เวียดนาม: จํานวนโครงการ - Thailand Overseas Investment Center
เวียดนาม: จํานวนโครงการ - Thailand Overseas Investment Center
คํานํา สํานักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมการลงทุน ได้จดั พิม พ์ห นัง สือ “รายชื่อบริษ ัทในกลุ่ม อุตสาหกรรมที่มกี ารลงทุน ใน สาธารณรัฐสังคมนิยมเวียดนาม” โดยมีรายละเอียดครอบคลุม รายชื่อบริษทั ขอบข่ายของธุรกิจ ทีต่ งั ้ และเบอร์โทรศัพท์ของ บริษทั ในอุตสาหกรรมทีส่ าํ นักงานฯ ได้ศกึ ษาว่าเป็นอุตสาหกรรมเป้าหมายสําหรับการส่งเสริมการลงทุนไทยในต่างประเทศและ เป็น อุตสาหกรรมที่น่าสนใจของสาธารณรัฐ สัง คมนิยมเวียดนาม เพื่อผู้อ่านใช้ประโยชน์ ในการหาข้อมูลเบื้องต้น โดยข้อมูล ดังกล่าวได้มาจากแหล่งข้อมูลต่างๆ อาทิ Vietnam Business List , Vietnam Business Directory และ Yellow Pages เป็นต้น ทัง้ นี้ สํานักงานฯ หวังเป็นอย่างยิง่ ว่าหนังสือเล่มนี้จะเป็นประโยชน์ต่อผูท้ ส่ี นใจจะเข้าไปลงทุนในสาธารณรัฐสังคมนิยม เวียดนาม สํานักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมการลงทุน เมษายน 2556 สารบัญ หน้ า คํานํา ข้อมูลพื้นฐานทางเศรษฐกิ จที่สาํ คัญของสาธารณรัฐสังคมนิ ยมเวียดนาม ภาพรวมเศรษฐกิจมหภาคของเวียดนาม ภาพรวมของการลงทุนโดยตรงของต่างชาติในเวียดนาม โอกาสการลงทุนของธุรกิจไทยในเวียดนาม รายชื่อสถานประกอบการจําแนกตามอุตสาหกรรมในสาธารณรัฐสังคมนิ ยมเวียดนาม Agriculture Animal Feed Construction Energy Farm Supplies Food Processing Industrial Equipment , Machinery & Equipment Oil & Gas Plastics & Rubber Textiles I II IV 1 7 14 18 20 21 32 60 71 101 ข้อมูลพื้นฐานทางเศรษฐกิ จที่สาํ คัญของสาธารณรัฐสังคมนิ ยมเวียดนาม 1. ภาพรวมเศรษฐกิ จมหภาคของเวียดนาม เศรษฐกิ จ ของเวี ย ดนามเมื่ อ พิ จ ารณาจาก ผลิตภัณ ฑ์ม วลรวมภายในประเทศ และรายได้ เฉลี่ย ต่ อ หัวประชากรเวีย ดนามมีการขยายตัว เพิ่ม ขึ้น อย่ างต่ อ เนื่ อง ตลอดจนการค้าระหว่า ง ประเทศก็มกี ารปรับตัวดีขน้ึ ในปี 2555 แม้ว่าประเทศเวียดนาม ประสบกับภาวะ เงินเฟ้อในระดับสูงอยูห่ ลายปี แต่หลังจากธนาคาร กลางปรับ อัต ราดอกเบี้ยหลายครัง้ เพื่อป้ องกัน เศรษฐกิจขยายตัว อัตราเงินเฟ้อของเวียดนามใน ปี 2555 ลดลง เหลือ ร้อยละ 6.8 ปี ซึ่งลดระดับ ตํ่าสุดในรอบ 3 ปี ดัชนี ชี้วดั ทางเศรษฐกิ จ 2552 ั บนั (พันล้าน USD) ผลิตภัณฑ์มวลรวมภายในประเทศ ณ.ราคาปจจุ 93.2 อัตราการขยายตัวตามราคาคงที่ (ร้อยละ) 5.3 ประชากรและรายได้ ประชากร(ล้านคน) 86 GDP Per capita (USD) 1,064 ราคาและการเงิ น อัตราแลกเปลีย่ นต่อ USD (สิน้ ปี) 18,479 ้ อัตราเงินเฟอเฉลีย่ (ร้อยละ) 6.9 อัตราเงินเฟ้อ ณ. สิน้ ปี(ร้อยละ) 6.5 ดุลการค้าและดุลบริ การ (ล้าน USD) ดุลการค้า -12,852 ส่งออก 57,096 นําเข้า -69,968 ดุลบริการ -1,134 เงินสํารองระหว่างประเทศ (ล้าน USD) 14,100 ที่มา (1) Social – economic situation General Statistic Office of Vietnam (2) International Monetary Fund I 2553 2554 2555 104.6 6.8 121.7 5.9 138.1 5.03 86.9 1,169 87.8 1,375 88.7 1,527 18,932 9.2 11.8 20,828 18.6 18.1 20,828 6.81 9.21 -12,603 -9,844 284 72,236 96,905 114,572 -84,839 -106,749 -114,288 -901.0 -2,980 -3,100 12,400 14,300 20,900 2. ภาพรวมของการลงทุนโดยตรงของต่างชาติ ในเวียดนาม • มูลค่าการลงทุนและจํานวนโครงการ ประเทศเวียดนามจัดว่าเป็ น ประเทศที่น่ าลงทุนประเทศหนึ่ง ในเอเชีย ส่วนหนึ่ง มาจากนโยบายของรัฐบาลที่เร่ง ให้ม ีการเปิดเสรีทางด้านการ ลงทุนเพื่อสอดรับกับข้อตกลงขององค์การการค้าโลก การลงทุนโดยตรง สะสมจากต่างประเทศในเวียดนาม ตัง้ แต่เปิดประเทศในปี 2531จนถึง 31 ธันวาคม 2555 มีมลู ค่าการจดทะเบียนการลงทุนถึง 210,521.6 ล้าน ดอลลาร์ สรอ. โดยมีจาํ นวนโครงการ 14,552 โครงการ 80,000 71,726 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 ในปี 2551 มีมูลค่าการจดทะเบียนการลงทุนโดยตรง มากที่สุด คือมีมูลค่ า ถึง 71,726 ล้า นบาท และมีจํานวนโครงการทัง้ สิ้น 1,557 โครงการ ถึง แม้ว่าหลัง จากปี 2551การลงทุน จากต่างประเทศจะเริ่ม ชะลอตัวลงเนื่องจากผลกระทบของวิกฤติการเงินโลก แต่เวียดนามยังคง ติดอันดับ 1 ใน 5 ของประเทศผู้รองรับการลงทุนจากต่างประเทศใน ASEAN 10,000 - 23,107 21,347 15,618 16,348 1,554 1,557 1,208 1,237 1,594 1,837 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 จํานวนโครงการ II 19,886 ทุนจดทะเบียน (ล้ าน USD) อุตสาหกรรมที่ต่างชาติ นิยมลงทุนใน เวียดนาม: จํานวนโครงการ ลํา ดับ ั หาเงิน เฟ้ อ ใน ถึง แม้ ว่า เวีย ดนามจะประสบป ญ ระดับสูง แต่เงินลงทุนโดยตรงจากต่างประเทศยังคง ไหลเข้าอย่างต่อเนื่อง จากสถิตติ งั ้ แต่เวียดนามเปิด ประเทศจนถึงปี 2555 อุตสาหกรรมที่นักลงทุนต่าง ชาติ นิ ย มลงทุ น ในเวี ย ดนามมากที่ สุ ด ได้ แ ก่ อุต สาหกรรมการผลิต และแปรรู ป ซึ่ง มีถึง 8,072 โครงการ มี มู ล ค่ า การจดทะเบี ย นการลงทุ น 105,938.7 ล้านบาท เป็นสัดส่วนร้อยละ 50.3 ของ การลงทุ น ทางตรงทัง้ หมดรองลงมาคือ ธุ ร กิ จ อสังหาริมทรัพย์ บริการด้านที่พกั และอาหาร การ ก่ อ ส ร้ า ง อุ ต ส า ห ก ร ร ม ไ ฟ ฟ้ า ก๊ า ซ แ ล ะ เครื่องปรับอากาศ ตามลําดับ 1 2 3 4 • สาขา 5 6 7 8 9 Manufactoring and processing industry Real estate business Accomodation and food service Construction Production and distribution of electricity, gas, water, air conditioning Information and Communication Art and Entertainment Transport, storage Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery 10 11 Mining Wholesale, retail and repair 12 13 Finance, Banking and Insurance Water supply and waste treatment 14 15 16 17 18 Health and social support Professional, science and technology Activities Others services Education and training Administration and support services Total III ทุนจดทะเบียน จํานวน โครงการ มูลค่า (ล้านUSD) สัดส่วน% 8,072 388 331 936 105,938.7 49,760.5 10,605.8 10,052.0 50.3 23.6 5.0 4.8 87 828 137 350 493 7,488.9 3,941.7 3,629.2 3,492.8 3,263.0 3.6 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.5 78 902 3,182.0 2,898.3 1.5 1.4 76 28 1,321.7 1,234.2 0.6 0.6 82 1336 121 163 114 14,522 1,222.2 1,101.5 732.9 462.9 193.3 210,521.6 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 100.0 3. โอกาสการลงทุนของธุรกิ จไทยในเวียดนาม ประเทศเวียดนามถือได้วา่ เป็นประเทศหนึ่งในกลุ่ม AEC ทีน่ ่าสนใจสําหรับนักธุรกิจไทยทีจ่ ะไปลงทุน ด้วยเหตุผลดังต่อไปนี้ 1) ระบบการเมืองการปกครอง การเมืองในประเทศเวียดนามค่อนข้างมั ่นคง มีเสถียรภาพ ไม่มกี ารเปลีย่ นแปลงมากนัก 2) ทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ อดุ มสมบูรณ์ เวียดนามเป็นประเทศทีม่ ที รัพยากรธรรมชาติมหาศาล มีแหล่งวัตถุดบิ อุดมสมบูรณ์ วัตถุดบิ บางอย่างทีไ่ ม่สามารถหาในเมืองไทยได้ หรือมีราคาแพง สามารถไปหาได้ท่เี วียดนาม และมีราคาถูกกว่ายกตัวอย่างเช่น ปลากระป๋องตราสามแม่ครัว ปจั จุบนั ตัง้ โรงงานผลิตในเวียดนาม เพราะใช้วตั ถุดิบใน เวียดนามซึง่ หาได้ง่ายกว่า ราคาถูกกว่า และกระบวนการผลิตก็ใช้ตน้ ทุน ตํ่ากว่า เมื่อผลิตเสร็จ ก็ส่งมาขายทีเ่ มืองไทย และส่งออกไปประเทศอื่นๆ 3) สถานที่ท่องเที่ยว ั่ เวียดนามมีทรัพยากรชายฝงทะเล รวมทัง้ สถานทีท่ ่องเทีย่ วทางธรรมชาติ และแหล่งโบราณสถานเก่าแก่ ซึง่ ได้รบั การจัดอันดับจากนิตยสารท่องเที่ยว ชัน้ นําต่างๆให้เป็นจุดหมายปลายทางการท่องเทีย่ วทีโ่ ดดเด่นแห่งหนึ่งในเอเชีย จึงเป็นโอกาสทีด่ สี าํ หรับอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเทีย่ วและธุรกิจต่อเนื่องอีกด้วย 4) แรงงานในวัยหนุ่มสาว ประชากรทีอ่ ยูใ่ นประเทศเวียดนามส่วนใหญ่อยูใ่ นวัยหนุ่มสาว ซึง่ เป็นวัยทํางาน กําลังสร้างตัว และจะเป็นชนชัน้ กลางทีม่ กี าํ ลังซือ้ สูงในอนาคตถึงแม้วา่ แรงงานส่วนใหญ่ยงั ขาดทักษะ แต่ทางการเวียดนามก็มแี ผนให้การสนับสนุนการศึกษาอย่างเร่งด่วน 5) ค่าจ้างแรงงานตํา่ ค่าจ้างแรงงานขันตํ ้ ่าของเวียดนามมีอตั ราตํ่ากว่าค่าจ้างแรงงานของไทย ในปี 2555 ค่าจ้างแรงงานขัน้ ตํ่าของเวียดนามอยู่ระหว่าง 79-113 ดอลลาร์ สรอ.ต่อเดือน IV 6) ตลาดใหญ่ กําลังซื้อสูง เวียดนามเป็นตลาดขนาดใหญ่ มีประชากร ณ สิน้ ปี 2555 จํานวน 88.781 ล้านคน นับเป็นโอกาสของผู้ท่ตี ้องการไปลงทุนหรือขยายตลาดสินค้าใน เวียดนามนอกจากนี้สถิตกิ ารแต่งงานในเวียดนามในปจั จุบนั สูงมากจึงทําให้อตั ราการเพิม่ ของจํานวนประชากรในเวียดนามเพิม่ ขึน้ อย่างรวดเร็ว 7) กําลังสนับสนุนจากคนเวียดนามโพ้นทะเล ลักษณะของคนเวียดนามส่วนใหญ่จะเหมือนคนจีน มีการกินอาหารร่วมโต๊ะกันในวันตรุษจีน มีการให้แต๊ะเอีย นอกจากนี้คนเวียดนามที่อาศัยและ ทํางานอยูใ่ นต่างประเทศก็มลี กั ษณะเหมือนคนจีนในต่างแดน คือ คนเหล่านี้จะส่งเงินมาช่วยครอบครัวของตนในเวียดนามทุกปี ปีหนึ่งเกือบ 300,000 ล้าน ด่อง เงินเหล่านี้เป็นการช่วยสนับสนุนให้เศรษฐกิจของเวียดนามทัง้ ในปจั จุบนั และอนาคตเติบโตขึน้ อย่างต่อเนื่อง 8) ระบบการเงิ น ในประเทศเวียดนาม มีธนาคารของไทยทีช่ ่วยอํานวยความสะดวกแก่นกั ลงทุนในเรื่องสินเชื่อและระบบการชําระเงิน อาทิเช่น ธนาคารกรุงเทพฯ ซึง่ เป็นธนาคารต่างชาติรายแรกที่เข้ามาในเวียดนาม เริม่ ต้นจากเป้าหมายในการช่วยเหลือนักธุรกิจไทยที่เข้ามาทําธุรกิจในเวียดนาม ปจั จุบนั มี 2 สาขา คือ ฮานอย และโฮจิมนิ ห์ โดยปจั จุบนั ลูกค้าของธนาคารกรุงเทพในเวียดนาม เป็นคนไทย 40% ชาวเวียดนาม 30% ทีเ่ หลือคือชาวต่างชาติ โดยเฉพาะไต้หวันซึ่ง ให้ความสนใจเข้ามาลงทุนเป็นจํานวนมาก โดยธนาคารจะให้บริการเฉพาะลูกค้าองค์กร ยังไม่มบี ริการสําหรับลูกค้าทั ่วไป นอกจากนี้รฐั บาลเวียดนามยังเปิดเสรีเรื่องการโอนเงินกําไรจากการลงทุนของต่างชาติ กลับประเทศได้ 100 % เพื่อเป็นแรงจูงใจให้นักลงทุนต่างชาติ เข้ามาลงทุนในเวียดนามมากขึน้ 9) มีการพัฒนาระบบคมนาอย่างต่อเนื่ อง หลังจากการเปิดประเทศ และมีการลงทุนจากต่างชาติหลั ่งไหลเข้ามาจํานวนมาก ทําให้ระบบคมนาคมขนส่งทีม่ อี ยู่ ไม่เพียงพอและเป็นอุปสรรคต่อการ ลงทุน รัฐบาลเวียดนามจึงได้มกี ารทุ่มงบประมาณในการพัฒนาระบบคมนาคมขนส่งอย่างต่อเนื่อง เพื่อเป็นปจั จัยหนึ่งในการดึงดูดการลงทุนจากต่างชาติ 1 Social-economic situation in 2012. General Statistic Office of Vietnam, march 2013 V 10) การส่งเสริ มการลงทุนจากภาครัฐ รัฐ บาลเวียดนามส่ งเสริมการลงทุนจากต่างชาติ โดยได้ออกกฎหมายการลงทุน จากต่างประเทศ ชื่อ Unified Enterprise Law และ Common Investment Law ประกาศใช้เมื่อเดือนกรกฎาคม 2548 เป็นกฎหมายการลงทุนของเวียดนามทีม่ คี วามชัดเจนและเอือ้ ประโยชน์แก่นกั ลงทุน โดยรัฐบาลยืนยัน ทีจ่ ะไม่ยดึ กิจการเป็นของรัฐ รวมทัง้ อนุญาตให้ส่งเงินทุนและกําไรกลับประเทศได้ รัฐบาลจะไม่เก็บภาษีเครื่องจักรอุปกรณ์ และวัสดุก่อสร้างทีน่ ําเข้ามาเพื่อผลิต สินค้าส่งออก นอกจากนี้ยงั มีการปรับปรุงหน่ วยงานที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการอนุ มตั โิ ครงการลงทุนจากต่างชาติ โดยใช้ระบบ “One-stop Service” เพื่อแก้ปญั หา ความล่าช้าเกีย่ วกับการขออนุญาตลงทุน และรัฐบาลเวียดนามยังมีการใช้มาตรการต่างๆ ในการส่งเสริมและควบคุมการลงทุนในเวียดนามอีกด้วย 11) นิ คมอุตสาหกรรมเป็ นหนึ่ งในกลไกส่งเสริมการลงทุน การจัดตัง้ เขตเศรษฐกิจพิเศษ(Special Economic Zone) หลายแห่งทั ่วประเทศตัง้ แต่ปี 2534 ซึง่ ถือเป็นหัวใจสําคัญในการดึงดูดเม็ดเงินลงทุนจาก ต่างประเทศให้เข้ามาในเวียดนาม ทัง้ นี้เขตเศรษฐกิจพิเศษของเวียดนาม แบ่งออกเป็น 3 ประเภทได้แก่ Export Processing Zone (EPZ) ถือกําเนิดขึน้ เป็นครัง้ แรกในเวียดนามเมื่อปี 2531 เป็นเขตเศรษฐกิจทีร่ วมอุตสาหกรรมประเภทต่างๆซึง่ เน้นผลิต สินค้าเพื่อการส่งออกมีการจัดระบบสาธารณูปโภคเพื่อให้บริการและอํานวยความสะดวกในการผลิตนักลงทุนทีเ่ ข้ามาลงทุนใน EPZ สามารถทําการผลิตรับช่วง ต่อ (Sub-contract) และประกอบชิน้ ส่วนสินค้าเพื่อการส่งออก Industrial Zone (IZ) หรือ Industrial Park เกิดขึน้ เป็นครัง้ แรกในเวียดนามเมื่อปี 2537 เป็นเขตเศรษฐกิจอุตสาหกรรมซึ่งเน้นผลิตสินค้าเพื่อ จําหน่ายในประเทศ High-Tech Zone (HTZ) เป็นเขตเศรษฐกิจทีจ่ ดั ตัง้ ขึน้ เพื่อส่งเสริมการวิจยั และพัฒนา (R&D) รวมทัง้ ผลิตสินค้าทีใ่ ช้เทคโนโลยีการผลิตขันสู ้ ง ปจั จุบนั เวียดนามมีนคิ มอุตสาหกรรม มากถึง 199 แห่ง ตัง้ อยูใ่ นภาคเหนือ 52 แห่ง ภาคกลาง 27 แห่ง และภาคใต้ 120 แห่ง นอกจากนี้รฐั บาลเวียดนามยังมีนโยบายส่งเสริมการลงทุนจากต่างประเทศซึง่ ส่งเสริมการลงทุนในหลายสาขาและมีความสอดคล้องกับธุรกิจเป้าหมาย ทีส่ าํ นักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมการลงทุนของไทยส่งเสริมให้ผปู้ ระกอบการออกไปลงทุนในต่างประเทศ VI • • • • • • นโยบายส่งเสริ มการลงทุน จากต่างประเทศของเวียดนาม โครงการก่อสร้างและการผลิตในภาคอุตสาหกรรม อุตสาหกรรมการผลิตเพื่อการส่งออก การเลี้ยงสัตว์ แปรรูปสินค้าเกษตร ปา่ ไม้ ประมง อุ ต สาหกรรมที่ เ น้ น การใช้ แ รงงาน วัต ถุ ดิบ และ ทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ อุตสาหกรรมทีใ่ ช้เทคโนโลยีสงู อุต สาหกรรมที่เ ป็ น มิตรกับสิ่ง แวดล้อ มและโครงการ การลงทุนด้านวิจยั และพัฒนา ธุรกิ จเป้ าหมายของ สํานักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริ มการลงทุนของไทย • ธุรกิจเกีย่ วข้องกับทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ อาทิ แร่ธาตุ พลังงาน และวัตถุดบิ ทางการเกษตรต่างๆ • ธุรกิจทีใ่ ช้แรงงานเข้มข้น ( Labor-Intensive) เช่น เสือ้ ผ้าสําเร็จรูป รองเท้า ผลิตภัณฑ์พลาสติก อาหาร อัญมณี และเครือ่ งประดับ • วัสดุก่อสร้าง VII จากเหตุผลทีก่ ล่าวมาข้างต้น สามารถสรุปให้เห็นถึงโอกาสการลงทุนของธุรกิจไทยในเวียดนามได้ดงั นี้ สรุปอุตสาหกรรม/ธุรกิ จไทยที่น่าลงทุนในประเทศเวียดนาม เมือง ฮานอย (Hanoi) กว๋างนิ นท์(QuangNinh) ไฮฟอง (HaiPhong) ดองไน(Dong Nai) โฮจิ มินห์ ( Ho Chi Minh) บาเรียหวุงเต่า (BaRai-Vung Tau) เตี่ยงยาง ( TienGiang) บิ นห์เยือง (Binh Duong ประเภทอุตสาหกรรม / ธุรกิ จ ธุรกิจแปรรูปสินค้าเกษตร สิง่ ทอและเสือ้ ผ้า ธุรกิจอาหาร ค้าส่ง อุตสาหกรรมถ่านหิน แปรรูปสินค้าเกษตรอุตสาหกรรมปา่ ไม้ และอุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ ว อุตสาหกรรมต่อเรือ และการผลิตวัสดุกอ่ สร้าง อุตสาหกรรมการเกษตร และอาหารสัตว์เครื่องประดับ อุตสาหกรรมบรรจุภณ ั ฑ์ขวดแก้วขวดพลาสติกเครือ่ งหนังและอุตสาหกรรมท่องเทีย่ ว อุตสาหกรรมพลังงานและก๊าซธรรมชาติ อุตสาหกรรมเกษตรแปรรูปและประมงแปรรูป อุตสาหกรรมกระดาษอุตสาหกรรมแปรรูปสินค้าเกษตร VIII ข้อมูลบริษทั ไทยที่ดาํ เนิ นธุรกิ จอยู่ในเวียดนาม ณ ปี 2556 1) กลุ่มอุตสาหกรรม • • • • • • • • AMATA และ Thai Hoa (นิคมอุตสาหกรรม) SIAM CEMENT GROUP (SCG) ประกอบด้วย 5 กลุ่มธุรกิจหลัก ได้แก่ จัดจําหน่าย, เคมีภณ ั ฑ์, วัสดุกอ่ สร้าง, กระดาษ และซีเมนต์) PTT ประกอบด้วย 3 กลุ่มธุรกิจหลัก ได้แก่ ปตท.สผ.,PTTPM (Polymerand LPG) SRITHAI SUPERWARE (ผลิตภัณฑ์พลาสติก) UNITHAI Logistics (ธุรกิจการขนส่งและลอจิสติกส์ครบวงจร) URAI PANICH (สีทาอาคาร) Alliance One (ชุดและอุปกรณ์กฬี า PUMA และ ADIDAS) Star Print (กล่องบรรจุภณ ั ฑ์) 2) กลุ่มเกษตรกรรม • • • • • • 3) กลุ่มประมงและผลิ ตภัณฑ์อาหารทะเล • • • • Pataya Food (เนื้อปูและกุง้ บรรจุกระป๋อง เนื้อปูแช่แข็งปลากระป๋อง Sea Crown) Foodtech (ทูน่าบรรจุกระป๋อง) Kaiyo (อาหารทะเลแช่แข็ง) Royal Foods (ปลากระป๋องสามแม่ครัว) 4) กลุ่มสิ นค้าอุปโภค-บริ โภค • • • • กระทิงแดง(เครือ่ งดืม่ ให้พลังงาน) Thai Corp International (ธุรกิจจัดจําหน่ายสินค้า) Chance and Challenge (ผลิตภัณฑ์ขนมตราอิมพีเรียล,นมกระป๋องตราหมี) ไทยนครพัฒนา ( ยา : ทิฟฟี่ ซาร่า แอนตาซิล ฯลฯ 5) กลุ่มธนาคาร CP – Feed (อาหารสุกร ไก่ กุง้ และปลา), Farm (ฟาร์มเพาะพันธุ์สกุ ร ไก่ • ธนาคารกรุงเทพ สาขาฮานอยและนครโฮจิมนิ ห์ เนื้อ ไก่ไข่ และฟาร์มเพาะเลี้ยงกุง้ ), Food (อาหารแช่แข็ง อาหารแปรรูป) • ธนาคาร VINASIAM (ธนาคารร่วมทุนระหว่างธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์ CP Group และ Foodtech (ข้าวนึ่ง : parboiled rice) Vietnam for Agriculture and Rural Development) K&H Trading (อาหารสัตว์) Betagro(อาหารกุง้ ) TayNinh Tapioca (แป้งมันสําปะหลัง) SITTO (ปุ๋ยเคมี) IX รายชื่อสถานประกอบการธุรกิจแยกตามอุตสาหกรรม No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Agriculture 1 Agricultural Materials Co. Ninh Xa 3, Ninh Xa Ward, Bac Ninh Town, Bac Ninh, Bac Ninh City (84-241) 3 821 415 (241) 3829031 Farming, Agriculture, Agricultural services, Animal feed 2 Agriculture Bio-Oganics Co., Ltd. 142 Lac Trung Street, Vinh Tuy Ward, Hai Ba Trung District,Hanoi (84-4) 3987 1210 (84-4) 3987 2535 Farming, Agriculture, Agricultural equipment, Agricultural supplies 3 Agrifood Pacific Company 181 Le Van Quoi Street, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City 848.376737 www.agrifoodpacific.com Dried foods 4 Bac Nam Product & Trading Co . Ltd 12 Phuong Liet, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi (04) 38687800 5 Binh Tay Agricultural Materials And Food Co. 406 Tran Van Kieu Street, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38540879 (84-8) 39671161 Trading in agricultural material and food 6 Binhthuan Food Co. 60 Tran Hung Dao Street, Phu Trinh Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan, Phan Thiet (84-62) 3 822 565 (84-62) 3 825 238 Trading in fertilizers 7 Cantho Irrigation Construction J.S.C. 61/24 Ly Tu Trong Street, An Phu Ward, Can Tho City, Can Tho (84-71) 383 0909 Supply of irrigation service 8 Canh Quan Xanh Co. Ltd 39/26 Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi (84-4) 3556 6469 Flower Gardens 9 Cong Nguyen Trading Co.,Ltd. 114-32, De Tham, Cau Ong Lanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38368073 1 Farming, Agriculture, Wooden products business 38373783 Trade in agro-forestry-sea products machinery No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 10 Cong Su Co. Ltd 133/7 Ho Van Hue Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 477 339 www.huongviet.vietnamhos t.com Flowers & Flowers Preserved Supplies 11 Dai Dong Tea Processing Co.Ltd. Area 6, Thanh Ba Townlet, Thanh Ba District, Phu Tho (84-210) 3885335 (84-210) 3884575 Processing and trading in tea 12 Dai Tu Tea Enterprise Hung Son Hamlet, Dai Tu District, Thai Nguyen (84-280) 3824238 (84-280) 3824560 Tea processing 13 Dak Man Buon Ma Thuot Coffee Processing Export Km7 Highway 26, Buon Ma Thuot City, Dac Lac (84-50) 3865426 (84-50) 3865384 semi-processing coffee for export 14 Dong Phuong Co., Ltd. 97 Ngu Hai Street, Vinh City, Nghe An, Vinh (84-38) 384 4956 (84-38) 384 4812 Trading in rice. Processing ground-nut for export 15 Du Lai Co. Ltd 185C/3 To Ngoc Van Street, Tam Binh Ward, Thu Duc District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 963 228 (84-8) 38 977 402 Gardens and Farming 16 Duy Phong Trade And Service Pte.Enterprise 41C Phan Thuc Duyen, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39484005 38632511 Trading in packaging paper, agro and sea products 17 Fosaco Co. Ltd Nga Tu Hamlet, Nhuan Duc Ward, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3792 8922 www.fosaco.com Gardens and Farming 18 Future Generation Co.,Ltd. 49 Thai Ha, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 35376723 35375756 Tea processing and export 2 No. Company Name Address Telephone 19 Gia Rai General Import Export Co. Group 5, Ho Phong TownGia Rai District, Bac Lieu (84-781) 3 850 304 20 Hatinh Investment And Development Co. 160 Ha Huy Tap Street, Thach Phu Hamlet, Ha Tinh Town, Ha Tinh (84-39) 3855544 21 Highland Dragon Enterprise Song Than Industrial Area 1 15 Street 6, Di An District, Binh Duong (84-650) 3 790 201 www.highlanddragon.com.v n Export of aquatic products 22 Hoa Binh Trading Co. Tho Tang Hamlet, Vinh Tuong Dist, Vinh Phuc 211-838918 www.ck.com.vn Trading in tea 23 Hoang Duy Landscape Enterprise 1002 Nguyen Duy Trinh Street, Phu Huu Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City (84 – 8) 37 316 505 (84 – 8) 38 456 576 Gardens and Farming 24 Hong Phuc J.S.C 51 Hai Ba Trung StreetThang Loi Ward, Buon Ma Thuot City, Dac Lac, Buon Ma Thuot City (84-50) 3 852 217 (84-50) 3 852 712 Trading in coffee, beans, rice 25 Kiengiang Food Processing Export Co. 21 Ngo Thoi Nhiem Street, Rach Gia Town, Kien Giang (84-77) 3864003 (84-77) 3865866 Processing foodstuff, fruits and vegetable 26 Meko Foodstuff Processing Factory Tra Noc WardCan Tho City, Can Tho (84-71) 3 841 293 www.mekofoodfty.com Processing & exporting canned straw mushroom and straw mushroom in brine 27 Nam Son Co.,Ltd. Binh Long District, Binh Phuoc, Danang (84-651) 3 667 388 www.namson.vn Trading in French wine, ginseng tea 3 Fax / E-mail / Website www.girimex.com.vn Form of Business Trading in aquatic products Tea processing No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 28 Nam Long Co.,Ltd. Ong Trinh Group, Phuoc Hoa Hamlet, Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Vinh (84-64) 3 893 385 (84-64) 3 893 633 Rubber Plantation 29 Nghean Highland Development Investment And 11 Phan Boi Chau Street, Le Loi Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An (84-38) 3 853 929 (84-38) 3 853 931 Import-export agricultural products 30 Nguyen Ngan Co., Ltd. 31A Ton Dan Street, Pham Hong Thai Ward, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong, Haiphong (84-31) 3 859 358 (84-31) 3 826 040 Trading in agricultural-forestry products 31 Nguyen Hue Forestry Co. Tran Quang Dieu Ward, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh, Qui Nhon (84-56) 384 1161 (84-56) 384 1606 Processing and trading in wood 32 Pacific Co.,Ltd. Km78, Highway 6, Cham Mat Ward, Hoa Binh Town, Hoa Binh,Ho Chi Minh City 18-852143 www.pacificfoodco.com Processing seafood products for export 33 Phuoc Long Planting, Processing Industry Company Phuoc Hoa Sub-hamlet, Binh Phuoc Hamlet, Phuoc Long District, Binh Phuoc (84-651) 3 775 208 34 Phu Thanh Pte.Enterprise Group 5, Bien Ho Hamlet, Pleiku City, Gia Lai (84-59) 3 825 102 (84-59) 3 825 102 Trading in coffee 35 Phu Cuong Co.,Ltd. 454 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 6, Ca Mau, Ho Chi Minh City (780) 3847422 (780) 3560334 Trading in agro-products 36 Phu Da Tea Co. Thanh Son Townlet, Thanh Son District, Phu Tho (84-210) 3 873 703 (84-210) 3 873 547 Processing and trading in tea of all kinds 37 Phu Thanh Co.,Ltd. 690 Tan Phu Thanh Hamlet, Chau Thanh District, Can Tho (84-71) 384 8319 www.phuthanhseafood.com Fresh and frozen seafood from Vietnam 4 Farming, Agriculture business No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 38 Sa Giang Import Export Co. 15B Lac Long Quan, Ward 5, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38652924 84-8-38652924 Processing shrimp and dried papaya 39 Saigon-Daklak Company 200Bis Duong Ly Chinh Thang, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38468874 www.sadaco.com Export of sea products, wooden products, foodstuff, bamboo chopsticks. 40 Sungchung Starch Co.,Ltd. Group 1B, An Phu Hamlet, (84-650) 374 Thuan An District, Binh Duong 0566 (84-650) 374 0567 Producing and trading in starch 41 Thai Minh Food Processing Joint-Stock Company Phu Dien Industrial Zone, Tu Liem District, Hanoi (84-4) 3837 4376 www.mihamex.com.vn Farming, Agriculture 42 Thai Nguyen Food Joint Stock Company 1 Minh Cau Street, Phan Dinh Phung Ward, Thai Nguyen City,Thai Nguyen (84-280) 3 855 546 www.thainguyenfood.com.vn Food processing, , Food supplies, Farming, Agriculture 43 Thanh An Co.,Ltd. Song Than 2 IZ, Di An District, Binh Duong, Hanoi (84-650) 374 2197 (84-650) 374 2196 Manufacture of cereal flour., distributing in milk, fruit juices 44 Thanh Long Construction Trading Co.,Ltd. Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 3, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-64) 3 855 728 45 Thanh An Co. Ltd 208 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Long Bien District, Hanoi (84-4) 38 733 403 www.thanhanco.com Milk & Milk Products 46 Thieu Yen Trading J.S.C Quan Lao TownYen Dinh District, Thanh Hoa, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 869 221 (84-37) 3 869 527 Trading in agricultural materials, fertilizers, 47 Travinh Import Export And Food Corp. 102 Tran Phu StreetWard 2, Tra Vinh Town, Tra Vinh (84-74) 3 862 424 www.imextravinh.com Export of rice of various kinds 5 Trading in food and foodstuff No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 48 Trisum Co.,Ltd. Dam Bri Hamlet, Bao Loc Town, Lam Dong (84-63) 386 3736 (84-63) 386 2856 Processing tea of various kinds 49 Truong Phat Co.,Ltd. Phu Tai IZ., Tran Quang Dieu Ward, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh,Ho Chi Minh City (56) 3641772 (56) 3641428 Exported garment making 50 Vima Flour J.V.C 2nd Flr, 28 Phung Khac Khoan, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38257317 (84-8) 38257316 Producing and trading in flour 51 Vinafood-Gcr Flour Mill J.V.C 9 Le Ngo Cat Street, District 3, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3822 9870 (84-8) 3829 4691 Processing flour 52 Yueh Chyang Canned Food Co. Nhut Chanh Hamlet, Ben Luc District, Long An (84-72) 3872 377 (84-72) 3872 388 Processing aquatic products 6 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Animal Feed 1 ABE CO. LTD 35 Hamlet 1, Thanh Duc Ward, Ben Luc Dist., Long An (84-8) 4081597 (84-8) 4081597 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 2 ALLTECH VIETNAM CO. LTD Amata Industrial Zone (84-8) 4042333 www.alltech.com Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 3 ANH NINH TRADING PRODUCTION CO. LTD 118/24 Dien Bien Phu St., Ward 17, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9204819 (84-8) 9205101 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 4 AN SAN TRADING CO. LTD 216/4 Dien Bien Phu St., Ward 7, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9633885 (84-8) 9630647 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 5 APC TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 440 St. 3/2, Ward 12, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9144988 (84-8) 8217895 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 6 BETAGRO AGRO-GROUP (PUBLIC) LTD 42 Cuu Long St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-61) 3835822 www.betagro.com Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 7 BINH PHUOC HUSBANDRY CO. LTD Tan Lap Hamlet, Group 4, Dong Phu Dist., Binh Phuoc (84-8) 8434369 (84-8) 8418226 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 8 BIOFEED CO. LTD Hoa Phu Industrial Park (84-8) 8992220 (84-8) 2819218 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 9 BLUE SUNRISE CO. LTD 355Bis Tran Hung Dao B St., Ward 10, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 7718208 (84-4) 7718207 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 10 CHAROEN POKPHAN VIETNAM CO. LTD 80 Lot 4A Trung Yen New Urban Area, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi (84-34) 840501 www.cp.com.vn Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 7 No. Company Name Address Telephone 11 CP VIETNAM ANIMAL HUSBANDRY CO. LTD 276 Kham Thien St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-710) 843981 (84-710) 843987 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 12 CP VIETNAM LIVESSTOCK CO. LTD 8/5L St. 30/4, Phu Hoa Ward, Thu Dau Mot Township, Binh Duong (84-8) 8404503 (84-8) 8404501 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 13 DAI HUNG FOOD PROCESSING LIVESTOCK CO. LTD C10/29B National Highway 1A, Tan Tuc Townlet, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9610069 (84-8) 9612557 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 14 DALO CO. LTD DT 746 St., Hoa Nhut Hamlet, Tan Vinh Hiep Ward, Tan Uyen Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 8117106 (84-8) 8112422 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 15 DUC KY DIEP CO. LTD 49C Le Quang Kim St., Ward 8, Dist. 8, Ho Chi Minh City (84-58) 823076 (84-58) 823076 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 16 DUONG VY TRADING CO. LTD 9 Tra Khuc St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 7664184 (84-4) 7664184 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 17 EAT HOPE VIETNAM CO. LTD Tien Son Industrial Zone (84-4) 9365303 (84-4) 9365307 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 18 EUROPE NUTRITION CO. LTD Tan Dong Hiep B Industrial Park (84-8) 8634514 www.europevn.com Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 19 FRANCH AMERICA CO. LTD Ai Mo St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8422437 (84-8) 9975389 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 8 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 20 GREEN FEED VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY HUNG YEN CO. LTD Pho Noi A Industrial Park (84-8) 9351043 (84-8) 5260156 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 21 GUYOMARC'H VIETNAM CO. LTD Hamlet 1B, An Phu Ward, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (84-61) 3881191 www.guyomarch.com Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 22 GUYOMARC'H VIETNAM CO. LTD 28/81 Block 12, Ho Nai Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai (84-4) 7330621 (84-4) 8433967 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 23 HAI XUYEN CO. LTD 134/109/57 Ly Chinh Thang St., Ward 7, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 718658 (84-650) 718659 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 24 HA MINH SERVICES TRADING CO. LTD 302/11 Hai Ba Trung St., Tan Dinh Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 6403241 (84-4) 6403239 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 25 H C CO. LTD 551 Nguyen Van Cu St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 7614627 (84-4) 7614619 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 26 H.H TRADING CO. LTD 383 Tran Phu St., Ward 8, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8224959 (84-8) 7503388 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 27 HIEP QUANG CO. LTD Unit 6.7C, Floor 6, E. Town 2 Building (84-8) 7712990 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 28 HOANG THIEN PHU SERVICE TRADING PRODUCTION CO. LTD 49A/21 Tay Thanh St., Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9238957 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 9 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 29 HOLLAND AQUAFEED CO. LTD 8 Voi La Hamlet, Long Hiep Ward, Ben Luc Dist., Long An (84-72) 894263 (84-72) 890137 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 30 HUONG QUYNH CHEMICAL COSMETICS CO. LTD St. 70, Tam Hiep Ward, Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8913534 (84-8) 2503319 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 31 JAPFA COMFEED LONG AN LTD Nhut Chanh Commune, Ben Luc Dist., Long An (84-650) 712016 (84-650) 718913 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 32 KIM TIEN PHAT CO. LTD 121A/6 Hau Giang St., Ward 5, Dist. 