June 19, 2016 Welcome to Sts. Vartanantz!
June 19, 2016 Welcome to Sts. Vartanantz!
. June 16– Holy Translators, Sahag and Mesrob The Christianization of Armenia "determined the entire future course of Armenian history". The Armenian nation embraced Christ in its own land where God himself "descended". <Etchmiadzin>, literally, means "the only begotten descended. "According to tradition, St. Gregory saw Christ in a vision who indicated to him where to build His Church, the first Armenian Church. As the new Faith took roots in the life of .the nation, the invention of an Armenian alphabet was necessitated. Realizing the needs of the Armenian faithful, in 406, St. Mesrob Mashdotz created the Armenian alphabet, under the auspices of Catholicos Sahag, in order to make the Christian faith accessible to the people in a written form. Greek and Syriac were the languages used in the church services. Soon after the invention of the alphabet, St. Mesrob together with St. Sahag and a group of associates --known as Holy Translators-- translated the Holy Scriptures into Armenian, followed by the biblical, theological and liturgical writings of eminent church fathers. This most important era is known as the Golden Age of Armenian history. The missionary and literary labours of this period shaped the destiny of the Armenian people and Church for succeeding generations. St. Mesrob and St. Sahag, their disciples and co-workers spearheaded the creation of the Armenian Christian culture under the patronage of the King Vramshapuh. This period was one of intense activity and rapid development for the Church and was decisive in its consolidation and nationalization. Wisdom and Guidance from our Church Fathers When a trainer prepares an athlete by testing him and building up his weak body, the trainer does not let the athlete remain idle, but urges him to enter competitions to show what strength he has acquired. So it is with Christ – He could have removed the demon from our midst, but has chosen to do battle – using you to show the superior strength you received in baptism….St. John Chrysostom (347-407 A.D.) STS. VARTANANTZ ARMENIAN CHURCH SUNDAY BULLETIN June 19, 2016 Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Discovery of the Jewel Box of the Holy Mother-of-God Happy Father’s Day Holy Translators Saints Sahak and Mesrop – June 16 Saints King Drtad, Queen Ashkhen, Princess Khosrovidookhd – June 18 St. Callistratus and his 49 companions, and Lucian the Priest – June 20 Saint Zechariah the Prophet – June 21 Baptism of King Trdat III by St. Gregory the Illuminator In 301, King Tiridates III proclaimed Christianity as the state religion of Armenia, making the Armenian kingdom the first state to officially embrace Christianity.[ He is recognized as a saint by the Armenian Church. Welcome to Sts. Vartanantz! Morning Service (A5au7t;an 6am;rgoujiun).. 9:30 a.m Divine Liturgy (Sourb Patarag) Sermon (Qaroz) . the Gospel Message with loved ones. Please bring this Bulletin home to share Please shut off your cell phone while in the sanctuary. Bari Galoust Srb Vardananx :k;[;xi T;r >acatour Qahana\ Q;sapl;an, Hoviu Welcome to Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church Rev. Father Khachatur Kesablyan, Pastor Today’s Scripture Readings: Isaiah 2:5-11; Romans 8:31-10:4; Mathew 13:24-30 Gospel Reading, Mathew 13:24-30: Jesus gave them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a person who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. When the plants sprouted and bore grain, then the weeds also appeared. So the slaves of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Then where did the weeds come from?' He said, 'An enemy has done this.' So the slaves replied, 'Do you want us to go and gather them?' But he said, 'No, since in gathering the weeds you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At harvest time I will tell the reapers, "First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned, but then gather the wheat into my barn.“ Sunday, July 3, 2016 Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ The Transfiguration feast is an inspiring opportunity to be witnesses with Elijah and Moses as the church commemorates the glorification of our Lord on Mt. Tabor through His wondrous proclamation: “This is my son, whom I love. Listen to him!” The Prophet Zechariah Tuesday, June 21, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of Saint Zechariah the Prophet. Zechariah is the eleventh of the twelve so-called “minor” prophets of the Old Testament. They are called “minor” not because they are less important but because the books attributed to them are shorter than those of the “major” prophets. Prayer for the Horrific Tragedy in Orlando During the chanting of Der Voghormya (Lord Have Mercy), all the faithful are called upon to pray for all loving family and friends who have fallen asleep in Christ. Please also pray for an immediate end to world violence, and for the victims and families of the victims of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. Let us also fervently pray that mankind will find away to identify and uproot