed, any trading operations
conducted will be requested using the Normal Trading Mode (see previous screenshot above). In the Normal
Trading Mode, to request a Buy or Sell market order the user may click the left mouse button once while the
cursor is hovering over the corresponding trade instrument's Bid or Ask cell. Alternatively, selecting Buy or Sell
from the contextual menu 151 allows the user to request a Buy or Sell market order. The contextual menu 151 also
allows the user to request EntryStop Buy, EntryLimit Buy, EntryStop Sell, and EntryLimit Sell entry orders. While
using the Normal Trading Mode, requesting a market order will open the Market Order Placement Window and
requesting an entry order will open the Entry Order Placement Window. From these "placement" windows, the
user must specify all of the appropriate information necessary to facilitate the completion of the order request(s).
1-Click Orders Trading Mode:
If the 1-Click Orders button in the Rates Bookmark is GREEN and the text "ON" is displayed, any trading
operations conducted will be requested using the 1-Click Orders Trading Mode (see next screenshot below). In
the 1-Click Orders Trading Mode, to request a Buy or Sell market order the user may click the left mouse button
once while the cursor is hovering over the corresponding trade instrument's Bid or Ask cell. PLEASE NOTE: For
the trader's safety, the 1-Click Orders Trading Mode imposes a 2-second same-cell order delay between order
requests submitted using the same Bid or Ask cell. Any additional attempts to place additional orders during this
2-second delay will not be submitted to the forex broker, instead the user will see an error message appear in the
Activity Log Window 188 corresonding to the order request(s) that did not get requested due to the same-cell
order delay. Alternatively, selecting Buy or Sell from the contextual menu 151 allows the user to request a Buy or
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Sell market order. The contextual menu
also allows the user to request EntryStop Buy, EntryLimit Buy,
EntryStop Sell, and EntryLimit Sell entry orders.
While using the 1-Click Orders Trading Mode a new 1CO column will be displayed. This 1CO column allows the
user to enable or disable the 1CO Trading Mode for each trade instrument independently from the other trade
instruments while 1CO Trading Mode is enabled. The Bid and Ask cells will also change their appearance so that
they resemble clickable buttons if their respective 1CO cell has a checkmark in it.
Requesting a market order for a trade instrument with a checkmarked 1CO cell will IMMEDIATELY request the
corresponding Buy or Sell market order(s) according to the active (checkmarked) accounts in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 with respect to the accounts' respective DA values. There is no Market Order
Placement Window and no secondary order confirmation window displayed while using the 1CO Trading Mode.
However, if the 1CO cell has been disabled for a particular trade instrument, that trade instrument will function as it
does in the Normal Trading Mode (see screenshot below). Requesting an entry order will still open the Entry
Order Placement Window. From the Entry Order Placement Window, the user must specify all of the
appropriate information necessary to facilitate the completion of the order request(s).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Rates Bookmark contextual menu 151 provides the user with additional instrument-specific and general
functionality. The user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the table cells in
order to access the contextual menu 151 .
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VT Trader Interface
151 Contextual Menu
The contextual menu for the Rates Bookmark 145 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any of the 'trade instrument' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Rates Bookmark
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Buy - Requests a Buy market order at the trade instrument's current Ask price
Sell - Requests a Sell market order at the trade instrument's current Bid price
EntryStop Buy - Requests an EntryStop Buy order on the selected trade instrument
EntryLimit Buy - Requests an EntryLimit Buy order on the selected trade instrument
EntryStop Sell - Requests an EntryStop Sell order on the selected trade instrument
EntryLimit Sell - Requests an EntryLimit Sell order on the selected trade instrument
Set Price Alert - Opens the Price Alert Window
allowing the user to place a price alert for the chosen trade
Instruments - Opens the Display Properties Window allowing the user to select the trade instruments displayed
in the Rates Bookmark 145 ; Visible instruments will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden instruments
will not. Selecting a trade instrument with the mouse cursor and pressing the [Move Up] or [Move Down] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
rearranges the order of the displayed trade instruments. The user must press the [OK] button to save any
modifications made and display the Rates Bookmark 145 using the new properties or the user may press the [
Cancel] button to return to the Rates Bookmark 145 without saving any modifications
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Rates Bookmark
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Rates Bookmark 145 . The
Drawing Method section determines the display options enabled or disabled within the Rates Bookmark 145 . The
Bid/Ask Last Digits section determines the font attributes used for the 2 right-most digits of the trade instruments'
Bid/Ask prices.
Using the Grid Bookmark the user can adjust the various color attributes used within the Rates Bookmark 145 .
Background (Odd Row) determines the background color of the odd rows. Background Color (Even Row)
determines the background color of the even rows. Bid/Ask Arrow Up and Bid/Ask Arrow Down determines the
colors of the arrows displayed in the Bid/Ask cells if the "Bid/Ask Arrows" option is enabled. Bid/Ask Highlights Up
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
and Bid/Ask Highlights Down determines the highlight color of the Bid/Ask cells if the "Bid/Ask Highlights" option is
enabled. Fresh Rates Highlights determines the highlight color of the Instrument cell when new price quotes are
received if the "Fresh Rates Highlighs" option is enabled.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets the Rates Bookmark 145 display settings back to thier defaults if they have been
customized by the user, otherwise this option remains disabled
Default Column Width - Resets the width of every column displayed in the Rates Bookmark
back to its
Copy - Copies the data currently displayed in the Rates Bookmark 145 to the PC clipboard allowing the user to
then paste the data into a text file; Data copied includes the trade instruments' name, Bid, and Ask prices
Advanced Rates Bookmark
The Advanced Rates Bookmark of the Dealing Rates Window 145 displays a detailed overview of the available
trade instruments and their current respective market data. This window also allows the user to conduct trading
operations on any of the available Instruments using the Normal Trading Mode 145 of operation (the 1-Click
Orders trading mode 145 is not available in this Bookmark). The user can customize the display of the Advanced
Rates Bookmark (as well as conduct trading operations) by using its contextual menu 157 . The screenshot below
shows the default display of the Advanced Rates Bookmark (ascending sort order based on the Spread column).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Spread,
Time, PipValue, etc.).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
As discussed for the Rates Bookmark 145 , the main functionality of the Dealing Rates Window 145 is to allow the
user to conduct trading operations on the available trade instruments (with respect to the first currency in a pair)
offered by the broker. To facilitate trading, VT Trader is based on the principle "I see it - I trade it". The user may
conduct trading operations using Buy and Sell market orders as well as EntryStop Buy, EntryLimit Buy, EntryStop
Sell, and EntryLimit Sell entry orders. However, unlike the Rates Bookmark 145 , trading operations within the
Advanced Rates Bookmark can only be conducted using the Normal Trading Mode 145 of operation.
Explanations of the columns included in the Advanced Rates Bookmark are as follows:
Instrument - A trade instrument related to the base currency on which trading operations can be conducted. When
a trade instrument's Bid/Ask are updated, that instrument's cell will be highlighted with a light yellow color. This
allows the user to easily see which trade instruments have fresh prices for conducting trading operations. This
"Fresh Rates Highlight" option can be enabled or disabled by choosing Properties from the contextual menu 157 to
access the Display Properties Window. Removing the checkmark next to the "Fresh Rates Highlights" option in
the Appearance Bookmark disables this option. If the user wishes to leave it enabled, but change the color of the
highlight, clicking the "Fresh Rate Color" option in the Grid Bookmark allows for this.
Bid (Sell)/Ask (Buy) - Display the current price quotes for the respective trade instrument. The Bid is the price at
which the user can Sell the trade instrument; The Ask is the price at which the user can Buy the trade instrument.
The values of the prices are determined by the market dynamics and the situation for a particular trade instrument
and are shown "as is". They will change as soon as the smallest movement of prices for that instrument in the
market has occurred. These are the current prices that can be used either to buy or to sell the trade instrument that
the user has chosen at a given moment in time. When a trade instrument's Bid/Ask are updated, that instrument's
Bid and Ask cells will be highlighed with a light blue or light red color. If the current market price is higher than the
previous market price the cells will be highlighted in light blue; If the current market price is lower than the previous
market parice the cells will be highlighted in light red. This allows the user to easily see if each trade instrument's
prices are increasing or decreasing for conducting trading operations. This "Bid/Ask Highlights" option can be
enabled or disabled by choosing Properties from the contextual menu 157 to access the Display Properties
Window. Removing the checkmark next to the "Bid/Ask Highlights" option in the Appearance Bookmark disables
this option. If the user wishes to leave it enabled, but change the colors of the highlight, clicking the "Fill Up/Down
Color" options in the Grid Bookmark allows for this. Furthermore, the user may choose to enable an additional
type of display in the Display Properties Window>Appearance Bookmark for the Bid/Ask cells - Up Arrows and
Down Arrows. The Up Arrows and Down Arrows display the same information to the user as the "Bid/Ask
Highlights", but in a slightly different format. If the current market price is higher than the previous market price, a
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
blue Up Arrow displays; If the current market price is lower than the previous market price, a red Down Arrow
displays. The Up Arrow and Down Arrow colors can be adjusted from Grid Bookmark of the Display Properties
Spread - The difference between Ask and Bid is the spread for a given trade instrument (currency pair). SPREAD
= ASK - BID. The spread is determined by the broker providing the services for conducting trade operations. As a
general rule the spread typically remains static, but it can change depending on the situation in the market. The
broker determines if the spread they offer to their clients will remain static or will change dynamically with market
volatility. This condition is specified when the client account is opened and the agreement for the broker's services
is signed.
Time - The most recent time (based on the broker's services) that a change in price for a particular trade
instrument happened
High - The highest Ask price attained by the respective trade instrument within the current day; Each day is
typically started at 5:00 PM EST, however, the user should verify the daily rollover time with their broker
Low - The lowest Bid price attained by the respective trade instrument within the current day; Each day is typically
started at 5:00 PM EST, however, the user should verify the daily rollover time with their broker
IntBuy - Interest for Buy Positions; The funds that will be credited or debited to the user's account depending on
the trade instrument and the direction of the transaction in the event that an open position is rolled over. This
amount is calculated in the account's base currency for one standard lot of the traded instrument and is dependent
on the current bank interest rate.
IntSell - Interest for Sell Positions; The funds that will be credited or debited to the user's account depending on
the trade instrument and the direction of the transaction in the event that an open position is rolled over. This
amount is calculated in the account's base currency for one standard lot of the traded instrument and is dependent
on the current bank interest rate.
PipValue - The value of 1 pip of the respective trade instrument; This value is calculated in the account's base
currency for one standard lot of the traded instrument
The Advanced Rates Bookmark contextual menu 157 provides the user with additional instrument-specific and
general functionality. The user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the table
cells in order to access the contextual menu 157 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
157 Contextual Menu
The contextual menu for the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'trade instrument' rows.
Explanations of the options included in the Advanced Rates Bookmark
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Buy - Requests a Buy market order at the trade instrument's current Ask price
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Sell - Requests a Sell market order at the trade instrument's current Bid price
EntryStop Buy - Requests an EntryStop Buy order on the selected trade instrument
EntryLimit Buy - Requests an EntryLimit Buy order on the selected trade instrument
EntryStop Sell - Requests an EntryStop Sell order on the selected trade instrument
EntryLimit Sell - Requests an EntryLimit Sell order on the selected trade instrument
Set Price Alert - Opens the Price Alert Window
allowing the user to place a price alert for the chosen trade
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Advanced Rates Bookmark
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 .
The Drawing Method section determines the display options enabled or disabled within the Advanced Rates
Bookmark 153 . The Selection Highlight Color determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight
becomes an outline highlight when this window is no longer the active window in VT Trader. The Font Size option
determines the size of the fonts used for displaying data within the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 .
Using the Grid Bookmark the user can adjust the various color attributes used within the Advanced Rates
Bookmark 153 . Odd Color determines the background color of the odd rows. Even Color determines the
background color of the even rows. Arrow Up Color and Arrow Down Color determines the colors of the arrows
displayed in the Bid/Ask cells if the "Bid/Ask Arrows" option is enabled. Fill Up Color and Fill Down Color
determines the highlight color of the Bid/Ask cells if the "Bid/Ask Highlights" option is enabled. Fresh Rates
Highlights determines the highlight color of the Cur1/Cur2 cells when new price quotes are received if the "Fresh
Rates Highlighs" option is enabled.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using the
Align section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Advanced Rates Bookmark
default display properties
back to the
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-size the columns in the Advanced Rates Bookmark 153 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Account(s) Information Window
The Account(s) Information Window displays an overview of the current status of the user's account(s). The
number of accounts may be limited only by the user's desires and financial possibilities as well as the requirements
set forth by the user's broker. A description of each column is provided further down on this page.
An account marked by a checkmark is active for trading operations. By default, the removal of a checkmark
deactivates the account for any trading operations. Active accounts (identified with a checkmark) are automatically
selected as active accounts (along with their respective DA amount) when placing market orders and entry orders.
The active accounts are also the accounts used when requesting maket orders while using the "1-Click Order"
(OCO) feature of the Dealing Rates Window 145 >Rates Bookmark 145 .
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Acct ID,
Balance, Group, etc.).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
The Account(s) Information Window contextual menu
provides the user with additional functionality. The user
must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'status of account' rows in order to
access the contextual menu 162 .
Explanations of the columns included in the Account(s) Information Window are as follows:
Acct ID - An individual ID or the user's account number
Owner - The name by which the owner of the account is identified. This is specified by the user when signing the
customer agreement with the broker
Trader - The name by which an Trader is identified who is authorized to manage the owner's account (if such a
trader is designated by the owner based on the customer agreement with the broker). If no Trader is specified
based on the customer agreement, then it is assumed that the Trader is the owner of the account.
Balance - A fixed amount of funds in the user's account expressed in the currency specified in the Curr column
Equity - Amount of funds in the user's account; Equals Balance if there are no open positions; If there are open
positions, then: Equity = Balance + Net P/L (where Net P/L is a current total sum of profit or loss resulting from all
existing open positions on the account).
UsdMrg - Used Margin; A portion of the user's funds utilized (held in margin) for each lot in open positions on a
user's account. The amount necessary for used margin is determined by the user's broker as specified in the
customer agreement. If and when Equity <= UsdMrg, a situation referred to as Margin Call develops. A margin
call is issued to the user when there are not enough available funds to support open positions. It is possible to
extract the required funds by closing of one or a number of open positions (if such open positions exist) at the
broker's discretion. If a compulsory action is required in the user's absence, the user is immediately notified by a
message on the monitor screen, a message in the trade instrument's chart window, and in the Activity Log
Window 188 .
UsbMr - Usable Margin (i.e.: available margin); The funds available to support the floating open positions. If there
are open positions, but UsblMrg falls below 0 (Equity <= UsdMrg) the user faces a Margin Call.
MC - Displays the Margin Call status of the user's account. Letters "MC" in this column warn that the account is not
active because of inadequate funds for conducting even one trade with the minimum number of allowable lots.
OP - Number of Open Lots; The number of open lots on a given account.
Gross P/L - The sum of floating profits/losses on the account (expressed in the currency specified in the Curr
column) if there are open positions.
Comm - Commissions; Funds charged for each lot bought or sold if such commissions are specified in the broker's
customer agreement.
Prm - Interest; The funds that will be credited or debited to the account depending on the trade instrument and the
direction of the transaction in the event that the position is rolled over. This amount is calculated for one minimum
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
lot of the traded instrument and depends on the bank interest rate.
Net P/L - The sum of floating profits/losses on the account that takes into account commissions and/or interest
(expressed in the currency specified in the Curr column) if there are open positions
DA - Default Amount; An amount of lots set by default for the respective account for conducting trading operations
(note: the amount of lots used for trading operations may be specified for all active accounts or per account when
requesting a market order or entry order if the user desires to trade using lot amounts that different from the
accounts' DA's). The DA values (along with the specifying the active accounts) are particularly useful if/when the
user conducts the majority of their trading operations using the same lot sizes and active accounts.
Group - Makes it possible to combine different accounts into groups and in the course of trading operations refer
to groups of accounts instead of separate accounts
Curr - The currency in which the funds in the user's account are held
The Total Line (in accordance with the columns) displays a summary status of all user accounts (expressed in the
currency specified in the Curr column).
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Account(s) Information Window 160 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'status of account' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Account(s) Information Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Reports - Displays the Reports Window 189 ; From this window the user may select the account(s) and a date
range to view a detailed trading history report.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Edit DA Group - Displays a popup window allowing the user to define the default trade amount and default trade
group for the selected account
Convert to - Dynamically converts the selected account's funds into another currency. This currency conversion
is conducted based on the current market prices
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Account(s) Information Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Account(s) Information
Window 160 . The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection
Frame Color determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when
this window is no longer the active window in VT Trader.
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'status of account' rows displaying within
the Account(s) Information Window 160 . Background Color determines the background color of the odd rows.
Background Color 2 determines the background color of the even rows.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
From within the Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying
in the Account(s) Information Window 160 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title.
Using the Align section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Up] and [Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Account(s) Information Window
default display properties
back to the
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Account(s) Information Window 160 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Open Positions Window
The Open Positions Window displays trade information pertaining to currently open positions in the user's
account(s). The Open Positions Window's title bar displays the Accout ID's whose data is displaying in the Open
Positions Window (note: the user can change the selected account(s) displaying trade information by using the
contextual menu 168 of this window).
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Close,
Comm, etc.).
The Open Positions Window contextual menu 168 provides the user with additional position-specific and general
functionality. The user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'open position'
rows in order to access the contextual menu 168 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Explanations of the columns included in the Open Positions Window are as follows:
Ticket - An individual unique identification number assigned to a trade transaction for its entire duration until closed
Acct ID - An individual ID or the user's account number
Instrument - A trade instrument related to the base currency in which the transaction has been conducted
Lot - The number of lots in a given open position
B/S - The direction of the transaction; B=Buy and S=Sell.
Open - The price of the trade instrument at which the transaction has been conducted
Close - Current market price at which it is possible to instantaneously close the transaction at the discretion of the
Stop - If a conditional stop order has been attached to the open position, this column displays its price. If no
conditional stop order is attached to this position, this column will be empty (blank).
Limit - If a conditional limit order has been attached to the open position, this column displays its price. If no
conditional limit order is attached to this position, this column will be empty (blank).
P/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in Pips) for a particular position
GrossP/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) for a particular position
Comm - Commissions; Funds charged for each lot bought or sold if such commissions are specified in the broker's
customer agreement
Int - Interest; The funds that will be credited or debited to the account depending on the trade instrument and the
direction of the transaction in the event that the position is rolled over
NetP/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) for a particular position that takes into account commissions and interest
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Date/Time - The date and time of the transaction
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Open Positions Window 166 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while
the cursor is hovering over any of the 'open position' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Open Positions Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Close - Closes the selected open position at the current market price
Close Selected - Closes more than one open position simultaneously at the current market price for each trading
instrument associated with the selected positions; Multiple positions (rows) can be selected in the Open Positions
Window 166 by holding down the CTRL key while selecting each desired position using the mouse cursor; Only
active if multiple rows are selected
Close with Hedge - Closes the selected open position along with its hedge position (if a hedge position exists) at
the current market price; Only active if a hedge position exists
Hedge Position -Opens a hedge position with respect to the selected open position. When opening a new hedge
position, no additional margin is required for each lot in the hedge transaction.
Stop - Allows the user to attach a conditional stop order to the selected open position if a stop order does not yet
exist; Allows the user to change the stop price of an attached conditional stop order; Allows the use to remove an
attached conditional stop order; If the market price reaches the Stop order price the position will be closed
automatically and any attached conditional stop and/or limit order(s) will be removed.
Limit - Allows the user to attach a conditional limit order to the selected open position if a limit order does not yet
exist; Allows the user to change the limit price of an attached conditional limit order; Allows the use to remove an
attached conditional limit order; If the market price reaches the Limit order price the position will be closed
automatically and any attached conditional stop and/or limit order(s) will be removed.
Selected Accounts - Displays open positions in the Open Positions Window
as specified by the user in the Select Accounts Window.
only from the user's account(s)
All Accounts - Displays all open positions from all of the user's accounts in the Open Positions Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Select Accounts - Allows the user to choose which account(s)'s open positions will be displayed for in the Open
Positions Window 166 . The Select Accounts Window provides the user with a quick way to enable or disable each
of the user's accounts displaying in the Account(s) Information Window 160 .
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Open Positions Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Open Positions Window 166 .
The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection Highlight Color
determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when this window is
no longer the active window in VT Trader.
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'open position' rows displaying within
the Open Positions Window 166 . Trade PL >= 0 determines the background color of the rows for open positions
that have a Net P/L greater than or equal to zero. Trade PL < 0 determines the background color of the rows for
open positions that have a Net P/L less than zero.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Open Positions Window 166 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using the Align
section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Up] and [Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Open Positions Window
display properties
back to the default
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Open Positions Window 166 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Closed Positions Window
The Closed Positions Window displays trade information pertaining to closed positions in the user's account(s)
between the Beginning date and Ending date. The Closed Positions Window's title bar displays the Accout ID's
whose data is displaying in the Closed Positions Window (note: the user can change the selected account(s)
displaying trade information by using the contextual menu 173 of this window).
By clicking on the dropdown selection menu for the Beginning Date and Ending Date options and then pressing the
[Submit] button, the user has the ability to select a specific date range for analysis.
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Close,
Comm, etc.).
The Closed Positions Window contextual menu 173 provides the user with additional general functionality. The
user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'closed positions' rows in order
to access the contextual menu 173 .
Explanations of the columns included in the Closed Positions Window are as follows:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Ticket - An individual unique identification number assigned to a trade transaction
Acct ID - An individual ID or the user's account number
Instrument - A trade instrument related to the base currency in which the transaction has been conducted
Lot - The number of lots in a given closed position
B/S - The direction of the transaction; B=Buy and S=Sell.
Open - The price of the trade instrument at which the transaction was opened
Close - The price of the trade instrument at which the transaction was closed
P/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in Pips) for a particular position
GrossP/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) for a particular position
Comm - Commissions; Funds charged for each lot bought or sold if such commissions are specified in the broker's
customer agreement
Prm - Interest; The funds that will be credited or debited to the account depending on the trade instrument and the
direction of the transaction in the event that the position was rolled over
NetP/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) for a particular position that takes into account commissions and interest
Open Time - The date and time when the transaction was opened
Close Time - The date and time when the transaction was closed
AccCurr - The currency in which the funds in the user's account are held
The Total Line (in accordance with the columns) displays a summary status of all closed positions displayed in the
Closed Positions Window (expressed in the currency specified in the Curr column).
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Closed Positions Window 171 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'closed position' rows.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Closed Positions Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Report - Displays the Reports Window 189 . From this window the user may select the account(s) and a date
range to view a detailed trading history report
Selected Accounts - Displays closed positions in the Closed Positions Window
account(s) as specified by the user in the Select Accounts Window.
only from the user's
All Accounts - Displays all closed positions from all of the user's accounts in the Closed Positions Window
Select Accounts - Allows the user to choose which account(s)'s closed positions will be displayed for in the
Closed Positions Window 171 . The Select Accounts Window provides the user with a quick way to enable or
disable each of the user's accounts displaying in the Account(s) Information Window 160 .
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Closed Positions Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Closed Positions Window 171 .
The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection Highlight Color
determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when this window is
no longer the active window in VT Trader.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'closed position' rows displaying within
the Closed Positions Window 171 . Trade PL >= 0 determines the background color of the rows for closed
positions that have a Net P/L greater than or equal to zero. Trade PL < 0 determines the background color of the
rows for closed positions that have a Net P/L less than zero.
From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Closed Positions Window 171 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using the
Align section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Up] and [Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Closed Positions Window
display properties
back to the default
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Closed Positions Window 171 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Pending Orders Window
The Pending Orders Window displays trade information pertaining to currently pending orders in the user's
account(s). The Pending Orders Window's title bar displays the Accout ID's whose data is displaying in the
Pending Orders Window (note: the user can change the selected account(s) displaying trade information by using
the contextual menu 179 of this window).
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Order ID,
Rate, etc.).
The Pending Orders Window contextual menu 179 provides the user with additional order-specific and general
functionality. The user must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'pending order'
rows in order to access the contextual menu 179 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
For example, by using the contextual menu 179 >Show Stop/Limit Orders option, the user can not only display a
pending order, but also its associated stoploss and limit orders if they are present. (see screenshot below)
Explanations of the columns included in the Pending Orders Window are as follows:
Order ID - Unique ID number assigned to a pending order for its entire duration until closed.
Acct ID - An individual ID or the user's account number
T - Type of order requested (ES=EntryStop, EL=EntryLimit, S=Stop, L=Limit, I=Imminent, M=Margin Call,
R=Rejected, C=Close).
Instrument - A trade instrument related to the base currency in which the pending order has been requested
Lot - The number of lots in a given open position
B/S - The direction of the transaction; B=Buy and S=Sell.
Duration - Duration of the order before being automatically cancelled if not activated (GTC=Good Till Canceled,
Day=Cancel at End of Day)
Rate - The price of the trade instrument at which the order will be executed
Stop - The price at which the Stop Order has been placed if a Stop Order is associated with a particular pending
order; If there is no value in this column then there is no Stop Order associated with the order
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
Limit - The price at which the Limit Order has been placed if a Limit Order is associated with a particular pending
order; If there is no value in this column then there is no Limit Order associated with the order
Hedge - A checkmark in this column indicates that the pending order is a hedged order.
Date/Time (Req) - The date and time when the pending order was initially confirmed by the broker
Date/Time (LMod) - The date and time when the pending order's most recent modification was confirmed by the
By using the Contextual Menu 179 of the Pending Orders Window, the user is presented with additional
functionality to help manage pending orders as well as customize the display of the window and the data it
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Pending Orders Window 177 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'pending order' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Pending Orders Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Place Order - Resubmits the pending entry order (or conditional stop/limit order) to the broker; Only available when
a pending order has been rejected by the broker
Change - Adjusts the entry price of the pending order as specified in the Rate column of the Pending Orders
Window 177
Remove - Cancels (removes) the pending order before it has been executed
Stop - With respect to the selected order, allows the user to submit a conditional Stoploss Order if one does not
already exist or adjust the Stoploss Order's rate if one is already present; This option is not available for Stoploss
or Limit Type orders.
Limit - With respect to the selected order, allows the user to submit a conditional Limit Order if one does not
already exist or adjust the Limit Order's rate if one is already present; This option is not available for Stoploss or
Limit Type orders.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Show Stop/Limit Orders - Displays the associated conditional stoploss and/or limit orders with respect to their
pending order
Selected Accounts - Displays pending orders in the Pending Orders Window
as specified by the user in the Select Accounts Window.
only from the user's account(s)
All Accounts - Displays all pending orders from all of the user's accounts in the Pending Orders Window
Select Accounts - Allows the user to choose which account(s)'s pending orders will be displayed for in the
Pending Orders Window 177 . The Select Accounts Window provides the user with a quick way to enable or
disable each of the user's accounts displaying in the Account(s) Information Window 160 .
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Pending Orders Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Pending Orders Window 177 .
The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection Highlight Color
determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when this window is
no longer the active window in VT Trader.
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'pending order' rows displaying within
the Pending Orders Window 177 . The background color of each row can be specified based on the Type of order
being displayed in the row (ES=EntryStop, EL=EntryLimit, I=Imminent, M=Margin Call, R=Rejected, C=Close,
S=Stop, L=Limit).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Interface
From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Pending Orders Window 177 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using the
Align section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Up] and [Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Pending Orders Window
display properties
back to the default
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Pending Orders Window 177 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Summary By Accounts Window
The Summary By Accounts Window displays a summary of open positions, how many lots are being traded, and
the trade direction with respect to each trade instrument pertaining to open positions in the user's account(s). The
Summary By Accounts Window's title bar displays the Accout ID's whose data is displaying in the Summary By
Accounts Window (note: the user can change the selected account(s) displaying trade information by using the
contextual menu 184 of this window).
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Close,
Comm, etc.).
The Summary By Accounts Window contextual menu 184 provides the user with additional functionality. The user
must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'status of account' rows in order to
access the contextual menu 184 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Explanations of the columns included in the Summary By Accounts Window are as follows:
Instrument - A trade instrument related to the base currency in which the transaction has been conducted
Lots (total) - The sum total of lots respective to the trade direction currently open in the specified trade instrument;
This total includes the sum total of non-hedged lots.
Lots (non-hedged) - Non-Hedged Lots; The sum total of non-hedged lots respective to the trade direction
currently open in the specified trade instrument
Lots (hedged) - Hedged Lots; The sum total of hedged lots respective to the trade direction currently open in the
specified trade instrument
Amt(K) - Sum of the size of the contracts (measured in 1,000 currency units) respective to the trade direction
curently open in the specified trade instrument
B/S - The direction of the open position(s) for the specified trade instrument; B=Buy and S=Sell.
AvOpen - Average Open Price; Average market price at which positions repective to the trade direction were
opened for the specified trade instrument
Close - Current market price at which it is possible to instantaneously close all open positions in a particular trade
instrument at the discretion of the user
BEP - Break Even Price/Point; Market price at which the sum of the NetP/L for open positions respective to the
trade direction in the specified trade instrument will be greater than or equal to 0.00
MCRate - Market price of the specified trade instrument at which a Margin Call situation will take place; This price
takes into account the given number of open positions and the corresponding number of lots. N/A will be displayed
unless there is only one account selected and the window is displaying "Selected Accounts".
P/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in Pips) for a specified trade instrument
Gross P/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) respective to the trade direction for the specified trade instrument
Net P/L - Floating Profit / Loss (expressed in the account's base currency as specified in the Account(s)
Information Window 160 Curr column) respective to the trade direction for the specified trade instrument that
takes into account commissions and interest
Comm - Commissions; The sum of all funds charged for each lot bought or sold if such commissions are specified
in the broker's customer agreement
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Int - Interest; The sum of all funds that will be credited or debited to the account(s) depending on the trade
instrument and the direction of the transaction in the event that open position(s) are rolled over
Cur - The currency in which the funds in the user's account(s) are held
The Total Line (in accordance with the columns) displays a summary status of all user accounts (expressed in the
currency specified in the Cur column).
By using the Contextual Menu 184 of the Summary By Accounts Window, the user is presented with additional
functionality to help manage open positions as well as customize the display of the window and the data it
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Summary By Accounts Window 182 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'summary' rows.
Explanations of the options available in the Summary By Accounts Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Close All Positions - Allows the user to close all positions respective to the trade direction in the specified trade
instrument at current market prices; An additional dialog window is displayed specifying the active market positions
along with their respective ticket number, account number, and lot size that will be closed.
Convert To - Allows the user to dynamically convert funds into another currency. The conversion into another
currency is conducted based on the current market prices.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Selected Accounts - Displays summary of open positions in the Summary By Accounts Window
the user's account(s) as specified by the user in the Select Accounts Window.
only from
All Accounts - Displays summary of open positions from all of the user's accounts in the Summary By Accounts
Window 182 .
Select Accounts - Allows the user to choose which account(s)'s summary of open positions will be displayed for in
the Summary By Accounts Window 182 . The Select Accounts Window provides the user with a quick way to
enable or disable each of the user's accounts displaying in the Account(s) Information Window 160 .
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Summary By Accounts Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Summary By Accounts Window
182 . The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection Highlight
Color determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when this
window is no longer the active window in VT Trader.
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Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'summary' rows displaying within the
Summary By Accounts Window 182 . Color1 determines the background color of the odd rows. Color2 determines
the background color of the even rows.
From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Summary By Accounts Window 182 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using
the Align section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Up] and [Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Summary By Accounts Window
default display properties
back to the
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Summary By Accounts Window 182 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column.
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Activity Log Window
The Activity Log Window is intended to reflect messages delivered by the user's broker as well as user's actions
relating to trading activities within VT Trader.
The Date/Time column displays the date and time that the user's action took place. The Type column displays the
type of action. The Message column displays details pertaining to the action. The most recent incoming message
is highlighted in bold making it easy to identify.
The operation of the Activity Log Window can be customized by the Bring Activity Log to Front on Incoming
Message and AutoScroll Activity Log to Incoming Message options in the Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark 58 . Furthermore, by using the Activity
Log Window Contextual Menu 188 , the user has access to additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The Contextual Menu for the Activity Log Window 188 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while
the cursor is hovering anywhere within the Activity Log Window 188 . This menu provides the user with additional
Clear Log - Erases the contents from within the Activity Log Window
Save Log - Saves the contents of the Activity Log Window
to a text file for later analysis.
Select All - Highlights (selects) all of the messages within the Activity Log Window
often used along with the Copy option.
. This function is most
Copy - Saves the selected messages (or all messages) within the Activity Log Window
enabling the user to later copy the clipboard contents into a text file.
to the PC's clipboard
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Reports Window
The Reports Window displays Client Reports containing detailed historical trade information associated with the
respective account and date range as specified by the user.
To begin, the user must select one of the available accounts listed in the Account dropdown selection box.
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Next, the user must select the appropriate date range to display the required detailed trade history; This can be
done by clicking with the mouse on the Date Presets (Day, Week, Current Month, Previous Month, Quarter, and
Year). Using the Date Presets automatically fills in the Beginning Date and Ending Date textboxes with the selected
preset date range. The user may also manually select a date range by using the calendar icon off to the right side
of the Beginning Date and Ending Date textboxes for date selection.
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After the Account and Date Range has been selected, pressing the [Submit] button displays a listing of all trades
executed on the selected account during the specified date range. (see image below for sample report)
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Reuters News Window
The Reuters News Service is available only if the broker offers this service to their clients. This window allows the
user to quickly access streaming forex industry-related news as well as top finance and economic news stories
direct from Reuters as they happen.
The Reuters New Window is capable of only displaying news associated with user-defined areas of interest. The
user can select the File menu > Settings option to define up to 3 areas of interest for display.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The user can display more than the current 5 most recent headlines while using the Reuters New Window by
clicking the "Older headlines" link (as shown in the above screenshot). The frequency at which the Reuters News
Window updates the current headlines can be adjusted by using the "Reuters News Refresh Interval" option in the
Navigator Window 12 >Options Bookmark 52 >Properties 58 >General Properties 58 >Communication Bookmark
64 . It is also possible to temporarily "freeze" the auto-refresh of the Reuters News Window by clicking the clock
icon located in the window's toolbar area.
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2.4.10 Chart Patterns Window
Technical chart patterns are rooted in the theory of market psychology. Chart patterns are based on psychological
phenomena that occur between the buyers and sellers of financial instruments in liquid markets.They have been
researched and developed since the 1930's and are universally discussed in books on technical analysis. VT
Trader carefully identifies well known patterns such as Triangles, Channels, Wedges, and Head-and-Shoulders
that emerge in market prices and then ranks those patterns using a specific set of criteria. The results of these
exhaustive pattern searches are displayed in the Chart Patterns Window. For a full description of each pattern
type please refer to the Chart Patterns Type 203 page.
IMPORTANT NOTE #1: The Chart Patterns Window auto-updates its pattern data every 15 minutes; this is the
minimum update interval and it cannot be changed.
IMPORTANT NOTE #2: It's possible for this window to display "completed" and "emerging" chart patterns,
however, your particular broker may have restrictions in place that do not allow the "full use" of the Chart Patterns
feature in VT Trader. For example, the broker may only allow their demo account holders access to "completed"
patterns information while allowing their live account holder access to "emerging" patterns and "completed"
patterns information. The easiest method to determine an "emerging" pattern from a "completed" pattern using the
Chart Patterns Window is to view the Breakout column; an "emerging" pattern will have "N/A" displayed while a
"completed" pattern will have its breakout rating displayed.
The Chart Patterns Window displays detailed information about chart patterns forming (or formed) between the
Beginning date and Ending date. By clicking on the dropdown selection menu for the Beginning Date and Ending
Date options, the user has the ability to select a specific date range for analysis. Once a new date has been
selected the Chart Patterns Window auto-updates its pattern data to reflect the new date range.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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To focus the patterns search the user can select various filtering criteria by pressing the [Modify Filters >>>]
button or the [Reset Filters] button. Once new pattern searching criteria has been selected the Chart Patterns
Window auto-updates its pattern data to reflect the filters. The available filters include: Interval, Instrument, Pattern
, Direction, Trend Change, and Pattern Type. The available filters list will be expanded in future implementations of
the Chart Patterns Window. Full descriptions of these filters, along with the rest of other pattern criteria data
shown in this window, are provided further down in this page.
Each column of data in this window can remain visible or be hidden at the user's discretion. To quickly hide one or
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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more columns, the user can click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the table header row and
select each column they wish to hide. Visible columns will have a checkmark next to their name while hidden
columns will not. To redisplay a hidden column the user simply needs to reselect it from the column list menu.
Furthermore, each visible column can be resized to better fit the data it displays. To resize a column the user must
click and hold down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the column divider directly to the right of
the column they wish to resize. The cursor will change and appear similar to this: <-|-> With the left mouse button
held down, the user can move the mouse to the left or right to resize the column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This can be accomplished by dragging and dropping the desired column into its new location after
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over that column's title cell (Pattern,
Date/Time, etc.).
It is also possible to view a chart with the respective chart pattern as selected in the Chart Patterns Window by
simply double clicking the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over top of the desired chart pattern row. If
there is enough historical chart data available in VT Trader, a new chart window will be opened to the specific
date/time of the chosen pattern using the appropriate zoom level to properly display the chart pattern and its
Prediction Zone. The Prediction Zone (shown as a gray rectangle with crossing lines in the screenshot below) is an
estimated range of prices that the market price may potentially reach based on the detailed pattern information.
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By positioning the cursor over top of one of the pattern lines it is possible to view detailed information about that
specific chart pattern. This detailed information is currently displayed using a mouse-over "hint" window so it is not
possible to provide a screenshot with this information visible. However, the following information is included:
Pattern, Direction, Date/Time, Trend, Length, Quality, Initial Trend, Uniformity, Clarity, Breakout, Prediction From,
and Prediction To.
Each of the pattern results columns in the Chart Patterns Window give the user insight into not only the quality of
the patterns, but also the type, size, and direction. This is exactly the type of information that is needed to
determine the likelihood of any pattern triggers and the follow-through.
Explanations of the columns included in the Chart Patterns Window are as follows:
Instrument - Trade instrument in which the chart pattern was identified
Interval - Chart interval of the trade instrument in which the chart pattern was identified
Pattern - Name of the identified pattern; For a complete list of the available patterns click here
Dir - (a.k.a. Direction) - Direction in which the breakout occurred (or will occur); Completed Patterns: Blue up
triangle indicates that price broke through the resistance line while a red down triangle indicates that price broke
through the support line; Emerging Patterns: Blue outline-only up triangle indicates that price broke through the
resistance line while a red outline-only down triangle indicates that price broke through the support line
Date/Time - The date and time at which the price broke through either the support or resistance line of the pattern
TC - (a.k.a. Trend Change) - identifies the pattern as a Continuation pattern or a Reversal pattern; The pattern is
considered to have "broken out" once price has crossed either the support or resistance line of the pattern. If the
pattern broke out in the same direction as the preceding (initial) trend, it is called a continuation pattern. If breakout
is in the opposite direction, it is called a reversal pattern. A blue right double arrow (>>) indicates a continuation
pattern while a red left double arrow (<<) indicates a reversal pattern.
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Please note: There are historical tendencies that dictate if a pattern is generally considered a continuation or
reversal pattern. However, this tendency should not override a break in the pattern that is contrary to what the
historical tendency is. The user must always remember that the TC measurement implies what the pattern is likely
to do, not what it will do. While the TC measurement offers insight into the most likely direction of the Breakout,
there are also other considerations the user must keep in mind. Much of the merit of the continuation or reversal
tendencies of the pattern come from the Initial Trend so when reviewing the pattern results, both the TC (Trend)
and Initial Trend measurements should be considered to validate the pattern's directional follow-through.
Len - (a.k.a. Length) - Length of the pattern in bars; For example: a pattern consisting of 30 bars (length) identified
in the 60-Minute chart interval (Interval) means that the pattern was formed over 30 hours.
Quality - The overall quality of the pattern; This is the average of all of the other quality measurements (Initial
Trend, Uniformity, Clarity, and Breakout); The overall Quality of any pattern, both determined by VT Trader and by
the aesthetics of the chart pattern as analyzed by the user, must be validated using all of the various quality
measurements to achieve the most consistent and effective results possible.
Initial Trend - Quality of the price trend preceding the pattern formation; A longer, more steady initial trend is an
important component of a high quality pattern. It does not matter whether the trend is bullish or bearish, but the
consistency and duration of the initial trend partly determines Quality and aesthetics of the pattern.
Uniformity - Measures how uniformly spaced the price turning points are that touch the support or resistance lines
Clarity - Defines how the clear the pattern is; That is, the lack (or amount) of random price movements during the
formation of the pattern
Breakout - The decisiveness with which the price broke through the support or resistance line of the pattern; This
quality measure is irrelevant for emerging patterns.
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VT Trader Interface
The Chart Patterns Window contextual menu 201 provides the user with additional general functionality. The user
must click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the 'chart pattern' rows in order to access
the contextual menu 201 . Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Chart Patterns Window 196 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while
the cursor is hovering over any of the 'chart patterns' rows.
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Explanations of the options available in the Chart Patterns Window
Contextual Menu are as follows:
Properties - Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the Chart Patterns Window
From within the Appearance Bookmark, the Header Font section determines the column titles' font attributes. The
Table Font section determines the font attributes of the data displaying within the Chart Patterns Window 196 .
The Font Size option determines the font size used for all text displaying in the window. Selection Highlight Color
determines the selected row's highlight color; This row highlight becomes an outline highlight when this window is
no longer the active window in VT Trader.
Using the Grid Bookmark, the user can adjust the background color of the 'open position' rows displaying within
the Chart Patterns Window 196 . Background (Odd Row) determines the background color of the odd rows.
Background Color (Even Row) determines the background color of the even rows.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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From within Cell Alignment Bookmark, the user can enable/disable the display of each the columns displaying in
the Chart Patterns Window 196 by placing and removing the checkmark next to each column title. Using the Align
section, the user can quickly set the font alignment for the text displayed within each column.
It is also possible to change the position of each column respective to its location in the window as displayed from
left to right. This is accomplished by pressing [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons included in this bookmark.
To save any changes made to the properties press the [OK] button. Pressing the [Set as Default] button will set
the current property attributes as the new default properties. Pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Display
Properties window without saving any changes.
Reset to Default - Resets any custom display properties for the Chart Patterns Window
display properties
back to the default
Adjust Column Width - Quickly auto-sizes the columns in the Chart Patterns Window 196 to fit the data
displaying in each column; The columns are auto-sized according to the largest length of text within each
respective column. Chart Pattern Types
There are numerous types of patterns, all named according to the shapes that prices form between the support
and resistance lines. The general types of patterns identified by VT Trader currently include: Triangles 204 ,
Channels 206 , Rectangles 206 , Wedges 209 , Head-and-Shoulders 210 , Double Tops & Bottoms 212 , and Triple Tops
& Bottoms 213 .
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A triangle is formed between converging support and resistance lines. A negative sloping resistance line indicates
a reducing level of profit taking or more uncertainty about the value of the stock. With a positive sloping support line
the price levels are squeezed into a corner. Once the support or resistance line is broken, pressure that has built
up as a result of uncertainty is released and a certain amount of momentum is added to the price change in the
direction of the breakout.
Symmetrical Triangle
There are specific variations of triangles that can occur, namely ascending and descending triangles. An ascending
triangle has a horizontal resistance line and a descending triangle has a horizontal support line.
Ascending Triangle
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Descending Triangle
An ascending triangle usually occurs as a continuation of a bullish trend, while a descending triangle usually occurs
as a continuation of a bearish trend.
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Channels and Rectangles
A channel is formed between parallel support and resistance lines. This pattern usually indicates a relatively strong
trend (up or down) with the price staying within the lines until breakout. A breakout from a channel indicates either a
reversal in the trend or a change in the slope of the current trend.
Channel Up
Channel Down
Similar to a channel, a rectangle is a pattern formed between horizontal support and resistance lines.
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Rectangles and Channels are sometimes referred to as Flags and Pennants depending on the slope of the initial
trend and the slope of the breakout. A Flag would be defined as a Bullish Continuation Channel Down, or a Bearish
Continuation Channel Up. A Pennant would be defined as a Bullish Continuation Triangle, or a Bearish
Continuation Triangle.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Wedges are similar to triangles in that these patterns are formed between converging support and resistance lines.
However, where the support and resistance lines in a triangle have one positive and one negative slope, the
support and resistance lines of a wedge would both have either a positive or negative slope. Wedges with positive
slopes are called Rising Wedges and ones with negative slopes are Falling Wedges.
Rising Wedge
Falling Wedge
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The most common wedges are found as breakouts in the opposite direction of the wedge. That is, bearish
breakouts in a rising wedge, and bullish breakouts in a falling wedge.
Head and Shoulders
A Head and Shoulders pattern describes a share price movement that depicts the head and shoulders of a person.
Head and Shoulders is a reversal pattern from a bullish trend to a bearish trend. The pattern starts when the price
graph crosses the support line upwards before formation of the left shoulder, and is completed once the graph
crosses the support line downwards after formation of the right shoulder.
Head and Shoulders
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An Inverse Head and Shoulders is similar in shape except that it is upside down and indicates reversal from
bearish to bullish trend.
Inverse Head and Shoulders
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Double Top & Double Bottom
Double Top and Double Bottom are reversal patterns that touch either the support or resistance lines twice before
reversing their trend. Look for a strong initial trend and a significant breakout in order to confirm the reversal.
Double Top
Double Bottom
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Triple Top & Triple Bottom
Triple Top and Triple Bottom are reversal patterns that touch either the support or resistance lines three times
before reversing their trend. This is a stronger indicator of a trend change than a Double Top or Double Bottom.
Look for a strong initial trend and a significant breakout in order to confirm the reversal.
Triple Top
Triple Bottom
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VT Trader System Tray Icon
The VT Trader System Tray Icon is located at the bottom, right corner of the user's desktop next to the time.
When the user places the mouse cursor over the VT Trader System Tray Icon it displays the name of the broker's
service that the user is currently connected to.
The VT Trader System Tray Icon's contextual menu can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while
the cursor is hovering over the VT Tray Icon. This menu allows the user quick, one-click access to many of the
main menus 13 available through the Navigator Window 12 .
The VT Trader System Tray Icon Menu is also fully user-customizable. To customize this menu the user must
select the 'Customize TrayIcon Menu' option. Doing so will bring up the Customize Tray Icon Menu Window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Customize Tray Icon Menu Window contains two section: Available Menu Items and Current Menu Items.
To customize the Current Menu Items (the list of items displayed in the System Tray Icon Menu) the user must
select items from the Available Menu Items list using the mouse and then press the [Add] button to move the item
into the Current Menu Items list. The user may also elect to remove items from the Current Menu Items list by
selecting the item from that list and pressing the [Remove] button.
The user can also use the [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons to adjust the positioning of an item in the Current
Menu Items list. The [Reset] button resets the menu to its default state. Once the user is finished making changes,
pressing the [Close] button will close the window.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
VT Trader Help Manual
Drawing Tools
Along with technical indicators, VT Trader includes several advanced drawing tools allowing the user to perform
detailed technical analysis on their desired trade instrument(s). The included drawing tools can be accessed by
using the Drawing Toolbar 91 located in the Navigator Window 12 or by using the Tool Selector Button from
within the Chart Window Toolbar 115 .
Please select a drawing tool from the categorized list below for a detailed explanation.
General Use Tools
Chart Grid 220
Cross Hair 223
Comments 231
Symbols 236
Line Tools
Vertical Line 242
Horizontal Line 246
Trend Line 252
Linear Regression Line
Price Channel Tools
Standard Deviation Channel 264
Standard Error Channel 271
Raff Regression Channel 278
Equidistant Channel 285
Andrew's Pitchfork 291
Fibonacci Tools
Horizontal Fibonacci Lines 297
Vertical Fibonacci Lines 304
Angled Fibonacci Lines 309
Fibonacci Fan 316
Fibonacci Arc 321
Gann Tools
· Gann Lines 329
· Gann Fan 335
· Gann Grid 341
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
General Use Tools
VT Trader includes some very useful general purpose tools to aid in technical analysis. Please select each of the
General Use tools below for a full description.
Chart Grid 220
Cross Hair 223
Copy Prices 227
Comments 231
Symbols 236
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Chart Grid
To enable or disable the display of the Chart Grid within an active chart window the user must select the Chart
Grid tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown below when separated from the Navigator
Window 12 ) or from the active Chart Window's Toolbar 119 .
The Chart Grid is enabled within the Default Chart Properties 66 . It will always be displayed within a chart window
as defined by its default properties at Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Charting>General>Rulers
Bookmark>Grid section (unless the active chart window is using its own individualized Chart Properties). From the
Chart Properties window the user can set the default visibility setting as well as the color and line style for the
Chart Grid.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any changes made while adjusting the display properties of the Chart Grid using the
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Charting>General>Rulers Bookmark>Grid section will be applied to all
open chart windows in VT Trader that are using the Default Chart Properties 66 after pressing the [OK] button.
To change the display properties of the Chart Grid for only one particular chart window the Chart Properties option
127 from that Chart Window's Contextual Menu 127 should be used instead of the Default Chart Properties 66 in
the Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Charting>General>Rulers Bookmark>Grid section.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Below are a few screenshots of a chart window displaying the Chart Grid...
(chart window displaying Chart Grid using default properties)
(chart window with Chart Grid disabled)
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(chart window with Chart Grid using customized display properties)
To disable the display of the Chart Grid for a particular active chart the user must press the Chart Grid tool button
so that it does not appear to be depressed in the Drawing Toolbar 91 or in the chart window's toolbar 119 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Cross Hair Tool
To enable or disable the display of the Cross Hair within an active chart window the user must select the Cross
Hair tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown below when separated from the Navigator
Window 12 ) or from the active Chart Window's Toolbar 119 .
The display of the Cross Hair is disabled within VT Trader by default. However, upon selecting the Cross Hair
icon the Cross Hair will be displayed within the active chart window as defined by its default properties 224 at
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>Cross Hair. To disable the display of the Cross Hair
for an active chart, the user must press the Cross Hair tool again button so that it does not appear to be
depressed in the Drawing Toolbar 91 or in the chart window's toolbar 119 .
With the Cross Hair display enabled, the user is able to easily identify a specific date, time, and price point on the
chart. The screenshot below shows a chart window with the Cross Hair tool enabled; The vertical-horizontal line
intersection of the Cross Hair, the Cross Hair Labels, and the specific date/time/price point associated with the
Cross Hair intersection have all been highlighted in red for easier visual identification.
The Cross Hair Tool also includes built-in function called "Measuring". The "Measuring" function automatically
measures (counts) the number of bars and number of pips between two locations in the active chart window. The
measuring label displays data in the format: # of bars / # of pips / price level of cursor.
To utilize this feature, first position the cross hair cursor at one location in the chart window and then click and hold
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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down the left mouse button. With the left mouse button held down, move the cursor to a second location in the
chart window. As the cursor is being moved around in the chart window, a new measuring line and label displays.
This new label updates in realtime the # of bars and the # of pips between the originating location in the chart and
the cursor's current location in the chart.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to implement this new measuring function while the Cross Hair tool is enabled, the
ability to drag and scroll the chart window left and right using the left mouse button was altered. The measuring
function can be temporarily disabled by double-clicking the left mouse button. The cursor will change from the
cross to an arrow and once it's moving it will change to a hand. In this mode the user may scroll the chart by
clicking and holding down the left mouse button while moving the cursor left or right within the chart window. The
measuring function can be reactivated by double-clicking the left mouse button again; Doing so will change the
cursor back to an arrow and ultimately back to the cross once it's been moved.
Selecting the Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>Cross Hair option allows the user to
define the default display properties for the Cross Hair 223 tool.
Using the Cross Hair Properties Window the user can:
Show/Hide the horizontal cross hair line and label
Show/Hide the vertical cross hair line and label
Change the cross hair lines' style and color
Change the cross hair labels' fill color, border color/width, and font attributes
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Cross Hair 223 in the chart window using the
new properties settings. Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Cross Hair Properties Window without saving
any modifications.
An example of a modified Cross Hair
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
can be seen below...
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Copy Prices Tool
To copy price data from the active chart window the user must select the Copy Prices tool (highlighted in red)
from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown below when separated from the Navigator Window 12 ) or from the tool
selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Copy Prices tool selected, the user must place the cursor over the location in the chart window to be
used as the starting point for copying the price data. Next, the user must click and hold down the left mouse button
while dragging the cursor to the ending point in the chart window for the price data range to copy.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Upon releasing the left mouse button, the price data from the selected range will be placed to the user's PC
clipboard and a Save As dialog window will open. Choose the location on the PC to which this file will be saved and
then type a file name for it. Press the [Save] button to create a new text (.txt) file containing the price data; Press
the [Cancel] button to close this dialog window without saving the copy prices data to a file.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Reviewing the contexts of the text, the user can see what price data was copied. The price bar's date stamp, time
stamp, Open price, High price, Low price, Close price, and Volume data is copied and saved in separate columns
in the text file for each price bar selected using the Copy Prices tool.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Comments Tool
To type a comment in the active chart window the user must select the Comments tool (highlighted in red) from
the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the comments tool selected, the user must place the cursor over a location in the active chart window to type
the comment. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse button to display the Edit Comments
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed, the user can adjust the initial display properties of the comment including the font attributes, text
color, and background color for the new comments. The user may also type the initial text at this time.
Press the [OK] button to save modifications and display the comment on the chart using the new properties
settings. Press the [Set as Default] button to set the properties of these comment as the new default properties
for all future comment. Press the [Cancel] button to close the Edit Comments Window without displaying the
comments on the chart.
After pressing the [OK] button, the comment is displayed in the active chart window using the properties chosen in
the Edit Comments Window (shown below with the contextual menu 233 active)...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
To reposition the comment, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it and with
the left mouse button held down, drag the comment to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize
the new location of the comment.
The comment can also be rotated. To rotate the comment the user must first select it by clicking once with the left
mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it. Next, the cursor must be positioned over one of the boxes
around the outside edge of the comment box (the mouse cursor will change when positioned correctly). Click and
hold down the left mouse button to rotate the comment. The comment box will redraw as the cursor is moved
around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the rotation.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the comment to access the
contextual menu 233 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Comments Tool
cursor is hovering over the comments 231 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Comments Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected comments
Delete All - Deletes all comments
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected comments
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected comments
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
back to the
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Comments Window.
of the comments tool
displays the Edit
Using the Edit Comments Window the user can:
· Change the font type, size, attributes, color, and justification
· Change the background color of the comments box
· Change the text displayed on the chart
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the comment 231 in the chart window using the new
properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this comment 231 as the new default
properties for all future comments 231 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Edit Comments Window without
saving any modifications.
An example of a comment
modified using the Edit Comments Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Symbols Tool
To draw a symbol in the active chart window the user must select the Symbol tool (highlighted in red) from the
Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the symbol tool selected, the user must place the cursor over a location in the active chart window to draw a
symbol. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse button to display the Select Symbol Window
. Once displayed, the user must select a symbol.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once a symbol is chosen it will be displayed in the active chart window using the default properties as defined by
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Symbol (shown below with the
contextual menu 238 active).
Once the symbol is displayed in the chart window the user can change its display properties
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
(by using the
VT Trader Help Manual
contextual menu
) or reposition it.
To reposition the symbol, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it and with
the left mouse button held down, drag the symbol to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize the
new location of the symbol.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the symbol to access the contextual
menu 238 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Symbol Tool
is hovering over the symbol 236 .
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the cursor
Explanations of the options available in the Symbol Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected symbol
Delete All - Deletes all symbols
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected symbol
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected symbol 236 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Symbol
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected symbol
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
of the symbol tool
displays the Properties
Using the Properties Window the user can:
· Change the color of the symbol
· Change the size of the symbol
· Change the symbol being displayed
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the symbol 236 in the chart window using the new
properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this symbol 236 as the new default
properties for all future symbols 236 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Properties Window without saving
any modifications.
An example of a symbol
modified using the Properties Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Line Tools
VT Trader includes many popular Line tools for use in the technical analysis of a particular trade instrument.
Please select each of the Line tools below for a full description.
Vertical Lines 242
Horizontal Lines 246
Trend Lines 252
Linear Regression Lines
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Vertical Lines
To draw a vertical line in the active chart window the user must select the Vertical Line tool (highlighted in red)
from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Vertical Line tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window to
draw the vertical line. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse to draw the line in the chart
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once the vertical line is displayed in the chart window the user can change its display properties
contextual menu 243 ) or reposition it.
(by using the
To reposition the vertical line, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it and
with the left mouse button held down, drag the line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize the
new location of the vertical line.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the vertical line to access its
contextual menu 243 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Vertical Line Tool
cursor is hovering over the vertical line 242 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Vertical Line Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected vertical line
Delete All - Deletes all vertical lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected vertical line
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected vertical line 242 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Vertical
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Line Properties Window.
of the Vertical Line tool
displays the Vertical
Using the Vertical Line Properties Window the user can:
Change the color of the vertical line
Change the width of the vertical line
Change the line style of the vertical line
Change the date/time of the vertical line's chart position
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the vertical line 242 in the chart window using the
new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this vertical line 242 as the new
default properties for all future vertical lines 242 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Vertical Line Properties
Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a vertical line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Vertical Line Properties Window can be seen below...
VT Trader Help Manual
Horizontal Lines
To draw a horizontal line in the active chart window the user must select the Horizontal Line tool (highlighted in
red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon
(also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Horizontal Line tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window
to draw the horizontal line. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse to draw the line in the
chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once the horizontal line is displayed in the chart window the user can change its display properties
the contextual menu 247 ) or reposition it.
