here - Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací


here - Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Uvítací slovo prezidenta ČAKK
Program konference (v češtině)
Program konference (v angličtině)
9 – 13
Seznam sponzorů, vystavovatelů a mediálních partnerů konference
14 – 25
Profil ČAKK
Přihláška za člena ČAKK
27 – 28
The CACC President´s Welcome Address
Conference Programme (in Czech)
Conference Programme (in English)
9 – 13
List of the conference sponsors, exhibitors and media partners
14 – 25
CACC Profile
CACC Membership Application Form
27 – 28
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Vítám vás na 7. výroční konferenci ČAKK. Je skvělé, že vás můžeme opět uvítat v Praze. Moji kolegové a já se těšíme, jak doufáme, na
vzrušující konferenci bohatou svým programem, na největší a nejzajímavější kabelově-televizní, mediální a elektronicko-komunikační
představení v České republice v roce 2006.
V tomto roce se primárně zaměřujeme na revizi předpisového rámce elektronických komunikací a s ní související otázky a problémy.
Změny, které formují elektronické komunikace, jsou nejvyzývavějšími událostmi v našich životech, pojďmež tedy sdílet své úvahy,
myšlenky i starosti. Všichni nepochybně sledujete změny, které mají vztah k sítím založeným na IP, jakož i k „triple play“ či „quadruple
play“, a jejich dopad jak na nás, tak na průmyslové odvětví. Konvergence dramaticky ovlivňuje prostředí elektronických komunikací a my
jsme si všichni vědomi, že cesta vpřed povede prostřednictvím služeb IP a IMS.
V této souvislosti se ČAKK domnívá, že její výroční konference nabízejí jedinečnou platformu pro odborné diskuze, cenné prezentace a
také k vzájemnému setkávání – které je tak důležité v rychle se proměňujícím světě.
Když jsme připravovali program této konference, měli jsme na paměti činnost odvětví v celosvětovém měřítku, s dopady na konkurenční
situaci na evropské (a také na české) trhy.
Nechť se vám tedy konference líbí a ať je pro nás všechny přínosem!
JUDr. Zdeněk Vaníček PhD FABI
prezident občanského sdružení Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací
Welcome to CACC´s 7th annual conference. It is great to see you again in Prague. My colleagues and I look forward to, as we hope, an
exciting as well as eventfull conference, the biggest and the most interesting cable tv, media, and elcom show in the Czech Republic
throughout 2006.
This year we will primarilly focus on the 2006 Review and on all related issues and topics. Changes that are shaping electronic
communications are the most challenging features in our lives, so let us share our thoughts, ideas, and concerns. No doubt you
are all following all the activities related to IP based networks, and triple and quadruple play, and its impact on us and the industry.
Convergence is dramatically changing the shape of the electronic communications landscape and we all know that IP and IMS services
are the way forward.
In connection with it CACC believes that its annual conferences offer a unique platform for expert discussions, valuable presentations,
and also for networking – so important in our fast changing world.
The activity of the industry worldwide, with consequences for the competitive situation in the European (and also Czech) ma r ke t s ,
is what we had in mind when preparing the conference programme.
Enjoy it and have a nice conference!
Asst Prof Dr Zdeněk Vaníček PhD FABI
President of the Czech Association of Competitive Communications
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
PONDĚLÍ 24. dubna 2006
08.00 – 18.00
Registrace – registrační stůl v sále Belvedere
09.00 – 18.00
Výroční konference ČAKK
den společnosti
Hlavní sál sponzoruje společnost
Moderátor konference: Evžen Staněk
08.00 – 09.00
Ranní káva v konferenčním foyer
09.00 – 09.45
Zahájení 7. výroční konference ČAKK
Přivítaní a úvodní vystoupení – prezident ČAKK
Oficiální zahájení konference
Dana Bérová – ministryně informatiky
Peter Rodford – vedoucí odboru B2 generálního ředitelství Evropské komise pro informační
společnost a media (DG INFSO & Media)
10.00 – 11.15
Panelová diskuze I
Evropský předpisový rámec elektronických komunikací z roku 2002,
zákon o elektronických komunikacích a regulační prostředí v ČR
Splnila ČR úkol transpozice právních předpisů dobře a úplně?
11. implementační zpráva Komise
Je konzultační mechanismus dostatečně účinný?
Regulační úřad a spolupráce s podnikatelskými sdruženími a asociacemi
Revize předpisového rámce elektronických komunikací v roce 2006
Úvodní slovo:
Zdeněk Vaníček – prezident ČAKK
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Peter Rodford - vedoucí odboru B2 generálního ředitelství Evropské komise pro informační společnost a
media (DG INFSO & Media)
Sandro Bazzanella – Director EU Affairs, ECTA
Caroline van Weede – Managing Director, ECCA
Michal Frankl – člen Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu
Pavel Kolář – náměstek ministryně informatiky, Ministerstvo informatiky ČR
Libor Kudláček
11.15 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
Prezentace společnosti T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s.
Aleš Janků – ředitel vnějších vztahů
Prezentace sponzorů:
BBC Prime – Louisa James, Sales & Distribution Executive CEE
NDS – Alan Dishington, vedoucí marketingového oddělení pro Evropu
„Low Cost Solutions for Digital Cable“
12.00 – 13.00
Polední káva
13.00 – 14.15
Panelová diskuze II
Konkurence na českém trhu elektronických komunikací,
analýzy relevantních trhů, nápravná opatření, poučení a závěry
Kdo je konkurentem komu a jaké jsou komparativní výhody?
Kam až dosáhne konsolidace v sektoru elektronických komunikací?
Jak nové regulační prostředí ovlivňuje konkurenci
Kdo zvítězí v procesu konvergence?
Regulace a NGN
Úvodní slovo:
Luboš Řežábek – místopředseda představenstva ČAKK
Michal Frankl – člen Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu
Václav Bartoň – generální ředitel UPC Česká republika
Milan Rusnák – generální ředitel GTS Novera
Stefan Lager – generální ředitel společnosti eTel
Miroslav Uřičař – General Legal Counsel, T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s.
Tomáš Nielsen
14.15 – 15.30
Buffet Lunch – restaurace Loreta
15.30 – 16.00
Prezentace sponzorů:
Discovery – Katie Lowe, Commercial Executive
Blue & Gold Productions – Stephanie Meyer, ředitelka
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
16.00 – 17.30
Panelová diskuze III
Služby prostřednictvím IP vrstvy
Noví hráči ve starých segmentech trhu
Produkty, poptávka, obchodní modely
Je vázání služeb pojistkou úspěchu?
Rozhodne nástupní pozice? – Operátoři sítí elektronických komunikací vs. provozovatelé kabelových
systémů (televizních kabelových rozvodů)?
