Recipients of Doctoral Grants - Memorial Foundation for Jewish
Recipients of Doctoral Grants - Memorial Foundation for Jewish
RECIPIENTS OF DOCTORAL GRANTS 1965-2001 NAME YEARS RECEIVED CITZENSHIP UNIVERSITY TITLE OF DISSERTATION AARON, Frieda 1981-82 United States City University of New York Poetry in the Holocaust: Ghetto and Concentration Camp Poetry ABECASSIS, Albert 1966-67 France University of Paris ABEL, Wolfgang 1988-89 Germany Hebrew University The Religious Philosophy of Yusuf al-Basir ABRAHAM, Margaret 1988-89 India Syracuse University Ethnic Identity and the Jews of India ABRAMOVITZ, Talia 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University ABRAMS, Daniel Simeon 1991-92, 1992-93 USA New York University Between Germany and Spain: Transmission and Interpretation of Esotericism in Jacob HaKohen of Castile's "Book of Illumination" ABUSCH-MAGDER, Ruth 1998-99 USA/CANADA Yale University Matzo Balls and Matzo Kleis: A Comparative Study of Domestic Jewish Life in the United States and Germany, 1840-1914 ACKERMAN, Adam 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University ACKERMAN, Ari 1996-97 USA Hebrew University The Philosophic Writings of Zerahia Halevi Saladin ADAN-BAYEWITZ, David 1983-84 Israel/United States Hebrew University Manufacture and Local Trade in the Galilee of RomanByzantine Palestine: A Case Study ADAR, Mattat 1986-87, 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University Kinship and the Social Development of a New Frontier Town in Israel ADDI, Annette 1980-81 France University of Caen The Jewish Press and Its Social Function in France ADELMAN, Howard 1982-83 United States Brandeis University Success and Failure in Seventeenth Century Venice, The Life and Writings of Leon Modena ADLER, Elaine 1980-81 United States University of California, Berkeley ADLER, Eliyana 1998-99, 1999-00 USA Brandeis University ADLER, Jacob 1976-77, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University ADLER, Raya 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University ADLER, Ruth 1971-72 United States New York University AFIK, Isaak 1985-86 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Education of Jewish Girls in Nineteenth Century Russia Image of Women in Works of Y.L. Peretz AGMON, Mordechai 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University R. Obadiah Sforno - As An Interpreter AGOU, Daniele 1971-72, 1972-73 France L'Universite d'Aix-en-Provence AGUS, Ronald 1974-75 United States/Israel Yeshiva University AHDUT, Eli 1993-94, 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University Status of jewish Women in Babylonia in the Talmudic Period AHITUV, Shmuel 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University The Egyptian Topographical Lists in Their Relationship to the History of Palestine in the Biblical Period AIZENSTEIN, Jill 2004-05 United States New York University The Golden Land of Ama Reika: Perspectives on Jewish Life in America in Three American Hebrew Novels AKIBA, Laure 1975-76 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes AKOTONAS, Mikhael 1981-82 Israel The Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III ALBECK, Orly 1988-89, 1991-92 Israel Bar-Ilan University ALBERT, Bat-Sheva 1970-71 Israel Bar-Ilan University ALBOHER, Shlomo 1990-91 Israel Hebrew University Toward Computerized Syntactic Analysis of Favorite Sentence Types in Standard Israeli Hebrew The Sephardi Jews In Eretz-Israel And The Zionist Idea, According To Their Own Views And Through The Prism Of The Zionist And Yishuv Leaders, 19181948 ALEXANDER, Gabriel 1987-88, 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University Berlin Jewry During the Years of the Weimar Republic, 1919-1932 ALEXANDER, Henry 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Stanford University ALEXANDER, Tamar 1974-75 United States/Israel University of California Narrative and Thought in "Sefer-Hasidim," ALLON, Emanuel 1982-83 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Process of Reading Unvocalized Hebrew Texts ALLOUCHE, Joelle 1968-69 France University of Paris - Sorbonne Minorite et Racisme ALMOG, Shmuel 1967-68 Israel Hebrew University ALMOG-AYALON, Orna 1989-90 Israel London School of Economics and Political Science ALON, Hanoch 1971-72, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University ALON, Jacqueline 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University ALONI, Nimrod 1983-84, 1984-85 Israel Columbia University ALTMAN, Amnon 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University The Kingdom of Amurru and the Land of Amurru, 1500-1200 BCE ALTMAN, Il'ya 1991-92, 1992-93,199394, 1994-95 USSR Moscow State University Documents on the History of the Holocaust in the USSR ALTSHULER, Jona 1975-76, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University The Narrative Viction of J.D. Berkowitz ALTSHULER, Mor (Suliman) 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Rabbi Meshulam Faibush Heller and His Contribution to Hasidism in the Second Generation ALTSHULER, Mordehai 1967-68 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Section of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, 1918-1930 AMAR, Zohar 1995-96 Israel Bar-Ilan University Plants of the Land of Israel in the Middle Ages AMARAH, Dalia 2004-05 Israel Ben Gurion University The Old Greek Translations to the Book of Daniel in Comparison with MT Text AMBAR, Ora 1986-87, 1988-89 Israel Tel-Aviv University Modality in Contemporary Hebrew: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics AMBROSIO, Roberta 1977-78 United States Columbia University AMID, Yacov 1999-00 ISRAEL Jewish Theological Seminary AMIKAM, Bezalel 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University AMIR, David 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University The Effectivity of Graphic Organizers as an Aid in the Teaching of Talmudic Discourse The Galilee during the Canaanite Period and Israelite Settlement AMIT, Aaron 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998- USA 99 Bar Ilan University A Comprehensive Commentary on Talmud Bavli, Pesahim Chapter IV AMKRAUT, Brian 1997-98 USA New York University Youth Aliyah Activity in Germany, 1932-1939 AMZALLAG, Ana 1973-74 France Sorbonne ANGEL, Jean 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University ANGEL, Marc 1971-72 United States Yeshiva University ANGSTREICH, Alan 1973-74 United States New York University ANISFELD, Rachel 1997-98, 1999-00 Israel University of Pennsylvania Tanhuma's Normalizing Tendencies: A Study of the Differences Between Midrash Tanhuma and Earlier Midrashic Literature AODEH, Sabeh M. 1990-91, 1992-93 Israel Tel-Aviv University Eleventh-Century Arabic Letters Of Jewish Merchants From The Cairo Geniza AOUATE, Yves 1982-83 France University of Nice The Algerian Jewry during World War II APPEL, Kalman 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Teachers College,Columbia University APTROOT, Marion 1987-88 Holland University of Oxford ARAD, Geula 1990-91, 1991-92 Israel Tel-Aviv University Positions And Attitudes Of The American Jewish Public Towards The German Question And The Jewish Problem, 1933-1949 ARAD, Mordechai 1997-98 Israel Jewish Theological Seminary Sabbath Desecrations: Talmudic Definitions and Reality ARAZI, Ruth 1984-85 Israel New York University ARBELI, Shoshana 1982-83, 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University ARBIB, Marina 1986-87 Italy Hebrew University ARGALL, Randal 1989-90 United States University of Iowa ARGON, Judith 1979-80, 1980-81 United States Johns Hopkins University ARIEL, David S. 1976-77, 1977-78,1978- United States 79 Brandeis University ARIEL, Yaakov 1984-85 United States University of Chicago ARKI, Claude 1975-76 France Universite de Nanterre ARKUSH, Allan 1979-80 United States Brandeis University Women in the Bible in Position of Privilege and Their Involvement in Social and Political Affairs: A Compartive Study Using Ancient Near Eastern Sources Temple Building Rites and Rituals ARNON, Ishai 1990-91 Israel Bar-Ilan University ARNON, Nurit 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University ARONSON, I. Michael 1968-69 United States Northwestern University ARONSON, Ruth 1969-70, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University ARONSON, Shlomo 1965-66 Germany/Israel Free University of Berlin ARUSY, Rasson 1983-84, 1985-86, 1986- Israel 87 Tel-Aviv University ASCARELLI, Emanuele 1975-76 Italy University of Rome ASCHHEIM, Steven 1976-77, 1979-80 South Africa University of Wisconsin ASKENAZI, Leon 1970-71 France Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg ASSAF, David 1988-89, 1989-90, 1992- Israel 93 Hebrew University Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin and his Role in the History of the Hasidic Movement During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century ASSIS, Elie 1998-99 Bar Ilan University Form and Meaning in the Conquest Narrative in the Book of Joshua Israel The Religious Zionist Movement In North Africa And The Aliya Of Jews 1943-1956 The Law's Conflict of the Intercommunal Rabbinical Judgment The East European Jew in German and GermanJewish Consciousness, 1800-1923 ASSIS, Moshe 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University Parallel Sugyot in the Jerusalem Talmud (in the Tractates: Bikkurim, Shabbath, Sotah, Makkoth and Niddah) ASSIS, Yom Tov 1973-94 Israel Hebrew University The Jews of Aragon under James II (1291-1327) ASTER, Shawn 2001-02, 2002-03 CANADA University of Pennsylvania The Phenomenon of Divine Radiance in the Hebrew Bible and in Mesopotamian and Northwest Semitic Literature ATTIAS, Haim 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel University of Strasbourg ATTIAS, Jean-Christophe 1986-87, 1987-88,198889, 1989-90 France Universite de Paris III Sorbonne Mordekhai Comtino, exegete du Pentateuque a Constantinope au Xvo siecle AURON, Yair 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University Jewish Youth Movements in France: Contemporary Judaism as Mirrored Through its Youth AUSUBEL DANZIG, Rivka 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Yeshiva University Marginality: Orthodox Jewish Students in Social Work Education AVALOS, Hector 1990-91 U.S.A. Harvard University Illness And Health Care In Ancient Israel AVI-HAI, Avraham 1970-71 United States Columbia University AVINERY, Icchak 1972-73, 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Zionist Organization and Illegal Immigration to Eretz Israel from the Beginning of the British Occupation to the Outbreak of World War II AVINERY, Iddo 1969-70, 1971-72, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University Syntax of the Peshitta According to the Old Syriac of the Pentateuch AVISAR, Finzi M. 1971-72, 1974-75 France University of Strasbourg Recherches sur la comunaute Israelite de Ferrare du XVIe au XVIIe Siecle AVISHAI, Amira 1979-80, 1982-83 Israel Columbia University High Achievers Amongst Oriental Jewish Academics in Israel: Their Characteristics and Development AVISHUR, Yitshak 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University AVIV, Aviva 1982-83 Israel University of Oxford AVRIN, Leila 1973-74 United States/Israel University of Michigan AYOUN, Richard E. 1977-78 France University of Paris AZSES, Yantop 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University BAADER, Maria 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999- Germany 00 Columbia University Inventing Bourgeois Judaism: Gender, Religion, and Class Formation in Germany, 1800-1870 BAANDERS, Raoul S. 1990-91 Holland University Of Leiden The Talmud Study By Emmanuel Levinas: An Investigation Into The Underlying Hermeneutical Presuppositions BACK, Shlomo 1969-70, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Works of Mendele as a Portrait of Jewish Life in his Time BACON, Gershon 1974-75, 1977-78 United States Columbia University Agudath Israel in Poland, 1919-1939 Ahad Ha'Am's Concept of Jewish Nationalism The Illuminations of the Moshe ben Asher Codex of 895 C.E. BACON, Itzhak 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University BAHAT, Yaacov 1988-89, 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University Hebrew and Aramaic Component in the Judeo-Arabic of Morocco BAHLOUL, Joelle 1980-81 France Ecole des Hautes Etudes enSciences Sociales Study of Food Rituals and Practices among Algerian Jews Living in France BAITNER, Azaria 1990-91, 1993-94 Israel Bar-Ilan University Stories About Yavneh Sages: Their Theological And Storiosophic Motifs BAKER, William 1968-69 England University of London BAKHOS, Carol 1998-99 USA Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinic Portrayals of Ishmael BALBUENA, Monique 2003-04 Brazil University of California Diasporic Sephardic Identities: A Transnational Poetics of Jewish Languages BALLABAN, Steven Adam 1994-95 United States Hebrew Union College Re-emergence of Lost Hebrew and Aramaic Literature in the Middle Ages BALSHAN, Zvia 1988-89, 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Jewish Socialist Labour Confederation PoaleiZion, 1907-1920 BANDERLY, Denise 1982-83 France University of Tours BANKIER, David 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University German Society and National Socialist Anti-Semitism, 1933-1938 BARAM, Menachem 1976-77 Israel London School of Economics BAR-ASHER, Moshe 1970-71, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University BAR-ASHER, Shalom 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University BAR-DEA, Itzhack 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University BAREKET, Elinoar 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Leaders of the Jews in Fustat during the 11th Century BAR-EL, Adina 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University Children's Yiddish and Hebrew Periodical Press in Interwar Poland BAR-EL, Judith 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University The Autobiographical Long Poem in the Works of Chaim Nahman Bialik and his Contemporaries BAR-ILAN, Meir 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University Polemics Between Sages and Priests Towards the End of Days of the Second Temple BARKAI, Ada 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University BARKAI, Ron 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University BARKAN, Elazar 1985-86 Israel Brandeis University BARKAY, Rachel 1989-90, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University The Greek Imperial Coinage of Beth-Shalom BAR-KOCHVA, Besalel 1970-71, 1971-72 United States/England University of Cambridge BARKOVETS, Alia Iskhakovna 1994-95 Russia Russian State University The Agro-Joint and the Kremlin: The History and Mechanism of their Relationship, 1920-1930 BAR-LEV, Mordechai 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Graduates of the Yeshiva High School in Eretz Yisrael: Between Tradition and Innovation BAR-LEVAV, Ariel 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Concept of Death in Sefer Ha-Hayyim by R. Shimon Frankfurt BARNAI, Jacob 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Yishuv in Palestine During the Years 1740-1777 and Its Conceptions with the Diaspora BARNIR, Dov 1976-77 Israel University of Strasbourg Zionist Marxism BARON, Beth Ann 1986-87 United States University of California, Los Angeles BARSHOP, Gale 1972-73 United States Columbia University BAR-TIKVA, Binyamin 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University Childhood in Modern Hebrew Fiction from Bialik Until Statehood BARTOSZEWSKI, Wladyslaw 1983-84 Poland University of Cambridge Ethnocentrism: Beliefs and Stereotypes; A Study of Polish-Jewish Relations in the Early 20th Century BARTOUR, Ron 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University American Consular Aid to the Jewish Yishuv in Erets Yisrael in the Twilight of the Ottoman Rule 18561914 BARUCH, Miri 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel University of California, Los Angeles The Poetics of Natan Sach's Poetry BARUCHSON, Zipora 1980-81, 1981-82, 1983- Israel 84 Bar-Ilan University Jewish Private Libraries in 16th Century Italy BARZILAY, Dvorah 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish national Home in British Political Thinking and Policy Making, 1917-1923 BARTOR, Assnat 2004-05 Israel Tel-Aviv University Reading Laws as Narrative: A Study in the Casuistic Laws of the Pentateuch BASAL, Nasir 1986-87 Israel Bar-Ilan University BASHAN, Eliezer 1970-71 Israel Bar-Ilan University Capacity and Ransom in the Jewish Mediterranean Society During the Medieval Period and Up to the New Times BATERMAN, Michael A. 1996-97,1998-99, 199900 USA Northwestern University The Emergence of the Spanish Illuminated Haggadah in 13th and 14th Century Aragon BATES, Cecil 1969-70, 1970-71 England University of Oxford The Life and Work of Alexander Susskind Rabinovitz (1854-1943) BATZER, Zvi 1984-85 Israel Bar-Ilan University BAUER, Ela Israela 1995-96 Israel New York University Nahum Sokolow and the tasks of the Polish Jewish Intelligentsia BAUER, Julien 1967-68 France BAUMEL, Esther 1983-84, 1985-86 United States/Israel Bar-Ilan University The Rescue and Resettlement of the Jewish Refugee Children from Europe in the USA 1938-1945 BAUMGARTEN, Elisabeth 1996-97, 1997-98 USA Hebrew University Mothers and Children: The Medieval Jewish Experience BAYME, Steven C. 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Columbia University BECHTEL, Delphine 1987-88, 1988-89 France Columbia University The Symbolist Fiction of Der Nister (P. Kahanovitsh) BECKER, Dan 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Risala of Judah Ben Quraysh BE'ERY, Avroham 1975-76, 1976-77,1979- Israel 80 Bar-Ilan University The Husband's Obligation to Support His Wife in Israeli Law BEIZER, Michael 1992-93, 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University The Jews of Leningrad (Petrograd) in the Inter-World War Period BEIZER, Michael 1994-95 Russia Hebrew University BEJARANO, Margalit 1984-85, 1986-87, 1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University BEKERMAN, Tsvi 1982-83 Jewish Theological Seminary Israel/Argentina University of Paris BELCOVE, Janet 1981-82 United States Cornell University BELL, Jennifer 1985-86 England University of Oxford BELL-KLIGLER, Roberta 1979-80 United States University of California, Berkeley BEN PAZI, Hanoch 2001-02 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University BEN SASSON, Menahem 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University BENAIM, Esther 1970-71, 1971-72 France University of Paris BENAYEM, Victor 1970-71 France University of Paris BENBASSA-DUDONNEY, Esthe 1980-81 France/Israel University of Paris VIII BEN-DAVID, Israel 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University BEN-DAVID, Jean C. 1976-77, 1978-79 France/Israel Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes BENDER, Eugene 1965-66 United States University of Judaism - Jewish Theological Seminary The Dialectics of Separation and Sanctification Among the Hasidim of Boro Park Emanuel Levinas's Philosophy and his Talmudic Readings haim Nahum Efendi, Last Chief rabbi of the Ottoman Empire, His Political and Diplomatic Role Patterns of Identification Among Third Generation Jewry in the County of Los Angeles BENDER, Sara 1993-94, 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University Jews of Bialystok during the Second World War, 19391943: The Soviet Period, the German Occupation and the Ghetto BEN-DOR, Shoshana 1989-90 United States Hebrew University BEN-DROR, Galia 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University BEN-ELISSER, Eliahu 1968-69 Israel Universite de Geneve Le Facteur Juif dans la Politique Etrangere du Troisieme Reich (1933-1939) Consolidations of the Arab nationalist Movement in Palestine of its Struggle Against the Zionist Enterprise, 1918-1925 BEN-ELKANAH, Shlomo 1968-69 Israel Bar-Ilan University BEN-ELYAHU, Bilha 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University BENESTY-SROKA, Ghila 1983-84, 1985-86 France/Israel/Cana University of Montreal da BEN-EZRA, Annie 1972-73 France University of Paris Franz Kafka et la Kabbale: Influence due Zohar sur L'Amerique BENIN, Stephen 1977-78, 1978-79 United States University of California, Berkeley Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me: Sacrifice in Medieval Christian and Jewish Thought BENJAMIN, Alan 1991-92 USA University of North Carolina Blending Ethnic Identities: Jewish Curacaoans and Curacaoan Jews BENJAMIN, Lya 1995-96 Romania University of Bucharest Jews in Romania, 1940-1944: Everyday Life BENJAMIN, Mara 2003-04 USA Stanford University Franz Rosenzweig and Jewish Hermeneutic Theology BEN-MEIR, Joshua Meyer 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998- Israel 99 Bar Ilan University Jewish Approach to the New Forms of Conception and Pregnancy; Artificial Insemination, In Vitro Fertilization and Surrogate Motherhood BEN-MEIR, Meyer Joshua 1986-87, 1995-96 Israel Tel-Aviv University BEN-MEIR, Orna 2002-03 Israel Tel Aviv University Jewish Symbolism in the Hebrew Theatre BEN-MEIR, Ruth 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992- Israel 93 Hebrew University Gersonides On Kohelet: Text And Analysis BEN-MEIR, Yosef 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Columbia University Crisis Decision Making: The 1973 U.S. Military Airlift to Israel as a Case Study BENMELECH, Moti 2003-04, 2004-05 Israel Hebrew University Shlomo Molcho: Reality, Image and Acceptance BEN-MENACHEM, Hanina 1975-76 England Balliol College, Oxford BEN-MENACHEM, David 1987-88 United States University of California, Los Angeles BEN-NAEH, Yaron 1994-95, 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University BEN-OR, Ehud 1984-85, 1985-86, 1986- Israel 87 Harvard University Jewish Society in the Urban Centers of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th Century BENOR, Sarah 2003-04 USA Stanford University Second Style Acquisition: Language and Newly Orthodox Jews BENOVITZ, Moshe 1992-93 USA Jewish Theological Seminary A Critical Commentary on Chapter III of Tractate Shevuot in the Babylonian Talmud BEN SASSON, Menahem 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University Inter-Communal Relations and Regional Organization in North African Jewish Communities from the 10th to the 14th Century BEN-SHEM, Israel 1975-76, 1976-77, 1979- Israel 80 Tel-Aviv University The Conquest of the Land West of the Jordan BEN-SHEMUEL, Rachel 1978-79 United States University of California, Los Angeles BENSIMHON, Sarit 1999-00 FRANCE Oxford University BENSKI, Tova 1973-74 Israel University of Glasgow BENVENISTI, Meron 1979-80 Israel Harvard University BEN-YOSSEF, Abraham 1984-85, 1985-86, 1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University BEN-ZION, Shmuel 1985-86 Israel University of Haifa BERBERIAN, Aaron 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University Arguing for Universal Human Rights: Liberalism and Judaism Administering Conflicts - Local Government in Belfast and Jerusalem BERDUGO, Joseph 1965-66 France Hebrew University BERGER, Gabriel 1990-91 Argentina Brandeis University Social Participation And Leadership In Jewish Organizations BERGER, Michael S. 1990-91, 1991-92 U.S.A. Columbia University Authority Structures In Revelatory Exegetical Systems BERGER, Morris 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Harvard University The Torah Commentary of R. Samuel ben Meir BERGER, Ora 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Jewelry of the Jewish Bride in Sana'a as a Cultural and Artistic Message BERGER, Shalom Tzvi 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996- USA 97 Yeshiva University The Impact of One Year Israel Study Programs on Modern Orthodox High School Graduates BERGER, Yitzhak 2001-02 USA Yeshiva University Critical Edition of the Commentary of Rabbi David Kimhi to Chronicles BERGMAN, Eleonora 1993-94 Poland University of Warsaw Oriental Influence in the Architecture of the Synagogues in Poland in the 19th and 20th Centuries BERGMAN, Miriam 2001-02 ISRAEL Tel Aviv University The Yizkor Books of the Jewish Communities in Poland Destroyed during the Holocaust: Memory and Commemoration BERKOVITZ, Jay R. 