2012 Annual Report - The Boys and Girls Club of the Greater


2012 Annual Report - The Boys and Girls Club of the Greater
Annual Report
Welcome | Letter from executive director
Dear Friends of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley,
What a wonderful year it has been! Thanks to the generous support of foundations,
corporations and individuals like you, we are able to make a difference in the lives
of more than 3,000 children in 2012!
Among many highlights, 2012 was a year of growth and expansion for the Boys &
Girls Club. In just 12 short months, we went from a single Club in Eau Claire, to
an organization with three site locations across the Chippewa Valley. The Boys
& Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa Valley serve the Mary Markquart Center
in Eau Claire, as well as the Jackson County Center in Black River Falls and the
Chippewa Falls Center. In January, we officially acquired the Boys & Girls Club of
Jackson County. The acquisition was a positive step to bring resources and staff
together to form a stronger Club in Jackson County. It has been a great year for the Jackson County Center,
with a newly remodeled Teen Room, enhanced health and fitness programming, and new fundraising efforts to
establish a deeper foundation of support for the Club.
After a very busy year of hard work and planning by the steering committee, the Chippewa Falls Center opened
its doors in December and became the third organization under the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa
Valley’s umbrella. The Club is located at 21 East Grand Avenue, downtown Chippewa Falls, in the Chippewa Falls
Museum of Industry and Technology. The Club currently is serving over 30 youth members after school each day
and is on track to grow substantially in membership this summer. If you haven’t been to the Club in Chippewa, I
invite you to stop by and take a tour!
The Mary Markquart Center in Eau Claire continues to grow as well. In 2012, we saw great improvements in
transportation for Club members, helping to nearly double the attendance each day. A brand new Technology
Center for both youth and teens was installed, and the Snack and Dinner Program was greatly enhanced with a
focus on fresh ingredients, helping members learn to live a healthy lifestyle.
Although our reach has greatly expanded this past year, the need does not stop there. Communities in Menomonie
and Altoona are also in the process of establishing a Boys & Girls Club as well, to help give youth in their
community a safe and productive place to learn and realize their full potential. We are looking forward to working
with them over the next few years and making all of our Boys & Girls Clubs stronger.
On behalf of the Club staff and board members, I would like to thank you for your support. Great Futures really
do Start Here at the Boys & Girls Club. With your help, it is possible!
Sincerely yours,
Sara Antonson
Executive Director
Our Vision
Our Mission
The Boys & Girls Club will become an ongoing
community resource to enable young people to
reach their full potential, gain self-esteem and
become responsible citizens.
To inspire and enable all youth, especially those
who need us most, to reach their full potential as
productive, responsible and caring citizens.
2012 Board Officers
Craig Olsen, President
Terry McHugh, Vice President
Lori Hoeft, Secretary
Shannon Geisler, Treasurer
Jennifer Nohelty, Past President
Trevor Bohland, VP of Resource Development
Deb Fischer, VP of Support Services
Tony Benedict, VP of Operations
Meet our Staff
Corporate Office
Sara Antonson, Executive Director
Tracey Smiskey, Chief Development Officer
Samantha Phillipps, Marketing & RD Coordinator
Ashley McKee, Office Manager
Chip pewa Falls Center
Travis Austad, Program Coordinator
Sue Layman, Membership Coordinator
2012 Board of Directors
Jackson Cou nty Center
Tim Cruciani
Holly Hart
Ron Heilmann
Carl Holmquist
Jerry Jacobson
Claire Johnson
Lee Markquart
William Milne
Diane Moen-Ross, Center Director
Kelly LaBar, Program Coordinator
Cassie Goetzka, Membership Coordinator
Mary Markq uart Center
Travis Ida, Center Director
Kyle Reinke, Program Coordinator
Tessa Hermundson, Membership Coordinator
Chippewa Falls Center | 2012 HighlIghts
On December 26th, 2012, the Chippewa Falls Center officially
opened and became part of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the
Greater Chippewa Valley family. After two years of planning
and deliberation by the steering committee, comprised of
business and community leaders of Chippewa Falls, the Club
settled into its new home. The new Boys & Girls Club is located
at 21 East Grand Avenue, in partnership with the Chippewa
Falls Museum of Industry and Technology.
Thanks to this partnership and shared space, the Club is able
to provide the youth of Chippewa Falls a safe place to go after
school and on school breaks. With a small annual fee of $10,
members participate in each of five core program areas:
Character & Leadership
Health & Life Skills
The Arts
Sports, Fitness & Recreation
Education & Career
“I support the Boys & Girls Club because it allows all youth
a chance to enrich and improve their lives. The youth of the
Chippewa Falls community will be able to come to the Club
every day, where caring and friendly staff and volunteers can
hear about their days, help them complete their homework
and inspire them to succeed.”
