CZECH Furniture Industry and In teriors
CZECH Furniture Industry and In teriors
Supplement of Czech Business and Trade CZECH Furniture Industry and Interiors Solutions for the boldest ideas production of: prestigious interiors exclusive furniture pieces non-traditional decorative elements Film Dekor has produced and constructed sets for films and exhibitions since 1993. In the last few years, the company has been focusing on the manufacture of custom-made exclusive interior elements and furniture to the design of top designers and prestigious architecture studios in Bohemia and abroad. The company’s recent major successes included its victory in a public competition for the design and execution of the Czech pavilion for EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, its second victory in a competition for a world exhibition after the successful execution of the Czech pavilion at EXPO 2005 in Aichi, Japan. Film Dekor, spol. s r.o., V lomech 230, 149 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic phone/fax: +420 272 936 759,, CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY AND INTERIORS Czech Furniture Industry and Interiors Supplement of Czech Business and Trade 03-04/2009 CONTENTS Editorial ANALYSIS High Standard of Czech Furniture Industry Traditional as well as Progressive Furniture Manufacture European Furniture Manufacturers Federation Headed by a Czech 10 ENTERPRISE Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers Promotes Innovation, Research, and Development Upholstery Is the Basis of Healthy Sitting and Lying DESIGNSTORY 09, Showcase for Students‘ Invention 12 14 15 CZECH TOP The Largest Czech Exporter in the Furniture Market StudentDesign – Original Ideas Serving Furniture Industry Specialist in Commercial and Public Interiors 18 20 22 WE ARE INTRODUCING Synthetic Stone, Material of the Future 24 MK ČR E 6379 26 This magazine is published as a supplement to the economic bimonthly issued in English (Czech Business and Trade), German (Wirtschaft und Handel in der Tschechischen Republik), French (Industrie et commerce tchèques), Spanish (Empresas y negocios en la República Checa), and Russian (Чешская топговля и предпринимательство). RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Hospital Bed for Children – Challenge for Czech Furniture Manufacturers Cover photo: JITONA archives, page 3 photo: JITONA archives 4 4 8 EDUCATION Ecology Is Crucial in Interior Design 27 SURVEY Poll of Successful Companies Operating in the Furniture Industry and Interior Design 28 INFORMATION Furniture and Interior Design Exhibitions and Fairs Important Contacts 30 30 Managing Editor: Ivana Šmejdová Editor: Ondřej Štrba Graphic Design: Art director: Nina Nováková Graphic Designers: Romana Holíčková, Jiří Hetfleisch Production: Tamara Machotová, Anežka Zvěřinová Address: PP Agency s.r.o., Myslíkova 25, 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic, Phone: +420 221 406 623, 221 406 626 Fax: +420 224 930 016, E-mail: [email protected], Deadline: 23/1/2009 Attitudes expressed by the authors of articles in this magazine are not necessarily consistent with the viewpoint of the Publisher. © PP Agency, Company with the ISO 9001 certified quality management system for publishing services PRESENTATION OF FIRMS: B.D.I. SPOL. S R.O.; ELITE BOHEMIA ING. JOSEF CHLUM; FILM DEKOR SPOL. S R.O.; KORYNA NÁBYTEK, A.S.; LEDVINA S.R.O.; MAKRA TOYS S.R.O.; MI - POL GROUP, S.R.O.; POLSTRIN DESIGN, S.R.O.; RIM - CZ, SPOL. S R.O.; SOFTCONSULT, SPOL. S R.O.; STORY DESIGN, A.S. 3| A N A LY S I S High Standard of Czech Furniture Industry Petr Filgas, Ministry of Industry and Trade, e-mail: [email protected] Ondřej Štrba |4 Regional Structure In terms of regional structure, the furniture sector is most strongly represented in the South Moravia Region, but furniture manufacturers are present in practically all the regions. The Czech Republic registers more than 500 producers with 10 and more employees. Price Development In the years 2000-2006, price indices in the furniture sector had a falling tendency year-on-year, which was mainly due to the strong competition and the high offer of this type of goods on the market. In 2007, prices rose insignificantly by less than one per cent as compared with 2006 (Table 1). Basic Production Characteristics In 2007, revenues for the sale of manufactured goods and services in the sector amounted to EUR 2.18 billion and were almost EUR 122 million higher than in 2006. The increase in furniture sales reflected the upsurge in construction activities in the Czech Republic virtually in all categories. Book value added rose by 1.2% in 2007/2006, and by almost 53% in the period 2000–2007. The number of employees in the sector has been declining since 2001 as a result of increasing competition and rising productivity of labour. In 2007, the number of employees fell by 3% as against 2006. Despite that, modernisation connected with production innovation has been insufficient in the sector. In most cases the reasons are limited financial resources of the organisations. The development of revenues from the sale of manufactured goods and services in the years 2000 to 2007 is given in Table 2. Foreign Trade 2000–2007 development of foreign trade in products of the branch is shown in Table 3. In foreign trade, more than 80% of furniture supplies go to the EU internal market. It is a positive feature for the Czech Republic that the economy of the trade is improving. Unit export prices are rising at a faster rate than import prices. In 2007, foreign trade in furniture (according to the Standard Classification of Production) showed a surplus of EUR 744 mil- Photo: PhotoCombo, JITONA archives The Czech furniture industry has a long history, for centuries furniture from the Czech Republic has been a guarantee of quality in both materials used and workmanship. The sector is very attractive at present, the demands on furniture manufacture have been growing with the rising living standards of the population and Czech companies are successfully keeping pace with these demands. The Czech Republic’s territory is home to the operation of many family firms that were established at the beginning of the 20th century, and there are also a number of multinational companies which appreciate both the quality of the labour force and the advantageous location of the Central European country. Last but not least, the Czech Republic can pride itself on many successes in the area of furniture and interior design, which have won awards at prestigious international competitions. The current issue introduces important organisations that group Czech furniture makers, including the largest one in the branch, the Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, which has collaborated on the introductory sector analysis. The Czech Top section presents important Czech firms, successes in the area of design are rendered in the article of the Czech Upholsterers´ Guild and the piece on Designstory. Traditionally, we do not forget to inform about research and development being conducted in the furniture sector, and about the quality education that can be acquired by students of Czech schools. The main material used by the furniture making industry is pre-processed wood or wood products, especially agglomerated wood products, plywood and veneer supplied by the woodworking industry. The production is characterised by a high material intensity, which accounts for up to 80% of total costs. The use of new equipment and technology, as well as respect for required legislation, means that the products of the different sectors contain virtually no dangerous or harmful substances hazardous to people or the environment. Furniture product ranges include seating furniture, living room, nursery, and bedroom furniture, furniture for other living quarters, kitchen furniture, furniture for the fitting out of offices, banks, hospitals, health and other facilities, shops, as well as other furniture, such as metal, solitaire, and complementary pieces. It is an advantage for Czech manufacturers that the basic materials are of domestic origin, such as measured timber, boards, veneer, and balks. Import is limited to selected groups of products, supplementary materials and auxiliary preparations. As regards Czech products, a top European standard is represented especially by bentwood furniture, and recently also kitchen furniture has been valued for its very good level. A great increase has been recorded in the production of hospital beds. The so-called solitaire furniture is no longer a scarce commodity, it is supplied mainly by small manufacturers from all over the Czech Republic (pieces for halls, living rooms, etc.) CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY AND INTERIORS 1 800 1 600 lion, which was EUR 37 million more than in the previous year. Territorial Structure of Foreign Trade Territorially, products of the sector are exported primarily to EU member states, especially Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Austria. The fact that the category of other countries represents 28% is verification that the territorial placement of the products in the sector is quite broad. Certain types of furniture (especially bentwood products) have been successfully sold in the United States on a long-term basis. Kitchen furniture manufacture has been growing in the last few years, and 2007 only confirmed this trend. Its characteristic feature is quality, both in terms of workmanship and the overall technical standard, with built-in 1 400 Development of foreign trade in manufactured goods in current prices in the years 2000-2007 Total exports (EUR million) Total imports (EUR million) Balance (EUR million) 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 2000 2001 Source: Czech Statistical Office 2002 2003 modern electric appliances (cooker, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc.). A similar situation exists in imports, where the decisive countries in Czech imports are Germany, China, Poland, and Denmark, and the share of the group of other countries is 20%. It is realistic to assume that the exports of the main prod- 2004 2005 2006 2007 ucts of the sector to EU countries will continue to prevail. Competitiveness of Firms In an international comparison of competitiveness, the results of foreign trade in furniture have shown significant progress in recent years. Compared with neighbouring 5| A N A LY S I S Table 1: Development of price indices of products in 2000 - 2007 year-on-year index (%) Furniture manufacture 01/00 02/01 03/02 04/03 05/04 06/05 07/06 102.2 101.3 100.1 101.2 102.0 100.4 100.8 Source: Czech Statistical Office, additional calculations by Ministry of Industry and Trade Table 2: Revenues from the sale of manufactured goods and services in the years 2000 - 2007 (EUR million) Furniture manufacture 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007* 1 165 1 367 1 627 1 510 1 642 1 905 2 015 2 179 Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade; data in current prices; * preliminary data Table 3: Development of foreign trade in manufactured goods in c.p.