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Brandeis University BERKOWITZ, Brenda 1978-79, 1979-80 United States City University BERKOWITZ, Joel 1993-94 USA City University of NY Shakespeare on the American Yiddish Stage BERKOWITZ, Michael 1986-87 United States University of WisconsinMadison BERKOWITZ, Simcha 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Jewish Theological Seminary BERMAN, Aaron 1976-77, 1977-78, 1979- United States 80 Columbia University BERMAN, Dagmar T. 1970-71 Germany University of Munich BERMAN, Joshua 1999-00, 2001-02 USA Bar-Ilan University Produkvitierunsmythen und Antisemitismus. Assimilatorische und Zionistische Berufsumschichtungsbestrebungen unter den Juden Deutschlands und Oesterreichs bis 1938 The Battle Report as Narrative in Biblical Literature BERMAN, Ruth 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University Verbal Nouns in Modern Hebrew BERMAN, Saul 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Tel-Aviv University BERMAN, Shellee 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Yeshiva University BERMAN, Tamar 1968-69 Germany University of Munich BERNER, Leila 1980-81 United States/Israel University of California,Los Angeles The Jewish Community of Barcelona During the Reign of Kaume I, 'El Conqueridor', 1213-1276 BERNSTEIN, Avi Kirk 1995-96 USA Stanford University Hermann Cohen and the Exemplary Modern Jew: Theories of Identity, Conceptions of Virtue and Modern Jewish Thought BERNSTEIN, Marc 1991-92 USA University of California, Berkeley The Stories of the Prophets: A Literary, Linguistic, and Historical Study of Jewish Life in the Arab World BERNSTEIN, Maurice 1970-71 England University of Leeds Jewish and Puritan Values in the Fiction of Norman Mailer and Edwarad Lewis Wallant BERNSTEIN, Moshe 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982- United States 83, 1989-90 Yeshiva University Exegesis on the Torah Scrolls BERRIN, Shani 1993-94 USA New York University Pesher Nahum BERRONE, Armando 1981-82 Italy Universite de Paris VIII BERTISCH, Abraham 1977-78, 1978-79 United States New York University BIALIK, Ilana 1987-88 Israel Tel-Aviv University BIBAS, David 1980-81 Israel University of California, Los Angeles The Ethnicization of Immigrants: Moroccan Jews in the United States BIBELNIK, Pinhas 1987-88, 1989-90, 1990- Israel 91 Hebrew University Marranos And New Christians In New Spain During The 17th Century BIBERFELD, Marcel 1973-74, 1974-75 Yeshiva University The Attitudes of Orthodox Jewish Mothers Towarads Their Retarded Children United States A Study of the Political-Economic Philosophy of Arthur Ruppin and His Role in the Economic Development of the Zionist Settlement in Palestine from 1907-1943 BICK, Isabella 1977-78 United States Columbia University The Jews of Pisa. Survival and History Using the Concept of Honor as a Mecanism of Survival and Community BIJAOUI, Sylvie 1977-78 Israel Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Jewish Women in Palestine: The Pre-State Period (1881-1948) BILETZKY, Israel 1972-73 Israel Tel-Aviv University H. Leivick's Visionary Dramaturgy BILLET, Brenda 1975-76 United States Columbia University BINDER, Daniel 1975-76, 1976-77 France University of Paris X BIRAN, Ronnie 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Folktale in Poland Between the Two World Wars BIRNBAUM, Gabriel 1987-88, 1988-89 Israel Bar-Ilan University Studies in the Phonology and Morphology of Mishnaic Hebrew According to Genizah Fragments BIRNBAUM, Ruth 1977-78 United States Boston University Joseph ben Shem Tov's 'Kevod Elohim': An Investigation into the Summun Bonum of Man BITAN, Dan 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University BITTON, Miri (Mary) 1993-94 Israel City University of NY Myths of Heroism - Their Sources, Development and Role in the Formation of Zionist Consciousness and Practice, from the Beginnings of Zionism to the Second World War Reformist Third Parties: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Party in the US and the Democratic Movement for Change in Israel BLACK, Peter 1978-79 United States New York University BLANCHARD, Linda 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Washington University BLANK, Leib 1975-76 United States Yeshiva University BLECHER, Mari Sharon 1996-97 USA Stanford University Sacred and Secular Texts: Interpretive Communities and the Teaching of Literature BLIBOIM, Rivka 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University Casual Conjunctions: Their Semantic-Syntactic Environment and use as a Stylistic Markers BLICKSTEIN, Stanley 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Jewish Theological Seminary Between Philosophy and Mysticism: A Study of the Philosophical-Qabbalistic Writings of Joseph Giqatila (1248c. 1322) BLOOMBERG, Jon 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Yale University BLUESTEIN, Judith 1984-85, 1985-86 United States Hebrew Union College BOAZIZ, Monique 1982-83 Algeria Universite de Paris III Les Problemes de Traduction de la Bible de Farrare 1553-1661 BOCZKO-WEINGORT, Abraham1975-76, 1978-79 Switzerland Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Le Pret a Interet dans le Droit Talmudique BODIAN, Marion 1983-84, 1985-86 United States/Israel Hebrew University The Santa Companhia de Dotar Orfans e Donselas Pobres in Amsterdam, 1615-1639 BOGOSAVLJEVIC, Mila 1992-93, 1993-94 Yugoslavia Demographic Analysis of the Yugoslavian Jewish Community University of Belgrad BOHM, Michael 1974-75 United States Yeshiva University BOKSER, Baruch 1972-73 United States Brown University BOLCHOVER, Richard 1985-86 England University of Oxford BONFIL, Robert 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University BOODAIE, Zion 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University BORMAN, Stuart 1968-69, 1969-70 United States University of Chicago BORNSTEIN, Leah 1972-73, 1973-74 United States Bar-Ilan University BOROCHOVSKY, Esther 1987-88 Israel Tel-Aviv University BOROWSKY, Oded 1975-76 United States/Israel University of Michigan BORUT, Jacob 1986-87, 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University BOTTA, Alejandro Felix 1996-97 Argentina Hebrew University The rabbinate in Renaissance Italy The Jewish Communal Leadership in the Near East from the End of the 15th Century through the 18th Century Interrelationships between the Aramaic and Demotic Legal Traditions BOUHADANA, Albert 1965-66 France University of Strasbourg BOUHSIRA, Abraham 1991-92 Morocco Universite Rene Descartes BOUKARA, Philippe 1980-81 France Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales BOUM, Aomar 2004-05 Morocco University of Arizona Archaelogies of Memory: Remembering Jews in Southwestern Morocco BOUZAGLOU, Jacob 1979-80 Morocco Universite des Sciences Humaines The ramban's Torat Hashem Tmima: Introduction and Translation in French BOYLAN, Esther 1974-75, 1975-76,1978- United States 79, 1979-80 New York University BRACKMAN, Roman 1970-71 United States New York University BRAM, Chen 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University BRANDSTADTER, Evan 1974-75 United States Cornell University BRANHAM FRIEDEN, Joan 1990-91 U.S.A. Emory University Sacred Space In The Jewish Tradition: The Jerusalem Temple And Ancient Synagogues BRAUN, Betty 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Columbia University German Occupation of the Ukraine 1916-1917 and the Emancipation of the Jews The Jewish Community of Fez: Evolution Towards Modernity Identity and Multiculturalism in Israel and in the Caucasus: The "Mountain Jews" Between Europe and Asia BREAKSTONE, David 1979-80 United States Hebrew University BREGMAN, Dvora 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University BREGMAN, Marc 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978- United States 79, 1979-80 Hebrew University BREINDEL, Eric 1978-79 United States London School of Economics BRENER, Guiora 1973-74 Argentina Tel-Aviv University BRENER, Mark 1972-73 Canada Yeshiva University BRENNER, Athalya 1976-77 Israel University of Manchester Colour Terms in the Old Testament BRENNER, Joyce 1980-81 United States Yeshiva University Israeli Social Workers and Sex Roles: A Study on Values and Attitudes Toward Sex Roles and Their Impact on Practice BRENNER, Michael 1991-92 Germany Columbia University The Development of a Jewish Sub-Culture in Weimar Germany BRETTLER, Marc 1981-82, 1983-84 United States Brandeis University BREUER, Edward 1986-87 Canada Harvard University An Examination of the Tanhuma-Yelamdenu Literature BREUER, Yochanan 1988-89, 1989-90, 1991- Israel 92 Hebrew University A Grammar of Babylonian Hebrew BRIN, Gershon 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University BRODY, Jeanne 1983-84, 1984-85 United States Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales BRODY, Robert 1980-81 United States Hebrew University BRODY, Seth L. 1984-85, 1985-86 United States University of Pennsylvania BRODY, Ziporah 1993-94 USA Hebrew University Moshe Botarel's Commentary on Sefer Yezirah BROG, Shmuel 2004-05 Israel Hebrew University Landscape of Memory and National Identity: The Holocaust Commemoration at Yad Vashem, 19531993 BROIDE, Israel 1971-72 Israel Tel-Aviv University BROVENDER, Chaim 1966-67, 1967-68 Israel Hebrew University BROVENDER, Herbert 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Syriac Masora BROWN, Benjamin 2003-04 Israel Hebrew University Hazon Ish: Halakhic Philosophy, Theology and Social Policy in His Prominent Later Rulings The rue des Rosiers Quarter of Paris: A Sociological Study of the History and Evolution of Social Relations Within this Neighborhood and the Role of the Neighborhood as Depository of Jewish Identity for BRUCKENSTEIN, Joseph 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University BRUTIN, Batya 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Inheritance: Reception to the Holocaust by Second Generation Israeli Artists BUCHWALD, Lynne 1977-78, 1978-79 United States University of Pennsylvania The Principles of Literary Association in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Literature BUNIMOVITZ, Shlomo 1984-85, 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University BUNIS, David 1977-78 United States Columbia University BURCH, Connie B. 1984-85 United States Purdue University BURGANSKY, Avraham 1991-92 Israel Bar-Ilan University BURGANSKY, Israel 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University BUSIS, Richard 1978-79 United States University of Pennsylvania Akkadian Prophetic Texts CAHEN, Joel 1978-79 Holland University of Amsterdam Language and Culture of Askenazic Jews in the Netherlands CAINE, Ivan 1966-67 United States University of Pennsylvania Mekhilta D'Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai: Sources and Editorial Process CALIMANI, Gabriella 1965-66 Italy Social Service School E.N.S.I.S. CAMIEL, Deborah Denise 1994-95 United States Stanford University Jewish Women and Socio-Political Movements in Russia, 1856-1917 CAMMY, Justin 1999-00 CANADA Harvard University Yung Vilne: A Cultural History of a Yiddish Literary Movement in Inter-War Poland CAPKOVA, Katerina 2001-02 CZECH REPUBLIC Charles University Jewish Society in Prague, 1918-1939 CAPLAN, Beatrice 1999-00, 2001-02, 2002- UK 03 Columbia University Orthodox Yiddish Literature in Interwar Poland CAPLAN, Kimmy Reuben 1994-95, 1995-96 Australia Hebrew University Continuity and Change in the Sermons of American Orthodox Rabbis during the Period of Mass Immigration CARASIK, Michael A. 1994-95 United States Brandeis University Israelite Theologies of the Mind CARLEBACH, Elisheva 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979- United States 80 Columbia University R. Moses Hagiz and the Pursuit of Jewish Heresy CARMON, Arye 1973-74 Israel University of Wisconsin The University of Heidelberg and National Socialism, 1930-1935 CARNAUD, Jacqueline 1977-78 France University of Paris III CARNY, Pinhas 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University Philo Alexandrinus' Theory of Allegory CARON, Vicki 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Columbia University Between France and Germany: Jews and National Identity in Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1918 CELNIKER, Michael 1975-76 Canada University of Toronto The Commentary of Rabbi David Kimhi on the Book of Judges (Critical Edition) CENDORF, Micheline 1965-66 France Ecole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes CESARANI, David 1983-84 England St. Antony's College, Oxford The Zionist Movement in England, 1917-1939 CHACHKO, Svetlana 2001-02 UKRAINE Odessa State University Holocaust Survivors in the Ukraine CHAJES, Jeffrey Howard 1996-97, 1997-98 USA Yale University Voices from Beyond: Possession and Exorcism in Early Modern Jewish Culture CHAMMOU, Eliezer 1973-74 Israel University of California, Los Angeles CHARLAP, Luba 1990-91, 1991-92 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Contributions Of Abraham Ibn Ezra To Hebrew Grammar, According To His Philological Writings And Commentaries To The Bible CHAVEL, Simeon 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University Four Stories of Law in the Priestly Composition in the Pentateuch CHAVER, Yael 1999-00 USA University of California What Must Be Forgotten: Yiddish Literature in Zionist Palestine, 1918-1938 CHAZE, Micheline 1976-77 Belgium Universite de Paris III Jacob Ben Sheshet, Kabbaliste de Gerone CHAZON-GLICKLER, Estelle 1984-85, 1985-86,198687, 1988-89 United States/Israel Hebrew University Liturgical Documents from Qumran and Their Implications CHERNICK, Michael 1971-72, 1973-74 United States Yeshiva University CHOLAWSKI, Shalom 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Underground in the Ghettos of Western White Russia During the Holocaust CHOUKRON, Anne 1993-94 France Sorbonne University Role Played by Music in the Integration of Jews in 19th Century France CHOURAQUI, Jean-Marc 1983-84, 1984-85,198687, 1988-89 France Universite de Paris IV French Rabbis and Their Sermons in the 19th Century from the Paris Sanhedrin of 1807 until the Separation of Church and State in 1905 CITRON, Atay 1983-84 Israel New York University Pageantry and Theatre in the Service of Jewish Nationalism in the U.S. 1933-1947 CLEMENS, David M. 1990-91 England/Canada University Of Chicago The Dialectal Affinities Of Qohelet COGAN, Morton 1968-69 United States University of Pennsylvania Imperialism and Religion: Assyria, Judah and Israel in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C.E. COHAVI, Yehoyakim 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University COHEN, Aryeh Eli 1992-93 USA Brandeis University A Literary-Theoretical Approach to the Interpretation of Talmudic Sugyot COHEN, Asher 1991-92, 1994-95 Israel Bar-Ilan University Changes in the Attitude of Religious Zionist leaders to the Concept of an Halachic State and its Implications, 1948-1988 COHEN, Asher 1974-75 Israel Universite de Paris VIII Le Populisme Hongrois Avant la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale COHEN, Avinoam 1978-79 Israel Yeshiva University COHEN, Avraham 1975-76 France Universite Rene Descartes COHEN, Barak 2003-04 Canada Bar Ilan University COHEN, Batcheva 1980-81, 1981-82 France Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III COHEN, Chaim E. 1984-85 Israel Tel-Aviv University COHEN, David 1974-75, 1975-76 France Universite de Provence COHEN, Debra 2004-05 Israel/United States Hebrew University The Role of Achievement Goals and Heritagae in Learning Hebrew in Jewish Secondary Schools in North America COHEN, Dror 2003-04 Israel Bar Ilan University COHEN, Howard 1968-69 United States New York University Transitions between Generations of Israeli Religious Poetry in the Twentieth Century: Comparative Analysis of the Works of Yosef Tzvi Rimon, Zelda, Admiel Kosman and Hava Pinhas-Cohen COHEN, Jocelyn 1999-00 USA University of Minnesota Rav Sheshet anmd His Interpretive and Analytical Methodology La Promotion des Juifs en France a l'Epoque du Second Empire Class and Gender in the Dynamics of Acculturation in American Jewish Immigrant Autobiography COHEN, Jonathan 1980-81 United States/Israel Hebrew University COHEN, Joseph 1975-76 France University of Paris COHEN, Joseph David 1999-00 CANADA Universite de Caen COHEN, Josie 1976-77 United States Yeshiva University COHEN, Judah 2001-02 USA Harvard University COHEN, Kenneth 1974-75 United States Temple University COHEN, Matty 1972-73 France University of Paris COHEN, Mazal 1993-94, 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Finite and Non-Finite Verbs in the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew and Modern Hebrew COHEN, Mordechai 1992-93 USA Yeshiva University David Kimhi's Contribution to the Medieval Exegetical Tradition of Biblical Figurative Language COHEN, Nathan Yaron 1992-93 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Literary and Journalistic Center in Warsaw, 1920-1942 COHEN, Norman J. 1972-73, 1974-75 United States Hebrew Union College A Prolegomenon to Midrash Pesikta Rabbati: The manuscripts and Printed Editions The Question of the Other in Hegel and Levinas Toward an Ethnography of Music in the American Jewish Reform Movement COHEN, Oved 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University COHEN, Philip 1990-91 U.S.A. Brandeis University COHEN, Richard 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University COHEN, Ruth L. 1977-78 United States Yeshiva University COHEN, Tova 1972-73 England Oxford University;Bar-Ilan University COHEN, Uri 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The First Decade after the Foundation of the State of Israel COHEN, Yedidia 1979-80 Israel Tel-Aviv University Jewish Legislation (Talmudic Era) Regarding the Economic Relations Between Spouses COHEN, Yehezkel 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Attitude to the Gentile, in the Halacha and in Reality, in the Talmudic Period COHEN, Yolande J. 1974-75 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes COHEN-ALLORO, Dorit 1980-81, 1981-82,1982- Israel 83, 1983-84 Bar-Ilan University;Hebrew University COHN, Reuven 1973-74, 1974-75 Harvard University United States The Philosophical Framework Of The Ethics Of Reform Judaism CONSONNI, Manuela 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University COOPER, Adrienne 1976-77, 1977-78 United States University of Chicago COOPER, Alan 1975-76 United States Yale University COOPER, Alanna Esther 1996-97 USA Boston University COOPER, Martin 1972-73 United States Yeshiva University COOPERMAN, Bernard 1972-73 United States Harvard University CORINALDI, Michael 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University COSMAN, Avraham 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University CREASON, Stuart 1993-94 USA University of Chicago CREMONESI, Lorenzo 1987-88 Italy Tel-Aviv University CRESPEAU, Michel 1979-80 France Universite de Paris VII Memory and Identity: The Reconstruction of Jewish Identity in Italy after the Shoah Crisis of Ethnic Identity: The Bukharan Jews of Samarand, Tel Kabir, and Queens Elements of Bailment in Jewish Law Syntax of Verbal Complements in Biblical Hebrew CUNO, Klaus 1974-75 United States Columbia University The Vints Megillah - A Jewish Poem About the Expulsion of the Jews During the Fettmilch War in Frankfort, 1612-1614 CUTTER, Charles 1974-75 United States Ohio State University American Yiddish Daily Press Reaction to the Rise of Nazism, 1930-1933 CZACKIS, Lloica 2004-05 Argentina Ecole des Hautes The Pulse of Yiddish Tango: A History of Migration, Identity, Creativity and Survival DANA, Joseph 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University Poetics in Kitab al-Muhadara wal-Mudarkara" by Moshe Ibn Ezra and its Sources in Arabic Books of Poetry and Criticism DANAN, Helene 1978-79, 1985-86 France Universite de Paris V;Sorbonne Les Talmude Thora en France Nouvelle - Paris III DANAN, Jules 1977-78 France Universite de Paris III Trois Ecrivains Israeliens Originaires de Pays Arabes: Image du Huif Oriental, Passe et Present DANZIG, Neil 1975-76, 1976-77,1981- United States 82, 1983-84 Yeshiva University Halakhot Pesukot (Hilkhot R. Yehudai Gaon) DARDASHTI, Galeet 2002-03 United States University of Texas Ethnic Music: Performing Middle Eastern Identities in the Israeli Nation-State DARVISH, Tikva 1981-82 Israel Bar-Ilan University Economic Minorities - A case Study of the Jewish Minority in Iraq on the Eve of Their Immigration to Israel DAVID, Abraham 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Historiographical Work of Gedalya Ibn Yahia, Author of Shalshelet ha-Kabbalah DAVID, Ohad 2004-05 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Crystallization and Transformations of the JewishIsraeli Identity: A Study of Identity Reflection in Hebrew Readers of the 20th Century DAVID, Yossi 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Error in the Halakah: A Study in Medieval Halakhic Thought DAVIDMAN, Lynn 1983-84, 1984-85 United States Brandeis University Women Who Became Orthodox Jews as Adults DAVIDOVICH, Adina 1984-85, 1985-86 Israel Harvard University DAVIDOVICI, Nicole 1983-84 France Universite de Paris V DAVIDSON, Hannah 2001-02, 2002-03 USA Hebrew University Magic, Science and Medicine among Jews of Catalonia in the 13th and 14th Centuries DAVIDSON, Jillian Vanessa 1994-95 England Jewish Theological Seminary A Secular Catastrophe in Eastern Europe: World War I and Modern Jewish Memory DAVIS, Joseph 1987-88, 1988-89 United States Harvard University Approaches to the Problem of Evil in Ashkenazic thought, 1600-1648 DAVIS-KRAM, Harriet 1982-83 United States City University of New York de PAS, Monique 1974-75, 1976-77 France Universite de Paris X DE VRIES, David 1990-91 Israel Tel-Aviv University DE VRIES, David 1985-86, 1990-91 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Labour Movement In Haifa, 1920-1929: A Study In The History Of Urban Workers In Mandatory Palestine DEAN, Zafrira 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Transition from Abstract Judaism to Practical Fulfillment of the Jewish People, as Delinated in the Philosophy of Micha Yosef Berdichevsky DEITCHER, Howard 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- Canada 82, 1982-83 Yeshiva University The Rites of Passage: An Instructional Guide for Yeshiva DEMSKY, Aaron 1965-66, 1966-67,1969- United States/Israel Hebrew University 70 DENIG, Paul 1980-81 United States DESHEH, Sue-Zohar 1980-81 United States/Israel Columbia University DESPINA, Marie 1972-73 France University of Paris DEUTSCH, Guy 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University Iconographie de l'Illustration de Flavius Joseph au Temps de Jean Fouquet DEUTSCH, Nathaniel 1993-94 USA University of Chicago Guardians of the Gate: Typology of Divine Vice Regency in Late Antique Judaism DEUTSCH, Nephtali 1976-77 Israel/France Hebrew University DEUTSCH, Yaacov 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University DIAMANT, Naomi 1990-91 England Columbia University Literacy in Israel and Among Neighboring Peoples in the Biblical Period University of Iowa Judaism in Christian Eyes - Ethnographic Descriptions of Judaism in the Writings of Christian Scholars in Western Europe from the Sixteenth to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century The Boundaries Of Holocaust Literature: The Emergence Of A Canon DIAMENT, Carol 1978-79 DIAMOND, Eliezer United States Yeshiva University Polemics of Rebirth: David Gordon and ProtoZionism, 1858-1886 1983-84, 1984-85,1987- United States 88 Jewish Theological Seminary Taanit, Chapter One - A Critical Commentary DIENA, Alda 1973-74 Italy University of Torino DINUR, Joseph 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University DOBKOWSKI, Nachim 1974-75 United States New York University DOBRUSIN, Deborah 1979-80, 1980-81 United States Columbia University DODY, Amos 1979-80, 1980-81 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Grammar of Targum Onqelos According to Geniza Fragments DOHRMANN, Natalie 1998-99 USA University of Chicago Law and Narrative in the Mekilta de Rabbi ishmael: The Problem of Midrashic Coherence DONESON, Judith 1980-81, 1981-82,1982- United States 83 Hebrew University The Holocaust and Film in the United States DONSHIK, Stpehen 1973-74, 1975-76 United States Yeshiva University DON-YEHIYA, Eliezer 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University Taxation System of Palestine in the Roman Age as Reflectedd in Talmudic Literature (63 BC-395 AD) Conflict and Cooperation Between Political Camps: The Labour Movement and the Religious Camp, and the Education Crisis in Israel DORON, Abraham 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Bar-Ilan University DORON, Aviva 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University DORON, Pinchas 1965-66, 1966-67 United States University of Pennsylvania DOTHAN, Samuel 1970-71, 1971-72,1972- Israel 73 Tel-Aviv University DOWNING, Thomas 1976-77 United States Hebrew Union College DRAPER, Paula 1979-80 Canada University of Toronto DRATWA, Daniel 1982-83 Belgium The Accidental Immigrants: Canada and the Interned Refugees, re: Jewish Male Refugees from Nazism -German, Austrian and Italian--Interned as Enemy Aliens in Canada, 1940-44 University de Paris X - Nanterre History of Zionism in Belgium (1897-1936) DREIFUSS, Eric 1969-70 Switzerland University of Berne DRENDEL, John 1985-86, 1986-87,1987- United States 88 University of Toronto DRENGER, Blanche 1967-68 Belgium/Israel Hebrew University DRESDNER, Camillo 1967-68 Israel Hebrew University Proposals and Plans of Various Streams Within the Zionist Movement for the Solution of the Palestine Problem, 1929-45 DRESNER, Anna 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University The Development of Novel by Sholem Aleichem: His Literary and Realistic Background DREYFUS, Jean Marc 1999-00 FRANCE University of Paris Aryanisation of Jewish Banks in France during the German Occupation 1940-1945 DREYFUS, Theodore 1965-66 France University of Strasbourg DREZON, Marcia 1979-80 United States Columbia University Interest Groups and Political Change in Israel DRORI, Moshe 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University Artifical Insemination in Jewish Law DRUCKER, Sally 1979-80 United States S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo DU, Xianju 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997- China 98 Brandeis University DUBB, Allie 1967-68 Rhodes University DUBIN, Lois 1975-76, 1982-83,1983- Canada/United 84, 1984-85 States Harvard University DUBROVSKY, Gertrude 1971-72 United States Columbia University I.J. Schwartz' Kentucky DUKAN, Jacques 1979-80 France Universite de Paris III Thirteenth Century Commentries on the Poems of Eliazar Kalir South Africa Sino-Israeli Relations; China and Israel: Five Decades of their Relations DURCHSLAG, Audri 1975-76, 1976-77 United States University of California, Berkeley DVIR, Azriel 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University DVORJETSKI, Esti 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Medicinal Hot Springs in Eretz Israel during the period of the Second Temple, the Mishna and the Talmud DVORKIN, Ilya 1994-95, 1995-96 Russia Russian Academy Formation of Philosophic and Religious Discourse in the Medieval Jewish Tradition ECKSTEIN, Yechiel 1977-78 United States Columbia University EDELMANN, Moshe 1976-77 Israel/Denmark University of Copenhagen The Oath in Rabbinic Literature EDELSTEIN, Alan 1975-76 United States City University of New York Philo-Semitism and the Survival of European Jewry EDELSTEIN, Monica 1998-99, 1999-00 USA Tulane University Zar Spirit Possession Among the Beta Israel: Discourses and Performances in Medicine and Ethnicity EDREI, Arye 1986-87, 1988-89,1989- Israel 90 Hebrew University Inheritors' Responsibilities for Debts and Obligations in Jewish Law EFRATI, Natan 1982-83, 1983-84,1984- Israel 85 Hebrew University The Jewish Community in Palestine During WWI (1914-1918) EFRON, John M. 1988-89, 1990-91 Columbia University Jewish Racial Science: The Self-Perceptions Of The Jewish Scientific Community In Europe, 1882-1939 Australia Towards a Poetics of Parable EFRON, Noah J. 1993-94 USA Tel Aviv University R. David Ben Solomon Gans and the Controversy Over Natural Science in Jewish Prague EHRLICH, Carl 1979-80 United States Harvard University Toward a Post-Davidic History of the Philistines EHRLICH, Elana 1973-74 United States University of London EHRLICH, Evelyn 1979-80 Germany Brandeis University EHRLICH, Uri 1989-90, 1990-91,1991- Israel 92 Hebrew University Modes Of Prayer And Their Significance In The Time Of The Mishnah And The Talmud EICHLER, Hava 1977-78 Israel Bar-Ilan University Zionism and Youth in Hungary Between the Two World Wars EIDELMAN, Jay Michael 1995-96 Canada Yale University Jews in North America, 1790-1830 EISEN, Robert 1987-88, 1988-89,1989- United States 90 Brandeis University EISENBERG, Ellen 1989-90 United States University of Pennsylvania EISENBERG, Yitzhak 1998-99 ISRAEL University of Paris Holocaust Survivors' Writing and Suicide: The Psychological and Psychoanalytical Aspects of Trauma Literature EISENMAN, Robert 1967-68 United States Hebrew University Islamic Law in Palestine and Israel ELAM, Nurit 1988-89 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Jewish Past and the Attitude towards It by the Leaders of the Labour and Right Wing Parties until 1948 ELBAUM, Jacob 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University Trends and Courses in Jewish Speculative and Moralistic Literature in Germanic Lands and Poland During the 16th Century ELBAZ, Elie 1975-76 France University of Paris ELBAZ, Mikhael 1975-76 Canada University of Montreal ELDAR, Ilan 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Pre-Ashkenazic Reading Tradition According to Vocalized Ashkenazic Mahzorim of the 12th-13th Century With a Study of Their Vocalization Systems ELGAVISH, David 1980-81, 1982-83,1983- Israel 84 Bar-Ilan University The Diplomatic Service in the Old Testament in the Light of the Cunieform Sources ELHADAD, Jacob 1966-67 France University of Strasbourg ELIASBERG, Galina A. 1995-96 Russia Russian State Humanities University History of Jewish National Literature in the Cultural and Historic Conception of Dr. I. Zinberg ELIASH, Ben Zion 1969-70, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University Elements of Law of Interest in Jewish Law ELIASH, Shulamith 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University ELIAV, Yaron Tzvi 1994-95, 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University The Temple Mount of Jerusalem from the Foundation of Aelia Capitolina until the Arab Conquest: Realia & Theology ELICHAI, Joseph 1982-83, 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University The Mizrahi Movement in Congress Poland, 19161927 ELITZUR, Shulamit 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University The Piyyutim of El'azar Birabi Qillar and Their Relation to the Poetry of El'azar Birabi Qillar ELIZUR, Binyamin 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University Pesikta Rabbati -An Introduction ELKAYAM, Shlomo 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University ELKIN, Zeev 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University ELKOUBY, Joseph 1965-66 France University of Strasbourg ELLENSON, David 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Columbia University Continuity and Innovation: Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer and the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy ELLINSON, Gerald 1972-73, 1973-74,1974- Israel 75 Tel-Aviv University Civil Marriages as Reflected in the Halacha ELPERN, Israel 1970-71 University of Wisconsin ELSTEIN, Rochelle 1979-80, 1980-81,1982- United States 83, 1983-84 Michigan State University ELSTEIN, Yoav 1968-69, 1974-75 University of California United States Israel Historical Consciousness of the Jews in the East in the First Half of the 10th Century ELYASHEVICH, Ely 1997-98 Russia St. Petersburg The Russian Monarchy and the Jews: State AntiSemitism Reflected in Censorship EMANUEL, Simcha 1988-89, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Lost Halakhic Books of the Tosaphists Period and Circle ENGEL, Edna 1985-86, 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University ENGLARD-SCHAFFER, Naomi 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983- United States 84, 1984-85 Yeshiva University EPHAL, Israel 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University The Nomads on the Border of Palestine in the Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian Periods EPSTEIN, Asher 1992-93 USA Yeshiva University Mediating Factors in the Psychological Adjustment of Recent Soviet Jewish Immigrants to Israel EPSTEIN, Daniel 1967-68 France University of Strasbourg EPSTEIN, Lisa R. 1990-91 U.S.A. Yale University Caring For The Soul's House: The Jews Of Russia And Health Care, 1860-1914 EPSTEIN, Marc M. 1990-91 U.S.A. Yale University Medieval Jewry And The Allegorization Of The Natural World: A Textual And Iconographic Study EPSTEIN, Mark 1976-77, 1977-78 United States University of Washington, Seattle EPSTEIN, Shifra 1974-75 Israel University of Texas EPSTEIN, Simon 1972-73 France University of Paris EPSTEIN-WEINSTEIN, Sara 1992-93, 1993-94 USA New York University Rabbinic Traditions Regarding Self-Imposed Religious Stringency ERTEL, Rachel 1966-67, 1970-71 France University of Paris Le Roman Juif Americain ESHEL, Esther 1996-97, 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University Demonology in Palestine during the Second Temple Period ESHEL, Hanan 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Samaritans in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods: The Origins of ESHKOLI, Eve 1982-83, 1984-85 Israel Bar-Ilan University ESKENASY, Filip V. 1985-86, 1986-87, 1987- Switzerland 88 University of LaUnited Statesnne ESTIN, Colette 1975-76 University of Paris St. Jerome, Translator of the Psalms ESTRAIKH, Gennady Y. 