Report of Donors - Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine


Report of Donors - Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
During the period of July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015, donors
contributed $2,093,742 to Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine. The alumni, trustees, faculty, staff, foundations, corporations
and friends listed on these pages have shown their loyalty to PCOM.
The College is grateful to be able to count many dedicated donors
among those who help to further the institution’s instructional, service
and research missions.
Classroom in the Dr. Michael and Wendy Saltzburg Clinical
Learning & Assessment Center.
* Total does not calculate due to multiple gifts from single donors.
Continuing their outstanding philanthropic support of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Michael Saltzburg,
DO ’77, and wife, Wendy, made a $225,000 donation that
launched the new “Introduction to Clerkships (I2C)” course.
Offered to osteopathic medical students beginning their third
year in clinical education, and strategically positioned after
national board completion, the I2C course rotates students
through a month of clinical exercises. The course relies heavily
on the simulation center, prepped surrogates and PCOM faculty.
With this specialized training, the PCOM osteopathic medical
student will be well prepared for the start of clinical rotations
and pose an extremely potent competitor for coveted Graduate
Medical Education positions.
The course makes heavy use of the Dr. Michael and Wendy
Saltzburg Clinical Learning & Assessment Center—funded by
the Saltzburgs last year. The Saltzburgs are the parents of Lauren
Saltzburg, DO ’15/MBA, who earned a combined degree in
osteopathic medicine/healthcare administration and is currently
doing post-graduate training in family medicine at Mercy
Suburban Hospital in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
The Phi Sigma Gamma Medical Society generously donated
$250,000 to the College as a result of the sale of the Society’s
house at Walnut Lane in Philadelphia. A gift of $150,000 named
the Emergency Treatment/Simulation Multi-Plex room in the Dr.
Michael and Wendy Saltzburg Clinical Learning & Assessment
Center, and a contribution of $100,000 created the Phi Sigma
Gamma Medical Society Scholarship.
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine sincerely thanks
alumni and friends who made significant gifts to benefit the College
and its key objectives. The following donors contributed $10,000 or
more, and the College gratefully acknowledges their gifts:
PCOM Trustee J. Steven Blake, DO ’89, MSc, supported The J.
Steven Blake, DO ’89 Scholars Society with $25,000. Dr. Blake’s
gift, once completed, will benefit African-American osteopathic
medical students.
Craig B. Danshaw, DO ’84 and his wife, Barbara Escudero,
continued their support toward naming the Danshaw Family
Steven L. Edell, DO ’69, a radiologist from the state of Delaware,
is establishing a scholarship for Delaware residents interested
in PCOM and the DO program: The Edell Family Scholarship.
Dr. Edell continues to support this fund with his contribution of
Roy L. Gorin, DO ’72, continued his support of PCOM with a
contribution of $10,000 to the Fund for PCOM. Dr. Gorin also
has an endowed scholarship created in honor of his parents
Adele and Herbert Gorin.
Carol L. Henwood, DO ’83, and the Dahdah-Henwood families
completed their $25,000 pledge to name the Orientation
Conference Room in the Dr. Michael and Wendy Saltzburg
Clinical Learning & Assessment Center. The room is in honor of
William R. Henwood, DO ’76.
Mrs. Diana Kanoff, widow of Hymen Kanoff, DO ’52, established
the Hymen Kanoff, DO ’52 Memorial Award in Family Practice
with a gift of $25,000. The award is given to that graduating DO
student who intends to practice in family medicine, is OMM
focused and has a commitment to ethics and community service.
PCOM Trustee John P. Kearney and his wife, Lois, demonstrating
their unwavering support of the College, made a gift of $35,000
to the John D. Kearney Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship
in memory of their son, JD, has helped numerous students attain
their goal of becoming osteopathic physicians.
Nasreen M. Khan, DO ’93, and her husband, Moazzam Khan,
contributed $20,000 to establish a scholarship in memory of their
late daughter, Sharon Qureshi Khan, DO ’95. This need-based
scholarship will be awarded to a medical student from the state
of Delaware.
Bruce Kornberg, DO ’78, professor and chair, department of
internal medicine, division of cardiology, along with his wife, Mrs.
Merle Kornberg, have shown their generosity and commitment to
PCOM students over the years with their support of the Ruth and
Irving Kornberg Memorial Internal Medicine Scholarship. Dr. and
Mrs. Kornberg fulfilled their scholarship pledge this year with a
gift of $10,000.
Lisa McBride, PhD, chief diversity officer, contributed a lead gift
of $10,000 to create the GA–PCOM Student Award Fund. The
monies will be awarded through an annual disbursement to a
GA–PCOM student enrolled in any program. The lead gift was
matched by gifts from faculty and staff and continues to grow in
an effort to support future students.
Ronald Pieringer, PhD, contributed a gift of $13,000 to his late
wife’s scholarship, The Joanne Pieringer, PhD Memorial Scholarship. Dr. Joanne Pieringer was a much-loved teacher in the
College’s biochemistry course for many years.
Mrs. Jennifer Rutkowski made gifts totaling $10,000 to benefit
the research of Heather Montie, PhD, assistant professor of
biochemistry at PCOM. Mrs. Rutkowski’s gifts were matched by
her employer, GE Foundation.
Mrs. Teresa Doyle Smith made gifts totaling $15,000 in honor
and memory of her late husband, Daniel J. Smith, DO ’73. Mrs.
Smith’s gifts benefit The Daniel J. Smith, DO ’73 Memorial
Scholarship and The Daniel J. Smith, DO ’73 & Teresa Doyle
Smith Emergency Medicine/Family Medicine Discretionary Fund.
Walgreens continues to support GA–PCOM with a grant of $10,000.
Funds from the Walgreens Diversity Donation are given with the
intent to support efforts in increasing diversity among student
pharmacists. The funds are allocated over scholarship awards,
pipeline initiative development, and diversity and inclusion efforts.
William Strowhouer, DO ’84, has long supported the Fund for
PCOM. The College is appreciative of Dr. Strowhouer’s $15,000
contribution and his agreement to be the matching donor for
the College’s first Day of Giving.
The West Allegheny Physicians’ Association Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation contributed generous gifts totaling $48,845 to
the College to benefit students from Southwestern Pennsylvania
with much needed financial aid grants. This is the fifth year the
College has benefited from the fund’s support.
Geraldine Terry, RN ’45, generously continues her support of the
Fund for PCOM with a $10,000 gift to the College. Mrs. Terry is
the widow of Morton Terry, DO ’45.
Donald Tilton, DO ’69, generously made gifts totaling $10,000
to the Annual Fund Campaign. Dr. Tilton has been a consistent
supporter of the College for many years.
Murray Zedeck, DO ’62, continues to support his lectureship
series with gifts totaling $10,000 to the Benjamin and Sarah
Zedeck Medical Humanities Lectureship Series. The series
brings renowned speakers to campus for the educational
benefit of our students.
The Alumni Association of PCOM made a generous gift
of $35,000 to benefit the PCOM Living-Learning Center in
Sewickley, Pennsylvania, by naming one of the ten student
rooms. The Center provides housing for students doing clinical
clerkships in the area. The Association also provided additional
support to the Alumni Association Scholarship, providing
students with tuition assistance.
Area VII Physicians Review Org, Inc. generously gave $10,000 to
benefit the Food Allergy Research Initiative (FARI).
Independence Blue Cross Foundation Blue Safety Net Grant
provided a $50,000 gift to the College to benefit a Healthcare
Center project focused on enhancing primary care for patients
visiting PCOM Healthcare Center – Lancaster Avenue Division.
The Adolph and Rose Levis Foundation has renewed its support
of Alzheimer’s disease research with a gift of $15,000. The
Adolph and Rose Levis Foundation Laboratory allows PCOM
researchers to continue their important work.
The Benjamin & Mary Measey Foundation renewed its support
of the College with a $35,000 scholarship contribution benefiting
Philadelphia-area DO students.
Office Depot continued its annual support with a gift of $11,342
for the Fund for PCOM.
The Physicians Aid Association of the Delaware Valley continued
to support tuition assistance to DO students with its $56,000
grant. This year, 14 students were helped by the grant.
The Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association District 8
completed its pledge with a payment of $10,000 to the “Smart
Classroom” at the PCOM Living-Learning Center in Sewickley,
Pennsylvania. District 8’s support provides a valuable resource to
the teaching of students on clinical rotations.
J.P. Mascaro and Sons provided a gift of $5,000 to benefit
the Fund for PCOM. The company sponsors many charitable
projects and PCOM is pleased to receive their support.
For the first time, Georgia Campus – PCOM received funding
from the Community Foundation of Northeast Georgia to
purchase diagnostic equipment for the Clinical Learning and
Assessment Center in the School of Medicine. The grant
award was $5,000.
Through mailings and the annual phonathon calling program, the
DO Student Scholarship fund raised $174,779 from 922 alumni.
This fund provides essential financial aid for osteopathic medical
students on both campuses. Half of these funds are distributed
for immediate use and the other half is deposited into the DO
Student Scholarship Trust Fund to be used in the future.
Three new alumni each made contributions during the
2014-2015 year to exceed $50,000 in cumulative giving. In
recognition of this distinction, Ronald R. Blanck, DO ’67; Joanne
E. Hullings, DO ’96; and Gary F. Kolarik, DO ’89, will be admitted
to the 1899 Society at the President’s Leadership Reception.
Named for the year the College was founded, the 1899 Society
distinguishes those individuals who have made gifts amounting
to $50,000 or more since 1980, when donor records were first
computerized. Current membership numbers 77.
Trusts and bequests by alumni and friends continue to be an
important and significant source of support for the College. The
Andrew Taylor Still Legacy Society recognizes donors who name the
College as a beneficiary of their will, living trust, charitable remainder
trust, charitable lead trust, life insurance policy or charitable gift
annuity. These gifts are investments in PCOM, preserving the
College’s preeminent programs and creating extraordinary opportunities in didactic and clinical education; providing student financial
aid and scholarships; enhancing student services; supporting
research; and extending healthcare and community service.
This past year, PCOM received distributions from the estates of
Ruth Tozer Bixby; Jane Morris, DO ’46; and William B. Selnick,
DO ’52, all to the Fund for PCOM, the College’s Annual Fund
Campaign. The College also received notification from Charles
P. Freidrich, DO ’60, and the estate of Martha E. Shields,
DO ’39, that PCOM has been included in their estate plans.
This year, PCOM received $166,973 through the
Reunion Giving Program. The Class of 1980 led with
gifts totaling $29,325, while the Class of 1985 had the
highest participation rate of 30 percent.
On September 15, 2014, PCOM held the 22nd Annual Golf
Classic, Title Sponsored by Independence Blue Cross, at Whitemarsh Valley Country Club in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania.
Through the Golf Classic, over $98,000 was raised for the
PCOM Healthcare Centers. These funds will provide critical
health services to underserved and at-risk populations in North
and West Philadelphia, Roxborough, Wynnefield Heights, and
Laporte, Pennsylvania, in rural Sullivan County. Many families
who visit the Centers are underinsured and, with few healthcare
options available, they depend on the Centers for essential
medical and mental health needs. Everyone who participated
in the golf outing made a difference in the lives of these families.
Thank you to all who attended the Golf Classic, to those who
volunteered, and to those sponsors and in-kind donor. Special
thanks to Golf Chair James Bonner, DO ’86; Title Sponsor
Independence Blue Cross; and Platinum Sponsors Arthur
Jackson Company, Blank Rome LLP, and the Karen and Herbert
Lotman Foundation.
Named in honor of the “father of
osteopathic medicine,” PCOM’s
Andrew Taylor Still Legacy Society
recognizes those who have made gift
provisions for the College in their
estate plans. The simplest and most
common planned gift is through a
will or bequest; however, there are
several estate plan vehicles. Each is as
unique as the donor—often enabling
donors to contribute more than they
thought possible and to enjoy the
satisfaction of giving while increasing
their personal tax refund or reducing
taxes they would otherwise owe come
April 15. Charitable gift annuities, remainder trusts and lead trusts offer donors the added benefits of a life-income option and
considerable flexibility to estate and tax planning. Naming PCOM as owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy may be
advantageous in carrying out the donor’s philanthropic and personal goals. The same can be said for designating the College
as either a primary or contingent beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh or other retirement account. Donors will avoid
significant income and estate tax liability.
If you have already made a planned gift provision for PCOM and have not yet notified the College, please consider letting us know
so that we may include you as a member of the Andrew Taylor Still Legacy Society. We would like to thank you for your meaningful
gift and acknowledge your participation in publications. This may encourage others to review their estate plans and inspire individuals
to make a lasting legacy for future generations at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Andrew Taylor Still Legacy Society
members are also invited to the annual reception of the President’s Leadership Circle. PCOM’s Institutional Advancement staff is
available to help donors find and, in cooperation with the appropriate advisors, construct the best plan for all concerned.
Anonymous (8)
Joan Abar, DO ‘63
Charles T. Andrews, DO ‘74 + &
Mrs. Lorraine Andrews
Joseph J. Andris, DO ‘76
Michael Avallone, DO ‘59 +
The Hon. Marie W. Bell
David A. Bitonte, DO ‘80,
Mrs. Margaret E. Burnard +
Michael H. Cenar, DO ‘78
Rodney H. Chase, DO ‘44 +
Laura & John A. Cifala, DO ‘45 +
Floyd E. Dunn, DO ‘36 +
Richard B. Esack, DO ‘80
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Tana G. Fishman, DO ‘95
Charles P. Friedrich, DO ‘60
Dorothy A. Reiber Gentzler,
DO ‘49 +
Roy L. Gorin, DO ‘72
Martin J. Hoffman, DO ‘52 +
David A. Hoffmann, DO ‘91, MBA
W. Kenneth Holbrook, DO ‘42 +
Mrs. Vincent Huffnagle
David J. Kendall, DO ‘71
Norman S. Knee, DO ‘57
Albert S. Kroser, DO ‘58
Sherman N. Leis, DO ‘67
Thomas R. LeMasters, DO ‘78
Joyce D. Leonetti, DO ‘80
Murry E. Levyn, DO ‘46
Barbara & Arnold S. Lincow,
DO ‘76
Fred W. Lindsay, DO ‘95
Madeleine L. Long, DO ‘78, MD
Mrs. Joseph M. Marino
Harry J. Morris, III, DO ‘78
Jane Morris, DO ‘46 +
Martin S. Neifield, DO ‘46
Bernyce Peplowski, DO ‘80
William A. Rieber, DO ‘41 +
Gerson Schwartz, DO ‘53
William B. Selnick, DO ’52 +
Harry M. Serfer, DO ‘69
Martha E. Shields, DO ‘39 +
David J. Shingles, DO ‘75
Daniel K. Siegel, DO ‘50
Chester E. Smith, DO ‘58 +
Richard B. Tancer, DO ‘84
H. Sprague Taveau, IV, DO ‘77,
David A. Thomas, DO ‘78, PhD
Sheldon P. Wagman, DO ‘67
Joan M. Watkins, DO ‘72
Mr. David L. Williams +
+ Deceased
In recognition of the year the College was
founded, the 1899 Society honors those individuals who
have reached the cumulative giving level of $50,000 or more.
1899 Society members receive a specially designed blazer to
acknowledge their generous contributions.
Wayne Arnold, DO ‘80
John W. Becher, DO ‘70
Bernard J. Bernacki, DO ‘81 &
Mrs. Mary Bernacki
James H. Black, DO ‘62
Ronald R. Blanck, DO ‘67
J. Steven Blake, DO, M.Sc. ‘89
Mrs. Bobbi Brodsky &
Mr. Harvey Brodsky +
The Adolph and Rose
Levis Foundation
Mrs. Margaret E. Burnard +
Gene B. Chaiken, LLD
David Coffey, DO ‘84
James F. Conroy, DO ‘65
Craig B. Danshaw, DO ‘84
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Pat C. DiTommaso, DO ‘80
Gerald E. Dworkin, DO ‘81
Joseph Farrell, DO ‘78
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO ‘59
Scot A. Fisher, DO ‘82
Larry I. Gilderman, DO ‘72
Leonard C. Giunta, DO ‘67
Robert D. Gober, DO ‘78
Roy L. Gorin, DO ‘72
Mr. Thomas J. Gravina
Howard A. Hassman, DO ‘83
Carol L. Henwood, DO ‘83
Martin J. Hoffman, DO ‘52 +
Joanne E. Hullings, DO ‘96
Joseph C. Hummel, DO ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kearney
Suzanne K. Kelley, DO ‘77
Richard S. Koch, DO ‘38 +
Gary Frederick Kolarik,
DO ‘89
Bruce Kornberg, DO ‘78
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86
Mrs. Arlene Blanco Leone
Barbara & Arnold S. Lincow,
DO ‘76
Jeffry A. Lindenbaum, DO ‘75
Ms. Nancy C. Loeb &
Mr. Jeffrey D. Colman
Herbert Lotman, LLD + &
Mrs. Karen Lotman
Bernard F. Master, DO ‘66
Robert S. Maurer, DO ‘62
Douglas E. Mazzuca, DO ‘83
Paul W. McGloin, LLD
William M. McLaughlin, Jr.,
DO ‘85
John J. McPhilemy, DO ‘78
Frederick R. Melhorn,
DO ‘56 +
Martin S. Neifield, DO ‘46
Rosemary C. Papa &
Richard M. Papa, DO ‘75 +
Nicholas C. Pedano, DO ‘61 +
Ronald A. Pieringer, PhD
Jay R. Rosan, DO ‘71
Rosenfield Family Foundation
Mrs. Idell Rosner &
Marvin L. Rosner, DO ‘57 +
M. Kimberly Rupert, PhD &
Sara Somers Rupert, RN ‘33 +
Dr. & Mrs. Michael C. Saltzburg
Seymour Schlossberg, DO ‘62
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Mrs. Teresa Doyle Smith
Robert R. Speer, DO ‘71
William J. Strowhouer, DO ‘84
Geraldine Rafferty Terry, RN ‘45
Donald C. Tilton, DO ‘69
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA
Alice J. Zal, DO ‘89 &
H Michael Zal, DO ‘66
Murray Zedeck, DO ‘62
Zedeck Family
Foundation, Inc.
Cumulative giving is based on contributions to The PCOM
Foundation, not including special events, and dates back
to 1980, when donor records were first computerized,
through June 30, 2015.
President’s Fellows
$10,000 to $24,999
Provost’s Associates
$1,000 to $2,499
Honors donors at all levels
who have graduated within
the past 10 years.
1899 Society
$50,000+ cumulative giving. Members receive a specially designed
blazer to acknowledge their support.