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-56) 823470 33 LAI THIEU FEED MILL CO. LTD 48B Hoa Long Blk, Lai Thieu Townlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 8775982 (84-8) 7623297 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 34 LONG BINH RAISING CO. LTD 53 Nguyen Thai Hoc St., Cau Ong Lanh Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8360699 (84-8) 8360528 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 35 MANGROVE COAST CO. LTD 10/1 St. 3, Tan Kieng Ward, Dist. 7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 6332176 (84-4) 8626429 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 36 MINH DAN CO. LTD B2-20 Nam Thien II, Ward Tan Phong, Dist 7, Ho Chi Minh City 84-8 66732046 84-8 - 54123431 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 37 MINH QUAN II CO. LTD Sa Dec Industrial Park (84-8) 9204012 (84-8) 9204012 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 10 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer No. Company Name 38 NAM A PRODUCTION INVESTMENT CO. LTD K79 Cong Hoa St., Area K300, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-511) 820526 (84-511) 823429 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 39 NEW HOPE HA NOI CO. LTD - BRANCH HAI PHONG Dinh Vu Industrial Park (84-8) 7650622 (84-8) 7650623 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 40 NGOC TRAI CO. LTD 6A Thuy Loi St., Phuoc Long A Ward, Dist. 9, Ho Chi Minh City (84-58) 831209 (84-58) 831791 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 41 NGOC TRAI CO. LTD 197 St. 2/4, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa (84-650) 592424 (84-650) 592234 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 42 NGUYEN PHONG CO. LTD 1702/3A National Highway 1A, Blk 3, An Phu Dong Ward, Dist. 12, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8487454 (84-8) 8487454 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 43 N.T.L BIOTECH CO. LTD 6/136+137 Binh Long St., Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8463750 www.ntlbiotech.com Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 44 OPEN DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD 12 Hung Dao Vuong St., Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai (84-8) 8912992 45 O.T.A.H CO. LTD 36/409 Le Duc Tho St., Ward 17, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9231657 (84-8) 9231656 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer PETER HAND CO. LTD 46/2 St. No. 18, Blk 3, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-64) 850098 (84-64) 850089 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 46 Address Telephone 11 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer No. Company Name Address Telephone 47 SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS (VIETNAM) CO. LTD Cau Sat Hamlet, Lai Hung Ward, Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong (84-72) 642010 (84-72) 642010 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 48 SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS (VIETNAM) CO. LTD Hamlet 1, My Yen Ward, Ben Luc Dist., Long An (84-4) 9874991 (84-4) 9874992 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 49 SEA ANIMAL NUTRITION CO. LTD Km14 National Highway 1A, Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 5118674 (84-4) 5372814 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 50 TAN TAN MAI CO. LTD F10/21 Hamlet 6, Le Minh Xuan Ward, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 781988 (84-650) 781928 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 51 TAN THOI HIEP CO. LTD Le Minh Xuan Industrial Zone (84-8) 7175224 (84-8) 7175224 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 52 THANH CONG PRODUCE TRADE CO .LTD Foot Contend, Tan Truong Ward, Cam Giang Dist., Hai Duong (84-8) 8660958 (84-8) 8665546 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 53 THANH LONG ANIMAL FEED CO. LTD 11/21 Nguyen Xien St., Long Thanh My Ward, Dist. 9, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8382500 (84-8) 9240045 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 54 THONG THUAN THANH CO. LTD Lot 1, Khu Che Bien Thuy San Phia Nam, Phan Thiet Deport, Duc Thang Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan (84-8) 9207793 (84-8) 9207794 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 55 TINH NGHE PRODUCTION TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 9 Dang Thai Than St., Ward 11, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9232016 (84-8) 9233387 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 12 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business TRAC VIET CO. LTD 54 Tran Binh Trong St., Ward 5, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 2939557 (84-8) 8114081 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 57 VASAFEED CO. LTD 616 National Highway 1A, Blk 5, Binh Hung Hoa B Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 718830 (84-650) 718829 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 58 VI BA FEED CO. LTD 295C/9 Noi Hoa 1 Hamlet, Binh An Ward, Di An Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 9572070 (84-8) 8563137 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 59 VIET HUNG PRODUCTION TRADING CO. LTD 9 Tra Khuc St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-55) 712589 (84-55) 712588 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 60 VIETNAM CP CO. LTD Bau Xeo Industrial Park (84-8) 8247428 (84-8) 8258453 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 61 WORLD GLORY (H.K) LTD Floor 8, Yoco Office Bldg (84-62) 822617 (84-62) 827003 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 62 YUAN DA ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Provincial Road 8, Hamlet 4, Hoa Phu Ward, Cu Chi Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-61) 3560397 (84-61) 3560712 Feed-Wholesale Manufacturer 56 13 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Construction 1 89 Construction Consultant Co. Ltd 57A Trinh Phong Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa (84-58) 35 15 211 (84-58) 35 15 211 Construction 2 A Ly Construction Trading Service Co. Ltd 372 Ton Dan St Ward 4, Dist. 4,, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9409116 (84-8) 9409116 Construction 3 A.C.S Building Architectural & Interior Decorative Co. Ltd 180 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 422 234 (84-8) 39 972 976 Construction 4 ACS Architecture Co., Ltd 215G1 Thanh Cong Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi 0983 906 780 www.vatgia.com/kientrucacs Architectural design, Construction 5 ADC Design Construction Co. Ltd A1-26 Hai Ba Trung Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa (84-58) 38 116 60 (84-58) 35 106 25 Construction 6 An Binh Construction Co.,LTD 524 Tan Hiep"A" street, Oc Eo town, Thoai Son town, An Giang (84-76) 387 037 2 (84-76) 387.037.2 Construction 7 An Phu Hung Construction Design Co. Ltd 45/1B Pham Viet Chanh Street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 256 869 (84-8) 39 256 869 Construction 8 An Xuan Concrete And Construction Co.,Ltd 417B/42 Tran Hung Dao, Binh Duc Ward, An Giang, Long Xuyen (76) 3858048 (76) 3858173 Construction 9 Anh Huy Construction Co., Ltd 1700/3C Highway 1A, An Phu Dong Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37 195 343 (84-8) 37 195 342 Construction 14 No. Company Name Address Telephone 10 Anh Thanh Construction & Design Co. Ltd 321 Hung Vuong Street, Ward 9, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3835 1677 (84-8) 3835 1677 Construction 11 Asia Business Construction Co.,Ltd. Street 3, Lot IV-16, Tan Binh IZ., Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3815 2214 (84-8) 3815 2213 Construction 12 Asia Construction Co.,Ltd. 6th Flr., Sai Gon Trade Center, 37 Ton Duc Thang Street , District 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 910 1481 (84-8) 3 910 1483 Construction 13 B.T Construction Consultant Co. Ltd 49/7L Tran Van Dang Street, Ward 9, District 3,, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3843 9958 (84-8) 3843 9958 Construction 14 BACKAN CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD Duc Xuan Street,Duc Xuan Ward,Bac Kan Town, Bac Can (84-28) 138 703 22 (84-28) 138.703.22 Construction 15 Bai Tho Construction Co.,Ltd. 75 Le Thanh Tong Str., Hong Gai Ward, Quang Ninh, Ha Long City 33-3825010 33-3620838 Construction 16 Bao Binh Construction & Decoration Co. Ltd 53 Ba Dinh Street, Thuan Phuoc Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang (84-511) 3 889 018 (84-511) 3 823 499 Construction 17 Binh Thanh Urban Engineering Co., Ltd 140 Phan Van Tri Street, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3806 0036 (84-8) 3516 2933 Construction 18 Binhdinh Transport Engineering Design-Survey Consultant Co., Ltd 3 Tran Binh Trong Street, Quy (84-56) 389 1023 Nhon City, Binh Dinh (84-56) 389 1023 Construction 15 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 19 Builtstudio Architects Co. Ltd Thien Son Bldg 5 Nguyen Gia Thieu Street , Ward 6, District 3,,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 306 601 (84-8) 39 306 604 Construction 20 Commercial Construction 289 Co.,Ltd 59/38A Street 7 , An Lac A ward , Binh Tan district, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3875 9332 (84-8) 3875 1608 Construction 21 Construction & Concrete Co.,LTD 97 Bach Dang Street, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong City (84-31) 3 842 623 (84-31) 3.842.791 Construction 22 CPAC Monier Vietnam Co., Ltd No. 9, Street 10, Vietnam (84-650) 3 767 Singapore Industrial Park, 581 Thuan An District, Binh Duong (84-650) 3 767 580 Construction 23 Cuong Phu Construction Co., Ltd 94 Vu Tung Street, Ward 2, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35885246 0937 288 636 Construction 24 D & H Trading Construction Co. Ltd 75/5 Su Van Hanh Extended Street, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 6265 0061 (84-8) 6265 0062 Construction 25 Dai Hung Consultant Design Construction Traffic Co.,Ltd 70 Nguyen Van Ba Street, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 8973 889 (84-8) 3722 2002 Construction 26 Dai Long Service Trade Construction Co.,LTD No 256 Lê Thánh Tong street, Tan Loi ward, Buon Ma Thuot city, Dac Lac (84-500) 505 044 (84-500) 505 044 Construction 27 Danh Khoa Service Trading Construction Co. Ltd 79/1A National Highway 1A, Tan Thoi Hiep Ward, District 12,,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37 183 853 (84-8) 37 170 647 Construction 16 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 28 Dat Lua Decoration and Construction Co., Ltd 230-232 Nguyen Van Dau , ward 11 , Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 515 3102 (84-8) 3 297 7656 Construction 29 Dd&C Construction And Design Co., Ltd 28TerB Mac Dinh Chi Street , District 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 827 4822 (84-8) 3 827 4174 Construction 30 Defa Hai Binh Co., Ltd HCMCC Building, 2 Van Cao Street, Ba Dinh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 62588788 (84-4) 62588988 Construction 17 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Energy 1 Amata (Bien Hoa) Power Co., Ltd. Amata IZ, Long Binh Ward, Dong Nai (61) 3893669 (84-61) 3893668 Power trading 2 Electricity Of Vietnam 18 Tran Nguyen Han, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (04) 38249508 (84-4) 38249461 Power producing and distributing 3 Gialai Power Co., Ltd. 28B Le Loi, Hoa LWard, Gia Lai 59-3824464 84-59-3826365 Power production and installation of electric networks 4 Haiphong Power Co., Ltd. 54 Minh Khai, Haiphong 31-3745463 84-31-3745905 Power supply. Operating power supply-network 5 Hiep Phuoc Power Co.,Ltd. Hiep Phuoc Hamlet, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37818023 (84-8) 37818020 Supplying power 6 january Co . Ltd 2 Trung Kinh, 43 Lane, Cau Giay District, Hanoi (04) 37847148 www.janco.com.vn Water Heaters Supplies 7 Kidwell Co., Ltd 173 Tran Văn Kieu, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38537948 (84-8) 38551032 Power supply 8 Mai Anh Electric Co.,Ltd 133C Tran Hung Dao, An Phu Ward, Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho 710-3824476 710-3820438 Power distributing. Construction 9 Nam Cuong Co.,Ltd. 91 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 36330378 84-36330310 Electrical Power Supply 10 Ninh Binh Power Co.,Ltd Dong Thanh Str, Dong Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh Town, Ninh Binh 30-3871503 30-3883140 Distributing electric. Electric construction 18 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Vsip Power Co.,Ltd. 20 Vietnam-Singapore IZ, Binh Duong 650-3753507 84-650-3753509 Production and distribution of electric 12 Siemens Ag Representation Vietnam Unit 202, Floor 2, The Landmark, 5B Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1,, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3825 1900 www.siemens.com.vn Power Industrial solutions & services 13 Sai Gon Trade And Construction J.S.C 53C Dinh Bo Linh, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35113849 35113849 Electric supply 14 Merioni TermoSanitari Spa Co.,Ltd. Floor 3, International Centre, 17 Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (04) 39347407 11 19 Water Heaters Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Farm Supplies 1 Zhejiang Shenghua Biok Biology Co., Ltd. Zhongguan Industrial Park Deqing Zhejiang 313220 / P.R.China -87789036 20 www.biok.com Manufacturers and exporters of medicated feed additives and agrochemicals for poultry and livestock industry No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Food Processing 1 A Chau Food Co. Ltd Dong An Hamlet, Binh Hoa Ward, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong (84-650) 8979797 (84-650) 712555 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 2 A Dong Trading & Food Processing Co. Ltd Hamlet 4, Duc Hoa Dong Ward, Duc Hoa District, Long An (84-72) 38 50 821 (84-72) 38 10 049 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 3 A.V.W Vietnam Co. Ltd Khom 3, Phu An Hoa Ward, Chau Thanh District, Ben Tre (84-75) 38 60 353 (84-75) 38 60 420 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 4 Acecook Vietnam Co. Ltd 162/3 Tran Quang Dieu Street, An Thoi Ward, Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City, Ho Chi Minh City (84-71) 38 85 313 (84-71) 38 85 559 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 5 Aden Service (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd. Room 510, Sai Gon Trade Center, 37 Ton Duc Thang, Dist.1,Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38236432 (84-8) 38236443 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 6 ADVANCE AND BEST VIETNAM Co.,Ltd Hoa Lan Hamlet, Thuan Giao Commune, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province, Binh Duong (84-650) 3 826 168 (84-650) 3 826 172 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 7 Amanda Foods Private Co. Ltd Unit 2001, Floor 20, Saigon Trade Centre, 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39104621 21 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 8 An Cuong Co. Ltd A22-23 Quang Trung Street, Hanh Thong Tay Moi Market, Ward 11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35 894 935 (84-8) 54 362 268 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 9 An Lac Co. Ltd 245 Kinh Duong Vuong Street, An Lac Ward, Binh Tan (84-8) 62 605 820 District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 762 843 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 10 An Lac Co., Ltd 47/14/23 Bui Dinh Tuy Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3511 3086 (84-8) 3559 1007 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 11 AN PHU TAN TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 840 Tran Hung Dao St., Ward 7, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 5656998 (84-4) 5659468 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 12 Angst - Truong Vinh Co. Ltd 291/12 Luy Ban Bich, Hoa Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39731223 13 Angst-Truong Vinh Co. Ltd 291/12 Luy Ban Bich Street, Hoa Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 731 223 (84-8) 39 731 224 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 14 ASIA CANNED PRODUCTS IMPORT EXPORT CO. LTD Dong Hoa Hamlet, Song Thuan Ward, Chau Thanh Dist., Tien Giang (84-8) 8325669 (84-8) 8352028 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 15 Asia Flower Co., Ltd 42 Lu Gia Living Quarter, Street 2, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 665 672 (84-8) 38 662 135 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 22 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone 16 Asia Food Technology Co., Ltd 1B Tran Cao Van Street, Dakao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 246 191 (84-8) 38 246 282 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 17 Au Duong Gia Trading Co., Ltd 24/48A Tan Ky Tan Quy Street, Tan Son Nhi Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 427 025 (84-8) 38 109 132 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 18 BA LANG SEAFOOD PROCESSING CO.LTD QUANG MINH VILLAGE, HAI THANH COMMUNE, TINH GIA DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 612 973 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 19 Bach Ngoc Co. Ltd 33 Tran Quang Dieu, O Cho Dua, Dong Da District, Hanoi (04) 35112947 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 20 BAO HOANG THANH CO. LTD 183/29 St. 3/2, Ward 11, Dist. (0) 3827450 10, Ho Chi Minh City (0) 3562457 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 21 BAO LONG TECHNOLOGY FOOD PRODUCTION CO. LTD 20 Quan Nhan St., Lane 72, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8642287 (84-8) 8623642 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 22 Best Food Catering Co.,Ltd. 101 Le Loi, Ward 6, Ba RiaVung Tau 64-3837178 84-64-3832007 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 23 Cam Chan Co. Ltd Floor 5, 2 Trieu Quoc Dat StreetHoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 39 345 003 (84-4) 39 345 061 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 24 CANH DONG VANG CO. LTD 57-59 St. No. 3, Blk 8, Truong Tho Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-72) 779922 23 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 25 Chan Nghiep Trading Co., Ltd. 395 Nguyen Trai, Ward 7, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39236364 (84-8) 39235569 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 26 Chau Giang Co. Ltd 10/9/A72 Quang Trung Street, Ward 11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35 890 027 (84-8) 35 890 027 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 27 Chinh Dat Trading Production Co.,Ltd 157-163 Uu Long Street, Ward 11, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 8560 327 (84-8) 3.9500.863 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 28 Chitoworld Co. Ltd Tan Tao Industrial Park, 2, Lot 27, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37507190 WWW.CHITOWORLD.NET Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 29 CHU THIEN FOOD INDUSTRY Co.,Ltd Lo O Hamlet, Binh An (84-650) 3 752 Commune, Di An District, Binh 564 Duong Province, Binh Duong (84-650) 3 752 564 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 30 CHUNG HOA ONE MEMBER CO.LTD LIEN MINH VILLAGE, HOANG TRUONG COMMUNE, HOANG MINH DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 846 146 31 Co Industrial Automation Solutions Co.,Ltd Floor 2, 750 Tran Hung Dao Street, Ward 2, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 9236 219 32 DAI CUONG CO.LTD VILLAGE 2, HOANG VINH COMMUNE, HOANG MINH DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 645 872 33 DAKHA CO. LTD 75 St. 24, Ward 11, Dist. 