Annual Report AY 2011-12
Annual Report AY 2011-12
0 Contents Forward by the Dean of the College of Engineering....................................................................... 3 Forward by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs .................................................................... 5 Forward by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies ............................................. 6 College Advisory Board ................................................................................................................... 8 Department of Architecture and Urban Planning .......................................................................... 9 A. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 10 B. Department Profile .................................................................................................................................. 12 C. Post Graduate Studies.............................................................................................................................. 16 D. Research .................................................................................................................................................. 17 E. Publications .............................................................................................................................................. 21 F. Seminars and Public Lectures................................................................................................................... 30 G. Other Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 33 H. Students’ Activities .................................................................................................................................. 34 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering ...................................................................... 35 A. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 36 B. Department Profile .............................................................................................................................. 39 C. Post Graduate Studies.......................................................................................................................... 46 D. Research ............................................................................................................................................... 47 E. Publications .......................................................................................................................................... 50 F. Seminars and Public Lectures .............................................................................................................. 55 G. Other Activities .................................................................................................................................... 58 H. Students’ Activities............................................................................................................................... 60 Department of Chemical Engineering........................................................................................... 61 A. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 62 B. Department Profile .............................................................................................................................. 63 C. Post Graduate Studies.......................................................................................................................... 68 D. Research ............................................................................................................................................... 69 1 E. Publications .......................................................................................................................................... 76 F. Other Activities .................................................................................................................................... 83 G. Students’ Activities............................................................................................................................... 86 Department of Computer Science and Engineering ..................................................................... 89 A. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 90 B. Department Profile .................................................................................................................................. 92 C. Post Graduate Studies............................................................................................................................ 101 D. Research ................................................................................................................................................ 104 E. Publications ............................................................................................................................................ 113 F. Seminars and Public Lectures................................................................................................................. 134 G. Other Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 146 H. Students’ Activities ................................................................................................................................ 152 Department of Electrical Engineering ......................................................................................... 154 A. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 155 B. Department Profile ............................................................................................................................ 159 C. Research ............................................................................................................................................. 164 D. Publications ........................................................................................................................................ 171 E. Seminars and Public Lectures ............................................................................................................ 186 F. Other Activities .................................................................................................................................. 192 G. Students’ Activities............................................................................................................................. 197 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ............................................................. 200 A. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 201 B. Department Profile ............................................................................................................................ 203 C. Post Graduate Studies........................................................................................................................ 209 D. Research ............................................................................................................................................. 210 E. Publications ........................................................................................................................................ 215 F. Seminars and Public Lectures ............................................................................................................ 231 G. Other Activities .................................................................................................................................. 232 2 Forward by the Dean of the College of Engineering Assalamu Alaikum, Looking at the academic year 2011/2012, I am very proud to present The CENG Annual Report to you. Over the past year, the College of Engineering has continued to add to its record of achievements on almost all fronts, and the year was full of activities that were beneficial to the students, faculty, and the community at large. On the academic side, the year witnessed the first accreditation visit from NAAB to look at our Architectural Program, and the results were excellent. The agency decided to move forward to initiate the second visit. All other programs continued to work on their regular improvements, and quality assurance is becoming more and more a habit of operation. Our students continued to achieve advanced places in almost every participation within and outside Qatar. Winning the first place in the Microsoft National Imagine Cup and the Annual GCC Senior Design Project Competition are just two examples of many. The fronts that are our students are receiving are example of the quality of the programs we offer, and the preparations that our students go through. This year has witnessed the start of our PhD Program, which marks the first PhD program in Qatar. Our flagship program in Environmental Engineering had a strong start, and the year witnessed also the expansion of our masters programs, where approvals for three new masters in Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering have been granted. Our outreach activities has grown greater than ever, where we continued with our computing competition, Life is Engineering Program, and many open days. CENG has held its first alumni meeting ever, which was attended by more than 350 former students. The event was a chance to reconnect many alumni with the college. 3 Our industrial relations have grown substantially, where we have recruited four new world known experts to fill chair positions from QG, Maersk, Oryx GTL, and Msheireb Properties. The year has also witnessed the addition of a chair on energy efficiency sponsored by Siemens and Kahramaa. This chair position has a particular importance, as it falls in an area of increasing interest and importance to the college. All in all, the year was exceptional by all means. The efforts exerted by the CENG team members over the years has paid back substantially in 2011/2012, and the success we had in this year is simply the efforts of everyone in CENG. I hope you will enjoy reading the report, and we look for another successful year in 2012/2013. Mazen Omar O. A. Hasna, Ph.D. Dean, College of Engineering 4 Forward by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Greetings from the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. I joined the College of Engineering at Qatar University in February 2012. Our office takes overall responsibility for the administration of undergraduate curriculum issues including accreditation; managing academic staff affairs including recruitment, promotion and professional development; establishing committees’ structures; generating annual reports; and representing the college in various university academic activities. Undergraduate engineering programs have been running at Qatar University since 1980 and the College of Engineering currently offers 8 undergraduate programs in Architecture (female students), Chemical Engineering (male and female students), Civil Engineering (male students), Computer Science (male and female students), Computer Engineering (female students), Electrical Engineering (male and female students), Industrial and Systems Engineering (female students) and Mechanical Engineering (male students). These programs are administered by 6 departments in the college. A total of 1,373 students are currently enrolled in the college, out of whom are 742 female students. Most of our students complete their degree requirements within 4 to 5 years and most secure their first job within 4 months after graduation. Our graduates are highly sought after for employment by the private and public sectors in Qatar. All our engineering programs are accredited the USA Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). We are mostly proud by the commitment of our faculty members, academic staff, technicians, coordinators and administrators towards the continuous improvement of our curriculums and college operations. We are here to serve the students, faculty and other academic staff in the college. We trust that you will find the information in our academic affairs website link at very useful. Professor Ramzi Taha Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 5 Forward by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Research at CENG continues to develop in a very positive note. In fact, CENG benefits greatly from being an important part of Qatar University’s strong research environment, where multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation is a fundamental component that is developing strongly. The college developed its research Blue Print, which includes six main research focus areas; Energy and Environment; Materials and Nanotechnology; Renewable Energy; Biomedical Engineering; Livable environment and Infrastructure; and Information and Communication Technologies. These areas are in full alignment with the Qatar National Research Strategy (QNRS); National Development Strategy 2011-2016 and Qatar’s National Vision 2030. It also supports QU’s mission and strategic plan in meeting societal needs and addressing local and global challenges. Our industrial, governmental agencies and other stakeholders were engaged in developing these key focus areas. CENG aims to deliver life-changing breakthroughs that are pertinent to the region’s needs and will continue to fulfill its mission by contributing to the society’s well-being. The global issues we are facing such as water, energy, carbon sequestration, and cyberspace security, are imposing great challenges on the society and the region. CENG researchers are improving water desalination technology, undertaking research on making solar energy more economical, advanced material and nanotechnology; and making advancement in information and communication technologies. The college is also contributing to the new technologies needed for the most important international sport event, the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup. At CENG we are determined to expand globally by forming academic and research partnerships with leading universities while preserving our national characteristics. Most of our ongoing research activities are in collaboration with international leading universities around the world. The college has research collaboration with more than 70 research institutions in Qatar and around the world. In this year, CENG announced the launch of its 3 computer research labs under the name KINDI-Knowledge Intelligence Networked Data and Interdisciplinary Research which will bring together a number of existing research and IT projects being conducted throughout 6 the university. The College also launched two pilot plants to develop a new desalination process based on membrane distillation, responding to the State of Qatar’s future strategies to place valued attention on water. The project, which is funded by ConocoPhillips, involves collaboration between CENG and the Global Water Sustainability Center (GWSC), along with Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC), and Kahramaa. An important accomplishment for the College was the establishment of the Road Safety Studies Center to conduct research on traffic accidents and road safety in Qatar. The Center will contribute to promoting traffic awareness in Qatar and conduct research towards finding sustainable solutions to mitigate the number of road accidents and fatalities in the country. A tripartite agreement among QU, Kahramaa and Siemens was signed to advance scientific and academic collaboration in CENG in the area of energy efficiency. In the 5th NPRP cycle, we have received 31 projects with a total fund of about QR 109,500,000. Currently, the college have a total of 120 National Priority Research Program (NPRP) with total grants of about QR 365,000,000. This is about 60% of total QU research fund. The college faculty members are currently contributing to over 33 international journals in their field of experiences. Our faculty members and students have won many awards, including Associate Professor Rashid Al-Ammari who received State Incentive Award in the Pure and Applied Sciences Category for his outstanding achievements in the field of Electrical Engineering. Currently, there are more than 175 graduate students registered in the graduate programs offered by the college. The graduate programs are very well supported by many adequately equipped research laboratories, computer facilities, and highly qualified faculty members. Many of the research carried out is endowed with research grants either from QNRF, industries or government agencies. The college received this year 16 graduate assistantships from the university to support its high caliber graduate students. Professor Abdel Magid Hamouda Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies 7 College Advisory Board Name Position Company Sh. Ahmed Ben Jassim AlThani Chief Operating , Engineering and Ventures QatarGas Nasser Ali Al-Mawlawi Acting Managing Director Ashghal Dr. Mohammed Yousef AlMulla Mr. Hamad Al Muhannadi Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Operation Group Manager Mr. Mohammed Hamoudi Microsoft General Manager Mr. Mohammed Abdah – Director of Transportation Planning & Infrastructure Dept. Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning Dr. Nasser Abdullah Maarefia Chief Executive Manager Qtel Eng. Essa Al Kuwari Mr. Tom Petter Johansen Sh. Faisal F.J. Al-Thani Eng. Issa Al-Muhannadi Chairman, Energy & Industry Sector. Strategic Qatarization Plan Steering Manager - Oil & Gas Surface Development Director, Dept. of Water Management President CEO Deputy Managing Director CEO Architect. Ibrahim Jaida CEO Eng. Ahmed Jolo Chairman Issa Rashid Al-Kaabi Member Abu Bakr Al Saiari Mr. Mohammed Al Marri Mr. Yousef Al-Hamar QAPCO RaGas QP QP Ministry of Environment Kahramaa Qatalum Maersk Oil Qatar Msheireb Properties Arabic Engineering Bureau Qatar Society of Engineers - 8 Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 9 A. Executive Summary This report summarizes the achievement of the students and faculty of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning. It depicts major research publication, awareness and public lectures, delivered by both department faculty and visitors. Ashraf M. Salama, PhD Head, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Table A1: Summary 2011-2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty Teaching Assistant Support Staff Total On-Study Leave 12 3 2 17 0 Undergraduate Program Enrolment ARCH : Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Enrolment ARCT: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Graduates: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Total number of registration: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 27 25 61 59 2 14 88 84 Graduate Program Enrollment Thesis Completed 12 0 10 Research Awarded Research Project 2011-2012 UREP NPRP Start Up Grants University Internal Students’ Grants 6 1 New 2 Ongoing 3 2 Publications Refereed Journal Papers 2011-2012 Book Chapters 2011-2012 Conference Papers 2011-2012 Book Reviews 2011-2012 Editorials and Essays 2011-2012 Technical Reports 2011-2012 Working Papers 2011-2012 18 7 32 2 6 3 1 Seminars – Public Lectures – Short Course Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Academics and Professionals 2011-2012 Invited Public Lectures – International 2011-2012 Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty 2011-2012- Inside Qatar & QU Short Course 10 1 21 1 Other Activities Faculty Consultancy Community Service Students Activities 3 1 19 11 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Faculty Name Rank/Position Ashraf M. Salama Professor and Head of Department Hatem G. Ibrahim Associate Professor Yasser Mahgoub Associate Professor and Coordinator Master Program MUPD Lizmol Mathew Assistant Professor Djamel Boussaa Assistant Professor Area of Specialization Architectural Design, Architecture Education, Behavioral Studies Architectural Design, Acoustics, Urban Sustainability Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Behavioral Studies Architectural Design, Housing, Landscape, Architecture Architectural Design, History of Architecture, Heritage Conservation Appointment Year 2009 2009 2010 2009 2009 12 Faculty Name Rank/Position Djamel Ouahrani Assistant Professor Rania F. Khalil Assistant Professor Fodil Fadli Assistant Professor Agatino Rizzo Assistant Professor Anna Grichting Assistant Professor Hussam Salama Assistant Professor M. Salim Ferwati Assistant Professor Area of Specialization Climatic Design, Energy Efficiency in Building Urban Planning, Housing, Project Management, Urban Design Architectural Design, Urban Sustainability, Assessment, Conservation Urban Planning, Strategic Urban Planning, Urban Design Landscape Urbanism, Urban Design, Green Architecture Architectural Design, Urban Planning, Urban Design Architectural Design, Urban Design, Spatial Behavioral Factor Appointment Year 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 13 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department Role Area Of Interest Appointment Year Suhail Zakhour Teaching Assistant Environmental Design Of Buildings 2009 Reham Qawasmeh Teaching Assistant Architecture Design, Urban Design 2009 Shiney Rachel Rajan Teaching Assistant LEED, QSAS, Architectural Design 2010 Maha Sobhey Abdel Baset Lab Engineer Architecture, Urban Planning, And Urban Design 2010 TA/Staff Name 14 Department Committees Curriculum Committee Chair: Dr. Ashraf Salama Members: Dr. Lizmol Mathew, Dr. Hatem Ibrahim, Dr. Djamel Ouahrani, Dr. Djamel Boussaa, Dr. Hussam Salama, Dr. Salim Ferwati, Dr. Fodil Fadli, Dr. Anna Grichting, Dr. Yasser Mahgoub. (NAAB Coordinator Dr. Hussam Salama, Assessment Coordinator Dr Hatem Galal Ibrahim) Graduate Studies And Research Committee Chair: Dr. Yasser Mahgoub Members: Dr. Ashraf Salama, Dr. Anna Grichting, Dr. Fodil Fadli, Dr. Salim Ferwati, Dr. Agatino Rizzo, Dr. Rania Khalil, Dr. Djamel Ouahrani Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Djamel Ouahrani Members: Dr. Rania Khalil, Dr.Salim Ferwati, Dr.Hussam Salama, Dr.Agatino Rizzo Promotion Committee Chair: Dr. Ashraf Salama Members: Dr. Ashraf Salama, Dr. Yasser Mahgoub, Dr. Hatem Ibrahim Recruitment Committee Chair: Dr. Lizmol Mathew Members: Dr. Djamel Ouahrani, Dr. Yasser Mahgoub Students Committee Chair: Dr. Lizmol Mathew Members: Dr. Ashraf Salama, Dr. Hatem Ibrahim, Dr. Hussam Salama, Dr. Rania Khalil, Dr. Djamel Boussaa ________________________________________________________________________ (Department faculty members serving in college and university committees are not included in this section) 15 C. Post Graduate Studies Since September 2010 the Master of Urban Planning and Design-MUPD degree offers professional education in the fields of urban planning and design. Graduates may ultimately apply their professional skills in various government agencies, private enterprises, or non-profit organizations within a variety of subject areas. The program is designed with a perspective that graduate education emphasizes the development of students’ abilities to analyze, assess, assimilate, and apply critical thinking in interdisciplinary planning and design processes. The course of study normally requires two years (four semesters) for completion, in addition to a summer session. At different levels there are 14 students enrolled in the program. M.SC. Students’ Project Student Name Bothayna Ahmad Abbara Thesis Title Public Open Spaces in Doha Thesis Committee Members Year Prof. Ashraf Salama, Dr. Hussam Salama 2010 16 D. Research Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Eleventh Cycle: Primary faculty member: Hatem Galal A Ibrahim Project title: Unifying Qatari Architecture Language and Contemporary Architecture: Case Study of Doha- Qatar. Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 30,000 Primary faculty member Hussam Salama Project title: The Nature of Public Space in Globalizing Doha. Team: Hussam Salama, Ashraf Salama Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 36,000 Primary faculty member: Lizmol Mathew Project title: Determinants of Students’ Satisfaction From Spatial Quality of Third Places in Higher Education Learning Environments in Qatar. Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 24,244 Tenth Cycle: Primary faculty member: Fodil Fadli Project title: Digitalizing Qatari Heritage: Recording & Surveying a Vanishing Traditional Architecture. Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 29,850 Primary faculty member: Rania F. Khalil 17 Project title: Assessing School Siting: Optimize School Siting Strategy in Doha, Qatar. Team: Rania F. Khalil, Hatem Galal A. Ibrahim Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 47, 190 Primary faculty member: Yasser Mahgoub Project title: Understanding Energy Consumption Behavior in Higher Educational Facilities. Team: Yasser Mahgoub, Rania F. Khalil Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 41,750 NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Fifth Cycle: Investigator: Agatino Rizzo (LPI) Project title: Towards an Eco-Districts Strategy for Sustainable Urbanism in the Gulf Region. Greater Doha as a Case Study. Team: Vivek Sandas, David Taylor Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 1,050,000 Forth Cycle: Investigators: Hatem Galal Ibrahim (Co-PI) Project title: A Novel Passive Air Conditioning System Team: Rabah Boukhanouf , Hatem Galal Ibrahim Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 960,000 Third Cycle: Investigators: Ashraf M. Salama (LPI) Project title: Investigating the Qualities of the Urban Environment in Emerging Regional Metropolises: The Case of Doha 18 Team: Ashraf M. Salama and Alain Thierstein Sponsor: QNRF Amount: US$ 980,000. Qatar University Start Up Grants Faculty member: Anna Grichting Project title: Qatarscapes: Landscapes of Seven Ecologies. Sponsor: QU-CENG Amount: US$ 10,000 Faculty member: Hussam Salama Project title: Globalizing Cities In A World Of Flows: A Comparative Study of Doha And Dubai. Sponsor: QU-CENG Amount: US$ 9,300 Faculty member: M. Salim Ferwati Project title: Architectural Analysis of the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar. Sponsor: Office Of Academic Research (OAR) Amount: US$ 19,500 University Internal Students’ Grants Faculty member: Hussam Salama Project title: Investigating Public Places in Doha. Sponsor: QU-CENG Amount: US$ 2,750 Faculty member: Rania F. Khalil Project title: Assessing Users’ Satisfaction With Public Parks: The Case Of Doha City. Sponsor: QU-CENG Amount: US$ 2,329 19 External Grants Investigator: Anna Grichting (PI) 2012. Project title: IMERA Art-Science Residency Marseille. "The Cyprus Greenlinescapes Laboratory”. Team: Anna Grichting (PI). Saleem Ali/USA; Anil Soyumert/Turkey-Cyprus (NORTH); Rana Zincir, United Kingdom/Cyprus (NORTH) Sponsor: IMERA Amount: US$ 50,000 20 E. Publications Refereed Journal Papers Boussaa, D. (2012). The Casbah of Algiers, in Algeria; From An Urban Slum to a Sustainable Living Heritage, International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies,, Fadli, F. (In Press, 2012). The Impossible Mosque, Spatial Creation and Architectural Mutation for Cultural Needs in Northern Ireland. IN Open House International. Special issue on Urban Space Diversity: Paradoxes and Realities.V37, N 2 (June 2012). Grichting, A. (2011). From Crisis to Opportunity. The Healing Ecologies of the Cyprus Green Line", TOPOS Landscape Journal, No 76, Autumn 2011. Pp. 18-23. Ibrahim, H. (2011). Hypotheses-Based Study for Adapting LEED to a Qatari Green Metric for Tall Buildings, International Journal of Indoor and Built Environment-ACCEPTED: 11th May, PUBLISHED in August 24, 2011; DOI: 10.1177/1420326X11413477. Ibrahim, H. & Khalil, R. (2012). Rooting Old Souk in the Contemporary Urbanism of Qatar: The Case Study of Souk Waqif. Space and Flow: An International Journal of Urban and Extra Urban Studies ISSN: 2154-8676 (Print), ISSN: 2154-8684 (Online). Khalil, R (2012). Smart Growth & New Urbanism: Towards Achieving a Smart University Campus. Space and Flow: An International Journal of Urban and Extra Urban Studies ISSN: 2154-8676 (Print), ISSN: 2154-8684 (Online). Mahgoub, Y. & Qawasmeh, R. (2012). Cultural and Economic Influences on Multicultural Cities: The case of Doha, Qatar. Open House International. Vol. 37, issue 2, June 2010. Mahgoub, Y. and Khalfani, F. (2012). Sustainability of Gated Communities in Developing Countries. In Developing Country Studies, Vol. 2, No 6, pp. 53-63. 21 Nour M. & Ibrahim, H. (2012). Heritage Conservation and Rehabilitation of Islamic City: Comparison Study from Previous Experience, Journal of Building Technology, Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia. Rizzo, A. (2012). Metro Doha. Cities, doi:10.1016/j.cities.2011.11.011 Rizzo, A. & Glasson, J. (2011). Conceiving transit space in Singapore/Johor: a research agenda for the Strait Transnational Urban Region (STUR). International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. 3 (2), 156-167. Rizzo, A. & Glasson, J. (2011). Iskandar Malaysia. Cities, doi:10.1016/j.cities.2011.03.003. Salama, A. M. (2011). Towards a Responsive Architectural and Urban Education for Understanding of and Intervening in Islamic Societies, Reflections on a New Post Graduate Program at the Education City, Doha, Qatar. Lonaard Magazine is a peer-reviewed periodical, publication of Lonaard Group in London, Issue 4, Volume 1, PP. 130-137. ISSN: 2045 – 8150. Salama, A. M. (2011). Trans-disciplinary Knowledge for Affordable Housing. Open House International, Volume 36, Issue 3, Urban International Press, United Kingdom, PP. 7-15. ISSN: 0160-2601. Salama, A. M. and Gharib, R.Y. (2012). A Perceptual Approach for Investigating Urban Space Diversity in the City of Doha. Open House International, Volume 37, Issue 2, Urban International Press, United Kingddom, PP. 24-32. ISSN: 0160-2601. Shaaban K.,& Khalil, R. (2012). Proposed Policies to Support the New Metro System in Qatar. ELSEVIER Procedia. Special Issue. Wiedmann, F., Salama, A. M. and Thierstein (2012). A Framework for Investigating Urban Qualities in Emerging Knowledge Economies: The Case of Doha. Archnet-IJAR – International Journal of Architectural Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, Archnet @ MIT School of Architecture, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, PP. 42-56. ISSN: 1994-6961. Wiedmann, F., Salama, A. M. and Thierstein (2012). Urban Evolution of the City of Doha: An Investigation into the Impact of Economic Transformations on Urban Structures, Journal of the 22 Faculty of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, METU.JFA, Volume 29, Issue 2, PP. 3561 DOI: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2012.2.2 Book Chapters Grichting, A. (2011). From the ground up: The Cyprus Green Line and Ecologies of Peace in Landscapes of Conflict in S. Egoz et al. (Eds.), The Right to Landscape: Contesting Landscape and Human Rights. Ashgate Publishing, UK, pp. 277-289 Grichting, A. (2012). Cyprus. Greening the Dead Zone. in Tidball, Keith G; Krasny, Marianne E (Eds.). Greening in the Red Zone. Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening. Springer, Germany. Grichting, A. & Kim, K-G. (2012). The Korean DMZ: from Red Zone to Green Zone. In Tidball, Keith G; Krasny, Marianne E (Eds.) Greening in the Red Zone. Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening. Springer, Germany. Salama, A. M. (2011). Identity Flows: The Arabian Peninsula, Emerging Metropolises. In: Luis Fernández-Galiano (ed.), Atlas Architectures of the 21st Century - Africa and Middle East. Fundación BBVA, Madrid: Spain. PP.171-220. ISBN: 978-84-92937-19-6. Salama, A. M. (2012). Architectural Identity Demystified: Visual Voices from the Arab World. In. P. Emmons, J. Lomholt, and J. L. Jendrix (eds.), The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. Routledge: London. PP. 174-185. ISBN: 978-0-415-78341-5. Salama, A. M. (2012). Assessing Qatar University’s Campus Outdoor Spaces: Design Intentions Versus Users’ Reactions. In S. Mallory-Hill, W. Preiser and C. Watson (eds.), Enhancing Building Performance. John Wiley and Sons, New York, PP.139-150. ISBN: 978-0-470-65759-1. Salama, A. M. (2012). Evaluation Research and Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) in Architecture and Urbanism: Consumption Versus Production of Knowledge. In S. Mallory-Hill, W. Preiser and C. Watson (eds.), Enhancing Building Performance. John Wiley and Sons, New York, PP. 277-284. ISBN: 978-0-470-65759-1. 23 Conference Papers Boussaa, D. (2011). Sustaining the living treasures in the Gulf? cases from UAE, Bahrain and Qatar. Paper presented at the IMACO International Conference, Bali, Indonesia. Boussaa, D. (2011). The casbah of Dellys in Algeria; from survival to revival. Paper presented at The rehabilitation et revalorisation du cadre bati conference (REHABATI), Skikda, Algeria. Boussaa, D. (2012). The Casbah oF Algiers in Algeria, From An Urban Slum To a Sustainable Living Heritage, ICWSAUD2012, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia. Conventz, S., Salama, A.M., Wiedmann, F., Alaily-Matar, N., Thierstein, A. (2012). Investigating Urban Qualities in Emerging Knowledge Economies: The Case of Doha, Presentation as part of the session: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Prosperity: Creating Competitive Economies V, the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York. Fadli, F. (2011) Retrofitting historic buildings into the 21st century-energy efficiency and passive design aspects- Energy Management in Cultural Heritage Conference-Dubrovnik, Croatia. Fadli, F. (2012) Lessons from the Past: The Sustainability Capacities of the Islamic Medina and its Urban Fabric and Buildings. BME, Budapest Mar. 2012. Fadli, F. (2012). Assessment models in the MENA region: an analytical study of QSAS. In Amoeda, R et al. BSA 2012 – Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Building (In Press) Sustainability Assessment. Ferwati, M. S and Hakki, R. (2011). A Comparative Study of the Visual Impact of Roadways. The First Forum on Traffic Safety: The Reality, Experiences and Hope, University of Dammam, KSA 12-13 December 2011. Ferwati, M. S and Hakki, R. (2012). Visual impact assessment of roadways. Presented in the 12th World Congress of PRI, Marrakech 7-8 June 2012. Grichting, A. (2011). The Cyprus Buffer Zone. Sharing a Vision for an Ecological Landscape of Memory and Forgetting. Conference: Shared Spaces and their Dissolution: Practices of 24 Coexistence in Cyprus and Elsewhere. PRIO (Peace Research Institute of Oslo) Cyprus Center & Association for Historical Dialogue, Cyprus. 14 & 15 October. Grichting, A. (2011). Divided Cities and Buffer Zones: Transitional and Transformational Landscapes of Memory, Forgetting and Forgiving. International Symposium on Constructing Memories in the Wake of Crimes Against Humanity: Artistic Interventions and the Politics of Memory. Organized by Geneva University of Art and Design, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-10 December. Grichting, A. (2012). Palimpsests: Activating Ecological Landscapes of Memory and Reconciliation. City, Landscape, Memory Conference. Iranian Society of Landscape Architect Professionals, Teheran 30 January 2012. Published in City-Life-Beauty Journal (the Journal of Tehran Beautification Organization), June. Grichting, A. (2012). Live Design / Design Build. The Frederick Douglass Peace Garden: From Pocket Park to Public Space Network. "Live" Projects Pedagogy. International Symposium. Critical Reflections on Live Projects with a view to co-creating a pedagogic best practice framework." Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom. 24th-26th May 2012. Ibrahim, H. & Khalil, R., (2011). A Framework for Rooting Old Souks in the Contemporary Urban Environment, The 2nd International Conference on Spaces & Flows” 17-18 November, 2011, Prato, Italy. Ibrahim, H., (2011). Developing A Green Metric Mechanism versus LEED for Tall Buildings in Qatar: Evaluation-Based Case Study, The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment ASCEE2011, 2-5 June, 2011-Osaka-Japan, pp. pp. 337-353, ISSN: 2186-2311. Khalil, R. & Shaaban K. (2012). Rebuilding Old Downtowns: the Case of Doha, Qatar. In Conference proceedings: REAL CORP 2012. ISBN: 978-3-9503110-2-0 (CD-ROM); ISBN: 978-39503110-3-7 Print. (pp. 677-689).Tagungsband, Schwechat. Khalil, R. & Ibrahim, H. (2012). Optimizing School Siting in Doha, Qatar. In Conference proceedings: International Conference on Management, Applied and Social Sciences (ICMASS'2012),ISBN: 978-81-922428-1-1. 25 Khalil, R. & Shaaban K. (2012). Developing Qatar's Regional Transit Network: Proposed Scenarios for Linking Doha City to Al-Wakra City and Mesaieed Industrial City. Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Urban Planning and Transportation (UPT12)- ISBN:978-161804-071-8 Mahgoub, Y. (2011). Cultural Aspects in Lighting Design. The Middle East 3rd Lighting Solutions Conference. Mahgoub, Y. (2011). Towards Eco-Tall Buildings in Doha, Paper published in the proceeding of Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat 2011 World Conference, COEX, Seoul, South Korea. Mahgoub, Y. and Khalil, R. (2012). “Impact of Human Behavior on Energy Utilization”. Paper published in the proceeding of International Conference on Energy and Environment -ICEE 2012, 21-23 June 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ouahrani, D. (2012). "Assessment of Climate Adaptation of Youth Club in Tozeur, South of Tunisia". International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, SHC Conference, SAN FRANSISCO , USA, “Design and development of ‘Green’ mosques in the Middle East”, Qatar Sustainable Building Forum, June 2012. Rizzo, A. (2011). Emerging Mega-City Regions in Asia: The case of the Singapore-Johor transnational urban region. In Conference proceedings: Space and Flows. Prato, Italy: Monash University. Rizzo, A. (2011). P2P Urbanism: What’s new?. In Conference proceedings: Atmosphere 2011, Mediated Cities. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. Salama, A. M. (2011). Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge in Architectural Design Pedagogy. In Claudio D’ Amato (ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Rete-Vitruvio: Architectural Education Between Teaching and Research. School of Architecture, Polytecnico Di Bari, Print and Compact Disc, Bari, Italy, PP. 1463-1472. ISBN # 978-88-95612-78-2. Salama, A. M., Wiedmann, F., Thierstein,A., Alaily-Matar, N., Conventz, S. (2011). Urban Qualities in an Emerging Regional Metropolis: The Case of Doha. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum-2011, Doha, Qatar. 26 Salama, A. M. (2011). A Dialogical Understanding of Urban Center(s) and Peripheries in the City of Doha, Qatar. International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association: Peripheries 2011, Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom. Salama, A. M. (2011). Colloquium-Live Projects in Architectural Education, Live Projects 2011, Invited Key Speaker: Mapping Live Project Practices on Pedagogical Concepts and Theories SPACE—School of Planning, Architecture, and Civil Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, and the Center for Education in the Built Environment, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Salama, H. (2012). Globalizing Cities in a World of Flows: A comparative Study of Doha and Dubai. The Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Mediterranean and the Middle East Symposium, November 2012. Salama, H. (2012). Places of People Flows: Learning from Dubai. The 3d Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge University, July 2012. Salama, H. (2012). Tahrir Square: A Reclamation of Public Space. Peer Reviewed paper accepted at The International Planning History Society Conference, July 2012. Salama, H. (2012). Tahrir Square: Between Local Traditions and Global Flows. Peer reviewed paper accepted at The International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) Conference, October 2012. Book Reviews Salama, A. M. (2011). Functionalism and the Contemporary Architectural Discourse: A Review of 'Functionalism Revisited' by Jon Lang and Walter Moleski. Archnet-IJAR-International Journal for Architectural Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, Archnet @ MIT School of Architecture and Planning, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, PP. 127-131. ISSN # 1994-6961. Salama, A. M. (2012). Emerging Perceptions of Research by Design: Towards a Responsive Practice, Review of “Design Innovation for the Built Environment: Research by Design and the Renovation of Practice, by Michael U. Hensel (ed.). FORMakademisk, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway, Volume 5, Issue 1, PP. (in Press). 