Animal Shelter Low Cost Spay/Neuter Event
Animal Shelter Low Cost Spay/Neuter Event
VOL. III • ISSUE NO. 4 Visit us at Instagram/LagunaBeachVibe March 17-April 6, 2016 Laguna Beach Little League at Riddle Field. A rite of passage! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Entertainment and Events Guide On the Music Scene with Gary– Top Ten Favorites Business Spotlight– McKeown Plumbing Gallery Spotlight–Village Gallery On the Cover! Horoscopes by Servet Hasan Cover photo by Scott Brashier Animal Shelter Low Cost Spay/Neuter Event Vouchers available at the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter 20612 Laguna Canyon Road For Laguna Beach and Laguna Woods residents only. Vouchers must be purchased by March 31, 2016 procedures must occur in April 2016. Protecting Unwanted Pets (PUP) will cover the majority of the costs. Info: 949-497-3552 On the Cover! HOROSCOPES We have CRONUTS and PHO! BY SERVET HASAN South Swell DONUTS 31660 S. Coast Hwy. 949-499-6171 Open Daily: 5am-3pm Open Daily 10am-8pm Across from Mozambique 1705 S. COAST HWY. 949-715-5600 [email protected] [email protected] Urgent Care Sleepy Hollow MEDICAL Flu Shots Available for Infants to Seniors t Family Care Physicals t Travel Shots TB Tests t X-Rays t Pharmacy No Appointment Necessary Medicare Accepted WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat-Sun 9am-1pm Dr. William C. Anderson 949/494•3740 364 Ocean Ave. MARCH 17 – APRIL 6, 2016 ARIES (March 21 – April 19) If you feel you’re having a bit of an identity crisis lately, don’t worry. You’re coming back strong, ready to ram down the walls that have been holding you back. Breaking free sends you in new directions. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) You’re going to have to face the music in all areas of your life, which is hard when you are being bullheaded. Before you flex your muscles, try communicating what you really want and need first. GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Your work load doubles, but so does your income. There aren’t really two of you, so work smarter, not harder. Chasing your own tail will get you nowhere fast. CANCER (June 21 – July 22) Last month may have left you feeling a bit crabby, but now that you have your head out of the sand, situations take a turn for the better. You’ll be swimming along in no time. LEO (July 23 – August 22) Time to wake up from your winter nap. Get those eyes open and start roaring. Too many things have been put off for too long. Get busy and you’ll reap the rewards. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) It’s been too long since she stepped into virgin territory. Taking new risks and exploring new territory will bring both financial and personal rewards. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) The scales are tipped in your favor when it comes to business deals. You will have an uncanny ability to discover people’s real motives. Use it to your advantage. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) You may have quite a bite, but it seems you’re about to be bitten by someone else’s magical elixir. Get ready to meet exciting new people who take you to whole new levels. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) Any new venture you undertake is bound to hit the bull’s eye. Get yourself out there and think big. You can’t possibly go wrong. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) Spring is in the air and you could stand to smell the roses after being cooped up at work all winter. Time to get out and play. You deserve it. AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) Speaking your mind will only land you in hot water. If you really want your voice to be heard dip one toe into the pool at a time. Jumping in will drown you out. PISCES (February 19 – March 20) If something smells fishy, it probably is. Trust your gut. Those that have been deceiving you have been getting away with it for far too long. Servet Hasan is an astrologer, clairvoyant and spiritual counselor. She is the author of “Tune Him In, Turn Him On,” “The Intuitive Heart of Romance,” and “Life in Transition: An Intuitive Path to New Beginnings,” (all with Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing, LLC). Visit