-Jerry Jacobson, Northwestern Bank and
Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors
“The Boys & Girls Club is about helping kids in Chippewa
Falls! We need to provide them with opportunities and to
mentor their ambitions. Their curiosity will do the rest.”
-Dave Mayer, Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company
“I think the Boys & Girls Club is an excellent option for kids
and families in Chippewa. I can see a great benefit to having
the Club, especially the services that help prep teens for
college, including touring and campus visits.”
-Wendy Stelter, Chippewa Falls Police Chief
Jackson County Center | 2012 HighlIghts
Yo uth of th e Y ear
Because of her service to the Club, academic achievements,
strong moral character, and life goals, Destiny was honored
as the 2012 Youth of the Year. Destiny was able to enjoy two
days in Madison and share her speech with other Youth of
the Year members across the state.
“I learned that there are a lot of people out there who are like
me and experience the life I do.”
-Destiny, 2012 Youth of the Year
Ju nior Staff
Thanks to a generous grant from the Ho-Chunk Nation, our
Junior Staff program offered new opportunities this year.
Members learned about leadership skills, how to set and
accomplish goals, and participated in activities such as the
Downtown Christmas Window Contest.
N e w T e en Lo u n g e
A new Teen Lounge was completed this year thanks to
generosity of Club donors. This new area is fully furnished
with new carpeting and furniture that provides a special space
for teen programming and free time. It is also equipped with
two new laptops for teens to complete their homework and
conduct research.
Tr ipl e Pl ay Prog r am
This year, the Jackson County Center was a proud recipient
of a Boys & Girls Clubs of America Triple Play grant. The
resources from this grant help to fund programs that improve
the health and life skills of Club members. By focusing on the
program’s key components - mind, body and soul - members
have learned everything from making healthy food choices
to starting daily fitness routines.
L eRoy Butl er P u nt, Pass and K ick Day
This year Club members participated in a competition of
football-drill-fun with Packer Legend LeRoy Butler. Butler
also attended the 12 th Annual Anniversary Dinner and served
as the event’s keynote speaker.
Fort McC oy Fi eld Tr ip
Members of the Jackson County Center had the opportunity to
visit the Fort McCoy Airport in 2012. While visiting, members
got to go inside a small plane, tour the aircraft hangars, go
up inside the radio tower, and even watched a helicopter land
while in the tower. Members were able to learn all about what
it’s like to be a pilot and work at an airport hangar.
Mary Markquart Center | 2012 HighlIghts
Snack and M eal Prog r am
Part of living a healthy lifestyle is eating healthy. The Snack
and Meal Program served 23,973 healthy meals and snacks in
2012, with an emphasis on fresh and healthy ingredients. By
serving fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, brown rice,
and homemade recipes, Club members are receiving healthy
and balanced meals.
H ealthy Habits Natio nal R ecip e C o nt est
This year the youth members and volunteer staff submitted a
recipe to the national “Cheap Eats Healthy Recipe Contest”
proposed by the Boys & Girls Club of America. By creating a
recipe that was healthy, affordable, and could serve a family of
four, the Club proudly won the contest!
Expand ed Tr ansp ortation S ervic es
Thanks to a new partnership with Student Transit, the Club was
able to greatly expand transportation services for the 2012-2013
school year. In addition to the transportation the Boys & Girls
Club van provides for four local schools, Student Transit is now
offering transportation from four more schools to the Club. This
new service has greatly increased the average daily attendance
of the after school program, allowing many more youth to
experience the Boys & Girls Club.
N e w T ec h nology C ent er
In order to provide the best learning environment for the Club
members, the Club Tech Technology Center was completely
revamped. Thanks to a generous grant from community partners,
we have installed 24 new computers and desk terminals, new
wiring, and new network capabilities.
Special thanks to: United Bank in partnership with the John T.
Vucurevich Foundation, the Best Buy Children’s Foundation, Eau
Claire Community Foundation, Walmart Foundation, Kwik Trip, and the
AnnMarie Foundation.
Yo uth of th e Y ear
To honor one of the Club’s most outstanding members, Aliana was
named the 2012 Youth of the Year for the Mary Markquart Center.
She was the perfect candidate, with her eagerness to help staff
and ability to be an excellent role model to other members. As
part of this experience, Aliana traveled to Madison to meet other
Youth of the Year members from across the state. She also had
the opportunity to visit the Capitol and meet some local legislators.