Recognizes those constituents who
have included PCOM in their will.
Recognizes donors at all levels who
Andrew Taylor
Still Society
Blue Ribbon
or more consecutive years.
Gifts listed on the
following pages were
received July 1, 2014,
through June 30, 2015.
$25,000 +
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
J. Steven Blake, DO ‘89, M.Sc. ‘94
Independence Blue Cross
Mrs. Diana Kanoff
Mr. John P. Kearney
The Benjamin & Mary Siddons
Measey Foundation
Phi Sigma Gamma Medical
Physicians Aid Association of the
Delaware Valley
Dr. & Mrs. Michael C. Saltzburg
West Allegheny Physicians’
Association Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
Area VII Physicians Review
Org Inc.
Craig B. Danshaw, DO ‘84
Steven L. Edell, DO ‘69
Jewish Federation of
Roy L. Gorin, DO ‘72
Carol L. Henwood, DO ‘83
Nasreen M. Khan, DO ‘93
Bruce Kornberg, DO ‘78
The Adolph and Rose Levis
Mrs. Bobbi Brodsky &
Mr. Harvey Brodsky +
Lisa M. McBride, PhD
Office Depot
Ronald A. Pieringer, PhD
POMA District 8
Mrs. Jennifer Rutkowski
The GE Foundation
Mrs. Daniel J. Smith
Robert R. Speer, DO ‘71
William J. Strowhouer, DO ‘84
Geraldine Rafferty Terry, RN ‘45
Donald C. Tilton, DO ‘69
Murray Zedeck, DO ‘62
Zedeck Family Foundation,
$5,000 – $9,999
Richard T. Arriviello, DO ‘91
J. Mark Battin, DO ‘89
Bernard J. Bernacki, DO ‘81
James H. Black, DO ‘62
John B. Bulger, DO ‘95, MBA &
Michele A. Neff-Bulger, DO ‘98
Gene Chaiken, LLD
ALMO Corporation
The Martha Jeane Cochrane Trust
Community Foundation for
Northeast Georgia
H. William Craver, III, DO ‘87
Mr. Matthew O. Elkes
ALMO Corporation
Umar Farooq, MD & Sabahat
Farooq, MD
Joseph Farrell, DO ‘78
Jay S. Feldstein, DO ‘81
Allen M. Fellows, DO ‘62
Leonard C. Giunta, DO ‘67
Jackson ImmunoResearch
Robert D. Gober, DO ‘78
Gretta A. Gross, DO ‘97
Joseph C. Hummel, DO ‘70
Todd J. Kazdan, DO ‘99
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86
Paul J. Lapoint, DO ‘90
Mark R. Leone, DO ‘83
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Jane Siehl Moore, DO ‘86
Jane Morris, DO ‘46 +
Mark A. Nartatez, DO ‘89
Michael Pawlowsky, DO ‘81
Alexander E. Rodi, Jr., DO ‘79
John C. Sefter, DO ‘86
William B. Selnick, DO ‘52 +
F. Kenneth Shockley, DO ‘64
Kenneth L. Smith, DO ‘60
Paul V. Suhey, DO ‘84
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA
$2,500 – $4,999
Association of Independent
Colleges & Universities of
Kathryn A. Baker, DO ‘98
Kevin G. Barber, DO ‘78
John W. Becher, DO ‘70
Elliott Bilofsky, DO ‘87
Estate of Ruth Tozer Bixby
The Blasi Family Trust
Steven R. Blasi, DO ‘02
T. J. Citta-Pietrolungo, DO ‘86
Michael Cordas, Jr., DO ‘67
Ronald Cowen, DO ‘66
Robert G. Cuzzolino, EdD
Dean J. DePerro, DO ‘95
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Darlene Ann M. Dunay, DO ‘83
Gerald E. Dworkin, DO ‘81
Dennis L. Eckels, DO ‘75
Walter C. Ehrenfeuchter, DO ‘79
Katherine C. Erlichman, DO ‘87
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Victoria L. Falcone, DO ‘99
Janis Fegley, DO ‘87
Scot A. Fisher, DO ‘82
Allan Goldberg, DO ‘63
Mr. Thomas J. Gravina
GPX Enterprises. LLC
Brett E. Groff, DO ‘02
Dominick A. Grosso, DO ‘83
Jeanne E. Grove, DO ‘82
Joseph G. Gunselman, DO ‘82
Joseph M. Hassman, DO ‘65
William R. Henwood, DO ‘76
Wayne A. Hey, DO ‘75
Thuy D. Hoang, DO ‘99
Michelle B. Hobson, DO ‘80
Lillian Hwee, DO ‘88
Victor R. Kalman, DO ‘86 &
Denise A. DiPrimio-Kalman,
DO ‘86
Suzanne K. Kelley, DO ‘77
Gary Frederick Kolarik, DO ‘89
James M. Lally, DO
G. Lee Lerch, Jr., DO ‘80
Robert I. Lewis, DO ‘77
Vincent Lobo, Jr., DO ‘65
Michael F. Lurakis, DO ‘80
Burton T. Mark, DO
Paul W. McGloin, LLD
Allan M. McLeod, DO ‘88, JD,
Gerald R. Medwick, DO ‘80 &
Denise M. Medwick, DO ‘80
Michael I. Miller, DO ‘72
Ositadinma O. Opara, DO ‘99
John Joseph Orris, MBA/DO ‘95
Ronald L. Pope, DO ‘77
Leonard M. Popowich, DO ‘58
Vanessa A. Ragland-Payne,
DO ‘84
The Anna and Isidore Roseman
R. Alex Rusynyk, DO ‘97
Drs. Adrian & Emilia Secheresiu
William E. Shiels, II, DO ‘83 +
Mr. Wayne T. Sikes
Harvey M. Spector, DO ‘63
John S. Stevens, Jr., DO ‘73
Kathleen E. Sweeney, DO ‘84
Steven A. Topfer, DO ‘87
Michael A. Washinsky, DO ‘77
Michael I. Wiener, DO ‘77
Michael G. Wolford, DO ‘90
$1,000 – $2,499
Anonymous (6)
Ronald D. Abraham, DO ‘69
Walter J. Adamek, DO ‘85
Advocates for the Pennsylvania
Osteopathic Medical Association
Gary A. Agia, DO ‘75
David E. Albrecht, Jr., DO ‘89
Michael G. Alt, DO ‘82
David L. Ambrose, Jr., DO ‘05
Connie S. Anderson, DO ‘94
Archie B. Attarian, DO 54
Dr. Michael F. Avallone Associates
Mark D. Avart, DO ‘79
Barry L. Bakst, DO ‘82
Jewish Federation of
Edward P. Balaban, DO ‘77
Robert A. Ball, DO ‘65 &
Roberta R. Ball, DO ‘80
John T. Barbagiovanni, II, DO ‘95
Alfonso J. Barbati, DO ‘84
Walter D. Beam, DO ‘78
Michael A. Becker, DO ‘87
The Hon. Marie W. Bell
Albert J. Belli, Jr., DO ‘80
Hal S. Bendit, DO ‘84
William M. Bernard, DO ‘62
David A. Bevan, DO ‘69 +
Robert H. Biggs, DO ‘76
David A. Bitonte, DO ‘80,
Nicole Heath Bixler, MBA/DO ‘02
Mari Blackburn, DO ‘91
Ronald R. Blanck, DO ‘67
Lee M. Blatstein, DO ‘84
John L. Bobby, DO ‘82
James M. Bonner, DO ‘86
John J. Bowden, Jr., DO ‘79
Nancy E. Braese, DO ‘83
Deborah A. Bren, DO ‘84
Edward C. Brennan, DO ‘79
Robert D. Bricker, DO ‘89 &
Marylou J. Rainone, DO ‘89
John R. Bucholtz, DO ‘82
Carl D. Burnett, III, DO ‘85
Jacqueline F. Cain, DO ‘88
Joseph J. Calabro, DO ‘81
John J. Carlin, MBA
H. Kennedy Cathcart, DO ‘84
John M. Cavenagh, PhD, MBA,
Thomas W. Cerato, DO ‘79
Susan K. Ciampaglia, DO ‘92
Bernard S. Cieniawa, DO ‘80
David Coffey, DO ‘84
Thomas E. Currie, DO ‘72
Jeffrey D. Cushman, DO ‘83
Samuel J. Daisley, DO ‘86
Mario D’Alessandro, Jr., DO ‘77
Michael E. Dalsey, DO ‘71
Kurt G. Datz, DO ‘90
Drake P. DeHart, DO ‘79
Mark E. Delowery, DO ‘83, MPH
Vincent A. DeMuro, Sr., DO ‘63
John J. Dermigny, DO ‘86
John DiPastina, DO ‘85
Mr. Peter Doulis
Henry J. Dubiel, DO ‘81
James P. Dwyer, DO ‘75
Philip L. Ehrig, DO ‘87
Linda J. Fagan, DO ‘93
Elena Ruzzi Farrell, DO ‘92
Michael Jon Feinstein, DO ‘74
James Fierro, DO ‘88
Jon S. Fisher, DO ‘86
Stephen T. Fisher, DO ‘85
Norma Jeanne Flack, DO ‘83
Gregory R. Frailey, DO ‘84
Donald J. Fruchtman, DO ‘66
Edwin L. Fuentes, DO ‘94
Katherine E. Galluzzi, DO
Ernest R. Gelb, DO ‘78
Larry I. Gilderman, DO ‘72
James Joseph Gilhool, DO ‘95
William Gilhool, DO
R. Bryan Ginn, Jr., BBA
Joshua E. Goldberg, DO ‘96
Bernard Goldstein, DO ‘62
Lisa N. Gray, DO ‘96
Richard A. Greco, Sr, DO ‘82
James F. Guenther, DO ‘85
Howard M. Hammer, DO ‘96
Lynwood W. Hammers, DO ‘79
Mark R. Harris, DO ‘90 &
Joanne Goshow-Harris, DO ‘90
Keith W. Harrison, DO ‘85
Gregory W. Higbee, DO ‘87
Highlands of Sugarloaf
Stephen J. Hittman, DO ‘86
Lawrence D. Hochman, DO ‘90
Carl A. Hoffman, Jr., DO ‘74
George R. Homa, DO ‘78
Joanne E. Hullings, DO ‘96
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Hurst
Anthony Iaccarino, DO ‘80
Dennis L. Iaccarino, DO ‘81
Richard E. Johnson, DO ‘87
Mark Jones, DO ‘84
Arthur J. Jordan, Jr., DO ‘95
Jay Harris Joseph, DO ‘56
Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO ‘82
Mrs. Lois Kaliner
Joseph D. Kalowsky, DO ‘67
Steven Katz, DO ‘74
John J. Kelly, Jr., DO ‘85
Sheldon P. Kerner, DO ‘68
Patrick J. Kerrigan, DO ‘84
Fred K. Khalouf, DO ‘81
Larry M. Kjeldgaard, DO ‘86
Bryan W. Kluck, DO ‘81
Don A. Koenigsberg, DO ‘80
David C. Koronkiewicz, DO ‘85
David H. Krahe, DO ‘77
Tage N. Kvist, PhD
Robert J. Labaczewski, DO ‘73
Joan C. Lambert, DO ‘80
Pat A. Lannutti, DO ‘71
Bonnie Lynn Lehman, DO ‘79
Thomas R. LeMasters, DO ‘78
William C. LeMasters, DO ‘81
Kathleen C. Lewis, DO ‘82
Ronald J. Librizzi, DO ‘73
Judith A. Lightfoot, DO ‘92
Eric M. Lipnack, DO ‘88
Robert L. Lipshutz, DO ‘90
Jerry M. Littlefield, DO ‘77
Mark J. Lobitz, DO ‘82
Ms. Nancy C. Loeb &
Mr. Jeffrey D. Colman
David L. Lohin, DO ‘86
David M. Loss, DO ‘78
Charles W. Lowney, DO ‘64
William Lozinger, Jr., DO ‘65 +
John F. Lozowski, DO ‘87
James J. Manlandro, DO ‘63
Jessica Lynn Masser, MS/
Biomed ‘07, DO ‘07
Thor C. Mathos, DO ‘85 &
Julia T. Mathos, DO ‘85
Richard A. Mauceri, DO ‘71
James Patrick Maurer, DO ‘04 &
Mary A. Maurer, DO ‘07
Robert S. Maurer, DO ‘62
John Z. McDonald, DO ‘81
John W. McGrath, Jr., DO ‘90
John P. McLaughlin, DO ‘73
A. Scott McNeal, DO ‘88
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur McTighe
William J. Meis, DO ‘82
Gerald L. Melamut, DO ‘65
Noel L. Melhorn, DO ‘68
Thomas M. Mextorf, DO ‘86
Beckie Michael, DO ‘89
Maria W. Michell, DO ‘78
Mark E. Moran, DO ‘86
Harry J. Morris, III, DO ‘78
James D. and LA Morrissey, Jr.
Marta Motel, DO ‘88
Sandra Nairn, DO ‘85
Luke G. Nelligan, DO ‘91
Alexander S. Nicholas, DO ‘75
Anthony E. Niescier, DO ‘75
Joseph B. Nyzio, Jr., DO ‘00
Douglas A. Ockrymiek, DO ‘71
Joseph P. Olekszyk, DO ‘85
Lawrence Paolini, DO ‘84
Richard A. Pascucci, DO ‘75
Douglas B. Paul, DO ‘86
Bill J. Pesce, DO ‘89
James E. Phillips, DO ‘83 &
Gloria T. Fioravanti, DO ‘82
Julia M. Pillsbury, DO ‘81
Elsira M. Pina, DO ‘89
Dr. William J. Polinski
Edward J. Potts, MA
Stephen A. Pulley, DO ‘87
Carol S. Ramsey, DO ‘81
L. Donald Randino, DO ‘80
Sara Wilson Reece, PharmD
Thomas Renaldo, DO ‘83
Richard A. Renza, DO ‘71
Michael A. Resnick, DO ‘77
Ronald A. Rimer, DO ‘00
Howard M. Robinson, DO ‘90,
Terry A. Robison, DO ‘84 &
Carol K. Robison, DO ‘85
Alexander E. Rodi, Sr. DO ‘58
Domenick N. Ronco, DO ‘78
Marvin L. Rosner, DO ‘57 +
Morris I. Rossman, DO ‘69
Roxborough Memorial Hospital
Paul W. Sauers, DO ‘71
Seymour Schlossberg, DO ‘62
Todd C. Schmoll, DO ‘92 &
Cynthia A. NitschmannSchmoll, DO ‘92
Melissa Neumann Schwartz,
DO ‘91
Lucyann M. Sciandra, DO ‘93
Kerry M. Scott, DO ‘99
Arthur J. Sesso, DO ‘81 &
Eva Placentra-Sesso, DO ‘82
Dana C. Shaffer, DO ‘85
Gail E. Shirley, DO ‘81
David R. Shober, DO ‘89 &
Michele M. Shober, DO ‘89
John G. Shutack, DO ‘69
Anthony J. Silvagni, DO ‘82,
PharmD, MSc
Alyssa L. Simone, DO ‘01
Mr. Leonard L. Smith
Robert M. Smith, DO ‘61
Denise J. Smyler, Esq.
John R. Socey, DO ‘67
Larry W. Spector, DO ‘94
Paul M. Spector, DO ‘72
Steven L. Spivak, DO ‘88 &
Anna M. Supon, DO ‘88
Brian J. Stark, DO ‘93 &
Kathleen Lawlor Stark, DO ‘93
Christine A. Sturm, DO ‘79
Edward A. Styduhar, Jr., DO ‘74
William B. Swallow, DO ‘79
Richard B. Tancer, DO ‘84
Bernadette S. Tate, PsyD ‘06
Jeff J. Tavassoli, DO ‘98
H. Sprague Taveau, IV, DO ‘77,
Edward A. Tomkin, DO ‘79
Stanley J. Travis, Jr., DO ‘64
Nicholas D. Tretta, Jr., DO ‘74
Mark E. Triana, DO ‘83
Daniel J. Vile, DO ‘86
Norman E. Vinn, DO ‘77
Sheldon P. Wagman, DO ‘67
Cynthia M. Williams, DO ‘83
James M. Williams, DO ‘91
Tina Woodruff, EdD
Workplace Answers, LLC
Stephen J. Yanoshak, DO ‘90,
M.Sc. ‘99
Hong Ye, DO ‘02
Timothy R. Young, DO ‘76
John W. Yunginger, MD
Heidi J. Yutzler-Overton, DO ‘95
Mark R. Zohoury, DO ‘89
$500 – $999
Anonymous (2)
Marie E. Alden, DO ‘00
Donald L. Allison, II, DO ‘09
Michael J. Allshouse, DO ‘82
Lawrence K. Alwine, DO ‘75
Joel P. Amidon, DO ‘63
Onyeama O. Anakwe, DO ‘98
Edward J. Armbruster, DO ‘02
James T. Arscott, DO ‘86 &
Karen E. Arscott, DO ‘86,
M.Sc. ‘96
Vincent R. Avallone, Jr., DO ‘84
George K. Avetian, DO ‘80
Garo C. Avetian, DO ‘89
Norman F. C. Baker, DO ‘63
Vincent E. Baldino, DO ‘76
Lawrence I. Barr, DO ‘87
Horace Barsh, DO ‘61
Gene M. Battistella, DO ‘92
Kenneth B. Batts, DO ‘85
Eileen P. Beale, DO ‘85
Neil J. Belgiano, DO ‘76
Nicholas O. Biasotto, DO ‘80
Peter F. Bidey, DO ‘08
Julie Wickman Bierster, PharmD
Joseph J. Blasiol, DO ‘82
Seymour H. Block, DO ‘72
Gary Bonfante, DO ‘93
Ruth Borghaei, PhD
Nicholas Steven Bower, DO ‘05
George L. Bradley, Jr., DO ‘68
William F. Brennan, DO ‘75
Sarah Louise Brown, DO ‘04
Jonathan J. Burke, DO ‘00
Stephen L. Burnstein, DO ‘72
John F. Callahan, DO ‘67
Norman M. Callahan, III, DO ‘91
Patrick J. Carey, DO ‘83
Charmaine S. Chan, DO ‘05
Nicholas P. Chiumento, DO ‘81
G. Chris Christensen, III, DO ‘82
Carman A. Ciervo, DO ‘88
Ronald A. Cohen, DO ‘79 &
Jeanne M. Patterson-Cohen,
DO ‘79
The Hon. Terry L. Coleman
Jeanine M. Compesi, DO ‘91
David V. Condoluci, DO ‘76
John E. Connelly, DO ‘89 &
Renee D. Morrow-Connelly,
DO ‘89
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Conroy
Robert B. Contrucci, DO ‘80
Robert J. Corba, DO ‘93 &
Kimberly Legg Corba, DO ‘93
David L. Cute, DO ‘96
Dolores Daczkowski Cilley, DO ‘78
John Raymond Dahdah, DO ‘13
Mary Anne Damiani, DO ‘86
Izola David, DO ‘85
Christopher A. Davis, DO ‘00
Octavio De Los Reyes, DO ‘84
Edward G. Dempsey,
MBA/DO ‘94
Douglas P. Dietzel, DO ‘91
Carl G. DiJoseph, DO ‘77, PhD
Ronald J. D’Orazio, DO ‘62
Kenneth K. Doroski, DO ‘81
Gustav R. Eles, DO ‘82
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Essl
Paul Evans, DO ‘79
Steven J. Fagan, DO ‘80
R. Keith Felstead, DO ‘95
Frances A. Feudale, DO ‘95
Cindy Fine, DO ‘82
The Herman and Jerry Finkelstein
Joshua A. Rabinowitz,
DO ‘88
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO ‘59
Mark S. Finkelstein, DO ‘80,
M.Sc. ‘85
Robert P. Finkelstein, DO ‘90
Neil W. Fisher, DO ‘83
James W. Fitzpatrick, DO ‘79
Harry P. Flanagan, III, DO ‘74
Dr. John Fontanilla
Thomas M. Fox, DO ‘84
Kere J. Frey, DO ‘89
Lisa M. Frison, DO ‘83
Albert R. Fritz, III, DO ‘82
William John Furey, DO ‘88
Richard C. Gaibler, DO ‘87
Samuel J. Garloff, DO ‘78
Ronald J. Gelzunas, DO ‘60
Georgia Osteopathic Medical
Phillip C. Ginsberg DO ‘80,
M.Sc. ‘86
Patricia McHugh Giordano,
DO ‘96
Steven B. Glickfield, DO ‘69
David D. Goldberg, DO ‘71
Dayton Foundation
Depository, Inc.