her website www. for more information or call her at (949) 735-3983. WE PUT THE SERVICE BACK IN SERVICE! • Tires • Brakes • Wheels •Diagnostics • Auto glass Insurance claims Make your appointment now for a free estimate: RUSTY AND KODY 949.497.1650 35 years in the business 1945 Laguna Cyn. Rd. Across from Act V Parking Lot Phil Newton Insurance Home/Auto/Commercial Office 949-715-2600 [email protected] Stop by for free Farmers review. No obligation 305 N. Coast Hwy., Suite Q | Laguna Beach PAGE 2 | LAGUNA BEACH VIBE n VOLUME III, ISSUE NO. 4 n 20 SMOG CHECK $ OFF TES T ONLY/ TES T & RE PAIR Complete Automotive Repairs STATE OF CALIFORNIA LICENSED SMOG CHECK ü Scheduled Maintenance "Ê-iÀÛViÊUÊÀ>ià Engine Diagnostic A/C System Test L AGUNA CANYON SMOG 1965 Laguna Canyon Rd. 949-376-7370 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-2 ★STAR Certified With a mixture of freshly mowed grass and the scent of Riddle burgers wafting in the air, President Tim Loughlin got the opening ceremony underway to mark the 66th year of Laguna Beach Little League. Ranking as our town’s second largest youth organization, LBLL was co-founded in 1952 by Jack Norworth, the composer of Take Me Out to the Ball Game. The organization is active 10 months out of the year and though they have never competed in the Little League World Series, the collective effort of the parents, managers and umpires who volunteer every year make it a rite of passage for all the kids who wear the uniform. Since Easter Sunday falls during this issue so does the Annual R.U.F.F. Easter Brunch from 11am-2pm at Tivoli Too!. R.U.F.F. is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of abandoned, unwanted or displaced animals in Southern California and provides financial assistance to those pet owners struggling to pay veterinary bills. So bring the pets along for a scrumptious champagne buffet, dancing, a silent auction and raffle prizes! Reserve your seat (949) 494-6044. There’s always a ton of stuff happening in Laguna so we have enlarged our Calendar of Events to give our readers an enjoyable way to view it all. Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for even more of what makes Laguna so exciting all the time! Lisa Farber Publisher Thornhill Softball League! Mon.–Sat., 10am–6pm, Sun. 10am–5pm 260 Forest Ave. 949.494.4997 ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES All the pleasures of smoking without the carcinogens, tar, wrinkles and stench. E-CIG CITY 949-715-5100 1970 S. Coast Hwy. City FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ADVERTISING CALL: 949.241.6966 OR EMAIL: [email protected] On the Music Scene with Gary by Gary Hicks With spring in the air and summer just around the corner, the Laguna Beach music scene is getting ready to erupt! I’m always talking about the incredibly talented musicians playing in town, so this issue I thought I would break down my Top 10 Picks and share a little bit about each of them… Robert Jon & the Wreck—A hard driving Southern Rock band inspired by Lynard Skynard and the Allman Brothers Band. Missiles of October—One of the longest standing acts in our local music scene, these guys are tight having played together for more than 25 years. Nick I & A.D.D.—Nick and his band always draw a crowd with their happening take on California Reggae Rock. Anesha Rose—This powerhouse will make you drop your jaw when you catch her belting out her originals and unique covers. James Clay Garrison—This guitar master always brings the shred to his shows! Denmantau—This 5 piece German Band have a distinct sound that comes from combining folk, funk, jazz and “trumpet” rock. Adam Lasher Band—Adam is fresh from American Idol where he rocked the Top 24! Tricia Freeman—She is the Queen of Country, Rock & Blues. O.S.N.D. (Old School New Direction)—An All-Star lineup of local legends with a whole lot of soul. The Higgs—These guys are known to go off into orbit turning normal solos into extended mind-blowing jams. Whether you’re in town for the weekend or a home grown local check out the music calendar in this issue to see which of these bands you’ll be experiencing tonight. For more information on the bands listed go to BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Tues.