the causes of such terrible and incomprehensible violence. Happy Name Day to all the faithful who bear the names Trdat, Ashkhen, Sahag, Mesrob, Zechariah, Sahagian, and Mesrobian in commemoration of these saints, who are being remembered this Sunday. Those who are blessed to bear the name of a saint or Holy Place are encouraged to light a candle in memory of the feast day commemorating the saint or holy shrine, make an offering, and offer a prayer of thanksgiving that through our lives we may bear witness to the devotion of our inspiring church fathers. Church Icons Highlight Orthodox Tradition – In keeping with our Orthodox traditions, the sanctuary of Sts. Vartanantz features wonderful icons of Sts. Mesrob, Sahag, King Trdat, and Queen Ashkhen. A devotional altar has been placed in front of several icons to venerate their memory, and to give thanks to God for blessing our church with such great witnesses to our faith. Happy Father’s Day!! Father Khachatur, the Parish Council, and our Diocesan Delegates extend their best wishes to all the Fathers and those men who have provided fatherly love a Happy and Blessed Father’s Day!! "My son, obey your father's commands, and don't neglect your mother's teaching." - Proverbs 6:20 June 18 - Commemoration of St. Tiridates, King of Armenia, Queen Ashkhen and Princess Khosrovidoukht In 287 A.D. Tiridates (Trdat), from the royal house of Arshakouni, assumed the throne which once belonged to his father and became Tiridates III, King of Armenia. His name is inextricably linked with the Patron Saint of the Armenian Church, St. Gregory the Illuminator. In 301 A.D., king Trdat released St. Gregory after 13 years of imprisonment in a deep pit known as Khor Veerab, and subsequently proclaimed Christianity to be the State Religion of Armenia. In doing so, the king became the foremost advocate for spreading Christianity throughout the country. The names of Queen Ashkhen and the King’s sister, Khosrovidoukht, are closely related to the Great Conversion of Armenia as well. Princess Khosrovidoukht’s vision of a cure for the King’s incurable illness caused St. Gregory to be liberated from the dungeon of the deep pit. Gregory then was free to begin the process of spreading the light of Christianity, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. History also reveals that Tiridates, Ashkhen and Khosrovidoukht personally participated in the construction of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. June 19- Discovery of the Jewel Box of the Holy Mother-of-God Did St. Mary Actually have a Jewel Box?? Today, the Armenian Church is celebrating one of eight (8) feasts devoted to St. Mary, the Holy Mother-of-God: the Discovery of Her Jewel Box. Jewel Box?? Quite an unusual item for St. Mary, when we think of her immense piety and devotion to her Son, Jesus. Like many saints, her earthly possessions became articles of pious devotion. According to holy traditions, the “jewel” box was actually a simple wooden container in which she kept her veil – her “jewel” of piety. After St. Mary’s Assumption into Heaven (Feast Day –August 16), many sick people who came in contact with the box were healed. The box was eventually transferred from Galilee to the Cathedral of the Holy Theotokos in Istanbul. His Eminence Archbishop Barsamian issues statement on the Orlando Tragedy Awaking on this past Sunday—the Lord’s Day—one does not expect to be immediately struck with horror. But that is what happened this week, as the world learned of the dreadful mass killing of the night before, in Orlando, Florida. The spectacle of death, in what is evidently the worst mass killing in modern American history, is almost too much to bear. Yet Armenians can appreciate, from our own history, that there is a deeper truth obscured beneath the abstract statistics about the dead: a profound realization that each of those who fell is a precious human soul, connected to loved ones who are now suffering the deepest pain and grief. We reach out with prayer in the midst of such suffering. The frequency of these fatal episodes is especially demoralizing. That the world is a disordered place should not come as news to us, either as Armenians or as Christians. Yet one cannot shake the feeling that these mass killings, and the routinely ineffectual reaction to them, say something deeply troubling about our society. As Christians we hold firm to the belief that our risen Lord knows the sufferings of his children, and will vindicate them on the day of his kingdom, when he will “wipe away every tear” (Rev. 21). Until then, we ask for his mercy upon the world and on us, in the timeless sharagan (hymn) of our Sourp Badarak (Divine Liturgy): “Lord, have mercy. All-holy Trinity, grant peace to the world. Bring healing to the sick, and thy kingdom to those at rest. Have mercy on us Jesus, our Savior. Through the holy, immortal, life-giving sacrifice, O Lord, receive and have mercy.” With prayers, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate Church and Community Calendar June 21 – Knights of Vartan Graduate Awards Nite, Masonic Lodge, 19 Johnson St, North Andover, MA 01845. 