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-50) 950012 24 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-8) 3.9242.899 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-50) 950015 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 34 De Linh Co., Ltd. Tan Thuan EPZ, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37700446 84-8-37701958 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 35 DIH LING VIETNAM CO. LTD Tan Thuan E.P.Z (84-650) 567107 (84-650) 567108 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 36 Dinh Viet Trading, Producing & Service Co.,Ltd 33/3G Le Duc Tho Street, Ward 16, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 9960 205 (84-8) 3894 9973 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 37 Dong Khanh Food Industrial Co.,Ltd. 62-64 Tran Hung Dao, Ward 7, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38383479 (84-8) 39236514 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 38 Duc Hanh Trading Service Co. Ltd A52 Street 2, Unit 26, Ward 7, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 842 740 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 39 DUC MANH BUILDING MATERIALS CO.LTD DONG MOUNT, THIEU DUONG COMMUNE, THIEU HOA DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 960 654 40 Duc Thang Trading Service Production Co. Ltd 115 Nguyen Thong St Ward 9, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8436984 41 DUNG HA CO.LTD AREA 6TINH GIA TOWN, TINH GIA DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 961 726 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 42 DUNG HUONG CO.LTD MY RE VILLAGE, YEN LE COMMUNE, NHU XUAN DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 878 432 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 43 EUFINTRADE EXPORT PTE LTD 46/6 Lu Gia St., Ward 15, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9122678 25 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-8) 9317117 (84-8) 8152522 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 44 FAC Co.Ltd Đường 38 Khac Niem Industrial Zone, Tien Du Dist, Bac Ninh (84-241) 3 828 668 (84-241) 3 829 806 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 45 Foodtech Co. Ltd Hamlet 1, Nhut Chanh Commune, Ben Luc District, Long An (84-72) 3871080 (84-72) 3871394 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 46 Four Seasons (Vietnam) Production Co. Ltd 608 Tan Ky Tan Quy St Binh Hung Hoa A Ward, Binh Tan Dist,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 7502933 (84-8) 8755362 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 47 Gia Phuong Import Export Trading Co. Ltd 70E Dang Cong Binh Street, Xuan Thoi Son Ward, Hoc Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35 951 566 (84-8) 35 951 567 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 48 Gia Tin Trading Services Co.,Ltd. 34 Thien Phuoc, Ward 9, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38649684 (84-8) 38649684 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 49 GOOD HEALTH VIETNAM CO. LTD 56 Le Van Huu St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi (84-650) 740388 (84-650) 740385 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 50 H & B Foodstuff Trade And Production Co.,Ltd. 78/6A Highway 13, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35106166 (84-8) 35106166 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 51 H-A CONSULTANT PRODUCTION TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 42/12 Trung Dong Hamlet, Thoi Tam Thon Ward, Hoc Mon Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 812750 (84-650) 842327 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers Hai Dang Co. Ltd 372, Lang Street, Lang Thuong Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi (84-4) 37 752 001 (84-4) 38 345 802 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 52 26 No. Company Name 53 HANOI FOOD INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD 54 HAO HUY HUNG CO. LTD 55 Hasaco Co.,Ltd. 56 Address 64 Phan Dinh Giot St., Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan Dist.,Hanoi 80/58 Tran Quang Dieu St., Ward 14, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-4) 8750395 (84-4) 8750396 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-8) 9570934 (84-8) 2651519 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 334/10-12 Minh Phung, Ward 2, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38552201 (84-8) 38583649 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers HBI CO. LTD 11B Trang Thi St., Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 9971198 (84-8) 9971198 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 57 HEFEI ZHONGCHEN LIGHT INDUSTRY MACHINERY CO. LTD 77 National Highway 13, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 8759530 (84-4) 8759538 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 58 Hien Thanh Co.,Ltd. 251 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (04) 38622209 (84-4) 38622209 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 59 Hiep Long Ha Noi Co .Ltd Unit 302, 22 Lang Ha St Dong Da Dist, Hanoi (84-4) 7762656 (84-4) 7762657 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 60 Hieu Hanh Trading & Service Co. Ltd 227 Ton That Thuyet Street, Ward 3, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 404 400 (84-8) 39 404 142 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 61 Hoa A Chau Co. Ltd 42 Lu Gia Living Quarter, 2, Ward 15, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38665672 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 62 HOA HAI SEAFOOD PROCESSING CO.LTD HAI HOA VILLAGE, HOA LOC COMMUNE, HAU LOC DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 745 388 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 27 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business HOA HANG CO.LTD VILLAGE 5, XUAN GIANG COMMUNE, THO XUAN DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 531 413 64 Hoa Phat Co., Ltd 33 Van Tu Tay Street, Cam Hoa Ward, Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province, Khanh Hoa (84-58) 399 1128 (84-58) 399 1129 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 65 Hoan Lan Food Processing Co. Ltd B25/31 Block 7, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3751 9037 (84-8) 3751 9038 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 66 Hoang Gia Food Co. Ltd FB104 Bau Cat 7 Street, Ward 14, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3849 1794 (84-8) 3749 0579 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 67 HOANG GIA PHAT CO.LTD VILLAGE 1, XUAN LAM COMMUNE, TINH GIA DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 861 225 68 Hoang Le Trading Co.,Ltd. 21/8 Ly Nam De, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (04) 38439258 69 HOANG TUAN HAI BINH CO.LTD NAM HAI VILLAGE, HAI BINH COMMUNE, TINH GIA DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 616 281 70 HOINTRA CO. LTD 158/10 Hoang Hoa Tham St., Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 7523724 (84-8) 7523725 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 71 HTM CATERING EQUIPMENT CO. LTD AS 9-1 My Khanh 3 Area, Tan Phong Ward, Dist. 7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9103723 (84-8) 9103486 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 63 28 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-4) 37331288 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 72 Hung An Vien Co. Ltd 543/29 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 2, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 324 545 (84-8) 38 354 049 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 73 Hung Loi Trading Production Co. Ltd Le Minh Xuan Industrial Zone, Street 1, Lot H37, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3766 1980 (84-8) 3766 1981 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 74 Hung Thinh Co., Ltd Thanh Tung, Tru Huu, Luc Ngan District, Bac Giang (84-240 ) 882174 www.htbusiness.com Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 75 Huong Thanh Trading Co. Ltd 441/19/28 Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, Ward 1, Go Vap District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 956 836 (84-8) 39 851 055 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 76 Huy Hoang Processing Forestry Products Co.ltd DONG THO VILLAGE, BINH LUONG COMMUNE, NHU XUAN DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 767 022 77 Huynh De Te Hung Food Processing Co. Ltd National Highway 22, Tan Thong Hoi Ward, Cu Chi Dist, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8922491 (84-8) 8922381 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 78 I Chi Ban Co. Ltd Tan Binh Industrial Park Street 13, Lot III-2C. Industrial 3 Group, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 155 552 (84-8) 38 155 574 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 79 I.K.M CO. LTD 595 Su Van Hanh Extended St., Ward 13, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8216848 (84-8) 8216850 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 29 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 80 INVENSYS VIETNAM CO. LTD Unit 1704, Thuan Kieu Plaza (84-4) 5377404 (84-4) 5131218 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 81 Ken Lin Food Co. Ltd 344/12 Le Duc Tho Street, Ward 16, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 964 666 (84-8) 39 964 454 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 82 Khanh Ha Trading Service Freezing Co. Ltd 35/7A Huynh Tan Phat, Tan Thuan Tay Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38728744 www.khanhha.com Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 83 KHANH NAM CO.LTD TAN THANH VILLAGE, XUAN QUY COMMUNE, NHU XUAN DISTRICT, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3 556 400 84 KIEN CUONG TRADING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CO. LTD 4 Tay Ket St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 9514349 www.kiencuong.com Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 85 Kim Anh Thu Co. Ltd 407 Le Van Luong St Blk 2, Tan Phong Ward, Dist. 7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 7713728 (84-8) 7713728 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 86 Kim Ha Co. Ltd 292 Hung Vuong St Ward 15, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8562218 (84-8) 9555197 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 87 Kim Hai Trading Co. Ltd 50/12 Ben Chuong Duong Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 296 266 (84-8) 39 140 230 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 88 Kim Thach Co. Ltd National Highway 80, Tan Nhuan Dong Ward, Chau Thanh District, Dong Thap (84-67) 3861 584 (84-67) 3867 359 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 30 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Binh Tien 2 Hamlet, Duc Hoa Ha Ward, Duc Hoa Dist., Long An 49 Street 28, Binh Phu Area, Ward 10, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City 43R/34 Ho Van Hue St., Ward 9, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Hoa Vinh Hamlet, Chan Thanh District, Binh Phuoc Unit 2, Floor 13, 53 Quang Trung St Hai Ba Trung Dist, Hanoi Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 8768907 (84-8) 8768913 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-8) 38 768 907 (84-8) 38 768 913 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-61) 3514103 (84-61) 3514107 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-651) 3667 338 (84-651) 3667 340 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers (84-4) 9438819 (84-4) 9438827 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 89 KIM UY LONG CO. LTD 90 Kim Uy Long Trading Export Co. Ltd 91 KING LION FOOD CO. LTD 92 KMC Vietnam Tapioca Starch Co. Ltd 93 Korea Ramen Food Co.Ltd 94 Lam Kieu Trading Production Co. Ltd 60 Area 1, St. 40; Nam Ly Chieu Hoang Area, Ward 10, Dist. 6,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9064803 95 Lap Vinh Trading & Production Co. Ltd 18 Bis Street 20, Binh Phu Residential Area, Ward 11, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 769 873 (84-8) 38 769 964 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 96 Le Gourmet Co. Ltd Hamlet 2, An Tay Ward, Ben Cat District, Binh Duong, Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 3562 148 (84-650) 3562 150 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 97 LI CHUAN FOOD PRODUCTS PTE LTD Unit C211, Floor 2, 129A Nguyen Hue St., Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8638626 (84-8) 8641130 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 98 Lien Hung Trading Services Co. Ltd 91 Nguyen Chi Thanh St Rach Soi Ward, Rach Gia Township, Kien Giang (84-77) 864316 (84-77) 913367 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers 31 Food Products, Processing & Suppliers No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Industrial Equipment , Machinery Equipment 1 Achau United Co.,Ltd. 35/283 Tran Khat Chan Str, Hanoi 39721241 Trading in electronic, sound equipment 2 A Au Machines Tools Co.,Ltd 61 Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 22, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38907358 38408882 Trading in mechanical communication machines and CNC 3 A Chau Machinery And Equipment Pte.Enterprise 55/11B Group 5, Area 4, Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, Dist.12, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37177024 37177026 Trading in fishery machinery and equipment 4 A Chau Trade Consultancy Co.,Ltd. 28A4 Pham Hong Thai, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 37150629 37150627 Trading in bulldozers. 5 A Thai Co. Ltd 210ATran Binh Trong Street, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 352 125 (84-8) 38 352 119 Industrial equipment business activities. 6 A.D.V Chemical Co. Ltd 2524B Lac Long Quan, Ward 11, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39715547 7 Abb Machenical And Equipment Co.,Ltd. 17 Ngo Quyen, Trang Tien Ward, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi (04) 39365733 39365734 Trading in mechanics equipments 8 Acr Electric Refrigerating Trading Service Co.,Ltd. 8A Dinh Bo Linh, Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38981253 38996166 Trading in refrigeratory equipment and spare part, fridge (04) 39721241 32 Coatings Protective No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 9 Adc Engineering Technology Developing Co.,Ltd 8 Lieu Giai Str, Hanoi (04) 37661827 37662031 Trading in air-conditioners, LPG systems, refrigerating equipment, lighting and sound system 10 Advance Technology Development Co.,Ltd 541 Kim Ma St., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 37716816 37716817 Trading in industrial machine 11 Advanced Technologies J.S.C 175 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 37335533 38435555 Providing solution for measurement, automation and aviation Alley 141/1 Nguyen Thai Hoc Str., Hanoi (04) 37330526 37341575 456/66 Cao Thang Extended St., Ward 12, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Trading in computer accessories, camera systems and fire alarm (84-4) 2660553 (84-4) 2660552 Industrial Equipment Supplies Agro-Forestry Equipment Design And Manufacture 5 May T, Haiphong 31-3826934 84-31-3826934 Manufacturing industrial equipment and machines coal exploitation 15 Alfa Laval (Malaysia) Unit 306, Floor 3, Mondial Centre, 203 Dong Khoi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38227605 www.alfalaval.com Industrial Equipment 16 Amco Technical Co.,Ltd. 21D Ly Chieu Hoang, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 62931644 62931645 Trading in industrial machines and equipments 17 Ams Co.,Ltd. 169D Dao Duy Anh, Ward 9, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39123658 amsgeovn.net.com Tradingin mechinery 12 13 14 Advanced Technology And Industrial Equipment Co.,Ltd ADVANCED INDUSTRY EDUCATION EQUIPMENTS CO. LTD 33 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business An Duc Service Trade Co.,Ltd. 297/2 Hau Giang, Ward 5, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39603114 39603115 Trading in machinery, equipment and spare parts 19 An Giang Mechanical Co. 165 Tran Hung Dao, Binh Khanh Ward, An Giang, Long Xuyen (76) 3852969 www.cokhiangiang.com.vn Manufacturing industrial machine 20 An Giang Rural Development Investment & Consultant Co. 2 Le Hong Phong Street, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang (84-76) 3856 762 21 An Ngai Mechanics And Construction Co. 6 Nguyen Thuy, Tran Phu Ward, Quang Ngai 55-3822696 84-55-3822432 Manufacture of metal structures for agricultural industry 22 An Nguyen Co. Ltd 506/15/15B Street 3/2, Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 649 978 (84-8) 38 649 978 Heavy Equipment - Machinery 23 AN PHU ONE MEMBER CO.,LTD 158/53 HAMLET 4A, TAN CHANH HIEP 5 STREET, DISTRICT 12, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3718 5617 24 An Phuc Industry Co.,Ltd. 284 Tan Chanh Hiep, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 22568758 25 ANE Co. Ltd 137/11C Le Duc Tho, Ward 16, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39162274 18 34 Industrial equipment business Industrial equipment business activities. 22568759 Steel, aluminium alley, industrial machines. Cooling System No. Company Name Address 26 Anh Phu Private enterprise 1048 Lac Long Quan Street, Ward 8, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 712 412 27 Anh Trang Co. Ltd 526B National Highway 13, Binh Duong (650) 3758008 28 ANH TRI TAN HONG CO. LTD 52/180 Nguyen Luong Bang St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8596808 (84-8) 8596808 Mechanical Equipment 29 ASEAN EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD 132 Chua Lang St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 6283471 www.ae-techvn.com Industrial Equipment Supplies A-Tech Co.,Ltd 1410 Hoang Van Thu, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 54495071 Trading in spare parts and equipments for industry, supplying solutions for electric and automation 31 Atlas Copco Vietnam Co. 42 Nguyen Dang Giai, Tho Dien Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38989638 (84-8) 38989637 Consulting, designing, installing, repairing, maintaining and supplying 32 Bac Giang Power Transmission Line & Station Construction Co. 800 Bac Giang Street, Tan My Ward, Bac Giang (84-240) 385 4824 33 BAN MAI CO.LTD 44 Linh Lang St., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 2753233 30 Telephone (08) 54495070 35 Fax / E-mail / Website (84-8) 39 716 899 Form of Business Power Tools & MACTEC, Warranty and repair, wholesale and retail Provider Handheld Power Tools Makita Brand & MAKTEC. Wood Processing Equipment Supplies Industrial equipment business activities (84-4) 2753234 Generators-Commercial Industrial No. Company Name 34 BLUE GREEN CO. LTD 35 36 Business Connections Co.,Ltd. Cam Pha Electric Equipment Manufacture Co. Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 117P Phan Van Tri St., Ward 10, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9301055 www.bluegreenvn.com Industrial equipment 2Bis Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39101205 (84-8) 39101206 Supplying television equipment. 822 Tran Phu Street, Cam Pha Town, Quang Ninh (84-33) 3 862 038 (84-33) 3 863 037 Manufacturing electric appliance 37 Chan Anh Co.,Ltd. Chau Thoi, Binh An Hamlet, Di An Dist, Binh Duong 650-751115 650-751150 Exploitation of building stone 38 Chengsae Co. 178/39A To Hieu, Hiep Tan Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39737224 37937223 Supplying package equipment. 39 Chieu Ich Co. Ltd 40 Clipsal Vietnam Co.,Ltd. 41 COMMUNITY AGRICULTURE FORESTRY TECHNOLOGY MATERIAL CO. LTD 41 42 5 Thai Văn Lung, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Bien Hoa 1 IZ., Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai, Dong Nai (08) 38274112 Industrial Equipment (84-61) 383 6814 www.clipsal.com.vn Manufacturing high quality electric equipment, socket 57 Ngoc Khanh St., Lane 409, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (84-511) 886886 (84-511) 886888 Industrial Equipment Supplies Ctv Co.,Ltd. 110 Lanh Binh Thang, Ward 13, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38586670 DAI CHINH QUANG CO. LTD 201 No Trang Long St., Ward 12, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 7174271 36 Trading in antenna (84-8) 7172560 Machinery No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 43 Dai Duc Trading Co. Ltd 15 Thuy Khue, Tay Ho District, Hanoi (04) 38474348 44 Dai Giao Co.,Ltd. 97/224 Son Cang, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38490673 www.daigiao.com Trading in electric equipment, embroidery 45 Dan Xuan TradingTechnology-Service-Co.Ltd 48 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 39 340 561 (84-4) 38 262 007 Security Equipment & Services 46 Dang Viet Ha Co. Ltd 487 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 449 892 (84-8) 38 110 764 Commercial Cooling System 47 Dat Quang Co. Ltd Thuan Viet Plaza 319C12 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 642 222 www.datkeys.com Building Materials 48 Delta Solutions J.S.C 391A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38480699 38481364 Trade of bar code equipment 49 Dia Invensment And Development J.S.C 73 Road A4, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39485237 38451682 Trading machines and produce package tools 50 Dinh Hoc Heat Equipment Co., Ltd. 180 Cong Hoa, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38421921 38119812 Trading in industrial equipment 51 DNK Trading & Technical Services Co. Ltd 46 Ly Thai To, Ward 2, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38325846 www.dnktechco.com Water Purification Equipment Supplies 52 DONG AN MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO. LTD 22/4A20 Pham Van Chieu St., Ward 16, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 2954373 (84-8) 2954376 Machinery 37 Machine & Tools No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 53 Dong Thanh Trading Co.,Ltd. 787 Tran Hung Dao, Ward 1, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38380804 54 Dong-A Saigon Co. Ltd Nhi Tan Hamlet, Tan Thoi Nhi Ward, Hoc Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37132069 55 Double Good Trade And Service J.S.C E004 Lot EP, Phu Thann Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 62690283 62690284 Machinery equipment 56 DUC ANH INVESTMENT TRADING CO. LTD 117 Nguyen Tuan St., Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 5565333 (84-4) 5566491 Refrigerators FreezersSupplies Parts-Wholesale Manufacturers 57 Duc Son Machinery & Engineering Services Co., Ltd Lo B To 102 Hoang Cau, O Cho Dua Ward, Dong Da Dist.,Hanoi (04) 35376155 35376151 Trading in industrial equipment 58 Duc Thanh Mechanical Pte. Enterprise 12 Inter-provincial Road 84, An Hoa Ward, Sa Dec Town, Dong Thap 67-3761488 manufacture, installation of rice husking machines, automatic scales, agricultural products dryer, steel frame 67-3761488 84-8-38353026 Sound systems and equipment Belting Mechanical 59 Duong Nhat Investment Co.,Ltd. 115 Le Duan, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi (04) 38223710 38223711 Producing, trading in water treatment equipment and water refining materials. Installation of water treatment equipment 60 Duy Tan Co.,Ltd. Lot A19- A20, Hoa Hiep IZ., Hoa Hiep Bac Hamlet, Dang Hoa Dist., Phu Yen, Hanoi 57-3548280 57-3548280 Trading in electric materials 38 No. 61 62 Company Name EDH Development Technology Skill Co. Ltd Electronic Informatic Technology Ltd. Address 1 Day 13 B Cau Giay Di, Cau Giay District, Hanoi 168 Kim Ma, Kim Ma Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi 70G Nguyen Hong, Ward 1, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 63 Enco Co.,Ltd. 64 Engineering And Commercial Development Co. 65 Escotec Co. Ltd 66 Euro Weld Trading & Service Co. Ltd 67 FAG South East Asia Pte Ltd 68 Fanuc Vn Co., Ltd Rm.256, 2nd Flr., Rex Hotel, 141 Nguyen Hue, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City 69 25 Vu Ngoc Phan, Dong Da District, Hanoi 92 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City 57 Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Fosco Business Center, 23 Phung Khac Khoan, Dakao Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies Trading in electronics and informatics equipment (04) 37830057 www.edh.com.vn (04) 38465768 84-4-38465768 (08) 35883733 www.enco.com.vn desicant, humidity, moisture meter (04) 37761307 (84-4) 38649536 Trading in welding equipment (08) 38213302 Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies (08) 37516397 Welding Equipment Supplies (08) 38220699 www.fag.com Ball Bearings (08) 38246638 38246637 Machinery repairing Fuji Impulse (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd. Lot 19B-21, Str. D, Linh Trung EPZ., Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi (08) 38975388 Minh City 38975389 Producing, exporting packing machines 70 GIANG HIEP THANG PLASTIC CO. LTD 38/6C Phan Anh St., Hiep Tan Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8440954 Pipes 71 Golden Pacific Group Co. Unit 16, G1 Thanh Da Living Quarter, Ward 27, Binh Thanh (08) 38990155 District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8477365 39 Oil Field Equipment No. Company Name Address Telephone 72 Ha Tay Trading Investment & Building Co. Ltd 30/20 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (84-4) 38 218 282 (84-4) 39 783 192 Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies 73 Hae Kwang Enamel Industrial Co. Ltd 51/8D Nguyen Trai Street, Ward 2, District. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3923 1795 (84-8) 3923 1796 Gas Equipment 74 Hai Phong Fire Extinguish Equipment Co. 26 Minh Khai, Hoang Van Thu Ward, Hong Bang Dist.,Haiphong 31-3384293 31-3374530 Trading in fire extinguish equipment 75 HAI SON TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 55 Pham Ngu Lao St., Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9967829 (84-8) 9967829 Generators-Commercial Industrial 76 Hai Thu Water Irrigation And Supply Equipment Material Co., Ltd. 93 Lang Ha, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 38560482 35370135 Trading in pumps and irrigation equipment 77 Haiduong Dike And Dam Construction Co. Quang Trung Ward, Hai Duong City, Hai Duong 320-853830 Dam and dike construction 78 Han Phong Trading Production Co. Ltd 19 Nguyen Kim, Ward 12, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39570865 Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies 79 HANANH TRADING CO. LTD 163/28/8 Thong Nhat St., Ward 11, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-61) 3839747 80 Hanoi Transformer manufacture Joint Stock Co. 138 Duc Giang, Gia Lam District, Hanoi (04) 38771982 40 Fax / E-mail / Website www.saigonwelding.com Form of Business Welding Equipment Supplies Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone 81 Hanoi Water Meter Co. Ltd Environment & Water Training Center, Yen Thuong Ward, Gia Lam District, Hanoi (84-4) 38 784 997 (84-4) 38 784 998 Water Purification Equipment Supplies 82 Hanoi-Saigon Equipment Trading J.S.C 94 Nguyen Phi Khanh, Tan Dinh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38291972 (84-8) 38203288 Trading in experimental & testing equipment of various kinds 83 Hao Thing Electricity Machinery Co. Ltd 449/89/5A Truong Chinh, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38120206 www.haothing.com.tw Heavy Equipment - Machinery 84 Hiep Phong Trading And Technology Co.,Ltd. 145/14 Ung Van Khiem, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35110161 www.hiepphongtmkt.com Trading in industrial machinery, equipment and spare parts 85 Hiep Thanh Metal Tools Co. Ltd 914 Nguyen Trai, Ward 14, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38536984 86 HIEU LINH CO. LTD A2 Nguyen Oanh St., Ward 17, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 8682064 87 Hoa Binh Refrigerating Mechanical TradingProduction Co. Ltd 815 Tran Hung Dao, Ward 1, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39232032 88 Hoa Thong Electric & Refrigeration Co. Ltd 23 Nguyen Thien Thuat Street, Ward 14, Binh Thanh District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35 513 995 (84-8) 35 513 996 Cooling System 89 Hoan My Engineering Co. Ltd 19 Phu Hoa, Ward 7, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39716762 www.hoanmy.com.vn Industrial Equipment Hoang Dat Trading Co. Ltd 319 B15 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3866 0717 (84-8) 3866 0711 Industrial Sewing Machines Supplies 90 41 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Power & Precision Tools (84-4) 6891226 Plywood Veneers-Wholesale Manufacturer Cooling System No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Manufacturing and installing steel frameworks, petroleum steel tanks, LPG tanks and manufacturing the air conditioning controlling and cooling tower system at the spinning plants, textile factories, brewery factories 91 Hoang Ha Trading Construction Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Khu pho Dong Nhi, Thi Tran Lai Thieu, H. Thuan An, Binh Duong (650) 3757910 92 Hoang Quoc Automation Measurement & Industrial Equipment Co. Ltd Unit 413, 92 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39142197 93 Hong Ha Electric Materials Co.,Ltd. 117 Hang Bong, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (04) 38258601 84-4-39840958 Industrial Electric Equipment 94 HONG THANH CO. LTD A7/252 Hoang Quoc Viet St., Tu Liem Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8657319 (84-8) 8631646 Machinery 95 Hong Thinh Anpha Electric Co. Ltd 326/4 Ung Văn Khiem, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35121796 www.hongthinh.com Automation Systems & Equipment 96 Hop Chung Co.Ltd 744 Ham Tu, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38536623 (84-8) 38555895 Trading in telephone equipment and systems 97 HUE CHI TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 72 St. 9, Ward 8, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-511) 746478 (84-511) 814086 Industrial Equipment Supplies 98 HUNG TA INSTRUMENT CO. LTD 88 St. 3A, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9625420 (84-8) 9625419 Industrial Equipment Supplies 99 Hung Thinh Electric Equipment J.S.C. 139 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Dien Bien Ward, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 38310557 38432288 Trading in electrical equipment 42 www.hoanghaengineering.com Automation Systems & Equipment No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 100 Hung Viet Electronics Technology And Trading Co.,Ltd. 5 Line 6/13 Kim Dong, Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi (04) 36641708 36641709 Manufacturingmeasurement test & control fields 101 Hung Vuong Material Mechanical Co.,Ltd. Group 22, Dong Anh Dist., Hanoi (04) 38839264 38835437 Manufacture of mechanical products, steel structure. 