April 02, 2013
April 02, 2013
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA April 2, 2013 REGULAR SESSION - 6:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION FOLLOWING ANDERSON CITY HALL 1887 Howard Street PARTICIPATION BY PUBLIC IN MEETING Please review the Agenda to determine if the subject you wish to discuss is scheduled for Council consideration. If it is on the Agenda, you will have an opportunity when that matter comes up for discussion to briefly address the Council. If the subject is not on tonight's Agenda, please complete an Agenda Request Form (on Clerk's table) and present it to the City Council Clerk. You will have the opportunity to speak on the subject under Item 5.2. However, if the item is not on the Agenda, each speaker will be limited to one three (3) minute opportunity to speak, unless the City Council makes an exception due to special circumstances. The Brown Act prohibits the Council from taking action on any item not placed on the printed Agenda in most cases. Effective July 1, 2008, the Brown Act requires any non-confidential documents or writings distributed to a majority of the City Council less than 72 hours before a regular meeting will be made available to members of the public at the same time they are distributed. City Council meetings are televised and can be seen live on Cable Public Access Channel 11 and on tape delay the following morning at 10:00 a.m. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Anderson will make available to members of the public any special assistance necessary to participate in this meeting. The public should contact the City Clerk's office (378-6646) to make such a request. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. This is an Equal Opportunity Program. Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 2 REGULAR SESSION - 6:00 P.M. 1.0 ROLL CALL - COUNCIL: 2.0 INVOCATION - Pastor Doug Deese, Anderson-Cottonwood Neighborhood Church, will give the invocation. 3.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Day. 4.0 PROCLAMATIONS 4.0a A proclamation proclaiming April 2013 as Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month will be presented to Barbara Jackson with the Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council of Shasta County. 4.0b A proclamation proclaiming April 14-20, 2013 as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week will be presented to Joy Willis, EPN, Director of SHASCOM. 5.1 SCHEDULED CITIZEN REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL - Persons who Council member Day Council member Baugh Council member Hunt Vice-Mayor Hopkins Mayor Yarbrough have, by the deadline set for the agenda, requested to address the Council shall be limited to one 5-minute opportunity to speak. - None. 5.2 PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - Anyone in the audience who wishes to address the Council on a subject which is not on tonight's agenda is now invited to come to the podium. Please provide your name and the subject you wish to discuss. Please limit your remarks to 3 minutes or less. 5.3 STUDENT REPORTS - None. WORKSHOP W.S.1 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP - RECOMMENDED PRIORITY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FOR 2013-2015 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a list of priority programs and projects for the July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 fiscal years. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA 6.0 CONSENT AGENDA - Consent Agenda items are expected to be routine and non controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any member of the public, staff or City Council may request that an item be removed from the ConsentAgendafor separate discussion. Are there any requests to remove any items from the Consent Agenda? 6.1 MINUTES - Approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 2013. 6.2 WARRANTS - Receive and file warrant 126320 to 126383 in the amount of $76,906.39; warrant 126384 to 126449 in the amount of $178,365.98; and an ACH in the amount of $1,837.40. 6.3 CITY ATTORNEY - None. 6.4 CITY CLERK - Waive reading, except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code Section 36934. 6.5 CITY MANAGER - None. 6.6 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER - None. 6.7 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - None. 6.8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - None. 6.9 POLICE DEPARTMENT - None. 6.10 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - None. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 6.11 ITEMS (IF ANY) REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR - Items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion will be treated as Regular Agenda items and any member of the public may request to address the Council on any such item as it comes up for discussion. Please provide your name and limit your remarks to 3 minutes or less. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS ALL NOTICES WERE GIVEN ACCORDING TO LAW. 7.0a PUBLIC HEARING - APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR A 2013 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Conduct the Public Hearing; 2. Adopt a resolution approving an application for a Community Development Block Grant for a citywide Homebuyer's Assistance program; Sewer Line Improvement Project on Ventura, Ferry, and Pinion Streets; and Teen Center Services; and authorizing the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the State of California for the purposes of this grant. 7.0b PUBLIC HEARING - THE CITY OF ANDERSON ANNUAL HOUSING PRODUCTION REPORT RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Conduct the Public Hearing; 2. Continue the Public Hearing to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting of April 16, 2013. REGULAR AGENDA 8.0 REGULAR AGENDA - Regular Agenda Items will be discussed individually and in order. Any member of the public may request to address the Council on an item as it comes up for discussion. Please provide your name and limit your remarks to 3 minutes or less. 8.1 CITY COUNCIL - None. 8.2 CITY ATTORNEY - None. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 5 8.3 CITY MANAGER AMEND THE COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER JOB DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt a resolution amending the job description for the Community Service Officer pOSition. 8.4 CITY CLERK - None. 8.5 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/FINANCE DEPARTMENT RESOLUTIONS DIRECTING THE FILING OF THE ANNUAL REPORTS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1993-2. LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 2006-1. SOUTH RIDGE TERRACE - UNIT 1 LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, AND SANITARY SEWER MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1-09. SILVERGATE SUBDIVISION FOR THE 2013/2014 FISCAL YEAR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Adopt a resolution directing PACE Civil Engineering to file the Annual Report for Assessment District No. 1993-2, with no rate increase or change in assessment methodology. 2. Adopt a resolution directing David Taussig & Associates, Inc. to file the Annual Report for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 2006-1 for the Vineyards at Anderson, with an authorized cost of living increase. 3. Adopt a resolution directing EFS Engineering, Inc. to file the Annual Report for South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District, with an authorized cost of living increase. 4. Adopt a resolution directing Pace Civil Engineering, Inc. to file the Annual Report for Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District 01-09, Silvergate Subdivision, with an authorized cost of living increase. 8.6 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - None. 8.7 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - None. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 6 8.8 POLICE DEPARTMENT - None. APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FOR A CLOSED CRUISE ON FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013, FOR THE G&B ENTERPRISES HOT-O-RAMA. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the request for the closed cruise with conditions. 8.9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - None 9.0 SUCCESSOR AGENCY - (The City Council will, as the Successor Agency, conduct business related to the now dissolved Anderson Redevelopment Agency.) - None. 10.0 STAFF REPORTS - Police Chief Michael Johnson will update the Council on Code Enforcement. 11.0 COUNCIL REPORTS/COMMENTS - City Councilmembers will report on attendance at conferences/meetings reimbursed at City expense (Requirement ofAssembly Bill 1234.) CLOSED SESSION Anyone in the audience who wants to address the City Council on a subject which is listed under the Closed Session agenda is now invited to come to the podium. Please provide your name and the subject you wish to discuss. Please limit your remarks to 5 minutes or less. Public Comment on Closed Session Item(s): The Citv Council will convene to Closed Session. C.S.l CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54957.6) Agency Negotiators: Assistant City Manager Liz Cottrell and Rick Haeg, Nickolaus and Haeg, LLC A. Management and Confidential Employees B. Teamsters Local 137 C. Anderson Police Officers Association C.S.2 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54956.9(b): One potential case. The City Council will reconvene to Open Session. City Council Meeting April 2, 2013 Page 7 12.0 CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: The Mayor will announce the results of the Closed Session. 13.0 ADJOURN - The City Council will adjourn to April 16, 2013. ANDERSON CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month April 2013 WHEREAS, children are the embodiment of innocence and hope for the future, and every child deserves to grow up in a nurturing environment, free from harm and fear, where they are provided every opportunity to learn, grow and thrive; and WHEREAS, every responsible person will agree that even one abused child is too many and when abuse or neglect does occur, individual citizens have a duty to report it to the appropriate authorities; and WHEREAS, social acceptance of myths about child abuse silences its victims and encourages public denial about the true nature ofthis tragic epidemic; and WHEREAS, scientific studies confirm a direct link between adverse childhood experiences and their health as an adult, including significantly greater risk for substance abuse, suicide, cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses; and WHEREAS, research shows that for every $1 spent on child abuse and neglect prevention, $34 will not be spent on publicly funded crisis-oriented programming such as protective service, foster care, special education and mental health services; and WHEREAS, quality parent education, parent partner programs, after school programs and other home visitation programs demonstrate effectiveness in strengthening families and building protective factors that reduce the risk of abuse and neglect; and WHEREAS, this month, we emphasize the importance of understanding the devastating impact that child abuse or neglect has on our children, and how important it is to learn the signs of child abuse and neglect and, how to report it. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Anderson does hereby proclaim April 2013 as Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month and calls upon all organizations, community members, and businesses to increase their participation in strength based efforts to prevent child abuse. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Corporate Seal of the City of Anderson to be affixed this 2 nd day of April, 2013. James Yarbrough, Mayor of the City of Anderson Item 4.0a 41212013 ANDERSON CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING SHASCOM PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS SERVING ANDERSON AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers play an extremely vital role in the protection of human life and property in our community; and WHEREAS, while enduring long shifts and handling frequent life and death emergencies, Public Safety Dispatchers set high standards in performing their duties in a dedicated, diligent, and loyal manner; and WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers provide a critical communication link between the citizens and police, fire, and emergency medical service providers; and WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers efficiently coordinate emergency services for both man-made and natural disasters to ensure the health and safety of our community; and WHEREAS, Public Safety Dispatchers are rarely visible to the public while performing an exceptional service that deserves praise and recognition. NOW, THEREFORE, as the Mayor of the City of Anderson, State of California, and on behalf of the Anderson City Council, I hereby recognize the SHASCOM Public Safety Dispatchers in conjunction with National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, April 14-20, 2013, and commend their devotion, contribution and service to Anderson and the surrounding community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Corporate Seal of the City of Anderson to be affixed this 2th day of April, 2013. James Yarbrough, Mayor ofthe City of Anderson Item 4.0b 4/2/2013 DRAFT ANDERSON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting March 19,2013 REGULAR SESSION The regular session of the City Council was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present: Council member Day Council member Baugh Council member Hunt Vice-Mayor Hopkins Mayor Yarbrough Councilmembers absent: Also present: None. City Manager Jeff Kiser, City Attorney Ann Siprelle, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director Liz Cottrell, Police Chief Michael Johnson, Development Services Director Kristen Maze, Deputy Public Works Director David Durette, City Clerk Juanita Barnett, and Deputy City Clerk Brenda Hicken. INVOCATION Pastor Tom Lucatorta, Heritage Baptist Church, gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Hunt led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None. STUDENT REPORTS Anderson New Tech High School student representative Paige Pearson gave an update on school activities. Anderson Union High School student representative Miranda Edwards gave an update on school activities. The City ofAnderson is an Equal Opportunity Provider ITEM 6.1 4/2/2013 DRAFT City Council Meeting March 19, 2013 Page 2 of7 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP - DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL PRIORITY PROJECTS AND POLICIES FOR2013-2015 The City Council conducted a workshop to develop a preliminary list of priority projects and policies for the July I, 2013 to June 30, 2015 fiscal years. The City Manager presented the following list of projects to consider: A. INFRASTRUCTURE 1. Riverside Interchange Project Study Report. 2. Gateway Drive Extension. 3. Auto Mall Drive Extension. 4. Sewer Extension to the Ox Yoke Area - RjW and environmental clearance. B. COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 1. Replace a restroom at Anderson River Park. 2. Seek funding opportunities for the Bruce Street sidewalk project. 3. Restore the Code Enforcement Officer - Create a new CSO position at the Police Department to handle all nonstructural issues. C. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND OPPORTUNITY 1. Participate in Retail Trade shows. 2. North Street Master Plan. 3. Development and construction of a Wedding Gazebo along the river at Anderson River Park. 4. Continue to work with Gateway Area Commercial property owners. D. CITY FISCAL HEALTH 1. 2. 3. 4. Long term labor contracts. Restore General Fund Reserves. Sales tax initiative for Public Safety. Water and Sewer Rate study. E. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Perform a Development Fee impact study. 2. Review current Application fees - make sure existing fees cover our costs. City Council Meeting March 19, 2013 Page 3 of 7 DRAFT 3. Complete the South Anderson commercial and industrial development annexation. 4. Review and update of the Municipal Code. F. ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS j CUSTOMER SERVICE 1. Move from TV broadcast City Council meetings to live streaming on the website. 2. Move to paperless City Council Agenda packets, i.e., iPads. 3. Invest in our aging City facilities (carpet at City Hall, elevator at City Hall, roof at PD, several park facilities). 4. Secure the perimeter of the Police Department. G. PUBLIC SAFETY 1. Restore the Motor jTraffic Officer. 2. Work with School Districts to increase funding for the School Resource Officer 3. Retire our existing K9 and acquire a new K9 who can perform the dual role of protection and drug detection. Vice-Mayor Hopkins added a centrally located Civic Center combined with a Police station so that all City services were located in one building. This item was added under Economic Development and Opportunity section. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND OPPORTUNITY 5. Centrally located City Center j Police Station. Councilmember Baugh added softball field lighting and field repairs. This item was added under Organizational Effectiveness and Customer Service. ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS j CUSTOMER SERVICE 5. Replace softball lighting. While all Councilmembers concurred that each of these projects should remain a focus of concern to the City, each Council member chose their top six priorities to be included in the next priority and goal setting workshop as follows: Priority receiving four votes: • Restore the MotorjTraffic Officer Priorities receiving three votes: • Gateway Drive Extension • Restore the Code Enforcement Officer Create a new CSO position at the Police Department to handle all nonstructural issues DRAFT City Council Meeting March 19,2013 Page 4 of7 Priorities • • • • receiving two votes: Participate in retail trade shows Restore General Fund Reserves Sales tax initiative for Public Safety Review current Application fees - make sure existing fees cover our costs • Retire our existing K9 and acquire a new K9 who can perform the dual role of protection and drug detection Priorities receiving one vote: • Development and construction of a Wedding Gazebo along the river at Anderson River Park • Continue to work with Gateway Area Commercial property owners • Civic Center/Police Station with all offices located in one place • Long term labor contracts • Water and Sewer Rate study • Complete the South Anderson commercial and industrial development annexation • Move to paperless City Council Agenda packets (i.e. IPads) • Invest in our aging City facilities (carpet at City Hall, elevator at City Hall, roof at PD, several park facilities). • Secure the perimeter of the Police Department • Softball lights CONSENT AGENDA By motion made, seconded (Hunt/Baugh), and carried, the Council took the following actions: Approved the minutes of the regular meeting of March 5, 2013. Received and filed warrant 126163 to 126236 in the amount of $366,071.16; warrant 126237 to 126319 in the amount of $112,631.10; and an ACH in the amount of $1,837.40. Waived reading, except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code Section 36934. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA - None. DRAFT City Council Meeting March 19,2013 Page 5 of? PUBLIC HEARINGS ALL NOTICES WERE GIVEN ACCORDING TO LAW. PUBLIC HEARING - CDBG APPROVAL OF FINAL STUDIES AND ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS FUNDED BY CDBG GRANT NO. 11-PTEC-7611j RESOLUTION NO. 13-10 City Clerk Juanita Barnett and Deputy Public Works Director David Durette gave a staff report and answered questions from Council. 7:08 p.m.: The Public Hearing was continued from the meeting of March 5,2013. Kim Chamberlain, Anderson resident, expressed her appreciation for the proposed improvements to the Bruce Street area and stated that the improvements will enhance safety for the Memorial Day presentation at the Cemetery by the VFW. Christine Haggard, Anderson resident, expressed her appreciation for the proposed improvements; responded to a question brought up by Council member Baugh regarding the location of the crosswalk at the east side of Manter instead of the west side stating that the location works more effectively with the students disembarking from the bus at that location; asked if the proposed changes at Cemetery Lane would include signage changes; and stated that most pedestrians in the area would prefer to walk on the south side of Bruce Street and these improvements will enhance safety and encourage more walking. 7:15 p.m.: No other comments were received and the Public Hearing was closed. By motion made, seconded (Hopkins/Hunt), and carried, the Council: 1. Approved the Anderson Gateway Area Commercial Revitalization Plan completed by Shasta County Economic Development Corporation and Chabin Concepts. 2. Approved the Anderson Economic Development Plan completed by Shasta County Economic Development Corporation and Chabin Concepts. 3. Adopted Resolution No. 13-10 approving contract documents for the Bruce Street / Emily Drive Area Improvements. DRAFT City Council Meeting March 19, 2013 Page 6 of7 REGULAR AGENDA CITY CLERK CITY OF ANDERSON VOTE TO AMEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES BYLAWS REGARDING RESOLUTIONS AND STATE-WIDE BALLOT MEASURES City Clerk Juanita Barnett gave a staff report. By motion made, seconded (Baugh/Hopkins), and carried, the Council voted to support the proposed amendments to the California Cities Bylaws regarding resolutions and State-wide ballot measures and authorized the Mayor to submit a favorable ballot to the League of California Cities. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF ANDERSON Deputy Public Works Director David Durette gave a staff report and answered questions from Council. By motion made, seconded (Hunt/Hopkins) and carried the Council directed the Deputy Public Works Director to issue a Request for Proposals for Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services for the City of Anderson. COUNCIL REPORTS/COMMENTS Council members used this time to report on meetings and activities they have participated in and to announce upcoming events. CLOSED SESSION Public Comment on Closed Session Item(s): - None. 7:25 P.M.: The City Council convened to Closed Session. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54956.9(b): One case 8:01 P.M.: The City Council reconvened to Open Session. DRAFT City Council Meeting March 19, 2013 Page 7 of 7 CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: Mayor Yarbrough announced that Council sat in Closed Session to receive information on one potential litigation case with direction given and no reportable action taken. ADJOURNMENT 8:02 P.M.: The City Council adjourned to Apri/2, 2013. James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk AGENDA ITEM IApril 2, 2013 City Council Meetin~ Approved for Submittal By: ottrell, Finance DirectorjTreasurer To: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe Anderson City Council Through: Jeff Kiser, City Manager From: Liz Cottrell, Finance DirectorjTreasurer Date: April 2, 2013 I SUBJECT Receive and File Weekly Warrant Registers. IRECOMMENDATION Receive and file warrant 126320 to 126383 in the amount of $76,906.39; Receive and file warrant 126384 to 126449 in the amount of $178,365.98; Receive and file ACH in the amount of $1,837.40. !ATTACHMENTS Warrant Registers. ITEM 6.2 PAGEl 04/02/2013 Check Register Report BANK: NORTH VALLEY BANK ::;ity of Anderson Check Number Check Date Status VoidlStop Date Vendor Number Vendor Name 05197 1038 1040 1150 ADAMS VIDEO PRODUCTIONS ANDERSON TIRE FACTORY ANDERSON TOWING ANTHEM BLUE CROSS LAND H Date: 03/15/2013 Time: 11:09 am Page: 1 Check Description Amount NORTH VALLEY BANK Checks 126320 126321 126322 126323 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed 126324 126325 126326 126327 126328 126329 126330 126331 126332 126333 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Void Printed Void Void Void Printed Void Printed Printed Printed 126334 126335 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed 1260 1285605 126336 126337 126338 126339 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed 132201 132203 1350 149005 126340 03/15/2013 Printed 15210 126341 126342 126343 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed 100155 05808 1700 126344 03/15/2013 Printed 17225 126345 126346 126347 126348 126349 126350 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Void Printed Printed Printed Printed 126351 126352 126353 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Void Printed Printed 126354 126355 126356 126357 126358 126359 126360 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 1977557 2010 2040 2042 20918 2096 30383 126361 126362 126363 126364 126365 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 3069 3080 4000 5000 5010756 126366 126367 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed 502024 5060145 126368 03/15/2013 Printed 6050 126369 03/15/2013 Printed 6090 03/15/2013 1100 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 111011 03/15/2013 1133 113759 118982 17210 03/15/2013 1760 17895 18109 184440 03/15/2013 1890 190890 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SVCS & PARTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE-HOPKINS APRIL Void Check ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Void Check Void Check Void Check AT& T CALNET PHONE CHARGES Void Check BASIC LAB,INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BEST BEST & KRIEGER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CA. ASSOC. OF CODE SEMINAR ENFORCEMENT REGISTRATION-MOFIELD CARREL'S OFFICE MACHINES MONTHLY LEASE CGI TECHNICAL SERVICES, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INC. CITY OF REDDING UTILITIES CITY OF REDDING LIBRARY CONTRIBUTIONS COM-PAIR SERVICES WIRELESS EQUIPMENT RENTAL DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL MONTHLY LEASE SVC ECONOMY RADIATOR TIRE OVERPAYMENT ON BUSINESS L1C EWING SUPPLIES FASTENERS INC. SUPPLIES GILES LOCK & SECURITY SUPPLIES SYTEMS GOVERNMENT FINANCE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL-WHITE OFFICERS GRAINGER EQUIPMENT Void Check HARDWARE EXPRESS SUPPLIES-JOB #6 HAVEN HUMANE SOCIETY SPAY & NEUTER CERT HILLYARD, INC. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES IMPERIAL CONSTRUCTION OVERPAYMENT ON BUSINESS L1C Void Check JEFF'S PEST CONTROL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES KALEIDOSCOPE COFFEE COFFEE FOR CHAMBER GREETERS MAIRE & BURGESS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MILLER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES MT. SHASTA SPRING WATER DRINKING WATER MUNICIPAL MTNC. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES NORTHSTAR CIVIL ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NORTHSTATE ASPHALT MATERIALS NORTHWOOD BACKFLOW PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SERVICES OMNI MEANS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PACE ENGINEERING, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES QUALITY SAW & MOWER SUPPLIES RAZZLICIOUS! FROZEN OVERPAYMENT ON BUSINESS YOGURT L1C RECORD SEARCHLIGHT ADVERTISING REDDING TELEPHONE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ANSWERING SHASTA CO.OPPORTUNITY JANITORIAL SERVICES CENTER SHASTA COUNTY INFO. TECH. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE-SINTF DEPT 455.00 137.29 40.00 1,646.00 0.00 1,536.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,057.92 0.00 707.00 4,398.99 25.00 174.58 2,981.00 494.84 2,641.25 92.50 617.70 4.58 425.39 36.17 222.05 150.00 149.76 0.00 772.83 40.00 535.34 25.00 0.00 326.00 36.00 699.00 4.86 84.09 710.43 455.00 731.00 2,030.00 2,892.00 15,356.50 2,810.07 82.76 3.75 58.55 67.77 2,500.00 961.63 Check Register Report BANK: NORTH VALLEY BANK City of Anderson Check Number Check Date Status Void/Stop Date Vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN-SINTF Date: 03/1512013 Time: 11:09 am Page: 2 Amount NORTH VALLEY BANK Checks 126370 03/15/2013 Printed 6041 126371 126372 126373 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed 7050 7085985 708901 SHASTA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SIERRA CHEMICAL CO. SUNRISE EXCAVATING, INC. TABER CONSULTANTS 126374 126375 126376 126377 126378 126379 126380 126381 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 800372 8150 80487 81597 807261 80911 902844 902846 TLO, LLC VALLEY INDUSTRIAL VIGILANT CANINE SERVICES VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER WASTE MANAGEMENT WEST COAST IMAGING JAMES YARBROUGH YARD MANICURIST 126382 126383 03/15/2013 03/15/2013 Printed Printed 902811 90359 YMCA ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OVERPAYMENT ON BUSINESS L1C PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MONTHLY MAINTENANCE MONTHLY K9 TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE REIMBURSE PROFESSIONAL SVCS & SUPPLIES SCSO/CAL-MMET DONATION SUPPLIES 14,500.00 1,213.99 40.17 30.00 0.50 696.00 250.00 500.00 12.01 2,208.00 623.36 1,380.66 5,000.00 275.24 Total Checks: 64 Checks Total (excluding void checks): 76,906.39 Total Payments: 64 Bank Total (excluding void checks): 76,906.39 Total Payments: 64 Grand Total (excluding void checks): 76,906.39 Check Register Report BANK: NORTH VALLEY BANK City of Anderson Check Number Check Date Status Void/Stop Date Vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description ADAMS ASHBY GROUP, LLC. AIRGAS NCN AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE CO ANDERSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APOA AT&T JUANITA BARNETI BASIC LAB,INC. CA. DEPT. OF CHILD SUPPORT SER CA. DEPT. OF CHILD SUPPORT SER CALI FORNIA SAFETY CO. CGI TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHEM QUIP,INC. COSTCO MEMBERSHIP DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SVC DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY TROY DUENAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. THE ED JONES CO.,INC. EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT EWING FASTENERS INC. JEREMY GARCEE GATEWAY MEDICAL CENTER, INC. GENERAL TEAMSTERS #137 DARREN GLEASON HAVEN HUMANE SOCIETY HDL SOFTWARE LLC HILLYARD, INC. ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 INLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES LOWE'S MAIRE & BURGESS MATSON AND ISOM KRISTEN MAZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES INSURANCE PREMIUM PIE MAR-13 CAFETERIA 125 PIE 3/15/2013 Date: 03/22/2013 Time: 9:55 am Page: 1 Amount NORTH VALLEY BANK Checks 126384 126385 126386 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed 05171 0541 05645 126387 03/22/2013 Printed 05644 126388 03/22/2013 Printed 0570 126389 126390 126391 126392 126393 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 0580 11095 113205 1133 120602 126394 03/22/2013 Printed 120602 126395 126396 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed 1210 1285605 126397 126398 126399 126400 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed 131750 129035 13986 149005 126401 126402 126403 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed 14657 1517600 1520 126404 126405 126406 126407 126408 126409 126410 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 152503 1540 1540 100155 05808 166907 167382 126411 126412 126413 126414 126415 126416 126417 126418 126419 126420 126421 126422 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 1680 170237 17895 17390 18109 1840 1850430 19333 196942 1977557 1980563 19820585 126423 126424 126425 126426 126427 126428 126429 126430 126431 126432 126433 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Void Void Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 2060 30357557 N.C.G.T. TRUST FUND DARREN NYE 3050 4000 4020 4073902 4073903 407510 4080 126434 03/22/2013 Printed 50100 OFFICE DEPOT PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC PAINT MART ROBYN POPE·BURGESS JIM POPE MARCUS PRICE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT RAY MORGAN CO. 126435 03/22/2013 Printed 502024 RECORD SEARCHLIGHT 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 CHAMBER AWARDS DINNER TICKETS DUES FOR PIE 3/15/2013 PHONE CHARGES REIMBURSEMENT NOTARY BOND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAR #0000024225 PIE 3/15/2013 PAR #0002232853 PIE 3/15/2013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,300.00 122.82 1,517.00 269.22 560.00 520.00 96.09 55.00 140.00 161.53 69.23 1,153.00 10,062.93 INTERNET SERVICES SUPPLIES MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL MONTHLY LEASE 271.98 1,027.20 165.00 198.00 DEDUCTIONS FOR PIE 3/15/2013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 300.00 39.00 1,670.00 SUPPLIES STATE W/H FOR PIE 3/15/2013 SDI W/H FOR PIE 3/15/2013 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,355.25 4,176.90 782.43 317.68 346.18 132.00 90.00 DUES FOR MARCH 2013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES PLAN #302204 W/H PIE 3/15/2013 MONTHLY OVERAGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT HEALTH INSURANCE APRIL2013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Void Check Void Check OFFICE SUPPLIES UTILITIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES PRAYER BREAKFAST-JOHNSON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS MONTHLY CONTRACT & QTR OVERAGE ADVERTISING 1,247.26 154.00 125.00 500.00 480.78 2,151.15 107.14 13.16 113.78 1,824.86 19,740.00 260.12 72,216.00 44.00 0.00 0.00 1,252.03 116.37 756.30 166.98 15.00 132.00 34,077.03 503.96 157.47 Check Register Report BANK: NORTH VALLEY BANK City of Anderson Check Number Check Date Status Void/Stop Date Vendor Number Vendor Name Check Description SHASTA COUNTY INFO. TECH. DEPT SHASTA UNIFORMS