Terry J. Golden, DO ‘80
David J. Gomeringer, DO ‘83
Daniel E. Gooding, DO ‘79
Scott D. Goodroad, DO ‘06 &
Lisa C. Sklar, DO ‘05
The Central National-Gottesman
John G. Goulding, DO ‘53 +
John C. Green, DO ‘84
Rena G. Hamburger, DO ‘47
Patrick J. Hanley, DO ‘89
Violet A. Henighan, DO ‘87
Debra K. Hermany, DO ‘85
Jerel A. Hopkins, Esq.
Edward Eric Horvath, DO ‘95
Lillian M. Hynes-Longendorfer,
DO ‘67
Robert J. Hynick, DO ‘79
Mark A. Illfelder, DO ‘73
Robert K. Ilowite, DO ‘92
Paul M. Imber, DO ‘78
Edward E. James, DO ‘58
Edwin A. Jensen, DO ‘70
Ms. Joanne Jones, MBA
Leah J. Jones, DO ‘95
Robert S. Jones, DO ‘87
Arthur J. Jordan, OD
Michelle A. Kearney, DO ‘95
Ms. Henrie M. Treadwell
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
C. Roger Kendrick, DO ‘74
Julia M. Kennedy, DO ‘82
Richard D. Kimmel, DO ‘84
Eugene J. Klifto, DO ‘80
Joseph M. Kosakoski, Jr., DO ‘80
Charles J. Kovalchick, DO ‘96
William J. Krajcirik, Jr., DO ‘81
Albert S. Kroser, DO ‘58
Mary V. Krueger, DO ‘95
David Kuo, DO ‘96
Daniel J. Kupas, DO ‘92
Stephen J. Kushner, DO ‘88
Anthony M. Landis, DO ‘77
David M. Lasorda, DO ‘83
Sherman N. Leis, DO ‘67
John M. Levri, DO ‘13
Hans & Dolores Levy Charitable
Howard R. Levy, DO ‘68
Arnold S. Lincow, DO ‘76
Ronald B. Lincow, DO ‘04
James T. Little, DO ‘90 & Dawn
M. Kennedy-Little, DO ‘94
Edward L. Lundy, DO ‘77
Chester J. Madzelan, DO ‘73
Thomas G. Majernick, DO ‘81
Harry E. Manser, Jr., DO ‘69,
MBA ‘69
Robert C. Martin, DO ‘82
Supriya Massood, DO ‘93 &
Stephen Massood, DO ‘93
Mark M. Maus, DO ‘83
Allan R. Mayer, DO ‘77
Ralph D. Mazzochetti, DO ‘85
Paul P. McCaffrey, DO ‘75
John J. McPhilemy, DO ‘78
Gerald T. Mehalick, DO ‘81 &
Pamela Giliberto Mehalick,
DO ‘81
Kevin R. Melnick, DO ‘83
Edwin L. Merow, DO ‘60
Alan L. Meshekow, DO ‘74
Alan J. Miller, DO ‘62
Donald Wesley Minteer, Jr.,
DO ‘72
Mark A. Monaco, DO ‘89
Terri L. Murphy, DO ‘95
Ms. Barbara Myers
Joan Sureck Naidorf, DO ‘85
Amy J. Nation, DO ‘94
Philip A. Neiderer, DO ‘89
Lawrence M. Neustadter, DO ‘81
Evan A. Nicholas, DO ‘81
Lauren Noto-Bell, DO ‘06
Tanja Keller O’Connor, DO ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Neill
Robert P. Oristaglio, Jr., DO ‘76
Julianne S. Orlowski, DO ‘97
Herman W. Palat, DO ‘70
Bradley S. Parlin, DO ‘86
Keith J. Parowski, DO ‘85
John A. Pasquella, DO ‘05
Elaine G. Pendrak, DO ‘84
Bernyce Peplowski, DO ‘80
Darrell W. Petz, DO ‘79
Edward M. Phillips, DO ‘54
William H. Phillips, DO ‘95 &
Theresa M. March, DO ‘95
Joseph A. Pion, DO ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pistone
PNC Bank
Gwendolyn A. Poles-Corker, DO ‘87
David M. Poponi, PsyD ‘09
Deborah Popowich, DO ‘85
Andrew S. Poulshock, DO ‘89
James F. Quigley, DO ‘75
Joseph P. Quintiliani, DO ‘84
Ralph G. Rainey, DO ‘73
Martin T. Rasp, DO ‘72
Paula M. Renzi, DO ‘07
Joseph M. Richards, DO ‘98
Edward H. Ridings, III, DO ‘76
Lisa E. Robertson, DO ‘92
Stacey A. Robertson, DO ‘79
Laura F. Robin, DO ‘88
Barry J. Rosen, DO ‘68
Donald H. Rosenbaum, Jr.,
DO ‘86
Alexander Rosenau, DO ‘81
Pamela J. Ruoff, MS
Norman F. Ruttenberg, DO ‘66
Carolyn G. Ryan, DO ‘89
Vincent G. Sacco, DO ‘89
Richard F. Salmon, DO ‘82
Joseph V. Salvia, Jr., DO ‘82
Gregory P. Samano, DO ‘72
Lewis Savar, DO ‘60
Saul E. Schreiber, DO ‘80
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Robert C. Scott, DO ‘73
Mr. Lance M. Semien
Jennifer A. Sherman, DO ‘99
Leslie Tadzynski Shur, DO ‘80
Mathew J. Silverman, DO ‘98
Gerald H. Skobinsky, DO ‘70
David I. Skole, DO ‘64
Diane Smallwood, PsyD
C. Richard Smith, Jr., DO ‘70
Jason A. Smith, DO ‘08
Steven M. Snyder, DO ‘75
Alan B. Sommers, DO ‘77
Nicholas J. Spagnola, DO ‘81
Debra K. Spatz, DO ‘84
Carl R. Spease, DO ‘61
Ira Spitzer, DO ‘76
Joseph J. Stella, DO ‘91
Surgical Orthopedic Associates
Joseph J. Szustak, DO ‘86
Peter W. Taraschi, DO ‘84
Daniel T. Tell, DO ‘77
Etheldra Templeton, MLS
Marc E. Tennenbaum, DO ‘74
Corwin A. Thomas, DO ‘95
Three Rivers AHEC, Inc.
David R. Tomazic, DO ‘78
Constandinos Tsagaratos, DO ‘07
Thomas A. Tylman, DO ‘79 &
Kathleen M. Tylman, DO ‘80
Stephen F. Uhlman, DO ‘79
United Way of Greater Philadelphia & SNJ
William E. Vail, DO ‘82
Laverne R. Van deWall, DO ‘85
Lee Ann Van Houten-Sauter,
DO ‘91
Anthony A. Vasile, Sr., DO ‘82
George D. Vermeire, DO ‘74
Michael A. Walder, DO ‘65
Desuo Wang, PhD, MD
Mark T. Watkins, DO ‘86
Fred G. Wenger, Jr., DO ‘87
Kevin C. Westra, DO ‘90
Stephanie L. White, DO ‘07
Kerry Anne Whitelock, DO ‘04
Jeffrey A. Yocum, DO ‘82
David L. Zack, DO ‘92
Abraham Zellis, DO ‘56
Denise M. Zingrone, DO ‘02
William P. Zipperer, Jr., DO ‘81
+ Deceased | * $1,000+ donors | ! Blue Ribbon
The College recognizes
donors at all levels who
have given to PCOM for five
consecutive years or more.
Morton S. Herskowitz, DO !
Total Giving: $10,100
Albert S. Heyman, DO !
Geraldine Rafferty Terry, RN * !
Total Giving: $9,689
Howard E. Barsky, DO !
Murry E. Levyn, DO
Jane Morris, DO + *
Martin S. Neifield, DO
Total Giving: $544
Mary Keih Butler, RN
James J. Giliberto, DO
Rena G. Hamburger, DO
The Martha Jeane Cochrane
Total Giving: $450
Carolyn Paul Caruso, RN
Herbert M. Rubin, DO
Murray Schreiber, DO
Victor M. Bove, DO !
Total Giving: $7,178
Joan Forney Adams, RN
Paul W. Herr, DO
Robert T. Kellam, DO
William B. Selnick, DO + *
Total Giving: $950
John G. Goulding, DO + !
John C. Jacobs, DO
Selma Stoll, DO, MD
Jacob K. Sweigart, DO
Total Giving: $3,080
Archie B. Attarian, DO * !
William C. Bryers, DO
Howard L. Hausher, DO
William Gilbert McDowell,
DO !
Edward M. Phillips, DO
Total Giving: $150
James P. Soulges, DO !
Earle Noble Wagner, DO !
Norma Markle Weitzel, RN
Total Giving: $3,425
Francis A. Cerra, DO
Barbara Laib Goodwyn, RN
Jay Harris Joseph, DO * !
Murray Norman Matez, DO !
Frederick R. Melhorn, DO +
David A. Patriquin, DO !
Stanford P. Sadick, DO !
Richard K. Snyder, DO
Barry D. Walp, DO
Abraham Zellis, DO !
Total Giving: $1,905
Anita H. Atkins, DO !
Daniel H. Belsky, DO !
Norman M. Charney, DO
Allan R. Fox, DO !
Lawrence J. Jordan, DO !
Milton R. Redlitz, DO
Marvin L. Rosner, DO + *
Salvatore R. Vasile, DO !
Total Giving: $6,050
Norman M. Axelrod, DO
Joseph Berger, DO
Carl S. Cross, DO
Myron A. Forim, DO
Carl G. Godshall, DO
Michael J. Holt, DO
SuAnn Holt, RN
Edward E. James, DO
Richard A. Kiszonas, DO
Albert S. Kroser, DO !
Lawrence R. Ludwig, DO !
Nancy Nielsen-Conroy, RN
Leonard M. Popowich, DO *
Alexander E. Rodi, Sr. DO * !
Robert J. Senese, DO
Albert M. Shkane, DO
Gilbert B. Tabby, DO
Total Giving: $1,575
Ronald H. Abrams, DO !
Marvin J. Asnis, DO
Richard M. Bogutz, DO
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO !
Bertram Greenspun, DO
Willard Leo Noyes, DO
Peter J. Pema, Jr., DO
Robert W. Sharkis, DO !
Total Giving: $7,110
Ronald J. Gelzunas, DO
Barry L. Getzoff, DO !
Edwin L. Merow, DO
David Miller, DO !
Lewis Savar, DO
Kenneth L. Smith, DO *
Total Giving: $3,875
Horace Barsh, DO !
Yale R. Bobrin, DO
Robert G. Bowman, DO
Donald A. Bruaw, DO !
Robert B. Cohen, DO
George O. Faerber, DO
Elias P. Farri, DO !
Mitchell Horenstein, DO
Gerald M. Ketner, DO
Philip Pearlstein, DO !
Andrew A. Pecora, DO !
Julian W. Potok, DO
Rio A. Sferrazza, DO
Robert M. Smith, DO * !
Carl R. Spease, DO !
Donald R. Stoltz, DO !
Lorraine C. Watts-Klouw, DO +
Total Giving: $29,200
Julius Barkow, DO
William M. Bernard, DO * !
James H. Black, DO * !
Merritt G. Davis, Jr., DO
Ronald J. D’Orazio, DO !
Allen M. Fellows, DO *
Bernard Goldstein, DO * !
Robert S. Maurer, DO * !
Alan J. Miller, DO
J. Chase Rand, DO
Robert A. Renza, DO !
Albert M. Sarkessian, DO
Seymour Schlossberg, DO * !
David E. Schooley, DO !
Melvin L. Turner, DO
Murray Zedeck, DO * !
Total Giving: $9,775
Joel P. Amidon, DO
Stuart C. Baer, DO !
Norman F. C. Baker, DO !
Seth W. Brown, DO
Vincent A. DeMuro, Sr., DO *
Allan Goldberg, DO * !
Tom H. Kilmer, DO
James J. Manlandro, DO *
Harvey M. Spector, DO * !
Total Giving: $11,149
Irving B. Aronow, DO
Martin D. Bascove, DO
C. Leonard Catinella, DO
Donald R. Furci, DO !
Gerald Jacobs, DO
Bernard D. Kelberg, DO
Irving J. Klein, DO
Paul G. Kushner, DO !
Charles W. Lowney, DO *
Allen B. Myers, DO
Louis J. Petrie, DO !
Michael Podolsky, DO
Harvey A. Salem, DO !
F. Kenneth Shockley, DO * !
Stanford A. Shor, DO
Michael H. Singer, DO
David I. Skole, DO !
Lynn F. Sumerson, DO, MSc
Darvin K. Suter, DO
Stanley J. Travis, Jr., DO *
Herbert A. Zemble, DO !
Total Giving: $8,075
Robert A. Ball, DO !
James F. Conroy, DO
Clifton W. Fisher, DO !
Joseph M. Hassman, DO *
Thomas H. Henderson, DO
Irwin Jacobson, DO
Neil M. Kantor, DO
Vincent Lobo, Jr., DO * !
William Lozinger, Jr., DO + * !
Robert M. Mandell, DO
Gerald L. Melamut, DO * !
Frank P. Tutterice, DO
Frederick Uberti, DO
Michael A. Walder, DO !
Total Giving: $5,900
Peter F. Arino, DO
Berel B. Arrow, DO
John T. Barbagiovanni, Sr., DO
Elliot Blau, DO
Ronald Cowen, DO * !
Ralph E. Fishkin, DO
Donald J. Fruchtman, DO
Alvin M. Pressman, DO
Thomas A. Quinn, DO
Norman F. Ruttenberg, DO
Kerwin H. Seiden, DO
Edward A. Slotnick, DO
Harvey J. Yorker, DO !
Total Giving: $20,250
Vivian M. Barsky, DO
Ronald R. Blanck, DO * !
John F. Callahan, DO !
Michael Cordas, Jr., DO * !
Leonard C. Giunta, DO *
Kirk L. Hilliard, Jr., DO !
Lillian M. Hynes-Longendorfer,
DO !
Joseph D. Kalowsky, DO *
Sherman N. Leis, DO !
Ronald T. Meltzer, DO
Gene W. Miller, DO
John R. Socey, DO * !
Sheldon P. Wagman, DO * !
Total Giving: $5,950
Ashley Joel Angert, DO !
Marjorie A. Angert, DO !
V. Paul Bertrand, DO
George L. Bradley, Jr., DO !
J. P. Clymer, DO !
L. George Hershey, DO
Sheldon P. Kerner, DO * !
Joseph Kessler, DO
Howard R. Levy, DO
Noel L. Melhorn, DO !
Carl Mogil, DO
Joel E. Noel, DO
Alfred J. Poggi, DO !
Barry J. Rosen, DO
Bernard S. Sobel, DO
James N. Stengel, DO
Total Giving: $31,625
Ronald D. Abraham, DO *
Eugene S. Balkovec, DO
David A. Bevan, DO + * !
Steven L. Edell, DO *
Steven B. Glickfield, DO !
Barry M. Hoffman, DO !
Robert D. Ligorsky, DO
Harry E. Manser, Jr., DO, MBA
Mark K. Radbill, DO !
Morris I. Rossman, DO * !
John G. Shutack, DO *
E. F. Joseph Siebold, DO !
Richard C. Simmers, Jr., DO
Donald C. Tilton, DO *
Stuart M. Topkis, DO !
M. Jay Wexler, DO
Barclay M. Wilson, DO !
Total Giving: $14,700
John W. Becher, DO * !
David H. Blom, DO
Bartholomew A. Butta, DO +
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO * !
Dennis W. Franks, DO
Vincent D. Glielmi, DO
Jon M. Greif, DO
Louis C. Haenel, III, DO !
Joseph C. Hummel, DO * !
Edwin A. Jensen, DO
William T. Keweshan, DO
James C. Miller, DO !
William J. Moors, DO !
Herman W. Palat, DO
Gerald H. Skobinsky, DO
C. Richard Smith, Jr., DO
Michael W. Tieff, DO
Total Giving: $19,740
David C. Brown, DO
Michael E. Dalsey, DO *
Barry I. Eisenberg, DO
Mark B. Fishtein, DO
David D. Goldberg, DO !
Kenneth E. Kratzer, DO
Paul M. Kupperstein, DO
Pat A. Lannutti, DO * !
Richard A. Mauceri, DO * !
Douglas A. Ockrymiek, DO * !
Thomas J. Puskas, DO
Richard A. Renza, DO * !
Darryl A. Robbins, DO !
Paul W. Sauers, DO * !