102 Huu Hong Industrial Equipment J.S.C. 157-159 Xuan Hong, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38117454 www.world-ofmachinery.com Trading in industrial equipment and machines. General trading 103 HUYHOANG CO., LTD 12/10 Phan Van Tri Street, Ward 10, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (84-8) 3907 0670 (84-8) 3925 6091 Industrial equipment 104 Hydro-Meteorological Technique Materials J.S.C Alley 62, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 38343582 www.hymetco.com.vn Trading in hydrological and meteorological machines 105 IN CA INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS AUTOMATION CO. LTD Unit 308, 44 Dang Van Ngu St., Lot A, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 5118175 www.inca.com.vn Industrial Equipment Supplies 106 Industrial Equipment Trading And Producing Co. Thuy Lam Hamlet, Dong Anh District, Hanoi (04) 38833287 84-4-38833287 Trading in machine tools 107 Institute For Machinery & Industrial Instruments 34 Lang Ha, Dong Da District, Hanoi (04) 38344168 Industrial Equipment 108 Invensys Process Systems Pte. Ltd Rm. 901, 32-34 Ngo Duc Ke, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 22200504 www.invensys.com/ps 109 JIANGDONG AGRICULTURAL MACHINE CO. LTD Unit 401, Km10 National Highway 1A, Nam Thanh Hotel, Hoang Liet Ward, Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi Supplying Automatic equipment and industrial equipment (84-511) 920031 (84-511) 920030 Machinery 110 Johs Rieckermann Hamburg 151 Yen Phu Str, Hanoi (04) 38238661 38238717 Trade of heavy industrial equipment 43 No. Company Name Address Telephone 111 Kao-Meng Machinery (Viet Nam) Co.,Ltd Amata IZ., Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 61-3893867 112 Khai Toan J.S.C Lot 33, Tam Phuoc IZ., Long Thanh Dist., Dong Nai 61-3511179 113 Khanh Ngoc Construction Mechanical Co.,Ltd. 107/10 Area 3, An Binh Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 3830907 114 Kien An Productions And Trading Co.,Ltd 115 116 Fax / E-mail / Website 61-3893477 Form of Business Manufacturing in tube, chain and bicycle chain Production and trade of electrical and lighting equipments 3837920 Mechanical, construction 269/20/7, Ward 5, Dist.10, Ho (08) 37582839 Chi Minh City 38503221 Productions of machines KIM DAI LOI CO. LTD 117B Provincial Road 835, My Loc Ward, Can Giuoc Dist., Long An (84-8) 8359909 (84-8) 8335861 Packaging Machinery Kim Hang Construction Mechanical Co.,Ltd. 801/75 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38991357 35115742 Producing building mechanical, construction. 117 King Power Co. Ltd Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 18 Huu Nghi Avenue, Binh Duong (650) 3784296 www.kingpower-vn.com Generators Supplies 118 Korea Fine Chemical (Vietnam) Co. Ltd Thanh An Hamlet, Trung An Ward, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37956799 119 Kuopen Hydreulic Automatic Co.,Ltd. 10 Song Than 1 IZ., Di An Townlet, Di An Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3732885 (650) 3732884 Manufacturing many kind of machinery LA VANG CO. LTD 1 Block 5, Lot 2, Tan Hiep Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai (84-8) 8481516 (84-8) 8481516 Pharmaceutical Containers, Equipment Supplies 120 44 Shoe Machine Supplies No. Company Name 121 Lam Uy Industrial Machinery And Equipment Co.,Ltd. 62A Nguyen Huy Tuong, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 35583112 37733688 manufacturing&processing mechanical products 122 Le Long Vietnam Co.,Ltd. Phuoc Tu Hamlet, Long An 72-3872346 84-72-3872350 Production of batteries and accumulators 123 Leopad Engineering Co. Ltd 65A, 30/4, Ward 9, Ba RiaVung Tau (64) 3591059 www.leopad.com Oil Exploration Equipment LG International Corp. Floor 8, Yoco Office Bldg, 41 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38293279 Liang Chi (Vietnam) Industry Co.,Ltd. D1/9T Interprovincial.10, Group 4, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37505508 84-8-37505510 Trading in cooling towers 126 Lien Hiep Uia Co.,Ltd. A12 Phan Dinh Giot, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39970891 www.lienhiepuia.com Supply of industrial equipment 127 Linh Trung Electric Material Co. Ltd 104 Trieu Viet Vuong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (84-4) 39 434 321 (84-4) 39 434 321 Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies 128 Loi Phong Co.,Ltd 56/16/18 Trinh Dinh Trong, Phu Trung Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38618772 38653787 cog-wheel, conveyor belts 129 Longan Import Export Trading J.S.C. 131 Highway 1, Ward 2, Tan An Town, Long An 72-3826373 72-3823092 Trading in cement, electric appliances, petrol and kerosene 124 125 Address Telephone 45 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Heavy Equipment - Machinery No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 130 Luc Xuong Trading And Production Co., Ltd. 7 Su Văn Hanh. (ext.), Ward 12, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38657386 84-8-38633328 Manufacturing and trading in forklift trucks, ball bearing 131 LY HIEP TRADING PRODUCTION CO. LTD 542 Lac Long Quan St., Ward 5, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8592313 (84-8) 8570975 Industrial Equipment Supplies 132 Mai Duong Mechanical Electric Fridge Co.,Ltd. 167 Lang Ha, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 38560901 www.maiduong.com refrigerating equipment., cooling compressor tower, heat conducting 133 Martech Energy Systems Pty Ltd A5/17B Hamlet 1, Cong Nghe Moi, Vinh Loc B Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37541465 Boiler Manufacture 134 Matsushita Home Unit A2, Floor 5, 65 Nguyen Appliances Vietnam Co. Ltd Du, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38248790 Cooling System 135 Mec German Holding Gmbh 46 Pho Duc Chinh, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 38293458 38294778 Trading in hi-tech equipment 136 Mechanical-Electric Construction J.S.C 54 Tran Phu, Ward 7, Bac Lieu Town, Bac Lieu (781) 3824727 (781) 3952138 Mechanical processing 137 MG TECH-DANG THANH TRADING LTD 2 Nguyen Quang Bich St., Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 5724579 www.dangthanh.com Sewing Machines-IndustrialSupplies Attachment 138 Ming Yang Machine Co.,Ltd 37 Doc La, Yen Thuong, Gia Lam Dist., Hanoi (04) 38271969 36980769 Lather auto-machine 139 Minh Phat Mechanical Enterprise 212/3 Kha Văn Can, Block 4, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37266491 46 Boiler Manufacture No. 140 141 Company Name Address 4th Flr., Rm. E, OSIC Bldg., 8 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nguyen Hue, Dist.1, Ho Chi Co.,Ltd. Minh City Floor 4, 99 Nguyen Thi Minh MIX INDUSTRIAL Khai St., Ben Thanh Ward, EQUIPMENT CO. LTD Dist. 1,Ho Chi Minh City Unit 1710, Floor 17, Saigon Trade Centre, 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (08) 38243279 www.mhi.co.jp Heavy industrial machinery manufacturing (84-8) 5106266 www.mix.com.vn Industrial Equipment Supplies (08) 39100343 www.mtu-online.com Engines Diesel (84-8) 8275051 (84-8) 8248349 Textile Machinery (84-8) 9123776 (84-8) 8253434 Industrial Equipment Supplies 142 Mtu Asia Pte Ltd 143 MURATA MACHINERY LTD 144 N S CO. LTD 145 Nam Ha Production Investment And Trade J.S.C. 45 Tap The H26 Bo Cong An, Tay Mo Hamlet, Tu Liem Dist.,Hanoi 22411540 37892005 Producing and trading in materials 146 Nam Hong Electronics Co.,Ltd. 1 Lot O, Area 4, Phuc Xa Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi (04) 37165433 84-4-37166052 Trading in electrical equipment 147 NAM THANG TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 121HB Nguyen Cong Tru St., Hue Ward, Hai Ba Trung Dist.,Hanoi (84-68) 878139 (84-68) 878157 Pipes 148 NAM VIET PHAT CO. LTD 105 St. 45, Ward 6, Dist. 4, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9404189 (84-8) 9407747 Machinery 149 Nam Xuan Phong Co.,Ltd. 13 Ham Nghi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38215815 84-8-39140592 Design, installation of electric, refrigeratory equipment & systems 8A/9C1 Thai Van Lung St., Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City 221/28 Le Thuc Hoach St., Phu Tho Hoa Ward, Tan Phu Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City 47 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 150 Namha Mechanism Construction Engine Factory 75 Dien Bien, Cua Bac Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 350-3849493 151 New Century Vietnam Co. Ltd 107 Tran Quoc Hoan Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 463 747 (84-8) 38 448 925 Welding Equipment Supplies 152 New Technology Unions 360 Giai Phong Str, Hanoi (04) 36641804 38647415 Trading in industrial equipment 153 Nghia Nippers Co. Ltd 10/20 Lac Long Quan, Ward 9, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39740651 www.nghianippers.com.vn Power & Precision Tools 154 Nghiep Quang Co.,Ltd. Thanh Khuong IZ., Thuan Thanh Dist., Bac Ninh (241) 3790977 (241) 3790877 Production of electric appliances industrial 155 Ngoc Hung Equipment And Machinery Co., Ltd 313 Truong Chinh, Khuong Thuong Ward, Dong Da District,Hanoi (04) 35634233 (84-4) 35635896 Trading in pumps, electric generators and compressors, mechanical 156 Nguyen Gia Development Co.,Ltd. 1 Alley 105/1 Nguyen Cong Hoan, Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi 22191697 39725589 Trading in machines Nguyen Hoang Corp. 151/1 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8)3 9974557 (84-8)3 9975203 Cooling System 158 Nguyen Khiem Co.,Ltd. 27/28B Huynh Tinh Cua, Ward 8, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38859373 84-8-38756045 Production of electric materials 159 Nhat Chau Co.,Ltd. 876 Nguyen Kiem, Ward 3, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38944952 39894618 Trading in equipment, tool of electrical system 157 48 Manufacture of motor, circuit breaker and plastic tubes No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Export of safety labor wear and product, handicraft and casting parts 160 Nhat Hai Hanoi Co.,Ltd. 2610-34T Trung Hoa, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi 22210170 161 Nhat Quang Tan Technology Co. Ltd 59, 33, An Duong Vuong Market Block, Ward 10, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39121369 Heavy Equipment - Machinery 162 Nhat Thong Technology Co.,Ltd. 718 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35118656 39101172 Trading in machinery, precision mechanical equipment NIEN DOANH CO. LTD 355 Nguyen Xi St., Ward 13, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 770567 (84-650) 770567 Water Purification Equipment 164 Nippon Mechanics And Crane Co.,Ltd Road DT 743, Binh Phuoc A Sub-hamlet, Binh Chuan Hamlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3821708 www.nmc-vn.com Design, manufacture & install cranes in turn-key service 165 NOMURA WELD TECO CO. LTD Nhon Trach 3 Industrial Park (84-72) 870184 (84-72) 890440 Welding Equipment Supplies 166 P T VIET NAM CO. LTD 127 Dang Tien Dong St., Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 9974279 (84-8) 8463327 Industrial Equipment Supplies 167 Pacific Industry Co.,Ltd. Group 110 Hoang Cau, O Cho Dua Str, Hanoi (04) 35374507 35145617 Trading in machines. Engineering prefabrication 168 Partsnic Vietnam Co.,Ltd. Tan Dinh IZ., Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3511031 (650) 3560446 Production of capacitor 169 PHAN DUC MINH CO. LTD 629A Hoang Van Thu St., Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 2955839 (84-8) 4464988 Sewing Machines-IndustrialSupplies Attachment 163 49 www.sunnyocean.com.vn No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 170 Phan Sinh Super Electro Plating Co.,Ltd. 42 Dinh Phong Phu, Area 2, Tang Nhon Phu B Ward, Dist.9, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38963557 37306009 Electro plating service. Waste water treatment consultants 171 PHO QUANG COMMUNICATION INTERIOR CO. LTD 45/7 Do Bi St., Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8030249 (84-8) 5173220 Plywood Veneers-Wholesale Manufacturer 172 Phu Cuong Manufacturing Trading Co.,Ltd. 39 Binh Chieu, Binh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 54032924 54032923 Manufacturing in industrial machine 173 PHU DAI LOI TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 114/2 Yen The St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 7291274 (84-8) 7291273 Packaging Machinery 174 Phuc Loc Trade Co.,Ltd. 245A Tran Quang Khai, Tan Dinh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38481060 www.phuc-loc.com Supplying electric equipment, tool machines 175 Phuong Linh Import Export & Produce Joint Stock Co 71 To Hieu, Cau Giay District, Hanoi (04) 37568766 176 Phuong Nam Mechanical J.S.C Ngoc Hoi, Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi (04) 38616427 177 Phutho Mechanical J.S.C. Truong Thinh Hamlet, Phu Tho 210-3820057 178 Project Mechanical Electricity Co.,Ltd 6 Hoa Lu, Hai Ba Trung Dist, Hanoi (04) 39740442 www.pme.com.vn Trading, installing and distributing air-conditioner 179 Q.M.C CO. LTD 1/124 Thuy Khue St., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 7308122 (84-8) 7308122 Sewing Machines-IndustrialSupplies Attachment 50 Heavy Equipment - Machinery 38616427 Production of mechanical Manufacture of scales and brick making machines No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 180 Quan Xuong Co. Ltd 51B Hoang Le Kha, Ward 9, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39603539 181 QUANG DUONG INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT TRADING CO. LTD 38-40 Nguyen Cong Hoan St., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 9570975 (84-8) 9572084 Industrial Equipment Supplies 182 Quoc Minh Maritime Mechanical Trading Co.,Ltd. 299-301 Huynh Tan Phat, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38729517 www.quocminhco.com.vn Trading in ship and boat spare parts 183 QUOC THAO CO. LTD 116/1 Huynh Ngoc Hue St., An Khe Ward, Thanh Khe Dist.,Danang (84-511) 3649081 (84-511) 3649076 Industrial Equipment Supplies 184 R.T ELECTRONIC PNEUMATIC HYDRAULIC TRADING CO. LTD (84-8) 9123633 www.thuykhidien.com.vn Hydraulic Equipment Supplies 185 RAIN CONTINENT SHANGHAI CO. LTD (84-8) 9321969 (84-8) 9320635 Machinery 186 Rotatech Instruments Co.,Ltd. 130-B104 Pham Van Hai, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38457084 www.rongtien.com Supply of testing instruments in hospitals, laboratory, university 187 Saigon Electronic Co. 422 Ho Văn Hue, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38442034 84-8-38230294 Assembling television and radio-cassette 188 Saigon Instruments J.S.C 53 Luong Hai Khanh, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38230204 38210893 Trading in equipment, instruments and machinery for laboratory 189 Sao Minh Water Sewage Supply Equipment Co. 7 Yen Bai 2, Pho Hue Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (04) 38212729 84-4-39784621 Trading in water equipment 165/40 Nguyen Thai Binh St., Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, Dist. 1,Ho Chi Minh City Floor 1, 129 Binh Tay St., Ward 1, Dist. 6, Ho Chi Minh City 51 Mechanical Equipment No. Company Name Address Telephone 190 Scalewatcher Vietnam Co. Ltd 40 Pho Quang Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3997 1075 191 Schneider Vietnam Electric Ltd Unit 2.10, Floor 2, E.Town Building, 364 Cong Hoa, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38103103 192 Selta Co. Ltd 15A1 Cat Linh Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi (84-4) 38 233 892 193 Sieu Viet Trading Technology Services Co. Ltd 583, 3/2, Ward 8, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38534972 194 SKF Vietnam Unit 12, Floor 12, Saigon Trade Centre 37 Ton Duc Thang Street Ben Nghe Ward, District 1,, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3910 1746 www.skf.com.vn Ball Bearings 195 Song Long Distribution Co.,Ltd. 138 Giang Vo, Kim Ma Ward, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 37345950 37345950 Trading in industrial machinery 196 South Crown Industry & Commerce Co. Ltd 190 Hong Bang, Ward 15, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39557092 197 Std Trading Service Mechanical Co.,Ltd. 149/2 No Trang Long, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38264412 8-39402431 Trading in steel and iron for electric technique and plastic grains TAIWAN-HIPRESS CO. LTD A9-319 Ly Thuong Kiet St., Ward 15, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-61) 3836367 www.taiwan-hipress.com Hydraulic Equipment Supplies 198 52 Fax / E-mail / Website www.scalewatcher.com.vn Form of Business Commercial Waste Disposal Equipment Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies (84-4) 37 322 753 Building Materials Water Purification Equipment Supplies Industrial Equipment No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 199 TAN LIEN MINH TECHNOLOGY TRADING CO. LTD 19/3 Binh Thoi St., Ward 11, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8226153 (84-8) 9104251 Welding Equipment Supplies 200 Tan Quoc Hung Co. Ltd 63 Le Van Sy Street, Ward 13, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 913 144 (84-8) 39 910 080 Scales Manufacture 201 Tan Tien Automation Technology Corporation Toa nha Waseco, Lau 5, So 10 Pho Quang, Dist.Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 3997-3944 www.tantien.com Automation system integrator & distributor for drives, measurement and automation products 202 Tan Tien Thanh Trading Service Production Co.,Ltd. 47/R6 Nguyen Van Dau, Ward 6, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38434819 38434819 Trading in fire protection equipment 203 Tan Trao Technology J.S.C 3 Alley 11 Vuong Thua Vu, Khuong Mai Ward, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 37330828 37472248 Trading in industrial and electric equipment 204 Tan Vinh Thanh Mechanical Pte F6/22A Hamlet 6, Vinh Loc A Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37650116 Coatings Protective 205 Tapper & Wilcox (Vietnam) Ltd 36/212B Block 8, Truong Tho Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37311622 Mechanical Equipment 226 TAY NAM INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD 207 Tech Force Technology Co. Ltd 188 Truong Cong Dinh St., Ward 3, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau 17 Phan Phu Tien StreetWard 10, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8407758 (84-8) 8407759 Industrial Equipment Supplies (84-8) 38 593 687 (84-8) 39 505 565 Heavy Equipment - Machinery 53 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 208 Tesco Co.Ltd Unit 301A, Floor 3, 1 Thanh Nien, Sofitel Plaza Hotel, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi (04) 37150168 209 Thac Pho Co.,Ltd. 77 Road 5, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 54075851 210 Thai An Production Material And Safety Equipment Co., Ltd. 333 Nguyen Thai Binh, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38119093 211 Thai Binh Duong Trading And Technique J.S.C 130B Phan Huy ich, Ward 15, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 62759433 212 Thai Co Service Trade Co.,Ltd. 51B Phu Lam, Ward 9, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39603539 213 Thai Hoang Duong Co., Ltd. 3 Group 1, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi (04) 38335598 214 Thai Minh Construction& Mechanical Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 169B10 Le Trong Tan, Son Ky Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38429847 38161346 Processing, manufacturing mechanical products Thai Seng Trading Co. Ltd Unit TH3, Floor 3, Fosco Business Center 2 Phung Khac Khoan Street , Dakao Ward, District 1,, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 221 312 (84-8) 38 297 924 Machine & Tools Thai Son Co. Ltd 143/11H Ung Van Khiem Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 990 022 (84-8) 38 997 850 Heavy Equipment - Machinery 215 216 54 Industrial Equipment www.jonyei.com.tw Manufacturing and supplying electric equipment www.thaiansafety.com Trading in fire protection equipment, labor safety equipment and closing Producing in water machine 39693449 Machinery Trading in materials for printing industry No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 217 THAI TAI TRADING PRODUCTION SERVICES CO. LTD Floor 2, 174A Nguyen Van Troi St., Ward 8, Phu Nhuan Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9859635 (84-8) 9853645 Machinery 218 Thai Thanh Trading Co. Ltd 114 Hau Giang Street, Ward 6, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 692 393 (84-8) 39 691 574 Commercial Cooling System 219 Thai Thuan Trade Services Co.,Ltd. 155 Ky Con, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38217739 84-8-38212976 Trading in mechanical equipment and ICI Auto color paint 220 Thai Tran Enterprise 1409 Lo Gom, Ward 7, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38540645 221 THAI Y CO. LTD 78 Bach Dang St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 5530917 222 The Viet Nam Stock Import Export Service And Investment Co. 8 Le Hong Phong Str, Danang 223 Thien Truong Trading Service Medical And Lab Equipment Co.,Ltd C37/1 Nguyen Tu Luc, 8 Ward, Da Lat City, Lam Dong 224 Thien Vu Security Equipment Co.,Ltd. 586 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 22, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Nut Manufacture (84-8) 5530917 Welding Equipment Supply 511-3821821 511-3830589 Import - export services Producing and trading in sand mould. Producing and trading in coal, water filter 63-3553882 63-3553882 Trading in scientific, technical machinery and lab equipment www.thienvu.com.vn supplying materials, equipment, installing & maintaining projects: Fire alarm system. Firefighting and fire protection system. Intruder alarm system. CCTV system and thunderbolt resister system (08) 62944366 55 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 225 Thien Xuan Co. Ltd 92 Trieu Quoc Dat Street, Dien Bien Ward, Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa, Thanh Hoa (84-37) 3859 757 226 Thoi Dai Trading Co.,Ltd. 275.3-2, Ward 10, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38346041 84-8-38341522 Producing and trading in Sutudo stabilizers 227 Thoi Viet Package Enterprise Pte. 128 Le Lam, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39782287 39782287 Manufacturing packing machinery. Manufacturing packages 228 Thuan Nhan Co. Ltd (84-8) 38 205 364 (84-8) 38 205 363 Commercial Cooling System 229 Thuan Phong Production Co.,Ltd. (08) 38550606 84-8-39502028 Trading in adhesives and glues, lamps 230 Tianjin Machinery Import And Export Co.,Ltd. 702/3C Su Van Hanh Str., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38627469 38627468 Import and export of machinery 231 TIEN DAT INDUSTRY MACHINERY PRODUCTION CO. LTD 942 Nguyen Trai St., Ward 14, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 5140142 (84-8) 5140143 Machinery 232 TINH THUY TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD (84-511) 835829 (84-511) 835829 Water Purification Equipment 233 Tmc Cranes Co.,Ltd (08) 35113685 84-8-35113685 Producing and trading in cranes 234 Toan Cau Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd (04) 35587361 35587361 Trading in materials, water filter 346 Hai Ba Trung StreetTan Dinh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City 114-116-118 Tuy Ly Vuong, Ward 13, Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City 101A Binh Thoi Living Quarter, St. 6, Ward 8, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City 79/81 Nguyen Xi, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City 90 Nguyen Tuan, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da Dist, Hanoi 56 Electric Equipment Manufacture & Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 235 Tran Gia Trading Services Co. Ltd Floor 1, 97A Ly Tu Trong, Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38258454 Industrial Equipment 236 Tri Phong Bestchoice Scissors & Knife Industrial Co. Ltd 36 Tang Bat Ho, Ward 12, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38551906 Power & Precision Tools 237 Truong Xuan Electric Refrigeratory Co.,Ltd 15 Line 4, Thao Dien Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 54021719 37444757 supply and installation mechanical system, electronic, air conditioner, insulating materials.. 