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514.485.7233 [email protected]
WINTER 2016 AGI CARES! AGI PREND SOIN DE VOUS AGI’S AMAZING RACE A family friendly fundraiser! pages 16-17 LA FORCE D’AGI page 22 NEW! YOUNG ONSET SOCIAL GROUP page 20-21 SAFETY NET FOR CAREGIVERS page 23 RECEIVE THE LATEST AGI NEWS IN YOUR INBOX! Sign up for our monthly online e-newsletter at www.agiteam.org AGI welcomed all to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts – RODIN – METAMORPHOSES IN RODIN’S STUDIO Presentation in the Bourgie Pavilion by Stephen Glass and Chris Barillaro RODIN – METAMORPHOSES IN RODIN’S STUDIO RODIN – MÉTAMORPHOSES DANS L’ATELIER DE RODIN SOIRÉE GALA Une vision à se souvenir GALA EVENING A Vision to Remember 2014/15 AGI Board of Directors, Past Presidents and Honorary Board Members Front row (l to r): Linda Israel (Executive Director), Miriam Friedman (Past President) Second row (l to r): Sheila Pearl, Mona Golfman, Elaine Kotler, Esther Landsman, Claire Webster (President), Evelyn Shrier Third row (l to r): Heather Paperman (Vice President), Mimi Kerman, Judy Kaback, Rosalie Faigan, Jessica Lapointe, Iris Hersh, Julie Katz, Eleanor Star (Treasurer), Gertie Wexelman, Lynne Brodrick Cochrane (Secretary), Bernice Brownstein, Earl Veinish, Linda Rosenbloom Back row (l to r): Wilfred Kravitz, Richard Walsh, Carole Arbess, Peter Wong Absent: Robert Calder, Libby Ditkofsky, Malka Ettinger, Doug Finn, Mirna Hofbauer, Nan Lassner, Alan Rimer, Beverly Salomon, Risa Libman Scherzer 2014/15 Gala Committee Comité organisateur Co-Chairs / Co-présidentes Carole Arbess Miriam Friedman Agenda Co-Chairs / Co-présidentes Julie Katz Elaine Kotler Lucy McInnes PHOTOS: JOE DONAHUE Heather Paperman Mona Golfman Iris Hersh Jessica Lapointe Linda Rosenbloom Risa Libman Scherzer Earl Veinish Breaking down the stigma with knowledge and compassion Paula Levinson, AGI President WWW.AGITEAM.ORG 5555 Westminster Avenue, Suite 304, Montréal, Qc H4W 2J2 T 514.485.7233 F 514.485.7946 E [email protected] y WINTER 2016 EXECUTIVE / EXÉCUTIF President / Présidente Paula Levinson Immediate Past President / Présidente sortante Claire Webster Vice Presidents / Vice-présidents Lucy McInnes Richard Walsh Secretary / Secrétaire Lynne Brodrick Cochrane Treasurer / Trésorière Mirna Hofbauer Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration Robert Calder Heather Paperman Natasha Canales Astri Prugger Ricki Carr Frederick Pye Andrea Elias Alan Rimer Doug Finn Linda Rosenbloom Mona Golfman Mark Shalhoub Iris Hersh Jody Shugar Romi Swidler Howard Bill Silverman Julie Katz Eleanor Star Wilfred Kravitz Earl Veinish Jessica Lapointe Peter Wong Marlene Levenson Past Presidents / Anciens présidentes Carole Arbess Esther Landsman Phyllis Benjamin Marilyn Rosenbloom Miriam Friedman Beverly Salomon Elaine Kotler Risa Libman Scherzer Honorary Board of Directors Conseil d’administration honoraire Bernice Brownstein Mimi Kerman Libby Ditkofsky Nan Lassner Malka Ettinger Sheila Pearl Rosalie Faigan Evelyn Shrier Judy Kaback Gertie Wexelman Advisors /Conseillers Bernard Arbess CA Serge Gauthier MD, FRCPC Rubin Becker MD Louise A. Legault: Howard Bergman MD Translator Dorothy Bloch MSW Fiona Macfarlane Henri Elbaz Joyce Rappaport PhD PERSONNEL AGI STAFF Linda Israel Executive Director / Directrice générale Meghan Williams Director, Support Services (maternity leave) Directrice, Services de soutien Lynn Abelson Peggy Obaroghedo Secretary/ Secrétaire Activity Program Facilitator Animatrice Marivic Aplaon Counsellor / Conseillère Maude Robitaille Counsellor / Conseillère Paola Bresba Art therapist / Art-thérapeute Shaindl Shaffer Program Coordinator Activity Program Facilitator Coordonnatrice de programme Animatrice Karin Derouaux Harriet Silversmith Counsellor / Conseillère Office Manager Directrice du bureau Susan K. Hutt Communications Jill Surridge Bookkeeper Omega Julien Commis Comptable Recreation therapist / Récréologue ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y I n my professional capacity as Head Nurse at the Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Centre for 23 years, I was witness to the effects that a diagnosis of dementia can have on the whole family – families needed support but too many felt very reluctant to seek it – the stigma surrounding dementia often held them back. It’s something I understand well, as I have been touched personally by Alzheimer’s disease and experienced first-hand the reticence of my own parents to get the help they needed, even when it was available. As a geriatric nurse, I observed the difficulties that families had in coping, the confusion about the effects of the disease and the misunderstanding of how the disease works. I often referred families to AGI, because I knew the support staff and services could provide them with an understanding about the disease and the realization that quality of life can be positive. Seeing these families lives improve with the help they received from AGI, I realised that AGI’s commitment to support and educate with compassion made the group a leader in Alzheimer’s education and awareness. 14 years ago, I was invited to volunteer on AGI’s Education Committee and I readily accepted, knowing that I would become part of a team that works in so many ways to meet the changing needs of the community affected; providing support, respite and training about the disease in a warm and caring environment. The Education Committee promotes awareness and understanding of the disease of Alzheimer’s and dementia through knowledge – AGI offers two annual Awareness Conferences, monthly lectures, and specialised training series for family and professional caregivers. It’s only through knowledge and understanding that we can break through the stigma and fear surrounding dementia – and make it easier for families to come to AGI to get the help they need. It’s not just the families touched by Alzheimer’s that can benefit from a sharing of knowledge, I believe that professionals-in-training, i.e. nurses, doctors, LPN’s, ambulance technicians would all be able to better handle their patients if they know more about dementia and its effects on individuals and families. As AGI’s new President, my hope is to help AGI continue to provide excellent education, training and support services to more family and home caregivers and to welcome professional care providers into that educative process. Paula Levinson was installed as AGI’s President in October 2015 and continues as AGI Education Committee Chair. Receive the latest AGI news in your inbox! Sign up for our monthly online e-newsletter www.agiteam.org y 3 The Faces of Support Différentes facettes du soutien “You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus and the support” Sabrina Bryan Support is quite a word! It can have a myriad of meanings and for AGI, it certainly does. We proudly state that our sole focus is support services for everyone touched by Alzheimer’s and related dementias. With no known cause or cure, this help is so very tangible! You, ladies and gentlemen, provide support through your participation in all of AGI’s endeavours, thereby adding your support to all that we offer to our clients. We are privileged to witness the support caregivers lovingly wrap around their loved ones. Support of friends and family to individuals with dementia is so very critical to easing stress and a sense of isolation for caregivers. Without the support of all AGI’s Board and Committee members, we would not be able to provide the programs at the outstanding level of excellence that we do! Every day, I am enthused by the support of my colleagues to one another – the atmosphere in the AGI office benefits enormously from their generosity of expertise and spirit. AGI provides tangible support to the public and to professionals throughout Montreal through conferences, lectures, training programs. Support provided financially by individuals like you, ladies and gentlemen, from private and public foundations, from government grants and from events like the AGI Gala make all the difference to the programs AGI strives to develop, offer to a rapidly growing population needing this support! And talk about SUPPORT: On a personal note, permit me to express my profound appreciation to Claire Webster for her stewardship as AGI President, to Meghan Williams, Director of Support Services, who strives daily to improve all that we offer, to our administrative staff who are incredibly wonderful, talented professionals and to our support staff who come to work every day with dedication, enthusiasm and talent! I have already written above about the importance of our volunteers to committees and to our Activity Centre – their contribution and support cannot be overstated! What a great place AGI is! As I approach my 7th anniversary with AGI, I continue to be proud to serve as Executive Director and to work with such outstanding individuals – thank you all! « Rien n’est impossible si vous avez la passion, l’énergie, la détermination et le soutien » Sabrina Bryan Soutien : tout un mot! Il revêt de nombreux sens, chez AGI en particulier. Nous annonçons fièrement que notre principale mission est d’assurer les services de soutien pour toutes les personnes touchées par la maladie d’Alzheimer et les démences connexes. Sans cause ou cure connue, cette aide est essentielle! Vous, messieurs, dames, offrez votre soutien par votre participation à nos évènements, ajoutant votre soutien à ce que nous offrons à nos clients. Nous sommes privilégiés de voir le soutien dont les aidants enveloppent leurs proches atteints de la maladie. Le soutien d’amis et de membres de la famille est essentiel à réduire le stress et l’isolement des aidants. Sans le soutien des membres du conseil et des comités, nous ne pourrions offrir nos programmes à un tel niveau d’excellence! Chaque jour, je suis motivée par le soutien de mes collègues l’un pour l’autre : l’ambiance du bureau d’AGI profite largement de leur générosité d’expertise et d’esprit. AGI offre un soutien tangible au grand public et aux professionnels de Montréal par le biais de conférences, d’ateliers et de programmes de formation. Le soutien financier que des personnes comme vous, mesdames et messieurs, des fondations privées et publiques, des subventions gouvernementales et des événements comme le gala, fait toute la différence aux programmes qu’AGI cherche à développer et à offrir à une population en croissance qui a besoin de ce soutien. En matière de SOUTIEN : sur une note plus personnelle, permettez-moi d’exprimer toute ma gratitude à Claire Webster pour sa gouvernance en tant que présidente d’AGI, à Meghan Williams, directrice des services de soutien, qui cherche chaque jour à améliorer ce que nous offrons, à notre merveilleux personnel administratif, à nos talentueux professionnels et à notre personnel de soutien qui vient au travail chaque jour avec les mêmes dévouement, enthousiasme et talent! J’ai aussi mentionné plus tôt l’importance de nos bénévoles aux comités et au Centre d’activités – leur contribution et leur soutien ne peuvent être quantifiés! Quel magnifique endroit qu’AGI! Le mois d’avril 2016 signalera mon septième anniversaire avec AGI et je suis toujours aussi fière de servir en qualité de directrice générale et de travailler avec des gens aussi exceptionnels. Merci à tous! Linda Israel, AGI Executive Director Linda Israel, AGI Directrice générale Our sincerest gratitude goes to Joyce Rappaport and Risa Libman Scherzer for their proofreading skills. Special thanks to photographer Joe Donohue and graphic designer Susan Gold for going beyond the call of duty throughout the year. Cover: Photos from the AGI Aisenstadt Activity Centre. 4 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG You are not alone Vous n’êtes pas seul(e) O L Claire Webster, AGI Immediate Past President ne of the greatest privileges that I have had as President of AGI is the opportunity to spend time with so many people whose lives have been touched by Alzheimer’s disease. My role lets me not only share my own personal journey as a caregiver, but allows others to share their stories with me. I’ve come to learn throughout the years that the more that I am able to share my experience with others, the easier it becomes to find a sense of peace and healing in coping with the impact that the disease has had on my mother, who is now in the disease’s final stages. Whether it be as a guest lecturer to a group of students at McGill University, as an invited speaker at a Rotary Club lunch, or what I enjoy most, one-on-one coffees with family members, it never ceases to amaze me how many people are affected by this disease and how so many family members are desperate for support, regardless of age, race or financial means. Despite the tremendous amount of media attention that has surrounded Alzheimer’s disease in the past few of years, as well as the awareness raised due to the release of the Hollywood movie “Still Alice”, there still remains a tremendous stigma around admitting that they are living with the disease, either as a patient or as caregiver. The key to managing the disease is to become as educated as possible on what to expect, asking for help and ensuring that the proper support systems are in place. AGI is an expert in this field and the staff and volunteers devote a tremendous amount of time and resources providing invaluable counseling, training, respite and support to patients and their families. It is thanks to the continuous generosity of donors that AGI has been able to provide this much needed support for over 30 years, for which we are extremely grateful. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my greatest appreciation to our compassionate staff, our dedicated Board Members, past and present, to the numerous volunteers who contribute their time on various committees, as well as to our wonderful Executive Director, Linda Israel, for her tremendous leadership. Claire Webster, Présidente sortante ’un des plus grands privilèges de mon travail de présidente d’AGI est de rencontrer des personnes touchées par la maladie d’Alzheimer et de pouvoir partager non seulement ma propre expérience, mais aussi leurs histoires. J’en suis venue avec les années à comprendre que plus je partage mon expérience avec d’autres, plus aisément je trouve le sentiment de paix et de guérison qui me permet de mieux réagir à l’effet de la maladie sur ma mère qui en est maintenant dans les derniers stages. Que ce soit en tant que conférencière auprès d’un groupe d’étudiants de l’université McGill, de conférencière à un événement du Club Rotary ou, ce que j’aime par-dessus tout, dans le cadre d’un tête-à-tête avec des membres d’une famille, je reste étonnée du nombre de personnes touchées par cette maladie et de la situation des membres de famille qui cherchent désespérément du soutien, peu importe leur âge, leur origine ou leurs moyens financiers. Malgré tout le battage des médias sur la maladie au cours des dernières années et le lancement de films comme Still Alice, tant les patients que leur aidant hésitent toujours à admettre qu’ils vivent avec la maladie. La meilleure façon de gérer la maladie est de s’informer le plus possible afin de savoir à quoi s’attendre, de demander de l’aide et de s’assurer qu’un bon système de soutien est en place. AGI est un expert dans ce domaine et le personnel et les bénévoles consacrent temps et ressources à offrir conseils, formation, répit et soutien aux patients et à leur famille. C’est grâce à la générosité de nos donateurs qu’ AGI a pu offrir ce soutien depuis plus de 30 ans et nous vous en sommes très reconnaissants. J’aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour exprimer toute ma gratitude à notre personnel empathique, les dévoués membres de notre conseil, anciens et actuels, aux nombreux bénévoles qui donnent de leur temps aux divers comités ainsi qu’à notre merveilleuse directrice générale Linda Israel pour son leadership exceptionnel. AGI’s Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 AGI’s President, Claire Webster, Board Members and AGI staff welcomed all assembled for a delightful evening of celebration: to talk about the year just concluded and hear about the exciting plans for the coming year! Miriam Friedman, AGI’s Immediate Past President, thanked Claire Webster for her successes, dedication and diligence, and then installed Paula Levinson as AGI’s President, along with new board members. 2015/16 Board Members present at this year’s AGM (l-r): Mark Shalhoub, Jessica Lapointe, Julie Katz, Andrea Elias, Natasha Canales, Linda Israel, Earl Veinish, Claire Webster, Paula Levinson, Eleanor Star, Mirna Hofbauer, Richard Walsh, Lucy McInnes, Robert Calder, Lynne Brodrick Cochrane, Heather Paperman, Iris Hersh, Marlene Levenson ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y (l-r): Paula Levinson, AGI’s President; Claire Webster, Immediate Past President; and Miriam Friedman, Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee. 5 AGI’s Annual Campaign 2015-2016 returns! Donate Today! AGI’s Annual Campaign provides financial stability to the vital programs and services we offer to everyone touched by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. We thank you for your generous contribution. Act Now! Pledge your support ! e s u a c e B t s u J Support AGI by sending greeting cards for any occasion. Sympathy, Birthday, Anniversary, Births, Graduations, Marriages and Holidays! www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) Inc. is proud that we have been acknowledged with some grant funding by the Quebec Government through l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal and l’Appui Montréal. These funds assist us as we enhance the services and expand the programs that AGI provides to the greater Montreal community as it has done for over 30 years. Further, these funds help us develop additional programs to respond to today’s new realities. C’est avec fierté qu’Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) Inc. souligne les subventions reçues du Gouvernement du Québec à travers l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal et l’Appui Montréal. Ces fonds nous aident à améliorer nos services et à élargir les programmes qu’AGI offre à la communauté montréalaise depuis maintenant plus de 30 ans. www.agiteam.org mv 514.485.7233 | [email protected] 6 De plus, ces fonds nous aident à élaborer de nouveaux programmes pour répondre aux besoins des nouvelles réalités d’aujourd’hui. 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG Realizing your Philanthropic Dreams Legacy Giving Considering Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) as a beneficiary of your estate’s assets would prove to be a meaningful way to support the important work we do. Bequests, life insurance policies and gifts of securities are among the many ways that Legacy Giving provides you with significant tax options that can also be beneficial to your estate. Please contact Linda Israel, AGI Executive Director, who will arrange a meeting with the appropriate professional consultants so you may create your own personal legacy. [email protected] or 514.485.7233 S O I R É E G A L A E V E N I N G Une vision à se souvenir | A Vision to Remember P O M P E I I Portrait de femme (détail). Mosaïque, Pompéi, dans une maison, Museo Archeologica Nazionale di Napoli (MANN). Portrait of a woman (detail). Mosaic, Pompeii, house, Museo Archeologica Nazionale di Napoli (MANN) ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Mardi 17 mai 2016 • Tuesday, May 17, 2016 18h • 6:00 p.m. NOTEZ LA DATE! HOLD THE DATE! 7 NEW! l Young Onset Socia t or pp Group and Su milies Group for their Fa Safety Net m Mentorship Progra After 30 years, AGI continues to offer a warm, caring, positive and respectful environment that fosters enjoyable and enriching experiences. The AGI community supports you and your loved ones as you travel throughout your journey. Depuis plus que 30 ans, AGI continue d’offrir un environnement chaleureux, attentionné, positif et respectueux qui favorise le plus agréable et une expérience enrichissante. Nos conseillères donnent du soutien nécessaire à vous et vos proches tout au long de votre voyage avec la maladie d’Alzheimer et les démences connexes. Support for Care Providers Soutien pour les proches aidants • Safety Net Program – Mentorship •Respite • Help/support telephone line • Counselling – individual and family • Support groups • Filet de sécurité – Programme de Mentorat •Répit • Ligne téléphonique de soutien et d’aide • Consultation – individuel et en groupe • Groupes d’appui Training Éducation et Formation • Home caregivers • Healthcare professionals • Les proches aidants • Les professionnels de la santé Community Outreach Présence communautaire • Education and Awareness Conferences •Lectures • Professional speakers • Conférences de sensibilisation •Conférences • Formation professionnelles Programs for people with dementia Programmes pour les personnes atteintes de démence • • • • • Aisenstadt Activity Centre Fruchter Respite on Wheels™ Young Onset Social Group Intergenerational projects Programs at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts • • • • • Centre d’activité Aisenstadt Fruchter Respite on WheelsCM Groupe social démence en début précoce Projets intergénérationnels Visites guidées au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] 8 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG AGI plays a pivotal role in the lives of Alzheimer clients and their families. 