Welcome to the 17 Attraction Triggers


Welcome to the 17 Attraction Triggers
17 Attraction Triggers
17 Instant Triggers that Guarantee to Get
Any Man’s Blood Boiling Uncontrollably
By Renee Wade & David Shen
© Copyright 2011-2016, All Rights Reserved
Version 2.1
This book is dedicated to...
All the women in the world who
want more from life... more juice,
more love and more excitement.
The Witch Notice:
This book is copyright 2011-2016 with all rights reserved. It is illegal to
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part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of derivative
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"© 2011, All Rights Reserved. If you try to copy, steal, or distribute all or
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attorney contact you and make you wish that you'd never had such a
stupid idea in your life. Count on it. By purchasing this book, you agree to
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And I expect you to abide by these rules. I regularly and actively search
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Now that we're finished with the witch notice, let's learn about these 17
Attraction Triggers...
Table of Contents
Attraction is
Always the
First Step…
“Whether You Want to Find a Loving Man
who Worships You, or Re-Ignite that
Spark and Passion in Your Relationship, it
All Starts with Attraction.
Attraction is Always the First Step.”
David & Renee
Important Note (Read This First)
If attraction is the first step to a wonderful relationship, then
commitment is the second step.
If you’re like most women, you don’t just want attraction in your life.
Attraction, however important, just isn't enough. You need more.
Deep down inside of you, I’m sure you’ve always wanted a deep
and passionate long-term commitment. You’ve wanted a man to be there,
to take care of you in times of darkness, and to shield you from the storms
of life.
That is perfectly natural and I think we need to honor your need for
this deep commitment.
Too often in this world, women are encouraged to be strong and
independent, to tackle the world by the horns and take complete control of
As empowering as that may be, some women have turned their
back on their true feminine nature. They’ve forgotten what would truly
make them happy.
And as successful as those women are, they find themselves
always in places of confusion, and never truly fulfilled or truly alive.
But here’s the truth, within every single feminine woman on the
planet, there’s a need and desire for long-term commitment. It’s not just a
“want” or a preference. It’s a need.
Women who are feminine at their core, are biologically designed to
need commitment, just as we are biologically designed to feel hunger or
So there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be in that
monogamous relationship. Don’t let others make you think a long term
committed relationship is the wrong ideal.
However, in this modern world where the dynamics between men
and women have changed so much, getting that kind of commitment can
be difficult.
More and more so, men want to have causal flings and one night
stands, not necessarily because men are built for that, but because we
live in cultures that encourage sex without attachment.
So what can you do when men seemed to be so commitment
phobic these days? Well, the first step is attraction. So I’m very glad that
you’re here learning about the 17 Attraction Triggers. But the second step
is to inspire commitment from men.
To discover the secrets that trigger the “pair-bond” mechanisms in
his brain so that he is certain he can’t live without you.
To discover the answer to the question: how can you make a
masculine man want to take care of you forever when he has constant
short term relationships with lots of women?
To answer these important questions, and to give you the secrets
and insights that we have been obsessed about for years, we’ve created
a whole series of articles and videos addressing everything related to
commitment. We understand this is a huge issue and requires some huge
So if you want to learn how to inspire that deep sense of
commitment from men, then here’s the link to do so…
Welcome to the 17 Attraction Triggers
This program is designed for you as a woman to regain the power
that you have within you to influence men and trigger their natural
instincts. We all know that there’s really nothing stronger and more
powerful than our instincts, after all, our instincts have been around for
millions of years.
One of the most difficult things about being a woman in today's
world is that all you have to do to trigger an insecurity in your head is to
log on to Facebook, watch the news or look at the front cover of a
This doesn't mean you will or you should feel insecure. No!
This means that, by nature, all of us humans are wired to compare.
To compare ourselves, and to compare our relationship partners and our
friends and our lifestyles with those of others that we know.
See, in today's world, it's far easier than it used to be to feel like
you are not enough and like you don't have enough.
So this is why I believe it is more important than ever for you as a
woman to really understand how much women and men are driven by our
instincts, and not just tell yourself a lie about how life and attraction
Most of what we do as human beings, most of our actions have sex
and survival behind them. This is what drives every animal species, and it
is the primary drive behind nearly all human action. This is not something
you need to fear, this is something you need to understand.
It is only when we understand, appreciate and fulfil that animal part
of ourselves and a man, that we can grow and become happier.
Most women try really hard to look pretty - and that's great! We all
love a pretty woman. However, to gain an edge on other women around
you, and to really fulfil your man - you have to understand his natural
instinctual triggers - and use them on him or on the men you date.
If you use them, a man's level of attraction for you - his level of
desire for you and his level of attachment to you simply soars.
Now, if you are single - use these triggers carefully. Don't use them
on every man just to get some cheap attention for yourself. You could get
yourself hurt.
As a single woman, your first most important goal is to be able to
attract as many men good men as you want to attract. This is why
learning these triggers are so important.
However, these triggers are just a tiny speck in the whole array of
what works with men. They will get you so far - and then your next step is
to really build your value as a woman.
All of us - men and women - gravitate towards high value people.
People who actually have something to add to our lives. These people are
the opposite of desperate.
We love to be around high value people, we love to have a piece of
their time and attention, and we find them fascinating and mysterious.
As much as we like to think we are caring and compassionate
human beings (which we are) - when it comes down to it, nobody feels
good when they feel like they got the short end of the stick. Or like they
got a bad deal in the dating and relationships world.
Men included. So, these triggers will instantly increase your value
as a woman, but after that, there are other areas that you need to focus
on to become the high value, high status woman that you already are.
As you do build your value, your available choices in men goes up
10 fold. You don't have to settle for crumbs, or cheap attention. You
weren't born to put up with that! You were born to have and attract the
This is your birth right.
By the way, I truly believe that you already are a high value, high
status woman. No matter where you come from or how bad you feel right
However, the difference between showing up to men as a high
value woman and just having the potential to be, inside of you, is huge.
None of us were given enough understanding in school and from
our parents about how dating and relationships works. And there's a
reason for that.
It's because this is the area of life that we all have the most fear in.
It's much easier to teach algebra or how to read. These subjects don't
have deep seated emotional feelings behind them. They're just a subject.
Bit it's difficult to talk about men, women, dating and relationships, and
people like to tell themselves how things SHOULD be, rather than how
they really are in the real world.
And because, most people like to cover up their inner emotions
and hurts in order to be accepted by society. They feel safer this way.
So it makes relationships and dating and the differences between
men and women very hard to talk about. Because we all have so many
fears surrounding this area of life.
And so, not talking about it, and not learning about it makes us
'safe'. Until 20 years later, when our husband leaves us or has fathered a
love child.
Or until 20 years later, when a 'good man's' wife has gotten
pregnant to another man.
This does not ever have to happen to you, as long as you commit
to having the understanding I am about to give you in these 17 Attraction
And if you never buy another program from us again, make a
commitment to yourself to at least gain as much knowledge and
understanding as you can in the area of dating and relationships. And
USE the understanding. Turn it in to action.
I truly believe the more understanding we have, the less pain and
heartache and suffering there will be for ourselves and for those we love.
So hopefully by the end of this program, you would understand
these 17 Attraction Triggers, know how to use them to not only get instant
attention from men, but also a strong sense of attraction and desire from
every red blooded male you come across.
These instinctive triggers are evolutionarily built-in systems in to
every single one of us, to help us reproduce more efficiently and with
better genetics. After all, we need to survive and we need to keep the
species going, right?
Here's an example that you may relate to: women instinctively look
for the better provider, because her chances of survival would be greater.
How the provider shows up could be very different.
Some women prefer rock stars, some women prefer a radiant man
who is a model, some women prefer an
intellectual genius, some prefer lawyers with a
high earning capacity and high status (or in a nice
suit), some women prefer a very physically strong
individual. But a woman’s instinct for a provider,
(someone who would take care of her) is more than just a mere
preference. It’s an instinctive drive. We move towards it whether we like it
or not. (It drives us!)
And men have their own instinctive drivers also. This is what this
program is all about. It’s about triggering their instincts so that they can’t
help but be attracted to you. And when men are attracted to you, then
they’re more likely to commit more of their attention, time, energy, and
resources to you.
I know that social conditioning may cover up some of these
instincts, but deep down inside, we would never be fulfilled if we
turned our back on our instincts.
So anytime anything arouses a woman or a man, is because it
triggers the evolutionary need to procreate and reproduce. Now through
millions of years of evolution, women and men have gotten better at
finding the best mate. Men (subconsciously without even knowing) look
for certain triggers that give him information about whether a woman is a
suitable mate or not.
However, in the past, millions of years ago, if we were dealt a bad
hand by our creator, then we couldn’t really change our fate, or our luck
with men.
But in this day and age, we have many ways to consciously bring
out and accentuate these instinctive triggers so that we can become the
creator of our own success in dating and relationships.
So this program is about educating you so that you can choose
when to use these evolutionary triggers to your own benefit. Of course, I
want to insert a disclaimer because you still have to be smart about when
to use these and when not to use them.
Men all over the world prey on women like you and you have to
have some intelligence to know when something is going to jeopardize
your safety. So use these for good, not for evil, be careful as always and
have some fun!
