MINIStRY INFORMAtION - St. Ann Catholic Parish
MINIStRY INFORMAtION - St. Ann Catholic Parish
Second Sunday of Easter– April 7, 2013 ∙ Segundo Domingo de Pascua– 7 de Abril, 2013 St. Ann Catholic Parish Parroquia Catolica de Santa Ana “We are one body transformed in Christ” - St. Ann’s Vision “Somos un cuerpo transformado en Cristo”. - Nuestra Visión WHAT’S INSIDE Pastoral Contacts...................................2 Stewardship............................................2 Mass Times and Confessions..............3 Mass Intentions......................................3 Liturgical Ministers Schedules...........4 Calendar..................................................4 Religious Education..............................4 SAY..........................................................5 High School Ministry...........................5 Parish and Community Events.....6–11 Lent Info.................................................7 Ministry and Organizations..............11 Directory...............................................10 Sacramental Contacts.........................11 SECCIóN ESPAñOL Ministerios y Organizaciones...........12 Horario Misa........................................12 RICA.....................................................13 Ministros Eucarísticos........................13 Avisos a la Comunidad................13-15 We are a welcoming, inclusive Catholic Parish, centered in the Eucharist, grounded in prayer, learning, living and teaching our faith in service to the community. St. Ann Mission Statement Somos una Parroquia Católica, que da la Bienvenida a todos, centrada en la Eucaristía, basada en la oración, el aprendizaje, vivencia y enseñanza de la Fe en servicio de la comunidad. Nuestra Misión 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 † 1 (972) 393-5544 or Automated (972) 304-8545∙ Fax (972) 462-1617 Welcome to the Faith Community of St. Ann Catholic Church For additional information go to: Follow us on : FaceBook Page Name: St. Ann Catholic Parish Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial 180 Samuel Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone / Telefono Gral......................................................... (972) 393-5544 Direct Lines: .............................................. (972)304-8545 or (972)745-7708 Fax......................................................................................... (972) 462-1617 Website / Sitio Hours...................................................Monday–Thursday, 8:00 am–7:00 pm ..........................................................Friday 8:00–5:00 pm. Closed Weekends Horario........................................................Lunes a Jueves 8:00 am–7:00 pm ....................................................................................Viernes 8:00 am–5:00 pm The Second Sunday of Easter The real stewardship message for this, the Second Sunday of Easter, is found in the Gospel of John. It is a story with which almost all of us are familiar — the story of “Doubting Thomas.” This loyal Apostle to the Lord was the first of the Apostles to actually say that he would die for Jesus. Thomas followed Jesus for three years, only to see Him crucified and buried, is disheartened, just as we sometimes are. Why is Thomas not in the room with the other Apostles? Perhaps he, just as each of us can be, is deeply discouraged, profoundly disappointed, and he is off wandering, trying to reconcile what has happened, what he has witnessed. When he returns and hears the accounts of Jesus’ appearance, even from Peter, Thomas is skeptical. At the heart of a stewardship way of life is trust in the Lord. Like Thomas, we sometimes want to see proof for ourselves; experience personally that the hope promised by Christ is real. Living a stewardship way of life is a way of achieving that. Even though, like Thomas, we may have moments of doubt, if we truly pursue service and sacrifice, we, like Thomas, are proclaiming, “My Lord and my God.” And we, like Thomas, will hear those wonderful words, “Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed.” CLERGY / CLERO Call the parish office at (972) 393-5544 unless otherwise noted. Pastor / Parroco: Father Henry Petter...................................................................(972) 393-5544 Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial: Fr. Patrick Olaleye...............................................................................ext. 1103 Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial: Fr. Orlando Cardozo, O.P. .................................................................ext. 1102 Deacon / Diacono, Ed Scarbrough..................................................ext. 1807 Deacon / Diacono, Pete Markwald...................................................ext. 1810 Deacon / Diacono, Kory Killgo........................................................ext. 1811 MASS AND CONFESSION SCHEDULE Weekend/Misas del Fin de Semana Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm (Youth Mass) Spanish Mass/Misa en Español Sunday/Domingo 2:00 & 7:00 pm Copyright © 2012 Weekday/Entre Semana (Inglés) Monday-Friday 7:00 am & 12:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am “Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness.” Have you considered a vocation to the priesthood or the consecrated life? Call: 214-379-2860 Confessions/Reconciliacion Confessions will take place directly after the Saturday 8 am Mass and on Tuesday night at 7 pm in the chapel. Rosary Please join us for the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet after daily Mass in the Chapel. Regular Deadline: Monday at 12pm Upcoming Early Bulletin Submissions... Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for your worship and adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA) Chapel in the St. Ann Center. Committed adorers are needed to spend one hour each week with Jesus in the PEA Chapel. To sign up for a weekly hour, please contact Rosanne Armstrong at 214-543-6458 or [email protected]. The next date for early submissions will be Thursday May 23 for June 2 bulletin 2 I will send reminders a week ahead of time. MASS SCHEDULE and Intentions Please join us in the celebration of the Mass. Our weekly schedule, presider, and intentions are as follows: Mass time Presider Intention April 8| 8 de abril —April 14 | 14 de abril Monday | lunes -The Annunciation of the Lord 7:00 am Fr. Henry Nancy Clancy 12:00 pm Fr. Patrick #9 Easter Novena Tuesday | martes- Easter Weekday 7:00 am Fr. Patrick Ruth Anne Mulaney 12:00 pm Fr. Orlando George Taylor Wednesday | miércoles -Easter Weekday 7:00 am Fr. Patrick Paul Duty 12:00 pm Fr. Orlando George Taylor Thursday | jueves-St. Stanislaus 7:00 am Fr. Henry John Sheridan 12:00pm Fr. Henry Mario Guardado Martinez Friday | viernes- Easter Weekday 7:00 am Fr. Henry Ed & Frances Holub 12:00 pm Fr. Orlando Taylor Family Saturday | sábado- St. Martin I 8:00 am Fr. Patrick Betty Kenney 5:00 pm Fr. Orlando Anthony & Martha Ho Sunday | domingo-3rd Sunday of Easter/ 3er Domingo de Pascua 8:00 am Fr. Orlando Maurizio Acuna 10:00 am Fr. Patrick Members of the Parish 12:00 pm Fr. Patrick Dr. Timothy Rost 2:00 pm Fr. Henry Andrea Nicole Hebert 4:30 pm Fr. Henry Lorrain Denton 7:00 pm Fr. Henry Robert & Isabel Ibarra Help Shape St. Ann’s Future! St. Ann does many things well but would like to examine how best to address current opportunities and challenges St. Ann may face in the future. In order to ensure that the parish and its ministries continue to fulfill God’s calling to be vital, vibrant, and meeting the needs of parishioners, as well as to have a clearer awareness of the larger vision for the parish, a Strategic Planning process has just gotten underway. Father Henry with the help of Lay Leadership and staff formed a 30-person Strategic Planning Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is made up of council members from all three councils, parishioners, ministry leaders and staff. If you want to join the effort to provide a perspective as it relates to planning the future pastoral work of St. Ann Parish you can: •Receive email or text alerts regarding updates by signing up with Flocknotes. Text the word PLAN to 84567 to start the sign up process. You will then be prompted to sign up via email as well •Email [email protected] or phone in (972/304-8545 ext 1887) input to the Steering committee Watch the website for information and updates Read the bulletin for information **This schedule may be subject to change at any time due to the needs of the parish. The schedule for the month may be found on our homepage: The Strategic Plan will be mission-driven, visionary, long-range, integrated, flexible and achievable with God's grace and blessings. This is an exciting time at St. Ann Catholic Parish. Becoming involved in the process and stay informed on the updates. The 5 year Strategic Plan will be completed by the