Mad River Hog Tracks
Mad River Hog Tracks
Mad River Hog Tracks Mad River Hog Chapter 10/1/2012 Newsletter Editor [email protected] Our chapter needs a news- letter Terry Bennett, a hog member, was in a motorcycle accident; editor, the “ghost writer” has please keep him in your volunteered until someone else can prayers as he heals. help. We need your trips and photos Thank you Kathy L., Bill S. , in the newsletter before the Sheila Mc & Connie H. for sending photos for the ghostwriter disappears! [email protected] Volume 3, Issue 9 Dave Moore newsletters! MAD RIVER H.O.G. Chapter Meetings Third Thursday of the month. All Meetings are at Mad River Service Dept. unless otherwise noted. Time changes for OctMar meetings. Food at 6:00pm Meeting at 6:30pm. Oct 18 Nov 15 Dec No meeting Christmas Party Dec 1st! Joanne & Ron Wagner, Gary Couts Photo sent by Sheila Photo sent by Sheila Photo by Bill Spangler Pam & Chad Sulivan, Robin Colvin & Josh Bryant Photo sent by Sheila Wednesday September 5th at Roeder Racing … David E. Moore's Celebration of life! Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 2012 OFFICERS Director: Asst. Director: Secretary: Head Road Capt.: Activities Director: Membership Officer: LOH Director: Webmaster: Newsletter Editor Dealer Liaison Dealer General Manager Jodie Grimes Bill Spangler Shelly Spangler Glen McFarland Rod Grimes Sheila McFarland Connie Heitkamp Janet Palkovic Ghostwriter Jessica Benfer Jolene Gang Director [email protected] Jodie Grimes This issue dedicated to Dave Moore, who unselfishly gave to the Mad River HOG Chapter. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the chapter. God speed our friend. You will be missed! October already! It seems like summer just started and it’s over but wow, what a HOT, HOT, HOT summer riding season it has been around the entire United States. Thank you to all the road captains who led rides this summer, you did a marvelous job! We had another safe summer with no accidents. And many thanks to all of our volunteers as we appreciate everything you assist us with. Additionally we need to thank Mad River Harley Davidson and all their staff for everything they do to keep us happy!! 2 419-656-2086 440-213-8523 440-213-4770 419-483-4089 419-603-1886 419-483-4089 440-653-7001 419-588-2455 419-502-2244 419-502-2244 419-502-2244 What is Change? Change: means to replace one thing for another or to become different. Change can be difficult. How do we change? Can you Change? In watching our chapter over the last few months I have seen some changes. We have seen the officer’s change. We have added new members and seen the changes they have brought to our club. Now what have you done to change. Have you taken a different road than before that’s change! Have you taken the time to bring in a new member that is change! Have you done something to be different lately? Have you replaced one thing for another? This fall brings about some changes most noticeably the weather is changing, road conditions are changing. Our lives are changing we see this in our friends and people we know we see the changes they all go [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] through. Do you see the changes you are going through? Sometimes we have to stop and look around to see the changes that happen around us. Now is the time to stop and look around see what is changing. See what you can do to help change something. See if you can replace one thing for another. Maybe it’s something simple maybe something hard. So become different take charge and make a change. Change is happening you have a choice! Just some rambling thoughts from me to go out and change something today And speaking of change we are looking for some members to fill open officer positions which are the following: Safety Officer, Photographer and Editor. We will also be developing a committee for next year’s HOG Appreciation Day event to be held here at Mad River Harley Mad River Hog Chapter Davidson. So if you’re interested please contact any current officer for details. For me this year showed me a lot of change and I’ve tried to keep up with everything, which was almost impossible. I found being involved in this wonderful organization has proved, we as a family can change and will continue to change in order to please each and every one of our members. Thank you so much for supporting Mad River Harley Davidson and making the Mad River HOG Chapter so special. Remember--Time, cars, mortgages and all your responsibilities may well change your priorities in life, but this remains true. Once you become a biker, you are a biker for life. No matter how long it is since you last went for a ride, you never forget. Never. Our Christmas party is fast approaching so mark your calendars for Saturday December 1st. We will once again be at the American Legion and donating toys and can goods to the Volunteers of America. Remember to bring your odometer reading to the October meeting as we are in a