Annual Report February 2011
Annual Report February 2011
CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS Annual Report No. 157 No. 175 February 2008 February 2011 This Annual Report was developed in accordance with This Annual Report was developed in accorthe Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937 to provide you with dancewiththe AgriculturalMarketingActof1937 a summary of California Dried Plum Board activities for the toprovideyouwithasummaryofCaliforniaDried 2009/10 marketing year. Special recognition should go to the Plum Board activities for the 2006/07 marketing members and alternates of the Board and Committees shown on year.Specialrecognitionshouldgotothemembers page 8 and the various subcommittees who have devoted many and alternates of the Board and Committee shown hours to California prune industry matters during the course of onpage8andthevarioussubcommitteeswhohave the year. devoted many hours to California prune industry mattersduringthecourseoftheyear. PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY Prune Acreage Prune Acreage 100 90 86 86 90 86 83 8080 83 74 74 72Bearing B i 70 7070 67 6060 5050 4040 Non-Bearing 26 3030 22 Non-Bearing15 20 20 11 9 10 11 10 0 9 8 7 7 0 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 Bearing 70 65 '04 62 7 '05 65 61 61 8 8 7 7 65 67 65 8 '03 4 '06 5 5 '07 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Prunetreesales,reportedbynurseries,increasedby 60%to431,719treesin2007.Theprojectionfor Sources: CASS thru 2007, Handlers 2008 on 2008saleswas445,000trees,whichwouldreprePrune tree sales reported by nurseries decreased senta3%increaseandthehighestsalestotalsince by 5% to 308,000 trees in 2010. The projection for 1997. 2011 is 285,000 trees which would represent an 8% Prune Tree Sales decrease. Trees (000) Trees (000) 215 101 90 160 71 70 120 Prune Tree Sales 450 445 450 432 432 400 400350 325 320 3 0 384 300 297 315 350300 324 230 270 308 315 300250 285 297 200 270 250 230 150 173 162 200100 173 162 150 50 0 100 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 Projected 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Projected 189 175 172 10364 142 85 86 168 69 34 48 30 40 '98 52 80 93 50 80 '99 '00 '01 26 '02 '03 2.0 2.4 1.6 2.2 2.3 2003 2004 2007 Average2005 Bearing2006 Acre Yield 2002 22 '04 '05 '06 .7 1.4 2.8 2008 '07 1.2 Projected 2010 2009 2009 production 28% to The 2006prune carry-in of 22,140increased tons was by 15% lower 166,114 tons with the bearing acre yield increasing thanthe2005carry-inof25,931tonsand74%lower from 2.1 to 2.7 dried tons per acre. The thanthereported86,075ton2007car ry-in.2010 crop is projected by packers to reach about 125,000 tons, Inventory which wouldCarry-In be a 25% year-to-year decline, and 5% Tons (000) lower than the previous 5-year average of 131,900 130 tons. 126 101 110 Total Production & Yield 90 70 (000) Tons 50 200 30 71 65 60 168 160 10 '98142 '99 120 500500 50 130 Tons (000) 10 1.2 2001 72 Carry-In Inventory Total Production & Yield Tons (000) 110 200 A California prune processor survey showed bearing prune acreage unchanged at 61,000 acres in Bearingpruneacreageremainedunchangedat65,000 2010. Non-bearing acreage wasacreage unchanged at 5,000 acres in 2007. Non-bearing remained at 7,500acresin2006. acres. Acres (000) Acres (000) Acres (000) 100 2006pruneproductionincreasedby102%to188,804 The 2010 inventory carry-in of 84,856 tons was 62% higher than the 2009 carry-in of 52,364 tons and tonsasthebearingacreyielddoubledto2.8dried more than double the desired inventory level based tonstotheacre.The2007cropisprojectedbypackupon a 12-week shipment average. erstoonlyreachabout80,000tonswhichwouldbe 41%belowthe5-yearaverageof134,748. 69 64 189 D Desired i d 175 '00 86 '01 '02 '03 Carry in C i 80 93 26 '04 22 166 '05 '06 '07 130 Desired D i d 125 83 When combined 48 with 2006 production of 188,804 40 tons,thetotalsupplywas210,944tons,whichwas 2001larger 2002 than 2003 the 2004 2005 2005 supply. 2006 2007 The 2008 projected 2009 2010 77% 1.6 2.2 2.3 .7 1.4 2.8 1.3 21%decreasefrom2006. Average Bearing Acre Yield 2.1 2.7 2.0 Projected Combining the carry-in with 2009 production of 166,114 tons, the total supply was 218,478 tons, which was 33% higher than the 2008 supply. The projected 2010 supply of 209,856 tons would represent a 4% decrease from 2009. CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS Tons (000) Tons (000) 310 310 290 Natural Supply NaturalCondition Condition Supply tons were 30% higher than 2005 shipments which SHIPMENTS had been abnormally low due to inventory limitations.Domesticshipmentsincreasedby10%while Total 2009 shipments of 132,458 processed exports increasedby 59%. Exports as a percent of condition tons were 12% higher than 2008 shipments. totalshipmentsreboundedbyover9pointstoamore Domestic shipments increased by 13% while exports typical49.7%. increased Total Shiby 11%. Domestic and export shipments for the first quarter the 2010 marketing year Total of Shipments Tons (000) have increased by over 30% despite the economic 200 Total 178 recession in the 173U.S. and major export markets and 180 167 173 continuing low-priced South American competition. 160 268 8 290 270 250 270 230 226 250 210236 230 190 226 210 170 190 150 170 130 150 110 130 PAGE 2 '98 236 239 226 225 239 211 218 211 169 116 '99 '00 '01 116 110 2001 '02119 '03 210 166 119 164 '04 '05 '06 '07 $ $ 1325 1,525 1225 1,425 1470 1390 1125 1,325 1025 1,225 925725 825 '98 98 '98 726 99 725 2001 861 810 775 726 '99 810 16 165 2002 '00 '01 203772 135 2003 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 16 168 47 93 18 185 2004 2005 2006 Salable Production 47 168 2007 2008 189 93 2009 130 135 162 The average return per bearing acre83increased166 by 89%duetothedoublingoftheyieldperacre. The average return per bearing acre increased by vera Returns 5%Average acre due /to Bearing the increaseAcre in yield $ to $3,327 per 3906 $ acre. The average return per bearing acre for per3800 the3500 2004-2009 crop years of $2,574 was 67% higher 3200 2900 the previous 6-year average of $1,536. than 90 81173 77 88 67 155 '99 99 95 87 86 46 '00 00 '01 01 63 69 49 '02 02 137'03 03 68 43 144 '04 04 '05 05 '06 06 132 Shipments 2002 2003 2004– Whole 2005 2008 2009 Shipments - Whole W2006 &2007Pitted & Pitted 2001 Tons ((000)) 200 Prune 178 180 Total imports into the U.S. decreased by 64% 173 167 to 1,143 tons in 2009 and have173decreased by an 160 163 137 155 additional 140 Pitted 77% through the first five months of the 113 112 120 110tons. These 2010 marketing year98to only totals 104 101 1 235 95 106 100 88 do not include prunes in brine. Virtually all imported 80 68 67 69 66 have come from Chile and 63 prunes Iran. 60 49 772 162 92 106 118 Shipmentsofpittedprunesincreasedby30%versus 106 Domestic 100 90 95 year ago while prunes increased by 28%. 88 86 whole 78 80 Pittedprunesaccountedforover74%ofexportsand 69 87 63 71 63 77 67 68 54%ofdomesticshipments. 60 66 49 61 55 46 43 40 Export 1226 764 E Export t 120 1496 1450 76 Total 140 1395 1500 Total Shipments 87 82 167 40 1470 1,625 1425 1,025825 60 160 Average Grower Returns/Ton 1500 1525 1,125925 180 80 137 155 Domestic 120 Tons (000) 96 100 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Theaveragegrowerreturnpertondecreasedby5% Projected to$1,395pertonfor2006accordingtotheCalifornia The average grower return per ton as reported by AgriculturalStatisticsService.Theaveragepricefor CASS decreased by 18% to $1,226 per ton for 2009. the2004–2006cropyearswas84%higherthanthe The average price for the 2004-2009 crop years of previous5-yearaverageof$789. $1,422 was 80% higher than the previous 6-year vera average of $790. Grower Returns/Ton Average 1625 163 140 Projected 130 40 20 59 Whole '98 Tons '99 60 54 4 38 28 U.S. Prune Imports '00 '01 '02 2 '03 '04 '05 '06 Salable Production 2600 2300 2000 Average Returns / Bearing 2064 Acre $ 1700 1860 1722 1100 3,500 800 917 3,200 2,900 '98 '99 2,600 1.2 2.0 2,300 2,000 1782 1,700 1,400 1162 1,100 1047 3327 3172 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 2.4 1.6 2.2 2.3 .7 1.4 2.8 2064 Salable Yield 1776 SHIPMENTS 1945 1047 800 Total2006shipmentsof136,876processedcondition 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1.6 2.2 2.3 .7 1.4 2006 Salable Yield 2.8 2007 2008 2009 1.3 2.1 2.7 U.S. Prune Imports 10000 1,000 508 9000 0 8000 3892 1776 1162 U. 4,000 S. PRUNE IMPORTS 3,000 Tons 2,000 1782 1400 3,800 10,000 TheincreasingavailabilityofCaliforniaprunesledto 9,000 8,808 a76%dropinUSpruneimports(excludingprunes 8,000 in7,000 brine) last year to 1,260.0 tons. For the first four monthsthisyearimportsdroppedanadditional97% 6,000 5,150 5,000 to35.3tons. 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 2001 203 2002 8,807.8 1,260 32 2003 2004 2005 2006 3,196 1,143 411 2007 2008 5,149.8 2009 Imports of unfermented prune juice (including prune concentrate converted to single strength juice) declined by 18% in 2009 to 19,973 KL1,260.0 (the equivalent 507.8 of about 7,108 tons of N.C. prunes). For35.3the first 257.5 268.3 203.0 03 0 31.9 31 9 0 five months this year 9,980 KL (about 3,552 tons) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 have been imported, an increase of 12%. Virtually all imports have been from Chile and France. 4 Months Virtually all imports have been from Chile and The California Dried Plum Peak Performance Pl CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS PAGE 3 France.have been from Chile and featuredNatalie Coughlinasspokesperson.Nata all imports The California Dried Plum Peak Performance Plan won11 medalsintheBeijingandAthensOlympi featuredNatalie Coughlinasspokesperson.Natalie Prune Juice entiated benefits and encourage large-scale ImportsU.ofS.unfermented pruneImports juice (including andwillcompeteintheLondonOlympicsin201 ( ) Olympics and will compete in the London Olympics U.S. Prune Juice Imports acceptanceofCaliforniadriedplums. won11 medalsintheBeijingandAthensOlympics SheisaCalifornianative,passionateaboutcooki (Unfermented) KL in 2012. She is a California native, passionate about Research:Marketresearchfor increasedby31%lastyearto25,928kiloliters(the andwillcompeteintheLondonOlympicsin2012. (Unfermented) KL andnutritionandafanofCaliforniaDriedPlums. cookingmeasurement;productionresearchto and nutrition and a fan of California Dried equivalentofabout9,260shorttonsofN.C.prunes). SheisaCalifornianative,passionateaboutcooking 30000 26,005 25,928 10,176.6 KL (about For the first four months this year Plums. improve grower efficiency; nutrition 26,005 24,659 24,276 andnutritionandafanofCaliforniaDriedPlums. 