27 Editorials and Essays Rizzo, A. (2012). Reconstructing Meta-Doha. MONU magazine on urbanism. 16, 32-35. Salama, A. M. (2011). Editorial: Anti-Vitruvian Architects and Contemporary Society. Architects for Peace, September, Melbourne, Australia. Salama, A. M. (2011). Editorial: The Quest for Architectural Excellence in non-Western Societies: Reflections on the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in its 11th Cycle. Architects for Peace, January, Melbourne, Australia. Salama, A. M. and Sengupta, U. (2011). Editorial: Changing Paradigms in Affordable Housing, Quality, and Lifestyle Theories. Open House International, Volume 36, Issue 3, Urban International Press, United Kingdom, PP.04-06. ISSN # 0160-2601. Salama, A. M. (2012): Narrating Doha’s Contemporary Architecture: The then, the now, the drama, the theater, and the performance. Diigital Architectural Papers, Issue 8: Middle East 1: Conditions for an Architectural Practice. ETH-Chair: Josept Lluis Mateo. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. Salama, A. M. and Thierstien, A. (2012). Rethinking Urban Diversity. Open House International, Volume 37, Issue 2, Urban International Press, United Kingdom, PP.1-3. ISSN # 0160-2601. Technical Reports Grichting, A. (2012). Layers, Linkages and Lines: Environmental Peacebuilding in the Balkans . Guest Blog on observations and insights during a field expedition and course on “Conservation Beyond Borders” in the border regions between Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo, summer 2012. Published on National Geographic Website Newswatch by Saleem Ali. Salama, H. (2011). Sustainability in Dubai: An Urban Design Perspective, Dubai School of Government Policy Brief. The Dubai School of Government. 28 Salama, H. (2011). Towards an Arab Knowledge Society: Benefiting from Global Knowledge and Information Flows. The Dubai Initiative Policy Brief, Belfer Center for Sciences and International Affairs, Harvard University. Working Papers Salama, H. (Forthcoming). The Dubai Urban Phenomenon. Dubai Initiative Working Paper Series, Belfer Center for Sciences and International Affairs, Harvard University. 29 F. Seminars and Public Lectures Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Visiting Academics and Professionals Alain Thierstein. 10/10/2011. The emerging knowledge economy. Bringing together relational and physical space. Qatar University. Rima Youssif. 19/10/2011. Our Sustainable Workplace. Qatar University. João Nunes. 14/12/2011. Reinventing Sustainability: Landscape Architecture Solutions. Qatar University. Yousef Al-Horr. 28/12/2011. Development of First Performance Based Green Building Rating System in MENA Region. Qatar University. Earl Roger Mandle. 29/12/1011. The programming of Museums and Cultural Spaces. Qatar University Krunoslav Ivanisin. 04/01/2012. A View from a Above: The Middle East. Qatar University. Henry Sanoff. 07/03/2012. Public Lecture : Democratic Design and Community Development. Qatar University. Robert Marans. 02/04/2012. Public Lecture : Quality of Life in Cities. Qatar University. Naima Benkari. 03/04/2012. Teaching Sustainability in the Architecture Curricula. Qatar University. Paulo Martins Barata . 21/05/2012. Tectonics Unbound. Qatar University. Invited Public Lectures Salama, A. M. (2012). Global Condition, Identity Discourse, & Contemporary Architecture in the Gulf. In Conference proceedings: Middle East Lecture Series. Zurich, Switzerland: ETHFederal Institute of Technology- Zurich, Switzerland. (April 2012). Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty Inside Qatar and Qatar University Agatino Rizzo. 30/11/2011. Emerging Mega-City Regions In Asia. Qatar University. Anna Grichting. 28/11/2011. The Cyprus Buffer Zone: Sharing a Vision for an Ecological Landscape of Memory and Forgetting. Qatar University. 30 Anna Grichting. 16/1/2012. From Green to Blue: Landscapes and Seascapes in Qatar, QGBC’s Seminar: "Natural Systems” Launch of Green Infrastructure Interest Group. Doha, Qatar. Anna Grichting. 7/3/2012. Women and the City – Infrastructure Needs and Solutions in Doha, QGBC’s Conference: How Women Work. Doha, Qatar. Anna Grichting (with QU Senior Students). 8/3/2012. Planning & Improving the Quality of the Urban Environment. Qatar University (QU), the National Association of Women in Construction, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)Gulf Chapter, and Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) . Doha, Qatar. Ashraf Salama. 07/12/11. Understanding Urban Space in Doha. Qatar University. Ashraf Salama. 8/3/2012. Closing Remark. Qatar University (QU), the National Association of Women in Construction, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)Gulf Chapter, and Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) . Doha, Qatar. Ashraf Salama. 5/6/2012. Presentation- Launch of Energy Interest Group. QGBC, QU and kahramaa’s Seminar: Sustainable Urbanism in Doha: Energy, Development, and Society. Doha, Qatar. Ashraf Salama. 5/6/2012. Reflections on Sustainable Growth in Doha. QGBC, QU and kahramaa’s Seminar: Sustainable Urbanism in Doha: Energy, Development, and Society. Doha, Qatar. Ashraf Salama. 11/6/2012. Sustainable Qatar: From individual buildings to urban development. MEED , QGBC & GORD Conference: Qatar Sustainable Building Forum. Doha, Qatar. Djamel Boussaa. 7/12/2011. Sustaining The Living Treasures in The Gulf; Cases From UAE, Bahrain and Qatar. Qatar University. Djamel Boussaa. 18/4/2012. Souk Waqif: A Historic Landmark in Doha, Cultural Identity and Sustainability. Qatar Society Of Engineers. Djamel Boussaa. 18/4/2012. The Casbah of Algiers, in Algeria, from An Urban Slum to a Sustainable Living Heritage. Qatar University. Djamel Ouahrani. 12/6/2012. Driving sustainability through the adoption of Biomimetic Design. MEED , QGBC & GORD Conference: Qatar Sustainable Building Forum. Doha, Qatar. Fodil Fadli. 5/6/2012. Sustainability Assessment: Methods & Tools For Practice. QGBC, QU and kahramaa’s Seminar: Sustainable Urbanism in Doha: Energy, Development, and Society. Doha, Qatar. 31 Hussam Salama. 5/6/2012. Project Presentation: Designing for Sustainable Tourism. QGBC, QU and kahramaa’s Seminar: Sustainable Urbanism in Doha: Energy, Development, and Society. Doha, Qatar. Rania Khalil. 30/11/2011. Rooting Old Souk in the Contemporary Urbanism of Qatar: The Case Study of Souk Waqif Abstract. Qatar University. Rania Khalil (with QU Senior Students). 8/3/2012. Environmentally Sustainable Tourism in Qatar. Qatar University (QU), the National Association of Women in Construction, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)Gulf Chapter, and Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) . Doha, Qatar. Yasser Mahgoub. 28/11/2011. Towards Eco-Tall Buildings in Doha. Qatar University. Yasser Mahgoub. 28/03/2012. Housing Research Academia Informing Profession. Qatar Society of Engineers. Yasser Mahgoub. 05/12/2011. The Impact of Tall Buildings on Urban Habitat CTBUH-Qatar Regional Seminar. Qatar University. Short Course Grichting, A. (6-7-2012 to 23-7-2012) A summer credit course Balkans Peace Park Expedition 2012 - Conservation beyond Borders as part of the Department of Environmental Studies, University of Vermont, USA. 32 G. Other Activities Consultancy 2011. Ashraf M. Salama (Team Leader) QU-CENG- Campus Planning, Accessibility, and Movement Patterns Study Team: Dr. Yasser Mahgoub and Student Fatma Khalafani Sponsor: Campus And University Facilities Committee 2011. Yasser Mahgoub (Team Leader) QU-CENG-SUS-11/12-1 - Space Utilization Study. Team: Prof. Ashraf M. Salama, Coordinator And Co-Lead PI, Dr. Fodil Fadli, Co-Investigator, Arch. Maha Sobhi, Research Assistant, Arch. Shiney Rachel Rajan, Research Assistant, Students: Fatima Khalafani And Ahood Al-Maimani, Islam Qunnaby And Motasem Miqdad. Sponsor: QU Research Office /University Campus And Facilities Committee 2011. Djamel Ouahrani. 2011. (Consultant) Design And Follow Up of a Prototype Furniture With Recycled Plastic. Sponsor: QU MTU Material Technology Unit (6 Months). Doha, Qatar. Community Service Rania F. Khalil. 02/2012. Re-designing Qatar Charity Headquarters (with dr. Ashraf Salama, and two students). Doha, Qatar. 33 H. Students’ Activities Oct-11.Transportation And Infrastructure Planning Department, MMUP. Graduate Students, Doha, Qatar. Dec-11.DAUP Students Social Club Activity: Architectural Educational Field Trip (Fall 2010), Katara Village, Doha, Qatar. Dec-11.The Fifth Engineering Student Gathering Sultan Qaboos University. Online Submission. Dec-11.DAUP Students Social Club Activity: Chili Cook off Competition (Fall 2011), DAUP, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Dec-11.Regional Field Trip Graduate Students - Urban Design in Practice. Dubai, UAE. Dec-11.GCC Engineering Students Design Competition 2012. Submission Through CENG. Jan-12. Planet Solar Boat Visit in Porto Arabia, the Pearl. Doha, Qatar. Jan-12. Presentation of Outcome of Senior Project I at UPDA (Spring). UPDA, Doha, Qatar. Feb-12.Re-Designing Qatar Charity Headquarter, Doha, Qatar. Mar-12.National Field Trip Graduate Students Design And Regeneration. Doha, Qatar. Mar-12.Women in the Sustainable Built Environment -Student Project Presentation. Doha, Qatar. Mar-12.Cooling Plant Visit For the Course Environmental Control System 2 Sanitary and HVAC ARCT 332. Qatar University Cooling Plant. Doha, Qatar. Apr-12. Abu Nakhla Reservoir - With Ashgal Engineers. Doha, Qatar. Apr-12.Istanbul Seminar- Orientalist Museum-Journey Into the Life of The Ottomans. Doha, Qatar. Apr-12.Site Visit For Design Studio Ii. Doha, Qatar. May-12.Regional Field Trip Undergraduate Senior Students. Istanbul, Turkey. May-12.DAUP Annual Exhibition. Qatar University. Doha, Qatar. May-12.DAUP Students Social Club Activity: Freejna; A Qatari Story Telling Event (Spring 2012). DAUP, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Jun-12. Sustainable Urbanism In Doha: Energy, Development, And Society. Doha, Qatar. 34 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 35 A. Executive Summary The Department of Civil Engineering has made many advances and achievements during the 2011/2012 academic year. The number of students enrolled in the program increased from 131 to 143. It graduated 19 students. The department hired an additional faculty, Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush (environmental engineering, hired in spring 2012), two teaching assistants (Eng. Sikder Selimuzzaman as an additional TA, hired in fall 2011, and Eng. Abdulrahman AbuHijleh as a replacement for Eng. Nasser Al-Jurf, hired in spring Saleh Mubarak, PhD Head, Department of Civil and 2012), and lab technician Joseph Siju (hired in fall 2011). Dr. Architectural Engineering Ramzi Taha, who was hired in spring 2012 as an associate dean for academic affairs, has also become part of the civil engineering department. Dr. Onur Tokdemir was hired as a visiting professor to teach one course during spring 2012. Dr. Nasser Al-Nuaimi was on sabbatical leave during this academic year. Also, Dr. Hisham Eid was promoted from an associate professor to a full professor. The department increased activities of all types. For example, the department conducted 12 seminars on QU campus; taught by both department faculty and visiting scholars. The department faculty conducted 9 public lectures by professional societies. More field trips took place this year than any previous year. The department held several successful events such as the 3rd Annual Civil Engineering Open Day, First Alumni Annual Meeting , and First BIM User Day. In research activities, department faculty won 3 NPRP and 4 UREP proposals. The faculty combined published 16 papers in refereed journals, 17 conference papers, and one book. The department labs have been upgraded; the environmental and transportation labs added new equipment. The department faculty Drs. Khaldoon Bani-Hani, Ahmed Senouci, and Nasser Al-Nuaimi, along with their student team won the first prize in the UREP annual competition 2012 on their project: “Wireless Sensors for Corrosion Detection of Post-Tensioned Tendons in Bridges”. Also, Dr. Hisham Eid won the Research Award (1st Place), 2011 from QU. 36 The department continued and increased community service. Faculty held positions in a local high school board of directors, a Ministry of Interior Committee on Traffic Safety, and the Environmental and Water Resources Committee. Several faculty also participated in continuing education seminars; both on and off campus. In general, there was a clear and positive impact to the increased activities by the Department of Civil Engineering; both inside Qatar University and the entire society. This was the result of collective hard work by the department’s faculty and staff. This will only encourage us to do more and better the next year. Table A1: Summary 2011-2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty Teaching Assistant Support Staff Total On-Study Leave 12 4 3 19 No Undergraduate Program Enrolment: Fall Spring Graduates: Fall Spring 143 135 8 11 Graduate Program Enrollment Thesis Completed 2 - Research Awarded Research Project UREP NPRP 4 4 37 Publications Refereed Journal Papers Book Chapters Conference Papers Book/Papers Reviews 16 2 17 5 Seminars – Public Lectures Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Academics and Professionals 3 Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty 3 Seminars and Public Lectures attended by Department Faculty 6 Conferences attended by Department Faculty 19 Workshops, Trainings and Visits by Department Faculty 11 Other Activities Faculty Consultancy Community Service Students Activities 4 19 11 38 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Saleh Mubarak Associate Professor and Head of Department Construction Management, Project Scheduling and Control, Cost Estimating and Management. 2010 Osman Elnawawy Professor Hydro-systems. 2000 Faculty Name Hisham Eid Professor Ramzi Taha Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Soil and rock mechanics, geo environmental engineering, soil structure interaction. Transportation Infrastructure, Sustainable Construction, Solid Waste and By-Product Materials Recycling, Soil Stabilization and Improvement. 2002 2011 39 Faculty Name Rank/Position Mohammed AlAnsari Associate Professor Ahmed Senouci Associate Professor Khaldoon BaniHani Associate Professor Riyadh Al-Raoush Associate Professor Omar Al-Ansari Assistant Professor and Vice President for Students Affairs Area of Specialization Reinforced concrete design; solid mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Numerical Analysis. Structural engineering, construction engineering and management. Structural control and health monitoring, soft computing application in civil engineering, structural vibration and seismic design, structural retrofitting and rehabilitation. Fate and transport of contaminates in subsurface systems, Environmental fluid dynamics, Multiphase and multistate modeling of flow through porous media. Geotechnical Engineering. Khaled Shaaban Assistant Professor Khalid Naji Assistant Professor and Associate Vice President for Facilities and Information Technology Traffic Operations, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Simulation, Traffic Safety, Work Zones. Computer applications in construction engineering with emphasis on project management, cad and graphical simulation techniques, virtual environments. Nasser Al-Nuaimi Assistant Professor Structural Engineering. Appointment Year 1994 1995 2007 2011 1990 2010 1990 2006 40 Faculty Name Rank/Position Hassan AlDerham Assistant Professor and Vice President for Research Alaa Hawari Assistant Professor Okan Sirin Assistant Professor Area of Specialization Procurement of construction projects, productivity of construction projects, housing projects, evaluation of consulting offices. Water and waste water treatment (membrane rejection and fouling, bio sorption and selective adsorption), solid waste management and sustainability. Pavement materials and design, Superpave technology, Accelerated pavement testing, Traffic engineering. Appointment Year 1990 2010 2008 41 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department TA/Staff Name Role Area Of Interest Appointment Year Abdelhamid Bin Salem Teaching Assistant Geomatics Engineering and science of Measurement 2004 Husam Sadek Teaching Assistant Analysis and Design of Structures 2008 Sikder M Selimuzzaman Teaching Assistant Environmental Engineering 2012 Abdulrahman Z. Abu-Hijleh Teaching Assistant Construction Management & Analysis and Design of Structures 2012 Abdul Azeez Kilayil Lab Technician Land Surveying, Materials Testing & Concrete and Soil Mechanics 2009 Joseph Valiya Parambil Siju Lab Technician Traffic and Transportation & Pavement and Material Testing 2012 Fatma S. Bejia Administrative Assistant Organizational Skills, Problem Solving Ability and Efficient Coordinator and Motivator 2001 42 Industrial Constituents Table A4. Summary: Industrial Constituents at the department Name Title Dr. Mohamed Aymen Abdulsalam Lead Civil Structural Eng. RASGAS 24200 4732538 4732686 Mr. Nick Lieshman ـــــ Qatar Gas 22666 ــــ Chairman Engineerin g Offices Director of Road Affairs Urban planning &Development Authority 22188 4411664 ــــ ajolo@mm 4324745 4439104 ialsada@h m Mr. Ahmed Al Jolo Mr. Ibrahim Hashim AlSada Company Ashghal P.O.Box 22188 Tel Fax ــــ Email dabdulsala m@rasgas. nleishman @qatargas 43 Department Committees Quality Assurance and Curriculum - accreditation: SACS – ABET Committee Chair: Dr. Osman Elnawawy Members: Dr. Ahmed Senouci, Dr. Khaled Shaaban and Eng. Nasser Aljurf / Abdulrahman Abu-Hijleh Research and Graduate Studies Committee Chair: Dr. Hisham Eid Members: Dr. Alaa Hawari and Dr. Mohammad Al-Ansari Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Hisham Eid Members: Dr. Osman Elnawawy, Dr. Saleh Mubarak and Dr. Ahmed Senouci Outreach Committee Chair: Dr. Khaldoon Bani-Hani Members: Dr. Khalid Naji, Dr. Khaled Shaaban, Dr. Saleh Mubarak Laboratories, Facilities, Space Management, & Safety Committee Chair: Dr. Alaa Hawari Members: Eng. Abdelhamid Bin Salem, Eng. Husam Sadek, Fatma Bejia, Abdul-Aziz Kilayil Scheduling – Textbooks Committee Chair: Okan Sirin Members: Dr. Alaa Hawari, Eng. NasserAl-Jurf/ Abdulrahman Abu-Hijleh Student Relations and Conduct – advising Committee Chair: Dr. Okan Sirin Members: Dr. Khaldoon Bani-Hani Information & Annual Report Committee Chair: Dr. Saleh Mubarak Members: Dr. Khaled Shabaan, Eng. Husam Sadek, Fatma Bejia 44 Promotion Committee Chair: Dr. Osman Elnawawy Members: Others; appointed when needed 45 C. Post Graduate Studies The Department of Civil Engineering started its post-graduate program in 2010 as part of the post-graduate program of the College of Engineering, CENG. It participates in two interdisciplinary Master-degree programs: The Engineering Management and the Environmental Engineering programs, offered under the umbrella of the College of Engineering. In addition, the department has started to offer Master and Ph.D. degrees in the other Civil Engineering disciplines. The details of the department post-graduate activities can be summarized as follows: 1. Master of Science in Engineering: The Department of Civil Engineering participates in two of CENG program of Master of Science in Engineering: a. Engineering Management (Construction Track), in collaboration with the Mechanical Engineering Department: This track was supposed to offer courses starting fall 2011 but there was only one student registered in the track so it was put off till fall 2012. Now the department has about 8 students who already started the track in fall 2012. b. Environmental Engineering, in collaboration with the Chemical, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Departments : This program started offering courses in fall 2011 and is expected to graduate students in spring 2013. 2. Master of Science in Civil Engineering: A new program that was initiated in fall 2011. It includes specialization in Structures, Geotechnical, Traffic / Transportation, and Hydraulics and Water Resources. This program is expected to enroll students starting fall 2012. 3. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering: This program was set up in 2010 and accepted two students in the area of Structures/Materials in fall 2011, both specializing in structures. Qatar University signed an MOU with the University College of London, UCL, that will help complement this program and provide needed expertise. 46 D. Research Awarded Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Eleventh Cycle: Project number: UREP 11-109-3-022. Project title: Investigating The Safety Belt Use Of University Students In Qatar. Grant amount (US$): 28,470 Primary faculty: Prof. Hisham Eid. Students: Motasem Miqdad, Hadi Al-Harastani, Hamdi Jumaa. Tenth Cycle: Project number: UREP-10-061-2-017. Project title: Novel Charts for Estimating the Elastic Settlement of Vertically Loaded Piles in Nonhomogenous Rock. Grant amount (US$): 20,200 Primary faculty: Prof. Hisham Eid. Students: Khaled H. Rabie, Saleh R. Tehemar, Mohammed E. Shamyah. NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Fourth Cycle: Project number: NPRP4-529-2-193 Project title: Technology-Based Asset Management Tools for Sustainable Water Infrastructure in Qatar. Grant amount (US$): 669,044 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Dr. Ahmed Senouci (CO-LPI) 47 Project number: NPRP4-1192-2-469 Project title: Transferability of Safety Analytical Tools from North America To Qatar: Viability and Potential Modifications. Grant amount (US$): 644,942 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Dr. Khaled Slah Shabaan (LPI) Project number: NPRP-5-488-2-194 Project title: Pipe-fine-grained Soil Interface Shear Strength for Stability Analysis of Near-shoreenergy Infrastructure. Grant amount (US$): 698,088 Granting body: Qatar Foundation. Investigator: Dr. Hisahm Eid (PI) Project number: NPRP-5-165-2-055 Project title: Tools for value management of water distribution networks in Qatar Grant amount (US$): 1,048,000 Granting body: QNRF Investigator: Dr. Alaa Al Hawari (CO-LPI ) Project number: NPRP 4-188-2-061 Project title: Innovative use of recycled materials in construction Grant amount (US$): 764,000 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Dr. Okan Sirin (CO-PI) Third Cycle: Project number: NPRP-09-901-2-343 Project title: Sustainable Performance of Oil Pipelines. Grant amount (US$): 644,255.8 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Ahmed Senouci (CO-LPI) Project number: NPRP-09-717-2-274 Project title: Impact of Environmental Policies on the Construction Industry in Qatar. 48 Grant amount (US$): 712,935.72 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Ahmed Senouci (CO-PI) Second Cycle: Project number: NPRP-08-203-2-064 Project title: Study Of Offshore Pipeline-Soil Interface Shear Strength Behavior Using Full-Scale Laboratory Testing. Grant amount (US$): 747,045 Granting body: Qatar Foundation. Investigator: Dr. Hisahm Eid (PI) Project number: NPRP 08-310-2-110 Project title: Multi-Scale Computational Models for Predicting Performance of Asphalt Pavements under Realistic Loading Conditions. Grant amount (US$): 971,047 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Dr. Okan Sirin (CO-PI) First Cycle: Project number: NPRP25-6-7-9 Project title: Upgrading Waste Rubber-Tire Aggregates for Use in School Playgrounds, Tennis Yards, and Walkways Pavements. Grant amount (US$): 601,000 Granting body: QNRF Investigator: Dr. Ahmed Senouci (CO-LPI) Project number: NPRP26-6-7-2 Project title: Distributed Multi-objective optimization for the construction of Transportation systems in the State of Qatar. Grant amount (US$): 680,258 Granting body: QNRF. Investigator: Dr. Ahmed Senouci (CO-LPI) 49 E. Publications Refereed Journal Papers Al-Raoush, R. (2012). Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Pore Geometry on NAPL Water Interfacial Areas using Synchrotron Tomography. Water, Air and soil pollution. Eid, H.T., and Bani-Hani, K. (2012). Settlement of Axially Loaded Piles Entirely Embedded in Rock – Analytical and Experimental Study. The International Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 139-148. Eid, H.T. (2012). Bearing capacity and settlement of skirted shallow foundations on sand. International Journal of Geomechanics. Accepted on June, 2012. Eid, H.T. (2012). Stability Charts for Uniform Slopes in Soils with Nonlinear Failure Envelope. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, submitted on June, 2012. Eid, H.T. (2012). Estimating the Elastic Settlement of Piled Foundations on Rock. Estimating the Elastic Settlement of Piled Foundations on Rock, submitted on August, 2012. Elwakil, E., Abdrabou B., El-Abassy, M., Senouci, A., and Zayed, T. (2012). A Model for Predicting Failure of Oil Pipelines. Structures and Infrastructures Engineering. Hawari, A.H. (2012). Application of Dried Anaerobic Digested Sewage Sludge as Phenol Bio sorbent. International Journal of Environmental Engineering. K.S. Al-Jabri, M. Baawain, R.A. Taha, Z. Al-Kemyani, K. Al-Shamsi and A. Ishtieh (2012). Potential Use of FCC Spent Catalyst as Partial Replacement of Cement or Sand in Cement Mortars. Construction and Building Materials (in press). Muhammad Ateeq, Ahmed Senouci, Hassan Al-Nageim, and Ahmed Al-Shamma’a (2012). Microwave Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Absorption Properties of Treated Waste Rubber Aggregates. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste. 50 R.A. Taha, Z. Al-Kamyani, K. Al-Jabri, M. Bawaain and K. Al-Shamsi (2012). Recycling of Waste Spent Catalyst in Road Construction and Masonry Blocks. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 229-230, pp. 122-127. Saleh Mubarak, Abdulaziz M. Jarkas and Charles Y. Kadri (2012). CRITICAL FACTORS DETERMINING BID/NO BID DECISIONS OF CONTRACTORS IN QATAR. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. Submitted in May, 2012. Al-Ansari, M. (2011). Formulating Building Response to Earthquake Loading. International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Volume 2, No 1, pp. 305-316. Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Change in microstructure parameters of porous media over representative elementary volume for porosity. Particulate Science and Technology, Volume, 30, pp. 01—16. Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Representative elementary volume analysis of porous media using X-ray computed tomography. Powder Technology, Volume, 200, pp. 69-77. Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Impact of wettability on pore-scale characteristics of residual nonaqueous phase liquids. Environmental Science and Technology, volume, 43, pp. 4796-4801. Khaled Salah Shaaban (2011). Evaluation of New Simplified Dynamic Lane Merging Systems (SDLMS) for Short-Term Work Zone Lane Closure Configuration. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. Books / Book Chapters Mubarak S. (2012). “How to Estimate with RS Means Data”. 4th edition. Wiley. 978-1-11802528-4 Mubarak S. (2012). “AACE Best Practices: Participation in writing the best practices for schedule contingency management”, AACE International. 51 Conference Papers Abdelwarith K., Kandil A., Haddock J., Senouci A., Al-Derham H. (2012). Review of Existing Transportation Sustainability Initiatives and Their Applicability to Qatar. Paper presented at CRC Conference, Purdue University, West-Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Ahmed Senouci and Saleh Mubarak (2012). Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Scheduling of Construction Projects. Presented at the Construction CPM Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. Ahmed Senouci and Saleh Mubarak (2012). Genetic algorithm-based multi-objective model for scheduling of linear Construction projects under extreme weather conditions. Presented at the AACE Conference, AACE International, Dubai, UAE, November 2012. Amarasinghe, R., Wijewickreme, D., and Eid, H (2012). Some observations on the typical seabed pipeline-sand interface shear strength under low effective normal stresses. Presented at the Proceedings of the 65th Canadian Geotechnical Conference “GeoManitoba 2012”, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Guan Long, Shakir Al-Busaltan, Ahmed Senouci, Mohammed Al Ansari, Hassan Al Nageim, Ahmed Al-Shamma’a. (2012). A novel modification on rubberizing the bituminous material and relevant properties characterization. Presented at the Proceeding of the 11th Annual International Conference on PAVEMENT ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE, Liverpool. UK. Khaled Salah Shaaban (2012). Comparative Study of Road Traffic Rules in Qatar Compared to Western Countries, Transport Research Arena 2012. Presented at Transport Research Arena 2012. K.S. Al-Jabri, Z. Al-Kamyani, R.A. Taha, M. Bawaai, K. Al-Shamsi and A. Al-Saidy. Performance of Concrete Made with Spent Catalyst as Partial Cement Replacement. Proceedings, FIB Symposium, Sweden, June 11-14, 2012. K.S. Al-Jabri, Z. Al-Kamyani, R.A. Taha, M. Bawaain and K. Al-Shamsi. Use of Spent Catalyst as an Additive Cementitious Material in Concrete and Masonry Blocks. Proceedings, American Concrete Institute-Kuwaiti Chapter, May 8-10, 2012. 52 Muhammad Ateeq, Ahmed Senouci, Mohammad Alansari, Ahmed Al-Shamma’a, Hassan AlNageim (2012). Mechanical Performance of Rubberised Bituminous Mix Design. Presented at the Proceeding of the 11th Annual International Conference on PAVEMENT ENGINEERING AND INFRASTRUCTURE, Liverpool. UK. R.A. Taha, H. Al-Nasseri, K. Al-Jabri, A. Al-Nuaimi and A. Al-Harthy. Use of Milled Cement Kiln Dust in Cement Mortars. Proceedings, Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries, ICCIDC-III, Bangkok, Thailand, July 4-6, 2012. Sadek H., Masad E., Sirin O., Al-Khalid, H., Little D. (2012). The Implementation of MechanisticEmpirical Pavement Design Method to Evaluate Asphalt Pavement Design in Qatar. Paper presented at the 5th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Srinivasa Nookala, Hisham Said, Amr Kandil, Ahmed Senouci, Hassan Al-Derham, Hubo Cai, and Mohamed El-Gafy. (2012). Developing a Framework for Pre-Design Process Simulation for Green Buildings. Paper presented at CRC Conference, Purdue University, West-Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Use of computed tomography to characterize residual NAPL in porous media systems. Presented at the 27th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, & Energy, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Pore-scale characterization of residual NAPL in heterogeneous porous media systems. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Palm Springs, California, USA. Eid, H. T. (2011). Geotechnical Considerations on the Design of Piled Rafts on Rock,”. Presented at The 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC6), Zürich. Jonathan Striblet, LeChell Rush, Myles Floyd, Mark Porter and Al-Raoush, R. (2011). Combined use of computed tomography and the lattice-Boltzmann method to investigate the influence of pore geometry of porous media on the permeability tensor. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. Khaled Salah Shaaban (2011). Efficiency of Triple Left-Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections. Presented at The 13th International Conference on Harbor. 53 Book/Paper Reviews Okan Sirin reviewed a paper for the International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Ramzi Taha reviewed a manuscript submitted for the Journal of Hazardous Materials. Ramzi Taha reviewed four papers submitted for the 4th European Pavement and Asset Management Conference, Malmo, Sweden, September, 2012. 54 F. Seminars and Public Lectures Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Visiting Academics and Professionals David Fisher. January, 2012. Rotating Towers. Qatar University. Hassan Kanbargy, the inventor of Ultimax Cement. May 30, 2012. Live Demo of the Ultimax Cement, a presentation, and some Interesting Videos. Qatar University. René Schumann. November, 2011. Building Information Modeling (BIM). Qatar University. Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty Alaa Al Hawari and QF participants. December, 2012. Qatar Shelter Initiative. Qatar University. Okan Sirin. April 16, 2012. An Alternative Laboratory Aging Process for Short-term Aging of Modified Asphalts. Qatar University. Ramzi Taha and Farid Benyahia. May, 2012. Remediation and Management of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils. Qatar Petroleum. Saleh Mubarak. August 21, 2012. Webinar: The Art of Creating a Construction CPM Schedule, by WPL Publishing Company. Saleh Mubarak. August 22, 2012. Webinar: Advanced CPM Networks Analysis, by WPL Publishing Company. Seminars and Public Lectures attended by Department Faculty Alaa Al Hawari. February, 2012. Organic Waste Management in Qatar: Problems and Solutions. Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel Doha-Qatar. Saleh Mubarak. February, 2012. The Secrets of Motivational Presentations by OFID. Saleh Mubarak. June, 2012. The Role of Engineers and Government Authorities in Reducing Road Accidents, by QSE. Saleh Mubarak. July, 2012. Project Schedule Acceleration, a 4-hour professional continuing education seminar, by Mecton Qatar. 55 Conferences attended by Department Faculty Dr. Ramzi Taha. July 4-6, 2012. 3rd International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries, ICCIDC-III, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush. December, 2011. The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush. November, 2011. The 3rd Annual Conference for Undergraduate Research (The Triple EX). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush. October, 2011. 27th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, & Energy. Amherst, Massachusetts. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. November,2011. 4th Annual Bridges Middle East. Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. Trans4 Conference, 2011. Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. Eco-q Conference, 2011. Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. Qatar Transport, 2011 Conference. Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. QITCOM Conference & Exhibition 2011. Doha, Qatar. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. Transportation Research Board 90th Annual Meeting Conference. Washington, D.C. Dr. Khaled Shaaban. Humanization of Cities of Tomorrow. Dr. Saleh Mubarak. July, 2012. AACE's 56th Annual Meeting (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering). Dr. Saleh Mubarak. June, 2012. IQPC World Stadium Congress (speaker & panelist). Dr. Saleh Mubarak. April, 2012. MEED Stadium Build Middle East Conference (panelist on stadiums for World Cup 2022). Dr. Saleh Mubarak. April, 2012. Construction Week Conference "Building Towards 2022". Grand Hyatt Doha Dr. Saleh Mubarak. December, 2011. Conference on Health, Safety, and the Environment (HSE) in the Construction Industry. Dr. Saleh Mubarak. December, 2011. Conference on Building Information Modeling (BIM). Eng. Nasser Al Jurf. December, 2011. Building information Modeling Conference. Eng. Nasser Al Jurf. October, 2011. PMI Global Congress North America. 56 Workshops, Trainings and Visits by Department Faculty Dr. Alaa Al Hawari visited "Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technology (UFT)" at the University of Bremen in Bremen - Germany. The title of the research was "Development of a novel fouling suppression system in submerged membrane bioreactors using dielectrophoretic forces". The visit was from July 5th - August 4th 2012. Dr. Alaa Al Hawari attended the Cosmo Oil Training Program. The subject of the training was Energy Saving and Environmental Management. The training took place in Japan from 22/1/2012 to 2/2/2012. Dr. Alaa Al Hawari organized a workshop related to Qatar Shelter Initiative project. December, 2011. Dr. Alaa Al Hawari visited different parts of Indonesia as part of the Qatar Shelter Initiative project. October, 2011. Dr. Khaled Shaaban visited New Doha International Airport , Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning, and Ministry of Interior. Dr. Ramzi Taha visited Ashghal, Qatar Petroleum (QP), Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD) at QSTP, and Texas A&M University at Qatar. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush delivered a short course, PE Exam Review (state of Louisiana), Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush was a Session Co-Chair at American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting 2011, session entitled "Interfacial Processes in Subsurface Flow and Transport: Linking the Pore-Scale to the Continuum-Scale”, December, 2011. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush was a jury member at American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting 2011, Outstanding Student Paper Award. Dr. Saleh Mubarak attended OFID workshop: Faculty Performance Review and Development System on April, 2012. Eng. Abdelhamid Ben Salem attended one week technical training on GPS technology. Eng. Abdelhamid Ben Salem attended one week technical training on Robotic Total Station & Pythagoras Software. 57 G. Other Activities Consultancy Dr. Ahmed Senouci. Engineering Expert for an appeal court case. Dr. Saleh Mubarak. Engineering Expert for an appeal court case. Dr. Khaled Salah Shaaban. Qatar Wireless Innovations Center. Dr. Riyadh Al-Raoush. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Southern University and Environmental Studies, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Role: Environmental and Water Resources Expert. Community Service Dr. Ahmed Senouci serving as an Engineering Expert for the Court of Qatar in a dispute involving a private school building. Dr. Alaa Al-Hawari volunteered as a supervisor in the Bottle Top Art Project sponsored by the Pearl Qatar and organized Qatar Green Business Council (QGBC). Dr. Ramzi Taha is a member of the Scientific Committee, 4th European Pavement and Asset Management Conference, Malmo, Sweden, September, 2012. Dr. Saleh Mubarak Board of Trustees member, Ali bin Jassim School, since December 2010 Dr. Saleh Mubarak has been helping one of the participants in the “Stars of Science”. Dr. Saleh Mubarak participated with AIESEC youth meeting initiatives for a projects camp. Dr. Saleh Mubarak participated in Aljazeera News (Arabic and English), Aljazeera Mubasher, several local newspapers. Dr. Saleh Mubarak visited Ali bin Jassim School and delivered a presentation on October, 2011. Dr. Saleh Mubarak delivered PMI lecture titled “So, what’s my percent complete anyway?” on October, 2011. Dr. Saleh Mubarak delivered a lecture to QSE titled “Divide & Conquer: The Art of Breaking down the Project into Activities for Creating a CPM Schedule” on January, 2011. Dr. Saleh Mubarak delivered a lecture to Egyptian Engineers League titled “Project Management in the Construction Industry” on April, 2012. Dr. Saleh Mubarak delivered a lecture to PMI Bahrain titled “Divide & Conquer: The Art of Breaking down the Project into Activities for Creating a CPM Schedule” on May, 2012. 