VoIP, Video over IP
Úvodní slovo:
Jan Kramosil
Pavel Dvořák – předseda Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu
Petr Jílek – technický ředitel, UPC Česká republika a.s.
Vladimír Petržílka – technický ředitel, Karneval Media
Michal Žilka – výkonný ředitel pro služby obsahu a Business Development, Český Telecom
Ivan Kárník – produktový manažer hlasových služeb, Czech On Line
Jan Kramosil
17.30 – 18.00
Večerní káva
Závěr prvního konferenčního dne
20.00 – 22.30
Večerní recepce - restaurace Loreta
Přivítání hostů
Udělení výročních cen ČAKK za rok 2005
Soutěž National Geographic Channel
Hudební a společenský program
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
ÚTERÝ 25. dubna 2006
08.00 – 09.00
Registrace – registrační stůl v sále Belvedere
09.00 – 18.00
Konference – 2. den
den společnosti
Hlavní sál sponzoruje společnost
09.00 – 18.00
Individuální schůzky, debaty a setkání – salónky a stánky
Moderátor konference: Evžen Staněk
08.00 – 09.15
Ranní káva v konferenčním foyer
Zahájení druhého konferenčního dne
09.30 – 10.00
10.00 – 11.45
Jaromír Talíř – poslanec, předseda Stálé komise pro sdělovací prostředky Poslanecké sněmovny, Parlament
České republiky
Panelová diskuze IV
Návrh nové směrnice EP a Rady regulující audiovizuální mediální služby, kterou se
mění směrnice televize bez hranic („TVWF Directive“)
Stanovisko ČR k návrhu směrnice
Hlavní rysy nové právní úpravy audiovizuálních mediálních služeb
Nové modely spolupráce
Úvodní slovo:
Petra Smolíková – náměstkyně ministra kultury, Ministerstvo kultury
Jaromír Talíř – poslanec, předseda Stálé komise pro sdělovací prostředky Poslanecké sněmovny,
Parlament České republiky
Václav Žák – předseda Rady pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání
Pavel Dvořák – předseda Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu
Martin Dvořák – generální ředitel FTV Prima
Kate O‘Sullivan – Senior Manager Public Policy, Liberty Global Europe B.V.
Vladimír Kroupa – advokát
Miloslav Kučera
11.45 – 12.30
Prezentace sponzorů:
Cisco Systems
Sport1 TV – Erika Köteles, Distribution Director
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
12.30 – 13.30
Polední káva
13.30 – 14.00
Prezentace sponzorů:
Astra CEE - Martin Kubacki, Managing Director
„SES ASTRA – the leading satellite operator in Europe“
SPI International – Ivan Hronec, ředitel
14.00 – 15.30
Panelová diskuze V
Rozvoj elektronických komunikací a hospodářská soutěž
Analýzy relevantních trhů elektronických komunikací z pohledu rozhodování ÚOHS
Evropský rozměr vnitřního trhu elektronických komunikací a národní politika ochrany hospodářské soutěže
Spolupráce regulačních orgánů ČR s Evropskou komisí
Úvodní slovo:
Martin Pecina – předseda Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže
Jana Fürstová – členka Rady Českého telekomunikačního úřadu
Anna Emanuelson – Project Manager, DG Competition, Evropská komise
Petr Zahradník – vedoucí oddělení pro záležitosti EU, Česká spořitelna
Naveed Gill – generální ředitel, TISCALI Telekomunikace Česká republika
Daniel Čekal – advokát, AK Linklaters
Luděk Vrána
15.30 – 16.30
Rada Českého telekomunikačního úřadu hovoří s podnikatelskou obcí
elektronických komunikací
Úvodní slovo:
Zdeněk Vaníček – prezident ČAKK
předseda a členové Rady ČTÚ:
Pavel Dvořák, Michal Frankl, Jana Fürstová, Marcela Gürlichová
Aleš Janků – člen představenstva APMS
Přemysl Klíma – předseda APKT
Svatoslav Novák – předseda APVTS
Zdeněk Vaníček – prezident ČAKK
Václav Moravec
Slavnostní předání ceny výherci soutěže VIASAT
Závěrečné vystoupení pořadatelů a hostů výroční konference ČAKK
Závěrečný přípitek na rozloučenou ve foyer
Závěr 7. výroční konference ČAKK
Program a řečníci potvrzeni ke dni 11. 4. 2006 * Změny programu vyhrazeny.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
MONDAY 24 April, 2006
conference day of
08.00 – 18.00
Registration – registration desk in Belvedere Hall
09.00 – 18.00
CACC Annual Conference
Conference hall sponsored by
Conference Chairman: Evžen Staněk
08.00 – 09.00
Morning coffee-break in Conference foyer
09.00 – 09.45
Opening of the 7th CACC Annual Conference
The CACC President´s introduction and welcome address
Oficial opening of the conference
Dana Bérová – Minister of Informatics
Peter Rodford – Head of B2 Unit, DG Information Society & Media, European Commission
10.00 – 11.15
Panel discussion I
The European regulatory framework of electronic communications 2002, the Act on
Electronic Communications and the regulatory environment in the Czech Republic
The 11th Implementation Report of the Commission
NRA and its co-operation with trade associations
The 2006 Review of the electronic communications regulatory framework
The consulations mechanism and the Article 7 procedure
Zdeněk Vaníček – President, CACC
Peter Rodford – Head of B2 Unit, DG Information Society & Media, European Commission
Sandro Bazzanella – Director EU Affairs, ECTA
Caroline van Weede – Managing Director, ECCA
Michal Frankl – Member, Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office
Pavel Kolář – Deputy Minister of Informatics
Libor Kudláček
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
11.15 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
T-Mobile Czech Republic presentation
Aleš Janků – Vice President Corporate Affairs
Sponsors´ presentations:
BBC Prime – Louisa James, Sales & Distribution Executive CEE
NDS – Alan Dishington, Head of Marketing – Europe
„Low Cost Solutions for Digital Cable“
12.00 – 13.00
Noon coffee-break
13.00 – 14.15
Panel discussion II
The Competitions at the Czech electronic communications market,
the analyses of relevant markets, remedies, outcomes and conclusions
Who´s who in the market and what are the comparative advantages?
How far the consolidation in the elcom sector will go?
What is the impact of the new regulatory environment on elcom competition?
Who will be the winner of in the process of convergence?