K eyston e Clu b
Keystone Club aims to enable teens to work together on projects
that have a positive impact on other members, the Club and the
overall community. In 2012, teen members learned about different
non-profit organizations in the Chippewa Valley. By visiting Bolton
Refuge House, The Community Table, Azura Memory Care, and
the Severson Home, the members received a first-hand learning
experience in giving back to the community.
Who we serve | 2012 Member demographics
Mary Markq uart C ent er
Membership 789
G end er
Male: 53%
Female: 47%
E th nicit y
African American: 3%
American Indian: 1%
Asian: 9%
Hispanic or Latino: 4%
White: 74%
Two or More Races: 9%
Ag e
8-10 years old: 40%
11-13 years old: 35%
14-18 years old: 25%
Ho us e h old Annual I ncom e
Less than $14,000: 28%
$14,000 to $25,999: 30%
$26,000 to $35,999: 10%
$36,000 to $45,999: 11%
$46,000 to $61,000: 9%
More than $62,000: 12%
Single Parent Family Structure: 43%
Members qualifying for free or reduced
school lunch: 61%
Av er ag e Da ily At t endanc e
After School Program: 52
Summer Program: 137
Jackson County Center
Membership 165
Male: 57%
Female: 43%
8-10 years old: 58%
11-13 years old: 35%
14-18 years old: 7%
African American: 1%
American Indian: 13%
Asian: 1%
Hispanic or Latino: 1%
White: 78%
Two or More Races: 6%
Household Annual Income
Less than $14,000: 23%
$26,000 to $35,999: 9%
$46,000 to $61,000: 12%
$14,000 to $25,999: 17%
$36,000 to $45,999: 9%
More than $62,000: 30%
Single Parent Family Structure: 39%
Members qualifying for free or reduced school lunch: 45%
Average Daily Attendance:
After School Program: 49
Summer Program: 58
Financials | 2012 annual report
Special Events
Program Fees
Special Events
Program Fees
Program Services
Program Services
2012 donors | Chippewa falls center
Thank you to everyone who has given in some way to the Boys & Girls Club. Whether by volunteering at events
dropping off donations, or participating in promotions in the community, we truly appreciate all of our supporters,
both listed and not listed. We want to ensure that your generosity is acknowledged appropriately. If you have
been listed incorrectly in this publication, please contact Sam Phillipps at [email protected].
Over $50,000
B.A. Mason Trust
Edward & Hannah M. Rutledge Charities
Gordy’s County Market
Jerry & Mary Jacobson
Jake & Peg Leinenkugel
Northwestern Bank
Jim & Jennifer Rooney
Police Officers Association
Of Chippewa Falls
T&R Recycling, LLC.
Atlas Adhan
Skip and Rose August
Edward Jones
Lori and Reggie Geissler
Dan and Linda Hunt
Dave Mayer
United Commercial Travelers
Of America
W.S. Darley & Co.
PattiAnn and Christopher
Robert and Chris Debruyckere
Jason and Lori Hoeft
Steven Johnson
Rooney Printing Company
Byron and Diane Bobb
Edna Bunn
Richard and Cyndie Bush
Chippewa Valley Lock
& Key, LLC
Jeff and Patti Darley
Steve and Debbie DesJarlais
David and Evalyn Frasch
Richard Hillicker
Tom and Pam
Horan Funeral Home
Ed and Janet Horan
Tom and Julie Joas
David and Ellen Kiefer
Jerry and Mary Kuehl
Bob and Chris Maslonkowski
Douglas and Kathy McTavish
David and Marion Mecikalski
William and Anne Sather
Tom Schwarzenberger
Bob and Peggy Seckora
Dean and Dawn Siddons
Kevin and Barb Stevens
Paul and Maureen Vanyo
Anne Welke
West Wisconsin
Wood Carvers Guild
Bob Briggs
Sophie Glasner
Margaret Durch
Bob and Mary Sue Briggs
Maletto Packaging, Inc.
Jean Mayer
Susan Behrendt
Ben Franklin
Richard Walk
Sp ecial thank yo u:
Payl ess s h o e so u rc e
Thanks to the Payless Gives Shoes 4 Kids program,
all three Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Chippewa
Valley locations received gift certificates to help
provide members with a brand new pair of shoes for
the holiday season!
2012 Donors | Jackson County Center
Over $50,000
Lunda Charitable Trust
Ho-Chunk Nation
Thomas and Kim Gonyo
David Zeiler
Citizens Community Federal
Coldwell Banker River Realty
Co-op Credit Union
Peter and Jone Hoffman
Dirty Dozen Inc.
