Analisis mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) dalam rangka


Analisis mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) dalam rangka
Analisis mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) dalam rangka kegiatan Jakarta Urgent
Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) / Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiatif (JEDI)
1. Phase 1 Amdal Supplementary Report in English / Indonesia
2. Ancol Update RKL/RPL Supplementary Report in English / Indonesia
3. Enviromental and Management Framework in English / Indonesia
4. Consolidated Summary of Enviromental Assesment in English / Indonesia
5. Notulen Rapat Sosialisasi Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan JUFMP/JEDI Fase 1
Technical Assistance for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA / SIA)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) –
Grant TF#054683-IND
Environmental and Social Management
Supplementary Report
Glossary................................................................................................................................ 1
Summary .............................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5
Context ................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose and scope of Supplementary Report......................................................... 5
2 Alternatives .................................................................................................................... 7
Strategic Level Decision.......................................................................................... 7
Setting ............................................................................................................. 7
The “do nothing” option.................................................................................... 7
Catchment wide vs. local flood management ................................................... 8
Engineering vs. non-engineering approach...................................................... 8
Choice of dredging sites .................................................................................. 8
Engineering design ................................................................................................. 8
Design flow capacity ........................................................................................ 9
Dredging technology ........................................................................................ 9
Solid Waste ..................................................................................................... 9
Transport options............................................................................................. 9
Dredged material disposal options ................................................................... 9
Construction Contracting and Supervision ............................................................ 10
Overall Approach ........................................................................................... 10
Integration of environment and social issues ................................................. 11
3 Institutional and contracting arrangements................................................................... 11
Key institutions...................................................................................................... 12
Steering Committee ....................................................................................... 12
PMU .............................................................................................................. 12
PIUs............................................................................................................... 13
Panel of Experts ............................................................................................ 13
Supervision Consultant (SC).......................................................................... 13
Construction Contractors ............................................................................... 14
DKI BPLHD.................................................................................................... 15
World Bank .................................................................................................... 15
Construction contracting approach........................................................................ 15
Overall approach ........................................................................................... 15
Detailed approach to environmental and social management ........................ 15
4 Refinement of engineering design................................................................................ 16
5 Additional environmental and social information........................................................... 18
Overview............................................................................................................... 18
Social and community issues ................................................................................ 19
Baseline environmental information ...................................................................... 19
Sediment quality ............................................................................................ 19
Traffic ............................................................................................................ 19
Noise ............................................................................................................. 19
Air quality....................................................................................................... 19
Water quality.................................................................................................. 19
Biological environment................................................................................... 20
Conclusions ................................................................................................... 20
6 Phase 1 environmental assessment and mitigation...................................................... 20
Pre-construction period ......................................................................................... 20
Construction period............................................................................................... 20
Contractors Environment and Social Management Plan ................................ 20
Community perception and interaction ........................................................... 21
Local employment.......................................................................................... 21
Hydraulics...................................................................................................... 22
Spillage of dredged material .......................................................................... 22
Air quality....................................................................................................... 23
Noise ............................................................................................................. 23
Traffic ............................................................................................................ 24
Sediment quality ............................................................................................ 26
6.2.10 Solid Waste ................................................................................................... 27
Post-Construction period....................................................................................... 29
Community .................................................................................................... 29
Solid Waste and Maintenance dredging......................................................... 29
Appendix 1
Contractors’ Environment and Social Management Plan............................ 31
Appendix 2
JUFMP Phase 1 Environment Management and Monitoring Matrix............ 37
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Ponds ....................................... 6
Table 4-1 JUFMP Phase 1and 2 Contract packaging.......................................................... 18
Table 6-1 Sediment quality testing for JUFMP Phase 1 sites .............................................. 27
Table A - 1
JUFMP Phase 1 EMP Matrix..................................................................... 37
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Institutional and Implementation Arrangements ................................................. 12
Institutional – Functional English names
Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin (Balai Besar Wilayah
Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane)
Environmental Management Agency of Jakarta Provincial Government
Directorate General Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works
Directorate General Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works
DKI Jakarta
Jakarta Provincial Government
Project Management Unit
Project Implementation Unit
Environmental documentation:
Environmental Assessment (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, AMDAL, it
includes ANDAL plus RKL / RPL)
Environmental Impact Assessment/Statement (Analisis Dampak Lingkungan,
Environmental Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan, RKL)
Environmental Monitoring Plan (Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan, RPL)
Note: Under Indonesian law, Resettlement Plan (RP) is not part of AMDAL documents; such Plans are
prepared separately and are the responsibility of the local government. For JUFMP this is the Jakarta
provincial government - DKI Jakarta.
Project specific terminology
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project. [in various project documents, used
synonymously with ‘Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI)’]
Phase 1
Set of project sites for initial implementation of overall JUFMP. The Phase 1 sites
were chosen because of their critical importance with respect to flood relief, and
also because resettlement will not be required. A single AMDAL has been
prepared for this set of Phase 1 activities.
Phase 2
The remainder of project sites to be undertaken under JUFMP
Resettlement Policy Framework; a policy document to be followed by JUFMP for
resettlement activities associated with the project. There is no resettlement for
Phase 1 project sites. The RPF is based on World Bank policy / practice and
Indonesian law.
Project site
Identified individual components of JUFMP; either a defined length of drain/river
/floodway, or a defined size of waduk (reservoir/flood retention pond).
Engineering designs have been based on each site; AMDAL preparation has been
or will be for individual project site.
Terminology arising from Contractual and implementation aspects
Construction Contractor
The Contractor whose contract under PIU will undertake dredging,
embankment works, dredge material transport and associated
activities for construction of JUFMP.
Contractor Detailed ESMP
An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to be
prepared on award of Contract by the Construction Contractor with
detailed information on ESM practices to be followed. This must be
based on the Construction Contract conditions, the AMDAL, this
Supplementary Report, and other reports referred to in bidding
documents. It must also follow all relevant laws and regulations.
Community consultation prior to submission of the ESMP for
Supervision Consultant formal approval is mandated.
Contractor ESM Plan
Generic term used to include both the “Contractor General ESMP”
and the “Contractor Detailed ESM Plan”.
Contractor Preliminary ESMP
An ESM Plan to be prepared as part of the Technical Bid. It will
include similar contents as per Contractor Detailed ESMP, but to a
lesser degree of detail. Community consultation is “recommended”
as part of preparation.
Environmental and Social Management (includes environmental and
social monitoring as appropriate)
Supervision Consultant
Consultant under contract to PMU. The Supervision Consultant will
undertake day-to-day supervision of Construction Contracts – the
role normally identified as “Engineer” (as principal’s representative).
The Supervision Consultant will also have a substantive role in
environmental and social management and monitoring, with main
focus on Construction Contractor’s ESM but also including specific
duties in relation to public communication / grievances, to
resettlement (for some of the Phase 2 site activities) and to
monitoring and reporting to DKI BPLHD on behalf of the project
proponents (i.e. PIUs).
The AMDAL for the Phase 1 sites of the Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) was
prepared in late 2009 and received approval from the DKI BPLHD / AMDAL Commission on 30 March
2010. The purpose of this supplementary report on environmental and social management for
JUFMP Phase 1 activities is to: (i) update the AMDAL as project preparation has continued since the
original AMDAL was approved, and (ii) following World Bank review of the original AMDAL, to ensure
additional concerns are addressed for compliance with the World Bank’s own Environmental
Assessment OP 4.01.
Institutional arrangements are based on the Project Management Unit (PMU) representing the
combined interests of the three PIUs that are “owners” / managers of JUFMP waterways and
waduks. Through the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), contracts will be entered into with
Construction Contractors for dredging and transport of JUFMP dredged material, construction and /
or rehabilitation of some embankments and associated activities. There will be an additional
contract between PMU and a Supervision Consultant (SC) who will have the dual and integrated role
of “Engineer” supervising the Construction Contractors and of implementing significant
environmental and social management and monitoring on behalf of the PMU and PIUs.
An approach to follow international standards to construction contracting has been adopted.
International standard is based on the World Bank General and Specific Conditions of Contract,
detailed designs specifying required works, preparation of Preliminary Contractor Work Plans by the
bidders, then Detailed Work Plan by the successful contractor. Contractor-required environmental
and social management (ESM) will follow this approach, with required Contractor Preliminary ESM
Plans and then Contractor Detailed ESM Plans at bidding and after contract award. These Contractor
ESM Plans are required to comply with the AMDAL, this supplementary report, other ESM
documentation that forms part of the tendering package, and all local laws and regulations. The
Contractor Detailed ESM Plan must be informed by specified contractor-community consultation.
The ESMP’s are adjunct to and must integrate with the Work Plans.
Additional community consultations and field studies since the Phase 1 AMDAL approval reinforce
the findings of the Phase 1 AMDAL activity. Environmental and social issues are closely intertwined
with community perception of and interaction with the project. Several prevailing baseline
conditions (e.g. noise, certain elements of air and water quality) are already above local standards.
Traffic congestion is well recognized in Jakarta and while there are local regulations in place in
relation to traffic issues, some aspects, especially restricting heavy transport to night-time activity
reduces congestion at the city level.
There are obvious follow-on effects at the community level where the dredging and truck loading
will take place. Community concerns persist about “proper implementation of environmental and
social safeguards”. Additional detailed sediment quality monitoring at the Phase 2 sites reinforces
the earlier findings that no dredged material that is classified as hazardous waste (locally termed as
B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun) waste) as per Indonesian legislation has been identified within
the Jakarta waterways and waduks. The health assessment identifies no concerns, and there are no
land use concerns of using appropriate standards (and considering the proposed development) of
the disposal site at the Ancol Confined Disposal Facility (Ancol CDF). The amount of solid waste that
would be removed from the dredged material and transported to the Bantar Gebang Landfill, Bekasi
is about 95 000 m3 (Phase 1 and Phase 2) of an estimated total 3.4 million m3 of dredged material to
be dredged and transported to Ancol CDF.
The community repeatedly expressed the need for flood reduction from the JUFMP project and
accepted that there will be short term disturbance to the communities to achieve these objectives.
However, communities also requested meaningful consultations and that environmental and social
performance of the project be improved from those experienced in other past projects.
Based on this assessment, a supplementary environmental management plan (EMP) is presented in
this supplementary report. This complements the ANDAL, RKL and RPL and focuses mostly on the
management and monitoring of environmental and social issues during the construction period.
Responsibilities aligned with current institutional arrangements are simplified. Significant attention
is given to community consultation and to developing agreements between the Construction
Contractor and communities on issues such as noise and local traffic management where there will
be unavoidable disturbances. Where mitigation is clearly feasible such as safety, preventing dredge
material spillage and dust, the EMP and other contract documentation requires such mitigation to
be implemented, with authority of the Supervision Consultant (SC) to require immediate
rectification by the Construction Contractor or bringing-in of third parties. In line with the
contracting approach, many costs are to be incorporated into unit rates for dredging and for
transport of the dredged material. Specific line item costs are identified and possible costs given for
the following main items: 1) Contractor community consultation meetings ($5000); 2) Supervision
Consultant (SC) sediment quality monitoring to meet DKI BPLHD requirements ($15 - 30,000 – plus
provisional sum for special management in the unlikely event that hazardous material is
subsequently identified); 3) Setting-up and operating public information and complaint centres at
every project site by Supervision Consultant ($50,000 plus). Actual costs will depend on bids
submitted for tender.
1 Introduction
1.1 Context
JUFMP has been in preparation after one of the most severe floods that inundated Jakarta in
February 2007. JUFMP involves dredging of accumulated sediment deposition in 11 of the main
drains and 4 waduks (retention ponds) within the Jakarta urban area and transporting the dredged
material to an existing and AMDAL-approved disposal site termed the Ancol Confined Disposal
Facility (CDF).
A set of project sites were chosen as the initial Phase 1 works, in part because of the urgent
need to mitigate floods and because there would be no involuntary resettlement at these sites. The
Phase 1 AMDAL was submitted to the Environmental Management Agency of the Jakarta Provincial
Government (DKI BPLHD) in December 2009, updated and resubmitted in February 2010, and the
full environmental approval to proceed was notified by DKI BPLHD letter dated 30 March 2010 after
consideration by the AMDAL Commission in accordance with Government of Indonesia (GOI)
Since March 2010, there have been additional activities that will influence details of JUFMP
Phase 1 environmental and social management:
 JUFMP project management and institutional arrangements have become much more
 The JUFMP project descriptions for Phase 1 have been more refined as detailed design has
been undertaken.
 Under a separate contract with the JUFMP Project Management Unit (PMU) a local
consultancy (PPA) with international input is working on the environmental and social
aspects of Phase 2 sites, with a focus on closely aligning and integrating these with Phase 1
1.2 Purpose and scope of Supplementary Report
This supplementary report identifies how activities since the Phase 1 AMDAL approval could
influence the environmental and social management of the JUFMP Phase 1 project activities. In
particular the report addresses:
 The various alternatives considered and the rationale behind the choice of the preferred set
of alternatives (Section 2)
 Institutional and contracting arrangements (Section 3)
 Detailed design implications (Section 4)
 Findings from on-going environmental studies (Section 5)
 The environmental assessment and management as presented in the Phase 1 AMDAL, which
based on proposed interventions, determines whether any changes may be required
(Section 6). Following from this a supplementary environmental management and
monitoring plan to complement the Phase 1 AMDAL is presented in Appendix 3.
It is important to emphasise that while there have been some slight changes to the physical
limits of JUFMP Phase 1 project activities, no resettlement is required for these Phase 1 activity. The
Phase 1 and 2 project activities are listed in Table 1-1 below.
Table 1-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Ponds
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik
& Cideng Hulu)
(including sea side)
Lower Sunter Floodway Note
(Round Road drain)
(including Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea
Upper Sunter Floodway
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar –
Jelakeng Drain
Note 2
Krukut Cideng Drain
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
Dredging Estimates
Depth (m)
of Solid
material (m )
(m )
1.90 ~
2.20 ~
1.50 ~
1.60 ~
0.60 ~
0.50 ~
1.30 ~
1.00 ~
0.70 ~
1.10 ~
2.00 ~
1.70 ~
1.80 ~
0.70 ~
0.60 ~
0.70 ~
0.50 ~
Note 1
Works (m)
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter
Floodway and Lower Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain and
Krukut Lama Drain
2 Alternatives
This section consolidates the evaluation of alternatives made at different stages of project
formulation. Decisions were not made in isolation, as there are many interrelationships – for
example, the choice of dredging method, dredged material transport and disposal locations all
interact with each-other. While this supplementary report focuses on JUFMP dredging sites, some
reference is made to the Ancol CDF site because of such interactions.
2.1 Strategic Level Decision
2.1.1 Setting
Flooding in Jakarta has been a problem for many decades, as a combined result of large
areas of low-lying land, with conditions worsening as drainage channels become more clogged with
sediment, informal settlement encroaching on drainage waterways, land subsidence, catchment
clearing and increasing high intensity development in many areas. Flooding in the Jakarta urban
area results from:
 Catchment-wide rainfall, with Jakarta’s waterways being required to carry high flows from
middle-upper catchment areas through urban Jakarta to the sea. Riverbanks overflow and
flood urban areas.
 Localized rainfall within the urban area, with flooding both resulting from the inability of
local water to be delivered to drains that can efficiently transport flows to the sea, and to
overflowing of the drains. Storage factors influence this also.
 Intrusion from the sea, with many parts of especially north Jakarta being below sea level.
 Often two or more of the factors operating simultaneously.
The effects of flooding are well documented, including significant social dislocation, high
economic costs and at times deaths resulting directly from flooding. Unsanitary conditions and poor
public health are also aggravated by flooding.
Multiple studies and investigations have been conducted over the years, that cite the
integrated package of both structural (engineering) and non-structural actions that are required
including better catchment management, improved land use sympathetic to flood management,
construction of major diversions (such as the recently completed East Banjir Canal) and retention
basins, improved wastewater and solid waste servicing, improved groundwater management and
most critically, institutional strengthening and improved operations.
2.1.2 The “do nothing” option
At a strategic level, the “do nothing” option is to allow flooding and its adverse effects to
continue and to worsen. Clearly this is not acceptable.
Specifically in relation to the proposed JUFMP project, the “do nothing” alternative
essentially means worsening the situation of clogged drainage channels and socio-economic effects
of frequent flooding. This is not a situation favoured by the GOI, DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Provincial
Government) and by the affected communities. Additionally, the sediment in the waterways would
continue to get flushed in an uncontrolled manner into Jakarta Bay.
2.1.3 Catchment wide vs. local flood management
For the purposes of this subsection major flood management refers to very major activity
such as construction of new major diversions to reducing flooding in the urban area from middle and
upper catchment rainfall. Local flood management refers to actions that can be undertaken at the
local level to enhance efficient delivery of local rainfall to local channels / drains and thence to the
sea. While there may be debate on the relative priorities, there is common agreement that the two
options are not mutually exclusive, both are required as part of an integrated package.
JUFMP is based on the lower part of the catchment. While focusing mostly on local flood
management, JUFMP project activities will increase the ability of already established but
underperforming floodways to more effectively transfer upper catchment-derived floods to the sea.
As an “urgent” dredging project it is not designed to address, for example, the very extensive
planning and implementation required.
2.1.4 Engineering vs. non-engineering approach
Engineering-works for the purposes of this subsection are defined as normal engineering
construction and operation projects such as improving flow carrying capacity of drains, pumps,
barriers / sea walls. The non-engineering approach by contrast addresses such aspects as changing
people’s behaviour (e.g., preventing deposition of solid waste into the waterways) and land use
planning and implementation to move people away from flood-prone areas.
JUFMP’s focus is on the engineering approach that will yield immediate benefits. However,
this would support the much broader non-engineering approach and opportunities are being
undertaken through JUFMP to highlight the broader issues. For example, management of solid waste
at and immediately around the dredging sites will demonstrate reduced clogging of water channels
and other benefits of appropriate management, thereby setting practical examples of what can be
2.1.5 Choice of dredging sites
JUFMP hydraulic simulation studies have recommended the rehabilitation of the city’s floods
management system to its original design capacity and a routine maintenance system as the most
beneficial first step for flood mitigation in Jakarta. The sections of the Jakarta flood management
system included in the project have been identified by the GOI as in priority need of urgent
rehabilitation and improvement in flow capacities. Prioritization was made based on previous
studies under the Western Java Environmental Management Project (WJEMP) and various earlier
studies on flood control and flood mitigation in the Jakarta area. The project scoping also took into
account the inclusion of all responsible institutions as a means to encourage and establish the
required long term sustained routine maintenance system. The project is expected to have
important beneficial demonstration effects in terms of institutional coordination, dredging
technology and methods, disposal of dredge material, sound environmental and equitable
resettlement practices. As such, the technical, environmental and social complexities of works were
also taken into account in project scoping and implementation sequencing in order to increase the
likelihood of success.
2.2 Engineering design
The dredging design and associated technology required for the project integrated several
considerations especially the constraints afforded by the sites themselves.
2.2.1 Design flow capacity
Being within the congested urban area all dredging would invariably cause some disturbance
to the local population, and in several instances to settlement that had developed on the banks of
the waterways and even over the original alignment of the waterway. The decision was made to
minimize disturbance to the settlements consistent with the need to obtain an increase in-flow and
storage capacity. Design generally considered the implications of 1 in 100 year events for the larger
floodways, and 1 in 25 year events for the smaller waterways.
2.2.2 Dredging technology
Dredging technologies can be broadly grouped as the back-hoe / clam shell type and the
suction dredging (with or without cutter heads). Suction dredging was not pursued as it is
incompatible with the significant amount of solid waste in the sediment of the waterways. Pontoonbased back-hoes are the preferred technology as the majority of construction activity can be
restricted to the waterway itself, rather than having to disturb a wide strip along the length of the
waterway being dredged.
2.2.3 Solid Waste
Separation of the solid waste from the dredged material was considered in terms of the
amount of material to be separated, use of mechanical or manual sorting and the location of any
sorting. Examination of previous filling of other areas with dredged material determined that
disposal methods and post-filling land use would not be constrained by separation of only the large
size waste items from the dredged material.
Sorting at the dredging sites themselves is preferred as it limits the potential congestion at
the Ancol CDF site, offers the potential for temporary local employment and integrates with other
activities to keep the dredging sites and immediate surroundings “clean and tidy” during dredging.
Mechanical separation was tested, but would need to be located at the Ancol CDF site and the
nature of the material, need for supplementary water and operational difficulties demonstrated no
Thus the proposed method of manual separation of only large sized items (and possibly
optional separation of smaller items that can be recycled) at the dredging sites has been adopted.
DKI Jakarta’s existing operational general landfill at Bantar Gebang offers the only reasonable and
secure disposal site for solid waste material.
2.2.4 Transport options
Transport considered three main options – hydraulic (pumping), barge and truck, integrating
these with dredging technologies and with the chosen disposal site. Pumping was considered
inappropriate since the amount of solid waste would likely cause blockages. This would significantly
affect any dredging program. Barge transport would not be feasible in most locations because of the
bridges and bottlenecks over the drains preventing access to the sea; however, this may be a
contractor-preferred method for the lower portions of the larger waterways. Truck transport is
therefore the only alternative for the majority of sites and hence is chosen, with the assumption that
it will be used everywhere representing a potential worst case situation with regard to traffic effects.
2.2.5 Dredged material disposal options
For disposal of the dredged sediment material, several options and alternatives were
considered based on sediment test results, past experiences, technical and financial reasons and
opportunistic project development works, as part of the decision making process that led to the
selection of the Ancol CDF as the final disposal site for non hazardous material. For instance, during
past dredging operations, excavated material was usually dumped on any vacant land owned by DKI
Jakarta. In some cases sediments are placed on embankments and not otherwise disposed of, which
results in sludge returning to waterways. The JUFMP provides the first opportunity for DKI Jakarta
and the GOI to coordinate and dispose dredged materials in a defined and managed disposal area,
and to introduce best-practice management principles.
GOI assessed several disposal sites and management alternatives. Initially DKI Jakarta
proposed several land based sites that were available, scattered throughout the city. These
proposed sites were rejected due to their minimal disposal capacity, resettlement issues, aesthetic
and odor issues, and supervision difficulties. Three sea-based disposal locations were also
considered at Muara Kali Adem (MKA), Marunda, and West Ancol, before the decision on Ancol was
The site at Ancol was strategically chosen for its accelerated preparedness, size and capacity
(capable of receiving almost three times the dredged materials of the project, or approximately 12
million m3). It is also important to note that the Ancol site also had the advantage that it was already
an approved ongoing reclamation project. The utilization of the Ancol site is considered a 'win-win'
scenario. The other two sea-based locations considered would have had to be constructed, at
considerable costs and with the effect of displacing more near-shore area with additional
environmental impacts. At the same time, the utilization of non-hazardous dredge material for the
Ancol site reclamation will reduce the negative impact from use of other material (sand) to be
sourced from quarries
2.3 Construction Contracting and Supervision
2.3.1 Overall Approach
Construction contracting should result in:
Achieving the desired engineering outcome.
Enabling the experience of construction contractors to be reflected in detailed work plans
and implementation.
Ensuring that principal interests are addressed. For JUFMP this includes proper
implementation of environmental and social safeguards.
Cost-effective tenders.
Enabling effective supervision and audit of performance.
Within this framework there are opposing alternatives of:
Defining to the contractor “exactly how” the work will be performed. For example, what
technology equipment must be used, how to set up the site and mobilization arrangements,
how and where to access the work sites, and precise schedule. This inevitably transfers a lot
of responsibility to the principal and typically leads to higher cost tenders and more
opportunity for subsequent claims.
Defining the engineering outcome, and allowing for the contractor to determine how to
achieve that outcome. Tender costs are generally lower and many responsibilities are with
the contractor. There remains a risk however that some of the principal interests could be
partially neglected.
In relation to JUFMP and as very common in international contracting the second approach
is preferred and has been chosen but with particular safeguards to ensure that the principal
interests are properly addressed and implemented. As a result:
 The overall contract documentation and tendering approach is focused on achieving the five
desired “results” as identified at the beginning of this subsection.
 The Construction Contractor will have flexibility, within contract-defined constraints, to
develop work plans detailing in effect “how the construction will be implemented”.
 Close supervision, including necessary pre-approval of work plans prior to implementation,
is built in to the process.
2.3.2 Integration of environment and social issues
As for the engineering aspects there is the fundamental distinction between:
Identifying to the contractor exactly how to achieve desired environmental and social
Contractually requiring the desired outcomes, with the contractor having some flexibility to
use practical knowledge and experience to achieve these outcomes.
Further there is the legal requirement that the approved AMDAL must be followed. The
latter approach is taken, but with very substantial safeguards built-in to ensure that the principal
environmental and social desired/required safeguards are instituted and fully integrated with the
contracting approach. Resulting from this are the following key aspects:
 Rather than the traditional role of “Engineer” the JUFMP project will have a Supervision
Consultant (SC) with both engineering and environmental/social responsibilities.
 While the access points and temporary construction lay down areas will not be defined in
general until tendering and in detail until after construction contract award, there is an
absolute obligation for the Construction Contractors to consult with local communities to
ensure that there is minimal disturbance to the communities.
3 Institutional and contracting arrangements
Institutional and contracting arrangements have progressed to the stage where roles and
responsibilities for environmental and social management for Phase 1 (and later for Phase 2) are
now clearly defined. The institutional and implementation arrangements are as follows.
Figure 3-1 Institutional and Implementation Arrangements
3.1 Key institutions
3.1.1 Steering Committee
A high level advisory committee, the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) has been formed to
oversee the preparation and implementation of the project and to provide coordination and
advisory support at the policy level. The JSC is led by Bappenas and comprises representatives from
Ministry of Finance, MoPW, and DKI Jakarta. The JSC met regularly during project preparation and
has proven instrumental in providing advisory support and as a forum for high level decision making.
The JSC will continue to provide high level oversight during the implementation of the project.
3.1.2 PMU
The project requires close coordination among three implementing agencies at both central
and local government levels: DGWR and DGCK of the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW), and DKI
Jakarta. DGWR will play the role of the Executing Agency. A Project Management Unit (PMU) has
been established by DGWR for the purposes of preparing and overseeing the implementation of the
project. The PMU comprises three staff from DGWR, three from DGCK, three from DKI Jakarta and
one from MoPW’s Office of Planning and Overseas Cooperation. The PMU is supported by a
secretariat of five staff from DGWR. During project implementation, the PMU will oversee the
overall implementation of the project by the three PIUs as well as undertake to implement common
activities, particularly the overall construction supervision consultancy and the Floods Management
Information Systems (FMIS). The joint PMU represents an opportunity to evolve into a joint
operations and management group for future coordinated management of the Jakarta flood
management system.
3.1.3 PIUs
The project will be implemented through the appropriate existing institutions in line with
the sector institutional responsibility and legislative framework. There are three Project
Implementing Units (PIUs), comprising DGWR (through the Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane
River Basin, BBWS-CC), DGCK and DKI Jakarta. Each will be responsible for carrying out the dredging
and rehabilitation of the selected key floodways, canals and retention basins under its responsibility.
3.1.4 Panel of Experts
A Panel of Experts (POE) consisting of three independent, internationally recognized
specialists will be mobilized to provide advice on all aspects of the project. The specialists are
expected to comprise an environmental expert, an engineer experienced in dredging and dredge
disposal, and an urban resettlement expert. The POE’s main responsibilities will include monitoring
and evaluating the preparation and implementation of various safeguards instruments (RPF, RPs,
EMPs and the grievance redress procedures) and advising the PMU on actions to be taken to
improve compliance. If required, the POE may be enlarged on a temporary or permanent basis by
the addition of specialists to provide expertise for specific, unplanned or critical issues or needs,
which may arise during project implementation. These additional experts, if any, may be mobilized
with terms of reference agreed among the PMU, the World Bank, and the three initial experts that
will comprise the POE. The POE will convene at regular intervals to review the status of work in
progress. However, special extraordinary meetings may also be called to review particular critical
stages of technical, environmental, and social activities.
3.1.5 Supervision Consultant (SC)
This is the key consultancy contract that will be instrumental in supporting the PMU’s overall
management, oversight and monitoring of the project. Where there are assessed weaknesses in
capacity, particularly in the areas of the supervision of project environmental plans, the
implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs) and the Grievance Redress System (GRS), the SC has
been tasked to provide the necessary expertise to support the PMU during project implementation.
The scope of this technical assistance services include (i) supervising the implementation of the
various dredging and construction works contracts under the project including at all disposal sites (ii)
supervising the implementation of the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (RKL/RPL)
by the works contractors, (iii) supporting the PMU and DKI Jakarta in the implementation of
Resettlement Plans (RPs), and (iv) developing and implementing the grievance / complaint handling
mechanism of the project with DKI Jakarta. A summary of the detailed scope of activities to be
undertaken are as follows:
Supervision of Construction Works
1.1 Review / check final contracts with contractors.
1.2 Review / check Detailed Engineering Designs and drawings, method statements,
specifications, and activity schedules, carry out additional survey and investigation as
required, as well as conduct any revisions deemed necessary and to obtain their approval by
the PMU.
1.3 Test all sections of each project site for hazardous material prior to dredging works.
1.4 Supervise the implementation of the works, including (but not limited to):
Dredging (including the separation of solid waste from dredge material, and their
transportation and disposal at approved landfill and Ancol CDF respectively),
embankment and rehabilitation of canals, pumps, rack repairs and maintenance.
Provide assistance to the PMU for processing of payment requests made by the
contractors as required.
Maintain site records and prepare detailed monthly progress reports.
Prepare work as executed drawings and records, and operation manuals and hand over
the completed works to the PMU.
Prepare a Practical Completion and Outstanding Defects Report for each construction
contract supervised.
Prepare a Final Completion and Handover Report for each construction contract
1.5 Supervise and monitor the construction activities at the Ancol CDF site during project
implementation, and at all its offsite locations such as the source locations for the sand and
the laterite soils.
1.6 Provide PMU with technical assistance as needed from time to time. This may include the
provision of support and advice to the PMU regarding implementation of project works,
particularly on the technical, overall planning and procurement aspects of the project.
Environmental Management
1.7 Monitor (including preparation of quarterly RKL/RPL implementation report) and supervise
the environmental protection measures undertaken to mitigate environmental impairment
due to construction and disposal activities, consistent with
The Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (RKL/RPL) of each work site
including all disposal sites.
The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the project.
Resettlement Plans (RPs)
1.8 Supervise and support the implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs), consistent with
The Resettlement Plan (RP) of each site where involuntary resettlement in required.
The Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) of the project.
1.9 Provide technical and administration assistance in land acquisition and resettlement process
Grievance Redress System (GRS) / Complaint Handling Mechanism
1.10 Develop and operate the Grievance Redress System (GRS), which will include but will not be
limited to administering complaints from Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in a systematic
way on a day to day basis;
1.11 Update complaints on the website, informing those who complain on the status of their
complaint as well as providing feedback or follow up actions;
1.12 Assist DKI Jakarta in providing acceptable follow-up actions on complaints, ensuring that
decisions are made based on transparent, fair, independent, and accountable processes
through Grievance Redress or Complaint Handling Advisory;
1.13 Provide recommendations to DKI Jakarta authorities on status of complaints, from the onsite unit through the provincial level processes.
1.14 Monitor and report on any activities at the project’s “linked” sites.
1.15 Design, develop, and operate a web-based project communications and reporting system
3.1.6 Construction Contractors
The Construction Contractors will be responsible for the dredging and transport of dredged
drain and waduk material from dredging sites to the Ancol CDF (non-hazardous dredge material),
Bantar Gebang Landfill (solid waste separated from the dredge material) and PPLi secure landfill
(hazardous material, if any are found) in accordance with the construction contracts, approved
AMDAL for Phase 1 and this supplementary report. The civil works contracts will include contractual
requirements for implementing the environmental requirements.
DKI BPLHD is the environment management agency of DKI Jakarta with the responsibility of
approving and enforcing the AMDAL for all city wide (Jakarta) projects. Also, the agency is
responsible for monitoring the implementation of the associated management plans. In the
implementation of AMDAL, the DKI BPLHD is also supported by the city level (Municipal-Walikota)
environment management agencies. DKI BPLHD has already approved the AMDALs for Phase 1 of
this project and for the Ancol CDF. DKI BPLHD has already started monitoring the ongoing
construction works at Ancol CDF and will continue to do so. Joint monitoring with the World Bank is
planned during implementation of the JUFMP project.
3.1.8 World Bank
The World Bank will supervise and monitor implementation of the project in line with its
own operational policies for all aspects of the project, including environmental and social issues.
3.2 Construction contracting approach
This approach has been developed by the PMU/PIUs’ construction contract committee.
3.2.1 Overall approach
Contracts are to be established under standardized international competitive bidding
arrangements with pre-qualification, short-listing and then tendering, bid assessment and contract
award. The approach as identified below is based on international and local experience to ensure
 cost-competitive bids are obtained
 the project proponent via the Supervision Consultant (SC) retains close control on how the
construction is implemented, and
 there is a close audit of the volumes of material dredged and properly transported to and
disposed at the Ancol CDF.
The technical requirements are based on the detailed designs by the engineering design
consultants retained by the PMU (i.e. Project Preparation Consultant). Importantly and this
influences environmental management, the bid documents will specify design, but not the
sequencing of work, nor the method to conduct the work, nor equipment to be used, nor define
access locations. Bidders are required to identify such matters in a preliminary Contractor’s Work
Plan to be submitted at the time of bidding. There will be an assessment of this during contract
negotiations with the preferred bidder, and within one month of contract award the Construction
Contractor will be required to submit a detailed Contractor’s Work Plan. The Work Plans are
required to be examined and approved by the Supervision Consultant (SC).
3.2.2 Detailed approach to environmental and social management
It is necessary to align the environmental and social management aspects of the
Construction Contracts to the overall approach. Specific aspects include:
 The AMDAL and the requirements recommended by this current report will form part of the
construction contract with those parts relating to the Construction Contractor being specific
requirements to be followed by the contractor.
 Certain items have been further emphasised by including them in the “Special Conditions of
Contract.” In particular, as detailed in this report, the majority of the potential effects relate
to interaction with the local community and very specific conditions are being included in
relation to the minimum number of contract-required meetings with the community.
 Staffing of the Construction Contractor includes requirements for specific staff with
responsibility for environmental and social management.
HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention measures have been included in the Special Conditions
of Contract though has not been examined in detail under the local AMDAL process.
The Construction Contractor is being required as part of the bid to submit a Contractor
Preliminary Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) as an adjunct to the
preliminary Contractor’s Work Plan.
The Contractor Preliminary ESMP will be assessed as part of bid evaluation, both in terms of
compliance with AMDAL / this current report and its suitability.
Within 1 month of contract award the Construction Contractor will be required to submit
for approval the Contractor Detailed Work Plan and associated detailed Contractor’s
Environmental and Social Management Plan.
It will be seen later that local regulations require certain mitigation measures, the most
relevant for JUFMP being restricted hours of transport truck movement, development of detailed
traffic management plans and testing and certification of trucks for safety, emissions etc. These have
been developed by the local government recognizing the existing social and environmental
conditions within Jakarta. Compliance with such regulations is specifically required through the
AMDAL, this report, and Contract General and Special Conditions as appropriate.
Costing for environmental and social mitigation is also required to align closely with the
approach to costing used for the construction factors. With limited exception all costs are being built
into unit costs for dredging and unit costs for transport, with additional breakdown for distance of
dredging sites from the Ancol CDF. Environmental and social costs built-into the unit costs include,
but are not limited to:
 Workplace sanitation
 Safety
 Traffic management
 Preventing spillage of dredged material around the site and transport routes
 Vehicle emission control
 Noise management; and
 General consultation with the community.
Specific identifiable environmental and social cost items to be included in the contract
include a series of community consultation meetings.
4 Refinement of engineering design
Engineering designs as presented in the approved Phase 1 AMDAL was naturally based on
the latest information (that was included in the AMDAL Terms of Reference) provided by the Project
Preparation Consultants (PPC) and some early investigation / design work during the engineering
design consultancy that commenced in October 2009. Since the preparation of the Phase 1 AMDAL:
 Detailed survey information has been obtained for all sites and incorporated into the design.
 Preliminary designs have been reviewed by the PIUs, PMU and the World Bank and some
details were changed to accommodate certain issues, for example specific local knowledge
(what bank protection would be desirable), optimizing performance, contracting procedures
and packaging, potential effects on infrastructure, etc.
 More detailed social and environmental information from both the Phase 1 AMDAL and
Phase 2 preparation activities has been considered, especially in relation to construction
contract formulation. Specific mitigation measures have been reviewed in relation to
adequacy and practicality.
 Schedules have been refined.
The main changes that have occurred in the interim period are:
Contract packaging and scheduling have been adjusted.
Volumes of material to be dredged and transported and embankment works are better
defined. Summarized information is given in Table 4-1.
Separation of solid waste from the dredged material has been reviewed. Considering many
factors (known local conditions, practicality, effects at disposal site) it has been determined
that it is necessary to separate only major items from the dredged material and for the
Construction Contractor to coordinate with other agencies to manage floating wastes and
garbage on the riverbanks.
Possible equipment requirements have been reviewed. The majority of equipment remains
as described earlier, but with the potential use of water-jetting under bridges for local
dislodging and movement of sediment to locations where it can be picked up by excavator
being identified to minimize infrastructure disturbance and reduce the amount of manual
While employment of immediate local persons will be encouraged it will not be mandated.
The approach to incorporating environmental and social considerations into Construction
Contracts has been defined (Section 3.2 and throughout Section 6).
Comparing this with Table II-7 of the Phase 1 AMDAL:
The lengths of individual drains to be dredged are reduced.
The dredged volumes in each site are reduced.
The volume of total solid waste included with the sediment has now been estimated.
Table 4-1 JUFMP Phase 1and 2 Contract packaging
Depth (m)
Dredging Estimates
Volume Dredge
Volume of
material (m3)
Works (m)
Phase 1
Phase 2
Ciliwing-Gunung Sahari Drain
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik &
Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including
sea side)
Note 1
Lower Sunter Floodway
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round
Road drain)
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including
Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet drain)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Note 1
Upper Sunter Floodway
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kail Besar – Jelakeng
Note 2
Krukut Cideng Drain
Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain
1.90 ~ 2.70
2.20 ~ 3.10
1.50 ~ 3.50
1.60 ~ 2.30
0.60 ~ 2.30
0.50 ~ 2.10
1.30 ~ 2.10
1.00 ~ 2.10
0.70 ~ 3.30
1.10 ~ 1.90
2.00 ~ 3.60
1.70 ~ 2.50
1.80 ~ 3.40
0.70 ~ 2.30
0.60 ~ 1.60
0.70 ~ 0.80
0.50 ~ 0.80
Note 1
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter
Floodway and Lower Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain
and Krukut Lama Drain
5 Additional environmental and social information
5.1 Overview
Since the completion of the Phase 1 AMDAL, the following have been undertaken:
Detailed baseline data collection for the Phase 2 AMDALs (that were being prepared through
A series of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in all kelurahan (villages) of both Phase 1 and
Phase 2 sub-project areas.
Additional consideration of sediment quality issues, especially to incorporate additional
information from the Phase 2 primary data collection and to consider the most appropriate
manner to satisfy the DKI BPLHD (Phase 1 AMDAL) requirement for on-going sediment
As discussed in several places in preceding sections, determination of the best method to
align environmental and social requirements into the construction contracts and into the
institutional arrangements that will exist during JUFMP implementation.
Note that contract packages 1, 2a and 2b are in Phase 1 and the rest of the packages are in Phase 2.
5.2 Social and community issues
Apart from resettlement (which is not required in the JUFMP Phase 1 sites) the most
dominant environmental and social issues all relate to the dredging impacts and the interaction of
the JUFMP project with the local community. The desire for flood mitigation is very commonly
expressed by the community.
As evidenced from information from the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) there was limited
real awareness of the project amongst local communities, there is a wish for more information and
community consultation, and there are concerns that environmental and social considerations will
not be given proper attention. Pre- and post- FGD questionnaires identify that that the FGDs
themselves are being considered as both a successful avenue for information sharing and as helping
to allay concerns about the level of environmental and social management.
The types of issues that are being raised by the communities in mid-2010 are similar to those
identified during the Phase 1 AMDAL preparation; namely dirty environment, traffic, noise,
disturbance to daily activity. It is thus reasonable to adopt these as key issues to give attention to in
any environment and social management plan for the implementation of JUFMP.
5.3 Baseline environmental information
This sub-section addresses additional physical, chemical and biological baseline information
collected since the Phase 1 AMDAL was completed. While this information has focused on Phase 2
sites, both Phase 1 and Phase 2 sites are generally similar in that they are in the highly urbanized
Jakarta area.
5.3.1 Sediment quality
Additional sediment samples have been collected and analysed. The results all support the
earlier sampling and analysis that none of the material is classified as B3 (i.e., hazardous) waste,
using the local standards referenced with international levels.
5.3.2 Traffic
Traffic studies confirm the unsurprising conclusion during Phase 1 preparation that there is
prevailing substantial congestion within the Jakarta area. As part of this supplementary report there
has been further investigation of potential total Phase 1 sediment transport truck volumes in the
vicinity of the Ancol CDF, with the assessment and mitigation addressed in Section 6.
5.3.3 Noise
Detailed noise measurements were undertaken at Phase 2 sites in accordance with
Indonesian methodology. These show that the prevailing (baseline) noise levels frequently are
already above local standards.
5.3.4 Air quality
Detailed air quality measurements were undertaken at Phase 2 sites in accordance with
Indonesian methodology and indicate that prevailing (baseline) conditions generally met local
5.3.5 Water quality
Detailed water quality measurements were undertaken at Phase 2 sites in accordance with
Indonesian methodology and indicate that prevailing (baseline) conditions frequently did not meet
local standards.
5.3.6 Biological environment
With the exception of the wildlife sanctuary adjoining the downstream portion of the West
Banjir Canal project site (a JUFMP Phase 2 site), the biological environment of the Phase 2 sites are
very similar to that of the Phase 1 sites; aquatic ecosystems reflecting the polluted drains and
waduks, terrestrial ecosystems reflecting the highly urbanized environment with value related to
aesthetics and food crops rather than any conservation value.
5.3.7 Conclusions
Additional baseline information collection for Phase 2 sites supports the findings of the
Phase 1 studies.
6 Phase 1 environmental assessment and mitigation
This section addresses whether the assessment and mitigation of potential impacts from
JUFMP Phase 1 as presented in early 2010 remains valid considering the additional baseline
information, refined designs and now-established institutional and contracting arrangements.
The Jakarta physical and biological environment is a highly modified urban environment
supporting a major and diverse population. Flooding significantly disrupts the lives of much of the
population, and especially the poor. The communities have clearly expressed their desire to get
relief from flooding, but also the wish for on-going consultation and for attention to be given to
environmental and social matters.
In line with Indonesian practice, effects and mitigation are divided in the following subsections into “pre-Construction”, “Construction” and “Post-Construction” periods. Most attention is
naturally given to the “Construction” period when there is potential for the majority of adverse
effects and the need for carefully integrated mitigation. A matrix summarizing effects, mitigation
and monitoring for these various periods is found in Appendix 2.
6.1 Pre-construction period
This period is defined for this report as the period between approval of the JUFMP Phase 1
AMDAL (formally by letter dated 30 March 2010) and when the first construction contract is signed
(currently projected for early 2012). There will be a transition period when there will be construction
bidding and assessment, and for the purposes of this report this transition period will be
incorporated into the “Pre-construction” period.
6.2 Construction period
6.2.1 Contractors Environment and Social Management Plan
As noted in Section 3.2, in addition to the requirements of the AMDAL for Phase 1 (and the
AMDAL for Ancol CDF), the major element of environmental and social management during the
construction period will be the need for the Construction Contractor to develop and have approved
the Contractor’s Detailed Environmental and Social Management Plan that integrates with the
Contractors Detailed Work Plan and is in line with the AMDAL and this current document. Appendix
1 of this current report further details the requirements for the Contractors ESMP.
6.2.2 Community perception and interaction
The potential for significant negative adverse effects exists, as does the potential for each
JUFMP works sub-project to integrate positively with the local community. What will actually occur
is a combination of:
 Realistic expectations of the community about the project.
 The amount and timing of information provided to the community.
 Whether the community believes that their concerns have been adequately addressed.
 Whether avenues for communication remain open, meaningful and able to achieve common
JUFMP has developed measures to mitigate potential adverse effects and to reinforce
positive outcomes. Nevertheless, there remains a residual potential that some expectations of the
community will not be realized. These expectations relate to:
 The extent of flood mitigation that will be achieved – a factor that is difficult to explain
considering the many influencing aspects and especially that it is always a statistical
possibility that at any point there may be an extreme flood beyond design capacity of the
dredged waterways.
 Local employment arising from the project. At best, the project would have some but limited
short term employment potential.
 Aspects outside of the scope of JUFMP e.g., long term solid waste management.
Specific mitigation measures are:
Required and specified formal community consultation by successful Construction
Contractor during initial development of Contractor’s Detailed Work Plan and Contractor’s
Detailed ESMP – to be included as line cost item in construction contract.
Required and specified on-going community consultation meetings by Construction
Contractor during the construction period – to be included as line cost item in the
construction contract.
Required and specified establishment, operation and manning of POSKO’s (project site office
which will, amongst others, function as “project information centers” to disseminate project
information, receive complaints, etc) at each sub-project site, supported by specified
centralized IT support – responsibility of the Supervision Consultant and to be included in
the scope of the Supervision Consultant contract.
Specific monitoring of community perception and consultation will be undertaken by the
Supervision Consultant. These consultations will aim to provide indications of how individuals have
altered opinions over time and the extent of understanding that has been transferred to the
community via the information center, etc. This monitoring will be complemented by such indicators
as visits to the POSKO’s, complaints received and the satisfactory resolution of complaints.
6.2.3 Local employment
In line with the approach to contracting (Section 3.2) the Construction Contractor will have
the flexibility to determine workforce composition and the source of the workforce. However, bid
documents will highlight to the bidder the expectation of the local communities that there will be
opportunities for local employment.
The Contractors preliminary ESMP submitted with the bid will be required to identify what
local employment is intended. Based on previous practice on dredging projects elsewhere in Jakarta
it is expected that most of the unskilled employment will be derived locally.
6.2.4 Hydraulics
There will be gradually increasing flow capacity in the drains as construction progresses. This
is not considered further under the “Construction Period”, but the positive effects of flood
mitigation resulting from the project have been analyzed as part of the design preparation process.
6.2.5 Spillage of dredged material
Spillage can occur at the dredging sites themselves and also during transport of dredged
material to the disposal sites. This potential effect is of major concern to the community in terms of
various consequential effects:
 Safety for moving vehicles
 General area cleanliness
 Spilled material left on roads and allowed to dry out.
 Accelerated damage to roads.
Based on a variety of historically poorly managed construction projects around Jakarta the
concerns are justifiable. The project is undertaking several measures to reduce spillage and to
ensure that the adverse effects do not occur. Furthermore, if there is accidental spillage, procedures
are in place to correct the situation.
Spillage in the immediate vicinity of the dredging sites could occur within the designated
Construction Contractor’s work area(s). By various conditions in the construction contract and
AMDAL (and this current report) work site spillage and the consequential effects will be managed as
 By specific exclusion of the public from the Construction Contractor work area(s) the
community would not be directly affected by the spillage.
 By general requirements to maintain a safe and clean work site, the Construction
Contractor will be obliged to both limit spillage and then to clean spillage should it occur.
 By requirements to ensure that vehicle tires and vehicle bodies do not transfer dredged
material to roads external to the work areas, the Construction Contractor will have a major
incentive to limit spillage within the work site.
Spillage to the external roads could come from one or more of:
 Dirty tires or vehicle bodies.
 “Too wet” dredged material leaking from improperly sealed truck doors or transport
 Overfilling the trucks / containers.
 Excessive speed.
Management options for these include:
 Vehicle washing or cleaning.
 Draining dredge material prior to filling transport containers or directly to trucks
 Use of transport containers and ensuring any drainage valves are closed prior to transport
 Sealing the back flaps of transport trucks
 Limiting the amount of filling that can occur.
 Covering loads during transport.
 Limiting speed limits
 Having a clean-up team with brushes, shovels, water washdown along transport routes to
clean up spillage as it occurs.
In line with the AMDAL and this report the Construction Contractor is obliged to identify in
the Contractors ESMP’s what combination of measures will be adopted to prevent spillage to the
roads. These measures are then reviewed for suitability and adequacy by the Supervision Consultant
and as appropriate, accepted “as is” or after modification. However, the responsibility for successful
implementation remains with the Construction Contractor.
Monitoring of successful implementation is the specific responsibility of the Supervision
Consultant who has the powers to require rectification if spillage does occur, including if necessary
bringing in an external party to undertake clean-up at the Construction Contractor’s expense.
Furthermore, the community has an informal role in monitoring in that if spillage occurs any
community member has the right to complain, preferably via the POSKO at site to the Supervision
Consultant, or via the required Construction Contractor-community consultation meetings whose
proceedings must be reported to the Supervision Consultant. It is noted that the aspect of spillage to
roads by vehicles returning from the Ancol CDF site is specifically addressed in the Ancol Updated
RKL / RPL by the requirement for a vehicle wash for vehicles prior to leaving the Ancol CDF site.
6.2.6 Air quality
Potential adverse effects arise from:
Vehicle emissions and from construction equipment
Odors and smells, principally from the dredged material
The vehicle emissions will add to the already high, but mostly within standards local air
quality as represented by levels of NOx, SOx, HC, etc. Considering the amount of project-induced
traffic, hundreds rather than the multi-thousands of prevailing normal background traffic
movements per day, the marginal adverse effect is expected to be low.
The air chemistry monitoring to date indicates that identifiable odor-producing compounds
are below standards. In various areas the community notes odors variously from the general poor
quality of drain and waduk water, poorly disposed solid waste and in places from material dredged
or removed from the drains and waduks. Reliable quantitative information on the odors from the
dredge material has not been possible, but observation is that the freshly dredged material
occasionally generates local odors, but the odors decrease rapidly with time. It can be expected that
there will be increases in odors, with the extent of the increase depending on amount of exposed,
freshly-dredged material, local weather patterns and disturbance of the water of the drains and
The greatest potential source of elevated dust is from spilled dredge material drying on the
roads and then subjected to on-going traffic movement. In relation to vehicle emissions,
Construction Contractors are required to ensure that all vehicles have and maintain “compliance
certificates” in relation to emissions and road worthiness, with monitoring for compliance by the
Supervision Consultant.
For odors, there are no realistic mitigation measures for full prevention. Rather mitigation is
to be based on a combination on minimizing the amount of exposed, odor-producing dredge
material in critical areas, on maintaining close communication with the community and on
developing measures that align with the overall Contractors Work Plan and Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP). Oversight of this is by the Supervision Consultant.
For dust, prevention is the key mitigation measure with a strong project focus and
requirement to prevent spillage of dredged material and to clean it up when it does occur.
6.2.7 Noise
As noted in Section 5.3.3 existing noise levels are already above local standards. Project
noise will be derived from various sources; traffic, dredging equipment, and pile driving (only where
works include embankment repairs with sheet-piles). With noise levels already exceeding standards
in various locations it is unrealistic to expect that noise levels to be controlled to remain within
Thus noise management will based on a combination of:
requirement to keep noise producing equipment such as vehicle in efficient operational
obtaining an agreement with the local community whereby the perception of intrusive noise
and acceptance, or otherwise, of noise is more important than absolute noise levels. The
Construction Contractor’s ESMP will be required to document the discussions with
community representatives and resultant detailed noise management measures that could
be expected to include such factors as:
o limiting certain high noise activities such as pile driving during noise-sensitive times
such as prayer times
o placing stationary generators, compressors, etc away from noise-sensitive locations
and / or using noise shields
o choosing local vehicle access routes where there would be least possible interaction
with noise-sensitive areas.
Required instructional programmes for Construction Contractor’s staff in the requirement
for and methods to control noise; for example, limiting transport vehicle noise by slowly
accelerating trucks and prohibiting use of horns unless in an emergency situation.
Monitoring will be by a combination of:
Self monitoring by Construction Contractor, with this reinforced by feedback from
community and Supervision Consultant.
Compliance monitoring by the Supervision Consultant, to ensure that the Construction
Contractor is implementing the agreed Contractors ESMP.
Informal monitoring by the community, with feedback through the project complaints
system (including local POSKO’s) and through Construction Contractor’s community
Project generated traffic will involve:
Very occasional mobilization / demobilization of heavy equipment to and between the
dredging sites. Most of this will likely occur during night hours.
The regular transportation of dredged sludge to Ancol CDF and of solid waste to the Bantar
Gebang disposal site (TPA). This will be restricted to night hours.
Frequent, “all hours” movement of a few light vehicles transporting people etc. to / from
The first two items are discussed further. Traffic congestion within Jakarta and the effects
arising are well recognized problems, and in part to address this issue DKI Jakarta has well
established rules and procedures to control heavy vehicles. Notable are:
 General controls both for hours of operation (generally at night to avoid times when roads
are most busy) and for “designated” roads.
 Requirement for Traffic Management Plans to be developed and approved in advance for
“extraordinary” movements (such as mobilization of very heavy construction equipment)
and for regular medium term intensive truck movement as will occur with the dredged
material transport trucks.
Requirements for vehicles to be regularly checked for road worthiness and for emissions.
As a minimum all JUFMP project traffic will be contractually required to abide by these
established rules and procedures. However, given the nature of the project additional considerations
as outlined below are required.
Areas affected by the project traffic can be categorized as:
 Sub-project site immediate access and local feeder routes to the main transport routes.
 The main transport routes.
 Main road in immediate vicinity of Ancol (Jl. RE Martadinata) where JUFMP transport truck
movement will be at highest immediately prior to entry to Ancol CDF.
Different issues are important for these different areas. Issues associated with the
immediate access and local feeder routes are very much focussed on interaction with the local
communities. Roads are typically narrow, parking opportunities limited and there is often a high
density of people living and working in the area. Hence issues relate to preferred dredging access
location (as this will influence road access and local feeder routes), methods of safe operation and
operational practices such as control of noise, preferred hours of operation, emission control,
preventing spillage etc. Thus in addition to the standard traffic management plan attention must be
given to the interaction with local population, recognizing that there will be adverse short /medium
term traffic effects but with Construction Contractor and community working together to achieve an
acceptable outcome. For example, the Construction Contractor may involve local people for security
or as informal traffic personnel.
The traffic effects on the main transport routes will be minimal considering that transport
truck movement will be at night when general vehicle traffic movement will be very much less than
during daytime and especially morning and afternoon peaks. At Jl. RE Martadinata near the Ancol
site project related truck movement will be highest. At this location effects are related to road
capacity issues and also premature road damage because of the repetitive loaded truck movement.
While the actual numbers of JUFMP trucks will depend on individual contractor work plans it is
estimated that there could be as many as 40-50 movements per hour each way from the JUFMP
Phase 1 dredged material movement, but more likely with an average of about 30 movements per
hour, with all movement being during the low traffic night-time period. In this area the road is in
good condition, divided and with 2 lanes of free traffic movement each way, with the capacity
calculated from standard tables as 3250 “passenger car units” (pcu) per hour per 2 lanes 1 way
vehicles per hour. Allowing for a truck to be equivalent 3 pcu, peak JUFMP truck movements would
be about 5% of capacity, and at these times the other-than-JUFMP traffic is well below capacity.
Thus management of traffic will be by the Construction Contractor providing the Contractor
Detailed Traffic Management Plan based on:
 Requirements of transport and associated authorities.
 JUFMP-required consultation with the local communities.
 Integration with the Construction Contractors Work Plan.
 Addressing requirements of the AMDAL and this current report.
The Detailed Traffic Management Plan will address as a minimum the following:
 Identification of access points to / from the dredging sites and the feeder routes.
 Community-agreed hours of operation in the areas at and adjacent to the dredging sites.
 Any special operational conditions agreed to with the local community.
 Contractor staffing, signage, barriers etc to facilitate safe movement of vehicles at and
surrounding dredging sites.
Identification of nominated primary routes, and alternatives if primary routes are closed or
otherwise unavailable, between dredging sites and the Ancol CDF in conformity with the
requirements of traffic authorities.
General specifications of the trucks to be used, including net and gross weights, load
capacity and maximum load per truck considering the “no spillage” requirement. Specific
reference to spillage prevention is given in Section 6.2.5.
Estimation of peak hourly truck movements from each dredging area, and average hourly
numbers of truck movements considering dredging plan, daily peaks and long term
Certification that only vehicles holding current roadworthiness certificates will be used.
Method of clearly identifying (from quick external inspection) that trucks are both related
to the JUFMP project and that are associated with a particular Construction Contractor and
a particular sub-project.
Outline of safety requirements and training that will be required of all drivers, including a
program focussed on the particular hazards of extensive night driving.
Certification that the Construction Contractor takes responsibility for ensuring that the
Detailed Traffic Management Plan is implemented, whether trucks are operated directly by
the Construction Contractor or by a sub-contractor etc.
This Plan will require the approval of both the relevant authorities (at Contractor’s expense)
and the Supervision Consultant. The Supervision Consultant will have primary responsibility for
monitoring compliance. Furthermore, considering JUFMP will have multiple concurrent Construction
Contracts the Supervision Consultant will be responsible to
 ensure as far as possible conformity between the different individual Construction
Contractor Traffic Management Plans
 produce an integrated assessment of traffic volumes for the section of Jl. RE Martadinata
close to the Ancol site to ensure that the overall JUFMP-related traffic remains well within
available capacity.
 For the first six (6) months of the construction period undertake a detailed traffic count in
the vicinity of the Jl. RE Martadinata / Ancol CDF intersection at least once every two months
from 1900 one evening until 0700 the following morning that will identify and count nonJUFMP traffic (by category; for example, standard, trucks, buses) and JUFMP-traffic (broken
down by Construction Contracts and sub-project. The day (of week and of month) shall be
random and vary, and shall not be announced to Construction Contractors in advance of or
during the survey.
 Be aware of possible events that may lead to congestion problems and as necessary
coordinate with the Construction Contractors to reschedule dredged material delivery
 Ensure that any road damage arising from JUFMP trucks has to be repaired by the contractor
within 24 hour or covered with temporary steel plate in accordance with UU No.22 / 2009
regarding traffic and land transport.
Requirements of this section shall be integrated with other “traffic” aspects in other sections
such as prevention of spillage.
6.2.9 Sediment quality
Based on extensive sampling and analysis it was found that:
None of the material tested can be defined as “hazardous” (or “B3” using Indonesian
terminology) which would require special disposal conditions.
Using relevant international “screening levels” (such levels are not included in the
Indonesian regulatory system) almost all of the material is identified as suitable for future
land uses without any additional investigation. As noted this aspect is related to the Ancol
CDF and relevant AMDAL / Updated RKL / RPL and limited additional monitoring is identified
for the Ancol site.
Using direct toxicity information and also standard health assessments, the material does
not have any risks.
100. The AMDAL Commission / DKI BPLHD have requested that there be additional sediment
testing in the JUFMP Phase 1 sites before dredging commences and after the dredging is completed.
Appropriate protocols have been developed that integrate the proposed dredging operations with
effective and cost-efficient pre-dredging testing procedures. For the pre-dredging testing
procedures, the protocols include the method for sampling and interpretation and action arising
after sample analysis.
101. Management is based on the requirement that B3 material is not to be disposed of at the
Ancol site. The main method to achieve this is a monitoring programme to identify compliance with
this requirement in advance of the dredging. Using the protocols established, Table 6-1 summarizes
the expected number of composite samples that are to be taken for pre-dredging sampling for the
JUFMP Phase 1 sites.
Table 6-1 Sediment quality testing for JUFMP Phase 1 sites
JUFMP Phase 1 Sub-project
Ciliwung Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati
Cengkareng Floodway
Lower Sunter
Length km / Area ha
5.10 km
4.90 ha
7.84 km
9.98 km
No. Composite samples
102. Sampling and analysis is the responsibility of the Supervision Consultant on behalf of the
PMU / relevant PIU. This will be included as a scope of work in the consultant’s Terms of Reference.
It is estimated that collection and analysis will cost about 3 - 4,000,000 rupiah (US$ 300 - 400) per
The Construction Contractor’s responsibilities are:
defining the dredging program so that the sampling, analysis and interpretation program can
be undertaken in a timely manner (not too early such that that planned dredging is delayed
while sampling, analysis and interpretation is undertaken; not too late as the pre-dredging
sampling is to reflect conditions that will occur during the dredging activities).
To not commence dredging in an area until the material has been cleared for disposal to
Ancol CDF.
Specific requirement to prevent any material other than “tested and cleared” JUFMP
dredged material to be transported to and disposed of at Ancol CDF.
104. DKI BPLHD has responsibility to “receive” the information, and if in the unlikely event that
pre-dredge testing identifies any B3 material, to participate in decision making on what further steps
to take. The final decision however has to be that of the Ministry of Environment, and PMU and the
relevant PIU and would also need to be involved in the discussions. The possible procedures and
outcomes could include:
 More sampling and analysis to closer define the extent of elevated levels.
 Disposal to the PPLi hazardous waste facility.
6.2.10 Solid Waste
Solid Waste management is closely linked to the project in various ways:
It is well recognized that illegal disposal of solid waste to Jakarta’s waterways contributes to
sediment build-up / loss of flow capacity and to unsightly conditions.
Authorities are involved in on-going programmes to remove (mostly) floating solid waste
from the waterways (the relevant waterway owner / PIU) and from areas immediately
surrounding the waterways (Sanitary Agency (Dinas Kebersihan) of DKI Jakarta)
Some local solid waste collection / sorting / transfer sites are close to the waterways
Communities frequently request an improved solid waste collection service in response to
being encouraged to cease disposing solid waste to the waterways.
Solid waste will be incorporated in the material dredged from the waterways by the
Construction Contractors.
106. The Construction Contractors will have responsibility for the management of dredging sites
during the construction period (including 6 month maintenance period) and will be required to
coordinate with the local community, DKI Jakarta “Cleaning Department” and relevant owner / PIU
to manage solid waste within the designated dredging site. An additional specific responsibility will
be to separate those large items from the dredged material before sediment transport to the Ancol
CDF site. In specific terms the Construction Contractor will be required to ensure that the designated
dredging site remains clean and free of solid waste during contract implementation and also that
during this period no floating solid waste passes from the dredging site to external areas. While
sorting to remove the large items is expected to occur within the dredging site it is the Construction
Contractor’s responsibility to arrange for this and all other solid waste material to be managed in a
non-offensive (odors, health, visual) and timely manner and to be transported to and disposed of at
Jakarta’s Bantar Gebang TPA (landfill). Details of how individual contractors will manage this aspect
will be required in the Construction Contractor’s Work Plans and ESMPs.
The effects on solid waste thus include:
During the construction period JUFMP will facilitate maintaining clean waterways and
The “lost opportunity” that however undesirable, at present with some members of the
community, using the waterways for solid waste disposal, either because of cost,
convenience or lack of any realistic alternative.
Some local collection / sorting transfer locations used by the community prior to either
recycling or disposal to the TPA or elsewhere and which exist within what will be the
Construction Contractor’s work sites will be disturbed. The Construction Contractor will be
required to negotiate with the community and the operator of such sites for mutually
acceptable alternative arrangements during the construction period.
The on-site separation of large items of solid waste from dredged material that will either be
recycled or be diverted to and disposed of at Bantar Gebang TPA.
In terms of influencing operations of Bantar Gebang TPA
Solid waste associated with waterway and surrounds clean-up is solid waste that should
otherwise go to Bantar Gebang TPA if the waste collection and disposal system, including
community input was functioning effectively.
At most, solid waste removed from the dredged material and diverted to Bantar Gebang TPA
could be considered as an additional load for Bantar Gebang TPA. The estimated volume of
solid waste to be removed and disposed of Bantar Gebang is about 95,000m3 over a 3 - 4
year duration. This will make up an insignificant percentage of normal loads being received
at Bantar Gebang (currently between 5,000 – 6,000 tons per day, or about 20,000 to 24,000
m3 per day).
109. The direct responsibility for management is with the Construction Contractor’s working in
association with the local communities and local authorities etc. The costs for solid waste
management will be included in contracts as a unit cost item of solid waste transported to and
disposed of at the Bantar Gebang TPA
6.3 Post-Construction period
110. This period relates to the time after construction and the 6 months Construction
Contractor’s maintenance period has been completed. Mostly the effects are the beneficial
reduction in flooding that is expected to occur and consequential flow-on benefits to the
community. The aspect of sustainable solid waste management is also identified and discussed.
111. From time to time ongoing maintenance dredging will be required to sustain the benefits of
the JUFMP program. It is not possible to estimate the frequency of this as it depends on many
factors including catchment management and actual weather / high flow conditions that occur.
6.3.1 Community
The effects on the community post-construction will be associated with:
The perceived and actual effects of JUFMP, and especially benefits associated with increased
flood mitigation and whether the project succeeded in appropriate levels of environmental
and social management.
The potential for improved (over current) solid waste management systems – see next subsection.
113. As noted in Section 6.2.2 construction period monitoring of community perceptions will
continue until the maintenance period following the dredging and transport. Thus additional postconstruction period monitoring is not warranted.
Solid Waste and Maintenance dredging
114. The JUFMP project will have required a high standard of solid waste management associated
with the period of dredging and immediate following 6 month maintenance period. While certain
responsibilities will have been with the Construction Contractor, this will also have involved
coordination and cooperation with the relevant waterway “owner” / PIU, the DKI Jakarta Sanitary
Agency and the community.
115. Continuing sedimentation of the waterways is inevitable post-JUFMP dredging since there
will continue to be sediment delivery and the very flat grades of the waterways limits self scouring
for all but high flow periods. However, the prior (to JUFMP dredging) practice of significant inputs of
solid waste that reduces flow capacity is expected to be much reduced as a result of the project,
though not entirely prevented. Thus on-going maintenance dredging will be required.
116. The relevant “owner” of each waterway will be responsible for monitoring of sediment
build-up / waterway profiles and the relationship of this to flow capacity. The timing for
maintenance dredging will be balanced between not letting the situation deteriorate to the stage of
significant increasing flooding and not undertaking very frequent and uneconomical dredging. Thus
maintenance dredging will be on a much smaller scale than JUFMP dredging, both in terms of the
amount of material to be removed as well as in the area to be dredged for future maintenance
contracts. Therefore while similar effects to JUFMP dredging will be likely, the magnitude of effects
will be much less. Mitigation and monitoring would likewise be similar, learning from the JUFMP
experience and again with a focus on integrating operations via consultation with the community.
117. The responsibilities of JUFMP will not carry through to the post-construction period, though
by providing a working model to the relevant long term stakeholders for the approximate 2 year
construction period it is likely that there will be long term improvements in solid waste management
and maintenance dredging works of the project areas.
Appendix 1
Contractors’ Environment and Social Management
Environmental and social management (ESM) is considered important by the project proponents
(PMU/PIUs). The project has been subject to both Indonesia AMDAL processes and to World Bank
assessment. In relation to ESM the Contractor must abide by:
 The relevant JUFMP AMDAL approved for the dredging sites.
 Any “Supplementary Report” or similar provided as part of the tendering / bidding
 All social and environmental conditions in the Contract documents.
 All relevant laws, regulations, and policies regarding environmental and social matters in
 The Contractors Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). This Appendix details
requirements for two types of Contractor’s ESMP:
o Contractor’s Preliminary ESMP, to be prepared and submitted as part of the bid /
o Contractor’s Detailed ESMP, to be prepared and submitted along with the
Contractor’s Detailed Work Plan within the time specified in Contract documents
(nominally 30 days after Contract Award).
o Both ESMP’s cover essentially the same aspects, the main difference being the
amount of detail. Unless otherwise specified the term “Contractors ESMP’s” is
inclusive of both the Preliminary and the Detailed ESMP.
The following identifies the minimum requirements for appropriate “Contractor ESM Plans.”
Extension of responsibility. Where the term “Contractor” is used below this shall refer to the main
Contractor(s) and all sub-contractors, sub-sub-contractors etc. Regardless of whatever subcontracting arrangements are in place the Contractor shall remain fully responsible to the Principal
for implementation of sound environmental and social management. Furthermore, when
nominating sub-contractors either in the bid or during Contract implementation to the Supervision
Consultant, the Contractor shall provide written and signed evidence that the sub-contractor(s) have
been made aware of project environmental and social arrangement requirements.
Tender documents will identify:
 Requirement for the bidder to prepare a “Preliminary Contractor Environmental and Social
Management Plan” (ESMP) in parallel with the “Preliminary Work Plan” as part of the
bidding process.
 Requirement for the successful contractor to prepare the “Contractor’s Detailed ESMP” as
part of the Detailed Work Plan to be submitted within one month of Tender Award and to be
approved by the Supervision Consultant.
 The Technical Bid shall include in the section on Corporate experience the following
o Corporate policies related to environment, social responsibility and occupational
health and safety
o Records of implementation of these policies, including any external / independent
audit of such implementation.
o Copies of any awards or other recognition for "good" / "excellent" performance
related to actual implementation of social or environmental management and
monitoring on construction contracts in the previous 5 years.
o A signed statement identifying any penalties incurred in the previous 5 years relating
to environment and / or social and / or occupational health matters. The Principal
reserves the right to disqualify any organization that has been shown to have
falsified such a statement.
o Examples of Construction of environmental, social and safety management and
monitoring plans that have been specifically developed by the organization.
a person nominated by the Contractor who shall have specific qualifications and practical
experience of implementing ESM’s on similar Construction Contracts. This may be a
nominated individual with 100% responsibility for ESM or alternatively the ESM duties may
be shared with other duties (such as safety) provided that at least 50% of the time is
available for ESM activities. Scoring shall be as identified in the section on staffing.
The financial proposal shall include costs related to ESM for the Construction Contract as
o Costs associated with preparation of the “Contractor’s ESMPs” shall be included as
part of any identified payment made in relation to the preparation of the
Contractor’s Work Plan.
o Other specific identified “environmental and social” items in the Cost Schedule
o Without limitation, unit price costs shall include all other ESM costs associated with
implementation of the “Contractor’s ESMP”, Temporary Construction Areas, ESM
staffing costs, any penalties or charges imposed by government authorities,
responding to complaints from the public and rectifying as necessary breaches of
good ESM practice and / or the approved “Contractor ESMP”.
Environmental and social issues
The often interrelated environmental and social issues for which the Contractor would have direct
responsibilities are described in the following. These aspects shall also be read in conjunction with
the AMDALs, Supplementary Reports” etc.:
Community interaction
This is a general but overarching issue addressing such aspects as noise and vibration, traffic, odor /
smell, appearance / aesthetics, worksite sanitation, dredged sediment “spillage” to roads and public
areas, public safety, physical dislocation that have been identified as issues of concern to the
community. Further information on matters raised during community consultation to date is
available from the Principal. Specific objectives / performance requirements are set out in other
following issues. Bidders are encouraged to identify what other aspects they might address or
undertake to further minimize adverse “community disturbance”. Additionally the Tenderer and
Contractor shall identify in the “Contractor ESMPs” how they will participate in the public grievance
/ dispute resolution arrangements for the project. Furthermore:
 The bidder is encouraged to engage in a community consultative process during bidding to
ensure that what is being proposed in the Contractors Preliminary ESMP aligns with the
interests of the local community. This process is at the bidder’s expense.
 On Contract award the successful Contractor is required to engage in a community
consultative process as part of the development of the Contractor’s Detailed Work Plan and
Detailed ESMP. A line item in the cost schedule allows for a community meeting associated
with this process.
 During implementation of the Contract the Contractor is required to engage in further
community meetings, with a line item in the Contract to allow for these.
Temporary construction areas
The design drawings clearly define the limits of permanent works which are mainly associated with
the canal / drain (or waduk), and as appropriate, embankment works; in a few locations structures
such as pumps, gates etc. are also included. As noted elsewhere, the Contractor shall set out these
areas by detailed survey plan prior to any other activity on the site. Any of these permanent areas
may also be used for construction related purposes, provided that necessary environmental and
social safeguards are implemented.
It is envisaged that the Contractor may wish or need to use additional areas for such temporary
purposes as, including but not limited to, storage yards, construction offices and yards etc. These
areas shall be defined as “Temporary construction areas”.
The responsibility for identifying “Temporary Construction Areas” is with the Tenderer and
Contractor and shall form part of the “Contractor ESM Plans” in terms of clear identification of the
areas and the expected timing and duration of use of each site. Selection of areas must give
consideration to social and environmental factors and the “Contractor ESMPs” must define specific
environmental and social management associated with each and every Temporary Construction
Noise and vibration
Noise and vibration have been raised during various community consultation activities as “items of
interest.” Measurements as part of the AMDAL identifies that noise and vibration do not always
meet local standards. It is also noted that standards do not necessarily account for culturally
sensitive situations such as prayer times.
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” details of how the
Contractor shall manage and monitor noise and vibration at the site. Costs in relation to, for
example, low-noise generators or noise shields shall be considered as part of normal equipment and
/ or site establishment costs.
The Engineer, Principal or others may at their own expense undertake noise and / or vibration
monitoring at any time during execution of the Contract without necessarily informing the
Contractor in advance that such measurements will be taken. If in the opinion of the Engineer,
based on either such measurements or justifiable complaints from the public and / or authorities,
that excessive noise or vibration is occurring, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to comply with
relevant standards and with commitments made in the “Contractor ESMPs” without any payments
being made to accord with such compliance.
The AMDAL and comments by the public have identified traffic as an issue in relation to:
 Congestion
 Source of air emissions
 As the transporter of dredged material, the source of potential spillage (see later)
 Damage to roads.
All Contractor Traffic shall be required (at no additional cost to the Contract) to comply with all
regulations and requirements with respect to traffic, including but not necessarily limited to
restricted hours of operation, signage, and holding of valid emission testing certificates.
The Tenderer shall prepare a Preliminary Traffic Management Plan giving consideration to aspects
raised in the AMDAL and Supplementary Report. It is emphasised that this Plan addresses social
issues as well as the more standard issues such as truck size, routes etc.
The Contractor shall prepare a detailed Traffic Management Plan for the Contract and have this
approved by the Supervision Consultant and then by the relevant authorities. This Traffic
Management Plan shall form part of the Contractor Detailed Work Plan and ESMP proposed
methods of minimizing the potential adverse effects of traffic. Costs related to preparation and
implementation of the Traffic Management Plan are built into unit costs associated with transport of
dredged material and transport of solid waste as appropriate.
Odor / smell
The AMDAL and comments by the public have identified odor as an issue in relation to odors arising
from (especially) from recently dredged material.
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed methods of
minimizing odors, together with performance standards that can be measured for compliance by the
Supervision Consultant. Costs associated with operational activities such as covering material,
limiting the period of exposure, etc, as well as Contractor-initiated monitoring shall be built into unit
Appearance / aesthetics
Given that dredging and associated operations are largely in built-up and occupied urban areas, the
Tenderer and Contractor shall specifically identify proposed methods of reducing any adverse
appearance and aesthetics in the “Contractor ESM Plans”. Note that this may also interact with
public safety issues.
Water quality
While it is recognized that water quality in the project area is poor, the AMDAL and community
expectations are that the project will not cause additional significant deterioration. Potential causes
of further deterioration could arise from one or more of the following: dewatering of dredged
sediment prior to transport, spilt fuels, oil and grease, improper sanitation, untreated vehicle and
site washdown entering the drain, aggravation of surface floating solid waste, excessive disturbance
of sediment whilst still under water.
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed methods of
protecting water quality. Costs associated with set up and operational activities including any
Contractor-initiated monitoring shall be built into unit costs.
The Supervision Consultant (on behalf of project proponent), DKI BPLHD or others may at their own
expense undertake water quality monitoring at any time during execution of the Contract without
necessarily informing the Contractor in advance that such measurements will be taken. If in the
opinion of the Engineer, based on either such measurements or justifiable complaints from the
public and / or authorities, that excessive water pollution is occurring the Supervision Consultant
may direct the Contractor to comply with relevant standards and with commitments made in the
“Contractor ESMPs” without any payments being made to accord with such compliance.
Worksite sanitation
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed sanitation
facilities and practices to be undertaken throughout the whole permanent and Temporary
Construction Areas. Costs associated with set up and operational activities shall be built into unit
Dredged sediment “spillage” to roads and public areas
Based on previous operations, the community has expressed concerns regarding spillage of dredged
material from transport trucks onto roads leading to the disposal site at Ancol. The AMDAL made
specific mention of this factor, and the approved RPL / RKL (Environmental management and
monitoring plans) requires that measures be undertaken to effectively prevent any spillage, as well
as for a monitoring program to ensure that spillage is not occurring. In the event that spillage does
occur procedures must be in place to enable rapid clean up of the spillage. It is recognised that there
are various methods by which these requirements could be achieved.
In addition to these requirements special environmental conditions pertain to the Ancol reclamation
/ disposal site. These include that all vehicles leaving the site shall be required to pass through a
vehicle washing facility. Because of multiple contractors using the Ancol site, a common vehicle
washing facility shall be developed and operated by the entity managing the Ancol CDF with each
Contractor required to direct all vehicles through this facility. There shall be no charge for the use of
the facility, but there shall be no claim for any delays occasioned by using the facility. Should the
Contractor wish to establish and operate a dedicated facility for sole use by the Contractor, plans
and details shall be provided to the Engineer for approval. No additional payments will be made for
such independent action by the Contractor.
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed methods to
prevent any spillage, Contractor self-monitoring and procedures that will be adopted to enable rapid
clean up of any spillage that does occur, whether identified by the Contractor or by the Engineer.
Costs associated with this shall be built into unit costs.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Supervision Consultant may direct the Contractor to
undertake additional or alternative clean-up procedures if spillage is significant and / or frequent
and / or causing harm to the local community. No additional costs will be paid to the Contractor for
such additional or alternative clean-up procedures. Furthermore, should the Contractor not
undertake such procedures in a timely manner as directed by the Engineer, the Supervision
Consultant at his discretion may call in another party to undertake the clean up, and the full cost of
this shall become a charge against the Contractor.
Public safety
The project has the potential for significant public safety issues; construction areas are within
densely populated urban areas, operations involve heavy machinery and movement of materials and
equipment and many operations will be undertaken during night hours. The Tenderer and
Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed methods to maintain public safety.
Associated costs shall be built into unit costs.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph the Supervision Consultant may direct the Contractor to
undertake additional safety measures if an unsafe situation occurs. No additional costs will be paid
to the Contractor for such additional safety measures. Furthermore, should the Contractor not
undertake such procedures in a timely manner as directed by the Supervision Consultant, the
Supervision Consultant at his discretion may call in another party to implement additional safety
measures and or direct the dredging and transport operations to cease; and the full cost of this shall
become a charge against the Contractor and the Contractor shall have no claim arising from the
enforced cessation of operations.
Public grievance and dispute resolution
A key requirement of the Principal and of the project funders (the World Bank) is that there be
suitable public grievance and dispute resolution mechanisms in place. Overall JUFMP will have
established project public grievance mechanisms by the time of Construction Contract signing,
specifically in relation to resettlement and compensation on project “permanent areas” and also in
relation to enabling local communities to bring to the attention of local institutions and authorities
comments, including complaints, about project related activities. The majority of such comments /
complaints have been and are expected to continue to be related to environmental and social issues.
In relation to resettlement and compensation as discussed previously, the Contractor will have:
 No involvement at all in relation to “permanent” works areas
 Full involvement in relation to “Temporary Construction Areas”
The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” proposed methods and
arrangements for handling public grievances and dispute resolution for environmental and social
issues (other than resettlement and compensation). Options available to the Contractor range from
 “complete reliance on other project public grievance and dispute resolution mechanisms”,
 joint working together
 “fully independent Contractor public grievance and dispute resolution mechanism”.
In deciding which approach to use, it must be clearly understood that the Principal, via the
Supervision Consultant, is required and committed to consider all comments (and complaints) made
to the overall project public grievance and dispute resolution mechanisms. Whichever approach is
used, all Contractor-associated costs to set up and maintain shall be part of unit rates for the project.
Local employment
In common with proposed projects the local community has expressed interest in employment
opportunities. The Tenderer and Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” all realistic
employment opportunities that will be available to the local community, giving the numbers of
available jobs by category, the qualifications and experience necessary to fulfil those jobs, the
duration of employment available, and steps that will be taken to ensure preferential employment
from the local community.
Other factors
Successful implementation of ESM requires more than just identification of measures that are
proposed to be undertaken. It is necessary for example that there is human resource support in
terms of aspects such as specific staffing, identified chains of responsibility and a workforce that is
both aware of issues and capable (often with some training) of implementation. The Tenderer and
Contractor shall identify within the “Contractor ESMPs” details of such aspects. It is noted that the
bid itself requires identification of a suitably qualified person with practical ESM experience who will
be required to devote at least 50% of available time for ESM.
Appendix 2
Table A - 1
JUFMP Phase 1 Environment Management and Monitoring Matrix
JUFMP Phase 1 EMP Matrix
The following matrix summarises the environmental and social management and monitoring for the JUFMP Phase 1 Sub-projects. Additional detail is
found in the main report.
This complements but specifically does not override the RPL / RKL of the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL formally approved by DKI BPLHD / AMDAL
Commission in late March 2010.
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
* Enable effective & 1 Ensure alignment of AMDAL, PMU (via PC)
integrated environmental Engineering Design Finalisation, Contract
and social management Documentation and project institutional
necessary PMU
conditions in tender
2 Produce supplementary environmental PMU (via PC)
/ social reports as required
Receipt of reports
3 Analyze environmental and social PMU (via PC)
management options for various issues
* Community perception 1 Community consultations, including PMU (via PC)
Receipt of reports
Receive reports
* Community perception 1 Contract required meetings between CC
Construction Contractor & community –
Est. $1000
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
Contractors Detailed ESMP, then at
specified intervals thereafter
/ site
2 Ability for on-going information and SC
complaints – establish & operate POSKO
Investigate SC
2 Activity monthly
$1000020000 per reporting
3 Series of questionnaires and interviews SC
with community.
Reporting to PMU / PMU
PIUs; plus feedback
Est. $1000 to
per site
* Environment and social 1 Contractor ESMP as adjunct to CC
closely Contractor Work Plans prepared by
with Construction Contractor to align with
AMDAL, supplementary report etc. –
Construction activities
After required community consultation
including in relation to access & work
area locations.
2 Requirement for instruction to ad
training as necessary of staff, subContractors etc
be SC
approved by SC; then
ongoing monitoring
of compliance
* Local employment 1 Contractor encouraged
(desired by community) local persons
1. Feedback from CC, SC
2. Reporting to SC;
to employ CC
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
dredged 1 Methods detailed in Construction CC
Contractor ESMP; plus worker training
Plan to be approved SC
2 Specified clean-up of spilled material - SC
including by others if Construction
Contractor does not clean-up as and
when directed.
monitoring, PMU
receipt of complaints
* Air Quality (at times 1 Vehicles to have emission compliance CC
Compliance checking SC
2 Dust – prevention by, for example, CC
spillage control, clean- up
monitoring, SC
receipt of complaints
3 Odour – minimise exposure amount / CC
duration; agreement with community
* Noise (note background 1 Agreement to be reached with local CC
often exceeds standards) community, especially in relation to
timing of activities and noise sensitive
manual SC
monitoring, receipt
of complaints.
& SC
2 Worker training; As necessary silenced CC
1 Produce detailed Traffic Management CC
Plan (TMP) as part of Contractor Work
Plan and ESMP – to include technical
manual SC
monitoring, receipt
of complaints.
Review plan prior to SC
authorities. Receive
* Traffic
See other sections for
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
aspects, legislation / regulation, and
after required community consultation.
Such as noise, emissions,
Have plan approved by local authorities.
Training of truck operators
Responsibility1 Cost 1
Contractor. Copy of
fully approved plan.
consequential effects
2 Maintain operational periods / local CC
access / routes as per TMP
monitoring, SC
receipt of complaints
3 Integration with all other JUFMP CC, SC
transport to prevent congestion near
monitoring SC
and specific monthly
counts, receipt of
1 Pre and post dredging monitoring to SC
determine whether B3. This required by
(based on preventing
BPLHD / AMDAL Commission with
B3 being disposed of at approval for Phase 1 AMDAL (see 4
Ancol CDF
below if sediment quality testing does
identify B3 material)
reports. SC, PMU
Clearance to dredge BPLHD
& transport – or onPLUS
$15,000 for
via SC, PMU
formal reports
* Sediment quality
2 Requirement to dredge and transport CC
sediment only after material cleared.
3 Specific prohibition to pick up, store, CC
transport or otherwise handle any solid
material other than “cleared” JUFMP
dredged material without express
Spot checks, receipt SC
of complaints
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
approval in writing from SC
4i Decision required on what further KLH – legally Provisional Minutes of meetings KLH, SC
investigations required and ultimate responsible for $ 5000 for
(only if testing under 1
decision. Inputs extra
management that would be applied
above identifies that
BPLHD, testing in
material is B3)
JUMFP cost
* Sediment quality
4ii Possible resultant decision to either KLH to make Provisional Reporting on close SC
dispose of to Ancol (perhaps with special decision
$ 100000 in supervision
of conformity with P
conditions) or dispose of to PPLi
JUFMP cost dredging, transport KLH and PIU additi
PIU & SC to
hazardous waste site
requirements onal
to SC
* Solid Waste
1 General requirement to keep site and CC
surrounds clean; in consultation /
agreement with authorities and
community. Details to be set in Work
Plan and ESMP.
monitoring, SC
receipt of complaints
2 Separation of large items from CC
dredged material before transport to
Visual monitoring
3 Arrange for transport and disposal of CC
nett solid waste i.e. after recyclables
Visual monitoring
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
removed) from construction sites to
Bantar Gebang TPA.
4 Develop sustainable local solid waste PIU,
collection, separation / recycling and cleaning
transport / disposal programmes for agencies
local areas in preparation for PostConstruction period
Environmental 1 Reports to be prepared for PMU & PIU SC
and on behalf of
and SC
Meeting minutes and
action plans
produced PMU, PIUs
and received
* Reduced flood heights 1 Operate systems in accordance with PIU
design parameters and as necessary
update operation rules as overall Jakarta
flood management evolves
level PIU
recording, especially
during floods
2 Disseminate information to and PIU
receive feedback from community
1 Derive from flood management and PIU, DKI
solid waste management – community
has stakeholder participatory role
None required
* Community benefits
of PIU
Responsibility 1 Cost 1
Responsibility1 Cost 1
Visual monitoring
monitoring by
future PIU
monitoring, PIU
overall Jakarta flood
prediction / crosssection surveys
2 Similar as per JUFMP dredging, but
modified to benefit from lessons learned
and considering smaller scale of
maintenance dredging
Similar to JUFMP PIU
Construction stage
monitoring, modified
because of scale and
experience gained.
Waste 1 Sustainable solid waste management DKI
systems in place that avoid need to use
waterways and surrounds as part of
disposal option
* Maintenance dredging 1 Determine need
maintenance dredging
Note 1:
Responsibility (Prime responsibility only)
Project Management Unit
Project Implementation Unit
Project preparation consultants
JUFMP Construction Contractor
JUFMP Supervision Consultant
Environmental Management Agency of Jakarta Provincial Government
National / Central Ministry of Environment
Bantuan Teknis untuk Analisis Dampak Lingkungan dan Sosial (EIA / SIA)
Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta (Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigaton Project/JUFMP) –
Hibah TF#054683-IND
Laporan Tambahan
Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial
Daftar Isi
Glosarium ............................................................................................................................. 1
1 Pendahuluan.................................................................................................................. 6
Konteks................................................................................................................... 6
Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Laporan Tambahan........................................................ 6
2 Alternatif-Alternatif ......................................................................................................... 8
Keputusan Tingkat Strategis ................................................................................... 8
Latar Belakang................................................................................................. 8
Pilihan "tidak melakukan apa pun" ................................................................... 8
–Pengelolaan banjir berdasarkan daerah tangkapan versus pengelolaan banjir
setempat ....................................................................................................................... 9
Pendekatan teknik versus pendekatan nonteknik ............................................ 9
Pemilihan lokasi-lokasi pengerukan ................................................................. 9
Desain teknik ........................................................................................................ 10
Kapasitas desain aliran.................................................................................. 10
Teknologi pengerukan ................................................................................... 10
Sampah ......................................................................................................... 10
Pilihan-pilihan untuk pengangkutan ............................................................... 11
Pilihan-pilihan pembuangan material hasil kerukan ....................................... 11
Pembuatan Kontrak Konstruksi dan Pengawasan ................................................ 12
Pendekatan Menyeluruh ................................................................................ 12
Integrasi isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial........................................................... 13
3 Pengaturan institusional dan kontrak ........................................................................... 13
Institusi-institusi utama.......................................................................................... 14
Komite Pengarah ........................................................................................... 14
PMU .............................................................................................................. 14
PIU ................................................................................................................ 15
Panel Tenaga Ahli ......................................................................................... 15
Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant/SC).................................... 15
Kontraktor ...................................................................................................... 17
BPLHD DKI.................................................................................................... 17
Bank Dunia .................................................................................................... 18
Pendekatan pembuatan kontrak Pelelangan......................................................... 18
Pendekatan menyeluruh ................................................................................ 18
Pendekatan terperinci terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial .............. 18
4 Penyempurnaan desain teknik ..................................................................................... 19
5 Informasi tambahan tentang lingkungan dan sosial...................................................... 21
Gambaran Umum ................................................................................................. 21
Isu-isu sosial dan masyarakat............................................................................... 22
Informasi rona lingkungan..................................................................................... 22
Kualitas sedimen ........................................................................................... 22
Lalu lintas ...................................................................................................... 22
Kebisingan..................................................................................................... 23
Kualitas udara................................................................................................ 23
Kualitas air..................................................................................................... 23
Lingkungan hayati.......................................................................................... 23
Kesimpulan.................................................................................................... 23
6 Fase 1 penilaian lingkungan dan penanggulangan ...................................................... 23
Periode prakonstruksi ........................................................................................... 24
Jangka waktu konstruksi....................................................................................... 24
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial............................................... 24
Persepsi dan interaksi masyarakat ................................................................ 24
Lapangan kerja setempat............................................................................... 25
Hidraulika....................................................................................................... 25
Tumpahan material hasil kerukan .................................................................. 25
Kualitas udara................................................................................................ 27
Kebisingan..................................................................................................... 28
Lalu lintas ...................................................................................................... 28
Kualitas sedimen ........................................................................................... 31
6.2.10 Sampah ......................................................................................................... 33
Periode Pascapembangunan................................................................................ 34
Masyarakat .................................................................................................... 35
Pengelolaan Sampah dan Pengerukan.......................................................... 35
Lampiran 1
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial Kontraktor .......................... 37
Lampiran 2
Matriks Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan JUFMP Fase 1 ........... 45
Daftar Tabel
Tabel 1-1 Uraian Kanal-Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal, dan Kolam-Kolam Penampungan......... 7
Tabel 4-1 Paket Kontrak JUFMP Fase 1 dan Fase 2 .......................................................... 21
Tabel 6-1 Pengujian kualitas sedimen untuk lokasi-lokasi JUFMP Fase 1 .......................... 32
Tabel A - 1
Matriks EMP JUFMP Tahap 1 ................................................................... 45
Daftar Gambar
Gambar 3-1 Pengaturan Institusional dan Kontrak.............................................................. 14
Nama-nama Institusi - Fungsional
BBWS – CC Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane
BPLHD DKI Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Pemerintah DKI
Directorate General Human Settlements (Direktorat Jenderal Cipta
Karya), Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Directorate General Water Resources (Direktorat Jenderal Sumber
Daya Air), Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
DKI Jakarta
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Project Management Unit (Unit Pengelola Proyek)
Project Implementation Unit (Unit Pelaksana Proyek)
Dokumen terkait lingkungan:
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, yang mencakup ANDAL dan
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan
Catatan: Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Indonesia, Rencana Permukiman Kembali
(Resettlement Plan/RP) tidak merupakan bagian dari dokumen-dokumen AMDAL;
Rencana Permukiman Kembali dibuat secara terpisah dan merupakan tanggung
jawab pemerintah daerah. Untuk JUFMP, Rencana Permukiman Kembali
merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah DKI Jakarta.
Istilah khusus proyek
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (Proyek Pengendalian Banjir
Jakarta). [dalam berbagai dokumen proyek, digunakan dengan arti
yang sama dengan istilah ‘Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative
Fase 1
Rangkaian Subproyek-subproyek untuk dilaksanakan pada tahap
awal dari keseluruhan JUFMP. Lokasi Fase 1 dipilih karena nilai
penting terkait dengan pemulihan banjir, dan juga karena tidak
memelukan pemukiman kembali. Dokumen AMDAL telah disiapkan
untuk rangkaian kegiatan-kegiatan Fase 1.
Fase 2
Lokasi-lokasi proyek lainnya yang akan dikerjakan dalam JUFMP
Resettlement Policy Framework (Kerangka Kerja Kebijakan
Pemukiman Kembali); sebuah dokumen kebijakan yang harus diikuti
oleh JUFMP apabila terdapat kegiatan pemukiman kembali yang
terkait dengan proyek tersebut. Pemukiman kembali tidak akan
dilakukan pada proyek Fase
1. RPF disusun berdasarkan
kebijakan/praktik Bank Dunia dan undang-undang Indonesia.
Lokasi proyek Komponen-komponen tersendiri yang diidentifikasi dalam JUFMP;
baik berupa sebuah saluran air/sungai/kanal banjir dengan panjang
yang ditentukan, atau sebuah waduk dengan ukuran yang ditentukan.
Desain-desain teknik telah dibuat berdasarkan masing-masing lokasi;
penyusunan AMDAL telah dilakukan atau akan dilakukan untuk lokasi
proyek secara tersendiri.
Istilah yang muncul dari aspek-aspek Kontrak dan pelaksanaan
Kontraktor yang memiliki kontrak di bawah PIU yang
akan melaksanakan pekerjaan pengerukan, pembuatan
tanggul, pengangkutan material kerukan, dan kegiatankegiatan yang terkait JUFMP.
ESMP Kontraktor yang Terperinci
Sebuah Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial
(Environmental and Social Management Plan/ESMP)
yang akan disusun oleh Kontraktor setelah diberikan
Kontrak, dan praktik-praktik Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan
Sosial (Environmental and Social Management/ESM)
yang harus diikuti. Rencana tersebut harus dibuat
berdasarkan syarat-syarat Kontrak, AMDAL, Laporan
Tambahan, dan laporan lainnya yang disebutkan dalam
dokumen tender. Rencana tersebut juga harus mematuhi
semua peraturan terkait. Konsultasi dengan masyarakat
wajib dilakukan sebelum ESMP diserahkan untuk
mendapatkan persetujuan resmi.
Rencana ESM Kontraktor Istilah umum yang digunakan untuk mencakup “ESMP
Kontraktor” dan “Rencana ESM Terperinci Kontraktor”.
ESMP Awal Kontraktor
Rencana ESM yang harus disusun sebagai bagian dari
Penawaran Teknis. Rencana tersebut harus memuat isi
yang serupa dengan ESMP Kontraktor yang Terperinci,
tetapi dengan tingkat perincian yang lebih rendah.
Konsultasi dengan masyarakat “disarankan” untuk
dilakukan sebagai bagian dari penyusunannya.
Environmental and Social
lingkungan dan sosial)
Konsultan Pengawasan
Konsultan yang dikontrak untuk PMU. Konsultan
Pengawasan akan melaksanakan pengawasan seharihari atas Kontrak-Kontrak konstruksi – peran yang
biasanya dikenali sebagai “Ahli Teknik” (sebagai
perwakilan dari prinsipal). Konsultan Pengawasan juga
memiliki peran yang substantif dalam pengelolaan dan
pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial, dengan fokus utama
pada ESM Kontraktor, tetapi juga mencakup tugas-tugas
masyarakat, pemukiman kembali (untuk beberapa
kegiatan pada lokasi Fase 2), dan pemantuan serta
pelaporan kepada BPLHD DKI atas nama para pengusul
proyek (yakni, PIU).
AMDAL untuk lokasi Fase 1 Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta (Jakarta Urgent
Flood Mitigation Project, selanjutnya disingkat dengan “JUFMP”) dibuat pada akhir
tahun 2009 dan telah disetujui oleh BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL pada tanggal 30
Maret 2010. Tujuan dari laporan tambahan tentang pengelolaan lingkungan dan
sosial untuk kegiatan-kegiatan dalam Fase 1 JUFMP ini adalah: (i) memutakhirkan
AMDAL karena persiapan proyek telah berlangsung sejak AMDAL awal disetujui,
dan (ii) setelah dilakukannya tinjauan Bank Dunia atas AMDAL yang awal,
memastikan diperhatikannya kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran tambahan untuk mematuhi
Penilaian Lingkungan OP 4.01 Bank Dunia.
Pengaturan-pengaturan institusional dilakukan berdasarkan Unit Pengelola Proyek
(Project Management Unit/PMU) yang mewakili kepentingan-kepentingan gabungan
dari ketiga Unit Pelaksana Proyek (Project Implementation Unit/PIU) sebagai “para
pemilik”/para pengelola Sungai/Kanal dan waduk-waduk JUFMP. Melalui PIU,
kontrak-kontrak akan dibuat dengan Kontraktor pengerukan dan pengangkutan
material kerukan JUFMP, pembangunan dan/atau rehabilitasi beberapa tanggul dan
kegiatan terkait lainnya. Kontrak tambahan juga akan dibuat antara PMU dengan
Konsultan Pengawas (Supervision Consultant/SC) yang akan memiliki peran terpadu
sebagai “Ahli Teknik” yang mengawasi Kontraktor dan melaksanakan pengelolaan
dan pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial atas nama PMU dan PIU-PIU.
Suatu pendekatan untuk mengikuti standar-standar internasional tentang pembuatan
kontrak konstruksi telah diterapkan. Standar internasional didasarkan pada
Ketentuan-Ketentuan Kontrak Umum dan Khusus Bank Dunia, rancanganrancangan terperinci dalam menentukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang diperlukan,
pembuatan Rencana-Rencana Kerja Pendahuluan Kontraktor oleh para peserta
tender, kemudian Rencana Kerja Terperinci oleh kontraktor pemenang tender.
Pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial (ESM) yang wajib dilakukan oleh kontraktor
harus mengikuti pendekatan ini, beserta Rencana-Rencana ESM Pendahuluan
Kontraktor yang diperlukan dan kemudian Rencana-Rencana ESM Kontraktor yang
Terperinci yang diserahkan dalam penawaran dan setelah diberikannya kontrak.
Rencana-Rencana ESM Kontraktor diperlukan untuk mematuhi AMDAL, Laporan
Tambahan ini, dokumen-dokumen ESM lainnya yang merupakan bagian dari paket
tender, dan semua peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Rencana ESM
Kontraktor yang Terperinci harus diinformasikan melalui konsultasi kontraktormasyarakat. Rencana-Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMP)
merupakan tambahan yang terintegrasi dengan Rencana Kerja.
Konsultasi masyarakat tambahan dan studi-studi lapangan yang dilaksanakan sejak
disetujuinya AMDAL Fase 1 menguatkan temuan-temuan dari kegiatan AMDAL
Fase 1. Isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial berjalin erat dengan persepsi masyarakat dan
interaksi mereka terhadap proyek tersebut. Beberapa syarat dasar yang berlaku
(misalnya, kebisingan, kualitas udara dan air tertentu) telah berada di atas standarstandar setempat. Kemacetan lalu lintas telah sangat disadari di Jakarta, dan
meskipun peraturan-peraturan daerah terkait dengan isu-isu lalu lintas telah dibuat,
beberapa aspek, khususnya pembatasan transportasi berat untuk hanya dilakukan
pada kegiatan malam hari dapat mengurangi kemacetan.
Terdapat dampak lanjutan yang nyata di tingkat masyarakat pada kegiatan
pengerukan dan pengangkutan material ke truk berlangsung. Tetap terjadi
kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran masyarakat tentang “penerapan yang benar atas
pengaman lingkungan dan sosial”. Pemantauan kualitas sedimen terperinci
tambahan di lokasi-lokasi Fase 2 menguatkan temuan sebelumnya bahwa material
kerukan tidak ditemukan limbah berbahaya (limbah B3- Bahan Berbahaya dan
Beracun). Menurut penilaian kesehatan tidak ditemukan adanya kekhawatiran
material kerukan masih sesuai standar (dengan mempertimbangkan pengembangan
yang diusulkan) di lokasi pembuangan di Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup (Confined
Disposal Facility/CDF) Ancol. Jumlah sampah dari material kerukan yang akan
diangkut ke Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Bantar Gebang, Bekasi sekitar 95.000 m3
(Fase 1 dan Fase 2) dari perkiraan total material kerukan sebesar 3,4 juta m3 yang
akan dikeruk dan diangkut ke CDF Ancol.
Masyarakat berulang kali mengungkapkan perlunya pengurangan banjir melalui
JUFMP dan mereka dapat menerima bahwa akan terjadi gangguan jangka pendek
terhadap masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut. Namun demikian,
masyarakat juga meminta diadakan konsultasi-konsultasi agar kinerja proyek terkait
dengan lingkungan dan sosial ditingkatkan di atas berbagai kinerja yang telah
dialami dalam proyek-proyek sebelumnya.
Berdasarkan penilaian ini, disusun Laporan Tambahan EMP. Untuk melengkapi
melengkapi ANDAL, RKL dan RPL, dan terutama berfokus pada pengelolaan dan
pemantauan isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial selama konstruksi. Tanggung jawabtanggung jawab disederhanakan dan disesuaikan dengan pengaturan-pengaturan
institusional yang ada. Perhatian besar diberikan pada konsultasi masyakarat dan
mengembangkan kesepakatan-kesepakatan antara Kontraktor dengan masyarakat
pada isu-isu gangguan yang tidak dapat dihindari seperti kebisingan dan
pengelolaan lalu lintas. Pada lokasi yang memerlukan tindakan penanggulangan
seperti keselamatan, pencegahan tumpahan material kerukan dan debu sangat
mungkin dilaksanakan, EMP dan dokumen kontrak lainnya mengharuskan tindakantindakan penanggulangan untuk diterapkan, dengan wewenangnya SC mewajibkan
perbaikan segera dilakukan oleh Kontraktor atau melibatkan pihak ketiga. Sejalan
dengan pendekatan pembuatan kontrak, banyak biaya yang masuk ke dalam harga
satuan pengerukan dan pengangkutan material. Biaya-biaya tertentu telah
diidentifikasi dan biaya-biaya yang mungkin timbul telah ditentukan untuk pos-pos
utama berikut ini: 1) Rapat-rapat konsultasi kontraktor dengan masyarakat ($5.000);
2) Pemantauan kualitas sedimen oleh SC untuk memenuhi persyaratan BPLHD DKI
($15.000-30.000 – ditambah jumlah sementara untuk pengelolaan khusus apabila
terdapat material berbahaya yang ditemukan kemudian); 3) Membangun dan
mengoperasikan pusat informasi dan keluhan masyarakat di setiap lokasi proyek
oleh SC ($50.000 lebih). Biaya-biaya yang sebenarnya akan bergantung pada
penawaran-penawaran yang diajukan dalam tender.
1 Pendahuluan
1.1 Konteks
JUFMP disiapkan setelah terjadi banjir besar yang merendam Jakarta pada
Februari 2007. JUFMP mencakup pengerukan sedimen di 11 Sungai/Kanal dan 4
waduk utama di Jakarta dan pengangkutan material kerukan ke lokasi pembuangan
yang telah disiapkan dan disetujui oleh AMDAL, yang disebut dengan CDF Ancol.
Serangkaian lokasi dipilih sebagai pekerjaan-pekerjaan pada Fase 1, pada
satu sisi karena adanya kebutuhan yang mendesak untuk menanggulangi banjir dan
disisi lain diupayakan untuk tidak terjadi pemukiman kembali . AMDAL Fase 1
diserahkan kepada BPLHD DKI pada Desember 2009, dimutakhirkan dan
diserahkan kembali pada Februari 2010, dan persetujuannya telah sampaikan
melalui surat BPLHD DKI Jakarta tanggal 30 Maret 2010 setelah ada pertimbangan
dari Komisi AMDAL sesuai dengan persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia.
Sejak Maret 2010, telah dilaksanakan kegiatan tambahan yang akan
mempengaruhi rincian dari pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial JUFMP Fase 1:
 Pengelolaan proyek dan pengaturan institusional JUFMP menjadi lebih jelas.
 Uraian proyek JUFMP Fase 1 lebih sempurna seiring dilaksanakannya DED.
 Berdasarkan kontrak terpisah dengan PMU JUFMP, konsultan (PPA) dengan
masukan internasional sedang mengerjakan aspek-aspek lingkungan dan
sosial di lokasi-lokasi Fase 2, dengan berfokus untuk menyelaraskan dan
memadukan secara erat aspek-aspek tersebut dengan aspek-aspek Fase 1.
1.2 Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Laporan Tambahan
Laporan tambahan ini menunjukkan bagaimana kegiatan-kegiatan yang
dilaksanakan sejak disetujuinya AMDAL Fase 1 dapat mempengaruhi pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial dari kegiatan-kegiatan proyek Fase 1 JUFMP. Secara khusus,
laporan ini membahas:
 Berbagai alternatif yang dipertimbangkan dan alasan atas rangkaian alternatif
yang diutamakan
 Pengaturan-pengaturan institusional dan kontrak
 Implikasi-implikasi desain terperinci
 Temuan-temuan dari kajian-kajian lingkungan yang dilakukan secara terusmenerus
 Penilaian dan pengelolaan lingkungan sebagaimana disajikan dalam AMDAL
Fase 1, yang didasarkan pada intervensi-intervensi yang diusulkan,
menentukan apakah setiap perubahan mungkin diperlukan.
 Yang diikuti dengan sebuah rencana pengelolaan dan pemantauan
lingkungan tambahan untuk melengkapi AMDAL Fase 1 yang disajikan dalam
Lampiran 3.
Penting untuk ditekankan bahwa meskipun terdapat beberapa perubahan
kecil pada batas-batas fisik dari kegiatan-kegiatan proyek Fase 1 JUFMP, tidak
memerlukan pemukiman kembali pada Fase 1. Kegiatan-kegiatan proyek Fase 1
dan Fase 2 tercantum dalam Tabel 1-1 di bawah ini.
Tabel 1-1 Uraian Kanal-Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal, dan Kolam-Kolam
Saluran Air CiliwingGunung Sahari
Waduk Melati (Kali
Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Drain
(termasuk tepi laut)
Sungai Sunter Bawah
Catatan 1
Sungai Cideng
Thamrin (saluran air
Jalan Lingkar)
Sungai SentiongSunter (termasuk
Kanal Ancol)
Waduk Sunter Utara
(saluran air
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Sungai Tanjungan
Sungai Angke Bawah
Banjir Kanal Barat (tepi
Sungai Sunter Atas
Catatan 1
Perkiraan Pengerukan
(m )
(m )
1,90 ~ 2,70
2,20 ~ 3,10
1,50 ~ 3,50
1,60 ~ 2,30
0,60 ~ 2,30
0,50 ~ 2,10
1,30 ~ 2,10
1,00 ~ 2,10
0,70 ~ 3,30
1,10 ~ 1,90
2,00 ~ 3,60
1,70 ~ 2,50
1,80 ~ 3,40
Grogol –Sekretaris
Sungai Pakin – Kali
Besar – Jelakeng
Sungai Krukut Cideng
0,70 ~ 2,30
0,60 ~ 1,60
0,70 ~ 0,80
Sungai Krukut Lama
0,50 ~ 0,80
Catatan 2
Catatan 2
Untuk tujuan pembuatan kontrak, Kanal Banjir Sunter telah dibagi menjadi dua
subpaket – Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas dan Kanal Banjir Sunter Bawah.
Catatan 2
Untuk tujuan pembuatan kontrak, Saluran Air Krukut telah dibagi menjadi dua
subpaket – Saluran Air Krukut Cideng dan Saluran Air Krukut Lama
Catatan 1
2 Alternatif-Alternatif
Bagian ini menggabungkan evaluasi terhadap alternatif-alternatif yang
dilakukan di berbagai tahapan formulasi proyek yang berbeda. Keputusan tidak
dibuat secara terpisah, karena terdapat banyak keterkaitan – contohnya, pilihan
metode pengerukan, pengangkutan material hasil kerukan, dan lokasi-lokasi
pembuangan material , semuanya saling terkait. Sementara laporan tambahan ini
fokus pada lokasi-lokasi pengerukan JUFMP, beberapa acuan kepada lokasi CDF
Ancol karena keterkaitan-keterkaitan tersebut.
2.1 Keputusan Tingkat Strategis
2.1.1 Latar Belakang
Banjir di Jakarta telah menjadi masalah pada beberapa dekade akibat dari
gabungan luasnya dataran rendah, disertai dengan keadaan-keadaan yang
memperparah seperti saluran-saluran drainase tersumbat sedimen, permukiman
informal yang tumbuh di atas drainase, penurunan permukaan tanah, penggundulan
daerah tangkapan air, dan meningkatnya intensitas pengembangan di berbagai
wilayah. Banjir di Jakarta diakibatkan oleh:
 Curah hujan dengan daerah tangkapan air yang luas, dengan saluran air
dibebani membawa arus deras dari daerah tangkapan air menengah-atas
melalui wilayah Jakarta ke laut. Meluapnya sungai yang membanjiri Jakarta.
 Curah hujan terbatas dalam wilayah perkotaan, dengan banjir yang
diakibatkan oleh tersumbatnya aliran air setempat ke saluran air yang dapat
membawa air ke laut secara efisien, serta dikarenakan meluapnya saluransaluran air. Faktor daya tampung juga mempengaruhi.
 Intrusi air dari laut, dengan banyak bagian wilayah dengan ketinggian di
bawah permukaan laut khususnya di Jakarta Utara.
 Seringkali dua buah faktor atau lebih muncul secara bersamaan.
Dampak-dampak banjir telah didokumentasikan dengan baik, termasuk
dislokasi sosial secara signifikan, biaya ekonomi yang tinggi, dan terkadang
kematian yang diakibatkan oleh banjir. Lingkungan-lingkungan yang kurang bersih
dan kesehatan masyarakat yang buruk juga semakin diperparah oleh banjir.
Selama bertahun-tahun, berbagai kajian dan penyelidikan telah dilakukan,
yang menyatakan diperlukannya paket terpadu yang terdiri atas tindakan-tindakan
struktural (teknik) dan nonstruktural, termasuk pengelolaan daerah tangkapan air
yang lebih baik, perbaikan penggunaan lahan yang mendukung pengelolaan banjir,
pembangunan saluran-saluran pengalihan utama (seperti Kanal Banjir Timur yang
baru-baru ini diselesaikan) dan waduk-waduk, penanganan air limbah dan sampah
yang semakin baik, pengelolaan air tanah yang lebih baik dan yang paling penting,
penguatan institusional dan peningkatan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional.
2.1.2 Pilihan "tidak melakukan apa pun"
Pada suatu tingkatan strategis, pilihan “tidak melakukan apa pun” adalah
membiarkan banjir dan dampak-dampaknya yang merugikan tetap berlanjut dan
memburuk. Hal tersebut jelas tidak dapat diterima.
Terkait dengan proyek JUFMP yang diusulkan, alternatif “tidak melakukan
apa pun” pada dasarnya memperburuk situasi saluran-saluran drainase yang
tersumbat dan dampak-dampak sosial-ekonomi dari banjir yang sering terjadi. Hal ini
bukanlah situasi yang diinginkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, Pemerintah DKI
Jakarta, dan masyarakat yang terkena dampak. Sebagai tambahan, sedimen di
jalan-jalan air akan terus terbawa secara tidak terkendali ke Teluk Jakarta.
2.1.3 –Pengelolaan banjir berdasarkan daerah tangkapan versus pengelolaan
banjir setempat
Untuk tujuan-tujuan dari subbagian pengelolaan banjir mengacu pada
kegiatan yang sangat besar seperti pembangunan saluran-saluran pengalihan
utama yang baru untuk mengurangi banjir di wilayah perkotaan yang diakibatkan
oleh hujan di daerah tangkapan air menengah dan atas. Pengelolaan banjir
setempat mengacu pada tindakan-tindakan yang dapat dilaksanakan pada tingkat
daerah untuk memperbaiki penyaluran air hujan setempat secara efisien ke kanalkanal/saluran-saluran air setempat, dan kemudian ke laut. Meskipun mungkin terjadi
perdebatan tentang prioritas relatif, terdapat kesepakatan bersama bahwa dua
pilihan tersebut tidak saling terpisah, keduanya diperlukan sebagai bagian dari suatu
paket terpadu.
JUFMP dibuat berdasarkan bagian yang lebih rendah pada daerah tangkapan
air. Sementara proyek tersebut fokus pada pengelolaan banjir setempat, kegiatankegiatan proyek JUFMP akan meningkatkan kemampuan kanal-kanal banjir yang
telah terbentuk tetapi kinerjanya belum sesuai harapan untuk lebih secara efisien
menyalurkan banjir dari daerah tangkapan atas ke laut. Sebagai suatu proyek
pengerukan “darurat”, JUFMP tidak dirancang untuk menangani perencanaan dan
pelaksanaan yang sangat luas yang diperlukan.
2.1.4 Pendekatan teknik versus pendekatan nonteknik
Pekerjaan-pekerjaan teknik untuk tujuan-tujuan dari subbagian ini ditentukan
sebagai proyek-proyek pembangunan teknik dan operasional biasa seperti
peningkatan kapasitas penyaluran dari saluran-saluran air, pompa-pompa,
bendungan-bendungan/dinding-dinding laut. Sebaliknya, pendekatan nonteknik
menangani aspek-aspek seperti mengubah perilaku masyarakat (misalnya,
mencegah menumpuknya sampah di saluran air) dan perencanaan penggunaan
lahan serta pelaksanaannya untuk memindahkan masyarakat dari wilayah-wilayah
rawan banjir.
JUFMP fokus pada pendekatan teknik yang segera menghasilkan manfaat.
Namun akan mendukung pendekatan nonteknik yang jauh lebih luas dan
kesempatan-kesempatan yang dilaksanakan melalui JUFMP untuk menyoroti isu-isu
yang lebih luas. Sebagai contoh, pengelolaan sampah di lokasi-lokasi pengerukan
dan di sekitar lokasi-lokasi pengerukan akan menunjukkan pengurangan sumbatan
di saluran-saluran air dan manfaat lain dari pengelolaan yang tepat, dan dengan
demikian memberikan contoh-contoh praktis tentang apa yang dapat dicapai.