2 AGI reponded to 330 AGI reponded to 1,200 telephone calls INDIVIDUAL OR FAMILY CONSULTATIONS and emails last year. last year. PROVIDED TRAINING to professionals The AGI in hospitals, long-term care facilities and home-care agencies ACTIVITY CENTRE is open and hosts 5 6 days per week. GROUPS 5 days a week. 1,988 hours of RESPITE provided to 20 families in Montreal and on the West Island through the FRUCHTER RESPITE-ON-WHEELS™ program created especially for those unable to afford professional help, brings the Activity Centre TO THE HOME ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAMS gave young people an understanding of cognitive impairment and its effect on the family unit. 675 people touched by AGI’s OUTREACH through FREE LECTURES, CONFERENCES COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS and 135 Last year AGI BI-WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUPS FOR SPOUSES y MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS offering monthly tours and art workshops at the museum. AGI clients come with a friend or family member so they share this creative experience together. AGI collaborates with the 2 initiatives that do not currently exist elsewhere in Quebec! JUST LAUNCHED! YOUNG ONSET DEMENTIA affecting individuals under 65 years of age, and the SAFETY NET MENTORING PROGRAM FOR CAREGIVERS. 9 Vintage Recall IV: Shopping for a great cause! Jessica Lapointe, Vintage Recall Committee Chair Vintage Recall IV Committee 2014/15 Jessica Lapointe – Chair Lisa Bornstein Liz Finney Brinberg Robert Calder Natasha Canales Andrea Elias Mona Golfman Francine Hébert Belanger Iris Hersh Mirna Hofbauer Laura Osborne Astri Prugger Dorothy Reitman Susan Rosenoff Eleanor Star Dominique Voyer A very special Thank You to Danielle Bitton for her ongoing generosity! For more photos, please visit www.agiteam.org 10 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG Alzheimer Groupe inc V ntage wR ecall V Vintage Designer Clothing & Accessories Vente Privée including handbags, shoes and more Wednesday May 4, 2016 Vêtements et accessoires griffés vintage 5 – 9pm $75 in advance $100 at the door dont des sacs à main, souliers et autres… Partial tax receipt Tickets: www.agiteam.org www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 [email protected] Chanel Yves St. Laurent Louis Vuitton Christian Louboutin Manolo Blahnik Vente Privée y mercredi 4 mai 2016 Hermes Armani Prada Gucci and more! 17h à 21h00 75$ à l’avance 100$ à la porte Billets: www.agiteam.org Ouvert au public Open to the public ENTRÉE GRATUITE FREE ADMISSION jeudi 5 mai 11h à 20h Thursday, May 5 11am – 8pm vendredi 6 mai 11h à 19h Friday, May 6 11am – 7pm samedi 7 mai 10h à 17h Saturday, May 7 10am – 5pm L’Atelier 5500 rue Ferrier Montréal H4P 1M2 ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. NAMUR y All proceeds to benefit Alzheimer’s support and care | Toutes les recettes de bénéficier du soutien et de soins de la maladie d’Alzheimer 11 AGI’s Alzheimer Education Conferences, Lectures and Training in 2015 – Our commitment to awareness! Paula Levinson, Education Chair O ne of the main functions of AGI and its Education Committee is to bring awareness, knowledge and support to the public regarding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, as well as to provide practical, hands-on information to both professional and family caregivers. We certainly achieved our goal this past year through the variety of conferences, lectures and workshops described in this newsletter. None of this could have been accomplished without the dedication and hard work of Education Committee members and AGI Staff. Thank you to everyone who was involved in all these endeavours. I look forward to working with all of you over the coming year and I invite everyone to participate in the wide variety of programs we offer. days Wednesne except Ju 16 Les mercredis sauf le 16 juin 2015/16 Education Committee: Paula Levinson – Chair Rita Aber Carole Arbess Patricia Belchior Marilyn Bicher Robert Calder Lynne Brodrick Cochrane Wilfred Kravitz Lois Manton Beverly Salomon Sandy Sitcoff Ellen Tissenbaum Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series 2016 FREE lectures for caregivers in each of TWO locations Conférences GRATUITES pour aidants en DEUX endroits Lectures in English Formation en anglais seulement Montreal | Montréal Pointe-Claire AGI, 5555, av. Westminster, bureau 304, H4W 2J2 **Chalet Arthur-Séguin, 365, av. St-Louis, H9R 2A1 March 30 mars 7:30 – 9pm / 19h30 à 21h ** compliments of/avec les hommages de la ville de Pointe-Claire March 23 mars 1:00 – 2:30pm / 13h à 14h30 “Answers to your Legal Questions” « Réponses à vos questions juridiques » Willie Kravitz Lawyer, Mandates and Wills Avocat exerçant dans les mandats et testaments “Answers to your Legal Questions” « Réponses à vos questions juridiques » Willie Kravitz Lawyer, Mandates and Wills Avocat exerçant dans les mandats et testaments April 13 avril 1:30 – 3:00pm / 13h30 à 15h April 6 avril 1:00 – 2:30pm / 13h à 14h30 “How to Connect with the Pubic System to Support your Autonomy” / « Comment se servir du système public pour renforcer votre autonomie » Joanne Besner Program Manager / Gestionnaire de programme Home Care Services / Services de soins à domicile CSSS Cavendish May 4 mai 7:00 – 8:30 pm / 19h à 20h30 “Driving and Dementia” «Conduite automobile et démence » Susan Sofer Occupational Therapist / Ergothérapeute, ACT Inc. Thursday, June 16 / Jeudi 16 juin 1:00 – 2:30pm / 13h à 14h30 “Meaningful Activities for People with Dementia” « Activités stimulantes pour les personnes atteintes de démence » Karin Derouaux AGI Counsellor / Conseillère à AGI “Medications: Addressing Concerns for a Greater Understanding” « Comprendre les médicaments » Larissa Feldman Pharmacist / Pharmacienne May 4 mai 1:00 – 2:30pm / 13h à 14h30 “Driving and Dementia” «Conduite automobile et démence » Susan Sofer Occupational Therapist / Ergothérapeute, ACT Inc. June 8 juin 1:00 – 2:30pm / 13h à 14h30 “Experiencing Dementia” « L’expérience de la démence » Karin Derouaux AGI Counsellor / Conseillère à AGI REGISTRATION REQUIRED / Donations welcome | INSCRIPTION OBLIGATOIRE / Les dons sont beinvenus www.agiteam.org | 514.485.7233 | [email protected] Special appreciation for the generosity of the Lindsay Memorial Foundation / Nous remercions la Lindsay Memorial Foundation de sa générosité 12 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG A full year of interesting and informative conferences AGI’s Marva Whyte Alzheimer Awareness Conference – February 4, 2016 AGI’s November 2015 conference with Teepa Snow – November 3, 2015 (l-r): Omega Julien, Dr. Ruby Friedman, Marva Whyte, Susan Hutt, Paula Levinson, Shandl Shaffer, Dr. Howard Chertkow, Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto, Marivic Aplaon, Linda Israel, Karin Derouaux, Teri Cota (l-r): Cindy Pinchuk, Linda Israel, Paula Levinson, Teepa Snow, Esther Handelman, Shaindl Shaffer, Peggy Obaroghedo, Karin Derouaux, Marivic Aplaon Our annual Alzheimer Awareness Conference featured three of Montreal’s leading medical experts on Alzheimer’s and dementia: Dr. Howard Chertkow, Dr. Ruby Friedman and Dr. Pedro Rosa-Neto. Each doctor shared with an attentive audience the recent developments in their respective areas of study and work: including the latest in dementia detection, concerns about delirium in an emergency room setting, providing adequate geriatric care and the technological advances in finding dementia biomarkers in the brain. A question and answer period rounded out this informative evening. AGI’s Education Committee is already looking forward to bringing you next year’s Awareness Conference! Daily Dementia Care – Hands on Approach AGI’s Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series – October, 2015 AGI’s Alzheimer Education Conference – November 4, 2014 Dr. Michael Wiseman, DDS, presented “Geriatric Dentistry – Tips and Tricks to Lindsay Memorial Foundation lecture attendees in October 2015. (l-r): Lynne Brodrick Cochrane, Sandy Sitcoff, Martha S. Wolf, Linda Israel, Carole Arbess, Paula Levinson, Marilyn Bicher, Barbara Sederoff and Lois Manton Beginning last year, AGI was pleased to extend the Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series to a second location, due to the generosity of the City of Pointe-Claire. Our Alzheimer Education conference on November 4, 2014 welcomed Martha S. Wolf, Director of Community Dementia Care at the Parker Jewish Institute in New York. Martha’s conference, titled Creating Connections – Alzheimer’s Care, provided our Montreal community of caregivers with several positive new methods to deal with dementia. As an acclaimed counselor and advocate for services to the aged, Martha has helped countless families and professionals with her insight and education on Alzheimer’s and dementia care, along with providing tips on how to maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible. Family caregivers and professionals came to hear various speakers discuss dementia and caregiving related topics. We are grateful to the Lindsay Memorial Foundation for their continued support and outstanding generosity. The Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lectures resume in February 2016 and will continue through June. More details on this year’s lecture topics are on the next page. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y The Education Committee was thrilled to welcome back Teepa Snow, one of North America’s leading educators on dementia care, to AGI’s 2015 November Conference. A registered occupational therapist for over 30 years, Teepa is a tireless advocate determined to enhance the lives of people with dementia, along with those of their caregivers. An extraordinary presenter, Teepa shared her wealth of experience and knowledge of care techniques to a very large group of family and professional care providers who are working or living with dementia. 13 2015 Tournament / Tournoi de Patrons Felicia and Arnold Aaron Foundation Chelminski Family Foundation Len Sanders and Family Peter and Micki Morton Oberfeld Design/Dimitrov Architecture Pembroke Private Wealth Management IA Clarington Investments – Sergio M. Batista Loyal Express Nelmar Security Packaging Systems BMO Capital Markets – Jérôme Cloutier CIBC Wood Gundy – Arthur Silber Sponsors Gary Bromberg and Rhonda Wolfe Marlene Levenson Industrial Alliance National Bank – KBHNS Richard Walsh Investments Harvey and Alta Levenson Hole / Tee Sponsors AMG Medical Inc Steve Mowder Bessner Gallay Kreisman Avrum Stark Bruce Kent Group TriTech Electricians Executive Registry – Harvey Sternthal Vicki and Stan Zack Manulife Mutual Funds Appreciation to Hillsdale Golf & Country Club | Labatt Breweries of Canada | Mitchel-Lincoln Packaging Ltd Silver Star Montreal | Sleeman Brewery 14 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG PHOTOS: GORDON KADONOFF For more photos, please visit www.agiteam.org Golf Committee 2014/15 Bill Silverman – Chair Ray Batrie Ralph Chodos Avner Cobrin Harvey Faigan Miriam Friedman Jimmy Garfinkle Marlene Kahn Marlene Levenson Micki Morton George Platanitis Alan Rimer Linda Rosenbloom Risa Libman Scherzer Harvey Sternthal Richard Walsh To increase awareness of AGI’s support services to the growing number who need us the AGI Golf Committee is excited to announce that the 2016 Golf Tournament will take place at Elm Ridge Golf & Country Club Monday, June 20, 2016 Lundi le 20 juin 2016 www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 [email protected] PHOTOS: GORDON KADONOFF AGI wishes to express special appreciation to everyone on the AGI Bowling with the Stars Committees and especially Howard Grundman of Laurentian Lanes, for the dedication, generosity and support they’ve given this wonderful event over the past 5 years. Bowling with the Stars Committee 2014 Allan Schneiderman Doug Finn | Susan Gold | Bunny Goldberg Risa Libman Scherzer | Michael Witt Our Proud 2014 Sponsors STRIKE UT ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE! ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y 15 AGI’s Amazing Race 2015 For more photos, please visit www.agiteam.org 16 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG www.agiteam.org Amazing Race II Congratulations to our AGI’s Amazing Race 2015 winning teams! October 2016 octobre agiteam.org AGI’s Amazing Race Committee 2015 First Place – Team Family Ties Second Place – Team Enoteca MOZZA Third Place – Team Fantastic Four Thank you to last year’s Sponsors of AGI’s Amazing Race A V G R E E N E ANO N YM OU S ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. Francine Bélanger Alli Carr Ricki Carr Ariel Chackowicz Andrea Elias Tali Katz Jessica Lapointe Lucy McInnes Felice Oberfeld Chris Wynn y Rotary Club of Old Montreal 17 Community Outreach A GI believes in fostering a supportive and informed network of individuals, healthcare professionals and organizations. Community groups, medical facilities and community clubs can request an AGI expert speaker for informative presentations about dementia. In 2015, Linda Israel and AGI counsellors Karin Derouaux, Helen Baum and Maude Robitaille gave presentations on dementia and AGI services to health care personnel working in several Montreal hospitals – including St. Mary’s, the Jewish General’s Memory Clinic, the Geriatric Day Hospital at the Montreal General and the McGill University Centre for Studies in Aging. ovide AGI is happy to pr ons custom presentati tion, for your organiza facility or group. Cambridge Health Fair 2015: Meghan Williams and Lois Manton explained the many services and programs that AGI offers to attendees of the Cambridge Health Fair. AGI and the Rotary Club: Meghan Williams, AGI’s Director of Support Services, along Claire Webster and Linda Israel were invited to speak to Rotarians in the West Island, providing information about the services and programs that AGI offers. AGI was very well represented by Linda Israel and members of the Education Committee last November at the Montérégie Health Promotion Fair for Seniors in Chateauguay! AGI Board Member Peter Wong, a long standing Rotarian, organized a presentation to the Rotary Club in Old Montreal. Counsellor Karin Derouaux and Linda Israel addressed Rotarians. To commemorate Caregivers’ Week, Karin Derouaux, Linda Israel and Meghan Williams were able to offer West Island family caregivers a free daylong AGI Alzheimer 101 training course at the Holiday Inn Pointe-Claire, thanks to the generous support of L’Appui Montréal. 18 l-r Judith Ross, Dr. Natasha Bird, Claire Webster, Eric A. Manolson Karin Derouaux and Linda Israel at the West End Seniors’ Table luncheon, a collection of organizations that help seniors in the community, at the invitation of New Hope. Caregivers’ Week in the Eastern Townships – Claire Webster, a caregiver to her mother, was invited to speak in the Eastern townships and presented her personal experience in “The Rise and Fall of Superwoman” to an audience of family caregivers and others in Coaticook, QC. 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG Dementia Affects Everyone! Meghan Williams, Director, Support Services Did you ever know someone who kept telling the same story over and over again? Did you ever see a caregiver trying to convince their spouse to get into a car? Did you ever meet your neighbor on the street and he or she didn’t know which house was theirs? Chances are these people may have dementia. We all know that the prevalence of dementia has increased drastically over the last few years and these numbers are expected to rise. However, a diagnosis does not mean that your life will change tomorrow. For many, it is a slow progressive disease, enabling you to continue living a meaningful life post diagnosis. People with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias have taught me the importance of today and more importantly the ‘NOW’. We all make mistakes; we forget dates, we have difficulty executing certain tasks but, in the end, what matters most is how we feel. Were we supported and validated? Were we loved? Did those around us stick by us through our challenges and help us along the way? At AGI, our raison d’être is to be here for anyone touched by the disease. We pride ourselves in the services we offer. We take a holistic approach when developing programs, keeping in mind that a diagnosis does not affect solely the person or the spouse, but the entire family unit, including friends and neighbours. AGI’s respite programs, the Aisenstadt Activity Centre and Fruchter Respite on Wheels™, provide family members with a vital and welldeserved break for a few hours a week while the participant benefits from engaging activities helping maintain their abilities and social interactions. Caregivers are reassured, leaving their loved one with AGI’s professional staff, as they know that he or she will be safe and engaged. Our new mentorship program, Safety Net, focuses on the caregiver. Mentors are paired with caregivers to provide guidance and encouragement as they experience life with their new reality. While the primary purpose of this program is to support the caregiver, the diagnosed individual also benefits. Caregivers will develop practical skills about the disease which, in turn, will help ease their stress and affect the relationship in a very positive way. AGI’s outreach programs, including the Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series, the Intergenerational Learning to Care program and our Educational Conferences, continue to sensitize the public about the disease. There are so many misconceptions about dementia – it is essential people become more informed and continue to help break the stigma. This past year, AGI hosted 11 different lectures, in Montreal and on the West Island, all at no charge. Each lecture brought practical information to caregivers in an effort to improve their day to day and enhance their understanding about the illness. This year, we were gratified that more neighbours and friends attended these sessions to help those around them. We are all in this together. Whether or not you are touched directly by this disease, there may very well be a time when you will know someone in your life who is. We are a phone call away and we understand the challenges that lie ahead. With proper planning, education and access to AGI services and support (including counseling and support groups), we help guide families along the way. As with any illness or life change, it is how you perceive the situation that makes the difference. AGI is here to help! Meghan Williams, AGI’s Director of Support Services returns from her maternity leave in August 2016 ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y What’s happening at the Aisenstadt Activity Centre AGI’s Aisenstadt Activity Centre offers programs five days a week to serve people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. We honour each individual as a unique person beyond the diagnosis and we tailor our activities to the individual’s abilities. We create a caring, non-judgmental environment providing specialized, therapeutic programming enhancing the quality of life of the people we serve. Programming includes •Social and Physical Activities •Cognitive Exercises •Intergenerational Programs •Dance and Creative Movement •Tactile and Sensory Stimulation • Art Therapy •Music Program •Reminiscence •Museum visits www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] y 19 AGI’s Young Onset Social Group – See the Person first! Marivic Aplaon, Counselor and Co-Coordinator of AGI’s Young Onset Dementia S ince the beginning, AGI has been committed to providing direct care and support