Along the CTC there are a number of places where unique
Along the CTC there are a number of places where unique
PLACE-SPECIFIC INITIATIVES 4 Along the CTC there are a number of places where unique opportunities for improvements exist. To energize the process of community building in the Corridor, 69 Initiatives have been identified. These Initiatives respond to issues and challenges in specific places and support larger reurbanization efforts in the region. While the cost of many of these initiatives are not currently contained in municipal budgets, the Initiatives provide a canvas of opportunities and illustrate the range of potential for community building. Chapter 4 includes the following: 4.1 Place-Specific Initiatives - This section presents 69 Place-Specific Initiatives for the Corridor. These initiatives build on the 8 Community Building Opportunities (section 2.4) and apply these in terms of improvements to open spaces, community connections, neighbourhood protection, streetscaping, built form, transit experience, transportation choice and key destinations. 55 ve r St re et Ri Ho Dri ve eet eet t Cou rt Str Gre yha wk Eagle cre st Str Eag lecres Kra ft Kestrel Street Coopershawk Street Ea st ce t Pla Bri dg e Du mar hw eit ze ac e Sc h Ro ad No rt gd ale Pl rd Ho wa re et Ta gg e St isa St Inge re et Co ur t e Cr es ce nt M ar Ta gg d Av en an Gr Tyson Drive ue Mar ke t St re et le Trail Brid r St re et Carisbrook Drive Blo om in t Perchero n Cour Str ee t Dr ive rk s Pa ni es ce nt wa Cr Ki ge ive rid Marengo Court Exmoor Street Str aw Downsview Pla ce be rry Cre sce nt Sable Court Rosette Drive Drive Crim son Clo se tsf ord Pit ue Av en irley Sh d Roa ort ep Bri Co et re St College Street St ick ed er Ro se Fr ue ue Av en mou th ne Ed inb u Bo ur et n St re em an Bing Ro ad le da en re et St re et St ug mer on Kr rth ub ac Ca No Br ue a Av en Ho hn he r St er re et Av en Ch ue ap el St No rth re et Fred eric k Gl re et St et Stre Mansion Street nd or Pa ue Fairview Ave n North th Eby Street Sou South Palme r Avenu e Madison Aven Peter Street ue South Hebel Place Kent Avenue Cedar Street s Lane Benton Street Clemen Betzner Avenue Scott Street Ontario Street Street David Pandora Aven ue South ne He it La Fif e Av en re et a St Lu ell sio Man Hermie Place Queen Street Nor th ue Av en rd May na Young Street Queen Stree t South Victoria Street South re et Street Cherry re et aim hr Ep re et t St re et up ha eit Br re et St am rth No et re St re et t St up Br Gz eit ow ha Str ski La ne ee tN ort h tori a re et Vic i St sk Gz ow Water Street Nor th iar Br re et St re et ley St an Sh Lo uisa et S Wellington Stre et re St t St ion min St ew ar Do ne elph Gu d Valle y Roa Spring sto n St hn Jo re et St iew llv re et St uisa Lo r St re et he uc Bl re et re et St St uisa elm Lo Wilh ingt on Well ue ar k Av en l Av en ue Bism ah Av en ue De lis le Pe ltz Av en ue St ue Av en ah Gr reet re et reet d St St St er Woo go w ldn as Gi Gl ro ne t La re et St re et St ld no ulev ar d r Bo he uc Bl Hi ue rtw oo d Av en ue Ha reet am St Stre et pe rd Ho Mt ule va Bo reet St le gy Ar ue t Av en on Ro ad Wa ve rly Hopp Street uth So ue Av en irli ng ive Dr ca Bo Pla ce Ke hl eet ue n Str Av en So Heima er Mau ss Pa en rd Be st St reet ut hd ale Av en ue ne en y wa rk arles st Lor Asp Ave nue Ave nue Hugo Crescent Bu rns ide Clo se Ch Ea Se ne en Gl Avenue roth Ro ad nt Ave nue Pe rth ont r Av en Ro ad Ro ad ca rth Bins Belm Cl Ple asa Ro ad ad Sp e Plac Bu rn Dr ive nue Ave rlb oro ugh Ma nd ce nt ue Sou th Driv e Rox Tam St hla e Cr ai th Dri h Ave nue reet ue e Av en Ruby Street t Wes ina Sa Edg ewo od Driv e Me tzloff re et he l St Weic St St. Mary Hospital bor oug St Hig Lo rn es Ro ad nd ra Ja Av en ck ue Av en ue St re et re et ela ide Ad Ta lbo t St ce nt ive n Dr Ave nue el East Road De law ar ue Av en es k Cr yb ec Br re et St rn Ka Be lto Drive nt ue do n Av en an ge Ga Br d Dr ive tw oo Wes Winslow ive Dr al or lm Ba ce es Cr ine ther ive Inv ern es s Dr Cr es ce nt ley nt Hu East em ue es Du ch rsyth Jo Fo Ar ce Pla od ple wo Ma et St re ion Un ue d Av en kw oo Oa iel d Av en irf Fa ce d Pla ew oo St reet ist ol Br re et reet st Ro ge r St Ea East John Street ion Un ive Dr Ka Dr Pin Str Erb re et ll St Co rn wa St ey Ro dn reet St ion Un East ive t ue ley Wes an Av en et hn Hi St llia re rd St s Av en reet St las Do ug Clar Dietz Avenue South Avenue Ru ss er Ave nu e Eas t Homer Wat Admiral Road Dr ive Chopin Drive e f Pl ac Br oa Ro ad tewo od Ga ce nt Hi es Driv e Cha ndler lm Gi ive ue Dr n Av en air St on yb rook Du nc Howe Drive r Dr ive ) ria 7/8 Sw ee tb wy wa y (H Pa rk Co ne sto ga Cresce nt dale Win 58 lif dc t d5 8 Re gR to nt ce es Mar co t Cr Or ch id Bu sh Gl Clo ver Cre scen d Dr ive re stw oo Fo E_ Bn d ce nt /8 es Cr y7 ke Hw en La n Co Pine dale Hw y Gle n Avo n Cre sce nt ive Dr ur Pine Driv e Nine Wilk ins Cou rt _B W 8 7/ Way mble wo od McG ar ry Ra s Roa fe d d Re gR to nd Fore st Glen ce nt Ra ce Drive Co urt ter cre ss ive Dr Wa Wak e Ro bin Leaf ou th Stre et n tto Co et re s St as Gr ar Sw a tiv an y St reet nt ce og m h en Av Ac es Cr so os Bl ain nt ou M ur La el es Cr Becker Driv e ce ue Cr nenwer th La et re Bl th St ea lewr Driv e Yarrow Court id Br c es Cr Co Don nt ce es nt ce et re St ick Max ac Pe tz br Du Drive Stre et gey alm aw aS nt ce lov e Cr es Ott reet Stre et hli a St id Ber ue Mah h Driv e Copper Dav Lem ld Pla Fo xg rfie Pla Yello w Birc Cr tin tre et S ive Dr pe rity me Wind flo we r Dr 7/8 wy ac e Pl ar d Pa rkw ay (H Co ne sto ga l Or ch Ro ya Pros So nt ce es ar eM Pin onb ) ive Wilderness Victoria Park to the RT Ind igo Parkland Crescent Driftwood Drive e d Driv Orchar Da es Cr re et t St es r Cr Ce da e a Cr ar rb Ba ce nt ou r Cr es e Ro ad Vil lag Cre sce nt ple wo od Rip cent Cres ce nt es Cr rook Hi llb ve r As pe n Cr es Sil Court ce nt Gre enbo ugh le ruce da Sp ce nt es Cr ew tvi Wes es ce nt Cr ne Tim be rla ce Pla ds de win Tra Av alo n Pl ac ce nt es Fo rest k Cr an rin gb Sp Sil Su mm rd Bo ule va ns Qu ee We st Ro ad nd hla ce nt Hig es le Cr ce nt Dr ive es Mon teag kw ell Blac Riple y Cr ive Dr iew Tra ilv ive Dr side nk ive y Dr ur Ne wb t uc Ra ive Dr Co ra ll Dr ive Bo it Av en ue gto n Pla rin Op t ur ce nt Olive r Co e Cr sid nk Ba nt es ce Cr tana Mon Drive ive Rid ge Da wn do w Dr ea We stm We st Ro ad nd h Co ur d Court Place ce Havenwoo Maple es Cr e Lan eet er-H allm af Str Fisch Le ple Ma llow Cre sce nt k Cr gh Hi nt ce the redevelopment of the 48 Use Charles Street Terminal to connect Red ce od Dr Ho Ma ple Pla Cr ce iftwo kory Old Hig sce Cre e w Driv Highvie Su gar al lotte ar Ch er Trai on es n ee Qu pp Co od Cre ce nt al Roy nt Forest Cr es e Driv Hic ive ee nt sce t hla Qu ee ns es ce nt Cr ing ve rspr ive ive n Dr nn yly Co Bo nfair ce Bo t ur ce nt es Cr ce Cou rt e Pla Bre eze est ad For Sh Sassa fras Str eet es ve Dri tion rec Resur yridg Ba ril Cre scen n Cre gto ws Meado ati Cre sce nt oo br oo br gh Lo Homestead Place Old nt sce Pe ne e Dr sler Road Rolling lwo lop Trus nt sce Cre Bro vin Co Trail Glasgo w Street Oak nt sce Cre Int ern nt ce es Street Hi ken Cre sce nt Cre sce nt erry x Dri y Fo Gre Win W ay ood erw De Court ermere Wind ison foil wer dflo ng tau Din Hackb ve Mil di nt ce nd Place es Cr Cumberla t th ce nt ur Co or sw Bo es Ris et Stre ab y Cr ion in Dr rn Alb W ly the relationship of 49 Improve Victoria Park to the Iron Horse Bu d nt ce ce nt rg Roa es Cr es sbu ld fie sce nt ill Cr ce nt m ns Du liam tle es Cre erh t Drive Drive e er Wil Lit nt We st Acr Su mm t es Cre sce Meado wlane nt sce Cre Park Glen Co ur l Cr ast es t Crescen nt sce Cre h Acr Pinehurs Meadowbrook ide n Hil dE oks Bro Au tum e ce nt ac es ce nt Pl Cr es urt ive cy ar rk t t Cr n Co e Dr D' na ay cr of t Gle C ac d nt ce La Cl Hig Road Fores ea f Pl an es Ruskview ur Co t Trail ce nt e Cre sce nt nf Ho wl Cr Clo verdal Sh Ba Bo ulev ar d ive Dr pur Cre sce nt s Driv e d Ro ad es ow at er te ce nt Avenue Larks Ridg oo nw ga es hcliff ive ar Cr Birc e Dr Ch rry ce nt sce nt Upland Elm Drive gh ba ri Cr es Cr e Driv e Cre rti Drive hts Hi gh va Hu ck rus Cyp idg Drive Cre ek Westfores Hi Ud Bou leva rd rnr a Ro ne Tho Drive M cent den Dr Ca il nt ce Nee dles ule va nt ce es d Cr lan ce nt Ra rt Be ne sfo es ce nt ive rook rly be Hid Cre sce nt Fu rn lea Cr Ov er es ce nt St ok e Co ur t Dr ive tsb y Co Ga re et St Wex ford Cr Hw to nb ee Gr Elmsdale Warren Road Deerpark Crescent ive t 4 Rd Graystone Avenue Cres Keller ge n Dr y Co ur Ov er eig Dr Dr ive Ea rd sth We try t es lgr eet Ke lly g Re ale ed Pin ss Stre et un ive Co ur ee n Cr Str t Dr Tra est tfor Eas nt Co e Dr lea lea rk Cre sce ive Ce cil Ov er ce ugh boro Pe nn y La e Cou rt Pla Lo mba sfor ne Be Wildla on Gra sto ne eet es s Dr urt hb y Co ur As ford ive /8 y7 Drive nt ou stm We iel Dr Street Lem et Wyclif fe Str Hills Gate rlo nt Iron Ca ce Ga te nt ield Cresce Da yto na urt es Springf moor m Po et re gh Da Cr nd ela ad Sh t ke Co urt Pla ce mou th ave n Co urt Med ne rd ive e Dr rove leg Ingle sid nh Co Hi ive Dr ive Dr lgl en ze Ha es ce nt Map War ce nt es me rhi ce Pla ale lebu ry Drive Som erd ter B South Ki Midd es Blu erid Dr E_ Drive ge Ave nue Lyn ll Cr Sto Ga lda rch ce dlea e Plac ingt on Hu nt ive ll Dr Hi le ive gto n Dr rin Driv e ale Tho rnd um Dr Ha Do Lake side Vista Crescent Pla Cr Oa kv ale Dr ive Bri dgew ate r Cre sce nt dg er Dri ve ld Ave nue Ma yfie Christ oph t as ee tE re et l St Ro ya East Allen Street Street Street Fullerton Allen Street William Norman West Street West Street ee t ce en Pla Ard ce Pla ale ornd ce Home view Pla ce nt es ce nt es Cr do w lle y Cr Ro se mea en va Ed Stirling Lane eet We ntw orth ina ge Villa ce East nd ive rts le Wa y Charles Street Whitne y Place Rex Drive ve ula Lennox Crescent te Life sty Brude r Avenu e Spad ce d Pla William Wa y llis Wi Ave nue dra Alexan ee t Str on Da ws Str es re et St ck Di es ce nt Cr od Br ee ze wo t Co ur ill urch Ch e Dr ive Th We str idg e ac d Pl hw oo Be ec ll Pla ce Dr ive eld tfi Wes Nor Pa ive We stf Ad Drive Renaud eet We st Str You ng Lo urd ce Voge l Pla t St reet Co ur d Cr es ce nt Re iber ur ch ill Ch Midw oo ive es ter Dr ch Win He athe r Hi George ue Av en ue ick er Br Av en ra Ez ue e Av en hin Su ns ourt Place Westc ce Way Pla en Keats Kar Culpeppe r Drive ffe Washington Avenue reet St all es et re St mes Ja ity Un ive rs ve m Dri gra Sea Algonq uin Drive ve Dri ve tha Dri Hia wa dge Coleri e ac n Pl atoli An scent Candlewood Cre es ce nt Cr es ne Fo res t La ple Ma ce Pla ne La bu ry nd Sa es Cr row e Street Harry Class Pool nue Pla Pine Dr lcon Fa Wis mer ac e Pl o in Pa la m sce nt Cre Da yna re et e St dg Lo sh Mar Cr Elg in Ave nu eW est m lsa Ba W) of ive e Dr pe ar ak es ive Dr th lei iar cli Br ce nt h Co urt d Cr en Ain sw ort Ralston Plac e Quickfall Drive re et y St ck or Hi ce nt reet St ive Dr (U Ro ad ng Ri te Ga e Lio n's Th Sh ce nt es er e Cr be rm Co m Cr aig t Woo db Sandy Ridge Place be ck Stein Drive Be ech Ro yal t ur Co eld sfi ce nt Se ttler Laurel Street gh Hi ee tW est Str ia Way am ah Gr Wes k To mpa Fran ive Dr mpa k To Fran Pommel Gate Crescen t Co urt Milla Co ur th wi Be ck re et l Str et ss Ru Drive ce n Pla rro He ive le Str ee tW est 4 Street et ck Stre Bro We st Ave nue Ave ive d Dr oo nw nay e Dr tva Erb re et CEDAR Street Courtlan d Martin Mil ce Ave nue n Dr gto Ber rid ge Stre et eet Col t Str St re et ism er W Pla ce Run nin g Bro ok Drive ury Ma st Ea St Au sti reet n Dr ive Sorrel Place Smallwoo d Drive ce nt es Cr rdill Ca Co lum b Cre sce nt Co rrie Wa y am ah We s Gr e do w ea illm St es ce nt Cr ne an us La Interlake n Drive Dansb ce nt Cres or reg cG ast ee tE Str ia Co lum b ue Av en rd Milfo Wildwood Place le rva Ce da Ceda rbrae Aven est Driv ue e Thorncr Circl le Circ ich gW alk mue l St Tro y St re et St Kitchener Farmer’s Market St Georg nt sce Cre ur Market Lane FREDERICK/ BENTON ood dyw W inte rb Goudies Lane Sha Mun Hills ide Stre et le Circ Lee Whi tmo re Driv e Lexingt on Cou rt Road we ll Cre ek For d Ro ad thw oo ive Bly ve Dri sin r Dr Mo cca rie ee nb Gr t Cre scen cent Grove Cres e Plac Pine La wn rk Pa ive Dr nt ou rkm Pa (U of W) Reside nce Road Gatest one Boulev ard ce ft Pla Ca irn Place Edenwood rd Sa Ro se ue Co lum Glenridge Drive n Pla eet Belca efe r Str Scha Longwood Drive h Road Silve rbirc ce nt es do n Cr ing Hu nt We st nt ce es cro Pla ce iew ornv Th Bo ule va Fo re st bia et h Stre ce en r Av ge Bus eet rl Pla Ya Spice Fore stlawn Roa d ce loc k Pla Tim ive Dr or e hi tm W dy Ave nue ce Ro ad gle Go lde n Ea ce Co ghill Pla ay M ce nt es Cr ale gd ve Dri Cr de ne en Gl ive ure lwoo d Dr La urt Co nd ela Pin ce nt es Cr e al Ha ve nd ive k Dr d Oa Ol Drive Cre eks ide ue r Av en Ce da ite Wh Fa lcon es ce nt Cr er Way Windjamm Ro ad Avenue eld tlefi Cas man Nor Lexin gton Road t Co ur view ive ce nt ce nt es e Dr es Cr Cr vie w Ro ck Re d Pin ay hite M W ive Dr lake nin rth No Mor fie ld rth ive No gree n Dr Wint er Pl lls Fa glis In ce nt Cres te t Ga Fo res W ay e Falconridge Drive re et e St Bo ule va rd tic an et Stre Sleafo rd eet Str Sw allow Ro ad min Be nja nt Cre sce elton wo od Ch nt ce es d Cr an Isl Pine ive n Dr tio va nt er ce es Co ns t Cr oin np Su ive Dr rd ce nt es ron Cr e Inv er hu ac ce nt es tre am ule va s Cr e Bo nk Co lds uis nd ba Lo Sa ke La urt Co ton t r Co ur ea llb Ki ive Dr Ke lso ve Dri on Co nse rva ti Stre et e re et et st Pla ce ue St re t Ea tree Ne ttl n Str Pea ue d eo n St S ter Avenue en Aven W oo dia as Schneider Gard Schnarr ne r Av en Ly Sim nc uth Heins Avenue Re gal La Gaukel Street Linden Avenue So Water Street Victoria Park Street hn es Cr urban centre 53 Drive t Street ren ros ce ive 's Erb ad Ro Irvi Dill Street Law e Ave nue Cam Wes Improve the relationship between the hospital, the station and its neighbours Mer Charles St. Transit Terminal Roland Street Ha ge rid lly Ho * e Dr 54 Transform the Sun Life parking lot into a mixed-use block with shared parking opportunities East Ott o Str eet Spe tz Stre Richmond Avenue Drive Fenw t Pla 56 Note: The asterisk (*) indicates that a given place-specific Initiative may apply throughout the region at multiple places and sites. strategies Dam W Ellen Street Halls Lane East nue od Ave ewo Mo nte rof * Notre the transformation 55 Continue of Uptown Waterloo into a vital Ave nue lros at Ave nue Weber Street East 19 ee Jubil Walnu Con Me Pequ egn Church Theresa Street Henry eet Frederick Mall St re et re et May Place Charles Street West Tannery District Michael Street Street a Str Av en ue rt St Duke Street East Hom Cre sce ick echc Be rm Ca ed eet Bramm st re et et YOUNG/ GAUKEL Bell Lane Halls Lane West UW Health Sciences Campus et St rdo n Ave nue Roy Street Hearth Crescent ive Hundr d Str for t el Two dre d Ave nue t Wes re et ue Alic Northfore st Trail Co nn ee Hun Ox We stv ale Ira Thr reet Co ur Co urt Stonehaven Drive lle d oa yR ilb 4 St MOBILITY HUB Av en re Edn Vicm t iche ad Ro ut Kitchener Public Library ive Co ur M ch Ko el- tn Go Ahrens Street West ou rno Fire Tower Road municipally owned lands 56 Leverage to implement shared parking r St aste eet ve r Dr ive Park am be cu es re et Centre in the Square VIA Rail Wes t loo ricia nt t ne Str Re d Ri rdw alk ot Li t Pl ac Plac Boa Lanc or re Wilm Da ym an green Way ke r St Enhance Waterloo Park and 57 sensitively integrate RT into the ale ve Bel Ne wp Ba The St re et Wat er Pat lla st Dri ou th St Place Du ke re et Du nh Fil Lo Ch St Ellen Street West d nt Ga Inad Silver cre urt Co thcliffe ce sford t Cour Ca Hea ill Pla t Ave nue Roa Ros wood Cr es Roa Pla iff rd Tho rnh rina ce nt Mark Greencrof ve nd Bo an llow Ho epy Sle l Dri University len et Woodside Avenue rin We st Hil leg Lane