Donald V. J. Sesso, DO
Leon Smith, DO
Robert R. Speer, DO * !
Maxwell Stepanuk, Jr., DO
Paul W. Taylor, DO !
Howard A. Weinblatt, DO, MD
Ira S. Wertheimer, DO !
Merritt B. White, DO
Total Giving: $21,312
Jonathan E. Beck, DO
David L. Berndt, DO
Seymour H. Block, DO !
Stephen L. Burnstein, DO !
John C. Carlson, DO !
Mark S. Cooperstein, DO
Richard M. Coppola, DO
Thomas E. Currie, DO * !
Larry I. Gilderman, DO * !
Roy L. Gorin, DO * !
Matthew F. Gutowicz, Jr., DO
Carol J. Henderson-Neri, DO
Mitchell B. Lowenstein, DO
Francis E. Meyers, DO
G. Bruce Miles, DO
Michael I. Miller, DO *
Donald Wesley Minteer, Jr., DO !
Martin T. Rasp, DO !
James C. Ricely, DO
Gregory P. Samano, DO !
Paul M. Spector, DO *
Joseph H. Stewart, III, DO
Joan M. Watkins, DO
Total Giving: $11,825
Raymond A. Adelizzi, DO
Harvey V. Apple, DO !
Allen L. Axe, DO !
John M. Brooks, DO !
David P. Chernicoff, DO
John C. Chiesa, DO !
Harry L. Faust, Jr., DO
Mark A. Illfelder, DO !
Robert J. Labaczewski, DO * !
Dominic J. Laganella, DO
Stuart D. Levy, DO !
Ronald J. Librizzi, DO *
Anthony J. Lopresti, DO
Richard F. Lutinski, DO !
Chester J. Madzelan, DO
Marilyn F. Marcus, DO
Jeffrey J. Maron, DO !
Joseph J. Mayberry, DO !
John P. McLaughlin, DO * !
Robert A. Promisloff, DO !
Ralph G. Rainey, DO
Thomas L. Rapp, DO
Gary L. Saltus, DO
Robert C. Scott, DO !
John S. Stevens, Jr., DO *
Richard D. Sulman, DO !
Timothy R. Toward, DO
David E. Weiss, DO
Total Giving: $9,658
Harvey S. Benn, DO !
H. William Bonekat, DO !
William E. Carroll, DO !
Jerry A. Cohen, DO
Larry W. Cohen, DO ‘74, MBA !
Charles E. Darowish, DO
Norman A. Dean, DO !
Henry R. DiTommaso, DO
Andrew F. Drake, DO
Michael Jon Feinstein, DO * !
Harry P. Flanagan, III, DO
Carl A. Hoffman, Jr., DO *
Steven Katz, DO *
C. Roger Kendrick, DO !
Arnold S. Kremer, DO
James A. McLaughlin, DO
Alan L. Meshekow, DO
Barry M. Montague, DO
Francis X. Murray, Jr., DO
Lester A. Ruppersberger, DO
Stephen E. Sacks, DO
Maurice Singer, DO
Edward A. Styduhar, Jr., DO * !
Marc E. Tennenbaum, DO !
Nicholas D. Tretta, Jr., DO * !
George D. Vermeire, DO !
Total Giving: $16,887
Gary A. Agia, DO *
Lawrence K. Alwine, DO
Eugene Andruczyk, DO !
Frank M. Banks, DO
Bruce C. Bayles, DO
William F. Brennan, DO !
James P. Dwyer, DO *
Dennis L. Eckels, DO * !
Philip Getson, DO
Howard L. Glass, DO
Barry J. Hennessey, DO
Wayne A. Hey, DO *
George C. Hochreiter, DO
Henry J. Kneidinger, DO !
Roy M. Kring, DO
Paul P. McCaffrey, DO !
Alexander S. Nicholas, DO * !
Anthony E. Niescier, DO *
Frank J. Papa, Jr., DO
John M. Parschauer, DO !
Richard A. Pascucci, DO * !
James F. Quigley, DO
Lance E. Radbill, DO
Steven M. Snyder, DO !
David M. Spratt, DO !
B. Richard Stiles, DO
Elliott H. Willis, DO
Allen J. Zagoren, DO
Total Giving: $18,200
Harlan E. Abbott, Jr., DO
Ralph E. Aldinger, Jr., DO
Vincent E. Baldino, DO !
Neil J. Belgiano, DO
Robert H. Biggs, DO * !
Michael H. Borek, DO
Neil M. Cohen, DO
David V. Condoluci, DO !
N. Charles Diakon, DO
Barbara D. Dougherty, DO
Joel B. Edelstein, DO
Theodore S. Eisenberg, DO !
Trudie J. Ellenberger, DO !
Stephen N. Finberg, DO !
John M. Flinchbaugh, DO
Charles R. Grubb, DO
William R. Henwood, DO * !
Edward E. Janus, DO
George K. Kamajian, II, DO
C. Cristine Kremer, DO
Arnold S. Lincow, DO
Robert McAndrew, DO !
Arthur G. Nahas, DO
Robert P. Oristaglio, Jr., DO
Edward H. Ridings, III, DO
William M. Silverman, DO
Ira Spitzer, DO
Robert A. Stagliano, DO
Rudd B. Thabes, DO
Kenneth J. Veit, DO, MBA * !
Calvin L. Vermeire, DO
Timothy R. Young, DO *
Total Giving: $250,275
Linda P. Augelli-Hodor, DO
Edward P. Balaban, DO * !
Robert J. Bell, DO !
George Bonafino, DO
Stephen K. Brinley, DO
Scott R. Burg, DO
Mario D’Alessandro, Jr., DO *
Gilbert E. D’Alonzo, Jr., DO
Carl G. DiJoseph, DO, PhD
William D. Haberstroh, DO
Suzanne K. Kelley, DO * !
David H. Krahe, DO * !
Anthony M. Landis, DO
Robert I. Lewis, DO * !
Jerry M. Littlefield, DO *
Christian J. Losch, III, DO
Edward L. Lundy, DO !
Barry L. Marks, DO !
Thomas E. Martin, DO
David M. Masiak, DO !
John M. Massaro, DO
Allan R. Mayer, DO
Joan L. Moore, DO !
Joseph M. Pascuzzo, DO
Ronald L. Pope, DO * !
Paul F. Remick, DO !
Michael A. Resnick, DO !
Michael C. Saltzburg, DO * !
Wayne E. Schuricht, DO
+ Deceased | * $1,000+ donors | ! Blue Ribbon
Alan B. Sommers, DO !
Edward J. Strauss, DO
Richard A. Strulson, DO
H. Sprague Taveau, IV, DO,
MBA * !
Daniel T. Tell, DO
Melvin Z. Twersky, DO
Norman E. Vinn, DO
Michael A. Washinsky, DO * !
Daniel D. Wert, Jr., DO !
Jan N. Widerman, DO
Michael I. Wiener, DO *
Frank C. Yartz, DO
Total Giving: $38,402
Anonymous * !
Andrew M. Alloy, DO !
Kevin G. Barber, DO *
David A. Baron, DO
Walter D. Beam, DO * !
Robert L. Bentz, DO
Martin Blume, DO !
Joseph A. Cable, DO
Robert G. Covett, DO !
Dolores Daczkowski Cilley, DO !
Lorraine M. DiSipio, DO !
Kenneth Ellis, DO
John K. Eshleman, DO
Joseph Farrell, DO * !
Cynthia A. Gabrielli, DO !
Samuel J. Garloff, DO
Wayne S. Garraway, DO !
Ernest R. Gelb, DO *
Robert D. Gober, DO * !
Leon E. Gosciniak, DO
Vernne Wetzel Greiner, DO
George R. Homa, DO * !
Paul M. Imber, DO
Henry J. Karcsh, DO !
Bruce Kornberg, DO * !
Thomas R. LeMasters, DO *
Madeleine L. Long, DO, MD !
David M. Loss, DO *
John F. Manfredonia, DO
John J. McPhilemy, DO
Maria W. Michell, DO *
Harry J. Morris, III, DO * !
George F. Reeher, DO !
Domenick N. Ronco, DO * !
Richard B. Russell, Jr., DO !
Alan H. Scott, DO !
James A. M. Smith, DO !
David R. Tomazic, DO !
Kenneth A. Unice, DO !
R. Curtis Waligura, DO !
Total Giving: $26,855
Mark D. Avart, DO *
John J. Bowden, Jr., DO *
Edward C. Brennan, DO * !
Thomas W. Cerato, DO * !
Ronald A. Cohen, DO
Edward J. Cullen, DO
Alfred R. D’Angelo, DO
Michael J. Davidson, DO
Drake P. DeHart, DO * !
Walter C. Ehrenfeuchter, DO * !
Paul Evans, DO
James W. Fitzpatrick, DO !
Bruce B. Frantz, DO
Daniel E. Gooding, DO
James H. Gronemeyer, DO
Dennis M. Guest, DO
Robert E. Hallworth, DO !
Lynwood W. Hammers, DO *
Robert J. Hynick, DO
Samuel G. Joseph, DO
Nelson P. Kopyt, DO !
Bonnie Lynn Lehman, DO * !
Jeri L. Miller, DO
Jeanne M. Patterson-Cohen, DO
Susan D. Peck, DO
Darrell W. Petz, DO
Theresa C. Power, DO
Stacey A. Robertson, DO !
Alexander E. Rodi, Jr., DO * !
Barry L. Smith, DO
Steven M. Smith, DO !
Carol L. St. George, DO
Christine A. Sturm, DO * !
William B. Swallow, DO *
Kenneth J. Toff, DO
Richard L. Turner, DO
Thomas A. Tylman, DO !
Stephen F. Uhlman, DO !
Patrick J. Vlahos, DO
William A. Wewer, DO
Total Giving: $29,325
Isaiah J. Abney, DO
Benjamin Abraham, DO
Beverly J. Anarumo, DO
Raymond B. Attolino, DO
Gary K. Augter, MS, DO
George K. Avetian, DO
Roberta R. Ball, DO !
Dennis G. Bechini, DO
Albert J. Belli, Jr., DO *
Brooks Betts, II, DO !
Nicholas O. Biasotto, DO
William M. Bird, DO
David A. Bitonte, DO, MBA,
MPH * !
Scott A. Boydman, DO
Bernard S. Cieniawa, DO *
William W. Clendenen, DO
Robert B. Contrucci, DO
Gary W. Eden, DO
Steven J. Fagan, DO !
Mark S. Finkelstein, DO, M.Sc.
Marc A. Freed, DO
David S. Friedenberg, DO !
Patti B. Garbeil, DO
Phillip C. Ginsberg DO, M.Sc.
Terry J. Golden, DO
Michelle B. Hobson, DO * !
James D. Hogue, DO
Anthony Iaccarino, DO * !
Eugene J. Klifto, DO !
Don A. Koenigsberg, DO !
Joseph M. Kosakoski, Jr., DO !
Joan C. Lambert, DO * !
Joyce D. Leonetti, DO
G. Lee Lerch, Jr., DO *
Richard N. Levrault, DO !
Brent Vaughn Long, DO !
William E. Longenecker, DO
Michael F. Lurakis, DO *
Denise M. Medwick, DO *
Gerald R. Medwick, DO *
Jane G. Murphy, DO
Gregory W. Natello, DO
Stephen G. Paxson, DO
Bernyce Peplowski, DO
Raymond J. Perez, DO
L. Donald Randino, DO *
Ira C. Sachs, DO
Victor J. Scali, DO
Saul E. Schreiber, DO !
Paul D. Seltzer, DO
Michael F. Shank, DO !
Maryellen Stemmer, DO
Leslie Tadzynski Shur, DO
Kathleen M. Tylman, DO !
Steven W. Zebert, DO
Total Giving: $15,077
Robert J. Aitken, DO
Sharon Segal Alloy, DO !
Richard B. Antosek, DO
Eileen M. Arnold, DO !
Robert I. Barsky, DO
John M. Bauman, DO
Bernard J. Bernacki, DO * !
Gerard D. Brown, DO !
Joseph J. Calabro, DO *
Gregory E. Cali, DO
Neil A. Capretto, DO !
Nicholas P. Chiumento, DO
Frank D. DiCenzo, III, DO
Kenneth K. Doroski, DO !
Henry J. Dubiel, DO *
Gerald E. Dworkin, DO * !
Marguerite A. Erme, DO, MPH !
Jay S. Feldstein, DO *
Brad E. Green, DO
Joseph L. Herson, III, DO !
Dennis L. Iaccarino, DO * !
Susan I. Kaufman, DO !
Fred K. Khalouf, DO *
William L. Kliefoth, Jr., DO
Bryan W. Kluck, DO *
William J. Krajcirik, Jr., DO !
Brendan J. Lee, Jr., DO !
William C. LeMasters, DO *
David I. Lubin, DO
Thomas G. Majernick, DO !
John Z. McDonald, DO *
Stephen E. McNulty, DO
Gerald T. Mehalick, DO
Pamela Giliberto Mehalick, DO
Nancy A. Mondero, DO
Lawrence M. Neustadter, DO !
Evan A. Nicholas, DO !
Michael Pawlowsky, DO * !
Julia M. Pillsbury, DO *
John H. Potomski, Jr., DO
Mary Previty, DO
Carol S. Ramsey, DO *
David M. Roda, DO !
Alexander Rosenau, DO !
Arthur J. Sesso, DO * !
Gail E. Shirley, DO *
Nicholas J. Spagnola, DO !
Vincent P. Sustersic, DO !
Michael S. Taptykoff, DO !
Larry W. Todd, DO
Christine R. Viola, DO
Robert N. Yanoshak, DO !
William P. Zipperer, Jr., DO
Total Giving: $33,299
Michael J. Allshouse, DO
Michael G. Alt, DO *
Barry L. Bakst, DO *
Joseph J. Blasiol, DO !
John L. Bobby, DO *
Abby S. Brodkin, DO
John R. Bucholtz, DO *
G. Chris Christensen, III, DO
Nate F. DeLisi, DO
Mark T. DiMarcangelo, DO, M.Sc.
Gustav R. Eles, DO
Cindy Fine, DO
Daniel M. Finelli, DO
Lorraine G. Finelli, DO
Gloria T. Fioravanti, DO !
Scot A. Fisher, DO * !
Mitchell K. Freedman, DO !
Albert R. Fritz, III, DO
David N. Geiger, DO !
Susan M. Geiger, DO !
Richard A. Greco, Sr DO *
Jeanne E. Grove, DO *
Joseph G. Gunselman, DO *
Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO * !
Dennis R. Kapp, DO !
Denise P. Karasic, DO !
Julia M. Kennedy, DO
James V. Kiernan, DO !
Robert A. Koenigsberg, DO
Joseph J. Lawrence, DO
Kathleen C. Lewis, DO * !
Mark J. Lobitz, DO *
Jere J. Mammino, DO !
Robert C. Martin, DO
William J. Meis, DO *
Claudia M. Petruncio, DO
John H. Polak, DO
Richard F. Salmon, DO !
Joseph V. Salvia, Jr., DO !
Kenneth W. Schor, DO
Raymond D. Seifert, DO
Eva Placentra-Sesso, DO *
Anthony J. Silvagni, DO,
PharmD, MSc * !
Judith M. Stranko-Richard, DO !
Marlene B. Terlingo, DO !
William E. Vail, DO !
Anthony A. Vasile, Sr., DO !
Mark S. Williams, DO
Jeffrey A. Yocum, DO
Total Giving: $52,062
Robert K. Aichele, Jr., DO
William J. Artz, Jr., DO
Locke W. Barber, DO
Ronald M. Bishop, DO
Thomas A. Boyle, DO !
Nancy E. Braese, DO * !
Janet Lynn Brown, DO !
Patrick J. Carey, DO !
Jeffrey R. Crawford, DO
Lisa M. Crawford, DO
Jeffrey D. Cushman, DO !
Mark E. Delowery, DO, MPH *
David P. Deysher, DO
Michael A. Donegan, DO !
Larry P. Doroshow, DO
Darlene Ann M. Dunay, DO * !
Thomas Christian Falvo, DO, MBA
Neil W. Fisher, DO !
Norma Jeanne Flack, DO *
Lisa M. Frison, DO
David J. Gomeringer, DO
Dominick A. Grosso, DO *
Carol L. Henwood, DO * !
Starr M. Kearney, DO
Stephen Kruk, DO
David M. Lasorda, DO
Mark R. Leone, DO *
Joseph P. Lewcun, DO
Mark M. Maus, DO
Kevin R. Melnick, DO
Deborah J. Mistal, DO
Tina M. Petillo, DO
James E. Phillips, DO !
John E. Prior, DO
Thomas Renaldo, DO *
Robert A. Schamberger, DO
David J. Sevitski, DO !
William E. Shiels, II, DO + *
Jerry M. Trachtenberg, DO
Mark E. Triana, DO *
Rosemary E. Vickers, DO !
Michael J. Voyack, DO !
Cynthia M. Williams, DO *
Francis J. Yanoviak, DO
Mary Zygmunt, DO
Total Giving: $59,876
Vincent R. Avallone, Jr., DO !
Michael B. Band, DO
Alfonso J. Barbati, DO * !
Catherine Barone, DO !
James Batcheller, DO
Hal S. Bendit, DO * !
David R. Birch, DO
Lee M. Blatstein, DO *
Deborah A. Bren, DO * !
Anthony Brown, DO
H. Kennedy Cathcart, DO * !
David Coffey, DO *
Dominick A. Commodaro, DO
Maria F. Daly, DO !
John J. Danek, DO
Craig B. Danshaw, DO * !
Octavio De Los Reyes, DO
Thomas M. Fox, DO
Gregory R. Frailey, DO * !
Jane K. Garnjost, DO !
John C. Green, DO
Donna M. Hendrie, DO !
Mark Jones, DO
Gary R. Kania, DO !
Patrick J. Kerrigan, DO *
Richard D. Kimmel, DO
Marianne Krouk, DO
Elizabeth M. Layhe, DO
Steven W. Melhorn, DO !
Daniel E. Oberdick, Sr., DO
Lawrence Paolini, DO * !
Elaine G. Pendrak, DO
Joseph A. Pion, DO
Joseph P. Quintiliani, DO !
Vanessa A. Ragland-Payne, DO *
Mark P. Robbins, DO
Terry A. Robison, DO
Aaron Schwartz, DO
Debra K. Spatz, DO !
William J. Strowhouer, DO * !
Paul V. Suhey, DO * !
Kathleen E. Sweeney, DO *
David S. Tabby, DO
Richard B. Tancer, DO * !
Peter W. Taraschi, DO !