The thing also to remember is that a lot of men would not be able
to articulate all these triggers only because these triggers work on a
subconscious level, and they don’t live in their conscious mind. These
triggers were built to minimize the amount of time and energy required to
choose a suitable mate, not so that we can analyse them and discuss
So work your way through all 17 of
these instinctive triggers and learn what
really triggers all men, regardless of age,
status, race or religion.
By the way, you don’t have to use
or possess all 17 of these triggers to be considered attractive. You just
need to master a few of them to be considered super attractive.
So with that said, don’t get down on yourself if you feel like you’re
not at a good place right now, remember to just focus on THREE of these
Attraction Triggers and you’ll have men desiring you in no time.
Let us begin.
Attraction Trigger 1
Your Hip to Waist Ratio
You probably already know the science behind the hip to waist
ratio. It gets talked about a lot in scientific studies of mating habits
between males and females. If you’re not too sure, let me just quickly run
you through it.
Because us humans have evolved over time with very large heads,
(thus making us smarter than most other animals), it has become
increasingly difficult to give birth to our offspring. As a result, human
babies are born less developed than most other mammals, (so the baby’s
head doesn’t become too large thus rendering it unable to be passed
through the pelvis of the mother).
This is why human babies are more vulnerable than any other
mammal’s offspring. A baby horse will be able to get up and walk in less
than a day after birth, yet a human baby will take almost a whole calendar
year to achieve the same progress.
So evolutionarily speaking, mothers with wider hips have a better
chance of giving birth successfully. The wider the hips, the more room the
baby will have to travel through at birth. At the same time, the narrower
the hips, the more chances of a failed birth and the higher the risk posed
to the life of the mother and the baby.
So human males over millions and millions of years started to look
for females with wider hips instinctively, as they are the better
reproductive choice. And the way men figure out and interpret how wide a
woman’s hips are is through her hip to waist ratio. (Remember, in nature,
there are no tape measures, so we look at ratios and comparisons instead
of absolute values.)
When a woman is pre-puberty, her hips and waist are around the
same measurement, just like they are in males. It is during puberty that
her hips widen dramatically. So to a man, if a woman has narrow hips, it
could mean she’s too young and lacking in fertility. (By the way, if a
woman’s hips are too wide, then that makes for poor biomechanics and
she won’t be able to walk properly, and this is clearly not an evolutionary
advantage either).
So, men have looked for this evolutionary trait in women for
millions of years, as a quick way to judge whether a woman is fertile and
healthy. The magical number here seems to be 0.7.
The width of the waist is ideally 70% or 0.7 of the width of the hips.
Throughout the history of human kind, this hip to waist ratio has
always been thought of as the biggest sign of fertility in women. You can
see in the oil paintings of women dating back to the Victorian times, that
women were much more voluptuous compared to how they are today, yet
they still maintained this 0.7 ratio. Fast forward to today, people are still
instinctively looking for women with this ratio to become models (even
though models are very skinny these days).
And, even if the famous models these days do not have the ideal
hip to waist ratio, or if they do not have wide hips, they twist and push
their hips outwards in photo shoots to create the illusion that they have
wide hips.
So, just a quick tip on measuring your own hip to waist ratio: It’s
going to be very difficult to just measure the frontal width of your hips and
waist, so instead, just get a circumference of your hips and waist. (So
measure all the way around, in fact, mathematically speaking they are
actually the same ratio!)
Then just divide the measurement at the waist by the measurement
at the hips. So if your waist is say 32 inches, and your hips are 39 inches,
then 32 divided by 37 gives you 0.82. (Not quite our 0.7 golden ratio).
For 95% of women in first world countries, they will be on the larger
side of 0.7. A combination of an excess or processed and fast food and
lack of exercise has hidden this golden ratio underneath some fat.
Yet this one trigger is probably the most effective and potent way to
trigger a man’s need to reproduce. (and he won’t realize it), so here are
some steps for you to work on, to give
yourself a more “ideal” hip to waist
And if you already do have a 0.7
hip to waist ratio, congratulations. It’s
time to move to the next instant trigger
and learn how to increase the
effectiveness of your hip to waist ratio.
Here are 3 action steps you can take right now to improve
your hip to waist ratio…
Detox (detoxification) is probably the fastest way to lose this
“toxic” fat and move your golden ratio towards 0.7.
That’s right, it’s not exercise, or even dieting. (These 2 have been
the hot topics of the media, but they are not the MOST effective ways to
lose the belly fat and help you gravitate to your most ideal ratio.)
By detoxing, you actually flush a lot of this fat and toxins out of your
body. And one of the biggest reasons why so many of us are overweight
is not because of the excess fat that we carry, but more so because of the
excess toxins we keep in our fat.
You see, our fat is there to protect us and buffer against those
nasty toxins that we’ve all collected in our lives, that would otherwise
destroy our bodies.
When you flush away the toxicity, the fat melts away.
But be careful what sources you listen to about detoxing. Get the
best information from the best sources. In the future, we may create a
program that will help you understand exactly how to detox, but it is
beyond the scope of this program.
I will tell you one thing, and that is to detox with live liquids and
green juices. Start juicing vegetables like kale, cucumbers, celery etc. and
start drinking them ideally on a daily basis. You want to flood your body
with live nutrients and enzymes which support life and support you.
Not only are you going to get a great burst of energy, you would
also really be surprised by exactly how much fat you can lose and quickly
- when you detox your body with greens and green juices.
Regular exercise that is both a combination of heavy and
intense as well as light and easy. You see, when most women think of
doing exercise, they think of something like a light jog around the park.
Whilst that is great and very beneficial, it won’t sculpt your body to
maximise your hip to waist ratio.
What these women also need is a portion of heavy duty intense
exercise that stimulates certain growth hormones inside of our bodies that
light exercise does not stimulate. Exercises such as squats and dead
lifts are perfect for this.
Now the gym isn’t the only place for this intense exercise. You can
do a group fitness class (they get very intense), learn dancing, learn
martial arts. (there are many martial arts that are very women friendly and
you get to learn how to defend yourself… it becomes an invaluable skill to
And no, you won’t get big muscles if you did intense exercise! I
promise you. Most women don’t have to hormones in their bodies to build
that much muscle (and plus those women with big muscles you see on
bodybuilding magazines… they ingest bucket loads of supplements every
Dress in clothing that gives the illusion of a wider hip to waist
ratio. Yes, it’s true, your eyes play tricks on you all the time. So why not
use this to your advantage?
One of the most common ways to give the illusion of wider hips is
to wear something that is high-waisted, or something tight around the
waist and hips. High-waisted jeans, high waisted shorts or skirts all do the
trick very well.
You can also purchase a reasonably priced mid-length skirt that
flares out from the hem. A skirt that is tight around your waist and then
flares out from there is a great way to exaggerate the size of your hips in
comparison to your waist.
Remember, you can always create the illusion of wide hips and
small waist from the clothing that you wear.
It’s the illusion that really matters, because that’s how men and
women will perceive you and the image of you.
Attraction Trigger 2
Your Lateral Hip Shunt
What if you did have the perfect hip to waist ratio but it never gets
seen by anyone? What would it matter?
The truth is that sometimes it isn’t always very easy for men to
gage a woman’s real hip to waist ratio, especially in this day and age
where clothing and unnatural working positions (posture) and our
occupations hide a woman’s real assets.
So as a woman, to maximize the effectiveness of your wide hips
(or the illusion of your wide hips) so that you can make an impact on men,
you have to show it in subtle ways.
One of the easiest ways is through your gait, or the way you walk.
In fact, it is known to researchers that the first place men look when
looking at a woman walking, is her hips. When we can't tell the sex of a
person, the first place we look is the
Hips, and especially wide hips
scream femininity.
And advertisers know this. They
know hips sell!
That is why over 90% of all music videos that we see on TV,
include women dancing in a way that accentuates their hips.
It isn’t a coincidence. It was all carefully planned out because they
realized that men react to the presence and appearance of a woman’s
I’m not going to suggest that you dance in those ways that women
do on music videos, but you can get the same effect if you accentuated
your hips whilst walking.
Most of us walk - it is something that most of us do on a daily
basis. And you can really tell a lot about someone by studying their gait.
You can tell whether someone is confident or not and whether they
are happy or not. You can also usually see whether someone has any
physical abnormalities through their gait.
So, in order to increase the illusion of having wide hips, some
women have adopted a style of walking that pushes their hips out
sideways each time they take a step. This is called a lateral hip shunt or
hip sway.
This gives the illusion that the hips are much wider than what they
are in reality.
And by the way, when men walk, there’s literally no hip sway at all.
Men don’t do that. But unfortunately for a lot of women, especially in
business, have copied that straight up and down style of walking.
You want to do the opposite of that. Let your hips move sideways
as you walk.
Picture how models walk. Imagine their exaggerated style with lots
of hip motion - that’s what I’m talking about. You want to really push your
hip out to the side when you bear weight through that leg (and make it
look natural).