allm ce et n Stre ave Westh re tto Bu Drive ion Orchard t ee ist n St Wes Op cent Th wi t Ma es ve ay Greengable W Cres r-H e Place Str Foxhill win Co urt Ed We stcroft d var ule is Bo Sauve iew ce nt he pled Par Ave nue th t ee Drive nt Pa Cr Dri Bria Ap Old Sto ne d Str for Ox rt Un le Cou t ee svil Ed et a St e dS nt ce es Het e St re et Stre et an re et Av en ch Lan ev nt Cr r Str me Erb ive r Pat Ridg ce ale ue Cre sce nt ce ell t St t Av en e Dr ee t on Ro ad Pla Ave nue Fisc ce nt ve eh Bo ce ritz es e Cr es Dri e e es Cr dg ate ac on Plac St Mo lle y Ri Rid geg Sandcliffe Place d Pl Avign Cr oo lew ve Alth Va nt Drive St Armand ad Ro Va se Cre sce Bee chw ood d Boule var d Frie burg Dri Ave nu e eim the walk from Seagram 58 Improve Station to Wilfrid Laurier ve Cre sce nt e ne ce adi tt Dri bu sh do w re et sgo w Lan Kn pe et re St Lucer Drive Par Cres ce nt ma orn rl St Be lm ar Inwo od Edna Indi en ue Ea ce d Pla St Str uc Hi Vinc Joseph Street Ea Ro ad oo dw Re ive or e st We ive Zer Roa Th Pine mea sy Pla et re m El he l St re et Bru ce a Dr Br Le ge r St ep et W est ) Circ Maj Di Stre 85 Et d St re We st Walter Street n Stree t RMS Machinery nb Inw ood wy Roa Ave nue Ave nue Moo re Gruh eet Du tw oo d ce St eet Ave nue st ue sh Ru W es Roo sev elt ne Gla tg ton Ave nue ng eet Dr Karlsf eld Westmount Golf Course Be Belmont lm on Village t La Go lfv alk eW at es W Grand River Hospital Park Street Av en uth iew h Av en ue Clif Ave nue ra Str burg os ters e nden Zurich Drive Kl Rhine Fall Lan Bra e 4 wa y (H n St Flo yd Str Cre stw ood ret St bia enf eld Lan le So Ab Pla nes Av on ad e Ro er de en ick Agnes Street Lag ugh wo od g Lan e Colum Court Sha Ke ats ber Anton t ive e Am St Co ur Dr e St ce nt Birc et re ll St eet Green Street ire es W St olm ad Av en Aven Dek ay Str Braun Street Pine Street Stre et nlea sh bur g Lan t Ro Ellis Street Drive An Oak Street d Sou th ou nt nsw ens King Street West Yor k Str Avenue Street Jo Am Mu lberry Sun Life Financial South Roa Wes tm Bru Ahr Web er GRAND RIVER HOSPITAL Mary Street Dodds Lane da Em pir ew oo d Av en Wo odw ard York Street et re end Pa rk ue od wo Elm dg rga Waterloo Mt. Hope Cemetery eet st We Me ers Cre sce nt Ave nue Esson Street Severn hn Riv erb sto ga eet Str ard Leon York Street Belmont Sou th Sou Laurier Place os Ave nue e Street ont th cre st Ave nue reet e Cr Ri Ma 800m Sou th ad Ro ce d eet Str eth Elizab ue 36 Ave nue nt ou stm We rk d Pla Roa Street South n Str Street Union Street West or Yo lan th ou ive S et Th ce ein Dr tre urg nrid ge Pla Rh lzb h Carrington Place Cor Sa ue lin Ave nue Hill es cle e Cir ak gsford ut erry et Av en nue nt Drive Kin ive re le gS Leig burn low Carolin Freem le Ave bar le ue ue Herbert Street Avo nda t ee Str en r Av ete Pru Sou Orio le Stre et ma KING/ALLEN Dun rn Dr g Dr St Map No ou ne min Fle ain k Ch eet ue ne ee t Melb La ng rri Ba ford l Fe rn Mou nt Blac McDou gall lk Luc Bow Wil o Str e Cre sce ce nd Sa d t So e Driv ne Aven rt Str Aven La Me nn No rth Helen Glen Pla n to t er Roa berry wood Drive ood Cour Clayw hland et re ue No rth Ros k Wa North St a St Amber d ar ev ul Ro ya Osi Aven Weber Dov er Str gin Re ive Dr t Bo Street Red le Ro ad Ave nue Ave nue th an UPTOWN WATERLOO rth ts Wal en th et re ne sto an Br Av en t Stree Paige Co ne 34 ap th eside n St Ash Dr swo od Stre et ur Co ad Ro rG orth ncy Cres ue Vio let ce nt Rege od wo ut Cres ron cent Pla sh Bu Bu tte rn ue Car e ac Pl ue M Breithaupt Park s Cre sce nt Sou lle ish ive h Aven Roxton Drive Ch Ca ve nd Bas Whit e Birc rd ate dN le Co ce eg Roa of cr ye Ave nue allm stl urt uir Alexm Mc reet be ll Av en Prueter Sou th Elli Gi ger ch Bou leva We lls da ar ret No rth Sho Eu clid Avon ue Kea Kar eet rga et re d Gin gto n Gat e Ca St ler nin ne r-H an da eens Qu Court smill King y La he La in K Ben k Cree rd Bouleva Fisc es Clair Canadain Clay rth Gallery and Glass Ba vid Da ther Nor Kuntz Lane Fa le Str sce nt Sou th Ma re et ive r Dr ue Waterloo Memorial Recreation ComplexDu ce e Wa eva al Cre Mo ore illow Balsilie School of International Affairs 19 Pla ton lk Blu Car din eet Ave nue St gh Hu Calvington Place pp Pe ive ancer ive Dr dg Bri rys d Ea Roa ort ep Cr es W Place row Drive Wood Wil Blu e Bee s Ave nue we rlo Arle ne Ter st ue en Av on ils Ne Twe ed Stre et st Ea et re Macdonald rt Wo olgras Improve the walk from Seagram Station to the University of Waterloo o tN ee Str Dr W Ave nue fe Ea nt po Du Perimeter Institute t es W st et re St ss ince ne erry tclif rt o ep dg Bri La en Ea inion Br ad Ro st et re g St un Yo Pr aw Ma St mp ac st Ea et re g St en Av t St. Agnes nt Mo ore Sp et Stre Central Seagram Stadium SEAGRAM Tatlo on ce et St m Do Drive Cou ck Cour er ue en Av m Ha wn Do ue en Av Stree t itt Ave nue Caroline up Faraday Court Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary nt hu ell Sereda Road ve el Dev et re e Drive terb ad Ro ce Willow Wood Win an em id Pla t St lis et re St ac rt terc W nd Wiltshire Place Creekside But e ela ce Sc Ca Dri ce nt re et rin p St gdale No rth Dr ive reet St et Pl Werni Cou ar Lin Pin nt ce King Street for potential 60 Prepare long-term RT expansion ce nt es ill Cr ew low Drive Longfel n El re reet ce re et ey Le a Cr Emanuel at Brighton rs e km Plac e t Driv e Cree k Cr es Vi ive ill ac Ho lly ve es ue Road r Pl de reet in rin St Lillia ce Cres r St ke oh Dr aver Broo t Pl Be km ow cres d Dri ee tN orth ight on Elgin illi University Plaza Bridgeport Cre Pla th ce nt Alv ec ue wn hla oo Br ar Ben Cr ce an Le Stre Le ste r St Ph n Pla ec Be t ee Ced Nor rm Ve No Tenn yso M Drive Leas ide Br Do ad Ro Bearinger Road idt Str ve ve er Pla nt Ro se Ave nue ln Road iew Waterloo Park k ret Linco Sir Wilfrid Laurier University Ro slin hmoun ce reet d Birc Pla t ter rd ur Wa rva Co 800m k St University of Waterloo Gat e Dri Dri lling Av en Drive Bra le oc Pla t ap He ml ur M et re St e Co Stat et re h St ec Be et Place le ck do ur h ort t y St Fir ce 4 Horn rd Cres Sp ) ue va Moses Springer Park ck ay Str N et tre ia U WATERLOO Post Ho rning ley ige 85 Bl e M gS tav Old Post Road e Ave nue Ma Web er Wes et re or ck nv rd * Ho an nt sce es Drive et Hi Su ule va dal nt sce ie Cre re Kin Road St Pa ng ce rga Bellehaven low Roa lle Ro ad tt's rle Be St Columbia Lake Lau rel Sn 59 Ho lly Ba RIM Headquarters Waterloo R&T Park elf ord Ma d Ave nue Wil nb Cre ek Erbsvi rove t St R&T PARK Cre sce nt Me afo Ch fiel Conestoga College reet Laurel Creek Conservation Area nt ce Bea ver the eastern edge of 61 Transform the University of Waterloo into da Ce Win Pla er ge y Bo es Cr ve rth No ne wo od Place ford Lang Dri ce Haz hm connections between transit services and stitches the two sides of the university together m Wei rrie Alb ce a ag nd Driv e Ha as W sse Stra Ba arack eet We st La wy ac Tam el Stre et r Pla ate ew Pi Pla e t Lan wa y (H ce Dix iet Qu n Av en ue Hillcres Pa rk cot Pla ton Pl ce rsla et re kwo od Driv e ne sto ga As Wes ue ee t Tid ne Glen a Pla Ma St ive eet l Trai ive Sp et re Dr a station plaza at the 62 Create university that strengthens ry Riv er Str Pla arb De en r Av Str lso or Cre sce nt e Str en Place Ne tmo Co e Plac ridge ce ce ru Bearinger Bridg le Ave nue Manulife Sports Centre t a St e nue Ave Croyd Carlaw Place Cre scen Sp e Plac ch Enhancing the Learning Experience Ho lbe ach gin Re Dalesid ive Road sler Creating High Quality Urban Places Ha mps hir Atl Cou rt dale Ann Place rte Drive ert Dar ral ne Ge Ca side Drive Park ne er at gw eau 800m Alb rin Sp Rid an urban campus d Roa Ferndale Place e Driv t An Drive un Mo ue terto n Dr Tea Ca Thorncrest Drive Martindale Crescent Wa nt ce Dogwood Lane ce nt Toll Gate Boulevard enhance the walk to work and cater to the needs of local employees es Ro ad es Lak eview k Cr oo br Plac e ge Cr Fallingbroo k Drive e rgro ve Pine rid Po int nn Ce da Glen Forrest Boulevard ac e rd ue Kres Encouraging a Healthy, Inclusive Community unt Vill Brookhaven Crescent ive Av en k Pl Ro ck va ule Bo po int ac oo br k Pl en br oo Ed er Old cvil irk cent Dr gs Sunnydale Place k Dr gh nt ce Stre et Hi es Co rn Ha ve loc MacEachern k Cr rth Sir Edgar Bauer Twin Oaks Crescent Oakridge Place No oo br Ro ad er ier ou nt rn Co 63 buildings and uses that can We stm Glac Plac Bis Strengthening the Employment Experience ta Cou rt Ani Kingscour t Drive Tea Sugarbush Park ce or ad Ro t elm Lon Man e e en in nt ce Plac e Gl idge es Cr rtr en ll Av w do ur Av en ue k Road Skylar ea Drive ne e Co te M rey co b La mer ga n Osp Ja es rth ee Gr Pa Pine br oo k Pl cent Cres elm hi ce ru ce nt ore em Bra Harvard Road Glen Sp es ac Ell No Crescent Cr Northlake Woods ne ow nd Sa Ma Sh Cres Dearborn Boulevard Ly Mallard e d ive Dr Cadbury Court orn ton ad Ro e Road Grov Pl ac ce ce nt ue Court Cavelletti rt Cou Foxh Tealby t y Sc Ro Creating a Great Place to Visit Ne w Grant Crescent d ey Roa Abb Old st Ea Co ne sto go Ra ur Dut rn Fe Apple Road eek tin Cr no lia Pla g Bus h Roa Doub es Drive y Driv e t e ac Pl Mar low er ag terb ury e Cr Cres Box Ro ad sid ble t Co Blue Pin ve Ha st re k Fo e n Driv M Wa nin m en Hess San dy Cov e Cre sce nt Sto ne Old ad Ro ler Wiss Pla ce fin Baf t Wh ite Dri Dale Crescen ac Bl aria Bav Greening the Corridor and Enhancing Access to the Valley System gle rW ay An er ho on Sc nt Cre sce il Tra Se aw ind Frobisher Drive lan No rth d Do tzer Wes nt sce Cre ce nt inf Bur nja Be Enhancing Mobility Throughout the Region hu rst Tw ne nd La le Be Fern Cita del Cou rt Ro ad Sq uir e yA ve nu eE ast Un ive rsit ive Dr st thur Ba d Ro ad re et St Ra nk in n Roa Wyma ive Dr all nd Ro ad ace Co ne sto go ) Pl Old Cottage 85 t ee ive berry rin Pla ruce nge wood re et nie l Av en Drive May urt e Co Drive ce e ky Lan Roc The Community Building Initiatives help to support the 8 Community Building Opportunities for the CTC. Arguably, all of the Initiatives support the opportunity to Foster Investment so are Colour coded to the best related opportunity. yview Sk ce Sp Dunve gan Cresce nt ho Court NORTHFIELD n Pla Joh 64 Develop a new street and block pattern east of the R&T Station to make it easier to walk to work and support the addition of new buildings or uses over time nar ch Pla urn Glenec Am wy Dr ce Mo Aub Court St Da mere Court den nt e Driv Ven ar stow Str Dres ube sce na Cre Dan Vien nt sce us Cre t sce Cre ge nbrid Su Scotch lby Drive e llo Driv Co t allm Bair ge l Rid e ur Co e Roa ad Ow Plac t ee ad Str wa y (H 4 nr rk nt Gra nge wood es Ro ich olw Wo Pa rk Ku mpf Co Gra Cr ox df Re t ee ick La Tra il rson ur Cre sce nt d CONESTOGA Dr * ce nt tern ffe Eiw o Cou rt dal rw Ba Cr es Pas Je y Dri ve ille Kan bur Ann nt St Ro ad il Str au s Dr dta Re Kr Br on co le Pla ce terbur Cam Ave nue e Driv e ce wk Ha t e ac Pl Road ove e Gr ad t Ro Durs ga 65 Encourage transit supportive ce Cr Dan Can Sh nt od wo an ive d Dr oo sw ur Co er rk Drive Hallma access to the Kitchener 46 Improve Memorial Auditorium nd Co st re Fo rp ent Da ven port ive Gr ov e Apo Lee ad no Ma ft Cou rt Street Street * School and other programs et re w Ne Oxbo w Ro Ha Appl e er Lin ing Lobs Hagen Cour t per cro e urt d Co rwoo ve ac m Dri Street e Driv nial Colo Circle Pilgrim et tt Stre Sco sce nt h Drive Cre gha ive Co lby ale Ro ad Place e ry Plac sbu Me ado wva Drive ury drin Co ne sto Alp d ur Roa ind lk Sto neb rbus et Stre ce t Pla Bas ad Cou ill St or k Stre et Mustang * Dr ive Mav eric transportation Denho lm rt Lor Wa es t Ro ket Mar er's Drive cellor Arth ail ate San e Plac Co ur Farm Chan y n Wa Alte dia Aca ge Court Parkrid Eastg Cop on Cresc Bayhampt Co lby a higher value employment centre with new businesses and other supporting uses en t Tr bo ce 800m el Reitz 66 Continue the transformation of d Lester B. Pearson Drive Pla on gt fe xin Le ve ar Dri lab Ma Ca ters k Dr ive lif Cr access to Bingeman’s by 47 Improve transit and other active modes of Drive Harbo ur Vie Ma w Cre rin er sce Dr nt ive An na po lis Co urt Brigantine Drive ve r Oa rc nt ce es Green Acres cus ert w Roa Meado Cre sce nt Ri Ce da Place hara Panc Hun Roa Drive Pl ker ich lw oo W per Dee r Run Drive Clip d 34 Rup Rhine ista eak e Cre sce nt Sa wm the walk to school through 43 Improve the Access to Safe Routes to ce k Pla er Oa Riv Kitchener Bonav sap Suga Francis The implementation priorities, responsibilities and potential funding sources for each of these initiatives will need to be identified in the first phase of CBS implementation. Further, each municipality will determine their own priorities for implementing any of these initiatives on their own or in collaboration with other municipalities or parties. Blueno se Cre scent Drive Bing Crescent d McMu rray 45 revitalization of Downtown ve rd Dri e Che Rustic Drive scent ley Cre Wes ive ed Plac an Driv e nna ve Roa Gro e Bo-D s Dr Sh nt Chesapeake Tom Spi Su pe rio r Dr ive Martin 67 Make it easier to walk to and from nk dfo w Be Ne Enhancing the learning opportunities for high schools along the Corridor * Ba Canso between Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener Lane d ce e Mooring Post Lan surrounding neighbourhoods and development an th ou Yarm Roa 42 Gr Lane d var nburg ule Bo Lune ridge Eastb ut Pla Sco d tery er Snyd es RIM Technology Park Nor thfield Drive East e Driv ce Old h Sout reet awn ur St Arth Maplel e Driv ven Parkha Road ats 's Fl Improve the walk between the RT and the Kitchener Market ia c Cr e Road a green, tree-lined 52 Creating avenue along King Street Prin RIM Park Fields RIM Park Fields 44 ad Ro y Plac Lan rk Pa Fo x Co ve e Driv er's Abn e et Stre way Water ens Que idges e Br Thre Conestoga Mall to meet 68 Grow the RT and integrate it with et Stre Co un tr Bre akwa ter st et We s Stre McAllister Lane Manulife Create an integrated multi-modalSportsplex hub at the Transit Hub Station Co un try Hac ces 50 Transform the King Street Corridor through Midtown into a mid-rise St. Jacobs avenue with new buildings and uses that integrate with the surrounding neighbourhoods t et Eas rn Stre hbo e 51 t et Eas ar Stre Ced Labra dor Drive et Stre Boulevard ing Spr Prin y Henr Mil len niu m th et Sou Stre esvil Hawk uir Sq Improve the connection with St. Jacobs et ng Stre You 69 ad le Ro ella Over the course of the project a series of 69 Community Building Initiatives were identified. Each relates to at least one of the Community Building Opportunities. st et We Stre Albert Isab 4.1 Place-Specific Initiatives Activa Avenue et m Stre et llia t Wi ee Sw le ink riw Pe Stre gh wa y 40 1 nd _B 01 E 40 1 Hw y4 to Hig hw ay nd _B Rd 3 Reg Hw y Lan gfor d Driv e ce nt Zie man Cr es ev ar d Bo ul ar d th Co ul urt Co nd ela ad Sh Driv e airn Cre sce nt Hol bro ok ina w Par kway Stonec Burne tt Avenu e rive rock D Angle e ac Pl er ed ith M La ne ie ss Ta sce nt Cre ple wo od Ap Beasley Crescent ce nt es Cr ck ue ro Bl Ro ad reek llc Mi Beverly Street ue en ar cL M eet Dr ive Drinkwate r Drive ve er Dri eel St re et to n Beverly Str Spruce Street gh au cN M Franklin Lane ld e Dundas Lan Av en on Way Manch este r Stre et Mari reet Cambr n Stree t Welling to Invernes s Plac e t ur Co rest Su nc Spragues Road fie Coulson S Street Oxford eet St Andrews Str Johanna Drive Peachtree Crescent er treet Brock Roa d ive Dr k Oa te hi W Wh Ro ad eim ce nt Cr th W ad sw or Ne w Co pp Jarvis Str eet Jarvis S treet Roxbor o Road idge S t Shade Street od Driv e She rwo Mead Cour t ue Co urt Aven ie on nn bs Gle Ro ce nt bu ry ad Br em Bra Court Patricia A venue Street Goldie Avenue Easton Avenue Oliver Island view Dunedin Court Westmount Mews Ble nh Wellington South Grosvenor Lane t ur Co le Ha es Dodge Drive Glamis Road t Cour Tuscany ar Roa d ue Av en e op W au ch t Rose cliff Cour Ro ad ee Du nd ive Dr Sl ee om as Th Marigold Cour t Pin Sag ub Drive Country Cl