58 Eng. Husam Sadek being an organizer and a jury member in Engineers Got Talent. Eng. Husam Sadek organized the “Sports Day and Bowling Night”. Eng. Husam Sadek being a jury member in the Cultural Village 2012. Eng. Husam Sadek being a jury member in the QU Theater. Eng. Husam Sadek being a jury member in the QU Talent Show. Eng. Husam Sadek presented a workshop titled “How to attract what you want in your life”. Eng. Husam Sadek presented a workshop titled “Manage your time”. Eng. Husam Sadek presented a workshop titled “Plan your life”. Eng. Husam Sadek presented a workshop titled “Improve your communication skills”. Eng. Husam Sadek delivered a lecture titled “Life is reading” in Thakafa Take Away. Eng. Nasser Al-Jurf being a member of PMI Global Congress. Eng. Nasser Al-Jurf being a member of Building Information Modeling. 59 H. Students’ Activities A visit to LRT at Lusail. May, 2012. Organized by Dr. Mohammed Al-Ansari. Master Students of Capstone design course/design project (EEMP510). April, 2012. A visit to the industrial wastewater plant of Qatar Chemical Company (Q-CHEM). Organized by Dr. Alaa. Master Students of Capstone design course/design project (EEMP510). April, 2012. A visit to Qatar Petrochemical (QAPCO). Organized by Dr. Alaa. Master Students of Capstone design course/design project (EEMP510). April, 2012. A visit to the industrial wastewater plant of Ras Laffan Olefins Cracker (RLOC). Organized by Dr. Alaa. Master Students of Capstone design course/design project (EEMP510). April, 2012. A visit to the industrial wastewater plant of Qatar Chemical Company (Q-CHEM). Organized by Dr. Alaa. Students of Physico-Chemical Processes in Environmental Systems (EEMP509). March, 2012. A visit to Doha south wastewater treatment plant. Organized by Dr. Alaa. A visit to New Accommodation for QU Students. March, 2012. Organized by Dr. Mohammed Al-Ansari. A visit to Demolition Waste Management Center. February,2012. Organized by Dr.Okan Sirin. Students of Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering (CVEN453). November, 2011. A visit to Doha south wastewater treatment plant. Organized by Dr. Alaa. Two site visits for a construction project site in Al-Gharraffa. Organized by Dr. Ahmed Senouci. 60 Department of Chemical Engineering 61 A. Executive Summary This report summarizes the achievement of the students and faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering. It depicts major research projects, publication, awareness and public lectures, consultancy and services delivered by both department faculty and visitors. Farid Benyahia, PhD Head, Department of Chemical Engineering Table A1: Summary 2011 - 2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty TA’s Staff 12 5 4 Undergraduate Program Enrollment Courses Offered 191 3 GENG, 22 CHME Postgraduate Program Enrollment Courses Offered 7 2 Research Grants Contracts Consultancy 31 2 NA Publications Books or book chapters Journal Publications Conference Papers Research reports 3 28 11 56 62 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Faculty Name Rank/Position Farid Benyahia Professor Ramazan Kahraman Professor Ibrahim Abu Reesh Professor Hazim Qiblawey Associate Professor Majeda Khraisheh Associate Professor Shaheen AlMuhtaseb Abdulreda AlSayegh Fadwa Eljack Associate Professor Area of Specialization Process Design and Modeling, Catalytic Processes, Environmental Biochemical Engineering, Immobilized Cell Technology, Nitrification in Wastewater Treatment, Airlift Bioreactors, CO2 Emissions Reduction and Desalination Brine Reject Management, Membrane Distillation Desalination Materials, Composites, Polymer Technology, Corrosion, Transport Phenomena Biochemical Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Water treatment and water reuse, Desalination, crystallization. Water and wastewater treatment, CCS, ionic liquids applications in oil and gas Adsorption, Adsorbent Materials, Membranes, Thermodynamics Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Appointment Year 2006 2007 2010 2007 2009 2007 1998 Process Integration and optimization. Design of sustainable and 2007 63 Faculty Name Mert Atilhan Mohammed Ali Saleh Mohammed AlMarri Rank/Position Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Area of Specialization environmentally benign technologies. Abnormal Situation Management of gas industries for flare reduction. Design of environmentally benign materials. Computer aided process engineering. Applied thermodynamics, multicomponent gas mixtures properties, gas hydrates, carbon dioxide capture, porous polymers, adsorption, ionic liquids Air pollution (NOx removal) and catalysis Applied thermodynamics, simulation and modeling, catalysis. Appointment Year 2007 2010 2009 64 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department TA/Staff Name Mohammed Abou Nada Role Area of Interest Appointment Year Teaching Assistant Process Design, Modeling and Simulation, Separation Science and Technology, Mass Transfer, Gas Processing, Membrane Separation Processes and Process Safety. 2006 Mohamed Arshad Teaching Assistant Shaden Daghash Teaching Assistant Hesan Elfaki Teaching Assistant Ahmed Alnouss Teaching Assistant Computational fluid dynamics, energy analysis in thermal system, modeling of viscosity of aqueous salt solution. Plant design, reaction engineering, thermodynamics and environmental engineering. Research interest in the area of environmental sustainability and pollution control including: carbon dioxide capture, grey water treatment and re-use, environmental systems modeling, removal of dissolved solids from water as well as heat integration. Process integration, design and modeling. Process systems engineering and optimization. Sustainable process design and operation. Computer-aided technologies for chemical process desig. 2008 2009 2010 2010 65 TA/Staff Name Role Ahmed Elkhatat Senior Lab Technician Saied Ahmed Lab Technician Alaaeldin Senior Lab Esmat Negmeldin Technician Area of Interest Area of interest in Research: environmental evaluation of water resources by using isotope hydrology and biochemistry, and resorcinol-formaldehyde nanostructured materials for separation and energy applications. Area of interest in applications: Operation and calibration of Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICPAES), Gas Chromatography (GCFID-ECD), GC Gas Analyzer (NGAFID-TCD), Ion Chromatography, FTIR, TOC Analyzer, CHNS Analyzer, Surface Area Analyzer, UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Area if interest in quality: ISO 17025. Mechanical and industrial workshops, helping master and doctoral students in implementing their scientific researches. Also, safety in labs. Analytical Chemistry Appointment Year 2009 2009 2007 66 Department Committees Quality Assurance Curriculum Committee Chair: Dr. Ramazan Kahraman Members: Dr. Farid Benyahia, Dr. Dr. Majeda Khraisheh Curriculum Development and Changes Sub-committee Chair: Dr. Shaheen AlMuhtaseb Members: Dr. Fadwa ElJack and Dr. Mert Atilhan Students Committee Chair: Dr. Fadwa ElJack Members: Dr. Mohamed Ali Saleh, Dr. Mohamed Al-Marri , Eng. Shaden Daghash and Eng. Mohamed Abu Nada Research Committee Chair: Dr. Hazim Qiblawey Members: Dr. Mert Atilhan, Dr. Mohamed Al-Marri, Dr. Shaheen AlMuhtaseb and Dr. Mohamed Ali Saleh Laboratories and Safety Committee Chair: Dr. Mert Atilhan Members: Dr. Farid Benyahia, Dr. Mohamed Ali Saleh and Dr. Ahmed Al-Khattat Scheduling Committee Members: Dr. Ramazan Kahraman, Dr. Farid Benyahia and Eng. Shaden Daghash Strategic Planning Data Management Committee Members: Dr. Ramazan Kahraman, Dr. Farid Benyahia and Mrs. Wafaa AbuFool 67 C. Post Graduate Studies Table A4. Post graduate students’ names, thesis committee members and title Student Name Thesis Committee Members Thesis Tittle Hesan Hamed El Faki Dr. Alaa Hawari Industrial wastewater Hasanat Mohammad Ramadan Drs. Alaa Hawari Dr. Ibrahim Abu Reesh Biological treatment of industrial wastewater Ashar Abdulrazzaq Diab Dr. Mert Atilhan Carbon capture through porous polymers Jumana Ahmad Ahan Prof. Abu Reesh Dr. Simon Judd Produced water characterization and treatability studies Karam Elahmed Prof. Farid Benyahia Carbon conversion Yehia Mohammad Ali Manawi Dr. Majeda Khraisheh Prof. Farid Benyahia Membrane distillation desalination Ahmad Mohammad Fard Dr. Majeda Khraisheh Prof. Farid Benyahia Membrane distillation desalination 68 D. Research Awarded Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Eleventh Cycle: Title: A study on the carbon footprint of the vinyl chloride monomer process Grant amount (US$): 57,000 Primary faculty: F. Benyahia (Lead PI), M. Khraisheh Students: A. Al-Sabri, A. Alola, M. Hussein, M. Al Mahrizi, N. Doualeh, S. Al-Khalifa Duration: Feb. 2012 – Jan. 2013 Title: The Syntheses of CO2 Adsorbent Microporous Materials in Amine Solutions) Grant amount (US$): 30,000 Primary faculty: M. Atilhan (LPI), F. Karadas (CoPI) Students: Fahd, Shurair, Baligh Duration: Feb. 2012 – Jan. 2013 Title: Melamine-Amide Based Porous Organic Polymers for CO2 Capture Grant amount (US$): 30,000 Primary faculty: M. Atilhan (Lead PI), E. Deniz (Co-Mentor) Students: M. Azam, M. Khan, R. Anzi Duration: Feb. 2012 – Jan. 2013 Title: Household Laundry Wastewater Reuse For Food Production Grant amount (US$): 37,700 Primary faculty: H. Qiblawey (Lead PI), Ahmed Easa (Co-mentor) Students: S. Jarjash, K. Abou-Maali, A. Abdulrahman, A. Moursi Duration: Feb. 2012 – Jan. 2013 69 Tenth Cycle: Title: Water characterization and treatability studies of produced water from the Qatari oil and gas industry Grant amount (US$): 60,000 Primary faculty: M. Khraisheh (Lead PI), F. Benyahia Students: Zakaria Othman, Mohamed Taha, Maimona Al-saadi, Balqes Al-saadi, Elham Hammad, Khalifa Al-Thani Duration: Sept. 2011 – Jun. 2012 Title: Estimation, simulation and modeling of SOx, NOx and CO2 emissions from the GTL process Grant amount (US$): 60,000 Primary faculty: M. Khraisheh (Lead PI), F. Benyahia Students: Enas omar, Layal Bani Nasser, Ibrahim Alnuaimi, yehia minawi, Ahmad Kayvani Fard, Mohd Alshaabi Duration: Sept. 2011 – Jun. 2012 Title: A/C condensate, A Source of Water for Hydroponic Farming. Grant amount (US$): 27,750 Primary faculty: H. Qiblawey (Lead PI) Students: M. A. AL-Mutawa, N. A. Al-Dahdouh, S. T. Al Zouqri Duration: Sept. 2011 – Jun. 2012 Title: Development of New Generation Polymeric Membranes and their Applications in the Separation of Organic Solvents Grant amount (US$): 60,000 Primary faculty: S. Al-Muhtaseb (Lead PI), M. Patil (Co-Mentor) Students: A. Alkhouzaam, A. Kasht, M. Azam, M. Baker, M. Al Khasib, and R. Al-Anzi. Duration: Sept. 2011 – Jun. 2012 Ninth Cycle: Title: Development of an Aspen simulation library for distillation control and analysis Grant amount (US$): 29,800 Primary faculty: S. Ahmed (Lead PI) Students: A. M. Mahamat, A. Abdulmajeed, M. Taha 70 Duration: Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2011 Title: CO2 Capture by Using Modified Urea Complexes from Effluent Gas Streams Grant amount (US$): 30,000 Primary faculty: M. Atilhan (Lead PI), F. Karadas (Co-Mentor) Students: A. Al-khouzaam, K. Drar, M. Al-Khasib Duration: Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2011 NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Fifth Cycle: Project title: Ionic liquids for the control and management of Qatari natural gas hydrates Grant amount (US$): 1,045,243 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: Majeda Khraisheh (LPI), Mert Atlihan, and David Rooney (Queen's University Belfast ) Role: CO-LPI. Duration: Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2015 Project title: Cyanuric Organic Polymers (COPs) for Inexpensive and High Efficiency CO2 Capture and Separation Grant amount (US$): 1,049,996 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: Mert Atilhan (LPI), Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University), Cafer T Yavuz (KAIST) Duration: Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2015 Project title: Developing innovative phase change materials based on raw materials available in Qatar Grant amount (US$): 976,499 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: M. Farid (LPI, Auckland University), S. Al-Muhtaseb (PI), J. Kurdi (Co-LPI, CNA-Q), M. Albeldawi (QP Duration: Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2015 71 Fourth Cycle: Project title: An assessment of present and future environmental impacts of major desalination plants in Qatar under changing climate Grant amount (US$): 1,047,117 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: Majed Mohammadian (university of Ottawa-Canada / Lead PI) – Hazim Qiblawey (co-Lead PI), Gregory A. Lawrence, (University of British Colombia, PI) Duration: Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2015 Project title: A Novel Nano-Coating Technology for Oil, Gas & Seawater Desalination Plants Grant amount (US$): 978,725 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: Wei Gao (Auckland-New Zealand / Lead PI) – Ramazan Kahraman (co-Lead PI) Duration: Apr 2012 – Mar 2015 Third Cycle: Project title: Enhancing Qatar’s Future Oil and Gas Technology via Design and Evaluation of Ionic Liquids Grant amount (US$): 974,004 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: M. Khraisheh (Lead PI), M. Atilhan, D. Rooney (QUB) Duration: Sept. 2010 – Aug 2013 Project title: CO2 capture and photoconversion to a renewable fuel Grant amount (US$): 1,043,026 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: M. Khraisheh (Lead PI), J. Tang (UCL) Duration: Sept. 2010 – Aug 2013 Project title: Integrated Terahertz Technologies for Methane Gas Production from Clathrates and Real Time Analysis Grant amount (US$): 1,041,640 Granting body: QNRF Investigators:Cafer T. Yavuz (KAIST / Lead PI) - M. Atilhan (co-Lead PI 72 Duration: Sept. 2010 – Aug 2013 Project title: Versatile Nanocomposite Thin Film Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Sea-water Desalination Grant amount (US$): 988,908 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: E. Sivaniah (Lead PI) and H. Qiblawey (Co-Lead PI) Duration: Sept. 2010 – Aug 2013 Second Cycle: Project title: Synthesis and Tailoring of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Gel-Based Activated Carbon Materials for the Storage or Selective Separation of Natural Gas Components Grant amount (US$): 852,189 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: S. Al-Muhtaseb (Lead PI) and A. Negmeldin (Co-PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 Project title: Green infrastructure for greywater and A/C condensation reuse Grant amount (US$): 491,045 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: F. Jaber (Lead PI) and H. Qiblawey (Co-Lead PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 Project title: Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and conversion from natural and effluent gas streams Grant amount (US$): 1,049,829 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: M. Atilhan (Lead PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 Project title: CO2 mineralization and reject brine management by chemical reaction Grant amount (US$): 907,036 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: F. Benyahia (Lead PI) and A. Negmeldin (Co-PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 73 Project title: Development of Novel Gas-to-Liquid Processes in Near-Critical and Supercritical Phase Media Grant amount (US$): 1,047,800 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: N. Elbashir (Lead PI), F. Eljack (Co-PI), C. Roberts (Co-PI), M. El-Halwagi (Co-PI), J. Hahn Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 Project title: Preparation and testing of nanoparticle functionalized membranes for gas separation Grant amount (US$): 1,049,687 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: E. Sivaniah (Lead PI) and S. Al-Muhtaseb (Co-Lead PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 Project title: Density, Speed of Sound, and Phase Equilibria Measurements of Acid Gas Mixtures Used in Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes Grant amount (US$): 1,049,302 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: J. Holste (Lead PI) and M. Atilhan (Co-Lead PI) Duration: Sept. 2009 – Aug 2012 First Cycle: Project title: Measurement of Densities and Phase Envelops for Qatari Type Natural Gas Mixtures And Development of a Rational Equation of State to Describe the Data Grant amount (US$): 749,602 Granting body: QNRF Investigators: M. Atilhan (Lead PI) Duration: Oct. 2008 – Apr. 2012 Qatar University Grants Title: NOx removal from waste gases streams using zeolite based catalysts Grant amount (US$): 13,731 74 Investigator: M. Ali Saleh Saad Duration: Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2011 Title: Economics Analysis of a Novel Gas to Ethylene Technology Using Natural Gas as Feedstock Grant amount (US$): 41,071 Investigator: F. ElJack (PI) Duration: Apr. 2011 – Oct. 2012 Title: Viscosity and Density Measurements of Concentrated NaCl-CaCl2-H2O Aqueous Solutions at Different Temperatures Grant amount (US$): 31,000 Investigator: Hazim Qiblawey (PI) Duration: Apr. 2011 – Oct. 2012 Title: The Investigation of Carbon-Dioxide Capture through MOF Complexes and Cyanometallate Systems Grant amount (US$): 27,460 Investigator: Mert Atilhan (PI) Duration: Jan. 2011 – Jan. 2012 QSTP : Qatar Science Technology Park Projects Title: Evaluation of Membrane Distillation to Augment Water Production from Thermal Desalination Brines by Leveraging Low Grade Waste Heat Grant amount (US$): 738,097 Investigator: F. Benyahia (PI), M. Khraisheh (Co-PI) , Research Assistants: Yahya Menawey (BSc Chemical Engineering), Ahmed Fard (BSc Chemical Engineering) Duration: Nov. 2011 – Oct. 2013 Title: Utilization of Recycled Polymers in Qatar Grant amount (US$): 1,945,579 Investigators: M. Al-Maadeed (MTU, QU), A. Hodzic (University of Sheffield, UK) and R. Kahraman (ChE, QU) Duration: Jun. 2009 – Dec. 2012 75 E. Publications Refereed Journal Papers Scelsi, L., Hodzic, A., Soutis, C., Hayes, S. A., Rajendran, S., Alma’adeed, M. A. and Kahraman, R., “A Review on Composite Materials Based on Recycled Thermoplastics and Glass Fibres”, Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 40:1, 1-10 (2011). Kahraman, R., Abbasi, S. and Abu-Sharkh, B., “Processing and Characterization of Palm FiberPolypropylene Composites”, Key Engineering Materials, 471-472, 145-150 (2011). Alma’adeed, M., Ozerkan, G., Kahraman, R., Rajendran, S. and Hodzic, A., “Life Cycle Assessment of Particulate Recycled Low Density Polyethylene Reinforced with Talc and Fiberglass”, Key Engineering Materials, 471-472, 999-1004 (2011). Zavala-Rivera, P.; Channon, K.; Nguyen, V.; Sivaniah,E.; Kabra, D.; Friend, R.H.; Nataraj, S. K.; AlMuhtaseb, S. A.; Hexemer, A.; Calvo, M. E.; Miguez, H. Collective Osmotic Shock in Ordered Materials, Nature Materials, 2012, 11, 53-57. Awadallah-F, A.; ElKhatat, A.M.; Al-Muhtaseb, S.A. Impact of Synthesis Conditions on Meso- and Macropore Structures of Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Xerogels, Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46, 7760-7769. ElKhatat, A.M.; Al-Muhtaseb, S.A. Advances in Tailoring Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Organic and Carbon Gels, Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, 2887–2903. M. Khraisheh , F. Benyahia & S. Adham Industrial case studies in the petrochemical and gas industry in Qatar for the utilization of industrial waste heat for the production of fresh water by membrane desalination Desalination and Water Treatment, 1, 1-7 (doi: 10.1080/19443994.2012.714725). Beljadid A., A. Mohammadian and Hazim Qiblawey. Numerical simulation of rotation dominated linear shallow water flows using finite volume methods and fourth order Adams scheme. Computers & Fluids 62, 64 – 70 (2012). 76 Hazim Qiblawey, F. Banat, and Al-Naser Q. Performance of reverse osmosis pilot plant powered by Photovoltaic in Jordan, Renewable Energy 36, 3452 – 3460 (2011). F. Karadas, H. El-Faki, E. Deniz, C.T. Yavuz, S. Aparicio, M. Atilhan CO2 adsorption studies on Prussian blue analogues, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 162, pp. 91-97, (2012). M. Atilhan, S. Aparicio, F. Karadas, K. R. Hall, R. Alcalde Isothermal PρT measurements on Qatar’s North Field type synthetic natural gas mixtures using a vibrating-tube densimeter, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 53, pp. 1-8 (2012). M. Atilhan, S. Aparicio, K. R. Hall ptimized Binary Interaction Parameters for VLE Calculations of Natural Gas Mixtures via Cubic and Molecular-Based Equations of State, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (28) pp. 9687 – 9699 (2012). H. A. Patel, F. Karada , A, Canlier, J. Park, E. Deniz, Y. Jung, M. Atilhan* and C. T. Yavuz* High capacity carbon dioxide adsorption by inexpensive covalent organic polymers, Journal of Material Chemistry, 22, 8431-8437, 2012. S. Aparicio and M. Atilhan Choline-Based Ionic Liquids on Graphite Surfaces and Carbon Nanotubes Solvation: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry, in press DOI jp-2012-01270y.R1, 2012. vibrating-tube densimeter, M. Atilhan*, S. Aparicio, F. Karadas, K. R Hall, R. Alcalde, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, in press DOI: JCT-12-129, 2012. PρT measurements and derived properties of liquid 1-alkanols, M. J. Dávila, R. Alcalde, M. Atilhan, S. Aparicio Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 47, 241-259, 2012. A Review on Natural Gas Hydrates Phenomena in Subsea Conditions and Pipelines: Prediction and Inhibition Methods, Storage, Transportation and Related Safety Concerns, M. Atilhan, S. Aparicio, F. Beniahya, Natural Gas. ISBN: 979-953-307-567-8 InTech Publishers, Co, 2012. Mixed ionic liquids: the case of pyridinium-based fluids, S. Aparicio, M. Atilhan, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 2526-2537, 2012. 77 Water effect on CO2 Absorption for Hydroxylammonium Based Ionic Liquids: a Molecular dynamics study, S. Aparicio and M. Atilhan, Chemical Physics, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2012.03.008, 2012. Study on hydroxylammonium-based ionic liquids. II. Computational analysis of CO2 absorption , S. Aparicio, M. Atilhan, M. Kraisheh, R. Alcalde, J. Fernández, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115, 12487-12498, 2011. On the Viscosity of Pyridinium Based Ionic Liquids: An Experimental and Computational Study, S. Aparicio-Martinez, R. Alcalde, C. Lafuente, I. Bandrés, M. Atilhan, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(43):12499-513, 2011. Study on Hydroxylammonium Based Ionic Liquids. Part II: Computational Analysis of CO2 Absorption, S. Aparicio-Martinez, M. Atilhan, M. Khraisheh, R. Alcalde, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(43), 12487-98, 2011. Study on Hydroxylammonium Based Ionic Liquids. Part I: Characterization, Santiago AparicioMartinez, Mert Atilhan, Majeda Khraisheh, Rafael Alcalde, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (43), 12473-86, 2011. Amidoximes: Promising Candidates for CO2 Capture, S. Zulfiqar, F. Karadas, J. Park, E. Deniz, G. D. Stucky, Y. Jung, M. Atilhan* and C. T. Yavuz, Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 4528-31, 2011. PρT Behavior of Three Lean Synthetic Natural Gas Mixtures using Magnetic Suspension Densimeter and Isochoric Apparatus from 250 K to 450 K with pressures up to 150 MPa: Part II, M. Atilhan*, S. Aparicio-Martinez, S. Ejaz, D. Cristancho, I. Mantilla, K. Hall, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56 (2) 212-221, 2011. CO2 Adsorption Studies on Hydroxy Metal Carbonates, M(CO3)x(OH)y (M= Zn, Zn-Mg, Mg, MgCu, Cu, Ni, and Pb) at High Pressures up to 175 bar, F. Karadas, C. T. Yavuz, S. Zulfiqar, S. Aparicio, G. D. Stucky, M. Atilhan*, Langmuir, 27 (17) 10642-47, 2011. Study of Dimethoxyethane / Ethanol Solutions, S. Aparicio, R. Alcalde, J. Luis Trenzado, M. N. Caro, and M. Atilhan, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (28), pp 8864–8874, 2011. 78 PρT Behavior of a Lean Synthetic Natural Gas Mixture Using Magnetic Suspension Densimeters and an Isochoric Apparatus: Part I, M. Atilhan*, S. Aparicio, S. Ejaz, D. Cristancho, and K.R. Hall, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56 (2) 212–221, 2011. Books / Book Chapters “Advances in Gas Processing” Proceedings of the 3rd Gas Processing Symposium, Editors: Abdelwahab Aroussi and Farid Benyahia, ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9, Elsevier, 2012. "Natural Gas Hydrates"., Mert Atilhan, Santiago Aparicio, Farid Benyahia and Erhan Deniz. Advances in Natural Gas Technology (Ed: Hamid El-Megren), InTech (2012). ISBN: 978-953-510507-7 “Review on natural gas thermopysical property measurement techniques” InTech (2012), Mert Atilhan, Santiago Aparicio ISBN: 979-953-307-803-7 Conference Papers Aiduan Li Borrion, Majeda Khraisheh, Farid Benyahia, Environmental life cycle impact assessment of Gas-to-Liquid Processes. Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, pp. 71-77, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Elitsa Dzhongova, Junwang Tang, Majeda Khraisheh, Solar to Fuel: Overview and Applications of CO2Conversion to Fuel, Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, pp. 82-89, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Shieling Ng, Mert Atilhan , Ferdi Karadas, Johan JACQUEMIN, JillianThompson, David Rooney, Majeda Khraisheh. Applications of Ionic Liquids in Gas Processing, Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, pp. 133-138, 2012. ISBN: 9780-444-59496-9. CO2 Adsorption Studies on Hydroxy Metal Carbonates at High Pressures, F. Karadas, S. Aparicio, C. T. Yavuz, and M. Atilhan*, Proceedings of the 3rd annual Gas Processing Symposium, Elsevier, in press 2012. 79 CO2 Adsorption Experiments on Porous Cynometallates, H. El-Faki, F. Karadas and M. Atilhan*, Proceedings of the 3rd annual Gas Processing Symposium, Elsevier, in press 2012. High Pressure and High Temperature CO2 Adsorption on Hydrotalcite Derivatives, F. Karadas and M. Atilhan*, Proceedings of the 3rd annual Gas Processing Symposium, Elsevier, in press 2012. Exceptional CO2 capture via polymeric materials, H. A. Patel, F. Karadas, A. Canlier, E. Deniz, C. T. Yavuz, M. Atilhan*, Proceedings of the 3rd annual Gas Processing Symposium, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Benyahia, F., “The carbon conundrum: Challenges and opportunities in the Gulf”, Downstream Technology Conference, Kuwait, 19-22 Feb 2012. Al-Ghanim, N., Khraisheh, M., and Benyahia, F., “Flare Reduction Options and Simulation for the Qatari Oil and Gas Industry”. Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Van den Bos, J. Jahn, W.A.P., van den Broeke, L.J.P. and Benyahia, F. “Combining postcombustion CO2 capture with CO2 utilization”. Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Borrion, A.L, Majeda Khraisheh, M. and Benyahia, F. “Environmental life cycle impact assessment of Gas-to-Liquid processes”, Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Daghash, S. “The Carbon Footprint of Ammonia Process: Case Study on Utilization of Natural Gas & Environmental Sustainability”, Proceedings of the 3rd gas processing symposium, Elsevier advances in gas processing series, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-444-59496-9. Presentation: 2012, SYMP18 Meeting, High Pressure CO2 Absorption Studies on [bmim][PF6], [bmim][Tf2N] and [emim][Tf2N] Ionic Liquids up to 20 MPa: Experimental and Simulation Approach, M. Atilhan. Presentation: 2012, ACS Annual National Meeting, Porous triazine polymer networks for enhanced CO2 adsorption, Hasmukh A. Patel, Ferdi Karadas, Ali Canlier, Erhan Deniz, M. Atilhan and Cafer T. Yavuz. 80 Presentation: 2012, American Chemical Society Spring National Meeting, Porous triazine polymer networks for enhanced CO2 adsorption, H. A Patel, F. Karadas, A. Canlier, E. Deniz, M. Atilhan, C. T. Yavuz. Poster: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, Performance Validation of Amine Based CO2 Capture: Experimental and Simulation Approach, I. Al-Nuaimi, A. Al-Nouss and M. Atilhan. Presentation: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, CO2 Adsorption Studies on Hydroxy Metal Carbonates at High Pressures, F. Karadas, S. Aparicio, C. T. Yavuz, and M. Atilhan. Presentation: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, CO2 Adsorption Experiments on Porous Cynometallates, H. El-Faki, F. Karadas and M. Atilhan, Proceedings of the 3rd annual Gas Processing Symposium. Presentation: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, Applications of Ionic Liquids in Gas Processing, S. Ng, M. Atilhan, F. Karadas, J. Jacquemin, J. Thompson, D. Rooney, M. Khraisheh. Presentation: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, High Pressure and High Temperature CO2 Adsorption on Hydrotalcite Derivatives, F. Karadas and M. Atilhan. Presentation: 2012, 3rd Annual Gas Processing Symposium, Exceptional CO2 capture via polymeric materials, H. A. Patel, F. Karadas, A. Canlier, E. Deniz, C. T. Yavuz, M. Atilhan. Poster: 2011, American Chemical Society - Spring National Meeting, CO2 adsorption behavior of metal hydroxy carbonate compounds, M. Atilhan, F. Karadas, C.T. Yavuz and G.D. Stucky. Presentation: 2011, American Chemical Society - Spring National Meeting, CO2 adsorption studies on inorganic porous materials, F. Karadas, C.T. Yavuz, G.D. Stucky, M. Atilhan. Presentation: H. Qiblawey, EU-GCC Clean Energy Network: EU GCC Co-operation on RES, Energy Efficiency & CCS Discussion Groups and Seminars. May 7-9, 2012, Doha, Qatar. Presentation: H. Qiblawey, Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy. April 23– 26, 2012, Barcelona, Spain. 81 Presentation: H. Qiblawey, GCC Power and Water Desalination Summit 2011. October 2 – 3, 2011. Doha – Qatar. Poster: F. Jaber, H. Qiblawey and Sh. Kant “A/C Condensate and greywater reuse as water alternative for arid regions” Coupling Natural & Human Systems: 12th Annual American Ecological Engineering Society Meeting. June 7-9, 2012. Syracuse, NY. USA. Presentation: F. Jaber and H. Qiblawey “Evaluating greywater and A/C condensate daily volume and water quality in urban settings” American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual Meeting, August 7 – 10, 2011. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Paper number 1111616. Poster: H. Qiblawey and F. Jaber “Greywater and A/C condensate as an alternative water source for urbanized arid regions” American Ecological Engineering Society Meeting. May 23 – 25, 2011 Asheville, North Carolina – USA. 82 F. Other Activities Faculty name Faculty Activities Prof. Farid Benyahia Trip to QAPCO with students on 24 Nov 2011 Teaching Excellence, OFID Workshop in Nov 2011 Soil remediation to Qatar Petroleum, on May 3rd 2012, Ras Bou Abboud Visited Total-QSTP on 31 Jan 2012 Trip to Maersk oil with students on 13 Dec 2011 and 16 Feb 2012. Trip to Shell with students on 23 Feb 2012 Attended the thermal desalination workshop at QSTP on 20 Mar. 2012 Carbon Capture workshop organized by Texas A&M from 2 to 3 April 2012 and attended by Dr. Farid on 2 April. Dr. Farid also chaired and presented on economics and social issues on 3 April Trip to QChem with students on 8 April 2012 Trip to OryxGTL with students on 10 April 2012 Prof. Ramazan Kahraman Workshop on “meaningful assessment of program outcomes and rubric development: examples from chemical engineering courses” on 19 Oct 2011 OFID days workshop by Dr. Ramazan Kahraman from 5-7 Feb 12 Dr. Shaheen AlMuhtaseb Seminar on “Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) process for Carbon Sequestration” on 25 April 2012 Dr. Abdulreda AlSayegh Trip to Dolphine Energy with students on 1 Dec 2011. Dr. Fadwa Eljack Trip to Q-Chem with students on 25 Dec 2011. Seminar on “Product design & Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD)” on 18 April 2012. Dr. Mohammed Ali Saleh Trip to QVC with students on 31 May 2012. Dr. Mohammed AlMarri Trip to Shell with the students on 24 November 2011. Dr. Salim Ahmed Seminar on “Towards anew alarm system design philosophy” 2011 83 Faculty name Faculty Activities Dr. Mert Atilhan Workshop on Senior projects in Oct 2011. Trip to Qatar Gas with students on 1 Dec 2011 and 9 Apr 2012. Attended the GPC workshop on 16-17 Jan 2012 on Gas Hydrates Attended Workshop on LNG safety organized by TAMUQ Attended LNG World Summit organized by Flemming Group Attended TUBITAK, YTBIK event in July 2012 in Turkey ACS Annual Spring Meeting in San Diego, CA, USA, March 2012 Visit to KAIST, S. Korea in October 2011 How to keep your journal paper collections organized by using MENDELEY workshop by Dr. Mert Atilhan on 7 May 2012 Cosmo Oil training course- Japan Feb 2012 Prof. Ibrahim Abu Reesh Dr. Hazim Qiblawey Seminar on “Greywater treatment and modeling in a submerged membrane sequencing batch reactor” on 16 Nov 2011 Trip to QP refinery with students on 3 May 2012 Seminar on “Air Conditioning Condensate and Greywater Reuse” on 28 March 2012. Participant in Qatar University Research Forum: Toward a Knowledge-Based Economy Presentation in 8th Meeting of the GPC Technical Advisory Committee Chair and advisory board committee of GCC Power and Water Desalination Summit 2011 in Doha Talk and member of EU-GCC clean Energy Network in Energy Efficiency & CCS in Doha Presentation in “American Ecological Engineering Society Conference (AEES) – 2011” USA Presentation in “Desalination for the Environment conference : Clean Water and Energy- 2012” Barcelona – Spain Membership in European Desalination Society (EDS) Membership in American Ecological Engineering Society (AEES) Short course: Heat Exchanger: Operation, maintenance and troubleshooting Doha- Qatar. 28 – 31 May 2012. organized by Horizon Services 84 Faculty name Dr. Majeda Khraisheh Faculty Activities Workshop on “meaningful assessment of program outcomes and rubric development: examples from chemical engineering courses” on 19 Oct 2011 Workshop on report writing in Nov 2011. Trip to Qatar Gas with students on 21 Dec 2011. OFID days workshop by Dr. Majeda Khraisheh from 5-7 Feb 12 Seminar "Photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to C-based fuels" by Dr. Tang, T. (ICL) organized by Dr. Majeda on 4 April 2012 Trip to QVC with students on 5 April 2012. Trip to QVC with students on 5 April 2012. Trip to QAPCO March 2012 Trip to QAFAC April 2012 Seminar For Exxon Mobile on waste minimization November 2011 Seminar on Design Teaching for Department of Electrical Engineering Spring 2012 Winner of Best paper Presentation, Gas Symposium Attended the thermal desalination workshop at QSTP on 20 Mar 12 Winning Outstanding Teaching award Sept 2011 Leading a team of students to take part in Environmental Public Speaking Competition in Dubai November 2011 Industrial Visit to Ras Abu Fantas with research team Dec. 2011 Cosmo Oil training course- Japan Feb 2012 Presentation in a conference: March 2012, IEEE Engineering Education Design, SANTA Clara, USA Presentation: Life cycle assessment of GTL, March 2012, Gas Symposium, Doha Presentation in a conference: Solar to fuel March 2012, Gas Symposium Presentation in Conference: Water Desalination Conference, Barcelona, Spain 27 April 2012 Visit to QWEC 20 June 2012 Presentation in conference: GTL impacts, Seattle, USA, 12 July 2012 Attendance of two training courses on Honors program evaluation and assessment, 15-13 July, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 85 G. Students’ Activities ChE Faculty – Student Gathering: on 27 Oct 2011 for male students and 3 Nov 2011 for female students. Qatar foundation research forum: from 20 to 23 Nov 2011 The following students gave an oral presentation on their UREP projects: Maryam Hamidani, Yehia Menawi. Maryam Hamidani won the best oral presentation. Dubai environment competition: from 20 to 23 Nov 2011 Student team: Mohammad Alkhasib, Mohammad Taha, Ahmad Fard Participation of ChE Students in 20th World Petroleum Congress: from 4 to 8 Dec 2011 Hamad Al-Buainain, Jaber Al-Neama, Amro Kasht, Md.Ariful Azam, Mustafa Ghoul, Hagar Kenawi. Students were recruited as delegate assistants to guide people in the congress to the various locations. Student Society Election: on 27 & 28 Feb 2012. Participation of ChE students in the Think Plastic awareness forum: on 1 March Maryam Mohammed Almesaifri, Fatima Fathi Nabhan, Hamad Khamees Al-Buainain, Jaber Ahmad Al-Neama Participation of ChE students in the 3rd international gas symposium: on 5 - 7 March Mustafa Al-Ghoul, Haneen Abdelrazeq, Mohammed Shurair, Heba Alla Magdy Iman Madhoun, Sarra Kawther, Sara Iyad, Fadi Elsaid, Noura Dawass, Elaf Atfe, Mohammed Al Mahrizi, Noura Elshrbajy, Abeer Issa, Amro Alaaeldin Behis, Narimane Belloula, Zahra Omar Ahmed, Samar Hamza, Fahd Moustafa, Sahar Roshdi, Fatima Fathi Nabhan, Nabila Adam Abdi, Neima Houssein Doualeh, Khalid Saleh Drar, Amira Nemmour, Aya Adel Moussa, Mohammad Al-khasib Female ChE gathering – seniors vs. students: on 26 April 2012 Organized by the Chemical Engineering Society Photography workshop: on 26 April 2012 Organized by the Chemical Engineering Society 86 Participation of ChE students in the POCE conference: from 14 to 16 May Haneen Saeed Hasan, Mohanad Shehada, Hussein Mohamed Sadan, Abdelrahman Tariq Abdelrahman, Dina Tarek, Basma Mustafa, Nafis Mahmud, Mohammed Nabeel, Jaber AlNeama, Khalid Abdallah AbouMaali, Roghayeh Yousef Dejan, Aeman Aljumaily, Khalid Saleh Drar, Mohammad Saad Khan, Mohamed Adel Hussen, Awab Saifaldawla Elkhidir, Nada Aldahdouh, Sahar Alzouqri, Mays Said Abdulrahman, Mustafa Ghoul Dr. Abdulreda Al Sayegh farewell: on 29 May 2012 Organized by ChES in collaboration with Students Matters Committee Plant Design Competition Winners: on 13 June 2012 (Overall design): Nabila Adam Abdi, Fatima Fathi Nabhan, Maryam Mohammed, Jomana Mohamed El Madad (Presentation – female): Maimona Abdullah Alsadi, Noor Hassan Riad, Elham Bassam Hammad, Belqes Ahmed Alsadi (Presentation – male): Mohammad Taha, Mohammad Al Khasib, Abdelkader Al Khouzam, Amro Khasht Senior Project Poster Competition Winners: on 13 June 2012 Aida Rafat, Samar Emam, and Neima Doualeh Industrial Visits with students: Trip to Shell: o Dr. Mohammed Al-Marri, November 24, 2011. o Dr. Farid Benyahia on 23 Feb 2012 Trip to QAPCO, Dr. Farid Benyahia, November 24, 2011. Trip to QVC: o by Dr. Mohammed Al-Marri, November 24, 2011. o by Dr. Majeda Khraisheh , 5 April 2012 by o by Dr. Mohamed Ali Saleh 31 May 2012 Trip to Dolphine Energy, Dr. Abdulreda Al-Sayegh, December 1, 2011. Trip to Total-QSTP, Dr. Farid Benyahia on 31 Jan 2012 Trip to Maersk oil, Dr. Farid Benyahia, December 13, 2011 and 16 Feb 2012. Trip to Maersk oil, Dr. Farid Benyahia, December 13, 2011 and 16 Feb 2012. Trip to OryxGTL by Dr. Farid Benyahi on 10 April 2012 87 Trip to Qatar Gas, o by Dr. Mert atilhan, December 1, 2011; and 9 Apil 2012 o by Dr. Majeda Khraisheh on 21 Dec 2011. Trip to QChem, o by Dr. Fadwa Eljack on 25 Dec 2011 o - by Dr. Farid Benyahia 8 April 2012 Trip to QP refinery by Dr. Ibrahim Abureesh on 3 May 2012 88 Department of Computer Science and Engineering 89 A. Executive Summary The Department of Computer Science and Engineering team has been very aggressive in pursuing opportunities and excelling on many fronts. Our students have consistently, over the past few years, been recognized at the local, regional and international levels. For example, this year our students won the Microsoft Imagine Cup country finals and they will Represent Qatar globally in the Qutaibah M. Malluhi, PhD competition finals in Sydney. They have been selected among 4 Head, Department of Computer projects worldwide for press coverage about their project in New Science and Engineering York. Our students also won the first place in the fifth engineering students gathering at Sultan Qaboos University and were the runner up winners of the “Create an App” competition during Platform Doha Expo, 2012. They have also won the Special International Prize, Art & Technology Tohoku Competition, Japan, 2011. Our faculty team is a distinguished one. During this year, we had published about 90 research papers and have over 100 million Qatari Riyals of funding to support innovative ongoing research projects. Our faculty and staff have been active in serving the community and providing professional support to external organizations. During the current year, the department has had several successful community engagements including, organizing the fifth Qatar University Computing Contest for high school students, hosting the Platform Doha 2012 gaming and game design expo, establishing social network channels to enhance communication with students and faculty, and establishing the KINDI laboratory for computing research. Table A1: Summary 2011-2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty Lecturers Teaching Assistant Support Staff Total On-Study Leave 23 5 7 2 4 6 90 Undergraduate Program Enrolment CS : Male Female Enrolment CE : Female Graduates: Total number of registration: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 48 39 96 90 127 114 47 39 318 282 Graduate Program Thesis Completed 6 Research Research Project 2011-2012 UREP 3 NPRP 34 University Internal Students’ Grants 2 Publications Refereed Journal Papers 2011-2012 Book Chapters 2011-2012 Conference Papers 2011-2012 Journal Papers of Faculty with Students Conference Papers of Faculty with Students 62 2 69 4 9 Other Activities Faculty Consultancy Awards Students Activities Competitions Awards 2 13 1 5 91 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Faculty Name Qutaibah Malluhi Rank/Position Professor of Computer Engineering and Head of CSE Department Area of Specialization Storage Networking Computer Networks High-Performance Computing Cloud Computing Appointment Year 2005 92 Faculty Name Area of Specialization Appointment Year Professor of Computer Science Information Engineering Verified Software, Fault tolerance and Automatic testing Alerting Systems for real life applications Formal Concept Analysis Relations Methods in Computer Science 2000 Hasan Krad Professor of Computer Science Digital Circuit Design Computer Architecture Hardware Verification Parallel Processing 2004 Jihad Mohamad Al-Ja’am Professor of Computer Science Soft Computing, Optimization, Intelligent Algorithms, Information Retrieval and Engineering, Logic 1997 Professor of Computer Science Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Using semantic web technologies to better represent product data during the whole lifecycle of the product. Geometric Modeling: Studying the properties of algebraic surfaces (Dupin cyclides, and supershapes) and their use for 3D shapes representation and 3D reconstruction. Algorithms and Applications of Geometric Constraints: Formulation and solving of systems of constraints in geometric modeling. 