Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the
Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the
Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements Beatrice Faggiano Maria Rosaria Grippa Anna Marzo Federico M. Mazzolani Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy speaker Dr. Paolo Negro Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements contents introduction material and methods non-destructive tests (NDT) Aim of the study…. identification of a methodological process for in situ mechanical characterization of ancient timber members by means of combined nondestructive techniques. destructive tests (DT) mechanical identification by NDT-DT methods The research activity has been developed in the framework of the Italian project PRIN 2006 “Diagnosis techniques and totally removable low invasive strengthening methods for the structural rehabilitation and the seismic improvement of historical timber structure”, prof. M. Piazza coordinator. Research UNIT UNINA “Experimental evaluation of the mechanical properties of wood by means of non-destructive compared techniques for the characterization of existing wooden structures”, research team: prof. B. Faggiano scientific responsible, Ing. M. R. Grippa and Ing. A. Marzo. 2 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements introduction non destructive techniques (NDT) towards diagnosis, structural analysis and consolidation intervention of existing wooden structures Global Test Methods (GTM) - ultrasonic and vibration methods GTM LTM Local Test Methods (LTM) - electronic penetrometers - superficial hardness systems experimental activity (DIST Laboratory, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy) evaluation of the mechanical properties of old structural timber by means of NDT compared techniques Non-destructive tests (NDT) - hygrometric - ultrasonic - sclerometric - resistographic NDT DT Destructive tests (DT) - compression parallel to the grain and bending Correlations between NDT and DT parameters Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 3 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements chestnut structural elements material ancient timber roofing trusses inclined strut king post standard dimensions (UNI EN 408) 14 specimens type C for compression tests 6D D L/D≅6 10 specimens type B for bending tests king post inclined strut L/D≥19 D 4 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements geometric survey and visual inspection material Visual inspection qualitative assessment of the conservation state Defects and alterations knots and fibre deviation longitudinal splitting ring shakes biological damage and insect attacks 10 specimens type B for bending tests nearly circular cross-section Dmean [15.0 cm; 16.5 cm] L (≥ 19D) [300 cm; 340 cm] 14 specimens type C for compression tests square cross-section with large rounded edges Dmean [14.5 cm; 16.0 cm] L (≅ 6D) [87 cm; 96 cm] knots ring shake longitudinal fissures insect attacks knot 5 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements non-destructive methods (NDT) hygrometric tests evaluation of the moisture content of the wood, which severely affects its mechanical properties and its susceptibility to degradation by decay ultrasonic investigations definition of a direct relationship between the stress wave speed and the elastic properties of the material, based on the theory of acoustic wave propagation sclerometric tests assessment of the material hardness and superficial consistence by the penetration depth of a blunt pin, fired into the wood resistographic measurements detection of internal defects and density variations by means of measure of drilling resistance along the path of a small needle inserted into the wood 6 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements destructive methods (DT) compression tests parallel to the grain (14 specimens type C) determination of the modulus of elasticity (Ec,0) and strength (fc,0) in compression bending tests (10 specimens type B) determination of the local (Em,l) and global (Em,g) modulus of elasticity, together with bending strength (fm) The full-scale static tests aim at evaluating the structural behaviour of the timber elements in terms of stiffness, load bearing capacity and collapse mechanism. The tests were performed according to UNI EN 408 standard. UNI EN 408 (2004) Timber structures – Structural timber and glued laminated timber – Determination of some physical and mechanical properties. 7 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements hygrometric tests non-destructive tests (NDT) testing equipment Tramex Professional device digital pin type resistance meter testing set-up resistor pins aligned along the direction parallel to the grain 10 readings per specimen moisture content readings: 7% - 40%; 0.1% increments the professional is callibrated on wood at an ambient temperature of 20 °C temperature Adjustment chart 8 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements ultrasonic investigations non-destructive tests (NDT) testing equipment Ultrasonic System CMS testing set-up direct method transducers TSG-20 parallel to the grain 5 readings per specimen in longitudinal direction RSG-55 perpendicular to the grain 11 tested sections 4 readings per section 44 readings per specimen in transversal direction signal acquisition software (Pocket Sonic) 1 2 3 4 9 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements ultrasonic investigations non-destructive tests (NDT) data processing Data Sonic processing software → signals in ASCII format → diagrams in scale time [usec] – Amplitude [mV] typical stress waveform Transversal signals discovery of weak and critical zones TF cross-section fissures T3 T2 T1 Dynamic parameters • TF: “Time of