a Driv e Gre en Vist es Cresc ent Steel Cr es Cre scen ow std Ea Holley ue Maplewoo d Avenu e Oriole ad Ro ill M d Ol Place Executive llow Ho Everwood Run Qu ail e Val ley Ridg Dri em ve ere Co Avenue nt Way es Cr levie w Da ns Cre sce nt Dr ive Brower Stree t et South Bishop Stre treet South Chestnut S Ro ad Br ick er Jo hn ne La Jo an Pinnacle Drive head Woodfield Street nt ce es Cr a in br Sa Evenstone Rush Mead ow Street er Cre sce Phin re et St ne pi Al Bar tleman Crescent Driv e W_B nd Stre et Ontario 3N Aven ue Cae sar 40 Re 1 gR E_ d Bn 33 S_B d to nd Re to Hw g Rd y4 01 33 eet me t Str Ham t son Place Patter ce nt Anne Stree t Union Stre et Nor th South Union Stree t eet South Montrose S tr South y 40 1 Hw Roos Street cent Cres Place t Dr Til An vil ive te l Dr ch Be ce nt es Cr fie ld he at e ac Pl itt on M ive Dr n Bi eh Road Stras burg Dr ive Ban ffshire Stre et Arrow Arrowhead e Plac ilion St Em ive et St re Pioneer Drive e Plac le rly Ca le Drive Carly d Huron Roa Old W urt ve Dri cliff e h Gro Ro ck le ap M a Ro or an M d le Stre et d a Ro Twee dsda Redesign the Ainslie Street Terminal so that it is more enjoyable for users and integrates better with the downtown ry Road 1 to Huron ad Ro c Fa ay hw Hig cent strengthen the Galt City Centre se ee Ch planned RT station in Preston rd ntfo en Av Bra e Cres ive ston Regal Hyannis Cour t Nor th South Dolph Street outh Westminst er Drive S Dolph Street Frederick Street treet Sou th South Dover Street Dolph Stre et treet Nor t h Church Stree t Nor th Lowther S eet Nor th Argyle Str h South reet Sout Waterloo St Argyle Street South treet Avenue Nor th Agne s Stree t Dover Str eet North eet Nor th Cornell Street Dover Str Waterloo Street South Dover Street Chopin Drive Eagle Street e Clos son Stan Nelson S Parkview Crescent rld Drive tswo Spo r Le na e Lan ury Newb Old Garden Street Barnes Road ad g Ro sin Cr os wo rld ts or Sp Road ann He ldm nt ce es lle y Cr Va dd en Hi Lowther S ce nt es Cr ill de rh ive y Dr ive Dr d hw oo So ut ce nt es Cr e id trys un Co 2 et h Sout reet er St Wat ive Dr Feather Hi Gibb Street ale Road Avond Jardine Street Bergey Street l Av en ue pe Hi Stager Place kR oa Oa rt Cou Quinte Qui Un Southill Drive Jan ur sb ng Ki ive ll Dr Hi ry er Ch oc Bl ce nt es Cr Archwood Crescent nd Isla d ce nt es Cr in ito ul an M Cre sce nt Windom Road sen Flo ren Ave nue ce Ave nue ft Ave nue Kra Ave nue zie Kin Balfou r Cre sce nt Roy al Fa nte Ave nue gus Fer Cre sce nt Belwo od d e Roa Block Lin Ro ad e Lin Blo ck Ro ad ive Dr Line k Se lk irk ce nt es Cr kh or ne ac Bl ie ld Spoon Endeavour Dri ve River Roa d Walke r Stree t Queen Street East Street Eagle Hill Spring eet Road Mil ling Str ee tW est Que en Tra il Hu nt Clu b Ro ad Spe ed urt Co irw ay Fairway Crescent North Briarf ield Street Fairw ay Ro ad Ardwood Place Court ur t Tisdale Sandwell Co a Driv e Veronic Wood Cre sce nt nic Sce ue Av en uh Sh ue r Av en ga af al Tr oor Avenue Clark Avenue Broadm Harbe r Avenu e Pinew ood Aven Mi ive le ng da Hu nti ive en wo od Gl ue Av en h et Ke nn Re gio na lR oa d3 1 ive Rive rban k Dr riv e er D en dgr Lan t ive ur Co d Dr er dfiel en ch Ol Fo xw oo d Pl ive Te mple ton Dr Dr Sim ps Dr Drive Penrose Avenue Rose wood Ave nue ue Erie Av en Walt on ue Ha yw ar d Av en Ave nue son Han Alpine Cour t Appalachian Cresc ent Br oo kf Dr ive r Dr se br oo k os Ru sh M ad Ro sR oa d ive Dr ive Dr aw Ble am e er land nt Pe m ge Ed sh Celebrate the cultural heritage of Galt through interpretation and ad Ro ive Dr in 3 n hto ad ad Ro nc ld fie sce nt n iso orr M Bra En e Cre ad Ro e ac ton ue er Pl rk Folks ue en s Av te ue en s Av llm n Bi St Develop a series of new public spaces for the Central Transit Corridor Ya ad en Av t Ro ng ro ith ive iff Dr Gr Hi tto Tu ive Dr ng La ad l Ro el sk st m ar kh oc Fl Ar an am Ye nt ue law ive l Dr ive ce Dr ad Ro t Dr es Cr land at he W w do fa ad er st en Av Dr icho of Ro ill eh ue dg ive ne to ns Iro Ha cN e Ri en Av Dr ce es ad l Ro el sk Ha ea M M al rd w illo W ive ive od wo al nd Sa Cr * * es Cr hv 's t scen Cre 4 d oo Lilyw ive Dr xm Fo ive Dr ie Br ue Fo ift Sw Drive Ca ad Ro ld ive Dr ue en r Av ad r Ro rie nb ee Gr t o or fie h er nt ce ue es Cr en Av n rs ke ut ph to So ris Ba et re Ch t sb ive ur s St er ov Cl er m yb on St al Ch ue en Av et ur Co ley Bai Drap er Cour m an ad r Ro te en rp Ca rd ng s Dr ne Pi h e re urt er Co Pet e * et re St al in Ki on urt n Co ma ne Sto Lisb th ou ut So op en Av in sk Ga ith Macgr ego r Driv e Dr Trille t pl m Re w ie e Driv Capture opportunities to access the Grand River by transit ad Ro nt ce tS ee dh Du d ur s Co ba Se St an m le Co es s Cr Azore Str ue ue en r Av ge en Av rim Sc ey wr Lo al lke Da ce in h on cD ive ly Pla Elg ut So M ue Dr ling au ue et re et re St et re e ak Place ve Dri Ro ad irl ive ve W Fa ll Dr Hi Stir Be t co k t ur Co Na ayn W Lane inian rol Ca Oa ur Lane ive Dr Co tch e dg Ri ad Ro od a Ro en r Av s et re e Ro de er St et re d an Gr wo ue an y St lle oo W m st Ea St nt ce es Cr er an th ive Dr development to 21 Encourage anticipate and be supportive of Pa n ive s Dr Drive en r Av ylo Ta ex Al al et re rt rry Be ki es ce Da Pla rn ve In rry rbe Duchess Fras d ce nt Ba An ive Cres Fill gaps and add new uses to King Street in Preston New ad Ro re Roa od ive on gt in m oo Bl Dr es W llin ge wo La ive n Dr rso de An ut So Dundas Street South Bi Rid ne ton By nt ce Cr es ce nt rk er e on gt iver nt wo ge es la s Cr y St us ue Ch h ut So St nr He ho en Av et ay th St tR Wes na ce Dr Dr et re St Do ge ug la in et Stre ve Dri ive t Dr ed W en Dr Vinc ood stw Cre 22 od ive an lav De e w Driv rvie ive es Do s Drive land nt ce use Gateho rra orris nm Rive Dr tw oo d Cr Ro ld rs ye M es y Cr Ha Ro Go Lo Gle et re d oo hw ut So ad Ro aw hl rc Wes ad d oo rw Ha am lh Cu o or sb ld en Av et re St d oo hw ue en Av ive St ad l Ro ia Fa Pa nt en Av et re on Cr Cr na ally M in t Po ad Ro er nd ve La lia Ju 5 cN dei Ma et re ad t Ro es d ar ev ul Bo n ai pl am ad Pl rd t Santa Maria Drive es nt ce Ro et rs St ten ds ar ch re Ca ws rro en t Av en Av Go ur s Co rlo Ca nt ce ue en Av it Ta en rd Bo ec Be erw ood Cre sce nt nt sce ra Cre ni or M nt ce ue ive Dr ad gh ou Fifth Ald a ag Br Ch m th ng Dr Ha Wood land Drive et et re Woodvale Court ue rth ll St we Lo No Bu en Av ue ur Fo Fat ive lm d Drive Tower Stre Caen St ive t en Av ue ue et re et re n en Av ive Dr st re en y Av wre Lo et re be St he ue ird Th er ni ierc Ri h ort rth No St Al on et dl id St t ee Str ue ep St en Av ue en Av Davies Street nt Cre Ca oo lw ze M hn Jo is ew ue en t Av Firs Enhance the Water Street Corridor as an Important gateway to the downtown sce ue an ive Dr ad r Ro be tN ee Am et re Str St et re rth No s St ck Pe et et re Dr et re St ley an ld ra ge Fitz ima ive Hi re St re St St Dr ur Co re St Glenview Park Secondary w vie en Gl ad Ro Va Br in er et re ue re St h St cis et re St Dr gh et cis an an Fr tt lio Do e es s Cr ich nr te r Dr ive et h ue ar ew St vin Ra Fr et re St Gregory's Drive e ue en Av en Av et Se ue e yn Ba ue it m m Su St lkirk lla eet re St a Flor ll St m al Ch we Lo en Av ue re et re St h rc h ut ut n e bi Elg n et os So Str So et re so et re St St ue en Av St et re vid Da et re e rn bo Os et re ne Rit rth No m y St re Cl et re nt ce ak do oa Br es et re St St s Dr Dr Hi en Av Vi m eet Str ive ive sh Bu le ap M Ch El El lan Ho Gree re St e ro on M 6 et re y St ne vard ule Bo th te nt Ce d an on St y St Ka urt Co et re es Street Nor hi W Street Gr ds ar e or ate y St Da ad Ro Cre scen t ue et re ur zie Ken tt lio om Cr orr nm Gle stg We e at hg nk Lauris Aven ue St th Mc y Wa ns era e Vet t Lan lnu Wa ch m eet ctor fri m Du d oo kw La Ro seba Green Bank Drive n Co re et se r St Qu ai ac e e ac k Pl oa um Dr Cou rt wood Notch Drive ora ue Av en on Cou rt ur t Gregg Court ya Br ive e Pl ac se y Dr ale Ca ierd Br t Co ur de sto ne Ja rn Ho lbo ive ole y Dr Do W oo ln Colto n Cir cle Eb yd ale ive Dr ale Eb yd ive Dr ale Eb yd Dr ive es Ca ve Con way Dri ce Pla Dr ive aig Cr ce Pla er ab Gr Jac Longspur Way an rsem No Dr ive le terva reet a St ive str Dr Fe en re ek lec Pe bb ive Dr Bre mb ce nt e t Ott rn tre et N aw aS Co ur op sh Bi ab y Cr ort h Plac mpt on Ha ive Dr bs on Wa re et k St ee De er eet rde n Str eet el Str Ga nt ce es Cr on Gi ck Hi Rive r Rid ge Stre et Otter bein De De rb y La ne Rose ue Av en es Cr ine co na th Lo rra ra St Hu ds ue Av en n Dr ive so Ow en Road Str ee t sty Mi St nlo w Av en in ew at Ke Cr ue re et re et n St pigo Ni ce nt at er Lyle Ken es ce nt gia n Cr Ge or ve x Dri Halifa ive Dr ion urt Co ley Til Co nfed ue Aven on ers nd Ra Ro ad ve Cli Ro ad mu nd Ed kso n Ave nu e Ave nu e No rth on eld Sh reet South Nat ura Ro ad Ro ad urt ne y Str ee t Str eet ple Otte r Cou rt Co t Co ur er Je tlin Air port ove r Dri ve And ht Ave nue rlig Sta nia l Ro ad Ce nten Sheffield Str e Ge rm an yL an Ne w eet Me nn o Str Ro ad Millvue Street Ma es ce nt Cr er op Co et re Ro ad Be rlin St Elr oy Drive Fir eside l Cou rt Cen ten nia Dr ive Sh irley ce nt Cr es He sh ue ive Mar ke ta Cr Su nr es ise ce nt Dr Ro th sa y Av en e Av en Be lle vie w re et St ld Do na ive Dr od ge wo k Ro ad Wed an Bu rb ue Av en ne bo ur er Sh rth ee t No Str ey Sydn uth e Plac he ife le Sc ive Dr re s Ce nt an em ng Bi ue r Av en rfa Fo Driv e ton ling Bur e Plac rk ell Plac Pe wo rth ds Wan Ro ad ea els Ch ue ue Av en wo od re et n St La yto Sydney St d en Av n ol Linc Ar Flint Drive a Ro ison Al gi El eet e Str Spruc ce nt ard ue en Av t Oak Stree Street Cr es ell d or df Ra Harris rts Sh ne La ce Ro be ive Dr an Pla Ri Ra e Str Lan rrie ia Vi od lewo pp Ri te n Ga El nt Oa t ie bb Do rm No ue et Stre eet Str Ba ad Ro ut ue inbr oo k Co ur t rd va ule Bo Petty ad re St Ro ch Bir t en Av ide ds Woo e dg Ri et ap M Bi ue en Av et et tre rS da Ce le n Str sio eet ue ey So en Av Er ive Dr ur Co lin nk Onward Avenue ue nn Be e Le Fra Ottaw a Stree t South Ko ss Flanders Road Townsend D rive Woolwich Street Nor th ek Ro ad re op ew ell C ive Dr ou nt em ue ne La Ro ad dy an Gr en r Av ge gh nt ce ur es He athe r Av en Cr er d oo nw Sh tto Co ive Av en ue nt ce ll Dr in es e ac y Hi ne im y Pl lle Ch Va iff Cr hn Gr g in Un Ha No rth nn ive Dr ue ad Ro Ca ive t Dr ue ag cT nt ce M es Cr Av en e Hill Road ill Ligh cG irling lag Vil Granite M d ar ev St nt ce t ul Borden Avenue Nor th ad Ro es Cr ur Co Bo ive t ee es nc Co Aus rrie rkl Be ad Ro Co ur vil Ha e St Mc Ba ad Ro e at hg ut Ro ss Improve the relationship of surrounding uses to the Delta Station en Av ut So Fra uth So ald ive Dr ive Dr et re ue e id ad Ro e id services ge lla iss k n wa Co en Av uth So be Gle ad e Ro on st re Dr ea nl Do et re AINSLIE TERMINAL eet nue Ave ock l St Str ser Avenue Poll uc 4 Wa ue uth So down Lans nd Du llc Hi So ive ue Rich et re Br t Str lnu Aven reet nd nue g Ave Byn ad t Ro Fores d ar ev Av en eet z Str Gra rth eet Str ul Bo le St en n Av lls ke La r da Ce ek Cre ad Ro Vi ad Ro lem Midd al e os e ac am No St rge Geo rrie in rw Ch Da nt re eu Fr Ke ow Br Hi r's Conestoga College 23 Integrate with expanded iXpress bus ad Ro e lin wn To Ch Cl e Pl re th th Nor ue th Aven nd Nor et Stre rge Geo Street lie Ains Gra uth So uth ad So Ro ad Ro Lane een een Aberd erd Ab nt Bra Ba Co ch ur ive Dr ne y La nle Ke y Ro ra Dr op llt an Gr orth ce ive ill Galt ria Impe en Av olm St fie re Hi Dundas Avenue Ball UofW School eet Str er of Architecture Riv ad e Ro Pla Dr es Cr e Plac Bi S hy Dri ale Valleyview nd ry Ca re Ba ad Ro tN ee Str rne in m m ue en g Av Cu lbo Co Lut lh d tle ad y Ro rle be ia ad Ro Kerr Street nd e us Ho 27 en re wt llo m Ki or et Pr ip cr os st ne l La Gi his gs M er Wat down Vair od wo rk Pa dston nt ce n rt wo Transform Fairview Park Mall into a walkable mixed-use centre Kin ad r Ro ce er et re St t ee e nu Ave ury Gla nd en Av od wo nn Li et re St t ee Str uare h Sq Sout Lans Str h Ave ort ntw lisb Sa ive ive ll Dr Sta et re nd Bo es arl Ch e nu la gh Hi on et k Oa Ea ad co Se Ro Ed rt he Hi ive Dr e riv D er uff eim nh Ble e nu e Ave ue en Av Ro ad Ro 31 ic Re et re St el et re St tle t eii Stree Pomp nk ba m El d 7 Str ain M et re ld rd 800m Ro Hill rk ur Fo Or ive e Dri Sle od wo tin ap ge id as nt ce es ive br Cr Dr th od od wo ar He wo th th wc Ne l ai Tr k St oo Br ive ry Improve the relationship of retail and employment uses in Sportsworld with the station t en as Thom ar d Cres s Pon st We ad ll Ro Hi Roa Enhance the image of Hespeler Road between Delta and CanAmera ue Avenue Pa a Ro 8 oo M ue Va et re St re Go lfe tca Me k Dr Cree Way bu le et et re et re St vil's De rk Pa ne ir La ve Dr ve Even e rly ve Be t ee 34 re St lso ue St on gt in an Dri e ac ive Dr va Sa m Sa Gr Bla M t ee Str n lso ue Avenue ue on ns bi Ro ge M dd et e Aven Or Tim ive Dr ad Ro t en Av n to pe Ho Ha Park lis vil se irg Ta t ue re ty rth No en Av St Pl tle Ave nue et re t St n do rri ur Co et re St le da se h Eringate Walk ad m Cra M cent k Str roo nb Fe n n Ro ue As Co ur Roseview Sa ttle Se eet et re St Ro be rt Yo rk et re St We kie Drive Drive Street Street Dr dy en Av ue St reet Dic South e Adencliff Cre ek Southridge ive Doon Improve the relationship of the Fairview neighbourhood to the Fairview Park Mall Station Doon ve ro sg so gi et re ain et re Drive ng k Dr ee Cr ad n Ro ur Ch Lane ive os W en Dr Cir cle Myr an lliv Su M di Ad El il St Bl St t rk ma ll Cou rt La Trai l Kno x Cou rt Avenue Malc l Trai e Dr dg Ri ive Dr ffe cli nd Po idge pler ee St kb oc nn ar ar He He rd ffo Sta fe urt Co Trail ay nw ee Gr Ga nt ur Co ue ehi Bis oo W st clif nd Po Ba Pine Hollow Cour t 32 River Valley rts be Ro e ue en Av ce es ar en Av Ros Linndale Road er Lib ive ird rb de ne an Ronald Road Street Road Hawthorne Di Princess Dr ad Ro e ac Pl un Sa xony nt ce r Cr be e Cr et re St t e dg Ri Ed ge Th us Ro t ra ku Se pl m Te venue Leslie A an Hwy 401 n nt st Elmwood olm ur Co d n io ue nd et ns Su Design the new stations as a series of transit beacons along Hespeler Road Old en Av n or lb Hi Th lt Da Drive ive ds W Sa et vard t Boule Sunse Dr sce re e Dr er m urt Co Cre m tu Au Fo ive er ch 0m e or Driv Mag en o Av wm Ne od lewo od Co Fis Wo Fa urt Co ur Co tal ys 80 et St 9 d a Ro de Cly ue hl At re St n yto Da ive dd ing re Fo nt ce Cr n ia en Wind t m Ar Cou Ap nt ce es on ur Sa ield ive es Temp t n Mill ive rt odf Wo en Place Cullod Cr ur Doo Dr Drive st Co odcre Wo s Driv e ive urt od wo Cr a st open space component of a new urban neighbourhood a new centre along 10 Establish Hespeler Road es Husson Place re High t urt rt Cou nt ur Co le ce od wo ch Ri t t Dr r Co he od Go et re ue en Av e sid the Dumfries 11 Preserve Conservation Area as a natural Road 30 k Cr ee e on ue en r Av n DELTA er at W mer ac es ur in x Po se bis Fro ive Dr St en Av ive Dr Shade’s Mills Conservation Area te in m dd To iew ue en Av La ne nt ce Ga ue iew dv an Sum Co Es s ht ive Dr Pitt et re ne t es Cr yn Ba Glen Road ue en Av ht rig W ur nn iel Cr ce n rra lke Co nt ce es s Cr gg ive ig He ale ra ku ive Se Dr e t St rd La t ur Co ir la nc e Broadview Avenue ne reek ur Co Si en Av Norfolk Avenue gu Au Westcliff do wc ve gro ce es Cr lin t on rg Fe ad 9 Gr arv Cle ge Ba Dr rt Cou w ie lld Hi ne ay sc Bi dg Ri Babcok Wilcox Galt Golf & Country Club RARE Conservation Area e Mea Conestoga College Pi an Integrate existing and new development with the Block Line Station ie ch tley rt Cou ive Dr ier ad ive th e kl er ord Waterf Na lnu t Pla Ki irn Fa Har sidy Cas d n ro He on Bouleva Cambridge rd Memorial Hospital la Vil ive nt ce rthv ive ur As Bu ive nt ce es lb Dr es Cr No ll Dr ne oo rlw ue Sp Court any ve nt ce es r Cr de nt ce fin es th Cr ive Dr Cr Ki ur th ad Ro on rs sh Bu Ea Bl Coronati nd Park rk Lan hton an ul Place Co Deerpath d ch nt et