–Fri. 10am-6pm Saturday 11am-4pm 949.715.7923 March 27 & April 3 9am-6pm 1854 So. Coast Hwy. Spring Arrivals! OFFERING A WIDE RANGE OF HEATED & NONHEATED YOGA STYLES Vinyasa • Sculpt • Ashtanga • Yin Bikram • Restorative • Meditation Remodeled Studio with High-Tech Flooring Designer Shoes, Handbags and Leather Coats 1400 S. Coast Hwy. Suite 107 1MONTH FOR$69!* Only for new students or those who haven’t visited for a year. OC Residents only. ID Required. 610 N. Coast Hwy. #208 949.376.7077 AT COLONADE PLAZA (Cross Street Mountain Rd) (949) 397-4905 Revitlize Recover Rebuild CryoCareUSA WHOLE BODY CRYOTHERAPY Proudly serving Laguna Beach for over 40 years. Service & Repair Sewers Remodels New Construction At the McKeown Plumbing canyon headquarters owner John Wickwire (4th from the left) oversees a fleet of 8 trucks and 8 expert plumbers that are available 24 hours to serve the needs of Laguna's residential or commercial customers. Estimates are always FREE! Mention this ad to receive a 10% discount on parts and service. (949) 497-1108 Emergency: (949) 230-5770. 24-Hr Emergency Service call: (949) 230-5770 1200 S. Coast Hwy. 949-494-4779 Ask about our first time special. 1400 S. Coast Hwy. Suite 103 949.200.7333 1945 Laguna Cyn. Rd. #4 LIC. # 316767 Full Service Luxury Boutique Let us connect you with a great book... Laguna Beach Books • (949) 497-1108 Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: LISA FARBER Associate Editor: CRISSY SAMUEL. Laguna Beach Vibe is published every third Tuesday. P.O. Box 1385, Laguna Beach, CA 92652. Phone: (949) 241-6966. Web:,,, Email: [email protected], Printing Services: Smart Levels Media. Author Events: Kristin CavallariMar. 20 Andrew RoeApril 3 Tracy RobertApril 7 Treatment of Arthritis Injury and surgery recovery • Athletic performance and recovery • Weight loss • Depression and anxiety relief • I Eyelash & Hair Extensions Lounge I Facials, Microdermabrasion I Waxing I Manicures, Gels, Pedicures I Makeup I Blowout 2007 South Coast Hwy. 949-281-7171 CELEBRATING OUR 12 TH ANNIVERSARY! Yoga For Kids!* After School Programs: $180 for 10 classes. 949-715-9206 PHARMACY: 949-715-9202 Laguna Drug 1956 S. CoaSt Hwy. (949) 293-5145 VISIT US ONLINE: LAGUNABEACHVIBE.COM STORE: Spring & Easter Merchandise Now Available *The TOW & El Morro school bus stops at PCH and Diamond. For more info and class schedules: 239 BROADWAY ST. | LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 n FACEBOOK.COM/LAGUNABEACHVIBE n LAGUNA BEACH VIBE n VOLUME III, ISSUE NO. 4 | PAGE 3 LAGUNA BEACH ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE *Denotes Charity Event *Denotes For Kids The Stand N AT U R A L F O O D S 238 Thalia St. @S.C.Hwy. 100% Vegan Gluten-Free, Organic, Juices, Soups, Salads, Bowls, Tamales, Burritos, Acai Bowls, Fresh Fruit, Soft Serve. Best Veggie Burger! (949) 494-8101 Winter Hours: 7am-7pm WE DELIVER! Natural Foods Cafe + Yogurt Organic Rice Bowls, Salads & Wraps, Smoothies, Shakes, Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt Mon-Thurs 10am-9pm Sat 8am-10pm, Sun 8am-9pm 1006 S. Coast Hwy. 715-5188 Mediterranean Bistro Happy Hour all day Mon-Fri. Beers 2 for $7.50 Wine by the glass $5 412 N. Coast Hwy. 949.715.9230 Eggs, Bagels, Soup, Sandwiches, Espresso $3 Mimosas on Sat & Sun Mon-Fri 6:30am-4pm Sat-Sun 7am-5pm Thurs., March 17 Big Fish Tavern: Kurtis Gentile & JP Peart. Soft rock. 7-10pm Laguna Art Museum: Film Night. True Believer, starring Charles Arnoldi $7. 7pm Sandpiper Lounge: World Anthem. Reggae/rock. 10pm The Cliff: Special Blend. Ska/ reggae. 6-9pm Wine Gallery: Solo acoustic or DJ. 6:30-9:30pm Hennessey’s Tavern: St. Patty’s Day Party. Irish two-piece band upstairs. 5-9pm. DJ downstairs. Mozambique: Andrew Bloom. Pop/soul. 7-10pm Skyloft: The Young Guns. ’80s tribute. 9:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Zuma. Eclectic/world. 5-9pm The Cliff: Funk Shui Planet. Funk/soul. 7-10pm Hotel Laguna: Jason Feddy. Soft rock. 8-11pm Mozambique: The Ultimate Stones. Rolling Stones tribute. $10. 9pm Marine Room Tavern: Slingshot. Classic rock. 9pm Skyloft: The Mark. Funk/dance. $10. 10pm Sun., March 20 Laguna Beach Books: Ticketed Author Event with Kristin Cavallari. 