Free pullout guide
Free pullout guide
Free pullout guide Ride train! 2015 edition this A Family Railroad Fun Guide Visitors look over Frisco 2-10-0 No. 1630 at the Illinois Railway Museum. Supplement to magazine 618072 Ride train! 2015 edition this A Family Railroad Fun Guide Alabama Foley Railway Museum & Model Train Exhibit. 125 E. Laurel Ave., Foley, 36535 Phone: 251-943-1818 Depot museum, Mon.-Fri., 10-4; Sat., 10-2. Model train exhibit, Tues., Thurs., & Sat., 10-2. Fort Payne Depot Museum. 105 5th St. NE, Ft. Payne, 35968 Phone: 256-845-5714 Mon., Wed., & Fri., 10-3:30. 1891 depot museum, caboose (seasonal), and depot annex. Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum. 1919 9th St., Calera, 35040 Phone: 205-668-3435 Call for schedule. Museum and train rides. Huntsville Depot & Museum. 320 Church St., Huntsville, 35801 Phone: 256-564-8100 March-Dec., Wed.-Sat., 10-4. Last antebellum depot in state. North Alabama Railroad Museum. 694 Chase Rd., Huntsville, 35815 Phone: 256-851-6276 Daily, 9-4. Staff present Wed., Sat., 8-1. Depot museum and train rides as scheduled. Wales West Light Railway. 13650 Smiley St., Silverhill, 36576 Phone: 888-569-5337 Open daily, Feb.-Dec. Authentic steam-powered, Welsh, 2-foot-gauge railway. Alaska Alaska Railroad. 411 W. First Ave., Anchorage, 99501 Phone: 800-544-0552 Scheduled passenger service yearround. Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry. 3800 W. Neuser Dr., Wasilla, 99687 Phone: 907-376-1211 Year-round. Museum with train ride. Tanana Valley Railroad. 2300 Airport Way, Fairbanks, 99708 Phone: 907-459-7421 Train ride select weekends in summer and fall. Historical museum open daily, Memorial Day-Labor Day. WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE. 231 2nd Ave., Skagway, 99840 Phone: 800-343-7373 May-Sept., daily, 7:304:30. Narrow gauge train rides. [See our ad on page R-3] Arizona Arizona Railway Museum. 330 E. Ryan Rd., Chandler, 85224 Phone: 480-821-1108 Weekends, Labor DayMemorial Day, 12-4. Static displays. Gadsden-Pacific Division Toy Train Operating Museum. 3975 N. Miller Ave., Tucson, 85754 Phone: 520-888-2222 Second & fourth Sun., 12:30-4:30. Closed July & Aug. Operating & static displays. Free admission. Grand Canyon Railway. 233 N. Grand Canyon Blvd., Williams, 86046 Phone: 800-843-8724 Year-round, daily, except Dec. 25. Train ride. Williams departure 9:30 a.m., returning to Williams 5:45 p.m. Karrels’ Double K Ranch Bed & Breakfast. 3930 N. Smokey Topaz Ln., Tucson, 85749 Phone: 520-749-5345 Year-round bed & breakfast; G-scale layout & 71/2 inch gauge, SP caboose, hand car. By appt., call ahead. Maricopa Live Steamers. 22822 N. 43rd Ave., Glendale, 85310 Phone: 623-925-1811 Second Sun. in Sept. through second Sun. of May, noon-4:30. McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park. 7301 E. Indian Bend Rd., Scottsdale, 85250 Phone: 480-312-2312 Daily. Static displays, scale train. Sierra Madre Express. 4415 S. Contractors Way, Tucson, 85714 Phone: 800-666-0346 or 520-747-0346 Private, all-inclusive train tours to Mexico’s Copper Canyon. Southern Arizona Transportation Museum. 414 N. Toole Ave., Tucson, 85701 Phone: 520-623-2223 Tues.- R-2 Thurs., 11-3; Fri.-Sat., 10-4; Sun., 11-3. Depot museum and locomotive display. Verde Canyon Railroad. 300 N. Broadway, Clarkdale, 86324 Phone: 800-320-0718 Year-round. Train ride and special events. Arkansas ARKANSAS & MISSOURI RAILROAD. 306 E. Emma, Springdale, 72764 Phone: 800-687-8600 Fri. & Sat. Train rides, specials through the year. [See our ad on page R-3] Arkansas Railroad Museum. 1700 Port Rd., Pine Bluff, 71601 Phone: 870-535-8819 Mon.-Sat., 9-2. Museum. Eureka Springs & North Arkansas Railway. 299 N. Main St., Eureka Springs, 72632 Phone: 479-253-9623 Excursion train ride or dining train. Eureka Springs Model Railroad Company. 127 Spring St., Eureka Springs, 72632 Phone: 501-253-9623 Fort Smith Trolley Museum. 100 S. 4th St., Fort Smith, 72901 Phone: 479-783-0205 Year-round. Sat., 10-5; Sun., 1-5; Daily, May-Oct., 10-5. Museum and trolley ride. Frisco Depot Museum. Mammoth Spring State Park, Hwys. 9 and 63, Mammoth Spring, 72554 Phone: 870-6257364 Tues.-Sat., 8-5; Sun., 1-5. Closed Mon. Museum in 1886 depot. California Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad. 233 Blossom Hill Rd., Los Gatos, 95032 Phone: 408-395-7433 Spring/fall: Sat. & Sun., 10:30-4:30; Summer: daily; Winter: Sat. & Sun., 11-3. Scale train rides. Calico & Odessa Railroad. 36600 Ghost Town Rd., Yermo, 92398 Phone: 760-254-2117 Daily, 9-5. Train ride in county park. California State Railroad Museum. 111 I St. Old Sacramento, 95814 Phone: 916-323-9280 Daily, 10-5. Museum. California Trolley & Railroad Corp. 635 Phelan Ave., San Jose, 95112 Phone: 408-293-2276 Sat. & Sun., 11-4. Reconstruction & rides. Clovis Tourist Information and Visitor Center at Tarpey Depot. 399 Clovis Ave., Clovis, 93612 Phone: 559-297-2696 Colma Depot. 1500 Hillside Blvd., Colma, 94014 Phone: 650-757-1676 Museum, which also includes a blacksmith shop and freight shed. Free admission. Descanso, Alpine & Pacific Railway. 1266 Alpine Heights Rd., Alpine, 91901 Phone: 619-445-4781 Sun., 1-3. Museum & free rides, first come, first served, on 2-footgauge industrial railroad, weather permitting. Fillmore & Western Railway. 351 Santa Clara St., Fillmore, 93015 Phone: 805-524-2546 Year-round, train rides. Weekend, scenic, and dinner trains. Folsom Valley Railway/Folsom City Zoo. 121 Dunstable Way, Folsom, 95630 Phone: 916-983-1873 Year-round. Scale train ride. Fort Humboldt State Historic Park. 3431 Fort Ave., Eureka, 95502 Phone: 707-445-6567 Museum open daily, 9-5. Museum and summer steam train operations on third Sat. of each month, May-September. or Golden Gate Live Steamers Inc. 2501 Grizzly Park Blvd., Berkeley, 94708 Phone: 510-486-0623 Open Sundays, 12-3, weather & staffing permitting with free rides to the public. Next to Redwood Valley Railway in Tilden Park, Berkeley. Golden State Model Railroad Museum. 900 Dornan Dr., Point Richmond, 94801 Phone: 510-234-4884 We have 3 large layouts in HO-, O-, and N-scales in a 10,000 sq. ft. building. Trains are running every Sunday from April-Dec., 12-5 p.m. We’re also open for “viewing only” (no running © 2015 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any 2015 RIDEform THIS TRAINpermission from the publisher. without trains) on Saturdays, 12-5 p.m. and Wednesdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed January-March for maintenance. Irvine Park Railroad. 1 Irvine Park Rd., Orange, 92862 Phone: 714-997-3968 Winter: daily, except Thanksgiving and Christmas, 10-4. Summer: daily, 10-4:30. Scale train rides. Knott’s Berry Farm. 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, 90620 Phone: 714-220-5200 Daily, except Christmas. Narrow gauge steam train ride. Laws Railroad Museum. Silver Canyon Rd., Bishop, 93514 Phone: 760-873-5950 Daily, 10-4, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, & Easter. Museum. Lomita Railroad Museum. 2137 W. 250th St., Lomita, 90717 Phone: 310-326-6255 Thurs.-Sun., 10-5; closed all holidays. Museum with locomotive displays. Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum. Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 90027 Phone: 323-662-8030 Most Sundays, 11-3. Scale train rides and layout. NAPA VALLEY WINE TRAIN. 1275 McKinstry St., Napa, 94559 Phone: 800-427-4124 Year-round. First-class service for lunch, dinner, & winery tours. [See our ad on page R-4] National City Depot. 922 W. 23rd St., National City, 91950 Phone: 619-474-4400 Thurs.-Sun., 9-5. Original West Coast Santa Fe transcontinental railroad depot restored to 1882 appearance. Nevada County Narrow Gauge Project. Nevada County Fair Grounds, McCourtney Rd., Grass Valley, 95949 Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad and Transportation Museum. 5 Kidder Ct., Nevada City, 95959 Phone: 530-470-0902 May-Oct., Fri.-Tues., 10-4, closed Wed. & Thurs. Nov.-April, Sat. & Sun., 10-4. Nevada County Traction Co. 402 Railroad Ave., Nevada City, 95959 Phone: 800-226-3090 Thurs.-Mon., 9:304:30; Mon., Thurs., & Fri. departures, 12 & 2; Sat. departures, 10, 12, 2, & 4; Sun. departures: 10, 12, & 2. Train rides. Niles Canyon Railway. 6 Kilkare Rd., Sunol, 94586 Phone: 510-996-8420 Feb.-March, first & third Sun. April-Aug., every Sun. Sept.-Oct., first & third Sun. Rolling museum train ride. Check website for departure times and events. Niles Depot Museum. 37592 Niles Blvd., Fremont, 94536 Phone: 510-797-4449 Orange County Model Engineers Inc. 2480 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, 92628-3216 Phone: 949-54-TRAIN Third Sat. & Sun. of each month, 10-3:30. Scale train rides. Orange Empire Railway Museum. 2201 S. A St., Perris, 92570 Phone: 951-943-3020 Grounds open daily, except Thanksgiving & Christmas. Guided tours daily; please call or email ahead. Train & trolley rides on weekends and some holidays. Pacific Southwest Railway Museum. 750 Depot St., Campo, 91906 Phone: 619-465-7776 Large museum and vintage train rides on mountain railroad. Cab rides. “Run-aLocomotive” program. Weekends. Poway-Midland Railroad. 14134 Midland Rd., Poway, 92074 Phone: 858-486-4063 Sat., 10-4; Sun., 11-2. No operation second Sun. of the month. Theme park train ride. Rail Journeys West Inc. 3770 Flora Vista Ave., #404, Santa Clara, 95051 Phone: 408-241-7807 Chartered and private railcar tours aboard restored former California Zephyr stainless steel streamlined cars including the signature round-end observation car “Silver Solarium.” RailGiants Train Museum. 1101 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, 91768 Phone: 909-623-0190 Open the second TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/4 S A M rkansas issouri “ALCOS IN THE OZARKS” Railroad “THE BEST RIDE’S ON US” Spring, summer and fall excursions every weekend, with departures from Springdale and Van Buren 800-687-8600 KPC ADVERTISING ACCOUNT TRN • 05/01/2015 2C • 4.656W x 1H WRITE NO. 20 ON THE•READER SERVICE CARD 479-725-4017 Go to WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/3 S Experience the breathtaking panorama of mountains, glaciers, gorges, waterfalls, tunnels, trestles and historic sites from the comfort of vintage rail cars. Built in 1898 during the Klondike Gold Rush, this narrow gauge railroad is an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Since 1898 MOTORCOACH RAIL COMBINATIONS /whitepassrailroad 1-800-343-7373 WRITE NO. 21 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Photo: Glynis Shaw weekend of each month, 10-3. Museum, static displays. Santa Fe Arcadia Depot, Gift shop, UP 9000, UP Centennial 6915, UP SD40 3105, SF 3450, SP 5021, 3-truck Climax, Nickel Plate business car, Santa Fe Horse Express car, & two cabooses. Railroad Park Resort. 100 Railroad Park Rd., Dunsmuir, 96025 Phone: 530-235-4440 Dinner train and caboose motel. Railtown 1897 State Historic Park. Fifth Ave. at Reservoir Rd., Jamestown, 95327 Phone: 209-984-3953 Daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s Day. Museum and train ride. Redwood Valley Railway. Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, 94705 Phone: 510-548-6100 Located at south end of Tilden Park, at intersection of Grizzly Peak Blvd. and Lomas Cantadas Rd. Weekends, year-round, 11-6; weekdays during summer, 11-5. Miniature train rides. Riverside Live Steamers. 1496 Columbia Ave., Riverside, 92507 Phone: 951-779-9024 Second and fourth Sun. of each month, 10-3. Miniature steam train rides. 71/2-inchgauge railroad located in Hunter Hobby Park, corner of Columbia and Iowa avenues. Roaring Camp Railroads. Graham Hill Rd., Felton, 95018 Phone: 831-335-4484 Call for schedule. Narrow gauge steam train rides and standard gauge diesel trains to the beach. Sacramento RiverTrain. E. and Main streets, Woodland, 95776 Phone: 800-866-1690 Train ride with dining and entertainment options. Sacramento Southern Railroad. Front St., between J & K streets, Old Sacramento, 95814 Phone: 916-323-9280 Weekends, April through Sept., 11-4. Train rides. Sacramento Valley Live Steamers. Hagan Community Park, Chase Dr., P.O. Box 273, Rancho Cordova, 95741 Phone: 916-361-7140 Live steam miniature railroad. First weekend, March-Sept. San Diego Model Railroad Museum. 1649 El Prado, San Diego, 92101 Phone: 619-696-0199 Tues.-Fri., 11-4, Sat. & Sun., 11-5. Model railroad layouts. San Francisco Cable Car Museum. 1201 Mason St., San Francisco, 94108 Phone: 415-474-1887 Daily, except for Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s Day. Museum. Free admission. San Francisco Municipal Railway. 1145 Market St., San Francisco, 94103 Phone: 415-673-6864 Daily transit operation. Cable car rides. Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society - Heritage Junction Historic Park. P.O. Box 221925, Newhall, 91322 Phone: 661-254-1275 The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society was formed to stimulate public interest in the history of the Santa Clarita Valley and area, to collect and preserve facts and artifacts pertinent to the area, and to inform the public. The Society’s first big acquisition was the Saugus Train Station, which Southern Pacific deeded to them in 1980. Monies were raised through a variety of community functions, and the station was moved from its original site and restored to its original condition. It has since served as the headquarters for the Society and as a museum of local history. In 1982, the Society was given Mogul steam engine No. 1629, located at Melody Ranch, by Gene Autry. No. 1629 now sits on a siding alongside the Saugus Station. Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society Heritage Junction. 24101 Newhall Ave., Santa Clarita, 91322 Phone: 661-254-1275 Museum in former SP Saugus Station, SP 2-6-0 No. 1629 and historic buildings on display. Free tours Sat. and Sun., 1-4. Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay Railway. 400 Beach St., Santa Cruz, 95060 Santa Maria Valley Historical Railway Museum. Town Center Mall, #387, Santa Maria, 93454 Phone: 805714-4927 Sierra Railroad Dinner Train. 330 S. Sierra Ave., Oakdale, 95361 Phone: 800-866-1690 Every weekend, yearround. Dinner train. Skunk Train. Laurel and Main streets, Fort Bragg, 95437 Phone: 800-866-1690 Year-round. Train ride. Sonoma Traintown Railroad. 20264 Broadway, Hwy. 12, Sonoma, 95476 Phone: 707-938-3912 June 1-Labor Day & Sept.-May, Fri.-Sun., 10-5. Scale steam train rides. South Coast Railroad Museum. 300 N. Los Carneros Rd., Goleta, 93117 Phone: 805-964-3540 Year-round, Wed.Sun., 1-4. Depot museum & miniature train rides. Tehachapi Depot Railroad Museum. 101 West Tehachapi Blvd., Tehachapi, 93561 Phone: 661-823-1100 Thurs.-Mon., 11-4, year-round, except holidays. Museum. Train-viewing deck. Timber Heritage Association Samoa Shops. 930 Vance Ave., Samoa, 95564 Phone: 707-443-2957 Crew speeder car rides on fourth Sat. of each month, June-Sept. 1893 lumber company roundhouse and shops open for tours on speeder ride days. Travel Town Museum. 5200 Zoo Dr., Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 90039 Phone: 323-662-5874 Free museum, open daily. Museum with largest collection of steam locomotives west of the Mississippi in a park setting. Fun small train ride circles the museum. Docent-led tours are available on the second Saturday of the month from 10 to 3. Gift shop sales support educational outreach and restoration efforts at the Museum. The Travel Town Museum Foundation has membership benefits with discounts in the gift shop and special members-only, monthly Thomas the Tank Engine and Chuggington Playdays. See their website for events and schedules. Walt Disney’s Carolwood Barn and Museum. 5202 Zoo Dr., Griffith Park, Los Angeles, 90027 Phone: 818-9340173 Every third Sun. of the month, 11-3. Waterfront Red Car Line. 6th St. at Harbor Blvd., San Pedro, 90731 Phone: 310-732-3473 Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., 10-6. Trolley ride. Western America Railroad Museum. 685 N. 1st St., Barstow, 92311 Phone: 760-256-9276 Fri.-Sun., 11-4. Depot museum. Western Pacific Railroad Museum. 700 Western Pacific Way, Portola, 96122 Phone: 530-832-4131 Hands-on museum open, May-Sept., 10-4 p.m. Train rides Memorial Day through Labor Day. You can even run a locomotive — call for information and appointment. Western Railway Museum. 5848 Hwy. 12, Suisun City, 94585 Phone: 707-374-2978 Year-round, Sat. & Sun., 10:30LEADVILLE COLORADO & SO RR CO 5. Museum with electric interurban rides. TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/8 V Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad. 56001 Hwy. 41, Fish Camp, 93623 Phone: 559-683-7273 Seasonal, hours vary. Steam train excursions near Yosemite National Park. Colorado Limon Heritage Museum & Railroad Park. 899 1st St., Limon, 80828 Phone: 719-775-8605 June 1-Aug. 31, Mon.-Sat., 1-8. Local railroad history museum. Moffat Railway Car. 360 E. Victory Way, Craig, 81625 Phone: 800-864-4405 Memorial Day-Labor Day, 9-5. Office car display. Museum of Northwest Colorado. 590 Yampa Ave., Craig, 81625 Phone: 970-824-6360 Mon.-Sat., 9-5. Moffat Road memorabilia. Pike’s Peak Cog Railway. 515 Ruxton Ave., Manitou Springs, 80829 Phone: 719-685-5401 Cog railway. Pike’s Peak Historical Street Railway. 