(by using
To reposition the horizontal line, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it
and with the left mouse button held down, drag the line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize
the new location of the horizontal line.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the horizontal line to access its
contextual menu 247 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Horizontal Line Tool
cursor is hovering over the horizontal line 246 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Horizontal Line Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected horizontal line
Delete All - Deletes all horizontal lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected horizontal line
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected horizontal line
the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Horizontal Line
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected horizontal line
back to
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Horizontal Line Properties Window.
of the Horizontal Line tool
displays the
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the horizontal line
Change the width of the horizontal line
Change the line style of the horizontal line
Change the value (price) of the horizontal line's chart location
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a horizontal line 246 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert timing
options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a horizontal line 246 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the horizontal line 246 in the chart window using
the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this horizontal line 246 as
the new default properties for all future horizontal lines 246 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Horizontal
Line Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a horizontal line
modified using the Horizontal Line Properties Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Trend Lines
To draw a trend line in the active chart window the user must select the Trend Line tool (highlighted in red) from
the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Trend Line tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window to
start the calculation of the trend line. This is typically from a low or high point in price. Once a starting position is
selected the user must click and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the trend line on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 254 of the trend line (by using the
contextual menu 253 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 254 .
To reposition the trend line, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it and with
the left mouse button held down, drag the line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize the new
location of the trend line.
To recalculate where the trend line begins or ends, the user must select the trend line by positioning the cursor
over it and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box at the beginning or the
ending of the line; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the calculation point of the trend line to its
new location. The trend line will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points. The user may also use the
Properties 254 option of the contextual menu 253 to manually change the begin or end point using specific price and
date/time values.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the trend line to access its contextual
menu 253 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Trend Line Tool
cursor is hovering over the trend line 252 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Trend Line Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected trend line
Delete All - Deletes all trend lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected trend line
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected trend line 252 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Trend
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected trend line
Draw Parallel Trend Line - Quickly creates an exact duplicate of the selected trend line
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Properties Window.
of the Trend Line tool
displays the Trend Line
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
· Change the color of the line
· Change the width of the line
· Change the style of the line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
· Change the beginning calculation point (using price and date/time values)
· Change the ending calculation point (using price and date/time values)
· Extend the trend line 252 to the left and/or right within the chart window
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a trend line 252 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert timing
options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a trend line 252 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the trend line 252 in the chart window using the new
properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this trend line 252 as the new default
properties for all future trend lines 252 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Trend Line Properties Window
without saving any modifications.
An example of a trend line
modified using the Trend Line Properties Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Linear Regression Lines
To draw a linear regression line in the active chart window the user must select the Linear Regression Line tool
(highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool
selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Linear Regression Line tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active
chart window to start the calculation of the linear regression line. This is typically from a low or high point in price.
Once a starting position is selected the user must click and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the
linear regression line on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 260 of the linear regression line (by using
the contextual menu 259 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 260 .
To reposition the linear regression line, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over it and with the left mouse button held down, drag the line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to
finalize the new location of the linear regression line.
To recalculate where the linear regression line begins or ends, the user must select the linear regression line by
positioning the cursor over it and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box
at the beginning or the ending of the line; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the calculation point of
the linear regression line to its new location. The linear regression line will redraw as the cursor is moved
around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new
begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the linear regression line to access
its contextual menu 259 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Linear Regression Line Tool 258 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over the linear regression line 258 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Linear Regression Line Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected linear regression line
Delete All - Deletes all linear regression lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected linear regression line
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected linear regression line
back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Linear Regression Line
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected linear regression line
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Regression Line Properties Window.
of the Linear Regression Line tool
displays the
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the color of the line
· Change the width of the line
· Change the style of the line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the price or indicator used to calculate the linear regression line
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the linear regression line 258 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this linear
regression line 258 as the new default properties for all future linear regression lines 258 . Pressing the [Cancel]
button closes the Regression Line Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a linear regression line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Regression Line Properties Window can be seen
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Price Channel Tools
In addition to basic line tools, VT Trader also includes popular Price Channel tools to aid in the technical analysis
of a particular trade instrument. Please select each of the Price Channel tools below for a full description.
Standard Deviation Channels
Standard Error Channels 271
Raff Regression Channels 278
Equidistant Channels 285
Andrew's Pitchforks 291
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Standard Deviation Channels
To draw a standard deviation channel in the active chart window the user must select the Standard Deviation
Channel tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or
from the tool selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Standard Deviation Channel tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active
chart window to start the calculation of the standard deviation channel. Once a starting position is selected the
user must click and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the standard deviation channel on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 266 of the standard deviation channel
(by using the contextual menu 265 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 265 .
To reposition the standard deviation channel, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is
hovering over one of its lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the channel to its new location.
Release the left mouse button to finalize the new location of the standard deviation channel.
To recalculate where the standard deviation channel begins or ends, the user must select the standard
deviation channel by positioning the cursor over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next,
position the cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the middle line; Click and hold down the left
mouse button to drag the calculation point of the standard deviation channel to its new location. The standard
deviation channel will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse
button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the standard deviation channel to
access its contextual menu 265 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Standard Deviation Channel Tool 264 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over the standard deviation channel 264 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Standard Deviation Channel Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected standard deviation channel
Delete All - Deletes all standard deviation channels
Contextual Menu are as
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected standard deviation channel
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected standard deviation
channel 264 back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Standard Deviation Channel
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected standard deviation channel
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu 265 of the Standard Seviation Channel Tool
the Standard Deviations Channel Properties Window.
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the color of the channel lines
· Change the width of the channel lines
· Change the style of the channel lines
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the price or indicator used to calculate the standard deviation channel 264
· Extend the standard deviation channel 264 projected path to the left and/or right within the chart window
· Change the number of standard deviations used to construct the price channel
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a standard deviation channel 264 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3
available alert timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a standard deviation channel 264 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the standard deviation channel 264 in the chart
window using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this standard
deviation channel 264 as the new default properties for all future standard deviation channels 264 . Pressing the [
Cancel] button closes the Standard Deviation Channel Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a standard deviation channel
Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Standard Deviation Channel Properties
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Standard Error Channels
To draw a standard error channel in the active chart window the user must select the Standard Error Channel
tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the
tool selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Standard Error Channel tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active
chart window to start the calculation of the standard error channel. Once a starting position is selected the user
must click and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the standard error channel on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 273 of the standard error channel (by
using the contextual menu 272 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 273 .
To reposition the standard error channel, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over one of its lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the channel to its new location. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the new location of the standard error channel.
To recalculate where the standard error channel begins or ends, the user must select the standard error
channel by positioning the cursor over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the
cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the middle line; Click and hold down the left mouse
button to drag the calculation point of the standard error channel to its new location. The standard error channel
will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the
redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the standard error channel to access
its contextual menu 272 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Standard Error Channel Tool 271 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over the standard error channel 271 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Standard Error Channel Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected standard error channel
Delete All - Deletes all standard error channels
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected standard error channel
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected standard error channel
271 back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Standard Error Channel
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected standard error channel
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Standard Error Channel Properties Window.
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the color of the channel lines
· Change the width of the channel lines
· Change the style of the channel lines
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
of the Standard Error Channel Tool
displays the
VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the price or indicator used to calculate the standard error channel 271
· Extend the standard error channel 271 projected path to the left and/or right within the chart window
· Change the number of standard errors used to construct the price channel
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a standard error channel 271 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available
alert timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a standard error channel 271 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the standard error channel 271 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this standard error
channel 271 as the new default properties for all future standard error channels 271 . Pressing the [Cancel] button
closes the Standard Error Channel Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a standard error channel
can be seen below...
modified using the Standard Error Channel Properties Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Raff Regression Channels
To draw a Raff regression channel in the active chart window the user must select the Raff Regression Channel
tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the
tool selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Raff Regression Channel tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active
chart window to start the calculation of the Raff regression channel. Once a starting position is selected the user
must click and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the Raff regression channel on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 280 of the Raff regression channel (by
using the contextual menu 279 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 280 .
To reposition the Raff regression channel, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over one of its lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the channel to its new location. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the new location of the Raff regression channel.
To recalculate where the Raff regression channel begins or ends, the user must select the Raff regression
channel by positioning the cursor over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the
cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the middle line; Click and hold down the left mouse
button to drag the calculation point of the Raff regression channel to its new location. The Raff regression
channel will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to
finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Raff regression channel to
access its contextual menu 279 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Raff Regression Channel Tool 278 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over the Raff regression channel 278 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Raff Regression Channel Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Raff regression channel
Delete All - Deletes all Raff regression channels
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Raff regression channel
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Raff regression channel
278 back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Raff Regression Channel
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Raff regression channel
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
the Raff Regression Channel Properties Window.
of the Raff Regression Channel Tool
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the color of the channel lines
· Change the width of the channel lines
· Change the style of the channel lines
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Change the price or indicator used to calculate the Raff regression channel 278
· Extend the Raff regression channel 278 projected path to the left and/or right within the chart window
· Change the number of standard deviations used to construct the price channel
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Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Raff regression channel 278 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available
alert timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Raff regression channel 278 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Raff regression channel 278 in the chart
window using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this Raff
regression channel 278 as the new default properties for all future Raff regression channels 278 . Pressing the [
Cancel] button closes the Raff Regression Channel Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Raff regression channel
can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Raff Regression Channel Properties Window
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Equidistant Channels
To draw an equidistant channel in the active chart window the user must select the Equidistant Channel
Channel tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or
from the tool selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Equidistant Channel tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart
window to start the calculation of the equidistant channel. Once a starting position is selected the user must click
and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the equidistant channel on the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 287 of the equidistant channel (by using
the contextual menu 286 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 287 .
To reposition the equidistant channel, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over the lower channel line and with the left mouse button held down, drag the channel to its new location. Release
the left mouse button to finalize the new location of the equidistant channel.
To recalculate where the equidistant channel begins or ends, the user must select the equidistant channel by
positioning the cursor over the lower channel line and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor
over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the line; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the
calculation point of the equidistant channel to its new location. The equidistant channel will redraw as the cursor
is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the
new begin/end points. The user may also use the Properties 287 option of the contextual menu 286 to manually
change the begin or end point using specific price and date/time values. Lastly, the upper channel line may be
moved to increase or decrease the width of the channel. With the equidistant channel selected, the user should
click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the upper channel line and with the left mouse button
held down, drag the upper channel line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize the new
location of the upper channel line.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the equidistant channel to access its
contextual menu 286 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Equidistant Channel Tool 285 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over the equidistant channel 285 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Equidistant Channel Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected equidistant channel
Delete All - Deletes all equidistant channels
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected equidistant channel
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected equidistant channel 285
back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Equidistant Channel
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected equidistant channel
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Equidistant Channel Properties Window.
of the Equidistant Channel Tool
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the channel lines
Change the width of the channel lines
Change the style of the channel lines
Change the beginning calculation point (using price and date/time values)
Change the ending calculation point (using price and date/time values)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
displays the
VT Trader Help Manual
· Extend the equidistant channel
to the left and/or right within the chart window
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a equidistant channel 285 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert
timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a equidistant channel 285 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the equidistant channel 285 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this equidistant
channel 285 as the new default properties for all future equidistant channels 285 . Pressing the [Cancel] button
closes the Equidistant Channel Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of an equidistant channel
seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Equidistant Channel Properties Window can be
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Andrews' Pitchforks
Originally developed by Dr. Alan Andrews, the Andrews' Pitchfork (a.k.a. median line studies) is typically
constructed of three parallel trend lines used to identify potential support and resistance levels (iadditional tines can
be specified; please refer to the tool's display properties 293 for details). These trend lines are created using three
different reference points which are typically sequential peaks and troughs. The first trendline (the median or
middle line) begins at the left-most reference point (either a peak or trough) and equally divides the distance
between the two right-most reference points. This median line is usually referred to as the pitchfork handle. The
second and third trend lines are drawn parallel to the first trend line, beginning at the two right-most reference
points (a trough and a peak). The second and third trend lines are usually referred to as the pitchfork tines (or
To draw an Andrews' pitchfork in the active chart window the user must select the Andrews' Pitchfork tool
(highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool
selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Andrews' Pitchfork tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart
window to start the calculation of the Andrews' pitchfork. Once a starting position is selected the user must click
and hold down the left mouse button while drawing the Andrews' pitchfork on the chart. Please note: Correctly
drawing or positioning the Andrews' pitchfork initially in the active chart window will be very difficult, if not
impossible, due to the tool's drawing behavior. It is strongly recommended that the Andrews' pitchfork simply be
placed on the chart in a way that, when selected, all three reference points (identified as small black boxes, see
screenshot below) will be visible. Once the Andrews' pitchfork has been drawn in active chart window, the user
may then easily reposition each reference point accordingly.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 293 of the Andrews' pitchfork (by using
the contextual menu 292 ), reposition it, or change the reference points used for calculations 293 .
To reposition the Andrews' pitchfork, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over
any of the trend lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the pitchfork to its new location. Release the
left mouse button to finalize the new location of the Andrews' pitchfork.
To recalculate the Andrews' pitchfork's reference points, the user must select the Andrews' pitchfork by
positioning the cursor over any of the trend lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor
over the box at the beginning of any trend line to be changed; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag
the reference point of the Andrews' pitchfork to its new location. The Andrews' pitchfork will redraw as the
cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according
to the new reference points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Andrews' pitchfork to access its
contextual menu 292 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Andrews' Pitchfork Tool 291 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while
the cursor is hovering over the Andrews' pitchfork 291 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Andrews' Pitchfork Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Andrews' pitchfork
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Andrews' pitchfork
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Andrews' pitchfork 291
back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Andrews Pitchfork
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Andrews Pitchfork Properties Window.
of the Andrews' Pitchfork Tool
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the fork tines
Change the width of the fork tines
Change the style of the fork tines
Change the font attributes of the tine labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
Separately change the colors of the high and/or low tine multiples
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
displays the
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Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the Tine multiples to calculate, including adding or/or removing custom values; Each muliple represents
a multiple of the distance from the median (or middle) line to the standard tines (tines with a multiple equal to
1); For example, to add 1 additional tine to each side of the pitchfork, the user would need to place a
checkmark next to one of the blank text boxes and then enter "2" (w/out the quotes) in the corresponding
· Enable or disable the Tine labels that display next to their corresponding Tine Multiple
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Andrews' pitchfork 291 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this Andrews'
pitchfork 291 as the new default properties for all future Andrews' pitchforks 291 . Pressing the [Cancel] button
closes the Andrews Pitchfork Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of an Andrews' pitchfork
seen below...
modified using the Andrews Pitchfork Properties Window can be
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Fibonacci Tools
VT Trader includes many popular Fibonacci tools for use in the technical analysis of a particular trade instrument.
Please select each of the Fibonacci tools below for a full description.
Horizontal Fibonacci Lines 297
Vertical Fibonacci Lines 304
Angled Fibonacci Lines 309
Fibonacci Fans 316
Fibonacci Arcs 321
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Horizontal Fibonacci Lines
To draw horizontal Fibonacci lines in the active chart window the user must select the Horizontal Fibonacci
tool (highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the
tool selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the horizontal Fibonacci tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart
window to draw the horizontal Fibonacci lines. Once a location is chosen the user must click and hold down the
left mouse to draw the lines in the chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 299 of the horizontal Fibonacci lines (by
using the contextual menu 298 ), reposition them, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 299 .
To reposition the horizontal Fibonacci lines, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is
hovering over any of the lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the lines to their new location.
Release the left mouse button to finalize the new location of the horizontal Fibonacci lines.
To recalculate where the horizontal Fibonacci lines begins or ends, the user must select the horizontal
Fibonacci lines by positioning the cursor over any of the lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next,
position the cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the underlying trend line; Click and hold
down the left mouse button to drag the calculation point of the horizontal Fibonacci lines to its new location. The
horizontal Fibonacci lines will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the horizontal Fibonacci lines
to access its contextual menu 305 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Horizontal Fibonacci Lines Tool 297 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse
button while the cursor is hovering over any of the horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Horizontal Fibonacci Lines Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected set of horizontal Fibonacci lines
Delete All - Deletes all sets of horizontal Fibonacci lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected horizontal Fibonacci lines
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected horizontal Fibonacci lines
297 back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Horizontal
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected horizontal Fibonacci lines
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
the Horizontal Fibonacci Properties Window.
of the Horizontal Fibonacci Lines Tool
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the lines
Change the width of the lines
Change the style of the lines
Change the font attributes of the lines corresponding text labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 to calculate, including adding and/or removing custom levels
· Extend the horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 to the left and/or right within the chart window.
· Enable or disable the underlying trendline (i.e. the line that connects the high and low price points used for
· Enable or disable the various labels that display next to their corresponding Fibonacci line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a horizontal Fibonacci line 297 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available
alert timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a horizontal Fibonacci line 297 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 in the chart
window using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this set of
horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 as the new default properties for all future sets of horizontal Fibonacci lines 297 .
Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Horizontal Fibonacci Properties Window without saving any
An example of horizontal Fibonacci lines
be seen below...
modified using the Horizontal Fibonacci Properties Window can
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Vertical Fibonacci Lines
To draw vertical Fibonacci lines in the active chart window the user must select the Vertical Fibonacci tool
(highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool
selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the vertical Fibonacci tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart
window to draw the vertical Fibonacci lines. Once a location is chosen the user must click and hold down the left
mouse to draw the lines in the chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 306 of the vertical Fibonacci lines (by
using the contextual menu 305 ), reposition them, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 306 .
To reposition the vertical Fibonacci lines, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over any of the lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the lines to their new location. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the new location of the vertical Fibonacci lines.
To recalculate where the vertical Fibonacci lines begins or ends, the user must select the vertical Fibonacci
lines by positioning the cursor over any of the lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the
cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the underlying trend line; Click and hold down the left
mouse button to drag the calculation point of the vertical Fibonacci lines to its new location. The vertical
Fibonacci lines will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button
to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the vertical Fibonacci lines to
access its contextual menu 305 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Vertical Fibonacci Lines Tool 304 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the vertical Fibonacci lines 304 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Vertical Fibonacci Lines Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected set of vertical Fibonacci lines
Delete All - Deletes all sets of vertical Fibonacci lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected vertical Fibonacci lines
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected vertical Fibonacci lines
304 back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Vertical
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected vertical Fibonacci lines
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Vertical Fibonacci Properties Window.
of the Vertical Fibonacci Lines Tool
displays the
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the lines
Change the width of the lines
Change the style of the lines
Change the font attributes of the lines corresponding text labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the vertical Fibonacci lines 304 to calculate, including adding and/or removing custom levels
· Enable or disable the underlying trendline (i.e. the line that connects the high and low price points used for
· Enable or disable the labels that display next to their corresponding Fibonacci line
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the vertical Fibonacci lines 304 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this set of vertical
Fibonacci lines 304 as the new default properties for all future sets of vertical Fibonacci lines 304 . Pressing the [
Cancel] button closes the Vertical Fibonacci Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of vertical Fibonacci lines
seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Vertical Fibonacci Properties Window can be
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Angled Fibonacci Lines
To draw angled Fibonacci lines in the active chart window the user must select the Angled Fibonacci tool
(highlighted in red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool
selector icon (also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the angled Fibonacci tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart
window to draw the angled Fibonacci lines. Once a location is chosen the user must click and hold down the left
mouse to draw the lines in the chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 311 of the angled Fibonacci lines (by
using the contextual menu 310 ), reposition them, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 311 .
To reposition the angled Fibonacci lines, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering
over any of the lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the lines to their new location. Release the left
mouse button to finalize the new location of the angled Fibonacci lines.
To recalculate where the angled Fibonacci lines begins or ends, the user must select the angled Fibonacci
lines by positioning the cursor over any of the lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the
cursor over either the box at the beginning or the ending of the underlying trend line; Click and hold down the left
mouse button to drag the calculation point of the angled Fibonacci lines to its new location. The angled
Fibonacci lines will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button
to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over any of the angled Fibonacci lines to
access its contextual menu 310 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Angled Fibonacci Lines Tool 309 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button
while the cursor is hovering over any of the angled Fibonacci lines 309 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Angled Fibonacci Lines Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected set of angled Fibonacci lines
Delete All - Deletes all sets of angled Fibonacci lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected angled Fibonacci lines
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected angled Fibonacci lines
back to the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Angled
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected angled Fibonacci lines
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Angled Fibonacci Properties Window.
of the Angled Fibonacci Lines Tool
displays the
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the lines
Change the width of the lines
Change the style of the lines
Change the font attributes of the lines corresponding text labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the angled Fibonacci lines 309 to calculate, including adding and/or removing custom levels
· Enable or disable the underlying trendline (i.e. the line that connects the high and low price points used for
· Enable or disable the labels that display next to their corresponding Fibonacci line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when an angled Fibonacci line 309 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available
alert timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when an angled Fibonacci line 309 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the angled Fibonacci lines 309 in the chart window
using the new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this set of angled
Fibonacci lines 309 as the new default properties for all future sets of angled Fibonacci lines 309 . Pressing the [
Cancel] button closes the Angled Fibonacci Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of angled Fibonacci lines
seen below...
modified using the Angled Fibonacci Properties Window can be
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Fibonacci Fans
To draw a Fibonacci Fan in the active chart window the user must select the Fibonacci Fan tool (highlighted in
red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon
(also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Fibonacci Fan tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window
to draw the Fibonacci Fan. Once a location is chosen the user must click and hold down the left mouse to draw
the lines in the chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 318 of the Fibonacci Fan (by using the
contextual menu 317 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 318 .
To reposition the Fibonacci Fan, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over one
of its lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the fan to its new location. Release the left mouse button
to finalize the new location of the Fibonacci Fan.
To recalculate where the Fibonacci Fan begins or ends, the user must select the Fibonacci Fan by positioning
the cursor over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box
at the beginning or the ending of the underlying trendline; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the
calculation point of the Fibonacci Fan to its new location. The Fibonacci Fan will redraw as the cursor is moved
around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new
begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Fibonacci Fan to access its
contextual menu 317 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Fibonacci Fan Tool 316 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any of the Fibonacci Fan lines 316 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Explanations of the options available in the Fibonacci Fan Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Fibonacci Fan
Delete All - Deletes all Fibonacci Fans
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Fibonacci Fan
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Fibonacci Fan
the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Fan
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Fibonacci Fan
back to
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Fan Properties Window.
of the Fibonacci Fan Tool
displays the Fibonacci
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the fan lines
Change the width of the fan lines
Change the style of the fan lines
Change the font attributes of the lines corresponding text labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the Fibonacci Fan lines 316 to calculate, including adding and/or removing custom levels
· Enable or disable the underlying trendline (i.e. the line that connects the high and low price points used for
· Enable or disable the labels that display next to their corresponding Fibonacci line
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Select to be alerted when a Fibonacci Fan line
of the trade instrument
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
is breached intrabar or at the close of the bar by the price
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Fibonacci Fan 316 in the chart window using the
new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this set of Fibonacci Fan 316 as
the new default properties for all future Fibonacci Fans 316 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Fibonacci
Fan Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Fibonacci Fan
modified using the Fibonacci Fan Properties Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Fibonacci Arcs
To draw a Fibonacci Arc in the active chart window the user must select the Fibonacci Arc tool (highlighted in
red) from the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon
(also highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Fibonacci Arc tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window
to draw the Fibonacci Arc. Once a location is chosen the user must click and hold down the left mouse to draw the
lines in the chart window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 323 of the Fibonacci Arc (by using the
contextual menu 322 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 323 .
To reposition the Fibonacci Arc, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over one
of its lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the arc to its new location. Release the left mouse button
to finalize the new location of the Fibonacci Arc.
To recalculate where the Fibonacci Arc begins or ends, the user must select the Fibonacci Arc by positioning the
cursor over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box at
the beginning or the ending of the underlying trendline; Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the
calculation point of the Fibonacci Arc to its new location. The Fibonacci Arc will redraw as the cursor is moved
around within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new
begin/end points.
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Fibonacci Arc to access its
contextual menu 322 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Fibonacci Arc tool 321 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any of the Fibonacci arc lines 321 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Fibonacci Arc Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Fibonacci Arc
Delete All - Deletes all Fibonacci Arcs
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Fibonacci Arc
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Fibonacci Arc
the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Fibonacci Arc
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Fibonacci Arc
back to
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Arc Properties Window.
of the Fibonacci Arc Tool
displays the Fibonacci
Using the Drawing Properties bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the arc lines
Change the width of the arc lines
Change the style of the arc lines
Change the font attributes of the lines corresponding text labels (by pressing the [ ... ] button next to Font)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Using the Calc Properties bookmark the user can:
· Define the Fibonacci Arc lines 321 to calculate, including adding and/or removing custom levels
· Enable or disable the underlying trendline (i.e. the line that connects the high and low price points used for
· Enable or disable the labels that display next to their corresponding Fibonacci line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Fibonacci Arc line 321 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert
timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Fibonacci Arc line 321 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Fibonacci Arc 321 in the chart window using the
new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this set of Fibonacci Arc 321 as
the new default properties for all future Fibonacci Arc 321 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Fibonacci Arc
Properties Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Fibonacci Arc
modified using the Fibonacci Arc Properties Window can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Gann Tools
VT Trader includes many popular Gann tools for use in the technical analysis of a particular trade instrument.
Please select each of the Gann tools below for a full description.
· Gann Lines 329
· Gann Fans 335
· Gann Grids 341
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Gann Lines
To draw a Gann line in the active chart window the user must select the Gann Line tool (highlighted in red) from
the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Gann Line tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window to
start the calculation of the Gann line. This is typically from a low or high point in price. Once a starting position is
selected the user must click the left mouse button to draw the Gann on the chart. The Gann line will initially be
drawn at an exact 45 degree angle using the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann Line.
The Gann line at 45 degrees is commonly referred to as the 1x1 ratio; 1 unit of time is equal to a 1 unit rise (or
decline) in the trade instrument's measure of price. In forex, the smallest unit of price is called a pip.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 331 of the Gann line (by using the
contextual menu 330 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 337 .
To reposition the Gann line, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over it and with
the left mouse button held down, drag the line to its new location. Release the left mouse button to finalize the new
location of the Gann line.
To recalculate where the Gann line begins or ends, the user must select the Gann line by positioning the cursor
over it and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box at the beginning or in
the middle of the line (see screenshot above); Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the calculation
point of the Gann line to its new location. The Gann line will redraw as the cursor is moved around within the chart
window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end points.
As an alternate method of recalculation, the user may manually adjust the beginning point and/or rise and run
values used for calculation 331 of the Gann line by clicking the right mouse button once while the cursor is hovering
over the line and selecting Properties from the contextual menu 330 .
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Gann line to access its contextual
menu 330 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Gann Line Tool
cursor is hovering over the Gann line 329 .
can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Gann Line Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Gann line
Delete All - Deletes all Gann lines
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Gann line
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Gann line 329 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Gann line
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Properties Window.
of the Gann Line Tool
displays the Gann Line
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the line
Change the width of the line
Change the style of the line
Change the beginning calculation point (using price and date/time values)
Change the run of the line (the # of bars between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
· Change the rise of the line (the # of pips between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
· Extend the Gann line 329 to the left within the chart window
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann line 329 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert timing
options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann line 329 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Gann line 329 in the chart window using the new
properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this Gann line 329 as the new
default properties for all future Gann lines 329 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Gann Line Properties
Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Gann line
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Gann Line Properties Window can be seen below...
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Gann Fans
To draw a Gann Fan in the active chart window the user must select the Gann Fan tool (highlighted in red) from
the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Gann Fan tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window to
draw the Gann Fan. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse to draw the Gann Fan in the
chart window. The Gann fan will initially be drawn with the middle (base) line at an exact 45 degree angle using the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann
The Gann line at 45 degrees is commonly referred to as the 1x1 ratio; 1 unit of time is equal to a 1 unit rise (or
decline) in the trade instrument's measure of price. In forex, the smallest unit of price is called a pip. Other
important lines used to construct the Gann fan (from top to bottom) are:
1x8 - 82.5 degrees
1x4 - 75 degrees
1x3 - 71.25 degrees
1x2 - 63.75 degrees
1x1 - 45 degrees (base line - most important according to Gann!)
2x1 - 26.25 degrees
3x1 - 18.75 degrees
4x1 - 15 degrees
8x1 - 7.5 degrees
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 337 of the Gann Fan (by using the
contextual menu 336 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 331 .
To reposition the Gann Fan, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over one of its
lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the fan to its new location. Release the left mouse button to
finalize the new location of the Gann Fan.
To recalculate where the Gann Fan begins or ends, the user must select the Gann Fan by positioning the cursor
over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box at the
beginning or along the 1x1 line (see screenshot above); Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the
calculation point of the Gann Fan to its new location. The Gann Fan will redraw as the cursor is moved around
within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end
As an alternate method of recalculation, the user may manually adjust the beginning point and/or rise and run
values used for calculation 337 of the Gann fan by clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over
any of its lines and selecting Properties from the contextual menu 336 .
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Gann Fan to access its contextual
menu 336 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Gann Fan Tool 335 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any of the Gann Fan lines 335 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Gann Fan Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Gann Fan
Delete All - Deletes all Gann Fans
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Gann Fan
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Gann Fan 335 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Gann Fan
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Properties Window.
of the Gann Fan Tool
displays the Gann Fan
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the fan lines
Change the width of the fan lines
Change the style of the fan lines
Change the beginning calculation point (using price and date/time values)
Change the run of the line (the # of bars between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
· Change the rise of the line (the # of pips between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann Fan line 335 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert timing
options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann Fan line 335 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Gann Fan 335 in the chart window using the new
properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this Gann Fan 335 as the new
default properties for all future Gann Fans 335 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Gann Fan Properties
Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Gann Fan
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Gann Fan Properties Window can be seen below...
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Gann Grids
To draw a Gann Grid in the active chart window the user must select the Gann Grid tool (highlighted in red) from
the Drawing Toolbar 91 (shown separated from the Navigator Window) or from the tool selector icon (also
highlighted in red) in the Chart Window's Toolbar 115 .
With the Gann Grid tool selected, the user must position the cursor over a location in the active chart window to
draw the Gann Grid. Once a location is chosen the user must click the left mouse to draw the Gann Grid in the
chart window. The Gann Grid will initially be drawn with the middle (base) line at an exact 45 degree angle using
the default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User
Objects>Gann Grid.
The Gann line at 45 degrees is commonly referred to as the 1x1 ratio; 1 unit of time is equal to a 1 unit rise (or
decline) in the trade instrument's measure of price. In forex, the smallest unit of price is called a pip. The 1x1 ratio
45 degree line is considered to be the most important line for measuring the price trend according to Gann.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Once displayed on the chart, the user can change the display properties 343 of the Gann Grid (by using the
contextual menu 342 ), reposition it, or change the begin/end points used for calculations 343 .
To reposition the Gann Grid, the user should click the left mouse button while the cursor is hovering over one of its
lines and with the left mouse button held down, drag the fan to its new location. Release the left mouse button to
finalize the new location of the Gann Grid.
To recalculate where the Gann Grid begins or ends, the user must select the Gann Grid by positioning the cursor
over one of its lines and clicking the left mouse button once. Next, position the cursor over either the box at the
beginning or along the 1x1 line (see screenshot above); Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the
calculation point of the Gann Grid to its new location. The Gann Grid will redraw as the cursor is moved around
within the chart window. Release the left mouse button to finalize the redrawing according to the new begin/end
As an alternate method of recalculation, the user may manually adjust the beginning point and/or rise and run
values used for calculation 343 of the Gann Grid by clicking the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over
any of its lines and selecting Properties from the contextual menu 342 .
The user may click the right mouse button while the cursor is hovering over the Gann Grid to access its
contextual menu 342 for additional functionality.
Contextual Menu
The contextual menu of the Gann Grid Tool 341 can be accessed by clicking the right mouse button while the
cursor is hovering over any of the Gann Grid lines 341 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Explanations of the options available in the Gann Grid Tool
Delete - Deletes the selected Gann Grid
Delete All - Deletes all Gann Grids
Contextual Menu are as follows:
displayed in the active chart window
displayed in the active chart window
- Allows the user to adjust the display properties of the selected Gann Grid
Set to Default - Allows the user to reset any custom display properties for the selected Gann Grid 341 back to the
default properties as defined by Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>Charting>User Objects>Gann
Add Comment - Associates a comment
specifically with the selected Gann Grid
Selecting the Properties option from the contextual menu
Properties Window.
of the Gann Grid Tool
displays the Gann Fan
Using the Drawing Properties Bookmark the user can:
Change the color of the grid lines
Change the width of the grid lines
Change the style of the grid lines
Change the beginning calculation point (using price and date/time values)
Change the run of the line (the # of bars between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
· Change the rise of the line (the # of pips between the beginning and ending points used for calculation)
Using the Alerts bookmark the user can:
· Choose the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann Grid line 341 is breached intra-bar (by choosing 1 of 3 available alert
timing options) by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted when a Gann Grid line 341 is breached at the close of the bar by the Alert Source
· Choose to be alerted by an Alert Message and/or an Alert Sound
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Drawing Tools
Pressing the [OK] button saves any modifications and displays the Gann Grid 341 in the chart window using the
new properties settings. Pressing the [Set as Default] button sets the properties of this Gann Grid 341 as the new
default properties for all future Gann Grids 341 . Pressing the [Cancel] button closes the Gann Grid Properties
Window without saving any modifications.
An example of a Gann Grid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
modified using the Gann Grid Properties Window can be seen below...
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
VT Trader Help Manual
Indicator Builder
The Indicator Builder is a unique component in VT Trader that allows the user to edit the included technical
indicators and to create custom technical indicators using the functions provided by the VT Trader Programming
Language 502 .
The user can access the Indicator Builder by using the Tools Menu
of the Navigator Window
The Indicator Builder Interface is primarily composed of the following main windows:
· Indicator Builder Window 349
· Indicator Editor Window 351
Once the user has thoroughly reviewed the Indicator Builder sections of this help manual, it may be helpful to
take a few moments to walk through a short step-by-step tutorial detailing the process involved in constructing a
custom indicator for use in VT Trader.
· Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Indicator Builder Window
The Indicator Builder Window provides the user access to and management of the technical indicators included
with VT Trader as well as those created by the user.
Icons directly to the left of each indicator's name in the Indicator Builder Window help the user to quickly identify
included indicators versus custom indicators. The icon with a graphic of a line chart in it indicates that an indicator
is included as a standard indicator with VT Trader. The icon with a graphic of a hammer in it indicates that an
indicator is a custom indicator created (or imported) by the user.
The buttons on the right side of the Indicator Builder Window are used for the following purposes:
New - Opens the Indicator Editor Window 351 allowing the user to begin creation of a new custom indicator; The
Name and Short Name fields in the Indicator Editor Window 351 > Indicator Bookmark 362 are pre-filled in with
the default text of NewIndicator (the user should change this to more descriptive text before attempting to save the
new indicator)
Edit - Opens the Indicator Editor Window 351 allowing the user to make changes to the selected indicator
(highlighted using the left mouse button to click on its name) from the indicator list in Indicator Builder Window
Clone - Creates a copy of the selected indicator and adds it to the indicator list with (2) appended to the indicator
name (this allows the user to distinguish the 'Clone' from the original indicator)
Delete - Deletes the selected indicator to the Windows(R) Recycle Bin; The Indicator Lock option must be
unchecked in the Indicator Editor Window 351 > Indicator Bookmark 362
Export - Exports the selected indicator to be saved in a designated directory on the user's PC; the indicator file will
be saved with a .vtscr file extension; an exported indicator file can be imported into VT Trader using the Import
button (discussed below)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Import - Imports an indicator file that was previously exported from VT Trader with a .vtsrc file extension; importing
an indicator adds it to the indicator list in the Indicator Builder Window using the text in the Name field of the
Indicator Editor Window 351 > Indicator Bookmark 362 ; if an indicator with the same Name already exists in VT
Trader a (2) will be appended to the imported indicator's name to help distinguish it from the existing indicator;
Imported indicators are saved into the IndicatorScripts subdirectory of the main VTTrader program directory in the
user's PC
Close - Exits the Indicator Builder Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Indicator Editor Window
The Indicator Editor Window is the primary window that allows the user to edit existing technical indicators and
create new, custom technical indicators. The main window header displays the name 362 of the indicator being
created or edited.
For ease of use, the Indicator Editor Window consists of the Indicator Editor Toolbar 352 and several separate
bookmarks allowing the user to access and edit the various properties and settings of an indicator.
For a more in-depth discussion, please click on each of the bookmark names below...
Indicator Bookmark 362
Input Bookmark 377
Output Bookmark 392
Horizontal Line Bookmark
Formula Bookmark 414
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Indicator Editor Toolbar
The Indicator Editor Toolbar is the main toolbar of the Indicator Editor Window
The Indicator Editor Toolbar consists of the following options (icons described from left-to-right of toolbar).
Copy - Copies to the PC's clipboard any selected text from within any of the text fields of the various Indicator
Editor Window Bookmarks 351 ; This may be useful if the user has several input or output variables with similar
names. For example, if the user has InputVariable 1, InputVariable 2, and InputVariable 3, the user can select the
InputVariable portion of the variable name and then later paste it in the appropriate text field and append the 2 or 3
to it to complete the new variables' names.
Paste - Inserts any selected text previously copied to the PC's clipboard using the Copy option (see example in
Copy option above)
Cut - Cuts (removes) text from any of the text fields of the various Indicator Editor Window Bookmarks
later paste the text into any of the text fields if necessary
Undo - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 ); Undo an action previously done such as
typing incorrect text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 414
Redo - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 ); Redo an action previously done such as
typing incorrect text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 414
Search - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 ); Finds the partial word or whole word
being searched for. For example, searching for H would would find all occurrences of H and High in the source
code. The user can also specify the search direction (up or down). The search begins at the current cursor location
and searches in the specified direction. Each time an occurence of the search word is found, the text scrolls to its
location in the source code and highlights it. To continue searching for more occurences of the search word, press
the [Find Next] button. When the search reaches the ending or beginning of the source code an additional dialog
window dislays asking the user if they wish to continue searching from that location.
Replace - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 ); Extends the Search option's functionality
by adding Replace and Replace All options; Finds the partial word or whole word being searched for and replaces
it with the specified text. For example, searching for High in the source code and replacing the next occurrence
with Low is accomplished by pressing the [Replace] button; Replacing all occurrences of High with Low using only
one action is accomplished by pressing the [Replace All] button. The user can also specify the search and replace
direction (up or down). The search begins at the current cursor location and searches and replaces in the specified
direction. Each time an occurence of the search word is found, the text scrolls to its location in the source code,
highlights it, and replaces it. When the search and replace reaches the ending or beginning of the source code an
additional dialog window dislays asking the user if they wish to continue searching and replacing from that location.
Editor Options - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 ); Specifies the display properties
and options to use when typing text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 414
Save - Saves changes to the indicator currently being edited
Close - Closes and exits the Indicator Editor Window 351 ; If the indicator currently being edited has changes that
have not yet been saved, the user will be prompted to save the changes before exiting the window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Editor Options
The Editor Options Window is accessed by clicking the Editor Options icon in the Indicator Editor Toolbar 352 .
This option is only enabled when the user is working in the Formula Bookmark 414 . The Editor Options Window
allows the user to specify the general properties enabled and the display properties in use while typing text into the
main formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 414 .
The Editor Options Window is composed of the following bookmarks:
· General Bookmark 353
· Display Bookmark 359
· Color Bookmark 360
Please select one of the bookmarks listed above to read a more thorough description.
Clicking the [OK] button will apply any changes made in the Editor Options Window to text displayed in the
formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 414 ; Clicking the [Cancel] button will close the Editor Options
Window without saving changes. General Bookmark
The General Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 353 enables and disables the Code Parameters and
Code Completion features that are accessed by the user while typing text in the Formula Editor section of the
Formula Bookmark 414 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Code Parameters 354 option, when enabled, displays a "hint" in the Formula Bookmark 414 while the user is
typing the name of a built-in function. For example, if the user types "mov(" the Code Parameters 354 "hint" will
display [DATA ARRAY,PERIODS,METHOD]; this allows the user to know what input types the function requires
without having to research the function in the Paste Functions Window 416 or this Help Manual provided that the
user is generally familiar with the function and VT Programming Language 502 .
The Code Completion 357 option, when enabled, allows the user to press the CTRL + SPACEBAR keys to display
a list of available functions in a selectable dropdown menu while typing text in the Formula Editor section of the
Formula Bookmark 414 . The Code Completion feature contains rudimentary spell checking; if the user types
"mo" and then presses the CTRL + SPACEBAR keys the Code Completion 357 feature will display all functions
beginning with "mo" such as mov() 575 , month() 574 , mod() 573 . Code Parameters
The Code Parameters option, when enabled, displays a "hint" in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula
Bookmark 414 while the user is typing the name of a built-in function 502 .
For example, if the user types mov( the Code Parameters "hint" will display [DATA ARRAY,PERIODS,METHOD];
this allows the user to know what input types the function 502 requires without having to research it in the Paste
Functions Window 416 or this Help Manual provided that the user is generally familiar with the function 502 and VT
Programming Language 502 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
As the user types the required input as indicated in Bold, the "hint" will change to reflect the next expected input
type of the function.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The hint window will remain displayed until the last expected input type has been typed.
It will then disappear allowing the user to continue writing their required formula.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
357 Code Completion
The Code Completion option, when enabled, allows the user to press the CTRL + SPACEBAR keys to display a
list of available functions 502 (or data arrays) in a selection menu while typing text in the Formula Editor section of
the Formula Bookmark 414 .
The Code Completion feature contains rudimentary spell checking; if the user types mo and then presses the
CTRL + SPACEBAR keys the Code Completion feature will display all functions 502 beginning with mo such as
mov() 575 , month() 574 , mod() 573 .
To select an entry from the dropdown menu the user must highlight it (using the mouse) and then press the [Enter]
key on the keyboard to select it (or double-click using the left mouse button). VTrader will then insert the function
502 name into the Formula Editor section.
The Code Completion dropdown menu also works for selecting inputs for a particular function. The user must
place the mouse cursor within the function's brackets where he/she would like the Code Completion feature to
insert the selected input.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Code Completion feature will display the data arrays and functions
function 502 .
allowed for use within the main
Once the user selection has been inserted, the Code Completion drowndown menu will disappear allowing the
user to continue writing their required formula.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
359 Display Bookmark
The Display Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 353 allows the user to define the font attibutes used while
typing text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 414 .
The font attributes can be changed by clicking the [ ... ] button next to Font. The default font attributes can be seen
in the screenshot below. The font Color attributes are specified in the Color Bookmark 360 .
The resulting text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 414 will appear as in shown in the
screenshot below (based on the selections in the screenshot above and the properties as specified in the Color
Bookmark 360 ).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Color Bookmark
The Color Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 353 allows the user to define the font Color attibutes used
while typing text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 414 . Each different type of text listed in the
left window pane (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) can have a different Background Color, Foreground Color,
and Font Attributes assigned to it.
The default color attributes on the right side of the Color Bookmark will change to display the attibutes assigned to
the text type highlighted in the left window pane. If the user wishes to change any of the text type attibutes they may
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
do so from this window.
The screenshot below will serve as an example of the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark
the default Color and Display attibutes.
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VT Trader Help Manual
Indicator Bookmark
The Indicator Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window 351 defines the indicator's name and other general
attributes used to help identify the indicator throughout VT Trader. The Indicator Bookmark contains several
user-definable text fields. Please click on each of the text fields' names for a detailed description...
Name 362
Short Name 365
Label Mask 366
Placement 367
Inspect Alias 371
Indicator Lock 372
Notes 374
Password 374
Confirm Password
The Name field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 allows the user to define the name of the indicator. This Name will
be used in the indicator list of the Indicator Builder Window 349 , the Custom Indicators section of the Trading
Bookmark 46 of the Navigator Window 12 , the Indicator Quicklist 24 when accessed from the Add Indicators
option of the Chart Window Contextual Menu 127 , and in the main header of the Indicator Editor Window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
For example, if the name CUSTOM INDICATOR is typed in the Name field it will show up in the list of indicators in
the Indicator Builder Window 349 .
Using the above example, CUSTOM INDICATOR will also be used for the indicator's name when using the Chart
Window Contextual Menu's 127 Add Indicators option.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Short Name
The Short Name field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 identifies the indicator when using the Paste Function Tool
of the Formula Bookmark 414 making it possible to refer to it and its formula (using the Short Name) from within
other indicators and trading systems.
The Short Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not
begin with a number. It is acceptable to use the "_" character in the Short Name.
Correct Examples:
Incorrect Examples:
My Indicator - a space is used
123MyIndicator - begins with a number
1234567 - consists only of numbers
The text in the Short Name field is used as the default file name for the indicator when the Indicator Editor
Toolbar 352 >Save option is chosen to save the new, custom indicator. If an existing indicator with the same Short
Name is found on the user's PC when attempting to save the new indicator VT Trader will automatically append (x)
to the end of the indicator's name (where x is the next number to save with).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Label Mask
The Label Mask field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 allows the user to include the name of the indicator, the
values of input variables, the current value of output variables, and/or any other desired text in the Indicator's
Label while the indicator is attached to a trade instrument's chart window 111 .
For example, if the name Custom Indicator is typed in the Label Mask field it will display in the Indicator Label
when the indicator is attached to the chart. To include the value of an input variable in the Indicator Label it is
necessary to type the input variable's name (as defined by the Name field of the Input Bookmark 377 ) between %
characters. To include the value of an output variable in the Indicator Label it is necessary to type the output
variable's name (as defined by the Var Name field of the Output Bookmark 392 ) between % characters.
According to the screenshot examples being used throughout the Indicator Builder
section of this manual...
Label Mask > Custom Indicator (%InputVar1%, %InputVar2%, %InputVar3%) | MA=%OutputVar1%
... displays in the Indicator Label as shown below in the screenshot.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Placement selection menu of the Indicator Bookmark
the indicator when it is attached to the chart window 111 .
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allows the user to select the default placement of
VT Trader Help Manual
If Price Frame is selected, when the indicator is attached to the chart window
price area frame.
If New Frame is selected, when the indicator is attached to the chart window
it will be displayed in the main
it will be displayed in a separate,
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
additional frame directly under the main price frame. Each indicator attached to the chart window
Placement option will be displayed in a separate, additional frame.
using this
If Inquiry for placement is selected, the Select Frame Window will be displayed when the indicator is attached to
the chart window 111 . This window allows the user to chose the placement of the indicator in the chart window:
either in a separate, additional frame or in existing frame. The frame list defines all frames that exist in the chart
window 111 (the existing frames are numbered Frame 1, Frame 2, Frame 3, etc. from the top-down as displayed in
the chart window 111 ; the main price frame is labeled as Price Frame).
If Inquiry for placement is defined for a number of indicators they can be displayed in the same frame. This might
be useful when the user wants to analyze the same indicator but with different values of input variables.
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When several indicators are displayed in the same frame the user must take into account how each measures up
on the vertical ruler (scale) of the chart window 111 . It does not make sense to place two or more indicators into
one frame if the units of measurement of at least one of them are incomparable to those of other indicators.
For example, if one indicator provides output values on a scale from 0 to 100 (Relative Strength Index (RSI)
good example),
but the other indicator provides output values on a scale from -1 to 1 (Rate of Change (ROC)
is a
is a good
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
they can be placed into the same frame, however, it would not make much sense to do so (see screenshot below)
Inspect Alias
The Inspect Alias field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 defines the indicator's name that will be displayed in the
Inspect Window 120 when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
For example, if Custom_Indicator is typed in the Inspect Alias field it will be displayed in the Inspect Window
when the indicator is attached to the chart.
To go one step further, if the user creates a variable in the Output Bookmark 392 , the name of that variable (as
defined by the Name field in the Output Bookmark 392 ) will also be displayed in the Inspect Window 120 directly
next to the Inspect Alias. For example, assume there is an existing output variable 392 with the Name of Output
Variable 1 that will be displayed with the Inspect Alias of Custom_Indicator.
The Inspect Alias (and the variable from the Output Bookmark 392 ) will be displayed in the same color in the
Inspect Window 120 as the variable from the Output Bookmark 392 (as defined by the variable's Line Color in
the Output Bookmark 392 ).
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Indicator Lock
The Indicator Lock option of the Indicator Bookmark 362 provides protection against accidental deletion of the
indicator from the Indicator Builder Window 349 . The Indicator Lock option is enabled (checkmarked) by default
when a new indicator is created.
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Indicator Builder
It is not possible to delete the indicator from the Indicator Builder Window 349 while the Indicator Lock option is
enabled. Notice in the screenshot below that the [Delete] button is disabled (not available) when the indicator is
selected. However, disabling the Indicator Lock option by removing the checkmark next to it allows the indicator to
be deleted.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Notes
The Notes textbox of the Indicator Bookmark
allows the user to type additional information relating to the
This may be any kind of information considered useful by the user. Typically, a description of the indicator as well
as suggested methods of use and references to the appropriate documentation will be included in the Notes
The Password field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 allows the user to specify a phrase or combination of letters
and numbers that will be used to keep the indicator's formulation and main properties confidential thus protecting it
from accidental or purposeful editing. The Password must confirmed in the Confirm Password field before it can
be applied.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
If Password (and Confirm Password) has been specified, when a user tries to access the Indicator Editor
Window 351 for the indicator (using the [Edit] button of the Indicator Builder Window 349 or the Edit Indicator
option from the contextual menu of the indicator's label) a dialog window will be displayed prompting the user to
type the specified Password. If the Password is typed correctly, the user will gain access the to indicator's
Indicator Editor Window 351 ; If the Password is typed incorrectly, access will be denied.
Confirm Password
The Confirm Password field of the Indicator Bookmark 362 forces the user to successfully retype the phrase or
combination of letters and numbers from the Password field before the Password can be applied. This is done to
ensure that the user correctly typed the password in the Password field thus preventing a situation whereby the
user did not realize the Password had been mistyped and is not able to access the Indicator Editor Window 351
at a later time for editing of the indicator.
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If Password (and Confirm Password) has been specified, when a user tries to access the Indicator Editor
Window 351 for the indicator (using the [Edit] button of the Indicator Builder Window 349 or the Edit Indicator
option from the contextual menu of the indicator's label) a dialog window will be displayed prompting the user to
type the specified Password. If the Password is typed correctly, the user will gain access the to indicator's
Indicator Editor Window 351 ; If the Password is typed incorrectly, access will be denied.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Input Bookmark
The Input Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window 351 allows the user to define the default names, types, and
initial parameters of the variables necessary to calculate the indicator according to its formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 414 .
For example, to express the calculation of variable OutputVar1 using some function...
{Start VT Trader Formula}
OutputVar1:= Function(InputVar1, InputVar2, InputVar3);
{End VT Trader Formula}
... where Function uses one or more input variables to calculate variable OutputVar1; it is the Input Bookmark
that defines the default names, properties, and types of each of the input variables. The Input Bookmark also
defines the default values of the variables that will be displayed in the Indicator Properties Window when the
indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
The Input Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window
of variables.
consists of several sections used for the management
On the left side of the Input Bookmark is a window that contains the list of variables used in the calculation of the
indicator (as defined by the indicator's formula in the Formula Bookmark 414 ). The user must select a variable
from this list using the mouse cursor to access its default properties as defined by the user-definable text fields in
the middle of the Input Bookmark. In the screenshot above InputVar1, InputVar2, and InputVar3 are used as
examples of input variables.
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In the middle of the Input Bookmark are several user-definable text fields that display the properties of the
selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark (select by clicking left mouse button
once over the variable name). Please click on each of the text fields' names for a detailed description...
Read Only 378
Name 379
Display Name
Type 381
Default 390
On the right side of the Input Bookmark are the following buttons...
New - creates a new variable and adds its name to the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark
Move Up / Move Down - allows the user to change the order in which the variables in the variable list on the left
side of the Input Bookmark display; adjusting the order of the variable list also affects the order of the variables
(as defined by Display Name 380 ) displayed in the Indicator Properties Window when the user attaches the
indicator to the chart window 111 .
Read Only
The Read Only option of the Input Bookmark 377 enables and disables the user's ability to adjust the default
properties of the input variable selected by the mouse cursor when the indicator is attached to the chart window
111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
When the user attempts to attach the indicator a chart window 111 , the default value of any input variable(s) with
Read Only enabled (by placing a checkmark next to Read Only in the box provided) will not be able to be adjusted
using the Indicator Constants Bookmark of the Indicator Properties Window.
The Name field of the Input Bookmark 377 defines the actual name of the variable used in the indicator formula as
specified in the Formula Bookmark 414 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not begin
with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character in the Name.
Correct Examples:
Incorrect Examples:
I 1 – there should not be a space
1InputVar – begins with a number
123 – consists of only numbers
The Name must not be the same as any function name as specified in the VT Trader Programming Language
502 .
Display Name
The Display Name field of the Input Bookmark 377 allows the user to define the display text (name) of the input
variable. This Display Name will be used in the Indicator Constants Bookmark of the Indicator Properties
Window that is displayed when the user attempts to add the indicator to the chart window 111 or adjust the
indicator's properties once displayed in the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
For example, if the text Input Variable 1 is typed in the Display Name field it will be displayed in the Indicator
Constants Bookmark of the Indicator Properties Window as seen below in the screenshot...
Default values and the order of the variables in the Indicator Properties Window are defined by the Default
and Type 381 options and the [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons. Using the [Move Up] and [Move Down]
buttons allows the user to change the order of the variables displayed in the Indicator Properties Window.
The Type selection menu of the Input Bookmark
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
defines the type of the value to be calculated for the input
VT Trader Help Manual
variable as specified in the Formula Bookmark
specified in the Default 390 option.
. Each Type option has additional default values that are
The types of values listed below are available from within Type selection menu. Please select a Type to read more
detailed information.
Integer 382
Integer (with bounds) 383
Float 383
Float (with bounds) 384
Price 385
MA Type 386
Enumeration 386
Bars Forward 388
Integer - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any positive or negative whole
number as well as zero; -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and so on... (Back to Types...) 382
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Integer (with bounds) - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any positive or
negative whole number as well as zero provided that the value be >= Min. Bounds and <=Max. Bounds values; in
the screenshot below, the Default 390 value can be any whole number between 1 and 144. (Back to Types...) 382
Float - Allows the variable value specified using the Default
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
option to be any positive or negative number
VT Trader Help Manual
rounded out to 4 decimal places as well as zero (Back to Types...)
Float (with bounds) - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any positive or
negative number rounded out to 4 decimal places as well as zero provided that the value be >= Min. Bounds and
<=Max. Bounds values; in the screenshot below, the Default 390 value can be any number with a decimal between
0.0001 and 0.0100. (Back to Types...) 382
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Indicator Builder
Price - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any one of the predefined values:
close, open, low, high, Median Price, Typical Price, Indicator (the value of an Indicator already displayed in the
chart window 111 ), Volume, haOpen, haClose, haLow, and haHigh ("ha" values are price values associated with the
Heikin-Ashi Candlestick Chart Type). (Back to Types...) 382
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MA Type - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any one of the predefined values:
Simple, Weighted, Exponential, Sine Weighted, Triangular, or End Point; this Type selection is often used in
conjunction with the built-in moving average function mov() 575 as specified in the VT Trader Programming
Language 502 (Back to Types...) 382
Enumeration - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any one of the predefined
values as created by the user using the [ ... ] button... (Back to Types...) 382
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
... Using this button displays the Enumeration dialog window allowing the user to create a selection menu; the
user can use the buttons on the right side of this window to add, delete, and change the order of the custom list
... After clicking the [OK] button to exit the Enumeration dialog window, the Default
custom selection menu for the Enumeration Type option...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
option displays the
VT Trader Help Manual
An Enumeration Type (using the values displayed in the Default 390 option) displays in the Indicator Constants
Bookmark of the Indicator Properties Window as shown in the screenshot below...
Bars Forward - Allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any integer provided that the
value be >= Min. Bounds and <=Max. Bounds values; in the screenshot below, the Default 390 value can be any
integer between -144 and 144. (Back to Types...) 382
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Moving Average Indicator included with VT Trader includes an input variable called Horizontal Shift that
uses a Bars Forward Type. Please see the screenshot below for an example of a moving average that is shifted 25
bars ahead of the trade instrument's current market price. (Back to Types...) 382
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The Default field of the Input Bookmark 377 defines the default value for the selected input variable based on
the Type 381 option 382 selected. The value in the Default field is the value that will be calculated for the input
variable as specified in the Formula Bookmark 414 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Default value for each of the input variables are displayed in the Indicator Constants Bookmark of the
Indicator Properties Window when the user attempts to add the indicator to the chart window 111 or when
attempting to adjust the indicator's default properties while displayed in the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Output Bookmark
The Output Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window 351 allows the user to define the names and default
display properties of the variables used to display the results of the indicator calculations (and/or the names of the
variables assigned to intermediate values used during the calculations) according to its formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 414 .
Example 1: To express the calculation of variable OutputVar1 using some function...
{Start VT Trader Formula}
OutputVar1:= Function(InputVar1, InputVar2, InputVar3);
{End VT Trader Formula}
... where Function uses one or more input variables as specified in the Input Bookmark 377 to calculate variable
OutputVar1 based on the indicator formula specified in the Formula Bookmark 414 ; it is the Output Bookmark
that defines the default display properties for variable OutputVar1 when the indicator is attached to the chart
window 111 .
Example 2: to express the final calculation of OutputVar3 using output variables as intermediate values...
{Start VT Trader Formula}
OutputVar1:= Function(InputVar1, InputVar2, InputVar3);
OutputVar2:= Function(InputVar4, InputVar5, InputVar6);
OutputVar3:= OutputVar1 - OutputVar2;
{End VT Trader Formula}
... where Function uses one or more input variables as specified in the Input Bookmark 377 to calculate variables
OutputVar1 and OutputVar2 based on the indicator formula specified in the Formula Bookmark 414 ; it is the
Output Bookmark that defines the default display properties for variable OutputVar3 (or any combination of
OutputVar1, OutputVar2, and OutputVar3) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Output Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window
of variables.
consists of several sections used in the management
On the left side of the Output Bookmark is a window that contains the list of variables used in the intermediate
and final calculations of the indicator (as defined by the indicator's formula in the Formula Bookmark 414 ). The
user must select a variable from this list using the mouse cursor to access its default properties as defined by the
user-definable text fields in the middle of the Output Bookmark. In the screenshot above OutputVar1 is used as
an example of an output variable. However, as shown in Example 2, there could easily be additional output
variables defined in this bookmark if the indicator's formula requires them.
