1.2 Catherine (Moloughney) McCarthy


1.2 Catherine (Moloughney) McCarthy
Issue Date: July 24, 2001
1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Catherine Moloughney McCarthy
Catherine (Moloughney) McCarthy (1837-1916)
Catherine was the eldest daughter (second child) of Michael Moloughney and
Ellen (nee Murphy). She was born Nov 19, 1837 on Urra Hill, Puckane, County Tipperary,
Ireland. Her sponsors in baptism were John Coonan and Mary Courneen. Catherine was
12 when she immigrated to Canada in 1850 with her parents and five brothers and sisters
in 1850. She grew up on the family homestead shown as No. 1 on the map below.
The Census of 1851 does not
show Catherine as a member of the
household of Michael and Ellen Moloughney but in another place there is a
reference to a Catherine Malochnie
(age 13 on her next birthday) as being
a resident of the household of Patrick
Kehoe - where she was living and
helping with the household chores.
She presumably was old enough and
big enough to make some contribution
to her family's welfare even at the age
of 13.
Part of Nepean Township 1863
From a degenerated map Archives of Canada
1. Michael Moloughney and Ellen Murphy
2. Michael Murphy and Margaret Houlahan
3. James Costello and Eliza Hodgins
5. Martin Howe and Mary Doorly
6. Public School-House #9
When she reached the age of
20 she married "Big John" McCarthy on Nov 26, 1857 at St. Philip’s Church
in Richmond, Ontario. The witnesses
were Terrence O'Connell and Mary
Moloughney, her sister. The priest was Father O'Connell. Father O’Connell was a notoriously bad record keeper - and in this case the register does not show the parents of “Big
John”. At the time of the marriage, John McCarthy was 37. He had been born in County
Wexford, Ireland in 1820. It is not known when he came to Canada. It is believed that his
parents were John McCarthy and Elizabeth Paxton who had homesteaded in Goulbourn.
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The 1851 Census shows that his father was already dead. It also shows his mother as
having been born in Ireland in 1788, a sister Mary-Ann born in 1819, and another sister
Ellen-Mary born in 1833. John, himself, is shown as being 26 years of age in 1851. Elizabeth McCarthy born about 1807 and Margaret McCarthy born about 1915 were in the area
and might have been siblings - but they had already left home, as they are not listed in the
1851 census. This is the most likely ‘McCarthy’ family for “Big John”.
In the early years of their marriage, “Big John” and Catherine attended St.
Philip’s Church in Richmond, Ontario. Their first son Matthew was born on Dec 26, 1858.
A second child Margaret Lea (Lila) McCarthy was born on Aug 23, 1861. These two births
are recorded in the Church of St. Philip in Richmond. At this point they decided to take
advantage of a Government offer of free land. Several roads were under construction, one
of them the Ottawa and the Opeongo Line that was surveyed in 1854 and ran northwest
into Brudenell and Hagarty Townships. By the late 1850’s, it had been opened as a winter
road, and a Government report stated that some 200 families, more than 2/3 of them Irish,
had obtained location tickets and had settled along the road. The Government was offering
“one hundred acres free to any settler 18 years of age, to erect a house 18 x 20 feet, put in
a state of cultivation at least 12 acres in the course of four years, and live on the lot during
this period. Failing to do so, it will be sold or given to another.”
Catherine and “Big John” decided to take advantage of the offer. In 1861 Catherine was carrying her second child Margaret Leela, and during the Census she was
reported as living under the roof of her parents while her husband John was up the River
‘shantying’, or, making ready the new property that they were acquiring “up the Opeongo”.
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They took possession of 200 acres in Lot #27 on Concession #1 and #2, in Emmett, Hagarty Township, Renfrew County, and eight more children were born in the years
1863 to 1882. According to family history they learned how to make potash that became a
major source of income. Their first crops of potatoes and wheat were planted around tree
stumps. Wheat was easy to sow as it was just scattered on the cleared ground and the
land harrowed without previous ploughing or cultivating. The planting of oats came after
the wheat but in this case the preliminary task of ploughing the wheat stubble had to be
John McCarthy
and Catherine Moloughney’s house which then
became their son Daniels
home with his wife Molly
Sullivan. The McGrath
family moved the house
from near the old Charcoal
Plant in Hagarty to
Killaloe. It was covered
with shingles, but is still
the original log home.