In nature, the wider the hips of a female, the more obvious her
lateral hip shunt would naturally be when she walks. This is because of
her anatomy. The further apart your hips are, the more your weight would
have to move left and right every time you put weight through one of your
Whether you do have wide hips or narrow hips, walking this way
gives you the illusion of having very wide hips. This, of course, is a natural
trigger for men to know that you are very fertile, and an instant turn on for
So here’s how you would achieve this type of gait:
1. Simply start consciously moving your hips out wider as you walk,
anywhere. Enjoy it. Love it, and feel how sexy you feel when you're doing
it. Believe me, men will start taking a lot more notice, and automatically
classify you as more sexy.
Most women have boring, straight up and down, lifeless style of
walking. You don't want to be like this! If you make your lateral hip shunt
more obvious, you will instantly increase your perceived value in the eyes
of men. They can't help it, even if you feel like you are being 'over the top'.
It still works to build attraction.
2. Study models and how they walk. Go on YouTube and find
videos of models who walk with an exaggerated hip shunt. Study those
videos, replay them to yourself until you can feel the motion in your own
body. So “model” models.
Here is a perfect example of Kate Moss walking down the catwalk.
Interestingly enough she walks with an exaggerated lateral hip shunt even
with flats on!!!
3. Practice in your own private space. For this to work and to
trigger men, it has to look natural.
Learn to relax your body as you walk. So many of us are so tense
that we lose our feminine energy that way. Most of us are taught to be
rigid and walk rigid, so you really have to practice it enough so that it
becomes your predominant habit of walking.
As trite as it may be, and as overlooked as it always is, practice will
really make you good at it.
4. Once you think you feel natural walking this way, you can get
some feedback from some close friends or record it yourself with a video
camera, just to get another perspective on it. You want this gait to seem
as natural as possible because most men can pick up that something isn’t
right straight away!
Below is a quick program to demonstrate the hip sway differences
between the walking styles of men and women.
Attraction Trigger 3
Your Clear and Soft Skin
The appearance of clear and soft skin is one of the biggest
attraction triggers for men.
The idea is simple. Disease is bad - we naturally want to stay away
from it. We don’t want to catch a disease because it means danger to our
survival and our replication.
It is very much hardwired into every one of us to stay away from
Think about your reaction when you see someone on the street
with a large tumor on their face.
Think about your reaction when you walk past someone on the
street who is so obese they can barely walk.
This is not about judging those people. And I think moving into the
21st century, we need to have more and more acceptance for everyone.
But unfortunately when it comes to attraction, men will discriminate.
It’s not their fault, they’re just acting from their million year old hard
wiring that tells them, health is good, disease is bad.
So men will always look for signs of health and signs of disease in
women, not just the ones they date, but every women they come across.
Here’s the thing: the easiest and quickest way for disease to show
up on our body is through our skin. Toxins and the bad stuff we ingest in
this modern society need a way to get out of our system somehow. And
your skin is the quickest way for your body to get them out.
The skin, you may know already, is the largest organ in our body.
In fact, it has many roles; many important jobs that it performs on a
regular basis. One of those jobs is to eliminate toxins from our bodies and
our cells.
So when we accumulate toxins and toxicity in our body, your skin
attempts to eliminate the toxins, thus leaving uneven tones, breakouts
and even skin diseases. Skin that looks patchy, oily, or too dry, or with
breakouts are signs of poor health.
Men subconsciously notice the health of your skin. Over time, men
have developed the ability to quickly judge the health of a woman, and
clear skin is one of the ways they can
discern how healthy a woman is.
Skin that is healthy is skin that
seems to have a glow to it – an energy
to it. It has a natural tone that is not
even able to be achieved with makeup.
This radiant skin is definitely a trigger
for all men because men know that
biologically this woman is healthy and
disease-free, and much more likely to
be a better mate.
And here’s why cosmetics is a multibillion dollar industry. They
know that make up works wonders to give a woman the illusion of clear,
beautiful skin. But here’s the key: if you want to use makeup… you have
to do it properly or else your skin appears even worse.
Sadly, even with all the free information out there on how to do
your make up properly, most women simply have no idea how to do it
properly or tastefully!
You have to match up the right colors to the natural color of your
skin, and you have to find what works on you and what doesn’t work on
Remember the human eye, (and a man’s eyes) can detect up to
billions of colors, and can distinguish between these colors. And our eyes
work best at detecting shadows, differences and contrasts.
If your makeup is slightly different to the natural tone of your skin,
then it will show up. So really do a thorough job at selecting your makeup
and a great idea is to visit a makeup consultant who has had a lot of
So here’s what you need to do to improve the appearance of
your skin:
1. Your skin is something you have a lot of control over. So, go on
a juice fast or detox. A juice fast is much more effective, since you’re not
eating any solid food, it gives your body a chance to rest and get the
toxins out of your body, and the natural, green, live foods and liquids will
aid in your body’s process of eliminating toxins.
The juices that you have whilst fasting are ideally not commercial
juices. Orange juice from the supermarket isn’t ideal, as it’s full of sugar.
The best juice to have whilst cleansing, detoxing or fasting is vegetable
juice, homemade. And use a lot of leafy green vegetables instead of using
things like carrots which are again, full of sugar.
Personally, I can attest to how effective this is. If you want to take it
to another level, reduce the amount of grains in your diet. Grains, you
ask? Yes, grains. Grains have been promoted for many, many years as
healthy foods, but to be honest, before industrialization, as huntergatherers, we mainly lived on animal foods and plant foods. And we did
perfectly fine. We do need carbohydrates, but skin (and serious acne) has
been proven to clear up in most cases when grains were reduced in diet.
You can read this article for proof, and further understanding of why
reducing grains will help your skin:
2. Drink a lot of water. I’m sure you’ve heard of this at least 54,000
times, but it’s important to stay hydrated. The reason is so that the toxins
can be diluted with all the hydration and then be eliminated through your
urine. By the way, freshly made vegetable juices are much better than
water by itself, (because veggie juices are full of enzymes and nutrients!)
so always go for veggie juices, and then fruit, and finally, water.
When you are at home and not doing much, make an extra point to
drink more water. You can go to the bathroom as often as you want when
you are at home, and not have to worry about needing to take toilet
breaks all the time, which is a bonus.
3. Care for the appearance of your skin. Don’t just “put” makeup
on. The key is to do it carefully and know exactly how to put makeup on
and what to put on. What is worse to a man than patchy skin with
breakouts is a woman with patchy skin with breakouts and terrible
Believe me, men notice how well a woman puts on her makeup.
And it says a lot about the quality of the woman.
So really take pride and take time in learning what type of makeup
best suits you and use it to make your skin look smoother and more even.
Attraction Trigger 4
Your Sexy Bum
That’s right, your sexy bum; your tush; your butt; your booty; your
behind; your buns.
It’s a desire trigger, attraction trigger, lust trigger, all of the above.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of evolutionary reasons as to why
men love bums. And it’s because of this evolutionary reason, that this is
an instinctive trigger to get a man’s blood boiling. They literally cannot
help themselves.
Here’s the back story. When a female primate (mainly monkeys
and apes), is in season and ready for mating, her buttocks protrude and
become more red in color. The males approach females from the rear and
use her swollen red buttocks as a signal that she’s ready for mating.
So, seeing a female with nice protruding buttocks means that she
is ready for mating, and it makes the males excited.
Remember; humans evolved from other primates. Can you see
why this is such a big trigger for men?
Now, us humans are slightly different to apes and other primates.
We walk on two legs instead of four. And because of this huge
evolutionary change, our gluteal muscles (our buttocks) have enlarged
drastically in proportion to our cousins; the ape.
So the female human being (with her protruding gluteal muscles) is
seen to be always sexually available to males, and thus triggering their
sexual desires.
This is why this society has such a fascination with bums.
Now, us humans naturally have protruding bums, but because we
all work so much now and most of us work sitting down typing on a box,
we tend to lose the shape of our natural bodies and the shape of our
bums. Inactivity is our worst enemy.
But here’s a quick little TRICK… that gives people the illusion that
you have a protruding bum.
The trick is this… arch your lower back just a fraction more than
you usually do. This forces your tail bone to stick out a little bit more.
In anatomy, it’s called an anterior pelvic tilt. Another way to achieve
this, is to put both of your hands on your hips, imagine that your whole
pelvis is a bowl, and you are tipping the bowl forwards.
This instantly puts your bum in a more protruded position. And this
works even if you haven’t been to the gym in the last 20 years!
So here are a few action steps you can take right away to get
your tush back into shape and start making a man drool.
1. Start exercising. Any exercise is better than no exercise.
Running, stair climbing, hiking are all great things to do. If you’re in the
gym, then exercises such as dead-lifts, leg presses and squats are all
absolutely fantastic for making those gluteal muscles work.
2. Start looking for pants and other garments that highlight your
buttocks and give them a firm round look. Typically designer jeans do this
very well, because they are very tight and firm.
A great trick for accentuating the roundness and sexiness of your
bum is to wear foldover yoga pants. The foldover part of the pant cuts off
at the perfect spot at the back near your bum, no matter what your shape
is, and it gives your bum the nicest, round and juicy look. Victoria's Secret
has a huge range of these types of pants for a good price. They even
have them with cute, feminine colors and prints on the foldover material.
3. A nice pair of heels naturally make your bottom protrude.
4. Learn and practice the anterior pelvic tilt trick I mentioned earlier.
It works instantly to give your tush a more protruded look.