Caroline Hensel
Nelson Global Products
Northern Family Farms LLP
Ronnie Schnitzler
Hoffman Construction
Land O’ Lakes Foundation
Maggie Rewald & Al Barnes
School District of
Black River Falls
Janice Spangler
Brian and Tammy Steig
Thomas Walker
Bill and Connie Gates
Hudson’s Garage
Jackson County Bank
Keyberg Farms
Knights of Columbus
Holy Family Council
William and Elizabeth Kuhn
Floyd and Kelly LaBar
David Mahlum
Robyn Matousek
Regal Beloit Corporation
Dennis and Betty Reinke
Dorothy Schnitzler
Sight & Sound Electronics
Tuesday Club
H. T. Walker
Waumandee State Bank
Kris and Scott Goetzka
Thereasa Graves
Gross Chevrolet-BuickPontiac-GMC
Gross Motors Inc.
Gunderson Lutheran
Tom and Lori Gundrum
Dale and Christine Hagen
Mary J. Hansen
Judith Hansen
Duane Hanson
Todd and Dawn Hanson
Dennis and Barbara Hardwick
Judith Harting
Steve Hestekin
Jerry and Kathryn Hoff
Bruce and Peggy Holmgreen
Andrew and Nicole Hurlburt
I See You...Ministry
Adam and Sarah Irwin
It Works Checking
Theresa M. Jackelen
Jackson County UW-Extension
Jackson Electric Cooperative
Jason and Danielle Jacobs
Kevin Janicki
Roger Johnson
Dennis and Shirley Johnson
Ronald and Dorothy Jonietz
James and Jill Kaphengst
Karen’s Camera Art
Thomas Krizenesky
Todd and Nancy Krueger
Gerald and Nancy Laabs
Lambert Forest Products LLC
Laura Lindow Photography
David and Theresa Lee
Bruce Lee
Steven and Donna Leis
Jeff and Amy Lien
Little Norway ELCW
Little Norway Men’s Club
John and Sharon Lund
Gerald Mackey
Main Street Styling
George and Wilva Marshall
Gene and Barbara Mason
Dennis and Joan Mays
Richard and Kathy Mertig
William and Irma Meyer
David and Luane Meyer
Mid-West Family Broadcasting
Karyn and Stephen Mitchell
Shawn and Lisa Moretti
Charles and Nancy Nibbe
Leslie and Kathleen Nortman
Nancy Oldham
Larry and Carmen Olson
American Family Insurance
Brauner’s Garage Inc.
Kari Dougherty
Atlas Resin Proppants LLC
Badger Mining Corporation
William and Katherine Bissonette
Black River Area Barbershoppers
Duane Bowen
Danmark Plumbing & Septic
Lisa Adleman
Alliant Energy Foundation Inc.
Art of Optometry
Ray and LuAnn Aschenbrenner
Marlene Bautch
Larry and Shannon Berger
Cheryl M. Beyer
Black River Agency Inc.
Black River Memorial Hospital
Greg and Valerie Blackdeer
Matthew and Amy Blount
Janice Bluedorn
Virgina Bock
Lynn M. Bolskar
Tom and Amy Bradt
Michael Brauner
Jeremiah and April Breheim
Paul and Dawn Brien
Pat Buckolz
Maretta Budde
Burnstad’s Market
Buswell Funeral Home
Karen Byrns
Julie Carlson
Joesph and Amanda Cassidy
Castle Hill Creations LLC
Cataract Sportsman’s Club
Sarah M. Cherney
Brad and Lori Chown
Clio Club
Cobblestone Cottage
Trisha Colby-Schwantes
Connies Toy Box
Country Pet Clinic LLC
Coverra Insurance Services Inc.