M Mac Ro e klyn oo Br nt ce es s Cr Alb Oregon Dr Road Pa e e rt d Cou Ar d ar ea ad ad l Ro ria en Av l g Dri ag nt Black Walnut e al gd Bu Ling Sh Ro st du La ad k Ro roo eb Ston a Ro Bu Cresc Carter Jaffray Street Highla n Pa sto ive e Dr an t St us ue en Av Dane Street et re ive Dr w vie ive Dr rn e South r St le h lic ns wa Co d ar ev ul ive In ve Se ue Borde n Avenu Ty er W Bo Dr d oo iarw Br ue en Av od fon Doon Village ck Wa Drive lewood Dunblane Court Parkvale Court c Ro ad en Av rb da Ce At re et ac Wall Co rb et re Te ith ur Co ok ro t St Gowinlock Court ue erwo h Trai ive e Dr Dr Biehn rin cB M le va m Ta Parkvale Drive ston an Ish Windrus Bla nt et re St t en an itt Br ive g Dr in e ac a n illa m ue w vie ne Pi ills Gr ad Ro Doo Perin Place ce Cres th al et re St et re St nto rre So ce es Cr Flem ad Ro n Pl rydo og st ne ac en y Av ad Ro 9 ch d oo tw en Av Cr Cr es ce ive Ko va ue ick Cru ive Dr e m Hu Drum lin Driv e ent Old Carriage Drive Vi t rlis Ma we on m ella Isab nt ia Fo ot e Dr ue d ple Ave nue ck er Way ge Roa d Walk ine tcra un M ive Sutherlan Woodb st Dri ce es Cr ue Bo wi Dr dg y Ri Leo 35 ve her Driv e Dr da na ive Transform the Ottawa/Borden Corridor into a walkable mixeduse centre Va rst Nu Perkins Street ha in ta un Fo ve m nt Street r Ca pe Dr hb ad l Ro Mil rri Fa Wind Mc n ur er Old Wil the Clu ow Drive Marl Mead lewoo d Drive as W ne Kenmor Mill View Drive nt ce ur Co Temp La nb ne Drive y Dr lle n e Gree nt k La roo Valley ive rd va ule Bo the reurbanization of 33 Support Fairway Road over time Tr e ac Pl et re St al or lm Ba Co Co r-M llie Co ar M iew en r Av no irv ar ive k Dr an eb yd Cl the Cambridge Centre 12 Integrate with a new RT and bus station va en Gl Wad hu ng Glenbrook Crescent rn ue en e Av ar Cl ce nt Lo ne Acorn ea Fa El Be ut r Cr rk Pa La ne Du et re St Sc tS ee era llb Mill Park es Cr n ee Gr e rin et re r St ne rd t t t y Dr lle Va et re ille Avenu e on ht La ur Co ur Co ad Ro ive Dr ur ive d St en h Av gr re Pe Dr ive ive Chamberlin Drive CAN-AMERA Rosslinn Road Str ad y Ro sa East Street Riverside itta Macatee Pi King Street t nt ce es Cr e in ins Wh Lind ne ad ll Ro we pe Ho Bl Am ce ad Ro Battle r Road cB M ive erce mm Co e dg Ri e e Co len th Cr an d Avenue s La od Wo 9 Ka nt ce es ilip Ph ck Be ue m Str Gr Birchwoo nt ce Ave nue rt nt ce rs Drive Dr et re t ue ur Co gh in et re ue Grenv ug Ho lane St n en Av wi ne ay W Dy Hi le rc nt le Va r St alte W en Av ph se Jo ou e es Cr pe yre Int ive lm Ho et re t s Ci nt ce alt ce nt rc ac Pl ole n ro Hu Maxw ell Drive Mc Cou rt Dr ar cF M rt k Cou St ur Co ng es rh inte Fron Ho Rose Street et re t St k La 4 Ha e rri ive ch e ive n tto Pa Stoc e Drive ck ru Cr La er W Vine Street tN ee p ho Bis ee t t Ha wk St op sh Bi n-A ad l Ro ria m ive ad Ro Moore Street n Cour y wa st Dr m Ku n no an Sh n Street Falco No Fa Fe Dr Ni Old Dr er Crescen es du ive Dr sio Str rt Cou Bird Kingfish ke In Trico es Hamilton Sherring Street d Boulevar am et f Pl ac m illiu t ad Ro e e Gat nc Co Stree t t et Foxridg St en Hav ive et re St rcle t Ci tre et ur re St y Trail Abbe rt be Hu ive Dr r ele sp He New Dr d ilw ay rth o Ra ne stad Ave nue Co lb Ko Grey le West er re ild Preston Regent lber Donley n lvi Ca et re le nt nt sce sce Cre r Cre Far ury stb da Street tim ue M Queensto n Road ay rkw Pa vin St ay W rc Ci We ott Sc Queen or M en Av rth No St h ut So lin gh es Ge au rt ck Cou ara ue en y Av sa e at et re St dg oo W na co ue en Av ston ne hn La Jo ey rv Ha et re l St te nue Ave ebel ive Dr et re et re se tro on M 10 cL M Tam m Ra th et re St ch Be Go ce en id ov Pr y St Eb et re et Erb Street ad nt ce es Cr nt ce ive es Dr Cr t ee Str ra St t ad Ro ich M St re St ro ffe er m Ha cli rth ter wa Blue No ive ue en Av ck reet St ey rv Ha ur Co le nt ce es l Cr ae e St dl id el ur M La ton ad Ro Ha ick ee es Cr Drive tview res Fo Co ur CAMBRIDGE CENTRE t Co de nt t Bla am Ad di Ru vil ur ld fie ng Lo Si ive Dr nt ce n fro So es y Cr ne ee Sw ce es Cr d Dr oo rw ur Co d oo dw Re t ue en s Av en em Cl ur Co e ds Hewat Street et re et re Morningside Montessori ad w Ro Hillvie Pres an S t on st Ke d oo lesw ue Plac ee Edgar Street r St St nt ce Kel ur ar ar Ch en z Av Pino et re m te ue hl Sc xa He es er Ho ffm Co M ue en Av et Br an St et re St et re on gt y St lin Ar or ck et re Hi Duke Street es g Cr a College Ad re St e ac Pl er 800m 34 ive s Dr ng La a Ro a complete, green street 13 Create along Hespeler Road Drive Circle Dellgrove ac Pl Pa er ho Up nt sce Cre re et ue rth me la Hespeler Road with the RT d re Go St Av en Je nn t et re Cambridge Centre ad air Ro Conestog ce er ak to e Rd n Plac ron Huro Hu Old e ac Pl Pa of Gr e d oo illw M ay o ive Ca nt ce eet m Str rha Du e Pla m oe e am t ee ick ue en Av et re St m er d oo kw ive Cr Lim ive t Dr ive Dr es rv ckl Ste Sh rk yr t region Eri es nt nd g M Dr urt n Villa gR Re _B 8S d2 lony Co Pi nt ce es nt ce es Cr ad Ro k Co urt Cr ive Dr ley as Be cent Sh ac es Cr ne nt ce on ats W er um cInt Dr m Ho Trilli ce * ive k Dr roo nb 37 ck Ro tone a t ga yu Ca es Drive Co ur ni w vie ur ive Cr Dr 34 n eldo t Kn ng Lo ad Ro Green hl ey t lva on Pi Co t La ou ok Lo r Ro we r To ne to rs ve Ri Pe nn sy Farrier Place gs ac Willi l Str ive Dr nw Re um ap Ch itm Dr Oa e tre ne Pi ll Ha ge Rid Fa er ur nt ce es Co Wilson Waterloo Region Museum and Doon Heritage Village 34 Pa im nt ce Pl ng tta Nu e Drive n ke ee cM M thorn Drive Silver Trilli ad t Ro ot Sc ur Co Co Esther Avenue e Dri Dr rin sp es e Ki way Calla ue en Av et re l St Ow d oo nw ar Fe rd fo glin W ston tle William Street Preston High nt ce es et t Abraham Stree Avenue ne nt ce ga ive Cres Baintre e Way Dr ps om Ra es t r Cr we r To ee nd y Cr urt Co k Pla Bo an ay ew m Co m om As nn yb Cr dg Ri Cr Riveredge Golf Course nt ce es Cr gsid sa Pr a network of trails 36 Complete that extend throughout the ra es alth we on d oo W lse ley Cr se ro Hill Drive Senior Th Bo oty t Dr r Cr sle Durham Avenue th ou Sa M Cres Ta ce nt af St e dg ur Co Sa dr be an Court nt ce es Cressman Pio e ac Pl Ri Century ay W un Ca irb t rcrest Fai ur t Co Cr ive Mo rnin ive glen Cre sce se y Dr ysh Bra tN ee Str the relationship of the 14 Improve existing commercial uses along as Go re in ad Ro ive Parkway Drive e t Pl rive Place ntry Cou try Go Mc Fa crof Frey Stre et t Stree et re ige er De e dg Ri le ap ive 30 Kesselring Drive gh sby Ed es Cr D ou nit t Dr Old un Co Tuerr Drive Hi et re St Fea ve Dri den Lin 800m rra Te kM d n un ive Dr ok ena nt ce eet Dr e dg Ri ce ac e M ive ne or Tiffany Street ive Ma Co ur ee ce nt Devonglen nt cent od wo Str eet rth Dr 401 1 Ga wp Ne Street Dr ns ee Gr Dirksen Court n St t Pa ur ro Hu e Co Cr ges g Str k Driv e ac ac s Cou rt Th idge Hed Rie hm Tu Lane nter La Co Bl iew ab es ce es ce Pla Julia ve y Dri Tillsle Hardin ce nt sce h gS Kin eric ive on Do th Drive oll Dunedin Court Hel r Pla xte Cre rt k Cou rc er De son side Cr d br Dr Road Lim Dr hill ive llv Fou r Sea Hill ill Ol ol Kn iar Br Kn fe t en Av ge Gr Road 28 ive ive lif dc ur Co Ro ue len He ndle eet doc Pl an rtin try e e Driv Ra od Ca se Street Pi Fa Regio nal Driv e Cour t Ma l Dr Ux wo st re llc Hi d on Ot ch Hill Murrayhill t ay Gr Ba d Str ifre Win Clo Birch on Settlers Drive ar ive t es W et tre Hill Roa Doon Valley Golf Course er De nt orn ckh Bla Bri Dr t ad Ro r Ro ne he tc Ki Shantz w vie er Tow ive isb Br Hi ive ck no ee Gr te In n nt ce es t Cr h us eb ll La wr La Margaret PRESTON t ad y Dr lle e ac Pl ve r Bi Deer Ridge Golf Course ive Dr ll Dr Calmcrest Drive n Dr ive iar ga ur er ne Pio 34 Ke vc o e an ive nt ce es se Ro Br r Gr ov e Co ive Dr try rh Co ur ee ters r Va ve ria ve h Dri ld ie Co un da ive Co ad Gateway Park Drive y Dr lle Coa nt Cres Ce rook el m ar M SPORTSWORLD Sportsworld Crossing Shopping Centre et re St Can Pad Ri da an River odric Go ad ce nt Dr ur N_Bnd Ri wf llo Fa Jay Court va ne Ge Cres e er Fo on ad e nt sce Cre sbur g Ro cent Co leb ne La ys lle Kirk ag W Cress Lane Plac Gra ield Stra d Cres m Reg Rd 38 Cyrus Street Grand Hill Drive ad r Ro lze ce e Dri ve ns Du HwyBypass 8 N_Bnd King Street to 8 N_Bnd Jacob Street Ba cef ern Cr urt sio et St Pin Hi en ue Road ive is Way Britton Luc h ch Sh ive y swa d Peter Hallman Ball Yard Lew Kingswood Drive Barwoo at ne an ul Ga Le HESPELER / EAGLE ive Dr ry et re i Dr nox Alpine Road d Bn tia Sp et re St Dr St ce Riverside Park Drive Stonegate The er Roa Webst tson Boulevard uren St eo m et re cent Ca Drive y St hitle W rth w Cres dvie te tte r Av en ak Len es nc Co ue W at Ch No Woo Ho fs uth So BLOCK LINE ss Ru Pla an Ardelt Ave nue La Dri ey dl He ick ab W ir Fa Avenue h ort k an erb Riv ce Ch ier Dr King Street East FAIRVIEW PARK MALL d oa yR wa tN ee Morgan Avenue et re ve ive or an Pion Road Van t ee Str nt ce es M rw Fairview Park Mall t Ave nue Reuter Drive Hospital Ri s Cr et ille Stre lm Hil d an Gr wi Le Be Fairlawn nt ou ent Ly Cherry Blossom Road ue rk Ave nue d ve Dri d ar ev ul r Bo ve 4 s Cresc Str Street in Ave nue et re St dia ive ive Traynor Aven Woodhaven Road hpa Cedarwood Munroe Street Hig e ac ta Dr On ce Dr cent Huber ive Dr an m or Th an ic Avenue Carrol Street e Street Roa Road y wa rk on ive m Guerin Avenu e Gerar d Ave nue Ma ywo od er ov gle 19 ad Ro k lts Ave nue St Jerome Eighth Avenue e nu Ave ber ue Ea ya Ro Sa en Greendale Cres Ave nue Ninth Avenue ace nif Bo Drive Byron Sie burn ive esy 4 a Pla Reg Rd 38 to Hwy Cait Avenue Ave nue Pa re ipm Ch 9 Drive Park Court Hidden Valley Wilson Avenue Rey l Dr Sc Stre et Drive rescent Pinecrest Drive uth elley Kipling n ieso h ort gers Ro l Oa ve Harold Fal St Jerome Crescent 800m Sh nu y Ave sse Ma ive ford 800m e nue ell Ave Corn Fifth Avenue Connaught Plac d n St xo Di ue ood Aven Carw YMCA Gru lke Chicopee Connaught Street Greenfield Avenue et re Toyota Plant ce r Dri ard Arlington Boulev o Franklin Street S Four th Avenue Sixth Avenue Third Avenue Second Avenue First Avenue n Roa Doo Eckert Street ve Gro eid trev y 7) Plymouth Road cent Cres Ave nue nue eye King Street East (Hw rkway eet Cherokee Court rra Cen Kingsway Drive Drive Str ico Pepperwood C Court Euler Avenue Emerald Avenue d Chicopee Ski Resort Ch pe e Te Ave her UofT Emmanuel Bible College Prospect Avenue Wilfred Avenue Roa e ntz Lan Pa stoga Cone Sha d Roa ford Ro os Chand ery Clif ler Rut ue Broadview tgom Ave nue getz Tha on ad North Hill Place Oberm Woodland Cemetery n A ris Bur Dr en Av w ie f Dr m Ja Co aw n ay cG un Fo nt ce es Cr ple ad Ro rt Cou rth re en y Av 800m M a M ale nd lle Mor croft Stre et ive No Lo lid 401 ay hw ve wa ata re et ive ac 16 Ro Enhance the iXpress bus corridors to Hespeler Village it easier to walk or take 15 Make transit to work from Hespeler Ho Hig e Dri tat Tin Id lewo od St ue or nd Ha zz Pe re Go 30 ur ll Co bu ad Ro s Es Sim n Co urt Ban dv d Dr erlan Ov d h elp Gu nt sce Cre Lyn t in oa Br t Pl Briarmead ur Co kl Mon ntw ood MILL Roa nt ico ria pe Im urg le Ch otte Fr an d Floral Crescen lt de Ar na Ba Crescent Sims Estate Place ont Beaum ow Drive Dr en Av nt Roa mou Fair Bre ue Strasb ne ce Idlewood Park e Acac Idl Wate rbend nd ive Dr od lewo el No Ave nue 36 Pla ve Dri Pla s Avenu et ia Stre ow ler Drive Dr ive Da cent a Av en et k St ive e Dr ick rn ine Cres Wo ad t Ro Wya t Drive od ad Ro ive ad Daim nn Re wo nt ce es Cr re Ba ay hw Hig Dr me ive ie st le da Drive ce hurs Dreger Avenue ce in Er Carm ul Bo Alon al Ra ty 32 en Av nt ce d oo xw Bo sce nt e on st in W rn Tu ive Cre ac y Pl on n ea iard Dr ek e Cre Briar Drive th An d ar ev re s St Br u en e nt ce es Cr nd ra Lynd Dunda ple Ap Idle Ridge Court ce Roehampton Court il Wr os en r Av he at He Ci nd ount Pla Tremaine on Pla zie Co gm ive e Dr Tre m t Cl Glenforest Road rre ib Kr GRCA Conservation Area Vi e St Vo e d Driv ive re r St ce er ent woo Ken d Dr ld Dr rfie pe e Tra Plac n Da et glin ive er Cre sce nt ine Cresc Place Drive ive Dr As ad l Ro nd e ac Pl ster ew Br d oo hw Wa lk we Lo Drive hen Sprin Dr ce ee St da en Av nn Gu north with the RT ad ad Ro un Ra Rolling Acres Mic e Pla Linton cop r Cr Janin ive Dr nt ou dg bri Chi Cre sce nt Par kview Wa yne King Street East Lilac Street Hoffman idge br en Ed en d Gay as om e oh Gr ive et is Stre t et re Th ep es 30 d Ze lle r Dr Lew Co ur ren Cla eet Am an ue e ac Pl the role of Hespeler 17 Elevate Village in the region Co e Stree t Ed ter Roa e t Old Dr d oo gw Do Str Sh ar rM ew ood Carw rd Road pic Drive Olym t ce nt ce he ou le va rd es St rry be the relationship of 18 Improve development along Eagle Street Victoria, Waterloo) nt ad Ro is Ell ul et re c Blo et rM pe Up rB Cr ive tw ell gton Place ac Co Bradley Drive Rockway Golf Course Bedfo La ive St Trema s Pla Crescent kin Rockway man Dr Darlin riar As Charles Street East n Aven t ne Dr ive d1 7 Cl William ar ckf ce lan Ken Pattando Co ve ntry Ch Bla Ho lb ur ck dy le gm Drive or n ier da rin st ss Delta rt Valerie Cou nt idge Mid Mc 4 be r Co ur Sp Ea Ro Nyber g Stree t Sacha Road ce Pl ches n de m Man ell Drive Halliw kenr ue Co ur La W en Br Em Old Brick Street t es Cr Brec Av en 800m BORDEN /OTTAWA ur h ce nt Ea ue St. Peter’s Cemetery Bu rnt se es Ave nue Av en Co nt ce ad es Cr n Ro Dr ive Cr Riv er Ro ad Se co rd Charlotte e Driv air try un Co t Road Crescen et re vid Da M Ave nu wa Ed en Av rd No ro de ue Re gio na Ol et re r St ce er et re St r Cr ge oe Kr e r Driv Adle ue en Av Drive ue Drive tcliffe ve l Co lR oa reet Ro d on m ch Ri Ra Gil a St et re cent on st India lm d Yo rk ce nt ue st Melv ern e tca Ol es Stanley Park Conservation Area ury ftsb Sha McGe e Avenu Mon Cr Av en Nottingham Avenue Ea an ve Cr M eli t rin Stree Ventu Cres e Dri ng urt ird Br nt ce es m ha rn St Applerock Court Gra y Str eet Ki Co d Roa ey Ba y Drive Crosb her Be ech ad Ro Her itag n Dri m cu Te on Be ttl rt es Cr St ad ill yh nn Su eet ale sce nt ve ds Hu gara Cou ill m ge id et re ck ro ave r Str ad Ro Bu Si ce es Street Henderson ive y St am We e ov Gr d oa kR dle id Avenue Road Street Wes Sh Valley le er nn Ta rd Am Cre sce nt Cre sto Birk shire ive r Dr lle Ze Susan Queen Ave nue Arc a Ro rM he ad Ro Que ens ton Nia Ca Dumfr ies Ave nue et re Fis ille e Driv nt lle Ze nt ce Gerrard Street Cooper Hespeler Ro k aw eth Stree t v ds ee ce il nt ce es r Cr Va t son e nu Ave Tan 7) d ills La ler Ho e Rif Adam t ad oh M 25 25 Oa et re k St oo lebr t ur t Co ne Car es rt Cou Pea Cour Ed en k Tra Ja rst Cr rt Cou wy en Av Cr Sp Oakhu er ce nt Plaza Street way (H ad Ro erd av Cre sce nt pp es ue ker ills rM he Be leton Tu Cr Tami ce Wimb Driv e Park e Pla ad am pla d folk So ut t ur Co ra No 19 regional destinations (Riverside, rth 10 ad e y Driv us en Av Fis Improve connections between the King Street Corridor and the RT network Plac rth wo Ro ve r Dri heste rds Wo ez Court Ch in Driv e stc We eet 25 nt t ater Stree Stillw Stree t t Str ce Wo Suf Ro ad aw Cr es ue Aven ian our t Glencliffe C ew es Roa ve dy sce ore nigan Ge org Cour Dineen Cr Avo n Roa Bec ty Cre nm Dun urt s Co lfe Cam nu ck r Cou rt M Mis Sta ive nt Eto n Dri t Ca Dye Jerr M Elizab Hungerford ue 28 cy ar Ave nu e ue rt hn Fury a Dr ty nue ur Plac Dr Ha Mot h Co e etan Lich od wo gle er nn ce nt tthew nest oga rt Tig Fly nt ce es ne an Ma brid ge Ave nue lve r Da Sm tch gto n Ave Si ive da Dr Ea ue en Av Sh Lin ick m or park connections and open spaces around the Station Ea ap Na ood chw reet North Ro ad ive Islin ad * n St n wi ld Ba st ue en Av en Av ilton e ive es W M st ive Dr ac an pe Lim h tth ton Foun tai Br Ma Elking Ro Fo rw ell a Dr d Region of Waterloo International Airport Connect the magnet schools along the line Sm Turner Avenue So uth 34 etan Mo nte rey ich 41 Bingemans h St reet or t Pl rd Jo st em the Cambridge Business Park Woo lwic ive rw No * d et re St ford am St e be rR oa