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993- Russia 94, 1994-95 1995-96 Oxford University The Peculiarities of Soviet Yiddish ETKES, Emanuel 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University ETTINGER, Shalom 1966-67 Israel Bar-Ilan University Israel ETTINGER, Shimson 1976-77, 1978-79, 1979- Israel 80 Hebrew University Self Help in Jewish Law Contradictory Passages (Sugiot Muchlafot) in the Tractate Nezikin (Bava Kama, Bava Mezia and Bava Batra) Itself and Between It and the Rest of the Babylonian Talmud The Philosophical Works Of Naphtali Hirz Ulman ETZ-CHAYIM,Jehonatan 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University EVEN-CHEN, Alexander 1989-90, 1990-91 Argentina/Israel Hebrew University EVEN-VERED, Mordechai 1999-00 ISRAEL Tel Aviv University EYAL, Baruch 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University EYTAN-FISHMAN, Rachel 1975-76 United States New York University EZEKIEL, Sarit 2004-05 Israel Bar-Ilan University Applying the Archetypal Method in 'Hachnasat Kalah' As a Directing Tenet in Agnon's Work EZRACHI, Elan 1991-92 Israel/USA Jewish Theological Seminary Short-Term Encounters between israeli and American Jews: Potential Problems and Educational Implications FADER, Ayala 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998- USA 99 New York University Gender, Language and Education in a Hasidic Community; Learning Difference: Social Reproduction in a Hasidic Community in Brooklyn FAERSTEIN, Chana 1965-66 Israel Hebrew University FAINGOLD, Reuven 1984-85, 1988-89 Argentina/Israel Hebrew University The Opposant Helper: Hierarchical Oppositions, Dangerous Assistants and Ambivalence in the Pentateuch The Public Debate Concerning the New Christian Problem in Portuguese Society, 1497-1640 FALK, Candace 1979-80 United States University of California, Santa Cruz FARAGO, Uri 1970-71 United States Brandeis University FARBER-GINAT, Assi 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University FARGION, Liliana 1973-74 Italy Universita degli Studi de Milano The Jewish Press in Italy - History and Content Analysis FASSBERG, Steven 1981-82 United States Harvard University FATRAN, Gila 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University FAUST, Avraham 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University FAVUS, Mark 1970-71 England Sussex University FEDER, David 1971-72, 1972-73 United States University of Chicago FEFERMAN, Kiril 2002-03; 2003-04; 2004- Israel 05 Hebrew University Holocaust in the Crimea and the Caucasus FEIGE, Michael 1996-97 Hebrew University Social Movements, Hegemony and Political Myth: A Comparative Study of Gush-Emunim and Peace-Now Israel Love, Anarchy and Emma Goldman A Grammar of the Palestinian Targum Fragments from the Cairo Genizah The Social Structure of Israelite Society in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE FEINER, Shmuel 1986-87, 1987-88,1989- Israel 90 Hebrew University FEINERMAN, Emmanuel 1973-74 France University of Paris FEINGOLD, Marilyn 1981-82 United States Boston University FEINSTEIN, Edward 1981-82 United States Columbia University FEINTUCH, Zvi 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University FELDBLUM, Esther 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Columbia University FELDHENDLER, Miryam 1977-78 Israel/France Universite de Paris III FELDMAN, Jackie Simon 1995-96, 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University FELDMAN, Peter 1973-74 England City University FELIX, Iris 1994-95, 1995-96 USA Hebrew University FELLMAN, Kadiya 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University The Change Process and the Implementation of Facing History and Ourselves The American Catholic Press and the Jewish State 1917-1959 It is My Brothers whom I am Seeking: Voyages of Israeli Youth Groups to Holocaust Poland Theurgy in the Kabbalah of R. Joseph of Hamadan FENTON, Paul 1974-75, 1975-76 France Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle FEUCHTWANGER-SARIG, N. 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University FEUERSTEIN, Sary 1977-78, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University FINE, Lawrence 1973-74 United States Brandeis University FINE, Peter 1986-87 United States New York University FINGERHOOD, Edward 1970-71 United States Dropsie University FINK, F. David 1977-78 United States Yale University Maimonidean Hebrew Grammar FINKELSTEIN, Israel 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Izbet Excavations and the Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country FINTSI, Yehuda 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University FISCH, Linda 1978-79 United States Columbia University Patterns of Religious and Feminist Socialization Among Jewish College Women FISHBANE, Eitan 2002-03 United States Brandeis University Contemplative Mysticism and Cultural Transmission in the Writings of Isaac ben Samuel of Acre Illustrations in the Ashkenazi Minhag Books FISHBANE, Simcha 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University FISHER, Israel 1981-82 South Africa University of South Africa FISHMAN, Aryei 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University FISHMAN, David 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Harvard University FISHMAN, Rivkah 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University FISHMAN, Talya 1982-83, 1983-84 United States Harvard University FISHOF, Vicki 1975-76 United States Yeshiva University FLATTO, Sharon Helen 1996-97 USA Yale University FLECK, Jeffrey 1976-77 United States University of California, Berkeley FLEISCHNER, Eva 1970-71 United States Marquette University FLEISHMAN, Joseph 1982-83 Israel University of London The Religious Kibbutz: A Study in the Interrelationship of Religion and Ideology in the Context of Modernization A Community in Transition: The Jews of Prague 17541834 FLOHR, Paul 1971-72 Israel Brandeis University FLOMENBOIM, Rita 1986-87 Israel Bar-Ilan University FLORENTIN, Moshe 1985-86, 1987-88, 1988- Israel 89 Tel-Aviv University FOGEL, Dov 1983-84, 1986-87 Bar-Ilan University FOGEL, Paul 1983-84, 1985-86, 1986- France 87 University of London FOGELMAN, Eva 1985-86 United States Graduate Center of the CUNY FONROBERT, Charlotte L.J. 1994-95 Germany Graduate Theo. Union A Feminist Reading of Tractate Niddah of the Babylonian Talmud FORTEZA-REY, Marta 1989-90, 1991-92 Spain Hebrew University Jewish Drama in the Sephardic Comunities of 17th Century Western Europe FORTI, Tova 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University Animal Images in the Didactic Rhetoric of Wisdom Literature FOX, Everett 1972-73 United States Brandeis University FOX, Nili S. 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996- USA 97 Israel University of Pennsylvania The Hebrew of the Samaritans: A Grammatical Description and Lexical Characterization Officials and their Roles in the State-Organization of the Israelite Monarchies FOX, Stuart 1970-71 England University of Sussex FOXBRUNER, Avrohom 1975-76, 1977-78, 1978- United States 79 Harvard University FRAADE, Steven 1975-76, 1978-79 United States University of Pennsylvania FRAENCKEL, Eliezer 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University FRAENKEL, Jacqueline 1982-83 Israel/France Universite de Paris III FRAENKEL, Judith 1982-83 Israel Columbia University FRAGER, Ruth 1982-83 United States York University, Ontario FRAISSE, Ottfried 1997-98 Germany Free University FRAM, Edward 1983-84 Canada Yeshiva University FRAM, Edward Aaron 1991-92 Canada Columbia University Jewish Law and Social and Economic Realities in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Poland FRANKEL, Marla L. 1994-95, 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University Teaching of Torah Religious Schools: Clarifying the Approach of Nechama Leibowitz Habad: The Ethical Thought of rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyady L'Imprimerie hebraique a Djerba Moses Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on the Song of Songs: The Philosophically Oriented Re-Interpretation of Aggadah in 13th Century Southern France FRANKEL, Rafael 1980-81, 1981-82,1983- Israel 84 Tel-Aviv University The History of the Processing of Wine and Oil in Galilee in the Period of the Bible, the Mishna, and the Talmud FRANKLIN, Arnold 1998-99 USA Princeton University Shoots of David: The Nesiut in the Near East during the Middle Ages FRANKLIN, Naomi 1971-72 United States Brandeis University FREEDMAN, David 1973-74 United States Jewish Theological Seminary FREEDMAN, Gail 1981-82, 1982-83 United States Brandeis University FREILICH, Charles D. 1990-91 Israel/U.S.A. Columbia University Messianism And Realism: National Security Decision Making In Israel FREILICH, Miriam 1986-87, 1987-88,1988- Israel 89, 1989-90 Hebrew University Assimilation and Polonization among Polish Jewry, 1919-1939 FRENKEL, Miriam 1993-94, 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University The Community of Alexandria during the Fatimid and the Ayyubid Periods Israel Hebrew University FRIEDBERG-WADE, Haia 1989-90 FRIEDENREICH, David 2004-05 United States Columbia University FRIEDGUT, Theodore 1967-68 Israel Columbia University Foreign Food: Restrictions on Eating with Members of Other Religions In Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Law FRIEDMAN, Elizabeth 1974-75 United States City University of New York FRIEDMAN, Joan S. 1986-87, 1989-90 United States Columbia University FRIEDMAN, Mark 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Columbia University FRIEDMAN, Menachem 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University FRIEDMAN, Mordechai 1986-87 Israel Columbia University FRIEDMAN, Reena 1982-83 United States Columbia University FRIEDMAN, Yvonne 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Bar-Ilan University FRIEDMANN, Alexander 1979-80 South Africa Hebrew Union College FRIEDMANN, Jehosua 1966-67 United States Yeshiva University FRIESEL, Evyatar 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University FRIGYESI, Judit 1982-83, 1983-84,1984- Hungary 85 University of Pennsylvania;Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes A Critical Edition of Peter the Venerable's Liver Adversus Indearum Inveteratam Duritiem FRIMER, Dov 1979-80 United States Hebrew University Grounds for Divorce Due to Immoral Behavior (Other than Adultery) in Jewish Law FRISCH, Amos 1982-83, 1983-84 Israel Bar-Ilan University FROM, Gerald 1979-80 United States New York University FROMM, Annette 1983-84 United States Indiana University FRUCHTMAN, Maya 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University FUKS, Gideon 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University FURMAN, Frida 1979-80 United States University of Southern California GAFNI, Isaiah 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University The Babylonian Yeshiva GALE, Robert D. 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993- USA 94 Harvard University The Conversions of Profiat Duran GALILI-GLATZER, David 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University GALINSKY, Judah D. 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998- USA 99 Bar-Ilan University A Question of Determination The Sefer Ha-Turim of R. Jacob ben Asher and the Halakhic Literature of 14th Century Spain: A Literary and Halakhic Study GALLANT, Batya 1985-86, 1986-87 United States Yeshiva University GALLANT, Robert 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Yale University GALLER, Yaacov 1971-72, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University GAMPEL, Benjamin 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Columbia University GAMZU, Joseph 1975-76 Israel University of Texas at Austin GARAI, George 1971-72, 1974-75 Australia University of London GARBER, Zev 1970-71 United States London University GARRETT, Leah 1998-99 USA Jewish Theological Seminary Constructs of Travel in Modern Yiddish Literature GARSIEL, Moshe 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University Parallels Between the Book of Jeremiah and the Book of Psalms GARTNER, Sabine 1971-72 England University of Sussex GARZON-SERFATY, Benito 1967-68 Spain University of Madrid The Jewish Community on Old Roumania Between the Two World Wars The Biblical Poetry of the Great Yiddish Author, the Late Itzak Manger GASSENSCHMIDT, Christoph 1989-90, 1991-92 Germany Oxford University Jewish Middle Class Politics in Russia, 1903-1914: The Modernization of Russian Jewry GASTWIRT, Harold 1966-67, 1967-68 United States Columbia University The History of Kosher Food in New York City, 18811940 GAVARIN, Martelle 1986-87 United States/Israel Hebrew University GAVRA, Moshe 1987-88, 1988-89,1990- Israel 91 Bar-Ilan University GDALIA, Janine 1972-73 France University of Paris GEDI, Yigal 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University GEFFEN, David 1968-69 United States Columbia University GELDMAN, Arden 1976-77 United States University of Chicago GELERNTER, David 1977-78 United States Yale University GELFAND, Mitchell 1977-78 United States Carnegie-Mellon University GELLERMAN, Jill 1981-82 United States New York University Halakhic Scholars In 18th-Century Yemen Faith and Reason in Elisah Del Medigo's Behinat Hadat Chutzpah in El Dorado: Social Mobility of Jews in Los Angeles, 1900-1920 GELMAN, Kenneth 1974-75 United States Clark University GENACK, Yakov 1999-00 USA Hebrew University GERA, Dov 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University GERBER, Kenneth 1999-00 USA Yale University Challenging the Stature of Moses: An Examination of a Midrashic Motif in the Setting of Early Rabbinic Judaism GERBER, Reuven 1986-87, 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University The Development of Rabbi A.I. Kook's Philosophical Vision of the National Revival GEREBOFF, Joel 1976-77 United States Brown University GERSHOWITZ, Oleg 1998-99, 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University Rabbi Elijah ben Eliezer ha-Yerushalmi's Commentary on the Book of Job in the Context of the Jewish Medieval Philosophical Exegesis GERTNER, Haim 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Galician Rabbinate in the 19th Century: Social and Cultural Aspects GEULA, Amos 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University Aggadic Midrashim Known Only from Ashkenazic Source - Avkir, Vayechulu, Esfa and Devarim Zuta GEVA, Yishai 1976-77, 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University GEYER, Ruth 1970-71 Germany Free University of Berlin Motifs in the Halacha of Sukkot in Talmudic Literature GHEZ-LOTTON, Pervenche S. 1994-95 France Sorbonne A Case of Judeo-Christian Syncretism in Castile during the XVth Century GILBEY, Anita 1965-66, 1966-67 United States Columbia University GILLER, Pinchas 1990-91 U.S.A. Graduate Theological Union Symbolization And Therapy In Tiqqunei Ha-Zohar GILLERMAN, Sharon 1991-92, 1993-94 USA UCLA Crises of the Jewish Family in Weimar Berlin GILLIS, Miriam 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Teaching of Hebrew Reading in Eretz-Israel-Critical Analysis of its Development, Problems, Methods and Results GILNER, David 1975-76 United States Hebrew Union College GINSBURG, Elliot 1981-82, 1982-83 United States University of Pennsylvania GITAY, Yehoshua 1975-76 United States Emory University GITIN, Seymour 1973-74, 1975-76 United States Hebrew Union College, JerUnited Stateslem GITLIN, Jan 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University GIULIANI, Massimo 1997-98 Italy Hebrew University The Sabbath in the Classical Kabbalah A Ceramic Typology of the Late Ivon II, Persian and hellenistic Periods at Tell Gezer Theological Implications of the Shoah GLANZ, David 1975-76, 1977-78 United States Columbia University GLASSER, Paul 1987-88, 1988-89,1989- United States 90 Columbia University A Distributional Approach to Yiddish Grammar GLATT, David 1986-87, 1987-88,1988- United States 89, 1989-90 University of Pennsylvania Chronological and Other Editorial Arrangements of Biblical Material GLATZER, Mordechai 1977-78, 1978-79,1979- Israel 80 Hebrew University Ittur Soferim of R. Isaac B. Abba Mari - Introduction GLENN, Susan 1981-82, 1982-83 United States University of California, Berkeley Jewish Immigrant Women in the American Garment Industry, 1880-1920 GLICKMAN, Gail G. 1984-85 United States University of Pennsylvania GLICKMAN, Nora 1977-78 England New York University GLOGOWER, Roderic 1980-81 United States Brandeis University GLUSKA, Isaac 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University GODFREY, Mark 1999-00 UK University College, London GOETSCHEL, Roland 1966-67 France University of Strasbourg The Jewish Image in Brazilian and Argentinian Literature American Abstract Art and the Holocaust GOIST, Doris 1975-76 United States Case Western Reserve GOLAN, Arna 1971-72, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University GOLAN, Haim 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University GOLD, David 1972-73 United States Columbia University GOLD, Nili 1987-88 United States Jewish Theological Seminary GOLDBERG, Amos 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Hebrew University GOLDBERG, Arlette 1966-67, 1968-69 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes GOLDBERG, David 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- United States 82, 1982-83 GOLDBERG, Fred 1966-67 United States GOLDBERG, Geoffrey 1984-85 England Jewish Theological Seminary GOLDBERG, Giora 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Hebrew Literary Criticism: 1880-1905 Defining the Units of Lexicography I, Text and Powerlesness - Diaries Written by Jews During the Holocaust Columbia University The Parliamentary Opposition in Israel, 1965-77 GOLDBERG, Harold 1972-73, 1973-74 United States Brandeis University Israel Salanter; A Study of His Works GOLDBERG, Idana 2001-02 USA University of Pennsylvania Gender, Religion, and the Jewish Public Sphere in Mid-Nineteenth Century America GOLDBERG, Joel Richard 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997- USA 98, 1998-99 New York University Mystical Union, Individuality, and Individuation in Provencal and Catalonian Kabbalah GOLDBERG, Rivka 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995- Israel 96 Bar Ilan University Hasidic Story as Told by the Tzaddik: Structure and Idea, Special Emphasis upon the Stories of Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin GOLDBERG, Zeev 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University George Selikovitsch - A Maskil and a Jewish Journalist at the Turn of the Century GOLDELMAN, Menashe 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University R. David Lehno and His Chronicle Devar Sefataim GOLDENBERG, David 1975-76 United States Dropsie University GOLDIN, Semion 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998- Israel 99 Hebrew University Russian Jewry under Tsarist Military Rule in World War I GOLDIN, Simha 1990-91 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Relationship Between The Individual And The Jewish Community In The Middle Ages GOLDMAN, Eric 1977-78 United States New York University World History of Yiddish Cinema GOLDMAN, Robert 1971-72 United States Brandeis University GOLDREICH, Amos 1974-75, 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University Sefer Meirat Einayim by R. Isaac of Acre - A Critical Edition GOLDSTEIN, Eric L. 1996-97 USA University of Michigan Race and Constructions of Jewish Identity in America, 1880-1945 GOLDSTEIN, Jacob 1968-69, 1969-70, 1970- Israel 71 Hebrew University The Consolidation of the Zionist and Palestinian Policy of Mapai until 1935 GOLDSTEIN, Miriam 2001-02; 2003-04 USA University of Cambridge The Development of Peshat Exegesis in 10th Century Judeo-Arabic Bible Commentary GOLDSTEIN, Naftali 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University GOLDWASSER, Morris 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University GOLDY, Robert 1981-82, 1982-83 United States/Israel Hebrew University GOLINKIN, David 1982-83, 1983-84 United States Jewish Theological Seminary GOODMAN, Martin 1979-80 England Oxford University State and Society in Roman Galilee, AD 132-212 GOODMAN, Yehuda Chaim 1996-97 USA Hebrew University Reality Construction and Therapeutic Discourse at Ultra-Orthodox Frameworks for Treatment of the Mentally Disturbed GOODWIN, David 1977-78 United States University of California, Berkeley GOPHNA, Ram 1970-71 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Settlement of the Coastal Plain of Eretz Israel During the Early Bronze Age GOPIN, Marc 1990-91 U.S.A. Brandeis University Traditional Judaism And Universal Religion: A Study Of The Religious Philosophy Of Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh GORANSON, Stephen 1988-89 United States Duke University Joseph of Tiberias as a Source of Jewish-Christian Relations in Fourth-Century Galilee GORDON, Leonard 1980-81 United States Brown University GORDON, Martin 1971-72 United States Yeshiva University, GOREN, Jacob 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University The Image of the Jews and Judaism in Protestant Old Testament Criticism from Mid 18th Century to the Thirties of the 19th Century GORNI, Josef 1970-71 Israel Tel-Aviv University Achdut Ha-Avoda 1919-1930, The Ideological Principles and the Political System GORODENZIK, Rinat 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University GOSHEN-GOTTSTEIN, Alon 1983-84, 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University GOTTLIEB, Eli 1997-98, 1999-00 United Kingdom Hebrew University GOTTLIEB, Eliahu 1966-67, 1967-68 Switzerland Universite de Geneve Reasoning in the Development of Religious Thinking GOTTLIEB, Michah 2001-02 CANADA Indiana University Mendelsohn on Spinoza: Judaism, Reason and the Problem of German Enlightenment GOTTLIEB, Moshe 1965-66, 1966-67 United States Brandeis University GOVRIN, Nurith 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Tel-Aviv University Ha-Omer and its Edition Simha Ben Zion GOZANI, Tal 1998-99 USA University of California The Aestheticization of Judaism: French-Jewish Iconography in the 19th Century GRACOMBE, Sarah 2003-04 USA Columbia University Anxieties of Influence: Jewishness and English Culture in the Victorian Novel GRAETZ, Michael 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University GRANAT, Yehoshua 2003-04 Israel Hebrew University Cosmogonic Narratives in Medieval Hebrew Liturgical Poetry GRANOT, Naomi 1990-91, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Perceptions Of Time As Reflected In Fixing The Time In Rabbinic_ Literature GREEN, Arthur 1967-68 United States Brandeis University GREEN, Deborah 2002-03 United States University of Chicago GREEN, Kenneth 1980-81, 1981-82 Canada Brandeis University Soothing Odors: A Study of the Transformation of Scent in Ancient Israelite and Ancient Jewish Literature GREEN, Nancy 1974-75, 1975-76 United States University of Chicago Jewish Immigrant Workers in Paris, 1880-1924 GREEN, Sharon 1983-84 Canada Brandeis University GREEN, Warren 1976-77, 1977-78,1978- United States 79, 1979-80 Boston University The Nazi Racial Policy Towards the Soviet Oriental Jews GREENBLATT, Rachel 2001-02; 2004-05 ISRAEL Hebrew University A Community's Memory: Jewish Views of Past and Present in Early Modern Prague GREENE, Wallace 1973-74 United States Yeshiva University The Life and Times of Rabbi Judah Leon Asher GREITZER, Dina 1979-80 Israel Tel-Aviv University GRIBETZ, Beverly 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Jewish Theological Seminary GRIES, Zeev 1977-78, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University The Hassidic Conduct Literature as an Expression of Ethics GROBMAN, Alex 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Hebrew University American Jewish Chaplains and the Remnants of Europe, 1944-1948 GRONEMANN, Simona 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Extant 15th Century Illuminated Manuscripts of Meshal Hakadmoni by Isaac ben-Solomon Ibn Sahula GRONER, Baruch 1966-67, 1967-68,1969- Israel/United States Hebrew University 70 Rav Hai Gaon, His Halachic Methodology GROSS, Andrew 2002-03 United States New York University Land Tenure in Palestine in the 1st and 2nd Centuries CE GROSS, Ben Zion 1967-68 Israel Hebrew University Noun Formations (of Semitic Origin Only) with the suffixes an, on and Their Meaning in Biblical as well as in Mishnaic Hebrew GROSSFELD, Bernard 1968-69 United States/Israel Hebrew University GROSSMAN, Abraham 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University GROSSMAN, Mark 1975-76 United States Yeshiva University GRUNBERGER, Richard 1971-72 England University of Warwick GRUNHAUS, Nechama 1990-91 Israel New York University GRUZMAN, Meir 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Bar-Ilan University GRYNBERG, Anne 1982-83, 1984-85, 1986- France 87 Universite de Paris I, Sorbonne GUBERMAN, Rachel 1984-85 United States University of Chicago GUEDALIA, Harris 1968-69, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University The Taxation System Of The Jewish Community Of Izmir In The 17th To 19th Centuries GUETTA, Alessandro 1990-91 Italy Ecole Des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales The Cultural Relationships between the Jewish Communities of Leghorn and Northern Africa During the 17th and 18th Centuries GUETTA, Danielle 1990-91 France Institut National Des langues et Critical Study Of Tractate Nezikin of Mishneh Torah Civilisations Orientales of Maimonides GUGENHEIM, Michel 1982-83 France Universite de Paris III GUILLET, Marie 1972-73 France Universite de Paris III GUMANI, Aharon 1988-89 Israel Bar-Ilan University GURI, Sarah 1981-82 Israel Stanford University GUROCK, Jeffrey 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Columbia University GURVIS, Vitalis 1971-72 United States/israel Hebrew University GUTENMACHER, Daniel 1982-83 United States Hebrew University GUTMAN, Israel 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University GUTTEL, Henri 1974-75, 1975-76 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes The Yemenite Jewish Community and Eretz Yisrael, 16th-18th Centuries The Resistance Movement and the Armed Struggle of the Jews of Warsaw, 1939-43 GUTWEIN, Kenneth 1977-78 United States New York University GUTWIRTH, Eleazar 1975-76 England University College, London HABBA, Yacov 1994-95 Israel Bar-Ilan University Mens Rea in Jewish Law HACHAM, Noah 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Third Book of Maccabees: Literature, History and Ideology HACKER, Josef 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Community of Salonica from the 15th to the 16th Century HACOHEN, Dvora 1981-82 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Plicy of mass Immigration Absorption in Israel During the Years 1948-53 HACOHEN, Eden 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University The Qerovot of Rabbi Shelomo SuleimanAl-Sanjary for the Festivals HADAR, David 1968-69, 1969-70,1970- Israel 71 Hebrew University HADAR, Gila 2002-03 Israel University of Haifa HADDA, Janet 1972-73 United States Columbia University HAGER, Sera 1974-75, 1979-80, 1980- Israel 81, 1981-82 Hebrew University The Urbanization of Palestina Tertia in the Byzantine Period The Jewish Family in Thessaloniki Between 19121943 HAHN, Andrew Mayer 1994-95 United States Jewish Theological Seminary Interpretation of Tohu Va-Vohu in Medieval Jewish Philosophical Exegesis HAIM, Abraham 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Sephardi Leadership in Jerusalem and its Relations with the Central Institutions of the Yishuv Under British Rule, 1917-1948 HAKAK, Lev 1974-75 United States University of California HAKAK, Yohai 2001-02; 2003-04 ISRAEL Hebrew University Social Construction of Masculinity and Body in the Ultra Orthodox Community HALAMISH, Aviva 1991-92 Israel Tel Aviv University Immigration and Absorption Policy of the World Zionist Organization, 1931-1939 HALAMISH-GOLDSTEIN, Akiv 1991-92, 1992-93 Israel Tel-Aviv University Immigration and Absorption Policy of the World Zionist HALBERSTAM, Livia 1977-78 United States University of California, Los Angeles HALEVY-CARMON, Rivka 1990-91 Israel Hebrew University HALIVNI, Ephraim 1986-87, 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University HALLAMISH, Moshe 1970-71, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University HALPERIN, Dalia 2002-03; 2004-05 Israel/United States Hebrew University Restricted Collocations In Contemporary Hebrew The Theoretical System of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady (its Sources in Kabbalah and Hasidism) Between Micrography and Illumination: The Micrographic Catalan Mahzor MS Heb 806527 in the Jewish National & University Library in Jerusalem HALPERIN, Michel 1973-74 Switzerland University of Geneva HALPERIN, Ruth 1991-92 Israel Yale Law School HALPERN, Avraham 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University HAMMER-KOSSOY, Michelle 1999-00 USA New York University Divine Justice in Human Hands: Talmudic Reconstitution of the Penal System HANDELMAN, Susan 1978-79 United States State University of New York,Buffalo Interpreting Sacred and Secular Scipture: The Relation of Biblical Exegesis to Literary Criticism HANKER, Edward 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University HARAMGAAL, Yaaqov 1974-75, 1976-77 United States New York University HARARI, David 1986-87, 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University HARARI, Yuval 1993-94, 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Basic Concepts and Practice in Jewish Magic in Palestine during the Byzantine and Early Islamic Period HARBATER, Laya 1983-84 United States Columbia University Yiddish Art Song: A Comparative Story and Analysis of Selected Works of Three Composers Representing Russia, America and Israel HARBOUN, Haim 1973-74 France Sorbonne The Interaction between Religioius Systems of Adjudication and the Secular Legal System HAREL, Yaron 1988-89, 1990-91,1991- Israel 92 Bar-Ilan University HARMON, David 1970-71 Harvard University HARRIS, Jay 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983- United States 84 Columbia University HARRIS, Robert A. 1996-97 USA/Israel Jewish Theological Seminary HARRIS, Robert N. 1989-90 Canada Columbia University HAR-SHAFI, Bitkha 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University Performance of Mitzvoth by Women in Medieval Times: Between Halakha and Custom HART, Mitchell 1991-92, 1992-93 USA University of California, Los Angeles The Origins and Development of the Jewish Social Sciences 1881-1933 HARY, Benyamin 1979-80, 1980-81,1982- Israel 83, 1983-84 University of California, Berkeley HASAN-ROKEM, Galit 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University HAUPTMAN, Sara 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University HAUS, Jeffrey 1995-96 USA Brandeis University United States Changes In Syrian Jewry Between The Damascus Affair And World War I The Literary Hermeneutic of Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency French Jewry and the Conflict between Church and State in 19th Century France HAUSNER, Joseph 1972-73 United States Columbia University Irene Harand and the Movement Against Racism, Human Misery and War, 1933-38 HAVLIN, Shlomo 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University Rabbi Abraham Halevi and the Scholars and his Time and Place HAYMAN, Peter 1987-88 United States Yeshiva University HAYON, Denise Margaret 1996-97, 1998-99 UK University of London "Bagadami gabra Egziabher" [In the Beginning G-d Created] - a Beta Israel Manuscript HAYOUN, Maurice 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980- France 81, 1981-82 Sorbonne - Paris III La Methode d'Interpretation Allegorique dans la Pensee Juive du Moyen Age HAZAN, Haim 1975-76 Israel University College, London HECHT, Jonathan Leonard 1991-92 USA New York University "The Responses to the Blasphemer" of Abner of Burgos: Text and Analysis HECHT, Louise 2001-02 AUSTRIA Hebrew University An Intellectual Biography of the Maskil Peter Beer: His Role in the Formation of Modern Jewish Historiography and Education in Bohemia HECKER, Joel Martin 1994-95 Canada New York University A Study of Gender in the Zohar HEINEMANN, Marlene 1980-81 United States Indiana University Women Prose Writers of the Nazi Hoocaust HELFAND, Jonathan 1971-72, 1973-74 United States Yeshiva University HELLER, Raya 1992-93, 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University The Image of the Synagogue in 12-15th Century Western Art HELLER, Zachary 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Hebrew University HELLNER-ESHED, Melila 1997-98 USA Hebrew University The Zohar Through its Own Eyes: The Self Image of the Zohar and its Modes of Stimulating Mystical Activity HELMAN, Anat 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Development of Culture and Civil Society in TelAviv During the Twenties and Thirties HELPRIN, Mark 1971-72 United States Harvard University HEMPLING, Linda 1980-81 United States University of California,Santa Barbara HENSCHKE, Yehudit 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994- Israel 95 Hebrew University The Hebrew Component of the Judeo-Arabic of Tunisian Jews HENSHKE, David 1988-89, 1990-91 Israel Bar-Ilan University Le-Talmudam Shel Ha-Tannaim: Nituach Sugyot BeDinei Shomrim HERCENBERG, Bernard 1975-76, 1976-77 France Universite de Paris I La Paarole et la Representation: Essai sur l'Esthetique Biblique HERDE, Dieter 1982-83 Germany Reinsch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule, Aachen HERMAN, David 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University HERMAN, Dov 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University HERMAN, Russell 1981-82, 1983-84, 1984- Canada 85, 1985-86 Columbia University HERSCOVICI, Lucian-Zeev 1995-96 Israel Bar Ilan University Haskalah Movement within Romanian Jewry and its Influence HERTZ, Deborah 1975-76 United States University of Minnesota The Literary Salon in Berlin, 1780-1806: The Social History of an Intellectual Institution HERZOG, Avigdor 1973-74 Israel University of Illinois HERZOG, Eliezra 1983-84, 1984-85, 1985- Israel 86, 1986-87 Hebrew University; Jewish Theological Seminary HESCHEL, Hannah 1986-87 United States University of Pennsylvania HESSE, Paula 1977-78 United States Columbia University HEVER, Hanan 1981-82, 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University The Rise of the Political Hebrew Poem in Eretz Israel HEVRONI, Ido 2003-04 Israel Bar Ilan University Arrow Into the Eyes of Satan - On the Strategy of Confronting the Yetzer in a Compilation of Stories on the Babylonian Talmud HEYMANN, Claude Eve 1988-89 France Le Rite Liturgique des Juifs de France an Moyen-Age: Sorbonne, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Universite Paris La Tradition Manuscrite VIII HEZSER, Catherine 1991-92 Germany Jewish Theological Seminary Form, Literary Function, and Historical Significance of the Maaseh in the Palestinian Talmud HILDESHEIMER, Meir 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University The History of Kehilat Schneitach HILLEL, Hanna Hagar 1994-95 Israel Tel-Aviv University Towards National Revival - Intellectual Molding & Modes of Propagation: Case Study of the Jewish Journal Israel published in Cairo 1919-1939 HIMMELFARB, Harold 1971-72 United States University of Chicago The Impact of Religious Schooling: The Effects of Jewish Education Upon Adult Religious Involvement HIRSCH, Benjamin 1965-66 United States Yeshiva University HIRSCH, Dafna 2002-03 Israel Tel Aviv University The Inclusion of Hygiene among the Jewish Society in Mandatory Palestine in the First Decade after the Foundation of the State HIRSCHFIELD, Bradley M. 1992-93 USA Jewish Theological Seminary Beyond Licit and Illicit: A Study of the Form and Function of Miracle Stories in Rabbinic Literature HIRSHMAN, Marc 1977-78, 1978-79,1979- United States 80, 1980-81 Jewish Theological Seminary Midrash Qohelet Rabbah Ch. 1-4; Introduction and Commentary HOBBEL, Arne 1983-84, 1986-87 Norway University of Oslo HOCHBERG, Severin 1979-80 United States New York University HOFFMAN, Bruce 1981-82, 1982-83 United States University of Oxford HOFFMAN, Charles 1978-79 United States Hebrew University HOFFMAN, Nila 1997-98 Netherlands Purdue University The Jewish Community of Zagreb: Negotiating Identity In the New Eastern Europe HOFFMAN, Wararen 2004-05 United States University of California, Santa Cruz Queer Performance and Identity in 20th Century Jewish American Literature, Film and Theater HOFFMANN, Yair 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Tel-Aviv University Prophecies Against Foreign Nations in the Bible HOLLANDER, Isaac 1997-98, 1998-99 Canada Hebrew University Tribe, Patronage and Political Change in Lower Yemen: The Jewish Headmen of al-Maqhaya, 18951950 HOLTZMAN, Avner 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University HOLZBERG, Carol 1973-74, 1974-75 Canada Boston University HOLZER, Gershon 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University HOLZMAN, Gitit 1992-93, 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University HOROWITZ, Carmi 1974-75 United States Harvard University HOROWITZ, Edward 1973-74 United States Wayne State University race, Ethnicity and the Political Economy of National Entrepreneurial Elites in Jamaica The Philosophic Teachings of Rabbi Moses Narboni HOROWITZ, Elliot 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Yale University HOROWITZ, Talia 1987-88, 1988-89,1989- Israel 90 Bar-Ilan University The Lamentations in Uri Zvi Greenberg's Poetry HORWITZ, David 1996-97, 1999-00 USA Yeshiva University HORWITZ, Miri 1992-93 Israel Bar-Ilan University Gersonides' Ethical Lessons in his 'Commentary on the Torah' as a Function of his Philosophic World View; The Ethics of Gersonides as Reflected in His Biblical To'a lot Linguistic Devices of the Information Flow in a Discourse: A Study in Some Discourse Types HORWITZ, Miri 1992-93 Israel Bar-Ilan University HOULOU, Alain 1973-74, 1975-76 France Universite de Paris II HUBERMAN, Lily 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University HUBERMAN, Steven 1975-76 United States Brandeis University HUGHES, Aaron 1999-00 CANADA Indiana University HUNA (COHEN), Dalia 1989-90 Israel Bar-Ilan University HUNDERT, Gershon 1974-75, 1975-76 Canada Columbia University The Imagination and the Philosophical Novel: Ibn Ezra's Hay ben Mekitz HUPPERT, Shmuel 1972-73, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University Exile and Redemption - Their Expression in the Hebrew Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg HUROWITZ, Victor 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Hebrew University HUSS, Boaz 1988-89, 1989-90, 1991- Israel 92, 1992-93 Hebrew University Ketem Paz: The Kabbalistic Doctrins of R. Shimon Lavi in His Commentary on the Zohar HUSS, Matti 1988-89, 1989-90,1990- Israel 91 Hebrew University The Controversy Concerning Women In Hebrew Rhymed Narrative In Spain And Provence HYMAN, Paula 1972-73 United States Columbia University HYMAN, Ruth 1973-74 United States City University of New York IANCU, Carol 1978-79 France University of Provence, Centre d'Aix IANCU, Daniele 1977-78, 1978-79 France University of Provence, Centre d'Aix IDEL, Moshe 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University IFRAH, Lionel 1974-75 France Universite de Paris III ILAN, Ahuva 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University Gustav Landauer: Philosoph der Utopie ILAN, Eliezer 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University ILAN, Tal 1986-87, 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University ILANI, Noga 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University ILANI, Zvi 1983-84, 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University IRSAI, Oded 1983-84, 1984-85 Israel/United Kingdom Hebrew University IRWIN-ZARECKA, Iwona 1983-84 Canada University of California ISAACS, Alick 1998-99, 1999-00 Israel Hebrew University The Role of the Synagogue in Ashkenazi Jewish Life in the Middle Ages ISHIDA, Tomoo 1969-70, 1970-71,1971- Israel 72 Hebrew University History of Israel in the Biblical Period ISH-SHALOM, Benjamin 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University The Philosophy of Rav Kook: Rationalism and Mysticism ISRAELI, Yaffa 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996- Israel 97, 1997-98 Hebrew University The Jewish Neo-Aramaic Language of Persian Kurdistan ITOH, Reiko 1995-96 University of Pittsburgh Jewish Identity Among American Reform Jews in Pittsburgh Japan ITZCHAKY, Ephraim 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University ITZCHAKY, Moshe 1976-77 Israel Rutgers University JACKSON, Naomi Melanie 1995-96 USA New York University JACOB, Isaac 1969-70 United States Hebrew University JACOBS, Jack 1982-83 United States Columbia University Kautsky on the Jewish Question JACOBSON, Joram 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University The Doctrine of Redemption of Rabbi Mordecai Dato JACOBSON, Marion 2001-02 USA New York University Yiddish Folk Choruses and Jewish Expressive Culture in New York City JACOBSON, Tirza 1976-77, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University JAFFE, Ralph 1975-76 United States University of Southern California The Berkeley Lehrhaus Judaica: An Alternative Model of Adult Jewish Education JARKONI, Rivka 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Tel-Aviv University Ein-Hakore by Yekutiel Ben Yehuda JOCHNOWITZ, Eve 2001-02 USA New York University Cuisine and Cultural Performance Dance at the 92nd Street Y, 1930-1959 JOCKUSCH, Laura 2004-05 Germany New York University JOHNSON, Barbara 1980-81, 1981-82 United States University of Massachusetts JOSELIT, Jenna 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Columbia University JOSEPH, Brenda 1981-82, 1982-83 United States/Israel Hebrew University JOSEPHS, Andra 1967-68 United States Hebrew University JOSPE, Raphael 1971-72 United States Brandeis University JUBAS, Harry 1970-71, 1971-72 United States/Israel Hebrew University JUCHNEVA, Natalya 1992-93 USSR Hebrew University JUDD, Robin 1997-98 USA University of Michigan JULIAN, Blanche 1974-75 United States University of Southern California KADAR, Naomi 2001-02, 2002-03 USA Columbia University Jewish Historical Commissions in Europe, 1943-1953 Dark Shadow: New York and Crime, 1900-1940 The Adjustment Process of Americans and Canadians in Israel and Their Integration into Israeli Society Those Bloody Jews: German Jewish Rituals, Bodies and Citizenship Yiddish Children's Literature in the United States KADARI, Tamar 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Hebrew University KADISH, Sharman 1983-84 England St. Antony's College, Oxford KAGAN, Ziporah 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University Aggadah in the Works of M.Y. Berdechevski KAGANOVITCH, Albert 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University The Attitude of Czarist Administration to the Bukharan Jews and Their Legal Status in Turkestan in the Yeaars, 1868-1917 KAGEDAN-KAGE, Ian 1976-77, 1977-78,1978- Canada 79 Columbia University KAHANA, Menahem 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University KAHN, Aaron 1976-77 United States Yeshiva University KAHN, Susan Martha 1995-96 USA Harvard University KALB, Peter 1970-71, 1972-73 Germany Justus Leibig Universitat KALIK, Judith 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995- Israel 96 Hebrew University The Catholic Church and the Jews in the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth in the Age of CounterReformation KAMAL, Fawaz 1979-80 Dropsie University A Study of the Political Aspects of the Druze Law Israel On the Redaction of Midrash Canticle Rabbah Prolegomena to a New Edition of the Sefer of Numbers New Reproductive Technologies in Israel: Social Uses, Cultural Meanings and Halakhic Perspectives KAMEN, Barnett 1981-82 United States Dropsie University KAMIN, Sara 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University KAMINSKI, Nicole 1971-72 France University of Paris KAMIONKOWSKI, Susan 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994- USA 95 Brandeis University KAMIS-MULLER, Aaron 1985-86, 1986-87 University of Zurich KANARFOGEL, Ephraim 1976-77,1982-83, 1983- United States 84,1984-85 Yeshiva University KANNIEL, Yehoshua 1972-73, 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Relations Between the Old Yishuv and the New Yishuv During the Period of the First and Second Aliya--1882-1914 KANT, Laurence 1987-88, 1988-89 United States Yale University Cities of the Dead: Jewish and Christian Attitudes toward Death as Communicated in Catacomb Iconography and Epigraphy KAPALOWITZ, Noel 1971-72 United States Columbia University Attitudes of Arab and Israeli Students in the USA Regarding the Arab Israeli Dispute KAPETAS, Isaac 1965-66 Greece/France Seminaire Israelite de France KAPLAN, Lawrence 1972-73 United States Harvard University Switzerland Rashi;s Exegetoca; Categorization With Respect to the Distinction Between Peshat and Derash The Sufferer's Lament: A Comparative Study of Biblical and Babylonian Literary Patterns KAPLAN, Michael 1975-76 United States Emory University KAPLAN, Tamar 2003-04 USA University of Pennsylvania KAPLAN, Yehiel 1985-86, 1986-87,1987- Israel/United States Hebrew University;University 88, 1988-89 of California, Berkeley Jewish Public Law of France: German Jewry from Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg through the 15th Century KAPLAN, Yosef 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University Isaac Orobio De Castro and His Circle KAPLAN, Zvi 2001-02, 2002-03 CANADA Columbia University French Jewry and the Problem of Church and State, 1848-1905 KAPLOWITZ, Mark 2003-04 USA New York University The Critique of Spinoza and Pantheism in the Works of Hermann Cohen KAPLOWITZ, Noel 1971-72 United States Columbia University KAPLOWITZ, Rivka 1980-81 Israel California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley Jewish and Israeli Identity and Self Esteem Among Sabras KARA, Yechiel 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Babylonian Aramaic in the Yemenite Manuscripts of the Talmud KARAGILA, Zvi 1979-80 Israel Tel-Aviv University KARK, Ruth 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University The Discourse and Development of Rabbinic Authority in Late Imperial Russia KARLINSKY, Nahum 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University The Breslau Jewish Community and the Establishment of the Juedisch Theologisches Seminar KARNIEL, Zvi 1977-78 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Hebrew Feuillton, The Development of the Feuillton in the Hebrew Literature KARP, Jonathan A. 1992-93 USA Columbia University The Gospel of Labor: Calls for the Productivization of the Jewish Economy in Nineteenth-Century Europe KASHER, Aryeh 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Civic Status of the Jews in Egypt in the Hellenistic Roman Period KATCHEN, Aaron 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Harvard University KATSMAN, Roman 1998-99 Israel Bar-Ilan University Mythopoesis in the Works of F. Dostoevsky and Sh. Agnon KATZ, David 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- United States 82 University College,University of London Explorations in the History of Semitic Component in Yiddish KATZ, David Steven 1976-77, 1977-78 Oxford University Philo-Semitism and the Readmission of the Jews to England, 1603-1655 KATZ, Ktzia 1971-72, 1972-73,1974- Israel 75 Hebrew University The Hebrew language Tradition of the Community of Dierba (Tunisia) - The Phonology and the Morphology of the Verb KATZ, Myer 1979-80 South Africa University of Cape Town KATZ, Yossef 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University United States The Colonization Activity in Palestine of the Zionist Private Companies and Associations Between the Years 1900-1914 KATZENSTEIN, Liora 1982-83 Israel Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva From Repartions to Rehabilitation KATZIR, Yael 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Hebrew University Papal Attitude to Jerusalem in the 12th Century KATZNELSON, Gideon 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University KAUFMAN, Menachem 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University KAUFMANN, Francine 1971-72 France Nanterre (Paris) KAUL, Ram Krishen 1967-68 India University of Kashmir KEDAR, Aharon 1970-71, 1971-72,1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University The Political and Ideological Development of "Hakibbutz Hame'uchad" (1933-1942) KEDEM, Menachem 1979-80 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Political Activity of Chaim Weizman in the Second World War KELLERMAN, Aharon 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Boston University KELLMAN, Ellen Deborah 1991-92, 1992-93 USA Columbia University KELNER, Victor 1992-93 USSR Hebrew University Popular Novels in the American Yiddish Press KEMPINSKA, Anna 1982-83 Belgium Universite de Paris VII KENNY, Joel 1993-94, 1994-95 USA New York University KERLER, Dov 1984-85, 1985-86, 1986- Israel 87 University of Oxford KEYNAN, Irit 1987-88 Israel Tel-Aviv University KHAYYAT, Shimon L. 