4pm. info: Artists’ Open Studios: Trolley from Act V Lot every 15 minutes. 11am-5pm Laguna Art Museum: Kids’ Art Studio. Children under Fri., March 18 12, free. 2-4pm Sandpiper Lounge: The Heat. Big Fish Tavern: Poul Pedersen Classic rock. 9pm & Richard Bredice. Blues/soul. Mozambique: Lesterfari and 7-10pm Brussels Bistro: Euro dance club. Kings Music. Roots reggae. 7-10pm 10:30pm Marine Room Tavern: Slingshot. Sandpiper Lounge: Liquid Classic rock. 4-8pm. Robert Jon Courage. Pop/rock hits. 9pm duo. Southern rock. 8pm The Cliff: James Clay Garrison. Skyloft: Jahgun w/opener Loa Blues/rock. 7-10pm Greyson. Reggae. 6:30-9:30pm Hotel Laguna: Tricia Freeman. Tommy Bahamas: Olivia. Mellow Rock. 8-11pm hits. 12-4pm. Andrew Bloom. Mozambique: Nick I. & A.D.D. Pop/soul. 5-9pm reggae/rock. 9pm White House: Missiles of Marine Room Tavern: The October. Blues/rock. 4-8pm Strangers. Pop/rock hits. 9pm Tommy Bahamas: Mike O’Brien. Mon., March 21 Easy rock. 6-10pm Sandpiper Lounge: Massive Sat., March 19 McGregor. Reggae. 9:30pm Mozambique: John Artists’ Open Studios: Trolley from Act V Lot every 15 minutes. Heussenstamn Trio. Guitar/blues. 7-10pm 11am-5pm Big Fish Tavern: Kelly Fitzgerald Marine Room Tavern: Anesha duo. Rock. 7-10pm Rose & friends. Pop/blues. 8pm Brussels Bistro: Euro dance club. Skyloft: Boh Doran. Soul/rock. 10:30pm 8:30pm Farmers Market: Fresh produce. Tues., March 22 Next to City Hall. 8am-12pm Sandpiper Lounge: Local Laguna Coffee Company: Jazz Remedy. Pop/rock. 9pm Jam. 10am-1pm The Cliff: Funk Shui Planet. Library: Children’s Craft Open Funk/soul. 6-9pm House. 11am-3pm. Adult Level Wine Gallery: Russell Long. Soft Poetry Workshops. 2-4pm rock. 6:30-9pm Sandpiper Lounge: Liquid Courage. Pop/rock hits. 9pm Hennessey’s Tavern: The Penguin Cafe BREAKFAST ALL DAY Traditional, Omelets & Mexican Specialties Hamburgers Hot Dogs & Shakes 981 S. Coast Hwy. 494•1353 VOLUME III, ISSUE NO. 4 n Thurs., March 24 Big Fish Tavern: Anesha Rose. Pop/blues. 7-10pm Sandpiper Lounge: World Anthem. Reggae/rock. 10pm The Cliff: Missiles of October. Blues/rock. 6-9pm Wine Gallery: DJ Sli Dawg. Groovy tunes. 7-11pm Hennessey’s Tavern: Karaoke upstairs. 9pm Mozambique: Andrew Bloom. Pop/soul. 7-10pm Marine Room Tavern: The Higgs. Jam rock. 8pm Sky loft: The Young Guns. ’80s tribute. 9:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Zuma. Eclectic/world. 5-9pm 949-494-6085 Hotel Laguna: Tricia Freeman. Rock. 8-11pm Mozambique: Nick I. & A.D.D. reggae/rock. 9pm Marine Room: Chris Daniels Project. Blues. 9pm Tommy Bahamas: Mike O’Brien. Easy rock. 6-10pm Sat., March 26 Big Fish Tavern: James Clay Garrison duo. Rock/blues. 7-10pm Brussels Bistro: Euro dance club. 10:30pm Farmers Market: Next to City Hall. 8am-12pm Laguna Coffee Company: Jazz Jam. 10am-1pm Library: Children’s Craft Open House. 11am-3pm. Adult Poetry Workshop w/John Gardiner. 2-4pm Sandpiper Lounge: Undercover. Pop/rock hits. 9pm The Cliff: Local Remedy. Rock/ pop. 7-10pm Hotel Laguna: Jason Feddy. Pop/ soft rock. 8-11pm Mozambique: The Young Guns. ’80s tribute. $10. 9pm Marine Room Tavern: The Good Foot. Funk. 9pm Skyloft: Spirit of Oya. Pop/ dance. $10. 10pm Tommy Bahamas: Brandon Wildish. Soft rock. 1-5pm. Adrian. Hawaiian groove. 6-10pm Sun., March 27 Tivoli Too! Annual R.U.F.F. (Rescuing Unwanted Furry Friends) Easter Brunch. 11am2pm. Reserve: 949-494-6044. High School Baseball Field: Easter Egg Hunt for kids 9 and under. Pics with Easter Bunny at 12:30pm. Hunt promptly at 1pm. Sandpiper Lounge: The Heat. Fri., March 25 Classic rock. 9pm Big Fish Tavern: Jackie Pember Main Beach Cobblestones: Craft duo. Soft rock. 7-10pm Guild. Local Artisans. 9am-dusk Brussels Bistro: Euro dance club. Mozambique: Massive McGregor. 10:30pm Roots reggae. 7-10pm Sandpiper Lounge: Undercover. Marine Room Tavern: Slingshot. Pop/rock hits. 9pm Classic rock. 4-8pm. Josh Liberio. The Cliff: The Salty Suites. New Pop. 8pm Skyloft: Kindred w/opener Loa bluegrass. 7-10pm TACO LOCO 494-8088 340 S. Coast Hwy. Since 1987– Open Late at Night Serving Breakfast & Lunch 703 S. Coast Hwy. n Wed., March 23 Aliso Beach: Full Moon Drum Circle. B.Y.O. Drum. 6-9pm GG’s Bistro: Victoria McGinnis & Friends. Jazz. 6:30-9pm Sandpiper Lounge: Massive McGregor. Reggae. 