Big John” also worked in the logging ‘shanty’ in the wintertime where he could
earn 10 Pounds Sterling for four months in the winter.
The Opeongo road proved to be a boon to the lumber business, but by 1863 had
seriously deteriorated owing to the weight of logs teamed over it. It was one thing to establish a winter road for sleighs - chop down and clear away the trees, leaving the large
stumps to rot - and another to make the road passable by wagon. By 1867, the Opeongo
was at last a full-fledged wagon-road, some 80 miles in length.
One story handed down deals with the death of a child of Catherine’s. “Mrs.
McCarthy went back to Nepean to visit and she left a baby with Mrs. O’Grady of Emmett
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(presumably nee Margaret Spain) and while she was gone the baby died. Someone asked
Mrs. McCarthy if she blamed Mrs. O’Grady and Catherine said - no, how could she blame
her friend who she knew would have done everything possible for the child.” She blamed
the roads. She and “Big John” had gone back home for the wedding of her sister Eliza to
Johnny Hawley on Feb 6, 1966, but the “Spring Thaw” had made the Opeongo impassable
and delayed their return. Margaret Leela died on Mar 14, 1866, 5 years of age.
Ten years later, on June 7, 1876, Catherine and Big John stood for the baptism
of their niece, Ellen Mary Moloughney, in St. Patrick 's Church, Fallowfield. They had to
travel all the way down the Opeongo to attend the ceremony, and it was still quite a trip at
that time. However, the reason made it worthwhile: Ellen Mary Moloughney was the
second daughter of Pat Moloughney and Ellen Mary McCarthy, Pat’s second wife. Pat
Moloughney was, of course, the oldest brother of Catherine; and Ellen Mary McCarthy was
a sister of Big John (Ellen Mary McCarthy was the daughter of John McCarthy and Elizabeth Paxton of Goulborn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, according to the records of
St. Philip's Church). The reason: a brother and sister had married a brother and sister, and
Ellen Mary was the child of Patrick and Ellen Mary.
Catherine and John McCarthy had 10 children all told, two of which, Margaret
Leela and their first-named William, were to die at a young age. Their eldest boy, Matt
(born 1858) was the first grandchild of Michael Moloughney and Ellen Murphy; he was
about the same age as his Uncle Dan Moloughney (born 1857), and older than his Aunt
Annie (born 1860). When Matt's first wife died in childbirth in 1890, the baby, Catherine
Ann, was taken in and cared for by Catherine and “Big John”. They also cared for Matt’s
son, John Francis, also a child. In fact, therefore, Catherine and Big John raised a family of
12 - the youngest of whom was their granddaughter, Catherine Ann, born on Jan 10, 1890,
8 years after their youngest son William had been born.
The information that follows has many references to Our Lady of the Angels
Church in Brudenell, Ontario. The original Name of the Church was St. Mary’s and we are
not clear at the time of writing when or why it was changed, except that another St. Mary’s
Church is but a few kilometers away in Wilno, Ontario.
The village of Emmett is mentioned in many documents, but the name has since
almost disappeared from use. Even in the late 1800’s, most locals referred to the area as
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the O’Grady settlement. It is located at a T-junction where High Country Road meets
O’Grady Settlement road lying just outside of the pretty town of Killaloe, Ontario.
A water fall on Water Street in Picturesque Killaloe, Ontario
The original St. Andrew’s Church in Killaloe
while under construction
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Our Lady of the Angels Roman Catholic Church
in Brudenell, Ontario situated on the storied
Opeongo Road.
The beautiful new St. Andrew’s Church in Killaloe
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Catherine Moloughney and John McCarthy age at the birth of each of their children.