competition with Adventure and Rubber City for the traveling mileage award!! Winter Storage Tip: With our sunny fall days, it can be hard to think about what’s coming in the next few months, but now is the time to get your bike ready for weeks or months when you can’t 3 Volume 3 Issue 8 ride. Harley-Davidson has some excellent products to help protect your bike during winter storage. If you don’t ride for several months, condensation can form in fuel tank above the liquid level. The more vapor space there is (the less gas in the tank), the more condensation you can get. This is exacerbated with ethanolcontaining fuels, which have a strong attraction to water and will absorb the moisture in the fuel tank. When too much moisture is absorbed (and it only takes about 0.5%), the result is a water/ ethanol slurry at the bottom of the tank that can plug fuel filters, prevent engine starting and cause corrosion of fuel system components. In addition, the remaining gasoline layer is now stripped of ethanol and the result is lower octane, which can cause engine pinging and rough idling. One easy “fix” is adding fuel stabilizer to your gas tank. Unlike other products, HarleyDavidson® Fuel Stabilizer is the only product custom-blended, tested and approved for use in Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Here are the easy steps to follow before putting your bike into storage: Treat the fuel tank as directed with Harley-Davidson® Fuel Stabilizer. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline (ethanol-containing or regular) Run the engine for a few minutes to fill the fuel system with the treated fuel The benefit for being a HOG member feature this month is the Touring Hand Book. The Touring Hand Book is your comprehensive directory to touring the Americas. It contains maps of North America and South America, with special notations of all cities which have Harley Davidson Dealerships. You’ll find essential information in your Touring Hand Book from travel information and factory tours to a complete list of Harley Davidson Dealerships in North and South America. Those dealers sponsoring HOG Chapters are indicated with an asterisk. Remember to take your Touring Hand Book with you whenever you travel. Jodie ~~~~~~~~~ Gary Couts ~~~~~~~~~ Chad & Pam Sullivan Mad River Hog Chapter Assistant Director [email protected] Bill Spangler Hello All, As I write this article we are putting the final plans together for our trip to the Harley Davidson open house in York Pennsylvania the last weekend in September. The plans are to leave Friday morning, do the open house Saturday morning hit a couple of Dealerships in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and eat at Geno’s in Philadelphia and come home Sunday. Chad seen Geno’s on TV and said we need to eat there. How could I tell him no? Since eating is one of my favorite things to do after riding of course. Hopefully we can fit everything into our schedule. I will give everyone a report at the next HOG meeting. I’ve made this statement before; if you didn’t go on the last HOG ride you missed a great ride. We had 10 bikes and 14 people on the Amish overnight ride. Sheila and Glen did an awesome job on this ride, just like they always do. We met in Monroeville at 9:00 am and made our way to New Philadelphia at 5:00. The normal two hour ride took us seven hours, with lunch, fuel stops and a stop at Adventure Harley Davidson in Dover. The next morning Toby, his wife Debbie and Ed from Adventures HOG group met us at the hotel and then led us on a ride to the 4 Volume 3 Issue 8 Veterans Memorial in Clinton Ohio, then on to lunch in Canal Fulton. After lunch we split from Toby’s group and we went to Rubber City Harley Davidson in Akron. After shopping and checking out the new dealership we headed for home. Some went the turn pike and some went over to I90, unfortunately we all got wet before getting home. It’s hard to believe the riding season is almost over. Some will be storing their bikes soon; others will ride until the snow flies. If you do keep riding remember to watch for leaves and other debris on the road from farmers’ fields this time of year. Don’t forget to check the air pressure in your tires. It can go down approximately one pound for every 10 degrees the temperature drops, also keep an eye out for deer they will be getting more active with hunting season coming. Please remember to bring the Chapter Challenge and your mileage to the October HOG meeting. Pictures have to be in groups of five. They can be in a picture album or on a C-D. If you have any questions about the Chapter Challenge just let me know. Remember to “Ride and Have Fun” Bill Spangler [email protected] [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~ Bill & Shelly Spangler MAD RIVER HARLEY H.O.G. CHAPTER MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 Mad River Harley H.O.G. Chapter meeting was held at the dealership in the Service Department on Thursday, September 