2015 SNAP Annual Report - Society of Northern Alberta Print


2015 SNAP Annual Report - Society of Northern Alberta Print
Gabriela Jolowicz, 800 Miles from Home
Annual General Meeting
November 21st 2015
President’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
Financial Report
Board of Directors 2013-2014
Proposed Board Slate 2014-2015
Director Biographies
2015 Programming 13
Funders, Donors & Sponsors
Staff & Committees
Sponsor Members
Financial Statements 2014attached
Budget 2016attached
Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists Annual General Meeting
Date: 21 November 2015, 11:00 am
Location: 12056 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton
1. Call To Order
Lisa Matthias
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes, 07 November 2014 AGM 4. President’s Report
Lisa Matthias
5. Executive Director’s Report
April Dean
6. Approval of Financial Statements for 2014
7. Appointment of External Auditor for 2015 Motion
8. 2014–15 Board of Directors:
- Nomination of New Directors:
Letisha McFall
Laura Ritchie
- Approval of Board Slate for 2015-2016
9. Review of Strategic Plan
10. Open Floor for Q&A and Discussions
11. Adjournment Motion
Reception to follow
President’s Report:
Lisa Matthias
The end of the calendar year is always an important and eventful time at SNAP. Our
Annual General Meeting, held in November of each year, is a wonderful way for us to
connect with one another to review our experiences and achievements over the past
year and discuss the year ahead.
On behalf of SNAP’s Board of Directors, I’d like to thank you for all of your help in
making a full and rewarding year of programming at SNAP. Looking back at 2015 I’m
truly inspired by the artistic excellence, community-building, and tremendous support
for contemporary art that has happened at SNAP. Annual fundraisers like Block Party
and Print Affair demonstrate the wide range of people who support and take an interest in SNAP. Our varied and busy education and outreach programming reveal just
how many people are interested in learning more about printmaking for their creative
pursuits; whether they take a class, workshop or take part in an evening of Drink and
Draw. The outstanding attendance at our gallery openings reflects the high caliber
of exhibitions that SNAP has had the honour of presenting. Our quarterly newsletter,
SNAPline, is full of stimulating artwork and stories from our community. Here are a few
highlights from your Board of Directors from 2015:
Strategic Planning
The Board is pleased to present SNAP’s first
Strategic Plan at this year’s AGM. This
document is the culmination of over two
years’ work on board and policy
development, with broad and in-depth
input from our membership, professional
workshops, and a variety of other sources.
SNAP’s Board of Directors and Executive
Director recently completed participation in
the “New Pathways for the Arts: Advancing
Innovation and Adaptive Change in the Arts”.
This series of workshops and forums was
incredibly valuable. As a Board, we have a
much better understanding of the potential
and capacity of our organization; with ways
to respond adaptively to complex
challenges, and ideas for innovation and
In our 5-year Strategic Plan we present
SNAP’s Vision, Mission, Mandate, Values,
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Priority
Actions, for the next five years. As a
reference document it provides clear
guidance and direction for our own internal
planning processes, but also gives those
outside of our society a well-defined picture
of what SNAP is all about. We have already
started to use this strategy to inform our
budget planning for 2016.
Board Renewal
My term as President of the Board of
Directors is at a close, and it’s been a
pleasure to serve our Society in this
capacity. I will be continuing work on our
Board in the role of Past President. Our Vice
President Brenda Malkinson has agreed to
take on the role of President. Please join me
in welcoming Brenda to her new position.
I would like to thank Tracy Wormsbecker for
her dedication as a Director on the Board, as
she completed her term in 2015. We will miss
her enthusiasm and expertise, and wish her
well in her new endeavours. We hope to elect
two new Board Directors at this year’s AGM.
Daniel Evans. Atavistic: Installation View. Community Gallery.
Staff and Programming
SNAP’s studio programming has been
greatly enhanced by the addition of a new
full-time staff member: Printshop and
Program Coordinator Amanda McKenzie.
Amanda brings a wealth of experience and
energy to her position and we are very lucky
to have her on our team of hardworking staff,
including Alexandrea Bowes
(Communications Coordinator) and April
Dean (Executive Director), who, alongside
our many volunteers, and temporary staff, are
so tremendously important to our
The past year was filled with a wide range of
programming in SNAP’s galleries. The gallery
spaces were graced by a diversity of exhibits
that showcased the breadth and flexibility of
printmaking as a field of contemporary art. I’d
like to extend our warmest thanks to SNAP’s
Programming Committee for all of its hard
work in putting together such a wonderful
year of exhibitions.