to people and families touched by Alzheimer’s disease, and to meeting the changing needs of the community. When demands for services for young families affected by dementia began to increase, AGI made the decision to address the needs of this underserved demographic and the Support Services staff created a pilot social program for people with Young Onset Dementia (YOD). I was given the task to design and deliver the social activity program. This new YOD social program aims to understand and aptly respond to the needs of the individual. In order to prepare for my involvement in the AGI pilot YOD project, I did substantial research about Young Onset Dementia. I also traveled to New York to visit the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, a facility that has been offering social activity programs for people with YOD since 2005. Reading the books and journals allowed me to understand the person and the disease a little bit more, but it was the “hands-on” experience, my meeting and working with several individuals with YOD that was by far the most enriching experience. It enabled me to see and acknowledge “the person” and the kind of services and programs needed by people diagnosed with YOD. AGI launched the pilot social activity program for YOD last April, when I had the privilege of meeting our first three participants: Steve, François and Richard. François is 52 years old, Steve and Richard are both 60. All three of them have been have been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and other forms of dementia. It is important to understand that these men are much more than their diagnoses. They are husbands. They are fathers of young adult children; François has a 12-year-old daughter. They were breadwinners: a passionate, devoted minister, an enthusiastic and energetic hospital staff member, and an ambitious businessman. They are men at the prime of their lives. Then, the diagnosis...their lives changed...as did the lives of their families. The AGI Young Onset Dementia Program’s social group met once a week for eight weeks at the St. Raymond’s Community Centre on Upper Lachine. Engaged from the very beginning, Steve, François and Richard showed a lot of openness and were anxious to participate and contribute to something brand new. After a couple of years of living with the diagnosis, they all understood that resources are very limited for them, so they did not hesitate and participated in every activity we offered them. In the course of the program, relationships were made and trust was built among them and with us, the program coordinators. That trust allowed them to share their hopes and their struggles. The social group became “their group,” a group to belong to, and a place they go to be with people whose companionship they enjoyed. They came for a sense of belonging, to become a part of a group they trusted and be where they felt safe. In the beginning, planning the activities rested with me and the rest of the staff. After the first week, however, it became clear that these men did not come to the group to be told what to do. Steve, François and Richard took advantage of the space and opportunity to do things they enjoyed and to be heard. I may have planned and designed their activities but they filled in the gaps that made the days flow together and be meaningful for them. Lunch may have been in the schedule, but eating in the park and enjoying the nice spring breeze was their idea. There were so many other instances where they tried to show their desire to be recognized as individuals beyond their diagnosis. As I write this article, thinking back to last spring and my participation in the YOD social program, I realize how much I want to share my desire to help us all appreciate that AGI’s approach to “see the person first” is fundamental to true understanding of individuals with dementia, whether it be late or young onset, late or early stage. At the end of the day, what really matters is not just the practical training we learned from our university studies, but how we make each other feel. To borrow from the words of Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, what you did but people will not forget how you made them feel.” Testimonial To read more about the Young From the wife of François W hen I called AGI a year and a half ago, looking for help, the young onset social group is what my husband and I were looking for. Most people with dementia are much older than François, in their seventies, eighties and nineties. My husband, who is in his early fifties, tried groups at other organizations but did not feel comfortable. They were for people with such different life experiences. François was still working and we have a young daughter, so he found it really hard to relate to the other people who were at a different place in their lives. Most of them had been retired for years, their children and sometimes even grandchildren were grown, they didn’t have mortgages to pay and their spouses weren’t working, like I am. François needed people to connect with and participate in some sort of physical activity. In this program offered by AGI he met people who were his age and were living similar experiences. He finally has peers that he can relate to and, as a result, he’s made wonderful relationships with Steve and Richard. We are really thankful to you, AGI for providing the support that we really needed. Gloria Chu 20 Onset Dementia Social Group and find out how the program is helping those with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s before age 65, be sure to sign up for our monthly online e-newsletter on our website www.agiteam.org y 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG What is Young Onset Dementia Dementia is a term used to describe certain symptoms that affect a person’s mental functioning, including a loss in planning abilities, language skills and memory. Young Onset Dementia refers to any form of dementia diagnosed in people under age 65. Difficult to Diagnose Dementia is still believed to be an elderly person’s disease, so symptoms may go unnoticed. Some might believe that the person is depressed, having a mid-life crisis, going through menopause or is overly stressed. It is critical that families seek out medical experts for a proper diagnosis. Why Young Onset services are needed Younger people and their families have unique issues. At the time of diagnosis, the person may be working, have dependent children still living at home and have financial responsibilities. Families may deal with multiple losses, changes in future plans and income, and they may need to adjust roles and relationships. How AGI can help AGI counsellors can guide you to get an accurate diagnosis. We will then assess your family’s specific needs and connect you to appropriate resources including counselling, social and support groups, and outings – all tailored to a younger age group. The idea of a Young Onset Social group at AGI originated a few years ago when younger people with dementia came to us looking for activities. At the time, we integrated these younger individuals into our activity groups but quickly understood they had particular needs. They were more physically fit and energetic. We realized we needed a separate location and program for this age group to address their needs appropriately. Qu’est-ce que la démence précoce? Le terme démence réfère à des symptômes de maladies qui affectent le fonctionnement de l’esprit, incluant la perte des habiletés de planification, de langage, de mémoire. La démence précoce est toute forme de démence diagnostiquée chez une personne de moins de 65 ans. Difficulté du diagnostic On associe encore la démence aux personnes d’âge avancée. Certains pensent qu’il s’agit d’une crise de la quarantaine, de la ménopause ou de stress. Il est essentiel que les familles s’adressent à des experts pour obtenir le bon diagnostic. Pourquoi des services sont-ils requis? Les personnes plus jeunes et leur famille vivent des situations particulières. Au moment du diagnostic, la personne peut travailler à temps plein, avoir des enfants à charge à la maison et de nombreuses responsabilités financières. Les familles doivent vivre plusieurs deuils et changements dont les plans d’avenir, le revenu, les rôles et les relations. Comment AGI peut aider Les conseillers d’AGI peuvent vous aider à obtenir un diagnostic précis. Nous évaluerons ensuite les besoins particuliers de votre famille et vous référerons aux bonnes ressources, dont le counseling, les groupes de soutien et les sorties appropriés à ce groupe d’âge. L’idée d’un groupe social a vu le jour il y a quelques années lorsque des personnes plus jeunes atteintes de démence cherchaient des activités pour remplir leur journée. Nous les avons alors intégrées à nos groupes d’activité, mais avons rapidement compris qu’elles avaient des besoins uniques. Les participants étaient en meilleur forme physique et avaient plus d’énergie. Nous savions que nous avions besoin d’un endroit et d’un groupe séparés pour ce groupe d’âge afin de répondre à ses besoins. Young Onset Social Group Le groupe social pour les personnes ayant la démence à début précoce for those with a diagnosis before 65 / Un diagnostic avant 65 ans Au Centre Communautaire St. Raymond’s Community Center, 5600 ch. Upper Lachine, Montréal H4A 2A6 Every Tuesday 10am – 2:30pm *Bring your lunch! • Artistic, physical and intellectual activities • Education and information about the disease • A chance to share experiences in a supportive environment • Appropriate to age, abilities and needs • In French and in English • Small group with 2 staff members • Cost: $20 / day VENDÔME Tous les mardis 10h à 14h30 *Amenez votre dinez avec vous! • Un groupe de support pour socialiser • Faire des activités sociales, physiques et intellectuelles • Une opportunité de partager ses expériences • Approprié à votre âge, habiletés et besoins • Offert en français et en anglais • Petit groupe avec 2 employés • Coût : 20$ / journée In partnership with The McGill University Center for Studies in Aging En collaboration avec Le centre de recherche et d’études sur le vieillissement de l’Université McGill www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y 21 La Force d’AGI! Maude Robitaille, Conseillère et Co-coordonnatrice du Programme pour les personnes atteintes de Démence à début précoce, Coordinatrice du Programme de mentorat « Filet de sécurité » D ès mon arrivée à AGI, j’ai immédiatement senti que cet emploi représenterait une expérience professionnelle magnifique et unique! Chaque membre de l’équipe m’a accueilli avec enthousiasme et de manière très chaleureuse. Je suis sincèrement fière de faire partie de cette équipe extraordinaire car chaque personne est très dévouée, professionnelle et respectueuse envers les personnes âgées et leur famille. Je crois qu’une de nos forces est que tous les membres de notre équipe croit vraiment en la mission d’AGI: aider les personnes âgées et celles ayant des maladies connexes et leur famille. Une autre force d’AGI est qu’on privilégie une approche centrée sur la personne, en respectant la dignité des personnes âgées et en étant empathique. Cela correspond à mes valeurs! Je crois sincèrement qu’en travaillant à AGI, en partenariat avec d’autres ressources et organismes, en offrant des formations pour mieux comprendre la maladie d’Alzheimer, des groupes de support et du counseling, mes collègues et moi serons en mesure d’aider concrètement les personnes âgées, les familles, les proches aidants et la population. J’ai à cœur cette mission d’autant plus que la population au Québec est vieillissante et la maladie d’Alzheimer et autres troubles connexes affecte malheureusement trop de personnes. Je suis aussi très heureuse d’offrir un nouveau programme pour les personnes atteintes de Démence à début précoce (ayant eu un diagnostic avant 65 ans), car ce programme est bien adapté à leurs besoins et capacités. Dans notre société, il y a malheureusement de la méconnaissance et des tabous concernant les personnes atteintes d’Alzheimer et de troubles connexes. C’est pourquoi en côtoyant les personnes âgées et grâce à nos différents services, nous encourageons chez celles-ci un sentiment d’inclusion et de mieux-être! J’espère que d’ici les prochaines années, la population acceptera davantage les gens atteints de cette maladie. J’ai confiance! Pour conclure, sachez que j’ai beaucoup d’admiration envers toutes les familles et proches aidants pour leur dévouement et amour à l’égard des personnes atteintes d’Alzheimer. Je crois qu’ils méritent une grande reconnaissance pour le bien immense qu’ils procurent! The Strengths of AGI! Maude Robitaille, Counsellor, Co-Coordinator Young Onset Programs, Coordinator Safety Net Program S ince my arrival at AGI, I immediately felt my work here would be a wonderful and unique experience. Each member of the team welcomed me with a burst of enthusiasm! I am sincerely very proud to be part of this extraordinary team because everyone is very professional, respectful and devoted to our clients and their families. I think one of our strengths is that all members of our team really believe in the Mission of AGI: to help everyone who has Alzheimer’s or related dementias along with their support system. Another strength is that AGI favours a person-centred approach by respecting the dignity of the people and by being empathetic. This corresponds to my values! I sincerely believe that working at AGI, in partnership with other community organizations and resources, by offering training to understand Alzheimer’s disease better, with support groups and counseling, my colleagues and I will be able to concretely help older people, families, caregivers and the population at large. I really want to achieve the goals of this Mission, all the more since the population of Quebec is aging and because Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias affect far too many people. this program is well adapted to their needs and abilities. Unfortunately, in our society there are misunderstandings and taboos about people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. By being with these people and offering our variety of services, we help and encourage those who have this disease to feel included and gain a sense of well-being. I hope in the coming years, the public will be more accepting of those with Alzheimer’s. I have faith in this! I am also very pleased to offer a new program for people with Young Onset Dementia (diagnosed before age 65) because Finally, I have great admiration for all families and caregivers who dedicate themselves to their loved ones with Alzheimer’s. I believe they deserve great recognition for the immense good they do! 22 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG New! AGI’s Safety Net Program Has your loved one been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia? Are you a caregiver and feel you could benefit from having someone offer guidance, support or a listening ear? AGI’s Safety Net program is for you! AGI’s Safety Net: A unique mentorship program tailored to support family caregivers AGI’s Safety Net Program focuses on the caregiver Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) is proud to launch this innovative mentorship program for families, which focuses solely on the family caregiver, After a diagnosis of cognitive impairment, where does one turn? The concern and attention throughout the caregiving journey becomes focused on the diagnosed individual, yet this is something that, in a most significant way, affects the entire family. In taking on the role of caregiver, the partner, spouse or adult child often finds him/herself in a “sink or swim situation”. They can feel isolated and frightened, with no awareness of how our health system works, or where to turn for guidance or support. If you are a family caregiver helping a loved one and you’re not sure if you are “doing the right thing”, being paired with a trained mentor who is compassionate and understands what you are experiencing will improve your outlook and can be life-altering. Your mentor will support you on a regular basis, provide guidance and education about community resources, while helping you obtain information about available services. The Safety Net program coordinator strives to provide a supportive and meaningful caregiver experience. Research has shown the absolute importance of caregiver health. AGI’s Safety Net With over 30 years experience helping individuals and families touched by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, AGI recognizes the need for a comprehensive support system designed especially for caregivers. Safety Net mentors are trained to help caregivers navigate the system, providing advice and support when needed. This is a journey you cannot and need not travel alone – AGI and Safety Net are here to help! If you are the caregiver of a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia and are interested in having a mentor, please contact AGI Counsellor Maude Robitaille at 514.485.7233 or [email protected] Testimonial My Experience with AGI M y husband Dominik first showed signs of memory loss when he was 67. On the advice of friends and the staff at the Memory Clinic at the Jewish General Hospital, I contacted AGI and saw a counsellor who was extremely helpful. I joined a support group on her suggestion and attended the group regularly for about two years, and found it very helpful in the sharing of information, feelings, challenges and the overall support in a difficult situation. I also attended a number of information sessions organized by AGI for the general public, and learned a great deal at each of them. I knew that AGI offered activity groups and, at a certain point, I felt that my husband would enjoy these. These activity groups gave me a break to do errands, as it was not safe to leave my husband alone in the house. I was always impressed by these activity groups, where my husband was treated like a king, and where there was always love, stimulation, laughter and sharing. My husband was eventually diagnosed with full-blown Alzheimer’s disease and continued to decline until his death in 2013. AGI has been an invaluable resource, support and counsel for me and my family. Whenever friends experience memory loss, I always recommend to their families that they contact AGI for support. Everyone I have referred has been impressed with, and benefitted from, their services. With thanks, Janet Boeckh Need dementia support? | Avez-vous besoin de soutien pour la démence? www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y 23 Learning how to be a Caregiver at AGI Karin Derouaux, MA, AGI Counselor and coordinator of the Fruchter Respite on Wheels™ program My doctor says my mother has dementia. Is that different from Alzheimer’s? My husband keeps asking when his mother is coming. When I tell him she passed away, he cries. Am I doing the right thing? My wife asks the same questions over and over and over again. Is there any way to get her to stop? My father makes up ridiculous stories about things that never happened. Why is he doing this? Every day I remind my mother to lock her front door, but she never does it. How can I convince her that this is important? My wife is having an increasingly difficult time making dinner and I’m afraid she’s going to cut or burn herself. Should I take over the cooking from now on? hether you are new to the world of Alzheimer’s caregiving, or you’ve been doing it for a while, you probably have questions about the disease and how you’re responding to your loved-one’s needs. Caring for someone with a degenerative cognitive disease is like living on shifting ground: just when you think you have it figured out, something changes. Through our education programs, Alzheimer Groupe is here to help you find your footing. Our Alzheimer’s training courses are tailored to caregivers (both family and professional) who are providing care in a home environment. Rather than taking a medical approach, we teach you caregiving skills that you will put into practice on a daily basis. Having those skills can help you to reduce your stress and enjoy the relationship that you share with the person who has Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. AGI’s Alzheimer 101. Every person and situation is unique, so in our 8-hour Alzheimer’s 101 course, we strive to teach you basic principles in Alzheimer’s caregiving. These principles are your guidepost for responding to the endless variety of behaviours that we associate with the disease. By the end of the course, you will better understand your lovedone’s diagnosis (whether that be Alzheimer’s or a related dementia) and its impact on his or her brain and behaviour. You will learn to anticipate challenges, communicate better, reduce and diffuse conflict and react appropriately when your loved-one is confused or disoriented. AGI’s specialized Alzheimer training series. The New Year will provide many ongoing education opportunities for family members, home caregivers and professional care providers alike. Courses cover a wide range of topics, emphasizing practical knowledge that you can apply on a day-to-day basis. In addition to these training courses, AGI offers a range of other opportunities for families, friends and professionals to become knowledgeable, confident caregivers. Our Activities Training Program gives families and their homecare workers intensive training on how to incorporate activities into day-to-day life. The program includes an individualized Activities and Stimulation Plan for the person who has Alzheimer’s, along with ongoing support from AGI professionals. The Ditkovsky Training Program aims to educate professionals working in residences or agencies. The 12 hours of instruction are tailored to the needs of the institutions’ staff, who are trained at their site, as a team. AGI experts are also available for speaking engagements in the community, at clubs, religious organizations, associations, etc. Our Lindsay Memorial Foundation Lecture Series (both in Montreal and the West Island), and our twice-ayear Alzheimer Education and Awareness Conferences provide opportunities to learn from guest lecturers invited from near and far. Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) is pleased to provide the easiest-toaccess and best source of education: AGI’s counsellors, who educate family caregivers about the disease through support groups and individual and family counselling meetings. 24 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG W New Pilot Project Caregivers Exploring Self-Care “It’s important to take care of yourself so you can take care of your loved-one.” It’s a common refrain heard by caregivers; it’s one your AGI counselor has probably uttered to you at some point in your relationship. But what does “self-care” mean and how do you make it happen? Self-care isn’t the same as caregiver respite. Caregiver respite simply means time off from caregiving. The problem is, if you aren’t using that time to recharge your battery, then you may burn out, regardless of how regular and reliable your respite is (and I hope it is both). Unfortunately, learning to take care of yourself is something that is rarely taught in our task-oriented, achievement-oriented society. Many of us simply don’t know how to take care of ourselves. The good news: self-care is a skill that can be learned. This year AGI is excited to announce that we’ll be exploring new ways to teach self-care to Alzheimer’s caregivers. Each week for 6 weeks, we’ll take a caregiver mini-vacation and concentrate on exploring what makes us feel healthy, relaxed and rejuvenated. Karin 514.485.7233, x224 | [email protected] Are you caring for someone with dementia? AGI IS INTERACTIVE Check out our new website! AGI’s Alzheimer 101 and our new specialized training series give caregivers an in-depth understanding of dementia-related behaviours and teach practical caregiving skills that make day to day caregiving easier and more enjoyable. AGI’s Alzheimer 101 and specialized Alzheimer training series for Families and Care Professionals This 16 hour training series can be used for LPN Licensing hours The New Year will provide many ongoing training opportunities for family members, home caregivers and professional care providers alike. Courses cover a wide range of topics, emphasizing practical knowledge that can be applied on a daily basis. Courses include information on: • Demystifying the diagnosis and understanding clinical terms • Defining dementia, Alzheimer disease and related disorders (AD/rd) • How AD/rd affects the brain • Understanding the symptoms about behaviours associated with AD/rd • Basic approaches: the person-centred approach, the holistic approach • Dealing with unsafe behaviours • Understanding and supporting aphasia and communication impairments • Managing responsive behaviours: anxiety and aggression • Understanding confabulation, confusion and disorientation • The pitfalls of reality orientation and the importance of validation • Creating a supportive and stimulating environment through meaningful activities Location: AGI Office, 5555 Westminster Ave., Suite 304 Cost: $80 per course The dates and times of the specialized training courses will be determined and updates posted on our website. www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] y Prerequisite: AGI’s Alzheimer 101 is pre-requisite for the specialized courses ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y • Get more information about our informative conferences and lecture series, as well as the training we provide for family and professional caregivers. • Find out What’s New at AGI: New programs and services have been added to respond to the needs of families • Learn about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia • Participate in an AGI fundraiser • Purchase a tribute card for a special occasion, achievement or to honour someone • Share your AGI story with us • Sign up to receive our Newsletters • Donate to AGI online • Find out about other resources in the community Receive the latest AGI news in your inbox! Sign up for our monthly online e-newsletter www.agiteam.org y 25 Training the Future: AGI Student Internships Fostering empathy in tomorrow’s professionals Paola Bresba, MA ATPQ, AGI Art Therapist and Program Coordinator A lzheimer Groupe (AGI) Inc. has changed quite a lot since its beginning over 30 years ago, and has evolved to meet the growing needs of the community. What began as a part-time effort on the part of a few individuals to offer support to family caregivers has become a wonderful non-profit organization of professionals committed to providing a multi-faceted and positive response to the realities of life with Alzheimer’s and dementia. As supervisors and teachers, the staff at AGI creates a supportive environment for our students, where their “best self” is promoted. We foster excellence in our students because our clients deserve this. We at AGI believe that tomorrow’s professionals deserve the opportunity to use their skills to the maximum and to have role models who see not only who they are, but what they can be. Paola Bresba is the supervisor for Graduate Students in Art Therapy Student training programs T he last six years have been a particularly fruitful period of growth for AGI, in terms of the variety and quality of the programs and services that we offer, which are always initiated to address unmet social needs. As we grow as an organization, so do the requests for students to train with us. Over the last six years, AGI has trained 28 students. They come from graduate and undergraduate university programs, colleges and vocational training centers. They are students of social work, the creative art therapies (music and visual arts), recreation therapy, and home care assistance. They receive hands-on training experience in the Aisenstadt Activity Centre, interning for up to eight months at a time, always under the careful supervision of AGI professionals. Although mentoring interns requires a great deal of guidance and effort; we believe that it is a valuable opportunity to influence the quality of tomorrow’s professionals. As a training site we, at AGI, demand a lot from our student interns. This is why McGill, Concordia and PACC continue to seek out internship opportunities at our organization. We instruct students on the mechanics of leading a successful day program and how to counsel people affected by the disease. We expect students to be active members of our team, encouraging them to understand and enact AGI’s support Mission to “create a caring, non-judgmental environment in which we offer specialized, therapeutic programming to enhance peoples’ lives”. To do this well, a professional has to be alert, flexible, creative and empathetic. Western society is often focused on a form of efficiency and productivity which often trumps kindness, patience and understanding. Sometimes empathy is trained out of professionals who are placed in impossible situations. At AGI, we foster empathy in our students. We challenge students to listen to clients – what they are saying and not saying – through their words and actions. We prepare students to be proactive, to think critically and to adapt and respond to the needs and interests of the people they are serving, rather than expect clients to adapt to them. 26 I first came to AGI as a student in the fall of 2014. It was my last internship for my degree in recreation therapy at McGill. I quickly assumed responsibility while learning from an interdisciplinary team, which is the way things work at AGI. This truly allowed me to develop my skills as a recreational therapist. However my ‘teachers’ extend much further than the ‘professionals’ I was working with; every client at AGI also taught me. Each individual that comes into the Day Centre has his or her own background, values and stories. Through my countless social interactions in the Day Centre, I had the opportunity to learn and receive advice from the many incredible clients who participate in our programming. After graduating, I was fortunate to have been hired by AGI to work on a part-time basis in my trained profession of recreational therapy. I strive to create a positive environment in the Day Centre, where all clients have the opportunity to succeed and to be their “best selves”. I feel most accomplished when finding a recreational program that completely engages a client and brings meaning to his or her life. AGI is an incredible organization that offers many services to families. I consider myself lucky to be a part of this wonderful organization. Carolyn Bulua Carolyn Bulua is a graduate of McGill with a degree in Recreation Therapy. She began her graduate studies in Occupational Therapy in the fall of 2015. 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG T his past school year I had the great opportunity of being an art therapy intern at AGI, co-leading two art therapy groups and working one-on-one with one individual. Working directly with the clients I was continually captivated and inspired by the creativity and ideas that the men and women expressed in the setting of the Activity Centre. I am very grateful for my experience of being a part of the AGI team. When I first arrived at AGI, I immediately felt welcome and a part of the interdisciplinary team; involving social workers, home care assistance workers, recreation therapists and an art therapist. It was always encouraging to see first-hand these devoted and compassionate professionals working to provide the best experience for the clients at AGI. This team also provided me with constant support and supervision throughout my learning, consistently allowing me to feel confident and comfortable in my role. During the s u m m e r following my internship, I was able to continue my learning at AGI through a federally funded grant program, which allowed me to be hired as a full-time staff member for the summer in the Activity Centre. This has allowed me to take on more responsibilities as a professional and moreover, to apply everything I had learned in my program and from my internship. Most significant during my time at AGI has been the opportunity to work directly with the clients. I have learned from the many personalities, talents, skills, humour and knowledge that the clients bring to the Activity Centre each and every day. For this I am deeply thankful. Jessica Gardner Jessica has an Honours BA in Visual Arts and Psychology and is in her 2nd year of the Graduate Art Therapy program at Concordia University. She will receive an MA in Art Therapy. needs and actually helps a whole variety of people. For me, a significant example of this has been AGI’s establishment of Montreal’s first program for people with young-onset dementia, which started as a pilot project this spring. I was very proud and delighted to be given the chance to facilitate art therapy workshops with this group. This is also an example of how AGI invests in its students, giving them challenges when warranted and supporting them so that they will succeed. A s an intern at AGI I received amazing support and supervision. The staff is smart, professional, and are wonderful role models. The experience made me feel confident about my future as a professional. Students are given a lot of responsibilities, as they would in a real job. We are treated as equals from the very beginning, which means a lot of work, but also that our ideas, opinions and initiatives are always welcome. I had the opportunity to see AGI’s unique structure from close up – how it devises innovative responses to community ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y My work with AGI was the highlight of this academic year, and I am very grateful for all the opportunities, knowledge and experience that I received from the staff members, my supervisor and the clients. AGI puts a lot of effort into training graduate students from Concordia’s art therapy programs and through this work it’s shaping the future of this field in Canada. Katya Aladinskaya Katya has an MA in clinical psychology from a Russian University and is completing her 2nd year of the Graduate Art Therapy program at Concordia University. She will receive an MA in Art Therapy. 27 Testimonials AGI Spousal Support Groups A GI’s spousal support groups provide an opportunity for husbands, wives and partners to share their experiences with others in a similar situation. Sitting among those individuals who understand the issues you are living with on a daily basis, can often be very reassuring and therapeutic. The following are some of the responses from participants of these support groups. degrees, the amount of stress that a caregiver is under is often overwhelming. But this also waxes and wanes. Some weeks are easier than others. Seeing others go through different stages and how they handle (or DON’T handle) it is useful and enlightening. Those who are having a harder time handling a specific situation benefits from the understanding and support of the others and the leader. I t took me many months to overcome my resistance to joining a spousal support group: “I’m not a group type of person; what can I learn there that I have not already read about? I don’t want to talk about how I feel to suddenly be thrust into this care-giver role; it’s bad enough I have to live it, I don’t want to be confronted with the situation on a regular basis; best just to do what I can, and not think about it too much...” I didn’t expect that sense of peace I experienced when I arrived at the first group meeting - how meaningful that trite little phrase “you are not alone” became over the weeks of attendance. Listening to others who were walking the same road enhanced my understanding; and, yes, there was a lot of useful information that I didn’t know provided by our calm and skilled group leader. But, perhaps, one of the most valuable aspects of this experience was being seated among peers who were each dealing with some variant of a similar situation. No need to explain the pain of watching a vital, talented, respected life partner descend into dementia; we all lived this; we all shared this. This freed us to laugh together about the more comical moments that living with a spouse who has dementia can bring: clothing that mysteriously disappears only to reappear in unexpected locations; informing that well-meaning stranger who is vigorously trying to help your spouse get up from his chair that you are, in fact, trying to help him sit down. All of us around the table knew that “life was real and life was earnest”, but life, even with a loved spouse who has dementia, can still retain some positive and lighter aspects. Dr. Eva Libman I appreciate the expertise and knowledge of the support staff at AGI and the chance to take part in the courses and conferences available at AGI, which have been invaluable to me. The support and camaraderie are especially important as we all feel, to some extent, alone in this struggle. It is clear that we all feel that no one, unless they are in our situation can really understand what we are going through. It is enlightening to see another person going through a stage that I have already experienced and resolved. I see some people who cannot relate to someone else’s experience since their spouse is not at that stage yet and they cannot imagine having to deal with that stage. And I see others who are having such a hard time accepting that their spouse cannot think logically. I see that we have to be there for them and realize that acceptance takes some so much longer and the pain they go through because of it. All we can do sometimes is be supportive and be a good listener. I also would love the group to take place every week! Barbara Bobrow T he AGI Spousal Support Group is a lifesaver for me. Belonging to a community of spouses who face similar challenges daily lightens my burden and has helped me to learn from the experiences of wise members of the group, animated by a well-informed and empathetic coordinator. Good advice from members of the Spousal Group has shaped my responses to many challenges that seemed at first to be overwhelming. The camaraderie and mutual support among the Group’s members, enlivened by coffee, provide a warm environment for sharing, consoling and inspiring, The members of the Group are a bridge to systematic learning about the diseases afflicting our loved ones and the wisdom to cope with the lives we continue to share with our spouses. Dr. Frank Chalk I joined the Spousal Support group in the spring of 2015 after much deliberation, denial I guess. I was finding it hard to cope with my husband’s situation, his being diagnosed with Parkinson’s related dementia, and although friends and family were sympathetic, I felt they could not really understand what I was facing. The friends I met at the support group at AGI were the ones that really helped and understood. People I could connect with - they were living the same ordeal. While everyone experiences the stress in different ways and The staff is amazing - caring, helpful, non-judgmental and so easy to talk to. I am so grateful that I connected with AGI. I would recommend it to anyone facing the same difficult situation. Heather Halickman 28 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG Groupes d’appui pour proches aidants Spousal Support Groups Êtes-vous le proche aidant d’une personne atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou d’une démence connexe? Are you providing care for a spouse with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia? Join other spousal caregivers, gain insight and learn more about this challenging disease. Led by expert facilitators, caregivers are encouraged to support one another, share experiences and problem-solve in a non-judgmental, warm environment. Joignez-nous à un groupe d’entraide d’autres proches aidants, pour partager vos expériences, obtenir une perspective plus approfondie de ce problème, ainsi que l’appui d’autres aidants. Dirigés par les conseillers experts, ces groupes permettent aux aidants de partager leurs expériences et de trouver des solutions ensemble dans un environnement ouvert et chaleureux. Spousal Support Groups take place bi-weekly. www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] Pre-registration is required | Préinscription requise Donations are welcome | Les dons sont bienvenus There’s so much going on at AGI! Informative conferences and lecture New services New programs for families Caregiver testimonials Respite for care providers Exciting fundraising events Sign up for our monthly online e-newsletter www.agiteam.org y ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y 29 Staff News: A Wonderful year of Welcomes, Hellos and some fond Adieux! We welcome lovely Stella Paige to the AGI family! After a very productive initial year as Director of Support Services, Meghan Williams is now on maternity leave, having given birth to little Stella on August 27th. We send our best wishes and congratulations to Meghan, Mike, Austin and Molly. AGI welcomes a new Counsellor! 