2.1.5 Pemilihan lokasi-lokasi pengerukan
Kajian-kajian simulasi hidraulika JUFMP telah merekomendasikan rehabilitasi
atas sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta sesuai kapasitas rancangan awal dan suatu
sistem pemeliharaan rutin sebagai langkah pertama yang paling bermanfaat untuk
penanggulangan banjir di Jakarta. Bagian-bagian dari sistem pengelolaan banjir
Jakarta yang termasuk dalam proyek tersebut telah diidentifikasi oleh Pemerintah
sangat membutuhkan rehabilitasi dan peningkatan kapasitas aliran secara
mendesak. Penentuan prioritas dibuat berdasarkan kajian-kajian sebelumnya dalam
Proyek Pengelolaan Lingkungan Bagian Barat Jawa (Western Java Environmental
Management Project/WJEMP) dan beragam kajian sebelumnya tentang
pengendalian dan penanggulangan banjir di wilayah Jakarta. Pencakupan proyek
tersebut juga mempertimbangkan disertakannya semua institusi yang
bertanggungjawab untuk mendorong dan membangun sistem pemeliharaan rutin
yang berkesinambungan secara jangka panjang. Proyek tersebut diharapkan
memberikan dampak-dampak yang menguntungkan dalam hal koordinasi institusi
awal, teknologi dan metode-metode pengerukan, pembuangan material kerukan,
praktik-praktik lingkungan yang baik dan pemukiman kembali yang adil. Oleh karena
itu, kompleksitas-kompleksitas teknis, lingkungan, dan sosial dari pekerjaanpekerjaan tersebut juga dipertimbangkan dalam pencakupan dan pentahapan
pelaksanaan proyek untuk meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan.
2.2 Desain teknik
Rancangan pengerukan dan teknologi yang terkait yang diperlukan untuk
proyek tersebut mengintegrasikan beberapa pertimbangan, khususnya batasanbatasan yang terdapat pada lokasi-lokasi itu.
2.2.1 Kapasitas desain aliran
Berada di dalam wilayah perkotaan yang padat, kegiatan pengerukan mau
tidak mau akan menimbulkan gangguan terhadap penduduk setempat, dan dalam
beberapa kejadian, terhadap pemukiman yang telah berkembang di tepian saluran
air, dan bahkan di atas saluran air tersebut. Keputusan dibuat untuk meminimalkan
dampak terhadap pemukiman-pemukiman yang sejalan dengan kebutuhan untuk
meningkatkan aliran masuk dan kapasitas penampungan. Rancangan secara umum
mempertimbangkan implikasi-implikasi yang terjadi sekali dalam seratus tahun pada
kanal-kanal yang lebih besar, dan peristiwa yang terjadi sekali dalam 25 tahun untuk
saluran air yang lebih kecil.
2.2.2 Teknologi pengerukan
Teknologi-teknologi pengerukan secara umum dapat dikelompokkan sebagai
jenis backhoe/clamshell dan pengerukan dengan penyedotan (dengan atau tanpa
kepala-kepala pemotong). Pengerukan dengan penyedotan tidak digunakan karena
tidak cocok dengan besarnya limbah sampah dalam sedimen. Backhoe beralaskan
ponton menjadi teknologi yang dipilih karena sebagian besar kegiatan pengerukan
dapat dilakukan dari atas air, daripada harus mengganggu bidang lebar di sepanjang
saluran air yang sedang dikeruk.
2.2.3 Sampah
Pemisahan sampah dari material kerukan dipertimbangkan untuk dilakukan,
terkait dengan jumlah material yang akan dipisahkan, diperlukan penyortiran
mekanis atau manual. Pemeriksaan atas penimbunan di area-area lain sebelumnya
dengan material kerukan menunjukkan bahwa metode-metode pembuangan dan
penggunaan lahan pascapenimbunan tidak akan terhambat dengan pemisahan
benda-benda berukuran besar dari material kerukan.
Penyortiran di lokasi-lokasi pengerukan sendiri dipilih karena akan membatasi
potensi kemacetan di lokasi CDF Ancol, dapat menciptakan potensi lapangan kerja
sementara, dan terintegrasi dengan kegiatan-kegiatan lain untuk menjaga lokasi
pengerukan dan lingkungan sekitarnya “bersih dan rapi” selama dilaksanakan
pengerukan. Pemisahan mekanik telah diuji, tetapi harus ditempatkan di lokasi CDF
Ancol, dan sifat material, kebutuhan air tambahan dan kesulitan-kesulitan
operasional tidak menunjukkan adanya keuntungan.
Dengan demikian, metode pemisahan secara manual yang diusulkan untuk
benda-benda berukuran besar (dan kemungkinan pemisahan opsional atas bendabenda kecil yang dapat didaur ulang) di lokasi pengerukan telah diterapkan. Lahan
penimbunan umum yang beroperasi yang telah ada milik Pemerintah DKI Jakarta di
Bantar Gebang menawarkan satu-satunya lokasi pembuangan yang layak dan aman
untuk sampah.
2.2.4 Pilihan-pilihan untuk pengangkutan
Pengangkutan mempertimbangkan tiga pilihan utama – hidraulis
(pemompaan), tongkang, dan truk, memadukan ketiganya dengan teknologiteknologi pengerukan serta dengan lokasi pembuangan yang dipilih. Pemompaan
dianggap tidak sesuai karena jumlah sampah kemungkinan akan menyebabkan
penyumbatan. Hal tersebut akan sangat mempengaruhi setiap program pengerukan.
Pengangkutan dengan tongkang tidak akan dapat dilakukan di sebagian besar lokasi
karena jembatan-jembatan dan jalur-jalur sempit di atas saluran-saluran air
menghalangi akses ke laut; namun demikian, hal tersebut dapat menjadi suatu
metode yang dipilih kontraktor untuk bagian-bagian rendah dari jalan-jalan air yang
lebih besar. Pengangkutan dengan truk menjadi satu-satunya alternatif untuk
sebagian besar lokasi sehingga metode inilah yang dipilih, dengan asumsi bahwa
penggunaan metode tersebut di semua lokasi dapat menandakan potensi situasi
kasus buruk terkait dengan dampak lalu lintas.
2.2.5 Pilihan-pilihan pembuangan material hasil kerukan
Untuk pembuangan sedimen yang dikeruk, beberapa pilihan dan alternatif
telah dipertimbangkan berdasarkan hasil-hasil uji sedimen, pengalamanpengalaman di masa lalu, alasan-alasan teknis dan keuangan, serta peluang
pekerjaan pengembangan proyek, sebagai bagian dari
proses pembuatan
keputusan yang mengarah pada pemilihan CDF Ancol sebagai tempat pembuangan
akhir untuk material tidak berbahaya. Sebagai contoh, selama operasi pengerukan
terdahulu, material galian biasanya dibuang di tanah kosong yang dimiliki oleh
Pemerintah DKI Jakarta. Dalam beberapa kasus, sedimen-sedimen dibuang ke
tanggul-tanggul dan tidak dibuang dengan cara lain, yang menyebabkan lumpur
kembali masuk ke saluran air. JUFMP memberikan kesempatan pertama bagi
Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengkoordinasikan dan
membuang hasil kerukan di sebuah area pembuangan yang ditentukan dan dikelola,
serta untuk menggunakan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan dengan praktik yang baik.
Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan penilaian atas beberapa lokasi
pembuangan dan alternatif pengelolaan. Pada awalnya Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
mengusulkan beberapa lokasi berbasis tanah yang tersedia, yang tersebar di
seluruh penjuru kota. Lokasi-lokasi yang diusulkan tersebut ditolak karena kapasitas
pembuangannya yang kecil, isu-isu pemukiman kembali, isu-isu estetika dan bau,
serta kesulitan-kesulitan dalam hal pengawasan. Tiga lokasi pembuangan berbasis
laut juga dipertimbangkan, yaitu di Muara Kali Adem (MKA), Marunda, dan Ancol
Barat, sebelum diambilnya keputusan dipilihnya Ancol.
Ancol secara strategis dipilih karena kesiapannya cepat, ukuran dan
kapasitasnya (mampu menerima hampir tiga kali lipat volume material hasil kerukan
dari proyek tersebut, atau kira-kira 12 juta m3). Penting untuk dicatat bahwa Ancol
juga mempunyai keuntungan karena merupakan suatu proyek reklamasi secara
terus-menerus yang telah disetujui. Pemanfaatan Ancol dianggap sebagi suatu
skenario yang ‘sama-sama menguntungkan'. Dua lokasi berbasis laut lainnya
dianggap akan harus dibangun terlebih dahulu, dengan biaya yang besar serta
mengakibatkan penggeseran lebih banyak area dekat pantai dengan dampak
lingkungan tambahan. Pada saat bersamaan, pemanfaatan material hasil kerukan
yang tidak berbahaya untuk reklamasi Ancol akan mengurangi dampak negatif dari
penggunaan material lainnya (pasir) yang diperoleh dari penggalian-penggalian.
2.3 Pembuatan Kontrak Konstruksi dan Pengawasan
2.3.1 Pendekatan Menyeluruh
Pembuatan kontrak konstruksi harus dapat:
Mencapai hasil teknik yang diinginkan.
Memungkinkan pengalaman kontraktor konstruksi tercermin dalam rencanarencana kerja perinci dan pelaksanaannya.
Memastikan bahwa kepentingan-kepentingan pokok diperhatikan. Untuk
JUFMP, hal tersebut termasuk penerapan pengaman lingkungan dan sosial
dengan benar.
Menghasilkan tender-tender yang hemat biaya.
Memungkinkan pengawasan dan audit kinerja secara efektif.
Dalam kerangka kerja ini, terdapat alternatif-alternatif yang bertentangan
sebagai berikut:
 Menjelaskan kepada kontraktor “bagaimana persisnya” pekerjaan tersebut
akan dilaksanakan. Sebagai contoh, peralatan teknologi apa yang harus
digunakan, bagaimana cara menyiapkan lokasi dan melakukan pengaturanpengaturan mobilisasi, bagaimana cara dan di mana dapat mengakses lokasilokasi pekerjaan, serta jadwal yang tepat. Hal ini mau tidak mau mengalihkan
banyak tanggung jawab kepada prinsipal dan biasanya menghasilkan tenderberbiaya tinggi serta lebih banyak kemungkinan klaim-klaim selanjutnya.
 Menentukan hasil teknik, dan mengizinkan kontraktor untuk menentukan
bagaimana cara untuk mencapai hasil tersebut. Biaya-biaya tender umumnya
lebih rendah dan lebih banyak tanggung jawab pada kontraktor. Namun
demikian masih terdapat risiko bahwa beberapa kepentingan prinsipal
mungkin terabaikan secara sebagian.
Terkait dengan JUFMP dan karena sangat lazim dalam pembuatan kontrak
internasional, pendekatan kedua lebih disukai dan telah dipilih namun dengan
pengaman-pengaman tertentu untuk memastikan bahwa kepentingan-kepentingan
prinsipal telah diperhatikan dan dilaksanakan dengan sebagaimana mestinya.
Sebagai hasilnya:
Dokumen kontrak keseluruhan dan pendekatan tender difokuskan pada
pencapaian kelima “hasil” yang diinginkan sebagaimana disebutkan pada
awal subbagian ini.
Kontraktor akan memiliki fleksibilitas, dalam batasan-batasan yang dijelaskan
dalam kontrak, untuk mengembangkan rencana-rencana kerja sehingga
memperinci “cara pelaksanaan pembangunan”.
Pengawasan secara ketat, termasuk prapersetujuan yang diperlukan atas
rencana kerja sebelum pelaksanaan, dimasukkan ke dalam proses tersebut.
2.3.2 Integrasi isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial
Untuk aspek-aspek teknik, terdapat pembedaan yang mendasar antara:
Menjelaskan kepada kontraktor secara persis bagaimana cara mencapai
hasil-hasil lingkungan dan sosial yang diinginkan.
Mewajibkan hasil-hasil yang diinginkan berdasarkan kontrak, di mana
kontraktor memiliki beberapa fleksibilitas untuk menggunakan pengetahuan
dan pengalaman untuk mencapai hasil-hasil tersebut.
Lebih lanjut, terdapat persyaratan hukum bahwa AMDAL yang disetujui harus
diikuti. Pendekatan yang terakhirlah yang diambil, tetapi dengan disertakannya
pengaman-pengaman yang sangat substansial untuk menjamin bahwa pengamanpengaman lingkungan dan sosial yang diinginkan/disyaratkan tersebut ditetapkan
dan terintegrasi secara penuh dengan pendekatan pembuatan kontrak. Hal tersebut
menghasilkan aspek-aspek penting berikut ini:
 Daripada menggunakan peran tradisional dari “Ahli Teknik”, proyek JUFMP
akan mempunyai SC yang tanggung jawab teknik maupun lingkungan/sosial.
 Sementara titik-titik akses dan area-area lay down pembangunan sementara
tidak akan ditentukan secara umum sampai dilaksanakannya tender dan
secara terperinci sampai setelah diberikannya kontrak pembangunan,
terdapat kewajiban mutlak bagi Kontraktor untuk berkonsultasi dengan
masyarakat setempat untuk memastikan bahwa akan terdapat sekecil
mungkin gangguan terhadap masyarakat.
3 Pengaturan institusional dan kontrak
Pengaturan institusional dan kontrak telah masuk ke fase di mana peranperan dan tanggung jawab-tanggung jawab atas pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial
untuk Fase 1 (dan kemudian untuk Fase 2) telah ditentukan dengan jelas.
Pengaturan-pengaturan institusional dan pelaksanaan adalah sebagai berikut.
Gambar 3-1 Pengaturan Institusional dan Kontrak
Pelaksana Proyek
Kegiatan-Kegiatan Proyek
Komite Pengarah Bersama
BAPPENAS, Kementerian Keuangan,
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, DKI
Konsultasi Pemantauan dan
Evaluasi Independen
Panel Tenaga Ahli
Sistem Informasi
Pengelolaan Banjir Jakarta
Konsultasi Pengawasan
Tinjauan dan RekomendasiRekomendasi Proyek
Dinas Pekerjaan Umum DKI
Kontrak-Kontrak Pekerjaan
2 Kontrak/9 Lokasi
Bantuan Teknis
Kontrak-Kontrak Pekerjaan
2 Kontrak/3 Lokasi
Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Independen
Kontrak-Kontrak Pekerjaan
3 Kontrak/3 Lokasi
Bantuan Teknis
Unit Kerja MSW
Pengembangan Prasarana
dan Sanitasi untuk
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai
Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Independen
Kementerian Pekerjaan
Umum (Biro Perencanaan
dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri),
Kembali Proyek
7 Lokasi
Sistem Penanganan
Pengaduan Proyek
3.1 Institusi-institusi utama
3.1.1 Komite Pengarah
Sebuah komite penasihat tingkat tinggi, Komite Pengarah Bersama (Joint
Steering Committee/JSC) telah dibentuk untuk mengawasi persiapan dan
pelaksanaan proyek dan untuk memberikan dukungan koordinasi dan nasihat pada
tingkat kebijakan. JSC dipimpin oleh Bappenas dan terdiri atas para perwakilan dari
Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, dan Pemerintah DKI
Jakarta. JSC bertemu secara rutin selama persiapan proyek dan telah terbukti
berperan penting dalam memberikan dukungan nasihat dan sebagai sebuah forum
untuk pembuatan keputusan tingkat tinggi. JSC akan terus melakukan pengawasan
tingkat tinggi selama pelaksanaan proyek ini.
3.1.2 PMU
Proyek ini membutuhkan koordinasi yang erat di antara tiga lembaga
pelaksana pada tingkat pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah: Direktorat Jenderal
Sumber Daya Air (DGWR) dan Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya (DGCK) di
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, serta Pemerintah DKI Jakarta. DGWR akan
memainkan peran sebagai Badan Pelaksana. Sebuah Unit Pengelola Proyek (PMU)
telah dibentuk oleh DGWR dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan dan mengawasi
pelaksanaan proyek. PMU terdiri atas tiga orang staf dari DGWR, tiga orang staf dari
DGCK, tiga orang staf dari Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, dan seorang staf dari Biro
Perencaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. PMU
didukung oleh suatu sekretariat yang terdiri dari lima orang staf dari DGWR. Selama
pelaksanaan proyek, PMU akan mengawasi pelaksanaan proyek serta
melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama, khususnya konsultasi pengawasan
pekerjaan menyeluruh dan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (Floods
Management Information Systems/FMIS). PMU gabungan memberikan suatu
peluang untuk berevolusi menjadi sebuah grup operasi dan gabungan pengelolaan
yang terkoordinasi di masa mendatang dalam sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta.
3.1.3 PIU
Proyek tersebut akan dilaksanakan melalui institusi-institusi yang sesuai,
sejalan dengan tanggung jawab institusional serta kerangka kerja perundangundangan dari sektor tersebut. Proyek ini memiliki tiga PIU, terdiri atas DGWR
(melalui Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane/BBWS-CC), DGCK, dan
Pemerintah DKI Jakarta. Masing-masing akan bertanggungjawab untuk
melaksanakan pengerukan dan rehabilitasi atas kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, dan
waduk-waduk utama yang ditentukan yang berada dalam tanggung jawabnya.
3.1.4 Panel Tenaga Ahli
Sebuah Panel Tenaga Ahli yang terdiri atas tiga orang spesialis independen
yang diakui secara internasional akan dimobilisasi untuk memberikan saran pada
semua aspek proyek. Para spesialis tersebut diharapkan akan terdiri atas seorang
ahli lingkungan, seorang ahli teknik yang berpengalaman dalam pengerukan dan
pembuangan kerukan, dan seorang ahli pemukiman kembali perkotaan. Tanggung
jawab-tanggung jawab utama dari Panel Tenaga Ahli tersebut termasuk memantau
dan mengevaluasi persiapan dan pelaksanaan berbagai instrumen pengaman
(Kerangka Kerja Kebijakan Pemukiman Kembali [Resettlement Policy
Framework/RPF], Rencana-Rencana Pemukiman Kembali (Resettlement Plan/RP),
EMP, dan prosedur-prosedur penanganan pengaduan), dan memberikan nasihat
kepada PMU tentang tindakan-tindakan yang harus diambil untuk meningkatkan
kepatuhan. Apabila perlu, Panel Tenaga Ahli dapat diperbesar secara sementara
atau tetap dengan menambahkan para spesialis yang akan memberikan keahlian
untuk isu-isu atau kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang spesifik, tidak terduga, atau kritis,
yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek. Para tenaga ahli tambahan
tersebut, apabila ada, dapat dimobilisasi dengan terms of reference yang disepakati
antara PMU, Bank Dunia, dan ketiga orang tenaga ahli awal yang merupakan bagian
dari Panel Tenaga Ahli. Panel Tenaga Ahli tersebut harus mengadakan pertemuan
secara teratur untuk meninjau status perkembangan pekerjaan. Namun demikian,
rapat-rapat luar biasa khusus juga dapat dilakukan untuk meninjau tahap-tahap kritis
tertentu dalam kegiatan-kegiatan teknis, lingkungan, dan sosial.
3.1.5 Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant/SC)
Ini adalah kontrak konsultasi yang akan berperan penting dalam mendukung
pengelolaan, pengawasan, dan pemantauan proyek secara menyeluruh oleh PMU.
Apabila terdapat kelemahan-kelemahan yang dinilai dalam kapasitas, khususnya
dalam wilayah-wilayah pengawasan atas rencana-rencana lingkungan proyek,
penerapan Rencana Pemukiman Kembali (RP) dan Sistem Penanganan Pengaduan
(Grievance Redress System/GRS), SC telah ditugasi untuk menggunakan keahlian
yang diperlukan untuk mendukung PMU selama pelaksanaan proyek. Ruang lingkup
pelayanan bantuan teknis ini termasuk (i) mengawasi pelaksanaan berbagai kontrak
pekerjaan pengerukan dan pembangunan dalam proyek tersebut termasuk di semua
lokasi pembuangan (ii) mengawasi pelaksanaan RKL dan RPL oleh para kontraktor
pekerjaan, (iii) mendukung PMU dan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dalam pelaksanaan
RP, dan (iv) mengembangkan serta mengimplementasikan mekanisme penanganan
pengaduan/keluhan proyek tersebut dengan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta. Ringkasan
dari ruang lingkup yang terperinci dari kegiatan-kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan
adalah sebagai berikut:
Pengawasan Pekerjaan Pengerukan
1.1 Meninjau/memeriksa kontrak-kontrak akhir dengan para kontraktor.
1.2 Meninjau/memeriksa Desain-desain Teknik Terperinci dan gambar-gambar,
pernyataan-pernyataan metode, spesifikasi-spesifikasi, dan jadwal-jadwal
kegiatan, melaksanakan survei dan penyelidikan tambahan sebagaimana
diperlukan, serta melakukan setiap revisi yang dianggap perlu dan
memperoleh persetujuan dari PMU untuk revisi tersebut.
1.3 Menguji semua bagian dari setiap lokasi proyek untuk material berbahaya
sebelum dilaksanakannya pekerjaan pengerukan.
1.4 Mengawasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan, termasuk (tetapi tidak terbatas pada):
 Pengerukan (termasuk pemisahan sampah dari material hasil kerukan,
serta pengangkutan dan pembuangannya masing-masing di lahan
penimbunan yang disetujui dan CDF Ancol), pembuatan tanggul dan
rehabilitasi atas kanal-kanal, pompa-pompa, perbaikan dan perawatan
 Memberikan bantuan kepada PMU untuk proses permintaan pembayaran
dari kontraktor.
 Menyimpan arsip-arsip lokasi dan menyusun laporan-laporan
perkembangan bulanan secara perinci.
 Menyiapkan pekerjaan sebagaimana gambar-gambar dan arsip-arsip
yang telah ditandatangani, serta buku-buku panduan operasional, dan
menyerahterimakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang telah selesai kepada PMU.
 Menyusun sebuah Laporan Penyelesaian Praktis dan Cacat-Cacat yang
Belum Diperbaiki untuk masing-masing kontrak pembangunan yang
 Menyusun sebuah Laporan Penyelesaian Akhir dan Penyerahterimaan
untuk masing-masing kontrak pembangunan yang diawasi.
1.5 Mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan-kegiatan pembangunan di lokasi CDF
Ancol selama pelaksanaan proyek, dan di semua lokasi di luar lokasi proyek
seperti lokasi-lokasi sumber pasir dan tanah laterit.
1.6 Memberikan bantuan teknis kepada PMU sebagaimana dibutuhkan dari
waktu ke waktu, yang mungkin termasuk pemberian dukungan dan saran
kepada PMU mengenai pelaksanaan pekerjaan-pekerjaan proyek,
khususnya pada aspek-aspek teknis, perencanaan menyeluruh, dan
pengadaan dalam proyek tersebut.
Pengelolaan Lingkungan
1.7 Memantau (termasuk pembuatan laporan penerapan RKL/RPL triwulanan)
dan mengawasi langkah-langkah perlindungan lingkungan yang dilaksanakan
untuk menanggulangi kerusakan lingkungan akibat kegiatan-kegiatan
pembangunan dan pembuangan, yang sejalan dengan
 RKL/RPL dari masing-masing lokasi pekerjaan yang termasuk semua
lokasi pembuangan.
 Kerangka Kerja Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMF) dalam
proyek tersebut.
Rencana Pemukiman Kembali
1.8 Mengawasi dan mendukung pelaksanaan Rencana Pemukiman Kembali,
yang sejalan dengan
 Rencana Pemukiman Kembali dari masing-masing lokasi di mana
pemukiman kembali diperlukan.
1.9 Memberikan bantuan teknis dan administrasi dalam pembebasan lahan dan
proses pemukiman kembali.
Sistem Penanganan Pengaduan (GRS)/Mekanisme Penanganan Keluhan
Mengembangkan dan menjalankan GRS, yang akan termasuk tetapi
tidak terbatas pada menangani keluhan-keluhan dari Warga Terkena
Dampak Proyek secara sistematis setiap hari;
Memutakhirkan keluhan-keluhan di situs internet, memberitahu orangorang yang menyatakan keluhan tentang status keluhan mereka serta
memberikan umpan balik atau tindakan-tindakan penindaklanjutan;
Membantu Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dalam mengambil tindakantindakan penindaklanjutan yang dapat diterima untuk keluhan-keluhan,
memastikan bahwa keputusan-keputusan dibuat berdasarkan proses-proses
yang transparan, adil, independen, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
melalui Penanganan Pengaduan atau Saran Penanganan Keluhan;
Memberikan rekomendasi-rekomendasi kepada para pihak yang
berwenang di Pemerintah DKI Jakarta tentang status keluhan-keluhan, dari
unit di lokasi melalui proses-proses tingkat provinsi.
Memantau dan melaporkan setiap kegiatan di lokasi-lokasi proyek
yang saling “terhubung”.
Merancang, mengembangkan, dan mengoperasikan suatu sistem
komunikasi dan pelaporan proyek berbasis web.
3.1.6 Kontraktor
Kontraktor Konstruksi akan bertanggungjawab untuk pengerukan dan
pengangkutan material hasil kerukan saluran air dan waduk dari lokasi-lokasi
pengerukan ke CDF Ancol (material hasil kerukan yang tidak berbahaya), Lahan
Penimbunan Bantar Gebang (sampah yang dipisahkan dari material hasil kerukan),
serta lahan penimbunan yang aman milik PT. Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri
(PPLi) (material berbahaya, apabila ditemukan) sesuai dengan kontrak-kontrak
pembangunan, AMDAL yang disetujui untuk Fase 1, dan laporan tambahan ini.
Kontrak-kontrak pekerjaan sipil akan termasuk persyaratan-persyaratan kontrak
untuk pelaksanaan persyaratan lingkungan.
BPLHD DKI adalah badan pengelolaan lingkungan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
dengan tanggung jawab untuk menyetujui dan memberlakukan AMDAL untuk semua
proyek di kota (Jakarta). Selain itu, badan tersebut bertanggungjawab untuk
memantau pelaksanaan rencana-rencana pengelolaan yang terkait. Dalam
pelaksanaan AMDAL, BPLHD DKI juga didukung oleh badan-badan pengelolaan
lingkungan tingkat kota (Walikota). BPLHD DKI telah menyetujui AMDAL untuk Fase
1 proyek ini dan AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol. BPLHD DKI telah mulai memantau
pekerjaan pembangunan terus-menerus di CDF Ancol dan akan terus melakukan hal
tersebut. Pemantauan gabungan dengan Bank Dunia direncanakan untuk dilakukan
selama pelaksanaan proyek JUFMP.
3.1.8 Bank Dunia
Bank Dunia akan mengawasi dan memantau penerapan proyek agar sejalan
dengan kebijakan-kebijakan operasionalnya untuk semua aspek proyek, termasuk
isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial.
Pendekatan pembuatan kontrak Pelelangan
Pendekatan ini telah dikembangkan oleh komite Pelelangan PMU/PIU.
3.2.1 Pendekatan menyeluruh
Kontrak-kontrak ditetapkan berdasarkan pengaturan-pengaturan tender
kompetitif internasional terstandarisasi, dengan prakualifikasi, pembuatan short-list,
dan kemudian pelaksanaan tender, penilaian penawaran, dan pemberian kontrak.
Pendekatan tersebut sebagaimana diidentifikasi di bawah ini ditentukan berdasarkan
pengalaman internasional dan setempat untuk memastikan bahwa:
 penawaran-penawaran dengan harga bersaing diperoleh
 pengusul proyek melalui SC melakukan pengendalian secara ketat atas cara
pelaksanaan pembangunan tersebut, dan
 terdapat suatu audit yang ketat atas volume material yang dikeruk dan
diangkut serta dibuang dengan sebagaimana mestinya ke CDF Ancol.
Persyaratan teknis ditentukan berdasarkan rancangan-rancangan terperinci
dari para konsultan desain teknik yang diperoleh PMU (yakni, Konsultan Persiapan
Proyek). Penting untuk diingat, dan hal ini mempengaruhi pengelolaan lingkungan,
dokumen-dokumen penawaran harus menentukan rancangan, tetapi tidak boleh
menentukan urutan pekerjaan atau metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut atau
perlengkapan yang akan digunakan atau lokasi-lokasi akses. Para peserta tender
diwajibkan untuk mengidentifikasi hal-hal tersebut dalam sebuah Rencana
Pekerjaan Kontraktor Pendahuluan yang harus diserahkan pada waktu penawaran.
Suatu penilaian tentang hal tersebut akan dilakukan selama negosiasi-negosiasi
kontrak dengan penawar yang terpilih, dan dalam jangka waktu satu bulan sejak
diberikannya kontrak, Kontraktor akan diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan sebuah
Rencana Kerja Kontraktor yang terperinci. Rencana Kerja perlu diperiksa dan
disetujui oleh SC.
3.2.2 Pendekatan terperinci terhadap pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial
Aspek-aspek pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial dalam Kontrak perlu
diselaraskan dengan pendekatan menyeluruh. Aspek-aspek khusus termasuk:
 AMDAL dan persyaratan yang direkomendasikan oleh laporan saat ini akan
membentuk bagian dari kontrak pembangunan bersama bagian-bagian yang
terkait dengan Kontraktor yang akan menjadi persyaratan khusus yang harus
dipenuhi oleh kontraktor.
 Hal-hal tertentu telah ditekankan secara lebih lanjut dengan menyertakan halhal tersebut dalam “Ketentuan Khusus Kontrak”. Secara khusus,
sebagaimana dirincikan dalam laporan ini, sebagian besar dampak potensial
terkait dengan interaksi dengan masyarakat setempat, dan syarat-syarat
yang sangat khusus disertakan terkait dengan jumlah minimum pertemuan
dengan masyarakat yang disyaratkan oleh kontrak.
Penentuan staf Kontraktor termasuk persyaratan untuk staf khusus dengan
tanggung jawab pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial.
Kesadaran langkah-langkah pencegahan HIV/AIDS telah disertakan dalam
Ketentuan Khusus Kontrak, meskipun langkah-langkah tersebut belum
dicermati secara terperinci dalam proses AMDAL daerah.
Sebagai bagian dari penawaran, Kontraktor diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan
sebuah ESMP Kontraktor Pendahuluan sebagai tambahan untuk Rencana
Kerja Kontraktor pendahuluan.
ESMP Kontraktor Pendahuluan akan dinilai sebagai bagian dari evaluasi atas
penawaran, keduanya dalam hal kepatuhan terhadap AMDAL/laporan saat
ini dan kesesuaiannya.
Dalam jangka waktu 1 bulan sejak diberikannya kontrak, Kontraktor akan
diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan Rencana Kerja Kontraktor Terperinci dan
ESMP Kontraktor terperinci yang terkait untuk memperoleh persetujuan.
Akan diketahui kemudian bahwa peraturan-peraturan daerah mensyaratkan
langkah-langkah penanggulangan tertentu, langkah yang paling relevan untuk
JUFMP adalah pembatasan jam pergerakan truk pengangkut, pengembangan
rencana-rencana pengelolaan lalu lintas terperinci, dan pengujian serta sertifikasi
atas truk-truk untuk keselamatan, emisi, dan lain-lain. Peraturan-peraturan telah
dibuat oleh pemerintah daerah untuk menghadapi kondisi-kondisi sosial dan
lingkungan yang ada di Jakarta. Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan-peraturan tersebut
secara khusus diwajibkan melalui AMDAL, laporan ini, dan Ketentuan-Ketentuan
Umum dan Khusus Kontrak, sesuai keadaan.
Penentuan biaya untuk penanggulangan lingkungan dan sosial juga
diperlukan untuk menyelaraskan secara erat dengan pendekatan terhadap
penentuan biaya yang digunakan untuk faktor-faktor pembangunan. Dengan
beberapa pengecualian, semua biaya disusun ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan untuk
pengerukan dan biaya-biaya satuan untuk pengangkutan, dengan penjabaran
tambahan untuk jarak lokasi-lokasi pengerukan dari CDF Ancol. Biaya-biaya
lingkungan dan sosial yang disusun ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan termasuk, tetapi
tidak terbatas pada:
 Sanitasi tempat kerja
 Keselamatan
 Pengelolaan lalu lintas
 Pencegahan tumpahan material hasil kerukan di sekitar lokasi dan rute-rute
 Pengendalian emisi kendaraan
 Pengelolaan kebisingan; dan
 Konsultasi umum dengan masyarakat.
Pos-pos biaya khusus lingkungan dan sosial yang dapat diidentifikasi yang
akan dimasukkan ke dalam kontrak termasuk serangkaian rapat konsultasi
Penyempurnaan desain teknik
Desain-desain teknik sebagaimana disajikan dalam AMDAL Fase 1 yang
telah disetujui pada pokoknya dibuat berdasarkan informasi terakhir (yang
dimasukkan dalam Terms of Reference AMDAL) yang diberikan oleh Para Konsultan
Persiapan Proyek (Project Preparation Consultants/PPC) dan beberapa pekerjaan
penyelidikan/perancangan terdahulu selama konsultasi desain teknik yang dimulai
pada bulan Oktober 2009. Sejak dilakukannya persiapan AMDAL Fase 1:
 Informasi survei terperinci telah diperoleh untuk semua lokasi dan
dimasukkan ke dalam rancangan tersebut.
 Rancangan-rancangan pendahuluan telah ditinjau oleh PIU, PMU, dan Bank
Dunia, dan beberapa rincian telah diubah untuk mengakomodasi isu-isu
tertentu, contohnya, pengetahuan khusus setempat (perlindungan pinggiran
sungai apa yang sesuai), optimalisasi kinerja, prosedur-prosedur dan paketpaket kontrak, dampak-dampak potensial terhadap infrastruktur, dan lain-lain.
 Informasi sosial dan lingkungan yang lebih terperinci dari AMDAL Fase 1 dan
kegiatan-kegiatan persiapan Fase 2 telah dipertimbangkan, khususnya terkait
penanggulangan khusus telah ditinjau dalam hal kecukupan dan
 Jadwal-jadwal telah disempurnakan.
Perubahan-perubahan utama yang telah terjadi dalam jangka waktu
sementara adalah sebagai berikut:
 Paket kontrak dan penjadwalan telah disesuaikan.
 Volume-volume material yang akan dikeruk dan diangkut, serta pekerjaan
pembuatan tanggul ditentukan dengan lebih baik. Ringkasan informasinya
diberikan dalam Tabel 4-1.
 Pemisahan sampah dari material hasil kerukan telah ditinjau. Dengan
mempertimbangkan banyak faktor (kondisi-kondisi setempat yang diketahui,
kepraktisan, dampak-dampak pada lokasi pembuangan), telah ditentukan
bahwa perlu untuk memisahkan benda-benda besar saja dari material hasil
kerukan dan Kontraktor harus berkoordinasi dengan badan-badan lainnya
untuk mengelola limbah-limbah dan sampah-sampah yang mengapung di
pinggiran sungai.
 Kemungkinan kebutuhan perlengkapan telah ditinjau. Sebagian besar
perlengkapan masih sama sebagaimana diuraikan sebelumnya, tetapi
dengan potensi penggunaan penyemprotan air (water-jetting) di bawah
jembatan-jembatan untuk pemindahan setempat dan penggerakan sedimen
ke lokasi-lokasi di mana endapat tersebut dapat diambil oleh ekskavator yang
dipertimbangkan untuk meminimalkan gangguan terhadap infrastruktur dan
mengurangi tingkat ekskavasi secara manual.
 Meskipun penggunaan tenaga kerja lokal akan didorong, tetapi hal tersebut
tidak akan diamanatkan.
 Pendekatan untuk memasukkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan lingkungan dan
sosial ke dalam Kontrak-Kontrak Pembangunan telah ditentukan (Bagian 3.2.
dan seluruh Bagian 6).
Membandingkan hal tersebut dengan Tabel II-7 dalam AMDAL Fase 1:
Dikuranginya panjang saluran-saluran air tersendiri yang akan dikeruk.
Dikuranginya volume-volume kerukan di masing-masing lokasi.
Volume total sampah yang terdapat dalam sedimen sekarang telah dapat
Tabel 4-1 Paket Kontrak JUFMP Fase 1 dan Fase 2
Perkiraan Pengerukan
Pengerukan Material hasil
kerukan (m3)
Fase 1
Fase 2
Saluran Air Ciliwung-Gunung
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik &
Cideng Hulu)
Kanal banjir Cengkareng
(termasuk tepi laut)
Kanal banjir Sunter Bawah
1,90 ~ 2,70
2,20 ~ 3,10
1,50 ~ 3,50
1,60 ~ 2,30
Saluran air Cideng Thamrin
(saluran air Jalan Lingkar)
Saluran air Sentiong-Sunter
(termasuk Kanal Ancol)
Waduk Sunter Utara (saluran
air Pembuangan)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Saluran air Tanjungan
Saluran air Angke Bawah
Banjir Kanal Barat (tepi laut)
Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas
0,60 ~ 2,30
0,50 ~ 2,10
1,30 ~ 2,10
1,00 ~ 2,10
0,70 ~ 3,30
1,10 ~ 1,90
2,00 ~ 3,60
1,70 ~ 2,50
1,80 ~ 3,40
Saluran air Grogol –
Saluran air Pakin – Kail
Besar – Jelakeng
Saluran air Krukut Cideng
0,70 ~ 2,30
0,60 ~ 1,60
0,70 ~ 0,80
Saluran air Krukut Lama
0,50 ~ 0,80
Catatan 1
Catatan 1
Catatan 2
Catatan 2
Untuk tujuan pembuatan kontrak, Kanal Banjir Sunter telah dibagi menjadi dua sub-paket –
Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas dan Kanal Banjir Sunter Bawah.
Catatan 2
Untuk tujuan pembuatan kontrak, Saluran Air Krukut telah dibagi menjadi dua sub-paket –
Saluran Air Krukut Cideng dan Saluran Air Krukut Lama
Catatan 1
5 Informasi tambahan tentang lingkungan dan sosial
5.1 Gambaran Umum
Sejak diselesaikannya AMDAL Fase 1, hal-hal berikut telah dilakukan:
 Pengumpulan data dasar terperinci untuk AMDAL Fase 2 (yang telah
disiapkan sepanjang tahun 2010).
 Serangkaian Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (Focus Group Discussions /FGD) di
seluruh kelurahan (desa) dalam area subproyek Fase 1 maupun Fase 2.
 Pertimbangan tambahan isu-isu kualitas sedimen, terutama untuk
memasukkan informasi tambahan dari pengumpulan data primer Fase 2 dan
untuk mempertimbangkan cara yang paling tepat untuk memenuhi
Perhatikan bahwa paket-paket kontrak 1, 2a, dan 2b masuk dalam Tahap 1 dan sisanya masuk dalam Tahap 2.
persyaratan BPLHD DKI (AMDAL Fase 1) untuk pemantauan sedimen secara
Sebagaimana dibahas di beberapa tempat pada bagian sebelumnya,
penentuan metode terbaik untuk menyelaraskan persyaratan lingkungan dan
sosial ke dalam kontrak-kontrak pembangunan dan ke dalam pengaturan
institusional yang akan dilakukan selama pelaksanaan JUFMP.
5.2 Isu-isu sosial dan masyarakat
Selain dari pemukiman kembali (yang tidak diperlukan dalam lokasi-lokasi
JUFMP Fase 1), isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial yang paling dominan terkait dengan
dampak pengerukan dan interaksi proyek JUFMP dengan masyarakat setempat.
Kebutuhan akan penanggulangan banjir sangat sering diungkapkan oleh
Seperti telah dibuktikan dari informasi yang diperoleh dari FGD, hanya
terdapat sedikit kesadaran nyata akan proyek tersebut di antara masyarakat
setempat, terdapat harapan untuk diperolehnya lebih banyak informasi dan
konsultasi dengan masyarakat, dan terdapat kekhawatiran bahwa pertimbanganpertimbangan lingkungan dan sosial tidak akan mendapatkan perhatian yang
sebagaimana mestinya. Kuesioner-kuesioner
pra-FGD dan
menunjukkan bahwa FGD-FGD itu sendiri dianggap sebagai cara yang berhasil
untuk berbagi informasi dan untuk membantu meredakan kekhawatiran mengenai
pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial.
Jenis-jenis isu yang diangkat oleh masyarakat pada pertengahan tahun 2010
adalah serupa dengan isu-isu yang diidentifikasi selama persiapan AMDAL Fase 1,
yaitu lingkungan yang kotor, lalu lintas, kebisingan, gangguan aktivitas sehari-hari.
Oleh karenanya wajar untuk mengambil isu-isu tersebut sebagai isu-isu utama yang
harus diperhatikan dalam setiap rencana pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial untuk
pelaksanaan JUFMP.
5.3 Informasi rona lingkungan
Subbagian ini membahas tambahan informasi dasar fisik, kimia dan biologi
yang dikumpulkan sejak diselesaikannya AMDAL Fase 1. Walaupun informasi ini
berfokus pada lokasi-lokasi Fase 2, baik lokasi-lokasi Fase 1 maupun Fase 2 secara
umum serupa di mana lokasi-lokasi tersebut berada di daerah perkotaan Jakarta.
5.3.1 Kualitas sedimen
Sampel-sampel sedimen tambahan telah dikumpulkan dan dianalisis. Semua
hasilnya mendukung pengambilan sampel dan analisis sebelumnya bahwa tidak ada
materi yang diklasifikasikan sebagai limbah B3 (yakni berbahaya), dengan
menggunakan standar setempat dan mengacu kepada standar internasional.
5.3.2 Lalu lintas
Studi-studi lalu lintas menegaskan kesimpulan yang tidak mengejutkan
selama persiapan Fase 1 bahwa terdapat kemacetan parah di daerah Jakarta.
Sebagai bagian dari laporan tambahan ini, penyelidikan lebih lanjut telah dilakukan
untuk mengetahui potensi total volume truk pengangkut sedimen Fase 1 di sekitar
CDF Ancol, dengan penilaian dan penanggulangan yang dibahas dalam Bagian 2.
5.3.3 Kebisingan
Pengukuran kebisingan secara terperinci dilakukan di lokasi-lokasi Fase 2
sesuai dengan metodologi yang dipakai di Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
tingkat-tingkat kebisingan (dasar) yang ada sering kali sudah berada di atas standar
5.3.4 Kualitas udara
Pengukuran kualitas udara secara terperinci dilakukan di lokasi-lokasi Fase 2
sesuai dengan metodologi yang dipakai di Indonesia dan menunjukkan bahwa
kondisi-kondisi (dasar) yang ada secara umum telah memenuhi standar setempat.
5.3.5 Kualitas air
Pengukuran kualitas air secara terperinci dilakukan di lokasi-lokasi Fase 2
sesuai dengan metodologi yang dipakai di Indonesia dan menunjukkan bahwa
kondisi-kondisi (dasar) yang berlaku seringkali tidak memenuhi standar setempat.
5.3.6 Lingkungan hayati
Dengan mengecualikan suaka margasatwa yang bersebelahan dengan
bagian hilir lokasi proyek Kanal Banjir Barat (sebuah lokasi JUFMP Fase 2),
lingkungan hayati dari lokasi-lokasi Fase 2 sangat mirip dengan lokasi-lokasi Fase 1;
ekosistem-ekosistem perairan menunjukkan saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk
yang tercemar, ekosistem-ekosistem darat menunjukkan lingkungan yang telah
menjadi perkotaan dengan nilai yang terkait dengan estetika dan tanaman pangan
ketimbang nilai konservasinya.
5.3.7 Kesimpulan
Pengumpulan informasi dasar tambahan untuk lokasi-lokasi Fase 2
mendukung temuan-temuan dari kajian-kajian Fase 1.
6 Fase 1 penilaian lingkungan dan penanggulangan
Bagian ini membahas tentang apakah penilaian dan penanggulangan
dampak-dampak potensial dari JUFMP Fase 1 seperti yang disajikan pada awal
tahun 2010 tetap berlaku mengingat adanya informasi dasar tambahan, rancangan
yang disempurnakan, dan pengaturan-pengaturan institusional dan kontrak yang
sekarang telah ditetapkan.
Lingkungan fisik dan biologis Jakarta adalah sebuah lingkungan perkotaan
yang sangat termodifikasi yang mendukung populasi yang besar dan beragam.
Banjir yang terjadi mengganggu kehidupan sebagian besar penduduk secara
signifikan, dan terutama pada kaum miskin. Masyarakat telah menyatakan dengan
jelas keinginan mereka untuk dapat bebas dari banjir, serta keinginan untuk
dilakukannya konsultasi secara berkesinambungan dan diberikannya perhatian
terhadap masalah-masalah lingkungan dan sosial.
Sejalan dengan praktek di Indonesia, dampak-dampak dan penanggulangan
dibagi dalam subbagian-subbagian berikut ini ke dalam periode "prakonstruksi",
"konstruksi" dan "Pascakonstruksi". Perhatian terbesar secara wajar diberikan pada
periode "Pembangunan" di mana terdapat potensi terjadinya sebagian besar
dampak merugikan dan perlu diperlukannya penanggulangan yang diintegrasikan
penanggulangan, dan pemantauan seperti disajikan dalam Lampiran 2.
6.1 Periode prakonstruksi
Periode ini didefinisikan untuk laporan ini sebagai periode antara disetujuinya
AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 (secara resmi melalui surat tertanggal 30 Maret 2010)
dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak konstruksi pertama (saat ini diperkirakan akan
dilakukan pada awal tahun 2012). Akan ada sebuah jangka waktu transisi pada saat
akan dilakukannya tender dan penilaian, dan untuk tujuan-tujuan laporan ini, jangka
waktu transisi akan dimasukkan ke dalam periode "Prakonstruksi".
6.2 Jangka waktu konstruksi
6.2.1 Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial
Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Bagian 3.2, selain persyaratan AMDAL untuk
Fase 1 (dan AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol), unsur utama dalam pengelolaan lingkungan
dan sosial selama jangka waktu konstruksi adalah dibutuhkannya Kontraktor untuk
mengembangkan dan memiliki Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial yang
rinci yang telah disetujui, terintegrasi dengan Rencana Kerja yang rinci dan sesuai
dengan AMDAL. Lampiran 1 dalam laporan ini merincikan lebih lanjut persyaratan
ESMP untuk Kontraktor.
6.2.2 Persepsi dan interaksi masyarakat
Potensi dampak negatif dan signifikan, demikian pula potensi setiap
subproyek pekerjaan JUFMP untuk berintegrasi secara positif dengan masyarakat
setempat. Apa yang sebenarnya akan terjadi adalah kombinasi dari:
 Harapan realistis masyarakat terhadap proyek .
 Jumlah dan waktu informasi yang disediakan untuk masyarakat.
 Apakah masyarakat percaya bahwa kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran mereka telah
cukup diperhatikan.
 Apakah jalur-jalur komunikasi tetap terbuka, bermakna, dan dapat mencapai
pemahaman yang sama.
JUFMP telah mengembangkan langkah-langkah untuk mengurangi potensi
dampak-dampak merugikan dan untuk meningkatkan hasil-hasil positif. Namun
demikian, masih terdapat potensi bahwa beberapa harapan masyarakat tidak akan
terwujud. Harapan-harapan tersebut terkait dengan:
 Tingkat penanggulangan banjir yang akan dicapai - suatu faktor yang sulit
dijelaskan dengan banyaknya aspek yang mempengaruhi dan terutama
karena selalu terdapat kemungkinan secara statistik bahwa pada titik tertentu
mungkin terjadi banjir besar yang melebihi kapasitas rancangan dari jalanjalan air yang dikeruk.
 Lapangan kerja setempat yang dihasilkan oleh proyek tersebut. Kemungkinan
terbaik, proyek tersebut memiliki beberapa potensi pekerjaan jangka pendek
tetapi terbatas.
 Aspek-aspek di luar ruang lingkup JUFMP misalnya, pengelolaan sampah
jangka panjang.
Langkah-langkah penanggulangan khusus sebagai berikut:
Konsultasi masyarakat secara resmi yang diperlukan dan ditentukan, yang
dilaksanakan oleh Kontraktor pemenang tender selama pengembangan awal
atas Rencana Kerja Kontraktor Terperinci dan ESMP Kontraktor Terperinci untuk dimasukkan sebagai pos biaya lini dalam kontrak pembangunan.
Pertemuan-pertemuan konsultasi masyarakat berkelanjutan yang diperlukan
dan ditentukan, yang dilaksanakan oleh Kontraktor selama jangka waktu
konstruksi - untuk dimasukkan sebagai pos biaya lini dalam kontrak
Pendirian, pengoperasian, dan penentuan personil POSKO (kantor di lokasi
proyek yang antara lain akan berfungsi sebagai "pusat informasi proyek"
untuk menyebarkan informasi proyek, menerima keluhan-keluhan, dan lainlain) yang diperlukan dan disyaratkan di setiap lokasi subproyek, yang
memperoleh dukungan IT terpusat yang telah ditentukan – yang merupakan
tanggung jawab Konsultan Pengawasan dan akan dimasukkan ke dalam
ruang lingkup kontrak Konsultan Pengawasan.
Pemantauan khusus atas persepsi dan konsultasi masyarakat akan dilakukan
oleh Konsultan Pengawasan. Konsultasi bertujuan untuk memberikan indikasi
tentang bagaimana individu-individu telah mengubah pendapat mereka dari waktu
ke waktu dan tingkat pemahaman yang telah dialihkan kepada masyarakat melalui
pusat informasi, dan lain-lain. Pemantauan ini akan dilengkapi dengan indikator
seperti kunjungan ke POSKO, penerimaan dan penyelesaian keluhan secara
6.2.3 Lapangan kerja setempat
Sejalan dengan pendekatan pembuatan kontrak (Bagian 3.2), Kontraktor
Konstruksi akan memiliki fleksibilitas untuk menentukan komposisi tenaga kerja dan
sumber tenaga kerja. Akan tetapi, dokumen-dokumen penawaran akan menekankan
kepada penawar tentang harapan masyarakat setempat bahwa akan ada
kesempatan untuk lapangan kerja setempat.
ESMP pendahuluan dari para Kontraktor yang diserahkan bersama dengan
penawaran akan diwajibkan untuk mengidentifikasi lapangan kerja setempat apa
yang direncanakan. Berdasarkan praktik sebelumnya dalam proyek-proyek
pengerukan di tempat lain di Jakarta, diharapkan bahwa sebagian besar tenaga
kerja tanpa keterampilan akan diperoleh dari penduduk setempat.
6.2.4 Hidraulika
Secara bertahap akan ada peningkatkan kapasitas aliran dalam saluransaluran air seiring dengan kemajuan pembangunan. Hal ini tidak dibahas lebih lanjut
dalam "Jangka Waktu Konstruksi", tetapi dampak positif dari penanggulangan banjir
yang dihasilkan dari proyek tersebut telah dianalisis sebagai bagian dari proses
persiapan rancangan.
6.2.5 Tumpahan material hasil kerukan
Tumpahan dapat terjadi di lokasi-lokasi pengerukan itu sendiri dan juga
selama pengangkutan material hasil kerukan ke lokasi-lokasi pembuangan. Dampak
potensial ini merupakan kekhawatiran utama masyarakat terkait dengan berbagai
dampak yang diakibatkan seperti:
 Keamanan untuk kendaraan-kendaraan yang bergerak
 Kebersihan area secara umum
 Tumpahan material yang tertinggal di jalan-jalan dan dibiarkan mengering.
 Semakin cepatnya kerusakan jalan.
Berdasarkan berbagai proyek pembangunan yang secara historis dikelola
dengan buruk di sekitar Jakarta, kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran tersebut dapat
dipahami. Proyek ini melakukan beberapa langkah untuk mengurangi tumpahan dan
untuk memastikan bahwa dampak-dampak yang merugikan tidak terjadi. Selain itu,
apabila terdapat tumpahan yang tidak disengaja, prosedur-prosedur untuk
memperbaiki situasi telah disiapkan.
Tumpahan di daerah sekitar lokasi pengerukan dapat terjadi dalam area kerja
Kontraktor yang ditunjuk. Melalui berbagai syarat dalam kontrak dan AMDAL (dan
dalam laporan ini), tumpahan di lokasi kerja dan dampak-dampak yang diakibatkan
harus dikelola dengan cara sebagai berikut:
 Dengan dijauhkannya masyarakat dari area kerja Kontraktor, masyarakat
tidak akan terkena dampak langsung dari tumpahan.
 Dengan persyaratan umum untuk menjaga tempat kerja agar aman dan
bersih, Kontraktor akan diwajibkan untuk membatasi tumpahan dan
kemudian membersihkan tumpahan apabila terjadi.
 Dengan persyaratan untuk memastikan bahwa ban-ban kendaraan dan
badan-badan kendaraan tidak membawa material-material hasil kerukan ke
jalan-jalan di luar area kerja, Kontraktor akan memiliki kepentingan yang
besar untuk membatasi tumpahan dalam lokasi kerja.
Tumpahan ke jalan dapat disebabkan dari satu atau lebih hal:
 Ban atau badan kendaraan yang kotor.
 Material hasil kerukan yang "terlalu basah" yang bocor dari pintu-pintu truk
atau kontainer pengangkut yang tidak ditutup dengan benar.
 Truk/kontainer yang muatannya berlebihan.
 Kecepatan yang berlebihan.
Pilihan-pilihan pengelolaan untuk sebab-sebab tersebut termasuk:
 Pencucian atau pembersihan kendaraan.
 Pengeringan material hasil kerukan sebelum dimuat ke kontainer-kontainer
pengangkut atau langsung ke truk-truk
 Penggunaan kontainer-kontainer pengangkut dan memastikan bahwa setiap
katup drainase telah ditutup sebelum pengangkutan
 Menutup rapat pintu belakang truk-truk pengangkut
 Membatasi jumlah pemuatan yang dapat dilakukan.
 Menutupi muatan selama pengangkutan.
 Menetapkan batas kecepatan
 Menyiapkan tim pembersih yang dilengkapi dengan sikat, sekop, air
pembersih di sepanjang rute pengangkutan untuk membersihkan tumpahan.
Sejalan dengan AMDAL dan laporan ini, Kontraktor wajib untuk menyebutkan
dalam ESMP Kontraktor kombinasi langkah apa yang akan digunakan untuk
mencegah tumpahan ke jalan. Langkah-langkah ini kemudian ditinjau dalam hal
kesesuaian dan kecukupannya oleh Konsultan Pengawasan dan apabila perlu,
diterima "sebagaimana adanya" atau setelah dimodifikasi. Namun, tanggung jawab
untuk keberhasilan pelaksanaan tetap berada di pihak Kontraktor.
Pemantauan atas keberhasilan pelaksanaan merupakan tanggung jawab
khusus dari Konsultan Pengawasan yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk meminta
perbaikan apabila terjadi tumpahan, termasuk apabila perlu membawa pihak
eksternal untuk melakukan pembersihan, atas biaya Kontraktor. Selain itu,
masyarakat memiliki peran informal pemantauan di mana apabila terjadi tumpahan,
setiap anggota masyarakat memiliki hak untuk menyampaikan keluhan, diutamakan
melalui POSKO di lokasi kepada Konsultan Pengawasan, atau melalui pertemuan
konsultasi Kontraktor-masyarakat yang prosesnya harus dilaporkan kepada
Konsultan Pengawasan. Perlu dicatat bahwa aspek tumpahan ke jalan oleh
kendaraan yang kembali dari lokasi CDF Ancol secara khusus dibahas dalam
Update RKL / RPL Ancol dengan persyaratan adanya sebuah fasilitas pencucian
kendaraan sebelum meninggalkan lokasi CDF Ancol.
Kualitas udara
Potensi dampak-dampak merugikan timbul dari:
Emisi kendaraan dan dari peralatan pembangunan
Bau tidak sedap dan busuk, dari material hasil kerukan
Emisi kendaraan akan menambah polusi udara yang sudah tinggi, tetapi
sebagian besar masih dalam standar kualitas udara setempat yang ditunjukkan oleh
tingkat NOx, SOx, HC, dan lain-lain. Mengingat tingkat lalu lintas yang dihasilkan
oleh proyek, ratusan, dibanding dengan ribuan pergerakan lalu lintas latar belakang
normal yang terjadi setiap hari, dampakk merugikan marginalnya diperkirakan akan
Pemantauan kualitas udara sampai saat ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawasenyawa penghasil bau yang dapat diidentifikasi berada di bawah standar. Di
berbagai area, masyarakat menyadari bau umumnya berasal dari buruknya kualitas
air di saluran air dan waduk, buruknya pembuangan sampah dan di tempat-tempat
di mana material-material dikeruk atau diangkat dari saluran air dan waduk.
Informasi kuantitatif yang dapat dipercaya tentang bau dari material hasil kerukan
belum dapat diperoleh, tetapi pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa material yang baru
saja dikeruk terkadang menghasilkan bau setempat, tetapi berkurang dengan cepat
seiring waktu. Dapat diperkirakan bahwa akan terdapat peningkatan bau, dengan
peningkatan tergantung pada jumlah material hasil kerukan yang terpapar dan baru
dikeruk, cuaca setempat, dan gangguan air di -saluran air dan waduk.
Sumber potensi terbesar debu yang berterbangan adalah dari tumpahan
material hasil kerukan yang mengering di jalan dan kemudian terkena pergerakan
lalu lintas secara terus-menerus. Dalam kaitannya dengan emisi kendaraan,
Kontraktor diharuskan untuk memastikan bahwa semua kendaraan memiliki dan
memelihara "sertifikat kepatuhan" terkait dengan emisi dan kelayakan jalan, dengan
dilakukannya pemantauan kepatuhan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan.
Untuk bau, tidak ada langkah-langkah penanggulangan yang realistis untuk
pencegahan secara penuh. Sebaliknya, penanggulangan harus didasarkan pada
kombinasi dari meminimalkan jumlah material hasil kerukan penghasil bau yang
terpapar di area-area penting, mempertahankan komunikasi yang erat dengan
masyarakat, dan mengembangkan langkah-langkah yang sejalan dengan Rencana
Kerja dan Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMP) Kontraktor secara
keseluruhan. Pengawasan atas hal tersebut dilakukan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan.
Untuk debu, pencegahan adalah langkah penanggulangan utama dengan
fokus proyek yang kuat dan kewajiban untuk mencegah tumpahnya material hasil
kerukan dan membersihkannya apabila terjadi.
6.2.7 Kebisingan
Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Bagian 5.3.3, tingkat kebisingan yang ada
sudah berada di atas standar setempat. Kebisingan proyek akan berasal dari
berbagai sumber; lalu lintas, peralatan pengerukan, dan pemindahan tumpukan
(hanya di mana pekerjaannya meliputi perbaikan tanggul dengan tumpukan
lapisan/sheet pile). Dengan tingkat kebisingan yang sudah melampaui standar di
berbagai lokasi, adalah tidak realistis untuk mengharapkan bahwa tingkat kebisingan
yang akan dikendalikan akan tetap di bawah standar.
Dengan demikian, pengelolaan kebisingan akan didasarkan pada kombinasi
ketentuan untuk menjaga peralatan yang dapat menghasilkan kebisingan,
seperti kendaraan, untuk tetap berada dalam kondisi operasional yang efisien
memperoleh kesepakatan dengan masyarakat setempat di mana persepsi
mengenai kebisingan yang mengganggu dan penerimaan atas, atau yang
selainnya, kebisingan lebih penting daripada tingkat kebisingan absolut.
ESMP Kontraktor akan diwajibkan untuk mendokumentasikan pembicaraanpembicaraan dengan perwakilan masyarakat dan langkah-langkah
pengelolaan kebisingan dengan hasil terperinci yang dapat diperkirakan
mencakup faktor-faktor seperti:
o membatasi kegiatan-kegiatan dengan kebisingan tinggi tertentu seperti
pemindahan tumpukan selama waktu-waktu yang peka kebisingan
seperti waktu-waktu sembahyang
o menempatkan generator stasioner, kompresor, dan lain-lain, jauh dari
lokasi-lokasi yang peka kebisingan dan/atau menggunakan
penghalang-penghalang kebisingan
o memilih rute akses kendaraan setempat di mana akan ada interaksi
yang paling sedikit dengan area-area yang peka kebisingan.
Program-program instruksional yang wajib untuk staf Kontraktor, persyaratan
dan metode-metode untuk mengendalikan kebisingan; misalnya, membatasi
kebisingan kendaraan pengangkutan dengan meningkatkan laju truk secara
perlahan dan melarang penggunaan klakson kecuali dalam situasi darurat.
Pemantauan akan dilakukan melalui kombinasi dari:
Pemantauan sendiri oleh Kontraktor, dengan diperkuat oleh umpan balik dari
masyarakat dan Konsultan Pengawasan.
Pengawasan kepatuhan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan, untuk memastikan
bahwa Kontraktor menerapkan ESMP Kontraktor yang disepakati.
Pemantauan informal oleh masyarakat, dengan umpan balik melalui sistem
penyampaian keluhan proyek (termasuk POSKO setempat) dan melalui
pertemuan-pertemuan komunitas dengan Kontraktor.
6.2.8 Lalu lintas
Lalu lintas yang dihasilkan proyek akan meliputi:
Mobilisasi/demobilisasi yang terjadi sekali-sekali atas peralatan berat ke dan
antara lokasi-lokasi pengerukan. Sebagian besar hal ini kemungkinan akan
terjadi pada malam hari.
Pengangkutan secara reguler lumpur yang telah dikeruk ke CDF Ancol dan
sampah ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Bantar Gebang. Hal ini akan
dibatasi hanya pada malam hari.
Pergerakan yang sering terjadi, di "semua jam" oleh beberapa kendaraan
ringan yang mengangkut orang, dan lain-lain ke/dari lokasi.
Dua butir pertama di atas akan dibahas lebih lanjut. Kemacetan lalu lintas di
Jakarta dan dampak-dampak yang timbul merupakan masalah-masalah yang telah
sangat disadari, dan secara sebagian untuk menangani masalah ini, Pemerintah DKI
Jakarta telah memiliki aturan dan prosedur yang ditetapkan dengan baik untuk
mengendalikan kendaraan-kendaraan berat. Yang patut diperhatikan adalah:
 Pengendalian umum baik untuk jam-jam operasi (umumnya pada malam hari
untuk menghindari saat-saat dimana jalan paling sibuk) dan untuk jalan-jalan
yang "ditentukan".
 Persyaratan agar Rencana-Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas dikembangkan
dan disetujui terlebih dahulu untuk pergerakan-pergerakan "di luar
kebiasaan" (seperti mobilisasi peralatan pembangunan yang sangat berat)
dan untuk pergerakan truk intensif jangka menengah secara rutin yang akan
terjadi pada truk-truk pengangkut material hasil kerukan.
 Persyaratan agar kendaraan-kendaraan secara teratur diperiksa untuk
kelayakan jalan dan untuk emisinya.
Sekurang-kurangnya semua lalu lintas proyek JUFMP akan diwajibkan oleh
kontrak untuk mematuhi aturan-aturan dan prosedur-prosedur yang telah ditetapkan
tersebut. Namun mengingat sifat proyek ini, diperlukan adanya pertimbanganpertimbangan tambahan sebagaimana diuraikan di bawah ini.
Area yang terkena dampak lalu lintas proyek dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut:
 Akses langsung ke lokasi subproyek dan rute-rute pengumpan setempat ke
rute-rute pengangkutan utama.
 Rute-rute pengangkutan utama.
 Jalan utama di sekitar Ancol (Jl. RE Martadinata) di mana akan terjadi
pergerakan truk pengangkut JUFMP paling banyak sebelum masuk ke CDF
Isu-isu yang berbeda sangatlah penting untuk area-area yang berbeda
tersebut. Isu-isu yang terkait dengan akses langsung dan rute-rute pengumpan
setempat sangat difokuskan pada interaksi dengan masyarakat setempat. Jalanjalan biasanya sempit, tempat parkir terbatas, dan sering terjadi kepadatan tinggi
dari orang-orang yang tinggal dan bekerja di area tersebut. Oleh karena itu, isu-isu
yang terkait dengan akses pengerukan yang dipilih (karena hal ini akan
mempengaruhi akses jalan dan rute-rute pengumpan setempat), metode operasi
yang aman, dan praktik-praktik operasional seperti pengendalian kebisingan, jamjam operasi yang dipilih, pengendalian emisi, pencegahan tumpahan, dan lain-lain.
Dengan demikian, selain rencana pengelolaan lalu lintas standar, perhatian harus
diberikan untuk interaksi dengan penduduk setempat dengan menyadari bahwa
akan ada dampak-dampak lalu lintas merugikan jangka pendek/menengah, tetapi
dengan Kontraktor dan masyarakat bekerja sama untuk mencapai hasil yang dapat
diterima. Sebagai contoh, Kontraktor dapat melibatkan masyarakat setempat untuk
pengamanan atau sebagai petugas lalu lintas tidak resmi.
Dampak-dampak lalu lintas pada rute-rute transportasi utama akan kecil
dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa pergerakan truk pengangkutan akan terjadi pada
malam hari ketika kendaraan pergerakan lalu lintas umum akan sangat jauh lebih
sedikit dibandingkan pada siang hari dan terutama puncaknya pada pagi dan sore
hari. Tingkat pergerakan truk yang tertinggi akan terjadi di Jl. RE Martadinata dekat
lokasi proyek Ancol. Di lokasi ini, dampak-dampaknya terkait dengan masalah
kapasitas jalan dan juga kerusakan jalan prematur karena pergerakan truk
bermuatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang. Sementara jumlah yang sebenarnya dari
truk-truk JUFMP akan bergantung pada rencana-rencana pekerjaan kontraktor
masing-masing, diperkirakan bahwa mungkin terdapat sebanyak 40-50 pergerakan
per jam sekali jalan dari pergerakan material hasil kerukan JUFMP Fase 1, tetapi
lebih cenderung dengan rata-rata sekitar 30 pergerakan per jam, dengan semua
pergerakan terjadi pada waktu malam hari di saat lalu lintas sepi. Di daerah ini,
jalannya dalam kondisi baik, terbagi, dengan 2 jalur pergerakan lalu lintas bebas di
masing-masing arah, dengan kapasitas yang dihitung dari tabel standar sebanyak
3.250 "unit mobil penumpang" (passenger car unit/pcu) per jam per 2 jalur 1 arah
kendaraan per jam. Dengan menentukan sebuah truk setara dengan 3 pcu, puncak
pergerakan truk JUFMP akan berada sekitar 5% dari kapasitas, dan pada waktuwaktu tersebut, lalu lintas selain JUFMP akan berada jauh di bawah kapasitas.
Dengan demikian, pengelolaan lalu lintas akan dilakukan dengan Kontraktor
memberikan Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas Terperinci Kontraktor yang
didasarkan pada:
 Persyaratan dari otoritas pengangkutan dan otoritas terkait.
 Konsultasi dengan masyarakat setempat yang disyaratkan dalam JUFMP.
 Integrasi dengan Rencana Kerja Kontraktor.
 Membahas persyaratan dalam AMDAL dan laporan ini.
Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas Terinci sekurang-kurangnya harus membahas halhal sebagai berikut:
 Penentuan titik-titik akses ke/dari lokasi-lokasi pengerukan dan rute-rute
 Waktu operasi yang disepakati oleh masyarakat di area-area yang terdapat di
dan berdekatan dengan lokasi-lokasi pengerukan.
 Setiap syarat operasional khusus yang disepakati dengan masyarakat
 Petugas kontraktor, marka, pembatas-pembatas, dan lain-lain, untuk
memfasilitasi pergerakan kendaraan-kendaraan secara aman di dalam dan di
sekitar lokasi pengerukan.
 Penentuan rute-rute utama yang ditunjuk, dan alternatif-alternatifnya jika ruterute utama ditutup atau dengan cara lain tidak tersedia, antara lokasi-lokasi
pengerukan dan CDF Ancol sesuai dengan persyaratan dari otoritas lalu
 Spesifikasi umum dari truk-truk yang akan digunakan, termasuk bobot bersih
dan kotor, daya muat, dan muatan maksimum per truk dengan
mempertimbangkan persyaratan "tidak ada tumpahan". Acuan khusus
kepada pencegahan tumpahan diberikan dalam Bagian 6.2.5.
 Perkiraan puncak pergerakan truk per jam dari setiap area pengerukan, dan
jumlah rata-rata pergerakan truk per jam dengan mempertimbangkan
rencana pengerukan, puncak harian dan rata-rata jangka panjang.
 Sertifikasi bahwa hanya kendaraan-kendaraan yang saat ini memiliki sertifikat
kelayakan jalan yang akan digunakan.
 Metode yang mengidentifikasi dengan jelas (dari inspeksi eksternal secara
cepat) bahwa truk-truk terkait dengan proyek JUFMP dan terkait dengan
Kontraktor tertentu dan subproyek tertentu.
 Garis besar persyaratan keselamatan dan pelatihan yang akan dibutuhkan
oleh semua pengemudi, termasuk sebuah program yang difokuskan pada
bahaya tertentu dari mengemudi pada malam hari secara terus-menerus.
 Sertifikasi bahwa Kontraktor bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa
Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas Terperinci telah diimplementasikan,
apakah truk-truk dioperasikan langsung oleh Kontraktor atau oleh
subkontraktor, dan lain-lain.
Rencana ini akan memerlukan persetujuan dari otoritas terkait (atas biaya
Kontraktor) dan Konsultan Pengawasan. Konsultan Pengawasan akan memiliki
tanggung jawab utama untuk memantau kepatuhan. Selanjutnya, mengingat JUFMP
akan memiliki beberapa Kontrak yang bersamaan, Konsultan Pengawasan akan
bertanggung jawab untuk:
 sedapat mungkin memastikan kesesuaian antara Rencana-Rencana
Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas Kontraktor yang berbeda
 membuat penilaian yang terintegrasi atas volume-volume lalu lintas untuk
bagian Jl. RE Martadinata di dekat lokasi Ancol untuk memastikan bahwa lalu
lintas secara keseluruhan yang terkait dengan JUFMP tetap terjaga dalam
kapasitas yang tersedia.
 Selama enam (6) bulan pertama dalam jangka waktu konstruksi, melakukan
penghitungan lalu lintas secara terperinci di sekitar Jl. RE
Martadinata/persimpangan CDF Ancol setidaknya sekali setiap dua bulan dari
pukul 19.00 malam sampai pukul 07.00 keesokan harinya, yang akan
mengidentifikasi dan menghitung lalu lintas non-JUFMP (berdasarkan
kategori, misalnya, standar, truk, bus) dan lalu lintas JUFMP (dibagi
berdasarkan Kontrak dan subproyek). Harinya (dalam minggu dan bulannya)
akan acak dan bervariasi, dan tidak akan diumumkan kepada Kontraktor
sebelum atau selama survei dilakukan.
 Mengetahui peristiwa-peristiwa yang mungkin menimbulkan masalahmasalah kemacetan dan berkoordinasi sebagaimana perlu dengan Kontraktor
untuk melakukan penjadwalan ulang atas truk pengangkut material hasil
 Pastikan bahwa setiap kerusakan jalan yang ditimbulkan oleh truk JUFMP
harus diperbaiki oleh kontraktor dalam jangka waktu 24 jam atau ditutupi
sementara dengan pelat baja sesuai dengan UU No.22 / 2009 tentang lalu
lintas dan angkutan jalan.
Persyaratan dalam bagian ini harus terintegrasi dengan aspek-aspek "lalu
lintas" lainnya di bagian-bagian lain seperti pencegahan terjadinya tumpahan.
6.2.9 Kualitas sedimen
Berdasarkan pengambilan sampel dan analisis ditemukan bahwa:
Tak satu pun material yang diuji dapat ditentukan sebagai "berbahaya" (atau
"B3" dalam istilah Indonesia) yang akan membutuhkan kondisi-kondisi
pembuangan khusus.
Menggunakan "tingkat penyaringan" internasional yang relevan (tingkattingkat tersebut tidak termasuk dalam sistem regulasi Indonesia), hampir
semua material diidentifikasi sesuai untuk digunakan dalam penggunaanpenggunaan lahan di masa depan tanpa adanya penyelidikan tambahan.
Sebagaimana diketahui, aspek ini terkait dengan CDF Ancol dan AMDAL atau
RKL/RPL yang Dimutakhirkan yang terkait dan pengawasan tambahan
terbatas diidentifikasi untuk lokasi Ancol.
Menggunakan informasi toksisitas langsung dan juga penilaian-penilaian
kesehatan standar, material tersebut tidak memiliki risiko apa pun.
100. Komisi AMDAL/BPLHD DKI telah meminta dilakukannya pengujian sedimen
tambahan di lokasi-lokasi JUFMP Fase 1 sebelum pengerukan dimulai dan setelah
pengerukan selesai. Protokol-protokol yang sesuai telah dikembangkan, yang
mengintegrasikan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional pengerukan yang diusulkan
dengan prosedur-prosedur pengujian prapengerukan yang efektif dan hemat biaya.
Untuk prosedur-prosedur pengujian prapengerukan, protokol-protokolnya mencakup
metode pengambilan sampel dan interpretasi, dan tindakan yang timbul setelah
analisis sampel.
101. Pengelolaan didasarkan pada persyaratan bahwa materi B3 tidak boleh
dibuang di lokasi Ancol. Metode utama untuk mencapai hal ini adalah program
pengawasan untuk mengidentifikasi kepatuhan dengan persyaratan ini sebelum
dilakukannya pengerukan. Dengan menggunakan protokol yang telah ditetapkan,
Tabel 6-1 merangkum perkiraan jumlah sampel gabungan yang akan diambil untuk
pengambilan sampel prapengerukan untuk lokasi-lokasi JUFMP Fase 1.
Tabel 6-1 Pengujian kualitas sedimen untuk lokasi-lokasi JUFMP Fase 1
Subproyek JUFMP Fase 1
Ciliwung Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati
Kanal Banjir Cengkareng
Sunter Bawah
Panjang km / Luas ha
5,10 km
4,90 ha
7,84 km
9,98 km
Jumlah Sampel Gabungan
102. Pengambilan sampel dan analisis merupakan tanggung jawab dari Konsultan
Pengawasan atas nama PMU/PIU yang terkait. Hal ini akan dimasukkan sebagai
ruang lingkup pekerjaan dalam Terms of Reference konsultan. Diperkirakan bahwa
pengumpulan dan analisis akan memakan biaya sekitar 3 - 4.000.000 rupiah
(AS$300 - 400) per sampel.
Tanggung jawab Kontraktor adalah:
menentukan program pengerukan sehingga program pengambilan sampel,
analisis, dan interpretasi dapat dilakukan secara tepat waktu (tidak terlalu
awal sehingga menyebabkan tertundanya pengerukan yang direncanakan
selama dilakukannya pengambilan sampel, analisis, dan interpretasi; tidak
terlambat karena pengambilan sampel prapengerukan dilakukan untuk
menunjukkan kondisi yang akan terjadi selama kegiatan pengerukan).
Untuk tidak memulai pengerukan di suatu area sampai material telah
diizinkan untuk dibuang ke CDF Ancol.
Persyaratan khusus untuk mencegah material apapun selain material hasil
kerukan JUFMP yang "telah diuji dan diizinkan" untuk diangkut dan dibuang
ke CDF Ancol.
104. BPLHD DKI bertanggung jawab untuk "menerima" informasi, dan apabila,
meskipun kemungkinannya kecil, pengujian prapengerukan mengidentifikasi adanya
material B3, untuk berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan tentang langkahlangkah lebih lanjut apa yang harus diambil. Namun keputusan akhir berada pada
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, dan PMU serta PIU yang terkait, dan juga perlu
dilibatkan dalam pembicaraan-pembicaraan. Kemungkinan prosedur dan hasil-hasil
dapat termasuk:
 Lebih banyak pengambilan sampel dan analisis untuk menentukan dengan
lebih pasti taraf kenaikan tingkat-tingkat.
 Pembuangan ke fasilitas limbah berbahaya PPLi.
6.2.10 Sampah
105. Pengelolaan sampah terkait erat dengan proyek dalam berbagai cara:
 Sangat disadari bahwa pembuangan sampah secara ilegal ke saluran air
Jakarta menyumbang terhadap penimbunan sedimen/hilangnya kapasitas
aliran dan kondisi yang tidak sedap dipandang.
 Pihak-pihak yang berwenang terlibat dalam program berkesinambungan
untuk menyingkirkan (sebagian besar) sampah yang terapung disaluran air
(pemilik jalan air yang terkait/PIU) dan dari area-area di sekitar jalan-jalan air
tersebut (Dinas Kebersihan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta)
 Beberapa lokasi pengumpulan/pemilahan/pemindahan sampah setempat
berada di dekat saluran air
 Masyarakat sering meminta layanan pengumpulan sampah terimprovisasi
sebagai respon untuk menghentikan pembuangan ke saluran air.
 Sampah akan dimasukkan ke dalam material yang dikeruk dari saluran air
oleh Kontraktor.
106. Kontraktor akan memiliki tanggung jawab untuk pengelolaan lokasi-lokasi
pengerukan selama jangka waktu konstruksi (termasuk jangka waktu 6 bulan
pemeliharaan) dan akan diharuskan untuk berkoordinasi dengan masyarakat
setempat, "Dinas Kebersihan" Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, dan pemilik/PIU yang terkait
untuk mengelola sampah dalam lokasi pengerukan yang ditentukan. Sebuah
tanggung jawab khusus tambahan yang ditetapkan adalah untuk memisahkan
benda-benda besar dari material hasil kerukan sebelum sedimen diangkut ke lokasi
CDF Ancol. Secara khusus Kontraktor diharuskan untuk memastikan agar lokasi
pengerukan yang ditentukan tetap bersih dan bebas dari sampah selama
pelaksanaan kontrak dan juga agar selama jangka waktu tersebut tidak ada sampah
terapung yang keluar dari lokasi pengerukan ke area-area luar. Sementara
pemilahan untuk membersihkan benda-benda besar diperkirakan akan terjadi dalam
lokasi pengerukan, Kontraktor bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur hal tersebut dan
sampah lainnya akan dikelola secara tidak mencolok (dalam hal bau, kesehatan,
pemandangan) dan tepat waktu dan yang akan diangkut dan dibuang ke TPST
Bantar Gebang. Rincian tentang bagaimana cara kontraktor individu mengelola
aspek ini akan disyaratkan dalam Rencana-Rencana Kerja dan ESMP Kontraktor.
Dengan demikian, dampak-dampak pada sampah meliputi:
Selama jangka waktu konstruksi, JUFMP akan memfasilitasi pemeliharaan
jalan-jalan air dan lingkungan sekitarnya tetap bersih.
"Peluang yang hilang", meskipun tidak diinginkan saat ini oleh sebagian
anggota masyarakat, untuk menggunakan saluran air untuk pembuangan
sampah, baik karena biaya, kemudahan, atau tidak ada alternatif yang
Beberapa lokasi pengumpulan/pemilahan pemindahan setempat yang
digunakan oleh masyarakat baik sebelum daur ulang maupun pembuangan
ke TPA atau ke tempat lain, dan yang berada di lokasi-lokasi yang akan
menjadi lokasi-lokasi kerja Kontraktor, akan terganggu. Kontraktor akan
diminta untuk bernegosiasi dengan masyarakat dan pengelola lokasi-lokasi
tersebut untuk membuat pengaturan-pengaturan alternatif yang dapat
diterima bersama selama jangka waktu konstruksi.
Pemisahan di tempat atas benda-benda besar sampah dari material hasil
kerukan yang akan didaur ulang maupun dialihkan dan dibuang ke TPA
Bantar Gebang.
Dalam hal mempengaruhi kegiatan operasional di TPA Bantar Gebang
Sampah yang terkait dengan pembersihan jalan air dan lingkungan sekitarnya
adalah sampah yang seharusnya dibuang ke TPA Bantar Gebang apabila
sistem pengumpulan dan pembuangan sampah, termasuk masukan dari
masyarakat, berfungsi secara efektif.
Kemungkinan terbesar, sampah yang diambil material hasil kerukan dan
dialihkan ke TPA Bantar Gebang dapat dianggap sebagai beban tambahan
untuk TPA Bantar Gebang. Perkiraan volume sampah yang akan diambil dan
dibuang ke Bantar Gebang adalah sekitar 95.000 m3 selama jangka waktu 3 4 tahun. Ini merupakan persentase yang tidak signifikan dari beban normal
yang diterima di Bantar Gebang (saat ini antara 5.000 - 6.000 ton per hari,
atau sekitar 20.000 sampai 24.000 m3 per hari).
109. Tanggung jawab langsung untuk pengelolaan berada pada Kontraktor yang
bekerja sama dengan masyarakat setempat dan pemerintah daerah, dan lain-lain.
Biaya untuk pengelolaan sampah akan dimasukkan ke dalam kontrak-kontrak
sebagai pos biaya satuan dari sampah yang diangkut dan dibuang ke TPA Bantar
6.3 Periode Pascapembangunan
110. Periode ini terkait dengan waktu setelah pembangunan dan jangka waktu
pemeliharaan 6 bulan oleh Kontraktor telah selesai. Sebagian besar dampakdampaknya adalah pengurangan banjir secara menguntungkan yang diperkirakan
akan terjadi dan dihasilkannya manfaat-manfaat kelancaran aliran untuk
masyarakat. Aspek pengelolaan sampah secara berkesinambungan juga
diidentifikasi dan dibahas.
111. Dari waktu ke waktu, pengerukan pemeliharaan secara berkesinambungan
akan diperlukan untuk mempertahankan manfaat-manfaat dari program JUFMP.
Perkiraan atas frekuensi hal ini tidaklah mungkin untuk dilakukan hal tersebut
bergantung pada banyak faktor, termasuk pengelolaan daerah tangkapan air dan
kondisi cuaca sebenarnya/aliran deras yang terjadi.
6.3.1 Masyarakat
112. Dampak-dampak pascapembangunan pada masyarakat akan terkait dengan:
 Dampak-dampak JUFMP yang dirasakan dan yang sebenarnya, dan
penanggulangan banjir dan apakah proyek tersebut berhasil berada pada
tingkat-tingkat pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial yang tepat.
 Potensi untuk meningkatkan sistem pengelolaan sampah (di atas yang ada
saat ini) - lihat subbagian berikutnya.
113. Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Bagian 2.2.2, pemantauan jangka waktu
konstruksi atas persepsi masyarakat akan terus berlanjut sampai jangka waktu
pemeliharaan setelah dilakukannya pengerukan dan pengangkutan. Sehingga
pemantauan tambahan dalam periode pascapembangunan tidak diperlukan.
6.3.2 Pengelolaan Sampah dan Pengerukan
114. Proyek JUFMP akan mensyaratkan standar yang tinggi untuk pengelolaan
sampah yang terkait dengan jangka waktu pengerukan dan jangka waktu
pemeliharaan 6 bulan yang mengiringinya. Sementara tanggung jawab-tanggung
jawab tertentu berada pada Kontraktor, hal ini juga melibatkan koordinasi dan
kerjasama dengan "pemilik" jalan air terkait/PIU, Dinas Kebersihan Pemerintah DKI
Jakarta, dan masyarakat.
115. Berlanjutnya penimbunan sedimen di jalan-jalan air tidak dapat dihindari
pascapengerukan JUFMP, karena akan terus ada pengiriman sedimen dan tingkat
yang sangat rendah dari jalan-jalan air membatasi pembersihan diri untuk semua
jangka waktu kecuali jangka waktu dengan aliran deras. Akan tetapi, praktik
sebelumnya (sebelum pengerukan JUFMP) terkait dengan masuknya sampah
secara signifikan yang mengurangi kapasitas aliran diharapkan akan jauh berkurang
sebagai hasil dari proyek tersebut, meskipun tidak dapat sepenuhnya dicegah.
Sehingga pengerukan pemeliharaan secara terus menerus perlu untuk dilakukan.
116. "Pemilik" terkait dari masing-masing jalan air akan bertanggung jawab untuk
memantau penumpukan sedimen/profil jalan air dan hubungannya dengan kapasitas
aliran. Waktu untuk pengerukan pemeliharaan akan diseimbangkan antara tidak
membiarkan situasi memburuk dengan tahap banjir yang meningkat secara
signifikan dan tidak melakukan pengerukan dengan sangat sering dan tidak
ekonomis. Sehingga pengerukan pemeliharaan akan dilakukan dalam skala yang
jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pengerukan JUFMP, baik dari segi jumlah
material yang akan diangkat serta area yang akan dikeruk untuk kontrak-kontrak
pemeliharaan di masa mendatang. Oleh karena itu, meskipun dampak-dampak yang
serupa dengan pengerukan JUFMP akan mungkin terjadi, ukuran dampak-dampak
tersebut akan jauh lebih kecil. Penanggulangan dan pemantauan juga akan serupa
keadaannya, dengan belajar dari pengalaman JUFMP dan kembali dengan fokus
pada mengintegrasikan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional melalui konsultasi dengan
117. Tanggung jawab JUFMP tidak akan dibebankan sampai melewati periode
pascapembangunan, meskipun dengan menyediakan sebuah model kerja kepada
para pemangku kepentingan jangka panjang yang relevan untuk jangka waktu
konstruksi selama sekitar 2 tahun, terdapat kemungkinan bahwa akan ada
perbaikan-perbaikan jangka panjang dalam pengelolaan sampah dan pekerjaanpekerjaan pengerukan pemeliharaan di area-area proyek.
Lampiran 1
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial Kontraktor
Pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial (ESM) dianggap penting oleh para pengusul
proyek (PMU/PIU). Proyek ini telah menjalani proses AMDAL Indonesia maupun
penilaian Bank Dunia. Dalam kaitannya dengan ESM, Kontraktor harus mematuhi:
 AMDAL JUFMP terkait yang disetujui untuk lokasi-lokasi pengerukan.
 Setiap "Laporan Tambahan" atau laporan serupa yang diberikan sebagai
bagian dari dokumen tender/penawaran.
 Semua persyaratan sosial dan lingkungan yang ada dalam dokumendokumen Kontrak.
 Semua undang-undang, peraturan, dan kebijakan yang terkait, tentang
masalah-masalah lingkungan dan sosial di Jakarta.
 Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (Environmental and Social
Management Plan/ESMP) Kontraktor. Lampiran ini merinci persyaratan untuk
dua jenis ESMP Kontraktor:
o ESMP Kontraktor Pendahuluan, yang harus disusun dan diserahkan
sebagai bagian dari penawaran/Tender.
o ESMP Kontraktor Terperinci, yang harus disusun dan diserahkan
bersama dengan Rencana Kerja Kontraktor Terperinci dalam jangka
waktu yang ditentukan dalam dokumen-dokumen Kontrak (secara
nominal 30 hari setelah Pemberian Kontrak).
o Kedua ESMP ini pada dasarnya mencakup aspek-aspek yang sama,
perbedaan utamanya adalah pada jumlah rinciannya. Kecuali apabila
ditentukan lain, istilah "ESMP Kontraktor" termasuk ESMP
Pendahuluan maupun ESMP Terperinci..
Berikut ini merupakan hal-hal yang mengidentifikasi persyaratan minimum untuk
"Rencana-Rencana ESM Kontraktor” yang sesuai.
Perpanjangan tanggung jawab. Apabila istilah "Kontraktor" digunakan di bawah ini,
istilah tersebut mengacu kepada (para) Kontraktor utama dan semua subkontraktor,
sub-subkontraktor, dan lain-lain. Terlepas dari pengaturan subkontraktor apapun
yang dibuat, Kontraktor akan tetap bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya kepada Prinsipal
untuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial yang baik. Selanjutnya, ketika
mengajukan para subkontraktor baik dalam penawaran atau selama pelaksanaan
Kontrak kepada Konsultan Pengawasan, Kontraktor harus memberikan bukti tertulis
dan ditandatangani sebagai bukti bahwa (para) subkontraktor telah mengetahui
persyaratan pengaturan-pengaturan lingkungan dan sosial.
Dokumen-dokumen tender harus menunjukkan:
 Persyaratan untuk penawar untuk menyusun sebuah "Rencana Pengelolaan
Lingkungan dan Sosial Kontraktor Pendahuluan" (ESMP) bersaamaan
dengan "Rencana Kerja Pendahuluan" sebagai bagian dari proses tender.
 Persyaratan untuk kontraktor pemenang untuk menyusun "ESMP Kontraktor
Terperinci" sebagai bagian dari Rencana Kerja Terperinci yang harus
diserahkan dalam jangka waktu satu bulan sejak Pemberian Tender dan
harus disetujui oleh Konsultan Pengawasan.
 Pada bagian pengalaman Perusahaan dalam Penawaran Teknis, informasi
berikut ini harus disertakan:
o Kebijakan-kebijakan perusahaan terkait dengan lingkungan, tanggung
jawab sosial, serta kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja
o Arsip-arsip tentang pelaksanaan kebijakan-kebijakan, termasuk setiap
audit eksternal/independen atas pelaksanaan tersebut.
o Salinan dari setiap penghargaan atau pengakuan lain untuk kinerja
yang "baik"/"istimewa" terkait dengan pelaksanaan aktual atas
pengelolaan sosial atau lingkungan dan pemantauan atas kontrakkontrak pembangunan dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun sebelumnya.
o Sebuah pernyataan yang ditandatangani yang menyebutkan setiap
denda yang ditimbulkan dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun sebelumnya yang
terkait dengan masalah-masalah lingkungan dan/atau sosial dan/atau
mendiskualifikasi setiap organisasi yang telah terbukti memalsukan
pernyataan seperti itu.
o Contoh-contoh Pembangunan rencana-rencana pengelolaan dan
pemantauan lingkungan, sosial, dan keselamatan yang telah
dikembangkan secara khusus oleh organisasi.
seseorang yang dicalonkan oleh Kontraktor harus memiliki kualifikasi khusus
dan pengalaman praktis dalam menerapkan ESM di Kontrak-Kontrak
Pembangunan yang serupa. Orang tersebut dapat merupakan seorang
individu yang dicalonkan dengan tanggung jawab 100% untuk ESM atau
dengan cara lain, tugas-tugas ESM dapat dibagi bersama dengan tugastugas lain (seperti keselamatan) dengan ketentuan bahwa sekurangkurangnya 50% dari waktunya disediakan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan ESM.
Penentuan skor harus dilakukan sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan dalam
bagian tentang penentuan staf.
Proposal keuangan harus mencakup biaya-biaya yang terkait dengan ESM
untuk Kontrak Pembangunan sebagai berikut:
o Biaya-biaya yang terkait dengan penyusunan "ESMP Kontraktor" harus
dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari setiap pembayaran yang diidentifikasi
terkait dengan penyusunan Rencana Kerja Kontraktor.
o Pos-pos "lingkungan dan sosial" khusus lainnya yang disebutkan
dalam Jadwal Biaya
o Tanpa pembatasan, biaya-biaya harga satuan harus mencakup semua
biaya ESM lain yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan "ESMP Kontraktor"
tersebut, Area-Area Pembangunan Sementara, biaya staf ESM, setiap
denda atau beban yang dikenakan oleh otoritas pemerintah,
menanggapi keluhan-keluhan dari masyarakat, dan apabila diperlukan,
memperbaiki pelanggaran-pelanggaran terhadap praktik ESM yang
baik dan/atau "ESMP Kontraktor” yang telah disetujui.
Isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial
Isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial yang sering kali saling terkait yang menjadi tanggung
jawab langsung Kontraktor dijelaskan berikut ini. Aspek-aspek tersebut juga harus
dibaca dalam hubungannya dengan AMDAL-AMDAL, Laporan-Laporan Tambahan,
dan lain-lain:
Interaksi masyarakat
Isu ini adalah suatu isu yang umum tetapi menyeluruh, yang terkait dengan aspekaspek seperti kebisingan dan getaran, lalu lintas, bau tidak sedap/bau busuk,
penampilan/keindahan, kebersihan tempat kerja, "tumpahan" sedimen kerukan ke
jalan-jalan dan tempat-tempat umum, keselamatan umum, perpindahan fisik yang
telah diidentifikasi sebagai isu-isu yang menjadi perhatian masyarakat. Informasi
lebih lanjut tentang masalah-masalah yang diangkat selama konsultasi masyarakat
sampai saat ini tersedia dari Prinsipal. Tujuan-tujuan spesifik/persyaratan kinerja
ditetapkan dalam isu-isu lain yang mengiringi. Para penawar didorong untuk
mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek lain apa saja yang mungkin mereka bahas atau
lakukan untuk lebih meminimalkan "gangguan masyarakat" yang merugikan. Selain
itu, Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib mengidentifikasi dalam "ESMP Kontraktor"
bagaimana mereka akan berpartisipasi dalam pengaturan-pengaturan penyelesaian
pengaduan/sengketa masyarakat untuk proyek tersebut. Selanjutnya:
 Penawar didorong untuk terlibat dalam proses konsultasi masyarakat selama
dilakukannya tender untuk memastikan bahwa apa yang diusulkan dalam
ESMP Kontraktor Pendahuluan sejalan dengan kepentingan-kepentingan
masyarakat setempat. Proses ini dilakukan atas biaya penawar tersebut.
 Pada saat diberikannya Kontrak, Kontraktor pemenang diharuskan untuk
terlibat dalam sebuah proses konsultasi masyarakat sebagai bagian dari
pengembangan Rencana Kerja Terperinci dan ESMP Terperinci oleh
Kontraktor tersebut. Sebuah pos lini dalam jadwal biaya memungkinkan untuk
diadakannya suatu pertemuan masyarakat terkait dengan proses ini.
 Selama pelaksanaan Kontrak, Kontraktor diharuskan untuk terlibat dalam
pertemuan-pertemuan masyarakat lebih lanjut, dengan pos lini dalam Kontrak
untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya hal tersebut.
Area-area pembangunan sementara
Gambar-gambar desain jelas menentukan batas-batas dari pekerjaan-pekerjaan
permanen yang terutama terkait dengan kanal/saluran air (atau waduk), dan apabila
diperlukan, pekerjaan-pekerjaan pembuatan tanggul; di beberapa lokasi, strukturstruktur seperti pompa, gerbang, dan lain-lain juga disertakan. Sebagaimana
dinyatakan di tempat lain, Kontraktor wajib menentukan area-area tersebut melalui
rencana survei terperinci sebelum dilakukannya setiap aktivitas lainnya di lokasi.
Setiap area permanen tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan yang
terkait dengan pembangunan, dengan ketentuan bahwa pengaman-pengaman
lingkungan dan sosial yang diperlukan telah diimplementasikan.
Diperkirakan bahwa Kontraktor mungkin ingin atau perlu menggunakan area
tambahan untuk tujuan-tujuan sementara seperti, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas
pada, lapangan penyimpanan, kantor dan lapangan pembangunan, dan lain-lain.
Area tersebut harus ditentukan sebagai "Area-area pembangunan sementara”.
Tanggung jawab untuk menentukan "Area Sementara" berada pada kontraktor
Peserta Tender, dan merupakan bagian dari "Rencana ESM Kontraktor" dalam hal
penentuan yang jelas atas area-area dan waktu serta durasi yang diperkirakan untuk
penggunaan setiap lokasi. Pemilihan area-area harus mempertimbangkan faktorfaktor sosial dan lingkungan dan "ESMP " harus menentukan pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial spesifik terkait dengan setiap Area Sementara.
Kebisingan dan getaran
Isu kebisingan dan getaran telah diangkat selama dilaksanakannya berbagai
kegiatan konsultasi masyarakat sebagai "isu yang menarik.” Pengukuranpengukuran sebagai bagian dari AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa kebisingan dan
getaran tidak selalu memenuhi standar setempat. Diketahui pula bahwa standarstandar tidak selalu memperhitungkan situasi-situasi yang peka budaya seperti
waktu sembahyang.
Kontraktor Peserta Tender wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " rincian tentang cara
Kontraktor mengelola dan memantau kebisingan dan getaran di lokasi. Biaya-biaya
yang terkait dengan, misalnya, generator-generator dengan kebisingan rendah, atau
penahan-penahan kebisingan harus dianggap sebagai bagian dari peralatan normal
dan/atau biaya-biaya penetapan lokasi.
Ahli Teknik, Prinsipal, atau pihak-pihak lainnya atas biaya mereka sendiri dapat
melakukan pemantauan kebisingan dan/atau getaran pada setiap saat selama
pelaksanaan Kontrak tanpa harus memberitahu Kontraktor terlebih dahulu bahwa
pengukuran-pengukuran tersebut akan dilakukan. Jika menurut pendapat Ahli
Teknik, baik berdasarkan pengukuran-pengukuran maupun keluhan-keluhan yang
dapat dibenarkan dari masyarakat dan/atau otoritas, terjadi kebisingan atau getaran
yang berlebihan, Ahli Teknik dapat memerintahkan Kontraktor untuk mematuhi
standar yang relevan dan dengan komitmen-komitmen yang dibuat dalam "ESMP "
tanpa adanya pembayaran yang dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kepatuhan.
Lalu lintas
AMDAL dan komentar dari masyarakat telah menunjukkan lalu lintas sebagai isu
dalam kaitannya dengan:
 Kemacetan
 Sumber emisi udara
 Sebagai pengangkut material hasil kerukan, sumber potensi tumpahan (lihat
 Kerusakan jalan.
Semua Lalu Lintas Kontraktor wajib (tanpa biaya tambahan pada Kontrak) mematuhi
semua peraturan dan persyaratan yang terkait dengan lalu lintas, termasuk tetapi
tidak terbatas pada pembatasan waktu operasi, marka, dan kepemilikan sertifikatsertifikat uji emisi yang berlaku.
Peserta Tender harus menyusun sebuah Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas
Pendahuluan yang mempertimbangkan aspek yang disebutkan dalam AMDAL dan
Laporan Tambahan. Perlu ditekankan bahwa Rencana ini membahas isu-isu sosial
serta isu-isu yang lebih standar seperti ukuran truk, rute-rute, dan lain-lain.
Kontraktor harus menyusun sebuah Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas terperinci
untuk Kontrak dan memperoleh persetujuan dari Konsultan Pengawasan dan
kemudian dari otoritas yang terkait. Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas akan menjadi
bagian dari Rencana Kerja Kontraktor Terperinci dan metode-metode yang
diusulkan ESMP untuk meminimalkan potensi dampak-dampak lalu lintas yang
merugikan. Biaya-biaya yang terkait dengan penyusunan dan pelaksanaan Rencana
Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan yang terkait dengan
pengangkutan material hasil kerukan dan pengangkutan sampah, sesuai keadaan.
Bau tidak sedap/bau busuk
AMDAL dan komentar dari masyarakat telah mengidentifikasi bau sebagai isu yang
berkaitan dengan bau-bau yang timbul (terutama) dari material yang baru dikeruk.
Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib mengidentifikasi dalam "ESMP " metodemetode yang diusulkan untuk meminimalkan bau, bersama dengan standar kinerja
yang dapat diukur untuk kepatuhan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan. Biaya-biaya yang
terkait dengan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional seperti material penutup, membatasi
periode paparan, dan lain-lain, serta pengawasan yang diprakarsai Kontraktor harus
dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan.
Mengingat bahwa pengerukan dan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional yang terkait
sebagian besar berada di area-area perkotaan dengan bangunan dan berpenghuni,
Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor harus menyebutkan secara spesifik metode yang
diusulkan untuk mengurangi setiap penurunan penampilan dan keindahan dalam
"Rencana ESM ". Ingat bahwa hal ini juga dapat berinteraksi dengan isu-isu
keselamatan umum.
Kualitas air
Meskipun diakui bahwa kualitas air di wilayah proyek tersebut buruk, AMDAL dan
masyarakat berharap bahwa proyek tersebut tidak akan menyebabkan
memburuknya kualitas air secara signifikan. Penyebab-penyebab potensial
pemburukan lebih lanjut dapat muncul dari satu atau lebih hal berikut ini:
pengeringan sedimen kerukan sebelum diangkut, tumpahnya bahan bakar, minyak,
dan pelumas, sanitasi yang tidak benar, kendaraan yang tidak ditangani, dan air
cucian di lokasi masuk ke saluran air, gangguan sampah yang mengapung di
permukaan, gangguan sedimen berlebihan pada saat masih di bawah air.
Kontraktor Peserta Tender wajib mengidentifikasi dalam "ESMP " metode-metode
yang diusulkan untuk melindungi kualitas air. Biaya-biaya yang terkait dengan
kegiatan-kegiatan persiapan dan operasional termasuk setiap pemantauan yang
diprakarsai Kontraktor akan dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan.
Konsultan Pengawasan (atas nama pengusul proyek), BPLHD DKI, atau pihak-pihak
lainnya atas biaya mereka sendiri dapat melakukan pemantauan kualitas air pada
setiap saat selama pelaksanaan Kontrak tanpa harus memberitahu Kontraktor
terlebih dahulu bahwa pengukuran-pengukuran tersebut akan dilakukan. Jika
menurut pendapat Ahli Teknik, baik berdasarkan pengukuran-pengukuran maupun
keluhan-keluhan yang dapat dibenarkan dari masyarakat dan/atau otoritas, terjadi
pencemaran air secara berlebihan, maka Konsultan Pengawasan dapat
memerintahkan Kontraktor untuk mematuhi standar yang relevan dan dengan
komoitmen-komitmen yang dibuat dalam "ESMP " tanpa adanya pembayaran yang
dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kepatuhan tersebut.
Sanitasi tempat kerja
Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " fasilitas-fasilitas
sanitasi yang diusulkan dan praktik-praktik yang akan dilakukan di seluruh Area
Pembangunan Sementara dan permanen. Biaya yang terkait dengan kegiatan
persiapan dan operasional akan dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan.
"Tumpahan" sedimen kerukan ke jalan-jalan dan tempat-tempat umum
Berdasarkan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional sebelumnya, masyarakat telah
menyatakan kekhawatiran mengenai tumpahan material hasil kerukan dari truk-truk
pengangkutan ke jalan-jalan yang mengarah ke lokasi pembuangan di Ancol.
AMDAL menyebutkan faktor ini secara khusus, dan RPL/RKL yang telah disetujui
mensyaratkan agar langkah-langkah dilakukan untuk mencegah tumpahan secara
efektif, serta dibuatnya sebuah program pemantauan untuk memastikan bahwa
tumpahan tidak terjadi. Apabila tumpahan terjadi, prosedur-prosedur harus sudah
disiapkan untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya pembersihan tumpahan tersebut
secara cepat. Telah diketahui bahwa terdapat berbagai metode untuk memenuhi
persyaratan tersebut.
Sebagai tambahan untuk persyaratan tersebut, terdapat syarat-syarat lingkungan
khusus terkait dengan lokasi reklamasi/pembuangan Ancol, termasuk syarat bahwa
semua kendaraan yang meninggalkan lokasi wajib melewati fasilitas pencucian
kendaraan. Karena terdapat beberapa kontraktor yang menggunakan lokasi Ancol,
fasilitas pencucian kendaraan bersama harus dibangun dan dioperasikan oleh
entitas pengelola CDF Ancol di mana masing-masing Kontraktor diwajibkan untuk
mengarahkan semua kendaraannya melalui fasilitas ini. Tidak akan ada biaya untuk
penggunaan fasilitas tersebut, namun tidak akan ada klaim untuk setiap
keterlambatan disebabkan penggunaan fasilitas tersebut. Apabila Kontraktor
berkeinginan untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan fasilitas khusus untuk
penggunaan sendiri oleh Kontraktor tersebut, rencana-rencana dan rincian-rincian
harus diberikan kepada Ahli Teknik untuk memperoleh persetujuan. Tidak ada
pembayaran tambahan yang akan dilakukan untuk tindakan independen oleh
Kontraktor tersebut.
Kontraktor Peserta Tender wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " metode-metode yang
diusulkan untuk mencegah terjadinya setiap tumpahan, pemantauan sendiri oleh
Kontraktor, dan prosedur-prosedur yang akan digunakan untuk memungkinkan
dilakukannya pembersihan secara cepat atas setiap tumpahan yang terjadi, baik
yang diidentifikasi oleh Kontraktor atau oleh Ahli Teknik . Biaya-biaya yang terkait
dengan hal tersebut harus dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan
Tanpa mengabaikan paragraf sebelumnya, Konsultan Pengawasan dapat
memerintahkan Kontraktor untuk melakukan prosedur-prosedur pembersihan
tambahan atau alternatif apabila terjadi tumpahan yang signifikan dan/atau sering
dan/atau menyebabkan kerugian bagi masyarakat setempat. Tidak ada biaya
tambahan yang akan dibayarkan kepada Kontraktor untuk prosedur-prosedur
pembersihan tambahan atau alternatif tersebut. Selain itu, apabila Kontraktor tidak
melakukan prosedur-prosedur tersebut secara tepat waktu sebagaimana
diperintahkan oleh Ahli Teknik, Konsultan Pengawasan atas kebijaksanaannya
sendiri dapat memanggil pihak lain untuk melakukan pembersihan tersebut, dan
biayanya akan sepenuhnya dibebankan kepada Kontraktor.
Keselamatan umum
Proyek ini memiliki potensi isu-isu keselamatan umum yang signifikan, area-area
pembangunan berada di dalam wilayah perkotaan yang berpenduduk padat,
kegiatan-kegiatan operasional melibatkan mesin-mesin berat dan pergerakan
material dan peralatan serta banyak kegiatan operasional akan dilakukan pada
malam hari. Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP "
metode-metode yang diusulkan untuk menjaga keselamatan masyarakat. Biayabiaya yang terkait akan dibuat ke dalam biaya-biaya satuan.
Tanpa mengabaikan paragraf sebelumnya, Konsultan Pengawasan dapat
memerintahkan Kontraktor untuk melakukan langkah-langkah keselamatan
tambahan apabila terjadi situasi yang tidak aman. Tidak ada biaya tambahan yang
akan dibayarkan kepada Kontraktor untuk langkah-langkah keamanan tambahan
tersebut. Selain itu, apabila Kontraktor tidak melakukan prosedur-prosedur tersebut
secara tepat waktu sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan,
Konsultan Pengawasan atas kebijaksanaannya sendiri dapat memanggil pihak lain
memerintahkan kegiatan-kegiatan operasional pengerukan dan pengangkutan untuk
dihentikan, dan biayanya akan sepenuhnya dibebankan kepada Kontraktor dan
Kontraktor tidak berhak melakukan klaim apa pun dari penghentian paksa kegiatankegiatan operasional tersebut.
Pengaduan umum dan penyelesaian sengketa
Suatu persyaratan penting dari Prinsipal dan dari para penyandang dana proyek
(Bank Dunia) adalah bahwa harus terdapat mekanisme pengaduan masyarakat dan
penyelesaian sengketa yang sesuai. JUFMP keseluruhan akan telah menetapkan
mekanisme pengaduan masyarakat terkait dengan proyek pada saat
penandatanganan Kontrak Pembangunan, khususnya terkait dengan pemukiman
kembali dan ganti rugi untuk "area-area permanen" proyek, dan juga terkait dengan
memungkinkan masyarakat setempat untuk menyampaikan komentar-komentar,
termasuk keluhan-keluhan, tentang kegiatan-kegiatan terkait proyek agar menjadi
perhatian dari instansi dan otoritas setempat. Sebagian besar dari komentarkomentar/keluhan-keluhan tersebut telah dan diharapkan untuk terus berkaitan
dengan isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial.
Terkait dengan pemukiman kembali dan ganti rugi sebagaimana dibahas
sebelumnya, Kontraktor:
 Tidak akan memiliki keterlibatan sama sekali terkait dengan area-area kerja
 Akan memiliki keterlibatan penuh terkait dengan "Area-Area Pembangunan
Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " metode-metode
dan pengaturan-pengaturan yang diusulkan untuk penanganan pengaduan
masyarakat dan penyelesaian sengketa untuk isu lingkungan dan sosial (selain
pemukiman kembali dan ganti rugi). Tersedia berbagai pilihan untuk Kontraktor
 "ketergantungan sepenuhnya terhadap mekanisme-mekanisme pengaduan
masyarakat dan penyelesaian sengketa lainnya terkait dengan proyek",
 bekerja bersama
 "mekanisme pengaduan masyarakat dan penyelesaian sengketa dari
Kontraktor yang sepenuhnya independen".
Dalam memutuskan pendekatan mana yang akan digunakan, harus dipahami
dengan jelas bahwa Prinsipal, melalui Konsultan Pengawasan, diwajibkan dan
berkomitmen untuk mempertimbangkan semua komentar (dan keluhan) yang dibuat
dengan mekanisme-mekansime pengaduan masyarakat dan penyelesaian sengketa
terkait dengan proyek secara keseluruhan. Pendekatan apa pun yang digunakan,
semua biaya terkait Kontraktor untuk persiapan dan pemeliharaan akan menjadi
bagian dari tarif satuan untuk proyek tersebut.
Lapangan kerja setempat
Bersamaan dengan proyek yang diusulkan, masyarakat setempat telah menyatakan
minat untuk memperoleh kesempatan kerja. Peserta Tender dan Kontraktor wajib
menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " semua kesempatan kerja yang realistis yang akan
tersedia untuk masyarakat setempat, memberikan jumlah pekerjaan yang tersedia
berdasarkan kategori, kualifikasi, dan pengalaman yang diperlukan untuk mengisi
pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut, jangka waktu kerja yang tersedia, dan langkahlangkah yang akan diambil untuk memastikan diutamakannya tenaga kerja dari
masyarakat setempat.
Faktor-faktor lainnya
Keberhasilan pelaksanaan ESM membutuhkan lebih dari sekedar identifikasi
langkah-langkah yang diusulkan untuk dilakukan. Diperlukan misalnya dukungan
sumber daya manusia dalam aspek- aspek seperti penentuan staf secara spesifik,
rantai tanggung jawab yang ditentukan, dan tenaga kerja yang menyadari isu-isu
maupun mampu melaksanakan (seringkali dengan diberikan beberapa pelatihan).
Kontraktor Peserta Tender wajib menyebutkan dalam "ESMP " rincian dari aspekaspek tersebut. Perlu dicatat bahwa penawaran itu sendiri disyaratkan untuk
menentukan orang yang memenuhi syarat yang sesuai dengan pengalaman ESM
praktis yang akan diperlukan untuk mengalokasikan setidaknya 50% dari waktu yang
tersedia untuk ESM.
Lampiran 2
Matriks Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan JUFMP Fase 1
Tabel A - 1
Matriks EMP JUFMP Fase 1
Matriks berikut merangkum pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial untuk Subproyek-Subproyek JUFMP Fase 1. Rincian
tambahan diberikan dalam laporan utama.
Matriks ini melengkapi namun secara khusus tidak mengesampingkan RPL/RKL dalam AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 yang disetujui secara
resmi oleh BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL pada akhir bulan Maret 2010.
Memungkinkan 1
antara PMU
(melalui PC
pengelolaan lingkungan & AMDAL, Finalisasi Desain
teknik, PC)
sosial secara efektif dan Dokumen Kontrak, dan pengaturanpengaturan institusional proyek
2 Membuat laporan lingkungan/sosial PMU
(melalui PC
tambahan sebagaimana diperlukan
pilihan-pilihan PMU (melalui
pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial untuk PC)
berbagai macam isu
* Persepsi masyarakat
1 Konsultasi masyarakat, termasuk FGD PMU (melalui
* Persepsi Masyarakat
yang CC
disyaratkan dalam Kontrak antara
awalnya selama pengembangan ESMP
Kontraktor Terperinci, kemudian pada
selang waktu tertentu sesudahnya
Kemampuan untuk
penyediaan SC
informasi dan penerimaan keluhan
secara terus menerus – membangun dan
mengoperasikan POSKO
dan SC
syarat-syarat PMU
dokumen-dokumen tender
Penerimaan laporan-laporan PMU
Penerimaan laporan-laporan PMU
dan PMU
Penerimaan laporan-laporan SC
keluhan- SC
$10.0002 Pelaporan kegiatan bulanan
Pelaporan kepada PMU/PIU; PMU
wawancara dengan masyarakat
ditambah umpan balik kepada
per Kontraktor
Disyaratkan untuk disetujui SC
secara terus menerus.
* Pengelolaan lingkungan 1 ESMP Kontraktor sebagai tambahan CC
yang untuk
terintegrasi erat dengan Kontraktor yang disusun oleh Kontraktor
untuk menyesuaikan dengan AMDAL,
laporan tambahan, dan lain-lain –
Setelah konsultasi masyarakat yang
disyaratkan termasuk dalam kaitannya
dengan akses dan lokasi-lokasi kerja.
2 Kebutuhan untuk instruksi untuk
pelatihan sesuai kebutuhan untuk staf,
para Subkontraktor, dan lain-lain
* Pekerjaan setempat 1
untuk CC
(yang diinginkan oleh mempekerjakan orang-orang setempat
* Tumpahan material 1 Metode-metode terperinci dalam CC
hasil kerukan
ESMP Kontraktor; ditambah pelatihan
untuk pekerja.
2 Pembersihan tumpahan material yang SC
telah ditentukan – termasuk oleh pihak
membersihkan sebagaimana dan pada
saat diperintahkan.
* Kualitas Udara (pada 1 Kendaraan-kendaraan harus memiliki CC
tertentu, sertifikat kesesuaian emisi
latar belakang)
2 Debu – pencegahan dengan, misalnya CC
pengendalian tumpahan, pembersihan
jumlah CC
paparan/durasi, kesepakatan dengan
* Kebisingan (catatan, 1 Kesepakatan untuk dicapai dengan CC
latar belakang sering kali masyarakat setempat, terutama dalam
dari CC, SC
Pemantauan secara visual, PMU
penerimaan keluhan-keluhan
Pemeriksaan kesesuaian
Pemantauan secara visual, SC
menerima keluhan-keluhan
di SC
lokasi, penerimaan keluhankeluhan.
& SC
2. Pelaporan ke SC;
Rencana untuk disetujui
melebihi standar)
kaitannya dengan waktu kegiatan dan
area-area yang peka kebisingan.
2 Pelatihan untuk pekerja; Peralatan CC
peredam suara yang diperlukan
* Lalu lintas
Lihat bagian lain untuk
dampak konsekuensial
Seperti kebisingan, emisi,
Pemantauan secara visual, SC
penerimaan keluhan-keluhan
Pemantauan secara visual SC
Laporan laboratorium, Izin SC, PMU
mengangkut – atau ditunda)
$15.000 untuk
* Kualitas sedimen
1 Pemantauan prapengerukan dan SC
pascapengerukan untuk menentukan B3
atau bukan, yang disyaratkan oleh
pembuangan limbah B3 BPLHD/Komisi
di CDF Ancol
persetujuan untuk AMDAL Fase 1 (lihat
nomor 4 di bawah ini apabila pengujian
kualitas sedimen mengidentifikasikan
adanya material B3)
2 Persyaratan untuk mengeruk dan CC
mengangkut sedimen hanya setelah
material memperoleh izin
3 Larangan khusus untuk mengambil, CC
di SC
lokasi, penerimaan keluhankeluhan.
Meninjau rencana sebelum SC
diajukan kepada otoritas.
Menerima dari Kontraktor.