Our workshop has been bustling with activity
throughout 2015. On a most exciting note, we
are now very fortunate to have our own digital
print lab. This thrilling new addition to our
professional studio will be filling a
substantial gap in resources available to
artists and printmakers in our community,
including our artists in residence.
Regular education classes and a variety of
one-of-a-kind workshops introduce many new
people to this communal printmaking studio
and keep the space alive with new creative
energy. Partnerships between SNAP and
other organizations and events in our
community like Nuit Blanche, The Works
festival, the Brown, Black, and Fierce
Collective, or E4C Artstart, to name just a
few, have generated valuable dialogue and
innovative artwork. A number of regular
studio events continued their momentum
from previous years, including our Drink and
Draw evenings, Open Studio drop-ins, and
the Letterpress Club.
SNAP is becoming more and more known for
hosting one-of-a-kind special events
throughout the year, which act both as
fundraisers for our organization, and
celebrations with the broader community.
Our spring Block Party was held for its
third year, and we always look forward to
SNAP’s annual Print Affair – an evening of
food and drink, music, and beautiful original
print art.
A really important part of SNAP’s outreach to
its membership and the broader arts
community happens through our quarterly
publication, SNAPLine. In 2015, our
publication continued to grow in content,
being enriched with the contributions of many
talented writers and artists. Thank you to our
Publications Committee for all of your
commitment and enthusiasm all year long!
Standing Committees and Volunteers
SNAP’s Executive Committee for 2015
consists of the Board President (Chair), Vice
President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the
Executive Director. This standing
committee sets goals and direction for the
Board of Directors, reviews the financial
aspects of the Society’s activities, and
oversees human resource management.
Priorities for this committee over the past year
were to review budgets and finances and
help finalize SNAP’s strategic plan.
SNAP also has a very hardworking
Publications Committee and Special Events
Committee. Each committee is chaired by a
board member and has several industrious
volunteers. Thank you all for all of the hard
work you’ve put in over 2015.
SNAP’s people – its members, volunteers,
and staff - are truly its greatest asset.
Thank you!
Thank you to our artists, patrons, supporters, the broader arts community, and so many wonderful
partners, for helping our organization carry out another year of diverse programming, and for making SNAP such a unique and exceptional printmaking Society.
SNAP community block
carving at BLOCKOUT 2015
Executive Director’s Report:
April Dean
2015 was another significant year for SNAP. When I took on the Executive Director role
over three years ago I set a number of important goals for the organization. I am delighted
to have seen the most important of those goals come to fruition over this year. Throughout
2015 I have been focused on internal development and committed considerable time and
resources to supporting the important work of our Board of Directors throughout the process
of developing SNAP’s first 5 year strategic plan.
The development of this plan signals an important change at SNAP as we now have the
ability and resources to be forward looking, to take risks and to be an open and transparent
organization to all of the communities we serve.
Changes at SNAP are not always visible in immediately physical or financial terms, but rather
change at SNAP has been a long-term evolution of our organizational culture. Collaboration
and outreach across generations, communities and cultures is not always comfortable- but
these systemic boundaries are easily approachable if we commit to sincere engagement
throughout our organization. By outlining and listing our organizational values we’ve begun
to connect our core programming (traditionally designed for capital ‘A’ Artists) to a continued
commitment to community building. I’ve significantly changed my thinking about outreach
and community building as not additional but essential because Artists, by nature, seek
community and they find it at SNAP. We can do more as a community to resist systemic
boundaries and potentially push against limitations in our current system that define civic
engagement in culture.