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Dropsie University Ukraine Russian State University KHITERER, Viktoriia Mikhailovn1994-95 KIEFER, Ulrike 1980-81, 1981-82, 1983- West Germany 84, 1984-85 Columbia University KIEWE, Amos 1982-83, 1983-84 Israel Ohio University KIMELMAN, Elisha 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University KIMELMAN, Ronald 1983-84 United States Yale University KIMMERLING, Baruch 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University Cosmogony in the Zohar Repression of Jewish National Activists in Ukraine 1917-1985 The Territorial Dimensions of Jewish-Arab Conflict in Palestine/Israel KIMRON, Elisha 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University KINDLER, Arie 1978-79 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Coinage of Bostra KIPPERWASSER, Reuven 2003-04; 2004-05 Israel Bar Ilan University The Midrashim of Koheleth: Their Formation and Redaction KIRON, Arthur 1998-99 USA Columbia University Sabata Morais: Italian Rabbinic Humanist in Victorian Philadelphia KIRSCH, Paul 1970-71 Canada University of Toronto KISTER, Menahem 1989-90, 1990-91 Israel Hebrew University Avot De-Rabbi Nathan: Studies In Text, Redaction And Interpretation KLAINMAN, Ron 1997-98, 1998-99 Israel Bar Ilan University Situmta (Minhag Hasocharim); Haminhag Be'darhei Hakinyan KLARBERG, Manfred 1981-82 Australia Monash University The Effect of Ideology on Language Teaching: A Study of the Jewish Day Schools in Melbourne KLECKY, Samuel 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University KLEIN, Elka B. 1993-94 USA Harvard University Power and Patrimony in the Jewish Communities of Catalonia in the 12th and 13th Centuries KLEIN, Frederick 2002-03; 2003-04 Israel Columbia University Rabbis and Maskilim: The galician Haskalah as an Alternative Religious Ideology, 1800-1960 KLEIN, Jacques 1973-74 France Universite de Paris III KLEIN, Misha 1999-00 USA University of California KLEIN, Shalom 1982-83 Israel Tel-Aviv University KLEINBURD, Freda 1983-84 United States Columbia University KLENER, Julian 1973-74 Belgium University of Ghent KLETTER, Karen 1998-99 USA University of North Carolina Jewish History and Christian Tradition: The Works of Flavius Josephus in England in the High Middle Ages KLIBANSKY, Ben Tsyion 2004-05 Israel Tel-Aviv University Lithuanian Yeshivot Between the Two World Wars in Lithuania and Poland KLIGER, Hannah 1983-84 United States University of Pennsylvania KLIGMAN, Mark Loren 1992-93, 1993-94 USA New York University KLINGER, Henri 1971-72 France University of Strasbourg KLONER, Amos 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979- Israel 80 Hebrew University The Creation of Community: Jewish Identity in Contemporary Brazil The Sabbath Morning Liturgical Music of the Syrian Jewish Community in Brooklyn, New York The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period KNOLL, Israel 1984-85, 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University KOBRIN, Rebecca 1999-00, 2001-02 USA University of Pennsylvania Conflicting Diasporas: Bialystok Jewish Immigrants in the United States, Argentina, Australia and Palestine, 1878-1948 KOCH, Varda 1985-86, 1987-88,1988- Israel 89 Yale University Family and Household in Hispano-Jewish Society under the Crown of Aragon, 1213-1387: Ethos, Structure, and Social Practices KOCHAV, Sarah 1986-87, 1987-88 United States Oxford University KOEVARY, Hannah 1989-90 United States Hebrew University KOGAN, Barry 1973-74 United States University of Toronto Averroes' Defense of Casual Efficacy KOGUT, Simcha 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Complex Sentence in "Sefer Hasidim" KOHN, Murray 1970-71 United States/Israel Jewish Teachers Seminary The Holocaust as Reflected in Hebrew Poetry KOHN, Roger 1974-75, 1978-79 France Universite de Paris IV Recherches sur les Juifs de la France du Nord dans la Seconde Moitie due XIVe KOLTUN-FROMM, Kenneth A. 1996-97 USA Stanford University Kultus as Inescapable Framework: The Religious Thought of Moses Hess KOMOROCZY, Szonja Hungary St. John's College The History of Yiddish Culture in Hungary 2004-05 KOPELOWICZ, Ester 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University KOPELOWITZ, Ezra Mark 1996-97 USA Hebrew University The Social Basis of a Liberal Religion: Women's Ordination and the Politics of Conservative Judaism in Argentina, Canada, Israel and the United States KOPELOWITZ, Seymour B. 1990-91 South Africa University Of Cape Town An Investigation Into The Organizational Culture of Jewish Day Schools in South Africa and Teacher Motivation KOR, Avshalom 1983-84, 1985-86 Israel Tel-Aviv University;Hebrew University KORCARZ, Sylvie 1965-66 France University of Paris Les Huifs de France et l"etat d'Israel KOREN, Sharon F. 1993-94 USA Yale University Isolation of the Niddah in the Middle Ages KOSANSKY, Oren 1998-99 USA University of Michigan Saint Pilgrimage and the Construction of Jewish Community and Identity in Morocco KOSMAN, Admiel 1990-91, 1991-92 Israel Bar-Ilan University Studies In The Talmudic Laws Of Muktzeh KOSMAN, Dvora 1979-80 France Universite de Paris III KOSMIN, Barry 1973-74 Rhodesia University of Rhodesia KOTEK, Joel 1983-84 Belgium Universite Libre de Bruxelles Ethnic and Commercial Relations in Southern Rhodesia: A Socio-Historical Study of the Asian, Hellenic and Jewish KOTLER, Igor 1990-91 Stateless University Of California at Los The Ukrainian Pogroms, 1918-1921: Catastrophic and Angeles Jewish Response KOTLERMAN, Boris 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University KRAKOWSKI, Elie 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Columbia University KRAKOWSKI, Shmuel 1972-73 Israel KRAMER, Daniel 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Yeshiva University KRANZLER, David 1967-68 United States Yeshiva University KRAUT, Benny 1974-75 Canada Brandeis University KREADER, J. Lee 1979-80 United States University of Chicago KREISEL, Howard 1977-78 United States Brandeis University KRILOV, Alexandre V. 1996-97 Russia Moscow State University KRONISH, Ronald 1975-76 United States Harvard University The Status of Yiddish in Birobijan The History and Impact of Torah Umesora and hebrew Day Schools in America The Political System and Political Parties of the Jewish Community in Palestine (Yishuv) 1881-1948 KRONMAN, Yeshayahu 1973-74 United States Yeshiva University KRUTIKOV, Mikhail 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994- Russia 95, 1995-96, 1996-97 Jewish Theological Seminary KSIAZENICER, Carole 1987-88 France Universite de Paris VII KULIK, Alexandra 1996-97, 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University The Apocalypse of Abraham: Philological Commentary KULP, Joshua 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University A Critical Edition and Commentary to Tractate Ketuboth KUNIN, Seth 1989-90 United States Cambridge University KUPFER, Jackson 1975-76 France Universite de Droit, d'Economie et Science Social de Paris KUPFERMAN, Jeannette 1973-74 England London University The Lubavitch Hassidim of Stamford Hill Development of Yiddish Novel, 1904-1914; Representations of Crisis in the Yiddish Novel, 19051914 KUPOVETSKY, Mark Shimon 1992-93, 1994-95, 1995- Russia 96 Russian Academy of Science Trends in Numbers and Geographical Distributions of Soviet Jews, 1939-1989 KURIS, Ora 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University Literary Devices in the Poetry of Leo Goldberg KUSHELEVSKY, Rella 1989-90 United States Bar-Ilan University KUTLER, Larry 1979-80 United States New York University KUTNICK, Jerome 1975-76 United States Brandeis University KUZMACK, Linda 1982-83 United States George Washington University KUZNITZ, Cecile 1999-00 USA Stanford University LABKOVSKY, Shalom 1975-76 Germany Johannes Gutenberg LADERMAN, Shula 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University LAMPART, Jacob 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University LANDAU, Dov 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Evolution of the Sonet in Hebrew Literature LANDAU, Luis 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Content and Forms in the Me'am Lo'ez of Rabbi Jacob Culi LANDAU, Moshe 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University The jews as a national Minority During the First Years of Poland's Independence (1918-1926) LANGER, Ruth 1991-92 USA Hebrew Union College Liturgical Halakhah: Norms and Exceptions Non-Zionist Leadership, Felix M. Warburg, 1929-37 A History of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1925-1950 The Pentateuchal Tabernacle - A Symbolic Model of the Creation of the World As Found in Medieval Jewish and Christian Iconography LAPIDUS, Anne 1968-69 United States Harvard University LAPIDUS, Rina 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University LAPIN, Hayim 1991-92, 1992-93 USA/Canada Columbia University LAS, Nelly 1983-84 France/Israel Universite de Paris III LASKER, Daniel 1973-74 United States Brandeis University Jewish Philosophical Polemics Against Christianity in the Middle Ages LASKIN, Martin 1992-93 USA CUNY Ethnographic Study of a Conservative Synagogue LASSER, Ellen 1979-80, 1980-81 United States University of California, Berkeley LAVSKY, Hagit 1982-83, 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University LAVY, Abraham 1966-67 Israel Bar-Ilan University LAWEE, Eric 1990-91, 1991-92 Canada Harvard University Inheritance Of The Fathers: Isaac Abarbanel And Tradition LAZAR, David 1965-66, 1966-67 France University of Paris L'Opinion Francaise et l'Avenement de l'Etat d'Israel 1945-1949 The Social and Literary Background of Mishnah Baba Mesi'a LAZAR, Hava 1980-81, 1981-82 Israel Universite de Paris X - Nanterre LAZARE, Lucien 1965-66 France University of Strasbourg LAZAROFF, Allan 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Brandeis University LAZEWNIK, Grainon 1970-71 United States New York University LEBLANC, Joseph-Joan 1977-78, 1978-79 France Universite Paul Valery, Montpelier LEDERHENDLER, Eli 1980-81, 1982-83,1983- United States 84, 1984-85 Jewish Theological Seminary LEFKOVITS, Judah 1981-82 United States New York University LEIBNER, Uzi 2001-02; 2003-04 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University History of the Settlement of the Galilee During the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods LEIBOVICI, Shlomo 1991-92 Israel Bar Ilan University The Rise and Decline of the Jewish National Life in Rumania: Rumanian Jewry in a Changing Regime, 1944-1950 LEIBOWITZ, Joseph 1967-68, 1968-69 United States Brandeis University LENEMAN, Benjamin 1980-81 France Universite de Paris IX Dauphine La Pensee Ouvriere Sioniste Perush Talmid HaRamban Al Harif Masechet Sanhedrin LERNER, Bialik 1965-66, 1967-68,1970- Israel 71 Hebrew University The Book of Ruth in Aggadic Literature and Midrash Ruth Rabba LERNER, Myron 1970-71 Israel LERNER, Shalom 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Elements of the Law of Pledges in Jewish Law LESHINSKY, Tania 1969-70 Israel/Switzerland Zurich University LESSER, Harriet 1970-71 United States New York University LESSER, Jeffrey 1988-89 United States New York University Brazilian Jewry, 1918-1948: Regional Integration and Communal Conflict LEV-AMI, Shlomo 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University By Struggle and By Revolt LEVEEN, Adriane 1998-99, 1999-00 USA University of California Monumental Tasks: The Problem of Memory in the Book of Numbers LEVENBERG, Diane 1980-81, 1981-82 United States New York University LEVENE, Dan 1997-98, 1999-00 New Zealand University College, London LEVENSON, Edward 1968-69, 1969-70,1970- United States 71 Brandeis University Seventy Jewish Aramaic Bowls from the Moussaieff Collection LEVEY, Geoffrey Brahm 1992-93 Australia University of New South Wales, A Theory of American Jewish Liberalism Brown University LEVI, Joseph 1980-81 Israel Scuola Normale Superiore,Pisa, Italy LEVI, Jossef 1975-76 United States Catholic University of America Formulation and Validation of an Instrument for Interviewing Judaic Studies Teachers for Jewish Day Schools LEVI, Yael M. 1996-97,1997-98 USA Columbia University LEVIE, Tirtsah 1982-83, 1983-84,1984- Holland 85 Hebrew University LEVIN, Amihud 1976-77 Israel Tel-Aviv University LEVIN, Dov 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University LEVIN, Nehemia 1975-76 United States University of Connecticut LEVIN, Shelomo 1971-92 Israel University of South Africa Pretoria LEVIN, Vladimir 2002-03; 2004-05 Israel Hebrew University LEVINE, Daniel 1965-66 United States/Israel Hebrew University Rabbi Jacob Halevi Lipschitz and Eastern European Jewry's Orthodox Response to Modernity Participation of the Lithuanian Jews in the Second World War Jewish Politics and the Politics of Culture in Tsarist Russia, 1907-1914 LEVINE, David 1993-94, 1994-95, 1995- USA 96 Hebrew University LEVINE, Lee 1968-69 Israel Columbia University LEVINE, Michelle 1998-99 USA New York University LEVINE, Molly 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University LEVINE, Renee 1979-80 United States Brandeis University LEVINE, Yael 1987-88 United States Bar-Ilan University LEVINSON, Bernard 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983- Canada 84, 1984-85 Brandeis University LEVINSON, Joshua 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University LEVITAS, Gideon 1975-76 England Essex University LEVMORE, Rachel 2003-04 USA Bar Ilan University LEVO, Shulamit 1972-73, 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University Public Fasts in Talmudic Literature: Theory and Practice Point of View in Nahmanides' Commentary to the Book of Genesis Women in Spanish Crypto-Judaism, 1492-1520 The Changed Universe of Halachic Discourse Within the Israeli Rabinical Courts: An Halachic and Analytical Study of the Rulings of the Rabbinical Courts Regarding Personal Status Issues Materials and Structures in the Prose and Poetry of David Vogel LEVY, Andre 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Jews among Muslims: Perceptions and Reactions to the End of the Casablanca Jewish History LEVY, Ayala 1980-81 Israel Jewish Theological Seminary Aspects of Bondage and Release in the Bible LEVY, Bryna 1985-86 United States Yeshiva University, LEVY, Daniel 1983-84 United States Hebrew University LEVY, Emanuel 1975-76, 1977-78 United States Columbia University The Jewish Theater as an Expression of Cultural and Political Nationalism LEVY, Lital 2004-05 United States University of California, Berkeley Modes of Enlightenment: Jewish Writers in Egypt and Iraq, 1870-1950 LEVY, Michele 1980-81 France Universite de Paris VIII LEWIS, Arnold 1975-76 United States Columbia University LEWIS, Justin 1966-67 United States Yeshiva University LEWIS, Richard 2003-04 USA Hebrew University Philosophical and Educational Studies in the Conceptions of Humility and Pride in Rabbinic Literature LEYRA, Montse 2001-02; 2004-05 SPAIN Hebrew University The Victorine Exegesis to the Pentateuch and to the Former Prophets: Its Relation to the Hebrew Text and Textual and Linguistic Problems in Light of its Parallels with the Pashtanim LHERMANN, Denise 1969-70 France Universite de Paris - Ecole Pratique Hautes Etudes LIBERLES, Robert 1975-76, 1976-77 Germany/United States Jewish Theological Seminary LIBOWITZ, Richard 1975-76 United States Temple University LIBROWICZ, Oro 1971-72, 1972-73 United States Columbia University LIBSON, Gideon 1974-75, 1975-76, 1978- Israel 79 Hebrew University LICHTENBERG, Naomi 1991-92 USA Indiana University American Jewish Women and Palestine, 1912-1926: Women's Zionism and American Reform Abroad LICHTENSTEIN, Aaron 1965-66 United States New York University A Study in Ancient Near East and Talmudic Legal System LICHTENSTEIN, Yechezkel 1994-95 Israel Bar-Ilan University Halachic-Historical Inquiry into the Development of Prayer in the Cemetery, and Prayer and Good Deeds for Purpose of Atoning for the Departed LIEBOWITZ, Harold 1969-70 United States University of Pennsylvania LIFSHITZ, Anne 1975-76, 1976-77 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes LIFSHITZ, Berahyahu 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University A Collection of Judeo-Spanish Ballads from Morocco LIFSHITZ, David 1994-95 Israel Bar-Ilan University Characteristics and Functions of Humor in the Talmud LIGHTSTONE, Jack 1973-74 Canada Brown University LIKFORMAN, Laurence 1986-87 France Ecole Normale Superieure LIKHOVSKI, Assaf Yeshaayahu 1996-97 Israel Harvard Law School Law, Society and Culture in a Colonial Legal System: The Case of Mandatory Palestine LILKER, Sheldon 1971-72 Israel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Kibbutz Judaism: A New Tradition in the Making LINDEMAN, Jehudy 1965-66 United States University of Michigan LINDEN, Diana L. 1995-96 USA City University of NY New Deal Murals of Ben Shahn: Intersection of Jewish Identity, Liberal Politics, School Reform, and Government Patronage LINDENBAUM, Shalom 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg - Outlines LINDZEN, Juana 1969-70 France/Israel University of Paris LINK, Baruch 1975-76, 1977-78 Israel University of California,Los Angeles Poetic and Thematic Aspects of the Poetry of Ezra Zussman LIPSHITZ, Abe 1966-67, 1967-68 United States University of Chicago The Commentary of Abraham Ibn Ezra on Hosca LIPSKER, Avidov 1981-82 Israel Bar-Ilan University Poetic Mutations in S. Shalom's Verse, 1921-1941 LIPTZ, Paul 1979-80 Israel Tel-Aviv University LITMAN, Jacob 1966-67 United States New York University Yitzhak Schipper's Contribution to the Understanding of the Economic Role of Jews in Medieval Poland LITTMAN, Michael 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University Egyptian Jewry in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries LITTMANN, Alex 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University LITVAK, Olga 1998-99 USA Columbia University Tales of the "Nicholas Children": Representations of Conscription in Russian-Jewish Literature, and the Formation of Russian-Jewish Identity, 1827-1917 LITVAK, Yosef 1976-77, 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University Polish-Jewish Refugees in the USSR, 1939-1946 LIVEZEANU, Irina 1982-83 United States University of Michigan LOBEL, Diana 1987-88 United States Harvard University LOEB, Laurence 1967-68 United States Jewish Theological Seminary;Columbia University LOEFFLER, James 2003-04 United States Columbia University Playing for the Tsar: A Social and Cultural History of Musicians in Late Imperial Russia LOEWENHEIM, Avigdor 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University LOKSHIN, Alexander 1993-94 Russia Moscow State University The Jewish Problem in the USSR: A Study of Archival Documents LOMFORS, Ingrid 1990-91 Sweden University Of Gothenburg The Rescue Of 500 Jewish Children from Nazi Germany to Sweden in 1939 LONDON, Louise 1988-89, 1990-91 England University Of London British Immigration Control Procedures And Jewish Refugees, 1933-1948 LORBERBAUM, Yair 1991-92, 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University R. Abraham Abulafia's Commentary and the Morch Nevukhim LORENCE, Bruce 1976-77, 1984-85,1985- United States 86, 1986-87 Hebrew University LOWENSTAMM, Jean 1977-78 France University of Massachusetts The nature of Syllable Structure and the Consequences of its Introduction in Phonological Theory, its Implications for Non-Linear Phonology LOWENSTEIN, Sharon 1982-83 United States University of Kansas A New Deal for Refugees: The Promise and Reality of Oswego, 1944-1945 LOWIN, Shari 1999-00 USA University of Chicago The Making of a Forefather: Intertextuality in Judasim and Islam LOZOWICK, Yaacov 1991-92, 1992-93 Israel/USA Hebrew University The Office of Jewish Affairs in the Nazi Security Police LUBIANIKER, Roni 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University LUBIN, Abraham 1985-86 United States University of Chicago LUBIN, Meyer 1968-69 United States New York University LUIJKEN, Marianne 1986-87 Holland Yale University LUPOVITCH, Howard Nathan 1994-95 United States Columbia University Magyarization, Modernization and Tradition: A Social and Political History of Hungarian Jewry from the Josephinian Reforms to the Revolution of 1848 LURIA, Shalom 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University Figurative Language in the Biblical Works of Mendle Mocher Sefarim LURIE, Ilia 2003-04; 2004-05 Israel Hebrew University Habad Hasidism in the Tsarist Russia: Historical and Social Aspects LUSTIG, Josef 1978-79 United States New York University LUZ, Ehud 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Brandeis University LYONS, Batya 1973-74, 1974-75 England Oxford University LYONS, David 1973-74, 1974-75,1983- England 84 Hebrew University;University of London MACINA, Robert 1982-83, 1983-84 Hebrew University Israel Religion and Nationalism in Early Zionist Movement, 1882-1904 Codex Or. 445 (London) Pentateuch and Its Place in the Tiberian Masora MACK, Hananel 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Prolegomena and an Example to an Eiditon of Midrash Bemidbar Rabah MAGAL, Lily 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Historical-Cultural Dynamics of Marriage among Georgian Jews MAGIT, J. Shaul 1992-93 USA/Israel Brandeis University Human Freedom as Restoration in the Hasidic Ideology of Rabbi Gershoh Chenoch of Radzih MAGNUS, Shulamith 1975-76, 1976-77, 1979- United States 80 Columbia University MAGONET, Jonathan 1972-73 Israel University of Heidelberg MAHALO, Aviva 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University MAIDMAN, Maynard 1972-73 Israel/United States University of Pennsylvania MAKAYES, Annie 1985-86 France National Institute of Oriental Languages and Culture, Paris MALACHI, Zvi 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University The "AVODA" for Yom Kippur; Its Characteristics, History and Development in Hebrew Poetry MALCHI, Jerrmy,(Jermiah) 1975-76, 1976-77, 1981- Israel 82 Bar-Ilan University New Versions of Rashi's Commentary to Tractate "Berachot" MALI, Uziel 1977-78 Hebrew University The Language of Conversation in the Former Prophets Israel MALINOVICH, Nadia 1996-97 USA University of Michigan Jewish Identity and Culture in France, 1900-1939 MALITZKY, Lawrence 1977-78 United States Columbia University MALKI, Jacob 1990-91 Italy Jewish Theological Seminary The Jews In Monferrato in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries MALKIEL, Alexander 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Rabbi of Zans and His Teaching MALKIEL, David 1985-86, 1986-87 United States Harvard University MALUL, Meir 1981-82 Israel University of Pennsylvania Studies in Legal Symbolic Acts in Mesopotamiam Law MAMAN, Aaron 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University MAMLAK, Gershon 1981-82, 1983-84 United States Graduate Center of City University of New York The Comparison of the Hebrew Lexicon to Arabic and Aramaic in Hebrew Linguistics Work from R. Saadia Gaon (beg of 10th Century) to Ibn Barun (beg. Of 12th Century) MANASSEH, Sara 1992-93, 1993-94 UK London University Role of Women in Domestic and Professional MusicMaking in the Iraqi Jewish Tradition MANDEL, Maud Strum 1994-95 United States University of Michigan Interdependent Destiny: Rebuilding of Armenian and Jewish Communities in France following their Respective Genocides MANDEL, Paul 1986-87, 1987-88, 1990- United States/Israel Hebrew University 91 Midrash Lamentations Rabbah: Introduction, And Critical Edition To Chapter 3 MANDELBAUM, Irving 1976-77 United States Brown University A History of the Mishnaic Law of Agrifulture: Kilayim MANDELL, Fred 1970-71 United States University of Chicago MANEKIN, Charles 1978-79, 1979-80,1980- United States 81, 1982-83 Columbia University The Logic of Gersonides: Selected Topics with A Partial Edition and Translation of th Rock of The Correct Syllogism MANEKIN, Keila Rachel 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997- Israel 98 Hebrew University Growth and Development of Jewish Orthodoxy in Galicia: The "Machsike Hadas" Organization 18781912 MANGEL, Nissan 1971-72, 1973-74 United States New York University MANKOWITZ, Ze'ev 1979-80, 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University MANOVITZ, Judith 1980-81 Israel Bar-Ilan University MANTEL, Martin(Mordechai) 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Princeton University MANTZARIS, Evangelos 1981-82 Greece University of Cape Town MAORI, Isaiah 1967-68, 1968-69, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University MAOZ, Asher 1981-82, 1982-83,1983- Israel 84 Tel-Aviv University The Peshitta Version of the Pentateuch in its Relation to The Sources of Jewish Exegesis MA'OZ, Zvi 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University MARCINKOWSKI, Roman 1986-87 Poland Hebrew University MARCUS, Eliezer 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University MARGALIOT, Abraham 1966-67, 1967-68,1968- Israel 69, 1970-71 Hebrew University MARGALIOTH, Daniel 1968-69, 1970-71 Columbia University MARGALIOTH, Moshe 1983-84, 1984-85,1986- Israel 87 Bar-Ilan University MARGOLIN, Ron 1996-97, 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University Internalization of Religious Life and Thought in the Beginning of Hasidism MARGOLIS, Rebecca 2001-02, 2002-03 CANADA Columbia University Yiddish Culture in Montreal, 1920-1950 Israel Hebrew University The Political Reaction of German jewish Organizations and Institutions to the Anti-Jewish Policy of the national Socialists, 1932-1935 Comparative Study of Attitudes Beliefs and Practices Regarding the Menstrual Period of Women in Judaism and Christianity of Western Europe between the 9th and 14th Centuries Images of Wine in Spanish Kabbalah MARGOLIOTH, Abraham United States MARIENBERG, Evyatar 1999-00, 2001-02 ISRAEL Sorbonne MARK, Barry Ross 1996-97 USA Graduate Theological Union MARKS, Susan 2001-02 USA University of Pennsylvania MARMONCZIK, Pnina 1977-78 Israel Bar-Ilan University MARQUIS, Galen 1983-84, 1984-85,1985- United States 86 Hebrew University MARSDEN, Norman 1972-73, 1973-74 England Oxford University MASHBERG, Michael 1971-72, 1972-73 United States City University Graduate Center MATALON, Abraham 1971-72 France Universite de Paris II MATANKY, Leonard 1987-88 United States New York University MATRAS, Hagit 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University MATT, Daniel 1976-77 United States Brandeis University MATTOX, Patricia 1977-78 United States Chicago Theological Seminary MAYOREK, Yoram 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Jewish Wedding Ritual in the Greco-Roman Period Usurpation - A Comparative Study in Jewish and Moslem (Hanafi) Law (in French) A Critical Edition of Sefer Mar'ot Ha-Zove'ot, by R. Daavid ben Yehuda he-Hasid Agricultural Colonization Activities of ICA in Palestine, 1896-1914 MAZAR, Amihay 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University MAZOR, Baruch 1970-71 United States Harvard University MAZOR, Lea 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University MAZOR, Ya'akov 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University MAZOR, Yair 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University MAZOW, Laura 2002-03 United States University of Arizona Interaction as Competitive Ideologies: A Social History of the Philistines at Ekron in the Iron Age MCCUNE, Mary 1998-99 USA Ohio State University Charity Work as Nation Building: American Jewish Women's Activism and the Crises in Europe and Palestine, 1914-1929 MCGINITY, Keren 2003-04 USA Brown University Still Jewish: A History of Women and Intermarraige in America MEACHAM, Tirzah 1978-79, 1979-80,1980- United States 81, 1982-83 Hebrew University MEER, Esther 1983-84 United States City University of New York MEIDINGER, Isabelle 1999-00 FRANCE Ecole des Hautes Etudes Jewish Cemeteries in France, 1791-1881 MEIR, Esther 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University MEIR, Kuzriel 1980-81 United States/Israel Hebrew University MEIR, Ofra 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University MEIRI, Haviva 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University MELAMED, Uri 1986-87, 1988-89, 1995- Israel 96 Hebrew University Vocabulary of Hebrew Translations of Maimonides' Mishna Commentary (Order Zera'im) MELAMED, Yitzhak 2002-03; 2003-04 Israel Yale University Thought and Humanity in Spinoza, Salomon Maimon and Hegel MELECHEN, Nina 1990-91 U.S.A. Fordham University The Jews Of Medieval Toledo: Their Economic And Social Contacts With Christians From 1125 To 1391 MELNICK, Ralph 1969-70, 1972-73 United States New York University MELZER, Emanuel 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University MELZER, Shmuel 1975-76 Israel/France Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle MENKIS, Richard 1979-80, 1980-81,1982- Canada 83, 1983-84 Brandeis University The Acting Characters in the Stories of the talmud and the Midrash (A Sample) The Polish Jewry in the Political Struggle for its Existence in the Years 1935-1939 MENSCH, Jean 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Columbia University MERDLER, Ronela 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University Rabbi Samuel Ben Meir (Rashbam) and Hebrew Grammar MERI, Josef Waleed 1996-97 USA University of Oxford The Cult of Evergreen Elijah: Death, Ritual, and Knowledge in Medieval Judaeo-Islamic Society MERLIS, Mark 1976-77 United States Yeshiva University Akkadian and Ugaritic Lexicography, A comparative Inquiry MERON, Orly Caroline 1994-95 Israel Bar-Ilan University Social, Economic & Demographic Development in Jewish Communities - The Case of Salonican Jews from the Fin de Siecle until the Eve of WW II MERON, Simha 1975-76, 1976-77,1978- Israel 79 Tel-Aviv University MEROZ, Ronit 1983-84, 1984-85,1985- Israel 86 Hebrew University MESHEL, Zev 1970-71 Israel Tel-Aviv University MESHER, David 1974-75, 1975-76 United States University of Washington MESINGER, Jonathan 1974-75 United States University of Syracuse MESSIAH, Rachel 1988-89 Israel Bar-Ilan University History of the Negev in the Time of the Judea Kingdom Parallel Divisional Patterns in Biblical Accentuation of the 21 Prose Books According to the Leningrad Codex MESSINAS, Elias V. 1996-97, 1998-99 GREECE University of Athens METZGER, Therese 1965-66, 1966-67 France University of Strasbourg MEYER, Andre 1966-67, 1968-69 France University of Strasbourg MEYERS, Carol 1968-69 United States Brandeis University MEYERS, Eric 1965-66, 1966-67 United States Harvard University MEYERS, Oren 2002-03 Israel/United States University of Pennsylvania MICHELS, Anthony Edward 1995-96 USA Stanford University MICHMAN, Dan 1974-75 Holland Hebrew University MILAMED, SUnited Statesn 1978-79 United States Columbia University MILBAUER, Asher 1980-81 Israel University of Washington MILIKOWSKY, Chaim 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Yale University The Synagogues of Northern Greece-Part I: Salonica and Veroia; The Synagogues of Greece and their relationship to their Urban Context Jewish Ossuaries and Secondary Burials in Ancient Palestine Israeli Journalism as an Interpretive Memory Community: The Case Study of Haolam Haze The Jewish Refugees from Germany in the Netherlands 1933-1940 Literary Transplantation MILLER, Benjamn 1983-84 Israel University of California, Berkeley MILLER, Cynthia L. 1990-91 U.S.A. University Of Chicago Reported Speech In Biblical And Epigraphic Hebrew: A Linguistic Analysis MILLER, Irit 1999-00, 2001-02 ISRAEL University of Haifa Solomon Joseph Solomon - An