2333 Steel Dr., Colorado Springs, 80907 Phone: 719-475-9508 Yearround, Mon. through Sat. Trolley ride and displays. Platte Valley Trolley. Children’s Museum Dr. and Water St., Denver, 80211 Phone: 303-458-6255 Trolley ride operating April-Oct., Fri., Sat., & Sun., 12-4. Pueblo Railway Museum. 301 West B St., Suite 100, Pueblo, 81003 Phone: 719-251-5024 Displays at Pueblo Union Depot. Daily, 10-4. Ridgway Railroad Museum. 150 Racecourse Rd., P.O. Box 588, Ridgway, 81432 Phone: 970-626-5181 May 1-31, 10-3; June 1-Oct. 15, 9-5; Oct. 16-Thanksgiving, 10-3; other dates by appointment. Free museum. Rio Grande Scenic. 601 State Ave., Alamosa, 81101 Phone: 877-726-7245 Steam train rides in the Rockies. Royal Gorge Route Railroad. 330 B Royal Gorge Blvd., Cañon City, 81212 Phone: 888-724-5748 Scenic train ride through the Royal Gorge. Dinner trains available on select evenings. Tiny Town Railroad. 6249 S. Turkey Creek Rd., Morrison, 80465 Phone: 303-697-6829 Daily, 10-5, June, July, & Aug. Weekends, May & Sept. Scale steam train ride. Windsor Museum. 116 N. 5th St., Windsor, 80550 Phone: 970-674-2439 1882 Colorado & Southern depot with exhibits. Colorado Railroad Museum. 17155 W. 44th Ave., Golden, 80403 Phone: 800-365-6263 Daily, 9-5. Museum and weekend train rides. Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad. 5th and Bennett avenues, Cripple Creek, 80813 Phone: 719-689-2640 Mid-May to mid-Oct. Train ride. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. 5234B Hwy. 285, Antonito, 81120 Phone: 888-286-2737 Memorial Day weekend-mid-Oct. Daily train rides at 10 a.m. Denver & Rio Grande/U.S. National Park Service. U.S. Hwy. 50, Cimarron, Phone: 970-249-4074 Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. 479 Main Ave., Durango, 81301 Phone: 877-872-4607 Year-round. Museum & narrow gauge train rides. Forney Museum of Transportation. 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver, 80216 Phone: 303-297-1113 Mon.-Sat., 10-4. Museum. Fort Collins Municipal Railway. P.O. Box 635, Fort Collins, 80522 Phone: 970-224-5372 May-Sept., weekends. Trolley rides. Galloping Goose Historical Society. 421 Railroad Ave., Dolores, 81323 Phone: 970-882-7082 May 15-Oct. 15, Mon.-Sat., 9-5. Museum with restored Galloping Goose No. 5 and replica RGS depot. Free admission. GEORGETOWN LOOP RAILROAD. 646 Loop Dr., Georgetown, 80444 Phone: 888-456-6777 Weekends, May-Dec. Narrow gauge steam train ride. [See our ad on page R-5] Greeley Freight Station Museum. 680 10th St., Greeley, 80631 Phone: 970-392-2934 Wed.-Sun., in summer; Sat., year-round. Lakeside Amusement Park. 4601 Sheridan Blvd., Denver, 80212 Phone: 303-477-1621 Connecticut LEADVILLE, COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILROAD. 326 E. 7th St., Leadville, 80461 Phone: 866-386Connecticut Antique Machinery Association. 3936 Call for schedule. Diesel excursions. Route 7, Kent, 06757 Phone: 860-927-0050 May-Oct., NAPA VALLEY WINE TRAIN [See our ad on page R-4] Wed.-Sun., 10-4. Operating steam locomotive, exhibits. TRN • 05/01/ • 4C • 1/4 S Leadville Railroad -Adventure -Wildlife -History -Wilderness -Wildflowers -2.5 Hour Trips -Book Today 1-866-386-3936 WWW.LEADVILLERAILROAD.COM WRITE NO. 22 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN R-4 WRITE NO. 23 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 H Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum. 55 Bridge St., Willimantic, 06226 Phone: 860-456-9999 Open May through Oct. Call for dates and hours. Museum. Connecticut Trolley Museum. 58 North Rd., East Windsor, 06088 Phone: 860-627-6540 Call or write for hours. Museum and trolley rides. Danbury Railway Museum. 120 White St., Danbury, 06810 Phone: 203-778-8337 Year-round. Museum with train rides, April-Nov. ESSEX STEAM TRAIN & RIVERBOAT. 1 Railroad Ave., Essex, 06426 Phone: 800-377-3987 May-Oct. Train ride and riverboat connection. Essex Clipper Dinner Train. Call for schedules. [See our ad on page R-5] Naugatuck Railroad. 242 E. Main St., Thomaston, 06787 Phone: 860-283-7245 May-Oct., Tues., Sat., Sun., & holidays. Write or call for times. Train rides and depot museum. Shore Line Trolley Museum. 17 River St., East Haven, 06512 Phone: 203-467-6927 May, Sept., & Oct.: Sat. & Sun. Daily, Memorial Day to Labor Day. Cars operate frequently until 4:30. Trolley ride. Special events, May-Dec. SoNo Switch Tower Museum. 77 Washington St., South Norwalk, 06854 Phone: 203-246-6958 May-Oct., Sat. & Sun., 12-5. Restored 1896 New Haven Railroad switch tower. GEORGETOWN LOOP MINING & RAILROAD PARK® with mine tours and gold panning A partnership of Operates May 2nd – January 4th, 2016 BOOK ONLINE or call 1-888-456-6777 ILLINOIS RAILWAY MUSEUM HISTORIC RAIL ADVENTURES TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 H WRITE NO. 24 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD America’s Largest Railway Museum! The Illinois Railway Museum is composed of over 400 Railroad & Transportation vehicles representing different aspects of United States railroading. Ride trolleys, interurbans and coaches on our railroad! Delaware Wilmington & Western Railroad. 2201 Newport-Gap Pike, Wilmington, 19808 Phone: 302-998-1930 April-Dec., weekends. Scenic train rides. District of Columbia Smithsonian National Museum of American History. 14th St. and Constitution Ave., Washington, 200137012 Phone: 202-633-1000 Hours of Operation: Illino Union Florida Boca Express Train Museum. 747 South Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton, 33432 Phone: 561-395-6766 Jan.-April, first & third Fridays, RSVP required. Central Florida Railroad Museum. 101 S. Boyd St., Winter Garden, 34787 Phone: 407-656-0559 Daily, 1-5. Depot museum. Flagler Museum. 1 Whitehall Way, Palm Beach, 33480 Phone: 561-655-2833 Year-round, Tues.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 12-5. Railroad tycoon’s mansion. Florida Railroad Museum. 12210 83rd St. E, Parrish, 34219 Phone: 877-869-0800 Year-round, Sat. & Sun. Museum and train ride. Gold Coast Railroad Museum. 12450 SW 152nd St., Miami, 33177 Phone: 305-253-0063 Mon.-Fri., 11-3; Sat.-Sun., 11-4. Museum and train ride. Lady Lake Historical Museum. 207 W. Lady Lake Blvd., Lady Lake, 32159 Phone: 352-259-4359 Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-1. Historically accurate operating HO layout of local rail activity in 1940s and 1950s. Free admission, donations accepted. Largo Central Railroad. P.O. Box 823, Largo, 337790823 Phone: 727-585-9835 Railroad Museum of South Florida’s Train Village. 7330 Gladiolus Dr., Fort Myers, 33908 Phone: 239-267-1905 SEMINOLE GULF RAILWAY. 2805 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers, 33966 Phone: 800-736-4853 Murder Mystery Dinner Train, a unique, year-round, fine-dining experience. [See our ad on page R-5] Southwest Florida Museum of History. 2301 Jackson St., Fort Myers, 33901 Phone: 239-321-7430 Tues.-Sat., 10-5. ACL depot & history museum with 1929 Pullman railcar. Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad. 100 East Ruby St., Tavares, 32778 Phone: 352-742-7200 Year-round steam train rides. Sundays: April - October: 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays: May - October: 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Weekdays: Memorial Day - Labor Day: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. G A LIVIN RY HISTO MUSEUM is Call 1-800-BIG-RAIL VALLEY RAILROAD CO or visit: 7000 Olson Rd., Union IL 60180 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 H WRITE NO. 25 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD What’s On Your Bucket List? Have you ever wanted to operate an 80-ton, coal-burning steam locomotive? On eight miles of the most scenic railroad track in Connecticut? You can at the Essex Steam Train & Riverboat. Visit WRITE NO. 27 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Elegant Five Course Dinner Comical Show & Nostalgic Train Ride Every Wed thru Sat ‐ 6:30 pm Sun ‐ 5:30 pm Mystery MMurder Dinner Train A Unique Dining Experience Seminole Gulf Railway - Fort Myers, FL Call Now For Reservations 800‐SEM‐GULF 239‐275‐8487 Get‐Away to Fort Myers Enjoy your evening on the train and spend the night at an area hotel with special rates available only through Seminole Gulf Railway WRITE NO. 26 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 2805 Colonial Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33966 R-5 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 V Creating Railfan Bliss for Generations Order a brochure today and plan your visit to the first-class destination for devoted railfans! • Incomparable and Ample Viewing Locations • Pullman National Monument • Charming Brewpub at Historic IC Station GALESBURG RAILROAD DAYS TRN •888-895-8233 05/01/2015 • BW • 1/6 V WRITE NO. 28 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 1977 2015 June 27 - 28, 2015 TECO Line Streetcar System. St. Pete Times Forum Dr., Tampa, 33619 Phone: 813-254-4278 Trolley rides. Walt Disney World Railroad. P.O. Box 10000, Lake Buena Vista, 32830-1000 Phone: 407-824-7828 Georgia Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. 241 Depot St., Blue Ridge, 30513 Phone: 877-413-8724 March-Dec., Train ride. Georgia Museum of Agriculture & Historic Village. 1392 Whiddon Mill Rd., Tifton, 31793 Phone: 800-767-1875 Year-round, Sat., 9-5. Museum and train ride. Misty Mountain Model Railroad. 16 Misty Mountain Ln., off Town Creek School Rd., Blairsville, 30512 Phone: 706-400-2085 O-gauge model railroad and Hi-Rail scale layout. Okefenokee Heritage Center. 1460 N. Augusta Ave., Waycross, 31503 Phone: 912-285-4260 Tues.-Sat., 10-4:30, except major holidays. Museum with locomotive display. Roundhouse Railroad Museum. 601 W. Harris St., Savannah, 31401 Phone: 912-651-6823 Daily, 9-5, closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Year’s. Museum in Central of Georgia shop complex. SAM Shortline. 105 E. 9th Ave., Cordele, 31015 Phone: 877-427-2457 March-Dec., Mon., Fri., Sat., & two Thurs. a month, departs at 9:30. Excursion train. Southeastern Railway Museum. 3595 Buford Hwy., Duluth, 30096 Phone: 770-476-2013 Museum open 10-5, Thurs.-Sat., Jan.-Feb.; Wed.-Sat., March-May & Aug.-Dec.; Tues.-Sat., June & July. Train ride schedule varies seasonally. Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History. 2829 Cherokee St., Kennesaw, 30144 Phone: 770427-2117 Mon.-Thurs., 9:30-5; Sun., 11-6. Closed New Year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Museum featuring Civil War locomotive, General. St. Marys Railroad. 1000 Osborne St., St. Marys, 31558 Phone: 912-200-5235 Ride the St. Marys Express. Visit website for schedule. Stone Mountain Scenic Railroad. Hwy. 78 East, Stone Mountain, 30086 Phone: 800-401-2407 Sept.-May, 10-5. Memorial Day-Labor Day, 10-8. Diesel train ride. Thronateeska Heritage Center. 100 W. Roosevelt Ave., Albany, 31701 Phone: 229-432-6955 Thurs.-Sat., 10-4. Static exhibit, history museum. Hawaii For the railroad enthusiast & the entire family for 38 years! The Lincoln Experience Rail Yard Bus Tour ▪ Chicago Railroad Displays Railroad Museum Galesburg Showcase of Cars Carnival & Live Music St. Louis Model Train & Toy Shows ▪ Street Fair & Food WRITE NO. 29 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN R-6 Hawaiian Railway. 91-1001 Renton Rd., P.O. Box 60369, Ewa Station, Ewa Beach, 96706 Phone: 808-681-5461 Sun., 1 & 3. Train rides. Kauai Plantation Railway. 3-2087 Kaumualii Hwy., Lihue, 96766 Phone: 808-245-7245 Narrow gauge train ride. Lahaina Kaanapali Railroad. 17 Kaka’alaneo Dr., Lahaina, 96761 Phone: 808-661-0080 Narrow gauge steam tourist railroad. Laupahoehoe Train Museum. 36-2377 Mamalahoa Hwy., Laupahoehoe, 96764 Phone: 808-962-6300 Pineapple Express. Dole Plantation, 64-1550 Kamehameha Hwy., Wahiawa, 96786 Phone: 808-621-8408 Idaho Canyon County Historical Museum. 1200 Front St., Nampa, 83651 Phone: 208-467-7611 Year-round, Tues.-Fri., 1-5. Nov.-April, Sat., 11-3; May-Oct., Sat., 10-3. Depot museum. Northern Pacific Depot Railroad Museum. 219 Sixth St., Wallace, 83873 Phone: 208-752-0111 Call for dates and times. Pictorial exhibits & railroad artifacts. Silverwood Central Railway/Theme Park. N. 26225 Hwy. 95, Athol, 83801 Phone: 208-683-3400 THUNDER MOUNTAIN LINE RAILROAD. 120 Mill Rd., Horseshoe Bend, 83629 Phone: 877-432-7245 March-Dec. Call for hours. Train ride. [See our ad on page R-20] Illinois Amboy Depot Museum. Main St., two blocks west of U.S. 52, Amboy, 61310 Phone: 815-857-4700 Wed., Thurs., Sun., & holidays, 1-4; Fri. & Sat., 10-4. Depot museum. Chicago Great Western Railway Depot Museum. 111 E. Myrtle St., Elizabeth, 61028 Phone: 815-858-2343 Open weekends, May-Oct., or year-round by appointment. Depot museum. Chicago History Museum. 1601 N. Clark St., Chicago, 60614 Phone: 312-642-4600 The Chicago History Museum traces rail’s importance in the development of Chicago through exhibits that feature the first L car, the Pioneer locomotive, and the history of the Union Stock Yard, among others. Depot Railroad Museum. E. Benton St., Rossville, 60963 Phone: 217-446-5711 Memorial Day-Sept., Sat. & Sun., 12-4. C&EI depot museum. Fox River Trolley Museum. 361 S. LaFox St., South Elgin, 60177 Phone: 847-697-4676 See website for schedule. Museum and trolley ride. GALESBURG RAILROAD MUSEUM. 211 S. Seminary St., Galesburg, 61401 Phone: 309-342-9400 April-Nov., Tues.-Sat., 10-4; Sun., 12-4. Galesburg Railroad Days on last weekend of June. Rolling stock display. [See our ad on page R-6] Historic Greenup Depot. 204 W. Cumberland St., Greenup, 62428 Phone: 217-923-9306 Thurs.-Sat., 11-3. Free admission, donations accepted. 1870 Victorian depot, HO-scale layout. Historic Pullman Foundation. 11141 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 60628 Phone: 773-785-8901 Tues.-Sun., 11-3. Closed Monday & major holidays. Museum in George Pullman’s industrial town built in 1880. ILLINOIS RAILWAY MUSEUM. 7000 Olson Rd., Union, 60180 Phone: 800-244-7245 April, Sun., only; May-Oct., Sat. & Sun.; Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily. Comprehensive museum with over 450 pieces of equipment representing all the different types of rail transportation equipment in one location. The collection consists of steam, diesel, and electric locomotives, railroad passenger and freight cars, electric-powered streetcars and interurban cars, and even a working trolley bus operation. Visitors can ride some of the equipment operated during the season. Special events are held featuring multiple pieces of equipment operated on the museum’s 41/2-mile demonstration railroad or 1-mile trolley loop circling the grounds. Food is available on the grounds and parking is free. Home of the Nebraska Zephyr streamliner, Russian Decapod steam locomotive, and Chicago’s red streetcars that you can ride on select dates. See website for schedule of operations and fares. [See our ad on page R-5] Kankakee Railroad Museum. 197 S. East Ave., Kankakee, 60901 Phone: 815-929-9320 Fri., Sat., & Sun., 12-4. Depot museum. Monticello Railway Museum. 992 Iron Horse Pl., Monticello, 61856 Phone: 877-762-9011 May-Oct., weekends and holidays only. Museum and train rides. Museum of Science and Industry. 57th St. and Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, 60637 Phone: 800-468-6674 Mon.-Sat., 9:30-4; Sun., 11-4, except Dec. 25. Museum with static displays. Rochelle Railroad Park. 124 N. 9th St., Rochelle, 61068 Phone: 815-562-7031 Park overlooking the junction of two busy main lines. Open 24 hours a day. Gift shop, April 1-Oct. 31, 10-5; Nov.1-March 31, 11-4. Closed Tues. Silver Creek & Stephenson Railroad. 2954 S. Walnut Rd., Freeport, 61032 Phone: 815-232-2306 Call for schedule. Occasional steam train rides. TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/12 Trolley Car 36. 324 N. Madison St., Rockford, 61107 Phone: 815-987-8894 June-Sept., Thurs., Sat., & Sun., 12-4. Trolley ride. Union Depot Railroad Museum. P.O. Box 433, 683 Main St., Mendota, 61342-0433 Phone: 815-539-3373 Memorial Day-Labor Day, Wed.-Sun., 12-5. Labor DayMemorial Day, Sat.-Sun., 12-5. Museum with static displays and interactive layouts. Waterman & Western Railroad. Adams & Birch in Lions Club Park, Waterman, 60556 Phone: 630-710-1023 Wheels O’ Time Museum. 1710 W. Woodside Dr., Dunlap, 61525 Phone: 309-243-9020 May-Oct., Wed.-Sun., 12-5. Museum with static displays. Indiana Hesston Steam Museum. 1201 E. 1000 N., La Porte, 46350 Phone: 219-872-5055 Summer weekends, 12-5. Museum and train ride. Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum. 507 Mulberry St., North Judson, 46366 Phone: 574-896-3950 May-Oct. and special events, Sat., 9-4. Museum with caboose rides. Indiana Railway Museum. 1 Monon St., French Lick, 47432 Phone: 800-748-7246 Museum with train ride. Indiana Transportation Museum. 701 Cicero Rd., Noblesville, 46061 Phone: 317-773-6000 April-Oct., weekends, 10-4. Museum, equipment displays, & train rides. Linden Depot Museum. 520 North Main St., P.O. Box 154, Linden, 47955 Phone: 765-339-7245 Historic 1908 Junction depot which served the Monon and Nickel Plate railroads. Last surviving junction depot in Indiana opened as a museum April 13, 1993. Depot has been restored to its original colors, with ongoing interior restoration to show original use. Museum houses railroad artifacts and a museum store. Additional building on the property contains new HO model railroad attraction, open while under construction. Museum grounds showcase four 100-year-old semaphores and other railroad signals as well as a Nickel Plate caboose. Open Fri., Sat., and Sun., April through Oct., 12 noon to 5 p.m. Admission is $4 for adults and $1 for children, 12 and under. Annual memberships available for $10 for singles and $25 for families. Christmas Open House, Fri., Sat., and Sun., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from the Friday before Thanksgiving through the Sunday after Christmas. Check website for additional information and for news of special events. Madison Railroad Station. 