SNAP is an incredibly unique organization that allows for multiple points of entry for people
in the Edmonton area and beyond. I am very proud of our internal growth over the past year
as we have been able to introduce our first full-time salaried position fully dedicated to the
printshop & its related programming. I am also so excited to be working with our Board of
Blair Brennan. AZUCAR - Branded paper - SNAP Commission project
Directors who are all talented, passionate
and committed individuals who have
completed an incredible amount of
meaningful policy & governance work over
the past two years. The addition of our
digital lab resources, with much thanks
and gratitude to the Edmonton Community
Foundation, is a dream come true for
Artists and students alike. To date we
have purchased and installed the following
equipment in our printmaking studio on
Jasper Avenue:
-Epson Stylus Pro 9900 (44-inch) Printer
-Epson Expression 11000XL Scanner (Photo) up to 2400 dpi Resolution & 48-bit colour
adobe creative suite
black & white toner proofs and screen - 3 - 27 inch 5k Retina Display iMacs with the full - a Desktop Ricoh printer for printing up 11x17 positives
- Epson WXGA 3LCD Wireless Data Projector
- Canon EOS Rebel T5 (DSLR)
Our goal is to support and assist artists
in the research and production of fine art
prints. Having this technology in-house
is essential for artists to be able to work
efficiently and fluidly between monitor
and paper, pixels and ink. Digital imaging
technologies have become standard
tools throughout many contemporary
printmaking processes and these
enhancements to our facilities allow SNAP
to continue supporting the development
of professional artists in our community by
providing access to the tools they need.
SNAP staff have begun testing and working
with artists in our studio & we expect to
make these resources fully available to the
broader Edmonton visual arts community
in early 2016. SNAP will be collaborating
with several artists and running professional
development workshops throughout 2016
making use of all of our new digital imaging
The standing committees of outstanding
volunteers that I have the pleasure of
working with have turned SNAP into a
dynamic and responsive organization.
The individuals listed on page 18 of this
report dedicate their time, creativity and
enthusiasm to delivering and enhancing
SNAP programs. Our staff, Alexandrea
Bowes & Amanda McKenzie work
determinedly and fluidly across our
committees and programs and are always
at the front lines of our most important
interactions throughout our community.
Success for our organization means
supporting the work of professional and
emerging artists in our community and
providing space and programming for
the education, experimentation and
growth of creative practitioners. We want
to develop programming that is relevant
and accessible to all members of our
Briar Craig. Blue Tongue Run. UV screen print
community and encourages participation and appreciation from new audiences. We want to
connect people with ideas, ways of making and with each other. SNAP began as a collective
of artists in 1982 and in 2015 I am delighted to say we have not strayed from our Artist-run and
collective roots.
Financial Report
David Rumer
The last five years have been an exciting time for SNAP. In 2010, we moved into our Jasper Avenue
studio and have seen consistent growth since. Significantly, our self-generated revenue has doubled in that time. This is key for SNAP as it recognizes the value that SNAP facilities and programming have in our community. During the same period we saw significant increases in grant funding,
as funders recognized the impact SNAP is having on the Edmonton Arts scene. As a result, SNAP
has invested heavily in into all aspects of programming while holding the line on administrative and
facility expenses.
2015 was a groundwork year for future
expansion. We maintained expenses from
2014 with modest increases to artist fees and
human resources, holding the line in other
areas. Receiving funds from the 2014
casino means that 2015 is expected to
deliver another significant surplus. This was
accomplished while completing the digital
print lab project, which was fully funded
through the Edmonton Community
Foundation. We also established a
significant reserve fund policy in accordance
with our funders' guidelines and put our first
payment into the reserve account in August
and completed a five year strategic plan.
2016 is expected to be a game changer
for SNAP. The board is most excited about
introducing a fully funded international artist
residency program to build our community
and increase our commitment to artistic
excellence. This coincides with using a
portion of our accumulated surplus to
increase expenditures in all areas of artistic
programming. In our print shop, we are
excited for the increased activity
resulting from having a full time employee
and launching the digital print lab. In the
gallery we have increased artists' fees across
the board, and we are looking forward to this
years' season of diverse exhibitions. For
2016, SNAP has increased our human
resource capacity to 2.5 full-time positions,
and we are excited about what this means
for our education programs and print shop
Looking forward, SNAP is positive about
progressive changes in the provincial and
federal governments. We are excited with
the announcements for additional funding for
the arts but are aware of the impact that the
economy has on our funding. In that regard
we are closely managing our budget and
actively looking for diversified revenue
streams that do not rely on government
Financial Graphs
Lisa Matthias
Vice President Brenda Malkinson
Treasurer Secretary David Rumer
Megan Stein
Director Megan Bertagnolli
Ferdinand Legit
Director Mark Dutton
Tracy Wormsbecker
Director Marian Switzer
Student Rep
Alex Linfield
President Brenda Malkinson
Vice-Presdient (acting)Mark Dutton
David Rumer
Secretary Megan Stein
Past-President Lisa Matthias
Director Megan Bertagnolli
Ferdinand Langit
Alex Linfield*
DirectorLetisha McFall
DirectorLaura Ritchie Director
Marian Switzer
*Leave of absense from Board duties January - April 2016
2015-2016 Board of Directors:
The Executive Committee
Brenda Malkinson is a glass artist; wood cut
print artist and educator. For overthirty-five
years Malkinson’s work has focused on
large-scale contemporary glass installations.