SHELL FLEET PLUS STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE OF CALIFORNIA STEPHEN GOLDBERRY'S SUPERIOR CA ECONOMIC DEVELOP TOMASINI BLACKSMITHING & TRI-COUNTIES BANK PAGER SERVICES Date: 03/2212013 Time: 9:55 am Page: 2 Amount NORTH VALLEY BANK Checks 126436 03/22/2013 Printed 6090 126437 126438 126439 126440 126441 126442 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed Printed 70245 70401 70800 70800 70840301 70871 126443 126444 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed 80040 800594 126445 03/22/2013 Printed 800926 126446 126447 126448 126449 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 03/22/2013 Printed Printed Printed Printed 802005 8084 9027259 90359 03/22/2013 ACH US BANK CORP PYMT SYSTEMS V & V MANUFACTURING, INC. LUKE WESTABY GARY WORKMAN ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 7.92 SUPPLIES FUEL CHARGES ASSIGN OF WAGES PIE 3/15/2013 ASSIGN OF WAGES PIE 3/15/2013 SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10.69 30.27 50.00 45.00 1,188.26 4,235.35 PROFESSIONAL SVC & SUPPLIES REDEVELOPMENT LOAN 399.75 2,712.99 #310306360 SUPPLIES 1,568.27 SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 485.43 39.00 219.00 321.22 Total Checks: 66 Checks Total (excluding void checks): 178,365.98 Total Payments: 66 Bank Total (excluding void checks): 178,365.98 Total Payments: 66 Grand Total (excluding void checks): 178,365.98 Members First Credit Union For Payroll Ending 3/15/13 $1,837.40 AGENDA ITEM !April 2, 2013, City Council Meetin~ Approved for Submittal By: To Be Presented By: To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council Through: Jeff Kiser, City Manager From: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk Date: April 2, 2013 ISUBJECT PUBLIC HEARING - APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR A 2013 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT IRECOMMENDATION The City Clerk recommends that the City Council: 1. Conduct the Public Hearing; 2. Subject to testimony received at the public hearing, adopt a resolution approving an application for a Community Development Block Grant for a) a citywide Homebuyer's Assistance program, b) Sewer Line Improvement Project on Ventura, Ferry, and Pinion Streets; and c) Teen Center Services; and d) authorizing the execution of a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the State of California for the purposes of this grant. ITEM 7.0a PAGE 1 4/2/13 IFISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with conducting the hearing. The grant application, if ultimately approved and successful, would require a local match. Funds for such match would depend on the scope and nature of proposed projects. I DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, administered by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), is funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The overall objective of CDBG is liTo promote the development of viable communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income." A CDBG activity must accomplish at least one of the following: 1) Benefit low and moderate income families; 2) Aid in the prevention of slums and blight; and 3) Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency. In all cases, at least 51% of the beneficiaries of CDBG-funded programs must be from families earning less than 80% of the area's median income. According to the HUD FY-2012 Poverty Data, 59.3% of Anderson residents meet this requirement. The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for this year has been issued. The City is eligible to apply for up to $2,000,000 and three activities. Activities typically eligible for funding include: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Enterprise Fund including Business Financial Assistance and Microenterprise Assistance Programs. HOUSING: Loans and grants for the rehabilitation of existing housing; acquisition of rental housing; assisting with new construction. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Improvement or construction of water and sewer facilities, and flood and drainage facilities. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN SUPPORT OF HOUSING NEW CONSTRUCTION: In conjunction with the actual construction of new permanent housing; Off-site improvements such as utilities, streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and flood and drainage improvements when specifically required as a condition of the housing project approval and where the improvement is necessary to the development. PUBLIC FACILITIES: Acquisition, rehabilitation or new construction of buildings and grounds used for public purposes such as training, health services, education, recreation, nutrition, shelter, day care, temporary housing and fire protection. ITEM 7.0a PAGE 2 4/2/13 PUBLIC SERVICES: Including labor, supplies, materials and other costs for operating and maintenance costs in a facility providing services for child care, health care, crime prevention, job training, recreation programs, education programs, fair housing counseling, credit counseling services, public safety services, services for senior citizens, services for homeless persons, drug and alcohol abuse counseling and testing, transportation services, nutrition services, energy conservation counseling and testing, emergency assistance payments, neighborhood cleanup and code enforcement. PLANNING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (PTA): Community Development planning studies that focus on research, analysis and planning for community needs in regards to housing, public improvements, community facilities, public services and local planning issues. Economic Development studies focus on business development and job creation or retention through analysis of business development opportunities. THE APPLICATION PROCESS Applications are due by 5:00 p.m., April 12, 2013. In the past, this application process has been very competitive. Approximately 180 jurisdictions are eligible to compete for these grant funds. For 2013, HCD has approximately $41 million available statewide and anticipates funding only the most competitive applications. We are proposing applying for the following activities that should score competitively: - Public Improvements: Sewer Line Improvement Project $1,016,074 on Ventura, Ferry, and Pinion Street - Public Services: Teen Center Services $ 325,581 - Homebuyer Assistance Program $ 372,093 - General Program Administration $ 128.532 $1,842,280 Total The sewer line improvement is much needed in areas noted and is included in our Capital Improvement Plan. The Teen Center has been operating on a reduced budget for quite some time and this grant will help keep the Teen Center and their programs running. Requests for Down Payment Assistance continue to come in, however, our funding for this program ended in December 2012. This grant will provide funds to assist low- moderate income, first time homebuyers with down payment assistance throughout the City. The purpose of this hearing is to solicit community input into the proposed projects and programs being considered for this application and to approve submission of the application. I ATTACHMENT 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Public Hearing Notice ITEM 7.0a PAGE 3 4/2/13 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 2013/2014 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING AND THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO FROM THE GENERAL ALLOCATION OF THE STATE CDBG PROGRAM WHEREAS, the California Department of Housing and Community Development has issued a Notice of Funding Availability for the 2013 Community Development Block Grant. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anderson as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council has reviewed and hereby approves an application for up to $2 Million (application maximum) for the following activities: $128,532 • General Program Administration • Public Improvements - Sewer Line Rehabilitation Project • Public Services - Anderson Teen Center $325,581 • Housing - Homebuyer Assistance Program $372,093 $1,016,074 SECTION 2: The City has determined that federal Citizen Participation requirements were met during the development of this application. SECTION 3: No cash match is required for this application. SECTION 4: The City Manager, or interim designee, is hereby authorized and directed to sign this application and act on the City's behalfin all matters pertaining to this application. SECTION 5: If the application is approved, the City Manager, or interim designee, is authorized to enter into and sign the grant agreement and any subsequent amendments with the State of California for the purposes of this grant. SECTION 6: If the application is approved, the City Manager, or interim designee, is authorized to sign Funds Requests and other required reporting forms. ATTACHMENT 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anderson held on April 2, 2013 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA City of Anderson 1, Juanita Barnett, City Clerk of the City of Anderson, State of California, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by said City Council on the 2nd day of April, 2013. Juanita Barnett, City Clerk of the City of Anderson, State of California ATTACHMENT 2 Notice of Public Hearing for Submittal of State CDBG Application NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City ofAnderson will conduct a public hearing on April 2, 2013 at 6:00 pm, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Anderson City Hall Council Chambers, 1887 Howard Street 3 rd Floor, in order to discuss the submittal of an application in response to the 2012 State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), and to solicit citizen input. The City of Anderson is applying for up to $2 Million under the NOFA for the following eligible activities: - Public Improvements: Sewer Line Improvement Project on Ventura, Ferry, and Pinion Street - Up to $1.5 Million - Public Services: Teen Center Services - Up to $500,000 - Homebuyer Assistance Program - Up to $500,000 The purpose of the public hearing is to give citizens an opportunity to make their comments known on the proposed activities/application. If you require special accommodations to participate in the public hearing, please contact Juanita Barnett at (530) 378-6646. If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may direct written comments to the City of Anderson at 1887 Howard Street Anderson CA 96007, or you may telephone Juanita Barnett at (530) 378-6646. In addition, information is available for review at the above address between the hours of8:30 to 5:00 Monday-Friday. The City ofAnderson promotes fair housing and makes all its programs available to low and moderate income families regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual preference, marital status or handicap. Published in the Valley Post on March 20, 2013 AGENDA ITEM !April 2, 2013, City Council Meetin~ Approved for Submittal By: Z I Development Ser To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council Through: Jeff Kiser, City Manager From: Kristen Maze, Development Services Director Date: April 2, 2013 es Director I SUBJECT PUBLIC HEARING - THE CITY OF ANDERSON ANNUAL HOUSING PRODUCTION REPORT I RECOMMENDATION The