2009 Ali Al-Jaoua Sebti Foufou Rank/Position 93 Faculty Name Abdelkarim Erradi Ahmad Hasnah Adel Cherif Amr Mohamed Khaled Khan Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Assistant Professor of Computer Science Cloud Computing particularly management and interoperability aspects Software Composition for Distributed Systems Software engineering of manageable and autonomic computing systems Policy-based management of Middleware systems particularly Web Services Web service technologies (WS-*, REST, Mashups, Cloud Services) 2009 Information Retrieval Natural Language Processing Graph Theory Fault Tolerant Computing Wireless Computing Assistant Professor Mobile Agent Systems Education Wireless Ad hoc sensor networks Resource optimization in wired and wireless networks Multimedia delivery over heterogeneous wireless networks Assistant Professor of Video streaming and multicast over Computer Engineering packet networks Distributed and cross layer optimization WDM optical Networks Secure Software Engineering Assistant Professor, Cloud Computing Security Graduate Program Healthcare Information systems Coordinator Software and Security Metrics Associate Professor of Computer Science 1996 2002 2007 2006 94 Faculty Name Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Khaled Shaban Assistant Professor of Computer Science Intelligent Systems Design Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining eLearning Systems Algorithms Design and Analysis Optimization and Operations Research 2008 Loay Ismail Multimedia Systems Assistant Professor of Digital Image Processing Computer Engineering Computer Architecture 2006 Image Processing Mohammad Assistant Professor of Neural Networks Al-Meer Computer Engineering Digital Signal Processing 2000 Mohammad Associate Professor of Saleh Computer Science Mustafa Performance Evaluation Using Modeling and Simulations of Adaptive Network Routing, Performance Optimization, and Scheduling. 2009 Associate Professor of Mohammad Computer Science, CS Samaka Program Coordinator m-Learning, PBL based e-Learning, Wireless Applications, Curriculum Development, Quality Assurance Issues. 2003 Osama Halabi Assistant Professor of Computer Science Osama Shata Associate Professor of Computer Science Haptic Interface and Interaction Virtual Reality Interactive Media Human Computer Interaction Computer Graphics and Laser Graphics Electronic Course Delivery. Multimedia Databases. Curriculum Development Distance Education – Technology and Instructional Design. 2010 2003 95 Faculty Name Rachid Hadjidj Rehab Duwairi Rank/Position Assistant Professor of Computer Science Associate Professor of Computer Science Area of Specialization Appointment Year Real Time Systems Modeling and Verification Hardware and Software Verification Automatic Verification and Model Checking Computer Security & Networking Computer Forensics & Data Mining 2009 Arabic Language Technologies: keyphrase extraction, root extraction and stemming, spelling correction, Arabic search engines, and multidialect speech translation. Data Mining: categorization (in particular for Arabic text), clustering, and association rules mining Interoperability of (Heterogeneous) Multi-databases (i.e. merging independently and autonomously designed databases into one coherent database (virtual merging in particular via views), and this involves, among many other issues, semantic heterogeneity detection and reconciliation techniques. 2007 2009 2004 Ryan Riley Assistant Professor of Computer Science Operating Systems Security Distributed Systems Education Wireless Communication Somaya AlMaadeed Assistant Professor of Computer Science Intelligent Document Management System for Automatic Writer Identification, Third NPRP Cycle. 96 Faculty Name Tarek Elfouly Uvais Qidwai Rank/Position Area of Specialization Includes but not limited to: Wireless Sensing Networks Intelligent Systems Network Security Mobile Applications Neural Networks Signal and Image Processing. Robotics. Assistant Professor of Machine Intelligence with applications Computer Engineering to industrial problems. Soft computing. Medical Informatics. Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, CE Program Coordinator Appointment Year 2004 2005 97 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department TA/Staff Name Moutaz Saleh Saleh Saleh Mohammad Alhazbi Sayed Ahmed Hussein ElSayed Role Area Of Interest Appointment Year Lecturer of Computer Science Computer Networks. Scheduling and Routing. Operating Systems. Data Communications. Distributed Systems. Real-Time Systems. Network Security. 2005 Lecturer of Computer Science Software Engineering 2002 Lecturer of Computer Science Software for Numerical Computations 2009 Amelle Bedair Lecturer of Computer Science Aws Yousif Al-Taie Lecturer of Computer Science Zeyad Ali Teaching Assistant of Computer Science Computer Architecture Micro Processor Applications Logic Design C++ Programming Assembly Language Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Hardware Description Language Field Programmable Gate Array Assembly Language Programming Unix System Programming Cisco (Routing & Switching) Digital Design Internet Applications Distributed Systems 2003 2002 2007 98 TA/Staff Name Role Ayman Ahmed Zayan Teaching Assistant of Computer Engineering Computer Networks. Network Security. Databases. 2000 Farah AlQawasmah Teaching Assistant of Computer Engineering Body Area Network 2010 Fatima Amire Hamza Teaching Assistant of Computer Engineering Networking (WMN) 2000 Khalid Ahmed Teaching Assistant of Abu Al-Saud Computer Engineering Computer Hardware Computer Network and Security Wireless Sensor Networks 1992 Sara Ahmed Khalili Teaching Assistant of Computer Engineering Semantic Web , IR 2002 Tahani Issa Al Mannai, Teaching Assistant of Computer Engineering Object Oriented Programming (JAVA) 1999 Area Of Interest Appointment Year 99 Department Committees Curriculum and Quality Committee Chair: Dr. Mohammad Samaka Members: Prof. Hasan Krad, Prof. Sebti Foufou, Dr. Tarek Elfouly, Dr. Osama Shata, Ms. Sara Khalili (Direct Assessment), Mrs. Rana Malhas(Indirect Assessment), Eng. Khalid Abulsaud (Textbooks) Graduate Program and Research Committee Chair: Dr. Khaled Khan Members: Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua, Prof. Hasan Krad, Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am, Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi, Prof. Sebti Foufou Faculty Recruitment Committee Chair: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Members: Prof. Sebti Foufou, Dr. Amr Mohamed, Dr. Uvais Qidwai, Dr. Khalid Khan Promotion Committee Chair: Prof. Hasan Krad Members: Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua, Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am Computing Contest Chair: Dr. Sayed Ahmad Hussein Members: Dr. Uvais Qidwai, Dr. Rehab Duwairi, Dr. Ryan Riley, Dr. Abdulkarim Erradi, Dr. Saleh Alhazbi, Mr. Aws Al-Taie, Dr. Moutaz Saleh, Mrs. Amelle Bedair Course Project Award Chair: Dr. Osama Halabi Members: Dr. Mohamad Saleh, Dr. Saleh Alhazbi, Dr. Moutaz Saleh, Mr. Zeyad Ali, Eng. Farah Alqawasmah Student Relations and Recruitment Chair: Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am Members: Dr. Rachid Hadjidj, Mrs. Amelle Bedair, Mr. Zeyad Ali, Mrs. Rana Malhas 100 C. Post Graduate Studies Doctor of Philosophy Student ID 201108047 199855054 Name Thesis Title Maan M Jalal Haj Rachid Jamela Nowar Al-Otaibi Not specified yet Not specified yet Principle Supervisor Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Thesis Starting Semester Status Fall 2011 Active Prof. Ali Jaoua Fall 2011 Active Master of Science in Computing Thesis Starting Semester Status - Spring 2012 Active Dr. Ryan Riley - Fall 2011 Active Dr. Khaled Shaban Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Fall 2011 Active Prof.Jihad Al-Ja’am - Fall 2011 Active Principle Supervisor CoSupervisor 200450064 Wahda Al-Marri Towards Building a Cloud Based Scientific Data Manager Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi 19890413 Moham med Tamimi Full Body Biometrics using kinect Student ID Name 200054034 Noora AlNaimi 199203672 Masoud Udi Mwinyi Thesis Title Develop Parallel Implementation of NGS Analysis Workflow Understanding Simple Stories Through Concepts Extraction and Multimedia Elements 101 Principle Supervisor CoSupervisor Thesis Starting Semester Status Maha Al henzab Simulation and Analysis of PACS Performance Over Wireless Networks Dr. Tarek Elfouly Dr. Mohamme d Samaka Fall 2011 Active 199562745 Fatima Hamza Experimental Evaluation of Video Delivery in Wireless Mesh Network Dr. Amr Mohamme d Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Fall 2011 Active 199660151 Sara Khalili Prof. Sebti Foufou - Fall 2011 Active 200258268 Fatima Shaban Prof. Ali Jaoua - Fall 2011 Active 200458124 Nour Nakhalah Dr. Ryan Riley - Fall 2011 Active Dr. Osama Halabi Prof. Sebti Foufou Fall 2011 Active Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi - Fall 2010 Active Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am - Spring 2011 Active Student ID 200255981 200457735 Name Sharmen Ibrahim 200458222 Nassama Mohands 200001587 Ali Al Yafeai Thesis Title Duplicate Data Detection in RDF and OWL Databases Design of Fault Tolerant Software in the Scope of the Verified Software Initiative A social Networking Based Approach to Sensor-Node Security Telerobotic Surgery : Generating Haptic Virtual Fixtures Using Depth Camera and Haptic Interface Cloud Computing for Document Similarity in Large Collections of Funding Agency Documents Hiding and Detecting Steganography Contents 102 Thesis Starting Semester Status - Spring 2011 Submitted Prof. Sebti Foufou - Spring 2011 Submitted Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi - Fall 2010 Completed Prof. Ali Jaoua - Fall 2010 Completed Khaled Alsaeed Towards an Alert Management System to Support Business Intelligence Systems Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am - Fall 2010 Completed Sahar ismail Incremental Information Management and Organization Based on a Domain Prof. Ali Jaoua - Spring 2011 Completed Student ID Name 200005085 Mahmoo d Elorfali 200900001 Tahani Abu Musa 200552799 Rawan Al Saad 200158280 Shikheh Ravan 200004613 200156689 Thesis Title Experimenting with Arabic Opinion Mining Ontology-based System for Diabetes Management Efficient Bioinformatics Using Map Reduce on QU Cloud Learning Approaches for Events Detection in a Text Principle Supervisor CoSupervisor Dr. Rehab Duwairi 103 D. Research Awarded Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Eleventh Cycle: Title: SpellingTutor: Towards m-Learning Platform for Learning Arabic Spelling and Vocabulary Primary faculty: Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi Students: Hind Ali Almerekhi, Sajeda Mahmood Nahia, Lubna Maymun Alkailani Grant amount (US$): 30,000 Duration: 2011-2012 Title: M-Learning for Training English at Workplace Primary faculty: Dr. Loay Ismail and Dr. Mohammad Samaka Students: Jalela Almuthana, Lubna Eliyan, Noof Alkubaisi, Nosayba Abu Abdullah, Razan Younes Grant amount (US$): Duration: 09.2011 to 07. 2012 Title: Mobile Augmented Reality for Pedestrian Navigation. Primary faculty: Dr. Osama Halabi Students: Huda Abdullateef Abu Abdullah ,Al-Maha Mohammad Al-Attiyh, Sumayia Salih Alkaladi Grant amount (US$): 30,000 Duration: 2011-2012 NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Fifth Cycle: Project number: NPRP 5-782-2-322 Project title: GAD: Green And Dense - Designing the New Wireless Access Network Investigator: Dr. Amr Mohamed. Sponsor: QNRF 104 Project number: NPRP 5-079-1-018 Project title: Adaptive Information Security: Relating Security Requirements to Design Investigator: Dr. Khaled Khan Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-782-2-322 Project title: GAD: Green And Dense - Designing the New Wireless Access Network Investigator: Dr. Amr Mohamed. Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-044-2-016 Project title: Asset Management for Power Transformers in Smart Grid Investigator: Dr. Khaled Shaban Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-137-2-045 Project Title: New Paradigms for Robust Cloud Networking Services Investigator: Dr. Khaled Shaban Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-051-1-015 Project title: PLATE: Problem-based Learning Authoring and Transformation Environment Investigator: Dr. Mohammed Samaka Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-559-2-227 Project title: Information Theory Enabled Secure Wireless Networking: Scaling Laws, Network Control, and Implementation Investigator: Dr. Tarek ELfouly Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 5-1345-1-228 Project title: Novel Prognostic Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer via Computerized Analysis of Highly Multiplexed Protein Fluorescence Image Data Investigator: Dr. Uvais Qidwai Sponsor: QNRF 105 Forth Cycle: Project number: NPRP 4 - 1454 - 1 - 233 Project title: BioCloud – Algorithms, Tools and Infrastructure for High-Performance NextGeneration Bioinformatics on the Cloud Investigators: PI: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi, LPI: Umit Catalyurek Grant amount (US$): 1,000,000 Duration: 04.2012-03.2015 Collaborative institute: Ohio State University and Nile University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4-1534-1-247 Project title: Scientific Data Management in the Cloud Investigator: LPI: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Grant amount (US$): 1,015,000 Duration: 04.2012-03.2015 Collaborative institute: Purdue University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4 - 1109 - 1 - 174 Project title: A Qatari Contribution to the Verified Software Initiative Investigators: LPI: Prof. Ali Al‐Jaoua, Co‐ PI: Dr. Mohamed Saleh Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 01.04.2012- 31.03.2015 Collaborative institute: New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA) ;Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4 - 1165 - 2 - 453 Project title: Advances in Biometrics via Narrowband Multispectral Imaging Investigators: Lead PI: Prof. Sebti Foufou, Co-LPI: Prof. Sebti Foufou, PI: Dr. Rachid Hadjij, and Monji Abidi, Co-PI: Andreas Koschan Grant amount (US$): 831,478.21 Duration: 01.01.2012- 01.01.2015 Collaborative institute: IRIS Lab., University of Tennessee, TN, USA Sponsor: QNRF 106 Project number: NPRP 4 - 1034 - 2 - 385 Project title: Optimal Sensing, Resource Allocation, and Protocol Design for Real-time Communications in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Investigators: Co-Lead-PI: Dr. Amr Mohamed, LPI: Marwan Krunz Grant amount (US$): 1,045,000 Duration: 2012-2015 Collaborative institute: University of Arizona Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4-1034-2-385 Project title: Wireless Sensor Networks for Video Surveillance Investigators: Co-Lead-PI: Dr. Amr Mohamed Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 2012-2015 Collaborative institute: University of British Columbia Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4 - 029 - 1 - 007 Project title: Establishing a Qatari Arabic-English Digital Library Institute Investigators: PI: Dr. Mohammad Samaka, LPI: Edward Fox, CSE CO-LPI:Prof. John Impagliazzo Grant amount (US$): 1,030,484 Duration: 01.04.2012-31.03.205 Collaborative institute: Virginia Tech, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University College Station Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 4 - 125 - 5 - 016 Project title: Using Mobile Technology for English Training in the Qatar Workplace Investigators: PI: Dr.Mohammad Samaka, LPIMohammad Ally, CSE CO-LPI:Prof. John Impagliazzo, & A.Abu-Dayya Grant amount (US$): 49,017 Duration: 01.04.2012-31.03.205 Collaborative institute: Athabasca University, Canada Sponsor: QNRF 107 Project number: NPRP 4 - 1593 - 1 - 260 Project title: VirtuallySafe: A Framework for Hypervisor Code and Data Integrity Investigators: LPI: Dr. Ryan Riley, CO-LPI: Dr. Ryan Riley Duration: 2012-2015 Collaborative institute: Carnegie Mellon University Qatar (Doha, Qatar) , Binghamton University (Binghamton, NY USA) Sponsor: QNRF Third Cycle: Project number: NPRP 09 - 622 - 1 - 090 Project title: Trusted Computation-Intensive Services in Cloud Computing Environments Investigators: LPI : Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 11.2010 – 11.2013 Collaborative institute: Purdue University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 256 - 1 - 046 Project title: Managing Private Data in The Cloud Investigators: CO-LPI: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 11.2010 – 11.2013 Collaborative institute: Purdue University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 1116 - 1 - 172 Project title: Qloud: Towards a Cloud Computing Infrastructure in Qatar to Target Regional Scientific Applications Investigators: CO-PI Name: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Grant amount (US$): 1,000,000 Duration: 11.2010 – 11.2013 Collaborative institute: Carnegie Mellon University / Qatar University / Texas A&M University – Qatar Sponsor: QNRF 108 Project number: NPRP 09 - 052 - 5 - 003 Project title: Towards a Tutorial Based System to Assist Qatari Children with Mild Intellectual and Learning Disabilities Investigators: LPI: Prof. Jihad Mohamad Al-Ja’am, CO-PI: Dr Somaya Al’Maadeed, CO-PI: Prof. Ali Jaoua Grant amount (US$): 987,000 Duration: 15.12.2010- 14.12.2013 Collaborative institute: University of Ottawa, Canada Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 906 - 1 - 137 Project title: Design and implementation of a new geometric constraint solver based on Bernstein Polytopes Investigators: LPI: Prof. Sebti Foufou Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: Université de Bourgogne Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 778 - 2 - 299 Project title: Fault-Adaptive Performance Management of Enterprise Computing Systems Investigators: CO-LPI: Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi, Co-PI: Dr Rashid Hadjidj Grant amount (US$): 816,000 Duration: 01.01.2010 – 01.01.2013 Collaborative institute: Mississippi State University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 310 - 1 - 058 Project title: Innovative framework for scalable signal processing and power-efficient communication in healthcare wireless body area sensor networks Investigators: LPI: Dr. Amr Mohamed, CO-PI: Dr. Khaled Shaban Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: University of British Columbia, Canada Sponsor: QNRF 109 Project number: NPRP 09 - 079 - 1 - 013 Project title: An answer set programming approach for specification and verification of distributed authorizations in complex environments Investigators: LPI Name: Dr. Khaled Khan Grant amount (US$): 722,726 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: University of Western Sydney Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 069 - 1 - 009 Project title: Security Assurance for Service-Oriented Software Systems Investigators: LPI: Dr. Khaled Khan CO-PI: Dr Abdelkarim Erradi, Dr. Saleh Al-Hazbi Grant amount (US$): 576,934 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: Swinburne University of Technology Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 1205 - 2 - 470 Project title: International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering Investigators: CO-LEAD PI: Dr Osama Shata, CO-PI : Dr Abdelkarim El-Radhi Grant amount (US$): 903,500 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: Ahmed Bin Mohamed Military College - Qatar / Arab Academy For Science & Technology / West Virginia University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 410 - 1 - 069 Project title: Multi-dialect phrase-based speech recognition and machine translation for Qatari broadcast TV Investigators: CO-PI: Dr. Rehab Duwairi, CO-Lead PI: Dr. Eiman Mustafawi, Colleage of Art and Science Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 11. 2010 – 10.2013 Collaborative institute: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (LPI) Sponsor: QNRF 110 Project number: NPRP 09 - 864 - 1 - 128 Project title: Intelligent Document Management System for Automatic Writer Identification Investigators: LPI: Dr. Somaya Al-Ma'adeed , Co-PI: Prof. Ali Jaoua, Co-PI: Prof. Jihad Al’Jaam grant amount (US$): 780,920.75 Duration: 01.12. 2010 – 30.11.2013 Collaborative institute: Northumbria University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 09 - 1150 - 2 - 448 Project title: Network & Service Security using Social Networking Investigators: CO-LPI Dr. Tarek ElFouly Grant Amount (US$): 1,000,000 Duration: 01.12. 2010 – 01.12.2013 Collaborative institute: Imperial College London Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 08-277-2-092 Project title: Towards a Wearable and WBAN-based Health Monitoring and Automatic Diagnosis System for Low-cost Personal Healthcare in Qatar. Investigators: Co-Lead PI: Dr. Uvais Qidwai Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 01.09. 2010 – 31.08.2013 Collaborative institute: National University of Singapore Sponsor: QNRF Second Cycle: Project number: NPRP 08 - 583 - 1 - 101 project title: Financial Watch Investigators: Prof. Ali Jaoua, Co-LPI: Prof. Jihad Al’Jaam Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 01.09.2009- 31.08.2012 Collaborative institute: Commissariat of Atomic Energy, LIST CEA-LIST (France) Sponsor: QNRF 111 Project number: NPRP 08 - 374 - 2 - 144 Project title: Wireless Mesh Networking: Experimental Testbed-based Studies of Radio Access, Routing, and Network Resource Allocation Investigators: Dr. Amr Mohamed Grant amount (US$): 1,050,00 Duration: 2008-2011 Collaborative institute: Purdue University Sponsor: QNRF Project number: NPRP 08 - 276 - 2 - 091 project title: Innovative Robot for NDT Applications in LNG/LPG Tank Floor Inspection Investigators: Dr. Uvais Qidwai, Grant amount (US$): 1,050,000 Duration: 2008-2011 Collaborative institute: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sponsor: QNRF Internal Grants Title: Kinect Interface for Humanoid Robot for Teaching and Rehabilitation Applications Primary faculty: Dr. Uvais Qidwai Duration: 2012-2013 Title: Robotic Toy for Autistic Children Primary faculty: Dr. Uvais Qidwai Duration: 2012-2013 112 E. Publications Refereed Journal Papers Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua Co Author, Information Sciences, Elsevier, Impact Factor=2.8 , Volume no: 188, Pages: 198-214, Elsevier, Published, Print, 04.2012, Formal Context Coverage Based on Isolated Labels: An efficient Solution for Text Feature Extraction, F. Ferjani, S.Elloumi, A.Jaoua, S. Ben Yahia, S. Ismail, S.A. Ravan, Published in the International Journal of Information Science. Main Author, New Mathematics and Natural Computing Journal (NMNC), USA, Accepted for publication, Print, 11.2012,Using Fringes for Minimal Binary Context Decomposition. Co Author, 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics Pages: 496-499, Poland, Published, Print, 11.2011, Using Cross-Language Information Retrieval for Machine Translation Co Author, Communications in Computer and Information Science (NDT 2012, Part I, CCIS 293) Volume 293, Springer Lecture Notes Series, Pages 23-32, 2012, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2012, (ISSN 1865-0929), (ISBN 978-3-642-30506-1), DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30507-8, Volume no: 293, Pages: 23-32, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Published, Print, 04.2012, Understanding Simple Stories through Concepts Extraction and Multimedia Elements. Co Author, In The Research Bulletin of The American Computing Machinery (Jordan ACM Professional Chapter: Design and Evaluation of Computer Software), Volume 11, Number 11, April 2012, Pages 135-141. (ISSN: 2078-7952), Volume no: 11, Pages no: 135-141 , Jordan ,Published, Print, 04.2012, Towards A Multimedia-Based Educational System for Children. 113 Prof. Hasan Krad Co Author, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Volume no: Vol. 1 (No. 3),Pages: 190-194, Singapore, Asia, Print, Published, 08.2011, TEACHING COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANIZATION USING SIMULATION AND FPGAs Main Author, Krad, H. AUTOMATED REASONING TECHNIQUES FOR SYSTEM CORRECTNESS VERIFICATION, The International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA), Volume no: Vol. 2 (No. 3), pp 423-431, 08. 2012 (ISSN: 2220-9085). Main Author, Krad, H. and A. Y. Fida El-Din, AUGMENTING COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE WITH FPGAS BASED LEARNING, the International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), Volume no: Vol. 4 (No. 4), pp 611-615, 08. 2012 (ISSN: 1793821X). Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am Main Author, International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, SPRINGER, (ISSN: 1380-7501, Print Version, Journal no. 11042, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-011-0768-3) ISSN (Print) 1573-7721 - ISSN (Online) 1380-7501 Volume no: 11042, Pages: 1?26, ,: Springer-Verlag Germany, Published, Print, 2011, March 2011, Research Article: RFID-Based Interactive Multimedia System for the Children. Main Author, Journal of Communication and Computer, ISSN 1548-7709 (Print Version), Number 7, July 2011, David Publishing, USA. (ISSN 1548-7709), Volume no: 8, Pages: 536-544, USA, Published, Print, 11.2011, The Qatari Environment Friendly Web Portal. Main Author, The Research Bulletin of The American Computing Machinery (Jordan ACM Professional Chapter: Design and Evaluation of Computer Software) (ISSN: 2078-7952), Volume 11, Number 11, 135-141, ACM Jordan Professional chapter, Published, Print, Research Month 4, Towards A Multimedia-Based Educational System for Children. Main Author, Communications in Computer and Information Science - CCIS 293. Springer Lecture Notes Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Volume 293,Pages: 23-32 114 ,Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2012,4,2012, Understanding Simple Stories through Concepts Extraction and Multimedia Elements. Main Author, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET, ISSN: 1863-0383), Volume 6, Issue S2, Pages 11-19, May 2011, Austria,, , Vol. no: 11-19, Pages: 11-19, Austeria, Published, Print, 05.2012. An Assistive Computerized System with Tangible User Interfaces for Children with Moderate Intellectual and Learning Disabilities. Main Author: The IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (An International Journal) (ISSN: 0018-9456, Impact Factors (2010): 1.098),, Published by: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, 0018-9456/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE, Pages 1-9, USA, Published, Print, 05.2012, A Tele-Rehabilitation Wobble Board for Lower Extremity Therapy. Co Author, New Mathematics and Natural Computation (An International Journal- Society of Mathematics Uncertainty), World Scientific Publisher, (Print ISSN: 1793-0057), May 2012,,, Volume 7, Number 1,Pages: null, Place of Pub: Using Fringes for Minimal Conceptual Decomposition of Formal Contexts, Published, Print, 05.2012, Using Fringes for Minimal Conceptual Decomposition of Formal Contexts. Prof. Sebti Foufou Co Author, Computer Aided Design, Elsevier, Vol no: 44, Pages: 575?590, Computer Aided Design, Elsevier, Published, Print, 06.2012, OntoSTEP: Enriching product model data using ontologies. Raphael Barbau, Sylvere Krima, Xenia Fiorentini, Sudarsan Rachuri, Anantha Narayanan, Sebti Foufou, Ram D Sriram. Co Author, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier., Vol no: 44, Vol no: 44, Pages: 18-29, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier, Published, Print, 01.2012, Polytope-based computation of polynomial ranges. Christoph FÜNFZIG, Dominique MICHELUCCI, Sebti FOUFOU. , v.29, pp 18-29, Elsevier, 2012. Co Author, International Journal of computer vision and image processing, vol no: 1, Pages: 5257,, 115 Published, Online, 08.2011, Construction of 3D Triangles on Dupin Cyclides?, Bertrand BELBIS, Lionel GARNIER, and Sebti FOUFOU. Main Author, Information and computations, Elsevier, Vol no: 216, Pages: 24-38, Information and computations, Elsevier, Published, Print, 05.2012, Interrogating Witnesses for Geometric Constraint Solving. Sebti FOUFOU, Dominique MICHELUCCI Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi Co Author, Summer School on Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems Design, University of Twente, Netherlands, Accepted for publication, Online, 07.2012, S. Abdelwahed, A. Erradi, "A Model-based Framework for Automatic Failure Recovery in Distributed Computing Systems", Summer School on Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems Design organized by Design Support and Tooling for Embedded Control Software (DESTECS), University of Twente, Netherlands, July 2012. Co Author, Journal of Systems and Software, USA, Accepted for publication, Online, 08.2012, Ali Ouni, Marouane Kessentini, Abdelkarim Erradi, Osama Shata, Mohamed Salah Hamdi and Walid AbdelMoez, Defects Correction Using Multi-Objective Optimization, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, July 2012. Co Author, Kessentini, M., Kessentini, W., and Erradi, A. (2012) ‘Example-based Design Defects Detection and Correction’, Automated Software Engineering Journal, Springer (to appear). Dr. Amr Mohamed Co Author, IEEE technology and engineering education journal, vol no: 6, Pages: 28-35, USA, Published, online,12.2011, Assistive Technology for People with Hearing/Speaking Disabilities. Main Author, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Volume no: 2, Pages: 509-513, Canada, Print, Published, 10.2011,Performance Comparison of Two Dynamic Routing Protocols: RIP and OSPF 116 Main Author, Journal of Computer Science, Vol no : 8, Pages: 121-132, USA, Published, Print, 01.2012, Wireless body area sensor networks signal processing and communication framework: survey on sensing, communication technologies, delivery and feedback. Main Author, The 2012 world congress of computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing, Las Vegas, USA, Accepted for Publication, Print, 07.2012, Deploying and Configuring Wireless Mesh Network in Coexistence of Highly Interfering Wireless LANs Dr. Khaled Khan Main Author , International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, Volume no: 1(2), Pages: 3556, USA, Published, Print, 04,.2010, Tool Support for Secure Software Integration. Co Author, International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, Volume no: 2, Pages: 65-76, PA, USA, Pub, Print, 06.2011, Secure Information System Using Modal Logic Technique Main Author, IEEE IT Professional, Volume no: 12(5), Pages: 20-26, USA, Published, Print, 09.2010, Establishing Trust in Cloud Computing. Main Author, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, Volume no:: 82,Pges: 232-236, Berlin, Published, Print, 02.2012, Profile Based Security Assurances for Service Software Main Author, International Journal of Software Engineering, Volume no: 3(1), Pages: 3-28, Cairo Dr. Mohammad Al-Meer Single Author , Journal of emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol.3, No. 4, April 2012., Vol. 3, No. 4, Pages: 637-644, Canada, Published, Print, 04.2012, "Cloud Hadoop MapReduce for Remote Sensing Image analysis" Single Author , International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. ISSN 2250-2459. Vol. 2, Issue 5., published in 20 May 2012., Vol. 2, Issue 5, pages: 1-8, place of Pub: India, Accepted for publication, online, 05.2012, "Vegetation Extraction from Free Google Earth Images of Deserts Using BPNN Approach in HSV Space" 117 Dr. Osama Halabi Main Author, NICOGRAPH International 2012, Bali, Indonesia, Accepted for publication, Print, 07.2012, Navigation Aid for Blind People Using Depth Information and Augmented Reality Technology Co Author, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, , Volume no:1 0, No 4, Pages: 234-240, The Society for Art and Science, Published, online, 12.2011, Enhancing 3D Scenes Using a Laser Projector in Real-time. Main Author, International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART), Volume no: 4, No 4, Pages: 373-391, Inderscience Publishers, Print, Published, 12.2011, SpiroRasLaser:An Interactive Visual Art System Using Hybrid Raster-Laser Projection Co Author, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Volume no: 10, No 4, Pages: 263-275, The Society for Art and Science, Published, online, 12.2011, Real-time Rendering of Virtualviewpoint Images from Multi-view Camera Images Using Projection Mapping. Dr. Osama Shata Co Author, The Communications of the Arab Computer Society, Volume no: 4 no. 2, Published, online, 12.2011, The International Center of Excellence in Software Engineering. Dr. Rachid Hadijdj Main Author, IEEE Transaction On Computers, Volume no: 60, Pages: 1085-1099, Qatar, Published, Print, 08.2011, Efficient reachability analysis for time Petri nets. Hadjidj, R. and Boucheneb, H. Model checking Zenoness for time Petri nets. Theoretical Computer Science ,Submitted. Hadjidj, R. and Boucheneb, H. Adapting TCTL model checking for Zenon time Petri nets. IEEE Transaction on Computers, Submitted. 118 Hadjidj Belhi, D. Hadjidj, R. and Drias, H. and Boucheneb, H. A Novel Guided Local Search Approach for the Examination Timetabling Problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Submitted. Dr. Rehab Duwairi Main Author, International Arab Journal for Information Technology (IAJIT), Volume no: 8, Pages: 251-258, Jordan, Published, Print, 11.2011, Rehab Duwairi, Rania Al-Zubaidi, "A Hierarchical K-NN Classifier for Textual Data". Main Author, Journal of Informetrics, Germany, Inprocess, Print, 12.2012, A Framework for Sentiment Analysis in Arabic Text Reviewer, IAJIT, Jordan, Inprocess, Print, 12.2012, Incorporating Weightage Calculation into the Naïve Bayes Classifier Based Two Dimensional Attributes for Classification Reviewer, CCIS-KSU, SA, In process, Print,12.2012, Controlling Randomized Quizzes by Infusing them with Non-randomly Selected Question Sets. Main Author, JASIST, US, In process, Print, 12.2012, Shihab: A Domain Independent keyphrase Extraction Algorithm for Arabic Documents Dr. Somaya Al-Ma'adeed Main Author, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 179693, 11 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/179693 , Pages: 1, USA ,Pub, Print, 04.2012, A new ChaosBased Image-Encryption and Compression Algorithm Main Author, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 794106, 8 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/794106, USA,02.2012, Text-Dependent Writer Identification for Arabic Handwriting Co Author, Springer- Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 5 November 2011, USA, Published, online, 11.2012, An improved palmprint recognition system using iris features, 119 Editor, International Arab Journal of e-Technology, Arab Open University – Jordan, Published, Print, 10.2012, International Arab Journal of e-Technology Editor, Recent Advances of Media Security: Algorithms and a Special Issue of the Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume no: 12 (12), USA, Published, Online, 04.2012, Recent Advances of Media Security: Algorithms and Implementations Co Author, Machine Vision and Applications, 22 (5). pp. 865-878. ISSN 0932-8092, Volume no: 22, Pages: 865-878, USA, Published, Print, 09.2012, Round-Robin sequential forward selection algorithm for prostate cancer classification and diagnosis using multispectral imagery. Bouatmane, Sabrina, Roula, M. A., Bouridane, Ahmed and Al-Maadeed, Somaya (2011). Co Author, Materials and Design, Volume: Elsevier , USA, Accepted for publication, Print,05.2012, Characterization of Untreated and Treated Male and Female Date Palm Leaves Materials and Design Co Author, Elsevier Digital Signal processing Journal, USA, Accepted for publication, Print, 05.2012, Enhancing face recognition using directional filter bank. Main Author, Proceedings of ICITSM '12, UAE, Published, Print, 03.2012, Introducing Programming to Undergraduate Students through Active Learning Approach Dr. Tarek Elfouly Co Author, IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, Volume no: 6, No 4,Pages: 28-35, USA, Published, online,12.2011, Sara Jamal Qaffaf, Rouda Al-kuwari, Ohood Al-amoudi, Nada Al-Oraidi, Heba Dawood, Muneera Al-Marri, Tarek El-Fouly, Amr Mohamed, ?Assistive Technology for People with Hearing/Speaking Disabilities? Co Author, To be decided, Pages: 52-57, ,Canada, Published, online,06.2012, Construction of 3D Triangles on Dupin Cyclides?, Bertrand BELBIS, Lionel GARNIER, and Sebti FOUFOU. 