In 2011 Malkinson complemented her studio
practice with woodcut printmaking having
first been introduced to print in 1970 at the
Alberta College of Art and Design, graduating
with distinction in 1975. Her concepts draw
from intimate interpretation of natural forms
integrating fragments of foliage, ancient
iconography, colour gradations, and intriguing
Malkinson’s art is in many public and private
collections including the Alberta Foundation for
the Arts, the Massey Foundation, the University
of Alberta, Mazankowski Heart Institute, CK Hui
Heart Centre and the Royal Alexandra Hospital
Foundation. Recent juried group exhibitions
include Christie’s New York, IPCNY, New Prints;
BIMPE VIII; AKUA International Exhibition,
Central Booking Gallery, NY and Wonju,
South Korea. Malkinson’s prints were selected
to participate in the Canadian Printmakers
Exhibition in Kyoto, Japan in 2016. In 2005 she
received the Alberta Centennial Commission
Award and is a recipient of the 2013 Edmonton
Artists’ Trust Fund Award.
Mark Dutton has been renting, volunteering
and collaborating at SNAP since 2009. Mark
has served on the SNAP board for two years
and is excited to continue to be part of one of
Edmonton’s thriving art institutions.
Megan Stein has been involved with SNAP in
varying intensities since 2010; starting with
volunteering at special events, moving through
the Special Events Committee in 2013/2014
and finally joining the Board as the Secretary in
2014. In 2012, she received her BFA from the
University of Alberta where she focused her
interests to drawing and printmaking. She has
exhibited her work in solo and group shows
throughout Edmonton, Toronto, Minnesota and
Texas. She is very grateful to be connected with
the great community of artists, art lovers and
print enthusiasts at SNAP and by association to
the greater Edmonton arts community.
Megan spends her weekdays working at the
University in the Engineering Co-op Department
and the rest of her time reading about, looking
at, touching and making prints. And, when
she is not printing one could probably find her
outside on her bike, inside with her two kitties
or walking through Edmonton’s river valley
discovering lichens while the world, clouds, and
river flow past in a calm quiet.
David Rumer joined the SNAP board in 2014
as treasurer and is excited to be entering his
third year on the board. An avid arts supporter,
David has previously appeared on the stage
at the Walterdale, and is a staple in the swing
and blues dance communities. In addition to
attending as many local arts events as possible,
he loves house concerts, cross country skiing
and yoga.
April Dean is a visual artist and arts advocate
living and working in Edmonton, Alberta. In
2012 she was granted a Master of Fine Arts
Degree in Fine & Media Arts from NSCAD
University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She has a
diploma in photographic technology from NAIT,
a Bachelor of Arts Degree with distinction from
The University of Alberta with a major in Art &
Design (Printmaking) and a minor in English.
Her graduate thesis research was funded by
the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
2015-2016 Board of Directors:
The Executive Committee Cont’d
Council of Canada (SSHRC). Her work is held
in private collections across Canada and public
collections in Alberta and Nova Scotia. She is a
sessional instructor at The University of Alberta.
She has been a member of and involved with
SNAP as a volunteer, an artist and an instructor
since 2007 and has been Executive Director
since 2012. In her spare time she is a general
life enthusiast and lover of cycling, dogs and
2015-2016 Board of Directors:
Lisa Matthias is an artist residing in Edmonton,
Alberta. She completed her Master of Fine Arts
in printmaking at the University of Alberta, and
prior to that carried out a Master of Science in
plant ecology from the University of Manitoba,
and a Bachelor of Science in ecology from the
University of Guelph. After working for over
a decade as a professional biologist, Lisa
changed her career focus to become a
full-time artist. Science and art come together in
many ways in her studio practice, and she often
strives for her work to articulate links between
ecological processes and human mediation.