Creative Embroidery
Crossroads LLC
D&S Manufacturing
Stephen and Catherine Dal Cerro
Daniel S. Diehn
Alex and Joanne Dressler
J J. Eckles
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Federation Co-op
Margarette Finch
Jeff and Deb Fischer
Jodi Fitzpatrick
Nicole Fredrickson
Gaier Construction Corporation
William Galster
Carl and Bernadine Gavelek
Rod and Ellen Gearing
Shannon and George Geisler
Mary Giese
Timothy and Glynn Gile
Girl Scouts of WI Badgerland
Council Inc. Troup 4379
Pat and Len Goetzka
Orange Moose Bar & Grill LLC
Charlotte Overlien
Mary Jo Parish
Evelyn Parrish
David and Tammy Peasley
Pfizer United Way Campagin
Catherine Puchalla
David and Nancy Puttbrese
Ray Ransom
David and Suzanne Renner
River Country Fitness
Sally A. Rogstad
Debra Ross
Melanie Ross
Gerald and Katherine Sabelko
Sampson Heating &
Air Conditioning
Sanctuary Singers
Sand Creek Brewery
George and Susan Schwab
Vernon and Margaret Severson
Jacqueline Shankey
Sherman Law Offices
Lois Smetana
Ronald Smith
Snow Creek Homemakers
Maggie Rewald & Al Barnes
Joseph & Dorothy Hestekin
Ray Ashenbrenner
Geri Gilbeck
St. Joseph’s PCCW #5031
B A Stasny
Barbara Stenberg
Wendy S. Stewart
Stowe Chiropratic LLC
Aaron and Amanda Strandberg
Studio 107 LLC
Terri Swope
Mark Thomley
Nehomah Thundercloud
Utopian Dreams Gifts
Mary Van Gorden
Vickies Family Day Care
Trisha R. Wagner
Riley Weld
Roger and Frances Wentz
Timothy and Angela Werner
Mitch and Susan Wester
Lynn Windsor
Wingard Construction
Charles Wussow
Young Moderns HCE Club
Ann M. Zillmer
Beth H.
Lori Hopkins
Steve Spangler
Ethel Ziegler
Jackson County Center
2012 C orp or at e Sp o nso r of th e Y ear:
C oldw ell Bank er R iv er Vall ey R ealtors
Ryan Olson (L) and Chuck Olson (R), Coldwell Banker River
Valley Realtors, pictured with Diane Moen-Ross, Center Director.
2012 Volu nt e er of th e Y ear:
S hannon G eisl er , B oard Tr easu r er
Shannon Geisler accepting the award at the 2012 Anniversary
Dinner with Diane Moen-Ross, Center Director.
2012 Donors | Mary Markquart Center
Founding Families
Mel and Leann Breed
Claire and Marjorie Johnson
The Lee Markquart Family
United Way of the
Greater Chippewa Valley
Department of Public Instruction
Festival Foods
Fred Proett and Jackie
AT&T Wisconsin
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
C & M Properties and
Harmon Solutions Group (HSG)
Scheels All Sports
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans
United Bank
Adam Mohr - Ameriprise
Arnold & Lois Domer
Citizens Community Federal
Commonweal Development
The Florian Gardens
Toyota Dealer Match Program
HOM Furniture
Randy and Jane Lieble
Market & Johnson
Markquart Motors
Markquart Toyota
Northwestern Bank
Phillips Properties
Prestige Auto Corporation
United Way of the
Greater Chippewa Valley
US Bank
WEAU - 13 News
Xcel Energy
Deb and Jeff Fischer
Herbert Kohl Charities Inc.
Huebsch Services
Steven and Jennella Hunsley
Indianhead Kiwanis Club
of Eau Claire
Junior League of Eau Claire
Kohl’s Department Store
Paul and Jill Kulig
Kwik Trip
Julia Kyle
Charles and Kathy Lasker
Mayo Clinic Health System
Tim DeMuth and Ashley McKee
Terry McHugh and Jen Block
Marion Meyer
Bill and Kristin Milne
Peter and Jennifer Nohelty
Craig and Jane Olsen
Liz and Bobby Poteete
Presto Foundation
Rock ‘n Roll To Go
Jim and Jennifer Rooney
Steven and Karen Rooney
Royal Construction
Taco Bell Foundation
For Teens
The Walmart Foundation
Becky and Dave Wood
Courtesy Corporation
Eau Claire Elk Ladies
Eau Claire Noon Rotary
Eau Claire Police
Benevolent Association
Fired Up Pizza Company
Andy and Heidi Fisher