Regulation and NGN
Luboš Řežábek – Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, CACC
Michal Frankl – Member, Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office
Václav Bartoň – CEO, UPC Czech Republic
Stefan Lager – CEO, ETEL
Milan Rusnák – CEO, GTS Novera
Miroslav Uřičař – General Legal Counsel, T-Mobile Czech Republic
Tomáš Nielsen
14.15 – 15.30
Buffet Lunch – Loreta Restaurante
15.30 – 16.00
Sponsors´ presentations:
Discovery – Katie Lowe, Commercial Executive
Blue & Gold Productions – Stephanie Meyer, Director
16.00 – 17.30
Panel discussion III
IP services
New players at the old market segments
Products, demands, business models
Does the services bundling secure success?
The starting postition – Elcom operators vs. CATV networks operators
VoIP, Video over IP
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Jan Kramosil
Pavel Dvořák – Chairman, Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office
Petr Jílek – CTO, UPC Czech Republic
Vladimír Petržílka – CTO, Karneval Media
Michal Žilka – Executive Director, Content Services & Business Development, Czech Telecom
Ivan Kárník – Product Manager Voice Services, Czech On Line
Jan Kramosil
17.30 – 18.00
Afternoon coffee-break
Close of the conference day one
20.00 – 22.30
Evening Reception – Loreta Restaurante
CACC 2005 Annual Awards
National Geographic Channel Competition
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
TUESDAY 25 April, 2006
08.00 – 09.00
Additional registration of participants in Belvedere Hall
09.00 – 18.00
Conference day two
conference day of
Conference hall sponsored by
09.00 – 18.00
Individual meetings and discussions – meeting rooms and booths
Conference Chairman: Evžen Staněk
08.00 – 09.15
Morning coffee-break in Conference foyer
Opening of the conference day two
09.30 – 10.00
Jaromír Talíř – MP, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Media, the House of Deputies of the Parliament
10.00 – 11.45
Panel discussion IV
Proposal for a Directive of the EP and of the Council amending Council Directive
89/552/EEC (Television without Frontiers Directive) – Audiovisual Media Services Directive
Position of the Czech Republic with regard to the Proposal of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
Principal Trends of the New Legal Instrument for Audiovisual Media Services
New Business Models of Mutual Co-operation
Petra Smolíková – Deputy Minister of Culture
Jaromír Talíř – MP, Chaiman of the Standing Committee for Media, the House of Deputies of the Parliament
Václav Žák – Chairman, Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting
Pavel Dvořák – Chairman, Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office
Martin Dvořák – CEO, FTV Prima
Kate O´Sullivan – Senior Manager Public Policy, Liberty Global Europe B.V.
Vladimír Kroupa – Attorney, Media and Copyright expert
Miloslav Kučera
11.45 – 12.30
Sponsors´ presentations:
Cisco Systems
Sport1 TV – Erika Köteles, Distribution Director
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
12.30 – 13.30
Afternoon coffee-break
13.30 – 14.00
Sponsors´ presentations:
Astra CEE – Martin Kubacki, Managing Director
„SES ASTRA – the leading satellite operator in Europe“
SPI International – Ivan Hronec, General Manager
14.00 – 15.30
Panel discussion V
Development of Electronic Communications and Competition
Analyses of Electronic Communications Relevant Markets and Rulings of the Office for the Protection of
Economic Competition
The European Dimension of the Electronic Communications Internal Market and the National Policy for the
Protection of Economic Competition
The Co-operation of the Regulatory Authorities with the European Commission
Martin Pecina – Chairman, Office for the Protection of Competition Czech Republic
Jana Fürstová – Member, Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office
Anna Emanuelson - Project Manager for Article 7 notifications from Member
States´ NRAs, DG Competition, European Commission
Petr Zahradník – Head of EU Office, Česká spořitelna
Naveed Gill – General Director, TISCALI Telekomunikace Česká republika
Daniel Čekal – Managing Associate, Linklaters
Luděk Vrána
15.30 – 16.30
The Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office (Czech NRA) talks to the
electronic communications entrepreneurial community
Zdeněk Vaníček – President, CACC
Chairman and Members of the Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office:
Pavel Dvořák, Michal Frankl, Jana Fürstová, Marcela Gürlichová
Aleš Janků – Member of the Board, Association of Mobile Network Operators
Přemysl Klíma – Chairman, Association of Cable and Telecommunications Operators
Svatoslav Novák – Chairman, Association of the Public Telecommunications Network Operators
Zdeněk Vaníček – President, Czech Association of Competitive Communications
Václav Moravec
Viasat Competition Results
Closing address
Farewell drink in Conference Foyer
Close of the 7th CACC Annual Conference
Programme and speakers confirmed as of 11.04.2006 * Right to alter the programme content and speakers reserved.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
ASTRA is the European leader in direct-to-home satellite broadcasting, combining performance, reliability and audience reach.
ASTRA delivers over 1400 services to more than 102 million European homes. The ASTRA portfolio includes TV and radio services as
well as direct-to-cable, occasional use and HDTV services.
Telecom operators and service providers together with ASTRA can effectively offer last mile connectivity anywhere in Europe and
beyond. ASTRA provides a reliable platform with totally secure methods for data package delivery, multimedia streaming services
and broadband Internet services via satellite. Being a part of the SES Global group, ASTRA delivers satellite connections around the
Astra CEE GmbH
Mahlerstraße 12/Stiege 6/2.6.1
A-1010 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-7073112
Fax: +43-1-7073112-21
Email: [email protected]
atlantis datacom is a networking and communications technology distributor representing more then thirty producers from
worldwide in the Czech Republic.
Wide spectrum of the offered products creates complete solution of the communications infrastructure for enterprise, carriers and
service providers. The main WAN products are:
components for building of large IP networks
transmission technologies - xDSL, CWDM, DWDM
wireless networks for ISP
interface converters
FTTH networks
fiber optic cables for WAN networks
Telephone Numbers:
Reception +420 271 001 010
Fax +420 271 001 000
Eurotel +420 602 376 543
T-Mobile +420 603 819 590
Oskar +420 608 710 111
E-mail: [email protected]
Žirovnická 2389, 106 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
About AXN
Delivering top rated series, blockbuster features, first-run sporting events and, reality programming, AXN is a leading international
television destination among young adults 18-34. AXN is seen in 46 countries across Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle
East, and is part of Sony Pictures Television International’s diverse portfolio of over 35 global networks. Sony Pictures Television
International is a Sony Pictures Entertainment company. AXN in Czech Republic is distributed and marketed by HBO Czech Republic.
For more information about AXN see:
BBC PRIME is a 24-hour entertainment channel for the whole family offering Great British programmes such as classic and modern
dramas, the top children’s series and comedies – both old and new. There’s music, real-life documentaries, world-class natural history
programmes, lifestyle series dealing with fashion, gardening and interior design. Overnight, there are Learning English programmes
and an education service for all ages. It also offers Czech subtitling on it‘s prime-time entertainment schedule.