Development Services Director recommends that the City Council: 1. Conduct the Public Hearing; 2. Continue the Public Hearing to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting of April 16, 2013. IFISCAL IMPACT = There is no fiscal impact associated with conducting the hearing. ITEM 7.Gb PAGE 1 4/2/13 I DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND Pursuant to the State Government Code Section 65584, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) have developed a Regional Housing Need Allocation Plan for Shasta County. The RHNA Plan identifies a minimum need for residential units in all of Shasta County, including incorporated cities, over a 7.5 year period (January 2007 to June 2014). The purpose of this plan is to ensure that all cities and counties provide for housing needs of persons of all income levels within their jurisdiction. The Housing Report for 2012 which was originally scheduled for a public hearing at tonight's meeting needs to be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to coming before the City Council for approval. The Planning Commission will be unable to review the report until its April 8 th meeting therefore making it necessary to continue tonight's public hearing to April 16, 2013 for Council review and acceptance. I ATTACHMENT 1. Public Hearing Notice ITEM 7.0b PAGE 2 4/2/13 ATTACHMENT 1 Public Hearing Notice 2011 Annual Housing Production Report NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Anderson will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, at their regularly scheduled meeting at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 1887 Howard Street, 3 rd Floor, Anderson, CA 96007, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. The purpose of the hearing is for the Council to receive the annual report describing the City's progress in producing housing. It describes our progress during the previous year in meeting Anderson's estimated share of the region's forecasted growth for the four income groups identified in State law pursuant to California Government Code Section 65400 (b)(1). Persons interested in commenting on this issue should appear before the City Council at the above place and time to provide comment. If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may direct written comments to the City Clerk, City of Anderson, 1887 Howard Street, Anderson, CA 96007. Written comments must be received by 5:00 P.M. on April 2, 2013. You may obtain additional information regarding this issue and public hearing by visiting the City Clerk's office at the above address or by calling 378-6646. The office is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Juanita Barnett, City Clerk AGENDA ITEM I April 2, 2013, City Council Meeting Approved for Submittal By: To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council From: Jeff Kiser, City Manager Date: April 2, 2013 ISUBJECT AMEND THE COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER DESCRIPTION. I RECOMMENDATION The City Manager recommends that the City Council: Adopt a resolution amending the job description for the Community Service Officer position. IFISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact. ITEM 8.3 PAGEl 4/2/2013 IDISCUSSION AND BACKGROUND In 1997 the City Council amended the classification and compensation plan to add a Community Service Officer (CSO) position. In 1999 the Council retitled and reclassified the Animal Control Officer position to Community Services and Animal Control Officer and deleted a Community Services Officer position. Under the City's Classification and Compensation Plan, the City has two Community Service Officers, however, until recently when one of our CSO's left to work for another agency, they continued to work under both job descriptions. As is our practice when we need to recruit for a position, the City reviews the job description to make sure it is up to date with current regulations, the actual duties being performed, and the needs of the City. A review of the two job descriptions being used for the Community Service Officer (CSO) positions; "Community Service Officer" and "Community Service and Animal Control Officer" reveals that both positions have basically the same duties although one CSO may take the lead on one part of the duties while the other takes the lead on another part of the duties (Le. animal control, vehicle abatement, evidence, etc.). The City can no longer function with the two CSO positions working separately. It is imperative that these two positions work together and back each other up. In recent years there has been some confusion caused by having two separate job descriptions over what duties a CSO is actually responsible for. In an effort to clear up past confusion and move forward on a clear path, the Police Chief and City Manager are recommending Council adopt the attached job description which will combine both the eXisting Community Service Officer job description and the Community Service and Animal Control Officer job description into one. IATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution and proposed job description 2. 1997 Community Service Officer Job Description 3. 1999 Community Service and Animal Control Officer Job Description ITEM 8.3 PAGE 2 4/2/2013 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANDERSON AMENDING THE CITY OF ANDERSON POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN WHEREAS, Chapter 2.56 of the Anderson Municipal Code establishes a Personnel Merit system for the administration of all personnel matters; and WHEREAS, said Chapter provides for the periodic review, amendment, and adoption by resolution of changes in the system's Classification and Compensation Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, having consulted with, and obtained the concurrence of, representatives of Teamsters Local No. 137, recommends that certain changes be made to said Plan to provide for the effective delivery of services in the Police Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Anderson hereby amends the Classification and Compensation Plan by: 1. Deleting the Community Service and Animal Control Officer classification; and 2. Amending the Community Service Officer classification and job description as shown in Exhibit A. 3. This resolution becomes effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Anderson this 2nd day of April, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk Exhibit A CITY OF ANDERSON COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER DEFINITION Under general supervision, to perform a wide variety of non-sworn field and office law enforcement and animal control tasks with a significant degree of independence and accountability for results; including parking, traffic and crowd control, evidence collection, processing and maintenance, fingerprinting, registration of criminal offenders, abandoned vehicle identification and abatement, report taking, administrative and office support functions, including general office work, and crime prevention activities, and to do related work as required. This class is distinguished from sworn police classes in that it performs law enforcement and police support duties that do not require performance by a sworn police officer. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Performs various administrative and patrol duties in support of designated program management activities; obtains data from multiple sources; extracts data elements required; compiles and distributes contracts, reports, documents and other materials; updates and maintains specialized logs and databases including databases for monitoring and reporting technical work processes. Serves as animal control officer; patrols city streets apprehending and confining stray, unwanted, sick, maimed, lost and found animals, or dead animals; investigates complaints, follows up on animal bite incidents, impounds domestic animals running at large in violation of the Anderson Municipal Code, issues warnings and citations to enforce State and local regulations relating to animal control; traps and captures wild or diseased animals; prepares reports and correspondence; handles service inquiries; provides advice and assistance concerning animal control problems; assists with rabies control/vaccination program; assists in the dog licensing process; responsible for maintaining animal control equipment; and performs other related animal control duties. Provides support duties associated with the maintenance and control of police property, evidence and supplies; processes receipt of evidence and property; processes the release, auction, destruction, and delivery of property and evidence to court, laboratories and other locations; transports evidence for forensic examination and court presentation; maintains property and evidence according to law and City prescribed policies and procedures; responds to inquiries from law enforcement personnel and the public concerning property in custody; takes lost property reports, locating and notifying owners of found or recovered property and making arrangements to facilitate return including contacting owners/victims to make appointments for pick-up; communicates with court 2013 Exhibit A on case status and evidence needed; testifies in court as required regarding evidence handling procedures and chain of custody. Serves as a court and District Attorney liaison; assembles reports; submits information to other departments as required. Serves as a liaison between the Police Department and other City departments and the public; coordinates and publicizes a variety of programs including crime prevention, neighborhood watch, child safety programs and other public safety-related programs; coordinates activities and resources, including participants, facilities, training, equipment, transportation, etc. Serves as a parking enforcement officer; patrols city streets and enforces laws and regulations applicable to non-moving vehicles; writes citations for overtime parking and illegal parking; assists in identifying and abating abandoned vehicles; assists in directing traffic and participating in special traffic control functions. Takes and documents non-injury traffic accidents; takes and documents minor crime and non-criminal incident reports where interviewing only non-suspect victims and witnesses are required; maintains video and photo related equipment, video tape, film, photo logs, and other accessories. Inspects and signs-off minor traffic citations; delivers court documents and serves subpoenas; testifies in court as required. Fingerprints applicants and handles fingerprinting requests from the public; fingerprints and registers criminal offenders who are required by law to register with the Police Department. Performs general clerical duties as required such as typing, filing, writing receipts for money received, processing parking citation second notices and D.M.V. notices; destruction of files as authorized by law. Keeps immediate supervisor and designated others accurately informed concerning work progress, including present and potential work problems and suggestions for new or improved ways of addressing such problems; attends meetings, conferences, workshops, and training sessions and reviews publications and audio-visual materials to become and remain current