Anglo-Jewish Artist MILLER, Marc 2001-02, 2002-03; 2003- CANADA 04 Columbia University The Poetics of the Immigrant Experience: The Career of Morris Rosenfeld MILLER,. Michael 1999-00 USA Columbia University Moravian Jewry between German Enlightenment and Czech Nationalism MILLER, Stuart 1975-76 United States New York University Studies in the History and Traditions of Sepphoris MILSTAIN, Uri 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University Religious Argumentation in the Legislation Process in Israel MINC, Matys 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University MINERBI, Sergio I. 1967-68 Israel University of Paris MIRAGLIA, Dina 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Columbia University MIRELMAN, Victor 1973-74 Argentina/Israel Hebrew University An analysis of Ethnic Identity among Yemenite Jews in the Greater New York Area MIRON, Alexander 1972-73 United States Dropsie University MIRON, Eyal 1994-95, 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University MIRVIS, Jonathan 1992-93 Israel/South Africa Surrey University MISHAN, Mordechay 1989-90 Israel Bar-Ilan University MISHOR, Mordechay 1978-79, 1979-80,1980- Israel 81 Hebrew University The Tense System in Tannaitic Hebrew MISLOVICS, Erzsebet 2004-05 Hungary Hebrew University Demographic and Economic History of Hungarian Jews in the Pre-Industrial Age, 1700-1830 MITTELMAN, Hagit 1989-90, 1990-91 Israel Hebrew University A Medieval Judeo-Arabic Commentary On The Kohelet: A Textual, Linguistic And Philosophic Analysis MOLAD-VAZA, Ora 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Jewish Costume in the Islamic Lands MOLHO, Rena 1984-85, 1986-87, 1988- Greece 89, 1992-93 University of Thessaloniki The Particularities of the Jewish Community of Salonika MOORE, Abigail 1979-80 United States Rutgers University MOORE, Donald 1968-69 France University of Strasbourg Gersonides' Supercommentary on Averoes' Epitome of the Meteorolgica 1-3 The Study Circle: An MOR, Menachem 1976-77, 1977-78,1981- Israel 82 Hebrew University MORAG-TALMON, Penina 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University MORALI,Daniehle-Claude 1968-69 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes MORDUCHOWITZ, Moshe 1971-72, 1972-73 United States Harvard University MOREEN, Vera 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Harvard University An Introductory Study of the Kitab-I-Anusi by Rabbi Ibn Luft MORESHET, Menachem 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University A Lexicon of the New Verbs in the Tannaitic Hebrew MORGAN, Michael 1972-73 Canada University of Toronto MORGENSTERN, Susan 1970-71 France University of Nice MORLOK, Elke 2004-05 Germany Hebrew University Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla's Hermeneutics MORRIS-REICH, Amos 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University Jewish Assimilation and Disciplinary Paradigms: The Jews as Objects of Research MOSCOVITZ, Larry 1986-87 United States/Israel Hebrew University The Integration of an Old Community Within an Immigrant Society, The Sephardi Community in Israel MOSEK, Moshe 1973-74 Israel London School of Economics MOSES, Stephane 1966-67 France University of Paris Systeme et Revelation. LaPhilosophie de Franz Rosenzweig MOSHAVI, Adina 1995-96, 1997-98, 1998- USA 99 Yeshiva University Focus and Topicalization In Biblical Hebrew: A New Look at Emphatic Word Order MOSKOWITZ, Morris 1968-69, 1970-71 United States Brandeis University MOSSEK, Moshe 1971-72 England London School of Economics MOSTOV, Stephen 1977-78, 1979-80 United States Brandeis University MULLER, Sharon 1978-79 United States Columbia University MUNK, Reinier 1990-91 Holland Free University Joseph B. Soloveitchik On The Halakhah MURAOKA, Takamitsu 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University Emphasis in Biblical Hebrew MUSZKAT-BARKAN, 2003-04 Israel Hebrew University The Influence of the Cultural Ideologies of Teachers and Mentors in Jewish Education on the Mentoring Process MYERS, David N. 1988-89, 1989-90,1990- United States 91 Columbia University History In Jerusalem: Zionist Ideology And Jewish Historical Scholarship Immigration Policy in Palestine Under Sir Herbert Samuel: British, Zionist and Arab Attitudes NADELHAFT, Erica 1993-94, 1994-95 USA Brandeis University The Jewish Community of Piotrkow Trybunalski 19391945 NAE, Elhanan 1988-89, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University The Influence of Historical Reality on the Development of the Motif "Ways of Peace" and the Teaching of the Tanayim NAEH, Shlomo 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University NAHEM, Ilan 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University NAHMIAS, Haim 1970-71, 1972-73 France University of Paris NAHON, Gerard 1965-66 France University of Paris NAJENSON, Jose 1974-75 Argentina University of Cambridge NAJMAN, Lisa Hindy 1994-95 United States Harvard University Emergence of Scripture in the Second Temple Period NAKHAI, Beth Alpert 1986-87, 1987-88, 1989- United States 90, 1990-91 University of Arizona Religious Practice In Canaan And Israel: A View From Archaeology NATH, Holger 1992-93, 1993-94 Germany Columbia University Issues in Yiddish Language Planning in the Soviet Union, 1917-1939 NATHANS, Benjamin Ira 1992-93, 1994-95 United States University of California Beyond the Pale: Jews in Russian Society, 1840-1900 Seeking the Truth and A Way for the Public: Studies in the Teacing of Rabbi Israel Israeli from Toledo NEAMAN, Pinchas 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University Sources for the Problems of the Limits of Israel in the Literature of Hazal NEAR, Henry 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University NEHARI, Miriam 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Boston University Effects of Classroom Climate Components on Students' Evalustion of the Meaningfulness of a Learning Experience NEHORAI, Michael 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University R. Shlomo B. Yehuda Hanasi NETZER, Ehud 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University An Architectural and Archaeolofical Analysis of the Buildings in the Herodian Period at Herodium and Jericho NETZER, Ester 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University NETZER, Nissan 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University NETZER, Shlomo 1973-74, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University NEUBERGER, Julia 1976-77, 1977-78 England Cambridge University NEUGROSCHL, Zvi 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University NEULANDER, Fred 1970-71 United States Dropsie University NEUMAN, Shoshana 1982-83 Israel Bar-Ilan University NEUMANN, Tully 1972-73 United States Yeshiva University NEUSTADT, Isaac 1972-73, 1975-76 United States Brandeis University NEUWIRTH, George 1973-74 Canada/France University of Paris NEVO, Amnon 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University NEVO, David 1989-90 Israel Bar-Ilan University NEVO, Moshe 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University NEW, Elisa 1983-84 United States Columbia University NEWBORN, Jud 1978-79 United States University of Chicago NEWMAN, Chaim 1970-71, 1971-72 England London School of Economics and Political Science NEWMAN, David 1979-80, 1980-81 England University of Durham Cost of Time Devoted to Religious Activity The Unending Task: Efforts to Unite American Jewry From the American Jewish Congress to The American Jewish Conference NEWMAN, Hillel 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991- U.S.A./Israel 92, 1992-93 Hebrew University NEWMAN, Ruby 1971-72 United States University of Wisconsin NEWMAN-SCHELY, Esther 1989-90 Israel University of Chicago NEZRI, Maurice 1974-75 France Universite de Paris V NIEDERLAND, Doron 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University NIELSEN, Bruce E. 1990-91 U.S.A. Jewish Theological Seminary NIGAL, Gedalyah 1968-69, 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University NINY, Yehuda 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University NITZAN, Bilha 1982-83, 1984-85,1985- Israel 86, 1987-88 Tel-Aviv University Jerome And The Jews Earth, Seed And Food: The Social Settings of the Levitical Purity Rules in the Judaisms and Christianities of the First Four Centuries C.E. The Jewish Community in Yemen in the Late 18th Century and the 19th Century NIUNKAITE-RACIUNIENE, Ais2004-05 Lituania Vilnius Academy The Symbolism of Traditional Jewish Art in Lithuania from the Seventeenth Century until the Holocaust NOLL, Sylvia ISRAEL Hebrew University The Jewish Community of Prague as the Central Organization of the Jews of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 2001-02 NOSSEK, Hillel 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University NOVINSKY, Anita 1966-67 Argentina University of Sao Paulo NOWERSZTERN, Alberto 1978-79, 1979-80 Argentina Hebrew University NURIEL, Abraham 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University NYDORF, Charles 1979-80 United States Columbia University OCHS, Jerry 1980-81, 1981-82 United States Harvard University OCHSE, Katharina Lili 1991-92 Germany Freie Universitaet Berlin OFEK, Adina 1982-83 Israel Jewish Theological Seminary OFEK, Natan 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University The LiteraryWorks of Brenner and Kafka as a Model for the Understanding of Jewish Existence OFER, Yosef 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Babylonian Mesorah and its Methods OFFENBACH, Lilly 1968-69 United States Brandeis University New Christians and Inquisition in Brazil Literary Confrontation with Anti-Semitism in GermanJewish Literature, 1918-1938 OGREN, Brian 2004-05 United States Hebrew University Metempsychosis in Italian Renaissance Kabbalah, 1466-1520 OHANA, Moise 1967-68 Morocco University of Strasbourg OHEL, Milla 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel University of Chicago OINOUNOU, Aviva 1980-81 Israel Universite de Paris I - Sorbonne Israel vu par le quotidien "le Monde" OLENDER, Maurice 1979-80 Belgium Universite de Paris I OLIEL-GRAUSZ, Evelyne 1988-89, 1990-91 France Universite Paris I Sorbonne Relations Between The Portuguese-Jewish Comunities in Western Europe in the 18th Century OLIVEIRA, Immanuel, Duarte de1986-87,1988-89, 198990 Portugal Hebrew University The Election of Israel in the Thought of Maratin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig OLMAN, Arye 2001-02 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University Semantic Field of Garments in Biblical Hebrew OLMERT, Yosef 1981-82 Israel London School of Economics British Policy Towards the Levant States, 1940-1945 OPPENHEIM, Israel 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University OPPENHEIMER, Aharon 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Am Ha-Aretz, A Study in the Social History of the Jewish People from the Rise of the Hasmonean Dynasty to the End of the Tannaitic Period OPPENHEIMER, Anne 1974-75 England Oxford University ORBACH, Alexander 1970-71 United States University of Wisconsin The Russian-Jewish Press of Odessa, 1860-1871; Towards the Secullarization of Jewish Culture in Tsarist Russia Israel Hebrew University Sefer Ha-Pelia and Sefer Ha-Kanah OREN, Michael ORENSTEIN, Eugene 1971-72 United States Columbia University ORENT, Wendy 1977-78 United States Boston University ORFALI LEVI, Moises 1978-79 Venezuela/Israel Complutense University of Madrid ORIAN, Noach 1972-73, 1980-81 Israel Tel-Aviv University ORLIAN, Mitchell 1968-69, 1969-70 United States Yeshiva University - Bernard Revel ORON, Michal 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University OUAZANA,Maguy-Margalite 1971-72, 1972-73 Morocco Sorbonne - Paris Israel Hebrew University OVADIA-GOODMAN,Haviva 1983-84 Ideology, Identification and Power Among the Georgian Jews of Israel: A Study in Political Evolution The Leadership of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver on the American-Jewish Scene, 1938-1949 OX, Vladimir 1992-93 USSR Hebrew University PACHTER, Mordechai 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University PALDIEL, Mordechai 1980-81 United States Temple University PALOGE, Rachel 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University PALTERER, Sabine 1970-71 France/United States Harvard University PALTIEL, Eliezer 1972-73, 1973-74 United States University of Pennsylvania PANITZ, Michael 1987-88 United States Jewish Theological Seminary PARDES, Ilana 1988-89, 1989-90 United States University of California, Berkeley PARFITT, Tudor 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Oxford University PARKER, Sandra 1971-72 United States Harvard University PARNAS, Moshe 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Homiletic and Ethical Literature of Safed in the 16th Century The Theory of Divinity and Worship of God in the Second Generation of Hasidei Habad Feminine Discourses in the Bible Inquiry into the Yiddish Secular School in the United States: A Curricular Prospective PARUSH, Iris 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University PASS, Harriet 1972-73 United States Columbia University Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo: A Study of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia Before World War II PASTOR, Eugene 1987-88, 1988-89,1989- United States 90 University of Haifa Economic Problems in the Land of Israel in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Periods PAT, Akiva 1977-78 Israel Tel-Aviv University PATTERSON, Deborah 1975-76, 1976-77 England Oxford University PECK, Alan 1980-81 United States Brown University PEER, David 1986-87 Israel University of Padova PELED, Yael 1984-85 Israel Hebrew University PELED, Yoav 1981-82 Israel University of California,Los Angeles PELEG, Orit 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University PELEG, Uzi 1966-67, 1975-76 Israel New York University The Priestly Gift in Mishnah The Architectural Decoration from the Herodian Period in Light of the Finds from Temple Mount Excavations PELES, Haim 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University PELLES, Israel 2004-05 Israel Bar-Ilan University PELTZ, Rakhmiel 1982-83, 1983-84,1985- United States 86 Columbia University PENKOWER, Jordan 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University PENSLAR, Derek 1985-86, 1986-87 United States University of California, Berkeley PERELIS, Ronnie 2003-04; 2004-05 USA New York University Marrano Autobiography in its Transatlantic Context: A Literary Analysis of Crypto-Jewish Writing on Exile, Exploration and Spiritual Discovery PERELSON, Inbal 1995-96 Israel Tel Aviv University Musical Institutions of the Emigrants from Islamic Countries during the First years of the State of Israel PERESZTEGI, Agnes 1991-92 Hungary McGill University Comparative Aspects of Jewish Business Law PEREZ, Maaravi 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University PERI, Anat 1991-92 Israel Vienna University Jewish Immigration to Hungary after its Reoccupation from the Turks PERI, Yoram 1979-80 Israel London School of Economics Some Aspects of the Relationship between the Military and the Politics in Israel Multi-Edited Compositions According to the Autobiographical Manuscripts of the Maharil Book PERLIS-TAMARIT, Rivka 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Pioneering (Zionist) Youth Movements in Nazi Poland during the Holocaust PERLMAN, Lawrence 1986-87 Canada Brandeis University PERLMUTTER, Tova 1999-00, 2001-02 ISRAEL Hebrew University PERRY, Menakhem 1972-73 Israel Tel-Aviv University PETROVSKY, Yohanan 1997-98, 1998-99 Ukraine Brandeis University PHETAIA-GOODMAN,Haviva 1984-85,1985-86, 1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University PHILLIPS DAVIDS, Jennifer 1993-94 USA Emory University Between Two Worlds: Fertility Transition and Life History among Ethiopian Jewish Women in Israel PIANKO, Noam 2003-04 USA Yale University Reconstructing America: Conceptions of Nationalism in American Jewish Thought 1915-1960 PICK, Herbert S. 1990-91, 1992-93 Israel/U.S.A. Bar-Ilan University The Jewish Communities Of Provence In The Middle Ages Until The Expulsion Of 1306 PIEKARZ, Mendel 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University Teleological Trends in Drush and Musar Literature in Eastern Europe at the Time of the Rise of Hasidism and the Inception of its Expansion (5500-5541) PILOWSKY, Arie 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University Holocaust Teaching and Educational Policy Development: A Case Study in a Teacher's College in Israel Jewish Self Governmental Institutions in the Pale of Settlement (Ukraine) PILOWSKY, Varda 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University PINES, Ronie 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University PIROZYNSKA, Magdalena 1991-92 Poland Oxford University PIZAM, Haim 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University PLESSER-LIFSHITZ,Tirzah 1983-84, 1984-85 Israel Hebrew University PLITMANN, Lucy 1985-86, 1989-90 Canada/Israel Hebrew University POLAK, Frank 1977-78, 1980-81 Holland Hebrew University POLISAR, Daniel Aaron 1991-92 USA Harvard University Religion and State at the Time of Founding: A Comparison of Three Countries--Israel, Mexico and the United States POLLAND, Anne 2001-02, 2002-03 USA Columbia University The Adaptation of Ritual: Immigrant Jewish Families on the Lower East Side, 1880-1930 PORAT, Dan 1998-99 USA Stanford University Between History and memory: Reconstructing the Past in Israeli and US Textbooks PORAT, Dina 1979-80 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Role Played by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem in Efforts to Rescue the Jews in Europe Yiddish and Polish Proverbs: Linguistic and Cultural Contacts PORAT, Reuven 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University PORATH, Yosef 1980-81 Israel Tel-Aviv University POSEN, Rafael Benyamin 1996-97 Israel Bar Ilan University POSNER, Nadine 1977-78, 1978-79 United States New York University POVARSKY, Chaim 1983-84 Israel Tel-Aviv University PRESS, Richard 1966-67 United States Dropsie University PRIMUS, Charles 1974-75 United States Brown University PRITZ, Ray 1979-80, 1980-81 United States Hebrew University The Jewish Christian Sect of the Nazarenes PROUSER, Ora Horn 1988-89, 1989-90, 1990- United States 91 Jewish Theological Seminary The Phenomenology Of The Lie in Biblical Literature PUCCI, Marina 1976-77 Italy Hebrew University La Rivolta Ebraica al Tempo di Traiano PUNI, Malca 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University Consistency of the Targum Onkelos' Translation QIMRON, Elisha 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University A Grammar of the Hebrew Language of the Dead Sea Scrolls QUINT, Alyssa 2001-02 CANADA Harvard University Avrom Goldfadn and the Origins of the Yiddish Theatre QUNITANA-RODRIGUEZ, Aldina 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University Synchronical and Diachronical Linguisitic Geography of Judeo-Spanish RABBINOVITZ, Reuven 1970-71 Israel Bar-Ilan University RABINBACH, Anson 1970-71 United States University of Wisconsin RABINOVITCH, Mordecai 1978-79, 1980-81 United States Jews' College, London RABINOWITZ, Jonathan 1987-88 United States Yeshiva University RADENSKY, Paul 1995-96, 1997-98 USA Jewish Theological Seminary Hasidism in the Age of Reform: Rabbi Dovid ben Mordecai of Tal'noye and the Struggle Against Zaddikism, 1847-1882 RADZYNER, Amihai 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University Foundation of Talmudic Fines Law (Din Qnasot) RAFFEL, Charles 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Brandeis University RAFFELD, Meir 1985-86, 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University RAICHER, Perla 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University RAJ, Ferencz 1973-74 United States Columbia University RAJNER, Mirjam 1983-84, 1985-86 Yugoslavia/Israel Belgrade University;Hebrew University RALBAG, Moshe 1982-83, 1984-85 Israel Bar-Ilan University RAMON, Einat 1993-94, 1994-95 Israel Stanford University God, the Land and Motherly Morality: Theology, Nationalism and Ethics in the Thought of A.D. Gordon RAMRAS-RAUCH, Gila 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Themes of Quest and Existentialism in the Works of Yosef Chaim Brenner RAND, Michael 2001-02 USA New York University Poetry and Grammar in the Work of Eleazar Qillir RAPHAEL, Freddy 1968-69 France University of Strasbourg RAPHAEL, Lev 1985-86 United States Michigan University RAPHAEL, Marc 1968-69 United States University of California,Los Angeles RAPHAEL, Shmuel 1967-68, 1968-69 United States/Israel Yeshiva University Yeshayayu Berdshadsky, The Hebrew Nihilist Writer RAPPAPORT, Steven G. 1996-97, 1997-98 USA Stanford University Jewish Education and Jewish Culture in Russia, 18811917 RATNER, Robert 1982-83 United States Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati Gender Problems in Biblical Hebrew RATSON, Menachem 2001-02, 2002-03 ISRAEL Hebrew University The Political and Social Principles of Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra RATTOCK, Lily 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University RAUCH, Eduardo 1974-75, 1975-76 United States Harvard University Jewish Educatio in the USA RAURET, Marta 1997-98, 1999-00 Spain Hebrew University Inquiry into the Linguistic Means Connected to the Concept of Existence RAVEH, Inbar 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University Temporal Organization in Stories of the Rabbis in Rabbinic Literature RAVID, Benkaom 1972-73 United States Harvard University The Legal Status of the Jewish Merchants of Venice 1541-1638 RAVITSKY, Aviezer 1973-74, 1974-75,1975- Israel 76 Hebrew University The Thought of R. Zerahiah b. Isaac Hen abd the Maimonidean Tibbonia School of Thought RAVIV, Yael 1999-00 ISRAEL New York University Recipe for a Nation: Cuisine, Jewish Nationalism, and the Israeli State RAY, Jonathan 2001-02 USA Jewish Theological Seminary The Making of Sephardic Communal Authority in the High Middle Ages: The Jewish Experience in Reconquest Iberia REBHUN, Uziel 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994- Israel 95 Hebrew University Impact of Geograpic Mobility on the Structure of Jewish Identity: Jews in the U.S., 1970-1990 RECHTER, David 1989-90, 1991-92, 1992- Australia 93 Hebrew University Vienna Jewry, 1914-1918 REDLICH, Shimon 1965-66, 1966-67 United States New York University Jews Under Soviet Rule during World War II REESINK, Charles 1980-81 France University of Paris, Sorbonne REFAEL, Shmuel 1992-93 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Processes of Continuity and Change in JudeoSpanish Romances in Salonica REGENSPAN, David Jacob 1995-96 USA Cornell University Roguish Realities: Oppositions of Rhetoric and Narrative in the Tahkemoni of Judah al Harizi REGEV, Eyal 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University The Sadducean Halakha and the Influence of the Sadduccees on Social and Religious Life in the Land of Israel REGEV, Shaul 1975-76, 1980-81 United States Hebrew University Theology and Rational Mysticism in the Writings of R. Joseph Ben-Shem Tov REGUER, Sara 1973-74 United States Columbia University Winston S. Churchill and the Shaping og the Middle East 1919-1922 REICH, Ronny 1977-78, 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University REINER, Avraham 1999-00 ISRAEL Hebrew University Rabenu Tam and His Contemporaries: Relationships, Influences and Methods of Interpretation of the Talmud REINER, Elchanan 1977-78, 1978-79,1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University REINER, Sherry 1979-80 United States University of Cincinnati REINHARZ, Jehuda 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Brandeis University REINITZ, Jacob 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University REISS, Asher 1966-67, 1968-69,1969- United States 70 Brandeis University REISS, Didier 1998-99 USA University of California Locating Tradition in Scholarship: Zacharias Frankel and the Breslau Approach to Judaism REPPEN, Hava 1991-92 Israel Tel Aviv University RESHEF, Yael 1995-96, 1996-97, 1998- Israel 99 Hebrew University The Conditions for the Occurrence of a Governed Case-Relation maraker in Contemporary Hebrew: The Relation Marker Min/M and Other Cognate and Relevant Case Relation Markers The Hebrew Song in the First Half of the 20th Century: The Linguistic Aspect RESNICK, Rosita 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Yeshiva University REUTER, Mimi 2001-02 Israel Hebrew University REVEL, Elisabeth 1972-73, 1974-75 France University of Strasbourg Le-Yetomim Ba-Mishpat Ha-Evri The Striking of Haman in the Material Culture of Ashkenazi Communities in the Modern Era REZLER, Nehama 1973-74 Israel/United States Columbia University RIBNER, Alexandre 1966-67 France University of Strasbourg RICHMAN, Robert 1977-78 United States Boston College RIFF, Michael 1969-70 England University of London RIGO, Caterina 1993-94, 1994-95 Italy Hebrew University RISPLER, Vardit 1980-81, 1981-82 Israel University of California, Berkeley RIVLIN, Chana 1987-88 Israel Bar-Ilan University RIVLIN, Joseph 1981-82, 1982-83,1983- Israel 84 Tel-Aviv University ROBINSON, Donna 1968-69 Israel Columbia University ROBINSON, Elinor C. 1991-92 England Columbia University ROBINSON, Ira 1978-79 United States Harvard University Le probleme Juif au Miroir du Roman Francais de l'Entre-Deux-Guerres Biurim on the Bible of R. Yehuda Romano Abraham Ben Eliezer Halevi: Kabbalist and Messianic Visionary of the Early Sixteenth Century RODAL, Alti 1970-71 England Oxford University RODOV, Ilia M. 1995-96, 1996-97, 1997- Israel 98 Hebrew University RODRIGUE, Aron 1982-83, 1983-84 Turkey Harvard University ROEH, Itzhak 1975-76 United States Columbia University The Rhetoric of News: Style, Content, Structure in the Israel Radio ROEMER, Nils 1998-99, 1999-00 Germany Columbia University The Historicizing of Judaism in 19th Century Germany: Scholaarly Discipline and Popular Culture ROGINSKY, Dina 2003-04 Israel Tel Aviv University A Socio-Historical Examination of Israeli Folk and Ethnic Dance ROITMAN, Adolfo 1986-87, 1988-89,1989- Israel 90 Hebrew University The Traditions about Abraham's Early Life in the Jewish Literature of the Secod Temple Period: Their Function, Meaning and Development ROITMAN, Deborah 2002-03 Uruguay University of Mexico New References to Identity Construction of the Jewish Group in Mexico in the Last Twenty Years of the 20th Century ROITMAN, Sabina 1975-76 France University of Strasbourg Les Huifs Anglais de 1966 a 1976 - Pratiques, Mentalities, Comportements ROJANSKI, Rachel 1988-89 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Jewish Socialist Labor party Poale-Zion of America, During the Years 1905-1931 ROLNIK, Eran 1999-00 ISRAEL Tel Aviv University The Migration of Jewish German Speaking Psychoanalysts from Central Europe to Palestine and the Reception of Psychoanalysis in Israel Composite Decoration of Masonry Synagogues in the Area of the Pale of Settlement:Genesis, Development and Meaning of the Motifs ROMAN, Wilk 1983-84 Israel Tel-Aviv University ROMER-SEGAL, Agnes 1981-82 Canada Hebrew University ROMEYN, Esther 1997-98 Netherlands University of Minnesota RON, Isaac 1981-82, 1984-85 Israel Bar-Ilan University ROSE, Neal 1970-71 Canada Jewish Teachers' Seminary ROSE, Susan 1981-82 United States Ohio University ROSEN, Judith 1980-81 United States Columbia University ROSEN, Michael 1974-75 England London University ROSENAK, Avinoam 1995-96, 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University Halakha and Philosophy in Rabbi Kook's Thought ROSENAK, Michael 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University Tasks of contemporary Jewish Theology in the