2015 Halloween fun in the Activity Centre Jessica, Carolyn, Marivic, Lois, Meghan, Paola, Katya Maude Robitaille has joined the wonderful team of caring AGI counsellors who advise and support families touched by Alzheimer’s. Maude is able to help families in both French and English, and her warm smile and compassionate manner make her a valuable and welcome new member of our AGI family. She is coordinating the Young Onset Social Group providing activities for diagnosed individuals under age 65 and a support group for their families. Maude will be at the helm of AGI’s Safety Net Program. Adieux Peggy Obaroghedo returned to AGI with us in September! We all missed her wonderful smile in the Activity Centre during her medical leave and are thrilled to have her and her boundless positive energy back with us again! We say a heartfelt adieu to our three incredible student interns, Carolyn, Jessica and Katya. As students of recreational and art therapy, their work in the Aisenstadt Activity Centre with our clients was invaluable. Their boundless energy and compassionate spirits supported the full time staff of recreologists, enriching the experience of all those who attend our Activity Centre. Ladies, we wish you all the best and we hope that your futures will be as bright as your smiles! And one more adieu – AGI believes in Giving Back! Sun Youth volunteers annually collect a huge supply of food, toys and gifts donated by our AGI community. 30 Counsellor Helen Baum left AGI in January 2016 to take up residence in Israel with her family. We’ll miss her incredible insight, her compassion and her sense of humour. She’s promised to get a big place where we can stay with her when we visit Jerusalem… isn’t that right, Helen? We all wish Helen the very best for a bright and shining future. My beautiful and dearly beloved wife She was the apple of my eye from the first time we met, so long ago but could forget, she would become the love of my life my beautiful and dearly beloved wife. The loveliest sight that I would see, when she would smile so happily, she was the sunshine of my every day, her smile could melt your heart away. The happy years we shared together as though our time would last forever, until the day she became ill, I knew our dreams we could not fulfill. She meant all the world to me, nowhere else I’d rather be, than by her side to comfort her that she would know my love for her. How I cherished my time with her, memories that linger so long after, precious moments will always remain like the melody of a sweet refrain. I watched as she was closing down, that beautiful smile now but a frown, at times I lost her somewhere out there, no longer with me, just a blank stare. Now that time has passed her by, I can only mourn her and cry, I would have given my life for her, wished it were me rather than her. But she will always be with me, her smile etched in my memory, the dearest one I ever knew, no longer there, but never out of view. How my heart still cries for her, remembering how happy we once were, when she was so full of life, my beautiful and dearly beloved wife. Irving Richer 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG Community Support and Fundraising Events W e here at AGI are extremely grateful when philanthropic individuals, companies and organizations initiate partnership fundraisers to support the services we provide. We greatly appreciate donations of ALL sizes and we value the awareness that these events bring to the public about the work we do. On behalf of those who benefit from your generous support, we thank you! Linda Israel and Festival organizers at the Press Conference to announce the 2015 West Island Blues Festival Making Musical Memories! T he summer of 2015 saw the beginning of a beautiful “musical” partnership between AGI and the West Island Blues Festival. It’s an appropriate pairing as music has a way of reviving memories in individuals with dementia. What a wonderful way to increase awareness of our support services in West Island communities! C athy Benny is a talented artist who, ever since she began caring for her mother, has been a friend to AGI for many years. Both she and her mom benefitted from AGI’s programs and services. Cathy continues to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of her paintings to AGI and we are very grateful. In Cathy’s words at her most recent vernissage… The West Island Blues Festival has always been a fun and unique event promoting great Blues music AND raising funds for local community charities. After 6 months of planning, I am happy and so proud to celebrate my 60th year by sharing my latest work with family and friends, old and new. AGI was proud to be one of the beneficiaries in 2015 along with The West Island Black Community Association (WIBCA) and Action Jeunesse Ouest-Île (AJOI). My mother can’t be with us, but she continues to inspire everything I create. In her honour, I’m sharing any proceeds from this exhibit with Alzheimer Groupe. Hold the date!! Après 6 mois de planification, je suis heureuse et tellement fière de fêter ma 60e année en partageant mes dernières toiles avec mes parents et amis, les anciens et les nouveaux. This year, The West Island Blues Festival will begin with a VIP Musical Evening on Thursday, May 26, 2016 and the festival fun will continue with a day-long Blues Festival on Saturday June 18th in Dollard des Ormeaux Park. Join us at the 2016 Blues Festival – We’re looking forward to making musical memories with you! Ma mère ne peut être avec nous, mais elle est toujours une inspiration pour mes créations. En son honneur, je partagerai les recettes de cette exposition avec Alzheimer Groupe Inc. AGI D’Arcy-McGee Riding and AGI D ’Arcy-McGee MNA David Birnbaum visited AGI’s offices in November to meet with Linda Israel and Claire Webster and hear about the many services we offer. He proudly presented AGI with a cheque from the D’Arcy McGee Volunteer Work Program. This annual fund distributes financial assistance to worthy organizations offering important services and community-building activities within the riding. ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y 31 Testimonials A Beautiful Dream Why I’m involved D T Marlene Levenson, AGI Board Member and Aisenstadt Activity Centre volunteer id I know my mother had very early onset Alzheimer’s disease? In the 1950s and 1960s, most illnesses and mental illness in particular; were not spoken about in public and even in the home. When I was just a teenager there was strange behaviour going on in my home, my mother was over reacting to anything and everything. Little did my brother and I know that we were experiencing a person, our very own mother demonstrating early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, she was only in her 40’s. My mother was a beautiful woman who was musically talented; she enjoyed singing, dancing and playing piano by ear. Her passion had always been music, she had a natural gift. Our relationship was loving, yet difficult, especially as I matured into young womanhood. My mother loved me, believed in me, and gave me ample encouragement to excel in whatever I wanted to pursue. I began to see that she had little or no attention span and this became a detriment to our relationship; impossible to have mother-daughter talks. The confusion escalated for each of us albeit for different reasons. As her disease worsened, unfortunately I became the scapegoat in the family. Growing up in this confusing environment was painful and extremely difficult for me. How can a young child understand a mother’s inappropriate behaviour, causing embarrassment such as my friends suddenly not wanting to come over to my house and play, or being scolded for unfounded nonsense. The frustration was insurmountable and consequently, I wanted to leave home as early as possible. Eventually, I left Montreal and moved to California. In 1994, I returned to Montreal to spend the High Holidays not knowing it would be my last visit with my dear mom. Before leaving to go back to California my mother managed to whisper “I want to go with you.” to me. I was startled by those words and felt the deep love of my feeble, sick mother. She passed away just two months after that visit. Currently, I serve as a volunteer for AGI’s (Alzheimer Group Inc.), in the Aisenstadt Activity Center. When I hug and hold each client, I feel that this could be my mother. Rewarding is the best way to describe the feeling I have, and being able to give back love and caring to these people is a dream that has transformed the regrets I had growing up in a household filled with chaos and confusion. My poor mother was afflicted with Alzheimer’s and consequently robbed of a normal life; she was lucky enough to have a loving husband who took excellent care of her until she passed. Now I can give back with the knowledge and emotional gift I was provided with to help others. My mother has come to me in a dream and told me she is doing very well and is truly happy for me. I cherish that dream. Dedicated to Rosalind Levenson Goldberg (1922-1994) Julie Katz, AGI Board Member wenty-two years ago nobody spoke out loud about Alzheimer’s disease – if they even knew what it was. Family members recognized that something was wrong with their loved ones but either didn’t know the name of the disease or refused to admit the possibility that this was the problem. Twenty-two years ago, my father, David Zunenshine, was diagnosed with what we called the “A” word - we couldn’t even bear to say the entire word aloud . My Dad was 65, a loving, handsome, vibrant, successful self-made businessman who should have been enjoying the fruits of his life’s work with his wife and family. Once the initial shock of the diagnosis wore off - as if it ever really does – my Mom had to figure out what to do next. None of her friends was in a similar situation and she did not know where to turn. A doctor suggested she call AGI – and speak to them to better understand her new reality and navigate what lay ahead. Within a few minutes of calling, a warm, personal connection was made with an AGI counsellor and my Mom felt comforted that someone understood her predicament and had real-world advice. My Mom met with that counselor many times over the years, and was always met with kindness, understanding and practical advice. She later joined a spousal support group organized through AGI – “a room full of people with lots of kleenex boxes”. My father’s disease progressed slowly, but every step of the way my Mom knew AGI was there and she could call on them at a moment’s notice. A few years later, my Dad began attending the activity centre at AGI – where he would sing, dance, tell stories and paint; giving my Mom well needed respite, with the knowledge that he was happy, stimulated and safe. The professionals and staff at these groups often shared stories with my Mom of how happy my Dad was there and how social and animated he became when there was music, story-telling and art. My involvement with AGI started towards the end of my Dad’s illness. I joined a few committees and saw firsthand the compassion and caring of everyone there, along with their commitment to “enhance the lives of everyone touched by Alzheimer’s”. Fast forward twenty-two years. The word Alzheimer’s is on the tip of almost every persons’s tongue. The demand for services for those afflicted and their families grows daily, in all communities and in all age groups. My Dad passed away a year and a half ago and we all miss him very much. His and our 22 year struggle with the disease has left a lasting mark. My Mom was fortunate enough to be able to keep him at home with her throughout his illness. Without the help of AGI, that would have been impossible. My Mom, my siblings and I are grateful to AGI and understand how its caregiver-centred approach is an important piece of the Alzheimer’s care puzzle. Read the complete version of these stories and other testimonials at www.agiteam.org 32 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG “Tree of Life Leaves” – July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 REMEMBERING: ESTHER AND BERNARD BESNER Robert Besner and Gregg Zufelt STANLEY HERSHON Harriet and Alan Rimer IN HONOUR: PEARL AND MICHAEL CAPLAN JUDY AND NORMAN SMALL Rosalie and Harvey Faigan MARVIN CORBER C.M. Miriam and Marty Friedman Linda and Allan Israel WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: TAMMY AND LARRY DANKOFF Rosalie and Harvey Faigan Judy and Joey Kaback ETHEL AND MORTY FRUCHTER Sukie and Marty Nadler BARBARA AND DAVID KLINEBERG LYNN AND ROBERT SCHAFFER Rosalie and Harvey Faigan WEDDING: DOREY AND MARVIN KRASNOW Carole and Bernie Arbess Sheila and Herb Greenwald BIRTHDAY: MAUREEN ADLER WENER Cheryl Goffman and Glenna Goffman Wener MACKIE BALCAN WILLIAM LASSNER Judy and Joey Kaback SHEILA AGENSKY RON CHARLTON EVELYN HANNON MICHAEL KAY PHYLLIS KIS MARILYN LIGHTSTONE EUNICE PROSTERMAN CLAIRE SPEVACK Rosalie and Harvey Faigan ETHEL FRUCHTER Sukie and Marty Nadler JEANNIE GOLDBERG Vera and Morty Gross LINDA ISRAEL JACK KIVENKO ANGELA LIPPER Carole and Bernie Arbess MICHAEL LITVACK Patti and Ralph Chodos EUNICE MAYERS Phyllis and Robert Friedman Elaine and Julian Kotler ALAN RIMER Sandi and Marty Isaif Judy and Norman Tepper VICTOR SALEM ELLIE ZELNICKER Lottie and Mel Shevell GERALD SINGER Marla and Gordie Silverman MAX ZENTNER Miriam and Marty Friedman BAR MITZVAH: MATTHEW TKATCH Mackie Balcan “Tree of Life Leaves” – July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 REMEMBERING: RABBI SYDNEY SHOHAM Rosalie and Harvey Faigan IN HONOUR: PHIL LANDER Rosalie and Harvey Faigan FREEMA AND IRVING LUDMER Vera and Morty Gross WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: RHODA AND SOL CHANKOWSKY Harriet Silversmith LINDA AND ALLAN ISRAEL Carole and Bernie Arbess Susan and Murray Rosenoff EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS Elaine and Julian Kotler MARRIAGE: SUSAN COHENE AND STEVE FICHMAN Sheila and Herb Greenwald GAIL SHATZ AND RON CHANIN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan BIRTHDAY: HARLIE ALTMAN Rhona and Anthony Stamos HUMA BURNEY The Burney Family HARLEY ALTMAN RON BROWNSTEIN JEFF ENGEL PAM NAJMAN JOSEPH SCHLESINGER ALLAN SPEVACK Rosalie and Harvey Faigan ROSALIE FAIGAN Myrna and Allan Bramson Pearl and Michael Caplan Judy and Joey Kaback Cindy and Michael Kay Shari, Matthew, Lauren and Ryan Rotholz Amy, Michael, Tyler and Benjamin Rotholz Dorothy and Richard Rotholz Lottie and Mel Shevell Rhona and Anthony Stamos NORMA GILMOUR Peggy and Buddy Greenberg MARCEY GREENBLATT Carole and Bernie Arbess Lottie and Mel Shevell WILLIAM LASSNER Trudy and Aaron Ain Carmel and Albert Chiacchiarello Tammy and Richard Evin Judy and Joey Kaback & Family Renee and Frank Schlesinger KAREN PANCER Mina and Mark Richman MARK RICHMAN Karen and Alvin Pancer BELLA SHENDELMAN Brenda and Eddy Baylin We regret any errors and omissions. Please call us so that we can make the corrections in our next newsletter. DEDICATE A LEAF and grow the tree! 50 $ per leaf with full tax receipt! A wonderful way to commemorate a birth, anniversary, birthday, graduation or honour someone special. www.agiteam.org 514.485.7233 | [email protected] ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y The Tree of Life was erected as a loving tribute to Hinda Ordower King by step-sons Richard, Joel and Norman and families 33 “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 Alzheimer Groupe Inc. (AGI) is a not-for-profit organization that provides a comprehensive range of services to those directly and indirectly affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. AGI’s Mission is also is to increase awareness and understanding of the disease through education and training. If you’d like to make a donation, please call 514.485.7233 or email: [email protected] We acknowledge with gratitude the following donations that have helped us provide on-going services to families in the greater Montreal community throughout the past year. SARAH AND PERCY ABELSON MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: DAVID ALPER DR. ROBERT JAMES BRODRICK BEATRICE CHAPMAN MORRIS FISHMAN FELLA FRIEDMAN LOUISE GARFINKLE GORDON KOTLER MAX SHAPIRO HENRY WOLFE BUDDY ZACKON Lynn and Leonard Abelson FAYE AMDURSKY Joanna Abelson and Jonathan Abelson ESTHER AND BERNARD BESNER Robert Besner and Gregg Zufelt DR. JACK COHEN Lynn and Leonard Abelson & Family ISSIE TANZER Lynn Abelson IN HONOUR: LYNN AND LEONARD ABELSON Robert Besner and Gregg Zufelt ANNIVERSARY: FRANCIE AND MURRAY KRANE Lynn and Leonard Abelson BIRTHDAY: ELAINE KOTLER Lynn and Leonard Abelson SPEEDY RECOVERY: LYNN ABELSON Risa Scherzer CHERYL LIS Lynn and Leonard Abelson HIGH HOLIDAY GREETINGS: ELEANOR ALTMAN ROBERT BESNER AND GREGG ZUFELT ELAINE AND MARK FELDMAN ETHEL AND JACK GARFINKLE LINDA AND MARVIN OSTIN SHEILA PEARL MINKIE AND DAVID SILVERSTONE ARLENE AND SAM TRAGER Lynn and Leonard Abelson PASSOVER GREETINGS: LYNN AND LEONARD ABELSON Robert Besner and Gregg Zufelt ROBERT BESNER AND GREGG ZUFELT ETHEL AND JACK GARFINKLE Lynn and Leonard Abelson THE RHODA AND DAVID COHEN RESEARCH FUND IN HONOUR: RHODA AND DAVID COHEN Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Heisler HIGH HOLIDAY GREETINGS: JOANNE AND ERIC BLUMER ELAINE BUDNING SANDY AND ZAVIE CLIMAN MARILYN AND CAL COCHRANE LINDA AND DR. GORDON CRELINSTEN DR. & MRS. STANLEY HEISLER RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN BENJAMIN HORWOOD SHEILA KUSSNER ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN ELLIE LATSKY GILDA AND BENTON LEWIS 34 JEWEL AND PAUL LOWENSTEIN JANET OSTRO AND JIM McWILLIAMS MARGARET AND MAL MEISTER RHODA AND JOEL PINSKY BRENDA PROULX LENORE AND NORMAN RAPKIN DOROTHY REITMAN CHAVA AND OSCAR RESPITZ DIANNE AND MARTIN RICHLER NANCY RICHLER HINDA AND SONNY ROSEMAN NAOMI AND BERNIE ROSEN DOLORES AND HARRY ROSEN MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM JOYCE AND MARVIN ROSENHEK RITA AND JOSEPH SCHULMAN DIANA SCHWARTZ HILDIE AND RICHARD SHADLEY ALISON SILCOFF LILLIAN VINEBERG KAREN AND GARY WAXMAN SOREL AND RALPH YOUNG Rhoda and David Cohen PASSOVER GREETINGS: SANDY AND ZAVIE CLIMAN LINDA AND GORDON CRELINSTEN DR. & MRS. STANLEY HEISLER RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN SHEILA KUSSNER ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN GILDA AND BENTON LEWIS MARGARET AND MAL MEISTER RHODA AND JOEL PINSKY BRENDA PROULX LENORE AND NORMAN RAPKIN DOROTHY REITMAN CHAVA AND OSCAR RESPITZ NAOMI AND BERNIE ROSEN DOLORES AND HARRY ROSEN MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM JOYCE AND MARVIN ROSENHEK HILDIE AND RICHARD SHADLEY ALLISON SILCOFF LILLIAN VINEBERG SOREL AND RALPH YOUNG Rhoda and David Cohen ABE DITKOFSKY MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: YETTA DECKELBAUM Linda and Allan Israel Dianne Schiffman GEORGE SHUSTER ZELDA YAFFE Deborah and Gordon Deckelbaum LENA AND ADAM GOLD MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: DR. ROBERT JAMES BRODRICK FAIGE GUTHERZ NORMAN SHADOWITZ JERRY STEIN BRAD ZIPKIN Susan Gold BIRTHDAY: HENRY GOLDSTEIN SAM IZENWASSER Betty and Herb Zanger REBECCA HANEK MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: PEARL MEROVITZ Seymour Hanek SAMUEL JACOBS MEMORIAL FUND NEW YEAR GREETINGS: KAREN AND SHELDON ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY RONA AND LLOYD BROWN & FAMILY MARA AND MURRAY DANKOFF JANICE AND STEVEN DANKOFF & FAMILY ROCHELLE FELDBERG & FAMILY SYDNEY AND LOU FLAM SANDRA AND HYMIE GOLDGLASS HELEN AND ERNIE GROSS & FAMILY SHARI AND STEVE HECHT & FAMILY BONNIE JACOBS ADRIANNE KATZ MAXINE AND BILL KATZ ROBYN AND JARRED KATZ & FAMILY SUSAN AND DANY LAVY & FAMILY MARLA AND RICK LEFCORT ARLENE AND DANY LEVY & FAMILY RONA AND DAVID MIGI & FAMILIES ALICE AND MICHAEL NEMEROFF & FAMILIES SHERRI PRAZOFF AND CHRIS MOSS MARSHA AND ZAVY SOKOLOFF & FAMILY MERLE AND RONNIE TORCHIN & FAMILIES Razelle and Michael Prazoff & Family PASSOVER GREETINGS: KAREN AND SHELDON ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY RONA AND LLOYD BROWN & FAMILY MARA AND MURRAY DANKOFF JANICE AND STEVEN DANKOFF & FAMILY ROCHELLE FELDBERG & FAMILY SYDNEY AND LOU FLAM SANDRA AND HYMIE GOLDGLASS & FAMILY HELEN AND ERNIE GROSS & FAMILY SHARI AND STEVE HECHT & FAMILY BONNIE JACOBS ADRIANNE KATZ MAXINE AND BILL KATZ ROBYN AND JARRED KATZ & FAMILY SUSAN AND DANY LAVY & FAMILY MARLA AND RICK LEFCORT ARLENE AND DANY LEVY & FAMILY RONA AND DAVID MIGI & FAMILIES ALICE AND MICHAEL NEMEROFF & FAMILIES SHERRI PRAZOFF AND CHRIS MOSS MARSHA AND ZAVY SOKLOLOFF & FAMILY MERLE AND RONNIE TORCHIN & FAMILIES Razelle and Michael Prazoff & Family JUDY AND JOSEPH