There are over 2,500 hours of fresh new programming each year, with many of the UK‘s recent programmes. BBC PRIME is
broadcast to over 22 million subscribers across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia on cable and satellite.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
BeldenCDT, a ± $1,3 billion American multinational, is a quality and innovative leading manufacturer of advanced wire, cable and
fibre optic products. Since the founding in 1902, BeldenCDT has concentrated on manufacturing speciality cable and wire products.
Our wide product ranges of standard and special products are in following areas:
Audio/Video and RF Transmission (50 Ohm)
Electrical and fibre optic/copper cable for data communication
The European headquarter is situated in Venlo / NL. BeldenCDT employs some 1000 people in Europe and ± 6000 throughout the
world, having 30 factories worldwide providing a wide range of products (over 15.000).
The world’s foremost technology companies use BeldenCDT products to build internet, intranet, communications/CATV-networks,
automate manufacturing process, and build state-of-the-art audio/video and recording studios. Concentrating on ‘last mile technology’
our products are specified and trusted by major operators throughout Europe. Demand for additional access lines, and the need for
higher speed services, such as DSL, have all been met through BeldenCDT’s focus on innovation and performance.
Contact: Belden Wire and Cable, Edisonstraat 9, 5900 AA Venlo / NL, web:
Blue and Gold Productions supplies adult entertainment content for many years to cable, DTH and ADSL operators across Europe.
Private Blue and Private Gold have been broadcast by a large number of Czech operators and in June 2005 a new channel, XXX
Xtreme has been added to our channel list and is carried on the upc direct platform.
As of November 2005, the Private branded channels have been replaced by the world famous Hustler brand and our channels
have been rebranded Blue Hustler and Hustler TV. Blue Hustler is a light erotic channel while Hustler TV broadcasts hardcore adult
entertainment. Our channels have a Dutch Broadcast Licence, are accepted by the Czech Broadcast Council and do not broadcast
gay content.
Contact details:
Zone Vision Czech, s.r.o.
Washingtonova 5, Praha 1, 110 00
[email protected]
BT has operated in Central & Eastern Europe since the late 1990s. Due to customer demand, we have expanded our operations by
opening offices in Budapest, Prague, Bratislava and Warsaw, enabling us to deliver an extensive portfolio of ICT services, supported
by one of Europe’s largest IP-enabled networks
Throughout the region, our services and solutions help customers reduce operational costs, future-proof their investment, drive new
revenue opportunities and take advantage of commercial opportunities. In addition to traditional voice and data services, BT provides
expertise in areas such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Mobility, Security and Outsourcing.
Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business,
education, government and home communications, and Cisco Internet Protocol-based (IP) networking solutions are the foundation
of these networks. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that allow individuals,
companies, and countries to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen competitive advantage. The Cisco
name has become synonymous with the Internet, as well as with the productivity improvements that Internet business solutions
provide. At Cisco, our vision is to change the way people work, live, play and learn.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Discovery Networks Europe is home to 12 channels in 104 countries, 22 languages, reaching over 173 million cumulative subscribers.
There are five DNE brands available in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Discovery Channel is the most widely distributed factual channel
in Europe and the core driver of the pay TV offer. Animal Planet is an essential part of any pay TV platform and Discovery Science,
Discovery Civilisation and Discovery Travel & Living all of which offer fantastic specialised and lifestyle programming.
Contact details:
Zone Vision Czech, s.r.o.
Washingtonova 5, Praha 1, 110 00
[email protected]
ESPN Classic:
In 2002 ESPN brought ESPN Classic to Europe, dedicated to showcasing a compelling mix of the greatest sporting moments ever,
including memorable games, documentaries and heroes.
Programming Philosophy:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
A unique sports channel with a unique concept.
The only European television channel dedicated to celebrating the history and passion of sports by showcasing the
greatest athletes, teams, coaches and events.
A programming mix full length matches, highlights, profiles, documentaries and sports films.
A blocked schedule creating an ‘appointment to view’ for the sports fan.
Main events scheduled to add value to live local and international sports events.
Exceptional production quality delivered by a dedicated European team, bringing a fresh and unique perspective to
sports television.
Key Contacts:
Affiliate Sales & Distribution
Marco Frazier
Director of Affiliate Sales
[email protected]
+44(0)20 8233 6653
+44(0)20 8233 6619
+44(0)7900 918 893
Elsa Memmi
Affiliate Sales Executive
[email protected]
+44(0)20 8233 6657
+44(0)20 8233 6619
+44(0)7930 638 292
Advertising Sales Director
Chris Nicholls
[email protected]
+44(0)20 8233 6654
Marketing Director
Mike McKibbin
[email protected]
+44(0)20 8233 6631
Klara Bakstein
Affiliate Sales Executive
[email protected]
+44(0)20 8233 6662
+44(0)20 8233 6619
+44(0)7711 892216
The Eurosport Group is today the leading multimedia platform in Europe with Eurosport, Eurosport 2 and The panEuropean channel Eurosport, available in 19 different languages, reaches over 105 million homes across 54 countries. Eurosport
2, the new sports channel, is already transmitted to 20 million households across 39 different countries.
Following the tenth anniversary of the localization of Eurosport in Czech Republic, Eurosport is now available with 100% of the
commentaries in Czech language and is distributed in the basic package of all major cable and DTH networks.
Contact details:
Zone Vision Czech, s.r.o.
Washingtonova 5, Praha 1, 110 00
[email protected]
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
The Hallmark Channel (non-US versions) are owned an operated by Sparrowhawk Media Group with backing from Providence
Equity Partners and 3i. With over 60 million subscribers and broadcast in 153 countries, the channels have become among some of
the most watched around the world. The Hallmark Channel is broadcast in over 20 languages across the UK, Europe, the Middle East,
Africa, Australia, Latin America and Asia and its varied schedule of high-quality drama series, epic films and premieres have made it
a firm favourite with both viewers and advertisers.
Contact details:
Zone Vision Czech, s.r.o.
Washingtonova 5, Praha 1, 110 00
[email protected]
HBO, the biggest and the most favorite movie channel in the world, was the first pay Tv channel world wide. It was presented at the
first time in 1972 to the residents of Wilkes-Barre city in Pensylvania. HBO had only 365 subscribers by the end of 1972.
The first country out of North America territory, where HBO was launched in 1991, was Hungary. The date of the launch in Czech
Republic is 18th of November 1994. In Slovakia was HBO launched in 1997.
HBO offers to its viewers the biggest fully dubbed blockbusters with no commercial breaks at all. HBO has television rights for
concerts of popular pop stars and exclusive television rights for Annual Academy Awards „Oscar“.