615 W. First St., Madison, 47250 Phone: 812-265-2335 May-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10-4:30, Sun., 1-4; Nov.-April, weekdays only. Depot museum. National New York Central Railroad Museum. 721 S. Main St., Elkhart, 46515 Phone: 574-294-3001 Yearround. Call ahead for hours. Closed Mondays and major holidays. Museum. TrainTown. 15808 Edgerton Rd., New Haven, 46774 Phone: 260-493-0765 Write or call for information. Museum with mainline steam locomotive. Wabash Valley Railroaders Museum. 1316 Plum St., Terre Haute, 47804 Phone: 812-238-9958 Open on weekends, May through Oct., 11-4. Features two functional interlocking towers, PRR cabin car and depot, and a viewing platform adjacent to CSX’s main lines. WHITEWATER VALLEY RAILROAD. 455 Market St., Connersville, 47331 Phone: 765-825-2054 May-Oct. Excursions, Train to Dinner, Special Events (Feb.-Dec.). [See our ad on page R-7] Iowa BOONE & SCENIC VALLEY RAILROAD. 225 10th St., Boone, 50036 Phone: 800-626-0319 May, Sat., only; May 26-Oct. 31, daily. Museum, dinner, & scenic train rides. [See our ad on page R-7] Delmar Depot Museum. 414 Lincoln Ave., Delmar, 52037 Phone: 563-574-4256 Sat. & Sun., 1-4 or by appointment. Depot museum. Hobo Foundation. 52 Main Ave., South Britt, 50423 Phone: 641-843-9104 June 1-Aug. 15, or by appt. One-of- a-kind museum filled with hobo artifacts. Newest display is Steamtrain Maury’s complete collection. Iowa Trolley Park. 3429 Main Ave., Clear Lake, 50428 Phone: 641-357-7433 Open weekends, June, July, & Aug., 10-5. Museum with Mason City & Clear Lake Electric Railroad trailer car No. 27, V&T Lyon steam locomotive, old Benton & Bodie Tender Tank, a Soo Line caboose, and a PCC car. Diesel rides in a Plymouth 25-ton switch engine. Midwest Central Railroad. 403 E. Threshers Rd., Mt. Pleasant, 52641 Phone: 319-385-2912 Sept. 1-5, in conjunction with the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion; Ghost train, Oct. 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, & 29; North Pole Express, Dec. 2, 3, 4, 10, & 11. Narrow gauge train ride. RailsWest Railroad Museum. 72 Bellevue Ave., Council Bluffs, 51503 Phone: 712-323-5182 Trainland U.S.A. 3135 Highway 117 N., Colfax, 500547534 Phone: 515-674-3813 Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily, 10-6. Operating O-gauge layout. It is an operating toy train museum depicting railroad development across the USA. It represents three eras of time, frontier, steam, and diesel. Lionel trains and approximately 60 operating accessories are represented. Visit an original, 150-year-old CNW depot from Calamus, Iowa. Trains on the Farm. 30215 170th St., Clarksville, 50619 Phone: 319-278-4847 Train tours and museum. Union Pacific Railroad Museum. 200 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, 51503 Phone: 712-329-8307 Tues.-Sat., 10-4. Railroad artifacts and interactive exhibits chronicle the history of Union Pacific. WHITEWATER VALLEY RR TRN • 05/01/2013 • BW • 1/12 WRITE NO. 30 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Kansas ABILENE & SMOKY VALLEY RAILROAD. 200 S. 5th St., P.O. Box 744, Abilene, 67410 Phone: 888-426-6687 Memorial Day-Labor Day, Wed.-Sun.; May & Sept.-Oct., weekends. Train ride. [See our ad on page R-9] Great Overland Station. 701 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, 66608 Phone: 785-232-5533 Museum. Santa Fe and Union Pacific exhibits. Great Plains Transportation Museum. 700 E. Douglas Ave., Wichita, 67202 Phone: 316-263-0944 Year-round, Sat., 9-4; April-Oct., Sun., 1-4. Museum with displays of locomotive rolling stock and artifacts. Heart of the Heartlands. 6769 N.W. 20th St., Scammon, 66773 Phone: 620-396-8594 Seasonal, walk-through available at any time. Call or check website. Depot museum. Train rides. Liberal Rock Island Depot. 2 and 4 Rock Island Rd., P.O. Box 676, Liberal, 67905 Phone: 620-624-3855 Museum. MIDLAND RAILWAY. 1515 W. High St., P.O. Box 5, Baldwin City, 66006 Phone: 913-721-1211 Thurs., Sat., & Sun., June through Oct. Excursion train. [See our ad on page R-9] Kentucky BIG SOUTH FORK SCENIC RAILWAY. 100 Henderson St., Stearns, 42647 Phone: 800-462-5664 April-Dec. Train rides. [See our ad on page R-9] BLUEGRASS SCENIC RAILROAD. 175 Beasley Rd., Versailles, 40383 Phone: 800-755-2476 Weekends, early May-Oct. 90-minute train rides through thoroughbred horse country. Special events, museum, model trains, & gift shop. [See our ad on page R-7] Historic RailPark & Train Museum. 401 Kentucky St., Bowling Green, 42101 Phone: 270-745-7317 Self-guided interactive museum, theater, and model train exhibit. Guided tour of vintage static railcar display. Open Tues.-Sat., 9-5, Sun., 1-4. Open Mon., April-Sept. Kentucky Railway Museum. 136 S. Main St., New Haven, 40051 Phone: 800-272-0152 Mon.-Sat., 10-4:30; Sun., 12-4:30. Jan.-March, closed Sun.-Mon. Museum, dinner trains, mystery theatre, Day Out with Thomas, train robberies, and much more! My Old Kentucky Dinner Train. 602 N. 3rd St., Bardstown, 40004 Phone: 866-801-3463 Lunch, Sat., noon; dinner, Tues.-Sat., 5. Dinner train. BOONE & SCENIC VALLEY RR TRN • 05/01/2013 • 4C • 1/6 V WRITE NO. 32 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD & Museum Come & Ride the Trains! Memorial Day weekend through October. Excursions, Dinners, Desserts & Picnics. Visit the James H. Andrew Railroad Museum & History Center The new 9,000 square foot museum, now open, features some of the most unique railroad memorabilia you will ever see. Admission included with your train ride ticket. 1-800-626-0319 Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad & Museum 225 10th St., Boone, IA WRITE NO. 31 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD R-7 Nostalgia Station. 279 Depot St., Versailles, 40383 Phone: 859-873-2497 Paducah Railroad Museum. 200 Washington St., Paducah, 42003 Phone: 270-908-6451 Wed., Thurs., Fri., 12-4; Sat. 10-4, or by appointment. Museum. R. J. Corman Lexington Dinner Train. 150 Oliver Lewis Way, Lexington, 40508 Phone: 866-801-3463 Classical dining, memorable journeys. It’s a scenic tour through world-renowned Kentucky horse farms. Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati. 315 W. Southern Ave., Covington, 41015 Sat., 10-4. Museum with rolling stock displays. Louisiana DeQuincy Railroad Museum. 400 Lake Charles Ave., DeQuincy, 70633 Phone: 337-786-2823 Open Tues.-Sat., 10-5; closed Sun., Mon., and major holidays. Old Hickory Railroad. 3406 College St., Jackson, 70748 Phone: 225-634-7397 Mid-March to mid-Nov., Sat. & Sun., departures at 3. Park steam train ride. Southern Forest Heritage Museum. 71 Longleaf Rd., Longleaf, 71448 Phone: 318-748-8404 Tues.-Sat. 9-4, Sun. 1-4, except Easter, Thanksgiving, & Christmas. Closed in January. Runs Fernwood, Columbia & Gulf 1936 motor M-4 in passenger service on museum grounds, and by request on the restored Red River & Gulf Railroad to Sandersville, La. Maine Boothbay Railway Village. 586 Wiscasset Rd., P.O. Box 123, Boothbay, 04537 Phone: 207-633-4727 Travel back in time to vintage Vacationland. Nowhere else in New England can you ride the rails behind an authentic steam locomotive surrounded by historic Maine buildings preserved in a recreated village, and view a superb collection of more than 60 antique automobiles. The Boothbay Railway Village is situated on 30 acres and features more than two dozen historic buildings and structures including Freeport Station (1911), Boothbay Town Hall (1847), Thorndike Station (1871), and Spruce Point Chapel (1927). The Museum is also home to a world class model railroad display currently under construction. It’s so large it has its own building! Throughout the season a wide variety of special events are hosted on the Village Green from vintage ball games to car shows and family festivals. Open Memorial Day-Columbus Day from 9:30-5 daily. Call ahead to confirm train schedule. Brooks Preservation Society. 31 Veterans Hwy., Brooks, 04841 Phone: 207-722-3899 Belfast & Moosehead lake trains depart Belfast, Upper Bridge Station, 11 & 2, Sat. & Sun. during season. Charters welcomed. Cole Land Transportation Museum. 405 Perry Rd., Bangor, 04401 Phone: 207-990-3600 Daily, May-Nov. 11, 9-5. Rolling stock displays. DOWNEAST SCENIC RAILROAD. 245 Main St., Ellsworth, 04605 Phone: 866-449-7245 [See our ad on page R-9] Maine Eastern Railroad. 4 Union St., Rockland, 04841 Phone: 866-637-2457 Excursion train. Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad & Museum. 58 Fore St., Portland, 04101 Phone: 207-828-0814 Year-round, except Thanksgiving & Christmas. Schedule varies. Museum with train rides. Oakfield Railroad Museum. 40 Station St., Oakfield, 04763 Phone: 207-267-5882 Memorial Day weekend-Labor Day. Sat. & Sun., 1-4, or by appointment. Museum. Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad. P.O. Box B, 128 Bridge St., Phillips, 04966 Phone: 207-778-3621 Schedule varies. Museum & train ride. Seashore Trolley Museum. 195 Log Cabin Rd., Kennebunkport, 04046 Phone: 207-967-2800 Memorial DayColumbus Day, daily, 10-5. Rest of May and Oct., weekends only. Museum and trolley rides. Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway. 97 Cross Rd., P.O. Box 242, Alna, 04535 Phone: 207-882-4193 R-8 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN Memorial Day-Columbus Day, Sat. & Sun., 9-4; Columbus Day-Christmas, Sat., 9-4. Museum with steam train ride in summer, diesel ride other times. Maryland Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum. 901 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, 21223 Phone: 410-752-2490 Daily, except major holidays. Museum with train rides. Baltimore Streetcar Museum. 1901 Falls Rd., Baltimore, 21211 Phone: 410-547-0264 June-Oct., weekends; Nov.-May, Sun.; 12-5. Museum with streetcar rides. BOWIE RAILROAD STATION MUSEUM. Chestnut Ave. & 11th St., Old Bowie, 20715 Phone: 301-809-3089 Tues.-Sun., 10-4. Depot & interlocking tower. [See our ad on page R-9] Brunswick Museum. 40 W. Potomac St., Brunswick, 21716 Phone: 301-834-7100 Fri., 10-2; Sat., 10-5; Sun., 1-4. Closed in January. Museum and layout. Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum. 4155 Mears Ave., Chesapeake Beach, 20732 Phone: 410-257-3892 March & Nov., weekends only, 1-4; April-Oct., weekdays & weekends, 1-4. Special summer weekend hours: June, July, & Aug., 11-5. Depot museum. Ellicott City Station. 2711 Maryland Ave., Ellicott City, 21043 Phone: 410-461-1945 Schedule varies, call for information. Depot museum. Gaithersburg Community Museum. 9 S. Summit Ave., Gaithersburg, 20877 Phone: 301-258-6160 Thurs., Fri., & Sat., 10-2. Museum in 1884 depot, RDC-2 (Budd Car) No. 1951, and C&O caboose No. 904145. Also on display 1918 Buffalo Creek & Gauley steam locomotive No. 14. Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum. 296 S. Burhans Blvd., Hagerstown, 21741 Phone: 301-739-4665 Year-round, Fri.-Sat., 1-5. Museum with locomotive display. National Capital Trolley Museum. 1313 Bonifant Rd., Colesville, 20905 Phone: 301-384-6088 Jan. 2-Dec. 23, weekends, 12-5. Museum with trolley rides. Walkersville Southern Railroad. 34 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Walkersville, 21793 Phone: 877-363-9777 May-Oct.: Sat. departures at 11 & 2. Sept. & Oct.: Sun. departures at 11 & 2. Excursion and dinner trains. Call for details. Western Maryland Railway Historical Society Inc. 41 N. Main St., Union Bridge, 21791 Phone: 410-775-0150 Year-round, Sun., 1-4; Wed., 9-12 & 1-3, or by appointment; except Easter, Christmas, & New Year’s. Museum. Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. 13 Canal St., Cumberland, 21502 Phone: 800-872-4650 May-Dec. Steam train rides. Massachusetts Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum. 10 Willow Creek Rd., Lenox, 01240 Phone: 413-637-2210 June-Oct. See website for information. Cape Cod Central Railroad. 252 Main St., Hyannis, 02601 Phone: 888-797-7325 End of May-Oct., see website for schedule. Excursion and dinner train rides. Chatham Railroad Museum. 153 Depot Rd., Chatham, 02659 Phone: 508-945-5100 June 11-Sept. 13, Tues.-Sat., 104. Depot museum. Edaville USA. 7 Eda Ave., South Carver, 02336 Phone: 877-332-8455 Call for dates and times. Train ride. Lowell National Historical Park. 67 Kirk St., Lowell, 01852 Phone: 978-970-5000 Schedule changes seasonally. Museum with trolley ride. Old Colony & Fall River Railroad Museum. 2 Water St., P.O. Box 3455, Fall River, 02722-3455 Phone: 508-6749340 Call for schedule. Unique museum located in four railroad cars. New Haven Railroad Budd-built RDC-1 No. 42 “Firestone,” New Haven boxcar, New York Central caboose, and Pennsylvania P-70 coach converted to house displays. Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum. 14 Depot St., Shelburne Falls, 01370 Phone: 413-625-9443 Sat., Sun., & holidays, 11-5, late May through Oct.; also Mon., 1-5, July & Aug. Ride one of the oldest operating trolley cars in the country. No. 10 was built by Wason Manufacturing in 1896 and is one of the few wooden trolleys to still be running on the tracks it first ran on 100 years ago. SFTM also has an antique pump car that you can ride, a caboose to explore, model and toy trains to play with, pictures of the restoration and of Shelburne Falls in the time of trolleys. Shelburne Falls is a fun place to visit with the family, with shops, restaurants, rafting, zip-lining, and other activities in the area. Walker Transportation Collection, Beverly Historical Society & Museum. 117 Cabot St., Beverly, 01915 Phone: 978-922-1186 Wed., 7-10. Museum. Michigan Bluewater Michigan Chapter, NRHS. P.O. Box 296, Royal Oak, 48068 Phone: 800-594-5162 See website for schedule. Rail excursions. Capac Community Museum. 401 E. Kempf Ct., Capac, 48014 Phone: 810-395-2859 First Sun. in June-last Sun. in Sept., 1-4. Depot museum. Clinton Northern Railway Center. 107 E. Railroad St., St. Johns, 48879 Phone: 989-224-6134 Museum hours-per request. See link for hours according to seasons. Exhibit includes four railcars from early 1900s and large HO layout. Coopersville & Marne Railway. 311 Danforth St., Coopersville, 49404 Phone: 616-997-7000 May-Oct., Wed. & Sat.; March, April, Nov., & Dec., Sat. only. Closed Jan. and Feb. Train ride. Durand Union Station - Michigan Railroad History Museum. 200 Railroad St., Durand, 48429 Phone: 989-288-3561 See website for hours. Amtrak station. Flushing Area Museum. 431 W. Main St., Flushing, 48433 Phone: 810-487-0814 Tues., mid-Jan. to mid-Dec., 10-1; Sun. 1-4, May to second Sun. in Dec. Closed holidays. Lionel trains in operation first Thurs. & Fri. in Dec. & following two Sun. Call for hours. Greenfield Village at the Henry Ford. 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, 48124 Phone: 313-982-6001 Outdoor museum and daily train operations from April 15Oct. 31. In Nov. the museum is open Fri., Sat., and Sun. only. Houghton County Historical Museum. 53102 Hwy. M-26, P.O. Box 127, Lake Linden, 49945 Phone: 906-2964121 June-early Oct., Sat. & Sun., 12-4. Steam trains Sun. and special events. Museum with steam train ride. Huckleberry Railroad. 6140 Bray Rd., Flint, 48505 Phone: 800-648-7275 Mid-May-Aug., Wed.-Sun. Halloween & Christmas programs. Call for more information. Steam train rides. Iron Mountain Iron Mine. US-2, Vulcan, 49892 Phone: 906-563-8077 June 1-Oct. 15, daily, 9-5. Underground mine tour by train. Junction Valley Railroad. 7065 Dixie Hwy., Bridgeport, 48722 Phone: 989-777-3480 Memorial weekend through Labor Day, daily train rides. Weekends in Oct., Halloween Spook Train. Open year-round, daily, Railroad Hobby Shop. Little River Railroad. 29 W. Park Ave., Coldwater, 49036 Phone: 260-316-0529 Weekends. Steam train rides. Michigan AuSable Valley Railroad. 230 S. Abbe Rd., Fairview, 48621 Phone: 989-848-2229 (recording) Weekends only, 10-5, Memorial Day weekend-Labor Day weekend, plus first two weekends of Oct. Quarter-scale train ride. Michigan Transit Museum. 200 Grand Ave., Mount Clemens, 48043 Phone: 586-463-1863 Train rides: end of May-Oct. Depot museum: year-round, Sat. & Sun., 1-4. Old Road Dinner Train - Adrian & Blissfield Rail Road. 301 E. Adrian St., Blissfield, 49228 Phone: 888-467- TRN • 05/01/2013 • 4C • 1/8 V Midland Railway Historical Association Minnesota RIDE THE RAILS OF HISTORY #3415 Steam Engine or Diesel • Dinner Trains • Charters Join us for a train ride – bring the whole family! Normal excursions trains June – October every year. Special Events Include: • Easter Bunny Train • Thomas the Tank Engine • Haunted Halloween Train • Santa Express 1515 W. High Street Baldwin City, KS 66006-0005 Phone (913) 721-1211 Depot (785) 594-6982 KPC ADVERTISING ACCOUNT TRN • 06/01/2014 • 2C • 1 IN WRITE NO. 37 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Follow Trains on Facebook! Like our page today! • School Runs • Railbus Trips Phone: 785-263-1077 or 1-888-426-6687 Located in 1887 Rock Island Depot, Old Abilene, Abilene, KS. 2 miles south of I-70. BIG SOUTH FORK SCENIC RAILWAY TRN • 05/01/2013 • 4C • 1/12� The Midland Railway operates excursion trains on a line originally constructed in 1867. Train rides feature an over20-mile round trip from Baldwin City via “Norwood, Kansas” to Ottawa Junction, Kansas, traveling through scenic Eastern Kansas farmland and woods via vintage railway equipment.