John (Big John) McCarthy
Catherine Moloughney
At birth of Each Child
Father’s Age
Mother’s Age
Matthew McCarthy
Dec 26, 1858
Margaret Lea McCarthy
Aug 23, 1861
John McCarthy
Oct 14, 1863
James Henry McCarthy
May 6, 1866
Michael McCarthy
July 23, 1868
Mary-Ellen McCarthy
Jan 6, 1870
Thomas McCarthy
July 26, 1874
William McCarthy
Feb 10, 1878
Daniel Morgan McCarthy
Apr 25, 1880
William McCarthy
Aug 15, 1882
Catherine Ann (Granddaughter)
Jan 10, 1890
John McCarthy died on Aug 4, 1892 at the age of 72. He is buried in the old Our
Lady of the Angels Cemetery in Brudenell, plot #109. His wife Catherine lived for 24 years
after his death, and died on Sept 26, 1916, at the age of 79. There is nothing on the tombstone to indicate that she is lying by his side, and it is not known where she is buried.
The Eganville Leader Newspaper on Oct 16, 1916.
“Died - Mrs. John McCarthy, a pioneer of Emmett. Nee Catherine Moloughney at Naina,
County Tipperary 80 years ago. When very young she came to Canada with her parents
settling in Nepean Township in 1850. After marriage she lived for some time at Richmond and then came to Emmett with her husband and two young children. Her husband
and two sons predeceased her some time ago. Surviving are sons: Matthew, John,
Daniel of Emmett; James of Brudenell; Michael and William of Killaloe; Thomas of Port
Nelson. Also a large number of grandchildren and four great grandchildren, plus five
brothers and three sisters.”
Margaret Leela and Mary Ellen, two daughters who predeceased her, are not
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Currently available information on John and Catherine’s descendants follows:
Matthew (Matt) McCarthy - born Dec 26, 1858 in Richmond, Ontario - died Nov
11, 1946 in Killaloe, age 87. He married Catherine (Kate) Costello (1860 - Jan
24, 1890 who died at the age of 29 with the birth of their second child. She is
buried in the old Our Lady of the Angels Plot 124). On May 5, 1891, in Our
Lady of the Angels Church in Brudenell, Matt subsequently married Bridget
Mackey (born July 15, 1862 in Huntley, Ontario - died Nov 28, 1950 in Killaloe
at the age of 90). Matt and Bridget are buried together in St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario, plot 291. She bore him six more children, three of whom
died at birth.
Matt McCarthy with his second wife Bridget
Mackey on a swing with the original St.
Andrew’s Church in the background.
John Francis McCarthy - born June 19, 1887 in Emmett, Ontario to Kate
Costello and John McCarthy. He was married on Sept 12, 1912 to Margaret
(Maggie) Daly (born Dec 9, 1879; died Oct 5, 1958). They had at least eight
Matthew Joseph (MJ) McCarthy - He married Hazel McGrath (born 1915;
died in 1972). They had three Children.
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Dalton McCarthy - Private. He had one son.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Aaron McCarthy
Wayne McCarthy - Private.
Colleen McCarthy
Patrick McCarthy
Michael McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy - Private.
Francis (Frank) McCarthy - born May 14; died Oct 10
Bernard (Bunny) McCarthy - born Mar 15, 1922; died Feb 14, 1963. He
married Doreen Walters and had one son.
Denis McCarthy
Eileen McCarthy - born Feb 1, 1917; died Oct 14, 1972. She married
Stanselaus (Stanley) Sullivan (born Jul 9, 1914; died Mar 19 1977. They
had three children.
Eileen and Stanley Sullivan
Frank Sullivan
Douglas (Dougie) Sullivan
Barry Sullivan
Ann Ursula McCarthy - Private. She married Emmett Doyle (born Apr 25,
1923; died Oct 20 1971). They had three children.
Patrick Doyle
Neil Doyle
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Mark Doyle
Catherine McCarthy - born 1921; died may 26, 1968. She married
Freddie Aubin. They had three children.
Brian Aubin
Glen Aubin
Kevin Aubin
Catherine Anne McCarthy - born Jan 10, 1890 in Emmett, Ontario to Kate
Costello and John McCarthy - died Nov 20, 1922 in Rochefort, Ontario at the
age of 32. On July 12, 1912 at Our Lady of the Angels Church, Brudenell,
Ontario she married Daniel Sullivan (born Oct 5, 1881 on the 16th Concession, Brudenell; died Dec 27, 1949 in Rochefort). They are both buried in St.