Gloria Gold
Grace Lutheran Church
Men of Grace
Group Health Cooperative
of Eau Claire
Heyde Companies
Gene Stanley and Ann Heywood
Vicki Hoehn
Carl and Rhonda Holmquist
ITW Engineered Fasteners
Jack and Sally Kaiser
Ann and Robert Lapp
Pat and Susan McNally
Carl and Angie Mothes
Marlin and Lois Mueller
Tim and Myrna Murphy
Mark and Tammy Orgel
RBC Wealth Management
Roger and Carol Resar
Greg and Linda Schneider
Ernie and Kecia Sundstrom
Don and Laura Talley
United Commercial
Travelers of America
Brad and Kathy Venaas
Donald and Kathleen Weber
Winkley Orthotics
& Prosthetics
Brent and Kristin Wogahn
Shawn Wurzer
Xcel Energy Foundation
James and Laurie Hittman
Lori and Jason Hoeft
Ray and Dianne Hughes
Daniel and Carolyn Johnson
JP Mechanical
JPMorgan Chase
Richard Kelly
Kiwanis Club of Eau Claire
Early Risers
Dan and Joele Klein
Ann and John Lamoureux
Marcia and Ed Manydeeds
John Moseng
Dennis and Betty Reinke
Jeff and Cathy Reitz
Nicole Lasker and Erik Ringsrud
Chuck and Veronica Schell
Donna Schoenfelder
Seth and Tracey Smiskey
Jeanette and David Suchla
Sunrise Exchange Club
Michele Wallus
Sally Webb
AnnMarie Foundation
Sue and Ted Baier
Trevor and Heidi Bohland
Marjorie Bunce
Dick Cable
Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic
Tim and Lori Cruciani
Eau Claire Community
Action City
Gerald Andrews
Mike and Sara Antonson
Pamela Warren-Armstrong
and Richard Armstrong
Janice Ayres
Tom and Jill Barland
Benedict Refrigeration
Mike and Carol Benrud
BMO Harris Bank
Josh and Heidi Boxx
Chippewa Valley
Technical College
Karen Cigan
Alpha Delta Kappa - Nu Chapter
Bernicke & Associates
Bob and Mary Sue Briggs
Mike and Lynne Cassellius
John Plewa and Trish Cummins
Design Homes Inc.
Festival In The Pines
Rolly and Kathy Freid
Holly Hart
Dennis and Beverly Aasen
Dr. Aron and Tracy Adkins
Spencer and Patricia Ahneman
Heather Allen
Okie and Carol Allen
Arnie and Carol Anderson
Clennan and Judy Anderson
Steven and Ellen Anderson
David and Marlene Arntson
Atlas Adhan
Skip and Rose August
Auto Vision Center
Amy and Greg Axness
Rick and Sandy Ayres
Suzie Xiong Azahares
Ann Barney
James Hendrickson and
Erica Barrette
Jim and Kathy Bartl
Anthony and Sandra Basley
Colleen Bates
Rick and Tracey Bauer
Charlie and Lucy Bauer
Bauman Associates
Alfred and Sharon Bautch
Bruce and Barb Bayley
Jeff and Kelly Beede
Tim and Amy Benedict
Tony and Andrea Benedict
Jim and Carol Benning
Amy and Bill Benson
Jason and Shannon Berg
Troy and Corrine Berg
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Northwestern Wisconsin
Big Woody Teardrop Trailers
Jonathan and Juliana Bixby
Bob and Jane Blockhus
Bob & Deb Fink
Ralph and Joey Bohl
Gregg Bohlig
Delesa Boley
Joel and Jessica Breed
Ruth Lehman Bremmer
M.O. and Barbara Brenden
Rebecca Brott
Buffalo Wild Wings
Patricia Bunk
John and Nancee Burbank
Sharon and Paul Bussard
Monty and Judy Bygd
Thomas and Susan Carmody
Evelyn Chappell
Patricia Cigan
Clearwater Kiwanis Club
of Eau Claire
Kevin Comerford
Carlyn Conway
Michael and Mindy Dale
Norma Dalton
Harold and Ann Davis
Earl Donahue Benning
Daryl and Harriet Dehnke
Connie DeMoe
R. Dale and Beverly Dick
Michael and Ruth Diestelmeier
John and Mary Dixon
Chris and Holly Dooley
Mary Beth Doud
Dreamhouse Interiors
Eau Claire Family Dental
Tom and Kathy Edwards
Carol Endl
Donald and Janet Etnier
Lloyd and Pat Everhart
Chuck Falch
Craig and Elizabeth Faulkner
Donald and Carol Fawcett
Lorrie Feeney
Joe and Jenny Fesenmeier
Philip and Barbara Fey
Daniel and Mary Fisher
Kenneth and Kelly Fixmer
George and Peggy Fleming
Nathan and Niki Fleming