end of 2013 and implemented over the next 5 years. Thank you for your time and God bless each of you. 3 The Little Calendar/Itineraro Eventos y salones Religious education Sunday, April 7, 2013 MONDAY | LUNES APRIL 8 | 8 ABRIL 10:00am Liturgy Committee (Library) 6:30pm Rosary for Cancer patients and caregivers (Chapel) 7:00pm CRSP Hombres (331) 7:00pm Boy Scouts (Cenacle) 7:00pm Lectors Ministry Spanish (Church) 7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study (323) 7:00pm Ushers Spanish (311-312) 7:00pm Catholic Prayer Group (313-314) 7:00pm CRHP Men's Meeting (304) 7:00pm MOC Monthly Meeting (SACMO Conference Room) 7:00pm Hispanic Ministry Lead Meeting (Life Lounge) 7:00pm Men's Club (330) H the R ow to r eac .E busi . Office h ness after h 972393- ours: 5 “4” then 544, “2” 4/7: Sunday School resumes 4/22-4/25: Last Days of R. E. for the year 4/27: 1st Communion Reader Rehearsal – in church 4/27: 1st Communion Choir Rehearsal—10am-12:30pm-Church 5/4: 1st Communion Masses—10am, 12pm, 2pm 5/5: Last day of Sunday School for the year 6/12, 19, 26: Family Bible Time-Cenacle, 7-8:30pm 7/10, 17, 24, 31: Family Bible Time-Cenacle, 7-8:30pm 7/8-7/12: Vacation Bible School; 9am-12pm TUESDAY | MARTES APRIL 9 | 9 ABRIL 5:30am That Man is You (Cenacle) 6:15pm Ignatian Prayer & Faith Sharing (323) 6:30pm LIFT-ESL Classes (311-314) 6:45pm American Heritage Girls (304) 7:00pm RICA Team Meeting(Library) 7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study Spanish (331) 7:00pm Spanish Choir Practice (CLW) 7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study (330) 7:30pm Faith & Finance- Topic of the Month (315) WEDNESDAY | MIERCOLES APRIL 10 | 10 ABRIL 9:30am Catholic Scripture Study (323,330) 6:30pm RCIA Team Meeting (315) 7:00pm RICA (Cenacle) 7:00pm Greeter/Welcoming Committee (341-St. Martha) 7:00pm Choir Practice-English (CLW) 7:00pm Adult RE: Catechism Series (330) 7:00pm PPC Meeting (Library) Keep updated with our calendar at If your child missed the 1st Communion Retreat on 4/6, please contact the R. E. Office as soon as possible. Thank you! THURSDAY | JUEVES APRIL 11 | 11 ABRIL 8:30am PSC Leadership Team Meeting (323) 9:30am ENDOW Bible Study (314) 9:30am Women of Grace (330) 6:00pm Cub Scouts Pack-1011 (Life Lounge) 6:30pm LIFT-ESL Classes (311-314) 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Library) 7:00pm Spanish Holy Hour (Chapel) 7:00pm Young Adults (Cenacle) 7:00pm Faith and Finance Spanish (112) 7:00pm Guitar Circle (CLW) 7:00pm CRSP Mujeres (331) 7:00pm Reditus Session (323) 7:00pm CRHP Women's Meeting (304) 1st Communion Choir Rehearsal Don’t forget to come to our next practice! Saturday, 4/27,8-10am; in the church FRIDAY | VIERNES APRIL 12 | 12 ABRIL 9:30am Catholic Scripture Study (330, 315) 6:30pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida (314) 7:00pm St. Paulas Fun and Free Friday (323) 7:00pm Catholic Prayer Group-Spanish (116) 7:00pm Lector Ministry Training Spanish (315) Please try to arrive promptly. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: July 8th—12th; 9am—12pm KINGDOM ROCK— SATURDAY | SABADO APRIL 13 | 13 ABRIL 7:00am CRHP Continuation Committee (116) 7:00am Boy Scouts-Leader Training (Cenacle) 9:30am MacNutt Prayer & Healing (330) 1:00pm Baptisms Spanish (Church) 6:00pm St. Ann Movie Nights (Cenacle) 5:00pm Couple for Christ (330, 315) 5:30pm Late Nite Catechism (Assembly Room) 6:30pm World Wide Marriage Encounter (331) SUNDAY | DOMINGO APRIL 14 | 14 ABRIL 9:15am RCIA (Cenacle) 11:30am Faith and Finance (311-314) 2:00pm Cub Scouts Pack 820 Rosary Class (315) 2:00pm Boy Scouts (331, 323) Where Kids Stand Strong for God! Plan now! Space is limited! Registration begins in April. Special discount for parishioners who volunteer! HAVE WE GOT THE SPOT FOR YOU!! Volunteer for the S. S. or R. E. program! Liturgical Assistants We are now seeking volunteers in all capacities for the 13/14 S. S. & R. E. school year. Remember, if you volunteer for us, tuition is waived for your children and they receive guaranteed class placement. This is a wonderful opportunity to touch the lives of the children of St. Ann! Please contact the R. E. Office for more information. One person really CAN make a difference! April 13- April 14 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 pm Cagle/Smith 8:00 am Williams 10:00 am Bull 12:00 pm Bridges/Valdez 4:30 pm McKee Lectors 5:00 pm Apgar/Johnson 8:00 am Whitburn/King 10:00 am Ring/Collier 12:00 pm Scofield/Fernandez 4:30 pm Brandt/McKee Ushers 5:00 pm Fernandes/Team 1 8:00 am TBD 10:00 am Jones 12:00 pm Lints/Team 4 Altar Servers 5:00 pm Shea, Lewis, King 8:00 am Cole, Cavanna, Monaghan 10:00 am Gutierrez, Zabolio, Marshall 12:00 pm Armstrong, Tobias, Herrera 4:30 pm Hernandez, Philip, Black A ltar Linens TBD LOST AND FOUND 4 Have you lost something? Has something lost you? Check the Lost and Found located in the R. E. Hallway! With the end of the Religious Education classes, the R. E. Lost and Found is full! Maybe we have that special something that you have lost! Stop by the R. E. Hallway to find out! We will clean out our Lost and Found bin on 5/13. Thank you! S.A.Y. HIGH SCHOOL Ministry Ministry for 6th 7th 8th Grade Youth 242 Nights (Sunday from 6-7:30 pm in the Cenacle) Calendar 04/07 04/10 04/12-14 04/14 04/28 05/01 April 7 - Created Pt III 6th Grade Sunday Prime Time 6th Grade Wednesday Prime Time 8th Grade Retreat NO SAY for 8th Grade only Sunday Last Class Blast Wednesday Last Class Blast April 14 - Created Pt IV April 21 - Created Pt V April 28 - a special night on Priesthood and Religious Vocations 8th Grade Spring Retreat April 12th -14th Camp Copass in Denton Registration DEADLINE is Monday, 4/8 Don’t miss this special retreat! Online registration is available The 7th GRADE LOCK-IN has been rescheduled!!! Wednesday nights - Join us for Men of God or The new date is Friday, Apr. 19th 10:00pm - 6:00am at the Coppell Aquatics Center! ROC Calendar of Events Women of Worship: 7-8:15 p.m. in the Life Lounge! Online registration is available 4/15 is the last day to register April 7 - Group B Super Sunday II April 27 - ROC Prep Day Confirmation will be here soon! Come, Holy Spirit! FYI..SAY registrations for ’13-’14 Starting mid-April we are going to open up our online registration for next year. If preferred, you may print the forms and mail or bring them to our office. Informational letters will be mailed prior to the end of April to registered parishioners. Calling all parents! Join us in the Life Lounge on Sunday evenings for an incredible series on rediscovering the riches of the Catholic faith! As your teens are here growing, you can grow too! IF you do not receive one in the mail, stop by the SAY office after May 5th [email protected] Office is located under the clock tower in the St. Ann Center (972) 393-5544 Mike X 1301 Mary X 1302 Lu Ann X 1303 Kurt Klement • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1601 Naomi Lehew • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1602 Joey Scancella • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1603 Marie Marusa • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1604 Office hours: Sun 12-4pm, 6-6:30 pm, 7:30-8p.m, 5 M-Th 8:30am-5:30pm, closed Fr-Sat. Or by appointment Young Adult & Other Ministry Info St. Ann Young Adults Join us as we continue with “The Catholicism Project”. Every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the St. Ann Cenacle Contact Kurt Klement at [email protected] for more details about the young adult ministry. Registration ends this week for the first ever St. Ann Young Adult Mission Trip to Peru on June 7-16. Specific trip and registration details are available on the parish website. Contact Kurt Klement at kklement@stannparish for more information. Registration ends Wednesday, March 27th. Wednesdays - Bible Study at the Klement home, 8 p.m. Contact Kurt at [email protected] or 972-393-5544 x 1601 or check out the website for more info! Just when you thought it was safe to go into the classroom… Sister is back! And so are the nun-stop laughs. With the blessings of the archdiocese, Sister has assembled banners, filmstrips, mimeographed handouts, historical facts, and hysterical insights as she conducts her class in an overview of Heaven and Hell, comparing them to a catholic version of Chutes and Ladders. Sister also offers her personal list of sins for the new millennium. (In case you were wondering, tattoos, body-piercings, and botox injections are high on her list.) With all the wit, wisdom, and wackiness of the original, Sister Strikes Again! is bound to bring back former students and make millions of new converts. Same Sister...All New Show! Benefiting: Charities for Knights of Columbus Show Time: Saturday - April 13th, 2013 - 7:00 pm Show Location: St Ann Parish - Assembly Room Heavy Hors D'oeuvre's & Beverages 5:30 pm to 6:50 pm - Coffee & Desserts during Intermission To order your