* in the years 2000 - 2007 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 997 1 116 1 098 1 260 1 482 1 498 1 648 355 383 421 455 578 684 790 904 476 613 694 644 683 797 707 744 Total exports (EUR million Furniture manufacture 831 Total imports (EUR million) Furniture manufacture Balance (EUR million) Furniture manufacture Source: Czech Statistical Office; *c.p.=current prices Austria or Germany, labour productivity derived from value added has improved, and the Czech Republic is now at about 70% to 75% of the level in these leading EU countries. Certain Czech producers of bentwood furniture or kitchens approach the current level of productivity by value added even closer. It is an interesting fact that the Czech Republic produces more furniture annually than Austria, Portugal, or Finland. An increase in competitiveness depends on further investment in modern but financially intensive technologies. Cluster Initiative Of great importance for manufacturers in the sector was the establishment of the “Czech Furniture Cluster“, which associates organisations from the regions of South Moravia, Vysočina, Pardubice, and Hradec Králové. The cluster has established working groups for important world territories, which are, in Europe, Germany + Austria + Switzerland, then the Ukraine + the Russian Federation, and overseas the USA + Canada. Great opportunities for penetrating the markets exist especially in the Russian Federation, where the population has so far been spending six times less on furniture than the average in |6 other countries of Europe. With the growing economic strength of the country and the rising living standard of its population, considerable opportunities will open for Czech manufacturers and exporters. Investment Investment incentives do not exist in the sector, no application has been filed in the recent years. There are about 20 companies with foreign participation in the sector without any support by an investment incentive, which was provided by the CzechInvest Agency in the form of grants. The volume of tangible investment in the branch is low and ranks among the smallest compared with other sectors of the manufacturing industry, despite the fact that modern machine technologies are of great significance, enable producers to achieve very good functional parameters of products, top quality and high labour productivity. Besides the technical side, due attention is also paid to furniture design. Specialised exhibitions of modern design covering furniture, lighting equipment and interior accessories, which in 2008 included the Art & Interior show, are held regularly in Prague’s Trade Fair Palace under the aus- pices of the Minister of Industry and Trade. Every year the international MOBITEX Fair takes place in the Moravian city of Brno. Summary and Prospects of the Sector The favourable results the industry has achieved, together with the supply of quality domestic raw materials, augur well for its further growth. This is also supported by the Czech Republic’s current legislation, which is fully compatible with EU law. Development in the sector does not face any problems regarding environmental protection, because production in the different branches meets the requirements stipulated by the respective EU laws and directives, including the problem of waste and its processing. The sector works constantly to introduce the latest environmentally friendly technologies and recognises the need to observe in future the principles of the new REACH chemical legislation. The crucial themes in the industry in the near term will be investment in machinery and equipment, and to a lesser degree the construction of new facilities and/or reconstruction of existing halls or buildings. The sector would benefit from a more massive entry by foreign investors, as well as foreign contacts and closer cooperation. In this respect, it will be important for Czech companies to successfully present themselves in fairs and exhibitions especially abroad, and conclude contracts there. The prospects of the sector also depend on the extension of business contacts and cooperation not only on the EU internal market, but also in relation to third countries, especially with a focus on the Russian Federation. The sector has successfully coped with challenges posed by the world market globalisation; now it will face the main task to overcome the current world economic crisis. IMPORTANT MANUFACTURERS IN THE SECTOR: JITONA, a.s., Soběslav: manufacture of flat veneered and laminated furniture, manufacture of kitchens TON, a.s., Bystřice pod Hostýnem: bentwood chairs KORYNA, a.s., Koryčany: kitchen furniture, surgery furniture TECHO, a.s., Praha: office furniture manufacture HANÁK NÁBYTEK, a.s., Kroměříž: kitchen furniture SYKORA, s.r.o., Razov – Vizovice: kitchen furniture More than a kitchen – a modern living space Koryna Kitchens Contact/address: KORYNA nábytek, a.s. Výrobní závod (Factory) Masarykova 260 768 05 Koryčany Czech Republic e mail: [email protected] • A broad range of products • Individual approach to interior design • Modern production technology • A wide choice of cabinet modules • 150 year tradition of furniture making • A large selection of complementary services A N A LY S I S Traditional as well as Progressive Furniture Manufacture Tomáš Lukeš, Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers,, e-mail: [email protected] Standard of the Czech furniture industry is high High Standard and Competitive Advantages The comparative advantages of suppliers from the Czech Republic are especially the high quality of the final products and their ability to supply required quantities of products at a given time. This is due to the existing modern manufacturing capacities of the furniture industry. Priorities include the ever growing attention to furniture design, and following the latest design trends. Emphasis is laid on the high use value of furniture, including the latest ergonomic and health trends. There is a number of traditional manufacturers in the Czech Republic, whose beginnings sometimes go back as far as the 19th century. They include: TON, a.s. L.A. Bernkop, JITONA, a.s., Dřevotvar výrobní družstvo - Jablonné nad Orlicí, Dřevotvar Znojmo - výrobní družstvo, Koryna, a.s., etc.. On the other hand, many enterprises with clear private ownership have been newly established and developed since the beginning of the 1990’s. The creativeness and business instincts of the owners have built firms that have more than a hundred employees today. We can mention e.g. Hon nábytek s.r.o., Hanák nábytek s.r.o., Sykora s.r.o., NADOP – VÝROBA Main Trends The Czech furniture industry processes a broad range of materials, from wooden boards of various types (agglomerated chipboard, fibreboard and plywood, battenboard and blockboard), to timber, leather, artificial imitation leather, textile, to glass and various types of metals (steel, aluminium alloys, and the like), and plastics. In response to modern trends, the share of alternative materials is increasing and modern technologies are used. STRONG POINTS OF THE CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY Outstanding craftsmanship of workers employed in the sector Considerably lower wage costs compared with West Europe Good level of companies‘ technology The staff ’s knowledge of languages, especially English and German, has been improving The furniture industry is an important sector of industrial production in the Czech Republic, pro-export orientation, it has been recording a balance of trade surplus over the longer term, contribution to GDP There are considerable production capacities, production for large international retail chains Due to the size of the sector, there is a fast and quality delivery service and material supply Following structural changes, the furniture industry has experienced a recovery, the sector in the Czech Republic stands up to world-wide competition, there are young growing firms, offer includes the manufacture of special types of furniture |8 Photo: EXBYDO archives Furniture manufacture in the Czech Republic is a traditional and developed industrial sector with a tradition reaching back to the beginnings of industrial production in the country. Compared with the surrounding world, furniture manufacture on the territory which is now the Czech Republic has always been on a very high level and naturally copied the level of a number of other industrial branches. It is closely linked with the needs of the population and sensitively reacts to immediate demand. The furniture sector is a basic industrial sector in most industrial countries. According to estimates of the Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, in 2008 the industry employed about 36 850 people in the Czech Republic, and some 80 000 people are employed in the supply sector meeting the needs of this industry and furniture retail (Graph 1). An important factor is that despite a drop in the number of furniture industry employees, productivity in the furniture making sector is constantly rising. NÁBYTKU s.r.o., Profil nábytek, a.s., Iktus s.r.o., Montanna s.r.o., Ahorn CZ s.r.o., etc.. These firms have built their own customer