25,928 Natalie was featured in a satellite media to researchtoidentifypositioningopportunities 3,635shorttons)hasbeenimported(primarilyfrom 25000 24,659 26,005 24,276 20000 andvaluemessages. Chile),anincreaseof19% 25,928 highlighting her healthy lifestyle andtour dried plu Natalie was featured in a satellite media 19,973 19,763 20000 24,659 24,276 Trade Policy: Protecttheinterestsofthe Natalie was featured in a satellite media tour 19,973 19,763 cookingher tips. Television highlighting healthy lifestyle and and radio dried stations plum acro 15000 Californiapruneindustryglobally. U.S. Prune Juice Imports highlighting her healthy lifestyle and dried plum 15000 thetips. U.S.Television interviewed forstations their news cooking andher radio acrossprogram 19,763 n ermente Issues Management:Protectthehealthof (Unfermented)19,973 10000 cooking tips. Television and radio stations across the U.S. interviewed her for their news programs. A Atheindustry. radio commercial featuring Natalie was al KL 7,716 10000 7,716 radio commercial featuring Natalie was also released the U.S. interviewed her for their news programs. released to the four major networks. A full-col 6,705 5000 30000 4,756 6,705 5000 tocommercial thefull-page four majornewspaper networks. A full-color, full-page feature highlighted A radioThemostcriticalissuesfacingtheCaliforniaprune/ featuring Natalie was also Natali 25,928.0 4,756 7,716 24 658 5 24,658.5 0 25000 newspaper feature highlighted Natalie’s dried plum industry the next A fivefull-color, years plum were driedplumrecipesandcookingtips. releaseddried to the four majorover networks. 0 2001 6,705 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 19,762.8 recipes and cooking tips. identified as: 200002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009full-page newspaper feature highlighted Natalie's Shrinkingdemand A New York City media 15000 driedplumrecipesandcookingtips. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Aevent Competitionfromexports New York Cityheld mediain event was held in January 10,176.6 , was January DOMESTIC MARKETING DOMESTIC MARKETING 10000 7,715.5 Increasedproductioncosts 6,704.5 2010 2010 teaming NatalieNatalie with teaming 4,756.4 A New City media Difficulty ofBonce, marketing dried plums 5000 1,945.5 2,092.9 PUBLIC , RELATIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS with York Leslie Leslie Bonce, event was held in Dietitian, January Registered 0 TIC MARKETING Registered Dietitian, Pittsburgh Thepublicrelationsgoalsfor2009/10wereto: The 1999 public DOMESTIC MARKETING 2000relations 2001 2002goals 2003 for 20042009/10 2005 2006were 2007 to: 2010 teaming Natalie with Steelers' Pittsburgh Steelers’ Nutrition Advisor and author RELATIONS of California DriedDried Plums Leslie as Bonce, Registered Nutrition Advisor and •● drive driveawareness awareness of California Plums Public of Relations a new book on sports aasaSensationalSuperfruitandto Sensational Superfruit and to STRATEGIC PLAN author of a new Steelers' book on Dietitian, Pittsburgh ublicrelationsgoalsfor2009/10wereto: nutrition. Top-tier lifestyle ● maximize media attention and stimulate sports nutrition. TopThepublicrelationsfocusintheU.S.continuedtobe Nutrition Advisor and author • maximize media attention and stimulate journalists learned peak The California Dried Plum Board completed a demand. ive awareness of California Dried Plums onpositioningdriedplumsasthe#1fruitfordigestier lifestyle journalists demand. of a new book on sports ComprehensiveIndustryStrategicPlan(CISP)about performance tips and fiber, theantioxidants Leslie Bonci tive health to their sorbitol, aSensationalSuperfruitandto learned peakdue performance This was achieved by nutrition. Top-tier lifestyle 18monthsagothroughthefacilitationofMs.Mary benefits of California Dried This positioning extends beyond This was star achieved tips potassium. and the benefits of leveraging power by and aximize media attention and stimulate Moos of Gordian Marketing, Inc.the Representatives journalists learned peak consumers’ traditional association of prunes with Plums. leveraging the star power of California Dried Plums. of Olympic Champion mand.fromallfacetsoftheindustryaswellasCDPBstaff, laxationtoencompasslifestyleandwell-being. performance tips and the Leslie Bonci Olympic swimmer swimmer Champion Natalie Coughlin agencyandconsultantresourcesmetforthreework Delta Airlines benefits ofDelta California Dried This wasNatalieCoughlintodramatize by superfruit Airlines ran ran an in-flight video featuri toachieved dramatize the sessionstodevelopacomprehensiveandcoordinated Ourcommunicationgoalswereto: Natalieexplaining California Dried Plums. leveraging thethe star power superfruit positioning and an in-flight video featuringwhy globalstrategicplanthatwould: Natalie explaining whyPlums a positioning andof broaden the Dried Plums are the essential superfruit in appeal swimmer of California Dried of California broaden the appeal Olympic Champion theessentialsuperfruitinhertrainingplan. Buildawarenessabouttheimportanceof NatalieCoughlintodramatize Supportthelong-termhealthoftheindustry Delta Airlines ran an in-flight video featuring plan. Plums. InDried addition, we In her training digestivehealthamongourtargetaudiences: California Plums. Representareasofcommoninterest The CDPB reached activePlums women both onli – why Women25–54yearsold Natalieexplaining CaliforniaDried are generated support for and an addition,wegeneratedsupport superfruit and the Provide benefitspositioning to all industry segments and at sports venues training CDPB (universeof63+million) reached activelike women both camps, online leagu endorsement theessentialsuperfruitinhertrainingplan. and an of endorsement of The thefor appeal ofCalifornia broaden Beusedtomakeinformeddecisionsabout – amateur Medialike competitions. Banner sports venues training camps,leagues and ads a Dried PlumsDried as a sensational California Plums as a and atand fundingandprogramming. California Natalie Coughlin Dried Plums. In – HealthProfessionals dedicatede-mailsfromtheActiveMarketingGro competitions. Banner ads both and dedicated superfruit among health and The amateur CDPB reached active women online sensational superfruit among addition,wegeneratedsupport featured Natalie and the superfruit message a e-mails from the Active Marketing Group featured nutrition influencers. Fromthesesessionsthefollowingmissionstatements and at sports venues like training camps, leagues healthandnutritioninfluencers. DriveawarenessthatDriedPlumsarethe for and an endorsement of Natalie and the superfruit message and drove drovevisitorstoTummywise.comwheretheycou weredeveloped. “essential”solutiontodigestivehealth and amateur competitions. Banner ads and California Dried Plums as a visitors to where they could cooki Our primary continued to be enter sweepstakes and view Natalie's oughlin Our primarytarget targetaudience audience continued to be dedicatede-mailsfromtheActiveMarketingGroup Industry: To sellsuperfruit more California dried plums to sensational among enter a sweepstakes and view Natalie’s cooking women 25-54 years old (universe of 63+ million) who video.Snackpacksand$1.00driedplumcoupo PositiontheCaliforniaDriedPlumBoard women 25-54 years old (universe of 63+ million) featuredvideo. Snack Natalie and theand superfruit message and morepeopleworldwide. packs $1.00 dried plum coupons are motivated by convenience, nutrition and wellness dnutritioninfluencers. asthenumberoneresourceforinformation were distributed to 300,000 participants in Acti who are motivated by convenience, nutrition and drovevisitorstoTummywise.comwheretheycould ondigestivehealth were Marketingswimmingandenduranceevents. distributed to 300,000 participants in Active for themselves and their families. Our secondary wellness forprotect themselves and their families. Oura sweepstakes and view Natalie's cooking CDPB: To and support the health, growth enter Marketing swimming and endurance events. target audience was healthcare professionals such as primarysecondary target audience continued to be audiencedried was healthcare The strategies and programs used to reach the and integrity target of the California plum/prune video.Snackpacksand$1.00driedplumcoupons dietitians, nutrition advisors andmillion) sports and fitness A partnership with reach 5-54 years old (universe ofdietitians, 63+ industry. professionals such as nutrition advisors communicationgoalswere: A partnership with reached 1,800 nutrition experts. were distributed to 300,000 participants inwith Active 1,800influential food bloggers a combine motivated by convenience, nutrition and andsportsandfitnessnutritionexperts. influential food bloggers with a combined audience ItwasagreedthatthefocusoftheCDPB’sactivities Marketingswimmingandenduranceevents. for themselves and their families. Our Dramatize to Publicize of 5.6 million readers. Bloggers were urged to enter The California Dried Plum Peak Performance shouldbe: Themediaishungryforproblem/solutionstoriesso target audience was healthcare Natalie’s healthy eating recipe contest featuring Plan featured Coughlin as spokesperson. A partnership GenericNatalie Promotions: Communicatediffer with we demonstrated the impact of travel onreached digestive nals such as dietitians, nutrition advisors California Dried Plums. Natalie won 11 medals in the Beijing and Athens 1,800influential food bloggers with a combined 25000 andfitnessnutritionexperts. 