Tickets go to: Presented by St Ann Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Assembly 3181 Golf Scramble Tournament St. Ann 's Parish Spring Golf Scramble Tournament is scheduled for Saturday April 27th with a 7:30 am shotgun start at Indian Creek Golf Course. The tournament is open to all parishioners, friends, and neighbors. Create your own foursome, threesome, twosome, or sign up as a single. Tournament is limited to the first 132 paid players. Cost per player is $80 which covers green fees, cart, range balls, beverages, prizes, and lunch. Sign-up information will be made available after each mass: look for Golf Tournament sign by the courtyard (morning or noon masses) or southeast exit (evening masses). Or sign-up by either email to [email protected] or via this website Include your name, golf handicap, email address, phone number, and where applicable team name. Kids Eat Free!!! Only 11 weeks til summer and the start of Kids Eat Free!!! I am looking for someone to assist/lead this wonderful ministry with me. This ministry with the help of CCA distributes lunches to children during the summer months who receive government subsidized lunches during the school year. If you are interested in hearing more about this ministry, please contact Maria Machelski 972-835-9469 or tmmachelski@ 6 Aides Services of Dallas St. Ann Supper Clubs Serving Others! Come join one of the St. Ann teams that cook and serve dinners to those in need at either Hillcrest or Ewing House. Let us know if you are interested in helping once a quarter or once a month. To sign up or to find out more, contact : Mary Leonard - [email protected] Ministry Information APRIL 2013 ACTIVITIES Diocese of Dallas Widows’ Ministry St. Paula’s Patrons “Branching Out” ST. PAULA’S PATRONS (WIDOWS’ MINISTRY) Please join us for CSS Bible Study in St Ann Center each Wednesday or Friday morning from 9:30 am – 11 am April 12 Fun & Free, St. Ann Center Rm 323 7:00–9:00 pm April 13 Sister Strikes Again, 5:30 pm Hors D’oeuvre’s, 7 pm Show Sponsored by St Ann’s Knights of Columbus April 16 Book Group, Barnes & Noble’s 7-8:30 pm April 17 The Saner Project, In the old CiCi’s location 11:15 – 12:15 SAC April 20 Saturday Night Dinner 6:45 pm, Restaurant TBA April 22 “Sing Praise”, St. Killian Chapel 7:00 – 8:30 pm April 28 Sunday Matinee, Movie and time TBA For additional information, please contact co-leaders Helen Carson, [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, mashafferman@ Altar Server & Crucifer Training There will be Altar Server training on Tuesday, April 23 and on Monday, April 29. This is for NEW servers. Attendance at only ONE of these sessions is required. We will meet in the church at 6:30-8:00pm. Please bring contact information. There will be a short parent meeting at the beginning of the training session. There will be Crucifer training on Saturday, April 20 from 3:00-4:30 pm and on Tuesday, April 30 from 6:30-8:00 pm. This is for servers with a minimum of 6 months experience. Attendance at only ONE of these sessions is required. We will meet in the church. Please bring updated contact information. For questions, please contact Mary Hicks at 972-355-0052 [email protected]. PRAYER & HEALING The topic this month is: the Holy Spirit. He is an essential partner in the prayer and healing ministry for we believe that "apart from Him, we can do nothing." This will be an introduction to the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. Date: Saturday, April 13, 9:30 to 12:30 in room 330 Cost $15 Guest speaker: Fr. Stephen Sanchez - topic "Interior Castle" to register: [email protected] Women of St. Ann’s Parish are invited to our annual Sisters in the Lord Day of Reflection Montserrat Retreat Center On the shores of Lake Dallas Presented by Father Edward “Edd” Salazar, SJ “Look what HE’S doing now! …How can I keep from singing?” Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:00am until 8:00pm Cost: $30.00 which includes continental breakfast, the Presentations, Mass, Snacks, Lunch and Dinner To make your reservations, please mail the form below with your check made out to St. Ann’s to: Lynne Thompson 2716 Skinner Drive Flower Mound, Texas 75028 Deadline Monday, April 8 Name:_____________________________________ Address:____________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ Email Address:______________________________ For additional information, please contact: Lynne [email protected] 972-539-0040 or Linda [email protected] 972-539-3607 Sponsored by Sisters in Christ “THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS” If you are a practicing Catholic who has not been confirmed NOW MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Have an opportunity to be “Confirmed” on Pentecost Sunday (weekend of May 19, 2013). Classes date are: April 25, 2013 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM or April 27,2013 from 10:00AM to Noon You will need: A completed confirmation application is required with a copy of your baptismal certificate, sponsor and a Confirmation name Practicing Catholics in good standing Baptized in the Catholic Church Received First Communion Must be 18yrs or older To reserve a spot, call Maritza Munoz at 972/393-5544 ext. 1710 or email [email protected] Please leave your name (spell) 7 first and last along with your address and email address. Ministry information CCF Class 302: Easter Lily Memorial Florence Narciso Mr. C.C. and Elizabeth Cherian Michael F. Yarussi Rose Lily Irizarry Joan Sullivan and Charles E. Sullivan Edna Marie Grayson Avelina Andaverde Elisa Santos Julian Lopez James J. Doyle Gene and Betty Kenney Angela Sperduti Marion Fernandez John Joseph Fiamengo, Lt. USN Herb and Alys Straach Scott and Michael Gasper Maria and Johanna DiGaudio Levern Anthony Reis John and Grace Koath Stanley W. Bartnikowski Luigi and Sylvian Siciliano Ryan Scott Tschatschula Francisca C. Alemán José Alemán Adela Cisneros Adela V. Chapa Severo Chapa Concepción Chapa Ramón Alemán Ernesto Chapa Evangelina Chapa Elsie and Nicholas Dragisic The Creed Dean Higgins Robert L. Peery Gerald Nicoletta Carolyn Lacy Helen Leroe Charles Pedersen Thelma Bellande H. David Lacy Travis and Ella Dees Tommy Love Ryan Kuster Pat and Margaret Russo Kathy Russo King Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Deters Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Bladl, Sr. Herman and Valarie Hamill Max and Betty Tepper Anna and Vincent Scilla Paul Panza Chester Marshall Eva Lou Marshall Carol Marshall Monica Burley Nicholas Hubiak Bill Wikman Juan Ortega J. Trinidad and Yolanda Betty, Jim and Jack Hauser Yong Ho Pak Judy Vuono Robert S. Buzard Bill Rudolph Doris and Ray Stepanek This course addresses the major elements of the Catholic Professions of Faith: the Trinitarian images of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as well as the Church as the Body of Christ. It also presents a better understanding in the development of its key creedal statements and basic truths of our faith. This class is open to all members of the parish and meets requirements for 10 hrs. of credit towards Catechetical Certification as required by the Dioceses of Dallas. April 6 & 13 Sat. 9:00 am - 2:00 pm ~ St. Ann Center Room 331 ~ Instructor: Jeff Vehige B.A & Theology from University of Dallas Cost: $20 : includes Book & Snacks Free to Catechists ~ Must Register to attend Childcare Available if Reserved Register on-line at: For questions call Tena Allain, at 214-755-9993 or email [email protected] The Diocese of Tulsa contemplates with joy the meaning of the Sacrament of Orders as they anticipate the ordination of Mr. Bryan Ketterer (St. Philip Neri Newman Center, University of Tulsa, and St. Ann, Coppell, TX). He will be ordained on May 25, 2013 at the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Tulsa, Oklahoma. All are welcome to join us as we come together during thisYear of Faith to study the 4 sections of the CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! Class 1 - Wednesday, April 10 : Deacon Kory Kilgo Overview / Profession of Faith Class 2 - Wednesday, April 24: Fr. Henry Petter Class 3—Wednesday May 8: Fr. Orlando Cordozo Celebration of the Christian Mystery Life in Christ Class 4—Wednesday, May 22: Fr. Patrick Olaleye Prayer St. Ann Center, Room 330 7:00pm – 8:15pm Come to any or all 4 sessions.