� 2451 The Old Road Dinner Train is the longest continuously operating dinner train in North America, having offered year-round service since 1991. During your 3-hour experience, the train travels along rails that were first laid in 1836 — before Michigan had even gained its statehood. Our vintage dining cars date from the 1930s, reminiscent of a bygone era of elegant travel and dining. Our experienced wait staff takes every effort to make your dining experience memorable and enjoyable. Our guests are involved in the murder mystery dinner show. Old Road Dinner Train - Charlotte Southern Railroad. 451 N. Cochrane St., Charlotte, 48813 Phone: 888-467-2451 Year-round. Murder mystery dinner train. Saginaw Railway Museum. 900 Maple St., P.O. Box 1714, Saginaw, 48602 Phone: 989-790-7994 First & third Sat., May-Nov., first Sat. only. Open 1-4. Closed holiday weekends or if severe weather. Admission: free, donations asked, $20 donation = 1 year individual membership. Southern Michigan Railroad. 320 S. Division St., Clinton, 49236 Phone: 517-456-7677 May-Dec., train excursions aboard antique equipment. Museum building with displays. SS City of Milwaukee. 99 Arthur St., Manistee, 49660 Phone: 231-723-3587 Tours, May-Sept. Traditional Great Lakes railroad carferry. On-board bed & breakfast during summer. Steam Railroading Institute. 405 S. Washington St., Owosso, 48867 Phone: 989-725-9464 Rolling stock display with train rides. Tahquamenon Falls Tours and Toonerville Trolley/ Wilderness Train Ride. 7195 County Rd. 381, Soo Junction, Phone: 888-778-7246 Tour No. 1: a 61/2-hour train and riverboat tour to the Upper Tahquamenon Falls or Tour No. 2: a 13/4-hour Toonerville Trolley Wilderness train ride. Open mid-June through the first weekend in October. Tour No. 1: Ride the longest 24-inch-gauge railroad in the country. The train travels through 51/2 miles of wilderness, the home of whitetail deer, black bear, sandhill cranes, American bald eagle, gray wolf, and other animals and birds. Board a stately riverboat at the Tahquamenon River for a 21-mile, narrated, scenic cruise to the rapids one-half mile above the falls. Hike five-eighths mile through virgin forest to the falls viewing area and return. Departs at 10:30 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m. Tour No. 2: a 13/4-hour ride on the Toonerville Trolley train to the riverside park and return. Includes a 20-minute stopover for switching. Departs at 12:30 p.m. and returns at 2:15 p.m. Tours depart from Soo Junction, 15 miles east of Newberry, just off Highway M-28. Family owned and operated since 1927. Thomas Edison Depot Museum. 510 Edison Pkwy., Port Huron, 48060 Phone: 810-982-0891 For public hours, please refer to website. Edison museum in 1858 Grand Trunk depot. Tri-Cities Historical Museum. 200 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, 49417 Phone: 616-842-0700 Summer hours until 7:30. Museum with steam locomotive display. Restored Grand Trunk Depot and N-gauge model railroad of Grand Haven. Free admission. WRITE NO. 33 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 800-462-5664 BOWIE RAILWAY STATION MUSEUMStearns, Go to KY TRN • 05/01/2015 • WRITE 4C • NO. 1/834V ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Bowie Train Station Museum • Restored 1910 Pennsylvania Railroad Station and Interlocking Tower • Alongside Amtrak/MARC Rail Lines 8614 Chestnut Avenue, in historic Old Bowie, Maryland. Open Tuesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free admission. Groups of 10 or more by appointment at other times. 301-809-3089 • WRITE NO. 35 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Duluth & Iron Depot Museum. 520 South Ave., Two Harbors, 55616 Phone: 218-834-4898 Open weekends in May, then daily starting Memorial Day. Depot museum. End-O-Line Railroad Park & Museum. 440 N. Mill St., Currie, 56123 Phone: 507-763-3708 Memorial DayLabor Day, Wed.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 1-5. Depot, hand-operated turnstile, foreman’s house, and more! Jackson Street Roundhouse. 193 E. Pennsylvania Ave., St. Paul, 55130 Phone: 651-228-0263 Open year-round, Wed. & Sat., and by appointment. Caboose rides, turntable, operating roundhouse, and restoration shops. Kandiyohi County Historical Society. 610 NE Hwy. 71, Willmar, 56201 Phone: 320-235-1881 WRITE NO. 36 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD R-9 Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad. Grand Ave. & Freemont St., Duluth, 55816 Phone: 218-624-7549 Mid-June through mid-October, Sat. and Sun. only. Departures at 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Historic & scenic train rides. See our website for location, description, photos, and more! Lake Superior Railroad Museum. 506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, 55802 Phone: 218-727-8025 Year-round for museum; summer tourist season for scenic railroad. Museum with train rides. Milwaukee Road 261. 401 Harrison St. NE, Minneapolis, 55413 Phone: 651-765-9812 Day-long steam-powered excursions over various Class I railroads. Minnehaha Depot. 4926 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, 55404 Phone: 651-228-0263 Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sun. & holidays. Depot museum. Minnesota Discovery Center. 1005 Discovery Dr., Chisholm, 55719 Phone: 800-372-6437 Memorial DayLabor Day. Trolley ride. Minnesota Streetcar Museum. 2330 W. 42nd St., Minneapolis, 55410 Phone: 952-922-1096 Mid-May-midSept., daily; Oct. & Nov., weekends. Museum with trolley ride. Minnesota Streetcar Museum, Excelsior Streetcar Line. Water St., between 3rd and George streets, Excelsior, Phone: 952-922-1096 May-mid-Sept.: Sat., 10-4; Sun., 1-4. May-Oct.: Thurs., 3-6. Trolley rides. North Shore Scenic Railroad. 506 W. Michigan St., Duluth, 55802 Phone: 800-423-1273 Memorial Day to midOct. Museum and train rides. The Depot Visitors Center and Railroad Museum. 100 Aldrich Ave. SW, Wadena, 56482 Phone: 218-632-5999 Open Wed.-Sun., 12-5, Memorial Day-Sept. Museum. Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion. Rollag, Phone: 701-212-2034 Every Labor Day weekend, Fri.-Mon. Free train ride with admission to showground (children under 15 free). 1920 Alco Soo Line steam engine. Mississippi McComb City Railroad Depot Museum. 108 Railroad Blvd., P.O. Box 7220, McComb, 39649 Phone: 601-684-2291 Open Mon. through Sat., 12-4. Housed in 1903 depot. Display includes IC Mountain-type steam locomotive, only IC refrigerator car made, and a caboose. An 1883 IC office car and a 1914 rail postal car added to our rolling stock in November 2012. We also have a wrecking derrick. Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum. 1150 Lakeland Dr., Jackson, 39216 Phone: 601-432-4500 Mon.-Sat., 9-5, N-, HO-, and O-gauge operating model railroad layouts. Water Valley Casey Jones Railroad Museum. 105 Railroad Ave., Water Valley, 38965 Phone: 662-473-1154 Tues., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Museum. Missouri American Association of Railroaders. 9600 Tesson Ferry Rd., St. Louis, 63123 Phone: 314-631-3131 Forty excursions/tours annually in North America. Send SASE for current activities. American Railway Caboose Historical Educational Society, Inc. P.O. Box 4343, St. Louis, 63123 Phone: 314-631-3131 Sponsors caboose-related activities including chartered caboose excursions several times a year. Send SASE for current activities. Belton Grandview & Kansas City Railroad. 502 E. Walnut St., Belton, 64012 Phone: 816-331-0630 May-Oct., Sat. & Sun. Train rides. Big Bend Railroad Club Inc. 8833 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, 63119-3731 Phone: 314-966-5227 Oldest model railroad club in St. Louis area and located in former Frisco Railroad depot. Formed by a handful of high school students in 1938, we have always modeled O-scale, 2-rail. Members meet every Tuesday evening with the Public Open House on first Tuesday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m., with R-10 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN extra days in December. Call for schedule or more information or find us on the Web or Facebook. Branson Scenic Railway. 206 E. Main St., Branson, 65616 Phone: 800-287-2462 April-mid-Dec. Train rides. Chicago & Alton Railroad Depot. 318 W. Pacific Ave., Independence, 64050 Phone: 816-325-7955 Mon. & Thurs.Sat., 9:30-4:30; Sun., 12:30-4:30, April 1 through Oct. 31. Depot museum. Kansas City Northern Railroad. Frank Vaydik Line Creek Park, 6060 NW Waukomis Dr., Kansas City, 64151 Phone: 816-746-5663 May through Sept., Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6. 16-inch-gauge train ride. Magic City Line Mini Train. Rothwell Park, Moberly, 65270 Spring to Fall. 1-foot-gauge train ride. Missouri - Illinois Rail Passenger Association. P.O. Box 4343, St. Louis, 63123 Phone: 314-631-3131 Advocates for passenger trains in Missouri and Illinois. Inaugural and rare mileage excursions. Send SASE for current activities. Museum of Transportation. 3015 Barrett Station Rd., St. Louis, 63122 Phone: 314-615-8MOT Winter: Thurs.-Sat., 9-4; Sun., 11-4; summer: Mon.-Sat., 9-4; Sun., 11-4. Fall and spring: Tues.-Sat., 9-4; Sun., 11-4. Call for holiday schedule. Museum with extensive railroad and streetcar collections as well as aviation, maritime, and automotive collections. Patee House Museum. 1202 Penn St., St. Joseph, 64503 Phone: 816-232-8206 April-Oct., Mon.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 1-5. Nov.-March, Sat., 10-4, Sun., 1-4, weekends only. Museum. Railroad Historical Museum. 1300 N. Grant Ave., Springfield, 65802 Phone: 417-865-6829 May-Oct., Sat., 2-4. Museum with rolling stock displays. Silver Dollar City Theme Park. 399 Indian Pt. Rd., Branson, 65616 Phone: 800-952-6626 Six Flags Over St. Louis. P.O. Box 60, Eureka, 63025 Phone: 636-938-4800 St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern Railway. Hwy. 61 at Hwy. 25, Jackson, 63755 Phone: 800-455-7245 Call for schedule. Excursion and dinner train. Wabash, Frisco & Pacific Steam Railway. 199 Grand Ave., Glencoe, 63038 Phone: 636-587-3538 May-Oct., Sun., 11-4. 1-foot-gauge steam railway. Walt Disney Hometown Museum. 120 E Santa Fe St., Marceline, 64658 Phone: 660-376-3343 May-Oct., Tues.-Sat., 10-4; Sun., 1-4. Depot museum. Montana Alder Gulch Short Line. Wallace St., Virginia City, 59755 Phone: 406-843-5247 Charlie Russell Chew-Choo Dinner Train. 211 E. Main St., Lewistown, 59457 Phone: 800-860-9646 JuneSept., Sat. Dinner train. Historical Museum at Fort Missoula. South Ave., Missoula, 59804 Phone: 406-728-3476 Summer: Mon.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 12-5. Winter: Tues.-Sun., 12-5. Museum. Izaak Walton Inn. 290 Izaak Walton Inn Rd., Essex, 59916 Phone: 406-888-5700 Year-round, daily. Historic railroad hotel on southern tip of Glacier National Park, Montana. Nebraska Durham Museum. 801 S. 10th St., Omaha, 68108 Phone: 402-444-5071 Tues., 10-8; Wed.-Sat., 10-5; & Sun., 1-5. Also open June-Aug., & Dec., Mon., 10-5. Fremont & Elkhorn Valley Railroad. 1835 N. Somers Ave., Fremont, 68025 Phone: 402-727-0615 May-Oct., weekends. Excursion. GOLDEN SPIKE TOWER. 1249 N. Homestead Rd., North Platte, 69101 Phone: 308-532-9920 Open daily. Attraction. [See our ad on page R-13] Historic Chicago and Northwestern Depot Museum. 101 E. 1st St., Wakefield, 68784 Phone: 402-2872355 Sat., 10-noon; or by appt. Depot museum. Omaha Zoo Railroad. Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, 3701 S. 10th St., Omaha, 68107 Phone: 402-7338401 Steam road 30-inch-gauge, main line 11/2 miles long, two steam locomotives; 1890 Krauss 0-6-2T, 1968 Crown, 11 coaches, one caboose, one Plymouth 1957 diesel. Steam operations all weekends, April 1 through October 31, weekdays, Memorial Day through Labor Day. Two train operations during summer weekends, Memorial Day through Labor Day. RAIL FEST 2015. Cody Park, North Platte, Phone: 308-221-6104 Rail Town USA, Sept. 18-20. Three days of nothing but trains! Tour the world’s largest rail yard. [See our ad on page R-16] Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer. 3133 W. Hwy. 34, Grand Island, 68801 Phone: 308-385-5316 Mon.-Sat., 9-5, & Sun., 12-5. Museum with static displays. Trails & Rails Museum. 710 W. 11th St., Kearney, 68845 Phone: 308-234-3041 June-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 10-6; Sun., 1-5. Museum with static displays and locomotives. Nevada Eureka & Palisade Railroad. 820 S. 7th St., Ste. A, Las Vegas, 89101 Phone: 702-383-3327 NEVADA NORTHERN RAILWAY. 1100 Ave. A, East Ely, 89315 Phone: 866-407-8326 Historic railroad shops, yard with steam- and diesel-powered excursion trains and museum. [See our ad on page R-15] Nevada State Railroad Museum-Boulder City. 600 Yucca St., Boulder City, 89005 Phone: 702-486-5933 Museum and excursion train rides every Sat. and Sun., Feb.Dec. Nevada State Railroad Museum-Carson City. 2180 S. Carson St., Carson City, 89701 Phone: 775-687-6953 Open Thursday through Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Museum with train ride. Virginia & Truckee Railroad. Washington and F streets, Virginia City, 89440 Phone: 775-847-0380 May 28Oct. 31, daily. Steam train ride. New Hampshire Andover Historical Society. 105 Depot St., P.O. Box 167, Andover, 03216 May 23-Oct. 12: Sat., 10-3, Sun., 12:303. Depot museum. Ashland Railroad Station Museum. 69 Depot St., Ashland, 03217 Phone: 603-968-7716 July & Aug., Sat., 1-4 p.m.. Depot museum. Passenger station built c. 1869 by Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad. Remodeled 1891 by Concord & Montreal Railroad. Now a railroad museum operated by the Ashland Historical Society. Cafe Lafayette Dinner Train. Route 112, North Woodstock, 03262 Phone: 603-745-3500 Mid-May-Oct. Dinner train. Conway Scenic Railroad. 38 Norcross Circle, North Conway, 03860 Phone: 800-232-5251 Three excursion routes with dining cars. Gorham Rail Station Museum. 25 Railroad St., Gorham, 03581 Phone: 603-466-55338 Memorial Day-midOct., weekends, 1-5. Depot museum with rolling stock. Hartmann Model Railroad Ltd. 15 Town Hall Rd., Intervale, 03845 Phone: 603-356-9922 Hobo Railroad. P.O. Box 9, 64 Railroad St., Lincoln, 03251 Phone: 603-745-2135 Scenic excursions, lunch & dining service. Klickety-Klack Model Railroad. 8 Elm St., P.O. Box 205, Wolfeboro Falls, 03896 Phone: 603-569-5384 Over 70 buttons to operate trains, lights, sounds, and action. MOUNT WASHINGTON COG RAILWAY. Base Rd., Bretton Woods, 03589 Phone: 800-922-8825 Year-round. Cog railway. [See our ad on page R-17] WRITE NO. 38 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Raymond Historical Society. One Depot Rd., P.O. Box 94, Raymond, 03077 Phone: 603-895-2866 Sandown Depot Museum. 6 Depot Rd., Sandown, 03873 Open May 15-Oct. 15, Sat. & Sun., 1-5. Admission is by donation. Museum artifacts include two former 1914 Maine Central Railroad flanger cars, an 1880s velocipede, a restored 1958 Fairmont M-19 track motor car (speeder), and miscellaneous railroad memorabilia on display in the former 1874 Worchester, Nashua & Portland Railroad depot. White Mountain Central Railroad. 110 Daniel Webster Hwy., Lincoln, 03251 Phone: 603-745-8913 May 25-27, June 1-2, 8-9, & 15-16, 10-4:30. June 21-Sept. 2, daily, 9:30-5:30. Sept. 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, & 28-29; Oct. 5-6, & 1214; 10-4:30. Steam train rides. Visit our website for special events. Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad. 154 Main St., Meredith, 03253 Phone: 603-279-5253 Seasonal scenic excursions, lunch & dining service. New Jersey Black River & Western Railroad. 80 Stangl Rd., Flemington, 08822 Phone: 908-782-6622 Family friendly trains and events operate year-round. Ride in our antique passenger coaches pulled by a historic diesel locomotive or steam locomotive No. 60. Cape May Seashore Lines. Reading Ave. and Mill Rd., Tuckahoe, 08270 Travel on the former Reading Co.’s Steel Speedway to the Shore in southern New Jersey! We operate round-trip passenger service between Tuckahoe and Richland. The Santa Express runs during the Christmas season. Delaware River Railroad. 100 Elizabeth St., Phillipsburg, 08865 Phone: 877-872-7433 Steam train ride. Maywood Station Museum. 269 Maywood Ave., Maywood, 07607 Museum in the historic National Landmark 1872-built Maywood Station in Maywood, featuring a diverse collection of railroad artifacts and photographs. On display is restored New York, Susquehanna & Western Alco S-2 locomotive No. 206 and a restored caboose featuring an operating model train layout and additional artifacts inside. The museum is open on a limited schedule between April and December. Please check our website for additional information and museum open house dates and times. New Jersey Museum of Transportation. 4265 Hwy. 524, Farmingdale, 07727 Phone: 732-938-5524 July-Aug., daily, 12-4:30. Museum with train rides. Old Station Museum and Caboose. 1781 Old Station Lane, Mahwah, 07430 Phone: 201-512-0099 A subsidiary of the Mahwah Museum Society. Phillipsburg Railroad Historians. 