on principles, practices, and new developments in assigned work areas; responds to questions and comments from the public in a courteous and timely manner; and performs other related duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Training and Experience - Any combination equivalent to graduation from high school with some college preferred and one year experience in a position involving wide public contact and general law enforcement is desirable; no prior police experience is required; however, it is desirable for applicants to have a work history related to public service and contacts. Knowledge and Abilities - Basic English grammar and correct English usage, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and report writing techniques. Ability to interact 2013 Exhibit A effectively with the public and employees. Act with resourcefulness and tact; communicate effectively with all members of the community; present public presentations; prepare concise and accurate reports; understand and carry out oral and written instructions with minimum supervision; maintain neat and accurate records; operate two-way radio equipment; operate motor vehicles; tow utility trailer; perform basic operations on standard software applications for computers; use and wearjcarry on your duty belt a hand-held radio, pepper spray, cellular telephone, flashlight, and keys; deal effectively with victims of crime; and establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with other departments. Working knowledge of the geography of the City, including the location of important buildings. Some knowledge of the organization and functional responsibilities of a Police Department and of the community services of other public and private agencies. Ability to acquire a working knowledge of various criminal and vehicle codes and police report writing requirements. Knowledge of California Penal, Vehicle, Health and Safety, Civil Procedure, Evidence and Government Codes; substantial knowledge of police science and criminology related to the maintenance of evidence; substantial knowledge of records management and inventory control techniques; knowledge of State and local regulations relating to care, treatment, and impounding of animals; knowledge of legal provisions relating to dog licenses and fees for impounding, care, and disposal of animals; knowledge of symptoms and diseases of animals; ability to handle potentially dangerous animals in a safe manner; knowledge of State and local regulations relating to misdemeanor and infraction violations of alcohol and traffic matters; knowledge of principles, practices, methods and techniques of code violation investigation and compliance; knowledge of techniques for dealing with and solving the problems presented by a variety of individuals from various socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, in person and over the telephone; knowledge of techniques for providing a high level of customer service to public and City staff, in person and over the telephone; ability to use and care for common firearms, animal traps, and related devices; issue citations and make physical arrests; prepare records and reports; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with the public; work independently and develop related programs. Special Requirements - Possession of an appropriate and current California driver's license, or ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Must be at least 18 years of age. Felony conviction disqualifying. Ability to work shifts, weekends, and holidays required. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT USED Motor vehicle, utility truck, computers, printers, fax machines, telephones, and other office related equipment; cell phones, police radios, electronic scales, heat sealing evidence machines, catch poles, live animal traps, standard utility equipment (ladder, shovel, rake, etc.), emergency roadside flares, barricades, flashlights, pepper spray, signage, and utility (tow) trailers, duty belt, hand-held radio, pepper spray, and flashlights. 2013 Exhibit A PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Must possess mobility to work in a standard office setting and use standard office equipment, including computers, telephones, calculators, copiers and fax machines; sit for extended periods; frequently stand and walk; operate a motor vehicle; inspect various City and residential sites; walk on uneven terrain; vision to read printed materials and a computer screen; hearing and speech to communicate in person, before groups and over the telephone; and normal manual dexterity and eye-hand coordination. This is primarily a field classification with frequent standing in work areas and walking between work areas required. Wrist flexion and lateral rotation are necessary in combination with grasping to handle a snare and leash. Finger dexterity is needed to access, enter and retrieve data using a computer keyboard, typewriter keyboard or calculator and to operate standard office equipment. Positions in this classification occasionally bend, stoop, kneel, reach, push and pull drawers open and closed to retrieve and file information. Employees must possess the ability to lift, carry, push, and pull materials and objects necessary to perform job functions. VISION: Ability to see in the normal visual range, with or without correction, as set forth by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles standards for safe vehicle driving. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, the ability to adjust focus, and the ability to distinguish color. HEARING: Ability to hear in the normal audio range with or without correction. WORK ENVIRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works in both inside and outside environmental conditions. The employee is exposed to loud noise levels, cold and hot temperatures, inclement weather conditions, vibration, confining workspace, chemicals, mechanical and/or electrical hazards, and hazardous physical substances and fumes. Employees may interact with upset staff and/or public and private representatives in interpreting and enforcing departmental policies and procedures. Employees may be exposed to potentially hazardous physical substances. May involve exposure to dangerous and/or diseased animals, and animals known to cause allergies. 2013 ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF ANDERSON COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER DEFINITION Under general supervision, to perform a wide variety of non-sworn field and office law enforcement and animal control tasks, including, parking, traffic and crowd control, evidence collection, processing and maintenance, fingerprinting, registration of criminal offenders, abandoned vehicle identification and abatement, report taking, general office work, crime prevention activities, and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Serve as a parking enforcement officer; patrol city streets and enforce laws and regulations applicable to non-moving vehicles; write citations for overtime parking and illegal parking; assist in identifying and abating abandoned vehicles; assist in directing traffic and participating in special traffic control functions. As required, serve as animal control officer; patrol city streets apprehending and confining stray, unwanted, sick, lost and found animals; follow up on animal bites incidents; maintain the animal control facility; prepare and write required animal control reports; assist in the dog licensing process; assist in the rabies vaccination program; issuing warning and animal violation citations. Evidence/Property Room: processing of evidence and property, releases, auctions, destruction, delivery to court, laboratories and other locations; and to maintain property and evidence according to prescribed procedures. Take and document non-injury traffic accidents; take and document minor crime and non-criminal incident reports where interviewing only non-suspect victims and witnesses are required. Video and photo equipment; maintain video and photo related equipment, video tape, film and other accessories. Serves as a court and District Attorney liaison; assemble reports; submit information to other departments as required. Serve as a liaison between the Police Department and the public; coordinate and publicize a variety of programs including crime prevention, neighborhood watch, child safety programs and other public safety-related programs. Inspect and sign-off minor traffic citations; deliver court documents and serve subpoenas; testify in court as required. Fingerprint applicants and handle fingerprinting requests from the public; fingerprint and register criminal offenders who are required by law to register with the Police Department. Perform general clerical duties as required such as typing, filing, writing receipts for money COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER received, processing parking citation second notices and D.MV. notices; destruction of files as authorized by law. Perform other duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Training and Experience - Any combination equivalent to graduation from high school. No prior police experience is required; however, it is desirable for applicants to have a work history related to public service and contacts. Knowledge and Abilities - Basic English grammar, spelling, punctuation and report writing techniques. Ability to interact effectively with the public and employees. Act with resourcefulness and tact; communicate effectively with all members of the community; present public presentations; prepare concise and accurate reports; understand and carry out oral and written instructions with minimum supervision; maintain neat and accurate records; operate two-way radio equipment; deal effectively with victims of crime, establisll and maintain cooperative working relationships with other departments. Working knowledge of the geography of the City, including the location of important buildings. Some knowledge of the organization and functional responsibilities of a Police Department and of the community services of other public and private agencies. Ability to acquire a working knowledge of various criminal and vehicle codes and police report writing requirements. Special Requirements - Possession of an appropriate and current California driver's license, or ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Must be at least 18 years of age. 1997 ATTACHMENT 3 CITY OF ANDERSON COMMUNITY SERVICE AND ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER DEFINITION Under supervision, to conduct various non-sworn law enforcement tasks, approximately 75% of the time, and to enforce state and local regulations pertaining to stray, wild, and domestic animals approximately 25% of the time; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Process receipt of evidence and property, maintain evidence/property room, process the release, auction, destruction, and delivery of property and evidence to court, laboratories, and other locations; and maintain property and evidence according to law and city policies and procedures. Serve as a court and District Attorney liaison; assemble reports; submit information to other departments as required. Serve as a liaison between the Police Department