In the middle of the Output Bookmark are several user-definable text fields that display the properties of the
selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Output Bookmark (select by clicking left mouse
button once over the variable name). Please click on each of the text fields' names for a detailed description...
Var Name 394
Name 395
Line Color 397
Line Width 399
Line Type 401
Hide in Inspect
On the right side of the Output Bookmark are the following buttons...
New - creates a new variable and adds its name to the variable list on the left side of the Output Bookmark
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Output Bookmark
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Move Up / Move Down - allows the user to change the order in which the variables in the variable list on the left
side of the Output Bookmark display; adjusting the order of the variable list makes it easy for the user to group
certain variables together for easier identification later.
Var Name
The Var Name field of the Output Bookmark 392 defines the actual name of the variable used in the indicator
formula as specified in the Formula Bookmark 414 .
The Var Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not
begin with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character in the Var Name.
Correct Examples:
Incorrect Examples:
O 1 – there should not be a space
1OutputVar – begins with a number
123 – consists of only numbers
The Var Name must not be the same as any function name as specified in the VT Trader Programming
Language 502 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The variable specified in the Var Name field will be displayed in the chart window 111 using the Line Color 397 ,
Line Width 399 , and Line Type 401 options according to the indicator formula in the Formula Bookmark 414 and
the selected input variables 377 parameters.
The Name field of the Output Bookmark 392 is a self-explanatory alternative name for the variable specified in the
Var Name 394 field. The text in the Name field may be any phrase that the user will understand without any
restrictions or limitations.
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For example, if Output Variable 1 is typed in the Name field it will be displayed in the Inspect Window
next to the Inspect Alias 371 when the indicator is attached to the chart.
Keeping with the current example using the screenshots, an Inspect Alias 371 of Custom_Indicator has been
specified in the Indicator Bookmark 362 and Output Variable 1 has been typed in the Name field; The Name (and
the Inspect Alias 371 from the Indicator Bookmark 362 ) will be displayed in the same color in the Inspect Window
120 as defined by the Line Color 397 field unless the Use Colors in Inspect Window option has been disabled (no
checkmark) in...
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Line Color
The Line Color selection box allows the user to define the display color for the selected variable (as highlighted by
the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 . The Line Color also specifies the color
of the text in the Name field (and the text of the Inspect Alias 371 from the Indicator Bookmark 362 ) that will be
displayed in the Inspect Window 120 unless the Use Colors in Inspect Window option has been disabled in
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark.
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Keeping with the current example using the screenshots, below is a screenshot of the resulting indicator using the
Line Color specified in the screenshot above...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Line Width
The Line Width dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting indicator's displayed line width for
the selected variable (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
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Keeping with the current example using the screenshots, below is a screenshot of the resulting indicator using the
Line Width specified in the screenshot above...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Line Type
The Line Type dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting indicator's displayed line type for
the selected variable (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
It should be noted that if the user selects a Line Width 399 wider than the most narrow option that only the solid line,
histogram, and dots Line Types will be available in the dropdown selection menu.
Keeping with the current example using the screenshots, below is a screenshot of the resulting indicator using the
Line Type specified in the screenshot above...
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Hide In Inspect
The Hide In Inspect option of the Output Bookmark 392 enables and disables the display of the output variable
(selected by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 and the Inspect Window
120 is displayed.
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Keeping with the current example using the screenshots, below is a screenshot of the resulting Inspect Window
120 with the Hide In Inspect option disabled (as shown in the screenshot above)...
Below are screenshots of the Output Bookmark
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with the Hide In Inspect option disabled and the resulting
VT Trader Help Manual
Inspect Window
(as shown in the 2nd screenshot below)...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Hide In Inspect option is especially useful when the resulting indicator being displayed in the chart window
111 has additional lines associated with particular levels of interest specific to the use of the indicator. A good
example would be the 30 and 70 levels normally associated with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) 590 indicator. If
the user wished to create user-definable levels that could be expressed as input variables 377 that could be easily
adjusted when adding the indicator to the chart window 111 , the corresponding output variables 392 would need
to be created for display; however, the user may not wish to see the output variables specific to the 30 and 70
levels in the Inspect Window 120 . Enabling the Hide In Inspect option for the output variables 392 defining the 30
and 70 levels would disable their display in the Inspect Window 120 , but still allow them to be displayed in the
chart window 111 .
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Horizontal Line Bookmark
The Horizontal Line Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window 351 allows the user to define additional base
levels and their default display properties for the resulting indicator to help provide a more visually comprehensible
outlay when it is attached to the chart window 111 . The user may create as many horizontal lines as is
As a general rule, the Horizontal Line Bookmark proves most useful for indicators designed to be displayed in
the chart window 111 in a separate frame. The MACD-Histogramm indicator included with VT Trader will be used
as an example in some screenshots while demonstrating the functionality of the Horizontal Line Bookmark.
The Horizontal Line Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window
management of the additional horizontal lines.
consists of several sections used in the
On the left side of the Horizontal Line Bookmark is a window that contains a list of values assigned to the existing
horizontal lines; each value represents one horizontal line that will be displayed in the chart window 111 (either in
the main price frame or a separate indicator frame) at its specified value. The user must select a value from this list
using the mouse cursor to access its default properties as defined by the user-definable dropdown selection menus
in the middle of the Horizontal Line Bookmark. In the screenshot above +0.0000 is used as an example of a
horizontal line.
In the middle of the Horizontal Line Bookmark are several user-definable dropdown selection menus that display
the properties of the selected variable from the horizontal line list on the left side of the Horizontal Line
Bookmark (select by clicking left mouse button once over the horizontal line value). Please click on each of the
dropdown selection menus names for a detailed description...
· Value 407
· Color 408
· Width 410
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
· Style
On the right side of the Horizontal Line Bookmark are the following buttons...
New - creates a new horizontal line and adds its value to the list on the left side of the Horizontal Line Bookmark
Delete - deletes the selected horizontal line from the list on the left side of the Horizontal Line Bookmark
Move Up / Move Down - allows the user to change the order in which the horizontal lines list on the left side of the
Horizontal Line Bookmark display; adjusting the order of the list does not affect how the horizontal lines display
for the resulting indicator.
The Value field allows the user to define the resulting displayed horizontal line's placement in the chart window
111 for the selected horizontal line (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the
chart window 111 . The user may enter any positive or negative number rounded out to 4 decimal places in the
Value field.
Using the MACD-Histogramm indicator included with VT Trader as an example, below is a screenshot of the
indicator using the Value specified in the screenshot above...
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The Color selection menu allows the user to define the resulting displayed horizontal line color for the selected
horizontal line (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Using the MACD-Histogramm indicator included with VT Trader as an example, below is a screenshot of the
indicator using the Color specified in the screenshot above...
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The Width dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting displayed horizontal line width for the
selected horizontal line (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window
111 .
Using the MACD-Histogramm indicator included with VT Trader as an example, below is a screenshot of the
indicator using the Width specified in the screenshot above...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
The Style dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting displayed horizontal line style for the
selected horizontal line (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) when the indicator is attached to the chart window
111 .
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Using the MACD-Histogramm indicator included with VT Trader as an example, below is a screenshot of the
indicator using the Style specified in the screenshot above...
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Formula Bookmark
The Formula Bookmark of the Indicator Editor Window 351 allows the user to define the formula(s) used in the
calculation of the resulting indicator. For ease of use, the Formula Bookmark displays the Indicator Editor
Toolbar 352 with Undo, Redo, and Editor Options 353 enabled.
Directly below the Indicator Editor Toolbar 352 is the main section of the Formula Bookmark - the Formula Editor
Section. The Formula Editor Section is the main area that allows the user to type the text used to perform the
calcuations necessary to construct the resulting indicator. This section allows the user to define all of the needed
input variables, output variables, and functions (based on the VT Trader Programming Language 502 ).
Below the Formula Editor Section is the Formula Editor Toolbar 414 . The Formula Editor Toolbar 414 allows the
user access to the Paste Functions Window 416 . It also allows the user to quickly insert text characters and words
into the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 414 with just a click of the mouse.
Formula Editor Toolbar
The Formula Editor Toolbar allows the user to access the Paste Functions Window 416 . It also allows the user
to quickly insert text characters and words into the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 414 with just
a click of the mouse.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Below is a description of the icons located in the Formula Editor Toolbar (described in the order from left to right).
allows the user to access the Paste Functions Window
Insert "Not"
inserts Not (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "And"
inserts And (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "Or"
inserts Or (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "+" sign
inserts + (addition) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert " " sign
inserts - (subtraction) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "*" sign
inserts * (multiplication) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "/" sign
inserts / (division) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert ":=" sign inserts := (VT Trader sign specifying a formula is to follow) sign at the present location of the
blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "=" sign
inserts = (equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert ">" sign
inserts > (greater than) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "<" sign
inserts < (less than) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Insert ">=" sign inserts >= (greater than or equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the
formula editor section
Insert "<=" sign inserts <= (less than or equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the
formula editor section
{..} Comment Selection allows the user to highlight any text typed in the formula editor section a make it a
"comment" that will not be considered in the calcluations of the actual formula and will serve only as notes from the
{..} Uncomment Selection allows the user to highlight previously commented text and uncomment it, thus
allowing the text to be considered in the calculations of the actual formula Functions...
The Functions... (icon) option in the Formula Editor Toolbar 414 displays the Paste Functions Window. The
Paste Functions Window helps the user facilitate faster selection and typing of the functions included in the VT
Trader Programming Language 502 .
The Paste Functions Window is divided into 4 specific sections...
The left window pane titled Function Category displays a list of categories that the functions of the VT Trader
Programming Language 502 and any included/custom indicators functions (based on Indicator Editor
Window>Indicator Bookmark>Short Name field) are divided into. The category names should be self-explantory.
The right window pane titled Paste Function displays the list of functions included in the highlighted category name
from the Function Category window pane.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Directly below the Function Category and Paste Function window panes is an area that displays the actual function
along with the necessary input variables 377 (and their Types) describing how the function is to be referenced from
in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 414 .
Using the screenshot above as an example, a function called vt_ADX is highlighted in the Paste Functions window
pane. The text below the window panes is as follows:
This text tells the user that to reference the vt_ADX function from the Formula Editor Section of the Formula
Bookmark 414 the user must provide the values of the input variables Pr and cT along with the function reference.
NUMBER displayed next to the input variable name tells the user that the text typed for the input variable should be
a numerical value. _ADX is the output variable that will be displayed as a result of using the vt_ADX function.
With this function selected, the user can click the [OK] button and VT Trader will then display...
vt_ADX( , )
... in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 414 . The user can then fill in the additional values as
necessary for each input variable parameter that must be specified.
If it is necessary to verify what each of the input variables are for a particular indicator such as in the example here
of the Average Directional Movement indicator, the user can highlight the appropriate indicator from the Indicator
Builder Window 349 and click the [Edit] button to open the Indicator Editor Window 351 . By opening the Input
Bookmark 377 the user can view the details for each of the input variables (Pr and cT in the example here). After
reviewing the indicator's input variables if necessary, the user can enter the correct values for the function in the
Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 414 .
_ADX:= vt_ADX( 14 , 0 );
The formula line above defines _ADX as the output variable using the vt_ADX function with the Pr input variable as
14 periods and the cT input variable (an Enumeration List Type in this example) as 0 (to select the first option in the
Enumeration List).
Displayed in the very bottom window pane of the Paste Functions Window are notes specific to the function
highlighted in the Paste Function window pane.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Let us assume that using the Indicator Builder 348 we intend to create the CUSTOM INDICATOR indicator that,
when attached to a chart window 111 , will display a moving average 575 with user-definable parameters.
Once you have decided what type of custom indicator you want to build, it is a good idea to check if there are any
built-in functions in the VT Trader Programming Langauge 502 that will aid in its creation.
As it so happens, VT Trader does include a built-in function to aid in the creation of a moving average 575 indicator.
You should familiarize yourself with how the built-in mov() 575 function works. After reviewing the mov() 575 details
we determine that to build our moving average 575 indicator we will need to define:
General indicator information
3 input variables (user-defined inputs in Indicator Properties Window)
1 output variable (moving average line output for Chart Window 111 )
0 stationary horizontal lines
Here's 8 simple steps to creating the "CUSTOM INDICATOR" indicator...
Step 1 420
Step 2 421
Step 3 423
Step 4 424
Step 5 426
Step 6 428
Step 7 429
Final Step
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Step 1
Login to VT Trader. Use Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Bulder...
... to open the Indicator Builder Window
Proceed to Step 2 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Step 2
From the Indicator Builder Window
, click the [New] button...
... to open the Indicator Editor Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Proceed to Step 3 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Step 3
In the Indicator Bookmark 362 , fill in the fields as shown in the screenshot below and then click the Save icon in
the Indicator Editor Toolbar 352 to ensure your new indicator is created and saved for later editing...
By filling in the text fields of the Indicator Bookmark
properties to your custom indicator.
Proceed to Step 4 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
, you have now assigned a name and a set of general
VT Trader Help Manual
Step 4
Goto the Input Bookmark
InputVar2, InputVar3
. Using the [New] button, create the 3 necessary input variables: InputVar1,
For each input variable, you will need to specify the variable name that will be used in the Formula Bookmark 414
as well as its properties and default values according to the format as specified in documentation describing the
mov() 575 function. Please refer to the screenshots below for each variable's details.
Entries for the InputVar1 variable...
Entries for the InputVar2 variable...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Entries for the InputVar3 variable...
Proceed to Step 5 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Step 5
Goto the Output Bookmark
. Using the [New] button, create the 1 necessary output variables: OutputVar1
For the output variable, you will need to specify the variable name that will be used in the Formula Bookmark 414
as well as the default properties for the resulting indicator's display in the chart window 111 . Please refer to the
screenshots below for the variable's details.
Entries for the OutputVar1 variable...
The creation of your moving average
Horizontal Line Bookmark 406 .
indicator does not use any horizontal lines so we can simply skip the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Proceed to Step 6 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Step 6
Goto the Formula Bookmark 414 . Now define the actual formula used to calculate the moving average 575
indicator. We will be using the previously created input variables 424 and output variable 426 in the formula creation.
Please refer to the screenshot below for the formula's details. Notice the syntax used when creating the moving
average formula; the mov() 575 function details can be found in the VT Trader Programming Language 502
section of this help manual.
Once you have completed the creation of the formula, click the Save icon again to save the changes you've made.
If you have constucted everything correctly the indicator will save. However, if there are errors in your formula
syntax or any of the variable parameters VT Trader will issue a warning and allow you the chance to correct those
Once everything is correct and the indicator is saved, click the Close icon to exit the Indicator Editor Window
Proceed to Step 7 >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
Step 7
Verify that your new CUSTOM INDICATOR is now displayed in the indicator list in the Indicator Builder Window
349 .
Once verified, click the [Close] button to exit the Indicator Builder Window 349 . Congratulations! You've just
completed building your first custom indicator in VT Trader. Lastly, attach to new indicator to the chart window
and verify that it displays as you expect.
Proceed to Final Step >>>
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Final Step
To verify that your new indicator functions as expected, attach it the chart window 111 and observe its display. Use
the chart window's contextual menu 127 > Add Indicators option to locate your CUSTOM INDICATOR.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Select CUSTOM INDICATOR to attach it to the chart window 111 . The Indicator Properties Window will display.
You now have the opportunity to adjust the initial values of the input variables 424 (Indicator Constants Bookmark),
and the output variable 426 (Color/Style Bookmark). If you notice any discepencies in the displayed variables you
should return to Step 4 424 and Step 5 426 of this tutorial and correct any mistakes made.
Click the [OK] button. The indicator will then display in the chart window
The Indicator Label should display the indicator's parameters identical to those that were specified in the Label
Mask of the Indicator Bookmark 423 . You should also open the Inspect Window and ensure that it displays
Custom_Indicator as specified by the Inspect Alias field in the Indicator Bookmark 423 along with Output Variable
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Indicator Builder Step-by-Step
1 as specified in the Name field of the Output Bookmark
If everything displays correctly you can close the Inspect Window.
If, during testing, you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies (as compared to the screenshots above) or the
indicator has not displayed in the chart window 111 , please go back to Step 1 420 and repeat the tutorial.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems
Trading Systems Builder
Trading Systems Builder
To understand the Trading Systems Builder tool and its significance, it is important to define exactly what a
trading system is.
So - What is a trading system?
Simply defined, a trading system consists of a concise set of non-emotional, objective rules based on measurable
factors that are used to describe when to buy and sell a trade instrument.
The Trading Systems Builder is a unique component in VT Trader that allows the user to edit the included
sample trading systems and to create custom trading systems using the VT Trader Programming Language 502 .
A VT Trader trading system can be used to generate various types of alerts based on pre-defined conditions as
well as request automated trading actions to be taken on those conditions if the user so chooses.
The user can access the Trading Systems Builder by using the Tools Menu
of the Navigator Window
The Trading Systems Builder Interface is primarily composed of the following main windows:
· Trading Systems Builder Window 436
· Trading Systems Editor Window 438
Once the user has thoroughly read the Trading Systems Builder sections of this manual, to explore working
samples of trading systems created using the Trading Systems Builder, please review the Trading Systems
Samples 916 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Trading Systems Builder Window
The Trading Systems Builder Window provides the user access to and management of the sample trading
systems included with VT Trader as well as those created by the user.
Icons directly to the left of each trading system's name in the Trading Systems Builder Window help the user to
quickly identify sample trading systems versus custom trading systems. The icon with a graphic of a line chart in it
indicates that trading system is included as a sample trading system with VT Trader. The icon with a graphic of a
hammer in it indicates that a trading system is a custom trading system created (or imported) by the user.
The buttons on the right side of the Trading Systems Builder Window are used for the following purposes:
New - opens the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 allowing the user to begin creation of a new custom trading
system; the Name and Short Name fields in the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 > Indicator Bookmark 449
are pre-filled in with the default text of NewTradingSystem (the user should change this to more descriptive text
before attempting to save the new trading system)
Edit - opens the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 allowing the user to make changes to the selected trading
system (highlighted using the left mouse button to click on its name) from the trading systems list in Trading
Systems Builder Window
Clone - creates a copy of the selected trading system and adds it to the trading systems list with (2) appended to
the trading system name (this allows the user to distinguish the 'Clone' from the original trading system)
Delete - deletes the selected trading system to the Windows(R) Recycle Bin; the Indicator Lock option must be
unchecked in the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 > Indicator Bookmark 449
Export - allows the user to export the selected trading system to be saved in a designated directory on the user's
PC; the trading system file will be saved with a .vttrs file extension; an exported trading system file can be imported
into VT Trader using the Import button (discussed below)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Import - allows the user to import a trading system file that was previously exported from VT Trader with a .vttrs
file extension; importing a trading system adds it to the trading systems list in the Trading Systems Builder
Window using the text in the Name field of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 > Indicator Bookmark 449 ; if
a trading system with the same Name already exists in VT Trader a (2) will be appended to the imported trading
system's name to help distinguish it from the existing trading system; imported trading systems are saved into the
TradingSystem subdirectory of the main VT Trader program directory in the user's PC
Close - exits the Trading Systems Builder Window
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Trading Systems Editor Window
The Trading Systems Editor Window is the primary window that allows the user to edit existing trading systems
and create new custom trading systems. The main window header displays the name 449 of the trading system
being created or edited.
For ease of use, the Trading Systems Editor Window consists of the Trading Systems Editor Toolbar 439 and
several separate bookmarks allowing the user to access and edit the various properties and settings of a trading
For a more in-depth discussion, please click on each of the bookmark names below...
Indicator Bookmark 449
Input Bookmark 460
Output Bookmark 474
Formula Bookmark 497
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Trading Systems Editor Toolbar
The Trading Systems Editor Toolbar is the main toolbar of the Trading Systems Editor Window
The Trading Systems Editor Toolbar consists of the following options (icons described from left-to-right of
Copy - Copies to the PC's clipboard any selected text from within any of the text fields of the various Trading
Systems Editor Window Bookmarks 438 ; This may be useful if the user has several input or output variables with
similar names. For example, if the user has InputVariable 1, InputVariable 2, and InputVariable 3, the user can
select the InputVariable portion of the variable name and then later paste it in the appropriate text field and append
the 2 or 3 to it to complete the new variables' names.
Paste - Inserts any selected text previously copied to the PC's clipboard using the Copy option (see example in
Copy option above)
Cut - Cuts (removes) text from any of the text fields of the various Trading Systems Editor Window Bookmarks
438 and later paste the text into any of the text fields if necessary
Undo - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 ); Undo an action previously done such as
typing incorrect text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 497
Redo - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 ); Redo an action previously done such as
typing incorrect text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 497
Search - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 ); Finds the partial word or whole word
being searched for. For example, searching for H would would find all occurrences of H and High in the source
code. The user can also specify the search direction (up or down). The search begins at the current cursor location
and searches in the specified direction. Each time an occurence of the search word is found, the text scrolls to its
location in the source code and highlights it. To continue searching for more occurences of the search word, press
the [Find Next] button. When the search reaches the ending or beginning of the source code an additional dialog
window dislays asking the user if they wish to continue searching from that location.
Replace - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 ); Extends the Search option's functionality
by adding Replace and Replace All options; Finds the partial word or whole word being searched for and replaces
it with the specified text. For example, searching for High in the source code and replacing the next occurrence
with Low is accomplished by pressing the [Replace] button; Replacing all occurrences of High with Low using only
one action is accomplished by pressing the [Replace All] button. The user can also specify the search and replace
direction (up or down). The search begins at the current cursor location and searches and replaces in the specified
direction. Each time an occurence of the search word is found, the text scrolls to its location in the source code,
highlights it, and replaces it. When the search and replace reaches the ending or beginning of the source code an
additional dialog window dislays asking the user if they wish to continue searching and replacing from that location.
Editor Options - (enabled when user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 ); Specifies the display properties
and options to use when typing text into the main window of the Formula Bookmark 497
Save - Saves changes to the trading system currently being edited
Close - Closes and exits the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 ; If the trading system currently being edited
has changes that have not yet been saved, the user will be prompted to save the changes before exiting the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Editor Options
The Editor Options Window is accessed by clicking the Editor Options icon located the Trading Systems Editor
Toolbar 439 . This option is only enabled when the user is working in the Formula Bookmark 497 . The Editor
Options Window allows the user to specify the general properties enabled and the display properties in use while
typing text into the main formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 497 .
The Editor Options Window is composed of the following bookmarks:
· General Bookmark 440
· Display Bookmark 446
· Color Bookmark 447
Please select one of the bookmarks listed above to read a more thorough description.
Clicking the [OK] button will apply any changes made in the Editor Options Window to text displayed in the
formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 497 ; clicking the [Cancel] button will close the Editor Options
Window without saving changes. General Bookmark
The General Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 440 enables and disables the Code Parameters and
Code Completion features that are accessed by the user while typing text in the Formula Editor Section of the
Formula Bookmark 497 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The Code Parameters 441 option, when enabled, displays a "hint" in the Formula Bookmark 497 while the user is
typing the name of a built-in function. For example, if the user types "mov(" the Code Parameters 441 "hint" will
display [DATA ARRAY,PERIODS,METHOD]; this allows the user to know what input types the function requires
without having to research the function in the Paste Functions Window 499 or this Help Manual provided that the
user is generally familiar with the function and VT Programming Language 502 .
The Code Completion 444 option, when enabled, allows the user to press the ctrl + spacebar keys to display a list
of available functions in a selectable dropdown menu while typing text in the formula editor section of the Formula
Bookmark 497 . The Code Completion 444 feature contains rudimentary spell checking so if the user types "mo"
and then ctrl + spacebar the Code Completion 444 feature will display all functions beginning with "mo" such as
mov() 575 , month() 574 , mod() 573 . Code Parameters
The Code Parameters option, when enabled, displays a "hint" in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula
Bookmark 497 while the user is typing the name of a built-in function 502 .
For example, if the user types mov( the Code Parameters "hint" will display [DATA ARRAY,PERIODS,METHOD];
this allows the user to know what input types the function 502 requires without having to research it in the Paste
Functions Window 499 or this Help Manual provided that the user is generally familiar with the function 502 and VT
Programming Language 502 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
As the user types the required input as indicated in Bold, the "hint" will change to reflect the next expected input
type of the function.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The hint window will remain displayed until the last expected input type has been typed.
It will then disappear allowing the user to continue writing their required formula.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Code Completion
The Code Completion option, when enabled, allows the user to press the ctrl + spacebar keys to display a list of
available functions 502 (or data arrays) in a selectable dropdown menu while typing text in the Formula Editor
Section of the Formula Bookmark 497 .
The Code Completion feature contains rudimentary spell checking so if the user types mo and then ctrl +
spacebar the Code Completion feature will display all functions 502 beginning with mo such as mov() 575 , month()
574 , mod() 573 .
To select an entry from the dropdown menu the user must highlight it (using the mouse) and then press the [Enter]
key on the keyboard to select it (or double-click using the left mouse button). VTrader will then insert the function
502 name into the Formula Editor Section.
The Code Completion dropdown menu also works for selecting inputs for a particular function. The user must
place the mouse cursor within the function's brackets where he/she would like the Code Completion feature to
insert the selected input.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The Code Completion feature will display the data arrays and functions
function 502 .
allowed for use within the main
Once the user selection has been inserted, the Code Completion drowndown menu will disappear allowing the
user to continue writing their required formula.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Display Bookmark
The Display Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 440 allows the user to define the font attibutes used while
typing text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 497 .
The font attributes can be changed by clicking the [ ... ] button next to Font. The default font attributes can be seen
in the screenshot below. The font Color attributes are specified in the Color Bookmark 447 .
The resulting text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 497 will appear as in shown in the
screenshot below (based on the selections in the screenshot above and the properties as specified in the Color
Bookmark 447 ).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
447 Color Bookmark
The Color Bookmark of the Editor Options Window 440 allows the user to define the font Color attibutes used
while typing text in the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark 497 . Each different type of text listed in the
left window pane (as highlighted by the mouse cursor) can have a different Background Color, Foreground Color,
and Font Attributes assigned to it.
The default color attributes on the right side of the Color Bookmark will change to display the attibutes assigned to
the text type highlighted in the left window pane. If the user wishes to change any of the text type attibutes they may
do so from this window.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The screenshot below will serve as an example of the formula editor section of the Formula Bookmark
the default Color and Display attibutes.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Indicator Bookmark
The Indicator Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 defines the indicator's name and other
general attributes used to help identify the indicator throughout VT Trader. The Indicator Bookmark contains
several user-definable text fields. Please click on each of the text fields' names for a detailed description...
Name 449
Short Name 451
Label Mask 452
Real-Time 454
Indicator Lock 455
Notes 457
Password 457
Confirm Password
The Name field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 allows the user to define the name of the trading system. This
Name will be used in the trading systems list of the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 , the Custom Trading
Systems section of the Trading Bookmark 46 of the Navigator Window 12 , the Trading Systems Quicklist 27
when accessed from the Add Trading System option of the Chart Window Contextual Menu 127 , and in the main
header of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
For example, if the name CUSTOM TRADING SYSTEM is typed in the Name field it will show up in the list of
trading systems in the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 .
Using the above example, CUSTOM TRADING SYSTEM will also be used for the trading system's name when
accessing the Add Trading System option from the Chart Window Contextual Menu 127 of the trade instrument
being analyzed.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Short Name
The Short Name field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 serves as the default name that will be used for the trading
system if the user exports it using the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Short Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not
begin with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character in the Short Name.
Correct Examples:
Incorrect Examples:
My Trading System – a space is used
123MyTradingSystem – begins with a number
1234567 – consists only of numbers
While creating a custom trading system the text in the Short Name field is used as the default file name for the
trading system when the Trading Systems Editor Toolbar 439 >Save option is chosen to save the custom trading
system. If an existing trading system is found on the user's PC when attempting to save the new trading system VT
Trader will automatically append (x) to the end of the trading system's name (where x is the next number to save
Label Mask
The Label Mask field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 allows the user to include the name of the trading system, the
values of input variables, the values of output variables, and/or any other desired text in the Trading System's
Label while the trading system is attached to the trade instrument's chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
For example, if the name Custom Trading System is typed in the Label Mask field it will show up in the Trading
System Label when the trading system is attached to the chart. To include the value of an input variable in the
Trading System Label it is necessary to type the input variable's name (as defined by the Name field of the Input
Bookmark 460 ) between % characters. To include the value of an output variable in the Trading System Label it is
necessary to type the output variable's name (as defined by the Var Name field of the Output Bookmark 474 )
between % characters.
According to the screenshot examples being used throughout the Trading Systems Builder
section of this
Label Mask > Custom Trading System (MA1: %InputVar1%, %InputVar2%, %InputVar3% | MA2: %InputVar4%,
%InputVar5%, %InputVar6%) | MA1=%OutputVar1%, MA2=%OutputVar2%
... displays in the Trading System Label as shown below in the screenshot.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Real-Time dropdown selection menu of the Indicator Bookmark 449 allows the user to define the method of
automated trade execution for the trading system when attached to a chart window 111 and set in Auto-Trade
Mode. The only available method is Complete Bar mode.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
In Complete Bar mode automated trading actions will only execute at the close of a chart interval's 99 bar if the
condition to execute the automated trading action is valid (ie: true) when the bar closes, the trading system is
running in Auto-Trade Mode, and the trading system has auto-trading logic scripted into it with the respective
output variables having Trading Enabled 475 and their Trading Bookmark 494 parameters properly configured.
The Real-Time dropdown selection menu choice does not affect the trading system's ability to display graphics 477
, highlights 480 , trends 482 , indicators 485 , or alerts 494 intrabar while the chart interval's 99 current bar is still
forming. Due to the Complete Bar mode logic, it is normal for a trading system to display enabled graphics 477 ,
highlights 480 , trends 482 , indicators 485 , or alerts 494 during the formation of a bar as the enabled parameters are
initially displayed in the chart window 111 and the trading system not execute any automated trading actions. The
decision whether a Trading Enabled 475 output variable's condition is true or false is made only after the chart
interval's 99 bar has ended. If the condition is true the specified automated trading action is taken, but if the
condition is false no automated trading action is taken.
Indicator Lock
The Indicator Lock option of the Indicator Bookmark 449 provides protection against accidental deletion of the
trading system from the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 . The Indicator Lock option is enabled
(checkmarked) by default when a new trading system is created.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
It is not possible to delete the trading system from the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 while the Indicator
Lock option is enabled. Notice in the screenshot below that the [Delete] button is disabled (not available) when the
trading system is selected using the mouse cursor. However, disabling the Indicator Lock option by removing the
checkmark next to it allows the trading system to be deleted.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The Notes textbox of the Indicator Bookmark
trading system.
allows the user to type additional information relating to the
This may be any kind of information deemed useful. Typically, a description of the trading system as well as
methods of use and references to the appropriate documentation will be included in the Notes textbox.
The Password field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 allows the user to specify a phrase or combination of letters
and numbers that will be used to keep the trading system's formulation and main properties confidential thus
protecting it from accidental or purposeful editing. The Password must confirmed in the Confirm Password field
before it can be applied.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
If Password (and Confirm Password) has been specified, when a user tries to access the Trading Systems
Editor Window 438 for the trading system (using the [Edit] button of the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 or
the Edit Trading System Properties option from the contextual menu of the trading system's label) a dialog window
will be displayed prompting the user to type the specified Password. If the Password is typed correctly, the user
will gain access the to trading system's Trading Systems Editor Window 438 ; If the Password is typed incorrectly,
access will be denied.
Confirm Password
The Confirm Password field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 forces the user to successfully retype the phrase or
combination of letters and numbers from the Password 457 field before the Password can be applied. This is done
to ensure that the user correctly typed the password in the Password 457 field thus preventing a situation whereby
the user did not realize the Password had been mistyped and is not able to access the Trading Systems Editor
Window 438 at a later time for editing of the trading system.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
If Password (and Confirm Password) has been specified, when a user tries to access the Trading Systems
Editor Window 438 for the trading system (using the [Edit] button of the Trading Systems Builder Window 436 or
the Edit Trading System Properties option from the contextual menu of the trading system's label) a dialog window
will be displayed prompting the user to type the specified Password. If the Password is typed correctly, the user
will gain access the to trading system's Trading Systems Editor Window 438 ; If the Password is typed incorrectly,
access will be denied.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Input Bookmark
The Input Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 allows the user to define the default names,
types, and initial parameters of the variables necessary to calculate the indicator according to its formula as
specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 .
For example, to express the calculation of variables OutputVar1 and OutputVar2 using some functions...
{Start VT Trader Formula}
OutputVar1:= Function(InputVar1, InputVar2, InputVar3);
OutputVar2:= Function(InputVar4, InputVar5, InputVar6);
{End VT Trader Formula}
... where Function uses one or more input variables to calculate variables OutputVar1 and OutputVar2; it is the
Input Bookmark that defines the default names, properties, and types of each of the input variables. The Input
Bookmark also defines the default values of the variables that will be displayed in the Trading System Properties
Window when the trading system is attached to the chart window 111 .
The Input Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window
management of variables.
consists of several sections used in the
On the left side of the Input Bookmark is a window that contains the list of variables used in the formulation of the
trading system (as defined by the trading system's formula in the Formula Bookmark 497 ). The user must select a
variable from this list using the mouse cursor to access its default properties as defined by the user-definable text
fields in the middle of the Input Bookmark. In the screenshot above InputVar1, InputVar2, and InputVar3 are used
as examples of input variables.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
In the middle of the Input Bookmark are several user-definable text fields that display the properties of the
selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark (select by clicking left mouse button
once over the variable name). Please click on each of the text fields' names for a detailed description...
Read Only 461
Name 462
Display Name
Type 465
Default 472
On the right side of the Input Bookmark are the following buttons...
New - creates a new variable and adds its name to the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Input Bookmark
Move Up / Move Down - allows the user to change the order in which the variables in the variable list on the left
side of the Input Bookmark display; adjusting the order of the variable list also affects the order of the variables
(as defined by Display Name 463 ) displayed in the Trading System Properties Window when the user attaches
the trading system to the chart window 111 .
Read Only
The Read Only option of the Input Bookmark 460 enables and disables the user's ability to adjust the default
properties of the input variable selected by the mouse cursor when the indicator is attached to the chart window
111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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When the user attempts to attach the trading system a chart window 111 , the default value of any input variable(s)
with Read Only enabled (by placing a checkmark next to Read Only in the box provided) will not be able to be
adjusted using the System Parameters Bookmark of the Trading System Properties Window.
The Name field of the Input Bookmark
defines the actual name of the variable used in the indicator formula as
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
specified in the Formula Bookmark
The Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not begin
with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character in the Name.
Correct Examples:
Incorrect Examples:
I 1 – there should not be a space
1InputVar – begins with a number
123 – consists of only numbers
The Name must not be the same as any function name as specified in the VT Trader Programming Language
502 .
Display Name
The Display Name field of the Input Bookmark 460 allows the user to define the display text (name) of the input
variable. This Display Name will be used in the System Parameters Bookmark of the Trading System
Properties Window that is displayed when the user attempts to add the trading system to the chart window 111 or
adjust the trading system's properties once displayed in the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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For example, if the text Input Variable 1 is typed in the Display Name field it will be displayed in the Trading
Parameters Bookmark of the Trading System Properties Window as seen below in the screenshot...
Default values and the order of the variables in the Trading System Properties Window are defined by the
Default 472 and Type 465 options and the [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons. Using the [Move Up] and [Move
Down] buttons allows the user to change the order of the variables displayed in the Trading System Properties
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The Type dropdown selection menu of the Input Bookmark 460 defines the type of the value to be calculated for
the input variable as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 . Each Type option has additional default values that
are specified in the Default 472 option.
The types of values listed below are available from within Type dropdown selection menu. Please select a Type to
read more detailed information.
Integer 465
Integer (with bounds) 466
Float 466
Float (with bounds) 467
Price 467
MA Type 468
Enumeration 468
Bars Forward 470
Integer – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any positive or negative whole
number as well as zero; -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and so on... (Back to Types...) 465
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Integer (with bounds) – allows the variable value specified using the Default 390 option to be any positive or
negative whole number as well as zero provided that the value be >= Min. Bounds and <=Max. Bounds values; in
the screenshot below, the Default 390 value can be any whole number between 1 and 144. (Back to Types...) 465
Float – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any positive or negative number
rounded out to 4 decimal places as well as zero (Back to Types...) 465
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Float (with bounds) – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any positive or
negative number rounded out to 4 decimal places as well as zero provided that the value be >= Min. Bounds and
<=Max. Bounds values; in the screenshot below, the Default 472 value can be any number with a decimal between
0.0001 and 0.0100. (Back to Types...) 465
Price – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any one of the predefined values:
close, open, low, high, Median Price, Typical Price, Indicator (the value of an Indicator already displayed in the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
chart window
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), or Volume (Back to Types...)
MA Type – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any one of the predefined values:
Simple, Weighted, Exponential, Sine Weighted, Triangular, or End Point; this Type selection is often used in
conjunction with the built-in moving average function mov() 575 as specified in the VT Trader Programming
Language 502 (Back to Types...) 465
Enumeration – allows the variable value specified using the Default
option to be any one of the predefined
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
values as created by the user using the [ ... ] button... (Back to Types...)
... Using this button displays the Enumeration dialog window allowing the user to create a dropdown selection
menu; the user can use the buttons on the right side of this window to add, delete, and change the order of the
custom list items...
... After clicking the [OK] button to exit the Enumeration dialog window, the Default
custom dropdown selection menu for the Enumeration Type option...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
option displays the
VT Trader Help Manual
An Enumeration Type (using the values displayed in the Default 472 option) displays in the System Parameters
Bookmark of the Trading System Properties Window as shown in the screenshot below...
Bars Forward – allows the variable value specified using the Default 472 option to be any integer provided that the
value be >= Min. Bounds and <=Max. Bounds values; in the screenshot below, the Default 472 value can be any
integer between -144 and 144. (Back to Types...) 465
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Even though this section discusses the Trading System Builder, lets refer to a classic Moving Average
Indicator included with VT Trader as an example since it includes an input variable called Horizontal Shift that
uses a Bars Forward Type. Please see the screenshot below for an example of a moving average that is shifted 25
bars ahead of the trade instrument's current market price. The Bars Forward Type may be useful in a trading
system if the user is working with displayed moving averages. (Back to Types...) 465
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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The Default field of the Input Bookmark 460 defines the default value for the selected input variable based on
the Type 465 option 465 selected. The value in the Default field is the value that will be calculated for the input
variable as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
The Default value for each of the input variables are displayed in the System Parameters Bookmark of the
Trading System Properties Window when the user attempts to add the trading system to the chart window
or when attempting to adjust the trding system's default properties while displayed in the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Output Bookmark
The Output Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 allows the user to create (or edit) the initial
parameters of the variables necessary to calculate, display, and automate the various elements of the trading
system according to its formula as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 .
The Output Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window
management of variables.
consists of two sections used in the
On the left side of the Output Bookmark is a window that contains the list of variables used in the formulation of
the trading system (as defined by the trading system's formula in the Formula Bookmark 497 ). The user must
select a variable from this list using the mouse cursor to access its default properties as defined by the Output
Variable Properties Window 475 . In the screenshot above OutputVar1, OutputVar2, OutputVar3, OutputVar4,
OutputVar5, and OutputVar6 are used as examples of different types of output variables.
On the right side of the Output Bookmark are the following buttons...
New - opens the Output Variable Properties Window 475 allowing the user to create a new variable; the
variable's name is then added to the variable list on the left side of the Output Bookmark
Edit - opens the Output Variable Properties Window 475 for the selected output variable as highlighed by the
mouse cursor allowing the user to edit the default properties for that variable
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the variable list on the left side of the Output Bookmark
Move Up / Move Down - allows the user to change the order in which the variables in the variable list on the left
side of the Output Bookmark display; adjusting the order of the variable list also affects the order of the variables
(as defined by Display Name 463 ) displayed in the Trading System Properties Window when the user attaches
the trading system to the chart window 111 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Output Variable Properties Window
The Output Variable Properties Window is accessed from the [New] button or [Edit] button of the Output
Bookmark 474 of the Trading Systems Builder 435 . This window allows the user to create (or edit) the default
properties for its respective output variable. The main window header displays the name of the trading system as
specified in the Name 449 field of the Indicator Bookmark 449 (and the name of the output variable as specified in
the Name field in the Name Bookmark 475 if it's being edited) at the current time.
The Output Variable Properties Window consists of the following bookmarks:
Name 475
Graphic 477
Highlights 480
Trends 482
Indicator Output
Alerts 494
Trading 494
Pressing the [OK] button after making changes within any of the bookmarks listed above will save the changes and
close the Output Variable Properties Window; pressing the [Cancel] button will close the Output Variable
Properties Window without saving any changes. Name Bookmark
The Name Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main enabled display
parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark.
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Var Name Defines the actual name of the variable used in the trading system formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 497 . The Var Name field may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without
any spaces and may not begin with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character in the Var Name. The Var
Name must not be the same as any function name as specified in the VT Trader Programming Language 502 .
Name A self-explanatory alternative name for the variable specified in the Var Name field. The text in the Name
field may be any phrase that the user will understand without any restrictions or limitations. For example, if Output
Variable 1 is typed in the Name field (and Indicator Output has a checkmark next to it) it will be displayed in the
Inspect Window 120 when the trading system is attached to the chart. It will be displayed in the same color as
defined by the Line Color field in the Indicator Output Bookmark 485 unless the Use Colors in Inspect Window
option has been disabled (no checkmark) in...
Navigator Window>Options Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark.
Description Any kind of information deemed useful. Typically, a description of the output variable as well as
methods of use and references to the appropriate documentation will be included in the Description textbox.
To enable any of the following options, the user must place a checkmark in the box located to the left of the desired
option. Doing so will cause the output variable (as shown in the Var Name field) to display the enabled options as
specified by additional properties in their respective bookmarks.
Graphic Enabled If enabled, will display a graphic using chosen properties in the Graphic Bookmark 477 and
according to its formula as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 . Graphics will be displayed during the formation
of the chart interval's 99 bar for each incoming price tick that the output variable's condition is valid for.
Highlights Enabled If enabled, will display bar (or candle) highlights (ie: change the color of the bars or
candles) using chosen properties in the Highlights Bookmark 480 and according to its formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 497 . Highlights will be displayed during the formation of the chart interval's 99 bar for each
incoming price tick that the output variable's condition is valid for.
Trends Enabled If enabled, will display an additional "trend" frame below the main price frame of the chart
window using chosen properties in the Trends Bookmark 482 and according to its formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 497 . Trends will be displayed during the formation of the chart interval's 99 bar for each
incoming price tick that the output variable's condition is valid for.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Indicator Output If enabled, will display the output variable as an indicator using chosen properties in the
Indicator Output Bookmark 485 and according to its formula as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 ; this
option is useful if the user desires to include the indicators that the trading system's conditions are based on
directly in the trading system formula and have the trading system automatically display the indicators instead of
having to add each indicator to the chart window 111 manually. Indicator values and displays will be dynamic
(changing with each price tick) during the formation of the chart interval's 99 bar for each incoming price tick that
the output variable's condition is valid for.
Alerts Enabled If enabled, will display a text message in the Activity Log Window 188 and play a user-defined
audio file using chosen properties in the Alerts Bookmark 494 and according to its formula as specified in the
Formula Bookmark 497 . Alerts will be displayed and played during the formation of the chart interval's 99 bar for
each incoming price tick that the output variable's condition is valid for.
Trading Enabled If enabled, will allow the trading system to execute an automated trading action based on the
selected parameters in the Trading Bookmark 494 and according to its formula as specified in the Formula
Bookmark 497 . The trading system's ability to place execute automated trading actions is controlled by the
Real-Time option selection in the Indicator Bookmark 449 . Graphic Bookmark
The Graphic Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Graphic display
parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Graphics Enabled option is
checkmarked in the Name Bookmark 475 . The user can choose the Graphic to display by pressing the [ ... ] button
next to the Font option (uses the Symbols Tool 236 font palette); the user can also adjust the size and color of the
Graphic as well as its resulting positioning displayed above or below the price plot. Press the [OK] button to save
the selections and return to the Output Variable Properties Window 475 .
By Example:
Assuming the following formula in the Formula Bookmark
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
for the trading system...
VT Trader Help Manual
Also, assume output variables OutputVar5 and OutputVar6 both have the Graphics Enabled option
checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
OutputVar5 properties are as such...
OutputVar6 properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
And the resulting blue arrow and red arrow Graphics displayed in the chart window
is attached can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
when the trading system
VT Trader Help Manual Highlights Bookmark
The Highlights Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Highlight display
parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Highlights Enabled option is
checkmarked in the Name Bookmark 475 . The user can choose the Highlight color that will be overlaid on top of
the main chart window price data (bars, candles, line types). Press the [OK] button to save the selections and
return to the Output Variable Properties Window 475 .
By Example:
Assuming the following formula in the Formula Bookmark
for the trading system...
Also, assume output variables OutputVar3 and OutputVar4 both have the Highlights Enabled option
checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
OutputVar3 properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
OutputVar4 properties are as such...
And the resulting green and pink Highlights displayed on top of the price candles in the chart window
the trading system is attached can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Trends Bookmark
The Trends Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Trend Frame display
parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Trends Enabled option is
checkmarked in the Name Bookmark 475 . The Trend Frame is a small additional frame that displays horizontally
across the bottom of the chart window underneath the main price window and any additional indicator frames.
The user can choose to display vertical lines that mark the beginning point and ending point of the Trends'
condition as specified by the trading system's formula in the Formula Bookmark 497 as well as the background
color and background pattern used within the section of Trend Frame that is specific to the variable's condition as
well as that section's Trend Frame Label by pressing the [ ... ] button next to the Label option (uses the Symbols
Tool 236 font palette) along with the Label color. Press the [OK] button to save the selections and return to the
Output Variable Properties Window 475 .
By Example:
Assuming the following formula in the Formula Bookmark
for the trading system...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Also, assume output variables OutputVar3 and OutputVar4 both have the Trends Enabled option
checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
OutputVar3 properties are as such...
OutputVar4 properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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And the resulting blue and red TTrends displayed in the Trend Frame at the bottom of the chart window
the trading system is attached can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
485 Indicator Output Bookmark
The Indicator Output Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Indicator
Output display parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Indicator
Output option is checkmarked in the Name Bookmark 475 according to its formula calculation in the Formula
Bookmark 497 . The resulting output will be visible when the trading system is attached to the chart window 111 .
The Color selection box allows the user to define the display color for the output variable. The Color selection also
specifies the color of the text in the Name field of the Name Bookmark 475 that will be displayed in the Inspect
Window 120 unless the Use Colors in Inspect Window option has been disabled in Navigator Window>Options
Bookmark>Properties>General>General Properties>General Bookmark. In order for the Name (and value) of the
output variable to be displayed in the Inspect Window 120 , it must have the Indicator Output option enabled in
the Name Bookmark 475 .
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The Line Width dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting output variable's displayed line
The Line Type dropdown selection menu allows the user to define the resulting output variable's displayed line
type. It should be noted that if the user selects a Line Width wider than the most narrow option that only the solid
line, histogram, and dots Line Types will be available in the dropdown selection menu.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Or - if a wider Line Width is selected...
The Placement dropdown selection menu allows the user to choose the display frame that the output variable will
be displayed in when the trading system is attached to the chart window 111 . The user can choose can choose to
display the resulting output variable in the Price Frame or one of the five available Additional Frames. It is possible
to display more than one output variable in the same Placement Frame (such as creating mulitple moving
averages and displaying them all in the Price Frame - See Example 1 488 ). This may be useful for displaying
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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OverBought and OverSold levels (which must also be defined as output variables) in the same frame with their
accompaning indicator such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) 590 - See Example 2 491 . The Placement
Frames are displayed in decending order starting with the Price Frame - Additional Frame 5.
Press the [OK] button to save the selections and return to the Output Variable Properties Window
Example 1:
Assuming the following formula in the Formula Bookmark
for the trading system...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Also, assume output variables OutputVar1 and OutputVar1 both have the Indicator Output option
checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
OutputVar1 properties are as such...
OutputVar2 properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
And the resulting blue arrow and red Indicator Outputs displayed in the chart window 111 along with thier
respective Inspect Window 120 values when the trading system is attached can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Example 2:
Assuming the following formula in the Formula Bookmark
for the trading system...
Also, assume output variables RSI_Indicator, RSI_OverBought and RSI_OverSold all have the Indicator
Output option checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
RSI_Indicator properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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RSI_OverBought properties are as such...
RSI_OverSold properties are as such...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
And the resulting RSI Indicator and OverBought/OverSold Indicator Outputs displayed in the chart window 111
along with thier respective Inspect Window 120 values when the trading system is attached can be seen below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual Alerts Bookmark
The Alerts Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Alert parameters of the
output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Alerts Enabled option is checkmarked in the Name
Bookmark 475 .
The user can choose the Alert Message to be displayed in the Activity Log Window 188 as well as an
accompaning Audio Alert Sound to be played when the output variable's condition is valid according to its formula
as specified in the Formula Bookmark 497 . If the user does not wish to have any text displayed in the Activity Log
Window 188 simply leave the Alert Message text field blank.
The user can choose any of the Standard Sounds included in VT Trader or a User-Defined Sound (.wav files only)
from the user's PC; to hear a sample of the sound as it will be played when the output variable's condition is valid
the user can press the button.
Press the [OK] button to save the selections and return to the Output Variable Properties Window
[Cancel] button to exit the Alerts Bookmark without saving any changes.
. Press the Trading Bookmark
The Trading Bookmark of the Output Variable Properties Window 475 defines the main Automated Trading
Parameters of the output variable selected from the Output Bookmark when the Trading Enabled option is
checkmarked in the Name Bookmark 475 . AND the trading system must be running in Auto-Trade Mode.
If the trading system being constructed is expected to execute automated trading actions it is required to configure
the parameters in the Trading Bookmark for EACH output variable with the Trading Enabled option
checkmarked in their respective Name Bookmark 475 .
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Trade Action Specifies the type of market order that will be placed (BUY market order or SELL market order)
when the output variable's formula condition according to the Formula Bookmark 497 becomes valid. This Trade
Action will be executed according to the Real-Time selection in the main Indicator Bookmark 449 of the trading
Traders Range Allows the to specify the maximum number of pip deviation (aka: slippage) from the current
price (in either direction) that the trading system will automatically accept when attempting to execute automated
trading actions. The Traders Range is set to 0 by default. This feature can be very useful in a fast-moving market
to help reduce reduce the risk of the user's broker issueing a requote request that must be manually accepted
before the market order will be processed.
For example, if the market moves rapidly (such as around major economic news releases) while the trading system
is attempting to place an order and the user's broker finds it necessary to issue a requote requote, VT Trader will
display a popup window with the new dealing price that must be confirmed before the automated trading action can
execute the market order; the trading system cannot confirm a requote request - it must be manually
confirmed by the user. However, if the output variable with Trading Enabled is attempting to execute an
automated trading action with a Traders Range value of 10 (for example) and the current market price moves less
than 10 pips, the automated trading action will automatically process at the new dealing price without the need for a
manual requote request confirmation.
Hedge Allows the trading system to open an opposing position without closing the oppisite open position; For
example, if the active account running the trading system in Auto-Trade Mode has an open BUY position and it
tries to execute a SELL market order without a checkmark next to the Hedge option, the SELL market order will
simply close out the BUY position. However, if the trading system performs the same action above, but there IS a
checkmark next to the Hedge option when executing the new SELL market order, the BUY position will NOT be
closed out; it will remain "as is" and a new SELL position will be created. This allows the trading system to have
open BUY and open SELL position(s) open in the same currency pair using the same account.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Hedge option, under normal circumstances (~99% of trading systems), should always
remain without a checkmark next to it for each of the output variable's with Trading Enabled. It is only
recommended that users who completely understand the ramifications of using the Hedge option attempt to
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
incorporate it into their automated trading system and only if there is an exact need for it according to the rules and
principles governing their trading strategy.
EachTick Count
NOT CURRENTLY ACTIVE; this feature can be safely ignored.
Press the [OK] button to save the selections and return to the Output Variable Properties Window
[Cancel] button to exit the Trading Bookmark without saving any changes.
. Press the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
Formula Bookmark
The Formula Bookmark of the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 allows the user to define the formula(s)
used in the calculation of indicators, formulations of various alert conditions, and the resulting complete trading
system. For ease of use, the Formula Bookmark displays the Trading Systems Editor Toolbar 439 with Undo,
Redo, and Editor Options 439 enabled.
Directly below the Trading Systems Editor Toolbar 439 is the main section of the Formula Bookmark - the
Formula Editor Section. The Formula Editor Section is the main area that allows the user to type the text used to
perform the calcuations necessary to construct the resulting trading system. This section allows the user to define
all of the needed input variables, output variables, and functions (based on the VT Trader Programming
Language 502 ).
Below the Formula Editor Section is the Formula Editor Toolbar 497 . The Formula Editor Toolbar 497 allows the
user access to the Paste Functions Window 416 . It also allows the user to quickly insert text characters and words
into the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark with just a click of the mouse.
Formula Editor Toolbar
The Formula Editor Toolbar allows the user to access the Paste Functions Window 499 . It also allows the user
to quickly insert text characters and words into the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 497 with just
a click of the mouse.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Below is a description of the icons located in the Formula Editor Toolbar (described in the order from left to right).
allows the user to access the Paste Functions Window
Insert "Not"
inserts Not (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "And"
inserts And (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "Or"
inserts Or (boolean) text at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "+" sign
inserts + (addition) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert " " sign
inserts - (subtraction) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "*" sign
inserts * (multiplication) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "/" sign
inserts / (division) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert ":=" sign inserts := (VT Trader sign specifying a formula is to follow) sign at the present location of the
blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert "=" sign
inserts = (equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor section
Insert ">" sign
inserts > (greater than) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert "<" sign
inserts < (less than) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the formula editor
Insert ">=" sign
inserts >= (greater than or equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Builder
formula editor section
Insert "<=" sign inserts <= (less than or equal to) sign at the present location of the blinking cursor in the
formula editor section
{..} Comment Selection allows the user to highlight any text typed in the formula editor section a make it a
"comment" that will not be considered in the calcluations of the actual formula and will serve only as notes from the
{..} Uncomment Selection allows the user to highlight previously commented text and uncomment it, thus
allowing the text to be considered in the calculations of the actual formula Functions...
The Functions... (icon) option in the Formula Editor Toolbar 497 displays the Paste Functions Window. The
Paste Functions Window helps the user facilitate faster selection and typing of the functions included in the VT
Trader Programming Language 502 .
The Paste Functions Window is divided into 4 specific sections...
The left window pane titled Function Category displays a list of categories that the functions of the VT Trader
Programming Language 502 and any included/custom indicators functions (based on Indicator Editor
Window>Indicator Bookmark>Short Name field) are divided into. The category names should be self-explantory.
The right window pane titled Paste Function displays the list of functions included in the highlighted category name
from the Function Category window pane.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Directly below the Function Category and Paste Function window panes is an area that displays the actual function
along with the necessary input variables 460 (and their Types) describing how the function is to be referenced from
in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 497 .
Using the screenshot above as an example, a function called Cross()
window pane. The text below the window panes is as follows:
is highlighted in the Paste Functions
This text tells the user that to reference the Cross() 530 function from the Formula Editor Section of the Formula
Bookmark 497 the user must provide the variables the user wishes to test this function against. This is useful in
situation where the user wishes to know if the value of one variable has crossed above or below the value of
another variable such as in a trading system designed to detect the crossing of two moving averages.
With this function selected, the user can click the [OK] button and VT Trader will then display...
cross( , )
... in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 497 . The user can then fill in the additional values as
necessary for each input variable parameter that must be specified.
If it is necessary to use this feature when referencing indicators from within a trading system by using their Short
Name 365 , the user can highlight the appropriate indicator from the Indicator Builder Window 349 and click the [
Edit] button to open the Indicator Editor Window 351 . By opening the Input Bookmark 377 of the Indicator Editor
Window 351 for a particular indicator, the user can view the details for each of the input variables required by the
indicator being referenced. After reviewing the indicator's input variables, the user can enter the correct values for
the function in the Formula Editor Section of the Formula Bookmark 497 .
Using the Average Directional Movement indicator included in VT Trader as an example...
_ADX:= vt_ADX( 14 , 0 );
The formula line above defines _ADX as the output variable using the vt_ADX function with the Pr input variable as
14 periods and the cT input variable (an Enumeration List Type in this example) as 0 (to select the first option in the
Enumeration List).
Displayed in the very bottom window pane of the Paste Functions Window are notes specific to the function
highlighted in the Paste Function window pane.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
VTTrader Programming Language
VT Trader's programming language is simple, yet powerful. It enables the user to create custom indicators and
trading systems through the use of the Indicator Builder 348 and Trading Systems Builder 435 tools. This section
of this help manual serves as a reference for VT Trader's built-in scripting engine. It explains the language
structure and syntax, lexical elements, and instruction processing rules.
Basic Language Structure
Each statement consists of a variable, the variable assignment (:=), followed by one or more expression
statements containing various lexical elements, and ending with the statement terminator (;).
Important Notes:
Each statement MUST be terminated by semicolon (;). This allows the user to separate long expressions into
several individual lines (in order to increase readability and code clarity) and VT Trader will still treat it as a single
statement until the terminating semicolon.