Edward A. Tomkin, DO *
Ronald P. Willoughby, DO !
Total Giving: $27,688
Anonymous (3)
Walter J. Adamek, DO *
Kenneth B. Batts, DO
Eileen P. Beale, DO !
Charles H. Bell, DO
Timothy S. Brooks, DO !
Janelle L. Brumbaugh, DO !
Randall Brundage, DO !
Carl D. Burnett, III, DO *
Ellen D. Conroy, DO
Charles E. D’Auria, DO
Mary L. D’Auria, DO
Izola David, DO !
John F. DeCarli, DO
Robert O. Detweiler, DO
Eileen DiGregorio, DO
Duane P. Dilling, DO
John DiPastina, DO *
Rebecca A. Druash, DO
Stephen T. Fisher, DO * !
Erin M. Fly-Mitchell, DO
Elliot Gevis, DO
Howard M. Goldman, DO !
Leonard S. Goldsmith, DO
James F. Guenther, DO *
Keith W. Harrison, DO *
Leilani L. Heller-Dimmig, DO +
Debra K. Hermany, DO
David M. Heyman, DO !
John J. Kelly, Jr., DO * !
Jeffrey T. Kirchner, DO
David C. Koronkiewicz, DO *
Thomas M. Laton, DO
Jonathan Levyn, DO !
Byron A. Littlefield, DO
Julia T. Mathos, DO
Thor C. Mathos, DO
Ralph D. Mazzochetti, DO !
Wayne G. Miller, DO
Salvatore A. Moscatello, DO
Joan Sureck Naidorf, DO
Sandra Nairn, DO *
Daniel S. Noyes, DO
Joseph P. Olekszyk, DO *
Ronald Paolini, DO !
Keith J. Parowski, DO
Nicholas J. Placentra, Jr., DO
Deborah Popowich, DO
Carol K. Robison, DO * !
Dana C. Shaffer, DO * !
Gregory J. Smolin, DO
Richard M. Troum, DO
Ronald M. Unice, DO
Laverne R. Van deWall, DO
Scott M. Weaner, DO
Elaine Lombardi Wilk, DO
Total Giving: $42,340
James T. Arscott, DO
Karen E. Arscott, DO, M.Sc.
Mark D. Baker, DO
James M. Bonner, DO * !
David M. Brill, DO !
Bonnie W. Catalano, DO
Philip J. Cinelli, DO
T. J. Citta-Pietrolungo, DO * !
Bruce A. Colley, DO !
Samuel J. Daisley, DO *
Mary Anne Damiani, DO
Mary C. DeJoseph, DO
Paul M. DeJoseph, DO
John J. Dermigny, DO * !
William R. Dickerman, DO
Denise A. DiPrimio-Kalman, DO *
Jon S. Fisher, DO *
Arnold B. Glassman, DO
Steven D. Grejda, DO
Elissa F. Hassman, DO
Stephen J. Hittman, DO *
Peter R. Honig, DO
Nancy Jeffries, DO
Victor R. Kalman, DO *
Larry M. Kjeldgaard, DO *
Drew A. Koch, DO
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO * !
David L. Lohin, DO *
Susan Pillarella Magargee, DO
Thomas N. Marino, DO
Thomas M. Mextorf, DO * !
Robert G. Michelini, DO
Jane Siehl Moore, DO * !
Mark E. Moran, DO *
Gary D. Nothstein, DO !
Beth Ann O’Grady, DO
Timothy Ott, DO
Bradley S. Parlin, DO
Douglas B. Paul, DO * !
Frank L. Reusche, III, DO
Donald H. Rosenbaum, Jr.,
DO * !
John C. Sefter, DO *
Mary Jeanne Spinosi, DO !
Joseph J. Szustak, DO
Deebeanne M. Tavani, DO, PhD
Carol Unice, DO
Daniel J. Vile, DO *
Mark T. Watkins, DO
Paul D. Williams, DO !
Michael J. Zawisza, DO
Howard R. Zveitel, DO
Total Giving: $32,503
James G. Arnone, DO !
Lawrence I. Barr, DO
Michael A. Becker, DO * !
Elliott Bilofsky, DO *
Vicki L. Bralow, DO
Thomas P. Brown, DO !
Linda M. Case, DO
Joseph P. Collins, Jr., DO
H. William Craver, III, DO * !
Philip L. Ehrig, DO * !
Glenn T. Elliott, DO
Ronald P. Emmi, DO
Katherine C. Erlichman, DO * !
Janis Fegley, DO * !
Larry N. Finkelstein, DO !
Brian G. Friedrich, DO !
Richard C. Gaibler, DO
Jean Golden-Tevald, DO
Robert Hannum, III, DO
Violet A. Henighan, DO
Gregory W. Higbee, DO * !
Suzanne L. Huffnagle, DO !
H. Jane Huffnagle-Marchesano,
DO !
Richard E. Johnson, DO * !
Robert S. Jones, DO
Kevin W. Kist, Jr., DO
David M. Kruszewski, DO
Anne-Marie Liszka, DO !
William E. Long, DO
Lorie Loreman, DO !
John F. Lozowski, DO *
John J. Moore, DO
Tanja Keller O’Connor, DO
Brian C. Parsells, DO
Michael L. Peck, DO
Gwendolyn A. Poles-Corker, DO
Stephen A. Pulley, DO *
Paul A. Saloky, DO
Stanley J. Savinese, DO
Frances Sirico-Kelly, DO
Jack L. Snitzer, DO
Alan B. Swinger, DO
Clifford H. Threlkeld, DO
Steven A. Topfer, DO *
Fred G. Wenger, Jr., DO !
Total Giving: $15,762
Debra J.Attinello-Molbegott, DO
Mark D. Beyer, DO !
Jacqueline F. Cain, DO * !
Carman A. Ciervo, DO
Todd Cousins, DO
Mark A. DeMasi, DO
+ Deceased | * $1,000+ donors | ! Blue Ribbon
James Fierro, DO * !
William John Furey, DO
James Gentile, DO
John R. Gimpel, MEd, DO
Marla DePolo Golden, DO
Derek I. Grossman, DO
Lillian Hwee, DO *
Valerie L. Jewells-Summers, DO
Karel A. Keiter, DO
Alexander P. Kovanko, DO
Stephen J. Kushner, DO !
Eric M. Lipnack, DO *
Christopher J. Lucas, DO
Mark H. Masteller, DO
Allan M. McLeod, DO, JD,
MBA * !
A. Scott McNeal, DO *
Marta Motel, DO * !
Gregory G. Papadeas, DO
Joshua A. Rabinowitz, DO
Laura F. Robin, DO
Robert R. Rodak, DO
John S. Ruskey, DO
Herbert M. Schecter, DO
Suzanne B. Smith-Elekes, DO
Steven L. Spivak, DO !
Anna M. Supon, DO
Debra S. Weiss, DO
Paul S. Zeitz, DO
Sharon Zellis, DO !
Total Giving: $54,820
David E. Albrecht, Jr., DO *
Mark A. Amalfitano, DO
Craig J. Anmuth, DO
Garo C. Avetian, DO
J. Mark Battin, DO * !
Thomas J. Bell, DO
J. Steven Blake, DO, M.Sc. * !
Robert D. Bricker, DO !
Michael A. Chiusano, DO
Todd S. Cohen, DO
John E. Connelly, DO !
Peter J. Coveleski, DO
Catherine C. N. Dowling, DO
Edward N. Fishman, DO !
Kere J. Frey, DO
Coy B. Fullen, DO
David J. Garry, DO
Anestis Gianitsos, DO
Harris Gratz, DO
Anthony J. Guarracino, DO !
Patrick J. Hanley, DO
Peter Hannon, DO
Elizabeth A. Jackovic, DO
Gary Frederick Kolarik, DO *
Paul M. Kosmorsky, DO
John F. McCarthy, DO
Beckie Michael, DO * !
Mark A. Monaco, DO !
Renee D. Morrow-Connelly,
DO !
Mark A. Nartatez, DO *
Philip A. Neiderer, DO
Cathy J. Parsells, DO
Bill J. Pesce, DO * !
Elsira M. Pina, DO *
Andrew S. Poulshock, DO
Judith R. Pryblick, DO
Marylou J. Rainone, DO !
Christine Blobe Redmann, DO
Andrea J. Richard, DO !
Elizabeth E. Ruskey, DO
Carolyn G. Ryan, DO !
Vincent G. Sacco, DO !
Kirsten A. Santianni, DO
Conrad J. Sarnecki, Jr., DO !
David R. Shober, DO * !
Michele M. Shober, DO * !
Coleen M. Smith, DO
Mary Jo Golden Thomson, DO !
Margot L. Waitz, DO !
John R. Ward, DO
Marie J. Warner, DO
Mark R. Zohoury, DO *
Total Giving: $19,115
Irma L. Bensinger, DO
Seth R. Bernard, DO
Andrew Cykiert, DO !
C. Robert Damico, DO
Kurt G. Datz, DO *
Donald J. DeBrakeleer, DO
Lynne M. DeBrakeleer, DO
Christopher J. Droogan, DO !
Robert P. Finkelstein, DO
Manuel A. Fonseca, DO
Mary A. Forester, DO
Cheryl L. Gardner, DO
Christine M. Garvin-Tressel, DO
Stephen F. Gold, DO
Joanne Goshow-Harris, DO
Mark R. Harris, DO
Lawrence D. Hochman, DO *
Dwight C. Johnson, DO
Barbara M. Juriga, DO
Michael J. Kenneson, DO
Paul J. Lapoint, DO *
Robert L. Lipshutz, DO *
Kenneth A. Liss, DO
James T. Little, DO !
Arthur J. McDermet, DO !
John W. McGrath, Jr., DO *
Joseph J. Melvin, DO
Andrew P. Pecora, DO
Andrea D. Pedano, DO
Inna Pendrak, DO
Joseph L. Perez, DO !
Michael J. Pisano, III, DO
Laurel A. Retay, DO
Robert J. Richter, DO
Howard M. Robinson, DO,
MHA * !
Howard J. Sadinsky, DO
Kevin C. Westra, DO
Michael G. Wolford, DO *
Stephen J. Yanoshak, DO, M.Sc. *
Total Giving: $15,625
Joseph E. Albert, DO
Richard T. Arriviello, DO *
Mari Blackburn, DO * !
Randi E. Braman, DO
O. Stephen Bunnell, DO
Norman M. Callahan, III, DO
Jeanine M. Compesi, DO !
Robert A. Crossey, DO
Hema A. P. Dave, DO
Douglas P. Dietzel, DO
Richard E. Gold, DO
James A. Groff, DO
Joshua S. Krassen, DO
David P. Krewson, DO
Joseph Mangel, DO !
Guy R. Moscato, DO
Luke G. Nelligan, DO * !
Gary M. Pryblick, DO
James E. Rasinsky, DO !
Melissa Neumann Schwartz,
DO * !
Timothy J. Sempowski, DO
Christine M. Zador Silverman, DO
Joseph J. Stella, DO
Timothy B. Stonesifer, DO !
Lee Ann Van Houten-Sauter, DO
Anne C. Ward, DO
James M. Williams, DO *
Total Giving: $8,825
Andrea Barbier, DO
Gene M. Battistella, DO
Wade A. Brosius, DO
Susan K. Ciampaglia, DO
Debra A. DeAngelo, DO
Robert A. DeColli, Jr., DO
Michael J. Duzy, DO
Elena Ruzzi Farrell, DO * !
Maryanne Freeman Brndjar, DO
Ronald Gruzin, DO
Robert K. Ilowite, DO
Angela G. Knestaut, DO
Daniel J. Kupas, DO !
Judith A. Lightfoot, DO *
Helen M. McCullough-Duzy, DO
Cynthia A. Nitschmann-Schmoll, DO
Shilpa R. Pradhan, DO !
Robert B. Quinby, DO
Leon Rapko, DO
Lisa E. Robertson, DO
Todd C. Schmoll, DO
Brian K. Steele, DO
David A. Wald, DO
Joyce Wanglee Wald, DO
Denise Wisely, DO
David L. Zack, DO !
Total Giving: $28,118
Anonymous (3)
Gary Bonfante, DO
Adam J. Burick, DO
Theresa D. Burick, DO
David J. Chesner, DO
Kimberly Legg Corba, DO
Robert J. Corba, DO
Paul Dubiel, DO !
Linda J. Fagan, DO * !
Beth A. Bingaman, DO
Brian C. Keeley, DO
Nasreen M. Khan, DO *
Warren K. Land, DO
Tara L. Lorence, DO
Donald C. Maharty, DO
Stephen M. Massood, DO
Supriya Massood, DO
Mary Beth A. O’Hara, DO
Anita M. Ott, DO
William A. Ott, DO
John E. Salus, DO
Lucyann M. Sciandra, DO *
Karen L. Smith-Silone, DO
Brian R. Snyder, DO
Brian J. Stark, DO
Kathleen Lawlor Stark, DO
Scott W. Sterling, DO
Total Giving: $7,100
Cecil B. Akiwumi, DO
Connie S. Anderson, DO * !
Ava Marie Salerno Conlin, DO,
Angela M. Darrup, DO
Chris J. Darrup, DO
Nicholas A. DeAngelo, DO
Edward G. Dempsey, MBA/DO
Mary E. Diamond, DO
Anthony J. Ferretti, DO
Edwin L. Fuentes, DO *
Kelly A. Geary, DO
Dawn M. Kennedy-Little, DO !
Stephen W. Law, DO
William J. Liaw, DO !
Maria Matala-Sullivan, DO !
Ronald A. Monack, DO
Amy J. Nation, DO
Clement A. Ogunwande, DO
Larry W. Spector, DO
Frank E. Szumski, DO
Hovik Taymoorian, DO
Wendy A. Wiese, DO
Steven U. Wolf, DO !
Total Giving: $20,310
John T. Barbagiovanni, II, DO *
Andrea M. DeSantis Barkley,
DO !
Joseph C. Bognet, DO !
John B. Bulger, DO ‘95, MBA * !
Dean J. DePerro, DO * !
R. Keith Felstead, DO
Frances A. Feudale, DO
James Joseph Gilhool, DO * !
Jennifer Graham-Achmoody, DO
Kathleen E. Heer, DO
Edward Eric Horvath, DO
Leah J. Jones, DO
Arthur J. Jordan, Jr., DO *
Michelle A. Kearney, DO
Mary V. Krueger, DO
Lori Lange, DO
Fred W. Lindsay, DO
Yvonne R. Lowne, DO
Gerald V. Maloney, DO
Theresa M. March, DO !
Terri L. Murphy, DO
Linda A. Nadwodny, DO !
John Joseph Orris, MBA/DO * !
Evelyn M. Parish, DO
William H. Phillips, DO !
Emily M. Pressley, DO !
Elizabeth A. Shandor, DO
David D. Skillinge, DO
Lori A. Spoor, DO
Kerri A. Taylor, DO
Corwin A. Thomas, DO
Jay D. Varrato, DO !
Stephen E. Young, DO
Heidi J. Yutzler-Overton, DO
Jane A. Zendarski, DO
Total Giving: $10,316
Curtis W. Byrnes, DO
Maureen B. Conroy, MBA/DO
Richard R. Cunningham, DO
David L. Cute, DO !
Patricia McHugh Giordano, DO
Joshua E. Goldberg, DO !
Lisa N. Gray, DO *
Howard M. Hammer, DO *
Joanne E. Hullings, DO * !
Kelly A. Kane, DO
David M. Koerner, DO
Charles J. Kovalchick, DO !
David Kuo, DO !
Mark A. Kwartowitz, DO
Brian K. Lang, DO
Richard C. Lorenzo, Jr., DO
Richard C. Lotsch, DO
Gregory S. Martinek, DO
Scott T. Miekley, DO
Michalene Modresky, DO
Douglas D. Stern, DO
Robert L. Topkis, DO !
Steven Urbaniak, DO
John K. Waas, DO
Patricia A. Wolfe, DO
Total Giving: $10,195
Alice Jody Ackerman, DO
Laura E. Ashman Spahr, DO
Joanna N. Capparella, DO
Edward Firouztale, DO, DSc !
Pamela R. Gardner, DO
Colette M. Grabill, DO
Gretta A. Gross, DO * !
Perry B. Kubek, DO
Ronald A. Mack, DO
Leslie N. Madrak, DO
Julianne S. Orlowski, DO
R. Alex Rusynyk, DO * !
Amy J. Siegel, DO !
Jeffrey A. Stevens, DO
Joseph E. Strauss, DO
Salvador Sylvester, DO
Jeffrey R. Wasserman, DO
Kenneth R. Wloczewski, DO
Total Giving: $11,427
Onyeama O. Anakwe, DO
Amy Arrow Articolo, DO
Paul K. Azimov, DO !
Kathryn A. Baker, DO *
Michael I. Cohen, DO !
Heather A. Collins, DO
Stephen Evans, DO
Dana Ferrara-Planer, DO !
Thomas A. Geng, Jr., DO
Matthew J. Goldberg, DO
Deborah Milstein
Herchelroath, DO
Anthony S. Leazzo, DO
Michael R. Lee, DO
Robert A. McMurtrie, Jr., DO
Bradley J. Miller, DO
Michele A. Neff-Bulger, DO * !
Jessica B. Pagana-DeFazio, DO
Joseph M. Richards, DO
Mathew J. Silverman, DO
Dominic Louis Paul Storto, DO
Jeff J. Tavassoli, DO * !
John J. Tomcho, DO !
Paige E. Tomcho, DO !
Tara A. Vogdes, DO
Jessica E. Wasserman, DO
Total Giving: $16,978
Linda K. Aquilino-Dimitriou, DO
Ronda L. Broady, DO
Amy L. DeLuca, DO
Donna DiBruno, DO, MPH
Victoria L. Falcone, DO *
Charles J. Fasano, DO
Dana L. Hamilton, DO
Thuy D. Hoang, DO *
Todd J. Kazdan, DO * !
Nicole M. Kichta, DO
Kevin L. Kirk, DO
Thomas F. Knisely, DO
Charles N. Krome, DO
Matthew R. Kulka, DO
Susan L. Ledbetter, DO
Karl O. Luxardo, DO
Robert L. Maholic, DO
Norma J. Montiel, DO
Dana L. Newswanger, DO
Charles R. Nuss, Jr., DO
Jill E. Nye, DO
Michael J. Oakes, DO
Ositadinma O. Opara, DO * !
Evan Ryan Restelli, DO !