Flight” (transmission time) • SWS: Stress Wave Speed = L/TF • Edyn: dynamic elasticity modulus = SWS2 ρ T4 (*) L: distance between the transducers ρ: wood density Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 10 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements sclerometric tests non-destructive tests (NDT) testing equipment testing set-up grid area Wood Pecker mechanical hammer longitudinal tests 2 tested end-sections 9 shots per area 18 shots per specimen blunt metallic needle: 25 mm diameter; 50 mm length shot by means of 5 spring blows equipped by a comparator system pin penetration depth (PD) PD = Ln – (Lc+Dc) [mm] transversal tests 2 orthogonal directions 5 tested areas 9 shots per area 90 shots per specimen (*) Ln: pin length Lc: comparator reading Dc: depth of protective cap Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 11 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements resistographic measurements non-destructive tests (NDT) testing equipment IMLRESIF400 System testing set-up wax paper strip electronic unit longitudinal measurements 2 tested end-sections 5 measures per section 10 measures per specimen transversal measurements drilling resistance measuring system needle 1.5 to 3.0 mm diameter and 40 mm length spent energy of drilling device measured as drilling resistance every 0.1 mm 11 tested sections 2 measures per section 22 measures per specimen data recorder on a wax paper strip at a scale of 1:1 and stored on a electronic unit as graphic profiles 12 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements resistographic measurements non-destructive tests (NDT) data processing F-Tools Pro software → data in ASCII format → graphic profiles in scale Drilling Depth [mm] – Amplitude [%] wood with high quality presence of internal more resistant part presence of knots on the lateral surface wood of good quality homogeneous parts wood of poor quality damaged zone with low amplitude hollow areas with null drilling resistance 13 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements non-destructive tests (NDT) resistographic measurements data processing mean value of amplitude as parameter of wood drilling resistance longitudinal profile similar drilling resistance on homogeneous parts damaged zone transversal profile strong variation of drilling resistance due the crossing of the growth rings hollow area Mean amplitude (Am) ratio between the integral of the diagram area and the depth of the needle path (L) Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 14 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements experimental results non-destructive tests (NDT) NDT parameters average values for each specimen Hygrometric tests moisture content (MC) [%] Ultrasonic investigations stress wave speed (SWS) [m/sec] Sclerometric tests pin penetration depth (PD) [mm] Resistographic measurements drilling resistance (Am) [%] mean values and variation coefficients the resistographic parameters are affected by the higher coefficients of variations, due to the presence of defects which inflluence the local measures of the drilling-resistance 15 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements compression tests parallel to the grain destructive tests (DT) testing equipment Mohr & Federhaff machine Hydraulic press with capacity of 5000 kN (force controlled tests) Loading cell HBM of 740 kN Displacements transducers (LVDT) with accurancy of 1×10-3 Acquisition system (HBM-Spider 8) and PC for data recording by means of the software Catman (v. 6.2) load cell top fixed head test methods The compression tests were performed in two step: 1. Elastic cycles, for the determination of the elasticity specimen base plate LVDTs modulus (Ec,0) 2. Failure cycles, for the evaluation of the compression strength (fc,0), post-elastic behaviour and collapse modes of the tested specimens 16 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements destructive tests (DT) compression tests parallel to the grain elastic cycles testing set-up test procedure: 3 load ranges elasticity modulus typical F-w curves Ec,0 (I) = 9268 N/mm2 Ec,0 (II) = 9948 N/mm2 Ec,0 (III) = 11016 N/mm2 Ec,0(mean)=10078 N/mm2 4 LVDTs (1, 2, 3, 4) are placed on the opposite faces of the specimen to measure the relative displacements (Δw) in the elastic range over the central gauge length (L1) Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 17 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements destructive tests (DT) compression tests parallel to the grain failure cycles testing set-up typical F-w curves compression strength 2 LVDTs (5, 6) are placed on loading-base plate of the testing machine, measuring the base displacements (w) of the samples envelope curves and mean curve test procedure several loading-reloading failure cycles in each step, the load is increased up to the failure and applied at a constant base plate speed in such a way that the maximum force is reached within 300±120 sec (UNI EN 408) Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 18 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements destructive tests (DT) compression tests parallel to the grain collapse mechanisms longitudinal splitting fractures in radial direction cleavage along the annual rings multidirectional rupture The propagation of the failure patterns was developed for the presence of defects, such as longitudinal cracks, ring shakes, knots and slope of grain Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 19 University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) testing equipment Mohr & Federhaff machine actuator steel profile support specimen test arrangement (UNI EN 408) test methods four-points static scheme The bending tests were performed in two step: simply supported beam by means of two