9pm The Cliff: Sissy Gillio. Classic rock. 6-9pm Las Brisas: Wyland Wednesdays w/Nick I- or Jason Feddy. Easy rock/reggae. 6-9pm Mozambique: Bill Magee. Blues. 7-10pm Marine Room Tavern: JJ & the Helm. Rock. 8pm Skyloft: LoveCartwright. Smooth pop. 8:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Russell Long. Easy rock. 5-9pm White House: Mike Hamilton. Platinum awarded guitarist. 6pm “The Best Coffee in Town.” Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:30pm Sat & Sun 7am-1:30pm PAGE 4 | LAGUNA BEACH VIBE Vitalites. Reggae. 9pm Mozambique: Denmantau. Trumpet rock. 7-10pm Marine Room Tavern: Gregory and the Melody. Pop/rock. 8pm Home of the Original Smoothie™ and the “California Date Shake” 1100 S. COAST HWY. 497-4594 EVENTS for MARCH 17—APRIL 6 Open Daily 11am-9pm 977 S. Coast Hwy. (next to Penguin Cafe) 562-298-0251 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ADVERTISING CALL: 949.241.6966 OR EMAIL: [email protected] Home of the Blackened Mushroom Tofu Burger and Blackened Fish Taco Beer $375 Hemp Brownies Open Late: Sun-Thurs 11am-12am Fri & Sat 11am-2am 640 S. Coast Hwy. 497-1635 SLING SHOT THE YOUNG GUNS Greyson. Reggae. 6:30-9:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Olivia. Mellow hits. 12-4pm. Andrew Bloom. Pop/soul. 5-9pm White House: Missiles of October. Blues/rock. 4-8pm Rock. 7-10pm Laguna Art Museum: Film Night. True Believer, starring Charles Arnoldi. 7pm Sandpiper Lounge: World Anthem. Reggae rock. 10pm The Cliff: Robert Jon & the Mon., March 28 Wreck. Southern rock. 6-9pm Sandpiper Lounge: Mad Scientist Wine Gallery: Adam Lasher. Project. Funk/soul. 9:30pm Solo acoustic. 7-10pm Mozambique: John Heussenstamn Hennessey’s Tavern: Karaoke Trio. Guitar/blues. 7-10pm upstairs. 9pm Marine Room Tavern: Robert Jon Mozambique: Andrew Bloom. & the Wreck. Southern rock. 8pm Pop/soul. 7-10pm Skyloft: Lauren Black. Marine Room Tavern: KX 93.5 Folk/pop. 8:30pm Presents. FMLYBND. Electronic/ grunge. 9pm Tues., March 29 Skyloft: The Young Guns. ’80s Sandpiper Lounge: Local tribute. 9:30pm Remedy. Pop/rock. 9pm Tommy Bahamas: Zuma. The Cliff: James Clay Garrison. Eclectic/world. 5-9pm Blues/rock. 6-9pm Wine Gallery: Russell Long. Soft Fri., April 1 rock. 6:30-9pm Forum Theatre @FOA Grounds: Hennessey’s Tavern: The First Friday Flicks ”The Salt of Vitalites. Reggae. 9pm the Earth”. Free. 7pm Mozambique: Denmantau. Laguna Canyon Winery–1st Trumpet rock. 7-10pm Friday Wine Tasting Party! 10 Marine Room Tavern: Stacy 1oz. pours, delicious food, live Pendleton. Gospel/new age. music. 6pm-9pm $40/per +tax, 10pm Reservations: 949-715-9463 Wed., March 30 Big Fish Tavern: Sissy Gillio Duo. GG’s Bistro: Victoria McGinnis & Classic rock. 7-10pm Brussels Bistro: Euro dance Friends. Jazz. 6:30-9pm club. 10:30pm [seven-degrees]: Laguna Beach Sandpiper Lounge: Live! Jazz Wednesdays. Rickey The Strangers. Pop/rock. 9pm Woodard and Bijon Watson. The Cliff: Adam Lasher Band. 6-8pm. Rock/pop. 7-10pm Sandpiper Lounge: Massive Hotel Laguna: Tricia Freeman. McGregor. Reggae. 9pm The Cliff: Kelly Fitzgerald. rock. Rock. 8-11pm Mozambique: Nick I. & A.D.D. 6-9pm Las Brisas: Wyland Wednesdays reggae/rock. 9pm Marine Room Tavern: w/Nick I- or Jason Feddy. Robert Jon & the Wreck. Easy rock/reggae. 6-9pm Southern rock. 9pm Mozambique: Missy Andersen. Tommy Bahamas: Mike O’Brien. Blues. 7-10pm Easy rock. 6-10pm Marine Room Tavern: Jackie Pember. Pop/soul. 8pm Sat., April 2 Skyloft: LoveCartwright. Big Fish Tavern: Kurtis Gentile Smooth pop. 8:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Russell Long. & JP Peart. Soft rock. 7-10pm Brussels Bistro: Euro dance Easy rock. 5-9pm club. 10:30pm White House: Mike Hamilton. Platinum awarded guitarist. 6pm Farmers Market: Next to City Hall. 8am-12pm Thurs., March 31 Laguna Coffee Company: Big Fish Tavern: Kelly Fitzgerald. Jazz Jam. 10am-1pm DAILY 3PM-6PM $ KELLY FITZGERALD THE SALTY SUITES 325 3 Domestic $ 7 5 Mexican Beer Beer Well Drinks, House Wine, Shot of the Week, $ Coyote Margaritas 3 5 Chicken, Beef or Calamari Tacos, $ Mini Tostadas, Wings, Nachos, Jalapeño Poppers, Quesadilla & Ceviche 31621 S. Coast Hwy. 949-499-4033 Laguna Playhouse: “Louis and Keely ‘Live’ at the Sahara” Feb. 24-March 27. “Girls Night” The Musical. March 30-April 3. Tickets: (949) 4972787 or LBHS Artists’ Theatre: Spring Drama Musical “Once Upon a Mattress” March 17, 18 & 19 at 7:30pm, March 20 at 2:30pm *A Special Performance! "A Night At The Beach" An Evening of Olde Laguna—Stories and Memories of a Special Time with Bill Sorrells, Library: Children’s Craft Open House. 