Jeanne M. Sandella, DO
Peter M. Sanni-Thomas, DO
Kerry M. Scott, DO *
Donald M. Sesso, DO
Kenneth D. Shank, DO
Jennifer A. Sherman, DO
Shawn T. Simpson, DO
Stefanie M. Steiner, DO
Jessica Fulton Trochym, DO
Total Giving: $7,230
Marie E. Alden, DO
Donnel M. Apuzzio, MS/PA
Sharon L. Baer, DO
Matthew J. Barry, DO
Janine M. Barsoum, DO
Nicole M. Garofola Bentze, DO !
Jonathan J. Burke, DO !
Joseph Cavallaro, III, DO
Melissa S. Chase, DO
Nicole C. Chiappetta, DO
Carolyn E. Clear, MS/Biomed, DO
Matthew M. Collins, DO
William J. Dahms, Jr., DO
Brian J. Davis, DO !
Christopher A. Davis, DO
John Gould, III, DO
Anthony P. Grello, Jr., DO
Shawn M. Hazlett, DO
Marcy L. Jackovic,
MS/Biomed, DO
Jamison S. Jaffe, DO
Yvette L. Ju, DO
Shari B. Klugman, DO
W. Jamie Malone, DO
Melissa P. Murray, DO
Joseph B. Nyzio, Jr., DO * !
Ronald A. Rimer, DO *
Matthew R. Seely, DO
Michele Straka, DO
Karen A. Szczepanski, DO !
Shawn M. Tweedt, DO
Michael J. Zappitelli, Jr., DO
Total Giving: $3,690
Jennie Baublitz-Brenenborg,
DO !
Robert Frederick Borden, Jr., DO
A. Jay Bradford, DO
Rita Christina Carabello, DO
Steven G. Dimitriou, DO
Patrick Cyrus Fall, DO
Alexandria N. George, DO
Michael D. Kelly, DO
Michael Dae Sung Kim, DO
Jeffrey K. Kingsley, DO
Sharee L. Livingston, DO
Timothy McCullough,
Alexander S. Poulathas, DO
Steven D. Shay, DO
Alyssa L. Simone, DO *
Deborah M. Stahlnecker, DO
Eric C. Steen, DO
Dominic J. Valentino, III, DO !
Geoffrey C. Zarrella, DO
Total Giving: $12,495
David Allen, DO
Timothy Patrick Amann, DO
Edward J. Armbruster, DO
Nicole Heath Bixler, MBA/DO *
Steven R. Blasi, DO * !
Martiann Alacia Bohl-Witchey, DO
Courtney Catherine Canale,
Hobart John Carr, DO
Sabino Joseph D’Agostino, DO
Nicholas A. DeAntonio, DO
Rosemary A. DeCicco, MS/PA
Steven M. DeLuca,
MS/Biomed, DO
Heather C. Doty, DO
Felice Joseph Esposito, DO
Anya Genieser-DeRosa, PsyD
Chad R. Gordon, DO
Brett E. Groff, DO *
Annette D. Iasiello, MS/PA
Michael Angelo Imbriano, DO
Lisa A. Kassenoff, DO
Timothy A. Leone, DO
Marc Brett Lewbart, DO
Amy L. Lindmark, DO
John Davis Lindmark, DO
Mary K. McGonagle, DO
Amanda S. Murphy, MS/PA
Sheryl L. Oleski, DO
Nicole M. Orzechowski, DO
Alex M. Page, DO
Nicole Norris Papa, DO
Kathleen Walsh Reyes, DO
Robert L. Rosenblatt, DO
Rhesa Christine Sanni-Thomas, DO
Paul J. Ufberg, MBA/DO
Hong Ye, DO *
Joseph J. Zienkiewicz, DO
Denise M. Zingrone, DO
Total Giving: $2,925
Mark B. Abraham, JD, DO
Joshua Baron, DO
Livia Kate Baublitz, DO !
James J. Bradbury, DO
Kristen M. Cirelli, PsyD
Jason A. Foltz, DO
Mark A. Ginsburg, DO !
Thomas R. Haley, DO
Payce Jo-Hanna Handler Haley,
MS/Biomed, DO
Michael R. Hubbard, DO
Daniel Joyce, DO
Andrew E. Kerman, DO
Amy Kerner, DO !
Lisa A. Marino, DO +
Andrea McCullough-Hlobik, DO
Justin R. Nudell, DO
Donny Perez, DO
Jason Michael Rubino, DO
Jaime L. Schrenk, DO
Boris V. Spodik, DO
Justin S. Winas, DO
Jill Fornal Young, DO !
Kristopher F. Young, DO !
Michelle Zetoony Nudell, DO
Total Giving: $4,063
David Christian Adamski, DO
Stephanie R. Bey, MS/PA
Sarah Louise Brown, DO
+ Deceased | * $1,000+ donors | ! Blue Ribbon
Melissa C. Buttrill, MS/PA
Jennifer Lyn Colpo, DO
Traci Lynn Cook, DO
Janet Lynn D’Agostino, DO
Christina Esposito, PsyD
Tyler Stephen Fugate, DO
Karen B. Griffith, DO
Keith Richard Kearney, DO
Lindsay J. Ledwich, DO
Ronald B. Lincow, DO
James Patrick Maurer, DO * !
Michael Epifanio Monte Carlo, DO
Shawn Christopher Murphy, DO
Mark E. Palermo, DO
Leslie A. Saltzman, DO
Wendis A. Santana-Joyce,
Jason W. Velez, DO
Dennis Dean Walker, DO !
Kerry Anne Whitelock, DO !
Eric J. Whittier, DO !
Thomas Lee Zickgraf,
MS/Biomed, DO
The GOLD Club (Graduates
of the Last Decade) recognizes donors at all levels
who have graduated within
the past ten years.
Total Giving: $5,835
Mari T. Abdulian, MS/PA
David L. Ambrose, Jr., DO * !
Angela M. Balfour, MS/PA
Lopa Basu, MBA/DO
Nicholas Steven Bower, DO !
Charmaine S. Chan, DO
Paul J. Chubb, DO
Brian J. Costello, DO
Tammy L. Dietz, DO
Mark G. Evans, DO
Brian P. Green, MS/PA, DO
Adam R. Griffith, DO
Stacie L. Hill PA-C, MS/PA
Lakeia D. Johnson, MS/PA
Melanie R. Justice, MS/Psy
Anna B. Keane, DO
Christine Kilczewski, DO
Molly Olivia Meinert, MS/PA
Lauren C. Morrell, DO
Sharon M. O’Brien, DO !
Jessica M. Osman, DO
Stacy Parker-Johnson, MS/
Biomed, DO
John A. Pasquella, DO
Janice M. Patacsil Trull, DO
Alice Jean Poole, MS/FM
Manish Rai, DO
Josh L. Rock, DO
Kara Sopp Harres, MS/PA
Lisa C. Sklar, DO
Vaishali S. Vora, DO
Leah D. Waldman, MS/PA
Chad P. Walker, DO
Allison K. Wawer-Chubb, DO
Joseph M. Zawisza, DO !
Total Giving: $4,405
Regina N. Awung, MS/PA
Charles D. Baker, DO
Nicole L. Balchune, DO
Dan T. Benscoter, DO
Nicole J. Bright, DO
Kristin A. Conley, DO
Sean P. Conley, DO
Laura B. Czulada, DO
Linda D’Eramo, DO
Matthew L. DiVietro, DO
Lisa Duffy-Reckner, DO
Maxim P. Duvalsaint, MS/PA
Carlos R. Evering, DO
Erin Patricia Fletcher, DO
Alison L. Gattuso, DO
Scott D. Goodroad, DO
Leanne T. Labriola, DO
Jennifer M. LeComte, DO
Noah R. May, DO
Gina M. Menichello, DO !
Maria P. Murphy, PsyD
Lauren Noto-Bell, DO !
Bernadette S. Tate, PsyD * !
Melanie R. Ware, DO
Christopher D. Wenger, DO
Jonathan D. Zahler, DO !
Total Giving: $7,277
Laura A. Bajor, DO
Nevin Charles Baker, DO
Michael M. Braun, DO
Sudeep D. Burman, DO
Susanna Carew, PsyD
Renee A. Caslow, DO
Beatrice H. Chakraborty, PsyD
Tarita N. Collins, DO
Sean R. Cushing, MS/PA
Joshua P. Hazelton, DO
Quintina N. Herrera,
MS/Biomed !
HaiDang Hoang, DO
Jennifer L. Jozefick, DO
David A. Kasper, DO
Cherie M. Lamb, DO
Nicholas E. Lamparella, DO
Tanner A. Long, DO
Jessica Lynn Masser,
MS/Biomed, DO * !
Mary A. Maurer, DO * !
April M. Menin, DO
Jonathan C. Nachtigall, DO
Gregory M. Notz, DO !
Michaelyn T. Notz, DO !
Paul S. Pipitone, DO
Paula M. Renzi, DO
Melissa A. Sinkiewicz, DO
Constandinos Tsagaratos, DO
Stephanie L. White, DO
Erica M. Willis, DO
Total Giving: $3,627
Allison A. Aggon, DO
Jennifer L. Alvarado, MS/FM
Lisa M. Ashe, DO
Peter F. Bidey, DO !
Alexandra M. Buford, DO
Richard K. Choi, DO
Nicole M. Curcio, MS/PA
Jennifer A. Dwyer, DO
Jenny E. Halfhill, DO
Allison B. Hickman, DO
Meredith C. Hill, DO
Damon L. Hoffmann, DO
Seth W. Kaufer, DO
Ryan P. Maxwell, DO
Jessica K. McLane-Troy, DO
Stephen E. Miller, DO
Mary K. Mitchell, DO
Arthur C. Okwesili, DO
Herbert N. Schiffer, DO !
Scott Andrew Shainker,
MS/Biomed, DO
Jason A. Smith, DO
Jillian G. Stevens, DO
Michael P. Twist, DO
Total Giving: $4,030
Aaron B. Adler, MS/PA
Donald L. Allison, II, DO
Beth E. Anlas, DO
Peter S. Armanas, DO
Sarah E. Baker, DO
Rita L. Baldino, PsyD
Matthew L. Basiaga, DO
Brian T. Bonner, DO
Emily L. Bray, DO
Stephen Mark Carroll, DO
Jill R. Crosson MBA/DO
Joseph M. Farrell, DO
Wendra J. Galfand, DO
Joel S. Garblik, DDS, MS/FM
Merkeza Grant, DO
Eugene G. Haas, DO !
Joe Tzong-Jyh Huong, DO
Julie A. Katz, DO
Karin M. Koval, MS/PA
John G. Kuna, PsyD !
Shanda D. Lucas, MS/ODL
Amy Elizabeth McLaughlin, PsyD
David M. Poponi, PsyD !
Brandon L. Raudenbush, DO
Elenee M. P. Raudenbush, DO
Nicholas C. Richardson, DO
Bryan J. Romero, DO !
Amanda M. Schell, DO
Kristina M. Thornburg, DO
Renee M. Tomazic, DO
Diana M. Tyler Rocks, DO
Sara Michele Velez, MS/Psy, PsyD
Samuel J. Yakish, DO
Brian K. Yorkgitis, DO
Total Giving: $2,070
Marisa Parise Brazitis, DO
Robert James Brunner, DO
Ashley E. Kurz Caplan, DO
Krystal N. Carter, MS/Psy
Mark Joseph Condoluci, DO
Emily J. Dilzer, DO
Kevin Marshall DuPrey, DO
Philip Jonathan Elbaum, DO
John W. Fleischman, MS/PA
Susan Marie Holencik, DO
Alexandra Isakova, DO
Kevin W. Maguire, MS/
Biomed, DO
Rebecca D. Margolis, DO
Laura Morton Newhouser, DO
Shane Daniel Newhouser, DO
Stephanie T. Reese, DO
Julia Ann Rovinsky, PsyD
Mary Anna Sanders, DO
Melissa Liansha April Sawyer,
Kari Shotwell, MS/ODL
Jessica Lauren Wirth, DO
Shavon S. Yannuzzi, DO
Total Giving: $905
Aravindhan Arumugarajah,
Amber Batool, DO
Sheila M. Bigelow, DO
Joseph P. Boyer, Sr., MS/ODL
Lauren K. Breor, MS/FM, RN
Laura Davis Connor, DO
Veronica E. Ferencz, MBA/DO
Michael F. Gillan, DO
Jennifer E. McPoyle-Callahan,
Matt E. Moore, DO
Shayne M. Roberts, DO
Mary L Sharp Ross, EdS/Psy, PsyD
Marie Tabuteau, MBA/DO
Kelenne Tuitt, MS/Biomed, DO
Beverly Andrea Woodley,
MS/Psy, EdS/Psy
Total Giving: $531
Mark D. Cassano, MS/Psy
Erin Chesnavich, MS/PA
Jazmine A. Cole, MS/PA
Yvonne F. Curtis, MS/ODL
Koren V. Fleming, MS/PA
Christine V. Guenther, DO
Brittni D. Jones, DO
Kirstin J. Kirby, MS/PA
David J. Kovalsky, DO
Kyle H. Lawrence, MS/Psy,
Daniel D. McNeill, DO
Leah M. Novak, MS/FM, DO
Phelan G. Piehota, DO
Peter A. Ricketti, DO
Total Giving: $3,750
Alice S. Blizman, DO
Francine R. Broder, PsyD
Danielle C. Carcia, DO
John Raymond Dahdah, DO
Tova M. Diamond, MS/PA
Britany F. Epstein, DO
Adam R. Haydt, DO
Lucy M. Joo, DO
John M. Levri, DO
Jacqueline M. O’Kane, DO
Joseph P. Quintiliani, Jr., DO
Gregory K. Wanner, MS/PA, DO
Alyssa A. Pabalan, DO
Joan Forney Adams, RN ‘52
Mr. Christopher M. Ball
The Hon. Marie W. Bell * !
Mrs. Hannah Berger !
Estate of Ruth Tozer Bixby * !
Mrs. Stanley Essl * !
Mrs. Helen W. Fliegelman
Mrs. Christine Goulding
Jeanne E. Grove, DO ‘82 *
Rena G. Hamburger, DO ‘47
Mrs. Lois Kaliner *
Mrs. Diana Kanoff *
Mrs. Joseph M. Marino
Claudia M. Petruncio, DO ‘82
Mrs. Daniel J. Smith *
Mrs. Jeanne Starer !
Mrs. Richard J. Stark
Geraldine Rafferty Terry,
RN ‘45 * !
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Armstrong
Ms. Mariette Austin
Ms. Darla M. Bortz
Gene Chaiken, LLD *
Ms. Yan Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cowen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dorf !
Umar Farooq, MD &
Sabahat Farooq, MD *
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Galante
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Houseman
Dr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Hurst * !
Arthur J. Jordan, OD
James M. Lally, DO *
Mario Lanni, LLD
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Levin
Ms. Nancy C. Loeb &
Mr. Jeffrey D. Colman * !
Ms. Betty Mack !
Dr. Michael F. Malone
Paul W. McGloin, LLD * !
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur McTighe * !
Mr. & Mrs. William Ott !
Mr. and Mrs. David Pagnotti, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pinciotti
Ronald A. Pieringer, PhD * !
Edward J. Potts, MA *
Mrs. Jennifer Rutkowski *
Paul Schick, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure !
Drs. Adrian & Emilia Secheresiu *
Mrs. Helen Sine
Mr. Leonard L. Smith * !
Denise J. Smyler, Esq. *
Ms. Henrie M. Treadwell
John W. Yunginger, MD * !
Anonymous (5)
Donald L. Allison, II, DO ‘09
Denah M. Appelt, PhD
Yun Bai, PhD
Ms. Laura Baumgarten
Mrs. Maryanne Beal !
John W. Becher, DO ‘70 * !
Michael A. Becker, DO ‘87 * !
Ms. Laura Bell !
Marcus G. Bell, PhD
Ms. Deborah Benvenger !
Murray R. Berkowitz, DO, MPH !
David A. Bevan, DO ‘69 + * !
Ms. Bridget A. Bexho
Peter F. Bidey, DO ‘08 !
Elliott Bilofsky, DO ‘87 *
Mr. Randall S. Blackwell
Mrs. Terri Blair
Ms. Victoria Blair !
Ruth Borghaei, PhD !
Hugh K. Brown, PhD
Ms. Trina D. Bursey !
Bonnie A. Buxton, PhD
Mrs. Claudia Cappelli
John J. Carlin, MBA * !
John M. Cavenagh, PhD, MBA,
PA-C * !
Qian Chen, PhD
William Clinton, MA
Stephanie Cohen, MS !
Ms. Cynthia Coleman
H. William Craver, III, DO ‘87 * !
Robert G. Cuzzolino, EdD * !
Mrs. Lisa M. D’Addieco !
Izola David, DO ‘85 !
Mrs. Christine Davidian
Ms. Nicole S. Dillard
Mrs. Christine Donovan
Mr. Peter Doulis * !
Jane Z. Dumsha, PhD !
Mr. Anthony Dutkiewicz !
Gerald E. Dworkin, DO ‘81 * !
Walter C. Ehrenfeuchter,
DO ‘79 * !
Mrs. Connie Ennis !
Mr. Bruce Fairfield !
Deirdre Fanning, PharmD
Jay S. Feldstein, DO ‘81 *
Stephanie Ferretti, MLS !
Ms. Donna M. Feeney-Figaniak !
Larry N. Finkelstein, DO ‘87 !
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO ‘59 !
Kerin L. Fresa-Dillon, PhD !
Katherine E. Galluzzi, DO * !
Ernest R. Gelb, DO ‘78 *
Mrs. Linda Gentry !
William Gilhool, DO * !
R. Bryan Ginn, Jr., BBA *
Phillip C. Ginsberg DO ‘80,
M.Sc. ‘86
Barbara A. Golden, PsyD !
Howard M. Goldman, DO ‘85 !
Trena J. Gologan, MBA
Elizabeth Gosch, PhD
Sandra J. Gulich, LPN !
Ms. Kathleen Hain !
Mrs. Abigail C. Harmon !
Mrs. Esther Hewlett-Crewes !
Mrs. Marilyn Heywood !
Michelle B. Hobson, DO ‘80 * !
Ms. Lisa D. Hughes
Ms. Michelle Ingram
Mr. Richard James
Francis E. Jenney, PhD !
Ms. Joanne Jones, MBA !
Mrs. Kimberly M. Jones !
Mrs. Monica Jones !
Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk,
DO ‘82 * !
John J. Kelly, Jr., DO ‘85 * !
Ms. Karen Kelly !
Mrs. Jennifer Kennedy
Mr. John Khan
Mrs. Mitzi Killeen
Harold L. Komiskey, PhD !