HBO presents its own original production of stand up comedy „Na stojáka“.
HBO broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
MaxPak package of two singly unsaleable channels HBO and HBO2 was launched In September 2003. HBO2 is giving to costumers
as bonus to HBO channel.
Thanks to UPC Direct satellite distribution every single person has the opportunity to have HBO and HBO2.
Channel One Russia Worldwide
24-hour leading Russian-language TV network for worldwide audience understanding Russian language
the №1 brand name in the world among Russian language TV channels
the new package of 3 unique thematic channels for family viewing: Dom Kino (movie channel), Vremya
(all-time channel),Muzika Pervogo (music channel)
innovative, diversified and high quality programming
rich tradition of television production and broadcasting for more than 50 years
the largest Russian language television news service in the world
the competitive and rich collection of modern and classic Russian movies, soap operas and documentaries
For further details, please contact Denis Gorshkov
(Director, Network Distribution, Europe) at [email protected] or +7 495 540 5580,
IKO Cable s.r.o. is the provider of thematic family film channel Film+ in Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. Film+
is broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All films on Film+ are dubbed in Czech. Film+ offers the widest variety of European,
American and Asian films of different types – comedies, dramas, films for children, action films, family films, sci-fi, erotic films and
horrors...Film+ guarantees being of help to every family member to find the most favourable and most entertaining program.
Contact details:Erika Luzsicza
Operation manager
Tel.+420 222 710 393
Mob.+420 721 559 707
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Irdeto provides content security solutions for digital TV, IPTV and mobile networks worldwide. Irdeto has nearly forty years
experience and more than 200 deployments worldwide. Irdeto secures any content, over any network to any device. Its products
also enable a wide variety of revenue-generating business models.
Irdeto offers three families of products:
The Irdeto Digital TV solution offers conditional access systems for both large and smaller operators, using Irdeto’s
state-of-the-art smart cards which support subscription, pay-per-view, VOD, pay-per time and pre-paid subscriber revenue
The Irdeto IPTV solution offers telcos, ISPs and other IP-based service providers the choice of the company’s timeproven smart card-based system as well as an IP-centric software client solution.
The Irdeto Mobile solution offers content protection and DRM for DMB (Digital Mobile Broadcasting) and DVH-H
(Handheld) broadcast content on mobile devices.
TV Jetix is a global programming alliance between Jetix Europe (formerly known as Fox Kids Europe) and The Walt Disney Company
built on the success of Fox Kids’ high energy, humour and action-packed programming, taking it to a global kids audience.
With distribution to 279 million homes in 80 countries, Jetix is one of the the largest global TV brand for children.
As part of the Walt Disney Company Jetix has the opportunity to acquire world class programs and co-produce brand new series like
A.T.O.M. Alpha Teens On Machines, W.I.T.C.H., Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! with Disney.
Jetix in the Czech Republic targets kids aged 6-16, and broadcast daily 18 hours in Czech language from 6:00 to 24:00 in Czech
The channel is supported by a fully localised interactive website, - visited by 258.070 children a month - and various
marketing activives, among them the successful brand initiative, Jetix Kids Award.
Hete Schoettler
JETIX Europe Ltd.
Tel: +44 20 8222 3565, +420 222 733 679
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]
About Karneval Media
Karneval Media provides cable television, broadband Internet and now also primary – quality telephony services. The company is also
the first domestic telecommunication operator to launch digital TV. The total volume of households within the reach of Karneval’s
cable network is 500,000 so over 1.2 million people can use the company’s services. There are 300,000 customer revenue generating
Karneval Media and their predecessors invested over four billion CZK into building and developing the cable distribution system and
services. Major investments were directed into network technology development, customer and technical service and high quality
programming. Karneval provides up to 40 channels, 33 of them in Czech or Slovak language or with Czech subtitles. The offer now
includes digital TV channels. The company has also launched telephony services.
Majority owner of Karneval Media s.r.o. is Mid-Europa Partners, a private equity investor. Baring Communications Equity Emerging
Europe is also an investor.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
LICA s.r.o., Nymburk based company, was founded in 1994. Since the beginning it has been specialised in wholesale and retail of
complete technologic solutions for cable TV networks.LICA can provide turn key solution for both analog and digital TV transmitions
together will integration and after sales support. Latest projects include MPEG2, MPEG4 processing of the TV signal as well as IP-TV
distribution solutions.
As reference we can mention our cooperation with UPC Praque, Karneval Media, Self Service and some other companies.
LICA s.r.o., Na Přístavě 267, 288 02 Nymburk, Czech Republic
tel. : +420 325 531 080 - fax : +420 325 531 218 –
Linklaters is one of the leading global law firms, with first-class corporate, finance and specialist practices operating throughout
the world. Our lawyers work closely with leading corporates, investment banks and governments, state entities and supranationals
offering the highest quality advice and innovative use of technology to meet our clients’ needs. We have almost 2,000 lawyers and
other professionals operating in combined teams in 30 major financial and business centres worldwide.
Linklaters have the market leading international telecoms practice, unparalleled experience and expertise in international telecoms
M&A spanning Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, in-depth understanding of the commercial and regulatory
environment in which telecoms companies operate in both developed and emerging markets. Linklaters is ranked 1st in the 2005
pan-European Mergermarket league tables for advising on deals in the TMT sector by value and by volume.
Lucent Technologies, with its headquarters in Murray Hill, N.J., USA , designs and delivers systems, software and services for the
next generation’s communication networks for service providers and business companies. Thanks to Bell Labs and its research and
developmental background, the company can focus on areas as a broadband or internet’s infrastructure, comunication software,
network solutions for companies which connect private and public networks, and services of professional net-planning and counselling.
Lucent Technologies employs about 40.000 people worldwide.
In the Czech Republic Lucent Technologies has its business unit with team of professionals with long-time experience in building,
designing and technical supporting of communication networks. The main customers are : ČESKÝ TELECOM, Aliatel, České
radiokomunikace, etc.
Lucent Technologies offers products for solution both fixed connection (INS division) and mobile network (Mobility division). The
products include areas of broadnet accesses, optical backbone connectors, multiservice network, wireless systems CDMA and GSM
and device for providing IP VPN. For more information about the Lucent Technologies see the web pages or
Bell Laboratories, employing 10.000 people in 16 countries, are the primary source of new communication technologies. From 1925
scientists developed patents, which played the main role in discovering or improving the determinantal communication technologies,
including transistors, digital networks, processing digital signals, laser and optical commuication systems, communications satellites,
cell phones, electronic putting through of calls, push-button dialling and modems. Bell Laboratories scientists have got six Nobel
Prizes for Physics, nine awards for Science and six for Technologies. For more information about Bell Laboratories see the web pages
Lucent Technologies Česká republika,v.o.s., Poděbradská 57/206, 189 21 Praha 9 – Hloubětín, tel.: +420 266 103, 111,
fax: +420 266 103 400, e-mail: [email protected]
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
An original idea to develop and provide cable and satellite television channels for Central and Eastern Europe was born in Hungary
at the end of the last century. Since then several channels have been set together. The current broadcaster of all of them is Minimax
Media s.r.o.