11am-3pm. Sandpiper Lounge: The Strangers. Pop/rock hits. 9pm The Cliff: Moonshine. Rockabilly. 7-10pm Hotel Laguna: Jason Feddy. Pop/soft rock. 8-11pm Mozambique: Hollywood U2. U2 tribute. $10. 9pm Marine Room Tavern: Tricia Freeman Band. Rock. 9pm Skyloft: Francois Dean. Funk/dance. $10. 10pm Tommy Bahamas: Brandon Wildish. Soft rock. 1-5pm. Adrian. Hawaiian groove. 6-10pm ZTL-1st Sat. beach & street clean up! 10am-12pm. native Laguna historian and actor. Fri., March 25 at the Artists’ Theatre, 625 Park Ave., 7:30pm. $10 Helen Lundeberg, Self-Portrait, 1944. Laguna Art Museum: Helen Lundeberg: A Retrospective. Feb. 21-May 30. Frederick Hammersley: Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection. Feb. 21-May 30. City Life, Los Angeles: 1930s to 1950s. Mon., April 4 Sandpiper Lounge: Local Remedy. Pop/rock. 9:30pm Mozambique: 133 Band. Local legends. $10. 7-10pm Marine Room Tavern: Anesha Rose & friends. Pop/rock. 8pm Skyloft: Boh Doran. Soul/rock. 8:30pm Tues.,April 5 Sandpiper Lounge: Local Remedy. Pop/rock. 9pm The Cliff: Adam Lasher Band. Rock/pop. 6-9pm Wine Gallery: Jake London. Solo/easy hits. 6:30-9pm Hennessey’s Tavern: The Vitalites. Reggae. 9pm Mozambique: Denmantau. Trumpet rock. 7-10pm Sun., April 3 Wed., April 6 Main Beach Cobblestones: Craft Guild. Local Artisans. 9am-dusk [seven-degrees]: 10th Art Star Awards: $85 incls. Dinner. 6-9pm. Tickets: information@ Sandpiper Lounge: The Heat. Classic rock. 9pm Mozambique: Jazz Brunch. 1-3pm. Upstream. Roots reggae. 7-10pm Marine Room Tavern: Slingshot. Classic rock. 4-8pm. Lil’ Sassy & the Dirtdoggs. Country. 8pm Skyloft: Jahgun w/opener Loa Greyson. Reggae. 6:30-9:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Olivia. Mellow hits. 12-4pm. Andrew Bloom. Pop/soul. 5-9pm White House: Missiles of October. Blues/rock. 4-8pm FUNK SHUI PLANET GG’s Bistro: Victoria McGinnis & Friends. Jazz. 6:30-9pm [seven-degrees]: Laguna Beach Live! Jazz Wednesdays. Sara Gazarek & Josh Nelson. 6-8pm. Sandpiper Lounge: Massive McGregor. Reggae. 9pm The Cliff: Sabrina Lentini. Folk/ pop. 6-9pm Las Brisas: Wyland Wednesdays w/Nick I- or Jason Feddy. Easy rock/reggae. 6-9pm Mozambique: Bill Magee. Blues. 7-10pm Skyloft: LoveCartwright. Smooth pop. 8:30pm Tommy Bahamas: Russell Long. Easy rock. 5-9pm White House: Mike Hamilton. Platinum awarded guitarist. 6pm Mon: RuPaul’s Drag Race Viewing Party 9pm, Drag Show 10pm Tues: Karaoke Contest w/Peggie 9pm Wed: Bingo 7-9pm, Retro Dance w/DJ Ryan 9pm Thurs: Comedy Night 9pm, DJ Wall E 11pm Fri: Tony & Endora piano sing song 7-9pm, DJ Dance Party with GoGo Boy! 9pm Sat: DJ Dance Party with GoGo Boy! 9pm Thursdays *NEW COMEDY NIGHT! Cabaret Comedy & Open Mic. Hosted by Endora. Starting at 9pm Happy Hour: Mon.-Fri. $5 DRINKS! 4pm-8pm Happy Tequila Fridays: FREE Tequila Chicken Wings! LAGUNA’S LAST & ONLY GAY BAR 1460 S.COAST HWY. 949-494-0056 VISIT US ONLINE: LAGUNABEACHVIBE.COM n FACEBOOK.COM/LAGUNABEACHVIBE n 1183 S. COAST HWY. 949-494-4694 Happy Hour: Mon-Fri 4-6pm $7 Cadillac & Skinny Margaritas $5 Cocktails, Premium Wine by the Glass, Blended Margaritas $5 Turkish Appetizers 540 S. Coast Hwy. 494-9306 Brussels Bistro Daily 4pm-7pm 4 Belgian Beer and House Wine $ Unlimited Mussels & Fries including one tap beer or house wine Mon thru Wed: $26 Euro Dance Club Fri. & Sat. 10pm–1am 222 Forest Ave. 949-376-7955 Specials: Tues-Fri 5pm to 6pm $ 2 off all wines by the Glass $ 7 Tap Wine $ 4 Pilsner $ 5 off Meatballs & Burger $ 7 Margarita & Calabrese Pizza ½ off Pizza of t h e Day Live Music: Tues–Thurs & last Sun 6:30pm-9pm 1833 S. COAST HWY. 949-715-8744 LAGUNA BEACH VIBE n VOLUME III, ISSUE NO. 4 | PAGE 5 LAGUNA BEACH GALLERY GUIDE VILLAGE LAGUNA Village Gallery Village Gallery 502 So. Coast Hwy. 949.494.3553 by Liz Goldner Walking up to this treasure filled gallery the first artworks you’ll see in the window are a collection of paintings by artist