KABACK TRIBUTE FUND IN MEMORY: SHIRLEY BERENBAUM FLORENCE FREEDMAN DOROTHY GOLDENBERG FAIGE GUTHERZ ERIC JOEL HUBSCHER SANDY KIVENKO NORM STEIN TOBY WIESKOPF Judy and Joey Kaback IN HONOUR: JEAN AND MARTY KABACK & FAMILY Judy and Joey Kaback & Family WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: JUDY AND JOEY KABACK Marlene and Elie Cohen & Family BIRTHDAY: SHARON PINSLER ALAN RIMER CAROLE SPECTOR LEO WEISS MARILYN WEISS Judy and Joey Kaback NEW YEAR GREETINGS: JUDY AND JOEY KABACK & FAMILY Jean and Marty Kaback & Family PASSOVER GREETINGS: JUDY AND JOEY KABACK & FAMILY Marlene and Elie Cohen & Family Jean and Marty Kaback & Family SARA AND MAX KAPE TRIBUTE FUND IN MEMORY: NORMA CUMMINGS Nancy Taub TED GOLDMAN SANDY KIVENKO GERALD RITZ Nancy and David Gurberg MAX KAPE Lynn and Leonard Abelson Heather and Gary Abrams, Chantal and Beryl Donna Adelman Carol Amro Carole and Bernie Arbess Rhonda Barad Joyce Bazar Naomi and Richard Blumer & Family Rhoda Bobrove Natalie and Harold Brownstein Beverly and Sam Caplan Halle and Howard Cohen Shirley Croll Murray Cuttler Marlene and Warren Dick Sandra and Ron Feldman Naomi and Michael Finkelstein Sydney and Lou Flam Louise Goldwax Peggy and Buddy Greenberg Neil Grover Norma and Harry Hodess Leslie and Berel Hoppenheim Linda and Allan Israel Evelyn and April Kape & Family Bernice and Larry Kaplan Frances and Gerald Kessner Judy and Harvey Kornbluth Elaine and Julian Kotler Lois and Abbey Kreisman Sheila Kussner Dania (Besnof) and Irwin Lambersky Kerry and Allan Lanthier Risa Libman Scherzer Irene and Stephen Lipper Fabienne Marelli Merilee and Sonny Merovitz Rona and Morley Miller Dora and Avrum Morrow Dorothy Reitman Madeleine Ritz Dorothy and Richard Rotholz continued on next page 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 Estelle, Moe, Audrey, Hal and Bruce Seltzer Frances and Ike Silver Harriet Silversmith Vickie and John Swidler Ronna Taub Bernstein Sara and Irwin Tauben Barbara and Eddy Victor IN HONOUR: SOLLY ZUCKERMAN Nancy and David Gurberg MARRIAGE: SUSAN ACTON AND JOHN THOMPSON Nancy and David Gurberg NANCY TAUB AND DAVID GURBERG Vicki and Michael Abelson Carol and Burt Gilman BIRTHDAY: MARY KATZ Nancy and David Gurberg BAT MITZVAH: OLIVIA PAUL Nancy and David Gurberg SPEEDY RECOVERY: ZAVIE BROWN RHODA PINSKY CARL SELIGSON Nancy and David Gurberg RUTH AND ISSIE OLSHANSKY MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: SHIRLEY BERENBAUM LILY CYTRYNBAUM RYWKA SZAJNFARBER Bunny and David Adler MIMI CAPLAN JASMINE OLSHANSKY Resha and Marty Kaplan Honey Krolik & Family Norma Olshansky and Brian Stott JACK GLASSMAN Bunny Adler MARY KOLTZ Naomi and Marty Caplan Norma (Olshansky) and Brian Stott AUNT OF SANDY OLSHANSKY Lawrence Caplan, Bunny and David Adler, Louisette and Perry Olshansky REMEMBERING: RUTH AND ISSIE OLSHANSKY Resha and Marty Kaplan LILY PEARL MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: SISTER OF ROSE MARIE COOK THEODOR GOLDMAN LORNA SCHERZER SANDRA ZENTNER Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom FRIMET JOSEPHSON Seymour Pearl Sheila Pearl ISSIE TANZER Seymour Pearl SANDRA ZENTNER Jean Remer and Marvin Rosenbloom ENGAGEMENT: GRANDSON OF MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Shirley Cossever WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Shirley Cossever J. Robert Swidler SIMONE AND EDOUARD SCHOUELA Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom BIRTHDAY: DAVID KATZ Linda Rosenbloom and Robert Swidler ESTHER LANDSMAN ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. Susan and Gerry Linda and Robert Gail and Jimmy Richard and Andrea JOE PEARL Renee and Daniel Sigler & Family STEPHEN RAPPS Linda Rosenbloom and Robert Swidler HARVEY ROSENBLOOM J. Robert Swidler EDOUARD SCHOUELA SIMONE SCHOUELA Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom DAVID SIGLER Seymour Pearl Sheila Pearl BIRTHS: GRANDDAUGHTER TO SUSAN AND GERRY MALDOFF Shirley Cossever GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER TO MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Shirley Cossever SPEEDY RECOVERY: GLENDA LISBONA Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom NEW YEAR GREETINGS: MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Betty Maldoff ELLEN AND DAVID AMDURSKY VIVIAN AND GRAHAM BERMAN CAROL AND MYER BICK CAROLYN AND MITCHELL BORROW VIVIEN AND SHELLEY BROWN & FAMILY BERNICE BROWNSTEIN GLORIA AND PETER BURNETT RHODA AND DAVID COHEN RUTH COHEN SHIRLEY COSSEVER SANDY AND HENRI ELBAZ BINA ELLEN SHIRLEY GARFINKLE FEIGE AND SYD GASCO PAULINE AND DAVID GERTLER NORMA AND HOWARD GILMOUR PEGGY AND BUDDY GREENBERG SHIRLEY GOLDFARB KRAYNA GOLFMAN JOAN GROSS RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN LINDA AND ALLAN ISRAEL MIMI AND MERV KERMAN SHELLEY KERMAN MELANIE AND MICHAEL KRAMER JOYCE AND HARVEY KREISMAN SHEILA KUSSNER CONNIE AND ALAN LAMPERT ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN JACK LANG JUSTINE AND JON LANG HELEN AND NICKI LANG DR. & MRS. DAVID LANGLEBEN GLENDA AND ANDRE LISBONA JOAN LUPOVICH KARYN LUTZ SHEILA MAKLAN BETTY MALDOFF JACKIE AND RICHARD MARGOLESE CARREN OLER AND HARLEY FELSTEIN BARBIE AND DAVID PEARL JOE PEARL & FAMILY LINDA AND REEVIN PEARL & FAMILY SEYMOUR PEARL SHEILA PEARL PAM AND STEVEN PEARL DOROTHY REITMAN JILL AND JOEL REITMAN INGRID AND LAWRENCE ROSENBLOOM & FAMILY JEAN AND MARVIN ROSENBLOOM SIMONE AND EDOUARD SCHOUELA SHEILA SCHOUELA MARLA SHAPIRO AND ROBERT BERGER EDWARD SHINEWALD & FAMILY y SAMANTHA, JEREMY AND MAYA SHINEWALD RENEE AND DANNY SIGLER KAREN AND YEHUDA SITRUK BLEEMA AND ARNOLD STEINBERG J. ROBERT SWIDLER JANIS AND SIMON WAHED RABBI MICHAEL WHITMAN & FAMILY Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom ELAINE AND SAM RABINOVITCH MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: HILDA MATARASSO MOTHER OF SAMARA AND MARVIN LIEBMAN Thelma and Allan Haimovitz NEW YEAR GREETINGS: LINDA AND ISSIE WYSE Thelma and Allan Haimovitz PASSOVER GREETINGS: ANDREA AND BARRY HUTKINS LOIS AND ABBEY KREISMAN CAROL AND LAURIE PASCOE JUDY AND JERRY TUROWITZ LINDA AND ISSIE WYSE Thelma and Allan Haimovitz GERALD RITZ MEMORIAL FUND Tina and Philip Abbey Tracey Abbey Taylor and Allan Greenblatt Donna Adelman Carole and Bernard Arbess Enid and Carl Backman Tina Baer and Stan Leibner Sheila and Morty Bell Evie and Michael Bernstein Arlene Blumer and Ron Robins Irma Brodkin Simone and Bruce Bronfman & Family Myra and Norman Broodney Bernice Brownstein Cheryl Brownstein and Rick Schreiber Natalie and Harold Brownstein Janis Brownstein and Maggie Harris Elaine Budning & Family Canadian Button Ltd. Rona, Rob, Eric and Max Cappell Halle and Howard Cohen Ronna and Lorne Cohen Charlotte Colson Shirley Cossever Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg – Andrea, Valentina, Vanessa, Fotini, Mouna, Florence, Paul and Alexander Janice and Eddie Davis Eleanor Dover Freda Dym, Maureen and Jack Dym Aliza Eisenstein Bina Ellen Anette and Marvin Epstein Lois and Archie Etcovitch Ursula Finkelstein Kappy Flanders Linda Frajman Miriam and Marty Friedman Luana Fruchter Lucille and Peter Gates Susan Gold Janice and Barry Goldberg & Family Lori and Hershey Goldenblatt & Family Erma and Herbert Goldenstein Mona Golfman Benita and Stephen Greenberg Etta and Jerry Gross Bernice, Marvyn and Neal Grover Lenore, Paul and Andrew Harris Rickiee Heft Iris and Donald Hersh Rita Hirscheimer and Morrie Bergman Leslie and Berel Hoppenheim Linda and Allan Israel Sharon and Marty Kaplan Risa Kendall Susan Kendall Mimi and Merv Kerman Bunny Kirsch Elaine and Julian Kotler Joanne Kussner Leopold & Family Sheila Kussner Deborah Lands Esther and Andre Landsman Susan and Dany Lavy Rhonda and Sheldon Leibner Corine and Miles Leutner The Levine Family – Peter, Heather, Lyle, Logan and Chloe Risa Libman Scherzer Ann and Alan Lieff Sharyn and Mitchell Linds & Family Sandy and David Martz Debbie Merling & Family Faygie Milgram Donna and Joel Milgram Susy and Murray Miller Arlene and Allan Mones Ruth Nadler Elaine Paperman Woolner Lynn Perlman Richard Pettit Alice and Joel Raby Dorothy Reitman Carol and Beverly Ritz Carol Ritz (Doug) Adele and Stanley Rosen Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom Linda Rosenbloom and Robert Swidler Shirley and Leo Rosentzveig Lauren Rudolph Dundi and Lyon Sachs Beverly Salomon Julia and Michael Sax Judy and Brian Scherzer Simone and Edouard Schouela Joyce and Alan Schwartz Barbara, Steven, Erin and Jayme Segal Betty and Bernie Shapiro Harriet Silversmith Peggy Swaine and Ross Isaacs Sweibel Family Ronda and Kert Teblum Pauline and Jack Toker Rhoda and Robert Vineberg Trudy and Frank Vlahovic Lindsay Waxman Harriet and Murray Waxman Shayla and Maurice Wechsler Roz and Eddie Weinstein & Family Irving Wiseberg Diane Yancovitch Susan and Jay Yorke Randi and Robert Zittrer LEON ROZENWALD MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: ANITA DORFMAN SELMA KARP LILLIAN LINDER NICOLA RIZZO LORNA SCHERZER EVELYN STANISLAWSKI MAX STEIN RUTH WOLOFSKY Renée and Hershey Gillman DOROTHY ALTSHULER JOSIF BERGER GENIA BORKOWICZ IRVING LUBIN AARON ZLOTNICK Renée and Hershey Gillman & Family IN HONOUR: DORIS KNAFO Renée Gilman DEBBIE AND LAWRENCE SCULNICK Renée and Hershey Gillman continued on next page 35 “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 GENERAL DONATIONS: IN MEMORY: DOLLY AIKEN MIN CODAS RANDY FRIEDMAN MORROW BLEMA JACOBSON SARA LEVY ALLAN ROSENBERG ISSIE TANZER Rosalie and Harvey Faigan ROSE ANTO Ray Batrie DAVID ALPER CLAIRE PRUPAS Israel Goldstein DAVID ALPER MYRA RUBINGER MARK ZUNDER Shirley Gray FAYE AMDURSKY MICHAEL BAYLIN GOLDYE FENSTER SHEINA GILLMAN FRANKIE RUBINGER ISSIE TANZER Diane and George Kopanas MICHAEL BARANOSKI AUSTIN GODIN MARIANNE LEPAGE BROTHER OF HALINA MONG RITA NUDO JACK STUBBINGTON BRENDA WISEMAN Sandy and Mike Cariglia MOTHER OF DENISE BEDARD Laurie Berlin JEAN BERCOVITCH Lila Achuff Hilda Adler Melanie Atcovitch and Peter George Margaret and Al Bernstein Nora and Martin Carman Gloria and Herb Cobrin Anne and Jerry Cohen Myrna and Peter Cohen Janice and Hershie Dubinsky Ruth and Norman Dubrofsky Beverley Fefergrad Kenny Fefergrad & Family Greta and Al Feldman, Fay and Lou Amy Fish and David Budman & Family Peggy Fleming Carole Flikier Sandra and Jack Frost Sharron and Ben Gersovitz Soryl and Norm Goldstein Donna and Kenny Goodman Janice Greenberg and Joel Silcoff Judy and Joey Kaback Wendy and Warren Katz Frances and Gerald Kessner Rhona and Irwin Kramer Rhona and Robert Levine Betty Nowa Yegal Rosen Gloria and Michael Schachter Arlene and Paul Scheffer Debbie and Steve Schouel, Jonathan and Lesley Gert Sigler Mona Sigler Marilyn Smith Lana and Isadore Socaransky Rhona and Anthony Stamos Hilda and Saul Stark Judy and Ruby Strauber Clara Stubina – Creative Social Centre Paula and Morris Trefler Sheila and Gary Trestan Sonia Vechsler Francis and Morty Wellen Roz Wiener and Sam Hops Gloria Wilner & Family Judy and Howie Wolff Franki and Peter Yanofsky 36 SHIRLEY BERENBAUM Mackie Balcan Renna Bassal Pearl and Lewis Cooper Susan Curtis Ileana Davidovici Maureen and Howard Doctor Vivian and Barry Entous Marlene and Brian Goldberg Karen and Howard Goldberg & Family Helaine Herman Sherri and Gerald Issenman Judy and Joey Kaback Frayda and Leonard Katz Frances and Gerald Kessner Bayla Kligman Bea Krupp Deborah and Frank Lambert Sari Litman Ellyn Myers Lynn and Andy Nulman Sandy and Les Pantel Laura Rabin Ada and Steve Singerman Rhona and Tony Stamos Carol Tenenbaum & Family Lynne and Marvin Tkatch Arlene and Steven Tolensky Reisa and Bruce Vineberg Carla and Ronnie Vineberg Julia and Alan Wenger & Family NETTIE BERGMAN RALPH BERMAN LOU GOLDBERG LOLA MARCUS BERNARD PALEVSKY LORNA SCHERZER Gloria and Peter Burnett IRWIN BEUTEL BARBARA KELLMAN TASS MATALON MARGARET PARKER LORNA SCHERZER Esther and Andre Landsman AUNT OF MARILYN AND BEN BICHER Judy and Michael Tock ROSITA BISSELL BRIAN COHEN SAM ENGELBERG Sara Jacobson ANDREW ERIC BESNER NERI JUDITH BLOOMFIELD BERNARD PALEVSKY Linda and Allan Israel BERNADETTE BOIVIN Betty and Daniel Schwartz FATHER OF RICK BOOKMAN Arlene and Steven Tolensky FATHER OF GARY BOYD Sam Landsman DR. ROBERT JAMES BRODRICK Carole and Bernie Arbess Miriam and Marty Friedman Linda and Allan Israel Julie Katz Elaine and Julian Kotler Esther and Andre Landsman Lynn and Andy Nulman BeverlySalomon and Marlene Salomon Harriet Silversmith MARION BRUMER Agi and Abe Zylberlicht PETER BURNETT Tina and Philip Abbey & Family Myra Abrams Pearl and Robert Adams Marilyn Avrith Lila and Avie Berkovitch Linny Blauer Clifford Borden Cynthia Brown Herschorn Bernice Brownstein Wendy and Michael Caplan Ricki and Jonathan Carr The Chaplick Family Sylvia Cleman Avi and Brian Cohen Bev Cuplowsky Audrey Douek-Aber & Family Eleanor Dover Pam and Terry Fagan & Family, Beryl Goldberg Vicki and Michael Feil Sybil Friedman Feige and Sydney Gasco Connie Gelber Shirley Goldfarb Mona Golfman Marilyn and Walter Golfman Hannaford Family Linda Hausberg & Family Rickiee Heft Rita Hirscheimer Leslie and Berel Hoppenheim Lisa and David Horowitz Claire Horwood Gerald Issenman & Family Evelyn Kape Fern Karpman Mimi and Merv Kerman Frances and Gerald Kessner Rhoda Kirsch Rhona and Irwin Kramer Shirley Krasnow Beatrice Krupp Jeannie Laing Ellie Latsky Arlene and Jack Lazare Gilda and Benton Lewis Anita Maislin Sheldon Merling and Earl Merling Beth Merrick and Jack Stern Faygie Milgram Jeffrey Miller Mickey and Stephen Miller Ruth Nadler Cindy and Freddie Naimer Sonia and Dave Oberman Lila and Herby Paperman Dorothy and Rocke Ransen Chava and Ingie Respitz Naomi and Jack Richer Jean and Marvin Rosenbloom Ronna Rubin Beverly Salomon and Marlene Salomon Matthew Sapera and Darren Sukonick Sheila Schouela Phyllis and Norman Seltzer Betty and Bernard Shapiro Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele Judith Silver Tina and Max Smart Liane and Danny Taran Mandy Tarder-Kadaner & Family Arlene and Steven Tolensky Christine Victor Hazel Wasserman Harriet and Murray Waxman Shayla and Maurice Wechsler Rozlynn and Eddie Weinstein Merilee Weitzman Beverly White and Lawrence Cohen Verley and Lawrence Yanofsky Franki and Peter Yanofsky Norman Zavalkoff Max Zentner Beverly and Frank Zylberberg RITA CAMPEAU Staff at Complete Care FATHER OF ROSANNA CAPLAN GERRY FLACK Lorna and Gerry Singer MARVIN CARSLEY Max Zentner GIUSEPPINA CASSETTA Ellen and David Bernstein & Family Faigie and Morris Biberkraut BEATRICE CHAPMAN Alain Namer MURIEL VICTORIA CHASE JOANNA DALE STUART LETOVSKY HILDA MATARASSO ALBERT SCHRIER Sandra and Jack Frost RACHEL CHEMTOV Rhoda and Allan Levine FATHER OF PAUL CLARKE Joyce and Marcey Greenblatt MIN CODAS Marilyn and Ben Bicher MIRIAM COOPERBERG Dorothy and Richard Rotholz HILDA COPOLOFF ISABEL GOODMAN SANDY KIVENKO STAVROULA PLATANITIS Harriet and Alan Rimer HILDA COPOLOFF SAMUEL FRIED Harriet and Howard Puritt & Family Helena and Jerry Sidel & Family ADELAIDE COWAN Ruth and Manny Shacter FATHER OF MARLA CRAMPTON Mimi and Merv Kerman SELMA DAVIS Robin Cherry Millie, Carol and Robert Cohen Cindy and Eric Goldberg Barbara Feldberg & Jack Goldberg Marilyn Karr Jo-Anne and Barry Kravitz Selda Leibovitz Elaine and Marc Leiter Randee Pollock & Family EMMANJUELLA DALONZO Riva and Irving Cohen Paula, Marty and Stacey Cohen GRANDPA TONY DEAN Daniel Levitsky RUTH DICK Rosalind Gliserman CLARA ERMAN Gail Bitton ADELE FEDERER Renee and Ben Pekeles GOLDYE FENSTER LILLIAN LINDER FRANKIE RUBINGER ISSIE TANZER Filamena Ferrante STEFANIA FIL-GOSS Eugenia and Tadeusz Rzewucki MORRIS FISHMAN Ruby Heft Gloria and Steve Kadonoff Bluma and Leonard Malinoff JOHNNY FRANZBLAU Sonia and David Oberman Dundi and Lyon Sachs RUDY FREDERICK Eric Jenkins FLORENCE FREEDMAN Dr. Richard Albert & Staff Linda and Martin Bogante Barbara and Nathan Bregman Judy and Harvey Cherow Fay and Barry Cogan Charlotte Colson Ronna Ellen Keila and Billy Finkelstein Mirna and Sandor Hofbauer Gloria Hopkins Ruth and Garry Ickman Linda and Allan Israel Frances and Gerald Kessner Ellen and Ezra Kleinman Elaine and Julian Kotler Rhona and Irwin Kramer Elaine and Sheldon Lang Judy and Gerry Litwin Linda and Michael Sheiner Alyssa and Michael Shragie Ann-Marie Townsend Sharon and Mickey Zigman RANDY FRIEDMAN MORROW STANLEY KASAKOVE FRANCES MERLING NORMAN SHADOWITZ Miriam and Marty Friedman continued on next page 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 RANDY FRIEDMAN MORROW Adeline Slapcoff and Bill LESLEE GELBER ROSALIND GOODMAN PAUL KEAN Sandra Agulnik JEAN GILLMAN Dr. Richard Albert Paula Baker Ellen and David Bernstein & Family Faigie and Morris Biberkraut Judi Brown Shapiro Linda, Jason and Joanna Dragif Etty and Joe Fachler Mark Freedman Norman Freedman Barbara and Mitchell Hops Marilyn and Howard Kaplow Susan and Bram Kaufman Cynthia and Jeffrey Kerr Jackie and Andy Kirstein Elaine and Julian Kotler Suzi Lipes Gail and Alan Marcovitz Antonietta Niro Elly Popliger & Family Ellen and Norman Rishikof Renee Romano Betty and Daniel Schwartz Debbie and Lawrence Sculnick Reisha Sofer Barbie and Morris Sternszus Rinky and Aaron Stuehler TJX Canada Roz and Eddie Weinstein & Family Cindy and Jackie Weinstein Trudy Weinstein & Family Merilee and Leslie Weitzman IDA GINSBURG Rae Shechtman BILL GLEW Diane and Arthur Newman BESSIE GOLDBERG Joanie and Allan Reichson, Jordy, Joy, Todd & Sophie AUDREY GOLDEN Fanny Nemtean THEODOR GOLDMAN Sheila and Morty Bell Bernice Brownstein Neil Grover, Bernice and Marvin Esther and Andre Landsman Ruth Nadler TOBA GONDA Dena and Kevin LeBlanc & Family BETH GOODMAN IRWIN LEIBOWITZ DR MAX PALAYEW BERNARD PALEVSKY LIONEL PORTIGAL MARK ZUNDER Sandra Agulnik and Max Cantor BENNIE GOODZ Sheila Kussner Bluma and Leonard Malinoff Rinky and Aaron Stuehler LOUISE GRANOFSKY Harry Morris and Tybie Ghilcig MOE GRAY Shirley Gray & Family NAOMI GREENBERG Marilyn Karr AVRUM GREENFIELD MORRIS WINER Lil Tock JOE GUITO Diana and Jim Macdonald SAM GURMAN Sheryl and Fred Adler Elaine and Warren Baer Fran and Frank Bilmes Rhoda Cherry Donna and Josh Cohen & Family Connie and Ian Copnick Diane and Lorne Copoloff & Family Lottie and Sidney Copoloff Lori and Marc Elman ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. Peter, Freda and Sarah Fogg Judy Gardos-Bergman Cheryl and Leslie Ginsberg & Family Janice and Barry Goldberg & Family Elliot Goldberg Wendy and Howard Goldstein Alexander Gross Etta and Jerry Gross Marcia and Abe Gurman & Family Anita Gurman & Family Rhonda Gurman Beverly Heitelman Paula and Milton Joseph Eleanor and Gordon Kadonoff Estelle Kahan Debbie and Stewart Kahan Bess Katchan Elaine and Julian Kotler Linda Kotler & Family Helena and Jeff Leibgott & Family Randi and Stephen Lenet & Family Roberta, Michael, Amanda and Alison Levine Marla and Scott Levinson Sarah Levitt Edith and Alan Levy Joelle and Antonio Maturo Irene and Louis Morissette Ketty and Ralph Munk Lynn and Andy Nulman Joan and Jean Prevost Wendy and Stephen Rapps Shari and Charles Rozansky Kayla and Brian Schneiderman Janice and Jeffrey Schwartz & Family Jeffrey Sederoff Carol Shattner and Barry Appel Cyma Shusterman Zelda Singer & Family Frances and Arnold Smith Susan and Michael Stern Maureen and Kenny Tajfel Lisa and Mitchell Takefman Marla and Brian Udashkin Lauren and Richard Victor Cindy and Jackie Weinstein Ruthie and Lorry Zeitlin MERLE HANNAFORD Linda Israel Ellen and Marvin Pinchuk Eleanor and David Star & Family RON HANSEN Florence and Morton Cornblit FRIMET JOSEPHSON Dena Fellen and Joe Segal Marlene Gurman, Rebecca and Dustin SID KAPLIN MAURICE MILLER Sukie and Marty Nadler STEVE KAWCHUK Annie and John Lewchuk CAROLE KERR Harriet and Alan Rimer, Kimberly and Evan and Families JACK KHAZZAM Melanie and Joseph Abramowitz Jeff Altmann Basse Montreal – Dani Georgos Janis Brownstein and Maggie Suzanne Chamberland Claire Chitayat Collins Barrow Marla and Lloyd Cooper Karen and Todd Finkelstein Ursula Finkelstein Pamela and Howard Garfinkle Claire Iny Sheila Kussner Aliments Krispy Kernels Inc. Charlotte Lawy Barbara and Myer Lawy Joanna, Jules and Ira Lewy Nancy and Jeff Leibel Tina and Stan Leibner Lesley Levy and Michael Dworkind Lotte Manel y Maxwell Cummings Family Foundation Shelley and Jack Mintz Barbie and David Pearl Sami Fruits Nadine and Selim Samman Simone and Edouard Schouela Sheila Schouela Carol and David Shamoon The Shogilev Family Bunny and Robert Sigler Brenda Stermer Total Cold Storage – Employees Rhoda and Robert Vineberg The Waugh Family PEARL KLEIN Lydia and Larry Long Susan and Stan Rozansky & Family Arleen and Norman Stoffmaker Maydie and Edward Wolofsky LUCILLE LAMOTHE Olive, Robert and Karen Commerford Margot et Talbot Déry Pauline