* *CCF Participants: You will receive 5 hours of credit for attending all 4 sessions. Questions: Contact Laney or Michael Sherburne @ 972 393 0341, [email protected], Tena Allain @ [email protected] or visit For Questions contact Tena Allain at 214-755-9993 or email: [email protected] 8 Easter Novena March 31 – 12 Noon April 03 - 7 AM April 06 – 8 AM April 01 – 12 Noon April 04 – 12 Noon April 07 – 12 Noon April 02 -- 7 AM April 05 – 12 Noon April 08 – 12 Noon Aguilar, Mr. & Mrs. Julio & son Alexander, Charlene All aborted babies All Priests, Religious and Seminarians All relatives & friends All the abused All the priests in the world Almeida, Francis Alphonsine & Sunny Amborn, Helen Arias-Lozano, Cecilia Carolina Augustine Thomas, Jasmine Augustine, Annie Augustine, Ansel Azzopardi, Mark Basile, Peggy Bastin, Mercy Beardslee Family, The Jason Benedict, Aneith Benson, Ursula Bezdek Family, The Rob McCrary Family, The Chris Smith Family, The Spencer Johnson Family, The Khobi Hayden Family, The Bart Morales Family, The Nick Briones and Family, Michelle Warner Family, The Fred LaDay and Family, Lois Glowacki, The Family Franklin Family, The Michael Chaivez and Family, Teresa Robertson, Gloria Bezdek, The Family Blackburn, Annie Blackburn, Barbara Blackburn, Katie Brinkleman, Jon & Heather Cafarelli family Cannon, Lisa Cárdenas, Maria Cecilia Cargo Family, The Douglas Caritas, Sr. Lucille Carmel, Anne Carter, Walter J. Sr. Castrillion and Family, Abelardo Chacko, Savil Chang and Family, Helena Chapman, Christian Chapman, Christina Chapman, Daniel Chapman, Vince Chapman, Tina Chapman, Ron & Josie Chapman Family, The Larry Chapman, Greg Van Drunen, Kevin & Vanessa Van Drunen, Amelia Holmes Family, The James Trojanowsky , The Family Deramee, Sr.Donald Roos, Velma Clancy Family, The Terry Kolker, The Family Cole Family, The Darrell Collard, Corey & Nadya Collison, Debbie & Chris family Cooper, Erik CPLC Staff and Volunteers Culwell and Family, Claire Cunningham, Tony Cyril, Elizmary Deacon Ivan Asencio Dees, Travis & Ella DeMichael, Tommy Deramee and Family, Noel Deramee, Jr. Family, Don Ferguson Family, The Jason Doyle, Jim & Jill Dr. John Ferris Duhe', Eddie Ekdahl, Joan Ellard, TC & Mary Jo Estrada and Family, Hilda Fabrizio, Dan Ferguson Family, The Tom Reed, Destiny Fernandez, Ralph & Marion Ferraro family Ferris, Olivia Foster, Dianne Fr. Cruz Calderon Fr. Tony Lackland Fr. Edwin Leonard Fr. Efren Ortega Fr. Henry Petter Fr. James Yamauchi Fr. Jason Cargo Fr. Jonathan Austin Fr. Marco Rangel Fr. Mark Obayi Fr. Michael Forge Fr. Michael Guadagnoli Fr. Orlando Cordozo Fr. Paolo Capra Fr. Patrick Olaleye Fr. Reuben Chen Fr. Rudy Garcia Fr. Stephen Sanchez Fr. Walter C McCauley, SJ Fr. Zach Webb Franklin, Lillian Frazier Family, The Kim Sherburne Family, The M. K. Backus Family Furey, Mary S. Gallardo, Abad Gallardo, Avery Gallassi, Ellen Galveas, Lia Garcea, Nicole, Dave, Lorelei, Mariah & Amanda Garcia, Omar Garnett and Family, Karen Gasper family Gautille Family Gehrig, Josephine Grandchildren of Leigh & Marcia Harbour Grisham Family, The Marty Hall, Elmer Harbour, Ione Hart, Lil & Fred Harvill Family, The James Herman, Leis Higgins, Amber Higgins, Drew Higgins, Natalie & Mike Holt, Mary Lou Hopkins Family, The Matthew Deramee Family, The Ron Warne and Family, Crissie Penel and Family, Bridgette Naghwai Family Hopwood Family Hopwood, Christopher Hopwood, Elizabeth Hopwood, Jean Hopwood, Kevin Hyland, Dan Hyland, Rachel Iseley Family, The Greg James, Katherine Johnson and Family, Abby Jones, John Jose, Alex Joseph, Jessica Joseph, Reji Kaiser, Mrs. Helen Katkowski, Mary Kennedy family Keyes and Family, Shari Kolker, Paul Curry and Family, Elliott Lima and Family, Barbara Morin Family Ret. Lt. Col. E.A. Forge Ross, Jean St Ann Permanent Deacons Kottman, Edmond LaChance, Alex Leonard Family, The Ed Allain Family, The Michael McMahon Family, The Tom Webb Family, The Terry Cargo Family, The Douglas Pier and Family, Dorilu Linden, Patsy Llanes Family LLanes, Lydia & Family Long, Mr. & Mrs. Duane & son Long, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Lord, Kevin Lord, Richard Lowell family Lozano, Bertha Cecilia Lozano, Lamberto Raul Lozano, Maria Luisa Macaltao Family Macaltao, Carolyn Macaltao, Gerard Macaltao, Gregory Macaltao, Lilian Marcozi family Marshall, Adrianna Martinez, Ismael Martino family McCallum Family, The Rick McGuire Family, The Ed McKenna, Joyce Melchor, Margarita Mendoza and Family, Guido Montserrat Priests and Staff Moreno family Morgan family Moulin, Liz Muldoon Family, The Juan Mulverhill family Myers, Leonard Neilson, Fr. Joseph Nickell, Brian & Erin family Nickell, David & Debbie Nunes family Nunes, Carmela S. Ortiz, Elias Juan & family Our Military Our Veterans Pantuso, Milan Howell Family, The Doug Klement Family, The Kurt Panza, Paul Payne, Christi, Thomas, Owen & William Perks, Anthony & Marion Phillips and Family, Elo Piepszny, Rose Marie Pier V, Rogelio Pavlica and Family, Terri Florentino and Family, Rosie Poinboeuf, Mable Poinboeuf, Renee Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Prindiville, Patricia Pro-Life Supporters R Slack Family Bendele and Family, Samantha Orozco and Family, Maria Raba, Katherine Raba, Martin Ramirez and Family, Jose Reis, Jacquelyn Reis, Levern Anthony Robben, Bill & Paula Robben, Matthew & Brianna & unborn child Robben, Russell & Rachel Robinson, Earl Richard Robinson, Merlyn Romano, Nicholas Rossini and Family, Ellen Ruffner and Family, Karen 9 ECDC teachers and staff Bedrick Family, The Bill McKay Family, The Drew Williams Family, The Wayne Williams, Kirstyn Meyer, James Stark Family, The David Eckelhoff Family Hart Family, The Tim Hart, Molly Chojnacki, Colton Harnden Family Harnden, Myles Sidhom Family, The Matt Ruiz, Leopold J. Jr. Family Russo, Josephine & Michael Sabastin, Cynthia Salas and Family, Dora Sanchez, Esperanza Schmit, Irene Schmit, Loran Scifo, Mike Scula, Ana & Vincent Serna, Daniella A. Serna, John Michael Sewatsky, Annamarie Shsepherd, Mary Lou Siciliano family Siciliano, Luigi Siciliano, Sylvia Sidewalk Counselors Smith, Cecilia Smith, Lindsey Solamon, Reji Solis Zamora, Idipolito Solis, Alejandro Solis, Lucia Sorsby, Eric Souls in Purgatory Sperduti, Geno & Angela Sperduti, Karen St Ann Maintenance Staff St Ann Staff and Volunteers St. Joseph's Priests and Staff Stein and Family, Pauline Stein, Paul Stephan Family, The Curtis Lehew Family, The Daniel Stetson Taylor Stotts Family, The Larry Stotts, Larry Stotts, Jenny Swartz family The Needy The Unborn Thomas Hopkins Family Roos, Chance Ollier, Amber Pope Francis Dorothy Leidner Thompson family Vela, Joseph Christopher Vela, Roberto Velasquez, Nancy & Demet Walsh family Walsh, Brian Walsh, Peggy & Marty Walterscheid, Sylvan & Theresa Mae Ward, Phil Wasson, Clifford Wehlage Family, The John Wier, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & family Williams, Wayne, Jan, Rachel & Parker Wright family Wright Family, The Patrick Dozzi and Family, Michael Olivencia Family Wright, Barbara Wright, Jamie, Reshma & Sabrina Aleman, Francisca Aleman, Jose Aleman, Ramon Badnerosky, Fr. Myron Basile, Peggy Bermudez, Jose Jesus Ramirez Burley, Monica Buzard, Patricia Cavins, Trish Chapa, Adela Chapa, Concepcion Chapa, Evagelina Chapa, Hernesto Chapa, Severo Cisneros, Adela Culver, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Derrien, Marcel Divita, Jack & Eileen Feile, Christina Geercken, Mary Hall, Elmer & Norma Hubiak, Ann Hubiak, Nick Ibarra, Juan Carlos Jakusz , Family Klatt, Greg MacDonald Family Maldonado, Theresa Marshall, Chester Marshall, Eva Lou Martinez & Glenn Families Martinez, Aubrey Katherine Martinez, Collin James Martinez, Mallory Glenn Melchor, Margarita Mindt, Rosemarie Mommaerts Family Moulden, John & Mae Muckenthalen, Stan & Sue Myers, Leonard Palmeri, Alma Palmeri, Grace Palmeri, Marie Payne, Anna Penver, James & Audrey Penver, John & Children Peterson, John & Julie Robertson, Aunt Dickie Rodeghiero, Dominick & Cora Romano, Nicholas Russo, Josephine & Michael Rust, Dr. Bernard Rust, Mary Schultz & Family, Paige Solano, Nicholas & Mary Springer, Laura Stepanek, Doria Stepanek, Ray Tschatschula, Ryan Scott Watson, Davis, Watson, Ryan Watson, William Wheeler, Whitney Wikman, Bill Zwinggi, Alrich The Knights of Columbus (Council 10245) of St. Ann Parish are pleased to announce the sponsorship of two college scholarships to graduating seniors of the 2012-13 academic school year. The basic requirements for the scholarships are: • The applicant must be an active member of the St. Ann Catholic Community since the beginning of the academic year. • Plan to attend a four-year or two year institution of higher learning. • Complete the scholarship application. • Include a completed recommendation form from a teacher. The two scholarships will be in the amount of $1000 each. Although academic achievement is considered, the scholarships will be awarded based on community involvement and service, as well as the need of the applicant and family. Applications may be obtained at your guidance councilor’s office and at the offices of the St Ann church. All applications must be postmarked by April 12, 2013 and mailed to: Bill Baumler 2729 Wagonwheel Dr Carrollton, TX 75006 Any questions regarding the scholarship may be addressed to Bill [email protected] Ministry information SETON SOLES Sing Praise! Monday, April 22nd, 7:00 PM 5K Walk/Run Saturday, April 13, 2013 Location: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church 