Construction of Religious Education ROSENBAUM, Benjamin 1976-77 United States Yale University Staging Difference: Cultural Strategies in Ethnic Performances, 1890-1930 ROSENBAUM, Stanley 1968-69, 1969-70 United States/Israel Brandeis University The Concept "Antagonist" in Hebrew Psalmography: A Semantic Film Study ROSENBERG, Pnina 1998-99, 1999-00 Israel University of Haifa Visual Art in French Concentration Camps as Reflecting the Everyday Life of the Inmates ROSENBERG, Rina 1985-86, 1987-88,1988- Israel 89, 1990-91 Hebrew University Development Of Faith Concepts In Israeli Children And Adolescents ROSENBERG, Ruth 1977-78 Israel Harvard University The Cencept of Biblical Sheol within the Context of Ancient Near Eastern Beliefs ROSENBERG, Sholom 1970-71, 1971-72,1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University Logic and Ontology in the Jewish Philosophy in the XIVth Century ROSENBLATT, Maidie 1988-89 United States Stanford University Agent and Structure: Subjective Experience and the Religion/Secularism Controversy in Israel ROSENBLUM, Howard 1983-84, 1984-85 United States Columbia University ROSENFELD, Ben-Zion 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Bar-Ilan University Rabbi Joshu Ben-Levi: His Life and his Public Activity ROSENHEK, Zeev 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Origins and Development of a Dualistic Welfare State: The Arab Minority in the Israeli Welfare State ROSENKRANZ, Ze'ev 1991-92 Australia Hebrew University The Einstein Myth in German and German-Jewish Society During the Weimar Republic, 1919-1933 ROSENSWEIG, Michael 1980-81, 1981-82,1985- United States 86, 1995-96 Yeshiva University ROSENTHAL, Abraham 1969-70, 1970-71, 1976- Israel 77 Hebrew University ROSENTHAL, David 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University Mishna Aboda-Zara; A Critical Edition with Introduction ROSENTHAL, Yoav 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University Tractate Kareitot - A Study of its Traditions and a Characterization of its Uniqueness ROSENZWEIG, Claudia 2001-02 ITALY Hebrew University The "Bovo d'Antona" by Elye Bocher ROSENZWEIG, Michael 1995-96 USA Yeshiva University Halakhah and Mobility in the Middle Ages ROSKIES, David 1971-72 United States Brandeis University ROSMAN, Murray 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979- United States 80, 1980-81 Jewish Theological Seminary ROSOFF, Barbara 1985-86 United States Rutgers University ROSS, Tamar 1980-81, 1981-82 United States Hebrew University ROTH, Lea 1968-69, 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University ROTH, Norman 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Cornell University The Civil and the Religious Status of the Jews in Asia Minor from Alexander the Great to Constantine, B.C. 336 - A.D. 337 ROTHSTEIN, Daniel 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984- United States 85 Harvard University ROTHSTEIN, Jay 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Columbia University ROTHSTEIN, Marc 1976-77, 1977-78 United States Brandeis University Forms of Irony in the Short Stories of S. Yizhar ROTMAN, Hana 1994-95 Israel Bar Ilan University Jewish Classical Texts for the Jewish Schools of the former USSR ROTTENBERG,Yechezkel 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University ROUMANI, Maurice 1967-68, 1969-70 England/United States University of London ROUSSIN, Lucille 1975-76 United States Columbia University ROVNER, Jay 1981-82, 1985-86, 1986- United States 87, 1988-89 Jewish Theological Seminary The Commentary of R. hananeel be Husiel of Kairawan on Bava Metsia, 52-119 ROWE, Nina 1999-00 USA Northwestern University Synagoga and Ecclesia at Reims, Strasbourg and Bamberg and the Place of Jews within the Christian Order ROZANSKI, Gabriela 1999-00 ARGENTINA Jewish Theological Seminary Parady in the Work of Moyshe Leyb Halpern ROZEN, Minna 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Jewish Community in Jerusalem in the 16th and 17th Centuries ROZENBLIT, Marsha 1976-77, 1977-78 United States ROZETT, Robert 1982-83, 1984-85 Israel/United States Hebrew University ROZIK, Sara 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University ROZIN, Mordechai 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University RUBEL, Jacobo 1974-75 Argentina Hebrew University United States (1974-75) RUBENSTEIN, Jacob Columbia University RUBENSTEIN, Jeffrey 1990-91, 1991-92 U.S.A. Columbia University RUBIN, Gary 1975-76 United States Columbia University RUBIN, Nissan 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University RUBIN, Ruth 1975-76 United States Union Graduate School RUBIN, Zvia 1989-90, 1991-92, 1992- Israel 93 Hebrew University Assimilation and Identity: The Effects of Urbanization on the Jews of Vienna, 1880-1914 The History Of Sukkot From The Bible Through The Talmud A Sociological Analysis of jewish Mourning Patterns in Mishnaic and Talmudic Period R. Moshe H. Luzzatto and His Writing on the Zohar RUBINSTEIN, Aryeh 1969-70, 1970-71,1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University The Beginnings of the Reform Movement in American Judaism RUBINSTEIN, Rachel 2001-02 USA Harvard University Going Native: Modernism and American Identity in Jewish Immigrant Literature RUBINSTEIN,Mordechay 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University RUBINSTIEN, Bilhah 1989-90 Israel Bar-Ilan University RUBIO, Mercedes 1998-99 Spain Hebrew University Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed and 13th Century Latin Scholasticism: Historical and Textual Aspects, and An Examination of the Proof of God New York University The Concept of Kiddush Ha-hayim as Expressed in the Ghettos during the Holocaust in Europe, 19391945 RUDAVSKY, Joseph RUDERMAN, David 1971-72, 1972-73 United States Hebrew University RUEDENBERG, Lucia 1990-91, 1992-93 U.S.A. New York University Civic Commemoration Of The Holocaust In New York City: A History From 1943 To The Present RUPEIKIENE, Maria 1995-96 Lithuania Vilnius Technical University Architecture of Jewish Institutions in Lithuania RUTTENBERG, Edward 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Hebrew Union College RYZHIK, Michael 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998- Israel 99 Hebrew University The Language of Sages according to the Italian Jewry Tradition; Mishnaic Hebrew according to the Italian Jewry Tradition SAADA, Lucienne 1970-71 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes SAADOUN, Chaim 1988-89, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University SABAR, Shalom 1984-85 Israel University of California, Los Angeles SABATELLO, Franco 1966-67, 1968-69,1971- Italy/Israel 72 Hebrew University SABBAH, Dina 1979-80 Israel Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales SABBAH, Robert 1978-79, 1980-81 France Institut d'Etudes Politiques deParis - SACERDOTI, Yaakova 1996-97 Israel University of Michigan The Double Addressed Satire: A New Stream in the Modern Israeli Childrens Literature SACHS, Moshe 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University Factors and Processes Involved in Chilling Damage to Cotton Plants and their Significance SADAN, Nili 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University SADKA, Isaac 1972-73, 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University SAFA, Michele 1990-91 U.S.A. University Of California at Los Emblems Of Identity: A Study of a Northern Angeles Yemenite Community in Israel Zionism in Tunisia, 1918-1948 Social and Occupational Trends of the Jews in Italy, 1870-1970 The Complements of the Verb in Modern hebrew Language SAFRAI, Chana 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University SAFRAN, Bezalel 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Bernard Revel Graduate School - SAFRAN, Eliyahu 1971-72 United States Yeshiva University SAFREN, Jonathan 1977-78 United States Hebrew Union College SAGAUT, Catherine 1977-78 France University of Paris SAGI, Nana 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University SAGIV, Nachum 2001-02 ISRAEL Bar Ilan University SALAMON, Mordechai 1981-82 Israel Bar-Ilan University SALES, Amy L. 1983-84 SALMON, Tamar 1994-95, 1995-96 SALMON, Yosef Yaqqim-Addu, Governor of Sagaratum The Jewish Setlements in Transjordan during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods Boston University Pattern of Community Contact and Immigrant Adjustment: A Study of the Soviet Jews in Boston Israel Hebrew University Marriage Patterns in Polish Jewry, 1650-1795 1968-69, 1969-70, 1971- Israel 72 Hebrew University SALZEDO, Michel 1980-81 France University of Paris VIII Vincennes SAMET, Aryeh 2004-05 France Hebrew University SAMUELS, Ayala 1989-90 Israel Jewish Theological Seminary SAMUELS, Stanley 1971-72 United States University of Pennsylvania SANDLER, Daniel 1978-79 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Music Chapters of Shiltey HaGiborim SANUA, Marianne Rachel 1992-93 USA Columbia University Jewish College Fraternities and Sororities in the US, 1895-1970 SAPERSTEIN, Marc 1975-76 United States Harvard University The Works of R. Isaac ben Yedaiah: A Thirteenth Century Commentator on the Aggadah SAPIR ABULAFIA, Anna 1981-82 Holland University of Amsterdam Jewish-Christian Relations and the Eleventh Century Church SARAF, Michal 1980-81, 1981-82, 1982- Israel 83, 1983-84 Bar-Ilan University SARIG, Jaacov 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University SARNA, Jonathan 1977-78, 1978-79 United States Yale University On the Ecstatic Dimension of the Lurianic Kabbalah: The Passage of Mystical Techniques of the Prophetical Kabbalah of the Ari Mordechai M. Noah: A Biographical Study SARNA, Rachel 1980-81, 1981-82 Israel New York University Automated Generation of Verb Bases in Hebrew SASAKI, Tsuguya 1991-92 Japan Hebrew University The Word-Formation of Modern Hebrew SASS, Benjamine 1984-85 Israel Tel-Aviv University SASSO, Dennis 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Temple University SATRAN, David 1981-82, 1983-84,1984- United States/Israel Hebrew University 85 SCHACHNER, Daphna 1980-81 Israel Tel-Aviv University SCHACHTER, Jacob 1973-74, 1974-75 United States Columbia University SCHAEFER, Jerome 1976-77 United States University of Arizona SCHAMS, Christine 1993-94 Germany University of Oxford SCHAPIRA, Zeev 1975-76 France University of Toulouse SCHATZ, Jaff 1974-75, 1986-87, 1987- Sweden 88, 1988-89 University of Lund The "Jewish Problem" as Expressed in the Extreme Right Wing Press in France, 1936-1940 Identity, Role and Status of Scribes in First Century Jewish Society Minority and Totality: Changing Jewish Identity in the Shadow of the Holocaust SCHATZBERGER, Hilda 1985-86 Israel Bar-Ilan University SCHECHTER, Elaine 1978-79, 1979-80 United States Columbia University SCHECHTER, Rivka 1966-67 Israel Hebrew University SCHEIN, Sylvia 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Cambridge University The West and the Crusade: Attitudes and Attempts 1291-1312 SCHEINBERG, Cynthia 1991-92 USA Rutgers University All Miriam's Daughters: Anglo-Jewish Poetry by Women in the Victorian Christian Context SCHENFELD, Ruth 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University The Hebrew Historical Novel in the Twentieth Century SCHENK, Johann 1971-72, 1972-73 United States New York University SCHENKOLEWSKI, Silvia 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University SCHERR, Lilly 1971-72 France Paris - Sorbonne SCHIFF, Moshe 1973-74, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University SCHIJ, Gabriel 1976-77 United States University of California,Los Angeles The Zionist Movement and the Zionist parties in Argentina (1935-1943) The Contribution of the Rav Papa to the Redaction of talmud (According to the Tractates of Seder Moed) SCHINDLER, Pesach 1970-71 United States New York University SCHINDLER, Ruben 1970-71 United States Yeshiva University - SCHINE, Robert S. 1987-88 United States Jewish Theological Seminary SCHLESINGER, Eva 1971-72 United States New York University SCHLIACHTER, Sylvie 1973-74 France Universite de Paris I - Sorbonne SCHMIDT, Esther 1999-00 GERMANY University of Oxford From the Ghetto to the Conservatoire: The Beginning of Jewish Music Scholarship SCHNEIDER, Jeffrey 1974-75 United States University of Southampton The Jewish Problem in Romania Prior to the First World War SCHNEIDER, Michael 1994-95 Russia Hebrew University Aderet Haemuna of Rabbi Elia ben Eliezer SCHNEIDER, Samuel 1974-75, 1977-78 United States Yeshiva University The Traditional Jewish World in the Writings of J.H. Brenner SCHNELLER, Rafael 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University SCHNOOR, Randal 2001-02 CANADA Mc Gill University The Reception of German Literature in the United States 1919-1944 Gay Jewish Men: Twice Blessed or Double Disadvantaged? SCHOENBERG, Harris 1967-68, 1971-72 United States Columbia University The Concept of "People" in the Principle of SelfDetermination SCHOFER, Jonathan 1999-00 USA University of Chicago The Making of a Sage: The Rabbinic Ethics of Avot de Rabbi Natan SCHORSCH, Ismar 1967-68 United States Columbia University Organized Jewish Reactions to German Anti-Semitism SCHORSCH, Jonathan 1998-99 USA University of California The Oceans Black and Blueish: Jews and Blacks in the Early Colonial World, 1440s-1800 SCHORSCH, Rebecca 1997-98 USA University of Chicago The Making of a Legend: Louis Ginzberg's Legends of the Jews SCHREIER, Stephen 1970-71 Canada University of British Columbia SCHREMER, Oded 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University M.M. Buber's Concept of Personality - Implications for Education SCHROETER, Daniel 1980-81, 1981-82 United States University of Manchester Merchants and Pedlers of Essaouira: A Social History of a Moroccan Trading Town (1844-1886) SCHUDRICH, Michael 1981-82, 1982-83 United States University of Manchester SCHULMAN, Jay 1975-76 United States State University of New York, Binghamton SCHULMAN, Mary 1975-76 United States Columbia University Judaic Influence as Reflected in the Motifs and Ideas of the "Primary Chronicle" of Kievan Rus (1111 C.E.) SCHUSSMAN, Aviva 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Stories of The Prophets in Muslim Tradition, Mainly on the basis of "Kisas al-Ambiya" by Muhammad b. Abdallah al-Kissai SCHWARTZ, Baruch 1983-84, 1984-85 United States/Israel Hebrew University SCHWARTZ, Daniel 2004-05 United States Columbia University Reclaiming Spinoza: The Heretic from Amsterdam in Modern Jewish Culture, 1832-1918 SCHWARTZ, Joshua 1979-80 United States Hebrew University A History of Jewish Settlement in Southern Judea After the bar Kochba Revolt Until the Arab Conquest SCHWARTZ, Seth 1983-84 United States Columbia University SCHWARTZ, Shuly 1982-83, 1985-86 United States Jewish Theological Seminary SCHWARTZ, Yehuda 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University SCHWARTZMANN, Julia 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University SCHWARZ, Jan 1995-96 Denmark Columbia University SCRIBNER, Arnold 1971-72, 1972-73 United States Columbia University SEFATI, Yitschak 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Yale University Pedagogic Programs and Didactic Literature of the Mishna and Talmud in Israeli Schools Artistic Autobiographies of Yiddish Writers: Self, Life Story, Discourse and Style SEGAL, Alan 1975-76 United States Yale University SEGAL, Arthur 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University The Planning of the Cities Along the Via Traiana Nova in the Roman Period SEGAL, Lorne (Eliezer) 1980-81 Canada Hebrew University The Textual Traditions of the Tractate Megillah in The Babylonian Talmud SEGAL, Miryam 2001-02 USA University of California. Form "Ashkenazic" to "Sephardic": A Genealogy of the New Accent in Hebrew Poetry in Palestine SEGAL, Peretz 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University SEGAL, Robert 1974-75 United States Princeton University SEKNADEJE-ASKENAZI, Joel 1965-66 France University of Paris SELA, Shulamit 1989-90 Israel Tel-Aviv University SELIGMAN, Phillip 1977-78, 1978-79 United States New York University SENDOR, Mark 1982-83, 1983-84,1984- United States 85, 1985-86 Harvard University SENTDJERDJI, Klara 1984-85, 1985-86 Indiana University Yugoslavia The nature of Myth in the Poimandres SEPHIHA, Vidal 1965-66, 1966-67 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes SERFATY LEVY, Adriana 1976-77 Spain University Complutense of Madrid SEROUSSI, Edwin 1984-85 Israel University of California, Los Angeles SETER, Ronit 1997-98 Israel Cornell University Music in Hebrew: Interrelations between Style and Ideology in Jewish-Israeli Art Music 1940-1996 SFEZ, Rolland 1978-79 Tunisia Universite de Paris II Israel and Jerusalem SHACHAM, Chaya 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University SHACKNEY, David 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University SHAFIR, Shlomo 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Georgetown University SHAHAN, Avigdor 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University SHAI, Donna 1973-74 United States Hebrew University SHAIN, Milton 1981-82, 1983-84, 1987- South Africa 88 University of Cape Town Masechet Shavuot-Hotzaah Madait, Shinui Nuschaot, Nispachim The Ghettos in Transistria SHALEM, Chaim 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University Agudath Israel in Eretz-Israel and its Activities and Attitudes Relating to the Holocaust, 1942-1945 SHALEV-EYNI, Sarit 1996-97 Israel Hebrew University The Tripartite Mahzor SHALTIEL, Eli 1987-88 Israel Tel-Aviv University SHAMIR, Yehuda 1966-67 United States Dropsie College SHANKS, Elizabeth Jeannette 1995-96 USA Yale University Development of Legal Exegesis of the Mishnah Tractate Shevu'ot and its Traditions of Interpretation SHAPIRA, Abraham 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Tel-Aviv University Dual Structures in the Thought of Martin Buber SHAPIRA, Moshe 1973-74 Israel Bar-Ilan University SHAPIRO, Anita 1973-74, 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Struggles for Jewish Labor, 1929-1939 SHAPIRO, Ari Carl 1996-97 USA Princeton University A Jewish Community in the Czech Republic from 1945 to the Present: An Ethnography of Civil Society SHAPIRO, David 1971-72 United States Harvard University SHAPIRO, Jane 1977-78 United States Columbia University SHAPIRO, Marc Brooks 1993-94 USA Harvard University SHAPIRO, Mendel 1977-78 United States Brandeis University SHAPIRO, Robert 1974-75, 1975-76, 1979- United States 80 Columbia University SHARON, Diane M. 1994-95 United States Jewish Theological Seminary Literary Function of Eating and Drinking Events in the Hebrew Bible with Reference to the Literature of the Ancient Near East SHARVIT, Shimon 1970-71, 1973-74 England/Israel Bar-Ilan University The textual Variants and language of Abot Treatise and Prolegomera to a Critical Edition SHARVIT, Uri 1972-73, 1974-75 United States Columbia University SHASHAR, Michael 1973-74 Israel Herzlia People's University SHATZKES, Pamela Joy 1995-96 USA London School of Economics SHAW, Paul 1974-75 England Oxford University SHAW, Peter 1980-81 United States Hebrew University Israel Hebrew University SHECKNEY, David Between East and West: The Life and Works of R. Jehiel Jacob Weinberg Anglo-Jewish Refugee Rescue and Relief Efforts 19381946: Role of Dr. Solomon Schonfeld and the Chief Rabbi's Religious Emergency Council Masechet Shavuot-Hotzaah Madait, Shinui Nuschaot, Nispachim SHEHADEH, Haseeb 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The arabic Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch (Prolegomena to a Critical Edition) SHELAH, Menachem 1978-79 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Murder of Croatian Jews by the Germans and Their Helpers During the Second World War SHEMESH, Arram 1997-98, 1998-99 Israel Bar Ilan University Flora in Jewish Law, Thought and Custom from the Sixteenth Century to the Present SHENHAR, Aliza 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University Family Confrontation and Conflict in Jewish Folktales SHENHAV-KELLER, Shelly 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University Looking Back for the Future: Representation, Collective Memory and Identity - The Case of The Diaspora Museum SHEPKARU, Shmuel 1993-94 Israel New York University Evolution of Jewish and Christian Martyrdom: A Comparative Study SHERAMY, Rona 1998-99 USA Brandeis University Defining Lessons: Holocaust Education and American Jewish Youth from World War II to the Present SHERESHEVSKY, Shlomo 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University SHERMAN, Moshe D. 1987-88, 1989-90 Canada Yeshiva University SHERWIN, Byron 1970-71 United States New York University SHEYNTUKH, Yekhiel 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Life and Works of Judah Loew of Prague SHIBER, Yair 2003-04 Israel Bar Ilan University The Status and Confirmation of Witnesses at Wedding Ceremonies in Jewish Law SHIFF, Ofer 1991-92 Israel Brandeis University American-Jewish Perceptions of Anti-Semitism in the Early Post-World War II Era SHIMONI, Gideon 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University The Jewish Community and the Zionist Movement in South African Society (1910-1948) SHIMSHON, Daphne 1980-81 Israel Hebrew University SHINAN, Avigdor 1975-76, 1976-77 Israel Hebrew University SHINE, Chaim 1980-81 Israel Tel-Aviv University SHINE, Jeremy 1997-98 United Kingdom University of Michigan Jewish Identity, Needs and Citizenship In the Former Soviet Union: The Case of Jews and Jewish Communities in Ukraine and the Russian Federation SHIRE, Michael J. 1994-95 England Hebrew Union College Factors in Jewish Educational Progamming that Contribute to Student Religious Growth SHLESINGER, Yitzhak 1977-78 Israel Bar-Ilan University SHOCHETMAN, Eliav 1972-73, 1974-75, 1975- Israel 76 Hebrew University Illegal Act in Jewish law Ma'ase Haba Bavira Bamishpat Hivri SHOHAM-STEINER, Ephraim 2002-03 Hebrew University marginal People in Medieval Ashkenazi Jewish Society Israel The Form and Content of the Aggadah in the Palestinian Taragumim and Pentateuch and Its Place Within Rabbinic Literature SHOKEK, Shimon 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University SHORE, Therese 1974-75 Canada Dropsie University SHOWSTACK, Gerald 1980-81 United States/Israel Brandeis University SHPIRO, David 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University SHREIBMAN, Henry 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Columbia University SHTOBER, Shimon 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University SHUNARY, Jonathan 1967-68, 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University SHUPAK, Nili 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University SHWARTZ, Igal 1986-87 Israel Hebrew University SHY, Hadassa 1968-69, 1970-71, 1971- Israel 72 Hebrew University SICHER, Edwin 1979-80 Oxford University England The Jewishness of Reform Jews Determination of Selected Terms in Biblical and Egyptian Wisdom Literature Tanhum Yerushalmi, Commentator and Lexicographer. Chapters in the History of the Jewish Community of Jerusalem SIEGEL, Daniel 1980-81 United States Brandeis University SIEGEL, Jonathan 1968-69 United States Brandeis University SIEGEMUND, Anja 1999-00 GERMANY University of Munich German Zionists and the Bi-National Idea in Palestine, 1918-1948 SIEGMAN, Dafna Rivka 1996-97, 1998-99, 1999- USA 00 Columbia University Exegesis, Exile, and Eschatology: Commentaries to the Book of Esther in the Wake of the Spanish Expulsion SIEGMUND, Stefanie B. 1992-93 USA Jewish Theological Seminary The Ghettoization of Jews in Florence SIEVERS, Joseph 1981-82 Germany Columbia University SILBER, Michael 1974-75, 1979-80,1980- Israel 81 Hebrew University SILBERKLANG, David 1990-91, 1991-92 U.S.A./Israel Hebrew University SILBERSTEIN, Laurence 1970-71 United States Brandeis University SILMAN, Jochanan 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University G-d and Matter in the Light of Heirarchic Relationships in the Book of Kuzari SILVER, Matthew 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University Troubled Ascent: American Zionism in Palestine, 1917-1948 Germany's Jewish Policies In The Lublin District Of The German General-Government In Poland SILVERMAN, Godfrey 1965-66 England London University SILVERMAN, Marc 1982-83, 1983-84 United States/Israel Hebrew University SILVERMAN, Michael 1966-67 Israel SILVERSTEIN, Mitchell 1989-90, 1990-91,1991- United States 92 Hebrew University Midrash Tehillim: A Critical Edition And Commentary SIMMONS, Erica 2001-02, 2002-03 CANADA University of Toronto Making Israelis: Youth Aliyah Education in the 1950s SIMON, Edwin 1974-75 United States Yeshiva University Wurzweiler SIMONI, Yoram 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University SIMONS, Stephen 1977-78 United States Brandeis University SINAI, Joshua 1978-79 United States Columbia University SINCLAIR, Daniel 1981-82 England/Israel Edinburgh University SINGER, Claude 1983-84, 1984-85, 1986- France 87 Brandeis University Universite de Paris I, Sorbonne SINKOFF, Nancy 1993-94, 1995-96 USA Columbia University Cosmopolitanism and Peoplehood in Habsburg Galicia: A Case Study of the Jewish Intelligentsia 1772-1840 SIPORIN, Stephen 1975-76 United States Indiana University Continuity and Innovation in the Jewish Festivals in Venice SIRAT, Rene 1965-66 France University of Strasbourg Omer Hashihha, Commentaire sur les Proverbes d'A et J. Gibison SISKIN, Harley 1980-81 United States Cornell University A Partial Edition of a Fourteenth Century Bible Glossary Ms. Parma 2780 SIVAN, Daniel 1976-77, 1977-78 Israel Tel-Aviv University SIVAN, Tamar 1982-83, 1983-84 Israel SIVERTSEV, Mikhail A. 1992-93 USSR Jewish Theological Kindergarten Perceptual and Language Factors as Seminary;Columbia University Predictors of Third Grade Hebrew and English Reading Comprehension Among Jewish Day School Students Academy of Sciences, USSR The Influence of Jewish Philosophy and Theology on the Cognitive Structure of Modern Fundamental Science SKLARE, David 1982-83, 1983-84, 1984- United States 85, 1985-86 Harvard University SKOLNIK, Jonathan 1997-98 USA Columbia University SKORNIK, Andre 1972-73 France University of Paris SLOTNICK, Susan 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Columbia University The German-Jewish Historical Novel: Cultural Memory and Minority Culture SLUTZKY, Vita 1975-76 Austria University of Vienna SLYOMOVICS, Susan 1978-79, 1979-80 Canada University of California, Berkeley SMITH, Daniel 1984-85 United States Trinity College, Oxford University SMITH, Elaine R. 1987-88 England Leicester University SNYDER, Holly 1997-98 USA Brandeis University A Sense of Place: Jews, Identity and Social Status in Colonial British America SOCHER, Abraham 1997-98 USA University of California Solomon Maimon: An Intellectual and Cultural Biography SOEDER, Hans-Peter 1989-90 Germany Cornell University SOFER, Rhonda 1979-80 Israel Rutgers University SOIFER, Paul 1973-74 United States Pennsylvania State University SOKOLIC, Leonard 1975-76 England Jews' College, London SOKOLOFF, Michael 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University SOKOLOV, Moshe 1973-74 United States Yeshiva University SOKOLOVA, Alla Vicktorina 1996-97, 1999-00 Russia State University SOLOMON, Bennett 1978-79 United States Harvard University SOLOMON, David 1968-69, 1969-70, 1971- Israel 72 Hebrew University SOLOMON, Geulah 1968-69 Australia Monash University SOMPOLINSKY, Meier 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University SONKA, Amy 1983-84 United States Boston University SOREK, Yehiam 1974-75 Israel Tel-Aviv University SORKIN, David 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- United States 82, 1982-83 SOROTZKIN, Ben Zion 1983-84 SOULAM MANSANO, Florence 1990-91 