MINIMAX is a perfect channel for young children and school kids. The Hungarian feed was launched in December, 1999. In less
than two years a separate channel was started up in Romania in June, 2001 followed by the one covering the territories of the Czech
Republic and Slovakia in December, 2003. The channels broadcast 14 hours a day (06:00-20:00).
Minimax gives continuously a very special attention to the channels’s content. All the programmes are non-violent, entertaining,
educating and and some featuring also regional cultural values. That is why the parents can safey let their children watch Minimax
any time of the day. This is an important factor significantly increasing potential customers´ readiness to subscribe.
A+ is primarily targeting teenagers and young adults. Known also as A+Anime for its content it is showing mostly original and worldfamous Japanese „anime“ series. The programmes are bringing more action, adventure, tension but also fun and romance. Launched
also in Hungary and Romania the total audience is about to reach 4 million households. A+ is on air 6 hours a day (20:00-02:00).
National Geographic Channel Europe invites viewers to re-think the way they see television - and the world. - with smart,
innovative programming such as our new series of Air Crash Investigation, Body Attack, Megastructures, and Seconds From
Disaster A business enterprise owned by National Geographic Television & Film (NGT&F), FOX Entertainment Group and the National
Broadcasting Company (NBC), NGC contributes to the National Geographic Society‘s commitment to exploration, conservation and
Globally, National Geographic Channel (including NGC U.S. which is a joint venture of NGT&F and Fox Cable Networks Group) is
available in over 286 million homes (including day-part households) in 163 countries and 27 languages.
In Central Europe alone we have ten million subscribers, last year we celebrated some of our highest ever ratings in these markets,
strengthening our position as the world’s leader in documentary channels.
NGC is localized with Czech Subtitles and is supported by a fully localized web site. We continue to seek innovative creative marketing
opportunities to develop and execute with our affiliates that are tailored to the Czech Market.
For Channel Information please contact:
Lada Dobrkovská ( NGC local Representative in Czech Republic and Slovakia )
Tel: 00420 739 058 224
NBG FIBER-OPTIC is an internationally recognized „ICT System House“ offering custom made solutions for the active and passive
infrastructure within Data and Telecommunication networks. Topics like „Fiber to the Desk, Fiber to the home“, future-enabled
modular cabling systems (MCS) and the fiber optic networking of entire cities are part of our daily work. Witch our partners like
OCILION IPTV Technologies we are able to offer you complete network solutions passive/active/services.
More Information:,
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
NDS is a leading supplier of open end-to-end digital pay-TV solutions for the secure delivery of entertainment and information to
television set-top boxes and IP devices.
NDS enables broadcasters, network operators, and content providers to profit from the deployment of digital TV technologies
including personal TV solutions, middleware, interactive infrastructure and applications as well as secure broadband solutions.
Around the world, NDS VideoGuard® conditional access systems secure service revenues of more than $30 billion, and are used by
more than 58 million subscribers.
Headquartered in the UK, with offices worldwide, NDS employs over 2500 people and continues to make a major commitment to
R&D, with over 1600 employees dedicated to pioneering development work at centers in Israel, France, Denmark, UK, USA, China,
Korea and India.
Cable Telephony, LLC
Gerry Pearce is the Managing Director of Net2Phone Europe BV, responsible for the European operations of Net2Phone‘s Cable
Telephony division. Mr. Pearce and his team deliver a comprehensive outsourced IP telephony solution to cable operators, ISP’s
and Telecom providers throughout Europe. Net2Phone’s solution enables its partners to accelerate the time to market, increase
revenue, reduce churn and limit exposure to capital and operating expenses by offering a high quality white label telephone service
over existing broadband networks. Mr. Pearce‘s expertise is in broadband voice technologies including carrier-grade VoIP in Packet
Cable and SIP environments. Mr. Pearce has been working on voice solutions for cable operators and telecommunications providers
throughout Europe, North America and South America since 2000. Mr. Pearce is a graduate of Middlebury College.
E-mail contact: [email protected]
Francois-Xavier Schaeken Willemaers - Director - Strategic Planning & Business Development Net2Phone Europe – Francois-Xavier
develops the Strategic Partnerships and steers the business planning to expand the Net2Phone VoIP platform to cable operators in
Europe. He has worked with the Belgian Cable Operator Telenet as Corporate Finance/M&A Senior Manager and for France Telecom
as Business Development Manager in New York and Mexico. He holds a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics/Telecom and an
MBA from Columbia University.
E-mail contact: [email protected]
SPI INTERNATIONAL is an international film distribution company based in New York with local offices in Poland, Czech Rep.,
Slovakia and Hungary. We work with the movie from it’s theatrical release through video and DVD release to all forms of TV
distribution. In the territories where we have our local offices we participate in production of film projects and TV programs.
SPORT1, the new best friend of sport lovers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, has already gathered hundreds of thousands of
viewers who can regularly follow the German, the Italian, the French and the Dutch football leagues along with the best matches of
the FA Cup, leading boxing and football oriented magazines and last but not least the programmes of Chelsea TV and Manchester
United TV that allow everyone to experience once again greatest moments of the two Premier League giants. SPORT1 brings you
the best sport action from the stadiums around the world!
Tune in now!
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
The Technetix Group Ltd. has come into existance in January 2005 as a result of the merger between Technetix Plc (UK) and the
Tratec group (NL and other European countries).
We offer:
- world class broadband engineering solutions
- in-home network-, drop- and network products
- integrated supply chain solutions
- pan-European local warehouses and support
- outsourched low cost, multisource manufacturing
We design, manufacture and supply any product needed for broadband networks and customer premisses networks and we do it
more cost efficient, faster, more reliable, more versatile and better than any other company can. Challenge us!
Teleste Corporation is the leading European supplier of network solutions for cable operators worldwide. Our priority is to create
value-added network solutions for our customers across the full range of HFC transmission elements, from IP and digital head-ends
to distribution passives. With 51 years in the business, we prize our close relationship to our customers. For this reason, we have
opened a new office for the Czech Republic and Slovakia to better serve our customers in this region. We are using this conference
to introduce you to our new staff, and to Ethernet to the Home, a revolutionary technology for providing high-speed data access to
the home.