Salinan dari rencana yang
telah disetujui sepenuhnya.
1 Membuat Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu CC
Lintas (Traffic Management Plan/TMP)
terperinci sebagai bagian dari Rencana
Kerja Kontraktor dan ESMP Kontraktor –
untuk menyertakan aspek-aspek teknis,
setelah dilakukannya konsultasi dengan
Memperoleh persetujuan atas rencana
dari otoritas setempat.
Pelatihan untuk para operator truk
waktu CC
sebagaimana dalam TMP
3 Mengintegrasikan dengan semua CC, SC
angkutan JUFMP yang lain untuk
mencegah kemacetan di dekat Ancol.
laporan SC, PMU
penerimaan SC
menyimpan, mengangkut, atau dengan
cara lain menangani setiap material
padat selain dari material hasil kerukan
JUFMP yang telah “diizinkan” tanpa
adanya persetujuan tertulis dari SC
Notulen rapat
– Penyisihan
* Kualitas sedimen
untuk KLH
(hanya jika pengujian menentukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut bertanggung
alam butir 1 di atas apa yang diperlukan dan pengelolaan jawab
secara 5.000
mengidentifikasi adanya utama apa yang akan diterapkan
untuk pengujian
material B3)
dari JUMFP
yang KLH
harus Penyisihan
tentang SC – sesuai JUFMP
dihasilkan untuk membuang ke Ancol mengambil
$ pengawasan
atas dengan
(mungkin dengan kondisi khusus) keputusan
100.000 pada pengerukan, pengangkutan, persyaratan
KLH dan PIU kontrak SC
lokasi PIU & SC harus biaya JUFMP dan pembuangan
pembuangan limbah berbahaya PPLi
* Sampah
1 Persyaratan umum untuk menjaga CC
Pemantauan secara visual, SC
lokasi dan lingkungan sekitarnya bersih,
penerimaan keluhan-keluhan
masyarakat. Rinciannya akan ditentukan
dalam Rencana Kerja dan ESMP.
2 Pemisahan benda-benda besar dari CC
Pemantauan secara visual
material hasil kerukan sebelum diangkut
ke Ancol
dan CC
Pemantauan secara visual
pembuangan sampah bersih, yakni
setelah benda-benda yang dapat didaur
ulang telah disingkirkan) dari lokasilokasi pembangunan ke TPA Bantar
4 Mengembangkan program-program PIU,
dinas PIU, DKI
dan SC
* Pelaporan lingkungan
kebersihan DKI
setempat secara berkelanjutan untuk
area-area setempat dalam persiapan
untuk periode Pascapembangunan
1 Laporan-laporan harus disusun untuk SC
PMU & PIU (bulanan) dan BPLHD (menyusun
untuk dan atas
nama PIU/PMU)
* Pengurangan ketinggian 1 Mengoperasikan sistem-sistem sesuai PIU
dengan parameter rancangan dan
apabila perlu memutakhirkan aturan
Jakarta secara keseluruhan
2 Menyebarluaskan informasi kepada PIU
masyarakat dan menerima umpan balik
dari masyarakat.
bagi 1 Memperoleh manfaat dari pengelolaan PIU, DKI
banjir dan pengelolaan sampah –
masyarakat memiliki peran partisipatif
pemangku kepentingan
* Pengelolaan sampah
sistem-sistem DKI
pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan
yang menghindari kebutuhan untuk
lingkungan sekitarnya sebagai bagian
dari pilihan pembuangan
Pemeliharaan 1
untuk PIU
pengerukan pemeliharaan di masa
pertemuanpertemuan. Notulen rapat dan
rencana aksi.
Laporan-laporan dibuat dan PMU, PIUs
Pencatatan tingkat ketinggian PIU
air, terutama selama banjir
Arsip-arsip tentang interaksi PIU
Tidak diperlukan
Pemantauan secara visual
Pemantauan secara visual, PIU
lintas-bagian atas banjir di
Jakarta secara keseluruhan
secara informal
2 Serupa dengan pengerukan JUFMP,
tapi dimodifikasi untuk mendapatkan
manfaat dari pelajaran-pelajaran yang
diambil dan mempertimbangkan
pengerukan pemeliharaan dalam skala
yang lebih kecil
Mirip dengan pemantauan PIU
tahap pembangunan JUFMP,
diubah karena skala dan
pengalaman yang diperoleh
Catatan 1:
Tanggung jawab (Tanggung jawab utama saja)
Project Management Unit/Unit Pengelolaan Proyek
Project Implementation Unit/Unit Pelaksana Proyek
Project preparation consultants/Konsultan persiapan Proyek
JUFMP Construction Contractor/Kontraktor Konstruksi JUFMP
JUFMP Supervision Consultant/Konsultan Pengawasan JUFMP
= Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
=Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup
Technical Assistance for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA / SIA)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) –
Grant TF#054683-IND
Ancol Updated RKL/RPL
Supplementary Report
Glossary................................................................................................................................ 1
Summary .............................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
Context ................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose and scope of Status Report ...................................................................... 5
2 Adequacy of 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL ................................................................ 5
Specific review of the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL ........................................... 6
Indonesian requirements ................................................................................. 6
Broader considerations .................................................................................... 7
Additional information and developments................................................................ 9
Approval of the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL and Supplementary Report.............. 9
Additional baseline environmental information ................................................. 9
Sediment quality ............................................................................................ 10
Community Consultation................................................................................ 10
Commencement of Ancol CDF Construction.................................................. 10
Offsite impacts from Ancol CDF ..................................................................... 10
Overall assessment .............................................................................................. 11
3 Ancol CDF Safeguards ................................................................................................ 12
Institutional arrangements..................................................................................... 12
PT. PJA ......................................................................................................... 12
Ancol Construction Contractors (ACC)........................................................... 13
JUFMP Supervision Consultant (SC) ............................................................. 13
PIUs............................................................................................................... 14
PMU .............................................................................................................. 14
Construction Contractors (CC)....................................................................... 14
DKI BPLHD.................................................................................................... 14
Enhanced safeguards ........................................................................................... 14
Integration of JUFMP and Ancol CDF activities.............................................. 15
“Good practice” construction and supervision ................................................ 15
Sediment and other fill / cover material .......................................................... 16
Traffic management....................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1
Detailed review of Ancol AMDAL and Ancol Updated RKL/RPL ................. 18
Appendix 2
Development of Ancol CDF and interaction with JUFMP project ................ 26
Appendix 3
Ancol integrated Environment Management and Monitoring Matrix ............ 27
List of Tables
Table A - 1 : Detailed review of Ancol 2006 AMDAL and 2009Ancol Updated RKL/RPL ... 18
Table A - 2 : Development of Ancol CDF and interaction with JUFMP project (Schedule
subject to periodic adjustments).......................................................................................... 26
Table A - 3 : Ancol CDF Supplementary EMP Matrix ........................................................ 27
Institutional – Functional English names
Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin (Balai Besar
Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane, BBWS-CC)
Environmental Management Agency of Jakarta Provincial Government
Directorate General Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works
Directorate General Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works
DKI Jakarta
Jakarta Provincial Government
Project Management Unit
Project Implementation Unit
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, the concessionaire and operator of the
Ancol reclamation project
Environmental documentation:
Environmental Assessment (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan,
AMDAL, it includes ANDAL plus RKL / RPL)
Environmental Impact Assessment/Statement (Analisis Dampak
Lingkungan, ANDAL)
Environmental Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan,
Environmental Monitoring Plan (Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan,
Updated RKL / RPL Product resulting process whereby there is a substantive change in
project scope from an already approved AMDAL sufficient to warrant
an updating of the environmental and social management and
monitoring plans, but the change is not so large as to require a
completely new AMDAL. As will be seen this approach was adopted
by DKI BPLHD and the AMDAL Commission to enable the disposal of
JUFMP dredge material at the already approved Ancol reclamation
site. The Updated RKL / RPL supersedes the earlier AMDAL, but
does not necessarily have to re-address issues that were considered
to have been adequately considered in the earlier AMDAL and for
which there will be no substantial changed effects
JUFMP Project-specific terminology
B3 Waste (or B3)
Hazardous and Toxic Waste (Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project. [in various project documents,
used synonymously with ‘Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative
Phase 1
Set of project sites for initial implementation of overall JUFMP. The
Phase 1 sites were chosen because of their critical importance with
respect to flood relief, and also because resettlement will not be
required. A single AMDAL has been prepared for this set of Phase 1
Phase 2
The remainder of project sites to be undertaken under JUFMP.
Resettlement Policy Framework; a policy document to be followed by
JUFMP for resettlement activities associated with the project. There is
no resettlement for Phase 1 project sites. The RPF is based on World
Bank policy / practice and Indonesian law
Project Sites
Identified individual components of JUFMP; either a defined length of
drain/river / floodway, or a defined size of waduk (reservoir/flood
retention basin). Engineering designs have been based on each site;
AMDAL preparation has been or will be for individual project site
Terminology arising from JUFMP Contractual and implementation aspects
Construction Contractor
The contractor whose Construction Contract under the PIU
will undertake dredging, embankment works, sediment
transport and associated activities for construction of JUFMP
Contractor Detailed ESMP
An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) to
be prepared on award of Contract by the Construction
Contractor with detailed information on ESM practices to be
followed. This must be based on the Construction Contract
conditions, the AMDAL, this Supplementary Report, and
other reports referred to in bidding documents. It must also
follow all relevant laws and regulations. Community
consultation prior to submission of the ESMP for Supervision
Consultant formal approval is mandated
Contractor ESM Plan
Generic term used to include both the “Contractor General
ESMP” and the “Contractor Detailed ESM Plan”
Contractor Preliminary ESMP An ESM Plan to be prepared as part of the Technical Bid. It
will include similar contents as per Contractor Detailed
ESMP, but to a lesser degree of detail. Community
consultation is “recommended” as part of preparation
Environmental and Social Management (includes
environmental and social monitoring as appropriate)
Supervision Consultant
Consultant under contract to PMU. The Supervision
Consultant will undertake day-to-day supervision of
Construction Contracts – the role normally identified as
“Engineer” (as principal’s representative). The Supervision
Consultant will also have a substantive role in environmental
and social management and monitoring, with main focus on
Construction Contractor’s ESM but also including specific
duties in relation to public communication / grievances, to
resettlement (for some of the Phase 2 site activities) and to
monitoring and reporting to DKI BPLHD on behalf of the
project proponents (i.e. PIUs)
PT. PJA had an AMDAL prepared and approved in 2006 for reclamation of a near-shore
area in Jakarta Bay based on filling with sand derived from regional sources (the Ancol
AMDAL). Following the announcement of the Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
(JUFMP), an Ancol Updated RKL / RPL was prepared and approved in 2009, to enable part
filling of the area with JUFMP dredged material. Other changes in design were an increased
channel width separating the reclamation area from the main shoreline from about 80 m to
200m and slight changes to overall shape and area. Inherent but not explicit in the Ancol
Updated RKL / RPL was that the facility was to be designed, constructed and operated as a
Confined Disposal Facility (hence the term ‘Ancol CDF’ is commonly used to refer to the
An independent review of the Ancol AMDAL and Ancol Updated RKL / RPL (based largely
on a World Bank supplied-checklist) was undertaken in 2009 by ERM (a consultancy firm).
This current supplementary report further reviews the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL, and
considers progress in JUFMP planning and design and in other factors that have occurred in
the interim.
The original Ancol AMDAL and Ancol Updated RKL / RPL followed appropriate and standard
Indonesian practices such as preparation by independent certified AMDAL specialists,
specified consultations during preparation and assessment by the AMDAL Commission.
The overriding conclusion from the reviews and consideration of progress in JUFMP
planning and design is that the Ancol CDF site and Ancol Updated RKL / RPL integrates well
with the JUFMP project. Some aspects that might be expected to be addressed in an
environmental assessment are missing or only very briefly addressed in the Ancol Updated
RKL/RPL and/or earlier AMDAL - this probably arose because during scoping it was
considered that they were of little or no relevance considering the specific project situation.
This report identifies these aspects and concurs that they are of little or no relevance.
Additionally it could be argued that greater consideration should have been given to future
land use implications at the Ancol CDF site. The Ancol Updated RKL/RPL is specific to the
filling / reclamation activity, and almost any type of future land use would require separate
environmental assessment at the time. Furthermore, all indications are that the filling with
JUFMP dredged sediment would not limit future land uses.
This supplementary report concludes that some additional management and monitoring
would be a prudent assurance to strengthen the implementation of safeguards measures.
Based on this assessment, a supplementary EMP is presented in this supplementary report.
This complements the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL and focuses mostly on the management
and monitoring of environmental and social issues during the development of the Ancol
CDF. Costs are mostly related to normal engineering / site management supervision, a need
to integrate activity with the JUFMP Supervision Consultant and for some post-filling soil
chemical analysis.
1 Introduction
1.1 Context
The “owner” / “proponent” of the Ancol reclamation site in the near shore area of Jakarta Bay
is PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT. PJA). Environmental approvals to reclaim the area
were granted in 2006 following standard Indonesian AMDAL requirements, with fill material
mostly based on sand.
Following a very severe flood that inundated Jakarta in February 2007, the concept of a
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) evolved and has been in preparation since
then. The JUFMP involves dredging accumulated sediment in the selected key floodways,
canals and waduks (retention basins) within the Jakarta urban area and transporting the
dredged material to a suitable disposal location.
Several options were assessed and it was concluded that the Ancol reclamation site was the
most appropriate facility for the disposal of the JUFMP dredge material1 since:
 It is central to the JUFMP project sites;
 It already had environmental approvals for development;
 By being in a nearshore area the social effects would be minimal (there would be no
resettlement); and
 It represented a wise use of resources, replacing sand with dredged material as part
filling material for reclamation.
Interaction with the Environmental Management Agency of Jakarta Provincial Government
(DKI BPLHD) and the associated AMDAL Commission determined that the change of fill
material would require that there be an Ancol Updated RKL / RPL to address issues
associated with change of fill material. This was prepared in accordance with local
requirements including scoping, preparation, consultations, specific consideration of social
issues and AMDAL Commission hearing. The updated RKL / RPL was approved by DKI
BPLHD in 2009. The area approved was +/- 119 ha site, and slight changes to physical
boundaries eventuated, especially in relation to widening the distance between the existing
shoreline (itself reclaimed) and the Ancol CDF reclamation site.
Recognising different “ownership” but also the need for integration, the approved Ancol
Updated RKL / RPL specifically identifies the physical and administrative boundaries
between Ancol CDF and the JUFMP project.
Since approval of the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL:
 JUFMP project preparation has progressed significantly, especially in relation to:
o Selection of a set of JUFMP sub-projects for JUFMP Phase 1 activities, with
associated detailed design and preparation and approval of an AMDAL for
these sub-projects.
o On-going detailed design and studies for environmental approvals for other
JUFMP sub-projects and studies into necessary resettlement at some of
these sub-project sites.
o Establishing project institutional and implementation arrangements.
 There has been on-going review of the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL, especially in
relation to interaction with JUFMP requirements.
Excepting solid wastes (which will be separated and disposed at the existing Bantar Gebang landfill), and hazardous material
if these are found (which is planned to be disposed at an existing commercial licensed existing hazardous material landfill, i.e.,
A further subsequent proposed change in design of the northern boundary (dyke) of
the Ancol CDF was reviewed and approved by DKI BPLHD. This proposed design
change was also review by the World Bank, and the recommendations of this review
was acknowledged and adopted prior to the approval of DKI BPLHD.
It is stressed that the 2006 Ancol AMDAL and the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL were
specifically focussed on the reclamation activity itself at the Ancol site in line with Indonesian
requirements. The fact that the reclamation site itself was in conformity with the long term
spatial plan precluded detailed evaluation of “land use” issues, especially because the site is
currently a near shore area. Boundaries were drawn in relation to the JUFMP activities. The
2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL included detailed evaluation of the result of bringing JUFMP
dredge material to the Ancol CDF site. The actual dredging activities themselves and
transport of the JUFMP dredge material to the Ancol CDF site is addressed in the JUFMPspecific AMDALs. Evaluation of future land use activities was effectively left to postreclamation AMDALs or similar environmental permitting which will be known only when
there are specific proposals for the use of the area.
1.2 Purpose and scope of Status Report
This supplementary report:
 Assesses whether the earlier Ancol AMDAL and the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL
adequately address the social and environmental issues associated with the use of
the site for JUFMP dredge material disposal (Section 2) including:
o Considering the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL as a stand-alone document
(Section 2.1)
o Addressing new and updated information (Section 2.2)
o Making an overall assessment, integrating the earlier Ancol Updated RKL /
RPL and the new and updated information (Section 2.3)
o Overall conclusions
 Identifies the current status of use of the Ancol site for JUFMP dredge material
disposal (Section 3) addressing:
o Institutional arrangements (Section 3.1)
o Initial construction
o Enhanced safeguards (Section 3.2)
Appendices present:
 Nominal schedule of Ancol CDF development and interaction with JUFMP (Appendix
 Supplementary EMP for Ancol CDF. (Appendix 2)
2 Adequacy of 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL
Review of a document such as the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL could be undertaken for
any one or more of the following reasons:
1. To check conformity with particular guidelines, legislation etc.
2. To assess the “quality” of the document and information contained therein.
3. To determine what requirements arising from the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL
might influence how the JUFMP project could be implemented.
4. To assess whether conditions have changed since the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL /
RPL was prepared and approved that might result in the document and associated
RKL / RPL being at least partially “invalid”.
These reasons are not mutually exclusive and it is a matter of judgement as to the relative
importance placed on these different reasons. In this current report, focus is on the reasons
identified as 1, 3 and 4 above.
The World Bank has specifically required assessment against its own provided checklist.
This addresses reason 1 in part. Another check related to reason 1 is whether the document
conforms to the Government of Indonesia (GOI) requirements.
In relation to reason 2 the Consultants2 believe there is little to be gained by what must be a
judgemental view of the “quality” of the document and how information is presented.
However, the quality and completeness of the information can be and is partially considered
in relation to conformity with the World Bank checklist. This report will not specifically
address reason 2 again.
At this stage of the project it important to be clear as to how the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL /
RPL “enables” the JUFMP project to proceed, and what restrictions it might place on the
implementation of the JUFMP project. This requires focus on reasons 3 and 4 above.
2.1 Specific review of the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL
This Section focuses on Reason 1 identified at the beginning of this section, focussing on
whether the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL conforms to regulations, policies etc.
2.1.1 Indonesian requirements
While the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL effectively supersedes the earlier 2006 Ancol
AMDAL, both documents and processes should be considered together. The decision to
require an updated RKL / RPL rather than a complete new AMDAL is made based on the
consideration of whether the earlier document adequately addressed aspects that might
have a fundamental bearing on whether the project should proceed or not. By proceeding
with the updated RKL / RPL approach, DKI BPLHD and the AMDAL Commission inherently
determined that such aspects had been adequately addressed and what was required was a
focus to ensure that adequate environmental management would be in place for the Ancol
site to receive and dispose of JUFMP dredge material.
The 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL was prepared on behalf of the “owner”, PT. PJA:
Proponent Name
: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.
Office Address
: Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Kav. 5 Ancol, North Jakarta
Telephone Number : (021) 6453456
Facsimile number
: (021) 64710502
: Ir. Maleakhi John
: Head of the Department of Licensing and Special Projects
Project Name
: Development of Eastern Regions of West Ancol for ±119Ha.
Preparation was undertaken by AMDAL-certified consultants, informed by:
 the earlier 2006 Ancol AMDAL;
 specific engineering studies associated with formation of the outer retaining dike,
current studies, and soil investigations; and
 the ERM 2008 sediment quality studies undertaken in the JUFMP drains and
The consultants retained by the PMU to prepared this supplementary report.
what would be involved with the JUFMP project.
Assessment of the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL was done by DKI BPLHD / AMDAL
Commission, which included a series of meetings in February / March 2009 before final
approval was given. Reports from these meetings indicated extensive consideration by DKI
BPLHD / AMDAL Commission on a range of social and environmental concerns, with the
finally approved Ancol Updated RKL / RPL addressing these aspects.
A notable aspect of the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL was the implication of the reclamation
being developed as a Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), but this specific term was never
used in the document. Additionally, “typical” drawings indicated sequencing of development
of outer confining dikes, although there was no detailed written explanation of the whole
sequencing and timing of development from initial outer dike construction, filling with
dredged sediment and final covering.
It is concluded that the process was properly conducted according to GOI requirements, that
DKI BPLHD and the AMDAL Commission were detailed in their assessment and ensuring
safeguards and that social matters were addressed in detail.
The Ancol Updated RKL / RPL is very clear and specific about the scope and division of
responsibilities between PT. PJA and JUFMP. In particular at Section 2.5.d the document
 In the context of the activities of JUFMP, the Ancol project site is a dumping site.
 JUFMP is the responsible party:
o To ensure the dredged material does not contain B3 (hazardous and toxic
waste) as per Government Regulation No. 85/19993. (This item further notes
that based on the ERM 2008 sediment quality study, sediments do meet the
criteria and can be accommodated at the Ancol reclamation site)
o For dredging and transportation of materials to the Ancol location.
o For selection of transportation route and carrier traffic arrangements.
 The responsibility of PT. PJA starts when a vehicle enters from Jl. RE Martadinata to
the Ancol area. PT. PJA’s obligation is to:
o Provide access road in from Jl. RE Martadinata to the dumping site
o Provide a means of laundering carrier (vehicle washing) as it leaves the Ancol
2.1.2 Broader considerations
This subsection is based on two separate consultants (ERM in 2009, PPA in 2010)
independently reviewing the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL with some reference back to
the 2006 Ancol AMDAL. Both reviews were made with assistance of a World Bank checklist,
examination of the Ancol documents including notes made at the DKI BPLHD / AMDAL
Commission meetings and with site visits. This detailed consolidated review is found in
Appendix 1. Certain assessments and comments from these reviews require further
additional discussions and considerations. These additional discussions and considerations
are discussed in further detail in this and following sub-sections. The need for additional
assessment / consideration arises because of one or more of the following:
 Contextual aspects. This relates to either standard check-list items being of limited
relevance in relation to the project considering the context of the site itself, or of what
Note that the term of “B3” in the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL/RPL refers to hazardous wastes as categorized and defined in the
standards stipulated in Government Regulations no 85/1999 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management.
the Ancol AMDAL and Ancol Updated RKL / RPL (“Ancol permitting”) actually
The documentation is non-specific about certain key aspects, especially in relation to
the staging of reclamation activities and actually defining the activity as a Confined
Disposal Facility.
The evaluation of potential issues associated with use of JUFMP dredged material is
Mitigation measures do not necessarily consider the context of the site nor do they
necessarily align with how site management will be arranged.
Context of site
The Ancol reclamation site is a near-shore site, located in a central position off Jakarta in
Jakarta Bay. The Ancol CDF facility will be separated by a channel of some 200m width
from a shoreline that itself has been subject to past filling / reclamation and accretion.
Furthermore, under current spatial planning reclamation of the site has been formally
identified since a 1995 government regulation. Considering this context:
 Long term planning issues are predetermined.
 The interaction with the closest residential communities (minimum of 200 m distant)
would be limited during the reclamation period.
 The polluted nature of the immediate site reduces inherent “pristine” environmental
quality (water and biological) and there are no nearby areas of biological value such
as mangroves. Nevertheless this is not taken as a reason not to implement
appropriate mitigation measures.
Context of Ancol permitting
As noted earlier, the scope of environmental permitting is limited to the reclamation stage of
Ancol itself, notably excluding post-reclamation activities (to be addressed through future
environmental permitting which will be known only when there are specific proposals for the
use of the area) and JUFMP dredging and sediment transport activities (addressed in the
JUFMP-specific AMDALs). Additionally, the sourcing of cover sand and topsoil would
assume that those extractive industries themselves have appropriate environmental
clearances, but assurances of the same are not specified in the Ancol mitigation measures.
Staging of reclamation activities
Drawings and discussion in the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL infer that the site will be
developed as a Confined Disposal Facility (CDF), with enclosing outer dikes internally lined
with geotextile developed prior to the filling with dredge material. The timing of sand and
topsoil cover-layer development is not defined.
Potential issues arising from the use of JUFMP dredged material
There is an inherent assumption that the requirement that JUFMP-transported sediment be
“not B3” adequately covers the potential issues arising from the use of JUFMP dredge
material. While this may be reasonable in many circumstances, additional evaluation and
more specific mitigation measures would increase the safeguards.
Mitigation measures
Mitigation (including monitoring) measures as proposed do not necessarily consider the
context of the site nor do they necessarily align with how site management will be arranged.
While potential pollution from, for example, workforce sanitation is possible, it is not
addressed in relation to the context that the numbers of workers would be limited, that
Jakarta Bay is already polluted and that surrounding infrequent water quality testing would
not be able to distinguish whether workforce sanitation was being adequately managed. As
another example, for a construction activity much of the mitigation and monitoring should be
focussed on aligning to Construction Contract conditions and oversight by a supervising
These are addressed later in this Supplementary Report.
2.2 Additional information and developments
Since the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL there has been:
 Approval of the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL by the AMDAL Commission in March 2010.
 Preparation of a JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report, which includes further
safeguards-related recommendations beyond the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL, and
which will also be applicable to the JUFMP project.
 Detailed baseline data collection for the JUFMP Phase 2 AMDALs that are being
prepared through 2010.
 Additional consideration of sediment quality issues, especially to incorporate
additional information from the JUFMP Phase 2 primary data collection and to
consider the most appropriate manner to satisfy the DKI BPLHD JUFMP Phase 1
requirement for on-going sediment monitoring.
 Additional consultations with stakeholders.
 Commencement of the construction of the Ancol outer confining walls (which will
form the confined disposal facility)
 Further consideration of potential offsite impacts from the sourcing of sand and
laterite material (in addition to JUFMP dredge material) for the construction of the
Ancol CDF.
2.2.1 Approval of the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL and Supplementary Report
The JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL was prepared for the 5 JUFMP sites for which construction is
expected to commence soon after the approval of the project. This JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL
was formally approved by DKI BPLHD in March 2010. The most significant issue in this
report related to the Ancol site is a requirement for additional B3 monitoring at the JUFMP
sites prior to and post dredging.
A JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report was prepared and this provided new information
arising from JUFMP detailed design, addressed the sediment quality issues arising from the
JUFMP AMDAL approval conditions, re-estimated transport traffic volumes, and produced a
supplementary EMP based on the JUFMP institutional arrangements with emphasis on the
Construction Contractor and Supervision Consultant arrangements (which were not yet
defined in detail at the time of the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL).
2.2.2 Additional baseline environmental information
Additional baseline environmental information has been collected for the JUFMP Phase 1
and Phase 2 sub-project areas, with information most relevant to Ancol being:
 Confirmation that baseline levels for various environmental parameters (especially
noise, some air quality and many water qualities) already exceed environmental
standards from time to time.
 Additional sediment samples have been collected4 and had the quality tested – see
next subsection.
In addition to the earlier sediment quality study (conducted by ERM consultants in 2008) which was the first comprehensive
and detailed primary sediment quality study for Jakarta’s drains and waduks, and which supported much of the initial planning
for the JUFMP project including the ANCOL Updated RKL / RPL and the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL.
Observations of the performance of an earlier Dutch-funded pilot project5 dredgedsludge at different times after disposal.
2.2.3 Sediment quality
The additional assessments and consideration of sediment quality issues undertaken since
the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL:
 Demonstrated that the results of additional sediment sample analysis (done for
JUFMP Phase 2 sites) all support the earlier sampling and analysis that none of the
material is classified as B3 (i.e., hazardous and toxic waste)6.
 Identified a testing protocol to be used to check sediment quality prior to dredging
and on JUFMP project completion in the JUFMP drains and waduks.
 Identified the need to ensure that JUFMP transport trucks could not be used for
illegal transport of any non-JUFMP material (whether B3 or otherwise) to Ancol.
 Assessed all sediment quality results in terms of land use using appropriate local
standards and concluded that for a confined disposal facility, all sampling and testing
to date supported a conclusion that there would be no constraint to future land use.
Some additional confirmatory monitoring at Ancol during and after JUFMP sediment
deposition is identified.
 Undertook a health assessment and concluded that the health-related risks from the
JUFMP dredge material are low for Ancol construction workers and for any future
residents of the Ancol site.
2.2.4 Community Consultation
Community consultations have continued in JUFMP locations especially as part of the
preparation of the JUFMP AMDAL and JUFMP social safeguards instruments. The clear
and dominant and consistent themes arising from these consultations are:
 Broad support for the JUFMP project, recognising the benefits of flood mitigation,
acknowledging that there will be some disturbance but stressing that communities
want better environmental management than for many previous projects around
 Wish for ongoing and meaningful consultation between “the project” and the local
 A very strong wish for local employment.
2.2.5 Commencement of Ancol CDF Construction
The construction of the outer confining walls of the Ancol CDF facility commenced in the
second quarter of 2010. There was significant discussion including JUFMP project engineers
and environmental specialists about the construction of the outer confining walls, including a
subsequent change in the design of the northern boundary (dyke) of the CDF, for which the
recommendations of the World Bank review of the proposal was acknowledged and adopted
prior to the approval of DKI BPLHD. Monitoring inspections of the work has also been
carried out by DKI BPLHD7.
2.2.6 Offsite impacts from Ancol CDF
In addition to the JUFMP dredged material, the construction of the perimeter walls and the
filling of Ancol CDF will require sand (about 8.6 million m3). According to the approved Ancol
Updated RKL and RPL, this sand is to be obtained from a marine source, in the Banten Area
A pilot project undertaken by DKI Jakarta with Dutch government funding support to pilot dredge a minor drain in Jakarta (not
part of the JUFMP project).
Referring to Indonesian standards, which is based on international practice.
In November 2010, with the participation of the World Bank during the inspection.
of the coast from North Jakarta. This location where the sand will be obtained from already
has an approved Environmental Permit8. The engineering design shows that the sediment
material would form the bottom most layer of the filled area, which will then be overlaid by
the sand layer which will in turn be capped with laterite soil material. The volume of laterite
material required is estimated at 400,000m3 to be obtained from land based sources near
Bekasi, West Java that is also operating under environmental permits. The environmental
impacts at the marine sources of sand and the land based source of laterite are not
mentioned in the Ancol ANDAL, RKL and RPL9. All that is mentioned is that these sites
have an approved AMDAL and are operating under environmental permits. PT. PJA has
agreed that the JUFMP Supervision Consultant will supervise and monitor the activities at
these offsite locations (for the sourcing of the sand and the laterite).
2.3 Overall assessment
Considering the discussions in this section above, the following overall assessment and
conclusions are made:
 Project need is adequately established.
 Although the JUFMP project considered various options for dredged material
disposal, this consideration has no bearing on whether the Ancol reclamation
proceeds or not. The reclamation site was planned and approved prior to the
proposal for JUFMP and has a completely different objective to that of JUFMP. The
use of JUFMP dredge material to part fill the Ancol CDF site is an efficient utilization
of resources (reducing sand requirement in Ancol CDF) and is a win-win situation for
PT. PJA as well as JUFMP.
 The positive benefits are further reinforced by removing and confining sediment from
the JUFMP waterways from where it is liable to be flushed into Jakarta Bay and
contribute to already elevated pollution loads.
 The distinction in responsibilities between JUFMP and PT. PJA with regard to the
development / reclamation period is well defined and appropriate. The distinction
between the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL/RPL and future environmental approvals
(AMDALs) needed for any future land use is unstated, but it is important to
acknowledge this distinction exists and that the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL is
adequate for its purposes.
 Explicit development of the reclamation site as a Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) is
central to the environmental assessment and mitigation.
 Additional sediment collection and analysis and assessment confirms the earlier
assessment that JUFMP sediment is most unlikely to be classified as B3; the
AMDAL-Commission future monitoring will provide additional safeguards; health risk
from the sediment to workers and the general community is low; and with the
AMDAL-required post reclamation covering with sand and topsoil there are unlikely to
be any long term adverse effects.
 The construction of the Ancol CDF facility will cause the associated physical loss of
near-shore polluted marine habitat, which has no conservation significance. There
are no close-by areas of habitat / ecosystem significance.
 There will likely be some marginal deterioration in local sea water quality from time to
time, even with mitigation measures which are based on maintaining confinement
and normal site sanitation. This has limited significance because of the already
According to the approved RKL and RPL, the environment permits for the Banten marine area to provide sand are (i) Serang
Regency Number 666/750/LKH dated April 13, 2005 issued to PT. Gora Gahana and (ii) The Mining and Energy Central Amdal
Commission Number 5038/0115/SJ.T/199 dated December 5, 1994 issued to PT. SAC Nusantara. The permit allows the
company to exploit about 10 million m3 of sand from an area of 1,056 ha in the position of 5o 54’ 47’2’’ – 5o 56’ 12.2’’ South
and 106o 11’ 39.9’’ – 106o 17’ 36.3’’ East.
Although this issue was reviewed by DKI BPLHD during the approval of the change in the design of the northern boundary
(dyke) of the CDF.
polluted status; normal intermittent sea water quality monitoring would be unable to
detect other than gross pollution from the Ancol CDF construction and filling
activities. Adequate site supervision and observation would provide appropriate and
cost-effective monitoring.
Air quality related effects are likely to be localised and of short duration, potentially
involving dust and windborne plastic etc., if site management is inadequate.
Indications from other dredging activities in Jakarta are that odour problems are most
unlikely, with the sediment being effectively odourless within a few hours of being
Local communities are inherently separated from the reclamation site by a +/- 200 m
channel. There is unlikely to be any significant disturbance to these communities,
though under certain conditions they would hear operations at the site and if site
management is poor they could be affected by dust and windborne rubbish.
Optimal environmental and social outcomes from the reclamation / development
stage would occur with a focus on
o good engineering practice by PT. PJA and its contractors at the Ancol CDF
and associated sites.
o adherence to the confined disposal facility (“CDF”) principles
o close supervision by the PT. PJA and its supervising engineers and
consultants to ensure that environmental and social safeguards are being
followed, and
o close consultation and integration with JUFMP project implementation.
Section 3 addresses the safeguards in more detail, with a particular focus on issues not
detailed in the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL
3 Ancol CDF Safeguards
This section considers safeguards relevant to the development and filling of the Ancol CDF
during the period when JUFMP dredge material will be transported to the Ancol CDF. Many
safeguards measures are already required by the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL and these
will not be addressed further. The focus is therefore on additional measures, and the
institutional arrangements to ensure that they are implemented.
3.1 Institutional arrangements
Institutional arrangements and responsibilities for JUFMP sub-projects are well defined. The
following sub-sections identify similar institutional arrangements for the Ancol CDF
reclamation activity, and the necessary interactions between various parties.
3.1.1 PT. PJA
PT. PJA is the concessionaire for the Ancol CDF reclamation site. It is also the proponent of
the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL/RPL. PT. PJA has:
 Specific legal responsibility to implement the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL.
 General responsibility to ensure good environmental and social management at the
Ancol CDF site, regardless of specific requirement in the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL /
 Agreed to implement any additional measures identified in this supplementary report
and include reports of the implementation of these additional measures in the
quarterly implementation reports of the RKL and RPL to DKI BPLHD.
 Interests in the long term use of the Ancol site.
The equivalent entity for the JUFMP project are the various PIUs (Section 3.1.4), though the
JUFMP PMU (Section 3.1.5) has a co-ordinating role on behalf of the PIU’s.
Although the legal responsibility remains with PT. PJA for implementation of specified and
general environmental and social management at the Ancol site, this does not limit the
possibility that implementation of specific aspects could be contracted to other entities.
Note that in order to further ensure the compliance to the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL:
 the World Bank’s “no-objection” to any given JUFMP dredging contract will be subject
to the World Bank being satisfied with the adequacy of the Ancol CDF (including
having received satisfactory evidence of PT. PJA’s compliance with the Ancol
AMDAL and this Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report requirements, and
compliance with the approved Detailed Engineering Drawings for the construction of
the Ancol CDF), and
 the JUFMP legal agreements will include provision to require the Jakarta Provincial
Government (DKI Jakarta) to exercise its rights, as a shareholder, to cause PT. PJA
to implement the requirements (including mitigation measures) stated in the Ancol
AMDAL and this Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report requirements.
3.1.2 Ancol Construction Contractors (ACC)
This is a generic term adopted for this Supplementary Report to cover any Contractor, subcontractors, etc., engaged by PT. PJA at the Ancol CDF site for such works as, but not
necessarily limited to:
 Construction and / or maintenance of external confining dikes
 Construction and / or maintenance of internal separating or temporary confining
dikes, if any are needed
 Development and / or maintenance of internal roads or tracks to facilitate movement
of JUFMP sediment delivery trucks
 Providers of sand, topsoil etc that might be used as specified final cover or for any
other purpose. This includes entities other than JUFMP that may be used to deliver
fill material to the Ancol CDF site.
 Internal drainage or similar
 Providers and operators of the vehicle washing facility as required under the 2009
Ancol Updated RKL / RPL.
 PT. PJA itself as it undertakes any works using its own resources or, for example,
day contract labour.
The equivalent entity for the JUFMP project is the (JUFMP) Construction Contractors
(Section 3.1.6) engaged by the PIUs.
The supervision of the ACC is being carried out by PT. PJA through its Property
Development Unit (including supervising the environmental aspects of the ACC contracts).
Additionally, PT. PJA has recruited a consulting firm to carry out quarterly compliance
monitoring of the ongoing construction works. PT. PJA, in compliance with the Indonesian
AMDAL requirements, is preparing and submitting to the DKI BPLHD quarterly
implementation reports of the RKL and RPL.
3.1.3 JUFMP Supervision Consultant (SC)
PT. PJA has agreed to allow the JUFMP Supervision Consultant (SC) to have access to the
Ancol CDF and all it offsite locations (including source locations for the sand and laterite fill
material) for the purposes of carrying out supervision of the approved RKL and RPLs, the
Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report, PT. PJA’s quarterly RKL and RPL
Progress reports and any other tasks as specified in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the
SC. The TOR for the SC will include these responsibilities.
3.1.4 PIUs
The PIU’s (DKI Jakarta, DGCK and DGWR) are in effect the current “owners” of the JUFMP
drains and waduks which fall under their respective responsibility. Therefore they have
specific ownership of the associated JUFMP AMDALs and hence responsibility for
implementation of the JUFMP AMDALs, and will retain effectively sole control of the JUFMP
drains and waduks once the JUFMP projects have been signed off after completion of
construction contracts.
3.1.5 PMU
The PMU within DGWR has been designated as the major unit with overall GOI
responsibility for implementation of the JUFMP project. PMU has management responsibility
for the JUFMP Supervision Consultant (SC), and via the SC the coordination responsibility
for the Construction Contract execution for the JUFMP sub-projects and for implementing
the associated AMDALs and submitting environmental monitoring reports to DKI BPLHD.
The PMU is also closely associated with defining requirements for the JUFMP Construction
Contracts and for the Terms of Reference of the SC.
3.1.6 Construction Contractors (CC)
The Construction Contractors will be responsible for the dredging of the JUFMP drains and
waduks and transport of the dredge material from the dredging sites to the Ancol CDF in
accordance with Construction Contracts. Conditions of these contracts address, inter alia,
environmental and social management.
The Construction Contractors will have specific responsibilities in relation to preventing
illegal transport and disposal of B3 (i.e., hazardous) waste (if any are found) to the Ancol
CDF site.
DKI BPLHD is directly involved in the assessment and approval of AMDALs (including RKL /
RPL) and will have an ongoing role in monitoring implementation of the RKL / RPL.
Monitoring reports for the implementation of the RKL / RPL (including the Ancol Updated
RKL / RPL submitted by PT. PJA) will be assessed by DKI BPLHD.
With respect to Ancol CDF, DKI BPLHD has started monitoring the ongoing construction
works and invited the World Bank to participate in the supervision and monitoring. It is
expected that these joint supervision and monitoring will continue.
In the future, DKI BPLHD would also be the authority involved in the assessment and
approval of any AMDALs related to any proposed land use of the Ancol CDF site.
3.2 Enhanced safeguards
Considering the review and assessments above, this subsection presents enhanced
safeguards for the Ancol CDF site to be implemented during the period of construction
(construction of the CDF confining walls and the reclamation filling including sand and topsoil
covering) that will:
 Complement the environmental and social management and monitoring required in
the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL.
 Integrate with the ESM for the JUFMP project, as established by the AMDALs and /
or by later contract or requirement.
 Address some issues not clearly or specifically identified in the 2009 Ancol Updated
 Provide additional security to ensure that all deposited material, cover material, etc.,
conforms to the requirement that no B3 waste is disposed at the Ancol CDF site, and
to ensure that there are no constraints to future land use.
For each defined mitigation / monitoring activity responsibilities are allocated. The table in
Appendix 3 summarises this information.
Integration of JUFMP and Ancol CDF activities
PT. PJA shall provide DKI Jakarta and the PMU updates on the progress of the construction
of the Ancol CDF facility, and provide documents confirming the completion of the
confinement dykes. PT. PJA will cooperate with DKI Jakarta, PMU or World Bank review of
the adequacy of the confined facility for dredge material disposal (including providing
satisfactory evidence of compliance with the Ancol AMDAL and the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL
Supplementary Report requirements, and compliance with the approved Detailed
Engineering Drawings for the construction of the Ancol CDF).
PT. PJA to provide information and documentation
DKI Jakarta, PMU and World Bank to carry out review and assessments
PT. PJA shall meet as frequently as required with PMU and / or SC to enable smooth
integration of JUFMP and Ancol CDF activities. One tool to be used will be the development
of (and the review and updating as necessary) a detailed schedule (an outline is given at
Table A - 2) of the integrated operations
PT. PJA and PMU to implement regular coordination meetings
SC, ACC and CC to participate in coordination meetings as necessary
3.2.2 “Good practice” construction and supervision
PT. PJA will ensure that all Ancol Construction Contractors (ACC) will have work plans
which include environmental and social management plans. These should include such
aspects as provision of workforce sanitary arrangements, health and safety, identification
and proposed management of site specific environment and social management, training for
workforce in relevant environment and social management. The detail of any Work Plan and
ESMP shall be tailored to the particular activity; for example whereas a long term contract for
disposal and levelling of deposited sediment would require a reasonably detailed ESMP,
one for restricted activity such as vehicle washing for trucks prior to leaving the site might be
a 1-2 page document. Some activities would likely require no such specific plan. PT. PJA
will supervise its ACC (through its Property Development Unit). Given the JUFMP interests
in Ancol CDF, the SC’s supervision and monitoring activities at Ancol CDF will include
reviews of the ACC’s environmental and social management of their activities.
ACC for day-to-day activity at Ancol site
PT. PJA (through it Property development Unit) for direct supervision of ACC
SC for supervising and monitoring Ancol activities for JUFMP
PMU to oversee SC activity and receive SC reports
3.2.3 Sediment and other fill / cover material
The PMU (with assistance from the SC) will provide PT. PJA with information as they
become available of the results of the prior dredge testing of JUFMP sites / sections (see
section 2.2.1). For sections where the sediment has been cleared as suitable for delivery to
and disposal at Ancol CDF, PT. PJA will allow the material to be delivered to and disposed
at Ancol CDF. For sections where the sediment is not cleared as suitable for delivery to
Ancol CDF (e.g., if it is determined to be B3 waste, or determined to need further additional
testing and interpretation), the PMU (with assistance of the SC) will ensure that these
material are not delivered to Ancol CDF. The PMU (with assistance of the SC) will keep PT.
PJA fully informed of the handling of any B3 waste found in JUFMP sites. PT. PJA may
review and monitor the testing process in JUFMP.
PMU (through SC) to provide information and documentation, and cooperate with any PT.
PJA review
PT. PJA to allow non-hazardous, cleared material, to be delivered to Ancol CDF
PT. PJA shall ensure that material (other than JUFMP dredged material) to be delivered to
and disposed of or used at Ancol CDF by any ACC has received appropriate environmental
clearance and is in accordance with the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL which limits non-JUFMP
material to sand (from a defined location) and laterite. For example, this will require receiving
copies of an AMDAL clearance letter prepared for sand or soil extraction operation, or a
certified laboratory clearance of material. Qualified professional judgement shall be applied
as the necessary type of clearance considering the nature of the material and the quantity
that could be delivered. Given the JUFMP interests in Ancol CDF, the SC’s supervision and
monitoring activities at Ancol CDF will include reviews of these material sourcing and
delivery, including reviews of potential offsite impacts at the source locations of these
ACC for day-to-day activity at Ancol site
PT. PJA (through it Property development Unit) for direct supervision of ACC
SC for supervising and monitoring Ancol activities for JUFMP
PMU to oversee SC activity and receive SC reports
PT. PJA in association with PMU assisted by the SC to undertake a programme of postdisposal sampling and analysis of JUFMP fill material areas in Ancol CDF. Two events are
specified (an intermediate check 18 months after JUFMP material is first deposited to the
Ancol CDF site at 10 sample sites, and approximately 1 month after the last of the JUFMP
dredged material is deposited to the Ancol CDF site at the same 10 sites as the intermediate
plus another 10 of more recently deposited material) with two composite samples 1
“shallow”; 1 “deep being collected at each sample site. Costs are estimated at about US$
8,000 for the intermediate check sampling and analysis event and US$ 16,000 for the “at
completion” event.
PT. PJA to allow for post-disposal sampling at Ancol CDF
SC for carry out post-disposal sampling at Ancol CDF
PMU to oversee SC activity and receive SC reports
Traffic management
PT. PJA shall ensure that traffic management within its area of responsibility as defined in
the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL enables orderly arrival to, movement within and
departure from the Ancol CDF by JUFMP sediment delivery trucks and any other trucks
travelling to and from the site. For its part, PMU is obliged to advise to PT. PJA the likely
schedules of trucks from JUFMP dredging sites giving due allowance for peaking. PT. PJA
shall obtain schedules of likely truck movements from major ACC’s also working at or
delivering to the Ancol CDF and as necessary co-ordinate with all parties to develop and
implement an Ancol traffic management plan to avoid congestion. Potential constraints such
as vehicle washing shall be identified and facilities provided to enable both timely movement
of vehicles and compliance with requirements for environmental management.
PT. PJA to develop and implement the traffic management plan within the vicinity of Ancol
PMU (through SC) to provide JUFMP material transportation schedule to PT. PJA
Appendix 1
Detailed review of Ancol AMDAL and Ancol
Updated RKL/RPL
The following table presents a detailed review of principally the 2009 Ancol Updated
RKL/RPL, with reference back also to the 2006 Ancol AMDAL. This is based on World-Bank
supplied checklist items (Column 1) with Column 2 identifying the extent of coverage in the
two documents as identified by the reviewers. Column 3 provides the reviewers’ comments
considering both a brief summary of the discussion in the documents, and the reviewers’
assessments of the significance and relevance of the Checklist item. Two independent
reviews were undertaken - by ERM consultants in 2009 and (through this supplementary
report) by PPA in 2010. The results of these were then combined by PPA to produce the
consolidated table identified below.
Table A - 1: Detailed review of Ancol 2006 AMDAL and 2009Ancol Updated RKL/RPL
Checklist item
1. Clear description of underlying need for
the proposed project
2. Clear description of purpose of
proposed project
3. Adequate description of the proposed
1. Consideration of all relevant alternative
a. No action
Coverage in
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Updated RKL / assessments.
RPL documents
Reclamation of the north coastline of Jakarta has been
planned since 1995, supported by official DKI Jakarta
regulation, planning documents etc. Specific use of the
Ancol site for JUFMP sediment disposal based on DKI
Jakarta Governor’s decree of 2008
Covered in AMDAL and Updated RKL / RPL
Limited / No
b. alternative sites
Limited / No
c. Alternative design
Limited / No
Limited / No
d. Alternative control
e. Structural alternatives
f. Non-structural alternatives
2. All alternatives satisfy the stated
purpose and need for the project
3. Description of all alternative actions or
projects that were, or are being
a. Size and location of reclamation
b. land requirements
c. operation and management
d. Auxiliary structures
Limited / No
Limited / No
Limited / No
No discussion; the no dredging option not an alternative.
Land reclamation pre-decided by earlier government
policy and planning
No discussion; but alternative sites known and
dismissed before proceeding to preparation of Updated
RKL / RPL because of social/resettlement issues or
close to conservation areas
No discussion, but design based on PT. PJA’s extensive
experience in reclamation
No discussion
Some discussion. Techniques based on locally proven
No alternatives to either the reclamation or the dredging
would satisfy the stated purposes and needs of the two
Overwhelming identified for flood control. JUFMP
dredging part of an integrated program.
Activity “forming” land
Limited / No
Checklist item
e. Construction schedules
4. Description of initial environmental
impact assessment processes and results
1. Region of concern defined,
including boundary areas
2. Physical-chemical environment
a. Air resources
i) meteorological data (e.g. temperature,
ii) ambient air quality (e.g. particulates,
iii) noise data
iv) mobile sources of emissions (e.g. cars
and trucks)
b. Sea water
c. Surface Water
i) location and type (e.g. estuaries,
streams, lakes and their position relative
to the site)
ii) water quality information (e.g.
dissolved oxygen, temperature, nutrients)
iii) existing pollutant sources (locations
and amount of discharge)
iv) future uses
v) discussion of flooding events
d. Ground Water
vi) description of key factors
(e.g. depth to water table,
overlying soils, geologic
vii) water quality information
(e.g. pH solids)
e. Soils and Geology
i) physiographic and geomorphology
ii) soil structure
iii) ground water movement
iv) erosion potential
v) subsidence
vi) seismic activity (e.g. proximity to
faults, history of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions)
vii) mineral resources (e.g. locations of
deposits, types and quantities, ownership
of mining rights)
3. Biological Conditions
a. Wildlife and Vegetation
i) description and listing of aquatic,
Coverage in
Updated RKL /
RPL documents
Limited / No
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Two interrelated aspects to consider: scheduling of
JUFMP and scheduling of Ancol development. Limited
real environmental significance apart from ensuring
confining external dike precedes start of JUFMP
sediment delivery, and sequencing of final covering.
The introduction of the Updated RKL-RPL explains the
earlier AMDAL process and why the Update was
Chapter 2 provides: standard practice within the AMDAL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
The estuarine Ancol River near the project site is only
important surface water body near the site.
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
Limited / No
Causes of measured water quality exceedances not
identified, but well known that common in (especially)
nearshore Jakarta Bay from combined effects of
residential and industrial pollution from Jakarta.
In relation to design wave heights. Plus modelling
showed very minimal sea water changes resulting from
In 2006 AMDAL
Limited / No
No discussion
Mostly OK
Of limited relevance since in marine environment
No discussion
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
In 2006 AMDAL and 2009 Updated RKL / RPL
Of limited relevance since in marine environment
In Updated RKL / RPL. Predictions presented.
Addressed in terms of design settlement, without
mention of well known overall/regional subsidence.
Well known in Jakarta with design to address.
No discussion
Considered as highly improbable
Highly human-disturbed environment.
No endangered or rare species were found.
Checklist item
wetland and terrestrial flora and fauna
(e.g. species lists, abundances)
ii) description and listing of native species
of wildlife and vegetation present
iii) description and listing of particularly
invasive exotic species of wildlife and
b. Community and Habitat
i) maps and descriptions of the aquatic,
wetland and terrestrial communities found
in and around the project site
c. Ecologically Significant Features
i) support of broader ecosystems by the
project site (e.g. if located along a flyway
or other biological corridor)
ii) important ecological functions of the
project site (e.g. nutrient source through
flooding, storm water retention)
iii) characterization of relevant
disturbance regimes, natural and projectinduced (e.g. floods, fire, potential impact
of logging)
iv) description of hydrologic processes
(e.g. ground and surface water flows and
v) description of important biotic
interactions (e.g. interdependence of
plants and animals at the site and with
other sites)
4. Waste Management and Pollution
a. Locations of expected waste disposal
or discharge
b. Description of waste management
techniques (e.g. treatment, storage,
transport, recycling)
c. Projected waste characteristics (e.g.
types, quantities, toxicity)
5. Socioeconomic Environment
a. Land use
i) description of present and historic land
ii) map of present and historic land use
b. Population and housing
i) demographic information (e.g. average
household size, age, age/sex distribution,
ethnic composition and community
c. Economic activity
i) description of present economic activity
(e.g. number and type of businesses,
Coverage in
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Updated RKL / assessments.
RPL documents
No discussion
descriptions, no
Terrestrial flora and fauna and plankton and benthos are
Not significant.
Very limited and largely human-disturbed natural
Considered not important. Site itself disturbed
Limited / No
Most probably none.
Highly unlikely to be important; part of polluted Jakarta
Limited / No
Highly unlikely to be important; part of polluted Jakarta
Identified as part of human-disturbed environment
arising from Jakarta’s waterborne pollution.
Surface currents addressed; limited significance
Highly unlikely to be important; part of polluted Jakarta
Site itself becomes dredged sludge confined disposal
site compared with current situation of material
otherwise washing into Bay with no controls.
Describes sludge placement details; especially confined
and final top cover
Characteristics of dredged sludge identified.
Of very limited practical significance as site current
nearshore water and will be limited interaction with land
use during development. Post filling new land use
developments will require separate assessment.
Site itself currently nearshore and only occasional human
use for transit (by boats) and informal recreational fishing
Mostly OK
Maps available, difficult to read but get general
impressions. Also site is “water”, not land.
Of limited practical significance as will be little interaction
with surrounding population during development
Limited general Of no practical significance
Limited but
Limited but
Of limited practical significance as there will be little
interaction with surrounding population during
Of limited practical significance
Checklist item
annual revenues, ownership patterns)
ii) description of unique features of
business community (e.g. high
seasonality of trade, high outflow of profit,
declining of trade or downtown
iii) consideration of interplay among
economic activity, capacity of public
services and fiscal ability of community to
respond to capacity needs
d. Community Services and Public
i) description of interplay among
economic activity, capacity of public
services and fiscal ability of community to
respond to capacity needs
e. Transportation
i) description of all relevant forms of
transportation for facility
ii) current traffic volumes
iii) current traffic capacity
Coverage in
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Updated RKL / assessments.
RPL documents
Limited but
Of limited practical significance
Not relevant
There is no information about the role of each local
business groups and their relationship with public
services available.
Limited but
In Updated RKL / RPL
Identifies immediate land and sea routes to site. More
distant routs to be addressed by JUFMP
Limited discussion
Limited discussion
Old (2004) data presented,
Old (2004) data presented, but adequate to highlight
congestion during peak hours.
Limited relevance
Identifies potential constraints; responsibility for JUFMP
AMDALs to address
iv) provision of public transportation
v) assessment of the adequacy of the
systems for meeting peak demands
during construction and operation
f. Health and Safety
i) description of present health and safety Limited discussion Of limited significance to general population. Not
issues (e.g. statistics on industrial
addressed in relation to Ancol site workforce
accidents, emissions data from prior and
existing facilities, levels of noise)
ii) identification of special populations or
Limited / No
Of limited significance to general population. Not
areas more likely to be exposed to
addressed in relation to Ancol site workforce
adverse impacts
6. Cultural Resources
a. Archaeological sites relating to the
Limited / No
Highly improbable because site is nearshore
b. Paleontological sites in relation to the
Limited / No
Highly improbable because site is nearshore
c. Historical site in relation to the project
Limited / No
Highly improbable because site is nearshore
d. Educational, religious, scientific or
Limited discussion Some discussion; but very limited significance because
cultural sites in relation to the project
actual site is nearshore
The EIA discusses primary, secondary
Adequate for scope and context: 2006 Ancol AMDAL for
and cumulative impacts during all stages,
reclamation and integration with master spatial planning;
including initial site preparation and
2009 Updated RKL / RPL to specifically address use of
construction; facility operation and post
JUFMP dredged sediment as main fill material; offsite
facility or site closure for the following:
dredging, transport etc to be addressed by JUFMP
AMDALs; post-reclamation specific development would
be subject to separate AMDALs at that stage but this not
1. Pollutant Generation, Transport and
a. Air resources
Air quality effects are considered of such low
significance as to not require management and
Checklist item
Coverage in
Updated RKL /
RPL documents
Limited discussion
i) identification of emission sources and
project emission rates and comparison to
ii) comparison of predicted atmospheric
Not discussed
levels with national, state or local ambient
iii) description of stack emissions during
Not relevant
operation and maintenance activities
iv) identification of best mitigation
Limited discussion
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
b. Water resources
i) address potential for water quality to be
degraded by various factors
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Limited relevance; issues mainly site based and effects
(if any) limited to workforce
Very difficult; non-point source of variable emission.
For several parameters standards often exceeded in
Jakarta airshed.
Addressed; but do not put in reasonable context given
regional conditions of existing polluted urban drains
flowing uncontrolled into and polluting Jakarta Bay
Addressed, basis of assessment uncertain.
ii) prediction of pollutant concentrations in
water bodies and comparison with
iii) identification of best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
c. Geological resources
i) determination of potential soil loss and
Not relevant
mitigation activities
ii) identification of potential contamination
Mostly OK
Addressed, but focus of discussion of limited relevance.
sources and mitigation measures
d. Biological resources
i) consideration of potential losses of
Total loss of shallow polluted marine habitat in +/-119 ha
biological resources within site
ii) description of effluent and emission
Limited relevance Theoretical pathways / effects identified; but context and
concentrations and their potential effects
significance not properly addressed.
on biological resources
iii) discussion of bio-accumulative effects Limited discussion By confining, limited pathways. Leaching tests indicate
from facility emissions and discharged
very limited pollution potential from dredged sediment.
iv) identification of best mitigation
By confining
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
2. Habitat alteration
a. Biological resources
i) address potential for construction and
site preparation activities to alter critical
ii) consideration of potential for secondary
changes in habitats following construction
iii) assessment of possible permanent
loss or displacement of vegetation
iv) identification of changes in local
species composition, diversity and
v) identification of best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
3. Waste Management and Pollution
a. description of facility waste
management plan with procedures for
treatment and handling
Identified; non-critical nature identified by inference as
modified / polluted nearshore environment.
Limited /No
No discussed
Considered of limited significance considering
surrounding habitats.
Very limited relevance; only (mostly marine) vegetation
disturbance / destruction will be of very low conservation
Total loss of polluted marine habitat
Confinement. In overall context by confinement rather
than (existing) uncontrolled transport of sediment to
Jakarta Bay overall improvement.
Construction waste management probably inadequately
covered, but of little significance
Briefly discussed; not put into context
Checklist item
b. discussion of projected facility waste
c. identification of best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
4 Socioeconomic Impacts
Coverage in
Updated RKL /
RPL documents
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Briefly discussed; not put into context
Methods identified
1 identification of existing or planned land
use areas lost to site preparation
Almost no relevance
2 determination of conflicting zoning
requirements and land uses with site
In conformity with spatial plans
3 description of anticipated changes in
nearby land as a result of the facility
Of limited relevance
4 identification of the best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
b) Economic Activity
1 address changes in employment
2 address ability of available labour pool
to meet project-related employment
3 identification of economic multipliers
used in analysis and their source
4 discussion in potential change in
overall economic activity in the region
5 identification of the best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
c) Population and Housing
Limited discussion Probably adequate, considering context.
Limited / No
Hypothetical, as will depend on contractor preferences.
General acceptance that encouragement of local
employment beneficial.
Limited discussion Of limited relevance during construction
Limited / No
Of limited relevance during construction
Limited discussion. Of limited relevance during construction
1 address the relationship between
Limited / no
Adequate given context
employment increases and population
2 identification of deficiencies in available
housing for the potential increased
3 identification of best mitigation
Limited discussion Mostly adequate given context
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
d) Community Services and Public
1 identification of deficiencies in
community services and infrastructure
during project preparation
2 identification of shortfalls in
transportation capacity due to either
primary or secondary impacts
3 identification of best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
Limited discussion Limited relevance
Limited relevance
Limited discussion Limited relevance
Checklist item
e) Transportation
Coverage in
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Updated RKL / assessments.
RPL documents
Limited relevance; as JUFMP trucks to be addressed in
1 assessment of proposed project's
Limited discussion Limited relevance; as JUFMP trucks to be addressed in
consistency with local and/or regional
transportation plans
2 evaluation of changes on LOS resulting
Limited / No
Limited relevance; as JUFMP trucks to be addressed in
from the proposed project
3 evaluation of the effect of heavy vehicle
traffic on affected pavement and bridges
Limited / No
Limited relevance; as JUFMP trucks to be addressed in
4 description of mitigation measures to
offset adverse impacts on structural
f) Healthy and Safety
Limited / No
Limited relevance; as JUFMP trucks to be addressed in
1 evaluation of whether construction,
operation and maintenance activities
present health and safety hazards to
humans working or living at or near the
project site
2 discussion on potential effects of facility
noise levels on workers and local
3 analysis of potential long-term
contaminant bio accumulative within the
food chain
4 identification of best mitigation
measures to avoid or minimize adverse
g) Environmental Equity
Limited discussion Limited relevance off-site;
Limited discussion Limited relevance off-site;
Limited discussion Requires addressing
Limited discussion ok
1 determination of the equity of changes Limited discussion Limited relevance as off-site effects will be minimal
in employment patterns attributable to site
2 determination of the equity of
community structure changes caused by
the project construction and operation
3 identification of the best mitigation
measures to avoid for minimize adverse
5 Cultural Resources
a) Identification of any historical or
cultural resources in close proximity to
the site following correspondence with
appropriate authorities
b) Discussion in the mitigation measures
necessary to preserve item of
archaeological, historical or cultural
c) Determination of the extent to which
construction, operation and maintenance
activities disrupt the aesthetic or sensory
attributes of the site
d) Determination of whether the facility
components are designed with
consideration given to human factors
Limited discussion Limited relevance as off-site effects will be minimal
Limited discussion Limited relevance as off-site effects will be minimal
Limited / No
Limited relevance as construction in a near-shore
Limited / No
Limited relevance as construction in a near-shore
Limited / No
Some relevance but little significance
Limited / No
Limited relevance as project focus on reclamation of
essentially flat reclaimed area
Checklist item
Coverage in
Comments by reviewers. Further description of
discussion in documents and / or reviewers’
Updated RKL / assessments.
RPL documents
1 Mitigation Measures
a) Description of mitigation measures for
all significant impacts to both the natural
and the human (socioeconomic)
b) Description of mitigation measures with
adequate information to evaluate
environmental consequence and
residential (??residual) impacts
c) Identification to the best mitigation
measures avoid or minimize potential
impacts during all stages of the project,
including sitting and design, facility
operation and post facility closure
d) Support of the following types of
mitigation measures, in the following
decreasing order of preference:
 avoidance or prevention
 minimization
 reduction or elimination over
 correction
 compensation
e) Implementation plan (schedule) and
criteria for performance for all mitigation
f) Responsible entity assigned to carrying
out each mitigation measures
g) Measures are socially an culturally
h) Adequate financial and non-financial
resources to implement measures
Limited discussion Limited mitigation opportunities given context
but mostly OK
Limited discussion Impractical to determine quantitative residual effects
Limited but mostly Scope does not include operation (i.e. postadequate
reclamation)and post facility closure
Limited but mostly By inference, identified measures follow this order.
Some inferred
Mostly adequate Done
Mostly adequate Mostly do not directly interact with local communities; but
local communities have (sometimes unrealistic)
expectations for employment etc
Not specifically Mostly part of “good practice” engineering construction.
Appendix 2
Development of Ancol CDF and interaction with JUFMP project
Table A - 2: Development of Ancol CDF and interaction with JUFMP project (Schedule subject to periodic adjustments)
2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
On-going consultation JUFMP and PT. PJA
Finalise detailed arrangements PMU/DKI Jakarta & PT. PJA
On-going periodic consultations
Formal end of PT. PJA - JUFMP disposal arrangements
Outer Confining Dike Construction
Facility Confinement
Continued maintenance
Period of filling with JUFMP Dredged Sediment
On-going filling
Final covering filled areas with sand
Final capping with laterite / red soil
JUFMP-deposited fill areas – Initial sampling / testing
JUFMP-deposited fill areas - Final sampling / testing
Appendix 3
Ancol integrated Environment Management and Monitoring Matrix
Table A - 3: Ancol CDF Supplementary EMP Matrix
The following matrix summarises the supplementary environmental and social management and monitoring for Ancol AMDAL site to provide more detail
to safeguards measures to those identified in the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL plus some additional safeguards. This complements but specifically
does not override the Ancol Updated RPL / RKL formally approved by DKI BPLHD / AMDAL Commission.
The following matrix summarises the supplementary environmental and social management and monitoring for Ancol AMDAL site to provide more detail
to safeguards measures to those identified in the 2009 Ancol Updated RKL / RPL plus some additional safeguards. This complements but specifically
does not override the Ancol Updated RPL / RKL formally approved by DKI BPLHD / AMDAL Commission.
Reference to main
text items
3.2.1 Integration of
1 Provide Ancol construction progress updates and cooperate
JUFMP and Ancol CDF with JUFMP reviews of the adequacy of confined facility for
dredge material disposal.
Responsibility Cost
PT. PJA; Review Report
(assisted by the
PT. PJA; Meeting Reports
verified as correct
Ensure approved Work PT. PJA; SC
Plans / ESMP’s /
(through the SC)
Ensure records
collected and
2 Ensure that material (other than JUFMP dredge material)
delivered to Ancol CDF (fill and covering material) has
appropriate environmental clearances.
PT. PJA (through
PT. PJA; Review and confirm
3 Implement program for post-disposal sampling and testing at
Ancol CDF of JUFMP sediment 18 months after start, and 1
month after completion of JUFMP dredged sludge disposal to
2 Meet and coordinate activities
3 Produce integrated detailed schedule, expanding on that of
Appendix 2
3.2.2 “Good practice”
construction and
1 Draw up work plans and associated ESM Plans for all
contractors working at Ancol CDF, tailored to scale of activity /
extent of contract
3.2.3 Sediment and
1 Provide information of results and status of prior dredge
other fill / cover material sampling and testing at JUFMP sites to PT. PJA.
Schedules approved at PT. PJA and PMU PT. PJA;
Laboratory analysis
Reference to main
text items
Responsibility Cost
Ancol CDF.
3.2.4 Traffic
1: Responsibility
1 JUFMP projected sediment delivery truck numbers and times
to be advised to PT. PJA
SC (through
information from
2 Implement Ancol Updated RKL / RPL requirements,
especially in relation to orderly movement of vehicles to / from
Ancol CDF site and to vehicle washing before vehicles leave
Ancol CDF site
PT. PJA (some
through ACC)
PT. PJA Quarterly report
PT. Pembangunan Ancol Jaya
Ancol CDF Construction Contractors
Project Management Unit for JUFMP
Construction Contractor for JUFMP
Supervision Consultant for JUFMP
Environmental Management Agency
Records of information PT. PJA and PMU PT. PJA;
being handed over.
Monthly reports of past
movements (vs. prior
projections) and future
Technical Assistance for Environmental dan Social Impact Assessment (EIA / SIA)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP) –
Grant TF#054683-IND
Update RKL/RPL Ancol
(Dokumen: Updating Pengembangan Kawasan Ancol Barat Bagian Timur
seluas ± 119 ha)
Laporan Tambahan
Daftar Isi
Glosarium ............................................................................................................................. 1
Ringkasan............................................................................................................................. 4
1 Pendahuluan.................................................................................................................. 6
Konteks................................................................................................................... 6
Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Laporan Status............................................................... 7
2 Kecukupan RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 yang Telah Dimutakhirkan............................... 8
Tinjauan khusus atas Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009...................................... 9
Persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia .................................................................. 9
Pertimbangan lebih luas ................................................................................ 11
Informasi tambahan dan perkembangan............................................................... 12
Persetujuan atas AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 dan Laporan Tambahan................ 13
Informasi tambahan rona awal lingkungan..................................................... 13
Kualitas sedimen ........................................................................................... 14
Konsultasi Masyarakat................................................................................... 14
Dimulainya Pembangunan CDF Ancol ........................................................... 15
Dampak di luar lokasi dari CDF Ancol............................................................ 15
Penilaian menyeluruh ........................................................................................... 15
3 Pengaman-Pengaman CDF Ancol ............................................................................... 17
Pengaturan institusional........................................................................................ 17
PT. PJA ......................................................................................................... 17
Kontraktor Konstruksi Ancol (Ancol Construction Contractors/ACC) .............. 18
Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant/SC) JUFMP ....................... 19
PIU ................................................................................................................ 19
PMU .............................................................................................................. 19
Kontraktor Konstruksi (Construction Contractors/CC) .................................... 19
BPLHD DKI.................................................................................................... 20
Pengaman yang diperkuat .................................................................................... 20
Integrasi JUFMP dan kegiatan-kegiatan CDF Ancol ...................................... 20
“Praktik yang baik” dalam pembangunan dan pengawasan ........................... 21
Sedimen dan material penimbunan/pelapisan lainnya ................................... 22
Pengelolaan lalu lintas ................................................................................... 23
Lampiran 1
Tinjauan terperinci atas AMDAL Ancol dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol........... 25
Lampiran 2
Pengembangan CDF Ancol dan interaksi dengan JUFMP ......................... 35
Lampiran 3
Matriks Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan terpadu Ancol ............. 36
Daftar Tabel
Tabel A - 1
: Tinjauan terperinci atas AMDAL Ancol tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL
Ancol tahun 2009 ................................................................................................................ 25
Tabel A - 2
: Pengembangan CDF Ancol dan interaksi dengan JUFMP (Jadwal dapat
mengalami penyesuaian berkala)........................................................................................ 35
Tabel A - 3 :Matriks EMP Tambahan CDF Ancol ............................................................. 36
Nama-nama Institusi – Fungsional
DKI Jakarta
Dokumen terkait lingkungan:
Update RKL/RPL
Istilah khusus Proyek JUFMP
Limbah B3 (atau B3)
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai CiliwungCisadane
Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
Daerah Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
Directorate General Human Settlements
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Directorate General Water Resources
(Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air),
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Project Management Unit (Unit Pengelola
Pelaksana Proyek)
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, pemegang
hak dan pelaksana proyek reklamasi Ancol
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan,
yang mencakup ANDAL dan RKL/RPL
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan
konsekuensi dari perubahan ruang lingkup
pekerjaan proyek dari sebuah AMDAL yang
telah disetujui. Perubahan tersebut akan
tetapi tidak secara signifikan, yang
mengharuskan dibuatnya sebuah AMDAL
baru. Pendekatan ini telah diambil oleh oleh
BPLHD DKI dan Komisi AMDAL untuk
memungkinkan dilakukannya pembuangan
material kerukan JUFMP di lokasi reklamasi
Ancol yang AMDAL nya telah disetujui.
Update RKL/RPL ini menggantikan AMDAL
sebelumnya, tetapi
tidak membahas
kembali isu-isu yang dianggap telah cukup
sebelumnya dan isu-isu yang tidak akan
mengalami dampak perubahan yang
Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
(Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta).
Fase 1 (Phase 1)
Fase 2 (Phase 2)
Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek
digunakan dengan arti yang sama dengan
istilah ‘Jakarta Emergency Dredging
Initiative (JEDI)’]
Serangkaian lokasi proyek JUFMP yang
mendapat prioritas untuk diimplementasi di
tahap awal proyek. Lokasi-lokasi Fase 1
dipilih karena dinilai penting dalam upaya
pemulihan banjir, dan juga karena tidak
diperlukannya pemukiman kembali. Sebuah
AMDAL telah disiapkan untuk rangkaian
kegiatan-kegiatan Fase 1 ini
Lokasi-lokasi proyek lainnya yang akan
dikerjakan dalam JUFMP.
Resettlement Policy Framework (Kerangka
Kerja Kebijakan Pemukiman Kembali);
sebuah dokumen kebijakan yang harus
diikuti oleh JUFMP untuk kegiatan-kegiatan
pemukiman kembali yang terkait dengan
proyek tersebut. Pemukiman kembali tidak
akan dilakukan untuk lokasi-lokasi proyek
Fase 1. RPF disusun berdasarkan
kebijakan/praktik Bank Dunia dan undangundang Indonesia
Komponen proyek yang telah diidentifikasi
dalam JUFMP; baik berupa sebuah saluran
air/sungai/kanal banjir dengan panjang
yang ditentukan, atau sebuah waduk
Rancangan-rancangan teknik telah dibuat
penyusunan AMDAL telah dilakukan atau
akan dilakukan untuk lokasi proyek secara
Istilah yang muncul dari aspek-aspek Kontrak dan pelaksanaan JUFMP
Kontraktor Konstruksi
Kontraktor yang memiliki Kontrak di bawah
PIU yang akan melaksanakan pekerjaan
pengangkutan material hasil kerukan, dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait untuk
pembangunan JUFMP
ESMP Kontraktor yang Terperinci
Sebuah Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan
dan Sosial (Environmental and Social
Management Plan/ESMP) yang akan
disusun oleh Kontraktor Konstruksi setelah
diberikannya Kontrak, dengan informasi
secara terperinci tentang praktik-praktik
Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial
Management/ESM) yang harus diikuti.
Rencana tersebut harus dibuat berdasarkan
syarat-syarat Kontrak Konstruksi, AMDAL,
Laporan Tambahan ini, dan laporan-laporan
lainnya yang disebutkan dalam dokumendokumen tender. Rencana tersebut juga
Konsultasi dengan masyarakat sebelum
diserahkannya ESMP untuk mendapatkan
persetujuan resmi Konsultan Pengawasan
wajib dilakukan
Rencana ESM Kontraktor
Istilah umum yang digunakan untuk
mencakup “ESMP Kontraktor Umum” dan
“Rencana ESM Kontraktor yang Terperinci”
ESMP Kontraktor Pendahuluan
Sebuah Rencana ESM yang harus disusun
sebagai bagian dari Penawaran Teknis.
Rencana tersebut harus memuat isi yang
serupa dengan ESMP Kontraktor yang
Terperinci, tetapi dengan tingkat perincian
yang lebih rendah. Konsultasi dengan
masyarakat “disarankan” untuk dilakukan
sebagai bagian dari penyusunannya
Management/Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan
Sosial (termasuk pemantauan lingkungan
dan sosial, sesuai keadaan)
Konsultan Pengawasan
Konsultan yang dikontrak untuk PMU.
melaksanakan pengawasan sehari-hari atas
Kontrak-Kontrak Konstruksi – peran yang
biasanya dikenal sebagai “Ahli Teknik”
Konsultan Pengawasan juga akan memiliki
peran yang substantif dalam pengelolaan
dan pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial,
dengan fokus utama pada ESM Kontraktor
Konstruksi, tetapi juga mencakup tugastugas spesifik yang terkait dengan
beberapa kegiatan lokasi Fase 2), dan
dengan pemantauan serta pelaporan
kepada BPLHD DKI atas nama para pemilik
proyek (yakni PIU)
PT. PJA telah memiliki sebuah AMDAL yang disusun dan disetujui pada tahun 2006
untuk reklamasi sebuah area dekat pantai di Teluk Jakarta dengan menggunakan
urukan pasir yang didapatkan dari sumber-sumber dari kawasan sekitar (AMDAL
Ancol). Menindak-lanjuti diumumkannya Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta
(Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project/JUFMP) dan ditunjuknya lokasi reklamasi
milik PT PJA sebagai tempat penempatan akhir material hasil kerukan JUFMP,
sebuah Update RKL/RPL Ancol telah disusun dan disetujui pada tahun 2009, update
ini untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya penimbunan atas sebagian area reklamasi
tersebut dengan material kerukan JUFMP. Perubahan-perubahan lain dalam
rancangan teknis berupa penambahan lebar saluran yang memisahkan area
reklamasi dengan garis pantai utama (yang ada saat ini) dari sekitar 80 m menjadi
200m dan perubahan-perubahan kecil pada bentuk dan area secara keseluruhan.
Yang tetap walaupun tidak secara tegas disebutkan dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol
adalah bahwa fasilitas yang akan menampung hasil kerukan akan dirancang,
Tertutup/Confined Disposal Facility (oleh karena itu istilah ‘CDF Ancol’ biasa
digunakan untuk mengacu kepada failitas tersebut).
Sebuah review independen atas AMDAL Ancol dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol, yang
sebagian besar didasarkan pada sebuah checklist dari Bank Dunia, telah
dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009 oleh PT ERM Indonesia (sebuah perusahaan
konsultan). Laporan tambahan terbaru ini melakukan tinjauan lebih lanjut atas
Update RKL/RPL Ancol, dan membahas perkembangan dalam perencanaan dan
perancangan JUFMP serta dalam faktor-faktor lainnya yang telah terjadi selama ini.
AMDAL Ancol awal dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol telah mengikuti prosedur yang
sesuai berdasarkan standar di Indonesia, hail ini seperti penyusunannya oleh para
spesialis AMDAL independen bersertifikat, dilakukannya konsultasi-konsultasi yang
ditentukan selama penyusunan dan penilaian oleh Komisi AMDAL.
Kesimpulan terpenting dari review dan pertimbangan atas perkembangan dalam
perencanaan dan perancangan JUFMP adalah bahwa lokasi CDF Ancol dan Update
RKL/RPL Ancol terintegrasi dengan baik dengan proyek JUFMP. Beberapa aspek
yang mungkin diharapkan akan dibahas dalam sebuah analisis dampak lingkungan
jika tidak ditemukan atau hanya dibahas dengan sangat ringkas dalam Update
RKL/RPL Ancol dan/atau AMDAL sebelumnya – hal ini mungkin terjadi dikarenakan
selama penentuan ruang lingkup, aspek-aspek tersebut dianggap tidak terlalu
relevan atau tidak relevan sama sekali mengingat situasi proyek yang spesifik.
Laporan ini mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek tersebut dan dapat menyetujui bahwa
aspek-aspek tersebut tidak terlalu relevan atau tidak relevan sama sekali.
Selain itu, argumen bahwa pertimbangan yang lebih besar seharusnya diberikan
kepada dampak penggunaan lahan di masa depan di lokasi CDF Ancol. Untuk ini,
dapat dikatakan bahwa Update RKL/RPL Ancol sifatnya spesifik pada kegiatan
penimbunan/reklamasi, dan untuk setiap penggunan lahan di masa depan akan
memerlukan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan tersendiri pada waktu tersebut.
Terlebih lagi, semua indikasi menunjukkan bahwa penimbunan dengan material
hasil kerukan JUFMP tidak akan membatasi penggunaan lahan di masa depan.
Laporan tambahan ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan dan pemantauan
tambahan tertentu akan menjadi penting untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan langkahlangkah pengamanan.
Berdasarkan analisis ini, sebuah EMP tambahan disajikan dalam laporan tambahan
ini, yang melengkapi Update RKL/RPL Ancol dan terutama berfokus pada pada
pengelolaan dan pemantauan atas isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial selama
pengembangan CDF Ancol. Biaya-biaya sebagian besar terkait dengan pengawasan
teknik/pengelolaan lokasi, kebutuhan untuk mengintegrasikan kegiatan dengan
Konsultan Pengawasan JUFMP, dan untuk beberapa analisis kimia tanah pasca
Pihak “pemilik”/“pengusul” lokasi reklamasi Ancol di area dekat pantai Teluk Jakarta
adalah PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT. PJA). Persetujuan-persetujuan
lingkungan untuk melakukan reklamasi atas area tersebut diberikan pada tahun
2006 setelah dipenuhinya persyaratan AMDAL standar Indonesia, dengan material
timbunan sebagian besar berdasarkan pasir.
Setelah terjadinya banjir besar yang merendam Jakarta pada bulan Februari 2007,
konsep tentang Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta (Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation
Project/JUFMP) pun bergulir dan persiapan untuk pengimplementasian proyek
tersebut pun mulai disusun sejak saat itu. JUFMP mencakup pengerukan timbunan
sedimen di beberapa kanal banjir, kanal, dan waduk utama tertentu dalam area
perkotaan Jakarta dan mengangkut material hasil kerukan ke sebuah lokasi
pembuangan yang sesuai.
Analisis terhadap beberapa pilihan lokasi penempatan pun dilakukan sebelum
diputuskan bahwa lokasi reklamasi Ancol merupakan fasilitas yang paling sesuai
untuk pembuangan material hasil kerukan JUFMP1, hal ini dikarenakan:
 Lokasi tersebut berada di tengah antara lokasi-lokasi proyek JUFMP;
 Lokasi tersebut telah memperoleh persetujuan-persetujuan lingkungan untuk
 Dengan berada di sebuah area dekat pantai, dampak sosialnya akan minimal
(tidak akan ada pemukiman kembali); dan
 Lokasi tersebut mencerminkan penggunaan sumber daya secara bijaksana,
menggantikan pasir dengan material hasil kerukan sebagai material
penimbunan sebagian untuk reklamasi.
Interaksi dengan Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
(BPLHD DKI) dan Komisi AMDAL yang terkait menentukan bahwa perubahan
material timbunan akan mengharuskan adanya sebuah Update RKL/RPL Ancol
sebagai bentuk mitigasi atas isu-isu yang terkait dengan perubahan material
timbunan. Update RKL/RPL Ancol tersebut disusun sesuai dengan persyaratan
setempat termasuk penentuan ruang lingkup, persiapan, konsultasi-konsultasi,
pertimbangan khusus atas isu-isu sosial dan dengar pendapat Komisi AMDAL.
Update RKL/RPL Ancol telah disetujui oleh BPLHD DKI pada tahun 2009. Area yang
disetujui adalah lokasi selulas ± 119 ha, dan mengakibatkan perubahan-perubahan
kecil pada batas-batas fisik, terutama yang terkait dengan pelebaran jarak antara
garis pantai yang ada (yang juga direklamasi) dengan lokasi reklamasi CDF Ancol.
Dengan mempertimbangkan “kepemilikan” yang berbeda tetapi juga adanya
kebutuhan akan integrasi, Update RKL/RPL Ancol yang disetujui tersebut secara
Dengan pengecualian limbah-limbah padat (yang akan dipisahkan dan dibuang ke lahan penimbunan Bantar Gebang yang
sudah ada), dan material berbahaya apabila ditemukan (yang direncanakan akan dibuang pada sebuah penimbunan material
berbahaya komersial berizin yang sudah ada, yakni PPLi)
spesifik mengidentifikasi batas-batas fisik dan administrative antara CDF Ancol
dengan proyek JUFMP.
Sejak disetujuinya Update RKL/RPL Ancol:
 Persiapan proyek JUFMP telah mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan,
terutama yang terkait dengan:
o Dipilihnya serangkaian subproyek JUFMP untuk kegiatan-kegiatan
JUFMP Fase 1, dengan perancangan terperinci serta persiapan dan
persetujuan yang terkait atas sebuah AMDAL untuk subproyeksubproyek tersebut.
o Penyempurnaan design teknis (DED, Detailed Enginering Design) dan
kajian-kajian untuk diperolehnya persetujuan-persetujuan lingkungan
untuk subproyek-subproyek JUFMP lainnya dan kajian-kajian tentang
pemukiman kembali yang diperlukan di beberapa lokasi subproyeksubproyek tersebut.
o Penetapkan institusi proyek terkait proyek dan pengaturan-pengaturan
 Review atas Update RKL/RPL Ancol, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan
kebutuhan JUFMP.
 Perubahan lebih lanjut yang diusulkan terhadap design tanggul utara CDF
Ancol telah di-review dan disetujui oleh BPLHD DKI. Perubahan design yang
diusulkan ini juga di-review oleh Bank Dunia, dan rekomendasi dari review
tersebut telah diterima dan dipertimbangkan oleh PT PJA sebelum dokumen
yang terkait disampaikan ke BPLHD DKI untuk mendapatkan persetujuan.
Perlu ditekankan bahwa AMDAL Ancol tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol
tahun 2009 secara spesifik difokuskan pada kegiatan reklamasi itu sendiri di lokasi
Ancol sesuai dengan persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia. Fakta bahwa lokasi
reklamasi itu sendiri telah sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang jangka panjang
menyebabkan tidak diperlukannya lagi evaluasi secara terperinci atas isu-isu
“penggunaan lahan”, terutama karena lokasi tersebut saat ini merupakan sebuah
area dekat pantai. Batas-batas telah dibuat terkait dengan kegiatan-kegiatan
JUFMP. Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 telah menyertakan evaluasi secara
terperinci atas dampak dari pengangkutan material kerukan JUFMP ke lokasi CDF
Ancol. Kegiatan-kegiatan pengerukan sebenarnya itu sendiri dan pengangkutan
material hasil kerukan JUFMP ke lokasi CDF Ancol telah dibahas dalam berbagai
AMDAL khusus JUFMP. Evaluasi atas kegiatan-kegiatan penggunaan lahan di masa
depan seluruhnya dialokasikan untuk berbagai AMDAL pascareklamasi atau
perizinan lingkungan serupa yang hanya akan diketahui ketika terdapat usulanusulan spesifik untuk penggunaan area tersebut.
Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Laporan Status
Laporan tambahan ini:
 Menganalisis apakah isu-isu sosial dan lingkungan yang terkait dengan
penggunaan lokasi tersebut untuk pembuangan material kerukan JUFMP
(Bagian 0) telah cukup dibahas dalam AMDAL Ancol (2006) dan Update
RKL/RPL Ancol (2009), adapun analisis ini disajikan dengan:
o Mempertimbangkan Update RKL/RPL Ancol sebagai suatu dokumen
tersendiri (Bagian 0)
o Membicarakan informasi baru dan mutakhir (Bagian 0)
o Melakukan suatu penilaian menyeluruh, mengintegrasikan Update
RKL/RPL Ancol sebelumnya dengan informasi baru dan terkini (Bagian
o Kesimpulan-kesimpulan secara keseluruhan
Mengidentifikasikan status saat ini dari penggunaan lokasi Ancol untuk
pembuangan material kerukan JUFMP (Bagian 0) dengan membahas:
o Pengaturan-pengaturan institusional (Bagian 0)
o Konstruksi awal
o Pengaman-pengaman yang diperkuat (Bagian 0)
Lampiran-lampiran menyajikan:
 Jadwal pengembangan CDF Ancol dan interaksinya dengan JUFMP
(Lampiran 1)
 EMP tambahan untuk CDF Ancol. (Lampiran 2)
Kecukupan RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 yang Telah Dimutakhirkan
Review atas sebuah dokumen seperti Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009
dilaksanakan untuk salah satu atau lebih alasan berikut ini:
1. Untuk memeriksa kesesuaiannya dengan pedoman tertentu, perundangundangan, dan lain-lain.
2. Untuk menilai “kualitas” dokumen dan informasi yang terdapat di dalamnya.
3. Untuk menentukan persyaratan RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 yang akan
memiliki konsekuensi terhadap pelaksanaan proyek JUFMP.
4. Untuk menilai apakah kondisi-kondisi telah berubah sejak Update RKL/RPL
Ancol tahun 2009 disusun dan disetujui, yang dapat mengakibatkan dokumen
dan RKL/RPL yang terkait setidak-tidaknya menjadi “tidak valid” sebagian.
Alasan-alasan tersebut tidaklah terlepas satu sama lain dan nilai penting relatif dari
alasan-alasan yang berbeda tersebut ditentukan berdasarkan penilaian. Dalam
laporan ini, fokusnya adalah pada alasan-alasan yang disebutkan dalam nomor 1, 3,
dan 4 di atas.
Bank Dunia secara khusus mengharuskan dilakukannya penilaian terhadap checklist
yang telah disampaikan. Ini dilakukan untuk menangani Alasan 1 secara sebagian.
Pemeriksaan lain yang dilakukan terkait dengan Alasan 1 adalah untuk memeriksa
apakah dokumen tesebut telah memenuhi persyaratan dari Pemerintah Indonesia.
Terkait dengan Alasan 2, Para Konsultan2 meyakini bahwa tidak banyak yang bias,
yang didapat dari apa yang seharusnya merupakan sebuah pandangan yang
bersifat menilai atas “kualitas” dokumen tersebut dan cara penyajian informasinya.
Akan tetapi, kualitas dan kelengkapan informasi tersebut dapat dan memang
dipertimbangkan sebagiannya terkait dengan kesesuaian dengan checklist Bank
Dunia. Laporan ini tidak akan membahas Alasan 2 lagi secara khusus.
Para konsultan yang dipertahankan oleh PMU untuk menyusun laporan tambahan ini.
Pada tahap proyek ini, penting untuk diperjelas tentang bagaimana cara Update
RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 akan “memungkinkan” proyek JUFMP untuk berjalan,
dan pembatasan-pembatasan apa saja yang mungkin ditetapkannya terhadap
pelaksanaan proyek JUFMP. Hal ini memerlukan adanya fokus pada Alasan 3 dan 4
di atas.
Tinjauan khusus atas Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009
Bagian ini berfokus pada Alasan 1 yang disebutkan di awal bagian ini, dengan
memfokuskan pada apakah Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 telah sesuai dengan
peraturan-peraturan, kebijakan-kebijakan, dan lain-lain.
2.1.1 Persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia
Sementara Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 secara efektif menggantikan AMDAL
Ancol tahun 2006, baik dokumen-dokumen maupun proses-proses harus
dipertimbangkan secara bersama-sama. Keputusan untuk mengharuskan dibuatnya
suatu update RKL/RPL dan bukan sebuah AMDAL baru dibuat berdasarkan
pertimbangan atas apakah dokumen sebelumnya telah cukup membahas aspekaspek yang mungkin memiliki pengaruh mendasar atas keputusan apakah proyek
tersebut harus dilanjutkan atau tidak. Dengan melanjutkan pendekatan up-dating
RKL/RPL, BPLHD DKI dan Komisi AMDAL secara tegas menentukan bahwa aspekaspek tersebut telah cukup dibahas dan yang diperlukan adalah sebuah fokus untuk
memastikan bahwa pengelolaan lingkungan yang memadai akan dilakukan untuk
lokasi Ancol yang akan menerima material hasil kerukan JUFMP.
Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 disusun atas nama “pemilik”, PT. PJA:
Nama Pengusul
: PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.
Alamat Kantor
: Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Kav. 5 Ancol, Jakarta Utara
Nomor Telepon
: (021) 6453456
Nomor faksimile
: (021) 64710502
Penanggung Jawab : Ir. Maleakhi John
: Kepala Departemen Perizinan dan Proyek-Proyek
Nama Proyek
: Pengembangan Ancol Barat Bagian Timur seluas
Persiapan dilaksanakan oleh para konsultan bersertifikat AMDAL, dengan informasi
 AMDAL Ancol tahun 2006;
 kajian-kajian teknik khusus yang terkait dengan pembentukan tanggul
penahan bagian luar, kajian-kajian yang sedang berjalan, serta penelitianpenelitian tanah; dan
 kajian tentang kualitas sediment (sedimen) oleh ERM pada tahun 2008 yang
dilakukan di saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk JUFMP;
 apa yang akan terlibat dengan proyek JUFMP.
Penilaian atas Update RKL/RPL Ancol dilakukan oleh BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL,
yang mencakup serangkaian pertemuan pada bulan Februari/Maret 2009 sebelum
diberikannya persetujuan akhir. Laporan-laporan dari pertemuan-pertemuan tersebut
menunjukkan pertimbangan secara luas oleh BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL atas
serangkaian masalah sosial dan lingkungan, yang mana telah ditanggapi dan
dimasukan dalam dokumen akhir Update RKL/RPL Ancol yang telah mendapat
Sebuah aspek yang penting dari Update RKL/RPL Ancol adalah dampak dari
reklamasi yang dikembangkan sebagai sebuah Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup
(Confined Disposal Facility/CDF), akan tetapi istilah spesifik ini tidak digunakan
dalam dokumen tersebut. Selain itu, gambar-gambar “khusus” menunjukkan urutan
pengembangan tanggul-tanggul pembatas bagian luar, meskipun tidak terdapat
penjelasan tertulis secara terperinci atas keseluruhan urutan dan waktu
pengembangan mulai dari pembangunan awal tanggul bagian luar, penimbunan
dengan sedimen kerukan dan pelapisan akhir.
Disimpulkan bahwa proses tersebut telah dilaksanakan dengan sebagaimana
mestinya sesuai dengan persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia, bahwa BPLHD DKI dan
Komisi AMDAL telah melakukan penilaian mereka dengan terperinci dan
memastikan pengaman-pengaman dan bahwa masalah-masalah sosial telah
dibahas dengan terperinci.
Update RKL/RPL Ancol telah sangat jelas dan spesifik tentang ruang lingkup dan
pembagian tanggung jawab antara PT. PJA dan JUFMP. Terutama pada Bagian
2.5.d dokumen tersebut yang menyatakan:
 Dalam konteks kegiatan-kegiatan JUFMP, lokasi proyek Ancol adalah sebuah
lokasi pembuangan.
 JUFMP adalah pihak yang bertanggung jawab:
o Untuk memastikan bahwa material kerukan tidak mengandung B3
(limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun) menurut Peraturan Pemerintah
No. 85/19993. (Butir ini selanjutnya menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan
kajian kualitas sedimen oleh ERM pada tahun 2008, sedimen-sedimen
memang memenuhi kriteria tersebut dan dapat diterima di lokasi
reklamasi Ancol)
o Untuk pengerukan dan pengangkutan material ke lokasi Ancol.
o Untuk memilih rute pengangkutan dan pengaturan lalu lintas
 Tanggung jawab PT. PJA dimulai pada saat sebuah kendaraan masuk dari Jl.
RE Martadinata ke area Ancol. Kewajiban PT. PJA adalah untuk:
o Menyediakan jalan akses masuk dari Jl. RE Martadinata ke lokasi
o Menyediakan alat pencuci pengangkut (pencucian kendaraan) pada
saat pengangkut tersebut meninggalkan area Ancol
Perhatikan bahwa istilah “B3” dalam RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 yang Telah Dimutakhirkan mengacu kepada limbah-limbah
bahan berbahaya sebagaimana dikategorikan dan didefinisikan dalam standar yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah
no 85/1999 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun.
2.1.2 Pertimbangan lebih luas
Sub-bagian ini disusun berdasarkan review independen oleh dua konsultan yang
berbeda (ERM pada tahun 2009, PPA pada tahun 2010) atas Update RKL/RPL
Ancol tahun 2009 dengan beberapa acuan kemballi kepada AMDAL Ancol tahun
2006. Kedua tinjauan tersebut dilakukan dengan bantuan checklist dari Bank Dunia,
pemeriksaan atas dokumen-dokumen Ancol termasuk catatan-catatan yang dibuat
pada pertemuan-pertemuan BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL dan dengan kunjungankunjungan lokasi. Review terkonsolidasi dan terperinci ini terdapat pada Lampiran 1.
Penilaian-penilaian dan komentar-komentar tertentu dari tinjauan-tinjauan tersebut
memerlukan pembahasan-pembahasan dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan lebih
lanjut. Pembahasan-pembahasan dan pertimbangan-pertimbangan tambahan
tersebut dibahas secara lebih terperinci dalam sub-bagian ini dan sub-bagian-subbagian berikutnya. Kebutuhan atas penilaian/pertimbangan tambahan timbul karena
salah satu atau lebih dari hal-hal berikut ini:
 Aspek-aspek kontekstual. Hal ini terkait dengan butir-butir checklist standar
yang kurang relevan dengan proyek tersebut mengingat konteks dari lokasi
itu sendiri, atau terkait dengan hal-hal yang sebenarnya dibahas oleh AMDAL
Ancol dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol (“perizinan Ancol”).
 Dokumen tersebut tidak membahas aspek-aspek penting tertentu secara
spesifik, terutama yang terkait dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan
reklamasi dan benar-benar menentukan kegiatan tersebut sebagai sebuah
Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup.
 Terbatasnya evaluasi atas isu-isu potensial yang terkait dengan penggunaan
material hasil kerukan JUFMP.
 Langkah-langkah penanggulangan tidak sepenuhnya mempertimbangkan
konteks lokasi tersebut dan tidak sepenuhnya sejalan dengan cara
pengaturan atas pengelolaan lokasi.
Konteks lokasi
Lokasi reklamasi Ancol adalah sebuah lokasi dekat pantai, yang berada di tengah
Teluk Jakarta daerah provinsi DKI Jakarta. Fasilitas CDF Ancol akan dipisahkan
oleh sebuah saluran selebar kira-kira 200m dari sebuah garis pantai yang
sebelumnya juga merupakan hasil reklamasi dan sedimentasi. Selain itu,
berdasarkan perencanaan tata ruang saat ini, reklamasi atas lokasi tersebut telah
ditentukan secara resmi sejak dikeluarkannya sebuah peraturan pemerintah pada
tahun 1995. Dengan mempertimbangkan konteks ini:
 Isu-isu perencanaan jangka panjang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.
 Interaksi dengan komunitas pemukiman terdekat (dengan jarak minimum 200
m) akan terbatas selama jangka waktu reklamasi.
 Karakteristik lokasi sekitar (CDF) yang telah terpolusi mengurangi kualitas
lingkungan “alami” (air dan biologis) dan tidak terdapat area-area dengan nilai
biologis di dekatnya seperti hutan bakau. Akan tetapi hal ini tidaklah dianggap
sebagai alasan untuk tidak melaksanakan langkah-langkah penangggulangan
sebagaimana mestinya.
Konteks perizinan Ancol
Sebagaimana dinyatakan sebelumnya, ruang lingkup dari perizinan lingkungan
terbatas pada tahap reklamasi Ancol itu sendiri, yang secara jelas mengecualikan
kegiatan-kegiatan pascareklamasi (yang akan dibahas melalui perizinan lingkungan
di masa mendatang, yang akan diketahui hanya apabila terdapat proposal-proposal
spesifik untuk penggunaan area tersebut apabila) dan kegiatan-kegiatan pengerukan
dan pengangkutan sedimen JUFMP (yang dibahas dalam AMDAL-AMDAL khusus
JUFMP). Selain itu, pengadaan pasir dan tanah penutup (topsoil) mengasumsikan
bahwa penyedia material – material tersebut memiliki izin lingkungan yang sesuai,
tetapi kepastian-kepastian akan hal tersebut tidak disebutkan dalam langkahlangkah mitigasi lingkungan Ancol.
Penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan reklamasi
Gambar-gambar dan pembahasan-pembahasan dalam update RKL/RPL Ancol
tahun 2009 menyimpulkan bahwa lokasi tersebut akan dikembangkan sebagai
sebuah Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup (Confined Disposal Facility/CDF), dengan
tanggul-tanggul penutup yang dilapisi oleh geotekstil pada sisi bagian dalam untuk
menghindari aliran material halus keluar dari CDF saat proses penempatan hasil
kerukan dilakukan. Waktu pengembangan lapisan pasir dan tanah atas tidak
Isu-isu potensial yang timbul dari penggunaan material kerukan JUFMP
Terdapat asumsi yang tetap bahwa persyaratan sedimen yang diangkut dari lokasi
JUFMP harus “bukan B3” telah cukup menanggapi isu-isu potensial yang timbul dari
penggunaan material kerukan JUFMP sebagai material uruk. Sementara hal
tersebut mungkin wajar dalam banyak keadaan, evaluasi tambahan dan langkahlangkah penanggulangan yang lebih spesifik akan meningkatkan pengaman
Langkah-langkah penanggulangan
Langkah-langkah penanggulangan (termasuk pemantauan) sebagaimana diusulkan
tidak selalu mempertimbangkan konteks lokasi dan tidak sealu sejalan dengan cara
pengaturan pengelolaan lokasi. Sementara kemungkinan pencemaran dari,
misalnya, sanitasi para pekerja mungkin terjadi, hal tersebut tidak dibahas
sehubungan dengan konteks bahwa jumlah pekerja akan terbatas, bahwa Teluk
Jakarta telah tercemar, dan bahwa pengujian kualitas air yang sesaat di area
sekitarnya tidak akan dapat membedakan apakah sanitasi para pekerja dikeola
dengan memadai. Sebagai contoh lain, untuk sebuah kegiatan pembangunan,
sebagian besar penanggulangan dan pemantauannya harus difokuskan pada
penyesuaian dengan syarat-syarat Kontrak Konstruksi dan pengawasan oleh ahli
teknik pengawas.
Hal-hal tersebut dibahas kemudian dalam Laporan Tambahan ini.
Informasi tambahan dan perkembangan
Sejak disusunnya Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009, telah terdapat:
 Persetujuan atas AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 dari Komisi AMDAL pada bulan
Maret 2010.
 Penyusunan Laporan Tambahan JUFMP Fase 1, yang mencakup
rekomendasi-rekomendasi lebih lanjut terkait pengaman di luar AMDAL
JUFMP Fase 1, dan yang juga akan dapat diterapkan pada proyek JUFMP.
Pengumpulan data dasar terperinci untuk AMDAL JUFMP Fase 2 yang
dilakukan selama tahun 2010.
Pertimbangan tambahan untuk isu-isu kualitas sedimen, terutama untuk
menyertakan informasi tambahan dari pengumpulan data primer JUFMP Fase
2 dan untuk mempertimbangkan cara yang paling sesuai untuk memenuhi
persyaratan BPLHD DKI untuk JUFMP Fase 1 terkait dengan pemantauan
sedimen secara terus-menerus.
Konsultasi-konsultasi tambahan dengan pihak yang kepentingan.
Dimulainya pembangunan dinding pembatas luar Ancol (yang akan
membentuk fasilitas pembuangan tertutup)
Pertimbangan lebih lanjut atas potensi dampak-dampak di luar lokasi dari
pengadaan pasir dan material laterit (selain material kerukan JUFMP) untuk
pembangunan CDF Ancol.
2.2.1 Persetujuan atas AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 dan Laporan Tambahan
AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1 dibuat untuk 5 lokasi JUFMP yang pembangunannya
diharapkan akan dimulai segera setelah disetujuinya proyek tersebut. AMDAL
JUFMP Fase 1 ini telah disetujui secara resmi oleh BPLHD DKI pada bulan Maret
2010. Isu yang paling signifikan dalam laporan ini yang terkait dengan lokasi Ancol
adalah persyaratan untuk pemantauan B3 tambahan di lokasi-lokasi JUFMP
sebelum dan setelah pengerukan dilakukan.
Sebuah Laporan Tambahan JUFMP Fase 1 telah disusun dan laporan tersebut
memberikan informasi baru yang diperoleh dari rancangan JUFMP terperinci, yang
membahas isu-isu kualitas sedimen yang timbul dari syarat-syarat persetujuan
AMDAL JUFMP, volume-volume lalu lintas pengangkutan yang diperkirakan ulang,
dan menghasilkan sebuah EMP tambahan yang dibuat berdasarkan pengaturanpengaturan institusional JUFMP dengan penekanan pada pengaturan-pengaturan
Kontraktor Konstruksi dan Konsultan Pengawasan (yang belim ditentukan secara
rinci pada saat AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1).
2.2.2 Informasi tambahan rona awal lingkungan
Informasi dasar lingkungan tambahan telah dikumpulkan untuk area-area subproyek
JUFMP Fase 1 dan Fase 2, di mana informasi yang paling relevan dengan Ancol
 Konfirmasi bahwa rona awal untuk berbagai parameter lingkungan (terutama
kebisingan, beberapa kualitas udara dan banyak kualitas air) telah melampaui
standar lingkungan dari waktu ke waktu.
 Sampel-sampel sedimen tambahan telah dikumpulkan4 dan kualitasnya telah
diuji – lihat subbagian berikutnya.
 Pengamatan-pengamatan atas keadaan lumpur kerukan dalam pilot proyek
terdahulu yang dibiayai oleh Belanda5 di waktu-waktu yang berbeda setelah
Selian dari studi kualitas endapan sebelulmnya (yang dilakukan oleh para konslutan ERM pada tahun 2008) yang merupakan
studi kualitas endapan primer pertama yang komprehensif dan terperinci untuk saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk di
Jakarta, dan yang mendukung sebagian besar perencaan tata ruang untuk proyek JUFMP termasuk RKL/RPL ANCOL yang
Telah Dimutakhirkan dan AMDAL JUFMP Fase 1.
2.2.3 Kualitas sedimen
Penilaian-penilaian tambahan dan pertimbangan atas isu-isu kualitas sedimen yang
dilakukan sejak dibuatnya update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009:
 Menunjukkan bahwa hasil-hasil dari analisis sampel sedimen tambahan (yang
dilakukan untuk lokasi-lokasi JUFMP Fase 2) semuanya mendukung
pengambilan sampel dan analisis sebelumnya bahwa tidak ada material yang
digolongkan sebagai B3 (yakni limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun)6.
 Mengidentifikasi sebuah protokoI pengujian yang harus digunakan untuk
memeriksa kualitas sedimen sebelum pengerukan dan pada penyelesaian
proyek JUFMP di saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk JUFMP.
 Mengidentifikasi perlunya untuk memastikan bahwa truk-truk pengangkutan
JUFMP tidak dapat digunakan untuk pengangkutan secara ilegal atas setiap
material non-JUFMP (baik yang B3 atau selainnya) ke Ancol.
 Menilai semua hasil kualitas sedimen terkait dengan penggunaan lahan
dengan menggunakan standar setempat yang sesuai dan menyimpulkan
bahwa untuk sebuah fasilitas pembuangan tertutup, semua pengambilan
sampel dan pengujian sampai saat ini telah mendukung kesimpulan bahwa
tidak akan terdapat batasan untuk penggunaan lahan di masa depan.
Beberapa pemantauan untuk penegasan di Ancol selama dan setelah
penimbunan sedimen JUFMP diidentifikasi.
 Melaksanakan sebuah penilaian kesehatan dan menyimpulkan bahwa risikorisiko terkait kesehatan dari material kerukan JUFMP tingkatnya rendah untuk
para pekerja pembangunan Ancol dan untuk setiap penghuni lokasi Ancol di
masa depan.
2.2.4 Konsultasi Masyarakat
Konsultasi-konsultasi masyarakat telah terus dilakukan di lokasi-lokasi JUFMP,
terutama sebagai bagian dari penyusunan AMDAL JUFMP dan instrumen-instrumen
pengaman sosial JUFMP. Topik-topik yang jelas dan dominant serta selalu muncul
dalam konsultasi-konsultasi tersebut adalah:
 Dukungan luas untuk proyek JUFMP, dengan menyadari manfaat-manfaat
dari penanggulangan banjir, menyadari bahwa akan terdapat sedikit
gangguan, tetapi menekankan bahwa masyarakat menginginkan pengelolaan
lingkungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pengelolaan lingkungan
dalam banyak proyek sebelumnya di sekitar Jakarta.
 Harapan untuk konsultasi berkesinambungan dan bermakna antara “proyek”
dengan masyarakat setempat.
 Harapan yang sangat besar untuk penggunaan tenaga kerja setempat.
Sebuah proyek percontohan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah DKI Jakarta dengan dukungan pendanaan dari pemerintah
Belanda untuk melakukan pengerukan percontohan atas sebuah saluran air kecil di Jakarta (bukan bagian dari proyek
Dengan mengacu kepada standar Indonesia, yang ditentukan berdasarkan praktik internasional.
2.2.5 Dimulainya Pembangunan CDF Ancol
Pembangunan dinding-dinding pembatas luar dari fasilitas CDF Ancol telah dimulai
pada triwulan kedua tahun 2010. Terjadi banyak diskusi penting termasuk oleh para
ahli teknik dan spesialis lingkungan proyek JUFMP tentang pembangunan dinding
pembatas luar, termasuk sebuah perubahan yang terjadi kemudian dalam design
tanggul utara CDF, di mana rekomendasi-rekomendasi dari review Bank Dunia atas
proposal tersebut telah diberikan dan diterima sebelum diperolehnya persetujuan
dari BPLHD DKI. Inspeksi-inspeksi pemantauan atas pekerjaan tersebut juga telah
dilaksanakan oleh BPLHD DKI7.
2.2.6 Dampak di luar lokasi dari CDF Ancol
Selain dari material kerukan JUFMP, pembangunan dinding-dinding pembatas dan
penimbunan CDF Ancol akan membutuhkan pasir (sekitar 8,6 juta m3). Berdasarkan
update RKL/RPL Ancol yang telah disetujui, pasir tersebut akan diperoleh dari
sebuah sumber di laut, di Daerah Banten di lepas pantai Jakarta Utara. Lokasi
tempat pengambilan pasir ini telah memiliki Izin Lingkungan yang disetujui8.
Rancangan teknik menunjukkan bahwa material sedimen akan membentuk lapisan
terbawah dari area yang ditimbun, yang kemudian akan dilapisi dengan lapisan pasir
yang kemudian akan ditutup dengan material tanah laterit. Volume dari material
laterit yang dibutuhkan diperkirakan sebanyak 400.000m3 yang akan didapatkan dari
sumber-sumber tanah di dekat Bekasi, Jawa Barat, yang juga beroperasi dengan
izin lingkungan. Dampak-dampak lingkungan di sumber-sumber pasir di laut dan
sumber laterit di tanah tidak disebutkan dalam ANDAL, RKL dan RPL Ancol 9. Yang
disebutkan hanyalah bahwa lokasi-lokasi tersebut memiliki AMDAL yang telah
disetujui dan beroperasi dengan izin lingkungan. PT. PJA telah sepakat bahwa
Konsultan Pengawasan JUFMP akan mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan-kegiatan
di lokasi-lokasi di luar lokasi proyek tersebut (untuk pengadaan pasir dan laterit).
Penilaian menyeluruh
Dengan mempertimbangkan pembahasan-pembahasan di atas dalam bagian ini,
penilaian menyeluruh dan keseimpulan-kesimpulan berikut ini telah dibuat:
 Kebutuhan proyek telah ditetapkan dengan cukup.
 Meskipun proyek JUFMP telah mempertimbangkan berbagai pilihan untuk
pembuangan material hasil kerukan, pertimbangan ini tidak memiliki pengaruh
apakah reklamasi Ancol dilanjutkan atau tidak. Lokasi reklamasi telah
direncanakan dan disetujui sebelum diusulkannya JUFMP dan memiliki tujuan
yang sama sekali berbeda dengan tujuan JUFMP. Penggunaan material
kerukan JUFMP untuk menimbun sebagian lokasi CDF Ancol merupakan
suatu pemanfaatan sumber daya secara efisien (mengurangi kebutuhan pasir
Pada bulan November 2010, dengan partisipasi Bank Dunia selama pelaksanaan inspeksi.
Berdasarkan RKL dan RPL yang telah disetujui, izin lingkungan untuk area laut Banten yang akan menyediakan pasir adalah
(i) izin dari Kabupaten Serang Nomor 666/750/LKH tanggal 13 April 2005 yang diberikan untuk PT. Gora Gahana dan (ii) izin
dair Komisi Amdal Pusat Pertambangan dan Energi Nomor 5038/0115/SJ.T/199 tanggal 5 Desember 1994 yang diberikan
kepada PT. SAC Nusantara. Izin tersebut memperbolehkan perusahaan untuk mengeksploitasi pasir sebanyak sekitar 10 juta
m3 dari suatu area seluas 1.056 ha di posisi 5o 54’ 47’2’’ – 5o 56’ 12.2’’ Selatan dan 106o 11’ 39.9’’ – 106o 17’ 36.3’’ Timur.
Meskipun isu ini telah ditinjau oleh BPLHD DKI pada saat diberikannya persetujuan atas perubahan dalam rancangan batas
(tanggul) utara CDF.
di CDF Ancol) dan merupakan suatu situasi yang saling menguntungkan
untuk PT. PJA serta JUFMP.
Manfaat-manfaat positifnya semakin meningkat dengan berkurangnya
sedimen dari jalan-jalan air JUFMP dari tempat-tempat di mana sedimen
tersebut tadinya mengalir ke Teluk Jakarta dan menyumbang pada muatan
pencemaran yang telah meningkat.
Pembedaan tanggung jawab antara JUFMP dengan PT. PJA dalam hal
jangka waktu pengembangan/reklamasi telah ditentukan dengan jelas dan
sesuai. Pembedaan antara Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 dengan
persetujuan-persetujuan lingkungan (AMDAL) di masa depan yang diperlukan
untuk setiap penggunaan lahan di masa mendatang tidak dinyatakan, akan
tetapi penting untuk diketahui bahwa terdapat pembedaan tersebut dan
bahwa Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 memadai untuk tujuan-tujuannya.
Pengembangan secara jelas atas lokasi reklamasi sebagai sebuah Fasilitas
Pembuangan Tertutup (CDF) sangatlah penting dalam penilaian lingkungan
dan penanggulangan.
Pengumpulan dan analisis serta penilaian sedimen tambahan menegaskan
penilaian sebelumnya bahwa sedimen JUFMP sangat kecil kemungkinannya
untuk digolongkan sebagai B3; pemantauan di masa mendatang oleh Komisi
AMDAL akan memberikan pengaman-pengaman tambahan; risiko kesehatan
dari sedimen terhadap para pekerja dan masarakat umum tingkatnya rendah;
dan dengan pelapisan pascareklamasi yang diwajibkan oleh AMDAL
menggunakan pasir dan tanah atas, kecil kemungkinan akan terdapat
dampak merugikan jangka panjang.
Pembangunan fasilitas CDF Ancol akan mengakibatkan kehilangan fisik yang
terkait atas habitat laut dekat pantai yang tercemar, yang tidak memiliki nilai
konservasi yang besar. Tidak terdapat area-area dengan habitat/ekosistem
yang berarti di dekat lokasi tersebut.
Kemungkinan akan terdapat penurunan marginal dalam kualitas air laut
setempat dari waktu ke waktu, bahkan dengan dilakukannya langkah-langkah
penanggulangan yang didasarkan pada memelihara pembatas dan sanitasi
lokasi secara normal. Hal tersebut tidak memiliki signifikansi yang besar
dikarenakan statusnya yang sudah tercemar; pemantauan kualitas air laut
sesaat (walaupun regular) tidak akan dapat mendeteksi selain dari
pencemaran kasar dari pembangunan CDF Ancol dan kegiatan-kegiatan
penimbunan. Pengawasan dan pengamatan lokasi secara memadai akan
menghasilkan pemantauan yang sesuai dan hemat biaya.
Dampak-dampak yang terkait dengan kualitas udara besifat lokal dan
sementara, potensi tersebut meliputi peningkatan debu dan plastik yang
tertiup angin, apabila pengelolaan lokasinya tidak memadai. Melihat kegiatankegiatan pengerukan lainnya di Jakarta, kemungkinan terjadinya masalah bau
adalah kecil karena sedimen hampir tidak berbau setelah beberapa jam
setelah dikeruk dan ditiriskan.
Lokasi masyarakat setempat yang dipisahkan dari lokasi reklamasi oleh
sebuah saluran selebar ± 200 m sehingga kecil kemungkinan akan terdapat
gangguan yang berarti terhadap masyarakat tersebut, meskipun dalam
kondisi-kondisi tertentu mereka akan mendengar bunyi kegiatan operasional
di lokasi dan apabila pengelolaan lokasinya buruk, mereka dapat terganggu
oleh debu dan sampah yang tertiup angin.
reklamasi/pengembangan akan diperoleh dengan fokus pada
o praktik teknik yang baik oleh PT. PJA dan kontraktornya di CDF Ancol
dan lokasi-lokasi yang terkait.
o kepatuhan terhadap prinsip-prinsip fasilitas pembuangan tertutup
o pengawasan ketat oleh PT. PJA dan ahli teknik dan konsultan
pengawasnya untuk memastikan bahwa pengaman-pengaman
lingkungan dan sosial telah diikuti, dan
o konsultasi dan integrasi erat dengan pelaksanaan proyek JUFMP.