4 Months audience of 5.6 million readers. Bloggers • “Short-term effects of a snack including dried CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS were PAGE 4 urgedtoenterNatalie'shealthyeatingrecipecontest prunes on energy intake and satiety in normal featuringCaliforniaDriedPlums. weight Eat. Behav. 201-203 California Driedindividuals.” Plums by partnering with 11: health health,usingreal-lifeexperiencesoffrequenttravelers and healthcare professionals prunes on energy intake and satiety in normal ce of whoareoftenvictimsofstress,poordiet(esp.lack 5.6Dietitians million readers. Bloggers were were • “Short-term effects of a snack including dried Farajian,P.,Katsagani,M.,andZampelas,A. clubs to provide complimentary California Dried sampled and dehydration, provided literature at the American individuals.” Behav.in11: 201-203 Dietitians and healthcare wereprunes toenterNatalie'shealthyeatingrecipecontest onweight energy intake andEat. satiety normal Plumsnackpacksformembers. of fiber) and which professionals are disruptive and • Farajian, “Type of satiety responses in Dietetic Association in Denver in October 2009. P.,snack Katsagani, M., and Zampelas, A. sampled and provided literature at the Americanweight individuals.” ngCaliforniaDriedPlums. debilitatingtooverallwellbeing. Eat. influences Behav. 11: 201-203 adult women.” Appetite 54:564-69. FurchnerPump Up the Volume DieteticAssociationinDenverinOctober2009. Farajian,P.,Katsagani,M.,andZampelas,A. “Type of snack satiety responses We● increased awareness of the Digestive HealthL. S., On the Go: professionals Frequent Travelers Evanson, A., influences Petrisko, Y., Howarth, NUTRITION RESEARCH etitiansWomen and healthcare wereProgram in adult women.” Appetite 54:564-69. campaignbysurroundingconsumerswithinformation The CDPB partnered with CondeNet, a nationally Nemoseck,T.,andKernM. • “Type of snack influences satiety responses in RESEARCH ed andNUTRITION provided literature at the American recognized The Nutrition Research aboutdigestivehealthandthe“essentialrole”ofdried travelers’ resource,program to creatediscovers, a survey adult Furchner-Evanson, A., Petrisko,FurchnerY., Howarth, women.” Appetite 54:564-69. cAssociationinDenverinOctober2009. plumsthroughmultiplemediachannels. characterizes and quantifies nutrient and nonfor frequent travelers to uncover the most common • L. “Randomized trial:M. L. S., S., Petrisko, Nemoseck,clinical T., and Kern The Nutrition Research program discovers, A., Y., Howarth, digestive health problems experienced onfunctions the road. Evanson, dried nutrient components and health promoting plums (prunes) versus characterizes and quantifies nutrient and non- Nemoseck,T.,andKernM. RITION News ● Bureau “psyllium R a n Program d o min i z econstipation. d Anonlineadvertisingcampaignpromotedthesurvey ofRESEARCH dried plums/products with a special emphasis on nutrientcomponentsandhealthpromotingfunctions Ayear-roundnewsbureauprogramgeneratedstories, totargetconsumers.Asanincentiveforinvolvement, clinical trial: dried phytonutrients (phenolic compounds), potassium, • “Randomized ”Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. clinical trial: tipsandusageideasfeaturingCaliforniaDriedPlums, ofdriedplums/productswithaspecialemphasison allsurveyparticipantswereenteredintoasweepstakes e Nutrition Research program discovers, plums (prunes) carbohydrates, dietary fiber andexpense-paid sorbitol. The weekend program dried (accepted). Attaluri when A., consumption during the holidays plums (prunes) versus toand win prizes such as an all (phenolic compounds), potassium, especially terizesphytonutrients quantifies nutrient and nonversus psyllium leverages research findings through presentations Donahoe R., Paulson J., wasatitshighest. at a spa. The survey/sweepstakes results increased in constipation.” constipation. carbohydrates, dietary fiber and sorbitol. Thepsyllium ntcomponentsandhealthpromotingfunctions in at professional meetings and of symposia; published BrownK.,RaoS.S.C. awareness of the importance maintaining good program leverages research findings through”Aliment. Pharmacol. A l i m e nTher. t . dplums/productswithaspecialemphasison Opportunistic Program digestive health traveling highlighted manuscripts; and while by providing theand scientific basis (accepted). Attaluri A., identified potential presentations at professional meetings and “Comparativeeffectsoftwo Pharmacol. Ther. nutrients (phenolic compounds), The •CDPB proactively Dr. Satish Rao California Dried Plums ashealth thepotassium, “essential” solution. for communications to professional and symposia;publishedmanuscripts;andbyproviding Donahoe R., Paulson J., partnershipsandspokespersonsthatalignedwiththe The results were publicized nationally, creating dried fruits rich in bioactive (accepted). Attaluri ydrates, dietary fiber and sorbitol. The consumers. the scientific basis forfor communications to healthBrownK.,RaoS.S.C. Digestive Health Organization’s targeted messages. a dramatic news hook the media - “travelers’ compounds onR., bone.” Brit. J. Nutr. (accepted). A., Donahoe m leverages research findings through professionalandconsumers. New research uncovered the CDPB’s NutritionR. L., The following completed research projects Hooshmand, S.,by Chai, S. C., Saadat, Paulson J., Brown tationsdigestivehealthdistress. at professional meetings and were • “Comparativeeffectsoftwo Dr. Satish Rao AdvisoryPanel,theDHOAdvisoryBoardormedia published or are pending publication: Payton, Brummel-Smith, K., and K., Raoemerging S. M. S. C. E.,experts sia;publishedmanuscripts;andbyproviding coverage of increased these SellThefollowingcompletedresearchprojectswere the “Essential” Solution dried fruits rich in bioactive Arjmandi,B.H. ientificpublishedorarependingpublication: basis forare communications toeasy health ● “Dried plums consumed daily opportunities. ThisBrit. program built relationships Consumers looking for quick,twice fixesincrease to solve compounds on bone.” J.ofNutr. (accepted). ● “Comparative effects two dried fruits rich and kept the CDPB abreast of emerging trends and theirhealthproblems,sowemadeCaliforniaDried sionalandconsumers. antioxidant capacity after two weeks in Hooshmand, S., Chai, S. C., Saadat, R. L., J. in bioactive compounds on bone.” Brit. • “Dried plums and their products: Composition • “Dried consumed dailyKaper, increase potentialspokespeople. Plumsandthe“DigestiveHealthDiet”thecenterpiece adultplums women.” FASEB J.twice 24: 564.5. E., Brummel-Smith, K., andS. Nutr. (accepted). Hooshmand, S., Chai, andhealtheffects– Anupdatedreview.”Critical ofaproblem/solutiondiscussionregardingdigestive antioxidant capacity two weeks in adultPayton, M. efollowingcompletedresearchprojectswere S., Howarth, L. S.,after Petrisko, Y., FurchnerArjmandi,B.H. Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition C., Saadat, R. L., Payton, M. E., BrummelStrengthen Credibility health. women.” FASEB J. 24:T.,564.5. Kaper, hedorarependingpublication: Evanson, A., Nemoseck, Hong, M.Y., and S., The CDPB (accepted). Stacewicz-SapuntzakisM. turned health professionals into Smith, K., and Arjmandi, B. H. Howarth,L.S.,Petrisko,Y.,Furchner-Evanson, Kern, M. • “Dried plums and their products: Composition ambassadors by educating registered dietitians and “Good Gut” Travel Spokesperson Program ried plums consumed twice daily increase A.,Nemoseck,T.,Hong,M.Y.,andKern,M. ●• “Dried plums and their products: Composition “Oral anddentalhealthbenefitsofdriedplums” nursepractitionersabouttheimportanceofCalifornia andhealtheffects– Anupdatedreview.”Critical A third-party spokesperson, Leslie ioxidant capacity two influences weeks inBonci, adult Director ● “Snackafter selection nutrient intake, and effects –and Anand updated review.” Dried Plums in building maintaining good of Nutrition at the Universitynutrient of Pittsburgh Dr. health Christine Wu, University of Illinois, in Food Science Nutrition • Sports “Snack selection influences intake,Reviews omen.” Medical FASEB J. 24: 564.5. Kaper, S., triglycerides and bowel habits in adult digestivehealth. Center and the author of the American (accepted). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Chicago, manuscript completed but not Stacewicz-SapuntzakisM. triglyceridesandbowelhabitsinadultwomen:a owarth,L.S.,Petrisko,Y.,Furchner-Evanson, women: a pilot study.” J. Am. Diet. Assoc. DieteticAssociation’sGuidetoBetterDigestion,was Nutrition (accepted). Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis submitted. pilot study.” J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 110: 1322-27 ,Nemoseck,T.,Hong,M.Y.,andKern,M. 110: 1322-27 Howarth, L. S., Petrisko, Y., • “Oral Influencer Program selectedtoenhancethecredibilityofourmessages. anddentalhealthbenefitsofdriedplums” M. Howarth,L.S.,Petrisko,Y.,Furchner-Evanson, Leslie helped “sell the solution” promotingT.,CDPB Furchner-Evanson, A., by Nemoseck, and Dr.Wemetwithhealthprofessionalsontheirownturf During2009/10,thenutritionresearchprogram Christine Wu, University of conferences, Illinois, nack selection influences nutrient intake, A.,Nemoseck,T.,andKern,M. through participation at their national messages viaM.print, broadcast, the Internet and ● “Oral and dental health benefits dried Kern, providedinformationondriedplums’nutritionand Chicago, manuscript completed but of not localmeetingsandintheirpublications. nationalmediavehicles. glyceridesandbowelhabitsinadultwomen:a plums” Dr. Christine University of Fruit health benefits to the Wu, California Dried •“Dietary driedplum plumsubmitted. ● “Dietary dried ot study.” J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 110: 1322-27 Illinois, Dietetic Chicago, manuscript Coalition; and CPB Europe completed developedbut research Leslie works extensively with increases increases bone bone mass mass in American owarth,L.S.,Petrisko,Y.,Furchner-Evanson, not submitted. A s s o c i a to t i oinvestigate n protocols the role of dried athletestohelpthemachieve adult agedmale maleDuring2009/10,thenutritionresearchprogram in adultand and aged ,Nemoseck,T.,andKern,M. (September 17-19, peak performance and has plums/prunesinsatietyatLiverpoolUniversity;and providedinformationondriedplums’nutritionand mice.” J. Nutr. Nutr.140: 140: mice.” J. 2006): CDPB developed the “Good Gut” During 2009/10, the nutrition research program the roleThe plums/prunes in digestive 1781-87 Halloran, P., benefits todried the California Dried Fruit health at •“Dietary dried plum Halloran, B. staffed a booth on Travel Kit, which includes1781-87 provided information on dried plums’ nutrition and KingsCollege,London. Wronski, J.,Von Von Coalition; and CPB Europe increases bone mass T. in P., Wronski, T. J., the exhibit floor and developed research “on-the-go” food solutions health benefits to the California Herzen, D. C.,Chu, Chu, V., to investigate role Fruit of Coalition; dried sponsored an ADA the Dried adult and aged D. male Herzen, C., V.,protocols including California Dried and CPB Europe developed research protocols to Pingel,J. J. E., YogaSession. Plums. Xia, X., 140: Pingel, E.,plums/prunesinsatietyatLiverpoolUniversity;and mice.” J. Xia, Nutr.X., plums/prunes in satiety investigate A m plums/prunes e the r irole c aofndried Williams, A. androle Leslie Bonci dried in digestive health at Williams, A.,A.,andthe 1781-87 Halloran, B. A. P., Academy of Nurse at Liverpool University; and the role dried plums/ Fitness Enthusiasts’ Sampling Smith,B. Dr. Bernard Halloran KingsCollege,London. Smith, Wronski, T. J.,B. Von ADA ExhibitLondon. Practitioners Program prunes in digestive(June health at Kings College, Herzen, D. C., Chu, V., 20-24):CDPBalsoexhibitedatthisconference Aproduct-samplingprogramwaslaunchedtoeducate ● “Short-term effects of a snack including dried Xia, the X.,digestive Pingel,health J. E., anddistributedTummywisepamphletsandsnack active adults about benefits of packs. Williams, A. A., and Smith,B. Bernard Halloran CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS Leveraging Assets with Influencer Program INDUSTRIAL MARKETING INDUSTRIAL MARKETING The CDPB put the Digestive Health Organization intoactionandkeptwebsiteresourcesuptodatevia The industrial INDUSTRIAL The 2009/10 2009/10MARKETING industrial marketing marketing program program quarterlyconferencecallswithDHOAdvisoryBoard focused on California Dried Plum benefits focused on California Dried Plum benefits in in members.NewresearchonCalifornianDriedPlums INDUSTRIAL MARKETING naturallyimprovingthevalueofunderutilizedmeat Theimproving 2009/10 industrial program naturally the value of marketing underutilized meat cuts,particularly beef butDried also pork, andin focused on California Plum lamb benefits cuts, particularly beef but also pork, lamb and The 2009/10 industrial marketing program poultry. Adding value to proteins is naturallyimprovingthevalueofunderutilizedmeat poultry. valueResources: to underutilized underutilized is CDPBAdding Website Both proteins the DHO focused on California Dried Plum benefits in an effective way toimproveprocessor,retailerand cuts,particularly beef but also pork, lamb and annaturallyimprovingthevalueofunderutilizedmeat effective way to improve processor, retailer and website for health professionals and www. foodserviceoperatorprofitability. poultry. Adding underutilized is foodservice operatorvalue profitability. forto consumers wereproteins updated cuts,particularly beef but also pork, lamb and anonaquarterlybasis.Wealsoredesignedwww. effective way toimproveprocessor,retailerand poultry. Adding value to underutilized proteins is Program Objectives: foodserviceoperatorprofitability. Program Objectives: effective way toimproveprocessor,retailerand •foodserviceoperatorprofitability. Increaseawarenessofdriedplumsasanatural, ● Increase awareness of dried plums as a Program Objectives: Nutrition Research innovative waytoraisethevalueofmeatcuts natural, innovative way to raise the value of •withhigherprofitmargins. Increaseawarenessofdriedplumsasanatural, Program TheCDPBsponsorsnutritionandmedicalresearch meatObjectives: cuts with higher profit margins. innovative waytoraisethevalueofmeatcuts • •discover, Demonstrate dried and/or plums' ingredient to characterize quantify nutrient Increaseawarenessofdriedplumsasanatural, withhigherprofitmargins. ● Demonstrate dried and plums’ ingredient andeffectiveness. non-nutrient components health promoting innovative waytoraisethevalueofmeatcuts effectiveness. functions of dried plums/products. The ingredient nutrition • Demonstrate dried withhigherprofitmargins. • Achieve adoption of dried plums' plums in existingat research program works directly with scientists ● effectiveness. Achieve adoption of dried plums in existing •andnewproducts. Demonstrate driedto develop plums'the ingredient major research institutions objective and newadoption products.of dried plums in existing • Achieve effectiveness. researchdatabaseonwhichtobuildcrediblehealth Program Strategies: andnewproducts. communications and public relations programs and • Achieve adoption of dried plums in target existing Program Strategies: • Communicate functional benefits to the marketingefforts. Program Strategies: andnewproducts. audience emphasizing meat processors and ● Communicate functional benefits to the chain operators most likely to AProgram five member Nutrition Advisory Panelto maintains •foodservice Communicate functional benefits the target Strategies: target audience emphasizing meat processors toemphasizing these the respond scientific integrity and credibility the nutrition audience meat of processors and andprogram, foodservice chain operators most likely •messages. Communicate functional benefits to the target research evaluates current research foodservice chain operators most likely to to respond to these messages. audience emphasizing meat processors and activities,helpsdeveloptheresearchagenda,reviews respond to but these • Focus on beef foodservice chain operators most likely to proposals,assistsindisseminationofresearchresults, messages. ● Focus on beef but also include respond toother these andhelpsidentifykeycontactstoleverageresearch. also include other •animal Focus onproteins beef but messages. animal proteins whenapplicable. also include other During 2006/07, Dr. • Focus on beef butof when applicable. animal proteins Christine Wu, University • Use existing and also includecontinued other Illinois, Chicago, whenapplicable. ● Use existing and new evidence as animal proteins her study on the “Oral and new evidence as ofexisting dried plum •proof Use and whenapplicable. dental health benefits of performance and proof of dried new evidence as dried plums”. Dr. Bahram •economicpayoff. Use and plumexisting performance proof of dried plum H. Arjmandi, Florida State Beef Ad new evidence as performance and and economic University,beganhisUSDA• Support dried plum proof of dried plum economicpayoff. payoff. funded clinical trial “Dried handler industrial marketing performance andsales and Beef Ad plum reverses bone loss in activities. •● Support plum economicpayoff. Support dried dried plum postmenopausal women”. Beef Ad handler industrial handler industrial sales and marketing Theresearchincludesseveral • Support dried plum Dr. Bahram Arjmandi California Dried Plums' ingredient benefits were activities. sales andof marketing activities. measurements oxidative handler industrial sales and marketing communicated through trade advertising in Food stressfundedbytheBoard.Dr.JamesJoseph,USDA activities. Product Design, Culinology and Prepared Foods California Plums' ingredient benefits were HumanNutritionResearchCenteronAgingatTufts CaliforniaDried Dried Plums’ ingredient benefits magazines, trade publicity releases, electronic communicated through trade advertising activity in Food University, assessed the anti-inflammatory were communicated through trade advertising in California Dried Culinology Plums' ingredient benefitsFoods were bulletine-maildistribution,theBoard'swebsiteand Product Design, and Prepared offreshplumjuiceinamousecellmodelthrougha Food Product Design, Culinology and Prepared communicated through trade Institute advertising in the Food exhibits at the trade American Meat magazines, publicity releases,show, electronic no-costextensionofhispreviousworkontheroleof Foods magazines, trade publicity releases, electronic Product Design, Culinology and Prepared Research Chefs Association conference and Foods the bulletine-maildistribution,theBoard'swebsiteand driedplumsonmeasurementsofcognitiveandmotor bulletin e-mail distribution, the Board’s website magazines, trade publicity releases, electronic ValueCutSummit. exhibits at the American Meat Institute show, the behaviorinagingrats. bulletine-maildistribution,theBoard'swebsiteand and exhibitsChefs at the Association American Meat Instituteand show, Research conference the exhibits at the American Meat Institute show, the the Research Chefs Association conference and the ValueCutSummit. Research Chefs Association conference and the Value Cut Summit. ValueCutSummit. PAGE 5 New projectsconducted approved by the in 2006/07 Research atUniversity theBoard University of were: Research conducted at the of ArkansasArkansas-Fayetteville Food Science Department, Fayetteville Food demonstrated that the at the University of Research conducted Science Department, Satiety,weightmanagementanda addition of dried plum Arkansas-Fayetteville Food Science Department, demonstrated that the healthful diet Mark Kern, PhD, RD, Research mixtures can beconducted a –good demonstrated that the at the University of SanDiegoStateUniversity addition of dried plumFood Science Department, Arkansas-Fayetteville substitute addition offor dried the plum Shortandmid-termeffectsonsatiety mixtures can be athe demonstrated that phosphatescurrentlybeing mixtures can be a good