Lisa has taught art and printmaking to a
diversity of groups in the community, and
volunteers regularly at local area artist-run
centres and other not-for-profit organizations
in the city. She has been a member of the
Society of Northern Alberta Print-artists since
first moving to Edmonton in 2003. Her artwork
has been exhibited in a number of local and
international shows including Edmonton,
Calgary, Vancouver, New York, San Francisco,
Scotland, Slovakia, and Japan.
Megan Bertagnolli is currently the Development
Partnerships Liaison at the Art Gallery of
Alberta, where she is involved with Corporate
fundraising. Previously, she held the position
of Interpretive Programs Coordinator where
she facilitated the development and delivery
of exhibition related content. She earned her
Master’s degree in the History of Art, Design
and Visual Culture from the University of
Alberta in 2011 where her research focus
was on collecting as artistic practice and
as the relationship between art, institutions
and viewers. When not at the AGA, Megan
teaches Art History at the post-secondary level,
organizes HardCopy: Edmonton’s Artist Book
and Zine Fair, and does freelance writing.
She strongly believes that accessibility is the
key to community engagement with art and is
passionate about helping people connect to art
in meaningful ways. In her spare time, Megan
can be found running year round in Edmonton’s
beautiful river valley.
Ferdinand Langit: Following his graduation
with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at
the University of Alberta, Ferdinand began his
career in the nonprofit sector with Volunteer
Alberta. Before soon, he moved to lead
Communications at The Support Network for
several years and has recently been leading
Communications and Community Engagement
with the Alberta Community Council on HIV.
With past board experience at the Pride Centre
of Edmonton and past volunteer experience
with CJSR Radio, Latitude 53 and Metro
Cinema, Ferdinand continues his endeavors
as a member of the Board of Directors at the
Society of Northern Alberta Print-artists to
advocate for the non-profit/voluntary sector and
to promote arts and culture in his hometown.
2013-2014 Board of Directors:
Alex Linfield is an Alberta born visual artist and
musician. He is currently a BFA student at the
University of Alberta and will be graduating this
spring with plans to continue his studio practice
in Edmonton. Having previously lived in a
smaller northern city, he truly values the artistic
community that SNAP and Edmonton have
created. He enjoys Xerox printers, postcards,
printed packaging, and collaboration.
Letisha McFall is at heart a life long maker/
creator and learner who believes that
community organizations like SNAP are
essential in building strong and vibrant cultural
communities by enhancing the quality of life of
makers/artists who use the services and add
much needed social capital to the very fabric of
the broader community.
As a community developer, with a Masters
Degree from the University of Alberta, her most
recent three year contract involved mentoring
a variety of Alberta based non profit boards in
strategic planning, developing realistic budgets,
evaluating existing programs/services while
providing direction and support in building new
collaborative initiatives resulting in increased
access to services and long term sustainable
community based structures and programs.
Building a vibrant fiber practice has resulted
in the development of Letisha McFall Studio.
The studio has created opportunities to exhibit
pieces in Edmonton Washington DC, and Seoul
Korea and her pieces have found homes in
Edmonton, Yellowknife; Vancouver, Scotland,
Switzerland, Toronto, Calgary, United States
to name a few. Teaching and facilitating
workshops and helping others create are also
part of the studio practice. Recent printmaking
activity will spawn new directions for her fiber
Laura Ritchie holds a BA in Art History from
Mount Allison University and an MA in the
same from The University of Western Ontario.
She has worked in collections and exhibitions
management and visual arts administration for
and with such Canadian art organizations as
the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the New Brunswick
Crafts Council, the New Brunswick Arts Board,
Museum London, the Tom Thomson Memorial
Art Gallery, and the National Museum of St.
Kitts. Laura is currently the Exhibitions Manager
at the Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, where
she manages the production of exhibitions.
When possible, Laura curates, fiddles with
databases, and doodles meticulously.