Bagian 0 menbahas pengmaan-pengmaan secara lebih rinci, dengan fokus khusus
pada isu-isu yang tidak dijelaskan secara terperinci dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol
Pengaman-Pengaman CDF Ancol
Bagian ini membahas pengaman-pengaman yang terkait dengan pengembangan
dan penimbunan CDF Ancol selama jangka waktu di mana material hasil kerukan
JUFMP akan diangkut ke CDF Ancol. Banyak langkah pengamanan yang sudah
disyaratkan dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 dan langkah-langkah tersebut
tidak akan dibahas lebih lanjut. Dengan demikian fokusnya adalah pada langkahlangkah tambahan, dan pengaturan-pengaturan institusional untuk memastikan
bahwa langkah-langkah tersebut dilaksanakan.
Pengaturan institusional
Pengaturan-pengaturan dan tanggung jawab-tanggung jawab institusional untuk
sub-proyek JUFMP telah ditentukan dengan jelas. Sub-bagian-sub-bagian berikut ini
mengidentifikasi pengaturan-pengaturan institusional serupa untuk kegiatan
reklamasi CDF Ancol dan interaksi-interaksi yang diperlukan antara berbagai pihak.
3.1.1 PT. PJA
PT. PJA adalah pemegang hak untuk lokasi reklamasi CDF Ancol. Pihaknya juga
merupakan pengusul Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009. PT. PJA memiliki:
 Tanggung jawab hukum khusus untuk melaksanakan Update RKL/RPL Ancol
tahun 2009.
 Tanggung jawab secara umum untuk memastikan dilakukannya pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial yang baik di lokasi CDF Ancol, terlepas dari
persyaratan khusus dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009.
 Sepakat untuk melaksanakan setiap langkah tambahan yang ditentukan
dalam laporan tambahan ini dan menyertakan laporan-laporan pelaksanaan
atas langkah-langkah tambahan tersebut dalam laporan-laporan pelaksanaan
RKL dan RPL triwulanan kepada BPLHD DKI.
 Kepentingan-kepentingan dalam penggunaan lokasi Ancol secara jangka
Entitas yang setara untuk proyek JUFMP adalah PIU – PIU (Bagian 0), meskipun
PMU JUFMP (Bagian 0) memiliki peran koordinasi atas nama PIU-PIU.
Meskipun tanggung jawab hukum tetap berada pada PT. PJA untuk pelaksanaan
pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial secara khusus dan umum di lokasi Ancol, hal ini
tidaklah membatasi kemungkinan bahwa pelaksanaan atas aspek-aspek khusus
dapat dialihkan melalui kontrak kepada entitas-entitas lainnya.
Perlu diingat bahwa untuk memastikan lebih lanjut kepatuhannya terhadap Update
RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009:
 “tidak ada keberatan” dari Bank Dunia terhadap setiap kontrak JUFMP yang
ditentukan akan diberikan dengan ketentuan bahwa Bank Dunia dapat
menerima kememadaian CDF Ancol (termasuk telah memperoleh bukti yang
dapat diterima atas kepatuhan PT. PJA terhadap persyaratan AMDAL Ancol
dan Laporan Tambahan Update RKL/RPL Ancol ini, serta kepatuhan
terhadap Gambar-Gambar Teknik Terperinci yang telah disetujui untuk
pembangunan CDF Ancol), dan
 perjanjian-perjanjian hukum JUFMP akan mencakup ketentuan yang
mensyaratkan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk menggunakan hakhaknya sebagai pemegang saham, untuk memerintahkan PT. PJA untuk
melaksanakan persyaratan (termasuk langkah-langkah penanggulangan)
yang dinyatakan dalam persyaratan AMDAL Ancol dan Laporan Tambahan
Update RKL/RPL Ancol ini.
3.1.2 Kontraktor Konstruksi Ancol (Ancol Construction Contractors/ACC)
Istilah kontraktor konstruksi merupakan istilah umum yang digunakan dalam Laporan
Tambahan ini yang mencakup setiap Kontraktor, subkontraktor, dan lain-lain, yang
digunakan oleh PT. PJA di lokasi CDF Ancol untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan tertentu
seperti, tetapi tidak harus terbatas pada:
 Pembangunan dan/atau pemeliharaan tanggul-tanggul pembatas eksternal
 Pembangunan dan/atau pemeliharaan tanggul-tanggul pemisah internal atau
pembatas sementara, apabila tanggul-tanggul tersebut dibutuhkan
 Pengembangan dan/atau pemeliharaan jalan-jalan atau jalur-jalur internal
untuk memudahkan pergerakan truk-truk pengangkut sedimen JUFMP
 Para pemasok pasir, tanah atas, dan lain-lain, yang mungkin digunakan
sebagai lapisan akhir yang ditentukan atau untuk setiap tujuan lainnya. Para
pemasok tersebut termasuk entitas-entitas selain JUFMP yang dapat
digunakan untuk mengangkut material timbunan ke lokasi CDF Ancol.
 Drainase internal atau yang serupa
 Para penyedia dan operator fasilitas pencucian kendaraan sebagaimana
disyaratkan dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009.
 PT. PJA sendiri pada saat pihaknya melaksanakan setiap pekerjaan dengan
menggunakan sumber dayanya sendiri atau, sebagai contoh, buruh kontrak
Entitas yang setara untuk proyek JUFMP adalah Kontraktor Konstruksi (JUFMP)
(Bagian 0) yang digunakan oleh PIU.
Pengawasan atas ACC dilaksanakan oleh PT. PJA melalui Unit Pengembangan
Propertinya (termasuk mengawasi aspek-aspek lingkungan dari kontrak-kontrak
ACC). Selain itu, PT. PJA telah merekrut sebuah perusahaan konsultan untuk
melaksanakan pemantauan kepatuhan triwulanan atas pekerjaan-pekerjaan
pembangunan yang sedang berlangsung. PT. PJA, sesuai dengan persyaratan
AMDAL Indonesia, menyusun laporan-laporan pelaksanaan triwulanan atas RKL
dan RPL serta menyerahkannya kepada BPLHD DKI.
3.1.3 Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant/SC) JUFMP
PT. PJA telah setuju untuk mengizinkan SC JUFMP memiliki akses ke CDF Ancol
dan ke semua lokasi di luar lokasi proyeknya (termasuk lokasi-lokasi sumber
material timbunan pasir dan laterit) untuk tujuan pelaksanaan pengawasan atas RKL
dan RPL yang telah disetujui, Laporan Tambahan Update RKL/RPL Ancol, laporanlaporan Perkembangan RKL dan RPL triwulanan PT. PJA, dan setiap tugas lainnya
sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Terms of Reference (TOR) dari SC. TOR untuk SC
akan termasuk tanggung jawab-tanggung jawab tersebut.
3.1.4 PIU
PIU (Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, DGCK, dan DGWR) secara nyata merupakan para
“pemilik” saat ini dari saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk JUFMP yang berada
dalam tanggung jawab mereka masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, mereka memegang
kepemilikan khusus atas AMDAL JUFMP yang terkait dan dengan demikian
tanggung jawab untuk pelaksanaan AMDAL JUFMP, dan secara efektif akan
mempertahankan penguasaan tunggal atas saluran-saluran air dan waduk-waduk
JUFMP setelah proyek JUFMP diakhiri setelah diselesaikannya kontrak-kontrak
3.1.5 PMU
PMU dalam DGWR telah ditentukan sebagai unit utama dengan tangggung jawab
menyeluruh Pemerintah Indonesia untuk pelaksanaan proyek JUFMP. PMU memiliki
tanggung jawab pengelolaan untuk Konsultan Pengawasan (SC) JUFMP, dan
tanggung jawab koordinasi melalui SC untuk pelaksanaan Kontrak Pembangunan
untuk subproyek-subproyek JUFMP dan untuk melaksanakan AMDAL-AMDAL yang
terkait dan menyerahkan laporan-laporan pemantauan lingkungan kepada BPLHD
PMU juga terkait erat dengan menentukan persyaratan untuk Kontrak-Kontrak
Pembangunan JUFMP dan untuk Terms of Reference SC.
3.1.6 Kontraktor Konstruksi (Construction Contractors/CC)
Para Kontraktor Konstruksi akan bertanggung jawab untuk pengerukan saluransaluran air dan waduk-waduk JUFMP dan pengangkutan material kerukan dari
lokasi-lokasi pengerukan ke CDF Ancol sesuai dengan Kontrak-Kontrak Konstruksi.
Syarat-syarat dalam kontrak-kontrak tersebut antara lain membahas pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial.
Para Kontraktor Konstruksi akan memiliki tanggung jawab khusus terkait dengan
pencegahan pengangkutan dan pembuangan limbah B3 (yakni berbahaya) secara
ilegal (apabila ditemukan) ke lokasi CDF Ancol.
BPLHD DKI terlibat secara langsung dalam penilaian dan persetujuan atas AMDALAMDAL (termasuk RKL/RPL) dan akan memiliki peran berkelanjutan dalam
memantau pelaksanaan RKL/RPL. Laporan-laporan pemantauan untuk pelaksanaan
RKL/RPL (termasuk Update RKL/RPL Ancol yang diserahkan oleh PT. PJA) akan
dinilai oleh BPLHD DKI.
Terkait dengan CDF Ancol, BPLHD DKI telah mulai memantau pekerjaan-pekerjaan
pembangunan yang sedang berlangsung dan mengundang Bank Dunia untuk
berpartisipasi dalam pengawasan dan pemantauan. Diperkirakan bahwa
pengawasan dan pemantauan bersama tersebut akan berlanjut.
Di masa mendatang, BPLHD DKI juga akan menjadi otoritas yang terlibat dalam
penilaian dan persetujuan atas setiap AMDAL yang terkait dengan setiap usulan
penggunaan lahan di lokasi CDF Ancol.
Pengaman yang diperkuat
Dengan mempertimbangkan tinjauan dan penilaian-penilaian di atas, subbagian ini
menyajikan pengaman-pengaman yang diperkuat untuk lokasi CDF Ancol yang akan
diimplementasikan selama jangka waktu pembangunan (pembangunan dindingdinding pembatas CDF dan penimbunan reklamasi termasuk pelapisan pasir dan
tanah atas) yang akan:
 Melengkapi pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial yang
disyaratkan dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009.
 Terintegrasi dengan ESM (Environmental Social Management) untuk proyek
JUFMP, sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh AMDAL-AMDAL dan/atau oleh kontrak
atau persyaratan selanjutnya.
 Membahas beberapa isu yang tidak diidentifikasikan secara jelas atau secara
spesifik dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009.
 Memberikan jaminan tambahan untuk memastikan bahwa semua material
penimbunan, material pelapis, dan lain-lain, mematuhi persyaratan bahwa
tidak ada limbah B3 yang dibuang di lokasi CDF Ancol, dan untuk
memastikan bahwa tidak ada pembatasan atas penggunaan lahan di masa
Untuk setiap kegiatan penanggulangan/pemantauan, tanggung jawab-tanggung
jawabnya dialokasikan. Tabel dalam Lampiran 3 merangkum informasi ini.
3.2.1 Integrasi JUFMP dan kegiatan-kegiatan CDF Ancol
PT. PJA akan memberikan laporan-laporan terbaru kepada Pemerintah DKI Jakarta
dan PMU tentang perkembangan pembangunan fasilitas CDF Ancol, dan
memberikan dokumen-dokumen yang menegaskan diselesaikannya tanggul-tanggul
pembatas. PT. PJA akan bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, PMU, atau
Bank Dunia dalam meninjau kesiapan fasilitas tertutup tersebut untuk pembuangan
material hasil kerukan (termasuk memberikan bukti yang dapat diterima atas
kepatuhan kepada persyaratan AMDAL Ancol dan Laporan Tambahan Update
RKL/RPL Ancol, dan kesesuaian dengan Gambar-Gambar Teknik Terperinci yang
telah disetujui untuk pembangunan CDF Ancol).
Tanggung Jawab
PT. PJA memberikan informasi dan dokumen kepada Pemerintah DKI Jakarta,
PMU, dan Bank Dunia untuk melaksanakan tinjauan dan penilaian-penilaian
PT. PJA mengadakan pertemuan secara rutin sebagaimana diperlukan dengan PMU
dan/atau SC untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya pemaduan secara lancar antara
JUFMP dengan kegiatan-kegiatan CDF Ancol. Sebuah alat yang harus digunakan
adalah pengembangan (dan tinjauan serta pemutakhiran sebagaiman diperlukan)
sebuah jadwal terperinci (garis besarnya diberikan dalam Tabel A - 2) dari kegiatankegiatan operasional yang terpadu
Tanggung Jawab
PT. PJA dan PMU melakukan pertemuan-pertemuan koordinasi
secara reguler
SC, ACC, dan CC harus ikut serta dalam pertemuan-pertemuan
koordinasi tersebut sebagaiman diperlukan
3.2.2 “Praktik yang baik” dalam pembangunan dan pengawasan
PT. PJA memastikan bahwa semua Kontraktor Konstruksi Ancol (ACC) menyusun
rencana-rencana kerja yang mencakup rencana-rencana pengelolaan lingkungan
dan sosial. Rencana-rencana tersebut harus mencakup aspek-aspek seperti
penyediaan pengaturan-pengaturan sanitasi untuk para pekerja, kesehatan dan
keselamatan, identifikasi dan pengelolaan yang diusulkan atas lingkungan dan sosial
spesifik lokasi, pelatihan untuk para pekerja dalam pengelolaan lingkungan dan
sosial yang relevan. Rincian dari setiap Rencana Kerja dan ESMP harus
disesuaikan dengan kegiatan tertentu; sebagai contoh, meskipun sebuah kontrak
jangka panjang untuk pembuangan dan perataan sedimen yang ditimbun
mensyaratkan adanya sebuah ESMP yang terperinci secara wajar, sebuah ESMP
untuk kegiatan terbatas seperti pencucian kendaraan untuk truk-truk sebelulm
meninggalkan lokasi dapat berupa sebuah dokumen sepanjang 1-2 halaman.
Beberapa kegiatan kemungkinan tidak akan membutuhkan rencana spesifik seperti
itu. PT. PJA akan mengawasi para ACC-nya (melalui Unit Pengembangan Propertinya). Dengan adanya kepentingan-kepentingan JUFMP dalam CDF Ancol, kegiatankegiatan pengawasan dan pemantauan SC di CDF Ancol akan mencakup tinjauantinjauan atas pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial oleh ACC atas kegiatan-kegiatan
Tanggung Jawab
ACC untuk kegiatan harian di lokasi Ancol
PT. PJA (melalui Unit Pengembangan Properti-nya) untuk pengawasan langsung
atas ACC
SC untuk mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan-kegiatan Ancol untuk JUFMP
PMU untuk mengawasi kegiatan SC dan menerima laporan-laporan SC
3.2.3 Sedimen dan material penimbunan/pelapisan lainnya
PMU (dengan bantuan SC) harus memberikan informasi kepada PT. PJA segera
setelah tersedia, tentang hasil-hasil dari pengujian pengerukan sebelumnya di
lokasi-lokasi/bagian-bagian JUFMP (lihat bagian 2.2.1). Untuk bagian-bagian di
mana sedimennya telah diizinkan dengan sebagaimana mestinya untuk
pengangkutan dan pembuangan ke CDF Ancol, PT. PJA akan mengizinkan material
tersebut diangkut dan dibuang ke CDF Ancol. Untuk bagian-bagian di mana
sedimennya belum diizinkan dengan sebagaimana mestinya untuk pengangkutan ke
CDF Ancol (misalnya, apabila sedimen tersebut ditentukan sebagai limbah B3, atau
ditentukan membutuhkan pengujian dan interpretasi tambahan lebih lanjut), PMU
(dengan bantuan SC) harus memastikan bahwa material tersebut tidak diangkut ke
CDF Ancol. PMU (dengan bantuan SC) harus terus memberitahu PT. PJA tentang
penanganan setiap limbah B3 yang ditemukan di lokasi-lokasi JUFMP. PT. PJA
dapat meninjau dan memantau proses pengujian di JUFMP.
Tanggung Jawab
PMU (melalui SC) untuk memberikan informasi dan dokumen, serta bekerja sama
dengan setiap tinjauan PT. PJA
PT. PJA untuk mengizinkan material tidak berbahaya, yang telah diizinkan, untuk
diangkut ke CDF Ancol
PT. PJA memastikan bahwa material (selain material kerukan JUFMP) yang akan
diangkut dan dibuang ke atau digunakan di CDF Ancol oleh setiap ACC telah
menerima izin lingkungan yang sesuai dan telah mematuhi Update RKL/RPL Ancol
yang membatasi material non-JUFMP hanya pada pasir (yang diperoleh dari suatu
lokasi yang ditentukan) dan laterit. Sebagai contoh, hal ini akan mensyaratkan
diterimanya salinan-salinan dari surat izin AMDAL yang dibuat untuk kegiatan
pengambilan pasir atau tanah, atau sebuah izin material yang bersertifikasi
laboratorium. Penilaian ahli yang memenuhi syarat akan digunakan sesuai jenis
izinnya dengan mempertimbangkan sifat material dan kuantitas yang dapat diangkut.
Dengan adanya kepentingan-kepentingan JUFMP dalam CDF Ancol, kegiatankegiatan pengawasan dan pemantauan SC di CDF Ancol akan termasuk tinjauantinjauan atas pengadaan dan pengangkutan material tersebut, termasuk tinjauantinjauan atas potensi dampak-dampak di luar lokasi di lokasi-lokasi sumber material
Tanggung jawab
ACC untuk kegiatan harian di lokasi Ancol
PT. PJA (melalui Unit Pengembangan Properti-nya) untuk pengawasan langsung
atas ACC
SC untuk mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan-kegiatan Ancol untuk JUFMP
PMU untuk mengawasi kegiatan SC dan menerima laporan-laporan SC
PT. PJA dengan bekerja sama dengan PMU yang dibantu oleh SC akan
pascapembuangan di area material penimbunan JUFMP di CDF Ancol. Dua
kegiatan telah ditentukan (pemeriksaan menengah yang dilakukan 18 bulan setelah
material JUFMP pertama kali ditimbun di lokasi CDF Ancol pada 10 lokasi sampel,
dan sekitar 1 bulan setelah material kerukan JUFMP terakhir ditimbun di lokasi CDF
Ancol pada 10 lokasi yang sama sebagaimana untuk pemeriksaan menengah
ditambah dengan 10 lokasi lainnya yang ditimbun dengan material yang lebih akhir)
dengan dua sampel gabungan, 1 “dangkal”; 1 “dalam” dikumpulkan di setiap lokasi
pengambilan sampel. Biayanya diperkirakan sebesar sekitar US$8.000 untuk
pengambilan sampel dalam pemeriksaan menengah dan pelaksanaan analisis, dan
US$16.000 untuk pengambilan sampel setelah “penyelesaian”.
Tanggung jawab
PT. PJA untuk mengizinkan pengambilan sampel pascapembuangan di CDF Ancol
SC untuk melaksanakan pengambilan sampel pascapembuangan di CDF Ancol
PMU untuk mengawasi kegiatan SC dan menerima laporan-laporan SC
3.2.4 Pengelolaan lalu lintas
PT. PJA harus memastikan bahwa pengelolaan lalu lintas dalam wilayah tanggung
jawabnya sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Update RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009. Hal
ini mencakup pengaturan untuk truk-truk pengangkutan sedimen JUFMP yang akan
masuk, pengaturan dalam lokasi CDF, dan keberangkatan truk-truk dari CDF Ancol.
Sedangkan PMU berkewajiban untuk memberitahu PT. PJA jadwal-jadwal tentative
truk-truk dari lokasi-lokasi pengerukan JUFMP, sehingga PT PJA dapat memberikan
alokasi waktu bagi truk-truk sebagaimana mestinya untuk waktu-waktu puncak, hal
ini akan dilakukan oleh PT. PJA dengan terlebih dahulu meminta jadwal-jadwal
kemungkinan pergerakan truk-truk dari ACC utama yang juga bekerja di, atau
melakukan pengangkutan ke CDF Ancol dan berkoordinasi dengan semua pihak
sebagaimana diperlukan untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan sebuah
rencana pengelolaan lalu lintas Ancol untuk menghindari kemacetan. Kemungkinankemungkinan halangan seperti pencucian kendaraan harus diidentifikasi dan
fasilitas-fasilitas yang harus dipenuhi untuk memungkinkan pergerakan kendaraankendaraan secara tepat waktu dan kepatuhan terhadap persyaratan untuk
pengelolaan lingkungan.
Tanggung jawab
PT. PJA untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan rencana pengelolaan
lalu lintas di dalam wilayah CDF Ancol
PMU (melalui SC) untuk memberikan jadwal pengangkutan material JUFMP ke PT.
Lampiran 1 Tinjauan terperinci atas AMDAL Ancol dan Update RKL/RPL Ancol
Tabel berikut ini menyajikan perincian tinjauan, terutama, Update RKL/RPL Ancol
tahun 2009, juga dengan mengacu kembali kepada AMDAL Ancol tahun 2006. Tabel
tersebut dibuat berdasarkan pada item-item dalam checklist yang diberikan oleh
Bank Dunia (Kolom 1) dengan Kolom 2 yang mengidentifikasi tingkat cakupan dalam
kedua dokumen tersebut sebagaimana diidentifikasikan oleh para peninjau. Kolom 3
menyajikan komentar-komentar dari para peninjau yang mempertimbangkan ikhtisar
singkat pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen, dan penilaian-penilaian oleh para
peninjau tentang signifikansi dan relevansi dari item dalam Checklist. Dua tinjauan
independen telah dilaksanakan – oleh para konsultan ERM pada tahun 2009 dan
(melalui laporan pelengkap ini) oleh PPA pada tahun 2010. Hasil-hasilnya kemudian
digabungkan oleh PPA untuk menghasilkan tabel gabungan yang ditunjukkan di
bawah ini.
Tabel A - 1 : Tinjauan terperinci atas AMDAL Ancol tahun 2006 dan Update
RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009
Item checklist
1. Uraian yang jelas tentang kebutuhan
yang mendasari proyek yang diusulkan
2. Uraian yang jelas tentang tujuan dari
proyek yang diusulkan
3. Uraian secara memadai dari proyek
yang diusulkan
1. Pertimbangan atas semua jenis
alternatif yang relevan
a. Tidak ada tindakan
b. lokasi-lokasi alternatif
c. Rancangan alternatif
d. Kendali alternatif
e. Alternatif-alternatif struktural
f. Alternatif-alternatif nonstruktural
2. Semua alternatif memenuhi tujuan
yang dinyatakan dan kebutuhan akan
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
Reklamasi garis pantai utara Jakarta telah direncanakan
sejak tahun 1995, yang didukung oleh peraturan resmi
Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, dokumen-dokumen
perencanaan, dan lain-lain. Penggunaan spesifik lokasi
Ancol untuk pembuangan sedimen JUFMP berdasarkan
keputusan Gubernur DKI Jakarta tahun 2008
Tercakup dalam AMDAL dan Update RKL/RPL
Sebagian besar
sudah baik
Terbatas/Tidak Tidak ada pembahasan; pilihan tanpa pengerukan tidak
ada pembahasan merupakan suatu alternatif. Reklamasi lahan telah
ditentukan sebelumnya oleh kebijakan dan perencanaan
pemerintah terdahulu
Terbatas/Tidak Tidak ada pembahasan; tetapi lokasi-lokasi alternatif
ada pembahasan telah diketahui dan dikesampingkan sebelum
melanjutkan ke penyusunan Update RKL/RPL karena
isu-isu sosial/pemukiman kembali atau karena dekat
dengan daerah-daerah konservasi
Terbatas/Tidak Tidak ada pembahasan, tetapi rancangan dibuat
ada pembahasan berdasarkan pengalaman luas PT. PJA dalam hal
Terbatas/Tidak Tidak ada pembahasan
ada pembahasan
Terdapat beberapa pembahasan. Teknik-teknik
ditentukan berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah terbukti
secara lokal.
ada pembahasan
Terbatas/Tidak Tidak ada alternatif untuk reklamasi maupun
ada pembahasan pengerukan yang akan memenuhi tujuan-tujuan dan
Item checklist
3. Uraian dari semua tindakan atau
proyek alternatif yang telah
dipertimbangkan atau sedang
a. Ukuran dan lokasi reklamasi
b. persyaratan lahan
c. persyaratan operasional dan
d. Struktur-struktur pendukung
e. Jadwal-jadwal pembangunan
4. Uraian dari proses-proses dan hasilhasil awal penilaian dampak lingkungan
1. Daerah bersangkutan yang
ditentukan, termasuk area-area
2. Lingkungan fisik-kimia
a. Sumber daya udara
i) data meteorologi (seperti suhu, angin)
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang dinyatakan dari kedua
proyek tersebut.
Terbatas/Tidak Teridentifikasi secara jelas untuk pengendalian banjir.
ada pembahasan Pengerukan JUFMP merupakan bagian dari suatu
program yang terpadu.
ada pembahasan
Terbatas/Tidak Dua aspek yang saling terkait yang perlu
ada pembahasan dipertimbangkan: penjadwalan JUFMP dan penjadwalan
pengembangan Ancol. Signifikansi lingkungan nyata
yang terbatas selain pemastian pembatasan tanggul
eksternal mendahului dimulainya pengiriman sedimen
JUFMP, dan pentahapan pelapisan akhir.
Diumumkannya RKL-RPL yang Telah Dimutakhirkan
menjelaskan proses AMDAL terdahulu dan alasan
diperlukannya Pemutakhiran tersebut.
Bab 2 memberikan: praktik standar dalam sistem
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
ii) kualitas udara ambien (seperti
partikulat, ozon)
iii) data kebisingan
iv) sumber-sumber emisi bergerak
(seperti mobil dan truk)
b. Air laut
c. Air Permukaan
i) lokasi dan jenis (seperti muara, sungai,
danau, dan posisinya terhadap lokasi)
ii) informasi kualitas air (seperti oksigen
terlarut, suhu, hara)
iii) sumber-sumber pencemar yang ada
(lokasi dan jumlah pelepasan)
iv) penggunaan-penggunaan di masa
v) pembahasan tentang peristiwa
d. Air Tanah
vi) uraian faktor-faktor utama
Kegiatan “pembentukan” lahan
Muara Sungai Ancol di dekat lokasi proyek merupakan
satu-satunya kumpulan air permukaan yang penting di
dekat lokasi.
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
Terbatas/Tidak Penyebab-penyebab dari tingkat pelampauan di atas
ada pembahasan standar dalam kualitas air yang diukur tidak
diidentifikasi, tetapi diketahui secara umum bahwa
sumber-sumber tersebut banyak terdapat (terutama) di
dekat pesisir Teluk Jakarta yang diakibatkan oleh
dampak-dampak gabungan polusi pemukiman dan
industri dari Jakarta.
Terkait dengan tinggi gelombang rancangan.
Pembuatan model tambahan menunjukkan perubahanperubahan air laut yang sangat sedikit yang diakibatkan
oleh pengembangan.
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006
Item checklist
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
(seperti kedalaman muka air
tanah, tanah lapisan atas, sifatsifat geologis)
vii) informasi kualitas air (seperti
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas dalam lingkungan laut
pH zat-zat padat)
ada pembahasan
e. Tanah dan Geologi
i) fisiografi dan geomorfologi
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
ii) struktur tanah
Dalam AMDAL tahun 2006 dan Update RKL/RPL tahun
iii) pergerakan air tanah
Tidak ada
Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas dalam lingkungan laut
iv) potensi erosi
Dalam RKL/RPL yang Telah Dimutakhirkan. Diberikan
v) penurunan permukaan tanah
Sebagian besar Dibahas dalam hal penyelesaian rancangan, tanpa
sudah baik
menyebutkan penurunan permukaan tanah
keseluruhan/regional yang diketahui.
vi) aktivitas seismik (misalnya kedekatan
Tidak ada
Diketahui di Jakarta dengan adanya rancangan untuk
dengan sesaran, riwayat gempa dan
letusan gunung berapi)
vii) sumber daya mineral (misalnya
Tidak ada
Dianggap sebagai sangat tidak mungkin
lokasi-lokasi sedimen, jenis dan
kuantitas, kepemilikan hak
3. Kondisi-Kondisi Biologis
a. Satwa Liar dan Tumbuh-tumbuhan
i) uraian dan daftar flora dan fauna air,
lahan basah, dan darat (seperti daftar
spesies, kelimpahan)
ii) uraian dan daftar spesies satwa liar
dan tumbuhan setempat yang ada
iii) uraian dan daftar spesies satwa liar
dan tumbuhan asing eksotik yang invasif
b. Karakterisasi Komunitas dan Habitat
Lingkungan yang sangat terganggu oleh manusia.
Tidak ditemukan spesies yang terancam punah atau
Tidak ada
Flora dan fauna darat serta plankton dan bentos
dimasukkan ke dalam daftar.
Tidak signifikan.
Sangat terbatas dan sebagian besar habitat alami yang
terganggu oleh manusia.
Uraian-uraian yang Dianggap tidak penting. Lokasi itu sendiri merupakan
terbatas, tidak ada lingkungan yang terganggu
Kemungkinan besar tidak ada.
i) peta dan uraian komunitas air, lahan
basah, dan darat yang ditemukan di
dalam dan di sekitar lokasi proyek
c. Fitur-Fitur yang Signifikan Secara
i) dukungan ekosistem-ekosistem yang
Terbatas/Tidak Kemungkinan besar tidak penting; bagian dari Teluk
lebih luas di dekat lokasi proyek (seperti
ada pembahasan Jakarta yang tercemar
apabila terletak di sepanjang jalur terbang
atau koridor biologi lainnya)
ii) fungsi-fungsi ekologis penting dari
Terbatas/Tidak Kemungkinan besar tidak penting; bagian dari Teluk
lokasi proyek (seperti sumber hara
ada pembahasan Jakarta yang tercemar
melalui banjir, retensi air hujan badai)
iii) karakterisasi rezim-rezim gangguan
Diidentifikasikan sebagai bagian dari lingkungan yang
yang terkait, yang ditimbulkan secara
terganggu oleh manusia yang timbul dari pencemaran
alami dan oleh proyek (seperti banjir,
Jakarta melalui air.
kebakaran, potensi dampak pembalakan)
iv) uraian proses-proses hidrologis
Arus-arus permukaan dibahas; signifikansi yang terbatas
(misalnya aliran-aliran dan durasi air
tanah dan air permukaan)
v) uraian interaksi-interaksi biotik penting
Kemungkinan besar tidak penting; bagian dari Teluk
(seperti saling ketergantungan antara
Jakarta yang tercemar
tanaman dan hewan di lokasi dan dengan
lokasi-lokasi lain)
Item checklist
4. Pengelolaan Limbah dan
Pencegahan Polusi
a. Lokasi-lokasi pembuangan atau
pelepasan limbah yang diperkirakan
b. Uraian teknik-teknik pengelolaan
limbah (seperti penanganan,
penyimpanan, pengangkutan, daur ulang)
c. Proyeksi karakteristik limbah (seperti
jenis, kuantitas, toksisitas)
5. Lingkungan Sosial Ekonomi
a. Penggunaan lahan
i) uraian penggunaan lahan pada saat ini
dan pada masa lalu
ii) peta penggunaan lahan pada saat ini
dan pada masa lalu
b. Populasi dan pemukiman
i) informasi demografis (seperti rata-rata
ukuran rumah tangga, umur, pembagian
umur/jenis kelamin, komposisi etnis dan
kohesi masyarakat)
c. Kegiatan ekonomi
i) uraian kegiatan ekonomi saat ini
(seperti jumlah dan jenis usaha,
pendapatan tahunan, pola kepemilikan)
ii) uraian atas sifat-sifat khas dari
komunitas usaha (seperti tingginya
tingkat perubahan musim dalam
perdagangan, aliran laba ke luar yang
tinggi, kemerosotan perdagangan, atau
revitalisasi pusat kota)
iii) pertimbangan pengaruh silang antara
kegiatan ekonomi, kapasitas layanan
umum, dan kemampuan fiskal
masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhankebutuhan kapasitas
d. Layanan Masyarakat dan Keuangan
i) uraian pengaruh silang antara kegiatan
ekonomi, kapasitas layanan umum, dan
kemampuan fiskal masyarakat untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan
e. Transportasi
i) uraian dari semua bentuk transportasi
yang relevan untuk fasilitas
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
Lokasi itu sendiri menjadi lokasi pembuangan lumpur
kerukan yang tertutup dibandingkan dengan keadaan
material saat ini yang hanyut ke dalam Teluk tanpa
Menguraikan rincian tentang penempatan lumpur;
khususnya lapisan atas yang tertutup dan final
Karakteristik lumpur kerukan teridentifikasi.
Memiliki signifikansi praktis yang sangat kecil sebagai
perairan dekat pantai di lokasi saat ini dan akan memiliki
sedikit interaksi dengan penggunaan lahan selama
masa pengembangan. Pengembangan-pengembangan
penggunaan lahan baru pascapenimbunan akan
memerlukan penilaian tersendiri..
Lokasi itu sendiri pada saat ini berdekatan dengan pantai
dan hanya sekali-sekali digunakan untuk transit manusia
(dengan perahu) dan tempat rekreasi pemancingan ikan
tidak resmi
Sebagian besar Tersedia peta-peta yang sulit dibaca tetapi dapat
sudah baik
memberikan gambaran umum. Lokasi tersebut juga
berada di “air”, bukan di tanah.
Memiliki signifikansi praktis yang kecil karena hanya
akan ada sedikit interaksi dengan penduduk sekitar
selama masa pengembangan
Informasi umum Tidak memiliki signifikansi praktis
yang terbatas
Terbatas tetapi
Memiliki signifikansi praktis yang kecil karena hanya
akan ada sedikit interaksi dengan penduduk sekitar
selama masa pengembangan
Terbatas tetapi Memiliki signifikansi praktis yang kecil
Terbatas tetapi Memiliki signifikansi praktis yang kecil
Tidak relevan
Terbatas tetapi
Tidak terdapat informasi tentang peran dari masingmasing kelompok usaha setempat dan hubungan
mereka dengan layanan-layanan umum yang tersedia.
Dalam Update RKL/RPL
Mengidentifikasi lahan sekitar dan rute laut ke lokasi.
Rute-rute yang lebih jauh akan dibahas dalam JUFMP
Item checklist
ii) volume lalu lintas saat ini
iii) kapasitas lalu lintas saat ini
Cakupan dalam
dokumendokumen AMDAL
dan Update
Sebagian besar
sudah baik
Sebagian besar
sudah baik
iv) penyediaan transportasi umum
Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
lanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
Data lama (tahun 2004) disajikan,
Data lama (tahun 2004) disajikan, tetapi memadai untuk
menyoroti kemacetan selama jam-jam sibuk.
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang kecil
v) penilaian kecukupan dari sistem-sistem Pembahasan yang Mengidentifikasi potensi kendala; merupakan tanggung
untuk memenuhi permintaan-permintaan
jawab pembahasan berbagai AMDAL dalam JUFMP
tertinggi selama masa pembangunan dan
kegiatan operasi
f. Kesehatan dan Keselamatan
i) uraian isu-isu kesehatan dan
Pembahasan yang Memiliki signifikansi yang kecil untuk masyarakat umum.
keselamatan saat ini (seperti data statistik
Tidak dibahas dalam kaitannya dengan tenaga kerja
kecelakaan industri, data emisi dari
lokasi Ancol
fasilitas sebelumnya dan fasilitas yang
ada, tingkat kebisingan)
ii) identifikasi penduduk atau daerah
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki signifikansi yang kecil untuk masyarakat umum.
khusus yang kemungkinan besar akan
ada pembahasan Tidak dibahas dalam kaitannya dengan tenaga kerja
terpapar dampak-dampak yang
lokasi Ancol
6. Sumber Daya Kebudayaan
a. Situs-situs arkeologi yang terkait
Terbatas/Tidak Sangat tidak mungkin karena lokasi berdekatan dengan
dengan proyek
ada pembahasan pantai
b. Situs-situs paleontologi yang terkait
Terbatas/Tidak Sangat tidak mungkin karena lokasi berdekatan dengan
dengan proyek
ada pembahasan pantai
c. Situs-situs sejarah yang terkait dengan
Terbatas/Tidak Sangat tidak mungkin karena lokasi berdekatan dengan
ada pembahasan pantai
d. Situs-situs pendidikan, keagamaan,
Pembahasan yang Terdapat beberapa pembahasan; tetapi memiliki
ilmiah, atau kebudayaan yang terkait
signifikansi yang sangat kecil karena lokasi aktual
dengan proyek
berdekatan dengan pantai
AMDAL membahas dampak-dampak
Memadai untuk ruang lingkup dan konteks: AMDAL
utama, tambahan, dan kumulatif selama
Ancol tahun 2006 untuk reklamasi dan integrasi dengan
semua tahap, termasuk persiapan awal
perencanaan tata ruang induk; Update RKL/RPL tahun
lokasi dan pembangunan; kegiatan
2009 akan secara khusus membahas penggunaan
operasi fasilitas dan pascafasilitas atau
sedimen kerukan JUFMP sebagai material penimbunan
penutupan lokasi berikut ini:
utama; AMDAL JUFMP akan membahas pengerukan di
luar lokasi, pengangkutan, dan lain-lain; pengembangan
khusus pascareklamasi akan dibahas AMDAL terpisah
di tahap tersebut tetapi hal tersebut tidak dibahas.
1. Pembangkit, Penyebar, dan
Penerima Pencemar
a. Sumber daya udara
Pengaruh-pengaruh kualitas udara dianggap memiliki
signifikansi yang rendah karena tidak memerlukan
pengelolaan dan pemantauan.
i) identifikasi sumber emisi dan tingkat
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; isu-isu yang ada
emisi proyek dan perbandingan terhadap
sebagian besar berdasarkan pada lokasi and pengaruhpengaruhnya (apabila ada) terbatas pada tenaga kerja
ii) perbandingan tingkat udara yang
Tidak dibahas Sangat sulit; sumber emisi variabel yang tidak pasti.
diperkirakan dengan tingkat-tingkat
Untuk beberapa parameter, standar-standarnya sering
ambien nasional, negara, atau daerah
kali terlampaui di daerah aliran udara Jakarta.
iii) uraian emisi cerobong selama
Tidak relevan
kegiatan operasi dan kegiatan
iv) identifikasi langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
Item checklist
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
b. Sumber daya air
i) pembahasan potensi penurunan
kualitas air oleh berbagai faktor
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
ii) perkiraan konsentrasi pencemar pada
kumpulan-kumpulan air dan
perbandingan dengan yang ada
iii) identifikasi langkah-langkah
Sebagian besar
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
sudah baik
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
c. Sumber daya geologis
i) penentuan potensi kehilangan tanah
Tidak relevan
dan kegiatan penanggulangan
ii) identifikasi potensi sumber
Sebagian besar
pencemaran dan langkah-langkah
sudah baik
d. Sumber daya biologis
i) pertimbangan potensi kehilangan
sumber daya biologis dalam batas-batas
ii) uraian konsentrasi efluen dan emisi
Relevansi yang
serta potensi dampaknya terhadap
sumber daya biologis
iii) pembahasan dampak-dampak bioPembahasan yang
akumulatif dari emisi fasilitas dan yang
iv) identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
2. Perubahan habitat
Dibahas; tetapi tidak dimasukkan dalam konteks yang
wajar dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi regional dari
saluran air perkotaan tercemar yang ada yang mengalir
secara tidak terkendali ke dalam dan mencemari Teluk
Dibahas, dasar penilaian tidak jelas.
Dibahas, tetapi fokus pembahasan memiliki relevansi
yang terbatas.
Jumlah kehilangan habitat laut dangkal yang tercemar
dalam wilayah seluas ±119 ha
Lintasan-lintasan/pengaruh-pengaruh teoretis
diidentifikasi; tetapi konteks dan signifikansinya tidak
dibahas dengan sebagaimana mestinya.
Dengan membatasi, lintasan yang terbatas. Uji-uji
pelindian menunjukkan potensi pencemaran yang
sangat terbatas dari sedimen kerukan.
Dengan membatasi
a. Sumber daya biologis
i) pembahasan potensi kegiatan-kegiatan
pembangunan dan persiapan lokasi untuk
mengubah habitat-habitat yang kritis
ii) pertimbangan potensi perubahan
tambahan atas habitat setelah
ada pembahasan
iii) penilaian kemungkinan kehilangan
Tidak dibahas
secara permanen atau pemindahan
iv) identifikasi perubahan atas komposisi,
keanekaragaman, dan kelimpahan
spesies setempat
v) identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
3. Pengelolaan Limbah dan
Pencegahan Polusi
Diidentifikasi; sifat tidak kritis yang diidentifikasi melalui
kesimpulan sebagai lingkungan dekat pantai yang
Dianggap memiliki signifikansi yang kecil dengan
mempertimbangkan habitat-habitat di sekitar.
Memiliki relevansi yang sangat terbatas;
gangguan/kehancuran tumbuh-tumbuhan (sebagian
besar laut) hanya akan memiliki signifikansi konservasi
yang sangat rendah.
Punahnya habitat laut yang tercemar
Penutupan. Dalam konteks keseluruhan, dengan cara
penutupan daripada pengangkutan sedimen secara
tidak terkendali (yang terjadi) ke Teluk Jakarta.
Pengelolaan limbah pembangunan mungkin tidak
tercakup secara memadai, tetapi memiliki signifikansi
yang kecil
Item checklist
a. uraian rencana pengelolaan limbah
fasilitas dengan prosedur perlakuan dan
b. pembahasan proyeksi karakteristik
limbah fasilitas
c. identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
4 Dampak-Dampak Sosial Ekonomi
Cakupan dalam
dokumendokumen AMDAL
dan Update
Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
lanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
Dibahas secara singkat; tidak dimasukkan ke dalam
Dibahas secara singkat; tidak dimasukkan ke dalam
Metode-metode diidentifikasi
1 identifikasi area-area penggunaan
lahan yang ada atau direncanakan yang
hilang karena persiapan lokasi
2 penentuan persyaratan penetapan
daerah dan penggunaan lahan yang
bertentangan dengan lokasi
3 uraian perubahan yang diperkirakan
atas lahan di dekat proyek sebagai akibat
dari fasilitas
4 identifikasi langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
b) Kegiatan Ekonomi
Hampir tidak memiliki relevansi
1 pembahasan perubahan pola pekerjaan
Bersifat hipotesis, karena akan bergantung pada pilihanpilihan kontraktor.
2 pembahasan kemampuan kelompok
tenaga kerja yang tersedia untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan tenaga
kerja yang terkait dengan proyek
3 identifikasi pengganda ekonomi yang
digunakan dalam analisis dan sumbersumbernya
4 pembahasan potensi perubahan dalam
kegiatan ekonomi keseluruhan di wilayah
5 identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
c) Populasi dan Pemukiman
Sesuai dengan rencana-rencana tata ruang
Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas
Kemungkinan memadai, dengan mempertimbangkan
Terbatas/Tidak Penerimaan umum bahwa pengutamaan tenaga kerja
ada pembahasan lokal akan menguntungkan.
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas selama pembangunan
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas selama pembangunan
ada pembahasan
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas selama pembangunan
1 pembahasan hubungan antara
Terbatas/tidak ada Memadai dengan mempertimbangkan konteks
peningkatan lapangan kerja dan
pertambahan jumlah penduduk
2 identifikasi kekurangan pemukiman
yang tersedia untuk potensi peningkatan
3 identifikasi langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang Sebagian besar memadai dengan mempertimbangkan
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
d) Layanan Masyarakat dan Keuangan
Item checklist
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas
1 identifikasi kekurangan dalam layanan
masyarakat dan infrastruktur selama
persiapan proyek
2 identifikasi kekurangan dalam kapasitas
Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas
transportasi karena dampak utama atau
dampak tambahan
3 identifikasi langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
e) Transportasi
Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; karena truk-truk
JUFMP akan dibahas dalam AMDAL JUFMP
1 penilaian atas konsistensi proyek yang
diusulkan dengan rencana-rencana
transportasi lokal dan/atau regional
2 evaluasi perubahan LOS yang
diakibatkan dari proyek yang diusulkan
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; karena truk-truk JUFMP
akan dibahas dalam AMDAL JUFMP
3 evaluasi dampak lalu lintas kendaraan
berat terhadap jalan aspal dan jembatan
yang terkena dampak
4 uraian langkah-langkah
penanggulangan untuk mengimbangi
dampak-dampak yang merugikan
terhadap keutuhan struktural
f) Kesehatan dan Keselamatan
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; karena truk-truk
ada pembahasan JUFMP akan dibahas dalam AMDAL JUFMP
1 evaluasi atas apakah kegiatan-kegiatan
pembangunan, operasional, dan
pemeliharaan menimbulkan bahayabahaya kesehatan dan keselamatan
terhadap orang-orang yang bekerja atau
tinggal di lokasi proyek atau di dekat
lokasi proyek
2 pembahasan potensi dampak tingkat
kebisingan fasilitas terhadap para pekerja
dan masyarakat setempat
3 analisis potensi bahan pencemar bioakumulatif jangka panjang dalam rantai
4 identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
g) Kesetaraan Lingkungan
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas di luar lokasi;
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; karena truk-truk
ada pembahasan JUFMP akan dibahas dalam AMDAL JUFMP
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas; karena truk-truk
ada pembahasan JUFMP akan dibahas dalam AMDAL JUFMP
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas di luar lokasi;
Pembahasan yang Memerlukan pembahasan
Pembahasan yang baik
1 penentuan kesetaraan dalam
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena pengaruhperubahan-perubahan pola tenaga kerja
pengaruh di luar lokasi sangat sedikit
yang disebabkan oleh lokasi
2 penentuan kesetaraan dalam
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena pengaruhperubahan-perubahan struktur
pengaruh di luar lokasi sangat sedikit
masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh
pembangunan dan kegiatan operasional
3 identifikasi langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena pengaruhpenanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah
pengaruh di luar lokasi sangat sedikit
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan
Item checklist
Cakupan dalam Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
dokumenlanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dokumen AMDAL dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
dan Update
5 Sumber Daya Kebudayaan
a) identifikasi atas setiap sumber daya
sejarah atau kebudayaan yang
berdekatan dengan lokasi setelah
dilakukannya surat-menyurat dengan
otoritas-otoritas yang berwenang
b) Pembahasan langkah-langkah
penanggulangan yang diperlukan untuk
melestarikan benda yang memiliki nilai
arkeologis, sejarah, atau kebudayaan
c) Penentuan taraf di mana kegiatankegiatan pembangunan, operasional, dan
pemeliharaan mengganggu atribut-atribut
keindahan atau pemandangan lokasi
d) Penentuan atas apakah komponenkomponen fasilitas dirancang dengan
mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor manusia
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena pembangunan
ada pembahasan dilakukan di lokasi dekat pantai
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena pembangunan
ada pembahasan dilakukan di lokasi dekat pantai
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki beberapa relevansi tetapi tingkat signifikansinya
ada pembahasan kecil
Terbatas/Tidak Memiliki relevansi yang terbatas karena proyek berfokus
ada pembahasan pada reklamasi area yang sebagian besar datar
1 Langkah-Langkah Penanggulangan
a) Uraian langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang Memiliki peluang-peluang penanggulangan yang
penanggulangan untuk semua dampak
terbatas tetapi terbatas dengan mempertimbangkan konteks
signifikan terhadap lingkungan alami dan
sebagian besar
lingkungan manusia (sosial ekonomi)
sudah baik
b) Uraian langkah-langkah
Pembahasan yang Penentuan pengaruh-pengaruh sisa kualitatif tidak
penanggulangan dengan informasi yang
memadai untuk mengevaluasi
konsekuensi lingkungan dan dampakdampak pemukiman (??sisa)
Terbatas tetapi Ruang lingkup tidak mencakup kegiatan operasional
c) Identifikasi langkah-langkah
penanggulangan terbaik untuk mencegah sebagian besar (yakni pascareklamasi) dan penutupan pascafasilitas
sudah cukup
atau meminimalkan dampak-dampak
yang merugikan selama semua tahap
proyek, termasuk rapat dan rancangan,
kegiatan operasional fasilitas dan
penutupan pascafasilitas
d) Dukungan jenis-jenia langkah
Terbatas tetapi Melalui kesimpulan, langkah-langkah diidentifikasi
penanggulangan berikut ini, dalam urutan sebagian besar dengan mengikuti urutan tersebut.
pilihan menurun sebagai berikut:
sudah cukup
 penghindaran atau pencegahan
 minimalisasi
 pengurangan atau penyisihan
seiring waktu
 perbaikan
 ganti rugi
e) Rencana (jadwal) pelaksanaan dan
Sudah dilakukan
kriteria kinerja untuk semua langkah
f) Entitas yang bertanggung jawab yang
Sebagian besar Sudah dilakukan
ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan setiap
sudah memadai
upaya penanggulangan
g) Langkah-langkah dapat diterima
Sebagian besar Sebagian besar tidak secara langsung berinteraksi
secara sosial dan kebudayaan
sudah memadai dengan masyarakat setempat; tetapi masyarakat
setempat memiliki harapan-harapan untuk dipekerjakan
(yang kadang-kadang tidak realistis), dan lain-lain
Item checklist
h) Sumber daya keuangan dan nonkeuangan yang memadai untuk
melaksanakan langkah-langkah
Cakupan dalam
dokumendokumen AMDAL
dan Update
Tidak dibahas
secara khusus
Komentar-komentar dari para peninjau. Uraian lebih
lanjut dari pembahasan dalam dokumen-dokumen
dan/atau penilaian-penilaian oleh para peninjau.
Sebagian besar merupakan bagian dari “praktik yang
baik” dari pembangunan teknis.
Lampiran 2
Pengembangan CDF Ancol dan interaksi dengan JUFMP
Tabel A - 2 : Pengembangan CDF Ancol dan interaksi dengan JUFMP (Jadwal dapat mengalami penyesuaian berkala)
2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5
tahu 2010
T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4
Konsultasi secara terus-menerus antara JUFMP dan PT. PJA
Penyelesaian pengaturan-pengaturan
PMU/DKI Jakarta & PT. PJA
Konsultasi-konsultasi berkala secara terus-menerus
pembuangan PT. PJA - JUFMP
Pembangunan Tanggul Pembatas Bagian Luar
Pembatasan Fasilitas
 Pemeliharaan secara berkelanjutan
Jangka waktu penimbunan menggunakan Sedimen Kerukan
Penimbunan secara terus-menerus
Pelapisan akhir dengan pasir atas area-area penimbunan
Penutupan akhir dengan laterit/tanah merah
sampel/pengujian awal
sampel/pengujian akhir
Lampiran 3
Tabel A - 3
Matriks Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan terpadu Ancol
:Matriks EMP Tambahan CDF Ancol
Matriks berikut ini merangkum pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan dan sosial tambahan untuk lokasi AMDAL Ancol untuk
memberikan rincian lebih lanjut atas langkah-langkah pengamanan dari langkah-langkah yang diidentifikasi dalam update
RKL/RPL Ancol tahun 2009 ditambah beberapa pengaman tambahan. Matriks ini melengkapi Update RPL/RKL Ancol yang
disetujui secara resmi oleh BPLHD DKI/Komisi AMDAL.
Acuan kepada itemitem teks utama
3.2.1 Integrasi JUFMP
dan kegiatan-kegiatan
CDF Ancol
1 Memberikan informasi perkembangan pembangunan Ancol
dan bekerjasama dengan JUFMP untuk meninjau kecukupan
fasilitas tertutup pembuangan material kerukan.
2 Mengadakan rapat dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan-kegiatan PT. PJA; PMU
(dibantu oleh SC)
PT. PJA; Meninjau laporan
PT. PJA; Menyusun laporanPMU;
laporan rapat
Menyetujui jadwal3 Membuat jadwal rincian terpadu, yang dikembangkan dari
jadwal dalam Lampiran 2
jadwal dalam rapat
3.2.2 “Praktik yang baik” 1 Menyusun rencana-rencana kerja dan rencana-rencana ESM ACC
dalam pembangunan
yang terkait untuk semua kontraktor yang bekerja di CDF Ancol,
pelaksanaan Rencana
dan pengawasan
yang disesuaikan dengan skala kegiatan/cakupan kontrak
uan yang disetujui
3.2.3 Sedimen dan
1 Memberikan informasi tentang hasil dan status dari
PMU/PIU (melalui SC
Memastikan bahwa
pengambilan sampel dan pengujian kerukan sebelumnya di
penimbunan/pelapisan lokasi-lokasi JUFMP kepada PT. PJA.
dikumpulkan dan
2 Memastikan bahwa material (selain material kerukan JUFMP) PT. PJA (melalui PT. PJA; Meninjau dan
yang dikirimkan ke CDF Ancol (material penimbunan dan
pelapisan) memiliki izin lingkungan yang sesuai.
sertifikasi yang
diberikan oleh ACC
3 Melaksanakan program pengambilan sampel dan pengujian
pascapembuangan di CDF Ancol atas sedimen JUFMP, 18
analisis laboratorium
bulan setelah permulaan, dan 1 bulan setelah penyelesaian
pembuangan lumpur kerukan JUFMP ke CDF Ancol.
3.2.4 Pengelolaan lalu 1 Memberitahukan proyeksi jumlah truk dan frekuensi
SC (melalui
Menyerahkan catatanlintas
pengiriman sedimen JUFMP kepada PT. PJA
informasi dari CC)
catatan informasi.
bulanan tentang
Acuan kepada itemitem teks utama
pergerakan di periode
(dibandingkan dengan
proyeksi sebelumnya)
dan proyeksi di masa
2 Menerapkan persyaratan Update RKL/RPL Ancol, khususnya PT. PJA
PT. PJA Memberikan laporan
yang terkait dengan pergerakan kendaraan secara tertib ke/dari (beberapa melalui
lokasi CDF Ancol dan ke lokasi pencucian kendaraan sebelum ACC)
kendaraan-kendaraan meninggalkan lokasi CDF Ancol
1: Tanggung Jawab
PT. Pembangunan Ancol Jaya
Para Kontraktor Konstruksi CDF Ancol
Unit Pengelola Proyek untuk JUFMP
Kontraktor Konstruksi untuk JUFMP
Konsultan Pengawas untuk JUFMP
Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah DKI Jakarta
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
Environmental and Social Management Framework
September 2011
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Project Development Objective................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose and Scope of Environmental Management Framework (ESMF) .................................. 1
Project Description.............................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Project Component ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Project Activities ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Project Implementation................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Potential Impact........................................................................................................................... 5
Role and Institutional Responsibilities.............................................................................................. 7
3.1 Institutional Arrangement............................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Institutional Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Joint Steering Committee................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Project Management Unit (PMU) ...................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Project Implementation Unit (PIU) ................................................................................... 9
3.2.4 DKI Jakarta Municipalities Administration (Kotamadya) ............................................... 10
3.2.5 Regional Environmental Agency (BPLHD) ..................................................................... 10
3.2.6 Contractors....................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.7 World Bank (WB)............................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Project Processing ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Phase 1 Project................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Phase 2 Project Sites and Linked Sites ............................................................................ 11
Applicable Environmental and Social Policies, Laws and Regulations ....................................... 17
4.1 Environmental ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Government of Indonesia................................................................................................. 17
4.1.2 World Bank Policies ......................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Social ......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Government of Indonesia................................................................................................. 18
4.2.2 World Bank Policies ......................................................................................................... 19
Environmental Setting...................................................................................................................... 19
Public Consultation and Disclosure................................................................................................. 22
Environmental and Social mitigation plans.................................................................................... 23
7.1 Environmental and Social Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting............................................ 23
7.2 Inclusion in Contract Documents /Specifications...................................................................... 32
Budget for ESMF Implementation .................................................................................................. 32
Table 2-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Ponds under Project ....................................... 3
Table 6-1 Critical Success Factors for Public Involvement in AMDAL Process.................................... 22
Table 7-1 Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Plan....................................................... 24
Figure 3-1 Project Implementation Institutional Arrangement..................................................................... 7
Figure 3-2 JUFMP Project Screening and Processing ................................................................................ 13
Figure 3-3 Flowchart of EA process during project preparation ................................................................ 16
Annex 1 : Ancol CDF Processing and Environmental Due Diligence
Annex 2 : Hazardous wastes screening as per requirement of Ancol CDF AMDAL
DKI Jakarta or DKI
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan – Process of environmental impact
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan – environmental impact assessment/statement
Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan - Environmental Impact Management
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional – National Development Planning Board
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah – Regional Development Planning Board
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane – Regional Office of Ciliwung-Cisadane
River Basin (under DGWR)
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (Regional Environmental
Management Agency)
Confined Disposal Facility
Directorate General for Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works
Directorate General for Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works
Daerah Khusus Istimewa Jakarta (Provincial government of DKI Jakarta)
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental and Social Management Framework
Environmental and Social Working Group
Government of Indonesia
Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
Kerangka Acuan – ANDAL (Term of Agreement of EIA)
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup – MoE
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Public Works
The Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment
Non-Governmental Organization
Operational Policy
Project Affected Person
Public Involvement
Project Implementation Plan
Project Implementation Unit
Project Management Unit
Peraturan Pemerintahan – Government Regulation
Project Preparation Consultants
Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Ltd. (Ancol Authorities)
Ministry of Public Works (Departemen Pekerjaan Umum)
Resettlement Plan
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan – Environmental Management Plan
Resettlement Policy Framework
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan – Environmental Monitoring Plan
Social Impact Assessment
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program Trust Fund
West Banjir Kanal
Western Java Environmental Management Project
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
The severity of floods in the capital has become a national issue given the huge financial losses it
incurs and the impact it has on communities in the Greater Jakarta area. Based on the results of
several flood studies and simulation, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) has identified a series of
floodways, drains and retention basins that need an urgent rehabilitation. The rehabilitation of
these flood control infrastructures will decrease the risk of flooding and is expected to bring benefit
to more than one million beneficiaries living in flood-prone areas.
1.2 Project Development Objective
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to contribute to the improvement of the operations
and maintenance of a priority part of the flood management system in Jakarta. The PDO will be
achieved through:
Dredging sections of selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to improve their
flow capacities, and disposing the dredge material in proper facilities;
Rehabilitating and constructing embankment in sections of, and repairing or replacing
mechanical equipment in, the same selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to
sustain and improve their operations;
Establishing institutional coordination between the three responsible agencies to encourage
coordinated development, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of Jakarta's flood
management system, and
Strengthening the capability of the responsible agencies to improve the operations,
maintenance and management of Jakarta's flood management system.
The project is aimed to support the dredging of the key floodways, canals and retention
basins of Jakarta's flood management system and dispose the sludge material in a proper
facility, using sustainable best practices (focusing on institutional coordination, and
environment and social sustainability). These activities are expected to introduce
improved Operations and Maintenance (O&M) practices in four pilot areas: (i) Dredging modern technology and best practice; (ii) Environmental - responsible sludge disposal; (iii)
Social - equitable resettlement practices; and (iv) Institutional - coordinated routine
maintenance planning and practice.
Purpose and Scope of Environmental Management Framework (ESMF)
The project will be implemented in two sequenced batches. Phase 1 works, consisting of 4
sites are expected to commence during the first year of project implementation. As such, all
the engineering designs, environmental impact assessments (AMDALs) and management
plans have all been completed, appraised and cleared during preparation of the project.
Phase 1 sites do not involve involuntary resettlement. However, Phase 2 works, which will
consist of 11 sites are at the time of project preparation in the various stages of preparation
of the detailed engineering designs, environmental impact assessments (AMDALs) and
management plans, and resettlement plans (where involuntary resettlement is identified).
In addition other works may be carried out by the government at 10 sites that have been
identified to be hydraulically and/or directly connected with the canals/waduks sections
under JUFMP. In the event that the government carries out any works activities related to
floods management (e.g., dredging and/or canal rehabilitation) in these 10 sites during the
JUFMP project period, these will be deemed project linked activities and the requirement of
the World Bank’s policy on Involuntary Resettlement OP 4.12 will apply on such activities.
The rationale for preparing and adopting this Environmental and Social Management
Framework (ESMF), consistent with the requirements of the World Bank’s policy on
Environmental Assessment OP4.01 is twofold:
1. To guide and ensure compliance with both Government of Indonesia (GoI) and
World Bank requirements with respect to the Phase 2 works and,
2. To guide and ensure compliance with both GoI and World Bank requirements with
respect to the project linked sites.
The ESMF defines the laws, policies, guidelines, roles and responsibilities of the institutions for
management of environmental impacts, project processing, relevant environmental setting;
identifies potential environmental and social impacts, describes measures to avoid or minimize
adverse impacts and measures to mitigate any unavoidable adverse impacts. Consultation and
disclosure requirements and procedures are also set out in the ESMF.
The ESMF also covers social and urban environmental issues associated with the Project. However,
the details on the assessment of social impacts involve involuntary resettlement, the number of
project affected people (PAP), compensation procedures, categories of PAPs and their entitlements
are presented in the project’s Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) which will guide the
preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs).
Finally, the ESMF will be disclosed at the concerned offices and websites of the local and central
government agencies, as well as in the Public Information Center (PIC) of the World Bank office,
Jakarta and in the World Bank’s InfoShop in Washington. The RPF document will also be
similarly disclosed.
2.1 Project Component
The Project consists of two components which are summarized as followed:
Component 1. Dredging and rehabilitation of selected key floodways, canals and retention basins.
This component will support the dredging and rehabilitation of 11 floodways / canals and four
retention basins which have been identified as priority sections of the Jakarta flood management
system in need of urgent rehabilitation and improvement in flow capacities. The 11 floodways /
canals are estimated to have a total length of 67.5 km, while the four retention basins estimated to
cover a total area of 65.1 hectares (see summary details in Table 2.2 below). About 42.2 km of
embankments are expected to be rehabilitated or constructed within these floodways, canals and
retention ponds. Where necessary, mechanical equipment (pumps, gates, etc) will be replaced or
Component 2. Technical assistance for project management, social safeguards, and capacity
building. This component will support contracts management, engineering design reviews,
construction supervision engineers for the dredging and rehabilitation works and technical
assistance. Technical assistance includes support to improve institutional coordination for
operations and maintenance of Jakarta’s flood management system as well as the establishment of a
Floods Management Information System (FMIS).
Provision has been made for the cost of
implementing required Resettlement Action Plans, as well as the establishment and operations of a
project Grievance Redress System and a Panel of Experts.
Fifteen priority floodways, canals and retention ponds were identified to be included in the scope of
the project works (see Table 2-1 for detailed descriptions). These were identified by the
Government as in priority need of rehabilitation and improvement in flow capacities.
Table 2-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Ponds under Project
Description of Drains (Estimated)
Length (m)
Width (m)
Area (m2 or
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari Floodway
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including sea side)
Lower Sunter Floodway Note 1
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round Road drain)
(2,004) (1,260)
7,840 (540)
38.00 ~ 87.00
171,870 m2
4.90 ha.
490,000 m2
20.20 ~ 47.40
338,320 m2
3,840 (1,960)
10.00 ~ 19.00
55,680 m2
21.50 ~ 45.90
161,240 m2
33.00 ha.
19.20 ha.
8.00 ha.
9.20 ~ 26.00
10,560 m2
31.00 ~ 51.00
166,050 m2
3,060 (590)
33.00 ~ 141.00
266,220 m2
15.00 ~ 36.00
131,320 m2
21.00 ~ 51.00
106,920 m2
13.00 ~ 31.00
108,020 m2
15.00 ~ 29.00
71,500 m2
7.00 ~ 29.00
62,820 m2
2,140,520 m2
65 ha.
Note 1
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter
Floodway and Lower Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain and
Krukut Lama Drain
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet drain)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Upper Sunter Floodway Note 1
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng Drain
Krukut Cideng Drain Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
5,950 (400)
16.10 ~ 31.20
Linked sites. Ten sites were identified as project linked sites. These sites are:
Kali Item, Kalibaru and Sunter Kemayoran (linked to the Sentiong Sunter Drain);
Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Long Storage (linked to the Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
Canal along Jalan Kayu Putih Timur (linked to the Upper Sunter River Drain); and
Ciliwung-Kota, the canal along Jalan Tubagus Angke, PHB Bandengan Utara; and Waduk
Pluit (linked to the Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng Drain).
The above-mentioned ten sites were identified as hydraulically and directly connected with the
canals/waduks under JUFMP. The government currently has no specific plans for rehabilitation
works at these linked sites. However, the government will apply the RPF (and all associated
provisions) in the event that activities that satisfy the criteria for project linked sites1 are carried
out in these sites.
Disposal sites. The disposal sites are not financed by the project, however, they are considered an
integral part of the project and therefore their design, construction and operation are subject to
World Bank requirements as well as Indonesia's own requirements. The approximately 3.4 million
m3 of sediment material and the approximately 95,000 m3 of solid waste that will be removed from
the floodways, canals and retention ponds that are being dredged by this project will be disposed of
in the following manner (see Fig 2-2 for an illustration of the disposal arrangements).
Non Hazardous Sediment Material - will be transported and disposed of at the Ancol Sea
Reclamation Works, known as the Ancol CDF.
Hazardous Sediment Material (if any are found) - will be disposed of at the PPLi
Hazardous Waste Facility in Bogor, West Java2.
Solid Waste - will be transported and disposed of at City of Jakarta's landfill in Bekasi, West
Java, known as the Bantar Gebang Landfill.
2.2 Project Activities
Dredging, Transporting and Disposing. The dredging will concentrate on 15 selected sections of key
floodways, canals and retention basins of Jakarta's flood management system. Volume to be
dredged is estimated at about 3.4 million m3, including about 95 000 m3 of solid wastes to be taken
out from the floodways, drains and waduks. Mechanical dredging will be employed, this method
operates using a combination of equipments, i.e. floating bulldozer, backhoe dredge on a floating
platform, long-arm backhoe and water jet. All dredged material will be transported to the disposal
site using watertight dump truck during night-hours.
Embankment Rehabilitation and Maintenance Works. Rehabilitation of the embankment will
include stone masonry, parapet work and sheet pilling for unprotected earthen riverbank while
maintenance works include pump repair and trash-rack installation.
2.3 Project Implementation
Project implementation. The construction works funded by the project are proposed to be carried
out in two sequenced phases (see Table 2-2). A sequenced implementation design has been adopted
as a key implementation risk management mechanism for the project. Phase 1 works (proposed 4
sites / 3 works contracts) are expected to commence during the first year of the project. Phase 2
works (proposed 11 sites / 5 contracts) are expected to follow subsequently. This sequencing will
avoid the PMU/PIUs and their supervision consultant from being overburdened during the first
year when detailed actual implementation processes, procedures and routines are established and
operationalized. The sequencing will also allow time for the local government of Jakarta (DKI
Jakarta) to complete the necessary resettlement instruments and arrangements for Phase 2 sites,
Per OP 4.12, the criteria for identifying linked sites are: (1) directly and significantly related to JUFMP; (2) necessary to achieve JUFMP
objectives; and (3) contemporaneous to JUFMP. Study on defining the linked sites was done during the preparation of the Resettlement Policy
Framework (RPF) and linked sites were mainly defined as hydraulically linked in the context of the first linkage criteria as specified in OP 4.12,
but do not fulfill all the three criteria altogether.
Note that specific proposed method to treat/dispose of any hazardous waste will follow national regulations on hazardous waste treatment and
disposal and subject to the approval of the Ministry of Environment (MoE).
including the establishment of a grievance redress system and the appointment of a panel of
experts. Two project linked sites i.e., Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Long Storage are linked to
Phase 1 work sites3, and the remaining are linked to Phase 2 work sites.
2.4 Potential Impact
Specific Project Impact. The result of AMDAL for the Phase 1 showed among potential significant
impacts of the project implementation, impacts due to dredged material transportation from the
dredging site to the Ancol Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) via roadways will be the most critical
issue to mitigate. These impacts include the potential of an increase of traffic congestion and
potential spillages of dredged material along the road corridor. To mitigate this issue, a transport
management plan (TMP) will be developed for each project site, in which transportation of dredged
material will only be allowed during off-peak hours (e.g., from 22:00 to 05:00 hrs4) and using
watertight dump truck. And to minimize the spillage, dredged material will be first placed into
containers (2x2x1m) before they are loaded into the truck. During transportation to Ancol CDF, the
material will be covered by tarpaulin. All dump trucks will be washed by PT Pembangunan Jaya
Ancol (PT PJA) before leaving the disposal site.
Sediment Quality. The World Bank retained a consultant (PT. ERM Indonesia, ERM) in 2008 and
later, the GoI appointed another independent consultant in 2009 (i.e. PT PPA – EIA/SIA Consultant)
to carry out detailed analysis of sediment samples from JUFMP sites. All the chemical analyses
results were assessed according to established national and international standards. ERM result
was further reviewed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as well as PT PPA.
Based on all results, the GoI concluded that the dredged material is unlikely to contain hazardous
wastes and thus can be disposed of at Ancol CDF as per Ancol EIA requirement.
Impact due to Non-Hazardous Dredged Material Disposal. The non-hazardous dredged material will
be disposed of at the Ancol CDF. The Project requires confined disposal5 principles in order to
minimize environmental impacts. The Project will thus carry out an environmental due diligence to
ascertain that the facility fulfilled the requirement as stated in its environmental permit, i.e. a
confined facility is to be built in advance before material dumping can commence (Annex 1: Ancol
CDF Processing and Approval). In addition, Ancol EIA requires the project to identify and ascertain
that the sediment to be placed into CDF is not hazardous wastes. For this, the JUFMP project has
developed a provision to be applied during project implementation for testing of sections prior to
dredging. (see Annex 2: Identification of Hazardous Waste as per Ancol EIA Requirement)
Impact due to Solid Wastes Disposal (95 000 m3) and Hazardous Waste (if any are found). Similar
to Ancol CDF, the Bantar Gebang Sanitary Landfill where the solid waste material would be taken
and the PPLI secure landfill where hazardous waste (or locally term as B3 waste) will be taken if
found, are both existing and operating facilities before the project. Thus, the project will carry out
Rapid assessments carried out during project preparation indicated that no involuntary resettlement is expected in the event that
linked activities are carried out at these two sites.
Or in accordance with prevailing DKI Jakarta transport and traffic regulations.
5 Construction of the Ancol CDF will be self-financed by the PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA). The planned Ancol CDF
will have sufficient capacity to receive the dredge material from all 15 sites. The Regional Environmental Agency (BPLHD) of
DKI Jakarta has already approved the AMDAL for the CDF. The Ancol CDF AMDAL which covers a 119 ha disposal areas (12
million m3 capacity) that was initially approved on the basis that sand as filling material, has now been revised to include JUFMP
dredged material.
environmental due diligence to ensure that those facilities are operating under valid environmental
permit and in compliance with local regulation.
3.1 Institutional Arrangement
The overall institutional arrangements for the project are summarized in Fig. 3_1:
Figure 3-1 Project Implementation Institutional Arrangement
PIU-DGWR will be represented by the Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin
(Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane, BBWS-CC);
PIU-DGHS will be represented by the Working Unit of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Infrastructure and Sanitation Development for Jabodetabek (Satuan Kerja Pengembangan
Infrastruktur Persampahan dan Sanitasi Jabodetabek); and
PIU-DKI will be represented by the Public Work Agency (Dinas PU DKI Jakarta) of the
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.
Institutional Roles and Responsibilities
3.2.1 Joint Steering Committee
A high level advisory committee, the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) has been formed to oversee the
preparation and implementation for the project and to provide coordination and advisory support
at the policy level. The JSC is led by Bappenas and comprises representatives from Ministry of
Finance, MoPW, and DKI Jakarta. The JSC will continue to provide high level oversight during the
implementation of the project.
3.2.2 Project Management Unit (PMU)
The Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR) of Ministry of Public Works (MPW) is the
JUFMP project executing agency. A PMU has been established by DGWR for the purposes of
preparing and overseeing the implementation of the project. The PMU comprises three staff from
DGWR, three staff from the Directorate General of Human Settlements (Cipta Karya) (DGCK) of
MPW, three staff from the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), and one staff from
MPW’s Office of Planning and Overseas Cooperation. The PMU is supported by a secretariat of five
staff from DGWR. The PMU is responsible for overall project coordination. During project
preparation, the PMU has retained two major consultancies to support project preparation:
Project Preparation Consultant (PPC). The consultant is responsible (i) to provide
engineering design for dredging, and embankment in coordination with the EIA/SIA
Consultant; (ii) to prepare bidding documents for all works within the project and to work
together with the EIA/SIA consultant for the inclusion of EMPs into the bidding documents
and the construction contracts; (iii) to provide advisory services to the Project Management
Unit (PMU). The PPC works closely with the EIA/SIA consultant to prepare designs that will
minimize adverse environmental and social impact.
EIA/SIA Consultant. The consultant is responsible for (i) preparation of EIA documents and RPs
that comply with the requirements of both the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank; (ii)
preparation of EMPs to be included in the bidding documents and construction contracts; and (iii)
providing assistance to the PMU with documents disclosure and public consultation.
During project implementation, the PMU will oversee and coordinate the overall implementation of
the project by the three PIUs. The PMU will also implement support activities that are common
across the project. These include (i) the overall construction supervisions consultancy, (ii) the
Panel of Experts, (iii) the Floods Management Information Systems (FMIS) and (iv) support to DKIJakarta related to involuntary resettlement and the project’s grievance redress system.
Supervision Consultant (SC). This is the key consultancy contract that will be instrumental
in supporting the PMU’s overall management, oversight and monitoring of the project.
Where there are assessed weaknesses in capacity, particularly in the areas of the
supervision of project environmental plans, the implementation of Resettlement Plans
(RPs) and the Grievance Redress System (GRS), the SC has been tasked to provide the
necessary expertise to support the PMU during project implementation. The scope of this
technical assistance services include (i) supervising the implementation of the various
dredging and construction works contracts under the project including at all disposal sites
(ii) supervising the implementation of the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
(RKL/RPL) by the works contractors, (iii) supporting the PMU and DKI in the
implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs), and (iv) developing and implementing the
grievance / complaint handling mechanism of the project with DKI.
Panel of Experts (PoE). A Panel of Experts (PoE) consisting of three independent,
internationally recognized specialists will be mobilized to provide advice on all aspects of
the project. It is expected that the POE will be mobilized at the start of project
implementation6 and fully operating especially before the Phase 2 period begins. The
specialists are expected to comprise an environmental expert, an engineer experienced in
dredging and dredge disposal, and an urban resettlement expert. The POE's main
responsibilities will include monitoring and evaluating the preparation and implementation
of various safeguards instruments (RPF, RPs, EMPs and the grievance redress procedures)
and advising the PMU on actions to be taken to improve compliance. If required, the POE
may be enlarged on a temporary or permanent basis by the addition of specialists to
provide expertise for specific, unplanned or critical issues or needs, which may arise during
project implementation. These additional experts, if any, may be mobilized with terms of
reference agreed among the PMU, the Bank, and the three initial experts that will comprise
of the POE. The POE will convene at regular intervals to review the status of work in
progress. However, special extraordinary meetings may also be called to review particular
critical stages of technical, environmental, and social activities.
Floods Management Information Systems (FMIS). The FMIS, when established as a
Government-owned and managed system, is expected to become an instrumental
monitoring and assessment tool for the Government with respect to floods management in
Jakarta. As the project is implemented, the works, changes, and upgrades to the floods
management system will be input into the FMIS. The FMIS will thereafter simulate and
analyze the levels of success of JUFMP structural works and to determine levels of
achievement in flood mitigation. This will provide the capability to analyze and document
reductions in estimated annual costs.
3.2.3 Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
There are three Project Implementing Units (PIUs) at both central and local government levels,
under DGWR, DGHS and DKI Jakarta:
PIU-DGWR will be represented by the Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin
(Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane, BBWS-CC);
PIU-DGHS will be represented by the Working Unit of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Infrastructure and Sanitation Development for Jabodetabek (Satuan Kerja Pengembangan
Infrastruktur Persampahan dan Sanitasi Jabodetabek); and
PIU-DKI will be represented by the Public Work Agency (Dinas PU DKI Jakarta) of the
Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.
Each PIU will be responsible for carrying out the dredging and rehabilitation works in the selected
key floodways, canals and retention basins that come under their respective responsibility Each PIU
will establish its own procurement committee for the selection of contractors. However, each
committee will be composed of representative from all three PIUs.
Since DKI Jakarta is the institution responsible for social issues in the Jakarta municipal area, it will
be responsible for all social safeguards aspects of the project including project related involuntary
resettlement activities and the project grievance redress mechanisms. The implementation of the
Soon after the project loan agreement becomes effective.
social plans under JUFMP will be carried out by the appropriate agencies of DKI Jakarta. Within the
PIU of DKI Jakarta (PIU-DKI) there will be several working groups7 (Pokjas): (i) Environmental and
Social Working Group (ESWG), (ii) Project Management and Quality Assurance Working Group, (iii)
Monitoring and Reporting Working Group, and (iv) other Pokjas as necessary to cover all activities
required for JUFMP implementation. The ESWG will be responsible for the preparation of RPs and
ensure that they are implemented. The Project Management and Quality Assurance Working Group
will be responsible for reviewing the RPs and ensuring consistency with the RPF. The Monitoring
and Reporting Working Group will prepare the monthly reports on the status of preparation and
implementation of RPs to the Governor.
For any project site that requires resettlement, the PIU will ensure that no contract commences
unless the RP(s) has been implemented (except elements in the RP related to post-resettlement
3.2.4 DKI Jakarta Municipalities Administration (Kotamadya)
Administratively, DKI Jakarta is subdivided into five urban municipalities (Kotamadya). Each is
headed by a Walikota (Mayor). Four DKI Jakarta municipalities will be affected by the project, i.e.
North, West, Central and East Jakarta. The Walikotas will mainly be involved in the mitigation of
social impacts; they will be responsible for coordinating activities at kelurahan level during the
preparation and implementation of RPs. The Walikotas will be assisted by the heads of the subdistricts (Kecamatan) and the head of the neighborhoods (kelurahans).
The Walikotas with their apparatus at the sub-district and kelurahan levels are the front-line
officials responsible for the operational activities during the preparation and implementation of
RPs. This includes activities for determining the cut-off date and for actually implementing the
resettlement, and for handling any grievances and complaints. In addition, the municipality office is
also responsible for the appraisal of dwellings and other buildings affected by the project. The roles
of the municipalities are further discussed in the RPF.
3.2.5 Regional Environmental Agency (BPLHD)
The Regional Environmental Agency (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta province was established in 1968
During project preparation stage, BPLHD is the agency responsible for reviewing and providing
clearance and approval for EIA documents. As per the GOI legislation, the agency forms an AMDAL
Commission, i.e. an ad-hoc commission to evaluate EIA documents. The AMDAL Commission
consists of representatives from BPLHD (2-3 persons), university experts (or known as Technical
Team, 5-7 persons from different areas expertise), representatives from sub-district (Kecamatan)
and neighborhood (Kelurahan), and representatives from NGOs.
During the construction stage, BPLHD has a supervision role for the EMP implementation by the
various contractors and will conduct regular checks or audits. The agency will review the
implementation of EMPs submitted by PMU and decide if any corrective action is required.
3.2.6 Contractors
Works contractors will be selected by the procurement committee in each PIU. All dredging and
embankment works packages will follow International Competitive Bidding (ICB) process and will
The Pokjas and their membership are established through Governor’s Decree.
require pre-qualification. Contractors will be requested to include a preliminary environmental and
social management plan in their technical proposal during bidding process. The action plan should
outline their proposed efforts to minimize social and environmental impacts. During construction,
the contractor is responsible to carry out the EMP embedded in the contract. Supervision of the
environmental and social management plan implementation will be carried out by Supervision
Consultant (SC).
3.2.7 World Bank (WB)
The WB maintains an oversight role in the JUFMP, to ensure compliance with the World Bank
safeguards policies, review and provide clearance and approval for the EMPs and RPs of each
project site. The WB will maintain an oversight role of the supervision of the EMPs implementation
by contractors, and may conduct spot checks or audits as necessary. The WB will conduct regular
supervision missions throughout the project implementation, and local specialists at the World
Bank Office in Jakarta (WBOJ) will monitor the progress of the project construction.
Project Processing
3.3.1 Phase 1 Project
Review and approval by the World Bank. There are two works packages (contracts) in the Phase 1,
i.e. contracts packages 1, 2a and 2b in Table 2-1. The AMDAL for Phase 1 works has been prepared
by the Project Management Unit (PMU). This AMDAL was consulted upon, reviewed and approved
in March 2010 by the provincial environmental agency (known as the BPLHD) as required by
national and sub-national regulations of Indonesia. The World Bank has also reviewed the AMDAL
and has provided extensive comments resulting in the PMU preparing a JUFMP Phase 1
Supplementary Report. This supplementary report includes further recommendations which will
also be applicable to the project. This ensured that the AMDAL and supplementary report for Phase
1, combined, complied with the World Bank environmental safeguards policy requirements.
EMP Implementation during Construction, Supervision and Monitoring. Compliance with the EMP
during project construction will depend upon (i) the implementation of EMP by the contractor, (ii)
supervision and monitoring of EMP implementation by SC, and (iii) oversight of EMP
implementation by the PIU, PMU, WB and BPLHD. Supervision by the SC is the day-to-day process
whereby the SC supervises contractors to ensure that environmental commitments and EMP
provisions as stipulated the contract are complied with.
Reporting. The SC will provide the PMU with reports (at a minimum on a quarterly basis) of the
results of the EMP implementation by the contractor. The PMU will review the reports for any noncompliance and may request the PIU to undertake spot checks or audits as necessary. The SC will
also provide the PMU with a formal quarterly RKL/RPL implementation report. The PMU will
review this report for any non-conformances and then submit it to BPLHD and the World Bank. The
BPLHD and the World Bank will review the quarterly RKL/RPL implementation report and will
decide whether a spot check, field visit or audit is necessary.
3.3.2 Phase 2 Project Sites and Linked Sites
Phase 2 project sites processing begins with a screening if the proposed project site is included in
the project scope (Fig. 3-2), the screening will be first carried out by PMU and PIUs and finally
decided by Joint Steering Committee. When project is confirmed as included in the project scope,
the PMU will prepare the DED. The DED will take into account considerations to avoid and
minimize environmental and social impacts, particularly impact related to involuntary
resettlement. As the DED is prepared, environmental and social screening will be performed, this
screening includes if the proposed Phase 2 activities require RP, full EA or Mini EA. All necessary
Phase 2 environmental (Full EA or Mini EA) and social (RPs) documents will be prepared. Once the
documents have been approved by authorized agencies (i.e. EA by BPLHD and RPs by DKI Jakarta),
they will be submitted to the World Bank for review and approval. In case that the World Bank
considers the documents have not met the safeguard policies requirement, it can request
supplemental EA (or info) to fulfill the OP 4.01 requirement or revision of the RP to satisfy the OP
Any activities in the ten sites identified as project linked sites are not financed by the JUFMP
project. However, the government will apply the RPF (and all associated provisions) in the event
that activities that satisfy the criteria for project linked sites are carried out in these sites. For these
project linked activities, the DEDs will take into account considerations to avoid and minimize
environmental and social impacts, particularly impact related to involuntary resettlement. In the
event that involuntary resettlement is unavoidable, an RP will be prepared. Once the RP document
has been approved by DKI Jakarta, they will be submitted to the World Bank for review and
approval. In case that the World Bank considers the documents have not met the safeguard policies
requirement, it can revision of the RP to satisfy the OP 4.12.
Construction works will not begin at any project or project linked activities before the EA and RP
associated to the works have been found satisfactory by the World Bank.
JUFMP - Projects Processing and Screening
Bidding Documents
Phase 1
Is the proposed
site of the 15 sites of
Phase 2
Is the
proposed structure
work defined in
Component A?
Phase 1 Project
Is the
proposed structure
work related to flood
Supervision and
Not Financed
(e.g. Beautification
along canal/waduk)
Not Financed
Prepare DED
AMDAL (full EA)
as per PP no.27/
Environmental Social
If involuntary
resettlement needed
Need UKL/
UPL(Mini EA)?
WB issue
Prepare RP
RP Implementation
by DKI
Supplemental EA
implementation by
implementation by
Supervision and Monitoring
(WB, GOI (Supervision Consultant), and Independent Advisory
Figure 3-2 JUFMP Project Screening and Processing
Supplemental EA
EA Process. The PMU is responsible to notify the BPLHD regarding the proposed Phase 2 project
activities. The PMU (with assistance of its consultants) will advertise a Public Notice in local media,
e.g. newspaper. After the notification, the BPLHD forms an AMDAL Commission (Fig. 3-3). The PMU
(with assistance of its consultant) will prepare the EIA Term of Agreement (KA-ANDAL) and submit
the KA-ANDAL to the AMDAL Commission for review before the first public consultation is held.
BPLHD will invite all relevant stakeholders to provide input and comment on the KA-ANDAL.
BPLHD will take minutes of meeting for the first public consultation and request the consultant to
incorporate input agreed during the consultation. The PMU will re-submit the KA-ANDAL to the
Commission for clearance, once it is cleared, the PMU’s consultant will proceed with the
preparation of EIA documents, i.e. ANDAL (i.e. environmental impact assessment) and RKL/RPL
(i.e. environmental management and monitoring plans). Once the EIA documents are prepared, the
PMU will submit it to the AMDAL Commission. Then the AMDAL Commission will request the PMU’s
consultant to present the results of the EIA in which all members of the AMDAL Commission and
public are given an opportunity to comment on the results. BPLHD will prepare minutes of the
meeting and request the consultant (on behalf of PMU) to incorporate the comments and revise the
EIA documents and re-submit it to the AMDAL Commission. Final clearance and approval with
specific conditions/recommendations (or rejection) of the EIA documents by the head of BPLHD
will be based on the AMDAL Commission recommendation.
EA Public Consultation. Stakeholders such as local people, NGOs, academic institutions, etc. are
represented in the AMDAL Commission and are therefore, given the opportunity to make comments
during the preparation and review of the KA-ANDAL as well as during the review of the ANDAL and
RKL/RPL. The existing Indonesian EA process requires at least two public consultations, and the
results of the consultations are to be attached to the EIA. A public consultation is conducted to
address both environmental and social aspects of the project activities. A public consultation should
introduce the project activities to the local residents and determine if there are any particular
concerns with proposed activities. The first public consultation is conducted at the earliest 30
calendar days after the Public Notification in the national or local media, e.g. newspaper, radio.
During this period of time, people who would like to respond to the proposed activities can submit
their comments to BPLHD or the PMU. Comments will be addressed and attached in the KA-ANDAL.
The second public consultation takes place after the final draft of EIA has been submitted to BPLHD.
Minutes of the public consultation and other documentation (e.g. photos, presentation materials,
attendee list, etc.) will be attached to the EIA as an appendix. The documentation reflects all
comments, whether or not the PMU agrees or disagrees. The minutes will also have signatures
(name, title) of the chairperson of the consultation.
EMP Implementation during Construction, Supervision and Monitoring and Reporting.
Supervision, monitoring and reporting of EMP implementation during project construction of Phase
2 activities will follow the same process as the Phase 1 (see section 3.3.1)
RP Preparation, Review, Approval and Disclosure. Preparation of the RPs will be responsibility of
the Provincial Government of DKI-Jakarta, i.e. the municipalities concerned. All RPs will be
prepared based on the RPF. Once prepared, RPs - full or abbreviated - for each project requiring RP
will be reviewed by the PMU and the PIU – DKI before they are submitted to the World Bank for
review and approval. A version in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) of the approved RPs will be made
available at the respective municipal office of DKI and will also be disclosed on the associated
project website, as well as in the field project offices (kelurahan). Versions in English and Bahasa
Indonesia will be disclosed in the Public Information Center (PIC) of the World Bank Office in
RP Implementation, Reporting and Supervision. Each RP will be implemented in accordance
with the description in section 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 above. For monitoring purposes, the SC will work
together with the Kelurahan and Walikota offices to assist them in documenting complaints from
the PAPs, and in following up on any complaints. The SC will also assist the municipalities and PIUDKI in the preparation of a consolidated report on complaints and the manner in which they were
followed up. The consolidated report will be submitted to the PMU. This report will become part of
the project monthly progress report to be submitted to the World Bank. Details of each institution
role in the RPs implementation are provided in the RPF.
tal Agency
Consultant (PPC)
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (EIA/SIA)
Document, Tools,
TOR Prepared by
Environmental and Social
Working Group (ESWG)
PPC Consultant
PMU to hire
EIA/SIA Consultant
PPC produces bidding
documents, detailed
engineering design
(DED), supervision
and monitoring plan
BPLHD to form
EIA/SIA (AMDAL) Clearance and Approval
Project Preparation
and PPC Consultants
AC to provide
input and review
EIA Term of
EIA/SIA Consultant to (i)
prepare EIA Term of
Agreement (KA ANDAL) and
(ii) carry out public
PMU to submit to the AC
Preparing EIA documents
Environmental Impact
Statement (ANDAL)
Management and
Monitoring Plan (RKL/
AC to review EIA
documents and
provide input
PMU to submit to the AC
EIA documents
PMU to submit to the Bank
Figure 3-3 Flowchart of EA process during project preparation
4.1.1 Government of Indonesia
Indonesia has a plethora of national and sub-national environmental laws and regulations
that govern the Environmental Planning process for works of this kind. The overarching
regulation for the AMDAL process in Indonesia for any activity or project with potential
significant environmental impacts is the Environmental Management Act No 23/1997, and
specifically Article 15 on the environmental impact assessment requirements. A new
environmental management and protection law, Act No. 32 of 2009, was issued on 2009
and substitutes Act No. 23/1997. Government Regulation (PP) No: 27/1999 provides
detailed guideline of the AMDAL system. Furthermore, the Ministry of Environment (MoE)
Decree No. 11/2006 lists specific activities that require AMDAL and the MoE Decree
No.8/2006 provides guidelines for AMDAL preparation.
With regard to the dredging work, the MoE Decree No. 11/2006 specifies that any
maintenance dredging activity in the metropolitan city will require AMDAL if the dredge
volume exceed 500,000 m3, this requirement is also in line with the regional law (i.e.
Governor of Jakarta Decree No 2863/2001 on type and list of specific business and activities
in Jakarta that require AMDAL), which states that any dredging with volume more than
50,000 m3 must have AMDAL approved by the Regional Environmental Agency (BPLHD) of
DKI Jakarta .
A representative sample of other relevant national and regional legislations considered
when preparing the AMDAL is:
 MoE Decree No. 2/2000: Guidance on the evaluation of the AMDAL document.
 MoE Decree No.40/2000: Guidance on the working procedure of the AMDAL
 MoE Decree No.42/2000: Guidance on the formation of evaluation team and
technical team members for the AMDAL.
 Head of Bapedal (Environmental Impact Management Agency) Decree No. 8/2000:
Guidance on public participation and information disclosure during the AMDAL.
 Governor of Jakarta Decree No 76/2001: Operative guidance on public involvement
and information disclosure during the AMDAL.
4.1.2 World Bank Policies
Environmental Assessment (OP. 4.01): JUFMP is a Category A project as both embankment
rehabilitation and dredging activities may have significant positive and adverse impact on
environmental and social. The impacts are most likely prevalent at i) locations where
embankment rehabilitation is to be carried out, ii) locations close to and along dredging
sites, iii) along transportation corridors, and iv) at disposal sites (and vicinity). The
purpose of environmental assessment is to improve decision making, to ensure that project
options under consideration are sound and sustainable, and that potentially affected people
have been adequately consulted.
4.2.1 Government of Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia has several main Laws and Regulations pertaining to land
rights and acquisition for development activities in the public interests. The major
important Law that assures and regulates land rights is the Basic Agrarian Law No. 5 of
1960. Other relevant national regulations pertaining land and land acquisition are:
Law No. 20 of 1961 on the Revocation of Land Rights;
Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration;
Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2005 on Land Provision for Development
Activities in the Public Interest;
Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2006, which revises the Presidential Regulation
No. 36/2005; and,
Implementation Guidelines No. 3 of 2007 for Presidential Regulations No. 36/2005
and No. 65 of 2006, issued by the National Land Agency.
Another regulation relevant to the project is Law No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources, which
intends to protect water resources to maintain their functions.
Presidential Regulation No. 36/2005 and No. 65/2007 regulates the procedures and
processes of land acquisition (and assets attach to it) for development activities that are in
the public interests. These include such development activities under the responsibility of
the local government, such as roads/toll roads/railways/sanitation/water distribution;
retention basins/dams; ports/airports/train station/terminals; public health facility;
telecommunication and post; sport facilities; government buildings; police and security
facility; solid wastes disposal facility; protection of natural habitat; and power generation,
transmission and distribution for electricity. These regulations also stipulate the
entitlements and procedures and criteria for compensation, appraisal for compensation,
and consultations and negotiations, as well as complaints and dispute settlements and land
revocation. It categorizes the procedures and process for land acquisition for more than 1
hectare, and for less than one hectare. The Implementation Guidelines No. 3 of 2007 for
Presidential Regulations No. 36/2005 and No. 65 of 2006, outlines in more detail the
procedures, processes and criteria for land acquisition as stipulated in the two Presidential
Regulations. The three mentioned regulations do not explicitly regulate assistance and do
not cover income restorations. They stipulate that the compensation level for land should
be made based on the assessment of the independent land appraisal team.
DKI Jakarta also has regulations that regulate compensation of assets, i.e., Implementation
Guidelines for the Assessment of Compensation for Buildings, which is issued regularly by
the DKI Jakarta Agency for Housing and Government Buildings. This regulation is used as a
basis for determining compensation level for assets (buildings and ancillary attached to the
buildings). In addition, DKI Jakarta has a Local Regulation No. 8 of 2007 pertaining to Public
Order, which has been used as a basis for repossessing public land that have been used
without permits from DKI Jakarta government or other land/public space that have been
used for the purposes that are not in line with the land use plan.
4.2.2 World Bank Policies
Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12): The safeguard policy on Involuntary Resettlement
(OP4.12) is triggered by this project. While no major land acquisition is required to
undertake the proposed physical works, the project would result in loss of land, residences
and businesses. This would necessitate resettling those affected by project interventions. To
address this issue, the DKI has prepared an RPF (for details, see the draft of the RPF). The
RPF is to ensure that PAPs are treated in accordance with the World Bank’s OP 4.12. The
RPF will be used to guide RPs for any project site that requires involuntary resettlement. In
addition to the JUFMP sites that result in involuntary resettlement, the RPF also applies to
other activities resulting in involuntary resettlement that in the judgment of the World
Bank, are (a) directly and significantly related to the World Bank-assisted project, (b)
necessary to achieve its objectives as set forth in the project documents; and (c) carried out,
or planned to be carried out, contemporaneously with the project.
DKI Jakarta is located at the coastal plain of northern Java which has been formed by a delta
of rivers flowing from the southern mountainous area into Jakarta Bay. The low lying area
of DKI has suffered from flooding since Dutch period (1800s to 1940s). The intensity and
severity of floods have considerably increased recently and have resulted in serious social
and economic costs. The construction of the West Banjir Canal (WBC) in 1920 showed that
the flooding has occurred frequently in Jakarta since that time.
Sedimentation. A study conducted through the West Java Environmental Management
Project (WJEMP) showed sediment deposits in the downstream reaches were up to 2-3 m
thick while average sediment deposit in the waduk varies from 0.9 to 1.9 m thick. Based on
the sedimentation assessment, a series of hydraulic simulation showed that the level of
protection for all rivers has dropped far from the initial design of 25 year of protection,
which in most of cases for within the areas of DKI Jakarta, the level of protection dropped to
2-5 years.
Water quality. With only about 2% coverage of integrated wastewater treatment system,
rivers and retention basins in DKI Jakarta have served for decades as open-sewer for
domestic wastes and wastewater generated from local communities. As a result, studies8-9
have shown that water in the rivers and retention basin are polluted with domestic wastes,
accounting for more than 70% of the pollution. In these studies, water quality in all
sampling stations was classified as Class 4, i.e. water that can only be used for greening
Sediment Quality. As project preparation evolved, three independent baseline studies of the
quality of the sediment material in the drains and canals in Jakarta were carried out at
different time horizons assessing various aspects including the adequacy of sampling and
testing methodologies used, the test results, and the adequacy of Indonesian requirements
against various other international standards. The reviews were as follows
Djadjadilaga, M., Sigit, H., Tejalaksana, A. From Data to Policy (Ciliwung River Water Quality Management), The
Ministry of Environment, Jakarta. Monitoring data: 2004-2006.
MoPW (2005) Outline Plan for Major Drainage and Small lakes management in JABODETABEK Area, WJEMP
Pusat 3-10, Report no. 10. Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of Public Works.
ERM10 2008
The ERM 2008 sediment quality study represents the first comprehensive and
detailed primary sediment quality study for Jakarta’s drains and waduks, and
supported much of the initial planning for the JUFMP project including the Ancol
Updated RKL / RPL and the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL. Sampling covered all the Project
sites (i.e. 15 sites) plus three others that were originally in the long list of potential
JUFMP projects but have subsequently been removed. The total number of analyzed
composite samples was 36 obtained from 180 sampling stations plus duplicate
samples for quality assurance and quality control. Collected samples were sent to an
international accredited laboratory (i.e. ALS Bogor, Indonesia) for physical and
chemical analyses. Chemical parameters analyses were based on international best
practices technical guideline for dredged material characterization (London
Convention 1972 ; OSPAR 2004), covering heavy metals, total petroleum
hydrocarbon (TPH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), organo-chlorine
pesticide (OCP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total organic matter (TOM).
In addition, toxicity characteristics leaching procedures (TCLP) based on USEPA SW
846 was also performed to determine the toxicity characteristic of the sediment.
DHV 2008
In 2008 DKI Jakarta in association with DHV (with Dutch government donor funding
undertook some pilot dredging in Kali Mati, a minor drain within Jakarta (not part of
the project). As part of this study, a total of eight composite samples from nine
sampling stations was sent out to an international accredited laboratory (i.e. ALS
Bogor) and were analyzed for all tests required under Indonesian regulation for B3
(hazardous) waste identification, i.e. (i) physical test and screening (i.e. flammable,
corrosive, explosive, infectious (only for medical wastes), reactive) (ii) chemical test
(total content analyses and TCLP for both inorganic and organic pollutants); and
(iii) biological test (Lethal dose 50 - LD50). In addition, a composite sample from
Kali Mati was also sent abroad to an international accredited laboratory in the
Netherlands (i.e. Eurofins) for the purpose of cross-check.
AMDAL for Phase 2 activities, sampling and analysis 2010
In 2010 a further set of primary sediment quality studies in proposed Phase 2 works
was undertaken as part of preparation of AMDALs for these Phase 2 works. The
areas sampled also included the 3 sites now excluded from the project. Composite
samples (9 sub-samples each composite – 3 rows about 100-200m apart, 3 samples
across each row) were collected considering both the location of the ERM sampling
and the current (as at time of sampling) physical limits of each sub-project area.
Analysis was by an accredited laboratory using local standard methodologies,
concentrating on (i) physical characteristics, (ii) total metals, (iii) TCLP metals and
(iv) TCLP organics. Thus sediment quality studies specific to Jakarta’s drains and
waduks were undertaken in 2008 and 2010 involving more than 350 sub-samples
compiled into a total of 70 samples for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
(TCLP) and total metals and organics analysis.
The World Bank in 2008 commissioned ERM to carry out these tests.
These reviews concluded that the sampling and testing methodologies meet international
standards and test results show that the samples lay within international standards, except
the following:
Arsenic levels in all samples exceed the screening level standards for one EPA
standards used to screen pollutants in environmental media11, although all samples
comply with other international screening levels of arsenic12. Further assessments
revealed that the US EPA standards is an unsuitable comparator as it is derived
based on health risks specifically of inorganic arsenic, while the sample tests and the
other international screening levels for arsenic were based on total arsenic levels.
Comparisons with an earlier Jakarta Bay-wide sediment study also indicates that the
sample tests indicate arsenic levels occur naturally throughout the area and do not
have anthropogenic origins.
Forty percent of samples exceeded the interim Australian and New Zealand
sediment screening levels for zinc for ocean disposal, although all samples were
below other soil screening levels for zinc. This risk is mitigated by the disposal of
the project dredge material in a confined disposal facility, i.e. the Ancol CDF.
About 2% of samples exceeds the screening level for one or two (but not all) of the
international standards for either one of chromium, cadmium or copper. This risk
will be mitigated by the introduction of a protocol for testing canal and drain
sections prior to dredging of that section as an added precaution13.
The results and interpretation from all three studies were similar and are discussed in
terms of:
 TCLP testing. This is the definitive chemical test in Indonesia and elsewhere to
establish whether waste material is deemed hazardous or otherwise in terms of
whether the extract contains levels of organics and metals above specified
“Regulatory Limit”. All samples from the three studies met the standards.
 TCLP organics. Again all samples from the three studies met Indonesian standards
 Total metal analysis showed almost all samples met international “soil quality”
screening levels for almost all metals. Results are presented and discussed in more
detail below.
 Acute toxicity testing (conducted on the DHV samples) demonstrated that in terms
of lethal dose 50 (LD50) the dredged sediment had a low toxicity, lower than the
acute toxicity of table salt (NaCl).
The review of sediment quality assessments also considered the health risks posed by the
arsenic levels in the sediment. Results of acute toxicity level identified the sediment
material as relatively harmless (i.e. very high amount of sediment required to be ingested to
produce a lethal dose). Assessments of likely exposure pathways of construction workers to
the sediment during the project as well as likely exposure due to the future usage of the
disposal site also concluded that the health risks are low, particularly given the requirement
US EPA Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) levels used to estimate contaminant concentrations in environmental
media (soil, air and water) that the EPA considers protective of humans (including sensitive groups), over a lifetime.
Soil Standard in South Korea stipulated in the Soil Environment Preservation Act (SEPA), DIV (Dutch Intervention Values), and
Australia-New Zealand National Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material standards
Such tests have not been previously practiced in Jakarta and a successful implementation of this protocol could serve to improve
dredge material management in the future. An outline of the protocol can be found in the “JEDI Sediment Quality Consolidated
in the AMDAL for the disposal site i.e., Ancol CDF, for the capping of the disposed material
with sand and clay.
Both GOI and WB have clearly defined principles and objectives for public involvement (PI)
in the AMDAL (i.e. EA process). The implied expectations are that meaningful PI will help in
smooth project implementation, transparency and active participation by the stakeholders.
Good PI throughout all stages will improve project implementation effectiveness and lead to
achieve intended outcomes. The National Environment Management Agency (BAPEDAL)
Decree 08/2000 serves as a guideline for the improved and strengthened PI. The decree
clearly spells out the rights of the public to: (a) receive all relevant information about a
proposed project, (b) seek relevant information about the proposed project, and (c) have a
representative of the directly affected public sit as a member of the AMDAL Commission
that reviews the draft EA. Usually, the emphasis for PI is at the preliminary, i.e. the scoping
stage of the EA process, but for this project PI will be ensured throughout the project
preparation and implementation. This approach is based on a recent study of PI in the
AMDAL process in Indonesia (QIPRA 2005) study which found that there are a number of
critical success factors throughout the AMDAL process (Table 6-1).
Table 6-1 Critical Success Factors for Public Involvement in AMDAL Process
Process Stage
Announcement In Various Media
Newspaper Announcements
Critical Success Factors
Placement in more than one paper, preferably all local papers and also
national newspapers
Notice board near project site
Posters located in strategic locations and many public places frequented
by community
Multiple posters that present information in different manners
Radio and local television
Effective for announcing invitations to public consultation events
Notices on website of proponent and environment agency
Public Consultations In Preparation Of Tor (Ka-Andal)
Scoping or pre-survey of affected communities is conducted to
understand social structure, formal and informal leaders, and the
different interests and concerns in the community
Use focused group discussions and small group meetings for community
consultation on scoping
Encourage the support and involvement of local NGOs
All levels of local government are consulted in the planning stage
Dialogue during public
Local government authorities are present and active in dialogue
Proponent is directly involved in dialogue (instead of being only
represented by his AMDAL consultants
EA-Andal Study
During study preparation
In-depth interviews with affected informed community members
Representation & Discussion In Amdal Commission
The “Affected Community” is clearly defined and can easily select a
representative who knows, and can speak, for their concerns
Discussion in AMDAL Commission
Key findings and draft EA-ANDAL study (with summary) are provided to
community representatives
Community representative(s) have discussed issues to be raised in
AMDAL Commission prior to the review meeting
Community representatives participate in EA-ANDAL study review
Other Considerations
Access to information
Delivered to community members close to location of activities
Presented in easy-to-digest format, also using pictures and graphs
Decision & Clearance By Environmental Agency
Prior to decision
Environmental agency visits community for review of all comments
received during prior stages
Community representative meets with environmental agency for final
consultation and feedback
Environmental and Social Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting
The site specific EMPs (and RPs where necessary) for Phase 2 project activities will provide
detail set of mitigation, monitoring, and institutional measures to be taken during the
project implementation in order to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts,
offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels.
Example of mitigation and monitoring effort is presented in Table 7-1. Mitigation and
monitoring are carried out to protect the natural environment and people’s health and wellbeing. Although complaints may a times be due to subjective perceptions of a nuisance or
problem caused by project activities, they usually arise because a mitigation action is not
complied with or a threshold is exceeded, such as a blocked access, loud equipment noise,
excessive dust, or local flooding.
Therefore, the complaints and grievance mechanism will also be part of the monitoring
program (See GRS system in RPF for details). It is essential that the affected communities
and the public in general have adequate opportunities for recourse if they are impacted by
the project in a significant way.
Table 7-1 Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
Phase / Operation
 Displacement of
PAPs occupying
areas required
for the project
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
 Statutory requirement: RPF embedded in the Loan Agreement
Component : Social
Issue: Permanent or temporary displacement of persons occupying
area required for project activities
Potential impacts:
 Loss or disturbance of income sources and/or livelihoods
 Loss of full or partly dwellings and commercial structures
 Performance criteria: PAPs living standard
 Object: Temporary or permanent displaced PAPs
 Parameter, method and frequency: to be specified in RPs
 Reporting: Details are provided in RPF
Consideration: Although implementation of JUFMP is expected to have
immediate positive impacts for over one million people living in flood
prone areas, there will also be adverse social impacts that require
mitigation. The main adverse impacts of JUFMP may be the
displacement of people occupying areas required for JUFMP dredging
and construction work. A rapid survey by the World Bank social team
revealed an overwhelming proportion of potentially affected people to
be informal occupants on public land.
Mitigation: (i) consider alternative design that will avoid and minimize
the number of people need to be resettlement, (ii) if not avoided,
Resettlement Plans (RPs) will be prepared based on agreed RPF. (see
 Timing: Before construction period and monitor throughout the
project until the objective is achieved.
Responsibility: Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta
Budget: Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has allocated
budget to provide compensation in cash (see Project Cost for
latest figure) or in-kind (e.g. rental housing) for the PAPs
 Dredging
Component : Natural Environment
Issue: Water quality (TSS, turbidity, odor, DO, BOD)
Potential impact: (i) Dredging causes temporary increase of TSS in the
water column and release of oxygen depleting substances (organic or
anaerobic sediments), nutrients and contaminants, (ii) Removal of biota
at dredge site and smothering benthic of adjacent site, (iii) temporary
disturbance of aquatic life due to the drop of DO level (notably fish),
Consideration: (i) Increase of TSS and BOD levels are unavoidable. The
extent depends much on method and magnitude of dredging and
hydrodynamics. However condition of the baseline is already turbid,
eutrophic and high in BOD, thus such increases of TSS and BOD will be
only temporary and localized. (ii) Benthic organism removal is
inevitable; however most of the drains and retention basins are in
polluted condition (mostly by domestic waste) that creates unfavorable
condition for benthic ecosystem. The condition of benthic community
may improve after the dredging.
Mitigation: (i) Select appropriate equipment and dredging method, (ii)
Install silt curtain when necessary, (iii) Monitor the benthic species
diversity before and after dredging.
 Statutory requirement: PP 82/1999 on Water Quality
Management and Water Pollution Control; Governor Decree
Kep. Gub KDKI Jakarta No. 582/1995 on Standards for River,
Surface water, and Wastewater
 Performance criteria: Background level
 Location: Near-field (e.g. within radius 100 m) and far-field (e.g.
radius 1000 m) of the dredging activity and dredged material
processing. The definition and near-field and far-field to be
determined in EIA.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Total suspended
solid (TSS)
Biological oxygen
demand (BOD)
Dissolved oxygen
Nekton (e.g. fish)
In-situ and
In-situ and
< 80
< 20
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months
reporting from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing: Before construction period and monitor throughout the
project until the background level is achieved.
Responsibility: Contractor (for implementation) and Supervision
Consultant (SC) for supervision and monitoring (taking samples)
Budget: Contractor (included into contract), SC (from Loan)
Phase / Operation
 Dredging
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
Component: Urban Environment
Issue: Temporary increase level of noise, odor, dust, vibration
 Statutory requirement: Government Regulation PP No. 41/1999
on Air Pollution Control; MoE Decrees Kep50/MenLH/11/1996 and Governor Decree SK Gub. KDKI
Jakarta no 551/2001on Air Quality, Noise, Odor, and Vibration.
 Performance criteria: Background level
 Location: Near-field and far-field of the dredging activity and
dredged material processing. The definition and near-field and
far-field to be determined in EIA.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Potential impact: dredging will general impact on urban environment,
such as noise, odor, dust, and vibrations
Consideration: Traffic within DKI Jakarta is highly congested,
alternative mean of transport via water or railroad will be investigated
in the EIA.
Mitigation: Monitor regularly the equipments’ integrity, modify work
practice as required, e.g. avoid operating high noise generating
equipment during night time.
In-situ and
230 µg/m3
70 dBA
* Require more than 50% of the minimum eight respondents to
confirm normal odor
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months
reporting from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing: Before the activity and then monitor throughout the
project until the background level is achieved.
Responsibility: Contractor (for implementation) and SC for
supervision and monitoring
Budget: Contractor (included into contract), SC (from Loan)
Issue: Temporary disturbance of access/livelihood
Phase / Operation
See embankment work section in this table for detail
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
 Transport
(overland using
watertight dump
Component : Urban environment
Issue: Traffic disruption, leakage and spill of material during transport
. Monitoring
 Statutory requirement: Prevailing DKI traffic and transportation
Potential impact: Transportation of dredged materials to the disposal
site, if carried out day- hours will worsen the traffic which is already
congested. In addition, leakage or spill of sediment during
transportation will cause increase of particulate matter, i.e. after the
sediment dries.
 Performance criteria: public complaint, number of spill, traffic
congestion and travel time
Mitigation: (i) Only transport the material during night hours (i.e. from
22:00 – 05:00), (ii) Load dredged material into steel containers before
loaded to the watertight dump truck, (iii) dredged material will be
transported using GPS-tracking dump truck, (iv) integrity of the
vehicles will be checked regularly, (v) maximum speed limit will set at
30 km per hour.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
 Location: from dredging site to disposal site, for both disposal of
municipal solid waste and sediment.
Traveling time
Spill (number)
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months
reporting from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing monitor throughout the project.
Responsibility: Contractor for the implementation, SC for
supervision and monitoring
Budget: Contractor (included into contract), SC (from Loan)
Phase / Operation
 Disposal (Ancol
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
Component : Natural environment
Issue: Smothering of benthic habitat in 120 ha, reduce of seawater
quality (TSS, turbidity, nutrients), and algae blooming.
Potential impact: Dredged material disposal at the Ancol CDF causes
smothering of benthic communities at the site due to an increase of TSS.
Consideration: The Project introduces and requires confined disposal
principles in order to minimize environmental impacts due to dredged
material disposal. More importantly however, introduction of CDF
principles will help restoring the ecosystem of Jakarta Bay considering
all the sediment (polluted by domestic activities and solid waste) from
the rivers and waduks will eventually end up in the Jakarta Bay.
Smothering is inevitable at disposal site however, considering that (i)
the size of CDF (120 ha) is minuscule compared with the whole Jakarta
Bay (200 km2), (ii) the ecosystem of the area is already “dead”, impact
on benthic is likely low. Although the material is predominantly clay
and silt based, the energy (current) at the disposal site is low based on
Ancol’s study, therefore it is less likely that TSS to disperse to larger
area. However, considering the source of filling material which is likely
contaminated by the human wastes as well as the proximity of the
reclamation site to the receptor i.e. public beach, pathogens
contamination will be monitored.
Mitigation: Early construction of the dike and breakwater, lined with
an appropriate geo-textile fabric will contain the TSS within the
disposal area. Close the public beach when pathogen contamination is
detected. Close the public beach when harmful algae blooming occur.
 Statutory requirement: PP No 19/1999 on Marine Pollution
Control and MoE Decree No. 51/MENLH/2004 on seawater
quality for marine biota
 Performance criteria: Background level
 Location: Near-field (e.g. within radius 100 m) and far-field (e.g.
radius 1000 m) of the CDF.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Dissolved oxygen
Total suspended
solid (TSS)
Biological oxygen
demand (BOD)
Total coliform
Fecal coliform
Total ammonia
nitrogen (T-NH3)
Total phosphorus
Nekton (e.g. fish)
Test type
Field Measurement
Field Measurement
<5 NTU
>5 mg/L
20 mg/L
< 20 mg/L
0.3 mg/L
< 0.015
In-situ and laboratory
In-situ and laboratory
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months
reporting from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing: Before the activity and monitor throughout the project
until the reference/background level is achieved.
Responsibility: : PT PJA (Ancol) as part of RKL/RPL
implementation and SC for supervision and monitoring
Budget: Contractor (included into contract), SC (from Loan)
Phase / Operation
 Embankment
Work (assuming
the major will
sheet piling
while the minor
work will only
involve masonry
stone, parapet
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
Component : Urban environment
Issue: noise, vibration
 Statutory requirement: MoE Decrees on air quality, noise, and
Potential impact:
 Short-term localized increase level of noise and vibration during the
operation of construction equipments. Sensitive receptors in the
project area include people living adjacent to the project area
Mitigation: (i) inform local communities regarding type of
embankment work and for how long the construction will take place,
(ii) concrete sheet-piling work will only be allowed during day-hours
and shall stop temporary during praying time.