120 Dr. Uvais Qidwai Main Author, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, USA, Volume no:1, pages: 307316, USA, Published, Print, 12.2011, Blind deconvolution and Retinal abnormality detection in blurred retinal images. Main Author, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Vol no: 22, Pages: 1307-1311, Place of Pub: USA, Published, Print, 07.2011, Cranial Reconstruction After Decompressive Craniectomy: Prediction of Complications Using Fuzzy Logic. Main Author, International Journal of Computer Information Systems & Industrial Management Applications, Qidwai, U., and Shakir, M., “Filter Bank Approach to Critical Cardiac Abnormalities Detection using ECG data under Fuzzy Classification”, accepted for publication in International Journal of Computer Information Systems & Industrial Management Applications (ISSN: 21507988), July 2012. Book Chapters Khaled Khan and Qutaibah Malluhi, Co Author, Scalable Computing and Communications: Theory and Practice, Accepted for publication, Print, Wiley, 30.05.2012 Somaya Al-Ma'adeed, Co Author, Title: Prostate Cancer - Original Scientific Reports and Case Studies, ISBN: 978-953-307-342-2 ,Published, Print, 30.05.2012, Croatia Conference Papers Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua Co Author, 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, May 2-3, 2012, Rabat, Morocco, Accepted for Publication, Print, 05.2012, Feature Extraction Based on Isolated Labels: Application for Automatic News Categorization. 121 Co Author, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum- 2011, Pages: 260-261, Qatar, Published, Print, 10.2011, Minimal Generators Based Algorithm for Text Features Extraction: A more efficient and large scale approach Co Author, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum(Oral presentation),Pages: 239-240, Qatar, Print, Published,10.2011, An Arabic-Based Tutorial System for Children with Special Needs(Oral presentation). Co Author, 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ISBN: 978-07695-4520-2 ISSN: 1520-5363, Pages: 1470-1474, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, Published, Online, 09.2011, The ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest Co Author, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Pages: 291-292, Qatar, Published, Print, 11.2011, News Alerts Trigger System to Support Business Owners Co Author, 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, May 2-3, 2012, Rabat, Morocco, Rabat-Morocco , Accepted for publication, Print, 05.2012,Using a Statistical Language Model Combined with a Cross-Language Search Engine for English-Arabic Machine Translation. Co Author, In Proceedings of The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT-2011), 12th Cycle Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 11-14, 2011, Pages 87-93, ,Pages: 87-93, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), Published, Print,12.2011,An Assistive Computerized System for Managing and Educating Children with Moderate and Mild Intellectual Disabilities at Shafallah Center in The State of Qatar. Co Author, In Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Information Technology, SPIT 2011, Track-1: International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication AIT 2011,, (Springer-Verlag, LNICST), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 01, 02, 2011, Pages 1-5, 2011. Pages: 1-5, Netherlands, Published, Print, 12.2012 ,An Arabic-Based Tutorial System for Children with Special Needs. 122 Main Author ,Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, (Oral Presentation), Pages: 288-289, Qatar, Published, Print, 10.2011, Conceptual Weighted Feature Extraction and Support Vector Model: A Good Combination for Text Categorization. Co Author, In Proceedings of The International Conference on Human Computer Interaction & Learning Technologies, ICHCILT?2012, (ISSN: 2091-0266), Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 30-31, 2012, Pages 20-27. , Volume no: ISSN:2091-0266 , Pages no: 20-27 , AbuDhabi , Published, Print, 03.2012, An Assistive Tutoring System for Teachers and Students with Intellectual Challenges. Prof. Hasan Krad Co Author, 2011 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2011), Chengdu, China, Published, Print, 06.2011, ENHANCING CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE FOR COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION WITH FPGAs Main Author, The 4th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO-2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Published, Print, 04.2011, FORMAL METHODS AND AUTOMATION FOR SYSTEM VERIFICATION Main Author, The International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA 2012), Malaysia, Accepted for Publication, Print, 06. 2012, Theorem Proving Techniques for Formal System Verification. Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am Main Author, Proceedings of The International Conference on Human Computer Interaction & Learning Technologies, ICHCILT?2012, (ISSN: 2091-0266), Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 30-31, 2012, Pages 20-27., Pages 20-27, UAE, Published, Print,3.2012,An Assistive Tutoring System for Teachers and Students with Intellectual Challenges. Co Author, Proceedings of The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT 2011), 12th Cycle - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 11-14, 2011, Pages 87-93,, Pages: 87-93, Saudi Arabia, Published, Print, 02.2011, An Assistive Computerized System for Managing and Educating Children with Moderate and Mild Intellectual Disabilities at Shafallah Center in The State of Qatar. 123 Co Author, The 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR?2011, Beijing, China, September 18-21, 2011.,, Pages: 1-6, China, Published, Print, 09.2011, ?The ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest? Main Author, Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2011, International Conference), Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education , Pages: 226?230, Austria, Published, Print ,04,2011,An Assistive Computerized System for Children with Moderate Intellectual and Learning Disabilities? Co Author, Proceedings of The International Joint Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Information Technology, SPIT 2011, Track-1: International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication - AIT 2011,, (Springer-Verlag, LNICST), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 01, 02, 2011, Pages 1-5, 2011. Pages: 1-5, Amsterdam, Published, Print, 12.2012, An Arabic-Based Tutorial System for Children with Special Needs. Co Author, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurement and Applications (MeMeA), May 2011, Italy , , Pages: 366-369, Published, Print, Italy, 05.2011, E-Wobble: An Electronic Wobble Board for Ankle and Toe Rehabilitation Co Author, Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, IEEEICME?2011, July 11-15, 2011, Barcelona, Spain (Main Conference). _137.html Pages 1-6, 2011 Vol no: DOI: 10.1109/ICME.2011.6011852, Pages: 1-6, Spain, Published, Print, 07.2011, LearnPads: A Mathematical Exergraming System for Children?s Physical and Mental Well-Being 124 Co Author, 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, CITALA 2012, Pages: 91-99, Rabat, Morocco, May 2-3, 2012., Published, Print, 05. 2012, Feature Extraction Based on Isolated Labels: Application for Automatic News Categorization. Co Author, 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, , Graz, Austria, May 13-16, 2012., In Process, Print, 05. 2012, MeMaPads: Enhancing Children's Well-being Through a Physically Interactive Memory and Math Game. Co Author, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, CITALA 2012, Rabat, Morocco, (ISBN: 978-9954-9135-0-5) May 2-3, Pages: 91-99, Morocco, Published, Print, 05.2012, Feature Extraction Based on Isolated Labels: Application for Automatic News Categorization? Co Author, 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,, Graz, Austria, May 13-16, 2012., Graz, Austria, Accepted for publication, Print, 05.2012, MeMaPads: Enhancing Children's Well-being Through a Physically Interactive Memory and Math Game. Co Author, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognitions, ICFHR?2012, Bari, Italy, September 18-20, 2012,, Italy, Accepted for publication, Print,05.2012, A New Handwriting Dataset for Automatic Writer Identification Systems Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi Main Author, ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Security and Privacy Preserving in eSocieties (SeceS'11), Pages: 42-44, Beirut, Lebanon, Published, Print, 09.2011, Cloud Computing without Seeing. Prof. Sebti Foufou Co Author, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2011, ASME IDETC conference, Washington DC, Published, Print, 08.2011, DEXML: a first step toward a UML 125 based implementation framework for PLCS. Sylvere Krima, Roch Bertucat, Josh Lubell, Sudarsan Rachuri, Sebti Foufou. Co Author, Proceeding of the workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems, Pages: 8, PerMIS?12, University of Maryland. MD, USA, Published, Online, 03.2012, Performance Evaluation of Robotic Knowledge Representations Craig Schlenoff, Sebti Foufou, Steve Balakirsky. Co Author, PLM Conference 2012, Pages: 10, PLM Conference 2012, Montreal, CA, Accepted for publication, Print, 07.2012, Dynamic customization and validation of product data models using semantic web tools. Sylvere Krima1, Allison Barnard Feeney, Sebti Foufou, , Montreal, CA, July 911th, 2012. Khan, K., Malluhi, Q., "Identifying Contextual Properties of Software Architecture in Cloud Computing", Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, December 12-14, 2011, Sydney, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Calif. Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi Co Author, 8th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations'12), Al-Ain UAE, Accepted for publication, Online, 03.2012, Khan, K., Erradi, A., Alhazbi, S., Han, J., "Security Oriented Service Composition:A Framework", 8th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations'12), UAE, March 2012. Single Author, 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2012), Melbourne Australia, Accepted for publication, Online, 07.2012, A. Erradi, "easyCapstone: A Framework for Capstone Design Project Management and Assessment", 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2012), Melbourne Australia, July 2012. Single Author, IEEE International Conference of Information Technology and eServices (ICITeS 2012), Sousse Tunis, Accepted for publication, Online. 03.2012, A. Erradi, "Applying and evaluating architectural patterns on a Stock Trading case study", IEEE International Conference of Information Technology and eServices (ICITeS 2012), Sousse Tunis, March 2012. Co Author, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), Beijing China, Accepted for publication, Online, 06.2012, Khan, K., Erradi, A., Alhazbi, S., 126 Han, J., "Modeling Security Importance and Preferences of Software Services", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), Beijing China, 22-25, June 2012. Main Author, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12), Tangier Morocco, Accepted for publication, Online05.2012, A. Erradi, S. Nahia, H. Almerekhi, L. Al-kailani, ?ArabicTutor: a Multimedia m-Learning Platform for Learning Arabic Spelling and Vocabulary?, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'12), Tangier Morocco, May 2012 Dr. Amr Mohamed Main Author, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Volume no: 4,Pages: 487-494, USA, Print, Published,08.2011, Fairness Aware Group Proportional Frequency Domain Resource Allocation in L-SC-FDMA Based Uplink. Co Author , Zayed university undergrad research conference, Dubai, Published, Print, 03.2012, Real-time Device-Free Object Detection and Localization System Based on RSSI of Wireless Signals. Main Author , IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2012-Fall, Québec City, Canada ,Accepted for Publication, Print, 10.2012, Distributed Cooperative Q-learning for Power Allocation in Cognitive Femtocell Networks Main Author, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, France, Accepted for publication, Print, 04.2012, QUMESH: Wireless mesh network deployment and configuration in harsh environment Dr. Khaled Khan Co Author, ACM Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Security and Privacy Preserving in e-Societies(SeceS '11), Pages: 42-44, Place of Pub: USA, Pub, Print, 12.2011, Cloud Computing without Seeing. Main Author, 9th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques (SOMeT), Pages: 257-267, Japan, Published, Print, 09. 2010, Security-Aware Service Composition for End users of Small Enterprises 127 Main Author, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, 2012, = USA, Published, Print, 03.2012, Security Oriented Service Composition: A Framework, Volume no: 116, Pages: 51-57, Australia Co Author, Proceedings of the Australian Information Security Conference, Volume no: 116, Pages: 51-57, Australia, Published, Print, Main Author, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Pages: 561-568, USA, 12.2011 , Identifying Contextual Properties of Software Architecture in Cloud Computing Dr. Khaled Shaban Main Author, The Fourth Workshop on Data Mining Case Studies and Practice Prize (DMCS 2011) at IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011), Pages: 719-724, Vancouver, Canada, Print, Published, 11.2012, The 100 Most Influential Persons in History": A Data Mining Perspective. Co Author, The International Conference on Informatics Engineering and Information Science (ICIEIS2011), Part II, Communication in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Series of Springer LNCS, CCIS 252, Pages: 128-139, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Published, Print, 11.2011, Hybrid System for Disease Diagnosis System based on Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms Co Author, International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Accepted for publication, Print, 06.2012, Computer Aided Diagnosis System based on Machine Learning Techniques for Lung Cancer Co Author, 2012 IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (IEEE OFC/NFOEC2012), Los Angeles, California, Published, Print, 03.2012, Diverse Lightpath Protection against Correlated and Probabilistic Failures in Multi-Domain Optical Networks. Abdullah Kadri, Khaled Shaban, Elias Yaacoub and Adnan Abu-Dayya, “Air Quality Monitoring and Prediction System using Machine-to-Machine Platform,” the 19th International Conference 128 on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2012), Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012. (Accepted) Refat Atef Ghunem, Khaled Bashir Shaban, Ayman Hassan El-Hag, and Khaled Assaleh, "Towards Cost-effective Maintenance of Power Transformer by Accuretely Predicting its Insulation Condition," 2012 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (IEEE EPEC12), London, Ontario, Canada, October 10-12, 2012. (Accepted) Khaled Bashir Shaban, and Mahmoud Abdulwahed, "Research-based Learning in Computing Courses for Senior Engineering Students," The IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2012), Hong Kong, August 20-23, 2012. (Best Paper Award) Dr. Loay Ismail Co Author, A Web-based Platform for Mobile Service Delivery, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Web Technologies & Internet Applications (WebTech 2012), M. Samaka, J. Impagliazzo, L. Ismail, K. Aldos, F. Al-Saffar, and N. Hamed, pp. 76-81, Indonesia, Published, Print, 05.2012. Dr. Mohammad Samaka Main Author, INTED2012 (6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference),, volume number: , Pages: , Spain, Published, online, 03.2012, M-LEARNING FOR TRAINING ENGLISH AT WORKPLACE Main Author, 2nd Annual International Conference on Web Technologies & Internet Applications (WebTech 2012), Singapore, Accepted for publication, Print, 05.2012, A Web-based Platform for Mobile Service Delivery. A full paper Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Web Technology & Internet Applications WEBTEC 2012 7-8 May, 2012 Indonesia. 129 Dr. Osama Shata Single Author, The 12th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2011), Pages: 213-220, USA, Published, Print, 11.2011, A Crash Undergraduate Course in Global Software Engineering. Single Author, The 2012 International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2012), Accepted for publication, Online, 12.2012, Teaching Software Engineering: A Critical Path Method. Dr. Rachid Hadijdj Co Author, 4th International Workshop on Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software Certification, OpenCert 2010, ITALY, Volume no: 33, Pages: 1-18, Published, Print, 09. 2010, Security Evaluation and Hardening of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) S. Abdelwahed, R. Jia, R. Mehrotra, A. Erradi, R. Hadjidj, A. Ali, A Model-based Framework for Automatic Failure Recovery in Computing Systems, ICAC12, Submitted. Dr. Rehab Duwairi Co Author, Qatar Foundation Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, 20-22 November, Qatar, Published, Print, 11.2011, Challenges and techniques for dialectal Arabic speech recognition and machine translation. Co Author, Qatar Foundation Research Forum, Doha, Qatar., Qatar, Published, Print, 11.2011, Learning to Recognize Speech from a Small Number of Labeled Examples Dr. Somaya Al-Ma’adeed Main Author, ICDAR2011, Pages: 1470-1474, China, Published, Print, 09.2011, The ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest, ICDAR2011 conference. Main Author ,Qatar University Research Forum: 1st place on ICT poster competition hosted by Qatar University Research Forum (QURF) 2011, Qatar, Published, Print, 10.2011, Intelligent Document Management System for Automatic Writer Identification 130 Dr. Tarek Elfouly Co Author, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), France, Published, Print, 04.2012, QUMESH: Wireless mesh network deployment and configuration in harsh environment" Co Author, URC conference, Zayed University, Published, Print, 04.2012, Real-time Device-Free Object Detection and Localization System Based on RSSI of Wireless Signals, Co Author, Qatar Foundation Research Forum, Qatar, Published, Print, 11.2011, Assistive Technology for People with Hearing/Speaking Disabilities Co Author, 2012 Power & Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Orlando, FL, USA,Published, Print, 05.2012, Design of a Power System Stabilizer Based on Microcontroller for Power System Stability Enhancement. Dr. Uvais Qidwai Main Author, Volume no: 1, Pages: 348-353, Malaysia, Published, Print, 09.2011,IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Time-Frequency based Signal Restoration for Laser-Ultrasound signals with applications in NDT. Main Author, Qidwai, U., and Shakir, M., “Ubiquitous Arabic Voice Controlled Device to assist people with disabilities”, 4th International conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 06. 2012, Malaysia Main Author, IEEE 11th Hybrid Intelligent Systems Conference Malaysia, Published ,Print, , 12.2011, Fuzzy Detection of Critical Cardiac Abnormalities using ECG data: A ubiquitous approach. Main Author, 2nd International Conference on Aerospace Science & Engineering (ICASE 2011), Pakistan, Published, Print, 12.2011,Fuzzy Control for VTOL/STOL Problem Main Author, 2nd International Conference on Aerospace Science & Engineering (ICASE 2011), Pakistan Published, Print, 12.2011, Time Frequency Analysis of MFL signals 131 Faculty Members with Students Journals Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua, Formal Context Coverage Based on Isolated Labels: An efficient Solution for Text Feature Extraction, S. Ismail, S.A. Ravan, Accepted in the International Journal of Information Science, November 2011. Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2011.10.023 Jihad Mohamad Alja'am, Abusin Rahama, Abdlah A. Sabri, and Mohamad Abbasi "The Qatari Environment Friendly Web Portal", in Journal of Communication and Computer, ISSN 1548-7709 (Print Version), Volume 8, Number 7, July 2011, David Publishing, USA. (ISSN 1548-7709), Pages 536-544, 2011. Dr. Amr Mohamed Performance Comparison Between Dynamic Routing Protocols RIP and OSPF using NS2, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Fatima Hamza, 2011 Somaya Al-Maadeed, Afnan Al-Ali and Turki Abdalla, “A new Chaos-Based ImageEncryption and Compression Algorithm―, accepted for publication in Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012. Faculty Members with Students Conference Papers Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua, Conference forum of Qatar Foundation, 2011, Automatic Text Categorization, Sheikha Ali Ravan. Feature Extraction Based on Isolated Labels: Application for Automatic News Categorization, F.Ferjani, S.Elloumi, A.Jaoua, S.A.Ravan, S.Ben Yahia, N. Semmar, J. Jaam, CITALA’12, 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing, May 2-3, 2012, Rabat, Morocco. Masoud Udi Mwinyi, Sahar Ahmad Ismail, Jihad Mohamad Alja'am, Ali M. Jaoua: "An Assistive Tutoring System for Teachers and Students with Intellectual Challenges", International Conference on Human Computer Interaction & Learning Technologies, ICHCILT 2012, Abu Dhabi, March 2012 Masoud Udi Mwinyi, Sahar Ahmad Ismail, Jihad M. Alja’am, Ali M. Jaoua: "Understanding Simple Stories through Concepts Extraction and Multimedia Elements" 132 IEEE/Springer – The Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT’2012) Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), April 26-28, 2012. Proceedings in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS 7899) Series of Springer LNCS. IEEE/Springer – The Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT’2012) Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), April 26-28, 2012. Proceedings in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS 7899) Series of Springer LNCS Mariam Kafood, Muneera Saleh, Maryam Darwish, Abdelkarim Erradi (2011), ‘Interactive Campus Map for Self-guided Tour on Mobile Devices’, Intl. Conf. on Information Technology and e-Services (ICITeS\'2011), Sousse Tunisia. Abdelkarim Erradi, Sajeda Mahmood Nahia, Hind Ali Almerekhi, Lubna Maymun Alkailani (2012), ‘ArabicTutor: Towards m-Learning Platform for Learning Arabic Spelling and Vocabulary’, I3rd IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS\'12), Tangier Morocco. Noora Mohammed Al-Naimi, Khaled Bashir Shaban, "The 100 Most Influential Persons in History": A Data Mining Perspective," The Fourth Workshop on Data Mining Case Studies and Practice Prize (DMCS 2011) at IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011), pages 719-724, Vancouver, Canada, December 11-14, 2011. Dr. Osama Halabi, Mariam Al-Ansari, Yasmin Halwani, Fatma Al-Mesaifri, Roqaya Al-Shaabi, Navigation Aid for Blind People Using Depth Information and Augmented Reality Technology, NICOGRAPH International 2012, Bali, Indonesia, July 2-3, (2012). 133 F. Seminars and Public Lectures Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty Dr. Mohammad Samaka Presenting a seminar to the College of Engineering faculty members 18 January, 2012 Dr. Osama Halabi Organized Seminars on Ubiquitous Creative Method by New Notebook Technology (IdeaMarathon will change your study and life)? delivered by Japanese professors to the department, the student in computing club, and the whole university in collaboration with OFID. Dr. Ryan Riley Gave an invited seminar at Purdue University. "Furthering Data-Only Rootkit Attacks". August, 2011 Gave a seminar to students about Wireless Security and WEP hacking. December, 2011. Short Courses Delivered by Department Faculty Dr. Ryan Riley “Introduction to Wireless Security and WEP Cracking”, Dec 14 2011, QU Computing Club. Eng. Khalid AbuSaud Take A parts of a Computer ʺPersonal Computer Hardware and Software Basicsʺ, Qatar University Computing Club, December 21, 2011 Advanced Skills for Search Engine in the Internet المهارات المتقدمة للبحث في شبكة االنترت, in El-Diwan El-Amiri-Qatar, February 20-23, 2012 134 Keynote Talks Presentations Prof. Hasan Krad Gave a seminar on Academic Promotion Process, at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering 29.09.2011. Prof. Jihad Al-Ja'am Keynote Speaker in The conference had two keynote speakers: "Importance of Using Assistive Technology for People with Disability" Forum. Invited by the vice president of the rehabilitation international association - Arab Chapter Mr. Mohamad ALSAYD. October Doha, Qatar, October 13, 201. Dr. Khaled Khan Keynote Speaker at the Datacenterdynamics in November 2011. Dr. Rachid Hadjdij Gave a seminar about Computer Forensics at The Military Faculty, 03. 2012, Qatar. Dr. Ryan Riley Gave a short talk entitled "Protecting Query Privacy in Cloud Database Hosting" at IEEE Security and Privacy 2012. Dr. Uvais Qidwai Planned Workshops with NED university of Engineering & Technology Karachi-Pakistan, for August 2012 in the areas of Robotics, Fuzzy Logic, and LabVIEW based topics. 135 Seminars and Public Lectures Organized by the Department Speaker The oral examination for Mr. Khalid Saeed Supervisor: Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am, Qatar University Prof. Hasan Krad, Qatar University Chris CliftonPurdue University, USA The oral examination for Ms. Shiekha Ali Supervisor Name: Prof.Ali Jaoua, Qatar University Dr. Ryan Riley Qatar University Takeo Higuchi (Director of Idea Marathon Institute) & Takaya Yuizono (Associate Professor, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Prof. Athman Bouguettaya RMIT University (Australia) Dr. Mohamed Elmahdy Ulm University (Germany) Dr. Ali Bab-Hadiashar RMIT University (Australia) Prof. Yasin Dhaher Northwestern University Date 28-09-2011 Title Alerting System and Application for Financial Watch Project 29-09-2011 Academic Promotion Process Freeing Cloud Databases from Privacy Constraints Automatic Text Categorization and 05-10-2011 Segmentation Based on Domain Ontology Furthering Data-Only Rootkit 10-10-2011 Attacks 03-10-2011 Ubiquitous Creative Method by New Notebook Technology (Idea14-11-2011 Marathon will change your study and life) 24-11-2011 26-12-2011 29-12-2011 19-01-2012 The oral examination for Ms. Sahar Ismail Supervisor: Prof. Ali Jaoua, Qatar University 22-2-2012 Dr. Uvais Qidwai, Qatar University 26-02-2012 RMIT Research Strengths and Collaboration Opportunities Automatic Speech Recognition for Dialectal Arabic Robust Parametric Visual Data Modeling and Segmentation Emulating a Surgical Intervention at the Human Knee Incremental Pseudoconceptual Information Management and Organization Based on a Domain: Application for financial Domain System Identification Approach to Nondestructive Testing in Oil & Gas Sector application 136 Speaker The oral examination (viva) for Ms. Rawan AlSaad Supervisor: Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi, Qatar University Professor Joseph Dichy, Lyon 2-Lumière University , France Date 29-2-2012 29-2-2012 Dr. Jinwei HU,Qatar University 04-03-2012 Dr. Khaled M. Khan, Qatar University 11-03-2012 Dr. Samir Elloumi, Qatar University 18-03-2012 Dr. Junaid Chaudhry, Qatar University 25-03-2012 Prof. Sebti Foufou, Qatar University 01-04-2012 Ihab Ilyas, Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) Dr. Kareem Darwish, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation Dr. Osama Halabi, Qatar University Mr. Hanif Khalak Prof. Mohamed JEMNI, University of Tunis Dr. Ali Mili, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Professor Marcelo Frias, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Organized by Prof. Ali Jaoua Title A Framework for Efficient Sequence Alignment Using MAPREDUCE on the Cloud Retrieving information in Arabic: can it be improved? Access control policy verification and update The Changing Landscape of Enterprise Architecture in a CloudEnabled Environment Text Processing: Features Extraction and Information Extraction u-Cities: Doha's Future as a Smart City Short Introduction to Ontology Evaluation Approaches 02-04-2012 Data Analytics at QCRI 15-04-2012 Transliteration Mining for the Real Haptic for Medical Training Simulation Architecting a Science Cloud at 25-04-2012 WCMC-Q Role of ICT and Scientific Research 2-05-2012 Toward Improving e-Accessibility of People with Disabilities Mean Failure Cost: A Measure of 14-05-2012 Dependability 15,16,17A Tutorial about verified Software: 05-2011 Foundation and Tools Second Annual Workshop about 20-06-2012 Financial Watch Project 22-04-2012 137 Attendance of Conferences, Workshops, etc. Prof. Ali Al-Jaoua Attended Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Nov. 20-22, 2011, Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Attended: CITALA’12, 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics 2-3 , MOROCCO, May 2012. Attended QITCOM 2012 Conference and Exhibition, 5th-7th March, 2012, Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Prof. Hasan Krad Attended Workshop by OFID: Using Online Resources available through the Libraries, on 27.10. 2011 Attended Workshop by OFID: Best Practices in Faculty Advising: Advisors as Teachers, on 31.10. 2011 Attended Workshop by OFID: Using EndNote Web, on 02.11. 2011 Attended Workshop by OFID: Best Practices in Faculty Advising: Advisors as Teachers, on 14.11.2011 Attended The 3rd OFID Days Workshop entitled, ? Active Learning and Assessment: Where Are We??, on Feb. 13-15, 2012. Attended Workshop Cisco Expo Qatar 2012, Doha, the 24th .01. 2012 at Qatar National Convention Center Attended New Concept of Integrity Solutions, December 12-14, 2011, Doha, Qatar Attended Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Nov. 20-22, 2011, Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. Attended gov.INFOSEC, an Information Security Conference, 12th 01.2012, The Diplomatic Club, Doha, Qatar. Attended The Third International Gas Processing Symposium 2012, 5th-7th March, 2012, Ritz Carlton, Doha, Qatar. Attended QITCOM 2012 Conference and Exhibition, 5th-7th March, 2012, Qatar National Convention Center, Doha, Qatar. 138 Prof. Jihad Al-Ja’am Attended the Summer School in Computer Science - NDU Beirut - Lebanon July 2011 (7 full days). Attended The E-Learning Congress in Hamdan University, Dubai, January 2012, Courses: Use of Smart Devices in Education. Attended Sessions on Teaching Children - Early childhood intervention - Qatar University College of Education. Attended the Gas Processing Conference 2012, Doha, Qatar. Attended QITICOM2012, Qatar National Convention Center, 5-7 March 2012: had 2 posters and 1 oral presentation. Attended "Government Information Security Conference" on 12.01.2012 at the Diplomatic Club, Doha, Qatar. Attended ACIT'2011 Conference - Saudi Arabia. Chairing Sessions on IT and Application. December 2011. Attended The ACM ICEM - 12: Intelligent-Information-Systems, Jordan 2012, April 2012. Attended The International Conference on Human Computer Interaction & Learning Technologies, Abu Dhabi March 2012. Attended The NDT 2012, International Conference, Dubai, Canadian University, April 2012. Attended Financial Watch Workshop-June 2011: Workshop Moderator. Signature Verification Workshop-September 2011: Workshop Moderator. Organizer and Chair of the Session: Computer Systems and Applications, November 2012, Doha - Qatar Prof. Sebti Foufou Attended the 3rd OFID days as a participant, and as a session moderator. Attended SPM 2011 Conference, Oct 2011, Orlando FL. Attended Workshop on Computer Graphics, November 2012, Tabuk, KSA. Attended the Arabs Expatriate Forum in Doha, January 2012. Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi Attended 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2012), Melbourne Australia, July 2012 139 Attended Teaching-Related Workshops offered by OFID such as a workshop on Teaching Strategies that Improve Learning, OFID Edu Tech Days, Creating and maintaining motivation in multicultural classrooms, etc. Dr. Amr Mohamed Attended Presentations about Mendeley for organizing research publications "QUMESH: Wireless mesh network deployment and configuration in harsh environment", poster presentation at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012. Conducted three scientific missions to University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Purdue University, Indiana, USA, and Nile University, Cairo, Egypt to strengthen research collaborations and foster research network Dr. Khaled Khan Team Based Learning: An Alternative to Lecturing in Small and Large Classes: Successful Experiences Attended OFID Workshop, on February 12, 2012. Capitalizing on Experiences in Assessment. Attended OFID Workshop, on February 15, 2012. Best Practices in Faculty Advising: Advisors as Teachers. Attended OFID Workshop (Please see the attachment in the Reflection page) Dr. Khaled Shaban Professional Science Master's Programs (PSM) Workshop, Qatar University Assuring Student Success In Graduate School Workshop, Qatar University Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Biometrics, Qatar University OFID Days Workshop: EndNote web: The citation management software, Qatar University Introduction to Survey Design Workshop by the Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI), Qatar University 140 Dr. Loay Ismail Attended Respondus, OFID Workshop : Creating Online Tests and Delivering on Blackboard , January.2012 (First OFID EduTech Days) Using Blackboard Effectively to Promote Active Learning January.2012 (First OFID EduTech Days) Attended Using a Mac or iOS device as a Teaching Tool OFID Workshop at QU January.2012 (First OFID EduTech Days) Attended ‐ التعامل مع الواجبات و التغذية الراجعة9 البالك بوردOFID Workshop, March.2012.(OFID) Attended Workshop Introduction to Engineering Education Research, June.2011 (Professional Development Workshop organized by FACE) Attended Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Biometrics, March. 2012, Qatar University Attended series on Research Support for Publications in English. December. 2011, OFID. Attended Qatar University Research Forum, October.2011, Qatar University. Attended Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, November.2011, Qatar Foundation. Attended OFID Workshop, Follow-up: Best Practices in Faculty Advising, February. 2012, The 3rd OFID days. Attended OFID Workshop, SharePoint: Why Sending an Email isn't Enough Anymore, January. 2012, First OFID EduTech Days. Attended Workshop, Space Management & Scheduling Solution Training, April. 2012, Prepared by the Scheduling department. Dr. Mohammad Samaka Participated in IT Conference in Doha, QITCOM, by ictQatar 5-6 March. Participated in IT Conference in Doh, a Mobile Learning, by Texas A&M University 27-28 February. Participated in IT Conference in Doha the 2nd Annual e-Learning, by ictQatar 8. February. Participated in ABET's IDEAL Workshop Tuesday, January 03.01.2012 Attended Workshop by OFID: Challenges and Opportunities, Tuesday, 14.02.2012 at 02:00 PM-4:00 PM. Attended Workshop by OFID: Analyzing Assessment Results and Closing the Loop, Tuesday, 14.02.2012 at 08:45AM -12:00 noon Attended Workshop by OFID: Active Day Learning: 13-15 February.2012. 141 Participated in Annual International Conference on Web Technology & Internet Applications WEBTEC 2012 7-8 May, 2012 Indonesia. Dr. Osama Halabi Attended Workshop, Introduction to Engineering Education Research, by: Mahmoud Abdulwahed, Visiting Assistant Professor in Engineering Education, 07.06.2011. Attended Workshop by OFID, Teaching Strategies that Improve Learning -Session 3: Promoting Critical Thinking Brainstorming, on 01.11.2011. Attended Workshop by OFID, Presentations by the Winners of the Exemplary Online Course Award, on 22.11.2011. Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for Publication- Session 1: Choosing the appropriate journal and writing accordingly, on 10.10.2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for Publication- Session 2: Research methodology as required for publications?, on 12.10.2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for publication - Session 3: Conducting/writing a review of the literature?, on 17.10.2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for publication - Session 4: Methodology section? , on 19.10.2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for publication- Session 5: Data analysis and result?, on 24.10.2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Writing for publication- Session 6: Review journal?, On 26.10.2011 Organized along with Dr. Erradi from Senior Project Task the 2nd Project Exhibition Day in the department. Attended NICOGRAPH International 2012, Bali, Indonesia, July 2-3, (2012). Dr. Osama Shata Attended Seminar in College of Engineering End of Year Event. االتجاهات المعاصرة في مجال تحديد مخرجات تعلم الطالب وصياغتها على مستوى المقررAttended Seminar "،األستاذ الدكتور علي محمد عبدالمنعم 2011 أكتوبر19 يوم األربعاء الموافق:الجلسة األولى: Attended Seminar : Motivating Students while Raising the Bar: Experience from an Undergraduate Laboratory Course, by Dr. Ali Eid,on Sunday, October 9, 2011. 142 Attended Seminar : QU Merit Award for Outstanding Faculty: The Show-off, the Glamor and the Plaque! Yet, a Showcase of What Is Just Way Beyond That?. 14/2/2012. Dr. Husam Younes. Attended Workshop: Using Arabic Language Online Databases- Tuesday, 25.10. 2011 at 10:00AM, Speaker: Ms. Myrna Tabet Attended Workshop: Movie Maker: Motivate students to use Multimedia to enhance projects presentations. 24.01.2012. Ms. Aisha Al Kaabi and Ms. Sara Al Muftah Attended Workshop " Blackboard9 creating assignments and providing feedback to students ", 25.3.2012 Attended Workshop The role of statistical consultation unit in providing services for researchers". Presented by Prof. Mohammad Salehi, 24.10.2011 Attended Workshop: NETOP SCHOOL 6 Computer Lab management program. 23/1/2012. Dr. Arslan Ayari Attended Workshop "االتجاهات المعاصرة في مجال تحديد مخرجات تعلم الطالب وصياغتها على مستوى المقرر ،األستاذ الدكتور علي محمد عبدالمنعم 2011 أكتوبر24 يوم االثنين الموافق:الجلسة الثانية Attended Workshop Follow-up Session: Moving toward Integration Units and Lessons. Speaker : Prof. Michael Romanowski (CED) with Dr. Kalid A. Al-Saad (CAS). February 15, 2012 at 11:10AM Attended the Presentation organized by the research office and QNRF about the National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) 5th cycle on the 22nd of September 2011 at the College of Engineering, Women's Section - Hall # 175 Attended Workshop: Creating online surveys using Lime Survey software. 25.01.2012. Mr. Asad Nafees Attended Workshop: SharePoint: Why Sending an Email Isn?t Enough Anymore. 25.01.2012. Mr. Asad Nafees Attended Workshop: The Online Assessment Management System. 23.01.2012 Attended Seminar: Capitalizing on Experiences in Assessment. Speaker : Dr. Adel Cherif, Director - APLOA) and Dr. Mohsen Guizani, Associate VP for Graduate Programs. Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Attended Seminar: Capitalizing on Experiences: Practitioner's Perspective. Speaker : Sharing Experience with: Prof. Sherief Khalifa (CPH), Dr. Ramazan Kahraman (CENG) , and Dr. Helmi Hammami (CBE). Wednesday, 15.02.2012 143 Dr. Ryan Riley Attended Workshop by OFID, Creating and Maintaining Motivation in Multicultural Classrooms, on10. 2011 Attended Workshop by OFID, Providing Students With Learning Videos on Demand, 01.2012 Attended Workshop by OFID, Lecture Capture: A Demonstration for the Use of Technology in Teaching,. 01.2012 Attended "Government Information Security Conference". QCert, 01.2012. Attended QITCOM. ICTQatar,03.2012. Attended IEEE Security and Privacy,05.2012. San Francisco, CA. Attended Workshop by OFID, Creating Online Surveys Using Lime Survey Software, 01.2012. (Useful for strategic planning committee). Dr. Somaya AL-Ma’adeed Attended, First International Workshop on Automated Forensic Handwriting Analysis (AFHA 2011) Chairs: Marcus Liwicki, Michael Blumenstein, Elisa van den Heuvel, Bryan Found Beijing Friendship Hotel, 17-18 September 2011, ICDAR 2011, From 17.09.2011-18.09.2011, Outside QU. حضور واتمام الدورة, ثقافة محقق المخطوطات دورة تدريبية لكيفية التحقق من المخطوطات العربية التاريخية المكتوبة بخط اليد بالتعاون مع مركز المخطوطات العربية وزارة االوقاف والشؤون االسالمية بدولة قطر بالقاهرةFrom 01.01.2012-05.01.2012, Outside QU. Present a poster and attend the round table meeting, Qatar University Research Forum: 1st place on ICT poster competition hosted by Qatar University Research Forum (QURF) 2011, Qatar University, From 31.10.2011-15.11.2011, QU. Attended, Preparing a course portfolio, Qatar University, From 15.11.2011-15.11.2011, QU. Attended, Workshop "Managing and Editing your QU Website", Qatar University, On 17.11.2011, College. Attended, gov.INFOSEC2012, ICT Qatar, From 12.01.20012- 12.05.2012, Outside QU. Attended, First OFID EduTech Days: ?Technology-Based Active Learning?, OFID, From 23.10.2012-25.01.2012, QU. Attended, Active learning in honors Active learning and Assessment where are we, QUOFID,13.02.2012-15.02.2012, QU. 144 Attend, Presentations by the winners of Exemplary Online Course Award, OFID, On 22.11.2011, QU. Attended, "Introduction to Engineering Education Research", by Mahmoud Abdulwahed, QU, On Tuesday, 07.06.2011, College. Organizer, Workshop on: Automated Writer Identification and Signature Verification QU, on 21.06.2012, QU. Attended, International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP) 1617 9 September 2011, Beijing, China, ICDAR 2011, From 16.09.2011-17.09.2011, Outside QU. Organizer, Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Biometrics From 05.03.2012-08.03.2012, QU. Attended Workshop, Managing and Editing your QU Website, 17.11.2011. Attended International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP) 1617 9 September 2011, Beijing, China Attended First International Workshop on Automated Forensic Handwriting Analysis (AFHA 2011) 17-18 September 2011, Beijing, China Attended Workshop in NEOFACE software -Doha, 2- 14 October, 2011. Attended Workshop in Vision box software -Doha, 7- 19 August, 2011. Attended Workshop in Sagem software -Doha, 4- 15 September., 2011. Attended Workshop Qitcom 05. 2012. Attended Workshop in Emerging Threats to Information Security in the Government Sector Discussed, ICT, Qatar, 12 .01.2012 Dr. Uvais Qidwai Attended Workshop by OFID Research Publications. Attended Workshop by OFID, Data Entry System Training for OIPD application. Attended, Certification Training and Exam., Silver Wing Ltd. UK, From 22.01.201115.05.2011, Outside QU. Attended, Hydrates Training, Gas Processing Center, From 04.03.2012-04.03.2012, College of Engineering. 145 G. Other Activities Consultancy Dr. Khaled Shaban Consultant at Qatar Mobility Innovation Center (QMIC), Doha, Qatar. Dr. Mohammad Samaka Consultant at QUWIC, involved in projects that requires research and development. Such responsibility requires intensive research and design. Awards Dr. Khaled Shaban College of Engineering (CENG) “Excellence in Service Award” in recognition of outstanding achievements while chairing CENG Faculty Affairs Committee during 2010-2011 academic year. Dr. Osama Halabi First Place, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Qatar Final, Software Design Category: “3D-Kindio: avigation Aid for Blind and Visually Impaired” April 26, 2012. Students: Fatma Al-Msaifri, fa095704, CE, Roqaya Saed Al-Shaabi, ra090350, CE , Mariam Essa Al-Ansari, ma095669, CS, Yasmin Aladden Halwani, yh090582, CE. Runner Up Award: Platform Expos, Create an App competition: “Find my Shadow” April 18, 2012. Students: Nahia Sajeda, 200751881, CS, Lubna Alkailani, 200756636, CS, Khuzama Mahmoud, 200662001, CE. Best Award: Competition for Art & Technology Tohoku 2011: “Different games to test your memory”, July 16, 2011. Students: Noora Al-Shaabi, 200654663, MIE, Nawal Balsharam, 200558489, MIE. 146 Dr. Ryan Riley Exceptional Teaching Certificate. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Qatar University, 2011. Dr. Somaya Al-Maadeed Win the best performance in the 2011 Signature Verification Competition on Dutch data. Win the Music Scores: Writer Identification and Staff Removal competition (ICDAR/GREC 2011). 3rd place in the NASA Mapping Dark Matter Contest Qatar University Research Forum: 1st place on ICT poster competition hosted by Qatar University Research Forum (QURF) 2011 Dr. Tarek Elfouly Winning first place in the student poster competition of the 2012 Power & Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition which was held recently in Orlando, FL, USA Winning best poster Award in the Qatar Foundation Research Forum. Winning best Project Award in Saltan Qaboos University Competition. Winning best project Award from the CSE 2011-2012 academic year. Dr. Saleh Alhazbi Won Qatar University Exemplary Online Course Award. Visits to Companies, Institutions, Centers, etc. Dr. Amr Mohamed Visiting professor at University of British Columbia, July 8th. to July 18th, 2011 Visiting professor at Nile University, July 20th to August 30th, 2011 147 Visiting professor at Purdue University, June 15th to June 22, 2011 Dr. Abdelkarim Erradi Summer School on Collaborative Modelling and Co-simulation for Embedded Systems Design organized by Design Support and Tooling for Embedded Control Software (DESTECS), University of Twente, Netherlands, July 2012. Department Events and Activities 6.06. 2011 Winning Two International Prizes to Identify the Owner of the Line and Signature Electronically A team from the Qatar University latest findings of science in the field of fingerprint recently participated in the international conference to analyze and identify documents ICDAR2011 held in China. This competition was previously organized by a team of researchers at the University of Qatar. Qatar University team participated in the conference in a research paper on the same subject, the conference was attended by Dr. Abdelali Hsaineh and Dr. Somaya Ali Al-Ali from the University of Qatar. At the same conference, researchers from the University has achieved two prizes in the international competition. First to address the writer and see the documents and musical notes automatically, and the second contest to identify signatures excelled at Latin. 16.06.2011 Winning the "Special International Prize" (Art & Technology Tohoku 2011 Competition) Winning the "Special International Prize" which given for the best three works of international submission. The project title is (Different Games To Test Your Observation: Noora AL-Shaabi, Nawal Khalid, Aws Al-Taie, Osama Halabi ) that has been submitted to the (Art & Technology Tohoku 2011 Competition). ictQATAR Renews its Support for the ictQATAR Chair at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Qatar University and the Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAR) agreed to renew their agreement on the Council's support for the chair position in ICT at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Qatar University. The funding is for three additional years starting on the academic year 20122013, where the chair will conduct research in coordination with the Council to set up 148 research programs to promote the field of information and communication technologies, and organize workshops and training courses for students, staff and faculty members. 18.09.2011 ABET Accreditation The two programs (Computer Science & Computer Engineering) in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering have received the ABET Accreditation. 2.10.2011 Winning the Best Poster Award in the Research Forum in Qatar A group of researchers from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Won the first prize for a research entitled "Intelligent System To Identify the Writer" in the Research Forum of Qatar University – 2011 in the field of Information Technology. The team designed a system to identify the signature electronically, Participated in the research (Dr. Somaya Ali Al-Ali , Prof. Ali Jaoua, Prof. Jihad Aljaam, Dr. Abdelali Hsaineh and Wail Ayoubi) from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering - College Of Engineering. 14.11.2011 Faculty Annual Student Meetings The first CSE Faculty/Students Annual Meeting took place on Monday, Nov. 14, 2011, 11am to 12:30pm, in the Male campus and on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011, 11am to 12:30pm in the Female campus. The events started with welcoming notes by the CSE department head, Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi, followed by discussions on various issues of concern to all. The event concluded with light activities and lunch which enabled informal interactions. 22.11.2011 Winning the Computing Award During the QF Annual Research Forum Dr. Tarek Elfouly, Dr. Amr Mohammed, and their students in the department of Computer Science & Engineering won the computing award during the QF annual research forum, which was held in the Qatar National Convention Center from 20 Nov. until 22 Nov. 2011. 6.12.2011 Winning the Exemplary Online Instruction using BlackBoard Award Dr. Saleh Alhazbi, Lecturer of Computer Science, College of Engineering, QU, Winnes the Exemplary Online Instruction using BlackBoard Award at the academic year 2010 - 2011. 8.12.2011 Computing Contest Press Conference The QU Computing Contest Committee members are organizing a Contest Press Conference in the presence of representatives for its sponsors, in addition to teachers from participating schools. 1.02.2012 Writer Identification Contest for Arabic Scripts (ICFHR 2012) An international contest on Writer Identification for Arabic Scripts is organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Research Group PRIP at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Qatar University) in conjunction with the International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition ICFHR 2012. More information is available in the contest website ( 149 23.03.2012 Computing Contest Competition day and Award Ceremony Announcing the winners of the Computing Contest 2012 in an awards ceremony at Qatar University on saturday 24/03/2012. The contest, aimed at high school students across the country, was organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the College of Engineering CENG). The competition started at 10:00 AM and ended at 4:00 PM with three winners from three different schools. The ceremony was attended by CENG Dean Dr. Mazen Hasna, Head of CSE Department Prof. Qutaibah Malluhi, faculty, high-school teachers, students , and parents. CENG Dean Dr. Mazen Hasna handed out the awards and congratulated the winners. (Picture-1,Picture-2) 06.2012 The Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 Competition finals will be held in Australia For the first time, Microsoft is bringing Imagine Cup to Qatar. Imagine Cup is the world premier student technology competition that invites students from around the world to use their imagination and creativity in order to solve the world’s toughest problems. One team will be selected to represent Qatar in the Imagine Cup worldwide finals that will be held in July in Sydney, Australia. A total of 400 students registered, out of which only 4 teams have been shortlisted to present their projects in the Imagine Cup local finals. The Imagine Cup local finals in Qatar will take place on the 24th of April 2012 from 5 – 9 pm where students will present their projects for an executive panel of judges who will at the end of the event select the winning team to represent Qatar in the Imagine Cup Worldwide finals in Sydney, Australia. Student teams will be required to be present from 9AM to 9PM on the 24th of April to prepare for the final event. (Visit Website) 3.04.2012 Winning the First Place in the Fifth Engineering Students Gathering at Sultan Qaboos University CSE students: Heba Dawoud, Muneera Al-Marri, Nada Aloraidi, Ohood Al-Amoudi, Rouda AlKuwari, and Sara Qaffaf; and their supervisors; Dr. Tarek Elfouly and Dr. Amr Mohamad has won the first place in the fifth engineering students gathering at Sultan Qaboos University on 03/04/2012. More than 50 projects from Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Oman were competing were competing. As their project titled “Assistive technology for people with hearing disabilities”. 4.04.2012 Promotion for Dr. Uvais Qidwai to an Associate Professor Dr. Uvais Qidwai is promoted to the rank of associate professor on 04/04/2012. Dr. Uvais has been an active researcher at College of Engineering for many years and his distinguished efforts in establishing multidisciplinary research across the CENG departments. (Website) 150 18.04.2012 Workshop on Computer Gaming and Game Design Workshop on computer gaming and game design. This event will take place at Ibn Khaldoon Hall on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 9-5 pm. The event will address issues related to digital gaming, game design, education through games, and market opportunities. More information about the event can be found at: 19.04.2012 Winning the "Create an App " in the Platform Doha Competition Congratulations to the CSE students Luban Al-Kailani, Sajeda Nahia and Khuzama Mahmoud, for being the runner up winner for the “Create an App” competition during Platform Doha yesterday. The Students were supervised by Dr. Osama Halabi, who has been encouraging and supporting our students’ participation in the platform competitions. 24.04.2012 Winning the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Qatar Congratulations to the CSE students for winning the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Qatar. The CSE students are: Fatma Al-Msaifri, Mariam Al-Ansari, Roqaya Al-Shaabi and Yesmin Halwani with the supervision of Dr. Osama Halabi, they managed to win the finals of the Imagine Cup competition in Qatar. 31.05.2012 Computer Science & Engineering Open Day Computer Science & Engineering Open Day. College of Engineering. Ibn Khaldoon Hall May 31 2012, Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM 151 H. Students’ Activities Competitions 06.2012 The Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 Competition finals will be held in Australia For the first time, Microsoft is bringing Imagine Cup to Qatar. Imagine Cup is the world premier student technology competition that invites students from around the world to use their imagination and creativity in order to solve the world’s toughest problems. One team will be selected to represent Qatar in the Imagine Cup worldwide finals that will be held in July in Sydney, Australia. A total of 400 students registered, out of which only 4 teams have been shortlisted to present their projects in the Imagine Cup local finals. The Imagine Cup local finals in Qatar will take place on the 24th of April 2012 from 5 – 9 pm where students will present their projects for an executive panel of judges who will at the end of the event select the winning team to represent Qatar in the Imagine Cup Worldwide finals in Sydney, Australia. Student teams will be required to be present from 9AM to 9PM on the 24th of April to prepare for the final event. (Visit Website) Awards 16.06.2011 Winning the "Special International Prize" (Art & Technology Tohoku 2011 Competition) Winning the "Special International Prize" which given for the best three works of international submission. The project title is (Different Games To Test Your Observation: Noora AL-Shaabi, Nawal Khalid, Aws Al-Taie, Osama Halabi ) that has been submitted to the (Art & Technology Tohoku 2011 Competition). 22.11.2011 Winning the Computing Award During the QF Annual Research Forum Dr. Tarek Elfouly, Dr. Amr Mohammed, and their students in the department of Computer Science & Engineering won the computing award during the QF annual research forum, which was held in the Qatar National Convention Center from 20 Nov. until 22 Nov. 2011. 3.04.2012 Winning the First Place in the Fifth Engineering Students Gathering at Sultan Qaboos University CSE students: Heba Dawoud, Muneera Al-Marri, Nada Aloraidi, Ohood Al-Amoudi, Rouda AlKuwari, and Sara Qaffaf; and their supervisors; Dr. Tarek Elfouly and Dr. Amr Mohamad has won the first place in the fifth engineering students gathering at Sultan Qaboos University on 152 03/04/2012. More than 50 projects from Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Oman were competing were competing. As their project titled “Assistive technology for people with hearing disabilities”. 19.04.2012 Winning the "Create an App " in the Platform Doha Competition Congratulations to the CSE students Luban Al-Kailani, Sajeda Nahia and Khuzama Mahmoud, for being the runner up winner for the “Create an App” competition during Platform Doha yesterday. The Students were supervised by Dr. Osama Halabi, who has been encouraging and supporting our students’ participation in the platform competitions. 24.04.2012 Winning the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Qatar Congratulations to the CSE students for winning the Microsoft Imagine Cup in Qatar. The CSE students are: Fatma Al-Msaifri, Mariam Al-Ansari, Roqaya Al-Shaabi and Yesmin Halwani with the supervision of Dr. Osama Halabi, they managed to win the finals of the Imagine Cup competition in Qatar. 153 Department of Electrical Engineering 154 A. Executive Summary I am pleased to introduce the 2011/12 annual report for the Department of Electrical Engineering at Qatar University. The report will provide you with plenty of info covering the department vision and mission, faculty members' activities in terms of research funding, publications, consulting, and community service. Generally, our department has is focusing on these four areas: Mohieddine Benammar, PhD Industrial Control/Electronics Head, Department of Power Systems Electrical Engineering Communication Systems with a clear focus on wireless communications Biomedical Engineering with focus on Signal Processing and Bioinstrumentation This year has been quite productive and eventful in a number of areas. Some of this year's highlights include: Graduation o the first batch female electrical engineers. This will help in providing more engineers to cope up with the increasing demand for engineering talent in Qatar. The updated version of the curriculum of the undergraduate program has been implemented in Fall 2011. Major revisions of the curriculum included the introduction of a new Biomedical Engineering Track, the incorporation of renewable energy topics and the introduction of Embedded Systems and Sensors and Instrumentation courses. The new MSc program in Electrical Engineering has been approved and will be offered starting Fall 2012. The PhD program in Electrical Engineering started in Fall 2012. Currently one student is already enrolled in this program. Our team, again, has been successful in securing many NPRP and UREP research grants in this year. Dr. Khaled Ellithy and Dr. Tamer Khattab have secured a significant contract with Kahramaa to carry out a feasibility study. 155 A significant contract has been signed with the Kahramaa and Siemens to fund a three-year Chair Position in Energy Efficiency. An excellent candidate has been identified to fill this position and join the department in January 2013. The Self-Study Report (SSR) of the Electrical Engineering Program has been selected to be included in a display of well-prepared SSRs two years in a row (2011 and 2012 !) at the annual ABET Symposium in USA. A team of EE students have successfully participated with the first QU-built Solar car in the Shell Eco-marathon competition in Lausitz Racing Circuit in Germany during May 2011. This 2011/2012 academic year, the team has designed and built an electric (plug-in) car for participation in the Shell Eco-marathon competition in Sepang Circuit in Malaysia in July 2012. Our scholarly research resulted in a strong publication record. The state incentive award in the field of pure and applied science is won by Dr. Rashid Alammari, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering for his outstanding achievements in the field of Electrical Engineering. The award carries a prize money of QR. 150,000 (US$ 41200), a gold medal and an appreciation certificate. Two of our students secured the first place in PES T&D 2012 student poster competition held in Orlando (USA) recently. Their project "Design of a Power System Stabilizer Based on Microcontroller for Power System Stability Enhancement" supervised by Dr. Khaled Ellithy competed with 80 other posters, most of them by MSc. Students from USA. The award consists of certificate of achievement and a cash prize of $1500. Two EE Students won the first place at the annual engineering competition for design projects recently held in Dubai. Their graduation project, “Design of a Digital Pleural Drainage System” supervised by Prof. Mohieddine Benammar has won a cash prize of QR. 20000 as well. The competition was held under the secretariat of the GCC Council. During the last Qatar University Research Forum (QURF 2011), Students Nasser Alnunu and Sami Al-shorman have received the best poster award for their work on designing a solar car for Shell Eco-marathon competition. Many EE students participated in conferences and training workshops held inside and outside Qatar Our Faculty and Teaching Assistants deservedly won the College of Engineering Research Award (Prof. Boualem Boashash), Teaching award (Dr. Khaled Ellithy), and the Teaching Assistant Award (Eng. Sijoy Raphael) for 2011-12. 156 During this academic year, Dr. Ahmed Massoud was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Dr. Atif Iqbal and Dr. Mazen Hasna have also applied for promotion to the same rank; their applications are with external referees. Finally, I would like to extend my appreciation to all members of our team: students, faculty, teaching assistants, and staff for their effort and quest for excellence that resulted in a remarkable and a productive year. I want to thank members of our industrial advisory board and our industry partners for their support. Table A1: Summary 2011-2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty Teaching Assistant Support Staff Total 18 5 4 27 Undergraduate Program Enrolment Female : Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Enrolment: Male Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Graduates: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Total number of registration: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 4 0 3 0 4 29 7 7 Graduate Program Doctorate Enrollment 1 Undergraduate & Postgraduate Courses Offered Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses 34 0 157 Research UREP 7 NPRP 15 Start Up Grants University Internal Grants Student (QU) Grants Industry Funded Research 4 5 6 3 Publications Journal Publications Books or Book Chapters Conference Papers Patents 32 2 62 3 158 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Faculty Name Rank/Position Mohieddine Benammar Professor and Department Head Boualem Boashash Professor Lazhar BenBrahim Khaled A. Ellithy Professor Associate Professor Rashid Alammari Associate Professor Farid Touati Associate Professor Ridha Hamila Associate Professor Area of Specialization Solid-state physical and chemical sensors technology and sensor control and interfacing. Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Education, Asset Management, Engineering management Power Electronics, control and motor drives. Power systems analysis, quality, operation and control. Power engineering, power stability, computer applications, and distribution planning. Conventional and hightemperature design of electronic systems for RF communication, Telemetry, sensors, Renewable Energy, and signal processing Wireless Communications and Mobile Networks, Signal Processing and Synchronization Techniques for All-Digital Receivers, Positioning Technologies. Appointment Year 1997 2009 1997 2006 1996 2010 2009 159 Faculty Name Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Associate Professor Embedded systems, Microcontrollers, Bioinstrumentations and Medical Imaging, DSP for communications, Computer architecture and security. 2011 Ahmed Mohammed Massoud Associate Professor Power Electronics, Energy Conversion, and Renewable Energy 2009 Mohamed E. Al-Naimi Assistant Professor and Director of the Institutional Effectiveness Department & Acting Director of Foundation Program Adaptive and non-linear control. 1997 Nasser A. AlEmadi Assistant Professor Power system control, reactive power, and optimal power flow. 2000 Mohammed Al-Hitmi Assistant Professor Electrical engineering/Intelligent control systems 2001 Associate Professor and Dean of College of Engineering Digital communication theory and its application to performance evaluation of wireless communication systems over fading channels. 2003 Assistant Professor Wireless communications over fading channels, sensor networks, CDMA, OFDMA based communications, adaptive modulation, and information theoretic aspects of communication systems. 2007 Abbes Amira Mazen Omar Hasna Tamer Khattab 160 Faculty Name Nader Meskin Atif Iqbal Fadi Jaber Area of Specialization Appointment Year Assistant Professor Control Systems, Fault diagnosis, System Biology 2011 Assistant Professor Modeling, Simulation and Control of Power Electronics Converters and their application to Electrical Drives 2011 Assistant Professor Micro-engineering and microfabrication, neuro-engineering, AC-electrokinetics, biomedical instrumentation, and biomedical signal processing. 2011 Rank/Position 161 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department TA/Staff Name Role Area Of Interest Appointment Year Asma Khalil Teaching Assistant Control, Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, power electronics, embedded systems Sijoy Raphael Teaching Assistant Power Systems & Machines 2001 Mini Thomas Teaching Assistant Electronics/Biomedical /Communication 2002 Mohamed Abdelhamid Elsayed Teaching Assistant - 2003 Antonio San Teaching Assistant Pedro Gonzales Jr. - 2010 Ayman Ammar Lab Technician - 2011 Mohammed Ayad Lab Technician - 2010 Mazen M K Faiter Senior Lab Engineer - 2011 Inas Abu Alsaud Administrative Coordinator - 2012 2009 162 Industrial Advisory Board Table A4. Summary: Industrial Advisory Board at the department Member Title Company Mr. AbdulAziz Ahmed AlMahmoud (Alumnus) Transmission Planning Engineer Kahramaa Mr. Abdulaziz Fakhroo Senior Manager QTEL Mr. Ahmed AlKuwari (Alumnus) Manager, Project Management Office Qatar Foundation Mr. Ali Al Emadi (Alumnus) Section Head Qatar Electricity & Water Company Dr. Amer El-Saigh Mr. Kalyana Sundaram Vodafone Qatar Senior Engineer Mr. Khalil Ashkanani (Alumnus) Qatar Gas Ras Gas Mr. Osama Alassiry Network Manager Council of Ministers Dr. Rashid Mazhar Mohammed Consultant Surgeon & Assistant professor Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) 163 C. Research Awarded Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Project Number Year Primary Faculty 20102011 Prof. Mohieddine Benammar 20102011 Prof. Lazhar Ben-Brahim Design and Development of UREP 09 Two QU Vehicles for Shell 099 - 2 - 029 Eco Marathon 2011 European Completion 20102011 Dr. Farid Touati Investigating and Overcoming the Effects of UREP 11 Harsh Environment on the 010 - 2 - 004 Performance of Solar PV Technologies in the State of Qatar 20112012 Dr. Farid Touati Alaa Al-Marridi , Rana Alnaser Dr. Nader Meskin Esmaeil Alizadeh , Mohamed Mahmoud , Abdullah Abunada , Ahmed Al-Kuwari , Saleh Ahmad , Abdullah Zia Project Title Electronic air leak UREP 09 monitoring system for post058 - 2 - 016 operation cardio-thoracic patients A Photovoltaic Power Supply UREP 09 operating in grid-connected 071 - 2 - 019 mode Qatar University First UREP 11 Generation of Autonomous 093 - 2 - 027 Quadrotor Platform for IARC Competition 20112012 Students Esmaeil Alizadeh, Mohamed Al-sa'd, Fathi Elbatie, Mother abu-gaoud Mohammad Bilal, Saoud Aldosari, Tareq Awartani Ahmed AbdulAziz, Ahmad Ebrahemi, Nasser Alnunu, samialshorman, Mohammed Alattar, Mohammed Al-Hellabi 164 Project Number Project Title Plug and Play Single Phase UREP 11 Photovoltaic AC Module 138 - 2 - 049 Integrated Converter with Wireless Coordination Automatic brain abnormalities diagnosis UREP 11 using EEG digital signal 148 - 2 - 056 processing and ECG correlation UREP 12 065 - 2 028 Qatar University Second Generation Zero-CO2 footprint Solar Car Primary Faculty Year Students 20112012 Dr. Tamer Khattab AyatNazar , Mohammed Alattar , Osama Eid , Reem Badawi , sarahakel 20112012 Prof. Boualem Boashash Yomna Bahnasy , NohaSaad Dr. Farid Touati Abdul Kader Sakil, Ahmed Isam Arbab, Ajad Hossain Howlader, Mahmoud Nabil Akil, Musa'b Fawzi Samarah, Noor Alam Chowdhury, 20122013 NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Fifth Cycle: Project Number Project Title Grant Amount (US$) Duration NPRP 5 080 - 2 028 Low Power Reconfigurable self-calibrated Multi-Sensing Platform For Gas Applications NPRP 5 157 - 2 051 Advanced Transmission 3 Years Techniques for Next 1,047,471 (2012Generation Terrestrial Wireless 2015) Optical Communications 970,358 3 Years (20122015) EE Investigator(s) Role Dr. Abbes Amira LPI Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Co-PI Dr. Farid Touati Co-LPI 165 Project Number NPRP 5 546 - 2 222 NPRP 5 045 - 2 017 NPRP 5 442 - 2 175 NPRP 5 574 - 2 233 Project Title High performance electrodes for solar cells Grant Amount (US$) Duration 3 Years (20121,045,629 2015) Cooperative Control and Fault Diagnosis of a Team of Unmanned Underwater 3 Years Vehicles and Robots for Oil and (20121,014,569 Gas Pipeline Inspection, Spill 2015) Containment, Recovery and Remote Operation Identification of Time-Varying 3 Years Human Ankle Dynamics and (2012the Robust Control of Active 1,010,036 2015) Ankle Outhouses Data-Driven Linear Parameter3 Years Varying Model Learning and (2012Control of Complex Process 1,048,676 2015) Systems EE Investigator(s) Role Dr. Farid Touati Co-LPI Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Co-PI Dr. Nader Meskin LPI Dr. Nader Meskin LPI Dr. Fadi Jaber Co-PI Dr. Nader Meskin LPI Fourth Cycle: Project Number NPRP 4 250 - 2 080 NPRP 4 152 - 2 053 Project Title Grant Amount (US$) Active Management of Renewable Energy Sources 916,000 During Faults Advanced Power Electronic Solutions for Variable Speed 1,049,038 Multiphase motor drives Duration 3 Years (20112014) 3 Years (20112014) EE Investigator(s) Role Dr. Ahmed Massoud Co-LPI Dr. ATIF IQBAL Co-LPI 166 Project Number Project Title NPRP 4 1207 - 2 474 NPRP 4 1119 - 2 427 Automated Neonatal EEG quality assessment and improvement using artifact filtering and signal segmentation Wireless Biotelemetry for Ubiquitous Healthcare Monitoring Interference Management in Relay-Assisted Wireless Communications Networks NPRP 4 195 - 2 065 Health Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of Industrial Gas Turbines NPRP 4 1303 - 2 517 NPRP 4 187 - 2 060 NPRP 4 1067 - 2 400 Decision Support and Closed-Loop Control for Intensive Care Unit Sedation HVDC Architectures for Offshore Grid Connected Wind Energy Systems Grant Amount (US$) Duration EE Investigator(s) 3 Years (20112014) Prof. Boualem Boashash Co-LPI Dr. Farid Touati LPI Dr. Mazen Hasna LPI Dr. Nader Meskin LPI Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Co-PI 946,113 3 Years (20112014) Dr. Nader Meskin Co-LPI 1,025,000 3 Years (20112014) Dr. Ahmed Massoud Co PI 1,050,000 1,042,027 944,000 3 Years (20112014) 3 Years (20112014) 3 Years (20112014) 961,258 Role QU Internal Grants Grant ID Project Title Voltage Regulation of Low Voltage Distribution Networks Employing Photovoltaic Grant Amount (QAR) 141,000 Duration EE Investigator(s) 01/04/2011 Dr. Ahmed To Massoud 31/3/2012 167 Grant ID QUUG-ENGDCE-10/11-13 QUUG-CENGDEE-11/12-6 QUUG-ENGDCE-10/11-13 Grant Amount (QAR) Project Title An Embedded Intelligent Multimodal Biometric Platform: Fusion Of Face, Voice And Signature Environment-Friendly SelfTuned Irrigation and Conservation System Development of Advanced Multi-phase Multi-level open end winding motor drive system Environment-Friendly SelfTuned Irrigation and Conservation System Duration EE Investigator(s) 125,000 May 2012 – Dr. Abbes Amira April 2013 123,000 2011 to 2012 Dr. Mohammed Al-Hitmit 125,000 April 2012 – March 2014 Dr. Atif Iqbal 40,000 (USD) 2011 to 2012 Dr. Mohammed Al- Hitmi & Farid Touati Startup Grants Grant ID New Faculty Name Dr. Faid Jaber QUSG-CENDEE-10/11-26 Date Amount February 13th 2012 rd Dr. Abbes Amira February 3 2012 Dr. Farid Touati 2010 – 2011 50,000 QAR 50,000 QAR 13,500 USD Project Equipment for a Biomedical Instrumentation Research Laboratory Establishment of a smart ward room to support biomedical engineering research activities within the EE department. Real-time wireless monitoring and control of Renewable Energy PV stations 168 Qatar University Student’s Grants Grant ID Faculty Name Date Amoun t Project Dr. Abbes Amira May 2012 to April 2013 10,000 QAR Automatic Fall detection and Gait Analysis using Multiresoltion Analysis and Thresholding Methods Dr. Atif Iqbal April 2012 to March 2013 57,300 QAR Fault Diagnosis of Induction motor Drive System 2011 to 2012 2,747 USD Effects of Environmental Factors on the Efficiency of Various Solar PV Technologies 2011 to 2012 2,747 USD Design of Intelligent and Environment-Friendly Irrigation and Conservation System Dr. Farid Touati 2010 - 2011 2,747 USD QUSG-CEN-DEE- Dr. Farid 10/11-26 Touati 2010 -2011 13,500 USD QUST-CENGFALL-11/12-11 QUST-CENGSPR-11/12-25 QUST-CENGSPR-11/12-24 Dr. Ahmad Massoud & Dr. Farid Touati Dr. Farid Touati & Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Design and Development of Two QU Vehicles for Shell Eco Marathon 2011 European Completion. Real-time wireless monitoring and control of Renewable Energy PV stations Industrial Funded Research Project Design of a Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) using Synchronized Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) for Qatar Power Transmission System Industry Name Faculty Name Amount Dr. Khaled 900,000 Kahramaa Ellithy & Dr. USD Tamer Khattab Period Pending 169 Project Designing of Highly Efficient Power Amplifiers for Communication industry Wireless biotelemetry system for real time healthcare monitoring Industry Name Sultan Qaboos University Sultan Qaboos University Faculty Name Amount Period Dr. Farid Touati (Co-PI) 18,000 USD 2010 2011 Dr. Farid Touati (Co-PI) 14,500 USD 2010 2011 170 D. Publications Refereed Journal Papers EE Author Paper Title Journal Title Abbes Amira Artificial Neural NetworkStatistical Approach for PET Volume Analysis and Classification Journal of Advances in Fuzzy Systems Abbes Amira FPGA-based Implementation of Constructing Feature Vectors for Face Recognition using DWT Springer Journal of Real-time Image Processing – Special Issue Real Time Biometrics and Secure Media Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Simple Carrier Based PWM Technique for a Three-to-Nine Phase Direct AC-AC Converter Space vector PWM technique for a three to five-phase matrix converter Quasi Z-source inverter based grid interactive PV generation system with maximum power tracking control using ANFIS Transforming three-phase to seven-phase supply using transformer connection IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics Volume / Number Publication Pages Date 1-12, 2012 Accepted 2012 Accepted 1-Sep-11 101617-TIE null IEEE Tran. On Ind. Appl Vol. 48 Mar/Apr 2012 IEEE Trans. On Sustainable Energy Paper ID 002222011 Year 2012 pp. 697707 IEEE Trans. On Energy Conversion 171 EE Author Paper Title Journal Title Volume / Number Publication Pages Date Atif Iqbal Z-source inverter simulation and harmonic study Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology vol. 1, issue Year 2012 Atif Iqbal Analysis of discontinuous space vector PWM technique for a seven-phase voltage source inverter Int. journal of Power Elect. And Drives IJPEDS vol. 2, no. 2 Jun-12 Atif Iqbal Fuzzy Logic based MPPT Controllers for Three Phase Grid Connected Inverters Int. Journal of Sustainable Energy, Manuscript ID gSOL20110031 Year 2011 Atif Iqbal Direct Duty ratio based PWM control of a five-phase matrix converter supplying fivephase two-motor drive system Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronics Eng. Atif Iqbal Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Scheme for a seven phase voltage source inverter Int. journal of Power Electronics and Drives System (IJPED) vol. 1, NO. 1 Atif Iqbal Generalised Simulation and Experimental implementation of space vector PWM techniques of a three-phase voltage source inverter Int. Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST) vol. 2, no. 1 pp. 59 Year 2011 Sep-11 pp. 720 pp. 112 172 EE Author Boualem Boashash Boualem Boashash Boualem Boashash Paper Title A Methodology for TimeFrequency Image Processing Applied to the Classification & Localization of Nonstationary Multichannel Signals with Treatment of EEG Signals A nonparametric feature for neonatal EEG seizure detection based on a representation of pseudoperiodicity Image fusion based contrast enhancement Efficient phase estimation for the classification of digitally phase modulated Boualem signals using the crossBoashash WVD: a performance evaluation & comparison with the S-transform Time-Frequency Distributions based on Boualem Compact Support Kernels: Boashash Properties and Performance Evaluation Evaluation of the modified-S transform for Boualem time-frequency synchrony Boashash analysis & source localization Volume / Number Publication Pages Date EURASIP, Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012:11 7 May 2012 1-74 Medical Engineering & Physics, Elsevier 34 May 2012 437446 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing - May 2012 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012:65 March 2012 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing PP, March Issue: 99 2012 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012:49 Journal Title Feb. 2012 1-22 1-53 173 EE Author Boualem Boashash Boualem Boashash Paper Title Estimating the Number of Components of a Multicomponent Nonstationary Signal Using the Short-Term Time-Frequency Renyi Entropy A Time-Frequency Approach For EEG Spike Detection Journal Title Volume / Number Publication Pages Date EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011:12 5 Dec. 2011 1-11 2 Nov. 2011 390395 Dec. 2011 1-6 Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment, 2011 The Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organizations (IJNVO) Farid Touati Wireless healthcare monitoring system with ZigBee communication link support Farid Touati STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF DUST, RELATIVE HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE ON SOLAR PV PERFORMANCE IN DOHA: COMPARISON BETWEEN MONOCRYSTALLINE AND AMORPHOUS pvs Int. Journal of Green Energy 9 May. 2012 1-10 Khaled Ellithy Design of Decentralized Fuzzy Logic Load Frequency Controller International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 4 March 2012 66-75 Mazen Hasna Performance Analysis of Relay Assignment Schemes for Cooperative Networks with Multiple Source Destination Pairs IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol. 4, Issue 1 2011 166 177 174 EE Author Paper Title Joint Statistics of Partial Sums of Ordered Mazen Exponential Variates and Hasna Performance of GSC Receivers over Rayleigh Fading Channel A Diversity Compression and Combining Technique Mazen Based on Channel Hasna Shortening for Cooperative Networks Fault Detection and Nader Isolation of Distributed Meskin Time-Delay Systems Robust Fault Detection Nader and Isolation of TimeMeskin delay Systems Using a Geometric Approach Nonlinear Fault Diagnosis Nader of Jet Engines by using a Meskin Multiple Model-based Approach HARTLY TRANSFORM FOR SYMMETRICAL Rashid COMPONENTS Alammari MEASUREMENT IN A POWER SYSTEM Estimation of highly Ridha selective channels for Hamila & downlink LTE MIMOMazen OFDM system by a robust Hasna neural network Journal Title Volume / Number Publication Pages Date IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol. 59, Issue 8 2011 2241 2253 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol. 11, issue 2 2012 659 667 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol. 54 9-Nov-11 26802685 Automatica Vol. 45 9-Jun-11 15671573 Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 134 Jan 2012 Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences 3 Aug. 2011 141150 2011 31 38 Journal of Ubiquitous Systems Vol. 2, and Pervasive No. 1 Networks 175 EE Author Tamer Khattab Paper Title Journal Title Statistical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Inside a Jet Engine Using the Reverberation Chamber Approach Progress In Electromagnetics Research M Volume / Number Publication Pages Date 24 March 2012 157165 Books / Book Chapters EE. Dept. Author Book Title/Chapter Nader Meskin Fault Detection and Isolation: MultiVehicle Unmanned Systems Atif Iqbal High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab/Simulink Models-Wiley Publisher Springer Wiley ISBN 978-144198392-3 978-047097829-0 Publication Date Link February 2011 http://www.sprin ng/robotics/book /978-1-44198392-3 April 2012 m/WileyCDA/Wile yTitle/productCd0470978295.html Conference Papers Author(s) Abbes Amira Paper Title An Embedded System for on Field Testing of Human Identification Using ECG Biometric Conference the 11th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and their applications Venue Montreal , Canada Date Jul-12 176 Author(s) Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Abbes Amira Paper Title Conference the 11th International Conference on A Wireless Reconfigurable Information Sciences, System for Falls Detection Signal Processing and their applications the 11th International High Level Prototyping and Conference on FPGA Implementation of the Information Sciences, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Signal Processing and Algorithm their applications the 11th International FPGA Optimized 3-D Cyclic Conference on Convolution Using Dynamic Information Sciences, Partial Reconfiguration Signal Processing and their applications the 11th International Rapid Prototyping of threeConference on dimensional transform for Information Sciences, Medical Image Compression Signal Processing and their applications The 2012 IEEE Generic Virtual File Systems International Symposium for Reconfigurable Devices on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS) Improved Performance of Guided Wave Ultrasonic Proceedings of the 3rd Testing for Long Rang International Gas Inspection of Pipelines using Processing Symposium Multi-Channel Systems Fourth International Neuro-Fuzzy Based Conference on Approach for Analyzing 3D Developments in PET Volume eSystems Engineering (DeSE ’2011) Venue Date Montreal , Canada Jul-12 Montreal , Canada Jul-12 Montreal , Canada Jul-12 Montreal , Canada Jul-12 Seoul, Korea May-12 Doha, Qatar Mar-12 Dubai, UAE Dec-11 177 Author(s) Abbes Amira Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Ahmed Massoud Paper Title PET Volume Analysis Based on Committee Machine for Tumor Detection and Quantification Unified power flow controller for low voltage ride through capability of wind-based renewable energy grid-connected systems Dc-link capacitor voltage balancing for a five-level diode-clamped active power filter using redundant vectors Simplified Generic On-line PWM Technique for Single Phase Grid Connected Current Source Inverters An Inter-Line Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Voltage Sag mitigation PV Array Modeling Using Matlab/Simulink Comparative Evaluation of Four Quasi-Square Wave Fed Multiphase Induction Machines Assessment of Fault RideThrough Capability of GridConnected Brushless DFIG Wind Turbines Conference Venue Date Fourth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE ’2011) Dubai, UAE Dec-11 Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2011 8th International MultiConference, IEEE Sousse, Tunisia Jun-11 Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) Australia Nov. 2011 APEC 2012, IEEE conference USA March 2012 PEIA 2011, IEEE conference Qatar Nov. 2011 PEIA 2011, IEEE conference Qatar Nov. 2011 IECON 2011, IEEE conference Australia Nov. 2011 IET renewable power generation conference RPG, 2011 UK Sept. 2011 178 Author(s) Paper Title Conference Venue Date Ahmed Massoud Compensator for Low Voltage Ride Through Capability of Wind Energy Systems IET renewable power generation conference RPG, 2011 UK Sept. 2011 Ahmed Massoud Single Phase Grid Connected Current Source Inverter: Mitigation of Oscillating Power Effect on the Grid Current IET renewable power generation conference RPG, 2011 UK Sept. 2011 Ahmed Massoud Flywheel Energy Storage System Based on Boost DCAC converter IET renewable power generation conference RPG, 2011 UK Sept. 2011 Atif Iqbal Carrier Based PWM Technique with OverModulation Strategies for a Three-to-Seven Phase Matrix Converter Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC)2011 Australia Sept. 2011 Atif Iqbal Incipient Bearing Fault Detection for Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive using ANFIS 8th IEEE Symposium on Diagnostic of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Italy Sept. 2011 Atif Iqbal Model Predictive Control of a Three-to-Five phase Matrix Converter Workshop on Predictive Control on power Electronics and Drives Germany Oct. 2011 Atif Iqbal Model Predictive Control of a three to five phase matrix converter Workshop on Predictive Control on power Electronics and Drives Germany Oct. 2011 Atif Iqbal Artificial Neural Network based Space vector PWM of a five-phase Voltage source inverter Workshop on Power Electronics in Industrial applications and renewable energy Qatar Nov. 2011 179 Author(s) Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Paper Title Selective Harmonics Elimination for A Three-Level Diode Clamped Five-Phase Inverter Based on Particle Swarm Optimization A Simple Modulation Scheme for a Regenerative Cascaded Matrix Converter Carrier Based PWM Technique for a Three-to-Six Phase Matrix Converter for Supplying Six-phase Twomotor Drives Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Carrier Based PWM Technique for a Three-to-Six Phase Matrix Converter for Supplying Six-phase Twomotor Drives Selective Harmonics Elimination for A Three-Level Diode Clamped Five-Phase Inverter Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Sensorless Direct Torque Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Predictive Simultaneous Power and Current Control in a Three-phase Direct Matrix Converter Conference Venue Date IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON 2011 Australia Nov. 2011 180 Author(s) Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Atif Iqbal Lazhar Benbrahim Mazen Hasna Mazen Hasna Mazen Hasna Paper Title Comparison Study between a Simple Sensorless Method and Adaptive Observer for DTC-SVM Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive Modeling and Controller Design of Quasi-Z-Source Inverter with Battery based Photovoltaic Power System Artificial Intelligence Based Fault Diagnostics of Induction Machines for Industrial Applications Conference Venue Date IEEE International conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) Greece March 2012 IEEE Energy Conv. Congress ECCE 2012 USA Year 2012 Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering Algeria May-12 Doha, Qatar March12 Proceedings of the 3rd Electric Drives for LNG Plants International Gas Processing Symposium Proceedings of the 2011 Area Spectral Efficiency of IEEE Pacific Rim Infrastructure-Relay Conference on Enhanced Single-Cell Communications, Wireless Systems Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim) IEEE 12th International Performance Analysis of Workshop on Signal Selective Cooperation in Processing Advances in Underlay Cognitive Wireless Networks over Rayleigh Communications Channels (SPAWC) Proceedings of the 2011 Exposure Assessment to International Conference WiFi Access Points by on Electromagnetics in Simulations and Advanced Applications Measurements (ICEAA) Year 2011 Year 2011 Year 2011 181 Author(s) Paper Title Mazen Hasna ”Two Way Opportunistic MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Mazen Hasna Analysis of Cell Spectral Efficiency of Infrastructure Relay-Enhanced Cellular Systems Mazen Hasna & Ridha Hamila Performance Analysis of SEC Based Transmit Diversity Systems with MRC Receivers Mazen Hasna & Ridha Hamila Modified Alamouti decoding for highly selective channels for LTE systems. Mazen Hasna & Ridha Hamila Performance Evaluation of Farrow Interpolator in LTE Downlink Channel Estimation Using Universal Software Radio Mazen Hasna & Ridha Hamila Dynamic Optimization of LTE Pilot Scattering Based on Channel Estimation Conference Venue Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) Proceedings of the IEEE Computing, Communications, and Applications Conference (ComComAp) 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA 2012) The 2nd International Conference on Communications and Information Technology ", IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCCIS 2012) Effects of Dust, Humidity and The First International Mohammed Temperature on Solar PV Conference on Al-Hitmi& Performance: Comparison Renewable Energies and Farid Touati Between Mono-Crystalline Vehicular Technology and Semi-Flexible PVs (REVET 2012) Date Year 2011 Year 2011 Hong Kong Februar y 2012 Montreal , Canada July 2012 Hamma met, Tunisia May 2012 Kulala Lampur, Malaysia May 2012 Hamma mat, Tunisia Mar-12 182 Author(s) Paper Title Towards Understanding the Effects of Climatic and Mohammed Environmental Factors on Al-Hitmi& Solar PV Performance in Arid Farid Touati Desert Regions (Qatar) for Various PV Technologies Conference Venue Date World Renewable Energy Congress, Indonesia, Bali, International Conference Oct-11 Indonesia on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Multiple Sensor Fault Diagnosis For Non-Linear and Dynamic System by Evolving Approach IEEE PHM-2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference Beijing, China Design of a Digital Pleural Drainage System The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2012) Shanghai, May-12 China Mohieddine Benammar Design of Qatar University's First Solar Car for Shell Ecomarathon Competition The First International Conference on Renewable Energies and Vehicular Technology (REVET 2012) Hamma met, Tunisia March12 Nader Meskin Intervention in Biological Phenomena Modeled by SSystems: A Model Predictive Control Approach IEEE American Control Conference San Francisco , USA Jun-11 Nader Meskin Fault Detection and Isolation of Linear Impulsive Systems IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Shanghai Dec-11 Nader Meskin Parameter Estimation of Biological Phenomena Modeled by S-systems: An Extended Kalman Filter Approach 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 2011 Mohieddine Benammar Mohieddine Benammar May-12 183 Author(s) Paper Title Conference Venue Date Nader Meskin Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control of Biological Phenomena Modeled by S-Systems American Control Conference Montreal , Canada Jul-12 Ridha Hamila Enhanced Alamouti Decoding Scheme for DVBT2 Systems in SFN Channels Proc. of the 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2011) Toronto, Canada Septem ber 2011 Ridha Hamila On the Detection and Estimation of Correlated Signal Using Circular Antenna Arrays 2011 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT 2011) Aqaba, Jordan March 2011 Ridha Hamila Effect of high-velocity scenarios on the performance of MIMO LTE packet scheduling 8th International MultiConference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD 2011) Sousse, Tunisia March 2011 Ridha Hamila Advanced packet scheduling for efficient video support with limited channel feedback on MIMO LTE downlink IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 (GC Wkshps) Houston, USA Decem ber 2011 A Threshold-Based Opportunistic MAC Protocol for MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks Fifth International Workshop on Sensor Networks (SN2012) in conjunction with the International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012) Munich, Germany July 2012 Ridha Hamila 184 Author(s) Paper Title Conference Venue Date Ridha Hamila Cloud-Ready Biometric System for Mobile Security Access, The Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2012) CCIS 294 Dubai, UAE 2012 Ridha Hamila Modeling and compensation of frequency-dependent I/Q imbalance in multiple beamforming OFDM transceivers 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA 2012) Montreal , Canada July 2012 Ridha Hamila Digital Baseband Compensation of FrequencyDependent Joint TX/RX I/Q Imbalance in Beamforming MIMO OFDM IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012) Ottawa, Canada June 2012 Patents Authors Mohieddine Benammar Lazhar Benbrahim & Mohieddine Benammar Lazhar Benbrahim & Mohieddine Benammar Patent Number Filing Date Apparatus & method for GB monitoring the volume & rate 1208433 of air drained from a body .1 May 2012 Patent Title Publication Date Status Patent Office Pending UK Patent Apparatus for the GB determination of the angle 2447901 from sine/cosine transducers (B) 1 June 2011 Granted UK Patent PLL Type Resolver To 360 Degrees Linear Converter Apparatus 1 June 2011 Granted UK Patent GB 2448350 (B) 185 E. Seminars and Public Lectures Conference and Workshop Organization Event Location Date 11th International Conference on Information Montreal, Science, Signal Processing Canada and their Applications (ISSPA) 2-5 July 2012 2012 POWER-GEN Middle East conference EE Committee Members(s) Nature of contribution Prof. Boualem Boashash (1) Dr. Abbes Amira (2) General Chairman Co-Chair, Tutorials Doha, QATAR 6-8 February 2012 Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Dr. Rashid Alammari Dr. Ridha Hamila Advisory Board Members Session Chairs 2012 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems (ICECS'12) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 22-24 August Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Scientific Committee Member The 3rd Gas Processing Symposium 2012 Doha, Qatar 4-7 March 2012 Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Doha, Qatar Dr. Atif Iqbal , Prof. 3-4 Lazhar Ben-brahim, Novembe Dr. Ahmed Massoud, r 2011 Dr. Nasser Al-Emadi PEIA 2011 Workshop on Power Electronics in Industrial Applications and Renewable Energy Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT’2012) Second International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT 2012) Steering Committee Member Co-Chair (4) Local Committee Members Dubai, UAE April 2012 Dr. Ridha Hamila TPC member Hammame t, Tunisia June 2012 Dr. Ridha Hamila Track Chair 186 Event International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS 2012) Location Munich, Germany The International Conference on Information Sousse, Processing and Wireless Tunisia Systems (IP-WiS) International Conference Sousse, on Information Technology Tunisia and e-Services, International Conference on Current Trends in UAE Information Technology (CTIT 2011) International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS 2012), Munich, Germany Date EE Committee Members(s) Nature of contribution June 2012 Dr. Ridha Hamila TPC member March 2012 Dr. Ridha Hamila Scientific Chair March 2012. Dr. Ridha Hamila TPC member 10/2011 Dr. Ridha Hamila TPC member June 2012 Dr. Ridha Hamila TPC member Dr. Abbes Amira Chair of the Electronic Design Automation Track Dr. Abbes Amira Member of the Steering Committee The IEEE 4th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED 2012) Penang, Malaysia 10/07/20 12 The Eighth IEEE Workshop on Embedded Vision Providence , RI, USA 16/06/20 12 Special Session on Multiphase Motor Drives at IEEE IECON-2011 Melbourne , Australia 7-10 Novembe Dr. Atif Iqbal r 2011 Special Session Organizer on Sensorless Motor Drives at EPE-PEMC 2012 Novi Sad, Serbia 7/9/2012 Dr. Atif Iqbal Special Session Organizer and Session Chair Special Session Organizer 187 Event Location Date EE Committee Members(s) Nature of contribution Technical Committee Member Member of Technical Program Committee Conference on Emerging trends in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Lucknow, India. 12-13 June, 2012 Dr. Atif Iqbal 2012 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Engineering Oshawa, Ontario 8/ 2012 Dr. Khaled Ellithy Canada 06/2012 Dr. Tamer Khattab TPC member France 04/2012 Dr. Tamer Khattab TPC member IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2012 International Conference Attendance Event 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA) The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2012) Location Nature of participation Date EE Attendees Montreal, Canada 2-5 July 2012 Prof. Boualem Boashash Dr. Abbes Amira Dr. Ridha Hamila Students Yomna Bahnasy and Nuha Saad Papers Presenters Shanghai, China 17-20 May 2012 Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Student Mohammed AlSa’d Paper Presenter 188 Event The First International Conference on Renewable Energies and VEhicular Technology (REVET 2012) 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference Cosmo Oil Training IEEE – IECON 2011 ISCAS 2012 ISSPIT Conference Indonesia Intl Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 3rd International Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Location Date 26 to Hammamet, 28 Tunisia March 2012 Florida, USA EE Attendees Dr. Farid Touati Student Nasser Alnunu Nature of participation Paper Presenter Decem ber 10th Dr. Nader Meskin to 16th 2011 22nd Feb to Japan 1st Jan - 2012 Novem ber 7th Australia to 10th 2011 May 20th to Korea 23rd 2012 Novem ber 7th Spain to 10th 2011 Oct Bali, 10th to Indonesia 14th 2011 March Hammamat, 26th to Tunisia 28th 2012 Prof. Lazhar Ben-brahim Dr. Farid Touati Dr. Ahmed Massoud Dr. Nasser Al-IEmadi Participants Dr. Atif Iqbal Participant Dr. Abbes Amira Participant Prof. Boualem Boashash Dr. Farid Touati Paper Presenter Prof. Lazhar Ben-Brahim 189 Event Location IEEE International Conference on Communications Ottawa, Canada 4th International Conference on networked Digital Technologies Dubai, UAE Renewable Power Generation Conference Edinburgh, UK Cigre Conference Paris, France International Telecommunication Union Connect Arab Summit Date EE Attendees June 10th to 15th 2012 April 24th to 26th 2012 Sep 6th to 8th 2011 August 26th to 31st 2012 5-7 March 2012 Nature of participation Dr. Ridha Hamila Paper Presenter Dr. Ridha Hamila Paper Presenter Dr. Ahmed Massoud Dr. Khaled Ellithy Dr. Ridha Hamila Seminars Delivered at QU Seminar Implementation of Renewable Energy and Fuel Cells as a Back-up Generation for the Australian National Broadband Network Smart Grid & Energy Conservation-Towards Sustainable Energy Supply in Qatar Health Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of Industrial Gas Turbines Civil Aviation Seminar – New Doha International Airport (NDIA) Aviation System Date 27th Nov 2011 17th Nov 2011 27th October 2011, GPC th May 28 2012 Speaker Prof. Akhtar Kalam Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar Dr. Nader Meskin Eng. Samina Razaq Affiliation …….. …….. QU ELEC 299 Seminar – Dr. Nasser Al-Emadi 190 Workshops and Local Events Event Location Date QITCOM 2012 Qatar 5-7 March 2012 4th European Telecommunications Standard Institute TC ITS Workshop Everything Mobile Workshop, Sharq Village Doha, Qatar Doha, Qatar 7-9 February 2012 February, 2nd 2012 EE Attendees Dr. Ridha Hamila Dr. Atif Iqbal Dr. Ridha Hamila Dr. Ridha Hamila 191 F. Other Activities Consultancy Faculty Name Client/Industry Prof. Mohieddine Benammar RasGas (Industrial Electronics Co-Chair) Prof. Lazhar Ben-Ibrahim RasGas (Industrial Electronics Co-Chair) Dr. Mazen Hasna Dr. Ridha Hamila Dr. Tamer Khattab Courts, QUWIC, Qtel Courts & Qtel QUWIC & Qtel Dr. Ahmed Massoud Qatar Standards & Metrology Dept. Courts Dr. Rashid Al Ammari Dr. Nasser Al Emadi Dr. Khaled Ellithy Courts Courts Kahramaa Provided Service(s) Consultancy Consultancy & Training Consultancy Consultancy Consultancy Consultancy Services to the Profession Faculty Name Service(s) to the Profession Prof. Mohieddine Benammar Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Prof. Boualem Boashash Reviewing Papers Adjunct Professor and Advisor, Perinatal Research Centre, Centre for Clinical Research, University of Queensland, Australia Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Editor of Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier Guest Editor of Special Issue, Eurasip, Springer Prof. Lazhar BenIbrahim Reviewing Papers PhD examination/supervision 192 Faculty Name Service(s) to the Profession Dr. Rashid Alammari Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Dr. Khaled Ellithy Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Member of Editorial Board Members-International Journal (EEEIJ), ISSN 2200-5846, Dr. Farid Touati Reviewing Papers Associate Editor of: 1) IST Transactions of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, 2) IST Transactions of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Dr. Ridha Hamila Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Editorial Board: Signal Processing Journal. The Scientific World Journal published by the Hindawi Publishing Corporation Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Dr. Abbes Amira Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Dr. Ahmed Massoud Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Dr. Nasser AlEmadi Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Dr. Mazen Hasna Affiliated with two research centers Dr. Tamer Khattab Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) 193 Faculty Name Service(s) to the Profession Dr. Atif Iqbal Reviewing Papers Acting in Conference Committees (see Conf. and Workshop Organization Section) Editorial Board Member and Associate Editor of: Journal of Computer Science, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, SJI, USA. Editorial Board Member, Int. Journal of Science Engg. & Tech. and IManager. Journal of Electrical Engg., Int. Journal of Power Electronics Converter (IJPEC), Int. Journal of Power Electronics and Electric Drives (IJPED) and Int. Journal of Power Electronics and Energy (IJPEE).Int. Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Dr. Nader Meskin Reviewing Papers Dr. Fadi Jaber Associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience Outreach Activities Event Date EE Open Day: The event aimed at strengthening outreach efforts and communication between faculty, students, industry and community representatives. The function was honored by the presence of Dr. Sheikha Jaber Al-Thani, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Mohsen Guizani, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Mazen Hasna, Dean of the 20th October College of Engineering, and several press and 2011 industry representatives. A large number of male and female high school students, students from training centers of various oil companies and parents of prospective students also attended the function. Several potential employers such as Malomatia, Kahramaa, Siemens, QAFAC, QChem, AlSeef, Techno-Q, Doha Cables were also present in the open day to interact with the students. EE Organizer EE Faculty, Staff and Students 194 Event Student Field Visit to Ras Abu Fontas Student Field Visit to NCC, Student visit to Kahramaa Student visit to QEWC Ras Abu Fontas Visit to Aljazeera Network Visit to Aljazeera Network Visits to RasGas, Date 11th December 2011 21st December 2011 10th December 2011 11th December 2011, Feb 21 2012 29th November 2011 Bi-weekly basis (average) Visit to Al Wakra Independent Secondary School December 12th, 2011 Al Resala Independent Secondary School for Girls, Judging Committee of research projects 23rd and 26th of April 2012 EE Organizer Dr. Atif Iqbal Dr. Khaled Ellithy Dr. Atif Iqbal Dr. Atif Iqbal Dr. Abbes Amira Dr. Abbes Amira Prof. Lazhar Benbrahim Prof. Mohieddine Dr. Ridha Hamila Dr. Rashid Alammari Eng. Mohamed Elsayed Dr. Rashid Alammari Dr. Ridha Hamila Faculty Major Achievements The Self-Study Report (SSR) of the Electrical Engineering Program has been selected to be included in a display of well-prepared SSRs two years in a row (2011 and 2012 !) at the annual ABET Symposium in USA. This was a great privilege as our SSR was one of 45 selfstudies from all four ABET commissions on display (from institutions all over the world), and is one of only two models selected for the electrical engineering programs. The criteria for selection were designed to identify well-written and organized Self-Studies. The 2010/11 state incentive award in the field of pure and applied science is won by Dr. Rashid Alammari, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering for his outstanding achievements in the field of Electrical Engineering. The award carries a prize money of QR. 150,000 (US$ 41200), a gold medal and an appreciation certificate. 195 Our Faculty and Teaching Assistants deservedly won the College of Engineering Research Award (Prof. Boualem Boashash), Teaching award (Dr. Khaled Ellithy), and the Teaching Assistant Award (Eng. Sijoy Raphael) for 2011-12. Our team, again, has been successful in securing many NPRP and UREP research grants in this year. In particular, Dr. Nader Meskin has distinguished himself by securing funds for 3 NPRP projects (as LPI) in Cycle 5 ! Dr. Khaled Ellithy and Dr. Tamer Khattab have secured a significant contract with Kahramaa to carry out a feasibility study. A significant contract has been signed with the Kahramaa and Siemens to fund a three-year Chair Position in Energy Efficiency. An excellent candidate has been identified to fill this position and join the department in January 2013. During this academic year, Dr. Ahmed Massoud was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Dr. Atif Iqbal and Dr. Mazen Hasna have also applied for promotion to the same rank; their applications are with external referees. Prof. Boualem Boashash (Research Award) and Eng. Sijoy Raphael (TA Award) honored by the Dean at the End of Year Event of the College of Engineering. 196 G. Students’ Activities The 2011 graduates of the Electrical Engineering Program, Samer Said and Eng. Osama ElKahlout secured the first place in PES T&D 2012 student poster competition held in Orlando (USA) recently. The paper and poster which is based on their graduation project "Design of a Power System Stabilizer Based on Microcontroller for Power System Stability Enhancement" supervised by Dr. Khaled Ellithy competed with 80 other posters, most of them by MSc. Students from USA. The award consists of certificate of achievement and a cash prize of $1500. EE Students Mohammed Al-Saad and Monther Ghafel won the first place at the annual engineering competition for design projects recently held in Dubai. Their graduation project, “Design of a Digital Pleural Drainage System” supervised by Prof. Mohieddine Benammar has won a cash prize of QR. 20000 as well. The competition was held under the secretariat of the GCC Council. This project proposed a novel electronic and automated system for measuring/archiving blood and air drained from cardio-thoracic surgery patients. The project was carried out in collaboration with The Heart Hospital of Hamad Medical Corporation. This project resulted also in a paper presented in The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2012) in Shanghai China (May 2012). The paper was presented by Student Mohamed AlSaad. Media coverage of the Senior Design Project that won the 2012 GCC Engineering Design Competition 197 During the last Qatar University Research Forum (QURF 2011), Students Nasser Alnunu and Sami Al-shorman have received the best poster award for their work on designing a solar car for Shell Eco-marathon competition. This work resulted also in a paper presented in The First International Conference on Renewable Energies and VEhicular Technology (REVET 2012) in Tunisia (March 2012). The paper was presented by Student Nasser Alnunu. Student Nasser Alnunu receiving QURF best poster award. A team of EE students has designed and assembled an Electric car for the Shell Eco marathon Competition. The participation of the male and female students was on voluntary basis. This team participated in the Asia Competition in Malaysia (July 2012). The team successfully competed against more than twenty teams from various countries for the most energy-efficient car. Our car was ranked 10 with 136 km/kWh. This is a great result for our team who is new to this competition. Website: Facebook Page: 198 Our Electric car and team that participated in Shell Eco-marathon Asia in Malaysia (July 2012) Results Alwatan Newspaper coverage of the participation in Shell Eco marathon competition in Malaysia (12 July 2012). 199 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 200 A. Executive Summary This annual report covers 2011-2012 academic year for the Mechnical and Industrial Engineering Department (MIE). As one of the founding departments of College of Engineering (CENG), Qatar University, Qatar, MIE is an established engineering department whose traditions are deeply rooted in excellence. With staff strength of over 20 full-time faculty members and teaching assistant, the department is the largest Mechanical Saud Ghani, PhD and Industrial Engineering Department in the State of Qatar. Head, Department of Mechanical The department offers B.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering as well as Industrial and Systems Engineering. The department started postgraduate studies (MSc and PhD) in the field of Mechanical engineering. Part of that process entails expanding vertically by offering graduate research programs, improving the foundation of its unique laboratory facilities, redesigning its educational programs for tomorrow's challenges, contributing to national endeavors, cementing the connection with its alumni, and deepening cooperation with industry. Our team of committed and dedicated staff members continues to make us proud as they strive for excellence as evident by the strong representation of some of our faculty on the Editorial Boards of well-reputed international journals. In terms of research output, MIE department ranks among the best in the State of Qatar in both quality and quantity of publications. Our staff members have won, and continue to win, prizes internationally including the British Invention Show, Best Paper Award from Emerald UK. As a department, we have strong international research links with universities in many countries, including the National University of Singapore, Rutgers University, University College of London, Texas A & M University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, National University of Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia, Sheffield Hallam University, Dalhousie University, among others. I hope that the annual report will provide you with a useful information about the work carried out at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department on the year 2011-2012 and the work we do. 201 Table A1: Summary 2011-2012 Academic and Support Stuff Faculty Teaching Assistant Support Staff Total 14 9 3 26 Undergraduate Program Enrolment ISE Program : Enrolment: ME Program: Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 138 138 130 107 Graduate Program Master Program Enrollment Research UREP 6 NPRP 3 Start Up Grants University Internal Grants Student (QU) Grants Industry Funded Research 3 2 6 3 202 B. Department Profile Academic Staff Table A2: Summary: Department Faculty, Positions, and Areas of Specialization Faculty Name Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Saud Ghani Associate Professor and Head of Department Thermofluids, CFD, Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Flow Visualization, Biomedical Engineering. 2008 Abdel Magid Hamouda Professor and Associate Dean for research and Graduate Studies Engineering Materials and Design , Manufacturing Processes, Computational, Crashworthiness, Accident reconstruction, Mechanics and AI in Engineering. 2006 Abdelwahab Aroussi Professor and GPC director Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer as well as Instrumentation. 2010 Taher Khan Professor and Qatar Petroleum Chair Materials Engineering, Advanced Materials 2012 203 Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Dinesh Seth Associate Professor Industrial Engineering, Absorption and adoption of Quality and productivity management, lean management practices, and Supply chain management 2011 Ameer AlSalem Associate Professor Operation Research; Sequencing and Scheduling 1990 Mohamed AlKhawaja Associate Professor MHD Flows, Heat Exchangers, Gas Turbines, and Thermal Insulations 1993 El-Sadig Mahdi Associate Professor Composite Materials, Nano composite, Design of composite UAV, Finite element simulation, Mechanical design, stress analysis, and impact mechanics 2008 Shaligram Pokharel Associate Professor Logistics and supply, energy planning and project management 2010 Khalifa AlKhalifa Assistant Professor Industrial Engineering Applications, Total Quality Management, Road Traffic Accident , Quality Control, and Design of Experiments 1991 Mohamed AlQaradawi Assistant Professor Modal analysis, health diagnosis, and damage detection 1990 Fatih Mutlu Assistant Professor, ISE program coordinator Supply Chain Management , Transportation and Logistics Management 2009 Assistant Professor Design of Active Steering System, Imaged-based Biomedical Devices, Human Computer Interface, Micro/Meso Sensors and Actuators, and Smart Materials 2009 Faculty Name W. Jong Yoon 204 Faculty Name Farayi Musharavati Samer F. Ahmed Adel Elomri Rank/Position Area of Specialization Appointment Year Assistant Professor Manufacturing Systems & Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Simulated Annealing, Supply Chain Management, Simulation Modeling, and Renewable Energy 2008 Assistant Professor Combustion and Emissions, Alternative Fuels, Internal Combustion Engines, Carbon Capture technologies 2011 Assistant Professor Operations and Service Management, Competition and Cooperation in Supply Chains, Applied Game Theory, and Sustainable Supply Chains 2011 205 Technical and Support Staff Table A3. Summary: Technical and Support Staff at the Department TA/Staff Name Role Jayant Benurwar Teaching Assistant Samer AbdelAzim Teaching Assistant Waleed Mukahal Teaching Assistant, assistant dean Asma Hamad Teaching Assistant Area Of Interest Mechanical Testing of Materials, Metallography of metals and alloys, Research in Metallurgical Engineering, and Failure Investigation. Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Design, Control and Finite Element Analysis. Ergonomics, Operations Research, Work methods and Measurements, Simulation, and Project Management. Production Planning and Project Management Appointment Year 1992 2003 2009 2005 206 TA/Staff Name Role Area Of Interest Appointment Year Salim Mohandes Teaching Assistant Mechanical Mechanisms, Mechanical Design, and Vibrations 2001 Pratheesh Ben Teaching Assistant Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration Systems and Pipeline Engineering 1998 Rania Marouf Teaching Assistant Ergonomics and Facility Planning. 2004 Shaima Ali AlQuaradaghi Teaching Assistant Graphic Design, Facility Layout, Project Management, and Ergonomics 2009 Enas Faris Teaching Assistant Probability and statistical control, reliability of systems 2010 Ranees Muhammed Lab Engineer Thermofluids, fluid mechanics and heat transfer 2009 Yehia Al-Saeed Workshop technician Precision Assembly 1986 George Rajan Workshop technician Machining and turning 1992 Iyad Abdel Qadir Workshop Engineer Workshop management 2012 Mohamed Kamal Lab technician Materials, failure analysis and corrosion 2011 Najwan Jabr Administrative Assistant MIE administrative assistant 2005 207 Department Committees Curriculum Committee Chair: Dr. Saud Ghani Members: Dr. Dinesh Seth, Dr. El-Sadig Mahdi, Dr. Fatih Mutlu, Dr. W. Jong Yoon, Dr. Farayi Musharavati, Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Eng. Pratheesh Ben, Eng. Enas Fares Graduate Studies And Research Committee Chair: Dr Fatih Mutlu Members: Dr. Saud Ghani, Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda, Dr. Abdelwahab Aroussi, Dr. Ameer AlSalem, Dr. Shaligram Pokharel Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Shaligram Pokharel Members: Dr. Saud Ghani, Dr Fatih Mutlu, Dr. Farayi Musharavati, Dr. Samer F. Ahmed, Dr. Adel Elomri Promotion Committee Chair: Dr. Saud Ghani Members: Dr. Mohamed Haouari, Dr Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda, Dr. Abdelwahab Aroussi, Dr. Ameer Al-Salem Recruitment Committee Chair: Dr. Saud Ghani Members: Dr. Fatih Mutlu, Dr. Khalifa Al-Khalifa, Dr. Sadok Sassi Students Committee Chair: Dr. Jong Woon Members: Dr. Adel Elomri, Dr Fatih Mutlu Dr. Sadok Sassi, Dr. El-Sadig Mahdi, Eng Enas Fares, 208 C. Post Graduate Studies Master Degree in Engineering Management The Engineering Management (EM) program is designed to prepare professionals for the Qatari industrial world at levels higher than those requiring an undergraduate degree, and at the same time it will prepare them for doing advanced research. The structure of the EM program is unique as it helps the engineers become a more effective technical specialist and strengthens its ability to lead people and projects. Four students managed to pass their master project as illustrated in Table A5. Table A4: Students’ Projects Name Title Supervisor Year Ahmed Bassam Alkharraz Facility location and layout: A Case from a Major Oil and Gas Company in Qatar Dr. Adel Elomri 2012 Chamakh Ould Mohamed Lemine Application of Lean Management Principles in context to the central warehouse of Qatar Steel Company Dr. Dinesh Seth 2012 Saleh Akkela Centralization and Decentralization of Supply Contract Management for Industrial Construction Projects Dr. Fatih Mutlu 2012 Bashar Hassna Evaluation of OPEX Cost in Well Intervention Dr. Shaligram Pokharel 2012 Master and PhD in Mechanical Engineering Both programs started in Fall 2012. Currently, there are seven MSc and two PhD candidates. 