
The Hiland Lake
Fall 2009
June 20, 2009—What a day for Blue Gills!
The 15th annual Kid’s
Fishing Derby had the Blue
Gills of Hiland Lake swimming for their lives. Most
got away but some were
not so fortunate. The morning started off quite soggy
but soon cleared up and
the sun dried up all the
little fishermen. Not sure if
the rain scared off the anglers that day but only 5
brave soles came out for
this years competition. At
4pm Fred patiently awaited
for the anglers with measuring tape in hand. One by
one the kids filed in
proudly toting their freshly
caught Gills. The calculations were completed and
the winners are:
Age Group 10-12:
Dietrich Mulzer—1st place
with the largest at 8”
Heather Konopka—1st
place with total combined
length of 40 5/8
Age Group 9-under
Nicole Mulzer—1st place
with the largest at 7 7/8”
A special thank you to
Fred Marion for his
continued dedication of
15 years!
Always in June, this family event is a wonderful
experience for you and
your little ones. Mark
your calendars for next
year’s Derby!
Annaka Torrey—1st place
with total combined length of 40”
Makeno Torrey—
2nd place with
largest fish of 7”
to all the winners!
HLPOA 49th Annual Meeting—Aug. 15, 2009
The 49th annual HLPOA
meeting took place under
the new roof on the association building. As reported in the last issue of
the Chanticleer no umbrellas were required. Members from all sides of the
lake were present (even a
couple of ducks from mud
bay dropped by). Morning
refreshments were enjoyed
by members while our talented board educated us on
the association status.
Board members present (as pictured):
Liz Christian, Lynn
Georgic, Barb
O’Neill, Pam Kekes,
John Jarvis, Jack
Morris, & Joyce Wilde.
Trish O’Brien and Fred
Marion couldn’t attend and
I was busy taking pictures
and counting ballots with
Lisa Morris (Thanks Lisa!).
Liz and John seeking reelection won and Bonnie
Janney was newly elected
as a trustee. Jack Morris
received several write-in
votes but declined the trustee position. However he
did volunteer to continue
his involvement in the
building and property projects. That is the kindness
and dedication that earned
him the prestigious Presidents Award this year.
Way to go Jack! Officers
were elected at October 5’s
meeting with no changes to
report. A vacancy on the
board still exists and your
interest is requested. See
vacancy article on page 3.
HLPOA Trustees & Non-Trustees
Lynn Georgic—Trustee
Pam Kekes—President
Bonnie Janney—Trustee
Barbara O’Neill—Vice President
John Jarvis—Treasurer
Trish O’Brien—Secretary
Fred Marion—Lakes
Liz Christian—Roads
Jack Morris—Building & Properties
Joyce Wilde—Trustee
Jeri Gregory—Chanticleer Editor
Hell’th have no fury like
Saturday afternoon started off warm,
bright, and sunny but slowly and quietly
pirate ships of all sizes emerged from
every bay and turned the 5th Annual Hiland Lake Pirate Regatta into the wildest
and wettest regatta yet. The traditional 3
o’clock boat parade was overruled by the
retaliation and revenge harbored by rival
pirates. Before the boat parade could
assemble, gunfire was heard on the north
side of the large island. The Software
Pirates came out wielding big guns after
their brutal beating they experienced the
year prior. By 3:15 a full-fledged war had
commenced with more ships joining in
suggesting there are more pirates on the
lake than previously recorded.
Many landlubbers were out to witness the
event thinking they were safe from pirate
fire. However, the Wilde Ship from Hell
showed no mercy for the crowd gathered
on the shoreline at Niemiec’s house.
Within inches from shore, the ships’ relentless crew blasted the dry crowd despite the pleas of the innocent women and
Captain Vic's Super Soaker Bucket, in the
heat of battle, was thrown from the boat.
Before first mate Wench Linda could
maneuver back to retrieve it, Buccaneer
Barb's ship took possession. After negotiation attempts failed and an accord
could not be reached (they were using the
bucket as a water reservoir for their
guns), Captain Vic boarded the enemy
ship while under fire and retrieved the
bucket swimming back to the safety
of the Black Perl and crew.
The vicious battle lasted over an hour
tiring the pirates young and old. Time to go
to the association bay for meet, eats, and
greets. Pirate ships quickly lined the boat
launch and the drenched pirates retreated
for a relaxed meal, wonderful music, pleasing conversations, and games galore. But
as I’ve said before pirates will be pirates
and while most pirates were enjoying their
grog on shore those dastardly Weaver’s
were up to no good. ARG!
[excerpt from Cap’n Jack’s ship log]
“Lured by the sweet aroma of tube steaks
and sides, I thought we were docked safely
in the port of Hell when I left the crow in
charge of ship security.
Perched high and dry in his crow's nest,
he's always been a loyal bird and
first class lookout on the many voyages
we've sailed together. Alas, the
scoundrel Weaver was too stealthy and
clever to be foiled and the dubious
theft of me ship was perpetrated. Never
again, I say . . . or as the crow
says "never more".”
Cap'n Jack
Thanks to everyone who brought a dish to
pass. Special thanks to A&W in Dexter for
supplying the hotdogs and buns, John and
Wally Jarvis for their fine music and songs,
Jack for his grilling expertise, Joyce for
keeping the little pirates busy with fun and
games, and everyone else
that pitched in and made
this Pirate Regatta the best
one yet!
See pictures at Click
on Events.
New HLPOA Members
Ronald Jurewicz purchased
11690 Longden
Randy & Theresa Rossman
purchased 11506 Riverbank
Donald Skinner purchased
11545 Weiman
Welcome to the Lake, Folks!