10 Pine Alley, Phillipsburg, 08865 Phone: 908-859-1146 May 19, Sun., 10-4; Aug. 25, Sun., 10-4; Oct. 6, Sun., 10-4; Dec. 1, Sun., 1-4. Admission & train rides are free, donations requested. Museum with miniature train ride. Whippany Railway Museum. 1 Railroad Plaza, Whippany, 07981-0016 Phone: 973-887-8177 April-Oct., Sun., 12-4. Museum with train ride. New Mexico Clovis Depot Model Train Museum. 221 W. First St., Clovis, 88101 Phone: 888-762-0064 Wed.-Sun., 12-5. Closed Feb. & Sept. Depot museum. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. 500 Terrace Ave., Chama, 87520 Phone: 888-286-2737 Memorial Day weekend-mid-Oct. Daily train rides at 10 a.m. Santa Fe Southern Railway. 410 S. Guadalupe St., Santa Fe, 87501 Phone: 888-989-8600 Year-round, Mon.Sat., 9-5; Sun., 11-5. Train rides. Toy Train Depot Foundation. 1991 N. White Sands Blvd., Alamogordo, 88310 Phone: 888-207-3564 Wed.-Sun., 12-4:30. Museum, layouts, train ride. R-12 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN New York Adirondack Scenic Railroad. 321 Main St., Utica, 13501 Phone: 800-819-2291 April-Dec. Train ride. Alco Brooks Railroad Display. 1089 Central Ave., Dunkirk, 14048 Phone: 716-366-3797 Chautaugua Co. Fairgrounds events and by appointment. Rolling stock display. Arcade & Attica Railroad. 278 Main St., Arcade, 14009 Phone: 585-492-3100 Memorial Day weekend-Dec. Train ride. Catskill Mountain Railroad. 5408 NYS Route 28, Mt. Tremper, 12457 Phone: 845-688-7400 May 25-Dec. 29, weekends & holidays. Scenic train rides & special events. Central Square Station Museum. 132 Railroad St., Central Square, 13036 Phone: 315-676-7582 May-Oct., Sun., 12-5. Depot museum. Chester Historical Society. 1915 Erie Railroad Station, 19 Winkler Pl., Chester, 10918 Phone: 845-469-2591 Help us celebrate the 1915 Erie Station Centennial - Saturdays, May through October 2015! Cooperstown & Charlotte Valley Railroad. 136 East Main St., Milford, 13807 Phone: 607-432-2429 Museum with train ride. Delaware & Ulster Railroad. 43510 State Highway 28, Arkville, 12406 Phone: 845-586-3877 Scenic train rides. An adventure everyone will enjoy in New York’s spectacular Catskill Mountains. Open Memorial Day weekend through the end of October. Dates for luncheon trains and special events are available on our website. Adults $18; seniors $15; children 3-12, $12. Children under three ride for free. Empire State Railway Museum. 70 Lower High St., Phoenicia, 12464 Phone: 845-688-7501 Weekends & holidays, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, 11-4. Depot museum. Finger Lakes Railway Corp. 68 Border City Rd., P.O. Box 1099, Geneva, 14456 Phone: 315-781-1234 Hyde Park Railroad Station. 34 River Rd., P.O. Box 135, Hyde Park, 12538-0135 Phone: 845-229-2338 Mid-June to mid-Sept., Sat. & Sun., 12-5. Year-round, Mon. nights, 5-9 p.m. By appointment year round. Jamestown Gateway Erie Train Station. 211-217 West Second St., Jamestown, 14701 Phone: 716-483-3041 Fully restored architectural gem in Art Deco style that stands as a reminder of the economic impact the railroad had on Jamestown. The station is architecturally and historically significant for the role it played in Jamestown’s growth and development. Lehigh Valley Railroad Historical Society. 8 E. High St., Shortsville, 14548 Phone: 585-289-9149 Martisco Station Museum. 5085 Martisco Rd., Marcellus, 13108 Phone: 315-488-8208 May 30-Oct. 1, Sun., 2-5. Depot museum. Maybrook Railroad Historical Society Museum. Village of Maybrook, Municipal Hall, 111 Schipps Ln., Maybrook, 12543 Phone: 845-778-7016 Open April-Oct., weekends only, 1-4. Medina Railroad Museum. 530 West Ave., Medina, 14103 Phone: 585-798-6106 Year-round, Tues.-Sun., 11-5. Museum, some train rides. Largest known collection of railroad artifacts and memorabilia. New York Museum of Transportation. 6393 E. River Rd., West Henrietta, 14586 Phone: 585-533-1113 Open yearround, Sundays only, 11-5. Trolley rides mid-May through October, through rural Upstate New York countryside, in cooperation with Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum. Unique in the USA: two rail museums connected by a ride. Rides feature ex-Philadelphia & Western “Strafford” cars 161 and 168, connecting to track cars or diesel/ caboose trains depending on the day. Museum exhibits range from interurban trolleys, such as Rochester & Eastern 157 and Northern Texas Traction 409, to streetcars from Rochester, N.Y., and Newark (NJ) Subway, Alco-Cooke 0-4-0 steam locomotive 47, Greyhound “Silversides” bus, 1941 Mack fire truck, 1952 Packard ambulance, large operating model railroad, numerous small artifacts, and photos depicting area transportation history. Gift shop. Weekday group visits can be arranged by appointment. For up-to-date schedule of special events go to New York Transit Museum. Boerum Pl. at Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn, 11201 Phone: 718-694-1600 Year-round, Tues.-Fri., 10-4; Sat.-Sun., 11-5; closed Mon. and major holidays. Museum in a historic subway station. North Creek Railway Depot Museum. 5 Railroad Pl., North Creek, 12853 Phone: 518-251-5842 May 26-Oct. 31: Thurs.-Sat., 10-4; Sun., 12-4. Restored 1872 depot. Oyster Bay Railroad Museum. 102 Audrey Ave., Oyster Bay, 11771 Phone: 516-558-7036 Call for hours of operation as they change with the seasons. Visitors Center, President Theodore Roosevelt’s home railroad station (circa 1900), and display yard with rolling stock and turntable. Pittsburg Shawmut & Northern Railroad Co. Historical Society Museum. Allegany County Fairgrounds, P.O. Box 222, Angelica, 14709 Phone: 607-5669598 to make an appointment. By appointment only. or Railroad Museum of Long Island, Greenport Museum. 440 Fourth St., Greenport, 11944-0726 Phone: 631-477-0439 Weekends, May-Oct., 11-4. Museum with model train layout and rolling stock displays. Railroad Museum of Long Island, Riverhead Visitor’s Center. 416 Griffing Ave., Riverhead, 119010787 Phone: 631-727-7920 Weekends: April-Nov., 10-4. Restoration site with park train ride, model train layout, and rolling stock displays. Railroad Museum of the Niagara Frontier. 111 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, 14120 Phone: 716-694-9588 Sat., 1-4, June through Aug. Museum with rolling stock. Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum. 282 Rush-Scottsville Rd., Rush, 14543 Phone: 585-533-1431 Rides offered Sun., May-Oct. Tour restored Erie depot, indoor and outdoor displays. All tours/rides start at New York Museum of Transportation. Roscoe O&W Railway Museum. 7 Railroad Ave., Roscoe, 12776 Phone: 607-498-4346 Memorial Day weekend-Columbus Day, Sat. & Sun., 11-3. Museum. Salamanca Rail Museum. 170 Main St., Salamanca, 14779 Phone: 716-945-3133 April-Dec., Tues.-Sun., 10-5; closed Jan.-March. Museum with rolling stock. Saratoga & North Creek Railway. 3 Railroad Pl., North Creek, 12853 Phone: 877-726-7245 Trolley Museum of New York. 89 E. Strand St., Kingston, 12401 Phone: 845-331-3399 Memorial DayColumbus Day, weekends & holidays. Museum with trolley ride. Utica Union Station. 321 Main St., Utica, 13501 Depot museum. North Carolina Charlotte Trolley. 1507 Camden Rd., Charlotte, 28203 Phone: 704-375-0850 Museum with trolley rides. Cherryville Railroad Museum/Cherryville Model Railroad Club. 105 N. Depot St., Cherryville, 28021 Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. 225 Everett St., Bryson City, 28713 Phone: 800-872-4681 Year-round, schedule varies. Diesel train rides. National Railroad Museum and Hall of Fame. 120 Spring St., P.O. Box 1583, Hamlet, 28345 Phone: 910-5823555 Sat., 11-4; Sun., 1-4; weekdays by appt. Museum. New Hope Valley Railway. 5121 Daisey St., Bonsal, 27562 Phone: 919-362-5416 Sat. Trains run first Sun., MayDec. Museum with diesel and steam train rides. Largest Maintenance Facility on the BNSF system Building the Best Hometown in America WRITE NO. 39 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD ALL ABOARD IN OMAHA FOR attractions PER WRITE NO. 40 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD NORTH CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM. 411 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer, 28159 Phone: 877-628-6386 April-Oct., daily; Nov.-March, Tues.-Sun. Museum with train rides. [See our ad on page R-17] Old Rock School Railway Museum. Piedmont & Western Railroad Club, 400 W. Main St., P.O. Box 513, Valdese, 28690 Phone: 828-879-2129 9-5, weekdays. Museum. Layout tours by appointment. Smoky Mountain Trains. 100 Greenlee St., Bryson City, 28713 Phone: 800-872-4681 ext. 7051 March-Dec., Mon.Sat., 8:30-5:30. Model railroad museum. Tweetsie Railroad. 300 Tweetsie Railroad Ln., Blowing Rock, 28605 Phone: 800-526-5740 May-Oct., 9-6. Wild West theme park with narrow gauge train ride. Wilmington Railroad Museum. 505 Nutt St., Wilmington, 28401 Phone: 910-763-2634 Year-round. Museum with layout. North Dakota Bonanzaville USA. 1351 W. Main Ave., West Fargo, 58078 Phone: 701-282-2822 May-Sept: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Oct.: Sat. & Sun., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov.-April: Closed, except for special events. Bonanzaville is a pioneer village with 43 historic buildings and over 400,000 artifacts. Fort Lincoln Trolley. 2000 Third St. SE, Mandan, 58554 Phone: 701-663-9018 Daily departures on the hour, 1-5. Trolley rides. North Dakota State Railroad Museum. 3102 37th St. NW, P.O. Box 1001, Mandan, 58554-1001 Phone: 701663-9322 Old Soo Depot Transportation Museum. 15 N. Main St., Minot, 58701 Phone: 701-852-2234 Weekdays. Depot museum. Railroad Museum of Minot. 19 1st St. NE, Minot, 58703 Phone: 701-852-7091 Ohio AC&J Scenic Line. P.O. Box 517, Jefferson, 44047-0517 Phone: 440-576-6346 Boarding site adjacent 161 E. Jefferson St. Train ride. AuGlaize Village. P.O. Box 801, Defiance, 43512 Phone: 419-784-0107 Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum. 200 N. Miami Ave., Bradford, 45308 Phone: 937-448-2185 Open April-Dec. Depot museum: Sat., 10-1 & Sun., 1-4. Carillon Historical Park. 1000 Carillon Blvd., Dayton, 45409 Phone: 937-293-2841 Mon.-Sat., 9:30-5; Sun., 12-5. Closed Jan. 1, Thanksgiving, Dec. 24, 25, & 31. Rolling stock exhibits. Scale train rides select dates, April-Oct. Cedar Point & Lake Erie Railroad. 1 Cedar Point Dr., Sandusky, 44870 Phone: 419-627-2350 Early May-late Oct. Train ride. Cincinnati Dinner Train. 11013 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, 45242 Phone: 513-791-7245 The Cincinnati Dinner Train operates a 3-hour dinner excursion every Saturday departing at 6 p.m. Reservations are required and tickets are sold in advance. Cincinnati Railroad Club. 1301 Western Ave., Cincinnati, 45250 Phone: 513-651-7245 Sat. & Sun. Displays in historic Cincinnati Union Terminal. Cincinnati Scenic Railway - LM&M Railroad. 127 South Mechanic St., Lebanon, 45036 Phone: 513-933-8022 Themed family train rides offered throughout the year. Conneaut Railroad Museum. 363 Depot St., Conneaut, 44030 Phone: 440-599-7878 Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily. Depot museum. CUYAHOGA VALLEY SCENIC RAILROAD. P.O. Box 158, Peninsula, 44264 Phone: 800-468-4070 Train ride. [See our ad on page R-16] Dennison Railroad Depot Museum. P.O. Box 11, 400 Center St., Dennison, 44621 Phone: 877-278-8020 Year- R-14 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN round, except Mon. Depot museum. Polar Express train rides, 1873 depot, restaurant, and rolling stock., Facebook ENTERTRAINMENT JUNCTION. 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 45069 Phone: 513-898-8000 Mon.-Sat., 10-6; Sun., 12-6. Open daily, except Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Wed., Jan.-March. World’s largest indoor G-scale model train display. [See our ad on page R-19] Hocking Valley Scenic Railway. 33 Canal St., Nelsonville, 45764 Phone: 800-967-7834 Weekends, midMay through Dec. Museum with train rides. Jefferson Depot Village. 147 East Jefferson St., P.O. Box 22, Jefferson, 44047 Phone: 440-576-0496 or 614-507-5246 June, July, Aug., Sept.; Sat. & Sun., 1-4; Mon. & Thurs., 10-4. Group tours anytime by appointment. 1890 guided tours through the “living history” museums — 1872 L.S. & M.S. Railroad Station, 1918 PRR caboose, and 14 more restored historic buildings. Free parking on E. Walnut St. Lebanon Mason Monroe Railroad. 127 S. Mechanic St., Lebanon, 45036 Phone: 513-933-8022 The Lebanon Mason Monroe Railroad, operating from historic downtown Lebanon, offers scenic train rides through southwestern Ohio in Warren County. These nostalgic train rides present passengers with the opportunity to learn about local history and railroad operations while creating everlasting memories with family and friends. The unique location of the historic downtown Lebanon grants visitors the ability to experience the local splendor through shopping and dining in the charming tourist town. Lorain & West Virginia Railway. Hwy. 18, Wellington, 44090 Phone: 440-647-6660 July-Oct., weekends and selected weekdays. Train ride. Lucas County-Maumee Valley Historical Society. 1031 River Rd., Maumee, 43537 Phone: 419-893-9602 Mad River & NKP Railroad Museum. 253 Southwest St., Bellevue, 44811 Phone: 419-483-2222 Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily, 12-4; May, Sept., & Oct., weekends. Museum. Marion Union Station. 532 W. Center St., Marion, 43302 Phone: 740-383-3768 Tues. and Thurs., 10-2; other times by appointment for tours and events. Northern Ohio Railway Museum. 5515 Buffham Rd., Seville, 44273 Phone: 330-769-5501 Saturdays, May 16Oct. 31, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Take a walking tour to learn about trolleys, interurbans, and rapid transit from Ohio, including a visit to the restoration shop. Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation, Inc. 11600 County Rd. 99 at 175 Exit 161, Findlay, 45840 Phone: 419423-2995 Quarter-scale steam & diesel train rides, museum, HO/Lionel layouts. Open most weekends April-Dec. plus special events: Train Show-March, Tracks to the Past-Sept., Pumpkin Train-Oct., Train of Terror-Oct. North Pole Express-Dec. Orrville Railroad Heritage Society. 145 Depot St., Orrville, 44667 Phone: 330-683-2426 Museum with train ride. The Ohio Railway Museum. 990 Proprietors Rd., Worthington, 43085 Phone: 614-885-7345 Open May through December, Sundays, 12 to 4 p.m. Come see Ohio’s most unique collection of steam, electric, and diesel equipment. Rides are offered every Sunday in one of the interurban cars or our passenger car, and are included with admission. Guided tours are offered several times every Sunday, and we also host group tours (contact the museum for more information). Our collection includes N&W No. 578 (the world’s last N&W 4-6-2 steam locomotive), ITC No. 450 (one of two surviving Illinois Terminal PCC streetcars), USAX No. 7178 (our fully operational U.S. Army GE 65-ton diesel locomotive), and much more. Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we hope to see you at the museum! Toledo, Lake Erie & Western Railway and Museum Inc. 14475 Saylor Ln., Grand Rapids, 43522 Phone: 866638-7246 May-Oct. Motorcar rides and Bluebird passenger train between Grand Rapids and Waterville, Ohio. Check website for current operating schedules. Train-O-Rama. 6732 E. Harbor Rd., Route 163 East, Marblehead, 43440 Phone: 419-734-5856 Year-round, Mon.Sat., 11-5; Sun., 1-5. Layouts. Warther Carvings. 331 Karl Ave., Dover, 44622 Phone: 330-343-7513 Daily, 9-5. Ivory, ebony, & walnut carvings showing locomotive history. Oklahoma Canadian County Historical Museum. 300 S. Grand, El Reno, 73036 Phone: 405-262-5121 Wed.-Sat., 10-5, Sun., 1-5. Museum and rail-based trolley ride. Former Rock Island Railroad depot and ride on 1924 restored Brill trolley. Farmrail. 1601 West Gary Blvd., Clinton, 73601 Phone: 580-846-9078 Train ride. Frisco Depot Museum. 309 N. B St., Hugo, 74743 Phone: 580-326-6630 Tues.-Sat., 10-4. Railroad history, local history, art, model circus, model railroad. Heritage Express Trolley. 300 S. Grand Ave., El Reno, 73036 Phone: 888-535-7366 Wed.-Sat., 10-5; Sun. 1-5. Museum with trolley ride. Johnny’s Trains and Garden Railroad. 204 Broadway-Hayward, Covington, 73730 Phone: 580-3362823 Daily, 9-5. Museum with layouts. Oklahoma Railway Museum. 3400 NE Grand Blvd., Oklahoma City, 73111 Phone: 405-424-8222 Sat., 9-4. Train ride, first and third weekends, April-Aug., & Sept., first weekend-Oct., last weekend. Omniplex Science Museum. 2100 NE 52nd St., Oklahoma City, 73111-7198 Phone: 405-602-OMNI Orr Family Farm & RR LLC. 14400 South Western Ave., Oklahoma City, 73170 Phone: 405-799-3276 Railroad Museum of Oklahoma. 702 N. Washington St., Enid, 73701 Phone: 580-233-3051 Museum with excursions. Admittance by donation. Waynoka Air-Rail Museum. 1386 Cleveland St., Waynoka, 73860 Phone: 580-824-1886 Depot museum with locomotive display. Transportation complex & air-rail museum in restored Harvey House. Restaurant, gift shop. Free admission. Yukon’s Best Railroad Museum. Third and Main streets, Yukon, 73099 Phone: 405-354-5079 Oregon Canby Depot Museum. 888 NE Fourth Ave., P.O. Box 160, Canby, 97013 Phone: 503-266-6712 Eagle Cap Excursion Train. 300 Depot St., Elgin, 97837 Phone: 800-323-7330 Ride a train in scenic northeast Oregon. Towering mountains and basalt cliffs hug the track as you wind along the shores of the tumbling Grande Ronde and Wallowa Rivers. Elgin’s new depot contains Joseph Branch history displays. Medford Railroad Park. 2222 Table Rock Rd., Medford, 97501 Phone: 541-944-2230 Museum, motorcar rides, 71/2-inch-gauge train rides, and HO & G model railroads. Mount Hood Railroad. 