Andrew’s Cemetery, Killaloe. Plot # 163. With them is Daniel’s second wife
Agnes Fitzgerald (born Aug 21, 1885 in Shamrock, Ontario; died 1983) who
he married on Nov 28, 1929. Catherine and Daniel had six children.
Margaret Sullivan
Isaiah Michael Sullivan - born Aug 18,1913 in Hagarty Township, Renfrew County, Ontario; died Oct 21, 1954 in Stillwater, British Columbia.
On Feb 9, 1942 he married Mary Kate Finnucane (born July 25, 1917 in
Ruby, Ontario). They had three children.
Mary Kate Finnucane
After the death of Isaiah she remarried on Oct 9, 1971 to
Basil Joseph Shields (born Mar 21, 1910 in Brudenell).
Michael Joseph Sullivan - born Jan 25, 1944 died Feb 9, 1945.
Catherine Arlene Sullivan - Private. She married Brian Ruddy. They
had one child.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Shauna Lynn Ruddy - Private.
Michael Murray Sullivan - Private. He married Linda Logan - Private.
They had one child.
Erin Jean Sullivan - Private.
William Joseph (Willie) Sullivan - born Aug 18, 1913 in Rochefort, Ontario; died Sept 4, 1958 in Douglas Ontario. On Aug 7, 1940 he married
Bernadette O'Connor (born Apr 10, 1911). They had two children
Gary Daniel Sullivan - born Aug 6, 1942 in Timmins, Ontario; died
Dec 12, 1977 at the Civic Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario.
Catherine Alice Sullivan - born Jan 3, 1948 in Killaloe Ontario; died
Mar 16, 1948 in Killaloe.
Martin Mathias Sullivan - bornMay6, 1916; died June 4, 1916.
Morgan Daniel Sullivan - born June 5, 1917 in Rochefort, Hagarty Township, Renfrew County, Ontario. In Killaloe, on June 15, 1953 he married
Mary K. Sheahan (born Mar 1, 1919 in Saskatchewan; died 1991). They
had three children. They are both buried in St. Andrews Cemetery,
Killaloe, Ontario, plot #312
Kevin Morgan Sullivan - Private.
Catherine Ellen Sullivan - Private. She married Steve White - Private.
They had two children.
John Morgan White - Private.
Sarah Elizabeth White - Private.
Marion Agnes Sullivan - Private. She married Jack Heins - Private.
They had two children.
Kelly Ann Heins - Private.
Cory John Heins - Private.
George Sullivan
Fidelis Sullivan
Matthew McCarthy - born Dec 10, 1892. Died Dec 1892. He is buried in the
old Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, Brudenell, Ontario plot 117.
Patrick James McCarthy - born 1896; died 1896. He is buried in the old Our
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Lady of the Angels Cemetery, Brudenell, Ontario plot 117.
Christopher McCarthy - died as an infant
Mary Winifred McCarthy - born Feb 23, 1898 - Entered the convent of Mount
St. Joseph, Peterborough, Ontario in March of 1919. She became Sister
Mary Ursuline of the St. Joseph’s order.
Bridget Ellen Agatha (Nellie) McCarthy - born Feb 16, 1898. On Sept 24,
1929, at St. Andrew’s Church, Killaloe, Ontario, she married John Clinton
Foran (born Oct 27, 1901 in Cormac, Ontario; died Mar 19, 1950 in Killaloe).
Both are buried in St. Andrew’s Cemetery Killaloe, Ontario, plot #290. They
had one child.
Foran Family Home - Coll Street, Killaloe
Nellie McCarthy
Margorie Foran - Private. She married Bob Plunkett - Private. They had
three children.
Gerrard Robert Clinton (Gerry) Plunkett - Private.
Ruth Mary Gerrarda Plunkett - Private.
Daniel James (Danny) Plunkett - Private.