or retail networks. They are developing their own consumer brands or brands of their products. They invest in marketing and development, and their technological investment is made in accordance with company philosophy and expected product development. These relatively young firms have a considerable growth potential in the Czech Republic, they arose as “greenfield“ operations, often without any major initial capital investment. Nowadays, however, the firms have capital, modern equipment, trained staff, and advanced know-how. They are medium-sized companies which adopted the tactics of a clearly defined product portfolio or business orientation. They know their way in the competitive environment, invest in new production halls and highly modern technologies, let themselves be led by the needs of customers, follow the market and apply modern marketing procedures, and have succeeded in building a system of company management with a clear ownership structure. CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY AND INTERIORS 50 000 Graph 1: Number of employees in furniture manufacture in the Czech Republic 45 000 40 000 Table 1 35 000 30 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 CZECH FURNITURE EXPORTS IN 2007 % Germany 39 United Kingdom 8.5 Slovakia 6 Belgium 5.9 Poland 5.5 Austria 4 France 3.7 Sweden 3.1 Spain 2.5 Netherlands 2.2 50% Russia 2.1 45% United States 1.9 40% Hungary 1.5 35% Italy 1 30% Denmark 1 Switzerland 1 Romania 1 10 000 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 0 2000 5 000 Source: Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers Graph 2: Export Performance of Czech Furniture Industry in % 25% 20% Ukraine 15% Other 10% Source: Asociation of Czech Furniture Manufacturers 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 5% 0% 1 9.1 Source: Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers The size of the furniture sector is matched by the supplier sector. This guarantees a smooth and basically trouble-free supply for the furniture industry according to its needs. Transition to Custom Furniture Manufacture The current trend is characterised by a retreat from large series, often produced for stock, which is being increasingly replaced by custom or low-series manufacturing. These trends naturally also bring demands for changes in technology. Nowadays, even small companies in the Czech Republic are equipped with CNC machining centres allowing flexible reaction to production demands. Production line manufacturing is being abandoned so that the flow can be changed during operation and single unfinished pieces can be taken out for individual works. Production in the Czech Republic includes luxury furniture, examples of such companies include Wiesner Hager Bohemia spol. s r.o., manufacturer of luxury office furniture, ASSOCIATION OF CZECH FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS The Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers is the only sector association of producers of furniture in the Czech Republic. The Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers is a suitable partner when searching for potential business partners in furniture manufacturing in the Czech Republic. As the only organisation in the sector of furniture manufacture, it can provide truly professional advice to those interested, and on the basis of a specified requirement choose suitable candidates from the whole Czech Republic. This approach saves time and costs on both sides. The Association was established in 1995. It is a registered non-profit organisation and its chief purpose is the promotion and representation of the common interests of Czech entrepreneurs who are engaged in furniture development, production, and trade. It strives for these objectives on the national as well as international levels, and is constantly trying to increase the standard of the whole furniture manufacturing sector in the Czech Republic. the producer of kitchens NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU s.r.o., or the upholstered furniture manufacturer Böhm s.r.o. Czech furniture making companies successfully orientate themselves in new trends, which is evidenced by the growth of furniture manufacture in the Czech Republic and the export performance of Czech firms. An important verification that the Czech furniture industry stands on sound market foundations is the success of Czech furniture in markets abroad (Graph 2). The most important territories where the export from Czech furniture manufacturing firms is heading are the markets of the European Union (Table 1). Structure of Companies By its nature, the furniture industry of the Czech Republic is a sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. There are about 20 firms in the category of companies with more than 250 employees. Approximately 400 companies rank in the category of medium-sized enterprises (25 – 250 employees). The remaining ones of the total of some 2 000 firms belong to the category of small and micro enterprises. These figures are estimates of the Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers based on Czech Statistical Office data. 9| A N A LY S I S The standard of the Czech furniture industry is comparable to the European Union Martin Čudka, Union Européenne de l’Ameublement (UEA) - European Furniture Manufacturers Federation,, e-mail: [email protected] Martin Čudka, for many years President of the Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, was elected President of the European Furniture Manufacturers Federation (UEA) in December 2008. In almost sixty years, this is the first time that a Central European has been elected to head the organisation, and the event thus gives a positive impulse to the Czech furniture industry and shows that this sector has an exceptional position in the Czech Republic. Last but not least, it also demonstrates that Czech production is on a European level, and is coping with the difficult situation of a financial crisis. The years 2009-2011, for which Martin Čudka has been elected, will not be easy and will pose many challenges, and thus we have asked him how he plans to face them. Mr President, what will the priorities of the European Furniture Manufacturers Federation be under your leadership? What objectives will you try to achieve during the three years you will be in office? The UEA priorities and plan of work for the coming period were formulated by the Board at a session in Brno on 18 March 2009 and presented at the following assembly in Prague. One of the priorities is a more intensive communication between UEA members, the purpose of these |10 exchanges of opinion is to define still better the priorities of the UEA as a whole. This is connected with an increase in the number of members. I would like the UEA to be a strong organisation, naturally also in financial terms. In what way will members of the Federation cooperate under your leadership? First of all I want to emphasise that the UEA is a federation of equal members and we will contribute to the same extent to the implementation of the tasks. Someone can do this, another one can do that. Through the synergy of our abilities and knowledge we will achieve a better result than would be produced by simply adding them up. Or even, and that would be the worst thing, than if we approached the UEA as an organisation where we elect one wise man and let ourselves be led without a democratic discussion. What can be the advantages of a situation when the Federation is headed by a president from a country which joined the European Union a short time ago? A certain degree of ignorance, with which newly acceding and candidate countries look at the EU founding states, is healthy and desirable. Even countries of developed parts of the world can make very unpleasant mistakes with far-reaching consequences. An example can be the bubbles of the financial sector which, when they started to burst, touched off a financial crisis and then an economic one. Thus, I see it rather as an advantage that I come from a postcommunist country. I will certainly bring many new angles to views on many old problems. The European Furniture Manufacturers Federation was created in 1950 to promote cooperation among furniture manufacturers in post-war Europe and re-integrate Germany into the community of European furniture manufacturers. Together with the European Union the Federation has evolved to assume an increasing importance. The UEA pursues the following objectives: To maintain and promote permanent contact between furniture manufacturers in Europe To act as the voice of the furniture manufacturing industry towards the EU and other organisations To represent the interests of European furniture while influencing the rules in the furniture sector To extend the awareness of basic information from the branch among its members To act as a link between European manufacturers and foreign markets To help with the amicable settlement of disputes which may arise between members To represent and promote the furniture industry in its various aspects To cooperate with national and international fairs and exhibitions To promote training in the sector and act as a provider of information and services for the furniture industry To represent the employers in the European furniture sector Photo: JITONA archives European Furniture Manufacturers Federation Headed by a Czech ENTERPRISE Martina Bartoňová, Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers (Klastr českých nábytkářů) cooperative, e-mail: [email protected], The Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers, cooperative (CCFM - KČN) came into being in 2006 and currently has 33 members. Since its inception, it has formed a comprehensive group of the supplier-client chain in the furniture industry, including consultancy firms and the group is to support product innovation and development and research by member firms and to pursue a common pro-export policy targeted at Russia, the Ukraine, Canada, and German-speaking countries, with the support of the CzechInvest and CzechTrade Agencies. In 2006-2008, the CCFM participated in the “Cluster” chapter of the Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise (OPIE), and received an allocation of EUR 842 000. It used the funds to modernise the Furniture Testing Laboratory at Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, and established service centres in Humpolec and Lukavec and equipped them with modern testing machines. The Cluster thus fulfilled its main intention – to promote innovation, research, and development among its members. No less important activities of the Cluster and its members were successful presentations at trade fairs in the Ukraine, Canada, and the Czech Republic. On the basis of experiences acquired through |12 these activities, a number of marketing studies originated under the CCFM name. In the coming years, the CCFM will focus on further opportunities for its activities with support from the “Cooperation” chapter of the OPIE programme, with an expected budget of EUR 3.2 million. Photo: NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers Promotes Innovation, Research, and Development AHORN CZ, s.r.o. - AKSAMITE, spol. s r.o. - ASOCIACE ČESKÝCH NÁBYTKÁŘŮ (Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers) BLANÁŘ NÁBYTEK, a.s. - BMB, spol. s r.o. - BÖHM, spol. s r.o. - DREVOTVAR.COM, družstvo - DRING Consulting, s.r.o. - DRUPOL, výrobní družstvo - DŘEVODÍLO Rousínov, výrobní družstvo DŘEVOJAS, výrobní družstvo - DŘEVOTVAR družstvo Jablonné nad Orlicí DŘEVOTVAR, výrobní družstvo Znojmo DŘEVOZPRACUJÍCÍ DRUŽSTVO Lukavec - FMP-LIGNUM, výrobní družstvo - H-NÁBYTEK s.r.o. - INCHEBA PRAHA spol. s r.o. - INT, s.r.o. - J. LEDVINA a spol. - spol. s r.o., dřevovýroba a provádění staveb - JELÍNEK – výroba nábytku s.r.o. - KNK CZ, výrobně spotřební družstvo - KOVO, výrobní družstvo - MENDELOVA ZEMĚDĚLSKÁ A LESNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRNĚ (Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno) - M-KUPR, s.r.o. - NÁBYTEK EXNER, spol. s r.o. - NADOP-VÝROBA NÁBYTKU, s.r.o. - PAVEL KODYTEK - SAMAS Česká republika, spol. s r.o. - SVAZ ČESKÝCH A MORAVSKÝCH VÝROBNÍCH DRUŽSTEV (Union of Czech and Moravian Producer Cooperatives) TERCO CB, a.s. - VELETRHY BRNO, a.s. - VLABO, s.r.o. - WIESNER-HAGER Bohemia, spol. s r.o. aec-creative KITCHEN makro pro ArCon aec-creative TILER makro pro ArCon The software makes efficient use of modern information technology and is intended for 3D designs of kitchen interiors. It can create any kitchen combinations in a concrete space, according to customer’s ideas. The output in the form of visualisations, views, price calculations, and installation drawings guarantees an effective execution of business offers. Software for comprehensive graphic designs of tiling and flooring in a 3D environment, which includes a database of tiles from leading manufacturers with the possibility to create own databases. Tiling and flooring designs can be applied to all construction elements. The created project can be saved in several versions. Information on the types and numbers of tiles in the project, price calculations, 3D visualisations and tile and floor laying details is available throughout the design period. ENTERPRISE Upholstery Is the Basis of Healthy Sitting and Lying Helena Prokopová, Cech čalouníků a dekoratérů (Upholsterers and Decorators‘ Guild), e-mail: [email protected] man body, designers must not only have good ideas regarding shapes, but must also know man, the structure of the human body, human dimensions of the body and its parts, at various ages, growth trends, health handicaps, and the like. Which means everything that comes under the umbrella of a science known as ergonomics. This is why ergonomics is a subject taught at schools of furniture manufacture, e.g. the Higher Vocational School in Volyně, and the relevant knowledge is also required from young people who acquire vocational training with a general certificate of secondary education (GCSE). Naturally, designers must also know new and old materials, their use, and the construction of safe furniture which does not harm the users, but helps them. Ergonomics is the basic value in upholstery Upholstery has been created by man from time immemorial for softening, cosiness, comfort and, in cold periods, also for warming up. In the relatively cold Central Europe the craft of upholstery and decoration has been brought to mastery. One should realise that upholstery has a direct influence on the health of the population. People are accompanied by upholstery everywhere, they touch it, rest their bodies in it to carry and support them softly, which is something a well-designed and executed upholstery can do. On the contrary, bad upholstery is damaging to man. in upholstered chairs, armchairs, and settees in the 1920s and 1930s was ground-breaking, unheard of before, and ever inspiring. The current trend of visible structures of upholstered furniture uses both metal and wood. Design, comfort, quality new materials, technologies and execution are requested by the discerning Czech as well as foreign customer. Ergonomics or Engineering of the Human Factor To make correct designs of upholstered furniture, which is in direct contact with the hu- The professional demands of the upholsterer and decorator trade discourage young people when choosing a profession. The declining interest in exacting crafts is a worldwide phenomenon. With a lack of applicants, it is impossible to open classes at schools, professional teachers leave schools, tuition ends. Associations, the National Institution of Technical and Vocational Education, and the Czech Chamber of Commerce are seeking approaches to solve the situation. Let us hope that the solution will be found before the wonderful profession of upholsterer and decorator becomes an extinct craft. Let us hope that young people will experience the joy of creation of new beautiful armchairs, sofas, chairs, and beds for the pleasure and health of people of every age, interest, and occupation. Historic Roots of Present-day Upholstery Nowadays Czech upholstery manufacturers follow up the historic traditions of elaborate upholstery construction with multi-level springing (for example, compression springs have been used in upholstered furniture in this country ever since their invention in Vienna in 1800, in England they were not patented until 1828), with excellent use properties, perfect appearance and workmanship. Fast applications of previously unknown materials and technologies have been a tradition in our lands since historical times. The use of light metal constructions |14 THE GUILD ASSOCIATES PREMIER COMPANIES Members of the Upholsterers and Decorators’ Guild are numerous important companies, whose successes have made them famous the world over. They include e.g. the company AHORN, which won the Grand Prix of the international furniture exhibition MOBITEX 2007 for its innovative solution of the Flowerflex slatted bed base, the company NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU Ořechov, the producers of upholstered furniture PF Nábytek Veselíčko and Böhm Jihlava, or the manufacturer of seating, POLSTRIN DESIGN. Photo: Upholsterers and Decorators’ Guild, Designstory archives Upholsterer and Decorator – Craft Doomed to Extinction? CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY AND INTERIORS DESIGNSTORY 09, Showcase for Students’ Invention Dagmar Koudelková, Designstory, e-mail: [email protected], For several years now, the Designstory fringe event has been a regular part of the international fair of living, MOBITEX. Over the years it has grown from its modest beginnings to an ambitious project that can make the organisers proud of their work. The Designstory exposition always occupies an entire wing of the Pavilion A, the architectural jewel of the Brno exhibition grounds, and presents to visitors the latest information on developments in the area of student design. Just as in 2008, Designstory 09 was dedicated mainly to young artists. The unique presentation of works by students of vocational and technical secondary schools and universities from the Czech Republic and abroad, and young designers within three years of completing their studies, justifiably attracts the attention of experts and the general public. The event is focused on housing culture - furniture, new residential accessories, textiles, glass, porcelain, and small utility objects. Designstory Attracts Interest of Textile Crafts, the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Architecture of the Brno University of Technology, and also the Department of Product Design at Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, the University of Ostrava, and the University of Hradec Králové. For several years, works of secondary schools from Prague have won awards in Brno for their precision and craftsmanship. The theme of banqueting attracted a regular participant, the Ceramics Design Studio from Dubí (Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem), as well as representatives of the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague (studios Design I, Glass, Ceramics and Porcelain, K.O.V. Metal). Undoubted surprises included the Season project, which presented latest works by young designers from various schools, specialisations and interests, or the conceptual exposition by young Polish woman designers. Guests of honour at the fair were two interesting personalities this year – the famous German designer Werner Aisslinger, and the successful glass artist and designer Rony Plesl, whose separate presentation was part of the Banqueting exposition in the Design4Life pavilion. Unique Show Full of Ideas In the last three years, the level of the Designstory project has improved considerably, owing to a more sophisticated concept, focus on works of the young generation, and also due to more interesting architectural solutions and better graphics, and this brought a more favourable appreciation from the professional public and general visitors alike, and improved the event’s renown. The unique presentation of the creation of Czech schools engaged in interior design has become a “complement“ to the MOBITEX fair and this has been attractive for visitors. It demonstrated the good