2700 W Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano, TX 75023 Location: St. Kilian Chapel Fun for the Whole Family! In this grace-filled season of Easter, join us at an evening of praise, adoration, and holy fellowship where we, as community, gather together to worship our Risen Lord Jesus. We hope to see you there….bring a friend! Prayer teams will be available for individual prayer needs. Event Schedule: 7:00 AM “A voice coming from the throne said: ‘Praise our God, all you His servants, and you who revere Him, small and great.’” Revelation 19:5 Race Day Registration and Race Day Packet Pick-up 7:45 AM Opening Ceremonies 8:00 AM 1 Mile Walk Begins 8:30 AM 5K Walk/Run Begins 10:00 AM Awards Ceremony Benefitting the Monsignor Henry V. Petter Endowment for the support of Peace and Justice efforts within Collin County to help men, women and families become self-sufficient. For more information and to Register Now go to Prayer for our New Pope, Pope Francis I Register by March 22nd to be entered to win an iPad Mini! O God, Shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, Look favorably on your servant Pope Francis I, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; grant, we pray, that, by word and example, he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Catholic Prayer Group Every Monday at 7 pm Room 313 Come Holy Spirit Please Join Us! For more information call Cheryl Denise 469.682.6605 Or Donna 214.697.2549 SINGING • REFLECTION • INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION Sunday, April 7, 2013 CANCER SUPPORT Monday, April 15 Faith and Finance Grooms Room Second Tuesday Seminar Series Tuesday, April 9th 7:30 – 9:00 pm – SAC 315 The Ministry Of Consolation will be hosting an informal sharing immediately following Rebecca’s Rosary. Cancer patients, cancer survivors, caregivers, along with concerned and loving parishioners are all welcome as we seek to console those most affected by cancer. Topic of the Month: Saving & Investing God’s Way DROP IN SUPPORT GROUP Thursday, April 18, 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Deacon Suites If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one, job, home, health or marriage…you are invited to attend this support meeting. The group is led by two trained volunteer facilitators and provides a safe place for participants to share their experiences. For information call Martha at 972-869-3591 10 Learn the principles and biblical guidelines for investing God’s Way. We’ll introduce you to the “Sound Mind Investing Handbook” – a step-by-step guide to investing from a biblical perspective. How should I make choices in my 401k plan? Is a Roth or an IRA best for me? How should we save for our children’s college education? Join us if this topic interests you. This ministry is for singles and couples of all ages. For further information contact John Peterson at [email protected] or call 214-215-3776 Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training Class Is God asking you to serve His people as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? St. Ann Parish needs additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to serve on teams at our Masses. If you have a love for the Eucharist and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, please come to a training class for new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on: Thursday, April 4, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Training is held in the main church. For more information contact: Roberta Ward at (972) 462-8408 [email protected] or Mary Hensel at (972)471-2225 [email protected] WE ARE IN NEED OF DONATIONS!!! PLEASE READ MESSAGE BELOW Mark April 20th on your calendar! Put your junk in your trunk and bring it down to sell at the 3rd Annual Mothers of Young Children Garage Sale in the parking lot of St. Ann. Rent your own booth (two adjacent parking spots-tables not included) for $20 to sell your stuff to the Saturday morning garage sale shop-a-holics while we do the advertising for you! Don't want the fuss? Donate what you have, we'll run the store, and you still get the tax credit. Also, Catholic Charities will be there to take it off your hands at the end of the day. To donate your items, please contact Annie Bell at [email protected]. Garage sale runs from 7 am to 2 pm at the corner of Sandy Lake Rd & Samuel Blvd. (Set up at 6 am) To sign up for a booth, please contact Annie Bell by April 17th, at (972)841-3032 or via email [email protected]. FREE Income Tax Preparation - April 15th Catholic charities of Dallas is offering this for free. Call now to schedule your appointment. Services are being offered at the following locations: Brady Center: 214/826-8330 West Oak Cliff Community Center: 214/333-1525 Good Shepherd Catholic Church: 214/287-2792 Parish Ministries and organizations Altar Linens, Marie Murphy..................................................(972) 242-3010 Altar Servers, Rick Chagoya........................................................................(214) 502-0695 Mary Hicks............................................................................(972) 355-0052 Lydia Goulas.........................................................................(972) 462-8470 Brothers in Christ, Eddie Provencio....................................(682) 553-9523 Carnival, Mark Luenser.........................................................................(972) 471-0417 Susan Bahry...........................................................................(817) 562-3195 Catholic Prayer Group, Cheryl Denise Pumphrey...........(469) 682-6605 Catholic Scripture Study, Marianne Southwick...............(214) 488-8895 Core Team, Kurt Klement..............ext. 1601, [email protected] Employment Network, Tony Waldschmidt........................(972) 462-8334 Extraordinary Ministers, Roberta Ward........................................................................(972) 462-8408 Mary Hensel..........................................................................(972) 471-2225 Extraordinary Ministers/Lectors Scheduling, Al Reiter.................................................................................(972) 462-7176 Faith and Finance, John Peterson.........................................(214) 215-3776 Familia, Tracy Zamboni..........................................................(214) 488-3435 Fine Arts, Maureen Vanacore...............................................(972) 462-8027 Feed the Hungry, Jim Halepaska..........................................(214) 293-7560 Ministry of Loaves & Fishes, Andy Hebert......................(972) 462-1644 Good Samaritans, Christy MacMaster..............................................................(972) 742-0236 Sandy Espinoza.....................................................................(214) 469-2272 Hospitality Supplies, Kathy Skierski...................................(972) 242-7857 Knights of Columbus, Jim Wagner......................................(214) 507-4013 Lectors, Mike Ring.................................................................(972) 213-2295 Magi Ministry, Tena Allain...................................................(214) 755-9993 Media Library, Marty Walsh................................................(972) 462-0878 Men’s Club, Matt Brandt........................................................(214) 709-4122 Ministry for Disabled/Caregivers, Sarah Meyer..............(214) 500-5501 Ministry of Consolation,Deacon Pete Markwald (972) 393-5544 ext. 1810 Maureen O’Malley................................................................(972) 401-3334 Ministry to the Sick, Eddy & Denise Koch.......................(972)-922-1484 MYC (Mothers of Young Children) Cathy Hirst............. (214) 513-9349 Registration Coord. Sara Saunders....................................(469) 693-7167 Natural Family Planning, Tony & Marianne Abadie....................................................(972) 746-5142 Nursery Coop. Weekend Mass (except Spanish) Sara Saunders........................................................................(469) 693-7167 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Rosanne Armstrong.............................................................(214) 543-6458 Prayer Chain, Tammy [email protected] Prayer Ministry Spiritual Director, Barbara Sanders....................................................................(817) 430-4718 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Pat Gruninger........................................................................(214)616-3789 Respect Life, Maria Whitacre...............................................(972) 899-2797 Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement, Gloria Keiderling.......(214) 587-3487 She Shall Be Called Woman, Gabriela Romero.................(214) 680-1739 Sisters in Christ, Pat Klespis................................................