Dr. Lou and Jan Frase
Robert Fraser
Tim and M.C. Fries
Bob and Colleen Gallaher
Richard Gannon
Deborah Ganrude
John and Deborah Genskow
Mary Genz
Dean Schultz and Ann German
Tom Giffey
Golden K Kiwanis
Sue and David Gordon
Christopher and Carol Gorzek
Corinne Gransee Paral
Mike Grattan
Ken Green
Diane Gruhlke
Elizabeth Gunderson
Lindsay Handley
Alice Hanson
Philip and Janice Happe
Sarah Harder
Ellen and Jeffrey Harris
Thomas and Stephanie Harvey
William and Vicki Hawn
Matthew and Patricia Hayden
James and Michelle Heinzen
William and Patricia Henke
Molly Herr
Paul and Virginia Hilbrich
Bev and Brad Hilton
Leland and Jill Hix
Peter Hoeft
Damien Hoernke
Steven Holzhausen
Jon and Maureen Homstad
Ralph and Peggy Hudson
Donald and Sandra Huebscher
Jennifer Hughes
Bob and Sandy Hume
Naghma Husain
Karen Idso
Travis Ida
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Dr. Steven & Eileen Immerman
Indianhead Old Car Club
Jeffrey and Lori Irvine
J&L Corp
Jackie Pavelski For Council
William Jacobs
Leonard & Connie Johnson
Lila Johnson
Jerry and Jane Johnson
Jeff and Karen Jones
Sue and Steve Jonjak
Richard and Mary Jurmain
Sheena Kaatz
Jeremy Kachmar
Carol Kading
Cyndee Kaiser
M and Jones Keith
Betsy Ann Kell
Kristi and Shaun Kennedy
Sean Kilboten
Kari Kilday
David and Marianne
George and Donna Kmetz
Linda Knott
Linda Knutson
Raymond and Susan Koch
Mark and Denise Koeller
David Koshoshek
Craig Kowalczyk
Suzanne Kristo
David and Susan Lau
Lynda Lavicka
Sally Lee
Stephen and Susan Lentz
Colleen Linke
Pamela Lonetree
Longfellow School
Sunshine Fund
Yia Lor
Lutheran Church of
The Good Shepherd
Annette Malone
Diane and Carl Manz
James and Sharon Manz
Don Marjala
Wesley Martin
Deborah and Dennis
Dean and Cheryl Mathwig
Lisa and Dan Mattoon
Kevin and Leslie McCleary
Lucie and Tom McGee
Richard and Patricia
Susan McLeod
Chris and Karen McMahon
Kim Mertens
Tom and Mary Mihajlov
David and LaVerne Miller
Josh Miller
Adam Minaker
Greg and Kelly Misfeldt
Barbara Moe
Richard and Arlene Mohr
Adam Mohr
Jeffrey and Donette
Kevin Monson
Christopher and Cathy Moos
Helen Motyka
Michael and Mary Mueller
Jim Mueller
Donna Murr
Peter Myers
Dallas and Rebecca Neville
Gene and Laura Nicolet
Howard and Sena Nielsen
William Nielsen and
Sarah Burgess
Jeff and Katie Noe
Chuck and Helen Nordstrom
Leo and Judy Kay
Thomas and Audina
Mark and Tricia Oldenberg
Pastor Jack and Lois Olson
Jeff Olson
Kenneth Olson
Jose and Zaida Ortiz
2012 Donors | Mary Markquart Center
Dennis and Christine Oster
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rudy and Kathleen Pahl
James and Sally Pathos
Heather Pearson
Doug and Sue Pearson
Tom and Karen Pederson
Chris Peterson
Dennis Phillips
Geoff and Samantha Phillipps
Lindy and Dennis Pischer
Jack and Barb Pladziewicz
David and Marilee Plagenz
Ricky and Jessica Podolak
Margaret Quigley
Catherine Reiter
Kristine Retherford
Wendy and Randy Richards
Robert and Natalie Ripple
Kristine Rivall
Arthur and Helen Rizzi
Denise Roach
Timothy and Dianne Robertson
Mary Rosolack
UWEC Art Student Association
John Kaiser and Marcia
Van Beek
Ken and Roberta Vance
John and Vivian Vaudreuil
Michael and Phyllis Voelker
John and Sandra Wagener
Chad Walker
Kermit and June Walker
Jeannette Walker
Lisa Wallace
Kim Way
David and Gloria Weiss
Benjamin Wentzel
Jeff White
John Wilcox
Terry and Susan Willkom
Dale and Rhonda Winistorfer
Rachel Woratschka
Jerry and Courtney Worley
Luke Wren
John and Lynne Young
Scott and Kerri Zastrow
Keith and Debra Zehm
Dave and Sue Rowe
Dennis and Eileen Rowell
Valeria Rumberg
Jerry Salter
Lynn Salter
Ronald Sandborg