Andy Thomas called American Storytellers. These works depict American Presidents, past and present, engaging in everyday activities. Whether featured playing a game of pool or cards, seeing our Presidents in this light will definitely cause you to pause and take a closer look! Head inside and you'll see hundreds of eye-popping art pieces in an eclectic range of styles on the walls and pedestals. Argentinian Fabian Perez is one of the gallery’s most popular artists—and it’s not surprising as his realistically painted oils capture sultry females in revealing attire and provocative poses. Nearby Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and other celebrities (Celebrity Icon Art Portraits by Marco Toro) are so skillfully painted that they almost come to life. For a change of pace, check out the abstract geometric black light paintings by Mark Gnarly that literally glow in the dark! The nearby 2-D colorful paintings of Fabio Napoleoni evoke early memories and fantasies with their delightful imaginary characters, inspired by popular childhood stories. Inside this amazing gallery you’ll also find works by "Painter of Light" Thomas Kinkade. His idyllic cottages, gardens and mountains seem to glow with light and are among the most sought after paintings in America. The Village Gallery sells originals and high-quality Giclee prints, as well as sculptures, they authenticate every artwork and they even have their own frame shop making custom framing affordable. 502 South Coast Highway. VILLAGE LAGUNA Woods Cove Art Gallery 1963 So. Coast Hwy. 949.289.6684 Hours: Mon.–Thurs: 10am-9pm Fri. & Sat: 10am–10pm Sun: 11am–8pm Fabian Perez “Black Phone III” VILLAGE LAGUNA Wyland Galleries 509 So. Coast Hwy. 949.376.8000 Hours: Mon.–Sun., 9am-8pm 800-WYLAND-1 "Sea Turtle Island" Wyland collaboration with artist Steven Muldoon. N O R T H L AG U N A Renee Bangerter Art 412 No. Coast Hwy. 949.715.7304 Fitz Maurice “Synergy” Hours: Mon.-Sat: 12pm-8pm Main Beach Fine Art 206 No. Coast Hwy. 949.289.6684 Mia Tavonatti The Svelata Series: “Velata” “” by Gigi Rice For both galleries: Daily hours: 12pm-9pm A non-proft organization. 501C3. VILLAGE LAGUNA March Artist of the Month: Jeff Lavinsky Mystic Arts: Laguna Artists Co-op 664 So. Coast Hwy. 949.491.4563 Hours: Sat. & Sun., 11am-9pm Current Exhibition: Artist Warren Heard NORTH LAGUNA Alice-Rice Gallery 484 No. Coast Hwy. 562.480.6177 Hours: Mon. and Tues. by appt. only. Wed.-Sun. 11am-5pm ALICE-RICE GALLERY Gigi Rice "Mary’s Little Lamb" PAGE 6 | LAGUNA BEACH VIBE n VOLUME III, ISSUE NO. 4 n FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ADVERTISING CALL: 949.241.6966 OR EMAIL: [email protected] LAGUNA BEACH DINING GUIDE FRESH SEAFOOD CheF’s TaBLe! Michael Leech of Cafe Zoolu First Course: Diver Scallop Second Course: Calamari Asian Style Entree: Combo of Filet Mignon and Baseball Swordfish Dessert: Espresso Creme Brule Wine: Dumol Chardonnay (optional) Order this entire meal between March 17th & April 6th and receive your dessert free! GASTROPuB Fish & Chips KEY TO ICON SYMBOLS: PRICING GuIDE: Entrées priced $12 or less $ Reservations Wine/Beer Only Patio Dining Full Bar Entrées priced $30 & up $$$$ Ocean View Happy Hour Prices are based on the average cost of entrées. To view restaurant location, see our map on the back cover. Pet Friendly Live Music Family Friendly Take Away Vegan Delivery Entrées priced $13 to $19 $$ Entrées priced $20 to $29 $$$ SEAFOOD AND STEAK n n OCEANFRONT n uPSCALE CASuAL Oceanfront dining experience featuring California coastal cuisine and handcrafted cocktails. Special Events by Driftwood Kitchen and Stateroom Bar — the ultimate waterfront party venue for any celebration. Private parties. Dish not to miss: Grilled Spanish Octopus appetizer with chickpea puree, tomato/ caper vinaigrette, za’atar and lemon agrumato. Caramelized Veal Chop with Spaetzle Muffin Breakfast 9am-11am – Lunch 11:30am-3pm Dinner 5pm-10pm Stateroom Bar 5pm-12am Weekend Brunch 9am-3pm Prices: $$$ Hamachi and Fried Garlic Chip HAPPY HOuR n CASuAL Casual environment in a relaxed seafood house setting. Mon: Local’s Night — 25% off food Tues: Tacos & drink specials all night! Wed: Half off ALL bottled wine Thurs., Fri. & Sat: Live Entertainment 7pm until 10pm Sun: Breakfast served 10am to 2pm Watch your favorite sporting event on our multiple screens! The BEST Happy Hour! New Happy Hours: Mon.