Attraction Trigger 5
Your Long Healthy Hair
Universally throughout the world, having long healthy hair is a sign
of femininity, fertility and health.
Long healthy hair can make an average woman look stunning, and
turn many man’s heads.
Historically, dating way back to the cavemen times, or the tribal
villager times, men needed instant ways to judge a woman’s health and
fertility, and hair is one of the easiest signs to spot for health.
If you were an unhealthy woman or had an illness, then you
couldn’t possibly grow long, healthy hair. And as a result, men would not
pick you and rule you out of the possible “mating pool”.
So to men, a head of long, healthy hair is an instant sign of a
healthy, fertile woman and it triggers them on a very instinctive level. This
is not to say that short hair puts men off, but just understand that short
hair is not a trigger, whereas long, healthy hair is always a trigger.
From a distance, where a man isn’t able to gage the details of a
woman’s health and fertility, he is able to see a woman’s long hair and
therefore able to instantly determine and figure out a lot about her health.
Healthy hair that appears neither too oily nor too dry is the product
of not just health, but long term good health. You see, hair doesn’t just
grow inches over night. It takes years to get hair to grow past your
shoulders or bra strap. And if anytime in those years you become
unhealthy…it shows in the quality of your hair.
Even hair that is oily looks actually OK on a woman who is healthy
than it is on a woman who is unhealthy. (In fact, I can tell you most men
don’t even notice oily hair on healthy women, why? Because remember
men are hardwired to notice a woman’s health, not how oily her hair is.)
Make a mental note next time and observe women. You will notice
that unhealthy women with oily hair look different to healthy women with
oily hair. The unhealthy woman’s hair would look quite bad, but if a
woman is healthy, but her hair is oily, it’s not as bad.
Just like skin, your hair gets easily affected by your overall health
and vitality. So this is another reason to eat and live healthy, and gravitate
towards the your ultimate radiant self.
But remember, it takes a long
time to grow hair, so you can’t just go
on a diet for a couple of weeks and
expect your hair to magically improve
This is also why hair extensions have become very popular as a
method to have the appearance of having long hair. However hair
extensions would never look nearly as good as healthy hair, because fake
extensions never have the shine, the vitality and life to it.
But what if you don’t have long hair? What if it just takes too long to
grow it and you want to maximise your attractiveness with your existing
hair style and length?
The answer is to start playing with your hair.
When you play with your hair, that draws the attention to your hair.
Whether it is that you’re twirling your hair around your finger, or pulling
your fingers through your hair, it gives your hair the extra attention and
draws men’s eyes towards it.
Because hair is naturally a sign of femininity and you can play it up
by simply playing with your hair!
So here are some action steps to take to make sure your hair
is a trigger for men:
1. Make hair health your aim, rather than hairstyle. Especially if you
want to grow it out. Health is far more important than style when you are
trying to grow your hair.
Hairdressers will focus on style, and try to cut far more off your hair
than they need to, just to achieve some 'style'. Don't allow them to do this.
Unless you are already at your goal length.
2. Get healthier and aim to be drug-free. Your health has a huge
impact on the appearance of your hair, and so do most drugs (even the
most seemingly harmless ones). Again, it’s time to detox and give yourself
the gift of health and energy. Green veggie juices, plenty of fresh air and
oxygen, not stressing too much, and a good dose of exercise. (Also try
and stay drug free as much as you can, but see your physician first before
making any changes).
3. Learn to play with your hair and take notice of every look and
glance you get from men. My bet is that almost double the number of men
will pay you attention on a subconscious level compared to if you were not
playing with your hair.
Attraction Trigger 6
Your Outstanding Posture
Here’s why posture is important.
Your posture tells other men and women how confident you are,
whether you have a lot of self-value and whether you have high selfesteem.
And you probably know already that men find confident women
attractive and desirable, and women with low self confidence tend to get
taken advantage of by men.
Your posture speaks to men whether you like it or not. If you have
bad posture, you send a subconscious message to men:
"I'm so bored with life. I drag people around me down with my bad
energy." "I have low self esteem." "I am not worthy."
Whereas, if you have great posture, you send a clear message that
says: "I am the best woman there is." And men will take this message
seriously, and find you very sexy.
Traditionally, women with illnesses or diseases have bad posture.
Women with no confidence also have bad posture. On the contrary:
women with good posture tend to be healthier and more confident.
If there is a structural alignment issue with your body, then your
posture will be adversely affected. And if this is the case, then see a
medical professional to look into it immediately. The truth is that most
structural mal-alignments are actually caused initially by your habitual
We live in a society where we
don’t move our bodies like we used
to anymore. We don’t move our
bodies in a way that our bodies were
designed for. So, having great
posture is a rare thing to find in both
men and women.
Having outstanding posture is a very attractive quality and
interestingly enough, the majority of us cannot even articulate how
important good posture is when it comes to how attractive we find a
person to be.
Bad posture really is a subconscious trigger to make others believe
you don’t believe in your own value and don’t have a zest for life. You’ll
probably also start to notice this yourself: you will find that men with bad
posture are usually men that you find quite unattractive!
Good posture isn’t something that the media focuses on, and it’s
not something that most of us have studied.
It is only because of the fact that David and I have had the privilege
of studying people’s posture for years, that we are able to understand how
much posture influences attractiveness.
In fact, I believe posture is one of the biggest key factors as to why
we find certain people attractive and certain people unattractive. (But
most of us don’t even realize that the secret attractive factor is largely
because of their posture).
Remember: bad posture is so common in this world, yet it’s one of
the biggest turn offs for men and it’s a sign of disease and illness!
Here are some key steps to instantly have better posture and
instantly become twice as attractive:
1. Make it a commitment right now to yourself that you will always
stand tall and sit tall and hold yourself in an outstanding posture. This is
very important especially if you sit down all day at a desk, which is one of
the worst things you can do to your structural alignment and posture. So
always take a 2 minute stretch break every hour and stretch out your body
in every way imaginable.
A great idea is to adopt this belief and affirm it to yourself every day
during your stretch breaks: "my good posture increases my sexiness
to men ten-fold".
2. Imagine a string is attached to the top of your head, and imagine
it is actively pulling your head and spine towards the ceiling.
So if you’re sitting down it would feel like your sitting up a lot
straighter. If you’re standing, then you will feel like you’re standing a lot
The idea is to actively lengthen your spine.
Do this whenever you get a break to stretch. This helps the reverse
the slouch effect that makes us look tired, stressed and even depressed.
3. Pull your shoulder blades back and down. And let your rib cage
expand with oxygen. Allow yourself to hold your sternum (breast bone)
high and leave your shoulders back and low.
Take a deep breath in, and hold it for 5 seconds. Slowly exhale.
Do this at least 10 times.
You see, most of us simply don’t get enough oxygen to the bottom
parts of our lungs (The most important parts of our lungs as we get the
most oxygen transfer at the bottom sections).
Most of us are so stressed and tense that we hold our shoulders
high and tight, which prevents us from breathing properly!
Did you know that by simply doing some deep breathing exercise,
you are effectively working your lymph system (which is the sewerage
system of your body) and as a result you are naturally detoxing!
So not only do some deep breathing exercises helps your posture,
they also give you a healthier and more vibrant look in the long term!
Attraction Trigger 7
Your Soft Feminine Voice
We all have 5 senses… vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
Most of the triggers that we have been talking about so far are all to do
with vision, or visual triggers.
Yes, visual triggers are a huge part of attraction for men, since
vision is a quick sense to use,
especially compared to all the
other senses we have. Men can
see you from a much farther
distance than he can hear you.
However, your voice and vocal
qualities can also create equal
attraction for a man.
Men find feminine voices more attractive and masculine voices less
attractive. It’s scientifically proven from the tribes of the African plains to
the salons of Paris.
So how do you tell if a voice is a feminine voice? It is usually a
voice that has a higher pitch.
A higher pitched voice is usually associated with highly feminine
women who have a lot of female hormones running through their bodies.
It is also an indication of a woman who is more youthful and has less
stress and burdens in her life.
A voice that is burdened by stress eventually becomes a masculine
voice (a deep voice), and a masculine voice is not attractive to most men.
You see, a lot of women, especially the ones with masculine jobs
(i.e. lawyers, doctors etc.) tend to speak with a masculine voice to try to
express authority, and self-assuredness.
There’s nothing wrong with that, because that masculine
confidence is required in that environment. However… these women
sometimes forget that there are other parts of themselves and their
personality that isn’t been fully expressed.
The feminine voice qualities may not serve you in the workplace,
but it will serve you as a woman in your love life. It’s time to allow yourself
to be that woman and not always have to be in the role of your job.
Remember, your job is what you do, it’s not who you are.
Your voice also says a lot about your personality.
Your energy or lack of energy really shows through your voice.
Your confidence shows through your voice. Your ability to have fun and
be playful definitely shows through your voice.
In fact, the famous voice trainer Arthur Joseph said once that your
voice is the most vulnerable part of you. Think about that for a moment,
isn’t there some real truth in that?!
So how you feel inside really shows through your voice quality and
So how can we make our voice more attractive to men?