Christie McCarthy
Margaret Leela (Lila) McCarthy - born Aug 27, 1861 - died Mar 14, 1866 at the
age of 5. She is buried in the old Our Lady of the Angels, Plot #108, Brudenell,
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age of 5. She is buried in the old Our Lady of the Angels, Plot #108, Brudenell,
Renfrew County, Ontario.
John McCarthy - born Oct 14, 1863. He did not marry and died June 16, 1918
at the age of 54.
James Henry McCarthy - born Aug 6, 1866 - died Mar 28, 1936, age 70. On
Oct 26, 1891, he married Bridget Coghlan (Jan 21, 1869 - Dec 23, 1942 age 73;
daughter of James Coghlan and Bridget Copps). Both are buried in the old
Cemetery of Our Lady of the Angels Church, Plot #116, Brudenell. They had at
least 7 children.
James Henry McCarthy with a
team ready to work the fields.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Death notices of
James McCarthy
and his wife
Bridget Coghlan
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Catherine J. (Katie) McCarthy - born Nov 18, 1894; died Sept 1, 1915. Age
20. She is buried with her parents in Our Lady of the Angels (Old) Plot #116.
John McCarthy - born Apr 25, 1897; died Oct 3, 1899. Age 2 ½. He is buried
with his parents in Our Lady of the Angels (Old) Plot #116.
Mary Agatha McCarthy - born July 12, 1899 in Brudenell, Ontario; died Dec
24, 1938 in the Ottawa General Hospital. On July 7, 1925 in Our Lady of the
Angels Church, Brudenell, she married Martin Joseph Sullivan (born Dec 21,
1895 in Killaloe, Ontario; died Apr 27, 1970 in Barry’s Bay Hospital; son of
Simon Sullivan and Mary Ann O’Grady). They are both buried in St. Andrew’s
Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario, plot #151. They had five children.
Mary Agatha McCarthy
with Martin Joseph
Francis Sullivan
Son of Martin and Mary
Justice of the Peace
Francis Sullivan - born Oct 10, 1926 in Pembroke, Ontario; died on Nov 2,
2000. On May 23, 1955, in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, he married Lucille
Cuddy - born Jan 11, 1930 in Cleveland, Ohio. They had five children.
Susan Sullivan - Private.
Marty Sullivan - Private.
Tommy Sullivan - Private.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Dean Sullivan - Private.
Danny Sullivan - Private.
Mary Aurelia Sullivan - Private. On July 7, 1951 in St. Andrew's Church,
Killaloe, Ontario, she married Raymond James Skebo (born Dec 6, 1927;
died Dec 25, 1991; son of Joseph Skebo and Lillian Rouble). Raymond is
buried in St. Andrew’s Church Cemetery. They had four children.
Raymond and Aurelia Skebo
Kevin Raymond Skebo - Private. He married Thelma Cybulski Private. They had two children.
Zachary J. Skebo - Private.
Alan P. Skebo - Private.
Philip Allen Skebo - Private. He married Sandra Borutski - Private.
They had two children.
Kelsey Dawn Skebo - Private.
Kirk Vincent Skebo - Private.
Ronald Gerrard Skebo - Private. He married Georgina Pipella. They
had three children.
Stephen Raymond - Private.
Veronica Margaret Skebo - (twin) - Private.
Samantha Aurelia Skebo - (twin) - Private.
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Mary Patricia Skebo - Private. She married Jean Emile Charbonneau Page 15
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Private. They had three children.
Lisa Nicole Charbonneau - Private.
Emily Melissa Charbonneau - Private.
Gregory Patrick Charbonneau - Private.
Patrick James Sullivan - born May 8, 1931 and died at birth.
Marie Theresa Sullivan - Private. She married Shannon Summers Private; ( son of August Summers (1889-1967) and Jane Eno (18931959)). They had six children.
Ann Summers - Private. She married James Lepine - Private. They
had three children.
Jesse James Lepine - Private.
Ryan Shannon Lepine - Private.
Robert Emerson Lepine - Private.
Jerome Shannon Summers - Private. He married Catherine Colleen
McEachen. They had two children.
Megan Agathe Summers - Private.