238 Tuan Thanh Trade Co.,Ltd. 466 Tran Khat Chan, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (04) 39781982 (84-4) 39781983 Trading in electric generators 239 Ukrinterenergo Ukraina G4B Thanh Xuan Nam Ward, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 38543569 www.uie.kiev.ua Electric consultancy 240 Union For Science Of Electronic Engineering 46 Nguyen Văn Ngoc, Ba Dinh (04) 37660467 District, Hanoi (84-4) 37660468 manufacturing measurement & automatic control 241 Vam Co., Ltd. Lot II-3 Str.13, Area 2, Tan Binh IZ., Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38161956 www.vam-net.com Engineering and installation automation electric equipment 242 Van Tam Co. Ltd 219B Hoang Van Thu Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 974 385 www.vantamco.com Sanitary ware Manufacture & Supplies 243 Van Tien Dung Mechical Co.,Ltd. 69/6C Pham Van Chieu, Ward 12, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38959126 www.vantiendung.com.vn Production of specialized machines 57 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 244 VIEN THIEN CO. LTD Viet Au Building (84-8) 8247287 (84-8) 8247288 Industrial Equipment Supplies 245 Viet Duc-Phutho Co. Lam Thaolet, Phu Tho (210) 3825008 (84-210) 3826289 Production of package. Installation of automation equipment 246 Viet Khoa Scientific Equipment And Material Co.,Ltd 6 Tran Thien Chan, Ward 12, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38625215 38627563 Supply of scientific, laboratory and medical equipment 247 Viet My Trade And Construction Consultancy J.S.C 459 Trung Dinh, Tan Mai Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (04) 36621120 248 Viet Tien Construction And Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. 41 Thi Sach, Hanoi (04) 35620719 39438934 Trading in industrial material and construction 249 Vietnam Japan Mechanical Pte.Enterprise Sai Dong Townlet, Gia Lam Dist., Hanoi (04) 38751185 38751186 Production of precision mechanic spare parts. 250 Vietnam Machinery Erection Corp. 8th Flr., 9-19 Ho Tung Mau, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39142565 www.lilama.hn.com Installing machinery and equipment for industrial projects. Labor forces supply 251 Vietnam Refrigeration Electrical Engineering J.S.C 85 Nguyen Cu Trinh, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39090251 www.vietree.com.vn supplying and installing M&E systems for projects 252 Vietnam Technology Co.,Ltd Rm.301 Duy Tan Plaza Building, 171 Cao Thang Str, Ho Chi Minh City 38621112 Supply, testing & commissioning and preventive maintenance the firefighting system (08) 38620663 58 Producing metal screen, net No. Company Name Address 253 Vina Lpg Co.,Ltd. 254 Vinh Thuan Phat Automation And Mechanical Co., Ltd 15C Nguyen Thai Binh Living Quarter, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City 2/19, Pham Van Bach, Ward15, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 255 Vitech Automation Equipment J.S.C 256 257 Telephone (08) 38115605 Fax / E-mail / Website 38422163 Form of Business Manufacture, trade of PLG equipment (08) 38156213 Zinc processing Rm. 025, Bldg. I9, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi 62852629 www.vi-tech.com.vn Supply of technological solutions and wood processing equipment VU TUAN CO. LTD Group 23, Hoa Phat Ward, Cam Le Dist., Danang (84-8) 5118691 (84-8) 5118691 Plywood Veneers-Wholesale manufacturer Vvt Industry Equipment And Machines Co.,Ltd. Rm. 114, N1, 114 Truong Chinh, Phuong Mai Ward, Hanoi (04) 38688459 38688459 Trading in machines and industrial equipment 258 YANGJI INT'L CO. LTD 3Bis Cuu Long St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9238063 (84-8) 9235602 Sewing Machines-IndustrialSupplies Attachment 259 Z.C International (Vietnam) Ltd Tan Thuan E.P.ZStreet 9, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 770 1688 www.zenithcutter.com industrial knives and blades 260 Zi-Techasia(Vietnam) Co.,Ltd 38 Vo Thi Sau, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38209092 38206963 Machines, equipment 59 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Oil and Gas 1 AGAS CO. LTD Dong Xuyen Industrial Zone (84-4) 5147462 (84-4) 5147463 Gas Appliances 2 AKD INVESTMENT PRODUCE TRADE CO. LTD 15 Nguyen Van Cu St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 8734559 www.akdvietnam.com.vn Gas Equipment System Installation 3 ALTON INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD Floor 7, 47 Dien Bien Phu St., Dakao Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8455754 (84-8) 8455697 Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 4 Anh Thai Trading Co., Ltd 225 Khanh Hoi Street, Ward 3, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3826 6460 (84-8) 3826 6461 Oil & Gas business 5 ANH THIEN THAO TRADING CO. LTD Dien Bien Phu St., Lot 51A, Thanh Khe Dist., Danang (84-8) 9133433 (84-8) 9325354 Gas Appliances 6 An Thinh J.S.C 357 Nguyen Văn Cu, Gia Lam District, Hanoi (04) 38772277 84-4-38734455 Trading in gas, gas cooker 7 Asia Petroleum Energy Corporation. 12 Floor Building 159 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 15, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35141952 www.asiapetro.com.vn Produce Ethanol, Biodiesel, Biogas, Biomass 8 Bat Trang Oil Joint Stock Company Unit 193, C1 Ba Trieu Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 3974 1903 (84-4) 3974 1904 Oil & Gas business 9 Ba Hao Private Enterprise Chu CHot Cluster, Ninh Thanh Loi Ward, Hong Dan District, Bac Lieu (84-781) 3 551 199 60 Oil & Gas Companies, Chemicals, Petroleum products No. Company Name Address Telephone 10 Bat Trang Oil Joint - Stock Company Bat Trang Village, Hamlet 4, Bat Trang Commune, Gia Lam District, Hanoi (84-4) 3874 3202 (84-4) 3874 3519 Oil & Gas business 11 BIEN NGOC INT'L TRADING CO. LTD 384/55 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia St., Ward 8, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9104788 (84-8) 9104789 Gas Appliances 12 Binhduong Gas Co.,Ltd. Dong An IZ., Binh Hoa Hamlet, Thuan An District, Binh Duong (84-650) 3 756 264 (84-650) 3 843 243 Trading in gas 13 BLUE DRAGON CO. LTD 81 Bui Thi Xuan St., Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan (84-8) 5261147 (84-8) 9313485 Gas Appliances 14 Can Gio Services & Trading Joint-Stock Co. 383-385 Nguyen Cong Tru, Cau Ong Lanh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38296352 15 CAN THO PETROLIMEX GAS CO. LTD 110 Cach Mang Thang Tam St., Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho City (84-710) 842473 (84-710) 842728 Gas-Liquefied PetroleumBottled Bulk 16 Cao Bang Petroleum Company Hop Giang Ward,, Cao Bang (84-26) 3 852 402 (84-26) 3 853 061 Oil & Gas Companies 17 Cat Lai Oil Terminal Cat Lai Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3 897 6423 www.petec.com.vn supplying oil products 18 Central PetroVietnam Oil Company Limited Group 2, Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang City (84-511) 377 0719 (84-511) 371 4686 Oil Companies 61 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Petrol & Gas Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 19 CHEVRON LUBRICANTS VIETNAM CO. LTD Unit C6-10, Floor 5, Hanoi Horizon Hotel (84-31) 3769012 (84-31) 3769010 Oil Companies 20 CN INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD 28/1/21 Phan Dinh Giot St., Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8869959 (84-8) 7560688 Gas Equipment System Installation 21 Dai Hai Petrol Corp. 70 Ngo Quyen, Haiphong (31) 3837482 (84-31) 3837485 Production of industrial gas and petroleum products, LPG, bitumen 22 Da Loi Gas Co. Ltd 117A Cong Hoa, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38446642 Gas Industrial & Medical 23 Da Nang Petrolimex Gas Co. Ltd 1 Le Quy Don, Danang (511) 3827833 Bottled Gas Supplies 24 Dong Nai General Material Co.,Ltd. 40 National Highway 1, Quyet Thang Ward, Dong Nai (61) 3822344 Petrol & Gas Supplies 25 255B Highway 15, Tan Mai Dongnai Fuels And Building Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Materials J.S.C Nai 26 Dongthap Petroleum Co.,Ltd. 27 Duc Nha Co. Ltd 61-3822119 61-3822014 Trading in consumer goods, cement, petrol and kerosene, gas A10 5B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ward 1, Cao Lanh Town, Dong Thap (84-67) 385 1037 (84-67) 385 2283 Trading in petrol, kerosene and gas Km24 National Highway 22, Phuoc Hiep Ward, Cu Chi District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 920 249 (84-8) 38 923 347 Petrol & Gas Supplies 62 No. Company Name 28 Duy Thanh Pte Ent 29 ELF Gaz Saigon Co.,Ltd. 30 Elf Gas Danang J.V.C 31 Address 47/42/25G Bui Dinh Tuy Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tan Thuan E.P.Z, Block 5, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City Tam Quang Hamlet, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Telephone (84-8) 3 5111 549 Fax / E-mail / Website (84-8) 3.5111.549 (08) 38720407 Form of Business Oil & Gas Companies Bottled Gas Supplies (84-510) 3 872 556 (84-510) 3 872 502 Distribution of LPG EOSS SINGAPORE PTE LTD Unit 107, Hai Thanh Bldg (84-61) 3897707 www.eoss.com Provide drilling support to oil exploration and offshores in South East Asia. 32 EXPROTECH (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD (84-61) 3543056 (84-61) 3543694 Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 33 Gia Dinh-Hanoi LPG Trade & Service Co. Ltd 34 Hae Kwang Enamel Industrial Co. Ltd 35 Hai Yen Trading & Service Co. Ltd 36 37 Unit 101, Floor 1, Mondial Centre Sai Dong Industrial Zone B, Lot 14, Sai Dong Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi 51/8D Nguyen Trai Street, Ward 2, District. 5, Ho Chi Minh City (04) 38752674 Gas Supplies (84-8) 3923 1795 (84-8) 3923 1796 Gas Equipment 65 Nguyen Cong Tru, Ward 19, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38403048 www.haiyenkitchen.com Gas Industrial & Medical HAILECK VIETNAM ENGINEERING CO. LTD BA1-12 Pho Duc Chinh St., Tan Phong Ward, Dist. 7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8274657 (84-8) 8274656 Oil Companies Hoang Viet Fuel Co. Ltd 101/1 Luy Ban Bich, Hoa Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39730932 63 Petrol & Gas Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone 38 HONG PHAT INDUSTRY GAS CO. LTD 201 Nguyen Duy Duong St., Ward 4, Dist. 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8405132 39 81 Industrial Gases Enterprise Nghia Do Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi (04) 37564598 40 Industrial Gas Trading Co.,Ltd. 41 Industry Co., Ltd 42 INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD 43 J.RAY MCDERMOTT ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD Floor 16, Saigon Tower 44 JST CO. LTD Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Gas Appliances 84-4-37564205 Production and trade of industrial gases and LPG 84-4-35115781 Trading in industrial gases 38479860 Trading in gas, liquefied petroleum (84-8) 9960933 Gas-Liquefied PetroleumBottled Bulk (84-8) 9306526 www.mcdermott.com Oil Companies Unit 3B08, Floor 3B, Saigon Trade Centre (84-4) 9516381 www.jst-group.com Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 45 Le Gia Production And Trade Co.,Ltd 1137C1 Khuong Viet, Phu Trung Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38652804 38617877 Production of Industrial gas 46 LONG MEN CO. LTD C3-17 An Phu Resident Area, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (84-511) 871433 (84-511) 871433 Gas Equipment System Installation 47 Magic Co.,Ltd. 4 Ton Duc Thang, Dong Da District, Hanoi (04) 37331685 84-4-37334270 Trading in gas 48 Mekong Gas J.V Co. Ltd 174 Cach Mang Thang Tam, An Thoi Ward, Can Tho (71) 3810114 1 Quan Tho 1 Alley, Ton Duc Thang, Dong Da (04) 38512083 District, Hanoi 28/1/21 Phan Dinh Giot, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh (08) 39972441 City 311 Nguyen Trong Tuyen St., Ward 10, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho (84-8) 8931756 Chi Minh City 64 Gas Supplies No. Company Name Address 49 Messer Vietnam Industrial Gases Co. Ltd Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 21, No. 3, Binh Duong (650) 3756082 www.messergroup.com Bottled Gas Supplies 50 Messer Vietnam Industrial Gas Co.,Ltd. 21 Avenue 3, VietnamSingapore IZ, Binh Duong 650-3756082 84-650-3756600 Manufacture of industrial gas 51 MIEN TRUNG PETROVIETNAM GAS CO. LTD Dien Bien Phu St., Lot 3, Thanh Khe Dist., (All Province) (84-8) 5154133 pvgasn.com.vn Gas-Liquefied PetroleumBottled Bulk 52 Minh Thao Trading Service Co.,Ltd. 79 Nguyen Hong, Ward 11, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38940247 84-8-38940247 Trading in gas 53 1893 Trinh Dinh Trong, Phu Nghiep Hung Trading Trung Ward, Tan Phu Services Production Co. Ltd District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38619432 54 NGUYEN HIEP GAS TRADING CO. LTD 300 (220A) Nguyen Thai Son St., Ward 4, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9604757 (84-8) 9600708 Gas-Liquefied PetroleumBottled Bulk 55 North Vietnam Industrial Gases Ltd. Room 202, 4 Da Tuong, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (04) 38222438 (84-4) 38222441 Production of industrial gas (08) 35160321 38432432 Trading in gas and real-estate (84-4) 2101168 www.ongcvidesh.com Oil Companies (84-64) 3 839 818 www.pvep.com.vn Oil Companies 56 Nvt J.S.C 57 ONGC VIDESH LTD 58 PETROVIETNAM EXPLORATION PRODUCTION CORPORATION - PVEP VUNG TAU 217 No Trang Long, Ward 12, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 36 Thao Dien St., Lotus 9 Villa, Thao Dien Ward, Dist. 2, Ho Chi Minh City 101 Le Loi Street, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Telephone 65 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Gas Industrial & Medical No. Company Name Address 59 Petrovietnam Transportation Joint Stock Corporation 60 Petro Vietnam Gas Co. 61 Petrolimex Gas Hai Phong - 1 Hung Vuong, So Dau Branch Dist., Haiphong 62 Petrolimex Song Be Co. 8 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Phu Tho Hamlet, Thu Dau Mot (650) 3825846 Town, Binh Duong Petrolimex Quang Ngai Co. Dinh Tien Hoang, Highway 1A, Nghia Chanh Hamlet, Quang Ngai Town, Quang Ngai PETROLEUM WELL LOGGING CO. LTD PETROVIETNAM EXPLORATION PRODUCTION CO. LTD 66 Level 4, Building H3, 334 Hoang Dieu street, Ward 6, District 4,Ho Chi Minh City 95 Le Loi Street, Ward 6, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 3 911 1301 www.pvtrans.com Oil and gas industry (84-64) 3 832 628 (84-64) 3 838 838 Exploitation of natural gas 31-3824663 31-3824320 Trading in gas, petroleum (650) 3825211 Trading in petroleum and petrochemical products 55-3822544 55-3822803 Trading in petroleum, kerosene and other petroleum products, gas Unit 1307, Floor 13, Saigon Trade Centre (84-4) 8513206 www.pvdrilling.com.vn Oil Companies 133 Thai Thinh St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 8267928 (84-8) 8247730 Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies PETROVIETNAM TRADING CO. LTD Floor 14-17, 1-5 Le Duan St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9105119 (84-8) 9105118 Oil Companies 67 Phat Vinh Co.,Ltd. Sub-hamlet 3X, Xuan Thoi Son, Hoc Mon Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38450404 38450404 LPG and construction material trading. Petrol station, gas packing. 68 PHU PHUONG NAM CO. LTD (84-4) 8261158 (84-4) 8261158 Gas Appliances 69 PTT Public Co. Ltd 63 64 65 51 Tran Van Du St., Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 161 Vo Văn Tan, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39304974 66 Petrol & Gas Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone 70 PVD TRADING TECHNICAL SERVICES CO. LTD Floor 7, Miss Aodai Building (662) 8971566 71 Q Industries Co. Ltd 196 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39300400 72 Qua Tang Cong Nghiep Trading Co.,Ltd. 283 Tran Hung Dao, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38517876 (84-8) 38378452 Trading in industrial gases & chemicals 73 Rinnai Vietnam Co. Ltd Dong An Industrial Park St. 2, Thuan An Dist, Binh Duong (84-650) 756000 (84-650) 756001 Gas Equipment 74 Rong Viet Trading Co. Ltd 448/9F Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, Ward 18, District 4, Ho (84-8) 3940 4651 Chi Minh City (84-8) 3864 1713 Gas Equipment 75 SAIGON PETROL VUNG TAU BRANCH 75 Tran Dong Street , Ward 3 ,Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-64) 3 857 742 www.saigonpetro.com.vn exporting - importing - trading oil and gas products 76 Saigon Gas Co.,Ltd. 11A Nguyen Huy Tuong, Ward 6, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35104332 (84-8) 38414985 Trading in gases 77 SCT (Vietnam) Gas Co. Ltd Long Binh Tan Ward, Dong Nai (61) 3832222 www.picniccorpvn.com.vn Bottled Gas Supplies 78 Shell Gas Haiphong Ltd Chua Ve Port, Hai Phong City (84-31) 376 5391 (84-31) 376 5390 Oil & Gas Companies business activities. 67 Fax / E-mail / Website www.pvdrilling.com.vn Form of Business Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies Gas Industrial & Medical No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 79 Shell Vietnam Ltd Floor 14, Central Plaza Building,17 Le Duan Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1,, Ho Chi Minh City 80 Shell Gas Haiphong Co.,Ltd. Ngo Quyen Street, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong, Haiphong (84-31) 3 765 391 (84-31) 3 765 390 Distribution of LPG 81 SINH VIET TRADING TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD 108 Tran Quang Khai St., Tan Dinh Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8376766 (84-8) 8367682 Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 82 Southern Gas Enterprise 47 Nguyen Kiem, Ward 3, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39855543 83 Tan Nhat Minh Trading Co. Ltd 15E3 Dien Bien Phu Street , Living Quarter 30/4, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 35 121 190 (84-8) 35 121 190 Petrol & Gas Supplies 84 TAN CHI HUNG TRADING ENGINEERING CO. LTD 66 St. C12, Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8610909 www.techonet.com Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 85 Thanh Sang Pte. Ent. Nhan Dan A Custer, Ganh Hao Town, Gia Rai District, Bac Lieu (84-781) 3 845 230 Oil & Gas Companies, Chemicals, Petroleum products 86 Thanh Nam Shop 189 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38637722 Gas Industrial 87 Thanh Chuong Co.,Ltd. 31AC1 Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38498484 (84-8) 3 8298612 www.shell.com energy and petrochemicals companies 68 Gas Supplies 38103378 Trading in gas, gas equipment, No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 88 Thang Long Liquid Petroleum Gas J.V.C Km5 Highway 5, Hung Vuong Ward, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong, Haiphong (84-31) 3 850 635 (84-31) 3 749 172 Distribution of LPG 89 Thai Duong Electro Mechanics Technology Co. Ltd 514 Nguyen Van Cu St Long Bien Dist, Hanoi (84-4) 8723455 (84-4) 8723454 Gas Equipment 90 THAI ANH TUAN CO. LTD 7 Doi Can St., Ward 8, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-4) 8273144 www.tat.com.vn Oil Exploration Equipment Supplies 91 THANH VINH PHU CO. LTD 80-82 Huynh Tinh Cua St., Phuoc Trung Ward, Ba Ria Township, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-8) 2450345 (84-8) 9490818 Gas-Liquefied PetroleumBottled Bulk 92 THANH VUONG TRADING SERVICE CO. LTD 8 Hao Nam St., Lane 168, O Cho Dua, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-56) 541184 (84-56) 741596 Gas Equipment System Installation 93 Thinh Phat Trading Co., Ltd. 469B Le Hoan, Thanh Hoa 37-3850884 84-37-3850884 Trading in gas & gas cooker 94 Thu Duc Gas Co.,Ltd. Str.7, Truong Tho Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37311370 84-8-37311369 Gas packing & distributing. LPG technical services 95 Tien Hai Natural Gas Exploitation Co. Dong C Hamlet, Thai Binh 36-3823306 84-36-3823383 Exploitation of natural gas 96 Total Gas Can Tho J.V Co. Le Hong Phong, Tra Noc Ward, Can Tho (71) 3883154 97 Total Service Centre Vietnam J.V Co 172 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street, (84-511) 387 Phuoc Ninh Ward, Hai Chau 1880 District, Da Nang, Danang (84-511) 387 1881 Petrol & Gas Supplies 98 Total Gas Haiphong J.V.C Dong Hai Hamlet, An Hai District, Hai Phong, Haiphong (84-31) 3766 550 Export and distribution of LPG (84-31) 3766 539 69 Gas Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 99 Tran Hong Quan Trade Co.,Ltd. 300 Hue, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi (04) 39741327 39741896 Trading in motorbikes, gas. Gas packing 100 UNIVERSAL TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS CO. LTD 87 Le Van Loc St., Ward 7, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-8) 4046059 (84-8) 4046061 Oil and gas exploration and exploitation 101 Vietsovpetro J.V Enterprise 105 Le Loi Street, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-64) 383 9871 (84-64) 383 9857 Oil and gas exploration and exploitation 102 Vietnam Liquid Petroleum Gas J.V.C Dong Nai Port, Long Binh Tan Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai,Dong Nai (84-61) 383 1578 (84-61) 383 2008 Distribution of LPG 103 Vietnam Gas Co. Ltd 152 Bui Thi Xuan, Ward 3, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39913141 104 Vinh Phat Gas Co.,Ltd. 2 Nguyen Oanh, Ward 7, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39890083 70 Bottled Gas Supplies 84-8-39890082 Trading in gas No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Plastic and Rubber 1 Acty Daimonya Vn Co.,Ltd. 4 Str.4, Binh Thoi Ward, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39650153 39622053 Supplying in mannequins, pegs. 2 Advance Rubber Co.,Ltd. 16 Road 6, Song Than 1 IZ., Di An Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3742402 (650) 3742405 Production of belt and other rubber products 3 A.I.D CO. LTD 50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Ward 3, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 4306925 4306926 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 4 An Duong Co.,Ltd. 53 Tran Khanh Du, Ngo Quyen Dist., Haiphong 31-3836015 (84-4) 39740308 Producing and trading in inner tubes, rubber goods, mechanical 5 Ampacet Co.,Ltd. Rep.Office (08) 38270229 www.ampacet.com Supplying in plastic additives 6 Anh Quang Co.,Ltd. (08) 38207808 38207808 Trading in plastic products 7 Anh Dung Trade Co.,Ltd (08) 38355399 38346017 Trading in plastic products 8 Anh Sang Trading Co. Ltd (84-8) 38 209 691 (84-8) 38 200 428 Foam Rubber Manufacture 9 Anh Quang Cr International Co.,Ltd. 321-3947207 321-3947207 Production plastic products 10 Anh Hai Duy Co., Ltd 8 Alley 106 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi (04) 37555840 37555841 Production of plastic product 11 An Sinh Investment Manufacture And Trade Co.,Ltd C10 Industrial Park Dinh Tram, Viet Yen Dist., Bac Giang (240) 3661046 www.ansinhplastic.com.vn Producing plastic products Rm. 19, 4th Flr., SaiGon Trade Centre, 65 Le Loi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City 7th Flr., 70 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 3 Ho Hoc Lam, Ward 16, Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City 26-28 Truong Quyen Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Phung Chi Kien Hamlet, My Hao Dist., Hung Yen 71 No. Company Name 12 Antes - Corp 13 An Thang Co.,Ltd 14 An Thai Co.,Ltd 15 Arfa Co. Ltd 16 Arkema Ltd 17 A-67 Rubber Technology Co.,Ltd 18 ASAHI SANGYO KAISHA LTD 19 Asia Link Co. Ltd 20 Asimex Co. Ltd 21 Advance Rubber Co.,Ltd. 22 A.I.D CO. LTD 23 Ampacet Co.,Ltd. Rep.Office Address 216 Ly Chinh Thang, Ward 9, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 271 Tan Quy StreetTan Quy WardTan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City 221 Tay Dong Hoa SubHamlet, Di An Dist., Binh Duong 26/2-4-6-8 Su Văn Hanh Extended, Ward 12, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2, 2, 15A, Lot 25, Dong Nai 124/9F Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Unit 508, Floor 5, Saigon Trade Centre Floor 5, 2 Trieu Quoc Dat Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi 6 Tran Quang Dieu Extended, Ward 13, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 16 Road 6, Song Than 1 IZ., Di An Dist., Binh Duong 50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Ward 3, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Rm. 19, 4th Flr., SaiGon Trade Centre, 65 Le Loi, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (08) 35260140 35260141 Producing and processing rubber (84-8) 3 847 1113 38471113 Production and trading in plastic (650) 3780704 (650) 3780734 Producing and trading in PP, PE woven bags (08) 38632521 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies (61) 3836339 Plastics Raw Materials Supplies (08) 38998921 35112076 Production of rubber products used for industries (84-650) 730104 www.asahi-san.co.jp Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. (84-4) 39 365293 www.asia-link.com.vn Plastic Products Supplies Plastics Raw Materials Supplies (08) 38467307 (650) 3742402 (650) 3742405 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber (84-8) 4306925 (08) 38270229 72 Production of belt and other rubber products www.ampacet.com Supplying in plastic additives No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 24 An Duong Co.,Ltd. 53 Tran Khanh Du, Ngo Quyen Dist., Haiphong 31-3836015 (84-4) 39740308 Producing and trading in inner tubes, rubber goods, mechanical 25 Anh Quang Co.,Ltd. 7th Flr., 70 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38207808 38207808 Trading in plastic products 26 Anh Dung Trade Co.,Ltd 3 Ho Hoc Lam, Ward 16, Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38355399 38346017 Production of mattress of various kinds. Trading in plastic products 27 Anh Sang Trading Co. Ltd 26-28 Truong Quyen Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 209 691 (84-8) 38 200 428 Foam Rubber Manufacture 28 Anh Quang Cr International Co.,Ltd. Phung Chi Kien Hamlet, My Hao Dist., Hung Yen 321-3947207 321-3947207 Production plastic products 29 Antes - Corp 216 Ly Chinh Thang, Ward 9, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35260140 35260141 Producing and processing rubber 30 Ben Cat Rubber Co. An Tay Hamlet, Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3564449 (650) 3565232 Rubber planting. Exploiting and processing rubber latex 31 Better Resin Co. Ltd Song Than Industrial Area 1, 10, Lot 40, Binh Duong (650) 3790032 32 Bien Cuong Co.,Ltd 875 Hong Ha, Chuong Duong Ward, Hanoi (04) 38240441 39326813 Producing rubber products 33 Binh Long Rubber Co. Highway 13, An Loc Town, Binh Loc Dist., Binh Phuoc (651) 3666324 (651) 3666222 Cultivating and processing, trading in rubber 34 Binh Thuan Rubber Co.,Ltd. Group 9, Duc Tai Townlet, Duc Linh Dist., Binh Thuan 62-3883322 62-3883447 Planting rubber 35 Binh Duong Manufacturing & Import Export Co. Dong Tu Hamlet, Binh Duong (650) 3755342 73 Plastic Products Supplies Foam Rubber Manufacture No. Company Name 36 Cao Tin Production Trading Co. Ltd 37 Cao Su Tourist And Trade Service J.S.C 38 CARON INDUSTRY CO. LTD 39 Address 99/10 National Highway 13, Binh Duong 18 Nguyen Du Hoa Lac, Hoa Lac Ward, Mong Cai Town, Quang Ninh Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Polyethylene Materials & Products (650) 3759466 33-3883789 33-3887544 Export and import of rubber, agricultural product Nhon Trach 3 Industrial Park (84-8) 8232390 (84-8) 8232441 Plastics-Foam Cat Thai Manufacturing & Trading Co. Ltd 443/11 Le Văn Sy, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 54460737 40 Chan Thuan Thanh Plastic, Mechanical And Trade Co.,Ltd. 93A Ly Chieu Hoang, Ward 10, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38751884 38766186 Production of household plastic items 41 Chan Sinh Trading And Production Co.,Ltd. B8/35B Hung Nhon, Tan Kien Hamlet, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38587063 39634597 Trading in plastic, staitonery and machinery. 