Laflamme and André Lamothe Helene Lamothe Michel Lamothe Stephanie and Travis Williams, Gracie and Wyatt Meghan and Mike Williamson, Molly and Austin MOTHER OF SUSAN LEVY Ronna Ellen JOE LEZNOFF Ettie Katz MINA LIBMAN ERNO NEUMAN NATHAN STOLOW BRAM RUBIN Harriet Silversmith SIDNEY LIEBERMAN Barbara Sederoff MARGARET LITCHFIELD Patricia Graham SISTER OF AL LEVINE Evelyn Kape & Family MINA LIBMAN ISSIE TANZER Beryl Goldberg HARRY LUMER Elsie and George Fisher HELEN LUMER Mary and Chris Boyle Bernice Gallagher Kevin Little Kathleen MacCuaig Joan and John McCormack Bonnie Sandler Alyssa and Michael Shragie Nettie Shragie Lynn and Morrie Weinberg HELEN MAGER Barbara and Solli Amihod Nancy Li Zelda Luxenburg Rhonda, Don, Jonathan and Jaclyn Mackenzie Kathy McDevitt Barbara Raider Beatrice Raider, Barbara and Cindy Cindy Raider Judy Roitman Evelyn Young MARILYN MAGYAR Rita and Oscar Rothenberg LOLA MARCUS Vera and Morty Gross JANET MARTIN Shirley and Ben Meltzer GISELE MCCANN Marchand, Fairchild, Blais Financial Services Inc. FRANCES MERLING Rhoda Kirsch Rhonda and Leonard Sheiner ROSLYN MERLING The Hatzepetros-Snively Family BEN MITTLEMAN Rita Joyce CLAUDE MOISAN Bessner Gallay – Derek Silverman and Gwen Garonce IDA MOSS Laurie Berlin MARVIN MYERS PETER PEKOFSKY Anne Byer ANDOR NEMES Dorfin Inc. Susan Gelb & Family Veronika Gelb Susan and Frank Hofbauer Paul Jonas & Family Ellen and Andrew Kampf & Family The George Kampf Family Agnes Kemeny Cookie and Harvey Shapiro PHILIP OSTROFF Carol and Jerry Abelson Ackerman Family Bernie Aronson Natalie Biskin Irma Brodkin Cheryl Brownstein and Rick Schreiber Natalie and Harold Brownstein Gloria and Peter Burnett Dorice and Leon Carson Ginger and Bert Cohen & Family Ruth Cohen Helen Conte Shirley Croll Richard Davine Layah Dolman Bina Ellen Beatrice Etinson Rosalie and Harvey Faigan Dorothy Flomen Lucille and Peter Gates Norma and Howard Gilmour Edie and Norman Glickman Eileen Goldman Betty and Eliot Goldwarg Marilyn and Walter Golfman Freya and Martin Gordon Peggy and Buddy Greenberg Etta and Jerry Gross Gail and Stanley Hitzig Ruth and Gary Ickman Debbie and Danny Karpman Alissa and Barry Katsof Sarah Kauffman Reisa Kendall Bayla and Mel Kligman Ruth Kronick Beatrice Krupp Anne and Gordon Kugler Sheila Kussner Elaine and Mark Leitner Esther and Frank Levine Ann Ludwick and David Kruger Anita Maislin Brenda and Jack Markowitz Beverly Mendel & Family Dora and Avrum Morrow Annabelle and Sy Moskowitz Ruth Nadler Leila and Herbert Paperman Renee and Ben Pekeles Anne and Arthur Perlman Danielle Pollack Shirley Ram Chava and Ingie Respitz Irving Richer Diane and Ron Richler Ellen and Norman Rishikof Madeleine Ritz Shirley and Leo Rosentzveig Butsie Ross-Walfish Nancy and Allan Samberg Sally Saskin Fay and Joe Schaffer Kayla and Brian Schneiderman Ruth and Manny Shacter Marlene Shama Rita Shapiro continued on next page 37 “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 Rhona and Paul Shinoff Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele Marilyn Steinberg Cobrin, William Pedvis and Penny Pedvis Tevel Marcie Stober T.J. and Scott Strong Ronda and Kert Teblum Helen and Howard Teller Paula and Morris Trefler Geri and Josh Uditsky & Family Shirley and Nate Wagner Rhoda and Abe Weitzman Zees Wenger Naomi and Harvey Wieskopf Elka Wiseman & Family Diane Yancovitch Zylberberg Family BERNARD PALEVSKY Jeannie Cohen HILDA PESNER Bernice Brownstein Gloria and Peter Burnett Norma and Howard Gilmour Mimi and Merv Kerman Sheila Kussner Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele SONIA PILA Marlene and Steve Naimark & Family SONIA PILA EDITH SCHOEL Gertie Wexelman STEFAN PRSA Maria Prsa CLAIRE PRUPAS Nick Neumann Beryl Watson ROSS READE Farla Grover MANUEL REYTON Zizi Geller & Family DORA RICHER Frankie and Eddie Adelson Helen Altman Natalie Biskin Geri and Clarence Blatt Odette and Jacob Cohen Maria and George Fanaberia Elfie Flack Lucille and Peter Gates Linda and Allan Israel Anna-Maria Korwin Elizabeth (Betty) Lang Esther and Frank Levine Ellen and Marvin Pinchuk Dottie and Max Ralph Chava and Ingie Respitz Jean Rideout and Richer Group Shirley and Leo Rosentzveig Roslyn and Allan Schmeltzer Helaine and Morty Schwam Anne and Jack Scopp Marion Shapiro Pines Vivian Segall Jenny and Issie Shiroky Donna and Lorne Silver Rita Stein Edith Torobin, Jack and Brian Shayla and Maurice Wechsler Ruth Winer Sheila Zittrer LIBBY ROSEN Sharron and Lorne Abrams Nathan Abrams Janis Brownstein Murray Cuttler Marlene and Warren Dick Freda Dym, Maureen and Jack Dym Ronna Ellen Cookie and Fred Epstein Sherna Gross Luke Havekes Sandi and Marty Isaif Julie and Shalom Katz Sheila Kussner Elaine and Marc Leiter Susan and Murray Rosenoff Linda and Michael Rotchin & Family Norman Rother 38 Susan and Stan Rozansky Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele Kathy and Gerry Shtull Roz and Eddie Weinstein ALLAN ROSENBERG Max Cantor JACK ROSENBERG Rabbi Emmanuel White DONALD ROSS Sylvia and Bud Adams Rev. J.J.S and Mrs. Margaret Armour Mary and Bob Bassett Irving Bookbinder Beverley and Kenneth Burnham Trevor Caron & Family Anita Carrier Cynthia Churchill-Smith Margaret Edith Drummond Heather and Bob Faith Patricia Forbes Heather M. Gibbons Jean de Grandpré Charles Matheson Mary Anne McNally Mt. Bruno Green Dept. Jocelyn and Bruce Pearson Katherine and Jim Robb W. Alan Smith Mary Stikeman Frances Williams Mary M. Williams Barbara Winn JOSEPH ROTMAN PANNI WEISS Malka Fridman Mirna and Sandor Hofbauer JENNIE SAWKA Kiki and Henry Etingin LORNA SCHERZER NORMAN SHADOWITZ Carole and Bernie Arbess ELEANOR SCHLESINGER Tina Baer Ruth Winer SHIFRA SEGAL Beverly and Joe Zunenshine ANN SHABINSKY Rosslyn and Stanley Schultz ROSE SIDEL Adele and Jeff Altmann Eric Black Lydia Dias and Leah Barbara and Ron Gallay Gail and Jimmy Garfinkle Carol and Morty Grauer Helaine Herman Nan and Bill Lassner Joy and Perry Meyer Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom Sabina and Harvey Sternthal Sara and Irwin Tauben Rochelle, John, Maya and Olivia Wyse Robbin and Larry Yunger EDWARD SPIEGEL Dan Spiegel RUTH STATTNER Bernice Brownstein PEARL STEINBERG Sharon and Peter Pinsler MAX STERLING Mina Libman BARRY STULTZ Beverly Salomon and Marlene Salomon POLINA SZPILBERG Mayda, Dina, Gail, Bev, Marg, Matt, Judy, Andrei and Cindy Monica Cybulski Dr. Marlene Kalin & Family Bunny Weinbaum ISSIE TANZER Alan Rimer ZYGFRYDA VAN ZEGGEREN Jane M. Skoryna LYNDA WELLS Shirley Cossever Elaine and Julian Kotler MORRIS WINER Betty Nowa Roslyn Reznick SANDRA ZENTNER Vicki and Michael Abelson Sandra Agulnik and Max Cantor Nitza Anastassiou Carole and Bernie Arbess Andrea and Stephen Belfer Francine Belisle Robyn Bennett, Carly and Brianna Krane Myrna and Sy Berliner John Billick Gianna and Howie Birenbaum Karen and Robert Bloom Arlene Blumer and Ron Robins Melissa, Mitch, Alex and Jacob Burman Deena Caplan Helen and Jack Caplan Monroe Charlap Marilyn Steinberg Cobrin, William Pedvis and Penny Pedvis Tevel Harriet and Marvin Corber Barbara and Sydney Davidow Vivian Deeb Phyllis Deitcher Ellen and Alvin Delovitch Ellie Diner Sharon, Lorne and Andra Dubrofsky Liane and Michael Eliesen Sheva and Zack Fagan & Family Marcie, Mark, Brooke and Mitchell Fergenbaum Sydney and Lou Flam Miriam and Marty Friedman Anna Fruchter Andrew Gaby and Stephen Gaby Connie Gelber Sheila and Nahum Gelber Riva and Carl Gelber & Family Geraldine Gilman Norma and Howard Gilmour Beverly and Jerry Glazer Shirley Goldfarb Betty Gordon and Moishe Shiveck Ruby Heft Gloria Herman Rita Hirscheimer and Morrie Bergman Marilyn and Morton Kader Pearly (Kravitz) Kashenberg Mimi and Merv Kerman Lawrence Kessler Frances and Gerald Kessner Rhoda Kirsch Sherry and Dave Klauber Bayla and Mel Kligman Elaine and Julian Kotler Esther and Andre Landsman Roberta and Myer Lawee Mickey and Jack Lipson Monna and Abby Malkinson & Family Winnie and Phil Margles Billy Mauer Ettie and Ray McManus Anna and Joe Mendel Andrea, Warren, Jamie and Matthew Merling Linda (Merling), Steve and Joely Brown Shirley Merling and Irwin Light Faygie Milgram Cindy and Fred Naimer Francine Neudorf and Rick Pfaff Helen Neudorf Myrna Park Sheila Pearl Sheila and Paul Pinsler Phyllis Rabinovitch Ellen Rasnikoff & Family Dorothy and Marvin Riback Pauline and Reuben Richman Charlotte Rothenberg Jodi Rothstein, Matthew Trudeau & Family Robyn and Jason Rothstein Beverly Salomon Erle Schneidman Suzi Scott Lipes Barbara Sederoff Lionel Segal Rhonda and Leonard Sheiner Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele Barbara and Phil Siegel & Family Neysa and David Sigler Vivianne and Brahms Silver Goldie and Saul Smith Sylvia and Burt Spector, Reggie and Sidney Greenberg Bunny and Oscar Steiner Judy and Stanley Sternthal Paula and Morris Trefler Shelley and Bernie Unger Marie Valin Lillian Vineberg Norma Wasserman and Martin Levine Rhoda and Abe Weitzman Irving Wiseberg Shandyl and Jerry Wiseberg Teri and Larry Wolofsky Beverly and Martin Yaffy Diane Yancovitch Ruthie and Lorry Zeitlin DAVID ZUNENSHINE Ariel Katz Samantha Levy Valerie and Gaby Terkel IN HONOUR: CHARLES ADLER ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN Nick Neumann BETHCARE CLIENTS & FAMILIES Beth Fishman – BethCare MARVIN CORBER SUZI AND ARNIE LIPES Elaine and Julian Kotler JULIE KATZ Nona and David Moscovitz ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER Victoria Gold MARLENE LEVENSON Roz Wiener CLAIRE WEBSTER Sara Landau and Tim Dunn DR. ISSIE WYSZOGRODSKI Frances Gordon JACQUES ZANTY Jeannie Cohen ENGAGEMENT: TERRY KASPI AND MOSHE Shirley Cossever MARRIAGE: MICHELLE AND NAFTI BENDER Shirley Gray GRANDDAUGHTER OF ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Norma and Howard Gilmour SON OF RHONDA SHEINER Mona Golfman RANDI WHITE AND SORIN EHRLICH Rhoda and Morty Green WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: PEARL AND NATHAN BRATT Linda and Chuck Fishman DORICE AND LEON CARSON Jeannie Cohen Joyce and Marcey Greenblatt GLORIA AND BASIL COHEN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan LINDA AND RICHY FARBER Harriet and Alan Rimer PHYLLIS AND ROBERT FRIEDMAN DEBBIE AND CHUCK SCHWARTZ LIANE AND DANNY TARAN Elaine and Julian Kotler ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER Suzi and Arnie Lipes Miriam and Marty Friedman MARYANNE AND LEONARD LA FERA Marion Pines FREDA AND ERNIE RASHKOVAN Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele ADELE AND STANLEY ROSEN Carole and Bernie Arbess continued on next page 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 SIMONE AND EDOUARD SCHOUELA Gloria Burnett SANDY AND PAUL WEINSTEIN Miriam and Marty Friedman BIRTHDAY: ADELE BALINSKY JOE HAVAS Mirna and Sandor Hofbauer ANITA BEINHAKER MARTY FRIEDMAN MIRIAM FRIEDMAN PHYLLIS FRIEDMAN ROBERT FRIEDMAN DIANE KURLAND ELLIE LEBOFF QUEENIE NAYMAN EILEEN YUDELSON Elaine and Julian Kotler RUTHIE BERKOWITZ Linda and Allan Israel DAVID BLOOMFIELD Patti and Ralph Chodos BERNIE BLUMENTHAL Ethel and Morty Fruchter HAROLD BORDEN Esther and Andre Landsman DORIS BROTT AND MARLENE DICK Harriet and Howard Puritt & Family Helena and Jerry Sidel & Families DORICE AND LEON CARSON Jeannie Cohen Joyce and Marcey Greenblatt GLORIA CHATMAN Harriet and Alan Rimer RHODA CHERRY MARVIN OPPEN LORNA SCHERZER Risa Libman Scherzer LILLIAN CHERUM MORTY GOREN Lil Tock ABBY CLARK Harriet Segal IDA FISHMAN Helena and Jerry Sidel STELLA FRIED Neysa and David Sigler MARTY FRIEDMAN Shirley and Irwin Light Andrea, Warren, Jamie and Matthew Merling MIRIAM FRIEDMAN SHIRLEY GRAY Harriet Silversmith ETHEL FRUCHTER Faye Avrich Lyla Rapkin FEIGE GASCO Gloria and Peter Burnett DEBBIE GENCHER Sandy Baylin and Gerry Golick Esther and Michael Deitcher Carla Gencher Elsa Kisber and Frank Kagan Debbie Mercier Marcy and Sam Stein HENRY GENIELE Etta and Jerry Gross SUSAN GILLETZ Cheryl, Steven, and Max Gilletz HOWARD GILMOUR THOMAS SHUSTACK MORRIS TREFLER Harry Morris and Tybie Ghilcig AUDREY GOLDEN Fanny Nemtean ERNIE GOLDSTEIN Marilyn and Leo Weiss SHIRLEY GRAY SARA JACOBSON Beryl Goldberg SHIRLEY GRAY Barbara Sederoff MARCEY GREENBLATT Debbie and Martin Cooper Rhona and Paul Shinoff MORTY GROSS Gloria and Peter Burnett ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. Jean and Don Goldberg Irving Korman Freema and Irving Ludmer Mona Ludmer Gordon Naimer FARLA GROVER Dorothy Reitman MOTHER OF MITCH HERMAN FREDA HUTKINS Lynn and Morrie Weinberg SUNNY HOLTZMAN SYLVIA AND BEN LEVITT JULIUS LIS CORA SOLOMON TED QUINT Rosalie and Harvey Faigan LINDA ISRAEL Susan and Murray Rosenoff SARA JACOBSON Libby Carroll ELLIE KADANOFF Elaine Rodier IRENE KENDALL Rita Aber ROBERT KLEINMAN Fern and Stephen Goldberg WENDY LACK Nick Neumann FREEMA LANDER Margaret Chodos Patti and Ralph Chodos ESTHER LANDSMAN Tracey Abbey Taylor and Allan Greenblatt Marlene Brownstein, Victor, Samuel and Hannah Eichenwald Natalie and Harold Brownstein Ghislaine and Irwin Brownstein Rose Marie and Bill Cook Norma and Howard Gilmour Joan Gross Beatrice Krupp Leila and Herby Paperman Sheila Schouela Sorel and Ralph Young NAN AND BILL LASSNER Renee and Frank Schlesinger MARTY LEPLER IRWIN LIGHT EARL MERLING SHELDON MERLING SHIRLEY MERLING-LIGHT Miriam and Marty Friedman Phil Levine Shirley Perlman ANNE LEVITSKY Avril Dean MICHAEL LITVACK AVRUM STARKE Harriet and Alan Rimer BOBBY MAYERS Anne and Syd Levitsky SHIRLEY MERLING LIGHT Andrea, Warren, Jamie and Matthew Merling ALVIN PANCER Mina and Mark Richman HAROLD PERLMAN MARILYN SILVERMAN Gloria and Steve Kadonoff MAX POLAK Annie Kropveld and Renee ALAN RIMER Joanne and Michael Litvack Sabina and Harvey Sternthal RACHEL AND SIMON ROCHMAN Rose and Philip Soroka GLORIA SACKS Annie and Gerry Cohen & Family GAIL SALEM Gloria and Morty Goren EDOUARD SCHOUELA Evelyn Kape SIMONE SCHOUELA EDOUARD SCHOULEA Gloria Burnett NORMAN SHAFFER Bernard Goldberg & Family LOTTIE SHEVELL Joyce and Marcey Greenblatt JOAN SHUTER Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele GERRY SINGER Lorraine Caplan ALAN STARENSIER MANNY VEINISH Carole and Bernie Arbess ROBERT STRYKOWSKI Yegal Rosen LIL TOCK Gloria and Morty Goren Sheldon Kravitz & Family Bertha and Morty Sazant Iris and Ben Waxman Greta Wiseman HAZEL ZUNENSHINE Lois Cooper BIRTHS: GRANDDAUGHTER TO LINDA AND STEVE AZEFF Elaine Rodier GRANDDAUGHTER TO JUDY AND STANLEY STERNTHAL. Barbara Sederoff BAR-MITZVAH: GRANDSON OF CAROLE AND BERNIE ARBESS Miriam and Marty Friedman BAT MITZVAH: GRANDDAUGHTER OF JUDY AND STANLEY STERNTHAL Barbara Sederoff SPEEDY RECOVERY: SHEILA COHEN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan MORTY GOREN Lil Tock PEGGY GREENBERG Lynn Perlman ELEANOR KADANOFF Gloria and Steve Kadonoff BENTON LEWIS Sara Jacobson ANITA MORRIS Elaine Rodier STEPHEN PEKOFSKY JOANNE WALFORD Helena and Jerry Sidel CELY SCHOUELA Mimi and Merv Kerman NEW YEAR GREETINGS: HANNAH AND CARL ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY KATHY AND PAUL MOSCOE LYNN AND SKIPPY SIGEL ANNE TENEBAUM RHODA TENENBAUM Adele and David Balinsky DOROTHY REITMAN Monica, David, Laura, Philippe and Sarah Berger MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Bernice Brownstein ELLEN AND DAVID AMDURSKY JASON CARR CAROLE AND RODNEY CARR & FAMILY NANCY AND STEPHEN ENGELS VICKI AND MICHAEL FEIL & FAMILY MARY AND LENNY FLANZ & FAMILY MR. AND MRS. KAMIN & FAMILY THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND RONI KOLBER & FAMILIES MURIEL AND PAUL KRYCHMAN & FAMILY MICKEY AND STEPHEN MILLER SHARYN AND MURRAY MORGANSTEIN & FAMILY RUTH NADLER PHYLLIS AND EDDY PASCAL & FAMILY ANDREA AND NEIL WECHSLER & FAMILY Ricki and Jon Carr & Family RICKI AND JON CARR AND HARLEY Carole, Rodney and Chloe Carr HEATHER AND JEFF CHANKOWSKY & FAMILY RHODA AND SOL CHANKOWSKY SHARI AND MATTHEW ROTHOLZ & FAMILY SHIRLEY AND NICK SEBASTIEN EUNICE SELIGSON Malka Ettinger SANDRA AND MAX AGULNIK CAROLE AND BERNARD ARBESS PHYLLIS AND ROBERT FRIEDMAN MONA GOLFMAN ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER VIVIANNE AND BRAHMS SILVER Miriam and Marty Friedman DORIS ADAMS & FAMILY MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN & FAMILY SUSAN AND HERSCHEL GAVSIE & FAMILY RHONDA AND RONALD GAVSIE & FAMILY CAROL AND DANIEL GERSON & FAMILY LESLIE AND BEREL HOPPENHEIM LEONARD KAPLANSKY AND FRAN LUTTERMAN ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER & FAMILY EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS AL MIGICOVSKY & FAMILY THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND RONI KOLBER Phyllis and Robert Friedman MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN PAULINE AND DAVID GERTLER ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER Mona Golfman ANNE AND PAUL CORWIN RABBI DAVID AND SYL POSNER Shelley Ingber CAROL JACOBSON AND HARVEY BEITCHMAN RONNI AND JERRY JACOBSON & FAMILY Cheryl Jacobson, Sheldon, Jonah and Gabe ERNA AND ILAN BENJAMIN & FAMILY SUSAN AND JEFFREY BERCOVITCH BEATRICE AND ABRAHAM COHEN GILDA AND DAVID COHEN MIRIELLE AND LEE CHERNOFSKY & FAMILY GLENA AND MORRIS DASCAL & FAMILY CINDY AND ERIC HOFFMAN & FAMILY TERRI AND PETER KLEIN & FAMILY BUNNY AND HARRY LANGBURT & FAMILY SHELLEY AND ZEEV LANGBURT & FAMILY IRIS AND LESLIE LENETSKY & FAMILY CHERYL AND RICHARD LEVY & FAMILY SUEANNE AND PHILIP MALEWSKI & FAMILY NONA AND DAVID MOSCOVITZ & FAMILY DEBRA AND STEPHEN PEKOFSKY & FAMILY ROMY AND DAN SANKAR & FAMILY TERRI AND MAURY SIMMS & FAMILY VALERIE AND GABRIEL TERKEL JONATHAN TERKEL AND KERI ABELLA & FAMILY SUSAN AND GEOFFREY UNGAR & FAMILY LOUISE UNGAR HAZEL ZUNENSHINE LINDA AND HOWARD ZUNENSHINE & FAMILY DENISE AND JEFFREY ZUNENSHINE & FAMILY Julie and Shalom Katz DORIS ADAMS ANITA AND EZRA BEINHAKER MIMI AND DANNY BERCOVITCH NAOMI CARSLEY MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN PHYLLIS AND ROBERT FRIEDMAN SUSAN GOLD CHARLOTTE AND HAROLD GOLFMAN MONA GOLFMAN LESLIE AND BEREL HOPPENHEIM MARTY KAPLAN & BARBARA KNOBOVITCH DINA KOTLER & FAMILY ELLIE AND FRANK LEBOFF DEBBY AND MARTY LEBOFF continued on next page y 39 “Gifts That Remember” ending June 30, 2015 HARRIET AND MARTY LEPLER SUZI AND ARNIE LIPES FRAN LUTTERMAN AND LEONARD KAPLANSKY EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS MERRILL AND LEONARD PINSKY DEBBIE AND CHUCK SCHWARTZ Elaine and Julian Kotler MYRNA ABBEY MARIAN AND HELEN ADAM HARRIET AND RICHARD BAIME BERNICE BROWNSTEIN GHISLAINE AND IRWIN BROWNSTEIN RHODA AND DAVID COHEN JOAN GROSS DR. AND MRS DAVID GRUNBAUM & FAMILY MARVELE AND MURRAY KOFFLER ALMA LEIBOVITCH MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM VANDA TREISER Esther and Andre Landsman TRUDY AND AARON AIN DALE AND NAT BOIDMAN HELA AND JEFFREY BORO LEANA AND BARRY COLEMAN RONA AND ROBERT DAVIS ETHEL AND MICHAEL GOLD CARRIE AND EARL GREEN & FAMILY ELANA GREEN RONA GREEN JUDY AND JOEY KABACK & FAMILY PHILIP LASSNER AND SHIRLEY DAYAN & FAMILY LEO RABINOVITCH & FAMILY GOLDA ROSENBERG ALBERT SARAGOSSI MICHAEL SARAGOSSI AND JENN LARRY RENEE AND FRANK SCHLESINGER ELAINE WOOLNER SUSAN AND BEN WYGODNY VICKI AND STAN ZACK Nan and Bill Lassner TINA AND PHILIP ABBEY& FAMILY ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Andrew Lewis MARILYN AND HERB BLUMER HARRIET AND MARVIN CORBER MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN SHIRLEY GARFINKLE AND MORTY BARMISH GEOFFREY GELBER AND ISABELLE BENOIT SHEILA AND NAHUM GELBER BONNIE AND DAVID GOODMAN & FAMILY RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND RONI KOLBER MIRIAM AND SOL LUGER ANDREW MERLING, DOUGLAS WYTHE AND BENJAMIN DEBBIE MERLING & FAMILY FRANCES AND EARL MERLING LINDA MERLING AND STEVE BROWN MITCHELL MERLING SHIRLEY MERLING AND IRWIN LIGHT WENDY MERLING ROMA MINC BARBARA AND IRWIN NEUDORF SUSAN AND TED POLISUK DOROTHY AND MARVIN RIBACK HELEN AND GARY SANKOFF ELLIE AND HOWARD SHULKIN NEYSA AND DAVID SIGLER GOLDIE AND SAUL SMITH ELAINE TOLMATCH SANDRA AND MAX ZENTNER TOVA AND SAM ZENTNER Sheldon Merling RICKI AND JON CARR Mickey and Stephen Miller HARRIET AND ALAN RIMER DANA AND EVAN RIMER & FAMILY ETHEL RIMER JUDY AND NORMAN TEPPER NAOMI AND SAM TEPPER & FAMILY Kimberley Rimer and Lewis Tepper & Family HINDY AND ISSIE LIEBERMAN Elaine Rodier SHELDON MERLING Goldie and Saul Smith LESLIE AND DANNY CHAZANOFF & FAMILY BEATRICE FREDER LISA, NEIL AND SAM FREDER VERA AND MORTY GROSS DIANE KURLAND BEVERLY SALOMON & FAMILY CRAIG, AMBER AND ZACK STARKE MELISSA, PAUL AND LUKE STARKE ROZ STARKE & FAMILY LIANE AND DANNY TARAN Ilene Starke ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Tracey Abbey Taylor and Allan Greenblatt Sue and Nat Tepper HILDIE AND RICHARD SHADLEY Sandy, David, Erica and Caroline Wechsler BEVERLEE ASHMELE FRANCES MARKUS VALERIE AND GABRIEL TERKEL CHUBBY AND HY TOLCHINSKY