ilton at cC ive Dr M ue er W Pr Melran Drive M t ne y La M the experience of 26 Enhance taking transit for employees of Co Dr Plac e region n Dr ell McL es tview Plac regional transit network da ar ef Wak Cr rview eri ive access to the arts 40 Strengthen and cultural assets of the Ce da Sh pl Po et re d St iel rc Ci er ce Sh y Ro ad es St ds iel Re e ed ce rra Te e in the riverside location 20 Celebrate of Preston Station with enhanced le ch Flet Cr Str ading Plac Ke nn wn Da rview et re eet ve the Region of Waterloo 30 Connect International Airport to the Ro ad se Jo Ri da le 24 rc Ci * St Lo ns nt ce es e Cr as Ch Develop a transit supportive Cambridge Business Park and future employment area n tta th ou tS ee Str ich et olw re St Wo ph et re an lm Do Strengthen the link between the Region of Waterloo International Airport and Cambridge Business Park, Fairview Park Mall and the South Kitchener Business Park tio nR oa d ha access to health and 39 Enhance community facilities by transit Sta t ee Str no Men 30 25 tz an M La 29 an er nd * ne 's er ad M Sh Improve the connections between Chicopee and the RT Ga 34 Make it easier to get to regional employment centres by transit Road Ebycrest Road t oe Crescen Horsesh Chilligo 38 Encourage mixed-use development along King and Charles Streets d oa sR Alp 57 69 Community Building Initiatives 1 Redesign the Ainslie Street Terminal so that it is more enjoyable for users and integrates better with the downtown While the Ainslie Street Terminal is an important transit hub and in many respects acts as the southern gateway to the region its current design and configuration could be improved. Large areas of asphalt, bus infrastructure that circles the site and grade changes cut the terminal off from the rest of the downtown and create an unpleasant environment for users. An opportunity exists to re-examine the character and role of the terminal, whether it makes sense for transit operations and whether it could be designed to integrate more seamlessly into the downtown. Strategies could include improved landscaping and street trees to enhance user comfort, integration of the terminal with new development and the creation of a new civic open space that can act as focus for adjacent development and improve connections between Ainslie Street and the station. Galt has a unique heritage character and fine grain of streets and open spaces. While activity in the downtown stagnated for a number of years, the recent addition of the University has helped to enhance activity and interest in the area. Recent streetscape enhancements have helped to set the stage for new investments. Efforts to reactivate the underutilized spaces, such as vacant stores or the upper level of shops, and encourage the development of vacant lots will help to bring new people and uses to the area who can live and work there on a 24 hour basis. Improved landscaping and street trees can help to create a more comfortable waiting environment for passengers. (Photo: Steve Morgan) 3 Celebrate the cultural heritage assets of Galt through interpretation and wayfinding at Ainslie Terminal Galt has a unique historic architectural legacy of limestone and granite buildings set against the Grand River. Main Street is designated a Heritage Conservation District and over the last few years older buildings that were once boarded up are being refurbished to their former glory and re-inhabited with new uses. In addition, the downtown contains a range of civic and cultural attractions including Cambridge Centre for the Arts, Cambridge Arts Theatre and City Hall that play an important role in the civic and cultural life of the community. An opportunity exists to improve access to and tell the story of these unique places through the introduction of interpretation signage and wayfinding at the Ainslie Street Terminal and throughout the downtown. 58 2 Continue to fill in the gaps and strengthen the Galt City Centre 4 Develop a series of new public spaces for the Central Transit Corridor The introduction of new residents and jobs to the existing built-up areas of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo will have a significant impact on the look and feel of the region. An opportunity exists to leverage this new investment to identify and create a series of new open spaces along the Corridor. These spaces would have the potential to act as the address or focal point for new development, enhance existing station areas and improve the relationship between the RT Corridor, iXpress Corridors and wider community. Opportunities for new open spaces include: The Ainslie Street Terminal as a component of any station reconfiguration; At the Cambridge Centre as a component of a new, high density mixed-use centre; In the Cambridge Business Park to provide recreational amenity for the employees of the area; At the site of Fairview Park Mall as part of transforming the mall lands into a higher density mixed-use centre; At Cedar Station to create a new community related open space at the gateway to the downtown; At the Transit Hub in Kitchener as part of an area-wide redevelopment and to establish a gateway to the city and region; At the Sun Life parking lot during redevelopment; At University of Waterloo station; At the site of the new station for the Waterloo Central Railway Capture opportunities to access the * 5 Grand River by Transit The Grand River Valley is a defining characteristic of the region and includes a number of recreational and heritage features that add tremendous value to the community. The introduction of RT and investments in the iXpress network create an opportunity to explore new ways to access the river system by transit. In some instances such as in Preston or Galt where the river is more immediate, the opportunities may be easier to achieve. In other places such as at Sportsworld where the station is further from the river but within a short biking distance, improving access to the river may require a range of strategies including the improvement of existing connections, development of new connections and enhanced wayfinding. Improving access to the Grand River Valley from transit can help to strengthen the relationship of the region to this tremendous community asset. (Photo: Niikos) 6 Enhance the Water Street corridor as an important gateway to the Downtown 8 Enhance the image of Hespeler Road between Delta and Can-Amera Water Street is an important corridor linking Hespeler Road to the downtown. The introduction of new street trees and streetscaping would help to tie diverse buildings together, create a stronger setting for Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School and enhance the gateway to Downtown Galt and the river. The stretch of Hespeler Road between Delta and Can-Amera has a mixed character with residential, commercial, institutional and public service uses. The introduction of new generously planted street trees and streetscape enhancements would help to tie the many diverse buildings together and create a more positive impression on users travelling into and out of Galt. Improved connections and wayfinding to the YMCA and the integration of new development into the existing land uses will help to further enhance the area. 7 Improve the relationship of surrounding uses to the Delta Station 9 Design new stations as a series of transit beacons along Hespeler Road The Delta station is located at a wide intersection at the junction of Highway 8, Hespeler Road and Water Street. Though currently inhospitable for pedestrians, the intersection is an important transit interchange as it will connect the RT Corridor with an iXpress route heading northwest to Preston. Current developments such as the Babcock and Wilcox sites and Shopping Centre to the east of the station relate poorly to the intersection and work to further discourage access by pedestrians. In the short-term, the pedestrian environment could be improved through the creation of designated pedestrian pathways leading to and from key destinations. The introduction of RT is an important opportunity to kickstart the reurbanization of the street transforming Hespeler Road into a more appealing mixed-use avenue. In order to compensate for the larger scale of Hespeler Road, an opportunity exists to highlight the transit investment to residents and investors by designing stations to act as highly visible beacons along the street. Strategies could include the integration of public art, integration of special lighting treatments that illuminate the stations at night and/or the development of more substantial station shelters like the Züm shelters in Brampton. 9 8 7 6 2 1 3 4 Improved streetscaping along Hespeler Road would help to tie diverse buildings together and create a more positive image for users. More substantial station structures along Hespeler Road would help to highlight the transit investment (Photo: City of Brampton). 59 10 Establish a new centre along Hespeler Road At the midpoint between the three centres in Cambridge is the area around the Dumfries Conservation Area including the Cambridge Centre and the lands to the east and west of Hespeler Road. The large land holdings, existing mix of uses and open space create the potential for a significant amount of new development that could transform the area into high density mixed-use centre. The centre could be structured around a new smaller street and block pattern that would help to enhance access, support a mix of uses and building types and improve the walkability of the area. As a important natural feature within the area, The Dumfries Conservation Area would sit at the heart of this new urban community connected to existing neighbourhoods by a system of trails. The addition of new streets would enable the exploration of an alternative Hespeler Road Cross section with slightly reduced lanes and more generous pedestrian environment with wide sidewalks and street trees. West of Hespeler Road, an opportunity exists to explore the potential to control flooding and create an improved setting for new development through the renaturalization of Groff Mill Creek. Hespeler Road Today The large land holdings, existing mix of uses and open space create the potential for a significant amount of new development that could transform the area around the Cambridge Centre and Dumfries Conservation Area into high density mixed-use centre. Potential transformation of Hespeler Road over the long-term. 60 11 Preserve the Dumfries Conservation Area as a natural heritage asset adjacent to a new urban neighbourhood The Dumfries Conservation Area is a significant natural heritage resource which benefits from its proximity to the YMCA. As the area around the conservation area intensifies, an opportunity exists to transform the conservation area into Cambridge’s Central Park through park improvements aimed at enhancing access for area users and improving the environmental function of its natural systems. The Dumfries Conservation Area is a significant heritage resource. 13 Create a complete, green street along Hespeler Road The wide expanse of Hespeler Road with its signage and strips of commercial properties creates an image that is inconsistent with the quality and character of Cambridge and its intimate downtown centres. An opportunity exists in the short-term to enhance the street and put in place a legacy of street trees and landscaping that can grow as the street intensifies over time. In addition, improvements to the street can help to make it easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists to use the Corridor through the addition of wider sidewalks, boulevards separating pedestrians and vehicles, and introduction of cycling facilities such as bike lanes or a street side multi-use trail. 12 Integrate the Cambridge Centre with a new RT and bus station 14 Improve the relationship of the existing commercial uses along Hespeler Road with the RT The plans to relocate the transit centre to the front of the Cambridge Centre creates an opportunity to create a more substantial station with the ability over time to be integrated either adjacent to or into the side of an expanded Cambridge Centre. The expansion of the Cambridge Centre out to the station would help to bridge the gap between the RT station and surrounding uses and help to highlight the station into the front of the Cambridge Centre. Not all of Hespeler Road can be expected to re-urbanize in the short to medium term and parts of the street may not change for many years. In the interim new development may be best encouraged to occur at key nodes along the street where the clustering of uses can have a more significant ability to create a more transit supportive environment. In the absence of substantial change, an opportunity exists to improve the relationship of existing uses to Hespeler Road and the RT by consolidating access points and putting in place a series of sidewalks that can define a street and block structure for new development over time. Requiring new buildings to relate differently to their surroundings and organizing pad developments so that they create more walkable urban moments along the street can significantly enhance both the image and accessibility of the Corridor. 14 13 12 10 11 Consolidating access points and requiring new buildings to relate to Hespeler Road could help to create a more walkable environment. (Photo: Bing Maps) 61 15 16 17 The Lovell Industrial Park is a large employment area located to the east of Hespeler Road. While much of the park may be out of walking distance from RT there are a substantial number of businesses located along Bishop Street, Pinebush Road and Conestoga Boulevard that will be within a 10 minute walk of the RT. Targeting pedestrian improvements along these three streets including the provision of sidewalks, street trees to provide shade during summer months and pedestrian-oriented lighting would help to make it easier for employees in these areas to walk to and from RT. These could be complemented by improvements in the frequency of transit service through the area which would help to transport employees to areas farther away from Hespeler Road. Once completed, the redesign of the iXpress network will constitute the most direct way to travel to and from Hespeler by transit. As currently identified, the aesthetics/urban design along the route leading to and from Hespeler are unappealing, employment uses on either side of the street are set back exposing large areas of surface parking, sidewalks are inconsistent and there is minimal streetscaping. The potential exists to improve the image and accessibility of the iXpress routes to Hespeler by implementing a series of streetscape improvements. Strategies could include: • Requiring sidewalks on either side of the street; • Planting street trees and placement of lighting standards along the routes; and • Requiring new buildings to relate differently to their surroundings by actively fronting the street and locating surface parking to the rear or side. Though located away from the RT Corridor, the proposed changes to the iXpress bus corridors will help to improve the relationship and connectivity of the village to the rest of the region. An opportunity exists to strengthen the village’s role as a unique destination within the region by improving the relationship of the village to the river and introducing new residential, retail and restaurant uses. The existing historical employment buildings along the river create an opportunity for new mixed-use developments that can enhance the vitality of the centre while older industrial lands west of the Speed River create the potential for newer higher-density mixed-use development. 