110 Railroad Ave., Hood River, 97031 Phone: 800-872-4661 Excursion train. Oregon Coast Historical Railway. 766 S. First St., Coos Bay, 97420 Phone: 541-297-6130 Memorial Day weekend-Labor Day, Wed. & Sat., 9-3. Museum includes a 1922 Baldwin logging Mike, a 1949 Alco S-2 diesel switcher, cabooses, plus rail and logging artifacts. Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad. Hwy. 101, Garibaldi, 97141 Phone: 503-842-7972 Steam train rides and Sunset Dinner excursions. Oregon Rail Heritage Center. 2250 SE Water Ave., Portland, 97214 Phone: 503-680-8895 Thurs.-Sun., 1-5. Working museum, holiday train rides, and excursions. Be awestruck with the famous SP 4449, SP&S 700, and OR&N 197. Phoenix & Holly Railroad Inc. 2512 N. Holly St., Canby, 97013-9118 Phone: 503-266-3581 Miniature train. Sumpter Valley Railroad. Hwy. 7, Sumpter, 97814 Phone: 866-894-2268 Steam train rides. Washington Park and Zoo Railway. 4001 SW Canyon Rd., Portland, 97221 Phone: 503-226-1561 Willamette Shore Trolley. 311 N. State St., Lake Oswego, 97034 Phone: 503-697-7436 Pennsylvania Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site. 110 Federal Park Rd., Gallitzin, 16641 Phone: 814886-6150 Year-round, daily, 9-5. Exhibits, $4 entrance fee. Bellefonte Historical Railroad. 320 West High St., Bellefonte, 16823 Phone: 814-355-1053 Tourist railroad operating Budd RDC1 No. 9167 (capacity 80 people) and hosting excursions throughout the year. Future plans for private charters. Catawissa Railroad Co. 119 Pine St., Catawissa, 17820 Phone: 570-356-2345 Choo Choo Barn - Traintown U.S.A.® Route 741 East, 226 Gap Rd., Strasburg, 17579 Phone: 717-687-7911 See Lancaster County in miniature at this gigantic model train layout! Over 70 years in the making, the Choo Choo Barn is still owned and operated by the Groff family. With 22 operating trains and 150 plus hand-built miniature figures, vehicles and scenes, this 1,700 square foot train display will amaze all ages. See a fire engine race to the rescue to put out the fire at a burning house — with real water! You’ll recognize local landmarks like Dutch Wonderland and the Strasburg Rail Road — in detailed miniature! Much more than “just trains,” this ever-changing layout is a work of art. The Choo Choo Barn has truly become an Amish Country landmark. Dutch Wonderland Family Amusement Park. 2249 Lincoln Hwy. East, Lancaster, 17602 Phone: 866-FunatDW Spring & fall, weekends; Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily. Miniature train ride. Electric City Trolley Museum. 300 Cliff St., Scranton, 18503 Phone: 570-963-6590 Trolley museum with 10-mile excursions. Franklin Institute Science Museum. 222 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, 19103 Phone: 215-448-1200 Daily, 9:30-5. Exhibits. Friends of the East Broad Top Museum. 550 Main St., P.O. Box 68, Robertsdale, 16674 Phone: 814-635-1288 Historic buildings, exhibits, museum shop. First & third weekends, May-Oct. Greenville Railroad Museum. 314 Main St., Greenville, 16125 Phone: 724-588-4009 May-Oct. Museum, 0-10-2 Union Railroad steam engine, Bessemer ore car & caboose, Wheeling caboose, Erie flatcar, & UP caboose. Harris Switch Tower Museum. 637 Walnut St., Harrisburg, 17101-1924 Phone: 717-232-6221 Located at 7th and Walnut streets in Harrisburg (two blocks from the Capitol Building). Harris Tower Museum is the perfect spot to safely watch trains in any kind of weather as they pass by right outside the tower’s windows. Great fun for kids! Know when trains are in the area and learn how the railroad is controlled by watching our railroad dispatcher exhibit. See local train movements live, in real time on the exhibit’s computer displays. Listen to the train crews and dispatchers on a live radio feed. Have fun experiencing first-hand what it was like to be working in Harris Tower during the heyday of railroading by actually operating the tower’s switching equipment. All equipment has been fully restored and tied into a simulation computer programmed with the actual Pennsylvania Railroad train schedules from 1943. Free admission. Free parking adjacent to the tower. Free WiFi in theNEVADA tower. OpenNORTHERN Saturday from May throughMUSEUM October. See RAILWAY our web site for hours. TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/2 H WRITE NO. 41 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Horseshoe Curve National Historic Landmark. 1300 Ninth Ave., Altoona, 16602 Phone: 888-425-8666 April 1-May 5, 11-4; May 6-Oct. 30, Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-6; Oct. 31-Nov. 20, weekends only. 11-4, weather permitting. Historic train-watching venue. Lake Shore Railway Museum. 31 Wall St., North East, 16428 Phone: 814-725-1911 Depot museum with rolling stock. Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway. Susquehanna St., Jim Thorpe, 18229 Phone: 570-325-8485 Train rides. Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad Preservation Society. P.O. Box 2262, York, 17405-2262 Phone: 717-9279565 We operate the Ma & Pa Railroad Heritage Village and the remaining segment of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad. The Village is 31 acres and features a four-story General Store, Post Office, Railroad Ticket Office, Telephone Exchange, Roller Mill, Grain Elevator, and more. Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad. 136 Brown St., Middletown, 17057 Phone: 717-944-4435 Train ride. National Railway Historical Society. 100 North 17th St., Suite 1203, Philadelphia, 19103 Phone: 215-557-6606 Over 170 Chapters across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. National Toy Train Museum. 300 Paradise Ln., P.O. Box 248, Strasburg, 17579 Phone: 717-687-8976 Daily: June, July, & Aug. Fri.-Mon. only: May, Sept., & Oct. Weekends only: April, Nov., & Dec. Open 10-5. Five interactive layouts and exhibits. New Hope & Ivyland Railroad. 32 W. Bridge St., New Hope, 18938 Phone: 215-862-2332 Year-round. Train rides. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad. 409 S. Perry St., Titusville, 16354 Phone: 814-676-1733 Ride the OC&T “through the valley that changed the world” and you’ll be where oil history began. The 3-hour, round-trip train ride TRN • 04/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 V September 18–20, 2015 Tour the world’s largest rail classification yard! North Platte, Nebraska v v v v v v UP Heritage Locomotives Golden Spike Tower & Visitors Center Bus Tours of Bailey Yard Miniature Train Rides Town U il SA a Model Train Show R So Much More! Join us for three days of everything trains! 308-221-6104 CUYAHOGA VALLEY SCENIC RR te Lat hP a N o rt sk ra N eb Ad sponsored in part by a grant from the North Platte/Lincoln County Convention and Visitors Bureau TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 V WRITE NO. 43 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Climb AboArd the CVSr Experience the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in a new way. Enjoy the view and stories of the valley from the train or choose a layover and visit one of the many attractions in the area. Join us for a scenic trip or one of our many special excursions. Visit for more information. in partnership with WRITE NO. 42 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN R-16 through Oil Creek State Park takes you back through time as tour guides describe the fortune seekers who brought on the world’s first oil boom. Ride the gondola car to view the valley. Mail a post card from the only operating Railway Post Office car in the United States. Train operates Sat. and Sun. in June and September, and leaves Perry Street Station at 1 p.m. In July and August, train operates Wed., Thurs., Sat., and Sun., and leaves Perry Street Station at 1 p.m. In October, train operates Wed.-Fri., and leaves Perry Street Station at 11 a.m., and on Sat. and Sun., leaves Perry Street Station at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. See our website for details on our Murder Mystery Dinner/Train rides, and other special rides including the Peter Cottontail Express in the spring and the Santa Express in November and December. Pennsylvania Trolley Museum. 1 Museum Rd., Washington, 15301 Phone: 724-228-9256 April 1-Dec. 18, weekends, 10-5. Memorial Day-Labor Day, Mon.-Fri., 10-4; Sat.-Sun., 10-5. Museum with trolley ride. Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine and Steam Train. 19th & Oak streets, Ashland, 17921 Phone: 570-875-3850 April-Oct. Call for hours. Coal mine tour and steam train ride. Portage Station Museum. 400 Lee St., Portage, 15946 Phone: 814-736-9223 Wed. through Sat., 12-4. Train depot museum with original 1920s Ticket Office. Huge HO model train display on second floor that includes local sites like Horseshoe Curve and Gallitzin Tunnels. Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. Hwy. 741 E., Strasburg, 17579 Phone: 717-687-8628 Year-round, closed some holidays. Museum with rolling stock displays. Railroaders Memorial Museum. 1300 Ninth Ave., Altoona, 16602 Phone: 888-425-8666 May 6-Oct. 30, Mon.Sat., 10-5, Sun., 11-5.; Oct. 31-Dec. 18, Fri., Sat., Sun., 11-4. Interpretive museum. Closed Thanksgiving Day. Closed Dec. 19 for the season. Reading Railroad Heritage Museum. 500 S. Third St., Hamburg, 19526 Phone: 610-562-5513 Sat., 10-4, Sun., 12-4. Museum. Munchkin Railway rides for children. Red Run Express - Washington Township. 13013 Welty Rd., Waynesboro, 17268 Phone: 717-762-3128 Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. & Sun., 1-4. Miniature train ride. Roadside America. 109 Roadside Dr., Shartlesville, 19554 Phone: 610-488-6241 July-Labor Day, Mon.-Fri., 9-6:30; Sat. & Sun., 9-7. Layout. Rockhill Trolley Museum. 430 Meadow St., Rockhill Furnace, 17249 Phone: 814-447-9576 Memorial Day weekend-Oct., weekends. Special holiday events. Check website for details. Museum with trolley ride. Steamtown National Historic Site. Lackawanna Ave. & Cliff St., Scranton, 18503 Phone: 888-693-9391 All aboard at Steamtown National Historic Site! With museums that are open year-round and seasonal train excursions, the site offers endless opportunities to enjoy a nostalgic journey through railroading’s colorful past. A fully operating roundhouse, turntable and locomotive restoration shop, technology and history museums, full-service visitor’s center, and a state-of-the-art digital Surround Sound 250-seat theater complex serve as the perfect backdrop for daily visits and seasonal special events! Strasburg Rail Road. Route 741 East, Strasburg, 17579 Phone: 866-725-9666 Authentic steam train ride through picturesque Amish farmland. The Station Inn. 827 Front St., Cresson, 16630 Phone: 814-886-4757 Year-round. Historic trackside hotel built in 1866. Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society. 858 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, 17701 Phone: 570-326-3326 Year-round. Toy trains. Tioga Central Railroad. Hwy. 287, Wellsboro, 16901 Phone: 570-724-0990 Scenic excursions, dining, & theme trains including Fall Foliage & Santa Express. Tunnels Park & Museum. 411 Convent St., Gallitzin, 16641-1295 Phone: 814-886-8871 Tues.-Sun., 11-5. Tunnels Park adjacent to Norfolk Southern main line. Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern Railroad. 42 Community Center Dr., Kempton, 19529 Phone: 610-7566469 May-Oct., Sun., hourly 1-4. Sat., July, Aug., & Oct. Diesel train rides. West Chester Railroad. Market St., West Chester, 19380 Phone: 610-430-2233 Year-round, weekends. Train ride. Rhode Island Newport Dinner Train. 19 America’s Cup Ave., Newport, 02840 Phone: 800-398-7427 May-Dec. Dinner train. Old Colony & Newport Railway. Newport Depot, 19 America’s Cup Ave., Newport, 02840 Phone: 401-849-0546 Sun., 11:45 & 1:45. Open mid-Jan. to mid-Nov. Rhode Island Railroad Museum. 1 Railroad Ave., West Kingston, 02892 South Carolina Lancaster & Chester Railroad and Museum. 512 S Main St., Second Fl., Lancaster, 29721 Phone: 803-286-2102 Museum with luxury railcar charters. South Carolina Railroad Museum. 110 Industrial Park Rd., Winnsboro, 29180 Phone: 803-712-4135 Each Sat., June, July, Aug., 10 & 1:30, also Sept. 7 & 21, 10 & 1:30. May 25, For Those Who’ve Served-Veterans Special; Oct. 5, Caboose Day; Oct. 29, Pumpkin Patch Trains. Visit website for more special events and ticketing information. The Museum & Railroad Historical Center. 908 S. Main St., Greenwood, 29646 Phone: 864-229-7093 Museum with rolling stock displays including P&N, Seaboard, & Erie Lackawanna. South Dakota BLACK HILLS CENTRAL RAILROAD. 222 Railroad Ave., Hill City, 57745 Phone: 605-574-2222 Early May-early Oct., daily. Train rides. [See our ad on page R-19] Prairie Village. Hwy. 34, Madison, 57042 Phone: 800-693-3644 First week in May to Labor Day. Train rides. South Dakota State Railroad Museum. 222 Railroad Ave., P.O. Box 1070, Hill City, 57745 Phone: 605-574-9000 May 1-Oct. 1, daily, 9-4. Other fall and winter seasonal hours and events on website. Tennessee A.C. Kalmbach Memorial Library - National Model Railroad Association. 4121 Cromwell Rd., Chattanooga, 37421 Phone: 423-894-8144 Mon.-Fri., 8-5. Research library of the National Model Railroad Association. Casey Jones Home & Railroad Museum. 30 Casey Jones Ln., Jackson, 38305 Phone: 731-668-1222 Hours are 9-5, Mon.-Sat. and 12-5 on Sun. In Jackson, the historic Casey Jones Home & Railroad Museum serves as a tribute to the legend of Casey Jones and to the men and women of the railroad industry. The exhibit includes his original 1890s white frame home and a 1905 Baldwin locomotive. It’s an American treasure and one dedicated not only to Casey Jones, but to railroad men and women everywhere. Chattanooga Choo-Choo. 1400 Market St., Chattanooga, 37402 Phone: 800-872-2529 Year-round. Hotel in historic terminal with rolling stock and trolley ride. Cookeville Depot Museum. 116 W. Broad St., Cookeville, 38501 Phone: 931-528-8570 Tues.-Sat., 10-4. Depot museum. Cowan Railroad Museum. 108 S. Front St., P.O. Box 53, Cowan, 37318 Phone: 931-967-3078 Depot museum open May through October. Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri., & Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun. 1-4 p.m. Closed Tue. & Wed. Hidden TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/4 S gem housed in historic 1904 depot features artifacts, photos, memorabilia, local history, and HO scale layout. Outdoor exhibit includes a 1920 Porter locomotive, L&N flatcar, NC&StL boxcar, NC&StL diesel locomotive, and NC&StL boxcar. Free admission, with donations gladly accepted. Dollywood Express Train. 1020 Dollywood Ln., Pigeon Forge, 37863-4101 Phone: 800-Dollywood April-Dec., days and hours vary. Train ride. Little River Railroad. 7747 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy., P.O. Box 211, Townsend, 37882 Phone: 865-428-0099 June-Aug., Oct.: daily; April, May, Sept., Nov.: weekends only; Dec.-March, by appt. Museum with locomotive display. Telling story of logging & railroads in the Smokies, early 1900s. Lookout Mountain Incline Railway. 3917 St. Elmo Ave., Chattanooga, 37409 Phone: 423-821-4224 Daily, except Thanksgiving & Christmas. Incline railway. Lynnville Railroad Preservation Society. P.O. Box 156, 162 Mill St., Lynnville, 38472 Phone: 931-478-0880 Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Depot and Railroad Museum. 582 S. Royal St., Jackson, 38301 Phone: 731-425-8223 Free admission. Mon.-Sat., 10-3. Collection includes artifacts & memorabilia associated with NC&StL, GM&O, and IC railroads and family trees; operating HO-scale model railroad (500-foot-plus track); 1947 FEC dining car and two cabooses open for tour. Southern Appalachia Railway Museum. Hwy. 58, Oak Ridge, 37831 Phone: 865-241-2140 Excursion and dinner trains. Tennessee Central Railway Museum. 220 Willow St., Nashville, 37210 Phone: 615-244-9001 Mon.-Fri., 8-4. Sat., 9-3. Museum with periodic excursion trains. TENNESSEE VALLEY RAILROAD. 4119 Cromwell Rd., Chattanooga, 37421 Phone: 423-894-8028 March-Nov. Museum with steam and diesel train rides. [See our ad on page R-18] THREE RIVERS RAMBLER. Volunteer Landing on Neyland Dr., Knoxville, 37902 Phone: 865-524-9411 Summer: May-Aug., Sat., 11 & 2. Easter, Pumpkin, & Christmas event trains; 1890 steam engine. [See our ad on page R-19] Texas Austin Steam Train. 401 E. Whitestone Blvd., A103, Cedar Park, 78613 Phone: 512-477-8468 Year-round, weekends only. Train rides. Flatonia Rail Park. I-10, halfway between San Antonio and Houston, Flatonia Phone: 979-743-5366 Photo pavilion, rail museum, historic switching tower, and caboose. Forest Park Miniature Train. 1700 Colonial Parkway, Fort Worth, 76101 Phone: 817-336-3328 March-Oct.: Tues.Sun., 11-5. Nov.-Feb.: Sat., Sun., & selected holidays, 12-4. Miniature train ride. GALVESTON RAILROAD MUSEUM. 2602 Santa Fe Pl., Galveston, 77550 Phone: 409-765-5700 Daily, 10-4. Museum with rolling stock. [See our ad on page R-20] Grapevine Vintage Railroad. 705 South Main St., Grapevine, 76051 Phone: 817-410-8136 Trains from Grapevine to Fort Worth Stockyards operate mid-Feb. until Memorial Day weekend, Sat. and Sun.; Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend, Fri., Sat., and Sun.; Labor Day weekend to mid-Nov., Sat. and Sun. Depot hours vary seasonally. Historic Jefferson Railway. 