20, 2012. Officers present: Jodie Grimes, Bill & Shelly Spangler, Glen & Sheila McFarland, Connie Heitkamp, Janet Palkovic, and Jessica Benfer. Food was served at 6:30pm. Chili dogs, macaroni salad, chips, cookies, and beverage. Jodie opened the meeting at 7:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, introduction of members, birthday and anniversary wishes. Discussed the passing of Chapter Officer Dave Moore, his funeral, the last ride with 150-175 bikes plus passengers that were in the ride through Norwalk to the funeral home. Member Terry Bennett was involved in a bike accident on the way home from Dave’s funeral. A lady in Bellevue turned and hit him. He was in hospital for 2-3 days. He has road rash, broken ribs and very sore. It Mad River Hog Chapter was also his 44th wedding anniversary. As of today, he is doing well. Connie- Discussed the Ladies Adventure Weekend Sept 7 & 8 in Dover hosted by the LOH of Adventure Harley. There were 80 ladies present, and everyone had a good time. It was well worth the $30 registration fee. Next year the dates are Sept 6 & 7, 2013. Connie would like all the Ladies of Harley to meet with her after the meeting for a quick 15 min. POW wow, she would like to have a LOH dinner meeting next week. GlenSat. 9/22 Amish Overnight Ride Rain or Shine. We are leaving from the BP in Monroeville at 9am, and staying at Best Western Hotel in Dover, $79.99. Toby from Adventure will put together a ride for Sunday morning around 10am. 9/29 Indian Lake Ride, Joanne Wagner leading. Leaving from DQ in Fremont 9am. Also on 9/29 a NON-HOG EVENT Poker Run for the girl and 2 kids murdered in Sandusky. 5 stops, ends at American Legion. First bike out 10am. $10/driver, $5/passenger. Donations being accepted at Citizens Bank in Sandusky. All proceeds go to pay for the funerals. Oct. 13 Corn Maze Ride. 11am leaving from dealership. Rte. 58 in Wellington Brasse’s 8 acre Corn Maze. $6/ person Hayrides $2/person. Vote-10 people interested. 10/27 Last Ride TBA 5 Volume 3 Issue 8 Sheila- Hit membership goal, over 200. We have two new members tonight. Total members: 215. Starting Oct. 5th Get Together Dinners. We are going to have First Friday of the Month Gatherings. Oct. 5th Cameo Pizza in Sandusky, meet at 6 pm eat at 6:30. Sheila asked members for dinner/other suggestions for get-togethers. Sheila has 2013 Membership Forms; you can renew and pay dues now. Janet- Website still under construction. Janet would like to see a lot go on the website. She is working with Amanda, more improvements to come. Jess Benfer- She is also the treasurer of the HOG chapter, $1904.00 in account. Rolling Bike Night was a success again this year. #80 of 85 keys won the bike. Thanks officers for help throughout the year. 2013 Ride Plans for dealership are in the works. Points: questions on points; see Jess Benfer. Sat. 9/22 ride to all 3 dealerships win up to $1000. Also, Demo days on 9/22. Sat. 9/29 Make A Wish fundraiser. In Oct dealer will find a child to grant their wish. Volunteers needed for 9/22 and 9/29. Sign up on Volunteer sheets. Asked HOG members to donate a bottle of booze/wine for a cooler of Cheer (BOOZE) raffle prize for Make A Wish. HOG members 25 points donate booze/wine. Make over Saturdays every Saturday in October. 10/6 Think Pink (Breast Cancer) officers working the meet and greet table and membership drive. 10/25 Ladies Garage Party, asked LOH to help with event. 10/27 Halloween party for kids. Chris Levine Service Dept.Harley Hero’s (DAV). Asked members to get sponsors for this fundraiser. Challenge: Member to get the most money sponsored, by next meeting will get 1,000 reward points. Highest sponsored by Nov. 1st wins $100 gift card. Dealership goal is $5000. Chris has sponsor sheets. Hero’s Run Poker Run Nov.10, 2012 Ride $15. Also dealership is doing a” Salute to our Veterans In Honor” Sign. Person name, branch of service, and rank on a 12X18 sign. $15 per sign. Will be displayed down Rt. 250 day of ride. After ride, you can keep the sign. Chris has order forms; perpay and order must be received by Nov.1st. Jodie- passed out 2013 Activities Survey/Rides. Officers will discuss at next officers meeting and plan with Activities Directors. Bill- Mileage ends in October. All mileage needs to be turned in at Oct. meeting to be counted toward the Challenge with Adventure and Rubber City. Chapter Challenge is over in Oct and must be turned in at meeting. All pictures need to be in groups of 5, on a CD or printed. 