(972) 977-6289 St. Ann Singles, Karen Wieman...........................................(214) 649-0654 St. Paula’s Patrons — Widow’s Ministry, Martha Shafferman ..............................................................(972) 539-5113 CHRISTUS St. Joseph Village, Mary Wolaver................(972) 304-0300 Supper Club, Tim & Maria Machelski................................(972) 835-9469 Teams of Our Lady, Tom and Chusi Gehrlein ...................(972) 393-3579 That Man Is You, Rick Chagoya..........................................(214) 502-0695 Young Adults, Kurt Klement ...............................(972) 393-5544 ext 1601 Jonathan Holden...................................(479) 739-6232 Ushers, Jorge Gomez................................................................(214) 458-3969 Worldwide Marriage Encounters, Dan and Stephanie Gieselman............................................(469) 235-7447 11 saint ann parish directory/ Directorio Sta. Ana PARISH RECTORY 129 Lansdowne Circle, Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone...........................................................................................(972) 393-7951 PRESCHOOL / PRE-ESCUELA Karen Ruffner...........................(972) 393-5544 ext. 1401 OFFICE STAFF / PERSONAL ADMINISTRATIVO Business Manager / Administradora Jennifer Lindsey........................ext. 1104, [email protected] Receptionist/ Recepcionista Dora Salas....................................ext. 1105, [email protected] Accounting / Contadora Cathy Chomout...............................ext. 1106, [email protected] Accounting Assistant/ Asistente de Contabilidad Barb Weller...................................ext. 1123, [email protected] Communications-Scheduling/ Comunicaciones-Itinerario Karina Ramirez............................ext. 1111 [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected] Data Base Management/ Base de Datos Karen Shea...................................................ext. 1113, [email protected] Development Director / Desarrollo Dave Lukeman.............................ext. 1110, [email protected] Hispanic Ministries/Ministerio Hispano Veronica Hebert...................ext. 1116, [email protected] Sacramental Coordinator/ Coordinador Sacramental Weddings and Baptisms /Bodas y Bautizos Alicia Saucedo....................................ext. 1815, [email protected] Safe Environment-Funerals/Seguro Ambiental-Funerals Karen Case...................................ext. 1108, [email protected] Facilities and Property/ Instalaciones & Mantenimiento Jose Ramirez......................(972) 523-2837, [email protected] S.A.Y. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY/ MINISTERIO DE SECUNDARIA (Educación Religiosa en Inglés) Our office is located under the clock tower in the shopping center. Director Mike Leminger.......................................ext. 1301, [email protected] Program Assistant Mary Black...............................................ext. 1302, [email protected] Program Assistant Lu Ann Kamstra....................................ext. 1303, [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STAFF / EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA NIÑOS R.E. Director/ Directora Debbie Matalone...............................ext. 1201, [email protected] R.E. Program Assistant / Asistente Loreen Shillinglaw.........................ext. 1203, [email protected] Bilingual R.E. Coordinator/ Coordinadora de Ed. Rel. Bilingue Ruth Rivadeneyra.............................ext. 1205, [email protected] R.E. Program Assistant / Asistente Kim Cesario.................................ext. 1204, [email protected] Sunday School Coordinator /Coordinadora Escuela Dominical (Pre-escolar) Tena Allain................................ext. 1202, [email protected] Special Needs R.E. Misty Notley...............................................................................972-841-5540 Music Assistant /Asistente Kathy McCallum...................................ext. 1502, [email protected] [email protected] ADULT EDUCATION AND RCIA RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Information on becoming Catholic and the Adult Education series Mike and Laney Sherburne....................ext. 1895, [email protected] RCIA/RICA Assistant Maritza Muñoz...........................ext 1710, [email protected] CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH / CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Renewal Program/ Retiro de Renovación.........................(972) 393-5544 Deacon Pete Markwald.......................................................................ext. 1810 Roland Duer (español)..............................................................(817) 323-9735 ST. ANN HIGH SCHOOL & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE PREPARATORIA & JOVENES ADULTOS (Educación Religiosa en Inglés — HSM) Director Kurt Klement.....................................ext. 1601, [email protected] Catechesis-Confirmation/ Catequesis -Confirmación, Naomi Lehew.........................................ext. 1602, [email protected] Outreach Coordinator Joey Scancella...................................ext. 1603, [email protected] HighSchool Ministry Assistant/ Asistente Marie Marusa....................................ext. 1604, [email protected] ST. ANN MUSIC MINISTRY/ MINISTERIO MUSICA Director Curtis Stephan.........................................ext. 1501, [email protected] Spanish Coordinator/Director-Oscar Palacios............. (972)768-4099 “The retreat helped me realize the pain I had been suppressing because of my abortions. I felt renewed spiritually and emotionally.” “El retiro me ayudó a darme cuenta del dolor que estaba reprimiendo debido a mis abortos. Me sentí renovada espiritualmente y emocionalmente.” -Testimony of a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreatant -Testimonio después de un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ Give us a call and join us on the next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat.™ Abortion AfterCare-Healing 214.544.CARE [email protected] 12 Restauración Después del Aborto 972-679-4760 [email protected] Prayers Needed Necesitan sus oraciones Baptisms/bautizos Please welcome our tiniest brothers and sisters in Christ recently baptized in our parish. Elena Suarez, Tillie Barrandey, Cindy Zaranoski, James Colfer, Calvin Kurtenbach, Julie Partridge, James Chomout, Allie Butcher, Oral Vasholz, Tresa Adamson, Tyler DeVaney, Tom Schutze, Tony Cavalle, Margarito and Cristina Herrera, Tom Schutze, Stephanie Gieselman, Cassandra Gayton, Joe Hall, Jack Casy, Crista Kuhl, Kelly Dowling, Al Reiter, Heather Popple, Tom Schutze, David Jakusz, Geri Deaton, Elmer Hall, Chris Apgar, Adonna Meyer, Sandra Wilson, Steve Hazlebeck, Freda Latham, Jean Wilkinson. All servicemen and women. Por favor denle la Bienvenida a nuestros más pequeños hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Patriotic Photo Display Case The St Ann Knights of Columbus are proud to have sponsored the development and creation of a Patriotic Photo Display case that has been erected in the Church hallway, leading to the Narthex. The Patriotic Photo Display case will honor those St Ann Parishioners and their immediate family members who are serving on ACTIVE Duty in our Armed Forces. The case was designed and constructed as an Eagle Scout project by Scout Troop 841 member, Jake Radcliff, and will be administered by the St Ann Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly. So, if you are a St Ann Parishioner and have a Parent, Spouse or in-Law, Sibling, Child, or Grandchild, serving on Active Duty in one of our Nation’s Branches of Service, you may submit a photo of that family member for display in the case. The photos will be posted on a monthly basis and will remain for at least one month depending upon volume received and available space. Photos may be displayed more than one time. Submission forms and additional information are available on the Welcome Cart in the Narthex and will be posted on the Parish web site, Ministry to the Sick If you are sick or someone you know is sick and unable to attend Mass, and would like to receive communion— please contact the Ministry of the Sick at (972)922-1484. Counseling Services Located at St. Ann’s Servicos de Consejería Ubicado en Santa Ana Gaby Satarino, LPC-S — 214-280-3664 Licensed Professional Counselor Licenciada en Conserjería Professional Sacramental Contacts Infant Baptisms (newborn through Kindergarden) Minimum 3 month parish registration is required. Usually, an infant Baptism class is required before your child’s Baptism. It is suggested that you take this class during your pregnancy. Please stop by the office for an Infant Baptism Packet. Children’s Baptisms (Grades 1st - 5th) Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Religious Education has established a process for un-baptized children in which they participate along with their parents. Call the RE office at 972/393-5544 ext 1204 for registration and further details. Baptism – Youth (grades 6th - 8th) Together in Preparation for Sacraments (TIPS) SAY has a sacramental program for unbaptized youth. Contact the SAY office. 