Well it’s not so much as that we need to change your voice quality,
as much as we need to allow you to become a feminine woman, and as a
result, your voice quality will adjust itself naturally.
We need to inject our speaking voice with more variety, more fun,
and more excitement.
There’s literally nothing worse than a woman who talks with a
monotone voice. (There’s nothing that would bore a man faster than a
monotone voice!)
Here are some action steps you can take to make your voice
an instant trigger for men:
1. Inject energy into your voice. Don’t be monotone. Try and
become more expressive just using your voice alone. A great way to
practice is through a telephone conversation where you can’t express
yourself visually with gestures and expressions, so the only way is
through your voice and tonality.
A lot of women use their voice in a very boring way. It’s not about being
fake, or being forceful with your voice, it’s about using what you already
have in more interesting ways.
2. I’m going to share a secret with you from a world-class voice
trainer for singers and speakers.
The secret is this. Try speaking or reading something out in the
voices of many different characters.
So get a book out, pick a paragraph to read out loud, but instead of
using your “normal” voice… speak like Mickey Mouse!
And then when you’re done doing that, speak like Rocky Balboa!
Then speak like Marilyn Monroe. Then Donald Duck. Then try to
speak like that person on TV who has a funny voice…
This is meant to be really fun by the way, and the benefit here is to
increase your vocal variety. Vocal variety is the key to making your voice
more exciting!
When you have a bigger range or variety of voices to choose from,
then you can easily and appropriately choose the voice to use in any
3. Imagine a voice that is soft and feminine. Soft doesn’t mean
quiet, it means soft and vulnerable. It’s the opposite of harsh.
So many women in a masculine workplace speak harshly like men.
If this sounds like your situation, then this is something that you want to let
go of.
Imagine your voice becoming softer and softer, not in the decibels
but in the tonality that you use. In your mind, imagine a mother’s soft
voice soothing a baby to sleep.
Attraction Trigger 8
Your Sparkling Eyes
They say that your eyes are windows to your soul.
When we speak to someone and really engage with them, it is
primarily the person’s eyes that we look at and look into. So their eyes tell
us a lot about their soul as well as their health.
When you’re healthy, the white of your eyes are clear. When you’re
unhealthy, the white of your eyes become more muddled and less clear.
Just imagine a time when you were sleep deprived, perhaps nurturing a
hangover also, and you get that look of bloodshot eyes, that’s a sign of
being unhealthy.
So the clearer your eyes look, the healthier you seem to be. And
even if you are not ill, a few late nights may mean a set of dull and tired
looking eyes which would essentially mean that your health is suffering
(even if it’s just temporary).
By the way, as you know, a huge portion of makeup is designed to
accentuate your eyes. They usually do so by darkening the surrounding of
the eye to make the white of the eye more visible. We all tend to pick up
on color contrasts very well, so the darker it is around your eyes, the
lighter your eyes look.
You see, the more contrast the effects of the make-up produce, the
whiter your eyes look. And as a result, you actually look healthier.
In a scientific study done in 2008, researcher Richard Russell
discovered that the greater luminance contrast between the eyes and the
surrounding areas, the more attractive and feminine the face appeared to
In his own words… “Application of cosmetics was found to
consistently increase facial contrast. Female faces wearing cosmetics had
greater facial contrast than the same faces not wearing cosmetics.”
This proves that the exaggeration of the color contrast from
carefully done makeup, will absolutely make you more attractive to men.
This is not to say you should go all black around your eyes as if
you had a black-eye. It’s about keeping features sharp, clean and stylish.
But there’s a lot more to your eyes than just a sign of health.
Believe it or not, our eyes are as expressive as many other part of us. It
tells people whether you are confident or not, playful or not, trustworthy or
You see someone can always lie through their teeth to you but
their eyes never lie. They really are a window to your soul.
So to really capture a man’s attention and trigger his desires for
you, the most important thing is to bring life to your eyes. Bring a sense of
health and energy to them. If you were to look at some of the most
beautiful sets of eyes in history, this one key runs common in all of them.
It’s the sparkle that lives in their eyes that makes them so mesmerizing.
This spark is life; it’s energy, it’s a sense of excitement that makes
men fall head over heels.
Angelina Jolie and Rachel Mcadams are both examples of women
I have noticed who have an amazing, youthful glow to them. And it's not
simply a matter of genetics!
In fact, the sparkle in your eyes is a result of the sum of your own
habitual beliefs and focuses in every day life. If you make it a point to live
an exciting, happy life, it will show through the sparkle in your eyes.
So overall, well applied make up will make your eyes look more
stunning and capture men’s attention, but it’s the spark in your eyes that
will mesmerize them for life.
Here are some important action steps to take to make sure
your eyes are mesmerizing to men:
1. Get plenty of good, quality sleep. Yes, when you’re tired, one of
the first places that show it is your eyes. So get plenty of sleep. As you
age, you don’t want to get chronic bags or dark circles under your eyes!
In fact, in this modern age, some girls start to get dark circles under
their eyes at a very, very young age, like 14 or 15! It just exposes the
stress of our lifestyle!
2. Drink a lot of water. Most of us are chronically dehydrated, and
your eyes are made of mostly water, so give your eyes the gift of being
3. Learn how to apply eye makeup in a way that actually
complements your own eye type and color. Learn what would look good
on you and what doesn’t look good. The key here is practice and getting
some solid advice from professional makeup artists (it’s worth you paying
some money to get decent advice over getting cheap, free advice).
4. Consciously try to bring a sense of life into your eyes. Imagine
yourself having playful eyes and bring the energy from your body, into
your eyes and into the person you’re connecting with. Remember, it’s all
about the spark in your eyes, that sense of aliveness.
5. Use eye drops. Eye drops can be a quick way to bring back that
clear, watery, youthful sparkle as well as take away the dryness in your
eyes. 
Attraction Trigger 9
Your Heavenly Scent
Smelling good will make people more attracted to you, want to
spend more time with you and even make men fall in love with you.
I know this is somewhat obvious… but there’s more truth than you
can possibly imagine. You see, male mammals are very apt and in tune to
using their sense of smell to judge whether a female is suitable, in season
or worth pursuing.
Have you ever seen a man taking a sniff to smell a woman? It
happens a LOT more than you think and it’s because a fertile woman’s
natural smell instantly triggers euphoria in a man. It increases his blood
flow, and puts him in an altered emotional state.
Now we are talking about a very powerful mechanism. This
mechanism has been built into our DNA for millions of years.
But unfortunately this is something that is commonly overlooked.
Our olfactory nerve (the one responsible for smell) is one of the closest
nerves to our primitive brain, and one of the most ancient. What this
means to you is that smells affect us (and men) much more than we
Have you ever had a moment where you’ve smelled something
that reminded you vividly of a specific moment in your past, so real that
you thought you were actually there?
As if it transported you through time to be in that moment. That’s
the power of our sense of smell.
Now you have probably heard of pheromones. I’m talking about
your scented sex hormones.
Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants in the animal world.
Older male elephants, for example, exude sexual prowess with a mix of
chemicals the younger elephants can’t muster.
However, here’s the problem with your pheromones. They fluctuate
up and down throughout your menstrual cycle. Research studies have
shown that when you’re menstruating, your smell typically tends to be
more intense and men are less attracted to it compared to your smell
during mid-cycle (when you’re ovulating and are able to get pregnant).
So how do you overcome that? You wear some suitable perfume
because research shows that perfumes elicit feelings of joy, confidence,
and a sense of well-being.
By the way, quality perfume isn’t just a mix of random flowers and
spices. It is usually a careful concoction of the right blend of smells that
are meant to bring out MORE of your own natural pheromones.
There is literally a ton of research that goes into one bottle of
quality perfume, but not every scent will suit you. You have to pick
carefully, and try different ones to make sure it sits well with you.
The purpose of the perfume is to mix with your natural pheromones
to produce a consistent and more pleasant scent and leaves their wearers
with an opportunity to create a virtually unforgettable, personal trademark
for themselves.
But - do be unique when picking a perfume, because you want it to
be your personal signature that is unique to you, a flavour that will cause
others to immediately think of you if they ever come across it.
Here are some actions you can take to ensure men are
attracted and be triggered by your smell:
1. Practice good personal hygiene. Must I say more? Make sure
you’re washed and clean. Poor body odour Is an absolute no no!
2. Get healthy. That’s right, believe it or not, the healthier you are,
the better you will smell. The foods that you eat have a huge impact on
every part of your health and attractiveness.
A diet rich in water-rich foods really cleanses your system and
gives every part of your body a chance to radiate your natural, beautiful
3. Pick a nice perfume that suits you and your personality. But
don’t over-use it. Another person should only be able to smell your
perfume within a yard or two of being in your proximity. Perfume that is
too strong is definitely a turn-off for most men.
Attraction Trigger 11
Your Seductive Lower Back
Quick quiz: what is the most popular place on a woman’s body for
a tattoo?
You guessed it, her lower back. Sexy, sensual, exposed at the
beach but covered up at the office. May be shared with a lover but hidden
from the rest of the world.
And there’s a reason why it’s the most popular place for a tattoo.
The reason is that your lower back is actually a very sensual and
seductive area that too many people overlook. It is naturally a sensitive
and erogenous zone on your body. So having a tattoo on the lower back
draws the attention to this seductive area.