18 19 Make it easier to walk or take transit to work from Hespeler Road Improve the relationship of development along Eagle Street North with the RT Eagle Street is the planned location of the second phase LRT from Preston to Hespeler Road. While the street is an important connection, the existing uses and buildings at the eastern end of Eagle relate poorly to the street with employment uses that are set back and housing that backs onto the street. In other areas, there is a narrow right of way with buildings immediately abutting and facing onto the street with a single narrow sidewalk along one side of the street. There will be a need to determine an appropriate cross section that will enable the insertion of LRT over time without compromising existing uses. The cross section should explore the potential for improved pedestrian and cycling facilities that can enhance connectivity between the historic centre of Preston and Hespeler Road. Enhance the iXpress bus corridors to Hespeler Village Define the 3 key parks as regional destinations (Riverside, Victoria, Waterloo) While there are many parks throughout the region, there are three parks - Riverside, Victoria, and Waterloo - that are operating at a regional level. As regional parks, the three host attractions and events that attract residents throughout the region. The potential exists to reinforce their role by coordinating events between them and marketing the parks as regional attractions located along the corridor. Riverside, Victoria and Waterloo Park are significant assets that are already regional destinations. (Photo: Niikos) 62 Elevate the role of Hespeler Village in the region Historic employment buildings along the Grand River in Hespeler create an opportunity for new mixed-use developments. 17 20 Celebrate the Riverside location of Preston Station with enhanced park connections and open spaces around the Station The Preston Station is the only station along the RT Corridor located immediately adjacent to the river valley system. The station will act as a gateway to the Speed and Grand River Valleys providing visitors and residents with an easy direct conduit to these areas. An opportunity exists to mark this important characteristic through open space enhancements and wayfinding that directs people to destinations along the river system. As an important trail connection, there may be the need for additional cycling amenities such as parking, fountains, bike pumps or other amenities that can support cyclists accessing the network. The Preston Station will act as an important gateway to the Speed and Grand Rivers. (Photo: Robert Andrews) 21 Encourage development to anticipate and be supportive of planned RT Station in Preston While located adjacent to the river, the planned location of the Preston stop is to the rear of an existing residential development and retail outlet. Partnerships with the existing owners should be explored to identify opportunities to improve the relationship of these uses to the station. Opportunities could include: • The provision of more generous connections to Eagle and King streets such as additional trails and walkways • The development of a path connecting the station to Riverside Park • The establishment of new retail and restaurant uses that can increase levels of activity and passenger safety adjacent to the station 16 18 22 Fill gaps and add new uses to King Street in Preston The Village of Preston has been called the closest thing to a classic main street within the region. The Village is walkable with a fine grain of mixed-use structures that facilitate a range of business types and uses. Over time there is the potential to fill in existing gaps in the street with sensitively integrated buildings that add new people and uses to the street. These would help to bridge the gap between the station and Argyle Street where the classic main street begins. To support this, strategies to reactivate the top floors of existing main street buildings and infill guidelines that facilitate appropriate building types and ease private investment should be explored. Reactivating the top floors of buildings and filling in the gaps along the street would help to support a more vibrant main street. 15 19 20 21 22 63 23 Integrate Conestoga College with expanded iXpress bus With over 9,000 full time and 35,000 part time students, Conestoga College is a major destination. By 2018, the College will be connected to the RT line by a series of iXpress bus corridors from Fairview Park Mall and Sportsworld. An opportunity exists to improve the relationship between existing college uses and buses accessing the station by formalizing the drop-off and pick-up areas into an actual station location with comfortable waiting spaces and active uses. The development of a connection linking the Doon Campus to the Cambridge Campus would help to improve connectivity between the north and south campuses reducing the need for students to take a car or shuttle service between the two campuses. 26 Enhance the experience of taking transit for employees of the Cambridge Business Park 24 Develop a transit supportive Cambridge Business Park and future employment area The Cambridge Business Park, North Cambridge Employment Area and East Side Lands represent a significant opportunity for expansion of employment lands within the region and new employment here will help to support the economic growth of the entire region. Given that so much of the land remains to be developed, the area represents a tremendous opportunity to put in place a building and land use pattern that can make the area one of the most transit supportive business parks in the country. In addition to promoting the development of a more transit supportive development pattern, opportunities for partnerships with area businesses for the expansion of the existing employee shuttle connecting workers to the station and/or discount employee passes to encourage higher levels of transit ridership should be explored. The Sportsworld Station will be an important point of access to the Cambridge Business Park and surrounding employment areas. The 24 hour characteristic of employment and manufacturing uses here mean that there is the potential for the station to be active during typical off-peak hours such as during the early morning, mid-afternoon and late evening. To support area employees, there will be a need to design the station with these unique patterns of usage in mind. Strategies could include providing sheltered waiting areas designed for comfort in all seasons and providing a higher level of passenger amenities such as lighting and seating for waiting off-peak users. Given the farther distances between destinations in the business park, the station makes a good candidate for longer term bike facilities that can enable employees to safely store their bikes and ride to and from work. Similarly, opportunities exist to improve the transit supportive nature of the Lovell Industrial Park in Cambridge,the Huron Business Park in Kitchener, and RIM Park in Waterloo. An opportunity exists to strengthen the relationship of the airport to the Cambridge Business Park, Fairview Park Mall and the South Kitchener Business Park to create distinct airport related employment clusters. This would also ensure that new development north along Fountain Street is built to a higher quality so that this street can act as a corporate gateway to the region from the airport. 27 Improve the relationship of retail and employment uses in Sportsworld with the Station The Sportsworld station area contains a large concentration of retail and employment uses as well as an important cluster of community sports facilities. An opportunity exists in the shortterm to put in place streetscape and parking lot enhancements that can make it easier to walk and cycle between these uses and the aBRT/ LRT. To the west of Sportsworld Station, enhancements to Sportsworld Drive will help to improve pedestrian and cycling connections between the Pioneer Tower neighbourhood and the station. There may also be the potential for connections from Sportsworld Drive to the Walter Bean Grand River Trail. 28 Improve connections between the King Street Corridor and the RT network Exploring partnerships with area businesses for the expansion of the existing employee shuttle connecting workers to the station and/or discount employee passes could help to encourage higher levels of transit ridership. 64 25 Strengthen the link between the Region of Waterloo International Airport and Cambridge Business Park, Fairview Park Mall and the South Kitchener Business Park King Street between Sportsworld Drive and Fairway Road contains a mix of retail, residential and commercial uses including the Grand River Hospital Freeport site. Though the area is not planned to be connected with the RT network, in the second phase when the southern leg of the Corridor is changed from aBRT to LRT the RT alignment will be running adjacent to the street. In the shortterm, the potential to improve pedestrian and cycling connections from this area to connect with the Fairview Park Mall and Sportsworld Stations should be pursued. 30 29 Improve the connections between Chicopee and the RT 24 Chicopee Resort is an important all season sports and banquet destination with skiing and winter activities during winter months and biking, camping and summer sports during summer months. While not on the RT or iXpress bus corridor there is the potential to enhance connectivity to the resort with enhanced cycling routes from Fairview Park Mall. In addition, the potential for specialized transit service during peak activity seasons to enable the passengers to take RT to the destination should be explored. 30 25 25 Connect the Region of Waterloo International Airport to the regional transit network The Region of Waterloo International Airport is an important destination that has the potential to not only connect residents with holiday destinations but support locally based national and international businesses with connections to major business destinations. An opportunity exists in the short-term to explore the potential for an airport shuttle from Fairview Park Mall Station that would take advantage of the new Fairway Road extension and make it possible to take the RT to the airport. Over the longer term the potential for a new iXpress bus route connecting the airport to the Transit Hub and either Fairview Park Mall or Sportsworld Station should be explored. 32 Improve the relationship of the Fairview neighbourhood to the Fairview Park Mall Station The Fairview neighbourhood has been characterized as having higher levels of transit ridership but relatively poor pedestrian and cycling facilities. Over the short-term, the ability to walk/ cycle to the RT should be made easier through the introduction of enhanced streetscaping along Greenfield Ave and Wilson Ave leading to and from the station area. These connections should be extended by working with the mall owners and RT team to introduce direct and clearly defined pedestrian connections between Kingsway Drive and the station. Over the longer term an opportunity exists to work with the owners of existing high-rise developments along Kingsway Drive to facilitate improvements or intensification that help to create a finer pattern of streets and blocks through the area and enhance the walking environment for pedestrians and cyclists. 25 29 Chicopee is an important all seasons destination that could benefit from improved connections to the RT network. (Photo: Eamonn) 31 Transform Fairview Park Mall into a walkable mixed-use centre Fairview Park Mall is a major destination along the RT Corridor, a major iXpress and local bus interchange and the proposed site of the LRT to aBRT interchange. The mall has the potential to accommodate significant growth on its parking areas, enhancing its role as an anchor along the RT Corridor and introducing a greater mix of uses within the station area. To capitalize on this, opportunities to improve the relationship between the mall and station facilities should be pursued. 28 32 31 26 27 23 Expansion of Fairview Park Mall over time should help to create a more walkable station area and improve the relationship of the mall to the station. 65 33 Support the reurbanization of Fairway Road over time The existing pattern of retail uses along Fairway Road is designed primarily for automobile users with buildings setback from the street and large areas of surface parking. In the shorter-term there is an opportunity to introduce streetscape enhancement and to improve the relationship of existing uses to Fairway Road and the RT Station. In the longer-term the introduction of new uses such as residential development that actively front Fairway Road will help to increase street life and activity after hours. 34 * There are several large employment clusters located throughout the region. While some of these are located in proximity to the RT Corridor, others are located at a distance from RT or iXpress routes making them less attractive for transit users. An opportunity exists to develop a strategy aimed at ensuring that all employees have the potential to reasonably commute to work by transit. The strategy will require a range of transit strategies including bus and specialized shuttle services and should be informed by community outreach to determine areas and times of greatest need. These should be complemented by strategies to improve pedestrian and cycling conditions such as sidewalks and streetscape enhancements that make it more comfortable for pedestrians, and cycling amenities such as designated routes and bike racks that make it easier for employees to travel from transit stops to their places of employment. 35 Fairway Road Today Making it easier to get to regional employment centres by transit Integrate existing and new development with the Block Line Station The planned site of the Block Line Station is not currently a destination but will become an important transfer point for transit users travelling into the RT Corridor from the west with high levels of transfer during peak periods. While adjacent neighbourhoods will remain relatively stable, the lands adjacent to the station have the potential to accommodate new development that can help to increase levels of activity in and around the station area. In addition to the new development at the station, the extension of Block Line Road will make it possible to improve connections to the ballparks, schools and sport complexes along Lennox Lewis Way and allow the Rockway neighbourhood to access these uses. The design of the new bridge infrastructure should support pedestrian and cycling access to these areas through the provision of pedestrian and cycling accommodations. Potential for reurbanization of Fairway Road over the long-term. 66 36* Complete a network of trails that extend throughout the region The Region has recently completed a master plan in support of active transportation throughout the region. This active transportation and trail network will play an important role in supporting a full range of multi-modal transportation throughout the region by enabling people to safely walk or cycle to key destinations and by connecting places away from iXpress and RT Corridors to the system. Where they exist, opportunities to complete the regional trail network should be pursued and included as important prerequisites of any site plan or development approvals process, street/infrastructure investment or public realm improvement. A complete regional trail network would enable people to safely walk or cycle to key destinations throughout the region. (Photo: Moon Angel - Flickr) 38 37 Transform the Ottawa/Borden corridor into a walkable mixed-use centre The area is also an important place in the regional cycling network and the southern entrance to the Iron Horse Trail. Opportunities to extend the Iron Horse Trail and further integrate it with the regional cycling network should be explored. Strategies could include extending the Iron Horse Trail south to connect it with bike lanes along Sydney and Bedford Rd to Mill Station or the creation of a complete street along Borden or Ottawa with complementary path connections which can connect the trail to the Ottawa/Borden and Mill Stations. 