972/393-5544 ext 1302 Baptism – Teens (grades 9th -12th) Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (RCIT) Contact the High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 ext. 1602 Baptism - Adults Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Contact Laney Sherburne at 972/393-5544 ext. 1895 or [email protected] Teens - Rite of Confirmation (ROC) Contact the High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 ext. 1602 Adults - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Contact the Sherburnes at 972-393-5544 ext. 1895 Marriage Getting married? With the excitement and hurry of preparing for your wedding day, have you prepared for your Marriage? This process could take 6 months to a year to complete. Please contact Alicia Saucedo at (972)393-5544 ext. 1805 Annulment If you are divorced and would like to pursue an annulment of your previous marriage or would like some information concerning annulments, please contact Deacon Ed Scarbrough at (972) 393-5544 ext. 1807 or Deacon Pete Markwald at (214) 762-8370. contactos sacrameNtales BAUTIZOS (RECIEN NACIDO A KINDER) El Bautizo es un Sacramento que nos hace co-participes en la misma vida de Dios y miembros de la familia de Dios. Por el Bautismo, los padres se comprometen a criar y educar a sus hijos en la fe cristiana y a formarlos en los valores cristianos. Si usted desea Bautizar por favor contacte a Alicia Saucedo al 972-393-5544 ext. 1815 para iniciar su tramite. BAUTIZOS DE NIÑOS (1er a 5o. Grado) La Oficina de Educacion Religiosa ha establecido el Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Ninos en el cual participan los ninos con sus padres en el proceso. Llame a la Oficina de Educacion Religiosa para informacion y mas detalles: 972-393-5544 ext. 1205 con Ruth BAUTIZOS JOVENES - JUNTOS EN PREPARACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS (6o. a 8o. Grado) La oficina de Educacion Religiosa Bilingue tiene el programa de pareparación sacramental para los jovenes que necesitan los Sacramentos del Bautizo y la Comunion. Llame a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para información y más detalles: 972-393-5544 ext. 1205 con Ruth ADOLESCENTES (9o. a 12o. Grado) Estos jovenes serán preparados en la Oficina del Ministerio de Preparatoria llamado High School Ministry o HSM. Llame al 972-393-5544 ext. 1602. ADULTOS — RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Preparación para adultos que necesiten los sacramentos de iniciación (el Bautismo, la Confirmación, la Comunión). Para mas información comuniquese con: José V. Chapa al 972-393-5264. BODAS / CONVALIDACIONES ¿Te vas a casar? ¿Deseas bendecir tu matrimonio? Con la emoción de los preparativos y tramites prenupciales es importante llamar a la Iglesia y empezar tu preparación de inmediato. Este proceso puede tomar de 6 meses a un año para completarse. Por favor comunícate con Alicia Saucedo al 972-393-5544 ext. 1815. ANULACIÓN Si ha estado divorciado y le gustaria obtener una anulacion de su matrimonio anterior o quisiera mas informacion acerca de estas anulaciones comuniquese con Alicia Saucedo 972/393-5544 ext 1815. 13 MINISTERIOS & ORGANIZACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Adoración Eucaristica Perpetua Elva Iseley...............................................................(972) 304-5200 Matachines Caty Ramírez................................................................(469) 233-7328 Cáliz de Vocaciones (Asignaciones en las Misas) Jose Luis Trejo (2:00 pm)...........................................(214) 541-7356 Manuel Rendón (7:00 pm)..........................................(469) 232-8888 CRSP - (Cristo Renueva su Parroquia)..................(972) 393-5544 Director, Diacono Pete Markwald..........................................ext. 1810 Roland Duer (español)..................................................(817) 323-9735 Matrimonios Para Cristo Eduardo y Geny Barajas.....................................(214) 418-5825 Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión Lourdes Chapa.............................................................(972) 393-5264 Jose Carlos Contreras (Misa de 2:00 pm).....................(469) 360-5811 Jose Antonio Salazar (Misa de 2:00 pm)......................(817) 305-3212 Eradia Ibarra (Misa de 7:00 pm)..................................(214) 488-5250 Educacion Religiosa..........................................(972) 393-5544 Directora, Debbie Matalone..................................................ext. 1201 Coordinadora Bilingue, Ruth Rivadeneyra...........................ext. 1205 JEPPS................................................................(972) 393-5544 (Jóvenes en Preparación Para sus Sacramentos) Música / Coro Director / Coordinador, Oscar Palacios................(972)768-4099 Pro-Vida Jóvenes que necesitan Sacramentos de Bautismo & Primera Comunión Coordinadora Bilingue, Ruth Rivadeneyra......................ext. 1205 Estudio Bíblico Cecilia Rangel.........................................................(469) 831-8998 Fe y Finanzas Maria Boccalandro......................................................(972) 922-3484 Aaron Foley..................................................................(214) 256-1158 Planificación Natural Familiar Ramon Martinez.........................................................(214)789-8353 Grupo Guadalupano Miguel Aguillon.....................................................972/420-0062 Proclamadores de la Palabra (Lectores) Cecilia García................................................................(972)891-2446 Grupo de Oración Quinceañeras Margarita Maldonado...............................................(972) 315-3635 Verónica Hebert..................................................................ext. 1116 Email.............……..……….…[email protected] Hora Santa Jose Ramirez...........................................................................ext. 1701 RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos) Coordinador, Jose Chapa...........................................(972) 393-5264 Hospitalidad & Espiritualidad Roberto Fosatti.............................................................(972) 966-9677 Servidores del Altar Amalia Arce.................................................................(972) 219-7176 Liturgia de la Palabra Para Niños Talleres Oración y Vida Maria Moreno..............................................................(469) 995-1747 Ruth Rivadeneyra.........................................(972) 393-5544 ext. 1205 Silvia Rojas..................................................................(214) 527-6128 Email.............................................................. [email protected] Xto 24/7 Madres de Niños Pequeños Maricela Garza.............................................................(214) 926-2682 Fernando Gamez...........................................................(469)226-1520 Horario Misas y RECONCILIACIÓN Viviendo Tu Fe "Señor mío y Dios mío" Horario de Misas Muchas personas no creen que Santo Tomas no vale mucho por que fue franco. Inicialmento no creyó, pero sin sus dudas, este episodio no hubiera sucedido y hubiéramos perdido su confesion: "Señor mio, Dios mio". Este tiempo pascual es una invitación sobre lo que significa hacer a Jesus nuestro Señor y nuestro Dios. Es un tiempo para recordar que somos criaturas dependientes del amor y de la misericordia de Aquel que resucitó de la muerte para ser el Señor que nos libera de la muerte eterna. Un tiempo para recordar que nuestro Dios es el Creador que nos llena de vida abundante. Misa Dominical (Inglés) Sabado (Vigilia) 5:00 pm; Dominigo 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm & 4:30 pm (Misa de Jovenes) Misa en Español Domingo 2:00 & 7:00 pm Entre Semana (Ingles) Lunes-Viernes 7:00 am & 12:00 pm; Sabado 8:00 am Hay confesiones inmediatamente después de la Misa de las 8 am el sábado y también el martes por la noche a las 7pm en la capilla. ¿Que me impide ser vulnerable y franco en mi comunicacion con Dios? 14 Reflexiones de los Evangelios2013 - Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock avisos aVisos ¡Bienvenidos a la comunidad de Santa Ana! ABC del Catolicismo Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Rito De Confirmación Para Adultos Si eres un Católico practicante que solamente le falta el Sacramento de la Confirmación ¡Esta oportunidad es para ti! Tendremos la Celebración de este Sacramento el Día de Pentecostes - 19 de Mayo de 2013 Requisitos: Llenar la forma de Confirmación con una copia de la Fe (Acta) de Bautizo, tener un padrino/madrina y nombre del Santo para la Confirmacion, ser católico