So why is this area a trigger for men to feel attraction and desire?
Here’s the reason why:
Physiologically, your lower back is a crucial area for successful
pregnancy and child birth. To be pregnant and carrying a baby inside the
womb, a woman has to have a strong core and lower back to support the
weight of the baby. The para-spinal muscles (the muscles on either side
of the spine) in the lower back are primarily the muscles responsible for
holding your posture upright and act as supporting columns for your whole
So if you have weak muscles in your lower back, then you may
have reduced chances of child bearing, increased chances of spinal misalignments (scoliosis).
Through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, men have
noticed the curves and the musculature in a woman’s lower back as an
indication of her chances of successful child bearing. A normal lower back
has its natural inward curve called a lordosis. But in this society where we
don’t move our bodies like we used to millions of years ago, a lot of us
have spinal alignment issues and core stability issues.
A woman with a flat lower back is more likely to have a weaker set
of core muscles. A weaker set of core muscles mean possible lower back
issues in pregnancy. And this type of lower back is not attractive to men.
Men love a woman with a nice curve in her lower back, with
notable tone in her para-spinal muscles. It’s a sign of healthy future
pregnancies and better chance of child bearing.
So here’s how you can shape up your lower back to be sexy,
sensual and seductive:
1. Make sure you don’t sit down for too many hours at a time. If you
can’t help it, then stand up for a stretch every hour. Sitting is one of the
worst positions for the human body. Also a lumbar roll would help your
sitting posture become more neutral and less damaging to your back in
the long run.
2. Start an exercise routine to both strengthen your lower back and
give flexibility to your lower back. You have many options here. You can
do some yoga, Pilates or design your own set of exercises that work your
core and back muscles.
Your core muscles have been very popular in the media in the last
five years, and they together with your lower back muscles help you to
prevent injuries and maintain a healthy midsection.
At the same time, if you go to the gym, you can do certain exercise
that target your lower back muscles such as a back extension exercise,
squats and dead lifts. These are not only great for your lower back but
great to get your overall shape toned and sculpted.
Attraction Trigger 11
Your Luscious Lips
Did you know…In a research study done by the University of
Manchester, (where they hooked up devices which tracked men’s eye
movement), they found that when a woman has no makeup on, men’s
visual fixation on her face was evenly distributed throughout her features.
However, when the woman wore pink lipstick, the men on average
spent 6.7 seconds of the first ten seconds staring at her lips. The results
were even more apparent when the woman put on red lipstick…( it went
all the way up to 7.3 seconds out of the first 10 seconds)
Point being? Men are very attracted to a woman’s lips, as long as
they are fertile looking lips.
So what do I mean by fertile looking lips? I mean red, plump lips.
Here’s a little lesson in human physiology: When a man and a
woman make eye contact, and create a connection, blood flow increases
immediately for both parties. In the woman, part of the blood flow travels
to her lips, making them fuller and more red.
This is just another small part of the mating dance between men
and women that evolution has crafted.
When a woman’s lips become engorged, plump and red, it means
she is fertile, healthy and ready to mate. No wonder men get so excited
about this trigger! And no wonder women pout in magazines, newspapers
and advertisements. (They want to grab the attention of men!)
According to AskMen.com, the more voluptuous your lips are, the
higher your sex quotient is to men.
But here is the other thing; women who have artificially “reengineered” lips never have the same appeal as women who have
natural, real lips. The reason lies in the natural shape of your lips. (You’d
rather have natural, thinner lips and wear gloss or lip stick than use
artificial lip filler and destroy the natural shape.)
The last thing about your lips is that they also tell people about how
you deal with life’s events from the way you hold your mouth. A person
who is predominately down and depressed all the time have the corners
of their mouth/lips pointing downwards. It isn’t a youthful look, stay away
from it!
A person who is uptight all the time has a very tight and thin upper
lip. These are obviously unattractive qualities that men are on the lookout
Men intuitively know when a woman has a “bitch face” not because
her face is a certain proportion but because of the way she holds her face.
A woman who is full of judgment holds her face completely different to a
woman who radiates love.
Just take a moment next time to study how women hold their faces,
you will learn a lot just by seeing the tension around their mouths.
So here’s what you need to do to give yourself the appearance
of fuller more luscious lips:
1. Learn to use some good lip gloss and lipsticks that are high
quality as well as being a good color to suit your particular skin tone.
Remember the research study? Men are fixated on your lips if you make
them appear plump and alive.
2. Do some facial aerobics and practice smiling from ear to ear.
Actively lift the corners of your mouth up and back towards your ears at
least 30 times a day. The best looking lips are ones with corners pointing
up, not down. So what you’ll have to do is train the underlying muscles in
your face to give your own lips a natural lift.
3. Learn to pout and make it look easy and effortless. Practice in
front of the mirror and make sure that it doesn’t look awkward or unnatural
when you’re doing it in front of others. It’s all about using those muscles
around your lips to keep them active! (If you don’t use them… you lose
Attraction Trigger 12
Your Feminine Dress Code
The beautiful clothes you wear are something that can make you a
real enchantress to men. Beautiful clothes can enhance your femininity
like you wouldn’t believe. Needless to say, beautiful clothes have been
used for centuries by women to add to their feminine energy and aura,
and to attract men.
If you’re a very feminine woman, you can be feminine and beautiful
in anything you wear, but there are certain styles that will trigger a man. I
like to categorize these styles in to light and dark feminine.
Use your dress code to trigger
different parts of the men you date, or
your own man. It’s so much fun!
If you want to trigger a man’s light
masculine side, the part of him that wants
to take care of you a protect you, wear
floral dresses, nice, elegant, long or three quarter skirts and pants, floral
and pastel cardigans, bows and flowers in your hair, glitter around your
eyes, nice jeans and flats or even cute wedges or heels.
If you want to trigger the dark masculine in a man; wear tight-fitting
pants that show off your waist-line and your sexy bum. A good pair of
black designer pants that are fitted are a great asset to have in your
wardrobe. Also wear nice, high-heeled pointy black boots in leather,
patent leather or even suede.
Short dresses with classy tights or leggings are very nice, as well
as funky boots. Lace-up boots are nice to go with most outfits that are
based on a dark feminine theme. Remember that dark colors, or tight
clothing that is a bit more daring than the light feminine is what makes a
dark feminine outfit.
It’s OK to lounge around in tracksuits sometimes, and I do
recommend this, as women shouldn’t be confined to doing things a
certain one way. Different ways of dressing show different parts of you.
Play around with it, and remember to stay healthy, and exercise regularly
so that you can look and feel as good as you deserve to feel.
Age should not ever be a deterrent. No excuses. Older women can
be just as attractive (if not more) attractive to men, (and trigger them
more) than a younger woman.
I remember when I was in high school, there was a middle-aged
teacher, (in her 40s) who the boys (aged 17-18) would go crazy over. She
had already had 3 children, and her body was off the hook.
She wasn’t afraid of her femininity or her sexuality (a huge break
from the rules for a school teacher), and she used to wear high-heels as
well as nice, tailored black skirts with nice floral blouses. I am not kidding
when I saw the boys used to wish they could ‘have a piece of her’.
She was not afraid to be dark feminine, and had incredible
She never used to do it in a vulgar or attention-seeking way, she
was really just being herself and didn’t seem to like conforming and being
boring like all the other teachers - so she didn’t. What a lucky husband
back home!
Remember not to restrict yourself to only one way dressing. You
only live once.
Here are 3 action steps to using your dress code to trigger
your man:
1) Separate your wardrobe in to light and dark feminine (or at least
have in mind what clothes are light, and what clothes are more dark) so
that you can pick them and wear them straight away in accordance with
whether you feel more dark feminine or more light feminine that particular
2) Study your body shape carefully in the mirror and work out what
kind of clothes make your figure appear more feminine. There’s no use
buying lovely clothes (expensive or not) if they just don’t suit your body
shape! Take a friend with you shopping – an honest friend – who can let
you know right away, whether something flatters you or not.
3) Pick a few people you know in your friendship circles, or
celebrities who dress either light or dark very well, and model what their
style is. Personally, I love Kate Moss’s style, she pulls off dark feminine
very well, and I love Natalie Portman’s beautiful light feminine dress.
These celebrities have a body shape that is towards my own, however, so
they may not be perfect for you. Pick a celebrity (or someone you already
know) whose body shape is the same or similar to yours.
Attraction Trigger 13
Your Flirtatious Tongue
Sticking your tongue out -This is something you did when you were
5 years old. Except now, it’s sexy.
When you did it as a 5 year old, it was cute and adorable. When
you do it now, it’s cheeky, it’s sexy and still adorable.
You’ve probably guessed that your tongue is an erogenous zone,
and a symbol of sex, depending on how you use it. Just the sight of your
tongue can make a man go wild with anticipation.
And there are many different ways to use your flirtatious tongue.
You can stick it straight out just like a 5 year old, to tease your
target. (This builds higher value in yourself and makes men want to chase
after you, because you are being playful and demonstrating higher value)
You can use your tongue to lick your upper lip. (This is more sexy,
so reserve this for the right man. Don’t do this if you’re not comfortable
with the man in the first place.)