6:30 p.m. All special evening for all 2016 local high school graduates. Please contact Gary Koltookian, [email protected] July 29 – Joint Men’s Cub-Women’s Guild Dinner-Program. Guest Speaker: Mark Juknavorian – “What happens Outside the Probation System. Losh Kebab-Pilaf. Donation $15. 6:30 p.m. August 7 – Annual Church Picnic September 11 – Choir Appreciation Day September 24 – Armenian-American Veterans Scholarship Dinner Dance. Music by the Jason Naroian Ensemble. 6:00 pm. Proceeds to benefit scholarship for local youth attending college or university programs. Details to follow. October 5 - Joint Sts. Vartanantz – Hye Point Golf Outing at the beautiful Butter Brook Golf Club in Westford, MA October 15 – Gala Centennial Banquet. His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate, to preside. October 16 - Divine Liturgy and Reception with His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian. October 22 - ANNUAL DANCE of Armenian Friends of America, Inc . Featuring Onnik Dinkjian, John Berberian / Oud, Ara Dinkjian / Keyboard, Jason Naroian / Dumbeg, Mal Barsamian / Clarinet, Paul Mooradian / Def . @ Wyndham Hotel, 123 Old River Road Andover, MA. Proceeds to benefit area Armenian Churches. 7:00 p.m. November 5 - 8th Annual Wine/Beer Tasting. 7:00:--9:00 p.m. contact Carol Hildebrand 978-618-6982 or [email protected] The Sts. Vartanantz Men’s Club & Women’s Guild Dinner- Program featuring Guest Speaker: Mark Juknavorian “What Happens Under the Jurisdiction of the Probate and Family Court” Learn more about the role of the Probate and Family Court of Massachusetts. Areas include divorce, custody, alimony, child support, guardian ships, right to die, and estates. Friday, July 29 at 6:30pm Losh Kebab – Pilaf Dinner Suggested donation - $15 Reservation Required For reservations, please contact: Diane Juknavorian 978-686-6994 | [email protected] Saints Vartanantz Armenian Church · 180 Old Westford Road · Chelmsford, MA 01824 Sts. Vartanantz Nostalgia Night – A Most Memorable Evening This past Saturday evening, some 75 parishioners gathered for a most enjoyable evening to share their cherished memories of Sts. Vartanantz, when originally located in Lowell, and after the move to Chelmsford. Nostalgia Night was indeed a fun evening to just sit back and enjoy listening to many personal experiences which recall our parish life over the past years. Prior to the start of the evening program, parishioners were able to view a magnificent photo exhibit, which was spearheaded by the efforts of Bonnie Yousefian and Alan Manoian. A number of parishioners also contributed pictures. The exhibit is being showcased in the newly revitalized church library, which has undergone a major clean up. The exhibit, which will be open to the public throughout the 2016 anniversary year, was officially opened at the Saturday evening’s Nostalgia Night. Sandra Boroyan, Centennial Committee Chair, expressed her profound appreciation to the many parishioners who rolled up their sleeves to clean the library in preparation of the photo exhibit. According to Sandra, “restoring our church library to feature the many photos which celebrate our rich parish history, was truly a herculean effort by many hardworking volunteers.” After parishioners enjoyed a fine table of light refreshments provided by the Women’s Guild, welcoming remarks offered by Der Khachatur and Sandra. Deacon Ara Jeknavorian began the “nostalgic” evening with a narrated slide show highlighting the work and dedication of many of our earlier and current parishioners. According to Deacon Ara, “It was a humbling experience to share many photos that bring back so many great memories of the parishioners who have made great contributions to our church.“ Then, a number of parishioners shared their fondest memories of what has made Sts. Vartanantz – whether in Lowell or Chelmsford - a great place to experience and exercise their Armenian Christian Heritage. Nostalgia Night is one of the four major parish activities to mark the centennial observance of the consecration of the original Sts. Vartanantz Church in Lowell (1916). Upcoming activities include Choir Recognition Day (Sept. 11), Gala Centennial Banquet (Oct. 15), and Divine Liturgy and Reception with His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate (Oct. 16). At Nostalgia Night, George, Gary, Mark, John, and others shared many great memories from their respective childhood experiences at Sts. Vartanantz. Linda Jarkian shared an old newspaper clipping featuring Mark, Linda and Nona Juknavorian and Ara Jeknavorian to highlight the common JuknavorianJeknavorian confusion that the nearly identical names cause among friends in the local community. Last Saturday’s Nostalgia Night attendees enjoyed viewing the splendid photo exhibit showcased in the church library. The exhibit, coordinated by Bonnie Yousefian and Alan Manoian, will be open to the public for this entire centennial anniversary year of Sts. Vartanantz. A surprise birthday cake was presented to Alice Dossett on the occasion of her 92nd birthday!!
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