Bruce Kornberg, DO ‘78 * !
David Kuo, DO ‘96 !
Tage N. Kvist, PhD * !
Ms. Lavinia Lafferty !
Erik Langenau, DO
Pat A. Lannutti, DO ‘71 * !
Ms. Melanie A. LaPenta
Michael J. Lee, PhD
Kimura S. Leonard, MA
Jennifer Schaffer Leone, MA !
Ms. Elizabeth P. Levine
Laura Levy, MMS, PA-C
Jonathan Levyn, DO ‘85 !
Mrs. Stacy Lewchuck !
Ms. Julia Lewis !
Tiarra Lewis, PHR
Ms. Marie-Renee Malvoisin
Ms. Marianne Mancini
Burton T. Mark, DO * !
Mr. Scott Mascena
Donald P. Masey, PsyD
Mrs. Kathryn Mastoridis
Mrs. Gail A. Mattia !
Lisa M. McBride, PhD *
Ms. Joan McGettigan !
Mr. David McGilloway !
Ms. Margaret McLaughlin !
Nancy McLaughlin, DHSc,
Allan M. McLeod, DO ‘88, JD,
MBA * !
John J. McPhilemy, DO ‘78
Ms. JoAnn M. Meehan
William J. Meis, DO ‘82 *
Mrs. Linda Miller !
Heather L. Montie, PhD
Harry J. Morris, III, DO ‘78 * !
Marta Motel, DO ‘88 * !
Mr. Charles A. Mueller !
Ms. Karen Murphy
Ms. Barbara Myers
Mrs. Susan Neborak !
Alexander S. Nicholas, DO ‘75 * !
Evan A. Nicholas, DO ‘81 !
Lauren Noto-Bell, DO ‘06 !
Mary P. Owen, PhD !
Richard A. Pascucci, DO ‘75 * !
Penelope Patton, BFA !
David M. Poponi, PsyD ‘09 !
Edward J. Potts, MA *
Ms. Charlotte J. Pritchette !
Stephen A. Pulley, DO ‘87 *
Mrs. Sarah Jenn Purvis
Sara Wilson Reece, PharmD * !
Mr. Scott P. Righter !
Mrs. Wendy Romano !
Ms. Erica V. Rosalle
Pamela J. Ruoff, MS !
Andrew P. Ruppert, CPO
Ira C. Sachs, DO ‘80
Mrs. Tamara Scaccia
Arthur J. Sesso, DO ‘81 * !
Michael F. Shank, DO ‘80 !
Mrs. Alexis Sherman
Kari Shotwell, MS/ODL ‘10
Madelyn Sine-Karasick, DO !
Kenneth J. Slavik, PhD
Diane Smallwood, PsyD !
Mr. Joseph A. Smith !
Maxwell Stepanuk, Jr., DO ‘71
Mrs. Julie M. Stevens !
Ms. Danielle Stull
Ms. Denise M. Taylor
Mr. Leander S. Tice !
Alisa Toney, MS
Ms. Laurie Marion
Etheldra Templeton, MLS
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA * !
Rosemary E. Vickers, DO ‘83 !
Desuo Wang, PhD, MD !
Xinyu Wang, PhD !
Mrs. Janet L. Wetzel !
Ms. Ruth Wian !
Julie Wickman Bierster,
PharmD !
James A. Williams, MS !
Ms. Linda Williams
Ms. Doris I. Williams-Powell !
Mr. Frank H. Windle
Ms. Michelle E. Wood !
Tina Woodruff, EdD *
Bruce S. Zahn, EdD !
Christian M. Zavisca, MS
James H. Black, DO ‘62 * !
J. Steven Blake, DO ‘89,
M.Sc. ‘94 * !
John B. Bulger, DO ‘95, MBA * !
The Hon. Terry L. Coleman !
Robert G. Cuzzolino, EdD * !
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70 * !
Mr. Peter Doulis * !
Mr. Matthew O. Elkes *
+ Deceased | * $1,000+ donors | ! Blue Ribbon
Jay S. Feldstein, DO ‘81 *
R. Bryan Ginn, Jr., BBA *
Elizabeth Gosch, PhD
Mr. Thomas J. Gravina * !
Jerel A. Hopkins, Esq.
Mr. John P. Kearney * !
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86 * !
Ms. Lavinia Lafferty !
Vincent Lobo, Jr., DO ‘65 * !
Lisa M. McBride, PhD *
Ms. Joan McGettigan !
A. Scott McNeal, DO ‘88 *
Andrea D. Pedano, DO ‘90 !
Mr. Wayne T. Sikes * !
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA * !
Murray Zedeck, DO ‘62 * !
Jennifer L. Alvarado, MS ‘08
Michael A. Becker, DO ‘87 *
Hal S. Bendit, DO ‘84 * !
James M. Bonner, DO ‘86 * !
Krystal N. Carter, MS/Psy ‘10
David Coffey, DO ‘84 *
Michael I. Cohen, DO ‘98
Ronald Cowen, DO ‘66 * !
Darlene Ann M. Dunay,
DO ‘83 * !
Jennifer A. Dwyer, DO ‘08
Allan Goldberg, DO ‘63 * !
Chad R. Gordon, DO ‘02
Gretta A. Gross, DO ‘97 * !
Quintina N. Herrera,
MS/Biomed ‘07 !
Joanne E. Hullings, DO ‘96* !
Suzanne K. Kelley, DO ‘77 * !
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86 * !
Leanne T. Labriola, DO ‘06
Paul J. Lapoint, DO ‘90 *
Shanda D. Lucas, MS/ODL ‘09
Robert S. Maurer, DO ‘62 * !
Amanda S. Murphy, MS/PA ‘02
Joseph B. Nyzio, Jr.,
DO ‘00 * !
Ositadinma O. Opara,
DO ‘99 * !
Bill J. Pesce, DO ‘89 * !
Elsira M. Pina, DO ‘89 *
David M. Poponi, PsyD‘09 !
Howard M. Robinson, DO,
MHA ‘90 * !
Carol K. Robison, DO ‘85 * !
Melissa Neumann Schwartz,
DO ‘91 * !
Paul D. Seltzer, DO ‘80
Dana C. Shaffer, DO ‘85* !
Paul M. Spector, DO ‘72 * !
William B. Swallow, DO ‘79 *
Richard B. Tancer, DO ‘84 * !
Corwin A. Thomas, DO ‘95
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine * !
Area VII Physicians Review Org
Inc. *
Association of Independent
Colleges & Universities of
Pennsylvania *
The Blasi Family Trust *
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
The Central NationalGottesman Foundation
Community Foundation for
Northeast Georgia *
Evolve IP, LLC
The Herman and Jerry
Finkelstein Foundation
Florida Osteopathic Medical
Association !
Georgia Osteopathic Medical
GPX Management, LLC
Hans & Dolores Levy Charitable
Highlands of Sugarloaf *
Independence Blue Cross
Foundation *
John P. Kearney & Associates
Inc. * !
The Adolph and Rose Levis
Foundation * !
J.P. Mascaro & Sons *
The Benjamin & Mary Siddons
Measey Foundation * !
Mylan Inc
Office Depot * !
Pennsylvania Osteopathic
Medical Association
Phi Sigma Gamma Medical
Society *
Physicians Aid Association of
the Delaware Valley *
PNC Bank
POMA District 8 *
The Anna and Isidore Roseman
Foundation * !
Roxborough Memorial Hospital *
The Seligsohn Foundation
Surgical Orthopedic Associates
Three Rivers AHEC, Inc.
The Union League of
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia & SNJ !
Veugeler Design Group Inc
Walgreens * !
West Allegheny Physicians’
Association Fund of The
Pittsburgh Foundation * !
Workplace Answers, LLC *
The GE Foundation
Norfolk Southern Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Hal S. Bendit, DO ‘84
Tova M. Diamond, PA-C ‘13
Darlene Ann M. Dunay, DO ‘83
Joseph M. Farrell, DO ‘09
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kearney
Deborah J. Mistal, DO ‘83
Alyssa A. Pabalan, DO ‘14
Georgia Campus – PharmD
Class of 2015
Jeffrey William Prichard, DO
Mr. Ahad Qasim
Domenick N. Ronco, DO ‘78
Nicholas J. Spagnola, DO ‘81
Sullivan County Action Board
Richard B. Tancer, DO ‘84
The College gratefully receives
gifts as a tribute to individuals
who have made a lasting
impression on the donor.
Dara B. Abraham, DO ‘08
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Amaro, Jr.
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Brian J. Balin, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Biggin
Mr. Edward B. Brown
Gerard D. Brown, DO ‘81
The Hon. Lita Indzel Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Jay S. Feldstein, DO ‘81
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Mr. Bruce D. Fisher
Stephen T. Fisher, DO ‘85
Carol A. Fox, MM
John M. Parschauer, DO ‘75
William Gilhool, DO
James Joseph Gilhool, DO ‘95
William R. Henwood, DO ‘76
John P. Dahdah, DPM
John Raymond Dahdah, DO ‘13
Stephen M. Massood, DO ‘93
Supriya Massood, DO ‘93
Sarah L. McTighe, DO ‘07
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur McTighe
Mr. and Mrs. Americo V. Natello
Gregory W. Natello, DO ‘80
PCOM DO Class of 1980
Mark S. Finkelstein, DO ‘80
Ms. Rivka K. Roemer
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Schlossberg
Gilbert B. Tabby, DO ‘58
David S. Tabby, DO ‘84
Etheldra Templeton, MLS
Mrs. Hannah Berger
The College appreciates those
who have honored friends,
patients and loved ones by
making memorial gifts.
Dr. Michael F. Avallone
Associates to The Martha &
Michael J. Avallone Memorial
Scholarship in memory of:
Mr. Robert Armstrong
Mr. Jeffrey Bayers
Mr. Wallace Brower
Mr. William Butler
Mrs. Cristina Caranci
Mr. Christian Ciammetti
Mr. William Cleary
Mrs. Carol Confair
Mr. John Conran
Carlo J. DiMarco, DO ‘78
Mr. Libero Ditri
Mrs. Nancy Dorsey
Mr. Kenneth Dydak
Mrs. Clara Fiorentino
Mr. John Fitch
Mrs. Eva Foley
Mr. Eugene Franks
Mrs. Bertha Grow
Frank H. Guinn, DO ‘76
Mr. William A. Harding, Jr.
Mr. Walter Heller
Mrs. Catherine Hohrath
Mr. Ronald Landis
Ms. Celeste Monteiro Lopes
Mr. Donald Mack
Ms. Ellen Macowski
Mr. James Nally
Mrs. Dolores Pierce
Mrs. Rose Poulshock
Ms. Alberta Pugliese
Mr. Robert Ready
Mrs. Rose Rogan
Mr. John Ryan
Mr. Emilio Sacco
Mr. Julian Shaw
Mrs. Phyllis Smolcynski
Mrs. Rose Tieri
Mr. Leopoldo Tirado
Mr. William Wade
Ms. Helene Walter
Mr. Mark Wilson
Contributions were made by
Vincent G. Sacco, DO ’89,
to The Fund for PCOM in
memory of:
Mrs. Geraldine Beckowski
Mrs. Viola Berardi
Mr. Edward Burgoon
Mr. David Campbell
Mrs. Susan Chatary
Mr. Carl Eggert
Mrs. Eulalia Figueriredo
Mrs. Barbara Gola
Mr. Lawrence Griffin
Ms. Anne Hart
Mr. Charles Hazzard
Mr. James Hennessey
Mr. Robert Holmes
Mr. Daniel Kelly, Sr.
Mrs. Bernadette Lauder
Ms. Mary Ligier
Mr. Larry Norman
Mr. Valentine O’Connor
Mrs. Dorothy Orzel
Mr. Peter Petrovic
Mrs. Gloria Pinel
Mr. Harold Rhodes
Mr. Anthony Russo
Mrs. Myrtle Rutter
Mr. Emilio Sacco
Mr. Philip Sauers
Mr. Robert Staich
Ms. Elizabeth Tonkinson
The College is honored to
receive contributions in memory
of alumni, friends, patients and
loved ones.
Marvin A. Abramson, DO ‘66
Ronald Cowen, DO ‘66
Louis F. Amalfitano, DO ‘54
Mrs. MaryJane Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundon
Dr. William J. Polinski
Ms. Deborah Sorensen
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Thompson
Mr. and Mrs Gregory Vigesaa
Mr. Robert C. Brooks
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Samuel L. Caruso, DO ‘47
Ms. Ila Blackketter-Wolfe
George Bonafino, DO ‘77
Carolyn Paul Caruso, RN ‘50
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Mr. Roger Kunzelmann
Mr. Jack E. Mase
Ms. Peggy Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paul
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Veit
Ms. Arlene Warner
Minakshi Chaterjee, MD
Beatrice H. Chakraborty, PsyD ‘07
John A. Cifala, DO ‘45
James H. Black, DO ‘62
Richard J. Citta, DO ‘58
T. J. Citta-Pietrolungo, DO ‘86
Richard E. Colarusso, DO ‘66
Edward J. Zaloga, DO ‘88
Elton G. Cosby, DO ‘10
Stephanie T. Reese, DO ‘10
Thomas P. Devlin, DO ‘70
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
William H. Dickerson, DO ‘54
Mary Anne Damiani, DO ‘86
Camille DiLullo, PhD
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Stanley E. Essl, DO ‘75
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Essl
David M. Loss, DO ‘78
Bernard Fisher, DO ‘52
Michael A. Walder, DO ‘65
Robert J. Furey, DO ‘52
William John Furey, DO ‘88
Judah A. Gland, DO ‘44
Gerald H. Skobinsky, DO ‘70
Jack Goldstein, DO ‘66
Ronald Cowen, DO ‘66
Alfred I. Green, DO ‘50
Mrs. Marcia Groverman
Mr. and Mrs. David Reiter
Teresa M. Smith Ball, DO ‘89
Mr. Christopher M. Ball
Mr. William M. Henninger
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Righter, Jr.
Mr. Scott P. Righter
Conrad E. Bell, DO ‘70
The Hon. Marie W. Bell
Mark P. Holencik, DO ‘79
Susan Marie Holencik, DO ‘10
Gary G. Berger, DO ‘83
Jerry M. Trachtenberg, DO ‘83
Mr. Donald R. Houck
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Righter, Jr.
Mr. Scott P. Righter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berkowitz
Murray R. Berkowitz, DO, MPH
Ms. Deborah M. BerkowitzMoskowitz
Murray R. Berkowitz, DO, MPH
Stanley M. Brason, DO ‘59
Mari Blackburn, DO ‘91
Ms. Millicent L. Iaccarino
Anthony Iaccarino, DO ‘80
Dennis L. Iaccarino, DO ‘81
Charles Jeck, DO ‘85
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Martin S. Neifield, DO ‘46
Larry H. Kaliner, DO ‘67
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Finkelstein
Mrs. Lois Kaliner
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Levin
Debra S. Weiss, DO ‘88
Steven U. Wolf, DO ‘94
Hymen Kanoff, DO ‘52
Mrs. Diana Kanoff
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirk
Kevin L. Kirk, DO ‘99
John Kermode, PhD
Georgia Campus-PharmD Class
of 2015
Mr. Kevin Milewski
Megan L. Kolter, DO ‘05
Ms. Ruth Miller
Michael I. Miller, DO ‘72
Mr. David Noland
David L. Cute, DO ‘96
A. Gary Oberholtzer, DO ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. William Reimel
Mr. Allen Olin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dorf
Dr. Norman Olson
Mrs. Stanley Essl
Richard S. Koch, DO ‘38
James H. Black, DO ‘62
Roy N. Pasker, DO ‘65
Ronald Paolini, DO ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. George J.
Paul M. Kosmorsky, DO ‘89
Milton J. Poulshock, DO ‘61
Andrew S. Poulshock, DO ‘89
Robert F. H. LeMasters
Thomas R. LeMasters, DO ‘78
William C. LeMasters, DO ‘81
Mrs. Rose Poulshock
Andrew S. Poulshock, DO ‘89
Lucy D. Robertson, DO ‘98
Robert A. McMurtrie, Jr., DO ‘98
I. Jerry Leopold, DO ‘59
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Finkelstein
Murray Robin, DO ‘51
Laura F. Robin, DO ‘88
Stephen S. Levin, DO ‘68
Mark B. Abraham, JD, DO ‘03
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bonn
Stephen P. Cowen, DO ‘74
Josephine DePalma, DPM
Dr. and Mrs. Ira Epstein
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Finkelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finkle
Dr. John Fontanilla
Paul M. Miller, DO ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pistone
David C. Raab, DO ‘01
Mr. and Mrs. David Salkin
Bernard S. Sobel, DO ‘68
Marvin L. Rosner, DO ‘57
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Finkelstein
Paul S. Zeitz, DO ‘88
Benjamin & Sara Lincow
Ronald B. Lincow, DO ‘04
Lisa A. Marino, DO ‘03
Michelle Zetoony Nudell, DO ‘03
Mr. and Mrs. John McAdory
Murray R. Berkowitz, DO, MPH
Mrs. Mary Ella McBride
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Mr. Patrick McGonagle
Mary K. McGonagle, DO ‘02
Robert L. Meals, DO ‘56
Ronald Paolini, DO ‘85
Ms. Bonnie Meissner
H. William Bonekat, DO ‘74
Frederick R. Melhorn, DO ‘56
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Thomas M. Rowland, Jr.