innormalweightindividuals–Antonis good substitute for the addition of dried plum usedinpoultryprocessing. substitute for the Zampelas,PhD,UniversityofAthens, mixtures can currently be (dried a good phosphates All plum products phosphatescurrentlybeing Greece substitute being used dried in for poultry plum prunethe usedinpoultryprocessing. fiber, Treatmentofadultswithconstipation– phosphatescurrentlybeing processing. All powder, plum juiceplum conAll plum products (dried SatishRao,MD,PhD,UniversityofIowa usedinpoultryprocessing. products (dried plum centrate, or a 1:1 mixprune of plum fiber, dried All plum products (dried fiber, dried prune plum fiber and prune TheCDPBalsosupportedNutritionAdvisoryPanel powder, plum juice conplum fiber, dried prune powder, plum powder) produced more chicken member, Dan Gallaher, PhD, who spoke breast at the centrate, or ajuice 1:1aconmix oftender powder, plum juice conInternational Symposium on Human Health Effects centrate, or a 1:1 mix of plum fiber and prune powder) fillet than did the traditional phosphate mixture. plum fiber and prune centrate, a 1:1 of tender ofFruitsandVegetables. Consumers found nomix difference in the treatments produced more tender chicken breast fillet thanbreast did powder)aor produced a more chicken plum fiber and prune whencomparedtothephosphatecontrol. the traditional phosphate mixture.phosphate Consumersmixture. found fillet than did the traditional produced a more tender chicken Industrial Program Consumers found no difference in the treatments nopowder) difference in the treatments when compared tobreast the fillet than did the traditional phosphate mixture. Theresultsofthisstudyunderscoreresultsfrom whencomparedtothephosphatecontrol. phosphate control. The 2006/07 industry program focused Consumers found nomarketing difference in the of treatments prior university research on the efficacy dried dried plum benefits on naturally extending product whencomparedtothephosphatecontrol. plumsto naturallybindmoistureinanimalproteins. Theresultsofthisstudyunderscoreresultsfrom The results of this study underscore results from shelflifeandshelfstabilityinfoodproductslike: The ability of dried plums to function in this prior university research the efficacyof ofdried dried prior Theresultsofthisstudyunderscoreresultsfrom university research ononthe efficacy mannercanbeattributedtothe highlevelsoffiber plumsto naturallybindmoistureinanimalproteins. plums naturally bind moisture in efficacy animal proteins. to Processedfreshmeatandpoultryproducts prior university research on the andsorbitolthatnaturallyoccurinthe fruit. of The ability of dried plums to indried this The of dried plums to functionfunction in this manner ability Precookedmeatandpoultryproducts plumsto naturallybindmoistureinanimalproteins. mannercanbeattributedtothe highlevelsoffiber beability Fresh/frozenprepareddinnersandentrees can attributed to the high levels of fiberinand The of dried plums to function this INTERNATIONAL MARKETING andsorbitolthatnaturallyoccurinthe fruit. Bakedgoods(freshandfrozen) sorbitol that naturally occur in the highlevelsoffiber fruit. mannercanbeattributedtothe Selectedbakedandextrudedsnacks. TheCaliforniaDriedPlumBoardwasgrantedthe andsorbitolthatnaturallyoccurinthe fruit. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING equivalentof$3.6 millioninMarketAccessProgram INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Programobjectiveswereto: (MAP) and Emerging Markets Program (EMP) TheCaliforniaDriedPlumBoardwasgrantedthe INTERNATIONAL MARKETING support USDA’sDried Foreign Agricultural in equivalentof$3.6 Theby California Plum Board was Service granted the millioninMarketAccessProgram TheCaliforniaDriedPlumBoardwasgrantedthe Increaseawarenessofdriedplumsasafood 2009/10. equivalent of $3.6 million inMarkets Market Access Program (MAP) and Emerging Program (EMP) ingredient equivalentof$3.6 millioninMarketAccessProgram support by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural (MAP) and Emerging Markets ProgramService (EMP)in Demonstratedriedplums’ingredient (MAP) and Emerging Markets Program (EMP) TheMAPprogramagainincludedbrandfunding 2009/10. support by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service in effectivenessinextendingproductshelflife support by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service in established Western European markets within 2009/10. andshelfstability 2009/10. participatingpackerscontributingatleast50%ofthe TheMAPprogramagainincludedbrandfunding cost Achieveadoptionofdriedplumsinexisting total of advertising and promotion for their in established Western markets with The MAP program againEuropean included brand funding andnewproducts. TheMAPprogramagainincludedbrandfunding brands. participatingpackerscontributingatleast50%ofthe inin established Western markets with established WesternEuropean European markets with total cost of advertising and promotion for their Strategiesemployedwereto: participating packers contributing at least 50% of participatingpackerscontributingatleast50%ofthe Japan Genericspottelevisionadvertisingusing brands. the total cost of advertising and promotion for their total cost of of advertising and promotion for their the Piece "A Communicatedriedplumproductfeatures brands. brands. Moisture" Japan - Genericspottelevisionadvertisingusing and benefits to the industrial and commercial andof the "A Piece foodservicechannels Japan- -Generic Genericspottelevisionadvertisingusing Moisture" publicitygenerated Japan Useexistingandnewevidenceasproofof the "A Piece of spot television retail prune sales commercial and driedplums’performance Moisture" advertising using increases and led publicitygenerated Supportdriedplumhandlerindustrialsales commercial and the “A Piece to Japanandmarketingactivitiesthroughthe regaining retail prune sales its position as theled ofpublicitygenerated Moisture” useofaconsultingchef increases and retail prune sales #1 market. commercial and toexport Japan regaining increases and led The program’s shifted to sandwiches Television Commercial POS materials publicity generated its position as focus the was to Japan regaining whicharethenumber1dinnerandbreakfastentrée. supported in-store promotions in both supermarkets #1 export market. retail prune sales its position as the Television Commercial POS andmaterials increases led to #1 export market. supported in-store promotions in both supermarkets Television Commercial POS materials CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS Dried plums can extend Japan regaining its position theshelflifeofthethree as the #1 export market. and drug stores. School lunch seminars educated POS materials supported in-store promotions in comboth primary nutritionists about preparing prunesandwich recipes and the supermarkets and drug stores. School lunch seminars ponents: bread, protein and School lunch educated nutritionalattributesofCaliforniaprunes. anddrug drugstores. stores. School lunchseminars seminars educated and toppings (sauce, educated nutritionists about preparing prune recipes nutritionists nutritionistsabout aboutpreparing preparing prune prunerecipes recipesand andthe the condiments, produce, and the nutritional attributes of California prunes. nutritionalattributesofCaliforniaprunes. China - Nutritionseminarsandpregnantwomen nutritionalattributesofCaliforniaprunes. cheese, etc). Most of salons educated consumers about the benefits of these components are China - -Nutritionseminarsandpregnantwomen eating China - Nutrition seminars andand pregnant women California prunes. manufactured Chef baker seminars China Nutritionseminarsandpregnantwomen in a food salons educated consumers about benefits salons educated about thethe benefits ofof emphasized the consumers quality and versatility of California salons educated consumers about the benefits of plant with final assembly eating California prunes. Chef and baker seminars eating California prunes. Chef and baker seminars prunesandretailbakerypromotionsshowcasednew eating California Chef and bakeroperaseminars a foodservice emphasized quality versatility of California emphasized thethe quality and versatility of California prune bakery products. and Trade seminars and emphasized the quality and versatility of California tororconsumer. shows prunesandretailbakerypromotionsshowcasednew prunes and retail bakery promotions showcased resulted in new brands of California prunes new being prunesandretailbakerypromotionsshowcasednew prune bakery products. Trade seminars and shows Trade Ad prune bakery products. Trade seminars and shows introducedatretail. prune bakery products. California Trade seminars and shows Dried Plums’ resulted in new brands of California prunes being resulted in new brands of California prunes being resulted new brands of California prunes ingredientinbenefits were communicated throughbeing trade introducedatretail. India Television advertisinginFoodProductDesignandCulinology, introducedatretail. introduced at retail. advertising, advertorials tradepublicityreleases,exhibitingattheInstituteof India - Television and in-store India Television FoodTechnologistsconventionandResearchChefs India - - promotions Television advertising, advertorials AssociationconventionandtheBoard’swebsite. increased awareness of advertising, advertorials advertising, advertorials and in-store promotions California prunes in India. and in-store promotions and in-storeawareness promotions increased of INTERNATIONAL MARKETING A new generic sample increased awareness of increased awareness of California prunes in India. packwasdevelopedforan California prunes in India. California prunes inDried India. A The California Plum A generic sample on-pack with A new newpromotion generic sample new generic sample pack was Board was granted the equivapackwasdevelopedforan Kellogg's Muesli that packwasdevelopedforan developed for an on-pack lent of $2.8 million Market on-pack promotion with increased userintrial