You can use your tongue as a way to tease your man and to get
him to think of sex or oral sex (naughty isn’t it!?) You can use your
naughty tongue to flirt and be playful, and of course, all of this will, in turn,
increase the attraction between the both of you.
You will get a man’s blood boiling instantly, if you started to
incorporate your tongue in teasing and flirting with men.
Warning: Don’t stick your tongue out at just anyone! Pick your
targets carefully because you don’t want to lead a man on if you’re not
interested. Sticking your tongue out can be very suggestive so be careful,
pick your targets carefully and have some fun!
Here are ways to get some good use out of your tongue:
1) Poke it out during playful moments to be cheeky and naughty.
Pretend you don’t like him for a moment. This is an effective way to flirt
and to show that you are open to him, but you’re not easy to
please…which is something he will love & appreciate.
2) Lick your lips (top and bottom) seductively. Do I need to explain
this? Depending on your man’s associations, he will ‘imagine’ different
things. The more he associates you with this type of play, the more likely
it is that passion will build over time.
3) You can lick a lollypop or something of a similar (or near
enough) in order to tease him. He won’t be able to resist it. It’s fun, and it
shows that you’re not all ‘good’. He’ll love it.
Attraction Trigger 14
Your Precious Heels
As Marilyn Monroe said: “I don’t know who invented high heels,
but all women owe him a lot.”
Have you ever noticed that when you walk down the street, or a
hall with heels on, men turn around and look? Of course you have. Just
the sound of heels on the ground makes men turn their heads. Why?
Because it’s a symbol of woman, of femininity.
Men want to turn around and find out what you look like, and to see
if there's some eye candy in store.
Over the years, high heels have also become a symbol of sexuality
– because high heels are linked to femininity, and to all the great things it
does to increase a woman’s sex appeal, her presence, and her
Firstly, men don’t wear heels. At least not any men I’ve ever known
of. So that’s a start. When we dress the complete opposite of the way
men dress, it’s already a trigger because masculine and feminine are
drawn to each other.
There are many reasons why high heels are a trigger for
You stand differently in heels: they put your body in a natural
'courting' pose, by pushing your bum outwards. A natural courting pose in
primates really draws the attention of male, because it is a signal that the
female is fertile and health.
Just don't be tacky with this. Don't do what some women do in
public and deliberately push your bum outwards exaggeratedly all the
time, 'just in case he missed it'.
This is fine for more intimate moments and private situations. But in
public, you will find that you start to really become a pest. We don't live in
the animal kingdom anymore, and we don't need to desperately advertise
sexuality like females in the animal kingdom might.
Doing this might get you noticed, but it will be cheap attention. You
don't want cheap attention from men! You want quality attention from
quality men!
Some women I have seen also deliberately post a tonne of pictures
on their Facebook that are taken from behind, just in case people missed
that part of their body. Don't do this. If you are attractive, people know. It's
Also heels change your posture, making you stand up taller. As we
have already discussed, better posture is more attractive anywhere you
go in the world.
Another reason is that heels change the way you walk – in other
words, they exaggerate your lateral hip shunt. You literally have to walk
with more hip sway in heels than if you were walking barefooted.
They also make you more leggy – your legs appear longer in high
heels. Countless studies have shown that men prefer long legs. This is
true even for women of different heights. So, a shorter woman with
proportionally longer legs than her torso would be more of a trigger for
men than a woman who appears to have very short legs compared to her
High heels can actually make your feet appear smaller (of course,
this wouldn’t be true if your heels are one or more sizes too big for you!
So pick a good pair of heels). Smaller feet is a good thing for a woman
because it makes you appear more feminine and dainty.
All of the above combine to make the act of putting on a pair of
high heels erotic, in many cases. For example, during sex, or even just
playful fun, wearing heels can create an erotic atmosphere.
Here are 3 action steps you can take right now to take
advantage of the high-heels trigger:
1) Spend more money buying just ONE pair of heels that fit
properly, rather than spending less getting a pair of heels that are just an
‘OK’ fit. Quality over quantity!
2) Practice walking in them. This may come as a surprise, but most
women simply don’t walk properly in high heels. One reason for this is
that they choose terrible heels that don’t fit them well, and that hurt them
so much they can’t even put one foot in front of the other properly. And
the other is that they simply don’t have much practice walking properly in
3) Pay careful attention to the color of your heels. Nude heels are
very popular right now, and for good reason: the color blends in to the
skin, and makes your legs appear even longer. The nude color has been
proven to make men think of sex, as well.
You can also go for cute, polka dot heels or pink kitten heels for a
light feminine look, and go for red or black for a dark feminine look.
Lastly, if heels hurt too much for you, and are difficult to walk in,
you can get almost all the same benefits from wearing a small to medium
sized wedge! And they are usually much more comfortable to walk in. Not
to mention you can wear them casually more than you could a pair of
Attraction Trigger 15
Your Cheeky Wink
What does a wink really mean?
Even Google isn’t sure. I typed into Google “what does a wink
mean?” and 93,000,000 search results popped up. And looking through
some of those answers, I realized that either people had absolutely no
clue, or people had their varying answers and no one could settle on one
No one really knows the answer because a wink could mean so
many different things in different situations.
A wink is very much context-driven. In one situation, it means you
have a secret with someone else and you’re both insiders on this secret.
In another situation it could mean ‘I’m just kidding’. Or perhaps in certain
situations a wink could mean ‘you know what I’m thinking about…!’
A wink could even mean that you have something in your eye!
So it really depends on the context and the mood of the situation to
determine what you are trying to express with a wink. That’s why we need
to always be cheeky when we wink to a man.
In this situation, a wink is a symbol of high value in yourself. Winks
give off the impression that you are playful, and that you are confident in
the situation and also that you’re open and inviting.
Confidence and openness is extremely attractive, as you would
probably already know. It can also indicate that you’re leading the
interaction in that moment, and being active rather than passive is always
a turn on for men.
Lastly, a wink can be very suggestive. (Obviously depends on how
you use it) Remember, you have to leave certain things to the
imagination. And it’s really the imagination that drives men wild.
Start with the following to make use of your cheeky wink:
1) Use it at varying times when you want to leave him expectant of
something, or when you want to encourage playfulness in the situation.
For example, as you say goodbye to him, give him a cheeky little
wink to indicate that good things are coming. You can say “see you next
time!” And throw a playful wink at him.
2) Instead of verbally greeting him, you could just playfully
welcome him, and wink as you walk away (or in, if you are inviting him in
to your home). Replacing words for something exciting such as a cheeky
wink is a great tool. Words only count for 7% or communication, and
often, when you talk a lot, the interaction can get boring because you’re
always just talking.
Even sitting together in silence and throwing him a cheeky wink is
a lovely thing to do. Remember how much men love to play, like little
boys. Too serious and it just feels more like a ‘burden’ to him.
3) Use a wink in combination with throwing pebbles, as a method
of flirting... We cover this in a lot more details in some of our other
courses, where we teach you how to use methods such as push and pull
to instantly capture a man’s attention.
Attraction Trigger 16
Your Forbidden Cleavage
Note: I did say your cleavage, not your breasts.
Why? Because too many women mistakenly believe that it’s the
size of their breasts that men are attracted to. WRONG!
This is why so many women go and get cosmetic breast
enhancements (this is now a multi-billion dollar business). And most of
them tend to look awful and work against you, by the way!
In reality, what men are really attracted to is your cleavage. Nearly
all sex research surveys show that men love breasts in most shapes and
sizes – it’s the cleavage that stimulates
men the most. It doesn’t matter
whether a woman’s breasts are the
size of a small lemon or look like
watermelons, most men are keenly
interested in them all and they love a
The sign of cleavage means that a woman has matured, and
has hit puberty (so therefore she is able to bear children). But can this
simple signal of development make men go crazy with desire?
Studies have also shown that female hitchhikers whom showed
cleavage are twice as likely to get picked up as women who did not show
cleavage. It’s not that all men just want a piece of your flesh, but it’s just a
demonstration of how powerful certain attraction triggers can be.
There are in fact many research studies that looked into exactly
why men are so attracted to a woman’s cleavage. And so here’s the
Humans walk upright on two legs and enlarged female breasts
evolved as a mimic of the female rear. Tests conducted with pictures of
bum cracks and breast cleavage convincingly show that most men are
unable to differentiate one crack from the other.
So the point isn’t to make your breasts the size of large melons (in
fact too many surveys show that a large proportion of men strongly dislike
fake breasts), but instead it’s about how you present your cleavage in the
sexist way possible.
So here are some action steps to enhance your cleavage:
1. Get push-up bras with gel or water inserts in them, they help to
keep the natural looking contour of your breasts whilst enhancing your
cleavage. (Make sure you get your bras fitted to your frame, because
research shows that most women have the wrong size bras and it not only
gives a poor appearance but also can be damaging to your physical
2. Wearing a long, dangling necklace that draws the eyes and the
attention to your cleavage.
3. Enhance your cleavage with make-up. Get a large powder brush
and make your cleavage look deeper with a darker color than the color of
your skin. Bronzer is typically good for this. Also use a lighter color to
shade the outer side of your cleavage to make the breasts appear fuller.