David Wingell
Teleste s.r.o.
Sabinovská 12
82102 Bratislava 2
Tel.: +421 2 4820 8525
Fax: +421 2 4820 8580
Mobil: +421 907 747 609
TISCALI Telekomunikace Česká republika s.r.o. forms part of TISCALI S.p.A., headquartered in Cagliari, Italy. TISCALI is a
leading provider of dial-up Internet access for Czech households, a major provider of broadband Internet access and advantageous
voice services for Czech consumers, operator of one of the nation‘s most highly acclaimed Internet portals, and a leader in Internet,
data and voice services for Czech businesses. Information about all of the company‘s services is available on its portal www.tiscali.
cz, on its business website, or by calling its customer service at 800 184 184.
TISCALI S.p.A. (Borsa Italiana, Milan: TIS) is one of the main independent European telecommunication companies. With one of the
largest and most interconnected IP networks in the world, Tiscali is able to supply its customers, residential and business, with a full
range of services: Internet access, both dial-up and ADSL, voice, VoIP, media, value added services (VAS), and other technologically
advanced products. As of 31 December 2005, Tiscali had 4.7 million active users in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the
Czech Republic. 1.7 million were ADSL customers, of which more than 360,000 received unbundled services.
Tiscali‘s corporate website can be found at
T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
T-Mobile Czech Republic has been operating in the Czech market since 1996. Since its establishment, the company has placed
emphasis on the quality of services offered and excellent customer service. As of 31 December 2005, 4.63 million customers were
using T-Mobile services. The company continues to strengthen its No. 1 position in the business segment.
T-Mobile Czech Republic operates a public mobile communications network on the GSM standard in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands and
is also authorized to operate a UMTS network. T-Mobile was the first operator in the Czech Republic to launch this third-generation
technology on 19 October 2005 under the name Internet 4G.
T-Mobile is a member of the international telecommunications group T-Mobile International. Thanks to T-Mobile’s international
presence, customers can count on the worldwide availability of their favourite services and take advantage of unified, favourable
prices of calls when abroad. For more information, please visit
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
TV Paprika launched independently on December 2nd 2004 with broadcasting of 14 hours a day, today broadcasts 16 hours a day.
From January 2005, TV Paprika is distributed also in Czech and Slovak Republics.
TV Paprika is the first Central-European thematic TV channel about gastronomy. The most familiar programmes are “Co si dáme
dnes?“, „Gastropuč“, „Lovec chutí“, „Svět tradičních chutí“, „Vinařskou stezkou za jídlem“, etc.
TV Paprika is not only useful auxiliary and knowledge source for skilled housewives but it also attracts many viewers to the kitchen
– also those of them who have been shying pots and spoons before.
TV Paprika will continue in increase of share of programmes from own production and prepares for transmission series for women,
for women on maternity leave, for those who want to get lean or take a diet, for wine lovers as well as for beer consumers.
TV DEKO is the first Central-European thematic TV channel that goes into living environment, home and leisure time – building and
house alteration, garden designing and gardening, home decorations, homeworks and gadgeteering.
TV DEKO imprint to its viewers that human being is able to transform his environment. The programmes help viewers to absorb
knowledges, ideas and methods that makes their life and work easier. The most familiar programmes are “Zelenáč“, „Panelové tipy“,
„Dětský pokoj“, „Pokojový servis“, „Patina“, „Architekt a jeho svět“, etc.
With TV DEKO you will learn to have pleasure of your own creation.
Contact Czech Republic: [email protected]
The leading global French-language network
Reception TV5MONDE Europe
Satellites / Hotbird 1 / Astra 1H / Hotbird 6
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Films and series, from classic to recent releases, police series to great drama series. Major cinematographic events, great directors
and actors through movie marathons.
News: six hours of daily newscasts on the hour, round-the clock news coverage
Sport, children’s fare, entertainment, fashion, food, documentaries
The best of French-language television
Learning and Teaching
One third of the French teachers within TV5MONDE’s broadcast area use its programs as a supplement to pedagogical tools. This
effective approach allows students to learn French in a true-to-life, dynamic context. Learning and Teaching with TV5MONDE means
being in direct contact with the language as it is spoken today
Contact CR: Štěpánka Červenková
tel/fax: +420 261 216 602
mobile: +420 604 688 114
e-mail: [email protected]
UPC Česká republika, a.s. is a leading provider of television, broadband Internet and digital satellite television services in the Czech
market. UPC Česká republika, a.s. is a consolidated subsidiary of Liberty Global Inc. (NASDAQ: LBTYA, LBTYB). UPC Česká republika,
a.s., seated in Prague, provides its services in the entire Czech Republic. Cable TV includes all genres of TV channels available in 84
cities within the country. UPC Direct is a brand name for digital broadcasting of a special programming offer via satellite covering all
the territories of the Czech Republic. UPC Direct offers up to 200 TV channels of all genres. Tens of thousands of customers in Prague,
Brno, Liberec, Ostrava, Kladno, Jablonec, Hlučín and Jindřichův Hradec subscribe to the broadband Internet. UPC Internet is a highspeed connection via UPC cable TV networks. The clients are connected 24 hours a day for flat monthly fee. The annual turnover
exceeds CZK 2 billion. UPC Česká republika, a.s. delivers its services to more than 440,000 households in the Czech Republic.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Viasat is part of the Modern Times Group MTG AB, the largest media group in Scandinavia and the Baltic regions.
Viasat reaches some 100 million people everyday in 21 countries:
Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,
Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Viasat Explorer
Broadcast 23 hours a day, Viasat Explorer is a documentary channel for those seeking thrills and adventure, travel, wildlife, boys toys,
extreme weather and famous criminal stories – all with local voiceover and/or subtitles.
NEW!!! Spice night block on Viasat Explorer from March 2006! 5 hours of Playboy erotic films every day!
Viasat History
Broadcast 18 hours a day, Viasat History features a wide range of political and cultural, specialist and popular history programs,
exploring the rise and fall of civilisations, witnessing great discoveries and feats of human endurance. Viasat History offers its viewers
a unique chance to experience the key events that shaped our world through documentaries, award-winning historical dramas and
the latest reality-shows.
About Zone Vision Networks
Based in London, Zone Vision Networks is a leading international broadcaster and distributor of thematic television channels. The
company was founded in 1991 and today has 18 offices and studios throughout Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America.