209 D. Research Awarded Research Projects 2011-2012 UREP: Undergraduate Research Experience Program Dr. Aroussi, (UREP 11 - 154 - 2 – 059) Design and Build a Wind Turbine for Micro-Generation in Qatar, $57,500.00 Dr. Al Khawaja, UREP grant from QNRF (2012-2013) under the title of “Implementation, Demonstration, and Promotion of Ground Coupled Cooling Systems Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, Design and Fabrication of Automated Cost Effective Composite Repair System For Oil/Gas Pipelines, UREP 10 - 053 - 2 – 015. Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, Design and Manufacture of a New Spinning Tool for Inner Grooved Tube Manufacturing, UREP 10 - 083 - 2 – 026. Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, Development of Large Diameter Reinforced Composite Pipe with High Pressure for Natural Gas Transportation, UREP 11 - 077 - 2 – 021. Dr. Fatih Mutlu, UREP 10-092-5-028: Using Lean Principles and Process Analysis Techniques to Reduce Congestion in Out Patient Departments, Primary Faculty Member Dr. Adel Almori, UREP: UREP 12 - 071 - 2 – 033: Sustainable Supply Chain Coordination Dr. Farayi Musharavati, UREP Grant 7th Cycle , UREP 07-122-2-035 Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Performance Improvement of the Cardiac Surgery Department at Hamad Hospital Dr. Farayi Musharavati, UREP Grant 9th Cycle , UREP 09-076-2-020Optimization Initiatives for Improving Operating and Energy Efficiency at Qatar Electricity and Water Company Dr. Farayi Musharavati, UREP Grant 9th Cycle , UREP 09-078-2-021Sustainability of Natural Gas Processing Operations and Facilities Through Cleaner Production, Process Optimization and Optimal Production Operation Strategies 210 Dr. Aroussi and Dr. Saud Ghani, Qatar Gas, Experimental Investigation of the effect of thermodynamic and kinetic inhibitors, performance for Qatari Natural Gas, $300,000 NPRP: National Priorities Research Program Dr. El-Sadig Mahdi, NPRP 5 - 1425 - 2 - 607 Development and surface interaction study of LowFouling Nano-filtration Membranes for Desalination $1,000 000 Dr. El-Sadig Mahdi, High-Performance Biodegradable Composites From Qatari Date Palm Waste, NPRP 5 - 068 - 2 – 024, $927,742.34. Dr. El-Sadig Mahdi, Novel Multi-Functional Composite Sandwich Panel, NPRP 5 - 1298 - 2 – 560, $1,009,921.00. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Lead-PI for Research Grant valued at USD 742,000 for “Development of a comprehensive analytical logistics model for planning and management of disaster related emergency situations” (NPRP 5 - 200 - 5 – 027) (PI-Prof. Jose Holguin-Veras- RPI/USA, PI – Dr. Fatih Mutlu/Qatar University, Co-PI – Dr. Dinesh Seth/Qatar University) September 2012-June 2015. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Lead PI for Research Grant valued at USD 726,000 for “Analysis and design of closed loop low carbon supply chains” (NPRP 5 - 1284 - 5 – 198) (PI-Saif BenjafaarSUTD/Singapore, PI-Dr. Fatih Mutlu-Qatar University, Dr. Adel Elomri- Qatar University) September 2012-June 2015. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Co-Lead PI for Research Grant valued at USD 512,000 for “Cutting-Edge Optimization for Modern, Consumer-Focused Retailing” (NPRP 5 - 591 - 5 – 082) (Lead PI- Bacel Maddah—American University of Lebanon, PI—Ahmed Ghoneim – University of Massachusetts/Amherst/USA) September 2012-June 2015. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, PI for Research Grant valued at USD 991,440 for “Development of Design and Operation Support System For Risk-Based Energy Conservation and Supply Management of Industrial and Societal Facilities” (NPRP 5 - 209 - 2 – 071) (Lead PI- Prof. Hossam 211 Gaber—University of Ontario Institute of Technology/Canada, Co-Lead PI- Dr. Farayi Musharavati—Qatar University) September 2012-June 2015. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Co-PI for Research grant valued at USD 629,000 for “A Framework for Upstream Natural Gas Supply Chain Design: LNG Distribution Network” (NPRP 4 - 453 - 5 – 059) (Lead PI- Dr. Fatih Mutlu and other Co-PIs: Dr. Hakan Yildiz/Michigan State University, Prof. Ramamoorthi Ravi/Carnegie Mellon University): April 2012-May 2015. Funded by Qatar National Research Fund. Dr Fatih Mutlu, NPRP 4-453-5-059: A Framework for Upstream LNG Supply Chain (ongoing from 4th cycle) - co-LPI, LPI Dr Fatih Mutlu , NPRP 4-631-2-233: Center for Quality, Reliability, and Maintainability Engineering - (on going from 4th cycle) - co-PI Dr Fatih Mutlu , NPRP 5-1284-5-198: Analysis and Design of Closed Loop Low Carbon Supply Chains - PI Dr Fatih Mutlu, NPRP 5-200-5-027: Development of a comprehensive analytical logistics model for planning and management of disaster related emergency situations - PI Dr Fatih Mutlu , NPRP 5-364-2-142: Integration of Statistical Process Control and Automatic Process Control for Multistage Processes -co-PI Dr Jong Woon, Lead PI, “Integrated Bio-Sensors And Automated Instrumentation For Early Stomach Cancer Detection Using Flexible Capsule Endoscope”, NPRP 4 - 049 - 2 - 021, US $1,035,523 Dr Jong Woon, Co-Lead PI, “Development Of Smart Minimum Invasive Surgery Tools With Tactile Sensing Capabilities For Telerobot Surgery System”, NPRP 4-368-2-135, US $1,018,554 Dr Jong Woon, Co-Lead PI, “Blindness In Eastern Arabia: An Engineering Solution” NPRP 5 - 457 2 – 181, US $ 1,039,176 Dr Farayi Musharavati, NPRP 5th Cycle NPRP 5 - 209 - 2 – 071Development of Design and Operation Support System For Risk-Based Energy Conservation and Supply Management of Industrial and Societal Facilities 212 Dr Farayi Musharavati, NPRP 5th Cycle NPRP 5 ‐ 423 ‐ 2 ‐ 167 Advanced ultra‐hard Nanostructured coatings for innovative applications in mechanical and chemical industries Dr Farayi Musharavati, NPRP 5th Cycle NPRP 5-161-2-053 Geometric Patterns in Solar Water Desalination Dr Farayi Musharavati, NPRP 4th Cycle and Maintainability Engineering Application of Innovative NPRP 4 - 631 - 2 - 233 Center for Quality, Reliability Startup Grants Dr. Adel Al Omri (50,000 QAR) Dr. Samer Fikri (50,000 QAR) University Internal Student’s Grants Dr. Dinesh Seth, university grant project in the areas of lean management applications. The value of the proposal is 10,000 QAR ( QUST-CENG-SPR 12 – 19). Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, Repair To Offshore Steel Risers With Fiber Reinforced Composites. Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, Design and Development of a QU formula student Racing Car. Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Lead PI for Research grant valued at Qatar Riyal 115,000 for “Analysis and Modeling of Energy Consumption in Commercial Sector”, QUUG-CENG-DIE-11/12-4 (June 2012- May 2014). (Co-investigators: Dr. Fatih Mutlu, Dr. Dinesh Seth, Dr. Adel Elomri, Dr. Farayi Musharvati.) Dr. Shaligram Pokharel, Lead PI for Research grant valued at Qatar Riyal 88,900 for “Investigation of information technology and systems use for business service in logistics companies in Qatar”, QUUG-ENG-MIE-10/11-11 (April 2011- March 2012). (Co-investigators: Dr. Fatih Mutlu and Dr. Farbod Zorriassatine.) 213 Dr Fatih Mutlu, . QUUG-ENG-DCE-10/11-15: Non-Cooperative and Cooperative Contract Design Mechanisms Between Shippers and Carriers in a Business-to-Business Setting and Benchmarking the Industry Practices in Qatar, Key PI. Dr Fatih Mutlu, QUUG-CENG-DIE-11/12-4: Analysis and Modeling of Energy Consumption in Commercial Sector, PI. Dr Jong Woon, “Design and Development of an Arabic Speech-Controlled Multifunction Toiletfriendly Wheelchair “, QUST-ENG-MIE-10/11-21, QR 32,400 Dr Farayi Musharavati, QU Student Grant QUST-ENG-MIE-10/11-24 Design and development of an Optimal LPG Distribution Network for the State of Qatar Dr Farayi Musharavati, QU Student Grant, QUST-ENG-MIE-10/11-25 and Evaluation of Wave Energy Resource Potential for Qatar Analysis, Assessment Dr Farayi Musharavati, QU Research Grant, QUUG-ENG-MIE-10/11/17, Dynamic Analysis of lean Systems and their Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry 214 E. Publications Refereed Journal Papers Park, M., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Elsayed, E. A., “Economic Cost Models of Integrated APC Controlled SPC Charts.” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 14, 3936–3955, July 2012. Impact Factor (0.83) KS Tun, NJ Minh, QB Nguyen, AM Hamouda, M Gupta, Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al Alloys (AZ41 and AZ51) and Its Composites, Metals 2 (3), 313-328, 2012. E. Mahdi, A.M.S. Hamouda, Energy absorption capability of composite hexagonal ring systems, Materials & Design, Volume 34, February 2012, Pages 201-210. Impact Factor (2.20) S Seetharaman, J Subramanian, M Gupta, AS Hamouda, Influence of Micron-Ti and Nano-Cu Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pure Magnesium, Metals 2 (3), 274-291, 2012. J Subramanian, Z Loh, S Seetharaman, AS Hamouda, M Gupta, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-5Nb Metal-Metal Composite Reinforced with Nano SiC Ceramic Particles, Metals 2 (2), 178-194, 2012. E. Mahdi and A.M.S. Hamouda. Crushing Behavior of Composite Hexagonal Ring System. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 110-116 (2012) pp 444-450. MK Habibi, H Pouriayevali, AMS Hamouda, M Gupta, Differentiating the mechanical response of hybridized Mg nano-composites as a function of strain rate, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 545, 2012, 51-60. Impact Factor: 2.23 Habibi, M.K., Qian, M., Hamouda, A.S., Gupta, M. Differentiating the mechanical response of hierarchical magnesium nano-composites as a function of temperature, Materials and Design, 42, 2012, 102-110. . Impact Factor: 2.20 215 Mohamed, A.S., Sapuan, S.M., Megat Ahmad, M.M.H., Hamouda, A.M.S., Hang Tuah Bin Baharudin, B.T., Modeling the technology transfer process in the petroleum industry: Evidence from Libya, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55, 2012, 451-470. Impact Factor: 1.346 Musharavati, F., Hamouda, A.M.S., Simulated annealing with auxiliary knowledge for process planning optimization in reconfigurable manufacturing, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 28, 2012, 113-131. Impact Factor: 1.173 Musharavati, F., Hamouda, A.M.S., Enhanced simulated-annealing-based algorithms and their applications to process planning in reconfigurable manufacturing systems, Advances in Engineering Software, 45, 2012, 80-90. Impact Factor: 1.092 Habibi, M.K., Hamouda, A.M.S., Gupta, M. Enhancing tensile and compressive strength of magnesium using ball milled Al+CNT reinforcement, Composites Science and Technology, 72, 2012, 290-298. Impact Factor (3.144) M.A. Badie, E. Mahdi, A.M.S. Hamouda. An investigation into hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotive drive shaft. Materials & Design, Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 1485-1500. Impact Factor (2.20) Pan, Y., Weng, G.J., Meguid, S.A., Bao, W.S., Zhu, Z.-H., Hamouda, A.M.S.: Percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of a two-phase composite containing randomly oriented ellipsoidal inclusions, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 2011, 123715-1. Impact Factor 2.168 (2nd most highly citied journal in physics). Alam, M.E., Han, S., Nguyen, Q.B., Salem Hamouda, A.M., Gupta, M. Development of new magnesium based alloys and their nanocomposites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 2011, Impact Factor (2.289) M. K. Habibi, M. Paramsothy, A.M.S. Hamouda and M. Gupta, "Using Integrated Hybrid (Al+CNT) Reinforcement to Simultaneously Enhance Strength and Ductility of Magnesium", Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 71, Issue 5, 734-741, 2011. Impact Factor (3.144) M. K. Habibi, M. Paramsothy, A.M.S. Hamouda and M. Gupta, "Enhanced Compressive Response of Hybrid Mg-CNT Nano-Composites", Journal of Material Science, Vol. 46, Issue 13, 4588-4597, 2011. Impact Factor (2.015) 216 A.B. Ibitoye, A. M. S. Hamouda, R. S. Radin, and S. V. Wong, Developing an Alternative Guardrail System for Exclusive Motorcycle Lanes, Epistemics in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol.1, 2011, 32- 43. S Eslamian, B B Sahari, Aidy Ali, El-Sadiq Mahdi and A M Hamouda, Microscopic Study of 5083H321 Aluminium Alloy Under Fretting Fatigue Condition, Mater. Sci. Eng. 17, 1-11, 2011. Y. J. Yin and T. I. Khan, “Effect of bonding time on microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonded magnesium AZ31 alloy, Materials and Design, Vol.38, 2012, pp3237 R. Bakhtiari, A. Ekrami and T. I. Khan, “The effect of TLP bonding temperature on microstructural and mechanical property of joints made using FSX-414 superalloy”, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 546, 2012, pp 291-300. K. O. Cooke and T. I. Khan, “Transient liquid phase diffusion bonding Al-6061 using nanodispersed Ni coatings”, Materials & Design, Vol. 33, 2012, pp469-475 A. Mateen, F. A. Khalid, T. I. Khan and G. C. Saha, “Wear behaviour of HVOF sprayed WC-Co coatings”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 326, 2011, pp144-150. A.Mateen, G. C. Saha, T. I. Khan and F. A. Khalid, “Tribological performance of HVOF sprayed near nanocrystructured and microstructured WC-17%Co coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 206, 2011, pp1077-1084. K. O. Cooke and T. I. Khan, “Nanostructure particle-reinforced transient liquid phase diffusion bonding, a comparative study”, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, Vol. 42, No.8, 2011, pp2271-2277. G. C. Saha, T. I. Khan and G. A. Zhang, “Erosion-corrosion resistance of microcrystalline and nearnanocrystalline WC-17Co high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray coatings”, Corrosion Science, Vol.53, 2011, pp2106-2114 W. M. Elthalabawy, T. I. Khan, “Liquid phase bonding of 316L stainless steel to AZ31 magnesium alloy”, Journal of Materials Science & Technol. Vol. 27 No. 1, 2011. 217 U. Haq and T. I. Khan, “Tribological behavior of electrodeposited Ni-SnO2 nanocomposite coatings on steel”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 205, 2011, pp2871-2875. Al-Khawaja, Mohammed J., 2011, “Highly accurate solutions of a MFM square duct flow with heat transfer”, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, ISBN: 978-3-639-31353-6, Saarbrucken, Deutschland. M.A. Badie, E. Mahdi, A.M.S. Hamouda. An investigation into hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotive drive shaft. Materials & Design, Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 1485-1500. E. Mahdi, A.M.S. Hamouda, Energy absorption capability of composite hexagonal ring systems, Materials & Design, Volume 34, February 2012, Pages 201-210. E. Mahdi and A.M.S. Hamouda. Crushing behavior of composite Hexagonal Ring System. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 110-116 (2012) pp 444-450. A. Rauf, W.F. Bogaerts and E. Mahdi. Implementation of Electrochemical Frequency Modulation to Analyze Stress Corrosion Cracking, CORROSION—Vol. 68, No. 3. Faysal Fayez Eliyan , El-Sadig Mahdi and Akram Alfantazi, Electrochemical evaluation of the corrosion behaviour of API-X100 pipeline steel in aerated bicarbonate solutions. Corrosion Science 58 (2012) 181–191. Rauf and E. Mahdi, Evaluating Corrosion Inhibitors with the Help of Electrochemical Measurements Including Electrochemical Frequency Modulation, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(2012)4673-4685. A. Rauf and E. Mahdi, Comparison Between Electrochemical Noise and Electrochemical Frequency Modulation Measurements during Pitting Corrosion. J. New Materials for Electrochemical Systems. Volume 15 (2012) Number 2 107-112. Liu, X., Li, J., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Hamouda, A. S., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Condition-based Maintenance for Continuously Monitored Degrading Systems with Multiple Failure Modes,” IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, in print. 218 Park, M., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Elsayed, E. A., “Economic Cost Models of Integrated APC Controlled SPC Charts.” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 50, No. 14, 3936–3955, July 2012. Park, M., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Elsayed, E. A., “Integrated Process Control for Processes with APC Damping Controllers and SPC Charts,” revised and under second review, International Journal of Production research. Kim, J., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Park, M., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Elsayed, E. A., “ACUSUM Charts with Adaptive Runs Rule,” submitted to the International Journal of Production Research, June 2012. Kim, J., Al-Khalifa, K. N., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Elsayed, E. A., “Multivariate Statistical 2 Process Control Charts based on the Approximate Sequential χ Test,” draft ready for submission in Sept 2012. Shaligram Pokharel, Yijiong Liang, 2012, A model to evaluate acquisition price and quantity of used products for remanufacturing, International Journal of Production Economics, July, 138 (1): 170-176. IF: 1.76 A.M. Caunhye, Xiaofeng Nie, Shaligram Pokharel, 2012, Optimization models in emergency logistics: A literature review, Socio-economic Planning Sciences, 46(1)4-13. (ISSN: 00380121). IF: 0.279 Shaligram Pokharel, 2011, Stakeholders’ roles in virtual project environment: A case study, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 8 (2), 201-214. (ISSN: 0923-4748). IF: 1.032 The development of commercial wind towers for natural ventilation: A review Review Article Applied Energy, Volume 92, April 2012, Pages 606-627, Ben Richard Hughes, John Kaiser Calautit, Saud Abdul Ghani A review of sustainable cooling technologies in buildings Review Article, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 6, August 2011, Pages 3112-3120, Ben Richard Hughes, Hassam Nasarullah Chaudhry, Saud Abdul Ghani 219 Comparison between evaporative cooling and a heat pipe assisted thermal loop for a commercial wind tower in hot and dry climatic conditions Original Research Article, Applied Energy, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 29 August 2012, John Kaiser Calautit, Hassam Nasarullah Chaudhry, Ben Richard Hughes, Saud Abdul Ghani A review of heat pipe systems for heat recovery and renewable energy applications Review Article, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 16, Issue 4, May 2012, Pages 22492259, Hassam Nasarullah Chaudhry, Ben Richard Hughes, Saud Abdul Ghani W. Jong Yoon, Matthew A. Brown, Per. G. Reinhall, Sangtae Park, and Eric J. Seibel, Design and Preliminary Study of Custom Laser Scanning Cystoscope for Automated Bladder Surveillance, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies (MITAT), 2012. DOI: 10.3109/13645706.2011.653374. (Impact Factor: 1.33) Dr Adel Almori, Coalition Formation and Cost Allocation for Joint Replenishment Systems, Production and Operations Management, April, 2012, 1.301 Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling Correlations in Age Hardenable Aluminum Alloys, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 41(1-2) pp. 140-146, 2010 Modified Genetic Algorithms for Manufacturing Process Planning in Multiple Parts Manufacturing Lines”, Expert Systems with Applications: an International Journal, Volume 38 (9), pp.10770 – 10779, April 2011 Enhanced Simulated-Annealing-Based Algorithms and their Applications to Process Planning in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems” Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 45(1) pp. 80-90, November 2011 Simulated Annealing with Auxiliary Knowledge for Process Planning Optimization in Reconfigurable Manufacturing, Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 28 (2) pp. 113-131, March 2012 Advancing Service Operations: The Changing Role of Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Journal, 1:102. doi:10.4172/2169-0316.1000102, September, 2012 220 Books / Book Chapters M. S. H AMOUDA; R. M. S OHAIMI, A. M. A. Z AIDI and S. A BDULLAH.: Materials and design issues for military helmets; in Advances in military textiles and personal equipment, Edited by E. Sparks, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012. Abdelwahab Aroussi and Farid Benyahia (2012), Proceedings of the 3rd Gas Processing , Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology ; ISBN-10: 0444594965; ISBN-13: 978- Conference Papers Liu, X., Hua, D., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Criticality for Components with Multi-Dimensional Degradation,” 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 19-23, 2012. Kim, J. Al-Khalifa, N. K., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. S. and Elsayed, E. A. “A LASSO-based Multivariate Control Chart for Process Monitoring and Diagnosis,” 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 19-23, 2012. Liu, X., Li, J., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “A Framework for Condition-Based Maintenance Scheduling,” The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Reno, Nevada, January 23-26, 2012 G. Xu and A.M.S. Hamouda, Time-Domain Simulation of Second-Order Wave Diffraction in Irregular Wave, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2012 July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. M. E. Alam, R. A. Rima, Q. B. Nguyen, A. M. S. Hamouda, and M. Gupta, “Effect of Ca addition on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of AZ51/1.5 Al2O3 Magnesium Nanocomposite”, 141th TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11 March-15 March, 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA. K. Ahmed, A.M.S. Hamouda and M. Gadala.: Development of a Belt Conveyor Cooling System for Concrete Aggregates, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2011). 221 Liu, X., Li, J., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Availability Modeling of Systems with Dependent Failure Modes,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. Li, J., Liu, X., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Reliability Importance Measures for Continuum System Structure with Correlated Degrading Components,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. Kim, J., Park, M. , Jeong, M .K., Hamouda , A. M. S., K. N. Al-Khalifa , K. N., Elsayed, E. A., “Detecting the Time and the Magnitude of a Step Change on Univariate Process,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. Liu, X.., Li, J.., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Condition-Based Maintenance for Systems with Dependent Failure Modes,” Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, Nov 20-22, 2011. Kim, J., Park, M., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Multivariate Two-stage Scheme for Mean Shift Detection,” Nineteenth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 21-25, 2011. Park, M., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Integration of SPC and APC for Shift Detection and Control,” Nineteenth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 21-25, 2011. Kim, J., Park, M., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Two-stage Model for Small Mean Shifts Detection,” Qualita 2011, Angers, France, March 23-25, 2011. M. S. Hamouda and M. Gupta, “Development of High Performance and Light Weight Magnesium based Nanocomposites”, IIUM Engineering Congress (IEC’11), 17-19 May, 2011, Malaysia (Keynote Speaker: A. M. S. Hamouda). M. E. Alam, A. M. S. Hamouda, S. Han, Q. B. Nguyen and M. Gupta, “Development of New AZ51 Magnesium alloy and its Al2O3 Nanocomposite”, International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies (AMPT’ 11), 13-16 July, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. 222 M.E Alam; S. Han; A.M.S. Hamouda; Q. Nguyen; M. Gupta, Development and Characterization of New AZ41 and AZ51 Magnesium Alloys, Magnesium Technology, Book Editors, Wim H. Sillekens, Sean R. Agnew, Neale R. Neelameggham, and Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Wiley, April 2011. G. Xu, A.M.S. Hamouda, and B.C. Khoo.: Numerical simulation of fully nonlinear sloshing waves in 3D tank under random excitation, The 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 18-22, September, 2011, 3957-3975. G. Xu, A.M.S. Hamouda, and B.C. Khoo.: Wave Propagation in a 3D Fully Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank Based on MTF+DZ Method, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics, 16-19, September, 2011, 250-254. M. Park, J. Kim, M.K. Jeong, A.M.S. Hamouda, K.N. Al-Khalifa, E.A. Elsayed Two-stage Model for Small Mean Shifts Detection Proceedings of QUALITA 2011 Conference, Angers, France, March 2011 M. Park, J. Kim, M.K. Jeong, A.M.S. Hamouda, K.N. Al-Khalifa, E.A. Elsayed Integration of Statistical Process Control and Automatic Process Control Proceedings of QUALITA 2011 Conference, Angers, France, March 2011 A Aroussi (2011), Development of a portable Low Power Desalination System, 1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment, October 2011 Abu Dhabi UAE C Flesia and A Aroussi (2012), Accuracy of alert systems to detect environmental disasters based on remote sensing satellite observations., Third International Gas Processing Symposium, March 2012 , Qatar. A Benamor, A Baharun, U Z M. Noor, M K Aroua, and A Aroussi, (2012), Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Piperazine Activated Diethanolamine Solutions, Third International Gas Processing Symposium, March 2012 , Qatar. A Benamor, M K Aroua, and A Aroussi, (2012), Kinetics of CO2 Absorption Into Aqueous Blends of Diethanolamine and Methyldiethanolamine, Third International Gas Processing Symposium, March 2012 , Qatar. 223 A Benamor, M, A Aroussi, H Abdesslem and H. H. Masjuki , (2012), Performance of a Solar Assisted Heat Pump Using Different Refrigerants, International Conference on Applications And Design In Mechanical engineering, (ICADME 2012), 27-28, February, Penang, Malaysia 2012. A Benamor and A Aroussi , (2012), Modelling of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of DEA, MDEA and Their Mixtures Using Different Mathematical Models- A Comparative Study, ICEEC 2012 A Benamor and A Aroussi , (2012), Simulation and Analysis of Naphtha Catalytic Reforming Reactor, CPRP-2012 G. C. Saha, T. B. Mahmud and T. I. Khan, “Strain hardening of heat treated nanostructured WC17CO coatings and their sliding wear behaviour”, To be presented at the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2012), Housten, Texas, 9-15 November, 2012 [Paper No. IMECE2012-89525]. T.I.Khan, “Diffusion bonding of dissimiliar alloys” INVITED KEYNOTE, International Conference on Welding Technologies & Exhibition, 23-25th May 2012, Ankara, Turkey. T.I.Khan, “Nanostructured Coatings”, INVITED KEYNOTE, 24th Canadian Materials Science Conference, University of Western Ontario, Canada, June 2012 G. C. Saha and T. I. Khan, “Study of strain hardening effect on wear resistance of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline WC-17wt.%Co HVOF coatings”, Presented at the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2011), Denver, CO, 11-17 November, 2011 [Paper No. IMECE2011-64118] M. A. Farrokhzad and T. I. Khan, INVITED KEYNOTE paper, “High temperature oxidation behaviour of nickel based electrodeposited nanostructured cermet coatings”, Conf. Proc. 12th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 26-30 September 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan. Dinesh Seth and Manjeet Pandey, ““Inventory optimization for restricted capacity system with rhythmic production and cyclic replenishment”, ICIE-2011 ( 17 –19 November,2011) Al-Salem, F. Farhadi, M. Kharbeche, A. Ghoniem, "Multiple-Runway Aircraft Sequencing Problems using Mixed-Integer Programming," The Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference , Orlando, Florida, 2012. 224 G. Rabadi, G. Hancerliogullari, M. Kharbeche, A. Al-Salem, "Meta-heuristics for Aircraft Arrival and Departure Scheduling on Multiple Runways, " The Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference , Orlando, Florida, 2012. Al-Salem , M. Kharbeche, S. Al-Haidous, F. Aansari, A. Ahmade, M. Daneshvar, "Linear Ordering Formulations for the Arrival-departure Aircraft Scheduling Problem," 13th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Leuven, Belgium, pp 77–81, 2012. M. Kharbeche, A. Ghoniem, H. Sherali, A. Al-Salem, "Enhanced Formulations for Aircraft Sequencing over Multiple Runways, "INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2011 M. Kharseh, F. Hassani, M. Al Khawaja, "Ground Source Heat Pump and Energy Saving in Hot Climate'', International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection, June 5-8, 2012, Dublin, Ireland. M. Ghomshei1, F. Hassani1, M. Alkhawaja, A. Ghoreishi, M. Selmi, "Extraction of usable geothermal energy from oil and gas wells: an environmental and economical analysis of deep wells in Qatar'', BIT’s 2nd New Energy Forum, October 19-21, 2012, China. M. Kharseh, F. Hassani, M. Al Khawaja, "The Feasibility of Shallow Geothermal Systems in Hot Region'', ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 1915, 2012, Houston, Texas Rauf and E. Mahdi. Surface damage caused by erosion-enhanced pitting corrosion of API-X52 steel used as oil and gas transportation pipeline material, Proceedings of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium, March 5 - 7 2012 , Qatar. Rauf and E. Mahdi. Comparison between API X-52 and X-100 steels for erosion-corrosion degradation, NACE, August 17, 2011. M. S. Gadala and Elsadig Mahdi, Inverse Heat Conduction Analysis of Cooling on Runout Tables – Assessment of Recent Techniques, ICMIME 2012 : International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Switzerland in July 5, 2012. 225 lslam, M., Farhat, Z. and Mahdi, E.(2012) Erosion and Corrosion of API Pipeline Steels in CO2 and Saline Slurry Medium, Third Int. Symp. on Tribo-Corrosion, Atlanta, Georgia USA, April. Islam, M., Farhat, Z. and Mahdi, E. (2012) Erosion-Corrosion and Synergistic Effects of API Pipeline Steel under Jet Impingement, Third Int. Symp. on Tribo-Corr., Atlanta, Georgia USA, April. Islam, M., Farhat, Z. and Mahdi, E. (2012) A Study of Erosion by Solid Particle Impingement on API Pipeline Steel, 3rd International Gas Proc. Symp., Qatar, March. Islam, M., Farhat, Z. and Mahdi, E. (2012) Effect of Attach Angle and Velocity on Material Removal in Wet Erosion of API Gas Pipelines, 3rd Int. Gas Proc. Symp., Qatar, March. F. Hemmati, M. Y. Alqaradawi and M. S. Gadala, “Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Acoustic Emission Technique and Wavelet Packet Transform”, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 22-24 August 2012 Liu, X., Hua, D., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Criticality for Components with Multi-Dimensional Degradation,” 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 19-23, 2012. Kim, J. Al-Khalifa, N. K., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. S. and Elsayed, E. A. “A LASSO-based Multivariate Control Chart for Process Monitoring and Diagnosis,” 20th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, May 19-23, 2012. Liu, X., Li, J., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “A Framework for Condition-Based Maintenance Scheduling,” The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Reno, Nevada, January 23-26, 2012 Liu, X., Li, J., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Availability Modeling of Systems with Dependent Failure Modes,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. Li, J., Liu, X., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Reliability Importance Measures for Continuum System Structure with Correlated Degrading Components,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. 226 Kim, J., Park, M. , Jeong, M .K., Hamouda , A. M. S., K. N. Al-Khalifa , K. N., Elsayed, E. A., “Detecting the Time and the Magnitude of a Step Change on Univariate Process,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011. Liu, X.., Li, J.., Al-Khalifa, K., Hamouda, A. M., Coit, D. W. and Elsayed, E. A., “Condition-Based Maintenance for Systems with Dependent Failure Modes,” Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, Nov 20-22, 2011. Kim, J., Park, M., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Multivariate Two-stage Scheme for Mean Shift Detection,” Nineteenth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 21-25, 2011. Park, M., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Integration of SPC and APC for Shift Detection and Control,” Nineteenth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Nevada, May 21-25, 2011. Kim, J., Park, M., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Twostage Model for Small Mean Shifts Detection,” Qualita 2011, Angers, France, March 23-25, 2011. Park, M., Kim, J., Jeong, M. K., Hamouda, A. M. S., Al-Khalifa, K. N. and Elsayed, E. A., “Integration of Statistical Process Control and Automatic Process Control,” Qualita 2011, Angers, France, March 23-25, 2011. M. Park, J. Kim, M.K. Jeong, K.N. Al-Khalifa, A.M. Hamouda and E.A. Elsayed “An economic model of the integrated process control” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November, 2010 Shaligram Pokharel, Aalieh A. Ahmade, Fajr A. Al-Ansari, Hana Al Allaf, Mina S. Daneshvar, A. M. AbdelQadir (2012). Energy econometric modeling for policy analysis. Proceedings of the 6th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition June 28-30, 2012 Izmir, Turkey in CD, Qatar. Fatih Mutlu, Shaligram Pokharel, Noura Gamel, Deema Bassem, Zena Fadel, Lama Al-Sarraj, Fatima AlMadhoun (2012). Using Lean Principles and Process Analysis Techniques to Reduce Congestion in Out Patient Departments, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI), June 24-27, 2012 in İstanbul, Turkey. 227 Shaligram Pokharel, Aalieh A. Ahmade, Fajr A. Al-Ansari, Hana Al Allaf, Mina S. Daneshvar, A. M. AbdelQadir (2012). Energy modeling for policy analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium, Eds. Abdelwahab Aroussi and Farid Benyahia. Doha: Gas Processing Center, Qatar University, March 5 – 7 –in CD, Qatar. Shaligram Pokharel and Liang, Y. (2011). Analysis of pricing of used products. INFORMS Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA (November 2011)—Abstract produced. A Method for Optimizing the Reconfiguration Design Task in Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 22 – 24 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9808251-0-7, pp. 603609 Cleaner Production Opportunities for Natural-Gas-Liquids Operations That Implement BATs Within an Environmental Management Framework In Proceedngs of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium, Volume 3 pp.50-57, Mrach 2012, Qatar. Options for Excess Gas from LNG Operations and Facilities: Perspectives and Prospects Based on a Case Study of an LNG Plant, In Proceedngs of the 3rd International Gas Processing Symposium, Volume 3 pp. 358-365, Mrach 2012, Qatar. A Neural Network Method for Managing an Integrated Water Resource, in International Conference Proceedings of the Planetary Scientific Research Centre, ISBN: 978-93-82242-04-8, pp. 131-134, July 2012, Thailand. Process Planning with Embedded Scheduling for Multi-Parts Production in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, In International Conference Proceedings of the Planetary Scientific Research Centre, ISBN: 978-93-82242-04-8, pp. 167-170, , July 2012, Thailand. Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Water/Power Ratios for a Dual Purpose Water and Power Production Plant, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, (SET2012), ISBN: 0-9781236-1-2, pp. 1530-1540, September, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. Perspectives on Sustainability in Natural-Gas-Liquids Operations Through a Cleaner Production Framework”, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, (SET-2012), ISBN: 0-9781236-1-2, pp. 1541-1552, September, 2012, September, 2012, Vancouver, Canada 228 Energy Savings Through Applications of Lean Manufacturing Principles, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET-2012), ISBN: 0-9781236-1-2, pp. 15531564, September, 2012, Vancouver, Canada Improving Operating Efficiency of Installed Capacity in a Power and Water Cogeneration Plant, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET-2012), ISBN: 0-97812361-2, pp. 1520-1529, September, 2012, Vancouver, Canada Towards an Integrated Value Optimizing Ecosystem in Natural Gas Liquids Operations and Related Facilities, Poster presentation at the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET-2012), September, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. Shaligram Pokharel and Mutha, A.K. (2011). Network modeling with uncertainty in returned products. INFORMS Northeastern Regional Conference, Amherst, MA, USA (May 2011) – Abstract produced. Dr Fatih Mutlu, 1. "A Framework for Upstream Natural Gas Supply Chain Design: LNG Distribution Network", Informs Annual Meeting 2011,November, 2011, Charlotte, NC, USA Dr Fatih Mutlu, Using Lean Principles and Process Analysis Techniques to Reduce Congestion in Out Patient Departments", EDSI Annual Meeting, June, 2012, Istanbul, TURKEY Xianming Ye, W. Jong Yoon; Design of An Automated Cystoscope For Bladder Cancer Surveillance, The Engineering & Urology Society, May 19, 2012, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, Top 10 Abstracts Award. Xianming Ye and W. Jong Yoon, Preliminary Design of a Bending Mechanism for Automated Cystoscope, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012), August 20-24, 2012, Seoul, Korea. Carlos A. Velasquez, H. Hawkeye King, Blake Hannaford and W. Jong Yoon, Development of a Flexible Imaging Probe integrated to a Surgical Telerobot System: Preliminary Remote Control Test and Probe Design, Fourth IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. June 24-27, 2012 Roma, Italy 229 Eric J. Seibel, Timothy D. Soper, Matthew R. Burkhardt, Michael P. Porter, W. Jong Yoon, Multimodal flexible cystoscopy for creating co-registered panoramas of the bladder urothelium, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VIII, edited by Nikiforos Kollias, et al., Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8207, 82071A (2012);, presented on 21 – 26, January 2012 Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA. Carlos A Velasquez, Xianming Ye and, and W. Jong Yoon. Design of a Flexible Imaging Probe for Robotics Surgery. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings: Vol. 2011, BMP9. DOI: 10.5339/qfarf.2011.bmp9 Xianming Ye, Carlos Velasquez and, and W. Jong Yoon. Design of Steering Mechanism for Automated Cystoscopy. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings: Vol. 2011, BMP3. DOI: 10.5339/qfarf.2011.bmp3 Adel Al Omri, Hedonic Coalition Structures In Supply Chain Games, MSOM, June, 2012, New York USA Gharib M. and Saud A. (2012) A Novel Impact Damper Consists of A Linear Chain of Particle. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2012), November 19–25, Houston, TX, Paper No. IMECE2012-86749 230 F. Seminars and Public Lectures Seminars and Public Lectures Delivered by Department Faculty Dr. Denish Seth, ASQC ( American society for Quality Control) local chapter, “competitiveness with the deployment of six sigma”, 2012. E. Mahdi, Composites for the petrochemical industry, Innovations in Materials Research for Oil and Gas Applications, workshop organized by Mechanical and industrial Engineering Department, Qatar University – New Library Building, 16th May 2012. 231 G. Other Activities Consultancy Dr. Elsadig Mahadi and Saud Ghani, ORYX GTL Glass Fiber/Polyester Composite Elbow: Failure Analysis. March 2012 Dr. Abdul Majed Hammouda and Dr. Saud Ghani, “an investigation into canopy geometry aerodynamics”, ASPIRE Dr. Saud Ghani, Dr Hammoda and Dr. Elsadig Mahadi, ASPIRE wind tunnel laboratory Community Service Dr. Saud Ghani, Dr. Elsadig Mahadi and Dr. Jong Woon all contributed to the starts of science program (2011/2012) 232