(You can also use a lighter color on the outside of your breasts)
Attraction Trigger 17
Your Alluring Sexual Confidence
This is one trigger that is not of physical nature but of psychological
nature. And let’s not discount psychological triggers because they can be
some of the most potent attraction and desire triggers you can incorporate
in your own life.
It doesn’t matter what age you are, by exuding a sense of sexual
confidence, you will attract men of all
ages, backgrounds and from different
walks of life. Kind of like bees to
So what is your sexual
confidence? It’s basically you being
very comfortable with your own
sensuality and sexuality and you knowing your own value as a woman.
This means…no overly needy behaviour, no nagging, and no
passive engagement with a man. And there’s nothing more stale than a
passive woman who has no oomph in her.
Instead, having sexual confidence means that you are the one in
control, you know how much men want you and your sexual value. You
ooze an aura of sensuality and sexuality. You’re comfortable with your
body, and with moving your body. (Men can spot awkward movements
from a mile away and it’s an indication that you’re uncomfortable with
Why don’t men like it when you seem uncomfortable with your own
sexuality and your own body? It’s because it may indicate that there is
something wrong with you reproductively.
And we now know that the need for reproduction is the biggest
source of attraction triggers.
So why does your sexual confidence stimulate a man so much?
Because it tells men that you are the whole package (the real deal) and
you could or you would satisfy him immensely in the bedroom (if he was
lucky enough to ever be the ‘chosen one’).
Just like women love a man who is confident, men love women
who are confident, especially towards sex, attraction, and of course, her
own body.
Here are a few action steps to increase your sexual
confidence so that men will always be triggered and stimulated by
your confidence:
1. Say no to men more often! If you’re someone who finds it hard to
say no, now is your time to start valuing yourself more and start
respecting your own authority. This doesn’t mean you go and reject
people, it’s all about you starting to value your own worth.
This is the road to become a high value high status woman,
someone who doesn’t get treated like a doormat girl, who doesn’t get
taken for granted and certainly someone who doesn’t get used and
2. Spend more time with your body. That’s right. Spend some
good, solid time giving love to your body, touching your own body and
learning about your own body. Learn to give nourishment to your own
body. Have a sensual bath, take care of your hair, skin and nails. Take all
the time in the world that you need to discover your own inner sexuality.
(This is really the only way you can start to not only be ok with your own
sexuality but be confident with it)
3. Start watching other women who are very sexually confident.
Learn what they do and study it. Learn what they say, learn how they talk
and how they move (and then do exactly what they do!)
You can find these sexually confident women in your own life, on
your favorite TV shows, or in movies. The point is for you to repeatedly
have these inputs as a source of influence and over some time, you will
discover a quicker, smoother transition to becoming more sexually
Remember, this is just another part of you that you may or may not
have expressed fully, so it’s not about “changing you”, as much as it is
about becoming more of you!
What to do next?
Well, now that you’ve learnt the 17 Attraction Triggers, it’s time for
you to implement some of these in your own life.
As I mentioned at the very start, you don’t need to master all 17 of
these Attraction Triggers to be considered attractive. All you really need is
a few of them, and their effects compound and stack on top of each other.
Remember, it’s quality over quantity. It is much more important to
do a few of these triggers well, than it is to try and cover as many of these
as possible.
So I know there are 17 of these altogether, however it is a good
idea to start on only 3 of these attraction triggers until you get “good” at
them, before you move onto improving other triggers. The last thing I want
you to feel is overwhelm.
When you do start taking the action steps we’ve included for every
attraction trigger, you will start to notice more attention from men (and
perhaps women too). This may be very subtle at first, but men will pay
you more attention when you are a source of attraction triggers to them.
Of course, as a woman, there will be times in which you don’t want
to have a man’s attention. There are too many men out there who are
willing to go with any woman that walks. And will respond to your using
attraction triggers as a sign that they have somehow 'won' your attention,
when you find them extremely unattractive. So be smart about it and tone
it down a notch if you ever feel unsafe or don’t want to attract the wrong
types of men.
So as you probably have gathered, the 17 Attraction Triggers are
based upon a man’s reproductive instincts. They will help you get towards
a first date with great men, but they won't hold up 5 minutes in to a
And of course, to be successful in the dating world, where there is
so much competition, and to be successful in a relationship, to have
passion and attraction long term, to have a man fully commit to you in
every sense of the word... requires a lot more than just some attraction
You need to learn how to engage a man’s full attention, trigger his
pair bond mechanism, how to bring his attention back if he’s pulling away,
and ultimately how to inspire him to commit to you and only you.
What you really need is more knowledge and skills in these areas.
Having the best information and having the best dating skills will get you
in the good books of successful, kind, generous and attractive men.
Right now, if you are not in a position of power with the men in your
life, you are already losing the game. And, I don't make these programs
so that you can settle for less than the very best in your love life.
And by a position of power, I mean - having lots of options. I don't
mean, trying desperately to control when, what and HOW every little thing
happens with a man, and trying to control when, what and how you will
act in every situation (this is a sign of desperation).
So this is the position you really should be in: you should be a high
value, high status woman who has her pick of many successful,
interesting, attractive and generous men.
For a woman, it's really important to pick the right man. You have a
much smaller time in which you can start a family, compared to men. So
it's important that you respect this, and choose the right man, not just the
easy attention.
Easy attention from men is the most dangerous type of attention.
Because easy attention will land you in a weak position, always looking
for approval from others, having low self esteem, and with little to no
options, later on.
But most women hardly ever do find 'Mr. He's-going-to-take-care-of
you-and-worship-you-forever', because they lacked knowledge and skills
in this area. So they settle for far less than they deserve.
See, almost any woman could catch a man’s attention for a
moment, but hardly any woman can keep his attention, keep him
stimulated physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Men need you to keep them stimulated in a relationship. If he gets
bored, then the natural option for a man is to leave.
After all, if you have ever dreamed that your perfect man will come
and sweep you off your feet, then you need the learn how to build and
maintain attraction, how to inspire commitment and how to build trust in
an intimate relationship.
This is why I’ve also included the first volume of Attraction Control
Monthly for you when you purchased this e-book... I wanted to start you
on the journey of learning how to build long lasting passion and attraction,
and have the relationship you really want and deserve.
Attraction Control Monthly is designed for you to learn about men,
attraction, dating and relationships... (from the stuff that your parents
should have taught you when you were younger, to the latest and most
advanced coaching in the field of dating and relationships)
If you want an exciting relationship that is also secure and safe,
then you owe it to yourself to understand these concepts. These concepts
will literally make or break your relationship, as so many women have
discovered already.
So I urge you to stay subscribed to Attraction Control Monthly,
learn the tools and strategies within each volume and do the exercises
that I recommend to you.
Here is a quick sample of what you will learn in future months with
us on this journey of Attraction Control Monthly:
You will learn the core differences between masculinity and
femininity and how attraction through polarity works. If you want to
create a deep sense of attraction with a man, (not just physical attraction
but deep emotional attraction,) then this is for you.
Polarity is exactly how attraction works between a man and a
woman. This is what keeps a man around long term.
You’ll discover the three types of love (us humans have different
pathways in the brain for 3 different types of love).
The bad news is this… these three pathways are not very well
connected to each other, which means we can technically feel 'love' for
one person, but still fall IN LOVE with another, totally different person.
That means your man could love you deeply, but may fall in love
with another woman, so you better understand this, because I know this
happens to a lot of good hearted people.
The key here is really to fulfil and stimulate a man on all three
levels, and have him addicted to you forever. If you don't want your
man to fall in love with someone else, then this particular volume of
Attraction Control Monthly is going to be vitally important.
You’ll learn the power of subconscious emotional associations.
How we make a man feel is far more important that what we say or
do. Humans are driven by emotions, and we are all just looking for a
This is why you can never talk a man into committing to you, or
feeling attraction for you. It isn’t something logical. This is why talking
about a relationship and where it's going with a man is not the right place
to focus!
You’ll learn how to becoming a “High Value, High Status
Woman”. That’s right, a woman who never gets taken for granted!
I know so many women who give men signs that they are low value
and therefore could be treated like doormat girls by men.
This is simply NOT on!
Not only am I not going to let you show up as low value again, I will
make sure that men will take you seriously and treat you like a princess.
I’m just sick of seeing women who lower their own value in order to
get the attention of men or trying to wait for a man to act a certain way.
This must end once and for all!
Do you know what the 8 Feminine Roles that Allure and Attract
Men are? We will break that down and show you exactly what these are
in month 6 of Attraction Control Monthly.
You’ll discover how to Eliminating Insecurity and Escalating
Confidence with Men. And you’ll learn the difference between Light and
Dark Feminine Energy…
And the list goes on, but I won’t tease you any more. All I can
promise you is that there is a lot more in store for you over the next
several months and years.
So I hope we can serve you again in the future in your love life
through our articles, videos or one of our programs, but regardless, we
sincerely wish you the best of luck and happiness in everything you do.
About the Authors
Renee Wade
World Authority and Leader on Femininity, Love Passion
& Intimate Relationships.
David Shen
Authority & Researcher on Attraction, Commitment &
Long Term Intimate Relationships.