Jeffrey Shannon Summers - Private.
Nancy Summers - Private. She married Timothy Vernon Lemoyre Private. They had two children.
Allison Marie Lemoyre - Private.
Timothy Nicholas Lemoyre - Private.
Michael Summers - Private. He married Christine Kutchkoskie Private. They had one child.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Russell Michael Summers - Private.
Mary Louise Summers - Private. She married Philip Harrington Private. They had three children.
Curtis Philip Harrington - Private.
Mathew John Harrington - Private.
Shanna Mary Harrington - Private.
Kathryn Elizabeth Summers - Private. She married Kevin Patrick
O'Connor - Private. They had one child.
Leah Marie O'Connor - Private.
Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Sullivan - Private. She married James (Jimmy)
Mullin - Private;( son of Francis J. Mullin (1886-1963) and Mary Ellen
Dillon (1894-1968)). They had six children.
Frank Mullin and
Mary Ellen Dillon
Colleen Mary Mullin - Private. She married Peter James Valliant Private. They had three children.
Kathryn Elizabeth Valliant - Private.
Mary Ann Valliant - Private.
James William Valliant - Private.
Allan James Mullin - Private. He married Sandra Marie Mask - Private;
(daughter of Patrick Mask and Sally Dota). They had two children.
Martin Patrick Mullin - Private.
Brian Thomas Mullin - Private.
Clare Elizabeth Mullin - Private. She married Michael Francis Lynch Private; (son of Francis Edward Lynch and Betty Lattaway-Davies).
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Private; (son of Francis Edward Lynch and Betty Lattaway-Davies).
They had two children
Brendan Michael Lynch - Private.
Erin Elizabeth Lynch - Private.
John Martin Mullin - Private. He married Colleen Delaney - Private.
Neil Patrick Mullin - Private.
Ian Francis Mullin - Private.
Bridget Carmel McCarthy - born Aug 13, 1901; died Feb 25, 1977 in Killaloe,
Ontario. On Aug 29, 1928 in Our Lady of the Angels Church, Brudenell,
Ontario she married Joseph Cuddy - (born 1895; died Nov 13, 1968, son of
Edward Cuddy and Julia O’Reilly). Both Bridget and Joseph are buried in St.
Andrew’s Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario, plot #6. They had four children.
Gerard Cuddy
Marguerite Cuddy - She married James Manion
Carl Cuddy
Mary Cuddy - She married Campbell McMaster
Elizabeth Adeline (Lizzie) McCarthy - born 29 Apr 1904; died Oct 3, 1980. On
Aug 10, 1927 in Our Lady of the Angels Church, Brudenell, Ontario she
married Isaiah W. Scully - born 1908; died 1980 in Brudenell, Ontario. They
are buried in the New Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery in Brudenell - Plot
#69. They had eight children.
James (Jim) Scully
Archie Scully
Marie Scully
Eileen Scully
Gladys Scully
Cecilia Scully
Cathy Scully
Pat Scully
Bernadetta McCarthy (June 6, 1907 -June 6, 1907). She is buried in the Old
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Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery in Brudenell - Plot #116.
John James McCarthy (June 6, 1907 -June 6, 1907). He is buried in the Old
Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery in Brudenell - Plot #116.
On the left is the long abandoned barn that was constructed by Mick McCarthy around the turn of the century.
The smaller attached building was erected by Fred Hartwick who bought the farm from Mick about 1917.
Behind the fence in the photo on the right stood the Mick McCarthy home. Basil Hartwick, Fred’s son, the
current owner of the property dismantled it many years ago.
Michael (Mick) McCarthy - born July 23, 1868. On June 4, 1894, he married
Honora (Nora) Kerwin (born March 10, 1876). When his brother James Henry
died in 1936, Michael then 68 years old was living in Dublin, Ontario. They had
eleven children.
Sarah Ellen McCarthy - born Jan 13, 1897; died of complications giving birth
to Bernard on July 29, 1936; age 36. On Nov 24, 1919 she married James
J. Sullivan (born July 28, 1886; died Sept 20, 1974, age 88). Both are buried
in the new Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, Killaloe, plot #81. They had
five children.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
James J. Sullivan
Sarah (McCarthy) Sullivan
Cyril James Sullivan - Private. He married Alice Mae Rohart - Private.