Joan L. Moore, DO ‘77
Benjamin Schreiber, DO ‘46
Murray Schreiber, DO ‘50
Ms. Linnie M. Scott
Kerry M. Scott, DO ‘99
Louisa B. Smith-Sandford, DO ‘25
Mr. Leonard L. Smith
Julius Sobel, DO ‘34
Bernard S. Sobel, DO ‘68
Mr. Mark H. Spatz
Debra K. Spatz, DO ‘84
Leonard J. Starer, DO ‘51
Mrs. Jeanne Starer
Mrs. Elma Starr
Paul J. Ufberg, MBA, DO ‘02
Marvin E. Sultz, DO ‘60
Jay Harris Joseph, DO ‘56
Mr. Leslie Tancer
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Thomas E. Trosko, DO ‘76
Timothy R. Young, DO ‘76
J. Edward Vinn, DO ‘40
Norman E. Vinn, DO ‘77
Mr. Dan E. Warbington
Mrs. Lisa M. D’Addieco
Ms. Barbara Myers
Ms. Erica V. Rosalle
Mr. Lance M. Semien
Julie Wickman Bierster, PharmD
The following contributions
were made in memory of
David A. Bevan, DO ‘69:
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Abele
Ms. Margaret Anderson &
Richard Rosenfeld
Ms. Diane Applebaum Toll
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Ballen
David A. Baron, DO ‘78
Ms. Doreen Berest
Mr. Stephen Breman
Stephen L. Burnstein, DO ‘72
James F. Conroy, DO ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Corwin and
Mrs. Carol Culotta
Ms. Maris Delano
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dietz
Ms. Ellen Fitzsimons
Andrew & Teri Foy
Brian & Maria Foy
Don & Denise Foy
Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Galante
Barry L. Getzoff, DO ‘60
Ms. Melissa Gordon Pinheiro
Mr. & Mrs. John Hempstead
Ms. Mary Helen Hoffman
Mr. Jason R. Jones
Mr. Andrew J. Kaplan &
Ms. Danielle Jackson
Bruce Kornberg, DO ‘78
Dr. Charles Lentz
Mr. Walter Lotspeich
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McGuiness
James D. & LA Morrissey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Neeson
Jim & Kate O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rackel
Mr. Bill Rake
Ms. Elizabeth Roman
Ms. Eileen M. Schores
Mrs. Mary Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Smith
Mrs. Sandra Spitzer
Mr. & Mrs. David Tarditi
Phyllis Taylor, RN
The Union League of Philadelphia
Mr. Harry Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Veit
The Yamron Family
The following contributions
were made in memory of
Carlo J. DiMarco, DO ‘78:
Advocates for the Pennsylvania
Osteopathic Medical Association
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
James T. Arscott, DO ‘86
Ms. Christine A. Black
Christopher A. Davis, DO ‘00
Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ‘70
Carl G. DiJoseph, DO, PhD ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D’Orazio
Mrs. Stanley Essl
The Gallelli Family
Elena Ruzzi Farrell, DO ‘92
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard H. Finkelstein
Glen Mills Schools
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heiman
Ms. Frances C. Heinze
Arthur J. Jordan, Jr., DO ‘95
Mark E. Moran, DO ‘86
Robert P. Oristaglio, Jr., DO ‘76
Pennsylvania Osteopathic
Medical Association
POMA District 8
Ms. Barbara A. Schaffer
Herbert M. Schecter, DO ‘88
David R. Shober, DO ‘89
Michele M. Shober, DO ‘89
Stanford A. Shor, DO ‘64
Lynn F. Sumerson, DO, MSc ‘64
This research effort and fundraising campaign is spearheaded by
the Honorable Lita Indzel Cohen,
a former member of the PCOM
Boards of Trustees. The College
acknowledges the following
donors for taking an interest in
this endeavor under the auspices
of PCOM’s Center for Chronic
Disorders of Aging:
Area VII Physicians Review
Organization Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baron
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
The Hon. Lita Indzel Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davis
Mrs. Tobe Dresner
Mrs. Frances H. Ellam
Ms. Roni L. Feierstein
Ms. Deborah Fine
Dr. & Mrs. William Flieder
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Goldstone
Mr. and Mrs. James Hyer
Mr. John P. Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leibovitz
Robert S. Maurer, DO ‘62
Tanja Keller O’Connor, DO ‘87
Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Reef
Ms. Marianne Roche
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Schlossberg
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Mr. Mark Silow &
Mrs. Amy Slater
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Stredler
In appreciation to the following
for generously supporting the
2014 Golf Classic benefiting
PCOM’s Healthcare Centers:
Russell Libiore Adams, DO ‘01
Almo Corporation
The Alumni Association of
Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine
Arrow Electric Services, Inc
Barnes & Noble College
David A. Bevan, DO ‘69 +
Robert H. Biggs, DO ‘76/
Lehigh Valley Cardiology
Blank Rome LLP, Counselors at Law
James M. Bonner, DO ‘86
Brandywine Global Investment
Patrick J. Carey, DO ‘83
The Centurion Group
Chartwell Investment Partners
Robert G. Cuzzolino, EdD
Mr. Peter Doulis
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO ‘59
Robert D. Gober, DO ‘78
Joshua E. Goldberg, DO ‘96
GPX Enterprises
GW Capital, Inc.
Dr. David Henry
Image Ink
Independence Blue Cross
The Arthur Jackson Company
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kearney
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86
Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
The Karen & Herbert Lotman
Marsh USA, Inc
McDonnell Contractors, Inc
Metropolitan Nephrology
Associates, PC
Andrea D. Pedano, DO ‘90/
Primary Care of Roxborough
Pennsylvania Osteopathic
Medical Association
PFM Advisors
Philadelphia Orthopedic Group
PNC Bank, NA
Michael C. Saltzburg, DO ‘77/
Tri-County Orthopedics
Mr. Wayne T. Sikes
Simplex Grinnell
Strategic Link Consulting, Inc
U.S. Bank
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA
Adventure Aquarium
Robert H. Biggs, DO ‘76 &
Mrs. Jane Biggs
Bourbon Blue
Buddakan/Starr Restaurants
Eastern State Penitentiary
Fogo de Chao
Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue
Joanne E. Hullings, DO ‘96
Lantern Theater Company
Manayunk Brewery Company
Morris Arboretum of the
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Joseph A. Pion, DO ‘84
Carol K. Robison, DO ‘85
Terry A. Robison, DO ‘84
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
and Museum
Temple University Athletic
The Broadway Comedy Club
The Hershey Company
The People’s Light & Theatre
Top of the Rock Observation
Deck at Rockefeller Center
PCOM thanks the following
individuals for earmarking their
United Way gift to the PCOM
Healthcare Centers (Specific
Agency #8280):
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Luongo
The following donors supported
the 2014 Alumni Association
Campaign (January 1, 2014 –
December 31, 2014):
Anonymous (4)
Alice Jody Ackerman, DO ‘97
Joseph T. Acri, DO ‘95
Caroline E. Ahlquist, MS/PA ‘06
Jennifer L. Alvarado, MS/FM ‘08
Lawrence K. Alwine, DO ‘75
Jeffrey D. Amidon, DO ‘90
Linda K. Aquilino-Dimitriou,
DO ‘99
Peter F. Arino, DO ‘66
Peter S. Armanas, DO ‘09
Garo C. Avetian, DO ‘89
Michael B. Band, DO ‘84
Alfonso J. Barbati, DO ‘84
Lawrence I. Barr, DO ‘87
Robert I. Barsky, DO ‘81
Eileen P. Beale, DO ‘85
Hal S. Bendit, DO ‘84
Harvey S. Benn, DO ‘74
Sara B. Berner, DO ‘13
Robert H. Biggs, DO ‘76
Nicole Heath Bixler, MBA/DO ‘02
J. Steven Blake, DO ‘89, M.Sc. ‘94
Aaron S. Blom, MBA/DO ‘04
Martin Blume, DO ‘78
Joseph W. Boecker, DO ‘69
Edgar B. Bolton, Jr., DO ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bonn
James M. Bonner, DO ‘86
Kenneth G. Borie, DO ‘77
Thomas A. Boyle, DO ‘83
Robert D. Bricker, DO ‘89
Ronda L. Broady, DO ‘99
Robert W. Brooks, DO ‘85
Anthony Brown, DO ‘84
Thomas P. Brown, DO ‘87
Carl D. Burnett, III, DO ‘85
Melissa C. Buttrill, MS/PA ‘04
William E. Carroll, Doc ‘74
Krystal N. Carter, MS/Psy ‘10
C. Leonard Catinella, DO ‘64
Thomas W. Cerato, DO ‘79
Francis A. Cerra, DO ‘56
Robert M. Cherrey, DO ‘82
Patricia A. Cheslock,
MS ‘04, PsyD ‘05
Amy Victoria Chilingirian, DO ‘02
Susan K. Ciampaglia, DO ‘92
David Coffey, DO ‘84
Michael I. Cohen, DO ‘98
William L. Cohen, DO ‘72
Bruce A. Colley, DO ‘86
Ronald Cowen, DO ‘66
Stephen P. Cowen, DO ‘74
Robert A. Crossey, DO ‘91
Jeffrey D. Cushman, DO ‘83
Andrew Cykiert, DO ‘90
Gary Czulada, DO ‘85
Dolores Daczkowski Cilley, DO '78
William J. Dahms, Jr., DO ‘00
Nicholas R. Dalsey, DO ‘79
Robert B. Davies, DO ‘54
Mary C. DeJoseph, DO ‘86
Josephine DePalma, DPM
Urban DiPasquale, DO ‘66
John DiPastina, DO ‘85
Lorraine M. DiSipio, DO ‘78
Michael A. Donegan, DO ‘83
Ronald J. D’Orazio, DO ‘62
Kenneth K. Doroski, DO ‘81
John E. Dougherty, III, DO ‘71
Catherine C. N. Dowling, DO ‘89
Michael N. Dubroff, DO ‘74
Michael Dudnick, DO ‘76
Darlene Ann M. Dunay, DO ‘83
James P. Dwyer, DO ‘75
Jennifer A. Dwyer, DO ‘08
Dr. and Mrs. Ira Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Ermold
Kelly Evans, DO ‘95
Herbert Feldheim, DO ‘52
Stephen N. Finberg, DO ‘76
Lorraine G. Finelli, DO ‘82
Bradley A. Fink, DO ‘92
Leonard H. Finkelstein, DO ‘59
Robert L. Fiorelli, DO ‘84, M.Sc. ‘84
Edward Firouztale, DO ‘97, DSc
Mark B. Fishtein, DO ‘71
James W. Fitzpatrick, DO ‘79
Louis A. Friedman, DO ‘92
Lisa M. Frison, DO ‘83
Susan E. Galada, DO ‘89
Joel S. Garblik, DDS, MS/FM ‘09
Barry S. Garcia, DO ‘83
David N. Geiger, DO ‘82
Susan M. Geiger, DO ‘82
Stephen F. Gold, DO ‘90
Allan Goldberg, DO ‘63
Joshua E. Goldberg, DO ‘96
Howard M. Goldman, DO ‘85
Chad R. Gordon, DO ‘02
Daniel S. Gordon, DO ‘72
Scott A. Greenberg, DO ‘12
Karen B. Griffith, DO ‘04
Eugene G. Haas, DO ‘09
La Dawn A. Hackett,
MS/Biomed ‘08
Robert E. Hallworth, DO ‘79
Douglas M. Hargrave, DO ‘95
Melissa M. Harrison, DO ‘00
T. Daniel Harrison, DO ‘00
Charles W. Hash, Jr., DO ‘72
Randolph M. Heinle, DO ‘67
Leilani L. Heller-Dimmig, DO ‘85
Thomas H. Henderson, DO ‘65
Timothy A. Henninger, DO ‘94
Debra K. Hermany, DO ‘85
Morton S. Herskowitz, DO ‘43
Wayne A. Hey, DO ‘75
Barbara A. Hoffer, DO ‘93
Kamini Bajaj Hogan, MS/PA ‘07
James D. Hogue, DO ‘80
Edward Eric Horvath, DO ‘95
Suzanne L. Huffnagle, DO ‘87
Joanne E. Hullings, DO ‘96
Mark A. Illfelder, DO ‘73
Elizabeth A. Jackovic, DO ‘89
Jacobs Law Group, PC
Timothy L. Jameson, DO ‘84
Albert E. Janke, III, DO ‘85
Kimber Alderson Jones, DO ‘84
Francis J. Kane, DO ‘81
Kelly A. Kane, DO ‘96
Patricia B. Kane, DO ‘81
John S. Kasper, Jr., DO ‘78
Stuart A. Kauffman, DO ‘94
Michelle A. Kearney, DO ‘95
Suzanne K. Kelley, DO ‘77
Scott D. Kerstetter, DO ‘94
Joseph Kessler, DO ‘68
Kevin L. Kirk, DO ‘99
Bruce Kornberg, DO ‘78
Charles J. Kovalchick, DO ‘96
Mitchell B. Krause, DO ‘76
Stephen Kruk, DO ‘83
Joseph J. Kuchinski, DO ‘86
Matthew R. Kulka, DO ‘99
John G. Kuna, PsyD ‘09
Stephen J. Kushner, DO ‘88
Anthony M. Landis, DO ‘77
Brian K. Lang, DO ‘96
Paul J. Lapoint, DO ‘90
Sherman N. Leis, DO ‘67
Anthony S. Levin, DO ‘88
Richard N. Levrault, DO ‘80
John M. Levri, DO ‘13
Ronald M. Lieberman, DO ‘88
Scott J. M. Lim, DO ‘86
Amy L. Lindmark, DO ‘02
John Davis Lindmark, DO ‘02
Fred W. Lindsay, DO ‘95
Jeffrey S. Lombard, DO ‘80
William E. Longenecker, DO ‘80
David I. Lubin, DO ‘81
Christopher J. Lucas, DO ‘88
Shanda D. Lucas, MS/ODL ‘09
Robert C. Luderer, DO ‘73
Lawrence R. Ludwig, DO ‘58
Edward L. Lundy, DO ‘77
Harry T. Madison, DO ‘90
Robert L. Maholic, DO ‘99
Thomas G. Majernick, DO ‘81
James J. Manlandro, DO ‘63
Marilyn F. Marcus, DO ‘73
David M. Masiak, DO ‘77
Murray Norman Matez, DO ‘56
James Patrick Maurer, DO ‘04
Mary A. Maurer, DO ‘07
Robert S. Maurer, DO ‘62
Allan R. Mayer, DO ‘77
Paul P. McCaffrey, DO ‘75
John Z. McDonald, DO ‘81
Robert A. McMurtrie, Jr., DO ‘98
Francis C. Meeteer, DO ‘88
David Meir-Levi, DO ‘83
Alan L. Meshekow, DO ‘74
Jeri L. Miller, DO ‘79
Paul M. Miller, DO ‘81
Wayne G. Miller, DO ‘85
Donald Wesley Minteer, Jr., DO ‘72
William E. Minteer, DO ‘76
Thomas J. Moran, DO ‘86
Thomas F. Morley, DO ‘79
John Mueller, DO ‘89
Robert D. Multari, DO ‘76
Amanda S. Murphy, MS/PA ‘02
Michele A. Neff-Bulger, DO ‘98
Lawrence M. Neustadter, DO ‘81
William A. Nickey, DO ‘66
Nancy Nielsen-Conroy, RN ‘58
Gary D. Nothstein, DO ‘86
Joseph B. Nyzio, Jr., DO ‘00
Lawrence G. Ognibene, DO ‘90
Francis H. Oliver, DO ‘73
Ositadinma O. Opara, DO ‘99
Julianne S. Orlowski, DO ‘97
John Joseph Orris, MBA/DO ‘95
Jeffrey H. Perlson, DO ‘75
George A. Persin, DO ‘92
Maureen Cullen Persin, DO ‘92
Elsira M. Pina, DO ‘89
Ellen Marie Pinson-Rose,
MS/PA ‘05
Joseph A. Pion, DO ‘84
Marcia L. Pokriva, DO ‘84
David M. Poponi, PsyD ‘09
Shilpa R. Pradhan, DO ‘92
Alice R. Premaza-Mueller, DO ‘89
Emily M. Pressley, DO ‘95
Thomas J. Puskas, DO ‘71
David C. Raab, DO ‘01
Mark K. Radbill, DO ‘69
Vanessa A. Ragland-Payne, DO ‘84
Marylou J. Rainone, DO ‘89
L. Donald Randino, DO ‘80
George F. Reeher, DO ‘78
Roderick M. Relova, DO ‘91
Thomas Renaldo, DO ‘83
Thomas F. Renny, DO ‘74
Gretchen K. Reynolds, MS/PA ‘08
Joseph M. Richards, DO ‘98
C. W. Riedel, DO ‘95
LeeAnna M. Roberts, DO ‘11
Stacey A. Robertson, DO ‘79
Howard M. Robinson, MHA,
DO, ‘90
Carol K. Robison, DO ‘85
Terry A. Robison, DO ‘84
Josh L. Rock, DO ‘05
Alexander E. Rodi, Jr., DO ‘79
Eugene J. Romano, DO ‘67
Alexander Rosenau, DO ‘81
Donald H. Rosenbaum, Jr., DO ‘86
Roxborough Memorial Hospital
Raymond L. Ruberg, Jr., DO ‘77
R. Alex Rusynyk, DO ‘97
Benjamin J. Saks, DO ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. David Salkin
Mr. & Mrs. Stanton Salkin
Kirsten A. Santianni, DO ‘89
George J. Schmieder, DO ‘84
John W. Schroeder, DO ‘09
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Schure
Melissa Neumann Schwartz,
DO ‘91
Herbert Secouler, DO ‘75
William Seibert, DO ‘79
Peter C. Serpico, DO ‘86
C. Richard Sharbaugh, DO ‘77
Albert M. Shkane, DO ‘58
David R. Shober, DO ‘89
Michele M. Shober, DO ‘89
Christina Berchock Shook, PsyD ‘11
Anthony J. Skiptunas, III, DO ‘83
C. Richard Smith, Jr., DO ‘70
Bernard S. Sobel, DO ‘68
Kara Sopp Harres, MS/PA ‘05
Nicholas J. Spagnola, DO ‘81
Paul M. Spector, DO ‘72
Robert R. Speer, DO ‘71
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Speicher
Mary Jeanne Spinosi, DO ‘86
David M. Spratt, DO ‘75
Stanley M. Steinberg, DO ‘59
Joseph J. Stella, DO ‘91
B. Richard Stiles, DO ‘75
Judith M. Stranko-Richard, DO ‘82
Joel L. Strohecker, DO ‘01
Edward A. Styduhar, Jr., DO ‘74
Vincent P. Sustersic, DO ‘81
Kathleen E. Sweeney, DO ‘84
Joseph J. Szustak, DO ‘86
Richard B. Tancer, DO ‘84
Marlene B. Terlingo, DO ‘82
Rudd B. Thabes, DO ‘76
Priyesh T. Thakkar, MBA/DO ‘99
Corwin A. Thomas, DO ‘95
Stephen F. Uhlman, DO ‘79
United Way of York County
Dominic J. Valentino, III, DO ‘01
William E. Vaughan, Jr., DO ‘05
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ‘76, MBA
Earle Noble Wagner, DO ‘55
Margot L. Waitz, DO ‘89
Marie J. Warner, DO ‘89
Mark A. Warner, DO ‘83
Michael A. Washinsky, DO ‘77
James I. Weinberg, DO ‘68
Barclay M. Wilson, DO ‘69
Maria C. Yager, DO ‘95
Hong Ye, DO ‘02
Edward J. Zaloga, DO ‘88
Michael J. Zappitelli, Jr., DO ‘00
Caroline D. Zohoury, DO ‘87

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