42 CHENG FENG VIETNAM CO. LTD My Phuoc Industrial Park (84-650) 581598 (84-650) 581597 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. 43 Chienshing Rubber Co.,Ltd Nam Sach IZ., Hai Duong City, Hai Duong 320-3574359 320-3574356 Manufacturing and trading in wheel in industry. Exporting and domestically selling 44 Chin Huei 2 Plastic Industrial Co.,Ltd. Hoa Khanh IZ, Lien Chieu Dist, Danang 511-3384208 511-3384208 Production, trading and installation of PVC plastic produces 45 CHINH LE TRADING CO. LTD (84-61) 3985381 (84-61) 3982860 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. 46 Chin Lansing Rubber Vn Industry Co.,Ltd. 61-3398457 61-3398457 Manufacturing rubber components 40/18 Phan Chu Trinh St., Ward 24, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Lot 5, Trang Bom IZ., Ho Nai 3 Commune, Trang Bom Dist.,Dong Nai 74 Plastic Products Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 47 CHORI CO.,LTD. 70 Pham Ngoc Thach, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39105448 38231417 Trading in chemicals, textiles and plastic 48 Chu Son Co.,Ltd Hoa Lan, Thuan Giao Hamlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3746908 (650) 3747390 Trading of rubber and plastic 49 Chu Se Rubber Co. 420 Hung Vuong, Chu Se Townlet, Chu Se Dist., Gia Lai 59-3851395 59-3851244 Planting industrial plants. Producing and trading in rubber 50 CJP INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD Unit 701, Zen Plaza (84-61) 3991154 www.cjpintl.com petrochemicals and plastic raw materials, chemical 51 C.N.T Vietnam Co. 162(82/10F) Pham Huu Lau, Phu My Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37852405 www.ctvietnam.com Supply of Singaflex plastic soft tubes, rubber and stainless steel tubes 52 Colour Viet Polymer Chemmical Co.,Ltd. 24 Phung Hung, Ward 13, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38547640 38547642 Production of plastic grains 53 Construction And HighQuality Plastic J.S.C. Area 4, Van Co Ward, Phu Tho, Viet Tri City 210-3952026 210-3952071 Producing plastic pipe, composite 54 CONG DUC CO. LTD 82 Nguyen Tri Phuong St., Ward 7, Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau (84-4) 9719185 (84-4) 9720142 Plastics-Foam 55 Crs Teflon Vina Co.,Ltd. 90/2 Phan Huy ich, Ward 12, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39877689 www.bkteflon.co.kr Production of hoops 56 Cuoc Song Viet Trade And Service Co.,Ltd 87B Linh Nam, Mai Dong Ward, Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi (04) 36333318 36335165 supplement food, helmet, sport device 57 Cuong & Thinh Co.,Ltd. Alley 109, Truong Chinh, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 38687512 www.cuongthinh.com.vn Producing plastic products and packaging, household electric 75 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 58 Cuong Phat Plastic Trade Manufacture Co.,Ltd 347-349 Dat Moi, Binh Tri Dong A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 54261051 www.cuongphatplastic.com Manufacturing plastic packages 59 Dac Tien Trade Co.,Ltd 260/4/49 Nguyen Thai Binh, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38114190 38114669 Trading in rubber 60 Dai Viet Cuong Co.,Ltd 245/77 Banh Van Tran, Ward 7, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38640104 39703694 Trading in package, insulating soft 61 Dai Hung Phong Trading Co.,Ltd. 876 Ly Thuong Kiet, P. 8, Dist.Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh City 08. 38662842 production of plastic tubes containers for comestic, phamacentic 62 Dai Hiep Hoa Co.,Ltd 69/13 PHAN DINH PHUNG STREET, TAN THANH WARD, TAN PHU DISTRICT, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3849 6371 (84-8) 3812 0550 63 Da Nang Rubber J.S.C. 1 Le Van Hien, Ngu Hanh Son Dist., Danang 511-3383620 www.drc.com.vn 64 DAN CUONG PRODUCING CO. LTD (84-8) 7505258 (84-8) 7505257 Plastics-Foam 65 DANG HONG PHAT CO. LTD (84-8) 8653256 (84-8) 8653256 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 66 Dang Gia Trading And Manufacturing J.S.C (04) 38364615 38281006 Manufacture of nilong produts, trade of Pe canvas 67 Danang Rubber J.S.C 511-3734451 511-3734451 Rubber processing 907/15 Country Road 2, Binh Tri Dong A Ward, Binh Tan Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City 201 Ly Thuong Kiet St., Ward 6, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 1 Alley 562/52 Lac Long Quan, Buoi Ward, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Line 3, Hoa Khanh IZ., Hoa Khanh Ward, Lien Chieu Dist.,Danang (08) 38643519 76 Production and trade of raincoats, plastic package and Pvc bag. Trading in plastic films Producing and trading in tires & inner tubes and other rubber products No. Company Name Address 907/15 Country Road 2, Binh Tri Dong A Ward, Binh Tan Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City 201 Ly Thuong Kiet St., Ward 6, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 1 Alley 562/52 Lac Long Quan, Buoi Ward, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi Line 3, Hoa Khanh IZ., Hoa Khanh Ward, Lien Chieu Dist.,Danang 64 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Group 2, Dinh Thanh Hamlet, Binh Duong 174 Ba Hom, Tan Tao Hamlet, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City 68 DAN CUONG PRODUCING CO. LTD 69 DANG HONG PHAT CO. LTD 70 Dang Gia Trading And Manufacturing J.S.C 71 Danang Rubber J.S.C 72 Dang Tam Trade And ImExporrt Co.,Ltd. 73 Dau Tieng Rubber Corp. 74 Dat Hoa Plastic Co.,Ltd. 75 Dmc - Daiwa Plastics Business Cooperation 181 Tay Son, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi 76 Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 7505258 (84-8) 7505257 Plastics-Foam (84-8) 8653256 (84-8) 8653256 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber (04) 38364615 38281006 Manufacture of nilong produts, trade of Pe canvas 511-3734451 511-3734451 Rubber processing (08) 38230410 38215326 Trading in plastic grain (650) 3561471 (84-650) 3561789 Producing and trading in rubber (08) 38750620 84-8-38761311 Production of PVC and HDBE pipes (04) 38572235 38570806 Doc Lap Co.,Ltd. Lot C11, Le Minh Xuan IZ, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Production of plastic products used for automobiles, motorbike spare parts and sanitary equipment (08) 37660969 84-8-37661008 Production and trade of rubber product 77 Dong Tien Rubber Co.,Ltd 1 Alley 12, Chinh Kinh, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 38581461 38581461 Manufacturing and trading tupe, rubber 78 Dong Bao Rubber Processing Co., Ltd area 2, Gia Long Ward, Mong Cai Town, Quang Ninh 3881123 77 Rubber processing No. Company Name 79 Dong Thap Composite Pte.Enterprise A79 Highway 30, My Tra Hamlet, Cao Lanh Town, Dong Thap 67-3852340 67-3852485 Producing and trading in composite plastic products 80 Dong Phu Plastic Enterprise 12 Hang Dieu St Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi (84-4) 8253487 (84-4) 8294341 Plastic Products Supplies 81 Dong A Plastic Co. Km16, Highway 1A, Ngoc Hoi IZ., Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi (04) 37342888 www.dongaplastic.biz Producing and trading in plastic products. Construction. Real estate 82 Dongkuk Vietnam Co.,Ltd Lot 10, Thuy Van Hamlet, Phu Tho, Viet Tri City 210-3953901 210-3857365 Producing rubber product 83 Dong A Corp. 706 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Ward 4, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38560080 84-8-38535698 Production of plastic and ceiling panels. 84 Dong Nam Pte.Enterprise 153 Nguyen Van Luong, Ward 10, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38589577 38587875 Production of plastic products Dongnai Plastic Co. Bien Hoa 1 IZ, An Binh Ward, Dong Nai 84-61-3836174 Producing and trading in plastic tubes and plastic products 86 Dozen Ray Enterprise Corp Unit 906, Floor 9, Saigon Riverside Office Center, 2A-4A (08) 38257183 Ton Duc Thang Street, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City 87 Dtt Plastic Co. 2670A Pham The Hien, Ward 7, Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38504940 39800327 Producing and trading in plastic and wooden products 88 Duc Phuong Co.,Ltd. 120 An Duong Vuong, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38303009 39508974 Production of rubber products 89 DUC HIEN CO. LTD 404 Lac Long Quan St., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi (84-4) 7720833 www.kekelit.com Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 85 Address Telephone 61-3836174 78 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Plastic Products Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Duc Kim Pte B6/3C Tran Dai Nghia, Tan Kien Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38770451 91 Duc Viet Co.,Ltd 27-29 Ngoc Hoi Street, Hoang Viet Ward, Hoang Mai District,Hanoi (04) 36440432 92 Duc Dat Insect-KillingSprayer Production Co.,Ltd. Group 16, Linh Nam Hamlet, Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi 93 Duc Thai Co., Ltd. 36A Group 1, An Phu Hamlet, Binh Duong 650-3740014 www.viehotel.com/ducthaigo lddragon Producing, trading in plastic and plastic products 94 DUC TRI INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD Duc Hoa 1 Industrial Park (84-8) 8908188 (84-8) 4364805 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. 95 Duc Thinh Vt Pte. 468/1 Nguyen Kiem, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38451250 97 Duong Hai Co.,Ltd. 8 Alley 279, Doi Can, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi (04) 38438579 98 D.Y - Vina Co.Ltd 1084 Ta Quang Buu, Ward 6, Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39812878 99 Elf Atochem Vietnam Co.,Ltd. Bien Hoa 2 IZ, Dong Nai 61-3836339 84-61-3836372 Production of PVC plastic grains 100 EVER FORCE INDUSTRY CO. LTD 36S Ich Thanh Hamlet, Truong Thanh Ward, Dist. 9, Ho Chi Minh City (84-4) 9460888 (84-4) 9461888 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 101 Fav Co.,Ltd Lot 20, Quang Minh IZ., Quang Minh Hamlet, Me Linh Dist., Vinh Phuc 211-3882223 211-3882225 Processing plastic products, computer components 90 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies www.ducviet.com.vn Trading in rubber latex Production and trade of insect killing plastic sprayer. Fabricating plastic in all kinds 79 Producing in acrylic resin flask 36445732 Production of plastic products and electric meter box Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Fulin Plastic Industry Co.,Ltd Lot 109, Amata IZ., Long Binh Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 61-3936688 61-3936686 PVC Leather, PVC Sponge Leather, PVC Sheet, PVC Compound, Semi - PU 103 Geru Sport Co. 1/1Tan Ky Tan Quy Street, Ward 16, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3842 5110 www.gerusport.com Plastic for sporting Goods & Equipment Supplies 104 Gia Loi Trading Production Co.,Ltd. 2/31 Cao Thang, Ward 5, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38344438 www.gialoi.com.vn 105 Giang Son Enterprise Pte Phu Thi Industrial Area, Gia Lam Dist., Hanoi (04) 38267153 www.giangson.com 106 Golden-Vtec Polyester Padding J.V Enterprise Tang Nhon Phu, Blk 4, Phuoc Long B Ward, Dist.9, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37313639 107 Goodyear International Corp. Rm. D803, 91 Nguyen Huu Canh, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35140698 www.goodyear.com Trading in tires 108 Ha Anh Trading Technique And Import-Export Co.,Ltd Rm.403, N2F House, Trung Hoa Nhan Chinh New Urban, Hanoi (04) 35568952 35542003 Trading in rubber products. Processing in sea products 109 Haiphong Rubber And Plastic Co. An Dong Hamlet, Haiphong 31-3835389 84-31-3835793 110 Hai Duc Co.,Ltd. (08) 39303738 www.haiduc.com.vn 111 Hai Thanh Production And Trade Co., Ltd. (08) 38152753 38152753 102 2B Ho Xuan Hung, Ward 6, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 9/185 Nguyen Du, Ward 7, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 80 Producing and trading in household plastic products and machinery for plastic production Manufacture of PU materials & spring mattress, saddle of motorbike and automobile Polyethylene Materials & Products Producing and trading in tires, inner tubes, industrial rubber products distributor stockist of bearings and chains Producing & trading in tires, inner rubber. No. Company Name Address 112 Hai Thong Trading Pte 304B Minh Phung, Ward 2, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City 113 Hai Phong Rubber And Plastic Co. 114 Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (08) 39691272 Plastics Raw Materials Supplies An Dong Hamlet, An Hai Dist., Haiphong 31-3835389 31-3835793 Producing and trading in industrial rubber products and plastic products Hanoi May 19 Textile Co. 203 Nguyen Huy Tuong, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi (04) 38584551 (84-4) 38585392 Production of canvas, knitwear 115 Hanoi Rubber Co. Cau Dienlet, Tu Liem District, Hanoi (04) 37640782 84-4-37640756 Production, im-export of all kinds of shoes and sandal 116 Hanoi Plastic Co. 27 Hai Ba Trung, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (04) 38257394 84-4-38255163 Production of household & industry plastic items (08) 39710991 84-8-38982797 Trading in plastic grains (650) 3756209 Production of plastic products and TPR plastic products, plastic grains 117 Hao Thanh Co.,Ltd. 118 Her Chang International Plastic Co.,Ltd. 119 Hien Tam Co. Ltd 120 Hiep Loi Co.,Ltd 121 Hien Quan Co.,Ltd. 122 Hiep Thuan Manufacturing Services Co.,Ltd. 157/3D. D2, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Dong An IZ., Binh Hoa Hamlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong 129 Chua Lang, Lang Thuong Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi 127/9 Au Co, Ward 12, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City 77 An Duong Vuong, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City 38/9H Phan Anh, Hiep Tan Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (650) 3756206 (04) 37754285 Plastic Products Supplies (08) 38666977 38666966 Manufacture of plastic products (08) 37514276 84-8-37514267 Production of plastic products (08) 39615647 39615700 Plastic products. 81 No. Company Name 123 Hiep Thanh Plastic Co.,Ltd. 124 HIEP NGAN TRADING CO. LTD 125 126 Hiep Lien Phat Production And Trading Plastic Co.,Ltd. HOA PHAT PLASTIC CO.LTD Address 34-36 Cao Van Lau, Ward 1, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City D36 Phu Lam B Living Quarter, Ba Hom St., Ward 13, Dist. 6,Ho Chi Minh City 288 Le Dinh Can, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Vinh Tuy Industrial Park Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (08) 38552849 www.hiepthanhplastic.com. vn industrial and plastic household items, high-quality MELAMINE wares, polypropylene (PP) yarn (84-8) 8771062 (84-8) 8770188 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins (08) 37505384 37507836 Production of PVC shrinkable membrane, PVC sheet (84-4) 9762385 (84-4) 9762590 Plastic-Wholesale Manufacturer Foam Rubber Manufacture 737 Le Hong Phong Street, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City 529/12B Dien Bien Phu, Ward 3, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 66/10 A3 Quang Trung, Ward 10, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 657 983 (84-8) 38 657 295 (08) 38541017 38541017 (08) 39969789 39969789 Hoang Ngan Industrial CoOperative 90 Alley 64, Nguyen Luong Bang, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 38510194 35112717 131 Hoa Binh Rubber J.S.C Group 7, Hoa Binh Hamlet, Xuyen Moc Dist., Ba Ria-Vung Tau (64) 3873497 www.horuco.com.vn Rubber processing and planting 132 Hong Loi Hung Trade Co.,Ltd 749 Le Hong Phong, Ward 12, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38627465 38629814 Trading in truck tires 133 Hong Ha Cuu Long Joint Stock Co. Tan Tao Industrial Park, 2, Lot 33, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37507198 127 Hoang Dung Trading Co. Ltd 128 Hoan Vu Trading Service And Production Co.,Ltd. 129 Hoang Phat Trade Service Co.,Ltd. 130 82 Trading in plastic, rubber l products Production, trading in plastic products. Supply of industrial equipment plastic Producing plastic products and trading in motorbike spare part Plastic Products Supplies No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 134 Hong Thai Composite Co.,Ltd Vinh Niem IZ., Le Chan Dist., Haiphong 31-3742597 135 HON DA INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD Hamlet 4, Tan My Ward, Tan Uyen Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 8229019 136 Hop Luc Trade And Production Co., Ltd 87 Yen Phu, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi (04) 38238778 38238778 Producing, trading in plastic, chemical 137 Huada International Co.,Ltd. (650) 3790728 (650) 3790729 Producing plastic mats 138 Hung Long Rubber Plastics Trading Producing Co.,Ltd (08) 37604183 37600643 Producing plastics and rubber products 139 HUHTAMAKI (THAILAND) LIMITED (08) 39142814 84-8-39142817 Trading in chemicals and plastic 140 Hung Long Trade Production Rubber Plastic (08) 37600643 84-8-37600643 Trading in rubber products 141 Hung Vuong Plastic Co.,Ltd. (08) 39965007 84-8-38959245 Producing plastic products and plastic doors 142 Hungyen Plastic Co. 321-3862469 84-321-3863759 Producing and trading in plastic products 143 Hung Yen Plastic J.S.C 321-3862468 321-3862467 Production & trade of plastic products 144 Hung Binh Trading Co.,Ltd 145 Hung Dong Plastic Co. 146 Huong Quang Trading Co. Ltd Str.10, Song Than 1 IZ., Di An Dist., Binh Duong 283A/11 Hamlet 1, An Phu Tay Commune, Binh Chanh Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City Rm.701, 35 Nguyen Hue, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City 283A/11 Group 1, An Phu Tay Hamlet, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City 90/2 Pham Văn Chieu, Ward 12, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City 91 Nguyen Văn Linh, Ward, Hung Yen 115 Nguyen Thien Thuat, Minh Khai Ward, Hung Yen Town, Hung Yen So 7 Hem 14/5 Ngo Thong Nhat, Truong Dinh Ward, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi Song Than Industrial Area 1, Store C4 Lot D, Binh Duong 336/7/3 Nguyen Văn Luong, Ward 12, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City 31-3742597 Manufacturing composite material Plastics-Foam (04) 38693690 Manufacturing in plastics products (650) 3742388 Plastic Products Supplies (08) 37512403 Raincoats & Clothing Plastics 83 No. Company Name Address 147 Huu Phong Plastic Co., Ltd 148 HUYNH TUAN TRADING MANUFACTURE CO. LTD 149 Huy Hoang Plastic Co.,Ltd. Tien Xa Area, Hung Yen 150 Hvt Trade And Production Co.,Ltd. 65 Yen Ninh, Truc Bach Ward, (04) 37642904 Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi 37650853 Production of motorbikes tires accessories 151 IHOA MOUSSE CO. LTD Area 2, Duc Hoa Townlet, Duc (84-8) 8219188 Hoa Dist., Long An (84-8) 8219847 Plastics-Foam 152 Inoue Rubber Vietnam Co.,Ltd Thanh Lam Hamlet, Me Linh Dist., Vinh Phuc 211-3865140 www.ircvietnam.com Production of motorcycle tires and inner tubes, industrial rubber 153 Indira Gandhi Producing Trading Service Import Export Joint Stock Co. 2 Truong Son Street Block 3, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3727 2834 (84-8) 3727 2648 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 154 Intralink Techno Sdn BhdRep Office (Vietnam) Unit 1006, Floor 10, 190 Hong Bang, Block C, Dist.5, Ho Chi (08) 39556391 Minh City www.intralinktechno.com Fiber Glass & Composite Products 155 JAMPOO CORP. TAIWAN 192 Ton Duc Thang, Dong Da District, Hanoi (04) 38512901 84-4-38512900 Trading in plastic materials, chemical 156 Jeng Daw Plastics Industrial Co.,Ltd. 22 Cong Hoa, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38421550 8-38421551 Production of plastic products. 