Variable names may include only letters (non case-sensitive) and numbers without any spaces and may not
begin with a number. It is possible to use the "_" character. Variables must not be the same name as any existing
function 512 or reserved function 621 , constant 510 , or pre-defined data array 511 . Output variables 392 must not have
the same name as an input variable 377 within the same formula script.
When using fractional integers (integers with decimal places), if the whole number portion of the fractional integer
is 0, the 0 MUST be included in the formula. For example, .0030 is incorrect. 0.0030 is correct; if the initial 0 is not
included VT Trader will not recognize and evaluate the fractional integer correctly.
{Correct Statement Examples}
OutputVariable := Mov( C,12,E ) > Mov( C,26,E ) ;
OutputVariable1 := Mov( C,12,E ) ;
_OutputVariable := 26 ;
_OutputVariable_2 := (Mov( C,12,E ) > Mov( C,26,E )) AND C > ref(C,-1) ;
OutputVariable := abs(Mov( C,12,E ) - Mov( C,26,E )) > 0.0010 ;
{Incorrect Statement Examples}
OutputVariable 1 = Mov( C,12,E ) > Mov( C,26,E ) ; {variable name and declaration
assignment incorrect}
2OutputVariable := Mov( C,12,E ) {incorrect variable name and statement terminator
Close = 26 ; {Close is a pre-defined data array and declaration assignment incorrect}
InputVariable := InputVariable ; {Output variable and input variable cannot have same
OutputVariable := abs(Mov( C,12,E ) - Mov( C,26,E )) > .0010 ; {fractional integer must be
Basic Language Elements
The following elements help form the basis of VT Trader's built-in programming language:
Comments 504
Punctuators (Separators)
Operators 506
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Constants 510
Pre-Defined Data Arrays 511
Functions (Identifiers) - Alphabetical List 512
Functions (Identifiers) - Reserved For Future Use
For more information on a particular element, please click on its name for a detailed discussion.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Comments are pieces of text used to annotate a formula script inside the Formula Editor Section of the Formula
Bookmark 497 of the Indicator Builder 348 and Trading Systems Builder 435 tools. Comments are for the
programmer's use only; they are stripped from the source code before parsing. Comments are shown as grey text
in the Formula Editor Section by default.
The are two ways to delineate comments:
Multiple-line Comments: Any sequence of characters placed after the symbol {. The comment terminates at the
first occurrence of the } following the initial {. { } can also be used to define only certain text within a single line as a
comment as well. However, comments delineated with { } cannot be nested.
Single-line Comments: Any sequence of characters placed after two adjacent slashes // in any position within the
line and extending until the next new line. Comments delineated by // within a single line can be nested within
comments delineated by { }. Comments delineated by // cannot be the last line of text in the formula script.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Punctuators (aka: Separators) are used to maintain the basic syntax of VT Trader's programming language. The
available punctuators and their desciptions are outlined in the table below:
Assignment ( := )
Variable Assignment
Semi-colon ( ; )
Statement Terminator
Comma ( , )
Separates the parameters of a function argument list
Parentheses ( )
Used to override normal order of precedence, group
or isolate conditional expressions, and indicate
function calls and function parameters
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
VT Trader's programming language provides several operators that enable the user to manipulate functions
and values to create more complex expressions. The different types of operators available are:
· Mathematical Operators
· Relational Operators 508
· Logical Operators 509
Operators are always evaluated in a specific order. This order is called an "order of precedence". Each type of
operator has its own "order of precedence" within its group and each group has an overall "order of precedence".
The exact order of the overall "order of precedence" is Logical Operators 509 , then Relational Operators 508 , and
lastly Mathematical Operators 507 .
Parentheses are always evaluated first so they can be used to control the operation precedence. This allows the
user to bypass part of the "order of precedence" to perform the calculations within the parentheses first. However,
the "order of precedence" is still enforced within the parentheses. If there are mulitple sets of parentheses in use,
operations within the innermost parentheses are evaluated first.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Mathematical Operators
Mathematical operators are used to perform specific mathematical computations. The available mathematical
operators are:
These operators are always evaluated in a specific order. The exact order is Parentheses, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, and then Subtraction. A common English expression used to remember this order is: Please, My Dear A
unt Sally. If there is more than one multiplication and/or division operation (or addition and/or subtraction) these are
evaluated from left to right.
Since parentheses are evaluated first, they can be used to control the operation precedence. This allows the user
to bypass part of the "order of precedence" to perform the calculations within the parentheses first. However, the
"order of precedence" is still enforced within the parentheses. If there are mulitple sets of parentheses in use,
operations within the innermost parentheses are evaluated first.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Relational Operators
Relational operators are used to perform standard comparisons. The result of a comparison will always be True
or False (1 or 0 respectively). The available relational operators are:
Greater Than
Less Than
Greater Than or Equal To
Less Than or Equal To
Equal To
not Equal To
Relational operators are always evaluated from left to right because they all have the same precedence.
Parentheses can be used to further control the "order of precedence" when necessary.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Logical Operators
Logical operators (aka: Booleans) are used to combine two true/false expressions. There are 3 logical
operators available in VT Trader:
· OR
AND is used when the result of both true/false expressions must be true; OR is used when the result of either one
or both of the two true/false expressions must be true. NOT can be used when the user wishes to have the oppisite
value (True or False) of an expression.
Below is a table that shows the resulting values when using AND and OR:
When using multiple AND's, OR's, and NOT's they are always evaluated in the order they appear, from left to right,
because they all have the same precedence. Parentheses can be used to further control the "order of precedence"
when necessary.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
A constant is an pre-defined fixed value that cannot be altered. The following constants are available in VT
Trader's programming language.
Not Defined; Empty Variable
Simple moving average
Weighted moving average
Exponential moving average
Sine Weighted moving average
Triangle moving average
End Point moving average
Volume-Adjusted moving average
Calculate ROC()
Calculate ROC()
AccountStatus() Function is not yet officially supported
Indicates no active position in selected account
Indicates at least 1 active Buy position in selected
Indicates at least 1 active Sell position in selected
Indicates at least 1 active Buy and 1 active Sell position
in selected account
Function in points difference
Function in percent difference
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Pre-Defined Data Arrays
The following Pre-Defined Data Arrays have been provided in VT Trader's programming language to facilitate
quick, easy access to built-in Price data arrays for use in Functions 512 . The Pre-Defined Data Arrays can be
referenced in Functions 512 using either their "Full Name" or "Abbreviation". Please note that these are not
case-specific (ie: Open is the same as open).
Close price
Open price
High price
Low price
Heikin-Ashi Close price
Heikin-Ashi Open price
Heikin-Ashi High price
Heikin-Ashi Low price
# of price ticks during bar
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
At a basic level, functions are nothing more than a pre-defined, self-contained set of calculations that can be used
in comparisons and calculations. Each function has a specified name and returns a value based on its underlying
calculation routine. VT Trader's scripting engine includes a large number of built-in functions ranging from simple
price calculations and indicators to specifically-designed functions used in conjunction with technical analysis.
The following alphabetical list of functions form the basis of VT Trader's programming language:
Absolute Value 515
Arc Tangent 516
Aroon Down 517
Aroon Up 518
Average True Range
Bar Count 520
Bar Index 521
Bars Since 522
Bollinger Band 525
Bollinger Band Bottom
Bollinger Band Top 524
Ceiling 527
Commodity Channel Index
Cosine 529
Cross 530
Cumulate 532
Day Of Month 533
Day Of Week 534
Detrended Price Oscillator
Error 536
Event Count 537
Exponent 540
Floor 542
Gap Down 544
Gap Up 545
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Highest Bars Ago
Highest High Value 548
Highest High Value Bars Ago
Highest Since 551
If () 553
Inside 555
Integer 556
IsDefined 557
IsUndefined 558
Linear Regression Indicator 559
Linear Regression Slope 560
Logarithm 561
Lowest 562
Lowest Bars Ago 563
Lowest Low Value 564
Lowest Since 566
Mama 567
Maximum 568
Median Price 569
Midpoint 570
Minimum 571
Minute 572
Modulus 573
Month 574
Moving Average
Parabolic SAR
Peak Value 579
Power 580
Precision 581
Rally 584
Random 585
Rate of Change 586
Reaction 587
Reference 588
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Round 591
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Signal Flag 592
Signal Hold 594
Signal Remove 596
Signal Remove Span 598
Sine 601
Square Root 602
Standard Deviation 603
Standard Error 604
Stochastic Momentum Index
Stochastic Oscillator 606
Summation 607
Symbol Digits 608
Symbol Point 610
Typical Price
Ultimate Oscillator
Value When 615
Vertical Horizontal Filter
Weighted Close
Williams %R 619
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Absolute Value
Absolute Value
The function calculates the Absolute Value of the DATA ARRAY.
The formula abs(-12) will return +12;
The formula abs(12) will also return +12.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Arc Tangent
Arc Tangent
The function returns the Arc Tangent of Y/X.
The value is returned in degrees from 0 to 359.9.
Also acceptable is...
The function returns the Arc Tangent of DATA ARRAY.
The value is returned in radians from -Pi/2 to Pi/2.
For translation to degrees in a range of -90 to +90 it is necessary to use:
Out:= ATAN(DATA ARRAY) * 180/Pi;
{where Pi is global constant 3.1415926535897932385}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Aroon Down
Aroon Down
Calculates the Aroon Down component of the Aroon Indicator. DATA ARRAY should always use the Low price for
calculations, however, it must be specified in the function.
The function AroonDown(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates the Aroon Down component of the Aroon
Indicator by formula:
{Aroon Down component of the Aroon Indicator}
_AroonDown := ((PERIODS - LLVBars(DATA ARRAY,PERIODS+1)) / PERIODS) * 100;
The function AroonDown(Low,14) calculates the Aroon Down component of the Aroon Indicator over 14 periods.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Aroon Up
Aroon Up
Calculates the Aroon Up component of the Aroon Indicator. DATA ARRAY should always use the High price for
calculations, however, it must be specified in the function.
The function AroonUp(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates the Aroon Up component of the Aroon Indicator by
{Aroon Down component of the Aroon Indicator}
_AroonUp := ((PERIODS - HHVBars(DATA ARRAY,PERIODS+1)) / PERIODS) * 100;
The function AroonUp(High,14) calculates the Aroon Up component of the Aroon Indicator over 14 periods.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Average True Range
Average True Range
This function calculates the predefined Average True Range (ATR) indicator.
The function ATR(PERIODS) calculates the Average True Range (ATR) indicator by formula:
{Average True Range (ATR)}
TH:= If(Ref(Close,-1) > High, Ref(Close,-1), High);
TL:= If(Ref(Close,-1) < Low, Ref(Close,-1), Low);
_ATR:= mov(TR, PERIODS, S);
The formula atr(20) calculates the Average True Range (ATR) indicator over 20 periods.
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VT Trader Help Manual
Bar Count
Bar Count
BarCount ()
This function returns the total number of bars loaded in the chart previous to (and including) any given bar. Stated
more simply, this function assigns a numerical value to each bar in the chart starting with the first (left most) bar
and assigning it the number 1 and then incrementing the count by +1 for each additional bar loaded in the chart.
By example, the formula:
Out:= BarCount();
can also be written as...
Out:= cum(1);
However, the BarCount() function processes much faster than cum(1) when included in an indicator or trading
sytem since it is an internal function.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Bar Index
Bar Index
BarIndex ()
BarIndex() returns zero-based bar numbers. This function returns the total number of bars loaded in the chart
previous to (and including) any given bar. Stated more simply, this function assigns a numerical value to each bar
in the chart starting with the first (left most) bar and assigning it the number 0 and then incrementing the count by
+1 for each additional bar loaded in the chart.
By example, the formula:
Out:= BarIndex();
can also be written as...
Out:= cum(1) - 1;
Out:= if(prev(null)=null,0,ref(BarCount(),-1));
However, the BarIndex() function processes much faster than cum(1)-1 when included in an indicator or
trading sytem since it is an internal function.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Bars Since
Bars Since
BarsSince (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the number of bars (time periods) that have passed since DATA ARRAY was true.
The formula BarsSince(RSI(14)>50) will return the value equal to the number of periods (bars) that have
passed since the 14-period RSI was greater than 50. The value is calculated using all data loaded in the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
Bollinger Bands (Bottom Band)
Bollinger Bands (Bottom Band)
This function calculates the Bottom Bollinger Band component of the Bollinger Bands indicator of DATA ARRAY
using METHOD calculation method and shifted downwards DEVIATIONS standard deviations.
(Abbreviated respectively as S, W, E, SW, TRI, EP).
The formula BBandBot(close, 20, S, 2) calculates the Bottom Bollinger Band of Close prices over 20
PERIODS using the SIMPLE method and shifted 2 DEVIATIONS downwards.
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7.6.10 Bollinger Bands (Top Band)
Bollinger Bands (Top Band)
This function calculates the Top Bollinger Band component of the Bollinger Bands indicator of DATA ARRAY using
METHOD calculation method and shifted upwards DEVIATIONS standard deviations.
(Abbreviated respectively as S, W, E, SW, TRI, EP).
The formula BBandTop(close, 20, S, 2) calculates the Top Bollinger Band of Close prices over 20
PERIODS using the SIMPLE method and shifted 2 DEVIATIONS upwards.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.11 Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands
This function calculates the Bottom Bollinger Band 523 and Top Bollinger Band 524 components of the Bollinger
Bands indicator of DATA ARRAY using METHOD calculation method and shifted upwards or downwards
DEVIATIONS standard deviations based on SWITCH.
(Abbreviated respectively as S, W, E, SW, TRI, EP).
The function BLines(DATA_ARRAY_1, DATA_ARRAY_2, PERIODS, METHOD, DEVIATIONS, 0) calculates
the Top Bollinger Band 524 component of the Bollinger Bands indicator.
The function BLines(DATA_ARRAY_1, DATA_ARRAY_2, PERIODS, METHOD, DEVIATIONS, 1) calculates
the Bottom Bollinger Band 523 component of the Bollinger Bands indicator.
, 1);
The formula BLines(Close, mov(Close,20,S), 20, S, 2, 0) calculates a the Top Bollinger Band
the Close prices over 20 periods using the Simple method shifted 2 deviations upwards.
The formula BLines(Close, mov(Close,20,S), 20, S, 2, 1) calculates a the Bottom Bollinger Band
of the Close prices over 20 periods using the Simple method shifted 2 deviations downwards.
The top and bottom Bollinger Bands can be calculated using the BLines() function as such:
{Bollinger Bands}
{The middle band is a n-period simple moving average}
MiddleBollingerBand:= mov(Close, PERIODS, S);
{Calculates the Bottom Bollinger Band and Top Bollinger Band components}
TopBollingerBand:= BLines(Close, mov(Close,20,S), 20, S, 2, 0);
BottomBollingerBand:= BLines(Close, mov(Close,20,S), 20, S, 2, 1);
It is also acceptable to use the stdev() function to calculate the top and bottom Bollinger Bands as such:
{Bollinger Bands}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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{The middle band is a n-period simple moving average}
MiddleBollingerBand:= mov(Close, PERIODS, S);
{Calculates the Bottom Bollinger Band and Top Bollinger Band components}
TopBollingerBand:= MiddleBollingerBand + ( 2 * stdev(Close,PERIODS));
BottomBollingerBand:= MiddleBollingerBand - ( 2 * stdev(Close,PERIODS));
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.12 Ceiling
ceiling (DATA ARRAY)
Calculates the lowest integer that is greater than DATA ARRAY.
The formula ceiling(9.2) returns 10.
The formula ceiling(-9.2) returns -9.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7.6.13 Commodity Channel Index
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Calculates the PERIODS Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of DATA ARRAY. This function calculates the
predefined CCI indicator according to Donald Lambert's original formula logic. Use of the DATA ARRAY parameter
is only necessary if the user wishes to substitute a DATA ARRAY other than Typical Price ( TP() ) for the
calculations. Otherwise, it is acceptable to use the cci() function without including it such as:
The function CCI(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates a 20-Periods CCI Indicator by formula:
{ Typical Price }
vTp := (H + L + C) / 3;
{ Simple Moving Average of the Typical Price
vTpma := Mov(vTP, 20, S);
{Due to VTrader's lack of loop structures in its
programming language, the loop statement to find
Mean Deviation must be written out explicitly}
{ Mean Deviation }
vMd20 := (Abs(vTpma - vTp)
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -1))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -2))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -3))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -4))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -5))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -6))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -7))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -8))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -9))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -10))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -11))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -12))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -13))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -14))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -15))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -16))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -17))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -18))
+ Abs(vTpma - Ref(vTp, -19))) / 20;
{ CCI value and output CCI on chart }
vCCI := (vTp - vTpma) / (0.015 * vMd20);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.14 Cosine
This function calculates the Cosine of DATA ARRAY.
It assumes the DATA ARRAY value is given in degrees.
The formula cos(0) returns 1.
The formula cos(Close) returns the Cosine of the Close price in degrees.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7.6.15 Cross
Returns +1 when DATA_ARRAY_1 crosses above DATA_ARRAY_2. Otherwise, 0 is returned. If it is required to
know when DATA_ARRAY_1 crosses below DATA_ARRAY_2, use the formula:
The formula cross(Close,mov(Close,9,S) returns +1 only for the specific bar interval when the Close price
crosses above the Moving Average. For all other bars – if and until the next crossover in this direction (above) the
formula cross(Close,mov(Close,9,S) returns 0.
To monitor when the Close price crosses below the Moving Average, the formula cross(mov(Close,9,S
),Close) should be used. It returns +1 only for the specific bar interval when the Close price crosses below the
Moving Average. For all other bars – if and until the next crossover in this direction (below) the formula cross(mov
(Close,9,S),Close)returns 0.
The main difference in using the Cross() function versus making comparisons using Relational Operators 508
(such as > or <, etc.) is that the condition being evaluated using Relational Operators 508 returns +1 as long as the
condition remains true.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
For example, the formula Close > mov(Close,9,S) is true (displayed as the thick blue line in the screenshot
below) and returns +1 for every bar that the condition remains true. For all other bars when the formula Close >
mov(Close,9,S) condition is false, 0 is returned.
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VT Trader Help Manual
7.6.16 Cumulate
Calculates a Cumulative Sum of DATA ARRAY beginning from the first period in the chart.
The formula cum(1) calculates an indicator that rises one point for each bar since the beginning of the chart.
The formula cum(Close) calculates the cumulative total of all closing prices from the beginning of the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.17 Day Of Month
Day Of Month
DayOfMonth ()
Plots the numerical day of the month.
If today was July 15th, 15 would be plotted.
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7.6.18 Day Of Week
Day Of Week
DayOfWeek ()
Plots a numerical value corresonding to each day of the week.
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday
Each new days begins at 00:00 Eastern Standard Time (12:00 A.M. Midnight).
For example, to create a simple indicator that will plot +1 for each price bar displayed during Monday use the
TodayIsMonday:= DayOfWeek()=1;
Also acceptable is:
TodayIsMonday:= if(DayOfWeek()=1,1,0);
{Note: if a condition will always evaulate to true (1) or false (0)
it is not necessary to use the If() function - it is assumed.}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.19 Detrended Price Oscillator
Detrended Price Oscillator
This function calculates the predefined Detrended Price Oscillator.
The function dpo(PERIODS) calculates the Detrended Price Oscillator by formula:
{Detrended Price Oscillator}
_DPO:= Close - ref(mov(Close,PERIODS,S),-(PERIODS/2+1));
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7.6.20 Error
error ( CONDITION, ' MESSAGE ' )
This function executes an immediate program stop. VT Trader displays a popup window containing the MESSAGE
(in signal quote marks) if CONDITION is true. The Indicator Label also displays an "red circled, exclamation point"
icon (see screenshot below) next to it until the condition creating the Error has been resolved.
As an example, create a simple indicator with the following formula:
_Error:= error(1<3,'1 is less than 3');
The result of attempting to add this indicator to a chart can be seen in the screenshots below...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.21 Event Count
Event Count
EventCount ('Logical Variable')
This function calculates the number of true states of the Logical Variable only from the moment the trading system
is started in Auto-Trade Mode until such time as it is stopped. The main purpose of the EventCount() function
is to allow the user to better manage the number of automated trading actions taken by the trading system with
respect to each of its Logical Variables in use.
A Logical Variable is defined as any output variable 474 within a trading system that has a checkmark next to the
Trading enabled 475 option in its respective Name Bookmark 475 . A Logical Variable can exist only in two states true (1) or false (0). For example, if a certain condition determines the Logical Variable 'A' such as:
A:= cross(Close,mov(Close,13,S);
Then EventCount('A') will calculate the number of times the Close price crosses above the Moving Average
starting from the point in time when the trading system was started in Auto-Trade Mode.
Please note the following:
After the trading system's Auto-Trade Mode has been stopped the value of EventCount ('Logical
Variable') resets to 0.
If VT Trader experiences a temporary disconnection and then reconnects, the value of EventCount
('Logical Variable') is saved and restored to its previous value before the disconnection happened.
If VT Trader experiences an abrupt exit or shutdown (such as a loss a loss of power, PC crash, PC
reboot, etc.) and VT Trader was not properly shutdown, the value of EventCount ('Logical Variable') will
be reset to 0 after VT Trader is restarted, the trading system re-attached to the chart, and then restarted
in Auto-Trade Mode.
It's easiest to understand how EventCount() functions by working step-by-step through a pratical implementation
of its functionality.
In the screenshot below two conditions have been specified...
Long:= cross(Close,mov(Close,13,S); {Shown as Blue Arrow graphic}
Short:= cross(mov(Close,13,S),Close); {Shown as Red Arrow graphic}
* (please refer to the cross() 530 function if you require clarification on how it works)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Next, define the Logical Variables responsible for opening and closing market order BUY trades...
* Refer to the Trading Bookmark 494 for each respective Logical Variable to ensure proper setup for requesting
the correct automated trading market order type (BUY or SELL).
OpenBuy:= Long and (EventCount('OpenBuy') = EventCount('CloseBuy'));
CloseBuy:= Short and (EventCount('OpenBuy') > EventCount('CloseBuy'));
Let's assume OpenBuy will be used to request a BUY market order to initiate a long position in the market, while
CloseBuy will be used to request a SELL market order to close the existing long position originally initiated by
OpenBuy. When the trading system is started in Auto-Trade Mode EventCount('OpenBuy') and
EventCount('CloseBuy') are equal to 0.
The value of Logical Variable 'OpenBuy' will become equal to +1 if the condition defined for the Long variable is
true and the number of actions for EventCount('OpenBuy') in the OpenBuy condition is equal to the number of
actions for EventCount('CloseBuy') in the CloseBuy condition.
The value of Logical Variable 'CloseBuy' will become equal to +1 if the condition defined for the Short variable is
true and the number of actions for EventCount('OpenBuy') in the OpenBuy condition is greater than the
number of actions for EventCount('CloseBuy') in the CloseBuy condition. If the EventCount('OpenBuy
') value is greater than the EventCount('CloseBuy') value it is assumed that a long trade was initiated
previously by OpenBuy and it is necessary to initiate a SELL market order to close the existing long trade.
Lastly, define the Logical Variables responsible for opening and closing market order SELL trades...
* Refer to the Trading Bookmark 494 for each respective Logical Variable to ensure it's setup to properly request
the correct automated trading order type.
OpenSell:= Short and (EventCount('OpenSell') = EventCount('CloseSell'));
CloseSell:= Long and (EventCount('OpenSell') > EventCount('CloseSell'));
Let's assume OpenSell will be used to request a SELL market order to initiate a short position in the market,
while CloseSell will be used to request a BUY market order to close the existing short position originally initiated
by OpenSell. When the trading system is started in Auto-Trade Mode EventCount('OpenSell') and
EventCount('CloseSell') are equal to 0.
The value of Logical Variable 'OpenSell' will become equal to +1 if the condition defined for the Short variable is
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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true and the number of actions for EventCount('OpenSell') in the OpenSell condition is equal to the number
of actions for EventCount('CloseSell') in the CloseSell condition.
The value of Logical Variable 'CloseSell' will become equal to +1 if the condition defined for the Long variable is
true and the number of actions for EventCount('OpenSell') in the OpenSell condition is greater than the
number of actions for EventCount('CloseSell') in the CloseSell condition. If the EventCount('
OpenSell') value is greater than the EventCount('CloseSell') value it is assumed that a short trade was
initiated previously by OpenSell and it is necessary to initiate a BUY market order to close the existing short trade.
It's recommended that when constructing a trading system using Logical Variables for auto-trading functionality to
follow a simple trading system template:
{Preliminary calculations for the trading system...
this would include indicators that will be used, etc.}
{We'll create 2 moving averages for this sample trading system}
Output1:= close;
Output2:= mov(close,13,S);
{Define the conditions for Long and Short trading signals}
{Again, we'll build from our sample output variables
to create a simple price & moving average crossover system}
Long:= Cross(Output1,Output2);
Short:= Cross(Output2,Output1);
{Define Logical Output Variables for Auto-Trading functionality}
{OpenBuy and CloseBuy control opening and closing BUY trades}
OpenBuy:= Long and (EventCount('OpenBuy') = EventCount('CloseBuy'));
CloseBuy:= Short and (EventCount('OpenBuy') > EventCount('CloseBuy'));
{OpenSell and CloseSell control opening and closing SELL trades}
OpenSell:= Short and (EventCount('OpenSell') = EventCount('CloseSell'));
CloseSell:= Long and (EventCount('OpenSell') > EventCount('CloseSell'));
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7.6.22 Exponent
This function calculates e raised to the DATA ARRAY power.
Exponent is the same as the Exponential Function o = e x .
The constand e is the base of the natural logarithm 561 . With the possible exception of Pi
important constant in mathematics.
, e is the most
e = 2.7183 in VT Trader; however, e's actual value = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757 ...
The formula exp(1) returns 2.7183.
This formula exp(5) returns 148.4132.
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7.6.23 FAMA
This function calculates the predefined Following Adaptive Moving Average (developed by John Ehlers) of DATA
ARRAY. According to John Ehler's literature, the alpha value in FAMA is allowed to range between a maximum
and a minimum value. The suggested ALPHA MAXIMUM LIMIT = 0.5 and the suggested ALPHA MINIMUM LIMIT
= 0.05.
The Following Adaptive Moving Average is actually a MESA Adaptive Moving Average calculated using one-half
the alpha value of MAMA 567 . This allows the Following Adaptive Moving Average to have steps in time
synchronization with the MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA), but with less vertical movement.
The formula fama(Close,0.5,0.05) calulates the Following Adaptive Moving Average applied to Close prices
using the suggested default values.
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7.6.24 Floor
floor (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the highest integer that is less than DATA ARRAY.
The formula floor(17.8) returns 17.
The formula floor(-17.8) returns -18.
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7.6.25 Fraction
Eliminates the integer portion of DATA ARRAY and returns the fractional part.
The formula frac(12.7) returns 0.7.
The formula frac(-12.7) returns -0.7.
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7.6.26 Gap Down
Gap Down
GapDown ()
Returns a +1 value on the current bar of the instrument when its price Gaps Down. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
A Gap Down occurs if previous Low value is greater than the current High value.
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7.6.27 Gap Up
Gap Up
GapUp ()
Returns a +1 value on the current bar of the instrument when its price Gaps Up. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
A Gap Up occurs if previous High value is less than the current Low value.
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7.6.28 Highest
highest (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the highest value in the DATA ARRAY since the first value loaded in the chart.
The formula highest(Close) returns the highest Close price since the first value loaded in the chart.
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7.6.29 Highest Bars Ago
Highest Bars Ago
HighestBars (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the number of periods that have passed since the DATA ARRAY's highest value. This
includes all data loaded in the chart.
The formula HighestBars(Close) returns the number of periods that have passed since the Close price
reached its highest value.
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7.6.30 Highest High Value
Highest High Value
This function calculates the highest value in the DATA ARRAY over the preceding PERIODS. It's important to note
that PERIODS includes the current period.
The formula hhv(Close,5) returns the highest Close price over the preceding five periods.
A common request for using this function is determining a price channel breakout. Because hhv() includes the
current period's value in its calculations, in order to create a condition to determine a channel breakout using the
previous n-PERIODS to create the channel the ref() function must be used. The ref() function allows the
comparison of the current period's DATA ARRAY value to its value n-PERIODS ago. In this case, we need to
reference 1 bar ago.
For example: Let's create a 10-periods High price channel and a simple indicator that will plot +1 when the current
Close price crosses above the price channel and plot 0 at any other time.
{Create a price channel using the previous 10 bars,
not including the current bar}
HighPriceChannelLevel:= ref(hhv(High,10),-1);
{Create the condition to determine when the current
bar's Close price crosses above the HighPriceChannelLevel}
ChannelBreakOutUp:= Cross(Close,HighPriceChannelLevel);
The results of the formula code above can be seen in the screenshot below. The 10-periods High price channel is
the thick blue line in the price frame and the result of the condition in the ChannelBreakOutUp variable can be
viewed in the additional frame below price frame. A blue arrow graphic has been displayed under the price bar
when the breakout occurred.
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7.6.31 Highest High Value Bars Ago
Highest High Value Bars Ago
This function calculates the number of periods (bars) that have passed since DATA ARRAY reached its PERIODS
period peak.
The formula hhvbars(Close,55) returns the number of periods (bars) that have passed since the Close price
reached its 55-period peak.
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7.6.32 Highest Since
Highest Since
This function returns the highest value of DATA ARRAY since the Nth most recent occurrence of EXPRESSION
being true.
This includes all data loaded in the chart.
The formula HighestSince(2, Cross(Close,mov(Close,13,S)), Close) returns highest value of the
Close price since the second most recent occurrence of the Close price crossing above the 13-periods simple
moving average.
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7.6.33 Hour
hour ()
This function returns to the number of hours that have passed during the day using a 24-hour clock that starts each
day at 00:00 (12:00 A.M. Midnight Eastern Standard Time).
If the current time is recorded as 10:17:27, the hour() function will return 10.
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7.6.34 IF()
If() is a conditional function that returns the second parameter (THEN) if the conditional expression defined by
the first parameter is true. Otherwise, the third parameter is returned (ELSE).
The formula if(1 < 2, 3, 5) will always return the value 3.
For example, the formula if(Close > mov(Close,9,S), 1, 0) is true (displayed as the thick blue line in the
screenshot below) and returns +1 for every bar that the condition remains true. For all other bars when the formula
Close > mov(Close,9,S) condition is false, 0 is returned.
If it is implied that the resulting variable can only assume the value of true (1) or false (0), then the formula:
Variable:= if(Close > mov(Close,9,S), 1, 0);
... may be written as ...
Variable:= Close > mov(Close,9,S);
... where Variable may be equal only to 0 or 1.
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7.6.35 Inside
inside ()
This function returns a +1 value whenever an Inside period occurs. It will continue to return this same +1 value until
a Rally 584 , Reaction 587 , or Outside 577 period occurs. For any period when Inside() is not equal to +1 it returns
An Inside period occurs when the current High value is less than or equal to the previous Rally 584 or Reaction 587
value's High and the current Low is greater than or equal to the previous Rally 584 or Reaction 587 value's Low. A
range is determined by the first Inside value and is only broken by a Rally 584 , Reaction 587 , or Outside 577 value.
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7.6.36 Integer
This function removes the fractional portion of DATA ARRAY and returns the integer part.
The formula int(12.7) returns 12.
The formula int(-17.8) returns -17.
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7.6.37 IsDefined
IsDefined (DATA ARRAY)
This function returns 1 if all data necessary to calculate DATA ARRAY is available, otherwise it returns 0.
The formula IsDefined(MA) defined in the Out variable shown below:
MA:= mov(C,20,S);
Out:= IsDefined(MA);
Returns 0 for the first 19 bars loading into the chart and then returns 1 beginning with the 20th bar and for all future
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7.6.38 IsUndefined
IsUndefined (DATA ARRAY)
This function returns 0 if all data necessary to calculate DATA ARRAY is available, otherwise it returns 1.
The formula IsUndefined(MA) defined in the Out variable shown below:
MA:= mov(C,20,S);
Out:= IsUndefined(MA);
Returns 1 for the first 19 bars loading into the chart and then returns 0 beginning with the 20th bar and for all future
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7.6.39 Linear Regression Indicator
Linear Regression Indicator
This function calculates the predefined Linear Regression Indicator.
The function LinReg(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates the Linear Regression Indicator by formula:
{Linear Regression Indicator}
_LinReg:= (PERIODS * Sum(Cum(1)*DATA ARRAY,PERIODS) - Sum(Cum(1),PERIODS) * Sum(DATA
(PERIODS * Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),PERIODS) - Power(Sum(Cum(1),PERIODS),2)) *
Cum(1) +
1),2),PERIODS) Power(Sum(Cum(1),PERIODS),2)));
The formula linreg(Close,50) calculates a 50-periods Linear Regression indicator of Close prices.
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7.6.40 Linear Regression Slope
Linear Regression Slope
linregslope (DATA ARRAY, PERIODS)
This function calculates the predefined Linear Regression Slope indicator.
The formula LinRegSlope(Close,50) calculates a 50-periods Linear Regression Slope of Close prices.
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7.6.41 Logarithm
Logarithm (natural)
Calculates the natural logarithm of DATA ARRAY.
The formula log(1) will return 0.
The formula log(12) will return 2.4849.
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7.6.42 Lowest
lowest (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the lowest value in DATA ARRAY since the first value loaded in the chart.
The formula lowest(Close) returns the lowest Close price value since the first value loaded in the chart.
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7.6.43 Lowest Bars Ago
Lowest Bars Ago
LowestBars (DATA ARRAY)
This function calculates the number of periods that have passed since the DATA ARRAY's lowest value. This
includes all data loaded in the chart.
The formula LowestBars(Close) returns the number of periods that have passed since the Close price reached
its lowest value.
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7.6.44 Lowest Low Value
Lowest Low Value
This function calculates the lowest value in the DATA ARRAY over the preceding PERIODS. It's important to note
that PERIODS includes the current period.
The formula llv(Close,5) returns the lowest Close price over the preceding five periods.
A common request for using this function is determining a price channel breakout. Because llv() includes the
current period's value in its calculations, in order to create a condition to determine a channel breakout using the
previous n-PERIODS to create the channel the ref() function must be used. The ref() function allows the
comparison of the current period's DATA ARRAY value to its value n-PERIODS ago. In this case, we need to
reference 1 bar ago.
For example: Let's create a 10-periods Low price channel and a simple indicator that will plot +1 when the current
Close price crosses below the price channel and plot 0 at any other time.
{Create a price channel using the previous 10 bars,
not including the current bar}
LowPriceChannelLevel:= ref(llv(Low,10),-1);
{Create the condition to determine when the current
bar's Close price crosses above the HighPriceChannelLevel}
ChannelBreakOutDown:= Cross(LowPriceChannelLevel,Close);
The results of the formula code above can be seen in the screenshot below. The 10-periods Low price channel is
the thick red line in the price frame and the result of the condition in the ChannelBreakOutDown variable can be
viewed in the additional frame below price frame. A red arrow graphic has been displayed above the price bar
when the breakout occurred.
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7.6.45 Lowest Since
Lowest Since
This function returns the lowest value of DATA ARRAY since the Nth most recent occurrence of EXPRESSION
being true.
This includes all data loaded in the chart.
The formula LowestSince(2, Cross(Close,mov(Close,13,S)), Close) returns lowest value of the
Close price since the second most recent occurrence of the Close price crossing above the 13-periods simple
moving average.
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7.6.46 MAMA
This function calculates the predefined MESA Adaptive Moving Average (developed by John Ehlers) of DATA
ARRAY. According to John Ehler's literature, the alpha value in MAMA is allowed to range between a maximum
and a minimum value. The suggested ALPHA MAXIMUM LIMIT = 0.5 and the suggested ALPHA MINIMUM LIMIT
= 0.05.
The formula mama(Close,0.5,0.05) calulates the MESA Adaptive Moving Average applied to Close prices
using the suggested default values.
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7.6.47 Maximum
This function returns the largest value of two parameters (DATA_ARRAY_1 and DATA_ARRAY_2).
The formula max(Close,mov(Close,13,E) returns the greater of the Close price or the 13-periods exponential
moving average.
The formula max(-17,13) always returns 13.
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7.6.48 Median Price
Median Price
mp ()
This function calculates the predefined Median Price indicator.
The Median Price is calculated by adding the High price and the Low price together and then dividing by two. The
result is the average, or median, price.
The function mp() calculates the Median Price by formula:
{Median Price Indicator}
_MedianPrice:= (High + Low) / 2;
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7.6.49 Midpoint
Returns the midpoint of the DATA ARRAY over the specified PERIODS. The midpoint is the value halfway between
the highest and lowest DATA ARRAY values during the specified PERIODS.
The function mid(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) is calculated by formula:
PERIODS)) / 2);
The formula mid(Close,7) is equivalent to llv(Close,7) + ((hhv(Close,7) - llv(Close,7)) / 2).
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7.6.50 Minimum
This function returns the smallest value of two parameters (DATA_ARRAY_1 and DATA_ARRAY_2).
The formula min(Close,mov(Close,13,E) returns the smaller of the Close price or the 13-periods exponential
moving average.
The formula min(-17,13) always returns -17.
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7.6.51 Minute
minute ()
This function returns the value of the minute in a two-digit format.
If a bar had the date/time stamp of 02/17/2006, 13:44:00 (Feb. 17th, 2006, 1:44 P.M. EST), the minute() function
would return 44.
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7.6.52 Modulus
Calculates the remainder (i.e. the fractional portion) of DATA ARRAY_1 divided by DATA ARRAY_2.
A division by zero produces a NULL result.
The formula mod(10,3) returns 1.0.
The formula mod(-10.7,3) returns -1.7.
The same can be written as: -10.7 - (int(-10.7 / 3) * 3).
The function mod(DATA_ARRAY_1,DATA_ARRAY_2) calculates by formula:
_mod :=
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- (int(DATA_ARRAY_1 / DATA_ARRAY_2) *
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7.6.53 Month
month ()
This function returns the value of the month of the year.
If a bar had the date/time stamp of 02/17/2006, 13:44:00 (Feb. 17th, 2006, 1:44 P.M. EST), the month() function
would return 02.
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7.6.54 Moving Average
Moving Average
This function calculates a PERIODS moving average of DATA ARRAY using METHOD calculation method.
Valid METHODS are:
S = Simple
W = Weighted
E = Exponential
SW = Sine Weighted
TRI = Triangular
EP = End Point
VOL = Volume-Adjusted
The formula mov(Close,25,E) returns the value of a 25-Period Exponential Moving Average of the Close prices.
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7.6.55 Negative
This function calculates the negative value of DATA ARRAY.
The formula neg(10) returns -10.
The formula neg(-17) returns +17.
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7.6.56 Outside
outside ()
This function returns a +1 value whenever an Outside period occurs. It will continue to return this same +1 value
until a Rally 584 , Reaction 587 , or Inside 555 period occurs. For any period when Outside() is not equal to +1 it
returns 0.
An Outside period occurs when the current High value is greater than the previous Rally 584 or Reaction 587 value's
High and the current Low is less than the previous Rally 584 or Reaction 587 value's Low. A range is determined by
the first Outside value and is only broken by a Rally 584 , Reaction 587 , or Inside 555 value.
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7.6.57 Parabolic SAR
Parabolic SAR
This function calculates the predefined Parabolic SAR Indicator.
Optionally, the user may choose to define the DATA ARRAY's used to calculate the Parabolic SAR indicator. This
is useful, for example, when the user wishes to construct the Parabolic SAR using any data series other than price.
The extended function format is:
Please Note: When using the extended sar() function, the user must specify all 3 DATA ARRAY's or none of
STEP - As the price makes new Highs and Lows the Parabolic SAR rises and declines according to the STEP size.
For example: If the price makes new Highs for three consequetive bars, then the SAR Step increases by 0.02 each
bar (i.e.: 0.02 to 0.04 to 0.06, etc.). The SAR Step size of 0.02 is recommended in most cases.
MAXIMUM - The Maximum value is the largest value the SAR Step can achieve. The SAR Maximum of 0.20 is
recommended in most cases.
The formula SAR(0.02,0.20) calculates the Parabolic SAR Indicator with STEP=0.02 and MAXIMUM=0.20.
The formula SAR(0.02,0.20) is equivalent to SAR(Close, High, Low, 0.02,0.20).
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7.6.58 Peak Value
Peak Value
This function returns the value of DATA ARRAY Nth peak(s) ago. N=1 would return the value of the most recent
peak. N=2 would return the value of the 2nd most recent peak, etc. The % MINIMUM CHANGE parameter
determines how much greater the new peak() value must be in comparison to the previous peak() value before
a new peak value is returned.
The formula Peak(1, Rsi(14), 10) returns the most recent peak() value of Rsi(14) if there has been at
least a 10% change from the previous peak value.
The peak() function can be emulated in VT Trader's Indicator Builder
by the formula:
{_MaxPeak variable contains the maximum DATA ARRAY value at current bar.
Current maximum DATA ARRAY value must be at least % MINIMUM CHANGE
greater than previous maximum DATA ARRAY value. If no new maximum value is
found at current bar, then _MaxPeak retains previous maximum DATA ARRAY value}
_MaxPeak:= if(Abs(DATA ARRAY / PREV(DATA ARRAY) * 100 - 100) >= % MINIMUM CHANGE,
{_NewPeak indicates if DATA ARRAY maximum peak value changed}
_NewPeak:= _MaxPeak > Ref(_MaxPeak, -1);
{Send calculated value to chart}
_Peak:= valuewhen(Nth, _NewPeak, DATA ARRAY);
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7.6.59 Power
This function calculates DATA ARRAY raised to the POWER power.
A negative DATA ARRAY value raised to a non-integer POWER returns a NULL value.
The formula power(10,3) returns 1000.
The formula power(-10,3) returns -1000.
The formula power(-10,3.5) returns NULL.
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7.6.60 Precision
This function truncates DATA ARRAY to PRECISION decimal places.
The formula prec(10.56789, 2) returns 10.560.
The formula prec(10.56789, 3) returns 10.5670.
The formula prec(10.56789, 4) returns 10.56780.
Small binary rounding errors may cause some minor distortion in the decimal portion of any number stored in a
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7.6.61 Prev
Prev makes it possible to refer from the formula to its own prior calculations on a previous bar. Prev can be used
as Prev and Prev() constants and as function Prev(DATA ARRAY). It is essential to understand the
peculiarities of PREV, PREV(0), and PREV(DATA ARRAY) and use them correctly when necessary.
Prev and Prev()return into the current calculations of the variable its calculations on a previous bar or NULL if the
previous data is not defined or is missing. The output from these functions is synonymous with ref(DATA
Prev(DATA ARRAY) returns into the current calculations of the variable its calculations on the previous bar or the
value of DATA ARRAY if the previous data is not defined or missing.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The use of Prev, Prev(), or Prev(DATA ARRAY) in fairly complex calculations may
significantly delay the calculation of an indicator. Their use should be avoided whenever possible!
Examples for use of the PREV function:
The calculation of the On Balance Volume indicator demonstrates the use of the PREV constant:
{On Balance Volume}
_OBV:= (If(C>Ref(C,-1), 1, If(C<Ref(C,-1), -1, 0)) * VOLUME) + PREV;
The On Balance Volume indicator may also be calculated without the use of the PREV constant by using the cum
(DATA ARRAY) function instead:
{On Balance Volume}
FactorOBV:= If(C>Ref(C,-1), 1, If(C<Ref(C,-1), -1, 0)) * VOLUME;
_OBV:= cum(FactorOBV);
This simple formula divides (High + Low + Close) by 3 and then adds this value to the previous value of
((High + Low + Close) / 3) calculated on the previous bar of the price chart.
OUT:= ((High + Low + Close) / 3) + PREV(0);
The next example shows the Prev, Prev() and their Prev(NULL) analogy. However, this example deals more
with the characteristics of NULL. In the absence of the previous data Prev and Prev() both return NULL (nothing,
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not even zero) so any further operations with NULL logically make no sense. Whatever mathematical operations
with the NULL take place: multiplication, addition, etc. - the result will always be the same - NULL.
Using the following code(s) to illustrate:
OUT:= ((High + Low + Close) / 3) + PREV;
OUT:= ((High + Low + Close) / 3) + PREV();
These formulas on the first bar can be interpreted as:
OUT {on the first bar of loaded data}:= ((High + Low + Close) / 3) + NULL {=NULL};
... and on the next bar...
... The indicator exists, but all of its values are equal to NULL. Therefore, the values will not be displayed on the
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7.6.62 Rally
rally ()
This function returns a +1 value whenever a Rally period occurs. It will continue to return this same +1 value until a
Reaction 587 , Inside 555 , or Outside 577 period occurs. For any period when Rally() is not equal to +1 it returns 0.
A Rally period occurs when the current High is greater than the previous Rally or Reaction
current Low is greater than or equal to the previous Rally or Reaction 587 value's Low.
value's High and the
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7.6.63 Random
random (DATA ARRAY)
This function returns a random value within the range of X >= 0 and X < 1.
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7.6.64 Rate of Change
Rate of Change
Calculates the PERIODS Rate of Change (ROC) of DATA ARRAY expressed as DIFF_METHOD.
The formula roc(Close, 12, PERCENT)returns the 12-period Percent Rate of Change of the Close prices.
The function roc(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS, PERCENT) calculates the Rate of Change (ROC) Indicator by
{Rate-Of-Change -> roc(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS, PERCENT)}
The function roc(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS, POINTS) calculates the Rate of Change (ROC) Indicator by
{Rate-Of-Change -> roc(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS, POINTS)}
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7.6.65 Reaction
reaction ()
This function returns a +1 value whenever a Reaction period occurs. It will continue to return this same +1 value
until a Rally 584 , Inside 555 , or Outside 577 period occurs. For any period when Reaction() is not equal to +1 it
returns 0.
A Reaction period occurs when the current High is less than or equal to the previous Rally or Reaction
High and the current Low is less than the previous Rally 584 or Reaction value's Low.
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7.6.66 Reference
References a previous or subsequent element in a DATA ARRAY. Use of the DEFAULT VALUE parameter is only
necessary if the user wishes to substitute a value other than 0 for the beginning calculation assigned to the
left-most bar loaded in the chart window. Otherwise, it is acceptable to the ref() function without including it such
A negative PERIODS value references N periods ago. Therefore, the formula ref(Close, -12) returns the
Close price 12 periods ago. Thus, the 12-period price Rate-Of-Change 586 (expressed in points) can be written as
Close-ref(Close,-12). It is also allowable to use the ref() function to reference previous value of a
calculated DATA ARRAY such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) 590 indicator. The resulting formula ref(RSI(
14),-12) returns the 14-period RSI value 12 periods ago.
A positive PERIODS value references N periods ahead. Therefore, the formula ref(Close,+12) returns the
Close price 12 periods ahead (using the + sign is not necessary for positive integers). It should be noted that using
the ref() function in the manner effectively shifts the resulting variable display to the left N periods ago in the
chart window.
While it is allowable to use the ref() function to reference subsequent values using a DATA ARRAY that does not
need to be calcalated (such as raw price data: Close, Open, High, Low, haClose, haOpen, haHigh, and haLow), it
is not allowable to use with a DATA ARRAY that must be calculated (such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) 590
indicator). Therefore, the formula ref(RSI(14),+12) is not allowed and the result will always return NULL.
However, any resulting DATA ARRAY (such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) 590 indicator) that uses price to
derive calculations can be recoded to effectively simulate the ref(RSI(14),+12) functionality and resulting
variable display by first calculating the raw price data using the ref() function to reference the subsequent
element N periods ahead.
By example:
-------------------{Normal RSI Code}
rsi_r:= (Close - ref(Close,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),tpr) / Wilders(if(rsi_r<0,Abs(rsi_r),0),tpr);
RSIndex:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
-------------------{Restructured Code Allowing RSI to Shift
N Periods to the Left in the Chart Window}
prc:= ref(Close,+12);
rsi_r:= (prc - ref(prc,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),tpr) / Wilders(if(rsi_r<0,Abs(rsi_r),0),tpr);
RSIndex:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
-------------------The restuctured code is the equivalent to ref(RSIndex,+12) under the prior VT Trader programming language
structure (versions 1.7.5 and previous). The restructured code works equally well under the previous and the new
VT Trader programming language structure (VT Trader 1.7.6 and beyond).
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7.6.67 Relative Strength Index
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Calculates the predefined Relative Strength Index (RSI) Indicator. The DATA ARRAY argument is optional; rsi()
will use the Close price as the default if it is not included. Please Note: The optional DATA ARRAY parameter is
currently not available for use.
The formula RSI(Close,14) calculates the RSI Indicator of the 14-periods Close prices.
The formula RSI(14) calculates the RSI Indicator of the 14-periods Close prices.
The formula RSI(Low,14) calculates the RSI Indicator of the14-periods Low prices.
The function RSI (DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates the RSI Indicator by formula:
{Relative Strength Index -> RSI(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS)}
rsi_r:= (DATA ARRAY - ref(DATA ARRAY,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),PERIODS) / Wilders(if(rsi_r<0,Abs(rsi_r),0),
_RSI:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
7.6.68 Round
round (DATA ARRAY)
This function rounds DATA ARRAY to the nearest integer.
The formula round(+12.5) returns +13.
The formula round(-12.5) returns -13.
The formula round(-12.4) returns -12.
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7.6.69 Signal Flag
Signal Flag
This function works as a flip/flop device; it returns 1 from the first occurence of a "true" value in DATA ARRAY 1
until the first occurence of a "true" value in DATA ARRAY 2 which resets the state back to zero until next first
occurence of a "true" value is detected in DATA ARRAY 1 ... etc.
The function SignalFlag(DATA_ARRAY_1, DATA_ARRAY_2) is identical to If(DATA_ARRAY_1, 1, If
However, the SignalFlag() function processes much faster than If(DATA_ARRAY_1, 1, If
(DATA_ARRAY_2, 0, PREV)) when included in an indicator or trading sytem since it is an internal function.
By Example (for practical application of function):
Let's assume the user has decided to use the Close price crossing above its 20-period simple moving average as a
simple entry condition to alert a possible Buy trade. Let's also assume that the user wishes to display a simulated
stoploss level on the chart for this simulated trade entry and create a simple exit condition to alert when the Close
price has crossed below the simulated stoploss level.
The formula logic to create this simple system is shown below (if the use of any functions in the formula below is
unclear, please refer to their respective documentation):
StoplossValue:= 30; {this would typically be a user-defined Input variable}
{Create the simulated Buy trade entry; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure no simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Up Arrow grahic in price frame}
Buy:= ActiveBuyTrade=0 and Cross(Close,mov(C,20,S));
{Create a simulated entry price for the Buy trade;
this uses the Close price of the bar when the simulated
Buy trade is entered}
{Displayed as small, red dots in the price frame}
BuyPrice:= valuewhen(1,Buy,Close);
{Create the simulated stoploss level}
{Displayed as thin, dashed blue line in price frame}
BuyStop:= BuyPrice - (StoplossValue * SymbolPoint());
{Create the simulated Buy trade exit; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure a simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Exit graphic in price frame}
BuyExit:= ActiveBuyTrade=1 and Cross(BuyStop,Close);
{Determine current simulated trade condition;
this is necessary to ensure the simulated stoploss
level stays associated with the proper simulated
entry point on the chart}
{ActiveBuyTrade can only be 0 or 1; It is set equal
to 1 when the Buy condition is true; the 1 (true)
value is maintained until BuyExit condition is true,
which resets it to zero and the process begins again.}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VTTrader Programming Language
{Displayed as thicker black line in Additional Frame 1}
ActiveBuyTrade:= SignalFlag(Buy,BuyExit);
The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
alert system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
to create this logic as a simple
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7.6.70 Signal Hold
Signal Hold
This function holds a "true" value of DATA ARRAY for the specified number of PERIODS. This "true" value is held
"true" over the number of PERIODS specified even if a "false" value is generated. It should be noted that this
function starts (or resets) PERIODS using the most recent "true" value of DATA ARRAY.
The SignalHold() function is best explained by a visual example. In the screenshot below there are two
additional frames below the price frame. Visible in the price frame are two moving averages. Each of the two
additional frames corresponds to a visual representation of an output variable evaluating a specific condition. Since
each variable's value is based on a conditional statement, the output of each variable can only be either +1 (true) or
0 (false).
The formula used to create the output variables shown in the screenshot below is as follows:
{Plots +1 for each bar when 10-period simple MA
crosses above the 30-period simple MA,
otherwise it plots 0}
{Additional Frame 1 - Blue line}
Buy:= Cross(Close,10,S),mov(Close,30,S));
{Plots +1 on the first bar when Buy is true,
then holds the +1 value until PERIODS (10 bars)
has passed, then plots 0 again until the
next occurrence of Buy being true}
{Additional Frame 2 - Dark Blue line}
BuySignalHold:= SignalHold(Buy,10);
The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
trading system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
to create this logic as a simple
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7.6.71 Signal Remove
Signal Remove
SignalRemove (DATA_ARRAY_1, DATA_ARRAY_2)
This function removes excesssive (redundant) "true" values. It returns +1 on the first occurence of a "true" value in
DATA_ARRAY_1 and then returns 0 until after at least one "true" occurrence of DATA_ARRAY_2 even if there are
additional "true" value occurrences in DATA_ARRAY_1.
The SignalRemove() function is best explained by a visual example. In the screenshot below there are four
additional frames below the price frame. Visible in the price frame are two moving averages with vertical black lines
marking the bars when the moving averages cross above and below each other. Each of the four additional frames
corresponds to a visual representation of an output variable evaluating a specific condition. Since each variable's
value is based on a conditional statement, the output of each variable can only be either +1 (true) or 0 (false).
The formula used to create the output variables shown in the screenshot below is as follows:
{Plots +1 for every bar when 10-period simple MA
is greater than the 30-period simple MA,
otherwise it plots 0}
{Additional Frame 1 - Blue line}
Buy:= mov(Close,10,S) > mov(Close,30,S);
{Plots +1 for every bar when 10-period simple MA
is less than the 30-period simple MA,
otherwise it plots 0}
(Additional Frame 3 - Red line}
Sell:= mov(Close,10,S) < mov(Close,30,S);
{Plots +1 on the first bar when Buy is true,
then plots 0 for each additional bar until after
Sell is true for at least one bar, then plots +1
again on the next first occurrence of Buy being true}
{Additional Frame 2 - Dark Blue line}
RemoveBuySignals:= SignalRemove(Buy,Sell);
{Plots +1 on the first bar when Sell is true,
then plots 0 for each additional bar until after
Buy is true for at least one bar, then plots +1
again on the next first occurrence of Sell being true}
{Additional Frame 4 - Dark Red line}
RemoveSellSignals:= SignalRemove(Sell,Buy);
The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
trading system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
to create this logic as a simple
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7.6.72 Signal Remove Span
Signal Remove Span
SignalRemoveSpan (DATA ARRAY, PERIODS)
This function removes excesssive (redundant) "true" values that span PERIODS since intial "true" value. The first
non-zero bar passes through then all subsequent non-zero bars are ignored (zero is returned) until PERIODS have
passed since initial signal; From then on a new "true" value may pass through. In other words, it returns +1 on the
first occurence of a "true" value in DATA ARRAY and then returns 0 until after PERIODS have passed since initial
The SignalRemoveSpan() function is best explained by a visual example. In the screenshot below there are four
additional frames below the price frame. Visible in the price frame are two moving averages. Each of the four
additional frames corresponds to a visual representation of an output variable evaluating a specific condition. Since
each variable's value is based on a conditional statement, the output of each variable can only be either +1 (true) or
0 (false).
The formula used to create the output variables shown in the screenshot below is as follows:
{Plots +1 for every bar when 10-period simple MA
is greater than the 30-period simple MA,
otherwise it plots 0}
{Additional Frame 1 - Blue line}
Buy:= mov(Close,10,S) > mov(Close,30,S);
{Plots +1 for every bar when 10-period simple MA
is less than the 30-period simple MA,
otherwise it plots 0}
(Additional Frame 3 - Red line}
Sell:= mov(Close,10,S) < mov(Close,30,S);
{Plots +1 on the first bar when Buy is true,
then plots 0 for each additional bar until after
PERIODS has passed, then plots +1 again on the
next first occurrence of Buy being true}
{Additional Frame 2 - Dark Blue line}
RemoveBuySignals:= SignalRemoveSpan(Buy,10);
{Plots +1 on the first bar when Sell is true,
then plots 0 for each additional bar until after
PERIODS has passed, then plots +1 again on the
next first occurrence of Sell being true}
{Additional Frame 4 - Dark Red line}
RemoveSellSignals:= SignalRemoveSpan(Sell,10);
The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
trading system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
to create this logic as a simple
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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7.6.73 Sine
sin() returns the sine of DATA ARRAY.
This function assumes that the DATA ARRAY values are in degrees.
A sine wave can be plotted using formula sin(cum(7)). Increasing the value in this formula (i.e.:7) will increase
the frequency of the sine wave.
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7.6.74 Square Root
Square Root
The function calculations the Square Root of DATA ARRAY.
The Square Root of a negative DATA ARRAY always returns a NULL result.
The formula sqrt(16) returns 4.
The formula sqrt(-16)returns NULL.
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7.6.75 Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation
This function calculates the predefined Standard Deviation Indicator of DATA ARRAY for the specified PERIODS.
The formula stdev(Close,21) calculates Standard Deviation of Close prices over 21-periods.
A 4-periods Standard Deviation Indicator can be written by first assigning a 4-periods Simple Moving Average to
the variable named 4PeriodMA and then summing the squares of the differences between the Moving Average
and the Close prices on each of the preceding four periods. Finally, calculate the square root of this total.
{A 4-period Standard Deviation Indicator}
4PeriodMA:= Mov(Close,4,S);
_StDev:= Sqrt((Power(4PeriodMA-Close,2)+Power((4PeriodMA)-Ref(Close,-1),2) +
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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7.6.76 Standard Error
Standard Error
This function calculates the predefined Standard Error of DATA ARRAY for the specified PERIODS.