and other City departments and the public; coordinate and publicize a variety of programs including crime prevention, neighborhood watch, child safety programs and other public safety-related programs. Investigates complaints, impounds domestic animals running at large in violation of the Anderson Municipal Code, issues warnings and citations to enforce State and local regulations relating to animal control; picks up stray, maimed, or dead animals; traps and captures wild or diseased animals; prepares reports and correspondence; handles service inquiries; provides advice and assistance concerning animal control problems; assists with rabies control program; assist the Finance Department in the dog licensing process; insure follow-up of animal bite incidents; be responsible for the maintaining of the animal control facilities and equipment; direct the work of Animal Control Assistant; and performs other related animal control duties. On occasion, serve as a parking enforcement officer; patrol city streets and enforce laws and regulations applicable to non-moving vehicles; write citations for overtime parking and illegal parking; assist in identifying and abating abandoned vehicles; assist in directing traffic and participating in special traffic control functions. On occasion, take and document non-injury traffic accidents; take and document minor crime and non-criminal incident reports where interviewing only non-suspect victims and witnesses are required. Video and photo equipment; maintain video and photo related equipment, video tape, film and other accessories. COMMUNITY SERVICE AND ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER ATTACHMENT 3 On occasion, inspect and sign-off minor trafFic citations; deliver court documents and serve subpoenas; testify in court as required. Fingerprint applicants and handle fingerprinting requests from the public; fingerprint and register criminal offenders who are required by law to register with the Police Department. Perform general clerical duties as required such as typing, filing, writing receipts for money received, processing parking citation second notices and D.I\t1V. notices; destruction offiles as authorized by law and City policies and procedures. Perform other duties as assigned. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Training and Experience - Any combination equivalent to graduation from high school with some college preferred and one year experience in a position involving wide public contact and general law enforcement is desirable; possession or qualified to possess a Level One Reserve Certificate. Knowledge and Abilities - Basic English grammar, spelling, punctuation and report writing techniques. Ability to interact effectively with the public and employees. Act with resourcefulness and tact; communicate effectively with all members of the community; present public presentations; prepare concise and accurate reports; understand and carry out oral and written instructions with minimum supervision; maintain neat and accurate records; operate two-way radio equipment; deal effectively with victims of crime, establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with other departments. Working knowledge of the geography of the City, including the location of important buildings. Some knowledge of the organization and functional responsibilities of a Police Department and of the community services of other public and private agencies. Ability to acquire a working knowledge of various criminal and vehicle codes and police report writing requirements. Knowledge of State and local regulations relating to care, treatment, and impounding of animals; knowledge of legal provisions relating to dog licenses and fees for impounding, care, and disposal of animals; knowledge of symptoms and diseases of animals; and knowledge of State and local regulations relating to misdemeanor and infraction violations of alcohol and traffic matters; ability to use and care for common firearms, animal traps, and related devices; issue citations and make physical arrests; prepare records and reports; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with the public; work independently and develop related programs. Special Requirements - Possession of an appropriate and current California driver's license, or ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Must be at least 18 years of age. 1999 AGENDA ITEM IApril2, 2013 City Council Meetin~ Approved for Submittal By: er To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council Through: Jeff Kiser, City Manager From: Liz Cottrell, Assistant City Manager Date: April 2, 2013 I SUBJECT Resolutions directing the filing of the Annual Reports for Assessment District No. 1993-2, Landscape and Lighting District No. 2006-1, South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District, and Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District 1-09, Silvergate Subdivision for the 2013/2014 fiscal year. IRECOMMENDAnON The Assistant City Manager recommends that the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution directing PACE Civil Engineering to file the Annual Report for Assessment District No. 1993-2, with no rate increase or change in assessment methodology. 2. Adopt a resolution directing David Taussig & Associates, Inc. to file the Annual Report for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 2006-1 for the Vineyards at Anderson, with an authorized cost of living increase. 3. Adopt a resolution directing EFS Engineering, Inc. to file the Annual Report for South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District, with an authorized cost of living increase. ITEM~ PAGE 1 04/02/13 4. I Adopt a resolution directing Pace Civil Engineering, Inc. to file the Annual Report for Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District 01-09, Silvergate Subdivision, with an authorized cost of living increase. FISCAL IMPACT The City of Anderson established District No. 1993-2 to offset the cost of electrical energy for streetlights with the City. The assessment provides revenues of about $60,000 annually. The City of Anderson established Assessment District No. 2006-1 to maintain the public landscaping and lighting along the streets fronting the first 115 lots within the initial Vineyards at Anderson development. The approximate annual assessment revenue is estimated at $19,000. The City of Anderson established South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District to maintain the landscape planter area along the north side of Yellow Finch in the South Ridge Terrace subdivision. The annual assessment revenue is estimated at $4,200. The City of Anderson established the Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District 1-09, Silvergate Subdivision to maintain the sewer lift station that services the lots in this subdivision exclusively. The assessment provides revenues of about $12,000 annually. I DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND In 1993, the City of Anderson formed Assessment District 1993-2 under the California Landscape and Lighting District Act of 1972. Although the title of the enabling legislation includes both landscape and lighting, in the City of Anderson this annual assessment is restricted solely to provide funds for electrical energy costs for street lighting and no assessment is made for landscaping. The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 requires that each year following the formation of the District, the legislative body renew the annual assessment. The assessment is $15 per developed parcel, plus $10 for each additional living unit on that developed parcel. On June 20, 2006, the City of Anderson formed Assessment District No. 2006-1 under the Landscape and Lighting District Act of 1972. The purpose of this District is to maintain the street lights and landscaping within the right-of-way for a portion of the Vineyards subdivision. The formation documents for Assessment District No. 2006-1 contains a provision allowing annual indeXing tied to the published Consumer Price Index. The Assessment Engineer will complete these calculations. On July lS, 2006, the City of Anderson adopted a resolution forming the South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District. The purpose of this District is to maintain the landscape planter area along the north side of Yellow Finch in the South Ridge Terrace subdivision. The formation documents for the South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscape Maintenance District contain a provision for annual indexing tied to the published Consumer Price Index. The Assessment Engineer will complete these calculations. ITEM 8.5 PAGE 2 04/02/13 On, March 17,2009, the City of Anderson adopted a resolution forming the Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District 1-09, Silvergate Subdivision under the Improvement Act of 1911, to maintain the sewer lift station servicing lots in the Silvergate Subdivision. The formation documents for Assessment District No. 2006-1 contain a provision allowing annual indexing tied to the published Consumer Price Index. The Assessment Engineer will complete these calculations. The first step for placing the annual assessments is for the City Council to direct the engineers of record, PACE Civil Engineering, David Taussig & Associates, Inc., EFS Engineering Inc., and PACE Civil Engineering Services, Inc. respectively, to prepare the various Engineers' Reports. Once complete, these will be brought back to the Council for adoption. The proposed schedule for the four renewals is as follows: Meeting of April 2, 2013 Approve Resolutions to Direct Filing of Engineers' Reports Meeting of June 4, 2013 Receive Engineers' Reports and Adopt Resolutions of Intention Meeting of July 2, 2013 Hold Public Hearings and Approve Assessments IATTACHMENTS 1. Proposed Resolution for Assessment District No. 1993-2. 2. Proposed Resolution for Landscape and Lighting District No. 2006-1. 3. Proposed Resolution for South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District. 4. Proposed Resolution for Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District - Silvergate Subdivision. ITEM 8.5 PAGE 3 04/02/13 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO 13 RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT Assessment District No. 1993-2 (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) The City Council of the City of Anderson resolves: 1 PACE Engineering, the firm designated by this Council as the Engineer of Work for Assessment District No. 1993-2, is hereby directed to file an annual report in accordance with the provisions for the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. 2 This resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 22622 of the Streets and Highway Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Anderson on April 2, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO 13 RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT Landscaping and Lighting District No. 2006-1 (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) The City Council of the City of Anderson resolves: 1 David Taussig & Associates, Inc., the firm designated by this Council as the Engineer of Work for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 2006-1, is hereby directed to file an annual report in accordance with the provisions for the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. 