practicante que este en Comunión con la Iglesia, haber recibido la Primera Comunión y haber asistido a una de las dos clases que se ofrecerán. Tienen que ser mayores de 18 años. Tendremos dos clases s disponibles una el Sábado 20 de Abril en el Salón 331 ó una el Viernes 3 de Mayo en el salón 314. Mas inforrmes con Maritza Muñoz: 972-393-5544 Ext. 1710 e-mail: [email protected] IV CONGRESO FAMILIAR CATOLICO “NO DEJEN QUE LOS APARTEN DE LA FE” EN EL PLANO CENTRE : 2000 E.SPRING CREEK PKWY. PLANO – TX – 75074 25 Y 26 DE MAYO DE 2013 8:00 AM – 6:00PM SACERDOTES: PABLO STRAUB - EUGENIO HOYOS – MIGUEL A. ZAMORA ADORADORES: PRISCILA – MINISTERIO JESED – MINISTERIO SHADAII INFORMES : 214-694-5668 / 972-657-0221 Síguenos en: MINISTERIO HISPANO Santa Ana MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA COMUNIÓN Servidores Domingo 14 de Abril de 2013 Grupo A – Lourdes A. Chapa Chapas, Herrera, A.,Barillas, Arriaga, Starkey, Gómez, Arizmendi, Pérez, Serrato, Campuzano, Rendón Grupo D – José Antonio Salazar Salazar, Fernández, Gámez, Franco, Moreno, De León, Mancia, González, Caceres, Castalán, González, Rojas, Rangel 15 Descubriendo el Catolicismo Acompáñanos a esta noche que comenzará la serie increible que nos conduce a descubrir la profundidad y riqueza que nos ofrece nuestra fe. Un viaje alrededor del mundo, hasta las profundidades de la fe. Viajemos con el aclamado autor, conferencista y teólogo, el Padre Robert Barron por más de 50 lugares y a través de 15 países. Déjate iluminar por los tesoros espirituales y artísticos de la Iglesia por la que claman más de 1 billón de personas en la tierra. Desde las sagradas tierras de Israel hasta el palpitante corazón de Uganda, desde los gloriosos santuarios de Italia, Francia y España hasta las calles de México, Calcuta y Nueva York, el misterio del CATOLICISMO queda revelado. Viaja hasta las profundidades de nuestra fe en cada episodio. ¿Cuándo? El viernes 26 de Abril de 2013 ¿A qué hora? 7 - 9:00 PM ¿Dónde? Salón # 330 Con gran emoción te compartimos que el ministerio Magnificat tendrá su 2o. desayuno en español que se llevará a cabo el 13 de abril de 2013 en el hotel Hilton Garden Inn en Lewisville, Tx. Boletos en Little Angels Catholic Store, en Coppell ó a los tels: (214)868-5559 o (817)323-0356 Te esperamos! R ICA Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos Si te gustaría aumentar tu conocimiento de tu fe católica, te invitamos a participar en las clases de RICA donde se presentan temas que te ayudarán. Nos reunimos en el cenáculo cada miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. ¡Bienvenido! Para más información comunícate con: Maritza Muñoz al 972/393-5544 ext. 1710, al correo electrónico: [email protected] ó al Sito Santa Ana Españ Español >Min Hispano> Educación Religiosa Adultos> RICA avisos a la comunidad avisos a la comunidad CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA DISCERNIMIENTO PARA DIRECTOR ESPIRITUAL (MUJERES) Se les invita a participar en el discernimiento para Director Espiritual del próximo grupo de mujeres para Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia (CRSP) que tendrá lugar en la Parroquia (Oficina de Deacon Pete) el 17 de Abril a las 7:00PM Los candidatos para Director Espiritual necesitan: • Estar Confirmados en la Iglesia Católica por lo menos (5) años • Haber atendido CRSP y haber completado la formación • No ser miembro del equipo de CRSP que está por terminar su formación • Activamente buscar Dirección Espiritual durante su término de servicio como Director Espiritual • Llevar una vida sacramental por los últimos cinco (5) años. Una vida sacramental está definida como sigue: o atiende a Misa semanal y recibe la Eucaristía o atiende frecuentemente el Sacramento de la Reconciliación / Confesión (mínimo una vez por año o más frecuente si es necesario) o si está casado, el matrimonio debe ser sacramental (casados por la Iglesia Católica o convalidado por la Iglesia Católica) o llevar una vida de castidad sea que este soltero, casado o divorciado. Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia 4 y 5 de Mayo 2013 Fin de Semana Para Mujeres ¿Estás buscando renovación espiritual? Reúnete con el grupo de CRSP en español para un fin de semana especial donde tendrás la oportunidad de decir “SI” a tener una relación más estrecha y profunda con Dios en un ambiente familiar y amigable. ¡Tu vida cambiará! Información: Melina Ruiz Alvarez: (972) 248-4460 [email protected] Seton Soles 5 K Caminata/Carrera La Caminata/Carrera Seton Soles 5Km es el medio principal de recaudación de fondos para la Fundacion Monsignor Henry V. Petter – Una fundación creada para apoyar el trabajo de Monsignor Petter en las areas de ayuda y justicia social, aportando a programas que enseñan habilidades basicas de vida. Rincón Guadalupano El Grupo Guadalupano les hace una cordial invitación a todos aquellos que les gustaría visitarnos o participar en el Grupo Guadalupano. Para mas informacion, para ver como pueden participar en la carrera el 13 de Abril, ya sea corriendo, caminando, o apoyando como patrocinador la Fundación Monsignor Henry Petter y disfrutando de un divertido sabado con la familia. Pueden pasar a la oficina parroquial ó Los esperamos el PRIMER sábado de cada mes en el salón 112 a las 7pm. Muchas gracias y que la Virgen de Guadalupe los bendiga! 3ra Venta de Garage del MYC Marquen sus calendarios para el 20 de Abril! Limpien sus cocheras, pongan todo lo que tengan en su carro y vengan a venderlo en el estacionamiento de Sta. Ana por solo $20dls el espacio. No tienes tiempo de vender, puedes donarlo, nosotros lo vendemos y tu recibes el recibo de los impuestos. (972) 420-0062 Miguel Aguillón También deseamos hacerles otra invitación a todos los miembros de esta parroquia que deseen tener a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, la Virgen Peregrina, en sus hogares contáctenos. La venta se realizara de 7am a 2pm en la esquina de Sandy Lake Rd y Samuel Blvd. Caridades Catolicas, estará también para llevarse lo que no se vendió al final del día. Si quieres un espacio, o quieres donar tus cosas favor de contactar a Annie Bell a más tardar el 27 de abril al (972)841-3032 o por email [email protected]. Espacio limitado, no te quedes sin participar Favor de comunicarse al: (972) 420-0062 Miguel y Rogelia Aguillón “¿No pudiste orar conmigo por una hora?” GRUPO DE ORACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Este Ministerio de Comunidad comienza con alabanzas a Dios y canciones, escrituras santas, testimonios, oración de intercesión para sanación espiritual, física, y emocional para su bien estar y renovación en El Espíritu Santo. Reuniones son los Viernes @ 7 PM en Salon 116 - Patio-CY. Información: Margarita Maldonado - 972-315-3635 Cristo nos llama y hace esta misma pregunta. Que bendición es que nuestra Iglesia nos ofrece la oportunidad de estar con Dios Sacramentado para adorarlo los 7 días de la semana y las 24 horas del día. Si tu estás intersado(a) en adorar a Jesús Sacramentado por una hora, por favor comunicate con: Elva Iseley al (972) 304-5200 [email protected]. Las recompensas que Dios nos ofrece son innumerables ! 16 Avisos a la Comunidad Avisos a la Comunidad Los invitamos con mucho AMOR a acompañarnos , HOY , después de la Santa Misa de 2.00 pm., a rezar la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, en la Capilla St. Killan, pidiendo por todos los presos/as, y por el fin del abuso de la pena de Muerte. Hora Santa Una hora de Reflexión, Adoración y Cantos ante Jesús Sacramentado. Acompáñenos todos los jueves en la Capilla a las 7:00p.m. GRUPO PRO-VIDA DE SANTA ANA "Promoviendo una cultura de la vida por medio de la oración y la educación en luz de nuestra fe catolica". Pueden pedir oracion por alguna persona en especial Mas informacion consulte a los ministros de hospitalidad La oracion mueve montañas. Los esperamos El Santo Rosario Reunión de Pro-vida: Primer domingo de cada mes. Hora: 10:00am - 1:00pm - Salón 315 Acompáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario afuera del centro de aborto Robinson's todos los sábados de 7:00am-9:00am. Para mas información favor de llamar a: Aaron Foley: 214-256-1158 MIERCOLES 6:00 P.M. en la Capilla Maria de la Luz (214) 718-9971 ORACION DE LA FAMILIA EN EL AÑO DE LA FE Oh Dios, nuestro Padre, por Jesús llamaste a todas las familias y hogares cristianos a ser ejemplos de la fe viva. Por la luz del Espíritu Santo, haz que seamos agradecidos por el regalo de la fe, y que por medio de ese regalocrezcamos en nuestra relación con Jesús, tu Hijoy seamos auténticos testigos de esperanza y gozo cristianos para todos con los que nos encontremos. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor. Amén Servicos de Consejería - Ubicado en Santa Ana Gaby Satarino, LPC-S (Licensed Professional Counselor) Licenciada en Conserjería Professional 214-280-3664 17
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