level of Czech education and the original ideas of future designers, and sparked not only the interest of young people in interior design, furniture, textiles, and accessories, but attracted also professionals, architects, designers, the media, as well as the general public. Designstory does not have the ambition “merely” to provide information, but its organisers especially seek to boost domestic output and try to establish a link between the production sphere and young artists. The Designstory project was particularly interesting due to the high standard of all exhibited works. Compared to previous years, the organisers particularly insisted that the exhibited works meet the specifications and themes of the fair; the most remarkable and most valued sets were the collections of toys and lighting fixtures. In line with the focus of the MOBITEX 2009 fair, the 2009 themes were “kitchen“, “banqueting“, and “office“. It was perhaps this orientation that brought about increased interest of schools and individual artists. The number of participants highly exceeded previous figures – besides more than twenty schools, three large group “projects“ and more than twenty authors were entered. Traditionally, Designstory has been attended by schools from Brno: Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry (in 2008 it scored success with its collection of veneer lighting fixtures, this year it presented small table objects from the same material), the Secondary School of Applied Art and the Secondary School Interest in Designstory is on permanent rise 15| POLSTRIN DESIGN or “sit different“ The Czech manufacturer of brand upholstered furniture POLSTRIN DESIGN, in the market since 1993, successfully took over the fifty-year tradition of upholstery craftsmen in Hradec Králové. The two generations of designers, engineers, and craftsmen have achieved a unique style that is applied by this family firm in the creation of new furniture, which meets the standards of quality as well as comfort and design that are so accentuated nowadays. Besides design and internal construction, another visual criterion is material. This is why POLSTRIN DESIGN cooperates with premier world producers of fabrics. During its existence on the Czech market, POLSTRIN DESIGN has gained rich experience in the manufacture of standard as well as made-to-measure furniture. Almost 30% of its output is custom-made production according to the designs of wellknown architects and the customers’ wishes. The company relies not only on the many years‘ experience of father and son, but also on facilities offered by Polstrin Design – on 850 sq.m of exhibition area you can see and try a unique presentation of the company’s own upholstered products, which is shown in combination with is a collection of furniture designed in many colour versions as sets formed by two basic modules of two different heights combined with connecting elements into seating. The square and oblong seating pieces are linked into various and interesting compositions to fit the needs of a public space. Moara is a low deep-seat sofa, which is not meant to stand close to a wall. Its effect is preeminent when placed in the middle of a room to divide it indistinctly into two parts. Open space is a trend in residential architecture. Kitchen opens into living room with bedroom, hall, and sometimes even bathroom. The open space is then structured into smaller compositions reserved for particular activities, which creates inconspicuously de- storage systems and accessories of well-known firms. At present, Polstrin Design’s highlights include not only its permanent offer of chairs and suites, but also its cooperation with the renowned Czech designer Jan Čtvrtník. This cooperation began three years ago with the execution of his design for a double chair, ”A Chair for Sigmund Freud“, on the 150th anniversary of the birth of this famous Czech native and father of psychoanalysis, and continued with the collection - playful and colourful seating units designed for public spaces, and Moara – the first sofa which is beautiful from all sides. marcated rooms that can be divided precisely by such piece as a sofa. At the same time, the company creates opportunities for original young ideas - it cooperates with students of the local art school. Recently, it has included in its production programme the prototype of a chair and settee, Henry, designed by 3rd-year student Šárka Mecnerová, which won a prize for design at the Moddom international exhibition. What are the visions of POLSTRIN DESIGN? To continue to target the discerning customer who demands high quality and excellent craftsmanship. To continue to cooperate with top designers and young talent. To draw on tradition, respect the present, and be always one step ahead. ® POLSTRIN DESIGN s.r.o., Pražská 685, 500 04 Hradec Králové Czech Republic, phone: +420 495 057 150, fax: +420 495 057 151 e-mail: [email protected], CZECH TOP The Largest Czech Exporter in the Furniture Market Jan Grznár, JITONA a.s. e-mail: [email protected], Production Programme Jitona’s current production programme comprises furniture from genuine wood veneer and solid timber. The company manufactures veneered ready to assemble (RTA) systems (for self-assembly by the customer), mostly in oak, walnut, birch, maple, ash, and teak finish. One of JITONA’S key partners in the market of veneered ready to assemble systems is the Swedish company IKEA. Assembled solid wood and veneered furniture made by JITONA comes in pine, beech, heart beech, and spruce finish. Most often these are bedrooms, living and dining rooms which find customers especially in the discerning markets of West Europe. Innovations in the Market The company is currently introducing to the market a complete line of bedroom and living room models named the JITONA Design Col- |18 lection. This furniture has been designed by renowned interior architects and is targeted at customers who give considerable thought and attention to modern design and quality workmanship. History of the Company JITONA is building on the furniture making tradition of the companies Jihočeské továrny nábytkářské (South Bohemian Furniture Factories) established in 1951, Tusculum Rousínov, and Spojené umělecko průmyslové (UP) závody Brno (United Industrial Art Works Brno), founded in 1920. These firms pioneered the transition from artisan production to industrial manufacture of quality furniture, thus making the product affordable to the broad public. The position of the predecessors of JITONA was truly exceptional, which is documented by the fact that in 1937 the Brno UP works was the largest furniture manufacturer in Europe. Advantages of Cooperation Owing to diversification at its manufacturing plants and to experiences from various international markets, JITONA knows how to satisfy discerning customers who place emphasis on the highest quality materials and design, as well as economic-minded customers who wish to enjoy the beautiful and affordable furniture for a long time. Photo: JITONA archives JITONA a.s. has an important position on the European furniture market and is the largest Czech furniture manufacturer and exporter. JITONA manufactures bedroom and living/dining room furniture, tables, and stand-alone chests of drawers. Its business activities are mostly targeted at exports, which account for 96% of the company’s turnover. The most important countries for its exports are Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, and Denmark. The company’s total turnover exceeds EUR 60 million. JITONA employs 950 workers in its three specialised manufacturing plants. It is a purely Czech owned company with a long tradition. Chair Fency by Libor Motyčka CZECH TOP Armchair and Settee Suite Kubikula by Vladimír Žák Street furniture by Roman Vrtiška Lenka Žižková, Design Cabinet CZ e-mail: [email protected], The exhibition within the competition for the 2008 Czech National Award for Student Design, held in November last year, uncovered the potential of Czech students. In all, 120 students of secondary schools, higher vocational and technical schools, and universities entered 125 works. The designs were of a world standard and the concepts presented by students brought not only fresh ideas but also new angles of vision. The |20 sixteen-member expert jury comprised of the best Czech, Moravian, and Silesian designers (teachers, studio heads, curators, head designers of companies or owners with designer education) chose 21 works for awards in several rounds of evaluation. Let us introduce the winning designs in furniture manufacture and interior complements, which won the Excellent Design award and the National Award for Student Design. Cooperation Is Important in Design Design Cabinet CZ is a service team for designers, entrepreneurs, firms, the media, students and schools of all levels and types. It cooperates with state institutions, non-governmental organisations, professional associations, societies, groups and firms as well as individual designers and people interested in design. Design Cabinet CZ has been established on the platform of the Architecture & Building Foundation, which was set up in 1991. It is the organiser of the Building of the Year competition (since 1992) and its activities include the organisation of lifelong learning in architecture and civil engineering through the Czech Construction Academy (Česká stavební akademie). Photo: Design Cabinet archives StudentDesign – Original Ideas Serving Furniture Industry Shower cubicle Evolution by Kateřina Kuchařová Combinations of colours and materials can produce unusual and original renderings of interiors. The family firm J. Ledvina & spol. Veneered spol. s r. o. with an 80-year tradi- stained materials used in furni- tion manufactures furniture for ture manufacture are surface office and home as well as other treated by UV-resistant quality pieces and accessories, including polyurethane lacquers. High re- non-typical elements, for office sistance to abrasion, chemicals, buildings, health facilities, educa- moisture, and changes in tem- tional institutions, shops, restau- perature is guaranteed. and subsequently