-Fri. 11:30am-7pm Hours: Daily 11:30am 'til close. Sun. Open at 10am. Prices: $$ 540 S. Coast Hwy., 2nd Level Tel: 949.715.4500 FRESH SEAFOOD n QuASI-POLYNESIAN SPINY LOBSTER IS NOW IN SEASON! n DRESSY CASuAL Eclectic California Cuisine with an emphasis on mesquitecharbroiled fresh seafood. Hawaiian, Mexican, Asian and Cajun influence. Menu features beef, pork, lamb, chicken, pastas, and vegetarian dishes. Dish not to miss: Fresh Alaskan Halibut filet with white wine, onion, mushroom, herb sauce and shrimp. $32. Filet Mignon and Alaskan King Crab Leg! Owner operated by Toni Leech and husband, chef Michael. Dinner: Tues.–Sun., 5pm-10pm Prices: $$-$$$ 860 Glenneyere Street Tel: 949.494.6825 619 Sleepy Hollow Lane Tel: 949.715.7700 JAPANESE RESTAuRANT n n CASuAL FAMILY STYLE CALIFORNIA FuSION Authentic Japanese cuisine. Offering one of the best ocean views for dining while inside or outside on the patio. The menu offers a variety from Omakase, teriyaki, and tempura. Come and enjoy traditional Japanese sushi and contemporary specialized rolls. Dish not to miss: Maryland fresh soft shell crab appetizer, with butter, ponzu, and vinegar jelly. Lunch only on Tues.-Fri., 11:30am-2pm Sun.–Thurs., 5pm–10pm Fri., & Sat., 5pm–11pm Prices: $-$$$ 1100 S. Coast Hwy., Suite 303 Tel: 949.494.1551 n CASuAL SOPHISTICATED New Zealand Rack of Lamb Mouthwatering Californian fusion cuisine influenced by world cultures made from fresh local ingredients. California wine list. Corkage fee $20 per bottle, limit two bottles. Free Parking. Next to Sawdust Festival. Dish not to miss: New Zealand Rack of Lamb with Cabernet Rosemary Demi-Glace and Horseradish Mashed Potatoes. Appetizer: Boom Boom Shrimp. Tues.–Sat., 5pm-10pm Happy Hour 5pm–6pm Special Events Prices: $$-$$$ IVORY RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 853 Laguna Canyon Road Tel: 949.715.0261 VISIT US ONLINE: LAGUNABEACHVIBE.COM n FACEBOOK.COM/LAGUNABEACHVIBE n LAGUNA BEACH VIBE n VOLUME III, ISSUE NO 4 | PAGE 7 Keep Laguna beautiful! Please pick up your trash. PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE Local Postal Customer PAID EDDM RETAIL Dining Guide Locations 14 M N A BIG FISH TAVERN D IVORY RESTAURANT B I 540 S. Coast Hwy., 2nd Level CAFE ZOOLU 860 Glenneyere Street DRIFTWOOD KITCHEN 619 Sleepy Hollow Lane C 2 853 Laguna Canyon Road SAN SHI GO 1100 S. Coast Hwy., #303 Gallery Guide Locations 25 24 O 21 9 19 33 P WYLAND GALLERIES M Q MYSTIC ARTS: Laguna N 34 7 P C D 13 27 L VILLAGE GALLERY O L 509 So. Coast Highway R Artists Co-op 664 So. Coast Highway WOODS COVE ART GALLERY 1963 So. Coast Hwy. Locations of our Advertisers A 12 5 Q QUICK BITES: B 6 20 1 4 39 10 502 So. Coast Highway. ALICE-RICE GALLERY 484 North Coast Highway RENEE BANGERTER ART 412 No. Coast Highway MAIN BEACH FINE ART 206 No. Coast Hwy. 1. Active Culture 2. Zeytoon Cafe 3. Cafe Heidelberg 4. Penguin Cafe 5. Taco Loco 6. The Stand 9. Orange Inn 39. Sergio's Empanadas 41. South Swell Donuts 28 I 3 18 26 22 40 HAPPY HOUR: 15 35 R 7. Brussels Bistro 8. Coyote Grill 10. Sandpiper Lounge 11. Wine Gallery 12. GG’s Bistro 30 11 16 32 38 17 13. McKeown Plumbing 14. Pacific Blue Yoga 15. Heroic Smoke & Gifts 16. E-Cig City 17. Beauty Lounge 18. Laguna Beach Books 19. Laguna Canyon Smog 20. Laguna Cyclery 21. Laguna Drug 22. CryoCareUSA 24. Phil Newton Insurance 25. RWorld Surf and Skate 26. Seaside Soles 27. Sleepy Hollow Medical 30. The Den Barber Shop 32. Cho’s Academy 33. Laguna Beach Tire and Service 34. Thee Foxes Trot 35. RyPT 38. Bala Shala Yoga 40. Main Street Bar and Cabaret Laguna Beach Weekend Trolley— Fast, Convenient & FREE! Fri. 4pm–11pm. Sat. 11am–11pm, Sun. 11am–8pm 8 41 Frequency is every 20 minutes. Runs along Coast Hwy. from Ritz Carlton Dr. to Cajon St. in North Laguna. Pink T icon indicates transfer stop, yellow is regular stop. P icon is for parking.*On the weekends the Dana Point Trolley connects to and from the Ritz Carlton. T Trolly Stops P Parking T Route Transfer Stops H Hospital Ocean Info Hotline: (949) 494-6573
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