 Performance criteria: community complaint
 Location: project site involving embankment rehabilitation.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Field measurement
Field measurement
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months
reporting from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing: Before the activity and then monitor throughout the
project until the background level is achieved.
Responsibility: Contractor for implementation, SC for supervision
and monitoring
Budget: Contractor (included into contract), SC (from Loan)
Phase / Operation
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
Component : Social
 Embankment
Work (assuming
the major will
include concrete
sheet piling
while the minor
work will only
involve stone
masonry or
parapet work)
Issue: Livelihood of people who rely on river or waduk
 Statutory requirement: ESMF and RPF
Potential impact:
 Temporary disturbance of livelihood;
 Social conflict between the PAPs and the project labor
 Performance criteria: number of PAP employed and complaint
from PAP
Consideration: There are small number of PAPs (rapid survey: about
30 people); who rely on the river and waduk for their source of income.
During the project construction (dredging and embankment work),
temporary disturbance may occur to those who operate Eretan (i.e.
boats tied to metal cables that can carry around a dozen of people, or a
few motorcycles and a few people, across the city’s rivers). Other
potential impact include livelihood disturbance to scavengers who
operate in the river and waduk.
Mitigation: In addition to management measure outlined in the
Community Complaint Management Section, contractors (dredging
and embankment work) will give priority to the PAPs when recruiting
non-skilled labor prior to the construction work in the areas where
those PAPs are located. An alternative to the non-skilled labor job
opportunities, in case of eretan the contractor may also help to shift the
PAP eretan to slightly upstream or downstream so that the eretan can
still operate during dredging and embankment work
 Location: Embankment work and dredging locations.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
 Reporting: SC to PMU and PIUs, DKI to PMU to World Bank
 Timing: Before the activity (non-skilled labor hiring) and after
the work in the PAPs area is completed (termination)
Responsibility: DKI (Monitoring and Reporting Pokja) and SC
Budget: Provincial Government of DKI and Contractor
Phase / Operation
 Disposal ( Ancol
CDF disposal)
Issue, Potential Impact
Monitoring, Responsibility and Budget
Issue: Changes in hydrodynamics and geomorphology at disposal sites
Potential impact: Change of longshore current, and subsequently alter
abrasion and sedimentation pattern in the adjacent areas. The existence
of reclaimed land is also vulnerable to abrasion.
Consideration: Simulation of longshore current carried out by PT PJA’s
consultant showed that the longshore current pattern will not change
after the reclamation, it will however slow down from 1.52 m/s to 1.42
m/s. Furthermore, the TSS will increase slightly while the bathymetry
showed insignificant changes.
Mitigation: Monitor the longshore current and TSS level to understand
the dispersion pattern. Consider other beneficial use schemes such as
habitat restoration.
 Statutory requirement: PP No 19/1999 on Marine Pollution Control
 Performance criteria: longshore current, sedimentation pattern and
 Location: Ancol CDF
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Longshore current
Sedimentation pattern
Field measurement
Field measurement
Field measurement
 Reporting: Monthly reporting to PIUs and every six months reporting
from PIUs to BPLHD for review
 Timing: Before the activity and monitor throughout the project until
Responsibility: PT PJA (Ancol) as part of RKL/RPL implementation, SC
to supervise and monitor
Budget: PT PJA as part of it RKL/RPL implementation
7.2 Inclusion in Contract Documents /Specifications
Environmental and social management plan (EMPs and GRS) will be embedded into
construction contract. Likewise, management and monitoring plan (EMPs, GRS, RPs) will
also be incorporated into the supervision consultant (SC) contract. This ensures that the SC
and contractors have a contractual obligation and can be held accountable.
The Government of Indonesia (GOI) has obtained a US$ 5 million grant (TF#054683)
(Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program – WASAP) from the Netherlands Government
through the World Bank and has applied a portion of this grant for the preparation of
environmental and social safeguards instrument during the project preparation period
(e.g., AMDALs, RPF, draft RPs). The cost for implementation of the environmental
management requirements have been embedded into the construction contracts which
is being financed by the Loan. The cost of implementing the RPs will be borned by DKI
Jakarta. The cost for the supervision and monitoring of the environmental and social
management requirements has been embedded into the Supervision Consultant
contract which is being financed by the Loan.
Annex 1: Ancol CDF Processing and Environmental Due Diligent
Ancol Confined Disposal Facility (CDF)
Construction of the Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) by PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA)
based on
(i) DED and Approved AMDAL documents from BPLHD and
(iii) Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Provincial Government of DKI with PT PJA for the
construction of CDF
Completed CDF
Environmental Due Diligence by PMU and WB
Is the CDF
acceptable ?
Contractor to start dumping
Annex 2 : Hazardous wastes screening as per requirement of Ancol CDF AMDAL
TCLP Screening Level
(mg/kg dry-weight)
Reg. PP No.
85/ 1999
if no metals level exceeds the Toxicity Characteristic of Leaching Procedure (TCLP) screening level,
TCLP (USEPA SW 846 ) will not be carried out
Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta
Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial
September 2011
Pendahuluan...................................................................................................................... 1
Latar Belakang ........................................................................................................................1
Tujuan Pengembangan Proyek ............................................................................................1
Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup Kerangka Kerja Pengelolaan Lingkungan (Environmental
Management Framework atau ESMF) ............................................................................................2
2 URAIAN PROYEK .............................................................................................................. 3
Komponen Proyek ..................................................................................................................3
Pelaksanaan Proyek ..............................................................................................................6
Dampak Potensial...................................................................................................................6
3. Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Institusional ....................................................................... 8
Pengaturan Institusional ........................................................................................................8
Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Institusional...........................................................................8
3.2.1 Komite Pengarah Bersama ................................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Unit Pengelola Proyek (Project Management Unit atau PMU)............................. 9
3.2.3 Unit Pelaksana Proyek (Project Implementation Unit atau PIU)......................... 11
3.2.4 Pemerintah Kotamadya DKI Jakarta ................................................................. 12
3.2.5 Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD).................................. 12
3.2.6 Para Kontraktor................................................................................................. 13
3.2.7 Bank Dunia (World Bank/WB) ........................................................................... 13
Proses Proyek .......................................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Fase 1 Proyek................................................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Fase 2 Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek dan Lokasi-Lokasi yang Saling Terhubung ......... 14
TENTANG LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DAN SOSIAL .................................................................... 19
Lingkungan Hidup.................................................................................................................19
4.1.1 Pemerintah Indonesia ....................................................................................... 19
4.1.2 Kebijakan-Kebijakan Bank Dunia ...................................................................... 20
Sosial ......................................................................................................................................20
4.2.1 Pemerintah Indonesia ....................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Kebijakan-Kebijakan Bank Dunia ...................................................................... 21
5 RONA AWAL LINGKUNGAN ........................................................................................... 22
6 KONSULTASI PUBLIK DAN PENGUNGKAPAN............................................................. 25
7 RENCANA PENGENDALIAN LINGKUNGAN DAN SOSIAL ........................................... 27
Pengendalian, Pemantauan, dan Pelaporan Lingkungan dan Sosial ..........................27
Penyertaan dalam Dokumen-Dokumen Kontrak/Spesifikasi .........................................38
8 ANGGARAN UNTUK PELAKSANAAN ESMF ................................................................. 38
Tabel 2-1 Uraian tentang Kanal-Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal, dan Kolam-Kolam Penampungan
dalam Proyek ............................................................................................................................. 4
Tabel 6-1 Faktor-Faktor Keberhasilan Penting untuk Keterlibatan Publik dalam Proses AMDAL
................................................................................................................................................. 26
Tabel 7-1 Rencana Pengendalian dan Pemantauan Lingkungan dan Sosial............................ 29
Gambar 3-1 Pengaturan Institusional Pelaksanaan Proyek........................................................ 8
Gambar 3-2 Penyaringan dan Pemrosesan Proyek JUFMP..................................................... 15
Gambar 3-3 Diagram Alur proses EA selama persiapan proyek............................................... 18
: Proses CDF Ancol dan Uji Tuntas Lingkungan
Lampiran 2
: Penyaringan limbah bahan berbahaya sesuai persyaratan AMDAL CDF
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan
Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah
Confined Disposal Facility (Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup)
Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan
DKI Jakarta atau DKI
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Environmental Assessment (Penilaian Lingkungan)
Environmental Impact Assessment (Penilaian Dampak
Environmental Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan
Environmental and Social Management Framework (Kerangka
Kerja Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial)
Environmental and Social Working Group (Kelompok Kerja
Lingkungan dan Sosial)
Government of Indonesia (Pemerintah Indonesia)
Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (Inisiatif Pengerukan
Darurat Jakarta)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (Proyek Pengendalian
Banjir Jakarta)
Kerangka Acuan – ANDAL (Term of Agreement of EIA)
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup – MoE
Ministry of Environment (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup)
Ministry of Finance (Kementerian Keuangan)
Ministry of Public Works (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum)
The Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment
(Komisi Belanda untuk Penilaian Lingkungan)
Non-Governmental Organization (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat)
Operational Policy (Kebijakan Operasional)
Project Affected Person (Warga yang Terkena Dampak Proyek)
Public Involvement (Keterlibatan Publik)
Project Implementation Plan (Rencana Pelaksanaan Proyek)
Project Implementation Unit (Unit Pelaksana Proyek)
Project Management Unit (Unit Pengelola Proyek)
Peraturan Pemerintah
Konsultan Persiapan Proyek
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (Otoritas Ancol)
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Rencana Permukiman Kembali
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Resettlement Policy Framework (Kerangka Kerja Kebijakan
Permukiman Kembali)
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan
Social Impact Assessment (Analisis Dampak Sosial)
United States Army Corps of Engineers (Korps Ahli Teknik
Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat)
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program Trust Fund (Dana
Perwalian Program Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Indonesia)
West Banjir Kanal (Kanal Banjir Barat)
Western Java Environmental Management Project (Proyek
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Jawa Barat)
Proyek Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta
Latar Belakang
Besarnya dampak banjir di ibukota telah menjadi masalah nasional dikarenakan
besarnya kerugian keuangan yang ditimbulkan dan dampaknya terhadap
masyarakat di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa kajian
tentang banjir dan simulasi banjir, Pemerintah Indonesia (Government of
Indonesia atau GoI) telah mengidentifikasikan serangkaian kanal banjir, saluran
air dan waduk yang memerlukan rehabilitasi mendesak. Rehabilitasi atas
infrastruktur-infrastruktur pengendali banjir tersebut, akan mengurangi risiko
banjir dan diharapkan untuk memberikan manfaat bagi lebih dari satu juta orang
yang tinggal di wilayah-wilayah rawan banjir.
Tujuan Pengembangan Proyek
Tujuan Pengembangan Proyek (Project Development Objective atau PDO)
adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi peningkatan dalam pengoperasian dan
pemeliharaan atas suatu bagian utama dari sistem pengelolaan banjir di Jakarta.
PDO tersebut akan dicapai dengan:
Melakukan pengerukan kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, dan waduk-waduk
utama yang telah dipilih untuk memperbaiki kapasitas alirannya dan
membuang material hasil kerukan tersebut di fasilitas-fasilitas yang
Melakukan rehabilitasi dan konstruksi tanggul pada bagian-bagian dari
kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, dan waduk-waduk tersebut, serta
memperbaiki atau mengganti peralatan mekanis yang telah rusak untuk
mempertahankan dan meningkatkan operasi kanal dan waduk tersebut;
Membangun koordinasi institutional antara ketiga badan yang
bertanggungjawab dalam rangka mendorong pengembangan yang
terkoordinasi, serta pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan (Operations and
Maintenance O&M) atas sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta, dan
Memperkuat kemampuan badan-badan yang bertanggungjawab tersebut
untuk meningkatkan pengoperasian, pemeliharaan, dan atas sistem
pengelolaan banjir Jakarta.
Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mendukung pengerukan atas kanal-kanal banjir,
kanal-kanal, dan waduk-waduk utama dalam sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta
dan membuang material lumpur di fasilitas yang sesuai, dengan menggunakan
praktik-praktik terbaik yang berkelanjutan (dengan fokus pada koordinasi
institusional, serta kelestarian lingkungan dan sosial). Kegiatan-Kegiatan ini
diharapkan akan memperkenalkan praktik Pengoperasian dan Pemeliharaan
(O&M) yang lebih baik di empat bidang: (i) Pengerukan – teknologi modern dan
praktik terbaik; (ii) Lingkungan – pembuangan lumpur secara bertanggung jawab;
(iii) Sosial – praktik-praktik permukiman kembali yang adil; dan (iv) Institusional –
perencanaan dan praktik pemeliharaan rutin yang terkoordinasi.
Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan
(Environmental Management Framework atau ESMF)
Proyek ini akan dilaksanakan dalam dua batch secara berurutan. Pekerjaan
Fase 1, terdiri atas 4 lokasi, diharapkan untuk dimulai pada tahun pertama
pelaksanaan proyek. Dengan demikian, semua desain teknik, analisis mengenai
dampak lingkungan (AMDAL) dan rencana pengelolaan lingkungan telah
diselesaikan, dinilai, dan disetujui selama persiapan proyek tersebut. LokasiLokasi Fase 1 tidak melibatkan permukiman kembali. Namun demikian,
pekerjaan-pekerjaan Fase 2, yang terdiri atas 11 lokasi, yang pada saat ini masih
dalam persiapan proyek untuk berbagai tahapan persiapan design teknis,
analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (AMDAL) dan rencana pengelolaan
lingkungan, serta rencana permukiman kembali (apabila teridentifikasikan lokasi
yang memerlukan permukiman kembali). Selain itu, pemerintah mungkin akan
melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan pada 10 lokasi yang telah diidentifikasikan
sebagai terhubung secara hidraulik dan/atau secara langsung dengan bagian
dari kanal-kanal/waduk-waduk dalam JUFMP. Apabila pemerintah melaksanakan
setiap kegiatan pekerjaan terkait dengan pengendalian banjir (misalnya,
pengerukan dan/atau rehabilitasi kanal) di 10 lokasi tersebut selama jangka
waktu proyek JUFMP, kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut akan dianggap sebagai
kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait dengan proyek dan persyaratan kebijakan Bank
Dunia OP 4.12 tentang Permukiman Kembali secara Terpaksa (Involuntary
Resettlement) akan diterapkan atas kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut.
Adapun latar belakang dan alasan penyusunan Kerangka Pengelolaan
Lingkungan dan Sosial (Environmental and Social Management Framework atau
ESMF), yang sesuai dengan persyaratan kebijakan Bank Dunia OP4.01 tentang
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Environmental Assessment) terbagi
menjadi dua bagian:
Untuk memberikan pedoman dan memastikan kesesuaian dengan
persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia (Government of Indonesia atau
GoI) dan Bank Dunia terkait dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan dalam
Fase 2, dan,
Untuk memberikan pedoman dan memastikan kesesuaian dengan
persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia (Government of Indonesia atau
GoI) dan Bank Dunia terkait dengan lokasi yang terhubungan
secara hydraulic dengan proyek, yakni 10 lokasi.
ESMF memberikan penjelasan mengenai undang-undang, kebijakan-kebijakan,
pedoman-pedoman ,dan tanggung jawab dari institusi-institusi untuk pengelolaan
dampak lingkungan hidup, proses proyek, rona awal lingkungan yang relevan;
mengidentifikasikan dampak-dampak potensial lingkungan dan sosial,
menguraikan langkah-langkah untuk menghindari atau meminimalkan dampak
yang merugikan dan langkah-langkah untuk menanggulangi setiap dampak
merugikan yang tidak dapat dihindari. Persyaratan dan prosedur untuk konsultasi
dan pengumunan ke publik juga tercantum dalam ESMF.
ESMF juga mencakup isu-isu sosial dan lingkungan perkotaan terkait dengan
Proyek. Namun, rincian dari penilaian atas dampak sosial melibatkan
permukiman kembali, jumlah warga yang terkena dampak proyek (project
affected people atau PAP), prosedur ganti rugi, kategori PAP dan hak-hak
mereka disajikan dalam Kerangka Kebijakan Permukiman Kembali
(Resettlement Policy Framework atau RPF) proyek tersebut yang akan
memberikan pedoman untuk penyusunan Rencana Permukiman Kembali
(Resettlement Plans atau RP).
Pada akhirnya, ESMF akan diumumkan di kantor-kantor dan situs-situs web
yang berkepentingan dari badan-badan pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah
pusat, serta di Pusat Informasi Publik (Public Information Center atau PIC) kantor
Bank Dunia, Jakarta dan di InfoShop Bank Dunia di Washington. Demikian juga,
Dokumen RPF akan diumumkan dengan cara yang sama.
Komponen Proyek
Proyek ini terdiri atas dua komponen yang dirangkum sebagai berikut:
Komponen 1. Pengerukan dan rehabilitasi atas kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal,
dan waduk-waduk utama yang telah ditentukan. Komponen ini akan mendukung
pengerukan dan rehabilitasi atas 11 kanal banjir/kanal dan empat buah waduk
yang telah diidentifikasikan sebagai bagian utama yang penting dari sistem
pengelolaan banjir Jakarta yang membutuhkan rehabilitasi mendesak dan
peningkatan dalam kapasitas alirannya. Terdapat 11 kanal banjir/kanal tersebut
diperkirakan memiliki panjang total 67,5 km, sedangkan empat waduk tersebut
diperkirakan mencakup wilayah total seluas 65,1 hektar (lihat rincian rangkuman
pada Tabel 2.2 di bawah). Tanggul sepanjang lokasi proyek (dengan total
panjang sekitar 42,2 km) akan direhabilitasi dan dibangun pada kanal-kanal
banjir, kanal-kanal, dan waduk-waduk tersebut. Apabila diperlu, peralatan
mekanis (pompa, pagar-pagar, dll) juga akan diganti atau diperbaiki.
Komponen 2. Bantuan teknis untuk pengelolaan proyek, pengaman sosial, dan
pengembangan kapasitas. Komponen ini akan mendukung pengelolaan kontrak,
tinjauan desain teknik, ahli teknik pengawasan konstruksi untuk pekerjaan
pengerukan dan rehabilitasi dan bantuan teknis. Bantuan teknis termasuk
dukungan untuk peningkatan koordinasi institusional untuk pengoperasian dan
pemeliharaan sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta serta pembuatan sebuah Sistem
Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (Floods Management Information System atau
FMIS). Ketentuan pendanaan telah disusun untuk pelaksanaan Rencana
Permukiman Kembali, serta pembuatan dan pengoperasian suatu Sistem
Penanganan Pengaduan proyek dan Panel Tenaga Ahli.
Lima belas kanal banjir, kanal, dan waduk prioritas telah diidentifikasikan untuk
dimasukan ke dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan proyek (lihat Tabel 2-1 untuk
uraian yang terperinci). Kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, dan waduk-waduk
tersebut telah diidentifikasikan oleh Pemerintah sebagai sangat membutuhkan
rehabilitasi dan peningkatan kapasitas aliran.
Tabel 0-1 Uraian tentang Kanal-Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal, dan KolamKolam Penampungan dalam Proyek
Kanal Banjir Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Kanal Banjir Cengkareng (termasuk
pinggiran pantai)
Catatan 1
Kanal Banjir Sunter Bawah
Saluran Air Cideng Thamrin (Saluran Air
Jalan Lingkar)
Saluran Air Sentiong-Sunter (termasuk
Kanal Ancol)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Saluran Air
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Saluran Air Tanjungan
Saluran Air Angke Bawah
Kanal Banjir Barat (tepi laut)
Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas
Grogol – Saluran Air Sekretaris
Saluran Air Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng
Catatan 2
Saluran Air Krukut Cideng
Catatan 2
Saluran Air Krukut Lama
Uraian tentang Saluran Air (Perkiraan)
Panjang (m)
Lebar (m)
Wilayah (m
atau ha.)
21,50 ~ 45,90
171.870 m
4,90 ha.
7.840 (540)
38,00 ~ 87,00
490.000 m
20,20 ~ 47,40
338.320 m
3.840 (1.960)
10,00 ~ 19,00
55.680 m
5.950 (400)
16,10 ~ 31,20
161.240 m
33,00 ha.
3.060 (590)
19,20 ha.
8,00 ha.
10.560 m
166.050 m
266.220 m
9,20 ~ 26,00
31,00 ~ 51,00
33,00 ~
15,00 ~ 36,00
21,00 ~ 51,00
13,00 ~ 31,00
15,00 ~ 29,00
7,00 ~ 29,00
131.320 m
106.920 m
108.020 m
71.500 m
62.820 m
2.140.520 m
65 ha.
Catatan 1
Untuk tujuan-tujuan kontrak, Kanal Banjir Sunter telah dibagi menjadi dua subpaket – Kanal Banjir
Sunter Atas dan Kanal Banjir Sunter Bawah.
Catatan 2
Untuk tujuan-tujuan kontrak, Saluran Air Krukut telah dibagi menjadi dua subpaket – Saluran Air
Krukut Cideng dan Saluran Air Krukut Lama
Lokasi-Lokasi yang saling terhubung. Sepuluh lokasi telah diidentifikasikan
sebagai lokasi-lokasi yang terkait proyek. Lokasi-lokasi tersebut adalah:
Kali Item, Kalibaru, dan Sunter Kemayoran (terhubung dengan
Saluran Air Sentiong Sunter);
Saluran Ancol Kampung Bandan dan Ancol Long-Storage
(terhubungan dengan Kanal Banjir Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari)
Kanal sepanjang Jl. Kayu Putih Timur (terhubung dengan Saluran
Air Sungai Sunter Atas);
Ciliwung Kota, kanal sepanjang Jl Tubagus Angke, PHB
Bandengan Utara; dan Waduk Pluit (terhubung dengan Saluran Air
Pakin–Kali Besar– Jelakeng).
Sepuluh lokasi yang disebutkan di atas telah diidentifikasikan sebagai terhubung
secara hidraulik dan secara langsung dengan kanal-kanal/waduk-waduk dalam
JUFMP. Pada saat ini, pemerintah tidak memiliki rencana khusus untuk
pekerjaan rehabilitasi pada lokasi-lokasi yang saling terhubung tersebut. Namun,
pemerintah akan menerapkan RPF (and semua ketentuan terkait) apabila
aktivitas-akitivitas yang memenuhi kriteria untuk lokasi-lokasi yang terhubung
dengan proyek dilaksanakan dalam lokasi-lokasi1 tersebut.
Lokasi-Lokasi pembuangan. Lokasi-Lokasi pembuangan tidak dibiayai oleh
proyek, namun, lokasi-lokasi tersebut dianggap sebagai bagian dari proyek
JUFMP dan oleh sebab itu, rancangan, konstruksi, dan pengoperasiannya akan
mengikuti persyaratan Bank Dunia serta persyaratan Pemerintah Indonesia
sendiri. Sekitar 3,4 juta m3 material endapan dan sekitar 95.000 m3 limbah padat
yang akan dikeruk dari kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, dan waduk melalui proyek
ini, akan dibuang dengan cara berikut ini (lihat Gambar 2-2 untuk gambaran
tentang pengaturan pembuangan).
Material endapan yang tidak berbahaya – akan diangkut dan
dibuang ke lokasi Pekerjaan Reklamasi Laut Ancol, yang dikenal
sebagai CDF Ancol.
Material endapan yang berbahaya (apabila ditemukan) – akan
dibuang ke fasilitas pengelolaan limbah berbahaya PPLi di Bogor,
Jawa Barat2.
Limbah padat – akan diangkut dan dibuang di tempat pembuangan
akhir (TPA) Jakarta di Bekasi, Jawa Barat, dikenal sebagai TPA
Bantar Gebang.
Kegiatan-kegiatan Proyek
Pengerukan, Pengangkutan, dan Pembuangan. Pengerukan akan terpusat pada
15 bagian yang ditentukan dari kanal banjir, kanal dan waduk utama dalam
sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta. Volume material yang akan dikeruk
diperkirakan sebesar 3,4 juta m3, termasuk 95.000 m3 limbah padat yang akan
dipindahkan dari kanal-kanal banjir, saluran-saluran air, dan waduk-waduk.
Pengerukan secara mekanis akan digunakan, metode ini bekerja dengan
menggunakan kombinasi dari berbagai peralatan, yakni buldoser apung,
backhoe pengeruk di atas landasan apung, long-arm backhoe, dan water jet.
Semua material hasil kerukan akan diangkut ke lokasi pembuangan dengan
menggunakan truk pembuangan kedap air pada malam hari.
Rehabilitasi Tanggul dan Pekerjaan Pemeliharaan. Rehabilitasi tanggul akan
mencakup pekerjaan Stone masonry, parapet dan pemasangan sheet-pile pada
tanggul sungai yang belum terproteksi, sedangkan pekerjaan pemeliharaan
termasuk perbaikan pompa dan pemasangan saringan sampah.
Berdasarkan OP 4.12, kriteria untuk mengidentifikasikan lokasi-lokasi yang terhubung adalah: (1) secara langsung
dan secara signifikan terkait dengan JUFMP; (2) diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan JUFMP; dan (3) bersamaan
dengan JUFMP. Studi untuk mendefinisikan lokasi-lokasi terkait telah dilakukan selama penyusunan Kerangka
Kebijakan Pemukiman Kembali (Resettlement Policy Framework atau RPF) dan lokasi-lokasi yang terhubung pada
pokoknya didefinisikan sebagai terhubung secara hidraulik dalam konteks kriteria keterhubungan pertama sebagaimana
disebutkan dalam OP 4.12, namun tidak memenuhi ketiga kriteria tersebut secara keseluruhan.
Sebagai catatan bahwa metode spesific yang diajukan untuk mengolah/membuang limbah bahan
berbahaya dan beracun (B3) akan mengikuti ketentuan perundangan mengenai limbah B3 dan persetujuan
dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup akan merupakan prasyarat.
Pelaksanaan Proyek
Pelaksanaan Proyek. Pelaksaanan pekerjaan yang dibiayai oleh proyek
diusulkan untuk dilakukan dalam dua tahap secara berurutan (lihat Tabel 2-2).
Rancangan pelaksanaan yang bertahap ini diadopsi sebagai mekanisme
pengelolaan risiko pelaksanaan proyek tersebut. Pekerjaan Fase 1 (4 lokasi
yang diusulkan/ 3 kontrak pekerjaan) diharapkan untuk dimulai pada tahun
pertama proyek. Pekerjaan Fase 2 (11 lokasi yang diusulkan/5 kontrak)
diharapkan untuk dilaksanakan selanjutnya. Pengtahapan tersebut akan
mengindari terbebaninya PMU/PIU dan konsultan pengawasan mereka secara
berlebihan pada tahun pertama saat proses, prosedur, dan rutinitas pelaksanaan
aktual terperinci ditetapkan dan dioperasionalisasikan. Pengtahapan tersebut
juga akan memberikan waktu kepada Pemerintah Daerah Jakarta (DKI Jakarta)
untuk menyelesaikan instrumen-instrumen dan pengaturan untuk lokasi-lokasi
Fase 2 yang mana permukiman kembali diperlukan, termasuk pembuatan sistem
penanganan pengaduan dan penunjukan sebuah panel tenaga ahli. Dua lokasi
terkait dengan proyek yaitu Ancol Kampung Bandan dan Ancol Long Storage
merupakan lokasi yang terkait dengan pekerjaan Fase 13, dan lokasi terkait lain
nya terkait dengan Fase 2
Dampak Potensial
Dampak Proyek Spesifik. Hasil AMDAL untuk Fase 1 menunjukan bahwa di
antara dampak signifikan potensial dari pelaksanaan proyek, dampak yang
timbul akibat pengangkutan material kerukan dari lokasi pengerukan ke Fasilitas
Pembuangan Tertutup (CDF) Ancol melalui jalan-jalan menjadi masalah paling
penting untuk ditanggulangi. Adapun dampak yang timbul termasuk peningkatan
potensi kemacetan lalu lintas dan potensi tumpahan dari material kerukan
sepanjang koridor jalan. Untuk menanggulangi permasalahan ini, rencana
pengelolaan pengangkutan (TMP) telah dikembangkan untuk setiap lokasi
proyek, di mana pengangkutan dari material kerukan hanya akan dizinkan pada
waktu di luar waktu puncak (off-peak hours) (yaitu dari pukul 22:00 sampai pukul
05:004) dan dengan menggunakan truk pembuangan kedap air. Untuk
meminimalkan tumpahan tersebut, material kerukan pertama-tama akan
ditempatkan ke dalam kontainer (2x2x1m) sebelum material kerukan tersebut
diangkut ke dalam truk. Selama pengangkutannya ke CDF Ancol, material
tersebut akan ditutup dengan terpal. Semua truk pengangkut akan dibersihkan
oleh PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA) sebelum meninggalkan lokasi
Kualitas Sedimen. Bank Dunia mempekerjakan konsultan (PT. ERM Indonesia,
ERM) pada tahun 2008 dan selanjutnya, Pemerintah Indonesia (GoI)
mengangkat konsultan independen lainnya pada tahun 2009 (yaitu, Konsultan
PT PPA – EIA/SIA) untuk melaksanakan analisis mendalam atas sampel
sedimen dari lokasi-lokasi JUFMP. Semua hasil analisa kimia telah dikaji sesuai
standard nasional dan internasional yang telah ada. Hasil ERM lebih jauh dikaji
Analisis praduga dampak menunjukan bahwa kalaupun pada kedua lokasi terkait ini akan dilakukan
kegiatan, tidak diperlukan proses pemindahan warga terkena proyek
Atau sesuai dengan peraturan pengangkutan dan lalu lintas DKI Jakarta yang berlaku.
oleh Korps Ahli Teknik Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat (the United States Army
Corps of Engineers atau USACE) serta PT PPA. Berdasarkan semua hasil
tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia (GoI) menyimpulkan bahwa sangat kecil
kemungkinan bahwa material kerukan adalah limbah B3 dan material kerukan
dapat dibuang pada CDF Ancol sesuai dengan persyaratan EIA Ancol.
Dampak Pembuangan Material hasil kerukan yang Tidak Berbahaya. Material
kerukan yang bukan limbah B3 akan dibuang di CDF Ancol. Proyek
mensyaratkan prinsip-prinsip pembuangan tertutup5 untuk meminimalkan
dampaknya terhadap lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, Proyek akan melaksanakan
due dilligence untuk memastikan bahwa fasilitas pembuangan memenuhi
persyaratan sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam izin lingkungan, yaitu fasilitas yang
tertutup dibangun sebelum pembuangan material mulai dilaksanakan (Lampiran
1: Proses dan Persetujuan CDF Ancol). Selain itu, AMDAL Ancol mensyaratkan
proyek untuk melakukan identifikasi dan memastikan bahwa sedimen yang akan
ditempatkan pada CDF tidak merupakan limbah B3. Oleh sebab itu, proyek
JUFMP telah mengembangkan prosedur yang akan digunakan selama
pelaksanaan proyek untuk menguji setiap bagian sebelum pengerukan
dilakukan. (lihat Lampiran 2: Identifikasi dari Limbah B3 sebagai mana
disyaratkan dalam AMDAL Ancol)
Dampak Pembuangan Limbah Padat (95.000 m3) dan Limbah B3 (apabila
ditemukan). Sebagaimana dengan CDF Ancol, Tempat Penimbunan Akhir (TPA)
Bantar Gebang akan menerima limbah padat (sampah ukuran besar) dari proyek
dan Secure Landfill PPLI akan menampung limbah B3, apabila ditemukan,
keduanya merupakan fasilitas yang telah ada dan beroperasi sebelum proyek
JUFMP dipersiapkan. Oleh sebab itu, pihak proyek JUFMP akan melaksanakan
due dilligence lingkungan untuk memastikan bahwa fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut
beroperasi berdasarkan izin lingkungan yang sah dan sesuai dengan peraturan
5 Pembangunan CDF Ancol akan dibiayai sendiri oleh PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA). CDF Ancol yang
direncanakan akan memiliki kapasitas yang memadai untuk menerima material kerukan dari semua 15 lokasi.
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Daerah (BPLHD) DKI Jakarta telah menyetujui AMDAL untuk CDF tersebut.
AMDAL CDF Ancol yang mencakup 119 ha wilayah pembuangan (kapasitas 12 juta m3) yang pada awalnya
disetujui atas dasar bahwa pasir merupakan material pengisian, yang telah direvisi untuk memasukan material
kerukan JUFMP.
Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Institusional
Pengaturan Institusional
Pengaturan-Pengaturan institusional secara keseluruhan untuk proyek ini,
dirangkum dalam Gambar 3_1:
Gambar 3-1 Pengaturan Institusional Pelaksanaan Proyek
PIU-DGWR akan diwakili oleh Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai
Ciliwung-Cisadane (Regional Office for the Ciliwung-Cisadane
River Basin atau BBWS-CC);
PIU-DGHS akan diwakili oleh Satuan Kerja Pengembangan
Infrastruktur Persampahan dan Sanitasi Jabodetabek (Working Unit
of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Infrastructure and Sanitation
Development for Jabodetabek); dan
PIU-DKI akan diwakili oleh Dinas PU DKI Jakarta (Public Work
Agency) dari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Institusional
3.2.1 Komite Pengarah Bersama
Sebuah komite penasihat tingkat tinggi yaitu Komite Pengarah Bersama (Joint
Steering Committee atau JSC) telah dibentuk untuk mengawasi persiapan dan
pelaksanaan proyek, dan untuk memberikan koordinasi dan dukungan nasihat
pada tingkat kebijakan. JSC dipimpin oleh Bappenas dan terdiri atas para
perwakilan dari Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, dan
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. JSC akan tetap memberikan pengawasan
tingkat tinggi selama pelaksanaan proyek.
3.2.2 Unit Pengelola Proyek (Project Management Unit atau PMU)
Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air (Directorate General of Water Resources
atau DGWR) Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (Ministry of Public Works atau
MPW) adalah PMU JUFMP.
PMU telah dibuat oleh DGWR untuk
mempersiapakan dan mengawasi pelaksanaan proyek. PMU terdiri atas tiga
orang staf dari DGWR, tiga orang staf dari Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya
(Directorate General of Human Settlements atau DGCK), tiga orang staf dari
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, dan satu orang staf Kementerian Pekerjaan
Umum dari bagian Kerjasama Perencanaan dan Luar Negeri (Planning and
Overseas Cooperation). PMU didukung pula oleh sekretariat, lima orang staf dari
DGWR. PMU bertanggung jawab atas koordinasi proyek secara keseluruhan.
Selama persiapan proyek, PMU telah mempekerjakan dua konsultan utama
untuk mendukung persiapan proyek:
Konsultan Persiapan Proyek (Project Preparation Consultant atau
PPC). Konsultan bertanggung jawab (i) untuk memberikan desain
teknik untuk pengerukan, dan tanggul sesuai dengan konsultan
EIA/SIA; (ii) untuk mempersiapkan dokumen tender untuk semua
pekerjaan dalam waktu proyek tersebut dan untuk bekerja sama
dengan konsultan EIA/SIA untuk penyertaan EMP ke dalam
dokumen tender dan kontrak konstruksi; (iii) untuk memberikan
jasa-jasa konsultasi kepada Unit Pengelola Proyek (Project
Management Unit atau PMU). PPC bekerja sama dengan
konsultan EIA/SIA utnuk membuat desain yang akan
meminimalkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan sosial.
Konsultan EIA/SIA. Konsultan bertanggung jawab (i) untuk
pembuatan dokumen AMDAL dan rencana pemukiman kembali
(Resettlement Plan, RP) yang memenuhi persyaratan, baik dari
Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Dunia; (ii) untuk persiapan
rencana pengelolaan lingkungan (enviromental management plan,
EMP) untuk disertakan dalam dokumen tender dan kontrak-kontrak
konstruksi; dan (iii) membantu PMU dalam mempublikasikan
dokumen yang telah disetujui dan konsultasi publik.
Selama pelaksanaan proyek, PMU akan mengawasi dan melakukan koordinasi
pelaksanaan proyek secara menyeluruh melalui tiga PIU. PMU juga akan
melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan pendukung yang umum selama proyek
tersebut. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, termasuk (i) konsultasi pengawasan
konstruksi secara menyeluruh, (ii) Panel Tenaga Ahli, (iii) Sistem Informasi
Pengelolaan Banjir (Floods Management Information Systems atau FMIS) dan
(iv) mendukung DKI-Jakarta terkait dengan permukiman kembali dan sistem
penanganan pengaduan proyek.
Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant atau SC). Kontrak
dengan Konsultan Pengawasan merupakan kontrak konsultan
utama yang terpenting dalam mendukung pengelolaan menyeluruh
PMU, pengawasan dan pemantauan proyek. Apabila terdapat
penilaian kekurangan dalam kapasitas, secara khusus dalam area
pengawasan dari rencana lingkungan proyek, pelaksanaan
Rencana Permukiman Kembali (Resettlement Plans atau RP) dan
Sistem Penanganan Keluhan (Grievance Redress System atau
GRS), SC telah ditugaskan untuk memberikan tenaga ahli yang
diperlukan untuk mendukung PMU selama pelaksanaan proyek.
Ruang lingkup dari jasa-jasa bantuan teknis ini termasuk (i)
mengawasi pelaksanaan dari berbagai pengerukan dan kontrak
pekerjaan pembangungan berdasarkan proyek, termasuk pada
semua lokasi pembuangan (ii) mengawasi pelaksanaan Rencana
Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan (Environmental
Management and Monitoring Plan atau RKL/RPL) oleh kontraktorkontraktor pekerjaan, (iii) mendukung PMU dan DKI dalam
pelaksanaan Rencana Permukiman Kembali (Resettlement Plans
atau RP), dan (iv) meningkatkan dan melaksanakan mekanisme
penanganan keluhan/pengaduan proyek dengan DKI.
Panel Tenaga Ahli (Panel of Experts atau PoE). Panel Tenaga Ahli
(PoE) terdiri atas tiga orang spesialis independen, yang diakui
secara internasional akan diminta untuk memberikan saran atas
semua aspek proyek. POE direncanakan akan dimobilisasi pada
saat implementasi proyek6 dimulai dan akan beroperasi secara
penuh sebelum Fase 2 dimulai. Para spesialis diharapkan terdiri
atas ahli lingkungan, ahli yang berpengalaman dalam pengerukan
dan pembuangan kerukan, dan ahli tentang permukiman kembali
pekotaan. Tanggung jawab utama dari POE akan mencakup
pemantauan dan pengevaluasian atas persiapan dan pelaksanaan
berbagai instrumen-instrumen pengaman (RPF, RP, EMP, dan
prosedur penanganan pengaduan) dan memberikan saran kepada
PMU atas tindakan-tindakan yang akan diambil untuk memperbaiki
kepatuhan. Apabila diperlukan, jumlah anggota POE dapat
ditambah baik untuk waktu sementara atau permanen melalui
penambahan spesialis untuk memberikan tenaga ahli untuk isu-isu
atau kebutuhan spesifik, yang tidak direncanakan atau yang
penting, yang dapat timbul selama pelaksaan proyek. Tenagatenaga ahli ini, apabila ada, dapat dimobilisasikan dengan
kerangka acuan yang disepakati antara PMU, Bank, dan tiga orang
tenaga ahli awal yang terdiri atas POE. POE akan mengadakan
rapat rutin pada interval waktu tertentu untuk mengkaji status
pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung (work in progress). Namun,
rapat luar biasa yang sebelumnya tidak terjadwal dapat juga digelar
untuk mengkaji tahapan penting dari kegiatan teknis, lingkungan,
dan sosial.
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (Floods Management
Information Systems atau FMIS). FMIS, yang saat selesai akan
Secepatnya setelah Loan Agreement efektif
menjadi milik dan dikelola oleh Pemerintah, diharapkan untuk
menjadi alat pemantauan dan penilaian yang penting bagi
Pemerintah terkait dengan pengelolaan banjir di Jakarta.
Sebagaimana proyek JUFMP ini dilaksanakan, hasil pekerjaan
fisik, perubahan yang terjadi, dan peningkatan sistem pengelolaan
banjir tersebut akan menjadi input dalam FMIS. Setelah itu, FMIS
akan mensimulasi dan menganalisa tingkat kesuksesan dari
pekerjaan struktural JUFMP dan menentukan tingkat kesuksesan
nya dalam penanggulangan banjir. Hal ini akan memberikan
kemampuan untuk menganalisa dan mengdokumentasikan
penurunan estimasi biaya tahunan.
3.2.3 Unit Pelaksana Proyek (Project Implementation Unit atau PIU)
Terdapat tiga Unit Pelaksana Proyek (PIU) pada tingkat pemerintahan pusat dan
daerah, di bawah DGWR, DGHS, dan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta:
PIU-DGWR akan diwakili oleh Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai
Ciliwung-Cisadane (BBWS-CC);
PIU-DGHS akan diwakili oleh Satuan Kerja Pengembangan
Infrastruktur Persampahan dan Sanitasi Jabodetabek (Working Unit
of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Infrastructure and Sanitation
Development for Jabodetabek); dan
PIU-DKI akan diwakili oleh Dinas PU Pemerintah Provinsi DKI
PIU akan bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan pekerjaan pengerukan dan
rehabilitasi pada kanal-kanal banjir, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk utama yang
ditentukan yang berdasarkan tanggung jawab masing-masing dari setiap PIU
akan membuat komite pengadaannya sendiri untuk penentuan kontraktor.
Namun, setiap komite akan terdiri atas para perwakilan dari semua tiga PIU.
Karena DKI Jakarta merupakan institusi yang bertanggung jawab atas isu-isu
sosial di wilayah kota Jakarta, DKI akan bertanggung jawab atas semua aspek
pengaman sosial dari proyek, termasuk proyek yang terkait dengan kegiatan
permukiman kembali dan mekanisme penanganan keluhan tentang proyek.
Pelaksanaan rencana pengelolaan dampak sosial JUFMP akan dilaksanakan
oleh dinas-dinas dibawah provinsi DKI Jakarta. Dalam PIU DKI Jakarta (PIUDKI), terdapat beberapa kelompok kerja7 (Pokja): (i) Kelompok Kerja Lingkungan
dan Sosial (Environmental and Social Working Group atau ESWG), (ii) Kelompok
Kerja Penjamin Pengelolaan dan Kualitas Proyek (Project Management and
Quality Assurance Working Group), (iii) Kelompok Kerja Pemantauan dan
Pelaporan (Monitoring and Reporting Working Group), dan (iv) Pokja lain
sebagaimana diperlukan untuk menangani semua kegiatan yang diperlukan
dalam pelaksanaan JUFMP. ESWG akan bertanggung jawab atas persiapan RP
dan menjamin bahwa RP tersebut dilaksanakan. Kelompok Kerja Penjamin
Pokja dan keanggotaannya dibentuk berdasarkan keputusan Gubernur.
Pengelolaan dan Kualitas Proyek akan bertanggung jawab atas pengujian RP
dan memastikan kepatuhannya terhadap RPF. Kelompok Kerja Pemantauan
dan Pelaporan akan mempersiapkan laporan bulanan mengenai status
persiapan dan pelaksanaan RP kepada Gubernur.
Untuk setiap lokasi proyek yang membutuhkan permukiman kembali, PIU akan
memastikan bahwa tidak ada permulaan kontrak kecuali apabila RP telah
dilaksanakan (kecuali, unsur-unsur dalam RP terkait dengan kegiatan, setelah
permukiman kembali dilakukan).
3.2.4 Pemerintah Kotamadya DKI Jakarta
Secara administratif, DKI Jakarta dibagi menjadi lima kotamadya. Masing-masing
dikepalai oleh seorang Walikota (Mayor). Empat kotamadya DKI Jakarta yang
akan terkena oleh proyek, yaitu, Jakarta Utara, Barat, Pusat dan Timur. Para
Walikota terutama akan terlibat dalam penanggulangan dampak sosial; mereka
akan bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan koordinasi atas kegiatan-kegiatan
tingkat kelurahan selama persiapan dan pelaksanaan RP. Para Walikota akan
dibantu oleh kepala kecamatan dan kepala kelurahan.
Walikota dengan aparatnya pada tingkat kecamatan dan kelurahan merupakan
pejabat garis depan yang bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan-kegiatan operasional
selama persiapan dan pelaksanaan RP. Hal ini termasuk kegiatan-kegiatan
untuk menentukan tanggal cut-off dan untuk pelaksanaan aktual atas
permukiman kembali, dan untuk penanganan keluhan dan pengaduan. Selain itu,
kantor kotamadya juga bertanggung jawab untuk penilaian bangunan tempat
tinggal dan bangunan lain yang terkena oleh proyek JUFMP. Peranan dari
kotamadya dibahas lebih lanjut dalam RPF.
3.2.5 Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD)
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD) provinsi DKI Jakarta
dibentuk pada tahun 1968 (
Selama tahap persiapan proyek, BPLHD merupakan badan yang bertanggung
jawab untuk menguji dan memberikan izin dan persetujuan atas dokumendokumen EIA. Sesuai dengan perundang-undangan GOI, badan tersebut
membentuk Komisi AMDAL, yaitu komisi ad-hoc untuk mengevaluasi dokumendokumen EIA. Komisi AMDAL terdiri atas para perwakilan BPLHD (2-3 orang),
para ahli universitas (atau dikenal sebagai Tim Teknis, 5-7 orang dari wilayah
keahlian yang berbeda), para perwakilan dari kecamatan dan kelurahan, dan
para perwakilan dari NGO.
Selama tahap konstruksi, BPLHD memiliki peran pengawasan untuk
pelaksanaan EMP oleh berbagai kontraktor dan akan melaksanakan
pemeriksaan yang teratur atau audit. Badan tersebut akan menguji pelaksanaan
dari EMP yang diserahkan oleh PMU dan memutuskan apabila tindakan korektif
perlu dilakukan.
3.2.6 Para Kontraktor
Kontraktor pekerjaan akan ditentukan oleh komite pengadaan dalam setiap PIU.
Semua paket pekerjaan pengerukan dan tanggul akan mengikuti proses Tender
Kompetitif Internasional (International Competitive Bidding atau ICB) dan akan
mensyaratkan pra-kualifikasi. Para Kontraktor akan diminta untuk memasukan
rencana pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial awal dalam pengajuan teknis selama
proses tender. Rencana aksi harus merangkum upaya yang kontraktor ajukan
untuk meminimalkan dampak lingkungan hidup dan sosial. Selama konstruksi,
kontraktor bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan EMP yang terdapat dalam
kontrak. Pengawasan pelaksanaan rencana pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan
sosial akan dilaksanakan oleh Konsultan Pengawasan (Supervision Consultant
atau SC).
3.2.7 Bank Dunia (World Bank/WB)
WB menjaga peran pengawasan dalam JUFMP, untuk memastikan
kepatuhannya terhadap kebijakan pengaman Bank Dunia, pengujian, dan
memberikan izin dan persetujuan kepada EMP dan RP dari masing-masing
lokasi proyek. WB akan memelihara peran pengawasan dari supervisi
pelaksanaan EMP oleh para kontraktor, dan dapat melakukan uji petik atau audit
sebagaimana diperlukan. WB akan melaksanakan misi pengawasan yang teratur
selama pelaksanaan proyek, dan spesialis setempat pada Kantor Bank Dunia di
Jakarta (WBOJ) akan memantau perkembangan proyek.
Proses Proyek
3.3.1 Fase 1 Proyek
Pengujian dan persetujuan dari Bank Dunia. Terdapat dua paket pekerjaan
(kontrak) dalam Fase 1, yaitu paket kontrak 1, 2a, dan 2b dalam Tabel 2-1.
AMDAL untuk pekerjaan dalam Fase 1 tersebut, telah dipersiapkan oleh Unit
Pengelola Proyek (Project Management Unit atau PMU). AMDAL ini telah
dikonsultasikan, diuji, dan disetujui pada bulan Maret 2010 oleh badan
lingkungan hidup provinsi (dikenal sebagai BPLHD) sebagaimana diwajibkan
oleh peraturan nasional dan daerah Indonesia. Bank Dunia juga telah mengkaji
AMDAL dan telah memberikan komentar yang ekstensif, yang pada akhirnya
ditanggapi oleh PMU dengan mempersiapakan Laporan Tambahan untuk
JUFMP Fase 1. Laporan Tambahan ini termasuk rekomendasi lebih lanjut yang
juga akan berlaku terhadap proyek tersebut. Hal ini memastikan bahwa AMDAL
dan Laporan Tambahan untuk Fase 1 dikombinasikan, patuh terhadap
persyaratan kebijakan pengaman lingkungan hidup Bank Dunia.
Pelaksanaan EMP selama Konstruksi, Pengawasan dan Pemantauan.
Kepatuhan terhadap EMP selama pembagunan proyek akan bergantung pada (i)
pelaksanaan EMP oleh kontraktor, (ii) pengawasan dan pemantauan
pelaksanaan EMP oleh SC, dan (iii) pengawasan pelaksanaan EMP oleh PIU,
PMU, WB dan BPLHD. Pengawasan oleh SC merupakan proses harian yang
mana SC mengawasi para kontraktor untuk memastikan bahwa komitmen
lingkungan hidup dan ketentuan EMP yang ditetapkan dalam kontrak tersebut
Pelaporan. SC akan memberikan PMU laporan-laporan dari hasil pelaksanaan
EMP oleh kontraktor (pada jangka waktu minimal tiga bulan). PMU akan menguji
laporan-laporan untuk setiap ketidakpatuhan dan dapat meminta PIU untuk
melakukan sidak secara tiba-tiba atau audit apabila diperlukan. SC juga akan
memberikan laporan pelaksaan RKL/RPL secara formal setiap tiga bulan. PMU
akan mengkaji laporan ini untuk setiap ketidaksesuaian dan menyerahkannya
kepada BPLHD dan Bank Dunia. BPLHD dan Bank Dunia akan mengkaji laporan
pelaksanaan RKL/RPL setiap tiga bulan dan akan memutuskan mengenai
perlunya pemeriksaan tiba-tiba, kunjungan lapangan atau audit.
3.3.2 Fase 2 Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek dan Lokasi-Lokasi yang Saling
Fase 2 pemrosesan lokasi-lokasi proyek dimulai dengan suatu penyaringan
apabila lokasi proyek yang diajukan termasuk dalam ruang lingkup proyek
(Gambar. 3-2), penyaringan tersebut pertama-tama akan dilakukan oleh PMU
dan PIU dan pada akhirnya diputuskan oleh Komite Pengarah Bersama. Apabila
proyek dikonfirmasikan sebagaimana dimasukan dalam ruang lingkup proyek,
PMU akan mempersiapkan DED. DED tersebut akan memperhitungkan
kemungkinan-kemungkinan untuk menghindari dan meminimalkan dampak
lingkungan hidup dan sosial, secara khusus dampak terkait dengan permukiman
kembali. Sebagaimana DED dipersiapkan, penyaringan lingkungan hidup dan
sosial akan dilakkukan, penyaringan ini termasuk kegiatan-kegiatan Fase 2 yang
diajukan yang memerlukan RP, AMDAL (Full EA) atau UKL/UPL (EA Mini).
Semua dokumen yang diperlukan untuk Fase 2 dari lingkungan hidup (EA FULL
atau EA Mini) dan dokumen sosial (RP) akan dipersiapkan. Apabila dokumen
tersebut telah disetujui oleh badan yang berwenang (yaitu, EA oleh BPLHD dan
RP oleh DKI Jakarta), dokumen tersebut akan diserahkan kepada Bank Dunia
untuk pengujian dan persetujuan. Apabila Bank Dunia menganggap dokumen
tersebut belum memenuhi persyaratan kebijakan pengaman, tambahan EA (atau
info) dapat diminta untuk memenuhi persyaratan OP 4.01 atau revisi dari RP
untuk memenuhi OP 4.12.
Setiap kegiatan-kegiatan pada sepuluh lokasi yang diidentifikasikan sebagai
lokasi-lokasi terkait proyek tidak dibiayai oleh proyek JUFMP. Namun,
pemerintah akan menerapkan RPF (dan semua ketentuan terkait) apabila
aktivitas yang memenuhi kriteria lokasi-lokasi terkait proyek dilakukan dalam
lokasi-lokasi ini. Untuk kegiatan-kegiatan terkait proyek ini, DED akan
memperhitungkan pertimbangan untuk menghindari dan meminimalkan dampak
lingkungan hidup dan sosial, khususnya dampak terkait dengan permukiman
kembali. Apabila permukiman kembali secara terpaksa tidak dapat dihindari, RP
akan dipersiapkan. Apabila dokumen RP telah disetujui oleh DKI Jakarta,
dokumen tersebut akan diserahkan kepada Bank Dunia untuk pengujian dan
persetujuan. Apabila Bank Dunia menganggap dokumen tersebut belum
memenuhi persyaratan kebijakan pengaman, revisi RP dapat digunakan untuk
memenuhi OP 4.12.
Pelaksanaan konstruksi tidak akan dimulai pada semua lokasi sebelum AMDAL
dan Rencana Pemukiman Kembali (RP) mendapatkan persetujuan dari Bank
JUFMP - Projects Processing and Screening
Bidding Documents
Phase 1
Is the proposed
site of the 15 sites of
Phase 2
Is the
proposed structure
work defined in
Component A?
Phase 1 Project
Is the
proposed structure
work related to flood
Supervision and
Not Financed
(e.g. Beautification
along canal/waduk)
Not Financed
Prepare DED
AMDAL (full EA)
as per PP no.27/
Environmental Social
If involuntary
resettlement needed
Need UKL/
UPL(Mini EA)?
WB issue
Prepare RP
RP Implementation
by DKI
Supplemental EA
Supplemental EA
implementation by
implementation by
Supervision and Monitoring
(WB, GOI (Supervision Consultant), and Independent Advisory
Gambar 3-2 Penyaringan dan Pemrosesan Proyek JUFMP
Proses EA. PMU bertanggung jawab untuk memberitahu BPLHD tentang
kegiatan-kegiatan proyek dalam Fase 2 yang diajukan. PMU (dengan bantuan
dari para konsultannya) akan mengiklankan sebuah Pemberitahuan Publik di
media lokal, misalnya surat kabar. Setelah pemberitahuan tersebut, BPLHD
membentuk Komisi AMDAL (Gambar 3-3).
PMU (dengan bantuan dari
konsultannya) akan mempersiapkan Kerangka Acuan Andal (KA-ANDAL) dan
menyerahkan KA-ANDAL kepada Komisi AMDAL untuk dilakukan pengujian
sebelum konsultasi publik pertama dapat dilakukan. BPLHD akan mengundang
semua pemegang saham yang bersangkutan untuk memberikan masukan dan
komentar atas ANDAL. BPLHD akan membuat berita acara rapat untuk
konsultasi publik pertama dan meminta konsultan untuk menggabungkan
masukan yang disepakati selama konsultasi tersebut. PMU akan menyerahkan
kembali KA-ANDAL tersebut kepada Komisi untuk izin, apabila disetujui,
konsultan PMU akan meneruskannya dengan persiapan dokumen-dokumen EIA,
yaitu ANDAL (yaitu, penilaian dampak lingkungan hidup) dan RKL/RPL (yaitu,
rencana pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan hidup). Apabila dokumendokumen EIA telah dibuat, PMU akan mengumpulkannya kepada Komisi
AMDAL. Kemudian, Komisi AMDAL akan meminta konsultan PMU untuk
mempresentasikan hasil-hasil dari EIA di mana semua anggota dari Komisi
AMDAL dan publik diberikan kesempatan untuk memberikan komentar mengenai
hasil-hasil tersebut. BPLHD akan membuat berita acara rapat dan meminta
konsultan (atas kepentingan PMU) untuk menggabungkan komentar-komentar
tersebut dan merevisi dokumen-dokumen EIA dan menyerahkan ulang
dokumen-dokumen tersebut kepada Komisi AMDAL. Izin dan persetujuan akhir
dengan persyaratan/rekomendasi yang spesifik (atau penolakan) atas dokumendokumen EIA dari kepala BPLHD akan didasarkan pada rekomendasi Komisi
Konsultasi Publik EA. Para pihak yang berkepentingan seperti penduduk lokal,
LSM-LSM, institusi akademi, dan lain-lain, terwakili dalam Komisi AMDAL dan
oleh sebab itu, diberikan kesempatan untuk memberikan komentar selama
pembuatan dan pengujian dari KA-ANDAL serta selama pengujian dari ANDAL
dan RKL/RPL. Proses EA Indonesia yang ada memerlukan paling sedikit dua kali
konsultasi publik, dan hasil-hasil dari konsultasi akan dilampirkan pada EIA.
Konsultasi publik akan dilakukan untuk membahas aspek-aspek lingkungan
hidup maupun sosial dari kegiatan-kegiatan proyek. Konsultasi publik harus
mengumumkan kegiatan-kegiatan proyek kepada penduduk setempat dan
menentukan apabila terdapat kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran secara khusus terkait
dengan kegiatan yang diajukan. Konsultasi publik pertama dilakukan paling
cepat 30 hari kalender setelah Pemberitahuan Publik di media nasional atau
lokal, misalnya koran, radio. Dalam jangka waktu tersebut, penduduk yang ingin
memberikan tanggapan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan yang diajukan dapat
menyampaikan komentar mereka kepada BPLHD atau PMU. Komentarkomentar tersebut akan dibahas dan dilampirkan dalam KA-ANDAL. Konsultasi
publik kedua akan dilaksanakan sesudah penyerahan rancangan akhir EIA
kepada BPLHD. Berita acara dari konsultasi publik dan dokumentasi lainnya
(misalnya, foto-foto, bahan-bahan presentasi, daftar hadir, dan lain-lain) akan
dilampirkan pada EIA sebagai lampiran. Dokumen tersebut mencerminkan
semua komentar-komentar, baik disepakati atau tidak disepakati oleh PMU.
Berita acara tersebut juga akan ditandatangani (dengan nama, jabatan) oleh
ketua konsultasi.
Pelaksanaan EMP selama Konstruksi, Pengawasan serta Pemantauan, dan
Pengawasan, pemantauan, dan pelaporan pelaksanaan EMP selama kegiatan
Fase 2 dari konstruksi proyek akan mengikuti proses yang sama seperti Fase 1
(lihat bagian 3.3.1)
Penyusunan, Peninjauan, Persetujuan, dan Pengumuman RP. Penyusunan RP
akan menjadi tanggung jawab Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, yaitu
kotamadya-kotamadya yang terkait. Semua RP akan dibuat berdasarkan RPF.
Setelah dibuat, RP – lengkap atau yang sederhana – untuk setiap proyek yang
mensyaratkan RP akan diuji oleh PMU dan PIU –DKI sebelum diserahkan
kepada Bank Dunia untuk peninjauan dan persetujuan. Versi bahasa Indonesia
dari RP yang telah disetujui akan tersedia di masing-masing kantor kotamadya
DKI dan juga akan diumumkan di situs proyek yang terkait, serta di kantor proyek
lapangan (kelurahan). Versi dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia akan
diumumkan di Pusat Informasi Publik (Public Information Center atau PIC)
Kantor Bank Dunia di Jakarta.
Pelaksanaan, Pelaporan, dan Pengawasan RP. Setiap RP akan dilaksanakan
sesuai dengan uraian dalam bagian 3.2.3 dan 3.2.4 di atas. Untuk tujuan-tujuan
pemantauan, SC akan bekerja sama dengan Kelurahan dan kantor Walikota
untuk membantu mereka dalam mendokumentasikan keluhan dari PAP, dan
dalam penindaklanjutan atas setiap pengaduan. SC juga akan membantu
kotamadya dalam mempersiapkan laporan konsolidasi pengaduan dan tata cara
di mana laporan tersebut ditindaklanjuti. Laporan konsolidasi akan diserahkan
kepada PMU. Laporan ini akan menjadi bagian dari laporan perkembangan
bulanan proyek, yang akan diserahkan kepada Bank Dunia. Rincian dari peran
institusi dalam pelaksanaan RP diatur dalam RPF.
tal Agency
Consultant (PPC)
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (EIA/SIA)
Document, Tools,
TOR Prepared by
Environmental and Social
Working Group (ESWG)
PPC Consultant
PMU to hire
EIA/SIA Consultant
PPC produces bidding
documents, detailed
engineering design
(DED), supervision
and monitoring plan
BPLHD to form
EIA/SIA (AMDAL) Clearance and Approval
Project Preparation
and PPC Consultants
AC to provide
input and review
EIA Term of
EIA/SIA Consultant to (i)
prepare EIA Term of
Agreement (KA ANDAL) and
(ii) carry out public
PMU to submit to the AC
Preparing EIA documents
Environmental Impact
Statement (ANDAL)
Management and
Monitoring Plan (RKL/
AC to review EIA
documents and
provide input
PMU to submit to the AC
EIA documents
PMU to submit to the Bank
Gambar 3-3 Diagram Alur proses EA selama persiapan proyek
Lingkungan Hidup
4.1.1 Pemerintah Indonesia
Indonesia memiliki banyak peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai lingkungan
hidup nasional dan daerah yang mengatur proses Perencanaan Lingkungan
Hidup untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan semacam ini. Peraturan yang melingkupi untuk
proses AMDAL di Indonesia untuk setiap kegiatan dan proyek dengan potensial
dampak lingkungan hidup yang signifikan adalah Undang-Undang Pengelolaan
Lingkungan Hidup No 23/1997, dan secara khusus, pada Pasal 15 mengenai
persyaratan penilaian dampak lingkungan hidup. Sebuah undang-undang baru
tentang pengelolaan dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup, Undang-Undang 32
tahun 2009, yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2009 dan menggantikan UndangUndang No. 23/1997. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No: 27/1999 memberikan
pedoman yang terperinci terhadap sistem AMDAL. Selanjutnya, Keputusan
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup No. 11/2006 menyebutkan kegiatan-kegiatan
spesifik yang mensyaratkan AMDAL dan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup
No.8/2006 memberikan pedoman untuk persiapan AMDAL
Terkait dengan pekerjaan pengerukan, Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup
No. 11/2006 menentukan bahwa setiap kegiatan pengerukan pemeliharaan di
kota metropolitan akan memerlukan AMDAL apabila volume kerukan melampaui
500.000 m3, persyaratan ini juga sesuai dengan peraturan daerah (yaitu
Keputusan Gubernur Jakarta No 2863/2001 tentang jenis dan daftar usaha dan
kegiatan yang spesifik yang mensyaratkan AMDAL), yang menyatakan bahwa
setiap pengerukan dengan volume yang lebih dari 50.000 m3 harus memiliki
AMDAL yang disetujui oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD) DKI
dipertimbangkan pada saat pembuatan AMDAL adalah:
Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 2/2000: Pedoman mengenai
evaluasi dari dokumen AMDAL.
Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.40/2000: Pedoman mengenai
prosedur kerja komisi AMDAL .
Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.42/2000: Pedoman mengenai
pembentukan tim evaluasi dan anggota tim teknis untuk AMDAL.
Keputusan Kepala Bapedal (Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan
Hidup) No. 8/2000: Pedoman mengenai peran serta publik dan
pengungkapan informasi selama pelaksanaan AMDAL.
Keputusan Gubernur Jakarta No 76/2001: Pedoman operasional mengenai
keterlibatan publik dan pengungkapan informasi selama pelaksanaan
4.1.2 Kebijakan-Kebijakan Bank Dunia
Penilaian Lingkungan Hidup (OP. 4.01): JUFMP merupakan suatu proyek
Kategori A, baik rehabilitasi tanggul maupun kegiatan pengerukan dapat
berdampak positif dan negatif yang signifikan pada lingkungan hidup dan sosial.
Dampak yang paling lazim i) pada lokasi di mana rehabilitasi tanggul
dilaksanakan, ii) lokasi-lokasi dekat lokasi pengerukan dan sepanjang lokasi
pengerukan, iii) sepanjang koridor pengangkutan, dan iv) pada lokasi
pembuangan (dan daerah sekitarnya). Tujuan dari analisis dampak lingkungan
adalah untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan, untuk memastikan bahwa
pilihan-pilihan proyek berdasarkan pertimbangan yang logis dan berkelanjutan,
dan orang-orang yang berpotensi terkena dampak proyek tersebut telah
terinformasikan dengan baik dengan melalui konsultasi yang memadai.
4.2.1 Pemerintah Indonesia
Pemerintah Indonesia memiliki beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan pokok
terkait dengan hak-hak atas tanah dan perolehan untuk kegiatan konstruksi
dalam rangka kepentingan publik. Adapun landasan hukum paling penting yang
memastikan dan mengatur hak-hak atas tanah adalah Undang-Undang Pokok
Agraria No. 5 tahun 1960. Peraturan-peraturan nasional yang bersangkutan
lainnya, terkait dengan tanah dan perolehan tanah adalah:
 Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 1961 tentang Pencabutan Hak-Hak atas
 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 24 tahun 1997 tentang Registrasi atas Tanah;
 Peraturan Presiden No. 36 tahun 2005 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi
Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum;
 Peraturan Presiden No. 65 tahun 2006 Tentang Perubahan Peraturan
Presiden No. 36/2005; dan,
 Peraturan Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional No. 3 tahun 2007 tentang
Ketentuan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005 dan No. 65
tahun 2006.
Peraturan lain yang terkait dengan proyek adalah Undang-Undang No. 7 tahun
2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air, yang dimaksudkan untuk melindungi sumber
daya air untuk pemeliharaan fungsi-fungsinya.
Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005 dan No. 65/2007 yang mengatur prosedur dan
proses perolehan tanah (dan kekayaan yang melekat padanya) untuk kegiatankegiatan konstruksi yang dilakukan atas kepentingan publik. Peraturan ini
termasuk kegiatan-kegiatan pembangungan dibawah tanggung jawab
api/sanitasi/distribusi air; waduk-waduk/bendungan; pelabuhan/bandara/stasiun
kereta api/terminal; fasilitas kesehatan publik; telekomunikasi dan pos; fasilitas
olahraga; bangunan pemerintah; fasilitas polisi dan pengamanan; fasilitas
pembuangan limbah padat; perlindungan dari habitat alami; dan pembangkit
tenaga listrik, transmisi dan distribusi listrik. Peraturan-Peraturan ini juga
menetapkan hak-hak dan prosedur-prosedur serta kriteria untuk ganti rugi,
penilaian untuk ganti rugi dan konsultasi dan negosiasi, serta pengaduan dan
penyelesaian perselisihan dan pencabutan hak atas tanah. Peraturan ini
menggolongkan prosedur dan proses untuk perolehan atas tanah untuk lebih
dari 1 hektar dan kurang dari satu hektar. Pedoman Pelaksanaan No. 3 tahun
2007 untuk Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005 dan No. 65 tahun 2006, merangkum
prosedur, proses dan kriteria dengan lebih terperinci untuk perolehan tanah
sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam kedua Peraturan Presiden. Ketiga peraturan
yang disebutkan tidak secara tegas mengatur bantuan dan tidak termasuk
pemulihan pendapatan. Peraturan tersebut menetapkan bahwa tingkat ganti rugi
atas tanah harus dibuat berdasarkan penilaian dari tim penilaian atas tanah yang
DKI Jakarta juga memiliki peraturan yang mengatur tentang ganti rugi aset, yaitu,
Pedoman Pelaksanaan untuk Penilaian Ganti Rugi Bangungan, yang dikeluarkan
secara teratur oleh Dinas Perumahan dan Gedung Pemerintah DKI Jakarta.
Peraturan ini digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menentukan tingkat ganti rugi aset
(bangunan dan tambahannya yang melekat pada bangunan). Selain itu, DKI
Jakarta memiliki Peraturan Daerah No. 8 tahun 2007 tentang Ketertiban Umum,
yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pemilikan kembali atas tanah publik yang
digunakan tanpa seizin pemerintah DKI Jakarta, atau tanah lain/tempat publik
yang telah digunakan untuk tujuan yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana
penggunaan tanah tersebut.
4.2.2 Kebijakan-Kebijakan Bank Dunia
Permukiman Kembali Secara Terpaksa (OP4.12): Kebijakan pengaman Bank
Dunia atas Permukiman Kembali (OP4.12) akan diterapkan dalam proyek ini.
Sementara tidak akan ada pengadaan tanah yang luas untuk pelaksanaan
pekerjaan fisik dalam proyek JUFMP, proyek ini kemungkinan akan
mengakibatkan hilangnya tanah, tempat tinggal, dan usaha-usaha. Hal ini
mengharuskan dilakukannya permukiman kembali bagi mereka yang terkena
dampak dari intervensi proyek ini. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, DKI telah
mempersiapkan RPF (untuk rincian, lihat rancangan RPF). RPF dibuat untuk
memastikan bahwa PAP ditangani sesuai dengan OP 4.12 Bank Dunia. RPF
akan digunakan untuk menjadi pedoman RP untuk setiap lokasi proyek yang
memerlukan permukiman kembali. Selain itu, lokasi-lokasi JUFMP yang
mengakibatkan permukiman kembali, RPF tersebut juga berlaku untuk setiap
kegiatan lain yang mengakibatkan permukiman kembali sesuai dengan penilaian
dari Bank Dunia, (a) secara langsung atau pun signifikan terkait dengan proyek
bantuan dari Bank Dunia, (b) perlu untuk mencapai tujuan sebagaimana
tercantum dalam dokumen-dokumen proyek; dan (c) dilaksanakan, atau
direncanakan untuk dilaksanakan secara bersamaan dengan proyek tersebut.
DKI Jakarta terletak pada pesisir pantai Jawa bagian utara yang telah dibentuk
oleh delta sungai-sungai yang mengalir dari wilayah pegunungan bagian selatan
sampai ke Teluk Jakarta. Wilayah dataran rendah di DKI telah mengalami banjir
sejak zaman Belanda (pada tahun 1800-an sampai 1940-an). Intensitas dan
keparahan banjir telah sangat meningkat belakangan ini dan telah menimbulkan
biaya-biaya ekonomi dan sosial yang serius. Pembangunan Kanal Banjir Barat
(WBC) pada tahun 1920 menunjukkan bahwa banjir telah cukup sering terjadi di
Jakarta sejak waktu itu.
Pengendapan. Suatu kajian yang dilakukan melalui Proyek Pengelolaan
Lingkungan Hidup di Jawa bagian barat (Western Java Environmental
Management Project atau WJEMP) menunjukkan lapisan sedimen dibagian hilir
telah mencapai ketebalan 2-3 m, sedangkan lapisan sedimen rata-rata di waduk
bervariasi dari setebal 0,9 sampai 1,9 m. Berdasarkan penilaian pengendapan
tersebut, serangkaian simulasi hidraulik menunjukkan bahwa tingkatan
perlindungan untuk semua sungai-sungai telah menurun jauh dari rancangan
awal 25 tahun perlindungan, yang pada umumnya dalam wilayah-wilayah DKI
Jakarta, tingkat perlindungannya menurun jauh menjadi 2-5 tahun.
Kualitas Air. Hanya dengan 2% cakupan dari sistem pengolahan air limbah,
sungai-sungai dan waduk terpadu di DKI Jakarta telah dipergunakan selama
beberapa dekade sebagai saluran pembuangan terbuka untuk limbah-limbah
rumah tangga dan air limbah yang berasal dari komunitas setempat. Sebagai
hasilnya, kajian8-9 telah menunjukkan bahwa air di sungai-sungai dan waduk
telah dicemarkan oleh air limbah rumah tangga, yang mewakili lebih dari 70%
pencemaran. Dalam kajian-kajian ini, kualitas air dalam semua stasiun
pengambilan sampel telah diklasifikasikan sebagai Kelas 4, yaitu air yang hanya
dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pertamanan.
Kualitas Sedimen. Sejalan dengan berjalannya persiapan proyek JUFMP, tiga
buah kajian dasar independen atas kualitas material sedimen di saluran air dan
kanal-kanal di Jakarta dilakukan pada waktu-waktu yang berbeda, yang menilai
berbagai aspek, termasuk kecukupan pengambilan sampel dan metodologi
pengujian yang digunakan, hasil-hasil pengujian, dan persyaratan di Indonesia
terhadap berbagai standar internasional lainnya. Tinjauan-tinjauan tersebut
adalah sebagai berikut
Djadjadilaga, M., Sigit, H., Tejalaksana, A.(Dari Data ke Kebijakan (Pengelolaan Kualitas Air Sungai Ciliwung)
From Data to Policy (Ciliwung River Water Quality Management), Kementerian Lingkungan, Jakarta. Data
pemantauan: 2004-2006.
MoPW (2005) Rencana Perancangan untuk pengelolaan danau-danau Kecil dan Saluran Air Besar di wilayah
JABODETABEK, WJEMP Pusat 3-10, Laporan no. 10. Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Kementerian Pekerjaan
ERM10 2008
Kajian kualitas sedimen ERM 2008 mewakili kajian menyeluruh pertama
dan kajian kualitas sedimen primer yang terperinci untuk saluran air dan
waduk Jakarta, dan mendukung banyak dari perencanaan awal untuk
proyek JUFMP, termasuk RKL/RPL Ancol yang diperbaharui dan AMDAL
Fase 1 JUFMP. Pengambilan sampel mencakup semua lokasi-lokasi
Proyek (yaitu, 15 lokasi) ditambah tiga lokasi lain yang pada awalnya ada
dalam daftar panjang lokasi-lokasi proyek JUFMP yang potensial tetapi
dalam perkembangan selanjutnya implementasi untuk tiga area ini
ditunda. Jumlah total dari komposit sampel yang dianalisis adalah 36,
yang didapat dari 180 stasiun pengambilan sampel ditambah sampelsampel duplikat untuk jaminan mutu dan pengendalian mutu. Sampelsampel yang tersebut telah dikirimkan ke laboraturium yang terakreditasi
secara internasional (yaitu, ALS Bogor, Indonesia) untuk dianalisa fisik
dan kimia. Parameter analisis kimia dilakukan berdasarkan pedoman
teknis praktik terbaik internasional untuk karakterisasi material kerukan
(Konvensi London 1972; OSPAR 2004), yang mencakup logam berat,
total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH), organo-chlorine pesticide (OCP), polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), dan total organic matter (TOM). Selain itu, toxicity characteristics
leaching procedures (TCLP) berdasarkan USEPA SW 846 juga
dilaksanakan untuk menentukan karakteristik toksisitas dari sedimen.
DHV 2008
Pada tahun 2008, DKI Jakarta bekerja sama dengan DHV (dengan
pendanaan hibah pemerintah Belanda mengadakan pengerukan
percontohan di Kali Mati, sebuah saluran air di Jakarta (tidak merupakan
bagian dari proyek). Sebagai bagian dari kajian ini, delapan sampel
komposit dari sembilan stasiun pengambilan sampel telah dikirimkan ke
laboratorium yang terakreditasi secara internasional (yaitu, ALS Bogor)
dan telah dianalisa untuk semua pengujian yang diwajibkan berdasarkan
peraturan Indonesia untuk identifikasi limbah B3 (yang berbahaya), yaitu
(i) tes karakteristik fisik (yaitu, mudah terbakar, bersifat menghancurkan,
bersifat eksplosif, menyebabkan infeksi (hanya untuk limbah medis),
reaktif) (ii) tes kimia (analisis kandungan total dan TCLP untuk polutan,
baik anorganik dan organik); dan (iii) tes biologis (tes toksisitas akut
(Lethal dose) 50 - LD50). Selain itu, sampel gabungan dari Kali Mati juga
dikirimkan ke luar negeri, laboratorium terakreditasi tingkat internasional di
Belanda (yaitu, Eurofins) untuk tujuan pemeriksaan silang.
AMDAL untuk kegiatan Fase 2, pengambilan sampel dan analisis
Pada tahun 2010, untuk kajian lebih lanjut kualitas sedimen, maka dalam
penyusunan AMDAL Fase 2 dilakukan kembali pengambilan sampel dari
lokasi-lokasi Fase 2. Lokasi pengambilan sampel juga termasuk 3 lokasi
yang tidak dimasukan dalam proyek tersebut. Sampel komposit (9 subsampel dari setiap gabungan – 3 baris dengan jarak antar baris sekitar
Bank Dunia pada tahun 2008 menugaskan ERM untuk melaksanakan pengujian-pengujian tersebut.
100-200m, 3 sampel untuk setiap baris) telah dikumpulkan dengan
mempertimbangkan lokasi dari pengambilan sampel ERM dan batasan
pekerjaan fisik terkini (pada saat pengambilan sampel) dari masingmasing wilayah lokasi sub-proyek. Analisis tersebut dilakukan oleh
laboratorium yang terakreditasi dengan menggunkan metodologi standar
lokal, yang berkonsentrasi pada (i) karakteristik fisik, (ii) kandungan total
logam, (iii) logam TCLP dan (iv) organik TCLP. Dengan sedimen sampling
ini maka kajian kualitas sedimen tersebut khusus untuk saluran air dan
waduk di Jakarta yang dilakukan pada tahun 2008 dan 2010 dengan
melibatkan lebih dari 350 sub-sampel yang digabungkan ke dalam jumlah
70 sampel untuk uji Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
dan analisis total logam dan organik.
Telaah-telaah ini berkesimpulan bahwa metodologi pengambilan sampel
dan pengujian telah memenuhi standar internasional dan hasil-hasil
pengujian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis terhadap sampelsampel tidak melampaui standar internasional (atau tidak berbahaya),
kecuali sebagai berikut:
 Logam arsenik dalam semua sampel melebihi standar US EPA yang
digunakan untuk screening polutan di media lingkungan hidup 11,
walaupun semua sampel masih dibawah ambang batas standar
arsenik internasional lain 12. Telaah lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa
standar US EPA merupakan perbanding yang tidak sesuai, hal ini
dikarenakan standar As tersebut ditetapkan bersadarkan risiko
kesehatan arsenik anorganik, sementara hasil tes sampel dan
tingkat penyaringan internasional untuk arsenik adalah
berdasarkan tingkatan jumlah arsenic total (Organik dan
anorganik). Perbandingan dengan penelitian sedimen di Teluk
Jakarta yang dilakukan sebelumnya mengindikasikan bahwa level
arsenik dalam sampel JUFMP merupakan level arsenik alami pada
seluruh wilayah dan tidak memiliki asal-usul antropogenik.
 Empat puluh persen sampel melebihi standard sedimen interim
Australia dan Selandia Baru (interim Australian and New Zealand
sediment screening levels) untuk seng bagi pembuangan di laut,
meskipun semua sampel berada di bawah standar tanah lain untuk
seng. Risiko ini ditanggulangi dengan pembuangan material
kerukan proyek kedalam fasilitas pembuangan tertutup, yaitu CDF
 Sekitar 2% dari sampel-sampel yang melampaui standard untuk satu
atau dua (namun tidak semua) standar internasional, baik untuk
unsur logam chromium, cadmium, atau tembaga. Risiko ini akan
ditangani dengan pengujian sedimen dari bagian kanal dan saluran
Tingkat-tingkat Sasaran Remediasi Pendahuluan (Preliminary Remediation Goals/PRG) EPA Amerika Serikat Wilayah 9 yang
digunakan untuk memperkirakan konsentrasi pencemar di media lingkungan (tanah, udara, dan air) yang dipertimbangkan oleh EPA
sebagai protektif terhadap manusia (termasuk kelompok sensitif), seumur hidup.
Standar Tanah di Korea Selatan ditetapkan dalam Soil Environment Preservation Act (SEPA), DIV (Dutch Intervention Values), dan
Pedoman Pembuangan Australia-New Zealand National Ocean untuk Standard Material Kerukan
air JUFMP sebelum pengerukan di bagian tersebut dilakukan,
prosedur pengujian telah disusun13.
Hasil-hasil dan interpretasi dari ketiga kajian ini adalah serupa dan telah
dibahas dalam kaitannya dengan:
Pengujian TCLP. Pengujian ini merupakan tes kimia definitif di
Indonesia dan negara lainnya untuk menentukan apakah material
limbah memiliki karakteriktik beracun. Level parameter organic dan
logam dalam ekstrak TCLP dibandingkan “Standard TCLP yang
telah ditetapkan”. Semua sampel JUFMP dari ketiga kajian ini telah
memenuhi standar (dengan kata lain, tidak memiliki karakteristik
Organik TCLP. Semua sampel dari ketiga kajian ini juga memenuhi
standar di Indonesia.
Analisis total logam menunjukkan hampir semua sampel memenuhi
standar “kualitas tanah” internasional untuk hampir semua logam.
Hasil-Hasilnya disajikan dan dibahas secara lebih terperinci di
bawah ini.
Pengujian Toksisitas Akut (Acute toxicity testing) (dilakukan pada
sampel DHV) menunjukkan bahwa terkait dengan lethal dose 50
(LD50), sedimen kerukan memiliki toksisitas yang rendah, lebih
rendah dari toksisitas akut garam dapur (table salt atau NaCl).
Penilaian kualitas sedimen juga mempertimbangkan risiko kesehatan yang
ditimbulkan oleh kandungan arsenik dalam sedimen. Hasil dari tes toksisitas akut
mengidentifikasikan material sedimen sebagai material yang relatif tidak
berbahaya (yaitu, jumlah yang tinggi dari sedimen yang diperlukan untuk
telan/digunakan untuk memproduksi dosis mematikan). Penilaian atas jalur
paparan pekerja konstruksi terhadap sedimen selama proyek serta paparan
akibat penggunaan berikutnya dari lokasi pembuangan juga menyimpulkan
bahwa risiko kesehatan yang rendah, khususnya dengan persyaratkan yang
terdapat dalam AMDAL untuk lokasi pembuangan, yaitu, CDF Ancol, untuk
penutupan material kerukan dengan pasir dan tanah merah.
Baik GOI dan WB telah secara jelas mendefinisikan prinsip dan tujuan
keterlibatan publik (public involvement atau PI) dalam AMDAL (yaitu, proses EA).
Harapan yang tersirat adalah PI yang baik dan bermakna dapat membantu
kelancaran pelaksanaan proyek,transparansi dan partisipasi aktif oleh para
pemegang kepentingan. PI yang baik selama semua tahapan, akan
meningkatkan keefektifan pelaksanaan proyek dan menuntun kepada
pencapaian hasil yang dimaksudkan. Keputusan Badan Pengendalian
Lingkungan Hidup (BAPEDAL) no: 08/2000 adalah pedoman untuk PI yang telah
Pengujian-pengujian tersebut belum pernah dipraktikan di Jakarta dan pelaksanaan yang sukses dari protokol ini dapat digunakan
untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan material kerukan di masa mendatang. Rancangan dari protokol dapat ditemukan dalam
“Laporan Konsolidasi Kualitas Sedimen JEDI/JEDI Sediment Quality Consolidated Report”
ditingkatkan dan diperkuat. Keputusan tersebut secara jelas menyatakan hak
dari publik untuk: (a) menerima semua informasi yang relevan mengenai proyek
yang diajukan, (b) meminta informasi yang relevan mengenai proyek yang
diajukan, dan (c) memiliki perwakilan warga terkena dampak langsung untuk
duduk sebagai anggota dari Komisi AMDAL yang menguji rancangan EA
(AMDAL). Biasanya, penekanan untuk PI adalah pada pendahuluan, yaitu tahap
pelingkupan dari proses EA, tetapi untuk Proyek JUFMP, PI akan pasti
diterapkan selama persiapan dan pelaksanan proyek. Pendekatan ini adalah
berdasarkan kajian terakhir dari PI dalam proses AMDAL di Indonesia (QIPRA
2005) yang menemukan bahwa terdapat sejumlah faktor-faktor keberhasilan
penting selama proses AMDAL tersebut (Tabel 6-1).
Tabel 0-1 Faktor-Faktor Keberhasilan Penting untuk Keterlibatan Publik dalam Proses
Tahap Proses
Faktor Keberhasilan Penting
Pengumuman di Berbagai Media
Pengumuman Koran
Penempatan di lebih dari satu koran, terutama
semua koran lokal dan juga koran nasional
Pemberitahuan dengan
Poster yang terletak pada lokasi yang strategis dan
menggunakan papan,
di banyak tempat publik yang sering dikunjungi oleh
dekat lokasi proyek
Bermacam-macam poster yang mewakili informasi
dalam tata cara yang berbeda
Radio dan televisi lokal
Efektif dalam undangan yang mengumumkan acaratelevis
acara konsultasi publik
Pemberitahuan pada situs web dari pendukung dan
badan lingkungan hidup
Konsultasi Publik pada Persiapan Tor (Ka-Andal)
Pelingkupan atau pra-survei dari komunitas yang
terkena dampak dilakukan untuk memaham struktur
sosial, pemimpin formal dan informal, dan
kepentingan yang berbeda dan perhatian di
Gunakan diskusi kelompok yang terarah dan rapat
kelompok kecil untuk konsultasi masyarakat pada
Mendorong dukungan dan keterlibatan dari LSM
Semua tingkatan pemerintah setempat dikonsultasi
pada tahap perencanaan
Dialog selama konsultasi
Otoritas pemerintah lokal hadir dan terlibat aktif
dalam dialog
Pendukung secara langsung dilibatkan dalam dialog
(tidak hanya sekedar diwakilkan oleh konsultan
Kajian EA-Andal
Selama persiapan kajian
Wawancara secara mendalam dengan anggota
masyarakat yang diinformasikan terkena dampak
Perwakilan & Diskusi dalam Komisi Amdal
“Masyarakat yang terkena dampak proyek atau
Affected Community” didefinisikan secara jelas dan
dapat dengan mudah ditentukan yang mengetahui,
dan yang dapat berbicara atas keprihatinan mereka.
Diskusi dalam Komisi
Temuan utama dan rancangan kajian EA-ANDAL
(dengan rangkuman) diberikan untuk perwakilan
(Para) perwakilan masyarakat telah membahas isuisu untuk diangkat dalam Komisi AMDAL sebelum
rapat pengujian tersebut
Para perwakilan masyarakat berperan dalam
pengujian kajian EA-ANDAL
Pertimbangan lain
Akses untuk informasi
Diberikan kepada anggota masyarakat yang dekat
pada lokasi-lokasi dari kegiatan.
Disajikan dalam format yang mudah dicerna, juga
dengan menggunakan gambar dan grafik.
Keputusan & Izin Oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup
Sebelum keputusan
Badan Lingkungan hidup mengunjungi masyarakat
untuk pengujian semua komentar yang diterima
selama tahap-tahap sebelumnya
Para perwakilan masyarakat bertemu dengan badan
lingkungan hidup untuk konsultasi akhir dan
Pengendalian, Pemantauan, dan Pelaporan Lingkungan dan
Lokasi EMP spesifik (dan RP, apabila perlu) untuk Fase 2 dari kegiatan proyek
akan memberikan rangkaian terperinci dari penanggulangan, pemantauan, dan
langkah-langkah institusional yang akan diambil selama pelaksanaan proyek
untuk mengurangi/menyingkirkan dampak lingkungan dan sosial yang
merugikan, mengimbanginya, menguranginya sampai kepada tingkatan yang
dapat diterima.
Contoh usaha penanggulangan dan pemantauan disajikan pada Tabel 7-1.
Penanggulangan dan pemantauan dilakukan untuk melindungi lingkungan dan
kesehatan komunitas setempat. Meskipun pengaduan-pengaduan dapat setiap
waktu diberikan karena persepsi yang subjektif dari gangguan atau masalah
yang disebabkan oleh kegiatan proyek, pengaduan tersebut biasa timbul akibat
tindakan mitigasi yang tidak sesuai atau dampak nya telah melebihi batas,
sepetri akses yang diblok, kebisingan peralatan yang besar, debu yang
berlebihan atau banjir lokal.
Oleh sebab itu, pengaduan dan mekanisma keluhan akan juga menjadi bagian
dari program pemantauan (lihat sistem GRS dalam RPF untuk rincian).
Merupakan hal yang penting bahwa masyarakat yang terkena dampak dari
proyek dan publik secara umum untuk memiliki kesempatan yang memadai
untuk meminta bantuan apabila mereka terkena dampak dari proyek tersebut
dalam cara yang signifikan.
Tabel 0-1 Rencana Pengendalian dan Pemantauan Lingkungan dan Sosial
Tahap / operasian
 Pemindahan PAP
yang mengunakan
area yang diperlukan
untuk proyek
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Komponen : Sosial
Isu: Pemindahan permanen atau sementara dari orang-orang
yang berada pada wilayah yang diwajibkan untuk kegiatan proyek
Dampak Potensial:
 Kehilangan atau gangguan dari sumber pendapatan dan/atau
mata pencaharian
 Kehilangan dari seluruh atau sebagian tempat tinggal dan
struktur komersial
Pertimbangan: Meskipun pelaksanaan JUFMP akan berdampak
positif untuk lebih dari satu juta orang yang tinggal di daerah
rawan banjir, terdapat juga dampak sosial negatif yang
memerlukan penanggulangan. Adapun dampak negatif penting
dari JUFMP adalah adanya kemungkin pemindahan orang-orang
yang tinggal di area yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan pengerukan
dan pekerjaan konstruksi JUFMP. Survei yang cepat oleh tim
sosial Bank Dunia menunjukkan proposi yang sangat besar dari
orang-orang yang berpotensi terkena dampak proyek adalah
penghuni informal yang tinggal pada lahan publik.
Penanggulangan: (i) mempertimbangkan rancangan alternatif
yang akan menghindari dan meminimalkan jumlah orang yang
perlu dimukimkan kembali, (ii) apabila tidak dapat dihindari,
Rencana Permukiman Kembali (Resettlement Plans atau RPs)
akan dibuat berdasarkan RPF yang disepakati. (lihat RPF)
 Pengerukan
Komponen : Lingkungan Hidup
Isu: Kualitas Air (TSS, kekeruhan, bau, DO, BOD)
Dampak Potensial: (i) Pengerukan mengakibatkan peningkatan
yang sementara dari TSS dalam badan air dan resuspensi
substansi yang akan mengkonsumsi oksigen terlarut dalam air
(yaitu material organik atau anaerobik), unsur hara dan
kontaminan, (ii) Hilangnya biota pada lokasi pengerukan dan
tertutup nya organism bentik (benthic) di lokasi yang berdekatan,
(iii) gangguan sementara dari kehidupan air karena turunnya
tingkat dari DO (terutama bagi ikan).
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
 Persyaratan berdasarkan Undang-Undang: RPF yang
terdapat dalam Loan Agreement
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: standar hidup PAP
 Obyek: PAP yang dipindahkan secara permanen atau
 Parameter, metode dan frekuensi: akan ditentukan dalam RP
 Pelaporan: Rincian diberikan dalam RPF
 Waktu : Sebelum jangka waktu konstruksi dan memantau
proyek sampai tercapainya tujuan.
Tanggung jawab: Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta telah
mengalokasikan anggaran untuk memberikan ganti rugi
dalam bentuk tunai (lihat Biaya Proyek untuk gambaran
terbaru) atau yang serupa (misalnya, penyewaan tempat
tinggal) untuk PAP
 Persyaratan berdasarkan Undang-Undang: PP 82/1999
tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Polusi Air;
 Keputusan Gubernur: Kep. Gub KDKI Jakarta No. 582/1995
tentang Standar baku mutu Sungai, air permukaan dan Air
 Kriteria Pelaksanaan: Kondisi rona awal sebelum proyek
 Lokasi: lokasi sekitar (misalnya, dalam radius 100 m) dan
lokasi jauh (misalnya, radius 1000 m) dari kegiatan pengerukan
dan pemrosesan material kerukan. Definisi dan lokasi sekitar
serta jauh ditentukan dalam AMDAL.
Tahap / operasian
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pertimbangan : (i) Peningkatan tingkat TSS dan BOD tidak dapat
dihindari. Batasannya tergantung pada metode dan besarnya
pengerukan dan hidrodinamik. Namun, kondisi rona awal yang
telah keruh, eutrophic dan memiliki BOD yang tinggi, oleh sebab
itu tingkatan dari TSS dan BOD tersebut hanya akan bersifat
sementara dan setempat. (ii) Hilangnya organisme benthic tidak
dapat dihindari,
namun kebanyakan dari saluran air dan waduk berada dalam
kondisi yang tercemar (umumnya oleh limbah domestik yang
menciptakan kondisi yang tidak baik untuk ekosistem benthic.
Kondisi dari komunitas benthic dapat membaik setelah
pengerukan dilakukan.
Penanggulangan: (i) Menentukan peralatan yang sesuai dan
metode pengerukan yang sesuai, (ii) Memasang silt curtain
apabila diperlukan, (iii) memantau keragaman spesies benthic
sebelum dan sesudah pengerukan.
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
 Parameter, metode, dan frekuensi:
Total partikel
tersuspensi (Total
suspended solid
atau TSS)
oxygen biologis
(Biological oxygen
demand atau
Dissolved oxygen
Nekton (misalnya,
< 80
< 20
In-situ dan
In-situ dan
 Pelaporan: setiap bulan melapor pada PIUs dan setiap enam
bulan, pelaporan dari PIUs kepada BPLHD untuk pengujian
 Waktu: sebelum periode konstruksi dan pengawasan selama
proyek sampai pencapaian tingkat dasar.
Tanggung jawab: Kontraktor (untuk pelaksanaan) dan
Konsultan Pengawasan (SC) utk supervisi dan pemantauan
(mengambil sampel)
Anggaran: Kontraktor (termasuk dalam kontrak), SC (dari
Tahap /
 Pengerukan
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
Komponen: Lingkungan Perkotaan
Isu: tingkat peningkatan sementara dari kebisingan, bau, debu,
dan getaran
 Persyaratan berdasarkan undang-undang: Peraturan
pemerintah PP No. 41/1999 tentang Pengendalian Polusi Udara;
Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Kep-50/MenLH/11/1996
dan Keputusan Gubernur SK Gub. KDKI Jakarta no
551/2001tentang Kualitas Udara, Kebisingan, Bau dan Getaran.
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: Kondisi rona awal sebelum JUFMP
 Lokasi: Lokasi sekitar dan jauh dari aktivitas pengerukan dan
pemrosesan material. Definisi lokasi sekitar dan jauh ditentukan
dalam EIA.
 Parameter, metode, dan frekuensi:
Dampak Potensial: pengerukan akan memberikan dampak pada
lingkungan perkotaan, seperti , kebisingan, bau, debu dan
Pertimbangan: Lalu lintas di DKI Jakarta semakin padat, alat
transportasi alternatif adalah melalui air atau jalur kereta api yang
akan diinvestigasikan dalam EIA.
Penanggulangan: Memantau secara teratur integritas dari
peralatan, memodifikasi praktik pekerjan, misalnya, menghindari
kebisingan tinggi yang berasal dari peralatan pada waktu malam
Isu: Gangguan sementara dari akses/kehidupan untuk mata
In-situ dan
230 µg/m
70 dBA
* Membutuhkan lebih dari 50% delapan responden minimum
untuk mengkonfirmasikan bau yang normal
 Pelaporan: Setiap bulannya melaporkan kepada PIUs dan
setiap enam bulan pelaporan dari PIUs kepada BPLHD untuk
 Waktu: sebelum jangka waktu kegiatan dan pengawasan
selama proyek sampai pencapaian rona awal.
Tanggung jawab: Kontraktor (untuk pelaksanaan) dan
Konsultan Pengawasan (SC) utk supervisi dan pemantauan
(mengambil sampel)
Anggaran: Kontraktor (termasuk dalam kontrak), SC (dari
Lihat bagian pekerjaan tanggul pada tabel ini untuk
penanggulan yang terperinci
Tahap /
 Transportasi
(melalui darat dengan
menggunakan dump
truk kedap air)
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
Komponen : Lingkungan perkotaan
Isu: kemacetan lalu lintas, kebocoran dan tumpahan material
selama pengangkutan
Dampak Potensial: Transportasi dari material pengerukan ke
lokasi pembuangan, apabila dilakukan pada waktu siang akan
memperburuk lalu lintas yang telah padat. Selain itu, kebocoran
atau tumpahan dari sedimen selama pengangkutan akan
meningkatkan partikulat di udara jika sedimen tersebut kering.
Penanggulangan: (i) pengangkutan material kerukan pada
malam hari (yaitu dari 22:00 – 05:00), (ii) material kerukan
dimasukan kedalam kontainer baja sebelum dimasukan ke dalam
truk pembuangan atau watertight dump truck, (iii) material
kerukan akan diangkut dengan menggunakan GPS-tracking dump
truck, (iv) integritas dari kendaraan bermotor akan diperiksa
secara teratur, (v)batas kecepatan maksimum ditentukan hingga
30 km per jam.
. Pemantauan
 Persyaratan berdasarkan dengan undang-undang: Peraturan
lalu lintas dan transportasi DKI yang berlaku
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: pengaduan publik, jumlah tumpahan,
kepadatan lalu lintas dan waktu perjalanan
 Lokasi: dari lokasi pengerukan ke lokasi pembuangan, baik
untuk limbah padat dan sedimen.
 Parameter, metode, dan frekuensi:
Waktu perjalanan
 Pelaporan: Setiap bulan melaporkan kepada PIUs dan
setiap enam bulan melaporkan dari PIUs kepada BPLHD untuk
 Waktu : memantau selama proyek
Tanggung jawab: Kontraktor untuk pelaksanaan, SC untuk
Pengawasan dan Pemantauan
Anggaran: Kontraktor (termasuk dalam kontrak), SC (dari
Tahap /
gan (CDF Ancol)
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
Komponen: Linkungan Alam
Isu: Hilangnya habitat benthic dalam 120 ha, turunya kualitas air laut
(TSS, kekeruhan, gizi), dan algae blooming.
Dampak Potensial: Pembuangan material hasil kerukan pada CDF
Ancol yang mengakibatkan hilangnya komunitas benthic pada lokasi
akibat peningkatan TSS.
Pertimbangan: Proyek memperkenalkan dan mensyaratkan prinsip
pembuangan tertutup (CDF) untuk meminimalkan dampak
lingkungan dari pembuangan material hasil kerukan. Namun, terlebih
penting lagi, pengenalan prinsip CDF akan membantu pemulihan
ekosistem Teluk Jakarta, hal ini didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa
semua sedimen (yang tercemar oleh kegiatan domestik dan limbah
padat) dari sungai-sungai dan waduk-waduk yang pada akhirnya
akan berakhir di Teluk Jakarta. Hilangnya benthos ini tidak dapat
dihindari pada lokasi pembuangan. Namun dengan
mempertimbangkan bahwa (i) ukuran CDF (120 ha) sangat kecil
dibandingkan dengan Teluk Jakarta secara keseluruhan (200 km ),
(ii) ekosistem dalam wilayah tersebut telah mati, sehingga dampak
atas benthos cenderung rendah. Meskipun material tersebut
didominasi oleh tanah liat dan lanau (silt), gelombang dan arus pada
lokasi pembuangan rendah berdasarkan kajian Ancol. Oleh sebab
itu, penyebaran TTS ke wilayah yang lebih luas cenderung tidak ada.
Namun, dengan mempertimbangkan sumber material pengisian yang
cenderung terkontaminasi oleh limbah manusia serta kedekatan dari
lokasi reklamasi dengan reseptor, yaitu pantai publik, kontaminasi
patogen yang akan dipantau.
 Persyaratan berdasarkan undang-undang: PP No 19/1999
tentang Pengendalian Polusi Laut dan Keputusan Menteri
Lingkungan Hidup No. 51/MENLH/2004 tentang kualitas air laut
untuk biota laut
 Kriteria Pelaksanaan: Kondisi rona awal sebelum JUFMP
 Lokasi: Lokasi sekitar (misalnya dalam radius 100 m) dan
jauh (misalnya, radius 1000 m) dari CDF.
 Parameter, method and frequency:
Tipe tes
<5 NTU
Dissolved oxygen
>5 mg/L
Total suspended
20 mg/L
solid (TSS)
Biological oxygen
< 20 mg/L
demand (BOD)
Jumlah coliform
Fecal coliform
0.3 mg/L
Jumlah ammonia
nitrogen (T-NH3)
Penanggulangan: konstruksi fasilitas pembuangan (tanggul atau
penahan ombak) diselesaikan sebelum material kerukan dibuang
kedalam, pelapisan dengan geo-textile fabric yang sesuai akan
menahan TSS dalam wilayah pembuangan. Menutup pantai publik
saat terdektesinya kontaminasi patogen. Menutup pantai publik
apabila algae blooming yang berbahaya terjadi.
In-situ dan
Nekton (misalnya,
In-situ dan
 Pelaporan: setiap bulan melaporkan kepada PIU dan setiap
enam bulan pelaporan dari PIU kepada BPLHD untuk pengujian
 Waktu: sebelum kegiatan dan pemantau selama proyek
sampai acuan/tingkat dasar tercapai.
Tanggung jawab: : PT PJA (Ancol) sebagai bagian dari
pelaksanaan RKL/RPL dan SC untuk pengawasan dan
Anggaran: Kontraktor (termasuk dalam kontrak), SC (dari
Tahap /
 Pekerjaan
tanggul (dengan
asumsi sebagian
besar akan
sheet-piling (turap)
pekerjaan yang
kecil akan
pembuatan tembok
dari batu atau
pekerjaan tembok
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
Komponen: Lingkungan Perkotaan
Isu: kebisingan, getaran
 Persyaratan berdasarkan undang-undang: Keputusan
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup tentang kualitas udara, kebisingan
dan getaran.
Dampak Potensial:
 Meningkatanya tingkat lokalisasi jarak pendek dari kebisingan dan
getaran selama pengoperasian dari peralatan konstruksi. Reseptor
yang sensitive dalam wilayah proyek , termasuk orang-orang yang
tinggal berdekatan dengan wilayah proyek.
Penanggulangan: (i) memberitahukan masyarakat setempat
mengenai tipe pekerjaan tanggul dan periode konstruksi tersebut
akan berlangsung, (ii) pekerjaan sheet-piling (Turap) hanya akan
izinkan pada waktu siang hari dan akan berhenti sementara pada
waktu ibadah.
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: pengaduan masyarakat
 Lokasi: lokasi proyek yang melibatkan rehabilitasi tanggul.
 Parameter, metode, dan frekuensi:
Pengukuran Lahan
Pengukuran Lahan
 Pelaporan: Setiap bulan melapor kepada PIUs dan setiap
enam bulan pelaporan dari PIU kepada BPLHD untuk pengujian
 Waktu: Sebelum kegiatan dan pemantauan selama proyek
berlangsung sampai pencapaian background level.
Tanggung jawab: Kontraktor untuk pelaksanaan, SC untuk
pengawasan dan pemantauan
Anggaran: Kontraktor (termasuk dalam kontrak), SC (dari
Tahap /
 Pekerjaan
tanggul (dengan
asumsi sebagian
besar akan
sheet-piling (turap)
pekerjaan yang
kecil akan
pembuatan tembok
dari batu atau
pekerjaan tembok
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung Jawab dan Anggaran
Komponen: Sosial
Isu: Mata pencaharian orang-orang yang bergantung pada sungai
atau waduk
 Persyaratan berdasarkan undang-undang: ESMF dan RPF
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: jumlah dari PAP yang dipekerjakan dan
pengaduan dari PAP
Dampak Potensial:
 Gangguan sementara atas mata pencaharian;
 Konflik sosial antara PAP dan pekerja proyek
 Lokasi: Pekerjaan tanggul dan lokasi pengerukan.
Pertimbangan: Terdapat sejumlah kecil dari PAP (surve cepat:
sekitar 30 orang) yang bergantung pada sungai dan waktu untuk
sumber pendapatan mereka. Selama pelaksanaan proyek
(pengerukan dan pekerjaan tanggul), gangguan sementara dapat
terjadi untuk mereka yang mengoperasikan Eretan (yaitu, perahu
yang terikat pada kabel logam yang dapat mengangkut belasan
orang, atau beberapa motor dan beberapa orang, sepanjang sungaisungai). Dampak potensial lain termasuk gangguan mata
pencaharian untuk pemulung yang beroperasi di sungai dan waduk.
Penanggulangan: selain ukuran pengelolaan yang dirancangkan
dalam Bagian Pengelolaan Pengaduan Masyarakat, kontraktor
(pekerjaan pengerukan dan tanggul) akan memberikan prioritas
kepada PAP pada saat perekrutan pekerja kasar sebelum pekerjaan
konstruksi di wilayah-wilayah yang terletak pada PAP tersebut.
Sebagai alternatif sebagai pekerjaan bagi pekerja kasar, kontraktor
dapat membantu pemilik eretan untuk menggeser eretan nya ke hulu
atau hilir sehingga eretan dapat tetap beroperasi selama pengerukan
dan pekerjaan tanggul
 Parameter, metode, dan frekuensi:
 Pelaporan: SC kepada PMU dan PIU, DKI kepada PMU
kepada Bank Dunia
 Waktu: sebelum aktivitas (perekrutan pekerja kasar) dan
setelah pekerjaan di wilayah PAP diselesaikan (pengakhiran)
Tanggung jawab: DKI (Pemantauan dan Pelaporan Pokja) dan
Anggaran: Pemerintah Provinsi DKI dan Kontraktor
Setelah Konstruksi
gan (Pembuangan
CDF Ancol)
Isu, Dampak Potensial
Pemantauan, Tanggung jawab dan Anggaran
Isu: Perubahan hidrodinamik dan geomorfologi pada lokasi-lokasi
Dampak Potensial: Perubahan dari arus menyusur pantai
(longshore current), dan selanjutnya perubahan pola abrasi dan
sedimentasi di wilayah sekitar proyek. Keberadaan dari lahan hasil
reklamasi juga rentan terhadap pengikisan.
 Persyaratan terkait undang-undang: PP No 19/1999 on
Pengendalian Polusi Laut
 Kriteria pelaksanaan: longshore current (arus menyusur pantai),
pola sedimen dan pengikisan
 Lokasi: CDF Ancol
Pertimbangan: Simulasi longshore current yang dilakukan oleh
konsultan PT PJA menunjukan pola arus menyusur pantai tidak akan
berubah setelah reklamasi, namum akan melambat dari 1,52 m/s
sampai 1,42 m/s. Selanjutnya, TSS akan sedikit meningkat,
sedangkan batimetri tidak menunjukan perubahan-perubahan yang
Penanggulangan: Memantau arus menyusur pantai dan tingkat TSS
untuk memahami pola penyebarannya. Mempertimbangkan skema
pemanfaatan (sedimen kerukan) untuk restorasi habitat.
 Parameter, metode dan frekuensi:
Longshore current
Pola Sedimentasi
 Pelaporan: Setiap bulan memberikan laporan kepada PIUs dan
enam bulan sekali memberikan laporan dari PIU kepada BPLHD
untuk pengujian
 Waktu: Sebelum kegiatan dan pemantauan selama proyek
berlangsung sampai mencapai kestabilan
Tanggung jawab: PT PJA (Ancol) sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan
RKL/RPL, SC untuk mengawas dan memantau
Anggaran: PT PJA sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan RKL/RPL
Penyertaan dalam Dokumen-Dokumen Kontrak/Spesifikasi
Rencana pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan sosial (Environmental and social
management plan atau EMP dan GRS) akan merupakan bagian kontrak
konstruksi. Demikian pula, rencana pengelolaan dan pemantauan (management
and monitoring plan atau EMP, GRS, RP) juga akan dimasukkan ke dalam
kontrak konsultan pengawasan (supervision consultant atau SC). Hal ini
memastikan bahwa SC dan para kontraktor memiliki kewajiban kontraktual dan
dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban.
Pemerintah Indonesia telah mendapatkan hibah sebesar US$ 5 juta
(TF#054683) (Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program – WASAP) dari
Pemerintah Belanda melalui Bank Dunia dan telah menggunakan sebagian dari
hibah ini untuk persiapan instrumen pengaman lingkungan hidup dan sosial
selama jangka waktu persiapan proyek JUFMP (misalnya, AMDAL, RPF,
rancangan RP). Biaya untuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup telah
dimasukkan ke dalam kontrak konstruksi yang akan dibiayai oleh melalui
pinjaman. Biaya pelaksanaan RP akan ditanggung oleh DKI Jakarta. Biaya untuk
pengawasan dan pemantauan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan sosial telah
termasuk dalam kontrak Konsultan Pengawasan yang sedang dibiayai oleh
Lampiran 1: Pemrosesan CDF Ancol dan Due Dilligence Lingkungan
Ancol Confined Disposal Facility (CDF)
Construction of the Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) by PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA)
based on
(i) DED and Approved AMDAL documents from BPLHD and
(iii) Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Provincial Government of DKI with PT PJA for the
construction of CDF
Completed CDF
Environmental Due Diligence by PMU and WB
Is the CDF
acceptable ?
Contractor to start dumping
Lampiran 2 : Penapisan limbah berbahaya dan beracun sesuai dengan persyaratan AMDAL CDF Ancol
Screening level TCLP
(mg/kg berat kering)
TCLP (mg/L)
PP No. 85/
Apabila tidak terdapat logam yang melebihi Screening Level
Toxicity Characteristic of Leaching Procedure (TCLP), TCLP
(USEPA SW 846 ) tidak akan dilaksanakan
Government of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Public Works
Directorate General of Water Resources
1 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 1
Safeguards Policies Triggered ...................................................................................................... 2
Approach for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment....................................................... 3
Significant Environmental and Social Impacts ............................................................................. 5
Proposed Environmental and Social Impact Management ........................................................... 6
Consultations............................................................................................................................... 11
Project Communication............................................................................................................... 12
Reputational Risks ...................................................................................................................... 13
Project Description.............................................................................................................................. 14
Project Development Objective .................................................................................................. 14
Summary of Project Component................................................................................................. 15
Project Sites ................................................................................................................................ 15
Sequencing of Works .................................................................................................................. 16
Volume of Works........................................................................................................................ 17
Disposal Sites.............................................................................................................................. 18
Ancol confined disposal facility (CDF) .............................................................................. 19
Bantar Gebang landfill facility............................................................................................ 19
PPLi hazardous waste landfill............................................................................................. 20
3 Environmental and Social Legal Requirements and Project Institutional and Implementation
Arrangements.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Government of Indonesia Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................... 20
Government of Indonesia Land Acquisition............................................................................... 21
The World Bank’s Triggered Environmental Safeguards Policies and Compliance
Requirements. ......................................................................................................................................... 22
The World Bank’s Triggered Social Safeguards Policies and Compliance Requirements......... 23
Package of Environment and Social Safeguards Documents. .................................................... 23
Environmental safeguards documents................................................................................. 23
Social safeguards documents .............................................................................................. 27
Preparation and disclosure of safeguards documents.......................................................... 27
Institutional Arrangements.......................................................................................................... 29
Institutional Arrangements (Phase 1 and Phase 2).............................................................. 29
Institutional Arrangements (Disposal sites) ........................................................................ 32
For the Phase 1 and Phase 2 works ..................................................................................... 33
For the disposal sites (Ancol CDF, Bantar Gebang and PPLi) ........................................... 33
Implementation Arrangements (Social Safeguards) ................................................................... 36
Relevant Environment and Social Baseline Data................................................................................ 38
Sediment Quality in JUFMP Sites .............................................................................................. 38
ERM 2008........................................................................................................................... 38
DHV 2008........................................................................................................................... 39
AMDAL for Phase 2 activities, sampling and analysis 2010 ............................................. 39
Results and interpretation.................................................................................................... 39
Sediment Quality in Ancol.......................................................................................................... 41
Water Quality in JUFMP Sites.................................................................................................... 42
Ancol Sea Water Quality ............................................................................................................ 43
Ancol Marine Biota..................................................................................................................... 46
Plankton .............................................................................................................................. 46
Benthos ............................................................................................................................... 47
Implementation Arrangements (Environmental Safeguards)...................................................... 33
Social Economic Baseline........................................................................................................... 47
Population ........................................................................................................................... 47
Social-economic Characteristics of the Population............................................................. 47
Summary of Potential Significant Environmental and Social Impacts ............................................... 49
Environmental Impacts associated with the JUFMP project activities....................................... 49
Significant traffic disruption. .............................................................................................. 49
Reduced air quality and foul odors. .................................................................................... 50
Change of water discharge rate........................................................................................... 50
Change of surface water quality.......................................................................................... 50
Change of sea water quality ................................................................................................ 51
Increase of solid waste ........................................................................................................ 51
Impact on Biota................................................................................................................... 51
Impact on Public health and environmental sanitation ....................................................... 51
JUFMP Project Impacts on Ancol CDF...................................................................................... 52
Offsite Impacts from Ancol CDF................................................................................................ 53
JUFMP Project Impacts on Bantar Gebang and PPLi facility .................................................... 53
Social Impacts............................................................................................................................. 53
PAPs Sites........................................................................................................................... 53
Non-PAPs sites ................................................................................................................... 56
Potential non-resettlement related social impacts. .............................................................. 56
Evictions during the period of JUFMP Project Preparation................................................ 57
Analysis of Alternatives...................................................................................................................... 58
The “do nothing” option ............................................................................................................. 58
Overall Alternative Analysis....................................................................................................... 58
Specific Alternative Analyses..................................................................................................... 60
Catchment wide vs. local flood management ..................................................................... 60
Engineering vs. non-engineering approach......................................................................... 60
Choice of dredging sites...................................................................................................... 60
Dredging technology: Mechanical vs. Hydraulic................................................................ 61
Solid Waste Separation ....................................................................................................... 61
Transport options: Land based (dump truck) vs. hydraulic ................................................ 61
Environmental Management Plans ..................................................................................................... 61
Overall Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans ...................................................... 61
Traffic Management Plans .......................................................................................................... 62
Resettlement Planning......................................................................................................................... 63
Approach for Social Impact Management .................................................................................. 63
Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) ...................................................................................... 64
Resettlement Plans (RPs)............................................................................................................ 67
Census Updates and Finalization of RPs ............................................................................ 67
Database for PAPs .............................................................................................................. 68
Funding for RPF and RPs ................................................................................................... 68
Consultations....................................................................................................................................... 68
Consultations during AMDAL.................................................................................................... 68
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)............................................................................................... 72
Consultations on the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)..................................................... 73
Consultations during the preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs) ............................................ 75
Grievance Redress System (GRS) .................................................................................................. 75
Project Communications ................................................................................................................. 77
Reputational Risks .......................................................................................................................... 79
List of Tables
Table 2-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins under Project..................................... 16
Table 2-2 Sequencing of Project Construction Works................................................................................ 17
Table 2-3 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins under the Project............................... 18
Table 3-1 Summary of due Diligence Process for Disposal Sites .............................................................. 26
Table 3-2 Summary of Environmental and Social Documents and Disclosure Status ............................... 28
Table 3-3 Summary of Processes and Conditions Governing Disposal of Project Material ...................... 35
Table 4-1 ERM 2008 data considering relevant soil use screening levels (in mg/kg)................................ 40
Table 4-2 Phase 2 AMDAL data (2010) considering relevant soil use screening levels (in mg/kg) .......... 41
Table 4-3 Result of Marine Sediment Quality Measurement (by TCLP, USEPA) around the Study Area42
Table 4-4 Water Quality Analysis Results: Cengkareng Drain .................................................................. 43
Table 4-5 Result of Seawater Quality Measurement in the Study Area ..................................................... 44
Table 4-6 Result of Seawater Monitoring in the 2005-2008 period in the Ancol Marine Waters.............. 45
Table 4-7 Populations of Areas where Project’s Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins are Located... 48
Table 5-1 Summary of Activities Causing Impact and Direct Impact........................................................ 49
Table 5-2 Estimated Affected Structures and Persons at Project Sites ....................................................... 55
Table 9-1 Issues raised with respect to the Phase 1 AMDAL and Ancol CDF consultation...................... 69
List of Figures
Figure 2-1 Summary of the Disposal Arrangements................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-1 AMDAL Process....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-2 Illustration of Project Implementation Arrangements (excluding disposal arrangements) ....... 29
Figure 4-1 Air Quality, Noise and Seawater Sampling Site ....................................................................... 46
Figure 11-1 Communications between agencies......................................................................................... 79
List of Annexes
Annex 1: Project Map
Annex 2: Tentative Plan for the Preparation of Phase 2 related EIAs and RPs
Annex 3: Case Studies – Eviction in Kemiri, Tambora VI and Tambora VIII Sites
Annex 4: List of Key Reference Documents in the Project Files
B3 Waste
DKI Jakarta or DKI
EIA/SIA Consultant
Kelurahan /Kecamatan
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan – Process of environmental impact assessments
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan – environmental impact assessment/statement
Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun - Hazardous and Toxic Waste
Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan - Environmental Impact Management Agency
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional – National Development Planning Board
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah – Provincial Development Planning Board
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane – Regional Office of Ciliwung-Cisadane
River Basin
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah – Local Level of Environmental
Management Agency (including Provincial and Municipal Level)
Confined Disposal Facility
Directorate General for Human Settlements (Dirjen Cipta Karya – MoPW)
Directorate General for Water Resources (Dirjen Sumberdaya Air– MoPW)
Daerah Khusus Istimewa Jakarta (Provincial government of DKI Jakarta)
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, a consultant hired by PMU
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental and Social Management Framework
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Environmental and Social Working Group
Focus Group Discussion
Grievance Redress System
Government of Indonesia
Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi – Metropolitan DKI Jakarta
Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative
Joint Steering Committee
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project
Kerangka Acuan – ANDAL - Term of Agreement of EIA
Urban Village/Sub-district
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup – MoE
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Public Works
Non-Governmental Organization
Operational Policy
Panitia Pengadaan Tanah - Land Acquisition Committee
Project Affected Person
Public Involvement
Project Implementation Plan
Project Implementation Unit
Project Management Unit
Pos Komando - Site Office which also functions as, amongst others, public information
center and site-based complaint handling unit
Peraturan Pemerintahan – Government Regulation
EIA/SIA consultant hired by PMU to prepare AMDAL and RP
Project Preparation Consultants
Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Ltd. (Ancol Authorities)
Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri – A licensed of secure landfill operator
Ministry of Public Works - Departemen Pekerjaan Umum
Resettlement Plan
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan – Environmental Management Plan
Resettlement Policy Framework
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan – Environmental Monitoring Plan
Supervision Consultant
Social Impact Assessment
Traffic Management Plan
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program Trust Fund
West Banjir Canal
Western Java Environmental Management Project
Executive Summary
1.1 Description of Project
The Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (JUFMP or “the project”) aims to contribute to the
improvement of the operations and maintenance of a priority part of the flood management system in the
city of Jakarta, through:
 Dredging sections of selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to improve their flow
capacities, and disposing the dredge material in proper facilities;
 Rehabilitating and constructing embankment in sections of, and repairing or replacing mechanical
equipment in, the same selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to sustain and
improve their operations;
 Establishing institutional coordination between the three responsible agencies to encourage
coordinated development, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of Jakarta's flood management
system; and
 Strengthening the capability of the responsible agencies to improve the operations, maintenance
and management of Jakarta's flood management system.