University of California, Berkeley Architectural Environment of the Podolian Shtetls in 18th-19th Centuries Reciprocal Cultural and Religious Influences of Eretz Israel and Diaspora Jewry During Greco-Roman Period The Anglo-Jewish Leadership, the British Government, and the Holocaust Ideology and Identity: Political Emancipation and the Formation of a Jewish Sub-Culture in Germany, 18001848 United States/Israel Yeshiva University Israel/France Ecole Du Louvre Catalogue Of The Collection Of The Illuminated Ketubot Of The Jewish National And University Library Of Jerusalem SPAGNALO, Francessco 2003-04 Italy Hebrew University SPANTIDAKIS, Constantine 1974-75, 1975-76 Greece Universite de Droite, d'Economie et Science Social de Paris SPERBER, Daniel 1966-67, 1967-68 England University College London SPIEGEL, Jacob 1973-74, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Role of the Saboraim in the Babylonian Talmud SPIEGEL, Mira 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Cantillation of Sacred Liturgical Post Biblical Texts Graphic Symbols of the Accents and their Musical Performance SPIEGEL, Renato 1976-77, 1977-78 Italy Bar-Ilan University SPIRA, Elyane 1969-70 Israel Hebrew University SPITZER, Amitai 1976-77 Israel University of London SPITZER, Shlomo 1970-71, 1972-73,1974- Israel 75 Bar-Ilan University SREBRNIK, Henry 1971-72 Brandeis University STAHL, Neta 2001-02, 2002-03; 2003- ISRAEL 04 United States Tel Aviv Uiversity The Musical Heritagae of the Jews in Piedmont The Jews in Austria in the Middle Ages until the Reformation (1520) The Representation of Jesus in Modern Hebrew Literature STAMPFER, Shaul 1975-76, 1976-77 United States Hebrew University STANISLAWSKI, Michael 1978-79 Canada Harvard University STARK, Peter 1980-81 United States Brandeis University STARR, David 2003-04 United States Columbia University STATE, Sidney A. 1987-88 Canada Yeshiva University STEIN, Daniel 1988-89 France Universite de Droit et Sciences The Jewish Marriage in France During the 18th and Sociales de Paris II 19th Centuries STEIN, Harriet 1973-74 United States New York University STEINBERG, Bernard 1981-82 United States Hebrew University STEINBERG, Meyer 1965-66, 1966-67 England University of London STEINBERG, Shira 1976-77 United States Brandeis University STEINFELD, Elias 1981-82 Germany Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt Catholic Israel: Solomon Schechter, Unity and Fragmentation in Modern Jewish Life STEINLAUF, Michael 1984-85, 1986-87 United States Brandeis University STERN, Eliahu 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University The Jews of Danzig 1840-1943 STERN, Gregg 1992-93 USA Harvard University An Intellectual Portrait of Menahem Ha-Meiri STERN, Naftali 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Israeli Hebrew Verb STERN, Zvi 1980-81, 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University STERNBERG, Eliezer 1966-67, 1968-69 Israel Bar-Ilan University STERNBERG, Frances 1978-79 United States University of Chicago STILLMAN, Yedida 1969-70 United States University of Pennsylvania STIMAN, Chaya 1980-81 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Hassidic Aliyah (Immigration) From its Very Beginning Until the First Quarter of the Nineteenth Century STOLBERG, Arieh 1988-89, 1990-91 Israel Bar-Ilan University Rabbi Joseph Haviva: The Man And His Halachic Thinking STRASSBERG, Daniel 1981-82 Switzerland University of Zurich STRASSBURG, Robert 1966-67 United States Jewish Theological Seminary STRASSLER, David 1969-70, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University STRAUSS, David 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980- United States 81, 1983-84 Yeshiva University STRICKMAN, H. Norman 1969-70 United States Dropsie College STRIKOVSKY, Arie 1966-67, 1968-69 United States/Israel Yeshiva University STROIMAN, Steven 1975-76 United States Temple University STROUMSA, Sarah 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University SUCHECKY, Bernard 1978-79, 1982-83 Belgium Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris SUFIAN, Sandra Marlene 1996-97 USA New York University SUKENIC, Harvey 1985-86, 1986-87 United States Brandeis University SULIMAN, Mor 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University The Lord of Hosts in the Bible Politics of Health in Mandate Palestine 1920-1948 Rabbi Meshulam Faibush Heller and his Contribution to Hasidism in the Second Generation SULZBACH, Jules 1985-86, 1986-87 Holland University of Groningen SUSSER, Bernard 1970-71 United States University of Exeter SVONKIN, Stuart Glen 1994-95 United States Columbia University SWETSCHINSKI, Daniel 1971-72 United States Brandeis University Israel Hebrew University SZEINTUEH, Yechiel Divided We Fall: American Jews in the Fight for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Yiddish and Hebrew Literature Under the Nazi Rule in Eastern Europe SZNOL, Shivra 1969-70, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University SZULMAJSTER, Anne 1983-84 France Universite de Paris V TABORY, Ephraim 1978-79 United States Bar-Ilan University A Sociological Study of the Reform and conservative Movement in Israel TABORY, Joseph 1973-74, 1974-75, 1975- Israel 76 Bar-Ilan University The History of the Order of the Passover Eve TAGLIACOZZO, Amedeo 1973-74 Italy Tel-Aviv University TA'IR, Uriel 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University Jewish Education in Russia in the 1990's TAITZ, Emily 1987-88 United States Jewish Theological Seminary TAL, Shlomoh 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Persian Ritual According to Ms. Ena TALBI, Chaim 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993- Israel 94, 1994-95 Bar Ilan University The Evolution of Customs Regarding the Reading of the Torah TALMON, Zvi 1981-82, 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University Linguistic Aspects of the Aramaic Proverb in the Babylonian Talmud TALSHIR, David 1972-73, 1974-75 Israel Hebrew University The Nomenclature of the Fauna in the Samaritan Targum TALSHIR, Zipora 1980-81, 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University TANANBAUM, Susan 1986-87, 1987-88 United States Brandeis University TANENBAUM, Adena 1988-89, 1990-91 U.S.A. Harvard University Philosophical Themes In The Hebrew Poetry Of Medieval Spain: Conceptions Of The Soul TA-SHMA, Israel 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University Rabbenu Zerahya Ha-Levi, Baal ha-maor, The man and His Literary Work: Chapters in the History of the Halakha in the 12th Century Provence TAUBE, Danna 1991-92,1994-95, 199697 Israel Hebrew University Passive Construction in Modern Hebrew TAUMAN, Joseph 1967-68 United States Jewish Theological Seminary The History of the "Youth-Bund" Tzuknuft in Independent Poland, 1918-1939 TAYLOR, Bernard 1970-71 United States TEDGHI, Joseph 1981-82, 1982-83,1983- Morocco 84 Universite de Paris III TEITELBAUM, Ephraim 1977-78 Universite de Paris V TELLER, Adam James 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993- Israel/Britain 94 Hebrew University TEMKIN, Cheryl 1978-79 United States Brandeis University TENE, Naomi 1988-89, 1990-91 Israel Bar-Ilan University TENENBAUM, Shelly 1981-82, 1983-84 United States Brandeis University TESHIMA, Isaiah 1991-92 Japan Harvard University Scribal Exegesis and the System of Chaptering in the Isaiah Scrolls of Qumran TETER, Magdalena 1997-98, 1998-99 Poland Columbia University The Catholic Church and the Jews in Poland; The Jews in the Legislation and Teachings of the Catholic Church in Poland, 1648-1772 THALMANN, Rita 1966-67 France University of Paris Protestantism and Nationalism in Germany, 19001945 THORION, Yochanan 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University Israel Brandeis University The Economic and Social Role of the Jews on the Radsiwill Estates in the 17th and 18th Centuries Mystic Narrative In The Zohar: Sources And Structures TICKER, Jay 1978-79 United States Columbia University TIGAY, Jeffrey 1968-69, 1970-71 United States Yale University Literary Critical Studies in the Gilfamesh Epic: An assyriological Cotribution to Biblical Criticism TIROSH, Hava 1977-78 Israel Hebrew University The Philosophy of David ben Judah Messer Leon TIROSH-BECKER, Ofra 1988-89, 1989-90,1990- Israel 91, 1991-92 Hebrew University Rabbinic Hebrew Handed Down In Karaite Literature TOEG, Arie 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University Law Giving in Sinai TOFF, Emanuel 1969-70, 1970-71 Israel Hebrew University TOLBAST, Maria 2001-02, 2002-03 ESTONIA Silesian University Jewish Artists and Artistic Handicraftsmen in Former Austrian Silesia TOMASINO, Anthony J. 1992-93 USA University of Chicago The Use and Interpretation of the Daniel Tradition in Second Temple Judaism TOR, Malka 1997-98 Israel Hebrew University Orthodox Leadership in Nazi Germany and Its Relationship to the Rabbinical Authorities of Poland and Lithuania 1933-1941 TOROK JABLONKA, Hanna 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University The Absorption of Holocaust Survivors in the Emerging State of Israel and the Problems of Their Integration in Israeli Society TOUATI, Pierre-Yves 1977-78 France Universite de Paris I TOUBI, Yosef 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University TOUITOU, Elazar 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University TOUITOU-BENITAH, Colette 1973-74 France Universite des Sciences et Humanities de Strasbourg TOV, Emanuel 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University The Septuagint Translation of Jeremiah and Baruch TRACHTENBERG, Barry 2001-02, 2002-03 USA University of California From Jargon to Visnshaft: The Rise of Modern Yiddish Scholarship TRACHTENBERG, Henry 1982-83 Canada York University, Ontario The Old Clo'Move'" Anti-Semitism Politics and the News of Winnipeg, 1882-1921 TRACOSPOULOU, Cornilia 1978-79 Greece University of Rome TRAUBE, Isaac 1974-75 United States Yeshiva University TRESZCZAN, Victor 1975-76 United States University of Wisconsin TRIEBWASSER, Marc 1973-74 United States New York University TRIGANO, Helene 1982-83 France Universite de Paris VII The Exegetical Method of R. haim ben Attar in his Commentary O-Hahaim on the Pentateuch TRIGANO, Yves 1984-85 France Universite de Paris X TROLIN, Clifford 1980-81 United States Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley TROMMER, Pnina 1979-80, 1982-83 Israel Tel-Aviv University The Active Verbs in Contemporary Hebrew--A Syntactic-Semantic Study TSADIK, Daniel 2001-02 ISRAEL Yale University The Ulama and the Other: The Attitude of Nineteenth Century Iranian Shiite Clergy toward the Jews TSUR, Yaron 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University TUCKER, Ethan 2004-05 United States Jewish Theological Seminary Literary Agendas and Legal Conclusions in Rabbinic Literature TURAN, Tamas 1988-89, 1992-93, 1994- Hungary 95 Harvard University History of Hungarian Responsa Literature in 17th and 18th Century TURNER, Helene 1981-82 United States Jewish Theological Seminary TURNIANSKY, Chava 1969-70, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University Alexander ben Yitzhak's Bilingual Manuscript 'Sefer Massah U'Merivah' (1627) UFFENHEIMER, Yochai 1989-90, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University The Poetry of Avot Yeshurim: Epics and Lyrics UMANSKY, Ellen 1977-78 United States Columbia University Lily Montagu and the Development of Liberal Judaism in England UNGER, Michal 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University UNTERMAN, Jeremiah 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University URAN, Steven 1976-77, 1977-78 South Africa University of Wisconsin, Madison URMAN, Dan 1978-79 Israel New York University URY, Scott 1999-00, 2001-02 USA Hebrew University VADNAI, Gabriel 1971-72 Switzerland University of Geneva VAKNIN, Refael 1996-97 Israel Bar Ilan University Israel (1968-69) VALK, Joseph The Relationship of Repentance to Redemption in Jeremiah Red Banner, Blue Star: Radical Politics, Democratic Institutions and Collective Identity Amongst Jews in Warsaw, 1904-1907 Teaching Jewish Studies and its Contribution to Forming Identity and Values VAN RAHDEN, Till Benjamin 1996-97 Germany Universitat Bielefeld Jewish Gentile Relations in Breslau 1870-1918 VANNING, Stewart 1999-00 UK Bar-Ilan University VARDI, Tirza 1990-91, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Medieval Christian and Jewish Approaches to the Sins of King Solomon and his Salvation or Damnation with Special Reference to the Treatise of Philip of Harvengt Shlomo Ben Meshulam Dapiera And The Group Of Poets In Saragossa VEERMAN, Philip 1984-85 Holland University of Amsterdam VERNOFF, Charles 1971-72 United States University of California VICTOR, Jo Ann 1974-75, 1975-76 United States University of California, Los Angeles VILLERS, Marina 1979-80 France Columbia University VINCE, Agnes R. 1987-88 France Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales VITAL, Rebeka 2003-04 Greece University of California VIZNER, Nokola 1973-74 Yugoslavia Belgrade University VOROS, Kati 2004-05 Hungary University of Chicago WACHSMAN, Shelley 1985-86, 1986-87, 1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University WAISSMAN, Renee 1966-67, 1969-70 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes WAKEMAN, Mary 1967-68 United States Brandeis University Supernatural and Transnatural--An Encounter of Religious Perspectives: The Theological Problematic in the Modern Judaic Worldview of Mordecai M. Kaplan Salonika in the Beginning of the 20th Century: The Jewish Experience Liberals, Antisemites and Jews in Hungary: The Tiszaeszlar Blood Libel as a Transforming Event in the History of the Liberal State, 1867-1895 Aspects of the Jewish Identity and the State of Israel: Study of French Jews WALDOKS, Moshe 1977-78 United States WALERSTEIN, Marcia 1983-84, 1984-85 United States/Israel University of California, Los Angeles WALFISH, Avraham 1997-98, 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University The Method of Literary Redaction in Mishnah in Light of Two Tractates WALISEVER, Helene B. 1993-94 USA Long Island University WALK, Joseph 1968-69, 1970-71, 1971- Israel 72 Hebrew University Effect of Traumatic Loss and Separation on Attachment and Emotional Organization: An InterGenerational Study of the Children of Holocaust Survivors The Education of the Jewish Child in Nazi Germany The Law and Its Execution WARBURG, Ronald 1978-79 Hebrew University WARD, Seth 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- United States 82, 1982-83 Yale University WARHAFTIG, Itamar 1975-76 Hebrew University WARKOV, Esther 1979-80, 1980-81,1981- United States 82, 1982-83 Hebrew University WARNKE, Bettina 1993-94 Germany Columbia University Art, Propaganda and Politics: Yiddish Theatre and Cultural Politics in New York City from 1890-1910 WASSERMAN, Henry 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University Jews, Burgertum and Burgerliche Gesellschaft in a Liberal Era (1840-1880) United States Israel Brandeis University Hillel Zeitlin: The Early Years (1897-1919) Construction and Repair of Churches and Synagogues in Islamic Law: A Treatise by Taqi al Din Ali b. Ahb al-Kafi al-Subki WASSERSTEIN, Bernard 1970-71, 1971-72 England/Israel Oxford University The mandatory Government and the Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine, 1917-1929 WATSON, Jeffrey 1977-78 United States Brandeis University WATTAD, Ali 1995-96 Israel Tel Aviv University Samaritan Lexicographic Tradition WAZANA, Nili 1992-93 Israel Hebrew University Biblical Boundary: Descriptions, in light of Near Eastern Literature WEB, Marek 1971-72 United States Columbia University WEICHBROD, Ziporah 1974-75, 1978-79 United States New York University WEIL, Daniel 1987-88 France Hebrew University WEIL, Shalva 1973-74, 1974-75 England University of Sussex WEIMAN, Racelle 1979-80, 1981-82 United States Temple University WEINBAUM, Joseph 1974-75 United States Northwestern University WEINBERG, David 1969-70 United States University of Wisconsin The Persistence of Ethnicity and Ethnic Identity Among the Bene Israel Indian Jews in Lod, Israel The Paris Jewish Community in the 1930's: A Case Study of the Attitudes and Behavior of Pre-War European Jewry WEINBERG, Joanna 1975-76, 1979-80 England University of London WEINBERG, Milton 1965-66 United States Jewish Theological Seminary WEINBERG, Nancy 1998-99 USA Stanford University WEINBERG, Robert 1981-82 United States University of California, Berkeley WEINER, Leonard 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University WEINERMAN, Eli 1985-86 Israel Hebrew University WEINGARTEN, Ettel 1998-99 Israel Hebrew University WEINSBERG, Edgar 1969-70, 1970-71 United States Jewish Theological Seminary WEINSTEIN, Menachem 1968-69, 1969-70 Israel Bar-Ilan University WEISBURD, David 1981-82, 1982-83 United States Yale University WEISER, Keith 1998-99, 1999-00 USA Columbia University The Me'or Enayim of Azariah de' Rossi: A Critical Study and Selected Translations Soviet Jewish Immigrants in Isrel: Labor market Attainment in the Context of Mass Migration Psychological and Cosmological Love of God in Spinoza's Ethics in View of Leone Ebreo's Dialogue of Love The Politics of Yiddish: Noah Prilutski and the Folkspartey in Poland, 1900-1926 WEISS, Abner 1967-68, 1968-69 United States Yeshiva University, WEISS, Aharon 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University WEISS, Kenneth 1978-79 United States Hebrew Union College WEISS, Raphael 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972- Israel 73 Hebrew University WEISS, Yehuda 1965-66 United States Dropsie College WEISS, Zeev Moshe 1991-92, 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University Games and Spectacles in Roman palestine and Their Reflection in Talmudic Literature WEISSENSTERN, Nachum 1978-79, 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University The Piyyutim of Johanan ha-Cohen Birabbi Jehoshua-Critical Edition with an Introduction WEISS-HALIVNI, Ephraim 1985-86 Israel Bar-Ilan University WEISSLER, Lenore 1977-78 United States University of Pennsylvania WEITZ, Yechiam 1984-85, 1986-87,1987- Israel 88 Hebrew University WEITZMAN, Steven Phillip 1991-92 Harvard University USA The Jewish Police in the General Government and Upper Silesia During the Holocaust Hatargum Ha-arami le-Sefer Iyuuv Making Judaism Meaningful: Ambivalence and Tradition in a Havura Commuity The Embedded Song in Second Temple Narrative WEITZNER, Jacob 1979-80 Israel Hebrew University Sholem Aleichem in the Jewish Theatre WEKSLER, Malka 1979-80 France Universite de Paris III WENDKOS, Philip 1965-66 United States Dropsie College WENGER, Beth S. 1990-91 U.S.A. Yale University New York Jewry In The Depression Years WERMAN, Cana 1992-93, 1993-94 Israel Hebrew University The Relationship to Gentiles in the Book of Jubilees and the Literature of Qumrah in Comparison with Early Tannaitic and Apocryphal Literature WERNIK, Joseph 1974-75, 1975-76 United States New York University WERTHEIMER, Jack 1975-76 United States Columbia University WERTHEIMER, Yehudit 1974-75 Israel Bar-Ilan University WESTBROOK, Raymond 1971-72 Israel Hebrew University WESTHEIMER, Ruth 1965-66 United States New School for Social Research WESTREICH, Elimelech 1987-88 Israel Hebrew University WIEVIORKA, Annette 1981-82 France Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes WILEN, Marshall E. 1988-89 United States Columbia University WILLERFORT, Baruch 1971-72, 1972-73, 1974- Israel 75 Hebrew University WILLIS, Aaron P. 1992-93 USA Princeton University WILMAN, Pinhas 1971-72, 1973-74 Israel Tel-Aviv University WIND, Israel 1968-69 United States Yeshiva University WINDREICH, Meshullam 1965-66 United States Dropsie College WISEMON, Saul 1966-67 United States Dropsie College WISKIND, Ora 1989-90 United States Hebrew University WOLF, Joan B. 1994-95 United States University of Chicago La Memoire Occultee: Collective Memory of the Holocaust in France WOLF, Michal 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University Legal Constraint on Wife-beating in Talmudic Literature and Jewish Law Dual Audiences and the Bilingual Author: A Study of the Writing of Abraham Cahan The Sephardic Torah Guardians WOLF, Tamar 1988-89, 1989-90, 1991- Israel 92 Bar-Ilan University WOLFMAN, Yaffa 1983-84 Bar-Ilan University WOLFSON, Elliot 1983-84, 1984-85,1985- United States 86 Brandeis University WOLFSON, Ronald 1972-73 United States Washington University WOLPIN, Kenneth 1977-78 United States Columbia University WOOLF, Jeffrey 1983-84, 1984-85,1985- United States 86, 1986-87 Harvard University WRIGHT, James Jr. 1985-86 United States Brandeis University YAFE, Felipe 1985-86, 1986-87 Argentina Jewish Theological Seminary YAHALOM, Joseph 1971-72, 1972-73 Israel Hebrew University The Syntax of the Ancient Piyyut as a Basis for its Style YAHALOM, Shalem 2001-02, 2002-03; 2003- ISRAEL 04 Bar Ilan University The Legal Thought of Nachmanides According to his Provencal Sources YAHALOM, Shlomith 1973-74, 1974-75 Hebrew University American Judaism and the Question of Separation Between Church and State Israel Israel The Crystallization of the Israeli Poets of Uri Zvi Greenberg, 1924-1928 YAHRBLUM, Moshe 1965-66, 1966-67 United States New York University YANIV, Braha 1983-84 Israel Hebrew University YANKELEVITCH, Refael 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University YARDEN, Yoel 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Tel-Aviv University YARDENI, Ada 1988-89 Israel Hebrew University The Aramaic and Hebrew Documents in Cursive Script from Wad Murabba'at and nahal Hever Palaeographic and Epigraphic Examination YARMUSH, Michele 1975-76 France/United States YEHUDA, Zvi 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University Organized Zionism in Morocco: 1900-1948 YEIVIN, Israel 1967-68, 1968-69 Israel Hebrew University The Babylonian Vocalization and the Linguistic Tradition it Reflects YEKUTIEL, Zvi 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University YERES, Maurice 1978-79, 1980-81,1982- United States 83, 1984-85 Yeshiva University YITZHAKI, Aharon 1972-73, 1974-75 Hebrew University Israel Jews and Gentiles in Palestine in the Period of the Mishna and Talmud Ahdut Haavoda in the Trade Union and in the Jewish Workers' Association (1919-1926) YIZHAR, Michael 1965-66 United States Harvard University YONA, Shamir 1994-95 Israel Hebrew University Re-examination of Repetition Patterns of Roots and Words in Biblical Poetry YOO, ChaeRan 1994-95, 1995-96 South Korea Brandeis University Making and Unmaking the Jewish Family: Marriage and Divorce of Jews in Imperial Russia, 1850-1917 YUSHKOVSKY, Mordechai 1993-94, 1994-95 Israel Bar Ilan University Artistic-Linguistic Development of the Yiddish Historical Novel YUVAL, Yisrael 1980-81, 1981-82,1984- Israel 85 Hebrew University ZABAN, Yair 1981-82 Israel Tel-Aviv University ZABARI, Rachel 1970-71, 1971-72 United States Columbia University ZADOFF, Efraim 1985-86, 1988-89 Israel Tel-Aviv University Formal Jewish Education in Argentina as Reflected in the Development of the Central Commission of Education, 1935-1957 ZAFRANI, Haim 1968-69 France University of Paris Etudes et Rescherches sur la Vie Intellectuelle Juive au maroc, de la Fin du 15e au Debut du 20e Siecle ZAFRIN, Eric 1972-73 United States New York University ZAHAVI, Alex 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Yiddish Children's Literature from Its Beginnings until World War II ZAHAVY, Tzvee 1975-76 United States Brown University The Traditions of Eleazar Ben Azaria ZAKOVITCH, Yair 1974-75, 1975-76 Israel Hebrew University The Pattern of the Numerical Sequence Three-Four in the Bible ZALCBERG, Sima 2002-03 United States/Israel Bar Ilan University The Hasidic Women of "Toldot Aharon": Their Status as Individuals and as a Group ZALKIN, Mordechai 1994-95, 1995-96 Israel Hebrew University Jewish Enlightenment in Russia, 1800-1860: Social Perspectives ZANDBERG, Eyal 2001-02; 2003-04 ISRAEL Hebrew University Holocaust Memorial Day in Israeli Newspapers ZANK, Michael E. Josef 1991-92, 1992-93 Germany Brandeis University Herman Cohen & Wilhelm Herrmann: Exploration of an Intellectual Exchange ZARIZ, Ruth 1981-82 Israel Hebrew University ZARKADA, Christina 1978-79 Greece University of Rome ZEITOUN, Sabine 1983-84, 1986-87 France Universite de Paris VII ZELEVICH, Nehemya 1983-84, 1985-86 Israel Tel-Aviv University ZELNICK, Lawrence 1978-79 United States Columbia University Conservation and Restoration of the Jewish Quaarter in Veria ZELTSER, Arkadi 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999- Russia 00 Hebrew University The Jews of North-East Belorussia in the Interwar Period ZEMACH, Tamar 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University The Holocaust in the Israeli Press: Changes over time in the Coverage of Nazi War-Crime Trials, 1945-1988 ZER, Rafael 2002-03 Israel Hebrew University The Exegetical Motive in the Un-Typical Masora Lists ZERTEL, Edith 1986-87 Israel Tel-Aviv University ZERUBAVEL, Yael 1974-75 United States University of Pennsylvania ZEVIT, Ziony 1971-72 United States University of California, Berkeley Studies in Biblical Poetry and Vocabulary in Their Northwest Semitic Setting ZEWI, Tamar 1989-90, 1991-92 Israel Hebrew University Syntatical Modifications Reflecting the Functional Structure of the Sentence in Biblical Hebrew ZFATMAN, Sara 1978-79 Israel Hebrew University Yiddish Narrative Prose From Its Beginnings to Shivhei-ha-Besht (1504-1804) ZIERLER, Wendy 1990-91, 1992-93 Canada/U.S.A. Princeton University Devorah Baron And Her Role In The Development Of Modern Hebrew Prose Fiction ZIFF, Daniel 1969-70 United States Columbia University ZILKAH, Yaffa 1999-00 ISRAEL Bar-Ilan University Editorial Trends in Tales About the Sages in Leviticus Rabbah and its Talmudic Parallels ZIMMERMAN, Moshe 1973-74 Israel Hebrew University The Struggle for Jewish Emancipation in the Framework of the Confrontaation Between Particularism and German nationalism, 1830-1865 ZIONI, Chaim 1972-73 Israel (1970-71, 1971-72, ZIPOR, Moshe 1970-71, 1971-72 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Ancient Versions of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles: A Comparative Study of Their Translation Techniques for Terms of Realia ZIPPERSTEIN, Steve 1978-79, 1979-80 United States University of California, Los Angeles The Jewish Community of Odessa from 1794-1871: Social Characteristics and Cultural Development ZIRLIN, Yael 1989-90 Israel Hebrew University ZIV-AV, Yaffa 1971-72 Israel Tel-Aviv University ZOLLSCHAN, Linda 2003-04 Australia Ben Gurion University ZOLTAN, Michele 1976-77 United States Columbia University ZOLTAN, Vagi 1998-99 Hungary Eotvos University ZONSHIN, Jaffa 1982-83 Israel Hebrew University ZUCKER, Bat-Ami 1975-76 Israel Bar-Ilan University The Hasmonean State and the Roman Empire: The Earliest Diplomatic Relations Biography of a Main War Criminal: Dr.Lazlo Endre, 1895-1946 Jewish Intellectuals in the American Communist paraty During the 1930's ZUCKERMAN, Ghil'ad 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999- Italy 00 Oxford University Phonetic Influences of Substrata and Adjutrata Languages on the Lexicon of Modern Hebrew: PhonoSemantic Transposition in Modern Hebrew ZUKIER, Hersz 1973-74, 1974-75 Belgium University of Strasbourg ZUR, Uri 1992-93, 1995-96 Israel Tel Aviv University Sugyot's Redaction in Tractate Eruvin of the Babylonian Talmud ZUR, Yaakov 1974-75, 1975-76, 1981- Israel 82 Tel-Aviv University German Jewish Orthodoxy and Its Attitude Toward Internal Organization and Zionism ZURAWEL, Talma 1983-84, 1984-85,1985- Israel 86 Hebrew University ZUROFF, Efraim 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979- United States 80, 1980-81 Hebrew University
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