on-pack new promotion with AccessProgram(MAP)support promotion with Kellogg’s Kellogg's Muesli that and retail sales of Kellogg's Muesli that New Sample Pack byUSDA’sForeignAgricultural Muesli that new increased new increased user trial Californiaprunes. increased new user trial Service 2006/07. Due to user trialin and retail sales of and retail sales of and retail sales of New NewSample SamplePack Pack the inroads made by Chile and California prunes. Californiaprunes. United Kingdom The Board worked closely Californiaprunes. Argentina during California’s with health-oriented specialty retailers to tailor ininventory shortages, promoUnited Kingdom The Board worked closely tional United Kingdom The Board worked closely store promotions to-focused their stores and customers. United Kingdom - The Board worked closely activities were on the benefits of with health-oriented specialty retailers to tailor with health-oriented specialty retailers to tailor in-inSamplingandnutritionmaterialsweredistributedat with health-oriented specialty retailers to tailor inbuying California prunes rather than prunes from store promotions to their stores and customers. female-oriented events like Sports Relief, Taste of store promotions their stores and customers. store promotions to to their stores and customers. otherorigins. Samplingandnutritionmaterialsweredistributedat London, National Childbirth England Samplingandnutritionmaterialsweredistributedat Sampling and nutrition materialsTrust wereand distributed female-oriented events like Sports Relief, Netball(theUK'smostpopularwomen'ssport). female-oriented events events like Taste of Japan at female-oriented like Sports Sports Relief, Relief,Taste Tasteof London, National Childbirth Trust and England London, National Childbirth Trust and England of London, National Childbirth Trust and England Netball(theUK'smostpopularwomen'ssport). Spot television adverItaly Generic promoted California Netball(theUK'smostpopularwomen'ssport). Netball (the- UK’s mostactivities popular women’s sport). tising snack emphasizing through prunes as a healthy and versatile Italy - - Generic activities promoted California the importance of leaflets andPOSmaterials.Thepopularelectriccar Italy Generic activities promoted California Italy - Generic activities promoted California prunes as a healthy and versatile snack through California prunes in roadshow sporting events continued to prunes as amajor healthy and versatile snack through prunes asandPOSmaterials.Thepopularelectriccar aathealthy and versatile snack through the diet for health and leaflets generate sampling and publicity opportunities. leaflets andPOSmaterials.Thepopularelectriccar leaflets and at POS materials. The popular beauty ran in electric Tokyo, roadshow major sporting events continued to Promotions and product sampling were held in roadshow at major sporting events continued to car roadshow at major sporting events continued Osaka and Nagoya generate sampling and publicity opportunities. retail storessampling and leading resorts in Northern generate andspa publicity opportunities. toPromotions generate sampling and publicity opportunities. in March and Aprilin and Italy. Promotions andproduct productsampling samplingwere wereheld held in Television Commercial Promotions and product sampling were held in retail 2007. The translation retail retailstores storesand andleading leadingspa sparesorts resortsin inNorthern Northern oftheDoctors’HandbookonPruneswascompleted stores and leading spa resorts in Northern Italy. Italy. Greece Italy. - Genericactivitiesemphasizedthesuperior anddistributiontothetradeandhealthandmedical quality of California prunes and their nutritional professionalsbegan.Amini-CaliforniaPruneBook attributes.TheresultsofaGreeksatietystudywere Greece- -Genericactivitiesemphasizedthesuperior - Generic activities emphasized the Greece Greece Genericactivitiesemphasizedthesuperior was developed with nutrition facts and recipes for superior quality of communications California prunes and their quality of California prunes and their nutritional included in health to nutritionists quality of California prunes and their nutritional consumers. Sampling and literature distribution nutritional attributes. The resultsMenopause of a Greek Society satiety attributes.TheresultsofaGreeksatietystudywere attributes.TheresultsofaGreeksatietystudywere were conducted at The Japan included health communications to study were in included in health Red communications to included in health communications tonutritionists nutritionists Conference and Yokohama Cross Blood nutritionists and scientific opinion leaders. Ms. Eleni PAGE 6 Donationsites. Petroulaki, gym owner and andscientificopinionleaders. media celebrity, again served as China Ms. Eleni Petroulaki, gym our brandand ambassador. andscientificopinionleaders. owner media celebrity, andscientificopinionleaders. Aagain nutrition seminar featuring Dr. Maoshing Ni, a Ms. Petroulaki, gym served as our brand Ms. Eleni Eleni Petroulaki, gym California Doctor of Chinese ambassador. Russiaand The BoardMedicine, was held owner celebrity, owner and- media media celebrity, inOctoberwiththeShanghaiNutritionSociety.A exhibited at the World Food again served as our again served as our brand brand bakery promotion was conducted in Shanghai to ambassador. Moscow and St. Petersburg trade Russia The Board ambassador. Eleni Petroulaki familiarize bakers, chefs and journalists with the shows and at heldthe trade seminars exhibited World Food useofCaliforniaprunesasaningredient. Over 50 Russia - - buyers The toMoscow educate prune about and St. Petersburg tradeEleni shows and held Russia The Board Board Petroulaki Eleni Petroulaki magazine and newspaper articles were generated exhibited at the World Food trade seminars tobuying educate prune buyers about the exhibited at of the Worldfrom Food the advantages bytheBoard’smediacampaign.In-storesampling Moscow and St. Petersburg trade shows and advantagesofbuyingfromCalifornia. Moscow and St. Petersburg trade shows andheld held California. promotions were conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, trade seminars to educate prune buyers about trade seminars to educate buyers aboutthe the Guangzhou and Shenzhen to prune introduce consumers advantagesofbuyingfromCalifornia. European Union In response to the dramatic advantagesofbuyingfromCalifornia. European Union - In response to the dramatic toCaliforniaprunes.PregnantSalonswereheldin tighteningofofregulations regulationscontrolling controllinghealth healthand and BeijingandGuangzhoutoeducateexpectantmothers tightening European Union - -European In response to the dramatic nutrition claims in the Union, the CPB European Union In response to the dramatic about the benefits of the eating California prunes. nutrition claims in European Union, the CPB tightening of regulations controlling health responded by taking the lead in a Global-Based tightening of regulations controlling healthand and responded by taking the lead in a Global-Based nutrition claims in the European Union, the CPB Initiative (GBI) to develop a process for obtaining nutrition claims in the European Union, the CPB India Initiative (GBI) to develop alead processafor obtaining responded EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthorityapprovalofhealth respondedby bytaking takingthe the leadin in aGlobal-Based Global-Based European Food Safety Authority approval of health Initiative (GBI) to aainitial process for and nutrition claims with an MAP funding Initiative (GBI) todevelop develop process forobtaining obtaining Areversetrademissionbroughtfourdriedfruitand and nutrition claims with an initial MAP funding EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthorityapprovalofhealth nutimporterstoCaliforniainAugustandSeptember grantof$500,000.. EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthorityapprovalofhealth grant of $500,000.. and nutrition with 2006 to learn claims about and nutrition claimsthe withan aninitial initialMAP MAPfunding funding grantof$500,000.. product and our industry. In all markets, trade grantof$500,000.. communications In all markets, trade A Doctors’ Handbook on focused In all markets, trade Prunes was developed to communications focused on should In why all buyers markets, trade communications focused incorporate all scientific onchoose why buyers should California prunes communications focused studiesonhealthandnutrion why buyers should choose California prunes as as Standard" on"The whyGold buyers should tion. Exhibits at high profile choose prunes “The GoldCalifornia Standard” versus versus our foreign choose California prunes tradeshowsandconsumer as "The competitors. Standard" Quality, asforeign "TheGold Gold Standard" our competitors. foodshowshaveincreased versus our foreign product safety, marketing versus our foreign Quality, of product safety, awareness the benefits of competitors. Quality, support and competitors. customer Quality, marketing support and buying California prunes. product safety, marketing service were the cornerproduct safety, marketing customer service were the Nutrition seminars have support and customer stones of this effort emphasizeCalifornia’s California's support and customer corner-stones of this effort to emphasize also been held to tout theto service were the cornerleadershipposition. service were the cornerleadership position. benefits of prunes. Doctor’s Handbook stones California's stones of of this this effort effort to to emphasize emphasize California's leadershipposition. leadershipposition. United TheKingdom California Dried Plum Board is a recipient of Market Access Program (MAP) funds from USDA’s The California Dried Plum Board isasa recipient California prunes were designated the official The California Dried Plum Board isisaaDepartment recipient ofof Foreign Agricultural Service. The U.S. The California Dried Plum Board recipient ofof Market Access Program (MAP) funds from