Zone Vision Networks owns and operates five thematic channels: Reality TV, Europa Europa, Romantica, Club and Horror Channel,
which are broadcast in over 125 countries in 22 languages, with over 150 million paying subscribers. ZVN are also equity affiliates
in the studio blockbuster movie entertainment channel, Showtime (Turkey). In addition, Zone Vision has a successful channel
representation business and currently represents over 30 international channels from such companies as Discovery, Viacom, Turner,
Hallmark and Eurosport, managing over 60 million subscribers. Zone Vision also has a program distribution business and continues
to acquire formats, series and specials from leading producers around the world.
Zone Vision Networks is 87.5% owned by chellomedia, a division of Liberty Global, Inc.
Contact details:
Zone Vision Czech, s.r.o.
Washingtonova 5, Praha 1, 110 00
[email protected]
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Broadband TV News comprises a website and three e-mail editions written by leading analysts and delivered free to Europe’s
broadcast professionals. Its aim – to understand and explain the commercial, technical and regulatory impacts on broadcast
Our Central and East Europe edition is edited by Chris Dziadul and covers all the latest cable, satellite and IPTV developments in the region.
We also publish two subscription newsletters, New Television Insider and Inside Satellite, and a number of management reports.
Now in its 23rd year of publication, Cable & Satellite Europe is the leading monthly publication covering the business of multichannel and broadband platforms, and related technologies across Europe, Middle East and Africa. Written from a European
perspective, Cable and Satellite Europe provides authoritative and independent information and in-depth analysis. To register for a
free subscription go to . You can also register for the CabSat Europe Briefing,
a free email newsletter to complement the monthly publication. Published fortnightly to the same high standards our readers have
come to expect from Cable and Satellite Europe, the CabSat Europe Briefing offers an incisive round up of the latest news from across
the pay-TV and broadband communications market, reviews of industry events, analysis and opinion. It also includes highlights from
the latest issue of Cable and Satellite Europe‘s sister publication, New Media Markets.
A monthly magazine with essential law informations for all legal profession, apart for advocacy, justice and notary, following after 1999.
A monthly providing the latest news and practical, authoritative advice to legislative in Czech republic and European union from the
all part law. Právní zpravodaj giving in-depth news, statistics, and analysis of trends extra in the civil and bussines law. Origin have
law information from law on technologie and electronic comunication. The focus of the Právní zpravodaj is on current legal issues in
judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, legal information, law information technology and practice. Contributions to
the Articles, Comments, Case Notes, Legal Education and Information. Pravní zpravodaj is a legislative law review which focuses on
analysis and news of legislative and law in power. The one of primary purpose of the Právní zpravodaj is to provide a forum for debate
of timely issues of law stature. Articles authors are solicited from among public known lawyers who influence politics too.
TECHNOLOGIES & PROSPERITY is a professional Czech-English magazine on electronic communications and business for middle
and top management of ICT corporate users, telecommunication service providers, technology suppliers, banks and utilities. It is
focused predominantly on issues of electronic communication applications in large corporations, medium businesses and public
administration. Basic facts: 10th year tradition, circulation more than 5.000, more info:
TUESDAY Business Network is a membership-based association providing a platform to meet, exchange knowledge and information
and gain insight over trends in the field of technologies and their application to increase process effectiveness. TUESDAY Business
Network wants to connect these categories and help market players to reach their strategies and goals more effectively and faster,
through its events, other activities and expertise presented by its representatives, members and Advisory Board—a counselling body
represented by high-profile, business-oriented and talented personalities.
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
O asociaci ČAKK
Občanské sdružení Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací sdružuje největší kabelové komunikační společnosti a alternativní
operátory elektronických komunikačních sítí v ČR, poskytovatele programů, dodavatele technologií a poradenské firmy. Asociace si
klade za cíl přispět k budování moderní infrastruktury a informační společnosti v České republice. Současnými řádnými členy asociace
jsou společnosti UPC Česká republika, Karneval Media, HBO, LICA, T-Mobile Czech Republic, BT Global Services, GTS Novera, SELF servis
Asociace dále sdružuje dvě desítky přidružených členů z České republiky a ze zahraničí.
Asociace vznikla v roce 1998. Založily ji přední společnosti poskytující služby kabelových komunikací v ČR - Kabel Plus, Kabel Net Holding
a Dattelkabel (dnes součástí UPC ČR), Intercable CZ a TES Media. Dalšími zakládajícími členy byly HBO ČR, dodavatel programů, a
společnost Hughes Network Systems, dodavatel telekomunikačních technologií. ČAKK vystupovala až do konce roku 2001 pod názvem
Česká asociace kabelových komunikací.
ČAKK je od roku 2000 členem (národní afilací) ECTA (European Competitive Telecommunications Assocation -
a také je aktivním členem Evropské asociace kabelových komunikací ECCA (European Cable Communications Association - www.ecca.
be), která byla založena již v roce 1955.
About CACC
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC) associates providers of alternative electronic communications networks and
of broadband services.
Established in 1998 under the name of Czech Association of Cable Communications. In December 2001 the Board of Directors decided
to change the name to Czech Association of Competitive Communications in order to reflect reaching the final stage of the CACC
transformation process that aimed at becoming a strong, modern, pro-European and respected association of alternative electronic
communication networks and broadband services.
Current regular members of the association are UPC Czech Republic, Karneval Media, SELF servis, SATT, HBO, LICA, T-Mobile Czech
Republic, BT Global Services and GTS Novera. Our key aim is to represent and protect all interests of competitive elcom companies and
to be the main driving force in the creation of an open and competitive electronic communications market in the Czech Republic after
the EU accession. We want to be a united voice of the whole industry and contribute to the creation of liberalised environment free from
unnecessary regulation and political influence.
CACC is a recognized and respected member of the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA –
that associates European telecommunications operators, manufactures of telecommunications devices and providers of other services
related to the telecom field.
CACC is also an active member of European Cable Communications Association (ECCA -
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Název společnosti:
Poštovní adresa:
Fakturační údaje:
Typ členství:
Podle článku 3.3. Stanov ČAKK se shora uvedená společnost přihlašuje za řádného (přidruženého)
člena České asociace kompetitivních komunikací.
Současně prohlašuje, že s těmito Stanovami ČAKK souhlasí.
Podpis/podpisy statutárního zástupce/zástupců společnosti:
Česká asociace kompetitivních komunikací (ČAKK)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Company Name:
Postal Address:
Invoice Address:
VAT number:
Membership Category:
Under the Section 3.3. of the CACC Articles the hereinbefore named company applies hereby for
ordinary (associated) membership of the Czech Association of Competitive Communications.
At the same the said company declares that it is in full agreement with the CACC Articles.
Signature/s of the statutory representative/s of the company:
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Poznámky | Notes
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],
Czech Association of Competitive Communications (CACC)
Vodičkova 41, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 152 120, fax: +420 224 152 121, e-mail: [email protected],