The formula ste(Close,21) calculates the Standard Error of Close prices over 21-periods.
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7.6.77 Stochastic Momentum Index
Stochastic Momentum Index
This function calculates the predefined Stochastic Momentum Index.
The formula stochmomentum(PERIODS, SMOOTHING, DOUBLE SMOOTHING) calculates the Stochastic
Momentum Index by formula:
{Stochastic Momentum Index}
_StochMomentum:= 100 * (Mov(Mov(Close - (0.5 * (hhv(High,PERIODS) + llv(Low,PERIODS
))), SMOOTHING,E),DOUBLE SMOOTHING,E) / (0.5 * Mov(Mov(hhv(High,PERIODS) - llv(Low,
The following formula calculates a stochmomentum(13,25,2) Stochastic Momentum Index:
{Stochastic Momentum Index -> stochmomentum(13,25,2)}
_StochMomentum:= 100 * (Mov(Mov(Close - (0.5 * (hhv(High,13) + llv(Low,13))),25,E),2
,E) / (0.5 * Mov(Mov(hhv(High,13) - llv(Low,13),25,E),2,E)));
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7.6.78 Stochastic Oscillator
Stochastic Oscillator
This function calculates the predefined Stochastic Oscillator.
The function stoch(%K PERIODS,%K SLOWING) calculates the %K Stochastic Oscillator by formula:
{%K Stochastic Oscillator}
_K_Stoch:= (sum(Close - llv(Low,%K PERIODS),%K SLOWING) / sum(hhv(High,%K PERIODS)
- llv(Low,%K PERIODS),%K SLOWING)) * 100;
This next formula calculates a N-period %D of the %K in the preceding formula stoch(%K PERIODS,%K
{%D Stochastic Oscillator}
_D_Stoch:= Mov(sum(Close - llv(Low,%K PERIODS),%K SLOWING) / sum(hhv(High,%K PERIODS
) - llv(Low,%K PERIODS),%K SLOWING)) * 100),%D PERIODS,S);
... Or...
{%D Stochastic Oscillator}
_D_Stoch:= Mov(stoch(%K PERIODS,%K SLOWING),%D PERIODS,S);
The formula stoch(5,3) returns the value of a 5-period %K slowed 3-periods.
The following formula calculates a 5-period %K Stochastic Oscillator with 3-period slowing:
{%K Stochastic Oscillator}
_K_Stoch:= (sum(Close - llv(Low,5),3) / sum(hhv(High,5) - llv(Low,5),3)) * 100;
This next formula calculates a 3-period %D of the %K in the preceding formula.
{%D Stochastic Oscillator}
_D_Stoch:= Mov((sum(Close - llv(Low,5),3) / sum(hhv(High,5) - llv(Low,5),3)) * 100),
... Or...
{%D Stochastic Oscillator}
_D_Stoch:= Mov(stoch(5,3),3,S);
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7.6.79 Summation
This function calculates a Cumulative Sum of DATA ARRAY for the specified PERIODS (including the current
The formula sum(Close,12) returns the sum of the preceding 12 Close prices.
A 12-periods Simple Moving Average could be written as:
MA:= sum(Close,12) / 12;
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7.6.80 Symbol Digits
Symbol Digits
SymbolDigits ()
This function returns a whole integer value as it corresponds to the number of digits to the right of the decimal point
for the current symbol loaded in the chart window.
For currency pairs with prices quoted out to four decimal places (such as EURUSD), SymbolDigits() returns 4.
For currency pairs with prices quoted out to two decimal places (such as USDJPY), SymbolDigits() returns 2.
By Example (for practical application of function):
Let's assume the user has decided to use the Close price crossing above its 20-period simple moving average as a
simple entry condition to alert a possible Buy trade. Let's also assume that the user wishes to display a simulated
stoploss level on the chart for this simulated trade entry and create a simple exit condition to alert when the Close
price has crossed below the simulated stoploss level.
The formula logic to create this simple system is shown below (if the use of any functions in the formula below is
unclear, please refer to their respective documentation):
StoplossValue:= 30; {this would typically be a user-defined Input variable}
{Convert the whole integer StoplossValue variable value
to a pip value that is comparable to the current symbol's
price scale}
CurrencyStoplossValue:= if(SymbolDigits()=4, StoplossValue * 0.0001,
if(SymbolDigits()=2, StoplossValue * 0.01,
{Create the simulated Buy trade entry; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure no simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Up Arrow grahic in price frame}
Buy:= ActiveBuyTrade=0 and Cross(Close,mov(C,20,S));
{Create a simulated entry price for the Buy trade;
this uses the Close price of the bar when the simulated
Buy trade is entered}
BuyPrice:= valuewhen(1,Buy,Close);
{Create the simulated stoploss level}
{Displayed as thin, dotted blue line in price frame}
BuyStop:= BuyPrice - CurrencyStoplossValue;
{Create the simulated Buy trade exit; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure a simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Exit graphic in price frame}
BuyExit:= ActiveBuyTrade=1 and Cross(BuyStop,Close);
{Determine current simulated trade condition;
this is necessary to ensure the simulated stoploss
level stays associated with the proper simulated
entry point on the chart}
{ActiveBuyTrade can only be 0 or 1; It is set equal
to 1 when the Buy condition is true; the 1 (true)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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value is maintained until BuyExit condition is true,
which resets it to zero and the process begins again.}
{Displayed as thicker black line in Additional Frame 1}
ActiveBuyTrade:= SignalFlag(Buy,BuyExit);
The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
alert system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
to create this logic as a simple
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7.6.81 Symbol Point
Symbol Point
SymbolPoint ()
This function returns the point (pip) value for the current symbol loaded in the chart window. For reference, a "pip"
is the smallest increment of movement for any currency pair in the spot FOREX market.
For currency pairs with prices quoted out to four decimal places a pip is equal to 0.0001. For example, in EURUSD
a movement of 1.2231 to 1.2232 is equal to one pip (0.0001).
For currency pairs with prices quoted out to only two decimal places a pip is equal to 0.01 (or 0.0100). For
example, in USDJPY a movement of 118.28 to 118.29 is equal to one pip (0.01).
By Example (for practical application of function):
Let's assume the user has decided to use the Close price crossing above its 20-period simple moving average as a
simple entry condition to alert a possible Buy trade. Let's also assume that the user wishes to display a simulated
stoploss level on the chart for this simulated trade entry and create a simple exit condition to alert when the Close
price has crossed below the simulated stoploss level.
The formula logic to create this simple system is shown below (if the use of any functions in the formula below is
unclear, please refer to their respective documentation):
StoplossValue:= 30; {this would typically be a user-defined Input variable}
{Create the simulated Buy trade entry; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure no simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Up Arrow grahic in price frame}
Buy:= ActiveBuyTrade=0 and Cross(Close,mov(C,20,S));
{Create a simulated entry price for the Buy trade;
this uses the Close price of the bar when the simulated
Buy trade is entered}
BuyPrice:= valuewhen(1,Buy,Close);
{Create the simulated stoploss level}
{Displayed as thin, dotted blue line in price frame}
BuyStop:= BuyPrice - (StoplossValue * SymbolPoint());
{Create the simulated Buy trade exit; ActiveBuyTrade
is checked to ensure a simulated trade is active;
0 = No Buy Trade Open, 1 = Buy Trade Currently Open}
{Displayed as blue Exit graphic in price frame}
BuyExit:= ActiveBuyTrade=1 and Cross(BuyStop,Close);
{Determine current simulated trade condition;
this is necessary to ensure the simulated stoploss
level stays associated with the proper simulated
entry point on the chart}
{ActiveBuyTrade can only be 0 or 1; It is set equal
to 1 when the Buy condition is true; the 1 (true)
value is maintained until BuyExit condition is true,
which resets it to zero and the process begins again.}
{Displayed as thicker black line in Additional Frame 1}
ActiveBuyTrade:= SignalFlag(Buy,BuyExit);
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The end result of the formula logic above (using the Trading System Builder
alert system) can be seen in the screenshot below.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
to create this logic as a simple
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7.6.82 Trough Value
Trough Value
This function returns the value of DATA ARRAY Nth trough(s) ago. N=1 would return the value of the most recent
trough. N=2 would return the value of the 2nd most recent trough, etc. The % MINIMUM CHANGE parameter
determines how much greater the new trough() value must be in comparison to the previous trough() value
before a new trough value is returned.
The formula Trough(1, Rsi(14), 10) returns the most recent trough() value of Rsi(14) if there has been
at least a 10% change from the previous trough value.
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7.6.83 Typical Price
Typical Price
tp ()
This function calculates the predefined Typical Price Indicator.
The function tp() calculates the Typical Price by formula:
{Typical Price Indicator}
_TypicalPrice:= (High + Low + Close) / 3;
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7.6.84 Ultimate Oscillator
Ultimate Oscillator
This function calculates the predefined Ultimate Oscillator Indicator using the three cycle lengths supplied as
The formula ult(7,14,28) calculates the default Ultimate Oscillator Indicator.
The function ult(CYCLE1,CYCLE2,CYCLE3)calculates the Ultimate Oscillator Indicator by formula:
{Ultimate Oscillator Indicator}
_Ult:= (((((Sum((Max((C-L),(C-Ref(L,-1)))),CYCLE1)) / (Sum((Max(Max((H-L),H-Ref(L,-1
(L,-1)))), CYCLE2)) / (Sum((Max(Max((H-L),H-Ref(L,-1)),Max((Ref(H,-1)-L),(Ref(H,-1)Ref(L,-1))))),CYCLE2)))*2)+((Sum((Max((C-L),(C-Ref(L,-1)))),CYCLE3)) / (Sum((Max(Max
((H-L),H-Ref(L,-1)) ,Max((Ref(H,-1)-L),(Ref(H,-1)-Ref(L,-1))))),CYCLE3)))) / CYCLE1)
* 100;
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7.6.85 Value When
Value When
This function returns the value of the DATA ARRAY when the EXPRESSION was true on the Nth most recent
occurrence. This includes all data loaded in the chart.
The formula valuewhen(2, cross(close,mov(close,13,S), rsi(14)) returns the value of the
14-periods RSI on the 2nd most recent occurrence of the Close price crossing above its 13-periods moving
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7.6.86 Vertical Horizontal Filter
Vertical Horizontal Filter
Calculates the predefined Vertical Horizontal Filter of DATA ARRAY over the specified PERIODS.
The formula vhf(Close,28) calculates the Vertical Horizontal Filter of Close prices over the specified 28-periods
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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7.6.87 Weighted Close
Weighted Close
wc ()
The wc() function calculates the predefined Weighted Close Indicator.
The Weighted Close Indicator is calculated by multiplying the Close by two, adding the High and the Low together,
and then dividing by four. The result is the average price for the period with extra weight given to the Close price.
The function wc() calculates the Weighted Close Indicator by formula:
{Weighted Close Indicator}
_WC:= ((Close * 2) + High + Low) / 4;
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7.6.88 Wilder's Smoothing
Wilders Smoothing
The Wilders() function calculates the predefined Wilder's Smoothing.
The function Wilders(DATA ARRAY, PERIODS) calculates the Wilder's Smoothing by formula:
{Wilder's Smoothing Indicator}
_Wilders:= Mov(DATA ARRAY, (PERIODS * 2) - 1, E);
The formula Wilders(Close,8) is equivalent to Mov(Close,8*2-1,E) or Mov(Close,15,E).
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7.6.89 Williams' %R
Williams' %R
willr (PERIODS)
This function calculates the predefined Williams' %R indicator.
The function willr() calculates the Williams' %R Indicator by formula:
{Williams' %R Indicator}
_Willr:= ((hhv(High,PERIODS) - Close) / (hhv(High, PERIODS) - llv(Low,PERIODS))) * 100;
Notice that the formula is inverted by multiplying it by -100. Williams' %R is plotted on an upside down scale with 0
at the top and -100 at the bottom. Values ranging from 0 to -20% indicate overbought levels while values ranging
from -80 to -100% indicate oversold levels.
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7.6.90 Year
year ()
This function returns the value of the year in a four-digit format.
If a bar had the date/time stamp of 02/17/2006, 13:44:00 (Feb. 17th, 2006, 1:44 P.M. EST), the year() function
would return 2006.
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Functions (Reserved For Future Use)
The following Functions (Identifiers) have been reserved for future use in VT Trader's programming language.
When a function is reserved it means that it cannot be used in the construction of custom indicators and trading
systems. Reserved functions will be displayed using white-colored text with a red highlighted background in the
Indicator Editor Window 351 and the Trading Systems Editor Window 438 .
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Technical Indicators
VT Trader includes 100+ of the most well-known technical indicators available to traders. Below is a full
alphabetical listing of the technical indicators available in VT Trader. For full details pertaining to any indicator
listed below, simple click on its name.
A 624 B
G 625 H 625 I 625 J 625 K 625 L 625 M 625 N
T 626 U 626 V 626 W 627 X 627 Y 627 Z 627
Accumulation/Distribution 628
Aroon Indicator 630
Aroon Oscillator 633
Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) 635
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR)
Average True Range (ATR) 641
Bollinger Bands 643
Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci Ratios
Bollinger Bandwidth 650
Bollinger Percent B (%b) 653
Chaikin's Money Flow (CMF) 656
Chaikin's Volatility 659
Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index 661
Chande's Momentum Oscillator (CMO) 664
Chande's QStick 667
Chande's Range Action Verification Index (RAVI) 669
Chande's TrendScore 671
Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) 673
Chaos Accelerator Oscillator 675
Chaos Alligator Indicator 678
Chaos Awesome Oscillator 681
Chaos Fractals 684
Chaos Gator Oscillator 687
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) 690
Coppock Curve 693
Darvas Box 696
DeMark's DeMarker I 698
DeMark's Projected Range 701
DeMark's Range Expansion Index (REI) 703
Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) 706
Directional Movement Index 708
Directional Movement System 711
Donchian Channel 714
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
Double Stochastic Oscillator 718
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Ehlers Fisher Transform 722
Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index 724
Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA)
Ehlers Relative Vigor Index (RVI) 729
Elliot Oscillator 731
Gann HiLo Activator 734
Gann Swing Oscillator 736
Gann Trend Oscillator 738
Hull Moving Average
Ichimoku Kinko Huo
Inertia 748
Kase CD 750
Kase DevStop II 752
Kase Peak Oscillator 755
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
Keltner Bands (Based on ATR) 759
Keltner Channels 762
Linear Regression Acceleration
Linear Regression Indicator 767
Linear Regression Slope 770
MACD 773
MACD-Histogram 777
MACD-Line 780
Market Facilitation Index (MFI) 783
McClellan Histogram 788
McClellan Oscillator 791
Momentum 794
Money Flow Index (MFI) 796
Moving Average (MA) 798
Moving Average Envelope 801
Moving Averages of Relative Strength Index (MA's of RSI)
Moving Slope Rate of Change 807
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VT Trader Help Manual
On Balance Volume (OBV)
Parabolic SAR 811
Pivot Points - Daily 813
Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios 818
Pivot Points - Monthly 822
Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios 826
Pivot Points - Weekly 829
Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios 834
Polarized Fractal Efficiency 837
Price Volume Trend 839
Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
Rainbow Charts 846
Rainbow Oscillator 850
Rate of Change (ROC) 854
Relative Momentum Index (RMI)
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 860
Schaff Trend Cycle 863
Stochastic Momentum Index 866
Stochastic Oscillator (Fast) 869
Stochastic Oscillator (Slow) 875
Stochastic Oscillator (Full) 872
Stochastic RSI Oscillator 878
Stoller Average Range Channels (STARC Bands)
Support and Resistance 885
T3 Moving Average 887
Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based) 889
Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level 892
Trend Continuation Factor (TCF) 895
Trend Intensity Index (TII) 897
Trend Trigger Factor (TTF) 899
Triple Exponential Average (TRIX) 901
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) 903
True Strength Index (TSI) 905
Ultimate Oscillator
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Technical Indicators
Williams Percent Range (%R)
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VT Trader Help Manual
Developed by Marc Chaikin, the Accumulation/Distribution indicator attempts to assess the cumulative flow of
money into and out of a trading instrument. The basic premise has always been that volume (or money flow) may
be a leading indicator to price action.
With reference to stocks, "volume" typically reflects the amount of shares traded in a particular stock and is a direct
reflection of the money flowing into and out of the stock. However, it's very important to note that in the foreign
exchange (FOREX) market there is no central exchange. Therefore, there can be no true measure of actual money
(volume) being trading in a particular currency instrument. Many FOREX brokers and charting software packages
substitute what is becoming commonly referred to as "tick volume" for actual "money volume". Tick volume is
simply the amount of incoming price changes (a.k.a. ticks) received during a particular chart interval (bar).
As a volume indicator, the A/D indicator helps to determine if volume is increasing or decreasing as price is rising
or falling. Signals are typically generated using the Accumulation/Distribution indicator by looking for positive and
negative divergences between the A/D line and price. The A/D indicator can also be used as a measure of strength
or sustainability behind a price move. In an uptrend the A/D indicator should also be moving upwards. In a
downtrend the A/D indicator should be moving downwards.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Accumulation/Distribution
Short Name: vt_AD
Label Mask: Accumulation/Distribution | %_AD%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Accumulation/Distribution
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _AD
Name: (A/D)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_AD:= cum((((C-L) - (H-C)) / (H-L)) * V);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Accumulation/Distribution indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Aroon Indicator
Aroon Indicator
The Aroon indicator was developed by Tushar Chande in 1995. The Aroon indicator attempts to determine if a
trading instrument is trending or not as well as define how strong the trend is. Since Chande designed this indicator
to reveal the beginning of a new trend, he named it "Aroon" which means "Dawn's Early Light" in Sanskrit.
The Aroon indicator is constructed with two lines - Aroon(Up) and Aroon(Down). Aroon(up) is the amount of time
(on a percentage basis) that has elapsed between the start of the time period and the point at which the highest
price during that time period occurred. If the trading instrument is setting a new low for the given time period,
Aroon(up) will be zero. However, if the trading instrument closes higher than it has during the rest of the time
period, Aroon(up) will be +100. For each subsequent period that passes without another new high, Aroon(up)
moves down by an amount equal to (1 / # of periods) x 100.
Technically, the formula for Aroon(up) is:
[ [ (# of periods) - (# of periods since highest high during that time) ] / (# of periods) ] x 100
For example, consider plotting a 10-period Aroon(up) line on a daily chart. If the highest price for the past ten days
occurred 6 days ago (4 days since the start of the time period), Aroon(up) for today would be equal to ((10-6)/10) x
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
100 = 40. If the lowest price in that same period happened yesterday (i.e. on day 9), Aroon(down) for today would
be 90.
Aroon(down) is calculated in just the opposite manner, looking for new lows instead of new highs. When a new low
is set, Aroon(down) is equal to +100. If the stock is setting a new high for the given time period, Aroon(down) will
be zero. And so on...
The formula for Aroon(down) is:
[ [ (# of periods) - (# of periods since lowest low during that time) ] / (# of periods) ] x 100
Chande states that when Aroon(up) and Aroon(down) are in close proximity to each other and descending lower
that the market is consolidating and no strong trend is evident. Aroon(up) dipping below 50 indicates that the
current trend's upward momentum is gone. Similarly, Aroon(down) dipping below 50 indicates that the current
trend's downward momentum is gone. Values above 70 indicate a strong trend in the same direction as the Aroon
(up or down). Values below 30 indicate a strong trend in the opposite direction.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Aroon Indicator
Short Name: vt_Aroon
Label Mask: Aroon Indicator (%Periods%) | Up: %_AroonUp%, Down: %_AroonDown%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Aroon Indicator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _AroonUp
Name: (Aroon Up)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: _AroonDown
Name: (Aroon Down)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Value: +50.0000
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_AroonUp:= ((Periods-HHVBars(H,Periods+1))/Periods)*100;
_AroonDown:= ((Periods-LLVBars(L,Periods+1))/Periods)*100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Aroon indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Aroon Oscillator
Aroon Oscillator
The Aroon Oscillator is derived from the Aroon Indicator. The Aroon Oscillator is constructed by subtracting
Aroon(down) from Aroon(up). Since Aroon(up) and Aroon(down) oscillate between 0 and +100, the Aroon
Oscillator oscillates between -100 and +100.
The Aroon Oscillator indicates and upward trend when it is above zero and a downward trend when it is below zero.
The farther away the oscillator is from the zero line, the stronger the trend.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Aroon Oscillator
Short Name: vt_AroonOsc
Label Mask: Aroon Oscillator (%Periods%) | %_AroonOsc%
Placement: New Frame
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Inspect Alias: Aroon Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _AroonOsc
Name: (Osc)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -50.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_AroonUp:= ((Periods-HHVBars(H,Periods+1))/Periods)*100;
_AroonDown:= ((Periods-LLVBars(L,Periods+1))/Periods)*100;
_AroonOsc:= _AroonUp - _AroonDown;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Aroon Oscillator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)
Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)
The Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) is a momentum indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder and
described in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems", written in 1978. The ADX is constructed from
two other Wilders' indicators: the Positive Directional indicator (+DI) and the Negative Directional Indicator (-DI).
The +DI and -DI indicators are commonly referred to as the Directional Movement Index. Combining the +/-DI and
applying a Wilders() smoothing filter results in the final ADX value.
The ADX's main purpose is to measure the strength of market trends on a 0-100 scale; the higher the ADX value
the stronger the trend. It should be noted that while the direction of price is important to the ADX's calculation, the
ADX itself is not a directional indicator. Values above 40 indicate very strong trending while values below 20
indicate non-trending or ranging market conditions.
Traders typically use the ADX as a filter along with other indicators to create a more concrete trading methodology.
Many traders view ADX turning up from below 20 as an early signal of a new emerging trend while, conversely, a
declining ADX turning down from above 40 as deterioration of the current trend. Wilder suggests using the ADX as
part of a system that includes the +DI and -DI indicators. (See the Directional Movement System indicator for
additional details)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)
Short Name: vt_ADX
Label Mask: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) (%Pr%,%SmPr%) | %_ADX%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: ADX
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: DX Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: SmPr
Display Name: ADX Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _ADX
Name: (ADX)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1)>H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1)<L,Ref(C,-1),L);
PlusDM:= if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)>Ref(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),
PlusDI:= 100 * Wilders(PlusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
MinusDM:= if(L<Ref(L,-1) AND H<=Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L,
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)<Ref(L,-1)-L, Ref(L,-1)-L,
MinusDI:= 100 * Wilders(MinusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
DIDif:= Abs(PlusDI-MinusDI);
DISum:= PlusDI + MinusDI;
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
_ADX:= 100 * Wilders(DIDif/DISum,SmPr);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR)
Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR)
The Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) indicator is an attempt to quantify the momentum change
of the ADX indicator. It was developed by J. Welles Wilder and described in his book "New Concepts in Technical
Trading Systems", written in 1978. The ADXR is constructed adding the current ADX value and an ADX value
n-Periods ago and then dividing that sum by two. This additional smoothing step causes the ADXR to be slightly
less responsive to changes in the trend than the ADX. According to Wilder, this smoothing step was used to help
compensate for the variance of excessive tops and bottoms.
The ADXR is used in much the same way as the ADX; the higher the ADXR value the stronger the trend. Values
above 40 indicate very strong trending while values below 20 indicate non-trending or ranging market conditions.
Wilder suggests using the ADXR (or ADX) as part of a system that includes the +DI and -DI indicators. (See the
Directional Movement System indicator for additional details)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Average Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR)
Short Name: vt_ADXR
Label Mask: Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) (%Pr%,%SmPeriods%) |
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: ADXR
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: DX Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: SmPeriods
Display Name: ADXR Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _ADXR
Name: (ADXR)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1)>H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1)<L,Ref(C,-1),L);
PlusDM:= if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)>Ref(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),
PlusDI:= 100 * Wilders(PlusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
MinusDM:= if(L<Ref(L,-1) AND H<=Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L,
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)<Ref(L,-1)-L, Ref(L,-1)-L,
MinusDI:= 100 * Wilders(MinusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
DIDif:= Abs(PlusDI-MinusDI);
DISum:= PlusDI + MinusDI;
ADXFinal:= 100 * Wilders(DIDif/DISum,SmPeriods);
_ADXR:= (ADXFinal + Ref(ADXFinal,1-SmPeriods)) / 2;
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR).
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Average True Range (ATR)
Average True Range (ATR)
Introduced by Welles Wilder in his book "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" (1978), the Average True
Range (ATR) is a measure of a trading instrument's volatility. It measures the degree of price movement, not the
direction or duration of the price movement. The True Range is first calculated using the is the greatest of the
· Difference between the current high and the current low
· Difference between the previous closing price and the current high
· Difference between the previous closing price and the current low
The Average True Range is then formulated by adding smoothing to the True Range. The True Range can be
smoothed using a variety of techniques to create the final Average True Range indicator In VT Trader, the user
may select Wilders Smoothing (default) or a simple moving average smoothing which are the two most common
smoothing methods used to calculate the ATR.
Wilder stated that high ATR values often indicated market bottoms after a sell-off, while low ATR values typically
indicated extended periods of sideways price movement (such as those found at tops and after consolidation
periods). The Average True Range can be interpreted using the same techniques that are used with the other
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
volatility indicators.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Average True Range (ATR)
Short Name: vt_ATR
Label Mask: Average True Range (%tPr%,%stp:ls%) | %_ATR%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Average True Range
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: stp
Display Name: Smoothing Type
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Wilders
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _ATR
Name: (ATR)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1) > H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1) < L,Ref(C,-1),L);
_ATR:= if(stp=0, Wilders(TR,tPr), mov(TR,tPr,S));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Average True Range (ATR) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands were developed by John Bollinger and introduced in the late 1980's. Bollinger Bands serve these
primary functions:
· To provide a relative definition of high and low
· To identify periods of high and low volatility
· To identify periods when prices are at extreme levels
They do this by using standard deviation as a measure of volatility. Since standard deviation is a measure of
volatility, the bands are self-adjusting; they widen during periods of higher volatility and contract during periods of
lower volatility. Bollinger Bands consist of 3 bands designed to encompass the majority of a trading instrument's
price action. The middle band is a basis for the intermediate-term trend, typically a 20-periods simple moving
average, which also serves as the base for the upper and lower bands. The upper band's and lower band's
distance from the middle band is determined by volatility. Typically, the upper band is plotted +2 standard
deviations above the middle band while the lower band is plotted -2 standard deviations below the middle band.
Bollinger Bands are usually calculated using the trading instrument's prices, but they can also be calculated using
other indicators as their base. These comments refer to bands displayed on prices. Mr. Bollinger notes the
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VT Trader Help Manual
following characteristics of Bollinger Bands.
· Sharp price changes tend to occur after the bands tighten as volatility lessens (a.k.a. "the Squeeze")
· When prices move outside the bands a continuation of the current trend is implied
· Bottoms and tops made outside the bands followed by bottoms and tops made inside the bands call for
reversals in the trend
· A move that originates at one band tends to go all the way to the other band
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Bollinger Bands
Short Name: vt_BBands
Label Mask: Bollinger Bands (%Pr%,%tPr%,%ma%,%D%) | MB: %MB%, UB: %UB%, LB: %LB%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Bollinger Bands
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: ma
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: Standard Deviations
Type: float
Default: 2.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MB
Name: (Middle Band)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: UB
Name: (Upper Band)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Var Name: LB
Name: (Lower Band)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MB:= Mov(Pr,tPr,ma);
UB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,0);
LB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,1);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Bollinger Bands indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci Ratios
Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci Ratios
The Fibonacci Bollinger Bands indicator is based on the same principles as the standard Bollinger Bands indicator
developed by John Bollinger. The Fibonacci Bollinger Bands indicator bases its upper and lower bands on volatility
just like the Bollinger Bands indicator does, but instead of using standard deviation as the measure of volatility, a
Wilders Smoothed ATR is used in its place.
The middle band is a moving average used to establish the intermediate-term trend. The 3 upper bands are
constructed by using the Wilders Smoothed ATR and multiplying it by each of the Fibonacci factors (1.6180,
2.6180, and 4.2360) and then adding the results to the middle band. The 3 lower bands are constructed in the
same manner as the upper bands except their results are subtracted from the middle band.
The Fibonacci Bollinger Bands indicator may provide good clues to price reversals when used in conjunction with
other technical analysis methods or indicators.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci Ratios
Short Name: vt_BBandsFibs
Label Mask: Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci
(%pr%,%periods%,%mat%,%factor1%,%factor2%,%factor3%) | MB: %MidPoint%, UB1:
%UpperBand1%, UB2: %UpperBand2%, UB3: %UpperBand3%, LB1: %LowerBand1%, LB2:
%LowerBand2%, LB3: %LowerBand3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Bollinger Bands - Fibonacci
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: Factor1
Display Name: Fibonacci Ratio 1
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 1.6180
Max Bounds: 1.0000
Min Bounds: 13.0000
[New] button...
Name: Factor1
Display Name: Fibonacci Ratio 2
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 2.6180
Max Bounds: 1.0000
Min Bounds: 13.0000
[New] button...
Name: Factor1
Display Name: Fibonacci Ratio 3
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 4.2360
Max Bounds: 1.0000
Min Bounds: 13.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperBand3
Name: (Upper Band 3)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperBand2
Name: (Upper Band 2)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperBand1
Name: (Upper Band 1)
Line Color: light green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: MidPoint
Name: (Middle Band)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerBand3
Name: (Lower Band 3)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerBand2
Name: (Lower Band 2)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerBand1
Name: (Lower Band 1)
Line Color: light green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:=If(Ref(C,-1) > H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:=If(Ref(C,-1) < L,Ref(C,-1),L);
TRA:= Wilders(TR,Periods);
MidPoint:= Mov(pr,Periods,mat);
UpperBand3:= MidPoint + (factor3 * TRa);
UpperBand2:= MidPoint + (factor2 * TRa);
UpperBand1:= MidPoint + (factor1 * TRa);
LowerBand1:= MidPoint - (factor1 * TRa);
LowerBand2:= MidPoint - (factor2 * TRa);
LowerBand3:= MidPoint - (factor3 * TRa);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Fibonacci Bollinger Bands indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Bollinger Bandwidth
Bollinger Bandwidth
Bollinger Bandwidth is an important indicator derived from John Bollinger's original Bollinger Bands indicator.
Bandwidth is a relative measure of the width of the Bollinger Bands.
The Bollinger Bandwidth equation can be constructed as:
Bandwidth = (Bollinger Upper Band - Bollinger Lower Band) / Bollinger Middle Band
Volatility is high when the Bollinger Bands are farther apart and low when the Bollinger Bands are closer together.
Based on the assumption that price (and volatility) generally operates in cycles - periods of low volatility inevitably
followed by periods of high volatility and so on and so forth - traders can learn to take advantage of these cycles.
The Bollinger Bandwidth is particularly useful in helping traders identify "the Squeeze". Bollinger states that
Bollinger Bands "are driven by volatility, and the Squeeze is a pure reflection of that volatility". The Squeeze is
similar to "the calm before the storm". The Squeeze is identified when the Bandwidth is at its lowest low value
within n-periods.
Trading signals can be generated based on the breakout of price (and volatility) following the Squeeze.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
The most difficult part of trading breakout signals is determining the direction of the price breakout. Bollinger
suggests using other indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and a volume-based indicator such as
Accumulation/Distribution for confirmation combined with the Squeeze setup.
Bollinger also suggests looking for positive and negative divergence between indicators and price as an indication
of the potential breakout direction. Positive divergence (indicators rising while price is declining or remaining
neutral) is often considered a bullish sign while negative divergence (indicators declining while price is rising) is
considered a bearish sign.
Lastly, traders should be on the lookout for "false breakouts" (a.k.a. "Head Fakes" by Bollinger). Price often breaks
out in one direction immediately following the Squeeze causing many traders to think the breakout will continue in
that direction, only to quickly reverse and make the true, more significant breakout in the opposite direction.
Traders acting quickly on the initial breakout (and perhaps without confirmation from other indicators) often get
caught on the wrong side of the price action, while those traders expecting a "false breakout" can quickly close out
their original position (if they have one open) and enter a trade in the direction of the reversal.
The Bollinger Bands Price, Periods, MA Type, and Standard Deviations as well as the Bulge Periods and the
Squeeze Periods inputs have been parameterized to allow the user full customization of this indicator.
Furthermore, reference lines for “The Bulge” (blue line - the highest Bandwidth value within the previous n-periods)
and “The Squeeze” (red line - lowest Bandwidth value within the previous n-periods) have also been included.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Bollinger Bandwidth
Short Name: vt_Bandwidth
Label Mask: Bollinger Bandwidth (Bands: %Pr%,%tPr%,%ma%,%D%, Bulge: %bulgeper%,
Squeeze: %squeezeper%) | Bw: %Bandwidth%, Bulge: %Bulge%, Squeeze: %Squeeze%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Bollinger Bandwidth
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: ma
Display Name: Bollinger Bands MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Standard Deviations
Type: float
Default: 2.0000
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Name: bulgeper
Display Name: Bandwidth Bulge Periods
Type: Integer
Default: 150
[New] button...
Name: squeezeper
Display Name: Bandwidth Squeeze Periods
Type: Interger
Default: 150
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Bandwidth
Name: (Bandwidth)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Bulge
Name: (The Bulge)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Squeeze
Name: (The Squeeze)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MB:= Mov(Pr,tPr,ma);
UB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,0);
LB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,1);
Bandwidth:= (UB-LB)/MB;
Bulge:= hhv(Bandwidth,bulgeper);
Squeeze:= llv(Bandwidth,squeezeper);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Bollinger Bandwidth indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Bollinger Percent B (%b)
Bollinger Percent B (%b)
Bollinger Percent B (%b) is an important indicator derived from John Bollinger's original Bollinger Bands indicator.
%b depicts the location of the most recent close price in relation to the Bollinger Bands as well as to what degree it
is above or below any of the bands.
The Bollinger Percent B equation can be constructed as:
Percent B = ((Close - Bollinger Lower Band) / (Bollinger Upper Band - Bollinger Lower Band))*100
If the close price is equal to the upper Bollinger Band, %b will be 100 (percent). If the close price is equal to the
lower Bollinger Band, %b will be 0.0. A %b value of 50 means the close price is equal to the middle Bollinger
Furthermore, readings above 100 and below 0 indicate that the close price is outside of the Bollinger Bands by a
corresponding percentage or the Bollinger Bandwidth. A %b value of 125 means that the close price is above the
upper Bollinger Band by 25% of the Bandwidth while a %b value of -25 means that the close price is below the
lower Bollinger Band by 25% of the Bandwidth.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Bollinger Percent B (%b)
Short Name: vt_PercentB
Label Mask: Bollinger Percent B (%%b) (%Pr%,%tPr%,%ma%,%D%) | %B%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Bollinger %b
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: ma
Display Name: Bollinger Bands MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: Bollinger Bands Standard Deviations
Type: float
Default: 2.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: B
Name: (%b)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +100.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MB:= Mov(Pr,tPr,ma);
UB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,0);
LB:= BLines(Pr,mov(Pr,tPr,ma),tPr,D,1);
B:= ((Pr-LB)/(UB-LB))*100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Bollinger Percent B indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Chaikin's Money Flow (CMF)
Chaikin's Money Flow (CMF)
Developed by Marc Chaikin, the Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator is essentially a n-periods volume weighted
average of Chaikin's Accumulation/Distribution indicator. The CMF is based on the assumption that the nearer the
close price is to the high price of the daily range, the more accumulation has taken place. Alternatively, the nearer
the close price is to the low price of the daily range, the more distribution has taken place. The CMF will be positive
if price consistently closes above the bar's midpoint with increasing volume; however, if price consistently closes
below the bar's midpoint with increasing volume the CMF will be negative.
Chaikin recommends using a value of 21 periods, but other values may also be used. IMPORTANT: It should be
noted that the CMF has a weakness -- it does not account for price gaps. If a gap in prices occurs, the CMF
indicator will have a NULL value (i.e.: no value) for n-periods after the gap. However, the formula has been slightly
altered in VT Trader to avoid any NULL values.
Trading signals can be generated using a few different techniques:
1. Zero line crossings: Readings above zero indicate the instrument is under accumulation while readings below
zero indicate the instrument is experiencing distribution. Chaikin considers values above +0.10 to indicate a buy
signal (+0.25 is considered strong buying pressure) and values less than -0.10 to indicate a sell signal (-0.25 is
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
considered strong selling pressure).
2. Divergences: Chaikin states that divergences between the Money Flow line and price often allude to forthcoming
reversals in market direction. A buy signal occurs when price makes a lower low while the CMF makes a higher
low. A sell signal occurs when price makes a higher high while the CMF makes a lower high.
3. Confirmation of Price Breakouts: The CMF can be used for confirmation of price breakouts through trend lines or
support/resistance in the direction of the price action. For example, if price breaks down through a support level, a
trader may wish to wait until the CMF is below zero or even the extreme level of -0.25 to confirm the breakout
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaikin's Money Flow
Short Name: vt_CMF
Label Mask: Chaikin's Money Flow (%Periods%) | %_CMF%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaikin's Money Flow
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 21
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _CMF
Name: (CMF)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.2500
Color: dark red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.1000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -0.1000
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -0.2500
Color: dark red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_AD:= if(((((C-L)-(H-C)) / (H-L)) * V)=NULL,0,(((C-L)-(H-C)) / (H-L)) * V);
_CMF:= mov(_AD,periods,S)/mov(V,periods,S);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chaikin's Money Flow indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chaikin's Volatility
Chaikin's Volatility
Developed by Marc Chaikin, the Chaikin Volatility indicator quantifies volatility as the widening of the range between
high and low prices by comparing the spread between the instrument's high and low prices over n-periods.
Chaikin's Volatility indicator is created by first calculating an exponential moving average of the difference between
the High and Low price for each period over n-periods (typically 10 periods) and then by calculating the percentage
change in the exponential moving average over n-periods (also typically 10 periods).
There are two basic methods to interpret Chaikin's measure of volatility.
Method 1: Assume that market tops are generally accompanied by increased volatility while the late stages of
market bottoms are generally accompanied by decreased volatility.
Method 2: Assume that a shorter term increase in the Volatility indicator indicates an approaching market bottom
while a longer term decrease in the volatility indicator indicates an approaching market top.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaikin's Volatility
Short Name: vt_CVOL
Label Mask: Chaikin's Volatility (%hlper%,%rocper%) | %CVOL%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaikin's Volatility
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: hlper
Display Name: High-Low Average Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: rocper
Display Name: Rate of Change Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: CVOL
Name: (Volatility)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
HLAverage:= Mov((H-L),hlper,E);
HLAverageChange:= Ref(HLAverage,-rocper);
CVOL:= ((HLAverage - HLAverageChange) / HLAverageChange) * 100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chaikin's Volatility indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index
Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index
The Dynamic Momentum Index (DMI) was developed by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The indicator is
described in detail in their book "The New Technical Trader"
Chande's DMI is very similar to Welles Wilder’s Relative Strength Index (RSI), however, there is one very important
difference. Unlike the RSI which uses a fixed number of periods, the Dynamic Momentum Index uses a variable
amount of periods as market volatility changes. The number of periods the DMI uses decreases as market volatility
increases thereby allowing the indicator to be more responsive to price changes.
The Dynamic Momentum Index can be interpreted in much the same way was as the more traditional RSI as an
overbought and oversold indicator. Readings above 70 are considered to be overbought while readings under 30
are considered to be oversold.
The DMI indicator has 2 indicator plots available. The default display is the Dynamic Momentum Index indicator
itself. The secondary display plot is the dynamic periods. This allows the user to see what periods length is being
used for any given bar loaded in the chart.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index
Short Name: vt_ChandeDMI
Label Mask: Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index
Bounds(%DmiLowerLimit%,%DmiUpperLimit%), Display: %plot:ls%) | %IndicatorPlot%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's DMI
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: stdevPeriods
Display Name: Standard Deviation Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
Name: stdevmaper
Display Name: MA of Standard Deviation Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: stdevmat
Display Name: MA of Standard Deviation Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: DmiPeriods
Display Name: Dynamic Momentum Index Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: DmiLowerLimit
Display Name: Dynamic Periods Lower Bounds
Type: integer
Default: 3
[New] button...
Name: DmiUpperLimit
Display Name: Dynamic Periods Upper Bounds
Type: integer
Default: 30
[New] button...
Name: plot
Display Name: Display DMI or Periods Length
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Dynamic_Momentum_Index
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: IndicatorPlot
Name: (DMI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid line
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Vi:= Stdev(price,stdevPeriods) /
Td:= Int(DmiPeriods/Vi);
Td:= if(Td>DmiUpperLimit,DmiUpperLimit,if(Td<DmiLowerLimit,DmiLowerLimit,Td));
rsi_r:= (price - ref(price,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),Td) / Wilders(if(rsi_r<0,Abs(rsi_r),0),Td);
DMIndex:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
IndicatorPlot:= if(plot=0,DMIndex,Td);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chande's DMI indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Chande's Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
Chande's Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
The Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) was developed by Tushar Chande and explained in the book "The New
Technical Trader" by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The CMO was designed to calculate what Chande refers to
as “pure momentum”. The CMO is similar to, yet unique from, other momentum-oriented indicators such as the
RSI, Stochastic, and Rate-of-Change.
The CMO uses data for both up days and down days in the numerator, thereby directly measuring momentum. The
calculations are performed on unsmoothed data. This allows for short-term extreme movements to be less hidden.
However, smoothing can be applied to the CMO if desired. The scale is bound between +100 and -100 thus
allowing the user to clearly see changes in net momentum using the 0 level as a balance point.
The Chande Momentum Oscillator can be used to measure several conditions:
Identifying Overbought/oversold Conditions: Looking for extreme overbought or oversold conditions is the primary
method of interpreting the CMO. As a general rule, Mr. Chande quantifies an overbought level at +50 and the
oversold level at -50. At +50, up-day momentum is three times the down-day momentum; At -50, down-day
momentum is three times the up-day momentum. These levels essentially correspond to the common 70/30 levels
used with the RSI indicator.
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Technical Indicators
Using a CMO Trigger Line: Trade entry and exit rules can be created by plotting a moving average of the CMO as
a "trigger" line. For example, using the default 20-period CMO, a 9-period moving average may serve as a good
trigger line. Buy when the CMO crosses above the 9-period trigger line; sell when it crosses below it.
Trendiness: The CMO can also be used to measure the degree of trendiness an instrument exhibits. Higher CMO
values correspond to betting trendiness while lower values of CMO indicate a possible trading range.
Divergence: Although not specifically mentioned in Chande’s book, looking for divergence between the CMO and
the instrument's price may also be a viable strategy as it often is with other similar momentum-oriented indicators.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chande's Momentum Oscillator
Short Name: vt_CMO
Label Mask: Chande's Momentum Oscillator (%Price%,%Periods%) | %ChMomOcs%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's Momentum Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: ChMomOcs
Name: (CMO)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -50.0000
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
UpDay:= Sum((Price-Ref(Price,-1))*(Price>Ref(Price,-1)),Periods);
DownDay:= Sum((Ref(Price,-1)-Price)*(Price<Ref(Price,-1)),Periods);
ChMomOcs:= 100 * ((UpDay-DownDay)/(UpDay+DownDay));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chandes' Momentum Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chande's QStick
Chande's QStick
The Chande QStick was developed by Tushar Chande to help identify market trends. It is a moving average of the
difference between the opening and closing prices.
Signals can be generated by identifying peaks and troughs, zero line crossings, and/or divergences between the
QStick and the instrument's price.
The indicator is displayed as a bi-color histogram to make identifying peaks, troughs, and zero line crossings easier
for the user. The moving average periods and type are user-definable.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: Chande's QStick
Short Name: vt_ChandeQS
Label Mask: Chande's QStick (%periods%,%mat%) | Up: %CQS_Up%, Down: %CQS_Down%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's QStick
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: QStick Periods
Type: integer
Default: 8
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: QStick Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: CQS_Up
Name: (CQS-Up)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: CQS_Down
Name: (CQS-Down)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
CQS:= mov((C-O),periods,mat);
CQS_Up:= if(CQS>ref(CQS,-1),CQS,CQS);
CQS_Down:= if(CQS<ref(CQS,-1),CQS,null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chande's QStick indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chande's Range Action Verification Index (RAVI)
Chande's Range Action Verification Index (RAVI)
Developed by Tushar Chande, The Range Action Verification Index (RAVI) indicator is used to help identify
whether the market is trending (similar to the ADX).
If the RAVI is over 3% the market is said to be trending.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chande's Range Action Verification Index
Short Name: vt_RAVI
Label Mask: Chande's Range Action Verification Index (%pr%,%ShortMA%,%LongMA%) |
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's RAVI
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: ShortMA
Display Name: Short Periods
Type: integer
Default: 7
[New] button...
Name: LongMA
Display Name: Long Periods
Type: integer
Default: 65
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: RAVI
Name: (RAVI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +3.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
RAVI:= abs(1000*(mov(pr,ShortMA,S)-mov(pr,LongMA,S))/mov(pr,LongMA,S));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chande's RAVI indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chande's TrendScore
Chande's TrendScore
Chande's Trendscore indicator was described by Tushar Chande in the September 1993 edition of Stock &
Commodities magazine. The TrendScore attempts to make a quantitative and qualitative determination of the
direction and strength of a market trend by comparing the current close price to previous close prices over the last
20 periods.
The TrendScore indicator oscillates between +10 and -10. A +10 reading indicates a strong uptrend is underway. A
-10 reading indicates a strong downtrend is underway. Readings above 0 suggest an upward trend of varying
strength and readings below 0 suggest a downward trend of varying strength.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chande's TrendScore
Short Name: vt_ChandeTS
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Chande's TrendScore (%price%) | %TrendScore%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's TrendScore
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TrendScore
Name: (TrendScore)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TrendScore:= If(price>=Ref(price,-11),1,-1)
If(price>=Ref(price,-12),1,-1) +
If(price>=Ref(price,-14),1,-1) +
If(price>=Ref(price,-16),1,-1) +
If(price>=Ref(price,-18),1,-1) +
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chande's TrendScore indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
Developed by Tushar Chande, the Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) indicator was described in the March
1992 edition of Stock & Commodities magazine. Chande's VIDYA is a moving average that automatically adjusts
its speed based on market volatility. The absolute value of a 9-period Chande Momentum Oscillator is used for the
volatility index.
Chande's VIDYA can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving Average"
indicator for additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
Short Name: vt_VIDYA
Label Mask: Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) (%Price%,
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
%Periods%,%pds%) | %Vidya%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Chande's VIDYA
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: CMO Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 9
Min Bounds: 3
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: pds
Display Name: VIDYA Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 20
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Vidya
Name: (VIDYA)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
UpDay:= Sum((Price-Ref(Price,-1))*(Price>Ref(Price,-1)),Periods);
DownDay:= Sum((Ref(Price,-1)-Price)*(Price<Ref(Price,-1)),Periods);
_CMO:= 100 * ((UpDay-DownDay)/(UpDay+DownDay));
SC:= 2/(pds+1);
absCMO:= abs(_CMO)/100;
Vidya:= If(BarCount()<=(pds+1), Price, (SC*AbsCMO*Price) + (1-(SC*AbsCMO)) *
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Chande's VIDYA indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chaos Accelerator Oscillator
Chaos Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator
The Chaos Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator is discussed by Bill M. Williams, PhD in his "Trading Chaos" book(s).
Bill Williams' "Trading Chaos" book(s) describe some basic (and advanced) concepts for trading using the Chaos
Accelerator Oscillator as part of a larger, more inclusive Chaos-based trading methodology.
For a full, detailed description of Bill Williams' Chaos trading methods, please refer to:
"Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (1995)
"New Trading Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities" by Bill M. Williams, PhD
"Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (2004)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaos Accelerator Oscillator
Short Name: vt_ChaosAC
Label Mask: Chaos Accelerator Oscillator (Chaos AC)
(%Prc%,%ShortMAPer%,%LongMAPer%,%SignalMAPer%) | %ACGreen%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaos AC
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: Prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShortMAPeriods
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: LongMAPeriods
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 34
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: SignalMAPeriods
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: ACGreen
Name: (AC-Green)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: ACRed
Name: (AC-Red)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
AC:= Mov(Prc,5,S) - Mov(Prc,34,S) - Mov(Mov(Prc,5,S) - Mov(Prc,34,S),5,S);
ACGreen:= If(AC>=Ref(AC,-1), AC, AC);
ACRed:= If(AC<Ref(AC,-1), AC, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Chaos Accelerator Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Chaos Alligator Indicator
Chaos Alligator Indicator
The Chaos Alligator Indicator is discussed by Bill M. Williams, PhD in his "Trading Chaos" book(s).
Bill Williams' "Trading Chaos" book(s) describe some basic (and advanced) concepts for trading using the Chaos
Alligator Indicator as part of a larger, more inclusive Chaos-based trading methodology.
For a full, detailed description of Bill Williams' Chaos trading methods, please refer to:
"Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (1995)
"New Trading Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities" by Bill M. Williams, PhD
"Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (2004)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaos Alligator Indicator
Short Name: vt_ChaosAlligator
Label Mask: Chaos Alligator (%Prc%,%LipPer%,%TeethPer%,%JawPer%) | Lip: %Lip%,
Jaw: %Jaw%, Teeth: %Teeth%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaos Alligator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: Prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: LipPer
Display Name: Lip Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShLp
Display Name: Lip Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 3
Max Bounds: 3
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: TeethPer
Display Name: Teeth Periods
Type: integer
Default: 8
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShTth
Display Name: Teeth Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 5
Min Bounds: 5
Max Bounds: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: JawPer
Display Name: Jaw Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShJw
Display Name: Jaw Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Default: 8
Min Bounds: 8
Max Bounds: 8
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Lip
Name: (Lip)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Teeth
Name: (Teeth)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Jaw
Name: (Jaw)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Lip:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,LipPer),-ShLp);
Teeth:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,TeethPer),-ShTth);
Jaw:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,JawPer),-ShJw);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Chaos Alligator Indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chaos Awesome Oscillator
Chaos Awesome Oscillator
The Chaos Awesome Oscillator is discussed by Bill M. Williams, PhD in his "Trading Chaos" book(s).
Bill Williams' "Trading Chaos" book(s) describe some basic (and advanced) concepts for trading using the Chaos
Awesome Oscillator as part of a larger, more inclusive Chaos-based trading methodology.
For a full, detailed description of Bill Williams' Chaos trading methods, please refer to:
"Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (1995)
"New Trading Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities" by Bill M. Williams, PhD
"Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (2004)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaos Awesome Oscillator
Short Name: vt_ChaosAO
Label Mask: Chaos Awesome Oscillator (Chaos AO)
(%Prc%,%ShortMAPer%,%LongMAPer%,%SignalMAPer%) | AO: %AOGreen%, AO-Signal: %SL%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaos AO
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: Prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShortMAPeriods
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: LongMAPeriods
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 34
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: SignalMAPeriods
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: AOGreen
Name: (AO-Green)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: AORed
Name: (AO-Red)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: SL
Name: (AO-Signal Line)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
AO:= Mov(Prc,5,S) - Mov(Prc,34,S);
SL:= Mov(AO,5,S);
AOGreen:= if(AO>=Ref(AO,-1), AO, AO);
AORed:= if(AO<Ref(AO,-1), AO, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Chaos Awesome Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Chaos Fractals
Chaos Fractals
The concept of Fractals was discussed by Bill M. Williams, PhD in his book "Trading with Chaos". According to
Williams, an "up fractal" is defined as a middle bar with two lower highs on each side of it. A "down fractal" is
defined as a middle bar with two higher lows on each side of it.
Bill Williams' book "Trading Chaos" described some basic (and advanced) concepts for trading using fractals as
part of a larger, more inclusive Chaos-based trading methodology.
One simple method of utilizing fractals to initiate trades is to take trade based on the direction of a price breakout
above/below the most recent fractal. If price breaks above the most recent UpFractal - enter long; If price breaks
below the most recent DownFractal - enter short. Protective stops should be placed below the lowest low of the
most recent Down Fractal or 2nd most recent DownFractal for long trades and above the highest high of the most
recent UpFractal or 2nd most recent UpFractal for short trades.
For a full, detailed description of Bill Williams' Chaos trading methods, please refer to "Trading Chaos: Applying
Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (Wiley - 1995)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaos Fractals
Short Name: vt_ChaosFractals
Label Mask: Chaos Fractals | Up-Fractal: %UpFractal%, Down-Fractal: %DownFractal%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaos Fractals
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UpFractal
Name: (Up Fractal)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dots
[New] button...
Var Name: DownFractal
Name: (Down Fractal)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dots
[New] button...
Var Name: Display_UpFractal
Name: (HHV of Up Fractal)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thick
Line Type: dots
[New] button...
Var Name: Display_DownFractal
Name: (LLV of Down Fractal)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thick
Line Type: dots
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Generate Fractal Levels}
Low1:= Ref(L,-4);
Low2:= Ref(L,-3);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
UpFractal:= valuewhen(1,High3>high1 and High3>High2 and High3>High4 and
DownFractal:= valuewhen(1,Low3<Low1 and Low3<Low2 and Low3<Low4 and
{Mark Highest High Bar of UpFractal}
{Mark Lowest Low Bar of DownFractal}
{This section is FOR DISPLAY USE ONLY!}
Display_UpFractal:= If(Display_High3>Display_High1 and
Display_High3>Display_High2 and
Display_High3>Display_High4 and
Display_DownFractal:= If(Display_Low3<Display_Low1 and
Display_Low3<Display_Low2 and
Display_Low3<Display_Low4 and
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Chaos Fractals indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Chaos Gator Oscillator
Chaos Alligator Indicator
The Chaos Gator Oscillator is discussed by Bill M. Williams, PhD in his "Trading Chaos" book(s).
Bill Williams' "Trading Chaos" book(s) describe some basic (and advanced) concepts for trading using the Chaos
Gator Oscillator as part of a larger, more inclusive Chaos-based trading methodology.
For a full, detailed description of Bill Williams' Chaos trading methods, please refer to:
"Trading Chaos: Applying Expert Techniques to Maximize Your Profits" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (1995)
"New Trading Dimensions: How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities" by Bill M. Williams, PhD
"Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques" by Bill M. Williams, PhD (2004)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Chaos Gator Oscillator
Short Name: vt_ChaosGator
Label Mask: Chaos Gator Oscillator (%Prc%,%LipPer%,%TeethPer%,%JawPer%) |
GatorUp-Green: %GatorUpGr%, GatorUp-Red: %GatorUpRed%, GatorDown-Green:
%GatorDnGr%, GatorDown-Red: %GatorDnRed%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Chaos Gator Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: Prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: LipPer
Display Name: Lip Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShLp
Display Name: Lip Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 3
Max Bounds: 3
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: TeethPer
Display Name: Teeth Periods
Type: integer
Default: 8
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShTth
Display Name: Teeth Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 5
Min Bounds: 5
Max Bounds: 5
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: JawPer
Display Name: Jaw Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: ShJw
Display Name: Jaw Horizontal Shift
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 8
Min Bounds: 8
Max Bounds: 8
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: GatorUpGr
Name: (Gator Up - Green)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: GatorUpRed
Name: (Gator Up - Red)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: GatorDnGr
Name: (Gator Down - Green)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: GatorDnRed
Name: (Gator Down - Red)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Lip:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,LipPer),-ShLp);
Teeth:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,TeethPer),-ShTth);
Jaw:= Ref(Wilders(Prc,JawPer),-ShJw);
GatorUp:= if(Teeth>Jaw,Teeth-Jaw,Jaw-Teeth);
GatorDn:= if(Jaw<Lip,Jaw-Lip,Lip-Jaw);
GatorUpGr:= If(GatorUp>=Ref(GatorUp,-1),GatorUp,GatorUp);
GatorUpRed:= If(GatorUp<Ref(GatorUp,-1),GatorUp,null);
GatorDnGr:= If(GatorDn<=Ref(GatorDn,-1),GatorDn,GatorDn);
GatorDnRed:= If(GatorDn>Ref(GatorDn,-1),GatorDn,null);
6. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Chaos Gator Oscillator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Developed by Donald Lambert, the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) measures the variation of a security's price
from its statistical mean. High values show that prices are unusually high compared to average prices whereas low
values indicate that prices are unusually low. Contrary to its name, the CCI can be used effectively on any type of
trading instrument, not just commodities.
The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is calculated by first determining the difference between the mean price of a
commodity and the average of the means over the time period chosen (where Mean is the exact middle between 2
extremes - MidPrice). This difference is then compared to the average difference over the time period (this factors
in the commodity's own inherent volatility). The result is then multiplied by a constant that is designed to adjust the
CCI so that it fits into a "normal" trading range of +/-100.
The CCI is a versatile indicator capable of producing a wide array of buy and sell signals. However, there are three
basic methods of interpreting the CCI: looking for divergences, trend line breaks, and as an overbought/oversold
A divergence occurs when the instrument's prices are making new highs while the CCI is failing to surpass its
previous highs or when the instrument's prices are making new lows while the CCI is failing to surpass its previous
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
lows. These classic divergences are usually followed by a correction in the instrument's price.
Trend line breaks can also be used to generate signals. Trend lines can be drawn connecting the peaks and
troughs of the CCI. From oversold levels, an advance above -100 and trend line breakout could be considered
bullish. From overbought levels, a decline below +100 and a trend line break could be considered bearish.
The CCI typically oscillates between ±100. To use the CCI as an overbought/oversold indicator, readings above
+100 imply an overbought condition (and a pending price correction) while readings below -100 imply an oversold
condition (and a pending rally).
VT Trader includes 2 different methods of calculation for the Commodity Channel Index. Both are similar in design,
but plot slightly different values.
The first method of calculation is the MetaStock formula equivalent.