rants (non-typical bars), hotels, banks, etc. References Czech Republic: It is one of the largest firms in the Wiehl House, Prague, Wenceslas joinery sector in the Czech Repub- Square, Ministry of the Interior, lic, ready to supply and implement Czech police headquarters in the architectural designs or carry out East Bohemia Region, Chrudim plans and designs submitted by Municipal customers. tel Prague, Liberec Theatre and All materials used meet the strict others. Office, ALBION Ho- standards for formaldehydes and requirements for health safety. References abroad: The furniture for office and home Oil is complemented with quality fit- Vienna advertising agency, Aus- tings and locks from renowned tria, a real estate company in companies. Dresden, Dresden Hotel. companies in Kazakhstan, WWW.LEDVINA-NABYTEK.CZ J. LEDVINA a spol. - spol. s r.o., woodworking and construction Zoubkova 878, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí, Czech Republic, phone: +420 494 323 744 phone/fax: +420 494 323 946, GSM: +420 602 885 034, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] CZECH TOP Specialist in Commercial and Public Interiors Jan Petrák, TECHO,, e-mail: [email protected] National Bank. This order from 1999 took almost two years to complete and generated a turnover of EUR 11.9 million. Other orders of note include the furnishing of the Komerční banka headquarters in Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square), an order for the Czech energy company CEZ, Česká spořitelna bank, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Philip Morris, Petr Kellner’s PPF financial group, and interior work on the O2 Arena prior to the 2004 World Ice Hockey Championships. Other important projects that TECHO has delivered abroad include furnishing Queen Margaret University in Scotland, Queen Mary’s College at the University of London, 10 hospitals in the African state of Gabon, and a hospital in Ghana. Recent Projects TECHO is one of the largest providers of comprehensive services for the furnishing of commercial interiors in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe, and is also an important manufacturer of office furniture in the Czech Republic. Its clientele includes leading banks, financial institutions, international companies, and government organisations. Its subsidiaries operate in the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Georgia, and the Ukraine. Last year TECHO again achieved record sales. It achieved this despite the very strong Czech currency, which had a major impact on TECHO as an export-oriented company, and despite the financial and subsequent economic crisis in some export markets during the second half of the year (the United Kingdom, Russia). Total sales amounted to EUR 51 million, which was about 8% more than in the previous year. especially in Georgia and the Ukraine. The company also plans to continue its expansion. In the initial phases, entry into new markets is usually connected with projects of existing multinational clients, and in this respect the company’s decision-making is influenced by the development activity of these clients. TECHO considers all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to be potential markets. Working with its parent company, ROYAL AHREND, it may even venture beyond Central and Eastern Europe. Its current priorities are Bulgaria and Poland, but other countries may eventually be given preference. In 2008, the Czech Republic achieved the highest proportion of overall sales, with a turnover of EUR 22 million. The largest volume of its products was sold by TECHO UK, where TECHO a.s. exported 35% of its manufactured products. Expansion Plan TECHO Equips British Schools and African Hospitals Besides its existing markets, TECHO plans to focus this year on the completion of development projects launched in 2008, One of the most important projects carried out by the company in the Czech Republic was the furnishing of the Czech |22 Office of the Future In the autumn of 2008, TECHO refurbished its showroom, the TECHOCENTRUM, which includes open-plan office space. The showroom is designed to reflect a vision of future office interiors, which can be characterised by the statement “Office of the Future = Café“. The aim of the new arrangement is to ensure a symbiosis of the showroom with the everyday functioning of the company’s offices, and to open still more to the professional public. Prague’s TECHOCENTRUM is situated in a former factory hall, as are many TECHO showrooms in other countries. The common denominator of all TECHOCENTRES is the presentation of real installations, corporate identity elements, etc. Photo: TECHO archives TECHO designs interiors for prominent Czech and foreign companies Major projects implemented in 2008 included Erste bank - TECHO installed furnishings in around 180 of the bank’s branches in Central and Eastern Europe last year alone; the Bank of Georgia (Georgia), CSOB bank and Plzeňský Prazdroj (CR); the mobile operator Orange, ESSET and Johnson Controls (Slovakia); Logica (the United Kingdom); ING, ProCredit, AIG, Unilever, Oracle (Romania); Philips and Grafton (Hungary); Procter & Gamble (Russia); 3 hospital projects in Equatorial Africa. Projects in education included Imperial College (UK); Univerzita Konstantina Filozofa (Slovakia); the VSO College of Business, PORG school (CR) and, last but not least, the National Technical Library (CR). MODERN KITCHENS FOR LITTLE HOUSEWIVES The same modern finish and materials as in real kitchens. Searching for trade representation in your country. [email protected] MAKRA, K Loužce 131, 267 16 Vysoký Újezd, Czech Republic WE ARE INTRODUCING Synthetic Stone, Material of the Future Michal Poljakov, MI - POL GROUP, s.r.o., e-mail: [email protected], MI - POL GROUP, s.r.o. Kladno manufactures the synthetic slab material Solid Surface, under the Corralit® trade mark. The material is used for the manufacture of sanitary equipment - kitchens, reception desks and bars, tables and similar surfaces. It is hygienic, heat and chemicals resistant, and offers a high variability of shapes and colours. In contrast to materials used normally, synthetic stone is also notable for its long service life. Although it differs from wood in virtually all properties, its processing is similar to wood, it can be sawn, bored, bent, glued, ground, and polished. Corralit® Art embodies the philosophy of new approach to a material, which has laid the basis for the new art technology. Each work created with its use is unique. The author creates a composition - an image by casting the colour composite material of diverse light permeability, thus producing the illusion of a three-dimensional space within the several millimetres thick corralit slab. Illuminated by daylight or artificial light, it offers utilisation in formerly unheard- of contexts. The combination of colours and more or less different translucent composites is endless. The ultimate result is an original author‘s “image“, which has the potential of added value when used in the furniture industry (e.g. table tops, partition walls, light fixtures, etc.) In cooperation with architects and designers, the company can prepare its own original interior and exterior designs, but also those made to customers‘ wishes and designs. Current Use The material has been used for many modern projects, e.g. the interiors of Prague’s luxury Paříž Hotel, the CEZ energy utility communications centre, and the ZENTIVA pharmaceutical group. Unique Product Protected by Patent Photo: MI - POL GROUP archives Research and development has brought the company to the invention of a previously unknown material, which has all the above-mentioned properties, and is in addition highly translucent. In 2005, the company submitted a patent application to the Czech Industrial Property Office and simultaneously launched the manufacture of the new product. In 2007, it obtained a Czech patent with the name of the invention as “Synthetic stone of high translucence, the mode of its production and use“. And because the results of an international PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) search were excellent, admitting the product‘s Innovative, Inventive Step, and Industrial Applicability, a procedure has commenced to obtain a Euro pean patent, and simultaneously patent procedures were launched in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, and India. Material of Many Forms At present, MI - POL GROUP, s.r.o. manufactures several types of the Solid Surface composite material: Corralit® , Corralit® TL - translucent, Corralit® Toscana, and Corralit® Art. Synthetic stone is a material with unique properties |24 In addition to the standard line of Solid Surface products, we offer original interior pieces from the new product, Corralit Art. MI - POL GROUP, s.r.o. uses the Solid Surface technology in an innovative way, creating an artistic medium and thereby laying the foundation for a new and previously unknown creative art form. The synergic effect of cooperation among artists and architects in our company has given rise to highly original interior products. MI - POL GROUP, s.r.o. Vrapická 601, Kladno 272 03 Czech Republic Michal Poljakov CEO and owner E-mail: [email protected] RESEARCH & DE VELOPMENT Hospital Bed for Children – Challenge for Czech Furniture Manufacturers Petr Brunecký, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, e-mail: [email protected] The Czech furniture industry is a progressive sector which is not daunted by innovation or challenge. A truly difficult one was a project for a hospital bed for child patients, which was undertaken by the Department of Furniture, Design, and Habitation of Mendel University in Brno with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The objective of the project was to apply wood in the bed construction, to solve energy requirements, and respect the ecological aspects and needs of a “baby-friendly hospital“. An obligatory economic requirement was a low price of the product. Filling the Market Niche Research showed that there was no hospital and care bed on the domestic market for the target age