38 37 36 Encourage mixed-use development along King and Charles Streets There are a significant number of redevelopment sites located between King and Charles Street along the RT Corridor east of Downtown Kitchener and the area has been identified as having the potential to accommodate a new urban neighbourhood in Kitchener’s Downtown Action Plan and as a Mixed-Use Corridor in Kitchener’s Draft Official Plan. There is the potential over time to re-urbanize the Corridor through new infill development that actively addresses both King and Charles streets. New development here should support and enhance connections between the two streets, reinforce and extend the King Street main street south of Cedar and integrate with residential uses west of Charles. Improved sidewalks and new streetscaping along King and Charles streets will help to improve the walk to area destinations and enhance access and safety for students accessing Cameron Heights High School from King Street bus stops and the Cedar and Ottawa/Borden Street stations. 34 The Ottawa Borden Corridor has the potential to undergo significant change. There is a shift away from manufacturing towards other softer forms of employment uses and some abutting residential areas are in transition. The existing and previous employment uses have resulted in large parcels of land with very little street connectivity and where streets exist they have not been designed to adequately support pedestrians and cyclists. While the area is capable of significant redevelopment, the existing channelized creek through the area creates a significant flooding hazard on adjacent lands, which will act as a major challenge to new development. In order to facilitate change a comprehensive plan that addresses the needs over both the short and long-term should be developed. 35 33 The Ottawa/Borden district has the potential to transform over time into a walkable mixed-use centre with a mix of building types and new open spaces. 67 39* Enhance access by transit to clusters of health and community facilities in Downtown Kitchener Downtown Kitchener has the highest concentration of community services in the region. This area was identified as having a high concentration of people with specialized needs who thus require access to a range of health services. Developing a comprehensive inventory of all community services within the downtown and across the region and assessing the walk to those facilities from the nearest RT or iXpress station could help to identify opportunities to improve access to them for transit users. Improvements could include sidewalk or streetscape enhancements that improve accessibility, the identification of new connections that can help to minimize walking distances from transit or the elimination of barriers. This initiative could be supported by a program of wayfinding with signage located at stations and along key routes leading to and from community facilities. Over time, as new facilities are created or existing facilities are moved, locating community facilities throughout the Corridor and in close proximity to RT could help to increase their accessibility to a wider range of people. 42* Enhance the learning opportunities for high schools along the Corridor There are a number of high schools along the RT Corridor, each with their own areas of specialization and distinct facilities. While some high schools experience overcrowding, others with their distinct program set have less enrollment. An opportunity exists with RT to link the high schools along the line to create a singular educational experience. This would allow students to take specialized courses at schools along the Corridor without having to attend a single institution on a full time basis. 68 40* Strengthen access to the arts and cultural assets of the region The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo Region Museum and Cambridge Centre for the Arts are just a few of the many cultural attractions that exist across the region. In addition, the region is home to many cultural festivals including Oktoberfest, the Uptown Waterloo Jazz Festival, Kitchener Blues Festival and Cambridge’s Riverfest that attract people throughout the year. These destinations are an important part of a vibrant and healthy community and add to the region’s cultural richness. An opportunity exists to strengthen access to events and assets by developing a master inventory of facilities and events and identifying the ways in which they could be accessed by transit, bike, on foot or vehicle. The inventory could also identify peak periods of attendance which could then be used to coordinate transit scheduling or special transit services to improve access for transit riders. 43 * Improve the walk to school through Access to Safe Routes to School and other programs There are a number of elementary and high schools throughout the CTC. By identifying key routes leading to and from schools and initiating a series of streetscape improvements along those routes, an opportunity exists to complement the safe walk to schools initiative already in place and promote greater levels of walking and cycling throughout the CTC. Improvements could include signed markings indicating designated routes, sidewalk and crossing improvements to improve safety and the identification and designation of safe cycling routes supported by bike posts along the route and racks at school. These could be supported by maintenance programs to ensure that routes are passable at all times of year and school programs such as walking bus networks that actively encourage participation. 41* Connect the magnet schools along the line There are a series of magnet schools that attract students throughout the region for a range of specialized programs and training. These include: • Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • Forest Heights Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School (Cambridge) • Grand River Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • Waterloo Collegiate Institute (Waterloo) • Preston High School (Cambridge) • Southwood Secondary School (Cambridge) • Huron Heights Secondary School (Kitchener) • Eastwood Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • St. Louis Adult Learning and Continuing Education Centres (Kitchener and Cambridge) • St. Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School Alternative Education Program Schools (Kitchener and Cambridge) The extended reach of these schools means that many students must travel a greater distance to reach them. An opportunity exists to make it easier for students to take transit to school by enhancing the walk between transit stops/stations and the schools. Enhancements should be based on need but could include elements such as more generous sidewalks, improved lighting, crossing enhancements and more generous shelters and waiting facilities. In addition to specialized magnet schools there are a series of schools that offer students of Waterloo Region a school-to-work transition program designed and delivered in partnership with local industry. These offer a focus on skills-based programming which gives students the opportunity to obtain experience in the workplace before leaving secondary school. The development of partnerships with businesses along the RT and iXpress bus corridors will help to make it possible for students in the Fast Forward program to access their places of employment on the transit network. Schools participating in the program include: • Glenview Park Secondary School (Cambridge) • Grand River Collegiate Institute (Kitchener) • Jacob Hespeler Secondary School (Cambridge) • Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate & Vocational School (Kitchener) • Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School (Waterloo) 44 Improve the walk between RT and the Kitchener Market Cedar station is located a block away from the Kitchener Market in the Downtown’s Market District. An opportunity exists to develop a streetscape and wayfinding strategy that helps to strengthen the walk between the station and market. This could include narrower street widths in order to create additional space for pedestrians, more generous sidewalks and market supportive uses at grade such as vendor stalls and live/work units. 44 Cedar Street Today Potential improvements to the walk between RT and the Kitchener Market over the long term. 69 45 Continue the infill and revitalization of Downtown Kitchener Downtown Kitchener is the region’s largest centre of employment. The area has undergone significant change in recent years with the transformation of the Downtown’s industrial heritage buildings into new residential and technology based employment buildings and the reconstruction and streetscaping of King Street. The Strategic Plan, which has guided the evolution of the downtown since 1995, was recently updated. The new plan extends the idea of 4 downtown districts, the City Centre, Market, Civic and Innovation District with a series of goals and strategies for each. The City and BIA play, and will continue to play, a significant role in promoting greater levels of activity within the downtown through active programming. New streetscaping along King Street has helped to significantly enhance the image of the downtown. 47 Improve access to Bingemans by transit and other active modes of transportation Bingemans conference and recreation complex in Kitchener is a major regional attraction offering year-round indoor and outdoor activities including a popular water park, wedding venue, conference centre and camping. The complex is slated for expansion to include an additional eating establishment and new recreational attractions. While the venue is located away from the RT Corridor it will be within a reasonable walk from the new Victoria Street iXpress service. The venue is also located along the Grand River Bike Trail. Improving transit, cycling and pedestrian access to this facility will help support and improve travel options to this destination by both residents and tourists to the region. Improvements could include new pedestrian-oriented lighting and crossing enhancements along Bingemans Centre Drive, establishment of a new pedestrian connection from Victoria Street and Natchez Road across the rail corridor to the park and/or improved wayfinding signage. 70 48 46 Improve access to the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium The Kitchener Memorial Auditorium is a 7,000 plus seat hockey arena located to the east of the Ottawa Borden Station, which is home to the Ontario Hockey League’s Kitchener Rangers. The facility is also an important venue that plays host to numerous concerts and special events. While the venue is served by a substantial amount of surface parking, traffic throughout the neighbourhood during events is high and there are not enough spaces for everyone. An opportunity exists to encourage higher levels of access to the venue by transit by improving the walk to the complex from the Ottawa Borden Station. Streetscape enhancements along Ottawa Street and Borden Avenue, including intersection improvements, pedestrian lighting and the addition of wayfinding could help to make it more attractive for visitors to take the RT to events. These could be complemented by a program of advertising that would describe the benefits of taking RT to big events including the ability to avoid traffic, ease of access and avoiding the potential for drinking and driving. Use redevelopment of the Charles Street Terminal to connect Victoria Park to the RT The relocation of some of the operations at the Charles Street Terminal to the Transit Hub as part of the GRT network redesign creates an opportunity for a series of mixed-use development around the site of the Charles Street Station. Large public land holdings in the area create an opportunity to plan comprehensively for the redevelopment of this area so that it can contribute to the vibrancy of the downtown and improve the relationship of Victoria Park, a significant community asset within the downtown, to the wider City Centre District. The redevelopment of the Charles Street terminal creates an opportunity to improve the relationship between Victoria Park and the RT Corridor. (Photo: Niikos) 49 Improve the relationship of Victoria Park to the Iron Horse Trail The current connection between the Iron Horse Trail and Victoria Park is located at the site of a parking lot on the western edge of the park. The location creates a circuitous connection between the park pathways and trail system and there is little indication of what the trail connects with. An opportunity exists to improve the entrance to the Iron Horse Trail from Victoria Park making it a better gateway between the two systems. This should be supported with new wayfinding that highlights key destinations within both the park and along the Iron Horse Trail cycling network. 50 Create an integrated multi-modal hub at the Transit Hub Station The Transit Hub Station is the site of a planned multi-modal hub linking the RT and bus network to other cities via inter-regional rail and bus services. This elevates the station area within the geography of the wider network making it a strategic location not only for residents but for businesses looking to be connected to Toronto and other significant employment centres in neighbouring areas. The site of the immediate station is currently undergoing a land use and transportation study to understand how the station lands can evolve into a mixed-use transportation hub over the longer term. This should be complemented by a more comprehensive multi-modal hub plan that encompasses the major areas of change within a 10 minute walk of the station. 47 36 45 50 46 51 51 Transform the King Street Corridor through midtown into a mid-rise avenue with new buildings and uses that integrate with the surrounding neighbourhoods The King Street corridor is an important link between the two downtowns. Comprised of a wide range of building types and uses ranging from single family housing to large apartments, businesses and institutional buildings the area has developed into an important medical cluster within the region anchored by the Grand River Hospital to the north and Health Sciences Campus to the south. Large blocks of surface parking, both stand-alone and to the rear and sides of existing lower density buildings creates the potential for significant re-urbanization over time. New midrise infill development on underutilized sites will help to support a range of new people and uses, transforming the character of the street while integrating sensitively with adjacent low-rise neighbourhoods. 48 49 36 The planned mobility hub at the Transit Hub Station will evolve over the longer term into a mixed-use transit area. 71 52 Create a green, tree-lined avenue along King Street between Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener While King Street is an important connection between the downtown, midtown and uptown centres, the current streetscaping along the stretch is inconsistent and defined by a mix of large and small boulevards, driveways and surface parking lots. An opportunity exists to identify a consistent street cross-section and landscaping treatment that can help to unify the street, set the stage for new development and make it friendlier for pedestrians and cyclists. The extension of Dodds Lane over time would help to support this initiative by reducing the need for front facing surfacing parking or access driveways. 