Eleven critical floodways and canals, as well as four retention basins (waduks) were identified to
be included in the scope of the project works. These were identified by the Government of Indonesia
(GoI) as in priority need of rehabilitation and improvement in flow capacities to alleviate severe seasonal
flooding. These floodways, canals and retention basins are located in areas where nearly 1.8 million
people live1 (out of a total core city population of about 11 million). A project map is provided in Annex
This dredging activity is expected to result in the removal of about 3.4 million m3 of sediment
material and 95,000 m3 of solid waste. Non-hazardous sediment material is planned to be disposed at an
ongoing sea reclamation project in a confined disposal facility (CDF) known as Ancol CDF, located off
the north coast of Jakarta in the Jakarta Bay. Removed solid waste will be transported to the existing
Bantar Gebang landfill in Bekasi, the main solid waste landfill serving Jakarta. Sampling tests at project
sites indicate that the JUFMP dredge material is non-hazardous. However, pre-dredging testing will still
be conducted during implementation and in the very unlikely event that hazardous sediment waste
material is found, it will be disposed off at the existing secure landfill in Bogor owned by PT. Prasadha
Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLi), which is licensed to manage hazardous waste material. Both Bogor
and Bekasi lie just outside Jakarta city, within the Jakarta metropolitan area.
1.2 Purpose and Content of this Consolidated Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide the summary of the environmental and social safeguards
issues and arrangements of the JUFMP. This document also serves to provide both a consolidated picture
as well as a summary of the environmental and social safeguards impact assessments and mitigation
design for the JUFMP project as a whole. The JUFMP project includes works that come under the
See Table 4-7 in section 4.
responsibility of different agencies. At the same time, the project will also utilize disposal areas and
facilities that are being constructed and/or operated by entities independent of the project implementation
agencies. As such, the JUFMP project environmental and social safeguards designs and provisions as a
whole consist of a set of different environmental and social impact assessments and mitigation plans
underpinned by various key studies, reports and reviews processes. Each of these assessments and plans
has been developed by different responsible agencies, approved for the different works or disposal sites,
and at different times throughout the JUFMP project preparation period. These environmental and social
safeguards designs and provisions have been assessed during the JUFMP project preparation.
It provides a summary of the safeguards requirements and policies2 applicable to the project.
This document describes the principles and approaches for environmental and social impact assessments
conducted during project preparation, including the preparation timing and disclosure of applicable
documents that together make up the full safeguards instrument of the project. Further, the related due
diligence, assessments, consultations and communications conducted during project preparation are
discussed, including brief descriptions of key findings and conclusions of relevant reports and studies.
The potential environmental and social impacts from the project, and mitigation measures adopted, are
summarized. Finally, this report describes the various arrangements put in place to monitor and supervise
the environmental and social impact mitigation plans related to project works and disposal activities, as
well as to manage residual risks during implementation. A list of documents comprising the project
safeguards instruments, and a list of other key reference documents is provided in Annex 4.
Safeguards Policies Triggered
The project is expected to yield positive environmental and social outcomes. Alleviating flooding
will reduce the environmental impact and public health issues caused by overflowing and stagnant flood
waters and reduce disruptions to communities in project areas – particularly to the predominantly poor
communities living in flood-prone areas. Solid waste and sediments in the drains, if not removed, would
be flushed uncontrolled into the estuary and bay area. Over the longer term, the flood information
management system that is being introduced by the project would provide DKI Jakarta the information
based planning tool needed to sustainably manage the network well beyond the life of the project and to
continue to reduce the incidence of flooding in the area. However, adverse environmental impacts are
also likely during the project implementation, e.g., from the sediment material and solid waste that would
be generated, if they are not handled, stored, sorted, transported and disposed of properly. These impacts
include potentially significant traffic disruption, reduction in air quality due to dust and foul odor
emissions, increased noise levels, reduction in surface water and sea water quality, etc. Involuntary
resettlement has also been identified as required in several project sites. Apart from Indonesian
environmental and social safeguards requirements, the JUFMP project triggers the World Bank’s
Environmental Assessment Operational Policy (OP4.01), and as per this policy’s requirements is assigned
an EA category of A. The project also triggers the World Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy (OP
Including Indonesian and World Bank policies requirements.
Approach for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Project Sequencing
Project funded construction works have been structured into two sequenced phases – Phase 1 and
Phase 2. A sequenced implementation design has been adopted as a key implementation risk management
mechanism for the project. Phase 1 works (proposed 4 sites / 3 works contracts) are expected to
commence during the first year of project implementation. Phase 2 works (proposed 11 sites / 5
contracts) are expected to follow subsequently. This sequencing will help avoid the PMU/PIUs and their
supervision consultant from being overburdened during the first year when detailed actual implementation
processes, procedures and routines are operationalized. The sequencing will also allow time for DKI
Jakarta to complete the necessary resettlement instruments and supporting arrangements ahead of works
in sites involving involuntary resettlement3, including the establishment of a project Grievance Redress
System (GRS) and the appointment of a Panel of Experts.
Project Linked Sites
Technical assessments have identified 10 canals/waduks sections that are hydraulically and/or
directly connected with the canals/waduks sections under JUFMP. The government currently has no
specific plans for rehabilitation works in these sections. However, any such activities in these sections
will be expected to impact the operations of the canals/waduks sections under JUFMP. Due to this
reason, these 10 sections have been designated as project linked sites. Two of these project linked sites
are linked to Phase 1 work sites, while the remaining eight are linked to Phase 2 work sites. In the event
that the government carries out any works activities related to floods management (e.g., dredging and/or
canal rehabilitation) in these 10 sections during the JUFMP project period, the RPF (and all associated
provisions) will apply to such sites.
Assessment and Disclosure Approaches
The environmental and social safeguards requirements for Phase 1 works and for project material
disposal arrangements have been appraised. Phase 1 works are expected to be ready for implementation
soon after the project is effective (provided also that certain other agreed upon operational conditions are
met). The project is set in a dynamic and fluid environment. Jakarta’s flood management infrastructure
is in a poor condition due to severe under implementation of operations and maintenance and inadequate
local drainage management. These are apt to suffer further unpredictable damages from flood events
(especially during the annual flooding season) and the continuous surrounding heavy urban activities.
Hence, design changes in response to continuously changing conditions should be expected during
implementation, requiring associated revisions to the safeguards documents. Given the sequencing of
project implementation, the various Phase 2 works are only expected to begin from around 12 to 18
months after project approval. The quality of implementation and the environmental and social outcomes
related to Phase 2 works may only be assured through a similar sequencing of the preparation, disclosure
and implementation of their environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and (if needed) resettlement plans
(RPs). For this reason and in line with the sequenced two-phase implementation approach, the EIAs and
RPs for Phase 2 activities will be done during project implementation and will be reviewed by the Bank
prior to finalization and public disclosure. Until the Bank is satisfied and provides the 'no objection' to
the final EIAs and RPs for the site, no works will commence at the site.
Phase 1 sites do not involve involuntary resettlement.
All applicable environmental safeguards documents related to Phase 1 works (including
related to the Ancol CDF, currently under construction) will be disclosed prior to project appraisal.
with the sequenced two-phase implementation approach, an Environmental and Social
Framework (ESMF) and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) will cover the environmental and
management requirements of Phase 2 works, and will guide the preparation, finalization and
implementation of Phase 2 related EIAs and RPs. The ESMF and RPF will be disclosed prior to
appraisal. Phase 2 EIAs and RPs will be completed during project implementation (prior to any
works commencing) and subject to World Bank review and no-objection prior to disclosure and
Table 3-2 of this report provides a summary of the project’s environmental and social safeguards
documents and their disclosure status.
Safeguards Assessments for JUFMP Works
The environmental impact assessment process in Indonesia (referred to as the AMDAL) has also
followed and is aligned with the JUFMP Phase 1 and Phase 2 works packaging structure. An AMDAL
package consists of the (i) ANDAL, which is synonymous to the Environmental Impacts Assessment in
the World Bank’s Environmental Policy OP 4.01, (i) RKL, which is the Environment Management Plan,
and (iii) RPL, which is the Environment Monitoring Plan. The AMDAL for Phase 1 works has been
prepared by the Project Management Unit (PMU). This AMDAL was consulted upon, reviewed and
approved in March 2010 by the provincial level environmental agency (known as the BPLHD) as
required by national and sub-national regulations of Indonesia. The World Bank has also reviewed the
AMDAL and has provided extensive comments resulting in the PMU preparing a JUFMP Phase 1
Supplementary Report. This supplementary report includes further recommendations which will also be
applicable to the project. This ensured that the AMDAL and supplementary report for Phase 1,
combined, complied with the World Bank environmental safeguards policy requirements. The PMU has
also prepared the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) which has been reviewed
by the World Bank. The ESMF will guide and manage the process for preparing the environmental
safeguards documents required for the Phase 2 works.
Preliminary social assessment study has been carried out in 2008 (SA Study). In addition, social
impact assessments were also carried out in 2009 – 2010 as part of the AMDAL processes. In addition to
standard AMDAL consultation processes, specific Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were also carried out
in each project site to obtain deeper information on the environmental and social impacts of the project
and to obtain support from the communities. Both resettlement-related and non-resettlement related
potential social impacts were identified in these assessments and processes. DKI Jakarta has prepared the
project Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) to clarify the principles, procedures and organizational
arrangements to be applied to the preparation of RPs for Phase 2 sites that involve involuntary
resettlement. The RPF has been reviewed and found satisfactory by the World Bank.
Safeguards Assessments for Ancol CDF
Non-hazardous sediment material from JUFMP will be disposed at the Ancol CDF. Construction
of the boundary walls for the confined disposal facility (Ancol CDF) is ongoing at the time of project
preparation. The confined facility is currently expected to be completed at the end of calendar year 2011.
The first AMDAL for the Ancol reclamation works prepared by PT. PJA, was approved by BPLHD in
February 2006 where 12 million m3 of sand and 400,000 m3 of laterite were proposed as the fill material.
This was prior to the proposal for the JUFMP project. The AMDAL was subsequently updated to provide
for non-hazardous JUFMP dredge material to be utilized as part fill material for the Ancol CDF, reducing
sand requirements to 8.6 million m3. The updated AMDAL was reviewed and approved by BPLHD in
March 2009. It is worthy to note that the Ancol reclamation project was planned to be implemented
irrespective and independent of whether JUFMP proceeds or not. The primary objective of PT. PJA as a
concessionaire as stated in the AMDAL is not to receive JUFMP disposal material but to reclaim about
119 hectares of land in Jakarta Bay for future commercial residential developments (as is typical of this
area of Jakarta Bay since 1964). This notwithstanding, Ancol CDF is an integral part of JUFMP. The
World Bank has reviewed the Ancol AMDAL documents4. To address gaps found in the Ancol AMDAL
documents, the PMU has prepared an Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report. This
supplementary report contains the additional measures which will also be applicable to the project. This
ensured that the AMDAL and supplementary report for Ancol CDF, combined, complied with the World
Bank environmental safeguards policy requirements with regards to the disposal of JUFMP material.
Safeguards Assessments for Bantar Gebang and PPLi
Solid waste material from JUFMP will be transported to the Bantar Gebang sanitary landfill,
while hazardous sediment material (if any are found) is planned for disposal at the PPLi secure landfill in
Bogor. Both these landfills already exist and are operating under national environmental permits and
under the supervision of the respective jurisdictional BPLHD’s. Assessments have been carried out
(including site visits by the World Bank) to ascertain that these facilities have adequate financial,
technical and physical capacity to receive the type of waste material from the project and also that these
facilities had the required and valid environmental permits.
Significant Environmental and Social Impacts
Environmental Impacts from JUFMP Works
As discussed in para. 6, the project is expected to generate positive environmental and social
outcomes, by alleviating flooding caused by overflowing and stagnant flood waters. The project
implementation, however, would also have potential negative impacts. These were identified in the
AMDALs5 and summarized in this Section (Section 1.6 summarizes the associated mitigation measures).
These impacts mainly stem from the dredging and embankment works, the significant quantities of
dredge material and solid waste that would be generated, and how these dredge materials would be
handled, temporarily stored, stockpiled, sorted, transported, and finally disposed in urban areas that are
densely populated and that are surrounded by surface and sea water. Potential significant environmental
impacts from these works include: (i) traffic disruption due to equipment mobilization and the transport of
dredge material and solid wastes to their respective disposal sites, (ii) spillage of material along
transportation routes, (iii) foul odors and reduced air quality from ongoing works, (iv) increased noise
levels and vibration from ongoing works, and (v) reduction in surface water quality in canals and related
estuaries during ongoing works. Hazardous material (if any are found) also poses potential environmental
and health hazards if these are improperly handled.
The review included assessment of a proposed design change of the northern boundary (dyke) of the CDF in March 2011, for which the
recommendations of the World Bank review of the proposal was acknowledged and adopted prior to the approval of the change by BPLHD.
The completed AMDALs for the Phase 1 works, as well as draft AMDALs for Phase 2 sites.
Environmental Impacts from Ancol CDF Works
At the Ancol CDF, the AMDAL identified the key potential environmental impacts on site from
the construction and reclamation activities, including: (i) changes in longshore current patterns, (ii)
increased sedimentation around the CDF, (iii) degradation of sea water quality from filling and
reclamation activities, and (iv) disturbance to the sea biota. There is also the potential for adverse off site
impact at the source locations and transport route of sand (8.6 million m3) and laterite (400,000 m3)
required for the construction of the CDF (although the use of JUFMP dredge material to part replace sand
material requirement – thus reducing sand requirement from 12 million m3 to 8.6 million m3 - is in itself a
measure to reduce potential off site impacts).
Environmental Impacts from Bantar Gebang and PPLi Operations
The potential environmental impacts from the project to the operations of the existing Bantar
Gebang sanitary landfill and the PPLi secure landfill are expected to be small. The estimated 95,000 m3
of total solid waste generated from the project over its expected 4 year duration will make up an
insignificant percentage of normal loads being received at Bantar Gebang6. Hazardous material is not
expected from JUFMP (confirmed by sampling tests) and even if some are found, the amounts are well
within the capacity and handling norms of the PPLi secure landfill.
Social Impacts from JUFMP Works
The potential social impacts from the project were identified through the SA Study, AMDAL
related consultations, and the FGD and other consultations carried out as part of the preparation of the
RPF and preliminary RPs. The potential impacts include resettlement-related impacts and nonresettlement related impacts. The studies and consultations conducted during the earlier part of project
preparation indicated that involuntary resettlement would be required at seven sites, affecting over 2,500
structures and more than 6,500 persons. However, efforts to minimize social impact7 over the last few
months have reduced these numbers. At present, six of the 15 project sites are identified to include
involuntary resettlement, affecting about 1,109 structures and 5,228 persons. Non-resettlement related
impacts include “perception and concerns” of communities should they need to resettle without proper
consultations and compensations. Communities were concerned that during construction their living
environment will be disturbed and damaged by the improper management of works operations and
handling of dredged materials, which could lead to inconvenience due to damage on local roads, dusts,
bad odors, spilled dredged materials, increased traffic congestion and noise from the equipments and
trucks. Another potential issue is the concerns of the impacted communities for not being able to
participate during construction as workers/labors and lack of communications between them and the
contractors and project management. Construction at project sites will also temporarily affect about 19
operators / owners of canal crossing boats.
Proposed Environmental and Social Impact Management
The project will be implemented through the appropriate existing institutions in line with the
government institutional structure for floods management. There are three Project Implementing Units
(PIUs) at both central and local government levels: (i) the Directorate General for Water Resources
Normal daily load is currently between 5,000 – 6,000 tons per day, or about 20,000 to 24,000 m3 per day.
Based, amongst others, on adapting engineering designs and works methodology to minimize impact.
(DGWR), (ii) the Directorate General for Human Settlements (DGCK), and (iii) the local government of
Jakarta (DKI Jakarta). Each will be responsible for carrying out the dredging and rehabilitation works in
the selected key floodways, canals and retention basins that come under their respective institutional and
legal responsibilities. In line with its responsibility mandate for social issues in the Jakarta
municipalities8, DKI Jakarta will be responsible for all project social safeguards arrangements. A Project
Management Unit (PMU) has been established by DGWR to oversee and coordinate the overall
preparation and implementation of the project by the three PIUs. The PMU will also implement and
manage common activities, including (i) the overall construction supervision consultancy i.e., the
Supervision Consultant (SC), (ii) the appointment of the Panel of Experts (POE), and (iii) the Floods
Management Information Systems (FMIS), and (iv) support to DKI Jakarta related to involuntary
resettlement and the project’s grievance redress system. The three JUFMP dredge material disposal
locations are operated by separate entities independent of the JUFMP. Ancol CDF is operated by the
concessionaire and operator of the reclamation project, PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT. PJA). The
Bantar Gebang landfill is managed by the Sanitary Agency of DKI Jakarta through a private operator,
while PPLi secure landfill is a private commercial provider (i.e. PT. PPLi) of hazardous waste disposal
Environmental Impact Management for JUFMP Works
For JUFMP works, the respective AMDAL as well as the JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report
requirements will be incorporated into the works bidding documents and contracts. This ensures that the
works contractors will have primary responsibility for the implementation of the required environmental
safeguards measures. Contractors are required to have specific staff with responsibility for environmental
and social management. Bidders are required as part of their bid to submit preliminary contractor’s
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), including a preliminary Traffic Management Plan
(TMP). These will be developed into detailed plans by the winning contractor. Since the majority of
potential effects relate to interactions with the local communities, a minimum number of contract required
meetings with the community has also been included in the contracts. The inclusion of environmental
and social provisions in the biddings documents also ensures that these provisions will be adequately
priced in the contracts. These costs are being built into the unit costs for dredging and transport.
Environmental and social costs built into the contract unit costs include, but are not limited to, workplace
sanitation, safety, traffic management, vehicle emissions control, spillage prevention, noise management,
and consultations with the community.
The quality of the sediment materials in the selected drains and canals has been extensively tested
over time. The results of the tests are consistent in so far as they all confirmed that the sediment material
is non-hazardous waste (per the standards stipulated in GoI Regulations on hazardous material and
hazardous waste management9). Hence, hazardous material (referred to as B3 waste in the GoI
Regulations) is not expected to be found during implementation. Nevertheless, to ensure that no
hazardous material from JUFMP are disposed of in the Ancol CDF10, a strict regime has been developed
Jakarta is officially designated a province with special status as the capital of Indonesia i.e., DKI Jakarta ( or ‘Special Capital City District of
Jakarta’). Administratively, DKI Jakarta is divided into five municipalities (i.e, North Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta and
Central Jakarta municipalities) and one regency (i.e., Kepulauan Seribu, a group of small islands located on the Java Sea).
Government Regulations no. 85/1999 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management.
This requirement is also a stipulation of the Ancol CDF AMDAL.
and adopted requiring pre-testing of sediment in sections immediately prior to dredging. In the highly
unlikely event that the pre-dredge testing reveals the presence of B3 waste and material, the location will
be marked off. Subject to the approval of the Minister of Environment (as required by Indonesian
regulations) this material is expected to be dredged and transported only to the PPLi secure landfill
For JUFMP works, the primary responsibility for implementing the environmental measures
detailed in the AMDALs and the JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report lies with the civil works and
dredging contractors. The requirements are embedded as contractual obligations of the contractors. The
project Supervision Consultant (SC) will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the contractors
(including adherence to required environmental measures). The SC will in turn report directly to the
PMU. The PMU will hold both the SC and the contractors accountable for ensuring compliance with the
required environmental measures. The Terms of Reference of the SC requires that the consultant team
includes environmental expertise with the capacity in supervising activities that addresses environmental
impacts. Also, given that the selected drains and canals lie in the province of Jakarta and run across subprovincial jurisdictional city boundaries, the local environmental agencies (the BPLHDs) at both the
Provincial level (i.e. the office that reviewed and approved all the AMDALs) and the municipal level
BPHLD (i.e. Walikota level) will also be undertaking their mandated routine direct monitoring of works.
The World Bank will carry out regular supervision of the project implementation, primarily through the
PMU. The PMU will also retain a Panel of Experts11, who will monitor and evaluate the preparation and
implementation of the project safeguards instruments (including the EMPs, RPF, RPs, and the project
grievance redress system) and advise the PMU on any actions to be taken to improve compliance.
Environmental Impact Management for Ancol CDF Works, and the Bantar Gebang and PPLi
For Ancol CDF works, the AMDAL requirements have been incorporated by PT. PJA into the
contracts of the Ancol CDF contractors. Hydrodynamic simulations done as part of the AMDAL process
for Ancol CDF indicated that the construction of the facility will likely lead to only slight changes to the
pattern of longshore current around the facility location. To mitigate against the other identified impacts,
the AMDAL for Ancol CDF requires that that the deposited material in the reclaimed area be confined on
all sides by the construction of an outside wall along the entire length of the perimeter of the reclamation
concession area (approx 119 ha). The perimeter walls are designed so as to retain only the solids from the
fill material (which will include about 3.4 million m3 of dredged material from the JUFMP project) while
allowing the discharge of cleaner/filtered water from the confined area via weir. The design of the facility
has been reviewed and assessed as satisfactory during project preparation. This notwithstanding, to
ensure that JUFMP dredge material is not disposed at Ancol CDF before the facility is ready, the World
Bank’s ‘no objection’ to any given JUFMP dredging contract will only be given once the World Bank is
satisfied with the adequacy of the confined facility and has received satisfactory evidence of PT. PJA‘s
compliance with the requirements of the AMDAL for Ancol CDF, including all approved updates to the
AMDAL. The AMDAL for Ancol CDF also requires transport vehicles to be washed down after
unloading the dredge material in the Ancol CDF site in order to further prevent unacceptable transfer of
dredge material onto the local roads. The Ancol CDF AMDAL process has also reviewed the potential
The specialists are expected to comprise an environmental expert, an engineer experienced in dredging and dredge disposal, and an urban
resettlement expert.
off-site impact at the source locations and transport route of sand (8.6 million m3) and laterite (400,000
m3) required in addition to JUFMP dredge material for the construction of the CDF. The AMDAL
stipulates the specific source location of the sand – a marine source in the Banten area off the west coast
of West Java – which has been reviewed to already possess the approved environmental permit consistent
with Indonesian laws and regulations on mining and quarry. The AMDAL also requires the laterite
(required at the final stages of the reclamation process) be sources approved by the DKI BPLHD
(Provincial Level).
For Ancol CDF works, the immediate responsibility for implementing the environmental
measures detailed in the Ancol CDF AMDAL lies with PT. PJA’s contractors. The requirements are
embedded as contractual obligations of the contractors. PT. PJA through its Property Development Unit
is supervising all aspects (including environment) of the contracts. Additionally, PT. PJA has recruited a
consulting firm that carries out quarterly compliance monitoring of the ongoing construction works. PT.
PJA, in compliance with the AMDAL requirements, is preparing and submitting to the DKI BPLHD
quarterly implementation reports of the RKL and RPL. These reports contain measures and actions taken
by PT. PJA to implement the measures contained in their approved RKL and RPL. These reports will
also include the implementation of the additional measures contained in the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL
Supplementary Report.
The primary responsibility for supervision and oversight monitoring of the works at the Ancol
CDF will be with the BPLHD agencies at the Provincial and Municipal Levels. PT. PJA has also agreed
for the JUFMP project Supervision Consultant (SC) to carry out supervision and oversight monitoring of
the Ancol CDF works (including activities at off-site locations) during the life of the JUFMP project.
BPLHD has already started monitoring the ongoing construction works at Ancol CDF and has recorded
and reported its findings and issued its instructions to PT. PJA to undertake any required corrective
measures. On their November 2010 site inspection, the DKI BPLHD invited the World Bank to
undertake a joint monitoring inspection of the works and the World Bank participated in the process with
the DKI BPLHD. The provincial BPLHD has indicated that it will continue to invite the World Bank to
its routine monitoring inspections of the works at the Ancol CDF. PT. PJA’s quarterly implementation
reports of the RKL and RPL will also be shared with the World Bank. The World Bank has appraised the
technical and financial capacity of the provincial BPLHD to satisfactorily undertake their mandated
monitoring responsibility. While there is no direct legal agreement between the World Bank and PT.
PJA, the JUFMP legal agreements will include requirements for DKI Jakarta to exercise its rights (as a
shareholder of PT. PJA) to cause PT. PJA to implement the requirements (including mitigation measures)
of the AMDAL for Ancol CDF and the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report.
The primary responsibility for supervision and oversight monitoring of the ongoing operations of
the existing Bantar Gebang and PPLi facilities lies with the respective city and provincial BPLHD. The
project supervision consultant (SC) will also supervise and carry out oversight monitoring of project
related activities at Bantar Gebang and PPLi.
Social Impact Management
The project seeks to avoid or minimized (if avoidance is not possible) both resettlement and nonresettlement related social impacts. This is done through limiting works to priority sections, careful
selection of dredging approaches and equipment technology, and detailed engineering designs (DEDs)
geared towards minimizing impact. As explained in Section 1.5, significant efforts over the project
preparation period have reduced the expected number of project affected structures from an initial
estimate of over 2,513 to the current 1,109 structures. These efforts will continue during project
implementation. The sequencing of works will also allow sufficient time to prepare, consult and
implement RPs, as well as provide for the establishment of a project grievance redress system and the
appointment of a panel of experts ahead of major resettlement implementation.
A Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) has been developed by DKI Jakarta that addresses the
entitlements of Project Affected Persons (PAPs), the rationale for compensation for lost assets at
replacement cost, specific measures to address vulnerable groups, and assistance for livelihood
restoration. The RPF will guide the preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs) in project sites where
involuntary resettlements are required (including project linked sites). Given a checkered history of
evictions practices in Jakarta, the RPF with key principle for equitable social safeguards practices
represents a transformatory progress in DKI Jakarta’s approach to handling involuntary resettlement.
However, DKI Jakarta has strong concerns that its policies should not risk being seen as against public
interests by inadvertently reward illegal behavior but simultaneously fail to protect affected people who
are at risk of losing their home and livelihoods. For this reason, the RPF makes a distinction between
squatter landlords and encroachers and other PAPs12. The RPF clarifies that assistance provided to
squatter landlords and encroachers would be determined in the RP on a case by case negotiated and
mutually agreed basis, without any predetermined limiting criteria. This arrangement in the RPF serves
to balance the DKI Jakarta’s stated concern on the one hand, and the conformance to the World Bank’s
Involuntary Resettlement policy (by not excluding any particular category of affected people from
assistance and/or compensation) on the other hand.
All project sites will be screened for PAPs and an RP prepared in accordance with the RPF where
PAPs cannot be avoided. The RPs will identify affected people and lay out the framework for
compensating and restoring the livelihoods of entitled households with a clear and agreed timeline
between the PAPs and DKI Jakarta. All RPs will be reviewed by the World Bank13. The RP will require
the World Bank’s ‘no objection’, be publicly disclosed and implemented (except any elements related to
post-resettlement activities) prior to any works commencing at the associated site. DKI Jakarta will
establish a project Grievance Redress System (GRS) that will function, amongst others, to receive and
address / resolve resettlement-related complaints.
The implementation of the resettlement-related activities is the responsibility of the DKI Jakarta,
particularly its Environmental and Social Working Group (ESWG), Project Management and Quality
Assurance Working Group, and the Monitoring and Reporting Working Group. At the operational level,
particularly in preparing and implementing the RPs, the ESWG will be teamed up with the staff of the
relevant municipalities (resettlement team). The Supervision Consultant (SC) will monitor, supervise and
advice the ESWG in preparing and implementing the RPs. Budgets for preparing and implementing the
Encroachers are property owners who have extended their property beyond its legal limits into adjacent state or government land, but who will
not necessarily have their source of livelihoods adversely affected nor have to relocate as a result of the repossession of the state or government
land, and squatter landlords are those have built structures on state or government land for the expressed purpose of profiting from rents, but who
may not rely on these rents to sustain a reasonable livelihood.
The World Bank review of RPs will focus on ensuring that the RPs have been prepared in accordance with all the provisions of the RPF
(including satisfactory position taken in the RP regarding squatter landlords and encroachers is adequate to support the restoration of livelihoods
and standard of living) and the adequacy of implementation arrangements, e.g., implementation plans and budget.
RPs (except for the consultant) will be borne by DKI Jakarta. This would include operational costs for
the ESWG and the resettlement team, compensation for assets, resettlement assistance and rehabilitation
supports. This SC will also be responsible to ensure that DKI Jakarta implement the RPs consistently and
in line with the RPF, and to support DKI Jakarta in establishing and managing the project Grievance
Redress System (GRS). The SC will monitor project linked sites and areas adjacent to project sites and
report any relevant activities - especially those that could involve resettlement.
The transformatory nature of the project approach to handling resettlement as embodied in the
RPF also poses significant implementation challenges. While DKI Jakarta has committed to the RPF and
associated RPs, their implementation (especially in the initial period) will inevitably have to contend with
inconsistent and previously established practices, procedures, and regulations. In order to minimize this
potential implementation bottleneck, DKI Jakarta is currently engaged in an intensive consultation and
dissemination exercise specifically with the four relevant Jakarta municipalities who will carry out the
day-to-day implementation of the RPF and RPs. These efforts are aimed to strengthening the
understanding and support from these municipalities towards the completion and implementation of the
RPF and RPs.
The consultative process for the project has been widespread over the period of project
preparation (mainly 2009 – 2011) and has occurred at multiple levels depending on the target
stakeholders and issues being discussed. During project preparation, most of the consultations were
related to the AMDAL process14 (for both JUFMP and Ancol CDF), and the preparation of the RPF and
preliminary RPs. Broader consultations between DKI Jakarta, government agencies, academia, civil
society, and other stakeholders on issues ranging from technical, engineering, environment, social,
planning and implementation arrangements have also been conducted and are expected to continue.
During project implementation, interactions with the local communities at and near the project sites are
mandated with a minimum number of contract required periodic meetings with the community included
in the works contracts. The project site offices (POSKOs) to be maintained at each project site will
amongst others serve as public information centers. These site offices will also serve as an easily
accessible venue to receive feedbacks (including complaints) about the project from the local community
as well as to carry out consultation as required.
The various public consultations carried out during the project preparation covered issues related
to the project objectives and scope / components, institutional and implementation arrangements, project
timetables, environmental impacts and mitigation plans, social impacts (including resettlement), other
community concerns, and plans for ongoing community consultations and involvement. Details of the
AMDAL related consultations are recorded in each approved AMDAL. In addition to AMDAL
mandated consultations, a series of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were also carried out covering all
kelurahans (‘urban village’ administrative areas within the municipalities) in which the project sites are
located. The purposes of the FGDs were to (i) update communities on the status of the project, and (ii)
obtain community feedback and aspirations. Participants comprised representatives from the kelurahan
Public consultations (at least two rounds) of the project proposal are mandatory in the AMDAL process, and these form key pre-requisites for
compliance with both Indonesian and World Bank requirements.
offices, Board of Trustees of the kelurahans, Community Guidance Officers (Babinsa), Head of the
Family Welfare Program (PKK), community leaders, heads of community neighborhoods (RT and RW),
and representatives of the communities of the project sites. Overall, there was broad support for the
project from the potentially affected people and their communities given the project aim to alleviate
seasonal flooding which causes them tremendous hardship and significant economic losses. But
communities also expressed various concerns, mainly related to potential construction related impacts and
nuisance (e.g., noise, odor, traffic congestions, spillages, etc.), as well as potential involuntary
resettlement impacts.
The community consultations, in particular the FGDs, were instrumental to help DKI Jakarta
prepare the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). A series of workshops and dialogues were also
carried out to inform the preparation of the RPF. In particular, two internal consultations and an external
consultation were carried out to disseminate and obtain support and feedback from government and other
stakeholders for the draft RPF. The internal consultations involved participants from DKI Jakarta
province level to the lowest level (representatives of the mayors from all four DKI municipalities,
relevant DKI agencies and bureaus, and sub-local governments down to the level of Kecamatan /
Kelurahan). The external consultations were attended by DKI Jakarta representatives as well as NGOs,
university representative and technical experts. The internal consultations are now being followed up
with intensive consultation and dissemination exercise specifically with the four relevant Jakarta
municipalities who will carry out the day-to-day implementation of the RPF and RPs.
DKI Jakarta has also carried out consultations during the preparation of initial draft RPs for the
Phase 2 sites which have been identified to have PAPs15. These initial socialization activities were done
with the local levels of government / community leaders (mainly kelurahan, RT / RW) with this in turn
being done either by group meetings at the kelurahan offices or by multiple small meetings moving from
RT / RW to RT / RW. More intensive consultations with PAPs are planned after cut-off dates are
announced, among others to confirm the lists of the PAPs and the affected assets, to discuss and agree on
compensation and assistance options, dismantling and relocation schedules, etc., as part of the RP
preparation. Consultations with the PAPs are expected to be done either in groups or plenary, depending
on the specific situation in each site.
Project Communication
During the project preparation period, the consultation processes related to the environmental and
social safeguards of the project (to date, over a three year period of 2009-2011) have been one of the key
avenues for information dissemination of the details of the project to the public and other stakeholders.
Consultations have included the dissemination of the latest project design, scope and status, and have
broadly garnered positive support for the project and its floods mitigation aims. DKI Jakarta has also
publicly positioned JUFMP as a key piece of its near term floods mitigation strategy. Given the
overwhelming effect of recent and worsening flood incidences on city life, the local media has generally
picked up these dissemination efforts. Consequently, public awareness of the JUFMP project (both at the
community level as well as the city level) has increased over the period of project preparation. Media
monitoring and audits carried out for the period of January 2010 to January 2011 pointed to sustained and
Phase 1 sites do not involve involuntary resettlement, while some Phase 2 sites will involve involuntary resettlement.
increasing media exposure of the project16, mainly through online news portals, community blogs and the
print media. The tone of media discussions on floods mitigation efforts have also evolved towards the
positive over the audit period. The periodic Joint Steering Committee meetings have been instrumental in
providing the platform for inter-agency communications and information sharing of the latest
developments and status of the project. Within DKI Jakarta, the opportunity of the consultation processes
related to the social safeguards of the project has been utilized to communicate details of the project to the
lowest level of local government.
During project implementation, communication through the platform of environmental, social and
contractors’ consultations will continue. At the community level, the public information center (located
in the POSKO) at each JUFMP project site will play a critical role, where project information (including
the latest implementation status) will be available and easily accessible to the public, in particular
communities within or close to project sites. The Joint Steering Committee meetings are expected to
continue. DKI Jakarta has also assigned its Bureau for Infrastructure Development (Biro Prasarkot) with
the specific task of coordinating and communicating the project across the relevant DKI Jakarta and other
government agencies. Apart from the project communications efforts of the Government and
implementing agencies, the World Bank is preparing a project website on which the latest project
information can be made available during implementation.
Reputational Risks
The JUFMP project preparation has undergone a fairly comprehensive and exhaustive
environmental and social assessment process. This notwithstanding, there are three key areas of activities
that are not directly in the responsibility of the project implementation entities that may pose a risk to the
reputation of the JUFMP and/or the World Bank during the implementation. The first relates to nonproject activities that may occur in or close to project sites. The second concerns the activities within the
Ancol CDF. The third concerns the long term reclamation activities in north Jakarta. Various measures
will be undertaken during implementation to mitigate, reduce or otherwise manage these risks to
acceptable levels. It should be noted that these measures will not completely remove these risks.
Given the highly dense urban setting, the occurrence of projects and other activities unrelated to
the JUFMP project within or in close proximity to some JUFMP sites is likely unavoidable. These
activities may have different objectives, standards and processes, but may be wrongly associated to
JUFMP in the minds of the public and other stakeholders. This may lead to wrong expectations of the
public on these activities, or the wrong attribution of any poor environmental and social management
measures to the JUFMP project. Various actions will be undertaken to mitigate and reduce these risks,
including the posting of project signage, temporary fencing where feasible, and the maintenance of a
public information center (located in the POSKO) at each project site to disseminate project information
and to serve as an immediate venue for the clarification of any misunderstanding that may arise. The
Supervision Consultant (SC) will also monitor areas adjacent to JUFMP sites (and project linked sites) as
a means to provide advance notice to the PIU, PMU and the World Bank to allow for coordination and
actions to prevent any communications misunderstanding and inadvertent wrong associations to JUFMP.
Averaging over 10 media articles per month over the period.
The JUFMP will contribute a portion of the fill material required for the reclamation at Ancol
CDF. The reclamation at the Ancol CDF is both part of a separate larger reclamation plan in Ancol that is
outside the control of the JUFMP project implementing agencies and an integral part of JUFMP.
Nevertheless, the public and other stakeholders may directly associate any problems (e.g., environmental,
social, financial, commercial, etc.) that may arise at Ancol CDF with JUFMP. Given the JUFMP interests
in the proper and successful implementation of the Ancol CDF activities, arrangements have been made
for the Supervision Consultant (SC) to have access to Ancol CDF for the purposes of monitoring and
supervision (including of the source locations for the sand and laterite fill material). During project
implementation, the World Bank will also work with BPLHD to conduct joint supervision and site
inspections of the Ancol CDF. These monitoring and supervision activities will allow for actions to be
formulated and taken to address any implementation shortcomings, and is expected to reduce the potential
reputational risk to the JUFMP and/or the World Bank. The project design will include provisions to
limit the World Bank’s liability with respect to activities at Ancol CDF.
The Ancol CDF reclamation activity itself is a specific and relatively small reclamation set within
a larger and ongoing long term reclamation process in the Ancol area of north Jakarta that started in the
early 1960’s. While the JUFMP project is clearly unrelated to reclamation activities other than Ancol
CDF specifically, the possibility exists that it may still be wrongly associated by the public and other
stakeholders as being responsible over other reclamation projects e.g., those that have occurred in the past
or potentially may occur in the future . The project documents and information dissemination efforts will
aim to emphasize and make clear that the extent of JUFMP’s linkage in this regard is confined to the
Ancol CDF.
Project Description
Project Development Objective
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to contribute to the improvement of the operations
and maintenance of a priority part of the flood management system in Jakarta. The PDO will be achieved
 Dredging sections of selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to improve their
flow capacities, and disposing the dredge material in proper facilities;
 Rehabilitating and constructing embankment in sections of, and repairing or replacing
mechanical equipment in, the same selected key floodways, canals and retention basins to
sustain and improve their operations;
 Establishing institutional coordination between the three responsible agencies to encourage
coordinated development, and operations and maintenance (O&M) of Jakarta's flood
management system, and
 Strengthening the capability of the responsible agencies to improve the operations,
maintenance and management of Jakarta's flood management system.
Summary of Project Component
The overall project cost is estimated at US$ 190.4 million, of which counterpart funding portion
is US$ 38.9 million. The Project consists of two components which are summarized as followed:
Component 1. Dredging and rehabilitation of selected key floodways, canals and retention basins. This
component will support the dredging and rehabilitation of 11 floodways / canals and four retention basins
which have been identified as priority sections of the Jakarta flood management system in need of urgent
rehabilitation and improvement in flow capacities. The 11 floodways / canals are estimated to have a
total length of 67.5 km, while the four retention basins estimated to cover a total area of 65.1 hectares (see
summary details in Table 2-1 below). About 42.2 km of embankments are expected to be rehabilitated
or constructed within these floodways, canals and retention basins. Where necessary, mechanical
equipment (pumps, gates, etc) will be replaced or repaired.
Component 2. Technical assistance for project management, social safeguards, and capacity building.
This component will support contracts management, engineering design reviews, construction supervision
engineers for the dredging and rehabilitation works and technical assistance. Technical assistance
includes support to improve institutional coordination for operations and maintenance of Jakarta’s flood
management system as well as the establishment of a Floods Management Information System (FMIS).
Provision has been made for the cost of implementing required Resettlement Plans (RPs), as well as the
establishment and operations of a project Grievance Redress System and a Panel of Experts.
Project Sites
Fifteen priority floodways, canals and retention basins were identified to be included in the scope
of the project works (see Table 2-1 for detailed descriptions and Project Map in Annex 1 for locations).
These were identified by the Government as in priority need of rehabilitation and improvement in flow
Linked sites. Ten sites were identified as project linked sites17. These linked sites are:
(i) Kali Item, Kalibaru and Sunter Kemayoran (linked to the Sentiong Sunter Drain);
(ii) Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Long Storage (linked to the Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari Floodway);
(iii) Canal along Jalan Kayu Putih Timur (linked to the Upper Sunter River Drain); and
(iv) Ciliwung-Kota, the canal along Jalan Tubagus Angke, PHB Bandengan Utara, and Waduk Pluit
(linked to the Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng Drain).
The above-mentioned ten linked sites were identified as hydraulically and directly connected with
the canals/waduks under JUFMP. DKI Jakarta currently has no specific plans for rehabilitation works at
Per OP 4.12, the criteria for identifying linked sites are: (1) directly and significantly related to JUFMP; (2) necessary to achieve JUFMP
objectives; and (3) contemporaneous to JUFMP. Study on defining the linked sites was done during the preparation of the Resettlement Policy
Framework (RPF) and linked sites were mainly defined as hydraulically linked in the context of the first linkage criteria as specified in OP 4.12,
but do not fulfill all the three criteria altogether.
these linked sites. However, in the event that linked activities are carried out in these sites, the RPF (and
all associated provisions) will apply to such sites.
Table 2-1 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins under Project
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari Floodway
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including sea side)
Lower Sunter Floodway Note 1
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round Road drain)
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet drain)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Upper Sunter Floodway Note 1
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng Drain
Krukut Cideng Drain Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
Description of Drains (Estimated)
Length (m)
Width (m)
Area (m2 or
21.50 ~ 45.90
171,870 m2
(2,004) (1,260)
4.90 ha.
7,840 (540)
38.00 ~ 87.00
490,000 m2
20.20 ~ 47.40
338,320 m2
3,840 (1,960)
10.00 ~ 19.00
55,680 m2
5,950 (400)
16.10 ~ 31.20
3,060 (590)
9.20 ~ 26.00
31.00 ~ 51.00
33.00 ~ 141.00
15.00 ~ 36.00
21.00 ~ 51.00
13.00 ~ 31.00
15.00 ~ 29.00
7.00 ~ 29.00
161,240 m2
33.00 ha.
19.20 ha.
8.00 ha.
10,560 m2
166,050 m2
266,220 m2
131,320 m2
106,920 m2
108,020 m2
71,500 m2
62,820 m2
2,140,520 m2
65 ha.
Note 1
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter
Floodway and Lower Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain and
Krukut Lama Drain
Sequencing of Works
The construction works funded by the project are proposed to be carried out in two sequenced
phases (see Table 2-2). A sequenced implementation design has been adopted as a key implementation
risk management mechanism for the project. Phase 1 works (proposed 4 sites / 3 works contracts) are
expected to commence during the first year of the project. Phase 2 works (proposed 11 sites / 5 contracts)
are expected to follow subsequently. This sequencing will avoid the PMU/PIUs and their supervision
consultant from being overburdened during the first year when detailed actual implementation processes,
procedures and routines are operationalized. The sequencing will also allow time for DKI Jakarta to
complete the necessary resettlement instruments and supporting arrangements for Phase 2 sites19,
including the establishment of a project grievance redress system and the appointment of a panel of
Phase 1 sites do not involve involuntary resettlement.
experts. Two project linked sites i.e., Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Long Storage are linked to Phase 1
work sites20, and the remaining are linked to Phase 2 work sites.
Table 2-2 Sequencing of Project Construction Works
Phase 1
Phase 2
Contract Package and Implementation Responsibility
(DKI - Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta)
(DGWR - Directorate General of Water Resource)
(DGCK – Directorate General of Human Settlement)
Volume of Works
Surveys of the selected key floodways, canals and retention basins carried out during project
preparation estimated the total volume of material to be dredged to be about 3.4 million m3 (of which
about 95,000 m3 are estimated to be solid waste). About 42.2 km of embankments are expected to be
rehabilitated or constructed within these floodways, canals and retention basins. Details are provided in
Table 2-3.
Rapid assessments carried out during project preparation indicated that no involuntary resettlement is expected in the event that linked activities
are carried out at these two sites.
Table 2-3 Description of Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins under the Project
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik &
Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including
sea side)
Lower Sunter Floodway Note 1
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round
Road drain)
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including
Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Upper Sunter Floodway Note 1
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng
Krukut Cideng Drain Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
Depth (m)
Dredging Estimates
Volume Dredge
Material (m3)
1.90 ~ 2.70
Volume of
Waste (m3)
Works (m)
2.20 ~ 3.10
1.50 ~ 3.50
1.60 ~ 2.30
0.60 ~ 2.30
0.50 ~ 2.10
1.30 ~ 2.10
1.00 ~ 2.10
0.70 ~ 3.30
1.10 ~ 1.90
2.00 ~ 3.60
1.70 ~ 2.50
1.80 ~ 3.40
0.70 ~ 2.30
0.60 ~ 1.60
Note 1
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter Floodway
and Lower Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain and
Krukut Lama Drain
0.70 ~ 0.80
0.50 ~ 0.80
Disposal Sites
The disposal sites are not financed by the project, however, they are considered an integral part of
the project. The approximately 3.4 million m3 of sediment material21 and the approximately 95,000 m3 of
solid waste that will be removed from the floodways, canals and retention basins that are being dredged
by this project will be disposed of in the following manner (see Figure 2-1 for an illustration of the
disposal arrangements).
 Non Hazardous Sediment Material – will be transported and disposed of at the Ancol Sea
Reclamation Works, known as the Ancol CDF.
 Hazardous Sediment Material (if any are found) – will be disposed of at the PPLi Hazardous
Waste Facility in Bogor, West Java22.
 Solid Waste – will be transported and disposed of at City of Jakarta’s landfill in Bekasi, West
Java, known as the Bantar Gebang Landfill.
All sections of the project floodways, canals and retention basins will be tested for the presence of hazardous material (known as B3 material)
prior to dredging.
Note that specific proposed method to treat/dispose of any hazardous waste will follow national regulations on hazardous waste treatment and
disposal and subject to the approval of the Ministry of Environment (MoE).
Figure 2-1 Summary of the Disposal Arrangements
Dispose Hazardous
Material (if any)
J akarta Provincial
Environmental Ag ency
environmental agency
Supervise (through
PPLi S ecure Landfill
environmental agency
Ope rate
Supervise (through
Prasadha Pamunah Limbah
Industri (PPLi)
Bantar Gebang
Landf ill Facility
(outsource d)
environmental agency
Sa nita ry Agency
Ancol Conf ined
Disposal Facility
Supervise (through
Construct and
Dispose Solid W aste
PT. Pembang unan Jaya
A ncol (PT. PJA )
Dispose Non-
ALL Project Works Contracts
7 contracts / 15 sites
West Jav a Provincial
Environmental Agency
Project Supervision Consultancy
2.6.1 Ancol confined disposal facility (CDF)
Non-hazardous dredge material will be disposed of at the Ancol Confined Disposal Facility
(CDF) and utilized as material for land reclamation purposes. The Ancol CDF is a specific reclamation
area set within a larger and ongoing long term reclamation effort in the Ancol area of north Jakarta that
started in the early 1960’s. The JUFMP does not finance nor is it related to the Ancol reclamation
effort23. Instead, the Project is working cooperatively and in a mutually beneficial manner with the
developer of the Ancol CDF (i.e., PT. PJA) to demonstrate safe disposal and utilization of dredge
2.6.2 Bantar Gebang landfill facility
The Bantar Gebang Landfill facility which has been operating since 1989 is the largest landfill in
Indonesia, in terms of volume of solid waste received and disposed of. It is located just outside the city
limits of Jakarta, in the City of Bekasi and is owned by the provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. It is
managed by the Sanitary Agency of the DKI Jakarta (Dinas Kebersihan) through a private operator.
In relative terms, the project dredge material will contribute only a very small percentage of the total overall Ancol reclamation.
2.6.3 PPLi hazardous waste landfill
Extensive testing of the sediment in the project floodways, canals and retention basins as part of
the Environmental Assessment of this project, and in surrounding drainage systems as well, have not
shown the presence of any hazardous dredged material. In the unlikely event that any hazardous dredged
material is found24, an existing hazardous waste landfill, known as the PPLi secure landfill, located in
Bogor, West Java, has been identified to serve as the disposal site for these hazardous dredged materials.
PPLi landfill is a private entity licensed to provide disposal and treatment services for hazardous waste
and has been operating since 1994.
Environmental and Social Legal Requirements and Project
Institutional and Implementation Arrangements
Government of Indonesia Environmental Impact Assessment
Indonesia has a plethora of national and sub-national environmental laws and regulations that
govern the environmental planning process for works of this kind. The overarching regulation for the
AMDAL process25 in Indonesia for any activity or project with potential significant environmental
impacts is the Environmental Management Act No 23/1997, and specifically Article 15 on the
environmental impact assessment requirements. A new environmental management and protection law,
Act No. 32 of 2009, was issued on 2009 and substitutes Act No. 23/1997. Government Regulation (PP)
No: 27/1999 provides detailed guidelines of the AMDAL system. Furthermore, the Ministry of
Environment (MoE) Decree No. 11/2006 lists specific activities that require AMDAL and the MoE
Decree No.8/2006 provides guidelines for AMDAL preparation.
With regard to the dredging work, the MoE Decree No. 11/2006 specifies that any maintenance
dredging activity in the metropolitan city will require an AMDAL if the dredge volume exceeds 500,000
m3. This requirement is also in line with the regional law (i.e. Governor of Jakarta Decree No 2863/2001
on type and list of specific business and activities in Jakarta that require AMDAL), which states that any
dredging with volume more than 50,000 m3 must have an AMDAL approved by the provincial level of
environmental agency (i.e. BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta26.
Other key relevant national and regional legislations considered when preparing the AMDAL are:
MoE Decree No. 2/2000: Guidance on the evaluation of the AMDAL document.
MoE Decree No.40/2000: Guidance on the working procedure of the AMDAL commission.
MoE Decree No.42/2000: Guidance on the formation of evaluation team and technical team
members for the AMDAL.
Head of Bapedal (Environmental Impact Management Agency) Decree No. 8/2000: Guidance on
public participation and information disclosure during the AMDAL.
During project implementation, sediments in each work site section will be tested again before dredging works is authorized – see Chapter 3.
Under the Indonesian System – an ANDAL is synonymous to the Environmental Impacts Assessment in the World Bank’s Environmental
Policy OP 4.01, RKL is the Environment Management Plan and RPL is the Environment Monitoring Plan. The ANDAL, RKL and RPL are
collectively known as the AMDAL.
The regional law being stricter than the national MoE Decree No. 11/2006.
Governor of Jakarta Decree No 76/2001: Operative guidance on public involvement and
information disclosure during the AMDAL.
Figure 3-1 presents the AMDAL process. This is a fairly robust process which involves public
consultation and solicitation of feedbacks from the public and technical experts, and several levels of
review prior to the final environmental clearance27.
Figure 3-1 AMDAL Process
Screening and Initial Meeting
with Government
Information Disclosure
Determination of ANDAL Study
Solicitation of
Preparation of ANDAL, RKL/
RPL Documents (by
Review of ANDAL, RKL/RPL
Information Disclosure
Review or Solicitation
of Comments/
Decision on Environmental
Information Disclosure
Government of Indonesia Land Acquisition
The Government of Indonesia has several main laws and regulations pertaining to land rights and
acquisition for development activities in the public interests. The major important law that assures and
The ANDAL review in Figure 3-1 is conducted by an AMDAL Commission formed by BPLHD. The AMDAL Commission consists of
representatives from BPLHD (2-3 persons), university experts (or known as Technical Team, 5-7 persons from different areas expertise),
representatives from sub-district (Kecamatan) and neighborhood (Kelurahan), and representatives from NGOs.
regulates land rights is the Basic Agrarian Law No. 5 of 1960. Other relevant national regulations
pertaining to land and land acquisition are:
 Law No. 20 of 1961 on the Revocation of Land Rights;
 Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration;
 Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2005 on Land Provision for Development Activities in the
Public Interest;
 Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2006, which revises the Presidential Regulation No. 36/2005;
 Implementation Guidelines No. 3 of 2007 for Presidential Regulations No. 36/2005 and No. 65
of 2006, issued by the National Land Agency.
Another regulation relevant to the project is Law No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources, which intends to
protect water resources to maintain their functions.
Presidential Regulation No. 36/2005 and No. 65/2007 regulate the procedures and processes of
land acquisition (and assets attached to the land) for development activities that are in the public interests.
These include development activities under the responsibility of the local government, such as roads/toll
roads/railways/sanitation/water distribution; retention basins/dams; ports/airports/train station/terminals;
public health facility; telecommunication and post; sport facilities; government buildings; police and
security facility; solid wastes disposal facility; protection of natural habitat; and power generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity. These regulations also stipulate the entitlements and
procedures and criteria for compensation, appraisal for compensation, and consultations and negotiations,
as well as complaints and dispute settlements and land revocation. These regulations categorize the
procedures and process for land acquisition for more than 1 hectare, and for less than one hectare. The
Implementation Guideline No. 3 of 2007 for Presidential Regulations No. 36/2005 and No. 65 of 2006,
outlines in more detail the procedures, processes and criteria for land acquisition as stipulated in the two
Presidential Regulations. The three mentioned regulations do not explicitly regulate assistance and do not
cover income restoration. They stipulate that the compensation level for land should be made based on the
assessment of an independent land appraisal team formed in accordance with the regulations.
DKI Jakarta also has regulations that regulate compensation of assets, i.e., Implementation
Guidelines for the Assessment of Compensation for Buildings, which are issued regularly by the DKI
Jakarta Agency for Housing and Government Buildings. This regulation is used as a basis for determining
compensation levels for assets (buildings and ancillary assets attached to the buildings). In addition, DKI
Jakarta has a Local Regulation No. 8 of 2007 pertaining to Public Order, which has been used as a basis
for repossessing public land that have been used without permits from DKI Jakarta government or other
land/public space that have been used for the purposes that are not in line with DKI Jakarta’s land use
The World Bank’s Triggered Environmental Safeguards Policies and
Compliance Requirements.
The project is expected to yield positive environmental outcomes for the following reasons: (i)
alleviating seasonal flooding in the densely populated area of Jakarta will reduce the environmental
impact and public health issues caused by overflowing and stagnant flood waters, (ii) removal of solid
waste and sediments from the selected drains would also prevent these materials from being flushed
uncontrolled into the estuary and bay area and out into the open sea, and (iii) over the longer term the
flood information management system that is being introduced by the project would provide the
Government of DKI Jakarta, (i.e. DKI Jakarta) with the information based planning tool they need to
sustainably manage the network well beyond the life of the project to continue to reduce the incidence of
flooding in the area.
Notwithstanding, significant negative environmental impacts are likely from the dredging and
embankment works and the significant quantities of sediment material and solid waste that would be
generated and how these dredged materials would be handled, temporarily stored, stockpiled, sorted,
transported and finally disposed in urban areas that are densely populated and surrounded by surface and
sea water would be managed. These impacts include potentially significant traffic disruption, reduction in
air quality due to dust and foul odor emissions, increased noise levels, reduction in surface water and sea
water quality, etc. (see Chapter 5 for a more detailed description of significant environmental impacts
from the project).
The project will potentially have significant adverse impacts that may be sensitive and diverse
and may thus affect areas that are widespread. Thus the project triggers the World Bank’s Environmental
Assessment Operational Policy (OP4.01) and as per this policy’s requirements is assigned an EA category
of A. The policy will apply to all project sites. In addition, all three disposal sites, namely the Ancol CDF,
the Bantar Gebang Landfill and the PPLi facility are considered integral parts of the project.
The World Bank’s Triggered Social Safeguards Policies and Compliance
The project is expected to have significant positive social impacts. In particular, the reduction of
floods events will reduce the disruptions in communities in project areas. Beneficiaries will be
predominantly poor communities living in flood-prone areas within the project scope. However,
involuntary resettlement is currently identified as required in six project sites (see Chapter 5 for a more
detailed description of potential significant adverse social impacts from the project). For this reason, the
project triggers the World Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement Policy (OP 4.12). The policy will apply in all
projects sites (including linked sites).
Package of Environment and Social Safeguards Documents.
3.5.1 Environmental safeguards documents
A comprehensive Environmental Assessment has been undertaken of the JUFMP in a process and
manner that are aligned with the packaging and sequencing of the works as stated in Table 3-1 below. For
Phase 1 works, the original AMDAL (i.e., ANDAL, RKL and RPL) was prepared by the PMU in 2009 to
meet Government of Indonesia environmental requirements and was reviewed and approved by the
Provincial BPLHD in March 2010 (following the AMDAL process outlined in Figure 3-1). During
project preparation, the World Bank also reviewed the Phase 1 AMDAL for compliance with its own
Environmental Assessment OP4.01 and found that there were gaps in the documents. Hence the PMU
prepared and have adopted a JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report (including recommendations of
additional measures) to address the identified gaps with World Bank OP4.01 requirements.
The Phase 2 works have been identified and notwithstanding that they will be implemented in
subsequent years after the Phase 1 works, the PMU has completed the full AMDAL and the first draft of
these reports is currently being reviewed by BPLHD. The Phase 2 works are not being appraised by the
World Bank during project preparation but instead will be appraised during project implementation.
Therefore, the PMU has prepared the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) to
cover the environmental and social management requirements of Phase 2 works.
The AMDAL for the Ancol Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) requires that any material that is
deposited for reclamation purposes to be confined on all sides to prevent the deposited material from
coming into contact with the open sea and thereby risks being washed away and contaminating the sea.
Therefore, the engineering design for the Ancol site is for a confined facility. The AMDAL for the Ancol
CDF was first prepared by PT. PJA, the concessionaire for the reclamation site in 2006. The design of the
facility was subsequently changed when DKI Jakarta requested that the JUFMP dredge sediment material
be deposited at the Ancol CDF, leading to an AMDAL revision carried out in December 2008. This
updated AMDAL for the Ancol CDF was then submitted for review and approval to the Provincial
BPLHD who approved it in March 2009.
During project preparation, the World Bank also reviewed the updated Ancol CDF RKL and
RPL . The review found a requirement for additional measures to further strengthen these documents
and to meet the World Bank’s own requirements. These additional measures are recorded in the Ancol
Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report prepared by the PMU are (i) to review the permits and sources
of sand and to record the potential off-site impacts associated with extracting 8.6 million m3 of sand, (ii)
strengthening day to day environmental supervision and monitoring of the construction and filling of the
Ancol CDF by allowing the use of the project Supervision Consultant access at the Ancol CDF and
inclusion of detailed traffic management plans. PT. PJA has agreed with these additional requirements in
the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report. Therefore, as per the Indonesian AMDAL
requirements, PT. PJA will include these additional measures in their next quarterly RKL and RPL
progress report, which is due in April 2011. Note that JUFMP dredging works will not start until a final
satisfactory review has been carried out of the constructed Ancol CDF facility’s enclosing dykes (see
Section 3.7.2).
The other disposal sites, i.e., the Bantar Gebang Landfill for solid waste and PPLi for hazardous
waste are existing facilities that are already operating under environmental permits. As part of its due
diligence review the World Bank visited these two facilities:
PPLi Landfill (for hazardous waste disposal, if any). A site visit was carried out by the World
Bank team on October 19, 2010. PPLi a licensed hazardous waste management facility that has
been in operation since 1994 is partly (5%) owned by the Government of Indonesia through
Ministry of State Owned Enterprises while the rest of 95% is owned by Dowa Eco System Co.
Ltd., Japan. PPLi is the first facility in Indonesia that provides a complete range of hazardous
The review included a further subsequent update related to the assessment of a proposed change in design change of the northern boundary
(dyke) of the CDF in March 2011, for which the recommendations of the World Bank review of the proposal was acknowledged and adopted
prior to the approval of the change by BPLHD.
waste management services (payable tipping fee applied) including transportation, treatment
processes, and disposal in a secure and modern landfill compliant with international waste
management standards including those of the EU, and US-EPA. Situated at the Cileungsi subdistrict, Bogor, the company owns 50 ha landfill that has a total capacity of over 3 million tons (at
the time of WB team visit, only 2 ha. has been used). A double composite liner, constructed of
bentonite clay and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), lines the landfill's base, which prevents
any leachate from contaminating the surrounding environment. New waste is covered with soil or
a synthetic material on a daily basis. Once an area of the landfill fills to capacity, it is capped with
clay and a HDPE liner to prevent water from seeping into the closed landfill cell. Based on rapid
site assessment, it was confirmed that the PPLi facility meets the national and sub-national
regulation and more importantly that it still has enough capacity to receive hazardous waste (if
any are found during project implementation). The Project has allocated funds to ensure that in
the unlikely event that the hazardous sediment waste is found and BPLHD decides that the waste
has to be disposed of at the PPLi facility, funds are available for this purpose.
Bantar Gebang Landfill (for Solid Waste Disposal). Bantar Gebang disposal site is located
within vicinity of the satellite City of Bekasi, approximately 35km east of Jakarta. The landfill
which is owned by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has been in operation since 1989
and it covers an area of 110.3 hectares. The site exclusively receives domestic solid waste from
DKI Jakarta which is approximately 5,000t/day, of the total of 6,000 ton solid wastes generated
per day in DKI Jakarta. For each ton of garbage, the DKI pays Rp. 100 000 tipping fee to the site
operator (based on Dec 2010 site visit). The facility was designed to handle 19 million m3 of
waste and since its opening, approximately 10 million m3 of waste had been disposed of at
Banter Gebang. The site is managed by a private company, i.e. a joint venture of PT Godang Tua
Jaya and PT Navigat Organic Energy Indonesia () under the supervision of the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Sanitary Agency (Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta). Within two years of its 15 yrs
contract (contract ends 2023), the site operator has added few new facilities, these include (i)
Garbage-methane power generation plant (design for 23 megawatt), (ii) Composting facility
(capacity of 500 ton garbage per day; and (iii) new sanitary landfills. With regards this Project,
the PMU and WB have both visited the site and confirm that landfill has the capacity to receive
95 000 m3 of solid wastes to be removed from drains, canals and waduks during the Project
implementation and that the site has a valid operating permit (West Java Governor Number
593.82/SK/282.P/AGK/DA/86 dated on 25 January 1986 jo. 593.82/ SK.116.P /AGK/DA/261987) and is in compliance with local regulations. Implementation of environmental management
and monitoring is carried out by the site operator and reported regularly on a quarterly basis to
BPLHD Jakarta and BPLHD Bekasi.
The environmental due diligence carried out for the project disposal sites are summarized
Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Summary of due Diligence Process for Disposal Sites
Name of
CDF Site
(119 ha)
of Project
waste to be
disposed of
at this
(non B3)
At time of
Ancol CDF
designs were
finalized and
facility is
target date of
Summary of World Bank (WB) Due Diligence
and RPL
approved in
March 2009
Ancol Updated
facility, in
since 1989
material (if
any are
facility, in
since 1994
based on West
Java Governor
Decree No:
dated on 25
January 1986 jo.
P /AGK/DA/26198729.
approved in July
1993 (Head of
Agency Kep36/BAPEDAL/0
Reviewing the AMDALs (including hiring
independent consultant to carry out review)
Reviewing the CDF design (and subsequent design
Conducting (with the Provincial BPLHD) joint
environmental supervision missions of ongoing
works (last joint visit: November 2010).
Continued site visit during project preparation to
review the ongoing construction of the CDF.
Reviewing the supplemental EA.
Reviewing and assessing the sediment quality of
JUFMP location.
Reviewing and assessing offsite impacts from
sourcing of material for the CDF (i.e., sand and
red clay)
WB held various technical discussions with PT.
PJA, DKI and other stakeholders on all aspects of
the design and construction of the Ancol CDF.
The owners of the Ancol CDF, PT. PJA have
agreed for the project Supervision Consultant
(SC), to also supervise and monitor the
implementation of the EMP in Ancol. This is
included in the SC’s TOR.
Visited the landfill to review operations and
environmental permits and assess capacity /
The SC will also supervise and monitor for
compliance for these projects activities at the
Banter Gebang facility.
Visited the facility to review operations and
environmental permits and assess capacity /
The SC will also supervise and monitor for
compliance of these projects activities at the PPLi
facility. This is included in the SC’s TOR.
Then because of the requirement of the first Indonesia AMDAL regulation, i.e. Government Regulation No: 29 of 1986 regarding
Environmental Impact Assessment. The Sanitary Agency of DKI carried out an AMDAL Study and the AMDAL was approved in 1989.
3.5.2 Social safeguards documents
In order to address this safeguard policy issue and to ensure that implementation of project
activities will be carried out in a socially sustainable manner, DKI Jakarta has prepared a Resettlement
Policy Framework (RPF). The policy framework addresses the entitlements of Project Affected Persons
(PAPs) who are occupants of state or government land as well as entitlements of PAPs affected by the
acquisition of privately owned land, the rationale for compensation for lost assets at replacement cost,
specific measures to address vulnerable groups, and assistance for livelihood restoration. The RPF will
guide the preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs) in project sites where involuntary resettlements are
required (including linked sites). Chapter 8 provides a more detailed discussion of the project approach to
resettlement and resettlement planning, including social impact management and key aspects of the RPF
and RP processes, procedures and implementation.
3.5.3 Preparation and disclosure of safeguards documents
In compliance with Indonesia’s and the World Bank’s requirements, the environmental and social
safeguards documents for the respective works and sites were / will be disclosed. Given the sequencing
of project implementation into two phases, i.e. Phase 1 and Phase 2, it is expected that the various Phase 2
works will commence later - around 12 to 18 months after project approval (see Section 2.4 for a
description of sequencing as a key implementation risk management mechanism). The project is set in a
dynamic and fluid environment. Jakarta’s flood management infrastructure is in a poor condition due to
severe under implementation of operations and maintenance and inadequate local drainage management.
These are apt to suffer further unpredictable damages from flood events (especially during the annual
flooding season)31 and the continuous surrounding heavy urban activities. Hence, design changes in
response to continuously changing conditions should be expected during implementation, requiring
associated revisions to the safeguards documents. Consequently, the quality of implementation and the
environmental and social outcomes related to Phase 2 works may only be assured through a similar
sequencing of their EIAs and RPs preparation, disclosure and implementation. The applicable
environmental safeguards documents related to Phase 1 works will be disclosed prior to project
appraisal32. The ESMF and RPF for the project will be disclosed prior to appraisal. The ESMF and RFP
will cover the environmental and social management requirements of Phase 2 works, and will guide the
preparation, finalization and implementation of Phase 2 related EIAs and RPs. Phase 2 EIAs and RPs
will be completed during project implementation (prior to any related works commencing) and subject to
World Bank review and ‘no-objection’ prior to disclosure and implementation. No works will commence
at any site until the World Bank has provided the 'no objection' to the final EIAs and RPs for the site. The
ESMF and RPF, as well as the EIA and RP of the relevant site, will also be made available at the project
site offices (POSKOs) to be set up at each project site prior to construction works.
In general, the annual rainy season occur from November to April. Flood incidences are perennial occurrences and flood events have been
increasing in severity (and hence more damaging) during the past decade.
Phase 1 activities do not involve any involuntary resettlement.
Table 3-2 summarizes the disclosure status of the project environmental and social safeguards package of
documents. A tentative plan for the preparation of Phase 2 related EIAs and RPs (linked to the planned
timing of Phase 2 works) is provided in Annex 2.
Table 3-2 Summary of Environmental and Social Documents and Disclosure Status
Approval /
Summary of
World Bank
(June 2011)
and Social
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
(June 2011)
World Bank
(May 2011)
Phase 1
JUFMP Phase 1
in locally
Method/Venue for Disclosure
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) in
Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, 1818 H Street N.W.,
Washington DC 20043.
(iii) World Bank website
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) in
Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, 1818 H Street N.W.,
Washington DC 20043.
(iii) World Bank website
DKI website
Project-site Kelurahan offices
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) PIC in Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) World Bank website
Printed copies available at the BPLHD
offices of DKI Jakarta, Nyi Ageng Serang
Building, 10th floor, Jalan Rasuna Said,
Kuningan, Jakarta
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) PIC in Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) World Bank website
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) PIC in Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) World Bank website
& English
29 Jul 2011
26 Jan 2011
& English
29 Jul 2011
& English
7 Jul 2011
(March 2010)
& English
30 Mar 2010
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
& English
26 Jan 2011
26 Jan 2011
& English
29 Jul 2011
& English
30 Mar 2010
Printed copies available at the BPLHD
offices of DKI Jakarta
26 Jan 2011
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
(June 2011)
(March 2009)
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
Ancol Updated
& English
World Bank
(June 2011)
& English
29 Jul 2011
(i) PIC in Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) World Bank website
(i) MoPW website.
World Bank:
(i) PIC in Jakarta, Indonesia,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) World Bank website
The AMDAL for Phase 2 works, and any other required environmental safeguards documents, will be disclosed in a manner similar to Phase
Resettlement Plans (RPs) where needed at Phase 2 sites, will be disclosed in a similar manner as the RPF.
AMDAL is a set of document that consists of ANDAL (Environmental Impact Statement) and RKL/RPL (Environmental Management and
Monitoring Plans)
Under the Indonesian system, all revisions to the AMDAL are carried out through an updated RKL/RPL document, approved by BPLHD.
Institutional Arrangements
Out of the overall project institutional and implementation arrangements, the World Bank and the
Government of Indonesia have carved out a more streamlined arrangement specifically for the
environmental management of the project during implementation. These are described below.
3.6.1 Institutional Arrangements (Phase 1 and Phase 2)
The overall institutional arrangements for the project are summarized in Figure 3-2 as follows:
Figure 3-2 Illustration of Project Implementation Arrangements (excluding disposal arrangements)
Joint Steering Committee. A high level advisory committee, the Joint Steering Committee
(JSC) was formed early in project preparation to oversee the preparation and implementation for the
project and to provide coordination and advisory support at the policy level. To date, the JSC has been
effective in this role. The JSC is led by Bappenas33 and comprises representatives from Ministry of
Finance, MoPW, and DKI Jakarta. The JSC will continue to provide high level oversight during the
implementation of the project.
Project Implementation Units (PIUs) and Project Management Unit (PMU). There are three
Project Implementing Units (PIUs) at both central and local government levels, under DGWR, DGCK
and DKI Jakarta. The main role of each PIU is to carry out the dredging and rehabilitation works in the
selected key floodways, canals and retention basins that come under their respective responsibility. The
Project requires close coordination among these three implementing agencies. DGWR will play the role
of the overall project Executing Agency. A PMU has been established by DGWR for the purposes of
preparing and overseeing the implementation of the project. The PMU comprises three staff from
DGWR, three from DGCK, three from DKI Jakarta and one from MoPW’s Office of Planning and
Overseas Cooperation. The PMU is supported by a secretariat of five staff from DGWR. During project
implementation, the PMU will oversee and coordinate the overall implementation of the project by the
three PIUs. The PMU will also implement support activities that are common across the project. These
include (i) the overall construction supervisions consultancy, (ii) the Panel of Experts, (iii) the Floods
Management Information Systems (FMIS) and (iv) support to DKI-Jakarta related to involuntary
resettlement and the project’s grievance redress system.
Supervision Consultant (SC). This is the key consultancy contract that will be instrumental in
supporting the PMU’s overall management, oversight and monitoring of the project. Where
there are assessed weaknesses in capacity, particularly in the areas of the supervision of project
environmental plans, the implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs) and the project Grievance
Redress System (GRS), the SC has been tasked to provide the necessary expertise to support
the PMU during project implementation. The scope of this technical assistance services include
(i) supervising the implementation of the various dredging and construction works contracts
under the project including at all disposal sites (ii) supervising the implementation of the
Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (RKL/RPL) by the works contractors, (iii)
supporting the PMU and DKI in the implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs), and (iv)
developing and implementing the grievance / complaint handling mechanism of the project
with DKI. A summary of the detailed scope of activities of the SC is provided in the box
The National Development Planning Board (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional)
Box: Key Scope of Activities of the Supervision Consultants
Supervision of Construction Works
1.1 Review / check final contracts with contractors.
1.2 Review / check Detailed Engineering Designs and drawings, method statements, specifications, and
activity schedules, carry out additional survey and investigation as required, as well as conduct any
revisions deemed necessary and to obtain their approval by the PMU
1.3 Test all sections of each project site for hazardous material prior to dredging works.
1.4 Supervise the implementation of the works, including (but not limited to):
Dredging (including the separation of solid waste from dredge material, and their
transportation and disposal at approved landfill and Ancol CDF respectively), embankment
and rehabilitation of canals, pumps, rack repairs and maintenance.
Provide assistance to the PMU for processing of payment requests made by the contractors as
Maintain site records and prepare detailed monthly progress reports.
Prepare work as executed drawings and records, and operation manuals and hand over the
completed works to the PMU.
Prepare a Practical Completion and Outstanding Defects Report for each construction contract
Prepare a Final Completion and Handover Report for each construction contract supervised.
1.5 Supervise and monitor the construction activities at the Ancol CDF site during project
implementation, and at all its offsite locations such as the source locations for the sand and the
laterite soils.
1.6 Provide PMU with technical assistance as needed from time to time. This may include the
provision of support and advice to the PMU regarding implementation of Project works,
particularly on the technical, overall planning and procurement aspects of the Project.
Environmental Management
1.7 Monitor (including preparation of quarterly RKL/RPL implementation report) and supervise the
environmental protection measures undertaken to mitigate environmental impairment due to
construction and disposal activities, consistent with
The Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (RKL/RPL) of each work site including
all disposal sites.
The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the Project.
Resettlement Plans (RPs)
1.8 Supervise and support the implementation of Resettlement Plans (RPs), consistent with
The Resettlement Plan (RP) of each site where involuntary resettlement in required, including
RPs for linked activities, if any.
The Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) of the Project.
1.9 Provide technical and administration assistance in land acquisition and resettlement process
Project Grievance Redress System (GRS) / Complaint Handling Mechanism
1.10 Develop and operate the project Grievance Redress System (GRS), which will include but will not
be limited to administering complaints from Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in a systematic way
on a day to day basis;
1.11 Update complaints on the website, informing those who complain on the status of their complaint
as well as providing feedback or follow up actions;
1.12 Assist DKI in providing acceptable follow-up actions on complaints, ensuring that decisions are
made based on transparent, fair, independent, and accountable processes through Grievance
Redress or Complaint Handling Advisory;
1.13 Provide recommendations to DKI Jakarta authorities on status of complaints, from the on-site unit
through the provincial level processes.
1.14 Monitor and report on any non-project activities at the project sites, and activities in project linked
sites and sites adjacent to the project.
1.15 Design, develop, and operate a web-based project communications and reporting system.
Panel of Experts. A Panel of Experts (POE) consisting of three independent, internationally
recognized specialists will be mobilized to provide advice on all aspects of the project. It is
expected that the POE will be mobilized at the start of project implementation34 and fully
operating especially before the Phase 2 period begins. The specialists are expected to comprise
an environmental expert, an engineer experienced in dredging and dredge disposal, and an
urban resettlement expert. The POE’s main responsibilities will include monitoring and
evaluating the preparation and implementation of various safeguards instruments (RPF, RPs,
EMPs and the grievance redress procedures) and advising the PMU on actions to be taken to
improve compliance. If required, the POE may be enlarged on a temporary or permanent basis
by the addition of specialists to provide expertise for specific, unplanned or critical issues or
needs, which may arise during project implementation. These additional experts, if any, may
be mobilized with terms of reference agreed among the PMU, the Bank, and the three initial
experts that will comprise of the POE. The POE will convene at regular intervals to review the
status of work in progress. However, special extraordinary meetings may also be called to
review particular critical stages of technical, environmental, and social activities. All POE
reports will be submitted to the PMU and through the PMU to the World Bank.
Floods Management Information Systems (FMIS). The FMIS, when established as a
Government-owned and managed system, is expected to become an instrumental monitoring
and assessment tool for the Government with respect to floods management in Jakarta. As the
project is implemented, the works, changes, and upgrades to the floods management system
will be input into the FMIS. The FMIS will thereafter simulate and analyze the levels of
success of JUFMP structural works and to determine levels of achievement in flood mitigation.
This will provide the capability to analyze and document reductions in estimated annual costs.
Support for DKI Jakarta. During the project preparation, the PMU has provided support by
hiring an environmental and social impact assessment consultant to initiate delineation of
PAPs, to carry out census and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and to assist DKI Jakarta in
RPF consultation. During the project implementation stage, the PMU (through its SC) will
support the DKI in the establishment of field site office (POSKO) as part of the project’s
Grievance Redress System (GRS), and providing technical support for the POSKO.
DKI Jakarta. Since DKI Jakarta is the institution responsible for social issues in the Jakarta
municipal area, it will be responsible for all social safeguards aspects of the project including project
related involuntary resettlement activities and the project grievance redress mechanisms35. The
implementation of the social plans under JUFMP will be carried out by the appropriate agencies of DKI
3.6.2 Institutional Arrangements (Disposal sites)
Due to the way the project has been structured and the legal arrangements entered into by each
party, the institutional and implementation arrangements for environmental management and supervision
are different for the project sites (i.e. the activities in Phase 1 and Phase 2) and for the Ancol CDF.
Soon after the project loan agreement becomes effective.
The project grievance redress system in available for all project related complaints, including those related to involuntary resettlement.
The overall institutional arrangements for the project disposal sites have been summarized in
Section 2.6 (see especially Figure 2-1).
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PJA). PT. PJA is the developer and owner of the Ancol CDF.
It is responsible for building and operating the CDF in compliance with, inter alia, all Indonesia
environmental requirements. The Ancol CDF site is the fourth reclamation effort / phase for PT. PJA
within the context of the overall long term reclamation effort in the Ancol area of north Jakarta that
started in the early 1960’s (see Section 2.6 for further details). PT. PJA has obtained approval of their
AMDAL and update RKL and RPL for the Ancol CDF from the provincial environmental agency
Bantar Gebang landfill facility and PPLi hazardous waste landfill.
arrangements for these facilities have been described in Section 2.6.
The institutional
BPLHD. The Provincial of DKI Jakarta Environment Management Agency (DKI BPLHD) is the
provincial environment agency of DKI Jakarta with the responsibility of approving and enforcing the
AMDAL for all city wide (Jakarta) projects. Also, the Agency is responsible for monitoring the
implementation of the associated management plans. In implementation of AMDAL, the DKI BPLHD is
also supported by the city level (Municipal-Walikota). DKI BPLHD has already approved the AMDALs
for Phase 1 of this project and for the Ancol CDF.
Implementation Arrangements (Environmental Safeguards)
3.7.1 For the Phase 1 and Phase 2 works
During project implementation (i.e. during construction/dredging) for the project sites, the
primary responsibility for implementation of the RKL and RPLs as well as any additional environmental
and social impacts management provided in the supplementary reports discussed in Section 3.5.1 will be
that of the civil works and dredging contractors. The requirements of the RKLs and RPLs will be included
as part of the civil works and dredging contracts to ensure they are fully funded and that they can be
legally enforced. The civil works and dredging contractors would then be supervised for compliance
implementation of the measures in the RKLs and RPLs by the Supervision Consultant. The Supervision
Consultant will in turn report directly to the PMU. The PMU will hold both the Supervision Consultant
and the Civil Works/Dredging Contractors accountable for ensuring compliance with the approved RKL
and RPL requirements.
The World Bank will work through the PMU to undertake its own supervision for compliance
with its own environmental safeguards requirements which are also contained in the RKLs and RPLs. The
provincial level of environment agency BPLHD and the city level environmental agency, depending on
which part of city of Jakarta the works are located in, will also do compliance monitoring of the works for
compliance with national and sub national requirements.
3.7.2 For the disposal sites (Ancol CDF, Bantar Gebang and PPLi)
Ancol CDF. With regards the use by the project of the Ancol CDF as a dredge material
disposal site, the arrangements are slightly different due to the fact that the World Bank will not have a
direct legal relationship with PT. PJA. The Ancol CDF already has its own separate and stand alone RKL
and RPL approved by the provincial level environmental agency of DKI Jakarta (DKI BPLHD). These
comply with the national and sub-national requirements and the Ancol CDF’s contractors are bound to
implement the Ancol CDF RKL and RPL under already stringent national laws and requirements. These
environmental requirements have been incorporated into the contracts of their civil works contractors who
at the time of the preparation of this project have started construction of the perimeter walls of the CDF.
PT. PJA through their Property Development Unit is supervising all aspects (including environment) of
the contracts. Additionally, PT. PJA have recruited a consulting firm that does quarterly compliance
monitoring of the ongoing construction works. PT. PJA, in compliance with the Indonesian AMDAL
requirements, is preparing and submitting to the DKI BPLHD quarterly implementation reports of the
RKL and RPL36. These reports contain measures and actions taken by PT. PJA to implement the measures
contained in their approved RKL and RPL. These reports will also include the implementation of the
additional measures contained in the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report. The quarterly
implementation reports will also be shared with the World Bank.
DKI BPLHD has already started monitoring the ongoing construction works at Ancol CDF and
will continue to do so throughout the Ancol CDF project period. During project preparation (at the
invitation of DKI BPLHD) the World Bank carried out joint supervision of ongoing works at the Ancol
CDF at that time37. The World Bank will continue to work with the DKI BPLHD to do joint supervision
and site inspections of the Ancol CDF when the reclamation works is being filled with sediment material
from the project sites (works in Phase 1 and Phase 2). Any non-compliance issues that the World Bank
wishes to raise will thus be channeled to PT. PJA through the DKI BPLHD. The World Bank has carried
out a rapid assessment of the technical and financial capacity38 of the DKI BPLHD to adequately carry
out their responsibility for oversight monitoring of the Ancol CDF and is satisfied that the DKI BPLHD
has adequate technical and financial capacity and legal authority to enforce the RKL and RPL for the
Ancol CDF.
The following key provisions will be put in place in order to manage, monitor and supervise the
disposal of JUFMP dredge material at the Ancol CDF:
 the World Bank’s ‘no objection’ to any given JUFMP dredging contract will only be given once
the World Bank is satisfied with the adequacy of the confined facility and has received
satisfactory evidence of PT. PJA‘s compliance with the requirements of the AMDAL for Ancol
CDF, including all approved updates to the AMDAL;
 DKI BPLHD will continue to include the Supervision Consultant (SC) and World Bank in its
ongoing supervision and monitoring (including site inspections) of the Ancol AMDAL and Ancol
Updated RKL and RPL, and share related supervision and monitoring reports with the SC and the
World Bank.
 PT. PJA will allow the SC access to the Ancol CDF and all it offsite locations (including source
locations for the sand and laterite fill material) for the purposes of carrying out supervision of the
approved RKL and RPLs, the Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report, PT PJA’s
As of the end October 2010, PT. PJA had submitted all but one of the updated RKLs and RPLs to the provincial BPLHD.
The joint supervision with DKI BPLHD team took place on November 5, 2010.
The assessment includes a review of DKI BPLHD’s organizational arrangements, staffing complements and qualifications, procedure for
document reviews and site inspections, as well as a review of the adequacy of its budget (which has increased steadily over the past five years).
quarterly RKL and RPL Progress reports and any other tasks related to the disposal of JUFMP
dredge material at Ancol CDF as specified in the terms of reference of the SC.
DKI Jakarta will exercise its rights as a shareholder to cause PT. PJA to implement the
requirements (including mitigation measures) stated in the AMDAL for Ancol CDF and Ancol
Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report.
Key implementation arrangements, including the processes and conditions governing the disposal
of project material at Ancol CDF, Bantar Gebang landfill facility and PPLi hazardous waste landfill, are
summarized in Table 3-3 below.
Table 3-3 Summary of Processes and Conditions Governing Disposal of Project Material
Name of
Ancol CDF
Site, 119ha
Category of Project
waste to be disposed
of at this facility
(and expected
Non Hazardous (non
B3) dredge material
(estimated total 3.4m3
over project period)
Process and conditions for disposal
Solid Waste removed
from project sites
(estimated 95,000 m3
over project period)
Hazardous, B3,
dredged sediment
material (no B3
material expected as
indicated by sample
Prior to the signing of any dredging contracts, clearance
(including World Bank ‘no-objection’) required. Clearance will
be given subject to confirmation that the Ancol CDF site has been
constructed with adequate capacity to receive the dredge material
and in compliance with (i) the DKI BPHLD approved AMDAL,
and (ii) the approved Detailed Engineering Drawings.
Prior to dredging of any works section, samples will be obtained
and tested by Supervision Consultant for hazardous material.
Contractors are required to obtain Supervision Consultant’s
(SC’s) approval prior to dredging any works section. Clearance
will be given subject to confirmation from sample test on nonpresence of hazardous material.
Contractors responsible for transporting dredge material (after
separating solid waste – see below) to disposal site (transport
plans to meet minimum traffic management plan requirements
and subject to Supervision Consultant (SC) approval).
Handover of material to PT. PJA for disposal at Ancol CDF
governed by cooperation agreement between DKI Jakarta and
SC will supervise and monitor activities at Ancol CDF
Contractors responsible for separating solid wastes from dredge
material, subject to minimum size. (separation methodology
subject to Supervision Consultant approval)
Contractors responsible for transporting and disposing material at
disposal site (transport plans to meet minimum traffic
management plan requirements and subject to Supervision
Consultant approval).
Handover of material to Bantar Gebang governed by disposal
procedure prevailing for all solid waste tipping at landfill –
necessary tipping fees to be paid by contractor.
SC will supervise and monitor project related activities at Bantar
Gebang Landfill.
In the event that any section tested prior to dredging indicates the
presence of hazardous material, the Supervision Consultant will
not allow dredging to proceed and will inform relevant PIU and
Subject to the approval of the provincial BPLHD, this material
testing during project
preparation – site
identification is
precautionary in
will be dredged and transported to PPLi for safe disposal.
Dredging and transportation methods will be developed on a
case-by-case basis according to specific requirements and subject
to MoE, PMU and World Bank prior approval.
SC will supervise and monitor disposal of JUFMP B3 material (if
any are found) at PPLi facility.
Implementation Arrangements (Social Safeguards)
Within the PIU of DKI Jakarta (PIU-DKI) there will be several working groups39 (Pokjas): (i)
Environmental and Social Working Group (ESWG), (ii) Project Management and Quality Assurance
Working Group, (iii) Monitoring and Reporting Working Group, and (iv) other Pokjas as necessary to
cover all activities required for JUFMP implementation. The ESWG will be responsible for the
preparation of RPs and ensure that they are implemented. The Project Management and Quality
Assurance Working Group will be responsible for reviewing the RPs and ensuring consistency with the
RPF. The Monitoring and Reporting Working Group will prepare the monthly reports on the status of
preparation and implementation of RPs to the Governor.
The respective mayor40 will coordinate the preparation and implementation of the RPs in his/her
respective area. Camats (heads of kecamatan) and lurahs (heads of villages) will be the main spearheads
of the preparation and implementation of the RPs on the ground. DKI Jakarta’s Land Acquisition Team
(P2T) will carry out the operational tasks as set out in the approved RPs.
Although the Environmental and Social Working Group (ESWG) was formally established in late
2008, it has so far not been very active – in part due to the uncertainties presented by the fact that the
institutional arrangements and roles and responsibilities of the PIU working groups are confirmed in the
RPF, which until recently was itself under preparation. The preparations of the RPF and preliminary RPs
thus far have been supported by project preparation consultants retained by the PMU. Given the
finalization of the RPF (in May 2011), the ESWG and other PIU-DKI working groups are expected to
become active in taking over the day-to-day implementation of the social safeguards activities of the
project. Throughout the project implementation period, the Supervision Consultant will provide technical
support to the ESWG and the Project Management and Quality Assurance Working Group in carrying out
activities related to the preparation of RPs, resettlement management, quality assurance, etc. This
Supervision Consultant will also be responsible to set up and manage the project Grievance Redress
System (GRS)41.
The Pokjas and their membership are established through Governor’s Decree. The Governor Decree No. 1255/2008 (issued on September 5,
2008) on the establishment of PIU DKI Jakarta showed that there were three Working Groups (WGs) under it, i.e. WG for environment, WG for
Social Impact, and WG for Planning. On November 13, 2008, DKI Jakarta issued another Governor Decree (No. 1626/2008) for the
establishment of the Environmental and Social Working Group (ESWG) with clearer tasks related to environmental and social aspects of the
project. It was also meant to expedite the preparation of the RPF. DKI Jakarta is now drafting a new Decree on the re-establishment of PIU,
which will include the WGs mentioned in the paragraph above, which among others has the task to implement RPF and RPs
Administratively, DKI Jakarta is subdivided into five municipalities each of which is headed by a mayor (walikota)
See description of the tasks and scope of the Supervision Consultant in section 3.6.1.
Chapter 8 provides a more detailed discussion of the project approach to resettlement and
resettlement planning, further details of RPF and RP processes, procedures and implementation.
Relevant Environment and Social Baseline Data
The AMDALs for the project sites and for the Ancol CDF presented and analyzed extensive
baseline data on numerous relevant physical parameters in these areas of influence which included the
Sediment Quality
Surface Water Quality
Biological Nutrients
Air temperature
Solar Radiation
Wind and Speed Direction
Air Quality
Noise levels
Soil geology
Flora and Fauna
The quantitative and qualitative impacts are determined from how and in what manner the
project’s activities change the baseline conditions. Therefore, the summary of the extensive baseline data
presented here below is limited to the data that is most relevant to the project’s most significant impacts
which are associated with the management and disposal of the dredged material. As the project’s
significant impacts are related to pollution of the receiving bodies of the dredge material, the data
presented here below is limited therefore to the pollutant loads of the sediment material ( i.e. both soil and
water quality components of the sediment material).
Sediment Quality in JUFMP Sites
As project preparation evolved, three independent baseline studies of the quality of the sediment
material in the drains and canals in Jakarta were carried out at different time horizons assessing various
aspects including the adequacy of sampling and testing methodologies used, the test results, and the
adequacy of Indonesian requirements against various other international standards. The reviews were as
4.1.1 ERM42 2008
The ERM 2008 sediment quality study represents the first comprehensive and detailed primary
sediment quality study for Jakarta’s drains and waduks, and supported much of the initial planning for the
JUFMP project including the Ancol Updated RKL / RPL and the JUFMP Phase 1 AMDAL. Sampling
covered all the Project sites (i.e. 15 sites) plus three others that were originally in the long list of potential
JUFMP projects but have subsequently been removed. The total number of analyzed composite samples
was 36 obtained from 180 sampling stations plus duplicate samples for quality assurance and quality
control. Collected samples were sent to an international accredited laboratory (i.e. ALS Bogor, Indonesia)
for physical and chemical analyses. Chemical parameters analyses were based on international best
The World Bank in 2008 commissioned ERM to carry out these tests.
practices technical guideline for dredged material characterization (London Convention 197243; OSPAR
2004), covering heavy metals, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH), organo-chlorine pesticide (OCP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total organic matter
(TOM). In addition, toxicity characteristics leaching procedures (TCLP) based on USEPA SW 84644 was
also performed to determine the toxicity characteristic of the sediment. These results are summarized in
Table 4-1.
4.1.2 DHV 2008
In 2008 DKI Jakarta in association with DHV (with Dutch government donor funding undertook
some pilot dredging in Kali Mati, a minor drain within Jakarta (not part of the project). As part of this
study, a total of eight composite samples from nine sampling stations was sent out to an international
accredited laboratory (i.e. ALS Bogor) and were analyzed for all tests required under Indonesian
regulation for B3 (hazardous) waste identification, i.e. (i) physical test and screening (i.e. flammable,
corrosive, explosive, infectious (only for medical wastes), reactive) (ii) chemical test (total content
analyses and TCLP for both inorganic and organic pollutants); and (iii) biological test (Lethal dose 50 LD50). In addition, a composite sample from Kali Mati was also sent abroad to an international
accredited laboratory in the Netherlands (i.e. Eurofins) for the purpose of cross-check.
4.1.3 AMDAL for Phase 2 activities, sampling and analysis 2010
In 2010 a further set of primary sediment quality studies in proposed Phase 2 works was
undertaken as part of preparation of AMDALs for these Phase 2 works. The areas sampled also included
the three sites now excluded from the project. Composite samples (9 sub-samples each composite – 3
rows about 100-200m apart, three samples across each row) were collected considering both the location
of the ERM sampling and the current (as at time of sampling) physical limits of each sub-project area.
Analysis was by an accredited laboratory using local standard methodologies, concentrating on (i)
physical characteristics, (ii) total metals, (iii) TCLP metals and (iv) TCLP organics. Thus sediment
quality studies specific to Jakarta’s drains and waduks were undertaken in 2008 and 2010 involving more
than 350 sub-samples compiled into a total of 70 samples for total content analyses (both metals and
organics) and leaching test using the USEPA Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP). These
results are summarized in Table 4-2.
4.1.4 Results and interpretation
The results and interpretation from all three studies were similar and are discussed in terms of:
TCLP testing. This is the definitive chemical test in Indonesia and elsewhere to establish whether
waste material is deemed hazardous or otherwise in terms of whether the extract contains levels
of organics and metals above specified “Regulatory Limit”. All samples from the three studies
met the standards.
TCLP organics. Again all samples from the three studies met Indonesian standards
Total metal analysis showed almost all samples met international “soil quality” screening levels
for almost all metals. Results are presented and discussed in more detail below.
Acute toxicity testing (conducted on the DHV samples) demonstrated that in terms of lethal dose
50 (LD50) the dredged sediment had a low toxicity, lower than the acute toxicity of table salt
Table 4-1 ERM 2008 data considering relevant soil use screening levels (in mg/kg)
PRGs, R9,
PRGs, R9,
Arsenic (As)
Barium (Ba)
Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu)
Mercury (Hg)
Nickel (Ni)
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
Values (DIV)
Korea (SEPA)
Australian-New Zealand interim sediment screening levels for National Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material (NODGDM).
§ Number of samples exceeding the standard
These reviews concluded that the sampling and testing methodologies meet international
standards and test results show that the samples lay within international standards, except the following:
Arsenic levels in all samples exceed the screening level standards for one EPA standards used to
screen pollutants in environmental media45, although all samples comply with other international
screening levels of arsenic46. Further assessments revealed that the US EPA standards is an
unsuitable comparator as it is derived based on health risks specifically of inorganic arsenic,
while the sample tests and the other international screening levels for arsenic were based on total
arsenic levels. Comparisons with an earlier Jakarta Bay-wide sediment study also indicates that
the sample tests indicate arsenic levels occur naturally throughout the area and do not have
anthropogenic origins.
Forty percent of samples exceeded the interim Australian and New Zealand sediment screening
levels for zinc for ocean disposal, although all samples were below other soil screening levels for
zinc. This risk is mitigated by the disposal of the project dredge material in a confined disposal
facility, i.e. the Ancol CDF.
About 2% of samples exceeds the screening level for one or two (but not all) of the international
standards for either one of chromium, cadmium or copper. This risk will be mitigated by the
introduction of a protocol for testing canal and drain sections prior to dredging of that section as
an added precaution47.
US EPA Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals (PRGs) levels used to estimate contaminant concentrations in environmental media (soil, air
and water) that the EPA considers protective of humans (including sensitive groups), over a lifetime.
Soil Standard in South Korea stipulated in the Soil Environment Preservation Act (SEPA), DIV (Dutch Intervention Values), and AustraliaNew Zealand National Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material standards
Such tests have not been previously practiced in Jakarta and a successful implementation of this protocol could serve to improve dredge
material management in the future. An outline of the protocol can be found in the “JEDI Sediment Quality Consolidated Report”
Table 4-2 Phase 2 AMDAL data (2010) considering relevant soil use screening levels (in mg/kg)
R9, Industrial
Arsenic (As)
Silver (Ag)
Boron (B)
Barium (Ba)
PRGs, R9,
Values (DIV)
Korea (SEPA)
Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu)
Chromium (Cr)
Mercury (Hg)
Nickel (Ni)
Lead (Pb)
Selenium (Se)
Zinc (Zn)
Australian-New Zealand interim sediment screening levels for National Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material (NODGDM).
§ Number of samples exceeding the standard
The review of sediment quality assessments also considered the health risks posed by the arsenic
levels in the sediment. Results of acute toxicity level identified the sediment material as relatively
harmless (i.e. very high amount of sediment required to be ingested to produce a lethal dose).
Assessments of likely exposure pathways of construction workers to the sediment during the project as
well as likely exposure due to the future usage of the disposal site also concluded that the health risks are
low, particularly given the requirement in the AMDAL for Ancol CDF for the capping of the disposed
material with sand and clay.
Sediment Quality in Ancol
The result of the marine sediment quality measurement around the study area which was
conducted by a national accredited laboratory, i.e. PT. Unilab Perdana is shown in
Table 4-3. The Table shows that the heavy metal content in the marine waters sediment around the Ancol
study area is low and still far below the TCLP Regulatory Limit of Government Regulation No. 19 Year
1999 jo. 85 Year 1999.
Table 4-3 Result of Marine Sediment Quality Measurement (by TCLP, USEPA) around the Study
Measurement Result
Standard *)
Cadmium (Cd)
< 0.005
Total chromium (Cr)
< 0.05
Copper (Cu)
< 0.003
Iron (Fe)
< 0.001
Lead (Pb)
< 0.001
Manganese (Mn)
< 0.001
Mercury (Hg)
< 0.001
Nickel (Ni)
< 0.001
Zinc (Zn)
0.07 - < 0.008
Source: PT. Unilab Perdana (2004)
Sediment quality at eastern wall of Ancol CDF. Part of the eastern wall of the CDF was started
early in the construction phase to form part of a construction access/staging area for the construction of
the CDF as a whole. Given that this relatively small part of the eastern wall was constructed with
sediment material before the area was confined and given that this material will not be removed but will
form part of the permanent works, the World Bank requested that the material be tested. Core samples
were taken from the wall and tested and the results confirm that no hazardous substances are contained in
this material. The test results show consistency with the sediment quality test results from the Phase 1
AMDAL, and confirm the absence of hazardous (B3) material.
Water Quality in JUFMP Sites
Summarized here below in Table 4-4 are the water quality data for one of the drains, Cengkareng,
in the Phase 1 activities. Table 4-4 shows that, which is typical of the other drains in Phase 1 works as
well (not presented here) shows measurements of a number of parameters i.e. Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), oil and grease, detergent and organic substances at certain
sampling locations exceeded the standards prescribed by DKI Jakarta Governor Decree No. 582 of 1995.
Measurements of pH in all sampling locations showed values within the standards. This indicated
normal acidity levels. Microbiological analysis showed compliance with the standards by the 1995
Decree. The COD standard set by the 1995 Decree is 30 mg/L. The laboratory results showed that the
value in almost all sampling locations exceeded or was equal to the standard, except at the SCA48 1
Cengkareng Drain). The BOD values were still within the specified standards of 20 mg/L in almost all
sampling locations except at Waduk Melati and SSA-3 (Sentiong-Sunter River)49. The analytical results
of organic matter contents indicated that the permanganates value was higher than the standard of 25
mg/L in almost all sampling locations. The high organic content may be caused by the accumulation of
domestic waste or other activities around the sampling location. The TSS (Total Suspended Solid) is one
of the water quality indicators associated with the physical appearance and turbidity. The suspended
material has adverse effects on water quality because it reduces the penetration of sunlight into the water
body, increases water turbidity that limits organisms’ growth. Turbidity is closely related to the
concentrations of suspended materials in the water. Suspended materials in the water are typically
composed of silt, clay and mud as natural inorganic materials or in the form of organic material floating
in the water as natural sources and waste resulted from human activities such as industrial activities,
agriculture, or household activities. The TSS analysis results in all sampling sites showed compliance
with the specified standards.
Table 4-4 Water Quality Analysis Results: Cengkareng Drain
Temperature (in situ) **)
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)
Total Suspended Solid (TSS) **)
Conductivity (EC)
Mercury (Hg)
Arsenic (As)
Boron (B)
Cadmium (Cd)
Cobalt (Co)
Chromium VI (Cr 6+)
Manganese (Mn) **)
Sodium (Na)
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (in situ)
pH (in situ) **)
Selenium (Se)
Zinc (Zn)
Nickel (Ni)
Sulphate (SO4) **)
Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC)
Copper (Cu) **)
Lead (Pb)
Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)
Oil and Grease
Detergent (MBAS)
Phosphate (PO4-P) **)
Permanganates (KMnO4) **)
COD **)
Standard *)
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.01
< 0.003
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.02
< 0.002
< 0.01
< 0.02
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.01
< 0.003
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.02
< 0.002
< 0.01
< 0.02
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.01
< 0.003
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.02
< 0.002
< 0.02
< 0.02
< 0.01
< 0.2
SCA are the locations along the drain or canal where the test samples were collected.
Data from Waduk Melati and SSA-3 (Sentiong-Sunter River) are not presented here but the highest BOD values at these locations of the drains
are 59mg/l at Waduk Melati and the highest value is 23mg/l.
e. coli
Total Coliform
Note of PT. UNILAB PERDANA analytical result: *) = DKI Jakarta Governor Decree No. 582 of 1995 concerning
Usage and Water Quality Standards for River/ Water Body and Wastewater in DKI Jakarta; **) = Parameter accredited
by KAN No. LP-195-IDN; < = less than; Sample collected on 12 November 2009.
Ancol Sea Water Quality
Based on Table 4-5, overall the marine waters in the study area are currently in reasonably good
condition. Nearly all of the measured physical, chemical and microbiological parameters are still below
the quality standard and in line with Decree of the Minister of Environment No. Kep-51/MENLH/2004
for Marine Biota designation.
Table 4-5 Result of Seawater Quality Measurement in the Study Area
Brightness (in
Smell (in situ)
Suspended solids
Temperature (in
Oil Film (in situ)
Garbage (in situ)
pH (in situ)
oxidants (OD) in
Total ammonia
Phosphate (PO4mg/L
Nitrate (NO3-N)
Cyanide (CN)
Sulfide (N2S)
Surfactant anion
Oil & Grease
Mercury (Hg)
Chromium VI
Arsenic (As)
Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu)
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
Nickel (Ni)
Coliform (total)
Measurement Result **)
7 - 8.5
< 0.0.1
< 0.0.1
< 0.0.1
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.008
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.001
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.2
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
< 0.002
< 0.0005
< 0.0005
< 0.005
< 0.002
Measurement Result **)
Kep-51/MENLH/2004 (Marine Biota)
Laboratory of PT. Unilab Perdana (August 2005)
Project Site Western Coastline
Project Site Central Coastline
Project Site Eastern Coastline
Western Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline)
Central Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline)
Eastern Coastline (+ 1000 M from the Coastline)
The parameters that exceed the quality standard include solid waste material at the AL-2 location
(project site Central coastline) and AL-3location (project site Eastern coastline) sites and phosphate at the
AL-1, AL-2 and AL-3 sites (Western, Central and Eastern coastlines respectively) which are found to be
slightly above the quality standard. The solid waste that is found in small quantity at the observation site
was generally generated by visitors who occasionally throw out garbage from their food and drinks into
the water. The phosphate may be generated by laundry that uses soap/ detergent. The result of the
seawater quality monitoring in the 2007-2008 period in the Eastern West Ancol water territory is shown
in Table 4-6 below.
Table 4-6 Result of Seawater Monitoring in the 2005-2008 period in the Ancol Marine Waters
Turbidity (NTU)
TSS (mg/L)
Aug 2005
Aug 2007
Aug 2005
Aug 2007
Aug 2005
Aug 2007
Based on routine monitoring result in general it is evident that the current turbidity value of the
waters around the project site has exceeded the available quality standard (Decree of the Minister of
Environment No. Kep-51/MENLH/2004 (Marine Biota Quality Standard)). In the Ancol area, the fish
death phenomenon has occurred several times due to the red algae (red tide) blooming at certain times.
This is attributed to nutrient accumulation especially in the dry season. e
On the other hand, the result of seawater quality monitoring around the project site which was
conducted by the DKI BPLHD in the 2003-2004 period reveals the following:
Temperature ranging from 28.82 to 30.09oC.
Salinity ranging from 29.00 o/oo to 30.09 o/oo.
Brightness ranging from 1.5 meter to 3.0 meter.
Phenol ranging from < 0.001 mg/L to < 0.002 mg/L.
Oil and Grease ranging from < 0.2 to < 0.3.
Dissolved oxygen ranging from 3.5 mg/L to 4.5 mg/L.
Detergent ranging from 0.21 to 0.32 mg/L.
BOD ranging from 6.8 to 25.0 mg/L.
COD ranging from 33.7 to 46.3 mg/L.
Mercury ranging from undetected to < 0.005 mg/L.
Cadmium ranging from undetected to < 0.0005 mg/L.
Lead ranging from < 0.003 to < 0.005 mg/L.
In general, the result of DKI BPLHD monitoring for the 2003-2004 period indicates that the
seawater quality around the project site is still good.
The Air Quality, Noise and Seawater sampling sites are shown on Figure 4.3.
Figure 4-1 Air Quality, Noise and Seawater Sampling Site
Ancol Marine Biota
4.5.1 Plankton
Plankton constitutes a microorganism group drifting in the water bodies and unable to move
against the water current. Plankton is categorized into 2 groups, namely phytoplankton and
zooplankton. Phytoplankton has a role in the waters as the primary producer for water ecosystem due
to its major role as food (nutrient) provider for consumers (zooplankton, fish, etc.). Phytoplankton
found in the study area consisted of 44 types from 4 classes, namely Cyanophyta, Chrysophyta,
Chlorophyta and Pyrophyta with the diversity index rate between 3.4 and 3.8. The rate of diversity
index rate of phytoplankton in the study area was ranging from 0.82 to 0.90 indicating that it was
spread quite evenly and there was no type which was highly dominant. This is in line with the result of
examination of sea water quality in the study area which also indicated good condition. The
composition of zooplankton types in the study area waters consisted of 4 classes, namely Arthropoda,
Protozoa, Annelida and Protochordata. The diversity rate of Zooplankton types ranged between 3.0 and
3.3 with the rate of diversity index ranged between 0.90 and 0.94, indicating that it was spread quite
evenly and there was no type which was highly dominant.
4.5.2 Benthos
Benthos comprises all organisms living on or in the seabed. The role of benthos in the waters is
highly significant, among other things as decomposer of organic substances existing on or in the waters
and as biological indicator in the event of decrease in the quality of water ecosystem. Based on the
observation of benthos around the study area, there are two types of benthos, namely Annelida and
Mollusca. The diversity of benthos in the study area was classified as low up to moderate, with the
diversity index rate between 1.60 and 2.10, while the diversity index rate ranged between 0.70 and 0.85
(uneven and quite even spread).
4.6 Social Economic Baseline
4.6.1 Population
The Bank’s task team conducted rapid (preliminary) social assessment in 2008 through field
visits, observations and unstructured interviews with selected community members along and nearby the
project sites. A more structured social assessment including potential social impacts was then undertaken
by the environmental and social impact assessment consultant teams hired by the PMU during 2009-2010
as part of the preparation of the AMDALs for Phase 1 and Phase 2 sites and RPs, respectively. The rapid
social assessment study and AMDAL for Phase 1 sites were done in the situation where Detailed
Engineering Designs (DEDs) were not yet prepared, and AMDAL of Phase 2 sites were carried out in
parallel with the DEDs preparation. In any case, social impact assessment for all sites were carried out
without confirmed project boundaries on the ground, and therefore the delineations of the impact areas of
each project site were based on the best possible professional assessment of the consultant team.
Administratively, the project sites are located in 57 kelurahans (urban villages) as part of 19
kecamatans (subdistricts) in four municipalities, i.e. North Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, and West
Jakarta. About 1.8 million people (Table 4-7) are living in these 57 kelurahans. Average density is 166
persons per Ha. Poor slum areas are mostly located in along West Banjir Canal, Pakin-Kali BesarJelakeng, Upper-Sunter, and Krukut-Cideng. The population in linked sites is estimated at about 173,000.
4.6.2 Social-economic Characteristics of the Population
During the AMDAL process, socio-economic survey was carried out using a random sampling
method, as many as 487 peoples living in the administrative areas in which the 15 project sites are located
were interviewed. Not all responded to all of the 29 questions, and some information was not available.
However, the reports provide useful information on the social-economic characteristics of the people in
the areas where the project sites are located. Around 86% of the interviewees said that the project would
overcome flood and the rest believed that the project would create a clean environment. Around 62% of
the respondents have lived in the area for more than 10 years and more than 57% families consisted of 3-5
members. About 35% of families claimed that they are originally from DKI Jakarta, almost 90% of the
interviewees hold DKI Jakarta identity cards, while 2.3% hold DKI Jakarta seasonal identity cards. More
than 17% were renters and around 77% own their houses that they are occupying. About 80% of the
interviewees claimed that they do not have other houses. About 20% of the interviewees admitted that
they are living on government land. Further, slightly more than 70% of the structures are permanent. Only
about 12% of the interviewees work in formal sectors such as government employees and private sectors’
employees. The remaining was working in primary sectors, labors, drivers, traders, etc. Some of them
have side jobs. About 73% of the interviewees claimed that their families earned less than US$330 per
month or about US$11 per day, or slightly more than US$2 per capita. About 11.5% earned less than
US$56 per family per month, which is far below the minimum regional wage for DKI Jakarta (2010), i.e.
USD130 per month.
Table 4-7 Populations of Areas where Project’s Floodways, Canals and Retention Basins are
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari Floodway
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including sea side)
of Kecamatan
Administrative Areas
Number of
Lower Sunter Floodway Note 1
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round Road drain)
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet drain)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Upper Sunter Floodway Note 1
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng Drain
Krukut Cideng Drain Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
Total without overlapping kelurahans
Sentiong-Sunter Drain: Kali Item, Sunter
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari : Ancol Kp.
Bandan, Ancol Long Storage
Upper Sunter : Canal Along Jalan Kayu Putih
No data
No data
Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng : Anak K.
Ciliwung Utara, Jalan Tubagus Angke, PHB
Bandengan Utara, Waduk Pluit
Note 1
For contracting purposes, the Sunter Floodways has been divided into two sub-packages – Upper Sunter Floodway and Lower
Sunter Floodway.
Note 2
For contracting purposes, the Krukut Drain has been divided into two sub-packages – Krukut Cideng Drain and Krukut Lama
About 73 % of respondents admitted that they had experienced flooding in the area in the last 5
years; 16% claimed that they experience flooding each year. About 57% of the interviewees said that
flood water went into their houses. Furthermore, 41% of the interviewees claimed that the height of water
inside the house is about 20-50 cm; 50% said that water subsided more than 24 hours. Interestingly, about
68% of the respondents did not move out during the flooding. Only 6.2% of the interviewees claimed that
family members got sick after the flooding. About 53% of the interviewees claimed that they have water
supply from the PDAM (DKI Jakarta-owned water company), and 41% bought water from gallon and
vendors. Only 0.8% of interviewees admitted that they dispose their garbage to canals/waduks, but most
interviewees (64%) claimed that disposed their wastes into the garbage carts. Only 2.5% respondents said
that they did waste separation prior to disposing their garbage. It is interesting to note that almost 74% of
the interviewees claimed that the persons in charge of waste collection did not regularly collected the
5 Summary of Potential Significant Environmental and Social
5.1 Environmental Impacts associated with the JUFMP project activities
The project is expected to yield positive environmental outcomes, as discussed in Section 3.3.