SHEILA ZEIDEL DENISE AND JEFFREY ZUNENSHINE Hazel Zunenshine PASSOVER GREETINGS: HANNAH AND CARL ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY KATHY AND PAUL MOSCOE LYNN AND SKYLER SIGEL ANNE TENENBAUM RHODA TENENBAUM Adele and David Balinsky HEATHER, JEFF, SAMANTHA AND KATIE CHANKOWSKY RHODA AND SOL CHANKOWSKY SHARI, MATTHEW, LAUREN AND RYAN ROTHOLZ SHIRLEY AND NICK SEBASTIEN EUNICE SELIGSON Malka Ettinger SYLVIA CLEMAN & FAMILY CARMEN ROBINSON & FAMILY Pauline and David Gertler EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS Elaine and Julian Kotler VANDA TREISER Esther and Andre Landsman TINA AND PHILIP ABBEY & FAMILY ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Andrew Lewis ELEANOR BERENBAUM RICKI CARR SARI GOLDBERG Mickey and Stephen Miller MARLENE AND WARREN DICK Josh and Brandon Puritt BEVERLEE ASHMELE Barbara Sederoff EXECUTIVE GREETINGS In Memory: Randy Friedman Morrow Stanley Hershon Birthdays: Ethel Fruchter Alan Rimer Gerry Singer Bar-Mitzvah: Grandson of Carole and Bernie Arbess We regret any errors and omissions. Please call us so that we can make the corrections in our next newsletter. “Gifts That Remember” – July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 SARAH AND PERCY ABELSON MEMORIAL FUND THE RHODA AND DAVID COHEN RESEARCH FUND IN MEMORY: SARAH AND PERCY ABELSON Wendy and Bob Abelson JULIUS ABER Lynn Abelson VASILIKI KOPANAS PAPADATOS DAVID MARGOLIS DANIEL SEGAL DAVID WAND Lynn and Leonard Abelson LARRY WEINER Lynn and Leonard Abelson, Jonathan and Isabelle Abelson IN HONOUR: BABS VICTOR Lynn Abelson BIRTHDAY: JUDY FAROVITCH ELAINE FELDMAN SHELDON GARFINKLE MINKIE SILVERSTONE Lynn and Leonard Abelson SPEEDY RECOVERY: MARK FELDMAN Lynn and Leonard Abelson HIGH HOLIDAY GREETINGS: LYNN AND LEONARD ABELSON Ruby Heft HIGH HOLIDAY GREETINGS: JOANNE AND ERIC BLUMER ELAINE BUDNING SANDY AND ZAVIE CLIMAN MARILYN AND CAL COCHRANE LINDA AND DR. GORDON CRELINSTEN DR. AND MRS. STANLEY HEISLER RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN BENJAMIN HORWOOD SHEILA KUSSNER ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN ELLIE LATSKY GILDA AND BENTON LEWIS JEWEL AND PAUL LOWENSTEIN MARGARET AND MAL MEISTER RHODA AND JOEL PINSKY BRENDA PROULX LENORE AND NORMAN RAPKIN DOROTHY REITMAN CHAVA AND OSCAR RESPITZ DIANNE RICHLER HINDA ROSEMAN NAOMI AND BERNIE ROSEN DOLORES AND HARRY ROSEN MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM JOYCE AND MARVIN ROSENHEK RITA AND JOSEPH SCHULMAN HILDIE AND RICHARD SHADLEY LILLIAN VINEBERG KAREN AND GARY WAXMAN SOREL AND RALPH YOUNG Rhoda and David Cohen REBECCA HANEK MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: HENRY BOTNER Sarah Miller and Seymour Hanek REBECCA HANEK Seymour Hanek 40 SAMUEL JACOBS MEMORIAL FUND BIRTHDAY: BONNIE JACOBS Rochelle Feldberg NEW YEAR GREETINGS: KAREN AND SHELDON ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY MARA AND MURRAY DANKOFF JANICE AND STEVEN DANKOFF & FAMILY ROCHELLE FELDBERG & FAMILY SYDNEY AND LOU FLAM HELEN AND ERNIE GROSS & FAMILY SHARI AND STEVE HECHT & FAMILY BONNIE JACOBS ADRIENNE KATZ MAXINE AND BILL KATZ ROBYN AND JARRED KATZ & FAMILY SUSAN AND DANY LAVY & FAMILY RONA AND DAVID MIGI & FAMILIES ALICE AND MICHAEL NEMEROFF & FAMILIES SHERRI PRAZOFF & CHRIS MOSS MERLE AND RONNIE TORCHIN & FAMILIES Razelle and Michael Prazoff & Family JUDY AND JOSEPH KABACK TRIBUTE FUND IN MEMORY: LINDA WISEMAN Judy and Joey Kaback, Ronna, Carla and Family ENGAGEMENT: DAUGHTER OF JUDY AND JOEY KABACK Nan and Bill Lassner BIRTHDAY: HARLIE ALTMAN RICKIE BACKMAN BONNIE BILLICK NAN LASSNER Judy and Joey Kaback & Family NEW YEAR GREETINGS: JUDY AND JOEY KABACK & FAMILY Marlene and Elie Cohen & Family Jean and Marty Kaback & Family SARA AND MAX KAPE TRIBUTE FUND IN MEMORY: RALPH WISE IN HONOUR: FABIENNE TAPIERO MARRIAGE: LYNNE GOLDMAN BELL AND STUART SANDERS BIRTHDAY: BERNICE KAPLAN BIRTHS: DAUGHTER TO SARA KURAK AND JOSH SMITH SPEEDY RECOVERY: SANDY SILVERMAN Nancy and David Gurberg RUTH AND ISSIE OLSHANSKY MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: FRANCES LAZAR Bunny Adler LINDA SEIDEL EDWARD SURKES Bunny and David Adler 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG “Gifts That Remember” – July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 LILY PEARL MEMORIAL FUND GENERAL DONATIONS: WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: ETHEL AND JACK GARFINKLE Sheila Pearl BIRTHDAY: DR. DAVID AMDURSKY Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom FRED NAIMER Linda Rosenbloom and Bob Swidler SEYMOUR PEARL Neysa and David Sigler BIRTHS: GREAT-GRANDCHILD TO MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Peggy and Buddy Greenberg NEW YEAR GREETINGS: MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Sheila Pearl ELLEN AND DAVID AMDURSKY VIVIAN AND GRAHAM BERMAN CAROLE AND MYER BICK CAROLYN AND MITCHELL BORROW VIVIEN AND SHELLEY BROWN & FAMILY BERNICE BROWNSTEIN GLORIA BURNETT RHODA AND DAVID COHEN RUTH COHEN SHIRLEY COSSEVER SANDY AND HENRI ELBAZ BINA ELLEN SHIRLEY GARFINKLE FEIGE AND SYD GASCO PAULINE AND DAVID GERTLER NORMA AND HOWARD GILMOUR SHIRLEY GOLDFARB KRAYNA GOLFMAN PEGGY AND BUDDY GREENBERG JOAN GROSS RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN LINDA AND ALLAN ISRAEL MIMI AND MERV KERMAN SHELLEY KERMAN MELANIE AND MICHAEL KRAMER JOYCE AND HARVEY KREISMAN SHEILA KUSSNER CONNIE AND ALAN LAMPERT ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN JACK LANG JUSTINE AND JON LANG HELEN AND NICKI LANG VICKI & DAVID LANGLEBEN GLENDA AND ANDRE LISBONA JOAN LUPOVICH KARYN LUTZ SHEILA MAKLAN BETTY MALDOFF JACKIE AND RICHARD MARGOLESE CARREN OLER AND HARLEY FELSTEIN BARBIE AND DAVID PEARL JOE PEARL & FAMILY LINDA AND REEVIN PEARL & FAMILY SEYMOUR PEARL SHEILA PEARL PAM AND STEVEN PEARL DOROTHY REITMAN JILL AND JOEL REITMAN INGRID AND LAWRENCE ROSENBLOOM & FAMILY JEAN AND MARVIN ROSENBLOOM SIMONE AND EDOUARD SCHOUELA SHEILA SCHOUELA MARLA SHAPIRO AND ROBERT BERGER EDWARD SHINEWALD & FAMILY SAMANTHA, JEREMY AND MAYA SHINEWALD RENEE AND DANNY SIGLER KAREN AND YEHUDA SITRUK BLEMA AND ARNOLD z’l STEINBERG JANIS AND SIMON WAHED RABBI MICHAEL WHITMAN & FAMILY Marilyn and Harvey Rosenbloom IN MEMORY: JULIUS ABER Nitza Anastassiou Filamena Ferrante Diane and George Kopanas JESSIE ABRAMOVITCH Harriet and Alan Rimer MARIA LENLARES AMARL Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cyr and Maria Palumbo NICK ATSALINOS Patricia Stevens ABBEY BAKER SHIRLEY PERLMAN Harriet Silversmith JOHN BARNETT Ian Enkin & Family SISTER OF FREDA BAYLIN ROSE HOCKENSTEIN Lil Tock STEVE BELITZKY MORTY DECKELBAUM SEYMOUR RUDGES Sandra Agulnik and Max Cantor STEVE BELITZKY Mimi and Merv Kerman HAROLD BERGER Anne Cooper Fran and Nelson Yagod SIMMY BERISH Gloria Burnett Vera and Morty Gross SUZANNE BICHER Karol and Sam Epstein PHILIP BLANDER Judy and Jack Tobianah & Family Lorna and Gerry Singer HENRY BOTNER Hilda Adler & Family Lois and Gary Alexander & Family Carol Amro & Family Bernice Brownstein Janis Brownstein The Chimisso Family Sharon and Jerry Coviensky Trudy Friedman Norma Gilmour Shirley Goldfarb Gail and Stanley Hitzig Jane Hollander Eva Karner Ruth Litvack Rochelle Margles Esther Rosenberg Rubin Family Sherri Shatsky and Bruce Schreiber Sarah Small Mireille and Murray Steinberg Roslyn and Harvey Wolfe BILL COOK Shirley Cossever Norma and Howard Gilmour Eleanor Roth Latsky JEAN DANKNER Barbara and Peter Mitelman MORTY DECKELBAUM Carolyn and Marvin Birger Shirley Cossever Arlene and Jack Lazare Irving Richer RIVA DESKIN Norma Wasserman CLARA ERMAN Gail Bitton DOREEN FAGAN Max Zentner & Family ARTHUR FREEDMAN DANIEL SEGAL Sandra Agulnik ALDONA GECIUS Lydia Dias BROTHER AND SISTER OF HENRY GENIELE Gloria Burnett Beverly Salomon Gertie Wexelman Ruth Winer HYMIE GENIELE Lucille and Peter Gates DANNY GERSON Elaine and Julian Kotler RUTH GLAZER LEON ROZENWALD MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY: JESSIE ABRAMOVITCH MARJORIE EIDEL Renée and Hershey Gillman & Family ABBEY BAKER LOIS ISSENMAN TUCKER Renée and Hershey Gillman ALZHEIMER GROUPE (AGI) INC. y Cindy and Josh Pinchuk MARLENE GOLDBERG Harriet and Howard Puritt Helena and Jerry Sidel MOE GRAY ARTHUR RUBINGER Shirley Gray FATHER OF BILL GREENBERG Rosalie and Harvey Faigan OSCAR GREENBERG Selma and Lazar Schneiderman SISTER OF ARTHUR GREENSPON Arlene and Steven Tolensky FLORENCE GUTMAN RALPH WISE Diane and George Kopanas GERALD HEAL JOSEE STOKLOSA Sandy and Mike Cariglia HAROLD HEFT Vera and Morty Gross Gertie Wexelman CHARLOTTE HODGSON Mona Gaudreau CLAUDIA IKEMAN Fil Ferrante VASILIKI KOPANAS PAPADATOS Nitza Anastassiou & Family Ellie Diner Ethel and Jack Garfinkle ROSE KORMAN Mirna and Sandor Hofbauer Rona and Morley Milller SIMONE LABELLE MILDRED SEGAL Linda and Allan Israel SAM LARRY Donna and Eric Rodier Minkie and David Silverstone MARION MACKENZIE Diane and Arthur Newman ALLAN MAGONET Miriam and Marty Friedman FERNAND PISCAPIA Sheldon Merling SRUL RABINOVITCH Marlyn and Normie Stein BROTHER OF MARTIN SCHWARTZ Mimi and Merv Kerman MOE SEGAL The Cutler Family DIVCO (Adam Turner) Maureen and Jack Dym & Freda Dym Julie and Shalom Katz Cecile Posel Morris Shiveck & Family NANCY SEGAL Julie Zunenshine Katz VITA SEIDLER Mina and Mark Richman BERNARD SILBER Jeannie Cohen EDWARD SPIEGEL Lorraine and Dan Spiegel DR. BARBARA THELMA WAINRIB Evie and Michael Bernstein Debra Friendly and Richard Lemoine Lily Friendly Myrna Harrison and Ruth Budovitch Betty and Carl Laxer Bluma and Ben Stolow Sara and Irwin Tauben Shelley Wainrib Norma Wasserman DAVID WAND Meghan Williams BARBARA WAYNE Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele MITCH WYSZKOWSKI Stanislawa Wyszkowski BARBARA YOULDON Suki and Marty Nadler LAURA ZELIKOVITZ Nina Cass Ethel and Morty Fruchter IN HONOUR: BETH CARE CLIENTS AND FAMILIES Beth Cytryn and Beth Care Staff ARLENE AND MAX BROTMAN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan RENATA HORNSTEIN Gloria Burnett Shirley Cossever MIMI AND MERV KERMAN Rose Marie Cook ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER Victoria Gold ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Aida and Phil Salzman BARBARA MERLING NEUDORF Miriam and Marty Friedman SÉLECTION WEST ISLAND STAFF Joy Teitlebaum and Cindy DR. HOWARD YANOFSKY Marvin Corber MARRIAGE: CORRINE CHAZAN AND MICHEL LALONDE Arlene and Lenny Sculnick SYLVIA KUTZIN AND MARVIN FISHER Libby Carroll DAUGHTER OF BARBARA AND STEVEN SEGAL Leslie Hoppenheim and Amy Josephson Hynda Reisler WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: MIRIAM AND BERNIE ADLER Fanny Nemtean MARA AND JASON AGULNIK Andrea and Warren Merling & Family MARAGARITA AND PHILIPPE BOUSSER Frances Gordon RHODA AND SOL CHANKOWSKY Rosalie and Harvey Faigan DONNA AND STEPHEN COOPER Debbie and Bertha Okun DONNA AND HOWARD FOHRMAN Harriet and Alan Rimer JOYCE AND MARCEY GREENBLATT SHIRLEY AND MAX KONIGSBERG Carole and Bernie Arbess ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER Linda, Gary, Jason and Jennifer Schwartz Mindy and Bernie Wolinsky PHYLLIS AND MIKE MENDELL Sandra Agulnik and Max Cantor Suzi and Arnie Lipes CHAVA AND INGIE RESPITZ Gloria Burnett NEYSA AND DAVID SIGLER Rose Strohl BIRTHDAY: BERNARD ARBESS MIRIAM FRIEDMAN MICHAEL KOTLER SEYMOUR PRESSMAN MICHAEL RABIN MARVYN YUDELSON Elaine and Julian Kotler BERNARD ARBESS Miriam and Marty Friedman Linda and Allan Israel FAY AZIMOV Harry Hurwitz and Debbie Hurwitz MORTY BELL MORTY HOROWITZ Harry Morris and Tybie Ghilcig SAMUEL BERNARD Shari, Matthew, Lauren, and Ryan Rotholz STEPHEN BROWNSTEIN Sherry Ellen and Murray HERB COBRIN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan JUDY COLEMAN Harriet and Alan Rimer BETH CYTRYN Linda Kotler ROSALIE FAIGAN Trudy Friedman Thelma and Mish Granik Cora Solomon Rosalie and Shelly Tager HINDA FERDMAN Shirley Shain MIRIAM FRIEDMAN Marty Friedman STEVE GARONCE Anne Byer continued on next page 41 “Gifts That Remember” – July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 NORMA GILMOUR Gloria Burnett Rhona and Paul Shinoff ERWIN GOLDBERG Miriam Bailey BUDDY GREENBERG Norma and Howard Gilmour Risa Libman Scherzer MARCEY GREENBLATT Fran Kesler WARREN GREENSTONE Sandra Agulnik and Max Cantor HERMANN GRUENWALD Mimi and Merv Kerman MICHAL HORNSTEIN Sheldon Merling ETTIE KATZ Marilyn and Bill Povitz MICHAEL KOTLER Rhona and Harold Forester ANNIE KROPVELD Debbie, Mike, Sean and Josh Kropveld WILLIAM LASSNER Ann and Robert Lassner Charlotte Schwartz and Richard Frontman Vicki and Stan Zack LARRY PURITT Helena and Jerry Sidel MARK RICHMAN Reva Grover EVELYN SHRIER Joyce and Gerald Seidman MAURY SIMMS Julie and Shalom Katz SAUL SPEARS Harry Morris and Tybie Ghilcig SAM STEIN Debbie and David Gencher CHARLES TUCKER Annie and Bernie Borenstein MURRAY WAXMAN Gloria Burnett FRED WENGER Terry Cohen and Sol PETER WERTHEIMER Evelyn Shrier and Henry Geniele MARVYN YUDELSON Phyllis and Robert Friedman BIRTHS: GRANDSON TO HELEN BAUM Myrna Housefather GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER TO ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Norma and Howard Gilmour GRANDDAUGHTER TO RISA SCHERZER Rhoda Cherry Miriam and Marty Friedman Julie and Shalom Katz BAR-MITZVAH: COOPER DOV MANDEL Myrna and David Housefather SPEEDY RECOVERY: BARBARA BLACKMAN Fran and Tully Yagod HARVEY ELMAN IAN KARPER MYER STERN Rosalie and Harvey Faigan HARVEY FAIGAN Rhona and Tony Stamos SUSAN MALDOFF Esther and Andre Landsman NEW HOME: BLUMA AND MELVIN APPEL Gloria and Steve Kadonoff NEW YEAR GREETINGS: ESTHER AND ANDRE LANDSMAN Tracey Abbey Taylor and Allan Greenblatt HANNAH AND CARL ABRAMOVITCH & FAMILY KATHY AND PAUL MOSCOE LYNN AND SKYLER SIGEL ANNE TENENBAUM RHODA TENENBAUM Adele and David Balinsky DOROTHY REITMAN Monica and David Berger & Family PEGGY AND BUDDY GREENBERG Gloria Burnett ELLEN AND DAVID AMDURSKY & FAMILY 42 JASON CARR CAROLE AND RODNEY CARR & CHLOE TRUDY AND ALLAN COLTON LESLIE AND MICHAEL CONS& FAMILY ALLISON AND MICHAEL ENGELS NANCY AND STEPHEN ENGELS VICKI AND MICHAEL FEIL & FAMILY MARY AND LENNY FLANZ & FAMILY MONIQUE AND STEPHEN GROSS & FAMILY EVIE AND MICHAEL KAMIN THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND MRS. RONI KOLBER MURIEL AND PAUL KRYCHMAN & FAMILY MICKEY AND STEPHEN MILLER & FAMILY SHARYN AND MURRAY MORGAN & FAMILY RUTH NADLER PHYLLIS AND EDDY PASCAL & FAMILY ANDREA AND NEIL WECHSLER & FAMILY Ricki and Jon Carr & Family MARILYN AND BOBBY COHEN LUCY AND JOE FELLNER BENITA AND STEPHEN GREENBERG RISA LIBMAN SCHERZER SANDI AND JEFF WOLFF Rhoda Cherry HEATHER AND JEFFREY CHANKOWSKY, SAMANTHA AND KATIE RHODA AND SOL CHANKOWSKY SHARI AND MATTHEW ROTHOLZ, LAUREN AND RYAN SHIRLEY AND NICK SEBASTIEN EUNICE SELIGSON Malka Ettinger SANDRA AGULNIK AND MAX CANTOR CAROLE AND BERNARD ARBESS PHYLLIS AND ROBERT FRIEDMAN ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER VIVIANNE AND BRAHMS SILVER Miriam and Marty Friedman DORIS ADAMS & FAMILY MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN & FAMILY SUSAN AND HERSCHEL GAVSIE & FAMILY RHONDA AND RONALD GAVSIE & FAMILY LESLIE AND BEREL HOPPENHEIM LEONARD KAPLANSKY & FRAN LUTTERMAN ELAINE AND JULIAN KOTLER & FAMILY THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND MRS. RONI KOLBER EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS AL MIGICOVSKY & FAMILY Phyllis and Robert Friedman THE CLEMAN FAMILY Pauline and David Gertler & Family MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN PAULINE AND DAVID GERTLER Mona Golfman and Irwin Woods LILIANE ABERMAN ROSANNE AND HY BERAZNICK BERYL AND PETER FRAENKEL JOAN GROSS MURIEL AND PAUL KRYCHMAN DR. AND MRS. DANIEL MARCUS SHADOW DESIGN ILENE STARKE TERRI WOLOFSKY AND LARRY WITTE Vera and Morty Gross ERNA AND ILAN BENJAMIN & FAMILY SUSAN AND JEFFREY BERCOVITCH MIRIELLE AND LEE CHERNOFSKY & FAMILY BEATRICE AND ABRAHAM COHEN GILDA AND DAVID COHEN GLENNA AND MORRIS DASCAL & FAMILY ERIC HOFFMAN & FAMILY TERRI AND PETER KLEIN & FAMILY BUNNY AND HARRY LANGBURT & FAMILY SHELLEY AND ZEEV LANGBURT & FAMILY IRIS AND LESLIE LENETSKY & FAMILY CHERYL AND RICHARD LEVY & FAMILY SUEANNE AND PHILIP MALEWSKI & FAMILY NONA AND DAVID MOSCOVITZ & FAMILY DEBRA AND STEPHEN PEKOFSKY & FAMILY ROMY AND DAN SANKAR & FAMILY TERRI AND MAURY SIMMS & FAMILY VALERIE AND GARIEL TERKEL JONATHAN TERKEL AND KERI ABELLA & FAMILY SUSAN AND GEOFFREY UNGAR & FAMILY LOUISE UNGAR HAZEL ZUNENSHINE LINDA AND HOWARD ZUNENSHINE & FAMILY DENISE AND JEFFREY ZUNENSHINE & FAMILY Julie and Shalom Katz & Family MARGE AND BEN ACHBAR NANCY AND NEIL ARKUSS JOANNE AND GORDON COOPER ELEANOR DOVER COOKIE AND JACK DUBNEY SUZAN AND DAVID FIELDS PEGGY AND BUDDY GREENBERG CAROLE GREENBERG EVELYN KAPE THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND MRS. RONI KOLBER ALMA LEIBOVITCH DANIELLE AND LAWRENCE PASCAL & FAMILY THE PEZIM FAMILY BRONA ROSEN MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM SIMONE AND EDOUARD SCHOUELA ADRIENNE AND MARTY SCHWARTZ LOIS AND BERNARD SHAPIRO JEFFREY SILVERMAN & FAMILY Mimi and Merv Kerman DORIS ADAMS ANITA AND EZRA BEINHAKER MIMI AND DANNY BERCOVITCH NAOMI CARSLEY SANDRA AND ZAVIE CLIMAN MIRIAM AND MARTY FRIEDMAN PHYLLIS AND ROBERT FRIEDMAN SUSAN GOLD CHARLOTTE AND HAROLD GOLFMAN MONA GOLFMAN LESLIE AND BEREL HOPPENHEIM BARBARA KNOBOVITCH AND MARTY KAPLAN DINA KOTLER & FAMILY ELLIE AND FRANK LEBOFF DEBBY AND MARTY LEBOFF HARRIET AND MARTY LEPLER SUZI AND ARNIE LIPES FRAN LUTTERMAN AND LEONARD KAPLANSKY EUNICE AND BOBBY MAYERS MERRILL AND LEONARD PINSKY DEBBIE AND CHUCK SCHWARTZ Elaine and Julian Kotler MYRNA ABBEY MARIAN AND HELEN ADAM HARRIETT AND RICHARD BAIME BERNICE BROWNSTEIN GHISLAINE AND IRWIN BROWNSTEIN RHODA AND DAVID COHEN JOAN GROSS JUDY AND DAVID GRUNBAUM & FAMILY MARVELE AND MURRAY KOFFLER ALMA LEIBOVITCH MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM LOIS AND BERNARD SHAPIRO ESTELLE AND BOB STILLMAN VANDA TREISER Esther and Andre Landsman TRUDY AND AARON AIN HELA AND JEFFREY BORO LEANA AND BARRY COLEMAN RONA AND ROBERT DAVIS ETHEL AND MICHAEL GOLD ELANA GREEN RONA GREEN JUDY AND JOEY KABACK & FAMILY JENN LARRY AND MICHAEL SARAGOSSI ANN AND BOB LASSNER SHIRLEY AND PHILIP LASSNER & FAMILY SARAH AND ADAM MARKS & FAMILY LEO RABINOVITCH & FAMILY GOLDA ROSENBERG ALBERT SARAGOSSI RENEE AND FRANK SCHLESINGER LESLIE AND STEVEN SONNENSTEIN & FAMILY MERLE AND BERNARD STOTLAND VIVIAN AND HOWARD STOTLAND ELAINE WOOLNER SUSAN AND BEN WYGODNY VICKI AND STAN ZACK Nan and Bill Lassner PEGGY AND BUDDY GREENBERG Risa Libman Scherzer MARILYN AND HARVEY ROSENBLOOM Betty Maldoff MARILYN AND HERB BLUMER HARRIET AND MARVIN CORBER MIRIAM AND MARTIN FRIEDMAN SHIRLEY GARFINKLE AND MORTY BARMISH ISABELLE AND GEOFFREY GELBER SHEILA AND NAHUM GELBER BONNIE AND DAVID GOODMAN & FAMILY FREDA AND GERRY HIRSH RENATA AND MICHAL HORNSTEIN THE HONOURABLE E. LEO AND MRS. RONI KOLBER MIRIAM AND SOL LUGER ANDREW MERLING & DOUG WYTHE & BENJAMIN DEBBIE MERLING & FAMILY EARL MERLING LINDA MERLING AND STEVE BROWN MITCHELL MERLING SHIRLEY MERLING AND IRWIN LIGHT WENDY MERLING ROMA MINC BARBARA AND IRWIN NEUDORF SUSAN AND TED POLISUK DOROTHY REITMAN DOROTHY AND MARVIN RIBACK HELEN AND GARY SANKOFF ELLIE AND HOWARD SHULKIN NEYSA AND DAVID SIGLER GOLDIE AND SAUL SMITH ELAINE TOLMATCH MAX ZENTNER TOVA AND SAM ZENTNER Sheldon Merling MARA AND JASON AGULNIK Andrea and Warren Merling & Family ELEANOR AND ERNIE BERENBAUM RICKI AND JONATHAN CARR SARI GOLDBERG SHAYLA AND MAURICE WECHSLER Mickey and Stephen Miller ETHEL AND MORTY FRUCHTER Sukie and Marty Nadler RICKI CARR Patty Pandelidis HARRIET AND ALAN RIMER ETHEL RIMER DANA AND EVAN RIMER & FAMILY JUDY AND NORMAN TEPPER NAOMI AND SAM TEPPER & FAMILY Kimberly Rimer and Lewis Tepper, Ruby and Leo ALMA LEIBOVITCH & FAMILY ILENE STARKE & FAMILY JACK STARKE Beverly Salomon & Family LESLIE AND DANNY CHAZANOFF & FAMILY BEATRICE FREDER LISA, NEIL AND SAM FREDER VERA AND MORTY GROSS DIANE KURLAND BEVERLY SALOMON & FAMILY CRAIG, AMBER AND ZACK STARKE MELISSA, PAUL AND LUKE STARKE ROZ STARKE & FAMILY LIANE AND DANNY TARAN Ilene Starke BEVERLEE ASHMELE CHUBBY AND HY TOLCHINSKY Hazel Zunenshine EXECUTIVE GREETINGS In Memory: Suzanne Bicher Arnold Steinberg David Wand In Honour: Carolyn Bulua Kelsey Spencer Births: Great-Granddaughter to Marilyn & Harvey Rosenbloom Speedy Recovery: Harvey Faigan We regret any errors and omissions. Please call us so that we can make the corrections in our next newsletter. 514.485.7233 | [email protected] | WWW.AGITEAM.ORG PHOTOS: JOE DONAHUE AGI’s 2015 Gala Alzheimer Groupe (AGI) Inc. 5555 Westminster Avenue, Suite 304, Montreal, Quebec H4W 2J2 T 514.485.7233 | F 514.485.7946 | www.agiteam.org ISSN: 1705-8848 PHOTOS: JOE DONAHUE “AGI’s 2015 Spring into Summer” Bash A Celebration with Our Clients!