Buoy Removal
The crew will be out soon to remove
the buoys. If you are willing to
store the buoy by you, please call
Pam Kekes as soon as possible and
we can deliver it to your shoreline
and save the backs of our volunteers. We’re getting old and this is
becoming a bit harder each year.
I wouldn’t miss the next
Pirate Regatta if I were
you, mates!
Beautiful Addition to the
Bower family of Woodecho
Dave & Irene Bower of Oakridge Court is busting at the
seams over the arrival of their granddaughter Natalie
Anne born Aug. 3, 2009. This is the parents (Scott &
Janell Kelly) 2nd child. Their handsome son Brayden
(pictured) just turned 2.
For those of you that have noticed and missed the Woodecho sign
don’t fret. Irene assures me the sign is simply being refinished to
hang for more decades to come. YEAH!
Page 2
Do you like or dislike the new look? Let me know on the HLPOA message board!
Note From Your Road Wench
First off I would like to
apologize for the extremely
poor timing on the last
Speigelberg grading. It is a
long story, about how that
grade all came about; suffice it to say we are looking at working
with a new contractor.
We have winter quickly approaching,
and I would like to remind everyone to
drive cautiously. Remember also, that
our roads end at the waterfront, on Riverbank, Vasser, West Shore, and West
Side (that one is across the channel from
West Shore – for those who didn’t
know), and it is unlawful to store anything at these road ends, or for that matter any of the access points/walks as
well. As for the mentioned road ends
though, we are limited on space therefore there may/will be snow plowed into
these locations, neither the association
or the contractor will be held liable for
any damage to personal
property left in the road
rights of way. To avoid
any such problems, please
be sure to keep all personal
property on personal property, not association rights
of way.
I will begin filling sand
barrels this month. If anyone has a request for additional sand
barrels, please feel free to call, we will
work to get something done, if you have
your own barrel (or storage device –
that’s great). Remember when throwing
sand, the sand is for the roads – not our
driveways (sorry), although I think a
little at the mouth of your drives is fine.
We have been receiving our salted sand
from the County Road Commission for
free, so we shouldn’t abuse it, or they
may stop giving.
Thank you and please be safe!
We presently have a vacancy on our
board and need a homeowner to
volunteer for this position. Our meetings
are the first Monday of each month at
7:00 p.m. If you would like to get to
know your neighbors, and give back to
our community – we could use you. If
you are interested, please call Pam Kekes
at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I will be happy to
answer any questions you may have. We
need your help!!
President’s Message
It’s time to store our boats
and prepare for winter.
While I love fall and the
upcoming holidays, I am
always sad to take our boat
out of the water. Our Community Care Committee has a remedy!
They are preparing for our second annual
Halloween Party which is on Friday, October 30 at 7:00 p.m. This is a party for
all the kids, both big and small, in our
neighborhood. Last year’s party was a
success and I know that this year’s will
be even better. I hope to see you there!
Costume not required.
I continue to work on collecting dues for
the membership. If you haven’t paid
your dues, please do.
I invite you to attend one of our monthly
meetings and get to know our board
members, find out what we’re doing and
let us know of any questions or concerns
you might have. Our meetings are the
first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
The location schedule is listed below and
on our website
I am very proud to be a part of our lake
Board of Trustees. They are a very dedicated group of people who offer their
time, energy, and knowledge to make our
community a better place to live. Without them, our roads would be worse, the
lake would not be monitored; we would
not have seasonal activities, no newsletter
and many more… I would like to personally thank each member – many who are
past members – for their hard work, their
friendship and the joy of being a part of a
wonderful neighborhood. When I first
moved here, I wanted to get to know my
neighbors, so I went to a board meeting.
I have been a board member since 1993
and have had the honor of being your
President. This is a wonderful community and I invite you to come out to one
of our meetings or one of our activities
and get involved.
Upcoming Meetings & Events—Worth Marking your Calendar
HLPOA 2nd Annual Halloween Haunt—Oct. 30th,
7pm at the Association
Building. Games, contests,
hayrides, and more. Young and old are
sure to enjoy this family event. The
ghosts are still howling about last
years party. Bring a dish to pass.
Winterfest & Chili Cook-off—
Feb. 2010. More info in next
Monthy Meeting Schedule:
Nov. 2nd, 7pm @ 12120 Weiman
Dec. 7th, 7pm @ 11309 Outer
Jan. 4th, 7pm @ 12120 Weiman
Feb. 1st, 7pm @ 11721 Weiman
Mar. 1st, 7pm @ 11929 Westshore
Apr. 5th, 7pm @ 11505 Weiman
May 3rd, 7pm @ 11309 Outer
To get to the message board go to: then click on the message board sign to join.
Page 3
Hiland Lake Property
Owners Association, Inc.
The Hiland Lake Chanticleer
Although the year is not over yet, this is the last Chanticleer of 2009. Despite the cool summer we had the
events were hotter than ever this year. I’d like to take
this opportunity to thank the HLPOA Board, the Community Care Committee and all the volunteers involved
with the following events: Winterfest and Chili Cookoff, Spring Plant Day, Kids Fishing Derby, Floral Arraignment Class, Annual Meeting & Derby Awards, Pirate Regatta and Boat
Parade, Broat/Dolata Memorial Canoe/Kayak Adventure in Hell, Boat in Movies, and the Halloween Party. Let’s do it again in 2010!
you the lake news
Editor Information:
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
E-mail: [email protected]
Broat Quote:
“I wonder if Governor Granholm has
considered Piracy as a way to diversify
Michigan’s economy?”
Out My Window— Summer 2006
We’re on the web
Hiland Lake Property Owners Assoc.
11309 Outer Dr.
Pinckney, Mi. 48169
Photo by
Brian &