9/29 Harley Open House in York PA. HOG magazine has good articles this month. TRIVIA: 1974 Mad River Hog Chapter where is the 2nd Harley Plant? YORK PA . What is the Sportster model letter? X. AMF stands for? American Machinery and Foundry. Bill & Shelly Jodie- Thanked all members who supported the REV 3. Members had camera man or officials on the bike. New Business9/29 after Indian Lake Ride, Rod Grimes is inviting all members to his house in Clyde for a Clam Bake.) Cost? Donations. Email will be sent out next week with address and directions. Christmas Party-Saturday, December 1st. American Legion Rt. 4, Sandusky. Tickets $20 per person. Will be on sale at next meeting. Dealership will have for sale Oct. 1st at the info desk or contact any officer. Last May we collected $450 for the Nations of Patriots. In Nov. we will donate the $450 to local vet Gideon Porter. Jodie thanked all for donating. Tom Gerrick suggested chapter buy headsets for the Lead and Sweep for Safety on rides. November meeting will be a Pot Luck. Time changes for Oct-Mar meetings. Food at 6:00pm Meeting at 6:30pm. 6 Volume 3 Issue 8 Rachel Mayer is having Memorial Patches made for Dave Moore. $5/each. Chris is taking orders & collecting $ . Members Spotlight: Bob Mesko, riding since 1998. Rides a 2003 Road King. Favorite Ride: Sturgis. He has 120-130,000 miles on his bike. Secret Greeter was Janet Palkovic. Winner of gift cardR.J. new member first meeting tonight. Congrats! 50/50- winner: Dyanna Dearth $98 Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm. Shelly Spangler HOG Chapter Secretary **LOH Dinner Meeting: Wednesday, September 26th Roadhouse 6:307:00 under the Photos section on the HOG website. Our HOG chapter website address is: Questions or comments? Email us at: [email protected] Janet Palkovic [email protected] Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s learning how to dance in the rain! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Membership Officer [email protected] Sheila McFarland 213 Active Members - 155 Men & 58 Women ( 2 filled out forms but we have not collected dues yet) Shelly Spangler & Sheila McFarland ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEBMASTER [email protected] Janet Palkovic Fellow HOG members, Hope everyone that has internet access has checked out the new Mad River HOG website. We're still adding content to the site, so send us some photos of your riding destinations and events from this year. Look for them Welcome news members: Josh Bryant, Lawrence Corbett and Robert Marcinek. Change can be positive if you choose to go in a positive direction. Be good to yourself and others… look for the good… negativity pulls us all down… we are best to steer and keep on track with the positive thoughts and actions! The track may be difficult….. to stay positive… BUT the result will be enjoyable for you and those around you. Praise those that participate and keep a smile on their faces. Complement the officers, members and dealership for all the work that goes unnoticed, behind the scenes. Think first Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 before you speak…If you are going to say something negative… try to change your thoughts to positive! Look for the great things around you… the time you as a member have contributed to Mad River Hog chapter… the time the dealership has put in to help the chapter… the time the officers spend to get an event ready or a ride ready and safe for you. Believe in each other… give 100% positive and receive 150% satisfaction. Misery can cause you to focus on yourself instead of others. Turn off the negative tracks and get on the positive HOG Tracks to enjoy life and those around you! Wellington on Oct 13. Kick stands up @ 11AM from Mad River dealership. This won't be a long ride, and depending on the groups’ wishes, may or may not include lunch/dinner. As our 'Riding' season is winding down, we have one more scheduled ride on Oct 27. This is still a 'TBA' ride, so if anyone has any suggestions, please speak up and tell one of the Chapter officers. So far as I know, there isn't a destination chosen yet for this Glen & Sheila McFarland ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Road Captain [email protected] Glen McFarland Amish Roads ride. Road Captain Glen McFarland Until next time, be safe & have fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOG Pen Corral Hi everyone. Since Sept HOG meeting, we've had our Amish overnighter ride. I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time riding the back Barb Olmstead, Tom Gerrick, Dom Insana roads. Sheila and I have ridden these roads for over 20 “Get Acquainted Dinners” GAD for short! FFOM ‘First Friday of the Month’. On Oct 5 Members years and we still love them. gathering at Cameo’s pizza, Joanne & Ron because rides Monroe street, Sandusky. like this demand a lot of effort Meet at 6 PM eat at 6:30PM to lay out & pre-ride. Looks like a great weather Activities Director forecast for the Sept 29 ride to [email protected] Indian Lake. Let all support Rod Grimes We have a Corn Maze ride in 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 Hog Chapter October Events massages, discounts on in- 10/5 Members gathering at store items, fantastic food, Cameo’s pizza, Monroe street, well-planned and exciting Sandusky. Meet at 6 PM eat at rides, and, of course, Saturday 6:30PM evening’s dinner and dancing. 