Marian Switzer was born in Kitchener, Ontario
in 1981. Switzer works predominantly in the
medium of acrylic painting, and both digital
and analogue photography. She completed an
honours degree in fine arts at the University of
Guelph in 2004. She has been a part of group
shows in Toronto, Guelph, Edmonton, and
Edinburgh. She most recently collaborated with
Sydney Lancaster in a photo based project
entitled York. In addition to SNAP, she is also a
member at Latitude 53, CARFAC/ VAAA, and
Harcourt House.
2015 Exhibition Programming
Community Gallery:
Main Gallery:
SNAP Members Show & Sale
November 21 – December 19, 2015
A Revision Of Forward
Walter Jule & Wendy McGrath
September 24— November 07, 2015
Everyday Rituals (survival tactis)
Taryn Kneteman
September 24— November 07, 2015
July 30 to September 05, 2015
July 30 to September 05, 2015
Present Density
Gabriela Jolowicz
June 04 to July 18, 2015
Daniel Evans
June 04 to July 18, 2015
Between The Lines
Briar Craig
April 09 to May 23, 2015
Ass U Me
Ben Weinlick
April 09 to May 23, 2015
February 26 - March 28, 2015
February 26 - March 28, 2015
The Human Shop
Eunkang Koh
January 08 to Februray 14, 2015
Daughter of a Dead Father
Karen Cassidy
January 08 to Februray 14, 2015
From Gabriella Jolowicz collaborative woodcut workshop
Progamming Sponsors and Donors:
Delta Drafting Supplies
Duchess Bakery
Elm Café
Marshalls Fabrics Ltd.
McCallum Printing
Printing Impressions
Yellowhead Brewery
Theatre Garage
Brian Gatein & Victoria
From 2015 SNAP Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
April Dean
Executive Director
Alexandrea Bowes
Communications Coordinator
Amanda Mckenzie
Printshop & Programs Coordinator
Katie Tasa
Special Events & Community Outreach (Summer)
Funded in part through The Canada Summer Jobs Program, Summer 2014
Haylee Fortin - University of Alberta Student Intern
Winter 2015
Special Events Committee:Publications Committee:
Megan Bertagnolli
Jeff Klassen
Sergio Seranno
Eva Schneider
Stephanie Bailey
Emilienne Gervais
Alexandrea Bowes
Jared Majeski
Esther Vanderwel
Alex Linfield
Jessica Hong
SNAPline Print Artists:
Jill Ho-You Spring 2015
Graeme Dearden Summer 2015
Susanna Barlow Fall 2015
Leanne Olson Winter 2015
2015 Emerging Artists In Residence:
Dara Humniski
Holly De Moissac
2015 Exhibitions Programming Committee & External Peer Jury:
April Dean
Marian Switzer
Tracy Wormsbecker
Jessie Thomas
Patrick Ares-Pilon
Sponsor Members
Janine Andrews
Walter Jule & Karen Dugas
David Armstrong
Rodney Konopaki
(UofA Museums)
Susanna Barlow
Megan Bertagnolli
Ted Bishop
Richard Borowski
Alexandrea Bowes
Nate Box (Elm café)
Blair Brennan
Bruce Peel Special Collections & Archives
Karen Cassidy
Sean & Akiko Caulfield
Clara Cheung
Clive Coy
April Dean
Nick & Mary Ann Dobson
Gerry Dotto
Mark Dutton
Lenora Elkin
Kyla Fischer
Lucille Frost
Brian Gatein
Helen Gerritzen
Jennifer Grimm
Barbara Hartman
Mark Henderson
Colleen Hewitt
John Hoyt
Dara Humniski
Heather Huston
Liz Ingram
Taryn Kneteman
Agnieszka Koziarz
Sydney Lancaster
Marlene MacCallum
Donald Mcnab
Lisa Matthias
Les Mintzler
Andrei Nikiforuk
Jennifer Pascoe
Michael Phair
Melinda & James Pinfold
Tracy Potter-Macswain
Walter Raponi
Laura Ritchie
David Rumer
Georg Schmoelzer
Marc Siegner
SKILLS Society
Ania Sleczkowska
Robin & Dennis Smith-Peck
Alina Strandberg
Lisa Turner
Bob Van Schaik
Jim Whittome
Kathy Williams
Pam Wilman
Christian Wolff
Christine Wong
Yellowhead Brewery