category that would fully meet the current EU standards and satisfy the requirements of the Ecolabel for furniture. Besides new hygienic concepts, new demands were also made for the bed’s safety in terms of release of toxic and harmful substances, prevention against allergens, thermal and moisture properties of the bed, requirements of reduced inflammability and good cleaning, solutions for product disposal after physical wear, renewal of functional parts to extend service life, and improvements in use parameters. The output of the study was specification of the task for the development of a health care bed for the after-treatment of patients in normal wards. Bed Must Bring Calm Besides the therapeutic function, a hospital and care bed is required to arouse feelings of safety and contentment that are usually associated with the home environment. This aspect is very PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROJECT: Participants in the solution of the task were the private companies LEAR a.s. Brno and LIGNOR centrum s.r.o. Bílovice n.Svitavou. An important cooperating institution is the Children’s Hospital of Masaryk University in Brno. The prototype was co-produced by the companies VENTUS CZ s.r.o. Brno, TOMOS, Opava, Expometal s.r.o. Brno, BPP Brno spol. s r.o. TENTE s.r.o., Ratíškovice, PERGOLA s.r.o., Milovice, TON a.s., Bystřice pod Hostýnem, AZ PLASTIK, spol. s r.o. Praha, Colorlak a.s. Staré Město, and Color Spectrum a.s.Hodonín. |26 important, especially from the viewpoint of child psychology. The hospital bed design was to reconcile the requirements of medical techniques with the furniture of a child´s room at home. The heavy operating stress called for a simple replacement of damaged components. and trapeze easily applied without the use of a tool. Another possibility for the use of the bed is the removable sliding and tilting table, which does not reduce the size of the patient area when tilted at the bed head. Patents and Strict Testing Functional Construction The output of the research and development for a hospital and care bed is the designed solution for children aged 5 to 18 years. The project offered two versions for the dimensions of the patient area. In terms of construction, it is a simple system linking the side of the bed with its head, the head is designed in bentwood, compressed wood, and alternatively metal. This system allows the adjustment of the patient area in four heights. The product includes an adjustable slatted bed base, an unattached mattress, and functional accessories. Mattress Planned to Every Detail The design for the mattress and adjustable bed base offers multiple solutions from foam materials. Its optimum property is air permeability, which is due to metal spring elements - foam elements that simulate the function of springs have thus been inserted into the internal part of the foam structure. The mattress can be damp wiped by normal disinfectants and steam cleaned at temperatures of up to 95 °C. An essential quality of the mattress is its resistance to moisture and liquid penetration while remaining air permeable. The slip is from the same material as the cover, an additional hygienic pad can be inserted under it and easily replaced without the need for an immediate total cleaning of the cover. The cover and slip are from high-quality knitted two-way stretch fabric with polyurethane surface and good properties guaranteeing elasticity both lengthwise and crosswise, and resistant to dirt. Bed Offers Broad Applications The hospital bed is fitted with castors with a lock and brake mechanism. The patient area is height adjustable, with the possibility of attaching additional elements: bed rails, a bedside swivel table, infusion holder, removable headboard, The research included the verification of the physical and mechanical properties of prototypes, including the patient area, and the chemical, health care, and hygienic properties in an accredited testing laboratory. Of great importance was the testing of a prototype in the actual environment of the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of Johann Gregor Mendel Children’s Hospital in Brno. The experience from a half-year use at the Clinic were included in the development project. The new prototypes were repeatedly tested in the inpatient ward, and are still being tested there in operation. Besides the new construction of the mattress, the design applies several original details. It is primarily the unusual structural use of compressed “bentwood“ for furniture in the construction of the basic load-bearing element. The version is the bentwood (Thonet) structure. Innovative features include bed castors with a shock absorber, the system of a simple mounting of side attachments, a sliding tilting table, and a height adjustable fitting connecting the legs and foot and headboard, which is an important artistic element. Two EU patent applications have been submitted within the project and the procedure is nearing decision. The patents are related to the mounting of the castors with a shock absorber, and the tilting and sliding bed table. Presentation and Cooperation in Development Findings from the demonstration of the prototypes at the MOBITEX 2008 and Wood-tec Brno trade fairs have been presented during a workshop held under the auspices of the Czech Furniture Manufacturers Association, and attended by co-authors of the project, the professional public, and students. Valuable comments were provided by doctors and carers during the testing of the bed at the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of J.G.Mendel Children’s Hospital in Brno. E D U C AT I O N STUDENTS´ WORK Ecology Is Crucial in Interior Design Petr Brunecký, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, e-mail: [email protected] The standard of Czech education is very high and Czech students enjoy a good reputation abroad for the extent of their knowledge and for having a good understanding of more than one branch of learning. Education in the area of furniture industry is provided by Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, which offers to applicants for study not only quality teachers but also the much needed facilities and work on interesting projects. The studies are focused not only on the creation of products, manufacturing, trade and use, but also on the aesthetic and socioeconomic factors of interior environment, on safety and societal expectations. The Department of Furniture, Design, and Habitation has obtained accreditations for Bachelor´s Degree study in “Furniture Creation and Manufacture“, and for Master’s Degree in “Furniture Development and Creation“. The master studies are followed by the doctoral programme of “Processes in Furniture Creation“, concluded with a Doctoral Degree in the Furniture specialisation. The education builds on the tradition of the furniture industry in Moravia. Development of this unique branch of study and research is supported by the Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers and the Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers. Objectives of Studies Photo: Department of Furniture, Design and Habitation archives The topical theme of quality of life and the growing offer of products from developing countries increase the pressure for innovation, research, and qualifications in the area of furniture creation and interiors. Besides these technical disciplines, university education must also pay attention to problems of the satisfaction of man’s basic and secondary needs in the residential and public interior. The aim of the bachelor studies is to prepare the graduates for entrepreneurship, for creative activity, production, and trade in the area of interior creation and the furniture industry. Graduates can pursue careers in furniture design, in technical processes of furniture making, or in sale consultancy. The professional profile is a good basis for doing business in medium-sized, small and family firms. The master studies will educate graduates for the innovation of products and furniture making techniques in all the necessary scientific contexts, together with providing them with sufficient economic erudition and managerial skills. The task of the graduates is to apply the output of research and development to furniture evolution and manufacturing and to ecology of interiors, which is the basic prevention of civilisation diseases. New Trends The branch of study is greatly focused on the innovation of products for human habitation, with desirable inter-disciplinary links to the findings of technical, biological, med- The work of students in the bachelor studies is to promote primarily their creative invention, artistic techniques, and ability to cope with the technical problems of projects. An example is the designs of wooden electric light fixtures, which were successfully presented within the Designstory exhibition at MOBITEX Brno 2008. An ability for the use of space in a non-traditional environment has been presented by the “Landart“ exhibition installed by first-year students. Participation in the student design competition under the auspices of Designcabinet Prague was also a success. Students present their works at the international exhibition for the “Professor Halabala Award”. It is organised alternately by the Slovak Technical University in Zvolen and Mendel University in Brno. The competition is for works submitted for examinations in three categories: furniture design, interior design, and wood product design. In the latest edition, 150 designs were entered by students of 6 universities. Prize winners among our students were Martin Velech (Tetris storage system), Leona Polčáková (Give it to me), Jan Kratochvíl (PET light fixture), Radek Neugebauer (Trias – coat rack), Kateřina Dvouletá (Flowers – from a plastic bottle). Invention and new approaches in the creation of furniture and interiors bring new ideas in the works of students (Jaroslav Svoboda, Leona Polčáková, Martin Zach, and Jiří Tauber), who have addressed, for example, the issue of optimum ion microclimate in a bed area. The prototype of their “four-poster bed”, which uses suitable materials