The project implementation however, would also have potential negative impacts. With respect to the
assessment of these impacts, the AMDALs of Phase 1 (and Phase 2) has focused on (i) the dredging
activities and the impacts these would cause in the drains and canals, and (ii) the impacts associated with
removing, temporarily stockpiling, transporting to the entry points of the final disposal sites and any other
type of handling of the removed sediment material. For these impacts, the issues are briefly outlined in
Table 5-1 and discussed in subsequent subsections.
Table 5-1 Summary of Activities Causing Impact and Direct Impact
Canals and Drains
Activities Causing
Dredging – removal of sediment
and solid waste from polluted
canals and drains.
Direct Impacts
Operating Dredging Plant in
relatively confined and densely
populated areas.
Handling, Placing and Transporting
Dredged Material to Final Disposal
Final Disposal
Sites (Specifically
with regards Ancol
Handling and Placing of Large Quantities
of Dredged Material at final Disposal
Significant Noise pollution.
Significant Vibration Impacts.
Reduction in Air Quality from emissions of dust
particles and foul odors.
Pollution of land and surface water receptors from
leached material/pollutants from dredged material.
Public Health concerns associated with water and air
borne diseases.
Disruption of Traffic flows and patterns in already
congested and densely populated areas.
Increased Direct discharge immediately following
dredging into the estuary/North Jakarta bay from canals
and drains due to increased flows and discharge rate
increasing pollution of the bay area.
Improper sanitation management of Construction
Poor Air Quality from emissions of dust particles and
foul odors affecting nearby communities.
Pollution of water and land receptors from leached
dredged material.
Public Health concerns affecting nearby communities
Changes in tidal and current patterns.
Disturbance of Sea Biota.
Degradation of Sea Water Quality
5.1.1 Significant traffic disruption.
The impacts on traffic are related to street closure due to mobilization of heavy equipment and
transport of dredged materials (solid waste and sediment). Furthermore, equipment mobilization can
cause disruption to road surface due to spillage and negligence. Serious traffic disruption resulting from
increased heavy construction vehicles and large trucks transporting sediment and solid waste material to
and from disposal sites, resulting in longer travel times for road users in already heavily congested roads
in highly densely populated areas, resulting in increased ambient noise levels affecting public facilities
like schools and places of worship, emission of exhaust pollutant gases and dust particles of including
Carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) resulting in reduced air quality. For instance, the
AMDAL for activities in the first year predicts that dredging activities at these sites will increase vehicle
rotation per hour, for 360 days, by 2-8 trucks per hour. To mitigate as much as possible against traffic
disruptions, appropriate Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) will be prepared and implemented, as
discussed in Section 7.2.
5.1.2 Reduced air quality and foul odors.
The impacts on air quality are due to equipment mobilization and operations of machineries and
heavy equipment, and the land transport using trucks from dredging locations to the Ancol CDF and other
disposal sites. Dredging and separating bulk refuse materials in Phase 1 sites are predicted to reduce air
quality and to increase odor level. Without proper management, the dredging materials may make the
environment surrounding the project locations unhygienic and cause stench. As the dredging locations are
mostly in densely populated areas (residential, trading, etc), the impacts on air quality and odor require
particular attention. The impact is of high intensity, affecting a large number of people and other
environmental components. However, the impacts are of short duration (during the dredging and
separating of bulk material) and there will only be limited impacts that are cumulative in nature.
Disruptions from noise levels are due to equipment mobilization and operations of machineries
and heavy equipment, and the land transport using trucks from dredging locations to the Ancol CDF and
other disposal sites. Dredging activities (dredging, sorting and stockpiling) are to be carried out during
day time, while transportation to the disposal sites will be done at night so as not to worsen the traffic
congestion but this would exacerbate the effects of the increased in noise levels. Existing measured
ambient noise levels during the day at the project levels already exceed acceptable standards and the
dredging works will likely increase these levels further causing higher noise intensity in the project areas.
The JUFMP contractors’ Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) will include provisions for
consultations with the community to inform the community of works plans and discuss ways to minimize
unavoidable impacts, such as the temporary impact from the reduction in air quality and construction
5.1.3 Change of water discharge rate
The impacts on water discharge rate are due to dredging activities that will increase the capacities
of floodways/drainage canals and waduks, which consequently increase the discharge rate and reduce the
risk of flooding – a positive impact. In the post-project period, maintenance dredging will maintain the
holding capacities of floodways/drainage canals and waduks in order to continue reducing flood risk.
5.1.4 Change of surface water quality.
The impacts on water quality are due to dredging activities that will increase TSS content and
consequently may disturb water biota. However, dredging will impact water discharge rate of the dredged
floodways/drainage canals and waduks. The anticipated dredging volume of about 3.4 m3 will cause a
minimum of about 50% increase in each of the water bodies’ capacity, which will consequently increase
water flows by about 50%. Therefore, the risk of flooding will be reduced. This will be a high-intensity
and long-term positive impact, and these positive impacts will not be limited to each project area.
5.1.5 Change of sea water quality
Changes to sea water quality are considered as a derivative impact of the change of water quality
upstream during dredging activities. Due to the nature of dredging activities, the surface water quality at
each location will be impacted in the form of TSS increase. Baseline TSS concentrations indicated
achievements of prescribed standard and the dredging activities may increase the TSS concentrations.
This could affect a large number of people and other environmental components. While this is
unavoidable, the impact is expected to occur at low intensity with a distribution limited to each project
location and is temporary and reversible.
5.1.6 Increase of solid waste
Potential impacts on solid waste are due to the dredging and transport of dredged materials which
may cause sediment and solid waste spills around the project locations. This could consequently impact
public health and lead to negative public perceptions of the dredging activities. Dredging and separating
bulk refuse materials in Phase 1 are predicted to increase solid waste. Without proper management, the
dredging materials may make the environment surrounding the project locations unhygienic and cause
stench. As the dredging locations are mostly in densely populated areas (residential, trading, etc), the
impacts on solid waste require particular attention. The impact is of high intensity, affecting a large
number of people and other environmental components. However, the impacts are of short duration
(during the dredging and separating of bulk material) and there will only be limited impacts that are
cumulative in nature. Mitigation actions include consultations with the community and the proper
transport of solid waste to disposal sites, adhering to the approved contractor’s TMP.
5.1.7 Impact on Biota
Terrestrial Biota. Impacts on terrestrial vegetation may occur during land clearing prior to the
commencement of the dredging activities (to allow for workers and heavy equipment mobilization).
Based on the environmental baseline study, the tree species found in the project sites include banana,
mango, banyan, etc. No endemic or IUCN protected species was found. Once the dredging is completed
the areas will be rehabilitated.
Aquatic Biota. Impacts to aquatic biota include the removal of benthic biota and disturbance to
fish communities. However, the environmental baseline studies indicated that this impact is unlikely to
be significant. The existing condition of rivers and drains was already polluted. The only macro-benthic
organism found in the sites belonged to the Gastropod class (e.g. snails) which is known to survive in
polluted ecosystem. Meanwhile, the most dominant fish found in the sites was the suckermouth catfish
that can survive in conditions with almost no dissolved oxygen.
5.1.8 Impact on Public health and environmental sanitation
Impact on public health and environmental sanitation are due to dredging activities and transport
of dredged materials to the disposal sites. The impacts that will occur temporarily during the physical
work include the possibility of worsening the air quality (due to an increase of dust and odor) in
residential area within radius of ± 100m or dredging activities and along the transportation corridor.
Mitigation actions have been discussed in Sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 above.
5.2 JUFMP Project Impacts on Ancol CDF
Impacts associated with the disposal of the non hazardous sediment material once it enters the
gate at the Ancol CDF and how that is managed from this entry point to how it is finally disposed of in a
process which involves the final placing, compaction and capping of this material within the perimeters of
the 119 ha Ancol CDF is the subject of a separate standalone AMDAL (ANDAL/RKL/RPL) for Ancol
CDF prepared by PT. PJA the owner concessionaire of the Ancol CDF. The main impacts addressed in
the AMDAL for the Ancol CDF, which are all inter-related, are:
Changes in tidal and current patterns - The AMDAL estimates that the construction and operation
of the Ancol CDF will likely lead to only slight changes to the pattern of longshore current
around the project location. The result of hydrodynamic simulation conducted indicates that the
filing/reclamation of project area will not significantly change the pattern of the current. In
general, the dominant pattern of the current around the project location remains the same, namely
from Westward-Northwestward to Eastward-Northeastward. However, the velocity of the current
will decrease from 1.52 m/second to 1.45 m/second. In the eastern reclaimed island, the velocity
of the current slightly increases, while in the northwestern side, the current reduces speed. The
result of the hydrodynamic simulation of West Ancol Reclamation Plan conducted as part of the
AMDAL indicates the following; (i) There is no significant change in the pattern and velocity of
current before and after the reclamation. The current near the reclamation location slows down by
+ 5cm/second (insignificant). (ii) The sediment distribution modeling during the reclamation
indicates an increase of sediment content by 33 mg/L (insignificant) and (iii) The bathymetry
change modeling shows that the depth of water only changes a few centimeters (insignificant).
Sedimentation - Reclamation activity will lead to sedimentation as a result of disturbed natural
balance, particularly that related to the change in the pattern of longshore current. Meanwhile, the
construction of sea dike/breakwater will function as barriers of sea waves and minimize potential
abrasion and sedimentation in project area and its surroundings. The result of simulation of the
pattern of current after the reclamation activity indicates an increase in the current velocity in the
eastern reclaimed land. This means that abrasion potentially will occur in that location.
Meanwhile, sedimentation will occur in the northwest reclaimed island as the current in the
aforementioned location weakens. The impacts of abrasion and sedimentation will further affect
sea water quality and marine biota.
Degradation of Sea Water Quality - Filling/reclamation activity using sand, dredged sediment and
laterite will increase the turbidity and TSS in the surrounding water, potentially by up to 5 times
if compared to the pre-project (i.e. Ancol CDF) condition. There are also additional concerns that
the activities of the approximately 400 project construction workers will produce sewage that
may not be adequately managed and contained. At the end, these conditions will also affect the
life of marine biota, environmental esthetics, environmental sanitation and public perception of
the project. Disturbance of Sea Biota - Reduction in water quality due to increased sedimentation,
filling the reclamation area with sand and dredged sediment and construction camp solid waste
and sewage will potentially have a significant impact on marine biota. The anticipated impacts on
marine biota (plankton, benthos & nekton) constitute both direct and indirect impacts. The filling
activity will not only directly lead to the smothering of the marine biota habitat in the reclaimed
area, but also indirectly increase the turbidity and TSS in the water territory so as to hamper the
penetration of sunlight into the water and obstruct the photosynthesis process of phytoplankton
and reduce the content of dissolved oxygen in the water territory which will affect benthos and
nekton life.
Offsite Impacts from Ancol CDF
In addition to the 3.4 million m3 of dredged sediment material from this project, the construction
of the perimeter walls and the filling of Ancol CDF will require about 8.6 million m3 of sand. According
to the approved RKL and RPL, this sand is to be obtained from a marine source, in the Banten Area of the
coast from North Jakarta. This location where the sand will be obtained from already has an approved
Environmental Permit50. The engineering design shows that the sediment material would form the bottom
most layer of the filled area, which will then be overlaid by the sand layer which will in turn be capped
with laterite soil material. The volume of laterite material required is estimated at 400,000m3 to be
obtained from land based sources near Bekasi, West Java that is also operating under environmental
permits.51 Thus, in order to manage reputational risk due to offsite impacts, it was agreed with the PT.
PJA that the JUFMP Supervision Consultant will involve in supervision and monitoring of the activities
at these offsite locations (for the sourcing of the sand and the laterite).
5.4 JUFMP Project Impacts on Bantar Gebang and PPLi facility
Impacts associated with the disposal of solid waste material in Bantar Gebang Landfill and
hazardous B3 sediment material (if any are found) in the PPLi facility are not the subject of any recent
AMDALs, as these sites are currently in existence and have been in use for many years and are deemed to
be operating under environmental permits. Notwithstanding this, the project impacts at these facilities
may include potentially and incrementally; leachate generation, uncontrolled methane generation and
emission, increased traffic volumes and congestion, generation of foul odors and further reduction in air
According to the approved RKL and RPL, the environment permits for the Banten marine area to provide sand are (i) Serang Regency Number
666/750/LKH dated April 13, 2005 issued to PT Gora Gahana and (ii) The Mining and Energy Central Amdal Commission Number
5038/0115/SJ.T/199 dated December 5, 1994 issued to PT SAC Nusantara. The permit allows the company to exploit about 10 million m3 of sand
from the area of 1,056 ha in the position of 5o 54’ 47’2’’ – 5o 56’ 12.2’’ South and 106o 11’ 39.9’’ – 106o 17’ 36.3’’ East
The Environmental Permits for the source of laterite soil will be reviewed by the Supervision Consultant.
5.5 Social Impacts
5.5.1 PAPs Sites
The project is expected to yield positive social outcomes, as discussed in Section 3.4. The project
implementation however, would also have potential negative social impacts. Potential social impacts can
be categorized into resettlement-related (hereafter called PAPs sites) and non-resettlement related issues
(hereafter called non-PAPs sites). Preliminary census surveys were carried out at the project sites between
April and October 201052. Since the detailed boundaries of the project work area had not yet been
finalized at the time, the preliminary census and consultations considered the likely potential impacted
areas. From the preliminary surveys, seven sites were identified to have potential resettlement that is
related to activities of dredging and/or embankment works53. Initial data compilation from these
preliminary census surveys recorded 2,513 units of potential affected structures (as per January 2011),
which were occupied by 2,369 families, or 6,507 persons.
About 53% of families in the initially identified seven PAPs sites have lived there for more than
10 years, 66% held Jakarta identity cards, and 45% were living on non-permanent structures. About 82%
of the families work in informal sectors (labors, drivers, farmers, farmers/fishermen, traders/small
businesses and other jobs). About 13% families have built their structures on their own land, while the
remaining are occupying government land. About 82% own their structures and 8.5% are renters.
Information on the number of squatter landlords (both occupying and absentee), and encroachers are not
yet available. These categories will be reconfirmed during the update of the survey census. Geographical
distribution of affected structures and persons are concentrated in four of the seven sites, i.e., Upper
Sunter and West Banjir Canal (WBC), Kali Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng and Krukut Cideng, representing
2,253 structures or almost 90% of the total affected structures involving close to 88% of PAPs. The
mostly densely populated sites are Krukut-Cideng and Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng, while WBC and Upper
Sunter are the two sites that have largest numbers of impacted structures and PAPs. Both consist of 1,360
structures or 54% of the total affected structures involving 3,828 PAPs or almost 52% or the total PAPs.
Minimization of impacts. Significant efforts have been made to minimize the number of PAPs,
initially through careful selection of the scope of the project – balancing between selecting priority
sections of canals and waduks for flood mitigation impact and minimizing the potential PAPs. Following
the initial census surveys, further efforts have been made through an iterative process to adopt
engineering designs and selection of works methodology to minimize impact. Based on the latest detailed
engineering designs (DEDs) and field verification54 in April 2011, it is now estimated that six55 out of the
15 project sites will involve involuntary resettlement, and the number of affected structures have been
reduced from 2,513 units (occupied by 6,507 persons) to 1,109 units (occupied by 5,228 persons) – as
summarized in Table 5-2.
A further census was also carried out between November 2010 and January 2011 at an additional site (Sentiong-Sunter drains) after a design
revision resulted in the identification of PAPs.
Sentiong-Sunter Drain, Waduk North Sunter, West Banjir Canal, Upper Sunter Floodway, Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng Drain, Lower Angke
Drain, and Krukut-Cideng.
Carried out by the project preparation consultants hired by the PMU.
By avoiding involuntary resettlement at the Lower Angke Drain site (see footnote 53 for initial list).
Table 5-2 Estimated Affected Structures and Persons at Project Sites
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik &
Cideng Hulu)
Cengkareng Floodway (including
sea side)
Lower Sunter Floodway Note 1
Cideng Thamrin Drain (Round
Road drain)
Sentiong-Sunter Drain (including
Ancol Canal)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur III
Tanjungan Drain
Lower Angke Drain
West Banjir Canal (sea side)
Upper Sunter Floodway Note 1
Grogol – Sekretaris Drain
Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng
Krukut Cideng Drain Note 2
Krukut Lama Drain Note 2
Total without overlapping
(May 2011)
(May 2011)
Project linked sites. As discussed in Section 2.3, project linked sites were identified based on
hydraulic and direct physical linkages to JUFMP sites. DKI Jakarta currently has no specific plans for
rehabilitation works at these linked sites. However, DKI Jakarta will apply the requirements of OP 4.12
in the event that linked activities are carried out in the linked sites56. Since there are no specific plans for
the linked sites, it is not possible to determine the number of affected persons at this time. Based on a
rapid survey carried out in 200957, a rough estimate of the structures that could be affected is 8,150 (90%
Linked activities as defined by the criteria for identifying linked sites in OP 4.12.
Two linked sites, i.e. Canal along Kayu Putih Timur and North Ciliwung were not covered in these surveys.
of which is in a single linked site i.e., Waduk Pluit). This should be considered a hypothetical maximum
– the number of affected structures would be smaller once impact minimization consideration is taken
into account in designs, and especially if Waduk Pluit is not included.
Maintenance works. It is understood that DKI Jakarta has done and will continue to have
maintenance activities in the project linked sites, i.e., clean up garbage on the water bodies and fixing
some parts of the embankments as necessary. So far, DKI Jakarta has always avoided damage or the need
to relocate structures during the maintenance activities by using appropriate equipments and avoiding
areas where structures are present. For example, it was reported that in 2010 that two linked sites, i.e.,
Tubagus Angke and Anak K. Ciliwung Utara, were maintenance dredged with backhoe and manual
equipment in selected sections to avoid any impacts on overhanging structures.
5.5.2 Non-PAPs sites
Currently, nine out of the 15 project sites are designated non-PAP sites - as summarized in Table
5-2. However, at four sites, i.e. Cengkareng drain, Lower Sunter floodway, Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
floodway, and Grogol-Sekretaris drain, there would be impacts on the operators and owners of 19
crossing boats during the construction. Potential social impacts of dredging and embankment
rehabilitation at the project sites would mostly occur during construction, such as disturbances during the
mobilization of heavy equipments and transportation of the sludge materials to the disposal sites
(including solid wastes); noise; odor; heavy traffic, and traffic accident; damage to local roads; potential
temporary loss of income for boat scavengers who pick garbage from canals, and for operators and
owners of crossing boats58. As the impact would be temporary on a relatively small number of boat
operators/owners in each of the above-mentioned canals, DKI Jakarta will carry out intensive
consultations with them to find practical solutions during construction so that they will be able to the
extent possible continue their activities. Prior to the start of construction, DKI Jakarta will carry out
verification field survey, to reconfirm that the non-PAPs sites remain free from PAPs within the
subproject impact areas.
5.5.3 Potential non-resettlement related social impacts.
Potential social impacts that are not related to resettlement were identified during the AMDALs
consultations and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) - see Chapter 9 for details of consultations. One of
the main issue that arose during the consultations relates to the “perception and concerns” of communities
on the project impacts. Communities were worried if the project required them to relocate, and if so, they
were anxious to be properly compensated. This was perhaps because most of them are poor squatters, and
DKI Jakarta has in the past relocated or evicted squatters without compensation or only with a small
amount of social grants (see box at the end of this chapter for a discussion of recent eviction practices in
Jakarta). Communities were also worried that they may not be properly consulted, well-informed prior to
construction, and cannot communicate their complaints, aspirations and suggestions during construction
to the project management and contractors. Communities expected that the project will employ them
Boat operators are not expected to require resettlement. Dredging contractors will enter into discussions to arrive at mutually agreeable
arrangements for the dredging schedule to avoid as much as possible disturbance to the operators’ activities. Opportunities for employment at the
dredging works will also be discussed.
during construction, to participate in the garbage selection activities to obtain wastes that have economic
value. In almost all project sites, the AMDALs studies indicated that constructions would only be able to
provide small number of jobs compared to the number of the potentially available workforce in the
community. For instance, in the waduks of North Sunter, East Sunter III, and South Sunter, it was
estimated that the project would provide 294 low-paying jobs (labor) for 12 months, which is about 6.5%
of the workforce59. For Upper Sunter, it was estimated that the project would only increase the total
available employment opportunities by 0.024%. The study anticipated that contractors would bring
skilled workers from outside the area that will operate high-technology dredging equipment. Further,
communities were concerned that during construction their living environment will be disturbed and
damaged by the improper management of temporary disposal and transportation of dredged materials,
causing inconvenience due to damaged local roads, dusts, bad odors, dredged materials spillages,
increased traffic congestion, and noise from the equipments and trucks.
5.5.4 Evictions during the period of JUFMP Project Preparation.
During project preparation, at least five major evictions had taken place in areas adjacent to the
JUFMP project sites, i.e. Taman BMW, Kemiri, Tambora VI and VIII, and Priok, for several reasons that
were apparently not related to the project. Taman BMW was a potential candidate for the project’s
disposal site but was not chosen due to technical considerations. Eviction in Taman BMW took place in
2008 due to DKI Jakarta’s plan to build a sport stadium. The Priok eviction, located about 1 km northwest of the mouth of Lower Sunter Floodway, was related to the relocation of a cemetery that was
believed to have cultural and spiritual value. The Kemiri, Tambora VI and Tambora VIII locations are
adjacent to the project sites. The evictions took place for traders conducting activities along the inspection
road shoulder of Cengkareng drain nearby the Kemiri market, and along the shoulders of Tambora VI and
VIII roads (associated with project’s Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng site). Evictions in these sites have been
long planned by the Municipality of West Jakarta. Evictions were carried out after a lengthy consultation
processes between the traders and the West Jakarta Municipal Government on the options of relocation
sites, but unfortunately, failed to reach agreement on relocation. The forced eviction outside Kemiri
market of informal traders who were doing businesses along the roads on the side of the riverbanks
(initial plan was in 2007, actual eviction took place in December 2008) was due to traffic congestions and
complains by tenants of the formal Kemiri market against the informal traders along the shoulder of the
inspection road that were more easily accessible by customer. The eviction at Tambora VI (initial plan
was in September 2007, actual eviction in December 2008) took place to enforce public order control for
illegal businesses, and restore the function of the riverbanks and road shoulder to their original conditions.
The eviction at Tambora VIII in February 2009 occurred after the annual permits for traders expired and
for reducing traffic congestion.
Considering the proximity of the Kemiri, Tambora VI and Tambora VIII locations to JUFMP
sites, the West Jakarta Municipality (with support from the Bank) undertook Tracer Studies60 to assess
impacts of the evictions and potential linkages to the JUFMP. The Bank’s team made field visits and
discussed the possible remedial actions with the West Jakarta Municipality for the returned evictees. They
claimed that they had offered alternative relocation sites prior to eviction and the offers are still valid after
The report did not provide clear information whether the total workforce used in the analysis consisted only of fully unemployed workforce, or
included partially unemployed workforce.
The tracer studies reports i.e., “Tracer Study at Tambora VI and Tambora VIII” and “Case Study Eviction Cengkareng Drain Inspection Road”
are available in project files.
the eviction (when the tracer studies were carried out), but traders/vendors did not want to move to the
offered sites. Based on documentary evidence and interviews carried out at these sites after the evictions,
the studies confirmed that these eviction processes had started significantly before the commencement of
the JUFMP discussions with the Government, and the reasons for eviction were unconnected to JUFMP.
Annex 3 presents the more detailed summary of the tracer studies.
Box: Evictions in Jakarta
Historical development of evictions
Eviction has been a long-standing policy and practice of DKI Jakarta government in repossessing government
land mainly for the development of projects in the public interests. The implementation of evictions has
evolved over time with the trend that illegal occupiers are getting better treated with more humane
approaches. During the New Order (Suharto) Era, evictions had been implemented in more violent ways,
whereby consultations with the illegal occupiers were not done, and no compensation was provided. Even
during the tenure of the former Jakarta Governor, heavy extortion and violent methods were prevalent. Today,
instructions to evict are given on the grounds of public order by employing Local Government Regulation no.
8 of 2007. Evictions are requested by various actors, e.g. the Railway Corporation for clearing railroads, the
Public Works Office for protecting roads and waterways, Governors or Mayor’s office seeking public order,
public parks/spaces, greenings, better traffic management, or simply responding to community complaints.
The Province approves an eviction and the Municipality is responsible for implementation, employing the
Public Safety Office (Trantib) to carry out such public orders.
Evolution of eviction practices
Recent evictions have involved some degree of consultations, better warnings (at least three notifications prior
to the date of the eviction), the promotion of self-dismantlement of structures (to salvage reusable
components), some amount of compensation, and in some cases, resettlement packages. The packages offer a
range of options depending on the location and characteristics of the community, e.g.: (i) subsidized relocation
to a selection of formalized markets that include 6 months free rent for traders; (ii) ‘social grant’ (uang
kerohiman) packages that cover resettlement costs, or transportation costs to return to home villages, or
compensation for structures (ranging in between US$50-110); and in some cases, (iii) low cost subsidized
public housing, as well as in some exceptional cases, (iv) skills training. If evictions were planned at locations
that were previously cleared, forced evictions were conducted without any compensation. Concerns on
evictions relate to the management and protection of the cleared sites from reoccupation, and DKI Jakarta has
no data base system that can track those already compensated who may have moved to other public land.
Analysis of Alternatives
The “do nothing” option
At a strategic level, the “do nothing” option is to allow flooding and its adverse effects to
continue and to worsen. Clearly this is not acceptable. Specifically in relation to the proposed JUFMP
project, the “do nothing” alternative essentially means worsening the situation of clogged drainage
channels and socio-economic effects of frequent flooding. This is not a situation favored by the GoI, DKI
and by the affected communities. Additionally, the sediment in the waterways would continue to get
flushed in an uncontrolled manner to Jakarta Bay.
Overall Alternative Analysis
In both AMDALs for the Phase 1 and for the Ancol CDF works, the analysis of alternatives
focused on alternatives for mitigation or other impact management approaches. For example, with respect
to the Phase 1 AMDAL, various mechanical dredging options and methodologies to reduce impacts
associated with these types of activities were considered and with respect to the Ancol CDF AMDAL,
various options for fill material and their sources were considered and evaluated. Whereas, with respect to
the broader strategic options for disposal of the dredged sediment material, the World Bank, DKI Jakarta
and PMU teams considered multiple options and alternatives based on sediment test results, past
experiences, technical and financial reasons and opportunistic project development works, as part of the
decision making process that led to the selection of the Ancol CDF as the final disposal site for non
hazardous material. For instance, during past dredging operations, excavated material was usually
dumped on any vacant land owned by DKI (Jakarta Provincial Government). In some cases sediments are
placed on embankments and not otherwise disposed of, which results in sludge returning to waterways.
The JUFMP provides the first opportunity for DKI Jakarta and the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to
coordinate and dispose dredged materials in a defined and managed disposal area, and to introduce bestpractice management principles. GOI assessed several disposal sites and management alternatives.
Initially DKI proposed several land based sites that were available, scattered throughout the city:
Taman BMW – large site with many informal communities that were evicted61; very visible along
the toll road
Under Toll Road (Pluit Karang) – located on the toll interchange, very visible and poses
concerns about the aesthetic and odor aspects if utilized as a disposal site; many informal
communities with fisheries and banana plantations
Kamal Muara – very small location with nearby industry and housing (open lot)
Kapuk Muara – already converted into a housing development
Pluit – small location; next to fisheries
Rorotan – being utilized as a temporary solid waste disposal area along the river and near
industrial activities
Cakung – next to Rorotan (above); a small lot next to industrial areas
The World Bank inspected and assessed the suitability of each proposed disposal site. These
proposed sites were rejected due to their minimal disposal capacity, resettlement issues, aesthetic and
For reasons unrelated to the project – see box at the end of Chapter 5.
odor issues, and supervision difficulties. Three sea-based disposal locations were also considered at
Muara Kali Adem (MKA), Marunda, and Ancol. The MKA is located next to the West Banjir Canal but
the access road to the site is very limited and frequent traffic congestion is observed. Marunda which is
located at the edge of East Jakarta was not selected because the spatial plan of the area. The site at Ancol
was strategically chosen for its accelerated preparedness, size and capacity (capable of receiving almost
three times the dredged materials of the Project, or approximately 12 million m3), and central location
along the coast of Jakarta Bay. It is also important to note that the Ancol site also had the advantage that it
was already an approved ongoing reclamation project. The utilization of the Ancol site is considered a
‘win-win’ scenario. The other two sea-based locations considered would have had to be constructed, at
considerable costs and with the effect of displacing more near-shore area with additional environmental
impacts. At the same time, the utilization of non-hazardous dredge material for the Ancol site
reclamation will reduce the negative impact from use of other material (sand) to be sourced from quarries.
Developing the Ancol area is part of DKI’s greater spatial planning and the DKI BPLHD has
approved the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA, or AMDAL). The site provides ease of access
from the river mouths of the city. Plans for developing sea-based disposal facilities at MKA and Marunda
were deemed unnecessary due to the large capacity inherent at Ancol. The Government also stated that
the proposed disposal locations at MKA and Marunda potentially conflict with spatial plans on
reclamation that would require review.
Specific Alternative Analyses
6.3.1 Catchment wide vs. local flood management
For the purposes of this subsection major flood management refers to very major activity such as
construction of new major diversions to reduce flooding in the urban area from middle and upper
catchment rainfall. Local flood management refers to actions that can be undertaken at the local level to
enhance efficient delivery of local rainfall to local channels / drains and thence to the sea. While there
may be debate on the relative priorities, there is common agreement that the two options are not mutually
exclusive - both are required as part of an integrated package. JUFMP is based on the lower part of the
catchment. While focusing mostly on local flood management, JUFMP project activities will increase the
ability of already established but underperforming floodways to more effectively transfer upper
catchment-derived floods to the sea.
6.3.2 Engineering vs. non-engineering approach
Engineering-works for the purposes of this subsection are defined as normal engineering
construction and operation projects such as improving flow carrying capacity of drains, pumps, barriers /
sea walls. The non-engineering approach by contrast addresses such aspects as changing people’s
behavior (e.g., preventing deposition of solid waste into the waterways) and land use planning and
implementation to move people away from flood-prone areas. JUFMP’s focus is on the engineering
approach that will yield immediate benefits. However, this would support the much broader nonengineering approach and opportunities are being undertaken through JUFMP to highlight the broader
issues. For example, management of solid waste at and immediately around the dredging sites will
demonstrate the benefits of appropriate solid waste management, thereby setting practical examples of
what can be achieved.
6.3.3 Choice of dredging sites
JUFMP hydraulic simulation studies have recommended the rehabilitation of the city’s floods
management system to its original design capacity and a routine maintenance system as the most
beneficial first step for flood mitigation in Jakarta. The sections of the Jakarta flood management system
included in the project have been identified by the Government as in priority need of urgent rehabilitation
and improvement in flow capacities. Prioritization was made based on previous studies under the
Western Java Environmental Management Project62 (WJEMP) and various earlier studies on flood control
and flood mitigation in Jakarta area. The Project scoping also took into account the inclusion of all
responsible institutions as a means to encourage and establish the required long term sustained routine
maintenance system. The Project is expected to have important beneficial demonstration effects in terms
of institutional coordination, dredging technology and methods, disposal of dredge material, and sound
environmental and equitable resettlement practices. As such, the technical, environmental and social
complexities of works were also taken into account in project scoping and implementation sequencing in
order to increase the likelihood of success.
6.3.4 Dredging technology: Mechanical vs. Hydraulic
Dredging technologies can be broadly grouped as the back-hoe / clam shell type and the suction
dredging (with or without cutter heads). Suction dredging was not pursued as it is incompatible with the
significant amount of solid waste in the sediment of the waterways. Pontoon-based back-hoes are the
preferred technology as the majority of construction activity can be restricted to the waterway itself,
rather than having to disturb a wide strip along the length of the waterway being dredged.
6.3.5 Solid Waste Separation
Separation of the solid wastes from the dredged sediment was considered in terms of the amount
of material to be separated, use of mechanical or manual sorting and the location of any sorting. Only
large sized waste item from the dredged sediment will be sorted and removed. Examination of previous
filling of other areas with dredged sediment determined that this is adequate and the disposal methods and
post-filling land use would not be constrained. Sorting at the dredging sites themselves is preferred as it
limits the potential congestion at the Ancol CDF, offers the potential for temporary local employment and
integrates with other activities to keep the dredging sites and immediate surroundings “clean and tidy”
during dredging.
Mechanical separation was tested but would need to be located at the Ancol site. The nature of
the material, need for supplementary water and operational difficulties demonstrated no advantage for
mechanical separation. Thus the proposed method of manual separation of only large sized items (and
possibly optional separation of smaller items that can be recycled) at the dredging sites has been adopted.
Jakarta’s only currently operational general landfill at Bantar Gebang offers the only reasonable and
secure disposal site for solid waste material.
6.3.6 Transport options: Land based (dump truck) vs. hydraulic
Transport considered three main options – hydraulic (pumping), barge and truck, integrating these
with dredging technologies and with the chosen disposal site. Pumping was considered inappropriate
since the amount of solid waste would likely cause blockages. This would significantly affect any
World Bank-financed Western Java Environmental Management Project (Project ID P040528), which closed June 30, 2006.
dredging program. Barge transport would not be feasible in most locations because of the bridges and
bottlenecks over the drains preventing access to the sea; however, this may be a contractor-preferred
method for the lower portions of the larger waterways. Truck transport is therefore the only alternative for
the majority of sites and hence is chosen, with the assumption that it will be used everywhere representing
a potential worst case situation with regard to traffic effects.
Environmental Management Plans
7.1 Overall Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans
The Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and the Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL)
under the Indonesian AMDAL (EIA) system, together constitute the Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) requirement under the World Bank Environmental Assessment OP4.01 Annex C. The RKL and
RPL for the Phase 1 project sites and for the Ancol CDF have been approved as part of the AMDAL
approval process (see Section 3.5). Under the Indonesia AMDAL system, quarterly implementation
reports of the RKL and RPL for both the Project sites (i.e. Phase 1 and Phase 2 works) and the Ancol
CDF will be have to be prepared and submitted to the provincial BPLHD during the construction period.
These reports form the basis for oversight monitoring of the works by the DKI BPLHD. They also offer a
tangible opportunity to report back to the DKI BPLHD on any changes in the project scope and details
since the AMDAL was reviewed and approved and also on compliance during construction with the
implementation of the approved mitigation and monitoring measures in the works.
Under this project, the Phase 1 and Phase 2 RKLs and RPLs including additional environmental
and social impact management provided in the supplementary reports discussed in Section 3.5.1 will be
incorporated into the dredging and civil works bidding documents to ensure that all potential contractors
are able to price for them63 and that the plans become part of the suite of legally binding civil works
contract documents64. The RKLs and RPLs and the other contract documents such as the detailed design
engineering drawings, technical specifications for works, etc., together contain all the required elements
such as the corresponding mitigation measures for each of the identified impacts for each stage of the
works, the responsibilities for implementing and for monitoring these, the monitoring indicators, and the
costs for ensuring these are all implemented. Meanwhile, the responsibility for pre-dredge sediment
testing (as part of the projects overall testing protocol for determining hazardous material and thereby
ensuring that only non-hazardous material is transported and disposed of at the Ancol CDF) has been
included in the Terms of Reference of the SC.
Once project construction works start, the quarterly implementation reports for the associated
RKLs and RPLs will be prepared by the dredging and works contractors jointly with the SC. These will
be reviewed and cleared by the PMU and the World Bank prior to submission to BPLHD. The
preparation and submission of quarterly implementation reports for the RKL and RPL of Ancol CDF are
ongoing (see Chapter 3, Section 3.7.2 for a description of the arrangements for Ancol CDF, including
their preparation, review and submission).
The overall estimated project budget for the implementation of these environmental measures is about US$1.9 million.
Note the similar arrangements for Ancol CDF where PT. PJA has incorporated the RKL and RPL requirements for Ancol CFD into their
construction contracts – see Chapter 3, Section 3.7.2.
7.2 Traffic Management Plans
The dredging and construction contractors are also required to prepare and implement Traffic
Management Plans (TMPs), which are subject to the approval and supervision of the SC65. Detailed
contract specific TMPs is to be prepared by each contractor for their specific operating fleet. These
contract specific TMPs, will be guided by the overall project level Generic Traffic Management Plan
(GTMP) that has been prepared by the PMU during project preparation. The GTMP have been developed
for the JUFMP Phase 1 sites taking into account the following66:
The project-required truck movement of dredged material from dredging sites to the Ancol (for
the disposal of dredge material), the PPLi disposal sites (for the disposal of hazardous material if
any are found), and to Bantar Gebang (for the disposal of solid waste).
The identified possible routes and road networks (with GPS system attached).
The standard city regulations associated with:
o Transport truck movement around the city including route designation and restricted
hours of operation.
o Certification addressing emissions and safety of the vehicles.
o Traffic management / safety / signage etc. at loading / unloading areas.
The requirement for approval of the detailed implementation TMPs.
The concerns expressed during current project community consultation related to “community
disturbance” (an all encompassing term), “site access and congestion” and preventing “spillage of
material” along transport routes and at loading points.
The need for on-going community consultation and ANDAL, RKL and RPL requirements.
A separate detailed Ancol site TMP is being developed for the immediate area of the Ancol CDF
site by PT. PJA and will be linked and coordinated into the specific Phase 1 site TMPs. The unloading of
sediment material and solid waste all occur within the disposal sites. The Ancol updated RKL / RPL
specifically requires vehicle washing of every truck before leaving the disposal site to prevent dirt being
deposited onto public roads. Calculations indicate no traffic congestion on public roads associated with
the Phase 1 truck movements. Moreover, it is noted that Ancol has experience of traffic management from
other projects, including having a detailed system of “holding” trucks away from areas where congestion
might be occurring under abnormal conditions.
8 Resettlement Planning
8.1 Approach for Social Impact Management
The key project social safeguards instruments consist of (i) a Resettlement Policy Framework
(RPF), and (ii) specific Resettlement Plans (RPs) for each project site where Project Affected Persons
(PAPs) are found. The rationale of this approach, including a sequenced approach for implementation
risk management, adaptation to a constantly changing urban setting, and the timing of the disclosure of
various social safeguards documents have been discussed earlier (see sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3).
During bidding, bidders are required to prepare preliminary Traffic Management Plans as a part of their technical proposal. Final Traffic
Management Plans are prepared by the winning contractors prior to the start of work.
These criteria are included in the JUFMP Phase 1 Supplementary Report, which in turn is included in the works bidding documents.
The key principles adopted by the project for social impact management were as follows:
First, both resettlement and non-resettlement related social impacts are avoided or minimized (if
avoidance is not possible). This is done through limiting works to priority sections, careful
selection of dredging approaches and equipment technology, and detailed engineering designs
(DEDs) geared towards minimizing impact. The potential social impact of the project, including a
discussion of the efforts to minimize impact, is described in Section 5.5.
Second, the project will be implemented in two phases (see Section 2.4). It is designed to proceed
first with construction in the sites that have no potential PAPs (refer to Table 4-7). The
sequencing of works is a key implementation risk management mechanism for the project.
Amongst others, it will allow DKI Jakarta sufficient time to prepare the RPs for the PAPs sites
(particularly to have sufficient and meaningful consultations).
Third, as a result of project phasing, a RPF has been developed by DKI Jakarta in close
discussion with the Bank project task team since mid 2008. It will guide DKI Jakarta, particularly
its RP team under the Environmental and Social Working Group (ESWG) of PIU DKI Jakarta in
preparing the RPs. The institutional arrangements for the implementation of social safeguards
requirements of the project, including arrangements and responsibilities for monitoring, have
been described in Section 3.8.
Fourth, the project carried out significant public consultations - during AMDALs preparations
through standard consultations (twice for each AMDAL, prior to the finalization of the TOR and
the AMDAL study itself), and through FGDs in all project sites. These consultations have been
reported to be effective in increasing the communities’ awareness of the project, and in capturing
the concerns, aspirations and expectations of the communities for the pre, during, and postconstruction stages. Chapter 9 provides a description of the consultations that have taken place
during the project preparation period.
Fifth, relevant concerns, aspirations and expectations of the communities identified during the
AMDALs consultations and FGDs that should be addressed during construction have been
included in the bidding documents of the civil works (later to become contracts for the winning
contractors). In addition, the TOR of the SC includes assignments to ensure that activities
addressing these issues to be carried out by contractors are well monitored and supervised.
Lastly, in order to avoid uncertainty and unfair treatment of the PAPs that could lead to social
unrest and conflicts between the PAPs and DKI Jakarta, the project will activate the project GRS
facilities and services, and continuously carry out meaningful consultations with the
communities, especially with the PAPs during RPs preparation and during construction. Chapter
10 provides a summary description of the project’s GRS.
Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
DKI Jakarta has prepared the RPF for this project in close coordination with the Bank’s task
team. The RPF seeks to address the gaps between the current legal framework on land acquisition and
resettlement of Indonesia and compliance with OP 4.12. The purpose of the RPF is to clarify principles,
procedures and organizational arrangements to be applied to the preparation of the RPs. In particular, the
policy framework (a) confirms that it applies for the project sites as well as linked sites; (b) identifies the
likely categories of PAPs; (c) outlines the process of development of RPs including preparation, review,
approval, and disclosure; (d) addresses the entitlements of PAPs who are occupants of state or
government land as well as entitlements of PAPs affected by the acquisition of privately owned land; (e)
specifies the rationale for compensation for lost assets at replacement cost, specific measures to address
vulnerable groups, and assistance for livelihood restoration; (f) specifies the organizational arrangements
for the implementation of the RPF and RPs; (g) outlines the grievance mechanisms; and (h) monitoring
and evaluation for RPs. The full RPF document is available in the project files.
Key principles. The RPF applies the following key principles:
Principle 1: minimization of resettlement. Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where
feasible, or minimized, exploring all viable alternative project designs67;
Principle 2: assistance to displaced persons. If resettlement is unavoidable, persons displaced by
a JUFMP subproject should be supported in their efforts to gain access to adequate habitation. If
the relocation affects their income sources and/or their livelihoods, displaced persons should be
offered support for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be
needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living;
Principle 3: consultations on resettlement options and forms of support. Resettlement options
and support will be designed in consultation with the displaced persons. The consultations should
involve a two-way transfer of information between JUFMP staff and the displaced persons;
Principle 4: legal resettlement sites. Occupants of state or government land who are displaced by
JUFMP should be provided with opportunities to resettle at locations that can be legally occupied.
Principle 5: public facilities and community infrastructure. In cases of group relocation, public
facilities and community infrastructure affected by the Project will be rebuilt at the resettlement
Principle 6: transparent and accountable. Information on the budget to finance the
implementation of this RPF will be announced.
Internal consultation. Apart from external consultations described in Section 8.1 above, internal
discussions, consultation and information dissemination within DKI Jakarta have also been conducted.
These have proven extremely important and relevant. In particular, it was noted during the preparation of
the RPF (and initial preparation of RPs) that the approach on handling resettlement - particularly for
squatters - introduced in the RPF is quite new for DKI Jakarta officials at all levels. Discussions between
the Bank and DKI Jakarta to come to a shared understanding, awareness and agreement on the principles
and procedures to address resettlement as specified in the RPF required significant efforts over an
approximate three year period. Continuous socialization of the RPF amongst DKI, including to the lower
levels officials of the province down to kelurahans (including the various land acquisition teams - P2T)
are being and will be carried out (see further details in Chapter 9). Capacity building programs (such as
awareness training, learning-by-doing training/coaching, etc) for all stakeholders involved in resettlement
are very critical for the success of the project to consistently implement the RPF and RPs.
Communication and coordination between DKI Jakarta and central agencies that could support the
resettlement-related activities need to be strengthened.
For example, a change of methodology / technology allowing for dredging around some structures have avoided the necessity of involuntary
resettlement in two locations – Waduk Sunter Selatan and Tanjungan Drains.
Categories of PAPs. The two general categories of PAPs are (i) persons affected by the
repossession of state or government lands, and (ii) persons affected by the acquisitions of privately owned
land. Both general categories are provided for in the RPF. However, it has been determined that the
JUFMP activities will mainly require state or government owned land, and only a small portion of project
areas are likely to be on privately owned land. The categories of entitlement for persons affected by the
repossession of state or government lands are:
 Persons who own and occupy dwellings and other structures built on state or government land
without any recognizable legal rights or claim to the land they occupy;
 Renters of dwellings and other structures built on state or government land without any
recognizable legal rights or claim to the land they occupy;
 “Encroachers”, i.e., persons who aggrandize or extend their personal holdings (privately owned
land and assets on the land) by encroaching adjacent state or government land;
 “Squatter Landlords”, i.e., persons who derive illegal rents from structures built on state or
government land, but do not occupy such structures.
Categories of entitlement. Various resettlement entitlements have been provided for in the RPF.
These include, amongst others, compensation for loss of assets, assistance for relocation, and assistance
for rehabilitation. Specific compensation options will be determined through consultations with the PAPs
and will be specified in the RPs.
Distinctions between categories of PAPs. Given the previous history of evictions practices (see
the discussions in sections 5.5.3 and 5.5.4), the adoption of the RPF represents a step change and
transformatory progress in DKI Jakarta’s approach to handling involuntary resettlement. Over the course
of the preparation of the RPF and its related discussions, DKI Jakarta has come to adopt and accept the
key principles of the RPF as described above, which are key to equitable social safeguards practices.
However, it is noted that DKI Jakarta has strong concerns that any social safeguards policies and practices
it adopts should not inadvertently result in rewarding illegal behavior and at the same time not protect
vulnerable people who are at risk of losing their home and livelihoods. In particular, DKI Jakarta has
reservations to compensate (i) encroachers who are property owners who have extended their property
beyond its legal limits into adjacent state or government land, and who will not necessarily have their
source of livelihoods adversely affected nor have to relocate as a result of the repossession of the state or
government land, and (ii) squatter landlords, who have built structures on state or government land for the
expressed purpose of profiting from rents, but who do not rely on these rents to sustain a reasonable
Squatter landlords and encroachers. The RPF makes a distinction between squatter landlords and
encroachers and other categories of PAPs, reflecting DKI Jakarta’s concerns described in the foregoing
paragraph. However, the RPF does not absolutely exclude benefits to these two categories – the RPF
clarifies that they would provided with assistance in the forms determined in the RP on a case by case
negotiated and mutually agreed basis, without any predetermined limiting criteria. The RPF provisions
for squatter landlords and encroachers reflect a balance between the various concerns of stakeholders. It
reflects the concerns of DKI Jakarta that persons who purposely aggrandize or extend their personal
holdings into adjacent state or government lands, or who utilize public lands as a source of enrichment by
building structures on these lands and using them to derive rents (often exploiting poor and vulnerable
persons), should not be further enriched from public funds, but balances this concern by providing the
avenue for individual consultations and assistance that are mutually agreeable and acceptable. It also
serves to highlight the aim to protect public interests and signals the spirit of the Bank’s policy on
involuntary resettlement to protect vulnerable people at risk of losing their homes or livelihoods, but
balances this with conformance to the policy by not excluding any particular categories of affected people
from assistance and/or compensation.
The distinction between squatter landlords and encroachers and other categories of PAPs in the
RPF nevertheless represents an implementation risk. Under the RPF, (a) each RP is required to list all
PAPs, and would have to show the solution for each PAP, including any squatter landlords and
encroachers that may exist at the project site, and (b) each RP is required to go through a consultation
process and as a result the information about and fairness of the solutions will be public knowledge. Each
RP will require the World Bank’s review and no-objection, and the World Bank can and will review the
process to arrive at individual assistance to PAPs, including to squatter landlords and encroachers where
these categories exist.
Resettlement Plans (RPs)
All project sites will be screened for PAPs68. Works under the project is sequenced to allow for
activities at sites without PAPs to proceed first. Efforts have been made, and are continuing to be made,
to minimize the number of PAPs (see Section 5.5). Where PAPs are identified and cannot be avoided, an
RP will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the RPF. The RPs will identify affected people
and lay out the framework for compensating and restoring the livelihoods of entitled households with a
clear and agreed timeline between the PAPs and DKI Jakarta. All RPs must be approved by the Bank,
publicly disclosed and must be implemented (except elements in the RPs related to post-resettlement
activities) prior to any works commencing at the associated site.
Preliminary RPs. Preliminary censuses were carried out in parallel with the preparation of the
RPF and the DEDs at the seven sites initially identified as PAP sites (see Section 5.5.1). As the first stage
in the preparation of site specific RPs, or prior to entering the subproject site to carry out the census
survey, initial socialization of the project was done with the local levels of government / community
leaders (mainly kelurahan, RT / RW) either69 by group meetings at the kelurahan offices or by multiple
small meetings moving from one RT / RW to other RT / RW. With the agreement of local leaders and
communities, preliminary census surveys70 were carried out of the individuals / households that may,
depending on proxy of the subproject impact areas (at that time DEDs were simultaneously being
prepared), need to be resettled. In total, 2,369 persons were interviewed in these seven sites. Based on
these preliminary censuses, preliminary drafts RPs have been prepared71.
Note that non-PAP sites were screened (including Phase 1 sites) in 2010. A repeat/update screening exercise is expected to be done around
October 2011 to reconfirm the status of these sites.
After consulting the local government and taking into account the local situation.
Census survey obtained information on social-economic characteristics, impacted assets, perception and aspiration of PAPs. Records on each
PAP include photographs of the individual, affected assets, and photocopy of ID card. The affected asset was numbered and associated with the
individual owners.
Preparation of these census and preliminary RPs were supported by consultants retained by the PMU to assist DKI Jakarta.
8.3.1 Census Updates and Finalization of RPs
The preliminary census and consultations, while they provide valuable and necessary data, also
provided feedback on expectations and concerns. The relevant concerns, aspirations and expectations of
the communities that should be addressed during construction will be included in the bidding documents
and works contracts. With the finalization and disclosure of the RPF, DKI Jakarta will proceed with the
further development and preparation of the preliminary RPs in the currently identified PAP sites72. A
draft guide of RP preparation processes and steps have been prepared73. The RPs will be completed74,
subjected to World Bank review and no-objection, disclosed and implemented prior to the
commencement of the associated (Phase 2) works.
8.3.2 Database for PAPs
DKI Jakarta intends to develop a database for PAPs, which will be gradually expanded to cover
PAPs beyond the JUFMP. The information in the database will be used as a reference by DKI Jakarta in
the case that in the future it has to resettle people from sites of other projects, to avoid giving
compensation to the same individuals. DKI Jakarta expected that the project could facilitate and assist the
establishment of the database.
8.3.3 Funding for RPF and RPs
The RPF and the stipulations set forth in this document will be funded jointly by DKI Jakarta and
the project (managed by PMU):
DKI Jakarta will provide funding from their budget for financing the: (a) the Project
Implementation Unit (PIU)75, (b) the resettlement compensation, resettlement assistance and
rehabilitation support, (c) establishing and placing the project GRS, and (d) the mobileGovernment system and website hosting location. Budget for resettlement compensation,
assistance, and rehabilitation support will be allocated in relevant provincial agencies. For
instance, budget for compensation for structures and for building rental apartments will be
provided under the Housing Agency; budget for rehabilitation support would be allocated by
Social Agency, Trade and Cooperative Agency, etc., depending on the type activities.
The Project will finance the independent consultant who will carry out the external monitoring
and evaluation, supervision consultants who will oversee the implementation of this RPF,
consultants and experts who will manage the project GRS.
The overall estimated budget for the implementation of project RPs is about US$2.8 million.
DKI Jakarta’s financial capacity has been assessed to determine that it has the adequate financial
Which have been reduced from seven to six sites after further efforts to adopt engineering designs and selection of works methodology to
minimize impact (see section 5.5.1 for details).
This is expected to be updated during implementation to take into account lessons learned.
This will be expected to require update censuses, announcements of cut-off dates, and full consultations with PAPs including on options for
compensations, assistance and rehabilitation of livelihoods, timelines for implementation, etc. Consultations with civil society organizations are
also planned.
Including the working groups described in Section 3.8.
resources to fund the RPs implementation. Trust funds grants (as and if available) will be used to
complement the funding of the above activities.
Overall, the project has been prepared adopting a process of meaningful and participatory
consultations with potentially affected people, groups and other stakeholders. The process for
consultations is also an integral part of the project’s communications, which is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 10. The consultative process for this project has been exhaustive and widespread and has
occurred at multiple levels depending on the target stakeholder group and on the issues being discussed.
The discussion here will focus on the consultative process with respect to the AMDAL documents, the
RPF and the RPs, and with the potentially affected communities in all the project sites.
Consultations during AMDAL
The project consultations occurred over a two year time horizon mostly in 2009 and 2010. They
took the form of public meetings and were recorded as annexes in the respective AMDAL documents
approved by the DKI BPLHD. Public consultations during AMDAL preparation for Phase 1 project sites
were done before the completion of the DEDs. Focus Group Discussions were done for all project sites in
parallel with the preparation of DEDs and AMDAL for Phase 2 sites, as well as in initial preparation of
RPs for the PAPs sites. Interviews with samples of community members (up to 10% of households) were
undertaken to complement the information on the environmental and social baseline, community
aspirations and concerns on project implementation obtained in the consultations during the AMDAL
preparation. The main aspirations, issues and concerns raised by the participants across all project sites
obtained through consultations and interviews during AMDALs preparations were: (a) the support and
recognition that the outcome of the project will reduce floods but there will be short to medium term
disturbances during construction; (b) recognition that flow capacity of canals have been reduced due to
sedimentation, improper garbage disposal, and encroachment and buildings on water bodies and
surroundings; (c) the wish to have more details about the project, including the time table; (d) the wish
that construction must be done properly, including handling of spillage of dredged materials during
transportation, noise, dusts; (e) compensation types and levels that will be given if resettlement takes
place; (f) opportunities for local employment and businesses; (g) the wish for having meaningful
consultations, particularly during construction; and (h) the willingness to participate in solid waste
management activities.
With respect to the Ancol CDF, consultations started in 2005/2006 when the first AMDAL for
Ancol CDF was prepared. The first Ancol CDF AMDAL was approved in 2006 for reclamation using
mainly sand as fill material and as it pre-dated JUFMP, it did not consider the JUFMP project at all. The
public consultation in 2005 included several meetings to consider the draft AMDAL with minutes of the
meeting highlighting issues raised, including those with social / community implications. The Updated
RKL/RPL of Ancol CDF was based on the same general arrangement and principles as in the earlier
AMDAL, but the update was done specifically to allow for the use of JUFMP dredged material as fill
material and to increase the channel width between existing shoreline and the fill area from approximately
80m to approximately 200m. An additional public consultation process was held during the update
process as per the statutory requirements of Government Regulation (PP) No: 27/199976.
Table 9-1 summarizes the key issues that arose during the AMDALs consultations processes and
the action taken to address these issues.
Table 9-1 Issues raised with respect to the Phase 1 AMDAL and Ancol CDF consultation
Issues raised and
Summary of responses of those
Summary of Action Taken by Project to
address these concerns
Phase 1 AMDAL Consultation
Project Objectives,
Institutional and
Information about
the sub-project
Generally supportive feedback for
flood mitigation activities.
Project design to continue to maximize
opportunities for flood alleviation through
selection of key drains and waduks.
 Providing history of area (general
 Resettlement and people moving
back in
 Floods also occur from tidal
 Suggesting engineering requirements
Information on the
Timetables, boundaries, methods of
construction, future consultation, etc.
 Will I be resettled
 When will I know if am to be
 When will resettlement occur
 What compensation / entitlements
will I get
 Entitlements should be at market
 If resettlement occurs, other people
not move back in
 Proper compensation does not
always occur
 After census no more property
transfer for speculators
 One case of traders insisted that their
legal representatives must be present
for census
 A few said happy to move, most
willing to move with appropriate
 Some prefer to make their own
arrangement for resettlement,
 Provided useful technical information
for project design.
 Methods instituted for ensuring resettled
areas remain free
 Scope of project remains emergency
dredging and tidal factors will be
considered in design
 Accounted for by design engineers if
FGDs in more than 60 villages undertaken
and continued consultations to be
conducted throughout.
 All points associated with resettlement
are addressed in the Resettlement Policy
Framework (RPF) and considerations to
the issues raised were integrated –
people were made aware of the
development of livelihoods
compensation in the RPF
 On speculators, it was suggested that
boundaries are fixed as soon as possible
 Census questions are not enforced on
people in order to avoid conflict
See Chapter 3 for a discussion of the Indonesian environmental legislation.
Concerns about
including housing
 Biggest concern is with spillage of
material from trucks
 Minimize disturbances and noise
 Don’t leave dredged materials
behind on the dredging site
 Community is confused about where
complaints should be filed and
 Common expression from the
communities that they would like to
continually be involved through
consultation processes during project
implementation as well
Ancol CDF Consultation
Wish for ongoing
consultation and
Project Objectives,
Institutional and
Generally supportive (per Updated
Ancol RKL/RPL 2009) as it is part of
the JUFMP flood mitigation.
Information about
the project
 Timetables, boundaries, methods of
construction, future consultation, etc
 Positive impact of the Ancol CDF
project to community.
Social issue
beyond the
 General, all respondents expected
that the implementation of project
work could absorb manpower and
open up business opportunities for
the residents of Kelurahan Ancol
and that the potential negative
impacts would be managed well by
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Tbk.
 About 15% of respondents
interviewed during the AMDAL
process did not approve of the
project because of negative impacts
 RKL/RPL is embedded in the contract
and enforces no spillage of trucks,
reducing noise and odor concerns, and
ensuring proper management and
cleanliness of site
 Site-based POSKO will provide venue to
encourage community involvement,
participation, and integration of
 Additional project information,
dissemination (e.g. brochures) will be
 Site-based POSKO will provide venue to
encourage community involvement,
participation, and integration of
PT. PJA is ready to cooperate with the
JUFMP to ensure that the construction and
operation of confined disposal facility
fulfills requirement that is applied in
JUFMP project.
 Assigning Public Relations Division to
liaise between PT. PJA and the
community / agencies. Through
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
program, two junior high schools (SMP)
at Kelurahan Pademangan Barat and
Kelurahan Ancol were constructed. PT.
PJA and local kelurahan started and
continues to support the “Ancol Loves
the Environment” program.
 Disseminating plan to community /
public agencies.
 Establishing communication forum and
coordination with other activities /
agencies in the area.
 Monitoring measures included reporting
on frequency of communication forum
 PT. PJA has been in cooperation with
the local community that keeps them
informed with any labor recruitment that
prioritizing the local workers.
 Fishing grounds at the vicinity of Ancol
CDF area has been assessed to be not
feasible as the water is continuously
received pollutant from the urban
drainages of Jakarta city.
Concerns about
they might suffer, such as the
disturbance to the areas where they
looked for fish, prawn and crabs.
AMDAL Commission at the DKI
BPLHD expressed their biggest
concern if the sediment is found to
be hazardous waste (B3 waste).
Pollution of sea water.
Disturbances and noise.
Spillage of mud (from JUFMP
trucks) at the surrounding Ancol
area and road damage.
Offsite impact (if the JUFMP
dredged material is not enough to fill
all the CDF space, where is the other
filling material source?).
 Coordination with JUFMP (who
doing what and responsibility).
 Implementation schedule (when the
dike is ready).
Wish for ongoing
consultation and
 Common expression as for Phase 1
AMDAL, in which the communities
expects there are employment and
business opportunities.
 The PMU has developed set of testing
procedure to prevent B3 waste entering
Ancol CDF.
 Updated RKL/RPL requires PT. PJA to
construct confined disposal facility, to be
completed before disposal from the
Project begins.
 RKL/RPL is embedded in the contract
and enforces no spillage of trucks,
reducing noise and odor concerns, and
ensuring proper management and
cleanliness of site.
 PT. PJA is required (as per the
Memorandum of Agreement with DKI
Jakarta) to provide car wash before the
JUFMP trucks leave Ancol CDF.
Contractor is also required to deposit
some amount of cash that will be used if
road damage due to its vehicle is nor
repaired by the contractor.
 PT. PJA will ensure that the source of
filling material other than the dredged
material is to be from legitimate source
that has an environmental permit (e.g.
 PT. PJA has been actively participating
in any discussion related to JUFMP
 PT. PJA will ensure, and the World
Bank will confirm, that the disposal
facilities are properly confined prior to
disposal of dredged material.
 Assigning Public Relations Division to
liaise continuously between PT. PJA and
the community / agencies.
 Establishing communication forum and
coordination with other activities /
agencies in the area.
 Monitoring measures included reporting
on frequency of communication forum
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
In addition to public consultations carried out during the AMDALs preparation, the project has
also conducted FGDs in 57 kelurahans (i.e. urban village) in four municipalities during June – September
2010 where the project sites are located. These further informed the preparation of the RPF and
preliminary RPs. Each FGD was led and guided by a consultant team retained by the PMU. The purposes
of the meetings were to (i) update communities on the current status of the project, particularly for Phase
1 sites where AMDAL-related consultations were completed prior to the of end 2009 and where there
have been some changes to project scope and timing since then as DEDs became available, and (ii)
continue to obtain feedback from the communities and their aspirations. Participants comprised of
representatives from the kelurahan offices, Board of Trustees of the kelurahans, Community Guidance
Officers (Babinsa), Head of Family Welfare Program (PKK), community leaders, Heads of community
neighborhoods (RT and RW), and representatives of the communities of the project sites. A total of 1,051
participants attended the various meetings (each meeting was attended by between 11-28 participants).
Women participation across kelurahans ranged from 0 – 71% of the total participants. Information
obtained from the FGDs in the PAPs sites, located in 31 out of these 57 kelurahans, were also taken into
account in the preparation of preliminary RPs. The FGD meetings in these PAPs sites kelurahans were
attended by 599 participants77.
The FGDs revealed that communities had several key concerns, i.e., that: (i) should they need to
be resettled, they will be given improper compensations and provided relocation sites far from their
employment; (ii) they cannot access job opportunities during construction; (iii) they will not have
communication with the project and contractor; (iv) they will not be provided with accessible and nearby
facilities to lodge any complaint; (v) they are not well-informed in advance of the project, prior the
commencement of and during construction; and (vi) the construction would disturb their livelihoods.
Further, communities were concerned (i) about the potential poor management of the dredged materials in
the temporary sites located in their neighborhoods; (ii) of transportation for the dredged materials that
would lead to increasing traffic congestion, odor and damage to local roads; and, (iii) about the dredging
methodology that could damage plants and structures. Communities would like to (i) participate in the
monitoring of construction activities, and solid waste management particularly in sorting garbage that
have economic value prior to the transportation of the garbage to the final disposal site; (ii) have good
communications with project management and contractors; and, (iii) have the Posko as close as possible
in their neighborhood that will function as on-site complaint handling centers as well as a place to meet
and coordinate with the project management and contractors.
The FGD report78 for each sub-project site will be made available with the AMDAL reports to the
construction contractors and the Supervision Consultant. The bidding document for civil works specifies
activities to address most of the above-mentioned communities’ concerns and suggestions as part of the
construction activities. Meaningful public consultations will be continued throughout project
implementation (including during the preparation of the final RPs) to ensure that the above concerns are
addressed properly.
Consultations on the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
A series of workshops and dialogues were carried out with provincial and municipality
government officials specifically to support the preparation of the RPF. These guided the preparation of
the RPF. Two consultation sessions were carried out on the draft RPF, and were followed by a further
consultation aimed to strengthen the capacity of relevant agencies and municipality local governments in
implementing the RPF. A summary of these consultations are as follows:
It should be noted also that the FGD activities included ‘before’ and ‘after’ questionnaire surveys of the participants, which clearly
demonstrated increased awareness and understanding of the project due to the FGD discussions.
FGD Report for each site is available in the project files.
An ‘internal’ consultation - comprising 126 participants, ranging from central government
(Ministry of Public Works), and DKI Jakarta to the lowest level (representatives of the
mayors from all four DKI municipalities, relevant DKI agencies and bureaus, and sub-local
governments down to the level of kecamatan/kelurahan). The objective of this consultation
was to disseminate and get support from wider DKI Jakarta officials for the draft RPF. Some
participants conveyed their concerns or suggestions on the following main issues: (a) there is
a need to socialize and consult the RPF to the wider public; (b) implementation of the RPF
particularly with the current available legal basis that does not allow to compensate the PAPs
who occupy the government land; (c) mechanisms to define the compensation level for illegal
occupiers and financial accountability for the expenses for such compensation; (d)
confirmation that the DKI Jakarta does not provide rent-to-own public housing but only rental
public housing; (e) budget for compensation should be available in timely manner; (f)
dissemination and disclosure of the RPF may create expectation and would lead to increased
encroachers; (g) readiness of DKI Jakarta to implement the RPF because development in the
field is quite dynamic and fast; (h) applicability of the RPF for PAPs who had been evicted
and compensated prior to the project preparation given that DKI Jakarta does not have a data
base for evictees, compensation provided to them under JUFMP would lead to audit
problems; (i) compensation should be given directly to the PAPs to avoid potential distrust;
and (j) should there be complaints, the site-based complaint handling unit - based in the
project site offices (POSKO) - will have to follow-up them properly and timely.
An ‘external‘ consultation – comprising 77 participants, including 26 participants from NGOs
active on various issues in Jakarta, representatives from various Indonesian universities and
technical experts. The summary of the questions, concerns and inputs from the participants of
the meeting were as follows: (i) appreciation of the new thinking of DKI Jakarta on handling
resettlement with the RPF which is in line with the expectation of the NGOs; however, there
was a concern on its implementation process (including the time that is needed to complete
the process) on the ground, and its potential to trigger the appearance of “middlemen” acting
as brokers who would affect the resettlement process; (ii) DKI Jakarta to dredge canals
without resettlement if possible, if not then minimize resettlement79; (iii) DKI Jakarta is
expected to work with the community and/or NGOs who have experienced or are currently
working with resettling squatters; (iv) RPF needs to be socialized more widely and down to
the project affected persons (PAPs) using a better approach and not a one-way dissemination;
(v) complaint handling mechanisms need to be clear and the RPF should also include the Law
No. 2/2005 pertaining the rights of people on social, economic and cultural life. On other
aspects not related to RPF, participants were concerned on why DKI Jakarta has to borrow
for this project while it cannot spend its own budget in timely manner; and warning that the
project needs to ensure that the Ancol CDF adheres to its AMDAL requirements (as NGOs
are filing a class action on the reclamation of the sea along North Jakarta). Participants also
stated that flood management should also be accompanied by the improvement of the
drainage system and solid waste (not only through dredging), and transportation of sludge
should be in the evening to avoid traffic.
A third consultation was carried out in February 10, 2011 and attended by 60 representatives
from all four DKI municipalities, sub-local governments (kecamatans) where the project sites
This is already one of the principles specified in the RPF.
are located, relevant DKI agencies and bureaus, the Ancol authority, head of PMU, PIU of
Cipta Karya. The main purpose of this consultation was to get the same understanding among
stakeholder officials in DKI on the RPF, and discuss the plan to proceed with the preparation
of the Resettlement Plans (RPs). Discussion on the RP included understanding and
implementation of the principles, eligibility and entitlements, the organizational arrangements
of the preparation and implementation of the RP on the ground, as well as the approach in
defining the value of the assets and availability of rental public housing/apartments. Funding
needs for preparing RPs was also discussed. The discussion also raised the issue on the needs
to set up a site-based complaint handling unit - based in the project site offices (POSKOs) and to have operational guidelines to implement the RPF and to prepare RPs on the ground.
The progress of the RP consultants on the census survey, the need to update and verify the
information prior to the cut-off date, and that need to decide quickly on the cut-off date were
also discussed.
DKI Jakarta, led by the Office of the Assistant for Development and Environment, had
incorporated relevant suggestions from the participants during the first two consultations in the RPF.
Concerns from participants in the first consultation meetings were followed up in the third consultation
through a more detailed explanation by the PIU DKI Jakarta and officials from DKI’s Assistant for
Development and Environment. During the third consultation, some of the principles and policies of RPF
were reiterated to confirm the new DKI Jakarta’s approach to handling resettlement and how it would be
adopted in the preparation of the RPs.
Consultations during the preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs)
The FGDs were carried out in parallel with the initial preparation of the RPs, and therefore
information obtained from the discussions was used to improve the design of the census survey including
questionnaires and field survey approach. The consultation process to prepare the preliminary RPs has
been discussed in section 8.3.
As further development of site specific RPs progresses, DKI Jakarta now carrying out
consultations of the RPF and preliminary RPs at the various municipalities where PAP sites are located
i.e., West Jakarta, East Jakarta, North Jakarta and Central Jakarta. These consultations are aimed at
strengthening the support of the municipalities towards the completion and implementation of the RPs80.
DKI Jakarta is planning to start carrying out consultations with the PAPs after the cut-off dates
are announced, among others to confirm the lists of the PAPs and affected assets, discuss and agree on
compensation options, dismantling and relocation schedules, etc., as part of the RP preparation.
Consultations with the PAPs will be done either in groups or plenary, depending on the specific situation
in each site, led by a DKI Jakarta RP team and assisted by the consultant team.
To date, consultations have been completed in West and East Jakarta in April 2011. Consultations with North and Central Jakarta are planned
for May and June 2011.
10 Grievance Redress System (GRS)
DKI Jakarta will establish an integrated project Grievance Redress System (GRS) to ensure that
complainants are provided a space to file complaints and convey their aspirations related to the project in
a politically and psychologically free-speaking environment that ensures voices are heard, recorded and
responded in a satisfactory, objective and timely manner agreed by complainant and DKI Jakarta. The
details of the project GRS are included in the project RPF. It is expected that the project GRS will be set
up at the start of project implementation and fully operating especially before the Phase 2 period begins.
The project GRS will apply for all complaints that are associated with the project (not only socialrelated issues, but also environmental, technical issues and others). The project GRS will follow the
following key principles:
Complainants can file complaints at no costs, through different alternative media, addressed to
complaint handling units set up at different levels and/or to a contact addresses and website
dedicated specially for complaint handling for JUFMP;
Complainants will be given an accessible, non-threatening, equal, and fair treatment for
complaint follow-up and for dispute resolution, regardless of origins, religion, citizenship status,
social and economic background;
Complaints or disputes will be preferably resolved at the earliest time at the sub-project site. Only
in the case that follow-up on complaints and disputes are unresolved at the lower level, the cases
will be brought to the attention of the higher levels of the government structure;
Follow-up on complaints and resolution of any disputes will be made based on agreements
reached among all involved parties through a well-informed consultation processes with
facilitation by a competent, trustworthy and credible team;
The complaint handling system will maintain the objectivity, transparency, and fairness principles
by having an Independent Advisory Team who will be available to assist the complainants at all
complaint-handling units;
Complaints and disputes, as well as follow-up actions and resolutions will be recorded in real
time through a web-based system and disclosed to the public;
Socialization, dissemination, and disclosure of the complaint handling system/procedures as well
as of the complaints and follow-up actions and dispute resolution will be done continuously at the
sub-project site, municipality and provincial levels.
A site-based Complaint Handling Unit is to be located on each site to manage and process
complaints. This unit will be based in the project site offices (POSKOs). It is expected that the closer
and easier the instruments for filing complaints, the more likely complaints could be solved on site in a
relatively short time period. Socialization on the availability of the complaint services of the project to the
communities, especially the PAPs, is the key to reduce potential social unrest and disappointment. There
will be similar complaint handling units at the municipality and provincial levels, to receive and respond
to complaints that cannot be solved at the POSKO level. The RPF socialization has included socialization
of the project GRS.
The project GRS includes database and information systems management that will monitor and
disseminate information on any complaints. The information generated by the project GRS will provide
the ability to track common issues in project implementation. The system will use a real-time flow of
information of complaints and follow-up. An Advisory Team will be set up as an alternative body to
provide services to complainants and to DKI Jakarta to come to agreed solutions or follow-up to
complaints. The Supervision Consultant (SC) team is tasked with assisting DKI Jakarta in setting up the
project GRS system, including the development of the Standard Operating Procedures, and supporting
DKI Jakarta to manage the system during the project implementation period.
It should be noted that there are existing and well established complaints handling systems in
DKI Jakarta, operating through various channels. In most cases81, persons or communities who felt
disturbed, being treated unfairly or are unhappy about any project can file a complaint to the head of RT
(neighborhood level) who will then put forward it to the head of RW (hamlet level). If the complaint
cannot be solved at the RT/RW level, the heads of RT and RW will take the case to the kelurahan level
(where the case is handled by the Section of Governance Affairs and Public Order). The case will be
officially registered at the kelurahan level. The parties in disputes (e.g. citizen, communities, contractor
or other government institutions), the kelurahan council and staff will discuss and try to resolve the case.
If no resolution is agreed at the kelurahan level, the case is sent to the higher kecamatan level (sub subdistrict level), and finally to the kotamadya level (municipal level) if still unresolved at kecamatan level.
Complaints or feedbacks are also routinely submitted via SMS or call center, media (e.g.
newspaper, radio) and the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta official web-portals (i.e. and Complaints or feedbacks received via these channels are
forwarded by DKI Jakarta from the provincial level to the associated relevant offices (i.e., the kelurahan,
kecamatan or dinas). These complaints and feedback will first be verified on the ground, and followed-up
if confirmed to be resolved at the lowest possible institutional level.
11 Project Communications
Flood incidences are perennial occurrences in Jakarta and have been increasing in severity during
the past decade. Disastrous floods in January 1996, February 2002, and February 2007 were especially
devastating. The 2007 event inundated 235 km2 (about 36%) of the city82, by up to seven meters in some
areas. The 2007 floods affected more than 2.6 million people and forced 340,000 people to flee their
homes. Over 70 people died and outbreaks of disease affected over 200,000 people. The estimated
financial and economic losses from the 2007 floods amounted to US$900 million83. In 2008, a flood
event closed the airport toll road, cancelling over 1,000 flights and causing severe disruption for the city.
Floods in 2009 also occurred at high intensity and have continued into 2010. Inundations continue to
occur under any sustained rainfall condition.
External communications
Throughout the project preparation period, the consultation processes related to the environmental
and social safeguards of the project (to date, over a three year period of 2009-2011) have been one of the
key avenue for information dissemination of the details of the project (these are described in Chapter 9) to
the public, particularly to communities and in locations close to the project area. All the safeguards
related consultation processes (and in particular consultations in project areas related to social safeguards)
have included the dissemination of the latest project design, scope and status. It should be noted that
Information from site discussions with communities.
Flood extent map, DKI Jakarta (Dinas-PU)
Estimated by Bappenas (the National Development Planning Agency)
consultation processes have generally recorded positive support for the project and its floods mitigation
These safeguards related consultations have been coupled with information dissemination by DKI
Jakarta through various channels84 positioning JUFMP as a key piece of its near term strategy to mitigate
floods in Jakarta. Given the background of recent events, floods have become both an urgent and topical
issue in the city. Thus, DKI’s dissemination efforts have generally been picked up by the local media.
Consequently, public awareness of the JUFMP project (both at the community level as well as the city
level) has increased over the period of project preparation.
Media monitoring and audits carried out for the period of January 2010 to January 2011 pointed
to sustained and increasing media exposure of the project85, mainly through online news portals,
community blogs and the print media, and to a lesser extent through electronic broadcast media and
government and NGO websites. It should be noted that these media exposures highlighted not only the
project’s plans and design to reduce the incidences of floods in Jakarta, but a majority of them discussed
and reported on the more complex issues of environmental and social safeguards challenges faced during
project preparation. The tone of media discussions on floods mitigation efforts in Jakarta runs the gamut
of negative to neutral to positive, but significantly, this tone has evolved more and more towards the
positive over the audit period.
External communications efforts are expected to continue during project implementation. Social
safeguards related consultations will continue throughout the preparation and implementation of sitespecific RPs. At the community level, the public information center based in the project site offices
(POSKO) which will be maintained at each JUFMP project site will play a critical role, where project
information (including the latest implementation status) will be available and easily accessible to the
public. Although as a whole external communications of DKI Jakarta will need improvements, the
JUFMP has already provided momentum on coordinating the dissemination of DKI Jakarta’s flood
mitigation plans that has been heavily covered by media. These efforts will continue into project
implementation. The overall estimated budget for specific project communications is about US$155,000.
Note this does not include DKI Jakarta’s general communications department budget. This department
has been the channel for DKI Jakarta communications including on floods and JUFMP issues. Annual
budget for this department (DKI’s Diskominfo) is over US$500m (FY11). On its own part, the World
Bank is preparing a project website on which the latest project information can be made available during
Internal communications
Inter-agency communications. The periodic Joint Steering Committee meetings (see section
3.6.1) have been instrumental in providing the platform for inter-agency communications and information
sharing of the latest developments and status of the project. This is the only venue where all government
agency stakeholders are represented simultaneously.
Internal DKI Jakarta communications. As the local government with the mandate for city
development, management and administration, DKI Jakarta is naturally seen by the public as the main
Including prominent pronouncements from the Governor of DKI
Averaging over 10 media articles per month spread out over the period
agency responsible for floods management in the city86. DKI Jakarta has made use of the opportunity of
the consultation processes related to the social safeguards of the project as a key avenue for information
dissemination of other details of the project (these are described in Chapter 9 – see especially Section 9.3)
within DKI Jakarta to the lowest level (representatives of the mayors from all four DKI municipalities,
relevant DKI agencies and bureaus, and sub-local governments down to the level of sub-district and
kelurahan). The socialization across DKI offices at provincial government level has mainly been in the
form of workshops, “mentoring” approach / transfer knowledge method which is considered the most
appropriate approach for DKI officials at the sub-district and kelurahan level.
Internal communications efforts are expected to continue during project implementation. The
Joint Steering Committee platform will remain, as the committee will continue to meet periodically
during project implementation to provide high level oversight. DKI Jakarta has also assigned its Bureau
for Infrastructure Development (Biro Prasarkot) with the task of coordinating and communicating the
project across the relevant DKI Jakarta and other government agencies. The Biro Prasarkot will also
form the communications bridge between the project institutional establishment and the DKI Jakarta
institutional establishment – see Figure 11-1. Biro Prasarkot’s activities are directly reviewed by DKI
Jakarta’s Assistant for Development and Environmental Affairs, who in turn reports to the Governor of
DKI. The Assistant is also a member of the Joint Steering Committee. This setup will allow for
coordination vertically through the DKI Jakarta chain of command as well as across all agencies and also
connects the project institutional structure to the required coordination and communication to implement
a sustainable flood mitigation program.
This is further confirmed by the media audits described above. Amongst the findings of these audits, the majority of media reports linked DKI
Jakarta as the institution most closely associated with the floods.
Figure 11-1 Communications between agencies
Reputational Risks
This section summarizes two key areas related to the project’s environment and social
management issues that may pose a risk to the reputation of the JUFMP and/or the World Bank during the
implementation of the project, and describes the measures intended to be taken to manage and minimize
these risks87. It should be noted that the measures taken by the project to address these reputational risks
will not completely remove these risks. But they do present a tangible way of reducing them or otherwise
managing them to acceptable levels.
As described in the earlier chapters this report, project preparation has undergone a fairly
comprehensive and exhaustive environmental and social assessment process. This was aimed first at
improving the sustainability of the project activities and outcomes, and second at ensuring compliance
with the Government of Indonesia’s requirements and the World Bank’s own Environmental and Social
Safeguards Policies. Notwithstanding all these actions, plans and implementation and institutional
arrangements, environmental and social safeguards specific risks that can be associated with this project
remain. These will be monitored, managed and minimized throughout project implementation. However,
there are three key areas of activities that are not directly in the implementation responsibility of the
project implementation entities that may nevertheless pose a risk to the reputation of the JUFMP and/or
the World Bank during the implementation. These are discussed below.
This section does not summarize the Operational Risk Assessment Framework (ORAF) for the project as a whole. The ORAF [which forms
part of the Project Appraisal Document (PAD)] presents the broader risk assessment framework for the project.
Risks associated with non-project activities in or close to project sites
The JUFMP project activities are taking place in very densely populated urban areas of Jakarta.
The project has a clearly defined objective, scope and boundaries. Nevertheless, in the highly dense
urban setting, it is very likely that development projects and other activities that are not related to the
project will occur within or in close proximity to some project sites during the project implementation
period88. Examples of these activities may include dredging and other works in canals that are not linked
to the project, or greening activities which could involve hard and soft landscaping.
These non-project activities may have different standards and processes for due diligence for the
works and for social benefits to potentially affected people compared to those applicable to the project.
There is a risk that close physical proximity of any given non-JUFMP activities may be wrongly
associated to JUFMP by the public and other stakeholders. On the one hand, this may lead to the wrong
expectations of the application of project-specific environmental and social safeguards measures,
including project-specific entitlements and benefits to affected people. On the other hand, any potentially
poor environmental and social management measures being carried out in these non-project related
activities may be wrongly attributed to JUFMP and/or the World Bank.
Various actions will be undertaken to mitigate and reduce these risks:
Effective communications will be put in place. In particular, a public information center based in
the project site offices (POSKO) will be maintained at each project site. These will serve as a
primary means to disseminate detailed project information to the local community;
Signs (in Bahasa Indonesia) will be posted in appropriate locations at project sites detailing the
project boundaries, project-related activities and contact information;
Where feasible, temporary fencing and other methods will be put in place to delineate project
The site-based Complaint Handling Unit in the POSKO will serve as a front line of the project
grievance redress system89, providing an on-site avenue for the public to lodge complaints, and if
possible for any misunderstandings and/or grievances to be addressed quickly and locally;
The SC is also tasked with regular monitoring of project linked sites as well as sites adjacent to
JUFMP sites, and reporting any relevant signs of activities. These would provide prior / advance
notice to the PIU, PMU and the World Bank to allow for coordination and actions to prevent any
communications misunderstanding and inadvertent wrong associations to JUFMP.
Risks associated with activities at the Ancol CDF site
As the main dredge material disposal site, the Ancol CDF is an integral part of the JUFMP
project. The responsibility for building and operating the Ancol CDF site lies with PT. PJA, which is not
a JUFMP project implementation entity. Not all Ancol CDF activities are directly connected to the
JUFMP. For example, while JUFMP works is expected to contribute about 3.4 million m3 of fill material
for the Ancol CDF, a further approximately 8.6 million m3 of fill material and about 400,000 m3 of
It should be noted especially that DKI Jakarta’s mandates and priorities include the following: (i) expand its overall infrastructure development
plans that may require the utilization of government and/or the acquisition of private land, (ii) enforce its land use plans consistently, which
consequently could lead to the resettlement of informal occupiers of government land (including riverbanks) and those who do not have building
permit, and (iii) expand Jakarta’s green space from the current 9% to achieve the minimum standards of 20% of its total administrative area.
The Supervision Consultant is tasked with developing, operating and administering the on-site complaint-handling unit (i.e., the Posko) in each
works site. The provision of the Posko facilities (e.g., portable office space) is included into the contractors’ works contract.
laterite material will be obtained from non-JUFMP sources (see Section 5.3). Nevertheless, the public
and other stakeholders may directly associate any problems that may arise at Ancol CDF with the
JUFMP. Consequently, arrangements have been made for the Supervision Consultant to have access to
the Ancol CDF and all it offsite locations (including source locations for the sand and laterite fill
material) for the purposes of monitoring and supervision – see section 3.7.2 for a description of the
institutional arrangements for the Ancol CDF site. During project implementation, the World Bank will
also work with DKI BPLHD to conduct joint supervision and site inspections of the Ancol CDF. These
monitoring and supervision activities will allow for actions to be formulated and taken to address any
implementation shortcomings, and is expected to reduce the potential reputational risk to the PIU, PMU
and/or the World Bank.
A specific consideration is the potential for adverse offsite impact at the non-JUFMP sources of
fill material (sand and laterite), since any such impact would occur outside the confines of the Ancol CDF
itself. With respect to the sand, the impacts associated with sea mining for sand could be disturbance of
biota (particularly benthic organism) due to scouring of the sea floor, deterioration in water quality at
these locations and disturbance of other marine species that may be present. With regards the land based
sourcing of laterite soils, the impacts may be associated with removal of top soil vegetation, erosion and
sediment transportation and deposition downstream, water logging in abandoned and unrehabilitated
quarry areas leading to breeding ground for mosquito’s and other disease vectors, and slope stability
safety concerns if sources are in hilly or high relief terrain. The risk is that if these impacts are severe
enough, they may be associated with the project (when on the other hand, the JUFMP project itself has
reduced the potential offsite impact by contributing the otherwise low value 3.4 million m3 of nonhazardous dredge material thus significantly reducing the amount of sand material otherwise needed for
the filling of the Ancol CDF). The AMDAL process for the Ancol CDF includes consideration of
potential offsite impact and the AMDAL documents confirm the location of sand source which already
has the associated approved environmental permit (see Section 5.3). The laterite material required is
stipulated to be obtained from land based sources near Bekasi, West Java that is also operating under
environmental permits. The SC will play a key role to help mitigate risks against improper sourcing of
fill material. The SC will review and confirm that fill material suppliers have the necessary approvals. In
particular, the laterite material will only be utilized much later - at the time of the final capping of the
Ancol CDF reclamation. The SC will ascertain at that time that the laterite source has the appropriate
environmental permit. The SC will also monitor the sand and laterite mining locations that would supply
the Ancol CDF, and develop a mechanism to verify these materials are actually coming from these
locations. The project will work closely with the DKI BPLHD to address any issues that arise.
Risks associated with the larger reclamation activities in Jakarta
As noted in Section 2.6.1, the Ancol CDF site is a specific and relatively small reclamation area
set within a larger and ongoing long term reclamation process in the Ancol area of north Jakarta that
started in the early 1960’s. PT. PJA has carried out some of these reclamation activities in the past
(Ancol CDF the fourth phase PT. PJA reclamation effort in the Ancol area). Besides contributing dredge
material to the specific Ancol CDF reclamation, the JUFMP does not finance nor is it related to any other
reclamation efforts in the Ancol area. Apart from contributing to reducing the need for sand material as
described in the foregoing paragraph, JUFMP in cooperation with PT. PJA is also introducing improved
environmental practices for the handling and disposal of dredge material for reclamation (e.g., through the
use of a confined disposal facility) and has put in place appropriate monitoring and supervision
arrangements for the Ancol CDF. There is a risk that JUFMP may be wrongly associated by the public
and other stakeholders as being responsible over other reclamation projects e.g., those that have occurred
in the past or potentially may occur in the future90. The project documents and information dissemination
efforts will aim to emphasize and make clear that the extent of JUFMP’s linkage in this regard is confined
to the Ancol CDF.
It is expected that any future projects will be subjected to their own AMDAL processes.
IBRD 38461
South China
J a v a
3.1 Diversion Grogol-Sekretaris
3.2 Krukut - Cideng
3.3 Pakin-Kali Besar-Jelakeng
3.4 Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
3.5 Sentiong-Sunter
4.1 Waduk Melati
4.2 Waduk Sunter Utara
4.3 Waduk Sunter Selatan
4.4 Waduk Sunter Timur III
(Area of main map)
Java Sea
S e a
L.1 Kali Itam
L.2 Kalibaru
L.3 Sunter Kemayoran
Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
L.4 Ancol Kp. Bandan
L.5 Ancol Long Storage
Upper Sunter
L.6 Canal - Jl. Kayu Putih Timur
Pakin-K. Besar-Jelakeng
L.7 Anak K. Ciliwung utara
L.8 Jl. Tubagus Angke
L.9 PHB Bandengan Utara
L.10 Waduk Pluit
2.1 Cengkareng Drain
2.2 West Banjir Canal (WBC)
2.3 Sunter floodways
Ancol CDF
1.1 Tanjungan
1.2 Lower Angke
1.3 Cideng-Thamrin
Main Road
Muara Gembong
Area of map
Cabang Bungin
This map was produced by the Map Design Unit of The World Bank.
The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information
shown on this map do not imply, on the part of The World Bank
Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any
endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.
APRIL 2011
Annex 2
Tentative Plan for the Preparation of Phase 2 related EIAs and RPs
Resettlement Plan (RP)
Jan 2011
Package 1 (Ciliwing-Gunung
Sahari Drain, Waduk Melati)
Apr 2012
Package 2a (Cengkareng
Apr 2012
Package 2b (Lower Sunter
Apr 2012
Package 3 (Cideng Thamrin Drain)
Apr 2012
Jan 2012
Dec 2012
Jul 2012
Package 4 (Sentiong-Sunter Drain,
Waduk Sunter Utara, Waduk
Sunter Selatan, Waduk Sunter
Package 5 (Tanjungan Drain,
Lower Angke Drain)
Package 6 (West Banjir Canal,
Upper Sunter Floodway)
Package 7 (Grogol – Sekretaris
Drain, Pakin – Kali Besar –
Jelakeng Drain, Krukut Cideng
Expected Cut-off Date
Sentiong-Sunter: Aug 2011
Jul 2012
Jan 2011
Jan 2011
Waduk Sunter Utara: Mar 2012
Oct 2012
Jun 2012
Apr 2013
Nov 2012
Jul 2012
Dec 2012
Jul 2012
Mar 2012
Nov 2012
Jul 2012
Note: Dates of the preparation of safeguards instruments are subject to change, to align with any changes in planned construction timing.
Annex 3
Case Studies
Eviction in Kemiri, Tambora VI and Tambora VIII Sites.
Kemiri, Tambora VI and Tambora VIII are two locations adjacent to JUFMP sites. The evictions
took place for traders conducting activities along the road shoulder in front of Cengkareng drain nearby
the Kemiri market, and along the shoulders of Tambora VI and VIII roads (associated with Pakin-Kali
Besar-Jelakeng site). Evictions in these sites have been long requested by the Municipality of West
Jakarta. Kemiri market forced eviction (initial plan was in 2007, eviction in December 2008) was due to
traffic congestions and unhealthy competition among customers in the “formal” Kemiri market and
informal traders who were doing businesses along the roads on the side of the riverbanks. The eviction at
Tambora VI (initial plan was in September 2007, eviction in December 2008) took place to enforce public
order control for illegal businesses, and restore the function of the riverbanks and road shoulder to their
original conditions. The eviction at Tambora VIII in February 2009 occurred after the annual permits for
traders were expired and for reducing traffic congestion.
Process and impacts of the eviction nearby the Kemiri Market. Before the eviction, there were a
total of 250 structures including 80 street vendor stalls occupying the road shoulders / riverbanks in and
along the inspection road for Cengkareng drain. Some had apparently occupied the riverbanks. These
illegal structures and trading activities had developed from 25 structures in 2000, and become the
competitors of the traders of the Kemiri Market located across from the evicted site. Since then, the West
Jakarta Municipality has persuaded the traders to move out from the site to four alternative markets (with
six months free rents), but the number of them had been growing through time. Traffic conditions along
this road had been worsened, and traders of the Kemiri market had increasingly complained that they
were losing customers who preferred to go to the informal market. Unmanaged solid waste entered the
drainage system. Preparation for eviction started in 2007, and more than three notifications letters were
issued during the process. After the consultative processes with the traders reached a deadlock situation,
the eviction was finally undertaken in December 2008 by the Public Safety Officers (Satpol PP) and was
assisted by the police. No compensation was provided. In many cases, vendors participated in dismantling
their structures to salvage building materials. About two months after eviction, activities in front of the
Kemiri Market returned to the pre-eviction conditions. Most of the evictees (about 80%) have returned to
the site and gradually has become an informal market, selling goods without tents and stands. New
vendors also join the evicted vendors. The activities were of similar nature as those before eviction but
there has been increasing variety of goods sold in the informal market. This market was also open at
night, as without tents trading activities cannot take place during the hottest part of the day. Despite this
development, interviewed traders claimed that their income have been significantly declined after
Process and impacts of the evictions at Tambora VI and Tambora VIII roads.
These sites,
situated on the road shoulders/ riverbanks of Jelakeng canal, started to develop in 1974 when six people
from Banten (Formerly in West Java province, now is belonged to Banten province) established wood-
packing businesses. Since then, more traders have come to these sites including those from other parts of
West Java and Central Java. Until the eviction in December 2008 and February 2009, there were 125
wood packing and steel traders, chicken butchers, food stall, phone credits vendors, etc. in these two sites.
Most traders, particularly those who occupied Tambora VIII, had permits that were expired in February
2009. Some traders also lived in the stalls. The West Jakarta Municipality has notified the traders since
2007 to move out from the sites for the purpose to return the function of the riverbanks, roads and
rearrange the land use as mandated in the spatial development plan. Interviews with some of the evicted
traders met in the sites revealed that prior to eviction they had been offered to relocate to two markets, of
which they refused because these markets are not suitable for selling woods and steels, even though they
are located in a relatively close distance to these sites. They were not given any compensation, and
consultations were considered very limited. Field visits during post-eviction showed that around 35% of
the traders continued doing businesses at Tambora VI road, but across their original sites. Turnover or
income from business was significantly declined immediately after the eviction. Some interviewees
claimed that turnovers dropped to 20% because of the loss of customers and not enough space to do
businesses in the new site across the original site. Since then, more traders returned, although they built
temporary tents/shacks to protect their merchandizes. Their businesses have been directed towards madeto-order sales due to limited space. New traders also joined the evicted traders in the new sites.
Annex 4
List of Key Reference Documents in the Project Files
Project Environmental and Social Safeguards Package of Documents
1. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), June 2011
2. Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), December 2010
3. Environmental Impact Assessment, Management Plan and Monitoring Plan (together referred to
as the AMDAL) for the Dredging of Floodways/Drainage Canals and Waduks Phase 1 JUFMP,
February / March 2010
4. JUFMP Phase 1 Environmental and Social Management Supplementary Report, June 2011
5. Updated Environment Management Plan (RKL) and Environment Monitoring Plan (RPL) for the
Development of West Ancol Eastern Side of ± 119 ha, March 2009
6. Ancol Updated RKL/RPL Supplementary Report, June 2011
Other Key Reference Documents
7. JEDI / JUFMP Sediment Quality Consolidated Report, August 2010
8. Preliminary Assessment of Sediment Quality (ERM), October 2008
9. Pilot Dredging Project: Technical Note on Evaluation of the sediment and water sampling result
(DHV), May 2008
10. Metals and Trace Organic Compounds in Sediments and Waters of Jakarta Bay and the Pulau
Seribu Complex, Indonesia, March 2000
11. Mission Report: JEDI Environmental Assessment (USACE), October 2008
12. Tracer Study at Tambora VI and Tambora VIII (for evictions in December 2008 and February
13. Case Study Eviction Cengkareng Drain Inspection Road
14. JEDI / JUFMP Community Consultation Consolidated Report, August 2010
15. Laporan Kegiatan Konsultasi Publik Kerangka Kebijakan Permukiman Kembali (KPPK)
[Resettlement Policy Framework Public Consultations Report], December 2010.
16. Cooperation Agreement between DKI Jakarta and PT PJA on sludge disposal from the results of
the dredging of rivers, retention basins and channels on the waters of the eastern part of West
Ancol with an area of +/- 120 Ha (approximately one hundred twenty hectares) located in
Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, North Jakarta, December 2010
Ringkasan Eksekutif ............................................................................................................................. 7
Deskripsi Proyek.................................................................................................................................21
Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek ...................................................................................................................22
Volume Pekerjaan.......................................................................................................................24
Lokasi-Lokasi Pembuangan........................................................................................................25
Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup (CDF) Ancol..................................................................... 26
Fasilitas pembuangan sampah di Bantar Gebang................................................................27
Tempat pembuangan sampah berbahaya di PPLi ...............................................................27
3 Persyaratan Hukum Lingkungan dan Sosial dan Kelembagaan Proyek dan Rancangan Pelaksanaan27
Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan Pemerintah Indonesia ...............................................................27
Pembebasan Tanah Pemerintah Indonesia..................................................................................29
Kebijakan dan Persyaratan Perlindungan Lingkungan yang Sesuai dengan Bank Dunia ..........30
Kebijakan dan Persyaratan Perlindungan Sosial yang Sesuai dengan Bank Dunia....................31
Paket Dokumen Perlindungan Lingkungan dan Sosial...............................................................31
Dokumen perlindungan lingkungan....................................................................................31
Dokumen perlindungan sosial.............................................................................................35
Persiapan dan penyampaian dokumen-dokumen perlindungan ..........................................35
Rancangan Kelembagaan............................................................................................................37
Rancangan Kelembagaan (Tahap 1 dan Tahap 2)...............................................................37
Rancangan Kelembagaan (Lokasi-lokasi pembuangan) .....................................................41
Rancangan Pelaksanaan (Perlindungan Lingkungan) .................................................................42
Untuk Pekerjaan Tahap 1 dan Pekerjaan Tahap 2 ..............................................................42
Untuk lokasi-lokasi pembuangan (CDF Ancol, Bantar Gebang and PPLi)........................ 42
Rancangan Pelaksanaan (Perlindungan Sosial) ..........................................................................45
4 Rona Awal Lingkungan dan Sosial yang Relevan.............................................................................. 46
Mutu Sedimen di Lokasi JUFMP................................................................................................46
ERM 2008........................................................................................................................... 47
DHV 2008........................................................................................................................... 47
AMDAL untuk kegiatan Tahap 2, sampel dan analisa 2010 .............................................. 47
Hasil dan Interpretasi ..........................................................................................................48
Mutu Sedimen di Ancol ..............................................................................................................50
Mutu Air di Lokasi-lokasi JUFMP .............................................................................................50
Mutu Air Laut Ancol .................................................................................................................. 52
Biota Laut Ancol.........................................................................................................................55
Plankton ..............................................................................................................................55
Benthos ...............................................................................................................................56
Dasar Sosial Ekonomi................................................................................................................. 56
Karakteristik Sosial-ekonomi Populasi ............................................................................... 56
5 Ringkasan Potensial Dampak Lingkungan dan Sosial yang Signifikan ............................................. 58
Dampak Lingkungan sehubungan dengan kegiatan proyek JUFMP ..........................................58
Gangguan lalu lintas signifikan........................................................................................... 59
Menurunnya mutu udara dan bau busuk. ............................................................................59
Perubahan tingkat debit air .................................................................................................60
Perubahan mutu air permukaan........................................................................................... 60
Perubahan mutu air laut ...................................................................................................... 60
Pertambahan sampah padat.................................................................................................60
Dampak pada Biota.............................................................................................................61
Dampak pada Kesehatan Publik dan kebersihan lingkungan.............................................. 61
Dampak Proyek JUFMP pada CDF Ancol ................................................................................. 61
Dampak Offsite dari CDF Ancol ................................................................................................62
Dampak Proyek JUFMP pada fasilitas Bantar Gebang dan PPLi............................................... 63
Dampak-dampak Sosial ..............................................................................................................63
Lokasi-lokasi WTP (Warga Terkena Proyek)..................................................................... 63
Lokasi-lokasi non-WTP ...................................................................................................... 65
Dampak sosial non-pemukiman-ulang yang potensial........................................................65
Penggusuran selama periode Persiapan Proyek JUFMP.....................................................66
6 Analisa Alternatif................................................................................................................................68
Pilihan "tidak melakukan apa-apa" .............................................................................................68
Analisa Alternatif Keseluruhan...................................................................................................68
Analisa Alternatif Khusus...........................................................................................................69
Lebar cakupan vs. pengelolaan banjir lokal........................................................................69
Pendekatan teknik vs non-teknik ........................................................................................69
Pemilihan lokasi pengerukan ..............................................................................................70
Teknologi Pengerukan: Mekanis vs. Hidrolis..................................................................... 70
Pemisahan Sampah Padat.................................................................................................... 70
Pilihan transport: (Truk sampah) basis darat vs. hidrolik ...................................................71
7 Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan ...................................................................................................... 71
Rencana Keseluruhan Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan.............................................. 71
Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas ...............................................................................................72
8 Perencanaan Pemukiman kembali (Resettlement Planning)...............................................................73
Pendekatan bagi Pengelolaan Dampak Sosial.............................................................................73
Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF).......................................................................74
Rencana PemukimanUlang (RP) ................................................................................................76
Pembaharuan Sensus dan Finalisasi RP.............................................................................. 77
Databaseuntuk WTP ...........................................................................................................77
Pendanaan untuk RPF dan RP ............................................................................................ 78
9 Konsultasi ...........................................................................................................................................78
Konsultasi selama AMDAL........................................................................................................78
Diskusi Kelompok Fokus (FGD) ................................................................................................82
Konsultasi tentang Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF) ........................................83
Konsultasi selama persiapan Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP).............................................. 85
Sistim Penyelesaian Keluhan (GRS).................................................................................................85
Komunikasi Proyek.......................................................................................................................... 87
Risiko-risiko Reputasional..............................................................................................................89
Daftar Tabel
Tabel 2-1 Penjelasan Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal dan Waduk di bawah Proyek.........................................23
Tabel 2-2 Rangkaian Proyek Pekerjaan Konstruksi.....................................................................................24
Tabel 2-3 Penjelasan Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal & Waduk-Waduk di bawah Proyek.................................. 25
Tabel 3-1 Ringkasan Proses Uji Tuntas Untuk Lokasi-Lokasi Pembuangan ................................................ 34
Tabel 3-2 Ringkasan Dokumen Lingkungan dan Sosial dan Status Pembukaan .........................................36
Tabel 3-3 Ringkasan Proses dan Syarat yang Mengatur Pembuangan Material Proyek ............................44
Tabel 4-1 Data ERM 2008 tentang tingkat pemeriksaan pemakaian tanah yang relevan (in mg/kg) ........48
Tabel 4-2 Data AMDAL Tahap 2 (2010) menimbang tingkat periksa pemakaian tanah (dalam mg/kg) .... 49
Tabel 4-3 Hasil Ukuran Mutu Sedimen Laut (oleh TCLP, USEPA) di sekitar Daerah Penelitian ..................50
Tabel 4-4 Mutu Air Hasil Analisa: Cengkareng Drain ..................................................................................52
Tabel 4-5 Hasil Pengukuran Mutu Air di Daerah Penelitian .......................................................................53
Tabel 4-6 Hasil Pemantauan Air Laut pada periode 2005-2008 di Air Laut Ancol......................................54
Tabel 4-7 Populasi di Daerah-Daerah di mana Proyek Kanal Banjir, Waduk Dilokasikan........................... 57
Tabel 5-1 Ringkasan Kegiatan yang Menyebabkan Dampak dan Dampak Langsung.................................58
Tabel 5-2 Perkiraan Bangunan dan Warga Terkena di Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek ............................................. 64
Tabel 9-1 Persoalan yang muncul pada konsultasi AMDAL Tahap 1 dan CDF Ancol.................................. 79
Daftar Gambar
Gambar 2-1 Ringkasan Rancangan Pembuangan .......................................................................................26
Gambar 3-1 Proses AMDAL......................................................................................................................... 29
Gambar 3-2 Ilustrasi Rancangan Pelaksanaan Proyek (di luar rancangan pembuangan) .......................... 38
Gambar 4-1 Mutu Air, Kebisingan dan Lokasi Sampel Air Laut ..................................................................55
Gambar 11-1 Komunikasi antara instansi...................................................................................................89
Daftar Lampiran
Lampiran 1: Peta Proyek
Lampiran 2: Rencana (Tentative) Persiapan Fase 2 Terkait AMDAL dan Rencana Pemukiman Kembali
Lampiran 3: Studi Kasus – Penggusuran di Lokasi Kemiri, Tambora VI dan Tambora VIII
Lampiran 4: Daftar Dokumen Referensi Kunci dalam File Proyek
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan
Analisis Dampak Lingkungan
Limbah B3
Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah
Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung-Cisadane
Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Daerah
Confined Disposal Facility (Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup)
Dirjen Cipta Karya
Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum)
Dirjen Sumberdaya Air
Direktorat Jenderal Sumberdaya Air (Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum)
DKI Jakarta atau DKI
Daerah Khusus Istimewa Jakarta (Pemerintahan Provinsi DKI Jakarta)
Environmental Assessment (Penilaian Lingkungan)
Environmental Impact Assessment (Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan)
Konsultan EIA/SIA
Konsultan Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan & Sosial yg disewa oleh PMU
Environmental Management Plan (atau setara Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan)
Environmental and Social Management Framework (Kerangka Pengelolaan
Lingkungan dan Sosial
Environmental and Social Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan
Environmental and Social Working Group (Kelompok Kerja Lingkungan dan Sosial)
Focus Group Discussion (Diskusi Kelompok Fokus)
Grievance Redress System (Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan)
Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi – Daerah Metropolitan DKI Jakarta
Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (Inisiatif Pengerukan Darurat Jakarta)
Joint Steering Committee (Panitia Pengarah Bersama)
Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project (Proyek Darurat Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta)
Kerangka Acuan – ANDAL
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup
Non-Governmental Organization (Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat)
Operational Policy (Kebijakan Operasional)
Panitia Pembebasan Tanah
Warga Terkena Dampak
Public Involvement (Keterlibatan Publik)
Project Implementation Plan (Rencana Implementasi Proyek)
Project Implementation Unit (Unit Implementasi Proyek)
Project Management Unit (Unit Pengelolaan Proyek)
Pos Komando - Kantor Lokasi yang juga berfungsi sebagai pusat info publik dan
satuan penanganan keluhan di lokasi, diantara fungsi-fungsi lainnya
Peraturan Pemerintahan
Konsultan EIA/SIA yang disewa oleh PMU untuk menyiapkan AMDAL dan RP
Project Preparation Consultants (Konsultan Persiapan Proyek)
PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol
Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri – Operator pemunah sampah berlisensi
Resettlement Plan (Rencana Pemukiman kembali)
Environmental Management Plan (setara Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan)
Resettlement Policy Framework (Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali)
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan
Supervision Consultant (Konsultan Pengawasan)
Social Impact Assessment (Penilaian Dampak Sosial)
Transport Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas)
United States Army Corps of Engineers ( Korps Insinyur Tentara Amerika Serikat)
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Program Trust Fund (Dana Program Kebersihan &
Air Ind)
Kanal Banjir Barat
Proyek Pengelolaan Lingkungan Jawa Bagian Barat
Ringkasan Eksekutif
Deskripsi Proyek
Proyek Darurat Pengendalian Banjir Jakarta (JUFMP - ‘Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project’
atau “proyek”) bertujuan membantu perbaikan operasi dan pemeliharaan bagian prioritas dari sistem
pengelolaan banjir di kota Jakarta, melalui:
Pengerukan bagian-bagian penting kanal banjir yang dipilih, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk
penampung air untuk memperbaiki kapasitas alirannya, dan membuang material kerukan pada
fasilitas yang layak;
Merehabilitasi dan membangun tanggul di bagian-bagiannya, dan memperbaiki atau mengganti
peralatan mekanis di, bagian penting kanal banjir yang terpilih yang sama, kanal-kanal dan
waduk-waduk penampung air untuk mendukung dan memperbaiki operasinya;
Menetapkan koordinasi kelembagaan antara tiga instansi yang bertanggungjawab untuk
memajukan pembangunan yang terkoordinasi, dan operasi dan pemeliharaan (O&P) dari sistem
pengelolaan banjir Jakarta;
Memperkuat kemampuan intsansi-instansi yang bertanggungjawab untuk memperbaiki operasi,
pemeliharaan dan manajemen dari sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta.
Sebelas kanal banjir dan kanal-kanal yang kritis, juga empat waduk penampung banjir (waduk)
telah diidentifikasi untuk dimasukkan dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan proyek ini. Ini semua telah
diidentifikasi oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai dalam kebutuhan prioritas untuk rehabilitasi dan
perbaikan pada kapasitas aliran untuk menanggulangi banjir musiman yang parah. Kanal-kanal banjir,
kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk penampung banjir berlokasi di daerah-daerah di mana hampir 1,8 juta
penduduk tinggal1 (di luar dari total penduduk kota yang kira-kira 11 juta orang). Peta proyek diberikan
dalam Lampiran 1.
Kegiatan pengerukan ini diperkirakan akan menghasilkan pembuangan kira-kira 3,4 juta m3
material endapan dan 95.000 m3 sampah limbah padat. Material endapan tidak berbahaya direncanakan
untuk dibuang pada proyek reklamasi laut yang sedang berlangsung di fasilitas pembuangan tertutup
(CDF) yang dikenal sebagai CDF Ancol, yang terletak di pantai utara Jakarta di Teluk Jakarta. Sampah
limbah padat yang diangkut akan dibawa ke TPA Bantar Gebang di Bekasi, tempat pembuangan utama
sampah limbah padat yang melayani Jakarta. Uji sampel pada lokasi proyek menyatakan bahwa material
kerukan pada JUFMP adalah tidak-berbahaya. Walaupun demikian, uji pra-pengerukan masih akan
dilaksanakan selama pelaksanaan dan dalam kejadian yang sangat jarang jika material endapan sampah
berbahaya ditemukan, itu akan dibuang pada tempat pembuangan sampah yang aman yang ada di Bogor
yang dimiliki oleh PT. Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLi), yang memiliki ijin untuk mengelola
material limbah sampah berbahaya. Baik Bogor maupun Bekasi terletak tepat di luar kota Jakarta, tapi di
dalam wilayah metropolitan Jakarta
Lihat Tabel 4-7 di Bagian 4
Maksud dan Isi
Maksud dari laporan ini adalah untuk memberikan ringkasan dari rancangan dan pokok-pokok
perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial dari JUFMP. Dokumen ini juga berguna untuk memberikan baik
gambaran terpadu maupun ringkasan analisa dampak lingkungan dan sosial dan rencana pengendalian
bagi proyek JUFMP secara utuh. Proyek JUFMP meliputi pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang datang di bawah
tanggungjawab berbagai agen. Pada saat yang sama, proyek ini akan juga menggunakan daerah-daerah
pembuangan yang sedang dibangun dan/atau dioperasikan oleh pihak-pihak yang independen dari agenagen pelaksana proyek. Dengan demikian, rancangan dan persediaan perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial
dari Proyek JUFMP secara utuh terdiri dari rangkaian berbagai penilaian dampak lingkungan dan sosial
dan rencana pengendalian yang didukung oleh berbagai penelitian mendalam, laporan dan proses kajian.
Masing-masing penilaian dan rencana ini telah dikembangkan oleh berbagai instansi yang
bertanggungjawab, disetujui untuk berbagai pekerjaan atau lokasi pembuangan, dan pada berbagai waktu
di seluruh periode persiapan proyek JUFMP. Rancangan dan persediaan perlindungan lingkungan dan
sosial ini telah dinilai selama persiapan proyek JUFMP.
Ini memberikan ringkasan tentang persyaratan dan kebijakan tentang perlindungan2 yang berlaku
bagi proyek ini. Dokumen ini menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dan pendekatan untuk penilaian dampak
lingkungan dan sosial yang dilaksanakan selama persiapan proyek, meliputi saat persiapan dan
penyampaian dokumen-dokumen yang layak hingga bersama menjadikan alat perlindungan sepenuhnya
dari proyek ini. Selanjutnya, riset dan analisa terkait, penilaian, konsultasi dan komunikasi yang
dilaksanakan selama persiapan proyek didiskusikan, termasuk penjelasan singkat atas temuan-temuan
penting dan kesimpulan dari laporan dan penelitian yang relevan. Dampak potensial lingkungan dan
sosial dari proyek ini, dan ukuran pengendalian yang dipakai, kemudian disimpulkan. Akhirnya, laporan
ini menjelaskan berbagai rancangan yang ditaruh untuk memantau dan mengawasi rencana pengendalian
dampak lingkungan dan sosial yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan proyek dan kegiatan pembuangan,
juga untuk mengelola risiko yang tertinggal selama pelaksanaan. Daftar dokumen yang merupakan alat
perlindungan proyek, dan daftar dokumen rujukan kunci lainnya diberikan dalam Lampiran 4.
Kesesuaian dengan Kebijakan Perlindungan yang Ada
Proyek ini diharapkan memberikan hasil positif bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat. Pengurangan
banjir akan meredakan dampak lingkungan dan persoalan kesehatan masyarakat yang disebabkan oleh
luapan air dan air banjir yang tergenang dan mengurangi kekacauan pada masyarakat di daerah proyek -terutama pada masyarakat miskin yang tinggal di daerah rawan-banjir. Jika tidak disingkirkan, sampah
padat dan endapan dalam saluran akan masuk secara tak terkendali ke dalam muara sungai dan daerah
teluk. Dalam jangka panjang, sistem pengelolaan informasi banjir yang sedang diperkenalkan oleh proyek
ini akan memberikan informasi berdasarkan alat perencanaan yang diperlukan kepada DKI Jakarta untuk
secara berkelanjutan mengelola jaringan kerja dengan baik melampaui masa proyek ini dan untuk
melanjutkan mengurangi kejadian banjir di wilayah ini. Walaupun demikian, dampak lingkungan yang
buruk juga mungkin terjadi selama pelaksanaan proyek, misalnya, dari material endapan dan sampah
padat yang akan dihasilkan, jika tidak ditangani, disimpan, disortir, dipindahkan dan dibuang dengan
layak. Dampak-dampak ini secara potensial meliputi gangguan lalu lintas yang signifikan, kualitas air
Termasuk persyaratan kebijakan Bank Dunia dan Indonesia
berkurang karena debu dan keluarnya bau busuk, bertambahnya tingkat kebisingan, penurunan air
permukaan dan kualitas air laut, dll. Pemukiman kembali (resettlement) secara tak sukarela juga telah
diidentifikasi untuk diwajibkan di beberapa lokasi proyek. Terpisah dari persyaratan perlindungan
lingkungan dan sosial Indonesia, proyek JUFMP ini sesuai dengan Kebijakan Operasional Penilaian
Lingkungan dari Bank Dunia (OP 4.01), dan sesuai dengan persyaratan kebijakannya, ini termasuk
kategori Penilaian Lingkungan A. Proyek ini juga sesuai dengan Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali dari
Bank Dunia (OP 4.12).
Pendekatan untuk Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan dan Sosial
Rangkaian Proyek
Pekerjaan konstruksi proyek yang didanai telah disusun ke dalam dua tahap rangkaian--Tahap 1
dan Tahap 2. Disain pelaksanaan yang dirangkaikan telah dipakai sebagai suatu kunci pelaksanaan dari
mekanisme pengelolaaan risiko bagi proyek ini. Pekerjaan tahap 1 (diusulkan 4 lokasi / kontrak 3
pekerjaan) diharapkan untuk dimulai selama tahun pertama dari pelaksanaan proyek. Pekerjaan tahap 2
(diusulkan 11 lokasi / kontrak 5 pekerjaan) diharapkan mengikuti setelah itu. Rangkaian ini akan
membantu untuk menghindari PMU/PIU dan konsultan pengawasnya dari beban berlebihan selama tahun
pertama ketika rutinitas dan prosedur, dan proses pelaksanaan sebenarnya secara terperinci telah
dioperasionalkan. Rangkaian ini juga akan memberikan waktu bagi DKI Jakarta untuk melengkapi
instrumen-instrumen pemukiman kembali yang diperlukan dan rancangan pekerjaan di awal untuk lokasi
yang memerlukan pemukiman kembali terpaksa3, termasuk pembentukan Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan
(GRS) dan Panel Tenaga Ahli
Lokasi-Lokasi Terkait Proyek
Penilaian teknis telah mengidentifikasi 10 bagian kanal/waduk yang secara hidrolik dan/atau
secara langsung berhubungan dengan bagian-bagian kanal/waduk yang berada di bawah JUFMP.