John and Tami Satre
Amy and David Schaefer
Ruth and Timothy Schneider
Robert and Gail Schneider
Mary and Bob Schoenknecht
John and Susan Schomburg
Tom and Marilyn Schoonover
Rachelle and Jack Schulte
Victoria Seltun
Ronald and Susan Candis
Terry and Flo Sheridan
Adrian Skroch
Tim and Katie Skutley
Michelle Slobodnik
Sean and Gina Smiskey
David and Linda Smiskey
Paula Smith
Janis Smith
Joyce and Jim Smith
Smith Funeral Chapel
Jon and Ann Solie
James and Colleen Spaeth
Matthew Steffes
Charles and Mary Steinke
Ellis and Mary Stewart
John and Lyn Stoneberg
Student Transit
Michael Styger
Deb Swan
Donald Sydenko
T & J Concrete Foundations
Taco John’s
Jane Tappen
Younkers Department Store
William and Barbara Thiel
Dale and Barbara Thomas
Thomson Reuters
Gordon and Gloria Thorpe
Roger and Mary Tlusty
Karen and Joel Tomesh
Fred Urmann
Corinne Gransee Paral
Grizzly’s Wood-Fired Grill
Heather Halfen
Christy Haller
Carol Hanson
Herb and Mary Ann
Holly Hart
Kendra Hayden
Laura Henderson
Leland & Jill Hix
Hudson Electric
Huebsch Services
Brenda Hukriede
Linda Isaacson
Lois Jacobson
Junior League of Eau Claire
Ron Keezer
Sue Kinderman
Wendy Kinderman
Katie Kins
Ann Klein
Steve Kristo
Roxy Kuss
Lasker Jewelers
Kari Laufenberg
Brian & Debi Levin-Stankevich
Mikelle and Dave Malone
Kristy Martin
William and Catherine McCann
Bob and Jill Merrill
Metropolis Resort Hotel
Paul & Sue Miller
Marvin & Lois Missman
Cindy O’Brien
Sandy O’Connell
Craig & Jane Olsen
Karla Peterson
Liz & Bobby Poteete
Jeff Ralph
River Bend Winery
Rock N’ Roll To Go
Megan Roltgen
Jim & Jennifer Rooney
Mary Kaye Samsa-Stygar
Kim Schmidt
Tim & Katie Skutley
Juel Smith
Speed Of Sound
Ilene Steinmeyer
Renee Strehlau
Student Transit
Paula Stuettgen
United Bank
Teresa Valenzuela
Valuation Specialists
Sally Webb
Donna Weber
Jeffrey Dean & Kathryn
Daley White
Williams Diamond Center
Glenda Winders
Becky & Dave Wood
John & Lynne Young
Deb Zanoni
Liz Poteete
William Radabaugh
Christopher Wood
IN- KIND Donations
Deb Ackerman
Maureen Anderson
Leslie Ballantine
David and Gail Barnes
Sharon Barnhardt
Beckie Berg
Bolton Refuge House
Tom Bomber
Barb Bowers
Alycia Brainerd
Carroll Carlson
Elizabeth Castro
Charter Communications
Christ Cathedral Church
Cheryl and Carol Cutsforth
Fantastic Sams
Emily Eder Barbara Eisold
Festival Foods
Barb Fitz
Dr. Lou & Jan Frase
James & Linda Geraghty
Kirsten Gierhart
Jean Glocke
Ken & Lois Gruen
Owen Ayres
Doris Bowe
Barb Bowen
Bob Brunstad
David Bugher
James M. Chmel
Joanne Erickson
Evelyn Ferneding-Farr
Stan Geyer
Alan Grimaldi
John “Jack” Helland
Stephen Litchfield
Charles Malone
Mary Markquart
Tom McCausland, Jr.
Jodie Mueller
Marti Nelson
Irene Rogers
Vi Weggen
Mary Markquart Center
2012 C orp or at e Sp o nso r of th e Y ear:
Mayo Cli nic H ealth Syst em
Deb Fischer (center) from Mayo Clinic accepting the award at
the 2012 Steak & Burger Dinner with Executive Director Sara
Antonson (left) and Board President Craig Olsen (right).
2012 Volu nt e er of th e Y ear:
Cr a i g Ols en, B oard Pr esid ent
Craig Olsen, along with his wife, Jane, and two children,
accepting the award at the 2012 Steak & Burger Dinner with
Sara Antonson, Executive Director.
Sp ecial Thank yo u: B est Buy
Staff from the local Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile presented
the Boys & Girls Club staff and members with an $8,000 grant
in support of the Technology Program. Special thank you to
the Best Buy Children’s Foundation for their generous support.
201 E. Lake Street | Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 855-0081 | www.cvclubs.org