53 Grand River Hospital (GRH) is the largest health service provider in Waterloo Wellington providing a full range of health care services. GRH largely services the Waterloo Wellington area but also receives patients from other areas of the province. With the introduction of a rapid transit station in front of the hospital, an opportunity exists to improve landscaping on and around the hospital property to enhance user comfort. There is also an opportunity to improve pedestrian walkways and connections to the new station. With further intensification there is an opportunity to strengthen the link between GRH and the technology, academic, and medical cluster within the region. GRH is currently land locked with very little opportunity for horizontal expansion. 54 King Street Today at Union 72 Transform the Sun Life parking lot into a mixed-use block with shared parking opportunities The Sun Life parking lot is a large strategic redevelopment site located between Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener. If parking were to be accommodated in parking structures, the site has the potential to contain a greater mix of uses and in particular new commercial space that could serve the needs of both Sun Life and the Grand River Hospital. Redevelopment of the site should explore the potential for shared parking arrangements accessed via Mutual Street that can serve the needs of the immediate neighbourhood retail and commercial uses. An opportunity for the incorporation of a new public space off of King Street that can act as a focus for new development and provide amenity for area workers and hospital guests should be explored. 55 Potential green, tree-lined avenue along King Street over the long-term. Improve the relationship between the hospital, the station and its neighbours Continue the transformation of Uptown Waterloo into a vital urban centre Uptown Waterloo is home to one of the most successful downtown/main street reurbanization projects in the country. Over the last 10 years the area has transformed from a downtown mall into a mixed commercial retail area with new uses that face onto the street and an uptown square that acts as the focus for public activity. An opportunity exists to build on the accomplishment and continue to infill the remaining surface parking lots with new developments that line and animate the streets. The implementation of RT on King and Caroline Streets creates the potential for partnerships between the BIA, City and RT team for new streetscaping that enhances the attractiveness of Uptown and helps to integrate the RT into the street. 56 * Leverage municipally owned lands to implement shared parking strategies To make more efficient use of municipally owned parking lots in Uptown Waterloo, Downtown Kitchener and Downtown Cambridge shared parking arrangements with neighbouring properties should be encouraged. Along with better utilization of these lands, these arrangements will also help reduce capital and operating costs for both the city and the shared users. 58 57 Enhance Waterloo Park and sensitively integrate RT into the Park Waterloo Park is an important destination within the City of Waterloo and wider region. When completed, the Seagram Station will become the new station for large civic events in the park. New park connections and the organization of destinations should help to facilitate access for people accessing the park via RT. Improve the walk from Seagram Station to Wilfrid Laurier University 58 Wilfrid Laurier is situated within a five minute walk of Seagram Station along Seagram Drive and will become an important link between the university and the RT network. In order to support movement between the station and university a series of improvements should be initiated. These could include streetscape enhancements such as widened sidewalks, pedestrian lighting and streetscaping that improve the walk from the station as well as improved cycling facilities such as cycling lane enhancements and increasing levels of bike parking at either end of Seagram Drive. 57 55 54 53 52 Over the longer term, filling in existing surface parking lots with new uses will help to increase activity levels along Seagram Drive and make the walk more enjoyable. Along the northern edge of Seagram Drive new development or retrofitting existing uses should be encouraged to create a more positive building relationship with the street. This could include changes that would increase natural surveillance such as reduced building setbacks and orientation of entrances towards the street and changes that would enhance levels of activity such as the introduction of active street level uses. Streetscape improvements along Seagram Drive will help to improve the walk and ride for students between the station and Wilfrid Laurier campus. (Photo: 73 59 Improve the walk from Seagram Station to the University of Waterloo There are a range of departments and destinations along the southern edge of the University of Waterloo to which the Seagram Station will be an important point of access. Movement to and from these areas should be facilitated through enhancements to Seagram Drive which would include the addition of sidewalks, pedestrian-oriented lighting and landscape improvements aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety. These would be supported by the creation of new pathways through Waterloo Park that more directly connect the station with the southwestern edge of the campus. 62 60 Prepare King Street for potential longterm RT expansion The King Street corridor between Conestoga Mall and Uptown Waterloo is rapidly intensifying with plans for even greater levels of intensification over time. The high density, mixed-use characteristic of the corridor makes it a potential candidate for future extensions to the existing planned RT system. Building on proposed iXpress transit service, considerations for future RT extension down King Street should be identified and built into the development approvals process to ensure that new development does not inhibit the extension of the system and can positively support RT and potential future station locations over the longterm. Create a station plaza at the university that strengthens connections between transit services and stitches the two sides of the university together The space between the University of Waterloo RT station and the university is a highly travelled area crossed by thousands of students each day travelling between classes or to the campus from residential neighbourhoods to the east. An opportunity exists to transform the space into a transit plaza that seamlessly integrates pedestrians, cyclists, buses and the RT Corridor to create a focus for activity and enhanced multi-modal transportation at the heart of the university. 61 Transform the eastern edge of the University of Waterloo into an urban campus The eastern edge of the University of Waterloo campus is currently divided in two by the Waterloo Spur and planned RT Corridor. In addition, the existing ring road creates a circuitous route between University Avenue and Columbia Street which will hinder planned connections between future RT and iXpress bus services. An opportunity exists to redefine the eastern edge of the campus through the redesign of the ring road and the introduction of a new street and block pattern between the University and Phillip Street. This would help to create alternative routing options for iXpress bus services improving transfer times, reducing bus operating time, distance, and cost, and would create better connectivity between the Northdale neighbourhood and the university. It would also help to define a series of parcels for new development with the potential to add density and academic uses in and around the station area. 63 Infill the R&T Park with new buildings and uses that can enhance the walk to work and cater to the needs of local employees The planned R&T Station is located at the eastern edge of the Research&Technology Park. While the area is serviced by sidewalks, they do not always follow desire lines and the longer travelling distances between uses and large areas of surface parking create an inhospitable environment for pedestrians and cyclists. An opportunity exists to locate new development along key pedestrian and cycling routes within the R&T Park which can help to improve the transit supportiveness of the area by creating visual interest and enhanced amenities for pedestrians and cyclists. The introduction of new retail and service uses such as restaurants or dry cleaners could help to further improve the transit supportiveness of the area by enabling employees to walk to lunch or run errands without having to drive. The creation of a transit plaza that integrates pedestrians, cyclists and transit would help to create an enhanced multi-modal transportation hub at the heart of the University of Waterloo. (Photo: ACEC of Michigan Inc.) 74 64 Develop a new street and block pattern east of the R&T Station to make it easier to walk to work and support the addition of new buildings or uses over time To the east of the R&T Park, large lots and employment uses surrounded by surface parking have combined to make an environment that is difficult for pedestrians and cyclists. An opportunity exists to identify and gradually introduce a new street and block pattern that can improve the ability to walk or cycle through the area and support new development and/or intensification to existing uses over time. In the short-term this could take the form of sidewalks and driveways that provide shared access between uses. In the longer term, the introduction of retail and commercial services in and around the station area would help to make it possible for employees taking the RT Corridor to run errands on their way to and from work or eat lunch without having to drive somewhere else. 65 Encourage transit supportive development along Northfield Drive The NCR lands represent a strategic redevelopment site across from Northfield station at the gateway to the Northfield Employment lands. The redevelopment of the lands is an excellent opportunity to introduce a new street and block pattern that can improve connections between the RT station and adjacent employment uses while supporting pedestrians and cyclists and acting as the framework for new development over time. In addition, the introduction of retail and commercial services in and around the station area would help to make it possible for employees taking the RT Corridor to run errands on their way to and from work or eat lunch without having to drive somewhere else. 65 64 60 63 61 The development of a new street and block pattern east of the RT station would help to make it easier for employees there to walk to and from the RT. (Photo: Bing Maps) 62 59 Potential transit-supportive employment-related development along Northfield Drive. 75 66 76 Continue the transformation of Northfield Employment Lands into a higher value employment centre with new businesses and other supporting uses 67 Make it easier to walk to and from Northfield Station Much of the Northfield Employment Lands are undergoing a transformation from predominantly industrial uses to one of hightech manufacturing and office uses. While the area is planned to support this, an opportunity exists to support this transition through the introduction of new retail and business services in appropriate locations that can enhance the attractiveness of the area for new office and business users. These should be supported with streetscape enhancements such as sidewalks and cycling lanes aimed at supporting pedestrians and cyclists who work in the area. Transportation demand management programs, such as employer purchased transit passes should be included in the planning of all modes for the area. Northfield station is located in the midst of a large employment area undergoing significant change and new investment. To the north of the station the former NCR lands have the potential to accommodate significant new office, retail and hotel uses while the lands to the west of the station are being converted from lighter industrial to more medium density office uses. The Northfield station will also be an important point of transfer for passengers taking buses east and west along Northfield Drive. Transfers between buses and RT services should be supported by providing enhanced streetscaping between Parkside Drive and the station on either side of Northfield Drive. This should include wider sidewalks, new street trees and pedestrian oriented lighting. Designing new buildings to orient towards the street and providing new infrastructure such as sidewalks would help to support pedestrians and cyclists who work in the area. Streetscape improvements along Northfield Drive between Parkside Drive and the station would help to support transfers between bus and RT services. Effort should be made to make it easier for employees to walk between the NCR lands and Northfield station through the addition of a new signalized crossing point at Northfield Drive adjacent to the rail corridor. Access to the station could also be enhanced through the addition of a southern entrance and the formalization of a new mid-block connection west to Parkside Drive. 69 68 Grow Conestoga Mall to meet the RT and integrate it with surrounding neighbourhoods and development The Conestoga Mall is a highly successful mall with the potential for significant growth over time. The planned RT station will be located at the front of the mall in the boulevard on the eastern side of King Street. An opportunity exists to align RT with the bus drop-off to create a strong pedestrian link between transit services and the mall. As the mall expands outward over time the potential to improve its relationship with the station facilities by either integrating it with, or around the new facilities should be explored. This would help to bridge the gap between the RT and mall and enhance the waiting experience for passengers. Across King Street lower density employment uses have the potential for infill, redevelopment and intensification over time. Establishing a full intersection at the King Street entrance to the mall and establishing a new street and block pattern in this area would help to enhance access to the station while supporting the redevelopment of this area. 69 Improve the connection with St. Jacobs St. Jacobs is an important tourist destination within the region and home to a large Mennonite community which is largely transit dependant in terms of their ability to travel throughout the region and beyond. The coordination of operating times between local bus, RT and interregional transit services during peak periods will help to facilitate transit connections between St. Jacobs, the tri-cities and Greater Golden Horseshoe via GO services. This would be complemented by the addition of intercity-wayfinding information located at Conestoga Mall and the new Waterloo Central Railway Station in Northfield. In order to facilitate access to transit by members of the Mennonite Community, opportunities for horse and buggy facilities located at key destinations that connect to the RT along Northfield Drive should be explored. 68 66 67 Opportunities for horse and buggy facilities located at key destinations in the Northfield area would help to enhance access for members of the Mennonite community. (Photo: Muhammed - Flickr) 77 78