Pemerintah baru-baru ini tak mempunyai rencana khusus bagi pekerjaan rehabilitasi dalam bagian-bagian
ini. Meskipun begitu, tiap kegiatan demikian pada bagian-bagian ini akan diharapkan berdampak pada
operasi bagian-bagian kanal/waduk yang di bawah JUFMP. Karena alasan ini, 10 bagian ini telah didisain
sebagai lokasi terkait proyek. Dua dari kesepuluh lokasi ini terkait dengan Tahap 1 sedangkan delapan
lokasi lain nya terkait dengan Tahap 2. Dalam kejadian bahwa pemerintah melaksanakan kegiatan
pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan banjir (misalnya pengerukan dan/atau rehabilitasi kanal)
pada 10 bagian ini selama periode proyek JUFMP, ini akan dianggap kegiatan terkait proyek dan
pemerintah telah setuju untuk menerapkan Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman Kembali (RPF) (dan semua
ketentuan terkait) pada kegiatan demikian.
Pendekatan Penilaian dan Penyampaian
Persyaratan perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial untuk pekerjaan Tahap 1 telah ditaksir. Pekerjaan
Tahap 1 diharapkan akan siap untuk pelaksanaan segera setelah proyek efektif (asalkan juga bahwa halhal tertentu lain yang telah disetujui tentang syarat-syarat operasional dipenuhi). Proyek ini di-set dalam
kondisi dinamis yang memungkinkan perubahan disain dalam menanggapi perubahan kondisi yang terus3
Tahap 1 tidak melibatkan pemukiman ulang terpaksa
menerus. Infrastruktur pengelolaan banjir di Jakarta berada dalam kondisi yang jelek akibat tidak adanya
operasi pemeliharaan dan tidak optimalnya fungsi drainase setempat. Kondisi ini menjadikan dampak
kerusakan akibat banjir menjadi tidak terprediksi (terutama selama musim banjir tahunan). Untuk itu,
perubahan disain dalam merespon perubahan kondisi yang terus menerus selama implementasi proyek
sangat mungkin terjadi, yang konsekuensi nya memerlukan revisi terhadap dokumen perlindungan.
Berdasarkan rangkaian pelaksanaan proyek, berbagai pekerjaan Tahap 2 hanya diharapkan akan dimulai
dari sekitar 12 sampai 18 bulan setelah persetujuan proyek. Kualitas pelaksanaan dan hasil pada
lingkungan dan sosial terkait dengan pekerjaan Tahap 2 hanya dapat dijamin melalui rangkaian persiapan,
penyampaian dan pelaksanaan dari analisis dampak lingkungannya (AMDAL) yang sama dan (jika
diperlukan) rencana pemukiman kembali (RP). Atas alasan ini dan sesuai dengan pendekatan pelaksanaan
dua-tahap rangkaian, persyaratan perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial bagi pekerjaan Tahap 2 akan
sepenuhnya dilakukan selama pelaksanaan proyek dan akan dievaluasi oleh Bank Dunia sebelum
diselesaikan dan diumumkan ke khalayak umum. Pekerjaan Tahap 2 hanya akan dapat dimulai, jika pihak
Bank Dunia menyatakan persyaratan telah dipenuhi dan memberikan “ketidak-beratan” pada AMDAL
dan rencana pemukiman kembali (RP).
Semua dokumen perlindungan lingkungan yang berlaku terkait pekerjaan Tahap 1 (termasuk
yang terkait CDF Ancol, yang kini sedang dibangun) akan dibuka sebelum penaksiran proyek. Sesuai
dengan pendekatan pelaksanaan dua-tahap, Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (KPLS) dan
Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (KKPK) akan mencakup persyaratan pengelolaan lingkungan
dan sosial dari pekerjaan Tahap 2, dan akan menuntun persiapan, finalisasi, dan pelaksanaan dari Tahap 2
terkait Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan dan Rencana Pemukiman kembali. KPLS dan KKPK akan dibuka
sebelum penaksiran. EIA dan RPF Tahap 2 akan dilengkapi selama pelaksanaan proyek (sebelum
pekerjaan terkait dimulai) dan akan diperiksa oleh Bank Dunia dan jika tidak ada keberatan sebelum
pembukaan dan pelaksanaan. Tabel 32 dari laporan ini memberikan satu ringkasan dari dokumen
perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial dan status pembukaannya.
Penilaian Perlindungan bagi Pekerjaan JUFMP
Proses penilaian dampak lingkungan di Indonesia (mengacu pada AMDAL) juga diikuti dan
diluruskan dengan struktur paket pekerjaan Tahap 1 dan 2 JUFMP. Paket AMDAL terdiri dari (i)
ANDAL, yang sama dengan EIA dalam Kebijakan Lingkungan Bank Dunia OP 4.01, (ii) RKL, yaitu
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan, dan (iii) RPL, yaitu Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan. AMDAL bagi
pekerjaan Tahap 1 telah disiapkan oleh Unit Pengelolaan Proyek (PMU). AMDAL ini telah
dikonsultasikan, diperiksa dan disetujui pada bulan Maret 2010 oleh badan lingkungan tingkat provinsi
(dikenal sebagai BPLHD) sebagaimana diharuskan oleh aturan nasional dan provinsi di Indonesia. Bank
Dunia juga telah memeriksa AMDAL ini dan memberikan komentar sehingga PMU telah menyiapkan
Laporan tambahan Tahap 1 JUFMP. Laporan tambahan ini meliputi rekomendasi lebih lanjut yang juga
akan diterapkan pada proyek ini. Ini menjamin bahwa AMDAL dan laporan tambahan Tahap 1, yang
dikombinasikan, sesuai dengan persyaratan kebijakan perlindungan lingkungan Bank Dunia. PMU juga
menyiapkan Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMF) yang sudah diperiksa oleh Bank
Dunia. ESMF akan menuntun dan mengelola proses bagi persiapan dokumen-dokumen perlindungan
lingkungan yang diharuskan untuk pekerjaan Tahap 2.
Studi penilaian sosial (Studi SA – Social Assessment) pendahuluan telah dilaksanakan pada tahun
2008. Sebagai tambahan, penilaian dampak sosial juga dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009-2010 sebagai
bagian dari proses AMDAL. Sebagai tambahan pada proses konsultasi AMDAL standar, Diskusi
Kelompok Fokus spesifik juga dilaksanakan dalam tiap lokasi proyek untuk memperoleh informasi yang
lebih mendalam mengenai dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari proyek ini dan untuk memperoleh
dukungan dari masyarakat. Baik dampak sosial potensial yang berhubungan atau tidak dengan proses
pemukiman kembali telah diidentifikasi dalam penilaian-penilaian dan proses-proses ini. DKI Jakarta
telah menyiapkan proyek Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF) untuk menjelaskan prinsipprinsip, prosedur dan rancangan organisasional untuk diterapkan bagi persiapan Rencana Pemukiman
kembali (RP) bagi lokasi-lokasi Tahap 2 yang melibatkan pemukiman kembali. Kerangka Kebijakan
Pemukiman kembali telah diperiksa dan disetujui oleh Bank Dunia.
Penilaian Perlindungan untuk FPT Ancol
Material endapan tak-berbahaya dari JUFMP akan dibuang di CDF Ancol. Konstruksi dindingdinding pembatas untuk CDF Ancol sedang berlangsung pada saat persiapan proyek. Fasilitas tertutup ini
kini diharapkan akan diselesaikan pada akhir tahun kalender 2011. AMDAL pertama untuk pekerjaan
reklamasi Ancol yang disiapkan oleh PT PJA, telah disetujui oleh BPLHD pada Februari 2006 di mana 12
juta m3 pasir dan 400.000 m3 tanah merah diusulkan sebagai material pengisi. Ini sebelum proposal bagi
proyek JUFMP. AMDAL kemudian diperbaiki untuk menyediakan material kerukan JUFMP yang tak
berbahaya untuk dipakai sebagai bagian material pengisi untuk FPT Ancol, yang mengurangi permintaaan
pasir hingga 8,6 juta m3. AMDAL yang diperbaiki telah diperiksa dan disetujui oleh BPLHD pada Maret
2009. Patut dicatat bahwa proyek reklamasi Ancol telah direncanakan untuk dilaksanakan, tak peduli dan
tak tergantung apakah JUFMP berlanjut atau tidak. Tujuan utama dari PT PJA sebagai pemegang izin
seperti dinyatakakan dalam AMDAL bukanlah untuk menerima material buangan JUFMP tapi untuk
mereklamasi kira-kira 119 hektar tanah di Teluk Jakarta untuk pembangunan residensial komersil nanti
(sebagaimana ini khas dari daerah ini di Teluk Jakarta sejak tahun 1964). Meskipun demikian, FPT Ancol
adalah bagian integral dari JUFMP. Bank Dunia telah memeriksa dokuman AMDAL Ancol 4 . Untuk
menjembatani kesenjangan yang ditemukan dalam dokumen AMDAL Ancol, PMU telah menyiapkan
Laporan Tambahan RKL/RPL Ancol yang telah diperbaharui. Laporan tambahan ini berisi ukuran-ukuran
tambahan yang mana akan juga dapat diterapkan untuk proyek ini. Ini menjamin bahwa AMDAL dan
laporan tambahana untuk FPT Ancol, yang dikombinasikan, sesuai dengan persyaratan kebijakan
perlindungan lingkungan Bank Dunia sehubungan dengan pembuangan material JUFMP.
Penilaian Perlindungan untuk Bantar Gebang dan PPLi
Material sampah padat dari JUFMP akan dipindahkan ke TPA Bantar Gebang, sementara
material sedimen yang berbahaya (jika ditemukan) direncanakan untuk dibuang di tempat pembuangan
sampah PPLi di Bogor. Kedua tempat pembuangan limbah ini telah ada dan sedang beroperasi di bawah
ijin lingkungan nasional dan di bawah pengawasan yurisdiksi BPLHD terkait. Penilaian telah
dilaksanakan (meliputi kunjungan lokasi oleh Bank Dunia) untuk memastikan bahwa fasilitas ini
Termasuk pembaharuan lanjutn terhadap perubahan dalam disain batas utara (dyke) CDF, di mana rekomendasi
tinjauan Bank Dunia terhadap proposal diimplementasikan sebelum adanya persetujuan BPLHD.
memiliki cukup kemampuan dana, teknis dan fisik untuk menerima jenis material limbah dari proyek ini
dan juga agar fasilitas ini memiliki ijin lingkungan yang diharuskan dan sah.
Dampak Lingkungan dan Sosial Yang Signifikan
Dampak Lingkungan dari Pekerjaan JUFMP
Sebagaimana mana didiskusikan dalam Paragraf 6, proyek ini diharapkan menberikan dampak
positif terhadap lingkungan dan sosial dengan mengurangi banjir akibat dari meluapnya air kali dan
waduk serta stagnasi air banjir. Walaupun demikian, implementasi proyek ini juga berpotensi
menimbulkan dampak negative, dampak-dampak ini telah diidentifikasi dalam AMDAL5 dan dirangkum
dalam bagian ini (Bagian 1.6 merangkum langkah-langkah mitigasi terhadap dampak terkait). Dampakdampak ini terutama berasal dari pekerjaan pengerukan dan tanggul, kuantitas signifikan dari material
kerukan dan sampah padat yang akan dihasilkan, dan bagaimana material kerukan ini akan ditangani,
disimpan sementara, disimpan, disortir, dipindahkan, dan akhirnya dibuang di daerah-daerah urban yang
kurang berpenduduk dan yang dikelilingi oleh permukaan dan air laut. Dampak lingkungan yang
berpotensi penting dari pekerjaan ini meliputi: (i) kemacetan lalu lintas karena mobilisasi peralatan dan
transportasi material kerukan dan sampah padat ke lokasi pembuangan masing-masing, (ii) tumpahan dari
material di sepanjang rute transportasi, (iii) bau busuk dan menurunnya kualitas air dari lokasi pekerjaan
yang sedang berlangsung, (iv) bertambahnya tingkat kebisingan dan getaran dari pekerjaan yang sedang
berlangsung, dan (v) reduksi dalam kualitas air permukaan pada kanal-kanal dan sungai-sungai terkait
selama pekerjaan berlangsung. Material berbahaya (jika ada ditemukan) juga berpotensi membahayakan
lingkungan dan kesehatan jika ini tidak ditangani secara layak.
Dampak Lingkungan dari Pekerjaan CDF Ancol
Di CDF Ancol, studi AMDAL mengidentifikasi dampak lingkungan yang paling berpotensi di
lokasi dari kegiatan konstruksi dan reklamasi, meliputi: (i) perubahan dalam pola arus mennyusur pantai
(Longshore), (ii) bertambahnya sedimentasi di sekitar CDF, (iii) menurunnya kualitas air laut karena
kegiatan reklamasi dan penimbunan, dan (iv) gangguan pada biota laut. Ada juga potensi dampak
merugikan di tempat dari lokasi-lokasi sumber dan rute transport dari pasir (8,6 juta m3) dan tanah merah
(400.000 m3) yang diharuskan untuk konstruksi CDF (walaupun penggunaan material kerukan JUFMP
untuk menggantikan sebagian material pasir yg disyaratkan --dengan demikian mengurangi permintaan
pasir dari 12 juta m3 hingga 8,6 million m3 - dengan sendirinya adalah suatu ukuran untuk mengurangi
dampak-dampak potensial di lokasi).
Dampak Lingkungan dari Operasi TPA Bantar Gebang dan PPLi
Dampak lingkungan potensial dari proyek ini terhadap operasi dari TPA Bantar Gebang dan PPLi
diharapkan kecil. Diperkirakan 95.000 m3 dari total limbah padat yang dihasilkan dari proyek selama 4
tahun akan membuat prosentasi tak penting dari beban normal yang sedang diterima di Bantar Gebang6.
Material berbahaya tidak diharapkan dari JUFMP (dikuatkan oleh uji-uji sampel) dan bahkan jika ada
ditemukan, jumlahnya masih dalam batas-batas kapasitas dan penanganan dari tempat pembungan
sampah aman PPLi.
AMDAL lengkap untuk Tahap 1 berfungsi, demikian juga draft AMDAL untuk lokasi-lokasi Tahap 2.
Beban normal harian saat ini antara 5.000-6000 ton per hari, atau sekitar 20.000 – 24.000 m3 per hari.
Dampak Sosial dari Pekerjaan JUFMP
Dampak sosial potensial dari proyek ini diidentifikasi melalui Study SA, AMDAL terkait
konsultasi, dan FGD dan konsultasi lain yang dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari persiapan RPF dan
pendahuluan RP. Dampak potensial meliputi dampak yang terkait atau tidak terkait dengan pemukiman
kembali. Penelitian dan konsultasi yang dilaksanakan selama bagian awal dari persiapan proyek
menyatakan bahwa pemukiman kembali secara sukarela akan diharuskan pada tujuh lokasi, yang
mempengaruhi lebih dari 2.500 bangunan dan lebih dari 6.500 orang. Walaupun demikian, usaha-usaha
untuk meminimalisir dampak sosial 7 selama beberapa bulan terakhir telah mengurangi jumlah ini.
Sekarang ini, enam dari 15 lokasi proyek diidentifikasi akan meliputi pemukiman kembali secara
sukarela, yang mempengaruhi kira-kira 1.109 bangunan dan 5.528 orang. Dampak yang tidak terkait
pemukiman kembali meliputi "persepsi dan perhatian" dari masyarakat sekiranya mereka perlu untuk
dimukimkan lagi tanpa konsultasi dan kompensasi yang layak. Masyarakat memperhatikan bahwa selama
konstruksi lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka akan diganggu dan dirusak oleh pengelolaan tak layak dari
operasi kerja dan penanganan material kerukan, yang dapat menuntun pada gangguan karena rusaknya
jalan-jalan lokal, debu beterbangan, bau busuk, tumpahan material kerukan, bertambahnya kemacetan lalu
lintas dan kebisingan dari peralatan dan truk. Persoalan potensial lain adalah menyangkut dampak pada
masyarakat karena tak dapat berpartisipasi selama konstruksi sebagai pekerja dan kurangnya komunikasi
antara mereka dan kontraktor dan manajemen proyek. Konstruksi di lokasi proyek akan juga secara
sementara mempengaruhi kira-kira 19 operator/pemilik kapal yang melintasi kanal.
Usulan Pengelolaan Dampak Lingkungan dan Sosial
Proyek akan dilaksanakan melalui institusi-institusi yang ada yang layak sesuai dengan struktur
kelembagaan pemerintah untuk pengelolaan banjir. Ada tiga Unit Pelaksana Proyek pada tingkat
pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah lokal: (i) Dirjen Sumberdaya Air, (ii) Dirjen Cipta Karya, dan (iii)
pemerintah lokal DKI Jakarta. Masing-masing akan bertanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan
pengerukan dan rehabilitasi pada kanal-kanal banjir utama, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk terpilih yang
datang di bawah lembaga masing-masing mereka dan tanggungjawab legal mereka. Sesuai dengan
mandat tanggungjawabnya untuk persoalan sosial di kota Jakarta8, DKI Jakarta akan bertanggungjawab
bagi semua rancangan proyek perlindungan sosial. Unit Pengelola Proyek telah didirikan oleh Dirjen
Sumberdaya Air untuk mengawasi dan mengkoordinasikan semua persiapan dan pelaksanaan proyek oleh
tiga Unit Pelaksana Proyek. Unit Pengelola Proyek juga akan melaksanakan dan mengelola kegiatan
biasa, yang meliputi (i) konsultasi pengawasan seluruh konstruksi yaitu Konsultan Pengawas (SC), (ii)
penunjukkan Panel Tenaga Ahli (PTA), dan (iii) Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (SIPB), dan (iv)
mendukung DKI Jakarta terkait pemukiman kembali secara sukarela dan proyek sistem penyelesaian
keluhan. Tiga lokasi pembuangan material kerukan JUFMP dioperasikan oleh badan independen yang
terpisah dari JUFMP. CDF Ancol dioperasikan oleh pemegang ijin dan operator proyek reklamasi, PT
Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PT PJA). TPA Bantar Gebang dikelola oleh Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta
Di antara lainnya, berdasarkan pada disain teknik dan metodologi yang disesuaikan untuk meminimalkan dampak
Jakarta adalah provinsi yang secara resmi dirancang dengan status khusus sebagai Ibu Kota Negara Indonesia,
yaitu DKI Jakarta. Secara administrative, DKI Jakarta dibagi dalam 5 daerah kotamadia (yaitu Jakarta Utara, Jakarta
Selatan, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Timur dan Jakarta Pusat) dan satu kabupaten (yaitu Kepulauan Seribu, sekelompok
pulau kecil di Laut Jawa).
melalui operator pribadi, sementara tempat buang limbah aman PPLi adalah penyedia layanan
pembuangan sampah B3 (yaitu PT PPLi) yang komersial pribadi.
Pengelolaan Dampak Lingkungan untuk Pekerjaan JUFMP
Untuk pekerjaan JUFMP, masing-masing AMDAL juga persyaratan Laporan tambahan Tahap 1
JUFMP akan dimasukkan ke dalam dokumen lelang pekerjaan dan kontrak. Ini menjamin agar kontraktor
pekerjaan akan mempunyai tanggung jawab utama untuk pelaksanaan ukuran perlindungan lingkungan
yang diharuskan. Kontraktor diminta untuk memiliki staf khusus dengan tanggungjawab pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial. Peserta lelang diminta sebagai bagian dari tawaran mereka untuk menyerahkan
pendahuluan Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial dari kontraktor, termasuk pendahuluan dari
Rencana Pengelolaan Transport (TMP). Ini akan dikembangkan ke dalam rencana terperinci oleh
kontraktor pemenang. Karena mayoritas efek potensial berhubungan dengan interaksi dengan masyarakat
lokal, maka jumlah minimum kontrak mengharuskan pertemuan dengan masyarakat yang juga
dimasukkan dalam kontrak. Masuknya pasal-pasal lingkungan dan sosial dalam dokumen penawaran juga
menjamin bahwa pasal-pasal ini akan cukup dihargai dalam kontrak. Biaya ini sedang dikembangkan ke
dalam satuan biaya untuk pengerukan dan transport. Biaya lingkungan dan sosial yang dikembangkan ke
dalam satuan biaya kontrak meliputi, tapi tidak dibatasi kepada, kebersihan tempat kerja, keamanan,
manajemen lalu lintas, kendali buangan alat, pencegahan tumpahan, pengelolaan kebisingan, dan
konsultasi dengan masyarakat.
Mutu material sedimen dalam sungai atau kanal terpilih telah diuji secara mendalam beberapa
waktu. Hasil uji adalah konsisten sejauh semuanya dikonfirmasi bahwa material sedimen adalah limbah
tidak berbahaya (per standar yang diminta dalam Aturan Pemerintah Indonesia mengenai material
berbahaya dan pengelolaan limbah berbahaya 9 ). Oleh karena itu, material berbahaya (dirujuk sebagai
limbah B3 dalam aturan Pemerintah Indonesia) tidak diharapkan untuk ditemukan selama pelaksanaan.
Walaupun demikian, untuk menjamin material tak berbahaya dari JUFMP yang dibuang dalam CDF
Ancol10, aturan ketat telah dikembangkan dan dipakai yang mengharuskan uji-awal sedimen pada bagian
kanal segera sebelum pengerukan. Pada kejadian amat jarang sehingga uji sebelum-pengerukan
menyatakan adanya material dan limbah B3, maka lokasi akan ditandai. Subyek pada persetujuan dari
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup (mengacu pada aturan Indonesia) material ini diharapkan dikeruk dan
dipindahkan hanya ke fasilitas pembuangan aman PPLi.
Untuk pekerjaan JUFMP, tanggungjawab utama untuk pelaksanaan perincian standar lingkungan
dalam AMDAL dan Laporan tambahan Tahap 1 JUFMP terletak pada pekerjaan sipil dan kontraktor
pengerukan. Persyaratan dilekatkan sebagai kewajiban kontrak dari kontraktor. Konsultan Pengawas
proyek (SC) akan bertanggungjawab untuk pengawasan hari-demi-hari terhadap para kontraktor
(termasuk berpegang kepada standar lingkungan yang disyaratkan). SC akan selanjutnya melapor secara
langsung kepada PMU. PMU akan menganggap baik SC dan para kontraktor bertanggungjawab untuk
menjamin kesesuaian dengan ukuran lingkungan yang disyaratkan. Syarat-syarat Rujukan dari Konsultan
Pengawas mengharuskan agar tim konsultan melibatkan pakar lingkungan dengan kapasitas dalam
kegiatan pengawasan yang mengetahui dampak lingkungan. Juga, diketahui bahwa kanal dan sungai
terpilih terletak di propinsi DKI Jakarta dan mengalir melintas batas-batas yurisdiksi kota sub-provinsi,
PP no. 85/1999 tentang Manajemen Limbah Berbahaya dan Beracun.
Persyaratan ini juga merupakan stipulasi dari AMDAL CDF Ancol
sehingga agen-agen lingkungan lokal (BPLHD) baik pada tingkat Propinsi (yaitu pejabat yang memeriksa
dan menyetujui semua AMDAL) dan BPLHD tingkat kota (yaitu tingkat Walikota) akan juga menjalani
pekerjaan pemantauan langsung yang ditugaskan pada mereka. Bank Dunia akan melaksanakan
pengawasan reguler pada pelaksanaan proyek, terutama melalui PMU. PMU juga akan menyewa Panel
Tenaga Ahli11, yang akan memantau dan mengevaluasi persiapan dan pelaksanaan instrumen-instrumen
perlindungan proyek (yang meliputi EMP, RPF dan sistem penyelesaian keluhan) dan memberikan
masukan kepada PMU mengenai tindakan apapun untuk diambil untuk memperbaiki pemenuhan.
Pengelolaan Dampak Lingkungan untuk Pekerjaan CDF Ancol, dan operasi Bantar Gebang dan
Untuk pekerjaan CDF Ancol, persyaratan AMDAL telah dimasukkan oleh PT PJA ke dalam
kontrak dari kontraktor CDF Ancol. Simulasi hidrodinamis yang dilakukan sebagai bagian dari proses
AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol menyatakan bahwa konstruksi fasilitas akan mungkin menuntun kepada
hanya perubahan sedikit pada pola arus laut di sekitar lokasi fasilitas. Untuk mengendalikan terhadap
dampak yang teridentifikasi lainnya, AMDAL untuk CDF mengharuskan agar material yang diisi dalam
daerah reklamasi ditutup pada semua sisi oleh konstruksi dinding luar sepanjang seluruh panjang
perimeter dari daerah konsesi reklamasi (kira-kira 119 ha). Dinding-dinding pada garis keliling dirancang
sehingga dapat menahan material padat dari material pengisi (yang akan meliputi kira-kira 3,4 juta m3
material kerukan dari proyek JUFMP) sementara membiarkan keluarnya air yang lebih bersih/difilter dari
daerah tertutup lewat bendungan. Disain dari fasilitas ini telah diperiksa dan dinilai sebagai memuaskan
selama persiapan proyek. Ini walaupun demikian, untuk menjamin agar material kerukan JUFMP tidak
dibuang di CDF Ancol sebelum fasilitasnya siap, 'no obejction' dari Bank Dunia pada kontrak pengerukan
JUFMP hanya akan diberikan jika Bank Dunia merasa puas dengan kecukupan fasilitas tertutup dan telah
menerima bukti memuaskan atas pemenuhan PT PJA pada persyaratan AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol
termasuk kedalamnya semua update AMDAL yang telah disetujui. AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol juga
mengharuskan alat-alat transport untuk dibersihkan setelah mencurahkan material kerukan di CDF Ancol
supaya selanjutnya mencegah perpindahan tak diperkenankan dari material kerukan ke jalan lokal. Proses
AMDAL CDF Ancol juga telah memeriksa dampak potensial dari lokasi sumber dan rute transport pasir
(8,6 juta m3) and tanah laterite (400.000 m3) sebagai tambahan material kerukan JUFMP untuk konstruksi
CDF. AMDAL menetapkan lokasi sumber khusus dari pasir--sumber pantai di Banten di pantai barat
Jawa Barat--yang telah diperiksa memiliki ijin lingkungan yang disetujui yang konsisten dengan aturan
dan hukum di Indonesia mengenai pertambangan dan penggalian. AMDAL juga mengharuskan tanah
laterit/merah (yang diharuskan pada tahap akhir dari proses reklamasi) berasal dari sumber-sumber yang
disetujui oleh BPLHD DKI (Tingkat Propinsi).
Untuk pekerjaan CDF Ancol, tanggungjawab langsung untuk melaksanakan rincian tindakantindakan lingkungan pada AMDAL CDF Ancol terletak pada kontraktor-kontraktornya PT PJA.
Persyaratan dilekatkan sebagai kewajiban kontrak dari para kontraktor. PT PJA melalui Unit
Pembangunan Propertinya akan mengawasi semua aspek (termasuk lingkungan) dari kontrak. Sebagai
tambahan, PT PJA telah merekrut satu perusahaan konsultan yang melaksanakan pemantauan pemenuhan
kwartalan pada pekerjaan konstruksi yang sedang berlangsung. PT PJA, dalam pemenuhan pada
persyaratan AMDAL, sedang menyiapkan dan menyerahkan kepada BPLHD DKI laporan pelaksanaan
Tim ahli diharapkan dapat terdiri dari seorang ahli lingkungan, seorang insinyur yang berpengalaman dalam
pengerukan dan pembuangan kerukan, dan seorang ahli masalah pemukiman ulang.
kwartalan tentang RKL dan RPL. Laporan-laporan ini berisi ukuran dan tindakan yang diambil oleh PT
PJA untuk melaksanakan ukuran yang terdapat dalam RKL dan RPL mereka yang telah disetujui.
Laporan ini akan juga meliputi pelaksanaan tindakan-tindakan tambahan yang terdapat dalam Laporan
Tambahan Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol.
Tanggungjawab utama untuk pengawasan dan pemantauan keseluruhan pekerjaan di CDF Ancol
akan terletak pada agen-agen BPLHD tingkat Propinsi dan Kota. PT PJA juga setuju bagi Konsultan
Pengawas (SC) proyek JUFMP untuk melaksanakan pengawasan dan pemantauan keseluruhan pada
pekerjaan CDF Ancol (yang meliputi kegiatan di lokasi-lokasi terkait) selama berlangsungnya proyek
JUFMP. BPLHD telah memulai pemantauan pada pekerjaan konstruksi yang sedang berlangsung di CDF
Ancol dan telah mencatat dan melaporkan temuannya dan mengeluarkan petunjuknya kepada PT PJA
untuk menjalani tindakan-tindakan perbaikan yang diminta. Pada pemeriksaan lokasi pada bulan
November 2010 oleh mereka, BPLHD DKI mengundang Bank Dunia untuk mengikuti pekerjaan
pemeriksaan pemantauan bersama dan Bank Dunia berpartisipasi dalam proses ini bersama BPLHD DKI.
BPLHD propinsi menyatakan akan melanjutkan untuk mengundang Bank Dunia dalam pekerjaan
inspeksi pemantauan rutinnya di CDF Ancol. Laporan pelaksanaan kwartal (per tiga bulan) atas RKL dan
RPL dari PT PJA akan juga dibagi kepada Bank Dunia. Bank Dunia telah menaksir kapasitas teknis dan
finansial BPLHD propinsi agar secara memuaskan melaksanakan tanggungjawab pemantauan yang
dimandatkan pada mereka. Sementara tidak ada persetujuan legal langsung antara Bank Dunia dan PT
PJA, persetujuan legal JUFMP akan meliputi persyaratan bagi DKI Jakarta untuk menggunakan hakhaknya (sebagai pemegang saham dari PT PJA) untuk menyebabkan PT PJA melaksanakan persyaratan
(termasuk tindakan-tindakan pengendalian) dari AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol dan Laporan Tambahan
Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol.
Tanggungjawab utama untuk pengawasan dan pemantauan keseluruhan dari operasi yang sedang
berlangsung di TPA Bantar Gebang dan fasilitas PPLi terletak pada BPLHD kota dan propinsi masingmasing. Konsultan Pengawas (SC) proyek juga akan mengawasi dan melaksanakan pemantauan
keseluruhan dari kegiatan proyek terkait di Bantar Gebang dan PPLi.
Pengelolaan Dampak Sosial
Proyek ini berusaha untuk menghindari atau meminimalisir (jika penghindaran tak
memungkinkan) baik dampak sosial yang terkait atau tidak terkait dengan pemukiman kembali. Ini
dilakukan melalui pekerjaan terbatas pada bagian-bagian prioritas, pemilihan teliti pada pendekatan
pengerukan dan teknologi peralatan, dan rancangan teknis terperinci (DED) diarahkan untuk
meminimalisir dampak. Seperti dijelaskan dalam Bagian 1.5, usaha signifikan pada periode persiapan
proyek diperkirakan telah mengurangi jumlah bangunan yang terkena proyek dari perkiraan awal 2.513
bangunan menjadi 1.109 bangunan kini. Usaha ini akan dilanjutkan selama pelaksanaan proyek.
Rangkaian pekerjaan akan juga memberikan waktu yang cukup untuk menyiapkan, mengkonsultasikan
dan melaksanakan Rencana Pemukiman kembali, juga menyediakan bagi pendirian sistem penyelesaian
keluhan proyek dan penunjukan panel tenaga ahli di depan pelaksanaan pemukiman kembali yang besarbesaran.
Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF) telah dikembangkan oleh DKI Jakarta yang
memperhatikan hak-hak tentang Warga Terkena Proyek (WTP), kompensasi rasional atas hilangnya asetaset di tempat pemindahan, ukuran khusus untuk memperhatikan kelompok-kelompok rentan, dan
bantuan untuk pemulihan kehidupan. RPF akan menuntun persiapan Rencana Pemukiman kembali di
lokasi-lokasi proyek di mana pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa diharuskan (termasuk di lokasi-lokasi
terkait proyek). Mengacu pada sejarah praktek penggusuran di Jakarta, RPF dengan prinsip utama untuk
praktek perlindungan sosial yang adil menggambarkan kemajuan perubahan dalam pendekatan DKI
Jakarta untuk menangani pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa. Meskipun demkian, DKI Jakarta juga
mempunyai kekawatiran yang kuat agar kebijakannya tak dipandang olah khalayak umum sebagai
kebijakan yang menentang kepentingan umum dengan menyetujui perilaku ilegal tapi pada saat yang
sama gagal untuk melindungi orang-orang yang rentan yang berisiko kehilangan rumahnya dan
penghidupannya. Atas alasan ini, RPF membuat perbedaan antara tuan tanah liar dan encroacher dan
dengan WTP lainnya12. RPF menjelaskan bahwa bantuan disediakan untuk tuan tanah tanpa surat dan
penghuni ilegal akan ditentukan dalam RPK atas dasar kasus per kasus yang dirundingkan dan
kesepakatan bersama, tanpa kriteria yang ditentukan lebih dulu yang membatasi. Pengaturan dalam RPF
ini merupakan langkah yang adil untuk menyikapi kekawatiran DKI Jakarta pada satu sisi dan kepatuhan
kepada kebijakan Pemukiman kembali dari Bank Dunia dengan tidak mengeluarkan jenis tertentu apapun
dari orang-orang yang terkena proyek untuk bantuan dan/atau kompensasi.
Semua lokasi proyek akan diperiksa untuk Warga Terkena Proyek dan Rencana Pemukiman
kembali yang disiapkan sesuai dengan RPF di mana Warga Terkena Dampak tak dapat dihindari. RPK
akan mengidentifikasi warga yang terkena proyek dan meletakkan kerangka untuk kompensasi dan
pemulihan penghidupan rumah tangganya dengan batas waktu yang jelas dan disepakati antara Warga
Terkena Proyek dan DKI Jakarta. Semua Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP) akan diperiksa oleh Bank
Dunia13. RP akan mengharuskan ‘tidak ada keberatan dari Bank Dunia, untuk dibuka kepada umum dan
dilaksanakan (kecuali ada unsur-unsur terkait kegiatan paska-pemukiman kembali) sebelum pekerjaan
apapun dimulai pada lokasi bersangkutan. DKI Jakarta akan mendirikan proyek Sistem Penyelesaian
Keluhan (GRS) yang akan berfungsi, diantara fungsi-fungsi lainnya, untuk menerima dan
memperhatikan/menyelesaikan keluhan terkait pemukiman kembali.
Pelaksanaan kegiatan terkait pemukiman kembali adalah tanggungjawab DKI Jakarta, terutama
Kelompok Kerja Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESWG), Kelompok Kerja Penjaminan Mutu dan Manajemen
Proyek, dan Kelompok Kerja Pemantauan dan Pelaporan. Pada tingkat operasional, terutama dalam
menyiapkan dan melaksanakan RP, Pokja Lingkungan dan Sosial akan di-tim-kan dengan staf kota-kota
yang relevan (tim pemukiman kembali). Konsultan Pengawas (SC) akan memantau, mengawasi dan
menasehati Pokja Lingkungan dan Sosial dalam menyiapkan dan melaksanakan RP. Anggaran untuk
menyiapkan dan melaksanakan RP (kecuali untuk konsultan) akan ditanggung oleh DKI Jakarta. Ini akan
meliputi ongkos operasional untuk Pokja Lingkungan dan Sosial dan tim pemukiman kembali,
kompensasi atas aset-aset, bantuan untuk pemukiman kembali dan dukungan rehabilitasi. Konsultan
Pengawas (SC) ini akan juga bertanggungjawab untuk menjamin bahwa DKI Jakarta melaksanakan RP
secara konsisten dan sesuai dengan RPF, dan untuk mendukung DKI Jakarta dalam mendirikan dan
Encroacher adalah pemilik lahan yang memperluas lahan mereka melewati batas legal dengan mengambil lahan
di sekitarnya atau lahan Negara, dan tuan tanah liar adalah mereka yang mendirikan bangunan pada lahan Negara
untuk mengambil keuntungan dari para penyewa, tetapi tidak bergantung pada lahan ini untuk penguhidupan layak
yang berkelanjutan.
Bank Dunia mengevaluasi Rencana Pemukiman Kembali yang telah disusun dengan mengacu pada RPF yang
telah disepakati(termasuk kedalamnya kesepakatan mengenai penanganan tuan tanah liar dan penyerobot telah
cukup untuk memulihkan mata pencaharian dan standard hidup mereka) dan pengaturan pelaksanaan yaitu rencana
implementasi dan anggaran
mengelola proyek Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan. SC akan memantau lokasi-lokasi terkait proyek dan
daerah-daerah yang dekat dengan lokasi proyek dan melaporkan kegiatan yang relevan--khususnya yang
dapat melibatkan pemukiman kembali.
Sifat perubahan dari pendekatan proyek untuk menangani pemukiman kembali seperti dinyatakan
dalam Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF) juga menyatakan tantangan pelaksanaan yang
signifikan. Sementara DKI Jakarta telah komit untuk RPF dan RP terkait, pelaksanaan mereka (terutama
pada tahap awal) akan tak terhindarkan harus berjuang menghadapi praktek-praktek, prosedur, dan aturan
tak konsisten dan telah dibuat sebelumnya. Untuk mengurangi potensi pelaksanaan leher botol, DKI
Jakarta kini terlibat dalam konsultasi intensif dan pelatihan penyebaran informasi khususnya kepada
empat kotamadya di Jakarta yang relevan yang akan melaksanakan pelaksanaan hari-demi-hari dari RPF
dan RP.
Proses konsultatif untuk proyek ini telah tersebar luas selama periode persiapan proyek (terutama
tahun 2009 - 2011) dan terjadi pada berbagai tingkat tergantung pada target pemegang saham dan
persoalan yang didiskusikan. Selama persiapan proyek, kebanyakan konsultasi berhubungan dengan
proses AMDAL 14 (baik untuk JUFMP dan CDF Ancol), dan persiapan RPF dan pendahuluan RP.
Konsultasi lebih luas antara DKI Jakarta, instansi-instansi pemerintah, akademisi, masyarakat sipil, dan
pemegang saham lain mengenai persoalan yang bervariasi dari hal teknis, rekayasa, lingkungan, sosial,
rancangan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan juga telah dilaksanakan dan diharapkan berlanjut. Selama
pelaksanaan proyek, interaksi dengan masyarakat lokal di dan dekat lokasi proyek ada dimandatkan
dengan jumlah minimum pertemuan periodik yang diharuskan kontrak dengan masyarakat yang
dimasukkan dalam kontrak pekerjaan. Petugas lokasi proyek (POSKO) akan dipertahankan karena tiap
lokasi proyek akan melayani sebagai pusat informasi publik diantara fungsi-fungsi lainnya. Petugaspetugas lokasi ini akan juga melayani sebagai tempat yang dapat dimasuki secara mudah untuk menerima
umpan balik (termasuk keluhan-keluhan) mengenai proyek dari masyarakat lokal juga untuk
melaksanakan konsultasi sebagaimana diharuskan.
Berbagai konsultasi publik yang dilaksanakan selama persiapan proyek meliputi persoalanpersoalan yang berhubungan dengan tujuan proyek dan ruang lingkup/komponen, rancangan
kelembagaan dan pelaksanaan, jadwal waktu proyek, dampak lingkungan dan rencana pengendalian,
dampak sosial (termasuk pemukiman kembali), perhatian masyarakat lainnya, dan rencana untuk
konsultasi dan keterlibatan masyarakat. Rincian dari konsultasi terkait AMDAL dicatat dalam tiap
persetujuan AMDAL. Sebagai tambahan pada konsultasi yang dimandatkan AMDAL, serangkaian
Diskusi Kelompok Fokus (FGD) juga dilaksanakan yang meliputi semua kelurahan di mana lokasi-lokasi
proyek ditempatkan. Tujuan dari FGD adalah untuk (i) memberitahu masyarakat mengenai status proyek,
dan (ii) mendapatkan umpan balik dan aspirasi masyarakat. Para partisipan terdiri dari wakil-wakil dari
kantor kelurahan, Dewan kelurahan, Babinsa, Ketua PKK, pemimpin masyarakat, kepala RT dan RW,
dan wakil-wakil dari masyarakat di lokasi proyek. Secara keseluruhan, ada dukungan luas untuk proyek
ini dari masyarakat yang berpotensi terkena proyek dan komunitasnya asalkan proyek bertujuan untuk
Konsultasi publik (paling tidak 2 tahapan) dari proposal proyek adalah wajib dalam proses AMDAL, dan ini
membentuk persyaratan kunci dalam kesesuaian dengan persyaratan baik Pemerintah Indonesia maupun Bank
mengendalikan banjir musiman yang menyebabkan mereka dalam kesulitan besar dan kerugian ekonomi
yang signifikan. Tapi masyarakat juga menyatakan berbagai perhatian, terutama berhubungan dengan
dampak potensial terkait konstruksi dan gangguan (misalnya, suara, bau, kemacetan lalu lintas, tumpahan,
dll), juga dampak potensial pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa.
Konsultasi masyarakat, terutama dalam Diskusi Kelompok Fokus (FGD), adalah alat untuk
membantu DKI Jakarta menyiapkan Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF). Serangkaian
lokakarya dan dialog juga dilaksanakan untuk menginformasikan persiapan Kerangka Kerja Pemukiman
kembali. Khususnya, dua konsultasi internal dan konsultasi eksternal dilaksanakan untuk
menginformasikan dan memperoleh dukungan dan umpan balik dari pemerintah dari pemegang saham
lain untuk draft RPF. Konsultasi internal melibatkan partisipan dari tingkat propinsi DKI hingga tingkat
terendah (perwakilan dari walikota-walikota dari semua empat kotamadya DKI, dinas dan biro DKI yang
relevan, dan pemerintah sub-lokal sampai tingkat Kecamatan / Kelurahan). Konsultasi eksternal dihadiri
oleh perwakilan DKI Jakarta juga LSM, perwakilan universitas dan pakar-pakar teknik. Konsultasi
internal kini ditindak lanjuti dengan konsultasi intensif dan penyebaran info khususnya pada empat
kotamadya Jakarta yang relevan yang akan melakukan pelaksanaan hari RPF dan RP hari-demi hari.
DKI Jakarta juga melaksanakan konsultasi selama persiapan draft awal RP untuk lokasi-lokasi
Tahap 2 yang telah diidentifikasi memiliki WTP 15 . Kegiatan sosialisasi awal ini dilakukan dengan
pemerintah tingkat lokal / pemimpin masyarakat (terutama kelurahan, RT/RW) dan selanjutnya dilakukan
oleh pertemuan kelompok di kantor kelurahan oleh banyak kelompok kecil yang bergerak dari RT/RW ke
RT/RW. Konsultasi yang lebih intensif dengan Warga Terkena Proyek (WTP) direncanakan setelah
tanggal batas diumumkan, diantaranya untuk menegaskan daftar WTP dan aset-aset yang terkena proyek,
untuk mendiskusikan dan menyetujui tentang kompensasi/ganti rugi dan pilihan bantuan, jadwal berbenah
dan pindah, dll., sebagai bagian dari Rencana Pemukiman kembali. Konsultasi dengan WTP diharapkan
dilakukan baik dalam kelompok maupun pleno, bergantung pada situasi khusus di tiap lokasi.
Komunikasi Proyek
Selama periode persiapan proyek, proses konsultasi yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan
lingkungan dan sosial dari proyek (selama periode tiga tahun dari 2009-2011) telah menjadi salah satu
jalan penting untuk penyebaran informasi tentang rincian proyek kepada publik dan pemegang saham
lainnya. Konsultasi memasukkan penyebaran disain proyek terkini, ruang lingkup dan status, dan secara
luas telah mendapat dukungan positif untuk proyek dan tujuan pengendalian banjirnya. DKI Jakarta juga
memposisikan JUFMP sebagai bagian kunci dari strategi pengendalian banjir jangka pendek. Berdasarkan
akibat tak terkendali kejadian banjir terkini yang buruk pada kehidupan kota, media lokal pada umumnya
telah memuat usaha penyebaran info ini. Sebagai akibatnya, kesadaran publik pada JUFMP (baik pada
tingkat masyarakat maupun pada tingkat kota) makin bertambah selama periode persiapan proyek dari
Januari 2010 sampai Januari 2011 yang ditunjukkan melalui stabilnya dan bertambahnya paparan media
atas proyek ini16, terutama melalui portal-portal berita online, blog-blog masyarakat dan media cetak.
Nada dari diskusi media tentang usaha pengendalian banjir juga membuka ke arah positif setelah periode
audit. Pertemuan Panitia Pengarah Bersama secara periodik telah menjadi alat dalam memberikan dasar
Lokasi Tahap 1 tidak melibatkan pemukiman ulang terpaksa, sedangkan sejumlah lokasi Tahap 2 melibatkan
pemukiman ulang terpaksa.
Rata-rata lebih dari 10 artikel media per bulan selama periode tersebut
pijakan bagi komunikasi antar-agen dan tukar informasi terkini tentang perkembangan dan status proyek.
Dalam DKI Jakarta, kesempatan dari proses konsultasi yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan sosial
proyek telah dipakai untuk mengkomunikasikan rincian proyek hingga tingkat terendah dari pemerintah
Selama pelaksanaan proyek, komunikasi melalui program konsultasi lingkungan, sosial dan
kontraktor akan berlanjut. Pada tingkat masyarakat, pusat informasi publik (yang terletak di POSKO)
pada masing-masing proyek JUFMP akan memainkan satu peran kritis, di mana informasi proyek
(termasuk status pelaksanaan terkini) akan tersedia dan gampang diakses publik, terutama masyarakat di
dalam atau dekat dengan lokasi proyek. Pertemua Panitia Pengarah Bersama diharapkan berlanjut terus.
DKI Jakarta juga menetapkan Biro Prasarkot dengan tugas khusus untuk mengkoordinasikan dan
mengkomunikasikan proyek ini di seluruh DKI Jakarta dan agen pemerintah lainnya yang relevan.
Terpisah dari upaya komunikasi proyek dari Pemerintah dan agen-agen pelaksana, Bank Dunia sedang
menyiapkan website proyek di mana info proyek terkini dapat tersedia selama pelaksanaan.
Risiko-Risiko Reputasional
Persiapan proyek JUFMP telah menjalani proses penilaian lingkungan dan sosial yang cukup luas
dan mendalam. Meskipun demikian, ada tiga wilayah penting kegiatan yang tidak secara langsung dalam
tanggungjawab keadaan pelaksanaan proyek yang dapat memunculkan risiko pada reputasi JUFMP
dan/atau Bank Dunia selama pelaksanaan. Yang pertama berhubungan dengan kegiatan non-proyek yang
dapat terjadi di atau dekat dengan lokasi proyek. Yang kedua menyangkut kegiatan di dalam CDF Ancol.
Yang ketiga menyangkut kegiatan reklamasi jangka panjang di utara Jakarta. Berbagai tindakan akan
diambil selama pelaksanaan untuk mengendalikan, mengurangi atau mengelola risiko-risiko ini hingga
tingkat dapat diterima. Harus dicatat bahwa tindakan-tindakan ini tak akan secara sempurna
menyingkirkan risiko-risiko ini.
Berdasarkan lokasi penduduk yang sangat padat, terjadinya proyek dan kegiatan lain yang tak
berhubungan dengan proyek JUFMP di dalam atau dalam jarak sangat dekat dengan beberapa lokasi
JUFMP adalah mungkin tak terhindarkan. Kegiatan ini mungkin memiliki berbagai tujuan, standar dan
proses, tapi dapat diasosiasikan secara keliru dengan JUFMP dalam pikiran publik dan pemegang saham
lain. Ini dapat menuntun kepada harapan publik yang salah pada kegiatan ini, atau tindakan keliru atas
ukuran pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial yang lemah padsa JUFMP. Berbagai tindakan akan diambil
untuk mengendalikan dan mengurangi risiko-risiko ini, yang meliputi memposting penandatanganan
proyek, pemagaran sementara di mana layak, dan pemeliharaan pusat informasi publik (yang terletak di
POSKO) pada tiap lokasi proyek untuk menyebarkan informasi proyek dan untuk melayani sebagai jalan
segera untuk penjelasan atas kesalahpahaman yang mungkin muncul. Konsultan Pengawas (SC) juga
akan memantau wilayah-wilayah yang berdekatan di sekitar lokasi JUFMP (dan lokasi-lokasi terkait
proyek) sebagai satu alat untuk memberikan pemberitahuan lebih dulu kepada PIU, PMU dan Bank Dunia
untuk membolehkan koordinasi dan tindakan untuk mencegah kesalahpahaman komunikasi dan asosiasi
keliru yang kurang hati-hati atas JUFMP.
Sementara JUFMP hanya akan menyumbang beberapa material isian untuk CDF Ancol,
reklamasi pada CDF Ancol itu sendiri adalah suatu proyek terpisah dari rencana besar reklamasi di Ancol
yang mana berada di luar tanggung jawab lembaga pelaksana proyek JUFMP dan teritegrasi dalam
JUFMP. Walaupun demikian, publik dan pemegang saham lainnya dapat secara langsung
mengasosiasikan tiap masalah (misalnya lingkungan, sosial, keuangan, komersil, dll.) yang dapat muncul
di CDF Ancol dengan JUFMP. Berdasarkan kepentingan JUFMP dalam pelaksanaan layak dan berhasil
dari kegiatan CDF Ancol, rancangan telah dibuat agar Konsultan Pengawas (SC) akan memiliki akses ke
CDF Ancol untuk maksud pemantauan dan pengawasan (termasuk pada lokasi sumber untuk pasir dan
material isian tanah laterit). Selama pelaksanaan proyek, Bank Dunia juga akan bekerja dengan BPLHD
untuk melaksanakan pengawasan bersama dan inspeksi lokasi di CDF Ancol. Kegiatan pemantauan dan
pengawasan ini akan mengijinkan bagi tindakan-tindakan untuk dirumuskan dan diambil untuk
memperbaiki tiap kesalahan pelaksanaan, dan diharapkan mengurangi risiko reputasional yang potensial
kepada JUFMP dan/atau Bank Dunia. Disain proyek akan meliputi ketentuan untuk membatasi
pertanggungjawaban Bank Dunia menyangkut kegiatan di CDF Ancol.
Kegiatan reklamasi CDF Ancol sendiri adalah satu kegiatan reklamasi skala relatif kecil di dalam
proses reklamasi jangka panjang yang sedang berlangsung dan lebih besar di wilayah Ancol di utara
Jakarta yang telah dimulai pada awal 1960-an. Sementara proyek JUFMP adalah jelas tak berhubungan
dengan kegiatan reklamasi selain dengan CDF Ancol secara khusus. kemungkinan yang ada yang
mungkin dapat salah diasosiasikan oleh publik dan pemegang saham lain sebagai bertanggungjawab atas
proyek reklamasi lainnya misalnya, proyek-proyek yang telah terjadi di waktu lampau atau berpotensial
dapat terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Dokuman proyek dan upaya penyebaran informasi akan bertujuan
untuk menegaskan dan membuat jelas bahwa luas keterkaitan JUFMP dalam hal ini adalah dibatasi pada
CDF Ancol.
Deskripsi Proyek
Tujuan Pembangunan Proyek
Tujuan Pembangunan Proyek (TPP) adalah untuk berkontribusi bagi perbaikan operasi dan
pemeliharaan bagian prioritas dari sistem pengelolaan banjir di Jakarta. TPP akan dicapai melalui:
• Pengerukan bagian-bagian kanal banjir utama yang dipilih, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk untuk
memperbaiki kapasitas alirannya, dan membuang material kerukan ke fasilitas yang layak;
• Merehabilitasi dan membangun tanggul di bagian-bagian sungai, dan memperbaiki atau
mengganti peralatan mekanis pada, kanal banjir terpilih, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk untuk
mendukung dan memperbaiki operasinya;
• Menetapkan koordinasi kelembagaan antara tiga instansi yang bertanggungjawab untuk
memberanikan pembangunan yang terkoordinasi, dan operasi dan pemeliharaan (O&P) dari
sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta, dan
• Memperkuat kemampuan dari instansi-instansi yang bertanggung jawab untuk memperbaiki
operasi, pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan sistem manajemen banjir Jakarta.
Ringkasan Komponen Proyek
Secara keseluruhan biaya untuk proyek ini mencapai US$ 190,4 Juta, yang mana pembiayaan dari
counterpart mencapai US$ 38,9 juta. Proyek terdiri dari dua komponen yang diringkas sebagai berikut:
Komponen 1. Pengerukan dan rehabilitasi kanal banjir utama terpilih, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk.
Komponen ini akan mendukung pengerukan dan rehab 11 kanal banjir/kanal-kanal dan empat waduk
yang diidentifikasi sebagai bagian prioritas dari sistem pengelolaan banjir Jakarta yang amat
membutuhkan rehab dan perbaikan dalam kapasitas aliran. 11 kanal banjir/kanal-kanal ini diperkirakan
memiliki panjang total 67,5 km, sementara empat waduk diperkirakan memiliki luas total 65,1 hektar
(lihat rincian ringkasan pada Tabel 2-1 di bawah). Kira-kira 42,2 km tanggul diharapkan direhabilitasi
atau dibangun di dalam kanal-kanal banjir ini, dan waduk-waduk. Di mana diperlukan, peralatan mekanik
(pompa, pintu air, dll) akan diganti atau diperbaiki.
Komponen 2. Bantuan teknis untuk pengelolaan proyek, perlindungan sosial, dan pembangunan
kapasitas. Komponen ini akan mendukung pengelolaan kontrak, pemeriksaan disain teknik, insinyur
pengawas konstruksi untuk pengerukan dan pekerjaan rehab dan bantuan teknis. Bantuan teknis meliputi
dukungan kepada perbaikan koordinasi kelembagaan untuk operasi dan pemeliharaaan sistem pengelolaan
banjir Jakarta juga pendirian Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (FMIS). Ketentuan telah dibuat bagi
ongkos untuk melaksanakana Rencana Pemukiman kembali, juga pembentukan dan operasi dari proyek
Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan dan Panel Tenaga Ahli.
2.3 Lokasi-Lokasi Proyek
Lima belas kanal banjir, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk prioritas telah diidentifikasi untuk
dimasukkan dalam ruang lingkup dari pekerjaan proyek (lihat Tabel 2-1 untuk rincian penjelasan dan Peta
Proyek dalam Lampiran 1 untuk lokasi-lokasinya). Ini diidentifikasi oleh Pemerintah sebagai dalam
prioritas kebutuhan untuk rehab dan perbaikan kapasitas aliran.
Lokasi-lokasi terkait. Sepuluh lokasi diidentifikasi sebagai lokasi terkait proyek17. Lokasi-lokasi
terkait ini adalah:
• K. Item, Kalibaru and Sunter Kemayoran (terkait ke Kali Sentiong);
• Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Aliran Panjang (terkait ke Kanal Banjir Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari);
• Kanal sepanjang JL Kayu Putih Timur (terkait ke Kali Sunter Atas);
• Ciliwung Kota, kanal sepanjang Jl Tubagus Angke, PHB Bandengan Utara; dan Waduk Pluit
(terkait ke K. Pakin – K. Besar– Kanal Banjir Jelakeng).
Sepuluh lokasi terkait yang disebutkan di atas diidentifikasi secara hidrolika dan langsung
berhubungan dengan kanal-kanal/waduk-waduk di bawah JUFMP. DKI Jakarta pada saat ini tak
mempunyai rencana khusus untuk pekerjaan rehab pada lokasi-lokasi terkait ini. Walaupun demikian, jika
DKI Jakarta akan melakukan pekerjaan pada lokasi terkait, maka DKI Jakarta akan menerapkan RPF jika
lokasi terkait tersebut di atas memerlukan pemukiman kembali.
Menurut OP 4.12, criteria untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi terkait adalah: (1) secara langsung dan signifikan terkait
dengan JUFMP; (2) dapat mencapai tujuan JUFMP; dan (3) bersamaan dengan JUFMP. Studi dalam mendefinisikan
lokasi terkait dilakukan selama persiapan RPF dan lokasi terkait pada umumnya didefinisikan sebagai yang terkait
secara hidrolik dalam konteks dari kriteria keterkaitan awal sebagaimana ditentukan dalam OP 4.12, tetapi tidak
memenuhi ketiga kriteria secara bersamaan.
Tabel 2-1 Penjelasan Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal dan Waduk di bawah Proyek
Paket Kontrak Kerja
(Dirjen Sumberdaya air)
(Dirjen Sumberdaya air)
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
Deskripsi Kali/Waduk (Diperkirakan)
Panjang (m)
Lebar (m)
Luas (m2 or ha.)
5 .100
21,50 ~ 45,90
171 .870 m2
(2 .004) (1 .260)
4.90 ha.
Sungai Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari
Waduk Melati (Kali Gresik &
Cideng Hulu)
Kanal Banjir Cengkareng
(termasuk sisi laut)
Kanal Banjir Sunter Bawah Note 1
Sungai Cideng Thamrin (kali
Lingkar Jalan)
Kali Sentiong-Sunter (termasuk
Kanal Ancol)
Waduk Sunter Utara (Outlet drain)
7 .840 (540)
38,00 ~ 87,00
490 .000 m2
9 .980
20,20 ~ 47,40
338 .320 m2
3 .840 (1 .960)
10,00 ~ 19,00
55 .680 m2
5 .950 (400)
16,10 ~ 31,20
161 .240 m2
33.00 ha.
Waduk Sunter Selatan
19.20 ha.
Waduk Sunter Timur III
8.00 ha.
10 .560 m2
166 .050 m2
266 .220 m2
131 .320 m2
106 .920 m2
108 .020 m2
71 .500 m2
62 .820 m2
2 .140 .520 m2
65 ha.
Catatan 1
Untuk maksud kontrak, Kanal BanjirSunter telah dibagi dalam dua sub-paket– Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas dan
Catatan 2
Untuk maksud kontrak, Kali Krukut telah dibagi dalam dua sub-paket – Kali Krukut Cideng and Kali Krukut
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
(Dirjen Sumberdaya air)
Kali Tanjungan
Kali Angke Bawah
Kanal Banjir Barat (sisi laut)
Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas Note 1
Kali Grogol – Sekretaris
Kali Pakin – Kali Besar – Jelakeng
Kali Krukut Cideng Note 2
Kali Krukut Lama Note 2
4 .050
3 .060 (590)
5 .150
2 .970
4 .910
3 .250
3 .490
67 .514
9,20 ~ 26,00
31,00 ~ 51,00
33,00 ~ 141,00
15,00 ~ 36,00
21,00 ~ 51,00
13,00 ~ 31,00
15,00 ~ 29,00
7,00 ~ 29,00
Rangkaian Pekerjaan
Pekerjaan konstruksi yang didanai oleh proyek ini diusulkan untuk dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap
rangkaian (lihat Tabel 2-2). Disain pelaksanaan rangkaian dipakai sebagai mekanisme pengelolaan risiko
pelaksanaan utama untuk proyek. Pekerjaan Tahap 1 (diusulkan 4 lokasi / 3 kontrak kerja) diharapkan
dimulai selama tahun pertama dari proyek. Pekerjaan Tahap 2 (diusulkan 11 lokasi / 5 kontrak)
diharapkan mengikuti selanjutnya. Rangkaian ini akan mencegah agar PMU/PIU dan konsultan
pengawasnya menjadi terlalu dibebani berlebihan selama tahun pertama ketika rincian proses, prosedur
dan rutinitas pelaksanaan sebenarnya dioperasionalkan. Rangkaian ini juga akan membolehkan waktu
bagi DKI Jakarta untuk melengkapi rancangan dan instrumen pemukiman kembali yang diperlukan untuk
lokasi-lokasi pada Tahap 219, termasuk pembentukan sistem penyelesaian keluhan dan penunjukkan panel
tenaga ahli. Dua lokasi terkait yaitu Ancol Kp. Bandan and Ancol Aliran Panjang terkait dalam pekerjaan
Tahap 1 20 (Kanal Banjir Ciliwung-Gunung Sahari) sedangkan delapan lokasi terkait lain nya terkait
dengan pelaksanaan Tahap 2;
Lokasi Tahap 1 tidak melibatkan pemukiman ulang terpaksa.
Analisis praduga cepat menunjukan untuk kedua lokasi ini, tidak diperlukan pemukiman kembali warga terkena
Tabel 2-2 Rangkaian Proyek Pekerjaan Konstruksi
Tahap 1
Tahap 2
Paket Kontrak & Tanggungjawab Pelaksanaan
(Dirjen Sumberdaya Air)
(Dirjen Sumberdaya Air)
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
(Dirjen Sumberdaya Air)
Volume Pekerjaan
Survey pada kanal banjir, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk utama terpilih yang dilaksanakan selama
persiapan proyek memperkirakan total volume material yang akan dikeruk kira-kira 3,4 juta m3 (di mana
kira-kira 95.000 m3 diperkirakan sampah padat). Kira-kira 42,2 km panjang sungai diharapkan untuk
direhab atau dibangun di dalam kanal banjir, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk ini. Rincian diberikan dalam
Tabel 2-3.
Tabel 2-3 Penjelasan Kanal Banjir, Kanal-Kanal & Waduk-Waduk di bawah Proyek
(Dirjen Sumberdaya
(Dirjen Sumberdaya
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
(Dirjen Cipta Karya)
(Dirjen Sumberdaya
Ke dalaman
Kerukan (m)
Kali Ciliwung-Gunung
Waduk Melati (Kali
Gresik & Cideng Hulu)
Kanal Banjir
Cengkareng (termasuk
sisi laut)
Kanal Banjir Sunter
Bawah Catatan 1
1,90 ~ 2,70
1,50 ~ 3,50
1,60 ~ 2,30
Kali Cideng Thamrin
(Kali Lingkar Jalan)
Kali Sentiong-Sunter
(termasuk Kanal
Waduk Sunter Utara
(Outlet drain)
Waduk Sunter Selatan
Waduk Sunter Timur
Tanjungan Drain
Angke Bawah Drain
Kanal Banjir Barat (sisi
Kanal Banjir Sunter
Bawah Note 1
Kali Grogol –
Kali Pakin – Kali Besar
– Jelakeng
Kali Krukut Cideng
0,60 ~ 2,30
0,50 ~ 2,10
1,30 ~ 2,10
1,00 ~ 2,10
0,70 ~ 3,30
1,10 ~ 1,90
2,00 ~ 3,60
1,70 ~ 2,50
1,80 ~ 3,40
0,70 ~ 2,30
0,60 ~ 1,60
0,70 ~ 0,80
Kali Krukut Lama Catatan
0,50 ~ 0,80
Catatan 2
2,20 ~ 3,10
Catatan 2
Catatan 1
Perkiraan Kerukan
Volume Sampah
Padat / Limbah
Kerukan (m3)
Untuk maksud kontrak , Kanal Banjir Sunter telah dibagi dalam 2 sub-paket – Kanal Banjir Sunter Atas & Bawah
Untuk maksud kontrak, Kali Krukut Drain telah dibagi dalam 2 sub-paket – Kali Krukut Cideng dan Kali Krukut Lama
Lokasi-Lokasi Pembuangan
Walaupun tidak didanai oleh proyek, lokasi pembuangan dianggap bagian penting yang
melengkapi proyek ini. Kira-kira 3,4 juta m3 material sedimen21 dan kira-kira 95.000 m3 sampah padat
Seluruh bagian aliran banjir, kanal, dan tanggul dari proyek akan diuji untuk mencari tahu akan adanya material
berbahaya (B3) sebelum pengerukan.
yang akan disingkirkan dari kanal banjir, kanal-kanal dan waduk-waduk yang sedang dikeruk oleh proyek
ini akan dibuang dengan cara berikut (lihat Gambar 2.1 untuk ilustrasi rancangan pembuangan).
• Material Sedimen Tak Berbahaya – akan dibawa dan dibuang di Pekerjaan Reklamasi Laut Ancol,
yang dikenal sebagai CDF Ancol.
• Material Sedimen Berbahaya (jika ditemukan) – akan dikeruk, dibawa dan dibuang di fasilitas
pembuangan Sampah Berbahaya PPLi di Bogor, Jawa Barat22.
• Sampah/Limbah Padat – akan dibawa dan dibuang di tempat pembuangan sampah Kota Jakarta di
Bekasi, Jawa Barat, yang dikenal sebagai TPA Bantar Gebang.
Gambar 2-1 Ringkasan Rancangan Pembuangan
2.6.1 Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup (CDF) Ancol
Material kerukan tak-berbahaya akan dibuang di Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup Ancol (CDF)
dan digunakan sebagai material untuk maksud reklamasi tanah. CDF Ancol adalah wilayah reklamasi
khusus yang terletak di dalam wilayah reklamasi jangka panjang dan lebih luas di Ancol di utara Jakarta
yang dimulai pada awal 1960-an. JUFMP tidak mendanai juga tidak berhubungan dengan usaha reklamasi
Sebagai catatan, metode yang akan diusulkan untuk penanganan limbah B3 akan mengikuti peraturan nasional
yang berlaku dan izin untuk penanganan tersebut akan disampai ke Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup untuk
mendapatkan persetujuan
Ancol23. Gantinya, Proyek ini bekerjasama dan secara bersama menguntungkan pembangun CDF Ancol
(yaitu PT PJA) untuk menunjukkan pembuangan yang aman dan penggunaan material kerukan.
2.6.2 Fasilitas pembuangan sampah di Bantar Gebang
Fasilitas TPA Bantar Gebang yang sudah beroperasi sejak 1989 adalah tempat pembuangan
sampah terbesar di Indonesia, dalam hal volume sampah padat yang diterima dan dibuang. Daerah ini
terletak tepat di luar batas kota Jakarta, di Kota Bekasi dan dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI
Jakarta. Tempat ini dikelola oleh Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta melalui operator pribadi.
2.6.3 Tempat pembuangan sampah berbahaya di PPLi
Uji mendalam pada sedimen dalam proyek kanal banjir, kanal dan waduk sebagai bagian dari
Penilaian Lingkungan dari proyek ini, dan pada sistem drainase sekeliling juga, tidak menunjukkan
adanya material kerukan yang berbahaya. Dalam kejadian yang mungkin ada material kerukan berbahaya
ditemukan24, ada tempat pembuangan sampah berbahaya, yang dikenal sebagai PPLi, terletak di Bogor,
Jawa Barat, telah dikenal untuk melayani sebagai lokasi buangan bagi material kerukan yang berbahaya.
Tempat pembuangan sampah PPLi adalah entitas pribadi yang berijin yang menyediakan jasa
pembuangan dan perlakuan untuk sampah berbahaya dan telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1994.
Persyaratan Hukum Lingkungan dan Sosial dan Kelembagaan
Proyek dan Rancangan Pelaksanaan
Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan Pemerintah Indonesia
Indonesia memiliki banyak sekali, bahkan berlebihan, undang-undang lingkungan dan aturan
nasional dan sub-nasional yang mengatur proses perencanaan lingkungan bagi pekerjaan jenis ini. Aturan
yang terlalu luas untuk proses AMDAL25 di Indonesia untuk tiap kegiatan atau proyek dengan potensi
dampak lingkungan signifikan adalah Peraturan Pengelolaan Lingkungan No 23/1997, dan khususnya
Pasal 15 tentang persyaratan penilaian dampak lingkungan. Undang-undang baru perlindungan dan
pengelolaan lingkungan, UU no. 32 tahun 2009, dikeluarkan pada 2009 dan mengganti UU No. 23/1997.
Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No: 27/1999 memberikan rincian penuntun dari sistem AMDAL. Selanjutnya,
Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan No. 11/2006 memberikan daftar kegiatan khusus yang mengharuskan
AMDAL dan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan No. 8/2006 memberikan penuntun bagi persiapan
Dalam kurun waktu relative, material urukan hanya akan berkontribusi dalam persentase kecil dari reklamasi
Ancol secara keseluruhan.
Selama pelaksanaan proyek, sedimen pada tiap bagian lokasi pekerjaan akan diuji lagi sebelum pekerjaan
pengerukan disahkan - lihat Pasal 3.
Dibawah sistim Indonesia - ANDAL adalah sinonim dengan Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan dalam Kebijakan
Lingkungan Bank Dunia OP 4.01. RKL adalah Rencana Kelola Lingkungan dan RPL adalah Rencana Pantau
Lingkungan. ANDAL, RKL dan RPL secara bersama-sama dikenal sebagai AMDAL.
Mengenai pekerjaan pengerukan, Keputusan Menteri No. 11/2006 mengkhususkan bahwa
pemeliharaan kegiatan pengerukan di kota metropolitan akan mengharuskan AMDAL jika volume
kerukan melebihi 500.000 m3. Persyaratan ini juga sesuai dengan hukum regional (yaitu Keputusan
Gubernur Jakarta No. 2863/2001 mengenai jenis dan daftar kegiatan khusus dan kegiatan di Jakarta yang
mengharuskan AMDAL), yang menyatakan bahwa tiap kerukan dengan volume lebih dari 50.000 m3
mesti memiliki AMDAL yang disetujui oleh instansi lingkungan tingkat provinsi (yaitu BPLHD) DKI
Peraturan nasional dan regional yang terutama penting dipertimbangkan ketika menyiapkan
AMDAL adalah:
• Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 2/2000: Pedoman tentang evaluasi dokumen
• Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 40/2000: Pedoman tentang prosedur kerja
komisi AMDAL.
• Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 42/2000: Pedoman tentang pembentukan tim
evaluasi dan anggota tim teknis AMDAL.
• Keputusan Kepala Bapedal No. 8/2000: Pedoman tentang partisipasi publik dan penyampaian
informasi selama AMDAL.
• Keputusan Gubernur Jakarta No 75/2001: Pedoman operatif tentang keterlibatan publik dan
penyampaian informasi selama AMDAL.
Gambar 31 menunjukkan proses AMDAL. Ini proses yang cukup sehat yang melibatkan
konsultasi publik dan sangat meminta masukan umpan balik dari publik dan pakar teknis, dan beberapa
tingkat pemeriksaan sebelum ijin lingkungan final27.
Hukum regional lebih ketat daripada Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 11/2006.
Pemeriksaan ANDAL dalam Gambar 3-1 dilakukan oleh Komisi AMDAL yang dibentuk oleh BPLHD. Komisi
AMDAL terdiri dari perwakilan BPLHD (2-3 orang), pakar universitas (atau dikenal sebagai Tim Ahli, 5-7 orang
dari berbagai bidang kepakaran), perwakilan dari Kecamatan dan Kelurahan, dan perwakilan dari LSM.
Gambar 3-1 Proses AMDAL
Pembebasan Tanah Pemerintah Indonesia
Pemerintah Indonesia mempunyai beberapa undang-undang dan aturan utama menyangkut hakhak atas tanah dan pembebasan tanah untuk kegiatan pembangunan demi kepentingan publik. Undangundang penting utama yang menjamin dan mengatur hak-hak atas tanah adalah Undang-Undang Agraria
No. 5 tahun 1960. Regulasi nasional lain yang relevan menyangkut tanah dan pembebasan tanah adalah:
• Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 1961 tentang Pembatalan Hak-Hak Atas Tanah;
• Peraturan Gubernur No. 24 tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah;
• Peraturan Presiden No. 36 tahun 2005 tentang Ketentuan Tanah untuk Kegiatan Pembangunan
untuk Kepentingan Publik.
• Peraturan Presiden No. 65 tahun 2006, yang merevisi Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005; dan
• Penuntun Pelaksanaan No. 3 tahun 2007 untuk Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005 dan No. 65 tahun
2006, yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional.
Aturan lain yang relevan dengan proyek ini adalah UU No. 7 tahun 2004 tentang Sumberdaya Air, yang
bertujuan untuk melindungi sumberdaya air untuk memelihara fungsinya.
Peraturan Presiden No. 35/2005 dan No. 65/2007 mengatur prosedur dan proses pembebasan
tanah (dan aset-aset yang melekat pada tanah) untuk kegiatan pembangunan yang ada dalam kepentingan
publik. Ini meliputi kegiatan pembangunan di bawah tanggungjawab pemerintah lokal, seperti jalan/jalan
tol/kereta api/kebersihan/distribusi air; waduk; pelabuhan/bandara/terminal kereta api/terminal; fasilitas
kesehatan masyarakat; pos dan telekomunikasi; fasilitas olahraga; bangunan olahraga; bangunan
pemerintah; fasilitas polisi dan keamanan; fasilitas pembuangan sampah padat; perlindungan habitat
alam; dan pembangkit listrik, transmisi dan distribusi listrik. Aturan-aturan ini juga meminta jaminan dan
prosedur dan kriteria untuk kompensasi, taksiran untuk kompensasi, dan konsultasi dan negosiasi, juga
penyelesaian keluhan dan pertengkaran dan pembatalan hak atas tanah. Aturan-aturan ini
mengkategorikan prosedur dan proses untuk pembebasan tanah untuk lebih dari 1 hektar, dan untuk
kurang dari satu hektar. Penuntun Pelaksanaan No. 3 tahun 2007 untuk Peraturan Presiden No. 36/2005
dan No. 65 tahun 2006, menjelaskan lebih terperinci prosedur, proses dan kriteria untuk pembebasan
tanah seperti diminta dalam dua Peraturan Presiden. Tiga aturan yang disebutkan tidak secara eksplisit
mengatur bantuan dan tidak meliputi pemulihan pendapatan. Mereka meminta agar tingkat kompensasi
bagi tanah harus dibuat berdasarkan pada penilaian tim penaksir tanah independen yang dibentuk sesuai
dengan aturan.
DKI Jakarta juga mempunyai aturan yang mengatur kompensasi aset, yaitu, Pedoman
Pelaksanaan, yang diterbitkan secara teratur oleh Dinas Perumahan dan Bangunan Pemerintah DKI
Jakarta. Aturan ini dipakai sebagai basis untuk menentukan tingkat kompensasi atas aset (bangunan dan
aset tambahan yang melekat pada bangunan). Sebagai tambahan, DKI Jakarta mempunyai Peraturan
Daerah No. 8 tahun 2007 mengenai Aturan Publik, yang dipakai sebagai dasar untuk memiliki kembali
tanah publik yang telah dipakai tanpa izin dari pemerintah DKI Jakarta atau ruang publik/tanah lain yang
telah dipakai untuk maksud-maksud yang tak sesuai dengan rencana penggunaan tanah DKI Jakarta.
Kebijakan dan Persyaratan Perlindungan Lingkungan yang Sesuai
dengan Bank Dunia
Proyek ini diharapkan memberikan hasil lingkungan yang positif dengan alasan-alasan sebagai
berikut: (i) mengendalikan banjir musiman di wilayah berpenduduk padat di Jakarta akan mengurangi
dampak lingkungan dan persoalan kesehatan publik yang disebabkan luapan dan air banjir yang menetap,
(ii) penyingkiran sampah padat dan sedimen dari kali pilihan akan juga mencegah material ini keluar tak
terkendali ke dalam muara sungai dan wilayah teluk dan keluar menuju laut terbuka, dan (iii) setelah
jangka panjang sistem pengelolaan informasi banjir yang sedang diperkenalkan oleh proyek ini akan
memberikan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, (yaitu DKI Jakarta) dengan alat perencanaan berdasarkan informasi
yang mereka perlukan untuk secara berkelanjutan mengelola jaringan dengan baik melampaui masa
proyek untuk melanjutkan mengurangi kejadian banjir di wilayah itu.
Meskipun demikian, dampak lingkungan negatif yang signifikan mungkin ada dari pekerjaan
pengerukan dan tanggul dan jumlah material sedimen dan sampah padat yang akan dihasilkan dan
bagaimana material kerukan ini akan ditangani, disimpan sementara, disiapkan, disortir, dipindahkan dan
akhirnya dibuang di daerah urban yang padat penduduk dan dikelilingi oleh air laut akan dikelola.
Dampak-dampak ini meliputi hal-hal yang signifikan seperti kemacetan lalulintas, pengurangan mutu air
karena debu dan pengeluaran bau busuk, bertambahnya tingkat bising, reduksi air permukaan dan mutu
air laut, dll. (lihat Bagian 5 untuk penjelasan lebih rinci tentang dampak lingkungan negatif dari proyek
Proyek ini akan secara potensial memiliki dampak lingkungan yang buruk yang mungkin peka
dan tak baik dan dengan demikian dapat mempengaruhi wilayah-wilayah yang tersebar. Dengan demikian
proyek ini memicu Kebijakan Operasional Penilaian Lingkungan Bank Dunia (OP 4.01) dan mengenai
persyaratan kebijakan ini ditentukan sebagai kategori EA jenis A. Kebijakan ini akan berlaku untuk
semua lokasi proyek. Sebagai tambahan, semua tiga lokasi pembuangan, yaitu CDF Ancol, TPA Bantar
Gebang dan fasilitas PPLi dianggap sebagai bagian integral dari proyek ini.
Kebijakan dan Persyaratan Perlindungan Sosial yang Sesuai dengan
Bank Dunia.
Proyek ini diharapkan memiliki dampak sosial signifikan positif. Terutama, pengurangan
peristiwa banjir akan mengurangi gangguan dalam masyarakat di wilayah proyek. Ahli waris penerima
uang akan menjadi dominan dalam kehidupan masyarakat miskin yang tinggal di daerah rawan banjir
dalam ruang lingkup proyek. Bagaimanapun juga, pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa kini diidentifikasi
diharuskan dalam enam lokasi proyek (lihat Pasal 5 untuk penjelasan lebih rinci tentang dampak sosial
yang berpotensi negatif penting dari proyek ini), Atas alasan ini, proyek memicu Kebijakan Pemukiman
kembali dari Bank Dunia (OP 4.12). Kebijakan ini akan berlaku dalam semua lokasi proyek (termasuk
lokasi-lokasi terkait).
Paket Dokumen Perlindungan Lingkungan dan Sosial.
3.5.1 Dokumen perlindungan lingkungan
Penilaian Lingkungan menyeluruh telah dilaksanakan JUFMP dalam proses dan cara yang sejajar
dengan paket dan rangkaian pekerjaan seperti dinyatakan dalam Tabel 3-1 di bawah. Untuk pekerjaan
Tahap 1, AMDAL orisinal (yaitu ANDAL, RKL dan RPL) disiapkan oleh PMU pada tahun 2009 untuk
memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan Pemerintah Indonesia dan diperiksa dan disetujui oleh BPLHD
Provinsi pada Maret 2010 (mengikuti proses AMDAL yang dijelaskan dalam Gambar 31). Selama
persiapan proyek, Bank Dunia juga memeriksa AMDAL Tahap 1 untuk kesesuaian dengan Penilaian
Lingkungannya sendiri OP 4.01 dan ditemukan ada kesenjangan dalam dokumen. Dari sini PMU
menyiapkan dan memakai Laporan tambahan Tahap 1 JUFMP (meliputi rekomendasi tindakan tambahan)
untuk menjembatani kesenjangan yang ditemukan dengan persyaratan OP 4.01 Bank Dunia.
Pekerjaan Tahap 2 telah diidentifikasi dan meskipun bahwa pekerjaan ini akan dilaksanakan pada
tahun-tahun berikutnya setelah pekerjaan Tahap 1, PMU telah menyelesikan AMDAL lengkap dan draft
pertama dari laporan ini kini sedang diperiksa oleh BPLHD. Pekerjaan Tahap 2 tidak akan ditaksir oleh
Bank Dunia selama persiapan proyek tapi gantinya akan ditaksir selama pelaksanaan proyek. Oleh sebab
itu, PMU telah menyiapkan Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMF) untuk memenuhi
persyaratan lingkungan dan sosial dari pekerjaan Tahap 2.
AMDAL untuk Fasilitas Pembuangan Tertutup (CDF) Ancol mengharuskan agar tiap material
yang ditimbun untuk maksud reklamasi ditutup pada semua sisi untuk mencegah material timbunan
bersentuhan dengan laut terbuka dan dengan demikian berisiko ke laut dan mengkontaminasi laut. Oleh
sebab itu, disain rekayasa untuk lokasi Ancol adalah untuk fasilitas tertutup. AMDAL untuk CDF Ancol
pertama kali disiapkan oleh PT PJA, pemegang ijin untuk lokasi reklamasi pada 2006. Disain fasilitas
selanjutnya diubah ketika DKI Jakarta meminta agar material endapan kerukan JUFMP ditimbun di CDF
Ancol, hingga menuntun pada revisi AMDAL yang dilaksanakan pada Desember 2008. AMDAL
perbaikan ini untuk CDF Ancol kemudian diserahkan untuk pemeriksaan dan persetujuan kepada BPLHD
Provinsi yang menyetujuinya pada Maret 2009.
Selama persiapan proyek, Bank Dunia juga memeriksa perbaikan RKL dan RPL CDF Ancol28
dan menemukan persyaratan bagi tindakan tambahan untuk lebih menguatkan dokumen-dokumen ini dan
untuk memenuhi persyaratan Bank Dunia sendiri. Tindakan tambahan ini yang dicatat dalam Laporan
tambahan Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol disiapkan oleh PMU adalah (i) untuk memeriksa ijin-ijin dan
sumber pasir dan untuk mencatat dampak potensial di lokasi yang berhubungan dengan ekstraksi 8,6 juta
m3 pasir, (ii) memperkuat pengawasan dan pemantauan hari demi hari pada konstruksi dan pemenuhan
CDF Ancol oleh membolehkan pemakaian akses Konsultan Pengawas Proyek pada CDF Ancol dan
keterbukaan rincian rencana pengelolaan lalulintas. PT PJA setuju dengan persyaratan tambahan ini pada
Laporan Tambahan Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol. Oleh sebab itu, menyangkut persyaratan AMDAL
Indonesia, PT PJA akan memasukkan tindakan tambahan ini dalam laporan kemajuan RKL dan RPL pada
kwartal berikutnya, yang berlaku pada April 2011. Sebagai catatan bahwa pekerjaan pengerukan JUFMP
tidak akan dilakukan sampai evaluasi terhadap tempat pembuangan tertutup Ancol telah dilakukan dan
dapat kualitas konstruksi termasuk kedalam nya tanggul penutup dapat diterima secara teknis (lihat
Bagian 3.7.2)
Lokasi-lokasi pembuangan lain, yaitu, TPA Bantar Gebang untuk sampah padat dan PPLi untuk
sampah berbahaya adalah fasilitas yang ada yang telah beroperasi di bawah ijin lingkungan. Sebagai
bagian dari pemeriksaan riset dan analisa yang layak maka Bank Dunia telah mengunjungi dua fasilitas
Tempat Pembuangan Sampah PPLi (untuk bahan berbahaya, jika ada). Kunjungan lokasi
dilaksanakan oleh tim Bank Dunia pada 19 Oktober, 2010. PPLi suatu fasilitas pengelolaan
sampah berbahaya yang berijin yang beroperasi sejak tahun 1994, sahamnya 5 % dimiliki oleh
Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian BUMN sementara sisa saham 95 % dimiliki oleh
Dowa Eco System Co. Ltd., Jepang. PPLi adalah fasilitas pertama di Indonesia yang
menyediakan pelayanan pengelolaan sampah berbahaya dalam rangkaian lengkap (berlaku
pembayaran komisi tip) termasuk transportasi, proses perlakuan, dan pembuangan di tempat
pembuangan sampah modern dan aman yang mematuhi standar pengelolaan sampah internasional
termasuk standar Uni Eropa dan EPA-Amerika Serikat. Terletak di kecamatan Cileungsi, Bogor,
perusahaan memiliki 50 ha tempat pembuangan sampah yang mempunyai kapasitas total lebih
dari 3 juta ton (pada saat kunjungan tim Bank Dunia, hanya 2 ha yang telah dipakai). Lapisan
gabungan ganda, dibangun dari tanah liat bentonit dan polietilen kepadatan tinggi (HDPE),
Review akan meliputi semua update termasuk kedalam nya usulan perubahan desain tanggul penutup utara (per
Maret 2011), yang mana rekomendasi dari tim Bank Dunia telah dimasukan kedalan usulan tersebut sebelum
diajukan Ancol ke BPLHD
membatasi dasar tanah tempat pembuangan sampah, yang mencegah lindi mengkontaminasi
lingkungan sekitar. Sampah baru ditutup dengan tanah atau material sintetis setiap hari. Sekali
daerah tempat buang sampah kapasitasnya penuh, kemudian ditutup dengan tanah liat dan HDPE
untuk mencegah air merembes ke dalam sel tempat sampah tertutup. Berdasar pada penilaian
cepat di lokasi, dikonfirmasi bahwa fasilitas PPLi memenuhi aturan nasional dan propinsi dan
lebih penting lagi bahwa ia masih memiliki cukup kapasitas untuk menerima sampah berbahaya
(jika ada ditemukan selama pelaksanaan proyek). Proyek mengalokasikan dana untuk menjamin
agar dalam kejadian yang hampir tak mungkin sehingga sampah endapan berbahaya ditemukan
dan BPLHD memutuskan agar sampah harus dibuang di fasilitas PPLi, maka dana tersedia untuk
maksud ini.
TPA Bantar Gebang (untuk Pembuangan Sampah Padat). Lokasi pembuangan Bantar
Gebang terletak di daerah sekitar satelit Kota Bekasi, kira-kira 35 km di timur Jakarta. Tempat
pembuangan sampah ini dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Propinsi DKI Jakarta dan telah beroperasi sejak
1989 dan meliputi luas 110,3 hektar. Lokasi ini secara eksklusif menerima sampah padat
domestik dari DKI Jakarta yang kira-kira 5000 t/hari, dari total 6000 ton sampah padat yang
dihasilkan per hari di DKI Jakarta. Untuk tiap ton sampah, DKI membayar komisi Rp. 100.000
untuk operator lokasi (berdasar pada kunjungan lokasi waktu Desember 2010). Fasilitas ini
dirancang untuk menangani 19 juta m3 sampah dan sejak pembukaannya, kira-kira 10 juta m3
sampah telah dibuang di Bantar Gebang. Lokasi ini dikelola oleh perusahaan pribadi, yaitu
kerjasama PT Gudang Tua Jaya dan PT Navigat Organis Energy Indonesia (di bawah
pengawasan Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta). Dalam dua tahun dari masa 15 tahun kontraknya
(kontrak berakhir pada tahun 2023), operator lokasi telah menambahkan beberapa fasilitas baru,
yang meliputi (i) Pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah-metan (disain untuk 23 megawatt), (ii)
Fasilitas pupuk kompos (kapasitas 500 ton per hari); dan (iii) tempat pembuangan sampah
sanitary baru. Mengenai Proyek ini, PMU dan Bank Dunia bersama-sama telah mengunjungi
lokasi dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa TPA ini mempunyai kapasitas untuk menerima 95000 m3
sampah padat yang akan disingkirkan dari kali, kanal dan waduk-waduk selama pelaksanaan
Proyek dan bahwa lokasi mempunyai ijin operasi yang sah (Surat Gubernur Jawa Barat Nomor
593.82/SK282.P/AGK/DA/86 tertanggal 25 Januari 1986 jo. 593.82/SK.116.P/AGK/DA/261987) dan sesuai dengan aturan lokal. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan
dilaksanakan oleh operator lokasi dan dilaporkan secara teratur atas basis triwulan kepada
BPLHD Jakarta dan BPLHD Bekasi.
Uji tuntas lingkungan yang dilaksanakan untuk lokasi proyek pembuangan diringkaskan dalam
Tabel 3-1.
Tabel 3-1 Ringkasan Proses Uji Tuntas Untuk Lokasi-Lokasi Pembuangan
Jenis Proyek
sampah yang
dibuang di
fasilitas ini
Status Operasi
(119 ha)
Kerukan Tak
Bahaya (non
Pada saat
persiapan proyek,
disain rekayasa
CDF Ancol
sedang difinalkan
dan fasilitas
sedang dibangun,
dengan target
selesai pada
Desember 2011.
Persyaratan Lingkungan
Perbaikan ANDAL, RKL
dan RPL disetujui pada
Maret 2009 (BPLHD)
Ringkasan Tindakan Uji Tuntas dari
Bank Dunia
Laporan tambahan
Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol
Sampah Padat
yang dibuang
dari lokasi
Fasilitas yang
beroperasi sejak
tahun 1989
kerukan yang
B3 (jika
beroperasi sejak
Fasilitas konstruksi atas
Keputusan Gubernur Jawa
DA/86 tertanggal 25
January 1986 jo.
AMDAL disetujui pada
bulan Juli 1993 (Kepala
Badan Pengendalaian
Dampak Lingkungan Kep36/BAPEDAL/07/1993)30
Memeriksa AMDAL (termasuk
menyewa konsultan independen untuk
melakukan pemeriksaan)
Memeriksa disain CDF (dan perubahan
disain selanjutnya)
Melakukan (dengan BPLHD provinsi)
tugas pengawasan lingkungan bersama
pada pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung
(kunjungan bersama terakhir: November
Lanjutkan kunjung lokasi selama
persiapan proyek untuk memeriksa
konstruksi CDF yang sedang
Memeriksa EA Suplemen.
Memeriksa dan menilai mutu sedimen di
lokasi JUFMP.
Memeriksa dan menilai dampak di
lokasi dari sumber material untuk CDF
(yaitu pasir dan tanah liat merah)
BD adakan diskusi teknis dengan PT.
PJA, DKI dan pemegang saham lain
tentang semua aspek disain dan
konstruksi CDF Ancol.
Pemilik CDF Ancol, PT PJA setuju
proyek Konsultan Pengawas (SC), juga
untuk mengawasi dan memantau
pelaksanaan EMP di Ancol. Ini
dimasukkan dalam TOR SC.
Mengunjungi TPA untuk memeriksa ijin
operasi dan lingkungan dan menilai
SC juga akan mengawasi dan memantau
kepatuhan kegiatan proyek ini di fasilitas
Bantar Gebang.
Mengunjuni fasilitas untuk memeriksa
operasi, izin-izin lingkungan dan
memeriksa kapasitas/kemampuan.
SC akan mengawas dan memantau
untuk kesesuaian kegiatan-kegiatan proyek
pada fasilitas PPLi. Ini termasuk dalam TOR
Kemudian karena persyaratan aturan AMDAL Indonesia pertama, yaitu Peraturan Pemerintah No: 29 tahun 1986
tentang Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan. Dinas Kebersihan DKI melakukan Studi AMDAL dan AMDAL disetujui
pada 1989.
3.5.2 Dokumen perlindungan sosial
Untuk memenuhi persoalan kebijakan perlindungan ini dan untuk menjamin hal tersebut
pelaksanaan kegiatan proyek yang akan dilaksanakan dengan cara bermasyarakat yang berkelanjutan,
DKI Jakarta telah menyiapkan Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF). Kebijakan kerja
menanggapi hak-hak WargaTerkena Proyek (WTP) yang adalah penghuni tanah negara atau pemerintah
juga hak-hak WTP yang dipengaruhi oleh pembebasan tanah yang dimiliki pribadi, rasional untuk
kompensasi bagi aset-aset yang hilang pada ongkos pemindahan, ketentuan khusus untuk menanggapi
kelompok-kelompok rentan, dan bantuan untuk pemulihan penghidupan. RPF akan menuntun persiapan
Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP) di lokasi-lokasi proyek di mana pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa
diharuskan (termasuk lokasi-lokasi terkait). Pasal 8 memberikan diskusi yang lebih rinci tentang
pendekatan proyek untuk perencanaan pemukiman kembali dan pemukiman kembali, termasuk
pengelolaan dampak sosial dan aspek-aspek penting dari proses, prosedur dan pelaksanaan RPF dan RP.
3.5.3 Persiapan dan penyampaian dokumen-dokumen perlindungan
Sesuai dengan persyaratan Indonesia dan Bank Dunia, dokumen perlindungan lingkungan dan
sosial untuk masing-masing pekerjaan dan lokasi akan dibuka. Berdasarkan rangkaian pelaksanaan
proyek dalam dua tahap, yaitu Tahap 1 dan Tahap 2, diperkirakan berbagai pekerjaan Tahap 2 akan
dimulai -- kira-kira 12 sampai 18 bulan setelah persetujuan proyek (lihat Bagian 2.4 untuk penjelasan
rangkaian sebagai mekanisme pengelolaan risiko pelaksanaan kunci). Infrastruktur pengelolaan banjir di
Jakarta berada dalam kondisi yang jelek akibat tidak adanya operasi pemeliharaan dan tidak optimalnya
fungsi drainase setempat. Kondisi ini menjadikan dampak kerusakan akibat banjir menjadi tidak
terprediksi (terutama selama musim banjir tahunan) 31 . Untuk itu, perubahan disain dalam merespon
perubahan kondisi yang terus menerus selama implementasi proyek sangat mungkin terjadi, yang
konsekuensi nya memerlukan revisi terhadap dokumen perlindungan. Sebagai akibatnya, kualitas
implementasi dan hasil lingkungan dan sosial terkait pekerjaan Tahap 2 hanya dapat dijamin melalui
rangkaian persiapan, penyampaian, dan pelaksanaan AMDAL dan RP yang sama. Dokumen perlindungan
lingkungan yang berlaku yang berhubungan dengan Tahap 1 pekerjaan akan dibuka sebelum penaksiran32.
ESMF dan RPF akan meliputi persyaratan pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial pekerjaan Tahap 2, dan
akan menuntun persiapan, finalisasi dan pelaksanaan dari Tahap 2 terkait AMDAL dan RP. AMDAL dan
RP Tahap 2 akan diselesaikan selama pelaksanaan proyek (sebelum pekerjaan terkait dimulai) dan akan
melalui proses pemeriksaan dan ‘tidak ada keberatan’ dari Bank Dunia sebelum pembukaan dan
pelaksanaan. Pelaksanaan pekerjaan pada suatu lokasi hanya akan dimulai jika Bank DUnia telah
memberikan “ketidak-beratan” pada dokumen AMDAL dan RPK untuk lokasi tersebut. ESMF dan RPF,
dan juga AMDAL dan RPK terkait akan disediakan di lapangan yakni POSKO, yang akan dibuat pada
setiap lokasi sebelum pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
Tabel 3-2 meringkaskan status pembukaan paket dokumen proyek perlindungan lingkungan dan
sosial. Rencana persiapan untuk Tahap 2 yang berhubungan dengan AMDAL dan RPK (serta waktu
pelaksanaan Tahap 2) disajikan dalam Lampiran 2
Secara umum, musim hujan tahunan berlangsung pada bulan November sampai April, kejadian banjir adalah
tahunan, namun selama satu dekade terakhir banjir yang terjadi semakin meningkat daya rusak nya
Kegiatan Tahap 1 tidak meliputi pemukiman ulang secara terpaksa.
Tabel 3-2 Ringkasan Dokumen Lingkungan dan Sosial dan Status Pembukaan
Tahap 1
Setuju /
Bank Dunia
(Juni 2011)
an dan
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
(Juni 2011)
n kembali
World Bank
(May 2011)
(March 2010)
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
Tahap 1
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
Tersedia secara
n pada
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
29 Jul 2011
26 Jan 2011
Bahasa Indonesia
& English
29 Jul 2011
Bahasa Indonesia
& English
7 Jul 2011
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
30 Mar
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
26 Jan 2011
Bahasa Inggris
26 Jan 2011
Metode/Jalan untuk Pembukaan
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, 1818 H Street N.W.,
Washington DC 20043.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, 1818 H Street N.W.,
Washington DC 20043.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
website DKI
Lokasi Proyek (kantor
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
Copy cetakan ada di kantor BPLHD DKI
Jakarta, Nyi Ageng Serang Building, lantai 10 ,
Jalan Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
CDF Ancol
(Juni 2011)
(March 2009)
World Bank
(Jan 2011)
World Bank
(Juni 2011)
Bahasa Indonesia
& English
29 Jul 2011
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
30 Mar
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
26 Jan 2011
Bahasa Indonesia
& Inggris
29 Jul 2011
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
Copy cetakan ada di kantor BPLHD DKI
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
Kementerian PU:
(i) Website Kementerian PU.
Bank Dunia:
(i) Public Information Center (PIC) di Jakarta,
(ii) The Info Shop, Washington DC.
(iii) Website Bank Dunia
AMDAL untuk pekerjaan Tahap 2, dan dokumen perlindungan yg diharuskan lainnya, akan dibuka dgn cara yg sama dgn Tahap 1.
Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP) jika diperlukan pada lokasi Tahap 2, akan dibuka dengan cara yang sama seperti RPF.
AMDALterdiri dari ANDAL, RKL dan RPL.
Di bawah sistem Indonesia, semua perbaikan pada AMDAL dilaksanakan melalui dokumen perbaikan RKL/RPL, yang disetujui oleh BPLHD.
Rancangan Kelembagaan
Di luar dari seluruh rancangan kelembagaan dan pelaksanaan proyek, Bank Dunia dan
Pemerintah Indonesia telah membuat rancangan yang lebih singkat secara khusus untuk pengelolaan
lingkungan dari proyek selama pelaksanaan. Ini dijelaskan di bawah ini.
3.6.1 Rancangan Kelembagaan (Tahap 1 dan Tahap 2)
Seluruh rancangan kelembagaan untuk proyek diringkaskan sebagai berikut:
Gambar 3-2 Ilustrasi Rancangan Pelaksanaan Proyek (di luar rancangan pembuangan)
Panitia Pengarah Bersama. Panitia penasehat tingkat tinggi, Panitia Pengarah Bersama (JSC)
dibentuk awal pada persiapan proyek untuk menjaga persiapan dan pelaksanaan proyek dan untuk
menyediakan koordinasi dan bantuan nasehat pada tingkat kebijakan. Sampai saat ini, JSC telah efektif
dalam peran ini. JSC dipimpin oleh Bappenas 33 dan terdiri dari perwakilan-perwakilan Kementerian
Keuangan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, dan DKI Jakarta. JSC akan berlanjut untuk memberikan
pengawasan tingkat tinggi selama pelaksanaan proyek.
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional.
Unit Pelaksanaan Proyek (PIU) dan Unit Pengelolaan Proyek (PMU). Ada tiga Unit
Pelaksana Proyek di baik tingkat pemerintah pusat maupun lokal, di bawah Dirjen Sumberdaya Air,
Dirjen Cipta Karya, dan DKI Jakarta. Peran utama dari tiap PIU adalah untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan
pengerukan dan rehabilitasi pada kanal banjir, kanal-kanal, waduk-waduk utama terpilih yang datang di
bawah tanggungjawab mereka masing-masing. Proyek meminta koordinasi erat diantara tiga agen
pelaksana ini. Dirjen Sumberdaya Air akan memainkan peran sebagai Agen Pengeksekusi proyek. PMU
telah ditetapkan oleh Dirjen Sumberdaya Air untuk maksud menyiapkan dan mengawasi pelaksanaan
proyek. PMU terdiri dari tiga staf dari Dirjen Sumberdaya Air, tiga dari Dirjen Cipta Karya, tiga dari DKI
Jakarta dan satu dari Kantor Kerjasama dan Pengawasan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. PMU didukung
oleh satu sekretariat yang terdiri dari lima staf dari Dirjen Sumberdaya Air. Selama pelaksanaan proyek,
PMU akan mengawasi dan mengkoordinasikan seluruh pelaksanaan proyek oleh tiga PIU. PMU juga
akan melaksanakan kegiatan dukungan yang biasa di sepanjang proyek ini. Ini meliputi (i) seluruh
konsultasi pengawasan konstruksi, (ii) Panel Pakar/Panel Tenaga Ahli, (iii) Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Banjir (FMIS) dan (iv) dukungan kepada DKI Jakarta sehubungan dengan pemukiman kembali secara
terpaksa dan proyek sistem penyelesaian keluhan.
Konsultan Pengawasan (SC). Ini adalah kontrak konsultasi kunci yang akan menjadi alat
dalam mendukung seluruh pengelolaan, pengawasan dan pemantauan proyek PMU. Di mana
ada penilaian kelemahan dalam kapasitas, terutama di wilayah-wilayah pengawasan rencana
lingkungan proyek, pelaksanaan Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP) dan Sistem Penyelesaian
Keluhan (GRS), Konsultan Pengawasan ditugaskan untuk memberikan kepakaran yang
diperlukan untuk mendukung PMU selama pelaksanaan proyek. Ruang lingkup dari pelayanan
bantuan teknis ini meliputi (i) mengawasi pelaksanaan berbagai pengerukan dan kontrak kerja
konstruksi di bawah proyek meliputi di semua lokasi pembuangan, (ii) mengawasi pelaksanaan
Rencana Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan (RKL/RPL) oleh para kontraktor kerja, (iii)
mendukung PMU dan DKI dalam pelaksanaan Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP), dan (iv)
mengembangkan dan melaksanakan mekanisme penanganan keluhan atas proyek dengan DKI.
Ringkasan rincian ruang lingkup kegiatan SC disediakan dalam kotak di bawah.
Kotak: Ruang Lingkup Kunci Kegiatan Konsultan Pengawasan
Pengawasan Kerja Konstruksi
Memeriksa/mengecek kontrak final dengan para kontraktor.
Memeriksa/mengecek Rincian Disain Teknis dan gambar, pernyataan, metode, spesifikasi, dan
jadwal kegiatan, melaksanakan survey dan penyelidikan tambahan sebagaimana diharuskan, juga
melakukan perbaikan yang dianggap perlu dan untuk memperoleh persetujuan mereka oleh PMU.
Menguji semua bagian di atas material berbahaya sebelum pekerjaan pengerukan. .
Mengawasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan, termasuk (tapi tak terbatas di bawah ini):
Pengerukan (termasuk pemisahan sampah padat dari material kerukan, dan transportasinya dan
pembuangannya pada TPA BG dan CDF Ancol yang disetujui masing-masing), tanggul dan
rehab kanal, pompa, perbaikan dan pemeliharaan rak.
Memberi bantuan kepada PMU untuk memproses permintaan pembayaran yang dibuat oleh
kontraktor seperti diharuskan.
Memelihara catatan lokasi dan menyiapkan rincian laporan kemajuan bulanan.
Menyiapkan kerja seperti gambar dan catatan dan operasi manual yang sudah dilakukan, dan
menyerahkan pekerjaan lengkap kepada PMU.
Menyiapkan Laporan Komplet Praktis dan Cacat Kentara bagi tiap kontrak konstruksi yang
Menyiapkan Laporan Lengkap Akhir dan Penyerahan bagi tiap kontrak konstruksi yang
Mengawasi dan memantau kegiatan konstruksi di lokasi CDF Ancol selama pelaksanaan proyek,
dan di semua lokasi sekitarnya seperti lokasi sumber untuk pasir dan tanah merah.
Memberikan bantuan teknis kepada PMU sebagaimana diperlukan dari waktu ke waktu. Ini dapat
meliputi dukungan dan advis kepada PMU tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan Proyek, terutama tentang
segi teknis, semua rencana dan pembelian untuk Proyek.
Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Memantau (termasuk persiapan laporan pelaksanaan RKL/RPL kwartalan) dan mengawasi tindakan
perlindungan lingkungan yang diambil untuk mengendalikan kerusakan lingkungan karena
konstruksi dan kegiatan pembuangan, sesuai dengan
Rencana Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan (RKL/RPL) dari tiap lokasi pekerjaan
termasuk di semua lokasi pembungan.
Kerangka Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Sosial (ESMF) dari Proyek.
Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP)
Mengawasi dan mendukung pelaksanaan Rencana Pemukiman kembali, yang sesuai dengan
Rencana Pemukiman kembali (RP) dari tiap lokasi di mana pemukiman kembali secara
terpaksa diharuskan, termasuk RP dalam kegiatan terkait, jika ada.
Kerangka Kebijakan Pemukiman kembali (RPF) dari Proyek.
Memberikan bantuan teknis dan administrasi dalam pembebasan tanah dan proses pemukiman
Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan/Mekanisme Penanganan Keluhan
Mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan Sistem Penyelesaian Keluhan (GRS), yang akan meliputi
tapi tak akan terbatas pada melayani keluhan dari Warga Terkena Proyek (WTP) dengan cara
sistematis atas dasar hari demi hari;
Menanggapi keluhan di situs internet, memberitahukan mereka yang mengeluh tentang status
keluhan mereka juga memberikan umpan balik atau tindakan tindak lanjut;
Membantu DKI dalam memberikan tindakan tindak lanjut yang bisa diterima atas keluhan,
menjamin bahwa keputusan yang diambil berdasar proses yang terbuka, adil, tak memihak, dan
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan melalui Penyelesaian Keluhan atau Penasehat Tangani Keluhan;
Beri rekom kepada penguasa DKI tentang status keluhan, dari satuan di lokasi melalui proses
tingkat propinsi.
Yang lain-lainnya
Memantau dan melaporkan tentang tiap kegiatan non-proyek di lokasi proyek, dan kegiatan di
proyek terkait lokasi dan lokasi-lokasi yang berdekatan dengan proyek.
• Mendisain, mengembangkan, dan mengoperasikan proyek sistem komunikasi dan pelaporan
berdasar web/situs internet.
Panel Pakar/Tenaga Ahli. Panel Pakar (POE) terdiri dari tiga ahli independen, yang dikenal
secara internasional yang akan digerakkan untuk memberikan advis pada semua aspek proyek.
Diharapkan bahwa POE dapat dimobilisasi saat implementasi proyek dimulai34 dan beroperasi
penuh sebelum Tahap 2 dimulai. Ahli-ahli ini diharapkan terdiri dari ahli lingkungan, seorang
insinyur yang berpengalaman dalam pengerukan dan pembuangan sampah, dan pakar
pemukiman kembali di perkotaan. Tanggungjawab utama POE akan meliputi pemantauan dan
mengevaluasi persiapan dan pelaksanaan berbagai instrumen pelindung (RPF, RP, EMP dan
prosedur penyelesaian keluhan) dan menasehati PMU atas tindakan-tindakan yang akan
diambil untuk memperbaiki kesetujuan. Jika diminta, POE dapat diperluas atas dasar sementara
atau permanen oleh tambahan pakar untuk memberikan kepakarannya atas persoalan atau
keperluan khusus, tak direncanakan atau kritis, yang bisa muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek.
Tambahan pakar ini, jika ada, dapat digerakkan dengan kerangka acuan yang disetujui antara
PMU, Bank Dunia, dan tiga pakar awal yang akan merupakan POE. POE akan bersidang pada
interval teratur untuk memeriksa status pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung. Bagaimanapun
juga, jumpa khusus luar biasa bisa juga diadakan untuk memeriksa terutama tahap-tahap kritis
dalam kegiatan teknis, lingkungan dan sosial. Semua laporan POE akan diserahkan kepada
PMU dan melalui PMU kepada Bank Dunia.
Segera setelah proyek Loan Agreement efektif
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Banjir (FMIS) Ketika ditetapkan sebagai sistem yang dikelola
dan dimiliki-Pemerintah, FMIS diharapkan menjadi alat pemantau dan alat penilai bagi
Pemerintah mengenai pengelolaan banjir di Jakarta. Ketika proyek ini dilaksanakan, pekerjaan,
perubahan, dan perbaikan pada sistem pengelolaan banjir akan menjadi masukan ke dalam
FMIS. FMIS selanjutnya akan mensimulasi dan menganalisa tingkat kesuksesan pekerjaan
struktural JUFMP dan untuk menentukan tingkat pencapaian dalam pengendalian banjir. Ini
akan memberikan kapabilitas untuk menganalisa pengendalian banjir di Jakarta.
Dukungan bagi DKI Jakarta. Selama persiapan proyek, PMU memberikan dukungan dengan
menyewa konsutan penilai dampak lingkungan dan sosial untuk memulai menggambar Warga
Terkena Proyek (WTP), untuk melaksanakan sensus dan Diskusi Kelompok Fokus (FGD), dan
membantu DKI Jakarta dalam konsultasi RPF. Selama tahap pelaksanaan proyek, PMU
(melalui SC-nya) akan mendukung DKI dalam pendirian kantor lokasi lapangan (POSKO)
sebagai bagian dari proyek Sistem Penyelasian Keluhan (GRS), dan memberikan bantuan
teknis untuk POSKO.
DKI Jakarta. Karena Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta adalah lembaga yang bertanggungjawab
bagi persoalan sosial di wilayah kota Jakarta, maka ia akan bertanggungjawab untuk semua aspek
perlindungan sosial dari proyek ini termasuk proyek terkait kegiatan pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa
dan proyek mekanisme penyelesaian keluhan 35 . Pelaksanaan rencana sosial di bawah JUFMP akan
dilaksanakan oleh agen-agen yang sesuai dari Pemerintah provinsi DKI Jakarta.
3.6.2 Rancangan Kelembagaan (Lokasi-lokasi pembuangan)
Karena cara proyek distrukturkan dan rancangan legal yang telah dimasuki oleh tiap pihak,
rancangan kelembagaan dan pelaksanaan untuk pengelolaan dan pengawasan lingkungan adalah berbeda
untuk lokasi-lokasi proyek (yaitu kegiatan di Tahap 1 dan Tahap 2) dan untuk CDF Ancol.
Seluruh rancangan kelembagaan untuk proyek lokasi pembuangan telah diringkaskan dalam
Bagian 2.6 (lihat khususnya Gambar 21).
PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (PJA). PT. PJA adalah pembangun dan pemilik CDF Ancol. Ia
bertanggungjawab untuk pembangunan dan pengoperasian CDF sesuai dengan, antara lain, semua
persyaratan lingkungan Indonesia. Lokasi CDF Ancol adalah usaha/tahap reklamasi keempat di dalam
konteks seluruh usaha reklamasi jangka panjang di wilayah Ancol di utara Jakarta yang telah dimulai
pada awal 1960-an (lihat Bagian 2.6 untuk rincian tambahan). PT PJA telah memperoleh persetujuan atas
AMDAL-nya dan perbaikan RKL dan RPL untuk CDF Ancol dari agen lingkungan provinsi (BPLHD).
Fasilitas pembuangan sampah di Bantar Gebang dan tempat sampah berbahaya di PPLi
Rancangan kelembagaan bagi fasilitas-fasilitas ini telah dijelaskan dalam Bagian 2.6.
Proyek sistim penyelesaian keluhan tersedia untuk semua keluhan terkait proyek, termasuk berhubungan dengan
pemukiman kembali secara terpaksa.
BPLHD. BPLHD Provinsi DKI adalah instansi lingkungan wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan
tanggungjawab menyetujui dan menegakkan AMDAL untuk semua proyek di kota Jakarta. Juga, Badan
ini bertanggungjawab untuk memantau pelaksanaan rencana pengelolaan terkait. Dalam pelaksanaan
AMDAL, BPLHD DKI juga didukung oleh tingkat kota (Pemerintahan-Walikota). BPLHD DKI telah
menyetujui AMDAL untuk Tahap 1 proyek ini dan untuk CDF Ancol.
Rancangan Pelaksanaan (Perlindungan Lingkungan)
3.7.1 Untuk Pekerjaan Tahap 1 dan Pekerjaan Tahap 2
Selama pelaksanaan proyek (yaitu selama konstruksi/pengerukan) untuk lokasi-lokasi proyek,
tanggungjawab primer bagi pelaksanaan RKL dan RPL serta langkah tambahan dalam pengelolaan
lingkungan dan sosial sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam laporan tambahan yang didiskusikan dalam Bagian
3.5.1 akan berasal dari kontraktor-kontraktor pengerukan dan pekerjaan sipil. Persyaratan RKL dan RPL
akan dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan sipil dan kontrak pengerukan untuk menjamin mereka
sepenuhnya didanai dan mereka dapat ditegakkan secara legal. Pekerjaan sipil danj kontraktor pengerukan
akan kemudian diawasi agar pelaksanaannya sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam RKL dan RPL oleh
Konsultan Pengawas. Konsultan Pengawas selanjutnya akan melapor secara langsung kepada PMU. PMU
akan menganggap baik Konsultan Pengawasan maupun Kontraktor Pengerukan/Pekerjaan Sipil
bertanggungjawab untuk menjamin kesesuaian dengan persyaratan RKL dan RPL yang telah disetujui.
Bank Dunia akan bekerja melalui PMU untuk melakukan pengawasannya sendiri demi
kesesuaian dengan persyaratan perlindungan lingkungannya sendiri yang juga terkandung dalam RKL
dan RPL. Agen lingkungan tingkat propinsi (BPLHD) dan agen lingkungan tingkat kotamadya,
tergantung pada bagian mana di kota Jakarta pekerjaan berlokasi, akan juga melakukan pemantauan
kesesuaian atas pekerjaan demi kesesuaian dengan persyaratan negara dan propinsi.
3.7.2 Untuk lokasi-lokasi pembuangan (CDF Ancol, Bantar Gebang and PPLi)
CDF Ancol. Mengenai pemakaian proyek CDF Ancol sebagai lokasi buangan material
kerukan, rancangannya agak beda karena fakta bahwa Bank Dunia tak akan memiliki hubungan legal
langsung dengan PT PJA. CDF Ancol telah mempunyai RKL dan RPL sendiri yang terpisah dan berdiri
sendiri yang telah disetujui oleh BPLHD DKI. Ini sesuai dengan persyaratan negara dan propinsi dan
kontraktor CDF Ancol terikat untuk melaksanakan RKL dan RPL CDF Ancol di bawah undang-undang
dan persyaratan negara yang harus dipatuhi. Persyaratan lingkungan ini telah dimasukkan dalam kontrakkontrak dari kontraktor pekerjaan sipil mereka yang pada saat persiapan proyek ini telah memulai
konstruksi dinding sekeliling pada CDF. PT PJA melalui Unit Pembangunan Properti sedang mengawasi
semua aspek (termasuk lingkungan) dari kontrak-kontrak. Sebagai tambahan, PT PJA telah merekrut satu
perusahaan konsultan yang melakukan pemantauan kesesuaian tiap tiga bulan pada pekerjaan konstruksi
yang sedang berlangsung. PT PJA, sesuai dengan persyaratan AMDAL Indonesia, sedang menyiapkan
dan menyerahkan kepada BPLHD DKI laporan pelaksanaan RKL dan RPL36 secara kwartalan. Laporan
ini berisi tindakan dan ukuran yang diambil oleh PT PJA untuk melaksanakan ketentuan yang terkandung
dalam RKL dan RPL mereka yang telah disetujui. Laporan ini akan juga meliputi pelaksanaan ketentuan
Pada akhir Oktober 2010, PT PJA menyerahkan semua kecuali satu perbaikan RKL dan RPL ke BPLHD propinsi.
tambahan yang terkandung dalam Laporan tambahan Perbaikan RKL/RPL Ancol. Laporan pelaksanaan
triwulan ini akan juga dibagi kepada Bank Duni