They had seven children.
Joan Elizabeth Sullivan - Private. She married Arthur Hankey. They
had two children.
Christopher Hankey - Private.
Kathryn Hankey - Private.
Wayne Cyril Sullivan - Private. He married Claire Villeneuve. They
had two children.
Lisa Marie Sullivan - Private.
Kyle James Sullivan - Private.
Sharon Ann Sullivan - Private. She married Ken Telford. They had
one child.
Alexandra Sarah Telford - Private.
Barry Michael Sullivan - Private. He married Patricia McEachen.
They had four children.
Mathew Barry Sullivan - Private.
Michael Ryan Sullivan - Private.
Mark Patrick Sullivan - Private.
Sarah Kathleen Sullivan - Private.
Leanne Mary Sullivan - Private. She married Clive Glendinning.
They had one child.
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Todd Glendinning - Private.
Judy Sarah Sullivan - Private. She married Shaun McGrath - Private.
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They had two children.
Dillon James McGrath - Private.
April Erin McGrath - Private.
Donald James (Donnie) Sullivan - Private. He married Teressa
Louise Kuehl.
Raymond Sullivan - born June 30, 1923; died Mar 11, 1991. In Nov 1953
he married Florence Beach (born Jan 15, 1929). They had two children:
Barry Sullivan - Private.
Michael James Sullivan - Private.
Gregory (Greg) Sullivan - Private. He married Shirley Connors - Private.
They had six children.
Deborah Sullivan - born June 23, 1954; died Aug 19, 1963.
Donna Sullivan - Private.
David Sullivan - Private.
Janie Sullivan - Private.
Stephen Sullivan - Private.
Kathryn Sullivan - Private.
Marcella Sullivan - Private. She married Burton Kilby - Private. They
had two children.
Terrance Kilby - Private. He married Jane Tarid. They had two
Laurie Ann Kilby - Private.
Kerrie Lynn Kilby - Private.
Gayle Anne Kilby - Private. She married Gilles Arsenault - Private.
They had two children.
Danielle Sarah Arsenault - Private.
Mathew Kilby Arsenault - Private.
Patrick Joseph Sullivan - born Aug 6, 1933; died Aug 9, 1933. He is
buried in Our Lady of the Angels cemetery, Brudenell, Ontario.
Bernard Sullivan - Private. He married Alice M. Bozack - Private. They
had two children.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Sherry Lee Sullivan - Private.
Brian William Sullivan - Private.
John Patrick (Jack) McCarthy - born Nov 3, 1900; Died May 4, 1991. On
Feb 7, 1938 in St. Patrick’s Church, Dublin, Ontario he married Catherine
Genevieve Gormley (born Dec 6, 1908; died Feb 27, 1956). Jack farmed in
Dublin, Ontario. Both John and Catherine are buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Dublin, Ontario, Perth County, Hibbert Township. The farm was
passed on to son Terry. They had two children.
John Terrance (Terry) McCarthy - Private. He married Judy Barthel Private. Terry farms the family homestead. They had four children.
Michael John McCarthy - Private. He married Debra Satchell - Private. They had 1 child.
Clayton Michael McCarthy - Private.
Patrick Joseph McCarthy - Private. He married Brenda Mahaffy (born
July 19, 1971). They had two children.
Kaitlin Alexandra McCarthy - Private.
John Patrick McCarthy - Private.
Dale Terrance McCarthy - Private.
Gregory (Greg) McCarthy - Private. He married Wendy Saunders Private.
Margaret Claire McCarthy - Private. She married Roy McQuaid (born
Aug 16, 1940; dies Apr 8, 1993) at St. Patrick’s Church, Dublin Ontario.
They had one child.
John Christopher McQuaid - Private. He married Heather Snodden Private. They had one child.
Zachary Christopher McQuaid - Private.
William (Billy) McCarthy - did not marry.
Matthew McCarthy - married living in Detroit; at least 2 or 3 children.