snack food of England Netball, the most popular Market Access Program (MAP) funds from USDA’s Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in Market Access Program (MAP) funds from USDA’s USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. The U.S. sport for This sponsorship provided samForeign Agricultural Service. The U.S. Department all its women. programs and activities the basis of race, Foreign Agricultural Service.on The U.S. Department Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits pling at matches, international televiofopportunities Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination inin color, national origin, gender, religion, age, of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination all its programs and activities on the basis of race, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and siondiscrimination coverage and access to UK schools that receive in all its programs and activities all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases Skills Awards. Media relations position California on the basis of race, color, national origin, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who prunesasthebestpruneavailablebasedonitssupedisability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs,and marital ororfamily status. (Not prohibited bases require alternative means for all communication of riortasteandconsistentquality. Retail support marital familyand status. (Not allfamily prohibited bases sexual orientation marital or status. apply totoall programs.) Persons with disabilities who program (Braille, large print, apply allinformation programs.) Persons with disabilities who included in-store sampling in 74to Sainsbury’s stores (Not all prohibited bases apply all programs.) require alternative means for communication ofof audiotape, etc.) should contact Richard Peterson at alternative means for communication andPersons arequire national promotion featuring CPB logos on with information disabilities who require alternative program (Braille, large print, (916) 565-6232. program information (Braille, large print, special packages, leaflet distribution and sampling in means foretc.) communication of program audiotape, should contact Richard Peterson atat audiotape, etc.) should contact Richard Peterson 500information Holland & Barrett stores. The CPB exhibited (916) (Braille, large print, audiotape, (916)565-6232. 565-6232. atcateringandrestaurantshowsandlaunchedanew etc.) should contact Richard Peterson at (916) foodservice brochure promoting California prunes 565-6232. CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS asPRODUCTION a quality, healthyRESEARCH and versatile ingredient in fine PRODUCTION RESEARCH dining. The CaliforniaRESEARCH Dried Plum Board funded a PRODUCTION production research 2009/10a variety The of California Dried Plumprojects Boardinfunded Theas California Dried Plum Board funded a Italy as well membership in the Minor Crop Farmer variety ofofproduction research projects in 2009/10 2009/10 variety production research projects in AllianceandthePesticidePolicyCoalitionatatotal as asasmembership in Minor Crop Farmer Farmer Samplingcontinuedthroughthetravelingroadshow aswell well membership inthe the Minor Crop cost ofand $237,676. Joe Turkovich served as Alliance the Pesticide Policy Coalition at a total followingtheGirod’Italiabicycletour,oneofItaly’s AllianceandthePesticidePolicyCoalitionatatotal ChairmanoftheResearchSubcommitteeandGary cost of $237,676. Joe Turkovich served asserved Chairman mostpopularsportingevents.Ourbrandedelectric cost of $237,676. of Joe Agricultural Turkovich as Obenauf, President Research of the Research Subcommittee and Gary Obenauf, carhasattractedexcellentmediapublicityanddrawn ChairmanoftheResearchSubcommitteeandGary Consulting,coordinatedallresearchactivities.For spectators who are given consumer President ofPresident Agricultural Researchnew Consulting, Obenauf, of samples, Agricultural Research reports onthesepruneresearchprojects,contactthe leaflets and an opportunity to enter the CPB’s national coordinated all research activities. For reports on Consulting,coordinatedallresearchactivities.For Boardoffice orvisit . competition.Pressmaterithese prune research projects, contact the Board reports onthesepruneresearchprojects,contactthe als position California office or visit Boardoffice orvisit prunes as the highest quality prunes available because they are natural, healthfulandthebesttasting. In-store promotions were successfully tested in a few hypermarkets in North Italy and more will Electric Car bescheduled. INTERNATIONAL PRUNE ASSOCIATION Greece NEWS INTERNATIONAL PRUNE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL PRUNE ASSOCIATION NEWS TheInternationalPruneAssociation(IPA)held Greek journalists who visited California last April The International Prune Association (IPA) held wrote six articles in their womens’ magaitsits12thWorldCongressinCapetown,SouthAfrica 12th World Congress in popular Capetown, South Africa TheInternationalPruneAssociation(IPA)held zines.MediacelebrityandspaownerEleniPetroulaki in October 2010, marking the IPA's 20th inits12thWorldCongressinCapetown,SouthAfrica October 2010, marking the IPA’s 20th Annivergenerated press and broadcast Anniversary. on Reports on industry trends were sary. Reports industry trends the in October 2010, marking the given IPA's by20th media coverage through her were givenbytheUnitedStates,Chile,France,Australia, United States, Chile, France, Australia, South Africa Anniversary. Reports trends were appearancesasCaliforniaprune South Africa and Italy. on Theindustry IPA projects that by and Italy. The IPA that by 2012 a worldwide givenbytheUnitedStates,Chile,France,Australia, spokesperson. projects Consumer 2012 aworldwidepruneoversupplyof66,000tons prune oversupply ofItaly. 66,000 tons existthat unless South Africa andstepsaretakentoreduce The IPAmay projects by samples and brochures were may existunless acreage distributedonAthens’beaches, steps taken to reduce acreage and production. 2012are aworldwidepruneoversupplyof66,000tons andproduction. tomidwivesandgynaecologists may existunless stepsaretakentoreduce acreage onInternationalMidwivesDay The next IPA Conference andproduction. Thebenext and through popular womens’ will heldIPA in Conference the Davis/ The next IPA Conference will be held in the Davis/ magazines.Samplingwasalso Sacramento area May 2012. will be held in the Thiara Davis/ conducted in over Sacramento 30 area May 2012. IPAretail President Gary Eleni Petroulaki Sacramento area May 2012. storesintheAthensarea. IPA President Gary Thiara welcomes suggestions on IPA President Gary welcomes suggestions on presentation topics andThiara tours welcomes suggestions on presentation topics and toursis forthisimportantconference. Please note that the California Dried Plum Board presentation topics and tours a recipient of Marketfor Access Program (MAP) funds this important conference. from USDA’s Foreign forthisimportantconference. Agricultural Service. The U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture(USDA)prohibitsdiscriminaGary Thiara tioninallitsprogramsandactivitiesonthebasisofrace, FRANCHISE TAX BOARD NOTICE Gary Thiara color, national origin, religion, age, disability, FRANCHISE TAX gender, BOARD NOTICE politicalbeliefs,sexualorientationandmaritalorfamily IfyoupayCaliforniasourceincometononresidentsof FRANCHISE TAX BOARD NOTICE status. If (Not you allpay California source income to prohibited bases apply to all programs.) California,theFranchiseTaxBoard(FTB)wantstomake IfyoupayCaliforniasourceincometononresidentsof Persons with disabilities who require alternative means nonresidents of California, the Franchise Tax Board youawarethatunlesscertainexceptionsapply,youmust forcommunicationofprograminformation(Braille,large California,theFranchiseTaxBoard(FTB)wantstomake withhold andsendtoFTBseven (FTB) wants to make you awarepercentofall that unless payments certain print,audiotape,etc.)shouldcontactRichardPetersonat youawarethatunlesscertainexceptionsapply,youmust thatexceed$1,500inacalendaryear. exceptions apply, you must withhold and send to FTB (916)565-6232. withhold andsendtoFTBseven percentofall payments seven percent of all payments that exceed $1,500 in a thatexceed$1,500inacalendaryear. calendar year. PAGE 7 California source income may include, but is not PRODUCTION RESEARCH limitedto: source income California may include, but is not California source income may include, but is not limited to: • Paymentstobeekeepersandtechnicalexperts. limitedto: The California Dried Plum Board funded a variety ●• Payments to beekeepers andto technical Other non-wage payments made those who ofproductionresearchprojectsin2006/07aswellas • experts. Paymentstobeekeepersandtechnicalexperts. servicethefarmingindustry. membershipintheMinorCropFarmerAllianceand Othernon-wage non-wagepayments paymentsmade madetotothose those who ●• Other who theImplementationWorkingGroupatatotalcostof servicethefarmingindustry. For withholding procedures, information, or FTB service the farming industry. $246,448.JoeTurkovichservedasChairmanofthe forms: ResearchSubcommitteeandGaryObenauf,President For withholding procedures, information, or FTB of Agricultural Research Consulting, coordinated For withholding procedures, information, or FTB • Visit their website at and search for forms: all research activities. For a report on these prune withholding. forms: Visit their website atBoard and for research projects, contact the office. Review Publication 1017, Resident and ●•• Visit theirFTB website at andsearch search withholding. NonresidentWithholdingGuidelines. for withholding. • Call Review FTB Publication or 1017, Resident (not and • them at Publication 888.792.4900 916.845.6262 ● Review FTB 1017, Resident and NonresidentWithholdingGuidelines. toll-free) • Nonresident Call them atWithholding 888.792.4900Guidelines. or 916.845.6262 (not [email protected] ● Call them at 888.792.4900 or 916.845.6262 toll-free) Withholding in the subject line. This is not a secure (not toll-free) [email protected] email address. Please do not send confidential Withholding in the subject line. This is not a secure Email them atstatement [email protected]. Type information. The 2006/07 Board of income andconfidential expenses is email address. Please do not send Nonresident Withholding the subject line. in This shown below. These represent in audited figures verified the information. 