400 E. Austin St., Jefferson, 75657 Phone: 866-398-2038 History Center. 102 N. Temple Dr., Diboll, 75941 Phone: 936-829-3543 Mon.-Fri., 8-5; Sat., 9-1; closed major holidays. Exhibits. Houston Railroad Museum. 7390 Mesa Rd., Houston, 77028 Phone: 713-631-6612 April-Nov., Sat., 12-4; Rolling stock. THE MOUNT WASHINGTON TICKETS, SPECIALS & SCHEDULE ONLINE at THECOG.COM! b y Train! Summit the Highest Peak in the Northeast... 3-hour round trip • steam or biodiesel restaurant, giftshop & museums THECOG.COM • ADVANCE TICKET PURCHASE RECOMMENDED BASE STATION RD, MARSHFIELD STATION, NH • 800-922-8825 ADVERTISING ACCOUNT (6 MI. FROM RT 302 &KPC BRETTON WOODS, NH) • OPEN APRIL-NOV TRN • 05/01/2014 • 4C • 1/6 H WRITE NO. 44 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Protect your investment! Preserve your library of TRAINS magazines with durable hardcover binders. ORDER YOURS 1/$13.95 • 3/$38.95 • 5/$59.95 Order Item No. 14002 N CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION MUS TODAY! BMK-ADH-09X1649RH TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/4 S T2013 Train rides, railroad exhibits, and the largest remaining Roundhouse in North America! The home of “Streamliners at Spencer” The N.C. Transportation Museum 411 S. Salisbury Ave. Spencer, NC WRITE NO. 45 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD 704-636-2889 R-17 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 2C • 1/8 V KPC ADVERTISING ACCOUNT TRN • 05/01/2015 • 2C • 2.25W x 1H WRITE NO. 46 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Sign up today for FREE E-NEWSLETTERS TENNESSEE VALLEY RAILROAD MUS TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 V Interurban Railway Museum. 901 E. 15th St., Plano, 75074 Phone: 972-941-2117 10-2, Mon.-Fri.; 1-5, Sat. Museum. McKinney Avenue Trolley. 3153 Oak Grove Ave., Dallas, 75204 Phone: 214-855-0006 Daily. Trolley rides. Museum of the American Railroad. 6299 Cotton Gin Rd., Frisco, 75034 Phone: 214-428-0101 Year-round, Wed.Sun., 10-5. Museum. New Braunfels Railroad Museum. 302 W. San Antonio St., New Braunfels, 78131 Phone: 830-627-2447 Thurs.-Mon., 12-4. Museum. Railway Museum of San Angelo. 703 S. Chadbourne, San Angelo, 76903 Phone: 325-486-2140 Six Flags Over Texas Railroad. P.O. Box 90191, Arlington, 76004-0191 Phone: 817-530-6000 Square House Museum. 5th St. and Hwy. 207, Panhandle, 79068 Phone: 806-537-3524 Mon.-Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5. Museum. Temple Railroad & Heritage Museum. 315 W. Ave. B, Temple, 76501 Phone: 254-298-5172 Tues.-Sat., 10-4. Depot museum. Located in a 1911 Santa Fe depot. Includes exhibits, rolling stock, and views of active BNSF and Amtrak operations. Texas & Pacific Railway Museum. 800 N. Washington Ave., Marshall, 75670 Phone: 903-938-9495 Tues.-Sat., 10-4. Depot museum. Texas State Railroad. P.O. Box 166, Rusk, 75785 Phone: 888-987-2461 Train ride. Texas Transportation Museum. 11731 Wetmore Rd., San Antonio, 78247 Phone: 210-490-3554 Museum: Thurs., 9-4; Sat.-Sun., 10-5. Train ride: Sat. & Sun. Wichita Falls Railroad Museum. 500 Ninth St., Wichita Falls, 76308 Phone: 940-723-2661 Utah Golden Spike National Historic Site. Promontory Summit, 32 miles west of Brigham City, via Hwy. 83, Promontory, 84302 Phone: 435-471-2209 Visitor Center open 9-5 daily, except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Attractions include the last spike site, two fully functional replica locomotives, a walking trail, and two auto tours. Heber Valley Historic Railroad. 450 S. 600 W., Heber City, 84032 Phone: 435-654-5601 Scenic and dinner trains, outdoor adventures, and special events. Open year-round. Visit website for event calendar. Advance reservations recommended. Ogden Union Station. 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, 84401 Phone: 801-393-9886 Year-round, Mon.-Sat., 10-5. Museum with layouts. Tooele Railroad Museum. 35 N. Broadway, Tooele, 84074 Phone: 435-882-2836 (summer), 435-843-2110 after Sept. Western Mining and Railroad Museum. 296 S. Main St., Helper, 84526 Phone: 435-472-3009 May-Sept.: Mon.Sat., 10-5; Oct.-April 20: Tues.-Sat., 11-4. Museum. Vermont Green Mountain Railroad. 102 Railroad Row, White River Junction, 05001 Phone: 800-707-3530 July-Oct., with year-round specials. New England Institute and Transportation Museum. 100 Railroad Row, White River Junction, 05001 Phone: 802-291-9838 Museum. Shelburne Museum. Hwy. 7, Shelburne, 05482 Phone: 802-985-3346 May-Oct., daily, 10-5. Museum. Virginia Appomattox Regional Library System, Carson Branch. 16101 Halligan Park Rd., Carson, 23860 Phone: WRITE NO. 47 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD R-18 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN 804-458-0860 Mon.-Thurs., 3-7; Fri., 3-6; Wed., 10-12, or by appt. Museum with static displays. C&O Railway Heritage Center - Clifton Forge. 705 Main St., Clifton Forge, 24422 Phone: 540-862-2210 10-4, Mon.-Sat; 1-4, Sun. Depot museum with rolling stock displays. Eastern Shore Railway Museum. 18468 Dunne Ave., Parksley, 23421 Phone: 757-665-7245 Open April 1-Nov. 30, Thurs. & Sun. 1-4, Fri. & Sat. 11-4. Rolling stock display. Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. 11200 Fairfax Station Rd., Fairfax Station, 22039 Phone: 703-425-9225 Year-round, Sun., 1-4; Labor Day, Sun. & Mon., 12-5. Depot museum. Historic Cambria Depot & Scale Cabinetmaker Museum. 630 Depot St. NE, Christiansburg, 24073 Phone: 540-382-6431 Depot (Virginia-Tennessee Railroad, c. 1868), located in Cambria Historic District; includes building tour, freight house exhibit, historic documents & photos, & prototype models from the Scale Cabinetmaker. No admission fee, donations accepted. Historic Manassas, Inc. 9431 West St., Manassas, 20110 Phone: 703-361-6599 Lancaster Antique Train & Toy Collection. Children’s Museum, 221 High St., Portsmouth, 23704 Phone: 757-393-5397 O. Winston Link Museum. 101 Shenandoah Ave. NE, Roanoke, 24016 Phone: 540-982-5465 Mon.-Sun., 10-5, Jan. and Feb. Sundays, 12-5. Museum of Link’s acclaimed 1950s steam-era photography in restored N&W station. Richmond Railroad Museum. 102 Hull St., Richmond, 23224 Phone: 804-233-6237 Year-round, Sat., 11-4, Sun., 1-4. Museum in 1915 station, rolling stock, gift shop, model layout. Suffolk Seaboard Station Railroad Museum. 326 N. Main St., Suffolk, 23434 Phone: 757-923-4750 Wed.-Sat., 10-4; Sun., 1-4. Depot museum with layout. U.S. Army Transportation Museum. Besson Hall, 300 Washington Blvd., Fort Eustis, 23604 Phone: 757-878-1115 Daily, 9-4:30. Museum with rolling stock displays. Closed Mondays and federal holidays. Virginia Museum of Transportation. 303 Norfolk Ave. SW, Roanoke, 24016 Phone: 540-342-5670 Mon.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 1-5. Museum and gift shop. Washington Bellingham Railway Museum. 1320 Commercial St., Bellingham, 98225 Phone: 360-393-7540 Open Tues. & Thurs. through Sat., 12-5. Please contact museum for more information or to make an appointment. Cashmere Museum and Pioneer Village. 600 Cotlets Way, Cashmere, 98815 Phone: 509-782-3230 March-Oct., daily, 10:30-4:30. Rolling stock display. Chehalis-Centralia Railroad & Museum. 1101 SW Sylvenus St., Chehalis, 98532 Phone: 360-748-9593 Regular operating schedule: Memorial Day weekend-Sept.: Sat., 1, 3, & 5; Sun., 1 & 3. Excursion & dinner trains available. Chelatchie Prairie Railroad. P.O. Box 1271, Chelatchie, 98604 Phone: 360-686-3559 Steam train ride. Dayton Historical Depot. 222 E. Commercial St., Dayton, 99328 Phone: 509-382-2026 Depot museum. Lake Whatcom Railway. NP Rd., Wickersham, 98220 Phone: 360-595-2218 July & Aug., Sat. & Tues. Train ride. Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad & Logging Museum. 54124 Mountain Highway East, Elbe, 98330 Phone: 888-7832611 Weekend train excursions, May through October. Northern Pacific Railway Museum. 10 S. Asotin Ave., Toppenish, 98948 Phone: 509-865-1911 Tues.-Sat., 10-5; Sun., 12-5. Museum. TRN • 04/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 H Northwest Railway Museum. 38625 SE King St., Snoqualmie, 98065 Phone: 425-888-3030 Depot bookstore, museum, exhibits, rolling stock, train ride, & tour Train Shed Exhibit Building. Remlinger Farms’ Tolt River Railroad. 32610 NE 32nd St., Carnation, 98014 Phone: 425-333-4135 June 15Oct., open daily. Miniature train rides. Tacoma Railroad Heritage Center. Freighthouse Square, 602 East 25th St., P.O. Box 340, Tacoma, 98401 Phone: 253-272-3000 Historical exhibits. Washington State Railroads Historical Society Museum. 122 N. Tacoma Ave., Pasco, 99301 Phone: 509-543-4159 Thurs. & Fri., 12-4, Sat., 9-3. Museum. Yakima Valley Trolleys. South Third Ave. at Pine St., Yakima, 98902 Phone: 509-249-5962 Two vintage trolley cars run on weekends during summer months, hourly, 10-3. Operating season begins on Sat., May 24, and ends Labor Day, Sept. 1. Halloween Trolley on Oct. 27. Santa Trolley on Sat., Dec. 13. WORLD’S LARGEST MODEL TRAIN DISPLAY America’s Most Amazing Family Attraction! 25,000 SQ. FT. • Train Journey • Imagination Junction • American Railroad Museum • Expo Center • A-Maze-N Funhouse • Coney Island Replica “Travel Gem” • Hobby/Toy Shop - AAA • Gift Shop 7379 Squire Court THREE RIVERS RAMBLERWest Chester, OH 45069 TRN • 05/01/2015 • BW • 1/6 (513) H 898–8000 WRITE NO. 49 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD West Virginia Cass Scenic Railroad State Park. Hwy. 66, Cass, 24927 Phone: 800-225-5982 Excursion & dinner train, Murder Mystery & Charters. DURBIN & GREENBRIER VALLEY RAILROAD. 315 Railroad Ave., Elkins, 26241 Phone: 877-686-7245 AprilDec., steam & diesel train excursions, dinner & event trains. [See our ad on page R-21] Harpers Ferry Toy Train Museum & Joy Line Railroad. 937 Bakerton Rd., Harpers Ferry, 25425 Phone: 304-535-2521 April-Oct., & holidays, 9-5. Toy train museum & miniature train ride. Kruger Street Toy and Train Museum. 144 Kruger St., Wheeling, 26003 Phone: 304-242-8133 Toy train museum. NEW RIVER TRAIN EXCURSIONS. 1323 - 8th Ave., Huntington, 25701 Phone: 866-639-7487 Historical Society. Museum & train rides. [See our ad on page R-20] Oglebay Good Zoo. Oglebay Resort, Route 88 N., Wheeling, 26003 Phone: 800-624-6988 Daily, 11-4. Scale train rides. Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad. Hwy. 28 N., Romney, 26757 Phone: 304-424-0736 Train excursions. Wisconsin Brodhead Historical Society Depot Museum. 1108 First Center Ave., Brodhead, 53520 Phone: 608-897-4150 Memorial Day-Sept. 30, holidays: Wed., Sat., & Sun., 1-4 or by appointment. Depot museum. Camp Five & Lumberjack Steam Train. 5068 Hwy. 8, P.O. Box 5, Laona, 54541 Phone: 715-674-3414 June 20Aug. 23, Mon.-Sat. Train rides. Colfax Railroad Museum. 500 Railroad Ave., Colfax, 54730 Phone: 715-962-2076 May 1-Sept. 30, Wed.-Sun., 11-4. Depot museum. EAST TROY ELECTRIC RAILROAD. 2002 Church St., East Troy, 53120 Phone: 262-642-3263 Museum with trolley rides. [See our ad on page R-22] Green County Welcome Center. 2108 Seventh Ave., Monroe, 53566 Phone: 608-325-4636 Depot museum. Historical Village. 900 Montgomery St., New London, 54961 Phone: 920-982-5186 June-Aug., first & third Sun., 1-4, or by appt. Depot museum. MID-CONTINENT RAILWAY MUSEUM. E8948 Museum Rd., North Freedom, 53951 Phone: 800-930-1385 Train rides: weekends-May, Sept., and to Oct. 21. Daily, June 2-Sept. 3. Special events-May, Oct., Nov., Feb. [See our ad on page R-22] BLACK HILLS CENTRAL RAILROAD TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/3 S WRITE NO. 50 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD The best vacations are Round trip departures daily from Hill City & Keystone, SD Early May - Mid October 1-866-FOR-1880 OR 1880TRAIN.COM WRITE NO. 48 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD R-19 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/6 H GALVESTON RAILROAD MUSEUM TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/4 S WRITE NO. 53 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD The Galveston Railroad Museum of the Home ta Fe n a S nnets Wa r b o 2602 Santa Fe Place • Galveston, Texas 77550 (409) 765-5700 Location of the original Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe Passenger Union Depot in Downtown Galveston, Texas. The museum features five acres, including 50 pieces of rolling stock, model trains and numerous exhibits. Home of the Santa Fe Warbonnets, the largest railroad museum in the Southwest. • Open Seven Days A Week 10 am-5 pm • Train Rides Saturdays 11 am-2 pm Weather Permitting • Free parking at 2602 Santa Fe Place • Museum rental and Birthday Packages available Mining Museum & Rollo Jamison Museum. 405 E. Main St., Platteville, Phone: 608-348-3301 May-Oct., daily; self-guided, Mon.-Fri., Nov.-April, group tours, year-round with reservation. Mine tours with train ride. Monticello Depot and Hostel. 310 S. Pratt Rd., P.O. Box 147, Monticello, 53570-0147 Phone: 608-938-4383 Depot museum. National Railroad Museum. 2285 S. Broadway St., Green Bay, 54304 Phone: 920-437-7623 Museum: Mon.-Sat., 9-5; Sun., 11-5. Train ride: May-Sept. Museum and train rides. Osceola & St. Croix Valley Railway. 114 Depot Rd., Osceola, 54020 Phone: 715-755-3570 May-Oct., weekends. Diesel train rides. Pinecrest Historical Village. 924 Pinecrest Rd., Manitowoc, 54220 Phone: 920-684-4445 Outdoor museum interpreting a rural Wisconsin village around the year 1900 with homes, businesses, and train. Open daily from MayOct., & second weekend in Dec. Railroad Memories Museum. N424 Front St., in 1902 Omaha/C&NW Depot, Spooner, 54801 Phone: 715-6353325 Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily, 10-5, and by appt. Museum. Riverside & Great Northern Railway. N115 CRN, Wisconsin Dells, 53965 Phone: 608-254-6367 Memorial Day-Labor Day. Museum and miniature train ride. Whiskey River Railway. 700 E. Main St., Marshall, 53559 Phone: 888-607-7735 Memorial Day-Labor Day, daily; Oct., weekends; Dec., daily. Miniature train rides. Wisconsin Great Northern Railroad. 426 N. Front St., Spooner, 54801 Phone: 715-635-3200 Diesel excursion and dinner train rides. Zoofari Express Milwaukee County Zoo. 10001 W. Bluemound Rd., Milwaukee, 53226 Phone: 414-771-3040 Easter-Oct., weekends. May-Sept., daily, 10-4. March, April & Oct., weekends. Scale steam train. Wyoming NEW RIVER TRAIN EXCURSIONS TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/4 S WRITE NO. 51 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Four, 300 Mile Long Round Trip Excursions New River Train Through The Majestic & Historic, ® Grand Canyon of the East, The New River Gorge! EXCURSIONS Sponsored by the... Collis P. Huntington Railroad Historical society, Inc. PO Box 393 • Huntington, WV 25708 Since 1966 From Huntington, WV to Hinton, WV and Return! October 17, 18, 24, & 25, 2015 Coach: $149 • Heritage Coach: $169 Premium: $259 • Dome: $299 W VTO 800 U R ISM. CO M -22 5 - 5 9 8 2 R-20 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN 866-639-7487 WRITE NO. 52 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Cheyenne Depot Museum. 121 W. 15th St., Cheyenne, 82001 Phone: 307-632-3905 Weekdays, 9-5; Sat., 10-5; Sun., 11-5. Depot museum. DOUGLAS RAILROAD INTERPRETIVE CENTER & DEPOT MUSEUM/DOUGLAS VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER. 121 Brownfield Rd., Douglas, 82633 Phone: 877-937-4996 Winter hours: Mon.-Fri., 9-5, Sat.-Sun., 11-4.; summer hours: Mon.-Fri., 9-8, Sat.-Sun., 10-5. [See our ad on page R-23] Union Pacific Roundhouse. 1440 Main St., Evanston, 82930 Phone: 307-783-6320 Winters, Mon.-Fri., 8-5. Summers, Mon.-Fri., 9-9; Sat., 9-7, & Sun., 12-6. Historic UP site. Alberta Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions. 4611 47th Ave., Stettler, T0C 2L0 Phone: 800-282-3994 Year-round, weekends and some weekdays. Excursion and dinner train. Alberta Railway Museum. 24215 34th St. NW, Edmonton, T5Y 6B4 Phone: 780-472-6229 May-Sept. Museum with train rides. Edmonton Radial Railway. Fort Edmonton Park & High Level Bridge, Edmonton, T6H 5Y7 Phone: 780-4961464 Edmonton Radial Railway Society, Bridge Division. Strathcona Barn, 84th Ave. & 103rd St., Edmonton, T6H 5Y1 Phone: 780-437-7221 Fort Edmonton Park. Southwest corner of Fox Dr. & Whitemud Dr., Edmonton, T5J 2R7 Phone: 780-496-8787 May, long weekend-Aug. 31, daily; Sept., weekends only. Living History museum with steam train ride. Heritage Park Historical Village. 1900 Heritage Dr. SW, Calgary, T2V 2X3 Phone: 403-268-8500 Gasoline Alley Museum, open year-round, daily: 9:30-4. Historical Village with rides and steam train, open mid-May to Labor Day daily; then weekends and holidays only, until Canadian Thanksgiving, 9-5. Royal Canadian Pacific. 133 Ninth Ave. SW, Calgary, T2P 2M3 Phone: 877-665-3044 May-Oct. Luxury rail cruise through the Canadian Rockies. British Columbia Alberni Pacific Railway. 3100 Kingsway Ave., Port Alberni, V9Y 3B1 Phone: 250-723-1376 Late May-mid Oct. Train ride. Bear Creek Park Train. 13750 88th Ave., Surrey, V3W 3L1 Phone: 604-501-1232 Feb.-Dec., daily. 10-dark. Train rides. British Columbia Forest Discovery Centre. RR No. 4, 2892 Drinkwater Rd., Duncan, V9L 6C2 Phone: 250-715-1113 Easter-Canadian Thanksgiving, daily, 10-4; Halloween, Christmas Express in December. Museum and train rides. Fort Steele Steam Railway. 9851 Hwy. 93/95, Fort Steele, V0B 1N0 Phone: 250-417-6000 July 1-Labor Day, plus Father’s Day. Train ride. Kamloops Heritage Railway. #3-510 Lorne St., Kamloops, V2C 1W3 Phone: 250-374-2141 Late June-late Aug. Train ride. Kettle Valley Steam Railway. 