10/13—Chapter Ride of the If you visit Mad River’s season—to Brasee’s Corn facebook website along with Maze kickstands up 11:00am Adventure’s website, you’ll 10/27 Ride TBA find evidence of a fantastic ~~~~~~~~~~~~ weekend. Our last LOH ride is scheduled for Saturday October 20th. I would love to Chad Cathy Debbie Kay Calvin Ron Robert Sharlene Bill Cathy Dyanna M Shannon Mary Gene Robert Jim Jack Timothy Rod Howard Regan Michael Jodie Bob Joanne Grimes Lang Holliday Booze Weyer Wagner Houser Burlovich Blankinsop Cheshire Dearth Frederick Dahlmann Biroth Marcinek Souris Frost Capizzi GRIMES Holliday S Lutzko Greene GRIMES Mesko Wagner 9-Sep 1-Oct 12-Oct 26-Oct 14-Oct 27-Oct 19-Oct 30-Oct 2-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 3-Oct 10-Nov 11-Nov 15-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov 25-Nov 9-Dec 10-Dec 13-Dec 30-Dec IT’S FALL 2012! get together and plan a Where did the time go? From breakfast before our ride. We talking with a lot of members can meet in Sandusky – in our HOG chapter, it sounds somewhere easy to get to – like everyone had a great maybe Bob Evan’s around summer riding, having fun, 9:30-10:00 am so we aren’t enjoyed making new friends, riding in the cold morning meeting up again with friends weather – just to get to from the past ……I was lucky breakfast. Then we can travel enough to attend the Second to a destination, to be Annual “Ladies Adventure determined, for a nice lunch, Weekend” hosted by Adventure put a few miles on our bikes Harley Davidson, Dover, and enjoy each other’s Ohio September 7 and 8. It company. How does that was a weekend for riding, sound. sleeve tops, neck warmers, etc. relaxing and meeting up with Weather is changing, your Rolling your gear/clothing lady riders – 80 women to be riding wardrobe must change into bags in your saddlebags exact. A special thank you also. Layer, layer, layer. makes for a more organized goes to Jackie Mason, LOH Please be prepared for any traveler. Keep smilin’ Officer for Adventure Harley type of weather – your rain everyone! Ride safe! Have and her committee for an gear should be packed, a fun! [email protected] outstanding weekend. We couple pair of gloves (lighter were treated with goodie bags, and heavier – depending on games at the dealership, chair the day), sweaters, long – Connie Heitkamp LOH Officer 8 Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 Photos by Connie Joanne W. Connie H, Kim W ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photos by Sheila 9 Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 9. Who is generally considered to have built the first true motorcycle in 1885?_________________ 10. The only shaft drive HD motorcycle was the XA? True False Did you ever wonder …… about …….. HAND SIGNALS Hand signals should be simple, easy to learn and be kept to a bare minimum. Either the rider or passenger can relay the signal. As soon as you see a signal, you should give the same signal so the rider behind you can see it. When the phrase “1/3 of the lane” is used, it is referring to riding in the right or left track of the lane. These hand signals will not always be used by every group you ride with. The signals assembled here are offered as suggestions only. Answers for last month’s trackside trivia September TRIVIA~~October 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 The FLSTS is what HD model? Heritage Springer®, Road King®, V-Rod™ William H. Davidson served as President for: 19, 25, 32 years. HD famed logo, the Bar & Shield, was first registered with the U.S. Patent office in what year? 1911, 1916, 1936, 1948. The 1929 Model 29JH twin-cylinder has ____ cams. What are HD corporate colors? ________________ William A. Davidson preceded William H Davidson. True False The “Stream-Line” look incorporated the first _____________gas tank. The claim to fame of Henry Meyer, of Milwaukee, WI, is that he was the first what? HD racer, HD dealer, HD motorcycle owner. 11. What is a nickname used by HD racing teams in the past? The Wrecking Crew, The Devastating Bunch, The Wild Bunch 12. CHUMMY Car, Hummer, Scat and Scootaway were names used by the Motor Company? True False 13. The Softail combine rear suspension with a hardtail look. 14. The 1936 EL had a recirculating oiling system. 15. Who was the HD factory racer nicknamed “Black Bart”? Bart Markel 16. The last year of the Evolution® engine in the Night Train™ was 1999. 17. What makes the Twin Cam 88B® motor unique? It’s counter-balanced 18. Walter Davidson didn’t join the other founders until 1907. True False 19. What was the first HD motorcycle to receive Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection? FLTCUI Ultra Classic® Electra Glide 20. What is the HD corporate logo called? The Barr & Shield Mad River Hog Chapter Volume 3 Issue 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mad River Harley Jessica Burkhart Marketing Coordinator Mad River HarleyDavidson 419-502-2244 Till next time…. Tracks in the wind… have a great ride! Ghostwriter 11