2009/10 BOARD INCOME & EXPENSES 2006/07 BOARD INCOME & EXPENSES Board’s audit by Hood and Strong, is not aannual secure email address. PleaseCertified do notPublic send Accountants. confidential information. The 2009/10 Board statement of income and 2009/10 BOARD INCOME & EXPENSES expensesisshownbelow.Theserepresentaudited INCOME: Theverified 2009/10 Board statementannual income figures in the Board’s auditand by 2009/10 BOARD INCOME &ofEXPENSES expensesisshownbelow.Theserepresentaudited CarryoverFunds $727,576 Hood and Strong LLP, Certified Public Accountants. The 2009/10 of income figures verified Board in the statement Board’s annual auditand by Production(Assessabletonsonly)188,804 Hood is and Strong Certified Public expenses shown below. These represent audited AssessmentRateperton LLP, 34.00 INCOME : AssessmentIncome 5,812,634 Accountants. figures verified in the Board’s annual audit by Hood Misc.Income(Interest,etc.) 26,355 CarryoverFunds $ 1,528,058 and Strong: LLP, Certified Public Accountants. INCOME Production(Assessabletonsonly) 166,114 TOTAL INCOME $ $ 1,528,058 6,566,565 CarryoverFunds INCOME: AssessmentRateperton $ 27.00 Production(Assessabletonsonly) 166,114 Carryover Funds $ 1,528,058 AssessmentIncome 4,491,405 EXPENSES: AssessmentRateperton 27.00 Misc.Income(Interest,etc.) 332 Production (Assessable tons only) $ 166,114 AssessmentIncome 4,491,405 TOTAL INCOME OperatingExpenses $200,462 Assessment Rate per ton $$ 6,019,794 27.00 Misc.Income(Interest,etc.) 332 ConsultingServices129,876 Assessment Income 4,491,405 EXPENSES: TOTAL INCOME $ 6,019,794 CropEstimatingServices Misc. Income (Interest, etc.) 32,000 332 ProductionResearch&Coordination324,308 OperatingExpenses $ 220,307 EXPENSES: PublicRelations 1,264,441 TOTAL INCOME $ 6,019,794 ConsultingServices 125,927 OperatingExpenses $ 220,307 Advertising 0 CropEstimatingServices 5,000 EXPENSES: ConsumerResearch ConsultingServices 103,112 125,927 ProductionResearch&Coordination 332,578 SalesPromotion 77,100 CropEstimatingServices 5,000 Operating Expenses $ 947,048 220,307 PublicRelations InternationalMarketDevelopment1,768,416 ProductionResearch&Coordination 332,578 Consulting Services 125,927 Nutrition Research 73,602 Administration 443,379 PublicRelations 947,048 Crop Estimating Services 5,000 DomesticMarketing 399,687 Nutrition Research 73,602 Production Research & Coordination 332,578 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4,343,094 InternationalMarketDevelopment 1,593,880 DomesticMarketing 399,687 Public Relations 947,048 Administration 499,355 InternationalMarketDevelopment FUNDS CARRIED 2,223,471 ProcessorCredit-Back 645,812 Nutrition ResearchOVER$ 1,593,880 73,602 Administration 499,355 Domestic Marketing $ 4,197,384 399,687 TOTAL EXPENSES ProcessorCredit-Back 645,812 International Market Development 1,593,880 TOTALCARRIED EXPENSESOVER 4,197,384 Administration $$ 499,355 FUNDS 1,176,599 Processor Credit-Back 645,812 FUNDS CARRIED OVER $ 1,176,599 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4,197,384 FUNDS CARRIED OVER $ 1,176,599 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 3840 RosinCourt,Suite170 3840RosinCourt,Suite170 Sacramento,CA95834 3840 RosinCourt,Suite170 Sacramento,CA95834 CDPB(916)565-6232 Sacramento,CA95834 CDPB(916)565-6232 PMC(916)565-6235 CDPB(916)565-6232 PMC(916)565-6235 FAX(916)565-6237 PMC(916)565-6235 FAX(916)565-6237 E-mail:[email protected] FAX(916)565-6237 E-mail:[email protected] Website: E-mail:[email protected] TheCaliforniaDriedPlumNews ispublished Website: by theCaliforniaDriedPlumBoard(CDPB) TheCaliforniaDriedPlumNewsispublishedby ispublished & TheCaliforniaDriedPlumNews thePruneMarketingCommittee(PMC) theCaliforniaDriedPlumBoard(CDPB)& by theCaliforniaDriedPlumBoard(CDPB) thePruneMarketingCommittee(PMC) JonLavy,Chairman,CDPB & thePruneMarketingCommittee(PMC) TimSmith,Chairman,PMC JonLavy,Chairman,CDPB TimSmith,Chairman,CDPB RichardPeterson,ExecutiveDirector,CDPB&PMC TimSmith,Chairman,PMC Jon Lavy, Chairman, PMC RichardPeterson,ExecutiveDirector,CDPB&PMC RichardPeterson,ExecutiveDirector,CDPB&PMC CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM NEWS PAGE 8 2009/10 MARKETING YEAR 2006/07 MARKETING YEAR 2009/10 MARKETING YEAR CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUM BOARD PRUNE MARKETING COMMITTEE 2006/07 MARKETING YEAR DISTRICT/ CALIFORNIADRIED DRIEDPLUM PLUM BOARD CALIFORNIA AFFILIATION MEMBERS FLOATINGBOARD CALIFORNIA DRIED PLUMALTERNATES BOARD DISTRICT/ PRODUCERS AFFILIATION MEMBERS FLOATING ALTERNATES 1 DISTRICT/VernVereschagin PRODUCERS AFFILIATION MEMBERS FLOATING 2 SukhrajPamma KeithLarrabeeALTERNATES (c) 1 VernVereschagin PRODUCERS 3 NeillMitchell JimEdwards 2 SukhrajPamma KeithLarrabee (c) VernVereschagin DanBozzo 4 1 KenLindauer 32 NeillMitchell JimEdwards RonGiovannetti KeithLarrabee(c) 5 JonLavy (a)(c) GurnamPamma 4 KenLindauer DanBozzo Jaswant Bains NeillMitchell 6 3 RanvirSingh Jim Demetriff (f) 54 JonLavy (a)(c) GurnamPamma Ken Lindauer Dan Bozzo 7 ToddMendonca(d) 65 RanvirSingh Jim Demetriff (f) JonLavy(c) AlLengtat AtLarge RichardConte 76 ToddMendonca(d) Ranvir Singh 7 Chris Steggall Co-op BobAmarel,Jr. AtLarge RichardConte Co-op RenFairbanks Co-op BrendonFlynn(e) MaryMcGowan(g) Co-op BobAmarel,Jr. Co-op Brendon Flynn Bob Amarel, Jr. Co-op BobKolberg PhilFilter Co-op BrendonFlynn(e) MaryMcGowan(g) Co-op Bob Kolberg PhilFilter Co-op TimSmith (c) JohnRehermann Co-op BobKolberg PhilFilter Co-op Hans(b)(c) Smith John Rehermann Co-op GaryThiara Co-op TimSmith (c) (a) (c) JohnRehermann Co-op Tim Smith Vacant Co-op JoeTurkovich Co-op GaryThiara (b)(c) Co-op GaryThiara(b)(c) PROCESSORS _ Co-op JoeTurkovich Co-op Joe Turkovich (d) Co-op MarkDalrymple SteveHarris PROCESSORS _ _ PROCESSORS Co-op ArthurDriscoll (c) AnaKlein Co-op MarkDalrymple SteveHarris Co-op Arthur Driscoll (c) Mark Dalrymple Co-op DaneLance HaroldUpton Co-op ArthurDriscoll (c) AnaKlein Co-op DaneLance Steve Harris Independent JaswantBains JoeSerger(h) Co-op DaneLance HaroldUpton Co-op Harold Schenker Harold Upton Independent DonSoetaert AlanGreene(i) Independent JaswantBains Independent GeorgeSousa,Jr.(c) George Sousa, Jr. (c) MarkMariani (e)JoeSerger(h) Mark Mariani (f) Independent Independent DonSoetaert AlanGreene(i) Independent RichardWilbur Don Soetaert David Mazzola Independent III ChrisSteggall Independent GeorgeSousa,Jr.(c) MarkMariani Independent Kent Mannee (c) Dennis Serger PUBLIC MEMBER ___ _ Independent ChrisSteggall Independent RichardWilbur Richard R.III Wilbur Rick G. Wilbur KarenBerke ShirleyHumphrey PUBLIC PUBLICMEMBER MEMBER ___ ____ _ PRUNEMARKETING MARKETINGCOMMITTEE COMMITTEE ALTERNATES . PRUNE MARKETING COMMITTEE PRUNE MEMBERS PRODUCERS . MEMBERS ALTERNATES . KeithLarrabee (c) VernVereschagin PRODUCERS MEMBERS ALTERNATES. . SukhrajPamma GurnamPamma KeithLarrabee (c) VernVereschagin PRODUCERS NeillMitchell GeneBains SukhrajPamma GurnamPamma KeithLarrabee(c) VernVereschagin KenLindauer (b) DilysWohletz NeillMitchell GeneBains RonGiovannetti W.C. “Buzz” Sowden JonLavy (c) DanBozzo KenLindauer (b) DilysWohletz NeillMitchell Jagdeep Bajwa RanvirSingh BrienSmith JonLavy DanBozzo Ken(c) Lindauer (b) Dorothy (k) Lindauer ToddMendonca(d) Lucille Demetriff RanvirSingh BrienSmith JonLavy(a)(c) Dan Bozzo RichardConte JimEdwards ToddMendonca(d) LucilleBrien Demetriff Ranvir Singh Smith(k) Lucille Demetriff Jim Demetriff BobAmarel,Jr. (e) PhilFilter(j) RichardConte JimEdwards RenFairbanks BrendonFlynn Vacant Vacant BobAmarel,Jr. (e) PhilFilter(j) Brendon Flynn Vacant BobKolberg JohnRehermann BrendonFlynn VacantPhilFilter Bob Kolberg TimSmith (a) (c) MaryMcGowan(l) BobKolberg JohnRehermann Hans(c)Smith John Rehermann GaryThiara DaveLoquaci(m) TimSmith (a) (c) (c) MaryMcGowan(l) Tim Smith Vacant JoeTurkovich PaulPaulin(m) GaryThiara (c) DaveLoquaci(m) GaryThiara(c) Bob Amarel, Jr. PROCESSORS _ . JoeTurkovich PaulPaulin(m) Joe Turkovich (d) Vacant MarkDalrymple BruceNorton PROCESSORS _ . _ . PROCESSORS ArthurDriscoll (c) HaroldUpton MarkDalrymple BruceNorton Mark Dalrymple Bruce Norton DaneLance SteveHarris ArthurDriscoll (c) HaroldUpton Arthur Driscoll (c) Harold Upton DonSoetaert AlanGreene(i) DaneLance SteveHarris Harold Schenker DaneLance GeorgeSousa,Jr.(c) MarkMariani DonSoetaert AlanGreene(i) George Sousa, Jr. (c) (e) KentMannee Mark(c) Mariani (f) JohnTaylor GeorgeSousa,Jr.(c) MarkMariani Don Soetaert David Mazzola RichardWilbur III ChrisSteggall JohnTaylor KentMannee (c) Dennis Serger Joe Serger PUBLIC MEMBER __ . RichardWilbur III ChrisSteggall Richard R. Wilbur Rick G. Wilbur KarenBerke ShirleyHumphrey PUBLIC MEMBER PUBLIC MEMBER __ . __ . . (a) Chairman,(b) (f)replacedLucille KarenBerke ViceChairman,(c)ExecutiveCommitteeMember, ShirleyHumphrey (d)replaced MarkShepard,(e)replacedRenFairbanks, KarenBerke ShirleyHumphrey Karen(g) Berke Vacant Demetriff, replaced Brendon Flynn, (h) replaced Kent Mannee, (i) replaced WayneKaren Duty,Berke (j) replaced Bob Amarel,Vacant Jr., (k) replaced Jim (a) Chairman,(b) ViceChairman,(c)ExecutiveCommitteeMember, (d)replaced MarkShepard,(e)replacedRenFairbanks, (f)replacedLucille Demetriff,(l)replacedPaulPaulin,(m)filledvacantposition (a) Chairman, (b) Vice Chairman, (c) Executive Committee Member, (d) Replaced Don Vossler, (e) Replaced Mark Mariani, Demetriff, (g) replaced Brendon Flynn, (h) replaced Kent Mannee, (i) replaced Wayne Duty, (j) replaced Bob Amarel, Jr., (k) replaced Jim (f) Replaced George Sousa, Jr. Demetriff,(l)replacedPaulPaulin,(m)filledvacantposition