semi-cylindrical hinges 1. Elastic cycles, for the determination of the loaded beam with two concentrated forces local (Em,l) and global (Em,g) elasticity modulus 2. Failure cycles, for the evaluation of the bending by interposition of a steel profile between strength (fc,0), post-elastic behaviour and collapse the actuator and the specimen modes of the tested specimens 20 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) elastic cycles testing set-up test procedure: 3 load ranges local elasticity modulus global elasticity modulus typical F-w curves LVDT2 LVDT3 LVDT1 LVDT4 Determination of the local elasticity modulus: 3 LVDTs (1, 2, 3) are placed on the neutral axis to measure the deformations over the central gauge length (w; L1) Determination of the global elasticity modulus: LVDT (4) measures the deflections (w) at the mid-span of the beam Faggiano et al. Em,l (I) = 12391 N/mm2 Em,l (II) = 12375 N/mm2 Em,l (III) = 12068 N/mm2 Em,l (mean) = 12278 N/mm2 Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) Em,g (I) = 10307 N/mm2 Em,g (II) = 11036 N/mm2 Em,g (III) = 11011 N/mm2 Em,g (mean) = 11023 N/mm2 University of Naples “Federico II” 21 Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) failure cycles testing set-up typical F-w curves bending strength LVDT5 LVDT4 LVDT (4) is placed at the mid-span of the beam; LVDT (5) measures the loadingactuator displacements. envelope curves test procedure several loading-reloading failure cycles in each step, the load is increased up to the failure, reaching the maximum force within 300±120 sec (UNI EN 408) 22 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) collapse mechanisms For almost all the specimens, failure mechanisms triggered around large knots located at the central zone at the tensile edge of the beam cross-section, in some cases anticipated by fibres buckling mechanism at the compression side and slip phenomena Specimen B1 Specimen B4 Specimen B6 Specimen B8 Specimen B5 Specimen B9 23 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) collapse mechanisms specimen B3 rupture at the beam tension side: tear of the more stressed fibres II cycle V cycle VII cycle 24 IX cycle Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements bending tests destructive tests (DT) collapse mechanisms specimen B2 rupture at the beam compression side: buckling mode and slipping phenomena I cycle Faggiano et al. III cycle Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) 25 IV cycle University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements experimental results destructive tests (DT) compression tests bending tests physical and dynamic properties ρ: wood density [kg/m3] determined on the basis of the measured sizes and weight of the timber specimens Edyn: dynamic elasticity modulus [N/mm2] determined by means of the theoretical relation for homogenous and isotropic elements: Edyn = SWSL2 ρ (SWS is the stress wave speed) mechanical properties E: elasticity modulus [N/mm2] - Ec,0: in compression - Em,l: local in bending - Em,g: global in bending f: strength [N/mm2] - fc,0: in compression - fm: in bending coefficients of variations 26 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements applied methodology mechanical identification by NDT- DT parameters NDT parameters (X) DT parameters (Y) longitudinal and transversal average values: SWS: ultrasonic stress wave speed [m/sec] PD: sclerometric penetration depth [mm] Am: resistographic drilling-resistance [%] physical and mechanical properties: ρ: wood density [kg/m3] E: modulus of elasticity [N/mm2] f: strength [N/mm2] linear regression model estimation of wood density prediction of elasticity modulus prediction of strength regression-coefficient (R2) ranges 27 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements estimation of wood density mechanical identification by NDT- DT parameters regression-coefficients (R2) between density and NDT parameters sclerometric and, especially, resistographic techniques may be taken in practical applications for a quick and quantitative estimation of wood density resistographic tests density density sclerometric tests penetration depth Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) drilling resistance University of Naples “Federico II” 28 Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements prediction of elasticity modulus mechanical identification by NDT- DT parameters regression-coefficients (R2) between elasticity modulus and NDT parameters the prediction of the stiffness properties could be allowed by means of ultrasonic investigations static elasticity modulus static elasticity modulus ultrasonic tests stress wave speed Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) dynamic elasticity modulus University of Naples “Federico II” Italy 29 Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements prediction of strength mechanical identification by NDT- DT parameters regression-coefficients (R2) between strength and NDT parameters the drill-resistance method appears mostly suitable for a non-destructive estimation of strength bending strength compression strength resistographic tests mean amplitude Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) drilling resistance University of Naples “Federico II” 30 Italy Combined non-destructive and destructive tests for the mechanical characterization of old structural timber elements conclusions on the basis of experimental results… sclerometric definition of a methodology for in situ mechanical characterization of old timber members based on NDT techniques strength (f) resistographic × ultrasonic density (ρ) SWS2 = dynamic elasticity modulus (Edyn) static elasticity modulus (E) 31 Faggiano et al. Department of Structural Engineering (DIST) University of Naples “Federico II” Italy 32