Diff:= TP()-Mov(TP(),Pr,S);
AveDiff:= Mov(Abs(Diff),Pr,S);
EquationComp:= Diff/AveDiff;
AdjCon:= 66.66667{equivelant=2/3tds};
MS_CCI:= EquationComp*AdjCon;
The second method of calculation is Donald Lambert's original formula calculation. For scaling purposes, Lambert
set the constant at 0.015 to ensure that approximately 70 to 80 percent of CCI values would fall between -100 and
+100. The percentage of CCI values that fall between +100 and -100 will depend on the number of periods used. A
shorter CCI will be more volatile with a smaller percentage of values between +100 and -100. Conversely, the more
periods used to calculate the CCI, the higher the percentage of values between +100 and -100.
DL_CCI:= CCI(TP(),Pr);
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Short Name: vt_CCI
Label Mask: Commodity Channel Index (CCI) (%Pr%,%FormulaChoice:ls%) | %CCIndex%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Commodity Channel Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: CCI Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: FormulaChoice
Display Name: CCI Formula Calc Method
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Donald_Lambert_Formula
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: CCIndex
Name: (CCI)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +100.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -100.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{MetaStock Equivalent Calculation}
Diff:= TP()-Mov(TP(),Pr,S);
AveDiff:= Mov(Abs(Diff),Pr,S);
EquationComp:= Diff/AveDiff;
AdjCon:= 66.66667;
MS_CCI:= EquationComp * AdjCon;
{Donald Lambert's Original Formula}
DL_CCI:= CCI(TP(),Pr);
{Display CCI Based on User's Choice}
CCIndex:= if(FormulaChoice=0,MS_CCI,DL_CCI);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Coppock Curve
Coppock Curve
The Coppock Curve was developed by Edwin Sedgwick Coppock in 1962 and featured in the November 1994
issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, in the article "The Coppock Curve", written by Elliot
"We are creatures of habit. We judge the world relative to what we have experienced. If we're shopping for a
mortgage and rates have been in the teens (as they were in the early 1980s) and then drop to 10%, we are
elated. If, however, they've been at 8% and then rise to 10%, we are disappointed. It all depends on our
perspective. The principle of adaptation-level applies to how we judge our income levels, stock prices and
virtually every other variable in our lives. Psychologically, relativity prevails..."
-- Taken from Stocks & Commodities, V. 12:11 (459-462): The Coppock Curve by Elliott Middleton
The moving average is the simplest form of adaptation-level. The Coppock Curve Indicator is a longer term
oscillator based on adaptation-levels, but in a different way. Oscillators usually begin by calculating a % change of
current price from some previous price, where the previous price is the reference point (adaptation-level).
Edwin Coppock reasoned that the market participants' emotional state could be quantified by summing up the %
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
changes over the recent past to get a general sense of the market's longer term momentum.
For example: If we compare prices relative to a year ago and we see that this month the market is up 15% over a
year ago, last month it was up 12.5% over a year ago, and 10%, 7.5% and 5% respectively the months before that,
then we may gauge that the market is gaining momentum.
Basic signals can be generated using the Coppock Curve by trading reversals from extreme levels. Looking for
divergence and trend line breaks may also be useful.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Coppock Curve
Short Name: vt_Coppock
Label Mask: Coppock Curve (%ROC_per%,%ma1_per%,%ma2_per%) | %CC%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Coppock Curve
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: ROC_per
Display Name: ROC Periods
Type: integer
Default: 250
[New] button...
Name: ma1_per
Display Name: MA1 Periods
Type: integer
Default: 22
[New] button...
Name: ma2_per
Display Name: MA2 Periods
Type: integer
Default: 150
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: CC
Name: (CC)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
CC:= (Mov(Roc(Mov(C,ma1_per,S),ROC_per,Percent),ma2_per,E))/100;
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Coppock Curve indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Darvas Box
Darvas Box
The Darvas Box Theory was created by Nicolas Darvas and described in his first book, "How I Made $2,000,000 In
the Stock Market" (1986, Lyle Stuart Kensington Publishing, New York).
The "Darvas Box" is a very simplistic basic element of Darvas's trading methodology. Coupling this indicator with
his strict discipline, uncanny market insights, and risk management, Darvas amassed a fortune of over $2.2 million
dollars starting with an account of only $10,000. This was in 1959 and would be equivalent to over $20 million
dollars today.
One method of using the Darvas Box to signal trades is based on a simple breakout strategy of the Darvas Box
lines. If price breaks the top box, trade long; if price breaks below the bottom box, trade short.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Darvas Box
Short Name: vt_DarvasBox
Label Mask: Darvas Box (%Periods%) | Box Top: %TopBox%, Box Bottom: %BottomBox%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Darvas Box
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 100
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TopBox
Name: (Top)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: BottomBox
Name: (Bottom)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_TopBox:= If(Ref(H,-3)>=Ref(HHV(H,Periods),-4) AND Ref(H,-2)<Ref(H,-3) AND
Ref(H,-1)<Ref(H,-3) AND H<Ref(H,-3),Ref(H,-3),PREV(0));
_BottomBox:= If(Ref(H,-3)>=Ref(HHV(H,Periods),-4) AND Ref(H,-2)<Ref(H,-3) AND
Ref(H,-1)<Ref(H,-3) AND H<Ref(H,-3),LLV(L,4),PREV(0));
TopBox:= If(_TopBox<>0,_TopBox,NULL);
BottomBox:= If(_BottomBox<>0,_BottomBox,NULL);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Darvas Box indicator.
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VT Trader Help Manual
DeMark's DeMarker I
DeMark's DeMarker I
The TD DeMarker I is designed to overcome the common shortcomings of traditional overbought / oversold
indicators. The DeMarker I helps identify potential price bottoms and tops by making price comparisons from one
bar to the next and measuring the level of price demand.
The TD DeMarker I can be interpreted in many of the same ways as other overbought / oversold indicators such as
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the TD DeMarker and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the TD DeMarker; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and
lower highs in the TD DeMarker. These types of divergence are often indications of an impending reversal.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The TD DeMarker can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold
conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the TD DeMarker being greater
than or equal to the 70% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the TD DeMarker being less
than or equal to the 30% level. Trades can be generated when the TD DeMarker crosses these levels. When the
TD DeMarker crosses above 30 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the TD DeMarker crosses below 70 a sell
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
signal is given.
Support /Resistance and “Failure Swings”: The TD DeMarker shows, sometimes more clearly than price itself,
levels of support and resistance. Failure swings (a.k.a. support/resistance breakouts) occur when the TD DeMarker
surpasses a previous high (peak) or falls below a recent low (trough).
TD DeMarker / 50-level Crossover: When the TD DeMarker crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively,
when the TD DeMarker crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: DeMark's DeMarker I
Short Name: vt_TDDMI
Label Mask: DeMark's DeMarker I (%periods%) | %DeMarker%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: DeMark's DeMarker I
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: DeMarker
Name: (DeMarker I)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
highm:= if(H>Ref(H,-1),H-Ref(H,-1),0);
lowm:= if(L<Ref(L,-1),Ref(L,-1)-L,0);
DeMarker:= 100 * Sum(highm,periods) / (Sum(lowm,periods) + Sum(highm,periods));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building DeMark's DeMarker I indicator.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
DeMark's Projected Range
DeMark's Projected Range
The TD Projected Range indicator, developed by Tom Demark, attempts to identify benchmark expectations for the
next bar's potential high and low prices. The range projection is based on the relationship of the open to close
prices of the most recent period.
If the next bar opens within the projected range, you may anticipate that prices should remain within that range. If
the next bar opens above the projected high you may anticipate that the market will continue in an uptrend; if the
bar opens below the projected low you may anticipate that the market will continue in a downtrend.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: DeMark's Projected Range
Short Name: vt_TDPR
Label Mask: DeMark's Projected Range
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: DeMark's Projected Range
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PH
Name: (Projected High)
Line Color: green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: dots
[New] button...
Var Name: PL
Name: (Projected Low)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: dots
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
PH:= If((C<O),TDH1,If((C>O),TDH2,If((C=O),TDH3,0)));
PL:= If((C<O),TDL1,If((C>O),TDL2,If((C=O),TDL3,0)));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building DeMark's Projected Range indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
DeMark's Range Expansion Index (REI)
DeMark's Range Expansion Index (REI)
The TD Range Expansion Index was created by Tom DeMark and described in, "DeMark on Day Trading Options"
written by T.R. DeMark and T.R. Demark, Jr. (McGraw Hill, 1999).
The TD REI is a market-timing oscillator that attempts to overcome problems with exponentially calculated
oscillators, such as the MACD, by being arithmetically calculated.
The TD REI typically produces values of -100 to +100; Readings of +45 or higher indicates overbought conditions
while readings -45 or lower indicate oversold conditions. DeMark advises against trading in extreme overbought or
oversold conditions indicated by six or more bars above or below the 45 thresholds.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: DeMark's Range Expansion Index
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Short Name: vt_TDREI
Label Mask: DeMark's Range Expansion Index (%Periods%) | %TDREI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: DeMark's REI
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TDREI
Name: (TDREI)
Line Color: yellow-green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +45.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -45.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
HighMom:= H - Ref(H,-2);
LowMom:= L - Ref(L,-2);
(H>=Ref(L,-5) OR H>=Ref(L,-6));
(Ref(H,-2)>=Ref(C,-7) OR Ref(H,-2)>=Ref(C,-8));
(L<=Ref(H,-5) OR L<=Ref(H,-6));
(Ref(L,-2)<=Ref(C,-7) OR Ref(L,-2)<=Ref(C,-8));
TD5:= (TD1 OR TD2) AND (TD3 OR TD4);
TD6:= If(TD5,HighMom + LowMom,0);
TD7:= Abs(HighMom) + Abs(LowMom);
TDREI:= 100 * Sum(TD6,Periods) / Sum(TD7,Periods);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building DeMark's Range Expansion Index (REI) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO)
Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO)
The Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO), described in Steven Achelis' book "Technical Analysis A-Z", attempts to
eliminate the trend in prices by filtering out cycles longer than its moving average. It accomplishes this by
comparing the current price to a moving of price (n/2)+1 periods ago. By detrending prices, shorter-term cycles are
more easily identified allowing for a quicker determination of potential overbought and oversold levels.
The Detrended Price Oscillator can be used in a variety of ways:
Identifying Overbought/oversold Conditions: Identifying common overbought and oversold values based on
observation of past behavior of the DPO, trade long when the DPO crosses below and then back above the
oversold value and trade short when the DPO crosses above and then back below the overbought value.
Going with the trend: The DPO can also be used to signal long trades when the DPO crosses above the zero line
and short trades when it crosses below the zero line.
Divergence: Look for divergence between the DPO and the instrument's price; bullish divergence occurs when the
DPO makes a higher low while price makes a lower low; bearish divergence occurs when the DPO makes a lower
high while the price makes a higher high.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO)
Short Name: vt_DPO
Label Mask: Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) (%price%,%periods%) | %DPOsc%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Detrended Price Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: DPOsc
Name: (Osc)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
DPOsc:= price - Ref(mov(price,periods,S),-(periods/2+1));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Detrended Price Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Directional Movement Index
Directional Movement Index
The Directional Movement Index (DX) was developed by J. Welles Wilder and described in his book "New
Concepts In Technical Trading Systems", written in 1978. The DX consists of two parts: the Positive Directional
Index (+DI) and the Negative Directional Index (-DI). The DX's main purpose is to help identify equilibrium points in
the price movement by measuring true directional movement. The +DI line measures positive (upward) movement
while the -DI measures negative (downward) movement.
Below are a few common methods for generating trading signals using the Directional Movement Index.
+DI/-DI Crossovers: When the +DI line crosses above the -DI line a buy signal is initiated (indicating that positive
price direction is greater than negative price direction). Conversely, when the -DI line crosses above the +DI line a
sell signal is initiated (indicating that negative price direction is greater than positive price direction). When using
the DMI crossover method to generate trading signals, Wilder stresses the use of an additional "extreme point
rule". The extreme price rule states that when the +DI/-DI crossover occurs, the extreme point will become the high
or low of that bar. Before entering a trade based on the direction of the +DI/-DI crossover, the price must first break
above the high (for a buy) or break below the low (for a sell) and remain above/below those respective levels for
several bars before intiating a new trade or exiting a existing trade. The "extreme point rule" is useful in reducing
the number of whipsaws and false breakouts a trader may encounter if trading based on +DI/-DI crossovers alone.
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Technical Indicators
Directional Movement System: Wilder typically suggests to use the DX as a filter along with other indicators (such
as the ADX or ADX(R)) to create a more concrete trading methodology. Wilder suggests using the DMI as part of a
system that includes the ADX indicator. (See the Directional Movement System indicator for additional details)
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Directional Movement Index
Short Name: vt_DMI
Label Mask: Directional Movement Index (%Pr%) | +DI: %PlusDI%, -DI: %MinusDI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Directional Movement Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusDI
Name: (+DI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusDI
Name: (-DI)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1)>H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1)<L,Ref(C,-1),L);
PlusDM:= if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)>Ref(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),
PlusDI:= 100 * Wilders(PlusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
MinusDM:= if(L<Ref(L,-1) AND H<=Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L,
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)<Ref(L,-1)-L,
MinusDI:= 100 * Wilders(MinusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Directional Movement System
Directional Movement System
The Directional Movement System is a complex indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder and described in his book
"New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems", written in 1978. The Directional Movement System consists of the
ADX (or ADX(R)) and the Directional Movement Index indicators.
Through the use of the ADX (or ADX(R)) and Directional Movement Index indicators, a concrete trading
methodology can be constructed. For example, one variation of the rules for trading using the Directional
Movement System as defined by Dr. Alexander Elder in "Trading For A Living" is as follows:
Buy Entry: ADX (or ADXR) rises while +DI and ADX (or ADXR) are above -DI; or ADX (or ADXR) turns upwards
from below +DI and -DI
Buy Exit: +DI crosses below -DI; or ADX turns downwards from above +DI and -DI
Sell Entry: ADX (or ADXR) rises while - DI and ADX (or ADXR) are above +DI; or ADX (or ADXR) turns upwards
from below +DI and -DI
Sell Exit: -DI crosses below +DI; or ADX (or ADXR) turns downwards from above +DI and -DI
No trades are entered while ADX (or ADXR) is below both +DI and -DI; this indicates what's commonly referred to
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as a "lifeless" market. The longer that ADX (or ADXR) remains below the +DI and -DI the stronger the next
emerging trend will likely be. Dr. Elder also recommends waiting to enter new trades until after the ADX (or ADXR)
rises a minimum of 4 steps from its low (i.e.: if the ADX low was 16 it must rise to at least 20) indicating that that it
has clearly turned upwards from its bottom.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Directional Movement System
Short Name: vt_DMSystem
Label Mask: Directional Movement System (%Pr%,%SmPr%,%cT:ls%) | +DI: %PlusDI%,
-DI: %MinusDI%, ADX: %Final_ADX%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Directional Movement System
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: DX Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: SmPr
Display Name: ADX/ADXR Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: cT
Display Name: Display ADX or ADXR?
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: ADX
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusDI
Name: (+DI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusDI
Name: (-DI)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Final_ADX
Name: (ADX)
Line Color: dark green
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1)>H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1)<L,Ref(C,-1),L);
PlusDM:= if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>=Ref(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)>Ref(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),
PlusDI:= 100 * Wilders(PlusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
MinusDM:= if(L<Ref(L,-1) AND H<=Ref(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L,
if(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)<Ref(L,-1)-L,
MinusDI:= 100 * Wilders(MinusDM,Pr)/Wilders(Tr,Pr);
DIDif:= Abs(PlusDI-MinusDI);
DISum:= PlusDI + MinusDI;
_ADX:= 100 * Wilders(DIDif/DISum,SmPr);
_ADXR:= (_ADX + Ref(_ADX,1-SmPr)) / 2;
Final_ADX:= if(cT=0,_ADX,_ADXR);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Directional Movement System indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Donchian Channel
Donchian Channel
The Donchian Channel is a very simple trend-following indicator developed by Richard Donchian. It plots the
highest high and lowest low over the last period time intervals.
When the market is trending, signals can be derived from this indicator based on the following basic rules:
1. When price closes above the Donchian Channel, buy long and cover short positions.
2. When price closes below the Donchian Channel, sell short and liquidate long positions.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Donchian Channel
Short Name: vt_DC
Label Mask: Donchian Channel (%Pds%) | DU: %DU%, DM: %DM%, DL: %DL%
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Donchian Channel
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pds
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: DU
Name: (Donchian-Upper)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: DL
Name: (Donchian-Lower)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: DM
Name: (Donchian-Middle)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
DU:= HHV(Ref(H,-1),Pds);
DL:= LLV(Ref(L,-1),Pds);
DM:= (DU+DL)/2;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Donchian Channel indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
Developed by Patrick Mulloy and introduced in the February 1994 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks &
Commodities magazine, this trend indicator is an acronym standing for "Double Exponential Moving Average".
DEMA was designed to lessen the lag of a regular exponential moving average. It is a composite of a single
exponential MA and a double exponential MA that produces less lag than its two components individually; it is NOT
a moving average of a moving average.
The DEMA can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving Average" indicator for
additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
Short Name: vt_DEMA
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Label Mask: Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) (%pr%,%len%,%mat%) | %_Dema%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: DEMA
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: len
Display Name: MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _Dema
Name: (Dema)
Line Color: orange
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_Dema:= 2 * mov(pr,len,mat) - mov(mov(pr,len,mat),len,mat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Double Stochastic Oscillator
Double Stochastic Oscillator
The Double Stochastic Oscillator is a deviation from the Stochastic Oscillators developed by George C. Lane in the
1950's. The Double Stochastic Oscillator can be interpreted in the same manner as other Stochastic Oscillators.
Like the original Stochastic Oscillators, it is a momentum indicator designed to show the relation of the current
close price relative to the high/low range over a given number of periods using a scale of 0-100. It is based on the
assumption that in a rising market the price(s) will close near the high of the range and in a declining market the
price(s) will close near the low of the range.
The Double Stochastic Oscillator is plotted as 2 lines: %K and %D. %K is the main (fast) line and %D is the signal
(slow) line.
The Double Stochastic Oscillator is calculated by the formula:
Fast %K = ((Today's Close - Lowest Low in %K Periods) / (Highest High in %K Periods - Lowest Low in %K
Periods)) * 100
Slowing %K = N-period moving average of Fast %K
Double %K = ((Today's Slowing %K - Lowest Low Slowing %K in %K Periods) / (Highest High Slowing %K in %K
Periods - Lowest Low Slowing %K in %K Periods)) * 100
Double Slowing %K = N-period moving average of Double %K
%D = 3-period simple moving average of Double Slowing %K
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
There are three basic techniques for using the Double Stochastic Oscillator to generate trading signals.
Crossovers: 1) %K line / %D line Crossover: A buy signal occurs When the %K line crosses above the %D line and
a sell signal occurs when the %K line crosses below the %D line. 2) %K line / 50-level Crossover: When the %K
line crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the %K line crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the Double Stochastic Oscillator and price can prove to be very
effective in identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower
lows in price and higher lows in the Double Stochastic Oscillator; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence:
Higher highs in price and lower highs in the Double Stochastic Oscillator.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The Double Stochastic Oscillator can be used to identify potential overbought
and oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the Double
Stochastic Oscillator being greater than or equal to the 80% level while an oversold condition is generally described
as the Double Stochastic Oscillator being less than or equal to the 20% level. Trades can be generated when the
Double Stochastic Oscillator crosses these levels. A buy signal occurs when the Double Stochastic Oscillator
declines below 20% and then rises above that level. A sell signal occurs when the Double Stochastic Oscillator
rises above 80% and then declines below that level.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: Double Stochastic Oscillator
Short Name: vt_DoubleStochOsc
Label Mask: Double Stochastic Oscillator (%K%,%Sl%,%Mt%,%D%,%MtD%) | DSO: %DSt%,
Signal: %DStD%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Double Stochastic Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: K
Display Name: %K Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: Sl
Display Name: %K Slowing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
[New] button...
Name: Mt
Display Name: %K Slowing Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: %D Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
[New] button...
Name: MtD
Display Name: %D Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: DSt
Name: (DSO)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: DStD
Name: (DSO Signal)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
St:= Mov(((C-LLV(L,K))/(HHV(H,K)-LLV(L,K)))*100,Sl,Mt);
DSt:= Mov(((St-LLV(St,K))/(HHV(St,K)-LLV(St,K)))*100,Sl,Mt);
DStD:= Mov(DSt,D,MtD);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Double Stochastic Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Ehlers Fisher Transform
Ehlers Fisher Transform
Introduced by John Elhers, the Fisher Transform is based on the article "Using the Fisher Transform" in the
November 2002 issue of Stocks and Commodities Magazine.
It was designed to clearly define major price reversals with its rapid response time and sharp, distinct turning
points. It is based on the assumption that prices do not have a Gaussian probability density function (PDF)
(bell-shaped curve movement), but that by normalizing price and applying the Fisher Transform you could create a
nearly Gaussian PDF.
Signals can be generated with pinpoint precision, according to Ehlers, by the crossover points of the Fisher and its
signal line.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Ehlers Fisher Transform
Short Name: vt_Fisher
Label Mask: Ehlers Fisher Transform (%pr%,%prd%) | Fisher: %fisher%, Signal:
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Ehlers Fisher Transform
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: prd
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: fisher
Name: (Fisher)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: signal
Name: (Signal Line)
Line Color: yellow
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
maxh:= HHV(pr,prd);
minl:= LLV(pr,prd);
val1:= 0.33 * 2 * ((pr-minl)/(maxh-minl)-0.5) + 0.67 * PREV(0);
val2:= If(val1>0.99,0.999,If(val1<-0.99,-0.999,val1));
fisher:= 0.5 * Log((1+val2)/(1-val2)) + 0.5 * PREV(0);
signal:= ref(fisher,-1);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Ehlers Fisher Transform indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index
Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index
The Laguerre Relative Strength Index was introduced by John Ehlers in his book "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks
and Futures". It uses a 4-Element Laguerre filter to provide a "time warp" such that the low frequency components
are delayed much more than the high frequency components. This enables much smoother filters to be created
using shorter amounts of data.
A typical use of the Laguerre RSI is to buy after it crosses back over the 20% level and sell after it crosses back
down through the 80% level.
This implementation of the Laguerre RSI has been normalized to a scale of 0-100 rather than the original 0-1 scale.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index
Short Name: vt_LgRSI
Label Mask: Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index (%prc%,%df%) | %LRSI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Ehlers Laguerre RSI
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: df
Display Name: Damping Factor
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.5000
Min Bounds: 0.5000
Max Bounds: 0.8500
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: LRSI
Name: (LRSI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
g:= df;
L0:= ((1-g)*prc) + (g*PREV(0));
L1:= (-g*L0) + Ref(L0,-1) + (g*PREV(0));
L2:= (-g*L1) + Ref(L1,-1) + (g*PREV(0));
L3:= (-g*L2) + Ref(L2,-1) + (g*PREV(0));
cu:= If(L0>L1, L0-L1,0) + If(L1>L2, L1-L2,0) + If(L2>L3, L2-L3,0);
cd:= If(L0<L1, L1-L0,0) + If(L1<L2, L2-L1,0) + If(L2<L3, L3-L2,0);
temp:= If(cu+cd=0,-1,cu+cd);
LRSI:= If(temp=-1,0,100*cu/temp);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index indicator.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA)
Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA)
Excerpted from the article entitled "Mesa Adaptive Moving Averages" by John F. Ehlers in the Sept. 2001 edition of
Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine…
“The MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA) adapts to price movement based on the rate of change of phase as
measured by the Hilbert Transform Discriminator (Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine,
December 2000). This method features a fast attack average and a slow decay average so that composite average
rapidly ratchets behind price changes and holds the average value until the next ratchet occurs.”
For a more detailed description of the MESA Adaptive Moving Average, please refer to the aforementioned article.
Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the
"Moving Average" indicator for additional details.
Additionally, the crossing of the MAMA and FAMA lines can be used to generate Buy and Sell signals. When the
MAMA crosses above the FAMA a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the MAMA crosses below the FAMA a
sell signal is given.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA)
Short Name: vt_MESA
Label Mask: MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA and FAMA) (%Price%, %FastLimit%,
%SlowLimit%) | MAMA: %_MAMA%, FAMA: %_FAMA%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: MESA Adaptive MA
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
Name: FastLimit
Display Name: Fast Limit
Type: float
Default: 0.5000
[New] button...
Name: SlowLimit
Display Name: Slow Limit
Type: float
Default: 0.0500
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _MAMA
Name: (MAMA)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: _FAMA
Name: (FAMA)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_MAMA:= Mama(Price,FastLimit,SlowLimit);
_FAMA:= Fama(Price,FastLimit,SlowLimit);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Ehlers MESA Adaptive Moving Average indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Ehlers Relative Vigor Index (RVI)
Ehlers Relative Vigor Index (RVI)
The Relative Vigor Index (RVI) was described in the January 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities magazine in an article titled, "Something Old, Something New - Relative Vigor Index (RVI)" by John
Ehlers. The RVI merges the older concepts of technical analysis with modern digital signal processing theory and
filters to create a practical and useful indicator.
The basic principle behind the RVI is simple - prices tend to close higher than they open in up-trending markets
and close lower than they open in down-trending markets. The energy (vigor) of the move is thereby established by
where the prices end up at the close. The RVI is essentially based on the measure of the average difference
between the close and open, normalized to the average daily trading range. The end result is a responsive
oscillator with crisp turning points that is basically in phase with the cyclic component of market prices.
The Relative Vigor Index is a unique indicator. The basic method of interpreting the RVI is to use the crossovers of
the RVI and the RVI Signal Line. A buy signal occurs when the RVI crosses above the RVI Signal Line and a sell
signal occurs when the RVI crosses below the RVI Signal Line.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Ehlers Relative Vigor Index
Short Name: vt_RVI
Label Mask: Ehlers Relative Vigor Index (%periods%) | RVI: %_rvi%, Signal:
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Relative Vigor Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _rvi
Name: (RVI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: _rvisig
Name: (RVI Signal Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
value1:= ((C-O)+(2*Ref(C-O,-1))+(2*Ref(C-O,-2))+Ref(C-O,-3))/6;
value2:= ((H-L)+(2*Ref(H-L,-1))+(2*Ref(H-L,-2))+Ref(H-L,-3))/6;
{Avoid Divide By Zero Error}
denom:= If(Sum(value2,periods)=0,0.0001,Sum(value2,periods));
{Plot Indicator to Chart}
_rvi:= Sum(value1,periods)/denom;
_rvisig:= (_rvi+Ref(2*_rvi,-1)+Ref(2*_rvi,-2)+Ref(_rvi,-3))/6;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Ehlers Relative Vigor Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Elliot Oscillator
Elliot Oscillator
Elliot Wave Theory is named after Ralph Nelson Elliot. It was inspired by the Dow Theory and by observations
found throughout nature; Fibonacci numbers provide the mathematical foundation. Each of the cycles defined by
Elliot are compromised of a total wave count that falls within the Fibonacci number sequence. From this
information, Elliot concluded that the movements of the financial markets could be predicted by identifying this
naturally repetitive series of waves.
After Elliot's passing, much research and advancement was done on Elliot Wave Theory during the 1950's - 1970's
by Hamilton Bolton, Robert Prechter, and A.J. Frost. However, the basic concepts of Elliot Wave Theory are
outlined below:
· Action is followed by reaction
· The basic Elliot Wave pattern consists of 8 waves which are often labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a, b, c
· There are 5 waves in the direction of the main trend followed by 3 corrective waves (a.k.a. "5-3" count);
Waves 1, 3, and 5 are called "impulse" waves while waves 2 and 4 are called "corrective" waves; Waves 1-5
can be either up or down; Waves a, b, and c correct the main trend and always travel in the oppisite direction
of waves 1 - 5.
· A 5-3 count completes a cycle; this completed count then becomes 2 subdivisions of the next higher 5-3
wave; The cycles are as follows: The largest wave count is called the Grand Supercycle which consists of
Supercycles which consist of Cycles. This process continues into Primary, Intermediate, Minute, Minuette,
and Sub-minuette wave cycles.
· The underlying 5-3 pattern remains constant, but the time frame required to complete the pattern may vary
However, there is an inherent weakness of the Elliott Wave Theory - its predictive nature is very dependent on an
accurate wave count. Determining where one wave starts and another wave ends can be extremely subjective.
Enter the Elliot Oscillator indicator.
In an effort to keep better track of the complicated and very subjective Elliot Wave counts the Elliot Oscillator
measures the Rate of change of one wave compared to the Rate of Change of another wave.
The Elliot Oscillator is simply the difference of a 5-periods simple moving average and a 34-periods simple moving
average displayed as a histogram that oscillates above/below a zero line.
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The most important Elliot Oscillator concepts are:
· The highest/lowest value of the oscillator identifies a potential bullish/bearish wave 3
· Wave 4 almost always pulls back to or crosses over the zero line in the opposite direction of the main trend
· Wave 5 usually makes a new high or low price for the swing, but often diverges from the Elliot Oscillator; if
Wave 5 makes a new high/low price, but doesn't diverge from the indicator, alternate analysis may conclude
that the wave was not wave 5, but instead an extended wave 3.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Elliot Oscillator
Short Name: vt_ElliotOsc
Label Mask: Elliot Oscillator (%Price%,%ShortMA%,%LongMA%,%Mat%) | %EllOsc%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Elliot Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Median Price
[New] button...
Name: ShortMA
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
[New] button...
Name: LongMA
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 34
[New] button...
Name: Mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: EllOsc
Name: (EO)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
EllOsc:= Mov(Price,ShortMA,Mat)-Mov(Price,LongMA,Mat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Elliot Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Gann HiLo Activator
Gann HiLo Activator
The Gann HiLo Activator was first introduced by Robert Krausz in the Feb. 1998 issue of Stocks & Commodities
Magazine. Further information about this indicator was gathered from Robert Krausz's Fibonacci Trader Journal
(Volume 1, Issue 2).
The Gann HiLo Activator is basically a simple moving average of the previous 3 periods' highs or lows plotted
based in relation to the HiLo Activator. When price is above the HiLo Activator it can be used as a buy stop (uses
the previous period’s lows for calculations) and when price is below the HiLo Activator it can be used as a sell stop
(using the previous period’s highs for calculation).
The Gann HiLo Activator is meant to be used in conjunction with the Gann Swing and Gann Trend indicators to
form a trading system methodology commonly referred to as the "New Gann Swing Chartist Plan". Within this
methodology the Gann HiLo Activator can be used as an entry trigger and stoploss point.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Gann HiLo Activator
Short Name: vt_GannHiLo
Label Mask: Gann HiLo Activator (%Lb%) | %HiLo%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Gann HiLo Activator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Lb
Display Name: Lookback Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: HiLo
Name: (HiLo)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Gann HiLo Activator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Gann Swing Oscillator
Gann Swing Oscillator
The Gann Swing Oscillator has been adapted from Robert Krausz's book, "A W.D. Gann Treasure Discovered".
The Gann Swing Oscillator helps define market swings. A market swing up is defined by 2 higher highs while a
market swing low is defined by 2 lower lows. An up-swing is indicated by a +1 value of the oscillator while a
down-swing is indicated by a -1 value.
The Gann Swing Oscillator is meant to be used in conjunction with the Gann HiLo Activator and Gann Trend
indicators to form a trading system methodology commonly referred to as the "New Gann Swing Chartist Plan".
Within this methodology the Gann Swing Oscillator is used to help determine market direction for trading only with
the current market trend.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Gann Swing Oscillator
Short Name: vt_GannSwing
Label Mask: Gann Swing Oscillator | %TD1%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Gann Swing Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TD1
Name: (Osc)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Market swing is defined as: Up = 2 higher highs, Down = 2 lower lows}
Us:= BarsSince(Sum(H>Ref(H,-1),2)=2);
Ds:= BarsSince(Sum(L<Ref(L,-1),2)=2);
Hc:= HighestSince(1,Us=0,H);
Lc:= LowestSince(1,Ds=0,L);
Sd1:= If(Us=0, If((L<>Lc) AND (Ref(L,-1)<>Lc), 1, 0), If(Ds=0, If((H<>HC) AND
(Ref(H,-1)<>Hc), -1, 0), 0));
Sd2:= If(Sd1=1,If(Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=1),-1) > Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=-1),-1), 1, 0),
If(Sd1=-1, If(Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=1),-1) < Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=-1),-1), -1, 0), 0));
TD1:= ValueWhen(1,Sd2<>0,Sd2);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Gann Swing Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Gann Trend Oscillator
Gann Trend Oscillator
The Gann Trend Oscillator has been adapted from Robert Krausz's book, "A W.D. Gann Treasure Discovered".
The Gann Trend Oscillator helps define overall market trend direction. An up-trending market is defined by a +1
value of the oscillator while a down-trending market is indicated by a -1 value.
The Gann Trend Oscillator is meant to be used in conjunction with the Gann HiLo Activator and Gann Swing
indicators to form a trading system methodology commonly referred to as the "New Gann Swing Chartist Plan".
Within this methodology the Gann Trend Oscillator is used to determine the overall trend direction of the market.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Gann Trend Oscillator
Short Name: vt_GannTrend
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Label Mask: Gann Trend Oscillator | %Tdv%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Gann Trend Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Tdv
Name: (Osc)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Market swing is defined as: Up = 2 higher highs, Down = 2 lower lows}
Us:= BarsSince(Sum(H>Ref(H,-1),2)=2);
Ds:= BarsSince(Sum(L<Ref(L,-1),2)=2);
Hc:= HighestSince(1,Us=0,H);
Lc:= LowestSince(1,Ds=0,L);
Sd1:= If(Us=0, If((L<>Lc) AND (Ref(L,-1)<>Lc), 1, 0), If(Ds=0, If((H<>HC) AND
(Ref(H,-1)<>Hc), -1, 0), 0));
Sd2:= If(Sd1=1,If(Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=1),-1) > Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=-1),-1), 1, 0),
If(Sd1=-1, If(Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=1),-1) < Ref(BarsSince(Sd1=-1),-1), -1, 0), 0));
TD1:= ValueWhen(1,Sd2<>0,Sd2);
{Swing Direction}
Sd:= TD1;
{Swing Change High}
Sch:= If(Sd=1 AND Ref(sd,-1)=-1, 1, 0);
{Swing Change Low}
Scl:= If(Sd=-1 AND Ref(Sd,-1)=1, 1, 0);
{Peak Value}
Pv:= If(Scl=1, HighestSince(1,Sch=1,H), 0);
{Trough Value}
Tv:= If(Sch=1, LowestSince(1,Scl=1,L), 0);
{Trend Direction}
Td:= If(H>ValueWhen(1,Pv>0,Pv), 1, If(L<ValueWhen(1,Tv>0,Tv), -1, 0));
{UpTrend=1 | DownTrend =-1}
Tdv:= ValueWhen(1,Td<>0,Td);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Gann Trend Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Hull Moving Average (HMA)
Hull Moving Average (HMA)
The Hull Moving Average (HMA), developed by Alan Hull, is an extremely fast and smooth moving average. In fact,
the HMA almost eliminates lag altogether and manages to improve smoothing at the same time.
The Hull Moving Average can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving
Average" indicator for additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Hull Moving Average
Short Name: vt_HMA
Label Mask: Hull Moving Average (%price%,%length%,%method%) | %HMA%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Hull Moving Average
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: length
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: method
Display Name: Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Weighted
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: HMA
Name: (HMA)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
halvedLength:= if((ceiling(length/2) - (length/2) <= 0.5), ceiling(length/2),
sqrRootLength:= if((ceiling(sqrt(length)) - sqrt(length) <= 0.5),
ceiling(sqrt(length)), floor(sqrt(length)));
Value1:= 2 * mov(price,halvedLength,method);
Value2:= mov(price,length,method);
HMA:= mov((Value1-Value2),sqrRootLength,method);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Hull Moving Average indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Ichimoku Kinko Huo
Ichimoku Kinko Huo
The Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Japanese charting technique was developed before World War II by a Japanese
newspaper writer with the pen name of Ichimoku Sanjin. The word Ichimoku can be translated to mean "a glance"
or "one look". Kinko translates into "equilibrium" or "balance", and Hyo is the Japanese word for "chart". Thus,
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo simply means, "a glance at an equilibrium chart". Ichimoku charts attempt to identify the
probably direction of price and help the trader to determine the most suitable times to enter and/or exit the market.
The Ichimoku chart consists of five lines constructed using only the midpoints of previous highs and lows. The five
lines are calculated as follows:
1) Tenkan-Sen = Conversion Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past 9 periods
2) Kijun-Sen = Base Line = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past 26 periods
3) Chikou Span = Lagging Span = Today's closing price plotted 26 periods behind
4) Senkou Span A = Leading Span A = (Tenkan-Sen + Kijun-Sen) / 2, plotted 26 periods ahead
5) Senkou Span B = Leading Span B = (Highest High + Lowest Low) / 2, for the past 52 periods, plotted 26 periods
The Kumo (or clouds) is the area between Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B.
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A bullish signal is issued when the Tenkan-Sen crosses the Kijun-Sen from below. A bearish signal is issued when
the Tenkan-Sen crosses the Kijun-Sen from above. However, there are different levels of strength for the buy and
sell signals of an Ichimoku chart.
If a bullish crossover signal occurs above the Kumo (or clouds), it is considered a very strong buy signal. In
contrast, a bearish crossover signal that occurs below the Kumo is considered a very strong sell signal.
If a bullish or bearish crossover signal takes place within the Kumo (or clouds) it's considered an average or
medium strength buy or sell signal.
A bullish crossover that occurs below the Kumo (or clouds) is considered a weak buy signal while a bearish
crossover that occurs above the Kumo is considered a weak sell signal.
Additionally, support and resistance levels can be predicted by the presence of Kumo (or clouds). The Kumo can
also be used to help identify the prevailing trend of the market. If the price is above the Kumo, the prevailing trend
is said to be up; if the price is below the Kumo, the prevailing trend is said to be down.
Lastly, the Chikou Span (or Lagging Span) can also be used to determine the strength of the buy or sell signal. If
the Chikou Span is below the closing price for 26 periods ago and a sell signal is issued, then the strength is to the
downside, otherwise it is considered a weak sell signal. Conversely, if there is a buy signal and the Chikou Span is
above the price for 26 periods ago, then the strength is to the upside, otherwise it can be considered a weak buy
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Ichimoku Kinko Huo
Short Name: vt_Ichimoku
Label Mask: Ichimoku Kinko Huo (%TSpr%,%KSPr%,%SSBPr%) | TS: %TS%, KS: %KS%, SSA:
%SSA%, SSB: %SSB%, CS: %CS%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Ichimoku Kinko Huo
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: TSpr
Display Name: Tenkan-Sen
Type: integer
Default: 9
[New] button...
Name: KSPr
Display Name: Kijun-Sen
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 26
Min Bounds: 0
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: SSBPr
Display Name: Senkou Span B
Type: integer
Default: 52
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: SSA
Name: (Senkou Span A)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SSB
Name: (Senkou Span B)
Line Color: black
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: TS
Name: (Tenkan-Sen)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: KS
Name: (Kijun-Sen)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: CS
Name: (Chinkou Span)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: KumoUp
Name: (Kumo Up)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Kumo_Up
Name: (Kumo Up)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: KumoDown
Name: (Kumo Down)
Line Color: pink
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Kumo_Down
Name: (Kumo Down)
Line Color: pink
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TS:= (HHV(H,TSpr)+LLV(L,TSpr))/2;
KS:= (HHV(H,KSPr)+LLV(L,KSPr))/2;
{Senkou Span A}
SSA:= Ref((ts+ks)/2,-(KSPr-1));
{Senkou Span B}
SSB:= Ref((HHV(H,SSBPr)+LLV(L,SSBPr))/2,-(KSPr-1));
{Chinkou Span}
CS:= Ref(C,(KSPr-1));
{Paint the Clouds}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Ichimoku Kinko Huo indicator.
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VT Trader Help Manual
The Inertia indicator was developed by Donald Dorsey and first appeared in the September 1995 issue of
Technical Analysis of Stocks &Commodities magazine.
Dorsey chose the name "Inertia" because of his interpretation of a trend. He claimed that a trend is the outward
result of inertia; thus it takes more energy for a market to reverse direction than to continue in the same direction.
Therefore, a trend is a measurement of market inertia.
In physics, Inertia is defined in terms of mass and direction of motion. Using standard technical analysis, the
direction of motion is easily defined. However, mass is not so easily defined. Dorsey claimed that volatility may be
the simplest and most accurate measurement of inertia. This theory led him to use the Relative Volatility Index
(RVI) as the basis for a trend indicator. Inertia is a RVI smoothed by a linear regression indicator.
The Inertia indicator is relatively simple to interpret. If the Inertia indicator is above 50, positive inertia is indicated
thereby defining the long-term trend as up while the indicator remains above 50. If the Inertia indicator is below 50,
negative inertia is indicated thereby defining the long-term trend is down while the indicator remains below 50.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Inertia
Short Name: vt_Inertia
Label Mask: Inertia (%periods%,%mt%) | %_Inertia%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Inertia
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: mt
Display Name: Smoothing Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _Inertia
Name: (Inertia)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_Inertia:= Mov(((100 * Mov(If(H>Ref(H,-1),Stdev(H,10),0),14,E) /
(Mov(If(H>Ref(H,-1),Stdev(H,10),0),14,E) +
Mov(If(H<Ref(H,-1),Stdev(H,10),0),14,E)) +
100 * Mov(If(L>Ref(L,-1),Stdev(L,10),0),14,E) /
(Mov(If(L>Ref(L,-1),Stdev(L,10),0),14,E) +
Mov(If(L<Ref(L,-1),Stdev(L,10),0),14,E))) / 2),periods,mt);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Inertia indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Kase CD
Kase CD
The Kase CD is the derivative of the Kase Peak Oscillator. It is calculated in much the same way as the MACD
histogram is calculated from a moving average oscillator. That is, it is the difference between the Kase Peak
Oscillator and the average of the Kase Peak Oscillator. However, because its basis is statistical, it generates
cleaner crossover signals and more reliable divergences.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Kase CD
Short Name: vt_KaseCD
Label Mask: Kase CD (%Per1%) | KCD-Green: %Green%, KCD-Red: %Red%, LN: %LN%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Kase CD
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Per1
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 8
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: LN
Name: (LN)
Line Color: yellow
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Red
Name: (Red KCD Histogram)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: Green
Name: (Green KCD Histogram)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Pk:= Mov(Mov((RWH-RWL),3,W),3,S);
KCD:= PK-Mov(PK,8,S);
MN:= Mov(KCD,Per1,S);
SD:= Stdev(KCD,Per1);
Val1:= If(MN+(1.33*SD)>2.08,MN+(1.33*SD),2.08);
Val2:= If(MN-(1.33*SD)<-1.92,MN-(1.33*SD),-1.92);
LN:= If(Ref(KCD,-1)>=0 AND KCD>0,Val1,If(Ref(KCD,-1)<=0 AND KCD<0,Val2,0));
Red:= If(Ref(KCD,-1)>KCD,KCD,0);
Green:= If(KCD>Ref(KCD,-1),KCD,0);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Kase CD indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Kase DevStop II
Kase DevStop II
The Kase DevStop indicator is described in Cynthia Kase's "Trading with the Odds". The KDS calculates an
average range and 3 standard deviations of the range.
The DevStop is used to determine realistic exit points for trades based on volatility, the variance of volatility, and
volatility skew. The 4 lines are defined as a Warning Line and Standard Deviations of 1, 2 and 3. This allows
traders to take profit or cut losses at levels at which the probability of a trade remaining profitable is low, without
taking more of a loss or cutting profits any sooner than necessary.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Kase DevStop II
Short Name: vt_KaseDS
Label Mask: Kase DevStop II (%Per1%) | Warning: %Val1%, 1 StDev: %Val2%, 2
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
StDevs: %Val3%, 3 StDevs: %Val4%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Kase DevStop II
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Per1
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 30
Min Bounds: 2
Max Bounds: 100
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Val1
Name: (Warning Line)
Line Color: yellow
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Val2
Name: (1 Deviation)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Val3
Name: (2 Deviations)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: (3 Deviations)
Name: Val4
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
AVTR:=Mov(HHV(H,2) - LLV(L,2),20, S);
SD:=Stdev(HHV(H,2) - LLV(L,2),20);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Kase DevStop II indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Kase Peak Oscillator
Kase Peak Oscillator
The Kase Peak Oscillator is used similarly to traditional oscillators, but is derived from a statistical evaluation of
trend that evaluates over 50 different trend lengths. It is capable of automatically adapting for cycle length and
volatility changes.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Kase Peak Oscillator
Short Name: vt_KasePO
Label Mask: Kase Peak Oscillator (%Per1%) | KPO-Green: %Green%, KPO-Red: %Red%,
LN: %LN%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Kase Peak Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: Per1
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 30
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: LN
Name: (LN)
Line Color: yellow
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Red
Name: (Red KPO Histogram)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: Green
Name: (Green KPO Histogram)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
RWH:= (H-Ref(L,-Per1))/(ATR(Per1)*Sqrt(Per1));
RWL:= (Ref(H,-Per1)-L)/(ATR(Per1)*Sqrt(Per1));
Pk:= Mov((RWH-RWL),3,W);
MN:= Mov(Pk,Per1,S);
SD:= Stdev(Pk,Per1);
Val1:= If(MN+(1.33*SD)>2.08,MN+(1.33*SD),2.08);
Val2:= If(MN-(1.33*SD)<-1.92,MN-(1.33*SD),-1.92);
LN:= If(Ref(Pk,-1)>=0 AND Pk>0,Val1,If(Ref(Pk,-1)<=0 AND Pk<0,Val2,0));
Red:= If(Ref(Pk,-1)>Pk,Pk,0);
Green:= If(Pk>Ref(Pk,-1),Pk,0);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Kase Peak Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
Developed by Perry Kaufman, this indicator is a moving average that automatically adjusts its speed based on
market volatility.
The KAMA can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving Average" indicator for
additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
Short Name: vt_KAMA
Label Mask: Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) (%Pr%,%periods%, Fast:
%fsp%, Slow: %ssp%) | %Kama%
Placement: Price Frame
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Inspect Alias: Kaufman's KAMA
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Close
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: fsp
Display Name: Fast Smoothing Constant
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 2
Min Bounds: 2
Max Bounds: 300
[New] button...
Name: ssp
Display Name: Slow Smoothing Constant
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 30
Min Bounds: 2
Max Bounds: 300
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Kama
Name: (Kama)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Direction:= Pr - ref(Pr,-periods);
Volatility:= sum(abs(roc(Pr,1,Points)),periods);
Volatility:= if(Volatility>0, Volatility, 0.0001);
ER:= abs(Direction/Volatility);
FastSC:= 2/(fsp + 1);
SlowSC:= 2/(ssp + 1);
SSC:= ER * (FastSC - SlowSC) + SlowSC;
Constant:= power(SSC,2);
Kama:= If(BarCount()<=periods, Pr, PREV(0) + constant * (Pr - PREV(0)));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Keltner Bands (Based on ATR)
Keltner Bands (Based on ATR)
Originally developed by Chester W. Keltner and first introduced in his 1960 book "How to Make Money in
Commodities", Keltner Channels help identify market trends using a rather simple volatility channel. The original
Keltner Channels formulas were later modified by Linda B. Raschke. To differentiate Raschke's modified indicator
from the original Keltner Channels, VT Trader refers it as Keltner ATR Bands.
Raschke replaced the original price-range simple moving average channels with bands based on an average true
range (ATR) measure of volatility. Raschke's modified Keltner Channels (Bands) are similar to Bollinger Bands
except that Bollinger Bands use a standard deviation method to determine volatility.
The Keltner Bands indicator is an n-period exponential moving average of the closing price. The bands are created
by adding (for the upper band) and subtracting (for the lower band) an (n-period simple moving average of an
n-period ATR) * an ATR multiplier.
The modified Keltner ATR Bands can be traded in much the same methods as Bollinger Bands.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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· When prices move outside the bands a continuation of the current trend is implied
· Bottoms and tops made outside the bands followed by bottoms and tops made inside the bands call for
reversals in the trend
· A move that originates at one band tends to go all the way to the other band
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Keltner Bands (Based on ATR)
Short Name: vt_KeltnerBandsATR
Label Mask: Keltner Bands (Based on ATR) (%Pds1%,%Pds2%,%Mult%) | EMA: %MidKB%,
Upper Band: %UpperKB%, Lower Band: %LowerKB%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Keltner ATR Bands
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pds1
Display Name: EMA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: Pds2
Display Name: ATR Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: Mult
Display Name: ATR Multiple
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 2.5000
Min Bounds: 1.0000
Max Bounds:= 10.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MidKB
Name: (Middle EMA)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperKB
Name: (Upper Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerKB
Name: (Lower Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TH:= if(Ref(C,-1) > H,Ref(C,-1),H);
TL:= if(Ref(C,-1) < L,Ref(C,-1),L);
MidKB:= Mov(C,pds1,E);
Diff:= Mov(TR,Pds2,S)*Mult;
UpperKB:= Mov(C,pds1,E)+Diff;
LowerKB:= Mov(C,pds1,E)-Diff;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Keltner ATR Bands indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Keltner Channels
Keltner Channels
Originally developed by Chester W. Keltner and first introduced in his 1960 book "How to Make Money in
Commodities", Keltner Channels help identify market trends using a rather simple volatility channel.
Keltner Channels consist of a middle moving average and two channel lines. The middle line of the Keltner
Channels indicator is an n-period simple moving average of typical price. The channel lines are created by adding
(for the upper channel line) and subtracting (for the lower channel line) an n-period simple moving average of the
High/Low range.
Keltner’s trading strategy regards price breaking above the upper channel line as a strong bullish (buy) signal.
Conversely, price breaking below the lower channel line is considered a strong bearish (sell) signal.
It’s also mentioned that sometimes other confirming indicators such as the RSI or MACD should be used along
with Keltner’s own “Minor Trend Rule”.
The “Minor Trend Rule” is a method for using the daily trend as a trading guide. Comparing today’s prices with
yesterday’s prices, Keltner defines a downtrend by an absence of new highs and an uptrend by the failure of price
to make new lows. Essentially, the “Minor Trend Rule” is a simple breakout method that buys on new highs (today’s
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
high > yesterday’s high) and sells on new lows (today’s low is < yesterday’s low).
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Keltner Channels
Short Name: vt_KeltnerChannels
Label Mask: Keltner Channels (%Pr%) | SMA: %MidKC%, Upper Channel: %UpperKC%,
Lower Channel: %LowerKC%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Keltner Channels
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: SMA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MidKB
Name: (Middle SMA)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperKB
Name: (Upper Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerKB
Name: (Lower Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MidKC:= Mov(TP(),Pr,S);
UpperKC:= MidKC + Mov((H-L),Pr,S);
LowerKC:= MidKC - Mov((H-L),Pr,S);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Keltner Channels indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Linear Regression Acceleration
Linear Regression Acceleration
The Linear Regression Acceleration indicator calculates the change in the regression line's normalized slope on
the current bar from its normalized slope from the previous bar. The normalized acceleration value is then plotted
for each bar loaded in the chart.
The Linear Regression Acceleration indicator calculates the change in normalized slope of the regression line from
one bar to the next for each bar loaded in the chart. (See the Linear Regression Slope indicator for additional
details about regression slope)
If the normalized acceleration is 0.20, then the regression line's normalized slope is rising at a rate of 0.20 per bar.
Similarly, a normalized slope of -0.55 would indicate that the regression line's normalized slope is declining at the
rate o 0.55 per bar. For example, if the current bar's normalized slope value is 0.45 and the previous bar's
normalized slope value is 0.37, then the normalized acceleration of the current bar would be calculated as 0.45 0.37 = 0.08.
PLEASE NOTE: It's important to understand that a positive acceleration value does not equate to a positive slope
value; it simply means the slope is increasing. A negative acceleration value does not equate to a negative slope
value; it simply means the slope is decreasing.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
The Linear Regression Acceleration indicator allows for price selection, regression periods, smoothing of RAW
price before applying the regression and selection of smoothing type. The resulting regression slope indicator is
displayed as a bi-color histogram that oscillates above and below 0. A reference line is set at the 0 level. A rising
slope (greater than its previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the UpSlope color, while a declining slope (lower
than its previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the DownSlope color.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Linear Regression Acceleration
Short Name: vt_LinRegAccel
Label Mask: Linear Regression Acceleration (%RegPeriods%,%Price%, Pre-Smoothing:
%SmoothPeriods%, %SmoothType%) | %PlusAcceleration%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Linear Regression Acceleration
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: RegPeriods
Display Name: Regression Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Regression Price
Type: Price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: SmoothPeriods
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing Price Periods
Type: integer
Default: 1
[New] button...
Name: SmoothType
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusAcceleration
Name: (Plus Acceleration)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusAcceleration
Name: (Minus Acceleration)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
SmoothData:= mov(Price,SmoothPeriods,SmoothType);
Slope:= (linregslope(smoothdata,RegPeriods))*100/Price;
Acceleration:= Slope - ref(Slope,-1);
MinusAcceleration:= if(Acceleration<ref(Acceleration,-1),Acceleration,null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Linear Regression Acceleration indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Linear Regression Indicator
Linear Regression Indicator
The Linear Regression Indicator plots the trend of a market instrument's price over a specified length of time. The
trend is determined by calculating a Linear Regression Trend Line using the "least squares fit" method. This
method helps to minimum distance between the data points and a Linear Regression Trend Line.
Unlike the straight Linear Regression Trend Line, the Linear Regression indicator plots the ending values of
multiple Linear Regression trend lines. Any point along the Linear Regression Indicator will be equal to the ending
value of a Linear Regression Trend line, but the result looks like a Moving Average.
However, unlike a Moving Average, the Linear Regression Indicator does not exhibit as much delay since it is fitting
a line to data points rather than averaging them. The Linear Regression Indicator is actually a forecast of the
tomorrow's price plotted today. When prices are persistently higher or lower than the forecasted price, expect them
to quickly return to more realistic levels. In other words, the Linear Regression Indicator shows where prices
"should" be trading on a statistical basis and any excessive deviation from the regression line is likely to be
The Linear Regression Indicator can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving
Average" indicator for additional details.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The Linear Regression Indicator allows for price selection, regression periods, smoothing of RAW price before
applying the regression and selection of smoothing type. It's presented as a bi-color indicator. A rising regression
line (greater than its previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the UpLine color, while a declining line (lower than its
previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the DownLine color.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Linear Regression Indicator
Short Name: vt_LinReg
Label Mask: Linear Regression Indicator (%RegPeriods%,%Price%, Pre-Smoothing:
%SmoothPeriods%, %SmoothType%) | %UpLine%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Linear Regression Indicator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: RegPeriods
Display Name: Regression Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: Price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: SmoothPeriods
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing Price Periods
Type: integer
Default: 1
[New] button...
Name: SmoothType
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UpLine
Name: (Upward Line)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: DownLine
Name: (Downward Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
SmoothData:= mov(Price,SmoothPeriods,SmoothType);
Line:= linreg(SmoothData,RegPeriods);
UpLine:= if(Line>=ref(Line,-1),Line,Line);
DownLine:= if(Line<ref(Line,-1),Line,null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Linear Regression Indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Linear Regression Slope
Linear Regression Slope
The Linear Regression Slope indicator calculates the slope value of theoretical regression lines which involve that
bar and the previous n-1 bars (n = regression periods) for each bar loaded in the chart. (See the Linear Regression
Indicator for additional details about regression lines). The slope values are then normalized by multiplying the raw
slope values by 100 and then dividing by the price (raw slope * 100 / price).
The normalization of the slope values is important when comparing markets that trade within different price ranges.
The normalized slope value basically shows the percent change in price per bar of the regression (best fit) line. If
the normalized slope is 0.20, then the regression line is rising at a rate of 0.20% per bar. Similarly, a normalized
slope of -0.55 would indicate that the regression line is declining at the rate o 0.55% per bar.
The Linear Regression Slope indicator allows for price selection, regression periods, smoothing of RAW price
before applying the regression and selection of smoothing type. The resulting regression slope indicator is
displayed as a bi-color histogram that oscillates above and below 0. A reference line is set at the 0 level. A rising
slope (greater than its previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the UpSlope color, while a declining slope (lower
than its previous value 1 bar ago) is displayed in the DownSlope color.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Linear Regression Slope
Short Name: vt_LinRegSlope
Label Mask: Linear Regression Slope (%RegPeriods%,%Price%, Pre-Smoothing:
%SmoothPeriods%, %SmoothType%) | %UpSlope%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Linear Regression Slope
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: RegPeriods
Display Name: Regression Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Regression Price
Type: Price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: SmoothPeriods
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing Price Periods
Type: integer
Default: 1
[New] button...
Name: SmoothType
Display Name: Pre-Smoothing MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UpSlope
Name: (Upward Slope)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: DownSlope
Name: (Downward Slope)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
SmoothData:= mov(Price,SmoothPeriods,SmoothType);
Slope:= (linregslope(smoothdata,RegPeriods))*100/Price;
UpSlope:= if(Slope>=ref(Slope,-1),Slope,Slope);
DownSlope:= if(Slope<ref(Slope,-1),Slope,null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Linear Regression Slope indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
Developed by Gerald Appel, publisher of "Systems & Forecasts", the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
(MACD) indicator is one of the simplest, most reliable, and most commonly used indicators available. The MACD is
a momentum oscillator with some trend-following characteristics.
The most popular construction of the MACD first calculates the difference between two moving averages and plots
that as the "Fast" line; A second "Signal" (trigger) line is then calculated from the resulting "Fast" line and plotted in
the same frame as the "Fast" line. The "standard" MACD values for the "Fast" line are a 12-period exponential
moving average and a 26-period exponential moving average and a 9-period exponential moving average for the
"Signal" line.