18404 Bathville Rd., Summerland, V0H 1Z0 Phone: 877-494-8424 May, June, Sept., & Oct., weekends & Mon.; July & Aug., Thurs.-Mon., 10:30 & 1:30. Train ride. Kwinitsa Railway Station Museum. Prince Rupert waterfront by Rotary Waterfront Park, P.O. Box 669, Prince Rupert, V8J 3S1 Phone: 250-624-3207 June-early Sept., daily, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-5 p.m. Kwinitsa Railway Station Museum provides adults and children alike with an exciting journey into the history of Canada’s northern railway and the many small stations like Kwinitsa along its route. Exhibits portray the daily life of the station master and crew and the development of early Prince Rupert, from its days as the tent town at WRITE NO. 54 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD the terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to its birth as a city in the 1920s. Prince George Railway & Forestry Museum. 850 River Rd., Prince George, V2L 5S8 Phone: 250-563-7351 Open year-round. Static display. Revelstoke Railway Museum. 719 Track St. W., Revelstoke, V0E 2S0 Phone: 877-837-6060 Year-round. Museum. Rocky Mountaineer. 369 Terminal Ave., Suite 101, Vancouver, V6A 4C4 Phone: 800-665-7245 Discover the Canadian Rockies on the award-winning Rocky Mountaineer Rail Journeys. From the Pacific Northwest to the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Trains Deluxe-The Canadian Museum of Rail Travel. 57 Van Horne St. S., Cranbrook, V1C 1Y7 Phone: 250-489-3918 Year-round, hours vary, see website. Passenger train exhibit. Guided tours only. VIA Rail Canada. 1150 Station St., Suite 300, Vancouver, V6A 4C7 Phone: 888-842-7245 VIA Rail Canada provides passenger rail services mandated by the Government of Canada on behalf of Canadians from coast to coast. These include rapid intercity services, cross-Canada services, and services to remote communities. In Western Canada, VIA provides year-round, all-weather services, including the legendary Canadian train operating between Toronto and Vancouver two times per week during the off-peak season and three times per week during its peak season. VIA also operates regional services in the West, between Jasper, Alberta and Prince Rupert, British Columbia; and between Winnipeg and Churchill, Manitoba. In the Ontario-Quebec Corridor, VIA provides intercity passengers with fast, convenient, and affordable service, downtown-to-downtown between Canada’s largest business centers. More than 429 Corridor trains run per week, carrying 80 percent of VIA’s total ridership. WestDURBIN Coast Railway Heritage Park. CN Roundhouse & GREENBRIER VALLEY RR & Conference Centre, 39645 Government Rd., Squamish, V6B 3X2 Phone: 604-898-9336 Year-round, daily, 10-5, summer; 10-4, winter. Manitoba The Prairie Dog Central Railway. Prairie Dog Trail, between Route 90 & Sturgeon Rd., Winnipeg, R3G 3N4 Phone: 204-832-5259 Vintage train ride with many themed events. Winnipeg Railway Museum. 123 Main St., Winnipeg, R3C 1A3 Phone: 204-942-4632 Manitoba’s largest railway museum, located in Winnipeg’s historic Union Station trainshed. Open year-round. New Brunswick New Brunswick Railway Museum. 2847 Main St., Hillsborough, E4H 2X7 Phone: 506-734-3195 Daily, end of June-Labor Day, also Sat. in June and Sept.; 10-6. Newfoundland Railway Society of Newfoundland. Marine Dr. and Station Rd., Corner Brook, A2H 6G1 Phone: 709-634-2720 June-Aug., 9-9. Off-season, by appt. Historic museum. www.cornerbrook.comNova Scotia Sydney & Louisburg Railway Museum. 7330 Main St., Louisbourg, B1C 1P5 Phone: 902-733-2720 Ontario ALGOMA CENTRAL RAILWAY. 129 Bay St., Sault Ste. Marie, P6A 6Y2 Phone: 800-242-9287 Agawa Canyon tours June-mid-Oct., Feb. to mid-March; year-round passenger service, camp car rentals, and access to wilderness lodges. [See our ad on page R-24] Canada Science and Technology Museum. 1867 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, K1G 5A3 Phone: 866-442-4416 Yearround, daily, except Christmas Day; Labor Day-April 30, Tues.-Sun., 9-5. Museum. TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/2 H WRITE NO. 55 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD R-21 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/3 S M ID -C ONTINENT R AILWAY M USEUM Family Fun in South Central Wisconsin 55 MINUTE TRAIN RIDE | DOZENS of DISPLAYS | GIFT SHOP 2015 Schedule Onboard Dining Events OPEN DAILY: OPEN WEEKENDS: June 8 – Aug. 28 May 9 – June 7 and Aug. 29 – Oct. 18 DEPARTURES: 11 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm MUSEUM HOURS: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm on days trains operate Schedules subject to change. Times vary during special events. Call or visit website for latest schedules. First Class (drinks + hors d’oeuvres) Special Events June 20 (day before Father’s Day) May 30-31: WWI Encampment Oct. 9-10-11: Autumn Color Weekend™ Oct. 17-18: Pumpkin Special™ Nov. 28-29: Santa Express™ May 9 | Oct. 10 & 11 Elegant Dinner Trains May 9 | July 18 | Aug. 15 Oct. 3, 10, & 17 Brunch Train May 10 (Mother’s Day) NEW! BBQ Train NEW! Pizza Train July 18 NEW! Wine & Cheese Tasting Train Sept. 19 E8948 Museum Road, North Freedom, WI 53951 ® (800) 930-1385 -or- (608) 522-4261 EAST TROY ELECTRIC RAILROAD CTR • 06/01/2013 • 4C • 1/3 S WRITE NO. 57 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Ride Historic Electrics at East Troy Family-oriented Pizza Trains & Excursions, browse for schedule EAST TROY RAILROAD MUSEUM Phone (262) 642-3263 2002 Church St. East Troy, WI 53120 Help Us Restore CNS&M Car 761 The only interurban electric dining car service in North America Dining Cars 24 and 25 View of Lower Phantom Lake from the Dinner Train R-22 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN Show us your copy of this issue of Classic Trains, purchase one ticket on a regularly scheduled train and get one ticket of equal or lesser value FREE. Not good on Excursion, Pizza, Dinner or Christmas trains. WRITE NO. 56 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Canada Southern Railway Station. 750 Talbot St., St. Thomas, Phone: 519-633-2535 Travel back in time with a tour guide who will lead you through the halls of this historic architectural symbol of railway in St. Thomas. Chatham Railroad Museum. 2 McLean St., Chatham, N7M 5K5 Phone: 519-352-3097 June-Aug. 25: Tues.-Fri., 9-4:30; Sat., 10-3. CNR School Car. 76 Victoria Terrace, Clinton, N0M 1L0 Phone: 519-482-3997 Victoria Day weekend through Sept., Thurs.-Sun., & holidays, 11-4. Museum. Credit Valley Explorer Tour Train. Station: 49 Townline, Orangeville, L9W 2Z7 Phone: 888-346-0046 Train excursion. 3-hour dinner, brunch, and sightseeing tours through the heart of Ontario’s Greenbelt. Elgin County Railway Museum. 225 Wellington St., St. Thomas, N5R 2S6 Phone: 519-637-6284 Summer hours: Victoria Day (mid-May) through Labour Day, Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Mondays except Victoria Day and Labour Day. Fall hours: September through Thanksgiving, Wednesday to Saturday, 12-4 p.m., or by appointment. Off-season hours: Thanksgiving (midOctober) through Victoria Day (mid-May), Saturdays, 12-4 p.m., or by appointment. Fort Erie Railway Museum. 400 Central Ave., Fort Erie, Phone: 905-894-5322 6218 Steam engine, Ridgeway Railway Station, B-1 Railway Station, caboose, gift shop, and exhibits. Halton County Radial Railway. 13629 Guelph Line, Milton, lL9T 5A2 Phone: 519-856-9802 May-Oct., weekends; July & Aug., daily. Museum with trolley rides. Huntsville & Lake of Bays Railway Society. 88 Brunel Rd., Huntsville, P1H 1R1 Phone: 705-789-7576 Mid-May to mid-Oct. Museum, village, train. or Komoka Railway Museum. 133 Queen St., Komoka, N0L 1R0 Phone: 519-657-1912 June-Aug., Fri.-Mon., 9-4; Sept.-May, Sat., 9-12. Museum with rolling stock displays. Memory Junction Museum. 60 Maplewood St., Brighton, K0K1H0 Phone: 613-475-0379 May 24-end of June, for booked tours and appt. July-end of Sept., 10-4, Mon., Wed., & Sat. Museum. Muskoka Heritage Place. 88 Brunel Rd., Huntsville, P1H 1R1 Phone: 705-789-7576 Mid-May-mid-Oct. Museum, village, train. Diesel locomotive shoulder seasons. Steam locomotive July and Aug. Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre. 26 Bloor St., Capreol, P0M 1H0 Phone: 705-8585050 June-Aug. daily, 10-4; other times by appointment. Museum. Polar Bear Express. 200 Railway St., Cochrane, P0L 1C0 Phone: 800-268-9281 End of June-end of Aug. Train ride. Port Stanley Terminal Rail. 309 Bridge St., Port Stanley, N5L 1C5 Phone: 519-782-3730 Experience the fun of a train ride through the scenic Kettle Creek Valley. Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario. 90 William St., P.O. Box 962, Smiths Falls, K7A 5A5 Phone: 613-283-5696 Open daily from mid-May to mid-October, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. As the premier hands-on railway museum in Eastern Ontario, we offer visitors an interactive experience to connect with our region’s industrial heritage. Housed in a 1912 Canadian Northern Railway Station, we invite you to explore our many train cars, changing exhibits, and to take part in our unique programming. Ride our first-generation diesel locomotive or spend the night on one of our cabooses. Visit our website for schedules and pricing. South Simcoe Railway. Mill St. W., Tottenham, L0G 1W0 Phone: 905-936-5815 May long weekend to Thanksgiving weekend, plus Santa Trains in December; additional departures: Easter, July, August, and Halloween. Check website for details, fares, and schedules. TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/3 V St. Jacobs & Aberfoyle Model Railway. 1440 King St. North, Building No. 3, St. Jacobs, N0B 2N0 Phone: 519-664-3737 Open every weekend May-December, select show dates February-April. O scale layout. Waterloo Central Railway. 10 Father David Bauer Dr. & Erb St. West, Waterloo, N2J 4V1 Phone: 519-885-2297 Sat. through Oct. 31, Tues. & Thurs. in June, July, & August. York-Durham Heritage Railway. 19 Railway St., Uxbridge, L9P 1E5 Phone: 905-852-3696 June-Oct., Sun. Additional trips, Sat., Oct., and Santa trains, early Dec. Free museum at Depot in Uxbridge. & DOUGLAS GLENROCK Douglas Railroad Museum Algoma Central Railway, Inc........................................ R-24 Arkansas & Missouri Railroad........................................ R-3 Bowie Railway Station Museum..................................... R-9 Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureau.......... R-6 Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad..................................R-16 Douglas Area Chamber of Commerce......................... R-23 Beauce Railway Museum. 397 Rousseau Blvd., ValleeJonction, G0S 3J0 Phone: 418-253-6449 June-November. Museum relating history of the Quebec Central Railway. Open on weekends. Please call or write for reservations. Exporail, Canadian Railway Museum. 110 St. Pierre St., St. Constant, J5A 1G7 Phone: 450-632-2410 Hull-Chelsea-Wakefield Steam Train. 165 Deveault St., Gatineau, J8Z 1S7 Phone: 800-871-7246 May-Oct. 5. Excursion and dinner train. Downeast Rail HPT........................................................ R-9 Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Railroad............................ R-21 East Troy Electric Railroad.......................................... R-22 EnterTRAINment Junction............................................R-19 Galesburg Railroad Days............................................... R-6 Galveston Railroad Museum........................................ R-20 Georgetown Loop......................................................... R-5 Saskatchewan Illinois Railway Museum................................................. R-5 Iowa Pacific Holdings...................................................R-11 We’ve saved a SPOT for you. • Cape Cod Central Railroad • Mount Hood Railroad • Pullman Rail Journeys • Rail Baron Club • Rio Grande Scenic Railroad • Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay • Saratoga & North Creek Railway • Texas State Railroad Leadville Colorado & Southern Railroad Co................... R-4 Mid-Continent Railway Historical Society..................... R-22 Midland Railway............................................................ R-9 Mount Washington Cog Railway....................................R-17 North Carolina Transportation Museum........................R-17 Napa Valley Wine Train.................................................. R-4 Nebraska Tourism........................................................R-13 • Alliance Visitor Center • Golden Spike Tower & Visitor Center • Kearney Visitor Center • Omaha Railroad Days • West Nebraska Visitor Center Nevada Northern Railway Museum...............................R-15 New River Train Excursions......................................... R-20 Nicholson Heritage Association...................................R-18 West Indies St. Kitts Scenic Railway Ltd. Needsmust Train Station, P.O. Box 191, Basseterre, Phone: 869-465-7263 Excursion trains. Abilene & Smokey Valley Railroad................................. R-9 Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad..................................... R-7 Quebec Copperbelt Railway & Mining Museum. Mile 919, Alaska Hwy., Whitehorse, Phone: 867-667-6198 Memorial Day-Labor Day, 10-5 daily. Diesel mining engine ride & museum in 20-acre theme park. Dawson City Museum & Historical Society. P.O. Box 303, Dawson City, Y0B 1G0 Phone: 867-993-5291 Waterfront Trolley. Miles Canyon Historic Railway Society, 1127 Front St., Whitehorse, Y1A 0G5 Phone: 867-667-6355 Visitors to downtown Whitehorse can park and ride the beautifully restored bright yellow 1925 Waterfront Trolley. The trolley departs northbound from Rotary Peace Park, across from the SS Klondike, and southbound from Spook Creek Station, behind Earl’s Restaurant. Passengers are welcome to disembark and re-board along the route at the various stations. This interpretive ride describes the Whitehorse waterfront’s fascinating history including the stories about the W.P. & Y.R. line and the mighty sternwheelers that plied the Yukon River. Waterfront Trolley hours, May 15 to Sept. 15: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed through the winter. 1880 Train - Black Hills Central Railroad.......................R-19 Bluegrass Scenic Valley Railroad................................... R-7 Elmira Railway Museum. 457 Elmira Rd., Elmira, C0A 1K0 Phone: 902-357-7234 July-Aug., daily. Depot museum with train ride. Yukon Territory The Advertiser Index is provided as a service to TRAINS magazine readers. The magazine is not responsible for omissions or for typographical errors in names or page numbers. Big South Fork Scenic Railway...................................... R-9 Prince Edward Island Rusty Relics Museum. 306 Railway Ave. W., Carlyle, S0C 0R0 Phone: 306-453-2266 June 10-Labor Day, Mon.Sat., 9-5. Museum. Saskatchewan Railway Museum. Box 21117, Saskatoon, S7H 5N9 Phone: 306-382-9855 Open 10-5, Fri., Sat., Sun., and statutory holidays from May 17 to Sept. 1. Museum. Western Development Museum. 50 Diefenbaker Dr., Moose Jaw, S6J 1L9 Phone: 306-693-5989 Open daily 9-5. Closed Mondays in Jan., Feb., and March. Museum. ADVERTISERS Rail Fest.......................................................................R-16 Seminole Gulf Railway................................................... R-5 Bring this ad to the visitors center in Douglas, Wyoming, to receive your free limited edition coin! CONVERSECOUNTYTOURISM.COM 877.937.4996 ~ 307.358.2950 WRITE NO. 58 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum..............................R-18 Three Rivers Rambler...................................................R-19 Trains Books............................................................... R-24 Thunder Mountain Line................................................ R-20 Valley Railroad Co......................................................... R-5 White Pass & Yukon Route............................................ R-3 Whitewater Valley Railroad............................................ R-7 trainsmag.comR-23 TRN • 05/01/2015 • 4C • 1/2 H WRITE NO. 59 ON THE READER SERVICE CARD Find Top Railroad Vacation Sites in One Book Travel TOURIST TRAINS GUIDEBOOK story r a unique travel seums, trolleys, tates and Canada. ourney into the l. of Trains led reviews that hat else you can ribed in shorter TOURIST TRAINS GUIDEBOOK ∑ FIFTH EDITION ∑ In Tourist Trains Guidebook, Fifth Edition you’ll find 520 of the most popular train rides and museums in the U.S. and Canada. It features comprehensive reviews of more than 200 sites to explore on vacations, including: U • Driving directions. • When to go. • Site reviews. • What to see. • Nearby attractions • And more! PDAT EDITI ED ON! Whether you’re a railfan looking to explore a new site, or family vacationer looking for something to do with the kids, this exhaustive railroad-themed tourist guide will help you stay on the right track! FIFTH EDITION 1 RIDES ¾ DINNER TRAINS MUSEUMS ¾ TROLLEYS ¾ DEPOTS 520 TRAIN #01211 • $21.99 Buy now from your local hobby shops! Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT Outside the U.S. and Canada, call 262-796-8776 ext. 661 R-24 2015 RIDE THIS TRAIN P25245 Shop at or call 800-533-6644
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