2 This resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 22622 of the Streets and Highway Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Anderson on April 2, 2013 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk A'I'TACHME:NT 3 RESOLUTION NO 13 RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscaping Maintenance District (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) The City Council of the City of Anderson resolves: 1 EFS Engineering, Inc., the firm designated by this Council as the Engineer of Work for South Ridge Terrace - Unit 1 Landscape Maintenance District, is hereby directed to file an annual report in accordance with the provisions for the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972. 2 This resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 22622 of the Streets and Highway Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Anderson on April 2, 2013 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 4 RESOLUTION NO 13 RESOLUTION DIRECTING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District - Silvergate Subdivision (Pursuant to the Improvement Act of 1911) The City Council of the City of Anderson resolves: 1 PACE Civil Engineering Services, Inc., the firm designated by this Council as the Engineer of Work for the Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District, Silvergate Subdivision, is hereby directed to file an annual report in accordance with the provisions for the Improvement Act of 1911. 2 This resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 5821.3 of the Streets and Highway Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Anderson on April 2, 2013 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: James Yarbrough, Mayor ATTEST: Juanita Barnett, City Clerk AGENDA ITEM IApril 2, 2013, City Council Meeting Approved for Submittal By: To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council Through: Jeff Kiser, City Manager From: Michael L. Johnson, Police Chief Date: April 2, 2013 ISUBJECT Approval of a Special Event Permit for a closed cruise on Friday, May 17, 2013, for the G&B Enterprises Hot-O-Rama. I RECOMMENDATION The Police Chief recommends that the City Council: Approve the request for the closed cruise with all of the conditions and recommendations. IFISCAL IMPACT The City anticipates spending approximately $1000 in staff time for Public Works crews to set up and staff intersection closures. However, to the extent that participants stay at local motels and shop at local business establishments, additional TOT and sales tax may be generated. ITEM 8.8 PAGEl 4/2/2013 I DISCUSSION and BACKGROUND G&B Enterprises has sponsored Hot-O-Rama at the Shasta District Fairgrounds in Anderson for the past several years. The event starts on a Thursday and runs through Saturday. During the event, they hold several show-and-shines at various businesses in Anderson and a closed cruise on Friday night. The event organizers have again requested to have a closed cruise on Friday, May 17, 2013, from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. The cruise route will be from East Center Street to North Street, east on North Street to Ventura Street, south on Ventura Street to Balls Ferry Road, west on Balls Ferry Road back to East Center Street. All vehicles taking part in the cruise will stage thirty minutes prior to the 6:00PM start. All road closures and traffic control will be handled by the Anderson Police Department and Public Works Department. A "PUBLIC NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE" will be hand delivered by the American Auto Shows staff to all residents and businesses within the proposed road closure. G&B Enterprises has agreed to pay for the personnel cost of the Anderson Police Department and the City has agreed to waive the cost for the Public Works Department. IATTACHMENT 1. Public Notice of Road Closure 2. Special Event Permit conditions ITEM~ PAGE 2 4/2/2013 ATTACHMENT 1 PUBLIC NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURE Reference: May 17,2013, Hot-O-Rama Classic Car Cruise Dear Citizens and Businesses of Anderson: This notice is to inform you that the promoters and sponsors of Hot-O-Rama are in the process of working with the City of Anderson and Caltrans to provide a Classic Car Cruise on Friday, May 17, 2013, for those registered and participating in the Classic Car Show. The cruise will be closed and accessible only to those who are registered participants and will be held from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on May 1i h• The affected areas include: North Street from Highway 273 to Ventura - closed to eastbound traffic Balls Ferry Road from Ventura to Highway 273 - closed to westbound traffic Ventura Street - closed to northbound and southbound traffic East Center Street - closed to northbound and southbound traffic Approximately thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the cruise, the Anderson Police Department will restrict all vehicular access into the above-mentioned areas. The closure will remain in effect until such a time as deemed appropriate and safe by the Department. The Anderson Police Department will also be conducting traffic control for the duration of the cruise, and an'angements have been made to allow access into the restricted area for police, fire, and medical personnel in the event a fire, medical emergency, or need for police assistance should arise. Please plan ahead for these closures and use alternate routes. You are invited to set up chairs on the curb at any location along the designated route. Please remember to take special care in not blocking access to, or the use of, a sidewalk as that is a public right-of-way. Please join us and enjoy the beautiful custom, antique, and classic cars and trucks and help us to make this a fun-filled, family-oriented annual event. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Hot-O-Rama organizer - G&B Enterprises - at (530) 226-7766, or the Anderson Police Department at (530) 378-6600. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING. ATTACHMENT 2 SECTION VI- PARADE PERMIT CONDITIONS A. PUBLIC NOTIFICAITON • Hot-O-Rama will be required to notify all businesses and residences within the cruise route of the date and time of the event and the fact that it will be a closed cruise. The City shall review and approve all notification material prior to disbursement. B. PARADE ENTRIES • All vehicles will be street legal and comply with all State and City codes. • All vehicles will display a window sticker or placard in the lower left corner of the windshield that are entered in the parade. The identification shall be a minimum of 16 square inches and be bright in color. The City shall approve the identification delineation prior to the event. • The cruise route will be East Center Street to North Street, to Ventura Street, to Balls Ferry Road, and back to East Center Street. All vehicles should remain in a single file line and use the right hand lane of travel during the event. • All vehicles will stage one-half hour prior to the cruise. The staging area will be on East Center Street and the side streets leading to East Center Street. C. TRAFFIC CONTROL • The Public Works Department (PWD) will provide all traffic control set up and removal. (Estimated cost $442.00 - No Charge) • The City will conduct all traffic control operations. At no time shall any of the Hot-O-Rama cruise directors or participants direct the City staff on how to conduct the traffic control for the event. • The Anderson Police Department (APD) will require eight (8) sworn officers to work the event. Hot-O-Rama will be required to pay for the cost of the officers to work the event. The estimated cost is $2,000. A deposit for APD's services in the amount of $2,000 will be required two (2) weeks prior to the event. Any funds not needed will be refunded to Hot-O-Rama and Hot-O Rama will be billed for any overage. • The City will also use eight (8) APD Citizens on Patrol Volunteers and PWD staff at intersections for traffic control. (Estimated cost is $442.00 - No Charge) • The PWD will obtain the required Caltrans Encroachment Permit. AGENDA ITEM April 2, 2013, City Council Meeting Approved for Submittal By: To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Anderson City Council From: Jeff Kiser, City Manager Date: April 2,2013 ISUBJECT City Council Workshop - Recommended Priority Programs and Projects for 2013 2015 I RECOMMENDATION The City Manager recommends that the City Council convene a workshop to: Approve a list of priority programs and projects for the July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 fiscal years. I FISCAL IMPACT The actual projects and programs may have a significant fiscal impact. Each priority established will be considered for inclusion in the two-year budget development process. The established projects may take significant fiscal resources to complete and may require a combination of grant funds and City resources for project development and completion. It is also important to be conservative in the current economy as revenues continue to be weak. ITEM W.S.1 PAGE 1 4/2/13 IDISCUSSION and BACKGROUND Tonight's workshop is the second of a planned series of 2013-2015 budget workshops. As we have done in prior years, tonight the City Council will approve a list of the most important projects and policies that will be incorporated into the coming two-year budget cycle. On March 19, 2013 the City Council conducted a workshop to identify priorities for the 2013-2015 budget years. A recommended list of projects from that meeting is attached. IATTACHMENTS 1. Recommended City Council Priority Programs and Projects for 2013-2015 ITEM W.S.1 PAGE 2 4/2/13 ATTACHMENT 1 City Council Priority Programs and Projects 2013-2015 Infrastructure .:. Gateway Drive Extension - Project Report and Environmental Determination Community and Neighborhood Services .:. Restore the Code Enforcement Officer -Create a new CSO position at the Police Department Economic Development/Promoting Economic Opportunity .:. Attend retail and commercial trade shows to market city wide development opportunities .:. Continue to work with the Gateway Commercial Property owners on enhancing their retail centers* .:. Development and Construction of a Wedding Gazebo* .:. Development of a City Center and Police Station* City Fiscal Health .:. Restore General Fund Reserves .:. Explore a sales tax initiative for Public Safety .:. Water and Sewer rate study* .:. Develop long term labor contracts* Planning and Development .:. Review current Application Fees - make sure fees are covering our costs .:. Complete the South Anderson commercial and industrial development annexation* Organizational Effectiveness/Customer Service .:. Secure the perimeter of the Police Department* .:. Repair the lights at the men's softball field* .:. Invest in our aging City facilities (City Hall carpet, City Hall elevator, Police Department roof, and many park facilities)* .:. Move to paperless City Council agendas, i.e. Ipads* Public Safety .:. Seek funding to restore the Motor/Traffic Officer .:. Retire our existing K9 and acquire a new K9 capable of protection and drug detection duties *denotes single vote