The MACD is widely used as a trend-following indicator and tends to work most effectively when measuring
wide-swinging market movements. There are three basic techniques for using the MACD to generate trading
Crossovers: 1) Fast line/Signal line Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the Fast line crosses above the Signal
line and a sell signal occurs when the Fast line crosses below the Signal line. 2) Fast line / Zero-Level Crossover:
When the Fast line crosses above zero a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the Fast line crosses below zero a
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the MACD and price can prove to be very effective in identifying
potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of divergences:
Classic Divergence (aka: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the MACD
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the MACD
Hidden Divergence (aka: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in MACD and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in MACD and lower highs in price
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The MACD can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions
in price movements. These conditions are generated by comparing the distance between the shorter moving
average and the longer moving average; if the shorter moving average separates dramatically from the longer
moving average it may be an indication that price is over-extending and will soon return to more realistic levels.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
Short Name: vt_MACD
Label Mask: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
(%spr%,%Sh%,%smat%,%lpr%,%Lg%,%lmat%,%sig%,%sigmat%) | Fast: %FL%, Signal: %SL%,
Histogram: %OsMA%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: MACD
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: spr
Display Name: Short MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 12.0000
[New] button...
Name: smat
Display Name: Short MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: lpr
Display Name: Long MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Lg
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 26.0000
[New] button...
Name: lmat
Display Name: Long MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: sig
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 9.0000
[New] button...
Name: sigmat
Display Name: Signal MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: FL
Name: (Fast Line)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SL
Name: (Signal Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: OsMA
Name: (Histogram)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
FL:= Mov(spr,Sh,smat) - Mov(lpr,Lg,lmat);
SL:= Mov(FL,sig,sigmat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the MACD indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Histogram
Developed by Gerald Appel, publisher of "Systems & Forecasts", the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
(MACD) indicator is one of the simplest, most reliable, and most commonly used indicators available. The MACD is
a momentum oscillator with some trend-following characteristics.
The most popular construction of the MACD first calculates the difference between two moving averages and plots
that as the "Fast" line; A second "Signal" (trigger) line is then calculated from the resulting "Fast" line and plotted in
the same frame as the "Fast" line. The "standard" MACD values for the "Fast" line are a 12-period exponential
moving average and a 26-period exponential moving average and a 9-period exponential moving average for the
"Signal" line.
The MACD is widely used as a trend-following indicator and tends to work most effectively when measuring
wide-swinging market movements. There are three basic techniques for using the MACD to generate trading
Histogram / Zero-Level Crossover: When the MACD Histogram crosses above zero a buy signal is given.
Alternatively, when the MACD Histogram crosses below zero a sell signal is given.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Divergence: Looking for divergences between the MACD Histogram and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of
Classic Divergence (aka: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the MACD Histogram
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the MACD Histogram
Hidden Divergence (aka: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in MACD Histogram and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in MACD Histogram and lower highs in price
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Histogram
Short Name: vt_MACDHist
Label Mask: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Histogram
(%spr%,%Sh%,%smat%,%lpr%,%Lg%,%lmat%,%sig%,%sigmat%) | %OsMA%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: MACD Histogram
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: spr
Display Name: Short MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 12.0000
[New] button...
Name: smat
Display Name: Short MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: lpr
Display Name: Long MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Lg
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 26.0000
[New] button...
Name: lmat
Display Name: Long MA Type
Type: MA Type
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: sig
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 9.0000
[New] button...
Name: sigmat
Display Name: Signal MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: OsMA
Name: (Histogram)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
FL:= Mov(spr,Sh,smat) - Mov(lpr,Lg,lmat);
SL:= Mov(FL,sig,sigmat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the MACD-Histogram indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Line
Developed by Gerald Appel, publisher of "Systems & Forecasts", the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
(MACD) indicator is one of the simplest, most reliable, and most commonly used indicators available. The MACD is
a momentum oscillator with some trend-following characteristics.
The most popular construction of the MACD first calculates the difference between two moving averages and plots
that as the "Fast" line; A second "Signal" (trigger) line is then calculated from the resulting "Fast" line and plotted in
the same frame as the "Fast" line. The "standard" MACD values for the "Fast" line are a 12-period exponential
moving average and a 26-period exponential moving average and a 9-period exponential moving average for the
"Signal" line.
The MACD is widely used as a trend-following indicator and tends to work most effectively when measuring
wide-swinging market movements. There are three basic techniques for using the MACD to generate trading
Crossovers: 1) Fast line/Signal line Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the Fast line crosses above the Signal
line and a sell signal occurs when the Fast line crosses below the Signal line. 2) Fast line / Zero-Level Crossover:
When the Fast line crosses above zero a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the Fast line crosses below zero a
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the MACD and price can prove to be very effective in identifying
potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of divergences:
Classic Divergence (aka: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the MACD
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the MACD
Hidden Divergence (aka: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in MACD and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in MACD and lower highs in price
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The MACD can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions
in price movements. These conditions are generated by comparing the distance between the shorter moving
average and the longer moving average; if the shorter moving average separates dramatically from the longer
moving average it may be an indication that price is over-extending and will soon return to more realistic levels.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Line
Short Name: vt_MACDLine
Label Mask: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) - Line
(%spr%,%Sh%,%smat%,%lpr%,%Lg%,%lmat%,%sig%,%sigmat%) | Fast: %FL%, Signal: %SL%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: MACD Line
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: spr
Display Name: Short MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 12.0000
[New] button...
Name: smat
Display Name: Short MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: lpr
Display Name: Long MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Lg
Display Name: Long MA Periods
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Type: float
Default: 26.0000
[New] button...
Name: lmat
Display Name: Long MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: sig
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: float
Default: 9.0000
[New] button...
Name: sigmat
Display Name: Signal MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: FL
Name: (Fast Line)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: SL
Name: (Signal Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
FL:= Mov(spr,Sh,smat) - Mov(lpr,Lg,lmat);
SL:= Mov(FL,sig,sigmat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the MACD-Line indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Market Facilitation Index (MFI)
Market Facilitation Index (MFI)
This indicator was constructed using an interpretation of formulas from the Technical Analysis of Stocks &
Commodities magazine June 1994, article "The Market Facilitation Index", by Gary Hoover and an interpretation of
bar colors from the Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine August 1996, article "The Market
Facilitation Index", by Thom Hartle.
"The Market Facilitation Index (MFI) is one indicator that synthesizes both price and volume analysis. The MFI
is the ratio of the current bar's range (high-low) to the bar's volume. The MFI is designed to gauge the
efficiency of price movement. The efficiency is measured by comparing the current bar's MFI value to the
previous bar's MFI value. If the MFI increased, then the market is facilitating trade and is more efficient,
implying that the market is trending. If the MFI decreased, then the market is becoming less efficient, which
may indicate a trading range is developing that may be a trend reversal…."
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In his book “Trading Chaos”, Williams identified four types of trading sessions: Fakes, Fades, Squats, and Greens.
Lowered volume with a rising MFI is known as a "Fake." There is no real foundation for market move so the price
eventually reverses itself.
A "Fade" is lowered volume with a declining MFI. The market participants are losing interest so expect the price to
move in the opposite direction.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
When volume is up while the MFI is down, the condition is referred to as a "Squat." Movement after the squat gives
a clue to future direction.
When volume and the MFI are both up, the situation is "Green." This is a strong signal to follow the trend.
This indicator allows the user to choose from 3 different indicator plots. The final MFI plot is displayed over
VOLUME bars instead of coloring the price bars in the chart. (See below)
1) Market Efficiency...
+1 = increase
-1 = decrease
0 = unchanged
2) Market Facilitation Comparison
1 = + Volume, + MFI
2 = + Volume, - MFI
3 = - Volume, + MFI
4 = - Volume, - MFI
3) MFI Colored VOLUME Bars
+Volume, +MFI = Green bar -> Green Color
+Volume, -MFI = Squat bar -> Red Color
-Volume, +MFI = Fake bar -> Dark Grey Color
-Volume, -MFI = Fade bar -> Blue Color
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Market Facilitation Index
Short Name: vt_MarFacInd
Label Mask: Market Facilitation Index (%PlotChoice:ls%) | +V+MFI:
%PlusVolumePlusMFI%, +V-MFI: %PlusVolumeMinusMFI%, -V+MFI: %MinusVolumePlusMFI%,
-V-MFI: %MinusVolumeMinusMFI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Market Facilitation Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: PlotChoice
Display Name: Choose Indicator Display
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Colored_Volume_Bars
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PlotEfficiency
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Name: (Efficiency)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: PlotMFC
Name: (MFC)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusVolumePlusMFI
Name: (+Volume, +MFI)
Line Color: bright green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusVolumeMinusMFI
Name: (+Volume, -MFI)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusVolumePlusMFI
Name: (-Volume, +MFI)
Line Color: gray
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusVolumeMinusMFI
Name: (-Volume, -MFI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no horizontal levels.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_MFI:= (H-L)/volume;
If(_MFI > ref(_MFI,-1), 1,
If(_MFI < Ref(_MFI,-1), -1,
If(_MFI = Ref(_MFI,-1), 0, 0)));
PlotEfficiency:= If(PlotChoice=0, Efficiency, null);
+1 = increase
-1 = decrease
0 = unchanged
If(Volume > Ref(Volume,-1), If(_MFI > Ref(_MFI,-1), 1,
If(_MFI < Ref(_MFI,-1), 2, 0)),
If(Volume < Ref(Volume,-1), If(_MFI > Ref(_MFI,-1), 3,
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
If(_MFI < Ref(_MFI,-1), 4, 0)) , 0));
PlotMFC:= if(PlotChoice=1, _MFC, null);
1 = + Volume,
2 = + Volume,
3 = - Volume,
4 = - Volume,
PlusVolumePlusMFI:= if(PlotChoice=2 AND _MFC=1, Volume, null);
PlusVolumeMinusMFI:= if(PlotChoice=2 AND _MFC=2, Volume, null);
MinusVolumePlusMFI:= if(PlotChoice=2 AND _MFC=3, Volume, null);
MinusVolumeMinusMFI:= if(PlotChoice=2 AND _MFC=4, Volume, null);
PlusVolumePlusMFI = Green bar -> Green Color
PlusVolumeMinusMFI = Squat bar -> Red Color
MinusVolumePlusMFI = Fake bar -> Dark Grey Color
MinusVolumeMinusMFI = Fade bar -> Blue Color
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Market Facilitation Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
McClellan Histogram
McClellan Histogram
The McClellan Histogram is a visual representation of the McClellan Oscillator and its signal line. This difference is
plotted as a histogram, making zero-line crossovers and divergences more easily identifiable.
The McClellan Histogram is momentum indicator. As such, it can be traded in much the same way as the MACD
indicator. There are two basic techniques for using the McClellan Histogram to generate trading signals.
Histogram / Zero-Level Crossover: When the histogram crosses above zero a buy signal is given. Alternatively,
when the histogram crosses below zero a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the McClellan Histogram and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of
Classic Divergence (a.k.a.: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the McClellan Histogram
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the McClellan Histogram
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Hidden Divergence (a.k.a.: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in McClellan Histogram and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in McClellan Histogram and lower highs in price
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: McClellan Histogram
Short Name: vt_McClellanHist
Label Mask: McClellan Histogram (%Pr%,%Sh%,%Lg%,%Sig%,%mat%) | %McClHist%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: McClellan Histogram
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 19
[New] button...
Name: Lg
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 39
[New] button...
Name: sig
Display Name: Signal MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 9
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: McClHist
Name: (Histogram)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
McClOsc:= Mov(Pr,Sh,mat) - Mov(Pr,Lg,mat);
McClHist:= McClOsc - Mov(McClOsc,Sig,mat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the McClellan Histogram indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
McClellan Oscillator
McClellan Oscillator
The McClellan Oscillator, developed by Sherman and Marian McClellan, is a market breadth indicator that is based
on the smoothed difference between the numbers of advancing/declining statistics. In depth coverage of the
McClellan Oscillator is provided in their book “Patterns for Profit”.
The McClellan Oscillator is momentum indicator. As such, it can be traded in much the same way as the MACD
indicator. There are three basic techniques for using the McClellan Oscillator to generate trading signals.
Oscillator / Zero-Level Crossover: When the oscillator crosses above zero a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when
the oscillator crosses below zero a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the McClellan Oscillator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of
Classic Divergence (a.k.a.: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the McClellan Histogram
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the McClellan Histogram
Hidden Divergence (a.k.a.: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in McClellan Histogram and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in McClellan Histogram and lower highs in price
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The McClellan Oscillator can also be used to identify potential overbought and
oversold conditions in price movements. These conditions are generated by comparing the distance between the
shorter moving average and the longer moving average. If the shorter moving average separates dramatically from
the longer moving average it may be an indication that price is over-extending and will soon return to more realistic
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: McClellan Oscillator
Short Name: vt_McClellanOsc
Label Mask: McClellan Oscillator (%Pr%,%Sh%,%Lg%,%mat%) | %McClOsc%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: McClellan Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 19
[New] button...
Name: Lg
Display Name: Long MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 39
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: McClOsc
Name: (Osc)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
McClOsc:= Mov(Pr,Sh,mat) - Mov(Pr,Lg,mat);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the McClellan Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
The momentum indicator is one of the simplest equations available in modern technical analysis. Momentum is a
measure of price change velocity calculated as the difference between the current bar's price and the price a
selected number of bars ago. Basically, it represents the rate of change of the trading instrument's price over those
specified time periods. The faster prices rise, the larger the increase in momentum. The faster prices decline, the
larger the decrease in momentum. As the price movement begins to slow the momentum will also slow and return
to a more median level.
The Momentum indicator is a versatile indicator capable of producing a wide array of buy and sell signals.
However, there are three basic methods of interpreting the Momentum indicator:
Zero-Level Crossovers: A buy signal occurs when Momentum crosses above zero and a sell signal occurs when
momentum crosses below zero.
Extreme Overbought/Oversold Levels: To use Momentum as an overbought/oversold indicator, the user must
identify potential overbought and oversold levels based on previous indicator readings; When choosing the
overbought and oversold levels the user should ensure that at least two-thirds of previous Momentum values fall
between the overbought and oversold levels. Readings above the overbought level imply an overbought condition
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
(and a pending price correction) while readings below the oversold level imply an oversold condition (and a pending
Trend Line Breakouts: Trend lines can be drawn connecting the peaks and troughs of the Momentum indicator.
Often momentum begins to turn before price thereby making it a leading indicator. Momentum readings breaking
above a declining trend line warns of a possible bullish reversal while momentum readings breaking below a rising
trend line warns of a possible bearish reversal.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Momentum
Short Name: vt_MOM
Label Mask: Momentum (%Pr%,%tPr%) | %Mom%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Momentum
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Mom
Name: (Momentum)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Mom:= Pr - Ref(Pr,-tPr);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Momentum indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Money Flow Index (MFI)
Money Flow Index (MFI)
The Money Flow Index (MFI) is similar to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) in calculation and interpretation except
that volume is used to weigh the average price values before summing the positive and negative money flows.
The MFI is normalized and plotted on a 0-100 scale. Readings over 80 are considered overbought and readings
under 20 are considered oversold.
The original Money Flow Index formula allows for a divide-by-zero error thus resulting in NULL values in the
indicator plot. VT Trader has modified the original MFI formula to avoid such values.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: Money Flow Index
Short Name: vt_MFI
Label Mask: Money Flow Index (%Price%,%Periods%) | %_MFI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Money Flow Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Typical Price
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _MFI
Name: (MFI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
PMF:= Sum(If(Price>Ref(Price,-1),V*Price,0),Periods);
NMF:= Sum(If(Price<Ref(Price,-1),V*Price,0),Periods);
MFR:= PMF/if(NMF=0,0.000000000000000001,NMF);
_MFI:= 100 - (100/(1+MFR));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Money Flow Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Moving Average
Moving Average
A Moving Average is an indicator that calculates the average value of prices (or any specified data series) over a
period of predetermined period of time.
VT Trader supports seven popular types of moving averages: simple, weighted, exponential, sine weighted,
triangular, end point, and volume-adjusted. Moving averages can be calculated on any data series including an
instrument's open, high, low, close, volume, or even another indicator.
The only significant difference between the various types of moving averages is the weight assigned to the most
recent data. Simple moving averages apply equal weight to the prices. Exponential and weighted averages apply
more weight to recent prices. Triangular averages apply more weight to prices in the middle of the time period.
The most popular method of interpreting a moving average is to compare the relationship between a moving
average of the price with the price itself. A buy signal is generated when the price rises above its moving average
and a sell signal is generated when the price falls below its moving average.
Also popular are various types of moving average crossover systems. Such systems often include two or more
moving averages crossing above/below each other and perhaps even utilizing other indicators as additional entry
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
and exit confirmation signals. The combinations of conditions for these types of systems are almost limitless!
Moving averages can also be calculated and plotted on indicators. The interpretation of an indicator's moving
average is similar to the interpretation of the price’s moving average: when the indicator rises above its moving
average, it signifies a continued upward movement by the indicator; when the indicator falls below its moving
average, it signifies a continued downward movement by the indicator.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Average
Short Name: vt_MOV
Label Mask: Moving Average (%Pr%,%tPr%,%mt%,%VShift%,%HShift%) | %MA%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Moving Average
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: mt
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: VShift
Display Name: Vertical Shift %
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.0000
Min Bounds: -9999.0000
Max Bounds:= 9999.0000
[New] button...
Name: HShift
Display Name: Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 0
Min Bounds: 0
Max Bounds:= 9999
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MA
Name: (MA)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
DataBars:= Ref(Pr,-HShift);
tmpMV:= Mov(DataBars,tPr,mt);
MA:= tmpMV+((tmpMV*VShift)/100);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Moving Average indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Moving Average Envelope
Moving Average Envelope
The Moving Average Envelope indicator creates upper and lower channel lines plotted an equidistant % (or number
of pips) above and below the moving average.
While several different trading rules are available, the simplest approach uses price penetrating the upper channel
to initiate long positions and price penetrating the lower channel initiate short positions.
An alternative to the above methods when the market is more range bound is to use price touching the upper
channel to go short price touching the lower channel to go long.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Average Envelope
Short Name: vt_MaEnv
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Moving Average Envelope (%Pr%,%tPr%,%mt%,%VShift%,%HShift%, Type:
%EType:ls%, Percent/Pips:%prcnt%/%pips%) | Upper: %UC%, Lower: %LC%, MA:
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Moving Average Envelope
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: mt
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: VShift
Display Name: MA Vertical Shift %
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.0000
Min Bounds: -9999.0000
Max Bounds:= 9999.0000
[New] button...
Name: HShift
Display Name: MA Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 0
Min Bounds: 0
Max Bounds:= 9999
[New] button...
Name: HShift
Display Name: MA Horizontal Shift
Type: Bars Forward
Default: 0
Min Bounds: 0
Max Bounds:= 9999
[New] button...
Name: EType
Display Name: Type of MA Envelope
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Percentage_Based
[New] button...
Name: prcnt
Display Name: MA Envelope % (if % Based)
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Type: float
Default: 0.1000
[New] button...
Name: pips
Display Name: MA Envelope Pips (if Pip Based)
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: ShowMA
Display Name: Display Center MA?
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UC
Name: (Upper Channel)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: DisplayMA
Name: (Moving Average)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: LC
Name: (Lower Channel)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
DataBars:= Ref(Pr,-HShift);
tmpMV:= Mov(DataBars,tPr,mt);
MA:= tmpMV+((tmpMV*VShift)/100);
UC:= if(EType=0, MA + (MA * (prcnt/100)), MA + (Pips*SymbolPoint()));
LC:= if(EType=0, MA - (MA * (prcnt/100)), MA - (Pips*SymbolPoint()));
DisplayMA:= if(ShowMA=1, MA, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Moving Average Envelope indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Moving Averages of RSI
Moving Averages of Relative Strength Index (MA's of RSI)
The Moving Averages (MA’s) of RSI indicator consists of a Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator and two moving
averages or the RSI (fast and slow). The Fast MA of RSI and Slow MA of RSI are constructed by calculating
different n-periods moving averages of RSI.
There are several different methods in which the MA’s of RSI indicator can be used to generate trading signals.
Here are few of the more common techniques:
Crossovers: 1) RSI / Fast MA or Slow MA Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the RSI crosses above the Fast
MA or Slow MA and a sell signal occurs when RSI crosses below the Fast MA or Slow MA. 2) RSI / 50-level
Crossover: When the RSI crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI crosses below 50 a
sell signal is given. 3) Fast MA / Slow MA Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the Fast MA crosses above the
Slow MA and a sell signal occurs when Fast MA crosses below the Slow MA.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the MA’s of RSI indicator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the RSI or the MA’s of RSI; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in
price and lower highs in the RSI or the MA’s of RSI.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: Much like the original RSI (and other oscillators), the MA’s of RSI indicator can
be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is
generally described as the RSI or the MA’s of RSI being greater than or equal to the 70% level while an oversold
condition is generally described as the RSI or MA’s of RSI being less than or equal to the 30% level. Trades can be
generated when any of the MA’s of RSI outputs (RSI, Fast MA or Slow MA) crosses these levels. When the RSI,
Fast MA or Slow MA crosses above 30 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI, Fast MA or Slow MA
crosses below 70 a sell signal is given.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Averages of Relative Strength Index (MA's of RSI)
Short Name: vt_MARSIndex
Label Mask: Moving Averages of RSI
(%pr%,%tpr%,%MA1pr%,%MA1type%,%MA2pr%,%MA2type%) | RSI: %RS%, Fast MA: %FastMA%,
Slow MA: %SlowMA%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: MA's of RSI
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: RSI Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tpr
Display Name: RSI Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: MA1pr
Display Name: Fast MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: MA1type
Display Name: Fast MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: MA2pr
Display Name: Slow MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 30
[New] button...
Name: MA2type
Display Name: Slow MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: RS
Name: (RSI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: FastMA
Name: (Fast MA)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SlowMA
Name: (Slow MA)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Relative Strength Index}
rsi_r:= (pr - ref(pr,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),tpr) /
RS:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
{Moving Averages of Relative Strength Index}
FastMA:= mov(RS,MA1pr,MA1type);
SlowMA:= mov(RS,MA2pr,MA2type);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the MA's of RSI indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Moving Slope Rate of Change
Moving Slope Rate of Change (MSROC)
The Moving Slope Rate of Change (MSROC) Indicator is discussed in the Two Moving Function Hybrids article
written by William Rafter in the September 2005 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine.
The MSROC is created by first calculating the linear regression slope over n-periods using the least squares fit
method and then calculating the ROC of that regression line. Because of the use of the linear regression slope
rather than raw price, it is smoother and more responsive than the Rate of Change (ROC) indicator.
Trading opportunities can be derived from the MSROC crossing above and below the zero line.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Moving Slope Rate of Change
Short Name: vt_MSROC
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Moving Slope Rate of Change (%prc%,%periods%) | %MSROC%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Moving Slope ROC
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 25
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MSROC
Name: (MSROC)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
LinRegLine:= LinRegSlope(Prc,periods);
MSROC:= ROC(LinRegLine,periods,Points);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Moving Slope Rate of Change indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
On Balance Volume (OBV)
On Balance Volume (OBV)
The On Balance Volume (OBV) indicator was popularized by Joseph Granville's 1963 book, "Granville's New Key
to Stock Market Profits". It was one of the first indicators to measure the cumulative positive and negative volume
flow (accumulation/distribution) in and out of a trading instrument.
The OBV is calculated by adding the current period's volume to a cumulative OBV total when the trading
instrument's price closes up and by subtracting the current period's volume from the cumulative OBV total when
the trading instrument's price closes down.
The OBV indicator is generally used to confirm price moves. The concept behind OBV is quite simple: volume
precedes price. However, the actual numerical value (volume) of OBV is not important, but the direction of the OBV
trend is. Looking for divergences between the OBV and price can prove to be very effective in identifying potential
reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of divergences:
Classic Divergence (aka: Regular Divergence)
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· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the OBV
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the OBV
Hidden Divergence (aka: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in OBV and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in OBV and lower highs in price
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: On Balance Volume (OBV)
Short Name: vt_OBV
Label Mask: On Balance Volume (%price%) | %_OBV%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: On Balance Volume
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _OBV
Name: (OBV)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_OBV:= (
If(price > Ref(price,-1),1,
If(price < Ref(price,-1),-1,0)) * V
+ PREV(0);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the On Balance Volume indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Parabolic SAR
Parabolic SAR
The Parabolic Time/Price System, developed by Welles Wilder, is used to set trailing price stops and is usually
referred to as the "SAR" (stop-and-reversal). This indicator is explained thoroughly in Wilder's book, New Concepts
in Technical Trading Systems.
The Parabolic SAR provides excellent exit points. You should close long positions when the price falls below the
SAR and close short positions when the price rises above the SAR.
If you are long (i.e., the price is above the SAR), the SAR will move up every day, regardless of the direction the
price is moving. The amount the SAR moves up depends on the amount that prices move.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Parabolic SAR
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Short Name: vt_SAR
Label Mask: Parabolic SAR (%Step%,%Maximum%) | %SR%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Parabolic SAR
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Step
Display Name: Step
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.0200
Min Bounds: 0.0010
Max Bounds: 0.1000
[New] button...
Name: Maximum
Display Name: Maximum
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.2000
Min Bounds: 0.0100
Max Bounds: 1.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: SR
Name: (PSAR)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dots
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
SR:= SAR(Step,Maximum);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Parabolic SAR indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Pivot Points - Daily
Pivot Points - Daily
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
The Pivot Points daily auto-update time (in EST) is user-adjustable. Using the default settings, the Daily Pivot
Points are calculated at 5:00 PM EST each day (StartHour=17 and StartMinute=0) using the previous 24 hour
period. If calculating the pivots on Friday (for use on Sunday and Monday), it is recommended to use 4:00 PM EST
(StartHour=16) instead of 5:00 PM EST; Why? Your particular FOREX broker may close the market earlier than
5:00 PM EST on Friday; if this happens there is no value for 5:00 PM EST which causes the indicator to NOT
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the user-chosen StartHour value and/or StartMinute value does not exist on the chart
interval being used, the pivots will NOT display! For example, on a 2H chart using StartHour=17 and/or
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
StartMinute=22 would NOT be acceptable; however, StartHour=18 and StartMinute=0 would be acceptable.
Attaching this indicator to a tick Chart Interval is NOT possible due to the limitation of history data available in VT
Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 600+ bars are required for 5-Minute chart intervals or higher intraday intervals
· 3,000+ bars are required for 1-Minute chart interval
If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot point
indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator. Once
reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Daily
Short Name: vt_PPI
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Daily (StartTime: %StartHour%:%StartMinute%) | Pivot:
%PivotPoint%, R1: %Resistance1%, R2: %Resistance2%, R3: %Resistance3%, S1:
%Support1%, S2: %Support2%, S3: %Support3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Daily
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: StartHour
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Hour (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 17
[New] button...
Name: StartMinute
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Minute (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 0
[New] button...
Name: DisplayMidLevels
Display Name: Display Mid-Levels?
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel3
Name: (R3 ML)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel2
Name: (R2 ML)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel1
Name: (R1 ML)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel1
Name: (S1 ML)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Var Name: SupportMidLevel2
Name: (S2 ML)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel3
Name: (S3 ML)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(hour()=StartHour and Minute()=StartMinute);
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute,
L1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute,
C1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute, C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - L1, null);
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + (H1-L1), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint + (h1-2*L1), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - H1, null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - (H1-L1), null);
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - (2*H1-L1), null);
ResistanceMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Resistance1)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance1+Resistance2)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance2+Resistance3)/2, null);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
SupportMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Support1)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support1+Support2)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support2+Support3)/2, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Daily indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios
Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios
Coming soon...
The Fibonacci Ratio Daily Pivot Point indicator can be used in place of the traditional Daily Pivot Point indicator.
Please refer to the "Pivot Point - Daily" indicator for additional details.
The Pivot Points daily auto-update time (in EST) is user-adjustable. Using the default settings, the Daily Pivot
Points are calculated at 5:00 PM EST each day (StartHour=17 and StartMinute=0) using the previous 24 hour
period. If calculating the pivots on Friday (for use on Sunday and Monday), it is recommended to use 4:00 PM EST
(StartHour=16) instead of 5:00 PM EST; Why? Your particular FOREX broker may close the market earlier than
5:00 PM EST on Friday; if this happens there is no value for 5:00 PM EST which causes the indicator to NOT
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the user-chosen StartHour value and/or StartMinute value does not exist on the chart
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
interval being used, the pivots will NOT display! For example, on a 2H chart using StartHour=17 and/or
StartMinute=22 would NOT be acceptable; however, StartHour=18 and StartMinute=0 would be acceptable.
Attaching this indicator to a tick Chart Interval is NOT possible due to the limitation of history data available in VT
Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 600+ bars are required for 5-Minute chart intervals or higher intraday intervals
· 3,000+ bars are required for 1-Minute chart interval
If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot point
indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator. Once
reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios
Short Name: vt_PPIFibs
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios (StartTime:
%StartHour%:%StartMinute%) | Pivot: %PivotPoint%, R1: %Resistance1%, R2:
%Resistance2%, R3: %Resistance3%, S1: %Support1%, S2: %Support2%, S3: %Support3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: StartHour
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Hour (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 17
[New] button...
Name: StartMinute
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Minute (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 0
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(hour()=StartHour and Minute()=StartMinute);
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute,
L1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute,
C1:= valuewhen(1, Hour()=StartHour AND minute()=StartMinute, C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Daily - Fibonacci Ratios indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pivot Points - Monthly
Pivot Points - Monthly
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
The Monthly Pivot Points are calculated at 12:00 AM EST on the first of each month using the previous month.
Attaching this indicator to a15-Minute chart interval or lower intervals is NOT possible due to the limitation of history
data available in VT Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 5,000 bars are recommended for 30-Minute chart intervals or higher intervals
If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot point
indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator. Once
reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Monthly
Short Name: vt_PPIMonthly
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Monthly | Pivot: %PivotPoint%, R1: %Resistance1%, R2:
%Resistance2%, R3: %Resistance3%, S1: %Support1%, S2: %Support2%, S3: %Support3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Monthly
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: DisplayMidLevels
Display Name: Display Mid-Levels?
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel3
Name: (R3 ML)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel2
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: (R2 ML)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel1
Name: (R1 ML)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel1
Name: (S1 ML)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel2
Name: (S2 ML)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel3
Name: (S3 ML)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(Month()<>ref(Month,-1));
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), HHV(H,LookBackPeriods));
L1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), LLV(L,LookBackPeriods));
C1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - L1, null);
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + (H1-L1), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint + (h1-2*L1), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - H1, null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - (H1-L1), null);
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - (2*H1-L1), null);
ResistanceMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Resistance1)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance1+Resistance2)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance2+Resistance3)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Support1)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support1+Support2)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support2+Support3)/2, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Monthly indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios
Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios
Coming soon...
The Fibonacci Ratio Monthly Pivot Point indicator can be used in place of the traditional Monthly Pivot Point
indicator. Please refer to the "Pivot Point - Monthly" indicator for additional details.
The Monthly Pivot Points are calculated at 12:00 AM EST on the first of each month using the previous month.
Attaching this indicator to a15-Minute chart interval or lower intervals is NOT possible due to the limitation of history
data available in VT Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 5,000 bars are recommended for 30-Minute chart intervals or higher intervals
If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot point
indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator. Once
reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios
Short Name: vt_PPIMonthlyFibs
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios | Pivot: %PivotPoint%, R1:
%Resistance1%, R2: %Resistance2%, R3: %Resistance3%, S1: %Support1%, S2:
%Support2%, S3: %Support3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(Month()<>ref(Month,-1));
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), HHV(H,LookBackPeriods));
L1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), LLV(L,LookBackPeriods));
C1:= valuewhen(1, Month()<>ref(Month,-1), C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Monthly - Fibonacci Ratios indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Pivot Points - Weekly
Pivot Points - Weekly
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
The Pivot Points auto-update day of the week and time (in EST) is user-adjustable. Using the default settings, the
Weekly Pivot Points are calculated at 4:00 PM EST each Friday (StartDay=Friday and StartHour=16) using the
previous week. If calculating the weekly pivots on Friday (for use the following week), it is recommended to use
4:00 PM EST (StartHour=16) instead of 5:00 PM EST; Why? Your particular FOREX broker may close the market
earlier than 5:00 PM EST on Friday; if this happens there is no value for 5:00 PM EST which causes the indicator
to NOT display.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the user-chosen StartHour value does not exist on the chart interval being used, the pivots
will NOT display! For example, on a 2H chart using StartHour=17 would NOT be acceptable; however,
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
StartHour=18 would be acceptable. For use on the Daily chart interval, the StartHour MUST be 17.
Attaching this indicator to a 1-Minute Chart Interval or lower is NOT possible due to the limitation of history data
available in VT Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Weekly or Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 1,700+ bars are recommended for 10-Minute chart intervals or higher intraday intervals
· 3,500+ bars are recommended for 5-Minute chart interval
Note: If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot
point indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator.
Once reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Weekly
Short Name: vt_PPIWeekly
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Weekly (Day of Week: %StartDay:ls% | StartTime:
%StartHour%) | Pivot: %PivotPoint%, R1: %Resistance1%, R2: %Resistance2%, R3:
%Resistance3%, S1: %Support1%, S2: %Support2%, S3: %Support3%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Weekly
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: StartDay
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Day Of Week
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
[New] button...
Name: StartHour
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Hour (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 16
[New] button...
Name: DisplayMidLevels
Display Name: Display Mid-Levels?
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel3
Name: (R3 ML)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel2
Name: (R2 ML)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: ResistanceMidLevel1
Name: (R1 ML)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel1
Name: (S1 ML)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel2
Name: (S2 ML)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SupportMidLevel3
Name: (S3 ML)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour);
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour,
L1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour,
C1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour, C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - L1, null);
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + (H1-L1), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint + (h1-2*L1), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - H1, null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - (H1-L1), null);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, 2 * PivotPoint - (2*H1-L1), null);
ResistanceMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Resistance1)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance1+Resistance2)/2, null);
ResistanceMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Resistance2+Resistance3)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(PivotPoint+Support1)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support1+Support2)/2, null);
SupportMidLevel3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1 AND DisplayMidLevels=0,
(Support2+Support3)/2, null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Weekly indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios
Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios
Coming soon...
The Fibonacci Ratio Weekly Pivot Point indicator can be used in place of the traditional Weekly Pivot Point
indicator. Please refer to the "Pivot Point - Weekly" indicator for additional details.
The Pivot Points auto-update day of the week and time (in EST) is user-adjustable. Using the default settings, the
Weekly Pivot Points are calculated at 4:00 PM EST each Friday (StartDay=Friday and StartHour=16) using the
previous week. If calculating the weekly pivots on Friday (for use the following week), it is recommended to use
4:00 PM EST (StartHour=16) instead of 5:00 PM EST; Why? Your particular FOREX broker may close the market
earlier than 5:00 PM EST on Friday; if this happens there is no value for 5:00 PM EST which causes the indicator
to NOT display.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the user-chosen StartHour value does not exist on the chart interval being used, the pivots
will NOT display! For example, on a 2H chart using StartHour=17 would NOT be acceptable; however,
StartHour=18 would be acceptable. For use on the Daily chart interval, the StartHour MUST be 17.
Attaching this indicator to a 1-Minute Chart Interval or lower is NOT possible due to the limitation of history data
available in VT Trader. Attaching this indicator to a Weekly or Monthly chart is also NOT possible since the pivot
calculations are not designed for those intervals.
It is suggested to increase the number of bars loaded into the charts before using this indicator. The History Length
can be Set using:
VT Trader > Navigator Window > Options Bookmark > Properties > General > General Properties >
Communication Bookmark
Recommended History Lengths:
· 1,700+ bars are recommended for 10-Minute chart intervals or higher intraday intervals
· 3,500+ bars are recommended for 5-Minute chart interval
Note: If the chart window shrinks the price bars too much when the pivot point indicator is added, remove the pivot
point indicator from the chart and then DISABLE the Auto-Size Vertically option before reattaching the indicator.
Once reattached, you can manually Zoom In Vertically to re-adjust the chart scaling as desired.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios
Short Name: vt_PPIWeeklyFibs
Label Mask: Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios (Day of Week: %StartDay:ls%
| StartTime: %StartHour%) | Pivot: %PivotPoint%, R1: %Resistance1%, R2:
%Resistance2%, R3: %Resistance3%, S1: %Support1%, S2: %Support2%, S3: %Support3%
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: StartDay
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Day Of Week
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Yes
[New] button...
Name: StartHour
Display Name: Calculate Pivot At Hour (EST)
Type: integer
Default: 16
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Resistance1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: PivotPoint
Name: (Pivot Point)
Line Color: black
Line Width: very thick
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support1
Name: (S1)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Var Name: Support2
Name: (S2)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Support3
Name: (S3)
Line Color: light red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_BarCount:= BarCount();
CalculateLookBackPeriods:= Barssince(dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour);
LookBackPeriods:= valuewhen(1, Cross(0.5,CalculateLookBackperiods),
H1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour,
L1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour,
C1:= valuewhen(1, dayofweek()=StartDay and Hour()=StartHour, C);
IndicatorDisplay:= if(_BarCount>=(2*LookBackPeriods), 1, 0);
PivotPoint:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, (H1+L1+C1)/3, null);
Resistance1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
Resistance2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Resistance3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint + ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
Support1:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.382), null);
Support2:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 0.618), null);
Support3:= if(IndicatorDisplay=1, PivotPoint - ((H1-L1) * 1.000), null);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Pivot Points - Weekly - Fibonacci Ratios indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Polarized Fractal Efficiency
Polarized Fractal Efficiency (PFE)
The Polarized Fractal Efficiency indicator (PFE) was developed by Hans Hannula. It was introduced in the January
1994 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine. The PFE is used to gauge how trendy or
congested price action is.
PFE readings above zero mean that the trend is up; the higher the value the more efficient (trendy) the upward
movement is. PFE readings below zero mean that the trend is down; the lower the value the more efficient (trendy)
the downward movement is. Readings around zero indicate choppy, less efficient movement.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Polarized Fractal Efficiency
Short Name: vt_PFE
Label Mask: Polarized Fractal Efficiency (%pr%,%length%,%smooth%) | %_pfe%
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Polarized Fractal Efficiency
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: length
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
[New] button...
Name: smooth
Display Name: Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _pfe
Name: (PFE)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_pfe:= Mov(If(pr>Ref(pr,-length),sqrt(Power(Roc(pr,length,Points),2) +
Power(10,2)) /
Sum(Sqrt(Power(Roc(pr,1,Points),2)+1),length),Sqrt(Power(Roc(pr,length,Points),2) + Power(10,2)) /
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Polarized Fractal Efficiency indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Price Volume Trend
Price Volume Trend
The Price Volume Trend (PVT) is a cumulative total of volume adjusted to the relative changes in the instrument’s
prices. It is similar in nature to the On Balance Volume (OBV) indicator. However, unlike the OBV the PVT adds or
subtracts only a portion of volume from the cumulative total in relation to the percentage of change in prices
whereas the OBV adds all volume when prices close higher and subtracts all volume when prices close lower.
Many traders feel this difference is a key component of the PVT that allows it to more accurately reflect the volume
of money flow in and out of a trading instrument.
The PVT can be considered a leading indicator of future price movements. A rising PVT value indicates new
volume (money) flowing into the market while a declining PVT value indicates volume (money) leaving the market.
Trading signals can be generated in a few different ways using the PVT, although it is often recommended that the
PVT be used in conjunction with other indicators.
In a ranging market, rising PVT values may signal a potential upward breakout while declining PVT values may
signal and downward breakout.
In a trending market, the main signals from the PVT are generated by looking for divergence between the PVT
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indicator and the price. A bullish divergence may be an early warning sign of a market bottom and a potential
upwards move in price. A bearish divergence may be an early warning sign of a market top and a potential
downwards move in price.
The Lookback Periods and Price inputs are adjustable to allow the user the flexibility to apply this indicator to
various data arrays including price and even other indicators. The Lookback Periods input has a default value of 1
which is used in the standard calculation of the PVT; the 1 refers to the price value 1 bar ago; however, this
parameter is adjustable so the user may experiment with other non-traditional values.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Price Volume Trend
Short Name: vt_PVT
Label Mask: Price Volume Trend (%Pr%,%LBP%) | %_PVT%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Price Volume Trend
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: LBP
Display Name: LookBack Periods
Type: integer
Default: 1
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _PVT
Name: (PVT)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_VT:= ((Pr - ref(Pr,-LBP))/ref(Pr,-LBP)) * V) + PREV(0);
_PVT:= cum(_VT);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Price Volume Trend indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
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Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
The origin of the Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE) indicator is currently unknown.
The QQE indicator consists of a smoothed Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator and two volatility-based trailing
levels (fast and slow). The Fast Trailing Level (TL) and Slow TL are constructed by calculating the ATR of the
smoothed RSI over n-periods and then further smoothing the ATR using an additional n-periods Wilders smoothing
function. This smoothed ATR of RSI is then multiplied by the Fast and Slow ATR Multipliers to calculate the final
Fast and Slow Trailing Levels.
There are several different methods in which the QQE can be used to generate trading signals. Here are few of the
more common techniques:
Crossovers: 1) RSI / Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the RSI crosses above
the Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL and a sell signal occurs when RSI crosses below the Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR
TL. 2) RSI / 50-level Crossover: When the RSI crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI
crosses below 50 a sell signal is given. 3) Fast ATR TL / Slow ATR TL Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the
Fast ATR TL crosses above the Slow ATR TL and a sell signal occurs when Fast ATR TL crosses below the Slow
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the QQE indicator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the QQE; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower
highs in the QQE.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: Much like the original RSI (and other oscillators), the QQE indicator can be used
to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally
described as the QQE being greater than or equal to the 70% level while an oversold condition is generally
described as the QQE being less than or equal to the 30% level. Trades can be generated when any of the QQE
outputs (RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL) crosses these levels. When the RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL
crosses above 30 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL crosses below
70 a sell signal is given.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
Short Name: vt_QQE
Label Mask: Quantitative Qualitative Estimation
watrmult%) | RSI: %RSIndex%, ATR Fast TL: %FastAtrRsiTL%, ATR Slow TL:
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: QQE
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: rsiprice
Display Name: RSI Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: rsiperiods
Display Name: RSI Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: SF
Display Name: RSI Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 2
[New] button...
Name: ST
Display Name: RSI Smoothing Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: atrperiods
Display Name: ATR Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Name: atrsmperiods
Display Name: Wilders ATR Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: fastatrmult
Display Name: Fast ATR TL Multiplier
Type: float
Default: 2.6180
[New] button...
Name: slowatrmult
Display Name: Slow ATR TL Multiplier
Type: float
Default: 4.2360
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: RSIndex
Name: (RSI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: FastAtrRsiTL
Name: (ATR Fast TL)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: SlowAtrRsiTL
Name: (ATR Slow TL)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Smoothed RSI}
rsi_r:= (rsiprice - ref(rsiprice,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),rsiperiods) /
RSIndex:= Mov((100-(100/(1+rsi_rs))),SF,ST);
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
{Smoothed ATR of Smoothed RSI}
TH:= if(Ref(RSIndex,-1)>RSIndex,Ref(RSIndex,-1),RSIndex);
TL:= if(Ref(RSIndex,-1)<RSIndex,Ref(RSIndex,-1),RSIndex);
AtrRsi:= Wilders(TR,atrperiods);
SmoothedAtrRsi:= Wilders(AtrRsi,atrsmperiods);
{Fast and Slow ATR Trailing Levels}
DeltaFastAtrRsi:= SmoothedAtrRsi*fastatrmult;
FastAtrRsiTL:= if(BarCount()<=(rsiperiods*2),null,
if(ref(RSIndex,-1)>PREV(0) AND
if(ref(RSIndex,-1)<PREV(0) AND
DeltaSlowAtrRsi:= SmoothedAtrRsi*slowatrmult;
SlowAtrRsiTL:= if(BarCount()<=(rsiperiods*2),null,
if(ref(RSIndex,-1)>PREV(0) AND
if(ref(RSIndex,-1)<PREV(0) AND
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the QQE indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Rainbow Charts
Rainbow Charts
The Rainbow Charts and Rainbow Oscillator indicators were created by Mel Widner, Ph.D. and originally
introduced in the July 1997 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine.
The Rainbow Charts indicator is trend-following indicator. The basis of the Rainbow Charts indicator is a 2-period
simple moving average. Recursive smoothing is then applied to the original moving average thereby creating 9
additional moving averages; each new moving average is based on the previous moving average. Through this use
of recursive smoothing a full spectrum of trends is created that, when plotted using continuous colors, have the
appearance of a rainbow.
The Rainbow Oscillator is also a trend-following indicator that is based on the same calculations used to create the
Rainbow Charts. The Rainbow Oscillator is derived from a consensus of the Rainbow Charts trends. It defines the
highest high and lowest low of those moving averages to create an oscillator and bandwidth lines based on those
One simple interpretation of the Rainbow Charts indicator is:
When the market is rising and the trend is up, the least smoothed line is at the top of the Rainbow (the red line) and
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
the most smoothed line is at the bottom of the Rainbow (the violet line). When the market is declining and the trend
is down the order of the Rainbow is reversed; the most smoothed line is at the bottom and the least smoothed line
is at the top.
As the underlying market price moves up or down, the moving averages follow and cross in sequence as the move
continues. Price moves away from the Rainbow are seen as potential trend continuations leading to a greater
Rainbow width, while price moves towards (or into) the Rainbow are seen as potential reversals leading to a
contraction of the Rainbow width. The depth that price penetrates into the Rainbow can be used to judge the
strength of the move.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Rainbow Charts
Short Name: vt_RBCharts
Label Mask: Rainbow Charts (%prc%,%periods%,%mat%,%recperiods%,%recmat%) | Least
Smooth MA: %MA%, Smoothest MA: %R9%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Rainbow Charts
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 2
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: recperiods
Display Name: Recursive Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 2
[New] button...
Name: recmat
Display Name: Recursive Smoothing MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: MA
Name: (MA - Least Smooth)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R1
Name: (R1)
Line Color: orange
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R2
Name: (R2)
Line Color: yellow
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R3
Name: (R3)
Line Color: light green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R4
Name: (R4)
Line Color: green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R5
Name: (R5)
Line Color: blue-green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R6
Name: (R6)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R7
Name: (R7)
Line Color: medium-light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R8
Name: (R8)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: R9
Name: (R9 - Smoothest)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Rainbow Charts indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Rainbow Oscillator
Rainbow Oscillator
The Rainbow Charts and Rainbow Oscillator indicators were created by Mel Widner, Ph.D. and originally
introduced in the July 1997 issue of Stocks and Commodities magazine.
The Rainbow Charts indicator is trend-following indicator. The basis of the Rainbow Charts indicator is a 2-period
simple moving average. Recursive smoothing is then applied to the original moving average thereby creating 9
additional moving averages; each new moving average is based on the previous moving average. Through this use
of recursive smoothing a full spectrum of trends is created that, when plotted using continuous colors, have the
appearance of a rainbow.
The Rainbow Oscillator is also a trend-following indicator that is based on the same calculations used to create the
Rainbow Charts. The Rainbow Oscillator is derived from a consensus of the Rainbow Charts trends. It defines the
highest high and lowest low of those moving averages to create an oscillator and bandwidth lines based on those
One simple interpretation of the Rainbow Charts indicator is:
When the market is rising and the trend is up, the least smoothed line is at the top of the Rainbow (the red line) and
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Technical Indicators
the most smoothed line is at the bottom of the Rainbow (the violet line). When the market is declining and the trend
is down the order of the Rainbow is reversed; the most smoothed line is at the bottom and the least smoothed line
is at the top.
As the underlying market price moves up or down, the moving averages follow and cross in sequence as the move
continues. Price moves away from the Rainbow are seen as potential trend continuations leading to a greater
Rainbow width, while price moves towards (or into) the Rainbow are seen as potential reversals leading to a
contraction of the Rainbow width. The depth that price penetrates into the Rainbow can be used to judge the
strength of the move.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Rainbow Oscillator
Short Name: vt_RBOscillator
Label Mask: Rainbow Oscillator
(%prc%,%periods%,%mat%,%recperiods%,%recmat%,%rbop%) | Osc: %RBOsc%, Upper:
%RBUpperBand%, Lower: %RBLowerBand%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Rainbow Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: prc
Display Name: Rainbow Charts Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Rainbow Charts Periods
Type: integer
Default: 2
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: Rainbow Charts MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: recperiods
Display Name: Rainbow Charts Recursive Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
[New] button...
Name: recmat
Display Name: Rainbow Charts Recursive Smoothing MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: rbop
Display Name: Rainbow Oscillator Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: RBOsc
Name: (RB Oscillator)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: histogram
[New] button...
Var Name: RBLowerBand
Name: (RB Lower Band)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: RBUpperBand
Name: (RB Upper Band)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
RMin:= Min(MA,Min((r1),Min((r2),Min((r3),Min((r4),Min((r5),
RMax:= Max(MA,Max((r1),Max((r2),Max((r3),Max((r4),Max((r5),
RBLowerBand:= -100 * (RMin-RMax) / (HHV(prc,rbop)-LLV(prc,rbop));
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
RBUpperBand:= 100 * (RMin-RMax) / (HHV(prc,rbop)-LLV(prc,rbop));
RBOsc:= 100 * (prc-((MA+r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6+r7+r8+r9)/rbop)) / (HHV(Prc,rbop) LLV(Prc,rbop));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Rainbow Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Rate of Change (ROC)
Rate of Change (ROC)
The Rate of Change (ROC) indicator calculates how price has changed within a specified number of time periods
by calculating the difference between the current bar's price and the price a selected number of bars ago. The
difference is calculated in "Points" or as a "Percentage". The ROC moves in a wave-like fashion (similar to that of
price), but it oscillates above and below an equilibrium level set at zero. The ROC rises as prices rise; The ROC
declines as prices decline. The greater the change in prices, the greater the change in the ROC indicator.
To calculate the ROC in Points:
ROCPoints = Today's Price - Price n-Periods Ago
To calculate the ROC as a Percentage:
ROCPercentage = ((Today's Price - Price n-Periods Ago) / Price n-Periods Ago) * 100
The ROC indicator is a simple indicator capable of producing a myriad of buy and sell signals. However, there are
four basic methods of interpreting the ROC indicator:
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Technical Indicators
Zero-Level Crossovers: A buy signal occurs when the ROC crosses above zero and a sell signal occurs when the
ROC crosses below zero.
Overbought/Oversold Levels: To use ROC as an overbought/oversold indicator, generally a few assumptions are
made: The higher the ROC readings the more overbought a trading instrument is and the lower the ROC readings
the more oversold a trading instrument is. Readings above the overbought level imply an overbought condition (and
a pending price correction) while readings below the oversold level imply an oversold condition (and a pending
rally). However, it is worth remembering that prices may remain overbought or oversold for extended periods of
time. When this happens, it may actually suggest that the trend will continue rather than reverse.
Trend Line Breakouts: Trend lines can be drawn connecting the peaks and troughs of the ROC indicator. Often
ROC begins to turn before price thereby making it a leading indicator. ROC readings breaking above a declining
trend line warns of a possible bullish reversal while momentum readings breaking below a rising trend line warns of
a possible bearish reversal.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the ROC indicator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the ROC; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower
highs in the ROC.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Rate of Change (ROC)
Short Name: vt_ROC
Label Mask: Rate of Change (ROC) (%Pr%,%tPr%,%CalcMethod:ls%) | %_ROC%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Rate of Change
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 12
[New] button...
Name: CalcMethod
Display Name: Calculation Method
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Points
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _ROC
Name: (ROC)
Line Color: purple
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_ROC:= if(CalcMethod=0,Pr-Ref(Pr,-tPr),((Pr-Ref(Pr,-tPr))/ref(Pr,-tPr))*100);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Rate of Change indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Relative Momentum Index
Relative Momentum Index
The Relative Momentum Index was developed by Roger Altman. It was first introduced in the February 1993 issue
of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. The RMI is a variation of the RSI indicator. The RMI
counts up and down days from the close relative to the close x-days ago (where x is not limited to 1 as is required
by the RSI) instead of counting up and down days from close to close as the RSI does.
Note that an RMI with parameters of C, 14, 1 is equivalent to a 14 period RSI of the Close price. This is because
the momentum parameter is calculating only a 1-day price change (which the RSI does by default). As the
momentum periods are increased the RMI fluctuations become smoother.
Since the RMI is an oscillator it exhibits the same strengths and weaknesses of other overbought / oversold
indicators. During strong trending markets it is likely that the RMI will remain at overbought or oversold levels for an
extended period of time. However, during non-trending markets the RMI tends to oscillate more predictably
between an overbought level of 70 to 90 and an oversold level of 10 to 30.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Relative Momentum Index
Short Name: vt_RMI
Label Mask: Relative Momentum Index (%price%,%rmiper%,%momper%) | %_RMI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Relative Momentum Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: rmiper
Display Name: RMI Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: momper
Display Name: Momentum Periods
Type: integer
Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _RMI
Name: (RMI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Mom:= price - ref(price,-momper);
Rms:= Wilders(If(Mom>0,Mom,0),rmiper) / Wilders(If(Mom<0,Abs(Mom),0),rmiper);
_RMI:= 100-(100/(1+RMS));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Relative Momentum Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Developed by J. Wells Wilder and introduced in his 1978 book, “New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems”, the
Relative Strength Index (RSI) has become a very popular oscillator and useful momentum oscillator. The RSI
compares a trading instrument’s magnitude of recent gains against its magnitude of recent losses and quantifies
this information into a value that ranges between 0 and 100.
Often times the name "Relative Strength Index" is slightly confusing or misleading because the RSI does not
compare the relative strength of two trading instruments, but rather the internal strength of a single trading
instrument. A more appropriate name might have been "Internal Strength Index”, but most traders simply refer to it
as “the RSI” in an effort not to confuse it with John Murphy’s “Relative Strength” charts and IBD’s “Relative
Strength” rankings.
There are several popular methods of analyzing the RSI, some of which include:
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the RSI and price can prove to be very effective in identifying
potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in price and
higher lows in the RSI; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower highs in the
RSI. These types of divergence are often indications of an impending reversal.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The RSI can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in
price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the RSI being greater than or equal to the
70% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the RSI being less than or equal to the 30% level.
Trades can be generated when the RSI crosses these levels. When the RSI crosses above 30 a buy signal is
given. Alternatively, when the RSI crosses below 70 a sell signal is given.
Support /Resistance and “Failure Swings”: The RSI shows, sometimes more clearly than price itself, levels of
support and resistance. Failure swings (a.k.a. support/resistance breakouts) occur when the RSI surpasses a
previous high (peak) or falls below a recent low (trough).
RSI / 50-level Crossover: When the RSI crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI
crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
Chart Formations: The RSI often forms chart patterns such as head and shoulders or triangles that may or may not
be visible on the price chart.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Short Name: vt_RSI
Label Mask: Relative Strength Index (RSI) (%pr%,%tpr%) | %RSIndex%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Relative Strength Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tpr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: RSIndex
Name: (RSI)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
rsi_r:= (pr - ref(pr,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),tpr) /
RSIndex:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Relative Strength Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Schaff Trend Cycle
Schaff Trend Cycle
Developed by Doug Schaff in the 1990's, the Schaff Trend Cycle bases its method on the fact that trends, like
price, exhibit repeating high and low patterns (cycles). This indicator is a modified MACD line run through a
modified stochastic algorithm smoothed with Wilders' smoothing to calculate the final STC indicator.
The Schaff Trend Cycle uses three inputs:
· Sh: Shorter-term Exponential Moving Average. Default: 23
· Lg: Longer-term Exponential Moving Average. Default: 50
· Cycle: Set at half the cycle length. Default: 10
The Schaff Trend Cycle helps to identify:
1. Direction a Trend Cycle is moving.
2. Tops and Bottoms within a Trend Cycle.
When the Schaff Trend Cycle Indicator is declining, the trend cycle is falling and prices tend to stabilize or follow
the cycle down. When the STC is rising, the trend cycle is rising and prices tend to stabilize or follow the cycle
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Schaff Trend Cycle
Short Name: vt_SchaffTC
Label Mask: Schaff Trend Cycle (%price%,%Sh%,%Lg%,%Cycle%) | %STCycle%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Schaff Trend Cycle
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: Typical Price
[New] button...
Name: Sh
Display Name: Short-Term Periods
Type: integer
Default: 23
[New] button...
Name: Lg
Display Name: Long-Term Periods
Type: integer
Default: 50
[New] button...
Name: Cycle
Display Name: Schaff Cycle Periods
Type: integer
Default: 10
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: STCycle
Name: (STC)
Line Color: dark red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: blue
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: blue
Width: thin
Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: blue
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: blue
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MCD:= Wilders(price,Sh) - Wilders(price,Lg);
ST:= ((MCD-LLV(MCD,Cycle)) / (HHV(MCD,Cycle)-LLV(MCD,Cycle))) * 100;
STCycle:= Wilders(ST,Cycle/2);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Schaff Trend Cycle indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Stochastic Momentum Index
Stochastic Momentum Index
Created by William Blau, the Stochastic Momentum Index was described in the January 1993 issue of Technical
Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine.
The SMI is a smoother version of the classic Stochastic Oscillator with an interesting twist. Instead of calculating
the distance the current price relative to the recent n-period high/low range, the SMI is calculated by comparing the
price to the midpoint average of the n-period high/low range. The raw price differences are then smoothed by a
double EMA (an EMA of an EMA of the raw price differences). When the close is greater than the midpoint of the
range, the SMI is positive. When the close is less than the midpoint of the range, it is negative.
The result is an oscillator that ranges between +/- 100 and is less erratic than an equal period Stochastic Oscillator.
Popular methods for interpreting the Stochastic Momentum Index include:
1. Overbought/Oversold Level Crossovers: +/- 40 are popular levels. Buy when the SMI falls below the oversold
and then rises above that level; Sell when the SMI rises above the overbought level and then falls below that level.