Daniel McCarthy - married.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Michael McCarthy
Catherine Mary (Kate) McCarthy - born August 12, 1898 and baptized at Our
Lady of the Angels Church in Brudenell, Ontario. She married D. F. Monaghan. They had two boys.
Lloyd McCarthy - married. They had two children.
Peter McCarthy
Keith McCarthy
Genevieve McCarthy - Private. She married Gordon (Gord) Palin - Private.
They are living in Toronto. They had three children.
Thomas McCarthy - Private.
Margaret Marcella McCarthy - died as an infant.
Mary-Ellen McCarthy - born Jan 6, 1870; died Apr 6, 1916. On Oct 9, 1900
she married Thomas John (Jack) Baxter (Feb 9, 1870 - 1929). Both are buried
in St. Philip's Church, Richmond, Ontario, plot 134. They had three children.
Thomas Leo Baxter - born July 22, 1901; he married Mary Ellen (Tierney)
Howe on Nov 21, 1935; they had no children. Both are buried in St. Patrick’s Church cemetery, Fallowfield, Ontario, plot 34.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Thomas Baxter
Catherine Baxter - born 1904; died in 1924 in a car accident when she was
19 or 20 years of age. She was buried with her parents in St. Philip's
Church, Richmond, Ontario, plot 134.
Mary E. Baxter - born 1910; She became a nun; died in Vancouver in 1976.
She was brought back to Fallowfield and buried with her brother Thomas in
St. Patrick’s Church cemetery, Fallowfield, Ontario, plot 34.
Thomas McCarthy - born July 26, 1874; died Dec 8, 1943. On Apr 23, 1907 he
married Johanna Bolano nee Johanna Mulvihill. They had no children.
William McCarthy - born Feb 10, 1878, and died the same day.
Daniel Morgan McCarthy - born Apr 25, 1880 in Hagarty Township, died Apr
12, 1941 in Hagarty Township. On Oct 30, 1916 in Our Lady of the Angels
Church in Brudenell, Ontario, he married Mary Margaret (Molly) Sullivan (born
Mar 9, 1884; died May 14, 1974); both are buried in the new Our Lady of the
Angels Cemetery, Brudenell, Ontario plot #63. They had three children.
Melville McCarthy - born Oct 19, 1918 in Hagarty township, Renfrew County,
Ontario; died June 19, 1996. He is buried in the New Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, Brudenell, Ontario.
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
The abandoned charcoal plant that was built on part of the Dan McCarthy homestead.
Joseph McCarthy - Private.
Winnifred McCarthy - Private.
William McCarthy - born Aug 15, 1882; died Apr 14, 1975 in St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Barry's Bay, Ontario, age 92; the result of a car accident; buried in
St. Andrew's Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario, Plot #60. In the Fall of 1911, Bill
purchased the Massey Harris Farm Implement business and then in 1921 he
opened the General Motors franchise that carries his name to this day. On
June 24, 1912 he married Sarah Ann Daly (born 1889 in Hagarty Township,
Renfrew County, Ontario; died Oct 12, 1974 in Bonnechere Manor, Renfrew,
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Ontario; buried in St. Andrew's Cemetery, Killaloe, Ontario, Plot #60. She was
a sister of the Margaret Daly who his nephew John Francis McCarthy married.
They had three children.
Patrick J. (Paddy) McCarthy - He was born on Aug 29, 1916. In 1950 he
married Elizabeth (Betty) Brennan of N.D.G. Montreal, Quebec. He died on
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1.2 Catherine Moloughney McCarthy Private
Feb 25, 1990, and both are buried in St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Killaloe,
Ontario, plot #129. They had four children.
Mary Lynn McCarthy - Private.
Maureen McCarthy - Private.
William (Bill) McCarthy - Private. He married Roxanne Blair. They had
two children.
Brendan McCarthy - Private.
Erin McCarthy - Private.
Brian McCarthy - Private. They had one child.
Holly McCarthy - Private.
Lillian McCarthy - born about 1915. She was a teacher in Windsor, Ontario.
Lynn McCarthy - born about 1916. This child has not been confirmed.
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