and ion sources, can be not only a health care aid for asthma and allergy patients, but in future could also be used in the interiors of homes in industrial cities. ical, and social sciences and art. The aim is to create interiors with passive protection – primary prevention of civilisation diseases. Besides ecological risks and the increase of hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOC) in interiors, a new phenomenon has emerged – the frustrating technical smog, which affects human psychology and health. The technical comfort of handling and controlling ordinary and at the same time essential appliances – complicated for the medium age and unnecessary for senior people – brings stress over possible failure and concerns. People in Europe spend fourfifths of their time in the interior, which no longer serves the purpose for which it was created in the past, that is for man’s protection and regeneration of strength. In order to achieve passive protection of interiors and furniture, it is necessary to increase the intensity of education and research into the ecology of interiors and interior consultancy. The sum of knowledge cannot be reduced to technical and technological issues related to products and manufacturing, but on the contrary must be extended to include the social factors of the quality of life determined by interior environment. Furniture components can be assembled according to the owner’s desire 27| SURVEY Poll of Successful Companies Operating in the Furniture Industry and Interior Design Quality materials are the essential of furniture from Ořechov EXBYDO s.r.o. Kamarytova 180, 396 01 Humpolec phone: +420 565 534 336, fax: +420 565 533 675 e-mail: [email protected],, NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU, s.r.o. Zahradní 1a, 664 44 Ořechov u Brna, phone: +420 547 225 790 fax: +420 547 225 126, e-mail:[email protected], Turnover: EUR 4–8 million Number of employees: 140 Contact: Mr Jaroslav Pehal e-mail: [email protected] Export: France, Canada The wholly Czech firm NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU, s.r.o. has a tradition of many years in the Czech market. This family firm is based at Ořechov near Brno. The company’s main product range includes top quality kitchens, coffee and dining tables, sitting room and bedroom furniture. All furniture is custom-made. In what way will you change your strategy to better suit your expansion? What are your long-term goals? The vision of our company remains unchanged. We endeavour to be a leading Czech family firm making quality furniture for entire generations of discerning customers. How do you succeed in the face of competition? Our company’s competitiveness is enhanced by the possibility to supply comprehensive interior solutions from one material source in one style, and the manufacture of non-typical pieces. Another unique aspect that makes us more competitive is the high variability of products. The sitting room and kitchen section works with an unusually broad offer of materials. New products are prepared every year to increase the customers‘ living comfort. |28 EXBYDO specialises in the manufacture of office and health care furniture. It applies the principle that every work space should be arranged to suit the ideas of the person using it. Projects are being prepared in harmony with the individual needs of clients, and with an emphasis on design, ergonomics, and effective work. To what territories do you export your products, what products are in demand abroad? We develop our export activities in Europe as well as far beyond its borders. Every foreign market has its specific features and demands, and we must respect them. We even develop special furniture series for some markets. For example, we have designed and developed a line for the UK market that exactly meets requirements for furniture for social care. What do you consider your greatest success lately? Despite the omnipresent talk of economic crisis, we are growing successfully. This is evident from the favourable economic results as well as the expanding network of our business partners in the Czech Republic and abroad. We have concluded a year of hard work on an absolutely innovative system of office furniture that we have developed in cooperation with the renowned architects Jiří Pelcl and Dragan Savičević. The company is focused on office furniture Photo: NADOP – VÝROBA NÁBYTKU archives, EXBYDO archives, SOFTConsult archives, RIM-CZ archives Number of employees: 60 Contact: Mr Michal Janeček e-mail: [email protected] Export: Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Finland, France, Croatia, Bulgaria, UAE CZECH FURNITURE INDUSTRY AND INTERIORS Office chairs are designed with a view to healthy sitting SOFTconsult spol s r. o. Pražská 1279 / 18, 102 00 Praha 10, phone: +420 271 750 510 fax: +420 271 750 107, e-mail: [email protected], Number of employees: 11 Contact: Mr Petr Randula e-mail: [email protected] SOFTconsult has been operating over the long term in the area of information technologies for architecture and design. It develops internet applications and provides 3D software solutions, which represent distribution of the systems ArCon-visual architecture and SPIRIT. SOFTconsult develops its own modules for this international software, which are to be used for interior designs (kitchens, bathrooms, built-in wardrobes, fireplace-type and tiled stoves). Where can the programme be applied, what are its most interesting and useful functions? ArCon is a highly interactive tool for planning, design, and creation of visualisations. The functions of ArCon and the support macros are based on the requirements and real needs of users from among architects, planners and designers of interiors. It also takes into account the needs of real estate companies and developers. Users can move in real time in the interior being designed, the feeling of virtual reality is enhanced by the possibility of replacing and adapting objects in 3D. Advantages include intuitive control of programmes with a clear desktop arrangement which gives you a good idea of the renderings throughout the work on a design. For which interesting projects has your programme been used? Tiler pro ArCon is the main software support of the Rako tiles brand. Kuchyň pro ArCon containing the product range of the Trachea company (the largest producer of kitchen furniture doors) serves direct commercial support of this manufacturer. Our solutions for the designs of built-in wardrobes in shops as well as supplies to developers are used by the Indeco CZ company. RIM-CZ, spol. s r.o. Dr. Edvarda Beneše 1015, 765 02 Otrokovice, phone: +420 577 112 641 fax: +420 577 112 653, e-mail: [email protected], Turnover: EUR 8 million Number of employees: 75 Contact: Mr Daniel Šabat e-mail: [email protected] Export: Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom RIM-CZ, spol. s r.o. is a specialist in the manufacture of office chairs. The development of our company has been influenced by the philosophy of healthy sitting as well as by findings from intensive research in the area of ergonomics. The motto “FOR HEALTHY SITTING“, and the corresponding resolve to manufacture and sell chairs which will help create and cultivate a healthy office environment, have become the chief ambition of the firm. You use financing from the European Regional Development Fund. Where are you using it? In the years 2006-2008 it was the Human Resources Development programme. In 2006-2007 and in 2008 it was Marketing. The Marketing programme is targeted to promote the activities of Czech exporters in foreign markets. The programme provides support e.g. for obtaining marketing information when entering foreign markets, for the creation of studies of entering these markets, the presentation of a company in exhibitions and fairs abroad, and the related production of promotional materials. What do you consider your greatest success at present? It is the new JET chair, which has obtained the ergonomic certificate, and the award of the 2008 Company of the Zlín Region. Besides that, it is a number of projects that have been completed in the state sector, furnishing of banks and universities. Software offers a broad range of uses 29| I N F O R M AT I O N MINISTRIES Ministry of Industry and Trade e-mail: [email protected] ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES Association of Czech Furniture Manufacturers e-mail: [email protected] Upholsterers and Decorators’ Guild e-mail: [email protected] Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers e-mail: [email protected] Design Cabinet CZ e-mail: [email protected] Furniture and Interior Design Exhibitions and Fairs in 2009 UNIVERSITIES Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology e-mail: [email protected] Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design, Department of Design e-mail: [email protected] CZECH REPUBLIC: Tendence Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Art and Design 14th International Trade Fair of Interior and Design 10-13 September 2009 Prague Exhibition Centre, Praha-Letňany Terinvest, spol. s r.o., e-mail: [email protected], e-mail: [email protected] FOR ARCH 2009 Department of Furniture, Design, and Habitation 20th International Building Trade Fair 22-26 September 2009 Prague Exhibition Centre, Praha-Letňany ABF, a.s., [email protected], e-mail: [email protected] RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS AND INSTITUTES DŮM A BYDLENÍ LIBEREC (HOUSE AND LIVING LIBEREC) 5th exhibition and sale 8-11 October 2009, Exhibition Grounds, Liberec Diamant Expo, spol. s r.o., e-mail: [email protected] PRAGOINTERIER LIVING FAIR 2009 OFFICIAL PARTICIPATION OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN INTERNATIONAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS ABROAD: MACEF International Home Show 4-7 September 2009, Fiera Exhibition Centre, Milan, Italy Fiera Milano International S.p.A., e-mail: [email protected], |30 Photo: JITONA archives 21st International Fair of Interiors and Living 8-11 October 2009, Exhibition Grounds, Praha-Holešovice INCHEBA PRAHA spol. s r. o., e-mail: [email protected]