2. Signal Line Crossovers: Buy when the SMI rises above its signal line and sell when the SMI falls below the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
signal line.
3. Divergences: For example, where prices are making a series of new highs and the SMI is failing to surpass its
previous highs.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stochastic Momentum Index
Short Name: vt_SMI
Label Mask: Stochastic Momentum Index (%lp%,%sm%,%dsmp%,%sig%) | SMI: %SMI%,
Signal: %SMI_Sig%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Stochastic Momentum Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: lp
Display Name: Lookback Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: sm
Display Name: Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 25
[New] button...
Name: dsmp
Display Name: Double Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 2
[New] button...
Name: sig
Display Name: Signal Line Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: SMI
Name: (SMI)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: SMI_Sig
Name: (SMI Signal Line)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Value: +40.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -40.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
SMI:= 100 * (Mov(Mov(C-(0.5*(HHV(H,lp)+LLV(L,lp))),sm,E),dsmp,E) /
SMI_Sig:= mov(SMI,sig,E);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Stochastic Momentum Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Stochastic Oscillator (Fast)
Fast Stochastic Oscillator
Developed by George C. Lane in the 1950's, the Stochastic Oscillator comes in 3 flavors: Fast, Slow, and Full. The
Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator designed to show the relation of the current close price relative to
the high/low range over a given number of periods using a scale of 0-100. It is based on the assumption that in a
rising market the price(s) will close near the high of the range and in a declining market the price(s) will close near
the low of the range.
The Stochastic Oscillators are typically plotted as 2 lines: %K and %D. %K is the main (fast) line and %D is the
signal (slow) line.
The Fast Stochastic Oscillator is calculated by the formula:
Fast %K = ((Today's Close - Lowest Low in %K Periods) / (Highest High in %K Periods - Lowest Low in %K
Periods)) * 100
%D = 3-period simple moving average of Fast %K
There are three basic techniques for using the various Stochastic Oscillators to generate trading signals.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Crossovers: 1) %K line / %D line Crossover: A buy signal occurs When the %K line crosses above the %D line and
a sell signal occurs when the %K line crosses below the %D line. 2) %K line / 50-level Crossover: When the %K
line crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the %K line crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the Stochastic Oscillator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the Stochastic Oscillator; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price
and lower highs in the Stochastic Oscillator.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The Stochastic Oscillator can be used to identify potential overbought and
oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the Stochastic
Oscillator being greater than or equal to the 80% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the
Stochastic Oscillator being less than or equal to the 20% level. Trades can be generated when the Stochastic
Oscillator crosses these levels. A buy signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator declines below 20% and then
rises above that level. A sell signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator rises above 80% and then declines below
that level.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stochastic Oscillator (Fast)
Short Name: vt_StochOscFast
Label Mask: Fast Stochastic Oscillator (%K%,%D%,%Mt%) | K: %StK%, D: %StD%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Fast Stochastic Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: K
Display Name: %K Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 14
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: %D Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: Mt
Display Name: %D Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: StK
Name: (%K)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Var Name: StD
Name: (%D)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
StK:= ((C-LLV(L,K))/(HHV(H,K)-LLV(L,K)))*100;
StD:= Mov(StK,D,Mt);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Fast Stochastic Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Stochastic Oscillator (Full)
Full Stochastic Oscillator
Developed by George C. Lane in the 1950's, the Stochastic Oscillator comes in 3 flavors: Fast, Slow, and Full. The
Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator designed to show the relation of the current close price relative to
the high/low range over a given number of periods using a scale of 0-100. It is based on the assumption that in a
rising market the price(s) will close near the high of the range and in a declining market the price(s) will close near
the low of the range.
The Stochastic Oscillators are typically plotted as 2 lines: %K and %D. %K is the main (fast) line and %D is the
signal (slow) line.
The Full Stochastic Oscillator is calculated by the formula:
Fast %K = ((Today's Close - Lowest Low in %K Periods) / (Highest High in %K Periods - Lowest Low in %K
Periods)) * 100
Slowing %K = N-period moving average of Fast %K
%D = N-period simple moving average of Slowing %K
There are three basic techniques for using the various Stochastic Oscillators to generate trading signals.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Crossovers: 1) %K line / %D line Crossover: A buy signal occurs When the %K line crosses above the %D line and
a sell signal occurs when the %K line crosses below the %D line. 2) %K line / 50-level Crossover: When the %K
line crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the %K line crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the Stochastic Oscillator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the Stochastic Oscillator; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price
and lower highs in the Stochastic Oscillator.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The Stochastic Oscillator can be used to identify potential overbought and
oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the Stochastic
Oscillator being greater than or equal to the 80% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the
Stochastic Oscillator being less than or equal to the 20% level. Trades can be generated when the Stochastic
Oscillator crosses these levels. A buy signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator declines below 20% and then
rises above that level. A sell signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator rises above 80% and then declines below
that level.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stochastic Oscillator (Full)
Short Name: vt_StochOscFull
Label Mask: Full Stochastic Oscillator (%K%,%Sl%,%MtK%,%D%,%Mt%) | K: %StDK%, D:
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Full Stochastic Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: K
Display Name: %K Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 14
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: Sl
Display Name: %K Slowing Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: MtK
Display Name: %K Slowing Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: %D Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Name: Mt
Display Name: %D Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: StDK
Name: (%K)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: StDD
Name: (%D)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
StK:= ((C-LLV(L,K))/(HHV(H,K)-LLV(L,K)))*100;
StDK:= Mov(StK,Sl,MtK);
StDD:= Mov(StDK,D,Mt);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Full Stochastic Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Stochastic Oscillator (Slow)
Slow Stochastic Oscillator
Developed by George C. Lane in the 1950's, the Stochastic Oscillator comes in 3 flavors: Fast, Slow, and Full. The
Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator designed to show the relation of the current close price relative to
the high/low range over a given number of periods using a scale of 0-100. It is based on the assumption that in a
rising market the price(s) will close near the high of the range and in a declining market the price(s) will close near
the low of the range.
The Stochastic Oscillators are typically plotted as 2 lines: %K and %D. %K is the main (fast) line and %D is the
signal (slow) line.
The Slow Stochastic Oscillator is calculated by the formula:
Fast %K = ((Today's Close - Lowest Low in %K Periods) / (Highest High in %K Periods - Lowest Low in %K
Periods)) * 100
Slowing %K = 3-period simple moving average of Fast %K
%D = 3-period simple moving average of Slowing %K
There are three basic techniques for using the various Stochastic Oscillators to generate trading signals.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Crossovers: 1) %K line / %D line Crossover: A buy signal occurs When the %K line crosses above the %D line and
a sell signal occurs when the %K line crosses below the %D line. 2) %K line / 50-level Crossover: When the %K
line crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the %K line crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the Stochastic Oscillator and price can prove to be very effective in
identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the Stochastic Oscillator; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price
and lower highs in the Stochastic Oscillator.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The Stochastic Oscillator can be used to identify potential overbought and
oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the Stochastic
Oscillator being greater than or equal to the 80% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the
Stochastic Oscillator being less than or equal to the 20% level. Trades can be generated when the Stochastic
Oscillator crosses these levels. A buy signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator declines below 20% and then
rises above that level. A sell signal occurs when the Stochastic Oscillator rises above 80% and then declines below
that level.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stochastic Oscillator (Slow)
Short Name: vt_StochOscSlow
Label Mask: Slow Stochastic Oscillator (%K%,%Sl%,%MtK%,%D%,%Mt%) | K: %StDK%, D:
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Slow Stochastic Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: K
Display Name: %K Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 14
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: Sl
Display Name: %K Slowing Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: MtK
Display Name: %K Slowing Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: D
Display Name: %D Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 3
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
[New] button...
Name: Mt
Display Name: %D Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: StDK
Name: (%K)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: StDD
Name: (%D)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
StK:= ((C-LLV(L,K))/(HHV(H,K)-LLV(L,K)))*100;
StDK:= Mov(StK,Sl,MtK);
StDD:= Mov(StDK,D,Mt);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Slow Stochastic Oscillator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Stochastic RSI Oscillator
Stochastic RSI Oscillator
Introduced by Tuschar Chande and Stanley Kroll in their December, 1992 Stocks and Commodities article entitled,
“Stochastic RSI and Dynamic Momentum Index”, the Stochastic RSI Oscillator attempts to combine ideas from two
indicators – the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Stochastic Oscillator. As its name implies, the Stochastic
RSI Oscillator is the RSI run through the stochastic algorithm. The Stochastic RSI Oscillator is a momentum
indicator designed to show the relation of the current RSI value relative to its high/low range over a given number of
periods using a scale of 0-100.
The Stochastic RSI Oscillator, much like the other stochastic oscillators, is typically plotted as 2 lines: the StochRSI
line and %D. The StochRSI is the main (fast) line and %D is the signal (slow) line.
The Stochastic RSI Oscillator is calculated by the formula:
StochRSI = ((Today's RSI - Lowest RSI Low in %K Periods) / (Highest RSI High in %K Periods - Lowest RSI Low in
%K Periods)) * 100
Slowing StochRSI = 3-period moving average of StochRSI; using a 1-period moving average of StochRSI
eliminates this slowing (or smoothing) of the StochRSI
%D = 3-period moving average of Slowing StochRSI
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
There are three basic techniques for using the Stochastic RSI Oscillator to generate trading signals.
Crossovers: 1) StochRSI / %D line Crossover: A buy signal occurs When the StochRSI crosses above the %D line
and a sell signal occurs when the StochRSI crosses below the %D line. 2) StochRSI / 50-level Crossover: When
the StochRSI crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the StochRSI crosses below 50 a sell
signal is given.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the Stochastic RSI Oscillator and price can prove to be very effective
in identifying potential reversal points in price movement. Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in
price and higher lows in the Stochastic RSI Oscillator; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in
price and lower highs in the Stochastic RSI Oscillator.
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The Stochastic RSI Oscillator can be used to identify potential overbought and
oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the Stochastic RSI
Oscillator being greater than or equal to the 80% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the
Stochastic Oscillator being less than or equal to the 20% level. Trades can be generated when the Stochastic RSI
Oscillator crosses these levels. A buy signal occurs when the Stochastic RSI Oscillator declines below 20% and
then rises above that level. A sell signal occurs when the Stochastic RSI Oscillator rises above 80% and then
declines below that level.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stochastic RSI Oscillator
Short Name: vt_StochRSI
Label Mask: Stochastic RSI Oscillator
(%rsiprice%,%rsiperiods%,%PerK%,%Sl%,%mtK%,%PerD%,%mtD%) | %StochRSI%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Stochastic RSI Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: rsiprice
Display Name: RSI Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: rsiperiods
Display Name: RSI Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: PerK
Display Name: Stochastic RSI %K Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: Sl
Display Name: Stochastic RSI %K Slowing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 1
[New] button...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: mtK
Display Name: Stochastic RSI %K Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
[New] button...
Name: PerD
Display Name: Stochastic RSI %D Periods
Type: integer
Default: 3
[New] button...
Name: mtD
Display Name: Stochastic RSI %D Method
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: StochRSI
Name: (StochRSI)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: StochRsiD
Name: (StochRSI %D)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Relative Strength Index}
rsi_r:= (rsiprice - ref(rsiprice,-1));
rsi_rs:= Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),rsiperiods) /
RS:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
{Stochastic RSI Oscillator}
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
StochRSI:= Mov((((RS-LLV(RS,PerK)) / (HHV(RS,PerK)-LLV(RS,PerK)))*100),Sl,mtK);
StochRsiD:= mov(StochRSI,PerD,mtD);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Stochastic RSI Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Stoller Average Range Channels (STARC Bands)
Stoller Average Range Channels (STARC Bands)
The Stoller Average Range Channels (a.k.a. STARC Bands) indicator was developed by Manning Stoller in the
1980's. Similar to Bollinger Bands, the STARC bands are designed to interpret market volatility using a measure of
the Average True Range (ATR). The STARC Bands create a channel above and below a moving average of the
instrument's underlying price; the width of the channel expands and contracts depending on the fluctuation in the
The upper STARC band is calculated by adding a value of the (ATR * ATRMultiplier) to the moving average. The
lower STARC band is calculated by subtracting a value of the (ATR * ATR Multiplier) to the moving average.
The STARC Bands are considered to encapsulate the majority of the instrument's price action between the bands
allowing the bands to define the normal upper and lower limits of price action. This helps the trader determine
higher probability, lower risk trading opportunities using the general assumption that price often returns to its
median (the moving average).
· Price action that rises to the upper band offers a lower risk selling opportunity (and a high risk buying
· Price action that declines to the lower band offers a lower risk buying opportunity (and a high risk selling
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
These assumptions are not to say that the price action will not go against these rules. In fact, some traders believe
that a penetration of the upper or lower STARC band indicates an increased momentum in the direction of the
band penetration.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Stoller Average Range Channels (STARC Bands)
Short Name: vt_STARC
Label Mask: Stoller Average Range Channels
(%atrperiods%,%atrdev%,%mapr%,%maper%,%mtp%) | Middle: %MiddleBand%, Upper:
%UpperBand%, Lower: %LowerBand%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: STARC Bands
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: atrperiods
Display Name: ATR Periods
Type: integer
Default: 15
[New] button...
Name: atrdev
Display Name: ATR Multiplier
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 2.0000
Max Bounds: 0.1000
Min Bounds: 10.0000
[New] button...
Name: mapr
Display Name: STARC Bands Price
Type: price
Default: Typical Price
[New] button...
Name: maper
Display Name: STARC Bands Periods
Type: integer
Default: 6
[New] button...
Name: mtp
Display Name: STARC Bands Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UpperBand
Name: (Upper Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
[New] button...
Var Name: MiddleBand
Name: (Middle Band)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: LowerBand
Name: (Lower Band)
Line Color: purple
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
ATRange:= ATR(atrperiods);
UpperBand:= Mov(mapr,maper,mtp) + (atrdev * ATRange);
MiddleBand:= Mov(mapr,maper,mtp);
LowerBand:= Mov(mapr,maper,mtp) - (atrdev * ATRange);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Stoller Average Range Channels indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Support and Resistance
Support and Resistance
Support levels indicate the price where the majority of investors believe that prices will move higher, while
resistance levels indicate the price at which a majority of investors feel prices will move lower. Prices often tend to
“bounce” off of these levels rather than break through them. However, once price has broken through a support or
resistance level it is likely to continue moving in that direction until it encounters the next support or resistance
An interesting phenomenon of support and resistance levels is that once a support level has been broken it often
becomes a new resistance level and, alternatively, when a resistance level is broken it often becomes a new
support level.
Another point of interest is that the more often a support or resistance level is “tested” (that is touched and bounced
off of by price), the more significance that particular support or resistance level gains.
Support and resistance levels can be calculated using several different methods: trend lines, Fibonacci ratios, pivot
point calculations are just a few. VT Trader uses a different method to construct this “Support and Resistance”
indicator. Resistance levels are calculated by finding the highest high value over the previous n-periods at each
occurrence of the price crossing below an n-periods simple moving average of price. Support levels are calculated
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
by finding the lowest low value over the previous n-periods at each occurrence of the price crossing above an
n-periods simple moving average of price.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Support and Resistance
Short Name: vt_SupRes
Label Mask: Support and Resistance (%LBP%) | Support: %Sup%, Resistance: %Res%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Support and Resistance
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: LBP
Display Name: Lookback Periods
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 10
Min Bounds: 1
Max Bounds: 9999
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: Res
Name: (Resistance)
Line Color: red
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: dots
[New] button...
Var Name: Sup
Name: (Support)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: dots
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Res:= valuewhen(1,Cross(Mov(C,LBP,S),C),HHV(H,LBP));
Sup:= valuewhen(1,Cross(C,Mov(C,LBP,S)),LLV(L,LBP));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Support and Resistance indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
T3 Moving Average
T3 Moving Average
The T3 Moving Average was described by Tim Tillson in the January 1998 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks &
Commodities article "Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals". The T3 is a significant improvement over
traditional moving averages; it's smoother with much less lag. However, it can "overshoot" price as it attempts to
re-align itself with current market prices.
The T3 Moving Average can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving Average"
indicator for additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: T3 Moving Average
Short Name: vt_T3MA
Label Mask: T3 Moving Average (%Pr%,%tPr%,%mt%,%b%) | %T3MA%
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: T3 Moving Average
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: tPr
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 8
[New] button...
Name: mt
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
[New] button...
Name: b
Display Name: Volume Factor
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 0.7
Min Bounds: 0.0000
Max Bounds: 5.0000
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: T3MA
Name: (T3)
Line Color: light blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
e1:= Mov(Pr,tPr,mt);
e2:= Mov(e1,tPr,mt);
e3:= Mov(e2,tPr,mt);
e4:= Mov(e3,tPr,mt);
e5:= Mov(e4,tPr,mt);
e6:= Mov(e5,tPr,mt);
c1:= -b*b*b;
c2:= 3*b*b+3*b*b*b;
c3:= -6*b*b-3*b-3*b*b*b;
c4:= 1+3*b+b*b*b+3*b*b;
T3MA:= c1*e6+c2*e5+c3*e4+c4*e3;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building Tim Tillson's T3 Moving Average.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based)
Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based)
The Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based) indicator is based from Chande & Kroll's "The New Technical
Trader", p.167, 'Volatility-Based Trailing Stops'.
The Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based) indicator "trails" (or follows) above and below price based on its
position respective to the price. It can be set to trail above or below prices based on volatility. Volatility-related
settings are available to allow the user fine-tuning of the indicator.
Trailing Stoploss levels, either volatility-based or pip-based, have become very popular with traders as a
non-emotional exit strategy for their trading methodology. Trailing Stoplosses help to remove the emotion usually
involved with exiting trades thereby helping the user to better control their risk.
In a long position, the trailing stoploss level trails (or follows) below price and ratchets itself higher as prices rise.
Conversely, in a short position, the trailing stoploss level trails (or follows) above price and ratchets itself lower as
prices fall. However, if price retreats back towards the trailing stoploss level the trailing stoploss level will remain at
its previous level never "backing away" from price thus helping to protect potential profits or limit loss. A long trade
exit is signaled when price crosses back below the trailing stoploss level. A short trade exit is signaled when price
crosses back above the trailing stoploss level.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based)
Short Name: vt_TSLATR
Label Mask: Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility-Based) (%Pds1%,%Mult%,%Pds2%) |
Long Stop: %ActualStopLong%, Short Stop: %ActualStopShort%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Trailing Stoploss Levels (Volatility)
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pds1
Display Name: ATR Lookback
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 10
Min Bounds: 2
Max Bounds: 9999
[New] button...
Name: Mult
Display Name: ATR Multiplier
Type: float (with bounds)
Default: 3.0000
Min Bounds: 1.0000
Max Bounds: 20.0000
[New] button...
Name: Pds2
Display Name: Period Lookback
Type: integer (with bounds)
Default: 20
Min Bounds: 2
Max Bounds: 9999
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: ActualStopLong
Name: (Long Stoploss)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
[New] button...
Var Name: ActualStopShort
Name: (Short Stoploss)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
{Volatility Stop (Long)}
PrelimStopLong:= HHV(H,Pds1) - ATR(Pds1)*Mult;
ActualStopLong:= HHV(PrelimStopLong,Pds2);
{Volatility Stop (Short)}
PrelimStopShort:= LLV(L,Pds1) + ATR(Pds1)*Mult;
ActualStopShort:= LLV(PrelimStopShort,Pds2);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Volatility-Based Trailing Stoploss Levels indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level
Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level
The Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator "trails" (or follows) above or below price depending on its position
respective to the price. It can be set to trail above or below prices based on volatility or a user-defined number of
pips. Volatility-related settings and Pip-based settings are available to allow the user fine-tuning of the indicator.
Trailing Stoploss levels, either volatility-based or pip-based, have become very popular with traders as a
non-emotional exit strategy for their trading methodology. Trailing Stoplosses help to remove the emotion usually
involved with exiting trades thereby helping the user to better control their risk.
In a long position, the trailing stoploss level trails (or follows) below price and ratchets itself higher as prices rise.
Conversely, in a short position, the trailing stoploss level trails (or follows) above price and ratchets itself lower as
prices fall. However, if price retreats back towards the trailing stoploss level the trailing stoploss level will remain at
its previous level never "backing away" from price thus helping to protect potential profits or limit loss. A long trade
exit is signaled when price crosses back below the trailing stoploss level. A short trade exit is signaled when price
crosses back above the trailing stoploss level.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level
Short Name: vt_TSL
Label Mask: Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level (Mode: %Mode:ls%, Volatility:
%atrperiods%,%atrsmperiods%,%atrmult%, Pips: %Pips%) | %TSL%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: Trailing Stoploss Level
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: price
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: Mode
Display Name: Trailing Stoploss Mode
Type: Enumeration
Default: click [...] button, [New] button, then create the following entries:
... then, click [OK] button
Default: Volatility
[New] button...
Name: atrperiods
Display Name: If Volatility, ATR Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: atrsmperiods
Display Name: If Volatility, Wilders ATR Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
[New] button...
Name: atrmult
Display Name: If Volatility, ATR Multiplier
Type: float
Default: 2.8240
[New] button...
Name: Pips
Display Name: If Pips, # of Pips to Trail
Type: integer
Default: 20
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TSL
Name: (TSL)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_Pips:= Pips*SymbolPoint();
DeltaStop:= if(Mode=0,Wilders(ATR(atrperiods),atrsmperiods)*atrmult,_Pips);
TSL:= if(ref(price,-1)>PREV(0) AND price>PREV(0),max(PREV(0),price-DeltaStop),
if(ref(price,-1)<PREV(0) AND price<PREV(0),min(PREV(0),price+DeltaStop),
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Trend Continuation Factor
Trend Continuation Factor
The Trend Continuation Factor (TCF) was introduced by M. H. Pee. in the article "Trend Continuation Factor". It
was designed to help identify the market trend and direction.
Positive values of either the PlusTCF or MinusTCF lines indicate a strong prevailing trend. Positive values of
PlusTCF indicate a strong Uptrend, while positive values of MinusTCF indicate a strong Downtrend. Both PlusTCF
and MinusTCF cannot be positive at the same time since an uptrend and a downtrend cannot occur
simultaneously. However, PlusTCF and MinusTCF can both be negative; this signifies market consolidation (the
absence of a prevailing trend).
Typical trading strategies include entering Buy positions when PlusTCF is positive and entering Sell positions when
MinusTCF is positive. An alternative trading strategy may include entering trades based on the crossings of
PlusTCF and MinusTCF.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Trend Continuation Factor
Short Name: vt_TCF
Label Mask: Trend Continuation Factor (%prc%,%periods%) | PlusTCF: %PlusTCF%,
MinusTCF: %MinusTCF%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Trend Continuation Factor
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: prc
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 35
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: PlusTCF
Name: (PlusTCF)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: MinusTCF
Name: (MinusTCF)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
pc:= If(ROC(prc,1,Points)>0,ROC(prc,1,Points),0);
nc:= If(ROC(prc,1,Points)<0,Neg(ROC(prc,1,Points)),0);
ncf:= If(nc=0,0,PREV(0)+nc);
PlusTCF:= Sum(pc,periods)-Sum(ncf,periods);
pc:= If(ROC(prc,1,Points)>0,ROC(prc,1,Points),0);
nc:= If(ROC(prc,1,Points)<0,Neg(ROC(prc,1,Points)),0);
pcf:= If(pc=0,0,PREV(0)+pc);
MinusTCF:= Sum(nc,periods)-Sum(pcf,periods);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Trend Continuation Factor indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Trend Intensity Index (TII)
Trend Intensity Index (TII)
Developed by M.H. Pee, the trend intensity index (TII) is used to indicate the strength of a current trend in the
market. It was introduced in the June 2002 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine.
TII determines the current strength of a price trend based on deviations of previous prices from a current moving
average.The stronger the current trend, the more likely the market will continue moving in its current direction
instead of changing course. According to M.H. Pee, values >80 and <20 indicate strong trends.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Trend Intensity Index (TII)
Short Name: vt_TII
Label Mask: Trend Intensity Index (%Pr%,%Periods%,%mt%) | %tii%
Placement: New Frame
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Inspect Alias: Trend Intensity Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 30
[New] button...
Name: mt
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Simple
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: tii
Name: (tii)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
ma:= Mov(Pr,2*periods,mt);
sdp:= Sum(If(Pr-ma>0, Pr-ma,0),periods);
sdm:= Sum(If(ma-Pr>0, ma-Pr,0),periods);
tii:= (sdp/(sdp + sdm)) * 100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Trend Intensity Index (TII) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Trend Trigger Factor (TTF)
Trend Trigger Factor (TTF)
M.H. Pee's article "Trend Trigger Factor" in the December 2004 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities magazine (TASC) presents the Trend Trigger Factor (TTF) indicator. The TTF is a method of
detecting up-trends and down-trends using buy power and sell power calculations derived over the previous
Typical uses include creating an always-in-the-market system whereby Sell trades are generated when the TTF
crosses down through the 100 level and Buy signals are generated when the TTF crosses up through the -100
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Trend Trigger Factor
Short Name: vt_TTF
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Trend Trigger Factor (%periods%) | %ttf%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Trend Trigger Factor
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 15
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: ttf
Name: (ttf)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +100.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -100.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
bp:= HHV(H,periods)-Ref(LLV(L,periods),-periods);
sp:= Ref(HHV(H,periods),-periods)-LLV(L,periods);
ttf:= ((bp-sp)/(0.5*(bp+sp)))*100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Trend Trigger Factor (TTF) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Triple Exponential Average (TRIX)
Triple Exponential Average (TRIX)
Developed by Jack Hutson, the TRIX indicator is a triple-smoothed oscillator designed to eliminate cycles shorter
than the selected indicator period. TRIX oscillates above and below a zero line like many other oscillators.
However, it can also be used as a momentum indicator. When being used as a momentum indicator, positive
values suggest that momentum may be increasing while negative values suggest that momentum may be
Trades can be initiated when the TRIX indicator crosses the zero line. A signal line can also be used to generate
trade signals. Divergence between the TRIX and price can also be an effective method of generating trades.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Triple Exponential Average (TRIX)
Short Name: vt_TRIX
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Triple Exponential Average (TRIX) (%mapr%,%maper%,%TRIXper%) | TRIX:
%_TRIX%, Signal: %TRIX_Signal%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Triple Exponential Average
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: mapr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: maper
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 15
[New] button...
Name: TRIXper
Display Name: Signal Line Periods
Type: integer
Default: 9
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _TRIX
Name: (TRIX)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: TRIX_Signal
Name: (TRIX Signal Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: dashed
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
MA1:= mov(mapr,maper,E);
MA2:= mov(ma1,maper,E);
MA3:= mov(ma2,maper,E);
_TRIX:= (MA3-ref(MA3,-1))/ref(MA3,-1);
TRIX_Signal:= mov(_TRIX,TRIXper,E);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the TRIX indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
Developed by Patrick Mulloy and introduced in the January 1994 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks &
Commodities magazine, this trend indicator is an acronym standing for “Triple Exponential Moving Average”.
TEMA was designed to lessen the lag of a regular exponential moving average. It is a composite of a single
exponential MA, a double exponential MA, and a triple exponential MA that produces less lag than any of its three
components individually; it is NOT a moving average of a moving average of a moving average.
The TEMA can be used in place of traditional moving averages. Please refer to the "Moving Average" indicator for
additional details.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
Short Name: vt_TEMA
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Label Mask: Triple Exponential Moving Average (%pr%,%len%,%mat%) | %_Tema%
Placement: Price Frame
Inspect Alias: TEMA
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: pr
Display Name: MA Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: len
Display Name: MA Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: mat
Display Name: MA Type
Type: MA Type
Default: Exponential
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _Tema
Name: (Tema)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_Tema:= 3 * mov(pr,len,mat) - 3 * mov(mov(pr,len,mat),len,mat) +
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA) indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
8.100 True Strength Index
True Strength Index
The True Strength Index (TSI) is a variation of the Relative Strength indicator developed by William Blau. It is a
momentum-based indicator that combines the leading characteristic of a differencing momentum calculation with
the lagging characteristic of an averaging function to create an indicator that reflects price direction and is more in
sync with market turns.
The TSI can be used to determine general trend direction as well as overbought-oversold conditions. There are
three basic techniques for using the TSI to generate trading signals.
Crossovers: TSI /Signal line Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the TSI crosses above the Signal line and a sell
signal occurs when the TSI crosses below the Signal line.
Divergence: Looking for divergences between the TSI and price can prove to be very effective in identifying
potential reversal and/or trend continuation points in price movement. There are several types of divergences:
Classic Divergence (aka: Regular Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in price and higher lows in the TSI
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in price and lower highs in the TSI
Hidden Divergence (aka: Reverse, Continuation, Trend Divergence)
· Bullish Divergence = Lower lows in TSI and higher lows in price
· Bearish Divergence = Higher highs in TSI and lower highs in price
Overbought/Oversold Conditions: The TSI can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in
price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the TSI being greater than or equal to the +25
level while an oversold condition is generally described as the TSI being less than or equal to the -25 level. Trades
can be generated when the TSI crosses these levels. When the TSI crosses above -25 a buy signal is given.
Alternatively, when the TSI crosses below +25 a sell signal is given.
Support /Resistance and “Failure Swings”: Failure swings (a.k.a. support/resistance breakouts) occur when the TSI
surpasses a previous high (peak) or falls below a recent low (trough).
TSI / Zero-level Crossover: When the TSI Histogram crosses above 0 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the
TSI crosses below 0 a sell signal is given.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: True Strength Index
Short Name: vt_TSI
Label Mask: True Strength Index (%Pr%,%R%,%Sm%,%Sigp%) | TSI: %TSI%, Signal:
%Sig%, Histogram: %Hist%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: True Strength Index
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Pr
Display Name: Price
Type: price
Default: close
[New] button...
Name: R
Display Name: Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 20
[New] button...
Name: Sm
Display Name: Double Smoothing Periods
Type: integer
Default: 13
[New] button...
Name: Sigp
Display Name: Signal Line Periods
Type: integer
Default: 7
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: TSI
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
Name: (TSI)
Line Color: blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Sig
Name: (Signal Line)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
[New] button...
Var Name: Hist
Name: (Histogram)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +25.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +0.0000
Color: black
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -25.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
Num:= 100 * Mov(Mov((Pr-ref(Pr,-1)),R,E),Sm,E);
Den:= Mov(Mov(Abs(Pr-ref(Pr,-1)),R,E),Sm,E);
TSI:= if(Den<>0, Num/Den, 0);
Sig:= mov(tsi,Sigp,E);
Hist:= TSI - Sig;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the True Strength Index indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
8.101 Ultimate Oscillator
Ultimate Oscillator
In the April, 1985 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine Larry Williams stated,
"The trouble for most oscillator workers was, and has continued to be, that while frequently oscillators lead
sometimes they lead far too early and, instead of buying a bottom, you are buying falling daggers and getting sliced
up. Even the best oscillators consistently give premature buy and sell signals."
The Ultimate Oscillator combines the weighted sums of price action from three different n-periods of time to create
an oscillator that ranges from 0 to 100. Values of 70 and above are considered to be overbought while values of 30
and below are considered to be oversold. The time frames typically used for the Ultimate Oscillator are 7 periods
(short-term), 14 periods (intermediate-term), and 28 periods (long-term). It’s important to note that these time
periods overlap each other. In other words, the 28-period time frame encompasses both the 14-period time frame
and the 7-period time frame.
Larry Williams defined very specific criteria for generating buy and sell signals using the Ultimate Oscillator.
According to Williams, a buy signal occurs when...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
1. There is Bullish divergence between the price and Ultimate Oscillator (price makes lower lows while oscillator
makes higher lows)
2. During the divergence the oscillator has fallen below 30
3. The Ultimate Oscillator has risen above its high created during the divergence (i.e. the high between the two
The buy position is closed when the Ultimate Oscillator rises above 70, or rises above 50 and then falls back below
Conversely, a sell signal occurs when...
1. There is Bearish divergence between price and the Ultimate Oscillator (price makes higher highs while oscillator
makes lower highs)
2. During the divergence the oscillator has risen above 70
3. The Ultimate Oscillator has fallen below its low created during the divergence (i.e. the low between the two
The sell position is closed when the Ultimate Oscillator falls below 30 or rises back above 65.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Ultimate Oscillator
Short Name: vt_Ultimate
Label Mask: Ultimate Oscillator (%STPeriods%) | %UltimateOscillator%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Ultimate Oscillator
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: STPeriods
Display Name: Short-Term Periods
Type: integer
Default: 7
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: blank1
Display Name: Medium-Term = 2x Short-Term
Type: Enumeration
Default: NULL
[New] button...
"Read Only" Enabled
Name: blank2
Display Name: Long-Term = 4x Short-Term
Type: Enumeration
Default: NULL
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: UltimateOscillator
Name: (UO)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +50.0000
Color: gray
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: +30.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
TL:= min(L,ref(C,-1));
BP:= C-TL;
TR:= max((H-L),max((H-ref(C,-1)),ref(C,-1)-L));
BPSum1:= sum(BP,STPeriods);
BPSum2:= sum(BP,(STPeriods*2));
BPSum3:= sum(BP,(STPeriods*4));
TRSum1:= sum(TR,STPeriods);
TRSum2:= sum(TR,(STPeriods*2));
TRSum3:= sum(TR,(STPeriods*4));
RawUO:= 4*(BPSum1/TRSum1)+2*(BPSum2/TRSum2)+(BPSum3/TRSum3);
UltimateOscillator:= (RawUO/(4+2+1))*100;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Ultimate Oscillator indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
8.102 Volume
"Volume" is representative of the number of incoming price ticks provided from the brokerage's quote stream
during any given bar. The Forex market is unregulated which means there is no way to centrally gauge how much
volume is being moved (in $ value). In the absence of traditional volume, "tick" volume is often used as a substitute
(or proxy) to gauge market participants' activity.
Based on the assumption that "tick" volume can be used substitute to monetary volume, if the number of ticks per
bar is increasing it is likely that there are more market participants entering the market trying to position
themselves; more market participants typically equals more orders which means more money flow (or $ volume).
The opposite is true if the number of ticks per bar is decreasing; it is likely that there are fewer market participants
which signifies less orders and less money flow.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Name: Volume
Short Name: vt_Volume
Label Mask: Volume | %_Volume%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Volume
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
This indicator requires no input variables.
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: _Volume
Name: (Volume)
Line Color: red
Line Width: thin
Line Type: histogram
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
This indicator requires no horizontal lines.
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
_Volume:= Volume;
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Volume indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Technical Indicators
8.103 Williams Percent Range (%R)
Williams Percent Range (%R)
Developed by Larry Williams, the Williams %R (pronounced "percent R") indicator is a momentum oscillator used
to measure overbought and oversold levels. It's very similar to the Stochastic Oscillator except that the %R is
plotted upside-down on a negative scale from 0 to -100 and has no internal smoothing.
The %R defines the relationship of the close price relative to the High-Low range over n-Periods. The nearer the
close price is to the highest high of the range the nearer to zero the reading will be. Alternatively, the nearer the
close price is to the lowest low of the range the nearer to -100 the reading will be. If the close price equals the
highest high of the range the reading will be 0; if the close price equals the lowest low of the range to reading will
be -100.
As an overbought/oversold indicator, Williams %R values from 0 to -20 are considered overbought while values
from -80 to -100 are considered oversold. An interesting phenomenon of the %R indicator is its uncanny ability to
anticipate a reversal in the underlying trading instrument's price.
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: Williams %R
Short Name: vt_WilliamsR
Label Mask: Williams Percent Range (%%R) (%Periods%) | %R%
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Williams %R
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Name: Periods
Display Name: Periods
Type: integer
Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: R
Name: (%R)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: thin
Line Type: solid
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: -20.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
[New] button...
Value: -80.0000
Color: red
Width: thin
Type: dashed
4. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
R:= ((HHV(H,Periods)-C) / (HHV(H,Periods) - LLV(L,Periods))) * -100;
5. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Williams %R indicator.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems
VT Trader Help Manual
Trading Systems Samples
In addition to the Trading Systems Builder 435 that allows users to create their own proprietary trading systems,
VT Trader comes with several sample trading systems. The trading systems included in VT Trader, while fully
functional and able to execute automated trades when attached to a chart and started in Auto-Trade Mode, are
meant to serve only as examples of some of the functionality available in the Trading Systems Builder 435 using
VT Trader's built-in programming langauge 502 .
The sample trading systems are not to be construed as recommendations for trading strategies nor does Visual
Trading Systems, LLC have access to or maintain records relating to potential profitability (ie: backtests) of the
sample trading systems. Users are expected to perform their own testing to decide whether or not any of the
sample trading systems may work for their specific needs "as is". The user assumes full responsibility and risk
when using any automated trading system.
Please select a sample trading system to read its full desciption:
VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System
VT-Commodity Channel Index System 925
VT-Complex Trading System 929
VT-Directional Movement Index System 933
VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System 921
VT-Level Stop-Reverse System 937
VT-Moving Average Cross System 941
VT-Moving Averages of RSI System 945
VT-Schaff Trend Cycle System 949
VT-Simple MACD System 953
VT-Trailing Stoploss System 957
After reviewing the sample trading systems, it is a good idea to attach each trading system to a chart window 111
using a DEMO account from a FX broker, experiment with the various parameters available, and observe how
each trading system functions under real market conditions.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System
VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System
The VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System is designed to use the following indicators and
· Ultimate Oscillator indicator
· Bollinger Bands based on the Ultimate Oscillator
· Moving Average of the Ultimate Oscillator
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crossing above the Middle Bollinger Band
Long Exit: Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crossing below the Middle Bollinger Band
Short Entry: Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crossing below the Middle Bollinger Band
Short Exit: Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crossing above the Middle Bollinger Band
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Short-Term Ultimate Oscillator Periods - the number of periods used to calculate the Ultimate Oscillator
Medium-Term UO Periods = 2x Short-Term - (read only) - the number of periods used to calculate the Ultimate
Medium-Term UO Periods = 2x Short-Term - (read only) - the number of periods used to calculate the Ultimate
Ultimate Oscillator MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate the moving average of the Ultimate
Ultimate Oscillator MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the moving average based on the
Ultimate Oscillator
Bollinger Bands Periods - the number of periods used to calculate the Bollinger Bands based on the Ultimate
Bollinger Bands Deviation - the number of standard deviations used to calculate and display the upper and lower
Bollinger Bands based on the Ultimate Oscillator
Bollinger Bands MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Bollinger Bands based on the
Ultimate Oscillator
System Display
The VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System consists of the following output variables and display
· Ultimate Oscillator indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid dark green line
· Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid red line
· Upper / Lower Bollinger Bands based on the Ultimate Oscillator are displayed in Additional Frame 1 as solid
blue lines
· Middle Bollinger Band based on the Ultimate Oscillator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a dashed blue
· When the Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator > Middle Bollinger Band, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue
background and a dark blue bull symbol along with a vertical blue line at the point of the Moving Average of
Ultimate Oscillator crossing above the Middle Bollinger Band
· When the Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator < Middle Bollinger Band, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red
background and a dark red bear symbol along with a vertical red line at the point of the Moving Average of
Ultimate Oscillator crossing below the Middle Bollinger Band
· When the Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crosses above the Middle Bollinger Band, a blue arrow
graphic displays in the chart window and the message, "Long entry signal detected! Ultimate Oscillator
crossed up through the middle Bolllinger Band" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert
will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action
based on the logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output variables and the Trading System Properties
Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
· When the Moving Average of Ultimate Oscillator crosses below the Middle Bollinger Band, a red arrow graphic
displays in the chart window and the message, "Short entry signal detected! Ultimate Oscillator crossed down
through the middle Bollinger Band" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also
play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based
on the logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output variables and the Trading System Properties Window>
Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System attached to a chart
window using its default parameters...
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Bollinger Bands of Ultimate Oscillator System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade
Mode, it is bound to the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System
VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System
The VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System is a very minor version of the type defined by Bill Williams, Ph.D., and his
Chaos-based trading methods. According to Bill Williams, an "up fractal" is defined as a middle bar with two lower
highs on each side of it; A "down fractal" is defined as a middle bar with two higher lows on each side of it. * This
trading system is based on a very small fraction of Bill Williams' complete trading system.
The VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System is based on the following indicators and conditions:
· Up Fractal
· Down Fractal
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: Close price crossing above the most recent Up Fractal
Long Exit: Close price crossing below the most recent Down Fractal
Short Entry: Close price crossing below the most recent Down Fractal
Short Exit: Close price crossing above the most recent Up Fractal
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
System Display
The VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Up Fractals levels are displayed in the Price Frame as small blue dots
· Highest High value of the Up Fractals are displayed in the Price Frame as large dark blue dots
· Down Fractals levels are displayed in the Price Frame as small red dots
· Lowest Low value of the Down Fractals are displayed in the Price Frame as large dark red dots
· When the Close price crosses above the most recent Up Fractal and until the Close price crosses below the
most recent Down Fractal, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a yellow bull symbol along
with a vertical blue line at the point of the Close price crossing above the most recent Up Fractal
· When the Close price crosses below the most recent Down Fractal and until the Close price crosses above
the most recent Up Fractal, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red background and a yellow bear symbol along
with a vertical red line at the point of the Close price crossing below the most recent Down Fractal
· When the Close price crosses above the most recent Up Fractal, a blue arrow graphic displays in the chart
window and the message, "Long Signal Detected! Close price has crossed above an Up Fractal." displays in
the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the
condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output
variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
· When the Close price crosses below the most recent Down Fractal, a red arrow graphic displays in the chart
window and the message, "Short Signal Detected! Close price has crossed below a Down Fractal." displays in
the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the
condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output
variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Fractal Trading System attached to a chart window using its default
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Chaos Fractal Trading System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is bound to
the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Commodity Channel Index System
VT-Commodity Channel Index System
The VT-Commodity Channel Index System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
· Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator
· CCI +/- Control Level (user-defined input variable); default value is +40 (also sets negative counterpart = -40)
· CCI +/- Extreme Level (user-defined input variable); default is +100 (also sets negative counterpart = -100)
This trading system is based on the following conditions:
Long Entry: Commodity Channel Index crossing above CCI Control Level (+40)
Long Exit: If Commodity Channel Index crosses above CCI Extreme Level (+100), then Exit when Commodity
Channel Index crosses below CCI Control Level (+40) - OR - If Commodity Channel Index never crosses above
CCI Extreme Level (+100), then Exit when Commodity Channel Index crosses below 0
Short Entry: Commodity Channel Index crossing below negative CCI Control Level (-40)
Short Exit: If Commodity Channel Index crosses below negative CCI Extreme Level (-100), then Exit when
Commodity Channel Index crosses above negative CCI Control Level (-40) - OR - If Commodity Channel Index
never crosses below negative CCI Extreme Level (-100), then Exit when Commodity Channel Index crosses above
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
CCI Price - price used to calculate the Commodity Channel Index
CCI Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator
CCI Formula Calc Method - determines the final method used to calculate the Commodity Channel Index
CCI +/- Control Level - CCI +/- levels used in entries
CCI +/- Extreme Level - CCI +/- levels used in exits
System Display
The VT-Commodity Channel Index System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid green line
· +/- CCI Control Levels are displayed in Additional Frame 1 as dashed red lines
· +/- CCI Extreme Levels are displayed in Additional Frame 1 as dashed blue lines
· When the CCI > 0, the Trend Frame
displays a light blue background and a blue up arrow symbol
· When the CCI < 0, the Trend Frame
displays a light red background and a red down arrow symbol
· When "Long Entry" (see above criteria) is valid, a blue arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the
message, "Long entry signal detected!" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also
play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based
on the logic of the OpenBuy output variable and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading
Parameters Bookmark options.
· When "Long Exit" (see above criteria) is valid, a blue exit graphic displays in the chart window and the
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
message, "Long exit signal detected!!" displays in the Activity Log Window
; a standard audio alert will also
play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based
on the logic of the CloseBuy output variable and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading
Parameters Bookmark options.
· When "Short Entry" (see above criteria), a red arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the message,
"Short entry signal detected!" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If
Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the
logic of the OpenSell output variable and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters
Bookmark options.
· When "Short Exit" (see above criteria) is valid, a red exit graphic displays in the chart window and the
message, "Short exit signal detected!" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also
play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based
on the logic of the CloseSell output variable and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading
Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Commodity Channel Index System attached to a chart window using its
default parameters...
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Commodity Channel Index System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is
bound to the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Complex Trading System
VT-Complex Trading System
The VT-Complex Trading System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
Short Moving Average
Long Moving Average
Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system. This logic allows the trading system to use
opposing entry conditions for Long and Short trades while only considering a new opposing entry once all entry
criteria for the opposing entry is valid.
Long Entry: MA1 > MA2 and RSI > 50 and MACD Fast Line > MACD Signal Line
Long Exit: MA1 < MA2 and RSI < 50 and MACD Fast Line < MACD Signal Line
Short Entry: MA1 < MA2 and RSI < 50 and MACD Fast Line < MACD Signal Line
Short Exit: MA1 > MA2 and RSI > 50 and MACD Fast Line > MACD Signal Line
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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is (or will be) attached to
Short MA Price - the price type used to calculate the Short Moving Average
Short MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Short Moving Average
Short MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Short Moving Average
Long MA Price - the price type used to calculate the Long Moving Average
Long MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Long Moving Average
Long MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Long Moving Average
RSI Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Relative Strength Index indicator
MACD Price - the price type used to calculate the Fast Line and Signal Line of the MACD indicator
MACD MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Fast Line and Signal Line of the MACD
MACD Short MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Fast Line of the MACD
MACD Long MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Fast Line of the MACD
MACD Signal MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Signal Line of the MACD
System Display
The VT-Complex Trading System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Short Moving Average is displayed in the Price Frame as a solid blue line
· Long Moving Average is displayed in the Price Frame as a solid blue line
· Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid green line
· Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator's corresponding 50 level is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a
dashed red line
· MACD Fast Line is displayed in Additional Frame 2 as a solid red line
· MACD Signal Line is displayed in Additional Frame 2 as a solid blue line
· MACD Histogram is displayed in Additional Frame 2 as a green histogram line
· When MA1 > MA2 and RSI > 50 and MACD Fast Line > MACD Signal Line and until MA1 < MA2 and RSI <
50 and MACD Fast Line < MACD Signal Line, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a yellow
bull symbol (indicating an UpTrend) along with a vertical blue line at the initial point of all "Long Entry"
conditions (see above criteria) being valid
· When MA1 < MA2 and RSI < 50 and MACD Fast Line < MACD Signal Line and until MA1 > MA2 and RSI >
50 and MACD Fast Line > MACD Signal Line, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red background and a yellow
bear symbol (indicating a DownTrend) along with a vertical red line at the initial point of all "Short Entry"
conditions (see above criteria) being valid
· During a DownTrend, at the initial bar when "Long Entry" (see above criteria) is valid, a blue arrow graphic
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displays in the chart window and the message, "Long entry signal detected!!" displays in the Activity Log
Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will
trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output variables and the
Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
· During an UpTrend, at the initial bar when "Short Entry" (see above criteria) is valid, a red arrow graphic
displays in the chart window and the message, "Short entry signal detected!!" displays in the Activity Log
Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will
trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output variables and the
Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Complex Trading System attached to a chart window using its default
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Complex Trading System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is bound to the
specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Directional Movement Index System
VT-Directional Movement Index System
The VT-Directional Movement Index System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
· Directional Movement ADX(R) indicator
· Directional Movement Index (PlusDI / MinusDI components)
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: PlusDI crossing above the MinusDI
Long Exit: PlusDI crossing below the MinusDI
Short Entry: PlusDI crossing below the MinusDI
Short Exit: PlusDI crossing above the MinusDI
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system is (or will be)
attached to
DMI & ADX Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Directional Movement ADX(R) and
Directional Movement Index indicators
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ADX Type - the type of calculation used to compute the Directional Movement ADX(R) indicator
System Display
The VT-Directional Movement Index System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Directional Movement ADX(R) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid green line
· Directional Movement Index indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1; PlusDI is a solid blue line and
MinusDI is a solid red line
· When PlusDI > MinusDI, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a dark blue bull symbol along
with a vertical blue line at the point of PlusDI crossing above MinusDI
· When PlusDI < MinusDI, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red background and a dark red bear symbol along
with a vertical red line at the point of PlusDI crossing below MinusDI
· When PlusDI crosses above MinusDI, a blue arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the message,
"Long Entry Signal!" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If
Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the
logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading
Parameters Bookmark options.
· When PlusDI crosses below MinusDI, a red arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the message,
"Short Entry Signal!" displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If
Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the
logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading
Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Directional Movement Index System attached to a chart window using
its default parameters...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Directional Movement Index System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is
bound to the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
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VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Level Stop-Reverse System
VT-Level Stop-Reverse System
The VT-Level Stop-Reverse System designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
· Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: Close price crossing above the Trailing Stop Level
Long Exit: Close price crossing below the Trailing Stop Level
Short Entry: Close price crossing below the Trailing Stop Level
Short Exit: Close price crossing above the Trailing Stop Level
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
Price - the price used to calculate the Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator
Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level Mode - the mode used for the Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator; the
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available choices are "Volatility" and "Pips"
If Volatility, ATR Periods - If "Volatility" is chosen as the "Mode", this option is used to calculate the ATR indicator
used in the volatility calculations
If Volatility, Wilders ATR Smoothing Periods - If "Volatility" is chosen as the "Mode", this option is used to
smooth the data used in the volatility calculations
If Volatility, ATR Multiplier - If "Volatility" is chosen as the "Mode", this option is used as a multiplication factor of
the ATR indicator's value which is used in the volatility calculations
If Pips, # of Pips to Trail - If "Pips" is chosen as the "Mode", the "Volatility"-related parameters are ignored and
this parameter is used; allows the user to determine the number of pips at which the Trailing Stoploss Reversal
Level indicator will trail behind the current price
System Display
The VT-Level Stop-Reverse System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Trailing Stop Level indicator is displayed in the Price Frame as a dashed blue line
· When the Close price crosses above the Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator, a blue arrow graphic
displays in the chart window and the message, "Long signal detected! Price crossed above the TSL." displays
in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the
condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output
variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
· When the Close price crosses below the Trailing Stoploss Reversal Level indicator, a red arrow graphic
displays in the chart window and the message, "Short signal detected! Price crossed below the TRL." displays
in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the
condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output
variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Level Stop-Reverse System attached to a chart window using its default
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Level Stop-Reverse System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is bound to the
specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
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VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Moving Average Cross System
VT-Moving Average Cross System
The VT-Moving Average Cross System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
· Short Moving Average indicator
· Long Moving Average indicator
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: Short Moving Average crossing above the Long Moving Average
Long Exit: Short Moving Average crossing below the Long Moving Average
Short Entry: Short Moving Average crossing below the Long Moving Average
Short Exit: Short Moving Average crossing above the Long Moving Average
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
Short MA Price - the price type used to calculate the Short Moving Average
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Short MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Short Moving Average
Short MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Short Moving Average
Long MA Price - the price type used to calculate the Long Moving Average
Long MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Long Moving Average
Long MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Long Moving Average
System Display
The VT-Moving Average Cross System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Short Moving Average is displayed in the Price Frame as a solid blue line
· Long Moving Average is displayed in the Price Frame as a solid red line
· When the Short MA > Long MA, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a yellow bull symbol
along with a vertical blue line at the point of the Short MA crossing above the Long MA
· When the Short MA < Long MA, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red background and a yellow bear symbol
along with a vertical red line at the point of the Short MA crossing below the Long MA
· When the Short MA crosses above the Long MA, a blue arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the
message, "Long signal detected! The Short MA crossed above the Long MA." displays in the Activity Log
Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will
trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenBuy and CloseSell output variables and the
Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
· When the Short MA crosses below the Long MA, a red arrow graphic displays in the chart window and the
message, "Short signal detected! The Short MA crossed below the Long MA." displays in the Activity Log
Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled, this is the condition that will
trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenSell and CloseBuy output variables and the
Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark options.
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Moving Average Cross System attached to a chart window using its
default parameters...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Moving Average Cross System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is bound to
the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
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© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Moving Averages Of RSI System
VT-Moving Averages of RSI System
The VT-Moving Averages of RSI System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
· Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator
· Short Moving Average of RSI indicator
· Long Moving Average of RSI indicator
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: Short Moving Average of RSI crossing above the Long Moving Average of RSI
Long Exit: Short Moving Average of RSI crossing below the Long Moving Average of RSI
Short Entry: Short Moving Average of RSI crossing below the Long Moving Average or RSI
Short Exit: Short Moving Average or RSI crossing above the Long Moving Average RSI
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
RSI Price - the price type used to calculate the Relative Strength Index indicator
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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RSI Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Relative Strength Index indicator
Short MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Short Moving Average of RSI
Short MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Short Moving Average of RSI
Long MA Periods - the number of periods used to calculate and display the Long Moving Average of RSI
Long MA Type - the type of moving average used to calculate the Long Moving Average of RSI
System Display
The VT-Moving Averages of RSI System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a thin solid green line
· Short Moving Average of RSI is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid blue line
· Long Moving Average of RSI is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid red line
· When the Short MA of RSI > Long MA of RSI, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a yellow
bull symbol along with a vertical blue line at the point of the Short MA of RSI crossing above the Long MA of
· When the Short MA of RSI < Long MA of RSI, the Trend Frame 482 displays a red background and a yellow
bear symbol along with a vertical red line at the point of the Short MA of RSI crossing below the Long MA of
· When the Short MA of RSI crosses above the Long MA of RSI, a blue arrow graphic displays in the chart
window and the message, "Long signal detected! The Short RSI MA crossed above the Long RSI MA."
displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled,
this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenBuy and
CloseSell output variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark
· When the Short MA of RSI crosses below the Long MA of RSI, a red arrow graphic displays in the chart
window and the message, "Short signal detected! The Short RSI MA crossed below the Long RSI MA."
displays in the Activity Log Window 188 ; a standard audio alert will also play. If Auto-Trade Mode is enabled,
this is the condition that will trigger an automated trading action based on the logic of the OpenSell and
CloseBuy output variables and the Trading System Properties Window>Trading Parameters Bookmark
Below is a screenshot that shows the VT-Moving Averages of RSI System attached to a chart window using its
default parameters...
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
Trading Parameters
It is vitally important that if the intention is to use this trading system to execute automated trading actions that
when attaching the trading system to the chart window 111 the options in the Trading System Properties Window
>Trading Parameters Bookmark be carefully verified and modified as necessary to match the intended Account
and Amount (lot size). The Trading Enabled 475 output variables' Traders Range 494 , EachTick Count 494 , and
Hedge 494 options can also be verified and modified from the Trading Parameters Bookmark if necessary. It is
also required that trading system be started in Auto-Trade Mode once the Trading System Properties are
properly configured; failure to do this will result in no automated trading actions being executed.
Once the VT-Moving Averages of RSI System has been started and is running in Auto-Trade Mode, it is bound
to the specific currency pair, specific chart interval 99 , and Account it is attached to.
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
VT Trader Help Manual
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
Trading Systems Samples
VT-Schaff Trend Cycle System
VT-Schaff Trend Cycle System
The VT-Schaff Trend Cycle System is designed to use the following indicators and conditions:
Slow Schaff Trend Cycle indicator (STC1)
Fast Schaff Trend Cycle indicator (STC2)
Level Up % (user-defined input variable); default value is +70
Level Down % (user-defined input variable); default value is +30
This trading system is an always-in-the-market trading system.
Long Entry: The cross of the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) above the Slow Schaff TC (STC1) is the trigger, but only if
their cross happens while the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) is greater than 30 and less than 70; Additionally, a Long
Entry can also be generated by the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) crossing above the Level Down % value, but only if the
Fast Schaff TC (STC2) is already above the Slow Schaff TC (STC1) and the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) is less than
Long Exit: A long exit is generated when a new Short Entry is generated.
Short Entry: The cross of the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) below Slow Schaff TC (STC1) is the trigger, but only if this
cross happens while the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) is greater than 30 and less than 70; Additionally, a Short Entry can
also be generated by the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) crossing below the Level Up % value, but only if the Fast Schaff
TC (STC2) is already beneath the Slow Schaff TC (STC1) and the Fast Schaff TC (STC2) is greater than 30.
Short Exit: A short exit is generated when a new Long Entry is generated.
It can be used in Recommendation Only Mode to alert the user to the above conditions as well as in Auto-Trade
Mode to execute automated trading actions based on the associated conditions and their respective "Trading
Enabled" output variables (OpenBuy, CloseBuy, OpenSell, and CloseSell).
System Parameters
The Trading System Properties Window>System Parameters Bookmark consists of the following user-defined
input variables:
© 2008 Visual Trading Systems, LLC
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Instrument, Interval, Bid/Ask - (read only) - the trade instrument, chart interval, and chart type the trading system
is (or will be) attached to
Schaff Price - the price used to calculate the Fast and Slow Schaff Trend Cycle indicators
Schaff hort-Term Periods - the number of periods used in the calculation of the Fast and Slow Schaff Trend
Cycle indicators
Schaff Long-Term Periods - the number of periods used in the calculation of the Fast and Slow Schaff Trend
Cycle indicators;
Schaff Cycle Periods - the number of periods used in the calculation of the Fast and Slow Schaff Trend Cycle
Level Up % - Overbought level used in entries
Level Down % - Oversold level used in entries
System Display
The VT-Schaff Trend Cycle System consists of the following output variables and display parameters:
· Slow Schaff Trend Cycle (STC1) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a solid green line
· Fast Schaff Trend Cycle (STC2) indicator is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a dashed black line
· Level Up % is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a dotted red line
· Level Down % is displayed in Additional Frame 1 as a dotted red line
· As long as "Long Entry" (see above criteria) is valid, the Trend Frame 482 displays a blue background and a
yellow bull symbol along with a vertical blue line at the point of "Long Entry" becoming valid
· As long as "Short Entry" (see above criteria), the Trend