157 JIA BAO (VIETNAM) POLYFOAM CO. LTD DT 746 St., Hoa Nhut Hamlet, Tan Vinh Hiep Ward, Tan Uyen Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 5126875 (84-8) 5125043 Plastics-Foam 457 Highway 13, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 110/51 Ong Ich Khiem St., Ward 5, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone (08) 37269751 Fax / E-mail / Website 37270655 Form of Business Produce dispoable plastic product (84-511) 969487 Plastic-Wholesale Manufacturer 321-3873550 Production of PET bottles 84 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 158 Kang Thai Co.,Ltd 63 Luong Nhu Hoc, Ward 10, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38592032 39505705 Distribution of ring-buffer rubbers 159 K90 Co. Ltd 102 C Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 39 421 528 (84-4) 39 421 528 Foam Rubber Manufacture 160 Khanh Anh Trading & Service Co.,Ltd. 226 Cong Hoa, Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38116985 38100142 General trading, steel, rubber, matel spout 161 Khanh Hung Production And Trade Co.,Ltd. B12/34 Sub-hamlet 2, Vinh Loc B Hamlet, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37507730 37507729 Production of raincoat. Trading in plastic material 162 Khanh Thuy Co.,Ltd. 50 Giai Phong, Truong Thi Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 350-3841162 163 Khoi Viet Co.,Ltd. 5/18 Au Co, Ward 9, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38650601 www.khoivietplastic.com Manufacture and trade of plastic products 164 Kian Joo Can (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd. (650) 3782292 www.kianjoocan.com.my manufacturing 3 piece tin cans and HDPE bottles 165 Kim Ngan Production And Trading Co.,Ltd. (08) 38591456 www.kimngan.com.vn Production of plastic product 166 Kim Minh Quang Co. Ltd (84-8) 2936546 www.Kmq.com.vn Plastic Products Supplies 167 Kim Dong H.L Pte. Enterprise (08) 38320426 www.kimdonghl.com Manufacturing plastic product 168 Kim Phong Enterprise 17 Doc Lap Avenue, Viet Nam - Singapore IZ., Binh Hoa Commune, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong 18 Loi Whaef, Binh Tri Dong A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 144 Cong Hoa St Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City 250 Nguyen Duy Duong, Ward 4, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City 1605A Au Co, Ward 19, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38653778 85 Producing rain coat Foam Rubber Manufacture No. Company Name Address Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-650) 728947 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber (650) 3784186 (650) 3784185 manufacturing and printing, gilding on packaging, botteles of high-quality cosmetics made from acrylic (650) 3816388 (650) 3829786 Producting and printing Silicon product An Son Sub-hamlet, An Dien Hamlet, Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3580228 (650) 3580172 Rubber gloves making Ktc Vietnam Co.,Ltd Str.8, Tan Thuan EPZ., Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37701216 37701218 Manufacturing and exporting rubber products 174 Kukjin Co. Thanh An Group, Trung An Hamlet, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38927952 84-8-38927954 PE fiber and related products 175 KY DAI TRADING CO. LTD (84-8) 8427405 (84-8) 8127926 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. (08) 38733891 84-8-37730326 Producing and providing industrial and technical plastic products 169 KIM SEN CO. LTD 170 Kok Feng (Vietnam) Co.,Ltd 171 Kothis Viet Nam Co.,Ltd. 172 Ko Viet Glove Co.,Ltd. 173 60 Ta Uyen St., Ward 15, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone 19B Road 4, Viet NamSingapore IZ., Binh Hoa Commune, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong 3/3B Binh Giao Sub-hamlet, Thuan Giao Hamlet, Tan An Dist., Binh Duong 3/330 Nhi Tan Hamlet, Tan Thoi Nhi Ward, Hoc Mon Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 40/2 Go O Moi, Phu Thuan Ward, Dist.7, Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 728946 176 Lap Phuc Co.,Ltd. 177 Lee Wan Rubber Private Enterprise 628 Lac Long Quan, Ward 5, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39743260 84-8-38651964 Producing foam rubber mattress, glue 178 Le Van Rubber Pte. Enterprise 572 Lac Long Quan, Ward 5, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38615913 38615914 Trading in latex rubber 179 Lien Yu Machinery Co. Ltd 357 Han Hai Nguyen St Ward 2, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 9606660 (84-8) 9694318 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 86 No. Company Name Address 180 Lien Anh Manufacture Co.,Ltd Binh Minh Hamlet, Tay Ninh Town, Tay Ninh 66-3820009 181 LINKERS (FAR EAST) PTE.,LTD. 37 Duc Trung, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39102745 182 LMS Technologies Pte Ltd Unit 505, Floor 5, 1444, 3/2, Ward 2, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City Trading in industrial chemicals, plastic, ferrous metal (08) 39696493 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 183 Lock & Lock Vina Co.,Ltd. 57-59 Ho Tung Mau, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39146384 39146387 Production and trading plastic box products 184 Magx Vietnam Co.,Ltd. 114 Amata IZ, Bien Hoa, Dong Nai, Dong Nai 61-3893671 61-3936672 Manufacture and export plastic magnet 185 Mang Yang Rubber Co. 59-3831167 59-3831208 Processing latex of rubber. Trading in rubber products 186 Manda Co. Ltd (84-8) 39 626 441 www.mandatco.com Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 187 May Rubber Co-Operative Alley 5, Lang Ha, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi (04) 38561496 84-4-38560053 Producing and trading in rubber products 188 M.G.A Co.,Ltd. Lot 3- 1B, Tan Binh IZ., Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38155192 38155193 Manufacturing flastic products 189 Minh Hoang J.S.C 215 Dinh Bo Linh, Ward 26, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 62729589 www.minhhoang.com.vn Supplying in plastic tubes. Cleaning equipment. Interior decoration. Building materials 190 Minh Hong Co., Ltd Lot C8-3, My Xa Hamlet, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 350-3848862 350-3846492 Production of plastic footwear 1 Nguyen Hue, Dak Doa Townlet, Dak Doa Dist., Gia Lai 14 Street. 9, Binh Thoi Living Quarter, Ward 8, District. 11, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone 87 Fax / E-mail / Website 66-3816024 Form of Business Trading, processing in rubber No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Minh Long Co.,Ltd 13/2A Nguyen Van Ba StreetTruong Tho WardThu Duc District,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 2 230 0678 www.chailonhua.com.vn Trading in truck tires 192 Minh Hung Plastic Co. F4/62 Highway 1, Group 6, Binh Tri Dong Hamlet, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37505860 84-8-37505047 Producing water plastic pipes and accessories 193 Mtg Global Minh Thanh J.S.C. L11-12 Etunel Bldg., Ward 3, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35172517 www.mtg.vn Trading in water pipes 194 MV Lien Minh Co. Ltd 49, 1, Chu Văn An Living Quarter, Ward 26, Binh Thanh (08) 35115114 District,Ho Chi Minh City 195 Nam Ngan Ha Co.,Ltd. E3/73A Group 5, Da Phuoc Hamlet, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37781206 www.acrylic-nnh.com.vn Production of plastic products Nam Phong Co.,Ltd. B15/29 Highway 2, Binh Tri Dong Hamlet, Binh Chanh District,Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38774321 84-8-38774321 Producing plastic products, packaging 191 196 197 198 199 Plastic Products Supplies NAM THAI SON IMPORT EXPORT-PRODUCTION CO. LTD NAM PHUONG EPS FOAM PRODUCTION TRADING CO. LTD Cat Lai Industrial Zone (84-8) 9975930 www.namthaison.com.vn Export Plastic Products National Highway 1, Chanh Hamlet, Long Hiep Ward, Ben Luc Dist., Long An (84-8) 9690273 www.namphuongvn.com Plastics-Foam Nam Phuong Eps Foam Production And Trading Co.,Ltd. Highway 1, Chanh SubHamlet, Long Hiep Hamlet, Ben Luc Dist., Long An 72-3870833 www.namphuongvn.com Producing packages, insulated sponge 88 No. Company Name Address Nam Binh Co., Ltd 271 To Hieu, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi 201 Nam Hai Roller Co.,Ltd. 30A Hang Chuoi, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi 202 Nam Long Co.,Ltd. 203 Namrong Industrial Co.,Ltd. 204 New Sweet House International Co.,Ltd. 205 Nghean Rubber Factory 206 Nghia Mau Trading And Production Co.,Ltd. 207 Nguyen Le Trading Co.,Ltd. 208 NGUYEN VAN PLASTIC CO. LTD 209 Nguyen Phat Co. Ltd 210 Nha Trang Plastic J.S.C 200 Ong Trinh Group, Phuoc Hoa Hamlet, Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Vinh 43/15 Tien Lan Hamlet, Ba Diem Commune, Hoc Mon Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Thuan Giao Hamlet, Thuan An District, Binh Duong 35 Phan Boi Chau, Le Loi Ward, Nghe An, Vinh 245/1 Highway 1A, Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, Dist.12, Ho Chi Minh City 9/125 Nguyen Thai Binh, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City 15 Kenh Hiep Tan St., Hiep Tan Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Tan Tao Industrial Park, 3, Lot 22, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City Dong De Group, Vinh Hoa Ward, Khanh Hoa, Nha Trang Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (04) 37567085 Import-export of industrial machine and plastic materials (04) 39721538 84-4-39721538 Manufacturing and trading in rubber, plastic, silicon, bronze rollers. (84-64) 3 893 385 (84-64) 3 893 633 Producing rubber glove. Trading in rubber (08) 54251128 54251130 Manufacturing plastic products (84-650) 3 753 613 (84-650) 3 753 612 Production of rain coats 38-3853644 38-3853644 Production, trade of rubber products (08) 38917142 38917143 Producing and trading in plastic items and packages (08) 38853445 84-8-38110393 Trading in chemicals for plastic industry, all kinds of rubber (84-8) 8550835 (84-8) 9553706 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. (04) 37563527 (08) 37505813 58-3837664 89 Canvas 58-3832847 Production of plastic packaging, pet bottle, kinds of raincoasts No. Company Name Address 211 Nhat Long Production And Trade Service Co.,Ltd. 212 NHAT TAM TRADING CO. LTD 213 Unit 1502, Saigon Riverside Nissei Plastic Industries Co. Office Center, 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street, Dist.1, Ho Chi Ltd Minh City 214 Okamoto Vn Co.,Ltd. 105/2 Amata IZ., Long Binh Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 61-3399344 61-3399344 Production of rain clother 215 O & O Co.,Ltd. 284 Khanh Hoi, Ward 5, Dist.4, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39433450 www.baillie.com Wood, plastic, materials 216 Orient Plastic J.S.C. 248-250 Minh Phung, Ward 2, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39690437 84-8-39691431 Producing plastic products for export 217 Paxar Vietnam Co. Ltd Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 18, 2, Binh Duong (650) 3784022 218 Phat Hung Plastics Industries Ltd 179 Village. 14, Ward 20, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39562917 84-8-38586150 Producing and trading in plastic 219 Pham Hiep Rubber Co.,Ltd. 151 N Trang Long, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38432457 84-8-38432455 Production, trade of tires, inner tubes and other rubber products 220 Phuong Nam Rubber Co.,Ltd. Sub-hamlet 5, Ben Van, Lai Uyen Hamlet, Ben Cat Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3590388 (650) 3590388 Rubber processing Lot C28/1-C29/1, Str. 2G, Vinh Loc A Hamlet, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 372/1 Pham Van Hai St., Ward 3, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Producing and trading in plastic grains (08) 54250540 (84-8) 7135592 (84-8) 7136092 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies (08) 38247860 90 Form of Business Labels Plastic No. Company Name Address Telephone 221 PHU BINH HUU CO. LTD Hamlet 1B, An Phu Ward, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (84-8) 8948478 222 Phutho Plasti 345/1 Lac Long Quan, Ward 5, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38604496 223 Phu Sang Production Trading Co.,Ltd. 224 Phuc Lap Trading & Service Co.,Ltd 225 Quang Nhat Trading And Production Co.,Ltd. 226 Quang Thuan Co.,Ltd. 227 Quangduc Company Ltd. 228 Quang Toan Co.,Ltd. 229 QUANG HUNG THINH CO. LTD 230 Quangtri Rubber Co. 231 Quang Cuong Trading And Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 267A Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 15, Dist.11, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38636888 232 QUANG VINH PRODUCTION TRADING CO. LTD A3/5A Hamlet 1, Tan Kien Ward, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8653813 170/171 Lac Long Quan, Ward 8, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 220/10, Ward 8, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 11/15D Tan Ky Tan Quy, Ward 16, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City A8/15B Ma Lo, Area 1, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Phu Tan, Ia Bang Hamlet, Chu Prong Dist., Gia Lai C5-N5 Hoa Xa IZ., My Xa Hamlet, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 1A/217 Hamlet 1, Pham Van Hai Ward, Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 152B Highway 90, Ward 5, Quang Tri Fax / E-mail / Website (84-8) 8948478 Form of Business Plastics-Foam Production of products from plastic (08) 54061316 www.phusang.com.vn Trading in raincoat (08) 38601880 38638738 Trading in general rubber, plastic grains (08) 38472159 84-8-38472159 Producing plastic products, package of all kinds (08) 37626272 37622756 Manufacturing electric wires, and plastic products 59-3747233 59-3747236 Trading rubber, petrol and kerosene. Processing fine art carpenter items Manufacture of plastic household products 350-3383993 (84-8) 8210653 8210650 53-3852363 84-53-3853816 91 (84-8) 8617679 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. Rubber planting. Exploiting and processing rubber latex Manufacturing, trading in stainless steel, plastic grains, packages Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber No. Company Name 233 Ralado Raincoat Producing Co.,Ltd. 234 Rinors Vn Co.,Ltd. 235 Rubber Co. 236 Rubber Technical Co.,Ltd 237 Rubber Industry And Export Co. 238 Rubber Industry Co. 239 Rubber And Plastic Technical Center 240 Saigon Composite Industry Co.,Ltd. 241 Saigon Daryar Plastic Co.,Ltd. 242 Santomas Vietnam Co. Ltd 243 Sao Mai Anh Co.,Ltd. Address 34A Tran Nhat Duat, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi 15 Road DT743, Song Than II IZ., Di An Townlet, Di An Dist., Binh Duong Lien Tri Sub-hamlet, Binh Hiep Hamlet, Binh Son Dist., Quang Ngai Lot 10, Str. 2, Tan Tao IZ., Tan Tao A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 64 Trung Dinh, Ward 7, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City 18D Ngo Quyen, Ward 6, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City 156 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Trung Group, Vinh Phu Hamlet, Binh Duong Rm.1703, 17th Flr., Sai Gon Trade Center, 37 Ton Duc Thang, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (04) 38246614 39281819 Production of raincoat (650) 3730450 (650) 3730659 Electrostatics paint , conveyor system 55-3851888 55-3850143 Rubber latex processing. Wood processing (08) 37507085 37507085 Prodution rubber product import and export (08) 39327173 (84-8) 39327171 Producing and trading in rubber products (08) 38558593 84-8-38555213 Production of rubber products (08) 38293720 Rubber and plastic technical 650-3743353 84-650-3743353 Production of composite products (08) 39100292 39101549 Plastic bags manufacturing Thang Long Industrial ParkLot (84-4) 3881 1868 D, Dong Anh District, Hanoi (84-4) 3881 1868 Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 68 Str. 23-10, Khanh Hoa, Nha Trang 58-3821164 Producing rubber tire and inner tubes, rubber latex 58-3812591 92 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 511-3879348 www.sadavi.com Production of plastic products and products used for aquaculturing, fishing net, PE plastic net (84-4) 5373659 (84-4) 5373658 Plastic-Wholesale Manufacturer (08) 38914083 84-8-37100896 Producing PU plastic products Nomura IZ., An Hung Hamlet, An Duong Dist., Haiphong 31-3618644 31-3618648 Production of plastic product. Export promotion Showpla Vietnam Co. Ltd Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2 10 Street 9A, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai, Dong Nai (84-61) 383 6280 (84-61) 383 6281 Plastic Products Supplies Shunde Liansu Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd 90A19 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3866 1469 www.liansu.com Plastics Processing Machinery Supplies 250 Siamp Co.,Ltd 930G2 Nguyen Thi Dinh, Thanh My Loi Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37422116 www.siamp.com Manufacturing plastic sanitary ware 251 Siam Brothers Vietnam Co.,Ltd. 87/1 Area 2, Tan Thoi Hiep Ward, Dist.12, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38912889 www.carimax.com Production of PP, PE strings 244 Sasaki Danimex Vietnam Industries Corp. 245 SEO KWANG VINA CO. LTD 246 Sheng Teng Intl Trading Co.,Ltd. 247 Shinyong Chemical Vietnam Co.,Ltd 248 249 Line 3, Hoa Cam, Hoa Tho Tay, Cam Le Dist., Danang Binh Phuoc B Hamlet, Binh Chuan Ward, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong Le Thi Hoa, Tan Xuan Hamlet, Hoc Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City 252 Siko Co.,Ltd. Dong Tri Slope, Tu Hiep Village, Thanh Tri Dist., Hanoi (04) 38619884 (04) 38619884 Producing and trading in plastic products, mould, industrial machinery, electric eqpt.. 253 Song Lo Trading Co. 1460 Hung Vuong Avenue, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho, Viet Tri City (84-210) 3 848 265 210-3846988 Producing plastic carpet and product, steel pipes 93 No. Company Name 254 Son Ha Plastic Producing Co.,Ltd. 255 Son Quan Plastic Manufacture Co.,Ltd. Address 79C Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 6, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 195 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward 7, Dist.3, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (08) 37652018 www.acrylic-sonha.com.vn Producing mica sheet (08) 38453382 www.sonquanplastic.com Production of plastic products (04) 39870775 www.caosusonthanh.com Production technology rubber products, plastic products, mechanical, motorcycle, automobile spare parts 256 Son Thanh Co.,Ltd. 52 Lac Trung, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi 257 Son Thuy Trade And Production J.S.C 136 Quang Trung, Hong Bang Dist., Haiphong 31-3839237 31-3352007 Producing raincoat 258 Song Linh Co.,Ltd. 296 Truong Trinh, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 37848376 62661045 Supplying telecom & post equipment and plastic products. 259 Southern Trading Service Co. 91 Tran Binh Trong, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39235430 84-8-38390437 Importing and exporting plastic, chemicals 260 Storsack Vietnam Co.,Ltd. Lot IV4B, Ho Nai IZ., Trang Bom Dist., Dong Nai 61-3398669 61-3398670 Manufacturrong and trading in loading capacity packages, plastic and textile products 261 TAA WEIW VIETNAM PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD Le Minh Xuan Industrial Zone (84-8) 9701922 (84-8) 9706867 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. 262 Synthetic Material Trading & Manufacturing Co. (84-4) 3823 5023 (84-4) 3823 5024 Plastic- Wholesale Manufacturer 263 Tai Yuan Plastic Binh Duong Co.,Ltd. (650) 3791301 (650) 3791303 Producing plastric product 50/74 Ton Duc Thang Street, Thinh Hao 1, Dong Da District,Hanoi Binh Duong IZ., Di An Townlet, Di An Dist., Binh Duong 94 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 264 Tam Tan Co.,Ltd. Lot 2-5, TT Hiep IZ., Hiep Thanh Ward, Dist.12, Ho Chi Minh City 265 Tandatviet Plastic Packaging Co.,Ltd 128 Le Hong Phong, P. 3, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City 266 Tan My Trade & Production Co.,Ltd. 267 Tan Toan Hung Pte. Enterprise 268 Tan Vien Dong Production Trade Co.,Ltd. 180 Nguyen Văn Luong, Ward 10, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38768494 84-8-38776250 Providing plastic materials 269 Tan Quang Minh Trade Co.,Ltd. 195/14 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 17, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38982580 35106698 Export of food, aquaculture, rubber 270 Tan Hoang Gia Trading Co.,Ltd. 99 Xuan Hong, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38112115 (84-8) 38113123 Production of seat cushion 271 Tan Dat Thanh Co.,Ltd. 39 Minh Khai, Nguyen Du Ward, Nam Dinh City, Nam Dinh 350-3384845 Manufacture of footwear. Trading in plastic grains 272 THANH KHANH CO. LTD 31/15 Hoang Van Hop St., An Lac A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-511) 712881 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins, Etc. 273 Thang Long Producing And Trading Joint Stock Company 198/6 Thoai Ngoc Hau, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39736799 Import, trade of plastic materials: PP, HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, HIPS, PET, chemical, Non-ferrous metal 25-27 Thach Lam, Ward 18, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 3 Tan Hoa, Tan Thoi Hoa Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37176111 37176175 Producing PET plastic bottle (08) 38381620 www.tandatviet.com Manufacturing plastic forming packaging for foodstuff and industrial products (08) 38610803 38610803 Trading in plastic products Manufacture of plastic products (08) 39610250 95 38611124 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 274 Thang Vinh Co.,Ltd. 356/2 Le Quang Sung, F 6, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39693223 (08) 39693223 Trading of PP, PS, LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE,...plastic grains 275 Thai Duong Rubber J.S.C Lot 4, Road 7, Tan Tao IZ., Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37540507 www.thaiduongrubber.com Supplying insulation products rubber for electronic, technology. 276 Thanh Danh Rubber Production Co.,Ltd (08) 37160572 37169698 Manufacturing rubber products 277 Thai Hung Thinh Production Trade Co.,Ltd. 278 Thanh Dat Co.,Ltd 60 Lo Duc St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi 279 Thang Long Producing & Trading J.S.C 12A Ba Trieu Alley, Hoang Van Thu Ward, Hanoi 280 Thai Binh Duong Trading & Industrial Co.,Ltd. 22I F2 Thai Thinh, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (04) 38735662 281 Thai Ha 99 J.S.C 80 K Xuan Dinh, Xuan Dinh Hamlet, Tu Liem Dist., Hanoi (04) 38389483 282 Thanh Cong Plastic Mechanics Co.,Ltd Lot 1, Small and Medium Industrial Zone, Minh Khai Hamlet, Tu Liem Dist., Hanoi (04) 37636730 40 To Ngoc Van, Thanh Xuan Ward, Dist.12, Ho Chi Minh City Group 4B, Binh My Hamlet, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37975330 (04) 38212623 (04) 39428567 96 Processing rubbers 39781527 Manufacturing bottlec caps & seals 39437918 Import, manufacture, trade of plastic material: PP, HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, HIPS, PET, chemical, iron and steel 38735662 Manufacturing and trading plastic products, materials for plastic industrial Producing for plastic 37636730 Manufacturing mechanical and plastic products. Producing MDF plywoods No. Company Name Address Cau Group, Trieu Khuc, Tan Trieu Hamlet, Thanh Tri Dist.,Hanoi 31/15 Hoang Van Hop St., An Lac A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 283 Thang Thanh Enterprise Pte 284 THANH KHANH CO. LTD 285 THE FIRST CHEMICAL PLASTIC J.V CO. LTD 135C Tran Hung Dao St., An Phu Ward, Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho City (84-72) (84-8) 8772042 www.nhuadenhat.vn Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 286 The First Chemical Plastic J.V.C 401 Hung Vuong, Ward 12, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38752999 84-8-38754267 Manufacturing & trading in plastic pipes 287 THE FIRST CHEMICAL PLASTIC J.V CO. LTD Duc Hoa 1 Industrial Park (84-8) 2588034 (84-8) 2588034 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 288 Thien Loc Co.,Ltd. Group 1B Road 743, An Phu Hamlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong (650) 3740630 (650) 3740634 Manufacture of rubber soles 289 Thien Bich Co.,Ltd 245/13 Nguyen Trai, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38373043 38373044 Latex rubber afforestation and trading 290 Thien Bich Trading Co. Ltd 245/13 Nguyen Trai Street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, District 1,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 39 120 816 (84-8) 38 373 044 Foam Rubber Manufacture 291 Thing Khang Production Trading And Service Co.,Ltd. 14-16 Road 3, Tan Tao IZ., Binh Chanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37505389 www.thinhkhangprastic.com. vn manufacturing EPE foam films as insulation materials, soundproof sheets 292 Thuy Hung Enterprise 60 Trang Tu, Ward 14, Dist.5, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38592175 (04) 35520175 35520175 Plastics-Raw MaterialsPowders, Liquids, Resins (84-511) 712881 97 Recycled plastic grains recycled Raincoats & Clothing Plastics No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 293 Toan Cau Co.,Ltd. 72/4 Ngo Quyen, Ward 5, Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38351606 294 Trieu Tan Production And Trading Co.,Ltd 968a/2, Hau Giang, Ward 12, Dist.6, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38753789 295 Truc Binh Duong Construction Investment Co.,Ltd 43/3 Khuat Duy Tien, Thanh Xuan Trung Ward, Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi (04) 35533113 35542251 Manufacturing plastic door 296 Truong Son Production Trading Co. Ltd F1/39 Hamlet 6, Vinh Loc B Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3766 2431 (84-8) 3766 2430 Foam Rubber Manufacture 84-8-38305912 Manufacture of plastic chemical products Household plastic items 297 Truong Thinh Plastic Co.,Ltd. 365A No Trang Long, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 35530085 www.ttplas.com manufacturer of multi-layer high quality plastic tubes for cosmetics and Pharmacentical products 298 TU HIEP MANUFACTURING TRADING CO. LTD 194 Ha Ton Quyen St., Ward 6, Dist. 11, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 8653284 (84-8) 9713118 Hose Tubing-Metal, Plastic Rubber 299 Tuong Van Production And Trading J.S.C 356A/14, Highway 1A, An Phu Tay Hamlet, Binh Chanh Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37603943 38751145 Trading in PVC plastic tubes. Cargo transportation 300 Tuong Dung Plastic Co.,Ltd. 27/25B1 Truong Chinh, Ward 15, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 38153391 301 Unification Plastic J.S.C 206 House C7, Giang Vo Community, Giang Vo Ward, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi 22130456 34650537 Production of PVC plastic grains & products made from PVC plastic 302 U.P.E-Watson Co.,Ltd. 49/10.14, Ward 20, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 39611086 84-8-39612733 Manufacturing plastic products 98 Household plastic: (clotheshangers). High technical plastic. PET plastic. Nylon packages plastic (sponge bag) No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Vi Duc Co.,Ltd. 348 ap Binh Huu 1, Duc Hoa Thuong, Duc Hoa, Long An 72-3850946 (072) 3850489 water tank, foodstuff cistern, shrimp raising cistern, ventilation system, canoe, waste basket, table and chair, composite (FRP) 304 Viet Uc Plastic Factory Song Cong Industrial Zone, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen (84-280) 3 861 157 www.nhuavietuc.vn plastic tubes and plastic products 305 Viet Hung Rubber Glove Enterprise 384 Kha Van Can, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, Thu Duc Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37266815 www.casumina.com.vn Manufacturing rubber gloves 306 Viet Trung Rubber Co. NT Viet Trunglet, Quang Binh 52-3836697 84-52-3836317 Rubber planting. Processing rubber latex 307 Vie Nam Industrial Plastic J.S.C So 21 Ngo 14 Van Ho 1, Le Dai Hanh Ward, Hai Ba Trung Dist.,Hanoi (04) 38724898 308 Viet Sieu Trading Co.,Ltd 21 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi (04) 37628703 38328178 Supply of materials for plastic industry. Industrial construction 309 Viet Nam A Plastic Co. Ltd A7/30 Blk 3, Tan Tao A Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37507253 www.vietnama.com Composite Resin 310 Vinh Thanh Pte. Enterprise (08) 38858034 37541971 Manufacturing and subcontracting plastic products 311 Vinh Sanh Plastic Co.,Ltd. (08) 54260045 37625193 Manufacture of plastic products 303 7/12 Lo Te Road, Tan Tao A Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 931/2 Road 2, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 99 Trading in plastic PVC No. Company Name 312 World Vina Co.,Ltd. 313 Yeuta Petrochemical Industries Co.,Ltd 314 Y Truong Trading And Producing Co.,Ltd. Address Long Phu Hamlet, Phuoc Thai Commune, Long Thanh Dist.,Dong Nai G1 Viet Huong IZ., Thuan Giao Hamlet, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong 190 Hoang Hoa Tham, Hiep Thanh Ward, Thu Dau Mot Town, Binh Duong Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 61-3354256 61-3354256 Manufacturing handbag, raincoat (650) 3718115 (650) 3718117 Manufacture of recycled rubber (650) 3870171 www.ytruong.com Manufacturing and trading plastic door, office partition, wall-tiles 100 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business Textiles 19-5 Hanoi Textile Co., Ltd 203 Nguyen Huy Tuong Street, Thanh Xuan Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi (84-4) 3858 4616 (84-4) 3858 5392 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 2 A First Vina Co., Ltd Tam Phuoc Industrial Zone, Street 2, Long Thanh District, Dong Nai (84-61) 35118666 (84-61) 35118668 Textile business 3 A Nam Trading & Producting Co., Ltd 3A Hamlet, Khanh Binh Commune, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong (84-650) 365 2557 (84-650) 365 2556 Textile business 4 A.E.H Co., Ltd 645/69 Nguyen Oanh Street, Ward 17, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3984 1792 (84-8) 3984 4273 Textile business Ai Han Co., Ltd 9/33 Pham Van Hai Street, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3991 3103 (84-8) 3847 6667 Textile business 6 Albetta Vietnam Co., Ltd 930B Street B, Cat Lai Industrial Park, Thanh My Loi Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37422031 (84-8) 37422030 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 7 Alim Intertex Vina Co., Ltd Tan Phu Hamlet, Tan Binh (84-650) 373 Commune, Di An District, Binh 8140 Duong (84-650) 373 8139 Textile business 8 All Supper Co., Ltd Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2, 9 Street 9A, Lot 23, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai (84-61) 3991369 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 1 5 (84-61) 3991360 101 No. Company Name 9 Ampfield Vietnam Co., Ltd 10 AMW Vietnam Co., Ltd 11 AN BINH TRADING CO. LTD 12 An Dai Phu Co., Ltd 13 An Hoi Garment Export Co., Ltd 14 An Linh Garment Export Co., Ltd 15 An Phat Garment Co., Ltd 16 AN PHU THAI MANUFACTURING CO., LTD 17 An Phuc Garment Export Co., Ltd Address Lot 3-11, Street 12, Tan Binh Industrial Park, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City Vinh Loc Industrial Park, C15C16/II, Street 2F, Vinh Loc A Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 3815 0941 (84-8) 3815 0941 Textile business (84-8) 37653265 (84-8) 37653267 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-4) 7169046 (84-4) 7169047 Textile business (84-8) 38973791 (84-8) 37220936 Textile business (84-8) 38996734 (84-8) 38996739 Textile business (84-8) 38162608 (84-8) 38162603 Textile business (84-8) 38833015 (84-8) 38833014 Textile business 55/2 Nguyen Viet Xuan Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi (84-4) 62 857 352 (84-4) 62 857 353 Textile business 716/6 Quarter 1, Nguyen Van Qua Street, Dong Hung Thuan Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37159500 (84-8) 37159502 Textile business 682 Minh Khai St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi 42 Dang Van Bi Street, Binh Tho Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City 224/5Bis Highway 13, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tan Binh Industrial Park, Lot 2-5, Street 1, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City 7 Block 5, Tan Thoi Nhat 8 Street, Tan Thoi Nhat Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City 102 No. Company Name 18 An Phuoc Garment Embroidery Co., Ltd 19 An Phuong Garment Export Co., Ltd 20 Anh Anh Fashion Co., Ltd 21 Anh Duong Garment Co., Ltd 22 Address 60/12 NATIONAL HIGHWAY 15, TAM HOA WARD, BIEN HOA CITYDONG NAI PROVINCE, Dong Nai 2977/11 Highway 1A, Block 5, Tan Thoi Nhat Ward, District 12,Ho Chi Minh City 15/12 Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-61) 391 4301 www.anphuoc.com Textile business (84-8) 37192043 (84-8) 37192029 Textile business (84-8) 3856 3641 (84-8) 3812 1071 Textile business 146/37/44 Vu Tung Street, Ward 2, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 3510 3233 (84-8) 3843 1183 Textile business Anh Quoc Textile Co., Ltd 26/27 Tho Quan Lane, Kham Thien Street, Dong Da District,Hanoi (84-4) 3851 3608 23 Anh Vu Garment Export Import Co., Ltd Ban Yen Nhan Township, My Hao District, Hung Yen (84-321) 3942074 (84-321) 3942075 Textile business 24 Apex Dalat Co. Ltd 38 Tran Phu Street., Da Lat City, Lam Dong (84-63) 382 4024 (84-63) 38 32 892 Textile business 25 AQSilk Co., Ltd 2 Yen Phu Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi (84-4) 3829 0674 (84-4) 3823 9221 Textile business 26 Asia Garment & Trading Co., Ltd (84-8) 38583358 (84-8) 38583959 Textile business 27 Asia Garment Manufacturer Vietnam Co., Ltd (84-61) 3993923 (84-61) 3993924 Textile business 1 Street 6, Binh Thoi Living Quarter, Ward 8, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Amata Industrial Park, Street 24/2, Long Binh Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 103 Textile business No. Company Name 28 Au Lac Hong Garment Co., Ltd 29 30 31 Address 56/22 Phan Huy Ich Street, Ward 12, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City 14 Ba Vi Street, Ward 4, Tan Bac Hung Garment Trading Binh District, Ho Chi Minh Co., Ltd City 37/31 Street C1, Cong Hoa Bach Sinh Co., Ltd Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District,Ho Chi Minh City 106/18/9 Le Van Tho Street, Bao Hung Garment Co., Ltd Ward 9, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 54361498 (84-8) 62840613 Textile business (84-8) 38113207 (84-8) 38475302 Textile business (84-8) 3890 8928 (84-8) 3849 7298 Textile business (84-8) 35892633 (84-8) 37199627 Textile business 32 Bao Loc Silk Processing Enterprise National Highway 20, Bao Loc Township, Lam Dong (84-63) 386 4238 (84-63) 376 1081 Textile business 33 Bao Loc Silk Textile Co., Ltd 11 Quang Trung Street, Bao Loc Township, Lam Dong (84-63) 386 4624 (84-63) 386 2888 Textile business 34 Bao Loc Silk Worm Hatchery Co., Ltd (84-63) 386 1054 (84-63) 386 1054 Textile business 35 Bao Luong Garment Co., Ltd (84-8) 37670400 (84-8) 37670401 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 36 Bao Ngoc Garment Co., Ltd (84-8) 39374131 (84-8) 38158848 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 37 BAO THUC TRADING SERVICE PRODUCTION CO. LTD (84-8) 9307595 (84-8) 9307595 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 38 Binh Minh Textile Co., Ltd (84-4) 38681322 (84-4) 36225128 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 22 Quang Trung Street, Ward 2, Bao Loc Township, Lam Dong 400 Highway 1A, Binh Hung Hoa B Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City 224 Pham Van Bach Street, Ward 15, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City 85 Dong Den St., Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Quarter 5, Dai Co Viet Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi 104 No. Company Name 39 Binh Nguyen Co., Ltd 40 Bowker Hung Fung (Vietnam) Garment Co. Ltd 41 C.K Vietnam Co., Ltd 42 Cam Nam Co., Ltd 43 Cam Pha Garment Export Enterprise 44 CAM PHU GARMENT CO. LTD 45 Cam Sanh Viet Nam Garment Co., Ltd 46 Camptown Vina Co., Ltd 47 Carimax Saigon Co.,Ltd. Address Group 7, Dinh Cong Street, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-4) 3559 4238 (84-4) 3640 2815 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-650) 3768234 (84-650) 3768236 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 3756 1956 (84-8) 3877 1189 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 87 Binh Phu 2 Urban Area, Song Hanh Street, Ward 10, District 6, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37553847 (84-8) 37553846 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Km12 Quang Hanh Ward, Cam Pha City, Quang Ninh (84-650) 862069 84-33-3862069 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 8337025 (84-8) 8337026 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-650) 3789721 (84-650) 3789720 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Binh Dang Hamlet, Binh Hoa Commune, Thuan An District, Binh Duong (84-650) 3753736 (84-650) 3743042 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Group 1, Tan Thanh Tay Hamlet, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38 927 591 (84-8) 38 927 595 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Dong An Industrial Park, Street 6, Lot K1-K2-K3, Thuan An District, Binh Duong C15/18C Huynh Ba Chanh Street, Tan Kien Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City F2 Nguyen Oanh St., Ward 17, Go Vap Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Binh Chuan Producing Area, Binh Chuan Commune, Thuan An District, Binh Duong 105 No. Company Name Address Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business 48 Cartina Vietnam Co., Ltd 22/14 Phan Van Hon Street, Tan Thoi Nhat Ward, District 12,Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38833307 (84-8) 38833309 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 49 Chau Giang Textile Co., Ltd Group 7, Hoa Hau Commune, Ly Nhan District, Ha Nam (84-351) 387 5943 (84-351) 387 6677 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 50 Chisan Garment Co., Ltd E17/10E Tan Thoi 3 Hamlet, Tan Hiep Commune, Hoc (84-8) 37132003 Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 37132024 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 51 Choongnam Vietnam Textile Co.,Ltd. Phuoc Thien Ward, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai (84-61) 3 848 789 (84-61) 3 848 797 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 52 Chyang Sheng Vietnam Co., Ltd (84-650) 3740128 (84-650) 3740018 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 53 Civic Garment Co. Ltd (84-61) 3992951 (84-61) 3992956 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 54 Colltex Vietnam Co., Ltd (84-66) 3897340 (84-66) 3897344 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 55 Colorful Textile International Co., Ltd (84-650) 3 744 469 (84-650) 3 744 470 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 56 Cosmos Knitting International Co.,Ltd (84-650) 37 43188 (84-650) 37 43189 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 57 DAEDUCK MESH VINA CO. LTD (84-4) 8315151 (84-4) 8345744 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 58 Daewon Textile Vietnam Co. Ltd (84-8) 3740 4006 (84-8) 3740 4012 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 150/3 Hamlet 2, An Phu Commune, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Zone32 Street 2A, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Trang Bang Industrial Park, Lot 28, Street 7, Trang Bang District, Ho Chi Minh City 432/9 Binh Duong Boulevard, An Thanh Town, Thuan An District, Binh Duong D11-D12 Street 13, Thuan Giao Town, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Binh Phuoc B Hamlet, Binh Chuan Ward, Thuan An Dist., Binh Duong Lot 811, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City 106 No. Company Name 59 DAT AN THANH TEXTILE GARMENT CO. LTD 60 DECOTEX CO., LTD 61 Derhao Textile Vietnam Co., Ltd 62 DK SAIGON NECK WEAR CO. LTD 63 Address 91 Ca Van Thinh St., Ward 11, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Lot II - 2A, Road 13, Tan Binh Industrial Park, Tan Phu District,Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, 3 Street No. 4, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 8492423 (84-8) 9490380 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 38 155 571 (84-8) 38 155 572 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-650) 3 757357 (84-650) 3 757356 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Unit 1707, Floor 17, Saigon Trade Centre (84-8) 9104270 (84-8) 9104267 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business DONG THIEN TRADING TEXTILE CO. LTD Thoi Tu Hamlet, Thoi Tam Thon Ward, Hoc Mon Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 5112441 (84-8) 5114546 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 64 Everwin Co. Ltd Quan Tru, Kien An District, Hai Phong City (84-31) 3790474 (84-31) 3790826 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 65 Formosa Taffeta Viet Nam Co.,Ltd Group 1, Nhut Chanh Hamlet, Ben Luc District, Long An (84-72) 38 71039 (84-72) 38 71037 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 66 G.R VINA TEXTILES CO.,LTD (84-8) 3770 1122 (84-8) 3770 1124 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 67 Gia Hung Textile Co., Ltd (84-8) 37191756 (84-8) 37191757 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 68 Great Gentle Textile Co. Ltd (84-61) 3 833 677 (84-61) 3 832 914 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 69 Hai Phong Wool Co., Ltd (84-31) 3846411 (84-31) 3844739 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Street 10, Tan Thuan Industrial Park, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City 12 Quarter 4, Tan Thoi Nhat 17 Street, Tan Thoi Nhat Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2, 8, Street 3A, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai 106 Luong Khanh Thien Street, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City 107 No. Company Name 70 Hai Tien Garment Textile Co., Ltd 71 Halong-Japan Fibre J.V Co., Ltd 72 Hang Fashion Co., Ltd 73 Address Group 2, Co Nhue Commune, Tu Liem District, Hanoi 34/1A National Highway 1, Thoi An Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-4) 38384040 (84-4) 37521296 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 37173225 (84-8) 37173225 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 27B Quoc Tu Giam Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi (84-4) 37320085 (84-4) 37323366 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business Hang Kenh Woolen Carpet Co., Ltd 124 Nguyen Duc Canh Street, Cat Dai Ward, Le Chan District, Hai Phong (84-31) 3700692 (84-31) 3700440 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 74 Hanoi Knitting Co., Ltd Xuan Dinh Hamlet, Tu Liem District, Ha Noi City, Hanoi (84-4) 3836 2028 (84-4) 3836 2470 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 75 Hoa Tho Textile & Garment Co., Ltd 36 Ong Ich Duong Street, Cam Le District, Da Nang City (84-511) 3 846290 (84-511) 3 846216 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 76 Hoang Tan Garment & Print Co., Ltd (84-8) 38439428 (84-8) 38436773 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 77 Huong Canh Garment Co., Ltd (84-211) 3866348 (84-211) 3866521 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 78 HUYCK WANGNER VIETNAM CO., LTD (84-650) 3553879 (84-650) 3553878 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 79 JAE YOO VINA TEXTILE CO. LTD (84-4) 8771251 (84-4) 8771251 Textile business 80 Jungwoo Textile Vina Co. Ltd (84-61) 3 514 076 (84-61) 3 514 077 Textile business 81 JUNMAY LABEL TEXTILE CO. LTD (84-8) 4135116 (84-8) 4135118 Textile business 220/150/12 Le Van Sy Street, Ward 14, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Hung Canh Townlet, Binh Xuyen District, Vinh Phuc My Phuoc 1 Industrial Park, Lot M-7D-CN, Street 6, Ben Cat District, Binh Duong 3/334 Nhi Tan 1 Hamlet, Tan Thoi Nhi Ward, Hoc Mon Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Loteco Industrial Area Tam An Ward, Long Thanh District, Dong Nai, Dong Nai 163/7/9 D2 St., Van Thanh Bac Area, Ward 25, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 108 No. Company Name 82 KHAI HOAN GIA TEXTILE GARMENT CO. LTD 83 Kien Thanh Textile Enterprise 84 Kondo Textiles Vietnam Co. Ltd 85 Kyros Spinning Textile Co.,Ltd. 86 Minh Hoa Dang Garment Co., Ltd 87 Minh Phung Garment Co., Ltd 88 Nam Dinh Silk Weaving Co.Ltd 89 Nam Thanh Co., Ltd 90 Nghia Hung Fabric Co., Ltd 91 Ninh Binh Garment Export Co., Ltd 92 Pho Hien Garment Co., Ltd Address 532 Tran Hung Dao B St., Ward 14, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City 107 Phu Tho Hoa Street, Phu Tho Hoa Ward, Tan Phu District,Ho Chi Minh City Unit 05, Floor 17, Saigon Trade Centre 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Binh Chuan Hamlet, Binh Duong 108C Thong Nhat Street, Ward 11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City 278 Lanh Binh Thang Street, Ward 11, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City 4 Ha Huy Tap Street, Tran Hung Dao Ward, Nam Dinh Group 49, Trung Kinh Street, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi Minh Phuong Ward, Viet Tri City, Phu Tho 9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Bich Dao Ward, Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh 311 Le Van Luong Street, Hien Nam Ward, Hung Yen City, Hung Yen Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 9317238 (84-8) 9317238 Textile business (84-8) 3861 3084 (84-8) 3861 0046 Textile business (84-8) 39 111 152 (84-8) 39 111 154 Textile business (84-650) 3 827 123 (84-650) 3 828419 Textile business (84-8) 3894 1686 (84-8) 3894 0504 Textile business (84-8) 3962 9523 (84-8) 3962 9525 Textile business (84-350)3 849622 (84-350)3 849652 Textile business (84-4) 3784 1692 (84-4) 3784 1697 Textile business (84-210) 3848881 (84-210) 3843484 Textile business (84-30) 3871172 (84-30) 3875274 Textile business (84-321) 3862704 (84-321) 3864993 Textile business 109 No. Company Name Address 93 PHU SI TEXTILE TRADING PRODUCTION CO. LTD National Highway 22, Tram Bom Hamlet, Tan Phu Trung Industrial Park, Tan Phu Trung Ward, Cu Chi Dist., Ho Chi Minh City (84-650) 562470 (84-650) 530233 Textile business 94 QUOC TAN CO. LTD 61C2 Thai Ha St., Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 9787660 (84-8) 9787661 Textile business 95 Quynh Huong Co. Ltd 104 Hang Gai Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 3574 2421 (84-4) 3826 7286 Textile business 96 Rong Viet Textile Dyeing Co., Ltd (84-650) 3581288 (84-650) 3581289 Textile business 97 Saigon Garment Export Import Co., Ltd (84-8) 3847 8887 (84-8) 3844 1911 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 98 Saigon Silk Co.,Ltd 99 Son Nam Textile Co.Ltd 100 Son Thuy Co. Ltd 101 Song Hoang Trading Co. Ltd 102 Song Huong Co., Ltd Lot E1-E5, Viet Huong 2 Industrial Park, An Tay Commune, Ben Cat District, Binh Duong 553/71 Nguyen Kiem Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City 166 ,Bui Vien Street, Pham Ngu Lao Ward,District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City 63 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Nang Tinh Ward, Nam Dinh City,Nam Dinh 15 Van Coi Street, Ward 7, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City 439-441 Lac Long Quan Street, Ward 5, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Phac Dong Hamlet, Tien Phong Commune, Thuong Tin District, Ha Tay Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website (84-8) 39 203 499 Form of Business Textile business (84-350) 38 49763 (84-350) 38 49499 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 3971 3673 (84-8) 3971 3673 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 39 745 317 (84-8) 38 600 545 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-34) 3 851 719 (84-34) 3 852 532 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business 110 No. Company Name 103 Sung Won Vina Co.,Ltd 104 SY VAN TEXTILE GARMENT EXPORT CO. LTD 105 TAN DONG QUANG TEXTILE CO., PTE 106 Tan Phu Trade Import Export Service Co.,Ltd. 107 Tan Thanh Garment Co., Ltd 108 Tan Trao Garment Co., Ltd Address Song Than 1 Industrial Park, Di An District, Binh Duong Province, Binh Duong 162B/1 Cach Mang Thang Tam St., Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist.,Ho Chi Minh City 40 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Huyen Ky, Phu Lam Hamlet, Thanh Oai District, Ha Tay, Hanoi 308/4 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City 20/D36 Street 3/2, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City Group 6, Quarter 10, Nam Phat Street, Dang Giang Ward, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City Lot 6, Block B1, Tan Thoi Hiep Industrial Park, Disrtrict 12, Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Duc Canh Industrial Park, Thai Binh City, Thai Binh Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-650) 3 737 239 (84-650) 3 737 239 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-61) 3560149 (84-61) 3560137 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 22 111 922 (84-8) 62 907 400 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-34) 3 822 368 (84-34) 3 822 366 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 3811 3095 (84-8) 3811 3096 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 3862 6854 (84-8) 3862 7962 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-31) 373 1277 (84-31) 372 8909 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-8) 37175842 (84-8) 37175845 Clothing and Accessories, Textile business (84-36) 3 846 788 (84-36) 3.847.019 Textile business 109 Tan Vinh Hung Co., Ltd 110 TASCO Saigon Co., Ltd 111 TAV Co., Ltd 112 Tay Bac Co.,Ltd 10 Hang Manh Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi (84-4) 3928 8521 113 THAI TUAN TEXTILE CO. LTD 79 Hue St., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi (84-8) 7194611 111 Textile business (84-8) 7194609 Textile business No. 114 Company Name THE HOA TEXTILE CO. LTD Song Than Industrial Area 1 115 Thuy Duong Co.,Ltd. 117 Thygesen Vietnam Textile Co., Ltd 118 TIEN DAT TEXTILE DYEING CO.,LTD 119 Toan Tam Garment & Trading Co., Ltd 120 Toan Thinh Silk Textile Co. Ltd 121 Tong Kook Vietnam Spinning Co.,Ltd 122 Tri Duc Textile Co. Ltd 123 124 Address Trung Thu Textile Dyeing Co., Ltd VIEN DANG GARMENT TRADING PRODUCING CO. LTD 125 Viet Ha Le Co. Ltd 126 Viet Style Fashion Garment Co., Ltd 127 VIET THANH TEXTILE CO. LTD 71/9 Nguyen Thi Nho?, Ward 9, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tan Quang Industrial Park, Van Lam District, Hung Yen Phuong La Hamlet, Thai Phuong Commune, Hung Ha District, Thai Binh Quarter 2, Hiep Thanh Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City 12-14 Pham Phu Thu Street, Ward 11, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Nhon Trach 1 IZ, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai 2 Hong Ha StreetBen Ngot Ward, Phu Tho Thanh Liet Commune, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi 19/4 Ich Thien St., Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City 12/178 Thai Ha Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi 21/92-94 Vuon Lai Street, Phu Tho Hoa Ward, Tan Phu District,Ho Chi Minh City 386 Tran Phu St., Ward 7, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business (84-8) 8593424 (84-8) 8578424 Textile business (08) 38650697 (84-8) 38107100 Textile business (84-321) 3791678 (84-321) 3791676 Textile business (84-36) 395 5256 (84-36) 695 1256 Textile business (84-8) 22159048 (84-8) 38239605 Textile business (84-8) 3 8642402 (84-8) 3 9714067 Textile business (84-61) 38 48711 (84-61) 38 48713 Textile business (84-210) 3 845 544 (84-210) 3 842 848 Textile business (84-4) 3688 0550 (84-4) 3688 0922 Textile business (84-8) 7309101 (84-8) 7309100 Textile business (84-4) 35 372 483 (84-4) 35 372 482 Textile business (84-8) 3773 1432 (84-8) 6262 2017 Textile business (84-4) 9273473 (84-4) 9273472 Textile business 112 No. Company Name Address 128 Vina Chang Tai Underwear Co., Ltd 183/2A Lot C, Dong An Hamlet, Tan Dong Hiep Commune, Di An District, Binh Duong (84-650) 3750802 (84-650) 3750804 Textile business 129 Vinh Phuc Textile Co., Ltd 1406C Vincom Tower114 Mai Hac De Street, Hanoi (84-4) 3834 4523 (84-4) 3514 8529 Textile business 130 Vinh Thinh Garment Textile Co., Ltd 53/109 Duc Giang Street, Long Bien District, Hanoi (84-4) 38772833 (84-4) 38773164 Textile business 131 VISON YARN SPINNING CO., LTD Lot XN30 - Dai An Indutrial Park - Tu Minh, Hai Duong (84-32) 3 555 838 (84-32) 3.555.824/www.vison.com. vn Textile business 132 Vita Jean Product Trading Co. Ltd 38 Quang Trung Street, Hiep Phu Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City (84-8) 38961424 (84-8) 38960104 / www.vitajeans.com Textile business 133 VN MAXIM GARMENT CO. LTD (84-34) 881131 (84-34) 811074 Textile business 134 Wei-Dean Weaving Co.Ltd (84-650) 3 553 889 (84-650) 3 553 118 Textile business 135 Yen Bai Exporting Garment Co., Ltd 271 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hong Ha Ward, Yen Bai City, Yen Bai (84-29) 386 2839 Textile business 136 Yen Chi Garment ExportImport Co. Ltd Tan Tao Industrial Park, 2, Lot 15, Tan Tao Ward, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City (08) 37507906 Textile business 49F Phan Dang Luu St., Ward 3, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City Street NA2, My Phuoc 2 Industrial Park, Ben Cat District, Binh Duong, Binh Duong Telephone 113 Fax / E-mail / Website Form of Business